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your travel mates es confiable

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La plataforma es una traga monedas. Son deshonestos. No cumplen con lo pactado

Hola buenas noches igual he comprado paquetes grandes y no duran nada. Espero cumplan con lo que promocionan. Muchas gracias.

Fecha de la experiencia : 25 de mayo de 2024

Respuesta de Your Travel Mates

Traducido en google: ¡Hola Consuelo! Lamento que nuestro sistema crediticio pueda ser una fuente de engaño con nuestra solicitud. De hecho, utilizar determinados servicios cuesta una cantidad fija de créditos. Como aparece en su actividad de Credir, ha estado escuchando algunos mensajes de audio que cuestan 10 créditos cada uno. Para ahorrar, pruebe el chat en línea o el video chat para una conexión mucho más intensa, que cuesta más barato y es mejor para una conversación en tiempo real. También es mejor elegir un paquete más grande para ahorrar, ya que costaría mucho más barato.

por favor no ES UNA PAGINA DE ESTAFA. NO SE REGISTRENcaigan en esta esta tan…

por favor no caigan en esta esta tan grande. Ni hombres ni mujers. LOS PERFILES SON FALSOS, FOTOS DE UNA PERSONA O SERÁN YA DIFUNTOS Y EL QUE ESCRIBE ES OTRO. a veces ya son casados. hablé 2 meses con una persona y resultó a lo ultimo que se descubrió que era falso y lo aceptó. pero ya qué el mal ya estaba hecho, perdido la plata y el perro, por que no existía. Y CON UNA GRAN DECEPCIÓN EN EL CORAZÓN. NO DEBERÍAN EXISTIR ESAS PÁGINAS QUE TANTO DAÑO CAUSAN A LOS SERES HUMANOS. yo solicito la devolución de mi dinero, por que no tienen seguridad para registrar los perfiles y no merecemos ser irespetados y vulnerados nuestros derechos

Fecha de la experiencia : 15 de febrero de 2024

Querido Miembro, Gracias por compartir tu reseña. Lamentamos profundamente escuchar su experiencia. Entendemos su frustración, decepción e incluso su angustia. Nos disculpamos sinceramente por la angustia emocional que esto le ha causado. Queremos asegurarle que nos tomamos muy en serio la seguridad y la protección. Contamos con un equipo dedicado de moderadores que trabajan las 24 horas del día para identificar y eliminar perfiles falsos. Además, para los perfiles confirmados (perfiles con insignia azul), contamos con un proceso de verificación que implica verificar documentos como pasaportes. Si, lamentablemente, interactúa con un usuario falso confirmado, contamos con una Política antiestafa para protegerlo. Esta política nos permite reembolsar cualquier crédito gastado en miembros verificados que resulten ser falsos. Puede encontrar más detalles sobre la Política antiestafa aquí: https://www.yourtravelmates.com/en/people/#dating-securely. Para ayudarte a tener una mejor experiencia en nuestra plataforma, te recomendamos utilizar nuestro servicio de video chat. Esta es una manera fantástica de asegurarse de conectarse con una persona real. Nos tomamos muy en serio su solicitud de reembolso. Para comprender mejor su situación y procesar un posible reembolso de acuerdo con nuestra Política antiestafa, necesitaríamos más información. Comparta detalles sobre el perfil falso con el que interactuó, incluido el nombre y la identificación, a [email protected]. Siempre estamos deseando ayudarle a resolver su problema.

Es una completa estafa..perfiles demasiado perfectos... nunca quieren chatear fuera de esa aplicación... me robaron... además pagas y automáticamente te quedas sin saldo.. para desactivar mi tarjeta fue muy difícil, tuve que reportarla cómo robada en mi banco para poder desvincularla... además de haberla desvinculada siguieron haciendo él intentó para seguir robandome... completa estafa... denuncienla sin miedo...así cómo caí yo, pueden caer otras personas..

Fecha de la experiencia : 05 de abril de 2023

Querido miembro. Hacemos todo lo posible para garantizar que esté completamente protegido en nuestro sitio web y entendemos que puede haber una pequeña minoría de nuestros miembros que están aquí por razones equivocadas; sin embargo, tratamos de mantener este número lo más bajo posible y también minimizar el riesgo para nuestros clientes a estos miembros al ofrecer un reembolso de crédito a través de nuestra política anti-estafa. Para procesar esta queja, primero debemos tener cualquier material de respaldo que tenga que podamos enviar al equipo de verificación: * ID de los miembros *Capturas de pantalla *Hora y fecha de la correspondencia *Cualquier evidencia adicional de que los perfiles son deshonestos. Nos tomamos estas cosas en serio y esperamos su correo electrónico a [email protected]


Fraude,3 cargos a mi tarjeta,nunca me dieron los créditos pero eso si ,mande un reporte donde dicen al soporte,donde envie capturas de los cargos,nunca tuve una respuesta,tienen gente en lis dotiis fraudulentos ellos mismos están hasta de 2 o 4 sitios.quiero que ne devuelvan MI dinero.

Fecha de la experiencia : 03 de julio de 2023

¡Hola! Creemos que su problema tiene que ver con el hecho de que se quedó sin créditos. Una vez que finalicen, debe recargar su perfil para continuar con su comunicación. Envíenos un correo electrónico a [email protected] y con gusto le proporcionaremos el historial de gastos de crédito y le brindaremos consejos sobre cómo hacer que sus créditos duren.

Muchos perfiles falsos y nada serio en…

Muchos perfiles falsos y nada serio en esa página; es una tragamodena y poco seria.

Fecha de la experiencia : 18 de abril de 2024

Dear Claudio, Thank you for sharing your review. We understand your frustration if you encountered fake profiles while using our platform. We sincerely apologize if your experience wasn't what you expected. At Yourtravelmates.com, we've been helping people find love for over 20 years. We want to assure you that we take safety and security of our members very seriously. We have a dedicated team of moderators who work around the clock to identify and remove fake profiles. Additionally, for confirmed profiles (profiles with a blue badge), we have a verification process in place that involves checking documents like passports. If, unfortunately, you interact with a confirmed fake member, we have an Anti-Scam Policy in place to protect you. This policy allows us to refund any credits spent on verified members who turn out to be fake. You can find more details about the Anti-Scam Policy here: https://www.yourtravelmates.com/en/people/#dating-securely. To help you have a better experience on our platform, we recommend using our video chat service. This is a fantastic way to ensure you're connecting with a real person. If you ever suspect a profile might be fake, please don't hesitate to send a direct link to our customer support team at [email protected]. We are always happy to investigate further.

Solicito reintegrarme la suma de…

Solicito reintegrarme la suma de $79.996 que por error transfery a ustedes de mi Tarjeta Master Card Oro porque me enviaron un link estando conectada otra compañia de citas

Fecha de la experiencia : 28 de enero de 2024

Estimado usuario, nos disculpamos por esta experiencia. Necesitaríamos hablar con usted para comprender mejor la situación que encontró. Comuníquese con nosotros en [email protected] para que podamos ayudarlo a resolver este problema. Gracias.

Es verdad te sacan el dinero yo pague…

Es verdad te sacan el dinero yo pague dos veces y no me aplicaron el Pago bueno saber que los perfiles son falsos eso le deberían de decir a uno desde la inscripción pero no lo estafan así que regresen mi dinero no me dejaron hablar con uno que si es verdadero así que les pido que me dejen platicar al menos con los mentirosos que ustedes dicen que son falsos pero en fin

Fecha de la experiencia : 08 de junio de 2023

¡Hola! Nos entristece saber que su experiencia en la aplicación no fue satisfactoria. Comparta su problema con nosotros en [email protected] y lo analizaremos lo antes posible.

De razón ellos solo quieren chatear solo en la pagina aunque yo no he pagado el mes, pero ya se me hacia raro esos perfiles tan perfectos, la gran mayoría son de dinero tiene yates 3 casas y quieren casarse conmigo....raro

Fecha de la experiencia : 20 de noviembre de 2022

¡Hola! ¡Gracias por tus comentarios! ¡Lamentamos mucho que te sientas así con respecto a nuestra aplicación! ¿Pasó algo que te dio esta impresión? ¡Revisamos y verificamos perfiles en la aplicación constantemente para su seguridad! ¡Recuerde que siempre puede enviar un correo electrónico a nuestro servicio de atención al cliente a [email protected] si no está seguro acerca de un miembro y estaremos encantados de verificarlo más por usted!

No se como me registré pero no puedo…

No se como me registré pero no puedo pararlo ahora y no quiero que me sigan mandando nada.

Fecha de la experiencia : 13 de abril de 2024

Querida Estela, Gracias por tu reseña. Nos disculpamos sinceramente por las molestias y la frustración que está experimentando. Entendemos que no tenía intención de registrarse y desea darse de baja. Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente estará encantado de ayudarle con esto. Pueden ayudarle rápidamente a darse de baja y asegurarse de que ya no reciba correos electrónicos no deseados. Comuníquese con nuestro equipo de atención al cliente en: [email protected]

Una gran mentira no se lo recomiendo a…

Una gran mentira no se lo recomiendo a nadie todo señores ,no caigan en este engaño allí lo únicos que te sacan el dinero .

Fecha de la experiencia : 12 de junio de 2023

Querido Usuario, Gracias por tus comentarios. De su revisión, concluimos que no le gusta nuestra aplicación. ¿Podemos preguntar cuál se ha convertido en una razón para una calificación baja? Háganos saber que su comodidad en nuestro sitio web es nuestra máxima prioridad. Siéntase libre de enviar sus pensamientos, ideas, sugerencias a [email protected].

Cargos indebidos, invaden tu privacidad e intimidad

Me quisieron hacer un cargo a mi tarjeta que yo no autorice, ni siquiera les proporcione los datos de mi tarjeta,los proporcione en otra aplicación Datemyage, se presentan sin autorización ni previo aviso hombres con su cámara y te graban invadiendo tu privacidad e intimidad, tengo capturas de pantallas como prueba, no tienen escrúpulos, ética, ni valores, perfiles falsos. Los deberían de sancionar, auditar y clausurar.

Fecha de la experiencia : 19 de octubre de 2023

¡Hola! Nos disculpamos sinceramente por los problemas que haya tenido con la aplicación. Estaremos encantados de analizar esto por usted; contáctenos en [email protected]. Gracias.

El único fin de esta aplicación es robar tu dinero, perfiles falsos, y cuando conectas con alguien que posiblemente sea real, nunca te dejan comunicarte fuera de esta página fraudulenta.

Fecha de la experiencia : 08 de septiembre de 2023

¡Hola! Tenemos en uso la Política Antiestafa. Luchamos duro contra los perfiles falsos y los estafadores. Si cree que un perfil no es real, envíe un enlace directo a nuestro equipo de éxito del cliente [email protected]. Apreciamos su ayuda.

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Unsolicited - verified purchase.

Your Travel Mates has a rating of 2.2 stars from 173 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers complaining about Your Travel Mates most frequently mention fake profiles problems. Your Travel Mates ranks 139th among International Dating sites.

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This company does not typically respond to reviews

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“I found someone”

I never thought that dating is so much fun when done while travelling. I found someone to go on a cruise trip in YourTravelMates. We did so many activities together. Everything was just so exciting! I will forever keep my memories with him. We still keep in touch after our tour, and plan to see each other again some time. I hope we can make this relationship work.

“Scam and spam messages, bombarded by hundreds of members”

The majority of users are employees with fake profiles who are paid to chat with you, sending letters like bullets, so your credits run out fast. Very quickly! You'll have to pay a lot more to buy credits to chat or open letters! So many fake profiles. Conversations that lead nowhere, no calls, no chance of a real date or of getting into a private conversation by phone or email. FAKE without MISTAKE!

Reviews (173)

Thumbnail of user monal195

  • Follow Lovender K.

Everyone there does not exist Pieces of scams The app is scamming pol money in the name of buy credit to be able to chat with ppl Weired thing is everyone you speak with refuses to take the conversation somewhere else...after 2 minutes you need to buy new credits

Your Travel Mates product 1

  • Follow Cat L.

Signed in but before I paid any money I quickly understood that most of the profiles are fake and the men inviting me for chats are paid workers. I think alot of the text is generated by ai (it wouldn't surprise me if the photos were also ai generated). I feel sorry for people who looking for genuine human connection, who pay and get scammed by this app. So sad...

Thumbnail of user rositac18

  • Follow Paul D.

Yourtravelmates seems like a good idea, if you are single, young and want to see the world at someone else's expense and you only have to keep them company, why not. People have hooked up for reasons worse. A chance to see the world and live it up a bit seems not too bad.

Thumbnail of user geetas26

  • Follow Cristina R.

I met a widowed doctor Dr. FIGUEIREDO aka Royer 66. A popular member running out of money never give me his what app because he is so rich with clinics in Europe and I can kidnapped, so rich that cannot afford subscription, he needs the commission for his boy, so bad of these criminal organization., the karma be with them. Always asked to me to send heart, castles and crown but I never did. Hope mastercard, visa, pen pal, etc stop supporting this Russian organization.

Tip for consumers: José Roberto Figuereido, is a bisexual who live with henrique Machado, he is not looking to no one, only the percent he receive, was a very bad experience, costumer service deny also a Russian answer me that I don't have proof,

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Thumbnail of user robertd5548

  • Follow Saurabh S.

YourTravelMates wants you to feel at home all over the world by letting you find your romantic travel buddy. It has features and functions to make opportunities for singles to come together and help them start a relationship with a special person.The app does not differ much from the desktop version, but it is way handy to use for travellers who are always on the go.

Your Travel Mates product 1

  • Follow Amy H.

I tried it once. The guy wrote vague letters asking about me but refused to communicate by email. Too many handsome widowers there. Some person working for them and writing us to get $3 Euros each opened letter. Fake.

Thumbnail of user rmoradi.g

Dear Harvey, Thank you for your feedback. Why don't you believe you can be a happy man too? Especially if you deserve that. You receive from her something you need and she receives something she needs from you - that is how all relationships work. Just give it some time and you will see the evolution of your relationship. Please contact us at [email protected] so we could provide further assistance and guidance.

Thumbnail of user als442

From the business

YourTravelMates.com is a new generation of travel dating projects based on the idea that everyone needs a travel companion. It is one of the most exciting ways to meet your soulmate or a beautiful travel companion. We strive to make your vacations and getaways the most unforgettable experience you will ever have by bringing together singles, locals and travelers onto the same platform. Our users are as passionate as they are curious — bridging the gaps between cultures and countries. By immersing yourself in the world of YourTravelMates, you’re allowing yourself to learn about new cultures and new people.

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Website Overview

The online chat world can be like your everyday world. Today you may be feeling serious, romantic, flirty, naughty or want a pen pal. Depending on the mood you’re in, that should be the people you decide to talk to.

Edit your profile immediately to summarize what you’re looking for, and not just gender and age search results. This is your time to discuss your travel needs and your larger goal on the site. You can choose to take the name of the company literally and talk about vacation, or you can focus on the people on the site.

The chat system encourages you to “explore the world and meet anyone through the chat,” so do just that. Except instead of just looking for the same old topics that you’d find on any other online dating site, sift through the messages to see who wants to explore the world with you.

Or, at least someone who wants to explore something more substantive than eye and hair color.

Key Features

In addition, to live chat, sharing photos, sending emails and messages, you can also send other users gifts. Examples of those gifts include popcorn or a car, which entitles you to immediately earn the same number of diamonds as the item costs in credits to purchase in the gift store.

Gifts or diamonds have no monetary value though and do not constitute currency or property of any type. Gifts and Diamonds cannot be sold or transferred to other members and are non-refundable.

Sign-Up Process

Choose a gender, an age (in multiples of five), and an email address, and you’re all set to join this site. The website is particularly specific about choosing a “real email address” and will make its own decision about whether the email address is legitimate or not. (Don’t choose one with the word “spam” in it.

You can get around this if you log in via Google, but expect the site to immediately recognize your first and last name.) Choose hobbies and an (optional) photo, as needed.

Pricing & Membership Options

Use a major credit or your PayPal account to purchase a membership, prices ranging from $19.99 (150 credits per month), $149.99 (600 credits per month) and $299.99 (1,500 credits per month).

Right now there is a 60 percent discount on the lowest price, which is normally $49.99, for the first month. It will auto-renew at $49.99 on month two though. Members may cancel their first membership, without penalty or obligation, prior to midnight of the third business day following the day of becoming a member.

Safety & Security

The secure payment system is Norton Secured, Visa Secured, Mastercard ID Check, SSL Secure, and/or Comodo Secure. In addition to secure payment options, you can also decide who you want to hear from.

If users are a bit too chatty and you start to feel like you’re being spammed, you can simply click on that person’s profile to block future messages.

However, keep in mind before you do that users are (often) looking for companionship the way you are. If they’re sending messages instead of generic “like/pass” options, then that’s a step in the right direction.

Still, though, be careful with what you share initially. Participate in live chats and live videos as soon as you can to make sure you’re talking to the person behind the messages though. This may be someone you’ll happily travel with later on down the line.

Pros & Cons

When you first join, expect a flood of messages, even with a blank profile and no photos. Quite a few are in broken English, but you’ll pretty much get the gist of them. Expect questions within a matter of opinions like “Do you want a greatest change in your life to happend?” “What type of men attracts you the most?” “was u ever woken up by your neighbors?” “If you will allow me, I will cook my favorite recipe for you. You leave me?”

These kinds of questions will seem particularly inauthentic considering the users have nothing to work with on your page, so be ready to sift through what seems like automated questions to get to users that are actually reading words on your page.

On the upside, if you’re a web editor or someone who loves to create a good template, you’ll be highly entertained choosing covers. The average online site just has dating specifications and a photo.

On this one, you can get lost scrolling through all kinds of designs that show off your personality: flowers, fireworks, city skylines, fruit, lakes, sand and more. But considering the users will flood empty accounts with automated messages, is it really worth it to bother building up your site? The decision is yours.

Bottom Line

Because this site is filled with so many messages and what looks like stock photos, this is not one of those online dating sites (or travel dating sites) that can get an immediate thumbs up. It is highly recommended to request webcam video to make sure the person sending a message matches the person sending you the message.

Whether you two hit it off or not is completely dependent upon the two of you, but at least you’ll be sure you’re talking to the person who you think you are. Is this someone you’ll want to travel with? There’s no way to know except in person.

The belief that you never know someone until you’ve lived with him or traveled with him is true. This site may offer you the perfect travel buddy to go around the world with, or it may only lead to a few enthusiastic chats.

Either way, especially behind the screen, you have the ability to control the communication. Make your time worth it.

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your travel mates es confiable

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Complete scam

Complete scam. Dishonest name. There is no easy way to remove your profile once you set it up. I was looking for a travel pal. Most of the guys don't travel, they are looking for casual sex. I don't need to pay a site to get sex! lol

Date of experience : September 03, 2020

Reply from Your Travel Mates

Hello! Thank you for your feedback. I am sorry that something made you think of our website that way. For future reference, we do have the actual verification processes that members have to pass through in order to register, as well as after the registration on our website. These processes are constantly maintained and continued in order to provide the most verified communication platform for our members. Please note that we've been working hard for over 20 years to maintain the legitimacy and reputation of our sites. We do have policies in place to protect all our members from any inappropriate behavior. Not all of our members would like to travel, of course, but it's not obligatory. I kindly advise you to not concentrate on the negative experience but go for a communication with another member to find the relationship you are looking for.

Very bad that the platform still your…

Very bad that the platform still your money. I put 3 times credit USD 15 they never allowed me to write a single e mail. They are not serious just stolen you money

Date of experience : February 03, 2021

Dear Suni, Thank you for your feedback. I'm sure there was some kind of misunderstanding you've faced with. Please contact us at [email protected] so we could check and resolve this for you.

Avoid this app

Avoid this app. They rip you off and people on that app are not honest and strange. The annoying thing that you cannot delete the account , however, i removed that app from my phone. It is a big scam

Date of experience : September 19, 2018

It is a fraud site

It is a fraud site. Everyone is fake. This is made up by site itself. Dont trust this site. I had to inactivate my paypal account because i linked the account with them.

Date of experience : April 12, 2019

It is a scam They pay people to keep…

It is a scam They pay people to keep you spending money They prey on emotions None of the people will talk on another platform Class action lawsuit and investigation going on message me if you have spent lots of money

Date of experience : September 28, 2022

Hello! Thank you for your review! We're genuinely sorry for any inconveniences you've had to face! Our website has been operational for a very long time and we are always striving to make sure that all of our members are 100% genuine. We implement a stringent anti-scam policy on the platform and check and verify accounts regularly for your safety! While it might seem a bit costly at first glance, we have amazing news: there are ways to lower the expenses on the site we're happy to share with you. We hope for your understanding and would be happy if you could give us another chance to create a better experience for you! Please feel free to contact us anytime at [email protected] and we'd be happy to assist you further with any issues you might be experiencing on the site.

10 minutes on this site and I realized…

10 minutes on this site and I realized that it is the biggest scam, I immediately deleted my account.

Date of experience : June 08, 2022

Hello Tabriz. Could you please tell us what did exactly happen? We would be glad to help you.

SCAM SPAM APP What a load of crap…

SCAM SPAM APP What a load of crap considering it could been good, its SCAM to get money. Fake profile app number 1

Date of experience : December 11, 2019

Scam, fake profiles

A Scam. Within 1 hour my (still empty) profile received dozens of messages from girls all around the world that wanted to get to know me. Yeah sure. And all i'd need to do to read the messages is pay money xD

Date of experience : July 31, 2022

Hello! Thank you for your review! Allow me to share some insight on the reason why you have been receiving a lot of messages. Once you create an account on our site, it's automatically added to a list of new accounts providing you with high visibility (meaning higher chances to be contacted by others). We do understand that using our services might seem a bit costly at first glance, however, we have amazing news: there are ways to lower the expenses on the site we're happy to share with you. We hope for your understanding and would be happy if you could give us another chance to create a better experience for you! For immediate assistance please feel free to contact us anytime at [email protected] and we'd be happy to assist you further with any issues you might be experiencing on the site.

I wish theres a rating below one star I…

I wish theres a rating below one star I would rate them that. Fortunately I never gave my card details. Its a SCAM.

Date of experience : November 27, 2018

Plain rip-off! It's impossible to find anything of value there.

No girl wants to meet for real. Suitable only if you want to flirt but it costs a fortune. I took my profile down on Yourtravelmates and stopped wasting my money there.

Date of experience : August 24, 2020

Dear Thomas, Thank you for your feedback. I understand, that the prices may seem a bit high, check what you get for it: anti-scam protection, users' verification, constant updates with new exciting features. You can be sure, that you are paying for a great experience, and we are doing our best to provide that experience to you :) In fact, we have certain policies regarding the personal information exchange but they are flexible and you are more than able to get your contacts to your match. Contact us at [email protected] so that we walk you through them to help you achieve your goal. We are available 24/7 for you.

Read all critics from GUY BOURGAUD!!!

He is completely right about everything!!!I was there for months and its so...about money and break your heart.All Guy B. said its true. I discovered by myself after a long time.I traveled for many countries ... Europe, North and South America...but I dont have many time to date and I dont like bars and night clubs...so online datind was my choice..Please...dont let your money and heart on companies like NETSOL.First the owner is just a name( Angela ) and associates from London,young people ...all fakes... and all have failured companies.All fakes!!!Where is FBI now if they have an adress in PLantation- Florida?Its about laundering money and prostitution,,All from Russia,Ukcraine,They sell pictures for 50,100 euros and clothes ,pictures made from a professional photografer...Anastasia,Eurodate,Mytraveslmate,Datemyage....and you will be destroyed in the end because I fall for one of them.Always see alI on internet comments but...they pay employess to make good comments. I am sorry Guy B.for the terrible,sarcastic answer from the " boss " on that scam...Just nothing as a human person... a scammer...Pleasee...dont sign those dating sites!You can find more than that....true ,honest love!If you have doubts about all I said..ask my contact and I will be happy to help you.I wish you all the best!!!I dont have afraid of them to let here my true picture and name.I am not a ghost.

Date of experience : July 30, 2019

Scam,Scam, scam and Fake ,Fake ,fake site

Wish I can give a fat zero to this site along with dating.com , datemyage.com and the rest of it's scamming partners.These sites are big time money scammers and the FBI should do a through investigation on a serious note.I was talking to a guy from Spain who claims to be a doctor ,he shared video with me saying he is real etc but will not shared any personal information with me like fb etc even if I have shared mine with him.I also don't understand all the excuses he makes about sharing his and also as a doctor how he is constantly on his phone on this site, bro we are fighting a pandemic , every hand needed right now. You should not be on here 24/7 scamming people out of their money, you should be saving lives.I also think different people take over shift in chatting on his profile , because his English is not good but then it can switch over into someone that writes perfect English and types faster than me too haha .These sites also shares your information with each other , because I have never created a profile on datemyage.com or even yourtravemate.com, I created a profile on dating.com and then saw adverts of the two and decided to try my same log in info and it happened to just log me in , how crazy.I want this site and all the people behind running the profiles and robbing poor people out their pockets to be procecuted and exposed.I will be changing all my bank cards as well and deleting my account.Also the customer service sucks, you literally have to fight to get them to answer you by email etc .They want to be more right than you, even you are the one spending all that ridiculous amount of money to chat to robots and fake people and people that's on here playing character.They also don't honor your request if you ask to delete your profile.Scam , Scam scam,Fake, Fake ,Fake , I fell for it for 6 months now please don't waste your time and money like how I did .

Date of experience : June 22, 2020

If I could give a zero I would

If I could give a zero I would. TOTAL SCAM. Just signed up and I have 75 random men who want to be my husband and spend life with me?? But only if I pay to read their next messages 😂 SCAM. STAY AWAY. It has nothing but fake accounts

Date of experience : August 08, 2022

Hello! Thank you for your review! Allow me to share some insight on the reason why you have been receiving a lot of messages. Once you create an account on our site, it's automatically added to a list of new accounts providing you with high visibility (meaning higher chances to be contacted by others). I am sorry to hear that you feel our website is illegitimate, I assure you that this is not the case. Our website has been operational for a very long time and we are always striving to make sure that all of our members are 100% genuine and that we conduct business under ethical business regulations. We hope for your understanding and would be happy if you could give us another chance to create a better experience for you! For immediate assistance please feel free to contact us anytime at [email protected] and we'd be happy to assist you further with any issues you might be experiencing on the site.

I don't know if you can find a travel mate in this kingdom of scammers.

I don't know if you can find a travel mate in this kingdom of scammers. Maybe if you spend a couple of years on this. YourTravelMates was just a time- and money waster for me. I can't recommend it.

Date of experience : July 01, 2020

Expensive fee

The fee is too expensive. I sent 2 times the request to delete my account but no answer.

Date of experience : August 16, 2021

Hello Keipi. Yes, the website may seem expensive, however, this is an investment in your life, your success.

Please help me

Please help me. I paid only for me to subscribe in this app then they deducted me again two times in totality 3 times.

Date of experience : November 21, 2020

Dear Pilas, Thank you for your feedback. Maybe you have activated the Automatic Purchasing option in your account? There is a notification about that option on the Payment page, there is also a box at the bottom of that page that can be checked/unchecked to enable/disable it. Please contact us at [email protected] and we will be able to check it for you.

the worst platform I have ever used

the worst platform I have ever used. You dont find real people it seems just a business. Beware that if you by the credits you can not know how much money they still from you.

Date of experience : October 06, 2018

that's expensive

that's expensive, and it's not real. matches look fake. Terrible experience

Date of experience : October 24, 2022

Hello! Thank you for your review! I understand how these membership fees and service costs can add up to you. We value your presence on our site and we would love to retain you as a customer. We do know that using our services might seem a bit costly at first glance, however, we have amazing news: there are ways to lower the expenses on the site we're happy to share with you. We strive to verify that they are legitimate people looking to create meaningful connections just like you. However, allow me to ease your mind by sharing with you that we take steps to confirm our members. Also, on your end, you can check if a member has been verified. Every confirmed member will have a verification checkmark on their profile image. We hope that you will give us another chance to create a better experience for you! Please feel free to contact us anytime at [email protected] and we'll be happy to assist you further with any issues you might be experiencing on the site.

Scam! All they want is your money. Tons of hidden traps. Don’t open videos, emails or voice messages as they will cost you a lot of money!!!

Date of experience : December 04, 2023

Hi! I am sorry that the pricing policy of our website has left you disappointed. Indeed, using certain services costs a fixed number of credits that you buy separately. But every credit purchased by you is used to support all of the departments that ensure you have a safe and enjoyable time on our site. That's why our services aren't cheap.

TravelMates fraud

Last night I signed up to Travel Mate and paid £19.90 fee demanded.This morning I checked my bank card details and discovered they had debited my card for £19.90 and also took another £399.00 directly after.I have contacted my bank who have cancelled my card and sent my file to the fraud department.I tried contacting the client Service of Travel Mate but they just do not respond.These are serious criminals and please avoid them,If I had the wisdom to check them out on this site I would have avoided all of this heart ache.From the time I enrolled to the time I realised I was scammed was around 12 hours.Sean This evening 6th October 2020 I checked my bank account statement and saw that TravelMate had taken another £399.00 from my debit card which brings the total they have taken over the past 24 hours to £817.99.I have sent them many e-mails but they have not responded to any of them.I have called their New York costumer service office last night and the lady who answered told me I should have read their conditions which allows them to basically take as much as they like from my cardio it was a waste of time calling them as they are totally arrogant and feel they are above the law. Today I have received over 15 so called matches which I have not even opened because they are all fake. I have spoken to my bank fraud division and the have cancelled my card and credited my account with £817.99 which is a great relief to me.I think this speedy action by my bank was because of my speedy realising that I was dealing with a big scam and notifying them within 24 hours of the first transation. This was only possible because of this site and the posts warning everyone that TravelMates was a scam operation.I thank this site and all of you people who wrote posts warning and telling of how you became victims of these people.Many thanks,Sean

Date of experience : October 05, 2020

Dear Sean, Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry to hear about it. Most probably, the debit took place because you enabled the auto-purchase option. However, we are always here for you to find the best solution and the best experience. Please email our customer support ([email protected]) and our managers will assist you.


  1. Your Travel Mates Reviews

    Travel or dating Parody and Fraud. The most epic experience I have ever had was with "Your Travel Mates" and "DateMyAge". Only virtually of course ))). You have a better chance of winning the lottery than meeting someone real. This is the perfect place to spend a lot of time, money and meaningless words.

  2. Your Travel Mates Opiniones

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  3. YourTravelMates.com

    YourTravelMates is a social platform where every traveler can share their experiences, find awesome travel buddies and gain invaluable knowledge from locals. The service welcomes everyone who is interested in traveling to join and help build the greatest travel community out there. It is a trip planning platform - a home for more than 50 000 ...

  4. Your Travel Mates Reviews

    Your Travel Mates has a rating of 2.2 stars from 173 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers complaining about Your Travel Mates most frequently mention fake profiles problems. Your Travel Mates ranks 139th among International Dating sites. Service 32. Value 35.

  5. Your Travel Mates Opinión & Opinión de los usuarios 2021

    Your Travel Mates. reseñas 2021. Your Travel Mates es un sitio de citas donde cualquiera puede encontrar su pareja, sin prejuicios ni verguenza. El sitio es abierto y recibe a todos -heterosexuales, gays, lesbianas, y otros miembros de la comunidad LGBTQ+ Your Travel Mates es un sitio de citas donde las personas que están interesadas en Citas ...

  6. Your Travel Mates Reviews

    It is the old trick in the book as they use your emotions to make money. I put pictures and proof in the review at Sitejabber, where it is made easy to show pictures of dating sites conversations. As well be careful as they take money from your account without permission. Date of experience: February 18, 2023. Useful3.

  7. Your Travel Mates Reviews

    Emma. 4 reviews. US. Mar 28, 2019. They Drag Out The Process For Months! Scam. -Submitted all documents on Nov. 22, 2018. -They love to say "Goal processing time is 30 days" but they know it will take longer. -TripMate keeps pushing date back with new random documents needed which they get within 12 hours of request (which they can then claim ...

  8. Your Travel Mates Reviewed in (2022)

    Pricing & Membership Options. Use a major credit or your PayPal account to purchase a membership, prices ranging from $19.99 (150 credits per month), $149.99 (600 credits per month) and $299.99 (1,500 credits per month). Right now there is a 60 percent discount on the lowest price, which is normally $49.99, for the first month.

  9. YourTravelMates.com: compañeros de viaje y citas para viajar

    YourTravelMates es una plataforma social donde cada persona puede compartir sus experiencias, encontrar compañeros de viaje y conocer a los lugareños. El servicio da la bienvenida a todos los interesados en viajar para unirse y ayudar a construir la mayor comunidad de viajes que existe. Es un servicio de planificación de viajes, un hogar ...

  10. Travel dating: YourTravelMates

    About this app. YourTravelMates is a dating app that allows you to find interesting new people ready to discuss and share unforgettable holidays. Meet new people - thousands of traveling singles are waiting for you! 🌴 Get the pick of dazzling travelers with "Let's Mingle" auto chat invite & match feature.

  11. Editors' Choice Award: YourTravelMates Helps Singles Connect While

    People have dealt with plenty of adversity in 2020, but it's been especially challenging for those who love to travel. The year feels much longer without trips to plan for, luggage to pack, or flights to catch.Many of those are singles who enjoy traveling alone to experience new cultures, foods, entertainment, and, of course, meet new people along the way.According to a 2020 survey of nearly ...

  12. YourTravelMates.com: compañeros de viaje y citas para viajar

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  14. Your Travel Mates Reviews

    Complete scam. Complete scam. Dishonest name. There is no easy way to remove your profile once you set it up. I was looking for a travel pal. Most of the guys don't travel, they are looking for casual sex. I don't need to pay a site to get sex! lol. Date of experience: September 03, 2020. Useful2.

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  18. YourTravelMates.com

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  19. About

    YourTravelMates.com is at the forefront of the online dating world and offers an unmatched global reach. Launched in 1993, our company now covers more than 32 countries and offers the technology that lets members take dating further than ever. Our ambition is to connect singles no matter where they are and inspire romance on a global scale.