Creative Nomenclature

140 Names That Mean Traveler or Wanderer For Boys & Girls

140 Names That Mean Traveler or Wanderer For Boys & Girls

The world is full of wanderers, adventurers and travelers. They are people who are always seeking new experiences, new cultures and new destinations.

If you’re someone who loves to travel or simply has an adventurous spirit, then you may have considered giving your child a name that reflects this passion.

In many cultures, names have meanings attached to them. Some parents choose names for their children based on the meaning and symbolism behind them.

So, if you’re looking for a name that signifies wanderlust, here are some great options to consider.

Names That Mean Traveler or Wanderer

Table of Contents

Boy Names That Mean Traveler or Wanderer

Finn: This Irish name means “fair” or “white” and is also associated with adventure and exploration. It has become increasingly popular in recent years.

Journey: This English word name literally means a trip or voyage, making it the perfect choice for parents who love to travel.

Atlas: In Greek mythology, Atlas was a Titan who carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. This name is often associated with strength and endurance, qualities that are useful for any traveler.

Rohan: This Hindi name means “ascending” or “rising,” which can be interpreted as someone who is always moving forward and seeking new journeys.

Wilder: This English name means “untamed” or “wild,” which perfectly captures the essence of a wanderer who loves to explore off the beaten path.

Aniveshak: This Sanskrit name means “one who searches” or “seeker,” which is a fitting name for someone with a curious and adventurous spirit.

Ewan: This Scottish name means “youth” or “born of the yew tree.” It’s also associated with adventure and exploration, as seen in the well-known explorer Ewan McGregor.

Peregrine: This Latin name means “traveler” or “pilgrim,” making it a unique and meaningful choice for parents who love to travel.

Odin: In Norse mythology, Odin was the god of wisdom, war, and poetry. He was known for his travels and adventures, making this name a perfect fit for a little wanderer.

Arvad: This Hebrew name means “wanderer” or “exile.” It’s a lesser-known name but has a beautiful and unique sound to it.

Abir: This Arabic name means “strong” or “powerful,” which can be interpreted as someone who is strong in their travels and explorations.

Ahascharah: This Hebrew name means “traveler” or “pilgrim,” and has a lovely and melodic sound to it.

Ahimun: This Native American name means “to wander” or “travel far,” and has a strong and powerful meaning behind it.

Bodhi: In Sanskrit, this name means “enlightenment” or “awakening.” It’s also associated with the famous tree under which Buddha achieved enlightenment, making it a meaningful name for a little wanderer on a spiritual journey.

Evander: This Greek name means “good man” or “bow warrior,” and is also linked to the Trojan prince who traveled to Italy and founded the city of Pallantium.

Bahishti: This Persian name means “wanderer” or “traveler,” and has a beautiful and exotic sound to it.

Charaka: This Sanskrit name means “traveler” or “wanderer,” and is also the name of an ancient Indian sage who was known for his travels and teachings.

Christopher: This Greek name means “bearer of Christ” or “Christ-bearer,” and is often associated with the famous explorer Christopher Columbus.

Faridun: This Persian name means “traveler” or “wanderer,” and also has a regal and majestic feel to it.

Kai: In Hawaiian, this name means “sea” or “ocean,” making it a beautiful and meaningful choice for parents who are drawn to the water and love to travel.

Ahim: This Hebrew name means “brother of the sea” or “ocean,” and also has a spiritual connotation as it is mentioned in the Bible.

Cruz: Derived from the Spanish word for “cross,” it symbolizes a “cruise” or an “adventurous spirit” ready to traverse vast distances and explore new horizons.

Easton: This English name, meaning “eastward exploration,” evokes images of journeys toward the sunrise, symbolizing new beginnings and the pursuit of adventure.

Erasmus: Bearing the name of the patron saint of sailors, Erasmus means “ocean explorer,” a nod to those who are drawn to the mysteries of the seas and the adventures they hold.

Faramund: With its roots in ancient names, Faramund translates to “protector of journeys,” ideal for those who seek to provide safety and guidance on travels far and wide.

Jett: This name speaks to speed and agility, meaning “fast mover; traveler.” It’s perfect for a child with a restless spirit and a passion for exploring the world at a brisk pace.

Miles: Originally a Latin term describing a soldier, Miles has evolved to mean “world explorer,” symbolizing endurance and the quest for discovery across the globe.

Rhodes: This name, meaning “rose grower,” also embodies the spirit of an “adventurer.” It draws images of thriving in new environments and the beauty of exploring the unknown.

Ryder: Signifying “in motion,” Ryder is the quintessential name for those always on the move, seeking new adventures and horizons to explore.

Westin: This name, meaning “western travel,” encapsulates the spirit of the pioneer, moving toward new frontiers and exploring uncharted territories.

Dwade: Derived from the Old English word “dwadian,” meaning to wander or stroll, this name is perfect for a child with a free-spirited and curious nature.

Zarek: With its origins in Slavic mythology, Zarek means “traveler” or “wanderer.” It also has an edgy and modern sound to it.

Doran: This Irish name means “exile” or “stranger,” which can be interpreted as someone who is not afraid to leave their comfort zone and explore new places.

Faerch: In Norse mythology, Faerch was a god associated with travel and transportation. This name has a mystical and adventurous feel to it.

Journey: As a word name, Journey is a perfect way to symbolize the act of traveling and exploring. It also has a beautiful and poetic sound to it.

Fasach: This Gaelic name means “wilderness” or “wildness,” which captures the untamed and free-spirited nature of a wanderer.

Ferdinand: This German name, meaning “bold voyager,” carries a strong, adventurous sense. It’s also linked to royalty, associated with several kings through history.

Eira: This Welsh name means “snow” or “white,” representing the beauty and serenity of travel through snow-covered landscapes.

Gypsy: This word name has a bohemian and nomadic feel to it, perfect for parents who embrace a carefree and adventurous lifestyle.

Hitch: Another word name, Hitch symbolizes traveling by hitchhiking or taking a ride with someone else, embodying the concept of going wherever life takes you with an open mind.

Farren: This Irish name means “adventurous” or “wanderer,” perfect for a child with an independent and daring spirit.

Igashu: This African name means “traveler” or “journey,” capturing the essence of a wandering soul.

Jagatbehari: This Sanskrit name means “world traveler” or “universal wanderer,” symbolizing a person who is at home wherever they go.

Yatri: This Sanskrit name means “traveler” or “pilgrim,” representing a person on a journey towards enlightenment and self-discovery.

Jatri: Another Sanskrit name, Jatri, means “traveler”, and also has a lyrical sound to it.

Jeffrey: This name has German roots and means “peaceful traveler,” representing someone who seeks harmony and tranquility on their travels.

Niall: Derived from the Irish word for “cloud,” Niall symbolizes a person who is always on the move, chasing new experiences and adventures like a cloud moves across the sky.

Lokachari: This Sanskrit name means “world traveler,” symbolizing someone with a deep curiosity for different cultures and places.

Parikshit: Meaning “examiner” or “one who explores,” this Sanskrit name represents someone on a quest to learn and understand new things through their travels.

Musafir: This Arabic name means “traveler” or “wanderer,” capturing the essence of someone who is always on a journey, both physically and spiritually.

Girl Names That Mean Traveler or Wanderer

Saira: This Arabic name means “traveler” or “journey,” representing a person who is constantly on the move and seeking new experiences.

Odessa: This Greek name means “long journey,” symbolizing a person who is ready to embark on an adventure and explore distant lands.

Viatora: This Latin name means “traveler,” paying tribute to the ancient Roman god of travelers, Viator.

Pilgrim: As a word name, Pilgrim represents someone on a spiritual or physical journey, seeking enlightenment and new experiences.

Astrid: This Scandinavian name means “divine strength” or “star,” representing someone who is guided by their inner strength and curiosity to explore the world.

Roaming: Another word name, Roaming speaks to a person’s desire to wander and discover new places, cultures, and experiences.

Vagabond: This French word name carries a sense of adventure and freedom, representing someone who is always on the move and open to new experiences.

Asra: This name has an ethereal quality, meaning “night traveler.” It suggests a person who navigates the world by the stars, moving through the darkness with purpose and grace.

Barbara: Historically, Barbara means “foreign traveler,” ideal for a child with a destiny to cross borders and explore cultures beyond their own.

Beatrix: With origins that breathe life into the word “voyager,” Beatrix evokes images of journeys filled with joy and discovery.

Fernanda: This bold name means “adventurous,” perfectly suited for a girl with a daring heart and an unquenchable thirst for exploring the unknown.

Mareesha: An unusual yet captivating name, Mareesha means “frequent traveler,” denoting someone always ready for the next adventure.

Sayyora: Reflecting the essence of its meaning, “constantly moving,” Sayyora captures the spirit of a lifelong wanderer, always in motion and in search of new experiences.

Wanda: Originally meaning “shepherdess,” Wanda symbolizes guidance, exploration, and the carefree wandering of pastoral landscapes.

Delta: As a word name, Delta represents the third letter of the Greek alphabet and also symbolizes change and movement, making it an ideal name for a little traveler.

Safira: This name means “traveler” or “journey,” making it perfect for a child with an adventurous spirit and a desire to see new places.

Isla: This Scottish name means “island” or “sea,” representing a person who is drawn to the ocean and loves to travel by boat.

North: A directional name with a sense of adventure, “North” represents a female explorer charting her own path in the world.

Liberty: Symbolizing the freedom of travel, Liberty is a name that evokes the spirit of adventure and the quest for exploration.

Marina: Derived from Latin, “Marina” means “from the sea,” perfect for a girl with a love for oceanic adventures and maritime journeys.

Sally: Traditionally, Sally means “princess,” but it also represents an “off-path adventurer,” a woman who seeks out new routes and undiscovered lands.

Neveah: This name is “heaven” spelled backwards, representing a person who sees the world as a beautiful and magical place to explore.

Vesta: As the Roman goddess of hearth and home, Vesta symbolizes safety and protection during travels, making it an ideal name for a girl with adventurous ambitions.

Journey: A word name that speaks to a person’s path in life, Journey symbolizes the ups and downs, twists and turns of a traveler’s experiences.

Soleil: Meaning “sun” in French, Soleil evokes images of warm destinations and sunny adventures, perfect for a girl who loves to travel to tropical destinations.

Yayati: This Sanskrit name means “wanderer,” representing a person who is constantly on the move, seeking new experiences and knowledge.

Sachi: This Japanese name means “happy traveler” or “fortunate journey,” reminding us that travel can bring joy and good fortune.

Somerild: Derived from Old Norse, Somerild means “summer traveler,” capturing the essence of a person who loves to wander during the warm summer months.

Qazaq: Originating from the Turkic word for “wanderer,” this name symbolizes a person who is always exploring and discovering new paths.

Cascade: As a word name, Cascade represents the flow of water and also signifies continuous movement and change, making it an ideal name for a girl with wanderlust.

Pleeha: This unique name signifies “joyful traveller,” embodying the happiness and exhilaration one finds in exploring new lands and cultures.

Perry: Derived from “peregrine,” meaning “wanderer” or “one from abroad,” Perry encapsulates the spirit of someone always seeking new horizons and adventures.

Nocona: This Native American name means “wanderer,” reflecting the innate desire to roam freely and explore the vastness of the world.

Njeri: Originating from the Kikuyu people of Kenya, Njeri means “warrior” or “one on a journey,” symbolizing strength and resilience in the pursuit of exploration.

Nester: With roots in Greek mythology, Nester was known for his wisdom and longevity, this name represents a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and adventure across the globe.

Margi: This Sanskrit name means “traveler,” symbolizing someone always seeking new experiences and knowledge. It also suggests spirituality and self-discovery.

Aurelia: Derived from Latin, meaning “golden” or “sunrise,” Aurelia signifies the start of a new journey, filled with endless possibilities and adventures waiting to be discovered.

Tallulah: This Native American name means “leaping water,” representing a person who is constantly moving and exploring, like a rushing river or waterfall.

Aiden: With roots in Irish mythology, Aiden means “fiery one” or “little fire,” symbolizing a burning passion for adventure and exploration.

Margana: This unique and powerful name means “traveler of the moon,” evoking a sense of mystery and magic, perfect for a girl with an imaginative spirit and a love for lunar adventures.

Lawanda: Originating from the Native American Choctaw tribe, Lawanda means “wanderer” or “one who roams,” reflecting a person’s innate desire to explore and wander.

Alma: This Spanish name means “soul” or “spirit,” representing a person’s inner desires and dreams, which often include travels to new places and cultures.

Bice: This Italian name means “voyager” or “traveler,” capturing the essence of someone always on the move and seeking new experiences.

Ilma: Derived from Arabic, Ilma means “whole world” or “universe,” symbolizing a person’s endless curiosity for exploring different corners of the globe.

Jasmine: With origins in Persian, Jasmine means “gift from God,” representing the blessing of travel and the beauty it brings to our lives.

Avery: Originally a surname, Avery means “elf ruler” or “wise traveler,” reminding us that through our travels, we can gain wisdom and understanding of the world.

Diadra: Derived from Greek, Diadra means “ready for the journey,” symbolizing a person’s readiness and eagerness to embark on new adventures.

Everette: This English name means “brave traveler,” representing a person’s courage and resilience in the face of new and unknown experiences.

Haimi: As a Hindi name, Haimi means “golden” or “sacred,” signifying the transformative power of travel and the precious memories it creates.

Kaimi: This Hawaiian name means “the seeker,” representing a person who is always on the lookout for new opportunities and experiences, especially in travels.

Non-Binary Names for Adventurers / Traveler

Arin: Meaning “mountain of strength” in Irish, Arin represents a person who is resilient and determined when facing challenges on their journey.

Rio: This name has roots in Spanish and Portuguese, referring to a river or stream, symbolizing the continuous flow and movement of an adventurous spirit.

Ember: With roots in Old English, Ember means “spark” or “fire,” representing the passion and excitement that comes with traveling to new places.

Sparrow: This unique name represents a free spirit that is always on the move, like a bird flying from place to place, seeking new adventures.

Kai: Of Hawaiian origin, Kai means “sea” or “ocean,” reminding us of the vastness and wonder of the world waiting to be explored.

Luca: This Italian name means “bringer of light,” symbolizing the enlightening experiences and perspectives gained through travels.

Phoenix: As a word name, Phoenix represents rebirth and renewal, reminding us that every journey brings new growth and transformation.

Avery: This name has both English and French origins, meaning “elf ruler” or “wise traveler,” capturing the adventurous spirit of a person who seeks knowledge through travel.

Skye: Derived from the Isle of Skye in Scotland, this name signifies a connection to nature and the outdoors, making it perfect for a lover of adventure and exploration.

Rumi: This name has roots in Persian, meaning “traveler” or “pilgrim,” reflecting the journey that life takes us on and the lessons we learn along the way.

Jules: With origins in Latin, Jules means “youthful” or “full of energy,” representing the boundless enthusiasm and curiosity that comes with traveling to new places.

Hollis: Meaning “dweller by the holly trees,” this name represents a person who is in tune with nature and finds solace in exploring the great outdoors.

Raahi: This Hindi name means “traveler,” symbolizing a person’s constant desire to explore and discover new places.

Wynne: Of Welsh origin, Wynne means “fair” or “blessed,” representing the joy and fulfillment that comes with experiencing different cultures and landscapes in travels.

Holiday: This word name represents the excitement and joy that comes with embarking on a new adventure or vacation, making it perfect for an adventurous spirit.

Lane: Derived from English, Lane means “path” or “route,” representing the many paths and routes that a traveler takes in their journey through life.

Meridian: This word name refers to the imaginary line that runs from the North to South poles, symbolizing a journey that spans the entire globe.

Ocean: As a word name, Ocean represents the vastness and mystery of the sea, making it perfect for an adventurous soul drawn to coastal or island travels.

Niko: This Slavic name means “victorious” or “conqueror,” representing a person who overcomes challenges and obstacles in their journey through life.

Quest: Meaning “search” or “seek,” this word name captures the never-ending pursuit of new experiences and adventures that drives a traveler.

Popular Place Names For Babies

Popular Place Names For Babies

Siena: This Italian city is known for its beautiful architecture, art, and cuisine, making it a perfect namesake for a child with a love for culture and history.

Cairo: The capital of Egypt, Cairo is steeped in ancient history and mythology, making it a unique and meaningful name choice for a child.

Aspen: This mountain town in Colorado is popular for its ski resorts and scenic landscapes, making it a perfect name for a child with a love for the outdoors.

Luna: Derived from Latin, Luna means “moon,” making it a fitting name for a child born under the night sky or with an adventurous spirit that reaches for the stars.

Savannah: This name has roots in Spanish, meaning “treeless plain,” representing the vast and wild landscapes of the African savannah.

Kyoto: As a Japanese city known for its traditional temples and gardens, Kyoto is a beautiful and serene namesake for a child.

Valencia : This Spanish city is famous for its vibrant culture, art, and food, making it a perfect namesake for a child full of energy and creativity.

Adelaide: This Australian city is known for its beautiful beaches and laid-back lifestyle, making it a charming name choice for a child.

Rio: Meaning “river” or “stream” in Spanish and Portuguese, Rio is a popular place name that can also symbolize the flow and movement of a child’s life.

Dallas: This city in Texas is known for its southern charm and lively music scene, making it a perfect namesake for a child with a free-spirited personality.

Milan: As an Italian fashion capital, Milan is associated with elegance, style, and sophistication, making it a unique and fashionable name choice for a child.

Phoenix: This city in Arizona is known for its desert landscapes, making it a fitting namesake for a resilient and adventurous child.

Aurora: Derived from Latin, Aurora means “dawn,” representing new beginnings and possibilities, making it an uplifting and meaningful name for a child.

Asia: This continent, rich in diverse cultures and landscapes, is a popular place name for girls, symbolizing a child’s potential to explore and experience the world.

Hudson: As a river that flows through New York, Hudson is a strong and classic namesake for a boy with an adventurous spirit.

Geneva: This Swiss city is known for its picturesque landscapes and peaceful atmosphere, making it a serene and elegant namesake for a child.

Caspian: As the largest inland body of water in the world, the Caspian Sea represents mystery, depth, and endless possibilities, making it a unique name choice for a child.

Sienna: This Tuscan city is known for its medieval architecture and rich history, making it a beautiful and meaningful namesake for a child.

Boston: As the capital of Massachusetts, Boston is known for its rich history and vibrant culture, making it a popular place name for boys.

Havana: This Cuban city is famous for its music, art, and colorful streets, making it a lively and charming namesake for a child.

In conclusion, there are many beautiful and meaningful names that reflect the spirit of a traveler or wanderer.

From names rooted in different cultures to popular place names, each one has its unique significance and charm.

Choosing a travel-inspired name for your child can also be a reminder of the endless possibilities and adventures waiting for them in life.

Whether they grow up to explore new places or simply carry a love for adventure in their hearts, these names serve as a beautiful tribute to the adventurous spirit within all of us. 

So go ahead and choose a name that speaks to you and your child’s journey through life – the possibilities are endless!

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Home • Baby • Baby Names

118 Baby Names That Mean Traveler, Wanderer, Or Seeker

Let wanderlust bite your little bug — unique names for your little backpacker.

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If you want your little bundle of joy to become a wanderlust and seek interesting adventures in life, your search for baby names meaning traveler, can end here. Travelling entails being on the lookout for great things, being adventurous, and experiencing interesting incidents along the way that usually fall beyond the realm of one’s normal routines. Travelers are not ready to settle for the mundane kind of life. And if that is what you had in mind for yourself and now for your little one as well, read on as we bring you some meaningful babies that mean traveler, seeker, or wanderer. Pick out the one that intrigues you the most.

Boy Names That Mean Traveler, Wanderer, Or Seeker

Ace means ”winner.” The English name represents an adventurous soul who loves to take risks. The short name is powerful and evokes a person with a winning mentality.

The name is derived from Hebrew and means “exile” or “voyager.” Arvad is also the only inhabited island in Syria in the Mediterranean Sea.

A famous Egyptian, Indian, and Jordanian name with Hebrew roots, it means to fly or soar.

4. Ahascharah

This unique Sanskrit name has a beautiful Vedic ring to it. Ahascharah means “the day wanderer.”

This is a Hindi-origin name with various meanings, including water, cloud, and traveler.

6. Aniveshak

This Indian name means “one who finds” or “seeker.” It has been associated with many celebrities and rulers over the ages.

7. Brandan, Brendan , Brendon

An Anglicized version of the Irish name Breandán, this name means “ Prince .” The name was popularized by Saint Brendan, who is also called “the Navigator,” “the Voyager,” “the Anchorite,” and “the Bold.”

Bahis is a Quranic male name meaning seeker, learner, researcher, or explorer.

A roaming soul is referred to as a Charaka. The word is of Indian origin and means “vagabond” or “traveler.”

10. Christopher

It is a Greek-origin word meaning “Christ-bearer.” St Christopher is the patron saint of all travelers.

This English name resonates with a climber or a traveler in search of heights, with eyes set on the peak of a cliff. Famous personalities with this name include the singer Cliff Richards and American actor Cliff Robertson.

The name Csaba finds its origins in Hungarian mythology. It refers to a shepherd , one who wanders with his cattle.

This is a Dutch name meaning “wanderer.”

This is a unisex name of Irish and Gaelic origin and means wanderer or pilgrim.

It is believed that this English name is an amalgamation of two names, namely Dwayne and Wade . Dwade means the “dark traveler.” Some say the name may have originated in the US.

Emin Pasha of the Ottoman Empire was one of the greatest explorers in German history. Although the literal meaning of the word is “trustworthy,” Emin has become synonymous with “wanderer.”

17. Faramund

It is an Old German name meaning protector of travelers. “Fara” means “journey” or “to travel” and “munt” means “to protect.”

Although a popular name in England, this Old German name comes from “fardi,” meaning “journey” and “nanthi,” meaning “venture.” Three famous Holy Roman emperors and several Spanish and Italian kings have borne this name.

The unisex English name is a diminutive form of Ferdinand and means “journey ready.”

This old English name refers to a traveler, preacher, or messenger bringing the good news.

21. Ferdinand

This has been given to many powerful leaders through the ages. This name of German origin means “bold traveler” or “voyager.”

Also used as a common noun, this word refers to people who are constant wanderers. Gypsies do not live in one place for long, and this English name brings to mind the personality of a traveler, a roamer.

This Native American name means “one who wanders or seeks.”

24. Jagatbehari

The name Jagatbehari means “world traveler.” The word is of Indian origin and is a masculine name. Hindus usually use this name.

As an English name, Jal has a unique ring to it. It refers to one who is a “wandering spirit” or a “traveler.”

26. Jahanjuy

This Parsi name means “seeker of the world.”

It is derived from the English word “jet,” which literally means power and speed. It denotes movement, travel and adventure.

28. Jeffrey / Geoffrey

This English name has many meanings, one of which is “traveler.” The name has many variants and short forms, such as Jeff and Geoff. Many notable people have this popular name, including Jeff Bridges and Jeff Bezos.

29. Kevalin

Meaning “Seeker of the Absolute,” Kevalin is a Sanskrit name of Indian origin.

Kymani is a name of East African Origin. Bob Marley chose this name for one of his sons, as it meant “adventurous traveler,” and Marley himself was a seeker.

31. Lokachari

This Sanskrit name means “wanderer of the Earth.” People with this name are known to be seekers of religion, spirituality, and wisdom.

This Egyptian male name means “traveler.” Some similar-sounding names are Masha , Misha , Meshia, Moishe , Moosha, and Moshe .

33. Naikasanucharah

This unique Sanskrit name for boys means “wanderer over the peaks.”

The name Nerio is a popular unisex first name in Italy and the US. It is of Latin and Greek origin and means “sea traveler.”

Nestor finds its origin in Greek Mythology. Nestor, the son of Neleus, the King of Pylos and Chloris, was a wise voyager. The word literally means “one who returns from travels.”

Noah was a famous Biblical traveler who built a giant ark to save the animals from disaster. This Hebrew name means “wanderer.”

This Indian name is common amongst Jains and Hindus and refers to one who is a “traveler.”

A derivative of Pathik, this Indian name also means “traveler.”

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Pippin was the name of a hobbit in the 1954 original version of The Lord of the Rings. It is a nickname for Peregrin, which means “pilgrim” or “traveler.”

40. Peregrine

Derived from the Latin word Peregrinus, this name means “one from abroad,” “a traveler,” “foreigner,” or “pilgrim.”

This English name means “wanderer.” It could be a derivation from the longer name Peregrine or a name in itself.

A beautiful male name, it means “brave wanderer” and finds its origin in Tibet.

A name of Indian origin, Raahi refers to a “traveler.” ‘Raah’ means “path,” and Raahi means “one traveling on a path.”

44. Raaheel

A name of Indian origin, Raaheel is a masculine name that means “traveler.” This name is commonly used by Hindus and Muslims.

A wanderer by nature, Ravid is a Hebrew name given to a boy child. It is associated with a big brother who takes pride in taking care of their younger siblings. Ravid is also the name of a famous mountain in Israel.

Romer is a German name. It refers to “one who roams or has wandering roots.” It’s also another word for “pilgrim.”

This name is commonly used for pets but is also used to refer to adventurous children. The English term means “wanderer or traveler.”

48. Satyesu

Meaning “the seeker of truth,” this Indian name resonates with people who are open-minded and fearless. People with this name are excited to explore and often have a gypsy-like personality. They seek adventure and freedom.

The term Scott is of Gaelic origin. The English call people from Scotland as Scotts, but in Scotland, this boy-name means “wanderer.”

50. Sekgolokhane

Sekgolokhane is a Basotho name. Te unique name means a “wanderer” and is commonly used within the community itself.

This male name originated from Norway and is derived from the Old Norse name “Stigandr,” which means “wanderer.” Another translation of the word is “swift on his feet.”

This name is also another modern derivation of the Old Norse name “Stigandr.” Stig is also a Scandinavian name meaning “one who wanders.”

This Indian name means “seeker of God.”

54. Somerled

This is the Anglicized version of the Old Norse or Scottish name Sumarliði. It means a “summer traveler.”

55. Sumarlidr

This Norwegian name of Old Norse origin means “summer traveler.” It is a strong, masculine name.

it is a direct Quranic name that means “one who seeks knowledge” or a “seeker. The word also means “student.”

This Muslim name with Arabic origins means “the seeker of truth.” The name gained popularity after Talib Shabib, a famous Iraqi politician, shot to fame with his planned coup against President Abdul Karim Qassim.

Tarka was the name of the (male) otter protagonist of Henry Williamson’s 1927 novel Tarka the Otter. The word literally means “wandering like water.”

Trent means trespasser or traveler. This male name is of English origin. The name is usually found amongst Christians.

Quite like the word “trip,” this English name also means “journey.” In old English, the name also referred to a dancer.

61. Ulysses

This famous wanderer in Homer’s Greek epic poem Odyssey was an angry and wrathful soul. Ulysses is the Latinized version of Odysseus, the protagonist of the poem.

This masculine name of Norwegian origin literally means “winter traveler.”

63. Vipinbehari

This Indian name means “Forest wanderer.” This name is used in Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil, Oriya, Telugu, and almost all Indian Hindu languages and communities.

Wayman is an English name. It means wanderer or traveler. Some famous personalities with this name are Wayman Britt, a retired American basketball player, Charlie Wayman, an English footballer, and Wayman Crow, one of the founders of the Washington University.

Wendel was a popular name in the 1940s. The Dutch- and German-origin name means “wanderer” or “someone who wanders.”

This is usually a surname or family name, but some people like to use it as a first name. The English word means “wanderer.” Another meaning of the name is “of the forest.”

The name Zulan is of Zulu origin and means “wanderer.”

Girl Names That Mean Traveler, Wanderer, Or Seeker

Alissa is a variant of the Phoenician name “Elishat,” which means “wanderer.” The name has many popular variants, including Alisa and Alice.

Ahima is the female version of the Hindu male name “Ahim,” meaning “traveler” or “cloud.”

With Latin roots, this popular Celtic name was popular in the US in the mid-1900s. It has several meanings, one of which is “an independent spirit.”

Asra is a Muslim girl name with multiple meanings. The Arabic name means “to travel at night.”

72. Barbara

The Greek word “barbaros” means “a traveler from a foreign land.” This English name has been derived from “Barbaros” and Anglicized to “Barbara.” Notable women with this name include singer Barbara Streisand and first lady Barbara Bush.

73. Beatrice

The name Beatrice finds its origins in Hungary , Dutch, England, Germany, and Rome . It is derived from the Latin word “Viatrix” meaning “a voyager” or “traveler” and is lovingly shortened to “ Bea .” The name was ranked the 573rd most popular name for baby girls born in the United States in 2018.

74. Brahmacharini

This Indian name means a “seeker of Brahman.”

This English word means a “ small stream .” Name your little girl Brooke if you want her to be free-spirited like a stream. It is a great name for someone who seeks adventure and carves their own path.

A derivation of Beatrice, the Italian girl’s name means “traveler” or “voyager.”

This American name means “sorrowful wanderer.”

This name finds its roots in Gaelic. It is derived from “O Deorian” and means “pilgrim” or “wanderer.”

79. Diadra/ Deidre

A variation of Deedra, this American name also means “sorrowful wanderer.” Deidre, derived from Deirdre , was a tragic heroine in Irish mythology.

In Greek mythology, Elissa was another name for Dido, the Queen of Carthage. This name denotes a “wanderer.” It is often used as a short form of Elizabeth.

Fara is an Old High German name meaning “traveler.” The Middle Eastern version of the name spells Farah and means joy.

82. Fernanda

This name is a variation of the popular name Ferdinand. Fernanda means “a wandering spirit” and finds its roots in Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.

This Indian name means “traveler” or “wanderer.”

The famous Tom Hanks movie Forrest Gump popularized this name. The character in the movie was a seeker who wandered into many adventures. The Old English name literally means “dweller of the woods” and can be interpreted as a saint or seeker of spirituality.

This romantic Spanish name means “wanderer” or “gypsy.”

Gypsies are known to be wanderers. They have no permanent place of residence. The name Gypsy finds its origins in the wilderness of England and represents a “Bohemian traveler.”

The Hawaiian name Haimi means “the seeker.” Haimi is also another name for Goddess Parvati in the Hindu religion.

Igashu is a Native American name for a “seeker” or “wandering spirit.” People with this name are seekers of truth and spirituality.

Isra represents a “nocturnal journey.” This name is of Arabic origin and literally means “to travel at night.”

90. Journey

Journey is a beautiful name for a baby girl. It implies she is a voyager, a seeker, a traveler, and a wanderer.

This Hawaiin name for girls means “seeker.” Kaimi is also used as a Polish name .

92. Lawanda

Lawanda is an American name for girls, and it means “little wanderer.” This name can also be found in Germany and a few English-speaking countries.

93. Margana

This Sanskrit name for girls means “seeker of truth.”

94. Marlowe

This name of English origin evokes a sense of wandering. The word literally means “driftwood” and represents a drifter.

The name Mamga finds its roots in the Swahili language. It means “wanderer.”

96. Mareesha

A name of Hindu origin, Mareesha is a name for a female child. It means “traveler.”

This feminine name of Indian origin means “traveler.” This name is commonly used amongst Hindus, Jains, and Christians.

98. Nahomtima

Nahomtima is a Chowtaw tribe name given to a girl child. It means “seeker” or “giver.”

Nijeri is a tribal name from Kikuyu land in Kenya. The name represents one who loves to visit or travel.

100. Nocona

This Native American name has an adventurous ring to it. Nocona means “wanderer” or “camper.” It is an apt name for a girl who loves the outdoors.

101. Peregrina

This name of Latin origin means a “traveler” or “pilgrim.” The name can be used for boys and girls.

It is a derivative of the Latin name Peregrina. Perry means “traveler.”

103. Pleeha

An Indian name for a female child, Pleeha means a “wanderer.”

This is a common Zulu name for females. It means a person who is a “seeker.”

Reo is a Japanese name. Although it literally means “at the summit of the mountain,” it refers to the one who seeks and travels to the summit.

A river is a “stream of water that flows to the sea.” This English name represents someone who is on an ultimate journey.

The name River holds a close connection to nature because it is loved by many. Amanda Muse, a mother and a storyteller, shares how she came up with the middle name River for her son. She says that she chose the middle name River for her son out of a deep admiration for its beauty and its profound connection to nature. River holds a special significance due to its elegant association with water, a vital element to her and her family. Living in Vancouver, surrounded by nature entwined with water, has strengthened their reverence for it. For her, water symbolizes the ebb and flow of life—a reminder that amidst life’s fluctuations, water continues its steady course, reflecting the resilience and dynamism inherent in life’s journey ( i ).

This Arabic name is derived from its popular version “ Sarah ,” which means “traveler.” This name is common worldwide.

This feminine name of Kazakh origin means “supporter” or “traveler.”

109. Sojourner

This name means a “traveler.” It was popularized by Sojourner Truth, the African American women’s rights activist.

110. Somerild

This Scandinavian name is popular in England as a girl’s name. It means a “summer traveler.”

111. Sutapa

This name finds its roots in Orissa, India. It means “Seeker of God.” A famous person with this name is Sutapa Basu, the Indian author of the best-selling book Padmavati.

112. Talibah

This is a Quranic name for girls. It means a “ seeker of knowledge ” or “pursuer.” It also means “student.”

113. Traviata

This Italian female name means “astray” or “wanderer.”

A derivative of Wanda, Vanda means ‘wanderer.’ The name has its origins in Germany and Spain.

This Polish name was made famous after the 1980s movie A Fish Called Wanda. The name means “wanderer.” It was the 47th most popular girl’s name in the United States in 1934.

116. Wande/Wandie/Wandy

These are variations of the name “Wanda,” and refers to a”‘wanderer.”

117. Yayati

This is a female name of Indian origin. Yayati is a name usually given to a Hindu child. It means “wanderer” or “traveler.”

This Spanish name means “the seeker.” One may find its origin in the Italian word Zita, meaning “young girl” or as a pet name for the Hungarian name Felicita. In Greek, the word means “the hunter .” A hunter is also a seeker.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do baby names that mean traveler reflect a sense of adventure and wanderlust?

Baby names that mean traveler evoke a sense of adventure; they pique people’s interest, encourage experimentation, and foster a spirit of exploration. Parents picking such names hope their little one will live a life full of adventure and independence.

2. What are some positive qualities associated with the meaning of traveler in baby names?

According to numerology, traveler-themed names are frequently associated with positive traits such as friendliness and approachability. Individuals with such a name tend to possess a warm and calm nature, a keen sense of style, and a deep appreciation for belongings. However, these qualities may not be the same for everyone named on this theme.

3. What factors should parents consider when choosing a name with the meaning of traveler for their baby?

When choosing a name for your child, researching its historical and cultural significance is crucial. You may choose names for their uniqueness or popularity based on your preference but remember uncommon names might lead to mispronunciations. Also, consider pairing the given name with another meaningful name to add depth to its significance.

While you look for the most-suited name for your baby, you want it to be unique and meaningful. It should be fabulous yet easy to spell, remember and pronounce. If you love traveling, these names for travelers could match your naming preferences. These names are derived from various origins and have a touch of travel and adventure. Each name has a distinctive essence but goes by the same meaning of a seeker, traveler, or wanderer. So go ahead and pick the one most suited for your little explorer.

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When you have to choose a name for your baby, a few hundreds of names may not be just enough. Keep digging our mine of baby names until you find that one precious gem.

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Infographic: sanskrit and arabic baby names that mean traveler.

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Last Updated on 01/09/2024 by Regan P.

61 Unique Travel-Inspired Baby Names You Will Love

If you are passionate about travel or are looking for a beautiful, unique name for your little one, you will love these travel-inspired baby names!

travel inspired baby names

Choosing a baby name is a BIG DEAL! There are so many options, but it can be difficult to find the perfect baby name.

On this list, you will find unique baby names that are an excellent choice for parents who love to travel and be outdoors.

Picking a name that fits your passions makes your baby’s name special and meaningful.

travel themed baby names

In this post, you will find a list of 61 unique travel-inspired baby names divided into categories – general travel-themed baby names, U.S National Park-themed baby names, nautical baby names, and names inspired by major cities and travel destinations.

This list is perfect for adventure lovers looking for a fitting name for their little bundle of joy. Get ready for some baby name inspiration! 

wanderlust baby names

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Names for Your Tiny Traveler

1. jett or jet.

Origin: English

Meaning: Jet black

This is my favorite name (my son’s name), so it gets the first spot on the list! This name is perfect for your little jetsetter!

jett travel baby name

Origin: Spanish

Meaning: Cross

This name has adventure vibes and has biblical meaning as well if that is something you are interested in.

Meaning: One who wanders

I think Roam is truly one of the top travel-inspired baby names. A unisex name perfect for your little wanderlust baby.

4. Adventure or Venture

Meaning: Adventurous

Venture is a strong, bold name that could work for a boy or girl. Adventure is definitely one of the most unusual names on this list, but I think it would be pretty for a girl, especially with a nickname like Addie.

Origin: British

Meaning: Willow tree

Willow is one of the sweetest baby girl names. It has such an elegant and earthy vibe to it.

outdoorsy baby names

Meaning: Knight; Mounted Warrior

A neat name of English origin. It works for a boy or a girl, and it has a cool, edgy vibe to it.

Origin: Italian

Meaning: Moon

Luna might just be the most popular name on this list. It has become one of the most popular newborn names for little girls in recent years.

Meaning: Dweller on the Eure River

Once again, I think this name could work for boys or girls. The name of the world’s tallest mountain is fitting for your little future climber!

travel inspired baby names

Meaning: Of the woods, forest

A classic name with a woodsy vibe. The name Forrest has become increasingly popular among American parents in recent years.

Origin: Greek

Meaning: To carry

Atlas is a unique geographical word name that is perfect for parents who love to travel.

Origin: Scandinavian

Meaning: Sky; Atmosphere seen on Earth

A light, easy-going name for a little sweetie who is ready to look up in wonder and take on the wide-open world.

travel inspired baby names

Origin: German

Meaning: Untamed; Wild

This name is classic but still has an edgy feel to it at the same time. A perfect name for your free-spirited, strong-willed child.

Origin: French

Meaning: One who tripped

If you are a bit clumsy and think your baby may be too, then this name is very fitting…. I’m kidding – add an additional “p” to the end of trip, and you have yourself a classy travel-themed baby name.

Meaning: Geographical Direction

This directional name became popular when Kim Kardashian and Kanye West named their baby North West.

Meaning: East-facing place

Another popular name with a directional slant. Easton is a stylish and modern name. Other possible directional names include East, West, and Weston.

travel baby names

Meaning: Where Roses Grow

Rhodes is a great travel name because it has outdoorsy meaning and conjures images of you and your little one hitting the open road to embark on new adventures together.

17. Magnolia

Meaning: Magnolia flower

Magnolia is such a lovely name just as sweet as the flower it is derived from.

The name has become more popular in recent times thanks to the famous Magnolia Market located in the Texas city of Waco.

Baby Names Inspired by U.S. National Parks

Meaning: Idyllic Place

Acadia National Park is an idyllic treasure along the coast of Maine and would make a beautiful name for your baby girl.

Origin: Scottish

Meaning: Speckled

Inspired by the stunning Bryce Canyon National Park in southern Utah. This strong name is often thought of as a boy name but has recently become more popular for girls as well.

Meaning: footpath

Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, and many other beautiful canyons are inspirations for this outdoorsy name.

names that mean travel or adventure

Origin: Indian

Meaning: Great One

Denali National Park in Alaska is the home to the highest point in North America, 20,310 foot Mount Denali. This name elevates above many other options.

Origin: American

Meaning: Always

This name is inspired by Everglades National Park in Florida. Possible nicknames include Ev or Evie.

Meaning: Dweller by the Gates

This cool boy’s name plays off of Gates of the Arctic National Park or Gateway Arch National Park.

Meaning: Hay meadow

An earthy name derived from Haleakala National Park in Hawaii.

Origin: Native American

Meaning: Flat lands

Kenai is a unique, edgy name inspired by Kenai Fjords National Park in Alaska. Kenai is a cool name for a boy or girl.

national park baby names

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: “The Lord is my Salvation”

This classic boy’s name has biblical meaning, but it can also have special meaning if you have great memories of or love for Joshua Tree National Park .

national park baby names

Meaning: From the mountains

Inspired by Lassen Volcanic National Park in California. The meaning of this name makes it one of the best travel-inspired baby names.

Meaning: Table; flat-topped mountain

Mesa is a Spanish-style name that brings visions of future desert adventures with your little traveler. Inspired by Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado.

Meaning: Dweller near the moor

Name your baby after John Muir, the “Father of the National Parks”.

traveller names for babies

Meaning: Wise Army/Warrior

Ranier could make a great name for a boy or girl. Mount Ranier is the most prominent peak in the Cascade Mountain Range. Located in Washington state near Seattle, Mount Ranier is an active volcano, and a National Park with its namesake was established in 1899 to protect the stunning mountain.

Meaning: Rocky/Stony

This edgy name exudes explorer vibes. If you love visiting Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado, this might be the name for your little adventurer. Chances are he will have the eye of the tiger.

32. Sequoia

Origin: Native American – Cherokee

Meaning: Sparrow or Giant Redwood Tree

Sequoia National Park in California is named after its iconic, towering giant sequoia trees. According to the National Park website, the generally accepted belief is that these giant trees were named in honor of the Cherokee Indian, Sequoyah. I like both spellings of the name and think this name could be great for girls or boys.

33. Shenandoah

Meaning: Unknown, but possibly “Beautiful Daughter of the Stars”

Shenandoah National Park is located in Virginia. While the name means beautiful daughter of the stars, this name is wonderful for a son or daughter. Shen, Doah, or Nan could be fun nicknames.

nature baby names

Meaning: Stone, dweller by the rocks

Short for Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. A strong and edgy name for your little traveler.

35. Theodore

Meaning: Devine Gift

Theodore is another classic name that could be inspired by Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota. Theo is a cute nickname for your little Theodore.

Meaning: Highest Point

This powerful name has me daydreaming about one of the most magical places I have ever been to. Zion National Park in Utah is definitely a worthy place to name your little one after.

Zion is on Baby Center’s list of most popular boy names of the year.

travel baby names

Nautical Baby Names

37. sailor/saylor.

Meaning: One Who Sails

I like this name for a girl, but it could work for a boy too. This name gives off nautical vibes and is one of my favorites.

travel-inspired baby names

Meaning: Underwater Ledge

A perfect name for you little surfer dude or water baby.

Meaning: A group of people

This is one of my favorite baby names – and I am not the only one. This name is gaining popularity, but is still unique and has a nautical feel.

travel-inspired baby names

40. Kai/Kailani

Origin: Hawaiian

Meaning: Sea and Sky

With a beautiful, earthy name like Kai or Kailani, your little one will reflect the beauty of a tropical paradise. Kai is more masculine, while Kailani is a more feminine version of the Hawaiian name.

Origin: Spanish, Scottish

Meaning: Island

This beautiful name has grown in popularity and has a soft peacefulness to it.

traveller names for babies

Origin: Latin

Meaning: From the Sea

This feminine name sounds refreshing and gives off peaceful vibes. Mar or Mari could be possible nicknames for your little Marina.

Meaning: Berry

Bay is a pleasant nature/water name that can be used for boy or girl. I like short, one-syllable names, so I could get on board with this name.

Meaning: Stability

This name brings strength and steadiness to the mind. I love the name Anchor because it is unique and bold.

nautical baby names

45. Coral 

Meaning: Precious Natural Sea Growth

Coral reefs are delicate but strong. Coral reefs are diverse, important, and incredible. What a wonderful natural namesake for your little one.

Baby Names Inspired by U.S. Destinations

Meaning: Aspen Tree

Aspen is both a name inspired by nature and by the famous ski resort in Colorado. Perfect for parents who love winter activities.

Meaning: Dawn

Aurora was the ancient Roman goddess of the dawn. Aurora Borealis is a name for the Northern Lights. Additionally, Aurora is also a beautiful city in Colorado.

48. Brooklyn

Meaning: Beautiful Stream

This is one of the most popular baby names on the list. Brooklyn is a well-known borough in New York City. While more commonly used as a girl’s name, it can be used for boys as well.

Meaning: Bronck’s Land

Bronx is another name that is inspired by a well-known New York borough (named after Jonas Broncks, one of the first European settlers in the area). This name has a modern, urban feel.

Meaning: Most Beautiful

If California is special to you in some way, then Cali could be a great name for your baby girl. Even if you have no ties to California, Cali is still a beautiful name!

travel girl names

51. Charlotte

Meaning: Free

Inspired by the largest city in North Carolina, Charlotte is one of the most classic baby girl names on this list. Popular nicknames include Charlie or Lottie.

Meaning: Noble

Inspired by the U.S. state of Delaware. This name is often used as a nickname for longer names like Adelaide (another location-inspired name) or Adella.

Meaning: Green Valley

I think Denver is one of the cutest and edgiest baby name choices on the list.

This Colorado capital city name would work for baby boys or baby girls.

54. Georgia

Meaning: Farmer

Some consider Georgia to be the feminine version of George. This country name could be perfect for a family with ties to the southern U.S. state.

55. Lincoln

Meaning: Lakeside Colony

Primarily a boy’s name, Lincoln is another more popular choice on this list.

Could be inspired by the 16th president of the United States, or by the city in Nebraska if we are sticking to the capital cities theme.

travel baby names

Origin: Irish

Meaning: Fair Shoulder

If New Orleans, Louisiana sparks joy for you, then Nola could be a perfect name for your little one. Nola is also the name of a town in Italy, also known as the place where church bells were introduced.

57. Raleigh

Meaning: Meadow of Deer

Raleigh is the capital of North Carolina, and the name is used for both boys and girls.

58. Savannah

Meaning: Treeless Plain

Savannah is a name that brings both nature and southern charm to mind. Whether you are inspired by Savannah, Georgia, or by the natural savanna, this popular name is a beauty.

travel inspired baby names

Meaning: Mountain

The name Sierra is fresh and feminine. When I hear the name, I think of peaceful snow falling on a gorgeous mountain peak. Sierra would be a great name for mountain-loving parents.

Meaning: City in Arizona

Sedona, Arizona is one of the most magical, stunning places in the U.S. There is a lot of positive energy in Sedona, so hopefully, the name will bring good vibes to your little one.

cute travel baby names

Meaning: Meadow

A cute western-themed name with cowboy vibes. A great choice for parents with Texas roots or ties.

I hope you enjoyed this list of travel-inspired baby names & found a meaningful and unique baby name for your future little jetsetter!


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35 Top Travel-Inspired Baby Names

If you’re in search of beautiful, unique, and top travel-inspired baby names, stick around for a few. I’ve compiled an awesome list of 35 Top Travel-Inspired Baby Names.

Baby names associated with travel are inspirational and often well-admired by parents looking for names for little travelers to be and people who are bitten or smitten with wanderlust. The names that follow in this list are generally unique, not overused, not overly popular in baby name lists.

Many of the names in this travel names list are adventurous baby names and conjure images of such, making them well suited for any bundle of joy born to adventure loving, free-spirited parents.

And yes, these names could work for fur babies too. 😉

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Travel-Inspired Baby Names

With three teens and one tween now, it has been many moons since I last spent hours and hours pouring over baby names. But that doesn’t stop me from getting giddy when I hear a name that would be perfect for a baby born to a glowing mama (or daddy) with a wanderlusty soul.

This compilation is a list created by yours truly, reflecting contributions and ideas that I’ve gathered over my years of traveling, exploring, and worldschooling with my four children.

I hope there is a name (or more than one) in this list that resonates with you. In this list, you’ll find wanderlust girls names, adventurous boys names, and names that I think will melt your travel-loving heart.

Wishing you the happiest in everything and very happy baby naming ,

Julie , Creator of and Mama to 4.

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35 Top Baby Names for the Wanderlust, Travel Loving Soul

In no particular order, here is a compilation of beautiful, unique, and top travel-inspired baby names that I’ve pieced together by reflecting on my many years of traveling with four children in tow.

The Baby Names

1. Paris. Sure, Paris Hilton or Paris-Michael may come to mind, but this name promises to be a timeless, iconic, classic name. Think, “We’ll always have Paris .” -Casablanca

2. India. Love this for a baby name. For me, conjures images of beauty and strength. A name that in recent years has lost some traction on the baby name chart, at least according to the U.S. Social Security Administration, where the name has decreased in popularity since the early 2000s.

3. Geneva . If you’ve been to Geneva, you know it’s a beautiful, clean, tech-savvy city, with a lovely lake and mountain views, where women and men stroll the center streets in nice suits and magazine-cover dresses. This name has a modern, cosmopolitan, and unique, yet timeless appeal. It was a name popular in the 1920s .

4. London. Oh, London! A classy and sophisticated name for any gender. Think also cosmopolitan, hipster London, England, with coffee shops and vegan cafes. English origin meaning ‘Great River.’

5. Chamonix. A unique name that brings up images of the beautiful French Alps and year-round adventure. The perfect name for a baby born to someone who loves the mountains and adventure, or who wants a mountain inspired baby name. How to pronounce Chamonix here .

And More Baby Names…

6. Milan. Think Italy, fashion, and culture. Oooh, Baby Milan just has that unique, lovely ring.

7. Verona. Another Italian name inspired by the beautiful and charming little city of Verona. I love the city, city baby names, and this choice as a baby name. This name literally means truth.

8. Acadia . This name brings Acadia National Park in Maine, USA to mind, along with natural beauty.

9. Lexington. A sophisticated name reminiscent of Lexington Avenue in New York City, that could be shortened as a nickname to Lexi or Lex.

10. Breeze. A name that makes me think of nomadic living, full-time travel, and peaceful Mediterranean winds.

11. Cyprus. A name inspired by the island in the Eastern Mediterranean. Greek heritage or Turkish.

12. Indigo. Beyond flower children and free-spirits, this name makes me think of indigo sunsets that I’ve seen in some beautiful places during my travels.

13. Shale. This name makes me think of the mountains, like Wyoming Mountain Range, and shale rock, which I’ve found on many of my hikes and trail runs in some gorgeous places.

And More Explorer Girl Names and Wanderlust Boy Names… And Gender-Neutral, Too

14. Riva. A name that makes me think of beautiful lakes in Northern Italy. Could make a lovely baby girl name.

15. Imka. A beautiful and unique name that reminds me of the beauty of South Africa. Afrikaans origin.

16. Alene . A name inspired by Lake Coeur d’Alene in Idaho, USA–makes me think of roadtrips and camper van, camping adventures.

17. Hazel. Makes me think of sipping coffee at lux coffee shops around the globe.

18. Ragnar. This name brings images of Viking explorers and Ragnar adventure races to mind. Perhaps a perfect name for a young explorer and adventure seeker to be. Somehow this seems like it could be an awesome baby name for the child born into a family who travels the world seeking adventure races, chasing spartan races, or ultramarathon buckles.

19. Amelia. I can’t help but think of the great adventure seeker, Amelia Earhart, when I think of this timeless and captivating name. This name definitely has a more feminine vibe, but a more masculine variation of the baby name might be to drop the ‘ia’ to form Amel, which means hope or pure in Arabic.

More Awesome Travel-Inspired Baby Names…

20. Florence. A captivating, strong, feminine name, inspired by the lovely, art and history-rich city of Florence, Italy.

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21. Stowe. A unique name that will put a smile on the face of any wanderlust, traveling soul who has spent time in the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont, USA.

22. Rainier. A cool, adventurous unisex name inspired by Washington State’s Mt. Rainier. Rain could make a cute, fun nickname.

23. Sky. This name has free-spirit, wanderlust soul written all over it.

24. Brooklyn. A name that seems to be gaining traction in baby naming, but it’s a great pick that brings the hip burrough Brooklyn, New York City to mind.

25. Charles. A classic name, but one that also conjures images of the beautiful gothic Charles Bridge in Prague.

26. Berlin . This German city name could be a strong, powerful, unisex baby name.

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More Baby Name Ideas…

27. Rio . Sure, you might think of Rio in Good Girls, but those overflowing with wanderlust might also think Rio de Janeiro, the seaside city in Brazil.

28. Valencia. A name inspired by the gorgeous Valencia region of Spain.

29. Denali. A captivating, adventurous baby name, inspired by one of the world’s tallest mountains and the tallest peak in the United States (Alaska, 20,310 ft.)

30. Camino . A name that might traveling souls of The Way or The Camino de Santiago, the pilgrimage hiking route throughout Europe and across Spain. If you haven’t watched the movie, The Way , you should. It changed my life .

31. Norway . A cool name for a child born to parent(s) who love anything Nordic or Winter, like Nordic skiing.

32. Ocean . A travel-inspired baby name, thanks to too-many-to-count trans-oceanic flights.

33. Esja. Inspired by Mount Esja, which is the mountain range not far from Reykjavik, Iceland. My kids and I ran this mountain several years back. 

34. Cruz. A name inspired by Puerto de la Cruz, a city on the north coast of Tenerife, one of Spain’s magnificant Canary Islands.

35. Elio. A Spanish name, overflowing with sun-drenched travel inspiration. The name means Sun God. In Spain, it’s a somewhat popular boy’s name.

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Drop a comment and tell me what you think about these top travel-inspired baby names. Do you have any favorite travel names? Any names that remind you of exploring or travel? Names that mean adventure for you? If so, I’d love to hear them! Oh, and if you think any of the names above are already popular traveller names (or too popular) drop a note and tell me that, too! 😉

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2 thoughts on “35 Top Travel-Inspired Baby Names”

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I was considering Hazel for my daughter’s name before she was born. We ended up naming her Sophia, because we just liked the name. I have now learned that Sofia is a popular name for a city around the world. It also reminds me of visiting the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul Turkey in my 20’s. I love how names can invoke memories, and feelings, and connections to people and places.

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Yes, they sure do invoke memories and feelings! Sophia is a beautiful name!

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Names That Mean Traveler – 150 Ideas For Wandering Souls

Are you looking for cool names that mean traveler for your baby? We have compiled a list of amazing names inspired by the idea of exploring new places and having fun adventures.

Choosing a name for your baby is a big decision, and it is great when the name has a special meaning. If you are a fan of travel and the outdoors, you might find the perfect name on this list. The list includes names connected to general travel, U.S. National Parks, the sea, and even major cities.

Whether you are a seasoned traveler or just love the idea of naming your baby after a place or the spirit of exploration, you will love these inspiring ideas. Read out to explore 150 travel-inspired baby names for boys and girls.

If you love the treasure trove of meaningful names that signify the essence of a traveler, seeker, or wanderer, we hope you will also like Names That Mean Pink , Names That Mean Dusk , Fantasy Female Names , and Elf Names Boy .

Table of Contents

Best Names That Mean Traveler

Best Names That Mean Traveler

1. Alon (Hebrew) – Oak Tree or Strong and Enduring Wanderer

2. Apollo (Greek) – Destroyer or Purifying Traveler

3. Calypso (Greek) – Concealing Wanderer or She Who Hides

4. Caravan (Persian) – Group of Travelers

5. Exodus (Greek) – Going Out or Departure Traveler

6. Israfil (Arabic) – The Burning One or Angel of the Trumpet

7. Kai (Hawaiian) – Sea or Ocean Voyager

8. Marama (Maori) – Moonlit Traveler or Journeying by Moonlight

9. Nomad (Greek) – Wandering Herdsman or Nomadic Explorer

10. Nomia (Greek) – Pasture or Grazing Land Wanderer

11. Odysseus (Greek) – Wrathful or Full of Wrath Explorer

12. Peregrina (Spanish) – Female Traveler or Pilgrim

13. Peregrine (Latin) – Traveler or Pilgrim

14. Peregrinus (Latin) – Foreign or Alien Voyager

15. Pilgrim (English) – One Who Journeys to a Sacred Place

16. Roamer (English) – One Who Moves About Aimlessly

17. Seraphina (Hebrew) – Fiery-Winged Angel or Burning One’s Traveler

18. Sojourner (English) – Temporary Resident or Journeyer

19. Tala (Native American) – Wolf or Stalking Wolf Traveler

20. Tethys (Greek) – Grandmother or Sea Goddess Wanderer

21. Vagabond (French) – Person Who Wanders from Place to Place

22. Vardo (Romani) – Wagon or Mobile Home Traveler

23. Viator (Latin) – Traveler or Wayfarer

24. Wander (English) – To Roam About with No Fixed Destination

25. Wayfarer (English) – Traveler on Foot or Wanderer

26. Yara (Arabic) – Small Butterfly or Traveler

27. Zephyr (Greek) – West Wind or Gentle Breeze Voyager

Girl Names That Mean Traveler

Girl Names That Mean Traveler

1. Amala (Sanskrit) – Hopeful Wanderer or Bird of Hope

2. Astra (Latin) – Celestial Voyager or Star Traveler

3. Astrid (Old Norse) – Beautiful Star or Beloved Wanderer

4. Aysel (Turkish) – Moonlit Explorer

5. Calista (Greek) – Most Beautiful Journey or Lovely Traveler

6. Eilidh (Scottish) – Radiant Wanderer or Sunlit Traveler

7. Elara (Greek) – Bright, Shining Journey or Voyager of Light

8. Hikari (Japanese) – Light-Bringer or Shining Explorer

9. Ilaria (Italian) – Cheerful Journey or Joyful Traveler

10. Journey (English) – Traveler or Expeditionist

11. Kailani (Hawaiian) – Voyager of the Sea and Sky

12. Odalys (Greek) – Path of the Journey or Wanderer’s Path

13. Rhea (Greek) – Flowing Stream, Symbolizing a Continuous Journey

14. Safira (Portuguese) – Precious Gem of the Journey

15. Selene (Greek) – Moonlit Voyager or Goddess of the Moon

16. Seren (Welsh) – Starlit Wanderer or Night Traveler

17. Solene (French) – Solemn Journey or Dignified Explorer

18. Tamsin (English) – Twin Voyager or Twin Traveler

19. Valkyrie (Norse) – Chooser of the Slain on the Battlefield

20. Vega (Spanish) – Swooping Eagle or Falling Star Wanderer

21. Yaretzi (Nahuatl) – Always Loved Traveler or Eternal Love Seeker

22. Zara (Arabic) – Princess of the Journey or Flowering Wanderer

Boy Names That Mean Traveler

Boy Names That Mean Traveler

1. Altair (Arabic) – Flying Eagle or Bird of Prey

2. Aslan (Turkish) – Lion or Brave

3. Eamon (Irish) – Guardian or Protector

4. Elan (Hebrew) – Tree or Oak Tree

5. Ender (Turkish) – Rare or Scarce Wanderer

6. Evander (Greek) – Good Man or Brave Man

7. Faris (Arabic) – Knight or Horseman

8. Jarek (Slavic) – Fierce or Strong Wanderer

9. Jovan (Serbian) – Young Warrior or Youthful Traveler

10. Kairo (Swahili) – Victorious One or Conqueror

11. Kitai (Japanese) – North or Seeker of the North

12. Navin (Sanskrit) – New or Fresh Explorer

13. Nomar (Spanish) – Modern Blend, Nomadic Explorer of the Sea

14. Soren (Danish) – Stern or Severe Voyager

15. Theron (Greek) – Hunter or Pursuer of Adventures

16. Ulysses (Latin) – Wrathful or Full of Wrath, Alternative to Odysseus

17. Vaghn (Welsh) – Small or Little Wanderer

18. Venture (English) – Undertaker of Risky Journeys

Unique Names Meaning Traveler

Unique Names Meaning Traveler

1. Driftan (Old English) – To Drift or Wander Aimlessly

2. Farsan (Persian) – Traveler or One Who Journeys

3. Itineris (Latin) – Of the Journey or Traveler

4. Meandros (Greek) – To Meander or Wander Gracefully

5. Navarius (Latin) – Navigator or Sailor

6. Navigio (Italian) – To Navigate

7. Nomaris (Greek) – Nomadic Explorer of the Sea

8. Orbison (English) – Cosmic Traveler

9. Pilgrimar (Spanish) – Pilgrim or Traveler

10. Questen (English) – Signifying a Journey

11. Questorix (Latin) – Evoking a Questing Traveler

12. Roveo (Latin) – To Roam or Wander

13. Seekeris (English) – Symbolizing a Seeker on a Journey

14. Terraflite (Latin) – Earthbound Journeys

15. Traverse (French) – To Cross or Travel Through

16. Treadwell (English) – A Journey with Purpose

17. Vardo (Romani) – Wagon or Mobile Home Traveler

18. Ventureo (Latin) – Adventurous Travel

19. Waylen (English) – Path or Road Wanderer

Creative Names Meaning Wanderer

Creative Names Meaning Wanderer

1. Ahascharah (Sanskrit) – The Day Wanderer

2. Alissa (Phoenician) – Wanderer

3. Arvad (Hebrew) – Voyager or Wanderer

4. Bahis (Quranic) – Explorer

5. Brandon (Irish) – The Voyager

6. Charaka (Indian) – Traveler

7. Christopher (Greek) – The Saint of All Travelers

8. Dolen (Dutch) – Wanderer

9. Dwade (English) – Dark Traveler

10. Emin (German) – Wanderer

11. Faer (English) – Wanderer

12. Ferdinand (German) – Voyager

13. Igashu (Native American) – Someone Who Wanders

14. Jagatbehari (Indian) – World Traveler

15. Jahanjuy (Parsi) – Seeker of the World

16. Kevalin (Indian) – Seeker of the Absolute

17. Lokachari (Sanskrit) – Wanderer of Earth

18. Mshai (Egyptian) – Traveler

19. Naikasanucharah (Sanskrit) – Wanderer Over the Peaks

20. Noah (Hebrew) – Wanderer

21. Polo (Tibetan) – Brave Wanderer

22. Raahi (Indian) – Wanderer

23. Rover (English) – Wanderer

24. Scott (Gaelic) – Wanderer

25. Taeka – Wandering Like Water

Names That Mean Explorer

1. Anvesh (Sanskrit) – Dedicated Explorer or Seeker

2. Delfinio (Spanish) – Dolphin-Like Explorer of the Seas

3. Peregrine (Latin) – Traveler or Wanderer

4. Questan (English) – Inquisitive Explorer

5. Rovek (Slavic) – Wandering Explorer

6. Sagarika (Sanskrit) – Explorer of the Ocean

7. Trailor (English) – Trailblazing Explorer

8. Venturo (Italian) – Adventurous or Daring Explorer

9. Viatore (Italian) – Traveler or Wayfarer

10. Yondera (English) – Woman Explorer Beyond the Horizon

Names That Mean Travel Or Adventure

Names That Mean Travel Or Adventure

1. Alaric (Germanic) – Ruler of All, Signifying a Journey of Great Significance

2. Odys (Greek) – Inspired by Odyssey, Symbolizing a Long and Adventurous Journey

3. Ramblera (English) – Woman Fond of Adventurous Wanderings

4. Sojournix (Latin) – Unique and Temporary Travel Experience

5. Trekarius (Latin) – Skilled and Determined Traveler

6. Trepidara (Latin) – Woman Embarking on a Courageous Adventure

7. Vagabert (French) – Wandering Adventurer

8. Vagary (English) – Unpredictable Travel or Excursion

9. Wanderlusta (German) – Woman with a Strong Desire to Travel

Cool Traveler Names

4. Maverick

13. Solaris

15. Venture

16. Venture

Whether you like the idea of your little one being a general traveler, someone who loves the sea, or even someone inspired by specific places, there is a name here for everyone. We hope these names bring excitement and a sense of endless possibilities to your journey of choosing the perfect name for your little explorer.

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60 Travel Inspired Baby Names for Boys and Girls

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If you’re a keen traveller then it only makes sense that you might be on the hunt for special travel inspired baby names, or want to name your little one after a place. There are lots of gorgeous travel inspired baby names and place baby names giving us a serious case of wanderlust! We’ve rounded up our favourites.

You might be worried that opting for travel inspired baby names may be too quirky a choice but we think there are lots of incredible, unique picks as well as some that give a more subtle nod to your inner explorer.

Place baby names are a good choice if you’ve got somewhere special in mind though of course, not everywhere will work. Florence has far more of a ring to it than Glasgow! We’re kidding (sort of). Of course, you don’t need to have visited somewhere to choose a travel inspired baby name, you may just really like it and that’s fine too.

Whatever your taste, we’ve rounded up 60 of our favourite travel inspired baby names for girls and boys, many of which are gender neutral too, and we think there will be some strong contenders to add to your baby name lists!

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traveller names for babies

20 Travel Inspired Girls’ Names

  • Alaska – Native American place name meaning “great land”
  • Alexandria – an Egyptian place name
  • Alma – meaning “independent spirit”
  • Aurora – the Roman Goddess of Sunrise and associated with the Northern Lights
  • Beatrix – Latin for “voyager” or “traveller”
  • Carmel – an Israeli place name
  • Dakota – an American place name
  • Florence – an Italian place name
  • Geneva – a Swiss place name
  • India – a place name
  • Isla – meaning “island”
  • Juno – Goddess of the Land and an Irish place name 
  • Kaya – a city in Africa and meaning “wise beyond her years”
  • Mali – a country in West Africa
  • Paris – a French place name
  • Savannah – an American place name or a grassy plain, associated with Africa
  • Sienna – an Italian place name
  • Sofia – a Bulgarian place name
  • Vienna – an Austrian place name
  • Zaria – a Nigerian place name

20 Travel Inspired Boys’ Names

  • Atlas – Greek meaning “to carry”
  • Austin – American place name
  • Arran – a Scottish isle
  • Boston – American place name
  • Caspian – the Caspian sea; the world’s largest lake
  • Christopher – after Christopher Columbus and St. Christopher; a symbol of safe travel
  • Cruz – meaning “cross” or reminiscent of travel
  • Devon/Devan – an English place name 
  • Everest – like the mountain
  • Forrest – a nature name meaning “forest”
  • Hudson – the river in New York
  • Israel – a Middle Eastern country
  • Jackson – an American place name
  • Jet – from the gemstone or reminiscent of travel
  • Noah – Hebrew meaning “wanderer”
  • Oslo – a Norwegian place name
  • Phoenix – American place name
  • Rhodes – a Greek island
  • Roman – people of Rome
  • Wilder – meaning “untamed”

travel inspired baby names

20 Travel Inspired Gender Neutral Names

  • Aspen – a Colorado ski destination 
  • Brooklyn – a suburb of New York City 
  • Cairo – Egyptian place name
  • Cove – a small sheltered bay
  • Cyprus – an island in the Eastern Mediterranean
  • Eden – paradise
  • Haven – meaning “place of safety”
  • Indigo – Indian dye
  • Jordan – a Middle Eastern country
  • Kai – Hawaiian meaning “sea”
  • Lucca – an Italian place name
  • Milan – an Italian place name
  • Nola – a nickname for New Orleans
  • Ocean – giving us serious wanderlust vibes
  • Rio – a Brazilian place name
  • River – a gorgeous gender neutral nature name
  • Romi/Romy – meaning “my height”
  • Sailor – meaning “boat man”
  • Skye/Sky – like the sky, or the Isle of Skye
  • Sydney – Australian place name

Looking for more girls’ names? Check out:

100 Short Baby Names For Boys And Girls

40 Boho, Earthy, Hippy Girls Names and Their Meanings

60 Flower Names for Girls and Boys That You Might Not Have Thought Of


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50+ Wanderlust Baby Names for Parents Who Love Travel & Adventure

wanderlust baby names

The desire to travel live deep within you? Why not pass on this passion to your little adventurer with a travel-inspired baby name? We happen to have 50 great adventure baby names to pick from. 

Check out our favourite wanderlust baby names to keep the adventuring spirit growing with the newest member of your family. 

travel-inspired baby names

Our top ten wanderlust baby names

Names with a travelling vibe .

  • Isla – means ‘island’ 
  • Rhodes – a play on ‘roads’ and one of the Greek Islands
  • Rome – both a city and a play on the word ‘roam’
  • Terra – means ‘the planet earth’
  • Christopher – the patron saint of travel
  • Mercury – the Roman god of travel
  • Marlow – means driftwood, a lovely symbol for travel
  • Everest – after the mountain, of course
  • West – East is also cute

 Travel-inspired meanings 

  • Beatrix – means ‘voyager’ or ‘traveller’
  • Vett – Short for Vettel, which means ‘winter traveller.’ Or you could opt for Somerled, meaning ‘summer traveller’.
  • Farrah – means ‘travel’ 
  • Ferdinand – means ‘journey’
  • Saira – means ‘traveller’
  • Doran – means ‘wanderer’
  • Faron – means ‘wanderer’
  • Noah – means ‘wandering’
  • Scott – means ‘wanderer’
  • Alissa/ Elissa – means ‘wanderer’
  • Faer – means ‘traveller, a messenger of good news’
  • Jal – means ‘traveller’ or ‘wanderer’
  • Kymani – means ‘adventurous traveller’
  • Alma – means ‘independent spirit’
  • Cain – means ‘wandering spirit’

Names of famous adventurers 

  • Valentina – named after Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman to travel into space
  • Merida – named after the heroine in ‘Brave’
  • Alice – the curious heroine in Alice’s Adventurers in Wonderland
  • Amelia – named after Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean
  • Sawyer – The adventurer in Mark Twain’s books. Huck also works 
  • Emin – named after Emin Pasha, a German explorer
  • Freya – named after Freya Stark, an Anglo -Italian explorer and travel writer
  • Mae – named after Mae Jemison, the first African-American to travel to space
  • Osa – named after Osa Johnson, an adventurer, photographer, and writer
  • Nellie – named after journalist Nellie Bly, who took a trip around the world
  • Fraser – named after Simon Fraser, a Canadian explorer
  • Hudson – named after Henry Hudson, an English explorer

Geographical baby names 

There are so many geographical baby names (Sydney, Adelaide, Paris, London, Dallas, Austin, Madison, Charlotte, to name a few). But we’ve narrowed it down to our top ten.

Check out  True Blue Baby Names for Your Little Aussie Bub for additional options.

If you like adventure baby names, you may also be inspired by our list of 100+ boho baby names , perfect for little wild spirits. 

What to read next

  • 40 Spellbinding Magical Baby Names That Are Sure to Enchant You
  • 2021 Baby Names Trends Expected to Take Off this Year
  • Short and Sweet: 50 Cute Three Letter Baby Names

Avatar of Jenna Galley

Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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The Most Popular Baby Names Inspired by Travel for Boys and Girls

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If you’re still looking for the perfect baby name, you might take a more global approach to find inspiration. Travel is a big part of modern day life, and, due to pandemic-related restrictions over the past few years, it’s one that many are eager to get to back to. Whether you’ve been taking road trips across the country or traveling internationally, you might consider baby names inspired by travel for your little one. Below, we’ve rounded up the travel-inspired baby names that are most popular on .

Most Popular Baby Girl Names Inspired By Travel

Most popular baby boy names inspired by travel, most popular gender-neutral baby names inspired by travel.

To find more travel-inspired baby name ideas, check out the lists on .

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140 Names That Mean Traveler or Wanderer For Boys & Girls

140 Names That Mean Traveler or Wanderer For Boys & Girls

Baby Girl Names That Mean Traveller, Wanderer or Seeker

Baby boy names that mean traveler, wanderer or seeker, gender-neutral names that mean traveller, wanderer or seeker.

Life is an adventurous journey that offers new opportunities for gaining knowledge. Travelling can also significantly expand a kid’s world, boost cognitive development and make them more empathetic toward cultural differences. Thus, parents who want their child to be knowledgeable must look for names that instill a desire to learn and cultivate a sense of scholarly leanings. Names that mean knowledge seekers are unique because the richness of their meaning helps a child set definite goals for themselves.

Names that mean truth-seeker would be most suitable for those who would seek out the truth in the quest to abolish ignorance. Whereas names that mean wanderlust are most applicable for those who are not ready to settle for the mundane and seek interesting adventures in life. Timeless, classic, unusual, and chic names mean that wanderers may have traditional backgrounds representing different global cultures. Country names have become very fashionable in modern times as they might represent a status symbol for most parents. The information given below contains names that mean traveller or knowledge-associated names for both genders that might aid in enlightening your child’s soul with truth and wisdom.

Those who want to pass on the spirit of adventure to their little voyager may want to pick a name that means traveler, wanderer, or seeker for their little angel.

1. Alissa 

Alissa is a variant of the Phoenician name “Elishat,” which means “wanderer.”

This Hindu name means “traveler” or “cloud.”

3. Alma 

Derived from Latin, this Celtic name means “an independent spirit.”

4. Asra 

Asra means ‘travel at night’ in Arabic.

5. Barbara 

This English name means ‘a traveler from a foreign land.’

6. Bice 

Bice means “traveler” or “voyager” in Italian.

This name of German, Hungarian, Dutch, English, and Late Roman origin means ‘voyager’ or ‘traveler.’

8. Beatrice

Beatrice is a beautiful name of Latin origin which means “one who brings joy”.

9. Brahmacharini

This unique Hindu name means “seeker of Brahman”. It also denotes a devoted female student who lives in an ashram with other students and her Guru.

This name not only sounds beautiful, but it also has a beautiful meaning too. The name means ‘stream’ or ‘water’.

11. Deidre  

This unique name is of Irish origin and means ‘broken-hearted’ or ‘sorrowful’.

12. Deedra 

This American name means ‘sorrowful’ or ‘wanderer.’

13. Diadra 

This American name means “sorrowful wanderer.”

14. Delia 

This Greek name is inspired by the ‘Delos island.’

This Dutch name means ‘wanderer’.

Elissa means ‘wanderer’ in Greek.

17. Everette 

This Germanic name means ‘brave as a wild boar.’

This Old High German name means “traveler.”

19. Fernanda

Fernanda means ‘journey’ in Spanish.

20. Firiba 

Firiba means “traveler” or “wanderer” in German.

21. Forest 

This Old English name means “dweller of the woods” and can refer to a seeker of spirituality.

22. Gitana  

Gitana means ‘wanderer’ in Spanish.

This Hawaiian name means “the seeker.” Haimi is also another name for Hindu Goddess Parvati.

24. Hester 

Hester means ‘myrtle leaf’ or ‘star’ in Latin.

25. Hollis 

This English name means the ‘dweller of the holly tree,’ referring to the one who is free-spirited and adventurous.

26. Iris 

This Irish name refers to the ‘Greek goddess of the rainbow.’

27. Isra 

This Arabic name represents a “nocturnal journey” or “to travel at night.”

28. Journey

This name is quite self-explanatory as it means ‘journey’.

29. Kai 

Kai means ‘sea’ in Hawaii, ‘willow’ in Navajo, ‘forgiveness’ in Japan, and ‘food’ in Maori.

This Hawaiian name means “seeker.”

31. Lara 

Laura means ‘laurel leaf’ in Latin.

32. Lawanda 

This American name means ‘little wanderer.’

33. Lyra 

This Greek name refers to the star ‘Vega.’

34. Margana 

Margana means “seeker of truth” in Sanskrit.

35. Marlowe 

This English name that evokes a sense of wandering means “driftwood.”

36. Mareesha

This name of Hindu origin means “traveler.”

37. Mamga 

Mamga means “wanderer” in Swahilli language.

This Indian name means “traveler.”

39. Matilda 

Matilda comes from the Germanic name Mahthildis, which comes from the Old High German “maht,” meaning “might and strength,” and “hild,” meaning “battle.”

40. Nahomtima 

This Choctaw tribe name means “seeker” or “giver.”

41. Nellie 

Nellie means the ‘shining light’ in English.

42. Nester 

This Greek name means “voyager.”

43. Njeri 

This name of Eastern African origin means ‘traveling one.’

44. Nocona 

This Native American name means “wanderer” or “camper.

45. Peregrina

This Latin name means ‘pilgrim’ or ‘traveler.’

46. Perry 

Perry means “traveler” in Latin.

47. Pleeha 

This Indian name means a “wanderer.”

48. Qaza 

Qaza means “seeker” in Zulu.

49. Reo 

Reo means “at the summit of the mountain” in Japanese.

A river denotes a “stream of water that flows to the sea.” This English name represents someone who is on a final journey.

Saira means ‘traveler’ in Urdu.

52. Somerild

This Scandinavian name is popular in England and means a “summer traveler.”

This Russian name means ‘love’; and love surely wanders around. 

54. Sojourner

This unique name represents someone who resides temporarily in one place. 

This name is of Indian origin and means ‘seeker of God’.

56. Talibah

Talibah is a unique name of Muslim origin. The name means ‘seeker of knowledge’.

57. Traviata 

Traviata means ‘wanderer’ in Italian.

58. Vanda 

Derived from both German and Spanish origins, Vanda means ‘wanderer.’

59. Wanda 

This German name means ‘wanderer.’

The German name means ‘wanderer’.

This beautiful name is of Slavic origin and represents the tribe of Vandals. 

This name is quite common, but its origin is Slavic. It, too, represents the tribe of the Vandals. 

This unique and beautiful-sounding name means ‘wanderer’ or ‘traveller’.

This stunning name has multiple origins; the Greek one means ‘hunter’. 

Names That Mean Traveler, Wanderer or Seeker for Boys

If you would like your son to share your dreams of exploring the world, here are some of the best collections of names that mean traveler, wanderer, or seeker for your little munchkin:

1. Ace 

This English name means “winner” as it represents an adventurous soul.

2. Aniveshak  

This unique name means “seeker with innate abilities and broad visions”.

3. Arvad 

This Hebrew name means “exile” or “voyager.” 

4. Abir 

This Egyptian, Indian, and Jordanian name with Hebrew roots means ‘to fly” or “soar.”

5. Ahascharah

This unique Sanskrit name means “the day wanderer.”

This is a Hindi-origin name that means ‘water,’ ‘cloud,’ and ‘traveler.”

This Quranic name means ‘seeker, learner, researcher, or explorer.”

8. Charaka 

This name of Indian origin means ‘vagabond’ or ‘traveler.’

9. Christopher

Christopher Columbus was a famous traveler, and the name means ‘bearer of Christ’ in Greek. 

10. Csaba 

Derived from Hungarian mythology, Csaba refers to “a shepherd” or “one who wanders with his cattle.”

This name is of Old English origin and means ‘cliff-side slope’.

Dwade is of American origin and means ‘dark traveller’.

Doran means ‘wanderer’ in Irish.

14. Edmund 

Edmund means ‘fortunate protector’ in English.

15. Emin 

Emin Pasha was a German adventurer of the Ottoman Empire. Emin means ‘confident”.

16. Faer 

This old English name refers to “a traveler,” “preacher,” or “messenger of good news.”

17. Fasach 

This Irish name means “wilderness.”

18. Faramund 

Faramund means “protector of travelers” in Arabic.

19. Ferdinand 

Ferdinand means ‘journey’ in Spanish.

Faron is of Old English origin and means ‘handsome servant’.

The name is gender-neutral in nature and means ‘adventurous’.

22. Gypsy 

This English name refers to the ‘wanderer’ mostly associated with the nomadic people of Europe.

This Native American name means ‘wanderer’ or ‘seeker.’

24. Indiana 

Indiana means ‘divine’ in Latin. The adventures of Indiana Jones are legendary.

25. Jagatbehari

Of Indian origin, the name means “world traveler.”

Jal is an English name and refers to a “wandering spirit” or a “traveler.”

27. Jatri 

This Indian name means “traveler” or “passenger.”

28. Jahanjuy 

This Parsi name means “seeker of the world.”

29. Jett 

Derived from the English word “jet,” which means speed, Jett denotes “movement,” “travel,” and “adventure.”

30. Jeffrey

This English name means “traveler.”

31. Kevalin

Of Indian origin, Kevalin is a Sanskrit name that means the “seeker of the Absolute.”

32. Kymani 

This East African name means “adventurous traveler.” 

33. Laukinis

This Lithuanian name means “natural and wild.”

34. Lokachari

It is a Sanskrit name that means the “wanderer of the Earth.”

35. Musafir 

This majestic Arabic name means “voyager” or “traveler.”

Mshai is a name of Egyptian origin and means “traveler”.

Being of Hebrew origin, this name is quite popular. It means “rest” and “comfort”.

38. Nanyehi 

This Native American name of Cherokee origin means “one who travels” and belongs to the iconic Cherokee tribe leader, Nancy Ward.

39. Nerio 

Nerio means ‘sea traveler’ in Greek.

Nestor means ‘homecoming, traveler, or voyager’ in Greek.

41. Peregrine 

Peregrine means ‘traveler’ in Latin.

This name of Tibetan origin means ‘brave-hearted wanderer’ and belonged to the famous explorer Marco Polo.

This unique name is of Indian origin and means “traveller” or “explorer”.

This name has a beautiful ring to it and an even prettier meaning. The name means “traveller”.

45. Raaheel  

The name is derived from an Arabic word and means “one who shows the way”.

46. Reiziger

This Dutch name with roots in old German means “to travel on horseback.”

47. Rover 

This name of Old English/Irish origin means “traveler” or “wanderer.”

Romer means ‘pilgrim’ in German.

49. Somerled 

This Scandanavian name means ‘summer traveler.’

50. Scott  

This Scottish name means ‘wanderer.’

51. Stian 

This Norse name means ‘wanderer.’

52. Stig 

This ancient Scandanavian name means ‘wanderer.’

53. Satyesu

This unique name means ‘seeker of truth’.

54. Sumarlidr

The name is of Arabic origin and means ‘brownish’.

This beautiful name is of Arabic origin and means ‘seeker of knowledge’.

This name is quite unique and means ‘wandering as water’.

This is a common name and surname in Britain. It means ‘the flooder’.

58. Tripp 

Tripp means “a journey” in English.

59. Turas 

Turas means “to go on a voyage” in Irish.

60. Ulysses  

The name is the Latin form of the name Odysseus. The name means ‘wrathful’.

61. Vettel 

This Norwegian name means ‘winter traveler.’

62. Viator 

Viator means “traveler and wayfarer” in Latin.

63. Vipinbehari 

This Indian name means “Forest wanderer.” 

Wayman means “wanderer” or “traveler.” 

65. Wendell

This German name means “traveler in search of something.” 

This is a variation of the name Wendel. It means “wanderer”.

This is a popular English and German name which means “untamed”.

68. Zulan 

Zulan means “wanderer” in Zulu.

Nowadays, parents are leaning towards giving their little ones gender-neutral names. This allows the child to broaden their horizons and develop a unique personality. Well, here are some names gender-neutral names that mean traveller, wanderer, or seeker:

The name represents someone who is born on a Monday. It is of Ghanaian origin. 

The name is a combination of two words. The name means “travelling together”.

Bay is a unisex name of English origin meaning “reddish-brown,” symbolizing the adventurous spirit of a wanderer or traveler.

The name is of English origin and represents the geographical direction. 

Nova is a name of Latin origin which means “new”.

This unique name is of British origin and is used as a slang by certain groups of people. 

This name is quite straightforward. If you love sailing or hope for your little one to do so, name them Sailor! 

The name is of gender-neutral origin and is an occupational surname. It means “woodcutter”. However, it was made popular by Mark Twain’s Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Tom Sawyer was a young boy who loved adventures!

The name is fo German origin and means “wanderer”.

The feeling of wanderlust needs to be instilled in children from a young age, and the perfect beginning is by selecting a suitable name . Thus, names that uphold the wild spirit should have easy-to-pronounce and lucid spellings to make them popular and help a child to stand out in the crowd.

traveller names for babies


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20 Most Popular Travel-Inspired Baby Names For Boys And Girls

Life Reporter

Baby is sitting in a suitcase, getting ready for a travel. Selective focus. Child.

When you’re trying to think of a unique baby name , what things come to mind? You might choose a name outside your culture, a food or flower or superhero name, or you might try and find a name people really haven’t heard before.

Travel-inspired names are always a popular bet. I’m sure many of us know a Paris or an India. But how about naming your child Rome or Sydney? Bounce analysed baby name data from the past 20 years to discover which travel destinations around the world are sparking inspiration for baby names.

And it turns out staycations aren’t just a holiday trend.

Even though it’s a small city in the northwest of England, Chester is the most popular travel-related baby name for boys in the UK with 3,410 babies given the name. In second place is another northern city: Preston.

Meanwhile for girls, Florence is the most popular travel-inspired name with 21,962 baby girls in the UK named after the Italian city. Next on the list for girls is Skye, one of Scotland’s most popular island holiday destinations.

Here are the top 10 travel-inspired lists for boys and girls and there are quite a few unexpected ones in the mix.

Top 10 travel-inspired baby names for boys:

Chester - 3,410 boys names

Preston - 3,082 boys names

Phoenix - 2,738 boys names

Milan - 1,947 boys names

Orlando - 1,102 boys names

Israel - 1,015 boys names

Cairo - 969 boys names

Rome - 562 boys names

Sydney - 531 boys names

Caspian 531 boys names

Top 10 travel-inspired baby names for girls:

Florence - 21,962 girls names

Skye - 11,456 girls names

India - 6,158 girls names

Paris - 3,371 girls names

Sydney - 3,251 girls names

Mali - 1,315 girls names

Dakota - 1,214 girls names

Phoenix - 1,140 girls names

Ocean - 1,000 girls names

Vienna - 998 girls names

traveller names for babies

Ideas For Names

Ideas For Names

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100+ Wanderlust Names That Mean Journey Or Adventure For Boys and Girls

Exploring names that mean journey? Bring out the wanderlust for travel with these adventure name ideas.

Babies are born with a curious mind and an adventurous spirit that continually develops while exploring their surroundings. Encouragement is key to helping them explore and grow.

There are a lot of various names that mean journey or adventure. While these names have many different meanings, they have one thing in common: they all have a unique feel.

Table of Contents

Names that Mean Journey or Adventure for Boys

Names that mean journey or adventure for girls, unisex names that mean journey or adventure, outdoor nature inspired names for boys, outdoor nature inspired names for girls, what does wanderlust mean.

This article lists some unique and special names that mean to wander or journey for your little voyagers. It’s also helpful if you are a go-getter yourself and love different kinds of adventures. Continue reading to learn more!

names that mean journey

Imagine your baby boys running around everywhere and enjoying themselves. They love to explore and are always curious to learn about new places. If you want to name your little wanderer with something that means adventure, check out our list below!

  • Aaron: Aaron is a Hebrew name meaning “mountain” or “exalted.”
  • Ace: Ace is an English name meaning “one who excels” or “the best.”
  • Ahim: Ahim is a Hebrew name that means “brotherly” or “brotherhood.”
  • Aniveshak: Aniveshak is an Indian name of Sanskrit origin, which means “researcher” or “seeker.”
  • Archer: Archer is an English name referring to someone skilled in archery.
  • Arvad: Arvad is a Hebrew name meaning “wanderer” or “exile.”
  • Ash: Ash is an English name that can refer to the tree or the color “ashen” or “gray.”
  • Bahis: Bahis is an Arabic name that means “speed” or “swiftness.”
  • Bertrand: Bertrand is a Germanic name meaning “bright raven” or “shining raven.”
  • Brendon: Brendon is an English name derived from the Welsh name “Brandun,” meaning “prince” or “little raven.”
  • Cedar: Cedar is an English name referring to the aromatic and durable coniferous tree.
  • Charaka: Charaka is a Sanskrit name that means “disc” or “wheel.”
  • Christopher: Christopher is a Greek name meaning “bearer of Christ” or “Christ-bearer.”
  • Cliff: Cliff is an English name referring to a steep, high rock or a cliffside.
  • Cyler: Cyler is a variant spelling of the name “Tyler” and does not have a specific meaning on its own.
  • Dirk: Dirk is a Dutch and German name meaning “ruler of the people” or “leader of the people.”
  • Dolen: Dolen is a Welsh name that means “valley.”
  • Doran: Doran is an Irish name meaning “stranger” or “exile.”
  • Don: Don is an English name that can be a short form of various names and does not have a specific meaning on its own.
  • Dwade: Dwade is a variant spelling of the name “Dwayne” or “Duane,” which means “dark” or “swarthy.”
  • Ed: Ed is an English name that can be a short form of various names, such as Edward or Edmund, and means “wealthy protector” or “wealthy guardian.”
  • Edmund: Edmund is an English name meaning “wealthy protector” or “wealthy guardian.”
  • Emin: Emin is an Arabic name that means “trustworthy” or “honest.”
  • Everest: Everest is an English name referring to the highest peak in the world, Mount Everest.
  • Farren: Farren is an Irish name meaning “adventurous” or “wanderer.”
  • Ferdinand: Ferdinand is a Germanic name meaning “bold voyager” or “brave journey.”
  • Flint: Flint is an English name referring to a hard, sedimentary rock used to make tools and weapons.
  • Gypsy: Gypsy is an English name associated with the Roma people and their nomadic lifestyle.
  • Harry: Harry is an English name that can be a short form of “Henry” and means “ruler of the home” or “estate ruler.”
  • Henry: Henry is an English name derived from the Germanic name “Heimirich,” meaning “ruler of the home” or “estate ruler.”
  • Huck: Huck is a diminutive form of the name “Huckleberry,” and its meaning is not clearly defined. It is often associated with the adventurous character Huckleberry Finn from Mark Twain’s novel.
  • Igashu: Igashu does not appear to have a widely recognized or specific meaning.
  • Jagatbehari: Jagatbehari is an Indian name derived from Sanskrit. “Jagat” means “world” or “universe,” and “behari” means “one who supports” or “upholder.” Therefore, Jagatbehari can be interpreted as “upholder of the world” or “supporter of the universe.”
  • Jeffrey: Jeffrey is an English name derived from the Germanic name “Godfrey” or “Gottfried,” meaning “peace of God” or “God’s peace.”
  • Jett: Jett is an English name referring to a dense black mineral or a dark gemstone. It can also be associated with the word “jet” meaning “to move swiftly.”
  • Luke: Luke is an English name derived from the Greek name “Loukas,” meaning “from Lucania” or “man from Lucania.” Lucania was a region in southern Italy.
  • Marco: Marco is an Italian name derived from the Latin name “Marcus,” meaning “warlike” or “dedicated to Mars,” the Roman god of war.
  • Maverick: Maverick is an English name that originated from the surname of Samuel Maverick, a Texan rancher. It has come to mean “independent,” “nonconformist,” or “unorthodox.”
  • Nemo: Nemo is a Latin name meaning “nobody” or “no one.”
  • Nestor: Nestor is a Greek name derived from the Greek mythology character Nestor, known for his wisdom and age. The name can be interpreted as “one who returns” or “homecoming.”
  • Noah: Noah is a Hebrew name meaning “rest” or “comfort.” In the Bible, Noah was the builder of the ark and the survivor of the Great Flood.
  • Polo: Polo is a name of Tibetan origin, associated with the sport of polo. It can also be connected to Marco Polo, the famous Italian explorer.
  • Raahi: Raahi is an Indian name derived from Hindi and Urdu, meaning “traveler” or “wanderer.”
  • Ranulph: Ranulph is an English name derived from the Germanic name “Randolf” or “Randulf,” meaning “shield-wolf” or “wolf of the shield.”
  • Romer: Romer is a Dutch and German name meaning “pilgrim” or “traveler.”
  • Rover: Rover is an English name referring to a wanderer or traveler.
  • Sawyer: Sawyer is an English occupational surname referring to someone who saws wood. It is associated with the profession of a woodcutter or carpenter.
  • Scott: Scott is a Scottish name referring to someone from Scotland or of Scottish descent.
  • Somerled: Somerled is a Scottish name derived from the Old Norse elements “somer” (summer) and “led” (light). It can be interpreted as “summer light” or “light of summer.”
  • Stig: Stig is a Scandinavian name meaning “path” or “wanderer.”
  • Sylvan: Sylvan is an English name derived from the Latin word “silva,” meaning “forest” or “woodland.” It is often associated with nature and the beauty of wooded areas.
  • Tom: Tom is a diminutive form of the name “Thomas,” which has Aramaic and Greek origins and means “twin.”
  • Tripp: Tripp is an English name that originated as a nickname for a person who frequently trips or stumbles. It can also be associated with the word “trip,” suggesting a sense of adventure or travel.
  • Tyr: Tyr is a Norse name derived from the Norse god of law and heroic glory. It is often associated with qualities such as courage and honor.
  • West: West is an English name referring to the direction west, which represents the setting sun and the concept of going toward the unknown. It can symbolize exploration, new beginnings, and embracing change.
  • Wendel: Wendel is a German name derived from the Old High German name “Wandal,” which means “Vandal” or “Wend.” It can also be associated with the Germanic name “Wendelin,” meaning “wanderer” or “pilgrim.”
  • Wilder: Wilder is an English name that suggests a sense of untamed nature or wilderness. It signifies someone who is adventurous, free-spirited, or living close to nature.
  • Zulan: Zulan does not have a widely recognized or specific meaning. It may have originated from a specific culture or may be a variant or unique name without a defined meaning.

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wanderlust names

Your little girls deserve to wander and explore the world too! If you are looking for girl names that will help bring out their adventurous side, check out our list!

  • Alexandrine: Alexandrine is a feminine form of the name Alexander. It is derived from the Greek name Alexandros, which means “defender of men” or “protector of mankind.”
  • Alice: Alice is a name of Germanic origin, derived from the name Adalheidis. It means “noble” or “of noble kind.”
  • Alissa: Alissa is a variant spelling of the name Alyssa, which is derived from the name Alice. It carries similar meanings of “noble” or “of noble kind.”
  • Alma: Alma is a Latin name that means “nurturing” or “soul.” It can also be associated with the Spanish word for “soul” or “spirit.”
  • Amber: Amber is a name derived from the English word for the fossilized tree resin. It is associated with the warm, golden-brown color of the gemstone.
  • Amelia: Amelia is a variant of the name Amalia, which has Germanic origins and means “work” or “industrious.” It can also mean “rival” or “striving.”
  • Asra: Asra is an Arabic name that means “pure” or “untouched.” It can also carry the meaning of “virgin” or “virginal.”
  • Athena: Athena is a Greek name associated with the goddess of wisdom, courage, and strategic warfare in Greek mythology.
  • Barbara: Barbara is a Greek name meaning “foreign” or “strange.” It can also be associated with the Greek word “barbaros,” which means “barbarian” or “non-Greek speaker.”
  • Beatrice: Beatrice is a Latin name meaning “she who brings happiness” or “bringer of joy.” It is derived from the Latin word “beatus,” which means “blessed” or “happy.”
  • Beatrix: Beatrix is a variant spelling of the name Beatrice, carrying similar meanings of “she who brings happiness” or “bringer of joy.”
  • Brooke: Brooke is an English name referring to a small stream or a watercourse. It symbolizes a peaceful and flowing presence.
  • Bice: Bice is a diminutive form of the name Beatrice, derived from the Latin word “beatus,” meaning “blessed” or “happy.”
  • Deedra: Deedra is a variant spelling of the name Deirdre, which has Gaelic origins and means “sorrowful” or “broken-hearted.”
  • Delia: Delia is a Greek name associated with the Greek island of Delos. It can also be derived from the Greek word “delos,” meaning “visible” or “manifest.”
  • Elissa: Elissa is a variant of the name Alyssa or Alice, carrying similar meanings of “noble” or “of noble kind.”
  • Everette: Everette is an English name derived from the Germanic name Eberhard, meaning “brave boar” or “strong as a wild boar.”
  • Fara: Fara is an Arabic name that means “captivating” or “enchanting.” It can also carry the meaning of “lovely” or “beautiful.”
  • Fawn: Fawn is an English name referring to a young deer. It symbolizes grace, gentleness, and innocence.
  • Fernanda: Fernanda is a feminine form of the name Ferdinand, which is derived from the Germanic elements “frithu” meaning “peace” and “nanth” meaning “daring” or “brave.”
  • Freya: Freya is a Scandinavian name associated with the Norse goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. It can be interpreted as “lady,” “noble woman,” or “beloved.”
  • Gypsy: Gypsy is an English name that originated from the term “gypsy” or “Romani,” referring to a group of traditionally nomadic people. It can connote a sense of wanderlust, free-spiritedness, or an unconventional lifestyle.
  • Haimi: Haimi is a Sanskrit name meaning “golden” or “golden-hued.”
  • Hermione: Hermione is a Greek name derived from the name of the daughter of Menelaus and Helen of Troy in Greek mythology. Its meaning is uncertain, but it is often associated with grace, charm, and intelligence.
  • Hester: Hester is an English name derived from the Greek name “Esther,” meaning “star” or “myrtle leaf.”
  • Hilda: Hilda is a Germanic name that means “battle woman” or “warrior.” It carries connotations of strength, courage, and resilience.
  • Hollis: Hollis is an English name referring to a type of tree known as the holly tree. It can symbolize protection, fertility, and everlasting life.
  • Imelda: Imelda is a Spanish and Italian name derived from the Germanic elements “irmin” meaning “whole” or “universal” and “hild” meaning “battle.” It can be interpreted as “universal battle” or “whole-hearted in battle.”
  • Iris: Iris is a Greek name referring to the iris flower, which is associated with the rainbow. It symbolizes beauty, wisdom, and hope.
  • Isabella: Isabella is a variant of the name Isabel, which is derived from the Hebrew name Elizabeth. It means “devoted to God” or “God is my oath.”
  • Jane: Jane is an English name derived from the name “Jehanne,” which itself originated from the Hebrew name Yochanan, meaning “God is gracious” or “graced by God.”
  • Kai: Kai is a name with multiple origins and meanings. In Hawaiian, it means “sea” or “ocean.” In Scandinavian languages, it can mean “warrior” or “rejoice.”
  • Kaimi: Kaimi is a Hawaiian name meaning “the seeker” or “the one who desires.”
  • Kelly: Kelly is an Irish name derived from the Gaelic surname “Ó Ceallaigh,” meaning “descendant of Ceallach.” It can be interpreted as “bright-headed” or “warrior.”
  • Lara: Lara is a name of Latin origin meaning “cheerful” or “famous.” It can also be associated with the Greek name “Larisa,” which means “citadel” or “protection.”
  • Lawanda: Lawanda is a combination of the names “La” and “Wanda.” It does not have a widely recognized or specific meaning.
  • Lyra: Lyra is a Greek name referring to a musical instrument similar to a small harp. It can symbolize harmony, music, and poetic expression.
  • Mae: Mae is an English name derived from the month of May, which is often associated with spring, growth, and freshness.
  • Maren: Maren is a Scandinavian name derived from the name Marina, meaning “from the sea” or “belonging to the sea.”
  • Margana: Margana does not have a widely recognized or specific meaning. It may be a variant or unique name without a defined meaning.
  • Marlow: Marlow is an English name derived from a combination of the elements “mere,” meaning “lake” or “pool,” and “hlaw,” meaning “hill.” It can be interpreted as “hill by the lake” or “driftwood hill.”
  • Matilda: Matilda is a Germanic name composed of the elements “maht,” meaning “might” or “strength,” and “hild,” meaning “battle.” It can be interpreted as “mighty in battle” or “strong in war.”
  • Nahomtima: Nahomtima does not have a widely recognized or specific meaning. It may be a variant or unique name without a defined meaning.
  • Nellie: Nellie is a diminutive form of the name Helen, which has Greek origins and means “bright,” “shining,” or “sun ray.”
  • Osa: Osa is a Nigerian name that means “God’s gift” or “God’s favor.”
  • Peregrina: Peregrina is a Spanish name derived from the Latin word “peregrinus,” meaning “traveler” or “pilgrim.” It can symbolize a person who embarks on a journey, either physical or spiritual.
  • Pleeha: Pleeha does not have a widely recognized or specific meaning. It may be a variant or unique name without a defined meaning.
  • Prairie: Prairie is an English name referring to a large, flat or gently rolling grassland. It evokes images of open spaces, nature, and a sense of freedom.
  • Qaza: Qaza does not have a widely recognized or specific meaning. It may be a variant or unique name without a defined meaning.
  • Reo: Reo is a Japanese name with multiple meanings depending on the kanji characters used. It can mean “to thank,” “to shine,” or “sound” among other interpretations.
  • River: River is an English name referring to a flowing body of water. It represents fluidity, adaptability, and the passage of time.
  • Saira: Saira is a name of Arabic origin meaning “traveler” or “one who journeys.” It can also mean “bird” in some contexts.
  • Serik: Serik is a Kazakh name derived from the Persian word “sarikh,” meaning “leader,” “chief,” or “noble.”
  • Sojourner: Sojourner is an English name that means “traveler” or “one who stays temporarily in a place.” It represents a person who journeys or explores, often with a sense of purpose.
  • Somerild: Somerild is a variant spelling of the name Somerled, which is derived from Old Norse and means “summer traveler” or “summer wanderer.”
  • Summer: Summer is an English name referring to the warmest season of the year. It symbolizes sunshine, warmth, and a vibrant, lively atmosphere.
  • Valentina: Valentina is a feminine form of the Roman name Valentinus, which is derived from the Latin word “valens,” meaning “strong” or “healthy.” It can also be associated with the word “valere,” meaning “to be strong.”
  • Vanda: Vanda is a name with multiple origins and meanings. It can be derived from the Czech name Vanda, meaning “wanderer” or “stranger.” It is also associated with the Vanda orchid, which was named after an 18th-century botanist. Additionally, Vanda is a name of Sanskrit origin meaning “praised” or “loved.”
  • Wanda: Wanda is a Polish name that means “wanderer” or “pilgrim.” It is derived from the Old Slavic word “vanda,” which means “to wander” or “to roam.”
  • Yayati: Yayati is an Indian name with roots in Hindu mythology. Yayati was a king and a character in the ancient epic Mahabharata. The name’s meaning is uncertain, but it is often associated with concepts like “expansion,” “youthfulness,” or “vitality.”
  • Zita: Zita is a name of Greek and Italian origin. In Greek, it means “seeker” or “searcher.” In Italian, Zita is derived from the name “Sita” and is associated with the word “zita,” meaning “young girl” or “virgin.” It can also be seen as a diminutive of the name “Teresa” in some contexts, meaning “harvester” or “reaper.”

READ:  75+ Wanderlust Names That Mean Travel or Adventure – Explorer Names

adventure names

There are also gender-neutral names that mean journey or adventure. Our list has cool names that will certainly not disappoint! Check them out below.

  • Aspen: Aspen is a name that refers to a type of tree, specifically the trembling aspen. It symbolizes resilience, strength, and endurance.
  • Brooke: Brooke is an English name that means “small stream” or “brook.” It represents the flowing movement of water and can symbolize tranquility and serenity.
  • Darcy: Darcy is an English name with various meanings. It can be derived from the Norman French surname D’Arcy, which means “from Arcy” or “from Arciacum,” referring to places in France. Darcy can also be associated with the Gaelic word “dorchaidhe,” meaning “dark one.”
  • Finn: Finn is an Irish name derived from the Gaelic word “fionn,” meaning “fair” or “white.” It can also mean “warrior” or “hero” in some contexts.
  • Forest: Forest is an English name that refers to a large area covered with trees. It symbolizes nature, tranquility, and a connection to the natural world.
  • Indiana: Indiana is a name derived from the word “Indian,” referring to the indigenous peoples of the Americas. It can evoke a sense of adventure, exploration, and a connection to Native American culture.
  • Jett: Jett is an English name that means “black gemstone” or “black stone.” It represents strength, boldness, and sophistication.
  • Journey: Journey is an English word that has been used as a name. It signifies a voyage, an adventure, or a life’s path. It can symbolize personal growth, discovery, and the experiences of one’s life journey.
  • Kyle: Kyle is a Scottish name that means “narrow strait” or “narrows.” It can also be associated with the Gaelic word “caol,” meaning “slender” or “fair.”
  • Louis: Louis is a French and Germanic name derived from the name “Hludwig,” which means “famous warrior” or “famous in battle.” It can also mean “renowned” or “illustrious.”
  • Perry: Perry is an English name with multiple origins and meanings. It can be derived from the Old English word “pirige,” meaning “pear tree.” It can also be associated with the French word “pierre,” meaning “stone.” Additionally, Perry can be a variant of the name Peter, which means “rock” or “stone.”

An adventure also means outdoor and nature. When your little boys explore the world, they will certainly appreciate the beauty of their surroundings. We also compiled these names in the list below if you want to give them a name inspired by majestic nature!

  • Acorn: Acorn is a name derived from the small, nut-like seed of an oak tree. It symbolizes strength, growth, and potential.
  • Aaron: Aaron is a Hebrew name meaning “exalted” or “high mountain.” It is associated with nobility, leadership, and strength.
  • Bark: Bark is a name that refers to the outer protective covering of a tree. It symbolizes durability, resilience, and protection.
  • Barrow: Barrow is an English name that means “mound” or “hill.” It represents a small hill or burial mound and can symbolize stability and connection to the land.
  • Bear: Bear is an English name that refers to the large mammal known for its strength and courage. It symbolizes power, protection, and a strong, nurturing nature.
  • Birch: Birch is a name that refers to a type of tree known for its slender trunk and distinctive white bark. It represents grace, purity, and renewal.
  • Bluejay: Bluejay is a name derived from the colorful bird species known for its vibrant blue feathers. It symbolizes intelligence, resourcefulness, and adaptability.
  • Bo-Lin: Bo-Lin is a name with Chinese origin. The meaning of Bo-Lin can vary depending on the Chinese characters used to write it, as Chinese names often have multiple meanings associated with the characters chosen.
  • Buckthorne: Buckthorne is a name that combines the words “buck,” meaning “male deer,” and “thorn,” referring to the sharp, pointed branches on a thorny shrub. It can symbolize strength, protection, and resilience.
  • Cedar: Cedar is a name that refers to a type of tree known for its fragrant wood and durability. It symbolizes strength, grounding, and resilience.
  • Chestnut: Chestnut is a name that refers to a type of tree known for its edible nuts. It can symbolize abundance, nourishment, and warmth.
  • Cliff: Cliff is an English name that refers to a steep, vertical rock face. It represents strength, determination, and a sense of adventure.
  • Cloud: Cloud is a name that refers to the visible mass of condensed water vapor in the sky. It symbolizes dreaminess, creativity, and a free-spirited nature.
  • Coast: Coast is an English name that refers to the land along the edge of a body of water. It symbolizes adaptability, tranquility, and a connection to the sea.
  • Dean: Dean is an English name that means “valley.” It represents a deep valley, often with wooded slopes, and can symbolize a sense of peace, harmony, and natural beauty.
  • Field: Field is an English name that refers to an open expanse of land used for cultivation or pasture. It symbolizes fertility, abundance, and productivity.
  • Hawk: Hawk is an English name that refers to a bird of prey known for its sharp vision and agility. It symbolizes keen observation, strength, and a determined nature.
  • Hawthorne: Hawthorne is an English name that refers to a thorny shrub or tree with white or pink flowers. It symbolizes protection, resilience, and natural beauty.
  • Heron: Heron is a name that refers to a wading bird with long legs and a long neck. It symbolizes grace, tranquility, and patience.
  • Huck: Huck is a name of American origin. Its meaning is uncertain, but it is often associated with adventure, independence, and a free-spirited nature.
  • Leaf: Leaf is an English name that refers to the flattened, usually green, structure of a plant that is specialized for photosynthesis. It symbolizes growth, renewal, and connection to nature.
  • Leo: Leo is a name of Latin origin that means “lion.” It symbolizes strength, courage, leadership, and nobility.
  • Marlowe: Marlowe is an English name that has multiple origins and meanings. It can be derived from a combination of the elements “mere,” meaning “lake” or “pool,” and “hlaw,” meaning “hill.” It can also be associated with the Welsh name Meirion, meaning “from Merioneth.” Marlowe can symbolize a connection to water, hills, or a specific geographical location.
  • Nahele: Nahele is a Hawaiian name that means “forest” or “woods.” It symbolizes a deep connection to nature, tranquility, and a sense of grounding.
  • Raiden: Raiden is a Japanese name that means “thunder and lightning.” It is associated with power, strength, and the forces of nature.
  • Silas: Silas is a name of Greek and Latin origin that means “forest” or “woodland.” It can also be associated with the Latin word “silva,” meaning “forest” or “wood.” Silas symbolizes a connection to nature, tranquility, and a sense of grounding.
  • Sylvan: Sylvan is an English name that means “of the woods” or “from the forest.” It symbolizes a deep connection to nature, tranquility, and a sense of grounding.
  • West: West is an English name that refers to the cardinal direction. It can symbolize a sense of adventure, exploration, and a forward-looking perspective.
  • Zeus: Zeus is a name of Greek origin and is the name of the king of the gods in Greek mythology. It represents power, strength, leadership, and authority. Zeus is associated with the sky, thunder, and lightning.

READ: 70+ Earthy Nature Names For Boys (With Meanings) – Outdoor Inspired Name Ideas

names that mean adventure

Let your sweet little girls appreciate the outdoors as they wander with these nature-inspired names! Check them out below. 

  • Amber: Amber is a name that refers to the fossilized tree resin that is often used in jewelry. It can symbolize warmth, clarity, and a connection to nature.
  • Anemone: Anemone is a name that refers to a flower with vibrant petals. It symbolizes anticipation, fragility, and the beauty of fleeting moments.
  • Autumn: Autumn is an English name that refers to the season between summer and winter. It symbolizes change, transformation, and the beauty of nature’s colors.
  • Blossom: Blossom is an English name that refers to the flower or bloom of a plant. It symbolizes growth, beauty, and the arrival of new beginnings.
  • Breeze: Breeze is an English name that refers to a gentle wind. It symbolizes lightness, freedom, and a refreshing presence.
  • Cascade: Cascade is a name that refers to a waterfall or a series of descending water. It symbolizes energy, movement, and the power of nature.
  • Evening: Evening is an English name that refers to the time of day between afternoon and night. It symbolizes calmness, reflection, and the transition from day to night.
  • Fern: Fern is a name that refers to a type of plant with delicate, feathery leaves. It symbolizes resilience, humility, and a connection to nature.
  • Gaia: Gaia is a name of Greek origin that means “earth” or “mother earth.” It represents the personification of the Earth as a nurturing and life-giving force.
  • Galaxy: Galaxy is a name that refers to a vast system of stars, planets, and other celestial objects. It symbolizes expansiveness, wonder, and the mysteries of the universe.
  • Hazel: Hazel is an English name that refers to the hazelnut tree or the color hazel. It can symbolize wisdom, knowledge, and protection.
  • Iris: Iris is a name that refers to a flower with vibrant, colorful petals. It symbolizes beauty, grace, and a connection to the rainbow.
  • Ivy: Ivy is a name that refers to a climbing evergreen plant. It symbolizes strength, resilience, and eternal life.
  • Maple: Maple is a name that refers to a type of tree known for its beautiful leaves and sap used in making syrup. It symbolizes balance, harmony, and abundance.
  • Misty: Misty is an English name that refers to a light fog or mist. It can symbolize mystery, tranquility, and a sense of enchantment.
  • Moriko: Moriko is a Japanese name that means “child of the forest.” It symbolizes a deep connection to nature, tranquility, and a free-spirited nature.
  • Petal: Petal is an English name that refers to the colorful, delicate part of a flower. It symbolizes beauty, fragility, and the ephemeral nature of life.
  • Summer: Summer is an English name that refers to the season between spring and autumn. It symbolizes warmth, joy, and the vibrancy of life.
  • Tempest: Tempest is an English name that refers to a violent storm. It can symbolize strength, power, and a free-spirited nature.
  • Tierra: Tierra is a Spanish name that means “earth” or “land.” It symbolizes grounding, stability, and a connection to nature.
  • Thora: Thora is a Scandinavian name that means “thunder.” It represents power, strength, and a strong, assertive nature.
  • Tuulikki: Tuulikki is a Finnish name that means “little wind.” It symbolizes freshness, freedom, and a gentle nature.
  • Xylia: Xylia is a Greek name that means “from the forest” or “woodland.” It represents a deep connection to nature, tranquility, and a sense of grounding.

Remember that the meanings of names can vary based on cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and individuals may attach personal significance to their names beyond their traditional definitions.

READ:  100+ Earthy Nature Names for Girls (With Meanings) – Outdoor Girl Name Ideas

Wanderlust is a strong desire or impulse to travel and explore the world. It is a term that is often used to describe a deep passion for experiencing new places, cultures, and adventures. 

People who have wanderlust may feel a strong urge to explore new destinations, learn about different cultures, try new foods, meet new people, and engage in a wide range of travel-related activities. Wanderlust can also refer to the act of traveling itself, as well as the feelings of excitement, freedom, and adventure that come along with it.

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  • 75+ Powerful Baby Names That Mean Strength (With Meanings)
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Wanderlust Names That Mean Journey Or Adventure For Boys and Girls

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Popular travel-inspired baby names

smiling baby


Go around the world with these iconic baby names

By Diva Anwari June 15, 2022

Searching for the perfect baby name can be one of the more exciting things to research before your little one gets here. You might have already looked at celebrity baby names or possibly your favorite show ( Bridgerton baby names, anyone?) for ideas but if you’re looking for a name that sparks a happy memory then you might consider travel-inspired baby names.

And what’s one thing that can take you back to a magical moment like your honeymoon, proposal or wedding location? The name, of course! Maybe you honeymooned in Sydney because you just had to see the famous opera house. Maybe your partner proposed under the glittering lights of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Or, maybe you had a lovely rustic wedding in Boston. Whatever place calls to your heart might be the place to consider naming your baby after.

Related: These are our favorite 25 celebrity baby names of all time

It’s no wonder naming your baby after iconic cities and countries is a growing trend in America. Bounce conducted a study over 20 years, from 2000 to 2020, and found the most popular travel-inspired baby names. Starting with the most popular baby names for boys and ending with popular baby names inspired by cities—Bounce even gives a little bit of historical context for the top performers in each category.

Scroll down to see what iconic places made the list!

travel inspired baby names for boys usa Motherly

Travel-inspired boy names

4. Kingston

travel inspired baby names girls Motherly

Travel-inspired girl names

2. Alexandria

6. Carolina

7. Guadalupe

countries that inspire baby names Motherly

Travel-inspired baby names: countries

5. Malaysia

9. Trinidad

cities that inspire baby names Motherly

Travel-inspired baby names: capital cities

2. Kingston

7. Hamilton

10. Nairobi

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Travel-Inspired Baby Names Are Trending (& These Are the Most Popular Right Now)

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Nothing beats a trip around the world , but occasionally digging up your old vacation pics isn’t the only way to reminisce. Naming your newborn after a destination you adore is a way to keep your travel memories alive and at the top of your mind 365 days a year. Here, the top 20 travel-inspired baby names—according to a study conducted by the international luggage storage app, Bounce .

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Most popular travel-inspired names for girls:

travel inspired baby names sydney

1. sydney

Yes, it’s a city in Australia, but it also means “wide meadow.”

travel inspired baby names alexandria

2. alexandria

As in Alexandria, Virginia, but also the female version of Alexander, “helper and defender of mankind.”

travel inspired baby names london

3. london

Though mostly used for girls, the name is actually gender neutral and means “from the Great River.”

travel inspired baby names dakota

4. dakota

The most popular holder of this sweet name meaning “friend” is of course, Dakota Fanning. P.S. It’s also gender neutral.

travel inspired baby names paris

5. paris

Why not name your bundle of joy after one of the most romantic, beautiful cities in the world?

travel inspired baby names carolina

6. carolina

North or South, doesn’t matter. The sweet name means “free man” or “free holder.”

travel inspired baby names guadalupe

7. guadalupe

A Spanish name derived from a place in Cáceres dubbed “the valley of the wolves.”

travel inspired baby names journey

8. journey

Because what is life if not a long, beautiful journey.

travel inspired baby names skye

9. skye

After the serene, peaceful and breathtaking Isle of Skye in Scotland.

travel inspired baby names asia

10. asia

Not only is it the biggest continent in the world, but the name also means “lively” or “rising sun.”

Most popular travel-inspired names for boys:

travel inspired baby names preston

1. preston

A posh British name meaning “priest’s town.”

2. dakota

See number four.

travel inspired baby names israel

Hebrew name meaning “God contended,” “wrestles with God” or “'triumphant with God.”

travel inspired baby names kingston

4. Kingston

The capital city of beautiful, lush Jamaica. The name means “king’s town.”

travel inspired baby names dallas

5. dallas

Named after the third biggest city in sunny Texas.

travel inspired baby names phoenix

6. phoenix

A sweet name symbolizing renewal, regeneration and immortality.

travel inspired baby names orlando

7. orlando

Not just the home of Disney World, the name also means “famous land.” Which is quite apropos.

travel inspired baby names atlas

8. atlas

Shay Mitchell gave her first baby girl this gender-neutral moniker meaning “to carry.”

travel inspired baby names boston

9. boston

Legend has it that the name means “city by the woods,” but that’s unconfirmed. For now, let’s just say the name stems from the famous capital of Massachusetts.

trending travel inspired baby names london

10. london

Another gender neutral moniker that appears twice.

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Unique jetsetter baby names inspired by travel — because your baby is going places.

by Rita Templeton

Rita Templeton


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travel inspired baby names

Traveling is good for the soul. It broadens our horizons, exposes us to other cultures and traditions, makes us more independent by challenging us to leave our comfort zones, and just generally enriches our lives. If you’re a globetrotter — or just enjoy watching other people’s journeys on TikTok — you might be inspired to pass on that wanderlust to your offspring. Give them a head start by giving them a name that pays homage to the urge to pack up and go on an adventure! These travel-inspired baby names are a fitting tribute.

They aren’t place names, like Phoenix or Paris; that’s a whole separate roundup . They’re a nod to traveling itself — the journey, rather than the destination, because getting there is half the fun!

Whether your favorite mode of transportation is by land, by sea, or by air, these unique travel-inspired baby names encompass the best parts of getting out of town.

traveller names for babies

You could name your kid “Airplane” (we guarantee they’d never meet another!), but a much cooler option is Jett . The name literally means “jet black,” which would make it a cute option for a dark-haired baby — but in the world of travel-inspired baby names, it symbolizes the aerial way we get from Point A to Point B.

traveller names for babies

Atlas is a naming double-whammy: not only is it a travel-inspired baby name (an atlas is a book of maps, after all!) but it’s also a Greek mythology name, which are experiencing some major popularity lately. Atlas was a Titan who waged a war with Zeus, after which he was condemned to hold up the heavens on his back for all eternity. It’s no wonder that the name means “enduring”!

traveller names for babies

The pronunciation of this beautiful name is up to you, because it can go one of two ways: either EYE-la — like “island” but without the ending — or EES-la, the way it’s pronounced in Spanish (because “isla” is literally the Spanish word for “island”). Either way, you can’t go wrong!

traveller names for babies

You could spell it the traditional way — Cruise — or you could spell it this way, Cruz , which gives it a deeper, double meaning; “cruz” means “cross” in Spanish, giving it a religious/spiritual undertone.

traveller names for babies

There’s no second-guessing the meaning of this name! Perfect for any gender, it has a decidedly adventurous, free-spirited, boho feel .

traveller names for babies

If you’re a frequent traveler, one thing definitely adds up, and that’s the miles you’ve covered — whether by land, by air, or by sea. Which is why Miles is the perfect travel-inspired baby name: a tribute to journeying, yet still a “regular” name. And a well-loved name, at that — in 2022, Miles stood at #55 out of the top 1000 most popular baby names, according to the U.S. Social Security Administration.

traveller names for babies

At first glance, this may not seem like a travel-inspired baby name. It isn’t as obvious as, say, Jett — but considering that “aft” means towards the rear of a ship or aircraft, it makes a whole lot more sense. Afton is a transferred use of an English surname, but it’s also a noun meaning “evening” in Swedish.

traveller names for babies

Like the wanderlust vibe of Journey, but prefer something shorter and snappier? Try Trek on for size! It has a bit more of a rugged feel, but with the same globetrotting theme.

traveller names for babies

Porter is an occupational name which originally meant “gatekeeper” (from the French word for door,  porte).  But these days, it’s nearly synonymous with the person in an airport or at a hotel who carries your luggage! It’s a pretty popular baby name, too; as of last count, it sits at #506 on the U.S. Social Security Administration’s baby name popularity chart.

traveller names for babies

If air travel is your preferred method of transportation, pay homage to your love of taking flight with a sweet and simple name like Sky! It’s totally gender-neutral, though if you wanted to put a more feminine spin on it, you could spell it Skye.

traveller names for babies

A meridian is technically defined as any line of 0° longitude — but according to an international agreement, the prime meridian is the official line around the world from east to west (fun fact: it passes through the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in southeast London). As a name, Meridian signifies your hopes that your baby will someday go around the world, and you can’t get much more travel-inspired than that!

traveller names for babies

If there’s anyone who’s traveled a ton, it’s a sailor — so as a name, it fits right in with our travel-inspired baby name roundup! If you want it to look a  little less nautical, there’s the option of spelling it Saylor.

traveller names for babies

You can’t get more straightforward about your love of travel than by naming your kid Tripp — they’ll always be up for an adventure!

traveller names for babies

We end our roundup of travel-inspired baby names with possibly the most confusing of them all. Why is Beatrix on this list? Glad you asked! It’s because the name Beatrix means “voyager” — so if you want an ode to your love of travel, but subtly, it’s a perfect pick. Don’t like the X-ending? You can use Beatrice, which means the same thing … and both come with the adorable nicknames of Bea or Bebe!

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The Best Travel-inspired Baby Names

Picking a name for your baby is a daunting, nearly impossible task for most of us. If you’re anything like me, you want to find a unique baby name that means something to you!!!! Whether you want it to be strong and classic, or one-of-a-kind unique, you want it to spark you, and sometimes, you just need to see some more options!! When we were coming up with our baby boy’s name, I scoured the internet for ALL the names and tried to see which ones spoke to me. We wanted an ode to travel, and I didn’t find a ton of travel-related baby name sites that I resonated with for GOOD baby name options that spoke to travel lovers like us! SO, I made this list of all of the best ones. Enjoy!!!

traveller names for babies


Rome – This is one of the best travel baby boy names in my opinion. You could make the formal form ‘Roman’ and call him Rome. It also makes a beautiful middle name! Rome to me conjures up images of ancient Rome, the Romans, history, and Italy. Strong and handsome!

Jet – This one is for the boys that are born to jet-set. 

Rio – this name could be for ‘river’ or for Brazil’s most famous city, Rio! Could be a fun middle name, too.

West – West is an ode to the Wild West, exploration and finding a new frontier. You could make the formal form Weston, or keep it as West. 

East or Easton – Maybe you and your family are from the East coast, or you just love this name! 

Christopher – while this name is a classic, it also has a travel meaning! Christopher is the patron saint of travel

Noah – another classic that has a travel meaning. Noah means ‘wandering’.

Hudson – named for the Hudson River, this is such a strong name for a baby with New York roots! 

Sawyer – this name is named after the protagonist adventurer in Mark Twain’s books.  

Kai – means ‘Ocean’ in Hawaiian!

Austin – named for the city of Austin, this can be a great travel name for a boy

Atlas – this wise, old-soul baby boy name has everything to do with travel and exploration.


Sydney – named for Australia’s beautiful coastal city, Sydney is one of the most popular travel baby names

Capri – I love this Italy-inspired name for a baby girl! 

Savannah – this adorable southern belle name is so cute!

Sienna – named for the beautiful city in Italy, Sienna is a gorgeous name for a baby girl! 

Callie – this one could be a really cute baby name that’s an ode to California

Alaska – Alaska is a beautiful name for a baby girl!

Venice – I have a friend named Venice and it’s beautiful!

Carolina – This beautiful name can be pronounced ‘Carol-eena’, a popular name in hispanic culture, or ‘Carolina’ like North Carolina.

Isla – this name literally means ‘island’, and is perfect for a little travel lover.

Skye or Skylar – While not directly related to travel, this name is still ‘travelly’ and a beautiful option!

London – This popular city baby name conjures up images of a posh little girl ready to take on the big city.

Saylor – Kristen Cavallari named her daughter Saylor and I love it. It’s such a cute travel-related baby girl name option!

Terra – this name means ‘the planet earth’

Sierra – named for the Sierra mountains, this little girl will be a born adventurer!

Aspen – named for Colorado’s famous glamorous city of Aspen , this could be a cute middle name too!

Whether you’re looking for the most popular baby girl names inspired by travel, or the most creative unique boy and girl baby names inspired by travel, I hope you found some good inspiration here!

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WRITTEN BY: Christina

Christina is a leading luxury lifestyle and travel blogger with over 2 million readers. Follow her on instagram @jetsetchristina.


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Tourism Teacher

33 Adorable Travel-Themed Baby Names

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What are the best travel-themed baby names? Choosing a baby name can be tough. For me, I looked for a bit of inspiration from what I love most- travel! Whilst some were not really our style, some names we really loved. So I thought I’d share with you some of my findings in this post on the top- travel-themed baby names. 

Travel-themed baby names

For hubby and I, travel has always been an important part of our lives. We had both travelled extensively before we met, and we have continued to travel together. We had a travel themed wedding. We also had a travel-themed pregnancy announcement. We then made a travel-themed girls’ nursery. So why not continue the theme with a name? 

I searched the Internet far and wide for inspiration. There were lots of travel-themed baby names that hubby and I liked for girls, but we weren’t so keen on the boys names. I tried for Atlas but my husband wouldn’t go for it… haha 

In the end we had a little girl called Isla Mae. Isla means island in Spanish so there was our link to travel. It also turns out to be a very popular name worldwide, but not always with the same spelling. In Turkey, for example, Ayla (with the same pronunciation) is very common. We chose Mae because it is a popular Thai name, which is one of our favourite countries to travel to. 

During my extensive research, however, I came across a lot more travel-themed baby names. Here are some of the most common! 

Travel-themed baby names: Girls 

Florence- a city in Italy . Also means ‘to flourish’

Aurora: A city in Illinois. Also the official name of the Northern Lights- Aurora Borealis

Sydney- a city in Australia

Isla- island in Spanish

Savannah- a city in Georgia 

Alexandria- a city in Egypt 

India – after the country 

Sahara- a desert in Northern Africa 

Paris- a city in France 

Nara- has Gaelic roots meaning happy. A region in Japan 

Saya- a Japanese name meaning sheath for a sword. It denotes peace

Skye- named after Isle of Skye in Scotland. Also pronounced ‘sky’, as in to travel by airplane 

Dominika- a Caribbean island. Comes from the Latin word for Sunday 

Zaria- Arabic for ‘flower’. Also a Nigerian city

Travel-themed baby names: Boys 

Austin- a city in Texas

Aspen- a city in Colorado 

Easton- a city in Pennsylvania

Orlando- City in Florida 

Hudson- river in New York 

Jordan- a country in the Middle East 

Phoenix- a city in Arizona 

Rio- a city in Brazil 

Tyree- second tallest mountain in Antarctica 

Hamilton- a city in New Zealand 

Miles- a measure of distance 

Atlas- a map 

Christopher- Patron Saint of Travel 

Jericho- place in Israel, also a biblical location 

Marco- a famous explorer 

Phileas- from the novel Around the World in 8 Days

Brooklyn- an area of New York 

Gulliver- after the film Gulliver Travels 

Darwin- founder of evolution in the Galapagos Islands 

So that’s my list of favourite travel-themed baby names. Do you have any others that you would recommend? Drop them in the comments below, I’d love to hear them! 

Psssst! By the way, I have recently designed a flight log book to allow your kids to record all of the journeys! If you’re looking for a special way to record your children’s travel memories then head over to Amazon to take a look!

Resources for parents to get through the challenges.

45 Baby Names That Mean Traveler or Wanderer

traveller names for babies

Visiting different countries can be invaluable and for those parents who want to instill in their children this sense of worldliness may be looking for a name that expresses this want to travel.

That’s why they may look for baby names that mean traveler or wanderer . Fortunately, there are plenty of great names for them to choose from all that carry either of those meanings. 

In this article

Girls Names

The final thought, names that mean traveler.

There are many names for both boys and girls that can be associated with traveling as it has become very fashionable to use country names for actual names.

But we have given you names that actually mean traveler. They range from traditional in many cultures to very unique, take a look, and see if there are any that take your fancy.

Charaka – Has Indian origins. It means ‘vagabond’ or ‘traveler.’

Emin  – Emin Pasha of Germany is known as one of the greatest adventurers of the Ottoman Empire.

Faramund – Arabic origins and means protector of travelers.

Ferdinand  – With Spanish origins and meaning ‘journey.’

Kymani  – Eastern African in origin and means adventurous traveler.

Nerio  – Greek origins and means ‘sea traveler.’

Nestor  – Origins in Greek and means homecoming, traveler, or voyager.

Peregrine  – Of Latin origin and means ‘traveler.’

Romer  – German origin and means ‘pilgrim.’

Somerled – Scandanavian origin and means ‘summer traveler.’

Tripp  – With its origins in English and it means ‘a journey.’

Vettel – Norwegian origins and means ‘winter traveler.’

Asra  – Arabic origins and means ‘travel at night.’

Barbara – With English origins and means ‘a traveler from a foreign land.’

Beatrix  – With origins in German, Hungarian, Dutch, English, and Late Roman and means ‘voyager’ or ‘traveler.’

Fernanda – Spanish origins and means ‘journey.’

Gypsy  – Of English origins and means ‘bohemian traveler.’

Njeri  – Eastern African origins and means ‘traveling one.’

Peregrina  – Latin origins and means ‘pilgrim’ or ‘traveler.’

Saira  – With Urdu origins and means ‘traveler.’

Sojourner – This name has its roots in Sojourner Truth , the African American women’s rights activist. This name means a ‘traveler.’

baby in an airport

Names That Mean Wanderer

The word wanderer is not a compliment and doesn’t have great associations. But there are some great names that have this meaning and they come from many different origins. You’re sure to find one that suits you.

Arvad  – Hebrew origin and means ‘wanderer.’

Doran  – Of Irish origin and means ‘wanderer.’

Faron – English origins and means ‘wanderer.’

Gipsy  – English origins and means ‘wanderer.’

Igashu  – Native American in origin and means ‘wanderer’ or ‘seeker.’

Lokachari  – Sanskrit origins and means the ‘wanderer over there.’

Noah  – Hebrew origins and means ‘wandering.’

Polo  – Tibetan origin and means ‘brave wanderer.’

Rover  – English origins and means ‘wanderer.’

Scott – Scottish origins and means ‘wanderer.’

Stian  – Of Norse origins and meaning ‘wanderer.’

Stig – Ancient Scandanavian origins and means ‘wanderer.’

Tarka  – It is a literary name and means ‘wandering like water.’

Wendel  – With Dutch and German origins and means ‘wanderer.’

Zulan  – Zulu origins and means the ‘wanderer.’

Alissa  – Phoenician origin and means ‘virgin’ and ‘wanderer.’

Deedra – with American origins and means ‘sorrowful’ or ‘wanderer.’

Elissa – With Greek origins and means ‘wanderer.’

Gitana – Spanish origins and means ‘wanderer.’

Lawanda  – American origins and means ‘little wanderer.’

Peregrine  – With Latin origins and means ‘wanderer.’

Traviata  – Italian in origin and means ‘wanderer.’

Vanda  – With both German and Spanish origins and means ‘wanderer.’

Wanda  – German origins and means ‘wanderer.’

We have provided a great list of names that mean traveler or wanderer. These names range from unique to more traditional and you’re sure to find a baby name that means wanderer or traveler that is perfect for your little one.

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Names That Mean

41 Names That Mean Traveler

41 Names That Mean Traveler (2024)

One of the greatest joys of life is travel, as it helps us to expand our horizons and humble our hearts. Knowing this, it comes as no surprise that parents would choose to give their children names that mean “traveler.”

Although the Irish name Doran doesn’t directly translate to “traveler,” it does mean “stranger or exile.” This name can be given to both boys and girls, and it is a reminder that every traveler is a stranger before they become a friend.

The Germanic name Faramund means “protector of journeys,” which is a great name to give to a boy who may one day seek to leave the nest and journey around the world. You may also like the name Peregrine, which is a boy name of Latin origin that means “traveler or pilgrim.” This name was especially popular in England before making its way to America.

If you’d like to give your baby girl a name that means “traveler,” you may find that the name Saira piques your interest. The name Saira is of Arabic origin, and means “beautiful traveler.” Saira is quite similar to the English American name Sarah, although its unique spelling is common in countries like India and Pakistan.

If you’re someone who takes the road less traveled, you may be compelled to give your daughter a unique yet gorgeous name like Somerild. Although this name derives from Old English, it is most common in Scandinavia, as it means “summer traveler” in Scandanavian.

Meaning: Traveler Origin: Yoruba Gender: Unisex

Meaning: Wanderer Origin: Hebrew Gender: Boy

Meaning: Travel at night Origin: Arabic Gender: Girl

Meaning: A traveler from a foreign land Origin: English Gender: Girl

Meaning: Traveler Origin: German Gender: Girl

Meaning: Traveler Origin: German, Hungarian, Dutch, English Gender: Girl

Meaning: Traveler Origin: Indian Gender: Boy

Meaning: Traveler Origin: Gaelic Gender: Unisex

Meaning: Stranger or exile Origin: Irish Gender: Unisex

Meaning: Traveler Origin: Old English Gender: Unisex

Meaning: Protector of journeys Origin: Germanic Gender: Boy

Meaning: Journey Origin: Spanish Gender: Boy

Meaning: Journey Origin: Spanish Gender: Girl

Meaning: Bohemian traveler Origin: English Gender: Girl

Meaning: Traveler Origin: Maori Gender: Unisex

Meaning: Traveler Origin: Hawaiian Gender: Girl

Meaning: Wanderer or seeker Origin: Native American Gender: Boy

Meaning: Traveler Origin: Indian Gender: Unisex

Meaning: Adventurous traveler Origin: Eastern African Gender: Boy

Meaning: Wanderer over there Origin: Sanskrit Gender: Boy

Meaning: Traveler Origin: Arabic Gender: Boy

Meaning: One who travels Origin: Cherokee Gender: Boy

Meaning: Sea traveler Origin: Greek Gender: Boy

Meaning: Traveler Origin: Greek Gender: Boy

Meaning: Traveling one Origin: Eastern African Gender: Girl

Meaning: Wandering Origin: Hebrew Gender: Boy

Meaning: Traveler Origin: Latin Gender: Girl

Meaning: Traveler or pilgrim Origin: Latin Gender: Boy

Meaning: Brave wanderer Origin: Tibetan Gender: Boy

Meaning: To travel on horseback Origin: Dutch Gender: Boy

Meaning: Pilgrim Origin: German Gender: Boy

Meaning: Wanderer Origin: English Gender: Boy

Meaning: One who is like a bird Origin: Arabic Gender: Girl

Meaning: Wanderer Origin: Scottish Gender: Boy

Meaning: Traveler Origin: African Gender: Girl

Meaning: Summer traveler Origin: Scandanavian. Gender: Girl

Meaning: Wanderer Origin: Norse Gender: Boy

Meaning: A journey Origin: English Gender: Boy

Meaning: Winter traveler Origin: Norwegian Gender: Boy

Meaning: Traveler and wayfarer Origin: Latin Gender: Boy

Meaning: Traveler in search of something Origin: German Gender: Unisex

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These are the trendy baby names you’re about to see everywhere

Most prospective parents want to know what the trendy baby names are — but not for the reason you might think.

Trendy baby names are typically something parents want to know how to avoid. Parents these days don't want something super popular, founder Laura Wattenberg tells She is also the author of the  Baby Name Wizard  books.

"It's not like a designer bag," she says. "No one wants to think their baby has a trendy name."

So, what baby names trends should parents know?

Cowboy-inspired names are at the top of Wattenberg's list of what's trending. She cites shows like "Yellowstone" as contributing to the trend. Look for names like Stetson and Colter to grow in popularity.

She points out, however, that "real" cowboys often have more traditional names like William — think Billy the Kid as an example.

Another trend, Wattenberg says, is names ending with “s.” She says this is particularly trendy in the South.

“Brooks is already popular and will remain so,” she tells Banks and Hayes are also trending. As far as girls go, she suggests keeping an eye on the name Collins.

Next up, “long, multi-syllabic names that end in ‘i’” are on Wattenberg's list of what's popping in baby name trends. What kind of names fit this description? Wattenberg gives the examples of Meilani and Kaelani.

Cute, old-fashioned sounding names are also trendier now than in years past. Names like Billy and Stevie for boys and Elsie and Millie for girls are examples Wattenberg cites.

The Social Security Administration released the names that are the fastest rising in terms of popularity , but they don’t necessarily overlap with what’s poised to trend in general.

The rise in popularity could be attributed to social media and pop culture, the SSA said in a press release. 

“It’s clear that social media stars had a major influence on new parents in 2023. The fastest rising girl’s name, Kaeli, went viral in 2023, rising a whopping 1,692 spots,” the SSA said. “Parents must have really smashed the ‘like’ button for YouTube and TikTok star Kaeli McEwen (also known as Kaile Mae).” 

“On the boy’s side, trending in third place as the boy’s fastest riser is Eiden — perhaps it was TikTok creator Wyatt Eiden’s 1.6 billion views and over 3 million followers that prompted this name’s meteoric rise.”

Top trending baby boy names  

Top trending baby girl names .

 Genevieve Shaw Brown is an Emmy award-winning lifestyle journalist and the author of the parenting book, “ The Happiest Mommy You Know .” She is an avid traveler and was named the Lowell Thomas Silver Grand Award Travel Journalist of the Year. She has appeared as a parenting, travel and lifestyle expert on every network in the country. You can follow her on  Instagram . 

traveller names for babies

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Baby naming is big business, with consultants charging up to $10,000 to find the perfect name

  • Baby naming consultants are increasingly popular, offering tailored services to parents.
  • These experts use social media platforms to attract clients and earn significant income.
  • Unique baby names are becoming more accepted, influenced by celebrity trends and social media.

Insider Today

Baby naming isn't what it used to be.

Gone are the days of picking a name for your new baby from an index in a book.

Now, there are baby naming consultants who rifle through popularity lists, analyze trends, and recommend the right fit for families. They can charge up to $10,000 for their services.

What was once deemed a quirk of the super-rich and famous is now becoming commonplace, with parents wanting their children to stand out and have their own unique identities.

Normalizing the unusual

In May, influencer Francesca Farago, who became famous for appearing on various Netflix reality shows, shared some of the baby names she and her partner were considering for the twins they are expecting.

They were all unusual, including Heart, Orca, Afternoon, Lyrics, and Baby.

The response was mixed, with some thinking the names were too "out there" and that Farago was stretching the definition of what names should be.

@francescafarago I forgot so many of my faves, lmk if I should do a part two🤭 ♬ original sound - Francesca Farago

Unusual names are for everyone now, not just celebrities. When Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter Apple in 2004, many considered it bizarre. Now, there are plenty of children with names that are nouns or adverbs and once considered "just words."

The consultants who spoke with Business Insider agreed that there's been a shift in the last few years that has both widened the criteria for what a name can be and helped boost their businesses.

"There are things that are even too extreme for me," Steph Coffield, aka Names With Steph, told BI. "But I also listen to the client, and if they're like, I want ancient Greek mythology-inspired names, I want super uncommon word names, I get so excited about that."

Embracing originality

Morgan Timm, from Illinois, started her baby naming consultancy in 2022, finding her way there through her interest in collecting vintage yearbooks, spending time on the subreddit Name Nerds, and scrolling through baby name forums.

She said many of her clients had popular names in the 80s or 90s and didn't want their child to be known as "Jessica L," "Matthew R," or "Hannah S."

"I think that's where a lot of people got their interest in having a more uncommon name," she said. "Just with their experience of having a common one."

Jessie Paquette, another consultant, was also always fascinated by names, watching YouTubers talk about popularity lists and speaking to her friends at school about what the No. 1 names for boys and girls were that year.

Unusual names were more of a "luxury" 20 years ago, said Paquette, for the rich and famous who "care about appearance and care about status."

"As TikTok and social media came into the picture, it became more for the common person," she said.

@dreambabynames #greenscreen @Babylist babies born this week! Baby name announcements this week were taken over by the girl names! #babynameconsultant #babynames ♬ original sound - Jessie @dreambabynames

Colleen Slagen, who helps parents find their babies' names through her consultancy Naming Bebe, told BI there is a "cultural trend towards embracing individuality."

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As well as out of the ordinary names, she has also noticed that parents are leaning towards names that are "traditional but uncommon," such as Margaret, Ingrid, Eugene, and Bernard.

She also considers the names of any other children and surnames to avoid awkward rhyming disasters.

"People really want to get it right," Slagen said. "They want to choose a name that represents them but also sets their kid up for a lifetime of success."

A lucrative career

Baby naming is an "extremely lucrative" career path, Paquette said, but if you go into it to make money, you won't be successful.

"It has to happen organically," she said.

Making content on TikTok also provides income, Paquette said. She has just over 100,000 followers on the platform, while some of her peers have 200,000-300,000.

"Certain creators in this niche are making upwards of thousands of dollars a month just off of views," Paquette said. "It's become a multilevel stream of income for people."

Slagen's consultations start at $250. During these, she has couples fill out a detailed questionnaire about the kinds of names they like and how popular or rare they want the name to be.

@namingbebe ****2023 stats for some of your favorite girl names! #nametok #babynames #nameconsultant #topbabynames #girlnames #babies ♬ original sound - Colleen

Some of the better-known baby namers can charge hefty fees. One consultant, Taylor A. Humphrey, has services that range from $1,500 for a list of names to $10,000 for something more bespoke, The New Yorker reported .

Humphrey also offers a "baby name branding" service for $30,000, according to Vox, which "helps people in the public eye choose a name that reflects their personal brand."(Humphrey didn't respond to BI's request for comment.)

There are companies that specialize in baby names, too. Nameberry, for example, offers a naming session with resident baby name expert Sophie Kihm for $350 or a package called "the name concierge," which comes with "nine months of on-call name advice, with unlimited meetings and name suggestions." That'll set parents back $10,000.

Coffield said she knew she could make a living from baby names when she started talking about it on TikTok. She had previously focused on educating women about how to be empowered while giving birth and casually spoke about baby names a few times.

That "really took off," and her inbox was soon full of people wanting her advice.

@nameswithsteph Frey and Rennick are my top picks! #nameswithsteph #nameconsultant #uncommonbabynames #vintagebabynames #babynameconsultant #babynameinspo2023 ♬ original sound - Steph | Name Consultant

Coffield, who is from Minnesota, started by charging $60 for 10 names on Fiverr. She has since moved off that platform to her own website, where a personalized list costs $140, a list plus a video costs $200, and a luxury service, which includes three phone calls with her to help with the decision, costs $700.

The biggest way to build success in the baby naming business is to make sure people find you credible, Coffield said. There are some accounts that use ChatGPT and other AI software to come up with lists, but these aren't likely to find as good a match as a consultant can.

Consultants aren't an algorithm, so they are limited by how many clients they can take on, Coffield added.

Timm said she "severely undercharged" her clients when she started but has since figured out her worth.

She said that while she thinks there is "less pushback overall" with unconventional names, there is still some sort of exclusivity gap when it comes to celebrities.

One recent client of Timm's made her sign an NDA so she couldn't share their name, or even the fact that they had hired her at all.

"That was a really cool moment," she said.

@hellomorgantimm super rare baby nsmes used only a handful of times in 2022! I'd love to know what you think of these, and if you had to choose one of the baby names which would it be? i think i might go with Afton or Lew for a boy, and Clancy for a girl. #rarebabynames #nametok #babynameconsultant #creatorsearchinsights ♬ original sound - Morgan | Name Consultant

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Top 1,000 girl names by popularity for your sweet baby girl in 2024.

Baby girls name.

Choosing a name for your baby girl can be a tough decision to say the least. After all, you want something that’s unique, beautiful, pretty, sweet, or cute to match your new daughter’s personality. Not to mention that popularity may be a factor in your decision, too. Our list of top baby names for girls is comprised of the 1,000 most popular names for girls from last year. You have plenty of good options at your fingertips—now it’s just a matter of picking the best name for your baby girl!

Top 1,000 Most Popular Girl Names in the U.S.

Each year the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) gathers information on births and baby names chosen in the United States; then, the SSA creates a ranking for the top names for girls and boys. This extensive list includes not only the top 10 names that have held steady for several years in a row but also also the most frequently chosen names from the previous year—most recently the top 1,000 for 2022. Choose from among the top names for girls that were the most popular in the United States in 2022 (in order of popularity). You’ll surely find some good options for pretty, beautiful, and cute baby girl names on this list:

1. Olivia 2. Emma 3. Charlotte 4. Amelia 5. Sophia 6. Isabella 7. Ava 8. Mia 9. Evelyn 10. Luna 11. Harper 12. Camila 13. Sofia 14. Scarlett 15. Elizabeth 16. Eleanor 17. Emily 18. Chloe 19. Mila 20. Violet


Baby Name Generator

By gender :.

21. Penelope 22. Gianna 23. Aria 24. Abigail 25. Ella 26. Avery 27. Hazel 28. Nora 29. Layla 30. Lily 31. Aurora 32. Nova 33. Ellie 34. Madison 35. Grace 36. Isla 37. Willow 38. Zoe 39. Riley 40. Stella 41. Eliana 42. Ivy 43. Victoria 44. Emilia 45. Zoey 46. Naomi 47. Hannah 48. Lucy 49. Elena 50. Lillian 51. Maya 52. Leah 53. Paisley 54. Addison 55. Natalie 56. Valentina 57. Everly 58. Delilah 59. Leilani 60. Madelyn 61. Kinsley 62. Ruby 63. Sophie 64. Alice 65. Genesis 66. Claire 67. Audrey 68. Sadie 69. Aaliyah 70. Josephine 71. Autumn 72. Brooklyn 73. Quinn 74. Kennedy 75. Cora 76. Savannah 77. Caroline 78. Athena 79. Natalia 80. Hailey 81. Aubrey 82. Emery 83. Anna 84. Iris 85. Bella 86. Eloise 87. Skylar 88. Jade 89. Gabriella 90. Ariana 91. Maria 92. Adeline 93. Lydia 94. Sarah 95. Nevaeh 96. Serenity 97. Liliana 98. Ayla 99. Everleigh 100. Raelynn 101. Allison 102. Madeline 103. Vivian 104. Maeve 105. Lyla 106. Samantha 107. Rylee 108. Eva 109. Melody 110. Clara 111. Hadley 112. Julia 113. Piper 114. Juniper 115. Parker 116. Brielle 117. Eden 118. Remi 119. Josie 120. Rose 121. Arya 122. Eliza 123. Charlie 124. Peyton 125. Daisy 126. Lucia 127. Millie 128. Margaret 129. Freya 130. Melanie 131. Elliana 132. Adalynn 133. Alina 134. Emersyn 135. Sienna 136. Mary 137. Isabelle 138. Alaia 139. Esther 140. Sloane 141. Mackenzie 142. Amara 143. Ximena 144. Sage 145. Cecilia 146. Valeria 147. Reagan 148. Valerie 149. Catalina 150. River 151. Magnolia 152. Kehlani 153. Summer 154. Ashley 155. Andrea 156. Isabel 157. Oakley 158. Olive 159. Oaklynn 160. Ember 161. Kaylee 162. Georgia 163. Juliette 164. Anastasia 165. Genevieve 166. Katherine 167. Blakely 168. Reese 169. Amaya 170. Emerson 171. Brianna 172. June 173. Alani 174. Lainey 175. Arianna 176. Rosalie 177. Sara 178. Jasmine 179. Ruth 180. Adalyn 181. Ada 182. Bailey 183. Ariella 184. Wren 185. Myla 186. Khloe 187. Callie 188. Elsie 189. Alexandra 190. Ryleigh 191. Faith 192. Norah 193. Margot 194. Zuri 195. Journee 196. Aspen 197. Gemma 198. Kylie 199. Molly 200. Blake 201. Zara 202. Alaina 203. Alana 204. Brynlee 205. Amy 206. Annie 207. Saylor 208. Ana 209. Amira 210. Kimberly 211. Noelle 212. Kamila 213. Morgan 214. Phoebe 215. Harmony 216. Sutton 217. Taylor 218. Finley 219. Lilah 220. Juliana 221. Lila 222. Londyn 223. Kailani 224. Vera 225. Kaia 226. Angela 227. Hallie 228. Diana 229. Lennon 230. Presley 231. Arabella 232. Aliyah 233. Lilly 234. Milani 235. Jordyn 236. Camille 237. Ariel 238. Aubree 239. Selena 240. Sawyer 241. Nyla 242. Delaney 243. Mariana 244. Rachel 245. Adaline 246. Leila 247. Collins 248. Lia 249. Octavia 250. Kali 251. Lena 252. Kiara 253. Kaylani 254. Elaina 255. Daniela 256. Leia 257. Gracie 258. Dakota 259. Elise 260. Hope 261. Harlow 262. Lola 263. Stevie 264. Malia 265. Miriam 266. Alora 267. Gia 268. Evangeline 269. Brooke 270. Lilith 271. Sydney 272. Ophelia 273. Alayna 274. Tatum 275. Evie 276. Rowan 277. Marley 278. Daphne 279. Kayla 280. Dahlia 281. Lucille 282. Blair 283. Adelaide 284. Wrenley 285. Haven 286. Teagan 287. Adelyn 288. Alyssa 289. Payton 290. Jane 291. Mckenna 292. Celeste 293. Juliet 294. Palmer 295. Maggie 296. Rebecca 297. London 298. Noa 299. Samara 300. Thea 301. Kendall 302. Mya 303. Talia 304. Winter 305. Angelina 306. Vivienne 307. Esme 308. Laila 309. Nina 310. Trinity 311. Vanessa 312. Mabel 313. Camilla 314. Jocelyn 315. Journey 316. Paige 317. Phoenix 318. Amina 319. Alivia 320. Amari 321. Joanna 322. Nicole 323. Annabelle 324. Raegan 325. Aitana 326. Julianna 327. Lauren 328. Catherine 329. Adriana 330. Madilyn 331. Harley 332. Tessa 333. Evelynn 334. Elianna 335. Rory 336. Dream 337. Nayeli 338. Poppy 339. Gabriela 340. Jayla 341. Cataleya 342. Celine 343. Hayden 344. Shiloh 345. Mariah 346. Charlee 347. Maisie 348. Regina 349. Adelynn 350. Briella 351. Giselle 352. Fatima 353. Danna 354. Alessia 355. Mckenzie 356. Wynter 357. Fiona 358. Brooklynn 359. Gracelynn 360. Luciana 361. Alexis 362. Everlee 363. Laura 364. Selah 365. Reign 366. Alayah 367. Rosemary 368. Lilliana 369. Ariyah 370. Heidi 371. Esmeralda 372. Logan 373. Amora 374. Kalani 375. Leighton 376. Cali 377. Melissa 378. Aniyah 379. Izabella 380. Michelle 381. Raelyn 382. Alessandra 383. Viviana 384. Madeleine 385. Arielle 386. Serena 387. Francesca 388. Brynn 389. Gwendolyn 390. Kira 391. Destiny 392. Elle 393. Makayla 394. Alaya 395. Malani 396. Willa 397. Saige 398. Makenna 399. Remington 400. Demi 401. Adelina 402. Raya 403. Astrid 404. Azalea 405. Veronica 406. Meadow 407. Anaya 408. Elisa 409. Raven 410. Alexandria 411. Hattie 412. Alicia 413. Sabrina 414. Gracelyn 415. Matilda 416. Skye 417. Annalise 418. Frances 419. Miracle 420. Maia 421. Helen 422. Lana 423. Daleyza 424. Rosie 425. Charli 426. Bianca 427. Royalty 428. Sarai 429. Amiyah 430. Nylah 431. Aylin 432. Maryam 433. Scarlet 434. Antonella 435. Sylvia 436. Sylvie 437. Nadia 438. Ari 439. Lexi 440. Mylah 441. Julieta 442. Lorelei 443. Avianna 444. Armani 445. Camryn 446. Emely 447. Rylie 448. Colette 449. Daniella 450. Liana 451. Brinley 452. Kate 453. Salem 454. Marlee 455. Alison 456. Carmen 457. Felicity 458. Fernanda 459. Holly 460. Ariah 461. Aisha 462. Kora 463. Amanda 464. Ailani 465. Elaine 466. Emory 467. Joy 468. Oaklee 469. Lyric 470. Madelynn 471. Haisley 472. Allie 473. Helena 474. Danielle 475. Katalina 476. Carolina 477. Zariah 478. Navy 479. Cassidy 480. Lorelai 481. Stephanie 482. Alma 483. Mira 484. Legacy 485. Jolene 486. Anya 487. Dorothy 488. Paris 489. Yaretzi 490. Aurelia 491. Maddison 492. Renata 493. Jimena 494. Xiomara 495. Itzel 496. Heaven 497. Lyra 498. Estella 499. Gabrielle 500. Maren 501. Jacqueline 502. Jennifer 503. Imani 504. Jordan 505. Paislee 506. Ainsley 507. Emmy 508. Jessica 509. Alondra 510. Mae 511. Makenzie 512. Bristol 513. Edith 514. Cameron 515. Elora 516. Jazlyn 517. Averie 518. Ivory 519. Kenzie 520. Emelia 521. Angel 522. Cecelia 523. Maliyah 524. Oakleigh 525. Opal 526. Oaklyn 527. Kinley 528. Kayleigh 529. Bonnie 530. April 531. Kamryn 532. Mallory 533. Briar 534. Leona 535. Keira 536. Alexa 537. Macie 538. Ariya 539. Briana 540. Virginia 541. Skyler 542. Amber 543. Hanna 544. Monroe 545. Frankie 546. Miranda 547. Dayana 548. Charleigh 549. Meredith 550. Carter 551. Sierra 552. Sunny 553. Indie 554. Eve 555. Beatrice 556. Nalani 557. Kyla 558. Clementine 559. Katie 560. Kennedi 561. Myra 562. Blaire 563. Davina 564. Faye 565. Anahi 566. Madilynn 567. Alejandra 568. Alanna 569. Ivanna 570. Mariam 571. Yara 572. Anne 573. Addilyn 574. Braelynn 575. Lilian 576. Dylan 577. Amirah 578. Lina 579. Reyna 580. Amalia 581. Amani 582. Ryan 583. Calliope 584. Isabela 585. Michaela 586. Abby 587. Alia 588. Emerie 589. Lylah 590. Holland 591. Sevyn 592. Winnie 593. Leyla 594. Shelby 595. Rosalia 596. Zariyah 597. Rhea 598. Emberly 599. Marie 600. Nia 601. Remy 602. Chaya 603. Haley 604. Kaliyah 605. Rosa 606. Zahra 607. Jayleen 608. Karsyn 609. Malaysia 610. Jaliyah 611. Mina 612. Kensley 613. Lennox 614. Maxine 615. Hadassah 616. Mikayla 617. Margo 618. Noah 619. Azariah 620. Mara 621. Eileen 622. Florence 623. Melany 624. Reina 625. Journi 626. Amaia 627. Kaitlyn 628. Elliott 629. Kelsey 630. Nola 631. Gloria 632. Keilani 633. Freyja 634. Arleth 635. Jenna 636. Sloan 637. Analia 638. Louise 639. Melina 640. Sasha 641. Dior 642. Thalia 643. Noemi 644. Maci 645. Dallas 646. Marina 647. Aliana 648. Ezra 649. Adley 650. Cassandra 651. Aleena 652. Leslie 653. Capri 654. Mckinley 655. Angelica 656. Romina 657. Della 658. Kathryn 659. Kyra 660. Milan 661. Tiana 662. Khaleesi 663. Nellie 664. Cleo 665. Murphy 666. Bethany 667. Irene 668. Ellianna 669. Zelda 670. Aleah 671. Janelle 672. Yareli 673. Adalee 674. Dani 675. Marceline 676. Coraline 677. Estrella 678. Ila 679. Iyla 680. Mavis 681. Kenna 682. Vienna 683. Zendaya 684. Cheyenne 685. Erin 686. Karla 687. Mikaela 688. Jazmin 689. Persephone 690. Elodie 691. Selene 692. Chelsea 693. Scout 694. Theodora 695. Lara 696. Marilyn 697. Novah 698. Ellis 699. Charley 700. Jemma 701. Amayah 702. Karina 703. Kendra 704. Miley 705. Laney 706. Laurel 707. Leilany 708. Halle 709. Jenesis 710. Malaya 711. Marleigh 712. Wrenlee 713. Zaylee 714. Fallon 715. Julie 716. Priscilla 717. Bellamy 718. Adrianna 719. Angie 720. Siena 721. Aileen 722. Macy 723. Estelle 724. Hana 725. Martha 726. Flora 727. Kylee 728. Liv 729. Megan 730. Sariyah 731. Galilea 732. Penny 733. Jovie 734. Jamie 735. Amoura 736. Emmie 737. Henley 738. Sky 739. Christina 740. Violeta 741. Arlet 742. Belen 743. Aviana 744. Kori 745. Monica 746. Savanna 747. Naya 748. Alena 749. Aya 750. Waverly 751. Brynleigh 752. Aliza 753. Kiana 754. Love 755. Clover 756. Pearl 757. Skyla 758. Bria 759. Ocean 760. Alisson 761. Treasure 762. Lillie 763. Jaylani 764. Liberty 765. Rayna 766. Milana 767. Zaria 768. Emerald 769. Halo 770. Taytum 771. Andi 772. Milena 773. Noor 774. Kataleya 775. Kimber 776. Carly 777. Jream 778. Samira 779. Ashlyn 780. Hunter 781. Marlowe 782. Promise 783. Joelle 784. Dulce 785. Lea 786. Ashlynn 787. Zoya 788. Elliot 789. Jolie 790. Kai 791. Bridget 792. Johanna 793. Paulina 794. Ramona 795. Aila 796. Jessie 797. Mercy 798. Rayne 799. Rivka 800. Arlette 801. Paula 802. Valery 803. Birdie 804. Nala 805. Kelly 806. Kinslee 807. Linda 808. Madisyn 809. Aspyn 810. Baylor 811. Chana 812. Zaniyah 813. Goldie 814. Marianna 815. Novalee 816. Loretta 817. Elyse 818. Stormi 819. Adele 820. Berkley 821. Anika 822. Marisol 823. Kassidy 824. Roselyn 825. Louisa 826. Alexia 827. Dalia 828. Ensley 829. Hayley 830. Jayda 831. Harmoni 832. Jada 833. Marigold 834. Zayla 835. Ayleen 836. Natasha 837. Sol 838. Annika 839. Malayah 840. Drew 841. Anais 842. Angelique 843. Zhuri 844. Aliya 845. Azaria 846. Zora 847. Allyson 848. Brittany 849. Kamiyah 850. Gwen 851. Vada 852. Giuliana 853. Elina 854. Hadlee 855. Itzayana 856. Jianna 857. Cadence 858. Greta 859. Lilianna 860. Denver 861. Robin 862. August 863. Jazmine 864. Royal 865. Braelyn 866. Celia 867. Yamileth 868. Avayah 869. Baylee 870. Iliana 871. Teresa 872. Amelie 873. Judith 874. Kara 875. Lacey 876. Amiri 877. Elowyn 878. Georgina 879. Justice 880. Emmalyn 881. Harlee 882. Kamari 883. Kaydence 884. Khalani 885. Luisa 886. Whitley 887. Bailee 888. Cynthia 889. Karter 890. Livia 891. Aubrie 892. Veda 893. Janiyah 894. Salma 895. Araya 896. Aubrielle 897. Bexley 898. Giana 899. Keyla 900. Katelyn 901. Saoirse 902. Sariah 903. Araceli 904. Artemis 905. Averi 906. Yasmin 907. Kaiya 908. Emberlynn 909. Amaris 910. Sapphire 911. Kallie 912. Shay 913. Guinevere 914. Lilyana 915. Magdalena 916. Tinsley 917. Zainab 918. Deborah 919. Kenia 920. Laylah 921. Layne 922. Scottie 923. Carla 924. Chandler 925. Rosalina 926. Kairi 927. Lauryn 928. Nyomi 929. Raina 930. Aubriella 931. Elia 932. Lenora 933. Lisa 934. Nori 935. Tiffany 936. Giovanna 937. Jaylah 938. Rosalyn 939. Chanel 940. Maddie 941. Avah 942. Leanna 943. Luz 944. Addilynn 945. Brylee 946. Casey 947. Laylani 948. Tru 949. Billie 950. Lottie 951. Alianna 952. Meilani 953. Lexie 954. Nathalia 955. Avalynn 956. Julissa 957. Paloma 958. Rosalee 959. Rebekah 960. Simone 961. Egypt 962. Scarlette 963. Sarahi 964. Alaiya 965. Hadleigh 966. Inaya 967. Keily 968. Lakelynn 969. Nyra 970. Princess 971. Rowyn 972. Vida 973. Elisabeth 974. India 975. Ryann 976. Barbara 977. Belle 978. Saanvi 979. Xyla 980. Winona 981. Aadhya 982. Indigo 983. Lakelyn 984. Paola 985. Emmeline 986. Joyce 987. Kamilah 988. Maisy 989. Rylan 990. Soleil 991. Ainhoa 992. Maleah 993. Neriah 994. Elsa 995. Emiliana 996. Luella 997. Nancy 998. Cielo 999. Madalyn 1000. Kahlani

Top 20 Baby Girl Names Growing in Popularity

Some girl names have made epic jumps in popularity in 2021 when compared to the previous year. The following girl names became even trendier when they made massive moves in the list. For example, the no. 1 name, Raya, climbed 441 spots. See the top 20 baby girl names that made the biggest leaps last year:

1. Raya 2. Wrenley 3. Angelique 4. Vida 5. Emberlynn 6. Flora 7. Murphy 8. Arleth 9. Ocean 10. Oakleigh 11. Freyja 12. Mylah 13. Taytum 14. Elia 15. Jaylani 16. Zayla 17. Navy 18. Della 19. Clover 20. Nyra

Pampers Picks For 2023: Top 20 Baby Girl Names

While you wait for SSA to publish the most popular baby girl names in 2022, we’ve already created a list of our 20 favorite girls names for 2023. We think these names will be all the rage in 2023—but that’s just our prediction! 1. Adeline

6. Felicity

8. Isabella

7 Ideas for Choosing a Name for Your Baby Girl

There are many factors you might consider when choosing a name for your baby girl. Whether you’d like to select a common, popular name or something rarer, there are plenty of routes you can take to get you to the perfect name! Here are ways to go about making this important decision:

1. Search for a Girls’ Name That’s Pretty Different

Choose a unique name for your baby girl —something that’s cool, preppy, or edgy, but still beautiful in its own way—by selecting a name that isn’t at the top of the most popular list.

2. Honor a Female Relative by Choosing a Beautiful Girls’ Name From the Family Tree

Choose a name in the family—it could be your mother’s name, grandmother’s name, aunt’s name, etc.

3. Be Inspired by Your Beautiful Surroundings

Look for a name inspired by something around you, such as nostalgic country girl names , monikers connected to nature, or flower names , all perfect for a little girl.

4. Go for a Tried-and-True Traditional Girls’ Name

If you’re old-school, choose an old-fashioned girls’ name or a name that’s found in the Bible .

5. Pick a Girls’ Name That’s Cute, Cool, and Modern

If you consider yourself a trendy parent, go with a unisex name , especially if you’ve decided to let your baby’s gender be a surprise. There are plenty of cute and cool girl name options that are a great fit for modern times.

6. Dig Deep Into History for a Pretty Retro Girls’ Name

If you’d like something a bit retro, choose from a list of 90s baby names or even ones from decades past by using the SSA website to search for name data as far back as 1879. Simply pick any year—whether that year has significance for you or not—and retrieve results for the girls’ names that were popular back then.

7. Seek Input From Your Family and Friends

If you want to leave it up to popular opinion, you could host a baby-naming party where friends and family come up with sweet suggestions for your baby girl’s name.

The Bottom Line

We hope this list of 1,000 names for girls lends inspiration on your journey of choosing the best option for your baby’s moniker! If you’re still on the fence or need even more ideas, check out this extensive list of baby girl names by letter of the alphabet, starting with A . Here you’ll surely find the perfect option for your little lady. By the way, if you’re looking for the perfect middle name for your baby girl, any of the above could work. However, we also have a separate list of middle names for baby girls to inspire you.

For some fun inspiration, don’t forget to check our Baby Name Generator , where you can easily search by gender, popularity, name meaning, and more. You’ll find a nearly endless list of girl names, plus other monikers that are cute, cool, pretty, classic, old-fashioned, international, and more!

  • US Social Security Administration website

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The Best Toddler Travel Beds To Help Littles Sleep Sweetly Anywhere

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Traveling with young kids is a journey, and figuring out where they’ll sleep—and stay asleep—is a major part of that adventure. Seasoned parents know that the right travel accessories, like a toddler-sized travel bed, helps make everyone’s night easier. The best toddler travel beds are portable, comfortable, safe and easy to set up. These easy-to-pack beds help little ones feel snug and safe, just like they do at home, wherever they may be sleeping.

These toddler travel beds are portable, comfortable and parent-approved.

“When traveling with toddlers, everyone sleeps so much better when they have their own dedicated sleep space,” says Sara Huff, a product expert at the kids travel rental service Babyquip . “Travel toddler beds are designed with little kids in mind and offer some features that keep them safe and comfortable all night.” These are the best toddler travel beds to help kids (and parents) get the best sleep that they can while on-the-go.

  • Best Toddler Travel Bed Overall: Hiccapop Inflatable Toddler Travel Bed
  • Best Budget Toddler Travel Bed: Intex Kids Travel Air Mattress
  • Best Inflatable Toddler Travel Bed: Jetkids By Stokke Cloudsleeper
  • Best Toddler Travel Bed With Pump: The Shrunks Inflatable Toddler Travel Bed
  • Best Folding Toddler Travel Bed: BabyBjörn Travel Crib Light
  • Best Toddler Travel Bed For Camping: Soundasleep Dream Series Kids Air Mattress
  • Best Splurge Toddler Travel Bed: Slumberpod + Slumbertot Bundle
  • Best Toddler Travel Cot: Regalo My Cot Portable Toddler Bed
  • Best Inflatable Bed Rail For Toddlers: Shrunks Inflatable Bed Rail (2-Pack)

Best Toddler Travel Bed Overall

Popular travel bed with a super high weight limit, hiccapop inflatable toddler travel bed.

Type: Inflatable | Weight limit: 310 pounds | Size: 62 x 39 x 12 inches | Weight: 8 pounds | Warranty: 2 years

A tricky part of traveling with toddlers is that they’re not used the high beds you find at hotels, and parents have to worry about them rolling off. The Hiccapop Inflatable Toddler Travel Bed alleviates that concern by being close to the ground and having oversized inflatable bumpers on all four sides of the bed. Families with super active sleepers like that the bumpers on the Hiccapop are noticeably taller than other brands. It comes with a removable inner mattress that fits any standard crib sheet, but if you forget to pack one, the soft flocking on the mattress is comfortable enough for a child to sleep on even sans sheets. The impressive 310 pound weight capacity means an adult can snuggle with their child without worrying about popping the bed.

It inflates and deflates quickly and gets small enough to fit into luggage, making it ideal for long-distance travel—or even just as an extra bed for a sleepover. For added convenience, the bed includes an extra-large carry bag and patches in case of a tear. It even has handles on both ends for easy moving around. Cleaning the bed is super easy—it’s simply a matter of wiping down the waterproof vinyl exterior with a wipe or kid-safe cleaning product of your choice.

What the parents say: Several of our travel experts use—and love—the Hiccapop as well. “I’ve used the Hiccapop Inflatable Toddler Travel bed and loved it because it didn’t leak or lose air overnight,” says Whitney Casares, pediatrician and founder of Modern Mommy Doc . Debbie Gerken, pediatric sleep coach and founder of Sleep Like a Baby Consulting concurs. “It’s portable, safe, and inflates within seconds,” she says.

Best Budget Toddler Travel Bed

Affordable toddler air mattress with bumpers, intex kids travel air mattress.

Type: Inflatable | Weight limit: 50 pounds | Size: 66 x 42 x 10 inches | Weight: 8.4 pounds | Warranty: 90-days

The Intex Kidz Starry Night Air Mattress does what it needs to do, without breaking the bank. The sweet star-themed inflatable bed is almost a cross between a travel crib and a toddler mattress thanks to the bumpers that goes around the entire inner mattress, making kids feel extra cozy and secure. Putting sheets on is a breeze thanks to the removable inner mattress that’s covered in a soft flocked material.

Parents should note that the bed comes with a hand pump, and requires significantly more time and manual labor than an electric pump. Alternatively, you could use an electric pump you already have on hand. Deflating it will take a little bit of time since the air valve needs to be pinched continuously to let the air out. The bed comes with a bag that everything can be stored in, and fits easily into traditional luggage if needed.

The bed itself is a good size to accommodate taller kids, but it doesn’t have a very high weight limit (only 50 pounds), so it’s not a fit for older kids. Nonetheless, it’s a great value for the price.

Best Inflatable Toddler Travel Bed

Versatile and roomy toddler bed with built-in pump, jetkids by stokke cloudsleeper.

Type: Inflatable | Weight limit: 149.9 pounds | Size: 59.1 x 29.5 x 6.7 inches inflated | Weight: 3.1 pounds | Warranty: 2 years

Stokke is a baby brand that’s known for its minimal and functional designs, and this toddler travel bed is no exception. The Cloudsleeper, designed for kids ages 3 and up, is as fuss-free as they come thanks to an innovative integrated pump that parents can just use their hand or foot on. While it’s a manual pump, reviewers note that it took them less than five minutes to fully inflate the bed and that deflating was quick as well. It doesn’t require electricity, making this an ideal choice for anywhere that may not have easy access to an outlet. 

The mattress has full-length side bumpers to keep little ones safe and cozy, while the temperature-regulating mesh cover keeps them cool. Instead of wiping down the surface like other travel beds, the cover can actually be fully removed and tossed in the washing machine. The sturdy water-repellent bottom is made of the same material that as many camping mattresses, making this a versatile travel bed for everything from hotel stays to tent camping.

While many of the other inflatable toddler beds deflate then get rolled and squeezed into some type of pouch (“squeezed” being the operative word), this is the only one that folds down efficiently into the included packing cube, which is small enough to fit into a backpack. We also love that the bed supports up to 150 pounds, making this a toddler travel bed that can be used for years (and kids) to come.

Best Toddler Travel Bed With Pump

Bed with bumpers that inflates (and deflates) quickly, the shrunks inflatable toddler travel bed.

Type: Inflatable | Weight limit: 149.9 pounds | Size: 59.1 x 29.5 x 6.7 inches | Weight: 3.1 pounds | Warranty: 2 years

As someone who travels extensively with my three kids, this Shrunks Inflatable Bed is the one I toss in every suitcase or car trunk. I’ve traveled with this portable inflatable bed in cars, trains and planes, used it through two toddlers—and it’s still getting used to this day for my now 5-year-old. First recommended to be by a fellow family travel writer, it’s one purchase I now also recommend over and over again. Set up is incredibly simple: it inflates in less than a minute with the included electric air pump. It’s a generously sized air mattress with bumpers, so you don’t have to worry about your toddler rolling onto the floor. The pump is on the loud side, but considering how quickly the process goes, it doesn’t bother us to deal with it for a minute.

The mattress itself is super soft and covered in a velvety material, which has been nice for the couple times we forgot to pack a sheet with us (any standard crib sheet fits.) Speaking of sheets, even if you’re using a blanket as a sheet alternative, it’s easy to tuck it in under the inner mattress (which is attached to the outer shell) so little legs aren’t tangled in loose sheets all night. The bed deflates as quickly as it blows up by opening up the air valves, and rolls up easily into a small bag that fits into our carry-on luggage.

I also appreciate its durability. We’ve owned and used it many times over the past six years—at hotels, in tents when camping and other people’s houses—and even though its endured some raucous kid bouncing, thanks to its very high weight limit (almost 150 pounds), it still works as well as the day we bought it. But perhaps the very best part? No squeaking noises.

Best Folding Toddler Travel Bed

Large travel crib that folds down compactly, babybjörn travel crib light.

Type: Crib | Weight limit: N one | Size: 44 x 25 x 32 inches | Weight: 11 pounds | Warranty: 2 years

This super popular travel crib is a functional and visually appealing choice for young toddlers (1-3 years old) who need a safe place to sleep but aren’t quite ready for an open mattress or bed. It tops the Forbes Vetted list of the best travel cribs , and I personally used this as the primary travel bed for one of my kids until she was well past 3 years old.

While some other portable crib-type products can be cumbersome to open and close, I found the BabyBjorn Travel Crib super easy to set up solo, partly thanks to how light it is—just 11 pounds—and to the ingenious opening mechanism. The comfy crib-size mattress sits on the floor, and the mesh sides are extremely breathable and give kids a sense of security as they can see their caregivers on the other side. I also love how quick it is to fold it back down into the compact carry bag. I often tossed it in my trunk to have it ready to go to grandparents’ houses, hotels and camping.

What the parents say: Fellow family travel writer Keri Baugh of Bon Voyage with Kids is also a fan. “I always preferred the tall sides of a portable crib like this for my toddlers to the inflatable beds because it kept them safe in the middle of the night when we were traveling…and the mattress is comfortable,” she shares. As an added bonus, she says that when the Travel Crib Light is folded down, it can actually fit inside of a checkable suitcase, “although it comes with its own case, and typically—for many airlines—you can check baby gear for no extra baggage fees.”

Best Toddler Travel Bed For Camping

Durable and comfortable with built-in cupholder, soundasleep dream series kids air mattress.

Type: Inflatable | Weight limit: 200 pounds | Size: 64  x 44  x 14 inches | Weight: 10.89 pounds | Warranty: 1 year

Much like adults, many toddlers are sensitive to the feeling of hard ground or rocks under their backs, so a cushy inflatable mattress like this one can be a godsend while camping. It’s toddler-sized, comfortable thanks to extra coils in the mattress, has bumpers all around to help tots stay in, and even has an extra grippy bottom to ensure it doesn’t slip around.

There are so many thoughtful features built into the Soundasleep Dream Mattress, like flocking on one end to keep sheets from sliding. There is a built-in cupholder, so kids can have their water bottle within reach for when middle-of-the-night thirst hits. It’s made of heavy-duty and extra thick material to withstand pokes from sticks and all sorts of other things a toddler may find. Standard crib sheets and blankets fit this mattress and can tuck in underneath the inner mattress to ensure a snug fit. 

The mattress comes with an electric pump which is cleverly embedded within the mattress itself, with cord storage so you don’t have to worry about losing it or dealing with lose cables. Reviewers share that they were able to inflate the mattress straight out of the box in under five minutes. Many reviewers also rave about how great the brand’s customer service was if they encountered any issues. While it does come with a carry bag, note that it doesn’t get as small as other inflatable beds. However, we think that’s a worthy trade-off for a mattress that’s more durable and can standup up to a more challenging outdoor environment.

Best Splurge Toddler Travel Bed

Travel bed with privacy canopy, slumberpod + slumbertot bundle.

Type: Inflatable | Weight limit: 200 pounds | Size: 50.5 x 36.5 x 10.5 inches | Weight: Slumbertot: 6 pounds; Slumberpod: 5.5 pounds | Warranty: 90 days from the date of delivery

One of the most challenging parts about staying at someone else’s house or a hotel with a toddler is when that bright morning sun comes streaming in and wakes everyone up (speaking from personal experience here). So a toddler travel bed that actually blocks out light and helps them feel like they’re in their own space? Yes, please. The Slumberpod’s Slumbertot set includes an inflatable toddler bed—the Slumbertot—the popular Slumberpod canopy and a mini fan.

The Slumberpod canopy is a bottomless tent-like structure made of breathable fabric that, according to the brand, blocks out 95% of light. It has four adjustable panels that can be closed or left open, two interior pockets to hold the mini fan to allow for extra ventilation, and even a separate pocket for a monitor. It fits over pack and plays, mini cribs and other types of beds.

“I love Slumberpod’s new Slumbertot,” says Huff. “It works with the SlumberPod to have a full black out and covered bed. It’s super easy to blow up and has bumpers built in.” The Slumbertot inflates in under two minutes with the included electric pump, and thanks to the generous 200 pound weight limit, is designed to accommodate tots well into their big kid years. This two-piece bed has a super soft inner mattress and is designed to fit perfectly inside the Slumberpod, although it can certainly be used separately as well. The set comes with a bag that conveniently fits all of the pieces, to make for easy traveling. 

What the parents say: “The Slumberpod creates a dark, private space for a little one, which allows for sharing a hotel room more relaxing for parents,” says Gerken. “Most toddlers sleep better in this than they do at home.” 

Best Toddler Travel Cot

Affordable toddler bed that folds in seconds, regalo my cot portable toddler bed.

Type: Foldable cot | Weight limit: 75 pounds | Size: 48 x 24.5 x 9 inches | Weight: 6.3 pounds | Warranty: 90 day limited

Whether it’s for camping, or just to have an easy-to-set up extra kid bed on hand, a toddler cot can be a simple and super affordable option. The popular Regalo My Cot is easy to setup (literally just unfold it), under $25 and lightweight. Just because it’s compact, doesn’t mean it’s not sturdy—the durable steel frame can support up to 75 pounds of weight. It also comes with a fitted sheet that goes on top of the canvas-like liner (which is also washable), to make cleaning a breeze.

If you’re concerned about a little one rolling off since there are no side rails, just know it sits only 9 inches from the ground. The cot doesn’t come with a its own bag, but that’s less of an issue since it’s just one piece and there’s no pump. Some parents say they were able to fit the cot into a checked luggage bag while others just stowed it under their kid’s permanent bed when not in use. 

What the parents say: “We usually get hotels with one bed and use this for our toddler and she has no issues sleeping on it as is. It's super easy to fold up and take with us and it's as compact as a camping chair,” shares one online reviewer. The cots “literally fold up with one finger in less than two seconds,” says another. “It’s easy to tote, easy to fold and easy to sleep on.” Just keep the size and weight limits in mind, since the bed is recommended for kids ages 2 to 5.

Best Inflatable Bed Rail For Toddlers

Turn any bed into a spot that's safer for toddlers, shrunks inflatable bed rail (2-pack).

Type: Inflatable rail | Weight limit: 300 pounds | Size: 7 x 48 x 4 inches | Weight: 0.6 pounds (each) | Warranty: 30 day return window

If you’re worried that you won’t have the extra floor space for a blow-up bed or fold-out cot, these rails make it safer for tots to sleep in the grown-up bed. Forbes Vetted deputy editor Rose Gordon Sala , a mom of three, recommends this type of inflatable rail for kids that sleep in a toddler bed at home and aren’t used to being high off the ground.

These rails from Shrunks can be inflated using your mouth or a pump—but the pump isn’t included. They take up very little space in your luggage and weigh less than a pound each. To use the rails, inflate them and place them under the bottom sheet at the edge of the bed, and then tuck the sheet under the mattress to hold it in place. You can also buy just one rail, if you happen to know the bed where you’ll need it has one side pushed up to the wall.

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At Forbes Vetted, our parenting editors and writers have spent thousands of hours researching and testing the baby and kids products —including the best travel gear, like travel strollers and the best kids luggage .

  • The author of this story, Esther Carlstone, is a longtime parenting editor and family travel writer who has spent years testing baby and kid products. She travels extensively with her three kids, and has used many toddler travel beds along the way.
  • Forbes Vetted commerce editor Margaret Badore edited this story. She’s a toddler mom and has over 15 years of experience covering health and science topics.
  • We reached out to several experts for this story including BabyQuip product expert Sarah Huff, pediatrician Dr. Whitney Casares , family travel blogger Keri Baugh of Bon Voyage with Kids, and certified pediatric gentle sleep coach and founder of Sleep Like a Baby Consulting , Debbie Gerkin.

How We Chose The Best Toddler Travel Crib

To find the best toddler travel beds, we looked at a wide selection of highly-rated products, beds recommended by parents who travel frequently with their kids (including the author of this story) and travel beds made by trusted name brands in baby gear. We then compared the features of each, taking special care to note size, longevity, easy of setup, safety and other standout details that may be beneficial for traveling families.

  • We researched popular products in the category and also considered toddler travel beds from reputable baby and kid product brands.
  • We interviewed a variety of experts including a pediatrician, baby gear expert and family travel experts to get both their personal recommendations and insights into how to pick the best toddler travel bed for each family.
  • We evaluated specs and features on each toddler travel bed for things like size, weight limit, ease of set-up, how portable the bed actually was, and other special features that may be considered an added bonus for traveling families.
  • We deliberately selected a variety of types of toddler beds (mattresses, crib, cot), because different trips and different families have different requirements.
  • We took online customer reviews into account when making our picks, and only selected toddler travel beds with an average of 4 stars out of 5 and higher.

What To Look For In The Best Toddler Travel Bed

When shopping a for a toddler travel bed there are several essential factors to consider:

Size matters. Consider your child’s current height and weight, and take careful note of each option’s dimensions (you don’t want feet hanging off the end), and maximum weight limits—especially if your little one is one that may require some parental snuggling to fall asleep. Most brands also give a recommended age guideline to make shopping even easier.

“First and foremost, travel beds should adhere to the Consumer Product Safety Commission safety standards,” says Huff. You’ll also want to check to make sure the product hasn’t been part of any recalls.

If your toddler is a roller or wild sleeper, you’ll want to consider travel beds that have built-in bumpers and side rails to keep them from rolling off onto the ground. “Having features like bed rails or bumpers will not only keep the toddler safe from rolling out, but it also serves as a source of security for the child as they feel enclosed,” says Gerken.


Consider what purpose you’d mostly be using this travel bed for. Is it for traveling? To have an extra bed at the grandparent’s house or for sleepovers? If this bed will primarily be used on the go, parents will want to consider how quickly and compactly the bed folds up and whether it comes with its own bag or not. Some inflatable beds use a manual pump, while others blow up significantly faster with an included electric pump.

You’ll also likely want a bed that’s easy to clean in case of any nighttime accidents. Look for beds with a removeable inner mattress, washable covers, or ones that can fit a standard crib or bed sheet. Certain toddler travel beds also have beneficial extras like a handle on one end of the bed to make it easy to move around or extra grip on the bottom to prevent slippage.

“Ultimately, knowing their toddler best, parents can choose a toddler travel bed that aligns with their child's needs and guarantees a cozy and secure sleeping environment during travel,” says Gerken.

Esther Carlstone

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    Check out the brand Zoe! A few months ago, I bought their travel stroller (aptly named The Traveler) and I love it. Even their more full sized stroller (called The Tour) only weighs like 13 lbs, which is insane, and they have adapters to fit some of the more popular infant car seats. Also priced really well.

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