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The Mindful Traveller

The Mindful Traveller

Eco Travel Blog & Photography

5 Perfect Days in Rome, Italy: Complete Itinerary

1 April 2022 · In: City Guide , Italy , Rome

rome 5-day itinerary

Welcome to the Eternal City and vibrant capital of Italy! From the Colosseum to the Pantheon and Vatican City, this Rome 5-day itinerary is perfect for first-timers and is ideal for any time of the year . It will show you all the best things to do and guide you through everything you need to know to make your Italian city break unforgettable.

I visited Rome at the end of December with my partner Matt on a short city break , and I truly fell in love with this city. It was a beautiful discovery, and I was amazed by its culture and history and loved wandering through its narrow streets. I could not recommend you visit it enough, even for a few days!

In this 5-day travel guide, I share the best itinerary covering the top attractions in Rome so you can make the most of your time away. I also provide you with easy eco-tips for travelling responsibility . Enjoy!

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4- Admire the Trevi Fountain

2- explore st peter’s basilica, 5- stroll through piazza navona, 2- visit villa borghese, overview: how to see rome in 5 days.

  • Day 1: Colosseum, Altare Alla Patria & Trevi Fountain
  • Day 2: Vatican Museums, Chapel Sistine & St Peter’s Basilica
  • Day 3: Roman Forum, Pantheon & Piazza Navona
  • Day 4: Trastevere, Piazza Santa Maria & Janiculum Hill
  • Day 5: Piazza di Spagna, Piazza del Popolo & Villa Borghese

READ MORE: 40 Best & Prettiest Cities to Visit in Europe

Rome 5-day itinerary – Map

Click on the top left of the map to display the list of stops and locations.

Rome travel tips: things to know before you go

  • Book tickets for popular attractions in advance.
  • Avoid tourist restaurants.
  • Always carry cash.
  • Wear comfortable shoes to walk around.
  • Bring a reusable water bottle to refill anywhere.
  • Prepare your itinerary, but do not overplan.
  • Do not try to see the Vatican and Colosseum on the same day.
  • Keep museum closures in mind.
  • Buy bus tickets before boarding.
  • Museums are free every first Sunday of the month.

Shop the printable travel itinerary

Plan your dream city break & live a unique experience in Rome.

printable travel itinerary

Detailed itinerary: 5 days in Rome

This Rome guide covers all the best things to do and see in 5 days and is perfect for travelling with family, friends or as a couple, whether it is your first time in the city or you have been there before.

On the other hand, remember that this itinerary is only a guide with recommendations. You can spend more days in the Italian capital or add other stops to your trip.

READ MORE: Rome Winter Guide: 10 Magical Things to Do

Day 1 – The Ancient Rome

1- visit the colosseum.


We began our journey with the  Colosseum  (Colosseo). I was super excited to discover this impressive monument, and I could not stop thinking about the film Gladiator (we watched it the next night).

Also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, the Colosseum is an iconic ancient Roman structure located in the heart of Rome. Built during the Flavian dynasty, it was completed in 80 AD.

This colossal amphitheatre, made of concrete and sand, could accommodate 50,000 to 80,000 spectators and was renowned for hosting gladiator contests, animal hunts and other public spectacles .

With its distinctive oval shape and imposing exterior adorned with arches and columns, the Colosseum is a testament to the skills of Roman engineering and is a globally recognised symbol of ancient Rome – a must-visit on your city break!


Once there, I was not disappointed – the outside looked incredible! However, even though we had booked our tour tickets in advance, we had to wait in a long queue to collect them, so I recommend arriving early in the morning. 

Inside, we used audio guides to help us better understand the history of the Colosseum. You can also book a tour with a guide, but we wanted to do that ourselves. Plus, the audio guide will explain which way to go. 

The inside of the Colosseum was just as impressive as the outside. I could not believe gladiators were fighting there more than 2000 years ago! I also could not believe the monument was still in such good condition – it is something you must see!

rome 5-day itinerary

2- Discover Vittorio Emmanuelle II Monument

After finishing our tour, we went to eat and, unfortunately, it was too late for the Roman Forum (Foro Romano). Instead, we visited the  Vittorio Emmanuelle II   Monument (Altare alla Patria), an impressive building in terms of size, especially considering how long ago it was built!

The Victor Emmanuel II Monument, also known as Altare della Patria, is a grandiose national monument . Completed in 1925, it was erected in honour of Victor Emmanuel II, the first king of a unified Italy.

The monument is characterised by its massive white marble structure, grand staircase and an imposing central equestrian statue of Victor Emmanuel II. It is also home to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier , symbolising the Italian soldiers who lost their lives in World War I.

With its neoclassical design, the Victor Emmanuel II Monument is a prominent landmark you should not miss. In addition, it offers panoramic views of the city from its terraces – especially great at sunset!

🎟️ Book your entrance to the terrace: Panoramic Glass Elevator Ticket with Audio App .

I was amazed each time we passed it during the week. We did not visit the museum part but went up into the building to admire the view.

You can also go on the roof with an elevator, but we found it a bit expensive for what it was (10€), especially when you already have a beautiful view for free.

rome 5-day itinerary

3- Marvel at the Forums

We then walked down  Via dei Fori Imperial  to discover other Forums, including the  Forum of Trajan, Forum of Augustus and Forum of Nerva . You can not go inside them, but you can often get quite close, and it was still lovely to see. It is something completely different from things you can see in other cities!

Via dei Fori Imperiali is a grand boulevard in the heart of Rome, connecting the Colosseum to Piazza Venezia. Built by Benito Mussolini in the early 20th century, it runs alongside the ancient Roman Forum and passes by several important archaeological sites , including Trajan’s Forum and the Imperial Forums. 

I would recommend taking the time to see the Trajan’s Forum , a monumental complex built by Emperor Trajan between 107 and 113 AD. It consists of a large open space surrounded by a series of impressive buildings, such as the Basilica Ulpia , Trajan’s Column and Trajan’s Market .

The entire complex is a remarkable example of Roman imperial architecture and is considered one of the most significant and well-preserved forums from antiquity.

🎟️ Book your tour:  Trajan Markets Experience with Multimedia Video .


Finally, we ended our day with the magnificent  Trevi Fountain . On our way, everything was quiet, and suddenly it was there, in a small place.

The Trevi Fountain is a renowned Baroque masterpiece located in the historic centre of Rome. Completed in 1762 by architect Nicola Salvi, the fountain is a grandiose structure adorned with elaborate sculptures and reliefs . 

The central figure represents Oceanus , the god of the sea, riding a chariot pulled by seahorses and tritons. The fountain is not only a captivating artistic display but also a popular and iconic attraction for travellers from around the world.

The blue colour of the water and the white status made it really special. Unfortunately, it was so crowded, but we still managed to make our way to the fountain. We did not throw a coin in, but you can do it – it is a tradition and brings luck!

🎟️ Book your tour: Uncover the Trevi Fountain and Underground Tour .

Trevi Fountain

Day 2 – Vatican City

Vatican City   is one of the emblems of Rome. We started to walk to the Piazza San Pietro, and the crowd was very impressive. Fortunately, we pre-booked tickets for a guided tour of the Vatican Museums and The Sistine Chapel , which made us skip the queue.

1- Tour the Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel

The Vatican Museums constitute one of the most extensive and impressive art collections in the world. Established by Pope Julius II in the early 16th century, the museums house an array of masterpieces, sculptures and historical artefacts accumulated by different popes over the centuries.

Notable highlights include the Sistine Chapel with the iconic frescoes by Michelangelo , the Raphael Rooms and the Gallery of Maps . The Vatican Museums are undoubtedly an experience to add to your bucket list, as they offer a rich journey through the history of art and culture.


Our guided tour was very helpful. Without it, I would have had no idea where I was or what I was observing. Moreover, it was not too long – I love museums but in small doses.

The  Museums  were gorgeous, and we were lucky enough to see some beautiful masterpieces by Michelangelo.

The  Sistine Chapel  was a masterpiece in itself. I did not even know where to look. And I was delighted to admire The Last Judgement by Michelangelo – a wonder. Unfortunately, you can not take photos.


After the tour, we continued our way to  St Peter’s Basilica ,   a key religious and cultural landmark worth the visit, despite the crowd!

Small tip : where you are inside the Sistine Chapel, instead of turning left at the end, turn right and continue to the Basilica (for free). 

St. Peter’s Basilica is one of the largest and most significant churches in the world. Designed by architects including Michelangelo and Gian Lorenzo Bernini, it constitutes a masterpiece of Renaissance and Baroque architecture . 

The basilica is built atop the traditional burial site of Saint Peter, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, and is a major pilgrimage site. Its notable features include the iconic dome , the Baldacchino canopy over the papal altar and numerous works of art , including the Pieta by Michelangelo. 

We started our visit with the top: the Dome , designed by Michelangelo. You have the choice to take the elevator and some stairs, or only the stairs (good luck). The effort was totally worth it, and the view of Rome and the Piazza San Pietro was gorgeous. 

After enjoying the scenery, we went back down and visited the inside of the Basilica, which was also beautiful.

We finished our day with the Piazza San Pietro by night: the colours were magical with the Christmas atmosphere.

Piazza San Pietro

Day 3 – The Roman Forum & Pantheon

1- visit the roman forum.

Since we did not have time to do the  Roman Forum  on the first day, we decided to go back on the morning of the third. 

The Roman Forum, located in the heart of ancient Rome, is a vast archaeological site displaying the remains of a once bustling centre of political, religious and commercial activities. It served as the focal point of the city for over a millennium, with structures such as the Temple of Saturn , the Arch of Titus and the Senate House . 

Surrounded by ruins, columns and triumphal arches, the Forum provides a vivid glimpse into the civic life and architectural grandeur of ancient Rome . It stands as a remarkable testament to the historical and cultural significance of the city. 

I was amazed at all these ruins and how people lived before us. We used a map given at the entrance to understand what was there and where we needed to go. We also had a stunning view of the Colosseum and hiked on top of Palatine Hill.

Roman Forum

2- Enter the Pantheon

We then headed to the  Pantheon , a testament to the ingenuity and skill of ancient Roman builders. It is free and an attraction you need to see! 

The Pantheon is a magnificent ancient temple and one of the best-preserved buildings from antiquity . Originally built by Emperor Hadrian around 126 AD, it was dedicated to all the gods of ancient Rome. 

It is renowned for its massive dome with an open hole at the top , allowing natural light to illuminate the interior. Its classical design and engineering marvel make it a significant architectural landmark , and it continues today to be used as a Roman Catholic church, known as Santa Maria ad Martyres. 


It was impressive to admire an Ancient Rome monument (the best-preserved) in the heart of the capital. The inside was also unique, with its architecture and hole in the middle of its cupola (we could not help but wonder how they made it). 

The hole in the cupola (7,8m in diameter) is the only source of light and represents the connection between the temple and the Gods above (the Pantheon has a Greek origin, in fact, the word Pantheon means “honour all Gods”).


3- Stop by Church Saint-Louis-Des-Français

We continued walking to Piazza Navona and stopped on the way to the  Church Saint-Louis-Des-Français  (San Luigi Dei Francesi), a Catholic church dedicated to Saint Louis IX, the King of France

Built in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, the church is a fine example of Baroque architecture . One of its notable features is the Chapel of Contarelli , which houses three famous paintings by the Baroque master Caravaggio , depicting scenes from the life of Saint Matthew. 

The interior was beautiful, like most churches in Rome. I recommend you go inside as many as you can, this is not something I usually do, but there is something special and unique about Romain churches. We were continuously amazed by their rich architecture and beauty.

4- Relax at Caffè Sant’Eustachio

On the way to Piazza Navona, we also stopped at a historic coffeehouse renowned for its traditional and high-quality espresso:  Caffè Sant’Eustachio . 

Founded in 1938, it has maintained a reputation for serving some of the best coffee in the city . The café is famous for its unique blend and preparation techniques , including the  Gran Caffè  method, using a special machine to create a smooth and rich espresso. 

With its vintage ambience and a central location near the Pantheon, Caffè Sant’Eustachio is a popular destination for travellers seeking an authentic Roman coffee experience .

We enjoyed our café on the terrace as the weather was lovely – something I recommend.

Caffè Sant’Eustachio

We then finally reached  Piazza Navona , a picturesque square known for its Baroque architecture and vibrant atmosphere . Built on the site of the ancient Stadium of Domitian, the square is home to 3 beautiful fountains, including the famous Fountain of the Four Rivers by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. 

Surrounded by charming cafés, restaurants and historic buildings , Piazza Navona is a popular gathering place for locals and tourists alike. The square is also often animated by street performers, artists and musicians, adding to its lively and festive ambience !

The atmosphere was great: children were playing, and there was a cute Christmas market in the middle. I also found in this place a great leather shop named Cartoleria Pantheon dal 1910 that I recommend you visit for the superb quality of its products.

We ended our day by wandering through the little streets toward the Tiber. It was one of my favourite things to do, just because of how beautiful and authentic these streets were, with small shops and lights everywhere – such a great atmosphere.

Piazza Navona

Day 4 – Trastevere

Trastevere is a charming and historic neighbourhood , located on the west bank of the Tiber River. Known for its narrow cobblestone streets, colourful buildings and lively atmosphere, it retains a distinct medieval character . 

The area is popular for its vibrant nightlife , with its many restaurants, bars and artisan shops . It is also home to several remarkable churches, such as the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere , contributing to its cultural and architectural richness.

I recommend taking the time to explore the area. Trastevere offers a delightful mix of local Roman life and bohemian vibes , making it a perfect place for a relaxing stroll.

🎟️ Book your tour: Trastevere Guided Food and Wine Tour with 20+ Tastings .

Trastevere was the area where we were staying, and one of the best for its active life and beautiful streets. We decided to have a chill day there, and for sunset, we walked on a hill by following the road  Passeggiata del Gianicolo  to have a beautiful view over the entire city.

rome 5-day itinerary

Day 5 – Piazza di Spagna & Villa Borghese

1- explore piazza di spagna.

We started our day at the  Piazza di Spagna ,   an iconic and bustling square dominated by the famous Spanish Steps , a monumental staircase designed in the 18th century. 

At the foot of the steps is the Barcaccia Fountain , designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s father, Pietro. 

Piazza di Spagna is also surrounded by luxury boutiques, cafés and art galleries , making it a lively and fashionable area, particularly ideal for shopping lovers!

Piazza di Spagna

We went down the stairs and walked to  Piazza del Popolo . We could not find anything special to do there, so we went up to the  Villa Borghese , a large public park.

Originally a private vineyard and garden of the Borghese family in the 17th century, it was later transformed into a public park in the 19th century. It now features lush greenery, walking paths, fountains and a lake , providing a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city. 

Within Villa Borghese, you will also find the Galleria Borghese , which houses an impressive art collection , including works by Caravaggio, Bernini and Raphael, making it a cultural haven amid the natural beauty of the park.

In addition, the park is a great place for families with children, as you can row boats on a small lake, visit a zoo or watch a play in front of a replica of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. We also had a lovely coffee on the terrace of Casina del Lago.

For sunset and our last evening, we again went to the top of the Vittorio Emmanuelle II Monument. The beautiful colours over Rome made it the perfect way to end our trip and say goodbye to this incredible city.

Villa Borghese

Cooking experiences I recommend

My top 6 pizzerias in rome.

As you may know, Italy makes incredible pizzas, so we challenged ourselves to eat one daily and rate them. 

Here are our favourite 6 pizzerias in Rome:

  • Bottega Rocchi, near the Pantheon
  • Dar Poeta, in Trastevere
  • Il Bersagliere
  • La Bruschetta E, near the Borghese Park
  • Ristorante Pizzeria Imperiale, near the Colosseum
  • CasaRita, in Trastevere

How to get to Rome

The best way to get to Rome will depend on where you come from and your budget, but there are many options to reach the Italian capital.

One of the quickest ways to get to Rome is by plane . If you are travelling from another country or a distant city, you will likely arrive at Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino Airport (FCO), the primary international airport well-connected to major cities in Europe and the world. 

Another airport serving Rome is Ciampino Airport (CIA), mainly used by budget airlines. From both airports, you can take a taxi, bus or train to reach the city centre.

One of the most eco-friendly ways to get to Rome is by train . Italy has an extensive and efficient rail network, and Rome is well-connected to major European cities by train. Its main train station is Termini Station, which you will find in the city centre. 

Finally,  the most affordable option for getting to Rome is by coach . It is a great way to reach the Italian capital if you are exploring Europe on a budget, but it may take longer. Several international and national bus companies operate services to and from Rome via its main terminal, Tiburtina Station. In addition, check out the  Eurolines  bus service.

rome 5-day itinerary

How to get around Rome

The great thing about Rome is that it is not a big city so you can easily do everything  on foot . That is what we did during our five days there, and it was perfect. And because it can get hot in summer, bring a  reusable water bottle  to stay hydrated! Rome has plenty of free fountains offering fresh and cold water.

Rome also has a vast  public transportation  network consisting of buses, a subway and trams. For example, we used the bus once to reach the Colosseum with the app Moveit . You can also use TicketAppy . It will help you book your ticket on your phone and avoid wasting paper.

Another great way to travel around Rome is  by bike . It is ideal for slowing down and appreciating your surroundings. And if you need a boost, rent an electric bike. 

Finally, if you want to explore outside of Rome, I would look at buses, trains or small guided tours – depending on where you want to go and for how long.

rome 5-day itinerary

Where to stay in Rome

The best neighbourhoods in rome.

Are you looking for the best place to stay in Rome? Here is an overview of the top neighbourhoods in the Italian capital:

  • Centro Storico:  the best area for first-time visitors
  • Trastevere : the best area for couples
  • Piazza di Spagna : the best area for luxury hotels
  • Monti & Colosseum : the best area for history lovers
  • Prati & Vatican : the best area for a quiet stay
  • Esquilino & Roma Termini : the best area to stay on a budget
  • Testaccio : the best area for food lovers
  • San Giovanni : the best area for local vibes

🏨 READ MORE: Where to Stay in Rome: 8 Best Areas (& Green Hotels)

My experience

My partner Matt and I booked an apartment on Airbnb for five days in Trastevere , an ideal location with everything within easy walking distance. Plus, the view was incredible! We were also lucky to have a small terrace on the roof to enjoy the view of Rome on sunny days.

rome 5-day itinerary

Best time to visit Rome

Spring (April to June)  and  autumn (September to October)  are the best times to visit Rome, as the weather is mild and pleasant with fewer crowds, which is ideal for sightseeing. 

In spring, the city comes alive with blooming flowers and diverse events, making it an excellent time for exploring and enjoying outdoor activities. Autumn also enjoys beautiful colours and is a great time to experience the city without the intense heat of summer.

Summer (July to August)  in Rome can be hot, with temperatures often exceeding 30°c. It is also the peak tourist season, so popular attractions can be crowded. But despite the crowds, this season offers longer daylight hours, allowing for extended sightseeing and enjoying outdoor cafés.

Winter (November to March)  is relatively mild compared to some northern European cities, but it can be chilly and rainy. And whilst it is the low season, you can discover the capital without the crowds – except around Christmas! In addition, some attractions may have shorter opening hours.

I visited Rome at the end of December with my partner Matt, as we wanted to experience the unique city of Rome in winter and spend New Year’s Eve. I loved it! The atmosphere was incredible, and the temperatures were not cold (around 13 degrees). It was busy, and we struggled a bit from time to time, for the Colosseum, for example. Otherwise, everything was perfect. Just book your tickets in advance, and you will be fine! 

rome 5-day itinerary

Sustainable travel in Rome

Sustainable travel  means exploring the world whilst being aware of your surroundings and having a positive social, environmental and economic impact on the places you visit.

But how to make your next trip to Rome more sustainable? 

Here are some sustainable tips for responsible travel in Rome:

  • Book direct flights and  offset your carbon footprint . But, do not use carbon offsetting as a complete solution. Combine it with other sustainable practices, like avoiding single-use plastic on the plane and mindfully packing your suitcase to be ready for your green adventure. 
  • Choose direct flights  to reach Rome as it generally requires less fuel than indirect flights. ( Skyscanner  has an option that only shows flights with lower CO₂ emissions).
  • Select an eco-friendly accommodation . It is not always easy to determine whether a hotel has eco-conscious practices, but try to look on their website for green credentials. You can also use  Bookdifferent  to help you decide.
  • Use public transport  as much as possible or  walk ! Rome is easily accessible on foot, and you will not produce any emissions.
  • Eat at local Roman restaurants  that use produce from the region. It will contribute to the local economy and reduce the carbon footprint by supporting restaurants where food does not come from long distances.
  • Always respect the local heritage . Treat people and their surroundings with respect. Sustainable travel is not only about the environment but also about the local communities. So, always be respectful and try to learn a few Italian words!

More inspiration for your green vacation:

  • Best Travel Apps for Exploring Sustainably
  • 15 Travel Books to Inspire Your Next Eco-Adventure
  • Best Ecotourism Activities Around the World

Eco-friendly gear you might love:

  • 10 Best Sustainable Backpacks for Travel & Hiking
  • 10 Best Reusable & Eco-Friendly Travel Mugs
  • 8 Best Filtered Water Bottles for Travel & Hiking

Check out  this page  for more inspiration on eco-friendly products & gear.

sustainable travel checklist

Rome travel planning guide

🚑 Should I buy travel insurance to travel to Rome? Yes, buying insurance is always valuable when travelling abroad. Enjoy your city break in Rome stress-free with one of my favourite providers,  Nomad Insurance .

💧 Can you drink the water in Rome? Yes, tap water is safe to drink all over Rome. However, I also recommend travelling with the  UltraPress Purifier Bottle , a lightweight filtered water bottle perfect for reducing plastic and staying hydrated.

🚗 Is it easy to rent a car in Rome? Yes, renting a car in Rome is easy and a great way to explore the Italian countryside freely. I recommend booking yours with  Rentalcars.com  – they offer a variety of operators for all budgets.

🏨 How to book accommodation in Rome? The best way to book your accommodation in Rome is with  Booking.com  – my favourite platform to compare and reserve places to stay each night, from affordable guesthouses to luxury hotels.

✈️ What is the best site to buy a flight to Rome? I recommend booking your plane with  Skyscanner . It has been my favourite platform for years, as it allows me to book the cheapest flights whilst lowering my carbon emissions.

5 days in Rome, Italy – FAQ

4 days are the perfect amount of time to discover Rome and see the core sights of the city. It will allow you to spend time at the Colosseum, Vatican City, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps and the vibrant Trastevere – without rushing. Visiting big sites like the Colosseum or Vatican City takes time and energy – and we often had to push back what we had planned afterwards.

Rome has become one of the most expensive tourist destinations in Europe due to its high number of visitors and attractions. However, it also all depends on how much you decide to spend, and there are still a lot of local and authentic places for small budgets.

Spring (March to April) and autumn (September to November) are the best times to visit Rome. These months offer nice mild weather (summer is hot!) without too many tourist crowds, which is the perfect combination to enjoy the best of Rome.

The best way to get around Rome is on foot. Rome is a very accessible city, and many of the best attractions are concentrated together in traffic-free areas. If some places are a bit far from your accommodation, the other best modes of transport would be buses or taxis.

Yes, Rome is considered a safe destination for tourists, including in the evening. Of course, it is always a good idea to stay informed and use common sense. But Rome is a popular and much-visited city, and many tourists take advantage of their evenings to explore its bustling streets and dine in its charming restaurants.

Shop the Rome eco-travel bingo

Learn how to live an unforgettable experience in Rome whilst respecting places and locals.

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And you, have you ever visited Rome or would you like to go one day?  Let me know in the comments below!

With love ♡ Lucie

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13 December 2022 at 18:19

Thanks for this post. I am planning an anniversary trip to Rome next year and I’ve been planning what I want to see. Your posts have some many tips and spots worth to see!

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There is a lovely saying about Rome that when it comes to the city, “non basta una vita” – a lifetime is not enough. The Eternal City is built in layers, full of ancient wonders, Renaissance opulence, gorgeous Italian fashion and design, and modern spaces and eateries.

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Avoid taxi scams in Rome by pre-booking an airport transfer for the same price as an official cab. Have a driver waiting with all your arrival and destination information to the take the hassle out of trips to the airport. 

Piazza San Pietro as seen from the top of st peters dome, one of the top attractions during a 4 days in rome itinerary

The Ultimate 4 Days in Rome Itinerary (+ Map & Tips!)

Dreaming of staring in awe at the Sistine Chapel, stepping inside the Colosseum, tossing a coin into the Trevi Fountain, and eating some of the best pasta of your life? If so–this 4 day Rome itinerary is for you!

The capital of Italy is an endlessly enchanting place, and one of our favorite cities in the world–and after spending 4 days in Rome, we think you’ll agree.

Home to incredible art, one of the most beloved cuisines on the planet, an endless number of neighborhoods to explore, and impressive history that has been folded into the very fabric of modern Rome–not to mention the fact that there’s literally another country nestled inside the city–it’s impossible to avoid finding something to love about Rome.

… That is, as long as you know where to look.

After many repeated trips to Rome (including 2 trips where we rented an apartment in Rome for an entire month), we have lots of advice to share–and luckily, a 4 day trip to Rome gives you quite a bit of time to work with!

kate storm in front of a church when traveling in rome italy

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You’ll have the opportunity to see Rome’s iconic highlights and also weave in some more offbeat experiences, including some interesting under-the-radar spots that hide in plain sight.

This 4 day Rome itinerary winds its way through several neighborhoods and historical time periods, focusing on 1-2 geographic areas each day.

We’ve designed this itinerary for Rome in 4 days with a traveler taking their first trip to Rome in mind, but we hope even return visitors will find something new to love here!

(Also, thanks in part to the fact that I can’t always resist the temptation to point out nearby hidden gems and unique details, this is a very long Rome blog post! Feel free to use the table of contents below to navigate to the section you’re looking for.)

Table of Contents

How We Structured This Rome Itinerary

The perfect 4 day rome itinerary, where to stay for 4 days in rome, more than 4 days in rome.

  • Getting Around During 4 Days in Rome, Italy

Safety Tips for Your Rome Itinerary

The best time to visit rome, what to pack for visiting rome, italy, map of your itinerary for rome, italy.

jeremy storm and ranger storm on a small street during 4 days rome italy

We’ve spent months playing tourist in Rome over the course of many, many trips–including twice where we stayed in town for a month straight!

We initially crafted this Rome itinerary after our first month-long stay in the city, and since then it has (like most of the other itineraries on Our Escape Clause ) been a living document, updated with each return visit to our favorite city.

From the best things to do in Rome to what attractions to skip, we’ve packed this travel guide with everything that we know about planning the perfect trip to Rome.

This itinerary is designed for first-time visitors to The Eternal City who are hoping to hit all the top attractions but also hope to see some of Rome’s many hidden gems too.

kate storm and jeremy storm standing in from of Colosseum, One Day in Rome -- Rome in a Day

We’ve also included a downloadable map of each day’s route at the bottom of this blog post to help you navigate the city as you explore.

While 4 days in Rome is long enough that you could very reasonably take one day to enjoy one of the best day trips from Rome , there is simply no limit to the number of captivating things you can find within the city itself, and we’ve planned this itinerary with that in mind.

Once you finish this post, you may also want to check out our posts on what to eat in Rome , where to find the best views of Rome , and our top Rome travel tips !

If you’re interested in shorter Rome itineraries, we have 2-day and 1-day versions here on Our Escape Clause as well.

Kate Storm in a blue dress standing next to a Vespa on a street in Rome Italy--you'll see plenty of streets like this during your Rome vacation!

Day 1 in Rome: The Colosseum, Roman Forum, The Jewish Ghetto + Beyond

Start your trip to rome at the colosseum..

What better place to start your 4 days in Rome itinerary than at one of the most iconic sights in the world?

Step inside the Colosseum and marvel at the ancient history beating inside–but before you do, be sure to climb the steps on the north side of the Colosseum (turn left after exiting the Colosseo metro stop) and get those classic photos in front of the Colosseum’s exterior.

Before starting your day at the Colosseum, you’ll want to book tickets ahead of time to skip the (legendary) line.

With 4 days in Rome to work with, you may be willing to wait in what are often very long lines, but if you hate lines as much as we do, you’ll consider the small extra cost well worth it.

kate storm in a purple shirt sitting in front of the colosseum, one of the top attractions on an itinerary for rome italy

Trying to decide whether or not to take a guided tour?

Guided tours are typically sold as a package that includes the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill.

Our personal take is that the tour of the Colosseum isn’t  as  necessary… but it’s absolutely worth it to have a guide for the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill, and therefore recommend signing up.

This is the tour we took and greatly enjoyed (though fair warning, our guide’s passion meant that the tour did run past its predicted time).

And, while we didn’t structure this itinerary for Rome this way, I do want to mention that we have also toured the Colosseum at night and loved it–if that’s something that appeals to you, you can easily adjust this itinerary to accommodate it ( this is the tour we loved ).

Book your tour of the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill today! Prefer to explore independently? Grab your skip-the-line ticket now!

colosseum in rome italy on a cloudy day, an italy bucket list destination

Head to the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill.

Less than a 5-minute walk from the Colosseum, depending on the entrance and exit used.

While the Colosseum is one impressive monument of Ancient Rome, the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill boast several!

From senate houses to public squares to palaces, these areas are archaeological and historical treasure troves.

They are absolutely best appreciated with a guide–I can’t even describe how much more we got out of our guided visit than our unguided ones, especially on the lower level of the Forum!

If all goes well, you should walk away in awe of both the depth and breadth of history in the Eternal City.

After touring the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill both with a guide and without, we strongly believe that the context given by a guide is well worth the price. We used and loved  this tour –and while the Colosseum guide was less necessary, having the Colosseum skip-the-line portion and tour included definitely helped justify the cost! Book your guided tour of the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill today!

view of roman forum from above, a top attraction on a 2 day rome itinerary

Check out the additional forums.

About a 10-minute walk from the Roman Forum, depending on the entrance and exit used.

Though the Roman Forum is the most popular to visit, it’s far from the only remaining forum of Ancient Rome visible in the city today.

The Imperial Forum, Forum of Augustus, Forum of Caesar, and more are all just a short walk away from the famous Roman Forum.

And, unlike the Roman Forum, all of the other ancient forums are free to enter.

Though visiting all the forums is probably a little much for all but a passionate Ancient Roman historian, be sure to at least slow down look enough to take a peek at one or two during your 4 days in Rome!

view of triumphal arch as seen looking out from the colosseum on an itinerary for rome in 4 days

Stop by Piazza Venezia and Piazza del Campidoglio.

10-minute walk from the Forum of Augustus.

The Piazza del Campidoglio is one of my personal favorite piazzas in Rome .

Shaped into a perfect oval and surrounded by beautiful buildings, it is a peaceful place to relax for a moment and take in the fact that you’re in Rome.

If you stop by on a Saturday as we did during one of our trips to Rome, you’ll likely also have the chance to admire lots and lots of wedding parties!

The piazza’s beauty isn’t particularly surprising when you know who designed it: Michelangelo himself.

While we haven’t specifically included them on this 4 day Rome itinerary (sadly there’s not time for everything!), it’s worth pointing out that this is also where you’ll find the main section of the Capitoline Museums , which have an incredibly impressive collection of Ancient Roman statues, among other things.

oval Piazza Campidoglio with yellow building, one of the best piazzas to see on a 4 day rome itinerary

If you tend to prefer quieter museums, you can consider adding a visit here!

(In any other city, they’d be packed–but the Capitoline Museums have some legendary competition when it comes to museums in Rome to visit).

On your way to the Piazza del Campidoglio, you’ll also pass right by the Piazza Venezia, with the impressive Altar of the Fatherland (the enormous white building topped with chariots that is visible from just about every viewpoint in Rome) dwarfing everything around it.

Since you were just on Palatine Hill, climbing it isn’t necessary–but it is home to one of the best views of Rome if you’d like to see it for yourself!

The monument was built in honor of Victor Emmanuel II, the first king of unified Italy.

View of Teatro Marcello from the top of the Altar of the Fatherland, with the monument visible in the bottom right foreground of the photo

Pay a visit to the Campo de’Fiori.

14-minute walk from the Piazza del Campidoglio.

This market square may be touristy, but it’s also beautiful, bustling, and worth stopping by during your 4 days in Rome.

Markets are some of our favorite aspects of any city trip, and Rome is among the best of the best.

Of course, if you choose to purchase any Rome souvenirs or a meal at the market, you will pay a slight upcharge.

I f you’re particularly hungry, we did have tasty, if somewhat overpriced, pasta carbonara at (where else?) La Carbonara on the edge of the Campo de’Fiori.

If you’re looking for something more local, Da Sergio is just around the corner and a great option, but get there when they open, because it fills up ( Address: Vicolo delle Grotte, 27, 00186 Roma RM, Italy ).

Campo de'Fiori market stalls decorated for fall with a bike to the right

Visit the Largo di Torre Argentina.

7-minute walk from the Campo de’Fiori.

This set of ruins is home to two points of interest that are wildly different from each other: the place where Julius Caesar was assasinated, and a cat sanctuary.

The ruins are open-air, laid out in the center of the square, and are made up of the remains of several temples as well as part of Pompey’s Curia–the Roman Senate–where Julius Caesar perished just under 2,000 years ago.

As if that wasn’t enough of a reason to stop by during your 4 days in Rome, the archaeological site doubles as a cat sanctuary!

There’s an organization onsite that works to feed and care for them, and I can only imagine that they have a delightful life living in what is essentially the world’s most elaborate set of cat trees!

I’m sure it will come as no surprise to cat lovers that we’ve seen more than one cat perched on top of the remains of surprisingly tall columns.

largo de torre argentina in rome italy as seen from above

Explore the Jewish Ghetto.

About a 25-minute walk through the neighborhood, depending on how directly you travel.

Rome’s historic Jewish neighborhood is an incredibly peaceful place to get lost down the back streets.

Nestled against the Tiber, some of the smaller streets of the Jewish Quarter are quiet enough to almost forget that you’re within walking distance of the crowded madness of the Colosseum.

While you’re here, be sure to marvel at the exterior of the Great Synagogue, check out the Teatro Marcello (it looks a bit like a smaller Colosseum!), stop by the lovely Porticus of Octavia, and visit the charming Piazza Mattei with its adorable Turtle Fountain.

If you’re a fan of classic movies, channel your inner Audrey Hepburn with a visit to the Mouth of Truth (but fair warning, whether or not it’s worth visiting is a bit of a debate–all the better reason to find out for yourself, if you ask us!

And, of course, be sure to sample the fried artichokes that are synonymous with food in the Jewish Ghetto of Rome–even if you’re not a big vegetable fan, these are worth trying!

Jeremy standing with Mouth of Truth in Rome, wearing his favorite black jacket that always ends up on our packing list for Europe fall.

Hop over the Tiber River for a Trastevere food tour.

Trastevere is one of Rome’s most picturesque and beloved neighborhoods–and while this won’t be your last visit during your quest to see Rome in 4 days, it’s a good opportunity for a first (literal) taste.

We’re big fans of opening trips with food tours–off the top of my head, we’ve taken at least 6 in Italy alone–as they are not only a wonderful way to get to know a city, they also help you gain a lot of confidence with ordering local food!

We loved this food tour in Trastevere and can confirm that after taking it, you will walk away with a solid base knowledge for ordering food throughout the rest of your trip to Rome… and be extremely full.

From wine to cheese to Rome’s classic pastas to contorni (sides) to obligatory (incredible) gelato, every bite is a delight.

Book your Trastevere food tour today!

hands holding up aperol spritzes in trastevere italy on a trastevere food tour

Day 2 in Rome: Centro Storico + Classic Rome Attractions

Start at the piazza del popolo..

The Piazza del Popolo is another one of my personal favorite piazzas in Rome, and is a great way to kick off the second day of your Rome itinerary!

You’ve probably heard the phrase that “all roads lead to Rome”–and specifically, they all led to Piazza del Popolo, which was once a traditional entrance point to the city.

Today, you’ll find the piazza filled with visitors, street performers, and of course, an obelisk.

The “twin churches” of Santa Maria in Montesanto and Santa Maria dei Miracoli that stand at one end of the piazza are beautiful, of course–but it’s the comparatively plain exterior of the Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo on the other side of the piazza that art lovers should keep an eye out for, because it’s home to 2 Caravaggio paintings.

After exploring the Piazza del Popolo, be sure to climb up to Pincio Terrace for some beautiful views over the piazza and Rome itself !

Piazza del Popolo as seen from pincio terrace on an itinerary rome italy

Tour the Galleria Borghese.

20-minute walk from Pincio Terrace.

A beautiful stroll from Pincio Terrace through the Borghese Gardens will lead you right to the Galleria Borghese and arguably one of the most impressive–though not one of the largest–art collections in Italy!

(The good news about it being a smaller museum, of course, is that it’s easier to squeeze into your vacation in Rome).

Housed in a former palace, the Galleria Borghese is absolutely stunning and worth a visit during your 4 days in Rome, especially for art lovers.

It is required to purchase tickets in advance to visit the collection, though, and tickets do book up.

I f you have your heart set on visiting the Galleria Borghese, be sure to get tickets ahead of time!

Reserve your tickets for the Galleria Borghese  today! Prefer the context of a tour? This one gets rave reviews!

Interior of the Galleria Borghese in Rome, with a baroque statue in the center of the frame

Optional: pay a visit to the Capuchin Crypt.

9-minute walk from the Spanish Steps.

I’ll be honest: this stop on our suggested 4 day Rome itinerary isn’t for everyone, but it is absolutely fascinating and I can’t resist pointing it out.

In the 17th century, the Capuchin Crypt was slowly built with the skeletons of the friars that died at this monastery.

Skeletons are arranged as works of art in several small chapels here, and including everything from full skeletons in the robes of a monk resting on a bed of bones, to chandeliers made of small human bones.

The chapels bear unsettling messages like: “As you are, we once were. As we are, soon you will be.”

Clearly, not a place for small children or those not comfortable around the dead–but the level of detail of the… art (for lack of a better word) is a sight to behold.

This is one of the least toured crypts in Rome (and of course, it’s technically an ossuary), but it is conveniently located to work in a stop during your 4 days in Rome, and if it sounds like something that might interest you, it’s definitely worth the short walk!

(And if you also find this fascinating, it’s worth noting that it’s not the only place of its kind in Italy– Milan , Palermo , Monterosso al Mare in Cinque Terre , and more are home to religious places decorated with bones).

Capuchin Crypt in rome italy

Stroll to the Spanish Steps.

21-minute walk from Galleria Borghese.

After a stop off at the Galleria Borghese and possibly the Capuchin Crypt, most of the second day of this 4 day Rome itinerary focuses on iconic Roman sights and popular tourist highlights, starting with the famed Spanish Steps.

The Spanish Steps, like many popular highlights in Rome, are almost always crowded, but there are options if you want to have them to yourself: we got up at dawn in February for the below photo!

Sadly, the tradition of sitting on the Spanish Steps was banned in 2019 (and as of December 2022, we can confirm it’s definitely still being enforced), but they’re still absolutely worth visiting during your 4 day Rome itinerary!

Depending on time, if you’re a fan of the Romantic poets, you may also want to tour the small Keats-Shelley Memorial House that overlooks the steps and functions as a museum of the Romantic poets (and also features great views of the steps and piazza).

kate storm on the Steps of Piazza di Spagna at dawn, a cool addition to a 4 days rome itinerary

Throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain.

8-minute walk from the Spanish Steps.

What’s a Rome itinerary without a stop at the Trevi Fountain?

I’ll confess: on my first visit to Rome, I was more excited to see the Trevi Fountain than almost anything else, and it did not disappoint!

The fountain is truly magnificent, and after more than a dozen visits, I’m still in awe of how gorgeous it is (and also of just how many people can squeeze themselves around it, but hey, that’s just the reality of traveling to popular places in Rome).

Be sure to throw a coin in the fountain to ensure that you’ll always come back to Rome!

If you want to enjoy the view at bit but avoid (some of) the crowds, you can often grab a seat on the steps of the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio a Fontana di Trevi to relax for a minute.

trevi fountain from the side on a 2 days in rome itinerary

Stop by the Galleria Sciarra.

Located less than a 5-minute walk from the Trevi Fountain and yet almost never crowded, the Galleria Sciarra is an excellent way to escape the crowds of Rome’s popular tourist attractions and take a breather before continuing on to the Pantheon.

The Art Nouveau frescoes painted by Giuseppe Cellini in the late 19th century that adorn the walls are an excellent example of how beauty and exceptional artwork is truly around every corner in Rome.

The frescoes have a specific theme: women, or even more specifically, female virtues.

Feel free to take a moment to admire them for yourself–the courtyard will probably feel incredibly quiet and peaceful after the hectic crowds at the Trevi Fountain!

The building itself is used for offices today, so you can find the small courtyard open to visitors during standard business hours.

view of Galleria Sciarra looking up, a fun attraction in rome off the beaten path

Step inside the Pantheon.

7-minute walk from the Trevi Fountain.

The Pantheon is nothing if not mysterious: its age, how it survived the Barbarian raids, and even what exactly it is made out of are all questions that remain unanswered.

Built originally as a temple to all gods and later turned into a church, the Pantheon is worthy of its status as one of the best-known sites of Ancient Rome left in the city.

No 4 day Rome itinerary would be complete without a chance to marvel at the Pantheon, so be sure to step inside and stare in awe!

While the Pantheon has traditionally been free to visit, the city of Rome introduced an entrance fee starting in 2023.

Today, base tickets for the Pantheon cost 5 Euro, purchased onsite or through this website .

Alternatively, you can purchase tickets to the Pantheon that include a downloadable audio guide .

Be sure to read the signs carefully when arriving at the Pantheon: there are separate lines for those who already have downloaded tickets and those planning to purchase one in-person.

Get your Pantheon tickets + audio guide now!

kate storm and ranger storm in front of the pantheon when visiting rome italy

Check out the Piazza Navona.

5-minute walk from the Pantheon.

The beautiful, wide-open space known as the Piazza Navona has always been busy throughout Roman history.

It has served as a stadium, as a food market, and even as a spot for public water parties!

Today, it is known as one of the prettiest and most popular piazzas in Rome, boasting three ornate Baroque fountains that are perfect for perching on the edge of and watching the world go by.

It’s one of the most popular piazzas in Rome to visit, so expect crowds, especially near the baroque fountains–but it’s popular for a reason.

( Rome travel tip : want to escape the crowds for a second? Head around the corner to Piazza di Pasquino, see the talking statue, and grab a glass of wine from the expansive list at Enoteca Cul de Sac ).

piazza navona in rome italy with a sun flare in the upper left

Head over to Castel Sant’Angelo.

11-minute walk from the Piazza Navona.

A walk from Piazza Navona to Castel Sant’Angelo will lead you through not only more of Centro Storico, but across the Bridge of Angels, one of the prettiest bridges in Rome, which dead-ends into the Castel Sant’Angelo.

Castel Sant’Angelo, despite its name, was never built to be a castle at all, but a mausoleum.

As the tomb of Emperor Hadrian and some of his family, Castel Sant’Angelo (in its original form, anyway), is an impressive nearly 2,000 years old–and it, whether or not you choose to go inside as part of your 4 days in Rome itinerary, is worth stopping by while in Rome.

(It also usually has genuinely impressive buskers out front–we usually stop to sit along the Tiber, enjoy the music, and admire the view at least a couple of times on every trip to Rome).

While you’re there, be sure to head to the nearby Ponte Umberto for a gorgeous view when you look back toward the Bridge of Angels and St. Peter’s Basilica.

If you time it right, this is a fantastic place to watch the sunset in Rome!

front facade of Castel Sant'Angelo as seen from across the bridge on a 4 days in rome itinerary

Day 3 in Rome: Explore Vatican City + Trastevere

Start your day bright and early at the vatican museums..

The Vatican Museums, with their magnificent art treasures, incredible map room, spectacular Sistine Chapel, and more, are an absolutely unmissable experience when planning to experience Rome in 4 days.

Plus, as a bonus, visiting means that you’ll actually be able to say you visited a whole other country!

Due to the severe crowds and ridiculously long lines, it is nearly essential to pre-book your visit to the Vatican Museums.

If you’d like to brave the odds on a rainy day in February, may the force be with you, but we once walked by the line to the museums nearly daily for a month as October bled into November, and the lines stayed at “Wow, okay, I’ll give that scalper whatever he wants to end this wait” levels.

Map room in the Vatican Museums shot at night, with open window on the left. Visiting the Vatican Museums during special hours is one of our favorite travel tips for Rome Italy!

Definitely book ahead to help your 4 day Rome itinerary go more smoothly!

If you’re particularly interested in seeing the Sistine Chapel without a few hundred of your new closest friends, we’ve had friends of ours absolutely rave about the experience of the early access tour , where you can gain access to the museums and Sistine Chapel before they officially open for the day.

While it is a pricier option, word on the street is that if it’s in your budget, it’s 100% worth both the money and the effort spent getting out of bed early in the morning.

After personally touring the Vatican Museums both independently and with a guide, we’re personally of the opinion that a tour (especially one that takes place outside of peak hours) is enormously beneficial, and can highly recommend this one  for an early-morning experience.

Spiral Staircase in the Vatican as seen during a trip to rome italy

Also, bear in mind when planning your 4 days in Rome itinerary that the Vatican Museums are closed on Sundays, with the exception of the last Sunday of the month, when the museums are open and free to visitors who are able to enter before 12:30 PM (they then close at 2:00 PM).

From April to October each year, the Vatican Museums are also open on Friday nights, and we personally loved our Friday night tour .

Book your early morning or evening tour of the Vatican Museums today! Prefer to explore independently? Book skip-the-line tickets to the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel!

marble statues on display in the vatican museums

Step inside St. Peter’s Basilica.

11-minute walk from the Vatican Museums (depending on where you exit).

St. Peter’s Basilica is, hands down, the most impressive church we have seen in all of Italy (even if it technically isn’t in Italy at all).

Once you arrive out front, take a few minutes to admire the iconic oval Piazza del Pietro, and then hop in line to enter the basilica–and don’t worry, the line moves a lot faster than it looks.

The basilica itself is free to enter, but if your legs are up for it, we strongly recommend paying a bit extra to climb the dome (as long as you’re not particularly claustrophobic, that is).

Interior of St. Peter's Basilica with altar in the image

The views from the top, especially of the Piazza del Pietro, are fantastic (the first photo in this Rome blog post is of the view).

Once you get back down, head into the basilica itself.

Keep in mind that St. Peter’s Basilica does have a dress code that is enforced: cover your shoulders and knees, and avoid cleavage.

Push comes to shove, if you’re not dressed for the occasion, there are always plenty of salesmen hanging around the line to get into St. Peter’s that are more than willing to sell you a scarf to throw over your outfit.

Close up of St. Peter's Basilica with fountain in the foreground as seen in St. Peter's Square--an essential stop when visiting the Vatican!

Stroll to the Villa Farnesina.

17-minute walk from St. Peter’s Basilica.

This fresco-covered Renaissance palace is a quiet, fresco-covered beauty, making it a distinct departure from the congested Vatican Museums from earlier in the morning.

Stop by to admire the artwork (Raphael’s frescoes are particularly celebrated), the loggia, and the ornate rooms of the palace.

If you’re “museumed-out” after a morning at the Vatican, you can easily skip the Villa Farnesina as well–but we love it for its much quieter atmosphere and a chance to escape the crowds.

Fresco by Raphael in Villa Farnesina, Most Instagrammable Spots in Rome

Explore Trastevere indepedently.

23-minute walk to Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere from Villa Farnesina.

You already had a taste during your food tour–with 4 days in Rome, once is not enough when it comes to enjoying Trastevere.

Trastevere is one of Rome’s most beautiful and–for lack of a better word–Roman-feeling neighborhoods.

This is where you’ll find some of the best examples of the iconic shuttered windows, colorful buildings, and narrow cobblestone streets that we all imagine when dreaming of visiting Rome, Italy.

Once considered an offbeat destination in Rome, the secret is out about Trastevere, and it’s a popular spot for visitors to grab a meal and wander.

jeremy storm at trattoria da enzo al 29 in trastevere rome with carbonara on the table

Though you’ll be far from the only visitors around, Trastevere is definitely still worth the stroll along the Tiber required to reach the neighborhood.

While you’re there, but sure to head to the Piazza di Santa Maria, which is an adorable piazza, and to duck inside the Basilica of Our Lady in Trastevere, which boasts some magnificent mosaics.

Trastevere is also a very popular place for aperitivo, so if you’re looking for that iconic spritz-on-an-outdoor-table-along-a-cobblestoned-street vibe, Trastevere is the place to be.

quiet street in trastevere rome with cafes in the distance

Ascend to the Janiculum Terrace.

15-minute walk from Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere.

It’s entirely possible that at this time in your Rome itinerary, your feet will be aching and the idea of climbing up to a viewpoint will sound completely terrible!

And, if that’s the case, no problem: find yourself a cute restaurant in Trastevere and start your evening aperitivo.

If you’re up for a bit more walking, however, head up to Janiculum Terrace (bear in mind that this does involve climbing a bit of a hill) for some incredible panoramic views of Rome, and perhaps even a beautiful sunset!

view of St. Peter's Basilica from janiculum terrace, a cool addition to a 4 days in rome itinerary

Day 4 in Rome: Testaccio , Aventine Hill + Some Hidden Gems

Start your day with a 2,000-year-old pyramid..

Pyramids aren’t exactly the first image that comes to mind when we think of Rome, but the impressive Pyramid of Caius Cestius has been standing proudly in Rome for 2,000 years!

Start the final day of your Rome itinerary by setting off to Testaccio to see both the Pyramid and several other unexpected attractions.

You’ll be able to catch your first glimpses of the pyramid after exiting the Piramide metro stop, but the best views are actually from inside the Non-Catholic Cemetery, so save most of your picture-taking for those spots!

Pyramid of Caius Cestius as seen from the non-catholic cemetery on a four day rome itinerary

Visit the Non-Catholic Cemetery of Rome.

4-minute walk from the Pyramid of Cestius.

This beautiful cemetery is unique in the historically extremely Catholic city of Rome and houses some notable non-Catholics, including the poets Percy Shelley and John Keats.

It’s a lovely and peaceful place, and the views of the Pyramid of Cestius make an interesting contrast to the more recent headstones.

In addition to being the final resting place of plenty, the Non-Catholic Cemetery is also the home of some very lively cats!

Rome’s Non-Catholic Cemetery doubles as a cat sanctuary, and you’ll likely spot several beautiful felines resting amongst the headstones and prowling through the landscape.

collection of gravestones in Non-Catholic Cemetery testaccio rome italy

Head to the Testaccio Market.

11-minute walk from the Non-Catholic Cemetery.

As compared to the Campo de’Fiori market noted earlier on this 4 day Rome itinerary, the Testaccio Market (and Testaccio in general) has a distinctly local feel.

True, this neighborhood isn’t unknown to tourists–but it’s also far from overrun by them, and you’ll find plenty of Romans shopping among you at the indoor Testaccio Market.

Check out clothes, shoes, and housewares, or head right to the food–both prepared food and groceries are available in the market.

fruits and vegetables for sale at testaccio market rome itinerary 4 days

Stop by Piazza Testaccio.

5-minute walk from Testaccio Market.

You won’t necessarily need long in this quiet and small piazza–but that’s exactly why you should take a moment to stop by.

So many of Rome’s piazzas that you’ll see during your 4 days in Rome tend to be completely packed (did you know that the area around the Trevi Fountain is actually called the Piazza di Trevi? It’s definitely not peaceful these days…).

Strolling through Piazza Testaccio, on the other hand, is a great opportunity to enjoy a more laid-back version of this classic feature of Roman life.

If you want to relax and enjoy the piazza for longer than a quick look, we can recommend grabbing an aperitivo at Oasi della Birra!

an empty Piazza Testaccio on a fall day with fountain in the center, itinerary rome 4 days

Snap a photo at the Keyhole on Aventine Hill.

12-minute walk from Piazza Testaccio.

If you peer through the keyhole on Aventine Hill, you’ll be greeted with a beautiful view: the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica, framed by garden hedges.

It’s a lovely spot… that we totally missed the first time we tried to visit on account of (apparently) skimping on research.

When I had seen the many photos of this spot in the past, I mistakenly assumed that the “keyhole” in the name was merely referring to the small break in the hedges that framed St. Peter’s–but no, you do indeed peer through a literal keyhole to see it.

Don’t make our mistake and end up walking right by without checking it out!

view of st peters basilica through keyhole on aventine hill

Stroll through the Orange Garden.

4-minute walk from the Keyhole on Aventine Hill.

The Orange Garden is a gorgeous place, and a perfect spot to pause and relax during your 4 days in Rome.

Home to–what else–a grove of orange trees, the garden is meticulously manicured and a very peaceful place to take in the stunning views of Rome that are available from the terrace at the back of the garden.

The Orange Garden is an incredibly relaxing place and a great spot for resting your feet and people-watching for a bit.

Kate Storm walking through Orange Garden in Rome Italy while wearing a red dress--a fun example of what to pack for Rome Italy

If you’re a history buff, stop by Circus Maximus.

8-minute walk from the Orange Garden.

I wouldn’t necessarily consider seeing Circus Maximus to be an essential stop on this itinerary for Rome in 4 days, but as it’s so close by, it’s worth mentioning for any Roman history buffs that are visiting!

Circus Maximus was the first stadium in Rome and was known for its chariot races.

Located between Aventine and Palatine Hills, you can still see remnants of ancient palaces staring down over Circus Maximus.

Today, the site is a public park and is essentially a field with very few ruins remaining, hence why I don’t think it’s an unmissable stop on your Rome itinerary.

But, that being said, it is very cool to see modern Romans exercising in the exact spot where chariots once raced!

cat resting on ruins in rome, a common sight on an itinerary for rome in 4 days

See a less-visited side of Ancient Rome.

By this time in your trip to Rome, you’ve had a chance to sample a wide variety of the Eternal City’s history, from the works of a Republic followed by Emperors in Ancient Rome, to the realm of popes and kings and beyond.

As you get close to the end of your trip, consider going back to the beginning and visiting one of Ancient Rome’s less crowded sites!

The Baths of Caracalla and Domus Aurea (Emperor Nero’s Golden House) are both incredible options.

Domus Aurea requires a bit of planning ahead, but you won’t forget the experience anytime soon!

If you’re curious about Ancient Rome but more interested in museum settings than archaeological ones, this is a good chance to loop back to the Capitoline Museums , as well.

Rome off the beaten path: Ruins of the Baths of Caracalla

Close our your 4 days in Rome itinerary by stepping inside Rome’s catacombs.

Lurking underneath the surface of Rome are 60 catacombs, dug by early Christians in the days before the city as a whole converted–and of those 60, 5 are open to the public.

For a side of Rome that you definitely haven’t seen so far, descend underground for a visit!

Depending on how fast of a sightseer you are, you may want to choose between this and one of the attractions in the above section–or you may want to squeeze it all in!

When it comes to Rome’s catacombs, The Catacombs of St. Callixtus are the largest and most visited, though all are worth seeing.

While the various catacombs tend to be open until 5:00 PM, for maximum flexibility, consider signing up for this after-hours catacombs tour through Take Walks!

(Note that the tour also visits the Capuchin Crypt, so if you plan to take it, don’t visit the crypt as mentioned on day 2 of this itinerary for Rome).

Book your visit to Rome’s catacombs today!

underground catacombs of rome italy with niches carved into tufa rock

Where to stay for 4 days in Rome depends a lot on your priorities.

Do you want to be surrounded by a beautiful neighborhood? Trastevere is the place for you.

In the center of the action? Head to Centro Storico.

Save money? The furthest reaches of the metro lines.

With 4 days in Rome, though, we consider access to the rest of the city to be the most important deciding factor when deciding where to stay–in other words, choose somewhere within no more than a 10-minute walk to a metro stop.

kate storm jeremy storm and ranger storm on a roofdeck of rome at sunset during an itinerary rome italy

However, if it’s within your budget, we find Centro Storico or fairly close to it (the closer edges of Trastevere, Monti, or Prati/Vaticano, for example), to be the most convenient place to stay for this Rome itinerary.

When choosing a hotel or apartment, looking at its distance from Piazza Navona and the Pantheon is a good rule of thumb–in a perfect world, you’ll be within walking distance of those.

That being said, we’ve stayed all over Rome and loved each corner for different reasons!

Here are a few well-reviewed properties to keep in mind when deciding where to stay in Rome.

Cafe with Chairs outside in February, Rome in Winter, Instagrammable Places in Rome

La Cornice Guesthouse  — We loved this little guesthouse back in our budget backpacking days! It was extremely clean and comfortable, and very affordable for Rome.

La Cornice is set slightly outside the main tourist areas, but an easy 5-minute walk to the metro and a 20-minute ride got us to the Colosseum and other major sights.

Our favorite part of La Cornice?

Eating a nearby Joseph Ristorante for lunch, a restaurant we have returned to for years–and it all started with a recommendation from the clerk at La Cornice.

Just a 5 minute walk away, their lunch special offered a choice of about 10 main courses plus bread, wine, and one of several desserts for 8 Euros/person–it’s hard to beat that!

Check rates & book your stay at La Cornice Guesthouse!

Round panna cotta with a spoon inserted in it shot from above. The panna cotta is coated in caramel sauce. Panna cotta is a delicious dessert to consider when deciding what to eat in Rome Italy

The Wesley  — We adore this hotel! You can’t ask for a better location for exploring Rome, as it literally overlooks the Castel Sant’Angelo and is a short walk away from all the major Centro Storico sights.

It is a bit of a hike to a metro stop–you’ll probably need to take a taxi when you arrive/leave with luggage–but the location made it worth it for us.

For a mid-range property, The Wesley is a fairly simple one–expect small and extremely simple rooms, and shared bathrooms for some rooms.

Essentially, The Wesley as a guesthouse floats somewhere between budget and mid-range, with a luxury-status-worthy location.

Because of the fantastic combination of more affordable rates and a fabulous location, The Wesley sells out fast–if you want to stay there and see it’s available on your dates, we recommend booking immediately!

Check rates & book your stay at The Wesley!

Castel Sant'Angelo with bridge at night, What to Do in Rome at Night

Hotel Condotti — Located just a couple of blocks from the Spanish Steps (and consequently the Piazza di Spagna metro station), you couldn’t ask for a better location in Rome!

Well-reviewed and boasting exceptionally clean rooms, Hotel Condotti is the perfect choice for a traveler with a midrange budget (or luxury traveler–this hotel also holds some impressive-looking suites!) who would like to be within walking distance to the best that Centro Storico has to offer.

Enduringly popular and perfectly positioned, you can’t go wrong with checking into Hotel Condotti.

Check rates & book your stay at Hotel Condotti!

busy spanish steps with fountain in foreground as seen when traveling rome italy

Pantheon Inn — If you’re looking for a building with classic Italian charm in the heart of Rome, this is it.

Located right behind the Pantheon and within reach, the Pantheon Inn offers a quiet, peaceful escape in the middle of bustling Rome.

You will need to walk a bit to the metro stop–but since the walk will take you through the heart of the beautiful Centro Storico, we doubt you’ll mind.

Check rates & book your stay at the Pantheon Inn!

View of Piazza di Spagna from above, one of the best viewpoints in Rome

If you’re lucky enough to have more than 4 days in Rome, it’s time to start thinking about day trips!

Consider heading to the nearby Tivoli Gardens, to hilltop towns like Orvieto or Siena , or out on a wine-and-food-centered Tuscany day trip .

If you plan ahead and use the fast train, you can even take a day trip to Florence !

Pompeii is a popular–and worthy–side trip from Rome, but to accomplish it as a day trip, you really need a tour, and this one is among the best of the best!

Pompeii is about 6 hours of driving round-trip from Rome, longer (and more confusing) via train, and trying to also squeeze in Vesuvius on an independent day trip from Rome would be nearly impossible.

If you’d like to visit Pompeii and the Amalfi Coast from Rome, this extremely popular tour has been reviewed more than 2,500 times with Take Walks and is a safe bet to get you there!

Visiting Pompeii: Streets of Pompeii

We highly recommend going, it’s an incredible place–just be sure not to overstretch yourself!

Within Rome itself, there’s also plenty to do with extra time!

Consider checking out the Baths of Diocletian, heading out to the Appian Way, visiting the over-the-top neighborhood of Quartiere Coppede , taking a cooking class, or touring more Ancient Roman sites like Santo Stefano Rotondo.

Lesser-known museums like the Galleria Spada and Palazzo Doria Pamphilj are among our favorites and also well worth a visit!

kate storm walking through the Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, one of the best hidden gems in rome italy

Getting Around During 4 Days in Rome , Italy

We designed this 4 days in Rome itinerary to be as walkable as possible, grouping destinations by geography where we could.

Even still, Rome is large enough that you will need to use other methods of getting around.

The easiest option is simply to use the metro–though Rome’s metro has a mere 3 lines (only 2 of which will likely be of interest to you as a visitor), it connects directly to many of the city’s highlights, including the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, and more.

If you can swing it, your 4 days in Rome will be highly enhanced by staying within a short walk of a metro stop.

train pulling in to the station in rome, a common sight during a 4 days in rome itinerary

Rome’s bus system is also an option, though it can be slightly confusing and you cannot purchase tickets onboard.

Pick them up at a nearby tabacchi or metro stop before hopping on, or aim for simplicity and purchase a multi-day pass to the transport network.

Uber and taxis are both also present in Rome, but Rome’s heavy traffic and their high prices make these options best avoided if possible.

For the same reason, we don’t generally recommend Hop On/Hop Off bus tours in Rome, but they do exist if you prefer them.

ranger storm in a backpack at flaminio metro stop rome

Despite Rome’s international reputation as a pickpocket hotspot, it is, on the whole, a very safe city.

Yes, you do need to keep an eye on your pockets and bags in crowded areas (pay especially close attention in crowded metro stops like Termini and at tourist hotspots like the Trevi Fountain and Colosseum), but we’ve never had so much as a close call during our visits to Rome.

You will see scammers present in Rome’s crowded areas, including men presenting women with roses to try to elicit payment from her companion, “friendship bracelet” offers for bracelets that are free (until they’re tied on your wrist), etc.

It’s best to ignore these scammers entirely, and brush them off with a polite but firm “no” if necessary.

Also, keep in mind that buying and selling fake designer goods is illegal in Italy as both a consumer and a seller.

Be sure to keep your hands off the bags being touted by salesmen in tourist areas, no matter how convincing the imposter might look from a distance.

beautiful street in centro storico rome lined with outdoor dining tables at restaurants, a common sight during an itinerary rome italy

Each season brings a reason to spend 4 days in Rome, and we’ve seen them all in the city!

If you have your pick of dates, though, consider a trip in April or October–both offer high chances of beautiful weather while avoiding the worst of the crowds and prices of the summer high season.

Exploring Rome in winter also has its charms–winters are generally mild in Rome, so if you’re willing to bring along a coat, consider using a winter trip to explore Rome at its emptiest.

Our last choices of times to visit Rome would be July and August, when not only are the prices highest and crowds heaviest, but the weather is also boiling hot.

During summer in Rome, we tend to sightsee in the morning, retreat to air-conditioning in the afternoon, and then come out again starting in the early evening–but it’s not as relaxing as visiting during more mild weather!

(If you are planning a June, July, or August trip, here are our best tips for summer in Italy ).

two women sitting at a cafe in rome italy with purple flowers blooming above them

Don’t forget to include these important items when you pack for Rome!

Travel Insurance  — We don’t ever suggest traveling without travel insurance–anything can happen, and this is definitely a case of better safe than sorry.

travel blog rome

Bring a small pack of tissues, toss them in your day bag, and you won’t have to worry about it.

View of part of the castle and St. Peter's Basilica from Castel Sant'Angelo, one of the best views in Rome Italy

You’ll be so glad you brought along a Swiss Army Knife!

travel blog rome

Option C: Hope you get lucky with the weather (but fair warning, we’ve never been to Italy and avoided rain entirely!).

travel blog rome

Take This Map With You! Click each highlight to pull up the name of the destination. To save this map to “Your Places” on Google Maps, click the star to the right of the title. You’ll then be able to find it under the Maps tab of your Google Maps account! To open the map in a new window, click the button on the top right of the map.

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Photo of the side of the Colosseum. White background with black text reads "how to spend 4 days in Rome"

About Kate Storm

Image of the author, Kate Storm

In May 2016, I left my suburban life in the USA and became a full-time traveler. Since then, I have visited 50+ countries on 5 continents and lived in Portugal, developing a special love of traveling in Europe (especially Italy) along the way. Today, along with my husband Jeremy and dog Ranger, I’m working toward my eventual goal of splitting my life between Europe and the USA.

31 thoughts on “The Ultimate 4 Days in Rome Itinerary (+ Map & Tips!)”

What an awesome guide! I love how complete it is – no stone unturned! I visited Rome back in 2014 and absolutely loved it. So much to see! Can’t wait to go back one day. Your blog is inspiring me to plan my dream trip: a full month travelling around Italy!

That sounds like an amazing trip! A month in Italy is a fabulous use of time. <3

Hello, Thank you for this! My wife and I spent 4.5 days in Rome in September 2017 and have not stopped taking about it since. The first trip was mostly a “pilgrimage” for us where we did visit many of the churches (though not nearly the 900). We are seriously considering heading back this September and look to do something a bit different. As much as I do love museums, my wife is not much of a fan so I will defer to her 🙂 . However, your itinerary can easily be adjusted to suit our needs (Wed audience in St. Peter Square vs Vatican museums, etc.) and is a super useful guide to areas I never would have considered before (Testaccio) and relatively structured days. Again, thank you!

Thanks so much, Michael! September 2017 was actually when we took our first trip to Rome too, and we can’t stop going back. 🙂 I’m sure you guys have already visited these on your pilgrimage trip, but just in case you haven’t and are looking for more church ideas, some of the coolest churches in Rome IMO that aren’t the completely obvious choices are Basilica di San Clemente and the Santo Stefano Rotondo. Hope you guys have an amazing trip back to Rome!

Thank you for this well-thought out, detailed, and diverse itinerary. Highly appreciated. Looking forward to following many if its stops next month in September.

Thank you so much, Wendy! Have a fabulous trip to Rome! 🙂

This was very insightful

Thanks, Yogita!

I just wanted to thank you because this guide really helped us to have a really awesome trip and saved us tons of time on planing, we did our 5 days trip to Rome on this guide, and the google maps itenerary was a life saver.

Rome was great and this made our trip easier

Best regards, from Lisboa, Portugal!

Thanks so much, Ruben! That is so wonderful to hear. So glad you had an amazing trip!

I travelled to Rome a couple of years ago and this is so close to my itinerary, its not funny. I am so glad to see itineraries like this on the internet that encourage people to go see the historical sights, vs. others that encourage people to ‘skip the important sites’ so as to not waste time.

Thank you for helping people experience the true beauty of Rome

Thank you, Pallavi! That is definitely our goal. 🙂

I just wanted to thank you because this guide will really help us on our 15th anniversary trip later this year. We have never traveled abroad and are so excited. This will save us so much time on planning.

So happy to hear that, Rachel! Hope that you guys have a fantastic trip, and Happy Anniversary!

Hi! My husband and I spent 4 days in Rome in late January 2020 and based our trip around this review. It was perfect for our first time. Thank you so much!

Thank you for sharing, Shareen, that makes my day to hear!

This guide is phenomenal. i was overwhelmed with the incredible options in Rome until I found this guide. We really want to do the food tour in Trastevere you recommend, especially since we are staying in Trastevere. , but there is not very much information about what is included. Is there a better description somewhere or could you give a a quick thumbnail? Thanks!

Thanks so much, John, that’s wonderful to hear!

Unfortunately, the exact Trastevere tour we took isn’t online anymore, but we do link a popular, comparable option in this post: https://www.ourescapeclause.com/trastevere-food-tour/

Trastevere is a popular neighborhood and while each tour will follow its own exact route, you can generally expect to a try a pasta, a cheese shop, gelato, etc–all the classics!

Kate & Jeremy thank you for being so kind and thoughtful to share thitineraries of Rome and additional travel information with the rest of us. I will be in Sorrento the last week of Feb. 2023. Do you know if the port has daily ferry tours to the Amalfi coast? Also travel by vehicle should I be concerned about luggage being stolen during stops as I am traveling. Also, would you have a recommendation on a name of a facility or location I could rent a vehicle. Thank you for your help.

Of course, glad it was helpful!

I’m not sure if the boats run daily during the winter, but I would think so.

For rental cars, we use and recommend Discover Cars–it’s a search engine that will pull up both local and international carriers.

As far as safety, it’s not recommended to leave anything at all visible in your car while parking it. Some people are comfortable with storing luggage out of sight in a vehicle, and others prefer not to take the risk. It’s a matter of personal risk tolerance, essentially.

Loved reading your 4 day guide to Rome, my wife and I are visiting mid August 2023, and aside from visiting the places you mentioned. It would be lovely to know some little restaurants off the typical tourist route that serve really nice Italian food. Hopefully you can send us in the right direction.

We have several, and are always adding new ones to our list!

I try to update them and include options near the attractions where we’re located, but a couple that we like that I don’t think are mentioned here include Osteria La Quercia (near Campo de’ Fiori), Cul de Sac (an enoteca with a huge wine list), Arancio d’Oro, and Antica Osteria Brunetti.

Hope you guys have a great time!

thanks for this information

You’re welcome, have a great time in Rome!

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading through this 4 day itinerary and planning for my stay in Rome. However, after a second look at my reservation I sadly realized I only have 3 days in Rome. Do you have a similar plan for a 3 day stay?

Not yet, though I hope to write one specifically for 3-day visits eventually!

The simplest way to rework this itinerary, though, would be to simply trim off the 4th day, as it covers the most off the beaten path spots of any given day on the route.

However, it depends on your interests! You can also opt to trim off whatever stops don’t sound interesting, and compress your days a bit to squeeze more in to a shorter time frame. For example, if you’re not much for art museums, you could skip the Galleria Borghese and/or the Villa Farnesina, and instead let the Vatican Museums shine as your big museum visit of the trip.

Yes, after looking at day 4, I thought trimming it off might work. Thanks very much for your response and for all the tips you’ve included here.

We were in Rome 10 years ago and are taking my daughter and her Fiance this Oct. This list is exactly what I was looking for! My husband and I would like a day trip to Florence while they do the Vatican (only need to see that once) and I have kept your guide for that as well. Is there a way to learn the bus routes etc? We walked EVERYWHERE on our last trip because we couldnt figure it out. We also used Rick Steves tours for a lot of it too and that was great!

Hi Melissa,

That’s wonderful to hear, thank you!

We don’t use buses a lot in Rome (we generally walk and occasionally take the metro), but you can plan your routes via the bus website! Here it is: https://www.atac.roma.it/

It’s still a bit confusing, but much easier than without any directions. As far as I know, the buses still require that you purchase tickets from a tabaccheria in advance, too–something to keep in mind!

Hi Kate, Love your post and has given me a great advice while we are planning our 21 day trip to Italy. I’m very curious to know what you do as a career/ or money to fund your lifestyle of travel. Would love to be able to see the world. I currently live and work in the US.

Thank you so much!

We’re professional travel bloggers, so our income comes from the ads you see when you scroll through the site and sometimes from a commission if you book something (like a tour or hotel) through one of our links. We don’t accept any sponsored travel and always pay for our own trips.

It did take us years to work up to blogging being a living wage, though! When we started, we were living off of savings from our 9-5 jobs back in Texas. We were one of those couples that quit to travel the world. 🙂

This blog post from years ago (that I’ve since updated) covers a bit of our early days: https://www.ourescapeclause.com/6-month-round-the-world-trip/

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The 24 Best Things to Do in Rome

The massive colosseum in Rome, Italy with the bright sun in the background on a sunny day

Rome is a city of layers stretching back centuries. You’re never far from ruins or stunning ancient or classical architecture. One moment you’re passing a modern building, the next you’re staring at some Doric columns from the Roman Republic, a Renaissance-era palace designed by Michelangelo, or a piazza centered around a Bernini-designed Baroque fountain.

There are some cities — New York , London — that offer so many attractions, you can’t help but to create a list to check off. And then there are others where you just want to wander and absorb the vibe and the aesthetics of it all.

Rome is both.

In some ways, it feels like a village, with its venerable, wise ambiance, and in others like a cosmopolitan city, since there are so many museums, historical landmarks, and great restaurants.

Obviously, it’s impossible to see everything in one visit. It’s what happens when you have a city of millions dating back three thousand years.

Which begs the question: What should you do when you may never come back? How do you decide what to do?

To help you make the most of your limited time in this iconic capital, here is the list of my top things to do in Rome:  

1. Walking Tour

I love taking walking tours. They’re a wonderful way to learn about a destination. I recommend Rome’s Ultimate Free Walking Tour or New Rome Free Tours. They cover all the highlights and can introduce you to the city on a budget. Just be sure to tip your guide at the end.

If you’re looking for a paid guided tour that goes above and beyond, check out Take Walks , which offers one of the best walking tours in Rome , with expert guides who can get you behind the scenes at the best attractions. They can get you behind the scenes like no other tour company, including early access to the Sistine Chapel and skip-the-line Colosseum tours .

If you want to do a food tour (and you should), Get Your Guide has a 2.5-hour tour with 5 stops for just 42 EUR while Devour offers an in-depth street food tour and pizza-making class for 89 EUR. Both are really good!  

2. The Colosseum

Easily one of the most recognizable and jaw-dropping sights in the world, this first-century amphitheater is one of the top attractions in Rome. There were 80 entrances/exits in this super stadium: 76 for attendees/spectators, 2 for participants (i.e., gladiators), and 2 for the emperor. While that might seem like an excessive number, the Colosseum could hold a whopping 50,000 people in its day, and getting them in and out needed to be done quickly.

Buy your entry tickets at the nearby Palatine Hill entrance at Via San Gregorio 30, where the line is much shorter, or buy them online (your ticket grants access to Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum).

You can also book a tour with Walks of Italy if you want a more in-depth experience.

Piazza del Colosseo, +39 06-699-0110, parcocolosseo.it. Open daily 9am–sunset. Admission is 16 EUR.  

3. The Roman Forum

Historic ruins and ancient buildings at the Roman Forum in Rome, Italy

The Via Sacra is the main street that cuts through the Forum, the place where all roads in the empire either began or ended. Once the empire fell, the Forum became a pasture for farm animals; it was known in the Middle Ages as Campo Vaccino, or Cow Field. Over the centuries, much of the marble was plundered, and the area was eventually buried as the center point of Rome shifted. It wasn’t until the 19th century that archeologists began excavating and rediscovering the Forum.

Via della Salara Vecchia, +39 06-3996-7700, parcocolosseo.it. Open daily 9am–sunset. Admission is 16 EUR. The ticket gets visitors into the Colosseum and Palatine Hill.  

4. Explore the Vatican Museums

Home to the famous Sistine Chapel, the Vatican Museums house four miles of rooms and hallways bedecked with one of the world’s great art collections. In addition to the Michelangelo masterpiece on the chapel’s ceiling, there are rooms frescoed by Raphael and paintings by Da Vinci, Titian, Caravaggio, and Fra Angelico, among others, plus halls and halls of ancient Greek and Roman statuary, Egyptian mummies, and Etruscan relics.

TIP: Don’t join the mile-long line in the morning like everyone else. Instead, go after lunch, when you can practically walk right in without waiting at all.

Skip the line tickets cost 26 EUR. You’ll definitely want to get your tickets in advance as the lines here can get really, really long.

Personally, I’d recommend a guided tour. This way you get to see everything, get a detailed history of the place (and it’s detailed!), and get to skip the line. Take Walks has skip-the-line tours that cost 69 EUR and last 3 hours. They’re my favorite company to use for guided tours.

Viale del Vaticano, +39 06 6988-4676, museivaticani.va. Open Monday–Saturday 9am–6pm. Admission is 18 EUR.  

5. St. Peter’s Square and St. Peter’s Basilica

The grandest of church in the Catholic world, St. Peter’s was designed by a veritable Renaissance and Baroque dream team: Bernini took care of the two column-filled arms that surround the square, Bramante created an early design for the basilica, and Michelangelo put the dome on top. One hundred and twenty years after construction began, the church was finally consecrated in 1626. It sits on the spot where a fourth-century church once sat and on top of the spot where St. Peter himself was crucified. His bones are still below, where there is an ancient necropolis.

Inside the basilica you’ll find soaring domes featuring angels and cherubs blissfully floating around a partly cloudy sky, as well as plus-sized marble sculptures of saints, popes, and Biblical figures. For 8 EUR, you can climb the 551 steps to the top of Michelangelo’s dome. For 2 EUR more, you can take an elevator.

Piazza San Pietro, +39 06 6982 3731, vatican.va. Open daily 7am–7pm. Admission is free.  

6. Campo de’ Fiori

One of the most organic-feeling squares in Rome, this central space — whose name means “field of flowers” — is home to the historic center’s morning fruit and veggie market. The sculpture on a pedestal in the center of the square is that of Giordano Bruno, who was burned here after he got on the pope’s bad side for criticizing the Church. The sculpture was erected in the late 19th century, when the state of Italy and the Catholic Church were at odds with each other. It’s no coincidence that the somber face of the sculpture is looking in the direction of the Vatican.  

7. Visit Santa Maria del Popolo

This church on one of Rome’s prettiest squares is said to be located on the spot where Emperor Nero was buried. A millennium after his death, there were still tales of ghosts and ghouls who haunted the place, so the pope had a church built there in order to quell the haunting. It worked.

Parts of the church have been redesigned through the centuries, including the apse by Bramante and frescoes in some of the chapels by Pinturicchio. But the real draw is the two jaw-droppingly gorgeous Caravaggio paintings on display in the chapel, just to the left of the altar. Most people come for these, but the Chigi chapel was designed by Raphael and completed by Bernini, so don’t miss that, either.

Piazza del Popolo 12, +39 06 361 0836. Open daily 7am–1pm and 4pm–7pm. Admission is free.  

8. See Piazza Navona

A beautiful fountain by Bernini in the Piazza Navona in Rome, Italy

TIP: If you’re visiting Rome in winter , you’ll find the city’s Christmas markets set up here.

9. Explore Testaccio

Located south of the vast city center, Testaccio is an erstwhile working-class neighborhood. Younger Romans might associate it with nightlife and clubbing, as there have long been a number of clubs hugging up against Monte Testaccio, the historic mound that the neighborhood is centered around.

Older Romans will associate the neighborhood with food because, in the 19th century, it was home to the city’s main slaughterhouse. As part of their pay, workers at the slaughterhouse would receive a bag of raw meat to take home, also known as the “fifth quarter” — the tail, intestines, and stomach, among other parts. Sometimes instead of going home, workers would take their “fifth quarter” to a local restaurant and have it cooked for them there. As a result, this became the de facto local cuisine, and the district was where some of Rome’s most famous dishes were born.  

10. Villa Borghese and Borghese Gardens

At 60 hectares (148 acres), the Villa Borghese property — a swath of verdant grass dotted with umbrella pines northeast of the historic center — makes up Rome’s second largest parkland. In ancient times, the area was known as the Garden of Lucullus, before becoming a vast vineyard. But in 1605, Cardinal Scipione Borghese — nephew of Pope Paul V and patron to sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini — converted the land into a park. The 19th century saw a redesign, with the green space getting a more manicured, English accent.

The property is sprinkled with temples and monuments, all of which had been given a serious sprucing up for the 1911 World Exposition, and its balustrade offers one of the best views of Rome. The park is centered, however, around the Galleria Borghese, which houses one of the city’s greatest art collections (including works by Bernini, Raphael, Titian, and Caravaggio).

Skip the line tickets (that include a guide) are just 50 EUR.

Piazzale del Museo Borghese 5, +39 06 841-3979, galleriaborghese.beniculturali.it. Open daily 9am–7pm. Reservations are necessary for the Galleria (admission is 13 EUR), but the park is always free.  

11. Admire Santa Maria della Concezione (I Cappuccini)

Sandwiched between the posh thoroughfare Via Veneto and car-snarled Piazza Barberini, this church is a relatively ordinary 17th-century structure. There is a dramatic altarpiece in a chapel of St. Michael the Archangel by Baroque painter Guido Reni, but that’s not necessarily why you should make it a priority to get here.

The reason is in the crypt, accessible from the street-level side of the church. Commonly just called I Capuccini, it is one of the most macabre sights in all of Europe: the bones of 4,000 friars, many of them still in full skeletal form (and many still wearing their brown habits), grace the walls of the long, narrow room with five chapels. Other bones were used to create ornamental objects: shinbone chandeliers hang from the ceiling, and pelvic bones are arranged to make an ersatz hourglass. In the last chapel, a plaque offers a sober — if somewhat appropriate — reminder: “What you are now, we once were; what we are now, you shall be.”

Via Veneto 27, cappucciniviaveneto.it. Open daily 10am–7pm. Admission is 8.50 EUR.  

12. The Spanish Steps

The famous Spanish Steps on a quiet, sunny day in Rome, Italy

13. Trevi Fountain

More a theater of waterworks than a fountain, the iconic Trevi Fountain is best viewed in the early morning or late at night, when the area is devoid of the miasma of picture-taking tourists. Every year, at least one crazy tourist — usually under the influence of Italian wine or other substances — decides it would be a good idea to go for a swim.

Fun fact: the coins that people toss in the fountain (totaling thousands of euros each day) are given to the Red Cross.  

14. Ara Pacis

The Ara Pacis — or Altar of Augustan Peace — is an ornate marble altar made in the decade before Christ’s birth. It was commissioned to celebrate the Pax Augusta, the empire-wide peace that existed under the rule of Emperor Augustus. Specifically, it was made to celebrate the emperor’s own conquest north of the Alps in the year 13 BCE. The four walls of the altar show scenes of Roman mythology. Be sure to have a look at the interesting depiction of a pig slaughtering on the west wall — a common practice when Romans made a peace treaty.

The altar was an obsession of Mussolini, who was determined to be thought of as the next Augustus. The Ara Pacis, facing the tomb of Augustus where Mussolini hoped to be interned one day, is surrounded on three sides by Fascist-era buildings. Il Duce wanted to turn the area around the altar into a “Fascist theme park.” Fortunately, he didn’t succeed.

The stark white structure that now houses the Ara Pacis was designed in 2006 by American architect Richard Meier. It was the first civic building constructed in Rome’s historic center since World War II and is a favorite target for conservative politicians, who regularly threaten to destroy it.

Lungotevere in Augusta, +39 06-060-608, arapacis.it. Open daily 9:30am–7:30pm. Admission is 13 EUR.  

15. San Pietro in Vincoli

Tucked away in the central, but untrammeled, Monti district that’s wedged between the Roman Forum and Termini railway station, this ancient place of worship doesn’t look like much from its simple arcaded façade. But those who venture inside are rewarded. The interior of this fifth-century church, its nave flanked by Doric columns, is home to one of Christianity’s most esteemed relics: the chains that once held Saint Peter (hence the church’s name: Saint Peter in Chains), hanging in view underneath the altar.

And while it’s a place of pilgrimage for the devout, art aficionados are lured here for another reason: Michelangelo’s magnificent sculpture of Moses. The sculpture of the bearded Biblical figure was actually meant to be part of the monumental 47-statue tomb of Pope Julius II that he had hoped would be his final resting place. But plans were scrapped — the project’s pomp and audacity came under serious fire — and all that we’re left with today are Moses and a few unfinished (but graceful and quasi-erotic-looking) slave sculptures.

Piazza S. Pietro in Vincoli 4a, +39 06 488-2865, lateranensi.org/sanpietroinvincoli. Open daily 8am–12:30pm and 3pm–6pm. Admission is free.  

16. The Baths of Caracalla

Named after Roman Emperor Caracalla, who had the baths constructed in 217 CE, this massive bath complex was more than just a place to relax by the pool. In ancient Roman society, baths were an institution. In fact, they dotted the city in the same way gyms are sprinkled through modern cities.

The Baths of Caracalla, however, were the grandest of them all. It could accommodate up to 1,500 bathers at a time, who would usually undergo the entire process: a Turkish bath followed by a few minutes in the calidarium (similar to a sauna), then the tepidarium (a pool of lukewarm water), which was followed by a dip in the freezing frigidarium and, at last, the natatio, a huge, open-air swimming pool where Roman men would congregate to gossip and talk politics. The baths lasted some 300 years before invading Goths destroyed the plumbing, causing a fatal hemorrhage of water.

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 52, +39 06 3996 7700, soprintendenzaspecialeroma.it. Open Tuesday–Sunday 9am–7pm. Admission is 10 EUR.  

17. The Pantheon

The exterior of the ancient Pantheon in Rome, Italy

The building used to have a dynamic copper roof. That is, until artist Bernini five-fingered the copper for his 95-foot tall canopy in the just-built St. Peter’s Basilica. You can purchase an audio guide for 8.50 EUR. This is another place you’ll want to get tickets for in advance. Additionally, get here super early because the line to get in is crazy long.

Piazza della Rotunda, +39 347 82 05 204, pantheonroma.com. Open daily 9am–7pm. Admission is free.  

18. Santa Maria sopra Minvera

During the Middle Ages, Rome was in serious decline: at one point, the population had fallen to just 20,000. Even the popes didn’t want to be there (many escaped to Viterbo, 80 miles north of the Eternal City, and even Avignon in the south of France). There wasn’t much construction going on for a few centuries, which is why Santa Maria sopra Minerva, located a cobblestone’s throw from the Pantheon, is the only Gothic church in town.

The church actually takes its names from the temple of the pagan god Minerva that it’s built over. Inside, admire the starry-skied ceiling, but don’t miss the Michelangelo sculpture of Christ holding up the cross. There’s also a “Madonna and Child” painted by Renaissance master Fra Angelico.

In the piazza in front of the church is one of the most unique sculptures in the history of art: an Egyptian obelisk plopped on top of a sculpture of an elephant. Bernini found the obelisk in the garden of the church’s monastery, and the monks suggested putting it in the middle of the square in front of the church. Bernini, being an artistic genius with a fine sense of humor, carved an elephant — a symbol of piety and intelligence — and affixed the obelisk to the top. It was originally meant as a joke, but it’s remained there ever since.

Piazza della Minerva 42, +39 06-679-3926, santamariasopraminerva.it. Open daily 11am–3pm and 5pm–7pm. Admission is free.  

19. The Appian Way (Appia Antica)

The Roman road system was one of the marvels of the ancient world. And the Appian Way — or, as the locals call it, the Appia Antica — was once a superhighway, stretching from the capital all the way to the “heel” of the boot (to the town of Brindisi). The section of “the Queen of Roads,” as it’s nicknamed, that lies just outside of Rome is now a 6,000-acre public park and one of the best off-of-the-radar sites of the Eternal City.

The road begins at the third-century CE Aurelian Walls and the Gate of San Sebastian and then is quickly met with ancient Christian catacombs. Soon the brick-sized cobblestones give way to large, irregularly shaped, pizza-sized basalt stones, complete with ruts made from centuries of Roman chariots moving up and down the road. Crumbling, millennia-old mausoleums and shady umbrella pines flank the road, which is completely traffic free on Sundays. Remnants of mosaic-floored villas and stadiums line the road and make for a perfect excuse for a breather.

20. San Giovanni in Laterano

This gigantic barn of a church is one of the most important in the Catholic world. The ornate Baroque and Rococo façade belies its age, although it’s the oldest among the four major basilicas of Rome (St. Peter’s, Santa Maria Maggiore, and St. Paul’s Outside the Walls being the other three). The entire complex, which also consists of a palace just across the square (today split by a busy street), was the original home base of the pope; until 1870 all popes were crowned here. Today, the church is still the official ecclesiastical seat of the Bishop of Rome (who happens to be the pope).

The basilica was completely renovated in the 18th century and given a full flourish of ornate Baroque design. Alessandro Galilei won the competition to reconstruct the exterior (giving the façade a more palace-like look), and Francesco Borromini was given the job to redesign the interior. He left the central Gothic Baldacchino (canopy) over the altar, which today appears wildly out of place.

Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano 4. Open daily 7am–6:30pm. Admission is free.  

21. Trastevere

Literally meaning “across the Tiber,” Trastevere is Rome’s most enchanting, achingly charming neighborhood (and my favorite area to stay in when I’m visiting the city). The narrow winding streets are lined with atmospheric cafés and bars so grab a table on a cobbled lane, order a glass of wine or a beer, and enjoy the people-watching.  

22. Santa Croce in Gerusalemme

The floor of this legendary basilica, located on the periphery of Rome’s historic center, may look like a normal, tiled floor now, but when the church was first consecrated in 325 CE, it was covered in soil. But this was no ordinary dirt. It was brought from Jerusalem. Which is fitting, since this magnificent, off-the-tourist-radar basilica was built to hold the supposed True Cross.

It was founded by the aforementioned St. Helena, the mother of the first Christian emperor (Constantine) and one of the Catholic Church’s first relics fanatics. She traveled to the Holy Land in search of the cross Jesus was crucified on. And when she returned home, she had a lot more than just a chunk of the True Cross. Today, the objects from her travels in the Holy Land are on display in a Fascist-era chapel in a back room of the church: thorns from Christ’s cross, a pole he was flagellated on, and a finger from St. Thomas (the same one he allegedly stuck in Christ’s side).

Though the church is 1,700 years old, it got the Baroque treatment in the mid-18th century, which is responsible for the structure’s present appearance.

Piazza Santa Croce in Gerusalemme 12, +39 06 701 4769, santacroceroma.it/en. Open Monday–Saturday 7am–12.45pm and 3.30–7:30pm. Admission is free.  

23. Castel Sant’Angelo

The towering Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome, Italy

Lungotevere Castello 50, +39 06 681 9111. Open daily 9am–7:30pm. Skip-the-line tickets are 22 EUR.  

24. Santa Maria della Vittoria

This unassuming Baroque church, a short distance from the historic center, is a must-see sight for art lovers. In the fourth chapel on the left is Bernini’s massive sculpture, The Ecstasy of St. Teresa, which shows the Spanish mystic laying on a cloud and, in a near orgasmic trance, being pierced by the hot arrow of an angel.

If you think the subject is a little ambiguous, you’d be right. The work of art is the closest one could come to the sculptural theater without making the subjects move. Try to see the angel from as many angles as possible: from one, it looks like the angel has a tender smile; from another, that same smile looks like one of anger.

When St. Teresa had her heavenly encounter, she wrote: “So intense was the pain, I uttered several moans; so great was the sweetness caused by the pain that I never wanted to lose it.”

Via Venti Settembre 17, +39 06 4274 0571. Open daily 9am–noon and 3:30pm–6pm. Admission is free.

Rome is a massive city brimming with historic sites and amazing food. And I’ve only scratched the surface of things to do in the Italian capital. With a never-ending stream of churches that double as de facto art galleries, a lively nightlife, and iconic wonders of the world like the Colosseum, it’s no wonder that this is one of the most popular destinations in the world.

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Book Your Trip to Rome: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Use Skyscanner to find a cheap flight. It is my favorite search engine, because it searches websites and airlines around the globe, so you always know no stone is being left unturned!

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld , as it has the biggest inventory and best deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com , as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels. My favorite places to stay are:

  • YellowSquare
  • The Beehive

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancelations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it, as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • Safety Wing (best for everyone)
  • Insure My Trip (for those 70 and over)
  • Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Looking for the Best Companies to Save Money With? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use to save money when I’m on the road. They will save you money too.

Need a Guide? Rome has some really interesting tours. My favorite company is Take Walks . It has expert guides and can get you behind the scenes at the city’s best attractions.

If you prefer food tours, Devour is the best company. I always learn a ton and eat incredible food on its tours!

Want More Information on Rome? Be sure to visit our robust destination guide on Rome for even more planning tips!

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Trevi fountain in Rome


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Pocket Wanderings

Let’s explore Rome

Rome travel guide

I completely feel in love with Rome the first time I visited. Its rich history, epic architecture and friendly locals completely swept me off my feet – and I’m sure they will for you too.

Foodies like me will no doubt be visiting for the pasta and gelato – but let me assure you that Rome is so much more than it’s food and dolce vita lifestyle (although that’s reason enough to visit). In my Rome travel guide, I share all my top tips for visiting this unforgettable Italian city.

About the author

Jessie Moore is a luxury travel expert with years of experience travelling the world to find the best destinations, hotels and adventures.

Rome is a city of immense history, culture and cuisine. Alongside spectacular religious buildings lies buzzy Renaissance palazzos with iconic Baroque flourishes. Rome brings together a melting pot of fashionistas, jet-setters and foodies. When you consider all that this charming “Eternal City” has to offer, it’s no wonder that Rome is the third most visited city in Europe.

As an ancient city with a rich history, a visit to Rome transports you back in time. It feels like you’re in one big open-air museum. Around every corner lies a breathtaking monument or significant archaeological site.

It’s not just about the history though. There is also a vibrant art scene that draws in art admirers from across the globe. Some of history’s most famous artists have left their marks across the city, from Michelangelo to Bernini.

Despite its historical and cultural significance, Rome also manages to be a modern metropolis with a thriving social scene and fashionable edge. Indulge in renowned Italian cuisine and immerse yourself in the sociable aperitivo scene. Discover welcoming hospitality and lap up the dolce vita lifestyle. All while observing the jet-setters and fashionable visitors who descend on this charismatic Italian city from all over the world.

Couples can discover Rome’s romantic side, and culture vultures will be in their element. Solo travellers will love the energy and irresistible charm of the city. While well-heeled visitors are drawn to Rome for its luxury hotels, fine dining scene, and fashion elite. My number one tip for visiting Rome? Don’t rush. Go slowly, soak it all in, and visit time and time again.

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How to get to Rome

  • Rome has two international airports, both located around 25-45 mins from the city. Rome Fiumicino (FCO) – or Aeroporto Leonardo da Vinci – is the largest airport in Italy. Ciampino (CIA) is generally used by lower-cost airlines. The majority of international flights will land at Rome Fiumicino airport. If travelling from within Europe, you can get some wonderfully cheap flights if you book far enough in advance.
  • There are several options for getting from the airport to the city centre. The Leonardo Express is a direct train to Termini station, which takes 30 minutes. You can also get the Metro, which takes a bit longer but may be more appropriate depending on your final destination. Check the stations before deciding. The bus is another option, although it takes around 70 minutes and there are limited services. For a quick and comfortable transfer, take a private taxi.
  • Rome is easily accessible by train from across Italy. The main station in Rome is the Termini Station, which is also where you can pick up the bus or metro to explore the city. A popular train route is to go from either Milan or Florence to Rome. The high-speed trains mean journey times are short, taking just an hour and a half from Florence or three hours from Milan.
  • As they say, all roads lead to Rome! It only makes sense to travel to Rome by car if doing a road trip around Italy. Parking can be limited within the city, so ensure that you have the necessary parking provisions in place before you head off.

If you want to take the stress out of getting from the airport to the city centre,  book your Rome airport transfer here   for an English-speaking, professional driver.

Trevi Fountain Jessie Hair

How to get around Rome

  • Many of the key landmarks and attractions in Rome can be explored quite easily on foot. Be sure to pack comfortable footwear. Getting around on foot is a great way to really soak up your surroundings and appreciate the many beautiful details of the city. Plus, I think walking is a great way to justify all the pizza and pasta that you’re inevitably going to inhale!
  • Taking the metro is a good way of avoiding overground traffic, although it is quite a limited network. There are two lines which serve the city centre: A (orange) and B (blue). The A line will take you to the Trevi Fountain and Spanish Steps, while the B line will take you to the Colosseum.
  • Given the limitations of the Metro in Rome, the bus is a popular mode of public transport. However, the bus can be slow and is quite confusing to navigate. Punctuality is also an issue, due to heavy traffic. Bus tickets can be purchased in metro stations, news-stands and convenience stores. Don't forget to validate your ticket in a validation machine.
  • The tram network is quite limited in Rome, and does not serve the city centre. It’s therefore not particularly useful for most tourists, unless one of the six tram lines stops close to your hotel. As with the bus, you need to validate your ticket.
  • The Urban Railway in Rome is made up of three lines: Rome - Lido, Rome- Viterbo, Rome - Giardinetti. The only one which is likely to be useful for tourists is the Rome - Lido line, as it stops at the archaeological site, Ostia Antica.
  • I find that Rome is not the best city for taking taxis. Unfortunately Rome taxi drivers are known for overcharging tourists and taxi fares are high compared to other European cities. Official taxis in Rome are white. Uber is in operation across the city, although they are not particularly reliable. We actually missed one of our tours because several drivers didn’t turn up. You also only have access to the more pricey Uber Black, Uber Lux and Uber Vans. The upside is that every Uber we got was a swanky car with a very smartly dressed driver – it felt like having a personal chauffeur!

Best time to visit Rome

Rome is a year round destination that brings discerning visitors from all over the world throughout the seasons. It’s best to plan your visit around your personal preference for weather conditions and the number of tourists.

Rome highlights

The colosseum.

The Colosseum is one of the most iconic landmarks in Rome . Attracting over six million visitors every year, the Colosseum has become synonymous with Rome. Its status is so legendary that it is one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. With a staggering 2,000 years of history, there is plenty to learn about this famous Roman monument.

The Colosseum has a particularly gruesome history in which convicted criminals were often thrown to the wild animals. On your tour, you can discover intriguing tales of gladiator battles and hungry lions. Despite how widely photographed it is, the Colosseum is still a staggering sight to see in person. It embodies the drama and power of ancient Rome, even to this day.

The Colosseum is open every day between 08:30 – 19:00 but it’s best to visit early in the morning to avoid the crowds. The closest metro stop is the Colosseo on Line B. Try to avoid eating at any of the cafés or restaurants in the very near vicinity, as they tend to be overrun with tourists and excruciatingly overpriced.

If you plan to visit, it is strongly advised that you pre-book a ticket. The queues can be horrifying and take hours to negotiate in peak visiting times. Book either ‘skip the line’ tickets or a guided tour. Many of the guided tours include the Colosseum along with the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. Or consider buying the Roma pass, which offers free entry to the Colosseum without having to queue.

Be sure to allow plenty of time to find the start point of your tour, or to find the right entry line. It can get a bit chaotic and it took us nearly half an hour to find the correct meeting point!

Alternatively, skip the crowds and book a private sightseeing tour of Rome .

Charming Trastevere is the most popular and lively neighbourhood in Rome. With its medieval houses and winding cobbled streets, it is wonderfully picturesque. You’ll want to bring your camera! Spend an afternoon navigating the narrow streets and seeking out the best spots for lunch or dinner. Trastevere is the best place to soak up the Italian dolce vita atmosphere. It’s the beating heart of Rome’s social scene, where people shop, chat and pause for a coffee – or something stronger.

Visit the Piazza di Santa Maria right in the centre of Trastevere. Take a seat on the steps of the fountain with a gelato in hand, and do a spot of people-watching. Explore the beautiful Basilica Santa Maria, the oldest Marian church in Rome. If you have the energy, it’s worth hiking up Colle del Gianicolo, the eighth hill of Rome. It takes about 20 minutes and you’re rewarded with breathtaking views of the city, plus it’s relatively free of crowds.

Trastevere draws a lot of its visitors after dark when the neighbourhood comes alive with restaurants, bars and nightclubs. Start with an aperitivo (drink and a small snack) before indulging in a wood-fired pizza. It’s a place that’s bursting with trendy restaurants, cafés and bars, all underpinned by a chilled out boho vibe.

Vatican City

The Vatican City is an independent city state ruled by the Pope with a prestigious history. At only 110 acres and with a population of around 800 people, it is the smallest state in Europe. It is a significant religious site and the centre of authority over the Roman Catholic Church. The Vatican City is home to some of the world’s most infamous artistic masterpieces, especially from the Renaissance and Baroque eras.

There are a number of attractions to visit in the Vatican City. St Peter’s Square is a breathtaking and expansive square, comprising 284 columns, 88 pilasters, and 140 statues of saints. It has previously held more than 300,000 people, which is testament to its sheer size and scale.

St Peter’s Basilica is the world’s largest Catholic church and the result of a collaboration between Bramante, Bernini, Maderno, Michelangelo, and Raphael. It is considered to be one of the holiest temples for Christendom and can accommodate a staggering 20,000 people. Visitors can climb to the top of the dome for an unforgettable view of St Peter’s Square. Note that it is quite a tough climb, with the top section comprising a very narrow and steep spiral staircase. Best skipped if you’re claustrophobic, injured, or hungover!

The Sistine Chapel is an unmissable attraction in the Vatican City. It is perhaps best known for the frescoes painted onto the ceiling by Michelangelo. Note that photography is not permitted in the Sistine Chapel. Although photography without flash is permitted in the other Vatican Museums. As with many other popular attractions in Rome, it’s best to pre-book a guided tour. These tours usually combine the Basilica, Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel.

How old is Rome?

Rome is just over 2,770 years old, meaning that the history of this ancient city spans an impressive 28 centuries.

Where is the best place to stay in Rome?

Those visiting Rome for the first time may like to be right in the heart of the key Rome attractions. Look for hotels around the Piazza Navona or Campo de’ Fiori. Trastevere is another popular place to stay, as it’s where a lot of the restaurants are – this does make it a lively area.

For  luxury hotels  and a more high-end experience, stay near the Piazza di Spagna. For a more budget-friendly area, consider staying in the Esquilino neighbourhood, which is where the Roma Termini station is.

Do I need to pre-book attractions in Rome?

Yes, I highly recommend pre-booking  attractions in Rome . You can still visit without a booking, but you will likely have to wait in excruciatingly long queues. This is particularly the case if you’re travelling during the peak summer months. It’s best to book either a guided tour or a ‘skip the line’ ticket.

Are there any beaches near Rome?

Yes there are lots of beautiful beaches close to Rome. Have a read of my post on the  best beaches near Rome  for the ones worth visiting.

Is Rome a good destination for solo travellers?

Rome is an excellent destination for solo travellers. So much so that I included it as the number one spot in my guide to the  best European cities for solo travel . The locals and the hospitality staff are all wonderfully friendly and chatty, plus the vibrant energy of the city will ensure you never feel alone. As with any European city, just be wary of pickpockets and scammers, as they tend to target tourists.

Is Rome expensive?

Rome is one of the more expensive cities to visit in Europe, primarily due to its popularity. Hotels can come with a premium, as can the more popular tourist attractions. As with any trip, it’s possible to tailor your itinerary to your own budget. But there are some things you won’t want to miss out on, including the iconic landmarks and mouth-watering Italian cuisine.

How many Michelin star restaurants in Rome?

At the time of writing, there are 16 Michelin star restaurants in Rome. These include one with two Michelin stars and one with three Michelin stars.

Are there Christmas Markets in Rome?

Yes, there are a number of Christmas markets in Rome, making it a magical place to visit during the festive season. The most famous is the Roman Christmas market at Piazza Navona.

How far is Venice from Rome?

Venice is over 500km away from Rome, so it’s not particularly close by! It takes nearly six hours to drive from Rome to Venice, or around 4 hours and 20 minutes by train. By far the quickest option is to fly, which takes just over an hour.

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Jessie Moore


travel blog rome

Luxury accommodation picks

Due to its popularity with tourists, Rome has an impressive selection of world-class hotels on offer. From grand palatial establishments with a rich history to designer boutique properties, here are the best luxury hotels in Rome .

Villa Spalletti Trivelli


A historical villa hotel with aristocratic origins.

Hassler Hotel


Rome Cavalieri


Palazzo Manfredi


A palatial 5-star hotel close to the Colosseum.

Rome restaurant picks

The city of Rome is famed for its unforgettable Italian cuisine. From carpaccio to carbonara, pizza to pasta, here are some of the best restaurants in Rome.

La Pergola

The only three Michelin star restaurant in Rome.

Caramella Rome Italy

A hidden gem with a lively ambience and friendly service.



A popular restaurant with tasty gourmet dishes.

La Terrazza


Michelin star fine dining with a breathtaking view.

Rome landmarks

Trevi Rome Italy


An impressive baroque fountain that draws astronomical crowds.

Spanish Steps Rome Italy


The iconic steps from the 18th century are a must-see landmark.


Marvel at the scale and history of this world-famous amphitheatre.

St Peters Square Rome


Explore St Peter’s Square, the Basilica, Sistine Chapel, and more.

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20 beautiful luxury hotels in Rome

An utterly unforgettable city, I consider Rome to be the perfect destination for an indulgent European city break. With its grand Renaissance architecture and beautiful baroque touches, Rome knows how to do opulence. So I’m

Pocket Wanderings is a luxury travel and lifestyle brand run by London-based content creator, Jessie Moore. Here you’ll find a community of fellow wanderlusters and adventurers.

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Planning a Trip to Rome? We are here to Help You!

Planning a perfect vacation in Rome sounds exciting but can also be overwhelming. Rome is a huge city so whether it’s your first time, second or tenth, there will always be something you haven’t seen or done.

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Image: Trevi Fountain one of the most famous fountains in Rome

Where to stay

Image: Spring and fall are the best time to visit Rome.

Best time to visit

Image: Angela Corrias exploring rome with her son

About Rome Actually

Hi, I am Angela Corrias , after living in Rome on and off for almost 20 years, I felt there was a great need for an insider’s travel blog entirely focused on Italy’s capital. Being one of the world’s hottest tourist destinations, it’s natural that you are going to find Rome city guides everywhere online.

Rome Actually is different. We live in Rome, we incessantly explore the city, we always discover something new, be it a new restaurant, a new archaeological excavation, a lesser-known neighborhood.

Is it your first trip to Rome and you want to visit the most famous highlights? We tell you what and where they are. Is it the tenth time you are visiting Rome and you want to stay away from the crowds and discover new neighborhoods? We got you covered.

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Vatican Tours

Colosseum Tours

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Image: Rigatoni carbonara during Rome Testaccio food and market tour

Where to eat in Rome

Looking for the best spots to dine in Rome? Trust me, I’ve been there. The abundance of choices can be overwhelming, but fear not! I’ve compiled this comprehensive Rome food guide to help you navigate the culinary wonders of the Eternal City.

Whether you’re craving classic trattoria fare or modern fine dining, I’ve got you covered. With my firsthand experience and insider knowledge, I’ll steer you away from tourist traps towards authentic dining experiences.

From cozy corners in the city center to hidden seafood gems and top pizzerias, I’ve handpicked each recommendation to suit your taste buds and location. So, join me on this gastronomic journey through Rome’s vibrant food scene, and let’s savor every bite together.

Top 15 Tips For Visiting The Colosseum In Rome – 2024 UPDATE

Top 15 Tips For Visiting The Colosseum In Rome – 2024 UPDATE

My best tips for visiting the Colosseum. Find out the Colosseum opening hours, how to skip the line, the best time to go, what to see and why you need to go.

Rome with Kids: Discover What’s in Rome for Children

Rome with Kids: Discover What’s in Rome for Children

So you want to visit the Eternal City, where history, culture and wonder await every traveler. But what about when…

Visiting Rome in June – All You Need to Know (2024 Edition)

Visiting Rome in June – All You Need to Know (2024 Edition)

Are you planning your trip to Rome in June and are unsure where to start? We got you covered! June…

Is Rome Walkable? How to Plan and Enjoy a Walk in Rome!

Is Rome Walkable? How to Plan and Enjoy a Walk in Rome!

This is one of the main worries travelers share: is Rome walkable? Is exploring Rome on foot feasible and easy?…

The Absolute 10 Best Vatican Private Tours to Book in Rome

The Absolute 10 Best Vatican Private Tours to Book in Rome

Hands down, the Vatican is one of the most crowded places to visit in Rome. More so in the high…

4 Days in Rome – Tips for Planning a Perfect 4-Day Rome Itinerary

4 Days in Rome – Tips for Planning a Perfect 4-Day Rome Itinerary

Are 4 days in Rome enough? Honestly, we don’t think so. However, if you can only afford 10 days or…

13 Best Restaurants in Rome’s City Center

13 Best Restaurants in Rome’s City Center

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Your best guide to Rome , Italy from someone who lives here!

Are you visiting Rome, Italy right now, or planning a trip here?

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If your answer is "yes!" then this is the site for you.

A visit to Rome can be daunting, over-whelming and even tiresome… or it can be magical and full of excitement and beauty.

The first time I came to Rome, I did not enjoy it.

Now that I live here, I love it and love to show people all the things I adore about it.

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Want to know more about me and my life in Rome? Visit my page here .

Elyssa Bernard, Site Owner and Publisher, Rome resident

I live in Rome, and really know the city, on the ground.

I live it, eat it, shop it, and love it.

Also, for nearly 20 years, my husband and I ran a Rome B&B specializing in customer service. On a daily basis, I got to know the kinds of questions people have, and what people really want to know before and during their holiday in Rome.

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I’ve filled these pages with lots of real Rome, Italy tourist information, based on what I know and love about the city, and based on what I know you want to know.

On this site you'll find a real Rome tourist guide, with answers to your questions like:

  • What's the best way to visit the Vatican?
  • How can I see the Pope in Rome
  • How do I get papal audience tickets ?
  • How can I skip the line at the Colosseum?
  • Where can I eat at a local, non-touristy restaurant in Rome?
  • How can I get a taxi in Rome?
  • Is it crowded during Easter in Rome?
  • How can I climb Saint Peter's dome?
  • What is there to do in Rome on a rainy day?
  • Which airport should I fly into when I visit Rome?
  • Do they still have the Free Sunday in Rome? What's free?
  • How can I skip the line at the Vatican ?
  • What's the best Rome City Pass?
  • What are some good cheap restaurants in Rome?
  • How can I get tickets to see Saint Peter's tomb?
  • Why does the Colosseum have holes in it?
  • Where are the best places to shop in Rome?
  • How much should I tip in Italy?
  • What are the best reasons to visit Rome?
  • Is the Pantheon free to visit?
  • How to stay safe in Rome?
  • What's the best itinerary for 3 days in Rome?
  • Do you have to pay to use the bathrooms in Rome?
  • Which of Rome's monuments should I visit?
  • What are some Vatican Museum must-sees?
  • What's the best Rome neighborhood to stay in?
  • How far is Florence from Rome?
  • When is it free to visit the Colosseum?
  • How do I get my tax refund in Rome?
  • What's the best way to get from Fiumicino airport into Rome?
  • What to pack for visiting Rome?
  • Where's the best place to eat carbonara in Rome?
  • What should I order in a restaurant in Rome?
  • Do most places in Rome accept credit cards?
  • What are some of the best places to buy gifts and souvenirs in Rome?
  • Is it ok to have a cappuccino in the afternoon ?
  • How do I book a visit to the Vatican Gardens?
  • What’s a Roma Pass? Is it worth getting one?
  • I have a Vatican/Coliseum tour booked… What else can I do today?
  • How do I get to the catacombs ?
  • And so many others...

Let me help you turn your too-short holiday in Rome, Italy into a meaningful one!

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How to Plan an Unforgettable Trip to Rome, According to Local Experts

Whether your tastes swing towards art and architecture, high-end shopping and dining, or browsing markets and munching on street food, it’s an exciting time to visit Rome.

Elizabeth Heath is a writer and editor living on a hill in Umbria, from where she writes about travel in Italy, the rest of Europe, and farther afield.

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Best Hotels and Resorts

Best things to do, best shopping, best nightlife, best restaurants, best time to visit, how to get there, how to get around.

Alexander Spatari/Getty Images

For me, the Eternal City is eternally fabulous. No matter how crowded it gets, how dysfunctional its current government is, or how many bad pizzas there are in ratio to good ones, Rome remains. It’s persisted and resisted for more than 2,775 years, and even at this ripe old age, Rome is still evolving. 

It’s an exciting time to visit Rome, and even for people who live there, the flurry of post-pandemic activity in the travel sector has been dizzying. “Archaeological sites that have been fenced-off for years are now accessible to visitors, there’s a host of innovative new tour options, and I can barely keep up with the number of absolutely stunning luxury hotels that have opened ,” says Travel + Leisure contributor and Rome resident Laura Itzkowitz, who also writes about Rome in her newsletter, The New Roman Times . “It’s a delight to see so much investment in the city and so many new ways to experience it.” 

No matter how you decide to see the city or whether your tastes swing towards art and architecture, high-end shopping and dining, or browsing markets and munching on street food, Rome gives you options. We asked Itzkowitz and some other Rome travel experts to weigh in on their favorite places and experiences to recommend in eternal Rome.

Top 5 Can’t Miss

  • Swoon over the cityscape. Few things are as romantic as Rome at night from a vantage point like the Fontana dell'Acqua Paola or the Capitoline Hill.
  • See marble turn to flesh. At the Galleria Borghese, Bernini’s lifelike sculptures are a gazillion times more impressive than what you remember from art history class. 
  • Do the Full Monty of Italian dining. Bring your appetite and go big, with antipasto, pasta, main course, and dessert at a homey trat like Da Enzo da 29.  
  • Get up early. At least once during your stay, request an early wake-up call to discover a deserted city. ArcheoRoma can lead the way. 
  • Shop at a market. If you don’t buy produce, trinkets, or street food at a real Roman market like Testaccio or Campo de’ Fiore, have you been to Rome? 

Courtesy of Bettoja Hotels

Palazzo Vilòn

If there’s one thing our experts agree on, it’s that Palazzo Vilòn luxury apartment is the most sumptuous new address in Rome. Nicole Bono, luxury travel and events planner with Bono Events International says, “When they open the doors for you, your jaw will drop.” Gary Portuesi, a T+L Top Travel Advisor with Authentic Explorations , says that at Vilòn, “you get to live like a Roman aristocrat in an intimate palazzo in the best neighborhood.”

Singer Palace

“I'm in love with the Singer Palace these days,” says Bono of this 19th-century beauty in the former Singer sewing machine headquarters. “It's family-owned, and that is felt with every single detail in this property. You're truly cuddled from the moment you walk in the door till your last Spritz before you leave.”

Hotel de Russie, a Rocco Forte Hotel

T+L readers’ favorite hotel in Rome is also a hit with Portuesi, who raves about its “with its unique and secluded Mediterranean tiered secret garden walking distance from the Spanish Steps, Fontana di Trevi and Piazza del Popolo.” The hotel’s Stravinskij Bar remains one of Rome’s most elegant locales for a cocktail.  

Hotel Mediterraneo

Every time I exit Termini Station, I sigh with comfort at the sight of this trusty four-star in a fascist-era Art Deco building. Stepping through the doors feels like stepping back in time, in a good way, with old-school service, a delightful lobby bar, and humongous suites, some with skyline views of Rome.

Christopher Larson/Travel + Leisure

Basilica di San Clemente

For a real sense of how Rome’s history is layered like a lasagna, head to this church near the Colosseum — or rather, underneath it. An atmospheric archaeological area beneath the not-too-shabby 12th-century church holds an even earlier Christian church, which lies on top of a pagan altar and an ancient Roman apartment building.  


If you’re a runner, join archaeologist, guide, and running enthusiast Isabella Calidonna on an early morning jogging tour through Rome's truly magical empty streets. (Trust me, it’s okay if you run slowly.) If you’re not a runner, don’t sweat it — she’ll be happy to do the same informative tour at a walking pace. 

Via del Governo Vecchio

Spend a late afternoon vintage shopping on my favorite street in Rome , then stick around for an aperitivo, followed by pizza and gelato. If that trifecta of Roman drinking and eating isn’t enough, this splendid street near Piazza Navona has a buzzy but manageable bar-hopping scene. 

Largo Argentina

Want to stand at the very site (or very near it, anyway) where Julius Caesar lost his life? Long visible only from street level and best known as a cat sanctuary among picturesque ruins, the archaeological area at Largo Argentina site is now open to the public, thanks to funding from Bulgari . The Curia of Pompeo, where Caesar got shivved, stands near the ruins of four ancient temples.

Galleria Borghese

Reserve your tickets in advance and prepare to be overwhelmed by the beauty here, both of the ornate salons of this noble palace turned art museum, and the amazing works inside, including Bernini’s spellbinding "Rape of Proserpine" and several Caravaggio paintings.

Testaccio Market

This sprawling covered market in the working-class Testaccio neighborhood offers an authentic slice of Roman daily life. Even if you’re not shopping for clothing, produce or fresh fish, stop for some of Rome’s best street food, especially a suppli at Food Box or a drippy panino at Modri e Vai. 

Itzkowitz is a fan of this artisan jeweler in Monti and even had owner Antonio design a pair of custom earrings for her wedding. If you don’t have time for a made-to-order bauble, the shop has many original designs, many of which feature colorful gemstones.

Essenzialmente Laura

For a real only-in-Rome gift or souvenir, Portuesi refers friends and clients to the perfumery of Laura Bosetti Tonatto, who’s made custom scents for celebrities, royals, and aristocrats, including Queen Elizabeth II. “You can create your own perfect perfume or find the scent you love,” he says. 

La Bottega del Marmoraro

It’s hard to imagine a store like this anywhere else — a tiny workshop on pretty Via Margutta where stone carver Sandro Fiorentino tinks away at marble plaques by hand. “I love to bring out-of-town visitors here,” says Itzkowitz. “Prices start at around 15 euros, which means you can find an affordable, handmade souvenir.”

Courtesy of Hassler Hotel

Fontana dell'Acqua Paola

Some of the best things in Rome are free, including the views from this monumental fountain high on the Janiculum hill. It’s one of T+L’s top underrated things to do in Rome . Fans of the Oscar-winning film “Rome, the Great Beauty” will recognize this majestic spot.

This classy bar offers great cocktails and light bites with a sublime view. “A table there in the stunning Piazza di Pietra,” says Bono, “with the incredible Roman columns all lit up is truly magical, and it feels like it's just there for you."

Hassler Hotel 7th Floor Terrace

The recipe for an unforgettable Roman evening: Start with panoramic city views from atop the Spanish Steps, stir in a specialty cocktail, garnish with some elevated aperitivo fare, and drink it all in at one of our favorite family-run hotels in Italy and one of the absolute best in Rome.

Da Enzo da 29

Despite its near-legendary status and the long lines for a table (Enzo doesn’t take reservations), Itzkowitz says a meal here is “worth the wait and lives up to the hype — every time.” She’s a fan of the handmade tonarelli cacio e pepe but says that the food here is consistently good across the menu. 

Trattoria Da Cesare Al Pellegrino

This new-in-2023 sister property of a neighborhood favorite in residential Monteverde brings hearty, traditional Roman pasta and meat dishes to the centro storico. “Run, don't walk,” says Bono, “because this city location is super charming, and tourists haven't found it yet.”

Pro Loco Pinciano

Portuesi says you’ll feel like a local at this super-casual pizza and pasta joint just outside the city walls, where the emphasis is on ingredients and wines sourced from the surrounding region on Lazio. Charcuterie platters are delicious and abundant here. 

L'Antica Pesa

Regularly named one of the best restaurants in Rome, this Trastevere culinary landmark is, per Portuesi, “a standard and consistent classic” and worth crossing the river for. Head here for a special dinner or when you’re ready to go big (before going home, maybe?) and order an appetizer, pasta (primo), meat, and dessert for the full Italian dining experience.

You’ve heard all the warnings about visiting in high summer, but if that’s the only time you have to visit, Itzkowitz says to do as the Romans do: rest in your cool hotel room in the afternoon and venture out again in the early evening. Bono agrees that summer can be...sticky but adds, “Those summer sunsets on a rooftop with an Aperol spritz certainly make for that 'Dolce Vita moment' we all crave.”

Portuesi recommends November, as it’s still relatively warm and the crowds have thinned out; January, when sale season starts; or April and October. “Tourists might still be there, but the colors of spring and autumn are amazing, and temperatures are on the warm side.” I love visiting in January or February when the crowds are much more manageable, and if you’re lucky, you can catch some lovely, crisp, sunny days.

Most visitors fly into Rome’s Leonardo da Vinci/Fiumicino Airport (FCO). From there, you can take a 30-minute non-stop train to Termini, the central station, and take a taxi, Metro, bus, or tram to your accommodation. A cab from FCO to anywhere inside the Aurelian Walls costs 50 euros. Ride-sharing services other than Uber Black are not available in Rome. 

Rome’s historic center is primarily flat and highly walkable. Many visitors take the Metro to reach the Vatican Museums, then walk back into the city from there (or take a cab from St. Peter’s Square). 

Buses and Metro, both run by ATAC , are also reliable ways to get around, though depending on the distance, walking may be faster. Note that taxis in Rome cannot be hailed on the street. Instead, they wait at taxi stands or ranks generally located near tourist areas. 

I strongly recommend against renting a car in Rome, as traffic and parking are a mess and the centro is a maze of one-way streets, many of which are pedestrian-only. If you pick up a car in Rome for a more extended tour in Italy, make sure you have your route mapped out in advance — and nerves of steel. 

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The Roman Guy

Italy Travel Experts Tours and Vacations

Rome Travel Tips

The Complete Guide To Planning Your Trip To Rome: Tips, Restaurants, and More

Sean Finelli Last Updated: August 29, 2023

Traveling to Rome for the first time? Nobody wants to pick a hotel in the wrong part of town or sit down at a bad restaurant. The good news is you’re reading this article, so you won’t have these problems! This guide will cover some of the Rome basics and links to a ton of great resources to make planning your trip to Rome easy and fun. 

Pro Tip: Bookmark this post and other helpful articles, like where to stay in Rome in a trip folder on your browser so you can quickly find them when you need them. Rome is an expansive city worthy of a tour or two, explore our top-rated Rome tours and experiences . Also, check out our other resources on planning your trip to Rome .

How To Plan Your Trip To Rome: A Complete Guide

In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to know to plan a memorable vacation in the Eternal City, with plenty of additional resources to explore. From the logistics of where to stay and how to get around the city to the finer details of how to get your coffee, basic Italian phrases, and top things to do, we’ll help you prepare for your dream trip in Rome.

  • Airports and Public Transport (Metro)
  • Where To Stay
  • Things To Do
  • Food Culture
  • Credit Cards, Tipping, and Communicating

When To Travel To Rome and What To Pack

Rome airports and public transport, rome airports.

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There are two main airports in Rome, Ciampino and Fiumicino, and they are both roughly the same distance from the city center.

Fiumicino (FCO)

In short, to get from Fiumicino Airport (FCO) to Rome’s city center, the train is the most popular means of transport, taxi is the most convenient, and the bus is the least popular.

By far, the most popular way to get from Fiumicino airport to the city center is by train. For €15, you can get the Fiumicino Express from FCO to Termini station (main station).

A taxi is the most convenient way to get to the center. There are regulated rates from the airport to the city center that fall between €45 – €50, depending on a few difficult-to-explain criteria, such as what type of license the taxi has. If you’re staying outside the historic center of Rome, you may also have to pay more or less. You can normally pay with a credit card in taxis but always ask.

Ciampino (CIA)

The bus is the most popular way to get from Ciampino Airport (CIA) to the city center. Buses tend to cost around €6 – €7, depending on the airport and the coach company. They run based on arrivals. Terravision has been around for a long time and is pretty cheap. 

Taxi, again, is the most convenient. They cost between €35 – €45 depending on the same factors mentioned above, which are difficult to understand.

BEST ways to get to ROME from the AIRPORTS (FCO &amp; CIA)

Rome Transportation Options

Rome has plenty of transportation options. How you decide to get around Rome on any given day on your trip will depend on your preferences, what you have planned to do, and where you’re going. We’ll go over all of them:

Walking in Rome

Rome is an extremely walkable city. If you’re in reasonably good shape and the weather isn’t overly hot, you can walk Rome’s historical center very well. However, the streets can sometimes be confusing. If you aren’t using a mobile map app, it could get tough.

The Colosseum is a 35-minute walk from the Piazza del Popolo and around a 60-minute walk from the Vatican Museums Entrance. However, it’s important to pick your battles. For example, you may not want to walk to the Vatican from the Colosseum, considering that you’ll be on your feet for at least three hours when visiting the Vatican Museums with a guided tour. Some of our top-rated Vatican tours last up to 5 hours to give visitors an enriched experience of the museums. In this case, it might be better to take the subway or even a taxi to conserve energy.

That said, be prepared to walk when you’re in Rome. If you aren’t already doing so, walk at least an hour each day to get your legs ready for your trip!

Rome Bus System

We have a great video on what you need to know to use the buses in Rome . It’s a little dated but fun to watch, and you’ll see exactly where to get bus tickets, how to ask for one, and how to conquer Rome’s bus system. There are three fundamentals that you need to know when using the buses:

  • Buy a ticket before you get on and validate it when you’re on the bus.
  • The bus signs are pretty confusing unless you know the city really well. So, download an app .
  • The buses go literally everywhere. They’re a good option but get hot and crowded in the summer—just something to keep in mind.

Walking around Rome can get really tiring. Hopping on a bus for a kilometer or two can make all the difference. Save your energy for the highlights of your trip.

Rome Metro (Subway) System

The Roma metro system has two lines: the red A-line and the blue B-line. As a visitor, you’ll find yourself on the A-line the most. It goes from Termini past the Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, Piazza del Popolo, and most importantly, the Vatican.

The B-line will get you from Termini Station to the Colosseum and Circus Maximus. These are the most popular stops for visitors using the metro to get to Rome’s top attractions .

You can’t get to Trastevere by metro, but you can get close to Testaccio by getting off at Piramide. Both Trastevere and Testaccio are known for their lively nightlife and great food. Your hotel and most Airbnbs will have a metro map that you can keep handy.

Getting a Taxi in Rome 

I use public transportation for short, direct rides to get from place to place. For example, going from the Vatican to the Spanish Steps or from Termini Station to the Colosseum. For anything complicated, I normally pony up and take a taxi. They’re relatively cheap if they don’t rip you off—which they will try to do.

A good workaround is to search for your destination in your phone’s map app, get directions from your current location, and hit go. Then, show that map to the taxi driver when they ask where you want to go. This way, they know you’re tracking. Otherwise, there’s really nothing you can do. Just don’t pre-negotiate the rate. There’s a meter in the vehicle that determines the cost.

Renting a Scooter in Rome

If I’m in Rome for more than a couple of days, I’ll rent a scooter. It’s a good option if you have scooter experience. If you don’t, I wouldn’t recommend it. It can be dangerous getting around an unknown city when you don’t even know how to drive the thing, let alone negotiate traffic and figure out where to go.

Where To Stay in Rome

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Rome is a large metropolitan city, but the area most visitors are interested in is the historical center or  Centro Storico because it’s pretty condensed. You can walk from the Colosseum to the Vatican, almost on opposite sides of the historical center or “center” for short, in an hour.

The center is the place to be in Rome, and each neighborhood is really great. I prefer the northern sections like Piazza Navona and Spanish Steps.  To me, they are classical Roman/Italian and super nice. Here are the best areas to consider with links to in-depth neighborhood guides:

  • Spanish Steps
  • Pantheon/Piazza Navona
  • Prati (Vatican)

Again, I really like anything near the Spanish Steps, as I like being in the thick of it. It will come with a price tag, but savvy travelers find deals. Check out our in-depth guide on where to stay in Rome, covering the city’s best neighborhoods.

Top Things To Do in Rome

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From visiting the Sistine Chapel to an underground apothecary run by priests, there are unlimited things to do in Rome. One of the best ways to see a city with this kind of history is to join local guides on fun tours with exclusive access and endless stories to tell. There are so many things to see and ways to see them. Check out all our Rome tours that include the top monuments and museums, plus incredible day trips.

This is a list of the top things to do while you’re in the Eternal City. Be sure to follow the links for more in-depth information on visiting each one of these monuments and museums.

Top Museums

Rome has over 60 incredible museums containing some of the world’s most important works of art. It may be difficult to decide which of them you’ll see. Check out our guide on the seven best museums to visit in Rome for details. Here’s a quick list:

  • The Vatican Museums
  • The Borghese Gallery
  • The Capitoline Museum
  • Palazzo Barberini
  • Palazzo Altemps
  • Palazzo Massimo alle Terme
  • MAXXI Museum

Top Monuments

Rome is filled with historical monuments and attractions. Some of them you have likely heard. Others may be new to you. Here is a list of what you should see on your Rome trip. Check out this guide for the stories behind these top monuments and attractions in Rome .

  • The Colosseum
  • The Basilica of St. Peter
  • The Catacombs of Domitilla
  • The Roman Forum
  • The Pantheon
  • The Palatine Hill
  • The Trevi Fountain
  • Piazza Navona
  • The Spanish Steps
  • Belevedere of Gianicolo Hill
  • The Tiber Island
  • The Mouth of Truth
  • Trajan’s Column
  • Il Pincio and Piazza del Popolo

Must-See Gardens and Parks

If you love beautiful manicured gardens and green spaces, this is for you. There are a number of must-see gardens and parks in Rome . The Villa Borghese and Vatican Gardens are the more well-known among them, but you may also want to visit some of these:

  • Villa Doria Pamphili
  • Villa Borghese
  • Park of the Acquedotti
  • Giardino degli Aranci
  • Vatican Gardens
  • Villa Ada Savoia
  • Villa Sciarra

Absolutely Free Things To Do

You may be surprised by the cool free things you can do in Rome . Some of the city’s most well-known sites are completely free to explore. Check out this list:

Food Culture in Rome

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Where to start with Italian food? It’s often one of the top reasons why tourists come to Italy, and for good reason. Every region serves amazing, fresh, handmade delicacies.

A traditional Italian meal will go like this: antipasto (starter), primo (pasta), secondo (meat and vegetables), dolci (dessert), followed by coffee and liquors. Do Italians eat like this every day?

Fortunately for those of us who live here, no! But these are typically the headings that you’ll see on a menu, so it’s best to have an idea of what they mean. There’s a lot to cover in this section, here’s a breakdown: 

  • How to Find Local Restaurants

Types of Restaurants

Rome meal times.

  • Coffee Culture
  • Drinking Fountains

How To Find Local Restaurants in Rome

Rome is a very touristy city, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t good places to eat in the city center. Check out our Rome restaurant master list that we regularly update . From there, you can navigate and see our restaurant recommendations near every major Roman attraction. 

In general, avoid restaurants within sight of a tourist attraction, particularly if they have pictures of the food on the menu or people standing outside trying to hustle you in. Even in the most authentic restaurants, don’t expect particularly friendly service.

Some of the best food is often flung at you without so much as a “hello,” but it’s guaranteed to be worth it. Areas a little more off the beaten track are where you’re more likely to have an authentic experience. For example, the area of Testaccio is well-known for being a classic Roman foodie area, packed with local restaurants.

A really great way to experience a wide variety of Roman cuisine in good restaurants is to join a food tour. They’re a trendy and fun way to get to know the local food scene. Check out our top-rated  Trastevere food tour in Rome .

In Italy, there are stereotypical classifications for almost anything, including restaurants. When you’re in Rome, you’ll notice restaurants don’t just have a name, like “Tony’s,” but also a classification, such as “Trattoria.”  Each one means something specific, and it lets you know what kind of food and experience to expect. Unfortunately, very few visitors to Italy know the difference between an osteria and a trattoria . We’ll solve that for you right here.

Imagine waking up at 6:30  am, rolling over to your significant other, and saying, “Want to head to the bar?” This is what happens almost every morning to millions of Italians.

No, they are not alcoholics. You can get alcohol at an Italian Bar, but you normally don’t. It’s where you get breakfast. You’ll see the “Bar” sign all over Italy, and when you walk in, you’ll find espresso drinks, cornetto, and panini. You can also get freshly squeezed orange juice or vegetable juice. I highly recommend it!

Unlike the bar, you definitely shouldn’t wake up at 7 a.m. asking you’re significant other to go to the enoteca . This is where you go for an alcoholic drink like a glass of wine or a beer.

A good enoteca will serve tons of wine by the glass in many different price ranges. They’ll often also serve cured meat plates for a snack or even warm meals at times. I definitely recommend stopping by one of these on your travels in Italy and Rome.

Tavola Calda

One of my favorite types of places to eat lunch is a tavola calda . They are normally unassuming and serve many different types of dishes, from cooked vegetables to lasagna and pasta dishes. The dishes normally change from day to day based on what is in season and other factors.

For example, gnocchi in Rome is only served on Thursdays. If you see it on the menu seven days a week, you may be in a tourist trap. Authentic Roman restaurants only serve this dish on  giovedí.  You have been warned.

These are pretty cool little sandwich shops. Dotted all over Rome, they range in quality. Don’t refer to your sandwich as a “panini” unless you get more than one. The “i” makes it plural. Italian’s order a  panino. 

Check out 200 Gradi by the Vatican. It’s an awesome place. Campo dei Fiori also has an awesome drive-up stand open for lunch that serves porchetta.

Osterie are pretty cool if you can find one. They are basically super cheap and simple places to eat. A true osteria would have communal-style tables and serve very cheap meals. Back in the day, when Italy was extremely impoverished, they’d even allow you to bring your own food and just drink there.  Imagine that today?

You can find restaurants with the title “Osteria” in Italy, but you shouldn’t bring your own food or normally expect to eat with strangers. There is a place in Florence, Da Mario , which says it is a trattoria, but it feels more like what a traditional osteria would have been like.

Expect a warm and cheap meal if you happen to go inside an osteria in Rome, and even more so in the Italian countryside. The menu will either be non-existent or small. In the countryside or in small towns, they can be really cool. The waiter may rock up to your table and say, “Today, we are serving pasta with clams. Would you like fettucini or spaghetti with that?” Enjoy!

The trattoria of Rome sits somewhere between osteria and ristorante . Almost all Italian restaurants are family-run, bu t trattories are quintessentially family-run. They are normally inexpensive but have a larger menu than an osteria.

Expect traditional regional cuisine at a trattoria. If you go to two different ones, you may find the exact same things on the menu. This is because they offer their family’s version of that regional dish.

This is basically the Italian equivalent of a more formal restaurant. They’ll have a menu with all the Italian courses, and you’ll be expected to eat each course. You should definitely find a top-rated ristorante in Rome and budget 3 hours for your meal. Really indulge in the food, wine, and desserts.


This is an Italian bakery serving all types of delightful local treats. They are probably the best places to go for breakfast as they’ll make their cornettos fresh and supply them to all the bars.

You should be able to get a coffee here, too, but that isn’t a given. If you’re staying in an Airbnb or apartment rental, find a pasticceria close by and pick up a bunch of  cornetti  for your group. You’ll be everyone’s favorite person!


You won’t find this is in Rome, but it’s worth mentioning. A rosticceria is a place you can go to find pre-cooked meals like roasted meats and high-quality products. If you do find one and you’re renting an apartment, consider doing take-out one night from a rosticceria.

Taverna or Rifugio

You’ll find restaurants in Rome with  taverna in their names, but this is more a colorful play on words.  Taverne  are secluded restaurants in the Italian mountains where you could get a hearty meal, something to drink, and possibly a warm bed to sleep in.

Today, you can still find a few dotted in the landscape, but you’re more likely to find an agriturismo, which is more of a B&B. A taverna in Rome is most likely going to decorate its interior in a rustic countryside style and have hearty meals on its menu. It’s kind of like going to a seafood restaurant that’s decorated in a nautical theme but nowhere near an ocean.

One of the biggest cultural differences is that Romans tend to eat much later than basically everyone except the Spanish. In fact, many of the best restaurants won’t open until at least 7:30 p.m.

Lunch: 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Dinner: 7:30 pm – 11 pm

To avoid eating in an empty restaurant and to really make the most of your evenings in Rome, try and fit in with them and eat a bit later. Around 8 pm is a good time to sit down.

Coffee Culture in Rome

espresso italy

Italians take their coffee culture very seriously, and there are almost as many rules about coffee as there are for food. Here’s what you need to know to get your coffee fix in Rome:

Espresso “un Café”: A very small shot of coffee. Unless you’ve been to Italy, it’s never been this small.

Café Doppio: Double shot of espresso.

Café Macchiato:   Basically a mini cappuccino. Imagine an espresso and foamed milk all in a tiny espresso cup. Normally, men order these in the morning.

Cappuccino:  This is espresso and foamed milk in a small cup. It’s larger than a macchiato, but nowhere near that tall cappuccino you are used to. You won’t find a larger size.

Café Americano:  Espresso with hot water. The name is from WWII, when American troops would ask Italians to put hot water in the espresso.

Latte: A cup of milk—don’t order this if you want caffeine.

Café Latte: Warm, non-foamy milk with espresso.

The Coffee Rules (Yes, there are rules)

  • No cappuccino or milk-based espresso after 11 a.m. You can do it, obviously, but it’s not really the culture.
  • No cappuccino or milk-based espresso with meals. Don’t do this.
  • It is cheap when you stand up at the bar (€1 – €2), expensive when you sit down. Same for everyone, not just tourists.

Rome Water Fountains

rome water fountains

One of the best things to know about Rome is that there’s no need to buy plastic bottles of water when you get thirsty—there are tons of fountains dotted around the city, and Romans are very proud of them.

Bring a refillable water bottle, and fill it up whenever you see one. There’s also an app to help you find them called I Nasoni di Roma. If you’re going in the heat of summer, you’ll find this tip invaluable!

People are always surprised that you can drink from these fountains, which is crazy if you think about it. Their original purpose was to provide running water to each neighborhood since most houses didn’t have running water. Today, we forget that fact and are astonished by this basic concept due to our many creature comforts.

Credit Cards, Tipping, and Communicating in Rome

tipping in italy

Cash or Credit?

The currency in Italy is the euro. An important thing to remember about Italy is that cash is still king. It’s necessary to carry a reasonable amount of cash around with you at all times to avoid getting stuck.

In general, most restaurants will allow you to pay on a card, as will large shops and tourist attractions. But for drinks, coffee, transport tickets, and small items, cards often aren’t accepted. There may even be a €10 minimum on card payments.

Rule of Thumb:  If it’s less than €10, pay cash. It’s more than €10, and you can probably pay credit as long as there isn’t a “Solo Cash” sign on the door.

The Good News:  The Italian word for credit card is carta di credito . Any Italian shop owner will understand when you ask, “Credit Card?” They’ll also know to respond, “Cash” if they don’t accept credit cards. So, there’s no need to stress.

Tipping isn’t really expected in Italy. I’ve tried to convince visitors that you just need to leave some extra change, a euro per person, regardless of check size, but it normally falls on deaf ears. To simplify things, I have created different levels of tipping to help people understand:

Don Corleone:  Leave 20%, and when you go back, the restaurant staff will celebrate your return as if you were the Godfather. You may get some sneers from other restaurant goers who can’t get your waiter’s attention.

Super Nice : Leave 10%. It’s less than you are used to but far more than anyone in Italy would expect.

Roman : Leave a euro or two extra per person. The wait staff will be very happy.

Nothing at All : Leave nothing and nobody will say anything. Your food will not be poisoned upon returning.

Communicating in English or Italian

One of my favorite things to watch is travelers trying to string together Italian words into sentences from a guidebook. I have been that traveler in many countries. The worst part, though, is when you actually make sense, and the person responds, much to your bewilderment.

Let’s not romanticize the key phrases part of a guidebook here and keep it simple. The phrases below will make you look like a pro because you’ll get simple responses such as si (yes) or a finger pointing to the bathrooms. Remember that c’s have a hard “ch” sound, unlike Spanish.

How much does this cost? Quanto costa?

Check, please. Il conto per favore.

Do you take credit cards? Posso pagare con la carte? 

Where is the bathroom? Dov’è il bagno? Or simply, “bagno?” 

Water?  Acqua?

Table for two, please. Tavolo per due, per favore.

Can you order for me? Fai te?

The last recommendation is by far my favorite. If your waiter is Roman, they will accept the challenge and bring some tasty food. A key phrase is certo (pronounced cherto), which means “of course”. Romans use this all the time, so you may hear it instead of si .

travel blog rome

When To Travel

Part of the reason why people love Rome is the weather. It’s pretty much always nice, and bad weather is when it is too hot. That’s a good problem to have.


Avg Rome Temp (NOAA)

The average monthly temperature in Rome ranges from a low of 37 degrees Fahrenheit (F) to a high of 89 F.  It snows once every 10 to 50 years, and people don’t know what to do when that happens—it’s the greatest.

To decide when you want to travel to Rome, you can use this equation to get a rough idea.

How much am I willing to spend / Am I ok with cooler weather = Daily budget

Cheapest Months:

  • December (1st – 20th)
  • Jan (7th – 31st)
  • March (1st – 20th)

Mid-Range Months:

  • March (21st – 31st)
  • April (excluding 5 days on either side of Easter)
  • October (although it can be higher in price early in the month)

Full-Price Months:

  • Christmas to New Year
  • Easter (5 days on either side)

What To Pack

Check out the infographic below on what to pack. While it’s very useful, the ideal amount to pack is one change of clothes and a mostly empty suitcase. Shopping in Italy is great, so the more space you can leave in your suitcase, the better.

You don’t need to pack an umbrella. As soon as it rains, hundreds of people will appear out of nowhere selling umbrellas. It’s magical. Also, you can’t wear heels in Rome. Let me clarify, you can wear flats and pack heels in your purse for when you are inside bars and restaurants. The cobblestones make wearing heels nearly impossible.

travel blog rome

Rome has a rich cultural history and many iconic landmarks to explore. Plan where to stay in the magnificent Eternal City in the best neighborhoods.

people with smartphone looking for directions in an app

Reader Interactions

Comments (12).

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September 3, 2019

What a lovely description of Italy and Italians you have given to us! I love to read about the transport, food and most importantly the people. Awesome work done! Keep them coming!

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September 4, 2019

Ciao Tanisha! What a lovely comment. We are so happy to provide you with helpful tips for your vacation!

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October 24, 2019

A very informative article. Thank you so much for sharing these things.

October 28, 2019

Ciao! Thanks so much for reading our blog! It’s our mission to provide you with the most useful information possible for your trip.

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November 19, 2019

Nice quality post. Thumbs Up from my side. Special thanks to theromanguy for sharing this valuable information. Once again appreciated!

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January 6, 2020

Nice tips. I’d add the 48 euro fixed rate from the airport to the centre as the best option if there are at least 2 people. By the time you take the train then Metro or taxi from Termini it just about equals out.

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January 21, 2020

Thanks for the tip, Gary!

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May 15, 2020

Rome really such a beautiful city, wish more people will be able to experience it. Thanks for the insightful article.

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June 9, 2020

It is nice you included few basic lines of Italian language everyone should know when visiting Italy or and other country. People are so friendlier to you if you can say “Hi” to them in their language.

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July 21, 2020

Hey, thanks for sharing this, I enjoyed reading it looking forward to my next trip to Italy.

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April 23, 2021

Admiring the time and energy you put into your blog and detailed information you provide.

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September 27, 2022

thank you – very helpful and have taken notes for our trip 🙂

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Exit Stairway Vatican Museums Rome

3 Days in Rome: The Perfect Rome Itinerary

Last updated: April 15, 2024 . Written by Laurence Norah - 234 Comments

Planning on spending three days in Rome? We think this post will help you make the most of your trip!

Rome is easily one of our favorite cities in Europe. It is absolutely stuffed full of sights, with thousands of years of history layered upon itself – you’ll find everything here from Roman ruins to Renaissance art.

It’s also home to fantastic food, the Vatican City and sights like the Trevi Fountain, the Colosseum and the Spanish Steps.

We have visited Rome many times over the years and always find more to see and do. Certainly, three days in Rome is not enough to see absolutely everything that the city has to offer, but it’s definitely enough to see all the highlights if you manage your time effectively.

Laurence and Jessica in St Peters Square

With a focus on the highlights in Rome, we wanted to share what we think is an excellent itinerary for your time in Rome, which covers the attractions that visitors to Rome are most likely going to want to visit. This covers all the major highlights for your three day visit.

Following the itinerary, this post is then full of tips and advice for visiting Rome that will help you get the most out of your stay, as well as save money on attraction entry, transport and accommodation.

To get the most out of your trip and to be sure you see all the major attractions, you will need to do a bit of forward planning and even reserve your entry time to the key attractions – otherwise you’ll waste your time standing in lines unnecessarily and even miss out on being able to visit.

Don’t worry though, we explain everything in this post to help you save time and make the most of your budget, whatever that may be.

If you are visiting Europe on a longer trip, this guide to 3 days in Rome fits in perfectly with our 2 week Europe itinerary , which you might also want to check out for some ideas and advice on travelling in Europe. We also have a 10 day Italy itinerary to help you plan further adventures in Italy.

Now, let’s get started with our guide to the best things to do in Rome in 3 days.

3 Days in Rome

This guide to Rome is quite full, so do feel free to adjust it to meet your own interests.

It is certainly possible to do everything in this guide with three days, and you can see the comments at the end of the post for feedback from many visitors who have used this guide to do just that!

However, if you would prefer a more relaxed itinerary, you can definitely adjust it to suit.

Day 1 in Rome

Vatican city.

The Vatican City is the first thing on our list for your visit to Rome. It’s a country of its own, inside Rome, and is home to world-famous sites including the Vatican Museums , the Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter’s Basilica.

3 days in Rome - Vatican

We recommend you come here early and head straight for the Vatican Museum with your pre-booked ticket. We cover ways to skip the lines in Rome further on in this post, but if you purchase a Rome Tourist Card or Omnia Rome and Vatican pass , you will have the option to pre-book a timeslot for your skip the line entry.

If you don’t get a pass, another option is to book your tickets online which will give you skip the line access to the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel. You can buy tickets online with GetYourGuide here and Tiqets here (for Tiqets we have a 5% discount on their normal price with our link).

You can also book tickets directly from the Vatican here. Prices and availability fluctuate, usually the Vatican site is the best value but it can vary so do check them all.

Doors to the Vatican Museum open at 9am, so we recommend you arrange your entry for as close to then as you can manage. The Vatican Museum gets really crowded as the day progresses, so getting here early will let you enjoy it for a while before it gets too busy.

You can also book to take a tour which gets you early entry to the Vatican before the doors open for general admission. This tour for example starts at 7.30am and includes breakfast in the Vatican, as does this tour with Take Walks.

We’ve done the Take Walks early entry Pristine Sistine tour and can very much recommend it, the tour guides are excellent and can really bring what you are seeing to life.

For an even more exclusive experience, you might consider the VIP Vatican Key Master’s Tour . This is a premium tour that has you in the Vatican at 6am to accompany the Key Masters as they open the museums up. It’s an amazing experience, and one we thoroughly enjoyed; however it has limited availability and is more of an experience than a tour. Check that out here .

There is loads to see in the Vatican Museums, which span 7km of exhibits, so you could spend a whole lot of time here.

Our favorites include the Map Room, the Sistine Chapel, and the fabulous double helix exit stairwell, but we’re sure you’ll discover treasures of your own.

See our guide to visiting the Vatican for everything you need to know, including all the highlights.

Rome in 3 days - Exit Stairway Vatican Museums Rome_by_Laurence Norah (3)

Next, it’s back outside and on to St. Peter’s Basilica .

St Peter’s Basilica doesn’t have an entry fee, but as of March 2023 it also doesn’t have skip the line tickets (skip the line tickets used to be a paid alternative and we hope they come back soon!).

So the best option if you want to skip the line at St. Peter’s Basilica is to invest either in a tour like one of these or a pass which includes a tour like the Rome Tourist Card . Some tours of the Vatican,  like this one , also include skip the line access to St. Peter’s Basilica which can be a good all in one option.

At busier times of year some form of quick access like a tour is absolutely worth it, but if you are visiting in the off season it’s not really necessary.

Once inside, you’ll be able to enjoy visiting the world’s largest church, and what is regarded as one of the holiest Catholic shrines.

With designers including Bramante, Raphael and Michelangelo, it’s a truly Renaissance building, and is a work of art in itself – before you even start to consider all the artworks within! If you’re up to it, we highly recommend the climb to the top of the dome. This offers superb views across the city, as well as the chance to see the Basilica from above.

Once you’re done with the Vatican City attractions, you can head on to our next stop. Don’t feel you need to rush though – the Vatican City is definitely going to be a highlight of the day, and you are welcome to spend a few hours exploring at your leisure. The rest of Rome will wait. When you’re ready, a short walk will take you to the next stop on our list.

Note, the Vatican is closed on Sundays and some other days – you can see all opening times and days on the official website here .

In terms of timing, you’re probably looking at spending around half a day in Vatican City at least, finishing up around midday or 1pm. Just in time for some food.

TIP: If you are an early bird, come to St. Peter’s Basilica at opening time. It normally opens around 7am, and if you come here at this time there’ll be barely anyone else about, and no lines to worry about. You can explore in peace, and then head over to the Vatican Museums when they open.

travel blog rome

Castel Sant’Angelo

Originally built as a mausoleum for the Emperor Hadrian, Castel Sant’Angelo has been sitting on the banks of the river Tiber for nearly two thousand years.

In that time, it has evolved from its initial role as a tomb, becoming a fortress, a castle, and finally, a museum.

3 Days in Rome - Castel Sant'Angelo Rome

Today it is open to the public, and you can climb right to the top, for gorgeous views of the city. You’ll also be able to marvel at the building techniques that have allowed it to survive for two millennia.

The Castel is open every day from 9am – 7.30pm with some holiday exceptions – see more here . You can buy tickets in person or from the official ticket site here .

You can also buy tickets from GetYourGuide here or from Tiqets here . It’s always worth comparing as prices vary, in most cases the official site will be the best value but not always.

We’d suggest spending around an hour here.

Piazza del Popolo

From the Castel Sant’Angelo it’s a pleasant twenty-minute walk along the banks of the river Tiber to the Piazza del Popolo.

This was the location of the northern gate of Rome, and is where, for countless years before trains, planes and cars, travelers would actually arrive into Rome.

3 Days in Rome - Piazza del Popolo Rome

From here, three roads span southwards in a trident formation, with the central road, the Via del Corso, running dead straight through the centre of Rome to the Piazza Venezia.

Originally this would have been the route from the northern gate of Rome to the Roman Forum.

In the centre of the Piazza is an Egyptian obelisk, dating from the rule of Ramses II, which was brought to Rome in 10BC, and put in this plaza in the 16th century.

On the south side of the Piazza are the twin churches of Santa Maria in Montesanto, and Santa Maria del Miracoli, sitting either side of Via Corso.

Spanish Steps

We’re going to continue our first day by taking in a few of Rome’s highlights that you can take as long or as little time to visit as you wish. First on the list are the Spanish Steps .

Spanish Steps Rome

You can access these by walking in a south easterly direction through the Villa Borghese Gardens and down Viale della Trinita dei Monti.

This 135 step staircase was opened in 1735 to link the Spanish Embassy near the bottom of the steps to the Trinita dei Monti staircase at the top, and are today a popular spot to stop, eat Gelato, and watch the world go by. They were made particularly popular in the 1953 movie Roman Holiday , starring Audrey Hepburn.

Note that as of August 2019 , it’s no longer permitted to sit on the Spanish Steps as they have been classified as a monument, and there is the potential of being fined if you do so. So stick to standing on them instead!

Trevi Fountain

Continuing our must-visit Rome highlights, our next stop in our wanders through Rome is the Trevi Fountain.

This is the world’s largest Baroque fountain, and is always a popular location – whatever time of day (or night!) you visit. Built in the early 18th century, it is said that if you throw a coin into the fountain, you are guaranteed to return to Rome.

Trevi Fountain Rome

This seems to be a popular past time, as over three thousand euro’s worth of coins are throw into the fountain each day.

These go to a good cause – each night the coins are removed from the fountain and used by a charity that helps those in need purchase food.

In our experience this is nearly always a crowded location. If you want to visit it without the crowds then come here early in the morning when central Rome tends to be a bit quieter.

The Pantheon

A little walk from the Trevi Fountain is the incredible Pantheon. This building, which has been standing for almost 2,000 years, is the best preserved Ancient Roman monument in Rome.

I dare you not to be impressed by its incredible dome, which even today, two thousand years since it was built, still holds the record as the world’s largest unreinforced concrete dome.

Pantheon Rome

Originally built as a temple to the Roman gods, the Pantheon was converted for use as a Christian church in 609 AD, which is the main reason it survives in such excellent condition today.

It’s also notable for being home to the graves of a number of important folk, including the painter Raphael and two Italian Kings.

For a long time the Pantheon was free to visit but as of July 2023 there’s a small fee. You can pay this on-site, or you can buy it online in advance from the official site here (you’ll need to create an account).

Tickets with an audioguide are also available from GetYourGuide online here , although they are a bit more expensive.

You also can book an audioguide in advance here to help explain what you are seeing.

We think it’s very much worth the small fee as we have never failed to be impressed by this incredible building when we have visited it!

Piazza Navona

Wow, this has been a busy first day in Rome! We recommend finishing your adventure off with a visit to the Piazza Navona.

This has been a designated public space since the 15th century, and is full of gorgeous Baroque architecture.

Its most famous feature is undoubtedly Bernini’s fountain, which stands at the center – the Fountain of the Four Rivers, which dates from 1651.

Rome Context walking tour

The Piazza is a fun place to be, and often features street performers and markets, depending on the time of day and week that you visit. We always enjoy sitting and watching the fun in the evenings here.

There are a lot of options here for dining and drinking as well, although bear in mind that you always pay more in Rome at the more popular locations, especially if they have a terrace or view.

We ate at Caffe Domiziano, which has two seating areas. It’s cheaper to sit in the section on Corsia Agonale rather than on the main square. The food is the same, just the price is different.

Our current favourite cafe in Piazza Navona though is Ai Tre Tartufi, which has friendly staff and a good selection of drinks and food.

Another option to consider, rather than ending your day here, is to take a food walking tour.

We’ve taken many food walking tours in Rome, with this evening food and wine tour of the Trastevere neighborhood being one of our favorites. A food tour is a great way to try a lot of local food (and often drink), and also to get some recommendations for other locations to eat in Rome.

See our complete guide to food tours in Rome for more suggestions. Now, time to rest before day two of our three day Rome itinerary!

Food Tour Rome

Day 2: Rome Itinerary

Our second day in Rome starts with another Rome highlight – the Colosseum , also referred to as the Coliseum.

Built in Roman times as a space for holding public spectacles, the Colosseum is most famous for being the home of gladiators, who would battle it out in front of audiences that could number as many as 80,000 people.

Coliseum Rome

The Colosseum is the largest amphitheater in the world, and despite suffering some damage in its two thousand years of existence, is still hugely impressive to visit.

It’s one of the most popular destinations in Rome for visitors, so again, our advice is to come as early as you can and take advantage of a pass or advance ticket purchase options so you can skip the ticket queue and go straight to the security line.

You can book entry to the Colosseum directly from the official website here , which tends to offer the best value for standard entry tickets.

If you do decide to just get a standard entry ticket rather than taking a guided tour, then I highly recommend picking up a guide book which includes details on the Colosseum like this pocket guide , or downloading a free audio guide which covers the Colosseum like this one from Rick Steves .

This will really help you navigate the site, as there is so much to see and it can be quite overwhelming otherwise.

There are also a range of Colosseum entry options on GetYourGuide here and on Tiqets here . These include tours and tickets with addons like multimedia guides or bundles which include other attractions and activities in Rome.

These are going to be a little more expensive but can definitely be worth it if you want to take a tour or will take advantage of the other bundled products.

If you are interested in purchasing an attraction pass for your visit to Rome, skip the line access for the Colosseum is included on the Rome and Vatican Pass , the Roma Pass and the Rome Tourist Card .

Colosseum entry is also included if you take a guided tour like this one with Take Walks , or one of these options on GetYourGuide .

We highly recommend taking a tour of the Colosseum like this one or this one if your budget allows for it, as it is a complex site with a lot of history. But it’s up to you of course!

Note that as of October 2023 all Colosseum tickets are issued in the name of the person visiting, and you need to bring ID with you to use your ticket.

If you are using a city pass that includes access to the Colosseum, you will still need to make a reservation to visit.

You need to do this as far in advance as possible to secure the time you want. You can make the reservation either by calling the reservation line, or (more easily) by booking online.

If there are no timeslots available, your best option for visiting the Colosseum is to take a guided tour like this , or like this , as guided tours have a separate ticket allocation system. If you book a guided tour, you don’t need to book a separate ticket or timeslot for visiting the Colosseum.

We highly recommend reading our detailed guide to visiting the Colosseum , which will help you make the most of your visit and not waste time in lines, as well as to understand the rules around passes, time slots and so on!

The Colosseum is open every day, with times varying depending on the time of year. You can see more information here . We’d suggest you’re going to want to spend between 90 minutes and 2 hours on site.

Roman Forum & Palatine Hill

Your Colosseum ticket is also good for entry to the Roman Forum & Palatine Hill (as long as you visit on the same day), which is conveniently located right next door.

If you don’t buy a ticket in advance for the Colosseum, then we suggest you visit the Roman Forum first, as the queues for tickets are much shorter.

However, they can only sell same day timeslots for entry to the Colosseum, and in the busy months these are not available.

Again, we highly recommend advance booking your tickets and timeslots for the Colosseum to avoid disappointment, or booking a tour which includes both like this one from Take Walks .

Roman Forum

So what’s special about the Forum? A lot! This was the seat of power during the reign of the Roman Empire, as well as the central marketplace and business district. Basically, Roman life for centuries revolved around this area of Rome, and no visit to the city is complete without walking these ancient ruins.

The Forum is open every day, you can see full opening hours here .

Most people visit the Forum using their Colosseum ticket, which will give you access into the main parts of the Forum.

However, there is also a “S.U.P.E.R.” ticket, which can be purchased separately on the official site here . This gives access to a number of additional sites inside the Forum, which you may be interested in visiting depending on how deep into Roman history you want to go.

These additional sites vary depending on archeological works, but usually include the Palatine Museum, House of Augustus, Aula Isiaca, Santa Maria Antiqua, Curia Iulia, Domus Tiberiana, Domus Transitoria and Livia’s House. So that’s something else to consider.

We’d suggest allocating around 90 minutes to 2 hours to exploring the Roman Forum.

Mouth of Truth

Time for a bit of fun! If you’ve seen the movie Roman Holiday with Audrey Hepburn, you’ll remember that Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn pop their hands into the mouth of this massive stone figure, which is said to bite off the hands of liars.

Mouth of Truth Rome

It’s not exactly known when or how this belief originated, but the good news is that you too can visit the Mouth of Truth, or Bocca del Verita, and pop your own hand in for a photo opportunity.

You’ll find it outside the entrance to the Santa Maria in Cosmedin church, which is also worth visiting. In can get busy here in the summer months, but the line is kept moving fairly quickly, so you won’t have to wait too long.

Pyramid of Caius Cestius

Did you know that Rome has a two-thousand-year-old Egyptian style Pyramid? Well, it does. The Pyramid of Cestius was built around 12BC, at a time when Rome was obsessed with all things Egypt, to serve as the tomb for a wealthy Roman.

Pyramid of Caius Cestius

The tomb has since been looted, and little is known about its original occupant, but the marble covered 36 meter high pyramid is the only one of its kind in Europe, and we think is definitely worth your time to visit.

Whenever we visit Rome with friends or family, we love taking them to see this as it’s such an unexpected sight in the city.

It’s now incorporated into the Aurelian Walls of the city (which helped to ensure it’s preservation), and one of the best places to see if from is the non-Catholic cemetery of Rome.

Whilst you’re at the cemetery, which is a beautifully peaceful spot, do take the time to visit the grave of the English poet Keats, one whose “name is writ in water”, who died in Rome at the young age of 25, far before his recognition as one of the greatest English poets of all time.

Baths of Caracalla

Those Romans really liked to build stuff on a big scale. The Baths of Caracalla are no different. This vast bathing complex could accommodate up to 1600 bathers at one time, in a complex that covered over 62 acres.

Baths of Caracalla Rome

Whilst time has taken its toll on the Baths, they are still open to visitors.

You can wander between the mighty walls and  appreciate the vast scale of the operation and the millions of bricks that were used to construct them, as well as some of the surviving details like the mosaic floors.

It’s not at the top of visitors lists to Rome, but is definitely one of our favorite spots to visit in the city, so we urge you to include it in your itinerary, especially as you’re already in the area.

The Baths of Caracalla are open every day except Christmas Day. Opening hours vary by time of year, you can see more here .

St. John in the Lateran

The Papal Archbasilica of St. John in the Lateran is the cathedral church of Rome and the seat of the Pope in the city, and as such, is one of the most important churches in the city.

Whilst nearly everyone makes it to St. Peter’s Basilica, less people make it out here, to what is in fact the oldest Basilica in the city, making this a quieter and more relaxing place to visit.

travel blog rome

Highlights include the Lateran Obelisk, the largest standing Egyptian obelisk in the world, the Borromini designed Knave, the Cloister and the Scala Sancta.

These last are a stairway of 28 steps, found in a building just across the road from the Basilica itself, which are said to be the same steps that Jesus walked up on his way to trial in Jerusalem.

Today, pilgrims to Rome can be seen climbing the stairs on their knees, which is the only way you’re allowed to ascend.

Finally, find yourself some delicious food or perhaps a gelato , and congratulate yourself on another excellent day in Rome!

Note that St. John in the Lateran is closed on Sundays.

Day 3: Rome Itinerary

Appian way and the catacombs.

For the third day on our three day Rome itinerary, we suggest you take a break from the city centre sight-seeing and head out along the Appian Way.

Built in 312BC, this is believed to be one of the oldest surviving roads in the world, and was of enormous importance to the Roman Empire, linking the capital to southern settlements including Naples and Brindisi, and allowing for the quick movement of troops and goods.

At the time, it was the widest and longest road in the world, and in testament to the quality of its construction, much of what you can see today is still original stonework. Those Romans built things to last!

There are a variety of attractions to see along the Appian Way, beyond the road itself, and the key sights are to be found along the first ten miles of the road, in the Parco dell’Appia Antica.

You can visit the road yourself, or you can take a tour which includes parts of the Appian Way. We have done and enjoyed this one from Take Walks but other are available including this one on GetYourGuide . Most tours focus on the Appian Way and Catacombs.

Another popular option is to take a bike or e-bike tour with catacomb visits along the route.

If you decide to visit yourself, you’ll want to head to the start point of the road, the Porta San Sebastiano. You can reach this via public transport from the city.

From here, it’s a ten-minute walk to the first major sight on the Appian Way, the Church of Domine Quo Vadis, which dates from the 9th century.

Alternatively, as the walk along the first part can be a bit tricky, you can take the bus a little bit further than the start point if you prefer.

After the Church, there are two Catacombs you can visit, the Catacombs of St. Callixtus and the Catacombs of St. Sebastian . The former are slightly larger and were the burial place of 16 popes, numerous Christians and a number of martyrs.

Following on from the Catacombs, you can continue your journey along the Appian Way should you so wish, to the tomb of Cecilia Metella and the Circus Maxentius, which are about another 10 – 15 minute walk along the Appian Way.

All in all, from the Porta San Sebastiano to the tomb of Cecilia Metella, you’re looking at about a thirty-minute walk, with plenty of attractions on the way. Whilst you can continue on at this point should you wish, we’d suggest returning to the city now, and heading to the:

Borghese Gallery

The Borghese Gallery is in the Villa Borghese gardens, and houses the Borghese collection, a collection of art that is easily one of the finest in Rome. This is by far our favorite art gallery in Rome.

With incredible pieces from the likes of Raphael, Bernini and Caravaggio, to name but a few, this museum is truly a must visit.

Borghese gallery exterior

It’s not huge, spread across two floors and twenty rooms, but the high quality of work on display means that everything you see is basically a masterpiece.

It’s also guaranteed not to be too crowded, as they only allow 360 people in at a time. Compare this to the 30,000 visitors a day that the Vatican Museum hosts, and you will enjoy being able to breathe whilst you appreciate the art on display.

It’ll take forty-five minutes to an hour to get to the Borghese Gallery from the Circus Maxentius part of the Appian Way, so you need to factor this in when planning your routes. Also, be aware that if you visit on a Sunday that public transport can be reduced.

The reason I mention this is because the Borghese Gallery has timed entry and reservation is mandatory.  To reserve, just call the reservation line: +39-06-32-810. Once you enter, you have two hours to see the Gallery.

Alternatively, if you wanted to do a guided tour like this , your tour company will arrange the time for you, although again, these need to be booked in advance. Read about our experience touring the Borghese Gallery with Take Walks here .

The Borghese Gallery is closed on Mondays, but is otherwise open every day from 9am – 7pm. See more here .

Note – usually the Borghese Gallery is included on the Roma Pass and the Omnia Rome and Vatican Card, but it has had availability issues on these cards of late. Always check with the official website for any card you purchase to be sure everything you want to see is included.

Villa Borghese Gardens

Once you’re done with the Borghese Gallery, we recommend heading over to the west side of the Gardens, towards the Piazza del Popolo.

View from Villa Borghese Gardens

The view from the terrace overlooking the Piazza del Popolo is one of our favourite views in Rome, especially at sunset.

If you can, try to time your visit here to enjoy that and reflect on three wonderful days spent exploring Rome!

Rome 3 Day Itinerary Map

Here’s a map of the above itinerary showing all the attractions across the three days you’ll be in Rome. You can click here to see this map on Google.

3 Day Rome Itinerary Map

3 Day Rome Itinerary Overview

  • Day 1 : Vatican City, Castel Sant’Angelo, Piazza del Popolo, Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, Piazza Navona, optional food and wine tour
  • Day 2: Colosseum, Roman Forum, Bocca Della Verita, Pyramid of Caius Cestius, Baths of Caracalla, Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano
  • Day 3: Appian Way, Borghese Gallery, Terrazza del Pincio

How to Save Money and Skip the Lines in Rome

As with many cities around the world, Rome has a number of passes that help you get free and discounted admission, as well as skip the line privileges at key attractions – including many of the above.

There are three main attraction passes for Rome that we usually recommend – the Rome Tourist Card , the Omnia Rome and Vatican Card  and the  Roma Pass.

Which you choose will depend on your sightseeing goals, so we’re going to go through these in a bit of detail now to help you choose.

It’s worth saying that none of these passes are quite as obvious a purchase as something like the London Pass , which nearly always saves visitors money when visiting London. The passes for Rome are a bit more complex and require a bit of work to maximise available savings. They do offer convenience though. Let’s look at the available options.

For our three-day Rome itinerary we suggest checking out either the Rome Tourist Card  or the Omnia Rome and Vatican Card .

Both of these passes offer skip the line entry to the Colosseum and Vatican Museums, which are the most popular and busiest attractions in Rome. However how they work is a bit different.

Rome Tourist Card Overview

The first option we suggest is the Rome Tourist Card . This includes pre-booked skip the line entry to the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica, as well as the Colosseum.

When you buy the pass, you select your entry time for the attractions, making this a seamless process for your visit.

It also has some useful audio tours for the city. It then includes a 10% discount on other Rome attractions.

This is a great option as it includes the pre-booked timeslots for the major attractions in Rome like the Vatican and Colosseum, making this a very convenient pass to use. It’s also cost-effective, and you can then add on other attractions you are interested in. You can buy yours in advance here .

Omnia Rome and Vatican Card Overview

If you plan on doing absolutely everything in our itinerary, then you might instead consider the Omnia Rome and Vatican Card . The main downside is that it requires a bit of planning to make the most of it, and it doesn’t currently (as of March 2023) include skip the line access to St. Peter’s Basilica.

This pass is brought to you by the same folks who also run some of our other favourite city passes including the London Pass and the Barcelona Pass , and consists of two physical passes – an OMNIA card and the aforementioned  Roma Pass .

Rome Pass

Here’s what the Omnia Rome and Vatican Card covers:

  • Free entry with Skip the Line access to the Vatican Museum & Sistine Chapel, and the Basilica of St. John in the Lateran and the Cloister. Note it does not include skip the line access to St. Peter’s Basilica, which is a definite issue at busier times of year
  • Free audio guide at St. Peter’s Basilica and the Basilica of St. John in the Lateran and the Cloister
  • Free entry to two out of six listed attractions, which includes the Colosseum, the Roman Forum and Castel Sant’Angelo
  • Skip the line entry at the Colosseum and Roman Forum (these count as one attraction when visiting using the card in the same day). Note you still need to book a timeslot for the Colosseum  with these cards.
  • Discounted entry at attractions once you have used up your two free visits – this will be the concession rate
  • Discounted entry at over thirty other sights in Rome, including the Baths of Caracalla and Appia Way attractions
  • A 72 hour travelcard for Rome which covers all the major public transport, including buses, trams and metro
  • A 3 Day Hop-on Hop-off Bus ticket
  • A detailed guidebook to Rome and map of the city

As you can see, this pass includes a lot. To get the most out of the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card though, you have to be a little bit clever, and plan ahead. Or, you can just follow my itinerary, as I’ve ordered the attractions in a way that will save you the most money when using the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card.

Omnia Card Rome

As you can see, there’s a list of six attractions , of which you can choose two that you get free entry to with the card. As these are not all the same price, to maximise your savings you want to try and use your free entry on the most expensive attractions.

Once you’ve used those two entries up, you will get a discounted admission when you use your card. Based on the three day itinerary above, we recommend you use the pass for free entry to the National Museum of Castel Sant’Angelo, and then for the combined entry ticket to the Colosseum and Roman Forum. This will save you around €35.

The other thing to be aware of is that for some attractions you need to book your entry in advance. These include the Vatican Museum and the Colosseum.

My advice, as you can see in the itinerary, is to book the earliest entry you can. The Vatican Museum gets very busy, and the first hour or so in the morning is the quietest time to visit.

For the Colosseum, you need to book your timed entry slot separately. This is a major downside of this pass, because you can buy the pass and not actually get Colosseum entry if it’s sold out.

If entry to the Colosseum is important for you , please check availability on the official website here before purchasing the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card .

Be sure to check for availability for the €2 Roma Pass reservation option rather than general availability as they come out of a different pool, and Roma Pass reservations are often available even if general tickets are showing as sold out.

If there is no availability, then you will not get access to the Colosseum even with the pass.

Instead, read our guide to visiting the Colosseum for other options you have.

St Peters line Rome

Alternatives to Passes in Rome

You don’t have to book a pass for Rome of course, and for many visitors a pass won’t make sense. Instead, you can either book tickets or tours individually for many of these attractions. This will be more economical if you only plan on visiting some of these attractions.

If you don’t plan on buying a pass, then we strongly recommend booking your timeslots or tours well in advance of your visit as most of the attractions in Rome are hugely popular and do sell out.

For example, you can book Vatican tickets here and Colosseum tickets directly here .

If you go down this route, make sure you choose the option that lets you print the ticket yourself so you can proceed directly to the security line. Note that the Colosseum now operates a timed entry system as well, which as of 1st March 2019, includes pass holders.

Also be aware that there are many sites that sell tickets at a mark-up, so if you want the best prices it’s best to compare against the official site for the attraction, although we would add that these tend not always to be super user-friendly!

The exception to this is St. Peters Basilica, which doesn’t currently have fast-track tickets and so if you want to skip the line the best option is to book a tour.

The other pass that you might consider is the Roma Pass . Whilst this comes with the Omnia Vatican and Rome card, it can also be purchased separately, in a 2 day (48 hour) or 3 day (72 hour) version.

The Roma Pass includes free / discounted admission to many of Rome’s attractions as well as a transport card for the public transport network in Rome.

However, it doesn’t include entry or skip the line access to any of the Vatican attractions, including the Vatican Museum or St. Peters Basilica, nor does it include the Rome Hop on Hop off bus.

We think that for 3 days in Rome, either the Rome Tourist Card or the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card is a better option.

Summary of Best Pass Options for Rome

Here’s a quick summary of the main pass options for Rome.

First, the Rome Tourist Card . This includes skip the line entry to the Vatican, the Colosseum, St. Peter’s Basilica, and an audioguide tour of Rome, amongst other things. There’s also a 10% discount on a number of other attractions. You can book your timeslots for the attractions when you book the pass, which makes everything a lot easier.

Second, the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card . This includes the Vatican Museums, as well as a choice of a number of major attractions like the Colosseum and Castel Sant Angelo. It also includes transport in Rome and a Hop on Hop off bus. It’s more expensive than some other passes and you do have to book other attractions like the Colosseum separately, but it does include pretty much everything you might need for your time in Rome.

Third, the Roma Pass . The previous pass actually includes this pass, which includes free / discounted admission to many of Rome’s attractions as well as a transport card for the public transport network in Rome. Notably it does not include the Vatican attractions.

Fourth, consider the Best of Rome All Access pass . This 3-day pass includes fast track reserved entry to the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, Colosseum, and Roman Forum. There’s no transport included on this pass, or discounts on other attractions.

Hopefully that gives you plenty of ideas as to which Rome discount card might be best for your trip!

Getting Around Rome

Rome is really easy to get around, with much of it very walkable. The itinerary we’re laid out is designed to be logical and easy to follow, so you won’t waste time getting from place to place. Getting from each location to the next should be either a short walk, or a single bus or metro ride away.

Bus transport Rome

If you decide to buy the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card it includes free public transport for your three days in Rome, as well as the Hop on Hop Off bus.

Alternatively, you can either buy a travelcard yourself, or just buy tickets as you go. A one way ticket, known as a “B.I.T” costs €1.50 and is valid for 100 minutes from when you activate it.

With the B.I.T. you can change transport types as you go, with the exception being you cannot re-enter the metro system if you leave it.

These single tickets can be bought from metro stations as well as convenience stores and newsagents, and need to be activated with a timestamp when you board the first transport.

For buses this will require putting the card into a machine located on the bus. Metro entry barriers will automatically timestamp your ticket as you insert them at the barrier.

Not stamping your ticket is the same as travelling without a ticket, and you can be penalised for doing this.

As of 2023, many Rome buses now have contactless payment options as well, so you can just pay as you board by touching your contactless card to the terminal.

How to get into Rome from the Airport

Rome has two major international airports that you might fly into – Rome Fiumicino (FCO) and Rome Ciampino (FCO). Flights from the North America usually arrive at Fiumicino, whilst flights from Europe may arrive at either.

It’s easy to get into central Rome from either airport.

From Rome Fiumicino, you can take the train, bus, or taxi. There’s a train station on site which will get you into the city centre in around 30 minutes to an hour. Prices range from €8 – €14, depending on if you take the fast  Leonardo Express  or the local train services (FL1).

Note that the local train service (FL1) does not go directly to Termini – it goes to Rome Trastevere, and then you would need to change onto the FL5, which you can take to Termini.

There are also a number of bus options which cost from €5, and which take around 50 minutes to an hour, and take you to Termini train station. There’s also a taxi stand. You can also arrange either a  shared shuttle  or a  private transfer service , which needs to be booked in advance.

From Rome Ciampino, there’s no on-site train station, but there is a local train station just five minutes away by bus. This train costs around €1.50. There are also buses from Ciampino, which also cost €5. Ciampino also has taxis, although as this is a smaller airport there are generally fewer available. You can also  book a shared shuttle  or  private transfer service in advance .

Both airports also have private and shuttle transfer options that you can book in advance.

Where to Stay in Rome for 3 Days

Rome certainly has no shortage of places to stay. For this three day itinerary, we’d suggest you stay somewhere central, to make accessing all the attractions as easy as possible. Our suggestion would be to stay somewhere in the area between the Piazza Navona, Piazza Venezia and Piazza del Popolo.

For some options close to the historical city centre and all the sights in our itinerary, consider the following. These are ordered approximately by price, from low to high, but do always check prices for your dates as they can vary.

  • The RomeHello – found just a few moments from Rome’s Termini Station, this hostel features a range of room types, from dormitories to private en-suite rooms. There’s free WiFi, fantastic reviews, and it’s a great value option.
  • Orsa Maggiore Hostel – just across the river in Rome’s trendy Trastevere district, this female only hostel features a range of room types including dormitories and private rooms.
  • Di Rienzo Pantheon Palace – a very well reviewed guesthouse option in the heart of the city, just moments from the Pantheon and other attractions. The building is a 16th century property, and rooms feature en-suite facilities, free wi-fi and breakfast
  • The  Mimosa Pantheon Hotel – right next to the Pantheon, and therefore well placed for the city’s attractions, this is a well reviewed good value 1* hotel. Rooms feature private bathrooms, air conditioning and free WiFi. A solid budget choice.
  • The  Navona Theatre Hotel – just five minutes walk from Piazza Navona, this is a very well rated 3* hotel within easy walking distance of most of Rome’s main attractions
  • The  Hotel Navona – another well reviewed 3* hotel in central Rome near Piazza Navona. This hotel is in a restored 15th century building which features restored original frescoes. Rooms have en-suite facilities, air conditioning and free WiFi
  • Hotel Valentino Palace  – a fantastic mid-range 3* property, just 150 yards from the train station
  • Gioberti Art Hotel  – 50 yards from Termini Station, a well rated excellent value 4* hotel
  • NH Collection Palazzo Cinquecento – Good value 5* hotel just a few steps from the train station

Of course, there are many more options. We tend to use Booking.com for most of our accommodation when we travel, they have a wide selection of options, with everything from hostels to apartments to hotels . The review system makes it easy to pick a good option, and they have an excellent cancellation policy.

As an example of what is available, beyond the above mentioned hotels, here’s a well rated hostel , and a fantastically located apartment . As you can see – loads of options!

If you prefer an apartment, then we recommend either  Plum Guide or Vrbo .

Plum Guide carefully curate their listings so their options tend to be of a very high quality whilst still being available at a range of price points. We’ve stayed at a number of their properties around the world, and you can see our review of the Plum Guide here . See their listings for Rome here .

If you can’t find what you want from the above choices, or you want some new options to try out, we wrote a whole post on the  best alternatives to AirBnB  which you should check out!

We also have a page full of travel resources, which includes our tips for getting the best deals on accommodation, which you can find  here .

When to Visit Rome

With a Mediterranean climate, Rome is a city that can be visited throughout the year. However, it gets very busy and very hot in the summer months, especially in August, so we’d advise avoiding August if you can. If you must visit in August, we highly recommend you pick up the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card so you don’t have to queue for attractions in the unshaded heat.

3 Days in Rome

We’ve visited Rome at all times of year, and our favorite time to visit is April / May, which we think offers a good balance between nice weather and less crowded attractions.

Another thing to be aware of is that many museums and attractions are closed on Mondays. In addition, there is free entry to lots of the key attractions in Rome on the first Sunday of every month – we’d suggest avoiding this day if you possibly can as the crowds are unbelievable!

Practicalities for Visiting Rome for 3 Days

Safety in rome.

In our many visits to Rome we’ve never had any safety problems although pickpocketing is not uncommon in crowded tourist areas.

As always, practice basic safety precautions. Keep valuables concealed, don’t carry large quantities of cash, only use official taxis and so on.

Power in Rome

Electricity is of the 220v standard, with the 2 pin European style plug. Travellers from countries like the UK and the US will need a travel adapter like this , and US travelers need to check their equipment supports the 220v standard – it will be written clearly on the power adapter.

See more on travel adapters and how to choose one for your trip in our guide to the best travel adapters .

Currency in Rome

Rome is a part of the Eurozone, meaning the currency is the Euro. You can get these from ATM’s, banks and currency exchanges, although credit cards are of course widely accepted.

We suggest using a credit card where you can – just ensure it has no foreign currency transaction fee.

Internet Access in Rome

Internet access is widely available in the form of WiFi all around the city and in hotels and coffee shops, so you shouldn’t have any trouble getting online.

You can also pick up local SIM cards if you have an unlocked phone. If you are travelling from the USA, consider a Google Fi package which lets you use your data overseas.

For more options on getting online when travelling, check out our guide to getting online when travelling to help you figure out the best options.

Drinking Water in Rome

The water in the taps is safe to drink, although many locals prefer the taste of bottled water. You can also drink the water that comes out of the taps in the fountains, so just carry a drinking water bottle with you and hydrate as you go.

Of course, if you don’t like the taste, bottled water is widely available.

Dress Code in Rome

Many of the attractions in Rome are holy places, and you need to be dressed appropriately.

There will be big signs explaining what you should wear, but generally, you need to have clothing that covers your knees and shoulders.

This can be an issue with warm weather clothing choices, particularly in summer, so we advise that if you choose to wear tank tops or shorts to keep items to cover your shoulders and knees with you like shawls, scarfs, long skirts, or pants that convert into shorts.

View from St. Peters Rome

Luggage Storage in Rome

It may be that on your day of arrival or departure in Rome, you’ll find yourself needing to leave your luggage somewhere.

Usually your hotel or apartment will have left luggage facilities, however, if this isn’t the case (often the case with apartment rentals for example), you will definitely want somewhere to leave your luggage for the day while you sightsee.

Many of the attractions in Rome won’t let you take bags in with you, and even those that do will require you to do additional screening.

As such, we’d recommend you leave your luggage behind so you can explore without being weighed down. We’d suggest this luggage service , which has locations at Termini station as well as the Pantheon and other parts of the city.

We also suggest checking out Nannybag , a service which has storage points across Rome (and other cities around the world).

Tours We Recommend in Rome

We’ve taken a number of tours in Rome, and can definitely recommend these if you’re looking for a guided experience. For walking tours specifically, the companies we recommend are as follows:

  • Take Walks – our favorite walking tour company, we’ve taken walks with them in cities around the world
  • Context Travel – very small group highly focused tours (10% off tours with this link ),
  • Devour Tours – focuses on delicious food tours. We’ve done a lot of their food tours including many in Rome and they have all been excellent

With Take Walks, the first tour we recommend is their introduction to Rome tour . This is a good tour to start with as it covers some of the highlights of the old city centre, helps orient you, and includes a gelato. It runs in the evenings, so is a good option if you are looking for something to do on your arrival day.

Another excellent Rome tour they offer is their Rome in a Day tour , which covers many of the highlights of the city in one day, which is a great way to see the sights in Rome and not worry too much about skip the line tickets and queues.

They also offer more specific tours of popular attractions. We can recommend the “ Pristine Sistine ” tour, which gets you early access to the Vatican Museums before they open to the public, which is even better than skip the line access.

We’ve also taken their “ Colosseum & Roman Forum ” tour, which covered the Roman Forum and the Colosseum. Finally, we’ve taken a tour of the Borghese Gallery on the “ Borghese Gallery Tour with Tickets ”.

If you prefer your tours to include food and wine, then we can highly recommend Devour Tours , who are the sister tour company to Take Walks. We’ve taken their food tours in a number of cities.

In Rome, one of our favorite Devour tours is the Trastevere Gourmet Food and Wine tour , which we thought was excellent. As this tour runs in the evening, you can likely include it on most of the days on our itinerary.

You can see our complete guide to Rome food tours here for some more ideas and options for your visit.

Food Tour Rome

We’ve also taken tours with Context Travel in Rome, who offer very small group tours for the intellectually curious. These are fairly specialized tours, one focusing on Rome, the Grand Tour and the Romantic Poets , and the other on the history of the Popes and Rome political power.

Context Travel also run a series of tours of Rome you can take before you leave for Rome, which can be a good way to familiarize yourself with the city or a particular landmark before you visit. You can see their online program here .

We’ve written fairly extensively about our tours with these two companies in Rome, and I link to these reviews in the further reading section below to help you decide if these are going to be good options for you.

There are of course other options for tours in Rome, including all the tours on this page , which offers a variety of things to do from different providers. So definitely check out the options to figure out what is best for you!

3 Days in Rome - Pantheon

Next Steps for Visiting Rome

Having read all the above, I hope everything is clear. I admit, Rome is a wonderful city to visit, but planning in all the attractions and avoiding those dreaded queues might feel a little overwhelming. With that in mind, here’s a quick checklist to help make sure you get the most out of your stay.

  • Plan when you are going and book your flights and accommodation
  • Decide which attractions you really want to visit based on the above itinerary, and any other research you have done
  • Check timeslot availability for the Colosseum on the official website if you want to visit
  • Decide if something like the Rome Tourist Card or Omnia Vatican and Rome Card is going to be for you, and purchase it in advance. If you aren’t interested in the Vatican attractions, or are going to visit them on a walking tour, you should definitely consider the Roma Pass instead. This includes transport and a number of other attractions in Rome.
  • Make any walking tour reservations with either Context Travel or Take Walks . This is also an option for visiting the Colosseum if timed slots are not available. You can also look at tour options on GetYourGuide as there are lots of options to choose from.
  • If you’re not getting an attraction pass, make your reservations in advance for all the attractions you know you want to visit which aren’t part of any walking tours you book. In particular, you will want to book in advance for the Vatican Museum , the Colosseum and the Borghese Gallery if you plan on visiting these attractions.
  • When comparing tickets on different sites, be sure to check the cancellation / refund policies. In our experience, the official site for each attraction does not offer any refunds if you need to cancel. GetYourGuide sometimes offers a refund on their tickets if cancelled within 24 hours of your visit, which can offer peace of mind, although do check the policy on each ticket as it varies by attraction. See all their Rome tours and activities here .
  • If you are getting an  Omnia Vatican and Rome Card or  Roma Pass , make sure to book your timeslot for the Colosseum as far in advance as possible
  • Enjoy your trip to Rome knowing you’re not going to waste time in line for anything but gelato !

Where to Go After Rome?

I’m often asked in the comments on this post, and our other Rome content, where to go after Rome, and the best way to get there.

My advice if you want to explore Italy a little bit further is to visit cities like Florence and Venice .

The easiest way to get to these is to take the fast train service. These run frequently and are very quick. Tickets are cheapest when booked well in advance, plus booking in advance will usually guarantee a seat reservation.

You can book train travel in Italy (and Europe in general), on our recommend train ticketing site: Trainline.com .

Another option if you would rather base yourself in Rome and don’t want to worry about booking train tickets, is to take a day tour from Rome. Some options from Rome include:

  • This day tour to Tivoli where you can visit Hadrian’s Villa and Villa D’Este
  • This day tour of the Tuscan countryside
  • This day tour to Pompeii and the Amalfi Coast
  • A day tour to Venice
  • This day tour of Tuscany
  • This boat-hopping day tour of The Amalfi Coast from Rome

As you can see, you have plenty of options from Rome! See our detailed Italy itinerary for some ideas.

Further Reading for your 3 Days in Rome

Well, that was a lot of content to help you plan your trip to Rome! As well as the above, we have a number of other resources we’d like to recommend to help you out, both content we’ve written ourselves, and resources we’ve found online. Between this post and these resources, you should be able to put together the perfect trip to Rome!

  • If you’re in Rome for a shorter amount of time, check out our guide to spending 2 days in Rome , or a day in Rome , which will give you some other options for your visit. We also have a guide to things to do in Rome for general sightseeing advice.
  • We’ve taken a number of tours in Rome. You can read about our experience visiting the Vatican, Coliseum and Roman Forum with Take Walks in Rome here, our experience at the Borghese Gallery here and our VIP Key Master’s Tour of the Vatican here . With Context Travel, you can read about the Grand Tour and the Romantic Poets tour here , and Popes, Power and Parties here .
  • If you’re planning on visiting Rome in summer, read our tips for visiting a European city in summer to stay sane
  • We have a detailed guide to visiting the Colosseum to help you plan your visit to this ancient structure, which has everything from how to get here, to the best ways to buy tickets, to tour suggestions.
  • We also have a guide to visiting the Vatican to help you plan your visit to all the attractions in the Vatican City
  • Obviously you’ll want to eat Gelato in Rome! Check out our guide to the best gelato in Rome to be sure you get the best. For more food ideas, see our guide to the best food tours in Rome
  • Looking to visit more of Italy? Check out our content on Venice , Milan and Florence for inspiration!
  • We also have a detailed 10 day Italy itinerary to help you plan a trip in this wonderful country
  • If you’re looking for a physical (or Kindle!) guidebook, we recommend the Rick Steves Rome guide , which has lots of practical information to help you make the most of your stay

And that sums up our idea of how to spend the perfect three days exploring Rome! We hope you found this itinerary useful, and now have plenty of ideas for things to do in Rome for three days.

Are you planning a trip to Rome? What do you want to see when you do? Let us know in the comments below!

An itinerary for the perfect 3 Days in Rome. Everything from what all the highlights you need to see, to when to visit, where to stay, and tips on saving money in Rome!

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25th January 2023 at 1:35 am

Laurence and Jessica, We just recently came back from Rome. I can’t thank you enough for all of your information. Your recommendations has made our trip truly amazing. The Vatican Key Master Tour recommendation was great! It was the our most memorable tour. To have the Vatican experience with only 15 tourist in the complex was truly an amazing experience. Keep up the great work and recommations!

Laurence Norah says

28th January 2023 at 8:55 am

It’s my pleasure, we’re delighted you had a great time in Rome! We loved the Vatican Key Master tour as well and I’m so pleased you enjoyed it too 🙂

Safe travels!

8th November 2022 at 11:45 am

thank you for taking your time and provide us with this helpful post

we are traveling to Rome soon

8th November 2022 at 11:49 am

My pleasure Racio, have a great time in Rome!

Charles Slane says

27th August 2022 at 11:52 pm

Thanks for such an interesting and comprehensive itinerary.

I’ll be in Rome for 4 days, so I’m hoping to use your suggestions, however I’d also like to see a classical concert or two in the evenings. What time would you think would be reasonable to expect to complete the itinerary each day? Would it be in time to see a concert at 7 or 8pm?

28th August 2022 at 10:42 am

Hi Charles,

My pleasure. So yes, you should definitely finish each day in plenty of time to take in an evening concert. Obviously the exact finishing time will vary depending on how long you spend at each location, but I’d say you would have plenty of time to see a concert at 7 or 8 on all three days.

Have a great time in Rome!

5th August 2022 at 10:02 pm

Hi there, I’ve literally been eating up everything in your blog to plan our trip to Rome this September. I was trying to look for Take Walks ‘Tours from home’ tours but couldn’t find them on their website. It looks like they no longer offer those? Unless I’m looking in the wrong spot.

7th August 2022 at 8:17 am

Lovely to hear from you and I’m delighted you have found the blog useful! We’re actually in Italy right now and have been doing various tours with Take Walks as well. You are correct, I reached out to my Walks contact when I got your comment (hence the slightly slower response). They confirmed that they have recently removed the Tours from Home. It was something they started when travel wasn’t possible, but they are now refocusing on their in person tours. So I have updated the content. Context Travel are still running their online program though, so that is an option. You can see what they offer here .

Have a great time in Rome and let me know if you have any more questions, we’re happy to help!

Imelda Morgan says

18th April 2022 at 5:48 pm

Hi, we just found out we are going to be invited to a wedding in Rome Sept 6th!! We think we would like to explore Rome for 2/3 days before wedding! I have been going mad googling what to do etc and came across your site and it’s brilliant!! We, my husband and I, while we are definitely not in our dotage years!! , We do like things like booking tours etc to be straight forward and simple! I know you have loads of info and options of tours etc on your site , I was just wondering which ones you would recommend for us, we would love to visit Vatican, Trevi fountain and colleseum. We think we would be touring 3rd 4th and 5 th September , wedding is on the 6th,!! Thank you Imelda Morgan

18th April 2022 at 5:58 pm

Wow, that sounds like a fantastic place to go for a wedding!

To answer your question, my favourite tours are with Take Walks, who were formerly known as Walks of Italy. They have some really amazing experiences in Rome, especially some of their early and exclusive access tours where you can get access to locations with far fewer people, which is a truly memorable experience. For example:

VIP Key Master’s Tour: Open The Sistine Chapel VIP Pristine Sistine Vatican Tour with Museum Breakfast VIP Colosseum At Night Tour With Underground & Arena Floor

Of course they have lots more options, (you can see all their Rome Tours here ) and some of those are limited availability, but that would definitely be my first pick if looking for a tour in Rome.

I hope you have an awesome time, feel free to let me know if you have any more questions!

25th March 2022 at 9:00 am

HI, l really found it helpful. Thanks. Question. DO you need to wear masks in all places? Are they specific kinds of masks of just any? I know a weird question but better to be prepared. I just bought the OMNIA PASS and so excited but I am not sure how to separate slot for the vatican.

25th March 2022 at 9:42 am

Thanks! So the mask rules have been changing over time, so it’s best to check with an official source. You can see the current regulations here . Currently you need to wear masks indoors. For the type of mask, certain places require FFP2 masks (similar to the US N95 standard), such as public transport and other venues.

For the Omnia Card you should have recieved information on how to book the Vatican. If for some reason you didn’t get that information with your purchase, I’d suggest reaching out to them on their website here: https://www.omniavaticanrome.org/en/contacts/new

Have a great trip!

Sophie says

15th March 2022 at 8:15 pm

Hello! You have helped me with my itinerary for my visit in April and you have so much info on which passes to buy.

As we are hoping to do the majority of landmarks which pass would you recommend? We are there for 4 days and the majority of passes are only for 72 hours.

Thank you 😊

16th March 2022 at 1:10 pm

I’m glad you found our guide useful! So I would probably recommend the Omnia Rome and Vatican Card , because it has the most inclusions of all the passes. Just remember you still need to book a timeslot for the Colosseum with this pass.

I’d also add that there’s a bit of a workaround with this pass given you are coming for four days. The pass actually comes as two separate passes, the Omnia Card and the Roma Pass. You should be able to use these separately. So if you used the Omnia Card on your first day in Rome without using any elements of the Roma Pass, you could use your Roma pass for the next three days.

Altneratively, you could focus on using the passes for the first three days of your visit, and then either doing a day trip from the city or visiting the Appian Way on this day, as that area doesn’t have anything on the pass anyway.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any more questions, and have an awesome time in Rome!

20th October 2021 at 2:58 pm

What a great blog! It’s making me very excited for my visit in April next year.

I am arriving mid morning on Friday 29th April and leaving on Tuesday 3rd May. With opening times etc which way round would you do your itinerary based on Saturday, Sunday and Monday being the main full days for exploring?

20th October 2021 at 6:49 pm

Thanks very much 🙂 So at the moment (although you’ll want to check when you go because next year it might change!), attractions are closed as follows:

Vatican – Sundays Castel Sant Angelo – Mondays St. John in the Lateran – Sundays Borghese Gallery – Mondays

The Appian Way is also nice on Sundays as it’s closed to traffic, and many attractions including the Catacombs of St. Callixtus, the Catacombs of St. Sebastian and the Tomb of Cecilia Metella should be open on Sundays. You can see opening hours of various attractions along the way on this site (you’ll need to translate it to English).

If you want to visit all the attractions I’ve mentioned, I’d probably suggest doing Day 1 almost as it is on the Saturday, but with the addition of the Borghese Gallery as it’s closed on Mondays. If you miss any of the other attractions as a result they are all open the other days.

You could then switch day 2 and 3 around, so you do the Appian Way on the Sunday, and everything from Day 2 on the Monday.

Hopefully that makes sense! Let me know if you have any more questions!

Quynh Cao says

9th September 2021 at 9:50 pm

Hi Guys, Thank you so much for sharing this guide with the internet. I am planning a solo trip for my 23rd birthday and am feeling quite overwhelmed as this with being my first solo trip and my first time being in the EU. This itinerary is very detailed and is a huge help in the planning of my trip! I look forward to reading more of your blogs!

10th September 2021 at 2:43 pm

Thanks very much for your kind comment Quynh! If you have any questions at all as you plan your trip, don’t hesitate to reach out and we’ll do our best to help 🙂

6th July 2021 at 9:19 pm

Hi.., i just want to ask im bit confused if i Buy the 72-hour Rome and Vatican City pass package whick cost 113€ i will get both Omnia card and Rome Pass or i will choose which one i want to activate?? Thank you

6th July 2021 at 9:34 pm

You get both cards! One primarily covers the Vatican attractions and the other is for other attractions 🙂

Let me know if you have any more questions!

6th July 2021 at 9:40 pm

Thank you…, ❤️❤️❤️

13th July 2021 at 8:51 pm

Hi.., i was confused again for the omnia card the St. Peter’s Basilica is included.., is it also included the entrance to the dome??? Thanks

13th July 2021 at 9:44 pm

So yes, the Ommia Card includes St. Peter’s Basilica entry. It is worth noting that it is free to visit St. Peters Basilica, however the card gets you faster access without the usual line. I’m not sure at the moment how long the lines are though.

The card does not include dome access. Usually to get dome access, you would buy a ticket inside St. Peters itself. As you enter through the main doors, the ticket booth is to the right hand side before you enter the church itself. The price varies depending on if you want to take the stairs or the elevator. I can’t find any up to date information on whether it is currently open for visitors, but looking at recent instagram photos from the location it does appear to be 🙂

Branko says

24th July 2020 at 12:27 pm

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Just spent 3 days in Rome with e-bike. Schedule was perfect!

24th July 2020 at 1:29 pm

My pleasure Branko, delighted to have been able to help and I am so happy you had a great time in Rome!

Kimberly Tate says

12th June 2020 at 12:28 am

Hello! I’ve just found your blog and love the information. Do you know when they will allow visitors again? Thank you Kim Tate

12th June 2020 at 10:20 am

Thanks very much, delighted to be able to help. So this is a great question. Italy actually opened up on the 3rd June to EU visitors, however it has not been announced when there will be wider openings. It is thought further announcements will be made on the 15th June. The majority of the attractions are already open, including the Colosseum, St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican Museum, Borghese Gallery, and the Castel Sant Angelo. So really it’s going to come down to where you are visiting from, and when they open more widely to the world!

8th February 2020 at 9:16 pm

I absolutely love your blog / website. I’m thrilled I stumbled onto it. My question is about the Omnia Rome & Vacation Card and the Vatican Museum – Sistine Chapel. I’m a bit confused. The Vatican Museum & Sistine Chapel are included in the Passes with the advantage of Skip-the-Line. What I’m confused by is when I went to the official Vatican website to look for the various tour options, I was going to have to pay 112 euros. When looking to purchasing tickets, I did not see an option to show the savings from the Omnia Rome Pass. How is this Pass cost effective for use at the Vatican? What am I missing or not understanding?

9th February 2020 at 3:55 pm

Thanks very much! You are correct, entry to the Vatican Museum is included on the Omnia Rome and Vatican Card. You don’t need to book a separate tour or purchase separate tickets for the Vatican, it’s all included as part of the pass. When you buy your card, you will be given the opportunity to book your time for the Vatican.

The only attraction you need to pre-book entry at is the Colosseum, which you do at the official Colosseum site. Instructions for doing this with the pass are in this post.

Let me know if I can help any further,

4th February 2020 at 9:54 pm

Thank you for creating this wonderful guide, you’ve made planning this trip so much more exciting! We are heading to Rome in May and have just tried to make the online reservation time slot for the Colosseum but it shows no availability beyond March…have these slots all gone already? Or are they not released yet?

Thank you in advance 🙂

6th February 2020 at 9:27 am

You are correct, the dates are released in phases rather than for the whole year. So you will want to check back regularly to see when your dates become available 🙂

19th February 2020 at 7:54 pm

Just to let you know if you haven’t done yet, reservation for Colosseum with Roma Pass is now open up to June 2020. Here’s the link: https://ecm.coopculture.it/index.php?option=com_snapp&view=event&id=7D8772B8-1D4C-5766-0483-016CAFC55142&catalogid=BA91B33D-F6C8-9440-1EE6-016CE8AE143F&lang=en

Hope this helps. Looking forward to our trip in June.

12th January 2020 at 6:41 am

I already got my omnia card & roma pass 72 hrs. which I ordered using your site’s link. Looking at the pamphlet that came with it, it shows that the Omnia 72 includes the Vatican Museum,Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica, Basilica of St. John Lateran, St Paul Outside the Walls, Carcer Tulllianum & Open Bus 72h hop on hop off. Then the Roma Pass says free use of public transport for 72h, free entry to first 2 museums and concessionary tickets to all other museums. My question is can I start using each card independently from each other? Say I use the Roma Pass Fri, Sat, Sun and the Omnia Sun, Mon & Tues. or does the 72 hrs. for both cards start & end at the same time? I am trying to follow your itineraries although I have to make some adjustments as we cannot spend three successive days in Rome; there is a day where we will be doing a day trip from Rome and it has to be in between, but we still have 3 days to explore Rome. Our trip will still be in June, but I already booked the earliest time (9am) for the Vatican Museum/Sistine Chapel. I guess one advantage with having the Omnia card is that at this time (January) you can already book your time for the Vatican for June. I tried going to the Vatican site and they still have not open booking for June, for now they have bookings available only til March. Next thing I’ll do is reserve our entry time for the Colosseum. Looking forward to our trip and thanks again for all the useful information you shared.

12th January 2020 at 10:23 am

Thanks for stopping by and also ordering through our links, it all makes a difference. To answer your question, the answer is yes, you can use each card entirely independently and you don’t need to activate them together. They are technically separate products which you can buy individually, so there’s no need to use them together as they cover different things.

Sounds like you are well organised – booking entrance times is super important. I’ve heard from folks in Rome at the moment that it’s busy even now, so you definitely want to be all booked well in advance.

Let me know if you have any more questions, otherwise have a wonderful time in Rome!

Jay Joseph Avery says

13th January 2020 at 6:30 pm

Hi Laurence, Hope you don’t mind my asking more questions. When I booked for the Vatican Museums/Sistine Chapel using my Omnia card, I picked the 0900 slot. When I chose the time for St. Peter’s Basilica my option was 1300 or 1500. I had a conversation with my wife as I wasn’t sure if 1300 was a little early. We want to take our time, not be in a hurry and have lunch before we do St. Peter’s, so we decided and got the 1500 time. Our 2 children (22 & 12) will be coming with us. I already mapped out our itinerary (using your 2 & 3 days in Rome as a guide, and adding a few churches) for our almost 4 full days in Rome (4 days for 3 of us and 3 days for our son). Took into account our booking times; that we are in the Vatican almost the whole day. So for the day we do the Vatican, after our visit to St. Peter’s, we only have Castel Sant’ Angelo, Piazza Navona, Pantheon which is kind of on the way to our AirBNB which is only 180 m (2 min. walk) from the Fontana di Trevi.

1) Do you think the 0900 Vatican Museum/Sistine Chapel & 1500 St. Peter’s Basilica would work out? Can we go in St. Peter’s earlier than our scheduled 1500 (w/ Audioguide) just in case we are already done at the Museum/Sistine Chapel/lunch/pictures outside?

2) I have read in some blogs that going to St. Peter’s first, then the Museum/Sistine Chapel is one way of avoiding the huge crowd/tourists on buses. Does this strategy really work?

Thanks for your help.

14th January 2020 at 10:26 am

It’s my pleasure. So I’ve actually spoken with the pass people directly about this question as it’s quite a common one. What they have told me is that the time on the St. Peter’s Basilica isn’t that important. The important thing is to turn up on the right day. This isn’t the case for the other attractions where the timeslot is important, but St. Peter’s seems to be different. So I think once you are done with the Vatican you can just head to St. Peters and not worry about being exactly on time.

In my experience the Vatican starts off quieter and then gets busier and busier. It might be less busy in the later afternoon, but I’m not sure it’s worth waiting until then based on your schedule. Basically, it’s always pretty busy. The only way to see it without crowds is to take one of the special early access or late evening tours, but those are separately bookable.

Happy to help with any more questions 🙂

Jill Marie Casey says

14th December 2019 at 7:29 pm

I am in the trenches of planning our trip to Italy for July. I have been feeling overwhelmed. Your blog has made me feel so much more comfortable! I am about to purchase my Omnia Vatican and Roma Card so I can book my Colosseum time slot. If I have questions, I hope you will not mind if I reach out in the future.

15th December 2019 at 12:23 pm

Thanks very much Jill, and of course, you are more than welcome to reach out with any questions 🙂

16th October 2019 at 10:31 pm

This is such a helpful post, thank you for taking time to write it! I have a couple of questions if you have time to answer: with the Omnia pass do we have to pick it up – if so I prefer online the tourist card might be better as it’s all online. The thought of trying to track down where to pick up a card seems like a lot of time to waste when you don’t have much time!!! Also, I wondered if you could suggest some eating places and eating ideas – for example I have heard its cheaper to eat your biggest meal during the day rather than in the evening. We are travelling with two kids. Thanks so much!

17th October 2019 at 1:11 pm

With the Omnia Pass yes, you do have to pick it up. I think there will be an option to mail it to you, but that can work out quite expensive and so negate the benefits of the pass. The online version might be an better option for you in this regard, as long as it covers everywhere.

For food, to be honest we don’t usually recommend a lot of restaurants. This is because the quality can change quickly! We generally suggest checking review websites like Google Maps and Tripadvisor and trying to find places with good recent reviews. We do however have some suggestions for gelato in Rome which we can highly recommend reading so you get the good stuff.

For meals in general, yes, in Europe generally lunch is a better time for a main meal as the prices for the lunch menus are usually much better value than the evening meals. So eating a main meal at lunch time can definitely save you some money.

Have an amazing time in Rome and do let me know if you have any more questions, I will do my best to help!

Nicola says

11th October 2019 at 4:02 pm

Such a helpful post which I used for my recent trip! Thank you 🙂

11th October 2019 at 4:26 pm

Thanks very much Nicola! If you have any photos or tips to share, we’d love to see them in our facebook group 😀


Laura P. says

5th October 2019 at 4:06 pm

Hello again — We will be in Rome from November 6-9 and have decided to do Walks of Italy for the Vatican and Collosseum/Forum. I noticed that several of their tours aren’t even available in November which makes me wonder how crowded the city and sights are at that time of year. Is the Pristine Sistine still recommended for November or do you think crowds during regular hours at that time of year are not an issue? Thank you

5th October 2019 at 6:26 pm

November is definitely a quieter time of year, so you shouldn’t have too many crowds to worry about. Really the busiest times are the summer months. We’d still recommend a tour if you want to learn more about what you are seeing, but certainly it shouldn’t be necessary. We would however always recommend buying skip the line tickets anyway – you can get them from Vatican website directly for the best price 🙂 You will also definitely need to book your tickets in advance for the Coliseum as well, as that runs a timed entry system.

Shirley says

21st January 2020 at 3:10 am

Hello I have been reading. Your blog and will be travelling in June 2020 . I love the 3day tour but will have to split the shortest day into 2 half day ( cruising in between) will be arriving to Rome early afternoon then on return my flight leaves late late that night any ideas ( I am staying near the Colessium so I was considering splitting that day up – would that work? Shirley

21st January 2020 at 9:23 am

Hi Shirley,

Yes that would work. Once you have seen the Colosseum and Roman Forum you can see the highlights of central Rome on your first day. Just be sure to book your Coliseum entry time well in advance for whichever day you choose to visit, as June can be a busy month and the Coliseum can book up.

Catherine says

29th September 2019 at 3:38 am

Hi Laurence

I am really appreciating all the information you are providing in your blog. I have decided not to get the Roma or Omnia Pass as I don’t think we will get the value from it. I am trying to book Colosseum ticket through one of the sites you recommended but am a bit confused with the tours and costings. We want to do a tour as we would like to see all the levels but can’t work out if I can do it or work out if we pay for that in addition to entry. We will be a group of 7 with three adults and 4 children 16 years and younger.

29th September 2019 at 9:47 am

Hi Catherine,

The tours I link to should all include your entry to the Colosseum 🙂 If you let me know which tour specifically you are looking at I can double check, but as far as I know entry is included with all the tours!

D Plummer says

25th September 2019 at 3:47 pm

Thank you for such an informative guide – making the museum and event reservations in advance were key to using our time wisely and having a perfect experience.

25th September 2019 at 9:20 pm

My pleasure, I’m delighted you had a great time and thanks so much for coming by to let us know, it’s always wonderful to hear nice comments 😀

13th September 2019 at 7:28 pm

Would you recommend hop-on hop-off bus in Rome? Or is the traffic far too bad for the bus transit?

13th September 2019 at 8:37 pm

We have taken the hop on hop off bus a number of times in Rome and it was ok actually, although this will vary depending on the time of day. It isn’t necessarily the fastest and most direct way to get around, but it is a good option for visiting some of the sights for sure 🙂

Paul Chasin says

5th September 2019 at 1:53 am

one more question from paul chasin if we use the omnia vatican card how do we get a reservation time for the vatican museums and sistine chapel without paying an additional 17.00E the web site for timed admissions on Nov 2, saturday has type of tickets all with prices but nothing that says if we have omnia card we can get a time without additional money thanks Paul C

5th September 2019 at 8:25 am

When you get the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card (assuming you buy it from the official site rather than Viator), you will be sent instructions on how to book the Vatican 🙂

Let me know if you have any problems!

3rd October 2019 at 11:22 pm

I’ve been wondering about this — can you reserve your entry times to Vatican and Colliseum without activating your card? I want to do it now, but won’t start using the card until November. Thanks!

4th October 2019 at 7:37 pm

You absolutely can and I encourage you to do so as soon as you can so as to get the slots you want 🙂 The card won’t activate until you use it at the first attraction.

paul Chasin says

5th September 2019 at 1:39 am

regarding Omnia vatican and Rome card 1. do you need a specific time slot reservation for anything other than the colosseum ? as to the the vatican do we need a timed reservation even with the Omnia card 2. currently on your link to the on line reservation web site for colosseum it does not give us option for reservation with the roma pass. Is there another way to make a timed reservation 3. do all sites on omnia vatican and Rome include audioguides or is that extra?

5th September 2019 at 8:24 am

1 – Yes, for the Vatican, but you should get a link to book this when you buy the card 2 – It seems the official Colosseum website has changed in the last week or so! The new link is here Altneratively, if you go to the Colosseum ticket office home page here then on the right hand side under “Roma Pass” there is a small link there. So you should be able to make your timed reservation from that page. Alternatively, there is a phone number you can ring. 3 – This is usually extra

I will update my Rome content regarding the new process for booking Colosseum slots now, thanks for bringing that to my attention!

paul chasin says

1st September 2019 at 12:16 am

is the Rome museum galleria borghese open sunday november 3? several web sites have it Xd out in red as they do on all mondays when museum is always closed but one site had non refundable tickets for Nov 3 which i am worried is a scam Thanks Paul Chasin

1st September 2019 at 11:44 am

As far as we can tell the Borghese is open on the 3rd November. You definitely want to book via a reputable site – we list some recommit in our dedicated Borghese Gallery guide which you can see here:


Jenny Swingle says

25th August 2019 at 5:40 am

I’m looking at the Omnia Pass and Roma Pass and feel like I’m missing something here. We are going to the following venues and it seems like buying tickets direct is cheaper than a pass? –Colosseum $13.50 USD, includes Roman Forum –Skip the Line Vatican and Sistine Chapel $31.50 –St Peters $16.86 –Castel Sant’Angelo $12

Your blog recommended to use the Omnia pass for free entry to the National Museum of Castel Sant’Angelo and the Colosseum / Roman Forum (value $25.50). Pass is $127. Or the Roma Pass gives free admission to the Colosseum OR Castel Sant’Angelo (value around $12-13). Pass is $45. I understand the passes include transit and other discounts, but it again appears to be cheaper to just buy direct or get a travel pass. Am I missing something, or if we’re only going to these sites should we just buy tickets direct because the passes aren’t worth it unless you’re going more places? Thanks in advance! Your blog was REALLY helpful!!

25th August 2019 at 2:15 pm

Thanks very much!

So you are definitely correct, the Omnia Pass and the Roma Pass are definitely only worth it if you plan on using most of the features. If you only want to visit some specific attractions, then booking individual skip the line entry is definitely the way forward.

In terms of pricing, I would add that the price for the Vatican should be less than what you have quoted. If you buy it directly from the official Vatican website:


The price is €17 + a €4 booking fee. Some websites will try to make it seem more expensive by calling it a skip the line ticket, or that it includes the Sistine Chapel. But if you buy the Vatican Museum ticket from the official website, the €4 fee gives you skip the line access, and all Vatican Museum tickets include the Sistine Chapel


If you really want to save money, St. Peters is actually free. However, skip the line access (which is what you pay for) can save you a lot of time if you are visiting at a busy time of year.

For what you are doing, I would definitely suggest that the pass would not be worth it, and you should just book direct with the official websites, which are http://www.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani/en/visita-i-musei/scegli-la-visita.html


I hope this helps and that you have a wonderful time in Rome. Do let me know if I can be of any more help too 😀

26th August 2019 at 4:18 am

Perfect, thank you so much!

21st August 2019 at 11:52 am

Hi, I will be in Rome in September for the third time, but it’ll be my son’s first time. 🙂 Thank you for all your wonderful tips. This is a truly fabulous article! Gabi

21st August 2019 at 12:07 pm

Our pleasure Gabi – have an amazing time!

Syaharom Abdullah says

17th August 2019 at 3:25 am

Hi, Laurence !

My wife and I plan to visit Rome and Venice in mid December. If I were to follow your three day Rome itinerary, where would be the best location for me to stay? I have a budget of about 100 Euro a day for accommodation.

17th August 2019 at 9:46 am

Hi Syaharom

In Rome in December the prices are pretty reasonable, so you should have no trouble finding a location. I’d recommend staying near Piazza Navona as that is close to most of the sights in the city. Some options to consider:

https://www.booking.com/hotel/it/argentina-view.en-gb.html?aid=385205;label=FTU3DayRome https://www.booking.com/hotel/it/navona-gallery-and-garden-suites.en-gb.html?aid=385205;label=FTU3DayRome https://www.booking.com/hotel/it/b-amp-b-palazzo-lupardi.en-gb.html?aid=385205;label=FTU3DayRome

My suggestion would be to load up the booking.com site, and filter by your date, and then by price and rating. For example, this search already filters by your requirements, you just need to change the dates to your specific dates. Then you can hit the “map view” to see where they are. Have a great trip!

17th August 2019 at 3:06 pm

Dear Laurence

Thanks. I appreciate it.

17th August 2019 at 12:37 am

Question i read that “main museums and public monuments ” are free to seniors over 65 Which museums are these? are any of them the main tourist attractions like vatican city St Peter’s Basilica, or museo e galleria Borghese? thanks paul chasin

17th August 2019 at 9:56 am

It really varies depending on the attraction, but it is not common for entry to be free to seniors. In addition, the free access might only be for EU citizens. From the list you have provided, the Vatican doesn’t as far as I am able to tell. St. Peter’s Basilica is free, you only pay if you want to skip the line. The Borghese also has no senior discount.

Have a great time in Rome 🙂

youssef sherif says

6th August 2019 at 4:23 am

Hi laurence, I wanted to ask you a question , I don’t understand the difference between pre booking a regular admission ticket and pre booking a skip the line ticket , I mean in both cases I don’t have to stand in the ticket line and I go straight to the security check right? or did you mean that the line of visitors with skip the line tickets is usually much shorter than that with regular admission tickets? I also wanted to ask you about one more thing , If I bought a skip the line ticket from any website like tripadvisor I dont have to reserve a time slot on the official website right ?

7th August 2019 at 2:36 pm

Hi Youssef,

This is correct for the most part, however it depends on the attraction. In general though:

– for the majority of attractions, there will always be some sort of security line – some attractions have a separate fast track line for specific tickets, and a normal line for standard ticket holders. Depending on the ticket, you will join one of these lines for ticket validation and security checks – there will also be a general line for those not in possession of a ticket. You want to try and avoid this line!

For the skip the line tickets on third party websites, if it includes a timed entrance then you should not have to book a time slot, however you definitely need to check the instructions of the ticket to be sure.

Kim Wood says

9th June 2019 at 5:54 am

Hi, I have Omina Vatican & Rome card and I make a big mistake to reservation the time slot on the wrong date on Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel – Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel, how can I change it?

9th June 2019 at 8:59 pm

So for this you would need to contact the Omnia Vatican & Rome Card folds. I would suggest calling them – they have a UK call center and also a Skype contact number – you can see these here:


Best of luck,

4th June 2019 at 3:19 pm

Hi, back again, sorry.

Been trying since April to book that Colosseum entry time slot, with the Roma pass. Whenever I have tried to select my date to visit, in early July, there has not been a single date able to be selected after June.

Not full, just not yet able to be chosen. I wondered if I had to wait until June to be able to select dates in July, as there has simply been no possibility to choose dates within that month, until now.

Now that June has begun, I tried again, only to find that every single time slot on every single day until the end of August is fully booked.

I was unable to book before now because tickets were not available for purchase from July on, and now I cannot purchase because they are all seemingly sold out.

Can you tell me what this means for me, and possibly why this was the case? And am I unable to receive free entry on my Roma pass to the Colosseum because of this?

Thanks very much (once again) Alex.

4th June 2019 at 3:37 pm

Hi Alex – no problem at all!

So I have recently spoken to the Colosseum folks because I am getting a lot of questions about the Colosseum. So many in fact that I’ve written a whole guide to it, which is new since you last commented:


In essence, the timeslot system has definitely resulted in a lot less availability for the Colosseum. When I spoke to the Colosseum ticket office, I was told that do release slots on a weekly basis, but I wasn’t given details as to when that happens exactly, how many they release at a time, and how far in advance they are for. You could try calling the ticket line, giving your specific dates, and asking if new timeslots are going to open up. The number is +39 06 399 67 700, and it’s option 2 for English. I recommend using something like Skype for cheaper calls.

Let’s get back to the other part of your question, in terms of what this actually means for you if the timeslots are not available.

First, yes, you won’t be able to use your Roma Pass for the Colosseum. This isn’t the end of the world, as you can use the free entry to another attraction.

I assume you do still want to visit the Colosseum, and the good news is that this will be possible, you will just have to go about it a different way. Generally, this will involve taking a slightly higher priced ticket, or booking a guided tour. I have outlined the main options in this section of my Colosseum guide:


I hope this helps, the timed entry system is new for 2019 and I really don’t think anyone anticipated how much demand there was going to be, especially over the busier months!

Darlene says

27th May 2019 at 3:41 am

HI…thanks for a great site!! I am thinking of taking my 20 yr old daughter on a Med. cruise that leaves Oct 1st…we could have 3 or 4 days in Rome before the cruise…what are the crowds like during this time and is the weather still nice? Thank for your help. Cheers, Darlene

27th May 2019 at 11:06 am

Hi Darlene,

The crowds should be very manageable by October. i would still recommend booking your Colosseum ticket in advance just to avoid disappointment, but other than that I don’t think it will be too busy. Weather wise, it depends on how lucky you are! It could be mild and sunny, or it could be wet and cool. It’s unlikely to be extremely hot or extremely cold, so just some sensible clothing layers and some sort of waterproof or umbrella should suffice,

Have a great time!

David T says

23rd May 2019 at 11:12 am

Love your page! I bought the OMNIA Rome pass as you suggest. I want to do the VIP tour you suggested for the Colosseum, but am wondering whether I need to still purchase the Entrance pass (2 euros) with the Rome pass or does the VIP tour include the entrance as well?

23rd May 2019 at 11:15 am

Thanks David! The VIP Colosseum / Caesars Palace tour includes your entry ticket and time slot to the Colosseum and Roman Forum, so no need to worry about reserving those if you book on the tour 🙂

8th May 2019 at 12:59 pm

Hello, thank you for a great blog it really inn lauded all the information we needed and more. I just a question – I was going to buy tickets through the ticketbar website (you gave a link to it under basilica) but read a couple of entries at other sites saying not to use 3rd party vendors etc. is the website trustworthy for Vatican skip the line tickets. Omniscient would not work for us. Many thanks in advance Best Eva

8th May 2019 at 4:52 pm

For the Vatican we recommend (and directly link to in this post) that you book your skip the line tickets on the Vatican website directly. The only reason for this is cost, on the official website it’s €17 + €4 booking fee for a skip the line ticket, whilst most third party sellers are more expensive, and you generally end up getting the same thing, so there is no real value. The reason they are more expensive is just the way that the Vatican structures it’s prices to third parties. This is the same for the Coliseum – if you don’t use a pass, then it’s usually always cheaper to just book direct. The only thing to bear in mind is that some third parties do include addons like audioguides in the package price, which can make it more valuable.

We recommend ticketbar for many other products in cities around the world and have had no problems using them. For St. Peters Basilica for example they have a ticket, which as you mention we do suggest. This is because there is no actual entry fee to St. Peter’s Basilica, so you can’t buy a ticket from the official site. However, you can pay more to get a faster access and thus skip the long lines, which is what sites like ticketbar are able to provide.

Let me know if you have any more questions, I’m happy to help!

Vishal says

7th May 2019 at 4:07 am

Hi Laurence,

Thanks … this is very useful information and we will be relying on this to plan our trip.

Just wanted to check – if I buy the OMania card but need a guided tour of Vatican and Colosseum, is it possible to get a local guide to accompany us when we visit these 2 attractions? Where can I get a local guide . We are a group of 6.

Not planning a guided tour as I am already paying for the entry for both attractions when I purchase the card.

Regards, VK

7th May 2019 at 5:28 pm

So I am sure that this is possible, but I am not sure where you would find this type of guide, as all the tours I can find already include entry. However, you can get an audioguide, which might be just as good, and also a lot cheaper!

8th May 2019 at 4:54 am

Hi Laurance,

Thanks for your very prompt response. A couple of additional questions ( sorry about this but we are largely following your itinerary).

1. I have booked a guided tour for Vatican and Colosseum so will not opt for the Rome and Omania pass. Do you think it’s still worth to get a Roma pass (72 hr or 48 hr) for the rest of the attractions on your itinerary + the local transport flexibility it offers? We have 4 days and are a group of 6 (children, adults and seniors).

2. Borghese gallery is fully booked during the time I am in Rome and we will skip the Pyramid of Caius. What other attractions would you recommend we visit ?

8th May 2019 at 9:48 am

My pleasure, and no problem.

1 – it’s always hard to advise if something is worth it as folks have different ideas of value 🙂 I’d say for me it would be worth it and we usually advise it, but it will depend on the other attractions you visit and how much you plan to use the public transport to decide if it’s worth it for you. Without the Coliseum entry, it is less of a financially obvious case, but it depends what else you go and see.

2 – I’d suggest the Capucin Museum, which is quite interesting if a little creepy. You should also consider the Circo Maximums and the Capitoline Museums.

Christopher Darling says

27th April 2019 at 10:54 am

Good morning

Thank you very much for such a really great and detailed travel guide.

I ordered the Omnia card, I was wondering if it was possible to change the time of the Vatican museum booking. When I booked my museum timing I wasn’t aware Saint Peter’s Basilica next timing was 4 hrs later.

Thank you for all of your help and your great guide.

27th April 2019 at 6:55 pm

My pleasure. So for the Omnia Card, when I have queried about the timings in the past, I was told that the only important time is the Vatican time. Beyond that, as long as you show up on the right day for the St. Peter’s Basilica, you shouldn’t have any problem.

That said, I would also check with the Omnia card folks to confirm this, and also to see if you can change the time if you would still prefer to do that,

Alex Purvis says

12th April 2019 at 11:48 am

Hi Lawrence and Jessica,

Thank you very much for this wonderful blog. I have a question about the Omnia card, which I have just purchased, if you can help me.

I haven’t yet been quite able to figure out how the discounts to attractions work. I assume, at least for the two free attractions, you just pick which two appeal, then join the security line to enter and declare while brandishing your Omnia card that this is one of your two chosen free entries. Is that correct?

However, for the other discounted attractions, is it the case that you must still join the ticket purchasing line, and show your Omnia card when you buy in order to receive the discount? In which case, you would be unable to skip the ticket lines for any other than the two free attractions (plus the Vatican). Is that how the discounts work?

One other small issue – when I follow the link in the email confirmation Omnia sent me to reserve time slots at the Vatican, it appears that I have to reserve separate time slots for all three of: Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica, and St. Peter’s Prison. Is that the case, and if I did not reserve times for all three, or was slightly late for a particular time slot, would I then be denied entry, or miss out on skip-the-queue?

I apologise for the length of this message, but I would be very grateful for any clarity you could provide!

Thanks Again!

12th April 2019 at 12:00 pm

Our pleasure, we’re delighted you found it useful 🙂

So, assuming you bought the Omnia Card that we recommend in this post, it is actually two cards.

The Omnia part of it is what gives you access to the Vatican attractions, which include the Vatican Museum, St. Peters Basilica and so on. Those are all included, you don’t have to choose.

The other part of it is the Roma Pass, which is the one where you get free access to the 2/6 attractions, and then discounted admission. You are correct – the skip the line access only works for the free admission.

The main queues in Rome however are for St. Peters Basilica, the Vatican Museum (both of these you get skip the line access with the Omnia part of the card) and the Coliseum. The Coliseum however now operates a timed entry system, as explained in this post. I definitely recommend using the Coliseum for one of your free entries, and reserving your timeslot online using the process I outline in this post.

I have been told in the past by the Omnia Pass folks that the only timeslot that really matters is the Vatican Museum. For St. Peters Basilica, the important thing is that you choose the correct day, the actual timeslot is not an issue. I had not previously heard of a separate timeslot for the Sistine Chapel. I don’t see that this could be a thing as it’s actually inside the Vatican Museum, so you just visit it as part of that visit, I don’t believe there’s a separate entry process as far as I know, unless this has changed recently.

For St. Peters Prison, I have a feeling this will be the same as St. Peters Basilica, as long as pick the right day, the timing shouldn’t be a big issue. It’s not a massive attraction so there shouldn’t be any problem. Personally I would reserve all the times, but only worry about being on time for the Vatican Museum, which is one where you are escorted in by the Omnia Pass people in a special line.

Let me know if this all makes sense!

Melissa says

4th April 2019 at 9:01 pm

My husband and I are planning a full 2 week trip to Italy in September 2019. Mainly because our son is stationed at the military base in Naples. We will be arriving early morning on a WED and will have most of the day WED and all day THU to spend in Rome, then we will take a train FRI morning to visit our son in Naples for a 4 day weekend. He will be showing us around Naples, Pompeii and Amalfi coast/Capri. We were then planning to either catch a train/plane from Naples to Florence then to Venice and then back to Rome early on a MON for another day before heading to airport for very early am flight on TUE. Or maybe taking a flight directly to Venice first then taking the train to florence and back towards Rome.

I’ve been researching a lot on how to go about doing this. It seems that the Omnicard would not be the most economical option since our “3-days in Rome” will not be consecutive. Any advise you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

5th April 2019 at 11:18 am

Hi Melissa,

You are correct, the 3 day pass wouldn’t work out so well for you. However, I have a solution. The 3 day Ommnia Rome and Vatican Card actually consists of two cards, an Omnia Card, and a Roma Pass. You can buy these separately, and thus activate them separately. The Omnia card will cover the Vatican attractions, and the Rome Pass will cover things like the Coliseum, Roman Forum and so on.

So my suggestion is to buy them individually, and to use the Roma Pass for the WED/THU, then the OMNIA pass for the Monday. I would suggest picking up the Omnia Pass when you arrive though, as you can then book your timeslots for the Vatican Museums.

You can buy the 24 hour Omnia Card here , and the 48 hour Roma Pass here .

Just be aware that for the Coliseum, even with a Roma Pass, you still need to reserve a timeslot. The process for doing so is explained in the post above (this is new as of March 2019, so many websites are still giving incorrect information that you don’t need to do this).

The only thing I would advise is just to make sure the various attractions you plan to visit are open on the days you are visiting. Based on the information you’ve given me it should be fine, but Rome has public holidays and so on, and I wouldn’t want you to buy a pass for a specific day that you then can’t use!

Let me know if I can be of any further help, and have a fantastic trip!

5th April 2019 at 11:19 am

Just to add to this – if you don’t want the hop on hop off bus, you can also buy skip the line tickets for both St. Peters and the Vatican from that website, which might be a little cheaper than the Omnia Card.

4th April 2019 at 1:15 am

Hello, Thank you so much for the extremely helpful information. I’m in Rome now mostly following your itinerary. My question is about food. I’m not sure If you already mentioned this anywhere n I missed it but what are the best places you would recommend to eat Italian food (restaurants or grap n go pies n stuff)? We are doing Vatican tomorrow (through Omnia with a guide). Any specific place to eat you recommend around there ? Thanks

4th April 2019 at 11:55 am

To be honest, we haven’t put together a restaurant guide for Rome as yet. We rarely do food guides to be honest, because we like to be thorough, and it takes a lot of time to visit sufficient restaurants to come up with a good enough guide – especially in a city like Rome! We also find that restaurants are not like attractions, they tend to open and close more often, and it can be hard to keep a guide up to date.

When we travel, we usually look at resources like Google Maps or Yelp, as well a general blog posts on where to eat in a city from more focused food blogs. We try to make sure the reviews are recent and seem to also be from locals. Usually this works pretty well. Rome is pretty good for restaurants though, we’ve never had a particularly bad meal! But a little research will keep you away from the more touristy traps.

Sorry not to be of more specific help!

29th March 2019 at 2:01 pm

We will be traveling to Rome in May, and will be spending three days. I tried locating your google map itinerary but am having issue finding it. When I click the link to the map, it only opens my Google Map App without opening your itinerary map. Is there a way you could provide me the name or another link to the map?

Thank you! This was by far the most helpful in regards to planning a short visit in Rome – so many other blogs did not give precise direction on how/when to organize the trip!

29th March 2019 at 2:09 pm

Thanks very much 🙂 So I have updated the link to the following:


Can you let me know if that works for you? Google is a bit tricky when it comes to these things sometimes. If that doesn’t work, I would suggest trying on a desktop browser or in an incognito tab perhaps.

Let me know how it goes!

29th March 2019 at 2:29 pm

Thank you so much! That link worked for me! I appreciate it!

29th March 2019 at 2:46 pm

Awesome 😀 I will update some of our other posts as well to the new link structure 🙂

gabriela honegger says

21st March 2019 at 8:02 pm

Hi Laurence and Jessica,

We will be arriving in Rome on June 20, 2019 and departing on June 24 out of Venice to France . Could you advise us on how to get around and see Rome, Florence, and Venice in 4 days? Is this even possible? love your website!!!!

21st March 2019 at 8:29 pm

Hi Gabriela,

So this is of course theoretically possible, but it will be quite rushed. I would probably try and focus on seeing two cities more fully, but I understand if you want to fit it all in.

I’m not sure what time you are arriving or leaving and if you have much time on the 24th or 20th. So this sort of assumes you don’t have much time on those days.

My advice be to spend a day in Rome, following our itinerary for a day in Rome . Then, take the train to Florence (book train tickets in advance on trenitalia to save money). Either go in the evening after exploring Rome, or early in the morning. Then explore Florence for a day, overnight in Florence, and then head to Venice on the train.

If you want to take a tour in any of these places, I can recommend this Rome in a Day tour and this Florence in a Day Tour 🙂

17th March 2019 at 7:24 pm

Thank you. This is immensely helpful. I can tell it took a lot of thought and time and I truly appreciate it!

18th March 2019 at 11:57 am

My pleasure Luis – have a great trip!

6th March 2019 at 3:13 pm

I love your website and how you are so helpful to those of us who have no idea what to expect when we arrive in Rome. Your 3 day itinerary is awesome. We plan to see at least the first two days of attractions. This is the best sight I’ve seen and the fact that you answer directly to us is amazing. Thank you in advance for your help.

I’m worried I may have done something wrong. We arrive in Rome on March 31st…we arrive early that morning so I thought we might want to see a few of the lesser sites or do the hop on hop off tour just to get familiar with the city that afternoon when we arrive. We plan to start our Vatican and Colosseum sightseeing early Monday morning April 1st.

I purchased the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card a couple of days ago. I picked the date of March 31, My thinking is that it will give us 3 days…March 31 – April 2. We leave early on April 3rd. Am I correct in my thinking that this pass will give us those 3 days of sightseeing and general transportation?

My second concern is I can’t find anywhere that allows me to pick time slots. We want to start at the Vatican as early as possible on Monday April 1. Can you help me figure out how to choose my time slots?

The Omnia Vatican and Rome Card is expensive and I can’t find a way to pick a time slot?

7th March 2019 at 11:35 am

Many thanks for your message. So the pass will activate on first use, the date you specified isn’t too important. If you start using it on the 31st it will work on the 31st,1st and 2nd.

For your second point I have been in contact with the folks who issue the pass about your issue. I have been told that you should have received an email with a link to book your times. However, you are the second person to contact me about this recently so I am wondering if something has changed. If you could forward me the email they sent you on purchase and any other confirmation to my email, [email protected] , I’ll investigate further!

7th March 2019 at 3:57 pm

Thank you Laurence,

I have forwarded the email to you. I really appreciate your help.

8th March 2019 at 1:32 pm

Great Alana – happy to be of help 🙂 Have a great trip!

1st March 2019 at 7:04 am

Thank you so much for this easy to follow and very detailed guide. I have one question though…. About the ticketbar purchase ~where can we redeem the cards and stuff for example from the airport in Rome?

1st March 2019 at 4:05 pm

For the Rome Pass, the pickup locations are as follows:

PIT Castel S. Angelo, Piazza Pia (next to the gardens of Castel Sant’Angelo), 8.30am – 18.00pm till 24/03, 9.30am – 7.00pm till 27/10. PIT Ciampino, Aeroporto G.B.Pastine – External area International Arrivals. 8.30am – 6.00pm. PIT Cinque Lune, Piazza delle Cinque Lune (Piazza Navona). 9.30am – 7.00pm. PIT Fiumicino, Aeroporto Leonardo Da Vinci – International Arrivals – Terminal T3. 8.00am – 8.45pm. PIT Fori Imperiali, Visitor Center Via dei Fori Imperiali. 01 January-30 June and 01 September-31 December: 9.30am – 7.00pm – 01 July-31 August: 9.30am – 8.00 pm. PIT Minghetti, Via Marco Minghetti (corner to Via del Corso). 9.30am – 7.00pm. PIT Sonnino, Piazza Sidney Sonnino (Trastevere). 10.30am – 8.00pm. PIT Termini, Stazione Termini – Via Giovanni Giolitti, 34, platform 24. 8.00am – 6.45pm.

So as you can see, lots of options 😀

4th March 2019 at 10:25 am

Thank you so much!

Sandy s says

28th February 2019 at 7:47 pm

Hi Laurence. Hope you can answer a couple of queries for me. 1. Our flight lands at about 9pm and we were planning on getting the train/bus from the airport to termini. Just a bit concerned of what is the best option to get from termini to our hotel. Can we get a taxi outside the station and roughly how much would it cost? Our hotel is close to the Coliseum. the hotel does a shuttle from the airport but it is very expensive. 2. we have booked the Vatican museum etc with our omnia card. Did I see somewhere that we now have to book the coliseum as well in advance?

Ps loving the blog – planning on using the itinerary when we visit in 3 weeks!

1st March 2019 at 4:18 pm

So, from Termini to the Coliseum is only about half a mile, which is even walkable! However, there are also public buses you could take. I couldn’t tell you how much a taxi would cost, but it would not be very much for such a short distance.

For the Coliseum, yes, they have now (as of 1st March 2019, or today!), made it so that everyone, even holders of the Roma Pass / Omnia Card, have to book their Coliseum time. This costs €2 and is best done online. To do so, you will go here:


And pick a date and time slot at the bottom. It is easier if you do this with “solo disponsibli” checked, as it will show you only available times. Once you pick a time, you should be able to choose a ticket type, and one of them will be “COL-FOR-PAL PREN.INGRESSO CON ROMA PASS individuals entrance” at a price of €2. That is the one you want to buy.

I hope this helps! I’ll update our Rome content to reflect this as it’s all new for 2019.

Have a great trip

Sandy S says

1st March 2019 at 5:41 pm

Hi Laurence Thanks for the quick response. I was initially happy to walk from Termini but as it is going to be about 10pm I was just concerned about safety for two mature ladies visiting. I think a taxi might be best.

2nd March 2019 at 8:01 am

No worries. Rome is pretty safe, but it never hurts to take precautions, especially with all your baggage,

Have a wonderful time 🙂

25th February 2019 at 5:48 pm

Hello; I have found your site to be very helpful when planning my visit to Rome. I will be traveling with a small dog and traveling in November so I hope the crowds will be less. I realize that dogs will not be allowed in the interior of most places, but I assume I will be able to walk on the outside of many of the sites you mentioned. Also, do you find Rome to be dog friendly?

I would also like to take a cooking class while in Rome….do you recommend any?

27th February 2019 at 5:00 pm

So we haven’t travelled with a dog in Rome, so our advice is not from personal experience. However, you shouldn’t have any trouble on the outside of the attractions certainly. I’m not sure which attractions would allow dogs, if any, but I think overall Rome is dog friendly. However, again I must stress this is not based on first hand experience.

In terms of cooking classes, the only one we’ve done is this one . It was a great evening and lots of fun, but it was more of a pasta making evening and social event rather than a full-on cooking class, so it depends what you want 🙂

Have a wonderful trip!

Deepak says

21st February 2019 at 2:55 am

Thanks for the detailed itinerary. Really loved the way you have organised the content and shared your experience. We are planning for a 2.5 day trip to Rome in July. I had few questions

1. Since we land in Rome at 9am, we plan to start our sight seeing at 1PM after we check-in and take some rest. Given just half day, which of day of your 3 day itinerary do you suggest to do on our first day given we have only 0.5 day.

2. I plan to take guided tours to both Vatican Museums and Colloseum. Will you suggest I still take Roma Pass ?

3. Any suggestions on good authentic Italian food in Rome ?

4. We plan to take train to Naples on Day 4 for a trip to Pompeii. Any suggestions on Naples and Pompeii ?

21st February 2019 at 8:56 am

So if you lose half a day you will possibly have to skip something, depending on how you arrange your time. However, you mention that you want to take a tour of the Vatican and Coliseum. So my suggestions is as follows:

1 – take the Rome in a Day tour from Take Walks, which includes both the Vatican and Coliseum, as well as the majority of sights in the city centre. For your half day, you could see what’s left on Day 2, then on your other full day you could do day 3.

2 – no, I don’t think you will get too many benefits of the Roma Pass, unless you want the transport.

3 – to be honest, we rarely recommend restaurants as they change so often, and the quality can vary. We recommend using Google maps or something similar, and looking for recent good reviews.

4 – this isn’t an area we’ve explored recently, so we don’t have any tips currently – sorry!

Jeff Tokryman says

15th February 2019 at 2:58 pm

Hello Thank you for the detailed info We (2 of us) are looking for a guided group tour of Rome over a three day time frame to see the sites you mention. Vatican and related with skip the line access. We also want to go inside the Colosseum, Pantheon, Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain. Context Travel has these split up. I am looking for a complete combo tour. We plan to visit Rome The 1st or 2nd week of MAY.

17th February 2019 at 3:59 pm

Have you taken a look at the tours available on the Take Walks site? They have a number of options. Or did you want a private tour?

14th February 2019 at 8:05 pm

I love your post about 3 days in Rome. I just purchased the Omnia Rome travel pass. I ordered the passes to be sent to me because I thought it would be one less thing I had to deal with when I arrived. They sent an email saying I can’t prebook my entry times until I have my tickets. I know you stated in your post that once you order the pss you can book your reservations. Do you know if something changed or did I book it wrong? Thank you.

14th February 2019 at 9:02 pm

So my understanding was that as soon as you bought your pass you would be able to book your entry times at the following website: https://booking.omniakit.org/en/categories/choose

However, it sounds like this might have changed. I have sent an e-mail to my contacts at the Omnia Rome pass to see what the current process is in case it has changed. In addition, for the Coliseum you also now need to book an entry time if you are visiting after the start of March 2019. However the process for how you actually do this with the pass is a bit unclear, so I have asked for clarity about that as well,

I’ll be in touch when I hear back!

19th February 2019 at 2:01 am

Thank you so much! I appreciate your help with my questions!

19th February 2019 at 4:06 pm

My pleasure!

Suan Teo says

12th February 2019 at 1:16 am

We are a group of 6 seniors travelling to Rome arriving Oct 14 and our cruise sets sail on Oct 20. Your 3-day Rome itinerary and 2-day in Florence is very helpful. Need recommendation on accommodation for 6….will you suggest VRBO and/or AirBnB. Thank you.

12th February 2019 at 5:36 pm

I would certainly suggest for a larger party that an apartment is great option. We have a list of a range of apartment booking websites we suggest you look at, which you can see here .

Let me know if you have any more questions and I’ll try to help out!

27th January 2019 at 1:00 am

Hi Laurence & Jessica Norah, thank you for this wonderful insight of Rome. i am arriving in Rome Feb of this year Sunday noon and leaving Thursday morning to explore the City. i honestly love the itinerary that you wrote but my “bad left knee” can’t endure the walks as stated. my top priorities to visit are as follows. The Vatican, The Museum, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica (and maybe hear Mass and see a glimpse of our beloved Pope). Piazza del Popolo, Spanish steps, Trevi fountain (wishing to visit again), Mouth of Truth (for the child/curiosity/fun @heart) and of course, The Colosseum & Roman Forum. please help me out on how to achieve this in 3 1/2 days. thank you in advance and more power to you two 🙂 Sirod

27th January 2019 at 10:06 am

So based on your priorities I think you will be able to achieve what you want. As you say you want to see a Papal mass, we can arrange your visit around that. I’m not sure which part of February you are visiting, but you can see the papal mass timetable here: http://www.vatican.va/various/prefettura/en/udienze_en.html

For the Wednesday mass, please be advised you have to get tickets in advance from the website I link to. Tickets are free, but are required for entry. You will also need to be there in person at least a couple of hours early in order to see mass. So this will take up most of the morning and some of the afternoon.

My advice for the rest of that day would be to visit the outside attractions, like Piazza del Popolo, the Spanish Steps and the Trevi fountain. From the vatican you can take a bus to the centre of the city. Alternatively, you could visit St. Peter’s on this afternoon as you are already there. I don’t think you’ll have time to see the Vatican as well.

So this would give you the Monday to see The Colosseum & Roman Forum. This would also be a good day to see the mouth of truth.

You could then dedicate the Tuesday to the Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel.

Does that sound feasible?

27th January 2019 at 9:19 pm

Thank you very much for your reply. This will definitely be a short but wonderful stay in Rome. More power to your “blog”

27th January 2019 at 11:02 pm

My pleasure Sirod, do let me know if you have any more questions!

caroline says

26th January 2019 at 8:40 pm

love your blog. Excited to go to Rome in a few days, however, there is one thing that we dont understand with the Omnia Card. Are you supposed to prebooked online all the attractions with the Omnia card or just show up ? Thanks in advance, Caroline

26th January 2019 at 8:51 pm

Hi Caroline!

Thanks very much, and it’s my pleasure to be able to help 🙂

So when you have your card you can prebook your timeslots at the following website: https://booking.omniakit.org/en/categories/choose

If you are picking the card up in person, you’ll make the bookings at the time you pick it up I think.

The only things you need to book the timeslots for are the Vatican Museum and St. Peter’s Basilica. However, for St. Peter’s, it’s an open ticket for the whole day – as long as you have a booking confirmation for the right day, the time doesn’t matter.

I hope this helps – let me know if you have any further questions or anything doesn’t make sense 🙂

26th January 2019 at 9:34 pm

Thanks Laurence, for taking the time to answer my question. This is very heelpful.

24th January 2019 at 5:59 pm

I’m relieved to find the perfect Rome travel guide for me! It tends to be overwhelming during this planning phase as there’s a wide range of attractions to visit. But glad to havr come across your page.

My husband and I are booked for June 3-11, 2019. We have not booked any accommodation yet but we’re looking more into a bed & breakfast kind of place.

We’re inclined to tour around Italy for our 8 nights. We’re thinking of Rome, Milan, Venice and Florence. Do you think doing this would be too tight given our travel period? We’re slow paced travelers and would want to have ample time to appreciate the surroundings. We also love when we don’t need to rush from one point to the next.

Also, can you comment about taking taxis, uber, or private hired cars as mode of transportation? What’s our best option if we want to travel (day trip) to Milan or Venice or Florence or all?

Thank you in advance!

25th January 2019 at 3:06 pm

Thanks very much 😀 So I would say that 8 days is definitely enough to see three cities. Four would be possible, but if you don’t want to feel rushed then you might want to drop one. My suggestion would be to go Rome -> Florence – Venice, and to take the fast train between them which will be the most cost effective and fastest way to travel. Tickets can be booked online in advance from the TrenItalia website, which has an English language version.

For transportation in the cities, much of the three cities I mention are entirely walkable, but Uber is available and likely going to be your best option. I’d also recommend the bus or other public transport options. Venice doesn’t have any vehicles, only water taxis.

I would personally advise that if you really want to appreciate Venice and Florence that you stay overnight in them. So with your eight nights, I’d suggest 3 in Rome, 3 in Florence with one of those days as a trip to Tuscany, and 2 nights in Venice. For your time in Florence, I’d suggest reading our guide to 2 days in Florence, which has some suggested tours to Tuscany: https://www.findingtheuniverse.com/highlights-of-florence-and-tuscany-two-days/

I don’t think you’ll need a hire car 🙂

Have a great trip – and do let me know if you have any more questions!

17th January 2019 at 8:37 pm

Laurence, what a great blog you guys have produced, well done! Great insight and hints!! My wife and I are going to Rome either over Easter (yea) or in July (UGGGH HOT) If we buy the individual tickets from the sites themselves do we get to skip the lines too? And if we buy them online before we fly over can we print the tickets at home and bring them with us or do they have to be mailed/shipped to us ? Thanks so much!!

17th January 2019 at 10:26 pm

Personally I’d go for Easter if I was you – July will not only be hot, but also very busy.

For the tickets, sorry to say this, but it very much depends on the site and the ticket. However, I will quickly run down for the main sites:

For the Vatican, yes, if you book it on the official Vatican Museum website this comes with skip the line access. Note whatever ticket you buy there is still a security line.

For St. Peter’s Basilica, there isn’t an entry ticket, so there is no official website to buy a ticket from. However, there is usually a long line for security here, and if you buy from one of the “skip the line” third party services, you get access to a shorter security line which can save you a lot of time on a busy day. Obviously the value of this is up to you! We recommend this one , but there are a few.

For the Coliseum, you can also buy skip the line tickets from the official website here . Personally I find this website a bit confusing 😉 There are a variety of ticket options, but as of 2018 they operate a timed entry system, so you have to pick a time slot. Until the end of 2018 they had something called an “open” ticket, which let you go in any time after 2pm, but that appears to have been discontinued, so you need to select a time.

For the tickets, I believe they are all of the print at home variety, however we nearly always use one of the various passes we mention as we just find them easier, so I do not have first hand knowledge to confirm that.

Finally, we can also recommend one of the walking tours as well if you want to avoid all the hassle as they sort all this stuff out for you. Obviously more expensive, but we find they can really help bring a location to life. We recommend Walks of Italy generally for Rome 🙂

Have a fantastic trip, and if you do decide to go for the online tickets, do let us know how it goes and if they can be printed at home so I know for future!

21st January 2019 at 2:14 pm

Hi Laurence! Thanks for the reply, and again great information!! Hope we can make it around Easter for sure. If we buy the tickets on line I’ll be sure to let you know if we’re able to print them at home. Thanks again. Ken

Lisa Herrmann says

28th December 2018 at 3:08 pm

LOVE this site and your plans. I will be there in March and can’t wait! I made my reservations for the Vatican Museums and the Basillica as suggested with my Omnia card. Do I need to print out the reservation or is it now linked to my Omnia card?

I am also planning on taking a train ride to Venice for a day. Any suggestions on a half day trip there?


28th December 2018 at 4:30 pm

Thanks very much Lisa! I’m not 100% certain if you need to print out the confirmation. It should be linked with your card, but you might want to print it out just in case (we usually print things out just in case!).

For Venice, we have a guide to things to do in Venice for a day – I’d say that half a day would be enough to see the main sights like the Rialto Bridge, St Marks Square and so on 🙂

Have an awesome trip, and do pop back to let us know how it all went!

27th October 2018 at 9:33 am

A very good guide and help.

27th October 2018 at 11:25 pm

26th October 2018 at 8:57 pm

I just bought my Omnia Vatican and Rome pass for my trip at the end of November. It is being mailed to me. Do you know if I need to wait until the pass arrives so book my Sistine Chapel tickets? Or is there a portal I can go through to book them before actually having the pass? I wasn’t prompted to book the tickets during my Pass Purchasing process.

26th October 2018 at 9:06 pm

So the last time I asked the Rome and Vatican Pass people about this, I was told that you should be sent a link by e-mail when you place your order. You might want to check your spam folder to be sure. If you haven’t received a link, please let me know, and I will check in with them in case the process has changed, and get back to you.

I do know that when you have the pass in hand you can book your timeslot using this website:


And the code that is printed on the card, however I appreciate you might want to get things arranged already, so just let me know if you’ve got any links sent by e-mail or not.

Also, just to be aware, for the Sistine Chapel it’s the Vatican Museum entry you need to book. You also need to book a timeslot for St. Peter’s, but it’s an open ticket for the whole day – as long as you have a booking confirmation for the right day, the time doesn’t matter.

I hope this helps!

15th October 2018 at 8:18 pm

Firstly, I would like to appreciate you for the way you have written this blog. It’s beautiful and very useful. I am planning my trip based on your itinerary and have a few questions: 1. I will be visiting Rome from October 25th to 28th, 2018 and plan to visit the Vatican City on Friday, October 26th. My question, would they still be huge queues to visit the Vatican Muesuem and the Sistine Chapel. Do you recommend to buy any of the above passes or just buy a ticket from the official website of the Vatican museum.

2. In general, will the lines be too huge during my time of visit at other attractions like the Coliseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill? Just buying the ticket on the same day be recommended or should we buy any of the above mentioned passes?

Thanks in advance S

17th October 2018 at 7:53 pm

Thank you very much 🙂

So, it’s hard to predict exactly what the queues will be like for any given day, but October should certainly be less busy than say August. So you should be ok for the Vatican and the other sites. However, if you are planning on attending a few of the sites you mention, then the Roma Pass will definitely be helpful, as it will let you skip the lines, save a bit of money and also get free transport in the city.

Aggie Serrame says

8th October 2018 at 12:27 pm

I came across this post while looking at itineraries for Rome. We will be in Rome for 4 days from February 18-22, 2019!

First question is, what would the weather be like/what clothes to wear/pack because it’s a struggle every time we pack too much winter or pack too little winter stuff haha.

Second, we are going to be getting the Omnia and Roma Pass to utilize the service of skipping lines, when we get the 72 hour pass, does that start from the moment we get it? Because we’re trying to use 1 of the 4 days to do a Pompeii/Amalfi Coast tour so I don’t want the other day of the 72 hour to go to waste. Any suggestions for me?

Third, I already mentioned we are doing a day tour to Pompeii and Amalfi Coast, have you guys been there in the winter? Do you have any recommendations on what our 4 day intinerary can be with that day tour to Pompeii and Amalfi coast???

Last, we also want to take a cooking class specifically pasta making, do you have any recommendations on which company/class to take?? We will be staying at a hotel 5 mins walk from the Trevi Fountain so if there’s anything in that area that you recommend for us to go to eat and shop, I would love to know! Or any restaurants really!

10th October 2018 at 5:43 pm

First, sounds like we need to write a four day itinerary! For February, it will be a bit cooler so you should definitely plan on packing some layers. It won’t be freezing, but it won’t be much above 10 – 15C I would say, and if you get rain or wind it might feel cooler. For the passes, they activate from the first use, so you are fine on that front. We have not visited Pompeii or the Amalfi Coast in winter, we’d say Pompeii would probably be better.

In terms of a cooking class, we have done one through Take Walks which was a lot of fun. You can see that here: Pasta-Making Class: Cook, Dine & Drink Wine With A Local Chef

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions and we’ll try to help!

Roslyn says

5th October 2018 at 11:59 pm

Hi Laurence and Jessica, We are visiting Rome in December and we’re keen to use your 3 day itininery. Just wondering if daylight hours will be less in December and if that will impact on our ability to see the sights. We were also wondering about a day trip outside of Rome as we have been told there are many sites outside of Rime much older than the ones in Rome. Thanks

10th October 2018 at 4:55 pm

Certainly there will be less daylight in December compared to the summer, but it shouldn’t impact your ability to do sight-seeing as most of the outdoor attractions are well lit at night. For visiting outside of Rome, I’d say with three days you are better staying in the city – there are lots of sights to see, and many of them are 2000+ years old, so there’s no shortage of old things to see!

Kushal says

5th October 2018 at 2:47 am

Thanks so much for the detailed itinerary. My wife and I are looking to be in Rome around Christmas. As it stands we Re planning to be in Rome on 23rd Dec and leave for Florence 27th Dec. We have 3 full days and I am sure your itinerary gives us the best chance to see Rome the best way but what implications will Christmas period have on the itinerary? Can you please suggest.

10th October 2018 at 4:54 pm

Certainly the Christmas period is likely to affect opening times, especially on Christmas Day (25th). My suggestion would be to check the official websites for each attraction you want to visit to see when they are open or not, and adjust the itinerary to suit 🙂 Have a great trip!

1st October 2018 at 2:12 pm

Hi, Have really enjoyed reading this blog and intend on using the itinerary for when my sister and I visit from 21st March 2019. How soon should we be buying the OMNIA pass and booking the Vatican/colosseum entries? Is it best to have them shipped

1st October 2018 at 2:43 pm

Thanks for stopping by! It is easier to get the pass shipped as otherwise you do have to pick it up in person. That said, I’ve arranged the itinerary so you are near the collection points on the first day, however if you get it shipped you will save a bit of time if there is a line 🙂 It’s not too expensive to have it shipped

I hope this helps! Have a great trip 🙂

30th September 2018 at 9:40 pm

I really like your itinerary and all the inside info. Thank you for that. I have a few questions.

1. can I just book the Omnia card in Rome, when we get there? I’ll have a couple of hours at the Airport waiting for my family to arrive, so I thought it might be a good time to pop to Tourist information and buy them for us.

2. I have seen another itinerary recommending Vatican gardens. Are they worth visiting?

Thank you Jana

1st October 2018 at 2:22 pm

Thanks for your comment 🙂 To answer your questions

1 – Yes you can, but only from specific points in the city, which are not at the airport unfortunately. There are three places you can buy them, which are listed as the collection points on this page: https://www.romeandvaticanpass.com/collection-points-rome-pass/index.html

2 – It’s hard to know – some people will love the Vatican gardens, others may not find them as interesting 😉 You can only visit them as a guided tour, which takes around 1.5 – 2 hours. The ticket for the tour includes the Vatican Museum entry as well. So it will take a bit of time, so if you decide to do this, then you might need to adjust your day accordingly 🙂 They aren’t included on any of the passes, so you would have to book this separately!

I hope this helps – have a great trip!

23rd September 2018 at 5:27 pm

Hey! My sisters and i are going on our first trip together to Rome, and basically planning everything off of your amazing itinerary!

I did have one question, the first day there are a TON of attractions to see. Do you think its possible to do all of it in one day? We were planning on starting the day at 7AM, but i was still worried about not being able to see everything. I noticed that the Pantheon closes by 730 pm, and is more towards the end of the day as well. is it possible to make it on time

another question i had is about Pyramid of Caius Cestius. is this only open on saturday and sunday?

thank so much!!

26th September 2018 at 4:38 am

It is definitely possible (and you can see other commenters agree :)) to do it in one day, but I agree, it is a full day. However, if you start at 7am, you should be fine! Many of the attractions have no closing time, and you can just move the Pantheon forward a little bit in the itinerary if you are worried about it, as it’s right next to the Spanish Steps and Trevi Fountain. For the Pyramid, we think it’s enough just to see it from the outside rather than go in, but it’s up to you 🙂 It does appear only to open on weekend mornings.

23rd September 2018 at 3:11 am

I am planning a 3 day trip to Rome in December, and really like the 3-day itinerary that you have outlined. How does the Hop on Hop Off Bus ticket fit into the itinerary?

26th September 2018 at 4:40 am

The HOHO bus will take you around the major sights if you want to use it, it might be a good option on the first day to get from the Vatican area close to the major sights in Rome, or on the second day from the Coliseum. Or you could just use it on the third day to tour Rome, and then do the Appian Way. It’s up to you!

Hope this helps!

Kathy McDermott says

22nd September 2018 at 10:02 pm

I am happy that I came across your site. I’m struggling to put our itinerary together and yours seems to be a good fit. (and I’ve researched a lot!) My husband and I will be in Rome Sunday,May 12, 2019 with our flight landing at 8:15 am and leaving Wednesday,May 15th in the morning. We want to do the Colosseum on Sunday with the underground tour (the latest is 2:00 pm) but also purchase the Roma Pass. What I’ve read online is that I have to call the Colosseum to add the underground tour to use the Roma Pass. I don’t think we can squeeze your Day 2 itinerary into our Day 1 (with flight time and Hotel check-in) and the Vatican is closed on Sundays. Any suggestions as to how to mix it up? Thank You!

26th September 2018 at 4:54 am

I have to admit I’m not sure about adding the underground tour to the Roma Pass, but if that’s what you’ve read then I’m sure that is likely correct.

Based on your timings, I would suggest something like:

Coliseum, Roman Forum, St. John in the Lateran, Mouth of Truth

As Day 1 in the itinerary

As Day 3, but with the addition of the Baths of Caracalla

Hopefully that works!

Have a great trip, and let me know if I can help any more!

Chrisite says

5th September 2018 at 9:56 pm

Thanks for this amazing itinerary, I can’t wait to visit in less than a week! Just a quick question what do the ladies normally wear out there? Im more of a short person however, a lot of websites so not to wear them. I know knees/shoulders have to be covered in holy places, but would it be acceptable to wear shorts when visiting the colloseum and will i be the woman wearing them if i do?

6th September 2018 at 10:49 am

Hey Chrisite

Our pleasure! So for the religious buildings like St. Peter’s, as you say you do need to cover from just below your knees up to your shoulders. So this is why most people don’t wear shorts, as you have to change to something longer. But it’s perfectly acceptable to wear shorts to other places like the Coliseum or the rest of the city, and I’m fairly sure you won’t be alone if you do so!

Have a great trip 🙂

2nd September 2018 at 5:50 am

This was a great read and I’m sure I will check out all of these places when we go to Rome in March. My sisters and I went to Paris this spring and we bought a pass as that was the least expensive way to do it. My question though, is we will be in Rome for 19 days and I don’t want to cram all of the sight seeing into just a few days. Would it still be cost effective to purchase a pass? Also, because we will be staying outside of the central city because we do have some meetings to attend, we will be renting a car. I think we will use it mostly use it outside of the city and then when we go sight seeing, we will park somewhere and use public transit. Would it still be worth us buying a pass for public transit? Thanks again for the wonderful tips.

2nd September 2018 at 10:27 am

Thanks. I think for 19 days a pass isn’t going to deliver much cost benefit, as most of the passes we are aware of are time limited, and if you don’t see a certain number of attractions, then the pass cost won’t be worth it. So if you want to spread your attraction viewing out, then it’s unlikely to be cost effective to buy a pass. Instead, you should just be sure to book your individual tickets in advance to skip the ticket lines. I’d also say that a transport pass will be unlikely to save you money. Individual tickets, good for 100 minutes of transport, are only €1.50, so unless you plan on taking a lot of transport, it will probably be cheaper to just pay as you go.

29th August 2018 at 5:31 pm

Hello Laurence!

This ‘3 day’ plan is AMAZING! My husband and I are going to Rome in February half term (Im a teacher so can only go then) so this has given us loads of great ideas.

Id like to ask a few questions though, if I may.

1. Should I get the ’skip in lines’ even for first thing in the morning in late Feb? 2. Do I need an audioguide/ a real guide tour of the Vatican museums (especially if we aren’t really interested in art info – just cool to look at?) 3. Does the entry to the Vatican museums (€17+€4 for skip the queues) include Sistine Chapel and St Peter’s Basilica?? It says Basilica is free to enter but some sites charging €14,50 as fast track into the Basilica….is this worth it? Does the ‘fast track’ into the Vatican museums also get you fast track into the Basilica/Sistine chapel? 4. Is the Sistine Chapel extra if you have paid the entrance fee to the Vatican museums? 5. Castel Saint Angelo – worth a visit? Some people say just lots of fancy rooms…maybe just a visit from the front?

Sorry, I know thats a lot of questions. When I have a holiday project I go a bit all out. Want to get in as much as possible (we normally do a lot of visits whenever we are on holiday – most people think what we do is excessive but we love the fast paced hols)

29th August 2018 at 6:00 pm

Pleased you like it! And you are welcome to ask questions of course. I’ll answer then in the order you asked, I appreciate a well ordered list 😀

1 – it’s less likely you’ll need skip the line tickets at this time of year, especially if you go early in the morning. February should be a fairly quiet month. That said, you might want to add up the individual prices for each attraction you want to visit and figure out if something like the Omnia Vatican and Rome card will either save you money, or even if it’s a little more expensive, it might save you a bit of time.

2 – It’s up to you of course! We’ve visited the Vatican both on our own and on a guided tour. We definitely learnt a lot more with the tour than we did on our own, obviously, plus they know the fastest ways to the main highlights.

3 – Skip the line entry to the Vatican does include the Sistine Chapel (the Vatican Museum is the only way to get to the Sistine Chapel), but not St. Peters Basilica. St. Peters Basilica is free to enter, but as the lines (especially in summer) can get very very long, you can pay a premium for fast track entry. You do have to book this in advance. Alternatively, you can book a tour like the Pristine Sistine tour I mention in the post. Group tours have a special route they are allowed to use, which takes them directly from The Vatican Museums into St Peters Basilica. So if you were planning to take a tour, definitely take one that includes both the Vatican and St. Peters as this will save you time. Alternatively, if you’re an early riser, St. Peters Basilica opens pretty early, so you could go there first and you would definitely not need a skip the line ticket 🙂

4 – Nope, it’s included

5 – It’s very hard to answer this as what one person finds interesting another person doesn’t 🙂 We enjoyed visiting, and it’s certainly an ancient building with a great view from the top, but it’s also pretty from the outside. So if you wanted to save money you could skip this.

Overall I’d definitely suggest making a list of all the attractions you want to visit, looking at the entry costs for them and then deciding if the pass if going to be worth it for you – not forgetting that they often include transport 🙂

I hope this helps – happy to answer any follow up questions too!

Natasha Poulton says

16th September 2018 at 3:03 pm

Thanks so much for this; you certainly know your stuff! Completely forgot to check this site for the answers so sorry its taken some time for me to reply.

Just wondering about a switch round then of the Vatican and St Peters. Was going to do it that way round but if St Peters is open at 7am then may do that first and then the Vatican. If we did it that way, would we need a skip the queue for the Vatican for 9am when it opens do you think?

Also, can you recommend a roman bath experience. In late Feb I think some heat and relaxation would be quite nice.

Thanks for all the help.

16th September 2018 at 3:18 pm

No worries! We love Rome, so do our best to have all the info to hand to help others 🙂

That would certainly make sense to switch them round. I don’t do it like that in the itinerary as most people aren’t going to get excited about a 7am entry time, but if you are fine with that, you can go for it! I would say that in February the queues for the Vatican aren’t likely to be that long, especially at 9am. Although just bear in mind that many of the tour groups do go 8.30am – 9am, so you might have to wait a bit. It shouldn’t be round the walls queues though, as it is in summer as the day progresses!

I have never taken a Roman bath experience in Rome, so unfortunately I don’t have any recommendations there.

Have a great trip, and let me know if you have any more questions!

Vickie says

27th August 2018 at 1:06 pm

Hi we would like ti spend 4 days un room whatbis the weather like on med October?

27th August 2018 at 1:09 pm

October is a good time to visit Rome, it’s not as busy as the summer, and the weather is usually mild, usually between 12C and 22C. However, the chance of rain is increased, so you’ll want to be prepared. It can also be a bit cooler, especially at night and in the morning, so bringing some warm layers is advised.

Nitin Mistry says

27th August 2018 at 11:39 am

Hi Laurence & Jessica Thank you so much for the itinerary, We managed to follow most of the things listed but because of the thunderstorms we experienced over the three days we were not able to do all of it and sadly missed a whole days worth of sightseeing. As a result we picked the most of the important aspect from your plans which were a big help. We decided not to use the discount cards due to the weather which worked out cheaper but if the weather was better then I feel that it would have been more worthwhile for us. We decided to spend a little more on the Colosseum and do a moonlight tour to avoid the crowds and this was the hightlight for our holiday.

Once again I just want to say a huge thank you for this detailed trip

27th August 2018 at 12:22 pm

Our pleasure Nitin! Sorry to hear about the weather, but it sounds like you made the best of it, and we’re so pleased you had a good time 🙂

Trinetra Bhushan says

27th August 2018 at 4:03 am

Hi Laurence and Jessica, What a good blog about Rome travel. I will be following your trip for my Mid September visit to Rome. I am reaching Rome from New York around 12:30 PM on 18th September and leaving early morning 21st Sept, do you thing I can do the 3 days itinerary in 2.5 days? Also do you suggest to buy Omnia and Vatican card or Roma card?

Thanks, Trinetra

27th August 2018 at 1:07 pm

Hi Trinetra!

I actually had a similar question by e-mail recently. I think this is possible, but you may have to juggle the itinerary a little bit. My suggestion would be to do the Vatican on the day you arrive. You might also be able to fit in St. Peters Basilica, but it’s unlikely, and you also probably won’t be able to into Castel Sant’Angelo on this day either. However, if you don’t mind getting up early, St Peter’s opens very early in the morning, so you could do that and Castel Sant’Angelo on the morning of either the second or third days.

You may also have to adjust when you visit the Pantheon as that has opening times. Everything else on the first day will be do-able as it’s attractions that are outdoors.

For the trip, we would recommend the Omnia and Vatican card if you plan on seeing everything on the itinerary, as it will let you pre-book your Vatican entry and get skip the line access to the Vatican and St. Peters.

I hope this helps – have a great trip, and do let us know how it goes!

27th August 2018 at 3:50 pm

Thnaks for the detailed explanation Laurence. I would like to do Vetican part of Rome without rush so planning to go there on Thursday. I was thinking to do Day 3 of your itinerary on the day I arrive in Rome as it have less places and not the ones which are must see in my list. Is that sounds good?

Thanks in advance. Trinetra

27th August 2018 at 4:17 pm

Absolutely Trinetra, that makes sense. You should just check the opening hours of any of the attractions you definitely want to visit along the Appian Way so as not to miss them 🙂 Then you will have two full days to do everything you want to do.

27th August 2018 at 4:23 pm

You are angel thanks!!

27th August 2018 at 11:33 pm

I bought card and proceeded to book Vatican Museum @10:00 AM and the found only available slot for St. Peter’s Basilica and the Tomb of the Popes was for 13:00 PM I have booked that as well but then I started thinking is 3 hours is enough for getting into Vatican and then to St. Peter’s? Are they very strict about timings? is there any way I can modify my reservation if the time is not enough? Thanks, Trinetra

28th August 2018 at 12:08 am

Hi Trinetra,

I have queried the Omnia Rome & Vatican Pass people about this, and they said:

“St Peters is an open ticket so as long as they have a booking confirmation they will not need to go at the time of the confirmation.”

I hope this helps – it should mean that as long as your ticket is for that day, you should be fine!

Loretta Blackborough says

22nd August 2018 at 7:54 am

Thank you so much for a very well planned and written itinerary! We are staying in Rome for 4 nights in September, so your 3 day itinerary is perfect. We will be arriving in Rome at around 11am on Thursday 27/9, after a 4 hour bus trip from Sorrento. We plan to follow your 3 day itinerary exactly from day 2 of our stay. This being the case, what would you recommend we do for the first half day on the day of our arrival? Kind regards, Loretta

22nd August 2018 at 9:13 am

Hey Loretta,

Our pleasure 🙂 Of your first day, personally I’d take the time to just walk around the center of the city and eat gelato and take in some sights, but if you want some additional attractions that aren’t on this list, you could visit the Museum and Crypt of the Capuchin Friars, which is quite interesting. The Trastevere district is also nice to wander around, and isn’t in this itinerary, so that is a good option. You could also head up to the Buco della serratura di Roma, there a good view over the city from a garden up here, and a famous keyhole you can look through 🙂

22nd August 2018 at 9:58 am

Thanks Laurence, Wandering around the Trastevere district will be perfect!

One other question – does the hop-on bus go to most of the locations listed in the 1st two days of this itinerary?

Many thanks Loretta

22nd August 2018 at 10:07 am

It does! I found this map which I think is the up to date route, to give you an idea of where it goes 🙂


Vangie says

18th August 2018 at 10:03 pm

We are also planning to visit Rome Italy only for 3 – 4 days it will be our first time and I like your suggestions of places to visit Can you reach these sites through their local transportation , Taxis or rental car? Do you have a recommendation of hotel accommodation as well

18th August 2018 at 10:07 pm

Hi Vangie! Sure, there’s a section in the post on where to stay in Rome here: https://www.findingtheuniverse.com/3-day-rome-itinerary/#Where-to-Stay-in-Rome-for-3-Days

And you can reach all the attractions by public transport, or you can take a taxi if you want. That’s covered in the post here: https://www.findingtheuniverse.com/3-day-rome-itinerary/#Getting-Around-Rome

iuliana constantinescu says

11th August 2018 at 11:02 am

Thank you for this wonderful guide! We’re planing to spend 3 days in Rome at the beginning of Nov. One of the days would be a Monday though, so how is this going to affect our itinerary? Also we have a 3 years old boy so I’m not sure how much walking we can do. Are these locations accessible with a stroller? Also do you have an idea on how is the weather in Nov? Your advice would be much appreciated.

Cheers, Iuliana

13th August 2018 at 9:07 pm

Hi Juliana,

Our pleasure! I would say that the majority of locations are accessible with a stroller, but it might be worth checking the official website for each as it’s not something we have personal experience with. For the itinerary, my suggestion is to check the opening times for the various attractions, seeing what is open, and then adjusting the itinerary to suit. It’s also hard to comment exactly on the stamina of your son as everyone varies, but this is a fairly packed itinerary, so you might want to scale it back a bit and focus on the highlights, or perhaps spread the first two days out over three days so you can see everything and not get stressed 🙂

Hope this helps a bit – have a great trip!

Graham says

2nd August 2018 at 7:02 pm

Hi My wife & I have just been on your 3 day tour of Rome and it was Fabulous. We are on our 25th Wedding Anniversary and couldn’t have wished for a better trip and this was all down to you. You gave us a purpose & we visited sites that was beyond our dreams. Thank you so much Angie & Graham PS Looking to undertake Berlin & Krakow next can you HELP please

2nd August 2018 at 7:05 pm

Hi Graham! First, congratulations on your anniversary. What a wonderful way to spend it 🙂 We are so pleased that you stopped by to let us know our guide worked for you, it’s the sort of feedback that really makes us smile! We’re thrilled you had a good time and that we were able to help.

For Berlin & Krakow – we have been to Berlin but haven’t as yet put together a detailed guide to visiting. Krakow is on the shortlist for next year – I know that doesn’t help right now, but stay tuned!

Graham Pickett says

2nd August 2018 at 10:35 pm

We our truly thankful for your brilliant advice, we have had such a Fab time. The feedback is throughly well deserved & hats off to you two.

Thank You Angie & Graham PS Knackered but exceptional journey & your correct Gardens was great at the end, sorry to say we shared the rowing boat time between us. Thank You both

Monica Doss says

29th July 2018 at 6:43 am

Hi Laurence, Great guide. I saved it and I keep checking it every now and then while planning my trip:) I bought the OMINA Card online and then went to book the Vatican and St. Peter’s Basilica. Booked Vatican museum successfully at 10am but for the basilica, Wednesdays are always unavailable even 5 months from now and other days timings are only 9am and 4pm. Do you have any information about that? Ideally I should book around 1pm to give Vatican museum and Sistine chapel 3 hours.

Thanks a million:)

29th July 2018 at 12:34 pm

Thanks very much 🙂

So for the basilica, I’m not sure why you can’t book a Wednesday, that seems a bit weird. For the other timings, it actually doesn’t matter. Here’s what the folks at the Pass told me about the bookings:

“customers now do have to book their visits to St Peters Basilica in advance of their trip. St Peters is an open ticket so as long as they have a booking confirmation they will not need to go at the time of the confirmation. ”

So hopefully that helps!

Tisaygwapa says

8th July 2018 at 3:34 pm

Hi, this blog is very informative and great read. Me and my husband will be visiting Rome next year and it will be our first time there. May i know what is the nearest airport to the Day 1 Itinerary? what are the transportation to take from airport to the attraction? Cost? Are there a lot of English speaking people?

Hoping to hear from you. Thank you in advance.

9th July 2018 at 10:11 am

Hi Tisaygwapa!

Thanks very much. I’m sure you will love Rome (and Paris :D). Rome has two major airports, Ciampino and Fiumicino. The first is smaller, and primarily serves budget airlines, the latter is bigger and handles more of the international traffic.

Fiumicino is easier to get to and from, it has a train station and it takes about 30 minutes to get into the city center. There are also regular buses and taxis.

Ciampino has a nearby train station, and also regular buses. So also quite easy.

Hope this helps – have a great trip!

Shrikant says

4th July 2018 at 3:03 pm

Is it doable to go from Florence everyday(for three days) by fast train to Rome for sight seeing? Or is it going to be very hectic? Leave Florence around 8:00 am to go to Rome and leave Rome around 7-8:00 pm to go back to Florence. BTW you have compiled very useful info on “Rome in three Days”, This is what exactly I was looking for. Thanks!!

4th July 2018 at 3:24 pm

Hi Shrikant,

Well, it is possible, but I have to be honest, I’m not sure why you would not just stay in Rome – this would add expense and lost time into the equation. But, yes, it could be done. Have a great trip!

Denise Shaw says

14th June 2018 at 5:06 pm

Hi I am chaperoning a class trip to Italy on June 29th. I was looking for a suggestion for a day in Rome. We have one free day in Rome . The other day in Rome we are doing a walking tour through the Vatican Museums to reach the Sistine Chapel at the end of a visit to St. Peter’s Badillica. Free time is given for lunch and to explore Vatican City. During our free time I am going to take them to Castel San’Angelo. Afternoon: Transfer by bus from the Vatican to the Colosseum for a guided visit (45) followed by a guided walk through the Roman Forum. Ending by the Spanish Steps I was wondering if you can give me a suggestion for one day in Rome what to see and where to go on foot. We will be dropped off in the morning and picked up late afternoon. Thanks so much Dee

16th June 2018 at 10:21 pm

Hey Denise! Sounds like you have many of the major highlights covered on that one day. I think your tour is also likely to take in the Pantheon, but if not, do make sure to add that in. So my suggestion would be to head out to the Baths of Caracalla, visit those and St. John in the Lateran Church, and then perhaps to explore the Appian Way. This is a different side of Rome to what you will have already seen, a bit more green, so should be a nice contrast. Hope this helps – have a great trip!

6th June 2018 at 10:24 am

This itinerary looks awesome and I think it covers the main spots. However, i am going to travel with my parents (in their 70s) and although they are healthy, I am not sure if its too much walking in a day. What do you think is your average daily steps taken?

8th June 2018 at 10:34 am

Thanks very much – and this is a good question, which I have to admit, is a bit hard to answer. This is because it really depends on what you aim on seeing – the Vatican alone for example has 7 miles of corridors! I actually did a tour like this a while back with my grandmother, and she did pretty well. From the map I’ve provided you should be able get an idea of the walking distances involved. I would also add that Rome has a really good public transport network, so you can definitely cut back on walking by taking advantage of the bus / metro system between the main points (or using the hop on hop off bus).

I would also say that when we walk these routes out, they often come in at around 20,000 steps for us, but again, that’s just an approximation. Certainly 10,000 – 15,000 would be a good number to think of, and you can probably cut back on that like I said with public transport.

Have a great trip, and do let me know how it goes!

24th May 2018 at 6:16 pm

hi ! this is a great blog and i really appreciate the time and energy put into this.

could you please provide a link to the site where we can book the required tickets in advance?

24th May 2018 at 8:57 pm

Hi Oorja – thanks very much!

For the Rome and Vatican Pass, if you buy that then when you have bought it you will be sent a link to book your times in advance.

If you want to book individually, the links are in the post for the tickets to the Coliseum, the Vatican and the other major attractions that need advanced booking 🙂 Each entry should have a link, let me know if you can’t find something specific 🙂

Tinamarie Mathis-Standley says

18th July 2018 at 8:40 am

I bought the pass but it does not give you the option of scheduling the coliseum or forum. Also, St. Peter’s Prison is included but not on your itinerary, where would you squeeze it in?

18th July 2018 at 6:49 pm

Hi Tinamarie,

For the Coliseum and Forum with the pass you don’t need to schedule the entry, you just go straight to the security line. You don’t need to queue for tickets if this is the first or second use of the pass, which it would be if you follow the itinerary.

For the prison, I’d suggest squeezing it in to the same day as the Forum, perhaps just after you finish the Forum, as it’s right there. Just bear in mind that the itineraries are quite full so you will have to hustle a bit 🙂

Gurjeet Kaur says

28th April 2018 at 9:44 pm

Hi. I was wondering if I need to make reservations for 2 out of the 6 free attractions before hand or do I just show up to the places and show my card and get in?

29th April 2018 at 8:20 am

Hi Gurjeet,

No, for the 2 out of 6 attractions you do not need to make reservations 🙂

Jai Sanghvi says

23rd April 2018 at 10:51 pm

Great Blog and amazing suggestions. You took away hours of research time I would have spent trying to finalize my itinerary. Appreciate it.

We are vegetarians (eat dairy, but no eggs, no meat, no seafood, etc). Could you possibly suggest some restaurants in the Rome Center area where we can get Vegetarian, Indian, Mediterranean food? We don’t mind exploring other cusines as well, except, we have our 12 year old daughter and would like to keep your suggestions in our back pocket for “emergency” situations..! 🙂

Again appreciate your help in advance

24th April 2018 at 10:31 pm

Thanks for your comment! We don’t really have the necessary knowledge unfortunately to answer your restaurant request – usually we shy away from recommending restaurants as the quality can change quickly – we usually find it’s best to check recent reviews on focused restaurant review sites. My best advice would be to try something like Google Maps or Yelp to see what suggestions they have,

Josefa Mapa says

20th April 2018 at 4:38 pm

My teenage son and I just got back from our trip to Rome. We were able to maximized our trip to Rome thanks to your blog and itinerary. Had it not been for them, we would be clueless what to see and much less how to batch up the places.

We didn’t buy any of the passes. We did a LOT of walking. We got lost often but that lead us to see something else interesting that were not in the itinerary. Tickets to the important sites were bought online in advance from the websites of the places itself so they were a bit cheaper. Maybe because it was just after lent so the queues were not that long if any and it still being spring, the weather was wonderful.

Again, thank you. You also gave me confidence in going to my very first adventure in a new country.

Good luck, and God bless.

22nd April 2018 at 10:19 am

That is wonderful to hear, I am delighted you had a good trip! Certainly, at quieter times of year you can be lucky with the queues and the weather, and it sounds like you were 😀 – plus making those reservations in advance will have helped a lot too 🙂 Thanks for stopping back to let me know how it went!

Lisa Smith says

7th April 2018 at 7:39 pm

Thank you 🙂

7th April 2018 at 7:56 pm

Our pleasure 🙂

2nd April 2018 at 3:03 pm

Hi thanks for this great guide. Have a couple of questions about the Omnia pass. You say the 72 hours starts from first use. So does using the hop on hop off part then activate the public transport and museum count down as it also mentions somewhere they are separate tickets. We have an afternoon and three full days so were planning to start with the bus tour on first afternoon but now worried we’d effectively lose a whole day of tha pass. Thanks

2nd April 2018 at 3:10 pm

So, according to the official website:

“Don’t forget the OMNIA Vatican & Rome Card works on a consecutive day basis, so if you first use your pass in an attraction or even on the public transport at 5pm on your first day, this will count as the first out of your three day pass duration.”

In practice, I think it is a little different. The Omnia Pass actually comes as two passes – an Omnia card, and Rome card. The Omnia card covers the hop on hop off bus and the vatican attractions, and the Rome card covers the public transport and the other Rome attractions like the Coliseum.

So, I *think*, the Hop on Hop off part of the card will only activate the Omnia Pass. So as long as you see the Vatican attractions on your first three days, you should be fine. Of course, I can’t guarantee this, but as I recall when I got on the hop on hop off bus, they only used the Omnia Pass rather than the Rome card, so it wouldn’t have activated.

cheryl says

28th March 2018 at 5:18 pm

Great advice, I am trying to decide on the Rome passes or just buy the hop on-off pass as it includes Vatican museum and coliseum. What do you think?

Also, Can I use the Rome pass to get from the airport to termini station? TIA

28th March 2018 at 5:41 pm

Thanks very much 🙂 So just for clarity, do you mean this pass? https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=813809&u=969916&m=63134&urllink=www%2Eisango%2Ecom%2Frome%2Frome%2Dopen%2Dtour%2Dand%2Dcolosseum%2Dtour%2Dand%2Dvatican%2Dmuseums%5F24323&afftrack=RomeItineraryFTU

I would say that it’s really up to you and what you want to see in Rome – the Rome Pass is slightly more expensive (although on sale right now) but also includes a few more attractions (plus skip the line access to St. Peter’s Basilica), as well as a three day travelcard and three days of Hop on Hop off transport. Personally I think the Omnia Rome and Vatican Pass is slightly better value considering what you get, but of course it does depend on what attractions you want to see.

In terms of the travelcard, whilst Fiumicino is connect to Termini by public tranport, the travelcard doesn’t include transport from the airport unfortunately, you can see that on the travelcard page here: https://prf.hn/click/camref:1101lbZD/pubref:3DayRomeComment/destination:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.romeandvaticanpass.com%2Frome-transport%2F

It says “Please note: The Travelcard does not include travel to and from the city airports.”

I hope this helps – have a wonderful trip to Rome!

28th March 2018 at 6:20 pm

Thank you so much for your quick reply. One more question…. I clicked on your link to the coliseum….am I correct that I have to buy two separate tickets, One for the coliseum and another for the form and palatine Hill?

28th March 2018 at 6:28 pm

My pleasure 🙂 The Coliseum ticket includes the Forum / Palatine Hill, so you only need to buy one ticket to get access to those attractions. Tickets are also valid for two days, although can only be used once for each attraction.

21st March 2018 at 4:33 am

Looks like a great itinerary, looking forward to checking it out. How about Rome after dark???

21st March 2018 at 11:25 am

Thanks Jim! In our experience we fill our days so much that our evening plans usually just involve a nice evening meal and a fairly early night 🙂 But of course there is lots to do in Rome at night, depending on your interests. If you’re interested in something a bit different, if you’re visiting on the right day, you can actually take an after hours tour of the Vatican, which is a really unique experience. You can find out more about that here: https://www.takewalks.com/rome-tours/vatican-at-night-tour?tap_a=29777-fde554&tap_s=72514-790f10&tm_site=FTU3DayRome

Otherwise, just have fun, Rome is a great place to walk around at night 🙂

Will Smith says

17th March 2018 at 6:29 pm

Love your blog wii be following it to the T when we visit in June is our 30th wedding annervesary can you recommend any special resteraunts please

Many thanks

19th March 2018 at 1:56 pm

Thanks very much, and congratulations on your anniversary! Jess and I tend to just fall into the nearest restaurants we spot when traveling, or eat on the hoof! We also find recommending restaurants can be tricky as they can change so quickly. That said, this guide should help you pick somewhere wonderful for your trip:


Chantelle Sims says

14th March 2018 at 10:57 pm

Hello and thank you for this! I am planning a trip from London with my daughter, and would appreciate your advise on arriving and departing. Is it necessary to spend 4 nights to accomplish your 3-day itinerary, or could we do it if we spent only 3 nights? If so, how would you recommend arranging the days around air travel to and from? (With luggage to consider…) Thank you for your opinion.

16th March 2018 at 8:49 am

Hi Chantelle,

You could do this with three nights assuming you arrive early – you should do Day 3 first in that case as it’s less time sensitive, and then the other two days. If you can stretch to four nights though you will be less rushed in terms of having to arrive really early into Rome and possibly feeling tired, but up to you!

Michael Tang says

3rd March 2018 at 8:35 pm

We really enjoyed your travel blog.We will be visiting Rome from 4/11-15/2018.Our hotel ( Hotel Contilia) is less than 8 minutes from Rome Central Station.What would you recommend us to do in 4 1/2 days in Rome.We have been to Rome numerous times.Haven seen most of the main attractions.This time we would like to explore the local areas where local people meet for meals,shopping.My friends suggested Campo de Fiori,Jewish Ghetto or Trastevere. How about a day trip to Tuscany? Can we take metro ,train of bus to visit these places. Please advise.Thank you

4th March 2018 at 7:03 pm

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your comment 🙂 Sounds like you’re old hands with Rome! It’s hard to give specific advice without knowing what you’ve seen already / are interested in. A day trip to Tuscany is certainly do-able from Rome, and you can take the train from Rome central station to Florence for example, that’s about a 1hr 30minute train ride. if you’ve not been to Florence before it’s stunning. You could also do day trips to other parts of Italy from Rome, including Pompeii or Cinque Terre. If you’d rather not do it yourself, you could take a tour, for example:

Cinque Terre: https://www.walksofitaly.com/rome-tours/cinque-terre-tours-from-rome?tap_a=16934-e57823&tap_s=72513-efc32e&tm_site=FTU&tm_post=3DayRome

Amalfi Coast: https://www.walksofitaly.com/rome-tours/amalfi-coast-tours-from-rome?tap_a=16937-4dc4e8&tap_s=72513-efc32e&tm_site=FTU&tm_post=3DayRome

Tuscany from Rome day tour: https://www.walksofitaly.com/rome-tours/amalfi-coast-tours-from-rome?tap_a=16937-4dc4e8&tap_s=72513-efc32e&tm_site=FTU&tm_post=3DayRome

24th February 2018 at 7:00 pm

Hi Thank you for all the information. I will be taking my son for his graduation gift this June. I plan to follow almost all of your suggestions in regards to places to see. Having said that, what area do you suggest we stay at? I prefer to stay at a hotel. Any additional info would be appreciated.

24th February 2018 at 7:14 pm

My pleasure – and what a great gift for your son! My advice would be to stay somewhere around the Piazza Navona area, it’s really central and really pretty in that area, and we’ve stayed around there a number of times. Basically anywhere between the Piazza Navona, Piazza Venezia and Piazza del Popolo would be great – that central area is perfect. I’m not sure of your budget, but somewhere like the following options might be a good starting point for your search:

http://www.booking.com/hotel/it/navona-theatre.html?aid=385205&no_rooms=1&group_adults=1&label=FTU3DayRome http://www.booking.com/hotel/it/mimosa-pantheon.html?aid=385205&no_rooms=1&group_adults=1&label=FTU3DayRome http://www.booking.com/hotel/it/navona-roma.html?aid=385205&no_rooms=1&group_adults=1&label=FTU3DayRome http://www.booking.com/hotel/it/di-rienzo-pantheon-palace.html?aid=385205&no_rooms=1&group_adults=1&label=FTU3DayRome

You can see more options here, just narrow it down depending on your budget, location and other requirements 🙂


Have an amazing trip, and congratulations to your son!

allan Blanco says

10th February 2018 at 4:10 pm

Hi! Thanks for this blog & itinerary. It seems this will help us so much on what to do in Rome exactly for our 4-5 days side trip from France. We are fed so much with the info. & some ideas or places to go. Is there also a local travel tour & guide to book for this 3 days tour in Rome? or better on our own & follow your guide. our concern, is how to go there to the places you have listed, i mean a ride , total cost or amount to spend or our estd budget amount, do we need a tour guide & is it easy to get a guide & not expensive?…We are our concern if we get lost , and how to proceed every places than having a tour guide…… if so,,, is it not too expensive …. what can you recommend if we will get a total package for the 3 days tour…. what agency …. or what is best can you advise/recommend. thanks so much.

Allan Blanco Mindanao, Iligan City – Philippines

10th February 2018 at 8:59 pm

Thanks for your comment. I don’t know of any company that specifically offers this tour, but you could certainly put together a similar trip by putting various tours together. We like Walks of Italy ( https://www.walksofitaly.com?tap_a=364-72eab1&tap_s=72513-efc32e ) for their tours if you wanted a walking tour with a guide, but these aren’t private tours.

That said, the itinerary is designed to be self-guided and you shouldn’t need a tour guide for any of it unless you would like local insight and guidance. The itinerary is also designed to be easy to follow and not require much other than a good pair of feet for walking. In some cases you can take a local bus, these are easy to use. Rome is not a very large city, or at least, not the parts covered in this itinerary, so I don’t think you will get lost or have any problem. The best idea is to get a map when you get to the city, and to download an offline version of the city into your Google Maps (or whatever mapping tool you use on your phone). Then you’ll always be able to figure out where you are and where to go.

20th January 2018 at 6:20 pm

Just recently my brother and I visited Rome for three days and based our trip around the itinerary you guys did. I have to say this was the most convenient and awesome itinerary we found, in which showed all the attractions and sites clearly! All of the places you guys suggested in the blog we visited and also took the time to do some night roaming and visiting the attractions again to see it in a different light! Because of your blog, my brother and I were able to experience Rome as a whole and we give our massive thanks for it! SO once again, thank you soo much for this, you guys are amazing!

21st January 2018 at 11:05 am

We are so pleased that you found this itinerary useful, and even happier that you let us know! Getting comments like this really makes us happy – thank you so much! We’re delighted that you had a great trip, and that we were able to help with that! Happy travels!

Laurence & Jessica

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Culture tourist

Art & Culture Travel Blog

My travel diary: four days in rome.

  • Tea Gudek Šnajdar

View on St. Peter's basilica in Vatican city

My travel diary: Four days in Rome blog post was first published on Culture Tourist on 14 February 2017 and updated on 16 May 2023.

Last month I spent four days in Rome. The city was busy, loud, and filled with cars, but also calm, monumental and beautiful at the same time. It was my first time in Rome, so I wanted to see everything: Roman ruins, museums, beautiful architecture. But I also wanted to get a glimpse of the everyday life in the Eternal City and enjoy wandering its streets, meeting some locals and tasting delicious Italian food.

Four days in Rome

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During my four days in Rome, I managed to experience all of that. It’s a beautiful city and, for a reason, one of the most popular places in Europe.

Day one in Rome

View on the city of Rome from the balcony

My four days in Rome started rough. The night before, there was a massive storm in Amsterdam, so I was worried about our flight. But everything was more than perfect in the end. It was a calm flight, and we came to Rome around 2 pm.

After checking in at our hotel, we went for a short walk towards one of the most famous sites in Rome, the Colosseum. It’s always exciting to see those very famous buildings for the first time in your life. I felt like a child, remembering when I saw that fantastic building for the first time in my school book. And how far and distant it looked to me back then.

⤷ TIP : If you’re planning to spend four days in Rome as I did, getting Roma Pass Card is a good idea. It includes free public transport and free or discounted entrances to many museums and attractions. You can check out the Roma Pass card on this link .

Learning how to cook like an Italian

Drying home made pasta on the table

Oooh, Italian food… It’s my favourite cuisine! I could eat pasta every day and finish every single meal with tiramisu .

We wanted to learn more about Italian food during our trip to Rome, so we booked a cooking workshop for that evening. First, we made the pasta dough, and our teacher Roberto taught us which flour combination works best. I expected making pasta to be much more complicated, but it was pretty easy. We also made a matriciana sauce for pasta, tomato bruschetta,  some antipasti as a starter and a nice dessert – c iambelle al vino . And I am very proud of us because everything was delicious!

⤷ Read more : Exploring Rome with the Urbs App

Day two in Rome

Exploring vatican city.

Hallway with statues in Vatican Museum

After a delicious Italian breakfast and a coffee, we walked towards the Spanish steps, Trevi Fountain, Pantheon and Piazza Navona. Rome is filled with beautiful architecture, so you stumble to fantastic masterpieces around each corner.

We planned to visit Vatican City in the afternoon to see its famous museums and St. Peter’s Basilica. Since it’s such a fantastic piece of art and home to numerous paintings and statues, we decided to have a guided tour there and learn as much as possible about it.

After a long search, I booked this small group tour in the Vatican . And it was such a wonderful experience! Our guide Alessia took us on a three-hour-long walk around the Vatican museums, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica. The Vatican is so huge and filled with incredible artwork it would be completely impossible to see it on our own.

Roman statues in Vatican Museum

Vatican Museums is undoubtedly one of the best museums in Europe , treasuring so many masterpieces from Antiquity to the Renaissance time. I especially liked the mosaics and the gallery with frescoes depicting old maps of Italy. And the stories behind them – stories about artists, popes and aristocratic families of that time.

Interior of St Peters basilica in Rome

At Sistine Chapel ,  we were amazed by Michelangelo’s persistence and artistic talent. And St. Peter’s Basilica is a masterpiece itself. It really is the Cathedral of the World. Every detail in it is beautiful, from Michelangelo’s Pieta to Bernini’s Baldacchino.

⤷ TIP : If you’ll visit the museum on your own, get your online ticket in advance and avoid long queueing that way. You can get your Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel skip-the-line ticket on this link .

St Peters square in Vatican Rome

After our tour, we went to St. Peter’s Square. While looking at the famous Basilica, I was overwhelmed with the feeling of appreciation and respect for all the people working on those masterpieces I’ve just seen. Standing there and looking at the sky just cleared from the rainy clouds gave me the feeling of standing in a special sacred place. It was one of the moments I will remember forever!

⤷ Read more : What to see in Vatican City

Day three in Rome

Ancient rome.

Roman Forum in Rome Italy

Rome is best known for its old Roman architecture and archaeological sites. Colosseum and Roman Forum are the most famous places from the Classical Antiquity. We wanted to see both, so we arrived right after breakfast, and it was already quite busy.

Although the place could use a lot of organisational improvements, it is still stunning! It is a massive archaeological site with triumphal arches, columns and old temples. We should have bought tickets in advance before we got there. Because we didn’t do that, we had to wait for quite some time to get inside. However, I’ll get there with a guided tour if I revisit it.

⤷ TIP : To avoid repeating my mistake, here is the Colosseum and Roman Forum online ticket . And here is the three-hour-guided tour around them.

Inside the Colosseum in Rome

We spent the whole morning exploring this interesting area of Rome. So, after that, we were ready for a nice Italian lunch!

We listened to the recommendation we got from our guide and went to Trattoria Luzzi , which is close to Colosseum. It had everything a typical Italian restaurant in Rome should have. A long line of people was waiting to get inside, the waiters were loud and entertaining, and the food was terrific! I just loved it! The food was so delicious that I didn’t have time to take any photos of it.

⤷ Read more : 20 Archaeological sites you have to visit in Europe

Afternoon in Trastevere

Small street in Trastevere in Rome

If you’ve been following the Culture Tourist blog for some time, you know how I love to explore local residential areas of the cities I’m visiting. It always gives me a great insight into the local culture and everyday life of people living there.

That’s why we spent one afternoon exploring the charming Trastevere neighbourhood during our four days in Rome. It’s a colourful area with narrow streets, clothes drying on the balconies and plenty of small cute cafés and restaurants.

Gelato ice-cream in Rome

As a massive fan of ice cream, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to try some gelato during our four days in Rome. We went to an excellent biological patisserie at Trastevere, where I treated myself to a delicious scoop of ginger-honey gelato!

Well, I am really craving it right now…

Best european myths and legends

It was a beautiful sunny afternoon, so we wandered alongside the Tiber River. There are so many beautiful buildings next to it, with Castel Sant’Angelo being my favourite. The bridge in front of it, with all those sculptures of angels, is just stunning. It would make a perfect setting for some exciting thriller movies.

With a combination of beautiful Roman architecture and golden hour, we couldn’t resist taking our cameras out and trying to capture that beauty. We definitely understood why Rome is called the Eternal City.

Day four in Rome

Entrance to pantheon in Rome

It was our last day in Rome, and since we had a few hours left before catching our flight, we met the Angel Tours again to join their short free Pantheon tour . Everyone knows that building well, but I started to look at it with a new pair of eyes after our guide explained its architecture, symbolism and significance. It’s such a magical place.

⤷ TIP : Get your Pantheon entrance ticket on this link .

Street art on tarmac in Rome

After I spent four days in Rome, I realised it is not an easy city. You can feel it has its own problems. But it is an eternal city! The one that will always inspire people and the one to which they will always return. Read about it before your trip, buy the tickets for museums and archaeological sights in advance, and learn about it during the guided tour! And then just wander around it for the rest of your trip.

And in the end, don’t forget to throw a coin to the Trevi Fountain, so you’re sure you’ll come back!

Finally, I recommend Angel Tours and our great tours with them in Rome. I am not related to them, and this is not a sponsored post. I am just genuinely amazed by their work, the great guides we had and their professional approach. So, a big shout-out here for the Angel Tours! Thanks for the lovely time we had in Rome with you!

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Four days in Rome , Italy , rome , Travel diary

travel blog rome

Where to Stay in Rome, Italy: the Best Hotels and Neighborhoods

Picture of Cristina Buonerba

  • January 28, 2018
  • Last updated: May 7, 2024
  • Destinations , Europe , Italy , Where to stay

Home » Travel Blog » Where to Stay in Rome, Italy: the Best Hotels and Neighborhoods

Are you looking for a place where to stay in Rome, Italy? Whether it is the first or the tenth time visiting the eternal city, I dare you not to fall in love with its endless beauty.

There are a few places in the world capable of carrying the same charme of Rome.

Stroll around its cobbled narrow streets and feel like being the protagonist of a movie from the Fifties.

Eat gelato all day, fill your eyes with so much beauty – it’s basically all around you, you can’t miss – and treat your belly with some of the yummiest food you will ever have.

And don’t forget to keep your heart open; I don’t know if you heard about it, but Rome has an irresistible romantic vibe that will conquer you the moment you walk into this city.

It is a place where the past melts with the present, shaping one of the most intriguing, charming and chaotic cities in the world.

And you know what they say: Rome wasn’t built in a day. If it takes time to give birth to so much beauty… and it takes time also to arrange a trip to Rome.

Where to stay in Rome, Italy

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Where to Stay in Rome, Italy: The Best Hotels and Neighborhoods

During your stay you want to make sure to take the most out of it and make your experience even more special.

Keep reading this post filled with tips on where to stay in Rome and find the best area that suits your needs. And don’t forget to smile: you are in Rome, darling!

If you are interested to know where to stay in Rome, we recommend some of the best hotels for different budgets.

When we travel, we book our hotels through TripAdvisor , one of the best websites to compare prices. Another city guide website is Wheretostayin.com with information on the best parts of the city to stay in.

Where to stay in the Historical Center

The historical center is by far the best location to stay in Rome. Although the city itself is big and you will need to take public transports or a cab to move around and see its main attractions, sleeping in the center gives you the opportunity to be stay within walking distance to some of the most beautiful points of interest of the city.

The whole center is like an open air museum and you will literally stop every second to admire its beauty.

The good news is that the are so many places to stay in Rome, and here come some of ours suggestions:

Our top Pick > Mama’s Home Rome

Where to stay in Rome, Italy

Beautifully furnished, the structure is just 100 metres from Corso Vittorio Emanuele and 3 minutes away from the famous Piazza Navona.

Free wifi, flat screen satellite TV, en suite bathroom and hairdryer.  Check the latest price.

Luxury > Margutta 19 Treat yourself to a real luxury experience right in the heart of the city while sleeping at one of the most exclusive hotels near the Spanish steps – which are located just 10 minutes away.

This luxury accommodation offers a solarium terrace, a restaurant, and elegant air conditioned rooms featuring flat screen TV, mini bar, and iPad.  Check the latest price.

Mid-Range > Hotel Museum A great solution for whomever is looking for the best hotels in central Rome. This family-run hotel has a solarium terrace overlooking the San Pietro basilica. It is located just in front of the Vatican Museum.

Spacious, comfortable rooms located near several restaurants and just 300 metres from the Cipro train stop.  Check the latest price.

Budget > Locanda di Piazza del Popolo

One of the best hotels in Rome if you are looking for a budget accommodation. Located just 3 minutes walk from Piazza del Popolo, the Locanda di Piazza del Popolo offers modern rooms with flat screen TV, free internet WiFi connection available within the whole structure. En suite bathroom and hair dryer provided.  Check the latest price.

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Where to stay in Trastevere

I am sure you have seen pictures of this area of Rome. And if you haven’t, I am sure that you have heard about it. Welcome to Trastevere, one of the nightlife souls of the capital city.

Characterised by cobbled streets and picturesque alleys, this is the best area to stay in Rome if you are looking forward to enjoying some night life.

The whole district is filled with bars that get crowded by locals and tourists.

Due to warm weather conditions, Italians love drinking in the street. So do not be surprised by the quantity of people you will find around.

Have a glass of wine and enjoy your time at one of the best places in Rome!

Our top Pick >  Palazzo Baj Guest House

Where to stay in Rome, Italy

Luxury > Gran Melia Rome Melia hotels are famous worldwide for their great service. If you are looking for a place where to stay in Rome and you want to enjoy the best that city has to offer, then Gran Melia Rome is by far a great choice.

This 5 stars hotel features the My Blend by Clarins wellness center, an outdoor pool, and design rooms. The 7.500 m² garden features a pool and a jacuzzi. Check the latest price.

Mid-range > Tree Charme A great solution in one of the best neighborhoods in Rome! Enjoy the atmosphere of a house with all the comforts of a hotel.

Elegant rooms, free Wi-Fi and a beautiful terrace where to enjoy the view over Rome. Delicious breakfast served every morning. Check the latest price.

Budget > B&B St. Angel A great solution for those who are looking for a room in Rome at affordable rates. The B&B St. Angel offers comfortable and cozy rooms. Great location for a simple yet fully equipped stay.  Check the latest price.

Where to stay near Stazione Termini

There are plenty of hotels in Rome that are located not too far from Stazione Termini, the main train station that connects the capital city to its two airports and to a number of other destinations across Italy.

Although there are several affordable accommodations around this area, this is probably not the best neighbourhood where to stay in Rome unless you need to catch an early train.

Our Top Pick > Palazzo Montemartini

Where to stay in Rome, Italy

The hotel is located about 400 metres from Stazione Termini and about 20 minutes walk from the Colosseum. Check the latest price .

Luxury > Boscolo Exedra Roma The luxurious 5 starts Boscolo Exedra Roma is located near Piazza della Repubblica, within a white marble palace from the XIX century.

Spacious, modern, and elegant rooms with ensuite marble toilets with mahogany details.

By far one of the best hotels to stay in Rome for those who are looking for a luxury experience.  Check the latest price.

Mid-range > Starhotels Metropole All rooms are air conditioned, modern and comfortable, featuring coffe and tea maker, flat screen TV, comfortable be, and WI-FI connection.

The structure serves a buffet breakfast, while the en suite Apicio restaurant offers traditional Roman dishes prepared using Eataly products.  Check the latest price.

Budget > B&B Relax This B&B is perfect for those looking for a budget accommodation near Stazione Termini. The structure is located inside a building from the 19th century.

Enjoy some relax on its terrace and feel just like you were at home. The B&B is located less than 20 minutes walking from Piazza di Spagna.  Check the latest price.

Where to stay near the Vatican City

The Vatican City represents one of the main attractions of Rome. I mean, think about it: even if you put the religious side apart, isn’t it just incredible that one gets to “travel” to another country without even traveling?

Once in Rome you can’t miss a visit to the Vatican Museums. Fill your eyes with some of the finest and most extraordinary works of art that have ever been shaped.

This is a great area where to stay in Rome if you are interested in culture and if you want to stay near the city center. The Vatican City and Prati district have plenty of hotels and apartments where to spend your holidays in Rome.

Our Top Pick > Festina Lente

Where to stay in Rome, Italy

The modern Festina Lente is located 500 metres from the Vatican Museums and 50 metres form the Ottaviano metro stop. The apartment is fully equipped with all the comforts including towels, toaster, bed sheets, and two private toilets.  Check the latest price .

Luxury > Le Meridien Visconti Rome Located halfway between the Vatican City and Piazza di Spagna, Le Meridien Visconti Rome offers comfortable and design rooms featuring an impressive collection of pieces of art. Buffet breakfast is served every morning in the hall. Free Wi-Fi and access to the gym.  Check the latest price.

Mid-range > Brunelleschi Luxury Holidays Hostel Choose a solution halfway between a hostel and a hotel. Brunelleschi Luxury Holidays Hostel offers to its customers all the comforts a traveller may need.

Located just 400 metres from Piazza San Pietro and 10 minutes walk from Ottaviano metro station, the structure offers air conditioned rooms with flat screen TV, a kettle, and private bathroom with courtesy set and hair dryer. Breakfast served every morning. Gym and wellness center available all day.  Check the latest price.

Budget > Vatican Space Comfortable and modern rooms located just 600 metres from the Vatican. All rooms feature a coffee maker machine and flat TV. The perfect solution if you are looking for a budget accommodation in Rome.  Check the latest price.

I hope that these tips on where to stay in Rome, Italy will help you finding the best accommodation for your needs. Enjoy your stay in the eternal city and don’t forget to throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain and make the wish to come back soon. It works!

Picture of Cristina Buonerba

Cristina Buonerba

  • Published: January 28, 2018

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A first timer’s guide to everything in Rome

Things to do in Rome Rome Travel Guide

The ancient seat of the progenitors of Western Civilisation, Rome is a classic European city that is a mix of historic ruins, stunning works of art & architecture, great food and a vibrant city life making it one of the most beautiful and romantic cities in the world.

Rome has an immensely rich cultural heritage, which makes it one of Europe’s most stunning cities to visit. Its contemporary fashion offerings and modern nightlife, coupled with its historic legacy make it attractive for travellers of all ages and interest groups. If you’re a nature lover, Rome’s beautiful gardens and the nature are a treat for the eyes. Loved Gladiator? You can act the part by enrolling in Gladiator school. Love the food? Rome’s multitude of Italian cooking classes offer a chance to interact with the locals and make some lasting memories. Are you a movie buff? Recreate Roman Holiday on a vespa at night. And if you’ve got the stomach for it, visit the Roman catacombs and see 4,000 bones of Capuchin monks.

Indeed, Rome has an experience for every traveller, making it a truly global city.

A rich history, cobble stoned paths, stunning architecture, centuries-old palaces – Rome has it all.

One of Europe’s most historical cities, Rome balances its past with its present, as the historic ruins stand in the heart of this sprawling contemporary city. Its strong cultural offerings make it a must-visit destination! The ancient ruins will take you back in time. Home to the Pope, you can also visit the center of Catholicism at the Vatican and marvel at the grand architecture. No trip to Rome is complete without admiring the treasure trove of art in the museums across the city. Rome’s modern orchestra building and the variety of philharmonic performances are a must watch. And, of course, you can learn all about the mighty Roman Empire which once controlled most of southern Europe and northern Africa.

The Romans really know how to party and have a good time - the rising number of nightclubs is a testament to that fact. If you’re not into clubbing, many of Rome’s trendy bars serve aperitivo, or the Italian version of Happy Hour, for you to relax and unwind. The rise in upscale restaurants that serve food from all around the world points to the changing tastes of the Romans, and its rise as a global city.

Speaking of food, Rome’s strong and distinctive style of cooking sets it apart from the rest of Italian cuisine. The Romans liked to push boundaries when it came to their food, and it shows in their bold use of ingredients. Rome’s pizza al taglio , or pizza by the slice, their suppli (fried rice ball with mozzarella), and the spaghetti carbonara are some must-try delicacies. And if you’ve got a sweet tooth, Roman croissants and breads, especially the crostata ricotta and torta ricotta with cherries, are absolutely scrumptious.

Top 10 things to do in Rome

Just the word ‘Rome’ conjures images of the magnificent Colosseum , cobbled streets, opulent monuments, majestic churches, and fascinating historic ruins. Within it is also the one of the holiest cities in the world - Vatican City , which is the home of the Pope, and an utter delight to explore. A traveller’s paradise, the city has something for everyone, be it art, history, culture, food, or nightlife.

In this guide, we will take a look at the 10 best things do in Rome — whether you're looking at museums, churches, or even monuments from Ancient Rome , you will find them in this list. However, if you want to take a deeper look into the different activities, then click on the markers above to go to that list.

Rome Travel Guide

52 ultimate list of things to do in Rome

Rome essentials.

Language Italian

Time zone GMT +1

Country Code +39

Socket Types C, F & L

Currency Euro (€ )

Rome trip planner

All you need before you book your tickets and zip your bag!

When to visit

Travel tips, weather in rome.

Rome is an eternal vision throughout the year, with every season adding its own special charm into the mix. Here’s what you can expect from the city during the four seasons. You can check the weather here .

spring in london

Rome in spring

Rome is simply enchanting during spring. The blossoming flowers, especially the pink azaleas strewn over spanish steps, the spring sun that enlightens the city’s landmark like a beautiful painting, the slight snip in the air that makes activities like walking tours and bike rides a leisure and the festivities of Easter and Rome’s birthday that calls out to tourists and locals alike. Here is the detailied guide to visit Rome in summer

summer in london

Rome in summer

Summer is the peak season for Rome, it’s hot, it’s crowded and it’s buzzing with activities. With around 10 to 11 hours of sunshine per day and almost no rainfall, the summer months see plenty of open-air events and concerts organised around the city such as the Festa di San Giovanni. Just make sure to pack sunglasses, sunblock and stay hydrated.

autumn in london

Rome in autumn

As the soaring heat give way to cooler temperature, Rome welcomes the season with multiple cultural events celebrating the art, music, theatre, food of the country, such as the Romaeuropa Festival and the International Film Festival of Rome. The comfortable temperature in Autumn along with the changing colors of the surrounding, makes the season best for pleasant strolls.

winter in london

Rome in winter

The winter winds do not slow down the pace of Rome. Though the flocks of tourists arriving does slow down, the ones braving the cold, in turn, earns great travel bargains and greater sightseeing experiences. Several festive markets are strewn across the city and just after Christmas, massive discounts are announced by almost every retailer, making winter the best time for shopping as well. Here is the detailied guide to visit Rome in winter

A city as timeless as Rome is welcoming all year round, however the best time to visit the eternal city is during Spring (Mid-March to May) and Autumn (Mid - September to November). Along with the perfect weather for exploration, these months observes thin crowds. If you love winters and are looking for cheaper options that winter will be the best season to visit Rome.

Best Time to visit Rome - For Different Kinds Of Travelers

Best Time for Staying Outdoors in Rome : April, May, June, July, September & October Best Time for Sightseeing & Museum Hopping : mid-March, April, September, October & early November Best Time for Honeymooners : April, May, September & October Best Time for Budget Travelers : November, early December, mid January & February Best Time for Shopaholics : July to mid August & January to February

Read our detailed blog on the best time to visit Rome .

Rome in January

Rome in February

Rome in March

Rome in April

Rome in May

Rome in June

Rome in July

Rome in August

Rome in September

Rome in October

Rome in November

Rome in December

Daily Budget Rome

Credit cards are frequently used in Rome for payment. There are several ATMs in the city, which can be used for withdrawing money. Beware of an ATM that may look tampered. Take care to inquire about service fees and the exchange rates before changing money so that you are not charged an unreasonable price.

According to Lonely Planet ,

  • Budget Traveler: €110)
  • Mid-Range Traveler: €110-€250
  • Luxury Traveler: €250 ($305)

Italy comes under the Eurozone, and hence requires the Schengen visa for tourists. If you’re travelling to other Eurozone countries, one Schengen visa will allow you to travel in Italy as well. Residents of the US are allowed to enter Italy for up to 90 days without a visa.

Travel insurance is a must while travelling to Italy. It is also recommended to purchase your air tickets and hotel reservations before applying for the visa. If you are entering Italy from another Schengen country, be prepared to have a passport that is valid for at least 3 months beyond the period of stay.

Traveling to Rome for the first time? Here are a few eternal tips that will help you breeze through the cobbled lanes and lap up the dolce vita lifestyle without falling into touristy traps. While most of these travel tips may come as a shocker, just go with it because it's simply the way of Roman life. Also, here's a quick one to get you started - you will need reservations for lunch and dinner, especially at small restaurants. So, start making your reservations while you read on.

If you're visiting Rome for the first time, our handy list of 20 travel tips and hacks will come handy.

Detailed Rome itineraries

Take a look at these meticulously crafted Rome itineraries that have been designed to help you make the most of your stay in Rome - taking in all that makes Rome the vibrant city that it is and not missing out on the classical aspects of the city that define its fabric.

How to save money in Rome?

Rome, like all other tourist cities, can get expensive, given that there is a variety of options. Here are our top five hacks to save money, so that you can enjoy Rome even on a tight budget.

1. Buy a City Pass The Roma Pass is an all-inclusive city pass available for 48 hour or 72 hour durations. The 48 hour pass includes free entry to one attraction per pass (out of 50) and the 72 hour pass includes free entry to two attractions per pass. The pass knocks off €2 from the entry fee to other attractions, and includes unlimited metro, bus, and tram travel.

The OMNIA pass has all the benefits of a Roma Pass, and in addition, includes entry to the Vatican Museums, St Peter’s Basilica, and a Hop on Hop off Tour of Rome. This pass can be purchased for €108.

The best way to enjoy these passes is to visit maximum attractions in a set time frame of your choosing, and visit the most expensive destinations for free.

2. Use public transport Rome’s ATAC bus and metro service costs €1.50 flat per trip. The tickets are valid for 100 minutes from when they are stamped. If you have more than five journeys to undertake in a day, you are better off getting the 24 hour pass at €7 per day. If you’re in the city for longer, the 48 hour pass costs €12.50, the 3 day pass costs €18, and a week’s pass costs €24. These tickets are sold at newspaper stands and metro stations. Look out for the bright blue T signs, which show the counter selling tickets. You can also download the ProBus app for information on nearest bus and metro stations.

3. Enjoy an Italian Aperitivo for dinner One of the peculiarities of Italian culture is enjoying a drink before dinner. The Italians believe this helps them get warmed up. Most places offer light snacks with drinks, but some bars offer a full-fledged buffet, where it is perfectly acceptable to refill your plate several times. Aperitivo mostly runs between 7 PM to 9 PM. Most places offer pizza, canapés, cheese, salad, and desserts. The top spots in Rome for Aperitivo are Freni e Frizione , Momart Café , and Rec23 .

4. Take advantage of free sights and free days There are many sights in Rome, which are completely free for tourists to enjoy: • Toss a coin at Trevi Fountain. Legend says you will return to Rome if you flip one. • Head over to the Spanish Steps. Relaxing at the steps is free. • Marvel at the Pantheon, one of Rome’s most well preserved monuments. • Discover Rome on foot. Most spots are well connected and are perfect for a relaxed amble. • Enjoy free concerts between June and September. Check out Estate Romana, a citywide programme of open air concerts, cinema, dance and theatre.

There are “free days” in a month, where a host of Roman museums and sights are free to visit. Most state-owned museums like Borghese Gallery and the Colosseum are free on the first Sunday of the month. The Vatican Museums are free on the last Sunday of every month. However, you will have to beware of long queues.

5. Visit during off-season Rome gets very crowded during the peak season, which is mid-June to September. Expect heavy tourist crowd and long queues during this time. April to mid-June and September through October are shoulder seasons, which see lesser tourists. November through March, the Roman winter, is off-season. Travelling during shoulder and off-season will guarantee cheaper airfare and discounts at hotels.

Day trips from Rome

Italy’s glorious capital, Rome is one of the world’s most romantic, spectacular and awe-inspiring cities. Rome and the surrounding regions of Italy are an amalgamation of artistic heritage & culture, ancient ruins , breathtaking landscapes, vibrant picturesque streets, cheerful bars and cafes and many more hidden treasures. Not only is there so much to see in Rome , but it is also blessed to have so many wonderful locations close by that can be easily visited when you visit Rome. Within a few hours reach, these destinations are best covered through day trips from Rome. These trips are very popular, convenient and practical as save you a lot of hassle of check-in/ check-out, packing/unpacking, time and money.

Here is everything you need to know about day Trips from Rome .

Public transportation in Rome

Rome travel guide

Rome is a big city. Unlike other great tourist cities in Europe where attractions are usually concentrated in the city center, or in surrounding neighborhoods; the landmarks of Rome are spread out throughout the city. If you wish to see everything that Rome has to offer, or visiting landmarks which you know are spread about, then the Roman public transportation system is definitely the friend you need. Here's a quick guide on all you need to know about public transportation in Rome.

Rome Hop On Hop Off Bus Tours

Rome travel Guide

‘Rome’, the world’s most beautiful ancient city is a treasure of history, architecture, art and culture. No wonder it captivates the hearts of millions of tourists every year. The haunting ruins of the rich heritage of Rome come alive in the spectacular architecture of its palaces, churches, temples, and villas. The awe-inspiring art and countless pieces of rare artefacts adorn the museums. Brimming with life and romance the vibrant streets of Rome are a paradise for lovers. Painstakingly manicured gardens, buzzing piazzas, spirited theatres, Renaissance art, shopping - there is so much to experience and enjoy in Rome. You can spend any amount of time to discover and absorb what this majestic city offers . One of the best ways to explore the city is through the Rome Hop On Hop Off bus tours.

Read more about Hop On Hop Off Bus Tours .

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Rome sightseeing tours

Rome Travel Guide

Rome is an overwhelmingly beautiful city, with lots to offer. What was once the greatest civilizations in the Western world, today is the perfect example of a city that is contemporary, but has not forgotten its roots. To truly experience Rome and the Roman way of life, it is advised that one should go on a sightseeing tour . These are carefully curated to show you some of the best parts of city, especially if you're pressed for time.

There is a tour for everyone - if you love food, you can try out the Food Tours and Cooking Classes; if you're interested in seeing the city in its entirety, there's City Tours. If you want to explore the beautiful neighbouring regions in Italy, like Venice, Pomepii, or Florence, Day Trips are for you. Here, you can find some of the best tours in Rome:

Here is the complete guide of Rome sightseeing tours .

Getting around in Rome

Rome can be explored by car, however, local traffic is almost unmanageable for tourists. It is better to travel in a bus or by the metro.

Taxis are the most expensive way to get around Rome. Most taxis can be picked up at taxi stands. A fixed charge of €1 will be charged per bag that is handled by the driver. It is recommended to use the map while travelling in the taxi to ensure you’re on the right road.

Most of the popular tourist areas in Rome are easily navigable by road. It is however, advisable to be cautious while crossing. Even though traffic may be intimidating, most cars allow people to cross the road.

The most popular forms of public transport are buses, metros, and trams. Tickets for these have to be purchased before alighting the form of transport. Tickets are sold either for every journey or there are passes for a particular period of time, like for example, there are 24 hour, 48 hour and 72 hour passes. There is also a weekly ticket. Buses are the best form of travelling in the city. There are 3 tram lines operating in the city. The metro is the most reliable form of transport. It is usually on time, but is crowded during rush hour.

Hotels in Rome

Rome is a very popular city and there is no shortage of accommodation options. There is a range for every traveller. The lowest starts from €20 and goes up to €5,500 for an apartment in the Vatican. Waldorf Astoria, one of the top luxury chains has rooms for around €1,000.

Rome has a variety of hotels, from budget to luxury. Hotels in the downtown area get expensive but provide convenience, since most tourist attractions are close by. Apartments are a very popular alternative to hotels, especially on popular websites such as Airbnb. For the budget traveller, there are a host of hostels. Most of the hostels are clean and well managed. If you’re looking for privacy, most hostels also have private rooms.

Hotels on the eastern and southern side of the railway station are usually cheaper. These hotels are further away from the downtown area but offer some great deals.

Festivals in Rome

Rome has a year long calendar of festivals - some cultural, some religious, some patriotic, a few music festivals and so on. Here are the top recurring festivals that you should know of:

  • Lungo il Tevere - Estate: June
  • Festival del Verde e del Paesaggio: May
  • Cortili Aperti: May
  • Taste of Roma: September
  • Ides of March: March
  • Festa Del Cinema di Roma: October
  • Christmas: December
  • VinòForum: June
  • Festa Madonna della Neve: August
  • Città della Pizza: April
  • Festa de' Noantri: July
  • Festa della Befana: January

Rome culture tips

• Romans regularly interact with foreigners and are generally polite and friendly. One common term to use is mi scusi or simply scusi , which means sorry, if you want to approach anyone.

• It is customary to vacate your seat in public transport for the elderly. Most of Rome is a Catholic population. Most of the older generation speaks Italian. The younger generation also speaks English. Rome is a popular city and there is a lot of information to help tourists if need be. Spanish, French and Portuguese are also understood, however, locals do not take kindly to be addressed in Spanish instead of Italian.

• In a restaurant, you will be charged for bread, so wave it off if you do not want it. It is prudent to check the bill for items ordered and charges. Most restaurants do not serve free water. It is charged separately.

• It is also not customary to order coffee after 11 AM. Italians order coffee to finish off the meal, and very rarely order it during the day. Espresso is usually ordered after meals and not a cappuccino, which the locals consider a heavy drink. Locals also do not order antipasti, primi, secondi, insalata, and dolce. You can simply order whatever you like from the menu in whatever order.

Tipping is not expected in Rome. Most restaurants include service charge or tips which directly goes to the staff. However, it is standard to add an extra euro or two in case of good service.

Check your bill carefully for these two charges - coperto and servizio . Coperto is always illegal in the Lazio area and servizio is illegal unless it has been mentioned in the menu.

What are the most popular tourist attractions in Rome?

The most popular tourist attractions in Rome include the Colosseum, the Vatican Museums, St. Peter's Basilica, and the Trevi Fountain.

What are some of the best restaurants in Rome?

Some of the best restaurants in Rome include La Pergola, Da Emilio e Franco, and Antica Pesa.

What are some of the best hotels in Rome?

Some of the best hotels in Rome include the Hassler Roma, the Grand Hotel de la Minerve, and the Hotel Eden.

What are some of the best shopping opportunities in Rome?

Some of the best shopping opportunities in Rome include the Via Condotti, the Piazza di Spagna, and the Via del Corso.

What are some of the best nightlife options in Rome?

Some of the best nightlife options in Rome include the bars and clubs in the Trastevere district, the live music venues in the Campo de' Fiori area, and the dance clubs in the Testaccio district.

What should I avoid in Rome?

Some things to avoid in Rome include pickpockets, overpriced tourist traps, and getting ripped off by taxi drivers.

How many days do you need in Rome?

You could easily spend a week or more in Rome and still not see everything the city has to offer. However, if you're only visiting for a few days, you'll need to make some tough choices about what to see and do. Depending on how long you are there, you can make your decision on what to see using our curated Rome Trip Planner .

What is the best way to get around Rome?

The best way to get around Rome is on foot. However, if you're travelling with luggage or plan to visit some of the outlying areas, you may want to take advantage of the city's public transportation system, which includes buses, trams, and metro trains. You can read our guide on Public Transportation in Rome for more details.

All Rome guides


Villa Borghese

Borghese Gallery

Roman Forum & Palatine Hill

Roman Catacombs

Ancient Rome

Vatican City

Vatican Museum

Vatican Museums

Vatican Gardens

St. Peter's Basilica

St. Peter's Basilica Entrances

Vatican Necropolis

OMNIA Vatican And Rome Card

Colosseum Rome

Colosseum Underground

Colosseum Skip the line tours

Colosseum Guided Tours

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Rome Walking Tours

Free Tours in Rome

Big Bus Rome

City Sightseeing Rome

Trastevere Neighbourhood

Piazza Navona Guide

Rome Toolkit

Rome on a Budget

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Rome to Capri

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Lakshmi Menon

Born to parents bit by the wander bug, Lakshmi calls her love for travel "hereditary and habitual". Perpetually ensconced with a book in her hand and a mug of coffee in the other, she has been to over 15 countries in her 23 years of existence and is currently saving miles and money for her solo trip to Iceland. Always hustling towards the least trodden path, she has encountered some wonderful people during her escapades and if you ever meet her, she won't stop gushing about them.

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Guía turística de Rome

Rome was called the “ Eternal City ” by the ancient Romans because they believed that no matter what happened in the rest of the world, the city of Rome would always remain standing . Exploring the city centre by foot surrounded by glorious monuments and colossal remains takes you back in time to the glory that was Rome.

Rome Travel Guide

  • General Information
  • Things to do
  • Getting to Rome
  • Public Transport
  • Money-saving tips
  • Where to Eat
  • Where to Stay
  • 3-Day Itinerary

Why Visit Rome?  

With its unparalleled history , Rome is the 3rd most visited city in Europe and the 14th worldwide. It attracts visitors from all over the world who come to discover the city’s impressive monuments and archaeological sites ; not to mention its renowned cuisine and its lively atmosphere.

Walking through Rome is not just about touring an ancient city full of archaeological remains; Rome reminds us of gladiators fighting for life and death in the Colosseum , chariots racing in the Circus Maximus , and the sight of Roman sages strolling through the forum while discussing democracy.

With more than 16 million visitors a year, tourism in Rome is unstoppable. It's the 3rd most visited city in Europe, behind London and Paris , making it a high contender for the most romantic city in Europe.

Looking for Accommodation?

At the following link, you'll find hotels of all categories with a minimum price guarantee. Discounts can be up to 75% and payment is made directly at the hotel.

  • Accommodation in Rome - find the best deals​

top activities

Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel Guided Tour Skip the endless queues for the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel—explore the most iconic landmarks in the Vatican City accompanied by an expert guide .

Sistine Chapel, Vatican Museums + St Peter's Basilica On this tour, you'll get access to the Sistine Chapel first thing in the morning, avoiding all the crowds . We'll also visit  St Peter's Basilica .

Colosseum, Roman Forum & Palatine Hill Tour Travel back in time to Ancient Rome and discover the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill on this guided tour with priority access !

Colosseum Tour + Gladiator's Entrance When in Rome, don’t miss the eternal Colosseum! Access the arena through the Gladiator’s Gate, the entrance used by the ancient Roman fighters.

Borghese Gallery Guided Tour Discover the extraordinary collection of paintings and sculptures housed in the Borghese Gallery , one of Rome's must-see art museums .

Florence & Pisa Day Trip Discover two incredible jewels in Tuscany on our Florence & Pisa Day Trip from Rome. You'll see the Duomo , the Ponte Vecchio and the Leaning Tower .

Rome Night Tour On this night tour of Rome ,   we'll visit the most iconic piazzas , streets and monuments of the Italian capital when the city comes to life at dusk.

Pompeii & Naples Day Trip Set off on a full day trip and discover the ruins of Pompeii , followed by a panoramic tour of Naples , one of the world's oldest constantly populated cities.

Audience With Pope Francis An audience with Pope Francis is a unique spiritual experience . Your guide will take care of everything, so you can go relaxed.

Trastevere Food Tour Feast your eyes and stomach during a 3-hour food tour in Trastevere, one of Rome’s most bohemian neighborhoods and sample the delicious Italian gastronomy.

Italian Pasta & Tiramisu Workshop If you love Italian cuisine, then don't miss out on this  Italian Pasta and Tiramisu Workshop . You'll learn how to make some staple Italian dishes!

Castel Sant'Angelo Tour + Terrace Access A refuge for popes and an ancient Roman mausoleum , Castel Sant'Angelo harbours great secrets. On this guided tour we'll unveil its most hidden mysteries.

Rome Fiumicino Airport Shuttle Bus Are you travelling to Rome? Book this shuttle bus between Fiumicino Airport and Rome so you can get into the city centre comfortably and quickly.

Rome Electric Tuk Tuk Tour Explore the Eternal City through an eco-conscious lens with our electric tuk tuk tour of Rome  and roam the Italian capital's streets in a zero-emission vehicle!

Roam the underbelly of Rome on this tour of its underground system . Walk  the Appian Way and Caffarella and   dive into the lesser-known side of the Eternal City !

Private Walking Tour of Rome Explore the Eternal City's most iconic sights accompanied by an expert guide just for you and your partner, family or friends.  Discover the best of Rome !

Rome Ciampino Airport Shuttle Bus With this shuttle service between Ciampino Airport and Rome, you'll be in the centre of the Italian capital in less than an hour. The eternal city awaits you!

This tourist bus is the perfect way to discover Rome . You can choose different routes with numerous stops and hop on and off as many times as you want!

Day Trip to Venice by High Speed Train Experience a day trip from Rome to Venice on a high-speed train and explore its beautiful canals and historic centre at your own pace.

Rome Sightseeing Cruise on the Tiber River Take a sightseeing cruise along the Tiber River and enjoy spectacular 360º views of Rome from the water. You can hop on and off as many times as you want!

Rome Private Tour with Driver Fall in love with Rome with this private tour with driver. Choose your route, and enjoy a comfortable tour solely for you and your travel companions.

Rome Catacombs Tour & Appian Way Visit the catacombs of Rome with an expert English-speaking guide during a 3-hour half day-trip, also discovering the fascinating Villa di Massenzio.

St Peter's Basilica Guided Tour + Dome Climb Enjoy the best views of Rome by climbing the 320 steps leading up to the dome of St. Peter's . We'll also visit the interior of the Basilica!

Set off on a day trip from Rome across the Italian countryside to discover the birthplace of St Francis  in the charming town of Assisi .

La Traviata with Ballet Entrance Ticket Enjoy one of the most famous operas of all time in the magical setting of the St Paul's Within the Walls Church with this La Traviata Ballet Entrance Ticket.

Trevi Fountain and its Underground World On this  tour of the Trevi Fountain and its underground world , we'll reveal the hidden treasures and history of the most  fountain in Rome . 

Tuk Tuk Tour around Rome Tour Rome in the most comfortable way on this tuk tuk tour. We'll explore its seven hills and learn tons of historical fun facts about the eternal city.

Basilicas Tour and Secret Underground Catacombs Discover some of the most symbolic sites in Christian history: the Catacombs and two of the world's most important Basilicas on this tour of the Eternal City.

Free Walking Tour of Rome The city of the Caesars, of Baroque and, of course, The Eternal City. Discover Rome with this free walking tour of the Italian capital .

Papal Audience & Vatican Museums Tour Enjoy this unique experience of the Holy See with this combination tour which includes an  audience with Pope Francis and a visit to the Vatican Museums .

Hadrian's Villa and Villa d'Este Day Trip Visit the two treasures of Tivoli on this day trip: Hadrian's Villa, Roman Emperor's retreat, and Villa d'Este, a Renaissance mansion with magnificent gardens.

The impressive dome of the Pantheon of Agrippa has fascinated the whole world for centuries. Discover it with this guided tour of Ancient Rome .

Castel Sant'Angelo Ticket + Audio Guide Explore the intriguing history of Castel Sant'Angelo with this admission ticket + audio guide. Uncover the mysteries of one of Rome's most cryptic monuments !

OMNIA Rome & Vatican Card The OMNIA Card is a sightseeing pass that includes priority access to Rome’s main attractions like the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Vatican City .

Rome Mysteries & Legends Free Tour Wandering ghosts and enigmas in Caravaggio's works ... Discover the hidden side of the city with this free tour of Rome's mysteries and legends.

Go City: Rome Explorer Pass The Go City: Roma Explorer Pass  tourist card gives you access to the  main attractions in the Italian capital, such as the Sistine Chapel and the Colosseum.

St. Peter's Basilica Tickets: Dome Access + Audioguide Secure your ticket to St. Peter's Basilica for an experience that includes access to its magnificent dome and a self-guided tour with an English audio guide .

Italian Pizza Workshop Visit Rome and enjoy a delicious pizza made with your own hands . Try this Italian Pizza Workshop and learn how to make one of the country's most famous dishes.

Discover the Colosseum , the Vatican or the Pantheon in comfort aboard the Big Bus Sightseeing Bus in Rome . Hop on and off as much as you like!

With this skip-the-line ticket for the Pantheon , you'll visit one of the most iconic monuments from Ancient Rome —a must-see in the Eternal City!

The Three Tenors Concert The church of  St. Paul's Within the Walls in Rome opens its doors to you to offer you the show The Three Tenors. Enjoy an unforgettable opera concerto.

Rome: Angels and Demons, the Illuminati Adventure Quest Impersonate Robert Langdon himself for a day in this puzzle hunt in Rome: Angels and Demons , the Illuminati Hunt. The best way to explore the city!

Palazzo Santa Chiara Opera Concert Treat yourself to a unique experience during your stay in Rome when you attend a fantastic opera concert at the Palazzo Santa Chiara .

Rome Hard Rock Cafe Come to the Rome Hard Rock Cafe and enjoy an exquisite menu of American food in an emblematic place where the rhythm of rock is felt in every corner. 

Rome Pub Crawl Are you ready to discover the vibrant nightlife of the Italian capital ? Join us on this pub crawl through Rome and experience it for yourself!

Welcome to Rome Tickets Immerse yourself in Rome's thrilling history when you buy a ticket for the fascinating Welcome to Rome multimedia experience .

Mostra di Leonardo Ticket Discover some of the most amazing inventions by the Italian genius Leonardo da Vinci with this ticket to the Mostra di Leonardo museum.

Ostia Antica Half-Day Tour from Rome Discover the legacy of the Imperial City on a guided tour of Ostia Antica, an ancient harbor town only 30 km from Rome. Travel back in time with this tour!

Capitoline Museum Guided Tour Marvel at one of Rome’s most important museums , the Capitoline Museums, followed by a visit to Piazza del Campidoglio on top of the Capitoline Hill.

Baths of Caracalla & Circus Maximus Guided Tour Go back in time on this walking tour of the Bath of Caracalla, the most luxurious thermae of the Roman Empire . Then marvel at the remains of the Circus Maximus.

Capri Day Trip Like the writers and artists before you, you'll fall in love with Capri on this unmissable tour. Discover the island's myths, legends and Blue Grotto .

Visit the largest Roman amphitheater in the world on this guided tour of the Colosseum. An absolute must if you're in the Italian capital!

Rome Bike Tour Tour the Italian capital on two wheels whilst you enjoy an electric bike tour of the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Roman Forum and much more .

Tiber River Cruise with Appetizer Discover Rome from a privileged perspective as you relax with this Tiber River Cruise with Appetizer. You'll see symbolic places such as the Umberto I Bridge.

Rome Photo Tour Discover the most Instagrammable locations in the Italian capital and show off your trip with this Rome Photo Tour.  Benvenuti a Roma !

Trastevere and Jewish Ghetto Tour Enjoy a walking guided tour of Trastevere and the Jewish Ghetto and soak up the neighborhood’s bohemian atmosphere with numerous landmarks to visit.

Rome Squares and Fountains Guided Tour Set off on a walking guided tour of Rome and discover some of its iconic landmarks, such as the Fontana di Trevi, Piazza di Spagna, and Piazza Navona .

Ponza Island Day Trip Enjoy a  day trip from Rome to Ponza Island . Cruise along the waters, feel the breeze in your hair and cool off with a dip in the Tyrrhenian Sea!

Wine Tasting in Rome Italy is world-renowned for its tradition of wine-making. Indulge your senses on this wine tasting tour of Rome with an expert sommelier!

Rome Fascist History Tour discover the architecture designed in Rome at the time of Benito Mussolini's fascist dictatorship with this Rome Fascist History Tour.

Janiculum, Trastevere and Jewish Quarter Guided Tour On this fascinating tour of the Gianicolo , Trastevere and   the Jewish Quarter  in Rome, we'll gain a truly unique perspective of the Italian capital.

Bioparco di Roma Ticket With your ticket to the Bioparco of Rome you will discover this zoo located in the heart of the city, inside Villa Borghese, an ideal plan for families!

Rome Street Art Tour Discover secrets and the most interesting glimpses throughout the most colourful district with this Rome Street Art Tour. Explore the captivating capital city!

Lake Albano Kayak Tour If you're in Rome and want to escape from the hustle and bustle of the big city , join us on this kayak tour on Lake Albano .

Entrance to IKONO Rome Looking for a unique plan in the Italian capital? With a ticket to IKONO Rome , you'll get to explore this creative space and become a part of the art!

Roma World Entrance Ticket Don't miss out on your ticket to Roma World , a theme park in which you'll travel back in time to the ancient and powerful Roman Empire .

Private Photoshoot outside of the Colosseum Remember your trip to Rome forever with this private photoshoot outside the Colosseum - we'll make sure you look your best beside the iconic monument!

Rome Private Day Trips Explore the beautiful Italian cities of Naples, Pompeii, Ostia or Assisi with these Rome Private Day Trips. You'll have an exclusive guide just for your group.

Rome Layover Tour Take advantage of your time at Rome airport to explore the Italian capital with this Rome Layover Tour. You'll discover the charm of the beautiful Eternal City.

Cinecittà World Ticket With this entrance ticket to Cinecittà World you can visit real film sets and travel to the imaginary worlds of movies and TV series .

Private Tuk-Tuk Tour of Rome Would you like to see the Eternal City in the most comfortable way ? On this private tuk-tuk tour of Rome , we'll tour the capital of Italy in an exclusive group.

Aqua World Ticket Do you want to combat the heat in Rome ? With this ticket to Aqua World, you'll have a blast at the swimming pools and slides at  Cinecittà World

Roma World Ticket + Roma on Fire Show With this ticket to Roma World, you'll be able to enjoy a visit to this amazing theme park about the Roman Empire  on the outskirts of the Italian capital.

Florence Excursion by High Speed Train Known as the "City of Art", Florence is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. On this day trip, we'll tour its historic centre and the Uffizi Gallery.

Capri + Pompeii Day Trip Pompeii and Capri  are two must-see stops in Campania. Discover their history and beauty on this day trip from Rome . Don't miss out!

Naples to Capri Tour: 2/3 Days Relax in southern Italy with this Naples to Capri Tour lasting 2/3 days. Discover Pompeii's incredible history, Sorrento's cuisine and Capri's beauty .

Ischia 5-Day Tour Are you in Rome? Join us to visit the most beautiful islands in the Napolitan archipelago  on this  5-day tour of Ischia . You'll love it!

5 Day Tour: The Best of Italy The best of Italy in just 5 days! Asisi, Siena, Florence, Bologna, Padua, Venice and Montepulciano  are the cities we take in on the tour.

Day Trip to Siena, San Gimignano and Chianti On this tour to Siena, San Gimignano and Chianti , we'll discover the beautiful region of Tuscany - including medieval towns, and a visit to a wine cellar!

Pompeii & Minori Tour: 3 Days Discover the impressive ruins of Pompeii , explore the Almafi Coast  & enjoy 2 nights in Minori on this incredible 3-day tour.

Capri Tour: 2/3 Days Be captivated by the glamour of the Italian island with this Capri Tour lasting 2 or 3 days. Explore the fascinating Mediterranean cave, the Blue Grotto.

Colosseum Private Tour Discover the World Heritage Site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World with this  Colosseum Private Tour . Explore the Roman site with an exclusive guide.

Vatican Gardens + Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel Ticket Discover the green lung of Vatican City on this tour of its gardens. You'll also visit the Sistine Chapel and take a self-guided tour of the Vatican Museums.

Vatican Museums Private Tour Step into the legacy of the Italian city-state on this Vatican Private Tour. Visit the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel with just your family or friends!

The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi With this classical music concert, you'll experience all Four Seasons of the famous Antonio Vivaldi . An unforgettable concert in an incomparable setting!

Pontifical Villas of Castel Gandolfo Day Trip From Pope Alexander VII to Benedict XVI , numerous popes have spent the holidays at the Pontifical Villas of Castel Gandolfo . Explore its links with the Vatican!

Colosseum Guided Night Visit Visit one of Rome's most iconic monuments all lit up at the most magical time of day on our  Colosseum Guided Night Visit at dusk .

Why is our guide of Rome the best?

This guide has been written by travellers like yourself and is designed to help you plan your stay in Rome, so that you get the most out of the city as possible, whether you're staying for 2 days or a month. Find out what the top attractions  and the best places to eat are, which museums are worthwhile, and where to stay in Rome. If you’re travelling on a budget, we also have an article on how to save money while visiting this fascinating city, and the daily costs , so that you're prepared before getting to Rome.

The information provided in this guide was updated in  January 2023 . If you find a mistake or would like to make a suggestion, please do not hesitate to  contact us .

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Rome over the shoulder.

© Cristina Gottardi

Roman Forum.

A heady mix of haunting ruins, awe-inspiring art and vibrant street life, Italy's hot-blooded capital is one of the world's most romantic and charismatic cities.

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Rome Lazio Italy. The Vatican Museums in Vatican City. Raphael rooms frescoes

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St Peter's Basilica

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Roman Forum

Ancient Rome

An impressive – if rather confusing – sprawl of ruins, the Roman Forum was ancient Rome's showpiece center, a grandiose district of temples...

Farnese Gardens built a top Domus Tiberiana on Palatine Hill at the Roman forum in Rome, Italy.

Sandwiched between the Roman Forum and the Circo Massimo, the Palatino (Palatine Hill) is one of Rome's most spectacular sights. It's a beautiful,…

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Everyone wants to see the Colosseum, and it doesn’t disappoint, especially if accompanied by tales of armored gladiators and hungry lions. More than any…

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Capitoline Museums

Dating from 1471, the Capitoline Museums are the world's oldest public museums, with a fine collection of classical sculpture.

The Roman Pantheon is the most preserved and influential building of ancient Rome. It is a Roman temple dedicated to all the gods of pagan Rome.

Centro Storico

With its revolutionary design, this awe-inspiring temple has served as an architectural blueprint for millennia.

Piazza Navona in Rome, Italy

Piazza Navona

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Museo e Galleria Borghese

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Circo Massimo

Circo Massimo

Now a huge basin of dusty grass, Circo Massimo was ancient Rome’s largest chariot racetrack, a 250,000-seater capable of holding up to a quarter of the…

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Villa Borghese

No one can resist the lure of Rome's most celebrated park, full of wooded glades, gardens and grassy banks.

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Domus Aurea

Monti, Esquilino & San Lorenzo

Nero had his Domus Aurea constructed after the fire of AD 64 (which he is rumoured to have started to clear the area). Named after the gold that lined its…

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Trevi Fountain

Tridente, Trevi & the Quirinale

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Via Appia Antica

Southern Rome

Via Appia Antica is a beautiful cobbled thoroughfare flanked by grassy fields, ancient Roman structures and towering pine trees.

Palazzo Colonna

Palazzo Colonna

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Jewish Ghetto

Visit the atmospheric Jewish Ghetto neighborhood for art studios, kosher food and Rome's main synagogue.

Piazza del Campidoglio

Piazza del Campidoglio

This hilltop piazza, designed by Michelangelo in 1538, is one of Rome's most beautiful squares. There are several approaches but the most dramatic is the…

Tempietto (Small Temple) in the courtyard of San Pietro in Montorio, marking the traditional site of St. Peter's martyrdom, Janiculum Hill.

Tempietto di Bramante & Chiesa di San Pietro in Montorio

Trastevere & Gianicolo

Bramante’s sublime tempietto (Little Temple) is a perfect surprise in the courtyard of the Chiesa di San Pietro in Montorio.

ROME, ITALY, JUNE 14, 2015 : interiors and architectural details of saint louis des francais church, june 14, 2015, in Rome, Italy; Shutterstock ID 306327644; Your name (First / Last): Josh Vogel; Project no. or GL code: 56530; Network activity no. or Cost Centre: Online-Design; Product or Project: 65050/7529/Josh Vogel/LP.com Destination Galleries

Chiesa di San Luigi dei Francesi

This opulent baroque church is home to a celebrated trio of Caravaggio paintings.

travel blog rome

Pincio Hill Gardens

One of Rome's best viewpoints, Pincio Hill is worth the climb.

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Chiesa di Santa Maria della Vittoria

This modest church is an unlikely setting for an extraordinary work of art – Bernini’s extravagant sculpture, the Ecstacy of St Teresa.

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Arco degli Acetari

For one of Rome’s most picture-perfect scenes, head to this dark archway just off Campo de’ Fiori. The arch in itself isn’t especially memorable...

Giardino del Lago

Giardino del Lago

Designed and laid out in the late 18th century, this leafy area is centred on a small, romantic lake where you can hire a rowing boat. The highlight,…

The Cimitero Acattolico ("Non-Catholic Cemetery") of Rome. It is the final resting place of non-Catholics including but not exclusive to Protestants or British people

Cimitero Acattolico per gli Stranieri

San Giovanni & Testaccio

Despite the roads that surround it, Rome’s 'non-Catholic' cemetery is a verdant oasis of peace. An air of Grand Tour romance hangs over the site where up…

travel blog rome

Campo de' Fiori

Il Campo is a major focus of Roman life: by day it hosts one of the city's best-known markets; by night, people come for its lively bars and restaurants.

travel blog rome

Via Margutta

Visit the antique shops, commercial art galleries and artisanal boutiques of Via Margutta, one of Rome's prettiest pedestrian cobbled lanes.

Rome, Italy, Coppedè, novembre, 2018 - District Coppedè fountain of the frogs

Quartiere Coppedè

The compact Quartiere Coppedè, centering around the magnificent Piazza Mincio, is one of Rome's most extraordinary neighbourhoods. Conceived and built by…

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Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli

This 5th-century basilica draws pilgrims and art lovers to marvel at its treasures.

travel blog rome

Explore monuments, fountains and gardens on the verdant hill of Gianicolo (or Janiculum).

travel blog rome

Piazza di Spagna & the Spanish Steps

The Spanish Steps are the perfect place for some people watching and great views over Rome.

Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi

Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi

Piazza Navona's flamboyant centrepiece, Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi is an ornate, showy work. Completed in 1651, it features a…


The most dramatic approach to Piazza del Campidoglio is via this graceful staircase from Piazza d'Aracoeli. Designed by Michelangelo, it was built with…

Villa del Priorato di Malta

Villa del Priorato di Malta

Fronting an ornate cypress-shaded piazza, the Roman headquarters of the Sovereign Order of Malta, aka the Cavalieri di Malta (Knights of Malta), boasts…

Chiesa della Trinità dei Monti

Chiesa della Trinità dei Monti

Sitting in majesty above the Spanish Steps, this landmark church was commissioned by King Louis XII of France and consecrated in 1585. Apart from the…

Imperial Forums

Imperial Forums

The forums of Trajan, Augustus, Nerva and Caesar are known collectively as the Imperial Forums. They were largely buried when Mussolini bulldozed Via dei…

Planning Tools

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Things to Know

Rome is a sensory overload in the best way but that can also make it overwhelming for first-time visitors. Here's what you need to know before you go.

Best Neighborhoods

A trip to Rome is as much about lapping up the dolce vita lifestyle as gorging on art and culture. Here's a look at the city's top neighborhoods.

From Rome's surrounding Lazio region to Florence, Naples and Pompeii, amazing sights are all within day-trip range of Italy’s capital.

Money and Costs

There’s no need for the Eternal City to leave you eternally broke. The city offers myriad ways to visit in style while saving money.


Find your way around in Rome with this guide to transportation and tickets.

Free Things to Do

Visiting Rome on a budget? These are the best free experiences in Italy's capital city.

Traveling with Kids

From the Colosseum to the catacombs, and sprawling parks to virtual time travel, Rome promises a memorable trip for the whole family.

Discover architectural jewelry, local design, vintage finds, and tiny treasures in Rome's independent shops and markets.

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Crowd gathering in Campo de Fiori in Centro Storico, early evening.

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An Easy Travel Guide to Rome, Italy

V isiting the Eternal City for the first time? Rome is one of the most visited cities in Italy and we created an easy travel guide to Rome so that you know the best things to see and do.

In this post, we’re sharing all we’ve learned from our vacations in Rome to help you plan your getaway. We’ll cover the most popular neighborhoods, the best things to see and do, how to get around in Rome, the best time of the year to visit, how to get to central Rome from FCO Airport, and tips for traveling.

Where is Rome

Rome is located in the region of Lazio, near the and is undoubtedly one of the most popular destinations in Italy. It has the highest population of all cities in Italy and sits about 1 hour from the western coast.

And when it comes to tourism, it’s no surprise that visitors from around the globe travel to Rome to see its beauty and Renaissance art, experience Roman cuisine and Italian cooking , shop the fashion capital, discover the piazzas and fountains, explore the historical landmarks, or even practice Italian phrases that they’ve learned.

The various neighborhoods are the most widely visited by tourists because they are where most attractions can be found. Traveling through the city is easy on foot, but you should also consider the Rome sightseeing bus or the Rome golf cart tours .

The Best Time of Year to Visit Rome

Rome can be extremely uncomfortable in the summer months (primarily June through September). In April and May, the spring temperatures are nice, the mornings are cool, and by noon you probably won’t need a jacket.

The Best Things to See and Do (by Neighborhood)

Each neighborhood of Rome has museums, churches, gardens, parks, and iconic spots to visit. This list gives a brief description of each district, and helps you understand what to see in each neighborhood. It will come in handy for deciding where to stay in Rome while planning your trip.

You may need to take public transportation to reach a specific neighborhood depending on where you stay. However, once you arrive, the area is completely walkable and getting from one point of interest to another is easy.

Modern Center

This neighborhood is located around Via Veneto and the Spanish Steps, the Modern Center neighborhood combines classic and contemporary influences. It has a mix of upscale boutiques, trendy cafes, and luxurious hotels, making it a hub for shopping, dining, and experiencing the modern side of Rome.

Palazzo del Quirinale

Complesso delle Quattro Fontane

Trevi Fountain

Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica a Pallazo

Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri

Castro Pretorio

Chiesa di Santa Maria della Vittoria

Museo e Cripto dei Frati Cappuccini

The heart of Rome’s historic center, the Old Rome neighborhood captivates with its cobblestone streets, charming piazzas, and awe-inspiring landmarks like the Pantheon and Piazza Navona.

Scalinta di Trinita dei Monti (Spanish Steps)

Museo dell’Ara Pacis

Campo de’ Fiori

Palazza Farnese

Piazza Navona

Museo di Roma Palazzo Braschi

Chiesa di San Luigi dei Francesi

Chiesa di Sant’Agnese in Agone

By far this is the most popular neighborhood in Rome for travelers. Trastevere is a bohemian neighborhood located on the west bank of the Tiber River. It is known for it narrow, winding streets, nightlife, and charming piazzas. Trastevere has a lively atmosphere with trendy bars, and traditional trattorias.

Villa Farnesina

Galleria Corsini

Basilica di Santa Maria

Orto Botanico

Home to the iconic Colosseum, the Colosseum neighborhood in Rome immerses visitors in ancient history as they explore the grandeur of the Roman Empire, marvel at ancient ruins, and soak in the architectural splendor of this UNESCO World Heritage site.

Roman Forum

Palatine Hill

Bocca della Verita

Circo Massimo

Piazza Venezia

Altare della Patria

Aventino – Tastaccio

Testaccio is a historic working-class neighborhood that has transformed into a culinary hotspot. It offers a vibrant food scene with traditional trattorias, gourmet restaurants, and a bustling food market.

Basilicia di San Giovanni

Terme di Caracalla

Knights of Malta Keyhole

Esquilino – San Giovanni

Located near Termini Station, the Esquilino neighborhood is a melting pot of cultures and flavors. Known for its diverse immigrant communities, Esquilino is a mix of ethnic restaurants, colorful markets, and architectural gems like the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore.

Basilica Papale di Santa Maria Maggiore

Palazzo Massimo alle Terme

Museo Nazionale Romano

Basilica di San Pietro in Vincole

Nomentano combines residential tranquility with commercial areas. This neighborhood is characterized by its leafy parks, elegant villas, and the iconic University La Sapienza. There is a mix of students, locals, and dining. Nomentano has a relaxed and intellectual atmosphere.

Sapienza University

North Center

The North Center neighborhood of Rome, encompassing areas like Villa Borghese and Parioli, presents a more tranquil and residential atmosphere. With its leafy parks, elegant villas, and cultural institutions like the Galleria Borghese, this area provides a peaceful retreat from the city center.

  • Museo e Galleria Borghese
  • Villa Borghese
  • La Galleria Nazionale
  • Museo Nazionale Etrusce di Villa Guilia

Vatican City

Vatican City is the smallest independent state in the world and the spiritual center of Catholicism. Home to St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican Museums, and the Sistine Chapel, this iconic neighborhood offers a rich blend of religious significance, magnificent art, and awe-inspiring architecture.

St. Peter’s Basilica

Vatican Gardens

Vatican Museums

Castel Sant’Angelo

Southern Rome

The southern part of Rome is less touristy and has an authentic atmosphere that portrays a taste of local Roman life. From food markets and traditional trattorias to vibrant street art and a strong sense of community, Southern Rome provides a glimpse into the city’s everyday charm.

Via Appia Antica

Catacombe di San Sebastiano

Catacombe di San Callisto

Museo Capitoline Centrale Montemartini

How to Get Around Rome

Getting around the cobbled-stoned streets of Rome is not hard. I’ve walked, biked, and bused throughout Rome and loved it! All are great ways to get around and the method you choose depends on how much time you have and your personal preference.

I recommend the  Big Bus Tour  or a Golf Cart Tour in Rome if you are short on time or if you booked your travel in the dead heat of summer (which can be intensely hot).

With these tours, you’ll see all the top Rome attractions with audio commentary in your language of choice. If you choose an open top tour bus, the added benefit is free wi-fi and for 3 extra euros, you can use your ticket for two days (it is worth it).

When it comes to seeing Rome, walking can not be avoided especially when getting to an attraction that require climbing hilly pathways or navigating ancient streets. In my opinion, being on foot is one of the best ways to travel in Rome.

Exploring the narrow streets can lead you to the most marvelous pasta, the creamiest gelato, or the most perfect pasta! I highly recommend visiting the Trastevere neighborhood for  Italian street food . 

Public Transportation

This is the best option for getting to a part of town that is more than 20 minutes on foot, especially if visiting a museum or park. Save your energy and use public transportation for less than 2 euros. You can purchase them at the tobacconist store.

You will need to validate your ticket upon boarding the bus (it’s an honor system). Getting caught with an un-validated ticket can result in a fine. You should also use a really good map of Rome. 

Bike or Vespa

Peddling around the city on your own time feels so liberating. Bike rental is very affordable and is an enjoyable way to experience the outdoors, get some exercise to make up for all the  Italian breakfasts  that you eat, and explore Rome.

You can find rentals for as little as 13 euros for 24 hours, complete with lock, for a standard bike. The price for e-bikes is higher.

Getting around on a two-passenger scooter is loads of fun!  Rent a Vespa to skirt traffic or explore outside the city. They can be rented by the hour or day. This will make your trip to Rome memorable as you travel in true Italian style!

How to Get to Central Rome from FCO Airport

There are several options to get from Leonardo da Vinci International Airport to the center of the city. I found the train to be the quickest and most affordable especially if you’ve had a long day of travel and want to get to Termini station.  

The most economical way to get from the airport to the city center is via a shuttle bus service from the airport. You can travel conveniently between Rome’s city center and the airport and take pleasure in a stress-free arrival or departure from the city.

The ride takes about 50 minutes and departures run from the airport every 30 to 40 minutes so you have time to collect your luggage. Shuttles stop in Terminal 3’s arrivals section. Look for the respective service at the arrival platform.

Terravision offers a shuttle service for less than 8 euros it’s quite popular. The buses are air-conditioned and there is no cost to bring your luggage aboard. It goes directly to Termini station with no extra stops. 

Another option is the public transportation system, which costs about 6 euros. The bus stops multiple times in the city center, including one close to the Vatican and one at Termini Station, throughout the 45- to 1-hour one-way trip.

Buses halt in Terminal 3’s arrivals section, at number 14. You can purchase tickets at the airport desk or online. 

A taxi is quite expensive. It will set you back almost 50 euros and the ride takes just as long as a shuttle service (about 50 minutes). You can find the taxis at the arrival level of Terminal 1 and Terminal 3.

The Leonardo Express train is less than 20 euros and runs every 15 minutes during peak periods. It is operated by Trenitalia and the ride takes about 30 to 40 minutes.

If you wait to collect your luggage, and then make your way to the window or kiosk to purchase your ticket, note that many others will be doing the same. Hate long lines? You can purchase tickets in advance and be ready for validation after boarding the train.

I can’t recommend a car rental unless you plan a day trip and need a set of wheels. Rome is completely walkable. Not to mention, even Italians know that finding a parking space can be a hassle.

Tips for Visiting Rome

I adore visiting Italy. And no trip would be complete without seeing some of the most iconic and historic spots in the Eternal City.

Don’t make the mistake (that I made on my first trip) and skip these incredible spots! Fortunately, I was able to see them on return visits!

Whether you are visiting the Vatican for the first time or returning because you tossed a coin into the Trevi fountain, these Rome travel tips will come in handy to make your stay enjoyable.

  • Be prepared! Read these tips on the essentials for an international flight .
  • Think comfort when flying coach , it will help you stay calm and confident.
  • Beware of scammers, pickpockets, and panhandlers. It’s a thing in Europe and it can happen when you least expect it. 

So, what are you waiting for? Book that flight to Rome and thank me later.

travel guide for rome 0


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