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Visa and passport

Visa and passport. What should you bear in mind?

uk spain tourist visa

Schengen visas

General information  .


The Schengen area encompasses 29 European countries without border controls between them: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. ​

The Schengen visa allows the holder to travel to any of the Schengen States and to transit through their territory, but it does not automatically entitle them to enter the Schengen area. The border authorities can refuse entry if the visa holder does not provide proof of the purpose and specifics of the trip, or if any of the other entry requirements are not met (please refer to the section “Conditions for entry into Spain").

Required documents  

2. Photograph. A recent, passport-size, colour photograph, taken against a light background, facing forward, without dark or reflective glasses, or any garments concealing the oval of the face. Photographs of minors must not show any part of the adult holding them.  

3. Valid, unexpired passport. Original and a photocopy of the page or pages of the passport that contain biometric data. The passport must be valid for at least 3 months beyond the planned departure date from the Schengen territory. It must also contain at least two blank pages. Passports issued more than 10 years ago will not be accepted.

4. Travel medical insurance. The insurance must cover the costs of repatriation for medical reasons or death, as well as for urgent healthcare and/or emergency hospital treatment for the entire stay and throughout the Schengen area. Coverage must be of at least €30,000 or its equivalent in local currency. If the application is for a multiple entry visa, the medical insurance must be valid for the first planned entry. The applicant must undertake to purchase insurance for future trips. 

6. Documents corroborating the purpose of travel and the specifics of the stay, that the visa applicant has sufficient financial means, as well as the intention of the visa applicant to leave the Schengen area before the visa expires.  

7. Proof of residence in the consular district.  To verify your consular district, please visit the relevant web section of the Consulate.

When necessary to assess the application, the Consular Office may request additional documents or data and may also ask the applicant to come in for a personal interview. 

Only those applications meeting the requirements specified in sections 1, 2, 3 and 5 will be accepted. 


  • Who can apply for a visa: Applications must be submitted in person. If the applicant is a minor, the application must be submitted by their legal representatives. 
  • Visa application period: Visa applications must be submitted between 6 months and 15 days before the scheduled date of travel. Seafarers may apply for the visa up to 9 months before the date of travel. 
  • Biometric data capturing: The applicant's facial image and fingerprints will be captured during the visa application procedure. Applicants under 12 and applicants whose fingerprints have been taken in the last 59 months are exempt from fingerprint taking. However, in the latter case, if the applicant's prints are of poor quality, the Consular Office will request that they come back in to have their fingerprints retaken. 
  • Rectifying the application: The Consular Office may ask the applicant to submit any missing documents, or to provide additional documents or data that are necessary for a decision regarding the application. The applicant may also be called in for a personal interview. 
  • Decision period: The legal period for reaching a decision is of 15 calendar days as of the day after the application submission date, but this period may be extended to 45 calendar days if an interview or additional documents are requested. Visa applications submitted by nationals of certain States require consultation with the central authorities that could affect the duration of the visa procedure. 
  • Permission granted by the visa: A visa does ​​​not automatically entitle someone to enter the Schengen area. The traveller must meet all legal entry requirements (see section "Conditions for entry into Spain"). 
  • Visa refusal: Visa refusals will always be notified in writing, setting forth the grounds on which the decision adopted was based. 
  • Appeals:  

In accordance with current regulations, the appeal for reconsideration must be written in Spanish and must contain at least the following information:

- Identification data (name and surnames and personal identification) of the appellant.

- Resolution appealed.

- Reason for the challenge.

- Place, date and signature of the appellant, and means of contact.

- Body, center or administrative unit to which it is directed.

- Other particularities required, where appropriate, by the specific provisions.

Each appeal must refer to a single administrative file.

The appeal for reconsideration may be filed personally by the interested party or by his legal representative (in this case, documentation proving said representation must be provided).

The maximum term for resolving the appeal is one month.

The place of registration of the appeal can be at the Consulate General of Spain in London (20 Draycott Place SW3 2RZ) from Monday to Thursday between 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.

You are informed that the resources sent by email are not valid.

Data protection​ 

Persons wishing to exercise their rights of access, rectification and erasure of their personal data in the Visa Information System (VIS) may do so by addressing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation: 

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation Inspección General de Servicios Postal address: Plaza de la Provincia, 1, Madrid, España Email: [email protected]​  

The following forms may be used to do so: 

Persons whose visa application has been refused because they are banned from entering the Schengen area may exercise their rights of access, rectification and erasure of their personal data in the Schengen Information System (SIS) by addressing the Ministry of the Interior.   

Basic legislation 

 Community Code on Visas 

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Spain Tourist Visa: Who Needs One & How to Get It

Spain tourist visa

Would you like to enter and visit Spain? Then most likely you will need a tourist visa . In this article we will explore everything you need to know about Schengen visas: if you actually need to apply for one, how to do it step by step, requirements and more!

What is a tourist visa in Spain?

A tourist visa is the term that foreigners usually use to refer to a Schengen visa ; that is, the visa that allows citizens from outside the EU to travel, enter and visit this region.

If you want to visit Spain for a maximum of 90 days, you must apply for a Schengen tourist visa .

Nevertheless, this document or permission is not granted for any specific country: you apply for a visa that allows you to enter all the 25 countries that share a common border policy within the European Union .

Also, bear in mind that according to your country of origin, it is possible that you are not required to get this tourist or Schengen visa . As long as your country and Spain have a double treaty agreement, you can enter the country without one ( but still meeting the requirements ).

Where and how can I apply for it?

The Schengen visa allows you to travel within the whole area without problems.

But if you are just visiting one specific country, then you will have to attend its embassy or consulate in your country of origin to apply for your Schengen tourist visa .

But what happens if I am visiting more than one country within those 90 days?

Then you must apply at the consulte or embassy of the country you will spend more nights at (or of that which constitutes the first point of entry if you are spending equal nights in all your destinations).

You will basically need to make an appointment with the consulate to register your biometric data and to submit all the required documents, which we explore below.

Main requirements

On the day of the appointment at the consulate or embassy, you must bring and submit:

  • Your visa application form , properly completed. You can download a model here .
  • Valid passport (which can’t expire beyond 3 months after leaving the Schengen Area).
  • Airline reservation tickets (which must be round trip flights), demonstrating entry and exiting of the Schengen area.
  • Proof of accommodation or invitation letter .
  • Proof of financial means to sustain yourself in the country during the time of your visit (via bank statement); including last tax return if you are self-employed and letter of employment if not.
  • Travel insurance . Here you can find the main providers .
  • Two recent ID photos .
  • Visa fee , which varies according to the specific consulate (but can be around € 80).

When should you apply for your tourist visa for Spain?

You can’t apply earlier than 180 before your planned entry into the country, but that same application must be made a minimum of 3 weeks before your departure .

Despite the process being quite fast, it can take up to 15 working days to receive your visa response.

Nevertheless, in some cases the application can take longer , so our recommendation is that you start as soon as possible within those 6 months.

Who needs a Spain Tourist Visa?

Basically, non-EU citizens from those countries that do not have visa-free entry into Spain , like China, Indica, African countries, and Russia.

You can find the complete list of countries that must apply for a Schengen visa to enter the Spanish territory here.

On the other hand, there are other countries that have a visa-free agreement , like the US, Brazil, or Canada, that don’t need a visa.

This exception just applies to nationals of those countries , not to residents.

But be careful!

In 2021 the new ETIAS system will be implemented , and from then on all non-European Union citizens will have to request a visa online. Learn how here .

How long can I stay in the country with a tourist or Schengen visa?

You can stay up to a maximum of 3 months (90 days in total) in the country within a period of 180 days. 

This is called the “ 90-day rule ”, and it applies to all countries within the Schengen Area .

This means that, if you spent 90 days in Spain but wish to stay longer, you will have two options:

  • You can either travel to any non-EU country and stay there for 3 extra months, then travel back to Spain
  • Or apply for any of the residence permits that can be obtained directly from Spain. Find the complete list of those residencies here .

If you are going to stay for the long run, it is crucial that you understand this last point, as many residencies must be applied from your country of origin (like the non-lucrative visa).

Can I extend my Schengen visa while being within the Schengen Area?

Even though the situations in which you can do it are limited, it is indeed possible to extend the duration of your tourist visa .

In that sense, only for the following reasons will that extension be available:

  • If you have a single-entry short-stay visa and have made a late entry to the Schengen area (meaning days after the visa became valid).
  • Due to humanitarian reasons and if the extension will help you avoid hardship, like keep receiving any kind of medical treatment or giving support to a relative going through a harsh situation.
  • If your home country is suffering any sudden situatio n (force majeure), like a conflict or war.
  • Personal reasons of major importance (even though it is unlikely you will be granted the extension in this case).

You must remain in that same country after you finish your extension application.

This application can last several days (time during which you don’t need to leave the country). In case the extension gets rejected, you will have a maximum of 2 days to leave.

Types of Schengen visas

As we have mentioned, a tourist visa is in fact a Schengen visa, a document that is equally valid for the different countries within the Schengen Area.

In that sense, we can find the following Schengen visas :

Business visa

If you are visiting Spain for less than 90 days for business reasons (like attending a business event, having certain meetings with your prospective clients, etc.) you must request a business visa .

If this is the case, the documents to be submitted will vary accordingly:

  • You will have to include on your application the invitation letter from the Spanish company you are meeting with.
  • If, on the other hand, you are attending any kind of event or fair, you must include the entry tickets .
  • A certification from your company or employer demonstrating that they allow you to embark on this business trip.

Airport transit visa (type A)

The airport transit visa will be requested if the foreigner is traveling to a different country but must stop in Spain in between (for example, to take a different plane that gets her to the final destination).

If you are from one of the following countries, you will need to get your airport transit visa in order to go through Spain : Cameroon, the Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, Cuba, Djibouti, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, India, Liberia, Mali, Sierra Leone, Syria, Togo, Yemen, and Palestina.

Nevertheless, being a permanent United States resident with any of the before mentioned nationalities eliminates the need to get this visa.

Furthermore, nationals from the following countries need an airport transit visa to go through any of the Schengen countries : Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Iran, Irak, Nigeria, Pakistán, Somalia y Sri Lanka.

Student visa

In case you are enrolling in any kind of course or study in the country taking less than 3 months, you will have to get a student visa.

In that case, it will be required to include the acceptance letter from the university or school in which you are going to study.

Regular tourist visa

This is the most common type of Schengen visa, the one granted to those who want to visit the country for tourism or leisure activities .

The documentation that will be required can be found in prior sections of this article.

Other frequently asked questions

Here is a summary of the main questions foreigners wishing to visit Spain ask themselves more frequently:

What happens if my visa application gets rejected?

If that is the case, you have two different options :

  • If the reason that got your application is clear and you agree with it, you can formalize a new application but solving that what caused the rejection.
  • On the other hand, if you feel everything was right and no document was missing, you can initiate an appeal . But, again, follow with path only if you think there has been a mistake.

Can I work in Spain with a tourist visa?

No, in order to work in Spain you need a regular work permit .

You can just meet with your clients or do any other similar type of business activity in case you hold a business visa.

Can I join my relatives with my tourist visa?

No, you are allowed to visit them during the permitted 90 days, but once that period comes to an end you must leave the country.

So even though you have family members in the country, you can’t stay for the long run with them .

If that is your intention, you must apply for a family reunification visa or for a residence permit as an EU relative (if that is the case).

Do you have any other doubt? Get legal assistance

If you have any other doubt, you can ask our immigration lawyers directly:

Get in touch with our lawyers and let us guide you step by step:

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How to get Spanish visa appointment From UK

  • February 1, 2024

Getting an appointment for a Spain tourist visa is an essential step if you are planning to travel there from the UK. In order to visit Spain, whether for business, holidays or for any other reason, you must know how to How to get a Spanish visa appointment . We will walk you through every step of the procedure in this guide, which also includes information on fast Schengen visa process for Spain, documents required, processing time, validity period and how to ensure a trouble-free trip.

STEP 1. Identify the right visa type

Choosing the appropriate visa type according to the purpose of your trip is the first step in obtaining a Spain visa appointment from UK . For the majority of the visitors, short-term tourist visa is the most suitable option. Make sure you choose the appropriate visa category from the different options according to the reason like business or other specific purposes. According to the length and purpose of your trip below mentioned are the 3 main types of visas available:

  • Spain Tourist Visa – This is a short-term visa which remains valid for 90 days.
  • Spain Business Visa – Anyone willing to travel for business related activities must apply for this visa.
  • Long Stay National Visa – Long stay Spain visa lets you stay in the country for more than a year. Usually, British people apply for this visa as for three month stay they do not need any visa.

STEP 2. Gather the Necessary Documents

Before booking an appointment there are a few Spanish Schengen visa requirements for the UK residents that you must satisfy. The main documents are as follows:

  • Passport – A passport valid for three months after leaving Spain and with blank pages for the stamping of visa. It must have been issued no more than ten years ago.
  • Residency Permit – It should have been issued in the UK and must be valid for at least 3 months after you come back to UK from Spain.
  • Photo – Two similar passport-size photos that meet the requirements for the Spain visa.
  • Travel Insurance – Medical insurance accepted by Spain that must provide at least EUR 30,000 in emergency medical care and repatriation coverage.
  • Hotel Booking –Include your entire travel schedule and accommodation details during your Spain trip.
  • Flight Booking – Reservation confirmation for your round-trip flight. If in case you are planning to go by bus or train you will need to provide a few additional information such as vehicle registration and insurance or bus/train ticket.
  • Bank Statement – A letter from your bank that includes the current amount in your account, recent activities & the bank statement.
  • Cover letter – In this letter you must include all the trip related information, your financial status & anything else that would be related to your Spain visa Manchester, London or Edinburgh application.

STEP 3. Book Spain Visa Appointment

If you plan to go for a holiday in Spain anytime soon, you should definitely start preparing early. Securing necessary travel documents including Spain visa appointment is important in ensuring magnificent and worry-free holidays. Here is convenient and guided process for your ease:

  • Fill the online Spain visa form with all your details and complete the online payment to proceed further with reserving your express appointment slot at BLS visa centre.
  • Provide your preferred date and time of appointment and share your documents with the experts for review.
  • Go to the visa centre with all your documents and submit your fingerprints and digital photo for verification.
  • Pay the BLS visa fee using your card during the appointment for further visa processing. You will receive your passport & visa in few days via courier.

Now as you know How to apply for a Spanish Visa and appointment let’s take a look at some other important things that might be helpful in making your trip smooth.

How to get Spanish visa appointment From UK

Spanish Visa Processing Time in the UK

The processing time for Spain visa in the UK varies depending on the country you belong to and type of visa you wish to apply. In general short stay visa processing time is around 7-8 working days and long stay Spain visa takes approximately 8-15 days. It can take more than 15 days for some nationalities. So keep the processing time in mind and make your plans accordingly.

Validity of Spain Visa

The validity of your Spain visa depends on a number of criteria such as whether this is your first application or whether you have previously obtained several Schengen visas. Spain usually grants visa for up to three months to two years or even longer. However, the longest stay permitted to anyone in a single visit is 90 days.

Who Needs a Visa to Travel to Spain From UK?

Anyone living in the UK and does not hold the British passport needs a visa to travel to Spain. On the other hand citizens of the UK do not need this visa. So you if you hold a valid residency permit all you need to do is get in touch with the experienced Spain visa Edinburg , London or Manchester agents and apply for your visa in order to make your journey stress-free and smooth. Applying for appointment yourself is a little difficult as slot are generally not available due to high number of people traveling to Spain. It is therefore better to apply for your visa through professionals.

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Do you need a visa to visit Spain?

Jul 7, 2023 • 4 min read

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Don't let visa confusion stand in the way of your Spain vacation © Flashpop / Getty Images

Spain is one of the most popular countries in the world with travelers and it's not hard to see why – incredible food, culture and the kind of sun-drenched landscape you thought only existed in your wildest vacation dreams.

Now imagine you finally get there only to be turned away at the, we don't what that for you either. With our round-up of all the essential visa information for Spain , you can figure out what you need and how to get it in order to ensure smooth sailing upon arrival.

Who doesn't need a visa for Spain?

Spain is part of the Schengen Area, which is a zone comprised of 27 European countries that have established unrestricted movement across their borders. If you're a citizen of an EU/EEA country that isn't part of this travel zone, you only need to show a national ID or your passport to enter Spain and you don't need a visa to enter or move around the travel zone. 

There are also some countries outside the EU/EEA that are permitted visa-free entry to Spain and up to 90 days of travel in a 180-day period within the Schengen Area. These include the UK, US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore and several South American countries, among others. You will need a minimum of three months' validity on your passport to travel and check well in advance of your trip to ensure your country qualifies for visa-free travel .

Keep in mind that you can only travel within the Schengen Zone for a maximum of 90 days. If you're planning to travel around after some time in Spain, you need to take into account the number of days you’ll be spending in each country and tally up the total.

You don't have to stay in the Schengen area for a consecutive 90 days – you can move in and out as you wish but 90 days is your max allowance in a 180-day period. Gauge the length of your Schengen-wide stay with online calculators if you're at all unsure, because overstaying the limit may result in authorities deporting you or prohibiting you from re-entering the bloc.

Meanwhile, the EU is expected to introduce its ETIAS visa waiver program in 2024. If you hold a non-EU passport, you’ll need to apply online for pre-authorization, along the lines of the USA’s ESTA scheme. Costing around €7, the process should be quick and painless.

Happy couple driving convertible car enjoying summer vacation in Spain

How do I get a visa to visit Spain?

If you're a passport holder for any of the third countries listed here , you'll need to apply for a short-term tourist visa to visit Spain. This visa will cover you for up to 90 days of travel in a 180-day period within the Schengen Area, though the majority of your trip will need to be spent in Spain. Non-EU countries that require a visa include China, Ghana, India and Tanzania, among others.

Visa applications need to be made at the nearest Spanish embassy/consulate in your country of residence well in advance of your planned visit – up to three months ahead of your trip should be sufficient. You'll need two passport-sized photographs, a visa application form, your passport and evidence of health insurance to cover your planned time in Spain. You will also be asked for evidence of financial means to support yourself during your trip, as well as evidence of flight and accommodation bookings for the entire trip, including your return ticket. 

Schengen visas cost €80 for any applicant over 12, €40 for children aged between 6 and 12, and there is no charge for children under 6. Tourist visas are normally valid for six months and extensions are only possible in exceptional circumstances.

Young multiracial couple dancing on the city center of Barcelona, Catalonia

Can I extend my tourist visa?

It is possible to extend a short-term tourist visa as long as the authorized stay is shorter than 90 days, but only in exceptional cases that arise after entering Spain. 

Getting approval for a short-term visa extension is not an easy task and you will need an exceptional reason to secure it. Schengen visa policy states those reasons include late entry, humanitarian reasons, (needing medical treatment, the death of a family member, etc), force majeure, or other important personal reasons that the immigration authorities will consider.

It's imperative that you request a visa extension from either the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation or the Ministry of the Interior in Spain before your existing visa expires.  

This article was first published Aug 31, 2021 and updated Jul 7, 2023.

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A comprehensive guide on how to apply for a spain visa from the uk.

  • January 12, 2024

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Are you someone who is preparing for a journey to the captivating landscape of Spain? Navigating the application process for securing a Spain Visa is a crucial for a seamless visa travel experience. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of applying for Spanish Schengen Visa, allowing you to embark on your Spanish adventure without a hitch.

Applying for visa can be stress-free and straight forward with the right information. With the proper guidance of this detailed guide, you can easily determine the appropriate types of visa gather all the essential documents, schedule of the visa appointment and monitor the progress.

What is the Spain Schengen Visa?

What is the Spain Schengen Visa?

Visa is your one-stop gateway to Spain for tourism-related visits, family visits, or business commitments. Being a part of the Schengen Area, obtaining a Spain Visa from UK allows you to discover Schengen countries that are members of the Schengen Agreement. Without any doubt, you must apply for a Long-term Visa from the UK to extend your stay in the country.

How do you apply for a Spain Visa appointment from the UK?

Securing your Spain visa appointment from London, UK, is the initial step to start your visa application cycle. In fact, to book a Spain Visa Appointment from London, UK, follow these simple steps:

  • Fill out the online Spain Schengen visa application form and pay the standard fees securely for the appointment booking.
  • After applying with the confirmed payment, the team will book your Spain visa appointment at the visa centre.
  • On the appointment date, bring all the necessary documents for your Spain visa to the Visa Centre and submit your biometrics.
  • Get your Spain tourist visa , UK, and passport via courier.

Filing out the Online Spain Visa Application Form

The first step to start your visa application is to completely fill the application form.  Just make sure that you provide all the information accurate and complete. Furthermore, any kind of mistakes or inaccuracies might lead to further delay or denial of your visa application too.

Booking of Your Spain Visa Appointment

After the successful submission of the visa application form, the very next step includes the booking of your Spain Visa Appointment for a visa interview as well as interview submission as it is one of the crucial steps in the process. Moreover, once the payment is confirmed, the experts of our team will book a slot for your appointment too.

Submit the Required Documents & Biometrics

Gathering of all the essential documents is a critical part of your visa application process. Additionally, the easiest way is to make a proper checklist to keep a track of all the necessary documents. Furthermore, you need submit the biometrics that includes fingerprints at the visa application centre.

Obtain a Spain Schengen Visa

Finally, after the completion of all the necessary steps and your application has been successfully processed, you’ll be notified about your visa status. Without any doubt, if your visa has approved, you’ll need to collect your visa along with the passport.

Spain Visa Requirements for UK Residents

Lastly, before embarking on your Spain journey, you must have all the essential documents for a seamless process and approval. The Visa application demands proper documents to establish your eligibility to travel .

Begin with the essentials:

  • Fill out the online Spain visa form wholly and accurately.
  • Two recent passport photographs as per the Schengen photo requirements criteria
  • Valid passport with at least two blank pages, valid for three months post-departure from the Schengen area
  • Copies of previous visas (if applicable)
  • Spain travel health insurance covers a minimum of £30,000 for emergency treatment.
  • Proof of accommodation, like a hotel reservation
  • Evidence of sufficient financial means for the intended stay
  • A cover letter explaining the purpose, duration, and other details
  • Proof of civil status, such as a marriage or death certificate

Additional Requirements Vary Based on Your Purpose of Visit:

Additional Requirements Vary Based on Your Purpose of Visit:

Depending on your idea of a visit, the additional necessities become the primary factor. Moreover, check out the additional Spain Documents Requirements as per the Schengen visa requirements.

  • Employed, a copy of the employment contract, a copy of the current bank statement for the last six months, leave permission from the employer, and an Income Tax Return form or Certification of Income Tax deducted at the source of salary are required.
  • Self-employed person, you must provide a copy of your business license, a company bank statement for the last six months, and an income tax return.
  • Student, you’ll need proof of enrollment and NOC from a school or university for a student.
  • Retired, you’ll require a pension statement of the latest six months.

All these detailed documents are tailored per the various applicants’ profiles, ensuring the visa application aligns with the purpose. Without a doubt, planning meticulously ensures a fruitful application process, whether you’re a professional, a student, or enjoying retirement.

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Processing Time of Spain Visa Application

Under normal circumstances, the typical Visa processing takes around 12 to 15 calendar days. However, external factors such as the time of year and document completeness can influence the processing time of the application.

Moreover, to ensure timely application results, applying a month before your intended travel date is advisable to create the right balance between readiness and expectation.

How Long Can Spain Schengen Visa Be Valid?

The Spain Schengen Visa is valid for a specific timeframe of your visit within the country. The maximum duration of your visa is permitted up to 90 days in 180 days. Without a doubt, a clear understanding of visa types helps to provide you clarity on your entrance and privileges.

Single-Entry Visa: You can enter Spain or any Schengen Region country once with this visa type. But your total stays within the Schengen Area must be 90 days. Your stay is contingent on the duration mentioned on the visa. Once you exit, you can’t revisit.

Multiple-Entry Visa: This visa type permits one to visit multiple times within the approved timeframe and allows convenient travel plans multiple times within the Schengen Region. It’s crucial to be aware of the necessary distinctions to make travel plans with the specific conditions of your visa. Without a doubt, it doesn’t matter whether you go for a single-entry or multiple-entry visa; adherence to the stipulated duration makes your traveling experience smooth and complies with the visit in the Schengen Agreement.

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Book of Appointment

In order to initiate the visa process, you must plan meticulously and adhere to the visa application process. After proper following the expert guidance, the chances of successful visa application increases.

So, plan your adventure to travel to Spain and begin your Visa application today. Also, Book your BLS Spain visa Manchester to unlock a magical experience for spectacular discoveries. Pack your bags and prepare to raise a toast in the heart of this fascinating country.

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Yes, during the duration of your stay in Spain you would be able to visit the other European countries as well if they are the part of the Schengen Agreement.

The normal processing time for the Spain Schengen visa takes around 12 to 15 calendar days. Without any doubt, you should apply for Spain visa well in advance at least prior to 15 days of travel date.

Yes, you can extend the visa without leaving the country. However, you need to make sure that the visa extension is only allowed in the exceptional cases.

You must follow simple steps to apply for a Spain visa from UK. Firstly, fill out the application form. Furthermore, the team will make your visa appointment; ensuring document submission adheres to requirements, resulting into issuance of Spain Visa.

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Tourist Visa Spain

The Tourist visa for Spain allows you to visit Spain for tourism, vacation and sightseeing purposes. It also permits you to visit family and friends residing in Spain.

For more information about the Tourist visa for Spain, including what you need to do to be eligible for it, how to apply, and expert advice for your application, reach out to us today on  (+44) 333 4149244  or contact us  online

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Benefits of Choosing IAS ‘ Spain Immigration Lawyers

When it comes to obtaining a Spain visa or permit, IAS Spain immigration lawyers are well-equipped to help you.

With IAS’ track record of successfully helping clients visit or immigrate to Ireland successfully, we can help businesses and individuals achieve their goals.

Our dedicated immigration lawyers provide our services through a comprehensive and personalised approach. With IAS, you enjoy:

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Expert support from an experienced immigration lawyer dedicated to your success

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Support in gathering supporting documents and completing a high-quality application.

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Confidence that your case is being handled by an experienced team.

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In-house document checks done by lawyers who are accredited by the IBA in Madrid and Seville.

Services we Provide

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Need help with an immigration issue? Book a one-to-one advice session with one of our legal caseworkers.

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We can complete your visa application on your behalf, taking the stress and hassle out of the process.

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We check every detail of your application, ensuring all the required documentation and evidence is present.

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Ensure you have the greatest chance of a successful appeal with our legal support and guidance.

Overview of the Tourist Visa for Spain

When you apply for the tourist visa for Spain, you actually get the Schengen visa which will allow you to spend a maximum of 90 days in Spain. Furthermore, since Spain is part of the 27 countries in the  Schengen area , the visa permits you to visit Spain and other Schengen countries.

The tourist visa, also known as the category C short-stay visa, is purely for tourism and sightseeing purposes and does not permit the holder to work.

Before you apply for this visa, it is necessary to confirm if you need the Schengen visa to enter Spain or the Schengen area. This is because some nationals are exempt from applying for the tourist visa.

To get the visa, you must prove to the consulate that you have enough money to support yourself during your stay in Spain. You must also convince the consulate that you will leave Spain when your permit expires.

Note that if you intend to spend more nights in another country in the Schengen area other than Spain, you must apply at that country’s embassy. However, if you will be spending equal time in all the countries you intend to visit, then it is essential that you make your application to the consulate of the country through which you’d be entering the Schengen territory.

Your visa permits you to stay for a maximum of 90 days out of 180, and should you want to renew, you’d have to spend the next 90 days in a non-EU country.

Asphalt road by ocean

Do I Need a Tourist Visa for Spain?

If you are from a visa required non-European country, you will need a Schengen visa to visit Spain.

Citizens of certain countries such Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Australia and the US can visit Spain if they intend to stay for less than 90 days. This is because the European Union agreed with these countries to grant their citizens visa-free entry into the EU.

However, this visa-free entry only applies to the citizens of these countries and not the residents.

It is necessary to note that from November 2023, the citizens of these countries who enjoy visa-free entry into the Schengen area would need the ETIAS visa waiver to enter the Schengen area for tourism, business or transit.

The European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) visa waiver process can be completed online.

Spain skyline

Spain Tourist Visa Requirements

To get the tourist visa for Spain, you will need to provide documents that will identify you and prove you are going to Spain for legitimate purposes. You will also need to show that you are financially capable of taking care of yourself (and your dependents) while in Spain.

Financial Requirements

As part of the tourist visa requirements, you must show that you have enough money to financially support yourself (and any dependent) during your stay in the Schengen zone.

If you are staying for 10 days or less, you will need to show you have 90% of the minimum wage for 10 days which is €900. If you are staying for more than 10 days in Spain, then you have to prove you have €70.77 daily.

You typically prove this by submitting any of the following:

  • A six-month bank statement.
  • A credit card statement.
  • A letter of sponsorship if someone else will bear the cost of your trip. This letter should come with the person’s bank statement.

Additional Visa Requirements

You will need to also prove to the consulate that you will leave Spain after the duration of your stay. This is done by submitting proof of your employment situation.

If you are employed, you need to provide the following:

  • Your employment letter.
  • Your bank statement for the last 6 months.
  • Certificate of Income Tax showing that your tax is being deducted.
  • No-objection letter from your employer showing they approved your time off work and also showing that you have an obligation to return to your duty post.

If you are self-employed, you will need to show the following:

  • Your company’s bank statement in the last 6 months.
  • Your business licence.
  • Income Tax Return.

If you are a student, you will need to show the following:

  • Your admission letter.
  • No-objection or leave approval letter from your school.

If you are retired:

  • Pension statement from the bank in the last 6 months.

Our expert immigration lawyers can assist you with your Tourist Visa application.

Required Documents for Spain Tourist Visa

Here are the documents you’ll need to provide. Note that the consulate reserves the right to request additional documents to support your application:

  • A completed and duly signed visa application form. This form can be found online.
  • A passport. Your passport should have at least 2 empty pages, be less than 10 years, and be valid for at least 3 months after you leave the Schengen territory.
  • Two photographs taken within the last 3 months following the Schengen photograph specification. This should be attached to your visa application form.
  • Copies of your passport pages. You must make copies of the biodata pages of your passport and the pages with visa stamps.
  • Proof of flight reservation. This should have your name and the dates you intend to arrive and leave Spain.
  • Proof of residence in the country you are applying from. This could be your student ID, National ID, driver’s licence or voter card. Note that they should contain your current address.
  • A travel medical insurance certificate. This should cover medical costs of up to €30,000 and must be valid in all Schengen countries for the duration of your stay. Your medical insurance covers your medical bill in an instance of a health emergency.
  • Proof of hotel reservations for all the nights of your stay. The reservation should have the name, address and contact of the hotel.
  • If you are visiting a friend or family , they will have to send you a letter of invitation which you will present to the consulate. You will have to show both the original and the copy.
  • If you are travelling with your child, who is a minor and your spouse isn’t going with you, you will have to provide a notarised authorization letter showing your partner’s consent to travel with the child. You’ll need to provide this, too, if the child is not yours.
  • Birth/adoption certificate of the minor.
  • A cover letter that explains why you are travelling to Spain and how long you intend to stay.
  • Evidence of visa fee payment.

How To Apply for Spain Tourist Visa?

To apply for the tourist visa for Spain, do the following:

Download and Fill out The Application Form

Go to the website of the Spanish embassy in the country where you reside and download the visa application form. Ensure the details you fill in are correct and up-to-date. Also, make sure you sign at the end of the form.

To avoid your application being rejected, the details in the application form should tally with the details of the documents you will submit to the embassy. For example, your age and name on the application form should be the same on your ID and passport. It is not unheard of that discrepancies in personal details cause visa denial.

Schedule An Interview

When your form and documents are ready, go to the Spanish embassy website and schedule an interview. Scheduling could be done via phone call or the website.

Attend Your Interview

Take your documents with you to the embassy. There, you will meet with a consular officer who will ask you some questions regarding the purpose of your application. The officer will also be the one to review your documents.

If you are applying for a Schengen visa for the first time in 5 years, your biometrics will be captured.

Buildings by cliff

Where Should I Submit My Application?

It is vital to note that you should only submit your application to the Spanish embassy if:

  • You will only stay in Spain.
  • You will tour other countries in the Schengen area but will spend the most time in Spain.
  • You will spend an equal amount of time in several countries in the Schengen territory but will enter through Spain.

Once you meet any of the conditions above, proceed to the Spanish consulate in your country to submit your application. In some countries, Spain outsources their visa application to a third party. Therefore, you should visit the third-party application centre to submit your application.

If your country does not have a Spanish consulate or a third party responsible for managing their visa applications, you will have to visit the consulate in the nearest neighbouring country.

What Are The Fees And Processing Times?

A tourist visa for Spain costs €80 if the visitor is above 12 years of age. For children within the age bracket of 6 to 12, the fee is €40. The visa is free for children younger than 6 years.

Processing Times

On average, the Spanish embassy and all other Schengen embassies process short-term visas within 15 working days. But it can take longer if the consulate is dealing with a surge of applications. When this happens, it might take 30 to 60 days to get a decision on your application.

Note that you cannot make your application more than 180 days or less than 21 before departure. It is wise to complete your application early, within the 180 days window.

Find out how we can assist with your Tourist Visa application.

How Can IAS Help?

Applying for a tourist visa for Spain can be quite a task due to the many documents that must be submitted. It can get overwhelming handling all the tedious processes required, especially if you are a busy business or career person.

If you need assistance with your Spanish tourist visa application, such as if you are not too sure of the requirements and application method, IAS can help.

At IAS, we understand the need to take some time off work and business to see the world and connect with friends and family across the globe. So, we are dedicated to maximising your chances of doing this.

Our team of formidable immigration advisers can guide you every step of the way during your application for a Tourist visa for Spain. What we can do include:

  • Liaising with you via phone, skype or even in person at your convenient time;
  • Helping you check your documents to ensure they are good enough for your visa application;
  • Ensuring you meet the financial requirements for the tourist visa for Spain;
  • Accessing your eligibility;
  • Completing each segment of your application form to the best standard;
  • Offer support if your visa application has been rejected, we can be there to guide you through the process.

For more information about our services and what we could do for you, reach out to one of our immigration advisers on  (+44) 333 4149244  or contact us  online  today.

We offer immigration advice sessions as face to face appointments at all of our UK offices, or via the phone.

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This content was developed by a team of writers, SEO specialists, editors, and lawyers who provide valuable information to those with immigration queries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i extend my tourist visa while in spain.

You can extend your tourist visa while in Spain, but this has to be under strict circumstances. These circumstances are:

  • You have a single-entry tourist visa and came into the Schengen region days after the validity of your visa started counting.
  • Your country is at war, or a pandemic has broken out, making it unsafe for you to return.
  • You are receiving medical treatment or avoiding going back to poverty.

You will have to remain in Spain when you apply for an extension. If your application is rejected, you must leave Spain in two days.

Why Was My Visa Application Rejected?

The tourist visa application can be rejected for many reasons. Some common causes are insufficient funds to finance your travel and stay in Spain, incomplete documents and inconsistent or incorrect information.

Usually, if your application is rejected, you will also be notified why. Then, you can either appeal the decision or correct what was wrong and reapply again.

Can My Visa Be Cancelled?

Your visa can be cancelled if the consulate determines that you no longer meet the requirements for which they gave you a permit in the first place.

The visa can be revoked before or after you have left for Spain. If you are in Spain when this happens, you will be issued an ultimatum to leave Spain within a time frame, after which your stay will be considered illegal.

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At the Immigration Advice Service our lawyers specialise in a wide range of UK visas, nationality and asylum applications and have represented clients in various successful complex and high-profile cases.

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Visit the UK as a Standard Visitor

Apply for a standard visitor visa.

If you need a Standard Visitor visa, you must apply online before you travel to the UK and attend an appointment at a visa application centre.

The earliest you can apply is 3 months before you travel.

You must meet the eligibility requirements and only do permitted activities .

Depending on your nationality, you may not need a visa to visit the UK. You can check if you need a visa before you apply.

You can apply for a Standard Visitor visa, or if you visit the UK regularly you can choose to apply for a long-term Standard Visitor visa instead.

Apply online

Once you’ve started your application you can save your form and complete it later.

If you’re applying with family members, each person must have their own application and pay the fee. They need to attend their own appointment at a visa application centre.

You can apply on behalf of your partner and child, if they cannot apply for themselves.

Your application will not be accepted and you will not get a refund if you have the right of abode in the UK (for example you’re a British citizen). You need to apply for a certificate of entitlement instead.

Continue your application

You can sign back into your application if you’ve saved it. 

Find out how to sign in to your account .

Long-term Standard Visitor visas

You can choose to apply for a long-term Standard Visitor visa if you visit the UK regularly. This visa lasts 2, 5 or 10 years. You can stay for a maximum of 6 months on each visit.

If you’re under 18 years old when you apply , your long-term Standard Visitor visa will only be valid for up to 6 months after you turn 18. You cannot get a refund on the fee.

You may be given a shorter visa than requested if UK Visas and Immigration ( UKVI ) believe you cannot meet the eligibility requirements for the duration of the visa you applied for.

You will not get a refund of the application fee if you get a shorter visa or if your application is refused.

Your visa may be cancelled if your travel history shows you are repeatedly living in the UK for extended periods.

Documents and information you’ll need to apply

You must have a passport or travel document that is valid for the whole of your stay in the UK. There must be a blank page in your passport for your Standard Visitor visa.

You’ll need to provide the following information in your online application:

  • the dates you’re planning to travel to the UK
  • where you’ll be staying during your visit
  • how much you think your trip will cost
  • your current home address and how long you’ve lived there
  • your parents’ names and dates of birth (if known)
  • how much you earn in a year (if you have an income)
  • details of any criminal, civil or immigration offences you may have committed

Depending on your circumstances, you might also need to provide:

  • details of your travel history for the past 10 years
  • your employer’s address and telephone number
  • your partner’s name, date of birth and passport number
  • the name and address of anyone paying for your trip
  • the name, address and passport number of any family members you have in the UK
  • a certificate proving that you’ve had a tuberculosis ( TB ) test if you’re visiting for more than 6 months

You need to provide additional documents if you’re visiting the UK:

  • as an academic
  • for certain paid engagements or events (a ‘permitted paid engagement’
  • for medical reasons

You must provide certified translations of any documents that are not in English or Welsh.

Proving your identity and providing your documents

As part of your online application, you need to book an appointment at a visa application centre. Allow time to attend your appointment, as the visa application centre could be in another country.

At your appointment, you’ll need to:

  • prove your identity with your passport or travel document
  • have your fingerprints and photograph (known as ‘biometric information’) taken
  • provide the required documents that show you’re eligible for a Standard Visitor visa

The visa application centre may keep your passport and documents while processing your application.

How long it takes to get a decision

Once you’ve applied online, proved your identity and provided your documents, you’ll usually get a decision on your visa within 3 weeks.

You can check to see if you can get your visa decision faster .

You’ll get an email when the Home Office has made a decision on your application . This will explain what you need to do next.

If you need to change or cancel your application

If you need to change something in your application after you’ve sent it, contact UKVI .

You can ask to cancel your application . You’ll only get your fee refunded if the application has not been processed yet.

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Spain in 'crisis' after tourist numbers plummet due to 'overcrowded' hotspots

Spain's tourism industry is in "crisis" after a huge drop in the number of tourists visiting the country, with locals turning back to overseas holidays and prices on the rise

  • 12:03, 9 SEP 2024

Barcelona Spain

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Spain is grappling with a "crisis" as tourist figures plummet, attributed to "overcrowded" hotspots that are deterring visitors.

The country experienced a surge in local tourism amid the pandemic, but with restrictions lifted, Spaniards are increasingly opting for jaunts aboard.

Official statistics reveal a decline in domestic tourism, with the numbers dropping from 41.37 million from January to July in 2023 to just 40.98 million in the same months of 2024, as reported by El Pais.

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According to the Spanish publication, the trend away from home-grown holidays is linked to fading memories of the Covid-19 crisis and the appeal of overseas travel.

But rising costs are also a factor, with the demand from international tourists driving prices up, making Spain less appealing to its own people, reports the Express .

El Pais details a steep 18 percent increase in dining costs this year, surpassing last year's 13 percent hike.

Accommodation hasn't fared much better its costs have skyrocketed by 52 percent this year, in stark contrast to the 45 percent rise seen in 2023.

To top it off, frequent scorching heat waves are influencing holiday preferences, propelling Spaniards towards the milder regions of northern Spain, forsaking traditional favourites like Catalonia, the Canary Islands, and Andalucia.

Meanwhile, international tourism in Spain continues to thrive, with 47.67 million foreign visitors recorded in the first seven months of 2023, compared to 53.38 million during the same period in 2024.

Indeed, 2023 was a banner year for Spanish tourism, attracting 85.17 million foreign and 72.43 million domestic tourists. The data indicates that 2024 is on track to set a new record for foreign tourist visits.

Spain beach

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Speaker 1: Did anybody help you with your application to study in the UK?

Speaker 2: I studied Mathematics at university and...

Speaker 1: Have you ever been refused a visa to any other country?

Speaker 3: Video Reconstruction is intended to give you an idea of what you could be asked in a credibility interview.

Speaker 1: Good morning. The purpose of this interview is to ask you a few questions about your proposed study in the UK. A decision is not being made about your visa application and a record of this interview will be kept on file if you need to appeal the outcome of your visa application. If I could start with some standard questions about your identity, please. What's your name and date of birth?

Speaker 2: Yes, my name is Zhang Zixin and my date of birth is the 2nd of September, 1992.

Speaker 1: Where will you be studying and what's the course start date, please?

Speaker 2: I will be studying a Diploma Programme into Manchester and the course start date is the 2nd of September.

Speaker 1: What course are you doing?

Speaker 2: I'm doing a Diploma Programme in Business Management.

Speaker 1: And why did you choose to do this course?

Speaker 2: Well, first of all, I want to get a good job and doing a Diploma Programme will get me into the second year of a degree study in the university and the degree will give me the skills and expertise to become a consultant or a businesswoman in the future.

Speaker 1: Why did you choose this particular institution?

Speaker 2: Well, I did some research and I found out that Manchester has a very good reputation and I want to study with one of their partner universities for my Business Management degree. The institution is right in the middle of the city, so the location is very good for me. And I also heard the staff, they are really, really friendly and helpful.

Speaker 1: Did you have any particular reason for choosing the UK?

Speaker 2: Yes, I've been interested in British culture. I want to study in the UK for a long time. I'm planning to visit a couple of places in the UK as well. And the UK is very good and has a very high and strong reputation in higher education and in some specialised areas, it's better than the rest of the world.

Speaker 3: The interview will end at this point if the applicant appears obviously credible by answering fluently, with no serious language problems and no other causes for concern. If the interviewer decides to continue with extra questions before being satisfied of the credibility of answers, then the interviewee could additionally be asked some but not all of the following questions.

Speaker 1: Where will you be living during your studies?

Speaker 2: I will be living in the accommodation at Into Manchester.

Speaker 1: How does your proposed course of study link to your previous studies?

Speaker 2: I studied mathematics at university and I'm really good at mathematics. That's why I want to do a business management degree to further develop my mathematics study and become a consultant in the future.

Speaker 1: Do you have any plans to travel while you are studying in the UK?

Speaker 2: Yes, I'm planning to travel a few places in the UK and I heard Bath is a very nice place to go.

Speaker 1: How did you find out about your institution before applying?

Speaker 2: I've spoken with my parents and friends and they all recommend me Into Manchester because it's very good quality of teaching and good facility as well in general.

Speaker 1: Do you have any relatives who have studied or are studying overseas? Can you tell me where and what they're doing?

Speaker 2: Yes, my cousin is currently doing a bachelor degree at Bath University. His major is business and management as well.

Speaker 1: Please specify exactly what you intend to do when you finish your studies in the UK.

Speaker 2: After finishing my studies in the UK, I'm planning to apply for jobs in the consultancy sector and hopefully I will be able to work for a famous consultancy in the world.

Speaker 2: No, this is my first time outside my home country.

Speaker 1: What do you know about Manchester?

Speaker 2: I did some research online and I found out Manchester is a very international city. It's one of the biggest cities in the north of the UK. They have a very famous football club, Manchester United. I'm a big fan of them as well. People are more friendly than in the south.

Speaker 2: Yes, after speaking with my parents and friends, they recommended me a very professional agent in Shanghai. I went to Shanghai to visit this agent and received very big help from them for preparing my study plan and also application into Manchester.

Speaker 1: That is the end of the interview. I have no further questions. Thank you for watching this video. If you like it, please subscribe to my channel. See you in the next video.



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  19. London BLS Spain Visa

    the Official Website Spain Visa Application Centre in London

  20. Applying for a Schengen Visa from the UK

    Applying for a Schengen Visa from the UK

  21. ETIAS: The new visa Brits will need to enter the EU in 2025 ...

    ETIAS: The new visa Brits will need to enter the EU in 2025, what it costs and who gets it free Tourists sit on a public bench in the Plaza Mayor square in downtown Madrid, Spain, Monday, April 29 ...

  22. How Long Can UK Tourists Stay in Spain? Understanding the 90/180 Day Rule

    As a UK tourist, Spain is an excellent destination to visit without the hassle of obtaining a short-stay visa. With over 80 million visitors per year and a thriving expat community, Spain has something to offer for everyone. ... As a UK tourist, you can visit Spain without a visa. However, you must abide by the 90/180-day rule, which means that ...

  23. Visit the UK as a Standard Visitor

    Apply for a Standard Visitor visa

  24. New Zealand tourist tax near triples for foreign visitors

    Other countries that charge tourists include Indonesia, Spain, France, Austria, Croatia, Costa Rica, Iceland and Italy. In most places, the tax is included as part of accommodation, visa or plane ...

  25. Spain in 'crisis' after tourist numbers plummet due to 'overcrowded

    Meanwhile, international tourism in Spain continues to thrive, with 47.67 million foreign visitors recorded in the first seven months of 2023, compared to 53.38 million during the same period in 2024. Indeed, 2023 was a banner year for Spanish tourism, attracting 85.17 million foreign and 72.43 million domestic tourists.

  26. Spain 'crisis' after massive drop in tourist numbers due to

    In fact, 2023 was a record year for tourism in Spain, with 85.17 million foreign tourists and 72.43 million domestic tourists. The figures suggest that 2024 will set a new record for foreign ...

  27. UK Study Visa Interview: Key Questions and Applicant Responses

    Explore a mock UK study visa interview, covering applicant's background, study plans, and reasons for choosing the UK. Gain insights into the process. ... Speaker 2: Yes, I'm planning to travel a few places in the UK and I heard Bath is a very nice place to go. Speaker 1: ...

  28. Official Website : Spain Visa

    All prospective applicants from Russia can follow the guidelines here to apply for a Schengen visa while visiting Spain as their main country of destination. Spain Visa to Russia, Apply Spain Visa from Russia, Spain Visa Application Centre in Russia, Spain Visa from Russia, Russia Citizen Apply Spain Visa, Spain Visa Application, Spain Visa Application from Russia.