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Pregnancy Ultrasounds Week by Week

When do you get ultrasounds during pregnancy, and why are they usually done? Here's what expectant parents should know about these important prenatal scans.

Why Do People Get Pregnancy Ultrasounds?

First trimester ultrasounds, second trimester ultrasound, third trimester ultrasound, baby ultrasounds for special situations, how many ultrasounds during pregnancy are safe, how much does an ultrasound cost.

During a pregnancy ultrasound, your health care provider or a skilled technician uses a plastic transducer to transmit high-frequency sound waves through your uterus. These sound waves send signals back to a machine that converts them into images of your baby.

Most pregnant people have only a couple of ultrasounds throughout their prenatal care, but some get them more frequently. Read on for a breakdown of the most common types of pregnancy ultrasounds, when you might get them, and what to expect during the prenatal scans.

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), health care providers may use baby ultrasounds for the following reasons:

  • Monitoring your baby's growth and development
  • Detecting congenital anomalies
  • Guiding chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis
  • Helping predict your due date
  • Determining whether you're carrying multiples
  • Showing the position of your placenta
  • Estimating your baby's size
  • Measuring amniotic fluid
  • Revealing your baby's genitals

How Many Ultrasounds Will You Get?

Uncomplicated pregnancies typically have fewer ultrasounds than high-risk pregnancies, but how many you receive over the course of your pregnancy will vary. Factors influencing the number of ultrasounds you'll receive include your preference, your provider's standard protocol, ultrasound machine access, medical history, and pregnancy complications.


Not everyone receives a first-trimester ultrasound during pregnancy. That said, a health care provider may sometimes use them for determining viability, dating the pregnancy, or ruling out suspected complications.

Early pregnancy (6–8 weeks)

Your first ultrasound, also known as a fetal ultrasound or sonogram, could occur as early as six to eight weeks into your pregnancy. In addition to a pregnancy test , some health care providers use ultrasounds to confirm that you're expecting.

According to the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG), early pregnancy ultrasounds can do the following:

  • Confirm viability
  • Establish gestational age
  • Determine the number of fetuses
  • Determine if multiples share a placenta and amniotic sac

But not everyone will get this early scan. ISUOG does not recommend routine early pregnancy ultrasounds unless there's a clinical indication of a complication. For example, some health care providers will only conduct early ultrasounds for certain high-risk pregnancy conditions like bleeding and abdominal pain, or to rule out ectopic pregnancy, congenital disorders, or miscarriage.

In early pregnancy, ultrasound is usually done transvaginally, which gives the clearest picture of your uterus and embryo at this early stage. In this case, the provider will place a thin wand-like transducer probe—which transmits high-frequency sound waves through your uterus—into your vagina. The sound waves bounce off the fetus and send signals back to a machine that converts these reflections into a black-and-white image of your uterus.

Although the heart structures aren't yet fully developed at six weeks gestation, it's possible to see the electrical impulses of their developing heart (sometimes referred to as embryonic cardiac activity ).

Nuchal translucency ultrasound (10–13 Weeks)

A nuchal translucency (NT) ultrasound occurs around weeks 10 to 13 of pregnancy. According to ACOG , this ultrasound measures the space at the back of a fetus' neck. Abnormal measurements can indicate Down syndrome and other congenital disabilities of the heart, abdomen, and skeleton. In addition to an abdominal ultrasound, an NT screening includes measuring hormones and proteins with a blood test.

A nuchal translucency ultrasound is optional for everyone who is pregnant. Sometimes, people choose to have this ultrasound to alleviate concerns about their baby's health. Other times, your health care provider might recommend it if you're at risk of complications or have a family history of congenital disorders.

In addition to screening for anomalies, this pregnancy ultrasound can offer the same information as an earlier scan, including an estimated due date , your baby's "crown-rump length" (measurement from head to bottom), the number of babies in the womb, and fetal cardiac activity.

The second trimester is the most common time for a routine prenatal ultrasound. The anatomy scan, a thorough scan of your baby's developing body and organs, is offered to every pregnant person.

Anatomy scan (18–22 Weeks)

According to ACOG, this detailed pregnancy ultrasound generally happens between weeks 18 and 22 in the second trimester. It's the most thorough check-up your baby will have before they're born.

During the anatomy scan, also called a level II ultrasound, the health care provider will check your baby's heart rate and look for abnormalities in their brain, heart, kidneys, and liver, says Jane Chueh, M.D., director of prenatal diagnosis and therapy at Lucile Children's Hospital Stanford , in Palo Alto, California.

They'll also count your baby's fingers and toes, examine the placenta, and measure the amniotic fluid level. And they'll probably be able to see your baby's genitals to guess your baby's sex , although it's not a slam dunk. If you don't want to know about your baby's genitalia, be sure to inform the technician ahead of time.

Editor's Note

Even though people often look forward to this pregnancy ultrasound to learn their baby's gender, it's important to note that gender is a personal identity that exists on a spectrum, can change over the course of a person's lifetime—and most importantly—is something that a person defines for themselves. Sex is assigned at birth based on the appearance of a baby's genitalia. While sex assigned at birth often matches a person's gender (called cisgender), sometimes it does not.

Many parents-to-be don't need an ultrasound in the third trimester. But if your pregnancy is considered high-risk—or if you didn't get a screening during the first or second trimester—it may be recommended.

For example, if you have high blood pressure, bleeding, low levels of amniotic fluid, preterm contractions , or are over age 35, your doctor may perform in-office, low-resolution ultrasounds during some of your third-trimester prenatal visits for reassurance, says Dr. Chueh.

In addition, if an earlier scan found your placenta was near or covering the cervix ( called placenta previa ), you'll require additional ultrasounds to monitor its location.

Your health care provider may recommend an ultrasound during pregnancy outside of the situations mentioned above. For example, ultrasounds might be indicated if you have certain health conditions that warrant specific monitoring or if you have a procedure that uses ultrasound guidance.

Doppler ultrasound

Doppler ultrasound is a special imaging test showing blood moving through vessels. In pregnancy, a Doppler ultrasound can help determine if your baby's blood is circulating properly. According to a Cochrane review , Doppler ultrasound in high-risk pregnancies may reduce the risk of perinatal death and obstetric interventions.

Your health care provider may recommend fetal Doppler ultrasound in the following circumstances:

  • You have diabetes
  • You have high blood pressure
  • You have heart or kidney problems
  • The placenta does not develop properly
  • Suspected fetal growth problems

Handheld fetal heart rate monitors also utilize Doppler technology. Health care providers commonly use these devices to monitor your baby's heartbeat during prenatal exams and labor. While these are available over the counter, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises against using them at home due to lack of oversight and unnecessary ultrasound exposure.

Guiding ultrasounds

Your health care provider may also order other pregnancy tests that require ultrasounds for guidance. These might include chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis, which screen the baby for congenital disorders. Fetal echocardiograms, which show the baby's heart rate and detect anomalies, also use ultrasound technology.

Ultrasound is considered safe for you and your baby when used for medical purposes. Although ultrasounds require no radiation, only a trained professional who can accurately interpret the results should perform them. Your technician should have education in obstetrical ultrasound, preferably at a center accredited by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine .

Some medical practices offer 3D (high quality and lifelike) and 4D (moving picture) ultrasounds, which may help doctors detect specific fetal abnormalities and congenital disorders. However, these exams are also available at fetal portrait studios in places like shopping malls.

Experts discourage these "keepsake" ultrasounds since untrained personnel may give out inaccurate information, says Michele Hakakha, M.D., an OB-GYN in Beverly Hills and author of Expecting 411: The Insider's Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth .

Plus, according to the FDA , although ultrasounds are safe in medical settings, they might heat tissues or produce bubbles (cavitation) during use if not performed correctly. Experts aren't sure about the long-term effects of heated tissues or cavitation, especially when not medically indicated. Therefore, the FDA advises that people use ultrasound scans judiciously—only when there is a medical need, based on a prescription, and performed by appropriately-trained health care providers.

Ultrasounds aren't cheap ; they can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars, depending on your location and health care provider. However, most health insurance plans will cover the cost of prenatal ultrasounds (at least partially) if they are for medical purposes. Always ask your health care provider and insurance company if you're unsure how much you will need to pay.

Ultrasound Exams , ACOG, 2021

Pregnancy Ultrasound Evaluation . StatPearls [Internet] . 2023.

ISUOG Practice Guidelines: performance of first-trimester fetal ultrasound scan . Wiley’s Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2012

Role of ultrasound in the evaluation of first-trimester pregnancies in the acute setting . Ultrasonography . 2020.

Prenatal Genetic Screening Tests . American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists . 2020.

Sonography 3rd Trimester and Placenta Assessment, Protocols, and Interpretation . StatPearls [Internet] . 2023.

Fetal and umbilical Doppler ultrasound in high-risk pregnancies . Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017, Issue 6. Art . 2017.

Ultrasound Imaging . U.S. Food and Drug Administration . 2020.

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Ultrasound during pregnancy

Pregnancy ultrasound gives you a miraculous look at your baby – and lets your doctor or midwife check on their health and development.

Cheryl Axelrod, M.D.

What is ultrasound?

When do you get your first ultrasound, what happens during a pregnancy ultrasound, why do i need a pregnancy ultrasound, how long does an ultrasound take, how many ultrasounds will i have during pregnancy, are ultrasounds safe, what if a pregnancy ultrasound shows a problem.

Ultrasound technology uses sound waves to create a visual image (sonogram) of your baby, placenta , and uterus during pregnancy. It gives your healthcare provider valuable information about your pregnancy and your baby's health.

During an ultrasound, a technician (sonographer) uses a handheld instrument called a transducer to send sound waves through your uterus. These waves bounce off the inside of your body and your baby, and a computer translates the echoing sounds into video images that reveal your baby's shape, size, position, and movements.

More and more doctors have ultrasound equipment in their office and are doing ultrasounds for their patients during the first trimester – as early as 6 to 10 weeks. When you call your healthcare provider to schedule your  first prenatal appointment , ask whether you'll be having an ultrasound. Your provider may want you to have an early ultrasound if you've had a previous pregnancy complication, such as a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy .

In the early stages of pregnancy, you may have a transvaginal ultrasound, which uses a wand-shaped transducer that's put in your vagina. Transvaginal ultrasound can provide better images in early pregnancy compared to a transabdominal ultrasound (which uses a transducer on the outside of your abdomen).

Transvaginal ultrasound also makes it easier to diagnose early pregnancy problems, such as a miscarriage or a molar or ectopic pregnancy.

Not all women have a first-trimester ultrasound. It's standard to have just one ultrasound during pregnancy – a mid-pregnancy transabdominal ultrasound between 18 and 22 weeks. This is sometimes called an anatomy ultrasound, because it evaluates your baby's anatomy. You can also find out your baby's sex at the mid-pregnancy ultrasound if you want (and if you haven't already found out from NIPT or another prenatal test).

During a transvaginal ultrasound:

  • You'll empty your bladder and undress from the waist down (or wear a hospital gown).
  • You'll lie on your back with your feet in stirrups (like you do for a pelvic exam).
  • The sonographer will insert a wand-shaped transducer into your vagina. The transducer is covered with a latex sheath and is lubricated. The pressure of the wand may feel uncomfortable, but it shouldn't be painful.
  • The transducer transmits sound waves, and a computer translates the resulting echoes into pictures on a video monitor, making your baby appear on the screen before your eyes. Bone is white, fluid is black, and soft-tissue organs appear as shades of gray.
  • The sonographer records pertinent information and takes pictures or video for your provider to interpret. You can watch the process on the screen, if you like. Your provider will discuss the results with you.

During a transabdominal ultrasound:

  • You'll lie on your back on an examination table with your abdomen exposed. (Note: Come with a full bladder. This helps push your uterus up out of the pelvis and makes the images clearer.)
  • An assistant will put gel over your belly to help the sound waves move more easily.
  • The sonographer slides the transducer (the handheld device, which is about the size of a bar of soap) back and forth over your stomach. The transducer transmits sound waves, and a computer translates the resulting echoes into pictures on a video monitor, making your baby appear on the screen before your eyes. Bone is white, fluid is black, and soft tissue organs appear as shades of gray.
  • The sonographer will record your baby's measurements and take still pictures or video for your provider to interpret. You can watch the process on the screen, if you like. Your provider will discuss the results with you. Ask whether you can get pictures to take home, either printed out or on a disc.

Ultrasound allows your provider to check your baby's health and development, monitor your pregnancy, and look for any physical abnormalities.

First-trimester ultrasound:

If you have an ultrasound in the first trimester, it's usually too early to get a good look at your fetus's organs and limbs. But your provider can:

  • Confirm that your pregnancy is in your uterus (not an ectopic pregnancy)
  • Confirm your dating. How far along are you? What's your due date ?
  • Confirm the number of babies you're carrying (one baby, twins , or multiples)
  • Help screen for certain genetic disorders
  • Identify any problems with your placenta, uterus, or ovaries
  • Confirm viability by seeing the heartbeat . You're likely to see your baby's heart beating if you're at least 6 weeks pregnant.

Second-trimester ultrasound:

A second-trimester (mid-pregnancy) ultrasound allows your provider to:

  • Tell you for certain whether you're carrying one baby or multiples
  • Check your baby's heartbeat, position, and movement
  • Measure your baby's size
  • Check the location of your placenta
  • Check your cervical length
  • Assess the amount of amniotic fluid in your uterus
  • Check your baby for physical abnormalities
  • Try to determine your baby's sex

Third-trimester ultrasound:

A third-trimester ultrasound allows your provider to:

  • Check on your baby's growth
  • Check your amniotic fluid level
  • Check on your baby's well-being
  • Learn whether you may need a c-section, perhaps if your baby is especially large or in breech position
  • Determine the cause of vaginal bleeding, if you're having any

Ultrasounds vary in length, depending on the purpose of the ultrasound and how quickly and clearly images are available on the screen. In general, a transvaginal or transabdominal ultrasound takes between five and 20 minutes.

A mid-pregnancy (anatomy) ultrasound takes longer – about 20 to 45 minutes – because the sonographer will look closely at your baby's basic anatomy, including the head, brain, face, neck, chest, heart, spine, stomach, kidneys, bladder, arms, legs, and umbilical cord so your provider can make sure they're developing properly.

If you've had worrisome results from other ultrasounds, or if there's any other cause for concern, the sonographer will do a more thorough (level II) scan to check even more details of your baby's body. This can take anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes or more.

You may have only one ultrasound (your mid-pregnancy ultrasound at 18 to 22 weeks). Or you could have several ultrasounds, for example:

  • An early ultrasound in your first trimester
  • A late ultrasound in your third trimester, perhaps as part of a biophysical profile
  • Additional ultrasounds if there are signs of a problem with your baby or if your provider has concerns that ultrasound will help address.
  • More frequent ultrasounds if you have diabetes , hypertension , or other medical complications .
  • Ultrasound as part of a genetic test, such as the nuchal translucency test (NT scan), chorionic villus sampling , or amniocentesis

Yes. Numerous large studies done over the last 35 years have found no evidence that ultrasounds harm developing babies, or that there's a cumulative effect from having multiple scans. (Ultrasounds don't involve radiation, like X-rays do.).

At the same time, experts caution against unnecessary ultrasounds, pointing out that while there are no known negative effects to date, ultrasounds are a form of energy, and it's conceivable that they affect a developing baby. This may be especially true during the first trimester, when the embryo or fetus is more vulnerable to external factors.

Some centers (often found in malls and private offices) sell packages of 3D ultrasounds and 4D ultrasounds as keepsakes. While it can be tempting to get realistic photos and videos of your baby in a non-medical setting, experts recommend against it. There's no guarantee that staff at these clinics are trained properly – or that the ultrasound operator will be qualified to help you if you have questions, or if your ultrasound reveals a problem.

If problems are suspected in your pregnancy, or there's something concerning in your ultrasound results, you may be referred for a more detailed ultrasound that will be interpreted by a radiologist or maternal-fetal medicine specialist (MFM).

Often, a follow-up test shows that a suspicious ultrasound was no cause for concern.

In the unlikely event that your baby has a health problem, information from your ultrasound can help you and your provider determine how to give your baby the best outcome possible.

For example, serious heart rhythm problems can be treated with medication while a baby is still in the womb. Other abnormalities, such as a urinary tract blockage, can be treated with surgery even before birth. And knowing about any birth defects can help your provider deliver your baby safely and determine what care your baby will need right after birth.

If your baby has a dire health problem, being informed allows you to consider all the options, whether that means making the difficult decision to terminate a pregnancy , intervene medically, or prepare for the birth of a baby who needs special care.

There are people who can help you navigate the results of a concerning ultrasound. A genetic counselor can help answer a lot of your questions and guide you through your decision-making process. Many high-risk pregnancy providers can refer you to a social worker for guidance, too.

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BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies .

Abramowicz JS. 2019. Ultrasound in reproductive medicine: Is it safe? Ultrasound Imaging in Reproductive Medicine 3-17. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-16699-1_1 Opens a new window  [Accessed August 2021]

ACOG. 2020. Ultrasound exams. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.  https://www.acog.org/patient-resources/faqs/special-procedures/ultrasound-exams Opens a new window [Accessed August 2021]

Jang T. 2017. Ultrasonographic imaging in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. Medscape. https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/104382-overview Opens a new window [Accessed August 2021]

March of Dimes. 2019. Ultrasound during pregnancy.  https://www.marchofdimes.org/pregnancy/ultrasound-during-pregnancy.aspx Opens a new window [Accessed August 2021]

MayoClinic. 2019. Fetal ultrasound. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/fetal-ultrasound/about/pac-20394149 Opens a new window [Accessed August 2021]

MayoClinic. 2020. Ultrasound.  http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/ultrasound/basics/definition/prc-20020341 Opens a new window [Accessed August 2021]

MedlinePlus. 2020. Ultrasound pregnancy.  https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003778.htm Opens a new window [August 2021]

Karen Miles

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    Health & Safety. Ultrasound during pregnancy. Pregnancy ultrasound gives you a miraculous look at your baby – and lets your doctor or midwife check on their health and development. Medically reviewed by Cheryl Axelrod, M.D., ob-gyn. Written by Karen Miles | Sep 15, 2021. Photo credit: Samantha Gehrmann / Stocksy United. What is ultrasound?