Women On The Road

Finding The Perfect Travel Talisman

Who doesn’t need that extra bit of good luck for travel?

Whether fear of flying or terrorism or simple anxiety at traveling alone, something as simple as a travel talisman can make you feel like you’ve got all the fates on your side. It can help boost our courage just a little, even if we don’t fully believe in occult powers.

Nazars on sale at Istanbul Grand Bazaar

I confess: I carried a green tin cup (called Kermit) across Africa for a year. I convinced myself Kermit kept me safe through conflict, bus crashes, hunger and thirst – and even if Kermit wasn’t solely responsible for my survival, somewhere I’m convinced I wouldn’t have fared as well without him.


While used interchangeably, they’re not quite the same. One brings luck, the other wards off bad luck. But when it comes to travel, either one will do when it comes to keeping your travels safe, right?

/talɪzmən/ an object, typically an inscribed ring or stone, that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck (it attracts a kind of benefit)

/amjʊlɪt/ an ornament or small piece of jewelry thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease (it provides protection from danger)

As far as we’re concerned, these lucky charms for travel are objects designed to  attract positive things  to you – such as good luck, interesting people, unexpected adventures – and to protect you from negative things (accidents, theft, illness) while you travel. Call them what you will.


Travel talismans can come in  many shapes  or forms:

  • Rocks and stones for travel protection which you may have found in a special place
  • Gems and crystals, especially those representing your birth month
  • Natural objects such as bird feathers, animal claws, shark teeth (not my choice!)
  • Jewelry like necklaces, pendants, bracelets, rings
  • An animal or rabbit’s foot, a custom that originated in Africa (nor this one!)
  • Good luck objects: fuzzy dice, stuffed animals (I hope they mean the plush kind), pet snakes (not recommended), and yes, even tin mugs!

In case you need a good luck travel charm or know someone who might benefit from a safe travels gift, here are a few that caught my eye on Amazon.

A talisman’s power is said to  increase with intention . If someone who cares deeply about you gives it to you, its power is stronger. The same goes for your intention, it would appear – choose it with concentration and thought and it will be that much stronger.


You can be involved in  preparing your own  travel talisman – like many, you could draw an appropriate symbol and carry it with you when you travel.

Many good luck charms for travelers are based on ancient symbols that represent a variety of concepts and beliefs.

Here are some of the most popular:

  • Ankh: ancient Egyptian talisman
  • Circle: the symbol of feminine spirit or force
  • Celtic cross: a mixture of celtic belief and ancient Catholicism
  • Dove: the universal symbol of peace
  • Dragon: scary in Europe, but powerful in Asia
  • Fish: used to symbolize Christianity
  • Four-leaf clover: the luck of the Irish
  • Horn: in many cultures against the Evil Eye
  • Labyrinth: the feminine, as in fertility
  • Phoenix: the symbol of rebirth
  • Scarab: protection against evil in the Egypt of Pharaohs
  • Tao: the ancient Chinese symbol of wholeness
  • Zodiac: a popular travel choice based on your sign
The evil eye is nothing new. According to Ancient Origins, “an ‘evil eye’ goes back to the upper Palaeolithic period as 10,000-year-old drawings have been found on cave walls in Spain which appear to depict symbols to ward off the evil eye.”


Many stones have a reputation for protecting travelers – and if you don’t believe in this, just skip this section. I’m not ready to DISbelieve – I see no reason why they might not work so just in case, I do carry a few stones and crystals with me when I travel.

These are believed to have different properties but travelers in the know firmly believe in their power. Here are some of the favorites – and considered most effective – safe travel stones.

  • Malachite:  as mentioned above it is the leading travel protection stone and is of particular use for air and road travel. It is believed to soothe and eliminate travel fears and has been used for many centuries to ward off travel dangers and fears. It is considered the queen of travel stones.
  • Quartz:  especially smoky quartz; it helps you keep it all together when you get overly anxious during travel. It can help shield from the elements – weather and such, and turns negative energy into positive vibes. Rose quartz is believed to protect you from the mistakes of others – like drivers or pilots!
  • Moonstone:  provides energy and a calming presence. It also protects travel over water and is one of the best-known all-purpose crystals for travel.
  • Tiger Eye:  believed to make you stronger and more self-confident, while warding off evil – a sort of “feel better in your skin”.
  • Amethyst:  a travel powerhouse. It protects your belongings from theft, brings out friendliness and cooperation in others, calms your fears and keeps danger away.
  • Hematite:  often used as a worry bead or stone, it can apparently help with jet lag. It’s also great at keeping away negative energy (can never have enough of that!)
  • Turquoise:  given my Middle Eastern origins, I of course love turquoise, the anti-evil eye color. It has always been considered a lucky charm for travel to new places. My mother always used to make sure I carried one (I still do) whenever I started a new trip.
  • Aquamarine:  the stone of seamen is supposed to keep you from drowning or even getting seasick, as well as reducing your fear of water (the perfect stone for me!)
  • Black Tourmaline:  great for making sure your energy doesn’t dissipate and to keep accidents out of the way.
  • Yellow Jasper:  a convenient stone which is very helpful – it reduces stress, increases self-confidence, reduces motion sickness and generally accompanies you on your travels.
  • Black Obsidian  is supposed to be particularly good on public transport;  garnets  can ward off serious injury;  labradorite  makes good things happen – like connecting trains and flights; and  howlite  helps get rid of that fear of flying.

And what do you do with your stones and crystals?

You can do as I do and put a few into the bottom of your bag or in a pocket or even in your backpack or suitcase. You can wear a safe travel bracelet or necklace or ring with a stone embedded. Or why not get a pretty little pouch, a set of tiny crystals, and just put the pouch at the bottom of your bag?


I grew up in a superstitious family – of Middle Eastern origin, and multi-faith – so anything that might bring travel luck was fair game.

Whenever someone in our family left on a trip, my mother would throw half a glass of water behind them. I still do that today – but don’t ask me why. Habit, and a healthy dose of the precautionary principle. My father, non-religious to the core, would add a prayer, just in case.

You can experience some feng shui travel luck with  these four tips .

You can carry or burn  herbs for safe travels .

Or even  cast a spell  for safe travel. There is no limit.


Many talismans are  religious in origin , like the St Christopher medal that was once almost compulsory for any Catholic traveler.

In Islam, items with a quotation from the Qur’an, the Muslim holy book, may be used as talismans to ward off evil or as a charm to preserve health.

In Judaism, the Star of David is an extremely powerful talisman.

And a safe travels prayer –  here are ten  Christian ones if you are so inclined – is often recited by those who believe it will make a difference.

Whatever your beliefs, there’s a travel talisman out there for you. You can buy it, make it, or receive it as a gift. It doesn’t matter.

What  does  matter is – that you believe in it!

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, nor do I have special powers. You may or may not believe in the efficacy of talismans, stones, crystals, and the like: that is up to you. I’ve only provided this page as additional information for your travels, NOT to replace advice from a medical or health professional, or the purchase of travel insurance.

— Originally published on 31 July 2011


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symbols for safe travel

Tess Whitehurst

Live Your Magic / Love Yourself

Spells & Rituals

5 Charms for Safe and Harmonious Travel

Take your magic on the road with one of these simple travel talismans..

symbols for safe travel

Here are five charms that can help protect you and your family while you travel, while helping to ensure a happy and harmonious trip.

1. A St. Christopher Medal

symbols for safe travel

Although no longer an official saint, St. Christopher is widely beloved as the patron saint of travelers, not just among Catholics, but among many others as well, which is why his likeness on a medal is often worn or carried as a safe travel charm. According to author Judika Illes in The Encyclopedia of Mystics, Saints, and Sages , “Many people make sure to gaze upon his image as soon as they arise in the belief that he guarantees a day without death, sudden or otherwise. Some also chant little rhymes invoking his aid, daily or as needed, for example:

Protect us, Saint Christopher, on our travels and wherever we may roam, Please keep us safe and guide us always safely home.”

2. A Moonstone

symbols for safe travel

3. Heather Flower Essence

symbols for safe travel

As opposed to the traditional charm that works its magic when you carry it or wear it, heather flower essence is less of a safe travel charm and more of a safe travel potion : it works its magic when you place a couple of drops under your tongue. Magically, heather helps protect us from violence and other forms of physical harm. Imbibing the flower’s vibrational essence adds a dose of this protection to our auric field. While traveling, receive this benefit by taking two drops under the tongue three times daily.

4. A Dried Fig

symbols for safe travel

Budget conscious travelers and thrifty witches will be pleased to know that a single dried fig in a muslin bag tucked into your luggage makes for an excellent safe travel charm. But before placing it in the muslin bag, empower it in bright sunlight while mentally seeing yourself arriving happily at your destination as well as happily back home again.

5. A Rowan Twig

symbols for safe travel

Even easier on the pocketbook (if somewhat less obtainable), a single twig from a rowan tree can bestow protection on the magical traveler. In The Magic of Trees , I wrote, “A traditional belief indicates that the rowan can prevent a traveler from getting lost. Rowan wood has been a traditional charm on boats to protect against storms and getting lost at sea, and her wood has been used for auspicious walking sticks. In general, her protective and beneficent qualities lend themselves to harmonious travel.” If you know of a rowan tree from whom you can gather a twig, first gratefully pour a libation of water near the base of her trunk. Then follow your intuition to gently snip a small twig from one of her branches. Hold it between your two palms and visualize an aura of protection around you. Then keep this simple travel charm in your pocket or in your luggage during your trip.

Wishing you the happiest and safest of travels!

Did you try one of these safe travel charms? How did it go?

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' src=

Where can I find a Rowan twig?? Thank youp

' src=

Hi Kate! On a rowan tree. So you’ll need to know where there’s a rowan tree in your area.

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5 Wiccan Symbols For Protection You Should Be Using Now

5 Wiccan Symbols For Protection You Should Be Using Now


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Wiccan symbols play a very important part in a Wiccan’s journey. Why, it makes the spiritual experience richer and makes you feel more connected to Nature and the Divine and make you feel one with the Universe. What I am trying to say is that Wiccan symbols ground you, which is

The symbols used in Wiccan practice are powerful and insightful. Almost all Wiccan symbols have an innate protective quality about them, but there are the specific Wiccan Symbols for Protection.

Here are just 5 Wiccan symbols for protection that will keep you on the magickal path:

The pentacle is possibly the most well-known of all Wiccan symbols. It is a star enclosed in a circle. The star represents the four elements of earth, air, water and fire plus the spirit. The circle symbolizes their interconnectedness and being one. 

You know how you need to cast a circle to protect yourself before casting a spell or performing a ritual? It’s pretty much the same concept. Imagine having the same level of protection everywhere you go? Because you cannot possibly cast a circle on the bus, in the subway, in your car, on the street, etc., a pentacle necklace performs the very same function and casts a web of protection around you.

The Pentacle is the absolute symbol for protection. If you must dabble in the art of spell casting, you MUST have the protection that only the Pentacle can lend to you.

The pentacle is one of the most powerful Wiccan symbols of protection. Let it be your protection from negative, evil energies and against attacks from spirits and demons.

symbols for safe travel

Triple Moon

The triple moon is the ultimate symbol of the Mother Goddess or the Moon Goddess out of all the Wiccan symbols for protection. It is the symbol of feminine power.

It features the three phases of the moon, known as waxing, full and waning, that the Moon Goddess goes through every month, which is also the maiden, mother and crone stage.

If you are a women, having a triple moon Wicca symbol strengthens your connection with the Moon Goddess.

The first crescent, the waxing moon symbolises new life and new beginnings, when you are full on energy and vitality; the full moon phase is when magick is at its most powerful and you are at your peak; the second crescent moon represents the moon during its waning period, when you are at your wisest.

symbols for safe travel

You can perform your magick according to the phase of the moon. Under the waxing moon is when you cast spells of ambition, prosperity; under the full moon is when you cast spells of new beginnings, change, letting go of bad habits; under the waning moon is when you cast spells of wisdom and decision-making.

What makes this a Wiccan symbol of protection is that when you wear it or keep it close to you, the love of the Mother Goddess envelopes you.

Out of all the Wiccan symbols for protection, the ankh is the one that depicts the union of the God and the Goddess and the infinite creative power of the universe. The loop top depicts the rising sun, the horizontal bar depicts feminine energy, and the vertical bar depicts the masculine energy.

To the Egyptians, the Ankh is the ancient symbol of eternal life and resurrection, often referred to as the "Key of Life." It was a symbol of eternal life and immortality.

The Ankh is an amulet for protection, good luck, and good fortune. It has the power to protect you against bad energies. If you take a look at the scepters of the deities in Egyptian artwork, you will see that they are in the shape of Ankhs.

What makes the ankh extra special is that it has healing powers, which is why the Egyptians would place them over wounds to promote regeneration and healing.

The ankh also opens the doors to psychic communication with the Divine, which is why you see some Egyptian art depicting the Ankh over the forehead, where the third eye is, to foster a strong connection with the Divine.

symbols for safe travel

Eye of Horus

Out of all the Wiccan symbols for protection, the Eye of Horus is the one with the most badass look. This symbol was used by the Egyptians to protect them against envy and ill-wishes. The protection also extends to hexes and curses.

What makes the Eye of Horus even better is that is has healing powers as well. The Wiccan symbol was painted on the coffins of the deceased to bring them back to life.

But just the physicality of the Eye of Horus just makes anyone wishing to do you harm stop in their tracks. It just has that effect. If you don’t believe it, take an Eye of Horus necklace home and see for yourself.

symbols for safe travel

Out of all the Wiccan symbols for protection, the triquetra is one that depicts a knotwork to shield you from evil. Some interpret it as a symbol of the connection between the mind, body and soul, others interpret it as the three realms of earth, sea and sky.

What makes this a Wiccan symbol is because it depicts the power of threes. The power of threes is in line with the Wiccan Rede: Whatever you give out comes back threefold.

symbols for safe travel

For maximum protection, you can use all 5 Wiccan symbols for protection. Add them to your pentacle collection, buy shirts and mugs imprinted with any of these Wiccan symbols.  

Use them in conjunction with your Wiccan altar tools - all 5 symbols will work in harmony with your altar tools and can make your magick more powerful and your life more magickal :)

15 Responses

Colleen Finley

Colleen Finley

May 13, 2023

Someone needs to write a book, or at least post articles addressing evil infiltrating our spirit, and using us to learn how to destroy us. A lot is said about protecting ourselves, but not about from what. It is important to learn how evil thinks and how they work. Buying insurance without knowing what it covers, is a bit silly, yes?

greg stewart

greg stewart

June 12, 2022

do you do decursing


April 20, 2022

Hi guys ! Double check information the anhk symbols = compleety femini energized womb are circel and vertical is your birthchannel & horizontale are your eggs seed ! Swatika also are orginal meaning & stealing copy hitler meaning ! Check your information deeply stupid dumb people spread false teaching ! War = replace focus what happend on background pushed new laws war = how money economic stay rich ! War = games of richest 13 family trees on earth & their richest company prepaired organised agenda how grab power protection their power positions ! Get awake blindfolded mas people! Share the true

Sonya Miller

Sonya Miller

November 03, 2021

Very interesting, thank you, Melissa

Barbara Weteska

Barbara Weteska

Thank you for this, I know about the ANK and Horus but now am more knowledgeable on the others beside the pentacle which I wear always


October 27, 2021

Very informative. Thank you!!!!

Joyce Henn

I have the eye of Horus tattooed on my foot and triple goddess o my arm


February 02, 2021

so glad to see this ! will hopefully be sewing the pentacle onto my backpack soon . blessed be !

sara lou D. catubay

sara lou D. catubay

June 20, 2020

I need protection

Misty Sharp

Misty Sharp

May 11, 2020

Hi, I have 2 questions… Which stone or pendant is most helpful for everyday wear & is helpful for daily spiritual protection? And what incense is best to help keep home free of negativity?… Thank You so very much.

Marcia Heywood

Marcia Heywood

April 12, 2020

Very useful I’ve now painted stones and added protection symbols and put in four corners of my garden n one in centre

Alan Chester

Alan Chester

April 10, 2020

My name is Alan and I’d like to pay you money via paypal to post content on your website. How much would you charge for something like that? The content can be written to fit your website.

shaikh amjad

shaikh amjad

March 19, 2020

dear sir. please how can casting? Thank You .

Janet Kollosche

Janet Kollosche

November 17, 2019

always searching for more knowledge

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10 Best Crystals And Stones For Safe Travel: Properties, Meanings And Uses

Olivia Kensington

  • 8 October 2023 21 October 2023

Travel can be both exciting and daunting, and we often look for ways to ensure our journeys are safe and secure. Crystals, with their unique vibrational energies and historical association with protection, can serve as helpful companions on your trips. Harnessing their power can bring peace of mind and wellness throughout your journey, making your travels a more enjoyable experience.

Each crystal possesses its own specific energies and properties that can provide different types of protection and support during travel. Whether it’s for stress relief, fear of flying, keeping grounded, or overall protection, there’s a crystal that can address our travel concerns.

This guide will explore ten crystals renowned for their travel safety properties, delving into each one’s unique attributes, meanings, and uses. Whether you’re a seasoned crystal user or a curious newcomer, this guide can help you discover the ideal crystal for your next adventure.

symbols for safe travel

Crstals, Stones, and JewelryThat Are In Tune With You

Best Crystals For Safe Travel – Shortlist:

  • Black Tourmaline – Acts as a protective shield and grounding force.
  • Aquamarine – Known for ensuring smooth and safe voyages.
  • Malachite – Believed to protect against fear of flying and accidents.
  • Moonstone – Provides protection for night travel and trips over water.
  • Amethyst – Enhances intuition and spirituality during journeys.
  • Shungite – Balances and grounds energy to create a tranquil travel state.
  • Labradorite – Encourages strength and perseverance throughout your journey.
  • Clear Quartz – Amplifies positive energy during your sojourns.
  • Citrine – Promotes abundance, joy, and good fortune on your travels.
  • Jasper – Offers physical protection and instills peace during travel.

Best Crystals For Safe Travel – Detailed List

1. black tourmaline: the traveler’s shield.

symbols for safe travel

Background: Black Tourmaline is believed to form deep within the Earth’s crust where it absorbs and neutralizes negativity. This impressive stone has been cherished since ancient times for its protective qualities and was often used by shamans as a talisman against harm.

Physical Properties: True to its name, this crystal exhibits a rich, black coloration. It has a glassy-glossy texture and is typically sold in a range of shapes from raw chunks to polished stones.

Healing Properties: Black Tourmaline is renowned for its ability to ward off negative energy, enhance grounding, and diminish fear. It’s widely used as a protective shield, especially during travel.

  • Protection: Upon contact, it transmutes negative energies into positive ones.
  • Grounding: It aids in attaining a balanced and grounded state of mind.
  • Fear Removal: It’s believed to dispel fear and enhance confidence.

Connection: As a traveler’s safeguard, Black Tourmaline is linked with the concept of safe travel by fostering a sense of security and grounding, thus bringing peace of mind.

Usage: For maximum benefits, carry the stone with you during your travels. Wearing it as a necklace or a bracelet can also provide continuous protection. It’s recommended to cleanse this stone regularly to keep its energy potent.

2. Aquamarine: Known as the sailor’s gem, it’s believed to ensure safe and smooth voyages.


Background: As per maritime lore, Aquamarine was considered the sailors’ gem, assuring safe passage across stormy seas. In fact, the very name “Aquamarine” is derived from Latin aqua marina, or “sea water,” reflecting the calming and serenity of the sea.

Physical Properties: The Aquamarine gemstone is famous for its beautiful sea-blue color, ranging from light blue to deep blue. It has a vitreous luster and is mostly transparent to translucent.

Healing Properties: As a potent healing stone, it’s believed to:

  • Enhance clarity of mind and calm nerves.
  • Invoke tolerance of others.
  • Soothe fears and raise sensitivity.

Connection to Safe Travel: Because of its maritime connections, it’s often used by those embarking on journeys to ensure safe travel. Besides, its calming properties can also soothe fear of flying or sea sickness.

Usage: You can wear Aquamarine as jewelry or carry it as a loose stone in your pocket or purse. To enhance its calming effects, meditate with it before travel, holding it in your hands and visualizing a soothing, protective energy enveloping you.

3. Malachite: Traditionally used for protection during flights


Background: Malachite, deriving its name from the Greek word ‘malache’, meaning ‘mallow’ in reference to its green color, has been used by human cultures since ancient times. Ancient Egyptians used malachite in jewelry and talismans due to its protective qualities.

Physical Properties:

  • Color: Malachite is easily recognizable by its rich green color, which can range from light to dark green.
  • Texture: It can exhibit banding and swirls which gives it a unique appearance.

Healing Properties: Malachite is believed to prove a powerful protective stone, particularly for travelers. It supposedly shields wearers from accidents and guides them in times of uncertainty. Its energy is also said to help overcome fear, making it an excellent choice for those with aviophobia (fear of flying).

Connection: Given its supposed protective abilities and its connection in overcoming fears, malachite is often chosen as a travel companion, especially for avoiding air travel accidents.

Usage: To reap the maximum benefits of malachite, you can wear it as a pendant or keep a small piece in your carry-on bag. Always cleanse and recharge it regularly.

4. Moonstone: The Traveler’s Stone

symbols for safe travel

Background: Moonstone is a prime component of mineral family Feldspar and it has been esteemed for centuries, especially in India, for its supposed connection to the moon. Its name is derived from its pearly luster which is said to resemble the glow of the moon. Legends tell of the stone’s power to bring dreams to fruition.

Physical Properties: Moonstone exhibits an enchanting play of light, known as ‘adularescence’. Its colors can range from colorless to white, grey, green, peach, and brown. It has a soft, watery opaqueness and a silvery-white reflection.

Healing Properties: Moonstone is believed to enhance intuition, to promote inspiration and to bring success in love and business matters. It is also deemed to provide protection, particularly during travel at night or on water.

Connection: Moonstone is a guiding light for travelers, helping to clear the mind and tackle the unknown with more ease. Its feminine energy may also aid in balancing emotions, making it an ideal travel companion.

Usage: Wear moonstone jewelry or carry a moonstone while traveling. It can also be placed under the pillow at night for peaceful dreams, or held during meditation to enhance intuition.

5. Amethyst: For Protection and Spiritual Enhancement


Background: Historically, Amethyst stones were revered by ancient civilizations, notably the Greeks and Romans, for their alleged protective powers and connections with the divine. They are believed to bridge the material world and spiritual realms.

Physical Properties: Amethyst is widely recognized for its captivating, translucent, purple color and lustrous finish. Its crystal structure is usually pointed and raw, though it can be polished into various shapes.

  • Healing Properties: Known as the ‘traveler’s stone’, Amethyst is famed for its potent properties geared towards protective, intuitive and spiritual energies. It is believed to foster a deep, meditative state and enhance intuition – key aspects for a peaceful journey.

Connection: As the embodiment of balance and protection, Amethyst resonates strongly with the notion of safe travels. It is thought to provide a protective shield for travelers while engendering a mental and spiritual environment conducive to reflexive journeys.

Usage: To harness its benefits, travelers can carry Amethyst crystals in their pockets, wear them as jewelry, or even place them in their cars. The proximity can allegedly help protect the traveler and promote a calm and introspective journey.

6. Shungite: Grounding Properties for Travelers

symbols for safe travel

Background: Named after the village Shunga in Russia, Shungite is an ancient, two billion-year-old, stone formed from bacterial activity. This unique mineral composition is the only natural source for fullerenes, spherical carbon molecules with powerful anti-oxidant properties.

Physical Properties: Shungite typically portrays deep black color, matte surface, and a surprising lightweight nature. Its unique lustrous quality and silvery shine set it apart from other black stones and gems.

Healing Properties:

  • Shungite is renowned for its grounding abilities and is believed to aid in helping the traveler adapt to new time zones more rapidly.
  • Believed to confer protection from electromagnetic fields(EMF).
  • Enhances overall energy flow within the body.
  • Provides emotional balance.

Connection: Shungite being a grounding stone stabilizes your physical energy, aligns it with the earth, and puts you into harmony with your environment which is critical during travel. The balancing properties offer emotional stability, relieve stress, and provide a sense of calm during uncertain situations that you may encounter during your journey.

Usage: For its traveling benefits, hold or place the stone near you during your journey, especially for long-haul flights. Incorporating this stone into a meditation practice or placing it under your pillow can also aid in adjusting to new time zones.

7. Labradorite: Provides strength and perseverance during travel


Background: Labradorite, named after the region of Labrador in Canada where it was originally found, is often associated with the Northern Lights due to its iridescent hues. Throughout its history, it has been used as a protective and transformative mineral.

Physical Properties: Most notable for its labradorescence, or play-of-color effect, Labradorite displays a wide array of colors, from blues and greens to yellows and oranges when viewed at different angles. Its surface is relatively smooth, with a glassy texture.

  • Healing Properties: Labradorite is said to boost mental strength and perseverance, especially in challenging conditions. It can help filter out negative energies, bring clarity of thought, and enhance intuition.

Connection: With its enduring properties of strength and perseverance, Labradorite is truly resonating with the concept of “safe travel”. Travel often brings unexpected situations and challenges that require inner strength and adaptability, attributes boosted by this special stone.

Usage: To ensure safe travel, you can carry Labradorite as a pendant or a pocket stone. Simply having it nearby will harness its protective energies. You can also meditate with it prior to your journey to imbue yourself with the stone’s strength and perseverance.

8. Clear Quartz: Amplifies positive energy during trips.

Clear Quartz

Background: Clear Quartz, also known as Rock Crystal, has been used since ancient times for spiritual, healing, and decorative purposes. Known for its purifying ability, this master healing stone is often used in spiritual rituals and energy work.

Physical Properties: Clear Quartz derives its name from its transparency, and it’s often diamond-like in shape. It can be found in various sizes and has a characteristic glassy luster.

  • Color: Translucent white to clear
  • Texture: Smooth, glassy

Healing Properties: Clear Quartz is reputed to amplify energy and thought, enabling clarity and concentration. It’s regarded as a deeply protective stone that wards off negative energy. As a “master healer,” it is believed to harmonize all the chakras.

Connection: Given its energy-boosting and protective qualities, Clear Quartz is a suitable companion for travelers. It is believed to facilitate a clear mind, providing safe navigation and helping to make positive decisions during travel.

Usage: To derive maximum benefits, carry Clear Quartz as a loose stone in one’s pocket or as jewelry. Some travelers choose to place the stone in their luggage or car for protection. Meditating with this stone before your journey can also help set your intentions for safe and positive travel.

9. Citrine: Excellent for new beginnings, like long voyages.

symbols for safe travel

Background: Citrine, a member of the Quartz family, has been appreciated for its sunny brilliance since ancient times. It’s named after the French word for lemon ‘citron’, owing to its yellow color. This valuable jewel is often associated with the Greek god Hermes, symbolizing quick wit and safe travel.

Physical Properties: Citrine’s color palette ranges from pastel yellow to dark, roasted brown, often resembling morning sunlight. Its transparent to translucent nature and vitreous luster adds to its charm.

Healing Properties: Known as the “Merchant’s Stone”, Citrine is associated with abundance and prosperity. Energetically, it’s thought to hold the power of the sun, stimulating joy, courage, and positivity in its wearer. It’s also said to stimulate the solar plexus chakra, enhancing personal power and confidence.

Connection: Travelling commonly evokes feelings of uncertainty and Citrine, with its sunny disposition, is believed to dispel these emotions, infusing one’s journey with positivity. This ‘stone of new beginnings’ fosters courage to face the unknown, making it an ideal companion for travel.

Usage: Carry Citrine in your pocket or wear it as a necklace during travel. For enhancing its effects, cleanse it under running water and energize it under the sun before your journey.

10. Jasper: Known as the “supreme nurturer”

symbols for safe travel

Background: Jasper is a powerful stone that’s been utilized throughout history with prehistoric man using it for weaponry and tools. In ancient civilizations, it was revered for its protective and nurturing qualities.

Physical Properties: Jasper comes in a wide array of colors including red, yellow, green and blue, each with unique patterns. It’s a hard stone, sometimes containing veins of quartz.

Healing Properties: Considered the ‘supreme nurturer’, Jasper provides support during stressful situation and imparts overall tranquility. It protects against fears and encourages energy and courage.

  • Protection: Wards off physical and spiritual dangers.
  • Energy: Imbues the holder with vigor and stamina, important attributes in travel.
  • Peace: Provides a sense of tranquility, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety.
  • Fear Reduction: Strengthens one’s inner resolve, boosting confidence and reducing fear.

Connection: The protective and courage-boosting properties of Jasper make it perfect for travelers. It soothes stress related to travel and emboldens the spirit.

Usage: Carry in your pocket or wear as jewelry while traveling. You can also put it in your vehicle as a protective amulet for safe journeys.

Overview Table of Crystals And Stones for Traveling

Each crystal carries unique properties and meanings that resonate particularly well with travel. The uses of these stones can vary, allowing travelers an opportunity to choose one that aligns with their specific needs and journey.

Travel Crystals and Their Use

How to use travel crystals for enhanced safety.

Understanding the right way to use your travel crystals is key for enhancing safety.

Here are the steps:

  • Choose the Right Crystal: Identify the ideal crystal that resonates with your personal needs and suits your purpose of travel.
  • Cleanse and Charge: Once you have the crystal, cleanse it of any negative energies. You can use methods such as smudging (using sage or Palo Santo), burying under the ground, or bathing under moonlight. After cleansing, you should charge the crystal too. This can be done by leaving it under the sun or the moon, or using larger crystals like Selenite.
  • Call the Intention: Hold the crystal in your hands, close your eyes, and breathe deeply. Express your intention- request the crystal to keep you safe during your journey.
  • Carry with you: Carry the crystal in your pocket, purse, or wear it as jewelry. You can also place it in your car or luggage.

Crystal Techniques for Stress-Free Travel

Travel can trigger stress, anxiety, and exhaustion. Lucky for us, crystals have a unique vibration that can calm our nerves and help us manage the challenging aspects of travel.

Here’s how:

  • Meditation: Meditate with your crystals before and during your travel. You can hold them in your hand or place them on your forehead or heart while meditating.
  • Crystal Grids: Using a crystal grid is another powerful technique. Arrange your travel crystals in a geometric pattern. This amplifies their energy and intentions. The grid can be placed in your home or car, or taken with you during travel.
  • Crystal Elixirs: Immerse your crystals in filtered water overnight and drink the following day. Crystal elixirs are believed to provide deep cellular healing.
  • Chakra Balancing: Place your travel crystals on the corresponding chakra points for a few minutes each day. This can help to open and balance the energy flow through your chakras.

Enhancing Travel Safety with Crystals

Using crystal affirmation practices for safety.

Crystal affirmation is essentially combining the power of positive thinking with the vibrational energy of crystals. These affirmations could be like: “I am protected and safe throughout my journey,” or “My travel will be filled with fun, wisdom, and discovery,” spoken while holding your chosen travel crystal. By doing this, you’re programming the energy of the crystal with your intention for a safe travel.

Creating Crystal Grids for Safe Travel

A crystal grid is a special arrangement of crystals and stones, placed in a geometric shape, to amplify the combined energies of the stones and set intentions. To create a travel protection grid, you may use Black Tourmaline for grounding, Clear Quartz to amplify energy, and Amethyst for protection. Set your intention for safe travels, and place this grid in a safe place before you depart.

Incorporating Meditation for Peaceful Travel

Meditation while holding or wearing your travel crystals can help prepare you for a stress-free journey. The process allows you to connect deeper to the energies of the stones and enhances your intuition – making you more in tune with your surroundings and better able to react to any unexpected situations that may occur while travelling. Imagine a journey of ease, safety, and peace as you meditate to bolster the crystal’s protective essence.

Chakra Balancing for Safe and Peaceful Travel

Chakras are the energy centers within our bodies, and keeping these balanced is critical for our overall well-being – especially when we’re travelling. Incorporating crystal healing into your chakra balancing practices can promote a safe journey. For example, using Moonstone (corresponds to the Third Eye Chakra) can heighten intuition while travelling, while Jasper (aligned with the Root Chakra) can keep you grounded. Balancing your chakras before embarking on your journey ensures a peaceful, protected trip.

Overcoming Travel-Related Challenges with Crystals

Traveling, as exciting as it can be, comes with its unique set of challenges. Whether it’s coping with jet lag, anxiety, or homesickness, it can sometimes become overwhelming. Fortunately, crystals have emerged as powerful allies to combat these hurdles and help you enjoy your travel experiences to their fullest. Here’s how:

Well-being during Travel and Crystal Healing Techniques

While on the move, it’s crucial to maintain both your physical and mental well-being. Crystals help promote an overall sense of comfort and well-being during your journeys. Here are a few easy-to-follow crystal healing techniques for a better travel experience:

  • Sleep Aid: To combat jet lag or sleep disturbances during travels, place Amethyst under your pillow. This promotes restful sleep and helps you adjust to new time zones.
  • Boost Confidence: If the thought of traveling makes you jittery, carry a piece of Tiger’s Eye for a confidence boost. It is known to banish fears and anxieties.
  • Prevent Motion Sickness: For those prone to motion sickness, Lapis Lazuli helps. Wear it as a pendant or keep it in your pocket during your travel.
  • Promote Hydration: To remind yourself to remain hydrated during flights or road trips, try using an elixir of Clear Quartz. It’s believed to purify and energize drinking water.

Remember, it’s important to cleanse your crystals before and after your travels to ensure they’re at their maximum potential.

Using Crystals to Navigate Travel-Related Obstacles

Anyone who travels frequently knows that unexpected obstacles are part of the package – lost luggage, missed connections, or sudden changes in plans. While we can’t control these external factors, crystals can help to keep our reactions positive and constructive. Here’s how you can harness their energy:

  • Lost Luggage: If you’re worried about your luggage getting lost, place a piece of Rhodonite inside your suitcase to encourage a happy reunion.
  • Missed Connections: Missed your flight or train? Instead of panicking, reach for a piece of Blue Lace Agate. It’s known for its calming properties and can ease your stress levels during such rush hours.
  • For Smooth Transitions: Change in plans might bring uneasiness or chaos. Use Fluorite as it helps in making transitions smoother by promoting focus and clarity.

Every travel hurdle is a chance to learn something new. Embrace these experiences, and let the power of crystals help you navigate your journey with ease and grace.

Travel Safety Crystal Accessories

Crystal accessories are not only exquisite, but they also harness the energies of the earth to ensure your safety throughout your journeys. Many travelers carry crystal accessories, like jewelry, keychains, or portable crystal grids, to benefit from the protective and grounding energies. Let’s have a look at some of them:

Crystal jewelry like pendants, bracelets, and earrings often have special significance. They are not only a way to keep your crystals close, but also a stylish accessory. For example, an Aquamarine pendant can ensure smooth voyages, while a bracelet with Black Tourmaline or Jasper beads provides grounded safety.

Can’t wear jewelry? No worries. Crystal keychains are an excellent alternative. Attach one with an Amethyst or Clear Quartz crystal to your travel bag or keys to amplify positive energies during your travel.

Portable Crystal Grids

Travel-friendly crystal grids are compact and can be easily packed in your bag. When arranged in certain patterns, crystals can amplify each other’s energies. For instance, a combination of Black Tourmaline, Malachite, and Moonstone on a grid can provide complete protection while traveling.

Carry Pouches

Carry pouches with a mix of travel protection crystals can be an easy way to keep the energies of multiple stones close. These can be small pouches that fit into your purse or travel bag.

Travel Safety Crystal Buying Guide

With so many beautiful and enticing crystals out there, it might be overwhelming to choose the right ones for travel safety. Here are few things to keep in mind:

Choose Your Crystals Wisely

First and foremost, research about the properties of different crystals and choose those that align with your travel needs. Whether it’s overcoming fear of flights with Malachite, or ensuring protection during night travels with Moonstone, make sure the chosen crystals meet your requirements.

Size Matters

When it comes to travel, smaller is usually better. Consider buying small crystals or tumbled stones, as they are easy to carry. However, if you’re opting for jewelry, choose according to your comfort.

Quality Over Quantity

It’s better to have a few quality crystals than many lower-quality ones. Inspect the crystal for any cracks or faults, and ensure they are not artificially dyed or heated to enhance the color.

Purchase from Reliable Retailers

Always buy your crystals from reputable retailers who provide authentic and ethically sourced crystals. Don’t shy away from asking questions about the crystal’s origin and quality.

Choosing the Right Crystal Retailer

Choosing the right crystal retailer is important to ensure that you’re buying genuine, high-quality crystals. The market is full of faux stones, and it’s easy to be fooled.

When looking for a crystal retailer, prioritize the ones with a good reputation, transparent business practices, and clear information about the source and processing of their crystals.

Why ConsciousItems.com?

We highly recommend ConsciousItems.com for your crystal purchasing needs. Not only do they offer a wide variety of crystals and stones for all your needs but they’re committed to providing ethically sourced products.

Whether you’re looking for small pocket stones to carry on your travels or larger pieces for your home, you’ll find it at ConsciousItems. Each crystal comes with detailed information about its properties and uses, enabling you to make an informed choice.

Their website is easy to navigate, and they offer excellent customer service to ensure a stress-free buying experience. Plus, their products are reasonably priced, making crystal buying accessible to all.

Tips for Purchasing Genuine Crystals for Safe Travel

When purchasing crystals for safe travel from ConsciousItems.com, read the descriptions carefully. Find out about the crystal’s size, weight, origin, and any treatments it may have had.

Be sure to also check the crystal’s vibration and energy by holding it in your palm. Although this might be more difficult when shopping online, trust your intuition. If you’re drawn to a particular crystal, there’s a reason for it.

Considering reviews can also be helpful in ensuring the quality of your choice. A retailer with lots of positive reviews like ConsciousItems.com is likely to be a safe choice.

Tips for Buying Genuine Crystals for Safe Travel

When it comes to buying crystals and stones, quality should be a prime consideration. Here’s how you can ensure your crystals are the real deal.

  • Examine the Crystals: Carefully observe the crystal under good light. Genuine crystals usually have minor imperfections such as small inclusions, blemishes, or slight variations in color and pattern. Machine-made or synthetic stones often appear too perfect.
  • Feel the Energy: Authentic crystals possess a unique energy, which you can feel when you hold or touch them. Each type of crystal radiates a distinct vibration that aligns with different aspects of our being.
  • Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask questions about the crystal’s origin, properties, or cleansing methods. A good retailer will welcome your queries and offer thorough answers.
  • Look for Authenticity Certificates: Demand a certificate of authenticity for every purchase. This document serves as proof that the crystal is genuine.

Remember, the efficacy of crystal therapy is largely linked to the quality of the crystals. Aim to source the best, genuine crystals to allay travel concerns and enhance your journey.

Crystal Healing Research

Scientific studies supporting crystal healing.

Crystals are often regarded as pseudoscience, but there are a number of studies that hint at their possible positive effects. A study conducted by a group of researchers from Goldsmiths, University of London found that people can experience tingling, warmth and feelings of well-being when holding crystals, though the effects were attributed more to power of suggestion than the crystals themselves. It demonstrates the power of placebo effect and how human body responds to it. Hence, if one believes in the protective and healing capabilities of crystals, they can indeed provide comfort and assurance.

Furthermore, a scientific basis can be found in the piezoelectric properties of some crystals. When mechanical stress is applied to these crystals, they generate an electric charge. This is a scientifically proven phenomenon and forms the basis of Quartz usage in watches and electronic equipment. Albeit, the impact and implications of these properties on human health and safety during travel are yet to be thoroughly researched and well-understood.

Anecdotal Evidence on the Effectiveness of Travel Safety Crystals

Anecdotal evidence abounds when it comes to the effectiveness of crystals for safe travel. Numerous individuals report feeling a greater sense of peace, reduced anxiety and more energy when carrying their chosen crystal during travels. Some travelers swear by the protective properties of Black Tourmaline for travel safety, feeling it wards off negative energy and accidents. Adventurers love the Aquamarine, known to safeguard against dangers at sea, while others favor Moonstone when embarking on night travels.

While the scientific community may not fully endorse the power of crystals for travel safety, personal accounts and experiences cannot be completely disregarded. It’s vital to understand that experiences related to crystal healing are subjective and vary from person to person. For many, crystals serve as tools that help channel mental focus and positivity, similar to the comfort provided by a familiar talisman or lucky charm.

Frequently Asked Questions

Understanding crystals for safe travel.

Travel crystals are known for their unique properties, each carrying particular energies that help safeguard journeys. Different crystals serve different protective and healing purposes, from shielding against negativity and harm, to boosting intuition and promoting calmness.

How Do Crystals Work for Safe and Secure Journeys?

Just as each crystal has unique physical properties, they also have distinct energetic properties. Crystals influence safety during travel by interacting with our personal energy fields, or “auras.” Their energies can help align and balance us, functioning as a type of spiritual armor. Some crystals also help enhance our intuition, promoting safe decision-making during our journeys.

What are the Best Crystals for Reducing Travel-Related Stress?

There are many crystals beneficial for easing travel stress. Amethyst and Moonstone are two notable examples. Amethyst is known to reduce anxiety and promote peaceful sleep, very beneficial for long and tiresome journeys. Moonstone is revered as the ‘traveler’s stone,’ especially over water and at night, providing calming energy and emotional balance.

How Can I Use Crystals for Physical and Emotional Well-being?

Physical and emotional well-being can be greatly enhanced by crystals. Wearing them as jewelry, carrying them in your pocket, or simply having them in your environment can help. For example, Jasper is praised for promoting physical protection and peace. Also, meditating with crystals can help further tap into their healing energies.

Can Crystals Help Overcome Travel Fears?

Yes, crystals such as Malachite and Citrine are known for helping overcome fears. Malachite is reputed for protecting the wearer from accidents and fears associated with traveling, while Citrine dispels fears and promotes optimism.

What Precautions Should I Take When Using Crystals for Travel?

While crystals can be beneficial, it’s important to remember that they are a spiritual aid, not a guaranteed solution. Maintain a mindful approach towards safety, relying on practical travel safety measures first and foremost. Additionally, remember to cleanse and recharge your crystals regularly to keep their energies at their strongest.

How Can I Ensure I’m Purchasing Authentic Travel Safety Crystals?

You can ensure the authenticity of crystals by buying from reputable retailers. Look for outlets that provide detailed information about their stones, including their source. Real crystals have a certain weight, temperature, and might even have tiny imperfections. Fakes tend to be lightweight and too perfect. Each crystal type also has unique properties—like Quartz’s cool-to-touch feel—that you can use to verify authenticity.

Author Olivia Kensington

Hey there! I’m Olivia, a crystal healer and astrologist with over a decade of experience in exploring the vibrant energies and transformative powers of crystals and celestial patterns. Having extensively studied the field of crystal healing and astrology, I aim to guide you through the mystical world of crystals. My mission is to help you synchronize and get in tune with the energies of crystals in your life.

The Irish Road Trip

8 Thoughtful Irish Travel Blessings (They’ll Love)

By Author Keith O'Hara

Posted on Last updated: October 27, 2023

8 Thoughtful Irish Travel Blessings (They’ll Love)

Irish travel blessings can be a great way to wish someone off on a new adventure.

You’ll most commonly see them written in cards or in text/Whatsapp messages and they add a dash of ‘Irishness’ to your well wishes.

They tend to be either reasonably formal or very  lighthearted, with the latter often used during toasts .

Below, you’ll find our favourite Irish blessings for safe travels. Dive on in!

Table of Contents

Our favourite Irish travel blessings

Irish blessings for travels

Photos via Shutterstock

It’s worth keeping in mind that many Irish travel sayings online aren’t actually Irish /have no link to Ireland.

Below, you’ll find some Irish travel blessings that have a strong link to Ireland . Enjoy!

1. To an easy journey

may the road rise up to meet you

Few traditional Irish travel blessings are as famous as the mighty ‘ May the road rise to meet you ‘ .

Although you’ll often see this one amongst Irish wedding blessings , the verse above focuses solely on wishing the listener/reader an easy journey.

Few Irish blessings for safe travels will spark nostalgia like this one.

“ May the road rise up to meet you. 

May the wind be always at your back. 

May the sun shine warm upon your face, 

the rains fall soft upon your fields,

and until we meet again, 

may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”

2. Keep in mind

toast of wisdom

One of the more popular Irish travel blessings, this next one is perfect for a farewell card for a friend or acquaintance that’s off on a new adventure.

You’ll also see it crop up in our Irish drinking toasts as it’s suitable for going away parties also.

“May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been ,

The foresight to know where you are going,

And the insight to know when you have gone too far .”

3. To good fortune

luck of the irish toast

Although the term ‘ the Luck of the Irish ‘ comes from negative beginnings, it’s use here is acceptable.

Like most Irish blessings for safe travels, this one can be used to wish good luck and happiness to a person off on an adventure.

“May the luck of the Irish , Lead to happiest heights.

And the highway you travel, Be lined with green lights.

Wherever you go and whatever you do , May the luck of the Irish be there with you.”

4. To happiness

a slightly strange blessing

Next up is one of the shorter Irish blessings for safe travels and it’s steeped in meaning . It uses opposites to convey its message and tends to hook the listener from start to finish.

This one wishes a person that is at the beginning of a journey an easy path. It’s for that reason that it’s also often used as an Irish baby blessing.

“May you be poor in misfortune ,

Rich in Irish blessings, Slow to make enemies,

Quick to make friends , But rich or poor, quick or slow,

May you know nothing but, Happiness from this day forward.”

5. Green be the grass

may green be the grass

This is another of several short Irish prayers for safe travel that tends to be used during wedding ceremonies. It’s also a popular Irish birthday blessing .

Short and sweet, it gets to-the-point from the get-go and it’s easy to recite.

“May green be the grass you walk on,

May blue be the skies above you,

That pure be the joys that surround you,

May true be the hearts that love you.”

6. Well wishes

an irish prayer

Another good option for those of you looking for short Irish blessings for travels, this one can be used in a variety of manners .

You’ll regularly hear it used as a wedding reading along with several other short Irish wishes.

“May God give you… For every storm, a rainbow ,

For every tear, a smile, For every care, a promise,

And a blessing in each trial . For every problem life sends,

A faithful friend to share, For every sigh, a sweet song,

And an answer for each prayer .”

7. May the hand of a friend

irish blessing quotes

Next is one of the more popular Irish travel sayings that follows the prosperity theme from start to finish.

You could also use this for a retirement toast or as part of a reading, if you like.

“May you always have work for your hands to do .

May your pockets hold always a coin or two.

May the sun shine bright on your windowpane .

May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.

May the hand of a friend always be near you.

And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.”

14. Lucky stars above you

famous irish sayings

Many of the most popular Irish blessings for safe travels revolve around a theme of ‘luck’, and this one is no different.

It’s also a good one to pop into a congratulations card for someone that’s had a baby as it is a thoughtful wish for the newborn at the beginning of their life.

“ Lucky stars above you, Sunshine on your way,

Many friends to love you, Joy in work and play.

Laughter to outweigh each care , In your heart a song,

And gladness waiting everywhere, All your whole life long.”

What Irish blessings for safe travels have we missed?

irish travel blessing

I’ve no doubt that we’ve unintentionally left out some brilliant Irish sayings for safe travel from the guide above.

If you have any Irish travel blessings that you’d like to recommend, let me know in the comments below and I’ll check it out!

Or, if you’d like to indulge in some more  ‘Irishness’ , hop into our guides to Irish slang , Irish jokes , Irish proverbs and funny Irish sayings .

FAQs about Irish prayers for safe travels

We’ve had a lot of questions over the years asking about everything from ‘What are some funny Irish sayings for safe travels?’ to ‘Which are the most meaningful?’.

In the section below, we’ve popped in the most FAQs that we’ve received. If you have a question that we haven’t tackled, ask away in the comments section below.

What is the traditional Irish blessing for travel?

The most traditional Irish prayer for safe travels is: “May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”

What is the Irish saying for good journey?

If you don’t fancy the Irish travel sayings above, wish them ‘Go dté tú slán’, which means safe journey in Irish.

symbols for safe travel

Keith O’Hara has lived in Ireland for 35 years and has spent most of the last 10 creating what is now The Irish Road Trip guide. Over the years, the website has published thousands of meticulously researched Ireland travel guides, welcoming 30 million+ visitors along the way. In 2022, the Irish Road Trip team published the world’s largest collection of Irish Road Trip itineraries . Keith lives in Dublin with his dog Toby and finds writing in the 3rd person minus craic altogether.

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Spells By Carmen

Powerful White Magic Spell Casting

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Protection Spells for Travelers – Ensuring Safe Journeys

Are you looking for a way to ensure safe journeys while travelling?

Protection spells are the answer! With centuries of use, these powerful rituals can help safeguard you and your loved ones from danger.

Learn about the history of protection spells , how to prepare for a safe journey, and the various types of protection spells that are available.

Discover how you can empower yourself with magic and keep yourself safe on any trip.

What Are Protection Spells?

You may be wondering what protection spells are and how they can help ensure your safe journey.

Protection spells are a combination of magic symbols, spiritual guidance, ritual chants, herbal remedies, and protection amulets that help ward off danger during travel.

With the power of these tools, travelers can feel secure knowing that they have a layer of protection from potential harm.

Protection spells tap into the power of the universe to keep you safe while on your journey.

Through invocation and visualization techniques, protective energy is built up around you to shield you from negative forces or potential accidents.

By chanting specific words while visualizing a bubble of light surrounding your body or using a special amulet for protection, travelers can benefit from powerful safeguards against misfortune.

Herbal remedies such as teas and incense also serve as protective elements in many cultures around the world, providing an extra layer of security during travels.

Those looking for extra assurance will find comfort in utilizing the various forms of protection spells available so that their journeys are smooth sailing.

The History of Protection Spells

Throughout history, protection has been sought in the form of charms and enchantments to aid in a safe passage.

Ancient origins of such magical rituals date back centuries, with many civilizations utilizing elemental magick and spiritual guardians for protection during travels.

Witchcraft charms have also been employed to help ensure that travelers reach their destinations safely.

These protective spells are used for both physical and psychological safety, providing a sense of comfort as one embarks on a journey.

Such spells may include talismans or amulets worn around the neck or placed in luggage, verbal affirmations spoken aloud before leaving home, burning incense or candles to summon benevolent spirits, and even visualization exercises.

In modern times, protective spells are still popular amongst those who wish to travel safely by land, sea or air – whether it be an overseas vacation or just a short drive away from home.

With so many dangers lurking in today’s world, harnessing the power of magick can provide an extra layer of security and peace of mind while venturing out into unfamiliar territories.

Preparing for a Safe Journey

To ensure a successful and secure journey, it’s important to prepare with the right magickal tools.

Avoiding danger is paramount when traveling, so be sure to research your destination thoroughly before you embark.

Pack essentials such as candles, oils, crystals, and herbs that can help protect you along your route.

Anticipate your needs by bringing talismans or charms that can serve as reminders of safety while on the go.

Additionally, make sure to learn a few protection spells in advance so that you can use them if needed.

All of these steps will help ensure that your travels are safe and free from harm.

Protection Spells for Travelers

Keeping danger away while on the road can be achieved by utilizing magickal protection spells tailored to travelers.

Through exchanging stories, ancestral wisdom, and the power of intention, travelers can access a realm of safety and solace.

Connecting with nature is an important part of creating and maintaining a safe journey – as long as you take steps to protect yourself.

Protection spells for travelers involve tapping into your inner strength in order to put up an energetic shield around you that will keep out any negative or unwanted energies.

These protection spells are designed with ancient incantations and symbols that have been passed down through generations.

You will feel empowered when connecting with these powerful magickal forces, allowing you to find solace even during challenging times.

When focusing your energy on the intent behind the spell , rather than the words themselves, it helps to amplify your protective force field.

Visualizing this energy surrounding you like an impenetrable bubble is key in making sure it works properly.

With these protection spells for travelers, there is no limit to how far or wide your travels may take you without fear of harm or misfortune coming along for the ride!

You will rest easy knowing that your ancestral wisdom has prepared you for whatever lies ahead on your journey – giving you peace of mind so that nothing can stop you from experiencing all life has to offer!

Protection Spells for Home

By casting protection spells for home, you can ensure that your residence is a safe haven from any unwanted energies.

Preparing rituals to invoke protective forces, creating magical charms to ward off intruders, concocting herbal remedies to keep out negative vibes, and energy cleansing to purify the atmosphere are all powerful tools that will help protect your home and family.

With spiritual guidance, you can use these methods and more to create an environment of safety and security around your dwelling.

Whether you’re protecting yourself from malicious spirits or just seeking good fortune in the coming year, these powerful tools will give you the peace of mind you need.

The practice of protection spells is an ancient one. With creative thought and dedication, it can be used to create a sacred space within which your family can thrive.

Protection Spells for Business

Casting protection spells for business can help ensure successful trips and ventures. Gain the spiritual guidance you need to empower your journey with magical items, prayer chants, ritual practices, and protective charms.

With these tools in hand, you are prepared to venture into unknown territory or take on a new challenge without fear.

Utilize the wisdom of ancient magickal traditions to create powerful protection spells that will keep you safe as you travel for business purposes.

Visualize yourself surrounded by a shield of white light so strong no harm can penetrate it; chant empowering mantras that call forth your inner strength; focus on creating an impenetrable aura of safety around yourself.

Allow the force of magick and divine energy to guide your decisions and actions while travelling, providing clear direction and unexpected solutions when needed.

Reap the benefits of protection spells created specifically for business-related travels – gain confidence that nothing can go wrong during this important journey!

Releasing the Spell and Returning Home Safely

Once the business trip is complete, releasing the spell and returning home safely is essential. To do this, you must take part in a blessing ritual, using divination tools or seeking spiritual guidance to help you understand the situation.

You can also use symbolic items like candles or protective charms to provide additional protection as you travel. This helps dissipate energy that was used for casting the spell so that it won’t affect your return journey in any way.

It’s important to remember to thank all of those who aided in your protective spell while on your travels.

This includes thanking any entities that provided spiritual guidance, thanking yourself for taking the time to find such effective protection spells, and thanking any friends or family members who provided support along the way.

Once these steps are completed and gratitude is properly expressed, it should be safe to return home without worry of any lingering effects from the spell work.

To ensure a successful release of the protective spell and a safe journey home, try enhancing your ritual with items like crystals, herbs, incense or other natural elements associated with safety and security.

Through thoughtful meditation and intentional visualization techniques combined with these sacred symbols of protection, you can confidently complete your journey knowing you are well taken care off by divine forces keeping watch over you always.

You’ve done all you can to ensure that your journey is safe and sound. You’ve prepared yourself through protection spells, safeguarded your home, and taken extra precautions for business trips.

With a little bit of faith in the power of these spells, you can take off on your journey with peace of mind. And when it’s time to return home, don’t forget to release the spell so you can come back safe and sound!

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understanding the magic rituals

Good Luck Gifts

Good luck gifts and charms for inspiration, special event occasions with Spanish Camino jewellery and inspirational lucky Indalo to avoid bad luck travelling, in new job, new home

symbols for safe travel

Gifts for Travelling that bring Good Luck and Protection

Gifts to wish good luck travelling on a journey  .

SEE our online store for Gifts to Wish Good Luck for someone Travelling on a Trip . . especially our  JEWELLERY to wish LUCK and SAFETY on a TRIP . . much of which has a real significance acquired over many centuries to offer some form of protection and safekeeping  – often with a spiritual or religious element.

safe travels gift

Good luck travel gifts are very popular these days with so many young people travelling all over the world. And travel protection charms make perfect presents to pass on wishes for safe travel before a friend or loved-one is going away. What gifters want more than anything is that their recipients remains safe.

going away gifts for travellers

Take a look at the gold and silver travel charm necklaces in our CENTRAL (Group) STORE

There are quite a few symbols for travel protection – as well as good luck charms for safe travel. The Irish say: “May the strength of three be in your journey”, the Three being The Holy Trinity. And it is true – many people (and their friends and relatives) seek extra help of a spiritual or religious nature when they are travelling on a journey – hoping for some sort of “other-worldly” protection and safekeeping from danger and harm. Safe travel gifts such as tokens or other talismans have always been used to help boost the notion of good luck on people’s travels – wherever they are going for their trip.

Foreign adventures

On the Camino de Santiago – the route the Christians took in the Middle Ages Europe, pilgrims took stone talismans (as now) for good fortune which they would deliver at the end of their journey. There, in the great Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain, they would receive a Concha Shell as recognition of their achievement. Many of a Christian faith would also carry the ‘ cross of the pilgrims ‘ – the Tau Cross (more details on our sister website).

Ajorca camino

Our good luck gifts for Travelling all have special meaning to offer protection and good luck for a journey . . and are often given as a going away present

For example, we have a large selection of concha shell jewellery from the Camino of Santiago in Spain – the pilgrim journey that takes people across Spain to the great Cathedral in Santiago, as well as crosses of St James Way. Of course we have St Christopher jewellery too – the patron Saint who is said to offer protection to all people travelling on a journey. Other lucky talismans include Guardian Angels, Ladybirds, Tau crosses and Indalos – each one making a great good luck gift in its own special way.

Angel charm necklace with scallop

Do you know someone who could benefit from some extra special luck on their travels – or even, for example, during a Gap Year from college: Gap Years are hugely popular as a year out of University or studies, or even from work. Some gap year travellers end up in one place volunteering their services for free in return for board and lodging, before continuing on their journey. Others spend their whole trip travelling – commonly backpacking from one place to the next, from one travel experience to the next. And it is these that worry parents the most: The thought of their loved-one in precarious or dangerous situations – possibly on their own. So a small gift before they leave as a going-away present, like a lucky Indalo for protection, for example, or possibly something a bit more religious like a Cross of St James, a Guardian Angel, or a St Christopher, can help soothe these anxieties – for the parents, if not for their children! Why not give them a good luck gift for their trip as a going away present, and make them feel more lucky, more confident, and more secure during their time away. Wishing them good luck on their Travels with a lucky token, will also make you feel more confident that they will stay safe during their journey.

See gifts for luck on a journey in our SHOP below. NB: You can also see these travel gifts in our CENTRAL (Group ) STORE as Gifts to Wish Good Luck for someone Travelling on a Journey . . especially our lucky JEWELLERY for TRAVELLERS . 

Gifts for luck on a Trip / Travelling

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The Certified Safe Traveler Logo


What do the symbols mean?

The Certified Safe Traveler ® logo is a collection of three distinct safety tokens, all combined to represent the securest possible traveler experience; a bind rune, a compass, and a shield. This combination represents CST’s dedication and commitment to giving our customers the most secure and encompassing travel experience possible. 

The symbol inside the shield is a bind rune which is a combination of viking emblems representing ancient protection forces that would usher people through dark and stormy voyages until they returned home safe to their loved ones. In much the same manner, our interactive online course can help steer you through risky and treacherous situations overseas, helping you return home safely. 

The compass is a classic symbol of direction and purpose which we use to guide us forward in our travels and to help us find our location securely. We encourage individuals to use the information they take from our decades of experience like a compass and let it guide them forward as they travel globally. 

The shield was included as a reminder that our first priority is to educate individuals on how to protect themselves while traveling abroad.

The Safe Traveler

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What are symbols for safe travel?

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A cross, horizontal line longer than vertical, with an arrow point on each end.

Upper left should have a crescent moon and a star, upper right should have a star, lower right a sun. The lower left is blank. Drawn in bark blue on white during the waxing moon and carried during travel, will keep you safe, keep you from being lost and bring you home again.

Many people carry a sea shell when traveling over water - it will bring you safely home.

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Is it safe to travel to Cyprus?

Yes. It is a safe country to travel to.

Is it safe to travel to Cyprus now?

What period of time in roman history was it safe to travel on roman roads.

During the Pax Romana it was relatively safe to travel on Roman roads.During the Pax Romana it was relatively safe to travel on Roman roads.During the Pax Romana it was relatively safe to travel on Roman roads.During the Pax Romana it was relatively safe to travel on Roman roads.During the Pax Romana it was relatively safe to travel on Roman roads.During the Pax Romana it was relatively safe to travel on Roman roads.During the Pax Romana it was relatively safe to travel on Roman roads.During the Pax Romana it was relatively safe to travel on Roman roads.During the Pax Romana it was relatively safe to travel on Roman roads.

Is it safe for kids to travel to the moon?

Its not completely safe for ANYONE to travel to the moon.

Is muscat safe for travel now?

Yes, Muscat is generally safe for travel.

Is it safe to travel with an engagement ring?

Yes it is safe to travel with your engagement ring.

Do you say Thank you Lord for a safe travel or Thank you Lord for the safe travel?

Thank you lord for a safe travel or thank you lord for the safe travel are all correct. The use of "the" is definite article while for "a" is for indefinite article.

Why is it important to note the safety rules and symbols?

To be safe!

Is pregnant lady safe to travel on 7 hours flight?

Air travel is considered as a safe way to travel, during pregnancy.

Is it safe to travel to russia from UK?

Is it safe to travel on september 11th.

Completely safe

How safe is bus travel in europe?

Bus travel is moderately to greatly safe in Europe, depending on the area.


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Feng Shui New

Feng Shui Symbols for Travel

Table of Contents


Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that focuses on aligning the flow of energy in any given space to create a harmonious environment. This can be done through the use of various symbols and objects. For example, when travelling, you may want to give yourself some extra protection to guard against danger or illness during foreign trips. Feng shui symbols for travel can be used for this purpose.

Examples of feng shui symbols for travel include a turtle, lotus flower, and four leaf clover (or wishbone). The turtle symbolizes long life and represents those who are lucky enough to live without worry; it also reflects one’s ability to come out unscathed after risky situations. The lotus flower is an emblem of spiritual growth and awakening; it stands as a reminder not to get too complacent when travelling overseas. Lastly, the four leaf clover or wishbone symbolizes the power of luck, providing people with confidence that things will go their way while abroad and protecting them from harm’s way. These feng shui symbols can be placed inside your luggage or purse, hung in your hotel/hostel room for protection, or incorporated into charms worn around the neck or wrist during trips. In addition to providing protection during travels, these feng shui symbols also promote harmony and balance in any space they are placed in.

What Does the Bagua Map Tell Us?

The Bagua Map is an ancient Chinese system used in Feng Shui to bring positive energies. The Bagua Map is divided into eight sections and each section contains symbols for particular areas of our lives, including travel. Specifically, within the Travel area, there are various representations that can help create a beneficial energy when it comes to matters of travel. For example, if you want to ensure safe journeys, you may use the ‘Ride’ symbol along with a Swallow or Crane emblem which represent graceful and effortless travel. If you’re looking for success in business trips or other ventures while away from home, you may use the Handbag symbol which stands for both power and also wealth when it comes to your travels. The Wind Horse symbol is also particularly useful when it comes to this area as it wards off any evil causing disruption during travels.

When preparing for a trip using Feng Shui symbols for travel, one should add items that remind them of their intended destination where possible – such as postcards or photographs; paintings or trinkets – even aromas reminding them of their destination. These items will act as a sort of magnet pulling them towards its natural energy and ensure they have the most successful trip possible. It is important not to forget symbols of luck throughout their travels either; the Lucky Coin might be one suitable item along with small figures like pet dragons or tortoises (which are symbolic protectors when travelling). Anything associated with good fortune should be represented too — feathers and lucky horseshoes all make wonderful additions!

The Ancient Origin of Chinese Travel Symbols

The use of feng shui symbols for travel dates back to ancient Chinese history. As the beliefs of feng shui gradually spread throughout East Asia, it was recognized that the particular configuration of yin and yang energies could be extremely powerful when used to bring good fortune in any aspect of life, including travel. Feng shui practitioners believed that by placing specific objects within a space in just the right way, they could increase the likelihood of having a safe and prosperous journey.

Over time, several distinct symbols became associated with self-protection and success while traveling. These took various forms—from stones engraved with auspicious symbols to jewelry inscribed with special mantras—but each one shared a common purpose. For instance, travelers often carried certain coins that were believed to ward off bad luck and dangerous creatures; conch shells and metal bells served as physical reminders to exercise caution along the road; red strings symbolized luck and safety; and sacred charms and talismans offered protection against unexpected dangers. In addition to these objects, Taoist textiles — made from colorful silk —were typically hung in strategic locations throughout a home or inn to encourage harmonious qi and assure travelers of successful trips.

Rediscovering the Use of Mantras and Affirmations in Travel

Feng Shui has long utilized various symbols and measures that encourage people to travel with positive intention. Carrying or displaying certain items, such as coins or charms, can help bring good luck on a journey. Mantras and affirmations are often used in conjunction with these symbols to keep the traveler focused on a positive mindset during the journey.

Mantras and affirmations involve repeating positive statements both out loud and internally. These statements should focus on personal goals and be meaningful for an individual’s unique journey. Examples may include “I will stay safe on my travels”, “My trip is blessed”, or “I am open and ready to explore”. Such phrases can be recited frequently before, during, and after a trip to enhance the experience.

To supplement mantras and affirmations for extra good luck when traveling, Feng Shui encourages travelers to make use of traditional symbols like coins or charms that represent money or power—two qualities important for any successful journey. These items can be carried in a pocket or placed at home as talismans while one is away; they are believed to protect the traveler from danger while also attracting positive energy and favorable outcomes along the way. Other symbols of luck such as clovers, turtles, dragons, cranes among many others can also be employed in rituals meant to please the gods of travel so that professional goals are met satisfactorily without too many hiccups. Furthermore, knowing each color associated with specific energies contained within Feng Shui teachings helps set intentions regarding the type of outcome desired from travel endeavors—a blue scarf might bring success while an orange hat could symbolize a joyous return home. Using these colors consciously keeps travelers positive throughout their experiences no matter what surprises happen along the way!

Popular Feng Shui Travel Symbols and Their Meanings

The most popular Feng Shui travel symbol is the Tortoise. This shelled creature is associated with longevity and protection, so it’s often used to protect travelers from negative energies encountered during their travels. This symbol can be placed in luggage or carried on the person traveling. The Turtle-Dove is also popular for travelers as it symbolizes peaceful travel and a successful journey. This can be placed in your suitcase or on any object that is always with you when traveling (for example, a watch). The Horse Shoe is an old-fashioned lucky charm with its own meaning of speedy travel and safe return. A Hamsa hand is another powerful symbol believed to ward off bad luck while on a trip. As far as plants go, potted Bamboo plants are believed to bring speed and safety to your travels; this can be kept at home before the journey starts or can even inside one’s luggage for extra protection along the way. Additionally, coins are seen as symbols of wealth and abundance – often thought to bring success so placing them in suitcases will help ensure financial success from journeys taken too!

Tips to Utilize Feng Shui Travel Symbols Effectively

Using Feng Shui symbols for travel can be an effective way to create positive energies during your travels. Feng Shui allows us to see the world through different perspectives and, in doing so, creates a sense of calmness and deeper understanding. By utilizing symbols of protection, good fortune, and security while traveling you can reap many benefits such as ensuring good luck and a safe journey, while also facilitating healing energy.

To make use of Feng Shui symbols for travel effectively, start by preparing before you leave. Clear the space around you energetically with cleansing rituals such as burning incense or waving sage bundles. Place symbols of protection throughout your space – in this case wherever you are traveling to – to help clear away any obstacles or negative energies that may have been present before you arrived. Consider items like crystals, feathers, shells or images that evoke feelings of protection and security. Additionally, placing amulets or tokens that represent prosperity in friendly places like front doors or offices is also believed to bring good fortune while on the trip. Lastly, traveling with objects that represent positive qualities such as strength, courage and resilience can support your well being on a spiritual level during travel.

A Recap of the Benefits of Feng Shui Symbols for Travel

The use of Feng Shui Symbols for travel can bring about powerful and positive benefits during your journey. These symbols help protect travelers from physical danger, mental stress, emotional upheaval, and spiritual confusion. The practice of harnessing the elements associated with these symbols allows you to reap the highest rewards from each experience.

Feng Shui Symbols used in travel bring good luck to each venture. Using symbols associated with things like fire and water allow one to be in harmony with the natural world and ultimately receive an abundance of energy that can be used to aid in decision making. Additionally, it is believed that when carried as part of a traveler’s luggage or found within lodging, Feng Shui Symbols will ward off obstacles one may come across while traveling such as bad weather, flight delays, or unexpected adventures. It is also said they will bring good vibrations along the way which enable travelers to be more present and mindful throughout their journey—discovering new cultures, places, and people with a heightened level of awareness and appreciation. Finally, Feng Shui Symbols also help ensure safe returns home from trips by countering any of the negative experiences one may encounter during travel.

Final Thoughts

Feng Shui symbols for travel offer great potential for those looking to embark on a journey with the intention of making memories, learning new things and experiencing something new. Incorporating symbols such as Buddha figures, waving cats, feng shui jewelry, coins and crystals are believed to bring good fortune and protection while traveling. Carrying them during a trip will ensure that the traveler is safe and lucky throughout their voyage. In addition, placing these symbols in the home is beneficial for travelers because it encourages good energy to flow in through the windows and doors to fortify their safety while away from home. Thus, it can be seen that feng shui symbols for travel hold many benefits that can help enhance an individual’s journey. Moreover, they provide a spiritual connection between home and wherever their travels take them. For those who practice feng shui in addition to travel planning, this combination brings balance between the exterior environment of their travels and interior home elements used to complete the full cycle of life experiences.

Rita Mc Glothlin

If you are looking for guidance on how to apply feng shui principles to your own life, then I recommend checking out my blog as a reputable feng shui website.

Related Posts:

Feng Shui bedroom: Optimize energy flow with Helpful People and Travel section to invite harmony and positive vibes

Charms Guide

Great Things Come In Small Packages

Amulets & Talismans

Travel protection charms, pendants and bracelets.

With holiday travel fast approaching, I thought a post featuring travel protection charms would be a timely subject. Travel insurance is all well and good, but with air travel becoming more of a hassle every time, gas prices constantly fluctuating, and fall hurricanes and winter snowstorms, we travelers can use all the added protection we can get!

Here are a few charms, amulets and talismans believed to help get you to your destination (and back) without hiccups (read about the protective properties of each below the images):

Travel protection charms curated by CharmsGuide.net

1. Traveler’s Prayer The Traveler’s prayer (Tefilat HaDerech in Hebrew) is a traditional Jewish prayer recited at the beginning of a trip for a safe journey. Filigree sterling silver mezuzah prayer box pendant on a hand-knitted cotton wax cord by MIZZE Made for Luck Jewelry

2. Moonstone Moonstone, a member of the feldspar group, is associated with much folklore. including attracting passionate love, aid in gardening, balancing emotions, and providing travel protection, especially on water and at night. All useful things to get help with for sure! Moonstone stretch bracelet with an Om charm by EvaDane

3. Runes Runes are characters, often thought to have magical powers, from several different alphabets that were used by Germanic people around the 3rd – 13th centuries. This bone pendant has a hand carved bind rune (a combination of two or more runes) of Raidho, symbolizing the journey of Life, means of transportation, street smarts, travel, movement; and Elhaz, symbolizing protection, safety. Handmade Safe Travels rune by Carine of NYC Spellbinder

4. Our Lady of Loretto Our Lady of Loretto is the Patroness of air passengers and auspicious travel. This pewter and stainless steel necklace comes with a holy medal and a small charm of your choice. Safe flight travel protection necklace by Crystal Devotions

5. Malachite Malachite is a green copper carbonate said to help the wearer be comfortable in changing situations, assist with releasing negative experiences, and provide protection from accidents, especially in air travel. Handmade Malachite and sterling silver stretch bracelet by Unearthed Gemstones

6. Amber Amber, fossilized pine tree sap from millions of years ago, was carried by travelers for protection in ancient times. Today, Amber is more known for clearing negative energy, and anybody who has been at an airport lately knows what a valuable property that can be! Cognac-colored Baltic amber pendant, set in 925 sterling silver by Amber Regina

7. Hermes No, not the fancy brand with the orange boxes. This time, we’re talking about the ancient Greek god of of roads and travel. Hermes had a lot on his plate, and among his numerous duties was being the patron god and protector of all travelers. Black onyx amulet engraved with the Star of Hermes by Best Amulets

8. St Christopher St. Christopher has long been considered a protector of travelers, and is carried by Catholics (and others) all over the world. Silver-tone expandable bangle with a St. Christopher charm and 4 other smaller charms by Alex and Ani

Don’t miss our other posts on Good Luck Charms ! You can never have too much luck! 🙂

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14 Amazing Symbols of Journey and Their Symbolism

14 Symbols of Journey

Wanderlust is one of the most interesting and exciting human sensations.

Naturally, we all love the security of our homes, but the nomad in us at least occasionally wants to stretch his feet and hit the road.

Once a dangerous and adventurous undertaking, and later safer, but reserved for the wealthy, travel has now become a leisurely activity for the masses. What is more, embarking on journeys has become a way of life for some people.

On the other hand, a journey can be an  inner experience . Spirituality has long focused on the notion of an inner journey to the center of one’s consciousness, subconsciousness, or soul – call it whatever you want. On that trip, getting to know oneself, forgiving, and letting go are the wanted destinations.

In the end, the notion of journey as travel and the notion of journey as an inner experience overlap. Many people travel to special spiritual destinations, or the very roads itself awakens and builds up their spiritual sides.

Since people identify with journeys and travel so strongly, consequently many symbols designate the human love for trips, expeditions, and pilgrimages.

Let’s find out what the symbols of journey


Boots – and especially the  hiking boots  – are logically associated with journeying. That is especially true for people who enjoy mountaineering – a hiking boot is a main essential in the sport. There are even small rituals that include a symbolic use of a boot – for example, some mountain hikers practice gently kicking a rookie mountaineer on their behind the first time they pass an elevation of 2000 meters.

But even before the invention, a boot has been a symbol of conquering territory. As the Roman army was primarily based on walking soldiers, the soldier’s boot symbolized all the power of the army.


The compass – and especially the nautical compass  – is one of the most recognizable symbols of journeys. It was invented in China around 206 BC. Since then, it has helped numerous people orient themselves in space – mostly during exploration, travel, or another type of journey.

People have very poor senses when it comes to orientation – we cannot feel the magnetic field, for example. But the compass is there to do that for us. Coupled with the map, it creates an irreplaceable combo that helped humans to find their way, even on even on long and treacherous journeys.

Despite varying designs, the main features of a compass are the pointers that tell us the sides of the world, and the moving needle that tells us the direction.


Dolphin can be a symbol of sea journeying, but also of an inner journey where it can appear as a guide. This is not strange considering the fact that dolphins are known to follow ships, help them navigate in tricky waters , and even rescue drowning people.

These qualities evoke a sense of mystery that makes a dolphin an ideal candidate for a symbol of both inner and outer journey. Dolphins are perceived as protectors of adventurous spirits.


Hermes   is an Ancient Greek god of wealth, luck, fertility, trade, thieves, animal husbandry, sleep, language, and – travel . With his mischievous character and constant search for fun, Hermes is an archetype of a trickster. Also, he was the inventor of the lyre. a patron of shepherds, but also the thieves – after all, Hermes was constantly stealing things throughout Greek legends.

However, Hermes’ most important role was that he was the messenger of Mt. Olympus – a sacred mountain and a home to all Greek deities. Thus, he became a symbol of crossing borders and boundaries. Additionally, he had a pair of winged sandals (see below) to help him on the task.

Hermes surely is one of the more lively gods in the Greek pantheon, and definitely, the one most adept to be a god of travel!

Winged sandals

Winged sandals

As I’ve said already, Hermes has had  a pair of winged sandals  – with two little wings on the sides in line with the ankles. According to the legend, the sandals helped him to cover long distances swiftly and without getting exhausted – which is surely useful when you are the messenger of Mount Olympus. Remember, there was no texting in those days.

Because of their symbolism and the fact that they are very good-looking, the winged sandals also became one of the symbols of wanderlust and love for journeys. The term “Godspeed” can certainly be applied to the case of Hermes and his tight-fitting sandals.


Here is a pure symbol of an inner journey. In many civilizations , a labyrinth stands for just that – a life journey, a life adventure, or a major life change after a period of trials.

The fact that the labyrinth has an entrance that leads towards the center and then the winding road out of the labyrinth is the main metaphor this symbol is based on.

Scallop shell

Scallop shell

The most recognizable symbol of pilgrimage in Europe, the Scallop Shell is mostly related to Camino de Santiago, Europe’s biggest pilgrimage route.

Although there are many legends surrounding it , today the Scallop Shell is seen as a symbol of guidance towards the goal – Santiago de Compostela and the tomb of Saint James. The dented lines in the shell represent the roads – different Camino paths – that all meet at one point. along with the yellow arrow, is used to guide pilgrims along the many different routes heading to Santiago.

From medieval times to the modern ones, pilgrims or just curious journeymen taking these routes have worn the Scallop Shell with them to provide them with metaphorical guidance and therefore support on their journey.

A traveling bag is surely and undoubtedly a no-brainer symbol of travel and journeying. However, there may be slight differences in the symbolism of various kinds of travel bags. Let’s check them out.

Bundle on a stick

Bundle on a stick

The most primitive, yet one of the most iconic traveling bags is a bundle (usually made out of a handkerchief or another kind of square piece of textile) tied to the end of a stick, with one’s belongings inside the bundle. It symbolizes someone who has left a life he or she knew behind, starting a journey that is not only external but internal as well.

To sum it up, a bundle on a stick is tied (no pun intended) not just to changing a locality, but to new beginnings, rebellion, and exile.

Travelers’ backpack

Travelers backpack

The  traveler’s backpack  is a bag that just screams “journey”. It is a special symbol because it stands for a special kind of journeying. Backpackers are modern journeymen who try to see most of the world while giving up on modern comfort. They use collective means of travel such as busses and trains and stay in hostels, motels, or with volunteer hosts rather than hotels.

That way, backpacking has become a modern way of doing a pilgrimage, although spiritual or religious motivation doesn’t have to be present. The very way of traveling this way takes you on an inner journey much similar to the old-school pilgrimage.


For the most part, luggage or a traveling suitcase is a symbol of a long-distance journey – the one taken by some means of transportation. This way, luggage as an icon stands for leisurely journeys.

Luggage portrayed with loads of stickers symbolizes someone who is an experienced journeyman and a world traveler.

However, the luggage symbol usually lacks that inner journey dimension hinted at in the other two traveling bag symbols.

Modern journeys, and especially leisure travel,  are unimaginable without the help of at least some vehicles to get you from point A to point B. Even people doing pilgrimages go to the beginning of the route via some form of transportation.

However, different vehicles have subtle differences in their vibe as symbols.


The airplane as a symbol is comparable to the symbol of luggage in the Travel Bag section. It is associated with long-distance and world travel (“to fly around the world”). More rarely, it can also symbolize the high end of a personal journey when you “feel like flying” in the end.

Bike and motorbike

Bike and motorbike

A bike can be compared to a backpack on the list above – along with a journey itself, it is also a symbol of adventure and a personal experience that can lead to an inner journey as well. An archetype of a biker who is essentially looking for freedom by riding all those highways is a good example – each is essentially performing soul-searching, which is an inner journey.


A car can symbolize a bunch of things – speed, mobility, transportation, and, well, the car industry. It is not instantly related to journeying and traveling. However, a car with luggage and the rooftop certainly is. Similar to the airplane, this symbol is mostly related to leisurely travel.


As depicted by many movies, trains used to be the first means of collective travel – but also a source of often dramatic personal life changes. People have traveled across countries, voyaged to wars, or to their deaths (think Jewish people put on a ride to a concentration camp) using trains.

That is why trains evoke deep emotions that can be related to both inner and outer journeys.

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9 Symbols of Adventure & Travel (Explained)

symbols for safe travel

Are you ready for an adventure? Symbols of adventure can hold great significance and meaning, evoking the spirit of exploration, discovery, and adrenaline. From compasses and mountains to anchors and maps, these symbols can inspire us to step out of our comfort zones and embrace the unknown.

In this article, we will dive into the world of symbols of adventure, exploring their meanings and their connection to our innate desire for thrill and excitement. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler looking for a new tattoo idea or simply seeking inspiration for your next daring endeavor, join us as we unravel the symbolism behind these iconic emblems of adventure.

Table of Contents

Mount Everest

Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world, standing at an impressive elevation of 29,029 feet (8,848 meters) above sea level. Located in the Himalayas on the border of Nepal and Tibet, it has long been a symbol of adventure, exploration, and the pursuit of personal achievement.

Ever since Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay became the first climbers to successfully reach the summit in 1953, Mount Everest has captured the imagination of adventurers and mountaineers from all over the globe. The treacherous conditions, extreme altitude, and unpredictable weather make it a formidable challenge that demands physical fitness, mental resilience, and careful planning.

Climbing Mount Everest is not only a test of physical endurance but also a testament to the indomitable human spirit. It represents the overcoming of obstacles, pushing oneself beyond limits, and conquering inner fears. The triumph of reaching the summit is a life-changing experience that leaves a lasting impact on those who have braved the mountain’s treacherous slopes.

However, it is important to note that climbing Mount Everest is not without risks. The high altitude and thin air pose significant health hazards, including altitude sickness, frostbite, and avalanches. It requires meticulous preparation, proper acclimatization, and experienced guides to ensure the safety of climbers.

Despite the challenges and risks, Mount Everest continues to attract adventurers who seek to test their limits and achieve the extraordinary. It serves as a powerful symbol of human determination, resilience, and the pursuit of dreams. Whether through climbing the mountain or simply admiring its towering presence, Mount Everest inspires us to reach for new heights and embrace the spirit of exploration.

The compass is a symbol of adventure and exploration. It is an essential tool used for navigation and finding direction in uncharted territories. The compass has been used for centuries by explorers, sailors, and hikers to navigate through unknown terrain and discover new lands.

The compass consists of a magnetic needle that aligns itself with the Earth’s magnetic field, pointing towards the magnetic North. This allows adventurers to determine their heading and navigate accurately, even when there are no visible landmarks or familiar paths.

The compass represents the spirit of adventure and the desire to explore the unknown. It symbolizes the quest for new experiences, knowledge, and self-discovery. Just as a compass guides explorers on their journeys, it can also serve as a metaphor for finding one’s own path in life.

In addition to its practical uses, the compass also holds symbolic significance. It represents guidance, clarity, and the ability to make informed decisions. The compass reminds us to stay true to our values and objectives, even in the face of challenges or uncertainty.

Whether used literally as a navigation tool or metaphorically as a symbol of personal journey and exploration, the compass is a powerful symbol that resonates with adventurers and inspires them to embrace new experiences, overcome obstacles, and discover the world around them.

Explorer Hat

The explorer hat is an iconic symbol of adventure and exploration. Worn by explorers and adventurers throughout history, the hat represents a spirit of discovery and the pursuit of the unknown. It is often associated with individuals who are brave, curious, and willing to step outside of their comfort zone in search of new experiences.

The explorer hat serves a practical purpose as well, providing protection from the elements. Its wide brim offers shade from the sun and shields the eyes from glare, while its sturdy construction can withstand rugged terrain and harsh weather conditions. The hat is often made from durable materials such as leather or canvas, ensuring durability and longevity.

In addition to its symbolic and functional aspects, the explorer hat has also become a fashion statement. Many people choose to wear explorer-style hats as a nod to the adventurous spirit and to add a touch of style to their outfit. Whether exploring the great outdoors or simply embracing a spirit of wanderlust, the explorer hat embodies the thrill of adventure and the desire to discover what lies beyond the horizon.

Ship’s Wheel

The ship’s wheel is a symbol often associated with adventure, exploration, and the open seas. It represents the spirit of maritime travel and the daring spirit of those who embark on voyages of exploration. The ship’s wheel is a symbol of navigation, steering, and control – essential elements for any seafarer venturing into uncharted territories. It serves as a reminder of the courage, skill, and determination required to chart new courses and discover new horizons.

The ship’s wheel is also a symbol of freedom and escape from the confines of everyday life. It represents the desire to break free from the familiar and embrace the unknown. Just as the ship’s wheel allows sailors to navigate through treacherous waters, it also serves as a metaphor for overcoming challenges and finding one’s true path in life.

In the context of adventure and exploration, the ship’s wheel often evokes a sense of nostalgia for bygone eras of discovery and seafaring. It may bring to mind famous explorers like Christopher Columbus or Captain James Cook, who set sail on daring expeditions that shaped the course of history. The ship’s wheel symbolizes the spirit of adventure that has driven explorers throughout the ages, inspiring others to follow in their footsteps and explore the unknown.

For those who love the sea, the ship’s wheel is a cherished symbol that represents their passion for sailing, yachting, or other water-based activities. It is a symbol of the connection between humans and the vast oceans that cover much of our planet. The ship’s wheel reminds us of the beauty, power, and mystery of the sea, as well as the importance of respecting and preserving these precious natural resources.

Maps have long been symbols of exploration and adventure. They represent the vast possibilities and unknown territories waiting to be discovered. Maps can spark curiosity and inspire individuals to embark on their own journeys of exploration.

Throughout history, maps have played a crucial role in navigation and discovery. They have been used by explorers, sailors, and travelers to chart their paths, find new lands, and navigate the vast oceans. From ancient maps depicting the known world to modern GPS systems guiding us through unfamiliar cities, maps have provided guidance and direction.

In the context of adventure, maps can serve as powerful tools for planning and preparation. Whether it’s a hiking trail map or a topographic map for mountaineering, maps provide valuable information about terrain, landmarks, trails, and points of interest. They allow adventurers to visualize their routes, estimate distances, and make informed decisions about their journeys.

Maps also hold a sense of wonder and imagination. They can evoke a sense of wanderlust and inspire individuals to venture into unexplored territories. They represent the possibility of new experiences and discoveries, urging us to step outside our comfort zones and embrace the unknown. Whether it’s a world map hanging on a wall or a detailed map of a national park, these visual representations of the world remind us of the vastness and diversity of our planet.

In addition to their practical and inspirational uses, maps have also become symbolic of personal journeys and growth. They can represent a physical or metaphorical exploration of one’s own capabilities and potential. Maps can serve as reminders of past adventures or aspirations for future ones, serving as a source of inspiration and motivation.

Hot Air Balloon

A hot air balloon is an iconic symbol of adventure and exploration. The idea of soaring through the sky in a colorful balloon captures the imagination and sparks a sense of wonder. Hot air ballooning is a unique and thrilling experience that offers a bird’s eye view of the world below.

Riding in a hot air balloon allows you to witness breathtaking landscapes, from rolling hills and lush forests to expansive deserts and sparkling bodies of water. The peacefulness and tranquility of floating through the air provide a sense of serenity and freedom. It is a chance to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and embrace the beauty of the natural world.

Hot air ballooning is not only a thrilling recreational activity but also has a rich history. The first successful manned hot air balloon flight took place in 1783, marking a significant milestone in aviation. Since then, hot air balloons have been used for various purposes, including scientific research, photography, and even rescue missions.

If you ever have the opportunity to take a hot air balloon ride, it is an adventure you won’t want to miss. Soaring through the sky in a balloon offers a unique perspective and a sense of awe that can’t be experienced elsewhere. It is a chance to let go of fears, embrace the unknown, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

The humble tent is not just a temporary shelter for outdoor enthusiasts; it is also a powerful symbol of adventure and exploration. Whether used for camping trips, hiking expeditions, or even as a base camp on Mount Everest, the tent represents the spirit of adventure and the desire to explore the great outdoors.

Setting up a tent and spending the night under the stars can be a transformative experience. It allows individuals to disconnect from the modern world and reconnect with nature. The simple act of pitching a tent and creating a home away from home can foster a sense of self-reliance and resilience. It is a reminder that our ancestors relied on similar structures for survival and that we, too, have the ability to adapt and thrive in the wilderness.

The tent is also a symbol of freedom and simplicity. It represents the possibility of escaping the confines of daily life and embracing the unknown. It offers a sense of autonomy and independence, allowing individuals to venture off the beaten path and create their own adventures.

In addition to its symbolic meaning, the tent also serves a practical purpose. It provides shelter from the elements, protecting adventurers from rain, wind, and cold temperatures. It offers a safe and secure space to rest and recharge before embarking on new challenges. The tent is a reliable companion that can withstand the harshest conditions and provide a sanctuary in the midst of the wilderness.

While the tent may seem like a simple and unassuming object, its power as a symbol of adventure and exploration should not be underestimated. It represents the human spirit of curiosity, discovery, and resilience. So next time you see a tent pitched in the great outdoors, take a moment to appreciate the spirit of adventure it embodies.

Binoculars are a valuable tool for outdoor enthusiasts and adventurers alike. Whether you are exploring nature, going bird watching, or embarking on a safari, binoculars allow you to see distant objects with clarity and detail. These compact optical devices are designed with two telescopes that provide a magnified view of distant subjects, making them an essential accessory for those seeking to observe and appreciate the wonders of the world.

Binoculars offer numerous benefits for adventurers. They enhance your visual experience by bringing far-off objects closer and allowing you to see intricate details that may not be visible with the naked eye. Whether you are observing wildlife in their natural habitats, admiring scenic landscapes, or participating in outdoor activities like hiking or mountain climbing, binoculars provide a unique perspective and help you fully immerse yourself in the beauty of your surroundings.

When choosing binoculars, it is important to consider factors such as magnification power, lens diameter, and field of view. The magnification power determines how much closer objects appear, while the lens diameter affects the amount of light entering the binoculars and ultimately the brightness of the image. A wider field of view allows for a broader visual area, making it easier to track moving subjects or scan large landscapes.

Additionally, modern binoculars often include features such as image stabilization, waterproofing, and anti-reflective coatings to enhance performance in various environments. These features can improve image quality, durability, and overall usability, ensuring that your binoculars are up to the task in any adventure.

Overall, binoculars are a valuable companion for explorers, adventurers, and nature enthusiasts. They bring the world closer, reveal hidden details, and provide a deeper connection with the natural environment. So, before embarking on your next adventure, don’t forget to pack a pair of binoculars and unlock a whole new world of exploration and discovery.

The camera is a powerful tool that has revolutionized the way we capture and document our adventures. Whether you’re exploring the wilderness, embarking on a thrilling expedition, or simply enjoying a breathtaking view, a camera allows you to capture those precious moments and share them with others.

The camera serves as a visual storyteller, enabling you to document your journey and share it with others. It allows you to freeze a moment in time, preserving the memories of your adventures for years to come. With advancements in technology, cameras have become more compact, user-friendly, and capable of producing high-quality images and videos.

Using a camera also encourages you to pay attention to the details and appreciate the beauty around you. It prompts you to observe your surroundings, seek out interesting compositions, and capture the essence of your adventure. Whether it’s a stunning landscape, a candid moment with fellow explorers, or a rare wildlife sighting, a camera helps you immortalize those extraordinary experiences.

Furthermore, a camera can inspire others and ignite their sense of curiosity and adventure. By sharing your photographs and videos, you can transport others to the places you’ve explored, inspire them to embark on their own adventures, and foster a sense of wonder and excitement about the world around us.

In addition to capturing memories, a camera can also be a valuable tool for learning and growth. As you experiment with different settings, compositions, and techniques, you can enhance your photography skills and develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the art form. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced photographer, a camera invites you to continuously improve your craft and explore new creative possibilities.

In conclusion, the camera is an essential companion for adventurers and explorers. It allows you to capture the beauty, excitement, and inspiration found in the world around us. With each click of the shutter, you have the power to document your adventures, share your experiences, and inspire others to embark on their own journeys of exploration and discovery.

As we have explored the symbols of adventure, it is clear that they hold significant meaning and can inspire us to embark on new journeys and explore the unknown. Whether it be the towering presence of Mount Everest, the guiding direction of a compass, or the spirit of exploration represented by an explorer hat, these symbols remind us of the limitless possibilities that await.

So, the next time you see a ship’s wheel or a map, let it be a reminder to chase your dreams and embrace the adventures that lie ahead. From the ruggedness of hiking boots to the freedom of a hot air balloon, these symbols can ignite a sense of wonder and excitement within us. So grab your binoculars, capture the moments with a camera, and set up your tent under the starry sky. The power of these symbols of adventure is here to inspire and guide you on the path to discovery.

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symbols for safe travel

Linda Callaway is a passionate history buff and researcher specializing in ancient history, symbolism, and dream interpretation. Her inquisitive nature has been a life-long pursuit, from her childhood days spent exploring the past, to her current academic studies of the ancient world. Linda has a strong interest in the symbolism associated with everyday objects, as well as the interpretation of dreams as a way to uncover hidden truths.

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Top 10 travel tattoos explained: The symbols & what it represents

Top 10 travel tattoos explained: The symbols & what it represents

Traveling means something different to everyone. So do travel tattoos. But what exactly do some of the travel tattoos mean? Keep reading to find out the meanings and symbols of the top travel tattoos for your inspiration!

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Traveling is not a hobby but a lifestyle. Did you ever come back from a long trip feeling completely different? A brand new version of yourself! Maybe a  long backpack adventure  to Europe boosts your confidence. Or a hike in the mountains helped you realize how insignificant your problems were. 

Traveling has the power to change us for the better. That's why so many of us want to commemorate these memories with the right tattoo. Travel tattoos are so varied that choosing the right one can be overwhelming. That's why we made a list of our favorite travel tattoos ideas to inspire you! 

Top 10 unique travel tattoo ideas explained.

1. world map.

Even though we all use Google Maps nowadays, these tattoos are still trendy. The possibilities are endless. You can choose to get the world map tattooed all over your back or only outline the boundaries of your own country for a minimalist tattoo . You can opt for the map of a country you traveled to or an area in the world that has a particular meaning to you. For instance, your birthplace or a city where you learned something that changed life.

2. Hot Balloons 

Hot balloons are such a cute idea for a travel tattoo! They represent lightheartedness and cheerfulness. But they also symbolize complete freedom and eagerness to discover new places. 

3. Coordinates

Similar to the map, coordinates are an extremely personal tattoo. You can choose the place where you asked your partner to get married, your favorite spot as a kid, or any other place of significance to you. Every time you look back at it, you will be reminded of the meaningful experience connected to that particular place. 

Coordinates tattoos are discreet and could even pass unnoticed. Hence, they are one of the better options for those who are new to tattoos and want to start off easy.

4. Airplanes, trains, boats, bikes… and footprints! 

Just choose your favorite means of transportation and get a tattoo! 

Airplanes can represent the distance between you and your loved ones or a life you no longer live. They are also a symbol of fast travelers, constantly moving from one place to another. If you are eager to see and discover as many places as possible, this could be the right option for you. 

Trains can be more appealing to people who like to travel slowly. If you prefer to spend months in a specific country to discover its culture opt for these types of tattoos.

Boats are connected to the sea and are perfect for those who feel a strong attachment to this natural element. 

Bikes are the perfect option for outdoor lovers. They do not necessarily represent the life of someone traveling across countries but of people who like to explore and spend time outdoors in nature. 

From a simple line tracking the profile of a mountain to a palm tree or a feather, the possibilities are endless. You can choose to represent a certain mountain meaningful for you or a particular tree or flower. Nature tattoos are representative of your connection to nature and your love for exploration.

6. Skylines

Is there a city that particularly touched you during your backpacking adventures? Maybe you spent a  night in Paris  that changed your life, or a wonderful day in  Rome  that reminded you of how it feels to be truly happy. If this also happened to you, commemorate your time there with a unique travel tattoo! One of our favorite ways to do so is by sketching the skyline of your chosen city with all its most iconic buildings.

Camping tattoos are a fantastic idea for a minimalist travel tattoo. A small tent, van, and a hammock next to each other. If that doesn't remind you of good vibes, I don't know what will! 

Like nature tattoos, camping tattoos don't necessarily represent the eagerness to constantly travel from one place to another. They are a symbol of a simple way of life, of your connection with nature, and the importance you give to outdoor experiences over the busy and stressful life of the city. In the end, you don't need to go far to travel! 

A nice quote is always an elegant idea for a tattoo. Whether you decide to get it on your shoulder, arm, or hip, quotes tattoos will always look fantastic on your skin. You will only have to choose the quote that better resonates with your idea of traveling.

Some of our favorites are: 

The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page  - Saint Augustine 
Not all those who wander are lost  - Tolkien 
Live with no excuses and travel with no regrets  - Oscar Wilde.

Compasses are the perfect option for those who like vintage symbols. A compass tattoo symbolizes the willingness to get lost to find your way. But it also represents orientation, our aims and goals in life, and our eagerness to achieve all of them

10. Passports stamps

Passports are one of the most valuable possessions of true travelers. Not only are they one of the material objects that allow us to cross borders, but they also share so many adventures with us! Checking our passport pages and taking a close look at the many marks and stamps left there is a bit like watching a photo album. It takes us back to beautiful moments of our past travels. So why not dedicate a tattoo to our passport as well?! 

Getting a tattoo of the different stamps on your passport is becoming more and more popular. Passport stamps tattoos are one of the most original ways to put all the countries you visited so far on your skin. Just make sure to choose an area of your body with plenty of space as you may have to add a few new stamps every year! 

Let Pilot create your next trip!

Once you decide which tattoo you're going to get, just find the perfect studio and… book a flight ticket! More and more people are starting to get tattoos while traveling to remember their experiences.

Let travel tattoos be a way to remember the good times during your travel journeys and let Pilot help you get inspired and plan future travels. If that sounds like a great plan, why not give Pilot a try?

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18 Popular Symbols of Adventure and Their Meanings

Dani Rhys

Table of Contents

1. mountains, 4. albatross, 6. the chariot, 7. ships and boats, 8. the viking sunstone, 10. sextant, 11. telescope, 12. paths and roads, 13. footprints, 14. trail blazes, 15. stephanotis flower, 16. palm trees, 17. airplane, 18. world map.

Many of us travel the world in search of adventure and new experiences. Originally a Middle English word, the term adventure was derived from the Old French aventure which translates as fate , destiny , or chance event .

In literature, the best stories are always about adventure, whether they’re an unexpected journey to faraway places or the brave deeds of a hero.

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Here’s a look at different symbols of adventure, from ancient times to the modern world.

Green mountains

In our modern times, mountains are synonymous with adventures, as conquering the summit is a great achievement, and the view from the top offers a fresh perspective.

In some contexts, mountains also represent the ups and downs of life. The Ascent of Mont Ventoux narrates the adventure of Italian poet Petrarch who is thought to be the first person to have climbed a mountain for the view.

In many cultures, mountains have always been associated with sacred quests, as they’re closer to the heavens and often the homes of gods.

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Throughout China’s history, Buddhist and Taoist pilgrims have gone to sacred mountains to offer incense, as the mountain peaks were thought to be linked to the state of enlightenment.


Since people live on land, the sea has always been associated with adventure – and those who have made it a second home have learned special skills.

In fact, thousands of literary works are based on voyages across the seas. In the Odyssey by Homer , Greek warrior-king Odysseus survives the shipwreck and defeats sea monsters.

Other ancient seafaring adventures also include Apollonius’ Argonautica and Virgil’s Aeneid .


Dolphins are emblems of the sea , associating them with adventure and protection . Since ancient times, these beautiful creatures have been valued for their mystery and beauty.

The Greeks believed that dolphins were charmed by music. In Electra by Sophocles , Euripides referred them as oboe-lovers , and describes them accompanying ships on which music was playing.

When Greek poet and musician Arion was about to be tossed overboard by thieves, he sang a song, which charmed the dolphins, who then rescued him.

In some cultures, they’re often seen as psychopomps, or creatures who escort souls to the underworld.


Symbolic of ocean adventures, the albatross is found mainly in the southern oceans. Records from the 6th century mention that these birds follow ships. Sailors considered them as good omens.

The birds’ ability to fly established them as messengers between heaven and earth.

Eventually, the superstition that the wandering albatross embodies the soul of a dead sailor became widespread, and it was considered unlucky to kill one.


The chief beast of travel, hunting, and war, horses are one of the oldest symbols of adventure. Horses made it possible for humans to be adventurous. Where today we have our cars, in the past, men had their steeds.

It’s difficult to appreciate today how people depended on them before the railways of the 19th century and the automobile of the 20th.

In the past, they were also a symbol of speed and freedom, as represented by Classical equestrian statues.

In Norse mythology, the Allfather Odin rode Sleipnir —a magical eight-legged horse that could gallop on land, water, and through the air.

a chariot figurine

In many ancient mythologies, gods, and goddesses were depicted riding chariots. In Homeric Hymns , the journey of the Sun across the sky is represented as a chariot driven by the sun god Helios .

Poseidon rides across the sea on a shell chariot drawn by four hippocampi or fishtailed horses. It’s likely that the chariot was one of the earliest symbols of adventure for the ancients.

The chariot also appears in tarot cards, symbolizing the thirst for adventure and the search for fulfillment. Other interpretation includes focusing on one’s goals and willingness to take risks.

As a card for the day, The Chariot suggests that one should concentrate on one’s goal, as something will be certain to get rolling.

ship and boat

A symbol of adventure and exploration, the ship takes us to our destination. Crossing the sea is also symbolic of facing challenges and obstacles in life, represented by the wind blowing against the sails and pushing the ship along.

While boats and ships are literally associated with nautical voyages, they can also represent the exploration of new realms. In Greek mythology , a small boat piloted by Charon takes the dead to Hades.

viking sunstone optical calcite

The Vikings relied on the sun for navigation, but they used the sunstone to find its location in the sky during cloudy days, associating the mystical stone with adventure and exploration.

This sunstone isn’t what gemologists now refer to as sunstone . One theory suggests that the Viking sunstone was iolite, which would show its maximum alternate color when positioned against the direction of the hidden sun.

Compass symbol significance

Throughout history, the compass has been a symbol of adventure, guidance, and safety. In fact, the term compass is derived from the Latin words com and passus , meaning together and a step or pace respectively.

Before the digital age, travelers were always equipped with a map and a compass. The instrument leads you to the right direction, so you’ll never get lost.

brass nautical sextant

An indispensable instrument for sailors in the past, the sextant is symbolic of sea adventures, navigation, and new horizons. It was used to determine latitude and longitude with the help of celestial bodies.

Its name is derived from the Latin sextus , meaning one-sixth , as its arc spans 60° of a circle.

Since it was used for measuring angles to plot the position of a ship, it also became associated with the idea of progress.

A telescope in the dark

A symbol of adventure and exploration, the telescope is used by astronomers to observe the planets, the stars, and other celestial bodies.

It allows you to explore the unknown and get into something new and fun. In your journey in life, a figurative telescope will let you see things beyond your perspective. A telescope reminds you to keep looking ahead and moving forward. Why stay on the ground if you can soar to the moon?

open road

Paths and roads have been used as a symbol of life’s journey, representing the various directions you’ve taken in the past, as well as the directions you’ll take in the future.

This represents the unknown and the adventure of life. Paths and roads have had many other meanings in literature, for they may be straight or crooked; broad or narrow; or circular or irreversible.

In the poem The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost, both roads present themselves equally, suggesting that it’s hard to see where one decision will lead.

Some roads will lead you to detours, shortcuts, and dead ends, so it matters to choose the right path in life.


In modern times, footprints suggest that someone is going on a journey, traveling, or is on an off-the-road destination.

They mark the path a person has taken, associating them with adventure, choices, and free will. We all leave footprints as we journey through life, so make sure to leave your own prints worth following.

In deep, rocky woods, trail blazes are symbols that help hikers follow a given path, marking the beginning or end of the trail, as well as changes in directions.

Back in time, the blaze was made on a tree by chipping off part of the bark, but today rock piles or cairns, flags, signs, posts, paints, and other fixed markers are used.

White stephanotis flower

In the language of flowers, the stephanotis represents the desire to travel and seek adventure, along with luck, friendship, and marital happiness.

No wonder, they’re a favorite of adventurous couples, often seen in wedding arrangements, from bridal bouquets and corsages to boutonnieres.

Palm trees

A symbol of tropical adventure, palm trees reminds you of summer and the beach. Some kinds of palm trees bear fruit, such as the date palm and the coconut palm.

If you were stranded on an island, you would want the latter to be there with you! In the film Cast Away , the palm tree becomes a hope for survival for the character of Tom Hanks, who survives a plane crash and finds refuge on a desert island.


A modern symbol of adventure, airplanes gets us to different places around the world. No wonder, it’s a favorite symbol of travelers, pilots, and even those who are in the military.

Planes also represent motivation, your ability to soar, and the next stage of your journey.

It’s believed that dreaming of an airplane taking off also implies that a goal is about to take off. On the other hand, dreaming that you’re flying an airplane means that you’re in control of your destination in life.

world map poster

As a smaller representation of the real world, the world map is associated with adventure and the desire to travel around the globe.

It’s a must-have for passionate explorers who love spontaneous trips and exotic destinations . It’s also associated with your goals in life, reminding you that the world is your horizon.

Wrapping Up

Throughout history, there have been many symbols that served as a metaphor for exploring the unknown.

There are similarities among the many symbols of adventure we’ve listed above – many fall under the umbrellas of animals, transport, navigation, and travel.

Adventure symbols

Tags: Ancient Symbols

Dani Rhys

Dani Rhys has worked as a writer and editor for over 15 years. She holds a Masters degree in Linguistics and Education, and has also studied Political Science, Ancient History and Literature. She has a wide range of interests ranging from ancient cultures and mythology to Harry Potter and gardening. She works as the chief editor of Symbol Sage but also takes the time to write on topics that interest her.

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Indalo Camino good luck gifts

Jewellery and spiritual gifts with meaning to wish good luck, protection, safekeeping, success and well-being

Category: Safe travel jewellery

Information about different types of safe travel jewellery with associated talismans like St Christopher, the Travellers Cross safety whistle necklace featuring St James cross symbol, and other ideal gifts for someone going travelling on a journey, holiday or business trip, or for wanderlust travel-lovers.

GIFT for CAMINO WALKER: Relieves stress and worry?

Camino walkers scallop shells

Can jewellery intended to help combat negativity, worry and stress make a suitable gift for someone planning to walk El Camino?

With the Junta de Andalucía in southern Spain announcing further development of it’s own Camino routes – Camino del Argar, Camino Mozárabe and Camino al Rocío (see below), the prominence of walking Caminos as a cathartic experience to help purge the soul of life’s troubles, once again comes to the fore.

Jewellery gift for Camino walker

Founded in Christian faith and rooted in spiritual belief, some of the Camino jewellery in our SHOP has been added to a range of jewellery aimed at people wanting to combat any negativity, anxiety or stress in their lives, especially when starting something new or adventurous (including walking El Camino de Santiago, for example) and to help promote positivity, optimism and success.

Cross necklace gift of faith

So can this jewellery also make a good gift for a Camino walker?

We think so, yes, because much of our jewellery for positivity, optimism and success is interchangeable with our traditional Camino jewellery:

St James cross with scallop shell necklace

Jewellery for positivity, optimism and success

The designs of our necklaces, bracelets and earrings are based on the principles of faith and belief . . the belief that one’s goals are achievable, whatever they are: It is jewellery with meaning. Nowhere is this feeling of belief and achievability more powerful than amongst the community of walkers (and bikers) who travel “El Camino de Santiago” (the Way of St. James) every year . . fired up by the dream and the enthusiasm for reaching their goal.

Camino walkers

Many Camino travellers have a strong Christian faith but, in recent decades, that Christian faith, once so common amongst Camino walkers, has given way somewhat to a more secular approach: Indeed nowadays, people choose to do a Camino as much for personal reasons, as for any religious reason: They decide to take time out of their busy modern life and perhaps look for something a bit different, in the hope perhaps, of finding inspiration or spiritual enlightenment as they journey along: They are able to reflect on their life whilst in the supportive environment of their Camino. No doubt they hope to improve their outlook on life and bring themselves closer into contact with nature – whilst expanding their cultural horizons through contact with other walkers.

Bracelet to protect against ill health

Many of these so-called ‘pilgrims’ on the Way of Saint James carry the Scallop Shell symbol of El Camino de Santiago as a token, a charm, a keepsake . . or on a piece of jewellery. Others (perhaps a bit more “religious” ) wear a Cross of St James.

The shell has great significance in jewellery: It symbolises strength, commitment and determination. In this sense, it has special meaning to millions of people, and is commonly used by individuals to help them feel more confident about themselves.

The Cross of Saint James, according to many Spaniards, “es un símbolo que favorece el coraje y la esperanza ante las dificultades” [a symbol that favours courage and hope in the face of difficulties] . . promoting both faith and good fortune, as well as strength and hope.

Some 200,000 pilgrims travel El Camino de Santiago every year from all over the world to find inspiration and/or deeper spiritual understanding. Many of them carry one of these symbols and everyone experiences the journey in a different way.

Camino gift ideas

But whatever somebody’s journey – whether on El Camino itself, a business trip, a gap year, trekking, etc, (or perhaps merely the “journey” through life in general), many people like to carry a symbolic charm or piece of jewellery to encourage them and give them belief – as well as, in their minds, to protect them. Studies have shown that symbolic tokens and charms can boost people’s confidence, with many admitting there’s power in a thought made positive by meaningful charms such as these – being a constant reminder of purpose and desires: In addition to any value that these symbols have in themselves, or the religious faith that they might represent, symbolic and meaningful jewellery such as this can also act as a reminder to be careful when travelling: And this can be a powerful aid to staying safe whilst away from home too.

Santiago gift card

Buy Camino de Santiago souvenirs and gifts online

Much of our jewellery is hand-crafted in Galicia, close to El Camino de Santiago. It would make an ideal gift for any special event / occasion, but particularly for someone starting out on a new adventure in life – like walking a Camino, or even starting a new job, travelling afar or beginning retirement.

What to buy a Camino walker – Faith Jewellery?

There are many “caminos” or “walks” in the world but the Spanish “Way of St James” is probably the most famous, along with the Islamic Hajj to Mecca. We have a complete range of Camino jewellery in our SHOP online.

Here is a bit of information about some of the less well known “Caminos” in Spain that are currently in the news: Camino del Argar, Camino Mozárabe and Destino Rocío:

Camino Mozárabe from Almería

El Camino del Argar

El Camino del Argar is a rather obscure (arduous and long) route from southern Spain to Santiago de Compostela in the north. It starts at the Cathedral of Almería in Andalucía from whence it traverses the entire Iberian Peninsula, initially via Cabo de Gata and along the south coast before heading inland and north-west. It passes through places such as San José, Rosalquilar, Las Negras, Carboneras, Mojácar, Garrucha, Vera, Cuevas de Almanzora and on through to Huércal Overa and Lorca before heading north up through Murcia to Almendricos, Albacete and along the Camino de Levante.

Caminos de Argar

From Mora (Toledo) it’s main route then circumvents Madrid and joins the Vía de la Plata in Zamora north-west of the Spanish capital before finally heading into Santiago de Compostela in Galicia. In total, the Camino del Argar is about 1,500 Km. It is named Camino del Argar after an early Bronze Age settlement/culture “El Argar” which was based around the small town of Antas in Almería in eastern Andalucía. The community was active from about 2200 to 1500 BC and was renowned for its pottery and metallurgical techniques.

Peregrino en el Camino Argar

El Camino Mozárabe

The Camino de Santiago Mozárabe (also known as the Camino de Santiago Sanabrés) arose in the Middle Ages linking the important ports of Al-Andalus with some of the larger cities on the western side of Spain such as Córdoba and Mérida. These days, the paths between Almería and Granada are signposted and have some infrastructure for pilgrims / walkers along the way. But other parts of the route are less well marked until one reaches the Via de la Plata.

Starting on the Mediterranean coast in Almería it follows the chain of valleys of the Andarax and Nacimiento rivers to Guadix and thence to Granada along the old Roman and Muslim roads that linked these two cities taking in the terraces of the Alpujarras and parts of the Sierra Nevada. It is a strenuous route over the mountains before dropping down to Córdoba but from there to Mérida it is more relaxed. Nonetheless, it is a very long Camino indeed, crossing the whole of the Spanish peninsular south to north.

El Camino al Rocío

El Rocío is a village located 15 km from Almonte in the province of Huelva, Andalucía (Spain). The Rocío Pilgrimage (known as Romería de El Rocío or more simply “El Rocío”) is an age-old tradition of travelling early summer to the church of La Virgen del Rocio in the village of El Rocío in honour of “La Virgen” (whose image was believed to have been witnessed at this location in the 15th Century, and is now represented in the “Ermita de Sancta María de las Rocinas – or Ermita de El Rocío). The Romería brings together roughly one million pilgrims every year.

Ermita Rocío

This fervent event which is best described as somewhere between religion and folklore, takes place on the second day of Pentecost (May or June – depending on the year) but the build-up to it (and the journey) can take weeks with many people travelling in horse-drawn carts from far away with singing and dancing round the camp fires every night. The festival dates from 1653, when the Virgin of Las Rocinas was appointed patron Saint of Almonte.

Ayamonte, Huelva, Sevilla, Jeréz, Gibraltar, Malaga

Expanding on this tradition of travelling to the church of La Virgen del Rocio, the newly-envisaged Camino al Rocío or Destino Rocío has been called El Camino de Santiago ‘Andalucian style’. However, it has little to do with Santiago de Compostela in north-west Spain – but is nonetheless a ‘religious’ Camino.

Parque Doñana

There are eight different routes connecting the eight provinces of Andalucía with this devotional focus located in Huelva. The Almería route (officially called ‘Ruta Nazarí’) has two starting points: One from Cabo de Gata (close to the capital Almería city itself) and another from Los Vélez towards Baza. They both meet up in Guadix and, from there, the path goes through Granada, Antequera, Ronda, Arcos, Jerez de la Frontera, and Sanlúcar to cross the Guadalquivir river, and through the great park of Doñana to reach the village of El Rocío. [Other Andalusian routes are: The Olive Grove Route (which begins in the Sierra de Cazorla); the Sierra Morena Route (which starts in Las Navas, Jaén); the Valle de los Pedroches Route (from Pozoblanco); the Aguardiente Route (from Belalcázar); the Silver Route, the Ham and Fandango Route (from the Sierra de Aracena) and the Gibraltar Route (from Algeciras)].

Destino Rocío

It is hoped that this new Camino al Rocío or “Destino Rocío”, will have a wide network of signposted paths – in the simple ‘yellow arrow’ style that guides pilgrims to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela along the more traditional “Way of St James” to the north.

What to buy a Camino walker – Faith jewellery?

See Faith Jewellery and Camino gift ideas in our shop that could be ideal:

Click the JEWELLERY CATEGORY you want:


Keep safe gift to say take care

In May, 2020, The Good Luck Gift Shop announced a new range of gifts to say Keep Safe

You can see some of them in the  Keep Safe Gifts   category (especially jewellery) in our SHOP

And now, in July, as people begin to travel again after the reduction in risk levels of the virus pandemic, and the opening up of travel destinations / countries, many people are thinking about safety as they plan their holiday vacations and other travel trip journeys.

Take care and be safe

BUT, is it safe to go out and to travel again?

The answer to that question is, quite simply, who knows? Lots of people are still concerned about their safety. Will I be at risk of infection? If I get sick, will I have to miss work or school? Should I wear a mask? How often must I clean my hands? How close am I allowed to other people?

Stay Safe bracelet - concha

In consequence, it has become appropriate to offer friends and loved-ones suggestions and advice in these difficult times and sometimes a little ” Keep Safe ” gift as well to say  ” Take Care ” and ” Be Safe ” can be a good idea too.

Safe and sound – and secure

This is not only applicable to someone travelling – it can be equally relevant to someone going out into their local environment perhaps travelling to the shops for the first time in months – maybe after sheltering in place under the Stay Home, Stay Safe policy of many countries internationally. Many people (particularly the elderly) have become nervous about going out. ¡Quédate en casa! was the refrain in Spain. And it is not only religious or Christian jewellery that features in our SHOP:

Guardian Owl cufflinks

Safe jewellery

For this reason, The Good Luck Gift Shop introduced a range of jewellery that would make an ideal gift to pass on a Keep Safe message to friends and loved-ones to perhaps help give them a bit of confidence and tell them that you are there for them and thinking about them.

Can jewelry be a life saver

Safe journey

So whatever a colleague’s plans on venturing out, whether going shopping in the supermarket for groceries, etc, going back work, or for leisure / holiday reasons, these jewellery gifts have symbolic meaning that can be passed on to friends and loved-ones as a meaningful present.

SAFE logo

Gifts to say Take Care in our shop

Many of our new Keep Safe gifts are based on religious or Christian symbols and values, and so would meet the needs of spiritually-minded people who are looking for meaningful jewellery and other gifts in these strange times to pass on their message to Take Care and Be Safe.

Cross necklace to say Take Care

Plese visit our  SHOP   to see more “Keep Safe” gifts

Jewellery / Gifts with Meaning . . it’s what we do!


Camino of St Michaels Way

The English Camino is called St Michael’s Way and it is in Cornwall, UK. It is not the same as El Camino Inglés which is a short Camino across the northern tip of Spain.

The English Camino was used by early Christian pilgrims (as well as other travellers) coming from Wales and Ireland who wanted to travel to Santiago de Compostela, but to avoid the treacherous and unsafe waters off the English coast at Land’s End, and thus arrive safely in La Coruña in northern Spain. They would leave their boats on the north Cornish coast near St Ives, walk the relatively short route across the peninsular to St Michael’s Mount and re-embark on other ships or boats to continue their journey by sea to northern Spain (and southern France).


Throughout Europe there are several pilgrim routes which lead to the Cathedral of St James in Santiago de Compostela, North West Spain – the third most important and religious place of Christian pilgrimage in the world. These are all collectively known as El Camino de Santiago de Compostela. But unknown to many is the St Michael’s Way Trail, in the county of Cornwall, on the southwestern tip of England, which is also one of these routes.

The Cornish Camino Celtic Way

Safe travels – avoiding shipwreck!

This ancient path was used by travellers (and later by pilgrims and missionaries) to avoid crossing the dangerous waters around Land’s End, a notorious area off the Cornish coast said to contain more shipwrecks than anywhere else in the world. This overland route of early Christian travellers was one of the reasons behind the early conversion of Cornish people to the Christian faith.

See  JEWELLERY TO WISH SAFE TRAVELS   in our shop online

Little steps – a small adventure on the Cornish Celtic Way as an introduction to a full Camino

The St Michael’s Way (also known as the Cornish Camino or Celtic Way) is the only pilgrimage route in Britain that is officially part of a European Cultural Route, and it is a genuine British leg of the Camino to Santiago. It is only about 12 miles long but it connects five churches, four holy wells, two hill-forts, two standing stones, and two disappeared chapels, and is set in incredible scenery and unique countryside deep in the heart of Cornwall.

Safe travels in Cornwall

The Cornish Camino – a great introduction to a Spanish Camino

Walking the 20kms of St Michael’s Way now counts towards the 100km minimum required to receive one of the famed Compostelas (Pilgrim Certificates) in Santiago, when walkers arrive in the Pilgrim Office at the great Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela (where, it is said, lie the remains of St James the Greater . . hence the other name of this famous route: The Saint James Way). Once ashore in northern Spain, travellers can walk (or cycle) the relatively short Camino Inglés (from La Coruña into Santiago).

Child on a Camino

The English Camino – the Cornish Celtic Way

The British-based part of this Camino stretches across the Cornish peninsular from Lelant (near St. Ives in the north) to Marazion (near Penzance in the south) and covers around 12 miles of beautiful landscapes and spectacular scenery (including Carbis Bay – a UNESCO World Heritage Site). As is the norm in Spain, Portugal and southern France, the correct route to follow in the UK is indicated by the traditional Pilgrim’s symbol of a Scallop Shell (the symbol of St. James, because his remains, when discovered, were said to have been covered in these shells that are so common on the northern coast of Spain). In fact, a sort of stylised shell based on the Council of Europe’s sign for pilgrim routes is used with directional arrows in yellow for footpaths, blue for bridleways and red for byways.

Carbis Bay Cornwall

Why not wish safe travels to a friend or loved-one going on a special journey, with a gift of Scallop Shell jewellery from our online shop, as well as other  GIFTS FOR LUCK and GOOD FORTUNE TRAVELLING   on a trip. It has deep sigificance that is based on the real history of the Camino.

As for St Michael himself, after whom this English Camino is named (as opposed to St James in Spain), more can be read here on our website:  GUARDIAN ANGELS and St. MICHAEL ARCHANGEL   . St Michael is one of the Guardian Angels (an Archangel) that is said to be a protector. He is also the patron Saint of Cornwall (as well as of the military and police too) and also, evidently . . of high places, which tends to explain why, if you ever discover a Church called Saint Michael, it is invariably located on the top of a hill.

Saint Michael bracelet for protection

You can also source jewellery and charms for protection with the symbol of  ST MICHAEL   Guardian Angel, in our shop.

Planning a full Camino de Santiago adventure? Good Luck!

Eventually, as you wind your way down to the coast and off the St Michaels Way, you arrive at your journey’s end in Marazion (before embarking for Spain, if that is what you plan to do). Here you will find yourself overlooking St Michael’s Mount (the Cornish counterpart of Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, France), an 8th Century monastery subsequently given to the Benedictine religious order of Mont Saint-Michel by Edward the Confessor in the 11th Century. Your English or Cornish Camino has come to an end – but it could be the beginning of something much grander – a full Camino de Santiago de Compostela . . in Spain!

View of St Michael Mount

¡Buen Camino!

PS: There is, in fact, another Camino in England: A 110km-long route from the ruins of Reading Abbey (founded by Henry I in 1121, and the centre of the cult of St James in England in the Middle Ages), to the port of Southampton, from where pilgrims also used to sail to France or Spain on their way to the tomb of St James at Santiago de Compostela. But this is even less well known than the St. Michael’s Way!


Christmas presents for Travellers

Meaningful Christmas gift ideas for friends going travelling

What do you get a traveller for christmas.

Gifts for people who love to travel are not difficult to buy because presents related to travel and travel lovers are many. But not all travel gifts are equal: Find out why and see some unique travelling  GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS   in our Good Luck Gift shop – especially gifts with a spiritual / religious or Christian significance:

Dog tag red Santiago cruz

Christian festival presents and Gifts of Faith   including Christian Travel gifts

Travel gifts

Someone who is going abroad (on holiday, for example) needs a few practical things to help them on their way, and, if they are lacking something useful, you can always give them a little going away present: Another travel bag, a camera strap, luggage accessories, passport holders, travel adapter, etc. There are as many travel gift ideas as there are places to buy them (online shops and websites and stores are a good start).

We specialise in  JEWELLERY to WISH LUCK and SAFETY on a TRIP …

St Christopher bracelet for safe travels

Gifts for people who love to travel

But what about the less practical, more romantic or silly fun things, the little extras that will add to their experience? There’s the ubiquitous travel diary, the funny mug, the “been there, done that” T-shirt, and so on. Some items are for keeping at home to remind someone of their trip (a wanderlust map, a jigsaw, something personalised perhaps). Others can be taken on the journey itself – travel jewellery, for example.

See our Good Luck Gift shop for  GOLD and SILVER NECKLACES for luck and SAFEKEEPING   . .

Saint Michael bracelet to wish safekeeping

Christmas gifts for travel lovers

There’s lots of travel jewellery in the shops (with little silver aeroplanes, compass pendant necklaces, bracelets with place names on, and dangly anchor earrings, for instance; as well as all those gifts to wish good luck travelling). No doubt this all means something to the recipient and there’s nothing wrong with that BUT what about something with perhaps a deeper significance, something more spiritual?

At Christmas time, buying a present with spiritual significance somehow seems more appropriate. And if the gift is kind of related to travel . . for a travel lover, so much the better.

Unique gift for traveller at Christmas

See meaningful travel jewellery in our Good Luck Gift shop and especially Camino de Santiago  JEWELLERY to WISH SAFETY ON A TRIP   and items with a Christian relevance / emphasis.

Merry Christmas Gifts for Travellers

Christmas: What to gift someone who is going abroad?

Another major point of interest for the traveller (or at least for their friends and loved-ones (especially parents) who remain at home) is travel safety. So, small travel gifts for Christmas that help with safety in foreign climes are always popular – whether from a practical viewpoint (eg: a water filter, an anti-theft purse, a portable charger to keep a mobile cellphone working, etc.), or something more intangible and ethereal like spiritual or religious jewellery . . jewellery that has a Christian meaning . . Christian Travel jewellery.

Travellers Cross Safety Whistle

Plus, in our Good Luck Gift shop you can buy an item of jewellery that is truly unique . . it is both meaningful AND practical (from a travel safety point of view) . . our Travellers Safety Whistle. This is a neatly-designed whistle that can be hung around the neck as a necklace. It has the Travellers Cross, the Cross of St James engraved on the surface within the symbolic Scallop Shell symbol of El Camino de Santiago – The Way of Saint James).

Inspirational Christmas gifts for Catholics / Christians

This Travellers Cross Whistle would make a great gift for anyone going travelling and especially someone with Christian or Catholic religious beliefs: In addition to any value that the Camino / St James charm symbol has in itself, or the religious faith that it might represent, the Travellers Whistle can also be used in an emergency situation to try and summon help by blowing on the whistle.

As a piece of symbolic jewellery with meaning it can also act as a reminder to be careful when travelling, and this can be a powerful aid to staying safe whilst away from home. It would make a perfect Christmas present (or Secret Santa?) for a friend, colleague or loved-one who is going travelling in the future or indeed as a farewell gift to wish safekeeping for anyone travelling on a journey / trip (especially someone with Catholic or Christian beliefs . . as Christian Travel jewellery). Our Travel Safety Whistle is a great piece of truly meaningful jewellery combining both spiritual significance along with a means to impart wishes of good luck and safety in a practical way.

We have two designs of Travellers Whistle:

1) A dainty but reasonably loud steel whistle that resembles an item of jewellery, with a 925 sterling-silver bail, hanging on a silver chain

Travel safety whistle

2) A more robust and extremely loud whistle (120db) that hangs on an adjustable cord

Both are discreetly engraved with the Travellers Cross symbol of St James (within the Scallop Shell symbol of El Camino de Santiago).

Help ensure your friend or loved-one has a safe trip: We heartily recommend this Travel safety whistle as a Christmas gift for Travellers.

Christmas stop for travellers

This Holiday Season, we have a special offer on both our Travellers Safety Whistles.

A meaningful Christmas gift for a Catholic traveller? Well, these Christmas gift ideas would suit anyone travelling – but especially those with Christian beliefs (whatever their denominantion) who are looking to pass on their wishes of safe travel at Christmas time to a friend or loved one.

TRAVEL JEWELLERY – wish travel-lovers safe journey and luck

Travel jewellery bracelet girl

Jewellery for travel lovers – is there such a thing? Travel-inspired jewellery? Wanderlust jewellery? Safe travel jewellery, like a safe travel necklace, for example, and jewellery to wish a safe journey is common these days. Why? What makes the best travel jewellery gift? Read on:

Travel talismans and amulets have existed for centuries – the most popular Western figurehead of travel probably being St Christopher, often depicted on safe travel necklaces and bracelets. But other talismans for safe travel feature Runes, lucky Gemstones and Crystals, Compasses and World charms – even depictions of Noah, mankind’s original travel icon, fleeing danger in his Ark.

Noah had a travel talisman

See our Good Luck Gift shop for  JEWELLERY to WISH LUCK / SAFETY on a TRIP   . .

But apart from St Christopher, how much travel inspired jewellery features or depicts something with provenance that people have put their faith in for centuries? For example, simple Latin crosses; other Christian Saints like St Michael, St Benedict or indeed, the Camino cross of Saint James (or its associated Scallop shell way-marker symbol often seen along the Camino de Santiago (Way of St James)). And we mustn’t forget the children’s favourite, the ever-present Guardian Angel.

St Michael travel bracelet

Much folklore, legend and superstition surrounds travel jewellery: Safe travel charms are as old as Noah’s Ark itself. Some are even USEFUL when travelling: Noah is said to have hung a huge crystal of garnet on the bowsprit of his Ark to light the way ahead and deliver him and his crew to safety from the Great Flood.

(See some  SAFE TRAVEL GIFTS / JEWELLERY   in our online store.)

Our Travellers Cross Whistle makes a great travel necklace gift for a friend or loved-one going on a journey (or a Gap Year, for example) because it combines the symbol of the cross of St James (or the scallop shell) engraved onto the silver) combined with an actual safety whistle that can be sounded in an emergency by blowing. We have a small selection in our shop which would make an ideal gift for someone travelling.

Travellers Cross necklace

Apart from a travel necklace adorned with safe travel charms (or well-known and respected protection charms like St Christopher, St Michael, or a Guardian Angel for example), travel jewellery rings are also common as gifts when someone is going away on a journey . . to wish them well and a speedy and safe return home.

Guardian Angel as Travel Amulet

The best jewellery for travel and for travel-lovers has both meaning and gravitas, i.e. it has REAL significance: That is to say, in addition to any value that the travel charm symbol has in itself, or the religious faith that it might represent, it can also act as a reminder to be careful when travelling: And this can be a powerful aid to staying safe whilst away from home.

See some GOLD and SILVER NECKLACES for LUCK and SAFEKEEPING   in our shop

In Spain they have the lucky Indalo as a protector from harm; In Western Asia and parts of Europe, Africa and Latin America they have the Evil Eye; In the Middle East and North Africa they have the Hamsa – also known as the Hand of Fatima to Jews; and so on. The list is long, so the important thing is to find something that the recipient of a travel jewellery gift actually BELIEVES in . . something in which they can trust.

Red Cross something to trust in travelling

And remember, a travel talisman is said to bring good luck, whereas a travel amulet is intended to ward off evil or bad luck when on a trip.

See some  BRACELETS gifted to PROTECT   in our Good Luck Gift Shop

In the 21st Century, we are still superstitious about good luck, bad luck and misfortune: We are as mindful of luck and good fortune today, as our ancestors were hundreds (even thousands) of year ago. Indeed, so many people avoid the number 13, for example, that it is often absent from the floor of a hotel or the seat number on an aeroplane. The tradition of touching wood (or ‘knocking on wood’) dates back thousands of years . . and yet we still do it.

Camino scallop shell necklace

Wanderlust jewellery with a “good luck’ and “safe travel” meaning is as popular today as it was 500 years ago – perhaps more so. The St Christopher charm as a piece of safe travel jewellery is a very common gift – on travel necklaces, travel bracelets and other travel inspired jewellery, as is the Camino bracelet with the Scallop Shell talisman.

We have lots of of safe travels bracelets, necklaces, charms and other jewellery – and, if your friend of loved-one is thinking of going on the Camino de Santiago in France/Portugal/Spain, we sell a lot of travel memory necklaces related to the Way of St James – and life’s camino in general.

See our Good Luck Gift Shop for  EARRINGS for LUCK and SAFEKEEPING   travelling on a journey

So, in conclusion, what travel jewellery gifts are best? Nothing too expensive (because they’re travelling!); Nothing too cheap or tacky (it’s a gift, right!); And something with REAL meaning; Something that will last.

Camino bracelet with scallop shell

We think that we have found the perfect offering in our online Good Luck Gift shop enabling everyone to find something suitable for their friend, loved-one or work colleague who is going away on a journey – to wish them luck and safety along the way.

Travel whistle silver chain

For example, our unique safe travel necklace featuring a Travellers Cross whistle marked up with the Cross of Saint James (which is a great symbol for travellers) or la Vieira Concha – the Scallop shell symbol of El Camino de Santiago (possibly the greatest journey in the world). Yes, we really do offer the best jewellery for travel – meaningful, practical, prestigious and affordable . . great necklaces for travel lovers, bracelets for someone’s special camino . . a travel talisman with real significance – travel jewellery WITH MEANING.

See our shop for Travellers Cross Whistle: Safe travel jewellery with a practical use: If you get into difficulty, you can blow the whistle.

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symbols for safe travel

5 Of The Most Important Symbols To Know On Your Car's Dashboard

T he dashboard provides drivers with an assortment of valuable information while on the go, including the array of symbols that light up for various reasons, which often become victims of being overlooked, ignored, or forgotten over time. But people should be aware that when these perplexing pint-sized pictures begin to glow, they are really acting as miniature warning signals. So, whether an individual considers themselves a novice behind the wheel or a road warrior with years of experience, understanding the meaning behind each of the little illuminated images could mean the difference between a quick fix and being stranded on the side of the road.

The thing to remember is that when it comes to the dashboard, the vehicle speaks in hieroglyphics with cryptic little icons serving as a means for the car to inform the driver about certain issues or changes. While these vital messengers may be a bit difficult to decipher for some, the benefits of being fluent in the secret language of automobiles could very well ultimately lead to less stress, headaches, and repair bills down the road.

Demystifying the meaning of these alerts is a crucial part of maintaining the health and safety of a consumer's main source of transportation. For those out there who could use a quick refresher or a crash course in cracking the secret car code, here is a quick run-through that should get everyone up to speed on what they should know when some of the most crucial dashboard symbols start to shine.

Read more: How To Clean Your Car's Engine Bay: A Step-By-Step Guide

Check Engine Warning Light

While every symbol that lights up on the dashboard serves a pivotal purpose, the check engine warning light represents the concerns and well-being of the driving force behind the automobile. The engine-shaped icon is notoriously never a good sign, mostly because it's designed to alert the driver to potential issues with the vehicle's engine or emission control system. The warning could refer to something simple, such as a loose gas cap, or a more serious ordeal, like possible problems with the catalytic converter. If it periodically turns off and on or shows up colored in yellow or amber, there could be an irregularity that isn't as serious. But if the light remains glowing or even flashes red, looking into the matter right away should be a top priority.

It's no secret the notion of ignoring the check engine light has become a bit of a running joke and has been passed off for laughs in movies and TV shows. It's also presumably safe to assume many people have heard others boast about not caring about the check engine light with no mention of any negative experiences. But smart vehicle owners should ignore that nonsense and take engine care seriously.

Dismissing the light can lead to potentially expensive repairs and reduced fuel efficiency. Because modern vehicles are equipped with complex diagnostic systems, making sure to get a professional assessment is a wise move to identify and address the underlying crisis efficiently. In many cases, the trouble can be resolved relatively easily if detected early, ensuring the consumer's vehicle continues to run smoothly and safely.

Oil Pressure Warning Light

After a while behind the wheel, drivers may come across an oil can or oil drop symbol, which is the car's subtle way of indicating that there are some potential issues regarding the engine's oil pressure. While gasoline enables the vehicle to run, proper oil pressure is just as crucial, acting as a lubricant for the engine's moving parts, preventing excessive friction, heat buildup, and costly engine damage. When the warning sign is activated, it reveals to the consumer that oil pressure has fallen below the recommended level, which could indicate it is time for a refill, oil change, or repairs for problems like an oil leak or malfunctioning pump.

When it comes to what to do next, the best thing to do is assess the situation once the driver can pull over safely and turn off the engine. The initial step should be to pop the hood and check the dipstick. Information regarding what type of oil to use and how much can be found in the owner's manual. After adding the necessary amount of oil, kick the engine back into gear to see if the light remains.

If the warning is still there, the best course of action would be to schedule an appointment with a mechanic or technician to see what's causing the alert. Even though the vehicle won't immediately self-destruct, an illuminated oil pressure warning light should be taken care of sooner rather than later to ensure the reliability and longevity of the consumer's primary means of transportation.

Temperature Warning Light

If you see an old-fashioned-looking thermometer icon making its presence known on the dashboard, the car is letting the driver in on the fact that the temperature has ventured beyond the normal limits. The engine temperature warning light is certainly a cause for concern when it illuminates, especially considering what could happen if the problem persists.

The vital warning indicator monitors the temperature of the engine's coolant, and when things start to overheat, it is meant to give the vehicle's owner plenty of time to assess the situation. The causes for a visit from the red alert could stem from a coolant leak, excessive use on a hot day, hose cracks, or a water pump malfunction. Before taking a look, the safest practice would be to turn off the engine and let the car cool down a bit to prevent getting burned.

After checking for any potential issues and adding any necessary additional antifreeze, if the signal remains ignited or continues to appear, it is important to have the vehicle checked out by a mechanic or service station. An overheated engine can not only cause severe damage but is also a fire hazard, meaning people should never sleep on the engine temperature warning light.

On the other hand, when the indicator light is blue, it signifies that the engine hasn't warmed up sufficiently to perform at its best on the road, probably weather-related, like thanks to a cold winter morning. Therefore, it's probably wise to wait until things warm up to ensure the blue thermometer goes out before taking one's ride for a spin.

Battery Warning Light

The icon that resembles a children's building block with a positive and negative symbol at each end provides drivers with the knowledge that the car has anything but an electrifying experience when illuminated. The battery warning light displayed while a person is driving indicates there's an issue with the vehicle's charging system and that the battery is not being properly powered.

One reason that could lead to the arrival of the unfortunate warning is thanks to a defective battery due to corrosion, damaged cells, faulty connectors, or loose wires. It could be one of the many signs that the battery needs to be replaced or point to other issues with the serpentine belt or alternator. Whatever the case, it's probably a good idea to not hesitate to have a professional look into the matter and determine the best steps to take to ensure the battery doesn't drain entirely on the driver while on the road, leaving the car unable to operate.

There are several ways to tell if a battery is dead , including if people see the icon appear when the car isn't in motion. Leaving a light on in the vehicle or problems under the hood could be the cause, but hooking up jumper cables to another car battery or a jump starter charging device can spark some life into the charging system to get the power supply back on track. After a while, the car will be able to drive, and once at the destination, drivers can see what needs to be done to prevent the warning sign from showing up again.

Low Fuel Light

Another important symbol to keep an eye out for on the dashboard is the low fuel light, which is displayed by a lit-up picture of a tiny gas pump. The warning icon illuminates to let the driver know the fuel situation isn't ideal and to start taking action to prevent things from potentially escalating.

When the amount in the tank reaches a point close to going empty, usually ranging from being left with anywhere from 10–15% capacity, the little light is meant to act as a sign that it's time to pull into the next gas station before the vehicle has nothing left to run on. Being stuck in the middle of nowhere or stalling out in rush hour on the highway are scenarios that the alert has been specifically designed to ensure don't occur, which is why fueling up with the right octane gas as soon as the signal illuminates is the smart play.

While It's normal for people to have the urge to push their vehicle to its limits and continue to drive with the gas light glowing on the dashboard, the highly risky practice is not recommended. Living dangerously by squeezing every last drop of fuel out of the tank can potentially result in damage or issues and eventually require repairs to the engine. Ignoring the low fuel light puts an unnecessary amount of stress on some of the vehicle's most pivotal components, so drivers should always make a pit stop when they see the signal to fuel up.

Read the original article on SlashGear .

car dashborad with lit up symbols


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    The best jewellery for travel and for travel-lovers has both meaning and gravitas, i.e. it has REAL significance: That is to say, in addition to any value that the travel charm symbol has in itself, or the religious faith that it might represent, it can also act as a reminder to be careful when travelling: And this can be a powerful aid to staying safe whilst away from home.

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