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Tomorrow Is Yesterday

  • Episode aired Jan 26, 1967

Star Trek (1966)

The Enterprise is thrown back in time to 1960s Earth. The Enterprise is thrown back in time to 1960s Earth. The Enterprise is thrown back in time to 1960s Earth.

  • Michael O'Herlihy
  • D.C. Fontana
  • Gene Roddenberry
  • William Shatner
  • Leonard Nimoy
  • Roger Perry
  • 34 User reviews
  • 11 Critic reviews

William Shatner and Roger Perry in Star Trek (1966)

  • Captain James Tiberius 'Jim' Kirk

Leonard Nimoy

  • Mister Spock

Roger Perry

  • Major Christopher

DeForest Kelley

  • Air Police Sergeant

Richard Merrifield

  • Transporter Chief

Ed Peck

  • Col. Fellini

James Doohan

  • Air Force Captain
  • Air Policeman

Majel Barrett

  • Enterprise Computer
  • (uncredited)

Eddie Paskey

  • Lieutenant Leslie
  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

Did you know

  • Trivia Later in 1967, physicist John Archibald Wheeler would popularize the term "black hole" to refer to the phenomenon Kirk describes as a black star, at the suggestion of a student. While several sources credit Wheeler for coining the phrase, it was used in science journals as early as 1963. The term is now credited to physicist Robert H. Dicke, comparing the phenomenon to a life prison dungeon in Calcutta known as the "Black Hole of Calcutta".
  • Goofs In Requiem for Methuselah (1969) , Spock, during a mind meld, can order someone to "forget". It is unclear why he didn't meld with Captain Christopher for this purpose.

Capt. Kirk : All right, Colonel. The truth is, I'm a little green man from Alpha Centauri, a beautiful place. You ought to see it.

Lieutenant Colonel Fellini : I am going to lock you up for 200 years.

Capt. Kirk : That ought to be just about right.

  • Alternate versions Special Enhanced version Digitally Remastered with new exterior shots and remade opening theme song
  • Connections Featured in The Outside Man (1972)
  • Soundtracks Theme From Star Trek Written by and credited to Alexander Courage

User reviews 34

  • Apr 7, 2021
  • January 26, 1967 (United States)
  • United States
  • Official Facebook
  • Desilu Studios - 9336 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, California, USA
  • Desilu Productions
  • Norway Corporation
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

  • Runtime 50 minutes

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Star Trek (1966)

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Tomorrow is Yesterday (episode)

The Enterprise is hurled back in time to the year 1969, where the US Air Force sights it as a UFO. The crew must find a way to erase evidence of their visit before trying to get back to their future home.

  • 1.2 Act One
  • 1.3 Act Two
  • 1.4 Act Three
  • 1.5 Act Four
  • 2 Log entries
  • 3 Memorable quotes
  • 4.1 Production timeline
  • 4.3 Props and costumes
  • 4.4 Effects
  • 4.5 Continuity
  • 4.6 Remastered information
  • 4.7 Video and DVD releases
  • 4.8 Apocrypha
  • 5.1 Starring
  • 5.2 Also starring
  • 5.3 Featuring
  • 5.5 Uncredited co-stars
  • 5.6 References
  • 5.7 External links

Summary [ ]

Omaha Base captain

The Omaha base captain ordering a plane to take a look at their "UFO"

At an Air Force base in 1969 , a technician by the name of Webb detects something on his RADAR . At first, his commanding officer believes it to be an enemy aircraft. The signal is over the base near Omaha , Nebraska , but the strange part is that it just appeared. It is as if it simply dropped out of the sky.

Interested by the strange appearance of this aircraft, Webb's commanding officer orders someone to go up there and take a look. He believes they may have a real UFO on their hands. Outside, an F-104 Starfighter is launched. In the sky, the starship USS Enterprise is gliding through the clouds.

Act One [ ]

Except for secondary systems, everything is operational and they are heading on impulse power. Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott brings on auxiliary power from engineering , and Captain James T. Kirk asks all departments to report damage and casualties to First Officer Spock . Kirk asks Uhura to contact Starfleet Control , to advise them of the black star's close proximity to Starbase 9 . Casualty reports show nothing more than minor injuries. Scott reports that warp engines are offline, and he is holding them at impulse in orbit over Earth . The breakaway from the star threw the ship to Earth. They are, however, in a low orbit, and Kirk orders Sulu to use impulse to rise to a higher orbit. Sulu reports that the helm is answering but is a little sluggish.

Uhura reports that there is no response on any standard Starfleet channels; however, she is getting something on another frequency. A radio broadcast states that the first manned moon shot is to take place on Wednesday . Kirk recalls that the first manned moon shot took place in the late 1960s . Spock concludes that the Enterprise is also in the 1960s, having been thrown backward in time by the black star's whiplash.

F-104 Starfighter, remastered

Captain Christopher approaches the Enterprise

Uhura reports that she is picking up ground-to-air transmissions. A military craft is approaching the Enterprise , fast. The craft, designated Bluejay 4 , is gaining on the UFO ( Enterprise ). Kirk orders Sulu to gain altitude faster. Bluejay 4 states that the UFO is climbing, and he will go in closer. As he raises altitude, Blackjack (the Omaha base) states that Bluejay 4 should be close enough for visual contact. Bluejay 4 spots the Enterprise , which is climbing in the sky, amazed at its size. He starts to describe the UFO, and tries to determine what purpose the cylindrical projections might serve. Blackjack states that backup forces should rendezvous in about two minutes, but Bluejay 4 remarks that the UFO is not going to be there by then. Blackjack gives order to shoot down the UFO, or at least disable it. Spock concludes that the aircraft may be armed with nuclear warheads , which in the Enterprise 's severe condition, could possibly cause serious damage to the hull . Kirk orders Scott to lock on with a tractor beam , but Spock advises against it. Scott locks on, regardless, and the aircraft begins to break up. Kirk orders the pilot beamed aboard. He goes to the transporter room to meet the pilot, and welcomes him aboard. The pilot is surprised to learn that Kirk speaks English , and gives his identification as Captain John Christopher of the United States Air Force , service number 4857932. Kirk remarks that the captain is among friends, and introduces himself. Captain Christopher asks Kirk who they are, and what happened. Kirk states that all will be revealed in good time, but Captain Christopher is understandably impatient.

USS Enterprise pursued by Bluejay 4

The Enterprise being pursued

On the bridge, Spock reports that the aircraft has broken up. They turn off the tractor beam, and Kirk takes Christopher to the bridge . Christopher seems surprised to see a woman in the halls. Christopher admires the size and complexity of the ship, and as Kirk explains that the ship is one of twelve like it in service of the United Earth Space Probe Agency . He freely admits that he is from the future. On the bridge, Christopher (after joking about "little green men") is taken aback by Spock's skin tone. As Kirk allows Christopher to look around the bridge, Spock expresses his concerns about their guest to Kirk privately.

John Christopher in flight suit

Captain Christopher visits the bridge

As Christopher looks around, Spock reports that most main systems have been restored, including the main deflector, which will prevent them from being detected again. Spock also expresses concern for Christopher's presence. He states that Christopher cannot return to Earth, as this could alter the course of history. Kirk states that this is an annoying conclusion, but accepts the truth. He asks Spock to get Captain Christopher some more comfortable clothes, and to bring Christopher to his ready room.

In his quarters, Kirk makes a computer recording.

Kirk also gets annoyed by the computer's frequent references to him as "dear". Kirk asks Spock to fix the computer's affection. Spock explains that the computer had recently been overhauled on the female-dominated planet Cygnet XIV (who thought the computer needed a personality). Christopher, who is now wearing a Starfleet uniform in place of his orange pilot's flight suit, finds the computer system amusing, and would love to see how the dilemma works out. It is at this point, that Kirk breaks the news to Christopher that he cannot be sent back with information he now knows from the future. Christopher asks about his disappearance, but Spock says that Captain Christopher made no relevant contribution to history. Christopher says that this is an outrage, having a wife and children back on Earth, something which seems to catch Spock's attention. He says it is his duty to report what he has seen, but Kirk says that the risk is impossible. Kirk offers his heartfelt apology.

Scott calls to tell Kirk that the engines will be operational in about four hours, but they have nowhere to go in this time. Kirk understands. Christopher finds some comfort in the fact that Kirk and his crew cannot go home themselves.

Act Two [ ]

Finally getting fed up with the computer, Kirk asks it to record that it either be repaired, or scrapped, which seems to take care of the computer problem. Spock calls Kirk, stating that he has new information regarding Christopher. Kirk orders Spock to report to his quarters, and that he will call Captain Christopher. However, Christopher does not respond to Kirk's hails. Kirk orders a security alert, noting that Captain Christopher is not in his assigned quarters. Kirk hypothesizes that he may be trying to escape, and goes to find him.

John Christopher tries to escape

Captain Christopher (USAF) wants to beam down to Earth

Christopher is indeed trying to escape, but runs into security officer Bobby on his way to the transporter room. He knocks out the security officer, and acquires his phaser. Entering the transporter room and pointing his phaser at Kyle, Christopher tells Kyle that he wants to be transported to the surface immediately, but before he can complete his escape, Kirk comes, disarms Christopher, and knocks him out. In sickbay , Dr. McCoy reports that the injuries are superficial, and Kirk sympathizes about Christopher's want to escape. It is at this time that Dr. McCoy says that they too are just as stuck as Christopher. They can't beam down the entire crew, as it would be too great a disturbance in the timeline. Kirk however, says that Enterprise is not at that situation yet, but even if they do get back to their time, Christopher would be useless, archaic. McCoy says that he may be able to be retrained, but Christopher says that he cannot forget his family. He remarks that he is feeling fine, and Spock comes to sickbay. They cannot keep Christopher aboard, because his son, Colonel Shaun Geoffrey Christopher , did make an historic contribution, heading the first Earth-Saturn Mission. Christopher remarks that he has no son, only two daughters to which McCoy responds "yet". Kirk realizes that they must find a way to return Captain Christopher, and Christopher himself muses of the fact that he someday will have a son.

Kirk and Sulu infiltrate the 498th Air Base

Kirk and Sulu attempt to retrieve the tapes

In orbit of Earth, Spock states that the biggest problem they must deal with is that Christopher's plane wreckage landed in open land ("an open section of Southern Nebraska"), so search parties will know that he wasn't on the plane. Also, Captain Christopher informs them that his radio conversation was recorded, and that his wing cameras were recording the Enterprise . Kirk remarks that these UFO sightings were usually taken for explainable things, but Spock remarks that their tractor beam destroyed the plane, making them nothing else but a genuine UFO. Kirk then asks about returning them to their own time. Spock has a theory, albeit complicated, which may work. Kirk then makes a plan; they need to destroy the hard evidence of their presence, so that if Christopher reports, there is nothing to support his claims, and he simply joins the ranks of one of thousands who has seen a UFO. Christopher then offers his help, and he sketches out a layout of the base on a PADD .

At the base, Kirk and Sulu beam down, Sulu with a bag for the tapes. They are a bit disoriented at first, but soon find the correct room. They force the door open with little difficulty using their technology. Upon entry, Kirk starts to look for what they need, and soon finds the audio tapes. On the Enterprise in the transporter room, Dr. McCoy is getting nervous, but Spock reassures him, noting that stealth missions are much more complicated than others. McCoy starts to get annoyed, and asks Spock whether he should be working on his time warp calculations, to which he calmly responds, " I am. " Back at the base, Kirk and Sulu finish getting the tapes, when a Security Police staff sergeant enters. He orders them to give him the belts and the bag, with the tapes inside. On the ship, Spock now agrees with McCoy and starts to think it has been too long, so he calls the captain. The security officer opens one of the communicators , transmitting an emergency signal. Spock orders an immediate beam-up, only to find that they beamed up the wrong man. They now have two undesired passengers aboard, and the sergeant is frozen out of both surprise and fear. Kirk calls Spock, reporting that they now clearly have another problem.

Act Three [ ]

USS Enterprise in orbit of Earth

The Enterprise in orbit of Earth

Kirk informs Enterprise about their "surprise package", and asks them to keep him in the transporter room. After finishing up in the audio tape section, both Kirk and Sulu go to retrieve the photographs of the Enterprise . They find a darkroom containing freshly developed 16mm movie film of the Enterprise , but set off a silent alarm. They finish collecting the film, but after a small brawl with some security officers, Kirk gets caught. Sulu however, seems to have disappeared. He managed to beam up, with the tapes and film, and Kirk calmly explains to the curious guard that it was only he who was prowling about.

Fellini questions Kirk

Fellini questions Kirk

On the Enterprise , Scott reports that warp engines are ready for re-firing. Spock orders them to be, so that they can have full power. Down on the surface, Kirk is being interrogated by the guards who caught him. Kirk jokingly references that he got in to the base by popping in out of thin air. Lieutenant Colonel Fellini picks up Kirk's phaser, mistaking it for a radio transmitter. Then he wonders about Kirk's uniform and he starts to list Kirk's offenses, threatening to lock him up for two hundred years. Kirk ruefully comments that that ought to be just about right (to return him to his own era).

Spock rescuing James T

" Don't you find that painful, Captain? " " Yes, I do. "

Back in orbit, Spock and Christopher hypothesize in the Enterprise 's briefing room as to the captain's most probable situation, as they are planning a rescue operation. However, Christopher insists on coming down with them, to which Spock reluctantly agrees. He issues phasers only to himself and Sulu, set on maximum stun. They beam down, as the security policeman who beamed up earlier is amazed. Kyle offers the guard some chicken soup from a food synthesizer to satisfy his hunger, which only amazes him more. On the surface, Spock takes out the two guards holding Kirk, and frees him. However, while Kirk and Sulu talk, Christopher gets one of the security guard's guns. He holds it to Kirk, refusing to be beamed back up.

Act Four [ ]

Slingshot effect

The Enterprise approaches the sun for the time-warp

Kirk tries to talk Christopher out of it, but he doesn't listen. He asks Spock to come out of Colonel Fellini's office, but as he moves towards Kirk, Spock comes up from behind, and administers a nerve pinch . He had suspected Christopher's actions, and had beamed into location for incapacitating Christopher. Sulu then beams up all four officers.

Mr. Spock says that the best possible course of action is to use a slingshot effect like the one they used to arrive in the first place. Theoretically, the whiplash from the sun's gravity would send them into another time warp. At this point, Christopher asks what they will be doing about him and the guard. Spock states that for a moment, they will go into the relative past, and transport both the captain and the guard to points before they were beamed up. The events, though still in their minds, will not have occurred, so there would be nothing for them to report. Scott now brings up one problem. The Enterprise may not have enough braking control to stop in their own time . They may overshoot their century, or be torn apart. In other words, it won't be an easy ride.

USS Enterprise skims near Sol

The Enterprise skims over the sun in a time warp

Everyone assumes stations, as the Enterprise prepares for the time-warp. They leave Earth, and head towards the sun at warp factor 3. Christopher, at this point, tells Kirk how he always wanted to make it into space, and Kirk tells him that he made it farther than anyone in his century. As the Enterprise heads towards the sun, their warp factor increases, and the chronometers have started to move backwards. Christopher goes to put on his flight gear, and reports to the transporter room. As they approach the breakaway point, Sulu engages engines, and the ship is severely thrown. All power is just barely enough, but they do break free of the pull. As they head away from the sun, they gain speed, and the chronometers begin to move forward. Christopher prepares to beam back to Earth, and thanks Kirk for the look ahead. As they approach Earth, they energize, beaming Christopher back into the plane cockpit where he merges with his earlier self. However, there is no longer any Enterprise in the sky. Christopher reports to Black Jack, marking down the Enterprise as another UFO. They then beam down the guard and, as with Christopher, he merges with his earlier self patrolling the base. The guard finds no unusual activity in the film library and.resumes his patrol.

As they approach their century, they have to begin braking, despite some risks. Kirk, being annoyed by Spock's countdown, asks him to just never mind. They begin braking, but the ship is thrown violently. Scott reports from engineering that the engines are buckling, but they manage to make a safe and complete stop. They hear the friendly voice of Starfleet control, and Kirk reports that the Enterprise is home.

Log entries [ ]

  • Captain's log, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), 2267

Memorable quotes [ ]

" I never have believed in little green men. " " Neither have I. "

" Don't touch anything, but I think you'll find it interesting. " " Interesting is a word and a half for it, Captain. "

" Maybe I can't go home, but neither can you. You're as much a prisoner in time as I am. "

" Now you're sounding like Spock. " " If you're going to get nasty, I'm going to leave. "

" I made an error in my computations. " " Oh? This could be an historic occasion. "

" Wait a minute. I don't have a son . " " You mean yet. "

" It is a fact, Doctor, that prowling by stealth is more time-consuming than a direct approach. "

" How did you get in? " " I popped in out of thin air. "

" What is that? Is that a uniform of some kind? " " This little thing? Just something I slipped on. "

" I am going to lock you up for two hundred YEARS! " " That ought to be just about right. "

" Blast your theories and observations, Mr. Spock! What about Jim? He's down there alone, probably under arrest! He doesn't have a communicator and we can't locate him or beam him back aboard without one! " " I am aware of that, Doctor. "

" Anyway we do it, it means a mighty rough ride. "

" Well gentlemen, we all have to take a chance… especially if one is all you have. "

Background information [ ]

Production timeline [ ].

  • One-page synopsis by Robert H. Justman : 12 April 1966
  • Story outline by D.C. Fontana : 3 October 1966
  • Revised story outline: 13 October 1966
  • First draft teleplay by Fontana: 31 October 1966
  • Second draft teleplay: 9 November 1966
  • Final draft teleplay by Gene L. Coon : 21 November 1966
  • Additional revisions: 22 November 1966 , 1 December 1966
  • Day 1 – 28 November 1966 , Monday – Desilu Stage 9 : Int. Bridge
  • Day 2 – 29 November 1966 , Tuesday – Desilu Stage 9: Int. Bridge, Transporter room
  • Day 3 – 30 November 1966 , Wednesday – Desilu Stage 9: Int. Corridors , Turbolift , Sickbay , Kirk's quarters
  • Day 4 – 1 December 1966 , Thursday – Desilu Stage 9: Int. Kirk's quarters, Briefing room , Engineering
  • Day 5 – 2 December 1966 , Friday – Desilu Stage 10 : Int. Air base corridor, Records section, Security office
  • Day 6 – 5 December 1966 , Monday – Desilu Stage 10: Int. Jet cockpit , Photo lab, Dark room, Radar room
  • Original airdate: 26 January 1967
  • Rerun airdate: 13 July 1967
  • First UK airdate (on BBC1 ): 16 August 1969
  • First UK airdate (on ITV ): 10 January 1982
  • Remastered airdate: 5 May 2007
  • The episode originated from a one-page story synopsis associate producer Robert H. Justman submitted to Gene Roddenberry for possible consideration. almost beat for beat the same as the final episode. Roddenberry never acknowledged Justman as the source or paid any royalties to him for the idea. ( Inside Star Trek: The Real Story , pp. 133-137)
  • This episode was originally going to be the second part of a two part story that would have begun in " The Naked Time ". In an earlier draft of the script, when Kirk ordered a hyperbolic course, he wanted the direction to be " Doesn't matter… the way we came… toward Earth. " [1]

Props and costumes [ ]

  • Matt Jefferies designed the trophy with the soaring jet aircraft, seen in the case on the air base. ( citation needed • edit )
  • The small scanning device that Kirk uses to unlock the Omaha base computer-room door appears to be the same one used by Scott and Joe Tormolen in " The Naked Time ", and by Richard Daystrom in " The Ultimate Computer ".
  • Actor Roger Perry liked his Starfleet uniform so much, he asked DeForest Kelley if he could take the shirt home. Kelley replied, " Well, they frown upon that. But you could possibly just stick it into your bag, and nobody's going to say anything. " Perry decided not to do that, but after seeing the eventual success and legacy of Star Trek , he regretted he didn't take the shirt home. ( These Are the Voyages: TOS Season One , p. 428)

Effects [ ]

Hikaru Sulu, 2267

Close up of Lieutenant Sulu

  • The opening screenshot was actually taken at Georges Air Force Base California. It shows F-104C Starfighter, AF Ser. No. 57-0914, 435 TFS, 1965. This aircraft was deployed to Ubon RTAFB, Thailand in 1966 and assigned to 8 TFW. It crashed due to engine failure over Thailand on 16 January 1967. ( citation needed • edit )
  • Footage of the Earth (going closer and further, inside the atmosphere) on the Enterprise viewscreen is reused from " Miri ".
  • The music played as Christopher observes the ears on Spock, heard in its entirety in " The City on the Edge of Forever ", was written by composer Joseph Mullendore during his scoring for " The Conscience of the King ", but it went unused at that time. It is an uptempo version of the closing theme for the show. Mullendore had also arranged the "lounge" version of the theme for the same episode, also heard in " Court Martial ". ( citation needed • edit )
  • This is the only episode to end on a close up of George Takei before the final Enterprise flyaway.

Continuity [ ]

  • This is the first episode where the Enterprise visits Earth during its five-year mission .
  • Kirk's assertion that there are only twelve starships like the Enterprise in the fleet is contradicted in The Making of Star Trek , p. 165, by Gene Roddenberry and Stephen E. Whitfield , which lists the names of fourteen starships, though on the same page the starship USS Farragut is described as destroyed, and its fate would already be known at this point in the series. This leaves Kirk's statement technically correct with the Enterprise and the other twelve like it still in service (The fate of the USS Valiant would not be revealed to Starfleet for another two episodes).
  • Except for the 6 am launch time for Apollo 11 , which actually was 9:32 am on Wednesday July 16, 1969, the writer of this episode, D.C. Fontana, correctly predicted the day of the week.
  • The events of this episode, which take place in 1969 , occurred over a year after those of " Assignment: Earth ", which take place in 1968 .
  • This is the last episode in which Spock's rank is stated as lieutenant commander .
  • Though Spock tells Sulu to issue phasers for both himself and Spock when they return to the Air Force base to retrieve Kirk, only Sulu is shown armed with a phaser in the transporter room.
  • This episode establishes the presence of a quartermaster on board the Enterprise . Kirk said to Spock (referring to Captain Christopher), " Why don't you have the quartermaster issue him something more suitable? "
  • Kirk tells Captain Christopher that the Enterprise operates under the authority of the "United Earth Space Probe Agency," which Kirk describes as a "combined service" when Christopher presumes that the Enterprise is operated by the navy. Along with Kirk's log entry reference to "UESPA" in " Charlie X ", this is the only time in the original series that this authority is mentioned. In the Star Trek Concordance [ page number? • edit ] , author Bjo Trimble suggests that it is a fictional name, designed to keep Capt. Christopher in the dark about the true nature of the Federation. The name would be established canonically as being the agency under whose authority the United Earth Starfleet operated under in Star Trek: Enterprise .
  • This episode is the first of two episodes to have a food synthesizer in the transporter room . According to D.C. Fontana , budgetary restrictions precluded taking the security police sergeant to a dining facility or having another actor in the scene bring him food, so Kyle was employed to provide the sergeant's chicken soup from the dispenser. ( The World of Star Trek , 3rd ed., p. 40)
  • This is one of many episodes to contribute to the ambiguous future timeframe of the Original Series . When Fellini threatens to lock Kirk up for two hundred years, Kirk lightly notes that " That should be just about right. " Two hundred years from that point would be 2169, the mid to late 22nd century. The original series is established to be set in the late 2260s.
  • VOY : " Relativity " would later establish a process of " reintegration " of multiple copies of a person created by time travel, with all sets of alternative memories left intact. The exact details were not specified, but the temporal transporter 's existence potentially implies that Spock's transporter technique from this episode had been improved and standardized by the 29th century.

Remastered information [ ]

The original shot of the Enterprise in Earth's sky…

The remastered version of "Tomorrow is Yesterday" aired in many North American markets during the weekend of 5 May 2007 . The episode was heavy in new effects, with revamped CG shots of Earth from orbit – based on NASA space shuttle photographs – as well as new CGI shots of Captain Christopher's jet fighter, the Enterprise falling into Earth's atmosphere , and an all-new sequence depicting the slingshot around the sun. [2]

Video and DVD releases [ ]

  • Original US Betamax release: 1985
  • UK VHS release (two-episode tapes, CIC Video ): Volume 12 , catalog number VHR 2305, release date unknown
  • US VHS release: 15 April 1994
  • UK re-release (three-episode tapes, CIC Video): Volume 1.8, 2 December 1996
  • Original US DVD release (single-disc): Volume 11, 23 May 2000
  • As part of the TOS Season 1 DVD collection
  • As part of the Star Trek: Fan Collective - Time Travel DVD collection
  • As part of the TOS Season 1 HD DVD collection
  • As part of the TOS Season 1 Blu-ray collection

Apocrypha [ ]

  • This episode (or more accurately its stardate of 3113) was used as the basis for the "origin" of material that was published as the Star Fleet Technical Manual ; the first pages of this manual explain how this occurred.
  • The second issue of John Byrne 's Assignment: Earth series, " Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow ", tells the story of Gary Seven 's role in the events of this episode.
  • Before Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds set a different canonical direction for how TOS characters acquired and used knowledge of time travel, the novel Forgotten History depicted the Enterprise crew being debriefed by Starfleet Command after the events of this episode and how they were eventually lead into the events of TOS : " Assignment: Earth ". Meanwhile, the novel From History's Shadow depicted Roberta Lincoln 's reaction to the events of this episode, which also led into her follow-up to the events of "Assignment: Earth". The novel Assignment: Eternity also depicts Seven and Lincoln's next mission taking place soon after this episode.

Links and references [ ]

Starring [ ].

  • William Shatner as Kirk
  • Leonard Nimoy as Spock

Also starring [ ]

  • Roger Perry as Major [ sic ] Christopher

Featuring [ ]

  • DeForest Kelley as Dr. McCoy
  • Hal Lynch as Air Police Sergeant
  • Richard Merrifield as Technician
  • John Winston as Transporter Chief
  • Ed Peck as Colonel Fellini
  • James Doohan as Scott
  • George Takei as Sulu
  • Nichelle Nichols as Uhura
  • Mark Dempsey as Air Force Captain
  • Jim Spencer as Air Policeman
  • Sherri Townsend as Crew Woman

Uncredited co-stars [ ]

  • Majel Barrett as Computer Voice
  • William Blackburn as Hadley
  • John Burnside as Air policeman #2
  • Frank da Vinci as Brent
  • Eddie Paskey as Leslie
  • Radio announcer (voice)
  • US 498th Airbase personnel
  • Enterprise lieutenant/navigator
  • Enterprise security chief (voice)
  • Air Force guard

References [ ]

1954 ; 1968 ; 1969 ; 2217 ; .38 police special ; US 498th Airbase Group ; accident ; ADC Control ; address ; aircraft ; Air Defense Command ; airman (aka airman basic ); Air Police ; alarm ; all decks alert ; " all right "; " all the time "; Alpha Centauri ; altitude ; AM ; answer ; Apollo 11 ; area ; arrest ; astronaut ; atmosphere ; audio ; authority ; automatic helm setting ; auxiliary power ; B-52 Stratofortress ; bag ; belt ; blackjack ; black star ; blip ; Bluejay 4 ; braking control ; braking power ; buckling ; burglary ; calculation ; camera ; Cape Kennedy ; " carry on "; casualty report ; chance ; choice ; chicken soup ; Christopher, Shaun Geoffrey ; Christopher's wife and daughters ; chronometer ; cloud cover ; cockpit ; computer ; computer check ; computer system ; coordinates ; countdown ; Cygnet XIV ; cylindrical ; damage control party ; darkroom ; deck ; demonstration ; department ; drawing ; duty bound ; Earth ; Earth-Saturn probe ; Eastern Standard Time ; emergency signal ; Engineering Officer ; English language ; error ; escape velocity ; espionage ; evidence ; F-104 Starfighter ; F-105 Thunderchief ; fact ; film (material) ; flight suit ; fool ; friend ; g ; girlfriend ; guest ; hand ; historical tape ; horse ; hour ; idea ; identification ; impulse power ; " in case "; industry ; injury ; interceptor ; interrogation room ; jet ; joke ; jury rig ; landing party ; liar ; little green man ; logic ; Luna ; magnetic tape ; maintenance ; maintenance note ; March, M. ; matriarchy ; Mercury ; mind ; minute ; mirage ; missile ; museum ; name ; NASA ; nation ; Nebraska ; nuclear warhead ; Omaha ; orbit ; " over my dead body "; passenger ; personality ; photography ; photo lab ; physical training ; place ; plane ; Pluto ; power ; prisoner ; problem ; progress report ; quartermaster ; RADAR ; radio ; record computer ; record section ; risk ; rubber band ; sabotage ; Saturn ; search party ; second ; secondary system ; sector ; section ; security section ; signal ; sky ; slingshot effect ; Sol ; space ; speed ; serial number ; staff sergeant ; starbase ; Starbase 9 ; Starfleet channel ; Starfleet Control ; Statistical services division ; Strategic Air Command ; stock ; sun dog ; thing ; theory ; thousand ; time warp ; time zone ; tractor beam ; transmission ; transporter ; transporter chief ; transporter room ; truck ; unauthorized entry ; " under arrest "; uniform ; United Earth ; United Earth Space Probe Agency ; UFO ; USAF ; US Navy ; variable ; visual contact ; Vulcan neck pinch ; warp power ; weather balloon ; Wednesday ; week ; wing ; word

External links [ ]

  • " Tomorrow is Yesterday " at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • " Tomorrow is Yesterday " at Wikipedia
  • " Tomorrow is Yesterday " at MissionLogPodcast.com , a Roddenberry Star Trek podcast
  • " Tomorrow is Yesterday " at the Internet Movie Database
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)


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Tomorrow Is Yesterday Video and Screenshots

| May 6, 2007 | By: Matt Wright 99 comments so far

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Episode Preview: Tomorrow Is Yesterday

Tomorrow Is Yesterday

Cast & crew.

Roger Perry

Maj. Christopher

Col. Fellini

John Winston

Transporter Chief Kyle

Air Police sergeant

Dick Merrifield

Technician Webb


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Tomorrow Is Yesterday (Episode)

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Tomorrow is Yesterday is the 21st episode in season 1.

Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

Tomorrow is Yesterday

This article has a real-world perspective! Click here for more information.

"Tomorrow is Yesterday" was the 21st episode of Star Trek: The Original Series produced in the show's first broadcast season , first aired on 26 January 1967 . The episode was written by D.C. Fontana , directed by Michael O' Herlihy MA and novelized in Star Trek 2 by James Blish .

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Novelized in Star Trek 2.

Video releases [ ]

Collector's edition VHS release with "The City on the Edge of Forever".

Episode images [ ]

John Christopher.

Adaptation images [ ]


Connections [ ]

Timeline [ ], translations [ ], external links [ ].

  • " Tomorrow is Yesterday " article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • Tomorrow is Yesterday article at Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia.
  • ↑ The character of Clifford Brent was not named in the episode but the same actor, wearing an officer 's Starfleet uniform , was addressed as Brent in TOS episode : " The Naked Time ". The same actor also played the character of Vinci .
  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 USS Voyager (NCC-74656-A)
  • 3 Lamarr class

Tomorrow Is Yesterday (Q5252917)

  • Star Trek : Tomorrow Is Yesterday

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Star Trek - The Original Series, Vol. 11, Episodes 21 & 22: Tomorrow is Yesterday/ The Return of the Archons

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Star Trek - The Original Series, Vol. 11, Episodes 21 & 22: Tomorrow is Yesterday/ The Return of the Archons

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Star Trek - The Original Series, Vol. 11, Episodes 21 & 22: Tomorrow is Yesterday/ The Return of the Archons

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Star Trek - The Original Series, Vol. 18, Episodes 35 & 36: The Doomsday Machine/ Wolf In The Fold [DVD]

Product Description

"Tomorrow is Yesterday," Ep. 21 - The U.S.S. Enterprise is sent back to the 20th century by a black star, where it is sighted by the Air Force as a U.F.O. Kirk is forced to beam the Air Force's jet pilot aboard. Now he must somehow manage to return to the future without changing history. "The Return of the Archons," Ep. 22 - The U.S.S. Enterprise finds a planet of blissful people ruled by a computer called Landru. The computer now wants to destroy the U.S.S. Enterprise in order to protect what it believes to be its perfect society.

Also on this disc is "Return of the Archons," a cautionary story about mind control written by Gene Roddenberry. The tale begins when Ensign Sulu (George Takei) is taken hostage on an Earth-like planet with a primitive culture. Zapped by a weapon that leaves him under the control of someone or something named Landru, Sulu is then pursued by Kirk and Spock (Leonard Nimoy), who discover that Landru has the same grip on everyone else. Once Landru becomes aware of efforts by the captain and first officer to interfere with its bidding, Kirk and Spock become the target of a massive hunt by locals. A minor episode with a somewhat obvious scenario, "Return of the Archons" does have novel appeal in its heightened role for the ever-charming Sulu, and in Roddenberry's characteristically humane interest in elements that make people (and intelligent aliens) everywhere free to fulfill their destinies. The solution to the who-is-Landru mystery won't surprise anyone, but it may strike you as a prototype of several future episodes, from all the Trek series, involving centralized caretaking on various planets. --Tom Keogh

Product details

  • Aspect Ratio ‏ : ‎ 1.33:1
  • MPAA rating ‏ : ‎ PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
  • Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7.5 x 5.5 x 0.5 inches; 4 ounces
  • Media Format ‏ : ‎ Color, NTSC, Closed-captioned
  • Release date ‏ : ‎ May 23, 2000
  • Actors ‏ : ‎ Star Trek Original Series
  • Subtitles: ‏ : ‎ English
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English (Dolby Digital 5.1)
  • Studio ‏ : ‎ Paramount Studio
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00004SPYL
  • Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1
  • #182,662 in DVD

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Tomorrow is Yesterday

Accidentally swinging around the sun into a time warp, the Enterprise's crew recover from their turbulent journey and find themselves in Earth's atmosphere in the 1960s over North America. Jets are dispatched to bring the 'UFO' down, and one is caught in the ship's tractor beam and begins to break apart. The pilot, Captain John Christopher, is beamed out of his plane before it disintegrates and is welcomed to the Enterprise as the crew prepares to return to the 23rd century. Kirk tells Christopher that he cannot be returned to his own time because he has seen too much of the future, but Spock discovers that Christopher will have a son who will be very important to the history of the space program and Christopher must be returned to 20th century Earth.

The Original Series, seizoen 1

star trek the original series tomorrow is yesterday videos


  1. Star Trek The Original Series Rewatch: “Tomorrow is Yesterday”

    star trek the original series tomorrow is yesterday videos

  2. Watch Star Trek: The Original Series (Remastered) Season 1 Episode 19

    star trek the original series tomorrow is yesterday videos

  3. Star Trek The Original Series Rewatch: “Tomorrow is Yesterday”

    star trek the original series tomorrow is yesterday videos

  4. "Tomorrow Is Yesterday" (S1:E19) Star Trek: The Original Series Screencaps

    star trek the original series tomorrow is yesterday videos

  5. "Tomorrow Is Yesterday" (S1:E19) Star Trek: The Original Series Screencaps

    star trek the original series tomorrow is yesterday videos

  6. Star Trek The Original Series Season 1 Episodes 19 'Tomorrow Is

    star trek the original series tomorrow is yesterday videos


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  2. Star Trek's Tomorrow is Yesterday on the next Yelling At Gaseous Anomalies #shorts

  3. Star Trek Original Series 1-19

  4. Star Trek Universal Remote Control Phaser

  5. Star Trek TOS Vulcans Forge

  6. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (1963) Trailer


  1. "Star Trek" Tomorrow Is Yesterday (TV Episode 1967)

    Tomorrow Is Yesterday: Directed by Michael O'Herlihy. With William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Roger Perry, DeForest Kelley. The Enterprise is thrown back in time to 1960s Earth.

  2. Star Trek The Original Series S01E19 Tomorrow Is Yesterday [1966

    Star Trek The Original Series Season 1 Episode 19 Tomorrow Is Yesterday [1966] Bubble Guppies. 56:02. Star Trek The Original Series S03E23 All Our Yesterdays [1966] Star Trek The Next Generation. 57:52. Star Trek The Original Series S03E23 All Our Yesterdays [1966] Star Trek The Original Series. 56:34.

  3. Star Trek TOS: Tomorrow is Yesterday

    Time travel paradoxes to challenge even the good Doctor! it's "Tomorrow is Yesterday"Watching the remastered edition on Netflix.com

  4. Tomorrow Is Yesterday

    "Tomorrow Is Yesterday" is the nineteenth episode of the first season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek. Written by D. C. Fontana and directed by Michael O'Herlihy, it first aired on January 26, 1967. It was the first Star Trek episode to be written solely by a woman (Dorothy Fontana had previously written the teleplay for the episode "Charlie X" but the story was ...

  5. Tomorrow is Yesterday (episode)

    (The World of Star Trek, 3rd ed., p. 40) This is one of many episodes to contribute to the ambiguous future timeframe of the Original Series. When Fellini threatens to lock Kirk up for two hundred years, Kirk lightly notes that "That should be just about right." Two hundred years from that point would be 2169, the mid to late 22nd century.

  6. Star Trek: Tomorrow Is Yesterday

    The Enterprise travels back in time when escaping the gravitational pull of a black star. Captain Kirk and crew find themselves in orbit around Earth in the...

  7. Tomorrow Is Yesterday

    Tomorrow Is Yesterday. The U.S.S. Enterprise is thrown into a time warp and ends up orbiting Earth in the 20th century. S1E19 50 min. Pluto TV. Movies and Shows in United States. Star Trek: The Original Series. Stream Star Trek: The Original Series free and on-demand with Pluto TV. Season 1, Episode 19. Stream now.

  8. Is That A UFO?

    In Star Trek: The Original Series' "Tomorrow is Yesterday," the U.S.S. Enterprise is thrown into a time warp by a black star and ends up orbiting Earth in the 20th Century. Omaha Air Base detects a peculiar UFO and sends a fighter plane, manned by Captain John Christopher, to investigate.

  9. Tomorrow Is Yesterday Video and Screenshots

    Slingshot around the sun. Back around the other side. Slowing to drop off Captain Christopher. Braking into the proper century. Assorted. Captain Christopher beamed out of his cockpit. Kirk puts ...

  10. Tomorrow Is Yesterday

    Tomorrow Is Yesterday. View in iTunes. Available on Pluto TV, Paramount+, Prime Video, iTunes. S1 E19: The Enterprise is thrown back to 20th century Earth. Sci-Fi Jan 26, 1967 48 min. TV-PG. Starring Roger Perry, Ed Peck, John Winston.

  11. Star Trek The Original Series Season 1 Episode 19 Tomorrow Is Yesterday

    Star Trek The Original Series S01E19 Tomorrow Is Yesterday [1966] Star Trek The Original Series. 56:29. Star Trek The Original Series S01E19 Tomorrow Is Yesterday [1966] Star Trek The Next Generation. 57:52. Star Trek The Original Series S03E23 All Our Yesterdays [1966] Star Trek The Original Series. 56:34. Star Trek The Original Series S03E23 ...

  12. Episode Preview: Tomorrow Is Yesterday

    © 2024 CBS Studios Inc., Paramount Pictures Corporation, and CBS Interactive Inc., Paramount companies. STAR TREK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc.

  13. Tomorrow Is Yesterday

    Tomorrow Is Yesterday. Available on Prime Video, Paramount+. S1 E19: An Air Force pilot becomes an unwilling passenger after the Enterprise is hurled back through time to 1960s Earth. Sci-Fi Jan. 26, 1967 48 min. G. Starring Roger Perry, Ed Peck, John Winston.

  14. STAR TREK The Original Series Ep 19: "Tomorrow is Yesterday"

    To celebrate 50 years of STAR TREK, Scruffy and Jinyo are challenging you to watch an episode a day of The Original Series. Because why not?Starting June 21s...

  15. Star Trek The Original Series S01E19 Tomorrow Is Yesterday [1966

    55:56. Star Trek The Original Series Season 1 Episode 19 Tomorrow Is Yesterday [1966] Bubble Guppies. 56:02. Star Trek The Original Series S03E23 All Our Yesterdays [1966] Star Trek The Next Generation. 56:27. Star Trek The Original Series S02E20 Return To Tomorrow [1966]

  16. Tomorrow Is Yesterday (Episode)

    Tomorrow is Yesterday is the 21st episode in season 1. Star Trek: The Original Series Wiki

  17. Tomorrow is Yesterday

    "Tomorrow is Yesterday" was the 21st episode of Star Trek: The Original Series produced in the show's first broadcast season, first aired on 26 January 1967. The episode was written by D.C. Fontana, directed by Michael O' HerlihyMA and novelized in Star Trek 2 by James Blish. Robert Abrams • Clifford Brent[1] • John Christopher • Lucas Fellini • Bill Hadley • James T. Kirk • John ...

  18. Watch Star Trek Season 1 Episode 20: Star Trek: The Original Series

    The iconic series "Star Trek" follows the crew of the starship USS Enterprise as it completes its missions in space in the 23rd century. Captain James T. Kirk -- along with half- human/half-Vulcan science officer Spock, ship Dr. "Bones" McCoy, Ensign Pavel Chekov, communications officer Lt. Nyota Uhura, helmsman Lt. Hikaru Sulu and chief engineer Lt. Cmdr. Montgomery "Scotty" Scott -- confront ...

  19. Star Trek

    Star Trek The Original Series. 55:53. Star Trek The Original Series Season 2 Episode 20 Return To Tomorrow [1966] Bubble Guppies. 1:14. Star Trek: Dr. Polanski of Return to Tomorrow meets Steve McGarett. BROOKLYN BOY. 1:09. Star Trek Online : Agents of Yesterday - Bande-annonce officielle de Agents of Yesterday.

  20. Tomorrow Is Yesterday

    19th episode of the first season of Star Trek: The Original Series. Tomorrow Is Yesterday (Q5252917) ... The Original Series" Tomorrow Is Yesterday (TV Episode 1967) - IMDb (American English) retrieved. 4 July 2021. ... video on demand. 1 reference. inferred from. Netflix.

  21. Star Trek

    Volume 11 in the classic Star Trek series on DVD contains the delightful episode "Tomorrow Is Yesterday," a time-travel story with an infectious blend of suspense and humor. After dropping into a black hole, the Enterprise ends up orbiting the Earth in the late 1960s, and is spotted by U.S. Air Force Captain Christopher (Roger Perry), who ...

  22. Tomorrow is Yesterday

    Accidentally swinging around the sun into a time warp, the Enterprise's crew recover from their turbulent journey and find themselves in Earth's atmosphere in the 1960s over North America. Jets are dispatched to bring the 'UFO' down, and one is caught in the ship's tractor beam and begins to break apart. The pilot, Captain John Christopher, is beamed out of his plane before it disintegrates ...

  23. S01E19 Tomorrow Is Yesterday

    Babbage: January 8th 2014: Google it yesterday, tomorrow. The Economist. 1:16. Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. Techy Sharma. 55:56. Star Trek The Original Series Season 1 Episode 19 Tomorrow Is Yesterday [1966] Bubble Guppies.

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