How To Write a Tour Description (Step-by-Step Example)

By Erick Tomaliwan

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travel and tours description

Why is it that when someone asks about a tour over the phone, you can explain it in a way that makes them enthusiastic about booking, but as soon as you sit down to write a tour description, your mind goes blank?

You just can’t seem to translate that excitement into words. 

Don’t be hard on yourself; writing a description for tours and travel is notoriously tricky, even for experienced copywriters. How do you possibly describe an abstract experience to someone who’s never visited your destination before? Try to fit all the information they need to know into a single paragraph? While still persuading them to book?

Here’s the good news. The more tour descriptions you write, the better you’ll get at it, and you’ll start to learn what works as you increase conversion rates . But until you get up to speed, you might find it helpful to have a tour description example to work off of. 

If that’s the case, let’s workshop one together as I teach you a few insider copywriting tricks you can apply to both your tour descriptions on your website and online travel agent (OTA) listings today. 

An okay tour description example

Our award-winning coffee tour offers guests an inside look into traditional sustainable farming in Panama and its impact on the coffee industry. We’ve carefully designed this tour to show visitors every stage of the production process, from growing to roasting. Our guides are knowledgeable locals who lead a walk-through of a scenic farm, explain how the slopes of Volcan Baru make some of the world’s best coffee and show how to brew a delicious cup. We also provide free hotel pick-up and drop-off, bottled water, and a custom bag of whole beans to take home. 

How do you write a tour description that’s better?

Female tour operator sitting at a cafe, drinking coffee, learning how to write a tour description that sells

1. Speak to your audience

A tour description is not the place to boast — that’s for writing an About Us page . Your potential customers won’t care about how many awards your tour has won or what inspired you to create the tour. The only thing on their mind is what’s in it for them.

Before you even start writing a tour description, you need to figure out who you’re targeting; better put, who is your ideal guest? Once you have that answer, you can learn how to speak directly to them with a tone of voice they can relate to while highlighting exactly what they’re looking for.

Then, using the You Rule , you can write for that one person, which means instead of using the words “we” or “our,” you flip the script to support a “you” or “your” message. This makes the tour description more of a casual conversation, like chatting with them in-person or over the phone, helping to build a personal connection online.

Revision #1

Get an inside look into traditional sustainable farming and its impact on the coffee industry. You’ll learn about every stage of the production process, from growing to roasting, by our local experts who’ll take you on a walk-through of a scenic farm, explain how the slopes of Volcan Baru make the world’s best coffee, and show you how to brew a delicious cup. You’ll also get free hotel pick-up and drop-off, bottled water, and a custom bag of whole beans to take home. 

Group of tourists going on a coffee tour in Panama

2. Start with a hook

Since a tour description is often your last chance to win someone over, your first sentence has got to be attention-grabbing. Like a headline, it needs to stand out, draw the visitor in, and encourage them to keep reading. And the best way to do that is to zero in on a particular feature of the experience and turn it into a hook.

How? By going beyond the obvious benefit and tapping into the emotional value. For instance, it’s one thing to say that a tour has small group sizes and another to point out why that matters on a personal level. If you can solve what that is for your target guest, you’ll know how to talk to their heart and not their wallet, making the tour irresistible.

To come up with a hook, read your recent reviews to see what previous guests liked most about the tour and why. When you notice a trend, that’s what you should focus on as your leading benefit, keeping in mind the exact phrasing they use to make your hook more specific and relatable. 

If you are just starting out and don’t have any reviews yet, you can always break down the unique selling points of your tour using a similar table below, making sure to ask the million-dollar question, “so what?” to dig deeper into why guests will care.

Then, pick the best one. 

spreadsheet columns showing breakdown of selling point features benefits and value

Revision #2

Love your morning cup of joe even more by discovering what goes into a satisfying brew on a coffee tour. You’ll learn about every stage of the production process, from growing to roasting, by our local experts who’ll take you on a walk-through of a real farm, explain how the slopes of Volcan Baru make the world’s best coffee, and show you how to brew a delicious cup. You’ll also get free hotel pick-up and drop-off, bottled water, and a custom bag of whole beans to take home. 

3. Show, don’t tell

There’s a popular TikTok and Twitter trend right now called #TheTellMeChallenge, where people ask others to tell them about something, usually a topic they can relate to, without explicitly stating it. Like tell me you have kids without telling me you have kids. 

As fun as this new challenge is, there’s actually something you can learn from it when writing your tour and travel description or any marketing content for your business, and that is: show, don’t tell . 

People are tired of overused travel words from tour operators, such as unforgettable, picturesque, hidden gem, must-see, etc. They’ve completely lost their meaning and impact and often get filtered out by the reader as fluff. On top of that, anyone can say their tour is terrifying or relaxing or exciting without justification. 

Instead, it’s much better to describe the tour in a way that elicits an emotional response rather than outright telling someone how to feel. You can do that by using more verbs than vague adjectives because verbs pull the reader into the action, especially if you use present tense to trick the brain into thinking the event is currently happening. 

Revision #3

Love your morning cup of joe even more by discovering what goes into a satisfying brew on a coffee tour. Stroll through the fields of a coffee farm in the Boquete highlands, plucking ripe berries with your own hands. Meet professional roasters and learn how to create a flavourful blend in a homemade roaster before tasting the difference between premium Geisha coffee and store-bought grinds. Get free hotel pick-up and drop-off, bottled water, and a custom bag of whole beans to take home. 

An elderly woman's hands picking coffee beans

4. Tell a story

Tour descriptions are different from product descriptions in that people aren’t only looking for certain features to compare across the board. Yes, they want to know what the main highlights are, but more so, they’re hoping to get an idea of what the tour will be like from start to finish. 

That’s because before they get to this point, it’s likely they’ve already visualized the type of experience they want to have based on stories from their favourite travel bloggers, recommendations from friends, and real-life advice in Tripadvisor forums. 

By setting a scene, you can bring the tour to life, helping to paint a picture in their head that’s similar to what they currently have in mind — or better. While also doing the impossible, making an intangible experience tangible by incorporating the magic of sensory words and vivid imagery. 

That said, if you aren’t the greatest storyteller, try consulting your guides, who are the experts and conveniently have the itinerary memorized. Simply ask them to describe the tour as a story, and depending on the length, summarize the key parts into 3-4 sentences.

Revision #4

Love your morning cup of joe even more by discovering what goes into a satisfying brew on a coffee tour. Stroll through the fields of a coffee farm on the slopes of Volcan Baru, hearing stories of farmers who’ve worked the land, growing premium Geisha coffee enriched by volcanic ash and lunar cycles. After plucking ripe, red berries with your own hands, you meet with professional roasters to create your own custom blend to take home before sipping an aromatic espresso with notes of mango on the open patio, admiring a panoramic view of the cloud-forest and the reddish-brown crema lining your cup. Can your coffee taste any better? Get free hotel pick-up and drop-off and bottled water. 

A male tour guide looking through the plants on a lust coffee plantation

5. Break up the details

At this point, you’re probably wondering when we’re going to get to the essential details. The description is already long enough; are we going to make it longer with more info?

Well, if you take a quick look at listings on OTA sites like Viator or GetYourGuide, you’ll see that they break up additional details using bullet points and clear section headings. Seeing as these global travel companies have an enormous booking volume, it’s safe to say that they’ve got the conversion data to back up this copywriting technique. 

Of course, it’s not hard to see why it works. Lists are easy to read compared to big, dense paragraphs. And since most website visitors are scanners, not readers, using bullet form in your booking page design can help them find what they need to know — faster. 

So, what details do you cover? 

Popular categories are What’s Included, What to Bring, Highlights, How to Get There, Cancellation Policy, and Safety Measures — you can use one or all depending on the type of tour. You can also answer questions you often get asked about your tours and activities, or at the very least, link to your FAQ page. 

Revision #5

Love your morning cup of joe even more by discovering what goes into a satisfying brew on a coffee tour. Stroll through the fields of a coffee farm on the slopes of Volcan Baru, hearing stories of farmers who’ve worked the land, growing premium Geisha coffee enriched by volcanic ash and lunar cycles. After plucking ripe, red berries with your own hands, you meet with professional roasters to create your own custom blend to take home before sipping an aromatic espresso with notes of mango on the open patio, admiring a panoramic view of the cloud-forest and reddish-brown crema lining your cup. Can your coffee taste any better? 

What’s Included:

  • Hotel pick-up and drop-off
  • Bottled water
  • Sample bag of whole beans

Coffee farms showing how to process coffee beans as part of the tour description

6. Remember keywords

Whenever you write copy for your website, you have to remember that you’re not just writing for your visitors; you’re writing for Google. That means you should try to use every keyword opportunity possible for better on-page SEO (search engine optimization), especially when coming up with tour name ideas .

When it comes to your tour descriptions, your travel and tourism keywords will change per tour depending on the specific queries people use to find them in the first place. If you haven’t done keyword research before, you can start by simply entering one of your tours into Google and see what related searches come up at the bottom of the results page. 

Then, all you have to do is find instances where you say “tour” in the description and replace it with the popular search term instead. Doing this step last ensures your keywords fit naturally within the tour description, rather than being stuffed. 

The best description for tours and travel

Love your morning cup of joe even more by discovering what goes into a satisfying brew on a Boquete coffee tour. Stroll through the fields of a coffee farm on the slopes of Volcan Baru, hearing stories of farmers who’ve worked the land, growing premium Geisha coffee enriched by volcanic ash and lunar cycles. After plucking ripe, red berries with your own hands, you meet with professional roasters to create your own custom blend to take home before sipping an aromatic espresso with notes of mango on the open patio, admiring a panoramic view of the cloud-forest and reddish-brown crema lining your cup. Can your coffee taste any better? 

A female guest enjoying a cup of coffee overlooking a cloud-forest

Isn’t that much better? Doesn’t it make you want to book this tour right now?

Now, it’s your turn!

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How to write the tour description with real example

How to write the tour description Home

Table of Contents

A tour description is a way to inform your potential customers about the details of your tours. It is also a way to persuade them to book with you. Overall, it is your opportunity to showcase your unique selling points, highlight the benefits of your tours, and create a memorable impression on your readers.

This article will show you how to write effective tour descriptions that will boost your conversions and sales. We will guide you through the steps for writing a tour description, from choosing the right tone and language to structuring your content and adding a call to action. We will also provide you with an example tour description to use as a reference or inspiration.

If you want to learn how to write tour descriptions that sell, keep reading!

Steps for Writing a Tour Description

Now that you know why tour descriptions are important let’s see how you can write them. Writing a tour description is not as hard as it may seem if you follow some simple steps. Here are the main steps for writing a tour description to attract and convert your readers.

Determine the Purpose of the Tour

How to write the tour description Image 1

The first step for writing a tour description is to determine the tour’s purpose.

What are the tour’s key features? What makes it unique? What are the main benefits and value propositions of the tour? Why should someone choose your tour over other options? These are some of the questions you must answer before writing.

By defining the tour’s purpose, you can focus on the most relevant and appealing aspects of your tour and avoid unnecessary or boring details.

You will also be able to decide on the target audience for your tour. Who are you writing for? What are their needs, preferences, and expectations? What are their pain points and desires? Knowing your target audience, you can tailor your tour description to their interests and needs and use the right tone and language to connect with them.

Highlight the Tour Itinerary

travel and tours description

The next step for writing a tour description is highlighting the tour itinerary. This is where you provide an overview of your tour and what your customers can expect. You should list the major stops and attractions included in the tour and provide some brief information about each one.

You should also provide a timeline or schedule for the tour so that your customers can know how long each activity or destination will take. You don’t have to go into too much detail here, as you don’t want to overwhelm or bore your readers with too much information. You just want to give them a glimpse of what they will experience on your tour and spark their curiosity and excitement.

You can also use descriptive words and phrases to make your tour itinerary more vivid and engaging. For example, instead of saying, “Visit the Eiffel Tower”, you can say, “Marvel at the iconic Eiffel Tower and enjoy panoramic views of Paris”. This way, you will create a more emotional connection with your readers and make them imagine themselves on your tour.

Describe the Experience

How to write the tour description Image 3

Another step for writing a tour description is to describe the experience of the tour. This is where you use sensory language to describe the tour’s sights, sounds and smells. It will make your readers feel like they are there with you.

You should also include any special activities or experiences unique to your tour . They will show how they will enhance your customers’ enjoyment and satisfaction. For example, suppose your tour includes a wine-tasting session. In that case, you can describe how your customers will savor the flavors and aromas of different wines. And mention learning about the history and culture of wine-making.

By describing the experience of the tour, you will create a more immersive and memorable impression on your readers, and make them want to join your tour.

Share Background and Historical Information

How to write the tour description Image 4

The next step is to share some background and historical information about the destinations visited on the tour. This is where you provide interesting facts or historical background about the places and landmarks you will see on your tour and show how they relate to the theme or purpose of your tour.

You should also use storytelling techniques to engage the reader and make the tour come alive. For example, if your tour is about the French Revolution, you can tell stories about the events and people that shaped the history of France, and how they influenced the architecture and culture of Paris.

By sharing background and historical information, you will add more depth and context to your tour description, making it more informative and educational for your readers.

Use Attention-Grabbing Headlines and Bullet Points

travel and tours description

One of the most important steps for writing a tour description is to use attention-grabbing headlines and subheadings to break up the text and make it easier to read. Use headlines and subheadings that capture the main idea or benefit of each section, and make the reader curious and interested to read more.

You should also use bullet points to highlight your tour’s important features or selling points, and make them stand out from the rest of the text. Bullet points are a great way to summarize your tour’s key information and benefits. They will make them more visible and memorable for your readers. For example, you can use bullet points to list your tour’s main attractions, activities, or inclusions and show why they are worth booking.

Add Photos and Videos

How to write the tour description Image 6

The final crucial step for writing a tour description is to add high-quality photos and videos of the tour destinations and activities . Photos and videos help complement your written descriptions. They will give the reader a better sense of what to expect. They can also help you showcase the beauty and diversity of your tour locations and create a more emotional appeal for your readers.

You should use photos and videos that are relevant, clear, and attractive and that match the tone and style of your tour description. You should also use captions or descriptions to explain what the photos and videos show and how they relate to your tour. Adding photos and videos will make your tour description more visual and engaging and increase your chances of converting your readers into customers.

Are you ready to take your travel website to the next level? Harness the power of SEO and captivate your audience with compelling tour descriptions. Unlock the secrets of effective copywriting and drive more traffic to your website. With the “how to write the tour description” guide, tailored specifically for the TravelerWP WordPress travel theme , you’ll discover expert techniques to optimize your tour descriptions for search engines and entice potential customers.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to boost your online presence and maximize your bookings. Get your copy now and start crafting irresistible tour descriptions that will make your travel business soar!

Example Tour Description

To help you understand how to write a tour description better, here is an example tour description from Paris City Vision, a leading tour operator in France. The tour description is for a 1-day Big Bus Paris hop-on hop-off tour , allowing you to explore Paris at your own pace and see the city’s main attractions. (For more detail, please open the link to read the full description.)

How to write the tour description Image 7

The tour description for the Big Bus Paris 1-day tour is a good example of how to write a tour description that is clear, concise, and informative. It does a great job of using attention-grabbing headlines and bullet points to break up the text. It also highlights the main features and benefits of the tour.

Plus, it has photos and videos of the tour destinations and activities, which make the tour description more visual and engaging. This will give the reader a better sense of what to expect.

However, there are some areas where the tour description could be improved:

1. For example, it could determine the tour’s purpose and decide on the target audience. This would help the tour description to focus on the most relevant and appealing aspects of the tour and use the right tone and language to connect with the reader. 

For instance, if the target audience is young travelers who are looking for a fun and flexible way to explore Paris, the tour description could use a more casual and enthusiastic tone. In this case, it should emphasize how the hop-on hop-off tour allows them to customize their itinerary and see the sights they want to see.

2. It could also describe the tour experience and share some background and historical information about the destinations visited on the tour. This would make the tour description more vivid and engaging and create a more emotional appeal for the reader. 

For example, it could use sensory language to describe Paris’s sights, sounds, and smells and include interesting facts or stories about the places and landmarks they will see on tour.

3. It could also add a call to action at the end of the tour description, encouraging the reader to book the tour.

For example, it could say, “Don’t miss this opportunity to discover Paris at your own pace and according to your schedule. Book your Big Bus Paris 1-day tour now and prepare for an unforgettable adventure!”

Tour descriptions are powerful instruments to persuade potential tour customers. In this article, we hope you learned how to write effective tour descriptions that attract and convert your readers.

We instructed you on determining your tour’s purpose and target audience, highlighting the tour itinerary, describing the experience, sharing the background and historical information, using attention-grabbing headlines and bullet points, and adding photos and videos. You also saw an example tour description that applied these steps, and an analysis of how it could be improved.

By following these steps, you can write tour descriptions that sell, and boost your conversions and sales. Thank you for reading this article, and happy writing!

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What's In a Compelling Tour Description?

  • Sales & Bookings

So, you’re ready to go to market with your upcoming tour or retreat and want to put together an eye-catching booking page with WeTravel.  Great timing, we have some tips for you on how to write a tour description that sells!

The write up is going to have to win over potential clients straight away, especially if they're new to your business. If it doesn't sound appealing, give enough information, or is badly written, chances are your Book Now button won't get as many hits. Also, it's not likely that anyone will return to visit the web page or link again.

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How To Write A Tour Description That Sells

As your tour description is essentially marketing content, it needs to lay out the land and explain the unique purpose and selling points of your trip. When travelers read it, they should be able to get a feel for the tour and have enough information to compel them into booking their spot.

Now, as we mentioned, it is especially critical to get this right if you’re planning on selling trip spaces to people who don’t know you or haven’t booked through your travel company before. While you may be afforded more grace by travelers who know you personally and trust you, the same can’t be said for those who don’t.

Here are some ideas on how to tackle your tour description to engage travelers with compelling and well-formatted copy.

Tour Description Focus

Write With Your Target Client In Mind

Think about exactly who it is you want to lead on your tour or retreat. Are you looking to target beginner or advanced yoga students, the health-conscious traveler, busy professionals who need a break to disconnect, etc?

Once you know who these people are, write your tour description using language, images, tone, and length that speaks to them in particular.

Know What’s Great About Your Tour, And Include It In The Description

You know what makes your tour or travel experience great - write it down and include it in the description. Potential clients are going to want to know what makes yours stand out from the rest, so be sure to answer that directly in the copy.

If you have video footage from previous trips, be sure to post this onto your booking page as well. Being able to visualize the experience as well helps travelers to get a clearer view of what they will be in for.

Winning Travel Clients

Include Keywords For SEO

Identifying and including keywords naturally into your tour description will help potential clients find it online . It will also let them know at a glance what your travel experience is about.

For example, if you are offering a Pilgrimage to India or Foundational Yoga Teacher Training , use these in the tour headline, sub-headings, images, and throughout the text (without over-optimizing) so that it is clear what the experience is centered around.

Come Up With A Great Title

Even though you want your keyword to be in the tour title, it’s not to say you can’t jazz it up a bit.

Think about how you can take your unique selling points and use them in a way so as to share important features of the trip in the title. That said, be careful not to make a paragraph out of it – rather keep the title concise and catchy.

Simple Tour Titles

Keep The Description Engaging And To The Point

In the main tour description, you want to include as much information as you can to help travelers make an informed decision. However, you need to find the line between writing a book about it, and being helpful and informative in what you include.

It's always worth spending a bit more time on your introduction. Be sure to include the important highlights in easily digestible copy. This will be the point where travelers decide whether or not to continue reading.

As you go along, consider whether the person reading the copy will find the information you provide useful for their decision. If not, leave it out or include it in a more detailed downloadable brochure that can be accessed on request.

Overall, be specific about the benefits of booking with your company. Highlight the value that the traveler will receive and write it in a way that makes the opportunity impossible for them to turn down.

Also, keep your writing to short, easy to read sentences. The longer they are, the more difficult they can be to take in, and you risk losing the reader's attention.

Exceptional Tour Offering

Layout The Highlights

Some people like to include this section at the beginning of the tour description. Others towards the end. Whatever your choice, use it to provide easily skimmable bullet points that layout the highlights of your tour.

At a glance, these should identify what potential clients can expect without them having to read the entire tour description.

Show What’s Included and What’s Not

It’s always good to let travelers know right away what the inclusions and exclusions of a tour are.  This could be airport transfers, travel insurance, meals, tips, tourism taxes, etc.

Clarifying these points will help to avoid any confusion or disappointment further down the line when you are more deeply rooted in the organizational process.

What To Include In Tour Description

Don’t Forget Images

Earlier, we mentioned adding in video to your tour description. However, even if you don't have video footage, you need to add some great photos at the very least. They are, and always have been, a marketing tool to engage and attract potential clients to your tour. With eye-catching images, your chances of landing a booking increase substantially.

Final Thoughts

Failing to write a compelling tour description can lead to you not selling spaces on it. You know that you provide a life-changing experience, you just need to get that message across to potential clients as well. Knowing how to write a tour description that sells is one way to do exactly that.

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Lucas Ennis (he/him)

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How to write a tour description properly for your travel agency website (with examples)

How to Write a Tour Description For Your Website

A successful tour description takes a lot of effort to write. But it will reward you by attracting potential visitors and turning them into paid customers.

A well-written tour description provides essential information and sparks the imagination, making people eager to experience what you offer.

A visitor chooses to stay on your tour booking website or look into alternative possibilities based only on the tour description. Therefore, making the tour descriptions informative, attractive and precise is crucial.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to craft an engaging tour description and provide examples to illustrate each point. 

Table of Contents

What exactly is a tour description?

As the name implies, a tour description provides all the necessary information about the trip. Crafting a tour description the right way aids in converting site visitors into paying customers.

A tour description is like a detailed travel story. It’s the written piece that spills the beans about a specific tour or adventure you might want. You’ll usually find them available on websites, brochures, and flyers.

They can provide you with an inside taste of the tour. In short, a tour description is a piece of writing that summarizes the entire tour, focusing on the advantages and enticing readers to book the trip.

Think of it as offering a sneak peek into the tour and itinerary packages. A good tour description will spill the tea on the must-see places, the daily plan, what’s included (and what’s not), what makes this tour unique, and all the other nitty-gritty.

It’s like a teaser trailer for your travel dreams, aiming to make you say, “Yes, sign me up for this amazing experience”. To make your travel business website successful, creating a compelling tour description for your travel booking website can be a crucial initiative.

An example of a tour description of the African Wildlife Safari  

travel and tours description

African Adventure Safari: Explore the Untamed Wilderness

Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime as we take you deep into the heart of Africa’s untamed wilderness. 

Wildlife Encounters Like No Other

Imagine waking up to the symphony of the African bush, surrounded by the calls of lions, elephants, and a colorful array of birds. This safari will bring you up close and personal with the Big Five and countless other incredible creatures. Watch in amazement as giraffes gracefully wander by the place where zebras playfully graze.

Spectacular Scenery

The landscapes you’ll witness are straight out of a National Geographic documentary. From the vast Savannahs of the Serengeti to the breathtaking beauty of the Okavango Delta , every moment will leave you breathless. 

Sunset Safaris & Campfires

As the sun dips below the horizon, we’ll gather around crackling campfires, sharing stories under the star-studded African sky. It’s a magical way to end each day of exploration.

Camping with comfort

You don’t need to worry if you are far from home because our comfortable camps will give you the best experience of both sides of the world: the wild charm and comforts of home.

Expert Guides

Our local guides are passionate about the African wilderness and will share their knowledge, ensuring you leave not only with incredible memories but also a deeper understanding of this remarkable ecosystem.

A Journey of a Lifetime

This African Adventure Safari isn’t just a trip; it’s a life-changing experience. When you return home, your heart will appreciate the beauty and memories you made while adventuring the amazing landscapes. 

So, are you ready to dive on this unforgettable journey? Join us and become a part of the African story.

Book your spot now and let the wild adventure begin!

Pretty good, right? So, how to write an excellent tour description like this for your website? Let’s dive into the details.

How to properly write a tour description for your website

You can use the following guide to write a tour description that converts properly:

Know your audience

know your audience - how to write tour description

Before you start writing, it’s essential to know your target audience. It might sound a bit cliche, but knowing the people you want to attract to your tour packages is imperative. Knowing their interests, desires, and expectations will help you tailor your description to speak directly to them.

A thing to keep in mind is that you should always write for your readers by identifying their needs. You can identify the target market and tailor the packages to meet their needs.

For example , If your target audience is families looking for outdoor adventures, your tour description should highlight the fun and educational aspects that parents and kids will love.

Furthermore, use pronouns like “you” and “your” to sound more audience centric. Try not to use “we” and “our” type of pronouns. This is because when you sound audience centric, they feel more respected and may feel more inclined to your content.

It also helps you establish a more personal connection with your potential customers by making your tour description sound more conversational.

Start with a captivating hook

Start with a captivating hook

First impressions matter. Begin Your tour description with something that immediately grabs the reader’s attention- a catchy headline or an intriguing opening sentence.

Example: “Get Ready for the Adventure of a Lifetime: Explore the Mysteries of the Amazon Rainforest!” 

Set a tone and stick to it

Set a tone and stick to it

Maintain a particular voice tone throughout your tour explanation. The voice tone may change depending on the brand personality and the kind of tour package you are promoting.

For instance, comparatively larger tour operators frequently adopt a formal tone. While a smaller, locally focused business might adopt a more informal tone to establish a more personal connection with its clients,

Always shape the tone of your writing according to your target audience, as was mentioned in a previous example. 

Highlight what makes your tour package unique

Highlight what makes your tour package unique

Your tour description should answer the question: “Why should someone choose your tour package over others?” What makes your offering stand out? Showcase these unique features prominently.

For example , “Our Amazon Rainforest tour is an extraordinary journey through pristine, untouched areas, guided by local experts who’ll give you an authentic and immersive experience.”

Paint a vivid picture

Paint a vivid picture

Use descriptive language to transport your readers into the heart of the tour. Help them visualize the destination and imagine themselves participating in the activities.

For instance, “As you venture deep into the rainforest, you’ll find yourself surrounded by towering trees draped in vibrant orchids, with sunlight filtering through the dense foliage, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor.”

Providing necessary tour details

In the world of tour descriptions, it’s not about painting dreamy landscapes with words. Practical information is the backbone of your description – it’s what helps your readers plan, prepare, and make informed travel decisions. 

You can consider the following tour details as an example:

Tour Destination: Kenya

Our 5-day wildlife safari in Kenya runs from October 10th to October 15th, 2023. 

The tour package costs $2,500 per person. All the visitors should meet at Nairobi Airport.

Tour Itinerary:

Day 1: Arrive in Nairobi and check in to your hotel.

Day 2: Explore Nairobi National Park.

Day 3: Begin the safari in Maasai Mara.

Day 4: Visit the National Museum of Kenya.

Day 5: Follow the Oloolua Nature Trail.

What to Pack:

Hiking boots, lightweight clothing, a warm jacket and a pair of binoculars.

Fitness Requirements:

  • This tour involves moderate hiking and requires a reasonable level of fitness.
  • Participants have to walk in uneven terrain for nearly 2 hours.


You’ll stay in comfortable lodges and eco-friendly campsites, all carefully selected to dip you in the natural beauty of Kenya.


Air-conditioned vans and scenic boat rides in waterways.

Emergency Contact 

Phone Number and email Address.

Showcase the benefits of your tour packages

Make sure to highlight the advantages and unique experiences your participants will gain, driving their decision to choose your tour package.

For example : “Our photography tour will ignite your passion for capturing the world’s beauty and take your photography skills to the next level.”

Build trust through testimonials and reviews

rating and review of hotel booking plugin

Frankly, there’s no marketing tool more powerful than the honest voices of your past participants. The reviews and testimonials will glimpse the real experiences of travelers participating in your tour business. 

For example , “Here’s what some of our recent travelers had to say about their adventures with us.”

Create urgency in your tour descriptions

Motivate your readers to take action by creating a sense of urgency. Mention limited availability or special offers to encourage them to book now.

For instance you can consider this copy, “Act fast – spots for our June tours are limited! Secure your place now and receive a complimentary rainforest survival guide.”

Call to Action

End your description with a clear and compelling call to action. Encourage readers to book the tours, get in touch for more details, or subscribe to your newsletter.

It can be like, “Ready to embark on this extraordinary journey? Book your Amazon Rainforest adventure today and let the wilderness captivate your soul.

Related article: How to create a hotel booking website with WordPress (The ultimate guide)

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) on writing tour descriptions

Question 1: What is the purpose of a tour description on a website?

Answer: A website’s tour description informs potential clients about a trip’s specifics, high points, and logistics, luring them to book or request more information.

Question 2: How long should a tour description be?

Answer: While there’s no definitive answer, we suggest keeping it brief, ideally between 200 and 500 words, and include just enough details to give the reader a flavor of the tour without boring them.

Question 3: What are the essential elements of a tour description?

Answer: Some of the essential elements of a tour description are the tour’s name, duration, highlights, schedule, cost, meeting location, inclusions, exclusions, and booking instructions are important details.

Question 4: How can I make my tour description engaging?

Answer: To convey a sense of adventure and excitement, use intriguing language, storytelling, and detailed descriptions. Highlight special benefits and experiences.

Question 5: Should I include images in my tour description?

Answer: Yes, adding great photographs or a gallery can improve the website’s aesthetic appeal and aid visitors in picturing the experience.

Question 6: Is mentioning the tour’s difficulty level or physical requirements important?

Answer: Yes, informing participants of the tour’s physical requirements is essential to ensuring their readiness.

Question 7: How can I convey the value of the tour to potential customers?

Answer: Outline the advantages and distinctive selling factors of the tour. Describe how it differs from competitors and why it is pricey.

Question 8: What should I do if my tour has multiple options or variations?

Answer: List all of the available choices, including ordinary and premium packages, and explain their distinctions.

Question 9: Should I include customer reviews or testimonials in the tour description?

Including gratifying client feedback or testimonials can increase credibility and foster confidence.

Question 10: What should I avoid in tour descriptions to make them more understandable?

Answer: Don’t use words or phrases that clients might not comprehend, such as jargon or technical terms. Avoid making inflated promises or claims as well.

Question 11: Is mentioning cancellation and refund policies in the tour description necessary ?

Answer: Yes, it is necessary. Meeting client expectations is important by being open and honest about cancellations and refund policies.

Question 12: Can I use humor in tour descriptions?

Answer: Humor can be useful, but use caution and ensure it fits your brand and the tastes of your target audience.

Question 13: How can I optimize tour descriptions for SEO?

Answer: Use pertinent keywords linked to your tour’s destination and activities to increase your website’s visibility in search engines.

Question 14: What should I do if I’m not a skilled writer?

Answer: To create captivating tour descriptions that effectively convey the essence of your offerings, think about working with a professional copywriter or editor.

Final thoughts

Crafting a captivating tour description for your travel agency website is an art form that can make all the difference in attracting potential travelers. Because it’s more than just relaying information; it’s a call of nature or a thrilling journey with your travel agency.

Remember, your tour description isn’t just words on a screen; it’s an invitation to explore the world and create lasting memories with unforgettable or surreal experiences. 

So, invest time and care to craft your words on properly writing a tour description for your website. Happy writing, and here’s to many incredible adventures ahead. 

There you have it! Stay tuned by subscribing to our newsletter to get more exciting news, offers, and articles right in your inbox. 

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How to write compelling tour descriptions that convert

Carla Vianna

Most tour descriptions include an itinerary, price, and a quick paragraph about the tour. Sound familiar? If you’re not locking in enough bookings, though, there might be something missing.

Writing a tour description that sells is all about effective copywriting and positioning.  A compelling tour description should hook your reader right off the bat: It should make potential guests excited about your experience and ultimately persuade them to book.

Ready to create compelling tour descriptions that convert? In this post, you’ll learn about 12 elements to include in every tour description so that guests are instantly convinced to book.

What is a tour description?

what to include in your tour description

A tour description is the content that explains what your tour is and what guests should expect from the experience. The purpose of a tour description is to give your potential customers the details, itinerary, pricing, and unique highlights of your tour so that they’re convinced to book.

Your tour description should start with a catchy title to instantly attract visitors. Think about what’s unique about your tours and include that in the title.

Take this Vatican City tour by City Wonders, for example. The company throws in words like “exclusive breakfast” and “early access” to appeal to guests looking for a differentiated experience in one of the busiest tourist attractions in Europe.

Vatican tour description

Once you’ve hooked a potential customer in with your title, you’ll introduce the overall experience in a couple of short but well-written paragraphs.

Take a look at the Airbnb Experiences example below and notice how the host vividly describes a vineyards road trip in Capetown, South Africa:

Airbnb Experiences

Or this Galapagos Islands tour from Intrepid Travel, which describes the wildlife guests can expect to see on their trip. The introductory paragraph includes descriptive phrases — “unfamiliar beauty” and “far-flung islands” — meant to appeal to curious, nature-loving travelers.

Intrepid Travel further breaks down the tour logistics underneath in an easy-to-read format.

Intrepid Travel tour description

Your tour description should also point out specific tour highlights. These are the different stops or attractions that your guests would be most excited about. Take a look at how REI Adventures displays the highlights of a backpacking trip in the Great Smoky Mountains in skimmable bullet points.

Here you can compare REI’s broad tour introduction to the list of highlights they pull from the tour.


REI tour description


rei highlights in a tour description

Now that you’ve seen some great examples from tour operators around the world, let’s go over the 12 elements that’ll make your tour descriptions stand out.

How to write a tour description that sells

Looking to improve your tour descriptions? Here are 12 tips to help you do just that.

1. Know your target customer

Before writing your tour descriptions, you should know who your target customer is. When you know who you’re selling to, you can tailor your content directly to that group of people.

2. Use a catchy title

The title is the first thing potential customers will see before clicking on your tour. This is your chance to make an outstanding first impression. Make sure to reel guests in with a catchy title that highlights what’s unique about your tour, such as the Vatican City example above.

3. Include beautiful photos

Photos can be very persuasive, especially when it comes to booking travel experiences. Make sure to include high-quality photos in your tour descriptions. If you’re an outdoor adventure tour operator, include photos of the scenic locations you’ll visit. If you offer an interactive cooking class, show the ingredients you’ll be working with as well as the finished product. You can also include photos of guests having a great time on your tours (just be sure to get their permission first).

4. Showcase testimonials

Testimonials can be another very persuasive tool in selling your tours. Positive reviews will give potential customers the confidence to book.

5. Use storytelling techniques

Use storytelling techniques to make the reader feel like they’re experiencing the tour while reading the description. You should use vivid imagery to trigger an emotional response from potential guests and ultimately persuade them to book.

6. Anticipate your guests’ questions

Think about any doubts or questions your guests might have before booking your tours. Make sure to answer these in your descriptions. Guests joining a cooking class, for example, may want to know if all the ingredients are included in the price.

7. Know what makes your tours unique

You know what makes your tours unique, so make sure to communicate that to potential customers! Let’s refer back to the Vatican City tour. Do you have exclusive access to an attraction? Do you offer additional services, like transportation or a tour photographer? Make sure to highlight the unique aspects of your tours in your title and descriptions.

8. Use SEO to expand your reach

Your tour descriptions should focus on specific keywords in your niche so that when someone searches for them on Google, your website comes up.

9. Make it easy to read  

Guests are often looking through several tour descriptions when planning their trip, and a big body of text can be overwhelming. Don’t let a messy tour description turn them away. Use subheadlines and bullet points to keep your text easy to skim through. 

10. Bullet-point your highlights

Use bullet points to lay out the most memorable features or attractions included in your tour. When you list them in bullet points, guests who skim through your tours can easily pinpoint why your experience is worth booking.

11. Be honest about the experience

Don’t overpromise something you can’t deliver. Make sure you’re portraying your experience in an authentic and transparent way. It’s better to overdeliver than for guests to leave your tour underwhelmed.

12. Keep it clear and concise

Make sure to clearly state what is and isn’t included in the tour, such as food, beverages, transportation, etc. While you want to keep your tour descriptions lively with vivid imagery and storytelling, you also want to keep them concise. Guests should have a pretty good idea of what your tour will be like after reading your description.

In summary, a compelling tour description is key to converting customers. Use these tips to improve your existing tour descriptions and let your tours stand out from the rest.

Writer Carla Vianna

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Tour description: What convinces travelers the most?

Two travelers looking at their mobile phones.

It’s so crucial to have the best tour description possible: it will  bring you more bookings  and will also  draw a better picture of the reality of your tour , so that it matches travelers’ expectations. In this post, you will learn, step by step, how to write the best description of your guruwalk: let’s go!

Two travelers looking at their mobile phones.

If you don’t know how to get to the tour edition section, we made a post about it here .

Structure and content

Try to write the description of your guruwalk with the following structure.

1. Introduce your tour

This part is  the most important one . You must hook travelers to keep reading. You have to sell your tour , in just a paragraph.

Answer the following: Why is my tour the best in the city? What am I going to show to travelers or what am I going to tell them, and in which way?

Here you have  to open the travelers’ curiosity .

Moreover,  think about what travelers want from a tour  and put it in your description.

Ex: we will go on a slow pace, without stress, we will have fun, with a small group, there will be time to take pictures, it will be a fun experience, this tour is designed for everyone (families and retired people included), they will have the best recommendations to know what do after the tour and where to go to eat …, etc.

Good introduction examples

Arthur  in Kampala, Uganda.

Tour description of the guru Arthur in Kampala, Uganda, on GuruWalk.

Christine  in Florence, Italy.

Tour description of the guru Christine in Florence, Italy,, on GuruWalk.

Donkey Tours  in Barcelona, Spain.

Tour description of Donkey Tours in Barcelona, Spain, on GuruWalk.

2. List of places

After a good introduction, you should put the  main stops of your guruwalk , so that travelers can get an idea of what they are going to see.

This list can indeed  convince travelers to book as they could have these sites on their list of things to see in your city .

It’s not necessary to put all the stops  (especially those that are less known). Otherwise, it can make the tour description very long.

To continue opening curiosity,  do not hesitate to end with words like ‘and many more things / curiosities / surprises / hidden gems / places that only locals know’.

However, if you think you need to put more details, put them. This way travelers will have better expectations.

You can write everything in a text, although it’s  easier to read with bullet points.

Karla  in Rome, Italy.

List of visited places in the tour description of Karla, guru of GuruWalk in Rome, Italy,.

3. Invite travelers to join

After the list, you should  continue selling your guruwalk . To close the tour description, we advise you to invite travelers to join the tour using one of the following formulas:

  • “See you soon in X!”
  • “Looking forward to meeting for you here in X”
  • “Can’t wait to show you…”
  • “Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to know… ”
  • “If you want to learn and have fun in X, this guruwalk is for you!”
  • “Join my tour and discover what…”

4. Additional details

In most cases, you don’t need to put anything after the third point. Don’t forget that the goal of the description is to sell! We recommend to put all additional details, that don’t help that goal (Recommended shoes / clothes,…) in the automatic welcome message that is sent once the booking is done. However sometimes, depending on your tour or your city, you have to specify some more details.

  • If you have to pay something extra:  a transport, a museum ticket, a meal, … You must mention it and put the price of everything.
  • Put YouTube videos.  People like it very much! It has a great impact on travelers to see images and videos of the tour. In addition, Google likes to provide value to the user, and it will help your tour to rank better.

Example of  Agora , in Palermo

Style and form

You already did the most important thing, but some details are missing in order to get the most convincing tour’s description.

  • The description  should be easy to read.  Forget large blocks of texts and think about  small paragraphs  of 4 lines maximum. It should be short, otherwise travelers are not going to read it. However, make sure to  add all relevant information .
  • Do not hesitate to  vary the words you use . Instead of always writing ‘tour’, use also ‘guided tour’, ‘walk’, ‘free tour’, ‘free walking tour’, …
  • The tour description must be  grammatically correct.  Your experience can lose all its credibility with just a little misspelling. We invite you to read it several times to make sure that everything is correct.
  • To give more life to your description, you can  use symbols . In  this web , you only have to copy and then paste the symbol in your text. However, be careful with the use of symbols! Your tour description should always look professional.
  • Verify the automatic  translation of your text into Spanish . It’s always better to check it as the translator is not always perfect. It will give you more visibility.

You already know it. The description should be  attractive , make travelers want to book your guruwalk. Travelers should  feel your enthusiasm  and  your passion  reading your tour description and be curious to know more.

Selfie of a group of travelers taken during a free walking tour in Tehran, Iran.

What you  can’t  write in the tour description

  • Do not explain what a free tour is,  we already explain it. If you look at the page of your guruwalk, you will see a grey box with the explanation ‘What’s the price?’.
  • Do not write that the tour is free.  Do not downgrade your work. The tours of GuruWalk are ‘free to give what travelers want’, but not ‘free of charge’. If you advertise that your guruwalk is free of charge, it goes against the grey box mentioned earlier. You will also attract the kind of people who will pay you the least.
  • Do not put a time in advance to book.  Example: “you can’t book 6h before the tour starts”  is not allowed. In the case that you can’t do the tour, you just have to block the date in the calendar.
  • Do not copy/paste.  Be original. If you copy and paste you are not adapting the content to the user of GuruWalk, and it will lower your conversion. In addition, your tour will not be positioned on Google because the duplicate content is ignored by the search engines.
  • Do not put links  (TripAdvisor, etc), although you can recommend another of your tours at the end of the description.

Example of a good tour description

A good example is the tour’s description of  Krakow Explorers , in Krakow, Poland. In this case, they didn’t write the list of monuments but they include what travelers are going to discover, which is good too. However, they could have write more names of famous places/monuments.

This description opens curiosity, and is very attractive. It could maybe be a bit longer and have a finish line to invite the traveler to join the guruwalk.

Tour description of the guruwalk of Krakow Explores, in Poland.

Another good example, shorter and more personal, is the description of Arturo ‘s tour in Stockholm, Sweden. It makes you want to book his tour directly, and discover this surprise that he prepared us!

Description of the tour of Arturo, guru in Stockholm, Sweden, on the platform GuruWalk.

What’s next?

So you now have the best description for your tour? Maybe it would be time to think about your profile description, right? If you improve it, travelers will know better who you are and that will increase your bookings 😉 Have a look at the detailed post we have !

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  • Tips & tricks

How to Write the Perfect Description for Your Tours and Activities

Aurelio Maglione

Table of Content

Understand your audience, the essentials of a great description for tours and activities, storytelling in tour and activity descriptions, practical writing tips for tour and activity descriptions, seo (search engines optimization) tips for tour and activity descriptions, the role of photos and videos in tour and activity descriptions.

According to the popular saying, the pen is mightier than the sword, meaning that the written word is the most effective tool at our disposal to educate, inspire, and persuade others. Not even the threat of physical violence can compete with such a powerful weapon. For tour operators and activity providers, the ability to craft a compelling description of their products can be the difference between a booked experience and a missed opportunity. Behind every ticket sold lies a fascinating story that not only informs, but intrigues and engages potential customers.

This guide will show you how to write the perfect description for tours and activities. Remember, merely describing the main features of your experiences is not nearly enough to capture the attention of your website visitors. From understanding the nuances of your target market to using storytelling techniques that bring their experiences to life, we will walk you through every step of creating a description that converts.

Thanks to Regiondo’s Booking Widget, displaying the descriptions of your tours and activities on your website will be easier than ever. To learn more about our all-in-one reservation software, click here .

Understand your Audience

The foundation of any compelling tour or activity description begins with a deep understanding of your audience: in other words, knowing who you are writing for is just as important as knowing what you are writing about.

Identify your target audience – The first step is to clearly define who your ideal customers are by considering factors such as age, interests, travel preferences, and budget. Are your experiences tailored to adventure-seeking millennials, luxury-oriented baby boomers, or families looking for educational yet fun activities? Understanding these demographics will help you craft a message that resonates. Last but not least, consider leveraging tools like Google Analytics to gain deeper insights into the audience your site is currently attracting.

Tailor your language and content to your audience – Once you know who your audience is, adapt your language and content to their preferences. For example, a younger audience may appreciate a casual, energetic tone, while a more mature audience may prefer detailed, in-depth descriptions. Don’t forget that your choice of words can either win your audience over or alienate them.

Address needs instead of listing features

Address needs instead of listing features – Contrary to what we like to think, humans are emotional creatures, not logical ones: in fact, we resonate far more with stories than with raw facts. For this reason, a sterile collection of features and characteristics won’t make a good description of your tours and activities. Remember that each tourist is looking for something different from their trip, whether it is relaxation, escapism, or adventure. Your description should address these desires and highlight the unique aspects of your experience that meet them.

Be inclusive – In today’s global marketplace, being culturally sensitive and inclusive is essential, not to mention good for your bottom line. A Facebook survey shows that customers are more loyal to brands that embrace diversity and inclusion in their advertising campaigns (59% of respondents). For this reason, make sure your descriptions are respectful and considerate of different cultures, backgrounds, and abilities. This will broaden your appeal and also reflect a more modern, empathetic approach to business.

The Essentials of a Great Description for Tours and Activities

Writing an effective tour and activity description requires a blend of clarity, accuracy, and emotional appeal. As mentioned above, your goal should be to turn a simple narrative into an irresistible invitation, because simply listing a bunch of features won’t cut it. For best results, follow these simple tips.

Be concise – While details are necessary, overly long descriptions can lose the reader’s interest. Unfortunately, in the digital age, the average attention span is only 8,25 seconds . That’s why you need to strike a balance between providing enough information to engage and inform, but not so much as to overwhelm.

Be clear – Your audience should be able to quickly understand what the experience entails and what makes it unique. The trick is to avoid industry jargon or overly complex language.

Appeal to emotions

Appeal to emotions – Use emotional language to tap into your audience’s feelings and desires. Describe the sense of adventure, the awe of natural beauty, or the thrill of learning something new.

Highlight unique features – Whether it’s a rare sightseeing location, an interaction with local culture, or a unique approach to a common activity, emphasize what makes your experience different.

End your description with a strong call to action – Encourage the reader to take the next step, whether it’s booking the experience, contacting you for more information, or visiting your website for more details. The ideal call to action should be clear, concise and visible. In our opinion, nothing beats a bright “Book Now” button that links to a page where customers can complete their purchase.

With Regiondo’s Booking Widget you can create an effective call to action that will turn lookers into bookers in no time. Find out more by clicking here .

New call-to-action

Storytelling is a powerful tool for transforming standard descriptions into compelling narratives that engage prospects. Not surprisingly, recent studies show that storytelling makes customers more likely to buy your product and can increase conversion rates by up to 30% .

Let’s take a look at some of the elements you need to consider to turn your tour or activity description into a powerful story.

Focus on the experience – Begin by framing your experience as a story. This doesn’t mean making up details, but presenting them in a way that follows a narrative structure. First, set the scene by describing the setting or background of the experience. Then introduce the “characters,” whether they are guides, locals, or the participants themselves. Finally, build to the climax, which could be the main event or a special aspect of the experience you’re offering.

Use vivid imagery and sensory details – Describe what participants will see, hear, smell, touch and taste during the experience. For example, instead of just mentioning a visit to the beach, describe the feeling of warm sand underfoot, the sound of crashing waves, and the smell of salt in the air. These sensory descriptions can make your story more relatable and immersive.

Storytelling in Tour and Activity Descriptions

Build an emotional connection – This can be achieved by highlighting the emotional rewards of the experience, such as the joy of discovery, the thrill of adventure, or the peace of quiet nature. Connecting on an emotional level can be a powerful motivator for bookings.

Include real-life testimonials – Including snippets of testimonials or real stories from past participants can add authenticity and relatability to your descriptions. When prospects read about others’ positive experiences, it builds trust and helps them see themselves in a similar scenario.

Practical Writing Tips for Tour and Activity Descriptions

When it comes to storytelling, form is just as important as content, and even if your goal isn’t to win the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, you should curate the style of your writing. Luckily, we have a few tips to help you take your descriptions to the next level.

Use active voice – Active voice makes your writing more direct and dynamic: it puts the topic first, so that your descriptions are more convincing and easier to read. To give you an example, instead of saying “The tour will be led by experienced guides,” say “Experienced guides will lead the tour”.

Write a strong opening sentence – The first sentence of your description is crucial – as the saying goes, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Keep it intriguing, exciting, or evocative to immediately grab the reader’s attention.

Use bullet points and headings – Bullet points and headings make your tour or activity description easier to read and understand. In particular, bullet points are a great way to present key features in an easy-to-scan format, while headings can guide the reader through different sections of your description, which is especially beneficial for longer, more detailed narratives.

Keep it simple

Keep it simple – The readability of your descriptions is essential, especially considering that your audience may span different ages and backgrounds. Therefore, avoid confusing them with convoluted sentences or by using industry jargon.

Be consistent – Maintaining the same tone and style throughout your description will help build a recognizable brand voice. Whether you choose a formal, informative tone or a casual, friendly style, make sure it fits your brand and is consistent across all of your communications.

Proofread and edit – Grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors can detract from your professionalism and credibility. It’s also helpful to have someone else review your content, as a fresh set of eyes can catch mistakes you may have overlooked.

Thanks to Regiondo’s editor, you can format the description of your experiences to make them look both modern and professional. Find out more by clicking here .

SEO (Search Engines Optimization) Tips for Tour and Activity Descriptions

Ranking highly for relevant keywords on Google and Bing is a powerful sales driver. In fact, SEO is the most powerful yet cost-effective way to improve your visibility. After all, in 9 out of 10 cases, the journey that leads to an online purchase begins with a simple query on a search engine . Let’s explore a few ways to make the description of your tours and activities more SEO friendly.

Include relevant keywords – Identify and incorporate keywords that potential customers are likely to use when searching for experiences like yours. They should be relevant to your tour or activity and used naturally in your description. Keep in mind that keyword stuffing (the excessive use of the same keyword over and over again within a page) makes your content less readable and can negatively impact your search engine rankings. Pro tip : Tools like Google Keyword Planner can help you find the right keywords for your content.

Write SEO-friendly titles and meta descriptions – Create titles and meta descriptions that are not only SEO friendly, but also appealing to your potential customers. The title should be concise and include your main keyword, while the meta description should provide a brief and enticing summary of the experience, encouraging users to click through to your site.

Use alt text for images – Alt text, as the name suggests, is a brief description of a picture. It may seem minor, but alt text allows visually impaired users who are using a screen reader to understand what an image is about, greatly improving their user experience. At the same time, they also allow search engines to better index your images, which benefits your ranking.


Optimize for mobile – With the increasing use of smartphones for travel research and booking ( 64% of searches are done from a phone! ), you need to ensure that your product pages are mobile friendly, an element that has a significant impact on SEO rankings. This means having a website with a responsive layout that adapts to different screen sizes so users can easily navigate regardless of the device they’re browsing on.

Leverage local SEO – If your experience is location-specific, local SEO is essential. This means optimizing for location-based keywords and making sure your business is listed and accurately represented on maps and local directories.

Monitor and update constantly – SEO is not a one-time effort. Continually monitor your website’s performance using tools such as Google Analytics and update your content as needed.

The Regiondo Booking Widget is developed in React, a modern technology that guarantees extremely fast loading times, a key factor to improve your SEO ranking.

The Role of Photos and Videos in Tour and Activity Descriptions

“A picture is worth a thousand words,” and that’s even more true when it comes to travel experiences. Photos and videos play a critical role in complementing your written content, making it more engaging and effective.

  • Use high-quality images – When it comes to images, quality matters. High-resolution, professionally shot photos greatly enhance the appeal of your experience.
  • Don’t forget to include videos – According to recent statistics, websites that include video have nearly double the conversion rate of those that don’t . They allow potential customers to immerse themselves in the experience before they even book, encouraging them to proceed with the purchase.
  • Leverage user-generated content – User-generated content, such as photos and videos from past attendees, is perceived as authentic and trustworthy, providing a real-life glimpse into the experiences of actual customers.
  • Update and refresh regularly – Update your visuals regularly to keep your content fresh and relevant. This is especially important for experiences that are seasonal or have undergone changes.

Leverage user-generated content

As we conclude our exploration of how to write the perfect description for your tours and activities, it’s clear that this process is both an art and a science. From understanding your audience to employing storytelling techniques, optimizing for SEO, and using compelling visuals, each element plays a critical role in creating descriptions that not only inform, but also inspire and persuade.

To learn more about Regiondo, the leading booking system for the leisure industry, request a free demo with one of our consultants.

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8 Tips to Write Compelling Descriptions for Your Tours

The last thing a potential guest will read on your page before clicking the book button is the description of the tour they intend to book.

An inspiring, engaging and exciting tour description is the last kick a traveler needs to reserve a tour with you. On the other hand, if the text is confusing or lacks information, travelers might turn to competitors for booking a tour.

In this article, we teach you important tips for writing a compelling description of your tours that will increase the conversion rates for online bookings.

What is a tour description?

Unlike it might sound, a tour description is more than a simple list of sights and activities your guests will experience during the tour. It’s an important part of your marketing and its goal is to generate new bookings for your business.

To achieve that, you should add extra elements that will engage the reader and potential guest with your offer. A memorable tour description is made of :

  • A catchy title
  • An overview of the tour
  • Highlights of the tour
  • A list of what is included and what is not
  • A description of the activities and sights
  • Detailed information about where to meet, duration of the tour, what to bring
  • Amazing pictures of the tour
  • Testimonials of past guests
  • Information about the guides
  • A call to action – Book now!

As you can see, writing a compelling tour description is a complex, but essential part of the sales process .

Why invest your time in writing tour descriptions

A tour description can make or break your offer. Imagine putting a lot of effort into planning, designing, and bringing a tour to life to end up with empty seats because of an unappealing tour description.

On the other hand, a compelling tour description not only inspires travelers to make a reservation but also helps promote upgrades of your tours. If you manage to describe your tour as a once-in-a-lifetime experience, who would not like to make it even more special with addons ?

Another positive impact of a great tour description is reducing booking cancelations and preventing unexpected situations .

For instance, let’s imagine you offer a tour that demands a certain level of physical condition. By making it clear in the tour description, potential guests will know in advance if they can handle it or not before making a reservation.

Where to place your tour descriptions?

As presented in the previous section, a well-written and complete tour description has the power to convert undecided customers into new guests. So, why limit it to your website?

As with any marketing material, it should reach your audience no matter where they are. Placing your tour descriptions on your tour landing pages is the basic. You can take it a step further and also share it on social media , via email , or even on printed materials , such as travel guides and handbooks.

Tour descriptions are a real source of content for your marketing campaigns, all you need is to use your creativity. You can repurpose it into videos, carousel posts, infographics, or any other type of content that will inspire potential guests to book with you.

What does a good tour description look like?

Take one of Orioly ‘s clients as an example of creating good tour descriptions. Divine Horizon is a tour operator that offers luxury tours in Italy.

All their tours have a clear title about what to expect from the experience, plus a short description that adds more information about the itinerary.

compelling tour description image 1

Next, they give extra details about the sights and attractions . This is the core of their tour description. In this section, potential guests will find out more about the history of Rome and fun facts regarding the attractions in the itinerary.

compelling tour description image 2

The most important information about the tour is displayed in an infographic . This format is great for highlighting information that guests shouldn’t miss.

compelling tour description image 1

The tour highlights are next to the price and a call to action “Book Tour”. This combination is perfect for potential guests to book right away after being inspired by the previous sections.

compelling tour description image 3

Their tour gallery is filled with amazing and high-resolution pictures of the destination. This is great for inspiring undecided travelers to book.

compelling tour description image 4

A map marks the meeting point, making it easier for guests to localize where the tour starts.

compelling tour description image 5

Finally, potential guests can find at the bottom of the description what is included and what is not in the price of the tour.

compelling tour description image 6

The last section of the tour description is a call to action with a book now button .

compelling tour description image 7

Tips for writing a killer tour description

An amazing tour description is made of technique and research . Don’t worry if the first description you write is not optimal, practice makes perfect.

But only by following the tips in this article, I’m sure you will improve the conversion rate of your tour pages in no time.

1. Get to know your ideal customers

To write a compelling tour description you need to know your ideal customer . Knowing their preferences, interests, and expectations helps align the tour’s unique selling points, language, and imagery to resonate deeply with what they are looking for.

By addressing their specific desires and concerns, the description becomes a personalized invitation, fostering a connection that drives interest, trust, and ultimately, conversions.

2. Include amazing pictures

High-quality imagery enhances credibility , instilling confidence and trust in the offering. It amplifies engagement, evoking emotions and desires, complementing the narrative, and significantly increasing the likelihood of converting interest into bookings.

Compelling visuals paint a vivid preview of the experience, enticing potential customers and setting the tour apart. They showcase destinations, activities, and unique features, offering a tangible glimpse into what awaits.

3. Use storytelling techniques

Storytelling has the power to transform a mundane itinerary into a compelling adventure. With this writing technique, you can create an immersive narrative that evokes emotions, ignites curiosity, and creates an emotional bond with potential customers.

Stories engage on a deeper level, allowing travelers to envision themselves within the experience. It humanizes the journey , connecting with the audience’s aspirations and desires, offering not just a tour, but a transformative experience.

4. Add keywords

Integrating keywords into tour descriptions ensures visibility in search results , amplifying your online presence and aligning your tours with relevant searches performed by potential customers.

You can use tools such as Google Trends , Google Search Console, or SEMrush to find the keywords your target audience uses when searching for travel experiences online. The next step is to integrate them into your description following the SEO best practices .

5. Write simple

As soon as people land on your tour page they will scan the text for the main information. If your text is formatted as a chunk, uses complex words and is messy, chances are they will leave the page without reading it.

An easy-to-read content captures attention amidst travelers’ myriad choices, guiding swift decision-making. Clear formatting, concise language, and organized sections optimize understanding, catering to scanners seeking quick insights.

6. Use visual elements when possible

Infographics, maps, illustrations, icons, all these visual elements make the tour description more interesting and attractive to readers. They are a great option to stand out the tour’s most important information, which also helps scanners understand what the tour is about.

These graphics paint vivid mental pictures, clarifying routes, highlights, and nuanced details, facilitating better planning and expectation setting. They can turn complex into easy-to-understand pieces of information.

7. Be honest

When writing your tour descriptions consider making disclaimers about the experience, for example, listing tour limitations and possible restrictions . An outdoor tour depends on good weather, or it can be canceled, or a hiking tour might be inappropriate for elders.

A compelling tour description answers the most asked questions potential guests might have. Check your past exchanges with guests to have a clear idea of the most common doubts they had about the tour.

Finally, don’t promise things you can’t deliver on a tour. Frustrated guests might leave you bad reviews, which is not good for your brand. Remember, transparency is key when writing tour reviews, it fosters trust and ensures delightful experiences.

8. Have a visible book now button

After reading your amazing tour description, your guests will look for ways to book the tour. For this purpose, the first thing they will search for is a “Book Now” button.

The reason is simple, travelers are looking for convenience when booking, and a “Book Now” button is the gateway to a seamless booking process .

Your tour description should contain a book now button that is visible at the top and at the end of it. Preferably next to the tour price and preceded by a creative call to action .

A compelling tour description isn’t just a mere list of activities, it’s a magnetic blend of storytelling, vibrant visuals, and key information about the tour. It’s the bridge connecting operators with their ideal customers, a channel to inspire, inform, and build trust.

In order to help you write a memorable tour description we gave 8 tips in this article:

  • Get to know your ideal customers
  • Include amazing pictures
  • Use storytelling techniques
  • Add keywords
  • Write simple
  • Use visual elements when possible
  • Have a visible book now button

Don’t you have a book now button on your tour pages?

Don’t worry, Orioly is an online booking system designed to make the booking process of tours and activities seamless for travelers. With our system, you can add booking buttons to all your tour pages and start selling online.

Contact us and book a demo !

ORIOLY on November 16, 2023

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How To Write An Ultimate Tour Description? Pro Tips (2024)

Home » Blog » How To Write An Ultimate Tour Description? Pro Tips (2024)

Writing a good tour description is the key to increasing your site’s visibility and driving more traffic .

With the right tour description, you could get 50-100 visitors per day using the best tour operator plugin for your travel website

But before we dive into the steps to write An ultimate Tour Description with pro tips included, I was curious if you are; thinking of creating a travel and tour booking website within minutes, without any hassle of coding and hiring highly paid developers? 

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You can Get WP Travel Pro  to start creating a travel booking website instantly.

You can explore and test the best travel agency themes and templates  to find the one that perfectly aligns with your website. This way, you can ensure your website suits your needs and preferences seamlessly.

The purpose of this guide is to help you write a high-quality touring description and increase in page views, page views, clicks, and traffic to your tours section on your website.

➤ Here is the complete list of tour operator software.

Table of contents

What is tour description.

  • 2. Trip Facts/Overview:
  • 3. Start with a hook:
  • 4. Bulleted List of Additional Details :
  • 5. Define your target customers:

6. List your unique selling points (USPs):

  • 7. Identify your target audience:
  • 8. Get inspired by other examples:

WordPress Tour descriptions should be written in an engaging and personable style.

This can be achieved by exploring the interests of your country, businesses, and tourist areas — and presenting that information through photos or video.

Tour descriptions are a way to sell your next tour. You can use them to describe the experience, culture, and activities you’ll be doing during your tours.

Tour descriptions should give as much information as possible to allow potential customers to make a decision on whether they want to take your tour or not.

In this guide, we will outline the steps you will need to follow in order to write a great tour description for your website and help drive more traffic there.

Useful article : How to Write A Travel Itinerary with Steps? ( Depth-Guide)

Tour description is an essential marketing tool for every tour operator where you tell the world about your tour and what it offers.

It serves as a sales brochure, explaining to the public what their ticket buys them and how they can expect it.

A tour description is a document that describes a tour or activity and its purpose.

It’s meant to help potential participants understand what they’re signing up for, and why they should be interested in it.

The main use of tour descriptions in a Tour Booking System WordPress is to guide and give proper information to the clients.

A good tour description can help you stand out from your competitors and make you more appealing to your clients.

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Steps to write an ultimate Tour Descriptions: Pro Tips

A tour description is the selling point for your website.

Of course, it does no good to just have a tour description. In order to provide information on what your tours are like, you need to first think about how you’re going to write them.

Here are the steps for writing a proper tour description.

1. Title:

A great title is crucial for any tour description. It’s the first thing people see and remember, so it needs to be captivating and interesting.

The title of your tour description is its headline. It’s the first thing that people see and it should be enticing enough to get them to click on the link.

The title should be short, sweet, and compelling. Here are some tips on how to write a good title:

  • Use emoticons and other imagery to make your title stand out
  • Use strong verbs in your title
  • A keyword phrase that is relevant to your product/service.
  • The title should be short, sweet, and compelling.
  • Make sure the title is about your tour
  • Don’t use too many words in your title

2. Trip Facts/Overview:

In a few sentences, describe the trip in general. This is the first impression of your trip, so make sure that you capture it well.

In this section, briefly describe how you will be using the trip (i.e., what your goals are for the tour).

You can think of the trip description as a mini-tour itinerary, listing everything you’ll be doing on the trip, including where and when, who will be involved, and what the experience is.

Here are some tips on how to write an effective tour description:

  • Start with a summary of your trip. This should include your destination, what activities you plan on doing while there, who will be involved (if any), and any special circumstances that might affect your trip.
  • Focus on what you’ll be doing in each activity category (e.g., hiking, biking, sightseeing). The more specific you get here, the more useful this section will be for prospective guests who are interested in booking your tour or reserving a spot on one of your trips.
  • Include all the important details about each activity category — dates/times/durations; places visited; prices per person/per day or per group; typical activities offered; minimum age requirements; required gear list; weather and other conditions at each stop; safety tips for certain activities like biking or white-water rafting; etc.
  • If you’re planning a multi-day tour, provide a brief description of each day’s activities so potential travelers know what they can expect from their experience on the trip (and how much free time they’ll have along the way).
  • If there are any special events or benefits associated with booking through your company, mention those here as well. For example: “Offering free trips to new destinations for first-time travelers.”

3. Start with a hook:

The first thing you need to do is come up with an awesome hook.

A hook is the first sentence or paragraph of your description that grabs the reader’s attention and makes them want to read more.

In this case, it should be something that captures their attention and makes them want to read more.

The best way to do this is by using action words like “wanted” and “hated” or even just simply saying “loved”. These will make them want to know what happens next, so you need a good start.

You want to start with a hook — something that makes people interested in your tour.

If you’re in Kathmandu, for example, and you want people to come on your tour and see the Kathmandu Durbar Square, then maybe your hook would be “See the Kathmandu Durbar Square on this private guided tour.”

Or maybe it’s “See the Kathmandu Durbar Square from this helicopter ride.”

Whatever it is, make sure it’s something that will get people excited about your tour.

Explore more : How to start a successful tour company from scratch?

4. Bulleted List of Additional Details :

Bullet points are the best way to present information in a concise manner, as they’re easy to scan and understand at a glance.

You can use bullet points for highlighting key points, adding extra detail about your experience, and/or listing multiple aspects of your tour experience.

You can break the subheadings of the tour in the following ways:

  • Highlights of the Trip
  • Extra Services
  • Inclusions (Meals, Transportation)
  • Exclusions (Alcoholic Beverages, Souvenirs, Personal Expenses)
  • What to Pack/Carry?
  • Gears for the Tour
  • How to Reach the Pickup Location
  • Cancellation Policy

Learn more : How to Become a Successful Tour Operator?(10 Tips to Success)

5. Define your target customers:

Your target customers are the people who will benefit from your tour. They are the audience you want to connect with.

This step is essential to successful writing. If you do not know who you are writing for, how can you know what it will take to make them happy?

Targeting your audience enables you to give them a reason to join your tour, and in turn, helps you keep them engaged and interested in what they read.

USPs are the things that set you apart from other tour operators and attractions.

They’re what will make your tour stand out from the crowd.

They are what potential clients will want to see, hear, and do when they book with you. USPs should be listed at the top of your tour description so that potential clients can see them first.

7. Identify your target audience:

The first step to writing an impactful tour description is to identify your target audience.

This could be a group of people, an industry, or even a particular region. Once you know who you are writing for, the next step is to write their story.

The story should include details about their lives and how they feel about traveling and experiencing new things.

For example, if you are writing a tour description for a Manang tour, then you would want to focus on the following aspects:

  • Itineraries of the Trip
  • Accommodation
  • Gears Required

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8. Get inspired by other examples:

When you’re writing your tour description, it can be helpful to look at some of the tours that have inspired you and see how they are formatted.

You can find these tours by searching for “tour descriptions” in Google, or by visiting sites different sites of your competitors.

Notice how each tour description has a short summary of what the tour is about, followed by the details of the experience.

If they are not already used in your city, consider looking up similar tours on other sites to get an idea of how they are formatted.

In this article, we have discussed the importance of Tour descriptions and the main elements that you should consider when writing your tour description for your WordPress travel site.

Having an attractive tour description is one of the best ways to attract traffic to your site and increase your page views, and page impressions, as well as Clicks and traffic to your tours section.

To sum up, Tour descriptions should be written in a style that your site visitors could find familiar, relatable, and engaging.

Follow the tips listed above, and you should be well on your way to writing high-quality touring descriptions. Good luck!

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Further, if you have any queries, please submit them to our  contact page .

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Yam Bahadur Chhetri is a content writer and vivid contributor to the WordPress community and a WordPress enthusiast with an experience of 7+ years in the relative field. He also loves to develop WordPress Themes, Plugins, and custom WordPress development for clients.

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Moscow, Russia

You are here, about moscow.

Moscow is unlike any other city on Earth. It is the wealthy economic center for one-sixth of the world's land mass and has over 120 ethnic groups and nationalities. A diverse and vibrant city with a strange combination of traditional Russian architecture and newer Soviet tastelessness, Moscow is an adventure waiting to happen!

Reasons to travel to Moscow

But what makes it so popular among tourists is the concentration of Moscow attractions. When you travel to Moscow you definitely want to see the red-bricked walls of the Kremlin , to take a picture in front of St. Basil's Cathedral , and probably visit the world-famous Bolshoi Theater . All of these places are located within a very small area around Red Square , so seeing them on a walking sightseeing tour of Moscow is convenient and allows you to avoid traffic jams.

The concentration of Moscow's main sights is one of the facts that make this city a world-class tourist destination. The majority of its attractions is centered in one small area, and the Kremlin is the hub of this concentration.

These sights extend into the realm of fantasy and are a must to put on your Moscow itinerary: the colorful domes of the Cathedral of St. Vasily the Blessed, the neo-gothic consumer wonderland that is the GUM , or state department store, and the timepiece of Russia's New Year's celebrations, the Spassky clock tower, all tower over the beautiful Red Square.

The neighboring Kitay-Gorod, or "Basket-Town" (likely a reference to the construction method of the city walls surround it), remains a significant concentration of traditional Russian structures serving as a commercial center. The Bolshoi Theater, the Lubyanka, and the hotels that tower above the Manege Square all are situated within the Boulevard Ring, an urban open-space doubling as a heavily-trafficked roadway created after the Great Fire of 1812, the one that left Napoleon's Army starving deep within wintry Russia.

Moscow transport system

As Europe's largest metropolis, and the 5th largest city in the world, Moscow comes with its share of traffic blunders. It seems that all of the world's most expensive black cars are here, and that most of the city's car owners do not understand the difference between sidewalks and parking lots. Still, while the traffic situation leaves much to be desired, the Moscow subway is superb.

The advanced Metro system carries up to 3 million passengers a day and its trains run every few minutes. With stations that could rival art museums, the Metro is one of Moscow's great must-see sights. Travel in Moscow Metro at least once to see that there is nothing like it in the world.

Best time to visit Moscow

The peak of the Moscow travel season is May through September. However, you may prefer to savor Moscow tourism delicacies during the low travel season. The snowy winter months offer just as many entertainment options as one can find during summer.

You can celebrate New Year's Eve or see Russia's biggest ice rink on Red Square, taste blinis or visit one of the numerous winter markets. Any popular St. Petersburg - Moscow tour hides a handful of memorable experiences the whole year round!  

Although the best time to visit Moscow is from May to September, the city in winter still enchants with its towers and lights. Its great celebrations on the day of the October Revolution (held on November 7, a discrepancy resulting from the difference between the traditional Russian Julian calendar and the Gregorian calendar in use around the world today), and New Years Day make it the place to be. Of course, the best way to plan your trip is through one of our package tours to Moscow. If you are planning a trip to Russia , don't hesitate to contact our experienced travel experts who'll be glad to help.

Best Things to Do in Moscow

  • Explore the Kremlin and the gorgeous Red Square
  • Get acquainted with Russian art at the Tretyakov Gallery
  • See the "underground palaces" down in Moscow metro

Top Attractions in Moscow

GUM, Moscow

The famous GUM is a large department store in the Kitai-gorod part of Moscow facing Red Square.

Kremlin, Moscow

The symbol of Moscow and entire Russia, the Kremlin is often described as the 8th Wonder of the World.

Moscow Subway

Moscow Metro is like a whole underground city that holds the world's largest collection of Stalinist Art.

Novodevichy Convent, Moscow

Moscow's most well-known cloister with golden domes, untouched since the 17th century.

St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow

St. Basil’s Cathedral is Moscow’s most famous artistic work of architecture set in the romantic Red Square.

Armoury Chamber, Moscow

History and luxury is revealed inside the Kremlin as the Armoury Chamber displays treasures like Faberge Eggs.

The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Over 1000 years of Russia's finest art from Rublev to Shishkin, over 150 000 exhibits of religious and modern art.

All Attractions in Moscow

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About Travelite Philippines


Matt Poonin

Established in 2006, Travelite Travel and Tours Co . is a full service travel, tour operator and destination management company which offers a wide array of services to cater the needs of travel connoisseurs.

We put forward unique solutions, paying careful attention to each client’s individual needs – to deliver successful and memorable destination management service that is reliable, safe, affordable and enjoyable for all clients.

Our Inbound Department specializes on top tourist destinations in the Philippines that include MANILA, CEBU, BOHOL, BORACAY, NORTH LUZON, SIARGAO, CAMIGUIN and PALAWAN.

Our Outbound Department handles top brands worldwide and a preferred sales agent for several cruises and ground operators such as AMA WATERWAYS, VIKING RIVER, CARNIVAL, DISNEY, MSC to name a few.

Our MICE team can conceptualize theme events based on the client’s objective for meetings, incentive travel and conference programs and events. We professionally arranged and managed many company trips that exceed our clients’ expectations. We have served a wide range of clients, including major insurance companies, major motor distributors, financial institutions, education institutions, health care and cosmetic companies.

Travelite Travel and Tours Co. is composed of dynamic, passionate, dedicated and fun-loving team.

We aspire to be the Philippines’ premiere full service travel company focused on creating and providing quality, valuable, efficient, innovative, reliable travel related services to clients’ best management of its technological and human resources.

We also deliver total client satisfaction thru integrity, excellence, passion, teamwork that will contribute to economic strength and sustainable tourism.

In respect, we will conduct our operations prudently and will provide profits and growth which will assure our ultimate success.

Our vision is to empower our employees to deliver total client satisfaction and best travel experience.


  • Department of Tourism (DOT)
  • Tourism Promotions Board (TPB)
  • Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS)
  • International Air Transport Association (IATA)
  • Philippine IATA Agents Travel Association (PIATA)
  • Philippine Travel Agencies Association (PTAA)
  • Philippine Tour Operators Association (PHILTOA)
  • Cebu Tours and Travel Association (CTTA)
  • Cebu Alliance of Tour Operation Specialists (CATOS)
  • Tourism Operators Unite in Region 7 (TOUR7)
  • Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI)
  • Mandaue Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI)
  • National Association of Independent Travel Agencies – Davao (NAITAS)
  • Davao Tourism Association (DATA)

Mizormor - Plan Trips & Tours 17+

Your ultimate travel companion, mizormor ltd, iphone screenshots, description.

Your trip planning experience just got an upgrade! Mizormor (pronounced mee-zor-mor) makes planning trips and traveling fun. We have assembled the best resources to help you plan trips, book tours and do so much more. PLAN YOUR NEXT TRIP IN 5 TAPS OR LESS With Mizormor, creating a trip is as easy as sending a Tweet. You can create a solo trip or invite the whole squad. Planning a Trip to Zanzibar? Or Kigali? Or Accra?... or planning a birthday party for babe? We’ve got you covered! BROWSE AND DISCOVER TOURS We’ve stocked our platform with 1000s of tours happening around you or a location of your choosing, being offered by our rigorously vetted and approved tour agency partners. TOO BUSY TO PLAN TRIPS? NO PROBLEM You can book a travel and tour agency to plan a custom itinerary for you. Imagine booking a Tour agency to plan your next company away day for you. We're just getting started. We have a lot of interesting updates coming soon!

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  6. How To Write A Tour Description That Converts

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  10. How to write compelling tour descriptions that convert

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  23. About Us

    Established in 2006, Travelite Travel and Tours Co. is a full service travel, tour operator and destination management company which offers a wide array of services to cater the needs of travel connoisseurs. We put forward unique solutions, paying careful attention to each client's individual needs - to deliver successful and memorable destination management service that is reliable, safe ...

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  25. ‎Mizormor

    Mizormor (pronounced mee-zor-mor) makes planning trips and traveling fun. We have assembled the best resources to help you plan trips, book tours and do so much more. PLAN YOUR NEXT TRIP IN 5 TAPS OR LESS. With Mizormor, creating a trip is as easy as sending a Tweet. You can create a solo trip or invite the whole squad.