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Explore the Wisdom of the Stars: 49 Inspiring Star Trek Quotes

October 4, 2023, 7:16 pm

49 Inspiring Star Trek Quotes

Star Trek is a science fiction franchise that has captivated audiences since its inception in 1966. Created by Gene Roddenberry, the show introduced viewers to a futuristic world where humanity had overcome its differences to explore the vastness of space. With its thought-provoking plots, diverse characters, and visionary concepts, Star Trek quickly became a cultural phenomenon.

List of 60 Star Trek Quotes

  • “Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.” – Captain James T. Kirk, Star Trek: The Original Series
  • “Live long and prosper.” – Spock, Star Trek: The Original Series
  • “Resistance is futile.” – The Borg, Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • “I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance is futile. Your life, as it has been, is over. From this time forward, you will service us.” – Locutus, Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • “Make it so.” – Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • “Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.” – Spock, Star Trek: The Original Series
  • “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” – Spock, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • “Engage.” – Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • “To boldly go where no one has gone before.” – Captain James T. Kirk, Star Trek: The Original Series
  • “I’m giving her all she’s got, Captain!” – Montgomery Scott (Scotty), Star Trek: The Original Series
  • “KHAAAN!” – Captain James T. Kirk, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • “The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth, whether it’s scientific truth or historical truth or personal truth! It is the guiding principle on which Starfleet is based.” – Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • “I have been and always shall be your friend.” – Spock, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • “There are four lights!” – Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • “The line must be drawn here! This far, no further!” – Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: First Contact
  • “I’m a doctor, not a [fill in the blank].” – Dr. Leonard McCoy, Star Trek: The Original Series
  • “Dammit, Jim, I’m a doctor, not a miracle worker!” – Dr. Leonard McCoy, Star Trek: The Original Series
  • “I’ve always thought that the starship Enterprise was a bit over-designed.” – Captain Benjamin Sisko, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  • “It’s a fake!” – Captain James T. Kirk, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
  • “You can use logic to justify almost anything. That’s its power, and its flaw.” – Captain Kathryn Janeway, Star Trek: Voyager
  • “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” – Darth Vader (Star Trek cameo in Star Wars), Star Wars
  • “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.” – Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • “You have the heart of an explorer. Together, you and I will map out every corner of the galaxy.” – Q, Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • “You can’t break the rules every time the sky is falling.” – Captain Benjamin Sisko, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  • “Warp speed, Mr. Sulu!” – Captain James T. Kirk, Star Trek: The Original Series
  • “Fascinating.” – Spock, Star Trek: The Original Series
  • “In every revolution, there’s one man with a vision.” – Zefram Cochrane, Star Trek: First Contact
  • “The trouble with Tribbles…” – Captain James T. Kirk, Star Trek: The Original Series
  • “This is the voyage of the starship Enterprise.” – Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • “We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.” – The Borg, Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • “I’m not a role model… Just because I wear this uniform doesn’t make me a hero.” – Captain Benjamin Sisko, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  • “There’s coffee in that nebula.” – Captain Kathryn Janeway, Star Trek: Voyager
  • “Klingons do not procrastinate. It is a… tactical delay.” – Worf, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  • “I cannot change the laws of physics!” – Montgomery Scott (Scotty), Star Trek: The Original Series
  • “Make it a good day.” – Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: Picard
  • “We are more alike than unalike, my dear Captain. I have pores. Humans have pores. I have… fingerprints. Humans have fingerprints.” – Data, Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • “I’d like to think that I haven’t changed those things, sir. It’s just that I know more about who I am and what I can do.” – Geordi La Forge, Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • “To cheat death is a power only one has achieved, but if we work together, I know we can discover the secret.” – Chancellor Palpatine (Star Trek cameo in Star Wars), Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
  • “The great joy and challenge of Starfleet is to explore strange new worlds.” – Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • “I’m a scientist, not a bricklayer.” – Spock, Star Trek: The Original Series
  • “Make your words sweet. You may have to eat them.” – Captain James T. Kirk, Star Trek: The Original Series
  • “I don’t believe in the no-win scenario.” – Captain James T. Kirk, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • “There’s no greater challenge than the study of philosophy.” – Spock, Star Trek: The Original Series
  • “The key to victory is discipline.” – Captain James T. Kirk, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • “The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play.” – Captain James T. Kirk, Star Trek: The Original Series
  • “I’m open to suggestions.” – Captain Benjamin Sisko, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  • “I would be delighted to offer any advice I have on understanding women. When I have some, I’ll let you know.” – Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • “Great men do not seek power; they have power thrust upon them.” – Captain James T. Kirk, Star Trek: The Original Series
  • “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Captain Benjamin Sisko, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Famous Star Trek Quotes that have become iconic

Over the years, Star Trek has produced numerous quotes that have become deeply ingrained in popular culture. These lines have transcended the boundaries of the show and have become part of our collective consciousness. One such iconic quote is “Live long and prosper” – a phrase often accompanied by the Vulcan salute. It represents the desire for longevity and prosperity, encapsulating the hope and optimism that Star Trek embodies.

Another famous Star Trek quote is “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” – a principle that Spock often emphasizes. This quote highlights the show’s exploration of ethical dilemmas and the importance of making sacrifices for the greater good. It serves as a reminder of the complexities of decision-making and the responsibility we have towards our fellow beings.

Inspirational Star Trek Quotes that can motivate and uplift

Star Trek is known for its ability to inspire and uplift its audience. The show is filled with quotes that motivate and encourage viewers to strive for greatness. One such inspirational quote is “Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end” – a reflection of Spock’s logical approach to life. This quote reminds us that intelligence and rationality are essential tools for personal growth and understanding.

Another uplifting Star Trek quote is “I have been, and always shall be, your friend” – spoken by Spock in a moment of profound emotion. This quote reminds us of the power of friendship and the lasting bonds we form with others. It encourages us to cherish our relationships and be there for our loved ones, even in the most challenging times.

Memorable Star Trek lines that have resonated with fans

Star Trek is filled with memorable lines that have resonated with fans throughout the years. These lines have become part of the fandom’s lexicon and serve as touchstones for the show’s enduring legacy. One such memorable line is “I’m a doctor, not a ______!” – a phrase often uttered by Dr. McCoy whenever he found himself in an unexpected situation. This line showcases the character’s wit and humor, endearing him to audiences.

Another memorable Star Trek line is “Make it so” – a command frequently given by Captain Picard. This simple phrase has become synonymous with leadership and determination. It represents the captain’s unwavering resolve to accomplish the mission at hand, inspiring viewers to take charge of their own lives and make things happen.

Exploring the wisdom behind the Star Trek sayings

Beyond their popularity and cultural impact, Star Trek quotes often contain profound wisdom and insight. These sayings reflect the show’s themes and values, offering valuable lessons for life. For instance, the quote “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” teaches us about the importance of empathy and sacrifice. It reminds us to consider the greater good when making decisions and to prioritize the welfare of others.

Similarly, the quote “Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end” encourages us to embrace reason and critical thinking. It reminds us that knowledge and understanding are continuous pursuits, and that we should never stop learning and growing. This quote invites us to explore different perspectives and to question our own beliefs, fostering intellectual curiosity and personal development.

How Star Trek quotes reflect the show’s themes and values

Star Trek quotes serve as a reflection of the show’s overarching themes and values. The franchise has always been known for its progressive ideas and commitment to diversity and inclusivity. Many quotes highlight these principles, promoting tolerance and acceptance. For instance, the quote “Infinite diversity in infinite combinations” celebrates the uniqueness of every individual and underscores the importance of embracing diversity.

Additionally, Star Trek quotes often explore ethical dilemmas and moral quandaries, encouraging viewers to ponder the complexities of right and wrong. They challenge us to think critically about our actions and the consequences they may have on others. These quotes promote a sense of responsibility and remind us of the power we have to shape a more just and compassionate world.

The enduring popularity of Star Trek and its influence on future generations

Despite being more than 50 years old, Star Trek continues to capture the imagination of audiences around the world. Its enduring popularity can be attributed to its timeless themes, relatable characters, and powerful storytelling. The show has inspired generations of fans to pursue careers in science, engineering, and exploration. It has sparked countless discussions about the future of humanity and our place in the universe.

Star Trek’s influence extends beyond the realm of entertainment. Its optimistic vision of the future has inspired real-world advancements and social change. From the development of modern technology to the promotion of equality and inclusivity, the show has left an indelible mark on society. Its impact can be seen in the works of scientists, inventors, and activists who were inspired by its message of hope and progress.

Sharing Star Trek quotes on social media and embracing the fandom

In today’s digital age, sharing quotes on social media platforms has become a popular way to express oneself and connect with others. Star Trek fans often turn to these platforms to share their favorite quotes and engage in discussions about the show. The fandom has created a vibrant online community, where fans can celebrate their love for Star Trek and find like-minded individuals.

By sharing Star Trek quotes on social media, fans not only pay homage to the show but also spread its messages of hope, inclusivity, and exploration. These quotes resonate with people from all walks of life, offering comfort, inspiration, and a sense of belonging. They serve as a reminder that, no matter our differences, we are all part of the same human adventure.

In conclusion, Star Trek quotes have become a cultural phenomenon, inspiring and uplifting fans for over five decades. From iconic lines that have become part of our lexicon to memorable quotes that have resonated with audiences, these sayings embody the wisdom, values, and themes of the show. They invite us to explore the vastness of space, embrace diversity, and strive for a better future. As we continue to share and celebrate these quotes, we keep the legacy of Star Trek alive and inspire future generations to boldly go where no one has gone before.

famous star trek quotes inspirational star trek quotes star trek lines Star Trek quotes Star Trek sayings

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Star Trek Quotes

75 of the Most Inspiring Star Trek Quotes

Fans have always known that Star Trek is an amazing show. The rest of us would do well to get on board. The series is actually full of timeless and universal wisdom.

The fascinating characters in the Star Trek series offer insights about ourselves and others, and encourage us all to live well. Here are 75 of the most inspiring Star Trek quotes.

Our Favorite Star Trek Quotes

  • “Evil does seek to maintain power by suppressing the truth.” “Or by misleading the inoccent.” Spock and Dr. McCoy
  • “Improve a mechanical device and you may double productivity. But improve man, you gain a thousandfold.” Khan Noonien Singh
  • “Compassion: that’s the one thing no machine ever had. Maybe it’s the one thing that keeps men ahead of them.” Dr. McCoy
  • “It is possible to commit no errors and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.” Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • “You can use logic to justify almost anything. That’s its power. And its flaw.” Captain Cathryn Janeway
  • “Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.” Spock
  • “Things are only impossible until they’re not.” Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • “I am pleased to see that we have differences. May we together become greater than the sum of both of us.” Surak
  • “Without followers, evil cannot spread.” Spock
  • “The prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they get to know each other.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “Time is fluid…like a river with currents, eddies, backwash.” Spock
  • “A library serves no purpose unless someone is using it.” Mr. Atoz
  • “Humans do have an amazing capacity for believing what they choose — and excluding that which is painful.” Spock
  • “Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again.” Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • “Change is the essential process of all existence.” Spock
  • “Without freedom of choice there is no creativity.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.” Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • “Live long, and prosper.” Spock
  • “If we’re going to be damned, let’s be damned for what we really are.” Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • “Human beings do not survive on bread alone … but on the nourishments of liberty. For what indeed is a man without freedom … naught but a mechanism, trapped in the cogwheels of eternity.” Harry Mudd
  • “Your will to survive, your love of life, your passion to know … Everything that is truest and best in all species of beings has been revealed to you. Those are the qualities that make a civilization worthy to survive.” Lai the Vian
  • “There is a way out of every box, a solution to every puzzle; it’s just a matter of finding it.” Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • “You may find that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. This is not logical, but it is often true.” Spock
  • “Sometimes a feeling is all we humans have to go on.” CaptainJames T. Kirk
  • “I speak of rights! A machine has none; a man must. If you do not grant him that right, you have brought us down to the level of the machine; indeed, you have elevated that machine above us!” Samuel T. Cogley
  • “When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” Spock
  • “Those who want war will find causes, no matter how many of them you take away.” Diane Duane
  • “A little suffering is good for the soul.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “The heart is not a logical organ.” Dr. Janet Wallace
  • “Pain is a thing of the mind. The mind can be controlled.” Spock
  • “To all mankind — may we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth.” Garth
  • “It can be argued that a human is ultimately the sum of his experiences.” Benjamin Sisko
  • “It would seem that evil retreats when forcibly confronted.” Yarnek of Excalbia
  • “When a child is taught, it’s programmed with simple instructions, and at some point, if its mind develops properly, it exceeds the sum of what it was taught, thinks independently.” Dr. Daystrom
  • “When governments murder those who speak the truth, it is time to get new governments.” Diane Duane
  • “Believing oneself to be perfect is often the sign of a delusional mind.” Data
  • “I would be delighted to offer any advice I can on understanding women. When I have some, I’ll let you know.” Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • “Intuition, however illogical, is recognized as a command prerogative.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “Violence in reality is quite different from theory.” Spock
  • “I object to intellect without discipline; I object to power without constructive purpose.” Spock
  • “It’s hard to believe that something which is neither seen nor felt can do so much harm.” “That’s true. But an idea can’t be seen or felt.” Vanna and Captain James T. Kirk
  • “Time is the fire in which we burn.” Malcolm McDowell
  • “Men don’t talk peace unless they’re ready to back it up with war.” Col. Green
  • “It’s time you learned that freedom is never a gift. It has to be earned.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “May I point out that I have gotten a chance to examine your counterparts closely. They are brutal, savage, uncivilized and illogical. They are in every way examples of Homo sapiens, the very flower of humanity.” Spock
  • “There’s only one kind of woman …” “Or man, for that matter. You either believe in yourself or you don’t.” Captain James T. Kirk and Harry Mudd
  • “Life and death are seldom logical.” “But attaining a desired goal always is.” Dr. McCoy and Spock
  • “This is why one must be careful with life,” her father had said, in very controlled wrath. “Death is the most hateful thing. Don’t allow the destruction of what you can never restore.” Diane Duane
  • “Can you imagine how life could be improved if we could do away with jealousy, greed, hate …” “It can also be improved by eliminating love, tenderness, sentiment — the other side of the coin.” Dr. Roger Corby and Captain James. T Kirk
  • “I fail to comprehend your indignation, sir. I have simply made the logical deduction that you are a liar.” Spock
  • “Many Myths are based on truth.” Spock
  • “To be human is to be complex. You can’t avoid a little ugliness – from within – and from without.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “Every living thing wants to survive.” Spock
  • “Superior ability breeds superior ambition.” Spock
  • “Look at these three words written larger than all the rest, and with special pride never written before or since — tall words, proudly saying, “We the people” … these words and the words that follow … must apply to everyone or they mean nothing.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “A lie is a very poor way to say hello.” Edith Keeler
  • “To boldly go where no man has gone before.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “It is necessary to have purpose.” Alice #1
  • “Madness has no purpose. Or reason. But it may have a goal.” Spock
  • “When the personality of a human is involved, exact predictions are hazardous.” Dr. McCoy
  • “If I can have honesty, it’s easier to overlook mistakes.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “A father doesn’t destroy his children.” Lt. Carolyn Palamas
  • “Our species can only survive if we have obstacles to overcome. You remove those obstacles. Without them to strengthen us, we will weaken and die.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “Behind every great man, there is a woman — urging him on.” Harry Mudd
  • “Another dream that failed. There’s nothing sadder.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “We’re a most promising species, Mr. Spock, as predators go. Did you know that? I frequently have my doubts. I don’t. Not any more. And maybe in a thousand years or so, we’ll be able to prove it.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “One man cannot summon the future. But one man can change the present!” Alternate Mr. Spock
  • “Curious, how often you humans manage to obtain that which you do not want.” Spock
  • “We prefer to help ourselves. We make mistakes, but we’re human — and maybe that’s the word that best explains us.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “Now, I don’t pretend to tell you how to find happiness and love, when every day is a struggle to survive. But I do insist that you do survive, because the days and the years ahead are worth living for!” Edith Keeler
  • “Leave bigotry in your quarters; there’s no room for it on the bridge.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “The release of emotion is what keeps us healthy. Emotionally healthy.” “That may be, Doctor. However, I have noted that the healthy release of emotion is frequently unhealthy for those closest to you.” Dr. McCoy and Spock
  • “How we deal with death is at least as important as how we deal with life.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “Insults are effective only where emotion is present.” Spock
  • “Too much of anything, even love, isn’t necessarily a good thing.” Captain James T. Kirk

Related: Ron Swanson Quotes

These quotes from Star Trek offer encouragement and inspiration. And if you are a huge Star Trek fan they will bring you back to an episode of the TV show or a specific Star Trek Movie. In either case, they will bring a smile to your face. They help us remember that, regardless of the place, time, or situation we find ourselves in, living well is important. Yes, we are complex. But then, we are human.

Related: The Best Spock Quotes  and Ready Player One Quotes

Alice Judy

I’m Alice Judy and AnQuotes is a fun hobby for me. We know that everyone loves a great quote and our mission here is simple – to be the best and most interesting quote site in the world! If you have quotes you would like us to cover, please contact us.

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star trek quotes about space

70 Star Trek Quotes on Exploring Wonders of the Universe

Let these Star Trek quotes show you how friendship, logic, and fun are no different, no matter where you are!

Star Trek is a sci-fi series created by Gene Roddenberry in the 1970s. It became a pop culture phenomenon that expanded through different forms of media. It currently has countless movie adaptations and sequels that fans keep watching repeatedly.

Like the Vulcans, humans can also reach their full potential by training the mind to reason. This method is one of the universe’s secrets that Star Trek has vowed to teach its viewers. 

As the series ventures into conflict and wars, it teaches us that the heart and mind are essential in achieving growth. No doubt, there are countless lessons to be learned from this cult favorite. So, hop on the ride and explore the fantastic world of Star Trek! 

Check out the complete list below.

And make sure to read these Spock quotes and Captain Kirk quotes .

Best Star Trek Quotes

1. “To all mankind: May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty, that we cannot fill them with love and warmth.” – Garth of Izar

2. “Insufficient facts always invite danger.” – Spock 

3. “We prefer to help ourselves. We make mistakes, but we’re human—and maybe that’s the word that best explains us.” – James T. Kirk

4. “Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.” – Spock 

5. “You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves and irrational fear of the unknown. There is no such thing as the unknown. Only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood.” – James T. Kirk

6. “Change is the essential process of all existence.” – Spock 

7. “If we’re going to be damned, let’s be damned for what we really are.” – Jean-Luc Picard

8. “I have been told that patience is sometimes a more effective weapon than the sword.” – Worf

Famous Star Trek Quotes

9. “Live long and prosper!” – Spock 

10. “Leave bigotry in your quarters; there’s no room for it on the bridge.” – James T. Kirk

11. “A species that enslave other beings is hardly superior, mentally or otherwise.” – James T. Kirk

12. “With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.” – Jean-Luc Picard

13. “The prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they get to know each other.” – James T. Kirk

Motivational Star Trek Quotes to Inspire You

14. “One man cannot summon the future. But one man can change the present!” – Spock

15. “The only person you’re truly competing against is yourself.” – Jean-Luc Picard

16. “There is a way out of every box, a solution to every puzzle; it’s just a matter of finding it.” – Jean-Luc Picard 

17. “Our species can only survive if we have obstacles to overcome. You remove those obstacles. Without them to strengthen us, we will weaken and die.” – James T. Kirk

18. “Pain is a thing of the mind. The mind can be controlled.” – Spock

Also read: Inspirational Quotes , Quotes to Live By

Encouraging Star Trek Quotes for Aspiring Leaders

19. “What makes one man an exceptional leader? We see indications that it’s his negative side that makes him strong, that his evil side, controlled and disciplined, is vital to his strength. Your negative side is removed from you, the power of command begins to elude you.” – Spock

20. “I realize that command does have its fascination, even under circumstances such as these, but I neither enjoy the idea of command nor am I frightened of it. It simply exists, and I will do whatever logically needs to be done.” – Spock

21. “When governments murder those who speak the truth, it is time to get new governments.” – Diane Duane

Also read: Encouraging Quotes

Star Trek Quotes to Help You Live In the Now

22. “Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again.” – Jean-Luc Picard

23. “Now, I don’t pretend to tell you how to find happiness and love when everyday’s a struggle to survive. But I do insist that you do survive because the days and the years ahead are worth living for!” – Edith Keeler

24. “To survive is not enough. To simply exist—is not enough”’ – Roga Danar

Star Trek Quotes for Some Guidance in Life

25. “Loss of life is to be mourned, but only if the life was wasted.” – Spock

26. “It is possible to commit no errors and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.” – Jean-Luc Picard

27. “Your will to survive, your love of life, your passion to know—everything that is truest and best in all species of beings has been revealed to you. Those are the qualities that make a civilization worthy to survive.” – Vian

28. “A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away.” – Dr. Phillip Boyce

29. “When honor dies—when trust is a useless thing—what use is life?” – Spock

Short Star Trek Quotes That Are Remarkably Wise

30. “Sometimes a feeling is all we humans have to go on.” – James T. Kirk

31. “A lie is a very poor way to say hello.” – Edith Keeler

32. “Confidence is faith in oneself. It can’t easily be given by another.” – Deanna Troi

33. “Insults are effective only where emotion is present.” – Spock

34. “A library serves no purpose unless someone is using it.” – Atoz

Insightful Star Trek Quotes to Ponder On

35. “You can use logic to justify almost anything. That’s its power. And its flaw.” – Kathryn Janeway

36. “Flair is what marks the difference between artistry and mere competence.” – William T. Riker

37. “Respect is earned, not bestowed.” – Deanna Troi

38. “I see no logic in wanting to worship a deity who demands you live in perpetual fear.” – Spock

39. “Well, I know this much: We can’t avoid the future.” – William T. Riker

Star Trek Quotes That Zoom in on Humanity

40. “Humans do have an amazing capacity for believing what they choose—and excluding that which is painful.” – Spock

41. “To be human is to be complex. You can’t avoid a little ugliness from within and from without.” – James T. Kirk

42. “When the personality of a human is involved, exact predictions are hazardous.” – Leonard McCoy

43. “Curious, how often you humans manage to obtain that which you do not want.” – Spock 

44. “That may be the most important thing to understand about humans. It is the unknown that defines our existence. We are constantly searching, not just for answers to our questions, but for new questions. We are explorers. We explore our lives day by day, and we explore the galaxy, trying to expand the boundaries of our knowledge. And that is why I am here. Not to conquer you with weapons or with ideas. But to coexist and learn.” – Benjamin Sisko

Profound Star Trek Quotes to Unravel the Nature of Man

45. “Perhaps man wasn’t meant for paradise. Maybe he was meant to claw, to scratch all the way.” – James T. Kirk

46. “They used to say that if man were meant to fly, he’d have wings. But he did fly. He discovered he had to.” – James T. Kirk

47. “In critical moments, men sometimes see exactly what they wish to see.” – Spock

Star Trek Quotes That Will Change the Way You Perceive Freedom

48. “Without freedom of choice, there is no creativity.” – James T. Kirk

49. “It’s time you learned that freedom is never a gift. It has to be earned.” – James T. Kirk

50. “Human beings do not survive on bread alone but on the nourishments of liberty. For what indeed is a man without freedom—naught but a mechanism, trapped in the cogwheels of eternity.” – Harry Mudd

Star Trek Quotes That Explore the Idea of God

51. “Sharing an orbit with God is no small experience.” – Deanna Troi

52. “What Hamlet said with irony I say with conviction: ‘What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god!'” – Jean-Luc Picard

53. “What does God need with a starship?” – James T. Kirk

Star Trek Quotes to Show You How Evil Works

54. “Without followers, evil cannot spread.” – Spock 

55. “Evil does seem to maintain power by suppressing the truth.” – Spock 

56. “Violence—in reality—is quite different from theory.” – Spock 

57. “Madness has no purpose. Or reason. But it may have a goal.” – Spock 

58. “When there is no emotion, there is no motive for violence.” – Spock 

Star Trek Quotes That Tackle Death 

59. “This is why one must be careful with life. Death is the most hateful thing. Don’t allow the destruction of what you can never restore.” – Diane Duane

60. “You find it easier to understand the death of one than the death of a million.” – Spock

61. “I haven’t faced death. I’ve cheated death. I’ve tricked my way out of death and patted myself on the back for my ingenuity; I know nothing.” – James T. Kirk

Funny Star Trek Quotes

62. “Sir, you have a many-legged beast crawling up your shoulder.” – Spock

63. “Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.” – Data

64. “If I were human, I believe my response would be ‘Go to Hell.’—if I were human.” – Spock

65. “I have never understood the female capacity to avoid a direct answer to any question.” – Spock

66. “Emotions are alien to me. I’m a scientist.” – Spock

More Star Trek Quotes to Emphasize the Importance of Technology

67. “Computers make excellent and efficient servants, but I have no wish to serve under them.” – Spock

68. “Compassion: That’s the one thing no machine ever had. Maybe it’s the one thing that keeps men ahead of them.” – Leonard McCoy

69. “I speak of rights! A machine has none; a man must. If you do not grant him that right, you have brought us down to the level of the machine; indeed, you have elevated that machine above us!” – Samuel T. Cogley

70. “Improve a mechanical device, and you may double productivity. But improve man, you gain a thousandfold.” – Khan Noonien Singh

Did These Quotes Open Your Eyes to the World?

Venturing out into the unknown is not an easy feat. But, it is through this curiosity that we can grow and develop as individuals.

This is one of the main lessons that Star Trek wants to impart to its viewers. Life is not limited to what you can see, hear, and touch. Most of the time, there are countless amazing things that we are yet to experience.

As they went on their voyage, they learned many things about the world, their teammates, and themselves. In the same way, if we explore beyond our comfort zones, we’ll be able to open our eyes to the different realities that people go through every day.

These realities will then lead us to make choices that can impact ourselves and the world. It’s difficult, but thanks to Star Trek, we’re made aware that every decision should be made with logic and emotion. Listen to both your heart and your mind, find a balance, and we’re sure you’ll make the best choice possible.

No doubt, Star Trek is a show that entertains and shares pearls of wisdom we can never get from the usual shows. So, we hope that you were able to learn a thing or two through this collection. Feel free to reread the list and find more new lessons relevant to you!

Are you a fan of Star Trek? Are there any other quotes you’d like us to add? Comment below.

  • 50 Captain Kirk Quotes on Hope and Humanity
  • 70 Spock Quotes on Logic and Humanity
  • 100 Patrick Star Quotes on Friendship & Common Sense

star trek quotes about space

Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen , a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn .

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22 Famous Star Trek Quotes that Will Live Forever

22 Famous Star Trek Quotes that Will Live Forever

If you haven’t watched Star Trek , you’ve at least heard about it. The sci-fi television series created by Gene Roddenberry has earned millions of fans over the years.

Roddenberry was allegedly inspired by Gulliver's Travels and a TV series called Wagon Train to create Star Trek.  Each episode of the series is built as an incredible adventure, but also as a morality tale, considering that the episodes depict cultural realities and conflicts like war and peace, sexism, human rights, religion, economics, loyalty, racism and technology.

RELATED:  19 Yoda Quotes to Keep You Away From the Dark Side and Awaken the Greatness Within

Due to this approach, Star Trek is not only about space adventure and exploration. The franchise is also recognized for being one of the first TV series with a multiracial cast and applauded for its attitude toward civil rights.

The Star Trek world was full of wisdom and great lines, but here are 22 of the most meaningful quotes from its characters . 

A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away. -- Dr. Boyce
Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end. -- Spock
You may find that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. This is not logical, but it is often true. -- Spock
Live now ; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again. -- Jean-Luc Picard
Sometimes a feeling is all we humans have to go on. -- Captain Kirk
With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably. -- Jean-Luc Picard
The prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they get to know each other. -- Captain Kirk
If we're going to be damned, let's be damned for what we really are. -- Jean-Luc Picard
Insufficient facts always invite danger. -- Spock
Perhaps man wasn't meant for paradise. Maybe he was meant to claw, to scratch all the way. -- Captain Kirk
In critical moments, men sometimes see exactly what they wish to see. -- Spock
Compassion: that's the one thing no machine ever had. Maybe it's the one thing that keeps men ahead of them. -- Dr. McCoy
Change is the essential process of all existence. -- Spock
Without followers, evil cannot spread. -- Spock
Our species can only survive if we have obstacles to overcome . You remove those obstacles. Without them to strengthen us, we will weaken and die. -- Captain Kirk
Curious, how often you humans manage to obtain that which you do not want. -- Spock
One man cannot summon the future. But one man can change the present! -- Spock
To all mankind -- may we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth. -- Garth
You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, and irrational fear of the unknown. There is no such thing as the unknown. Only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood. -- Captain Kirk
A species that enslaves other beings is hardly superior -- mentally or otherwise. -- Captain Kirk
Now, I don't pretend to tell you how to find happiness and love, when every day is a struggle to survive. But I do insist that you do survive, because the days and the years ahead are worth living for! -- Edith Keeler
Live long and prosper! -- Spock

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Teens Matchmake Their Single Parents Into Tying the Knot

Tucker and Corbin were best friends. But now? Thanks to some pretty impressive match-making skills, they just became brothers.

Teenage Best Friends Play Matchmakers


In 2015, Brittany's world came crashing down when her husband passed away, leaving her a single mom to two kids (aged 5 and 7).

Over the years she went on a few dates "but nobody really stuck around" for her kids.

Nobody that is, until Jason Walker.

Divorced, Jason was also raising two kids on his own. When his son, Corbin, met Brittany's son, Tucker, a year and a half ago, they immediately became best friends.

"We coparented them and always joked about who had custody of them, everywhere they went they came as a package deal," Brittany shared on a now-viral TikTok .

And it wasn't long before the teenage boys decided to play matchmaker.

"The boys set out on a mission to make us talk every time we dropped off/picked up, and we always heard 'date my dad' and 'date my mom,'" Brittany explained.

But initially, their parents weren't playing.

When their not-so-subtle tactics didn't work, Tucker and Corbin called in reinforcements — their older siblings. As the saying goes, "There's strength in numbers." With all four kids in on the act, these two parents didn't stand a chance.

"So the boys started it and then they got his oldest involved," Brittany told PEOPLE . "He said, 'You should listen to the boys and give it a chance.'"

"And then my oldest started doing the same! She was like, 'Mama, the way he looks at you, it's just so sweet. He's in love with you and you don't even know it. You don't even see it.' They were all invested in this," she added.

Jason finally made the first move. He sent Brittany a text asking if she wanted to go out for tacos and margaritas. She said "Yes."

"We took a chance on what was right in front of us the whole time."

From "Bros" To Brothers

Best friends Tucker and Corbin walking Brittany down the aisle.


From that moment on, Jason and Brittany were inseparable (much to the delight of their kids). And three months later, the boys got their wish, escorting Brittany down the aisle.

In the text overlay on pictures of their wedding day, the bride wrote, “Turns out taking that chance was one of the best things we could ever do. In you, I’ve found my closest friend, my lover, and protector.”

She also gave their "two goofballs" the credit they so richly deserved.

"The missing pieces to the puzzle are finally all in place. All because 2 goofballs pushed us to give this a try."

It's a match made in teenage heaven.

Brittany and Jason think so too. "Never in a million years did I imagine our friendship turning into one of my favorite love stories of all time," Brittany wrote in another TikTok caption . And yet, here they are.

"I think both of us just wonder, 'Is this even real?'"

"Sometimes I catch him looking at me and I'm like, 'What are you looking at?' And he's like, 'I don't know, it's just weird to know that somebody loves me like you do.' And I feel the same way."

It's possible the boys just scored brownie points...FOR LIFE.

Life almost never goes the way we plan. But sometimes? It goes exactly the way it's supposed to.

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Teen With Down Syndrome Is Thrilled to Be Invited to Party

When you're a teenager, parties can be the event of the year — that is, if you're on the guest list. Chances are, unless you were Regina George, at some point or another we've all been excluded from a party we were dying to go to.

There's no worse feeling than hearing about all your friends having the best night ever when you were stuck at home watching a re-run of Friends (the irony isn't lost on us).

So when one teenager with Down syndrome was invited to her first party ever, she was over the moon..but she had no idea what was in store for her.

A Dream Come True

Macy's life has often been marked by exclusion. According to her mom, Heather Avis, Macy has only been invited to a handful of birthday parties since starting school. So when Macy got into the car one day, clutching an invitation with a look of pure joy, Heather knew this was a moment to cherish.

"Yesterday, Macy showed me an invitation to a birthday party for a friend at school who is also in the life skills program," Heather shared in an Instagram post. "Her joy from this invitation is palpable. WOW! To me, it spoke of a longing fulfilled. All I could do was laugh with her and then cry as I celebrated with her."

A Moment of Pure Joy — "We All Want To Be Wanted"

See on Instagram

In a heartwarming video, Macy's excitement is evident as she waves the invitation, her happiness contagious.

"You got invited to a birthday party?" Heather asks, her voice choked with emotion.

"Yeah!" Macy replies, grinning from ear to ear before letting out a joyful squeal.

Heather's voice breaks as she explains to TODAY.com , "My sweet girl is so elated to be included. It speaks to the common humanity that we all share. We all as humans want to feel like we belong. We all want to be wanted."

A Celebration of Belonging

On May 30, Heather shared an update that highlighted the significance of the birthday party. Macy is seen laughing and clapping, her body language speaking volumes.

"What did you tell me when we were there?" Heather asks.

"I love it here!" Macy responds, her joy undeniable.

Later, Macy adds, "I love birthday parties!"

Heather highlights an important detail: the birthday boy is a disabled student in the life skills class at Macy’s school. "The party was inclusive not because a student in the general education program invited Macy, but because a person with an intellectual disability invited both disabled and non-disabled individuals," Heather wrote. "It was inclusive because people like Macy and the young man we were celebrating, who are often excluded, truly understand how to include others. Let’s reflect on that for a moment!"

A Lesson In Inclusion

Macy's story is a powerful reminder of the importance of inclusion and the simple yet profound joy of being invited and included. It highlights the universal desire to belong and the impact that a single act of kindness can have. As Macy continues to find her place and share her happiness, she serves as an inspiration to create a world where everyone feels wanted and valued.

“We all have the opportunity to be the person to say, ‘I’m going to create a space where everyone can belong,'" she says.

"When I arrived at the party, I didn’t know anyone there. As Macy and I approached the birthday boy’s mom to introduce ourselves and thank her for the invitation, she greeted us with huge hugs and said, 'I’m so happy you’re here!' I confessed that I felt a bit nervous because I didn’t know anyone, and she reassured me, saying, 'Oh, these are our people. This is a safe space for all of us.' And she was absolutely right."

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Star Trek Quotes

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Source: Star Trek

Speaker: Narrator

"Space, the final frontier."

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

This memorable quote is from the introduction to Star Trek: The Original Series (1966-69).

When the starship Enterprise set off on its five-year voyage in 1964 (or the 23rd century, but who's counting?) it was introduced to America with a brief monologue before each episode, one that inspired a generation of geeks…er, nerds…um, Trekkies to dream of "Space, the final frontier" and hope "to boldly go where no man has gone before."

That original voyage might have only lasted three years instead of a planned five, but the franchise still boldly goes new places today.

Where you've heard it

You hear this line any time someone references space travel , Star Trek, or basically any sci-fi at all.

Also, your English teacher loves to use "to boldly go" as an example of a split infinitive.  Star Trek is proof that everyone's grammar will be terrible in the 23rd century.

Pretentious Factor

If you were to drop this quote at a dinner party, would you get an in-unison "awww" or would everyone roll their eyes and never invite you back? Here it is, on a scale of 1-10.

star trek quotes about space

There's something inherently pretentious about space travel, and calling it "the final frontier" makes it kind of even more pretentious. We all know what happened to American Indians when settlers started exploring that frontier. Martians, beware.

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10 Star Trek Quotes That Perfectly Sum Up The Franchise


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Star Trek is one of the most enduring science fiction franchises of all time. Built on the adventures of Captain Kirk and the crew of the Starship Enterprise in Star Trek: The Original Series , the franchise has branched out into multiple feature films and spinoff series.

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Fans of Star Trek love to watch their favorite movies and episodes over and over again. But one thing they probably like to do even more is to quote their most beloved entries in the saga. Trek has long been a franchise about the exploration of space as well as the human condition, and many of the franchise's most iconic quotes perfectly encapsulate the spirit of creator Gene Roddenberry's vision.

10 "I Dare You To Do Better."

Captain christopher pike - star trek (2009).

When director J.J. Abrams helmed the rebooted version of Star Trek for his 2009 film of the same name, fans were skeptical whether new versions of Kirk, Spock, and the rest of the crew could hold up against the original. In a pivotal scene, Captain Christopher Pike (Bruce Greenwood) let fans know that the movie understood the pressure it was under.

Attempting to recruit a listless James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) into Starfleet, Pike brings up Kirk's own father ( Chris Hemsworth in his pre- Thor days ), who died heroically in the film's opening scene. It was a dare not only to Kirk but to the Trek franchise in general to hold up to its storied ideals and standards.

9 "We Work To Better Ourselves And The Rest Of Humanity."

Captain jean-luc picard - star trek: first contact (1996).

Star Trek: First Contact is widely regarded by fans as the best standalone movie starring the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation . It's no secret that Patrick Stewart is one of the most quotable figures in Trek history, having dropped many iconic speeches in his role as Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

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But when he describes his home time of the 24th century to the cynical 21st-century Lily (Alfre Woodard), Captain Picard perfectly encapsulates the ideals perpetuated by the series. Star Trek takes place in a world where the people of Earth have given up chasing personal gain for the sake of profit and instead seek the enrichment of one's self and humanity at large.

8 "Spock, You Want To Know Something? Everybody's Human."

Captain james t. kirk - star trek vi: the undiscovered country (1991).

The original crew of the Enterprise was last seen together in 1991's Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country , directed by Nicholas Meyer. Kirk ( William Shatner ) and the cast celebrated 25 years of exploring the galaxy in the crew's swan song, and after multiple scenes of thrills and action, Kirk and Mr. Spock ( Leonard Nimoy ) shared a quiet moment in Spock's cabin.

With his Vulcan first officer contemplating age and outliving one's usefulness, Kirk points out that aging and vulnerability are part of being human. Spock , of course, protests that he is not human. He finds Kirk's declaration that "everybody's human" insulting. But it is a reminder that Star Trek is, above all, about the things that unite people under a common umbrella.

7 "We Are Searching, Not Just For Answers To Our Questions. But For New Questions."

Commander benjamin sisko - star trek: deep space nine, "emissary" (1993).

The premiere episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , "Emissary," set the series apart from its predecessors in multiple ways. One aspect of the franchise that didn't change was the commitment to exploring the galaxy. Faced with the non-corporeal Prophets, Comander Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) struggles to explain the concept of linear questions.

In doing so, Sisko describes Starfleet's mission statement to a tee. Sisko perfectly describes the nature of Starfleet's goal of exploring the galaxy - exploration for the sake of discovery and knowledge.

6 "Let's Make Sure History Never Forgets The Name Enterprise."

Captain jean-luc picard - star trek: the next generation, "yesterday's enterprise" (1990).

"Yesterday's Enterprise" is one of the hallmark episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation . A shift in the timeline results in Captain Picard and the Enterprise-D getting caught up in the middle of a decades-long war with the Klingon Empire. As Picard braces his crew for a last stand against the Klingons, he rallies them around the name of his iconic ship.

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The legacy of the Enterprise is as important to fans as any other character. Indeed, to many Trekkies, the Enterprise is herself a character. It's a stirring call to action and an emphatic reminder that each piece of the Trek universe is an integral part of its legacy.

5 "Life Must Be Worn Gloriously."

Captain christopher pike - star trek: strange new worlds, "strange new worlds" (2022).

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds gets almost everything about Star Trek right . The show's return to single-episode morality tales after the more serialized Discovery and Picard has enabled Trek to study the human condition again, and this emphasis is displayed wonderfully in the journey of Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount).

Knowing that a disastrous accident lies in his future and recognizing that his life will change irrevocably, Pike stands between two warring factions on a primitive planet. The Captain reminds a world on the verge of self-annihilation that life is a gift.

4 "Risk Is Our Business!"

Captain james t. kirk - star trek: the original series, "return to tomorrow" (1968).

Star Trek: The Original Series showcased the danger inherent in space exploration. It reflected the times, as humanity was making its push to reach the moon, and more than a few dangers of space travel had been horrifically realized. However, in the episode "Return to Tomorrow," Captain Kirk reminds his crew that risk is required for growth.

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By reminding his crew that risk is part of the reason he and his crew are aboard the Enterprise, Kirk makes it known that he expects his crew to push itself to the limits. It's a statement about how critical growth and knowledge are to the Star Trek ethos.

3 "A Starship Also Runs On Loyalty."

Commander spock - star trek: the original series, "the ultimate computer" (1968).

The camaraderie of the crew is one of the aspects of Star Trek that fans of the series most treasure. Throughout the franchise, many episodes centered around Kirk putting himself at personal risk for the betterment and safety of his crew mates. The crew of the Enterprise was fiercely loyal to one another.

When Starfleet uses the Enterprise as a test bed for a computer that can control all starship operations, Mr. Spock is at first fascinated by the prospect. But when Kirk realizes the computer will make him obsolete, Spock reminds his captain that a ship also needs the loyalty and dedication of the human element.

2 "Of All The Souls I've Encountered In My Travels, His Was The Most Human"

Admiral james t. kirk - star trek ii: the wrath of khan (1982).

The death of Spock is one of the most heartbreaking moments in the history of the Star Trek franchise. When eulogizing his friend at the end of Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan , Kirk reflects on the humanity of his famously-alien first officer and best friend.

RELATED: 13 Greatest Star Trek Villains Of All Time, Ranked

Fans of the franchise were uniquely drawn to the dichotomy of Spock's human and Vulcan halves. With Spock having given his life for the crew of the Enterprise, Kirk's emotional declaration that Spock's human side ultimately won out is a statement of hope, which is ultimately what the Trek franchise is all about.

1 "Logic Clearly Dictates That The Needs Of The Many Outweigh The Needs Of The Few."

Captain spock - star trek ii: the wrath of khan (1982).

Spock famously notes in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan that "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." In isolation, it's foreshadowing Spock's sacrifice at the end of the film. However, in a broader view, it is perhaps the unifying tenet of the entire franchise.

Starfleet's mission statement is to explore strange new worlds and seek out new civilizations. But it is also an organization built on loyalty and sacrifice. This statement of simple logic from Star Trek 's most famous character is referenced by fans and critics alike whenever the franchise displays one of its famous moral dilemmas. It is definitely the most enduring quote in Star Trek history.

NEXT: Star Trek: 10 Things That Still Hold Up Today

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Published Jan 3, 2023

Top 10 Fan-Favorite Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Quotes

In celebration of the beloved series' 30th anniversary, YOU shared your favorite moments with us!

Illustrated banner of Deep Space 9 (formerly Terok Nor) space station

StarTrek.com / Rob DeHart

On this day, 30 years ago, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine broadcasted across TV screens, luring fans in with its dark, grittier adventures aboard the Deep Space 9 space station (formerly known as Terok Nor).

Through its serialized stories, fans encountered main characters who were non-Federation officers, the inner politics of the Federation, complex interpersonal relationships, the true effects of war, and the largely unexplored Gamma Quadrant.

In recognition of Deep Space Nine 's 30th anniversary, we asked our fans what their favorite quotes from the series were, and boy did YOU deliver! In no particular order, we present to you the Top 10 fan-favorite quotes from the series:

8 Stand Out Moments From Deep Space Nine

"In The Pale Moonlight," Season 6, Episode 19

“a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the alpha quadrant, so i will learn to live with it. because i can live with it. i can live with it. computer, erase that entire personal log.”  — benjamin sisko.

Sisko raises his glass while dictating his personal log in his room on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


"It’s A Fake!" — Senator Vreenak

Senator Vreenak lifts his fist as he shouts 'It's a fake' on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

"Take Me Out to the Holosuite," Season 7, Episode 4

"death to the opposition" — worf.

Worf in his baseball uniform in the middle of a game in a Holosuite simulation on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

"The Siege of AR-558," Season 7, Episode 8

“let me tell you something about hew-mons, nephew. they're a wonderful, friendly people, as long as their bellies are full and their holosuites are working. but take away their creature comforts, deprive them of food, sleep, sonic showers, put their lives in jeopardy over an extended period of time and those same friendly, intelligent, wonderful people... will become as nasty and as violent as the most bloodthirsty klingon.” — quark.

Quark cautions his nephew Nog about putting all your faith in the Federation and Hew-mons on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

"Improbable Cause," Season 3, Episode 20

"but the point is, if you lie all the time, nobody's going to believe you, even when you're telling the truth." — dr. bashir "are you sure that's the point, doctor" — garak "of course. what else could it be" — dr. bashir "that you should never tell the same lie twice." — garak.

Bashir cautions Garak about his lies while treating him in Sickbay on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

"By Inferno's Light," Season 5, Episode 15

“everyone has their reasons. that’s what's so frightening. people can find a way to justify any action, no matter how evil. you can’t judge people by what they think or say, only by what they do.” — kira nerys.

Kira Nerys speaks to Ziyal about her father's actions on the Promenade on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

"A Man Alone," Season 1, Episode 4

“the law commander, laws change, depending on who's making them. cardassians one day, federation the next. but justice is justice.” — odo.

Odo in the Commander's office debating the merits of law and justice on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

"Far Beyond the Stars," Season 6, Episode 13

"for all we know, at this very moment, somewhere, far beyond all those distant stars, benny russell is dreaming of us." — benjamin sisko.

Sisko looks out of his window with his reflection as Benny Russell looks back at him on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

"The Wire," Season 2, Episode 22

"out of all the stories you told me, which ones that you told me were true and which ones weren't" — dr. bashir "my doctor, they all were true." — garak "even the lies" — dr. bashir "especially the lies" — garak.

Bashir sits across from Garak and smiles on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

"Q-Less," Season 1, Episode 6

"you hit me picard never hit me." — q "i'm not picard." — benjamin sisko.

Q on the floor after being hit by Sisko on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

BONUS: The ever talkative Morn!

Morn sits in Quark's bar, silent as usual.

Stay tuned to StarTrek.com for more details! And be sure to follow @StarTrek on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram .

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25 Quotes from ‘Star Trek’ Space Philosopher Captain Kirk

There are two types of people in this world — those who love William Shatner as the “Priceline Negotiator,” and those who love him as space philosopher and Adonis Captain James Tiberius Kirk. We tend to side with the latter. No one pauses during a speech like old Jim, commanding his fleet with the wisdom of an ancient sage (when he wasn’t busy wooing space’s female population). Today is Shatner’s 84th birthday, so join us in remembering these philosophical musings from one of pop culture’s greatest characters.

star trek quotes about space

“ Genius doesn’t work on an assembly line basis. . . . You can’t simply say, ‘Today I will be brilliant.'”

“A little suffering is good for the soul .”

“How we deal with death is at least as important as how we deal with life .”

“Conquest is easy. Control is not.”

“Without freedom of choice there is no creativity. The body dies.”

star trek quotes about space

“There are a million things in this universe you can have and there are a million things you can’t have. It’s no fun facing that, but that’s the way things are.”

“Hang on tight and survive . Everybody does.”

“You either believe in yourself or you don’t.”

“You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves , an irrational fear of the unknown. But there’s no such thing as the unknown — only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood.”

“Death. Destruction. Disease. Horror. That’s what war is all about. That’s what makes it a thing to be avoided.”

star trek quotes about space

“We’re human beings with the blood of a million savage years on our hands! But we can stop it . We can admit that we’re killers . . . but we’re not going to kill today. That’s all it takes! Knowing that we’re not going to kill — today!”

“A balance of power — the trickiest, most difficult, dirtiest game of them all, but the only one that preserves both sides.”

“They used to say that if Man was meant to fly , he’d have wings. But he did fly. He discovered he had to.”

“Most legends have their basis in fact.”

“There’s another way to survive — mutual trust and help.”

star trek quotes about space

“The prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they get to know each other.”

“ Intuition , however illogical, Mr. Spock, is recognized as a command prerogative.”

“Sometimes a feeling is all we humans have to go on.”

“Galloping around the cosmos is a game for the young.”

“A captain of a ship, no matter his rank, must follow the book.”

star trek quotes about space

“Most people are afraid of being alone.”

“You go slow, be gentle. It’s no one-way street — you know how you feel and that’s all. It’s how the girl feels, too. Don’t press. If the girl feels anything for you at all, you’ll know.”

“Beauty . . . survives .”

“ Love sometimes expresses itself in sacrifice.”

“If I can have honesty , it’s easier to overlook mistakes.”

Star Trek: The Original Series

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55 'Star Trek' Quotes To Channel Those Vulcan 'Live Long And Prosper' Vibes

Scene From 'Star Trek: The Next Generation': Star Trek Quotes

“Space, the final frontier…” Even if you’re not a Trekkie , you’ve definitely heard a Star Trek quote or two. The original TV show about space exploration with men in bright colored shirts aired back in 1966 and grew into a massive franchise — from movies to huge conventions, an animated series, and five TV spin-offs, including the equally popular Star Trek: The Next Generation . The series introduced us to memorable characters like Captain Kirk, Spock, and the oh-so-sexy Jean-Luc Picard, along with many others. One thing most of them had in common? They were pretty darn philosophical (not to mention hilariously droll), which has created an impressive legacy of Star Trek quotes you’ll likely hear around the watercooler at some point in your life.

How much you own your nerd status probably determines how many lines from the iconic series you’ve memorized. Or how many you admit to knowing, anyway. But keeping a few Star Trek quotes in your back pocket to break out in casual conversation can have quite a few benefits. The words of Spock and company might give you a boost of confidence, help you gain a little clarity, or (dare we say?) inspire you to reach for the stars. At the very least, they’ll likely lead to some pretty cool new friends. And if you have a kid who proudly proclaims the Trekkie title, well, you can use these quotes to earn a little extra cool mom cred.

So, to boldly go only where diehard Trekkies go, here are the Star Trek quotes you need to know.

Best Star Trek Quotes

  • “Live long and prosper!” — Spock
  • “What does God need with a starship?” — Captain Kirk
  • “Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.” — Spock
  • “Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again.” — Jean-Luc Picard
  • “Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.” — Data
  • “You may find that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. This is not logical, but it is often true.” — Spock
  • “Please, Mrs. Troi! … and it’s Worf, not Woof.” — Lt. Worf
  • “Insufficient facts always invite danger.” — Spock
  • “I am a doctor, not a bricklayer.” — Dr. McCoy
  • “Make it so!” — Jean-Luc Picard
  • “Perhaps man wasn’t meant for paradise. Maybe he was meant to claw, to scratch all the way.” — Captain Kirk
  • “Well, I know this much: We can’t avoid the future.” — William T. Riker
  • “Respect is earned, not bestowed.” — Deanna Troi
  • “Just before they went into warp, I beamed the whole kit and kaboodle into their engine room, where they’ll be no tribble at all.” — Scotty
  • “I’m a doctor, not an escalator.” — Dr. McCoy
  • “Yes, sir. I am attempting to fill a silent moment with non-relevant conversation.” — Data
  • “Flair is what marks the difference between artistry and mere competence.” — William T. Riker
  • “The only person you’re truly competing against is yourself.” — Jean-Luc Picard
  • “Dammit, Jim!” — Dr. McCoy
  • “I am not a merry man.” — Lt. Worf
  • “Emotions are alien to me. I’m a scientist.” — Spock
  • “Fear is the true enemy. The only enemy.” — William T. Riker
  • “In critical moments, men sometimes see exactly what they wish to see.” — Spock
  • “Compassion: That’s the one thing no machine ever had. Maybe it’s the one thing that keeps men ahead of them.” — Dr. McCoy
  • “Sharing an orbit with God is no small experience.” — Deanna Troi
  • “I would gladly risk feeling bad at times if it also meant that I could taste my dessert. — Data
  • “I have been told that patience is sometimes a more effective weapon than the sword.” — Lt. Worf
  • “Change is the essential process of all existence.” — Spock
  • “Sometimes a feeling is all we humans have to go on.” — Captain Kirk
  • “I cannae change the laws of physics! I’ve got to have thirty minutes!” — Scotty
  • “If we’re going to be damned, let’s be damned for what we really are.” — Jean-Luc Picard
  • “Computers make excellent and efficient servants, but I have no wish to serve under them.” — Spock
  • “Leave bigotry in your quarters; there’s no room for it on the bridge.” — Captain Kirk
  • “Baby needs a new pair of shoes.” — Data
  • “The prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they get to know each other.” — Captain Kirk
  • “Things are only impossible until they are not.” — Jean-Luc Picard
  • “I’m a doctor, not a mechanic.” — Dr. McCoy
  • “If we resist, we die. If we don’t resist… we die.” — William T. Riker
  • “Madness has no purpose. Or reason. But it may have a goal.” — Spock
  • “You mind your place, mister, or you’ll be wearing concrete galoshes.” — Scotty
  • “Confidence is faith in oneself. It can’t easily be given by another.” — Deanna Troi
  • “Engage!” — Jean-Luc Picard
  • “I have been and always shall be your friend.” — Spock
  • “A lie is a very poor way to say hello.” — Edith Keeler
  • “A species that enslaves other beings is hardly superior, mentally or otherwise.” — Captain Kirk
  • “Curious, how often you humans manage that which you do not want.” — Spock
  • “A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away.” — Dr. Boyce
  • “Humans do have an amazing capacity for believing what they choose — and excluding that which is painful.” — Spock
  • “It’s not safe out here. It’s wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it’s not for the timid.” — Q
  • “With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.” — Jean-Luc Picard
  • “You can use logic to justify almost anything. That’s its power. And its flaw.” — Captain Cathryn Janeway
  • “Without followers, evil cannot spread.” — Spock
  • “They used to say that if man was meant to fly, he’d have wings. But he did fly. He discovered he had to.” — Captain Kirk
  • “When governments murder those who speak the truth, it is time to get new governments.” — Diane Duane
  • “To all mankind: May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty, that we cannot fill them with love and warmth.” — Garth

star trek quotes about space

star trek quotes about space

  • Movie quotes
  • Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

“Star Trek V: The Final Frontier” quotes

Movie Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

“- Spock: I do not believe you realize the gravity of your situation . - Kirk: Gravity was foremost on my mind.” Leonard Nimoy - Spock William Shatner - James T. Kirk
- Kirk: "All I ask is a tall ship, and a star to steer by". - McCoy: Melville. - Spock: John Masefield. - McCoy: Are you sure about that? - Spock: I am well-versed in the classics, Doctor. William Shatner - James T. Kirk DeForest Kelley - McCoy Leonard Nimoy - Spock
“- Sybok: Every culture in this galaxy shares this common dream of a place from which creation sprang. For us, that place will soon be reality. - Kirk: The only reality I see is that I'm a prisoner on my own ship. What is this power you have to control the minds of my crew ? - Sybok: I don't control minds. I free them.” Laurence Luckinbill - Sybok William Shatner - James T. Kirk
“- Kirk: I thought I was going to die. - Spock: Not possible. You were never alone.” William Shatner - James T. Kirk Leonard Nimoy - Spock
“It's a song , you green-blooded Vulcan! The words aren't important. What's important is that you have fun singing it!” DeForest Kelley - McCoy
“- McCoy: We were speculating. Is God really out there? - Kirk: Maybe he's not out there, Bones. Maybe he's right here . Human heart.” DeForest Kelley - McCoy William Shatner - James T. Kirk
“- Kirk: Damn it Spock! God damn it! - Spock: Captain, what have I done? - Kirk: What you've done is betray every man on this ship! - Spock: Worse I've betrayed you. I do not expect you to forgive me. - Kirk: Forgive you? I oughta knock you on your goddamned ass! - Spock: If you think it would help.” William Shatner - James T. Kirk Leonard Nimoy - Spock
“- God: Do you doubt me? - McCoy: I doubt any God who inflicts pain for his own pleasure.” George Murdock - God DeForest Kelley - McCoy
“- McCoy: I'll tell you one thing, Spock: You never cease to amaze me. - Spock: Nor I, myself.” DeForest Kelley - McCoy Leonard Nimoy - Spock
“- J'Onn: What is it you seek ? - Sybok: What you seek . What all men have sought since time began. The ultimate knowledge .” Rex Holman - J'onn Laurence Luckinbill - Sybok
“Damn it, Bones, you're a doctor. You know that pain and guilt can't be taken away with a wave of a magic wand. They're the things we carry with us, the things that make us who we are. If we lose them, we lose ourselves. I don't want my pain taken away! I need my pain!” William Shatner - James T. Kirk
“- Spock: He reminds me of someone I knew in my youth. - McCoy: Why, Spock, I didn't know you had one. - Spock: I do not often think of the past.” Leonard Nimoy - Spock DeForest Kelley - McCoy
“- Chekov: Admit it, we're lost. - Sulu: All right, we're lost. But we're making good time!” Walter Koenig - Chekov George Takei - Sulu
“- McCoy: All that time in space, getting on each other's nerves. And what do we do when shore leave comes along? We spend it together. Other people have families. - Kirk: Other people, Bones. Not us.” DeForest Kelley - McCoy William Shatner - James T. Kirk
“The people of your world once believed the world was flat. Columbus proved it was round. They said the sound barrier could never be broken!... It was broken. They said warp-speed could not be achieved.” Laurence Luckinbill - Sybok
“- J'Onn: Where did you get this power ? - Sybok: The power was within you. - J'Onn: I feel... as if a weight has been lifted from my heart. How can I repay you for this miracle? - Spock: Join my quest.” Rex Holman - J'onn Laurence Luckinbill - Sybok
“God's a busy man!” William Shatner - James T. Kirk
“- Sybok: I thought weapons were forbidden on this planet. Besides, I can't believe you'd kill me for a field of empty holes. - J'onn: It's all I have.” Laurence Luckinbill - Sybok Rex Holman - J'onn
“- Spock: Jim. - Kirk: Yes, Spock? - Spock: Life... is not a dream . - Kirk: Go to sleep , Spock.” Leonard Nimoy - Spock William Shatner - James T. Kirk
“- Spock: Concentration is vital. You must be one with the rock . - Kirk: Spock, I appreciate your concern, but if you don't stop bothering me, I'm liable to be one with the ground!” Leonard Nimoy - Spock William Shatner - James T. Kirk
- Kirk: What are you doing? - Spock: I am preparing to toast a marsh melon. - McCoy: Well, I'll be damned. A marsh melon. Where'd you learn to do that? - Spock: Before leaving the ship, I consulted the computer library to familiarize myself with the customs associated with "camping out". - McCoy: Well, tell me, Spock. What do you do after we... (continue) (continue reading) William Shatner - James T. Kirk Leonard Nimoy - Spock DeForest Kelley - McCoy
“- Spock: It appears we're too heavy. - Kirk: Must be all those marsh melons.” Leonard Nimoy - Spock William Shatner - James T. Kirk
“- Sybok: I couldn't help but notice your pain! - God: My pain? - Sybok: It runs deep, share it with me!” Laurence Luckinbill - Sybok George Murdock - God
“- Sybok: Your pain runs deep. - J'Onn: What do you know of my pain? - Sybok: Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.” Laurence Luckinbill - Sybok Rex Holman - J'onn
“- Kirk: What does God need with a starship? - McCoy: Jim, what are you doing? - Kirk: I'm asking a question. - God: Who is this creature? - Kirk: Who am I? Don't you know? Aren't you God? - Sybok: He has his doubts . - God: You doubt me? - Kirk: I seek proof.” William Shatner - James T. Kirk DeForest Kelley - McCoy George Murdock - God Laurence Luckinbill - Sybok

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Quotes

  • seriousness
  • forgiveness
  • concentration

Aliens Quotes

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21 Star Trek quotes to help you boldly go through the workday

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The Blue Origin flight crew aboard the New Shepard spacecraft included a Star Trek legend: actor William Shatner (aka Captain James T. Kirk). After today’s mission, the 90-year-old Shatner is now the oldest person to travel to space. In honor of Shatner’s historic flight, please enjoy this list of our favorite Star Trek quotes.

  • “Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.”–Spock
  • “Highly illogical.”–Spock
  • “Live long, and prosper.”–Spock
  • “Things are only impossible until they’re not.”–Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • “Insufficient facts always invite danger.”–Spock
  • “Compassion: that’s the one things no machine ever had. Maybe it’s the one thing that keeps men ahead of them.”–Dr. McCoy
  • “We prefer to help ourselves. We make mistakes, but we’re human–and maybe that’s the word that best explains us.”–Captain James T. Kirk
  • “Improve a mechanical device and you may double productivity. But improve man, you gain a thousandfold.”–Khan Noonien Singh
  • “I am pleased to see that we have differences. May we together become greater than the sum of both of us.”–Surak
  • “It is possible to commit no errors and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.”–Captain Jean-Luc Picard to Data
  • “I canna’ change the laws of physics.”–Montgomery “Scotty” Scott
  • “KHAAANNN!”–Captain James T. Kirk
  • “One man cannot summon the future.”–Spock
  • “But one man can change the present!”–Kirk
  • “Change is the essential process of all existence.”–Spock
  • “It is the lot of ‘man’ to strive no matter how content he is.”–Spock
  • “Computers make excellent and efficient servants, but I have no wish to serve under them.”–Spock
  • “Without freedom of choice there is no creativity.”–Captain James T. Kirk
  • “You can use logic to justify almost anything. That’s its power. And its flaw.”–Captain Cathryn Janeway
  • “There is a way out of every box, a solution to every puzzle; it’s just a matter of finding it.”–Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • “To boldly go where no man has gone before.”–Captain James T. Kirk

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Screen Rant

I’m glad star trek: ds9 abandoned the original controversial plan for chief o’brien.


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  • Turning Chief O'Brien into a Cardassian on DS9 was scrapped, avoiding a major storyline disaster.
  • Dropping O'Brien led to Major Kira having one of her best DS9 episodes instead.
  • The idea of O'Brien being a Cardassian would pose too many questions and undermine his character.

I'm glad that Star Trek: Deep Space Nine abandoned a plan to turn Star Trek veteran Chief Miles O'Brien (Colm Meaney) into a Cardassian. It was revealed in Star Trek: The Next Generation season 4, episode 12, "The Wounded" that O'Brien was a veteran of the Federation-Cardassian War, which meant that he was prejudiced against Cardassians. This prejudice became more pronounced in DS9 when his anti-Cardassian sentiments were used against him in season 2, episode 25, "Tribunal". To turn this prejudice on its head, writer Robert Hewitt Wolfe wanted to turn the beloved Deep Space Nine character into a Cardassian in season 3.

The episode in question was an early version of what would eventually become Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 3, episode 5, "Second Skin". The finished version centered on Major Kira Nerys (Nana Visitor) being altered to appear Cardassian as part of an elaborate plot by the Obsidian Order. However, Robert Hewitt Wolfe's original version of "Second Skin" would have been an O'Brien Must Suffer episode in which Miles discovered he was a Cardassian spy who had infiltrated Starfleet after the Setlik III Massacre . Thankfully, this never happened, as I'm sure it would have ruined one of DS9 's best-loved characters.

DS9's Chief O'Brien Called Out A Problematic Star Trek Blind Spot

Star Trek is all about inclusion and diversity, but it doesn't always get it right, as DS9's Chief O'Brien actor Colm Meaney once pointed out.

Star Trek’s Chief O’Brien Being A Cardassian Would Have Been A Huge Mistake

The ramifications for both tng and ds9 would have been too large..

I can't begin to get my head around the ramifications of revealing that Chief O'Brien was actually a Cardassian spy in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . The revelation would have meant that the O'Brien we met in Star Trek: The Next Generation 's pilot, "Encounter at Farpoint", was a Cardassian spy . Revealing this in DS9 season 3 would have asked too many questions to satisfyingly answer in the course of a 45-minute episode. For example, how would Starfleet react to the revelation that the Chief Petty Officer of their flagship was actually a spy for the Cardassian Union?

Hewitt Wolfe's idea was realized, in some form, in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Tribunal", which revealed that O'Brien's former colleague, Boone, was a genetically altered Cardassian spy.

Robert Hewitt Wolfe's intention was to explore the idea of identity, with the moral of the story being that it only mattered who O'Brien was now . To me, that ending feels like a cop-out. At this stage in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 's life, it's hard to escape the feeling that this major revelation about O'Brien's identity would be swept under the carpet in the following episode. To do something so massive in such a disposable way would have been an insult to O'Brien's character, and the viewers that had been watching him since 1987.

Dropping O’Brien Gave Kira One Of Her Best Star Trek: DS9 Episodes

Robert Hewitt Wolfe decided to abandon the Chief O'Brien version of "Second Skin" when he couldn't reconcile how a Cardassian spy could have a human daughter . By dropping O'Brien, Hewitt Wolfe ended up giving us one of Major Kira's best DS9 episodes . Crucially, Kira isn't revealed to be a Cardassian, but is instead an unwitting pawn in a plan by the Obsidian Order to expose the dissident Tekeny Ghemor (Lawrence Pressman). As she's not actually a spy like O'Brien would have been, Kira's experiences do influence her later development in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .

As well as reprising his role as Tekeny Ghemor in season 5, Lawrence Pressman appeared in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 's season 3 finale as a Changeling infiltrator masquerading as Ambassador Krajensky.

Kira calls Ghemor an " honorable man " at the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 3, episode 5, "Second Skin", which is a big moment for her. Like Chief O'Brien, Kira is also prejudiced against Cardassians, due to their Occupation of Bajor . However, through Tekeny Ghemor, Kira gets to understand that not every Cardassian is a brutal dictator, some see another way forward. I can't see Robert Hewitt Wolfe's original version of "Second Skin" having this same impact on O'Brien, which is why the story works far better with Major Kira than the Chief.

All episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine are available to stream on Paramount+

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

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Not available

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, also known as DS9, is the fourth series in the long-running Sci-Fi franchise, Star Trek. DS9 was created by Rick Berman and Michael Piller, and stars Avery Brooks, René Auberjonois, Terry Farrell, and Cirroc Lofton. This particular series follows a group of individuals in a space station near a planet called Bajor.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation is the third installment in the sci-fi franchise and follows the adventures of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew members of the USS Enterprise. Set around one hundred years after the original series, Picard and his crew travel through the galaxy in largely self-contained episodes exploring the crew dynamics and their own political discourse. The series also had several overarching plots that would develop over the course of the isolated episodes, with four films released in tandem with the series to further some of these story elements.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993)

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993–1999) is a science fiction television series based on Gene Roddenberry ’s Star Trek , created by Rick Berman and Michael Piller , and produced by Paramount Pictures .

Emissary [1.1]

Past prologue [1.3], a man alone [1.4], babel [1.5], captive pursuit [1.6], q-less [1.7], the passenger [1.9], move along home [1.10], the nagus [1.11], vortex [1.12], battle lines [1.13], the storyteller [1.14], progress [1.15], if wishes were horses [1.16], the forsaken [1.17], dramatis personae [1.18], duet [1.19], in the hands of the prophets [1.20], the homecoming [2.1], the circle [2.2], the siege [2.3].

- Krim, to Benjamin Sisko and Li Nalas

Invasive Procedures [2.4]

[Sisko is blocking Verad Dax's escape]

Cardassians [2.5]

Melora [2.6], rules of acquisition [2.7], necessary evil [2.8], second sight [2.9], sanctuary [2.10], rivals [2.11], the alternate [2.12].

Dr. Mora Pol: You are truly a remarkable life-form, Odo.

Armageddon Game [2.13]

Whispers [2.14], paradise [2.15], shadowplay [2.16], playing god [2.17], profit and loss [2.18], blood oath [2.19], the maquis, part i [2.20], the maquis, part ii [2.21], the wire [2.22], crossover [2.23], the collaborator [2.24], tribunal [2.25], the jem'hadar [2.26], the search, part i [3.1], the search, part ii [3.2], the house of quark [3.3], equilibrium [3.4], second skin [3.5], the abandoned [3.6], civil defense [3.7], meridian [3.8], defiant [3.9], fascination [3.10], past tense, part i [3.11], past tense, part ii [3.12], life support [3.13], heart of stone [3.14], destiny [3.15], prophet motive [3.16], visionary [3.17], distant voices [3.18], through the looking glass [3.19], improbable cause [3.20], the die is cast [3.21], explorers [3.22], family business [3.23], shakaar [3.24], facets [3.25], the adversary [3.26], the way of the warrior [4.1], the visitor [4.3], hippocratic oath [4.4], indiscretion [4.5], rejoined [4.6], starship down [4.7].

(Quark and Hanok are trying to disarm an unexploded torpedo)

Little Green Men [4.8]

The sword of kahless [4.9], our man bashir [4.10].

Bashir presses the button and floods the world

- Falcon and Hippocrates Noah; after Bashir destroys the world

Homefront [4.11]

(Joseph has cut his finger)

Paradise Lost [4.12]

Crossfire [4.13], return to grace [4.14], sons of mogh [4.15], bar association [4.16], accession [4.17], rules of engagement [4.18], hard time [4.19], shattered mirror [4.20], the muse [4.21], for the cause [4.22], to the death [4.23], the quickening [4.24], body parts [4.25], broken link [4.26], apocalypse rising [5.1], the ship [5.2], looking for par'mach in all the wrong places [5.3], ...nor the battle to the strong [5.4], the assignment [5.5], trials and tribble-ations [5.6].

(We see Quark, in much the same situation that K-7's bartender was left in, with one tribble perched on his head and hundreds more scattered throughout the bar)

Let He Who Is Without Sin... [5.7]

Things past [5.8], the ascent [5.9], rapture [5.10], the darkness and the light [5.11], the begotten [5.12], for the uniform [5.13], in purgatory's shadow [5.14], by inferno's light [5.15], doctor bashir, i presume [5.16], a simple investigation [5.17], business as usual [5.18], ties of blood and water [5.19], ferengi love songs [5.20], soldiers of the empire [5.21], children of time [5.22], blaze of glory [5.23].

(Trying to fight off the Jem'Hadar, Eddington is mortally wounded)

Empok Nor [5.24]

In the cards [5.25], call to arms [5.26], a time to stand [6.1], rocks and shoals [6.2], sons and daughters [6.3], behind the lines [6.4], favor the bold [6.5], sacrifice of angels [6.6], you are cordially invited... [6.7], resurrection [6.8], statistical probabilities [6.9], the magnificent ferengi [6.10], waltz [6.11], who mourns for morn [6.12], far beyond the stars [6.13], one little ship [6.14], honor among thieves [6.15], change of heart [6.16], wrongs darker than death or night [6.17], inquisition [6.18], in the pale moonlight [6.19], his way [6.20], the reckoning [6.21], valiant [6.22], profit and lace [6.23], time's orphan [6.24], the sound of her voice [6.25], tears of the prophets [6.26], image in the sand [7.1], shadows and symbols [7.2], afterimage [7.3], take me out to the holosuite [7.4], chrysalis [7.5], treachery, faith, and the great river [7.6], once more unto the breach [7.7], the siege of ar-558 [7.8], covenant [7.9], it's only a paper moon [7.10], prodigal daughter [7.11], the emperor's new cloak [7.12], field of fire [7.13], chimera [7.14], badda-bing badda-bang [7.15], inter arma enim silent leges [7.16], penumbra [7.17], 'til death do us part [7.18], strange bedfellows [7.19], the changing face of evil [7.20], when it rains [7.21], tacking into the wind [7.22], extreme measures [7.23], the dogs of war [7.24], what you leave behind [7.25].

Dukat burns Winn alive. However her death is enough of a distraction for Sisko to hurl himself, Dukat and the Book in the fire caves; Dukat and Book are destroyed; Sisko ends up in the Celestial Temple and talks with his mother.

  • U.S.S. Defiant (NX-74205) dedication plaque.
  • Avery Brooks – Benjamin Sisko
  • Nana Visitor – Kira Nerys
  • Alexander Siddig – Doctor Julian Bashir
  • Colm Meaney – Chief Miles O'Brien
  • René Auberjonois – Constable Odo
  • Cirroc Lofton – Jake Sisko
  • Armin Shimerman – Quark
  • Terry Farrell – Jadzia Dax [Seasons 1–6]
  • Michael Dorn – Lieutenant Commander Worf [Seasons 4–7]
  • Nicole de Boer – Ezri Dax [Season 7]

External links

  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine quotes at the Internet Movie Database
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine at StarTrek.com
  • Contrary to a comment from NY Comic Con, Michael Piller and I pitched our ideas for DS9 to Gene, and he gave us his enthusiastic approval.
  • We pitched the concept and characters. We didn't lay-out 7 years of story arcs. It was far too early to know where it was going.
  • Rick Berman, Twitter, October 13th 2014.
  • Rick Berman, "Berman Refutes Sirtis Assertion That Roddenberry ‘Hated’ Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" Adam Cohen, October 13, 2014.
  • I think Deep Space [Nine] was the show that really took Star Trek as far as you could take it. You have the original series which is a sort of a landmark, it changes everything about the way science fiction is presented on television, at least space-based science fiction. Then you have Next Generation which, for all of its legitimate achievements is still a riff on the original. It's still sort of like, ok, it's another star ship and it's another captain – it's different but it's still a riff on the original. Here comes Deep Space [Nine] and it just runs the table in a different way. It just says ok, you think you know what Star Trek is, let's put it on a space station, and let's make it darker. Let's make it a continuing story, and let's continually challenge your assumptions about what this American icon means. And I think it was the ultimate achievement for the franchise. Personally, I think it's the best of all of them, I think it's an amazing piece of work.
  • Ronald D. Moore , 'Ending an Era' featurette Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – Season Seven DVD, interview dated December 10, 2002.
  • Marina Sirtis "Berman Refutes Sirtis Assertion That Roddenberry ‘Hated’ Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" Adam Cohen, October 13, 2014.
  • J. Michael Straczynski "Is This The Smoking Gun Proving Deep Space ine Ripped Off Babylon 5?" Ryan Britt, TOR.com , Feb 26, 2013.
  • George Takei , Exclusive: GEORGE TAKEI THANKS FANS FOR 40 YEARS OF 'STAR TREK' - PART 2 Sean Elliot, IF Magazine , interview 11/20/2007.
  • Joss Whedon , Angel TV Preview , Entertainment Weekly published in issue #727-728 (12 September 2003).

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Star Trek

  • Spock Prime : James T. Kirk!
  • James T. Kirk : Excuse me?
  • Spock Prime : How did you find me?
  • James T. Kirk : Whoa... how do you know my name?
  • Spock Prime : I have been and always shall be your friend.
  • James T. Kirk : Wha...
  • [ shakes head ]
  • James T. Kirk : Uh... look... I-I don't know you.
  • Spock Prime : I am Spock.
  • James T. Kirk : Bullshit.
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : Are you actually suggesting they're from the future?
  • Spock : If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : How poetic.
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : Permission to speak freely, sir?
  • Spock : I welcome it.
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : Do you? OK, then. Are you out of your Vulcan mind? Are you making a logical choice, sending Kirk away? Probably. But, the right one? You know, back home we have a saying: "If you're gonna ride in the Kentucky Derby, you don't leave your prize stallion in the stable."
  • Spock : A curious metaphor, doctor, as a stallion must first be broken before it can reach its potential.
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : My God, man, you could at least ACT like it was a hard decision.
  • Spock : I intend to assist in the effort to reestablish communication with Starfleet. However, if crew morale is better served by my roaming the halls weeping, I will gladly defer to your medical expertise. Excuse me.
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : [ as Spock leaves ] Green-blooded hobgoblin.
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : How the hell did they do that, by the way? And where did the Romulans get that kind of weaponry?
  • Spock : The engineering comprehension necessary to artificially create a black hole may suggest an answer. Such technology could theoretically be manipulated to create a tunnel through space-time.
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : Damn it man, I am a doctor, not a physicist!
  • Spock Prime : What if I told you that your transwarp theory was correct, that is is indeed possible to beam onto a ship that is traveling at warp speed?
  • Scotty : I think if that equation had been discovered, I'd have heard about it.
  • Spock Prime : The reason you haven't heard of it, Mr. Scott, is because you haven't discovered it yet.
  • Scotty : I'm s... Wha... It... Are you from the future?
  • James T. Kirk : Yeah, he is. I'm not.
  • Scotty : Well, that's brilliant. Do they still have sandwiches there?
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : I may throw up on ya.
  • James T. Kirk : I think these things are pretty safe.
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : Don't pander to me, kid. One tiny crack in the hull and our blood boils in thirteen seconds. Solar flare might crop up, cook us in our seats. And wait'll you're sitting pretty with a case of Andorian shingles, see if you're still so relaxed when your eyeballs are bleeding. Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence.
  • James T. Kirk : Well, I hate to break this to you, but Starfleet operates in space.
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : Yeah. Well, I got nowhere else to go. The ex-wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce. All I got left is my bones.
  • Vulcan Council President : You have surpassed the expectations of your instructors. Your final record is flawless, with one exception: I see that you have applied to Starfleet as well.
  • Spock : It was logical to cultivate multiple options.
  • Vulcan Council President : Logical, but unnecessary. You are hereby accepted to the Vulcan Science Academy. It is truly remarkable, Spock, that you have achieved so much despite your disadvantage. All rise.
  • [ the Vulcan Council stands in honor of Spock, who now looks slightly pissed ]
  • Spock : If you would clarify, Minister: to what disadvantage are you referring?
  • Vulcan Council President : Your human mother.
  • Spock : Council... Ministers, I must decline.
  • Vulcan Council President : No Vulcan has ever declined admission to this academy!
  • Spock : Then, as I am half-human, your record remains untarnished.
  • Sarek : Spock, you have made a commitment to honor the Vulcan way.
  • Vulcan Council President : Why did you come before this council today? Was it to satisfy your emotional need to rebel?
  • Spock : The only emotion I wish to convey is gratitude. Thank you, Ministers, for your consideration.
  • [ In a tone reserved for telling someone to 'Go to Hell' ]
  • Spock : Live long and prosper.
  • [ Spock notices a elder Vulcan walking in the docking bay ]
  • Spock : Father!
  • [ the elder Vulcan turns and is revealed as Spock Prime ]
  • Spock Prime : I am not our father.
  • [ Young Spock, now recognizing who he is, approaches ]
  • Spock Prime : There are so few Vulcans left, we cannot afford to ignore each other.
  • Spock : Then why did you send Kirk aboard when you alone could have explained the truth?
  • Spock Prime : Because you needed each other. I could not deprive you of the revelation of all that you could accomplish together, of a friendship that will define you both in ways you cannot yet realize.
  • Spock : How did you persuade him to keep your secret?
  • Spock Prime : He inferred that universe-ending paradoxes would ensue should he break his promise.
  • Spock : You lied.
  • Spock Prime : Aww... I... I implied.
  • Spock : A gamble.
  • Spock Prime : An act of faith. One I hope that you will repeat in your future in Starfleet.
  • Spock : In the face of extinction, it is only logical that I resign my Starfleet commission and help rebuild our race.
  • Spock Prime : And, yet, you can be in two places at once. I urge you to remain in Starfleet. I have already located a suitable planet on which to establish a Vulcan colony. Spock, in this case, do yourself a favor: Put aside logic. Do what feels right.
  • [ Spock Prime turns and leaves ]
  • Spock Prime : Since my customary farewell would appear oddly self-serving, I shall simply say...
  • [ Shows Vulcan hand salute ]
  • Spock Prime : Good luck.
  • Scotty : I like this ship! You know, it's exciting!
  • Spock : I am as conflicted as I once was as a child.
  • Sarek : You will always be a child of two worlds. I am grateful for this, and for you.
  • Spock : I feel anger for the one who took Mother's life - an anger I *cannot* control.
  • Sarek : I believe... that she would say, "Do not try to." You asked me once why I married your mother. I married her because I loved her.
  • Spock Prime : To stop Nero, you alone must take command of your ship.
  • James T. Kirk : How? Over your dead body?
  • Spock Prime : Preferably not.
  • [ last lines ]
  • Spock Prime : [ closing monologue ] Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life-forms and new civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone before.
  • James T. Kirk : Your ship is compromised, too close to the singularity to survive without assistance, which we are willing to provide.
  • Spock : [ speaking privately ] Captain, what are you doing?
  • James T. Kirk : Showing them compassion may be the only way to earn peace with Romulus. It's logic, Spock. I thought you'd like that.
  • Spock : No, not really. Not this time.
  • Nero : [ replying to the offer of assistance ] I would rather suffer the end of Romulus a thousand times. I would rather die in agony than accept assistance from you.
  • James T. Kirk : You got it! Arm phasers. Fire everything we've got!
  • James T. Kirk : Now, what is it with you, Spock? Hm? Your planet was just destroyed, your mother murdered, and you're not even upset!
  • Spock : If you are presuming that these experiences in any way impede my ability to command this ship, you are mistaken.
  • James T. Kirk : And yet you were the one who said fear was necessary for command. I mean, did you see his ship? Did you see what he did?
  • Spock : Yes, of course I did.
  • James T. Kirk : So are you afraid or aren't you?
  • Spock : I will not allow you to lecture me about the merits of emotion.
  • James T. Kirk : Then why don't you stop me?
  • Spock : Step away from me, Mister Kirk.
  • James T. Kirk : What is it like not to feel anger... or heartbreak... or the need to stop at nothing to avenge the death of the woman who gave birth to you?
  • Spock : Back away from me.
  • James T. Kirk : You feel NOTHING! It must not even COMPUTE for you! You NEVER loved her!
  • [ Spock snaps and attacks Kirk, nearly killing him ]
  • Sarek : SPOCK!
  • [ Spock regains control ]
  • James T. Kirk : [ on Spock ] Who was that pointy-eared bastard?
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : I don't know, but I like him.
  • Spock : [ standing across Lt. Uhura before he and Kirk are about to be beamed onto the Romulan warship ] I will be back.
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : [ leaning in ] You better be! I'll be monitoring your frequency.
  • Spock : [ actually quite emotional ] Thank you, Nyota.
  • James T. Kirk : [ after Uhura leaves ] So her first name's Nyota?
  • Spock : I have no comment on the matter.
  • Sarek : Speak your mind, Spock.
  • Spock : That would be unwise.
  • Sarek : What is necessary is never unwise.
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : Well, congratulations, Jim. We've got no captain and no god-damned first officer to replace him.
  • Kirk : Yeah, we do.
  • [ Kirk sits himself into the captain's chair ]
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : What?
  • Hikaru Sulu : Pike made him first officer.
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : You gotta be kidding me!
  • Kirk : Thanks for the support.
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : I sure hope you know what you're doing...
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : [ sarcastically ] ... CAPTAIN.
  • Kirk : So do I.
  • Scotty : Except, the thing is, even if I believed you, right, where you're from, what I've done - which I don't, by the way - you're still talking about beaming aboard the Enterprise while she's traveling faster than light, without a proper receiving pad.
  • Scotty : [ to Keenser ] Get off there! It's not a climbing frame!
  • Scotty : [ back to Spock Prime ] The notion of transwarp beaming is like trying to hit a bullet with a smaller bullet whilst wearing a blindfold, riding a horse.
  • [ Spock writes on a paper ]
  • Scotty : What's that?
  • Spock Prime : Your equation for achieving transwarp beaming.
  • Scotty : [ to himself ] He's out of it
  • Scotty : [ reads the equation ] Imagine that! It never occurred to me to think of SPACE as the thing that was moving!
  • Spock Prime : You are, in fact, the Mr. Scott who postulated the theory of transwarp beaming?
  • Scotty : That's what I'm talking about! How do you think I wound up here? Had a little debate with my instructor on relativistic physics and how it pertains to subspace travel. He seemed to think that the range of transporting something like a... like a grapefruit was limited to about 100 miles. I told him that I could not only beam a grapefruit from one planet to the adjacent planet in the same system - which is easy, by the way - I could do it with a life form. So, I tested it out on Admiral Archer's prized beagle.
  • James T. Kirk : Wait, I know that dog. What happened to it?
  • Scotty : I'll tell you when it reappears. Ahem. I don't know, I do feel guilty about that.
  • Spock : [ Kirk has been appointed captain, and the Enterprise is preparing to depart. Spock enters the bridge ] Permission to come aboard, Captain.
  • James T. Kirk : Permission granted.
  • Spock : As you have yet to select a first officer, respectfully, I would like to submit my candidacy. Should you desire, I can provide character references.
  • James T. Kirk : It would be my honor, Commander.
  • Spock : [ on intercom ] Dr Puri, report.
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : It's McCoy. Dr. Puri was on Deck 6. He's dead.
  • Spock : Then you have just inherited his responsibility as Chief Medical Officer.
  • [ McCoy looks at a burning medical room full of casualties from the attack ]
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : Yeah, tell me something I DON'T know!
  • James T. Kirk : [ still suffering from the vaccine ] My mouth is itchy. Is that normal?
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : Well, those symptoms won't last long. I'm going to give you a mild sedative.
  • James T. Kirk : Oh, I wish I didn't know you.
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : Don't be such an infant.
  • [ He jabs Kirk with a hypodermic needle ]
  • James T. Kirk : OWW! How long's it supposed to...
  • [ he suddenly collapses on the bed ]
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : [ Shaking his head ] Unbelievable.
  • Spock : Acting Captain's Log, Stardate 2258.42. We have had no word from Captain Pike. I've therefore classified him a hostage of the war criminal known as Nero. Nero, who has destroyed my home planet and most of its six billion inhabitants. While the essence of our culture has been saved in the elders who now reside upon this ship, I estimate no more than 10,000 have survived. I am now a member of an endangered species.
  • Spock : [ volunteering for what could be a suicide mission ] Romulans and Vulcans share a common ancestor. Our cultural similarities will make it easier for me to access the ship's computer to locate the device. Also, my mother was human, which makes Earth the only home I have left.
  • James T. Kirk : I'm coming with you.
  • Spock : I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.
  • James T. Kirk : See? We are getting to know each other.
  • Christopher Pike : [ whistles to break up fight between cadets and Kirk ] Outside! All of you! Now!
  • Christopher Pike : [ to Kirk ] You all right, son?
  • Kirk : [ Looks at him upside down and stunned ] You can whistle really loud, you know that?
  • James T. Kirk : You know, coming back in time, changing history... that's cheating.
  • Spock Prime : A trick I learned from an old friend.
  • [ With an uncharacteristic smile, he gives the Vulcan salute to Kirk ]
  • Spock Prime : Live long and prosper.
  • Spock : [ to Kirk ] Out of the chair.
  • [ Kirk rushes onto the bridge, urging the ship to stop. Three-way arguing ensues between him, Spock, and Pike ]
  • Spock : I can remove the cadet...
  • James T. Kirk : Try it!
  • Christopher Pike : Kirk!
  • James T. Kirk : This cadet is trying to save the bridge!
  • Spock : By recommending a full stop, mid-warp, during a rescue mission?
  • James T. Kirk : It's not a rescue mission. Listen to me, it's an attack!
  • Spock : Based on what facts?
  • James T. Kirk : That same anomaly, a "lightning storm in space" that we saw today, also occurred on the day of my birth, shortly before a Romulan ship attacked the U.S.S. Kelvin. You know that, sir, I read your dissertation. That ship, which had formidable and advanced weaponry, was never seen or heard from again. The Kelvin attack took place at the edge of Klingon space, and at 2300 hours last night, there was an attack: forty-seven Klingon warbirds destroyed by Romulans, sir, and it was reported that the Romulans were in one ship, one massive ship.
  • Christopher Pike : And you know of this Klingon attack how?
  • [ Kirk glances at Uhura ]
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : Sir, I intercepted and translated the message myself. Kirk's report is accurate.
  • James T. Kirk : We're warping into a trap, sir. The Romulans are waiting for us, I promise you that.
  • [ Unsettled, Pike looks at Spock ]
  • Spock : The cadet's logic is sound. And Lt. Uhura is unmatched in xenolinguistics, we would be wise to accept her conclusion.
  • Christopher Pike : You know, I couldn't believe it when the bartender told me who you are.
  • James T. Kirk : Who am I, Captain Pike?
  • Christopher Pike : Your father's son.
  • James T. Kirk : [ Turns toward the bar ] Can I get another one?
  • Christopher Pike : For my dissertation, I was assigned the U.S.S. Kelvin. Something I admired about your Dad: he didn't believe in no-win scenarios
  • James T. Kirk : Sure learned his lesson!
  • Christopher Pike : Well, it depends on how you define winning. You're here, aren't you?
  • James T. Kirk : [ as beer is brought to him ] Thanks.
  • Christopher Pike : You know that instinct to leap without looking, that was his nature too. And in my opinion it's something Starfleet's lost.
  • James T. Kirk : [ laughing ] Why are you talkin' to me, man?
  • Christopher Pike : 'Cause I looked up your file while you were drooling on the floor. Your aptitude tests are off the charts, so what is it? You like being the only genius level repeat offender in the Midwest?
  • James T. Kirk : Maybe I love it.
  • Christopher Pike : Look, so your Dad dies. You can settle for a less than ordinary life, or do you feel like you were meant for something better? Something special? Enlist in Starfleet.
  • James T. Kirk : [ scoffs ] Enlist!
  • James T. Kirk : [ laughs ] You guys must be way down on your recruiting quota for the month!
  • Christopher Pike : If you're half the man your father was, Jim, Starfleet could use you. You could be an officer in four years. You could have your own ship in eight. You understand what the Federation is, don't you? It's important. It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...
  • James T. Kirk : Are we done?
  • Christopher Pike : I'm done.
  • Christopher Pike : [ Gets up ] Riverside Shipyard. Shuttle for new recruits leaves tomorrow morning, 0800.
  • Christopher Pike : [ pause ] Now, your father was captain of a Starship for 12 minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's and yours. I dare you to do better.
  • James T. Kirk : So what kind of combat training do you have?
  • Hikaru Sulu : Fencing.
  • James T. Kirk : [ hurling to his death with Sulu ] Kirk to Enterprise. We're falling without a chute. Beam us up!
  • Transport Chief : I'm trying. I can't lock onto your signal.
  • James T. Kirk : Beam us up!
  • Transport Chief : You're moving too fast!
  • Pavel Chekov : I can do zat! I can do zat!
  • Christopher Pike : Russian whizkid, what's your name? Chanko? Cherpov?
  • Pavel Chekov : Ensign Chekov, Pavel Andreievich, sir.
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : Wait a minute, kid. How old are you?
  • Pavel Chekov : Seventeen, sir.
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : Oh... oh, good, he's seventeen.
  • Spock : Doctor... Mr. Chekov is correct.
  • Spock : We are traveling at warp speed. How did you manage to beam aboard this ship?
  • James T. Kirk : Hey, you're the genius. You figure it out.
  • Spock : As acting captain of this vessel, I order you to answer the question.
  • James T. Kirk : Well, I'm not telling, "Acting Captain." What, did...?
  • [ Kirk smiles ]
  • James T. Kirk : What, now, that doesn't frustrate you, does it? My lack of cooperation? That-that doesn't make you angry...
  • Spock : [ Spock turns to Scotty ] Are you a member of Starfleet?
  • Scotty : I, um, yes. Can I get a towel, please?
  • Spock : Under penalty of court martial, I order you to explain to me how you were able to beam aboard this ship while moving at warp.
  • Scotty : Well...
  • James T. Kirk : Don't answer him.
  • Spock : You will answer me.
  • Scotty : [ pause ] I'd rather not take sides.
  • Kirk : [ highly agitated and suffering side effects from McCoy hypospray ] Uhura! Uhura!
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : Kirk? What are you doing here?
  • Kirk : The transmission from the Klingon prison planet. What exactly...
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : Oh, my God, what's wrong with your hands?
  • Kirk : [ waves off the question with his bloated hands ] I-i-it's... Look, who is responsible for the attack...
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : What?
  • Kirk : ...and was the ship walullaa?
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : And was the ship... WHAT?
  • Kirk : [ to McCoy ] Whass happening to my mouth?
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : You got numb-tongue?
  • Kirk : NUM-TUNG?
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : I can fix that!
  • [ hurries off to find another hypospray ]
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : Was the ship what?
  • Kirk : Womulan!
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : What? I...
  • Kirk : WOMULAN!
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : Romulan?
  • Kirk : Yeah!
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : Yes!
  • Kirk : Yes?
  • [ Bones injects him with another hypospray ]
  • Kirk : ACK! ACK!
  • [ trying to say 'stop it' ]
  • Kirk : STAHHMIT!
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : [ During the Kobayashi Maru test ] We are receiving a distress signal from the U.S.S. Kobayashi Maru. The ship has lost power and is stranded. Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them.
  • James T. Kirk : [ clearly enjoying himself ] "Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them... CAPTAIN."
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : [ rolls his eyes ] Two Klingon vessels have entered the Neutral Zone and are locking weapons on us.
  • James T. Kirk : [ Smugly ] That's okay.
  • Leonard 'Bones' McCoy : "That's okay?"
  • James T. Kirk : Yeah, don't worry about it.
  • Test Administrator : Did he say "Don't worry about it?"
  • Test Administrator : Is he not taking the simulation seriously?
  • Pavel Chekov : Ensign Authorization code: nine-five-wictor-wictor-two!
  • [ Authorization is not recognized ]
  • [ as the Narada pursues Spock, he suddenly whips the ship around and heads directly for it ]
  • Nero : What's he doing?
  • Spock's Ship's Computer : Ambassador Spock, you are on a collision course.
  • Nero : [ panicking ] FIRE EVERYTHING!
  • Admiral Richard Barnett : This is Commander Spock. He is one of our most distinguished graduates. He's programmed the Kobayashi Maru exam for the last four years. Commander?
  • Spock : Cadet Kirk, you somehow managed to install and activate a subroutine in the programming code, thereby changing the conditions of the test.
  • James T. Kirk : Your point being?
  • Admiral Richard Barnett : In academic vernacular, you cheated.
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.
  • James T. Kirk : Well, not only.
  • Burly Cadet #1 : This townie isn't bothering you, right?
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : Oh, beyond belief, but it's nothing I can't handle.
  • James T. Kirk : You could handle me, if that's an invitation.
  • Burly Cadet #1 : Hey, you better mind your manners.
  • James T. Kirk : Oh relax, cupcake, it was a joke.
  • Burly Cadet #1 : Hey, farm-boy, maybe you can't count, but there are four of us and one of you.
  • James T. Kirk : So go get some more guys and then it'll be an even fight.
  • Hikaru Sulu : The fleet has cleared spacedock, Captain. All ships ready for warp.
  • Christopher Pike : Set a course for Vulcan.
  • Hikaru Sulu : Aye-Aye, Captain. Course laid in.
  • Christopher Pike : Maximum warp. Punch it.
  • [ One by one, the rest of the star fleet jumps into warp drive, leaving the Enterprise behind. Sulu frowns at the console, puzzled ]
  • Christopher Pike : Lieutenant, where is Helmsman McKenna?
  • Hikaru Sulu : He has lungworms, sir. He couldn't report to his post. I'm Hikaru Sulu.
  • Christopher Pike : And you are a pilot, right?
  • Hikaru Sulu : Very much so, sir.
  • [ he trails off, hitting buttons ]
  • Hikaru Sulu : I'm, uh, I'm not sure what's wrong here.
  • Christopher Pike : Is the parking brake on?
  • Hikaru Sulu : Uh, no. I'll figure it out. I'm just...
  • Spock : Have you disengaged the external inertial dampener?
  • Hikaru Sulu : [ Embarrassed. Without looking at anyone, he punches in the correct sequence ] Ready for warp, sir.
  • Christopher Pike : Let's punch it.
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : [ Having just learned that she is assigned to the Farragut ] Commander, a word?
  • Spock : Yes, Lieutenant?
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : Was I not one of your top students?
  • Spock : Indeed you were.
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : [ the scene cuts to another location, where Uhura is still hounding Spock ] And did I not, on multiple occasions, demonstrate an exceptional aural sensitivity, and I quote, "an unparalleled ability to identify sonic anomalies in subspace transmissions tests?"
  • Spock : Consistently, yes.
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : And while you are well aware of my own qualified desires to serve on the U.S.S. Enterprise, I'm assigned to the Farragut?
  • Spock : It was an attempt to...
  • [ he glances around, keeping his voice low ]
  • Spock : ...avoid the appearance of favoritism.
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : [ Adamantly ] No. I'm assigned to the Enterprise.
  • Spock : [ He adjusts his roster list ] Yes, I believe you are.
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura : Thank you.
  • James T. Kirk : [ to Spock ] The test itself is a cheat, isn't it? I mean, you programmed it to be unwinnable.
  • Spock : Your argument precludes the possibility of a no-win scenario.
  • James T. Kirk : I don't believe in no-win scenarios.
  • Spock : Then not only did you violate the rules, you also failed to understand the principal lesson.
  • James T. Kirk : Please enlighten me.
  • Spock : You of all people should know, Cadet Kirk, a captain cannot cheat death.
  • James T. Kirk : [ reminiscing ] I of all people...
  • Spock : Your father, Lieutenant George Kirk, assumed command of his vessel before being killed in action, did he not?
  • James T. Kirk : I don't think you like the fact that I beat your test.
  • Spock : Furthermore, you have failed to divine the purpose of the test.
  • James T. Kirk : Enlighten me again.
  • Spock : The purpose is to experience fear, fear in the face of certain death, to accept that fear, and maintain control of oneself and one's crew. This is the quality expected in every Starfleet captain.
  • James T. Kirk : [ Stepping aboard the bridge as its official captain ] Bones! Buckle up!
  • [ the U.S.S. Enterprise is being sucked into a black hole, seconds away from doom ]
  • Scotty : I'm giving her all she's got, Captain!
  • [ the bridge ceiling begins to crack as the ship's drawn closer ]
  • James T. Kirk : All she's got isn't good enough! What else ya got?
  • Scotty : Um... Okay, if we eject the core and detonate, the blast could be enough to push us away! I cannae promise anything, though!
  • [ the viewing window starts to rupture ]
  • James T. Kirk : DO IT, DO IT, DO IT!
  • James T. Kirk : Stardate: 2258.42... or, uh, 4... Whatever. Acting Captain Spock has marooned me on Delta Vega, in what I believe to be a violation of Security Protocol 49.09 governing the treatment of prisoners aboard a star...
  • [ Kirk breaks off abruptly before completing the word starship as the howl of a predatory animal is heard, possibly heading his way ]
  • James T. Kirk : I relieve you, sir.
  • Christopher Pike : I am relieved.
  • Young Spock : I presume you've prepared new insults for today.
  • Vulcan Bully #1 : Affirmative.
  • Young Spock : This is your thirty-fifth attempt to elicit an emotional response from me.
  • Vulcan Bully #2 : You're neither human nor Vulcan, and therefore have no place in this universe.
  • Vulcan Bully #1 : Look. He has human eyes. They look sad, don't they?
  • Vulcan Bully #2 : Perhaps an emotional response requires physical stimuli.
  • [ shoves Spock ]
  • Vulcan Bully #2 : He's a traitor, you know, your father, for marrying her, that human whore.
  • [ Spock beats up the bully ]
  • [ through a mind meld with Kirk ]
  • Spock Prime : Billions of lives lost because of me, Jim, because I failed.

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Sonequa Martin-Green as Burnham, standing in a yellow field with weird lights, raising her hand

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Star Trek: Discovery tore itself apart for the good of Star Trek’s future

And it helped set the tone for where Star Trek is now

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If you were to jump directly from the first episode of Star Trek: Discovery to its finale — which just debuted on Paramount Plus — the whiplash would throw you clear out of your seat like your ship had suffered an inertial damper malfunction. Since its first two chapters premiered on CBS All Access in 2017, the series has moved to a different ship and a different century, and has acquired an almost entirely different set of characters. Moreover, Discovery has received a radical tonal refit, evolving in fits and starts from a dark and violent war story to a much sunnier action-adventure serial.

Though it never won the mainstream attention or critical acclaim of its spinoff, Strange New Worlds , nor the gushing fan adulation of Picard ’s Next Gen reunion , Discovery spearheaded Star Trek’s return to television , the franchise’s maiden voyage into the frontier of premium streaming content. Like any bold pathfinder, Discovery encountered obstacles, suffered losses, and made some major course corrections. But, if you ask the cast and crew, the adventure has been more than worth the tumultuous journey.

Tacking into the wind

“We were on wobbly legs for a long time,” admits star Sonequa Martin-Green, whose character, Michael Burnham, has had the rug pulled out from under her a number of times over the course of the series. In the first season and backstory alone, Burnham lost her parents, saw her mentor murdered, was tried for mutiny, discovered that her first love is a Klingon sleeper agent, and was betrayed by not one but two Mirror Universe doppelgängers of trusted Starfleet captains.

Move over, Deep Space Nine — this was instantly the grimmest canonical depiction of the Star Trek universe on screen. Season 1 of Discovery was rated TV-MA and featured more blood and gore than the franchise had ever seen, not to mention an instance of graphic Klingon nudity. (Actor Mary Wiseman recalls seeing her co-star Mary Chieffo walking the set wearing prosthetic alien breasts and thinking, What the hell? ) The corpse of Michelle Yeoh’s character is cannibalized by Klingons off screen, and her successor, portrayed by Jason Isaacs, turns out to be a manipulative psycho from the Mirror Universe who tries to mold Burnham into his plaything.

Sonequa Martin-Green as Burnham, midflip as she tries to escape from someone’s hold

The bleak, adult-oriented tone was not the only sticking point with Star Trek purists, as Discovery would take place a decade before the original 1960s Star Trek but have a design aesthetic much closer to that of the 2009 movie reboot, leading to some irreconcilable clashes with continuity. The show’s serialized, season-long arcs were a far cry from the familiar “planet of the week” stories of most previous incarnations of the franchise. Then there was Burnham’s backstory as the never-before-mentioned human foster sister to Trek’s iconic Vulcan Spock , a creative decision that has “clueless studio note” written all over it. Even ahead of its debut, Discovery faced vocal opposition from the fan base for straying so far from their notion of what Star Trek was supposed to be. (Not to mention the revolting but quite vocal faction of fans who were incensed that Star Trek had “gone woke,” as if it hadn’t been that way the whole time.) Many of Discovery ’s detractors flocked toward The Orville , a Fox series starring and created by Seth MacFarlane that was essentially ’90s-style Star Trek with the occasional dick joke thrown in. The Orville offered fans alienated by Discovery ’s vastly different approach to Star Trek a more familiar (but far less ambitious) alternative.

The grim Klingon War story was the brainchild of co-creator Bryan Fuller, who had been a member of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Voyager writers rooms before creating cult series like Pushing Daisies and Hannibal . Fuller would end up departing Team Discovery before production even began, asked to resign after a string of creative differences with the studio. New showrunners Aaron Harberts and Gretchen J. Berg carried out a version of Fuller’s plans without him, and then oversaw the show’s first major pivot. Discovery ’s second season was immediately brighter, more colorful, and cozier with established Star Trek lore. (This is the arc that would introduce the versions of Pike , Spock , and Number One who now lead Strange New Worlds .) But things weren’t so sunny behind the scenes — Harberts and Berg were fired midway through the season after writers accused the duo of creating an abusive work environment.

As different as Discovery would eventually stray from the HBO-style drama of its first season, co-creator Alex Kurtzman feels that the mission of the series has never changed.

“One of the things that we set up in season 1 is that we knew that Burnham would start as a mutineer and end up a captain,” says Kurtzman. “What was exciting about that is that we knew it would take time.”

Captain on deck

Lt. Nhan (Rachael Ancheril); Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green); Captain Pike (Anson Mount); Linus (David Benjamin Tomlinson); Saru (Doug Jones); and Lt. Connolly (Sean Connolly Affleck), all standing in an elevator on the ship

It was after Harberts and Berg’s departure that Kurtzman, who had remained involved but been primarily occupied with the development of the growing television Star Trek franchise as a whole, took the helm of Discovery himself. Before long, he would promote writer and co-executive producer Michelle Paradise to the role of co-showrunner, which she would retain for the remainder of the series. Just as the late, great Michael Piller did during the third season of The Next Generation , Paradise brought a sense of stability and confidence to Discovery , which reverberated onto set.

“I commend Michelle Paradise and the rest of the writers because this show evolved ,” says Martin-Green. “Our initial showrunners, Aaron Harberts and Gretchen Berg, they made their impact and that’ll never be erased, but landing where we did with Michelle co-showrunning with Alex Kurtzman, jumping farther than any Trek had gone before, I feel that’s when our feet were solid on the ground and when we really established our identity.”

Season 2 fell into a steady rhythm that felt more in tune with Kurtzman’s “movie every week” philosophy, never far in tone from the reboot film trilogy on which Kurtzman served as a writer and producer. The steady presence of Michelle Yeoh’s deliciously amoral Emperor Georgiou was a major boon, essentially becoming Star Trek’s answer to Buffy ’s Spike or Dragon Ball Z ’s Vegeta. However, Discovery was also undeniably borrowing clout from legacy characters Pike and Spock, and the constant friction with established canon wasn’t sitting well with Kurtzman or the audience.

The season ended with a surprising twist that resolved the continuity problems but also changed the entire nature of the show. The titular starship and its crew would be propelled 930 years into the future, past the furthest fixed point in Star Trek’s continuity. No longer forced to tiptoe around the sacred canon, Discovery was free to sprint in a bold new direction. Once again and in a more tangible way, it was a whole new show.

“If the folks who came in had sort of taken us off the rails that would have been a very different experience,” says Anthony Rapp, who portrays the prickly Commander Paul Stamets. “But Michelle Paradise came through as such a shining light and a beautiful presence in our lives. She took the show into this territory of being able to have the heart in its center in a way that felt very grounded and meaningful, and really helped us to make that transition.”

An open sky

Anthony Rapp, Michelle Yeoh, Mary Wiseman, and Sonequa Martin-Green on the bridge of the Discovery in Star Trek: Discovery

Season 3 of Discovery offered Kurtzman, Paradise, producing director Olatunde Osunsanmi, and the rest of the creative team a rare opportunity to completely rewrite Star Trek’s galactic map . Not since the launch of The Next Generation in 1987 had a writers room been able to venture onto such “fresh snow,” as Paradise puts it. In the 32nd century, beyond the furthest point explored in the established Trek canon, the righteous United Federation of Planets has all but collapsed in the aftermath of “the Burn,” a mysterious space calamity. Some longtime friends are now adversaries, and even Earth has become an isolationist state. The USS Discovery, displaced in time, becomes the means by which to reconnect the shattered galaxy. It’s not hard to read this as a mission statement for Star Trek as a whole — a relic from another time, back to offer hope to a bleak present.

Season 3’s 13-episode arc restored a bit of Star Trek’s space Western roots, with warp drive a rare and costly luxury in the ravaged 32nd century and half the galaxy dominated by a vast criminal empire known as the Emerald Chain. Michael Burnham spent much of the season out of uniform, having found a new purpose as a more roguish freelance courier alongside the sweet and savvy Cleveland Booker (David Ajala). This is arguably the most interesting version of the show, as Michael questions whether or not Starfleet — the institution whose trust she has worked so hard to restore — is still her home.

By the end of the season (and right on schedule with Fuller and Kurtzman’s original plans), Michael Burnham finally accepts her destiny and becomes captain of Discovery. More subtly, this altered the premise of the show for a third time, as the central question of “Will Michael ever become captain?” had been answered in the affirmative. But, since she’d already been the central character and a figure of improbable cosmic import, the change was mostly cosmetic. And symbolic — Martin-Green considers her presence “being Black, and a woman, and a captain sitting in that chair” to be her greatest contribution to Star Trek. After three seasons of struggle and uncertainty, Burnham could now be as aspirational a character as Picard , Sisko, or Janeway .

The tone on which the show settled at the end of season 3 would be the one that finally stuck. Where the series had initially been bloody and brooding, it was now squarely an adventure show featuring a cast of characters with a boundless and demonstrative love for each other. The crew would face mortal danger each episode and a galactic-level threat each season, bolstered by very expensive-looking visual effects and a rousing score. At the same time, many conflicts both large and small would eventually be resolved by characters talking through their feelings and finding common ground. This was exhausting as often as it was compelling, but it was consistent. For its final two seasons, viewers could finally know what to expect from Star Trek: Discovery .

Discovering itself

This “feelings over phasers” approach was not for everyone, but it was never intended to be. Even from the outset, before Paramount began pumping out more Star Trek series to target different facets of the fan base, Discovery was never meant to be a definitive Star Trek experience that checked every box.

“You’ll never be able to be everything to everybody,” says Michelle Paradise. “The goal was always to make the best version of Discovery . It’s a different kind of Star Trek. It’s serialized, it’s fewer episodes, it’s a movie every week. That’s a thing that will appeal to many people, and for some people it won’t be their cup of tea.”

Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) sits in the captain chair in the season 3 finale of Star Trek: Discovery

Discovery has bounced up and down my personal ranking of Star Trek series a number of times during its run, more than any of its past or present siblings. I have begun each season of the show with great excitement, and that excitement is frequently exhausted by season’s end. Most Trek series have good years and bad years. To me, Discovery suffers from being simultaneously brilliant, innovative, lazy, cringe, inspiring, and eye-rolling at all times, only in different measures. It features the franchise’s strongest lead actor since Patrick Stewart, and a supporting cast that has never been leveraged to my satisfaction. In my career, I have written more words about Star Trek: Discovery than any other television series, and I still haven’t made up my mind about it. For as many cheerleaders and haters as the show must have, I imagine there are many more viewers who feel the way I do — it’s a show that I wanted to love, but never fully fell in love with.

As Discovery disappears in the aft viewport, some will bid it a fond farewell, some will be blowing it raspberries, and some will turn away with total disinterest. But regardless of how well Discovery itself is remembered in the coming years, it has already made a substantial impact on the franchise. It paved the way for every Trek series that followed, including three direct spinoffs. Its second season was the incubator for Strange New Worlds , now the most acclaimed Trek series in a generation. Michelle Yeoh had such fun in her recurring role on Discovery that, even after winning an Academy Award , she was still keen to return for the upcoming Section 31 TV movie . Discovery ’s 32nd-century setting will continue to be explored in the new Starfleet Academy series , leaving the door open for some of its characters to return.

Even the new shows that have no direct relationship to Discovery have benefitted from the precedent it set by being different from what came before. Lower Decks is an animated sitcom, Prodigy is a kid-targeted cartoon , Picard is… a bunch of different things that don’t work together , but they are all different shows. Star Trek was one thing, and beginning with Discovery , it became many things. And for Star Trek, an institution that preaches the value of infinite diversity in infinite combinations, that’s a legacy to be proud of.

Star Trek: Discovery is now streaming in full on Paramount Plus.

Star Trek: Discovery boldly goes where no Trek has gone before by saying religion is... OK, actually

Star trek: discovery is cracking open a box next gen closed on purpose, star trek: discovery is finally free to do whatever it wants, loading comments....



Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Damar: You don't have anything to hide, do you? [Looks at Leeta as she walks past] You certainly don't.

Odo: You're still disgusting!

Quark: Wouldn't have it any other way!

Doctor Bashir: [Shoots at Garak and inspects the injury] You'll be fine, it's just a flesh wound.

Garak: That was awfully close. What if you killed me?

Doctor Bashir: What makes you think I wasn't trying?

Garak: Doctor, I do believe there's hope for you yet.

Gowron: Think of it! Five years ago no one had ever heard of Bajor or Deep Space Nine, and now, all our hopes rest here!

Major Kira: [Dukat's ship is pursuing the Dominion fleet] Dukat! Stop trying to be a hero, get back to the station!

Gul Dukat: Your concern is touching, Major. But I'm afraid you misunderstand me. I'm not attacking the Dominion fleet, I'm joining it.

Garak: [Cornered by a group of Klingons in his store] Well, let me guess! You're either lost, or desperately searching for a good tailor.

Chief O'Brien: Four weeks! Are you telling me I've been hanging around a Changeling for over a month?

Doctor Bashir: And you never suspected it wasn't me?

Odo: I have my eye on you, Quark.

Quark: [Jadzia Dax walks by] And I have my eye on you, Jadzia.

Dukat: What happened to that brave officer I served with? The one who stood at my side while we fought the entire Klingon Empire with a single ship?

Damar: Those were simpler times.

[Ezri tells Worf about a dream where she is chased by a Breen]

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Anyway, I got away from him; but then there was nowhere to run. And then, just when I thought he was about to kill me, he reached up and took off his helmet...

Lt. Commander Worf: And?

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: And... it was Julian.

Lt. Commander Worf: Dr. Bashir?

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Isn't that strange? I wonder what it meant.

Lt. Commander Worf: Dr. Bashir is a Breen.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Maybe my subconscious is trying to tell me that I need to... confront emotions that I've repressed since birth. But which one? I've been born nine times...

Captain Sisko: I can't. I can't go against the Prophets.

Captain Sisko: [about the Prophets] To them I'm the Sisko, an instrument to carry out their wishes. But they forget that I am also human, with dreams and wishes of my own. They say that marrying Kasidy is a mistake, and maybe it is. But it's my mistake to make.

Sarah Sisko: Be careful... my son.

Admiral Ross: One of the most pleasant duties of a senior officer is the privilege of joining two people together in matrimony. Today I have the honor to unite Kasidy Danielle Yates and Benjamin Lafayette Sisko in marriage.

Kasidy Yates, Captain Sisko: [respectively] With this ring, I thee wed.

Kai Winn: Your pagh is strong, Anjohl. I've been waiting for you.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: I wonder what the Breen look like under those helmets.

Lt. Commander Worf: They say no one has ever seen one and lived to speak of it.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Maybe they're all furry. It's supposed to be very cold on Breen.

Lt. Commander Worf: One thing is certain...

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: They're horrible cooks?

[last lines]

Weyoun: You should be honored. You're witnessing an historic moment - the birth of the alliance between the Dominion... and the Breen. Changes everything, doesn't it?

Jake Sisko: Who cares about anomalies? People want stories about things they can relate to - life and death, good and evil. An outbreak of Cartalian fever would be just the thing. The brave doctor battles the deadly virus! Listen to me, I'm actually rooting for a plague.

Jake Sisko: "Surgery under fire!" Now we're talking!

[Quark has tried to replicate a decaffeinated variety of raktajino, yet with little success]

Quark: The removal of caffeine from beverages has plagued bartenders and restaurateurs for centuries. You can't expect me to solve it overnight.

Chief O'Brien: I'm not paying for that!

Odo: So much for 'Quarktajino'.

Odo: Solid! I wonder why my people use that term. Humanoid bodies are so fragile.

Captain Sisko: Yes, they are... And there are a lot of ways you can get hurt.

Odo: I never realized how stressful it is to be a parent. I have to say, I don't think it's for me.

Captain Sisko: That's your choice. But you don't know what you're missing.

Captain Sisko: It seems... just yesterday, he was five years old... clinging to me, because he'd just scraped his knee. And I was the only one in the world who could make it better. I remember sometimes getting up in the middle of the night and slipping into his room, just to make sure he was all right. And I'd sit there and watch him sleep. And I'd think to myself... that no matter what, I wasn't going to let anything bad happen to this child. And now he's a sector away in a warzone, and there is nothing I can do to protect him.

Jake Sisko: I've been on the station when it was under attack plenty of times. But somehow the danger never seemed as real as it does here. Maybe it's because I spent all day seeing first hand what the Klingons are capable of. Or maybe it's because for the first time in my life my father's not here to protect me.

Jake Sisko: [writing] Triage, the sorting of the wounded, forces decisions that - I gotta get a grip. Focus! - decisions that test what it means to be a doctor...

[Jake runs out of the replimat being sick]

Nurse: His first day?

Kirby: Yeah.

Bolian: Pass the salt.

Jake Sisko: I keep turning it over in my head. The shelling. Losing sight of Bashir. Running. And I keep trying to make sense of it all - to justify what I did. But when it comes down to it there's only one explanation: I'm a coward!

Jake Sisko: I couldn't stand hearing him apologize to me like that - not after what I'd done to him.

[Jadzia tells Ben Sisko about a serious illness one of her - Audrid Dax's - daughters had to go through once]

Captain Sisko: So, how did it turn out with Neema?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: She pulled through.

Captain Sisko: Phew! I was hoping you were going to say that. Because if this story had an unhappy ending I would have never forgiven you.

Ensign: The Klingons had us pinned down. We were done for, we all knew it. Hendriks and Pajal, they got scared, they ran. They ran! Then Sully got hit in the leg... and the medics pulled him off the line. And all I could think was... I wish I were him. And I took my phaser...

[he starts to sob]

Ensign: Oh God! What did I do to myself? What did I do?

Jake Sisko: I wonder if Kirby knew that the whole time we were talking, all I could think about was how close the Klingons were. He didn't seem that worried. No one else seems to be losing sleep over it. So why is it the only thing I can think about?

Jake Sisko: Some people say that you don't know what you're really made of until you've been in battle.

Doctor Bashir: Well, let me tell you, Jake. There are many situations in life which test a person's character. Thankfully, most of them don't involve death and destruction.

Ensign: It's funny - one minute your life's moving along, just like you always thought it would. And the next you do somethin'... that changes everything - that makes you realize you're not who you thought you were. At the Academy, I did really well in the battle simulations; I never had any problems. But when you're out there, and the live shells are detonating all around you, it's a whole different thing.

Jake Sisko: All you can think about is getting away from the explosions...

Ensign: I don't deserve to be in Starfleet. Therapy won't change what I did. Nothing will. I just wish I'd aimed that... phaser a little higher.

Doctor Bashir: Simulations can't prepare you for the real thing. Nothing can.

[after saving everyone in the hospital from the invading Klingons by chance, Bashir calls Jake a hero]

Jake Sisko: More than anything, I wanted to believe what he was saying. But the truth is, I was just as scared in the hospital as I'd been when we went for the generator. So scared, that all I could think about was doing whatever it took to stay alive. Once that meant running away, and once it meant picking up a phaser.

Jake Sisko: The battle of Ajilon Prime will probably be remembered as a pointless skirmish. But I'll always remember it as something more - as the place I learned that the line between courage and cowardice is a lot thinner than most people believe.

Captain Sisko: Anyone who's been in battle would recognize himself in this. Most of us wouldn't care to admit it. It takes courage to look inside yourself, and even more courage to write it for other people to see. I'm proud of you, son.

Quark: Back home, pregnancy is considered a rental.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax, Major Kira: "Rental"?

Odo: I'll never understand the humanoid need to... 'couple.'

Quark: You've never... coupled?

Odo: Choose not to. Too many compromises. You want to watch the karo-net tournament; she wants to listen to music, so you compromise - you listen to music. You like Earth Jazz; she prefers Klingon Opera so you compromise - you listen to Klingon Opera. So here you were ready to have a nice night watching the karo-net match and you wind up spending an agonizing evening listening to Klingon Opera.

Doctor Bashir: What is this?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: An Altonian brainteaser.

Doctor Bashir: A brainteaser?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: A puzzle.

Doctor Bashir: A puzzle?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Mmm...

Doctor Bashir: I love puzzles. How does it work?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: It responds to neural theta-waves. The goal is to turn the sphere into a solid color.

Doctor Bashir: And that's all?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: That's all. I've been trying to master it on and off for... oh, 140 years. Would you care to try?

Sisko: [to Odo] If you can't work within the rules I'll find someone who can.

Commander Sisko: I've missed your steamed Azna.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: You must miss Curzon too.

Commander Sisko: He was... You were - are - a mentor. Another father to me.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: This happens to Trills, Benjamin. Sometimes our friendships with other species don't survive because of the change.

Commander Sisko: It won't be that way with us. It's just, er... a little uncomfortable right now.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: I suggest that you allow yourself to feel comfortable with your discomfort. Time can do the rest.

Commander Sisko: Mr. Odo, you're not going to take the law into your own hands.

Odo: The law? Commander, laws change, depending on who's making them - Cardassians one day, Federation the next. But justice is justice.

Major Kira: Wait a minute - Ibudan goes into the holosuite alone, locks the door. Nobody transports in, a few minutes later he is murdered. How's that possible?

Odo: It's not. Unless the murder was committed by someone who could get through the cracks in the door - say, a shape-shifter.

Commander Sisko: What the hell do you people intend to accomplish here?

Bajoran #1: We want the shape-shifter!

Commander Sisko: And what do you think you're gonna do to him *if* you get to him?

Zayra: [sarcastic] He's right. How do you get a rope around the neck of a shape-shifter?

Quark: [about Odo] He's an ill-tempered, overbearing, cross-patch. But he was no Cardassian collaborator, and he's no killer.

Zayra: I can't believe you're defending him, Quark. You're his worst enemy.

Quark: Guess that's the closest thing he has in this world to a friend.

Odo: Quark - think you could use a shape-shifter in your organization?

Quark: [looks at Odo puzzled, then laughs nervously] You had me going.

Odo: I did, didn't I?

Keiko O'Brien: My name is Keiko O'Brien, I'll be your teacher. Why don't we turn on our computers and access the files on Bajor to find out a little bit more about the people and history of this world?

Sisko: [Keiko has come to Sisko to broach the idea of opening a school on the station after seeing Jake and Nog get into trouble] You won't get any argument from me, Mrs. O'Brien. When I heard what happened this morning on the promenade...

Jake Sisko: [interrupting] We weren't doing anything!

Sisko: [giving him a Look] I don't want to talk about this now.

Sisko: [referring to Nog] If I *hear* of you hanging around with him...

Jake Sisko: [getting ready to run for his life] I thought you didn't want to talk about this now!

Odo: What do you want me to do again?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Save the Queen.

Sorm: [after vaporizing Tauvid Rem] I thought it was on stun.

Arissa: I didn't realize I tripped an alarm.

Odo: You didn't. You're good.

Arissa: I still got caught.

Odo: I've been following you.

Arissa: I didn't know.

Odo: I'm good too.

Odo: Are you waiting for someone?

Arissa: You. Where have you been all my life?

Odo: Pardon me?

Arissa: Isn't that what you were hoping I'd say?

Odo: It's just that you keep glancing at the door.

Arissa: I'm waiting for someone.

Odo: That's all I meant.

Arissa: Sorry, I thought you had other things on your mind. Must be those bedroom eyes of yours.

Arissa: I was a net-girl. I told myself I wasn't selling my body since there was no actual contact. But I was. I let men into my mind for money. Draim was one of them. That's how we first met. Before I knew it I was working for him. He payed me more than I'd ever seen before. I was so far removed from the consequences of what I was doing, it was easy to pretend that I wasn't hurting anyone. I'd hear things now and then... Some businessman Draim had me investigate would disappear. I tried to convince myself it had nothing to do with me. But after a while I couldn't pretend anymore. I wanted out. I guess I'm finally going to get my wish. Only problem is, I'll be dead. Oh, I don't want to cry. The dead don't cry.

Odo: Isn't that the woman I was supposed to steal away from Falcon?

Doctor Bashir: Well, uh... yes, but, um... since you didn't show up...

Odo: ...you swept her off her feet.

Doctor Bashir: You didn't come here to talk to me about women. Did you? Aah! This is about 'Bedroom Eyes', isn't it?

Odo: Who told you about her? Kira?

Doctor Bashir: Nope.

Doctor Bashir: Actually it was Miles.

[O'Brien - playing Falcon in one of Bashir's holonovels - dupes Bashir threatening him with a gun]

Doctor Bashir: This isn't fair, Odo and I were talking.

Chief O'Brien: [as Falcon] Didn't anyone ever tell ya? You shouldn't stop for hitchhikers!

Arissa: Why are you doing this?

Odo: Doing what?

Arissa: Helping me.

Odo: Why not?

Arissa: You mean you're just doing this out of the kindness of your heart?

Odo: I... don't have a heart.

Arissa: You could have fooled me.

Odo: I've done things in my life I'm not proud of too. You worked for Draim; I worked for the Cardassians. I never had the courage to walk away. You did. I admire that.

Arissa: I've never been admired for anything other than the way I look.

Odo: Most people can't see past the surface - especially when what they see is so beautiful.

Doctor Bashir: You can't go through life trying to avoid getting a broken heart. If you do, it'll break from loneliness anyway.

Odo: So, did you find anything in Tauvid's locker?

Arissa: Would you believe me if I said no?

Odo: Actually, I'd have you strip searched.

Arissa: That might be fun.

Arissa: You keep threatening to have me stripped down and examined. I'm trying not to read too much into that.

Captain Sisko: Where is Odo? He asked me to arrange a conference with Starfleet Intelligence at 0800.

Major Kira: I guess he's running late.

Captain Sisko: He's never late.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: He's never spent the night with a woman before.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Odo and a woman - it was bound to happen sooner or later, right?

Major Kira: I suppose.

Lt. Commander Worf: [interrupting, slightly disgruntled] You can begin your experiment at any time!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I'm talking to Kira.

Lt. Commander Worf: You're not talking, you're gossiping. And besides, Odo is quite capable of taking care of himself.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Don't shout across the room. If you want to... "gossip" with us, then come down here.

Odo: I fell in love with a woman who never really existed.

Arissa: She did exist. She was real. And she loved you. In a way, she still does.

Arissa: I'll never forget you, Odo. Never.

Major Kira: What do you think is gonna happen here, Dukat? That you're gonna wear me down with your charming personality? That I'm gonna be swept off my feet by that insincere smile? Are you really so deluded that you actually believe that we're gonna have some kind of intimate relationship?

Gul Dukat: Oh, we already do.

Gul Dukat: Oh, I could make things very pleasant for you here, Kira.

Major Kira: You could start by doing something about your breath.

Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax: So, what do you plan on doing the next couple of hours?

Captain Sisko: I haven't given it much thought.

Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax: Maybe now would be a good time to contact your father.

Captain Sisko: Maybe.

Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax: Benjamin, you haven't spoken to him for months. And Jake is his grandson.

Captain Sisko: How do I explain that I evacuated every Federation citizen off Deep Space Nine except his grandson?

Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax: You'll think of something. You always do.

Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax: [on a traditional Klingon wedding ceremony] First we'll shed blood, and then we'll feast.

Worf: As it should be.

Captain Sisko: Take it from me, old man: a small wedding is the way to go.

Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax: You get married the way you want, and I'll get married the way I want. I'll see you later, Captain. [leaves with Worf]

Captain Sisko: Try not to break any bones!

Captain Sisko: How is the restaurant doing?

Joseph Sisko: All right. It's been three weeks since I poisoned anyone.

Garak: Ever since it's become public knowledge that you're genetically engineered, you used every opportunity to show off.

Doctor Bashir: I have nothing to hide anymore. I might as well use what I have.

Garak: Well - what are our chances? Over fifty percent?

Doctor Bashir: Thirty-two... point seven.

Garak: I'm sorry I asked.

Garak: You're not genetically engineered; you're a Vulcan.

Doctor Bashir: If I'm a Vulcan, then how do you explain my boyish smile?

Garak: Not so boyish anymore, Doctor.

[Quark serves Kira a drink]

Quark: This one's on the house.

Major Kira: What do you want, Quark?

Quark: The usual: peace, love and understanding - not to mention a generous profit margin.

Quark: You know, I never expected to say this, but as occupations go - this one's not so bad.

Major Kira: Yeah, I suppose that's true if all you're worried about is a monthly balance sheet.

Quark: I'm not just concerned with profit, Major. Look around: do you see any ghetto fences dividing the promenade? Or exhausted Bajoran slave laborers sprawled on the ground after a grueling day in the ore processing center? Do you hear the cries of starving children? I don't. Now don't get me wrong; I miss the Federation too. All I'm saying is: things could be a lot worse.

Joseph Sisko: Are things really as bad as the news service claims?

Captain Sisko: Maybe worse.

Joseph Sisko: Well, you certainly know how to comfort a frightened old man.

Captain Sisko: You didn't raise me to be a liar.

Joseph Sisko: I raised you to be a chef, for all the good it did me.

Joseph Sisko: You know, there's something I just don't understand. You're always telling me that space is big, that it's an endless frontier, filled with infinite wonders.

Captain Sisko: It's true.

Joseph Sisko: Well, if that's the case, you would think it would be more than enough room to allow people to leave each other alone.

Captain Sisko: It just doesn't work that way. It should; but it doesn't.

Nog: I still don't see why we couldn't install a few chairs on the bridge.

Chief O'Brien: Because this ship wasn't designed for chairs.

Nog: Well, my feet aren't designed to stand for long periods of time. They get tired.

Chief O'Brien: Maybe we should leave you behind.

Nog: My feet might like that, but I wouldn't.

Chief O'Brien: It's not your feet you need to worry about, it's your stomach. Have you noticed? There isn't a single food replicator anywhere on this ship.

Nog: That shouldn't be a problem. Captain Sisko said there'll be plenty of field rations.

Chief O'Brien: Try eating field rations for three weeks, and then tell me it isn't a problem.

Doctor Bashir: I'm so glad that you find the lack of proper medical facilities amusing; but if trouble breaks out, it's not a viewscreen or a chair or even a sandwich you'll be wanting. It's a bio-bed, with a surgical tissue regenerator.

Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax: Maybe. But right now I would settle for a viewscreen.

Nog: Or a chair.

Chief O'Brien: Or a sandwich.

Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax: Twenty-two seconds until the explosion.

Nog: Twenty-two seconds - that's plenty of time!

Chief O'Brien: See, Cadet, there's nothing to worry about.

Martok: Klingons make great warriors, but terrible doctors.

[During a secret mission, Sisko and his crew lose their warp drive]

Garak: Forgive my ignorance, but if we don't have warp drive, how long is it gonna take us to reach the closest Federation starbase?

Captain Sisko: A long time, Mr. Garak.

Garak: How long?

Doctor Bashir: Seventeen years, two months and three days - give or take an hour.

Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax: Let's see... a radial geodesic in a thirty-nine Cochrane warp field contracts normal space at a rate of...

Doctor Bashir: [with confident authority] Full impulse one point three seconds before the bomb detonates.

Captain Sisko: Dax?

Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax: [off her console] The computer agrees with Julian.

Garak: Of course it does... they think alike.

Major Kira: Who are you?

Akorem Laan: I am the Emissary.

[O'Brien and Bashir are straightening up the O'Brien's quarters for Keiko, who is returning after two months]

Doctor Bashir: It is sort of a shame to pack this stuff away.

Chief O'Brien: Wish we didn't have to.

Doctor Bashir: It's like a sculpture, a monument to your year as a bachelor.

Chief O'Brien: I suppose it is.

Doctor Bashir: Who are we to dismantle this piece of art?

Chief O'Brien: I don't know. But if we don't, Keiko will dismantle me.

Keiko O'Brien: The one good thing about going away is coming home.

Molly O'Brien: Daddy, Daddy, I have a little brother!

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien: Really? [points at Molly's doll] Is that him?

Molly O'Brien: No, he's in there.

[She points at her mum's belly. O'Brien looks up]

Keiko O'Brien: Surprise!

Doctor Bashir: Quark, did you hear? Chief O'Brien is having a baby!

Quark: I thought your females carried your young.

Quark: I remember when my nephew Nog was a baby. Cutest thing you ever saw! You know babies - every little thing they pick up goes straight into their ears.

Quark: Did you hear? Keiko's gonna have another baby!

Lt. Commander Worf: [alarmed] Now?

Chief O'Brien: No! Seven months.

Lt. Commander Worf: I see...

Chief O'Brien: [to Bashir] Worf delivered Molly, you know.

Doctor Bashir: Really?

Chief O'Brien: The Enterprise was damaged. Keiko and he were trapped together when her time came.

Doctor Bashir: [to Worf] Oh well, I'll, uh, be sure and call you, when she's ready to deliver; you can lend a hand.

Lt. Commander Worf: Seven months? Unfortunately I will be away from the station at that time... Far away... Visiting my parents, on Earth... Excuse me.

[leaves in a hurry]

Captain Sisko: [on relinquishing his role as Emissary] No more ceremonies to attend; no more blessings to give; no more prophecies to fulfill. I'm just a Starfleet officer again. All I have to worry about are the Klingons, the Dominion, and the Maquis. I feel like I'm on vacation!

Captain Sisko: I remember when I got promoted to lieutenant; it took me a while to get used to being called 'sir' by my friends who were still ensigns.

Odo: Forgive me, Major, I don't mean to be difficult, but your faith seems to have led you to something of a contradiction.

Major Kira: I don't see it as a contradiction.

Odo: I don't understand.

Major Kira: That's the thing about faith. If you don't have it you can't understand it, and if you do - no explanation is necessary.

[Kira has suggested Major Jatarn as new first officer for Sisko]

Major Kira: If, um... if you don't hit it off with Major Jatarn, um, I can think of a few other people. Shouldn't be that hard to find someone to replace me.

Captain Sisko: I don't doubt that I can find someone to fill your post. But to replace you...

Chief O'Brien: [pointing at Morn] I see you found someone to play darts with... I've set up a board in our quarters so Molly and I can play.

Doctor Bashir: Well, Morn's, um... he's pretty good.

Chief O'Brien: So's Molly.

[both sighing]

Chief O'Brien, Doctor Bashir: [simultaneously] It's not the same!

Kai Opaka: [as prophet] Who are you?

Captain Sisko: Don't you know me?

Kai Opaka: [as prophet] Know you? How can I know someone who doesn't know himself?

Major Kira: [as prophet] You are the Sisko.

Kai Opaka: [as prophet] We are of Bajor.

Captain Sisko: What does that mean?

Kai Opaka: [as prophet] You are of Bajor.

Akorem Laan: [to Sisko] Your pagh is strong. I see now why Kai Opaka believed you were the Emissary. And why Winn fears you.

[Sisko is criticizing Akorem's plan to bring back Bajor's ancient traditions]

Akorem Laan: Must I remind you, Captain? I'm merely fulfilling the will of the Prophets.

Captain Sisko: How do you know that?

Akorem Laan: I'm the Emissary.

Captain Sisko: And what you've done with the position has made me wish I had never given it up.

[Kira places a crude clay sculpture in front of Sisko]

Major Kira: I want you to have this. It's an original Kira Nerys. Could be very valuable one day.

Captain Sisko: I hear she didn't make many.

Captain Sisko: I was just reading one of Akorem's poems, "The Call of the Prophets".

Major Kira: Oh, that's one of my favorites. It's a shame he never finished it.

Captain Sisko: He did. Look.

[he hands her the PADD with the poem]

Major Kira: Now, this is confusing. The last time I read this poem, it ended after the 12th stanza. If the timeline's been changed, then why do I remember things the way they used to be?

Captain Sisko: The Prophets work in mysterious ways.

Chief O'Brien: Wanna try for twins?

Keiko O'Brien: I don't think it works that way. You'd better brush up on your biology.

Chief O'Brien: Teach me!

[first lines; Bashir and O'Brien enter the O'Briens' quarters, wearing bomber jackets]

Doctor Bashir: I thought you said you'd started straightening this place up!

Chief O'Brien: You should have seen it earlier.

Doctor Bashir: Well, Keiko's shuttle will be here before we know it. We should have left the holosuite hours ago.

Chief O'Brien: What, and let the Jerries cross the Channel? Never!

Ezri Dax: It's a strange sensation, dying. No matter how many times it happens to you, you never get used to it.

[first lines]

Ensign Ezri Dax: It's funny. Before yesterday, I'd never set foot on this station, but... it's as familiar to me as the back of my hand. Isn't that odd?

Jake Sisko: [about Ezri Dax] She is cute.

Captain Sisko: She is also about 300 years too old for you.

Quark: So, what do you think?

Doctor Bashir: About what?

Quark: About her.

Doctor Bashir: About who?

Quark: Dax!

Doctor Bashir: ...Oh, Ezri. She seems... nice.

Quark: Meaning what?

Doctor Bashir: Meaning... nice.

Quark: Oh, come on, Doctor. I know the way you felt about Jadzia.

Doctor Bashir: She's not Jadzia.

Quark: She's the next best thing. So - are you interested?

Doctor Bashir: Sounds to me like you're the one who's interested, Quark.

Quark: It's not every day you get a second chance with a woman.

Doctor Bashir: It's not the same woman!

Quark: She's still Dax, isn't she?

Doctor Bashir: More or less.

Quark: Well, that's good enough for me. Ready for a little competition?

Doctor Bashir: You're insane.

Quark: And you... are going to lose!

Captain Sisko: What are you gonna learn in the next few months that you haven't already learned in the last 300 years?

Ensign Ezri Dax: Oh, how to keep from breaking into tears for no reason... How to resist the urge to stand on my head - things like that.

Captain Sisko: Why are you standing on your head, by the way?

Ensign Ezri Dax: Emony used to do it.

Captain Sisko: The gymnast?

Ensign Ezri Dax: She found it relaxing.

Captain Sisko: Do you?

Ensign Ezri Dax: Actually, it's giving me a headache.

Quark: Remember all those late night tongo games?

Ensign Ezri Dax: Who could forget?

Quark: Mmm...

Ensign Ezri Dax: Wait a minute... You owe me ten strips of latinum from our last game!

Odo: Why don't you join us for dinner tonight?

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: I don't want to put you out.

Colonel Kira: Oh no, please come; it'll take the pressure off me. All he does is sit there and count how many times I chew.

Ensign Ezri Dax: I told him all about Trill traditions - Jadzia did. We discussed them - *they* discussed them.

Captain Sisko: I understand.

Ensign Ezri Dax: These pronouns are going to drive me crazy!

Garak: Look at you. You're pathetic! A confused child, trying to live up to a legacy left by her predecessors. You're not worthy of the name 'Dax'. I knew Jadzia. She was vital, alive, she owned herself; and you - you don't even know who you are. How dare you presume to help me? You can't even help yourself! - Now get out of here, before I say something unkind.

[Garak has tried to force open the door of an airlock]

Garak: I can't believe the way I humiliated myself back there. I just... wanted to get out. I couldn't breathe.

Ensign Ezri Dax: If you were looking for fresh air, you sure were knocking on the wrong door.

Ezri Dax: Do you remember anything traumatic happening to you when you were young? Something involving being trapped in a confined space?

Garak: If I had been that careless, my father would have left me there, to teach me a lesson.

Garak: They have no idea that I broke their code. All those Cardassians are going to die because of me!

Ensign Ezri Dax: I suppose that's one way of looking at it.

Garak: What other way is there?

Ensign Ezri Dax: That by helping to end the war, you'll be saving lives.

Garak: Save lives? And what lives would I be saving? Human? Klingon? Romulan?

Ensign Ezri Dax: And Cardassian.

Garak: No, not Cardassians! They're going to fight to the bitter end; the Dominion will see to that. Don't you understand? Don't you see? I wanted to believe that I was helping my people, liberating them. But all I've done is to pave the way for their annihilation. I'm a traitor!

[Dax has decided to leave Starfleet]

Captain Sisko: Well, if you're leaving Starfleet, you'll have to find something to do. Let's see. Maybe you could become one of the people who take care of the symbiont pools. It's quiet in those caves, no one around, no one expecting great things of you. You could spend the rest of your life underground, in the dark, stirring mud. Eighty or ninety years of that just might be what you need. And as for Dax, that symbiont had eight amazing lives. So what if the ninth was a waste?

Ensign Ezri Dax: It means a lot to me that you want me to stay, but... I can't.

Captain Sisko: Because of Worf?

Ensign Ezri Dax: Mostly.

Captain Sisko: Well... you just say the word, and I will intimidate him for you.

[Dax has been promoted to full counselor]

Captain Sisko: [to Dax] Congratulations, Lieutenant. I want you to take a good look around. You have just agreed to take responsibility for the mental health of everyone in this room. You have your work cut out for you.

Doctor Bashir: Well, I'm glad they made you a lieutenant. It would've been hard taking advice from an ensign.

Chief O'Brien: Since when did you take advice from anyone?

Chief O'Brien: So, let me get this straight: all we have to do is get past an enemy fleet, avoid a tachyon detection grid, beam into the middle of Klingon headquarters and avoid the Brotherhood of the Sword long enough to set these things up and activate them in front of Gowron?

Lt. Commander Worf: If we succeed, there will be many songs sung in our honor.

Chief O'Brien: Let's hope we're there to hear them.

Gul Dukat: Major, I must say I'm shocked. You use my daughter to lure me here, you're asking me to risk my ship on some fool's errand into the Klingon Empire, and you're pregnant. I hope First Minister Shakaar appreciates what a lucky man he is.

Major Kira Nerys: Shakaar's not the father.

Gul Dukat: Then who is?

Major Kira Nerys: Chief O'Brien.

Major Kira Nerys: [pointing at her pregnant belly] Don't forget, this... is still your fault. [Siddig is the real life father of Visitor's baby]

Doctor Bashir: My fault?

Major Kira Nerys: You performed the transfer from Keiko to me.

Doctor Bashir: After you volunteered.

Major Kira Nerys: After you put the idea in my head.

Doctor Bashir: After you flew the runabout into an asteroid field.

Major Kira Nerys: After you insisted we check on those anomalous bio-scans.

Doctor Bashir: That was Keiko!

Major Kira Nerys: Well, that's right, it was, but I'd rather blame you.

Doctor Bashir: Whatever makes you happy.

Chief O'Brien: I hate prototypes.

Quark: Captain! You're just in time for happy hour.

Captain Sisko: Do I look happy, Quark?

Quark: [about Odo] We all have our failures, and he's mine. Ever since he lost his shapeshifting abilities, I haven't been able to get a smile out of him.

Captain Sisko: Where is he?

Quark: I'm telling you, Captain, that's one depressed ex-Changeling. He's upstairs at his usual table. Just follow the black cloud.

Captain Sisko: Starfleet's sending an infiltration team to Klingon territory. Their orders are to do whatever it takes to prove that Gowron's a shapeshifter.

Major Kira Nerys: Tough assignment. Who're they sending?

Captain Sisko: Me.

Jake Sisko: [about his father] Sometimes, I wish that he wasn't so good at his job. That way, maybe every once in a while they'd give someone else the tough assignments.

Jake Sisko: You know, you can tell a lot about people's moods just by watching them walk on the Promenade. When things are going good, people take their time, window-shop, talk to their friends. [sighs] And then there's days like today...

Doctor Bashir: Everybody's in a hurry.

Jake Sisko: They can feel the Klingons breathing down their necks.

Doctor Bashir: Well, I shall have to remember to walk a little slower. Show no fear - that's my motto.

Major Kira Nerys: It's hard to believe one Changeling could cause so much chaos.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: He can if he's impersonating the leader of the Klingon Empire.

Captain Sisko: Starfleet has ordered us to try to expose the Gowron Changeling. I want you to come with us.

Odo: Hm... Maybe it would be better for you to take Deputy Yndar. There's nothing I can do that he can't.

Captain Sisko: I don't need Yndar, I need you.

Odo: What you need is someone who can turn into Gowron's pet targ. I can't do that anymore.

Captain Sisko: [as Jodmos] What's wrong, Dukat? Haven't you ever seen a Klingon before?

Chief O'Brien: [as Pahash] It's not easy being funny wearing these teeth.

[Worf is testing his comrades' Klingon reactions]

Lt. Commander Worf: Are you a Klingon warrior or an Alverian dung beetle?

Odo: [as Kodrak] I really don't see the point.

Lt. Commander Worf: Do not look away from me! I called you a dung beetle.

Odo: I heard you.

Lt. Commander Worf: And what is your response?

Odo: You should have your eyes examined.

[Sisko/Jodmos hits Worf with the back of his hand]

Captain Sisko: [as Jodmos] Are you questioning the validity of my plan?

Lt. Commander Worf: Very convincing, Captain. But was it your intention to challenge me to a battle to the death?

Captain Sisko: [surprised] No, not at all.

Lt. Commander Worf: Then next time, do not strike me with the back of your hand. Use your fist.

Chief O'Brien: You know, I think I'm actually beginning to like bloodwine.

Odo: It's really not too bad - except for the taste.

Odo: [about his drink] It's a pity it doesn't have any bubbles.

[when encountering another Bird-of-Prey, Dukat destroys it with a couple of photon torpedoes]

Captain Sisko: Was that really necessary?

Gul Dukat: It was either that or trust in Mr. Worf's ability to lie. And frankly, I have more faith in my weapons.

Gul Dukat: [to Sisko] And now, Jodmos, son of Kobor - your medal awaits you.

Gowron: You want to kill me, Worf? You're welcome to try.

Gowron: [to Worf] You should have killed me when you had the chance. I promise, you won't get another.

Captain Sisko: Where Gowron leads, the Council will follow.

[Sisko has reverted to his Human self]

Doctor Bashir: Now, that's better, isn't it?

Captain Sisko: I don't know. I could do without the ridges, but I kind of miss the fangs.

Martok: [watching Worf fight Gowron] What's he doing? Why doesn't Sisko just shoot him?

Odo: I have a better question. Why isn't Gowron letting his bodyguards kill Worf? I'll tell you why: Klingon honor, a concept you should be very familiar with. My people, on the other hand, don't care about honor. What was it you said "There will be no honorable combat, no formal challenges"? Hardly the words of a Klingon. Tell me, general, did Gowron destroy the polaron emitters or did you?

Martok: [gives a look that tells us he knows he's been made]

Captain Sisko: [after defeating a Klingon in a wrist-wrestling match] Captain of the Academy wrestling team! [rubs his shoulder] Twenty-two years ago. Ow.

Lt. Commander Worf: Getting close to Gowron will not be easy. He is guarded around the clock by the Yan-Isleth.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: The Brotherhood of the Sword.

Doctor Bashir: I don't know if you'd noticed but T'Lani women are quite attractive.

Chief O'Brien: I'm not blind, you know.

Doctor Bashir: Course not. But you are married.

Quark: To our dear departed comrades. We may have had our differences but I'll say this for them men - it's the highest tribute I can think of: they were good customers. They always paid their bar bills on time.

Quark: At times like this, I'm reminded of the 57th Rule of Acquisition: "Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them!"

Chief O'Brien: You were wrong, you know... about marriage.

Doctor Bashir: Whatever you say, Chief.

Chief O'Brien: Listen to me, Julian! You're the one who's always talking about adventure. Huh... adventure... Oh... marriage is the greatest adventure of them all. It's filled with pitfalls and setbacks and mistakes and... But it's a journey worth taking... 'cause you take it together. I know Keiko's been unhappy about us coming to the station... We still argue about it. But that's all right... At the end of the day we both know we love each other. That's all that matters.

Chief O'Brien: You know... I wouldn't mind a cup of coffee right now.

Keiko O'Brien: [surprised] Miles, you never drink coffee in the afternoon.

Chief O'Brien: Sure I do!

Keiko O'Brien: [stunned] You do?

Chief O'Brien: Just 'cause you're married doesn't mean you stop looking at women.

Doctor Bashir: Just as long as you don't let your wife *see* you look.

Doctor Bashir: [over subspace] The Chief is quite anxious to return back to the station.

Chief O'Brien: Well, it's been a long week.

Commander Sisko: Still, I think we can spare you for another day.

Doctor Bashir: I agree. If that's okay with you, Chief?

Chief O'Brien: I suppose another day won't kill me.

Doctor Bashir: Don't worry, Chief. I'm gonna get you home.

Chief O'Brien: In a box maybe.

Doctor Bashir: Nonsense. Don't go giving up on me now.

Chief O'Brien: I'm not giving up. I'm dying.

Chief O'Brien: The Cardassians used to rig the supplies they left behind with pressure grenades. I've seen more than one soldier permanently use his appetite that way.

Chief O'Brien: The way I see it, we have only one chance to survive this thing, and that's to stay alive long enough for Commander Sisko to find us.

Doctor Bashir: But that won't be for at least another day. He still thinks we're celebrating on T'Lani Prime.

Chief O'Brien: I said it was our only chance. I didn't say it was a good one.

[after destroying the Ganges, presumably with Sisko, Dax, Bashir and O'Brien on board, the T'Lani and Kelleruns realize that the second runabout has disappeared]

Jakin: I'm picking up a warp signature.

E'Tyshra: Sisko! Maybe he and the others weren't on that runabout we destroyed.

Jakin: They could have transported to the other runabout while our sensors were down.

E'Tyshra: And then piloted the first ship by remote navigation.

Sharat: [matter-of-factly] But we saw them die.

E'Tyshra: Did we?

Odo: Unauthorized access to crew quarters is a crime, Quark. You could have just asked to use the replicators.

Quark: There's an old Ferengi saying: "Never ask when you can take". Uh... how d'you figure it out?

Odo: You claimed Rom fixed your replicators?

Odo: Rom's an idiot. He couldn't fix a straw if it was bent.

Quark: You're right, Rom is an idiot. Remind me to get rid of him tomorrow.

[Quark finds out his food carrier was the shape-shifted Odo]

Quark: Ah. I thought the front wheels were sticking a bit.

Quark: You, gold! Owe, MEEEE!

Major Kira: You look like you could use some sleep.

Chief O'Brien: Who's time for sleep? I'd settle for five minutes peace and quiet.

[in the background, Sisko is burning his lips on a too hot coffee]

Commander Sisko: Chief! I thought you were gonna fix the replicators.

Chief O'Brien: [disgruntled] You're absolutely right, sir, I knew I'd forgotten something! Can't have the operations chief sitting around daydreaming when there's work to be done, can we? Hohohoho, I'll get right on it!

Chief O'Brien: "Fix the replicators, chief." "My console's offline, chief." Should've transferred to a cargo drone. No people, no complaints.

Major Kira: I suppose this isn't a good time to tell you that no. 3 turbolift has broken down again?

[O'Brien looks at her confused]

Major Kira: Joking, Chief.

Chief O'Brien: Major larks true pepper.

Major Kira: What?

Chief O'Brien: Let birds go further loose, maybe. Shout easy play.

Major Kira: Chief... you're not making any sense.

Chief O'Brien: Round the turbulent quick - Close the reverse harbor - A-ankle try... sound - R-reset gleaming - Di-dinner to bug.

[he moves away from her]

Major Kira: Chief, wait!

Chief O'Brien: When?

[Quark is testing his dabo wheel when Odo enters]

Quark: Care to place a friendly wager?... If it's your reputation you're thinking about, no one need ever know.

Odo: It has nothing to do with my reputation. The truth is, I never... learned the game.

Quark: You mean you sat here for all these years and you don't even know how to gamble?

Odo: That's correct.

Quark: No wonder you always look so bored.

Odo: Quark. Am I to believe that you're volunteering to help?

Quark: Who said anything about volunteering? We can haggle over price later.

Quark: Major Kira! Lieutenant Dax! I'd be honored to have you join my little party, as my guests, of course.

Major Kira: What's all this, Quark? You cheat your 1,000th customer?

Quark: Who says Bajorans don't have a sense of humor?

[Quark is talking to an aphasia patient with lots of gestures and mimics]

Quark: Food! Dabo! Drinks! Money! Hand, mine - give!

Commander Sisko: Well, Quark, I see even you couldn't weasel your way clear of this one.

Quark: You underestimate the Ferengi immune system, Commander. I'm merely here visiting my less fortunate customers to make sure they're not faking the illness to avoid paying their bills!

Commander Sisko: No one could be that devious.

Quark: I am.

Jaheel: Dark - fellow - distance...

Odo: Yeah, tell me about it.

Quark: Odo? Quark to Odo? You're still with us?

Odo: Try not to sound too disappointed.

Commander Sisko: We need to find out who created this virus.

Commander Sisko: [to Kira] You're our best hope.

Major Kira: Eighteen years is a long time.

Odo: Besides, even if she finds who did this, that's no guarantee they can help us.

Commander Sisko: We just have to hope they remember the antidote.

Odo: That's assuming they ever bothered to create one.

Commander Sisko: No need to ask how you're doing.

Major Kira: Chasing after ghosts!

Commander Sisko: You have twelve hours to catch one.

Major Kira: And then?

Commander Sisko: People start dying.

[Sisko has agreed to let Kira take a runabout to get help from Bajor]

Odo: Let's just hope there's someone left to greet her when she returns.

Major Kira: Listen, Surmak. I have a station full of dying people, and you are the closest thing there is to an expert on this virus.

Surmak Ren: I sympathize, Major, but I don't think I can help you.

Major Kira: All right. Then how about helping yourself?

Surmak Ren: Meaning what?

Major Kira: Meaning... I've been infected with your virus, Doctor. So now you're infected too.

Major Kira: Listen, Doctor, um... I-I'll be in ops. If you need me, use this string impact.

[Surmak looks at her puzzled]

Major Kira: Lot show red intense.

Surmak Ren: I think you'd better sit down, Major.

Commander Sisko: We'll have to get down there and blow it manually.

[he tries to get up but falls back, exhausted]

Odo: I'll do it.

Commander Sisko: All right. You can cross barrels. All job appalled.

Odo: What was that?

Commander Sisko: Bread - the arrive - seen earlier.

Odo: Oh, I see...

Odo: I need to get to docking port V now. That ship's gonna explode in five minutes!

Quark: I'll beam you over.

Quark: Relax. I served on a Ferengi freighter for eight years.

Odo: All right.

[he rushes onto the transporter pad]

Quark: I must have witnessed the procedure hundreds of times!

Odo: Witnessed? You mean to say you never handled the controls yourself?

Quark: Energizing!

[waves Odo goodbye as he beams him away]

Commander Sisko: [after burning his lips on a too hot coffee yet again] O'Brien!

Odo: [after saving Quark from an abusive diner and throwing the diner out] Well, another satisfied customer.

Doctor Bashir: A vodka martini. Stirred, not shaken.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Right away, sir.

Nog: The news just keeps getting better, doesn't it?

Captain Sisko: What news?

Colonel Kira: Oh... nothing, sir, we're, uh, talking about a holosuite program.

Doctor Bashir: Vic Fontaine's hotel's just been bought by... gangsters.

Captain Sisko: I see. When do you plan on going back to work?

Kasidy Yates: There are times when I just can't figure you out.

Captain Sisko: Well - maybe that's part of the attraction.

Kasidy Yates: Believe that if you want to.

Captain Sisko: You want to know... you *really* want to know what my problem is? I'll tell you: Las Vegas 1962, that's my problem. In 1962, black people weren't very welcome there. Oh sure, they could be performers or janitors, but customers? Never.

Kasidy Yates: Maybe that's the way it was in the real Vegas, but that is not the way it is at Vic's. I have never felt uncomfortable there, and neither has Jake.

Captain Sisko: But don't you see? That's the lie. In 1962, the civil rights movement was still in its infancy. It wasn't an easy time for our people, and I'm not going to pretend that it was.

Kasidy Yates: Baby - I know that Vic's isn't a totally accurate representation of the way things were, but... it isn't meant to be. It shows us the way things could've been - the way they should've been.

Captain Sisko: We cannot ignore the truth about the past.

Kasidy Yates: Going to Vic's isn't going to make us forget who we are or where we came from. What it does is reminds us that we are no longer bound by any limitations - except the ones we impose on ourselves.

Doctor Bashir: Miles - you thinking what I'm thinking?

Chief O'Brien: It depends on what you're thinking.

Frankie Eyes: I'm thinking of writing a book.

Colonel Kira: What's the title?

Frankie Eyes: Well, maybe you could help me think one up.

Colonel Kira: My talents lie in other directions.

Frankie Eyes: Good title! Mind if I use it?

Colonel Kira: I'd say you already paid for it.

Frankie Eyes: So what do you say we, uh, hit the roulette table and see if I can't buy Chapter One?

Frankie Eyes: The name's Frank Chalmers. But everyone calls me Frankie Eyes.

Colonel Kira: Why is that?

Frankie Eyes: 'cause I don't miss a trick.

Tony Cicci: That's the problem with our business - too many guys named Paulie.

Tony Cicci: So where're you from again?

Odo: Bajor.

Tony Cicci: That's in Jersey, right?

Odo: Right.

Vic Fontaine: There's got to be a way for us to bury the hatchet.

Frankie Eyes: I already did - in your head.

Chief O'Brien: Computer, delete characters Frankie Eyes and, er... I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.

Tony Cicci: Cicci.

Doctor Bashir: Cicci.

Chief O'Brien: ...Cicci from the holosuite's program.

Tony Cicci: [to Frankie] What's a 'holosuites'?

Frankie Eyes: Beats me.

Doctor Bashir: Where have you been?

Chief O'Brien: I don't wanna talk about it. [after possibly having been subjected to a strip search]

Chief O'Brien: Robbing casinos isn't part of any Starfleet job description I've ever read.

Nog: Uh-oh...

Odo: What do you mean, "uh-oh"? We don't have time for "uh-oh".

Nog: Piece of cake!

[when finally cracking the safe after about ten minutes and multiple unsuccessful attempts]

Mr. Zeemo: Where's my money?

Odo: Say goodbye to Frankie Eyes.

Quark: I'm telling you, Morn, something's going on in Vic's that we don't know about.

Colonel Kira: Mr. Zeemo! It's a great honor to meet you.

Mr. Zeemo: I know.

Doctor Bashir: What you have there is a sebaceous cyst.

Chief O'Brien: I know it's a cyst, but it's getting bigger.

Doctor Bashir: There's nothing to worry about. Dermatalogically speaking you're perfectly healthy.

Chief O'Brien: Oh, I'm perfectly healthy, except I've got a disgusting cyst on the back of my neck. Now either I paint a nose, eyes, and mouth on it and pretend I've got two heads or you take it off.

Doctor Bashir: I'll get you some paint.

Chief O'Brien: Julian! Get it off me!

Doctor Bashir: Alright, alright. But you know what they say: two heads are better than one.

Chief O'Brien: Julian, I'm waiting!

Chief O'Brien: [with Worf and Bashir in a holding cell] Captain! Can we leave now?

Captain Sisko: I'll tell Constable Odo to let you go... in the morning!

Lt. Commander Worf: We are Starfleet officers; and Starfleet officers do not brawl with each other.

Chief O'Brien: It wasn't much of a brawl really - I grabbed you, you shoved me, and Julian was tossed over a table...

Quark: I've reconsidered it. My decision stands.

Rom: But brother...

Quark: *Don't* "brother" me! In this bar, you are not my brother. You're my employee. And employees have no right to question the management's decisions!

Quark: Rom, we shouldn't be fighting. We're brothers.

Rom: Not when it comes to business. We're nothing but employer and employee. You've said so yourself.

Quark: I was wrong.

Rom: No. You weren't.

Quark: The only thing I regret is not being an only child.

Quark: Rom, you have to listen to me. The FCA does not answer to anyone. And if Brunt decides to get rid of you, I won't be able to stop him.

Rom: Look at it this way: if Brunt gets rid of me, then all your problems are solved - you always said you wanted to be an only child!

Rom: You never cared what happened to me before.

Quark: I always cared about you. I tried to protect you, save you from yourself.

Rom: How? By telling me I was an idiot my whole life?

Quark: I had to be tough on you; I was trying to make you a better Ferengi.

Rom: What you were trying to do was make yourself feel important. Making me feel dumb made you feel smart. But I'm not dumb! And you're not half as smart as you think you are!

Rom: [reading from Marx's Manifesto] "Workers of the world, unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains."

Rom: [of Leeta] She kissed me!

Quark: There's no accounting for taste.

[Bashir has suggested to Rom to form a bargaining association to prevent exploitation]

Rom: You don't understand. Ferengi workers don't want to stop the exploitation, we want to find a way to become the exploiters.

Doctor Bashir: Suit yourself. But I don't see *you* exploiting anyone.

Rom: We're going to form... a union!

Rom: It won't happen, unless you make it happen.

Chief O'Brien: [about his ancestor Sean O'Brien] You know, he had the biggest funeral in all of Western Pennsylvania.

Rom: [startled] Funeral?

Chief O'Brien: Mm. They fished his body out of the Allegheny River, a week before the strike ended. 32 bullets he had in him. Or was it 34?

Doctor Bashir: Well - he died a hero.

Chief O'Brien: He was more than a hero. He was a union man!

Odo: [to Quark] From what Chief O'Brien tells me about strikes, they sound like trouble. I don't like mobs. In my opinion, if you need one to get what you want, it's not worth getting.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Mr. Worf, you're in love - with the Defiant.

Lt. Commander Worf: You exaggerate - as usual.

[Worf has decided to move his quarters to the Defiant]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: You know, Worf, in the end, living on the Defiant isn't going to change anything. You're still going to have to get used to life on the station.

Lt. Commander Worf: I am not sure I agree.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Sooner or later, you're going to have to adapt.

Lt. Commander Worf: Perhaps in the end, it'll be all of you that have to adapt to me.

[Brunt's Nausicaan henchmen are throwing darts at each other's chest]

Quark: Doesn't that hurt?

Brunt: I'm sure it does. Most Nausicaan games do.

Captain Sisko: [to Quark] Maybe I don't know much about Ferengi culture, but I do know who holds the lease on your bar.

[Rom hands out slips of latinum to potential customers of Quark's bar]

Rom: Thank you for not patronizing Quark's - Thank you for not patronizing Quark's - Thank you for not patronizing Quark's...

Leeta: I hope Rom's voice holds out.

Grimp: I hope our latinum holds out.

Grimp: [Rule of Acquisition #211] Employees are the rungs on the ladder of success. Don't hesitate to step on them.

Rom: [Rule of Acquisition #263] Never allow doubt to tarnish your lust for latinum.

Quark: The only thing this Bajoran Cleansing Ritual has cleansed is my profit margin.

[Rom has decided to quit his job at Quark's]

Rom: [to Quark] Think about it, from my point of view: if I keep working for you, all I have to look forward to is waiting for you to die, so I can inherit the bar.

Rom: [bashfully] Well, I don't want you to die.

Quark: Major! I must say, you are looking particularly cleansed today!

Major Kira: Just get me two mugs of synthale, a double order of hasperat and, uh... hold the conversation.

Quark: No wonder I missed you.

[Leeta laughs at Miles and Julian as they enter the bar in ancient warrior costumes]

Doctor Bashir: I feel silly.

Leeta: I like it. It shows off your legs.

Chief O'Brien: There, you see? Your public has spoken.

Leeta: [kisses Julian] Have fun.

[Myles and Julian walk through the bar to a holosuite]

Doctor Bashir: What'd you call this holosuite program of yours again?

Chief O'Brien: The Battle of Clontarf. You, me, and a thousand stalwart Irish Warriors against a ravening horde of Vikings. It's like the Battle of Britain, only with swords.

Doctor Bashir: How come *you* get to be High King?

Chief O'Brien: I am a direct descendant of King Brian Boru. Besides, it's my program.

Doctor Bashir: I suppose that's only fair.

[Worf hauls a criminal into Odo's office]

Lt. Commander Worf: This p'tak just robbed my quarters.

Odo: [to deputy] Take him to a holding cell.

[the deputy takes the thief away]

Odo: I'll need a statement.

Lt. Commander Worf: And you will have one. But I want to know why such a security breach was allowed to occur in the first place.

Odo: Unfortunately, these things happen.

Lt. Commander Worf: They did not happen on the Enterprise.

Odo: Really? Now let me see.

[consults a PADD]

Odo: Stardate 46235.7: Ferengi privateers led by DaiMon Lurin boarded and seized control of the Enterprise using two salvaged Klingon Birds-of-Prey. Stardate 45349.1: Berlinghoff Rasmussen, a petty criminal impersonating a scientist, committed numerous acts of theft against the crew of the Enterprise. Shall I continue?

Lt. Commander Worf: That will not be necessary.

Odo: I know these incidents are the exception rather than the rule, but if security breaches like these could happen on the flagship of the Federation, imagine the difficulty of maintaining security at an open port such as DS9.

Lt. Commander Worf: I understand. It is just that I find it irritating.

Odo: So do I, but I'm afraid you're just going to have to get used to it.

Quark: Captain, believe me, I want this strike settled as much as you do.

Captain Sisko: Then settle it.

Quark: It's not that simple.

Captain Sisko: Make it simple. Sit down with your brother and hammer out an agreement today.

Quark: Captain, I'm afraid you don't understand what a delicate situation this is. Even talking with strikers would be a violation of the most sacred precepts of Ferengi culture.

Captain Sisko: Maybe I don't know much about Ferengi culture, but I do know who holds the lease on your bar.

Quark: The Federation... and I couldn't ask for better landlords.

Captain Sisko: That's because we don't ask you to pay your rent, or to reimburse us for your maintenance repairs, or the drain on the station's power supply.

Quark: You're a very generous people.

Captain Sisko: Until today. [takes out a padd] Let's see. Five years of back rent, plus power consumption, plus the repairs. Do you know how much latinum that is?

Quark: A lot.

Captain Sisko: That's right.

Quark: I'll talk to my brother.

Captain Sisko: I'm glad we're in agreement.

Doctor Bashir: I'm sorry, Commander, but I've discovered we can't afford to die here, not even once!

Commander Sisko: You died before?

Shel-la: Many times, too many to count.

Shel-la: Your doctor acts as though he's seen a miracle.

Commander Sisko: He's not alone.

Commander Sisko: Dr. Bashir will give you any medical assistance he can, but understand, we can't take sides in your battle.

Shel-la: It doesn't matter what I understand if the Nol capture you.

Commander Sisko: We'd be willing to transport all of you away from here, if that's what you want.

Shel-la: Away from here? To live one life, to die in peace? To us, this is an ancient prayer that had never been answered, Commander.

Major Kira: Is something wrong, Opaka?

Kai Opaka: Contemplating prophecy.

Kai Opaka: Prophecy can often be vague, Commander. That's why we must test it.

Doctor Bashir: What's going on?

Commander Sisko: Talks about a ceasefire.

Doctor Bashir: No kidding! How'd you arrange that?

Commander Sisko: I told them we'd transport them off this moon.

Doctor Bashir: Isn't that a bit like assisting a jailbreak?

Commander Sisko: I don't need you to interpret the Prime Directive for me, Doctor.

Major Kira: They're content to die. I always fought to stay alive.

[Major Kira has been ranting about the poor defense measures of the Ennis]

Shel-la: [quietly] We used to defend ourselves better, Major - safety perimeters, counterattacks, preemptive strikes... And then we realized... that it was all pointless. When you cease to fear death, the rules of war change. You'll understand as the years begin to pass, Major.

Shel-la: [holding up a phaser] This is an energy weapon?

Commander Sisko: Yes.

Shel-la: The Ennis stopped using directed energy weapons centuries ago. Not damaging enough.

Shel-la: You give us a way to reprogram these microbes and we'll put an end to this war.

Major Kira: You really think the fear of death will end the fighting? It never has in any other war.

Kai Opaka: You were right. Kira. They don't know how to do anything else but die. They've forgotten how to live.

Kai Opaka: Don't deny the violence inside of you, Kira. Only when you accept it can you move beyond it.

Major Kira: I've known nothing but violence since I was a child.

Kai Opaka: In the eyes of the Prophets, we're all children.

Major Kira: I'm afraid the Prophets won't forgive me.

Kai Opaka: They're just waiting for you to forgive yourself.

Kai Opaka: I didn't know how or why, but when we came through the wormhole, I knew I wouldn't be returning. You must tell our people, Kira, that I have answered the call of the Prophets. I was brought here because it is time for these people to begin their healing process - just as you were brought here to begin yours.

Commander Sisko: Opaka - if we can ever find a way...

Kai Opaka: My work is here now, Commander. But your pagh and mine... will cross again.

Captain Sisko: [holding a spent power cell of the phaser array] Take a good look at this, people. It says something about this ship. It says that we will fight, and we will keep on fighting, until we can't fight any more!

All: Yes, sir!

Captain Sisko: You don't just throw something like this away!

All: No, sir!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Are you two ever gonna be finished?

Nog: Just a few more minutes, Commander.

Chief O'Brien: That's 'Captain'. It's an old naval tradition. Whoever's in command of a ship, regardless of rank, is referred to as 'Captain.'

Nog: You mean if I had to take command, I would be called 'Captain,' too?

Chief O'Brien: Cadet, by the time you took command, there'd be nobody left to call you anything.

Rom: Brother! Are you all right?

Quark: No, I am not all right. I just shared a bottle of kanar with... Damar.

Quark: I tried. I tried my best to run my establishment under this occupation. But you know what, it's no fun. I don't like Cardassians. They're mean and arrogant. And I can't stand the Jem'Hadar. They're creepy. They just stand there like statues, staring at you. That's it. I don't want to spend the rest of my life doing business with these people. I want the Federation back. I want to sell root beer again!

[Dax is in command of the Defiant]

Captain Sisko: I wouldn't get too comfortable in that chair, old man. When this war is over, I'm going to want my ship back!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Fine. When this war is over, I'm going on a honeymoon.

[Damar has been promoted to the rank of gul]

Quark: Wait a minute - you started a fight in my bar, and now you're getting a promotion? What kind of way is that to run an army?

Odo: To become a thing is to know a thing.

Female Shapeshifter: To assume its form is to begin to understand its existence.

Odo: When you return to the link, what will become of the entity I'm talking to right now?

Female Shapeshifter: The drop becomes the ocean.

Odo: And if you choose to take solid form again?

Female Shapeshifter: The ocean becomes a drop.

Odo: [of Kira] I'm so vulnerable to her. All she has to do is smile at me and I'm happy beyond reason. A minor disagreement between us and I'm devastated. It's absurd. Sometimes I wish I could reach inside myself and tear out my feelings for her. But I can't.

Major Kira: Rom is sitting in a holding cell, being interrogated. He was counting on you. *I* was counting on you!

Odo: I know.

Major Kira: You know? Do you realize what you just did? You just handed the Alpha Quadrant to the Dominion.

Odo: I was in the link.

Major Kira: Are you saying you forgot?

Odo: I didn't forget. It just didn't seem to matter.

Major Kira: A lot of people are going to die. Don't you care?

Odo: It has nothing to do with me.

Female Shapeshifter: You look troubled, Odo. Did she upset you?

Odo: No - not really.

Female Shapeshifter: Ah.

Michael Eddington: As far as I'm concerned, my life is over. I'm dead.

Captain Sisko: For a dead man, you talk a lot.

[Sisko learns that the Maquis have allegedly launched missiles on Cardassia]

Captain Sisko: I knew the Maquis were desperate, but I didn't believe that they would resort to something like this.

Martok: A sabre bear is most deadly when it is trapped with no hope of escape.

Captain Sisko: If those missiles hit Cardassia, it could start a war. Billions of people will be killed.

Michael Eddington: If you expect me to shed a tear, you're going to be disappointed. I used up all my tears, when the Dominion slaughtered the Maquis. I sat here in this cell for three days and listened to the reports as they came in. In those three days, everyone, and everything I cared about was wiped out.

Captain Sisko: I heard the same reports. It was a tragedy.

Michael Eddington: Your generosity of spirit touches me. But you don't give a damn about what happened to us. And I don't give a damn about what happens to you.

Captain Sisko: Do you want your freedom or not?

Michael Eddington: Freedom, huh? Tell me, if they did release me - where would I go? What would I do?

Captain Sisko: Anything you want.

Michael Eddington: What about bringing the Maquis back from the dead? Can I do that? Can you? Can anyone? No. I didn't think so. In that case, I'll tell you what I want. I wanna lie here till the Jem'Hadar blow this place to pieces - and me along with it.

Michael Eddington: If you can't have victory, sometimes you just have to settle for revenge.

Captain Sisko: [laughs sarcastically] Is that what you want? To be remembered as the man who helped bring about the worst war in Federation history?

Michael Eddington: Not quite the legacy I had in mind. But I can live with it.

Captain Sisko: [sardonically] Can you?

Michael Eddington: Let's get one thing straight, Captain. I'll get you to the launch site and I'll help you deactivate those missiles. But then you and I are going to have it out, once and for all.

Captain Sisko: You want a fight, Mister, I will give you one.

Michael Eddington: I don't intend to fight you, Captain. I intend to kill you.

Captain Sisko: [about Cal Hudson] He was a good man.

Michael Eddington: He felt the same about you. He thought you were wrong about the Maquis; but he forgave you. Which is ironic, considering you never forgave him. You can't forgive any of us. And not because we betrayed Starfleet or the Federation. But because we betrayed *you*.

Captain Sisko: Report.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Do the words "needle in a haystack" mean anything to you?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [about the cloaked yet still detectable Defiant] It's like a Ligorian mastodon moving through the forest. You may not be able to see it; but it definitely makes the leaves rustle.

[the runabout with Sisko and Eddington is hunted down by two Jem'Hadar ships]

Michael Eddington: Dissipating our warp signature didn't work.

Captain Sisko: Don't tell me the Maquis didn't have Plan B.

Michael Eddington: You're not going to like it.

Captain Sisko: Half an AU and closing. If you do have a plan, I guarantee I'll learn to love it.

Michael Eddington: Attacking two Jem'Hadar soldiers with a pipe, that's a brilliant plan.

Captain Sisko: It could be worse.

Michael Eddington: I know, it could be me holding the pipe.

Captain Sisko: Exactly!

[Eddington shoots a Jem'Hadar soldier who has knocked Sisko down during a fight in a badly lit tunnel]

Captain Sisko: You have sharp eyes.

Michael Eddington: Not really, I just waited to see which of you was knocked down first, and then I shot the one still standing.

Captain Sisko: Thank you for your vote of confidence.

Michael Eddington: You still there, Captain?

Captain Sisko: Disappointed?

Michael Eddington: Just checking.

[Nog is attempting to remove a few Klingons from the Promenade]

Nog: Either move, or I'm going to have to place you under arrest.

Martok: You are either very brave, or very stupid, Ferengi!

Nog: Probably a little of both.

Martok: [laughs] Indeed. Courage comes in all sizes. But don't tempt fate.

Michael Eddington: The Maquis won its greatest victories under my leadership.

Captain Sisko: Your leadership, your shining moment of glory. Michael Eddington gets to take off his gold uniform and play hero. That's what you always wanted, to lead troops in a glorious cause. Well, you had your chance. And look where you led them: right into their graves!

Michael Eddington: They died because I wasn't there when they needed me most. Because you put me in jail.

Captain Sisko: They died because you filled their heads with false hopes, sold them dreams of a military victory, when what they needed was a negotiated peace.

Michael Eddington: We had the Cardassians on the run.

Captain Sisko: And they ran right into the arms of the Dominion. End of story!

Michael Eddington: I was their leader. I was responsible for them and I failed. I failed them all.

[Morn has hit Quark with a barstool]

Odo: Witnesses say you were talking to him right up to the second he went berserk.

Quark: Of course I was talking to him. That's what bartenders are supposed to do - talk to their customers.

Major Kira: What exactly was it that you were talking to him about?

Quark: All I said was that the military personnel on this station were starting to look a little nervous. And when they get nervous, I get nervous.

Odo: And that's all you said?

Quark: Basically. I might've done a little harmless theorizing.

Quark: Oh, something like... it was only a matter of time before the Dominion launched a full-scale assault against the Federation, and when that happened, the station would undoubtedly be their first target... And I might have idly suggested... that there wasn't a chance in hell that any of us would get out of here alive.

Odo: And that's when Morn hit you with a barstool and ran onto the Promenade screaming "We're all doomed".

Quark: Some people just don't react well to stress.

Captain Sisko: I didn't know you were married.

Michael Eddington: We've held the ceremony two weeks before you captured me.

Captain Sisko: Not much of a honeymoon.

[Eddington is the last one to hold out against the invading Jem'Hadar]

Michael Eddington: Seems like a perfect time for a song. Wish I could think of one. Does anyone know a good song? Something rousing? Too bad!

[he charges the Jem'Hadar and goes down in the blaze of their fire]

Michael Eddington: [his last words] Rebecca...

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: If you ask me, Eddington couldn't have picked a better way to go - at least from his point of view. He was a romantic, and what is more romantic than a glorious death in defense of a lost cause?

Captain Sisko: There is something attractive about a lost cause.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Maybe you have more in common with Eddington than you want to admit.

Captain Sisko: I called him a traitor once. But in a way he was the most loyal man I ever met. He was a Maquis - right up to the bitter end.

Nog: Squid. My favorite human food. Mmm. Delicious, sir.

Jake Sisko: Terrific as always, Dad.

Captain Sisko: I'm glad you like it.

Nog: Sir, if I may say so, this sauce tastes very familiar.

Captain Sisko: Well it should. It's puree of tube grubs.

Jake Sisko: [vomits in napkin] Tube grubs?

Captain Sisko: I figured if Nog is willing to eat squid, it's only fair that we try tube grubs. Besides, you said it was terrific.

Jake Sisko: That was before I knew what it was!

Michael Eddington: It may look like chicken, but it still tastes like replicated protein molecules to me.

[Odo discovers an aged Klingon entered his office undetected while his back was turned]

Odo: How did you get in here?

Koloth: I am Koloth.

Odo: That doesn't answer my question.

Koloth: Yes, it does.

Kang: [to the Albino] Look upon your executioners, killer of children!

Kor: How do we know that he's even inside?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Good question.

Koloth: [gets up] Wait here!

Kor: Where're you going?

Koloth: I'm going to find out if he's inside.

Kor: And how do you intend to do that?

Koloth: I'll *ask* somebody!

Koloth: [wounded] I didn't see him coming.

Kor: Even you cannot have eyes in the back of your head, my friend.

Koloth: [to Kor] I will not die before you do, you thunderous bulk!

Odo: It's been a Klingon afternoon.

Major Kira: A Klingon afternoon?

Odo: Every time Klingons visit the station, I wind up with a Klingon afternoon.

Odo: Since when did you add ancient Klingon battles to your holosuite programs?

Quark: The captain of the last Klingon ship that went through the wormhole sold some to me.

Odo: Uh-huh.

Quark: I know, I know, it's brutal! It's violent. It's bloody. But to the Klingons, it's entertainment.

Kang: This time, we will reach the Albino. And when we do, I will cut his heart out, and eat it, while he watches me with his dying breath!

[Quark shuts off the holosuite, and Kor storms out, clutching a bottle]

Kor: [drunk] You dare interrupt the Battle of Klach D'Kel Brakt, you Ferengi k'pekt?

[while Quark cowers, Odo grabs Kor's hand and gently takes the bottle away]

Odo: The battle is over. The people are waiting to celebrate your victory.

Kor: [brightens] They are? Lead the way, then!

[Koloth carefully cuts a piece of cake in half]

Kor: [laughing] Look at him. He practices cuts and thrusts even with his food! Little children do that.

Koloth: A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye.

Kor: [to Dax] Oh? It's been forty years since even his good eye was sharp. Ah, it's luck when you hit the plate!

[a slightly drunk Kor sits at the bar, with a young woman on each arm and a mug in front of him]

Kor: [laughing] I need another arm! Or am I doomed to choose between perfection and palate?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Let me spare you that decision.

[she lifts his mug to his lips]

[a drunken Kor is passed out in a holding cell]

Odo: Sir, if you'll wake up, I'll release you into your friend's custody.

Kor: [looks up] K-Koloth? wIj jup, my old friend. Oh, I knew you'd be here.

Koloth: You disgrace yourself, and our purpose! I do not go into battle with one whose honor is washed away in Breshtanti ale!

Koloth: [to Odo] Keep him!

[storms out]

[Dax and he Klingons are preparing to storm the Albino's compound]

Kang: It will be midday in about an hour. Can you create the diversion in the armory by then?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: I think so.

Kang: We will be in position at the powerhouse. May Kahless guide us on this day of vengeance!

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: [distracting a guard] Excuse me. Could you tell me where the tennis courts are? I seem to be lost.

[knocks him down]

Quark: He only paid for one hour. He's been in there for three, fighting the Battle of Klachdachbrach or some such thing over and over.

Odo: The Battle of Klach D'Kel Brakt is a legendary Klingon victory over the Romulans almost a century ago.

Quark: Well, he's been losing it all afternoon. And he says he's not coming out until he wins! I banged on the door; he sealed himself in. I threatened to shut off the power; he threatened to kill me.

Odo: [with mock sympathy] Ooh!

Odo: Shut off the power.

Quark: He'll kill you.

Odo: No - he said he'll kill *you*.

Kor: There is tension on your face, Koloth. You ought to drink more!

Kor: The only weight I carry now, dear comrade, is... is my own bulbous body. I-I was once, if you remember, far less than you see. And far more than I've become.

Major Kira: [referring to an earlier question from Dax] Jadzia - your questions about my... experience with killing; if you're wondering what it's like... [pause]

Major Kira: When you take someone's life... you lose a part of your own as well.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: [to Kang] I'm Dax, godfather of your son.

Koloth: You are no one's godfather!

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: I am Dax, godfather of your son.

Kang: So - you are the same Dax who took a blood oath with us, to seek vengeance?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Don't mistake a new face for a new soul, Kang.

Kang: The old Klingon ways are passing. There was a time, when I was a young man, the mere mention of the Klingon Empire made worlds tremble. Now, our warriors are opening restaurants and serving racht to the grandchildren of men I slaughtered in battle. Things are not what they used to be, not even a blood oath.

Kor: Kang thinks to much, Koloth doesn't feel enough.

Major Kira: Look - you've said yourself, every new life for a Trill has to be a new life. If not, you'd wind up paying off old debts forever. These Klingons can't possibly expect you to keep this oath.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: No, they don't. That's just it. They say I have no obligation to them. But I do. I know it, I feel it. If not to them, I owe it to Curzon.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: The Korvat colony. First day of negotiations, I walked out on you - right in the middle of that long-winded speech of yours. You should have seen the look on your face. Nobody had ever had the kajunpak't to show their back to the great Kang before Curzon did.

Kang: I almost killed Curzon that day.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: I knew, I had to get you very, very angry, or my mission wouldn't succeed. Getting you angry with me was the only way to begin to create a bond between us.

Kang: Curzon understood Klingons.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: And he also understood what he was doing when he took a Klingon blood oath.

Kang: I cannot dishonor myself by allowing you to die in Curzon's place.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Who's talking about dying? I have no intention of dying. You dishonor yourself already, Kang, by placing your honor above mine. No Klingon warrior would leave a comrade behind while he goes off to battle! Perhaps you're right - Klingon honor isn't what it used to be.

Kang: Are you trying to anger me again? You think the same trick would work twice?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: I understand Klingons.

Kang: All right then - it worked. Come and fight with us. Come and be damned!

Kor: Of course you should come. The splendor of fighting and killing, a blood bath in the course of vengeance, who wouldn't want to come?

Kang: We will overwhelm them, to glorious victory!

Koloth: Or a glorious death!

Kor: It is a good day to die.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: It is a good day to die.

Kang: If we cannot reach the Albino, we can at least die an honorable death trying to reach him - a death a Klingon Dahar Master deserves.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: You know what, Kang? I think you Klingons embrace death too easily. You treat death like a lover. I think living is a lot more attractive.

Kang: Perhaps... it is a good day to live.

Kang: [after killing the Albino] Thank you for... saving the death blow for me. You have honored me one last time... godfather to my son.

Kang: Where is Koloth?

Kor: He is dead.

Kang: [breathes heavily] I was right, Dax. It is a good day to die...

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: [whispers] It's never a good day to lose a friend.

[Kor intones a Klingon funeral dirge in honor of his fallen comrades]

Garak: [to Morn] If you try the trousers on first, you'll see I've added some extra padding to the seat - which should make swiveling on your barstool much more comfortable.

Chief O'Brien: [about Keiko] Do you know what she wanted to do last week?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: What?

Chief O'Brien: She wanted to go back to Bajor and rappel down the Cliffs of Undalar, to get a fungus sample. Rappel to get fungus! It's as if I have to remind her that she's pregnant!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Yeah. I guess the extra weight, the morning sickness, the mood swings, the medical examinations, they aren't reminders enough.

Quark: It took me my whole life, but I'm gonna die a winner!

Rom: When you see how much your body is worth you're gonna wish you died years ago - or something like that...

Quark: Garak, let's talk about death!

Brunt: You are a disease, Quark, a festering tumor on the lobes of Ferengi society; and it's my job to cut you off!

[Bashir explains the circumstances of the runabout accident and how Kira ended up with Keiko's unborn baby]

Doctor Bashir: ...A fuel pod exploded, and Keiko was thrown against the bulkhead. She had a concussion, broken ribs, internal hemorrhaging. I managed to stabilize her, but the baby's autonomic functions were failing. I had to find another womb for the baby, and the only two people available were Major Kira - and me.

Captain Sisko: I think you made the right choice, Doctor.

Molly O'Brien: Are you my aunt?

Major Kira: W-well...

Chief O'Brien: Sounds right to me.

Major Kira: [nods] Aunt Nerys.

[Quark wakes up in the Divine Treasury - as it seems... ]

Quark: I'm really dead!

[Grand Nagus Gint appears]

Grand Nagus Gint: You're not just dead, Quark, you're an idiot!

[cackles madly]

Quark: Take my assets, revoke my Ferengi business license, do whatever you have to do, then get out! And if I ever see you walk into my bar again...

Brunt: Yes?

Quark: ...you won't walk out.

Quark: Captain, you can't do this! Not without paying a storage fee... a minimum storage fee, practically nothing.

Captain Sisko: Send me the bill.

Quark: I'm nobody - just some bartender with a domineering mother and an idiot brother.

Quark: I'm a joke on Ferenginar - Starfleet's favorite bartender, the Synthehol King! What a legacy.

[Quark has been diagnosed with the fatal Dorek Syndrome]

Quark: It strikes only one out of every five million Ferengi. I finally beat the odds!

[the diagnosis turns out to be false]

Quark: Do you know what that means, Rom?

Rom: It means you're gonna live!

Quark: [overjoyed] It means I get to sue Dr. Orpax for malpractice!

[Brunt has come to claim Quark's dessicated remains, according to contract]

Quark: Maybe I wasn't clear: I'm not dying.

Brunt: Maybe *I* wasn't clear: I don't care.

[repeated line]

Ferengi: [Rule of Acquisition #17] A contract is a contract is a contract.

Grand Nagus Gint: [Rule of Acquisition #239] Never be afraid to mislabel a product.

[Garak sneaks up behind a holographic Quark and breaks his neck]

Garak: How's that?

Quark: Awful! Did you hear that sound of bone snapping? I don't want that to be the last thing I hear!

Garak: It wasn't that loud.

Quark: You don't have these ears. Snapping vertebrae is out!

Garak: We're running out of options, Quark. You don't want to be vaporized because you need a body; the disrupter ruined your clothing, the knife was too savage, the nerve gas smelled bad, hanging took too long, and poison... What was was wrong with poison?

Quark: It doesn't work! If I know the food is poisoned I won't eat it.

Garak: For a man who wants to kill himself you're strangely determined to live.

Quark: I'm going to die, don't you worry about that. I just want to find the right way.

Garak: Right way?

Quark: I don't want to see it coming. Or hear it. Or feel it or smell it. I just want to go on with my life and then...

[snaps his fingers]

Quark: ...I'm dead!

[snaps fingers too]

Garak: You want to be surprised!

Quark: Exactly! I want to wake up in the Divine Treasury and have no idea how I got there.

Garak: I see. Perhaps that can be arranged.

Quark: Really?

Garak: You have my word. You'll never know what hit you.

Quark: What's the most important thing in my life?

Garak: Business.

Quark: [to Rom] That's who I am. That's what I do, I'm a businessman, and more than that, I'm a Ferengi businessman. Do you know what that means? It means that I'm not exploiting and cheating people at random. I'm doing it according to a specific set of rules - the Rules of Acquisition. And I won't disregard them when I find them inconvenient.

Rom: Inconvenient? You're going to die!

Quark: Yes. And when I arrive at the gates of the Divine Treasury, the Registrar will accept my bribe and usher me inside; and do you know why? Because I died exactly the way I lived - as a Ferengi!

Rom: They took everything?

Quark: M-hm - including this shirt. I'm supposed to send it to Brunt in the morning.

Rom: Don't worry. I have some old clothes I was gonna throw out.

Quark: I'd rather be naked.

[the station's personnel is refurnishing Quark's empty bar]

Rom: Look at them, brother. And you thought you had no assets.

Quark: Sisko? Dax? Bashir, Morn? The're my assets?

Rom: To name a few.

Quark: I guess you're right. Huh... I need a drink.

Quark: I hear you're taking a little trip to the Gamma Quadrant.

Odo: Care to come along?

Quark: Are you kidding? I expect to own this station by the time you get back.

Lt. Commander Worf: Captain! Was Dax's last host as argumentative as this one?

Captain Sisko: Worse.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Thank you Benjamin - I think.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Benjamin, someone's requesting permission to come on board.

Captain Sisko: Who is it?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Garak.

Lt. Commander Worf: Tell him the ship is off limits to Cardassian spies.

Garak: Where you offer kindness, I offer mystery. Where you offer sympathy, I offer intrigue. Just give me a seat next to Odo's bed and I promise you I'll conjure up enough innuendos, half-truths and bald-faced lies about my so-called career in the Obsidian Order to keep the Constable distracted for days.

[Major Kira starts having one of her sneezing fits]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [counting]... two... three... I say she stops at seven.

Captain Sisko: I say eight. Mr. Worf?

Lt. Commander Worf: Ten!

[Kira stops after eight sneezes]

Major Kira: I hate being pregnant!

Captain Sisko: I win!

[Worf catches Garak trying to gain access to the ship's weapons]

Garak: Don't tell me: I overlooked one of the security monitors.

Odo: I've spent most of my life bringing people to justice. Now that it's my turn, how can I run away?

Garak: Come now, Mr. Worf! You're a Klingon; don't tell me you'd object to a little genocide in the name of self-defense.

Lt. Commander Worf: You fight well - for a tailor.

Chief O'Brien: It's funny - I've served on half a dozen ships, and none of them have had cloaking devices except the Defiant. Now that we're not using it I feel... naked.

Lt. Commander Worf: It is disconcerting, to say the least.

Captain Sisko: Gentlemen, I feel the same breeze you do.

[Dax smiles to herself]

Chief O'Brien: What're you smiling at?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I don't know, I guess it's just being in the same room with so many naked men.

[Garak has called Odo to his shop to introduce him to Chalan Aroya, a Bajoran woman]

Odo: [after Aroya has left] The next time you call me, it had better be to report a crime.

Garak: Now that you mention it, I've just witnessed a crime. Letting Aroya walk out of here without arranging a date, you should be locked away for that!

Odo: [disgusted] You humanoids, you're all obsessed with these convoluted mating rituals.

Garak: True, but do you think we'd waste so much time on something that wasn't worthwhile?

[Odo suffers from density fluctuations]

Doctor Bashir: For all I know, this could be a normal biological process, the Changeling equivalent of puberty - or menopause.

Odo: That's an interesting theory, Doctor - one I suggest that you keep to yourself.

Odo: The only ones who can help me now... are the Founders.

Garak: On behalf of my people, I'd like to learn if there were any survivors after our attack on your homeland?

Female Shapeshifter: Cardassian survivors?

Garak: Yes.

Female Shapeshifter: There were no Cardassian survivors.

Garak: You mean... they're all dead?

Female Shapeshifter: They're dead. You're dead. Cardassia is dead. Your people were doomed the moment they attacked us.

Female Shapeshifter: Ah, poor Odo. Perhaps we should have killed you. It would have been far less cruel.

[after the Founders have turned Odo into a "Solid"]

Doctor Bashir: Physiologically, you're completely Human.

Odo: Except for my face.

Doctor Bashir: Yes, I was wondering about that - why they left it unchanged.

Odo: They left it this way on purpose, to make sure I'd never forget what I was. And... what I've lost.

Odo: When I joined with the other Changelings in the Great Link I... felt something I never felt before. In that moment, I knew I was home. For the first time I felt that I understood my people - their distrust of the Solids, their... willingness to do anything to protect themselves. And then, in an instant, it was all snatched away. I'm trapped inside this body. I can never rejoin the Great Link. My job is the only thing I have left.

Gowron: [from a recorded transmission] Archanis is ours and we will take it back. Resist us in any way, and there will be war!

[Quark learns he won't be prosecuted for helping to sell illegal weapons]

Quark: [to Odo] Better luck next time.

Sisko: You better hope there *isn't* a next time, Mister! I've cut you a lot of slack in the past; I even looked away once or twice when I could have come down hard on you. But those days are over. Now, we may not be able to get you for selling weapons, but you so much as litter on the Promenade, and I will nail you to the wall!

Major Kira Nerys: Something to look forward to!

Gaila: Look out there. Millions and millions of stars. Millions upon millions of worlds. And right now, half of them are fanatically dedicated to destroying the other half. Now - do you think, if one of those twinkling little lights suddenly went out, anybody would notice? Suppose I offered you 10 million bars of gold-pressed latinum to help turn out one of those lights - would you really tell me to keep my money?

Quark: What do I have to lose?

Gaila: Weapons is a growth industry. In a month all your debts will be paid. In six months the Ferengi Commerce Authority will be begging to reinstate you. In a year you'll have your own moon.

Gaila: The riskier the road, the greater the profit

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Isn't this the cousin that tried to kill you?

Gaila: I see you've heard of me.

Hagath: You really are quite a find. I'm sure we're going to accomplish great things together.

Quark: I can't wait.

Hagath: Uh, just one thing: don't cross me, Quark. Don't... *ever* cross me.

Gaila: [about Hagath] If he were a bit shorter and his teeth were a little sharper, he'd make a perfect Ferengi.

[Quark has successfully made a weapons deal with an alien customer]

Quark: How'd I do?

Hagath: You're a natural salesman.

Quark: I am, aren't I? It's no different than selling sandwiches.

Quark: Why did you sell weapons to the Bajorans? They couldn't have had any money...

Hagath: My dear Quark, not every deal is about making money. Sometimes you have to look at the big picture. And at times gaining a friend is more important than making profit.

Gaila: It's not the Ferengi way, but it's good business, nonetheless.

[Quark is getting an ear massage from Hagath's girl]

Quark: That's right... keep going... uhu... Don't stop until you see smoke.

Hagath: I took the liberty of transferring your earnings directly to your creditors. You'll be happy to know they were most appreciative.

Quark: I would have paid them their money!

Hagath: I don't doubt your intentions. But money does strange things to people. I can't afford to have one of my associates distracted with financial difficulties. So, until your debt is paid, you won't be seeing any profit.

Quark: 28 million dead? Can't we just wound some of them?

[in Quark's dream]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: How much latinum did they pay you?

Major Kira Nerys: Enough to buy a new conscience?

Quark: I was drowning; the waters were closing over my head, and just as my lungs were about to burst, my cousin threw me a lifeline. How could I possibly refuse?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Feeling a little guilty, Quark?

Quark: Guilty? Me? I don't have anything to feel guilty about.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Then why come to me asking for forgiveness?

Quark: Where I'm going, you can't follow. What I have to do, I have to do alone. One man who's had enough, who's going to stand up and say...

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Good bye, Quark!

[Quark has told Hagath that he won't be able to provide the biological weapon he had promised the Regent]

Hagath: This isn't good. I've just been telling the Regent that his shipment will be delivered within a week. He's leaving right now; he's not going to be happy, Quaark!

Quark: I know. He'll be stuck with 28 million people and no way to kill them.

Quark: Do you think the Regent would be satisfied with only 17 million people killed?

Quark: [to himself] The worst Hagath could do is kill you. What's one life compared to the lives of 28 million people?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: You always had a knack for getting out of tight spots.

Hagath: Remember, we sold 150,000 of those to the Manchovites.

Gaila: And we sold another 100,000 to the other side. Now, there was a beautiful little war.

Hagath: Too bad about the armistice.

Gaila: Well - all good things must come to an end.

Sisko: Chief, why is the baby in the pit?

[Jake has offered to babysit the O'Briens' baby]

Chief O'Brien: You're sure you're up to it?

Jake Sisko: Absolutely. I babysat Ensign Pran's hatchlings a couple of times - made sure those little wings didn't get all tangled.

Chief O'Brien: Kirayoshi doesn't have little wings.

Jake Sisko: Even better!

Sisko: Chief, why don't you take off for a few days until Keiko gets back? I think we can manage without you for that long.

Chief O'Brien: Oh, that won't be necessary, sir. I have the situation well in hand.

Sisko: What I'm trying to say is that keeping Kirayoshi in the pit is not an acceptable solution. Find another one.

Quark: So, about those charges... surely we can come to some kind of accomodation?

Sisko: That depends. [shows him a pad] This is what it's going to cost to repair the cargo bay?

Quark: That much?

Sisko: That much.

Quark: Well... perhaps we could come up with some kind of installment plan?

Sisko: Works for me!

Quark: Now, about my tongo wheel...

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: It's not your tongo wheel. You gave it to me, remember?

Quark: I know that I gave it to you, but at the time I...

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I'm not giving it back! And that's final!

Sisko: You're facing some serious charges here, Quark. Incitement to riot, endangering the public safety, disregarding...

Quark: How was I supposed to know everyone was going to start shooting? I just wanted them to cross paths, so that the deal would fall through.

Sisko: It fell through all right. Hagath and Gaila barely managed to get off the station alive.

Quark: I hear General Nassuc sent a purification squad after them.

Sisko: I wouldn't count on seeing your former business partners again.

Quark: I can live with that.

Sisko: What about the Regent's death?

Quark: The Regent's dead?

Sisko: A purification squad caught up with him this morning.

Quark: I can live with that, too. And I can think of twenty-eight million other people who won't mind, either.

Sisko: Twenty-eight million... and one.

Gul Dukat: For the past few months, I've been conducting secret negotiations between the Dominion and Cardassia. And, as of last week, Cardassia has agreed to become part of the Dominion.

Major Kira: You can't be serious.

Gul Dukat: Good bye, Major. You and I on the same side? It never seemed quite... right - did it?

Gul Dukat: [speaking to his people] You might ask, should we fear joining the Dominion? And I answer you: Not in the least. We should embrace the opportunity. The Dominion recognizes us for what we are, the true leaders of the Alpha Quadrant. And now that we are joined together, equal partners in all endeavors, the only people with anything to fear will be our enemies. My oldest son's birthday is in five days. To him, and to Cardassians everywhere, I make the following pledge: By the time his birthday dawns, there will not be a single Klingon alive inside Cardassian territory. Or a single Maquis colony left within our borders. Cardassia will be made whole, all that we have lost will be ours again. And anyone who stands in our way will be destroyed. This I vow with my life's blood, for my son, for all our sons.

General Martok: There is no greater enemy than one's own fears.

Quark: The Jem Hadar don't eat, don't drink, and they don't have sex. And if that wasn't bad enough, the Founders don't eat and don't drink, and they don't have sex either. Which, between you and me, makes my financial future less than promising.

Ziyal: It might not be so bad. For all we know, the Vorta could be gluttonous, alcoholic sex maniacs.

Chief O'Brien: They're still not responding to our hails.

Captain Sisko: I think they're trying to intimidate us.

Chief O'Brien: It's working.

Ziyal: My father says Garak's dead.

Major Kira: Right now I wouldn't believe your father if he said rain was wet.

Major Kira: People can find a way to justify any action, no matter how evil.

Ziyal: You think my father is evil?

Major Kira: I think - you can't judge people by what they think or say... only by what they do.

Garak: There must be some misunderstanding. The last time I checked I *was* a Cardassian.

Ikat'ika: Today we train against a worthy adversary. Observe, analyze, remember. Soon we will face his people in combat. The lessons you learn here will ensure victory. Victory is life!

Jem'Hadar: Victory is life!

Captain Sisko: I have a feeling the Klingons' war against the Cardassians has taken a turn for the worse.

Doctor Bashir: I'm no engineer, and neither is Mr. Worf here. You on the other hand, my dear Mr. Garak, are a man of many hidden talents.

Garak: Hm...

Doctor Bashir: If you can't do it, nobody can.

Garak: It's nice to feel needed.

Garak: [working in a tight shaft] I only wish I was still a member of the Obsidian Order. This would make a wonderful interrogation chamber. Tight quarters, no air, bad lighting, random electric shocks - it's perfect.

Doctor Bashir: [from outside] Sounds like you're enjoying yourself.

Gowron: Think of it... Five years ago, no one had ever heard of Bajor or Deep Space Nine, and now... all our hopes rest here. Where the tides of fortune take us, no man can know.

Captain Sisko: They're tricky, those tides.

Major Kira: Klingons helping to protect Deep Space Nine... What an interesting concept.

Captain Sisko: These are interesting times, Major.

Gul Dukat: A few days ago, I swore all Cardassia lost would be regained. That space station you're so fond of was built by Cardassia.

Captain Sisko: Funny, I thought it was built by Bajoran slave labour.

Gul Dukat: Either surrender the station or I'll take it by force. The choice is yours.

Captain Sisko: If you want to retake the station, Dukat, you're welcome to try.

Lt. Commander Worf: First they demand we come out here, then they make us wait.

General Martok: They're worthy fighters; but they have no sense of honor.

Lt. Commander Worf: Is there no Jem'Hadar willing to face me?

Deyos: Fascinating. Even after all he's been through, the Klingon still thirsts for battle. Doesn't he ever tire of it?

Ikat'ika: I never do.

Deyos: You fight because that is what you were designed to do. All that motivates him is some barbaric sense of honor.

Ikat'ika: And that is something you will never understand.

Ikat'ika: Prepare yourself. I've found you a worthy opponent.

Lt. Commander Worf: Where is he?

Ikat'ika: Right in front of you.

[Worf nods]

Ikat'ika: Victory is life!

Lt. Commander Worf: Today is a good day to die.

Ikat'ika: I yield. I cannot defeat this Klingon. All I can do is kill him; and that no longer holds my interest.

Doctor Bashir: We have to come up with a new escape plan.

Garak: That won't be necessary. The original one will work; I just have to finish what I started. After all, a verse about the Cardassian who panicked in the face of danger would ruin General Martok's song.

General Martok: That would be unfortunate.

Major Kira: Take us to warp.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Inside a solar system?

Major Kira: If we don't there won't be a solar system left.

Captain Sisko: Tell our friends out there to stand down. Armageddon will have to wait for another day.

General Martok: Five matches, and five victories! You truly have the spirit of Kahless within you.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [of the Dominion ships] There sure are a lot of them.

Major Kira: That'll just make it harder for us to miss.

Gul Dukat: One man's villain is another man's hero.

General Martok: Seven battles, and seven victories! What hero of legend could have done as well?

Lt. Commander Worf: Heroes of legends don't ache so much.

Garak: Now, if you'll excuse me - my dungeon awaits.

Garak: [working in the shaft] Tain, I don't know if you can hear me. But if you can, I just want you to know - you may not have been much of a father, but I really wish you were alive right now. That way you could be in here instead of me.

Lt. Commander Worf: Garak - you did well.

Garak: So did you.

Chief O'Brien: Four weeks? Are you telling me I've been hanging around a Changeling for over a month?

Doctor Bashir: And you never even suspected it wasn't me?

Chief O'Brien: No. And the worst part is, the clues were right in front of me.

Doctor Bashir: What clues?

Chief O'Brien: Well, for one thing, he... was a lot easier to get along with.

Gul Dukat: What I did, I did to make Cardassia strong again. And mark my words, Captain, I succeeded. You may have escaped defeat this day. But tomorrow...

Captain Sisko: We will see about tomorrow.

Gul Dukat: Yes, we will.

Garak: [Ziyal is sitting in Quark's, only to see Garak walking in] Ziyal? [Smiles] I told you I'd be back.

Ziyal: [Kisses him] I never doubted it. [They embrace]

Quark: All I know is that any marriage where the female is allowed to speak and wear clothing is doomed to failure.

Garak: Let me tell you a story. I once knew a Cardassian, a dashing, handsome young man with a promising career. But one day, through no fault of his own, he found himself exiled and alone, with nowhere to turn. But did he give up? No. He struck upon a brilliant plan. Instead of fleeing for the rest of his life, he sought shelter in the one place no one expected him to go: in a stronghold of his people's most hated enemies. There, surrounded by hostile strangers, he built a life, and there, against all odds, against the merciless logic of the universe itself... he thrived.

Ziyal: By becoming the greatest tailor in the galaxy!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one?

Captain Sisko: One thing I'll say for the Dominion: they're punctual.

Chief O'Brien: I wish they'd just attack and get it over with.

Captain Sisko: I have the feeling you're going to get your wish.

Captain Sisko: One thing is certain: we're losing the peace - which means a war could be our only... hope.

Odo: The Dominion is making impressive inroads in the Alpha-Quadrant.

Gul Dukat: Where the Dominion leads I will follow.

Jake Sisko: Thanks for the invite, Dad. I haven't had a home-cooked meal since...

Captain Sisko: Since the last time you were here.

Jake Sisko: You're a public figure, Dad. You're the captain of the most important space station in the entire Federation. You're news!

Captain Sisko: Don't remind me.

Gul Dukat: Captain Sisko. I don't suppose you would like to surrender and avoid unnecessary bloodshed?

Captain Sisko: Absolutely not.

Gul Dukat: I was hoping you'd say that.

Garak: I must say, Constable - I admire your composure. You're an island of tranquility in a sea of chaos.

[Rom and Leeta are looking at one of many potential wedding dresses for Leeta]

Rom: What do you think?

Leeta: I don't know. What do you think?

Rom: I like it. Don't you?

Leeta: Rom, it's two handkerchiefs and a loin cloth!

Rom: I suppose we could lose the handkerchiefs.

Quark: [of Rom's and Leeta's marriage] I give it two months.

Rom: We've barely finished saying our vows - and we're already having our first fight. We're really married!

[Kira tells Jadzia about Odo's feelings for her]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: That explains a lot.

Major Kira: It does?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Not really... It... just seemed like the right thing to say.

[Odo explains to Kira that he will refrain from trying to develop their relationship further for the time being]

Odo: Until the current crisis has passed, we both need our minds to be clear, to be free of any unnecessary distractions.

Major Kira: That's probably a good idea... So for now, all we need to concern ourselves with is deploying the minefield, maintaining station security and preparing ourselves for a possible invasion.

Odo: Hm... Well, I don't know about you - but I feel more comfortable already.

Garak: I don't think I'd be very welcome on Bajor.

Ziyal: I'm not gonna be very popular there either.

Garak: My dear, you're half Bajoran. So at least half of you is going to be accepted.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: When all of this is over, we'll get married. And if that doesn't give you a reason to survive, I don't know what will.

Captain Sisko: As someone once said: these are the times that try men's souls.

Garak: When the Klingons attacked the station, Gul Dukat and I were fighting side by side. At one point, he turned his back to me, and I must admit that for a moment, he made a very tempting target.

Odo: You'd shoot a man in the back?

Garak: Well, it's the safest way, isn't it?

Quark: Did you think you could just walk back in here and get your old job back?

Rom: Actually I'm a spy, working for Starfleet. But don't tell anyone!

Quark: Federation's more desperate than I thought.

Nog: Hear all, trust nothing. [Rule of Acquisition 190]

Jake Sisko: I promised the Federation News Service a first-hand account of the battle.

Doctor Bashir: You'll get it. Just remember - Bashir is spelled with an 'i'.

[Jake has decided to stay behind on the station]

Jake Sisko: There's a war going on, and... I'm a reporter. This's where I belong.

Rom: But you're not safe here.

Jake Sisko: The Dominion knows I'm the Emissary's son. If they hurt me, they risk alienating their new friends, the Bajorans.

Rom: I hope you're right.

Jake Sisko: So do I.

Damar: Sir, the station shields are holding.

Weyoun: Impossible, Federation shields have always proven useless against our weapons.

Gul Dukat: I've found it wise to never underestimate the Federation's technical skill - or Captain Sisko's resourcefulness.

Weyoun: This isn't turning out quite the way I planned.

Rom: You've got to go, Leeta. The problems of two newlyweds are but a small thread in the tapestry of galactic events. You might not understand that today, or even tomorrow. Someday you will. So get on that shuttle, and don't look back.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: We should rendez-vous with the Federation task force in 48 hours.

Doctor Bashir: And then what?

Nog: And then we'll make the Dominion sorry they ever set foot in the Alpha Quadrant!

Captain Sisko: Cadet, you took the words right out of my mouth.

[Garak tells Odo how he once spared Dukat's life against his better judgment]

Odo: And now you regret it.

Garak: Ah, my dear Constable - before this day is over, everyone on this station is going to regret it.

Major Kira: Captain, as a major in the Bajoran Militia, I must officially protest Starfleet's refusal to turn over the station to my government.

Captain Sisko: Your protest is duly noted.

Major Kira: Good. Now, that that's over with - Kira Nerys reporting for duty.

Captain Sisko: When I first took command of this post, all I wanted was to be somewhere else - anywhere but here. But now, five years later, this has become my home, and you have become my family. And leaving this station, leaving you, is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do -... - No victory can make this moment any easier for me. And I promise, I will not rest until I stand with you again, here... in this place where I belong.

Major Kira: Dukat wanted the station back? He can have it!

[after destroying the station's computer system]

Weyoun: I assume Captain Sisko removed or destroyed everything of value?

Gul Dukat: Not everything.

[he takes Sisko's baseball from the desk]

Weyoun: What is that?

Gul Dukat: A message from Sisko.

Weyoun: I don't understand.

Gul Dukat: He's letting me know... he'll be back.

Leeta: Captain! Can we speak to you for a moment?

Rom: If you're not too busy.

Captain Sisko: Rom, go ahead.

Rom: Would you marry me? I mean... us. I mean... would YOU... perform OUR... wedding ceremony?

Major Kira: You want Bajor to sign the treaty with the Dominion? Why?

Captain Sisko: Major, when I came here my orders were to protect Bajor and help your people rebuild from the occupation.

Major Kira: You've succeeded.

Captain Sisko: And I refuse to see everything we've accomplished torn down again. The sad truth is Major, that if there is a war now, the Federation can't guarantee the safety of Bajor. Which means Bajor must be kept out of the fighting. I don't like this any more than you do, but it's Bajor's only chance for survival.

Tosk: I am Tosk!

O'Brien: Hey, barkeep!

Quark: Don't call me barkeep! I'm not a barkeep! I'm your host, the proprietor, a sympathetic ear to the wretched souls who pass through these portals.

O'Brien: [to Tosk] And a man who will exploit any vice you may have. Two synthales, barkeep.

Tosk: [to Quark] I am sorry, I have no vices for you to exploit.

Tosk: You wear a weapon?

O'Brien: Defensive purposes only. It may not seem hospitable, but when you go into an alien ship for the first time, you never know what might be in there. You may even find someone who can make himself invisible. Do you know what I mean?

[ignorant that Tosk *can* make himself invisible]

O'Brien: You know the old saying - a man who's always looking over his shoulder is waiting for trouble to find him.

Tosk: [on holosuite programs] I have no use for fantasy adventure. I live the greatest adventure one could ever desire.

Tosk: I am Tosk, the hunted. I live to outwit the hunters for another day, to survive, until I die with honor.

Tosk: Allow me to die with honor.

O'Brien: As the Vulcans say, we're here to serve.

O'Brien: [in Quark's] This is where we do most of our R and R.

Tosk: What is 'R and R'?

O'Brien: Rest and relaxation. Downtime. When we're not working.

Tosk: You sleep a full third of your rotation. You rest and relax while you are awake. Alpha Quadrant has far too much downtime.

Odo: Nobody's abducting a prisoner out of my brig as long as I'm alive.

Tosk: [after O'Brien has helped him escape from the station] Now you are Tosk as well, O'Brien.

O'Brien: [after knocking out the hunter with one punch] Glass jaw. Now I know why you wear a helmet.

Commander Sisko: You ignored your duty to Starfleet, you took off your com-badge so you can ignore me; you even ignored the Prime Directive by interfering with their damned hunt. Another stunt like this, and your wife won't have to complain about the conditions here anymore, do I make myself clear?

O'Brien: One day as a Tosk is enough for me.

Tosk: The hunt... goes on.

Tosk: Die with honor, O'Brien.

O'Brien: Die with honor, Tosk.

Elim Garak: I believe in coincidences. Coincidences happen every day. But I don't trust coincidences.

Kotan Pa'Dar: Mister O'Brien, I know very little about Human culture, I don't know how you view the family.

Chief O'Brien: We'd do almost anything to protect our families. I've a daughter myself; she's four - the same age your son was when you lost him.

Kotan Pa'Dar: Then I expect you can imagine what I'm feeling right now. On Cardassia, family is everything. We care for our parents and children with equal devotion. In some households, four generations eat at the same table. Family... is everything.

[Garak is repairing the resettlement center's computers himself]

Doctor Bashir: I continue to underestimate you, Garak.

Elim Garak: Oh, it's no more difficult than sewing on a button actually. Excuse me.

[He takes an electronic loupe out of his eye]

Doctor Bashir: You carry this everywhere with you, do you?

Elim Garak: A simple tailoring tool. You'd be surprised how often someone needs their pants let out.

Quark: There's nothing quite so depressing as a winning streak that won't stop streaking.

Doctor Bashir: The damnedest thing just happened - Garak the tailor was attacked.

Odo: Attacked? Where?

Doctor Bashir: At the replimat. He was bitten in the hand.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Another unsatisfied customer?

Chief O'Brien: He always cuts the pants too long.

Doctor Bashir: [on Gul Dukat, after a conversation with him on subspace] He's lying.

Commander Sisko: Is that an opinion, or do you have evidence to support it?

Doctor Bashir: I have Garak.

Commander Sisko: Garak?

Doctor Bashir: He seems to think there's more going on here than we realize.

Commander Sisko: What exactly does he think is going on?

Doctor Bashir: I'm not sure. He doesn't actually tell me what he really thinks. I sort of have to deduce it.

Commander Sisko: Ah. So, you deduced that Garak thinks Dukat is lying about something you're not sure of, and you proceeded to interrupt my conversation to confront him about whatever that might be.

Doctor Bashir: [sighs] I'm sorry, Commander. It just seemed an opportune...

Commander Sisko: Don't apologize. It's been the high-point of my day. *Don't* do it again.

Commander Sisko: I assume this couldn't wait until morning?

Doctor Bashir: No, sir. I-I need to use a runabout...

Commander Sisko: I'm waiting.

Doctor Bashir: It's Garak, sir. He wants to go to Bajor.

Commander Sisko: Bajor? For what?

Doctor Bashir: ...He wouldn't tell me.

Commander Sisko: Well, by all means. Will one runabout be enough?

Elim Garak: Children without parents have no status in Cardassian society. The situation is most unfortunate, but I don't make the rules.

Doctor Bashir: But you *do* play the game, don't you, Garak? And there is a game being played right now as we speak, isn't there?

Elim Garak: There are always games, Doctor.

Doctor Bashir: The trouble is, I don't have the slightest idea what this game is all about. So you're gonna tell me what's going on inside that plain and simple head of yours, my Cardassian friend, or we're gonna sit here until we rot!

Elim Garak: Really, Doctor, must we always play this game? I'm no more a spy than you are a...

Doctor Bashir: ...a doctor.

Zolan: [on Rugal] It must be torture for that boy living like that - hated by people he thinks of as his parents, told day after day he's worthless Cardassian scum, beaten if he even looks the wrong way. Rugal is their revenge - their revenge against all Cardassians.

Rugal: I wish I wasn't Cardassian.

Elim Garak: The Cardassians are quite meticulous record keepers, madam. They taught many worlds, including this one, how to keep records. I find it difficult to believe that none exist from that period. Certainly, computer entries were made on a regular basis?

Deela: I wouldn't know, I wasn't a volunteer then. I was in the underground.

Elim Garak: Really? Perhaps we *have* met!

Doctor Bashir: But there's one more question I haven't figured out, Garak. Why did you want to expose Dukat? What's the truth about you and him?

Elim Garak: Truth, Doctor, is in the eye of the beholder. I never tell the truth because I don't believe there is such a thing. That's why I prefer the straight-line simplicity of cutting cloth.

Doctor Bashir: [Garak on Dukat] I don't think he likes him very much.

Kotan Pa'Dar: Mister O'Brien, I know very little about Human customs, I don't know how you view the family.

Chief O'Brien: We'd do almost anything to protect them. I've got a little girl myself. She's 6, the same age as Rugal was when you lost him.

Kotan Pa'Dar: Than you can imagine how I feel. On Cardassia, family is everything. We care for our parents and our children with equal devotion. In some houses 4 generations eat at the same table. Family - is everything.

Worf: I have a sense of humor. On the Enterprise, I was considered to be quite amusing.

Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax: That must've been one dull ship.

Worf: That is a joke. I get it. It is not funny, but I get it.

Lt. Commander Worf: Very well. Room service.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Really?

Lt. Commander Worf: Really.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Oh, that was easy.

Lt. Commander Worf: Did you want to fight over it?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: No, it's just, I didn't expect you to surrender so quickly.

Lt. Commander Worf: Surrender?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Bad word.

Lt. Commander Worf: Very bad.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: So, how are you enjoying your honeymoon? Are you suffering enough?

Lt. Commander Worf: Almost.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Is there anything I can get for you?

Lt. Commander Worf: More pain - less cold.

Chief O'Brien: [about tongo] You have absolutely no idea how this game is played, do you?

Lt. Commander Worf: No. But I have developed a new appreciation for it.

Chief O'Brien: Since when?

Lt. Commander Worf: Since I married a tongo player.

[Worf and O'Brien are running a bet - for a bottle of blood wine against a bottle of scotch whiskey respectively - about the outcome of a tongo game between Dax and 206-times-winner Quark, during which Dax seems to come out on top]

Lt. Commander Worf: [cheering, to O'Brien] I like my blood wine very young and very sweet.

Quark: [at the tongo table] Is he a friend of yours?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Just a fan.

Quark: I'm afraid I'm gonna have to disappoint all your fans. [lays down his cards]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [disbelieving] A full consortium?

Chief O'Brien: [to Worf] 207. A single malt, preferably something from the Highlands.

[O'Brien tries to talk Bashir into playing tongo against Quark, but the Doctor is not interested]

Chief O'Brien: Think of it as a challenge.

Doctor Bashir: That's your obsession, Miles, not mine.

Chief O'Brien: Do it for the latinum.

Doctor Bashir: Nice try.

Chief O'Brien: Do it for the satisfaction of the look on Quark's face, when he's beaten at a game of tongo by a lowly "Hew-mon".

Doctor Bashir: Deal the cards.

Lt. Commander Worf: Of course, our tricorders will be useless from now on.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: There you go again - looking for the cloud in the silver lining.

Lt. Commander Worf: I am not complaining. I look forward to walking through the jungle without a map and no idea what lies ahead.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Well, the funny thing is, you probably are.

Lasaran: A Klingon! Why did they have to send a Klingon?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I'm a Trill. Does that make you feel any better?

Lasaran: Are you trying to be funny?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Not at all. He's the funny one.

Doctor Bashir: [after losing to Quark at tongo] Quark, did you really mean all that? About Dax? Being my one last chance for true happiness?

Quark: Doctor - you don't expect me to show you all my cards, do you?

Lt. Commander Worf: Your problem is, you cannot accept change.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: *I* can't accept change?

Lt. Commander Worf: That is correct.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Oh, you've gotta be kidding! I've changed bodies six times, Worf.

Lt. Commander Worf: Yes, but you are still very set in your ways.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: And look who's talking.

Lt. Commander Worf: Well, I do not have to sleep on the same side of the bed every night, or brush my hair exactly fifty strokes every night, or eat the same thing for breakfast every day, or read the last page of the book before the beginning, or lift up the...

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I get the point! I don't know how you can live with someone so monotonous.

Lt. Commander Worf: It is not easy... *That* was a joke.

Lt. Commander Worf: You were at my wedding. You heard the story of the first two Klingon hearts, and how nothing could stand against them, and how they even destroyed the gods that had created them. I've heard that story since I was a boy; but I never understood it - I mean really understood it. Until I was standing in the jungle, with my heart pounding in my chest. And I found that even I could not stand against my own heart. I had to go back. And it did not matter what Starfleet thought or what the consequences were. She was my wife, and I could not leave her.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I know how much your career means to you.

Lt. Commander Worf: You come first - before career, before duty, before anything. I do not regret what I did; and I would do it again.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I don't know what to say.

Lt. Commander Worf: You could say 'thank you for saving my life'.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Thank you for saving my life.

Lt. Commander Worf: And you could say 'I would do the same for you, Worf'.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Well - I'd have to think about that. My career is very important to me, you know.

[Dax is flying the runabout through an asteroid field]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Want me to slow down?

Lt. Commander Worf: No. Unless you think you should.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Not at all. In fact, it could go faster.

Lt. Commander Worf: By all means.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Oh. A man after my own heart!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Worf, my love - let me make this very clear: I do not want to spend my honeymoon climbing, hiking, sweating, bleeding or suffering in any way.

Lt. Commander Worf: All right, what do you want?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Room service.

Lt. Commander Worf: Room service?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Room Service. I want to be pampered. I want a staff to cater to our every whim. I want to be embarrassed by the size of our room. I want a balcony, with a view that would make you want to break down and cry from the sheer beauty of it all. And I *don't* want to spend one moment of our honeymoon suffering from anything except guilt about our complete self-indulgence.

[Bashir has lost to Quark in tongo, after some mischievous psycho-babble from the bartender]

Doctor Bashir: I can't believe I let him get to me.

Chief O'Brien: Ah, well. Not your fault. Genetically engineered or not, you're still hew-mon.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Worf... it's been a great two months, hasn't it?

Lt. Commander Worf: Yes.

Captain Sisko: One last thing - as a man who had a wife. If Jennifer had been lying in that clearing, I wouldn't have left her either.

Gabriel: Are you the son of Mogh?

Worf: Yes, I am.

Gabriel: Is it true you can kill someone, just by looking at them?

Worf: Only when I am angry.

Captain Sisko: All right, we'll make a quick survey. But if all we detect is some fungus, we're not beaming down.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: What if it's smart fungus?

Miranda O'Brien: This settlement was founded by the crew of a Starfleet vessel that crashed on this planet two centuries ago. I realize this is going to be hard for you to accept; but that ship was the Defiant. Two days from now, when you leave here and try to pass through the energy barrier, you'll be thrown back in time 200 years. You'll be stranded here and become the founders of this settlement. We... are your descendants.

Miranda: [of Miles O'Brien] Molly - this is your grandfather's great-great-great-grandfather.

Molly: Aren't you gonna help?

Chief O'Brien: I'm busy.

Molly: You don't look busy.

Captain Sisko: [laughs] She's an O'Brien all right.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [to Lisa] I like your spots.

Doctor Bashir: [treating Kira on the ship] Apparently the planet is crawling with Bashirs.

Major Kira: Maybe I'll stay up here.

Major Kira: Praying over your own grave... it's got to be a new one.

Odo: Yeah... If the Prophets were listening they're probably very confused.

Major Kira: I've always believed that we're all given one destiny - one path. And now we're using technology to get around that... I'm not sure how it makes me feel.

Odo: I know exactly how it makes me feel. You can't know how much it means to me to know you're going home, Nerys. Now, it won't change anything for me. I lost you two hundred years ago. But for the other Odo up on the ship it changes everything. He doesn't have to lose you. And somehow, knowing that makes me feel better.

Brota: We are the sons of Mogh.

Worf: You're my descendants?

Brota: Some by blood, some by choice.

Doctor Bashir: It would appear that I'm not the only legend around here.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: You betrayed us. You betrayed me. You call yourself Yedrin Dax; but I don't recognize you.

Yedrin Dax: Because of me, Kira died, and 48 people were stranded here. You don't know what it was like to live with that. For years, Benjamin, every time I looked at you, all I could think about was Jake, and how, because of me, he would never see his father again. Eventually, I had to accept the fact there was nothing I could do to change things; I couldn't bring Kira back. All I could do was look to the future, Benjamin, and make sure that we survived here - no matter what.

Captain Sisko: I wish there was a way we could help you. But my people have the right to return home to their families, and I will not ask Kira to sacrifice her life for eight thousand people, for eight million! No one has the right to ask that. I'm sorry, old man; but there is nothing I can do.

Major Kira: The path the Prophets laid out for me ends here.

Brota: You said there was an enemy for us to fight.

Worf: They're attempting to plant their fields before the sun sets. Time is their enemy. We should help them defeat it.

Brota: Tomorrow we will see the sun rise again. But no one here will see it set.

Brota: Last year I slew a yar-bear, three meters tall. Your Mek'leth was my only weapon. The beast maimed me, and for a time it seemed I would die from my wounds. Now I wish I had. It would have been a warrior's death.

Parell: He could have taken his place among the honored dead in Sto-vo-kor.

Worf: Perhaps he will yet.

Brota: No. Ceasing to exist because my parents were never born - that is not a death worthy of Sto-vo-kor.

Yedrin Dax: Thank you, Benjamin.

Captain Sisko: Anything for you... old man!

Major Kira: [after revealing that she and Shakaar have split up] The way I see it, people are either meant to be together, or they're not.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I guess I'd rather believe that any relationship can work as long as both people really want it to.

Odo: There's something else the other Odo wanted you to know... He was responsible for changing the Defiant's flight plan.

[long pause]

Major Kira: Why?

Odo: So that you wouldn't have to die.

Major Kira: I can't believe it. EIGHT THOUSAND PEOPLE!

Odo: He did it for you, Nerys. He loved you.

Major Kira: That makes it right?

Odo: I don't know. He thought so.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Everyone we met - they never existed.

Captain Sisko: They exited. As long as we remember them - they always will.

Chief O'Brien: Where is all this fog coming from?

Odo: It's not fog; it's Laas.

Chief O'Brien: Laas?

Doctor Bashir: What's he doing?

Odo: Being fog. What's it look like?

Chief O'Brien: Can't he be fog somewhere else?

Doctor Bashir: Or at night, when nobody's around?

Odo: He's not hurting anyone.

Chief O'Brien: Still - it's kinda creepy.

Doctor Bashir: Careful, Miles, he might hear you.

Chief O'Brien: Good!

Odo: Laas was only doing what comes naturally to us.

Quark: You never pulled a stunt like that. You're smart enough to know that people don't wanna be reminded that you're different. Who wants to see somebody turn into goo?

Quark: Don't you get it, Odo? We humanoids are a product of millions of years of evolution. Our ancestors learned the hard way that what you don't know might kill you. They wouldn't have survived if they hadn't jumped back when they encountered a snake coiled in the muck; and now, millions of years later, that instinct is still there. It's genetic. Our tolerance to other life forms doesn't extend beyond the two-arm, two-leg variety. I hate to break this to you; but when you're in your natural state, you're more than our poor old genes can handle.

Laas: You've given up a great deal to remain here.

Odo: Yes... Yes, I have. But I won't have anything to do with the Founders and their war.

Laas: Odo - we linked. I know the truth. You stayed here because of Kira. If it weren't for her, you would be with our people. War or no war, you would be... a Founder.

Odo: Look at me, Nerys. What do you see?

Colonel Kira: I see you.

Odo: No! No, this is... just a form I borrowed. I could just as easily be someone or some*thing* else.

Colonel Kira: I know that. But... this... is what you have always chosen to be: a man - a good and honest man. A man I fell in love with. Are you trying to tell me that he never really existed?

Odo: I don't know. - I care for you, more than anyone I've ever known. These last few months have been the happiest of my life. But even so, part of me wishes that Laas and I were out there right now searching for the others, existing as changelings. Because that's what I am. Not a humanoid. I'm a changeling!

Colonel Kira: Well, then maybe you're right - maybe you do belong out there.

Laas: The truth is, I prefer the so-called primitive life forms. They exist as they were meant to, by following... their instincts. No words get in the way, no... lies, no deceptions.

Chief O'Brien: We're not the ones who can disguise ourselves as anything we want.

Odo: Meaning...?

Laas: Meaning, shapeshifters are not to be trusted.

Chief O'Brien: I trust Odo.

Laas: Of course you trust Odo. Look at him. You've convinced him that he is as limited as you are.

Laas: They tolerate you, Odo, because you emulate them. What higher flattery is there - "I, who can be anything, choose to be like you"? But even when you make yourself in their image, they know you are not truly one of them. They know that what you appear to be does not reflect what you really are. It's only a mask. What lies underneath is alien to them. And so they fear it; and that fear can turn to hate in the blink of an eye.

Odo: Laas, humanoids are not the petty, limited creatures you perceive them to be. What Nerys did should prove that even to you.

Laas: Love conquers all, is that it?

Odo: I'm sorry you can't understand. You've done many things, been many things. But you've never known love.

Laas: Compared to the link, it is a pale shadow, a feeble attempt to compensate for the isolation that mono-forms feel because they are trapped within themselves.

Odo: Perhaps the fact that it's not easy is what makes it worthwhile.

Captain Sisko: Martok has expressed some concerns about our security arrangements.

Odo: Meaning?

Captain Sisko: He's not sure it's appropriate that you should be in charge of the prisoner.

Odo: May I ask why?

Captain Sisko: Because you were a witness to the alleged crime.

Odo: Well, that's a relief. For a moment, I thought you were going to say it's because... I'm a changeling.

Laas: What are you holding on to? Kira? Even she knows that this is what's best for you. Why else would she have helped me to escape?

Odo: You really don't know, do you? You've no idea what it means to love someone enough to let them go.

Laas: She let you go, so that you could find out where you belong.

Odo: I know where I belong.

Colonel Kira: I'm sorry I can't link with you.

Odo: Doesn't matter, Nerys. I love you.

Colonel Kira: If I ever made you feel that you couldn't be yourself with me, I'm sorry. I want to know you - the way you really are.

[the Klingons have filed charges against Laas]

Captain Sisko: They claim he surrounded them menacingly.

Odo: [scoffs] They felt menaced by fog.

Captain Sisko: They weren't the only ones. There are twelve other people who filed complaints.

Odo: Is it a crime to shapeshift on the Promenade?

Captain Sisko: It's not a crime, but it's obviously not a good idea.

Odo: You'd better go. They're looking for you. Good luck.

Laas: And to you, Odo. You'll need it more than I.

Sarina: You... heard me? I... thought... something, and you heard it.

Doctor Bashir: Sarina - you spoke!

[Bashir finds Sarina in his quarters]

Doctor Bashir: Sarina? What are you doing here? How did you get in?

Sarina: It wasn't hard. Your access code only has six digits.

Doctor Bashir: Everyone, this is Sarina. Sarina, this is everyone.

Sarina: So, what's a genetically enhanced girl supposed to do when she wakes up from a long sleep? Point to one of those little specks of light out there, pack a bag and go make a life for herself?

Doctor Bashir: Why does she have to go anywhere at all?

Patrick: That's a stupid question.

[Jack, Patrick and Lauren have illegally impersonated Starfleet officers]

Doctor Bashir: Didn't anybody question you?

Jack: Of course. But when they did, Patrick would say...

Patrick: That's a stupid...

Lauren: You'd be surprised how well it works.

Nog: I'll say.

Chief O'Brien: Julian, why don't you show everybody how much you love me and order the next round?

Sarina: If I had to find someone to replace Atlas and hold up the world, it'd be Miles. He'd do it with a smile, too.

Jack: Your friend was right. You can't break the laws of physics...

Jack, Patrick, Lauren: [simultaneously] But you can bend them!

Jack: The fact is-is that the universe is going to stop expanding, and it is going to collapse in on itself. We've got to do something before it's too late.

Patrick: How much time do we have left?

Jack: Sixty trillion years, seventy at the most.

Patrick: Oh, no!

[Jack and Patrick are placing a couch in the middle of the cargo bay]

Patrick: That's not where it was last time.

Jack: Oh, what difference does it make?

Lauren: He's right.

Jack: Fine.

[he gives the couch a kick, moving it by about a centimeter]

Jack: How's that?

Patrick: Much better.

[Sarina has accurately appraised the personality of each of Bashir's friends]

Doctor Bashir: I can't believe you saw all that after just a few hours with them. I'm gonna have to start putting on my poker face.

Sarina: Too late. You've already given yourself away.

Doctor Bashir: Is that right? And how would you describe me?

Sarina: Compassionate, brilliant, lonely.

Doctor Bashir: Well, two out of three isn't bad.

Sarina: Which two?

Doctor Bashir: Now, that would be telling.

Chief O'Brien: [referring to Bashir's relationship with Sarina] I haven't seen you like this for a long time; and I'm really happy for you. But don't you think it's all happening just a little too fast?

Doctor Bashir: We're genetically engineered. We do everything fast.

Sarina: I'm sorry. I wish I could be the woman you want me to be.

Doctor Bashir: So here you are - on your way to one of those tiny little specks of light out there.

Sarina: I guess that's... what a genetically enhanced girl should do when she wakes up from her sleep - go make a life for herself.

[Dukat has accidentally activated an old recording left by his former commanding officer]

Legate Kell: Dukat, if you are seeing this recording, it means you tried to abandon your post while the station's self-destruct sequence was engaged. That will not be permitted. You have lost control of Terok Nor, disgracing yourself and Cardassia. Your attempt to escape is no doubt a final act of cowardice. All fail-safes have been eliminated. Your personal access codes have been rescinded. The destruct sequence can no longer be halted. All you can do now is contemplate the depth of your disgrace, and try to die like a Cardassian.

Gul Dukat: [in an automated message] Bajoran workers, your attention please. Your attempt to seize control of this facility is going to fail. You are valuable workers, and we wish you no harm. However, if you do not return control of this unit to your Cardassian supervisors, we will be forced to take action. You have eight minutes to make your decision.

Gul Dukat: Let me guess: someone tried to duplicate my access code, hm?

Commander Sisko: You know, I never knew how much this man's voice annoyed me.

[Ops is under phaser fire, although not harming Dukat and Garak]

Garak: It would appear that the computer is only targeting non-Cardassians.

Gul Dukat: If you had been on the station when I designed this program, I would have made an exception in your case.

Garak: Well, you've aways been shortsighted. It's held you back over the years.

Doctor Bashir: The Cardassians don't miss a trick, do they?

[Dukat has offered to shut down the self-destruct program in return for allowing the Cardassians to establish a permanent garrison on DS9]

Major Kira: I will destroy this station before I ever give it back to the Cardassians.

Gul Dukat: Yes... I'm sure you would. But... would you allow 2,000 people aboard this station to die simply because you don't like... us?

[Odo and Quark are trapped in Odo's office]

Quark: You're telling me I'm stuck here? With you?

Odo: No. *I'm* stuck here with *you*. Believe me, a far worse fate.

Odo: I suppose, during the Occupation, the Cardassians considered their Security Chief a security risk.

Quark: And I know why.

Odo: Oh, do you?

Quark: It's because they knew you were an honorable man - the kind of person who would do the right thing regardless of the circumstances. And now, your integrity is going to get us both killed. I hope you're happy.

Quark: Should've listened to my father. He always warned me this was gonna happen.

Odo: What? That you'd spend your final hours in jail? I could have told you that.

Quark: A lifetime of scheming and plotting, wheeling and dealing, and what has it got me? One measly little bar. My uncle Frin owns thirty, and my cousin Gaila...

Odo: I know, he owns a moon.

Quark: I told you that?

Odo: Many times.

Odo: Quark, I've met a lot of Ferengis in my time. And the truth is, though some of them may have been more wealthy, I've never met one more... devious.

Odo: Would I lie?

Quark: [75th Rule of Acquisition] Home is where the heart is, but the stars are made of latinum.

Doctor Bashir: You know, I've been here nearly three years, and I was just finally starting to think of this place as home.

Major Kira: Your "home" was built by Cardassians, Doctor. Don't ever forget that.

Doctor Bashir: Well, there's not much chance of that, is there.

Gul Dukat: I set up this program, and I assure you, Major, I will find a way to defeat it. There is no dilemma that cannot be solved by a disciplined, Cardassian mind.

Garak: It's not going to work, you know.

Gul Dukat: What are you babbling on about now?

Garak: I'm talking about Major Kira.

Major Kira: What about her?

Garak: She's much too busy trying to save this station to be impressed with your incessant posturing.

Gul Dukat: [outraged] Garak!

Garak: And even if she weren't, she has much better taste than to be attracted to you - you, a married man.

Gul Dukat: I should've executed you years ago.

Garak: Oh, you tried, remember?

Quark: [checking out Odo's files] "A self-important con artist who's nowhere near as clever as he thinks he is." That's your official security evaluation of me?

Odo: Quark, I told you to stay away from the computer.

Quark: Two hours ago, you told me I was the most devious Ferengi you ever met.

Odo: I thought we were going to die. I was trying to be nice.

Quark: Name one Ferengi who is more devious than I am.

Odo: Grand Nagus.

Quark: All right. Name another.

Odo: DaiMon Tye.

Quark: One you personally know.

Odo: Your brother Rom.

Quark: My brother?

Odo: Your uncle Frin.

Quark: Frin?

Odo: Your cousin Gaila.

Quark: Gaila? The one with the moon?

Gul Dukat: Your hair - you changed it.

Colonel Kira: Your ear - you've pierced it.

Colonel Kira: [to Dukat] It makes sense these people would choose you as their leader; they worship evil.

Odo: I have a feeling it must be very comforting to believe in something more powerful than yourself.

Colonel Kira: [imitating Vedek Fala] "Nerys, what are the three keys to enlightenment?"

Vedek Fala: And the answer?

Colonel Kira: Charity, humility and faith.

Colonel Kira: The Prophets have a plan for us. It's not always easy to see what it is.

Colonel Kira: I have always found that, uh, when people try to convince others of their beliefs, it's because they're really just trying to convince themselves.

Odo: How was it?

Colonel Kira: Oh, beautiful. Ranjen Telna gave a very moving sermon.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: What was it about?

Colonel Kira: About how important it is to forgive the people who've wronged you.

Colonel Kira: Some things can't be forgiven.

Vedek Fala: You know me. Always searching for answers.

Colonel Kira: That's what makes you different from all the other Vedeks I know. To you, faith is a journey.

[Odo has proposed to accompany Kira to the Bajoran services]

Colonel Kira: I would love for you to come with me. But I don't think you'll get much out of it if you don't believe in the Prophets.

Odo: Ah... Perhaps if I had an Orb experience.

Colonel Kira: It doesn't work like that. Faith has to come first.

Vedek Fala: This is a special moment. I'm not going to ruin it by arguing with you. You believe the Prophets are the true gods of Bajor, I believe the Pah-wraiths are. Let's just leave it at that.

Colonel Kira: I'd be happy to. There's just one thing - we can't both be right.

Gul Dukat: Nerys, I wish I had the words to describe to you what it was like, to have the Pah-wraith within me. I could feel its love, for me and for the Bajoran people. It made me realize I still have a role to play in Bajor's destiny.

Colonel Kira: You mean besides overseeing an occupation that killed tens of millions.

Vedek Fala: In ancient times, Bajorans understood the value of denying worldly pleasures. Ironic, isn't it, that a Cardassian would be the one to lead us back to the old ways?

Colonel Kira: Especially a Cardassian whose appetite for worldly pleasures is legendary.

Vedek Fala: That was a long time ago, before he felt the kiss of the Pah-wraith.

Colonel Kira: That was some kiss.

Gul Dukat: Promazine - developed by the Obsidian Order for use by their operatives in case of capture. Not only is death swift, but it reduces the body to dust within hours, making it unidentifiable to the enemy. Dust - that's all that will remain, of my passage through this misbegotten universe, Nerys. But it doesn't bother me; because I know I'm going to be with the Pah-wraiths.

[after Dukat's betrayal, Fala has taken one of the promazine pills]

Colonel Kira: Why?

Vedek Fala: Faith... Nerys... Faith.

Colonel Kira: I know this is gonna sound crazy; but I think Dukat convinced himself that he was doing what the Pah-wraiths wanted.

Odo: Who knows? Maybe he was.

Colonel Kira: Either way, he believes. And that makes him more dangerous than ever.

Major Kira: I've been meaning to ask you, why don't you wear that belt anymore?

Odo: I don't know. Didn't really serve a purpose. It's not as if I needed it to hold my pants up.

Major Kira: I just thought it looked good on you, that's all.

Odo: [pleasantly surprised] Really?

Major Kira: [smiles] Really.

Odo: Well... if you say so.

[Odo morphs his waist to include a belt on his uniform]

Odo: Better?

Major Kira: Much.

Major Kira: Do you have to stare like that? I think it's making people nervous.

Chief O'Brien: [at Shakaar's reception] I don't know why Captain Sisko insists on having *me* here. I'm not a senior officer.

Doctor Bashir: Well, maybe he just wanted to see you in your dress uniform. It does show off your figure.

Major Kira: I hope Shakaar's gotten better at speaking in front of groups. He used to mumble his way through mission briefings. Everyone in our resistance cell had to learn to lip-read.

[Quark is complaining about the noise Odo makes at night in his quarters]

Quark: Do you know what it's like to hear someone practice shape-shifting? Last night, it sounded like a Takaran wildebeest was tromping around up there.

Odo: That was for all of five minutes. Once you complained, I took the form of a Rafalian mouse.

Quark: Yeah. Little tiny feet, skittering across the floor, back and forth, back and forth.

Major Kira: You could hear that?

Quark: [pointing at his ears] Hello?

Major Kira: It's just Quark's luck that you would be assigned quarters right above his.

Odo: "Luck" had nothing to do with it.

Quark: [to Odo] Anytime there's an unusual crime committed on the station, I run a pool, so that people can bet on how long it'll take for you to catch the perpetrator. It's very popular.

Quark: The fact that the pool exists says something about you - about who you are. People see you as the guy who always gets his man. Now, you're becoming the guy who tears up his quarters, and sits alone in the rubble. And no one's gonna want to place bets on how long someone's gonna sit around in the dark.

[in a fit of rage, Odo has demolished some of his furnishings]

Quark: I knew it would come to this. You take the form of an animal, you're gonna end up behaving like one.

Quark: I must say, I really didn't think you had it in you. It takes passion to do something like this. And I always thought you were colder than a Breen winter.

Shakaar: I want to stop by the Promenade and visit the temple first.

Odo: Why wasn't I told about this?

Sarish: I didn't know myself until a moment ago.

Shakaar: Is there a problem?

Odo: I would have posted extra Security on the Promenade.

Shakaar: Oh, well, we'll just... slip in, I'll stay for a few minutes and then... we'll slip out.

Odo: [sighs] With all due respect, sir, now that you're First Minister, you can't slip in or out of *bed* without people noticing.

Shakaar: [laughs] Maybe not. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna stay in bed all day.

Shakaar: You know, I've been a soldier, and I've been a politician. And I have to say, I'm beginning to think that being a soldier was easier.

Quark: [to Odo] Frankly, I don't care whether you and Major Kira end up living happily ever after or not. I just want to see the situation resolved. And the way I see it, you've either got to tell her how you feel, or forget about her and get on with your life. Concentrate on the essentials!

Quark: Well, I've said my piece; sorry for butting in. But I'm just looking out for my business.

Odo: Funny. For a minute there, I thought you were talking to me as a friend.

Major Kira: Hey - no belt?

Odo: I'm just trying to keep to the essentials, Major.

Quark: I dropped by your quarters this morning.

Quark: I heard some noise, and when I went to complain, I found a work crew installing soundproofing in the floor. I have to say, Odo, I'm touched, that you would do something like that for me.

Odo: I'm having the floor reinforced. The fact that they're soundproofing it as well is incidental. If you think I'd put up with three days of construction for your sake, think again.

Quark: I guess I should've known. Thanks anyway.

Odo: Don't mention it.

Doctor Bashir: I'm glad we're finally doing this.

Doctor Bashir: Talking to one another. Finding common interests. Burying the hatchet.

Major Kira: Hatchet?

Doctor Bashir: A Human expression. It means that we're finally putting past conflicts behind us.

Major Kira: Making way for brand-new ones.

Major Kira: I'm Kira Nerys.

Intendant Kira: That makes two of us.

Odo: No jokes. That's my Rule of Obedience number 14.

Major Kira: I know you don't want to kill me. And you're searching for a good reason not to.

Intendant Kira: Got any ideas?

["Smiley" O'Brien has refused to help Bashir escape]

Doctor Bashir: Just tell me where the runabout pads are. I know you, Miles O'Brien. Somewhere inside of you there is a shred of decency. There has to be.

Smiley O'Brien: I *am* a decent man. I just... I just... You don't understand, I can't help you, I-I can't. They'll kill me.

Doctor Bashir: You're already dead. I'm sorry you don't see that. The life inside every human being here, every Terran, died a long time ago.

Garak: He should die for this; we should make an example of him.

Intendant Kira: You have made a career out of setting examples, Garak. I think you enjoy it too much.

Garak: He could never have gotten on board that ship without help! This is the third incident in a month; at least allow me to interrogate him.

Intendant Kira: Fine, interrogate him. But if he dies under your interrogation, I will make you my example, is that clear?

Intendant Kira: You don't trust me.

Major Kira: I'm... a little afraid of you.

Intendant Kira: Then you fear yourself. I don't want your fear; I want your love. If you can't love me, who can?

Intendant Kira: Benjamin - did I hurt your feelings?

Benjamin Sisko: I never had any to hurt, Intendant.

Garak: She'll never let you leave, you know. Can't you tell? She is in love.

Major Kira: What're you talking about?

Garak: In love with you, my dear. She's all atwitter about you, can't talk about anyone else. You're the perfect gift for the girl who has everything. She's taken you into her heart, like a Drathan puppy lig left on her doorstep. Who else could she share her deepest secrets with, tell her troubles to, trust with her life?

Major Kira: All you have to do is take a look at the guard outside to see how much she trusts me.

Garak: I arranged the guard. Oh, she trusts you. As much as she trusts anyone. So, who better to betray her?

Major Kira: The Benjamin Sisko I know would never sell his soul, and allow himself to become part of this tyranny against his own people.

Benjamin Sisko: Terrans don't have souls. We don't believe in them.

Benjamin Sisko: What do you care about Terrans' freedom?

Major Kira: I care about freedom! What I don't understand is why you *don't* care. Why the only one on this station I have met who seemed to give a damn was a Ferengi toad named Quark!

Benjamin Sisko: You're looking in the wrong place for a hero, ma'am. I've made the best of a bad life for my crew. That's my contribution.

Major Kira: Yes - you charmed your way out of the mines. But you and I both know, you're no less a victim than anyone else here.

Intendant Kira: [after Benjamin Sisko has turned against her] Have you lost your mind?

Benjamin Sisko: No - I didn't lose it. I just... changed it.

Intendant Kira: And you... O'Brien, you... tinkerer and putterer and... fixer of broken things - you've been the perfect theta for years. What could possibly've gotten into you? What were you thinking?

Smiley O'Brien: Do you want an answer, Intendant?

Intendant Kira: Yes.

Smiley O'Brien: [referring to Bashir] This man... this man... is a doctor where he comes from. And there's an O'Brien there just like me. Except he's some kind of... high up Chief of Operations. And they're Terrans. Can you believe that? Maybe it's a fairy tale he made up, but... it started me thinking, how... how each of us might've turned out, if history had been just a little different. I wanted him to take me with him. Because, whatever it's like where he's from, it's got to be better than this. There's got to be something better than this.

Renora: This will be an informal hearing, so I'm going to start with some informal advice: I am one hundred years old. I do not have time to squander listening to superfluous language. In short, I intend to be in here until supper, not senility.

Ilon Tandro: [after trying to abduct Dax off the station] My name is Ilon Tandro, special envoy from Klaestron IV, in charge of this extradition procedure.

Commander Sisko: Extradition? I call this kidnapping and assault.

Major Kira: You Klaestrons are allies of the Cardassians; your knowledge of the station confirms that. They must have given you the layouts, which not only compromises Bajoran security but also... annoys us.

Odo: This case has thirty years of dust covering it. The extradition hearing will take about thirty minutes.

Commander Sisko: I was hoping to make it a little longer than that.

Odo: Good luck.

[Quark has refused to close his bar for the extradition hearing out of business reasons]

Odo: Since the provisional government took over, they've got their hands into everything and of course, I'm the one who's expected to enforce their rules here.

Odo: You know, I think this bar is just a little too near the exit.

Quark: This is blackmail.

Odo: No, it's just business. And "business is business".

Commander Sisko: I want you to find all the medical evidence you can to support the theory that Jadzia Dax and Curzon Dax are two entirely separate people. Major...

Doctor Bashir: Excuse me, sir, I-I don't know that there is any medical evidence on that.

Commander Sisko: Assume there is, then find it.

[Sisko has asked Kira to search for precedents involving Trills]

Major Kira: Is a Trill responsible for the conduct - for the acts - of its antecedent selves?

Commander Sisko: Right, that kind of thing.

Major Kira: What if I find the answer is yes?

Commander Sisko: Then *that* answer is wrong. From this minute on, our answer is 'no'.

Renora: The answer seems simple enough to me: split her down the middle, send the symbiont back to stand trial and keep the host here.

Doctor Bashir: I'm afraid, it's a bit more complicated than that.

Renora: Oh, what a surprise.

Odo: It says Dax betrayed the Klaestron government to the rebels.

Commander Sisko: It's all nonsense, Constable, I'm telling you, I knew the man!

Odo: But did you know the symbiont *inside* the man?

Major Kira: What was exactly your relationship with Curzon Dax?

Commander Sisko: He took a raw young ensign under his wing, and taught me to appreciate life in ways I'd never thought about before. He taught me about art, and science, and diplomacy. Whatever sense of honor I might have today, he nurtured. Treason, murder - he was not capable of those things.

Odo: Treason plus the murder of his own best friend, huh - strange business. If those charges *are* true, I'd want to hang Curzon Dax up by his heels myself.

Commander Sisko: Thanks for the confidence.

Renora: The penalty for these crimes on your planet is death, and that is rather permanent.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: When one of my kind stumbles, Benjamin, it is a mistake that's there forever. I can't tell you which part of Curzon Dax couldn't stop himself from acting shamefully with another man's wife. I can tell you that he did love her - for whatever that's worth.

Commander Sisko: Enough to kill her husband?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: So you are questioning?

Commander Sisko: What else can I do?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Nothing, Benjamin. Nothing at all.

Renora: Lieutenant Dax, you are either 200 years older than I am or you're about the same age as my great granddaughter. At first I wondered which of those you were; now I am bothered by the likelihood that you may be both.

Enina Tandro: My husband was not the hero in life that he was in death, Mr. Odo. In death, he became a legend, and I became a legend's wife. There're people who didn't even know my husband, who still contact me. Decades after his death, they still mourn him.

Odo: But you don't?

Enina Tandro: No. Because I knew the man before he became a legend. But I also know my place in history. My place is to carry on bravely, never to remarry, to represent my husband at the banquets given in his name, but never, never to talk about who he really was. Because nobody wants to hear that.

Odo: They may have to hear it now.

Enina Tandro: [smiling wryly] No matter what is said, they will still embrace his memory. For he was, and always will be, the hero who died for his people.

Enina Tandro: [after a pause] But perhaps it's time for my place in history to change.

Enina Tandro: Live, Jadzia Dax. Live a long, fresh and wonderful life.

Thomas Riker: Looks like you got your evening all planned. Hope you've got room for the unexpected.

Thomas Riker: Call me Will.

Thomas Riker: [of the Defiant] Tough little ship.

Thomas Riker: This ship was built to fight. I think it's time she got her chance. Engage.

Commander Sisko: Commander's log, stardate 48467.3 - Gul Dukat and I have arrived on Cardassia Prime. I'm about to do something which goes against twenty years of Starfleet training: help an enemy hunt down one of our own ships.

[Kira has blown a few plasma conduits on the Defiant, getting injured in the process]

Thomas Riker: You're lucky you only got singed. You know, the whole plasma relay could've exploded.

Major Kira: Yeah, that was the idea.

[Tom Riker has hijacked the Defiant for a special Maquis-mission in Cardassian territory]

Major Kira: The Maquis are terrorists, and the only thing terrorists care about is attacking the enemy. I know, I was a terrorist, and if I'd had this ship then... I would've destroyed Deep Space Nine. I would've hit the Cardassians so hard, they would've screamed for peace; but I certainly wouldn't have gone flying off into the middle of Cardassia on some wild goose chase!

Thomas Riker: I guess we're different kinds of terrorists.

Major Kira: No - you're trying to be a hero. Terrorists don't get to be heroes.

Major Kira: It's not the mission you're thinking about, is it? Or even the colonists in the zone. This is about you, isn't it, you and that other Will Riker out there, the man with your face, your name, your career. You are looking for a way to set yourself apart, some way to be different.

Thomas Riker: You shouldn't go fishing today. You won't catch anything.

Gul Dukat: [about his son] Today is his eleventh birthday. I'd promised to take him to the amusement center in Lakarian City. He always wanted to go. But I never had the time... I told him, 'This year will be different, Mekor. This year, I will make the time.'

Commander Sisko: I had the same experience with Jake. At that age, they never understand, do they? You just hope that one day later, they'll look back and say: 'Now I understand. Now I know why he did that.'

Gul Dukat: When my son looks back on this day, the only thing he'll remember is that a Federation officer on a Federation ship invaded his home, and kept his father away from him on his eleventh birthday. And he won't look back with understanding. He'll look back with hatred. And that's sad.

[Sisko has offered to give Dukat the information of the Defiant's sensor logs in return for the Defiant and the Maquis crew members]

Gul Dukat: Impossible! I cannot allow a group of terrorists to just walk away after invading our territory and...

Commander Sisko: Then you must decide which is important to you: your sense of Cardassian justice, or the information contained in the Defiant's sensor logs.

Gul Dukat: I do want that information, Commander; and I would be willing to return your wayward ship. But someone has to pay for what's happened here, and I don't want that someone to be me.

Major Kira: Be a Starfleet officer one last time, think of your crew. I know you want Tom Riker to go out in a blaze of glory that they talk about for the next ten years. Don't drag them along with you.

Gilora: Why didn't you tell me you replaced the secondary field coils?

Chief O'Brien: Well, if you had told me what you were planning to do, I would have.

Gilora: [sighs] I don't have time to explain everything.

Chief O'Brien: What - you think I won't be able to understand?

Gilora: It has been my experience that it...

Chief O'Brien: What? That Humans aren't good engineers?

Gilora: No, not Humans. Males.

Chief O'Brien: I beg your pardon?

Gilora: Men just don't seem to have a head for this sort of thing. That's why women dominate the sciences.

Chief O'Brien: Maybe on Cardassia. But on this station, this man is Chief of Operations, and I know more about these systems than anyone, including you.

Gilora: I'll try to figure out what we should do next.

Chief O'Brien: Well, I think our best bet would be to go...

Gilora: Please! Please, just give me a moment to think.

Chief O'Brien: [irritated] Fine. I'll just sit here quietly.

Gilora: Huh... In that case, could you get me a cup of red leaf tea?

Gilora: [to O'Brien] I assure you I'm... quite fertile. I could provide you with many healthy children, if-if that's your concern, but... quite frankly, I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself.

[Gilora has mistaken O'Brien's gruff behavior for sexual advances toward her]

Gilora: [embarrassed] Oh, my. I'm afraid this is a case of... cross-cultural misunderstanding.

Chief O'Brien: [relieved] I think so. I'm not remotely interested in you.

[Gilora stares at him]

Chief O'Brien: That's not what I meant. No - you are very attractive, and I'm flattered of course...

Gilora: [sourly] Please, Mr. O'Brien, there's no need to continue. You've made your feelings clear.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: As the 34th Rule of Acquisition states, "Peace is good for business".

Quark: That's the 35th Rule.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Oh, you're right. What's the 34th?

Quark: "War is good for business". It's easy to get them confused.

Quark: The way I see it, it won't be long before there's a permanent Cardassian presence on the station - scientists, diplomats... spies!

Major Kira: I'll work with anyone who's interested in peace.

Vedek Yarka: [citing Trakor's Third Prophecy] "When the River wakes, stirred once more to Janir's side, three Vipers will return to their nest in the Sky -... - When the Vipers try to peer through the Temple Gates, a Sword of Stars will appear in the Heavens. The Temple will burn, and the Gates will be cast open."

Commander Sisko: [about Ulani and Gilora] Now, those are about the two friendliest vipers I have ever met.

Vedek Yarka: [referring to the Prophets] If you turn your back on them now, you're abandoning your faith; and without your faith, Nerys... what do you have left?

Major Kira: It's hard to work for someone who's a religious icon.

Commander Sisko: [of the prophecy] But that all hinges on how you interpret an ancient text that's been translated and re-translated over the centuries. Words that were couched in metaphor to begin with. I'm sorry, Major; but where you see a sword of stars, I see a comet. Where you see vipers, I see three scientists. And where you see the Emissary, I see a Starfleet officer.

Odo: [on Sisko's role as Emissary] It's just an observation, of course; but it's always seemed to me that you've never been comfortable with it.

Commander Sisko: [pondering this] I can't deny that, I... Are you suggesting that I'm dismissing this prophecy too easily because I don't want to be the Emissary?

Odo: I'm not suggesting anything. But it's been my experience that all humanoids have an agenda of some sort, and that their agendas can influence them without their even realizing it.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Let me ask you something. If you'd never heard Trakor's prophecy, what would you do?

Commander Sisko: I'd continue working on the communications relay.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Then it seems to me you have a choice. You can either make your own decisions, or you can let these prophecies make them for you.

Vedek Yarka: There are signs that Trakor's Forth Prophecy will soon come to pass as well.

Commander Sisko: Don't tell me that has something to do with me.

Vedek Yarka: You, Commander? Well, it is a prophecy about the Emissary.

Commander Sisko: Tell me about it.

Vedek Yarka: Trakor's Forth Prophecy says that the Emissary will face a fiery trial, and he'll be forced to choose...

Gilora: [before returning to Cardassia] What's your wife's name?

Chief O'Brien: Keiko.

Gilora: A lucky woman.

Quark: Rumor has it that the shop next door to mine is going out of business. I'm thinking of renting it and setting up a few Cardassian gaming concessions.

Odo: There'll be no live vole fights on the Promenade, Quark.

Quark: I would never be party to anything so cruel and inhumane! But... of course, if some Cardassians happen to bring their voles along, and they happen to get into a fight, I could hardly be held responsible!

Odo: Oh, yes, you could!

Commander Sisko: And you will be.

Doctor Bashir: I am aware that aging is part of the natural process of life; it's just that I don't wanna be reminded of it, that's all. And look, Garak - in two days I turn thirty. If I choose to be grumpy about it, that's my prerogative!

Garak: Oh, by all means, Doctor, be as grumpy as you like.

Doctor Bashir: Well, thank you for the support!

Doctor Bashir: You all embody different aspects of my personality, different voices inside my head.

Chief O'Brien: I don't believe we're having this discussion.

Doctor Bashir: If I were to guess, Chief, I would say that you represent my doubt, and my disbelief.

Chief O'Brien: No, I don't!

Doctor Bashir: You represent my professionalism, and my skill.

Commander Sisko: I'm flattered.

Doctor Bashir: Does anybody else hear that?

Odo: I don't hear anything.

Doctor Bashir: No, Garak didn't either.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Julian, what are you talking about?

Doctor Bashir: I know, I know, it sounds odd, but I keep hearing voices.

Chief O'Brien: And he says *we're* acting peculiar?

Chief O'Brien: Mind if I come along?

Doctor Bashir: I thought you said I didn't have a chance.

Chief O'Brien: Well, I'm hoping I was wrong.

Doctor Bashir: So am I.

Chief O'Brien: But somehow I doubt it.

Doctor Bashir: I'll tell you something: I like the real Chief better than you.

Doctor Bashir: How did we get back here?

Chief O'Brien: You tell me. It's your mind.

Garak: Your hair - it seems to be turning gray.

Doctor Bashir: So I've noticed.

Garak: I guess you had reason to feel worried about turning thirty after all. Either that, or your job is even more stressful than I thought.

Doctor Bashir: This monitor - it's displaying my vital signs.

Chief O'Brien: And what's the prognosis?

Doctor Bashir: Pulse is thready, blood pressure is dropping steadily. I'm dying.

Chief O'Brien: I could've told you that just by looking at you.

Garak: I admire your tenacity, Doctor, but it's over. Look at yourself. Your bones are as brittle as twigs, you can't catch your breath; you can't even stand, let alone walk.

Doctor Bashir: But other than that, I feel wonderful!

Altovar: Everyone loses!

Altovar: You're staying right here, trapped on this station, watching while I destroy you piece by piece. And when all the best parts of you are gone, when there's nothing left but a withered shell, then - and only then - will I put you out of your misery.

[Bashir flees]

Altovar: You can't escape, Doctor. You can run if you want to, but you can't outrun death!

Doctor Bashir: You may be inside my head, but you don't know me half as well as you think you do. Take Dax. I do have feelings for her. But the important thing is, she's my friend. You know? Friend? Hm? And I wouldn't exchange that friendship for anything. As far as my career is concerned, I may have been a good tennis player, but I am a great doctor. Maybe I could have been first in my class; but it wouldn't have changed anything in my life. I still would have chosen this assignment. This is where I belong.

Quark: Just goes to show: give the people what they want, and they'll show up in droves.

Quark: You know, we just introduced a new lunch menu at the bar.

Doctor Bashir: [edgy] Goodbye, Quark.

Garak: Don't take it personally. He's turning thirty.

Garak: You know, Doctor, what I find most fascinating about this entire incident is how your unconscious mind chose people you know to represent the various parts of your personality.

Doctor Bashir: Well, it did make things interesting.

Garak: And what I find interesting, is how your mind ended up casting me in the role of the villain.

Doctor Bashir: Oh, I wouldn't read too much into that, Garak.

Garak: Oh, how can I not? To think, after all this time, all our lunches together, you still don't trust me. There is hope for you yet, Doctor.

Doctor Bashir: One thing's for sure, you know. After experiencing life at a hundred plus, turning thirty doesn't seem that bad anymore.

Garak: In that case: happy birthday.

Major Kira: A paranoid, a coward, a hothead, and me? You'd think he'd pick some better company.

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman: Dr. Bashir, I presume?

Dr. Julian Bashir: That's me.

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman: I'm Lewis Zimmerman, Director of Holographic Imaging and Programming at the Jupiter Research Station. And I'm here to make you... immortal.

[Bashir and Zimmerman are watching Leeta at the dabo wheel]

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman: Who is she?

Dr. Julian Bashir: Her name's Leeta - my ex-girlfriend.

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman: Who broke it off?

Dr. Julian Bashir: She did.

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman: Oh... I like her already.

[Bashir has asked Dr. Zimmerman not to interview his parents about him]

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman: [after Bashir has left] Note: contact subject's parents... immediately.

Quark: [about Rom] He needs a woman with a body and brains.

Leeta: I have brains.

Quark: Sure you do, honey. That's why I hired you. Now, eat up, and then take those brains back to the dabo wheel where the customers can get a good long look at them.

Quark: [of Leeta] She's a female, Rom. And the one constant in the universe is, females are trouble.

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman: Why is everyone so worried about holograms taking over the universe?

Dr. Julian Bashir: What do you want me to do?

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman: Just stand there and look like a doctor - if you can.

[Dr. Bashir is to become the template for a new long-term medical holoprogram]

Chief O'Brien: Wow. Think of it, Julian. If this thing works, you will be able to irritate hundreds of people you've never even met.

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman: Beginning data transferral.

EMH Mark I: Data transferral? Am I being replaced?

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman: You're being supplemented by a new long-term program.

EMH Mark I: [indicating the LMH] By him?

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman: There. Transfer's complete.

LMH: Please state the nature of the medical emergency.

EMH Mark I: Now, that's original. He doesn't even look old enough to be a doctor.

LMH: If you'd like my advice, you should delete this program. Now that I am here, why would you need an archaic piece of software like him?

EMH Mark I: [aghast] Archaic?

LMH: [to his human template] I hope you're more interesting than you seem. I'd hate to be boring.

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman: There may be no preventing that.

Dr. Julian Bashir: You used to be my father. Now, you're my architect - the man who designed a better son, to replace the defective one he was given. Well, your design has a built-in flaw: it's illegal.

Chief O'Brien: Then it's true? You're...

Dr. Julian Bashir: The word you're looking for is 'unnatural' - meaning 'not from nature'. 'Freak' or 'monster' would also be acceptable.

Richard Bashir: All those gifts, all those accomplishments, and you still wanna behave like a spoiled child. Well, you'd better grow up right now, or you're gonna lose everything!

Dr. Julian Bashir: You mean *you're* gonna lose everything. You're gonna lose your only real accomplishment in this life - me. You said before: I'm your legacy, your proud gift to the world. Well, Father, your gift is about to be revealed, as a fraud. Just like you.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Jules Bashir died in that hospital because you couldn't live with the shame of having a son who didn't measure up.

Amsha Bashir: You've never had a child. You don't know what it's like to watch your son... to watch him fall a little further behind every day. You know he's trying, but something's holding him back. You don't know what it's like to stay up every night worrying that maybe, it's your fault; maybe you did something wrong during the pregnancy, or maybe, you weren't careful enough. Or maybe, there's something wrong with you; maybe you, you passed on a genetic defect without even knowing it.

Richard Bashir: Amsha...

Amsha Bashir: No, this is important. You can condemn us for what we did; you can say it's illegal or immoral or whatever you wanna say. But you have to understand that we didn't do it because we were ashamed. But because you were our son. And we loved you.

Leeta: I've never run a restaurant, or any kind of business. I barely even know how to tend bar.

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman: That puts you one step ahead of our last bartender.

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman: You said you liked cerebral man. And at the risk of sounding immodest, I have a towering intellect.

Dr. Julian Bashir: There's no stigma attached to success.

[Leeta and Rom have just professed their love for each other]

Leeta: Oh... Doctor! I'm... sorry.

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman: [unconvincingly] No, don't be. True love should always win. I'm... happy for you. Really.

Leeta: You're a sweet, wonderful and brilliant man. There's someone out there for you, Doctor. I know it.

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman: [self-pitying] I don't think so. Perhaps I'm better suited to a life of solitary research...

[an attractive alien woman walks by]

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman: ...and dedication to my chosen field of study. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Goodbye.

Leeta: Bye.

Dr. Lewis Zimmerman: [goes after the alien woman] Excuse me, are you familiar with the ancient text known as the 'Kama Sutra'?

[Bashir and O'Brien are playing darts]

Dr. Julian Bashir: Looks like it's your game again.

Chief O'Brien: What's that? Five in a row?

Dr. Julian Bashir: At least!

Chief O'Brien: Wait a minute. You haven't been letting me win, have you?

Dr. Julian Bashir: [evasively] What makes you think that?

Chief O'Brien: You said your hand-eye coordination had been genetically enhanced.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Well, maybe I have been letting you win, a little bit.

Chief O'Brien: I don't believe it! I don't need you to patronize me! I can play at your level.

Dr. Julian Bashir: I never said you couldn't.

Chief O'Brien: Well, play then. Really play.

[Bashir throws his darts in quick succession. O'Brien surveys the board - Bashir has hit three times bullseye]

Chief O'Brien: All right. From now on...

[he moves Bashir a few steps backwards]

Chief O'Brien: ...you play from over here. I play from up here...

[goes back to his usual spot]

Chief O'Brien: If that doesn't work... we'll try a blindfold!

Lt. Commander Worf: I do not like doctors. Any doctors.

Admiral Bennett: Two hundred years ago, we tried to improve the species through DNA resequencing. And what did we get for our troubles? The Eugenics Wars. For every Julian Bashir that can be created, there's a Khan Singh waiting in the wings, a superhuman, whose ambition and thirst for power have been enhanced along with his intellect. The law against genetic engineering provided a firewall against such men. And it's my job to keep that firewall intact.

Major Kira: How are you, Lieutenant?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: You know what they say - put the shoe on the right foot first, but put the left foot first into the bathtub.

Doctor Bashir: Just don't be surprised if the uneasy alliance on this station starts to show a few cracks.

Odo: What uneasy alliance?

Doctor Bashir: Commander Sisko... and Kira. Mark my words, there's going to be trouble.

Odo: Are you finished with me?

Doctor Bashir: Unless you'd like to pour yourself through my foretic analyzer. I'd love to see the results.

Quark: What can I do for you, Major?

Major Kira: Get lost.

Odo: The Klingon, Doctor, what did you find?

Doctor Bashir: He's still dead, if that's what you mean.

Major Kira: Just remember who your friends are.

Chief O'Brien: Anyone who's against Sisko is against me.

Chief O'Brien: [to Odo] Don't the Commander and I always try to make you happy? [smiles shrewdly]

Major Kira: [to Odo] Either we get a more reasonable commander from Starfleet, someone we can control - or we go it alone. With me running this place, you will be able to do what needs to be done. If you want to toss Quark out on his ears, toss him out. If you want to proclaim martial law on the promenade, proclaim it. This station will be yours to protect, with no interference.

Major Kira: Jadzia, listen to me: I'm getting rid of Sisko, one way or the other. Don't force me to get rid of you as well.

Odo: Welcome back, everybody.

Major Kira: [on Sisko's clock] You... really build that?

Commander Sisko: Apparently so.

Commander Sisko: I have no idea.

Commander Sisko: So - this is how it all ends!

Major Kira: For you.

Commander Sisko: You know what disturbs me? The ingratitude. I offered you my kindness, my help, my leadership, and how do you repay me? With betrayal. But you won't get rid of me so easily. You see, unlike you, I understand history. My name will blaze across the stars long after your petty treacheries have been forgotten.

Major Kira: But you won't be here to see it.

Major Kira: I know that none of us was really responsible for our actions, but... I feel I owe you an apology.

Commander Sisko: For attempted mutiny?

Major Kira: Well... yes.

Commander Sisko: I think we'll let it go - this time.

Odo: I heard you had some problems with the Klingons the last time they came through.

Quark: Spare me from beings who think pain is pleasure. [reconsiders] In small doses, perhaps...

[Bajoran survivors of a Cardassian labor camp have gathered on DS9]

Quark: Who are they?

Odo: Survivors of Gallitep. They arrived early this morning. I suppose they are waiting for justice.

Quark: Gallitep... Imagine living through that hellhole... the pain... the sorrow... Do you think they like to gamble?

Major Kira: You're Marritza, aren't you?

Marritza: You mistake me for that bug? That whimpering nothing? Oh you stupid Bajoran girl, don't you know who I am? I'm your nemesis. I'm your nightmare. I'm the Butcher of Gallitep!

Marritza: I am alive. I will always be alive! It's Marritza who's dead! Marritza, who was good for nothing but cowering under his bunk and weeping like a woman. Who every night covered his ears because he couldn't bear to hear the screaming... for mercy... of the Bajorans... [breaks down into tears]

Major Kira: I hope it won't disturb your dinner if I ask you a few questions?

Marritza: If I refuse to answer?

Major Kira: I'll ask them anyway.

Marritza: Of course.

Major Kira: This is my job.

Marritza: Persecuting Cardassians goes far beyond your job, Major; it's your passion.

Major Kira: If your lies are gonna be this transparent, it's gonna be a very short interrogation.

Marritza: Well, in that case I'll try to make my lies more opaque.

[Kira has asked "Gul Darhe'el" how he knew about her past in the resistance]

Marritza: [posing as Darhe'el] Oh my, my, you are a strutting little egotist. You forget the brilliance of Marritza's filing system. He made sure that I was provided with information on all your little terrorist bands. What I particularly enjoyed were the termination reports. [he chuckles] Yes, life in a force labor camp can be so isolating. At times I felt that I alone bore the burden of cleansing Bajor of its rabble; but those reports reassured me: I was not alone!

Major Kira: Nothing justifies genocide.

Marritza: What you call genocide, I call a day's work.

Marritza: You and I know, there was no war, no glory. Bajor didn't resist. It surrendered.

Marritza: Who do you think started the rumors about brutality at Gallitep? It was Gul Darhe'el himself. Now there was a leader. Brilliant, extraordinary man! He knew that to rule by fear was to rule completely. Why bother with actual mass murders, when just the reports of such incidents had... had the same effect?

Major Kira: I still think you're a liar.

Marritza: So much for our search for the truth. Now we trade insults.

Marritza: You see, you're the one who's lying now, Major. It's not the truth you're interested in; all you want is vengeance.

Major Kira: Marritza says, I don't care about the truth, that all I want is vengeance.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Are you worried that maybe he's right?

Major Kira: All I want is to see him punished.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Even if he *is* just a file clerk?

Major Kira: That's just it, I don't want him to be just a file clerk. I want him to be... I don't know, something worse.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: You want him to be guilty.

Major Kira: As far as I'm concerned, if he was at Gallitep, he is guilty. They're all guilty. His punishment will let Bajor feel some... satisfaction.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: It sounds like you're trying too hard to believe what you're saying. You already know, if you punish him without reason, it won't mean anything. And you already know, vengeance... isn't enough.

Commander Sisko: Major, what if this image confirms that Marritza *was* a file clerk? What do you expect us to do then?

Major Kira: I suppose you'll let him go.

Commander Sisko: I'm glad we understand each other.

Marritza: Well, there you are. My secret's out, my crimes laid bare - I await execution.

Major Kira: I hope we don't keep you waiting long.

Marritza: You have no idea what it's like to be a coward... See these horrors and... do nothing... Marritza is dead, he deserves to be dead.

Major Kira: Enough good people have already died. I won't help kill another.

[Kainon has fatally stabbed Marritza in the back]

Major Kira: Why? He wasn't Dar'heel! Why?

Kainon: He's a Cardassian! That's reason enough!

Major Kira: No!... It's not.

Gul Dukat: I do miss working with you, Odo. I miss our games of Kalevian montar.

Odo: As I recall, Gul Dukat, we played one game, and you cheated.

Major Kira: [Describing the Gallitep labor camp] Commander, if you'd been there twelve years ago when we liberated that camp, if you'd seen the things I saw. All those Bajoran bodies starved, brutalized. Do you know what Cardassian policy was? Oh, I'm not even talking about the murder. Murder was just the end of the fun for them. First came the humiliation; mothers raped in front of their children, husbands beaten till their wives couldn't recognize them, old people buried alive because they couldn't work anymore!

Locutus of Borg: Resistance is futile. You will disarm your weapons and escort us to sector 0-0-1. If you attempt to intervene, we will destroy you.

Vulcan Captain: Red alert. Load all torpedo bays, ready phasers.

Commander Benjamin Sisko: [meeting with Captain Picard] It's been a long time, Captain.

Capt. Picard: [puzzled] Have we met before?

Commander Benjamin Sisko: [stony-faced] Yes sir, we met in battle. I was on the Saratoga at Wolf 359.

[Picard and Sisko are discussing Bajor's possible membership in the Federation]

Commander Benjamin Sisko: Is it going to happen?

Capt. Picard: Not easily. The ruling parties are at each other's throats. Factions that were united against the Cardassians have resumed old conflicts.

Commander Benjamin Sisko: Sounds like they're not ready.

Capt. Picard: Your job is to do everything, short of violating the Prime Directive, to make sure that they are.

Kira Nerys: You are throwing it all away... all of you!

Bajoran Bureaucrat: You're being a fool!

Kira Nerys: Well, then, don't ask my opinion next time!

Kai Opaka: [about Sisko] Ironic... One who does not wish to be among us, is to be the Emissary.

Dr. Bashir: Oh, this will be perfect - real... frontier medicine!

Major Kira: Frontier medicine?

Dr. Bashir: Major, I had my choice of any job in the Fleet.

Major Kira: [mocking] Did you?

Dr. Bashir: I didn't want some cushy job or a research grant; I wanted *this* - the farthest reaches of the galaxy, one of the most remote outposts available. This is where the adventure is. This is where heroes are made. Right here - in the wilderness.

Major Kira: This "wilderness"... is my home.

Chief Miles O'Brien: Sir, have you ever served with any Bajoran women?

Commander Benjamin Sisko: No, why?

Chief Miles O'Brien: I was just wondering, sir.

Commander Benjamin Sisko: It's really quite simple, Quark. You're not going to leave.

Quark: Not going to leave? But we're packed and ready to go.

Commander Benjamin Sisko: Unpack.

Quark: I don't understand, Commander. Why would you want me to stay?

Constable Odo: I'm curious myself. The man is a gambler and a thief.

Quark: I'm not a thief.

Constable Odo: You are a thief!

Quark: If I am, you haven't been able to prove it for four years.

Quark: Commander, I've made a career out of knowing when to leave. And this Bajoran provisional government is far too provisional for my taste. And when governments fall, people like me are lined up and shot.

Commander Benjamin Sisko: There is that risk. But then, you are a gambler, Quark.

Odo: And a thief.

Commander Benjamin Sisko: You know, Quark, that poor boy is about to spend the best years of his life in a Bajoran prison. I'm a father myself. I know what your brother must be going through. The boy should be with his family, not in some cold jail cell. Think about it. It's up to you.

Odo: You know, at first, I didn't think I was going to like him.

Commander Benjamin Sisko: In the meantime, I will do the job I've been ordered to do to the best of my ability, sir!

Odo: [on seeing Sisko for the first time, annoyed] Who the hell are you?

[after an orb experience]

Kai Opaka: Nine orbs, like this one, have appeared in the skies over the past 10,000 years. The Cardassians took the others. You must find the Celestial Temple before they do.

Sisko: The Celestial Temple?

Kai Opaka: Tradition says the orbs were sent by the Prophets to teach us. What we have learned has shaped our theology. The Cardassians will do ANYTHING to decipher their powers. If they discover the Celestial Temple... they could destroy it.

Sisko: What makes you think *I* can find your... temple?

Kai Opaka: [gives Sisko the orb ark] This will help you.

Sisko: Kai Opaka, I...

Kai Opaka: I can't unite my people till I know the Prophets have been warned. You will find the temple. Not for Bajor, not for the Federation, but for your own pagh. It is quite simply, Commander, the journey you have always been destined to take.

Dr. Bashir: So, where can someone practice with his phaser around here?

Commander Benjamin Sisko: Commence station log, Deep Space Nine, Commander Benjamin Sisko, stardate 46388.2. - At the request of the Bajoran provisional government, Starfleet has agreed to establish a Federation presence in this system, following the withdrawal of the Cardassian occupational forces. The first contingent of officers including my Chief of Operations, Miles O'Brien, arrived two days ago on the Enterprise.

[Sisko's first line of the series]

Commander Benjamin Sisko: Move us to position alpha, Ensign.

[Quark's first line of the series]

Quark: Nog! What's going on?

[Jake Sisko's first line of the series]

Jake Sisko: Small fries - threw 'em back. Wanna go for a swim?

[Chief O'Brien's first line of the series]

Chief O'Brien: I'm told the Cardassians decided to have some fun the day they left. Four Bajorans were killed trying to protect their shops.

[Major Kira's first line of the series]

Major Kira: They become meaningless.

[Odo's first line of the series]

Odo: Yes, Major?

[Dr. Bashir's first line of the series]

Dr. Bashir: Jadzia! Uh... Maybe we could... get together later, for dinner - o-o-o-o-or a dr- or a drink?

[Dax's first line of the series]

Lt. Jadzia Dax: I'd be delighted.

[O'Brien is showing Sisko around on ops]

Chief O'Brien: Uh, that's the prefect's office up there.

Commander Benjamin Sisko: So all others have to look up with respect. Cardassian architecture.

Chief O'Brien: Yes, sir. Major Kira's been using it.

Gul Dukat: [meeting Sisko in his office] Excuse my presumption, but this was my office only two weeks ago. I'm not used to being on this side of the desk. I'll be honest with you, Commander. I miss this office. I was not happy to leave it.

Commander Benjamin Sisko: Drop by any time you're feeling homesick.

Gul Dukat: Allow me to assure you that we only want to be helpful in this difficult transition. You're far from the Federation fleet, alone in this remote outpost, with poor defense systems. Your Cardassian neighbors will be quick to respond to any problems you might have.

Commander Benjamin Sisko: We'll try to keep the dog off your lawn.

Chief O'Brien: Computer, you and I need to have a little talk.

[after the station computer has refused to acknowledge his commands in a critical situation]

Major Kira: You don't think Starfleet took command of this space station without the ability to defend it, do you?

Gul Jasad: [laughing] Defend it? Your space station could not defend itself against *one* Cardassian warship.

Major Kira: You're probably right, Jasad. And if you were dealing with a Starfleet officer, they'd probably admit... we have a hopeless cause here. But I am just a Bajoran, who's been fighting a hopeless cause against the Cardassians... all her life. So if you want a war - I'll give you one!

[appearing intimidated, Jasad disconnects]

Chief O'Brien: Major - remind me never to get into a game of Roladan Wild Draw with you.

Odo: Most people in my experience wouldn't know reason if it walked up and shook their hand. You can count Gul Dukat among them.

Major Kira: [seeing Sisko for the first time, testily] Yes?

Commander Benjamin Sisko: I'm Benjamin Sisko.

Major Kira: I suppose you want the office.

Commander Benjamin Sisko: [jovially] Well, I thought I'd say 'hello' first, and then take the office. But we could do it in any order you like.

Major Kira: [sarcastically] Hello.

Commander Benjamin Sisko: My officers, Bajoran engineers, all their families depend on the shops and services of this promenade. If people like you abandon it, this is going to become a ghost town. We need someone to step forward and say "I'm staying. I'm rebuilding". We need a community leader, and it's going to be - you, Quark!

Quark: [guffaws] Community leader!

Odo: Seems reasonable. You have all the character references of a politician.

Sisko: I was just talking with our good neighbor Quark. He's laying odds that the government's going to fall.

Major Kira: Quark knows a good bet when he hears one. This government will be gone in a week, and so will you.

Sisko: What happens to Bajor then?

Major Kira: Civil war.

Quark: New rules?

Major Kira: You can't cheat every customer who walks through the door anymore, Quark. You are a community leader now.

Quark: Very well, very well, perhaps we could discuss these new rules over a drink.

[Kira suddenly grabs Quark at his shirt]

Major Kira: [invidiously] If you don't take that hand off my hip, you'll never be able to raise a glass with it again.

Quark: Oh, I love a woman in uniform!

Quark: Never trust ale from a god-fearing people, or a Starfleet commander that has one of your relatives in jail.

Commander Benjamin Sisko: [from a log entry] Meanwhile, our medical and science officers are arriving, and I'm looking forward to a reunion with a very old friend.

Commander Benjamin Sisko: [after Bashir has invited Dax for dinner] He's a little young for you, isn't he?

Lt. Jadzia Dax: He's twenty-seven, I'm twenty-eight.

Commander Benjamin Sisko: Three*hundred* twenty-eight maybe.

Commander Benjamin Sisko: [on Dax's new "appearance"] This is going to take some getting used to.

Lt. Jadzia Dax: Don't be ridiculous, I'm still the same old Dax - more or less.

Commander Benjamin Sisko: Dax, we might have just discovered the first stable wormhole known to exist!

Commander Benjamin Sisko: [looking at an orb] What is it?

Kai Opaka: The Tear of the Prophet.

Kai Opaka: Commander - I cannot give you what you deny yourself.

Commander Benjamin Sisko: I'm sorry?

Kai Opaka: Look for solutions from within, Commander.

Jennifer Sisko: You're awfully sure of yourself.

Ben Sisko: It's not every day you meet the girl you're going to marry.

Jennifer Sisko: Do you use this routine a lot with women?

Ben Sisko: No, never before - and never again.

Ben Sisko: The sound of children playing - what could be more beautiful?

Jennifer Sisko: So you like children?

Ben Sisko: That almost sounds like a domestic enquiry.

Jennifer Sisko: I've heard Starfleet officers don't want families because they complicate their lives.

Ben Sisko: Starfleet officers don't often find mates who want to raise families on a starship.

Jennifer Sisko: That almost sounds like a domestic enquiry.

Ben Sisko: I think it was.

Sisko: It can be argued that a human is ultimately the sum of his experiences.

[Sisko is trying to explain 'past' to the Prophets]

Jake Prophet: What comes before now is no different than what is now. Or what is to come. It is one's existence.

Sisko: Then for you, there is no linear time.

Alien Batter: Aggressive. Adversarial.

Sisko: Competition, for fun. It's a game that Jake and I play on the holodeck. It's called 'baseball'!

Jake Prophet: Baseball? What is this?

Sisko: I was afraid you'd ask that.

Prophets: You exist here.

Sisko: [on the image of his dead wife on the Saratoga] I don't know if you can understand. I see her like this, every time I close my eyes. In the darkness, in the blink of an eye, I see her... like this.

Jennifer Prophet: None of your past experiences helped prepare you for this consequence.

Sisko: And I have never figured out how to live without her.

Jennifer Prophet: So, you choose to exist here.

[Sisko nods]

Jennifer Prophet: It is not linear.

Sisko: [sobs] No. It's not linear.

[Dr. Bashir has romanticized about the "wilderness" of Bajor's galactic sector]

Major Kira: The Cardassians left behind a lot of injured people, Doctor. You can make yourself useful by bringing your Federation medicine to the natives. Oh, you'll find them a friendly, simple folk.

Major Kira: Time to be a hero.

Dr. Bashir: Yes, sir!

Major Kira: I cannot justify taking you into this wormhole. We have no idea what we're dealing with in there; it could be hostile...

Odo: Major, I was found in the Denorios Belt. I don't know where I came from. No idea if there are any others like me. All my life I've been forced to pass myself off as one of you, always wondering who I really am. Well, the answers to a lot of my questions may be somewhere on the other side of that wormhole.

Sisko: In the end, it comes down to throwing one pitch after another, and seeing what happens. With each new consequence, the game begins to take shape.

Alien Batter: And you have no idea what that shape is until it is completed?

Sisko: That's right. In fact, the game wouldn't be worth playing if we knew what was going to happen.

Jake Prophet: You value your ignorance of what is to come?

Sisko: That may be the most important thing to understand about humans. It is the unknown that defines our existence. We are constantly searching, not just for answers to our questions, but for new questions. We are explorers. We explore our lives day by day, and we explore the galaxy, trying to expand the boundaries of our knowledge. And that is why I am here. Not to conquer you with weapons, or with ideas. But to coexist... and learn.

Capt. Picard: [after Sisko has decided to stay on Deep Space Nine] Good luck, Mr. Sisko.

Major Kira: Quark if you don't take your hand off of my hip I'll break every bone in your body.

Quark: Wow what a woman!

Chief O'Brien: So what did Captain Sisko do to persuade you to come along?

Garak: How do you know I didn't volunteer?

Nog: I'm reporting for duty - sir!

Chief O'Brien: Welcome aboard, Cadet.

Nog: Thank you, sir. And may I say, it's a privilege to be here, sir.

Chief O'Brien: You've earned it. But one more 'sir' and I'll leave you behind.

Nog: Very well, s... Chief!

Chief O'Brien: What's the matter?

Garak: Well, it's just that... Lately I've noticed everyone seems to trust me. It's quite unnerving, I'm still trying to get used to it. Next thing I know, people are going to be inviting me to their homes for dinner.

Chief O'Brien: Well, if it makes you feel any better, I promise I will never have you over.

Garak: I appreciate that, Chief.

Chief O'Brien: All right, listen up. We're gonna break up into three teams: Nog and Stolzoff, you're with me; we'll do the "must haves". Pechetti and Amaro, you'll do the "could use". Boq'ta and Garak, "would be nice".

[O'Brien intends to dock the Runabout on the upper pylon]

Nog: Won't the airlock have booby traps?

Garak: Oh, you can count on it. And someone's going to have to disarm them before we dock.

Nog: I volunteer, sir!

Garak: The scanner in the airlock might mistake your enthusiasm as Cardassian, but not your DNA.

[Garak challenges O'Brien to a game of kotra, a Cardassian strategy game, appealing to O'Brien's experience as a former soldier]

Chief O'Brien: I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.

Garak: I see. So when you and Dr. Bashir go into the holosuites for hours at a time, you're just repairing them?

Chief O'Brien: [referring to Garak] If he thinks he can neutralize the Cardassians, let him try. He'd be doing us all a favor.

Garak: That's the spirit. Why don't you come with me, Chief? Kill a few "Cardies"? It'll be like old times.

Garak: What is it, Chief?

Chief O'Brien: You look different.

Garak: How so?

Chief O'Brien: That's not the face of a tailor.

Garak: I'm not a tailor... Not for the moment anyway.

Garak: Asking a Ferengi to play a Cardassian game is like asking a Klingon to chew with his mouth closed.

Nog: How did you get in here? Both doors are secure.

Garak: Secure is such a relative term, wouldn't you agree?

Nog: It doesn't make any sense. Garak's on our side.

Chief O'Brien: Not anymore.

Amaro: [on the death of Boq'ta] He asked me to get a coil spanner for him. I just turned my back for a second...

Garak: That's a shame... And the worst part of it is - this isn't a coil spanner...

Garak: [referring to kotra] I can't help thinking what a perfect metaphor this game is for our present situation. Hm? Two players, two minds, two strategies, each trying to outmaneuver the other, testing the enemy's defenses - advancing, retreating. The only difference is that in the game *we're* playing, the stakes are life and death. Which makes it so much more interesting. I haven't had this much fun in years!

Garak: This is the most exciting game I've played in years.

Chief O'Brien: It's not a game!

Garak: Oh, but it is. And the best thing about it is that it brings out the player's true nature.

Garak: You're a killer, admit it. We both are. Behind your Federation mask of decency and benevolence you're a predator, just like me.

Chief O'Brien: No... I'm nothing like you.

Garak: You have no idea how hard it is to keep from pulling this trigger.

Pechetti: [about Cardassian soldiers] "Death to all." That was their motto.

Garak: Three simple words. And they certainly sum up their credo nicely.

Chief O'Brien: Julian tells me the blast broke a couple of your ribs.

Garak: Well, it could have been worse. If I had been any closer to that phaser it would have killed me.

Chief O'Brien: Don't take this the wrong way but... that was the plan.

Commander Sisko: Beets are a very misunderstood vegetable.

[Kira is intently watching Odo stir a sauce with high concentration]

Odo: You find something amusing, Major?

Major Kira: Oh, I just think you look so... cute.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: None of Dax's hosts, even Jadzia, had any musical ability.

Doctor Bashir: Nobody said life was fair.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Yeah, even if you had seven of 'em.

Doctor Renhol: [to her assistant] Tell Doctor Torvin to prepare the new host for surgery. We'll begin transferring the symbiont in fifteen minutes.

Commander Sisko: Tell Doctor Torvin to get a cup of raktajino. He won't be needed.

Commander Sisko: I'm not interested in exposing your secret, Doctor. All I care about is Jadzia. And I promise you, if she dies, I'll see to it that the entire planet knows why.

Doctor Renhol: If you'll excuse me, I have an initiate who needs some hand-holding.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Get your hands off of me, before I do something I'll regret!

Commander Sisko: And I used to think Curzon had a temper.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Joran.

Joran Belar: You know who I am.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: You're part of me.

Commander Sisko: I suppose it would have been easier if you'd never found out about Joran.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: No, I'm glad I did. If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been.

Chief O'Brien: You're not an in-between kind of guy.

Doctor Bashir: What do you mean?

Chief O'Brien: Well, people either love you, or hate you.

Chief O'Brien: I mean... I hated you, when we first met.

Doctor Bashir: I remember.

Chief O'Brien: But now...

Doctor Bashir: And now?

Chief O'Brien: Well... now I don't.

Doctor Bashir: That means a lot to me, Chief, it really does.

Chief O'Brien: Really. Now... and that is from the heart, hm? Mm... I really do... not hate you anymore.

[a very drunk Bashir wants to confront Dr. Lense for ignoring him earlier]

Chief O'Brien: Better wait until tomorrow.

Doctor Bashir: Why? Why not right now?

Chief O'Brien: Because you can barely stand up, right now.

Doctor Bashir: Good point. Good point. Good point...

[O'Brien has doubts that the ancient Bajoran solar vessels were capable of space exploration]

Major Kira: You sound just like a Cardassian.

Major Kira: They have denied the possibility of ancient contact for decades, because they cannot stand the idea of Bajor having interstellar flight before they did.

Chief O'Brien: With all due respect, Major, you're beginning to sound like a Romulan.

Major Kira: A Romulan?

Chief O'Brien: There is no piece of technology in existence they don't claim they invented before everyone else.

[Gul Dukat has surmised that Sisko might encounter something unexpected during his flight on a Bajoran lightship]

Commander Sisko: Like what?

Gul Dukat: Oh, I don't know. A Maquis ship, perhaps.

Commander Sisko: Why would the Maquis have any quarrel with an unarmed ship sailing toward the Denorias Belt? They have nothing at stake here, nothing to prove. Or should I say, disprove.

Gul Dukat: Commander, I contacted you out of concern for your safety. But you seem to be intimating that I've made some sort of threat.

Commander Sisko: Ah, then I'm glad I was wrong. For a moment there, I thought that you had been put in charge of the Cardassian Ministry for the Refutation of Bajoran Fairy Tales.

Commander Sisko: [of Jake] It's funny. A year or two ago, nothing would have stopped him from coming with me on an adventure like this. I guess I waited too long.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: You'll have other adventures, Benjamin; they'll just be different. Believe me, I know, I've been a father a couple of times myself. Oh, I could tell you stories...

Commander Sisko: You already have.

[Jake is encouraging his father to get a date]

Commander Sisko: I cannot believe that I'm getting advice about women from my son.

Jake Sisko: Don't think of me as your son right now. Just think of me as... another guy. Another guy who happens to know a very attractive lady who wants to meet you.

[Sisko and Jake are sailing through space on the lightship]

Commander Sisko: Listen.

Jake Sisko: I don't hear anything.

Commander Sisko: Exactly. Not even the hum of an engine. It's almost like being on the deck of an old sailing ship. Except, the stars are not just up in the sky; they're all around us. Imagine how the ancient Bajorans must have felt - heading into space, in a ship like this one, not knowing what they were going to find, or who they were going to meet.

Commander Sisko: [to Jake] We'll make a sailor out of you yet.

[Sisko and Jake have managed to 'sail' all the way to Cardassia, where they are greeted by Dukat]

Gul Dukat: I've been asked to convey a message from the Cardassian government: "Your voyage is a testament to the spirit of the ancient Bajorans who first ventured out into space. It could not be more appropriate that your arrival coincides with the discovery here on Cardassia of an ancient crash site, a site that our archeologists believe contains the remnants of one of the Bajoran vessels whose journey... you have just recreated."

[Odo is dying of the Founder's disease, lying in sickbay]

Odo: I want - you - to leave.

Odo: You watched Bareil... die in this very room. I know how that's haunted you, and... I don't want your last memory of me... to be witnessing my death.

Colonel Kira: Isn't that my choice?

Odo: Maybe it is. And maybe I'm being selfish telling you all the things I want. But I don't want... the last thing I see... to be... pain in your eyes.

Colonel Kira: You'd be surprised how well I can hide my feelings, when I need to.

Odo: Not from me.

Colonel Kira: I've got so much to say, I... I don't know where to begin.

Odo: Just say you love me. That's all I've ever cared about.

Doctor Bashir: Romulan mind probes. They're not the most pleasant of devices, but they're very efficient.

Sloan: They're also illegal in the Federation.

Doctor Bashir: Oh, I hope you can appreciate the irony of that statement.

Sloan: [to Bashir] I misread you. I thought you were just a misguided idealist. But you're a dangerous man. People like you would destroy the Federation if given a chance. Fortunately, there are people like me who will die to protect it.

[Sloan has committed suicide to prevent the data of the cure from falling into Bashir's hands]

Doctor Bashir: There must be some way to retrieve that data.

Chief O'Brien: Maybe we should just let him die in peace.

Doctor Bashir: Miles... I need a multitronic engrammatic interpreter.

Chief O'Brien: Or maybe I'll find you a multitronic engrammatic interpreter.

Doctor Bashir: I kept thinking just how many people had to have been involved in the conspiracy to infect him with the disease - computer experts, doctors, security officers, admirals, clerks... In the end, I came up with at least seventy-three people.

Chief O'Brien: Phh! For a minute there, I thought you were gonna say seventy thousand.

Doctor Bashir: This organization, this *thing*, that slithered its way into the heart of the Federation, it has to be destroyed.

Chief O'Brien: I'm going with you.

Doctor Bashir: What?

Chief O'Brien: You heard me. And it's not open to debate. If you're determined to go on this lunatic mission inside Sloan's head, then somebody with an ounce of sanity has to be with you!

Doctor Bashir: You just wanna come because you don't want Captain Sisko to find out what we're doing.

Chief O'Brien: Well, there's that too.

Chief O'Brien: Where 're we going?

Doctor Bashir: I don't know. But we're not wasting any time getting there.

Chief O'Brien: Hey Julian - next time you take a trip inside someone's mind, you're going on your own!

Chief O'Brien: I wish I knew how long we've been in here.

Doctor Bashir: 23 minutes and 11 seconds.

Chief O'Brien: Show-off!

[in Sloan's mind, Sloan shoots Sloan]

Chief O'Brien: Julian?

Doctor Bashir: Don't look at me for explanations.

Doctor Bashir: What's that?

Chief O'Brien: It's the tunnel.

Doctor Bashir: What tunnel?

Chief O'Brien: You know, the... the tunnel to the great beyond.

Doctor Bashir: Oh - it is. I must say, I'm... a bit disappointed; I expected it to be more elaborate.

Sloan: [saying his farewells to his family] As I stand here, reunited with my friends and my family for one last time, I want you, the people I love, to know just how sorry I am for all the pain that I've caused you. I dedicated my life to the preservation and the protection of the Federation. This duty, which I carried out to the best of my ability, took precedence over everything else - my parents, my wife, my children. I lived in a world of secrets - of sabotage and deceit. I spent so much time erasing my movements, covering my tracks, that now, as I look back on my life, I find nothing. It's as if I never really existed. I cheated you all out of being in my life. And what's more, I cheated myself as well. Now, I know a simple apology won't change that. Still, I feel the need to apologize anyway. No tears please. My death isn't a tragedy; it's a celebration. In death I can finally step out of the shadows and prove to myself that I existed - that I lived.

[O'Brien finds Bashir playing darts in a deserted Quark's]

Chief O'Brien: How'd you get in?

Doctor Bashir: The lock isn't that complex.

[O'Brien finds a bottle of some spirit behind Quark's bar]

Chief O'Brien: Aha! Here we go. I knew Quark was hoarding a bottle of the good stuff.

Doctor Bashir: [inspects the label] This is older than I am.

Chief O'Brien: What?

[he also reads the label]

Chief O'Brien: I'm drinking with a child!

Chief O'Brien: [of Keiko] She always said I... I liked you more than I liked her.

Doctor Bashir: That's ridiculous!

Chief O'Brien: Right.

Doctor Bashir: Well, maybe, maybe you do, a bit more.

Chief O'Brien: What? Are you crazy? She's my wife, I love her!

Doctor Bashir: Of course you love her - she's your wife.

Chief O'Brien: Yeah.

Doctor Bashir: I'm just saying, maybe you like me a bit more, that's all.

Chief O'Brien: I do not.

Doctor Bashir: You spend more time with me.

Chief O'Brien: We work together!

Doctor Bashir: We have more in common.

Chief O'Brien: Julian, you are beginning to annoy me.

Doctor Bashir: Darts, racquetball, Vic's lounge, the Alamo... Need I go on?

Chief O'Brien: I *love* my wife.

Doctor Bashir: And I love Ezri - passionately.

Chief O'Brien: You do?

Doctor Bashir: Yes.

Chief O'Brien: Have you told her?

Doctor Bashir: Not yet. But I will.

Chief O'Brien: Oh, yeah? Huh... When?

Doctor Bashir: When I'm ready. It's just that I... like you... a bit more. See? There, I've admitted it.

Chief O'Brien: Yeah, well - I *love* my wife.

Doctor Bashir: Ezri - you look so... beautiful.

Chief O'Brien: Well, I'd better get home. Keiko is holding dinner for me.

Doctor Bashir: This late?

Chief O'Brien: Yeah, well, she's a helluva woman.

Doctor Bashir: That's why you love her.

Chief O'Brien: M-hm, that's right - that's why I love her.

[he is about to leave but comes back once more]

Chief O'Brien: You wanna come?

Doctor Bashir: Sure.

Doctor Bashir: One thing's for sure: Sloan knew he had the perfect bait, that I wouldn't be able to resist it. But there was one thing he failed to consider.

Chief O'Brien: And what's that?

Doctor Bashir: You. To Miles Edward O'Brien!

Chief O'Brien: To friendship.

Captain Sisko: Genocide. Committed by people who call themselves Federation citizens.

Major Kira: [embodying Lela] What is a person but a sum of their memories?

Odo: [on Jadzia and Leeta] I've noticed they've been spending quite a bit of time together.

Doctor Bashir: Do you keep tabs on everybody, Constable?

Odo: Not everyone. But really, Doctor, two Delvin fluff pastries for breakfast this morning, you of all people should know better than to start your day like that.

[Nog is anxious to be admitted to Starfleet Academy]

Jake Sisko: Don't worry so much, Nog. You'll be a great cadet.

Quark: In the meantime, you make a lousy stock boy. Why can't you take after your friend here? He knows enough to stay out of Starfleet. Even a Hew-man can see there's a lot more profitable opportunities out there for a young man with ambition.

Nog: Uncle, he wants to be a writer. There's no profit in that.

Doctor Bashir: What's the matter, Chief?

Chief O'Brien: [referring to Nog] It just occurred to me - as soon as that kid graduates from the Academy, I'm gonna have to call him 'sir'.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: If you don't mind, I'd like to borrow your bodies for a few hours.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Kira?

Major Kira: No. Lela.

Doctor Bashir: [embodying Torias, referring to Bashir] You should tell your friend to live a little. Life's too short to deprive yourself of the simple pleasures. I should know.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: You didn't exactly deprive yourself.

Doctor Bashir: No. But my life *was* too short.

Doctor Bashir: [as Torias] We're part of something bigger than any one of us.

[Sisko is to embody the Dax host Joran]

Odo: Are you sure about this, Commander?

Commander Sisko: Don't worry, Odo, Joran isn't going to be able to hurt anyone from inside of a holding cell.

Odo: There's just one problem - you're going to be in there with him.

Commander Sisko: [as Joran] My strength is within you. You don't have to be afraid of it.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: I'm not.

Commander Sisko: Then let me show you how to use it. Lower the force field, Jadzia. Lower it, and you will never have to be afraid of anything ever again.

[Jadzia has bashed up Joran in Sisko's body]

Commander Sisko: [as himself] Thanks.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: For what?

Commander Sisko: For not breaking any bones.

Quark: Odo? What happened to your face?

Odo: [embodying Curzon] Never mind my face.

[he grabs Quark by the ears and gives him a smacker on his forehead]

Odo: Did I ever mention you're a magnificent scoundrel?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: [to Curzon/Odo] I feel like I don't have your respect. And I'm afraid when your memories are restored to me, I'm going to feel like I don't respect myself.

[Curzon has decided to stay in Odo's body]

Commander Sisko: Let me tell you something about Curzon. He was my friend, he was my confidant - in a way, he was my teacher as well. But he was also manipulative, selfish, and arrogant. Most people let him get away with it because he was so charming. Sometimes, I let him get away with it, too. But from time to time, he'd push me too far, and I'd have to stand up to him, tell him he'd crossed the line.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: And how would he react?

Commander Sisko: Sometimes he'd just laugh and admit it. Sometimes he'd be furious. But either way, he'd back off because he knew he was wrong. And he is wrong now.

[Curzon has admitted his love for Jadzia]

Odo: [as Curzon] So, now that you know, you can see that it's best for both of us that I stay here, in this body.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Why, because you loved me?

Odo: Because I still love you.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: There's no shame in that, Curzon.

Odo: Yes, there is. And if we rejoin, you'll feel it too.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: No, I won't. Because I love you. You're a part of me, and I want you back. That way Jadzia and Curzon can be together the way they should be. Through Dax.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: You've given me a special gift.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: You see... now I have Curzon's memories of what it felt like to be a Changeling. I never realized how much joy it gives you.

Odo: And I never understood how much joy you humanoids experience in things like eating, drinking... staying up all night playing tongo. Frankly, I don't see how Curzon ever managed to get any work done.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: He always seemed to, somehow.

Odo: Well... he must've been a remarkable man.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Yes, he is.

Leeta: You never know who you'll meet at the dabo table.

Jake Sisko: [re holosuites] Well, you should know not to end a program sitting down.

[after Nog has fallen on his backside when terminating a simulation]

Quark: What can I get you, Nog?

Nog: Um... A root beer. It's an Earth drink. Something they serve at the Academy.

Quark: Root beer. This is the end of Ferengi civilization.

Quark: [to Rom] That's how it begins. All it takes is for one impressionable youngster to join Starfleet, and the next thing you know, a whole generation of Ferengi will be quoting the Prime Directive and abandoning the pursuit of latinum. It's the end of Ferengi civilization as we know it, and it's all your fault!

[Sisko plans to name the new runabout the 'Rubicon']

Major Kira: The 'Rubicon' it is. You know, the rate we go through runabouts, it's a good thing the Earth has so many rivers.

Jake Sisko: [to Sisko] You only cook Hungarian food when you're in a really good mood.

Commander Sisko: [on Kasidy Yates] What did you think about her?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Let me just put it this way: if I were Curzon, I'd have stolen her from you by now.

Commander Sisko: That's one of the reasons I'm glad you're not Curzon anymore.

Commander Sisko: If you want any suggestions, I'll be in cargo bay...

Chief O'Brien: Four.

Commander Sisko: Huh? Seven.

Chief O'Brien: Oh, er... I... I-I thought...

Commander Sisko: Thought what?

Chief O'Brien: [sheepishly] I thought you were going to... talk to the freighter captain.

Doctor Bashir: You know, uh, Jake's friend?

Commander Sisko: Ah. How do you two know about her?

Doctor Bashir: The Chief told me.

[the Chief gives him a puzzled look]

Commander Sisko: Exactly how many people has Jake told about this woman?

Chief O'Brien: Everyone.

Brunt: Brunt, FCA.

Quark: My house is my house.

Brunt: As are its contents.

[Ferengi blessing]

Ishka: Oh, it's good to see you, son. You look well.

Rom: And you look... dressed!

Brunt: Your mother... is wearing clothes.

Quark: Mother! Get undressed this instant!

[Quark's mother has been charged with making profit]

Quark: I've no intention of spending my latinum to make restitution for her crimes. I will wring that confession out of her if I have to.

Odo: This is your mother you're talking about?

Quark: Don't remind me.

Quark: She's been operating under dozens of different aliases, conducting transactions all over the Ferengi Alliance. Do you know what this means?

Rom: It means Moogie's got the lobes for business.

[Quark appears to be in a trance]

Rom: Brother?... Is everything all right?

Quark: M-hm.

Rom: I'm so proud of you, Quark. I mean, other people in this situation might overreact and lose their temper, make a bad situation worse. But not my brother, mm-mm. You're too smart for that. You're gonna sit here and study the problem, and then come up with a clear, simple solution.

Quark: [mad smile] I already have.

Rom: A-haa, you see? I told you! - What is it?

Quark: I'm going to kill her!

Rom: [about his and Quark's father] He went from one bad deal to the next, one failure after another. He couldn't hold on to latinum if you sewed it into his pants!

Quark: She may have dragged father down, but she's not doing the same to me. It's time someone put her in her place.

Ishka: [from behind] Have anyone in mind for the job?

Ishka: Since when does a Ferengi have to make excuses for making profit?

Quark: You're a female!

Ishka: And when it comes to profit, this female is a better Ferengi than you'll ever be!

Quark: Females are not allowed to earn profit!

Ishka: Why not?

Quark: Because it's the law, and without law, society would descend into chaos.

Ishka: If you ask me, this society could use a little chaos.

Quark: If our disgrace is made known, do you think we can ever do business with another Ferengi again? I wouldn't do business with me.

Brunt: I sincerely hope I never see any of you again.

Quark: The feeling is mutual.

Ishka: Rom's a lot like his father. And you... I suppose are a lot like me.

Quark: I never knew you felt like that.

Ishka: Your father might have bought you your first copy of the Rules of Acquisition. But who helped you memorize them?

Quark: You did.

Ishka: I don't think I've ever been prouder... than the first time you made it through all 285 rules without a mistake!

Quark: [humbly] Rom knows them just as well as I do.

Ishka: But *you* understand them. Rom never did, and neither did his father. But even if Keldar didn't know the first thing about profit, he knew everything about family. He was a good husband, and a wonderful father, and I loved him for that. The way I love Rom. And the way I love you.

Ishka: Quark, sometimes you can be so thick-headed!

Rom: Now, Moogie, there's no need to be insulting...

Ishka: Of course there is!

Albert Macklin: This story is really, it's, er... um... er... how should I put it, it's... it's-it's very... er...

Darlene Kursky: Impressive?

Albert Macklin: Yes.

Herbert Rossoff: It's a damn fine piece of writing is what it is. And 'Deep Space Nine' is a *very* intriguing title.

[Benny is told to stay home during a photo shoot because he is African-American]

Douglas Pabst: Come on, Benny, it's just a photo!

Benny Russell: I'll try to remember that.

[Captain Swofford, commander of the USS Cortez and close friend of Sisko's, has presumably been killed in battle]

Captain Sisko: I don't know how much more I can take. I don't know how many more friends I can lose. Every time I achieve a real victory, something like this happens, and everything seems to turn to ashes!

Joseph Sisko: So what do you wanna do?

Captain Sisko: Maybe it's time for me to step down. Let someone else make the tough calls.

Joseph Sisko: I see. No one is indispensable, son, not even you. Whatever decision you make, I'll support. Of course, if Quentin Swofford was here, I bet he'd have a few things to say to you.

Captain Sisko: But he's not here, and that's the whole point.

Captain Sisko: I guess we popped the champagne cork too soon, huh? Everyone thought the war was over when we retook the station and pushed the Dominion back into Cardassian space.

Major Kira: I never believed that, and neither did you.

Captain Sisko: A lot of good that did the 400 people on the Cortez.

[Ritterhouse presents a few drawings to the writers as background for their next sci-fi stories]

Herbert Rossoff: [of one drawing] That is the worst piece of garbage I have ever seen.

Roy Ritterhouse: Thank you.

Herbert Rossoff: I'll take it.

Darlene Kursky: [reading Benny's story] Oh! She's got a worm in her belly!... Oh, that's disgusting. That's interesting, but that's disgusting.

Benny Russell: What about my story?

Douglas Pabst: Look, the way I see it, you can either burn it or stick it in a drawer for the next fifty years or however long it takes the human race to become colorblind.

Douglas Pabst: You see, Albert's got the right idea. He's not interested in Negros or whites, he writes about robots.

Herbert Rossoff: That's because he is a robot.

Douglas Pabst: It's not personal, Benny, but as far as our readers are concerned, Benny Russell is as white as they are. Let's just keep it that way.

Herbert Rossoff: Oh yes. If the world is not ready for a woman writer, imagine what would happen if it learned about a Negro with a typewriter. "Run for the hills! It's the end of civilization!"

Kay Eaton: [of Herbert] Ah - he's angry now.

Douglas Pabst: Ha! Herb's been angry ever since Joseph Stalin died.

Julius Eaton: Calm down, dear boy. We're writers, not vikings.

Douglas Pabst: Sorry, Benny, I wish things were different, but they're not.

Benny Russell: Wishing never changed a damn thing.

Douglas Pabst: This magazine belongs to Mr. Stone. If he doesn't want to publish this month, we don't publish this month. End of story!

Benny Russell: That doesn't make it right, and you know it!

Douglas Pabst: Don't tell me what I know! Besides, it's not about what's right, it's about what *is*.

Cassie: To be honest, I don't much care what happens a hundred years from now. It's today that matters.

Jimmy: Well, I've got news for you: today or a hundred years from now, it don't make a bit of difference. As far as they're concerned, we'll always be 'n*ggers'.

Herbert Rossoff: Would someone please shoot me and put me out of my misery?

Julius Eaton: Oh, how I long for a gun!

Willie Hawkins: Hear the game last night?

Cassie: Are we still on for tonight?

Benny Russell: I'll pick you up. About 10.

Willie Hawkins: Well, what're you doin' till 10?

Cassie: Whatever it is, I won't be doin' it with you.

Benny Russell: I am a Human being, dammit! You can deny me all you want but you cannot deny Ben Sisko. He exists. That future, that space station, all those people, they exist in here, in my mind.

Benny Russell: You can pulp a story, but you cannot destroy an idea!

Willie Hawkins: [referring to Benny] Would you please tell this fool to take his business someplace else?

Cassie: Well, I thought about it. Trouble is, if he did leave, he'd take my heart with him.

Willie Hawkins: Well, suit yourself. But if you ask me, it's a waste of a very pretty heart.

Cassie: I don't think so.

Benny Russell: Strike three - you're out.

Albert Macklin: I... like robots.

Preacher: Follow the path of the Prophets. Walk with the Prophets, Brother Ben. Show us the way.

Preacher: Write the words, Brother Ben, the words that will lead us out of the darkness onto the path of righteousness. Write the words, Brother Benny. Write the words!

Benny Russell: Tell me, please - who am I?

Preacher: Don't you know?

Benny Russell: Tell me.

Preacher: You are the dreamer. And the dream.

Captain Sisko: I have begun to wonder. What if it wasn't a dream? What if this life we're leading - all of this, you and me, everything - what if all of this... is the illusion?

Joseph Sisko: That's a scary thought.

Captain Sisko: I know, I know... But maybe, just maybe, Benny isn't the dream. We are. Maybe we're nothing more than figments of his imagination. For all we know, at this very moment, somewhere, far beyond all those distant stars, Benny Russell... is dreaming of us.

Joseph Sisko: Question is, what're you going to do?

Captain Sisko: The only thing I can do - stay here and finish the job I started. And if I failed...

Joseph Sisko: [quoting from the bible] "I have fought the good fight. I have finished the course. I have kept the faith."

Major Kira: As the scrolls burn, may our troubles turn to ashes with them. And now, for the next twenty-six hours, I expect you all to enjoy yourselves! I know I will. May the Prophets walk with us.

Doctor Bashir: Nervous, Chief?

Chief O'Brien: What're you talking about?

Doctor Bashir: That's your fifth cup of coffee in twenty minutes.

Chief O'Brien: I didn't realize you were keeping track.

Doctor Bashir: Oh, nervous and irascible.

Chief O'Brien: If you hadn't seen your wife and child for two months, you'd be irascible too.

Doctor Bashir: Well, believe me, I'm looking forward to Keiko and Molly's visit as much as you are.

Chief O'Brien: Ha-ha, I doubt that.

Doctor Bashir: How many games of raquetball have we played in the last two months?

Chief O'Brien: I don't know, um... Fifteen, maybe twenty?

Doctor Bashir: No, try seventy. I've been keeping track of that, too. And you know what all those games have proved to me? That I'm a poor substitute for your wife.

Chief O'Brien: I could've told you that sixty games ago.

Chief O'Brien: Thing is, they're only gonna be here for two days. That's barely enough time to say hello. And then back to Bajor again for another four months.

Doctor Bashir: Four months! Why, that's another 150 games of raquetball. I don't think my elbow can take that kind of abuse.

[Kira joins O'Brien in front of an airlock waiting for the new arrivals]

Major Kira: Chief.

Chief O'Brien: Major. - Keiko.

Major Kira: Ah. Bareil.

Chief O'Brien: Good luck.

Major Kira: You too.

Vedek Bareil: I never expected Kai Winn to make me one of her principal advisers.

Major Kira: I think she asks your advice just so that she can do the exact opposite of what you recommend.

Vedek Bareil: [referring to Dax and Kira] I've never understood how the two of you could be such good friends. She's so... unpredictable. And you're so...

Major Kira: Predictable?

Vedek Bareil: Yeah, well, I didn't mean it like that.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Would you *please* stop following me!

Vedek Bareil: Oh, gladly, if you'd just stop running away.

Quark: Commander, you throw one hell of a party!

[after Bareil has engaged Sisko in a fistfight and Dax in return knocked down the Vedek]

Quark: That's right, genuine latinum-plated renewal scroll inscription pens, blessed by Vedek Redab himself, shortly before he passed away. Each pen is engraved with the words 'Deep Space Nine's Third Annual Gratitude Festival', today's date and a lovely portrait of the station, by Ermat Zimm. So, get them while you can! They're sure to become collector's items.

[Quark's advertising slogan]

Chief O'Brien: If you need to sleep, go ahead. I'll understand.

Keiko O'Brien: No, you won't. You'll be disappointed and you'll start brooding and stomping around like an Andorian bull.

Quark: Here - have a free pen.

Chief O'Brien: What for?

Quark: To write down your problems on a renewal scroll.

Chief O'Brien: There isn't a scroll long enough for all my problems.

Quark: Really? I thought you could sum them up with one word: Keiko.

[Odo is briefing a Starfleet security officer when Lwaxana Troi enters his office]

Lwaxana Troi: [to the security officer] Didn't they teach you any manners in Starfleet Academy? Be a dear, run along. The Constable and I have a lot of catching up to do.

Odo: [also to the officer] Uh, come back in five minutes.

Lwaxana Troi: Make that half an hour.

Lwaxana Troi: I'm here to help you.

Odo: What kind of help do you mean?

Lwaxana Troi: Oh... well, a sympathetic ear, a shoulder to cry on - a lap to melt in...

Lwaxana Troi: Why do I find stubborn men so attractive?

Major Kira: Now, Jake, what can I do for you?

Jake Sisko: Er... Well, I need some advice. You see, there's this older woman and I, I think we're perfect for each other.

Major Kira: Ah, and she doesn't.

Jake Sisko: I don't know what she thinks.

Major Kira: Well, Jake, my advice to you is to tell Mardah how you feel. That way you'll know...

Jake Sisko: Mardah and I broke up.

Major Kira: You broke up? Well then, who?

Jake Sisko: *You*.

Major Kira: ...Me?

Jake Sisko: I love you, Nerys. Wannagooutwithme?

Commander Sisko: Doctor, I need your help.

Doctor Bashir: [in passionate embrace with Kira] And I need yours, too. You got to get me away from Kira, I can't... keep my hands...

Major Kira: What's worse, I can't keep my hands off him!

Quark: [infatuated with Keiko] My ears tingle at the sight of you. Marry me?

Doctor Bashir: Zanthi fever is a virus which affects the empathic abilities of, um... mature Betazoids.

Doctor Bashir: A simple wide-spectrum antiviral agent should cure Mrs. Troi. And as for everyone else, well, they'll be back to normal in a day or two. Excuse me. I promised Nerys that I'd meet her in her quarters this evening.

[he heads for the exit, but Sisko holds him back]

Commander Sisko: I think you ought to postpone that visit... for a day or two.

Keiko O'Brien: So you're sure Dr. Bashir said your test results were negative?

Chief O'Brien: That's right. My headache was just a headache. I never was affected by Mrs. Troi.

Keiko O'Brien: Well, I guess that means you don't have a latent attraction to me after all.

Chief O'Brien: Nothing latent about it. Weren't you paying attention last night?

Lwaxana Troi: Dance with me, Odo.

Odo: I'm sorry. I don't dance.

Lwaxana Troi: Nonsense. I saw you moving to the music.

Odo: That wasn't dancing. That was... swaying.

Lwaxana Troi: Oh, then sway with me, Odo. Sway with me.

Odo: I just remembered, I'm needed in security.

Lwaxana Troi: I'll come with you.

Commander Sisko: [to Chief O'Brien about Quark] Easy, Chief. He doesn't know what he's doing. [points to Lwaxana, they all look at her]

Lwaxana Troi: What are you looking at me for? [Cuts to sickbay] Zanthi Fever? Oh, that's ridiculous. That's impossible. That only affects older Betazoids.

Doctor Bashir: That may be, but according to my tests, you show all the symptoms. Zanthi Fever is a virus which affects the empathic abilities of, uh, mature Betazoids. It causes them to project their emotions onto others.

Commander Sisko: Then Mrs. Troi's amorous feelings for... someone on the station were being passed along to the people around her?

Doctor Bashir: Not everyone. Only those within close proximity to her when she had an attack, and even then, they would've had to have been with some preexisting latent attraction.

Commander Sisko: You're saying Dax...?

Doctor Bashir: Only on a subconscious level. Best not to think about it too much if you ask me.

Lwaxana Troi: I am terribly sorry, Commander. I hope I haven't caused too much trouble.

Lwaxana Troi: [laughing] This is one Gratitude Festival they'll be talking about for a long time.

Odo: I know I'll never forget it.

Lwaxana Troi: I hope everything works out for you, Odo, with Major Kira.

Odo: I... don't know what you mean.

Lwaxana Troi: Oh, don't worry. Your secret's safe with me. After all, I know what it's like to be attracted to someone who doesn't necessarily feel the same way. [sighs] If you get tired if waiting for her... [kisses him]... you know where to find me.

Odo: I'll keep that in mind.

Garak: I always hope for the best. Experience, unfortunately, has taught me to expect the worst.

Ensign Nog: Can you believe it? They made me an ensign.

O'Brien: I didn't realize things were going so bad.

Ensign Nog: Scary, isn't it?

Odo: Kira! Kira, wait, wait!

Major Kira: [angry] I have nothing to say to you!

Odo: I understand that you're angry...

Major Kira: Oh, you bet I am angry. Do you have any idea what's going on?

Odo: Yes - somewhat. I've been occupied.

Major Kira: Ah. Dukat is bringing down the minefield, the Federation is about to be overrun by Dominion reinforcements and Weyoun has ordered Rom's execution, and you have been "occupied"!

Odo: This is so difficult to explain.

Major Kira: You gonna talk to me about the Link, don't bother. I'm a Solid, remember? I won't understand!

Odo: Nerys... I'm sorry.

Major Kira: Sorry? That's what you wanted to tell me? You're sorry?

Major Kira: Well, let me tell you something, Odo: we are way, way past sorry.

Female Shapeshifter: You are a Changeling. You are timeless - as am I.

Gul Dukat: Rom is an enemy of the state, and enemies of the state do not deserve mercy.

Ziyal: Spoken like a true Cardassian.

Gul Dukat: I am a Cardassian! And so are you.

Ziyal: No, I'm not! I could never be like you!

Quark: Sit tight and trust your older brother.

Rom: But I don't want you to try to save me.

Leeta: What are you talking about?

Leeta: [to Quark] They must have done something to his mind!

Quark: What mind?

Rom: You've got to finish what I started. The fate of the entire Alpha Quadrant rests in your hands. Billions and billions of people are counting on you.

Quark: Boy, are they gonna be disappointed.

Rom: Brother... You can do this. You have to do this. You will do this!

Quark: What happens if I get caught?

Rom: Then we'll die together - side by side, heads held high, knowing we did our best.

Leeta: Oh Rom!

Quark: But I don't want to die.

Rom: If that's what's written... then that's what's written.

Quark: One kanar. Want me to leave the bottle?

Damar: Maybe I should have you taste it first - make sure it isn't poisoned.

Quark: Poisoning the customers is bad for business.

Damar: True. But some people may place their brother's revenge above business.

Quark: Not this Ferengi.

Weyoun: If aesthetics were truly important, the Founders would have included it in our genetic makeup.

Major Kira: Or... they made a mistake.

Weyoun: Gods don't make mistakes!

Damar: That attitude of yours, Major - it won't be tolerated forever.

Major Kira: You don't like my attitude, Damar? You're welcome to try to change it.

Ziyal: It should be obvious, even to you, Damar, that I am not a true daughter of Cardassia!

Damar: What is obvious to me is that your father should have left you to rot in that Breen prison camp. But he didn't. He took pity on you, and it's your duty to repay him. Now come with me!

Major Kira: Let her go.

Damar: And if I don't? What happens then?

Major Kira: I was hoping you'd ask. [bashes Damar up until he goes down]

Ziyal: Did you kill him?

Major Kira: No. But I thought about it.

Captain Sisko: [about Bajor] There are parts of the Eastern Province that are like Eden itself. Lush, green valleys covered in wildflowers that seem to spring up overnight, hundreds of small crystal-clear ponds, interconnected by waterfalls...

Admiral Ross: All right, all right, I'm convinced. I'm already planning my next R and R down there. You know, it sounds like when your assignment on Deep Space Nine is over and Bajor is welcomed into the Federation, you're gonna have a tough time saying goodbye.

Captain Sisko: I don't plan to say goodbye. I plan to build a house on Bajor.

Admiral Ross: And what if Starfleet assigns you to a different sector?

Captain Sisko: I will go wherever they send me. But when I go home - it will be to Bajor.

Weyoun: [about the Vorta] Weak eyes, good ears.

Weyoun: I must say, you're doing a wonderful job with Odo.

Female Shapeshifter: Meaning what?

Weyoun: Meaning that he's always posed a potential threat to our plans, but you seem to have... neutralized him quite nicely.

Female Shapeshifter: Neutralize Odo? Is that why you think I'm here? Odo is a Changeling. Bringing him home, returning him to the Great Link, means more to us than the Alpha Quadrant itself.

Chief O'Brien: Here's to retaking the castle.

Doctor Bashir: And planting our flag on its battlements once again.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: You two spend too much time in the holosuites.

Ensign Nog: We have company, Captain. Two Dominion ships heading this way, bearing 197 mark 135.

Chief O'Brien: They'll have us in weapons range in 22 seconds.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Shields?

Ensign Nog: Shields at 30 percent.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Phaser banks?

Chief O'Brien: The entire weapons array is offline.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Now we find something to hold on to...

Captain Sisko: There's an old saying: "Fortune favors the bold." Well - I guess we're about to find out.

Lt. Commander Worf: They are not interrogating you, Mister Garak. They are debriefing. There is a difference.

Garak: Not from where I'm sitting.

Quark: A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all.

Quark: What's the Nagus doing in my closet?

Zek: Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question is an answer. [Rule of Acquisition 208]

[a raid on Cardassian voles is being carried out in Quark's bar]

Quark: They found a nest.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Well, that's good.

Quark: It's not the main nest.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: That's not so good. I thought Chief O'Brien trapped the last vole on the station months ago.

Quark: Well, obviously he missed a couple. A married couple. They breed like tribbles.

Quark: I know, I know, this is just a temporary setback, the bar will open again and I can get back to my life.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I'm glad you realize that.

Quark: The trouble is, I hate my life!

Ishka: You're my son. How could I refuse you?

Quark: Then you'll remove all that unnecessary clothing?

Ishka: Don't push your luck!

Rom: "Females and finances don't mix" - Rule of Acquisition 94.

[Sisko and Odo find Rom very distraught]

Odo: [explaining to Sisko] The wedding is off.

Captain Sisko: I'm sorry.

Rom: Don't be, Captain. These are tears of joy. [sobbing heavily, disproving his reassurance]

Captain Sisko: [comforting] Carry on.

Leeta: I hate him.

Major Kira: No, you don't.

Leeta: All he loves is latinum.

Major Kira: No, he doesn't.

Leeta: Canceling that wedding was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Major Kira: No, it isn't.

Leeta: I am so glad he's out of my life.

Major Kira: No, you're not.

Leeta: Major - you haven't been listening to me.

Major Kira: Yes, I have. That's how I know you love him.

[Leeta whimpers]

Quark: What are you doing in my closet?

Brunt: Conducting official FCA business.

Quark: In my closet?

Rom: Latinum lasts longer than lust - Rule of Acquisition 229.

Chief O'Brien: Maybe, but lust can be a lot more fun.

[after O'Brien has brought Rom and Leeta back together]

Doctor Bashir: Well done, Chief. Or should I call you 'Cupid'?

Chief O'Brien: What can I say? I'm just an incurable romantic.

Quark: Why should I help you? You revoked my business license.

Brunt: I'll give you a new one.

Quark: You've got a deal.

Ishka: You're a manipulative, self-centered conniver.

Quark: Thank you!

Brunt: Congratulations, Quark. You're a Ferengi again.

Quark: I always was.

[Zek has broken up with Ishka]

Ishka: [sobbing] He said I didn't really love him, that I was just using him. That I was a scheming, profit-hungry female who couldn't keep her clothes off!

Ishka: You've proven yourself a true Ferengi. You've betrayed friends and family for personal gain.

Quark: Sounds so good when you say it.

Ishka: But?

Quark: I think I've been hanging around Hew-mons too long. I think I'm developing a...

Ishka: Conscience?

Quark: It's been coming for a long time. I've fought against it, I really have. But living with those people, day in and day out, being exposed to their ethics, their morality - it's like I've been brainwashed.

Ishka: Don't you think about anyone but yourself?

Quark: Of course I do. I just think about myself first.

Ishka: Do you want Brunt to become Nagus?

Quark: 'course not. He was willing to throw our entire economy into chaos just so he could grab power.

Ishka: Sounds like a true Ferengi to me.

Brunt: So, the happy couple are back together. If the people only knew.

Quark: But they don't, and you're not gonna tell them.

Brunt: Really? Why shouldn't I?

Quark: Because the Nagus is ready for you. If you go against him, you'll lose, and you know it.

Brunt: I hate losing.

Quark: What Ferengi doesn't?

Brunt: I want you back in business. It gives me an opportunity to keep my eye on you, because one day you are going to make a mistake, and on that day, you're going to lose more than your license!

Quark: But that day is not today. Now, back in the closet, where you belong.

Quark: Moogie... hold me!

Zek: Did you see their faces? They thought they had me, but we showed them! I answered all their questions, didn't I?

Quark: You certainly did.

Zek: The state of the trade negotiations with the Breen, why I dumped our lokar bean investments, why I insisted we buy up every bit of jevonite we could get our hands on.

Quark: You were brilliant. You know, for a moment there I actually thought that Brunt's head was going to explode with frustration!

Zek: By the time I'm finished with him, he'll wish it had. Blam! [laughs] Blam!

[Bashir is talking about the mythology around the Alamo]

Doctor Bashir: ...There was this notion that a man could have a special relationship with a weapon. Some frontiersmen even went so far as to give their rifles names, female ones at that, thus changing the relationship between owner and object to something resembling man and woman.

Chief O'Brien: Hm. Maybe I'll start calling my tricorder 'Sally'.

[the crew are analyzing Illario's death]

Chief O'Brien: [scanning the corpse] That's odd... According to these readings, the bullet only traveled eight or nine centimeters.

Captain Sisko: Then the killer must have fired at point blank range.

Odo: I don't think so. There are no powder burns on the body.

Doctor Bashir: What are powder burns?

Odo: At close range, chemically propelled weapons leave residual combustion products on the skin and clothing of the victims.

Captain Sisko: How did you know that?

Odo: I read 20th century crime novels - Raymond Chandler, Mike Hammer, that sort of thing.

Chief O'Brien: [of Illario] We really should've let him come to the holosuite with us.

[Dax is investigating the murders on the station]

Lt. Commander Worf: I am certain that you will do whatever is necessary to complete your task.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: And how do you know that?

Lt. Commander Worf: You're Dax. It is your way.

Joran Belar: You're holding back, Ezri. You refuse to see with his eyes, feel with his hands, think with his mind.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: You want to turn me into a killer, make me like you.

Joran Belar: You are me.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: You want me to kill someone? What do you say I start with you?

Joran Belar: That's the spirit!

Joran Belar: [on Sisko] I don't know what you and Jadzia and Curzon all see in that man. He's so insufferable, so Starfleet. I'm surprised the killer hasn't targeted *him*.

Joran Belar: [studying a picture of a Bolian family] How could anyone be so happy with such unattractive children?

Odo: [to Dax, in her dream] I'm sorry, Lieutenant. There's nothing more annoying than a corpse with a mind of its own.

Lt. Commander Worf: It is dangerous for you to be wandering the Promenade alone.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: You were worried about me?

Lt. Commander Worf: There is a killer on the station. You have no right to endanger yourself this way!

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: You *were* worried about me. Thank you, Worf, that's... sweet.

Lt. Commander Worf: You are a fellow officer. I would have the same concern for Chief O'Brien... or Dr. Bashir.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Of course! I didn't mean to imply otherwise.

Lt. Hector Ilario: You know something, Lieutenant? You're very beautiful.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: And you're very drunk.

Lt. Hector Ilario: True enough. But in the morning I'll be sober, and you'll still be beautiful.

[Dax is getting the feel for the murder weapon by aiming it at a potential victim in his quarters]

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: But why kill like this? Why not choose a victim on the Promenade or in Quark's?

Joran Belar: If you want to know the answer, pull the trigger.

Quark: Ezri? I think you need a vacation. You're talking to yourself.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: [when apprehending Chu'lak] Tell me, why did you do it?

Chu'lak: Because logic demanded it.

Lt. Hector Ilario: To the class of '72! [Kira motions for him to drink, but she and Ezri will sit this one out] Another round?

Lieutenant Ezri Dax, Colonel Kira: NO!

Lt. Hector Ilario: Time to go?

Colonel Kira: It was time to go about an hour ago.

[Eddington has joined the Maquis]

Michael Eddington: [to Sisko] I know you. I was like you once. But then I opened my eyes. Open your eyes, Captain. Why is the Federation so obsessed with the Maquis? We've never harmed you. And yet we're constantly arrested and charged with terrorism. Starships chase us through the Badlands, and our supporters are harassed and ridiculed. Why? Because we've left the Federation, and that's the one thing you can't accept. Nobody leaves Paradise, everyone should want to be in the Federation! Hell, you even want the Cardassians to join. You're only sending them replicators because one day, they can take their rightful place on the Federation Council. You know, in some ways, you're even worse than the Borg. At least they tell you about their plans for assimilation. You're more insidious, you assimilate people - and they don't even know it.

Kasidy Yates: You are evil.

Captain Sisko: I am a Starfleet officer, the paragon of virtue.

Kasidy Yates: You're more like a parody of virtue.

Captain Sisko: I'm a little tired. Didn't get much sleep last night.

Jake Sisko: I guess you're not used to sleeping alone anymore.

Garak: [about Ziyal] She is the only Cardassian woman on the station; she must know she's bound to attract some attention.

Doctor Bashir: Some - yes. Yours - no!

Garak: I've had visions of Ziyal presenting my head to her father as a birthday gift.

Quark: That's a little paranoid, wouldn't you say?

Garak: Paranoid is what they call people who imagine threats against their life. I *have* threats against my life. But after my little 'chat' with Major Kira, I feel much better.

Quark: You do?

Garak: Isn't it obvious? If Ziyal planned to kill me, Kira would not be trying to warn me away. On the contrary, the good Major would also welcome my untimely demise and do nothing to interfere.

Quark: Unless that's part of the plan.

Garak: What do you mean?

Quark: Oh, you know, Kira acts like she doesn't want you to go, so you'll feel everything's okay, and then you go anyway... Nah, it's too complicated.

Ziyal: [to Garak] I'm half-Bajoran, and that means, I'm an outcast back home. I can't go back, and neither can you. So we can either share some time together, or we can ignore each other. I spent five years in a prisoner of war camp by myself, I don't need your company. But if you'd like to stay, and share the heat with me - maybe tell me something about home that I don't know - then I would welcome your company. And I get the feeling you would welcome mine. Either way, it's up to you.

Captain Sisko: Okay, everyone grab a plate and prepare to be dazzled.

Kasidy Yates: Miss me?

Captain Sisko: Were you gone?

[O'Brien and Worf are discussing the Maquis]

Lt. Commander Worf: They should be hunted down and destroyed!

Chief O'Brien: What for? Defending their homes? Look at what's happened to those people. One day they're eking out a living in some godforsaken colonies on the Cardassian border; the next day the Federation makes a treaty, handing those colonies over to the Cardassians. What would you do?

Lt. Commander Worf: I would not become a terrorist. It would be dishonorable.

Chief O'Brien: I wouldn't say that around Major Kira if I were you.

Chief O'Brien: How about you, Commander? How do you feel about the Maquis?

Michael Eddington: I don't have have any feelings about them one way or the other.

Chief O'Brien: Oh, but you must have an opinion.

Michael Eddington: I do my job, Chief. Starfleet says to find the Maquis, I'll find the Maquis; they tell me to help them, I'll help them; my opinion is irrelevant. What matters to me is doing my job like a Starfleet officer. Anything else... is an indulgence.

Captain Sisko: You know what, Mr. Eddington? I don't give a damn what you think of the Federation, the Maquis or anything else. All I know is that you betrayed your oath, your duty, and me. And if it takes me the rest of my life, I will see you standing before a court martial that'll break you and send you to a penal colony, where you will spend the rest of your days growing old and wondering whether a ship full of replicators was really worth it.

Michael Eddington: Nobody leaves Paradise!

Kasidy Yates: I dropped my crew off at a Maquis base. I had to come back, but I didn't see any reason to drag them here just to face a prison sentence.

Captain Sisko: You didn't have to come back either.

Kasidy Yates: Yes - I did. And I think we both know that's why you left us alone out there - to see if I would.

Kasidy Yates: I'm not gonna stand here and apologize for what I did. You had your duty. I had mine.

Captain Sisko: I still have my duty.

Kasidy Yates: I know.

Captain Sisko: Kasidy Yates, where are you going?

Kasidy Yates: I'll be back.

Captain Sisko: I'll be here.

[Sisko is trying to arrest a former Security officer turned traitor]

Odo: Sir, have you ever reminded Starfleet Command that they stationed Eddington here because they didn't trust me?

Odo: Please do.

Michael Eddington: Mr. Cing'ta won't be joining us. His shuttle had an accident on the way to this rendezvous.

Sisko: Is he dead?

Michael Eddington: You just don't understand the Maquis, do you, Captain? We're not killers. Mr. Cing'ta's accident has marooned him on a particularly nasty planet in the Badlands. But I assure you, he's very much alive.

Sisko: How merciful. You condemned him to a slow death.

Michael Eddington: It's more than he deserved. He was going to sell us out to you. He betrayed us.

Sisko: Now, there's a subject *you* know a lot about.

Sisko: [letting off steam pummeling a punch bag] He worked under me for a year and a half. I saw him almost every day, read his reports, had him for dinner. I even took him to a baseball game in a holosuite once, and I never saw it! It's my job to be a good judge of character, and what did I do? Not only did I not see it, I put him up for a promotion.

[shouts angrily]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: He played his hand well.

Sisko: He played me all right. And what is my excuse? Is he a Changeling? No! Is he a being with seven lifetimes of experience? No! Is he a wormhole alien? No! He's just a man, like me - arrgh! And he beat me!

Michael Eddington: Tell me, Captain - what is it that bothers you more, the fact that I left Starfleet to fight for a higher cause? Or the fact that it happened on your watch?

Michael Eddington: Look at them, Captain. They're humans - just like you and me. And Starfleet took everything away from them. Remember that the next time you put on that uniform. There's a war out there, and you're on the wrong side.

Sisko: You know what I see out there, Mr. Eddington? I see victims. But not of Cardassia or the Federation. Victims of you, the Maquis.

Sisko: All right, say it.

Sisko: That I have lost all perspective, that I'm turning this into a vendetta between me and Eddington, and that I am putting the ship, the crew, and my entire career at risk, and if I had any brains at all, I'd go back to my office, sit down, and read Odo's crime reports.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I wasn't going to say that.

Sisko: But that's what you were thinking, right?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: No. Actually, what I was thinking is... you're becoming more like Curzon all the time.

Sisko: I don't know how to take that.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Consider it a compliment. And the next time *I* go off, half-cocked on some wild-eyed adventure, think back to this moment, and be a little more understanding.

Chief O'Brien: With most of the bridge control functions offline, all orders to Engineering will have to be relayed. In the interest of clarity, I thought it best that those messages be relayed with one voice:

Chief O'Brien: [indicates Nog] Mr. Academy here. I figured you'd want somebody who could hear you while the bridge is exploding all around you.

Nog: [alarmed] Exploding?

Sisko: We may be going into a combat situation. Do you think you're ready for that, Cadet?

Nog: Sir, yes, sir! Absolutely, sir!

Sisko: I'm glad to hear it. Report to the bridge.

Nog: Aye, sir.

Nog: [walks off despondently] Exploding...

Odo: I remembered something that Eddington once said to me: the best place to hide something is in plain sight.

[Eddington has sent Sisko a copy of "Les Mis?rables" to read]

Michael Eddington: Pay close attention to the character of Inspector Javert - the French policeman who spends twenty years chasing a man for stealing a loaf of bread. Sound like anyone you know?

Sisko: Why don't you beam over and we'll discuss it?

Sisko: "Les Mis?rables" isn't about the policeman. It's about Valjean - the victim of a monstrous injustice, who spends his entire life helping people, making noble sacrifices for others. That's how Eddington sees himself: he is Valjean, he's Robin Hood, he's a romantic, dashing figure, fighting the good fight against insurmountable odds.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: The secret life of Michael Eddington.

Sisko: Eddington is the hero of his own story. That makes me the villain. And what is it that every hero wants to do?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Kill the bad guy.

Sisko: I think it's time for me to become the villain.

[Sisko and Sanders are trying out the new holo-communicator]

Captain Sanders: Are you receiving my image, Captain?

Sisko: Yes, and you?

Captain Sanders: You appear to be sitting on my bridge. May take me a while to get used to this; I'm not fond of uninvited guests.

Sisko: I'll try not to overstay my welcome.

Captain Sanders: [talking about Eddington] Do me a favor.

Sisko: Of course.

Captain Sanders: Save of me a seat at his court martial.

[to provoke Eddington, Sisko has just poisoned the atmosphere of a Maquis planet]

Michael Eddington: Can't you see what's happening to you? You're going against everything you claim to believe in. And for what? To satisfy a personal vendetta?

Sisko: You betrayed your uniform!

Michael Eddington: And you're betraying yours, right now! The sad part is, you don't even realize it. I feel sorry for you, Captain. This obsession with me - look what it's cost you.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Benjamin, I'm curious. Your plan to poison the Maquis planets - you didn't clear it with Starfleet first, did you?

Sisko: I knew I'd forgotten to do something.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Big gamble.

Sisko: That's what it takes to be a good villain.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: You know, sometimes I like it when the bad guy wins.

Sisko: Is the new holo-communicator ready?

Major Kira: The Chief's had online for six hours now. I think he's eager for someone to give it a try.

Sisko: Always like to please the Chief.

[Chief O'Brien is holding a phaser under his chin, preparing to commit suicide]

Dr. Julian Bashir: Chief?

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien: Get outta here, Julian.

Dr. Julian Bashir: You don't want to do this, Chief.

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien: The hell I don't.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Look, I don't claim to know what you're going through, but whatever it is, it's not worth dying for.

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien: You don't understand at all. I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing it to protect Keiko and Molly and everyone else on this station.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Protect us from what?

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien: From me. I'm not the man I used to be. I'm dangerous. I nearly hit Molly today. All she wanted was a little attention, and I nearly hit her. [He begins to sob]

Dr. Julian Bashir: But you didn't. You're a good man, Miles Edward O'Brien, and whatever it is you think you've done wrong, you don't deserve to die.

Rinn: We punish our offenders by giving them memories of incarceration - modelled to fit each offender's personality. It's more efficient and much more effective than maintaining an extensive prison system.

Major Kira: What you think you experienced in prison, the things you remember, didn't happen... It wasn't real.

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien: It's real to me, Major... It's real to me.

Ee'char: My name is Ee'char.

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien: Miles. Miles O'Brien.

Ee'char: Hello, Miles. Welcome to hell.

Ee'char: After six years in a place like this you either learn to laugh, or you go insane. I prefer to laugh.

[Kira returns with O'Brien from the Gamma Quadrant]

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien: I used to dream about this - being in a runabout, coming through the wormhole, seeing the station again. Now I keep expecting to wake up and find myself back in the cell.

Major Kira: Being in your cell was a dream. *This* is the reality.

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien: I'm home, I'm working. And for the first time in as long as I can remember, I feel good.

Ee'char: Then why am I here?

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien: You're not real - you're just in my head.

Ee'char: That's all I ever was. But I'm real to you, and that's all that matters.

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien: How can you sleep at a time like this?

Ee'char: Maybe I'll dream about food. [laughs]

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien: You're crazy.

Ee'char: No... just hungry.

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien: I wanted him to die. I keep telling myself... it doesn't matter, it wasn't real. But that's a lie. If it had been real, if it had been you instead of him, it wouldn't have made any difference. He was my best friend, and I murdered him!

Dr. Julian Bashir: I wasn't there with you, I didn't see what they did to you. But I do know you suffered, and that you're still suffering now, and I'm trying to help.

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien: I never asked for your help.

Dr. Julian Bashir: You didn't need to ask. I'm your doctor, and your friend.

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien: You're not my friend, not any more! The O'Brien that was your friend died in that cell!

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien: When we were growing up, they used to tell us, humanity had evolved. That mankind had outgrown hate and rage. But when it came down to it, when I had the chance to show that no matter what anyone did to me, I was still an evolved human being... I failed. I repaid kindness with blood. I was no better than an animal.

Dr. Julian Bashir: The Argrathi did everything they could to strip you of your humanity. And in the end, for one brief moment, they succeeded. But you can't let that brief moment define your entire life. If you do, if you pull that trigger, then the Argrathi will have won - they will have destroyed a good man. You cannot let that happen, my friend.

Ee'char: Miles. Be well, Miles.

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien: Thanks, Julian. For everything.

Dr. Julian Bashir: What are friends for?

Molly O'Brien: Daddy's home, Daddy's home!

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien: That's right - Daddy's home.

Female Shapeshifter: No Changeling has ever harmed another.

Odo: There's always a first time.

[Odo and Kira are looking for a fugitive on a seismically unstable moon]

Odo: If he's smart, he'll let us find him. A Federation prison would be paradise compared to this place.

[Rom and Nog are fixing Quark's replicator system, which has overloaded]

Nog: He tried to warn you, Uncle Quark. You should've listened to him.

Rom: No, it's my fault. I should've explained it better.

Quark: Of course it's your fault, everything that goes wrong here is your fault. It says so in your contract.

Nog: According to Ferengi bylaws, section 105, subparagraph 10: "Upon reaching adulthood, Ferengi males must purchase an apprenticeship from a suitable role model." I choose you.

Commander Sisko: You want to be *my* apprentice?

Nog: That's right. I want to be the first Ferengi in Starfleet! Now, who do I see about getting a uniform?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: *Nog*?

Commander Sisko: My reaction exactly.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: I always thought it would be interesting to have a Ferengi in Starfleet - but Nog?

[Odo tells Kira about the origin of his name]

Odo: As you know, when Doctor Mora first brought me to his laboratory, it was under Cardassian supervision. All specimens had to be clearly labeled in Cardassian, so the overseers would always know what the scientists were working on. Since no one was exactly sure what I was, Mora labeled me 'Unknown Sample', which the overseer translated into Cardassian as 'Odo'ital'.

Major Kira: So your name is 'Unknown Sample'?

Odo: No. No. 'Odo'ital' literally means the word 'nothing'. Even after it became clear that I was sentient, the Bajoran scientists kept calling me that. As a joke, they split it into two words, like a Bajoran name: Odo Ital. Which eventually got shortened...

Major Kira: ...to Odo.

Odo: But, now, the thing is, for the longest time, whenever anyone would use my name, the first thing I would think of was what it meant, 'nothing'. What better way to describe me? I had no family, no friends, no place where I belonged. I thought it was the most appropriate name anyone could give me. And then I met you.

Odo: ...And the others - Sisko, Dax, even Quark. And now, when I hear one of you call me Odo, I no longer think of myself as nothing. I think of myself as me.

Female Shapeshifter: You really are quite a skillful investigator.

Odo: And you're quite a skillful Changeling.

Odo: But why lead us here? Why replace Major Kira?

Female Shapeshifter: I needed to understand why you chose to live with the Solids rather than your own people. I suspected it had something to do with Major Kira. Now, I'm certain of it.

Female Shapeshifter: Save her, if it suits you. But it won't make any difference. She is never going to love you. How could she? You are a Changeling.

Nog: I want to join Starfleet. I want it more than anything I've ever wanted in my life!

Commander Sisko: You're a Ferengi. Why would you want to be in Starfleet? Where's the profit in it?

Nog: I don't care about profit!

Commander Sisko: Then what *do* you care about? Come on, Nog, tell me! Why is it so damned important that you get into Starfleet? Why're you doing this?

Nog: Because I don't want to end up like my father!

Commander Sisko: Your... father?

Nog: That's right, my father. He's been chasing profit his whole life. And what has it gotten him? Nothing! And you know why? Because he doesn't have the lobes. And neither do I.

Nog: My father is a mechanical genius. He could've been chief engineer of a starship if he'd had the opportunity. But he went into business, like a good Ferengi. The only thing is, he's not a good Ferengi - not when it comes to acquiring profit. So now, all he has to live for, is the slim chance that someday, somehow, he might be able to take over my uncle's bar. Well, I'm not going to make the same mistake. I want to do something with my life, something worthwhile.

Nog: I may not have an instinct for business; but I have my father's hands and my uncle's tenacity. I know I've got something to offer. I just need the chance to prove it.

[Odo has told Kira about his kayaking trips with O'Brien in the holosuites]

Major Kira: How long do these boat trips usually take?

Odo: That depends.

Major Kira: On what?

Odo: On how many times we capsize.

Odo: It's been my observation that you humanoids have a hard time giving up the things you love, no matter how much they might hurt you.

Commander Sisko: [18th Rule of Acquisition] A Ferengi without profit...

Nog: ...is no Ferengi at all.

Nog: Like father, like son.

Chief O'Brien: Keiko only spends a few days at a time on the station. I'm the one living in those quarters. And if I want to set up a little workshop in the bedroom...

Dr. Bashir: You set up a workshop in the bedroom?

Chief O'Brien: Yeah. I don't use it when she's visiting.

Dr. Bashir: Of course not.

Chief O'Brien: She says I'm trying to live like a bachelor again. That I'm expressing a subconscious desire to push her out of our quarters.

Dr. Bashir: Now, that *is* ridiculous.

Chief O'Brien: That's what I said!

Dr. Bashir: I mean... if anything, by spending your free time in the bedroom, a place you intimately associate with Keiko, you are actually expressing a... desire to be closer to her, during her absence. It... 's quite touching, really.

Chief O'Brien: Exactly! Exactly! See, you understand. Now, why can't she see that? Why can't she be more like...

Dr. Bashir: More like...?

Chief O'Brien: Well - a man. Mo-more like a man?

Dr. Bashir: So... you wish... Keiko... was a man?

Chief O'Brien: I wish I was on this trip with someone else, that's what I wish!

Dr. Bashir: [on an unknown planet] A lovely place. - Smells like a garbage dump.

Chief O'Brien: I'm sorry I couldn't find a nicer place to crash-land. Should we try again?

Lt. Commander Worf: [on Regana Tosh] That man arrived on the station this afternoon and came directly here. I believe the Ferengi bartender is plotting something with him.

Major Kira: I wouldn't be surprised. Quark's always up to something.

Lt. Commander Worf: If he is a known criminal, why does your Security Chief not do anything about him?

Major Kira: Odo keeps him in check.

Lt. Commander Worf: Yes - but not in prison.

Quark: [aloud, to his customers] Well, everyone is welcome at Quark's. I don't discriminate.

Quark: [to Worf] Just like Starfleet. They have a non-discrimination policy too, don't they, Commander? I guess we have something in common.

Major Kira: You have more in common with a Rakonian swamp rat, Quark.

Captain Sisko: Starfleet officers often have trouble learning the unofficial rules of the station. There's no manual to study. You have to learn things as you go. A little different than... life on a starship.

Lt. Commander Worf: When I served aboard the Enterprise, I always knew who were my allies, and who were my enemies.

Captain Sisko: Let's just say, DS9 has more shades of gray. And Quark definitely is a shade of... gray. He has his own set of rules, and he follows them diligently. Once you understand them, you understand Quark. I'd say that's true for... everyone here.

[he offers Worf a glass of raktajino]

Captain Sisko: You'll fit in, Commander. Just give it time.

Goran'Agar: Human. Gold uniform indicates a specialty in Security or Engineering. Rank: Chief Petty Officer. You are what Starfleet refers to as a 'non-com'.

Chief O'Brien: That's right.

Goran'Agar: You must have a great deal of experience.

Chief O'Brien: I've been around.

Goran'Agar: That makes you a priority target. We will kill you first.

Goran'Agar: I have never seen a Founder.

Dr. Bashir: Never?

Goran'Agar: To us they're almost a myth. But everyone in the Dominion, even the Vorta, serve the Founders. I have fought against races that believe in mythical beings who guide their destinies and await them after death. They call them gods. The Founders are like... gods to the Jem'Hadar. But... our gods never talk to us. And they don't wait for us after death. They only want us to fight for them... and to die for them.

Goran'Agar: Find O'Brien and return him to the holding area, alive.

Arak'Taral: Alive?

Goran'Agar: Are you questioning me?

Arak'Taral: I knew you once, trusted you, obeyed you without question. But now, you're like this Human - weak, soft, inferior. If being free of white means becoming like you, I don't want to be cured.

Arak'Taral: You don't like helping us.

Chief O'Brien: No, I don't.

Arak'Taral: Good. I don't like it either.

Chief O'Brien: I'm glad we understand each other.

Chief O'Brien: I'd hate to think what'd make the Jem'Hadar jumpy.

[Goran'Agar has caught up with O'Brien and led him and Bashir to their runabout]

Arak'Taral: You caught him. I shouldn't have doubted you. Shall we kill them ourselves or let the others?

Goran'Agar: I will do the killing.

[he shoots Arak'Taral]

[Goran'Agar intends to kill his men]

Dr. Bashir: You don't have to do this. Even if we can't save their lives, there's no need to sacrifice yourself.

Goran'Agar: [to O'Brien] You are a soldier?

Chief O'Brien: I have been.

Goran'Agar: Then you explain. [he walks off and vanishes into the jungle]

Chief O'Brien: He's their Commander. They trusted him. He can't leave them.

Chief O'Brien: I wish things could've been different, Julian.

Dr. Bashir: So do I.

Chief O'Brien: And I'm... sorry I had to destroy your work.

Dr. Bashir: You didn't "have" to, Chief. You had a choice; and you chose to disobey orders, override my judgment... and condemn those men to death.

Chief O'Brien: Yes, I did. Because I thought it was the only way to save your life. Whatever else you may think of who I am and what I did, at least try to understand that.

Dr. Bashir: Tonight's supposed to be our weekly darts game.

Chief O'Brien: Don't worry. I don't feel much like playing either.

Dr. Bashir: Maybe in a few days.

Dr. Bashir: Why did you stop taking the drug?

Goran'Agar: It was not by choice. Three years ago, I was on a ship that crashed on this world. The rest of the crew died and I was left with only enough [Ketracel] White to sustain me for three days. I rationed my supply, and managed to stretch out the drug for eight days... and then it was gone, and I was ready to die. But death never came. I lived here for 35 days without a single drop of White. Being here, on this planet cured me.

Dr. Bashir: And that's why you've returned here... to cure the rest of your men of their addiction as well. But it hasn't worked, has it? They still need the drug.

Goran'Agar: We have come to the same place, breathed the same air, eaten the same food. It should have cured them as well.

Quark: [to Odo] You're not exactly the most lovable person in the galaxy. You're not even the most lovable person in this sector... or on the station... or even in this room.

Chief O'Brien: Julian, are you telling me that you discussed your love life with a hologram?

Doctor Bashir: He's not an ordinary hologram, Miles. He knows about love, life, women!

Chief O'Brien: Three things you know nothing about?

Doctor Bashir: Now, that's a little unfair.

Chief O'Brien: Well, then why are you asking the advice from a 'light bulb'?

Major Kira: Vic's a fountain of information.

Odo: He's certainly a man of many talents.

Vic Fontaine: If you're gonna work Vegas in the '60s, you better know the score. Otherwise you're gonna look like a Clyde.

Major Kira: A Clyde?

Vic Fontaine: A Harvey, you know?

Lt. Commander Worf: Harvey?

Vic Fontaine: A square. You know what a square is, right?

Chief O'Brien: It's one side of a cube.

Vic Fontaine: Well, I guess that answers my question.

Vic Fontaine: [to the Starfleet officers in uniform] By the way, this is a high class joint. That means, coat and ties for the gents, dresses for the ladies. You guys look like a trapeze act.

Quark: You're up late, Doctor.

Doctor Bashir: Yeah - can't sleep. Feeling a bit tense, actually.

Quark: I've got just the thing: one 'Warp Core Breach', coming right up.

[he prepares the drink]

Quark: A few sips of this... and you'll be relaxed for the next three days.

Doctor Bashir: I'm not *that* tense, Quark.

Vic Fontaine: You got about as much personality as an icicle. Cool is one thing, but you're frozen solid.

Vic Fontaine: Tell me something - how do you get to Carnegie Hall?

Odo: I have no idea.

Vic Fontaine: Practice, practice, practice! Get it?

Melissa: Are you classically trained?

Odo: Oh, actually, er... Vic taught me everything I know.

Melissa: [to Vic] Is he a good student?

Vic Fontaine: Head of his class.

Melissa: [to Odo] Maybe I can help you get your diploma...

Odo: This isn't working.

Vic Fontaine: I thought you two were getting along just fine.

Odo: Of course we are; you programed her to find me irresistible. I could read her a criminal activities report, she'd think it was poetry.

Odo: I may be Romeo in the holosuite, but I know the first time I see the real Kira, I'll turn back into Nanook of the North.

Lola Chrystal: [to Vic] You're a hologram too?

Vic Fontaine: [to Kira] Hey, doll-face...

Vic Fontaine: [about Odo] You don't know him as well as you think you do. He's not the same stick in the mud anymore. The cat can swing.

Major Kira: Are we talking about the same Odo?

Vic Fontaine: The one and only. But let me tell you, the only chick he wants to swing with is you.

Odo: [on Kira's suggestion that he enjoy only his work] I do... enjoy my work. But I'm afraid, I've used it as an excuse... to avoid the rest of my life.

Vic Fontaine: All right, ladies, the night is young and I have a table waiting for us at the 'Dunes'.

Ginger: [ecstatic] We're gonna see Shecky! Oh! [kisses Vic]

Melissa: Shecky!

Odo: Shecky who?

Melissa: Oh, you didn't tell me he had a sense of humor.

Ginger: He plays the piano *and* he is funny - kinda like Victor Borge.

Melissa: I think I'm in love...

Vic Fontaine: Here in Vegas there's only one way to make sure you don't lose any money: the moment you step off the plane, you walk right into the propellers.

Vic Fontaine: Hey, it's been 400 years, but that little number still works for me.

Vic Fontaine: Thank you, thank you for that kind applause. Keep clapping - there's a fly buzzing the room, and one of you is bound to nail him.

Vic Fontaine: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a very special surprise for you tonight. If this babe doesn't raise your temperature, you better check the obituary column because chances are you're in it, pally.

Lt. Commander Worf: I still prefer Klingon operas.

[Kira and Odo are arguing]

Major Kira: Now, are we gonna have dinner together or not?

Odo: And if we do, then what?

Major Kira: I don't know, maybe we could go dancing.

Odo: And after that, I suppose you'll expect me to kiss you.

Major Kira: Well, it's possible.

Odo: Well then, who needs dinner? Why don't I just get it over with and kiss you right now?

Major Kira: Well, why don't you?

[Odo grabs Kira and kisses her long and hard on the mouth]

Major Kira: [after getting her breath back] You're right - who needs dinner?

[they kiss again]

Vic Fontaine: Talk about you cranky aliens. You two really *are* made for each other.

Vic Fontaine: Do you know how difficult it was for me to get a holographic image of Major Kira? Lucky for you, Julian used her image in one of his spy programs - though it did take me an hour to get rid of the Russian accent.

Vic Fontaine: It's time to have some fun.

Odo: What does fun have to do with Major Kira?

Vic Fontaine: I'll pretend I didn't hear that.

Vic Fontaine: How'd you like being in the spotlight?

Odo: Very bright.

Odo: It's amazing what you can learn in a holosuite.

Vic Fontaine: Don't say it - Computer, end program.

[Quark is telling Morn a joke]

Quark: ...Then the Andorian says: "That's not my antenna".

[Morn shows no reaction]

Quark: Why do I bother?

[Bashir and O'Brien come out of a holosuite, dressed in WW II flying jackets and caps]

Quark: So, what can I get you two fly-boys?

Doctor Bashir: Scotch. Neat. And a pint of your finest bitter for my mate.

Chief O'Brien: [with English accent] And make it quick. The cabbage crates'll be coming back over the briny any minute now.

Quark: All right, all right! I'd hate to let the Jerries strafe that green and pleasant land of yours, while the two of you were taking time out to get a drink.

Doctor Bashir: No choice, man. Ritual, you know.

[they raise their glasses]

Chief O'Brien: [English accent] To Clive, the best bloke ever to prang his kite into the Channel.

Doctor Bashir: Ah, gotta keep a stiff upper lip.

Chief O'Brien: Hear, hear.

Doctor Bashir: Down the hatch!

[and both chug their drinks in one gulp]

Odo: You humanoids are all alike, you have no sense of order! And Dax is the most 'humanoid' person I know.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [of the wormhole] It seems to be opening and closing completely at random. No unusual readings, no ships coming through. For all we know, the Bajorans are right, maybe it is a message from the Prophets.

Captain Sisko: Hm, if it is, they didn't tell *me*.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Maybe the Prophets don't recognize you with the new beard.

Lt. Commander Worf: Our gods are dead. Ancient Klingon warriors slew them a millennia ago. They were more trouble than they were worth.

Major Kira: I don't think I'll ever understand Klingons.

Chief O'Brien: Don't worry about it, Major. Nobody does. It's the way they like it.

Captain Sisko: I was hoping that this would never happen. But it finally has. The Changelings... have reached Earth.

Chief O'Brien: You probably wouldn't understand this, Quark, but... when you care about a place and it's in trouble and you wanna do something about it, and you can't, it's very frustrating.

Quark: I know exactly what you mean. When the Great Monetary Collapse hit Ferenginar, I was hundreds of light years away, serving as a ship's cook on a long-haul freighter. I can't tell you the heartbreak I suffered, knowing that rampant inflation and currency devaluation were burning like wildfires through the lush financial foliage of my home! It still depresses me even today. I remembered thinking my accounts needed me, and there was nothing I could do. I-I-I felt so... so helpless! So you see - I do understand.

Chief O'Brien: Somehow, you telling me that doesn't make me feel the least bit better.

Jake Sisko: Dad! You know if we stay with grandpa, he's gonna put me to work in the kitchen.

Captain Sisko: Is that so bad?

Jake Sisko: Chopping vegetables for nine hours a day isn't exactly my idea of a vacation.

Captain Sisko: Jake, you're not a child anymore. Grandpa will not expect you to chop vegetables. He'll want you to wait tables!

Captain Sisko: You've lost weight.

Joseph Sisko: You think so?

Jake Sisko: The doctors said you have to keep your weight up.

Joseph Sisko: Don't you start too. I've a vat of crayfish in the back that needs cleaning and it's got your name on it.

Captain Sisko: But you're feeling okay?

Joseph Sisko: Just point me in the direction of a party and a pretty girl and I'll show you how good I feel!

Joseph Sisko: Ben, at my age, staying healthy is a full time job, and I am too old to work two jobs!

Odo: I've found that when it comes to doing what's best for you, you humanoids have the distressing habit of doing the exact opposite.

Jake Sisko: You should be in bed.

Joseph Sisko: Jake, the only time you should be in bed is if you're sleeping, dying, or making love to a beautiful woman. I'm not tired, I... I'm not dying; and the truth is, I'm too old for beautiful women.

Joseph Sisko: I'm not sleeping. I'm checking my eyelids for holes.

[Odo has taken an aerial tour of San Francisco as a seagull]

Benteen: It makes me wonder how many other Changelings might be flying around up there.

Odo: If all they're doing is flying around imitating seagulls, we don't have much to worry about.

Benteen: Well, if you ask me, that was a pretty convincing seagull.

Odo: Thank you. Though I'm not sure the gulls would agree.

[Joseph Sisko has refused two Starfleet officers to be blood-tested]

Joseph Sisko: You take these two vampires and tell them to either sit down and grab a menu or get out of my restaurant!

Captain Sisko: Jake, get them a menu!

Head Officer: But sir...

Captain Sisko: I would recommend the Shrimp Creole.

Joseph Sisko: We have rights, Ben, including the right to be as stubborn or thickheaded as we want.

Joseph Sisko: Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, what the hell has gotten into your head? You actually thought I was one of them, didn't you?

Captain Sisko: I don't know. I wasn't sure.

Joseph Sisko: This business has got you so twisted around, you... you can't think straight. You're seeing shapeshifters everywhere! Maybe you ought to think about something for a minute. If I was a smart shapeshifter, a really good one, the first thing I would do would be to grab some poor soul off the street, absorb every ounce of his blood and let it out on cue whenever someone like you tried to test me. Don't you see? There isn't a test that's been created a smart man can't find his way around.

Joseph Sisko: [referring to Odo] I have to admit... I'm a little suspicious about anyone who doesn't eat.

Joseph Sisko: [serving trout to a customer] Go on, take a bite. It won't bite you back.

Captain Sisko: I didn't know you liked Creole food.

Nog: I don't. I like tube grubs, and your father is the only person on this planet who can get me live ones.

Joseph Sisko: I've been thinking of adding them to our menu. Of course I'll have to cook them for our Human customers, serve them with a nice remoulade.

Nog: Cook them? What good are tube grubs if they don't wiggle on the way down?

Doctor Bashir: Good luck.

Odo: I don't believe in luck. But... I appreciate the sentiment.

Odo: [after being subjected to a test series of phaser sweeps] If you want to do any more tests, you'll have to get another guinea pig. I've been shot quite enough for one day.

Captain Sisko: I hope you don't take this the wrong way, Constable. But there are times I wish you'd never found your people.

Odo: Believe me, Captain - sometimes, I feel the same way.

President Jaresh-Inyo: It took centuries for Earth to evolve into the peaceful haven it is today. I would hate to be remembered as the Federation president who destroyed Paradise.

President Jaresh-Inyo: I never sought this job. I was content to simply represent my people on the Federation Council. When they asked me to submit my name for election, I almost said no. Today I wish I had.

Liam Bilby: [about family] It's the most important thing.

Liam Bilby: I think you look great, Connelly. What do you think, Krole?

Krole: He looks fine.

Liam Bilby: What are you talking about? I took him to the same tailor that I use.

Krole: You look fine too.

Liam Bilby: Hey, what do you make of that, Chester? I've found me an honest man. Must be my lucky day.

Liam Bilby: [about the Syndicate's mole in Starfleet] Raimus met him when he was vacationing on Risa last year. Mr. "Starfleet" was in charge of the weather control system. Raimus offered him a very substantial amount of money to make it stop raining.

Raimus: We mentioned we might ask you to do something for us.

Liam Bilby: Yeah, whatever you need.

Gelnon: Hmm - so accommodating. He reminds me of a Jem'Hadar.

Gelnon: I never realized how much the Dominion and the Orion Syndicate have in common. It seems that in both organizations, loyalty is everything.

Liam Bilby: I don't forget my friends. 'cause friends - they're like family. Nothing's more important. Nothing.

O'Brien: [after providing Chadwick with important information] So do I get to go home now?

Chadwick: Not until you find out what's going on.

O'Brien: I was afraid you were gonna say that.

Flith: Gentlemen - we just robbed the Bank of Bolias!

Liam Bilby: I was thinking about opening an account there.

O'Brien: Maybe you should go to a different bank.

[Chadwick plans to warn the Klingons about Bilby and his men]

O'Brien: You're setting them up to be murdered?

Chadwick: You have things backwards. Bilby and his friends are the ones that murder people, not us.

O'Brien: Yeah - we just get Klingons to do it for us!

Chadwick: All I'm doing is following procedures and warning our allies about a possible assassination attempt. What happens after that is not my concern. But believe me, if the Klingons go after Raimus and the rest of the Orion Syndicate, I won't shed any tears.

O'Brien: [sarcastic] I'm sure you won't.

Liam Bilby: [when learning about O'Brien's real identity] The smart thing would be to kill you. But I guess I've already proved... I'm not too smart.

Liam Bilby: How did I let this happen? I should've known. You were too good to be true.

O'Brien: Bilby trusted me. He put his life in my hands, and... I killed him - just as surely as if I'd pulled that trigger myself.

Doctor Bashir: That's not fair. And you know it. You did what you had to do - your duty.

O'Brien: Is that what I'm supposed to tell myself?

Doctor Bashir: It is the truth. - Look, I'm sorry that I don't have all the answers. All I know for sure... is that I'm glad you're back.

Liam Bilby: Do you mind if I ask you something? Back home, wherever that is - do you have a family?

O'Brien: Yeah.

Liam Bilby: [laughs, relieved] Good. It's the most important thing.

Odo: Ladies and gentlemen...

[Morn walks by]

Odo: ...and all androgynous creatures, your attention please!

Major Kira Nerys: Yellow alert? Against our own imaginations?

Commander Sisko: D'you have a better idea?

Chief O'Brien: I know what you look like. But you're not...

Rumpelstiltskin: Na, don't say it! I don't like the sound of it, you know.

Chief O'Brien: Rumpelstiltskin!

Rumpelstiltskin: [winces and looks at O'Brien quizzically] Now, you didn't think that would make me break in two and disappear, did you? Not this time. I learned my lesson back in the kingdom. I don't make deals like that anymore.

Jake Sisko: [on Buck Bokai] He followed me home from the holosuite.

["Jadzia" is trying to seduce Dr. Bashir, who is desperately trying to keep her at bay]

Jadzia: Why are you fighting this?

Doctor Bashir: Why am I fighting this? Why... *am* I fighting this?

Commander Sisko: How is our young doctor?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Young.

Odo: I have no time for fantasies.

Quark: Yeah - no imagination, huh?

Odo: A waste of time. Too many people dream of places they'll never go, wish for things they'll never have, instead of paying adequate attention to their real lives.

[on a view screen, Odo sees Quark trapped in a holding cell]

Odo: How did you get in there?

Quark: How did I get in here? You put me in here!

Odo: Ah, hm - I guess I did, didn't I? [chuckles]

Quark: Yeah! [vanishes from screen]

Odo: No imagination indeed. Ha!

Quark: I could create a shapeshifter playmate for you. The two of you could, uh... intermingle.

Odo: You're disgusting!

Quark: It's a living.

Quark: With all these Hew-mons coming now, the true entrepreneur knows how to sniff the wind. Try it - go ahead.

Odo: I have no sense of smell.

Quark: You don't need one to detect the scent of o-ppor-tunity!

Odo: You're still disgusting.

Quark: Till the day I die.

Rumpelstiltskin: [to O'Brien] My good host.

Rumpelstiltskin: Tell me your needs, and I'll tell you my price.

Rumpelstiltskin: You're afraid - of me!

Chief O'Brien: Look, figment, I'm not afraid of anybody - least of all you!

[Bashir admits his infatuation for Dax, which is not quite returned]

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Julien - you are a wonderful friend.

[Bashir moans in torment]

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: I enjoy the time we spend together!

Doctor Bashir: Stop! You're driving a stake through my heart.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: [preparing to leave] Try a high-pitch sonic shower; it'll make you feel better.

Doctor Bashir: No, it won't.

Doctor Bashir: [to himself] I've already tried it.

Doctor Bashir: [to Dax, about "Jadzia"] She has a sense of humor, as... as I've always imagined *you* do.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: I could use one about now.

Buck Bokai: That day we won the world series, there were only 300 people in the stands.

Commander Sisko: 301 in my version.

Buck Bokai: I heard you cheering.

Buck Bokai: This imagination of yours - we have never seen anything like it. It's very real to all of you, but... yet it's not. At first, it seemed to us to be a curse, an irritation. That Odo fellow even called it a 'waste of time'.

Commander Sisko: I disagree with him.

Buck Bokai: I knew you would. I learned that about you, that you can have such an affection for someone you never even met. I wonder if you appreciate how unique that imagination of yours really is.

Commander Sisko: Not always.

Buck Bokai: It ain't over till it's over.

Buck Bokai: We got to go.

Commander Sisko: But you haven't told us anything about your species.

Buck Bokai: I'd like to. Maybe next year.

Quark: [about Sto-vo-kor] Imagine what it must be like - hordes of rampaging Klingons, fighting and singing, sweating and belching.

Doctor Bashir: Sounds like this place on a Saturday night.

Quark: Would *you* want to spend eternity here?

Odo: A lot of people feel abandoned by the Prophets.

Colonel Kira: Believe me, I know how they feel. It's no excuse to turn to hate and fear.

Odo: In times of trouble, some people find comfort in hate and fear.

Odo: Nerys - I realize that things may seem bleak at the moment; but there's always hope.

Colonel Kira: When did you turn into an optimist?

Odo: Must have been that day in front of Quark's when we kissed for the first time.

Colonel Kira: That was some kiss, wasn't it?

Odo: Changed my life.

Joseph Sisko: Life is full of choices. You make them and hope for the best. Sometimes you're right; sometimes you're not.

Quark: So, what did you find out?

Chief O'Brien: That you should never try to match drinks with a Klingon.

[O'Brien, Bashir and Quark talk about Worf who thinks that Jadzia has not gone into Sto-vo-kor]

Doctor Bashir: What makes him think she's not in Sto-vo-kor?

Chief O'Brien: Well, for one thing, she never ate the heart of one of her enemies.

Quark: She always was a little squeamish.

Chief O'Brien: And secondly, she didn't die in glorious battle.

Quark: You mean, being murdered by a Pah-wraith in cold blood doesn't count?

Chief O'Brien: Apparently there is a way for Worf to ensure that Jadzia gets into Sto-vo-kor. He has to win a great battle in her name.

Quark: I could let him beat me at tongo.

Chief O'Brien: Not good enough - unless he has to carve his way through a hundred Jem'Hadar to get to the table.

[Bashir intends to go on a dangerous mission to help Jadzia get into Sto-vo-kor]

Doctor Bashir: This gives me a chance to honor her memory, and I'm gonna take it. And that, my friend, is my final word on the subject.

Chief O'Brien: You know what this means, don't you?

Doctor Bashir: Yes. That I'm risking my life for a very dubious cause.

Chief O'Brien: No. It means I'm going to risk my life for a friend who's risking his life for a very dubious cause.

Chief O'Brien: Pretty soon the Defiant will be going into battle, Worf will be happy and the rest of us will be miserable.

Admiral Ross: You've done a fine job taking over for Captain Sisko.

Colonel Kira: I'm just keeping his seat warm.

Ben Sisko: I came back here to clear my head. To try to figure out what to do next. Maybe learning the truth about my mother is the first step of this journey.

Joseph Sisko: Well, from here on out, I hope the Prophets keep their noses out of my business.

Weyoun: Romulans - they're so predictably treacherous.

Damar: I'd offer you a glass, but I know how much you dislike kanar.

Weyoun: I'm beginning to think you like it too much.

Damar: I wouldn't trust a Cardassian that didn't enjoy a glass of kanar every once in a while.

Damar: You ever wonder what goes on? Inside the wormhole, I mean?

Weyoun: ...Not really.

Damar: The Prophets and the Pah-wraiths locked in some form of celestial battle. It's fascinating.

Weyoun: I'd never realized you had such a vivid imagination.

Damar: Th' a lot about me you don't know.

Ben Sisko: [to Jake and Joseph Sisko] Have you both lost your minds?

Joseph Sisko: Apparently it runs in the family.

Lt. Commander Worf: Sing the song.

Vic Fontaine: I don't think that's such a good idea.

Vic Fontaine: Come on, pally, why rub salt in an open wound?

Lt. Commander Worf: You are a hologram. You're programed to do as I say. Sing the song.

Vic Fontaine: It's your dime. Park it right there.

[Worf sits at the table Vic has indicated to him]

Vic Fontaine: And don't say I didn't warn you. Which reminds me of a story Joey once told me...

Lt. Commander Worf: SING!

Vic Fontaine: Son of a gun, I think he means it.

Vic Fontaine: [on Worf] I don't care how much he threatens me, that's the last time I ever sing 'All the Way'. He wants to hear it again, let him buy a Sinatra album.

Vic Fontaine: The band is threatening to quit.

Quark: They can't quit. They're holograms.

Vic Fontaine: They don't know that!

Quark: You want to get Jadzia into Sto-vo-kor - fine, fine, I'm all for it. But can't you do something more sensible? Make a donation in her name, or bribe someone.

Doctor Bashir: It doesn't work that way, Quark.

Ben Sisko: [after learning the truth about his mother] Are there any other secrets I should know about?

Joseph Sisko: Just my gumbo recipe. But I'm taking that to my grave.

Joseph Sisko: You thinking about Sarah?

Ben Sisko: Actually I was thinking about Jadzia. She always used to be here to help me sort things out. I miss her.

Ensign Ezri Dax: Hello, Benjamin.

Ben Sisko: Do I know you?

Ensign Ezri Dax: It's me - Dax.

Weyoun: Tell me, Damar, when you're alone, do you even bother with a glass or do you just drink that swill directly from the bottle?

Elim Garak: I'm sorry, Doctor, I just don't see the value of this man's work.

Dr. Julian Bashir: But Garak, Shakespeare is one of the giants of Human literature.

Elim Garak: I knew Brutus was going to kill Caesar in the first act; but Caesar didn't figure it out until the knife was in his back.

Dr. Julian Bashir: But that's what makes it a tragedy. Caesar couldn't conceive that his best friend would plot to kill him.

Elim Garak: Tragedy is not the word I'd use. Farce would be more appropriate.

Elim Garak: The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination.

[Bashir tells Garak the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf]

Dr. Julian Bashir: It's a children's story, about a young shepherd boy who gets lonely while tending his flock. So he cries out to the villagers that a wolf is attacking the sheep. The people come running, but of course there's no wolf. He claims that it's run away and the villagers praise him for his vigilance.

Elim Garak: Clever lad. Charming story.

Dr. Julian Bashir: I'm not finished. The next day, the boy does it again, and the next too. And on the fourth day a wolf really comes. The boy cries out at the top of his lungs, but the villagers ignore him, and the boy, and his flock, are gobbled up.

Elim Garak: Well, that's a little graphic for children, wouldn't you say?

Dr. Julian Bashir: But the point is, if you lie all the time, nobody's going to believe you, even when you're telling the truth.

Elim Garak: Are you sure that's the point, Doctor?

Dr. Julian Bashir: Of course. What else could it be?

Elim Garak: That you should never tell the same lie twice.

Commander Sisko: Someone tried to kill you, Garak. Whoever it was may try again, so if I were you, I would give this matter some serious thought.

Elim Garak: Well, let me see. I mean, there's the Nausicaan whose wedding suit I misplaced; and the Yridian I owe money to; and of course, there's always Major Kira.

Dr. Julian Bashir: This is serious, Garak.

Elim Garak: I'm being serious. I don't think she likes me.

Odo: She doesn't. But if she wanted you dead, you would be.

Elim Garak: You do have a point.

Elim Garak: You wanted to see me.

Odo: I have bad news for you. Major Kira has an airtight alibi.

Commander Sisko: Could this attempt on your life have anything to do with the reason you were exiled from Cardassia?

Elim Garak: I seriously doubt the Finance Ministry would try to have me killed for failure to pay my taxes.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Is there anything you need me to do while you're gone?

Elim Garak: Like what?

Dr. Julian Bashir: I don't know. Any unfinished business?

Elim Garak: Actually, Doctor, there is something.

Dr. Julian Bashir: What?

Elim Garak: If you go into my quarters and examine the bulkhead next to the replicator, you'll notice there's a false panel. Behind that panel is a compartment containing an isolinear rod. If I'm not back within 78 hours, I want you to take that rod... and eat it.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Eat it?

Elim Garak: [affirmatively] Mm.

Dr. Julian Bashir: You're joking.

Elim Garak: Yes doctor, I am.

Informant: Garak isn't the only former operative in the Order who had an 'unfortunate incident' yesterday, but he's the luckiest. The other five didn't survive.

Odo: Five operatives were killed yesterday?

Informant: Killed? No. Three died from "natural causes", the other two perished in "accidents".

Odo: Quite a coincidence.

Informant: If you believe in coincidence.

Enabran Tain: Always burn your bridges behind you. You never know who might be trying to follow.

[Garak is putting in a transmission code]

Odo: That's an interesting way of scrambling a signal.

Elim Garak: Yes, I thought you might appreciate it on an esthetic level.

[Garak is going through passenger lists in Odo's office]

Elim Garak: Don't worry about me, Constable. I can manage on my own.

Odo: I'm not about to leave you alone in here so you can look through my security files.

Elim Garak: What makes you think I haven't already looked through them?

[Odo reacts alarmed]

Elim Garak: I'm joking, of course.

Odo: [less than convinced] Of course...

Elim Garak: It's been my observation... that you always act from a sense of justice, or at least what you consider justice. There's no feeling behind what you do, no emotion beyond a certain distaste for loose ends and disorder. You don't know what it means to care about someone, do you? People are just interesting creatures to be studied and analyzed.

Odo: Is there any point to this?

Elim Garak: Only that... I find it interesting that you ascribe feelings and motivations to me that you know nothing about. Or am I wrong? Tell me - is there one person in this universe you do care for? One person who's more than just an interesting puzzle to be solved? Is there, Odo? Anyone?

Odo: If there were, I certainly wouldn't tell you.

Elim Garak: [smiles] And that would be a wise decision.

Informant: [about a potential Romulan invasion into Cardassian space] It has occurred to us, and we're ready for it if it should happen. But it doesn't make any sense.

Odo: Does war ever make sense?

Informant: Still the wry observer of humanoid folly?

Commander Sisko: The question still remains, why would the Romulans want to have Garak killed?

Odo: I don't know. Considering those uniforms of theirs, you'd think they'd appreciate a decent tailor.

Elim Garak: The Flaxian left two minutes ago. If we're going to follow him we'd better get moving.

Odo: What makes you think I'm going to follow him?

Elim Garak: I happen to know that you're too dogged an investigator to allow the only witness in this case to simply disappear.

Odo: Oh, congratulations, your powers of deduction are truly astonishing. Now, if you will kindly disembark, I will get on with my "dogged" investigation.

Odo: I've had enough of your dissembling, Garak! I am not Dr. Bashir and we are not sparring amiably over lunch!

Odo: I think you secretly enjoyed destroying your own shop.

Elim Garak: Well, I admit watching it burn wasn't exactly tragic.

Elim Garak: Head for the Cardassian border. We're going to the third planet of the Unefra system.

Odo: How do you know that's where Tain has gone?

Elim Garak: I don't. But he has a safe house there that no one's supposed to know about, especially me.

Enabran Tain: Ah, Garak. It's good of you to come. It spares me the trouble of having to send someone else to kill you.

Enabran Tain: [referring to Garak] Cunning, isn't he? He makes a racial slur within earshot of two Romulans, putting me in the position of either defending them, thus giving away my allegiance to them, or letting the comment pass, in which case he's managed to plant a seed of discord between us.

Odo: Frankly I don't find any of this interesting. You both go to such lengths to hide the true meaning of your words, you end up saying nothing.

Enabran Tain: I think you'll find when I have something to say, you won't have any trouble understanding it.

[Tain has offered Garak to join the Order again and take his place by Tain's side]

Odo: Garak, this is the man who put you into exile, this is the man who just two days ago tried to have you killed.

Elim Garak: Yes, he is. But it doesn't matter.

[he walks over to Tain and clasps his arm]

Elim Garak: I'm back.

Garak: Never tell the same lie twice.

Worf: What about Garak?

Captain Sisko: I want him back too. I suppose I don't have to tell you to keep a close eye on him.

Worf: At the first sign of betrayal I will kill him, but I promise to return the body intact.

Captain Sisko: I assume that's a joke?

Worf: We will see.

Elim Garak: You've come a long way from the naive young man I met five years ago. You've become distrustful and suspicious. It suits you.

Doctor Bashir: I had a good teacher.

Elim Garak: Lying is a skill like any other, and if you want to maintain a level of excellence you have to practice constantly.

Worf: Practice on someone else.

Elim Garak: Mr. Worf, you're no fun at all.

Worf: Good!

Elim Garak: I just don't see why these runabout replicators can't provide a more varied menu. I'd like to get my hands on that fellow Earl Grey and tell him a thing or two about... tea leaves.

Gul Dukat: You've betrayed me. And I promise I won't forget it.

Major Kira: If that's a threat, I'm not impressed.

Gul Dukat: There was a time when Bajorans took Cardassian threats very seriously.

Major Kira: Not anymore.

Doctor Bashir: So let me get this straight: you want me to lie to my commanding officer, violate Starfleet regulations and go with you on a mission into the Gamma Quadrant, which will probably get us both killed.

Elim Garak: I'm ready when you are.

Gul Dukat: [about Garak] The man is a heartless, coldblooded killer.

Major Kira: Like I said, he's a Cardassian.

Elim Garak: Remember: it's not just Tain we're looking for. The Maryland, the Proxima, the Sarajevo, Starfleet ships that have been lost in the Gamma Quadrant for years; and their crews - brave soldiers, warriors of the Federation unaccounted for... We owe it to them to do everything in our power to find them and bring them home. It's the honorable thing to do.

Worf: You use that word, but you have no idea what it means.

Elim Garak: Maybe not. But you do.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Have a glorious death... or don't. It's up to you.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: What about Worf?

Odo: If we close the wormhole, he and Garak will be trapped in the Gamma Quadrant.

Gul Dukat: Casualties of war.

Ikat'ika: This is Internment Camp 371. You are here because you are enemies of the Dominion. There is no release, no escape - except death.

Worf: [referring to Tain] What is wrong with him?

Martok: It's his heart.

Elim Garak: Really? There are many people who'd say he doesn't have one.

Gul Dukat: [to Ziyal] Is a promise to an enemy of your family more important than obeying your father? So be it. Stay here, if that's what you want. Stay here, and be damned!

Enabran Tain: A man shouldn't allow his enemies to outlive him.

Elim Garak: Then you can die happy - unless you still consider me your enemy.

Enabran Tain: Elim - promise me one thing.

Elim Garak: I'm listening.

Enabran Tain: Don't die here. Escape. Live.

Elim Garak: Let me guess - so that I can make the Dominion pay for what they've done to you?

Enabran Tain: You wouldn't deny an old man his revenge, would you?

Elim Garak: I'll do as you ask - on one condition: that you don't ask me this favor as a mentor or a superior officer - but as a father asking his son.

Enabran Tain: Elim - remember that day in the country? You must have been almost five.

Elim Garak: How can I forget it? It was the only day.

Enabran Tain: I can still see you... on the back of that riding hound. You must have fallen off a dozen times. But you never gave up.

Elim Garak: I remember limping home... You held my hand.

Enabran Tain: I was very proud of you... that day... [he dies]

Elim Garak: Let this be a lesson to you, Doctor, perhaps the most valuable one I can ever teach you: sentiment is the greatest weakness of all.

Dr. Julian Bashir: If that's true, it's a lesson I'd rather not learn.

Major Kira: I bet you can't wait to put all this together so you can start shape-shifting around the room again.

Odo: Oh, I suppose... though I did enjoy sleeping in a bed.

Major Kira: Well, there's nothing to stop you from sleeping in a bed if you want to.

Odo: Except that now when I'm asleep, I tend to revert to my gelatinous state and slide onto the floor.

Doctor Bashir: [to Garak] Going somewhere?

Major Kira: I'm telling you, he knows exactly who I am. Kirayoshi already recognizes me.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Nerys, the O'Briens' baby is less than a month old; he doesn't recognize his own fingers.

Major Kira: Every time I walk into the room he smiles.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: It's probably gas.

Worf: A Klingon warrior does not have to explain why he chooses to face danger, not even to his Par'Mach'kai.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: So in other words, you were afraid I'd make a scene, that I'd embarrass you, maybe even cry.

Worf: You are capable of anything.

Captain Sisko: Major, what have you found?

Major Kira: Trouble.

[Gul Dukat attacks Garak and holds him over the parapet of the Promenade]

Quark: Gentlemen! Gentlemen, I don't know what's going on here, but I'm sure it's no excuse to act like a pair of Klingons.

Gul Dukat: I'll act as I please, Ferengi!

Quark: Then you'll excuse me while I call Security. I'm sure Odo will get a big thrill out of having you locked up in one of his holding cells.

Elim Garak: [after being released from the parapet] You know, I think that actually helped my back.

Elim Garak: [to Dukat] You do have a lovely daughter. She must take after her mother.

Major Kira: We just lost contact with two of our listening posts in the Gamma Quadrant.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: The Dominion. They're coming.

Captain Sisko: Notify Starfleet Command. Put the station on yellow alert. Make sure everyone knows this is not a drill. Major, I want you to take the Defiant into the Gamma Quadrant. Locate Mr. Worf. Find out what the hell is going on there.

Major Kira: And if an invasion fleet is on the way?

Captain Sisko: Then get back here as soon as possible - and God help us all.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Captain, the wormhole's opening.

Captain Sisko: Battle stations!

Elim Garak: [Garak, feeling angry and feeling rejected by his father] I should have never have come here. I should have let that monster die forgotten and alone.

Elim Garak: Well frankly I'm glad you came, misery loves company.

Doctor Bashir: All my life, I've done nothing but try to please that man. I let him mold me, let him turn me into a mirror image of himself. And how did he repay me? With exile. But I forgave him. And here, in the end, I thought maybe, just maybe, he could forgive me.

Doctor Bashir: From what I've seen of him over the past month he doesn't come across as the forgiving type.

Elim Garak: I've been a fool. Let this be a lesson to you, Doctor - perhaps the most valuable one I can ever teach you. Sentiment is the greatest weakness of all.

Doctor Bashir: If that's true, it's a lesson I'd rather not learn.

Odo: Why waste my time? Romance is for solids.

[Jake and Nog are working for a scientist named Geiger, involving them in the search for a missing teddy bear]

Jake Sisko: Let me introduce you to a new Human expression: we're going to beard the lion in its den.

Cadet Nog: Lions, Gigers, bears...

Jake Sisko: Oh my.

Sisko: Even in the darkest moments, you can always find something that'll make you smile.

Jake Sisko: I'm not crazy. I'm... just a little obsessed.

Jake Sisko: This is it. All I have to do is get him this card. How hard can that be?

Cadet Nog: Look, it's taken me a lifetime to save up that much money, and I'm not just gonna throw it away for some baseball card!

Jake Sisko: [sighs, then acts melodramatically] Not even for my father - the man who made it possible for you to enter Starfleet Academy...

Cadet Nog: Oh no, that's not fair!

Jake Sisko: The man who believed in you, when no one else would...

Cadet Nog: Oh, this is so low!

Jake Sisko: I can't believe you'd rather keep your filthy money locked up in a box under a bed than use it to give him endless moments of happiness.

Cadet Nog: Aargh! All right, all right! I'll do it!

Jake Sisko: [back to normal] That's very generous of you, Nog. I'm proud of you. Now let's get that money.

Cadet Nog: Hew-mons!

Quark: [at the auction] Sold to the blue man... in the good shoes.

Giger: Let me ask you a simple question... Do you want to die?

Cadet Nog: It's not my fault your species decided to abandon currency-based economics in favor of some philosophy of self-enhancement.

Jake Sisko: Hey - watch it! There's nothing wrong with our philosophy. We work to better ourselves and the rest of Humanity.

Cadet Nog: What does that mean exactly?

Jake Sisko: It means... it means, we don't need money.

[Kai Winn has informed Sisko about an upcoming meeting between Bajor and the Dominion]

Sisko: I'm concerned. The Dominion is notorious for its political intrigue.

Kai Winn: I have some experience in that area as well.

Kai Winn: Can you promise me that you will not let one Jem'Hadar soldier set foot on Bajor? Can you promise me that you will use your entire fleet to protect our planet, even if it means sacrificing other worlds, like Vulcan, or Andor, or Berengaria, or perhaps even Earth itself?

Sisko: I can't make that kind of promise.

Kai Winn: I wouldn't believe you if you did.

Jake Sisko: You know you can't keep a secret on this station. If I tell the Chief, he tells Keiko, Keiko tells Dax...

Giger: Where's the hydrosaline solution?

Jake Sisko: We should have it soon. Nog just got the bear. - Don't ask.

Giger: Death is nothing more than the result of cellular boredom.

Kai Winn: If we ally ourselves with the Federation against the Dominion, we risk becoming the first casualty of the next war.

Sisko: And if you ally yourselves with the Dominion, you risk becoming the next conquered world.

Kai Winn: A most unhappy choice.

Weyoun: Captain Sisko! I can't tell you how happy I am to see you again.

Sisko: I wish I could say the same.

Weyoun: [laughs] How delightful! You feel comfortable enough around me to make jokes. I'm so pleased to see our relationship evolving beyond the stale adversarial stage.

Sisko: No, it's not. But before you twist that into a compliment, let me be blunt: I don't like the Dominion, I don't like what it stands for and I don't like you. So let's dispense with the hollow pleasantries and stick to business!

Weyoun: It is enough to know that you and I have found so many common interests. I feel that we are very much alike.

[Kai Winn grasps Weyoun's ear]

Kai Winn: [debonair] No. We are nothing alike. Nothing at all.

[Jake and Nog are trying with Odo's help to investigate on Giger's disappearance]

Cadet Nog: Maybe the soulless minions of orthodoxy finally caught up with him.

Odo: [confused] The who?

Jake Sisko: We don't know who they are, but they were after Dr. Giger's cellular regeneration and entertainment chamber.

Odo: [more confused] His what?

Jake Sisko: It's a device used to keep the cells in your body from getting bored. You see, he was going to transmit messages to people's cells to keep them entertained, so they wouldn't die off. And as a result, these people would... live forever.

Odo: [completely clueless] Aha...

Sisko: [aghast] You accused the Kai of burglary and kidnapping?

Jake Sisko: W... we didn't really accuse her of anything.

Sisko: Oh I see, you just implied it?

Cadet Nog: Exactly!

Jake Sisko: We weren't supposed to divulge this, but since you left us no choice... We're working for Starfleet Intelligence.

Cadet Nog: Oh no...

Cadet Nog: Jake, as your friend I think I should tell you you're starting to go over the edge. You need to get some perspective on all this. You need to get away, clear your head...

[both are beamed away and rematerialize in some unknown quarters]

Cadet Nog: This isn't what I had in mind...

Sisko: Captain's log, stardate 50929.4. Two days ago, this station felt like a tomb. I'd never seen so many of my crew depressed at the same time. But for some reason, it now seems as though a new spirit has swept through the station, as if someone had opened a door and let a gust of fresh air blow through a musty old house. Why this is happening, frankly, is a mystery to me. After all, nothing has really changed. The Dominion is still a threat, the Cardassians are still threatening to retake the station, and I can still see the clouds of war gathering on the horizon. So why do I sense a newfound sense of optimism in the air? But maybe I'm overthinking this. Maybe the real explanation is as simple as something my father taught me a long time ago: even in the darkest moments, you can always find something that'll make you smile.

Sisko: [at the end of a depressing dinner party, as the other officers leave] Mister Worf! You've been paroled; the party's over.

Odo: What do you know about the murder of Ensign Aquino?

Quark: You wound me. All these years together I thought you knew me. Odo, I am not a killer!

Odo: No, but most of your friends are.

Quark: True, and I would gladly sell one of them to you if I could. But unfortunately, none of them are taking credit for the death of the Starfleet officer - sorry.

Odo: Keep your ears open.

Quark: Are you kidding? That's the Seventh Rule of Acquisition.

Odo: I've checked the turbolift records the night of the murder. Aquino did take a turbolift to level three but not to the power conduit where he was found.

Major Kira: Where did he go?

Odo: Runabout pad C.

Chief O'Brien: A runabout? What was he doing in a runabout at four in the morning?

Odo: Apparently he was getting murdered.

Keiko O'Brien: Be careful who you share your jumja with.

Vedek Winn: Do you believe the Celestial Temple of the Prophets exists within the passage?

Keiko O'Brien: I respect that the Bajoran people believe that it does.

Vedek Winn: But that's not what you teach?

Keiko O'Brien: No, I don't teach Bajoran spiritual beliefs; that's your job. Mine is to open the children's minds to history, to literature, to mathematics, to science.

Vedek Winn: You *are* opening the children's minds - to blasphemy. And I cannot permit it to continue.

Keiko O'Brien: I'm not teaching any philosophy. What I'm trying to teach is pure science.

Major Kira: Some might say pure science, taught without a spiritual context, *is* a philosophy, Mrs. O'Brien.

[Jake is questioning the 'stupidity' of the Bajoran beliefs, comparing it with the inquisition during the Middle Ages]

Commander Sisko: You've got to realize something, Jake: for over fifty years, the one thing that allowed the Bajorans to survive the Cardassian occupation was their faith. The prophets were their only source of hope and courage.

Jake Sisko: But there were no prophets; they were just aliens that you found in the wormhole.

Commander Sisko: To those aliens, the future is no more difficult to see than the past. Why shouldn't they be considered prophets?

Jake Sisko: Are you serious?

Commander Sisko: My point is, it's a matter of interpretation. It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong. If you start to think that way, you'll be acting just like Vedek Winn, only from the other side. We can't afford to think that way, Jake. We'd lose everything we've worked for here.

Vedek Winn: The course the Prophets choose for us may not always be comfortable. But we must follow it.

[Vedek Winn has asked Keiko O'Brien to refrain from teaching anything that might conflict with Bajoran beliefs]

Keiko O'Brien: I'm a teacher. My responsibility is to expose my students to knowledge, not hide it from them. The answer is no.

[a group of Bajorans have arrived at the station]

Quark: Don't tell me - there's a Bajoran convention on this station I didn't know about? Thanks, Odo! I need to call in more dabo girls.

Odo: It's not a convention. They're from an orthodox spiritual order coming to support Vedek Winn's efforts to keep the Bajoran children out of school.

Quark: Orthodox? In that case I'll need twice as many dabo girls. The spiritual types love those dabo girls!

Bajoran Vendor: Seek the Prophets!

Odo: [growling under his breath] Seek them yourself.

Vedek Winn: I once asked Kai Opaka why a disbeliever was destined to seek the Prophets. And she told me that one must never look into the eyes of one's own gods. I disagreed. I told her I would do anything to look into their eyes. She suggested that I sit in darkness for a day, and quite properly so. She cannot be replaced, and I miss her deeply.

Vedek Bareil: I was five, the first time one of the monks grabbed my ear. He was a stern old crow who could virtually squeeze the pod of you with his thumb and forefinger. And as a chronic misbehaver, I was his favorite victim. I swore one of my life's goals would be to do away with that archaic ritual.

Commander Sisko: You can count on the Federation's support.

Vedek Bareil: Today I am only a vedek. If the Prophets will it, someday I may be Kai. And I can be a better friend to you then.

Commander Sisko: In other words, being my friend now might hurt your chances?

Vedek Bareil: The Prophets teach us patience.

Commander Sisko: It appears they also teach you politics.

Commander Sisko: Sometimes I wonder if we'll ever find the common ground we need to bring Bajor into the Federation.

[some Bajoran crewmen have reported sick for dubious reasons]

Commander Sisko: [to Kira] You tell our sick Bajoran crewmen they'd better get well immediately, or they'll recover on the way to their next assignment.

Vedek Bareil: I'm sorry, Commander; the Vedek assembly will not see you.

Commander Sisko: Why not?

Vedek Bareil: Some fear you as the symbol of the Federation they view as godless. Some fear you as the Emissary who walked with the Prophets. And some fear you because Vedek Winn told them to. Oh, we're all very good at conjuring up enough fear to justify whatever we want to do.

[the school has been blown up, but no one has come to harm]

Vedek Winn: The Prophets have been kind today.

Commander Sisko: The Prophets had nothing to do with what happened here today. This was the work of a disturbed and violent mind, who listened to your voice, not the Prophets'.

Vedek Winn: Is the Emissary holding *me* responsible for this act of terrorism?

Commander Sisko: The Commander of this station is.

Vedek Winn: May the Prophets forgive you for abandoning them.

Vedek Winn: You live without a soul, Commander. You and your Federation exist in a universe of darkness, and you would drag us in there with you. But we will not go!

Commander Sisko: You have just made your first mistake, Vedek.

Vedek Winn: Have I?

Commander Sisko: The Bajorans who have lived with us on the station, who have worked with us for months, who helped us move this station to protect the wormhole, who joined us to explore the Gamma Quadrant, who have begun to build the future of Bajor with us, these people know that we are neither the enemy nor the devil. We don't always agree. We have some damn good fights in fact. But we always come away from them, with a little better understanding and appreciation of each other. You won't succeed here. The school will reopen, and when your rhetoric gets old, the Bajoran parents will bring their children back.

Vedek Winn: We'll see.

Major Kira: Commander... I heard what you said to Vedek Winn at the school. I just wanted you to know, you were right what you said about the Bajorans - at least about me. I don't think that you're... the devil.

Commander Sisko: Maybe we have made some progress after all.

Neela: The Prophets spoke! I answered their call! The Prophets spoke! I answered their call!

Captain Sisko: Who's watching Tolar?

Garak: I've locked him in his quarters. I've also left him with the distinct impression that if he attempts to force the door open, it may explode.

Captain Sisko: I hope that's just an impression.

Garak: It's best not to dwell on such minutiae.

Garak: If you can allow your anger to subside for a moment, you'll see that they did *not* die in vain! The Romulans will enter the war!

Captain Sisko: There's no guarantee of that!

Garak: Oh, but I think that there is. You see, when the Tal Shiar finishes examining the wreckage of Vreenak's shuttle, they'll find the burnt remnants of a Cardassian optolythic data rod which somehow miraculously survived the explosion. After painstaking forensic examination, they'll discover that the rod contains a recording of a high-level Dominion meeting, at which the invasion of Romulus was being planned.

Captain Sisko: And then they'll discover that it is a *fraud*!

Garak: Oh, I don't think they will! Because any imperfections in the forgery will appear to be a result of the explosion. So - with a seemingly legitimate rod in one hand, and a dead senator in the other, I ask you, Captain - what conclusion would you draw?

Elim Garak: That's why you came to me, isn't it, Captain? Because you knew I could do those things that you weren't capable of doing? Well, it worked. And you'll get what you want: a war between the Romulans and the Dominion. And if your conscience is bothering you, you should soothe it with the knowledge that you may have just saved the entire Alpha Quadrant. And all it cost was the life of one Romulan senator, one criminal, and the self-respect of one Starfleet officer. I don't know about you, but I'd call that a bargain.

[a criminal working for Sisko just tried to kill Quark]

Captain Sisko: Do you intend to press charges?

Quark: You bet I do.

Captain Sisko: What will it take, um... to, er, convince you otherwise?

Quark: Are you offering me... a bribe? I knew it. Captain, I've always liked you. I suspected that somewhere deep down in your heart of hearts there was a tiny bit of Ferengi just waiting to get out.

Captain Sisko: What's your price?

Quark: Well - let's start with replacing my clothes, and M'Pella's clothes...

Captain Sisko: All right.

Quark: I'm not finished. I think I should be compensated for the loss of business I suffered today, which I calculate as no less than... five bars of goldpressed latinum.

Captain Sisko: Done.

Quark: I'm also having a problem with station security. They're holding some cargo containers which I've been waiting for because of some missing... import license or something.

Captain Sisko: I'll handle it. Anything else?

Quark: No. I think we can call it a bribe. And thank you, Captain. Thank you for restoring my faith in the ninety-eighth Rule of Acquisition: "Every man has his price."

Captain Sisko: Welcome aboard, Senator. I'm Captain Benjamin Sisko.

Vreenak: So - you're the Commander of Deep Space Nine; and the Emissary to the Prophets, decorated combat officer, widower, father, mentor... and, oh yes - the man who started the war with the Dominion. Somehow I thought you'd be taller.

Captain Sisko: Sorry to disappoint you.

Vreenak: To be honest, my opinion of Starfleet officers is so low, you'd have to work very hard indeed to disappoint me.

Captain Sisko: [voice-over] I was the one who had to make it happen. I was the one who had to look Senator Vreenak in his eye, and convince him that a lie... was the truth.

[Vreenak holds up the recording Sisko has given him]

Vreenak: It's a *faaake*!

Tolar: [about the forged data rod] It will pass. You'll see: It - will - pass.

Garak: I sincerely hope so. Now why don't you go back to your quarters? I'll be along shortly to say... hello.

Captain Sisko: Captain's personal log, stardate five one seven... thr-, uh... Five one seven... four - Computer, what day is it?

Cardassian Computer Voice: Stardate 51721.3.

Captain Sisko: [voice-over] I need to talk about this... I have to justify what's happened, what I've done - at least to myself. I can't talk to anyone else, not even to Dax. Maybe if I just lay it all out in my log, it'll finally make sense. I can see where it all went wrong - where I went wrong.

Captain Sisko: [voice-over] Every Friday morning, for the past three months, I've posted the official list of Starfleet personnel killed, wounded or missing in the war. It's become something of a grim ritual around here. Not a week goes by that someone doesn't find the name of a loved one, a friend or an acquaintance on that damned list. I've grown to hate Fridays.

Captain Sisko: [voice-over] It was like I had stepped through a door and locked it behind me: I was going to bring the Romulans into the war.

Captain Sisko: [voice-over] My father used to say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Captain Sisko: [voice-over] If there is one thing I've learned over the years, it's that bad news invariably comes in the middle of the night.

Captain Sisko: [voice-over] I'm not an impatient man. I'm not one to agonize over decisions once they're made. I got that from my father. He always says, "Worry and doubt are the greatest enemies of a great chef. The souffl? will either rise or it won't. There's not a damn thing you can do about it, so you might as well just sit back and wait, and see what happens."

Garak: To do what you're asking would use up every resource I have left on Cardassia. And it may be a very messy, very... bloody business. Are you prepared for that?

Captain Sisko: I posted my fourteenth casualty list this morning. I'm already involved in a very messy, very bloody business.

Captain Sisko: People are dying out there, every day! Entire worlds are struggling for their freedom. And here I am, still worrying about the finer points of morality.

Vreenak: I look forward to seeing your station, while it's still here, that is. The way the war is going with the Federation, it may not be around much longer.

Captain Sisko: [in a hypothetical debate with a "Romulan" official] You can't be naive enough to think that the Dominion is going to stop with the Federation. When they're finished with us, they're coming after you!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: That's speculation.

Captain Sisko: The Founders see it as their sacred duty to bring order to the galaxy - their order. Do you think they'll sit idly by while you keep your chaotic Empire right next to their perfect order? No. If you watch us go under, then what you're really doing is signing your own death warrant.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: But before I plunge my people into a conflict that will kill millions of loyal Romulan citizens, I need something more concrete than the self-serving argument of a Starfleet officer. I need proof of Dominion duplicity. Not more words. Proof.

Captain Sisko: [chuckles acknowledging] Very good, old man. You would have made a decent Romulan.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I prefer the spots to the pointed ears.

Captain Sisko: [in a debate with a real Romulan official] Maybe you're right. Maybe the Dominion will win in the end. Then the Founders will control what we now call Cardassia, the Klingon Empire and the Federation. So, instead of facing three separate opponents with three separate agendas, you'll find yourselves facing the same opponent on every side. There is a word for that: surrounded.

Vreenak: [... ] You make some very good points, Captain. But it's still all speculation and theory - nothing that would warrant abrogating our treaty and plunging the Empire into war.

Captain Sisko: What if I told you that the Dominion is planning a sneak attack on the Romulan Empire at this very moment?

Vreenak: Mm... I'd want proof.

Damar (Hologram): Gul Dukat is a great man.

Weyoun (Hologram): Gul Dukat is a preening egotist and a fool.

Garak: The less I'm seen parading through Ops, the better.

Captain Sisko: I couldn't agree more.

Garak: Vreenak believes he's on the winning side, so until you can prove otherwise, you may have to put up with a certain... acerbic attitude.

Captain Sisko: Er, Mr. Garak, after having spent a week with you, I have developed a very, very thick skin.

Captain Sisko: So, it all blew up in my face. [after Vreenak's analysis of his 'proof']

Captain Sisko: At 0800 hours, station time, the Romulan Empire formally declared war against the Dominion. They've already struck fifteen bases along the Cardassian border. So, this is a huge victory for the good guys! This may even be the turning point of the entire war. There is even a "Welcome to the Fight"-party tonight in the wardroom!

Captain Sisko: So... I lied. I cheated. I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But the most damning thing of all... I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again - I would. Garak was right about one thing: a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant. So I will learn to live with it... Because I can live with it... I can live with it... Computer - erase that entire personal log.

Kasidy Yates: You know, I was thinking about what Dax said. Maybe I should get quarters on the station.

Captain Sisko: That's a big step.

Kasidy Yates: What does that mean?

Captain Sisko: I just meant... it's a big step.

Kasidy Yates: A bad big step or a good big step?

Captain Sisko: A good one.

Kasidy Yates: Could you muster up a little more enthusiasm?

Captain Sisko: I *am* enthusiastic!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: "It's a big step." That's all you said?

Captain Sisko: That's all.

Doctor Bashir: You're sure?

Captain Sisko: Positive.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: What do you think, Julian?

Doctor Bashir: It's ambiguous, definitely open to interpretation. But it could've been worse, he could have said 'It's a *very* big step'.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: You didn't say that, did you?

Captain Sisko: I don't think so.

[Dax has asked Sisko about his honest opinion on Kasidy moving to the station]

Quark: Captain, I would think long and hard before answering.

Captain Sisko: I don't recall asking your opinion, Quark.

Quark: Well, maybe you should. I mean, who knows more about women than me?

Doctor Bashir: Everyone.

Quark: You Hew-mans. All you wanna do is please your women. You want them to be your friends. But we Ferengi know better: women are the enemy, and we treat them accordingly. The key is to never let them get the upper hand. If she says she doesn't see you enough, threaten to see her even less. If she wants more gifts, take back the ones you've already given her. It's all about control.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: What if your woman leaves you?

Quark: That's what holosuites are for.

Doctor Bashir: It's a wonder the Ferengi reproduce at all.

Major Kira: I may have a lead on the Ravinok.

[Odo groans]

Major Kira: I know what you're gonna say, it's been six years since the Ravinok disappeared, odds are everyone on board is dead...

Odo: That all may be true, but that is not what I was going to say. I was going to say, good luck.

Major Kira: [surprised] "Good luck"?

Odo: You had a friend aboard the Ravinok, correct?

Major Kira: [nods] Lorit Akrem.

Odo: Which means, it doesn't matter if I think there are any survivors or even if you think there are any survivors, you are going to go looking for that ship. And all I can say is, good luck. And I hope you find them.

Dukat: I've found that when one has a difficult job to do, personal reasons can be quite an incentive.

Dukat: If my memory's correct, Bajorans are much more concerned with the souls of the dead than they are with the physical remains. How did Kai Meressa put it? "What remains after death is but a shell - a sign that the pagh has begun its final journey to the Prophets."

Major Kira: I'll work on the Ravinok. I should be able to get something from the ship's computers.

Dukat: You'll need the command codes.

Major Kira: Standard Cardassian military codes from six years ago, right?

Dukat: Yes.

Major Kira: Yeah. I got them from Bajoran Intelligence before we left.

Dukat: I... hope you don't take this the wrong way, Major, but I've always admired you. You are the embodiment of the new Bajor, a Bajoran born out of the ashes of the Occupation, a Bajoran tempered with Cardassian steel.

Major Kira: Oh, Captain Sisko's right - you *are* in love with the sound of your own voice.

Dukat: I know you find this hard to accept, but... I believe that in some ways, the Occupation actually helped Bajor.

Major Kira: Which part? The massacres or the strip mining?

Dukat: I believe the time will come when Cardassia and Bajor will grow, to be not only allies... but also close friends.

Major Kira: Bajor and Cardassia? Maybe. You and me? I doubt it.

Jake Sisko: Nog and I ran into Kasidy last night over at the, uh, Vulcan restaurant. I guess she's not gonna take that job after all.

Captain Sisko: She told you. Did she say why?

Jake Sisko: She said you didn't want her to take it.

Captain Sisko: [sighs] Look, Jake - sometimes, things between men and women can get a little... complicated.

Jake Sisko: Yeah, maybe, but... I don't think this is one of those times. It's pretty simple, Dad. You're scared.

[Jake is lecturing his father on how to deal with the Kasidy situation]

Captain Sisko: Have you told any of this to Kasidy?

Jake Sisko: Nog and I thought about it, but, uh, we thought it would be better if you told her yourself.

Captain Sisko: I see...

Jake Sisko: So, er... what's new with you?

Captain Sisko: I think you should take the job, I... *want* you to take the job.

Kasidy Yates: You've been talking to Jake.

Captain Sisko: How do you know?

Kasidy Yates: Oh, he's a smart boy. Must take after his mother.

Kasidy Yates: Look... I could stay here and listen to you apologize all day. But I've got to get to Bajor.

Captain Sisko: Bajor? I-I thought...

Kasidy Yates: Oh - I know what you thought. But I took the job. Do you think I'd give up a great opportunity just because *you* got cold feet? You're a good man, Benjamin Sisko. But you got a lot to learn about women - especially this one.

Dukat: I just wanted to say... thank you, Major, for a most interesting journey.

Major Kira: You're taking Ziyal back to Cardassia with you.

Dukat: After six years, she deserves a home... and a father.

Major Kira: Won't that make things difficult for you?

Dukat: I'll let you know.

Doctor Bashir: So, just between you and me - what do you think about Kasidy moving onto the station?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: It's a big step.

Doctor Bashir: A very big step.

[Bashir is being investigated by Section 31]

Doctor Bashir: What does Section 31 do, apart from kidnapping Starfleet officers?

Sloan: We search out and identify potential dangers to the Federation.

Doctor Bashir: And once identified?

Sloan: We deal with them.

Doctor Bashir: How?

Sloan: Quietly.

Sloan: We're on the same team. We believe in the same principles that every other Federation citizen holds dear.

Doctor Bashir: And yet you violate those principles as a matter of course.

Sloan: In order to protect them.

Doctor Bashir: Well, I'm sorry, but the ends don't always justify the means.

Sloan: Really? - How many lives do you suppose you've saved in your medical career?

Doctor Bashir: What has that got to do with anything?

Sloan: Hundreds, thousands? Do you suppose those people give a damn that you lied to get into Starfleet Medical? I doubt it. We deal with threats to the Federation that jeopardize its very survival. If you knew how many lives *we've* saved, I think you'd agree that the ends do justify the means. I'm not afraid of bending the rules every once in a while if the situation warrants it. And I don't think you are either.

Doctor Bashir: You promised me that you wouldn't go kayaking again until your shoulder had a chance to heal.

Chief O'Brien: I know; but I can't stay away. It's like the river calls to me.

Doctor Bashir: Yes, it's saying "Stay away, don't come near me, or I'll hurt you more!"

[Bashir gets his breakfast delivered to his quarters, but it turns out to be live gagh]

Doctor Bashir: Ugh... It's a little early for gagh...

[reads the card of the adressee]

Doctor Bashir: I hope you're enjoying my scones, Worf.

Sloan: [referring to Bashir's solitary confinement when he was a prisoner of the Dominion] Did you meet with anyone during that week?

Doctor Bashir: I was alone.

Sloan: You're sure about that?

Doctor Bashir: Wait, um, let me think... Was I alone in solitary? Yes - I think I was.

Sloan: I've had enough of your lies, Doctor! You think you're smarter than the rest of us, don't you? You think you're smarter than the millions of brave men and women who put their lives on the line for the Federation? You want to do things the hard way - fine. But I'm gonna get the truth out of you, and when I'm done, I'm gonna take whatever is left of you and I'm gonna lock it away.

Doctor Bashir: What if I decide to expose you?

Sloan: Let's just say, I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it.

Doctor Bashir: I can't believe the Federation condones this kind of activity.

Odo: Personally I find it hard to believe they wouldn't. Every other great power has a unit like Section 31 - the Romulans have the Tal Shiar, the Cardassians had the Obsidian Order...

Doctor Bashir: But what does that say about us? When push comes to shove, are we willing to sacrifice our principles in order to survive?

Captain Sisko: I wish I had an answer for you, Doctor.

Captain Sisko: You said that Sloan tried to recruit you?

Doctor Bashir: I turned him down.

Captain Sisko: He doesn't strike me as a man who takes 'no' for an answer. And the next time he asks you to join his little group, you will say 'yes'!

Odo: Well, congratulations, Doctor. Looks like you're going to get to play a spy after all; only this time - for real.

Elim Garak: [rolling his eyes] The eternal optimist!

Dr. Julian Bashir: Guilty as charged.

Elim Garak: How sad. I must tell you, I'm disappointed at hearing you mouth the usual platitudes of peace and friendship regarding an implacable foe like the Romulans. But I live in hope that one day, you'll come to see this universe for what it truly is, rather than what you'd wish it to be.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Then I shall endeavor to become more cynical with each passing day. Look gift horses squarely in the mouth, and find clouds in every silver lining.

Elim Garak: [smiling] If only you meant it.

Admiral Ross: Inter arma enim silent leges.

Dr. Julian Bashir: "In time of war, the law falls silent." Cicero. So, is that what we have become - a 24th century Rome, driven by nothing other than the certainty that Caesar can do no wrong?

Cretak: Our soldiers are professionals. They're here to fight, not to get drunk in Quark's.

Sloan: Let's make a deal, Doctor: I'll spare you the 'ends justify the means'-speech and you spare me the 'we must do what's right'-speech. You and I are not going to see eye to eye on this subject, so I suggest we stop discussing it.

Dr. Julian Bashir: You're taking quite a risk. I could have a security team here in thirty seconds.

Sloan: I suspect you'd be unable to communicate with anyone outside of this room.

Dr. Julian Bashir: I could scream for help.

Sloan: Possible, but uncharacteristic. I mean, screaming for help, that's... that's too undignified for you. But don't let me stop you. I enjoy being wrong.

Sloan: The phrase 'never say die' is originally from a nineteenth century poem based on Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. Now, it's since passed into the vernacular as a... as an exhortation never to give up, no matter the cost.

[Dr. Bashir has given a medical presentation]

Sloan: Very enlightening. You almost made it comprehensible.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Next time, I'll do the lecture with hand puppets, just for you.

Dr. Julian Bashir: I don't believe we've been introduced.

Koval: Koval.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Koval: Why?

Dr. Julian Bashir: Well, you've got me there. It's just a simple form of expression, I suppose.

Koval: And like most Human expressions completely devoid of meaning.

Dr. Julian Bashir: [referring to Cretak and Koval] I take it you two don't get along.

Cretak: We have different views.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Which are?

Cretak: [smiles] State secrets.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Naturally.

Sloan: Federation needs men like you, Doctor - men of conscience, men of principle, men who can sleep at night. You're also the reason Section 31 exists. Someone has to protect men like you from a universe that doesn't share your sense of right and wrong.

Dr. Julian Bashir: How many times do I have to tell you, Sloan? I don't work for you.

Sloan: You will. It's in your nature. You are a man who loves secrets - medical, personal, fictional. And I am a man of secrets.

Verad: I... spent my whole life trying to qualify f-for the joining. I... studied, constantly, every day, every waking hour. I sacrificed... everything, and then I went before the symbiosis evaluation board, and... they reduced my entire life... to one word: "un-suitable".

Quark: [about Rom] I know, I know - he couldn't find a cup of water if you dropped him in a lake, but... even if he is an idiot, he's still my brother.

Odo: And you'd betray him in a second if it suited your interests.

Quark: That doesn't mean I don't love him.

[DS9 is hit by a plasma storm]

Commander Sisko: I assume the promenade is secure?

Doctor Bashir: Oh yes, sir, I've struck the sails and battened the hatches, so to speak.

T'Kar: Mareel, the box!

[Mareel brings along a hexagon-shaped container]

T'Kar: [to Bashir] Put it in your stasis chamber... Now, or I will destroy it.

Doctor Bashir: [bewildered] Is this supposed to be some kind of threat?

Chief O'Brien: They've got Odo in there.

Doctor Bashir: I see...

Verad: I'm... I'm... sorry about all this, a- Please, believe me, I-I wish I didn't have to do this.

Commander Sisko: Then don't.

T'Kar: [to Odo, pointing at a container] You, shifter! Inside!

[Verad has taken over the Dax-symbiont]

Commander Sisko: Remember when we first met?

Verad Dax: Pelios Station.

Commander Sisko: Anastasia?

Verad Dax: And that trip we took to the Cliffs of Bole? [they laugh]

Mareel: [referring to Sisko] Why are you wasting your time with him?

Verad Dax: Because he's my friend! Now go watch the others.

Verad Dax: [to Sisko] We are still friends, aren't we, Benjamin?

Commander Sisko: I hope so. Come with me down to the infirmary and prove it.

Verad Dax: I can't do that.

Commander Sisko: [stony-faced] Then you're not the Dax that I know. Our friendship is over!

Verad Dax: Well, Benjamin, I guess this is goodbye. Not many friendships last over two lifetimes. I wish we could have made it three.

Commander Sisko: You'll be seeing me again, Verad.

Jadzia: [bereft of her symbiont] I feel so alone.

[Sisko has persuaded Mareel to help him save Jadzia and Verad]

Mareel: If you hurt him - I'll kill you.

[she hands Sisko her phaser and communicator]

Commander Sisko: I don't doubt it.

[Sisko threatens Verad Dax with a phaser]

Verad Dax: Don't be ridiculous, you're not going to shoot me.

Commander Sisko: What makes you so sure?

Verad Dax: This is Dax you're talking to, Benjamin. We both know that if you shoot me, even on stun, you risk killing the symbiont.

Commander Sisko: If I let you go, Jadzia dies.

Verad Dax: But Dax will live. What's one girl's life compared to eight lifetimes of knowledge and experience? - You're not going to shoot me. You know that, and so do I. Goodbye, Benjamin.

[he walks past Sisko into the shuttle]

Commander Sisko: Verad!

[Verad turns around]

Commander Sisko: Don't call me Benjamin.

[shoots him]

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: [on Verad] I remember it all, Benjamin. Everything he thought, everything he did... and it's so sad. - I guess... he'll always be with me.

[Quark shams injury, allowing Bashir to ambush T'Kar with a hypospray]

Quark: Thank you, Doctor. I feel better already.

[Bashir removes the box with Odo in it from the stasis field]

Doctor Bashir: Odo's in here, we have to get him out.

Quark: Are you sure?

Doctor Bashir: Quark... [Quark gives a "just kidding" shrug] If only we knew the access code.

Quark: [leans over the box and tries the combination lock] Ah... standard Dagorian locking mechanism. Sophisticated... but vulnerable, if you know its weakness. Hand me that laser scalpel. [Quark cuts a hole in the side of the box, presses something inside, then tries the combination again, listening carefully. The box opens] It's a gift.

Major Kira: When this is over, Quark and I are going to have a little talk.

[Nog has chosen Vic Fontaine's holoprogram as his rehab]

Ezri Dax: At first, it struck me as a little... peculiar. But after I thought it over, I began to think that this might be a good sign after all.

Quark: How can hiding in one of Julian's adolescent programs be a good sign?

Dr. Julian Bashir: Hey...

Jake Sisko: It could be worse. He could be hiding in the Alamo program.

Leeta: Or that ridiculous secret agent program.

Dr. Julian Bashir: [defensively] Hey...

Rom: Or that stupid Viking program!

Dr. Julian Bashir: HEY!

[after Nog is told by Chief O'Brien that Vic Fontaine can turn himself off and stay off for as long as he wants, Vic appears to Nog in the empty holosuite]

Vic Fontaine: So... now that the Chief's told you I'm smarter than the average bear, will you stop messing around with my holosuite?

[Nog explains to Vic why he's afraid to leave Vic's Las Vegas holosuite program]

Nog: When the war began, I wasn't happy or anything. But I was eager. I wanted to test myself. I wanted to prove I had what it took to be a soldier. And I saw a lot of combat. I saw a lot of people get hurt. I saw a lot of people die. But I didn't think anything was going to happen to me. And then suddenly, Dr. Bashir is telling me he has to cut my leg off. I couldn't believe it. I still can't believe it. If I can get shot, if I can lose my leg, anything can happen to me, Vic. I could die tomorrow. I don't know if I'm ready to face that. If I stay here, at least I know what the future is going to be like.

Vic Fontaine: You stay here, you're gonna die. Not all at once, but little by little. Eventually, you'll become as hollow as I am.

Nog: You don't seem hollow to me.

Vic Fontaine: Compared to you, I'm hollow as a snare drum. Look, kid, I don't know what's going to happen to you out there. All I can tell you is that... you've got to play the cards life deals you. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. But at least you're in the game.

Nog: Welcome to Las Vegas.

Vic Fontaine: She called you a hero? And for that you slugged your best friend? Remind me never to give you a compliment.

Vic Fontaine: Crazy!

Vic Fontaine: [about his song "I'll be seeing you"] So let me guess - Julian played it for you, right?

Nog: Right.

Vic Fontaine: If I had him as a publicist, I'd be bigger than Elvis.

Vic Fontaine: Never mind.

Rom: [about Nog] He's a one-legged crazy man!

Vic Fontaine: Noggles... [Vic's nickname for Nog]

Nog: Can I ask you a question, Vic?

Vic Fontaine: Sure.

Nog: When you sleep - do you dream?

Vic Fontaine: Since you've been here, I've slept in a bed every night, gone to work every day, had time to read the paper, play cards with the boys - I've had a life. And I have to tell you, it's a precious thing. I had no idea how much it means to just... live. And now I'm gonna return the favor, and give you your life back.

Chief O'Brien: I'm an engineer, not a philosopher.

Leeta: Are you okay?

Nog: No. But I will be.

Chief O'Brien: [in the holosuite as Nog tries to get Vic's program running] You know... Vic's matrix is a little different than your standard photokinetic hologram. He can turn himself off. And if he doesn't want to appear... he doesn't appear

Nog: You mean he has free will?

Chief O'Brien: I'm an engineer, not a philosopher. All I know is that when Vic turns himself off, he's off, and ripping out the guts of the holosuite isn't going to change that.

Odo: So, what do you think of the O'Briens' plan to name their baby 'Sean'?

Captain Sisko: I kind of like it; 'Sean' - has a nice ring to it.

Odo: Except that in Bajoran, 'shawn' means 'swamp'.

Captain Sisko: The O'Briens know that?

Odo: I doubt it.

Captain Sisko: Someone should tell them.

Odo: I nominate you.

Lt. Commander Worf: Do not hug me!

Doctor Bashir: I don't think I've ever felt this good about the end of a relationship.

Leeta: Oh, I agree. Now I can finally be honest about my feelings.

Doctor Bashir: What does *that* mean?

Leeta: [hesitantly] It's just... In the past few months I've been thinking a lot about another man.

Quark: Let me get this straight: while you were still dating Julian here, you were having fantasies about someone else?

Leeta: I'd rather not discuss it now.

Doctor Bashir: Oh, no no no no no, you brought it up, you might as well tell me who it is.

Quark: Yes, do tell!

Leeta: [sighs] It's...

[looks quizzically at Quark]

Quark: [nonplussed] Me?

Leeta: Your brother. Rom.

Quark: My brother Rom?

Doctor Bashir: His brother Rom!

Leeta: [dreamily] He's so cute... and very sexy...

[walks away]

Doctor Bashir: Cute!

Quark: Sexy?

Doctor Bashir, Quark: [together] Rom?

Quark: [hands Bashir his Horga'hn] Here. You need this more than I do.

Captain Sisko: I can't believe you actually convinced Worf to go to a pleasure planet. He must really be loosening up.

Odo: I hadn't noticed it.

Captain Sisko: Come to think of it, neither have I.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Oh no, he's still the same old Worf.

[Worf enters the replimat and goes to the replicator]

Lt. Commander Worf: Prune juice, extra large!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: See what I mean?

[Dax is complaining about the eighth muscle pull within a month]

Odo: Actually, I believe Commander Dax has been treated for seven muscle pulls, two contusions and three cracked ribs. The only person who spent more time in the infirmary over the past few weeks is Commander Worf.

Captain Sisko: [to Dax] Isn't there any way that... the two of you could, um... erm... you know...

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Make love?

Captain Sisko: ...without injuring yourselves?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Interspecies romance isn't without its danger. That's part of the fun.

Risians: All that is ours is yours.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Worf's upset because I had lunch with Captain Boday.

Odo: The Gallamite?

Lt. Commander Worf: His skull is transparent.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: And if you couldn't see his brains, would it make you feel any better?

Lt. Commander Worf: If you were a Klingon woman we would already be married.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: In case you haven't noticed, I'm not a Klingon woman.

Lt. Commander Worf: That is no excuse!

Lt. Commander Worf: We have much to discuss.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Not every relationship has to end like a Klingon opera.

Lt. Commander Worf: Oh no... no. Just the ones that are important.

[Dax and Worf intend to go on vacation on Risa]

Odo: From what I hear, Risa makes the Hoobishan Baths look like a monastery.

Captain Sisko: I hope they have a good hospital.

Lt. Commander Worf: If Federation citizens cannot handle a little bad weather, how will they handle a Dominion invasion?

Fullerton: I thought you were one of us?

Lt. Commander Worf: Perhaps I was for a time. But I believe the Federation will survive the Dominion, the Borg... and people like you!

Lt. Commander Worf: You say that we have to return to traditional Federation values. Well, I agree. But one of those values... is trust. It is essential that we remember that.

[turns to leave]

Fullerton: Don't you walk away from me!

[he slaps Worf]

Lt. Commander Worf: [grabs Fullerton by his collar] I will do as I please!

[throws him against the wall]

Lt. Commander Worf: I am on vacation.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [after arriving on the pleasure planet] Aren't you uncomfortable in that uniform?

Lt. Commander Worf: Starfleet uniforms are designed for comfort even in the most extreme environments.

[Worf tells Jadzia how he had once, as a child, caused a fatal accident to a human boy]

Lt. Commander Worf: Compared to Klingons, humans are fragile creatures. I realized at that moment, to live among them I must practice restraint.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: That must have been difficult for you.

Lt. Commander Worf: At first. In time it became a part of who I was, who I am.

Quark: I have seen drier days on Ferenginar; and we have 178 different words for rain. Right now it's glemmening out there. And that's bad.

[the guests have complained about the food on Risa]

Quark: It's the humidity. It dampens the food, makes everything mushy. Trust me, there's no word for 'crisp' on Ferenginar.

Quark: What you need is a Ferengi.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Maybe. But what I want is Worf.

Doctor Bashir: Why?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Because he has the courage of a berserker cat, and he has the heart of a poet.

Quark: And the brain of a pig-headed idiot.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Yeah, sometimes.

Doctor Bashir: [to Worf] When in Rome...

Leeta: Have you ever noticed how all the stars look the same?

Vedek Bareil: So... are we going to be playing springball next month?

Major Kira: You bet. Although I'm afraid I might have an unfair advantage.

Vedek Bareil: You mean playing against a dead man?

Kai Winn: The Prophets teach us that while violence may keep an enemy at bay, only peace can make him a friend.

Kai Winn: [about Vedek Bareil] If he dies, then peace with Cardassia dies with him.

Doctor Bashir: One of my professors at medical school used to say that the brain has a spark of life that can't be replicated. If we begin to replace parts of Bareil's brain with artificial implants, that spark may be lost.

[Dr. Bashir has managed to revive Bareil, who had been fatally injured]

Doctor Bashir: Well, it's a little early to tell, but I'm hoping he'll make a full recovery. He should be back on his feet again in a few weeks.

Commander Sisko: You say that so calmly. But it's not every doctor that can lose a patient and then have him back on his feet in a few weeks!

Kai Winn: Indeed, you are too modest. You've performed nothing less than a miracle here. The Prophets must walk with you, Doctor.

Doctor Bashir: Well, I and the Prophets were lucky.

Doctor Bashir: [to Kai Winn] I don't care about your negotiations, and I don't care about your treaty. All I care about is my patient, and at the moment, he needs more treatment and less politics. Now, you can either leave here willingly, or I'll call Security and have you thrown out!

Major Kira: You won't need to call them. I'll do it myself.

Nog: Money is money. But women are better.

Nog: [to Riska] Let's not make foolish conversation. Just sit there and look beautiful.

Nog: She's so dumb! She's perfect!

Vedek Bareil: I'm beginning to dislike seeing that look on your face, Doctor.

[Dr. Bashir explains that Bareil's desire to continue supporting Kai Winn in her peace negotiations prevents him from getting the proper treatment for his injuries]

Kai Winn: If I'm not mistaken, the decision regarding Bareil's treatment is up to him.

Doctor Bashir: Yes, as the patient, it is his right to make that choice. But I am asking you to help me change his mind.

Doctor Bashir: Eminence - you're the Kai. These are your negotiations. Let this be your moment in history. Finish the talks on your own, and you won't have to share the credit with anyone.

Kai Winn: You say that as though success is guaranteed.

Doctor Bashir: Of course... If the talks fail, you'll need someone to accept the blame. A scapegoat. You're a coward. You're afraid to stand alone.

Kai Winn: Bareil's already made his decision, Doctor. I won't interfere. And Doctor - I won't forget what you've said here.

Doctor Bashir: Neither will I.

Jake Sisko: Odo, I'd like you to do me a favor. I want to be arrested.

Jake Sisko: I wanted to say... I'm sorry. I-I guess I just forgot you're a Ferengi.

Nog: You forgot? To most people the lobes are a dead giveaway!

Jake Sisko: Do you have any other disgusting Ferengi customs I should know about?

Nog: Plenty. And I know plenty of Human customs which disgust me.

Jake Sisko: Great. So we both disgust each other. You know, as we get older, this is just going to get worse. But I know one thing: I don't want to lose you as a friend.

[Bareil has gone into a coma]

Major Kira: Julien... You can't give up now. You have to keep going.

Doctor Bashir: Nerys. If I remove the rest of his brain, and replace it with a machine... he may look like Bareil; he may even talk like Bareil. But he won't be Bareil. That spark of life will be gone, he'll be dead. And I'll be the one who killed him.

Major Kira: [to an unconscious Bareil] I'll... I'll never forget... the first time I saw you, the day you came to the station. You had... such a... serenity about you. I thought you had all the answers. It really got on my nerves for a while. Then I got to know you, and I... realized you were just as confused as the rest of us. You just accepted your confusion, better than anyone I've ever known. That's when I realized I loved you.

[the Ferengi are in trouble, as their ship keeps accelerating and is about to be ripped apart]

Rom: The kemocite! If we vent plasma from the warp core into the cargo hold, we may be able to start a cascade reaction in the kemocite. Then we can modulate the reaction to create an inversion wave in the warp field and force the ship back into normal space. If I time it just right, I should be able to get us close enough to Earth to make an emergency landing.

Quark: Rom! You're a genius!

Rom: Think so?

Quark: How should I know? I have no idea what you're talking about.

[Quark's cousin has tried to kill him earlier]

Quark: I'm innocent! I tell you, this is all a misunderstanding. Rom, get me a lawyer!

Rom: I'll contact cousin Gaila. I'm sure he'll know a good one.

Quark: [as he's being dragged away] ROM, YOU IDIOT!

Rom: See you in a few weeks, brother.

[waves after him, smiling]

Rom: All right everyone, gather around. We're about to start.

[giving Morn instructions on how to run his bar while he's away]

Quark: Now remember: don't extend any lines of credit, don't touch the dabo girls, and make sure you keep your eyes on *him*.

[points out Odo]

Quark: ...because he'll be keeping his eyes on *you*.

[Odo approaches]

Odo: Good choice, Quark. I'm sure Morn will do an excellent job, as long as he doesn't drink up all your profits.

Quark: Better him than one of my Ferengi waiters. They'd rob me blind.

Quark: The speed of technological advancement isn't nearly as important as short term quarterly gains.

Major Kira: Quark, Rom and Nog together on that ship all the way to Earth? Glad I'm not going with them.

Captain Ben Sisko: Only thing that worries me... no one warned Earth that they're coming.

Jake Sisko: You know, aside from playing dom jot and watching the Bajoran transports dock, it seems like we spent most of our time doing nothing.

Nog: Maybe so. But I can't think of anyone I'd rather do nothing with than you.

[Bashir and O'Brien are giving Nog a goodbye present for his trip to Earth]

Nog: A guidebook?

Chief O'Brien: It's not just a guidebook. It's a completely interactive program detailing Earth's customs, culture, history, geography...

Doctor Bashir: Everything you ever wanted to know about Earth is right there in that PADD.

Nog: You mean it'll teach me how to attract Human females?

Chief O'Brien: Well - almost everything.

Nog: Father, have you ever heard of the Bell riots?

Rom: Don't bother me now.

Nog: But doesn't this Gabriel Bell Human look just like Captain Sisko?

[He shows Rom a picture of Bell]

Quark: All Humans look alike.

Quark: [about Humans] They're a primitive backward people, Nog. Pity them.

[Rom reveals that he found out about Quark smuggling kemocite]

Quark: What tipped you off?

Rom: When I engaged the impulse engines, I noticed the ship's weight distribution was a little off. So the last time you went to waste extraction, I snuck back to the cargo bay and took a look around.

Quark: Where did you get to be so smart?

Rom: I've always been smart, brother; I've just lacked self-confidence. Of course... I could forget everything I saw.

Quark: How much?

Rom: Twenty percent of the profits.

Quark: [to Nog] I suppose you'll want a cut too?

Nog: As a Starfleet cadet it's my duty to report any violation of Federation law to my superiors immediately. But then again, I haven't been sworn in yet. I'll take ten percent!

Quark: What's that disgusting smell?

Nog: I think it's called tobacco. It's a deadly drug. When used frequently, it destroys the internal organs.

Quark: If it's so deadly, then why do they use it?

Nog: It's also highly addictive.

Rom: How do they get their hands on it?

Nog: They buy it in stores.

Quark: [stunned] They buy? If they buy poison they'll buy anything. I think I'm gonna like it here.

Quark: I'd always heard primitive Humans lacked intelligence, but I had no idea they were this stupid.

Quark: The three of us and millions of primitive Humans - I like those odds.

Quark: These Humans, they're nothing like the ones from the Federation. They're crude, gullible and greedy.

Odo: You mean, like you?

Quark: Yeah! These are Humans I can understand - and manipulate.

[Quark intends to stay on 20th century Earth]

Rom: But brother, what about the bar?

Quark: Who cares about the bar? I'm telling you, Rom, we stay here, and inside of a year we'll be running this place.

Rom: You mean the military base?

Quark: I mean the whole planet!

Nurse Garland: [on Rom and Nog] Maybe they're father and son. Wouldn't that be something? They've come from so far away, but they still have the same basic family structure that we do.

Jeff Carlson: [pointing at Quark] I wonder if the third one's related too.

Nurse Garland: For all we know, it could be the mother.

[Quark is shouting at Rom in Ferengi]

Jeff Carlson: If she is the mother, she's quite a shrew.

[Rom observes Nurse Garland adjust her hairpin and shouts something at her in Ferengi]

Jeff Carlson: He seems to want something from you.

Nurse Garland: You better tell him I'm your girl.

Nurse Garland: My mother keeps asking where we're going on our honeymoon. She thinks we should go to Niagara Falls.

Jeff Carlson: Who knows - maybe we'll go to Mars.

Jeff Carlson: Let me get this straight, Rom; are you saying that all the women on your world walk around naked?

Rom: Uhuh... It's the law.

Jeff Carlson: You don't say.

Nurse Garland: Well, I guess I'm never going to visit your world.

Nurse Garland: [to Carlson] And neither are you!

Nurse Garland: Imagine the possibilities. Who knows what they could teach us. Few years from now, mankind could have rocket ships of our own. We could travel the galaxy, exploring new worlds and new civilizations!

Jeff Carlson: Always the dreamer.

Quark: There's something about that female that I don't like. She's so... cheerful.

Quark: You people should take better care of yourselves. Stop poisoning your bodies with tobacco and atom bombs. Sooner or later that kind of stuff will kill you.

General Denning: What do you know about atom bombs?

Quark: My people have been watching your world for years; we know all about you: baseball... root beer... darts... atom bombs. It's quite a fascinating culture you Humans have here.

General Denning: You know, Quark, you might be some kind of Martian...

Quark: Ferengi.

General Denning: Whatever. But the more we talk, the more you remind me of my brother-in-law.

Quark: Is he a businessman?

General Denning: He's a car salesman, and not a very good one.

Quark: We're here to open up trade negotiations. If you're not interested, just say so. I'm sure I can do business with one of your planet's other nation states.

General Denning: In other words, if we don't play ball, you're going to sell these advanced weapons of yours to the Russians?

Quark: I'd rather it didn't come to that. To be honest, I'd much rather work with you Australians.

General Denning: Americans!

Quark: Whatever...

[Nog has made Wainwright believe that an alien invasion on Earth is about to take place]

Nog: [showing on a map] The first landing parties will arrive here.

Wainwright: Where?

Nog: Here, right by this blue blob.

Wainwright: You mean your people are going to invade... Cleveland?

Nog: No, not Cleveland. Right here! [hits Wainwright in his genitals]

Quark: [after Nurse Garland and Carlson have knocked down the guards] We're all grateful, but couldn't you've done that an hour ago?

[Odo has freed the Ferengi from a couple of soldiers threatening them]

Jeff Carlson: Who's he?

Quark: My hero.

Jeff Carlson: We gotta get you out of here.

Rom: Won't you get in trouble for this?

Quark: Why should they? We forced them to help us by using our, erm...

Nurse Garland: Your insidious mind control powers?

Quark: [surprised] That's not bad.

Nurse Garland: I only hope that one day mankind will travel to the stars and take its place in the vast Alliance of Planets.

Rom: "Federation" of Planets.

Nurse Garland: Excuse me?

Quark: Er... don't pay any attention to him, he's an idiot!

Jeff Carlson: Vast Alliance of Planets - you get the craziest ideas.

Quark: Just remember: under that placid Federation veneer, Humans are still a bunch of violent savages.

Nog: Maybe. But I like 'em.

Rom: Maybe we are dead.

Quark: What're you talking about?

Rom: Maybe this is the Divine Treasury.

Quark: Oh, don't be ridiculous, the Divine Treasury is made of pure latinum. Besides, where is the Blessed Exchequer? Where are the Celestial Auctioneers? And why aren't we bidding for our new lives, hmm?

Rom: You don't think we're in the other place?

Nog: The Vault of Eternal Destitution?

Quark: All I ask is a tall ship - and a load of contraband to fill her with.

Rom: [203rd Rule of Acquisition] New customers are like razor-toothed gree-worms. They can be succulent, but sometimes they bite back.

[when trying to escape from the military base, the Ferengi and their helpers are intercepted by General Denning and two armed soldiers]

General Denning: Hold it right there!

Quark: Stay back!

Quark: [points at Nurse Garland]... or I'll disintegrate this hostage.

General Denning: With your finger?

Quark: With my death ray.

General Denning: Looks a lot like a finger to me.

Wainwright: [after the Ferengi have escaped in their ship] What do we do now, General?

General Denning: About what, Captain? All we ever found was a crashed weather balloon.

Wainwright: You know doc, I've always wanted to see what a Maritian looked like from the inside. [puts a knife at Quarks throat]

Nog: Don't you people have laws against this kind of thing?

Wainwright: Not when it ocmes to national security.

Lt. Cmdr. Worf: Ferengi at the Academy. I am not sure that is wise.

Chief O'Brien: Oh, I don't know about that. Not so long ago, someone might have said the same thing about you.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Worf, it sounds like you have a bad case of par'Mach.

Captain Sisko: Is that contagious?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Par'Mach is the Klingon word for love, but - with more aggressive overtones.

Captain Sisko: Love? Worf?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Stranger things have happened.

Captain Sisko: Especially around here.

Quark: War - what is it good for? If you ask me, absolutely nothing.

Odo: Growing fond of the Chief, are we?

Major Kira: What are you talking about? I've always liked Miles.

Odo: You've always liked the Chief; but 'Miles' is a different story.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: You know, for a Klingon who was raised by Humans, wears a Starfleet uniform and drinks prune juice, you're pretty attached to tradition. But that's okay - I like a man riddled with contradictions.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: The truth is, Worf... at heart, you're not much of a traditional man.

Lt. Commander Worf: I am a fool.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: You're in love. Which, I suppose, is the same thing.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: What is it you see in her anyway? I mean, she's attractive, but other than that?

Lt. Commander Worf: It is everything about her. The way she carries herself, confident and strong. She commands those around her. The proud tilt of her head, the way her face betrays none of her true feelings, the power of her voice. And her eyes, they're as hard as separ gemstones, and twice as sharp.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Sounds like you're describing a statue. What would you do with a woman like that? Put her up on a pedestal and clean her every week?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: If I were in your shoes, I would be looking for someone a little more entertaining, a little more fun and maybe even a little more attainable.

Lt. Commander Worf: You are not in my shoes.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Too bad. You'd be amazed at what I can do in a pair of size 18 boots.

Doctor Bashir: Bajoran women have been sneezing their way through pregnancy for over 100,000 years. You can't expect me to cure it overnight.

Quark: So, what does a Klingon woman expect from a man? Are there any secret Klingon phrases I should know or do we just leap on each other like a pair of crazed voles?

Quark: This is ridiculous! I'm surrounded by corpses, my shoes are dripping in blood, and you want me to feel romantic?

[Worf elaborates how to properly court Grilka]

Quark: Then what?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Well, either she accepts your offer... or she has her bodyguard shatter every bone in your body.

Quark: Sounds reasonable.

Quark: Maparian ale with just a hint of pazafer, as I recall.

Grilka: You remember. I'm honored.

Quark: How could I forget? You're the only Klingon I know who drinks something besides bloodwine - or prune juice.

Grilka: Prune juice?

Quark: Forget it.

Grilka: Why do you pursue me?

Quark: I only pursue those things I wish to acquire.

Grilka: "Acquire"? Now you sound like a Ferengi again.

Quark: I *am* a Ferengi. That means I have a talent for appreciating objects of great value. And I believe... you may be worth more than all the latinum in the quadrant.

Grilka: My Kahless.

Quark: My Lukara.

Quark: I'm telling you, Worf, she responded perfectly. You really have the key to this woman's heart. The question is, can you help me unlock it?

Quark: Her bodyguard was giving me threatening looks all night.

Lt. Commander Worf: That is to be expected. The idea of a Ferengi courting a great lady is... offensive.

Quark: You know, it's attitudes like that that keep you people from getting invited to all the really good parties.

[Thopok has challenged Quark to a fight to the death]

Quark: So my choices are to not show up, be branded a coward and lose Grilka, or die?

Quark: Oh, come on now, there must be another way out of this! You people have rituals for everything except waste extraction. You must have a ceremony or a secret handshake or something I can do?

Chief O'Brien: I can't go to the holosuite tonight. Kira and I have some things to work out.

Doctor Bashir: Ah, still fighting, eh?

Chief O'Brien: Who says we're fighting?

Doctor Bashir: Well, word gets around. It's a small station.

Chief O'Brien: It's a *huge* station!

Doctor Bashir: Obviously not huge enough.

Chief O'Brien: [about Kira] Oh, by the way, I almost forgot. She, er... she has a... rash on the back of her thighs. Do you have a salve or something?

Doctor Bashir: How long has she had it?

Chief O'Brien: Well, I noticed it yesterday when I was helping her out of the bathtub, so she's had it at least a day.

Doctor Bashir: [stunned] Helping her out of the tub?

Chief O'Brien: She's living in my house! She's having my baby!

Doctor Bashir: So, er... did you look?

Chief O'Brien: What? Oh, please. I was holding a towel up in front of her.

Doctor Bashir: How does Keiko feel about you helping Kira out of the tub?

Chief O'Brien: Keiko feels fine about it. You see, we are adults, and we've developed a close, mature relationship.

Doctor Bashir: Ha, I'm sure that Keiko and Kira have. But you?

Chief O'Brien: What about me?

Doctor Bashir: I bet you looked.

[O'Brien and Kira have decided not to go to Kira's very romantic cottage on Bajor together]

Chief O'Brien: Would've been nice.

Major Kira: In another life.

Chief O'Brien: Let's not even think about it.

Major Kira: All right, let's not.

[they both stay put staring at each other]

Major Kira: Miles.

Chief O'Brien: Yes, Nerys?

Major Kira: Get out!

Doctor Bashir: [running a medical scanner over Quark] A compound fracture of the right radius, 2 fractured ribs, torn ligaments, strained tendons, numerous contusions, bruises, and scratches. What have you been doing?

Quark: You mean, [trades a Look with Grilka] what have *we* been doing?

Doctor Bashir: [realization dawning] Never mind. I don't need that particular image running around in my head. I'll just treat you.

Doctor Bashir: [the door opens, and a battered Dax and Worf enter] What happened to you two?

Lt. Commander Worf: We, um... [looks to Dax]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Well, um... if you must know...

Doctor Bashir: No! No, I don't need that image, either. In fact, I'm going to stop asking that question altogether! People can come in, I will treat them, and that's all!

[Quark gets a visit from an old business partner]

Quark: Just passing through, are you? I'll bet you have business in the Gamma Quadrant. You always had a sharp eye for fresh territories.

Fallit Kot: Oh, I'm not going to the Gamma Quadrant. My business is right here, with you.

Quark: With me?

Fallit Kot: That's right. [he leans in] I've come to kill you, Quark.

Melora: There's nothing worse than half-dead racht.

[Quark is serving Fallit Kot selected delicacies]

Quark: Here's the real treat: Jumbo Vulcan mollusk, saut?ed in Rhombolian butter - a taste so exquisite, it's to die for! Er, or, or to live for, for that matter.

Melora: I'm sorry if I seem overly sensitive. But I'm used to being shut out of the Melora problem. The truth is, there is no Melora problem - until people create one.

Doctor Bashir: Melora, no one on this station is completely independent. In space, we all depend on one another, to some degree.

Melora: I just want you all to know that you can depend on me.

Doctor Bashir: You've proven that. Now, what do the rest of us have to do to convince you?

Melora: Of what?

Doctor Bashir: That you can depend on us.

Fallit Kot: I'm tired of your gifts, Quark. All I want is your miserable life.

Quark: Wait! Everything's negotiable.

Quark: [16th Rule of Acquisition] A deal is a deal.

Quark: [of Fallit Kot] He threatened to kill me.

[Odo answers with a broad smile]

Quark: What?

Odo: Nothing. Just a passing thought.

Quark: Odo, he means it! Nothing I do seems to change his mind. You've got to do something.

Odo: I'll do my job, Quark.

Quark: Yeah...

[leaves Odo's office]

Odo: Unfortunately...

Odo: I suggest you carry a combadge with you at all times. Call me at the first sign of trouble.

Quark: What if the first sign is the last sign?

Odo: You people sell pieces of yourself after you die, don't you?

Quark: Yes.

Odo: I'll buy one.

Odo: We have something in common.

Fallit Kot: We do?

Odo: I don't like Quark either. But I can't let you kill him.

Fallit Kot: Kill him? Did he tell you I was going to do that?

Odo: I know of your history together.

Fallit Kot: Let bygones be bygones, I always say.

Odo: And I always say, you can tell a man's intentions by the way he walks.

[Fallit Kot has kidnapped Quark and a couple of Starfleet officers in a runabout, threatening to kill everyone on board if they don't lose the pursuing vessel]

Quark: Great! We escape, and he's got something special planned for me. We don't escape, and I just die, with everyone else. Am I missing a choice here, Fallit?

[Melora and Bashir - a little clumsier - are floating in a low gravity environment]

Doctor Bashir: [ecstatic] This is astonishing! I can't tell you how curios I was about this.

Melora: Most people are. Sometimes they make me feel like a carnival attraction. So usually I prefer to keep everyone out.

Doctor Bashir: Well, thank you - for letting me in.

Doctor Bashir: You let me fly for the first time. I let you walk. We're even.

[Melora and Dax are discussing subspace relationships]

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Love across light years - it's just so...

Melora: It lacks intimacy.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: You could say that.

Melora: I finish my mission here, I move on to the next one... [sighs]

Melora: What kind of future is that for a romance?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Look at the alternative.

Melora: I guess.

[Dr. Bashir has given Melora a treatment enabling her to walk around without motor controls]

Melora: I don't understand myself. How can I possibly have second thoughts? This would mean real independence. It's everything I ever wished for. But then I start to think about home, and how I will never be able to go back. Well, maybe just for a short visit, but... never *really* go back.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: The Little Mermaid.

Melora: Mermaid?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: It's an Earth fable by Hans Christian Andersen. She trades her magical life under the sea for a pair of legs, to walk on land.

Melora: Didn't she live happily ever after?

Melora: [to Bashir] Maybe independence isn't all it's cracked up to be; I kind of like how it feels to be dependent on someone for a change. And I'm glad you got me to unlock the doors to my quarters, so I could finally let someone into my life.

[Quark enters Odo's office]

Odo: [dryly] Oh, it's you.

Quark: Don't be so happy to see me.

Odo: All right, I won't.

[being an Elaysian, Melora has to use a wheelchair to get around the station]

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Julian knows more of your capabilities than any of us.

Melora: I don't need a medical opinion to tell me my own capabilities.

Commander Sisko: Ensign.

Melora: I simply object to being treated like someone who is ill.

Commander Sisko: I don't see anybody doing that.

Melora: Try sitting in the chair, Commander. No one can understand until they sit in the chair.

Major Kira: Odo, I know you don't need to eat. But did you ever try it anyway?

Odo: Once, not long after I was first able to assume the humanoid form.

Major Kira: And?

Odo: And since I don't have taste buds, it was very unsatisfying, not to mention... messy.

Major Kira: Messy?

Odo: I'd rather not talk about it.

Major Kira: [introducing] This is Tiron, a... business associate of Quark's. This is Odo - my lover.

Tiron: Well... You're a very lucky man.

Major Kira: I'm... a lucky woman.

Odo: [bewildered] Yes - we're both very lucky.

Tiron: So, Mr. Odo, what is it that you do?

Odo: I'm Chief of Security on this station.

Tiron: Oh. A station this size must be a very challenging job. I hope you're well compensated.

Major Kira: Oh, money doesn't matter. All we need is each other. Isn't that right - sweetheart?

Odo: Yes - sweetheart.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: The gravimetric distortions are intensifying. But they don't seem to be coming from the star itself.

Chief O'Brien: But where else could they be coming from? There aren't any planets in this system.

[the Defiant receives a heavy jolt, and before her appears a planet out of nowhere]

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: There are now...

Seltin Rakal: We were just about to sit down for First Meal. Why don't you join us?

Commander Sisko: We'd like that. I just need to know your planet is not going to disappear in the middle of dessert.

[Deral gives Dax a fruit to taste]

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: It's delicious.

Deral: Especially if you've been looking forward to it for sixty years.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Sixty years?

Deral: Mmm.

Chief O'Brien: Phew - that's a long time between meals.

Deral: I was admiring... your markings. Are they decorative?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: No. Are yours?

Deral: No. If you don't mind my asking... how far down do they go?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: All the way.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: How about this? We work for a few more hours, and then we go back to your room and count each other's spots.

Deral: Can I go first?

Deral: Ever since my wife died, everyone's been wondering when I was gonna find myself another companion.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Why haven't you?

Deral: I guess I was waiting for the right woman to fall out of the sky.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: [laughs] That doesn't happen too often.

Deral: It only had to happen once...

Major Kira: Money isn't everything.

Tiron: Oh, no. But it can buy everything.

Quark: The things I do for money...

[Quark is honoring Kira as his one millionth customer]

Major Kira: Quark, I don't have time for this!

Major Kira: [pointing at the next customer] Why don't you make him your one millionth customer?

Quark: But Major, that would be dishonest.

Major Kira: That never stopped you before!

Major Kira: What do you think you're doing, Quark?

Quark: Nothing.

Major Kira: Then what's this?

Quark: Oh, you mean this holo-imager? I was just recording the image of the Promenade to send home to my mother.

Major Kira: You're trying to take a holo-scan of me, and I wanna know why.

Quark: Of you? Not at all! You just happened to get in the frame.

Quark: Will you stop doing that?

Odo: Not until you start telling the truth.

Quark: Isn't there some petty thief you can harass?

Odo: Just you.

[Dax has decided to stay with Deral on Meridian for the next 60-year cycle]

Commander Sisko: Next time we see each other, I'll probably be a great-grandfather.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: [laughs] Good, then I can call *you* 'old man'.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Tell Quark I'll be back to collect the three strips of gold latinum he owes me - with sixty years interest.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: After eight lifetimes as a humanoid, existing as pure consciousness... might be interesting.

Doctor Bashir: I, erm... I don't know what to say.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: That's a first.

Commander Sisko: Jadzia, I'm sorry.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Benjamin, don't. There's nothing you can do, er... I just need some time.

[Sisko acknowledges and leaves]

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Just sixty years or so...

Sisko: Major, I gave you a direct order.

Major Kira Nerys: Court-martial me.

Sisko: I can't. You're not in Starfleet.

Jadzia Dax: [glaring at Sisko and Kira] If I were your superior officer, I'd court-martial both of you.

Chandra: [chanting] Allamaraine count to four./Allamaraine then three more./Allamaraine if you can see./Allamaraine you'll come with me.

Major Kira Nerys: You mean... we were never in any real danger?

Falow: [derisively] It's only a game.

Falow: Move along, move along home!

Falow: Chula!

Falow: Double their peril, double your winnings!

Commander Sisko: You know what time you're s'pposed to go to bed? We never had any problems with it, until Nog.

Jake Sisko: Dad, I'm fourteen!

Commander Sisko: I'm glad we agree on something.

Commander Sisko: First contact is our most important mission, Jake. It has to be handled delicately. You might say, it's sort of like... a... first date with a girl.

[Commander Sisko is introducing his senior staff to the Wadi]

Falow: [uninterested] Yes... yes... yes, now - where are the games?

Commander Sisko: Games?

Falow: We were told you had games... 'Quark's'. Take us to 'Quark's'.

[Sisko looks at the others, dumbfounded]

Major Kira: [motioning] Right this way.

[she leads the Wadi away]

Commander Sisko: First contact is not what it used to be.

Falow: We like games.

Quark: Doesn't everybody?

Lieutenant Primmin: Wait a minute, Odo, you can't just go storming onto their ship without their permission!

Odo: [abashed] Oh, i-i-is that Starfleet policy?

Lieutenant Primmin: That's right.

Odo: Well, I'm not *in* Starfleet!

Odo: Is it against Starfleet policy to press a few buttons?

[Sisko refuses to abandon Dax who has been injured]

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: If you were hurt, I'd leave you behind.

Commander Sisko: Then I'm glad I'm not the one who's hurt.

Major Kira: We're playing for our lives here, Doctor. I don't think you're taking this very seriously.

Doctor Bashir: On the contrary, Major, I find the stakes to be highly motivating.

Major Kira: This is not what I signed up for!

Quark: There's an old Ferengi expression: good things come in small packages.

Quark: One man's priceless is another man's worthless.

Falow: Choose their path!

Falow: Your pieces will meet the Chandra.

Quark: The Chandra? What does that mean? Is that good or bad?

Falow: Neither. Both.

Quark: I don't understand.

Falow: Ah, but there's the key. Some will never understand, while others will consider it... mere child's play.

Commander Sisko: Use your tricorders for proximity checks every two minutes. And if all else fails, just yell again, Doctor. We'll find you.

Falow: Final wagers - last move!

Quark: I'll never cheat again!

Falow: Time to move along home.

Rom: They're not keeping him alive by artificial means, are they? My brother wouldn't want that.

Odo: No, he's clinging to life all on his own.

Rom: Typical.

Odo: Close your eyes, take a deep breath. Clear your mind of everything in it - if there's anything there... Breathe... breathe... Now, what do you see?

Rom: T-the bar!

Rom: With my name on it.

Odo: The past, Rom, not the future.

Odo: There's a list of names, Bajoran names, the one at the very top catches your eye, and the first letter is...?

Rom: C. It's a C.

Odo: And the next letter is...?

Rom: Uuuhh, I...

Odo: Skip to the last letter in the name, Rom.

Rom: O! It's an O!

Odo: Starts with a C, ends with an O.

Rom: And, and there's a mark in the name...

Odo: An apostrophe?

Rom: Ches'so!

Odo: You're sure?

Odo: Aaahh!

Rom: Maybe.

Odo: Commence station security log, stardate 47282.5 - At the request of Commander Sisko, I will hereafter be recording a daily log of law enforcement affairs. The reason for this exercise is beyond my comprehension, except perhaps that Humans have a compulsion to keep records and lists and files. So many in fact, that they have to invent new ways to store them microscopically. Otherwise their records would overrun all known civilization. My own very adequate memory not being good enough for Starfleet, I am pleased to put my voice to this official record of this day. Everything's under control. End log.

Quark: Now, when we get to the entrance, you stay flat against the wall. It's a pulsatel lockseal. I can get it to release in 25 seconds.

Rom: 25 seconds? But somebody will see us. Let me do it!

Quark: You? Ha! We'd be at it all night.

Rom: All night? M... n... no. Only about ten seconds.

Quark: How would you get a pulsatel lockseal to release in ten seconds?

Rom: You have one on the storeroom door.

Rom: Sometimes, when you forget to leave me the de-sealer, I... have to get the storeroom open.

Quark: You've unsealed the storeroom without my knowledge?

Rom: Only to serve the customer's needs.

Quark: In ten seconds?

Rom: You forget fairly often.

[Quark has been shot in his bar]

Rom: He's dying, isn't he? He's dying! What am I gonna do if my brother dies?

Odo: Do? Oh, you'll have a lot to do once this place is yours.

Rom: But if he dies... [stops short]

Odo: "Wives serve, brothers inherit". Rule of Acquisition number 139, if I'm not mistaken.

Rom: I hadn't thought of that.

Odo: Really? I had. Because it's a solid motive for murder.

Rom: Yes, actually. I have heard of a few untimely deaths, that seemed... [stops short]

Rom: Wait a minute. You're not suggesting that I...

Odo: I've had my eye on you for a long time, Rom. You're not as stupid as you look.

Rom: I am, too!

Rom: I tried so hard to earn Quark's trust. Now he's dead, and I can never earn his trust!

Odo: Security log, stardate 47284.1 - In this job, there is no unfinished business. This assault on Quark re-opens a five-year-old murder case that I've never, not for a moment, closed. Patience is a lost virtue to most. To me, an ally.

Major Kira: We never talked about it.

Odo: We never had to.

Major Kira: I would have been executed.

Odo: You were innocent of the crime I was investigating.

Major Kira: That wouldn't have mattered to the Cardassians.

Odo: It mattered to me.

Gul Dukat: Have you ever seen a dead man before?

Odo: Yes. In your mines.

Odo: I have no intention of being a Cardassian agent.

Gul Dukat: Not an agent - an investigator.

Odo: There's a difference?

Gul Dukat: We can't have these Bajorans running around and murdering each other, now can we? I'm talking about order here, justice.

Odo: There's very little justice in the Cardassian occupation of Bajor.

Gul Dukat: Don't push me, Odo!

Odo: I'm looking for the proprietor of this establishment.

Quark: Does he owe you money?

Quark: Are you here to arrest him?

Quark: Then you've found him. Quark, at your service.

Kira Nerys: My last job was at a replicator plant on Bajor.

Odo: You're not allowed to quit those jobs. What happened?

Kira Nerys: I hit a supervisor, for trying... what I thought you were trying a few minutes ago.

Odo: Hm... I appreciate your restraint this time.

Odo: Gul Dukat asked me to investigate the murder of a Bajoran man named Vaatrik. I understand you knew him.

Kira Nerys: Who says I did?

Odo: His widow.

[Kira glances over to Mrs. Vaatrik]

Kira Nerys: I suppose she also told you I killed him.

Odo: Did you?

Kira Nerys: No.

Odo: On the contrary. You were in love with him.

Odo: But... he was in love with you?

Odo: Doesn't sound like much of a romance.

Odo: You're not planning on leaving the station soon?

Kira Nerys: If I were, would you have the Cardassians stop me?

Kira Nerys: Then I'm not planning on leaving the station soon.

Odo: [playing the role of the investigator] Oh, there was one other thing...

Odo: Security log, supplemental - The Ferengi holds onto life like it's gold-pressed latinum. Maybe he just doesn't want his brother to get the bar. Or maybe he knows he's the only real witness I have.

Odo: She paid you, for an alibi. I wonder how Gul Dukat will react when I tell him about that.

Quark: I'm sure it'll cost me a case of Cardassian ale.

Gul Dukat: [entering the scene] Two cases, at the very least.

Kira Nerys: Who cares about Bajorans killing Bajorans when you can hang a rebel?

Kira Nerys: Unofficially or not, you're working for the Cardassians. Sooner or later you're gonna have to choose whose side you're on.

Odo: I don't choose sides.

Kira Nerys: Everyone has to choose sides, Constable.

Odo: [voice-over] Nobody ever had to teach me the justice trick. That's something I've always known. A racial memory from my species, I guess. It's really the only clue I have to what kind of people they are. Are these kinds of thoughts appropriate for a Starfleet log? I don't care. There's no room in justice for loyalty, or friendship, or love. Justice, as the Humans like to say, is blind. I used to believe that. I'm not sure I can anymore.

Odo: I misjudged you, Major. You were a better liar than I gave you credit for.

Major Kira: You were working for the Cardassians.

Odo: I haven't been for more than a year. You've had all that time to tell me the truth.

Major Kira: I tried to tell you the truth, a hundred times.

Major Kira: What you think of me... matters a lot. - I was afraid...

Odo: That it might affect our friendship?

[Kira nods]

Odo: Maybe it doesn't have to.

Major Kira: Will you ever be able to trust me in the same way again?

[Odo does not reply]

Odo: You don't lie well.

Kira Nerys: Thanks.

General Martok: [after being assigned an incompetent aide] It's a pity Captain Sisko frowns on summary executions.

[Darok hands Martok a bottle of bloodwine]

General Martok: [surprised] On the bridge?

Darok: If they succeed, you can drink to their courage. And if they fail, you can still drink to their courage.

Kor: Long live the Empire!

Kor: Savor the fruit of life, my young friends. It has a sweet taste when it is fresh from the vine. But don't live too long. The taste turns bitter... after a time.

General Martok: One ship - against ten. It doesn't seem possible.

Lt. Commander Worf: He will succeed. He is Kor, the Dahar Master.

[O'Brien and Bashir are arguing about the alleged end of Davy Crockett at the Alamo]

Lt. Commander Worf: You are both wrong. The only real question is whether you believe in the legend of Davy Crockett or not. If you do, then there should be no doubt in your mind that he died a hero's death. If you do not believe in the legend, then he was just a man, and it does not matter how he died.

Kor: Help me fight again, Worf. Help me end my life as I've lived it - as a warrior.

Lt. Commander Worf: I must tell you that using my own authority, I appointed Kor an officer in the Ninth Fleet.

General Martok: Made him an officer, just like that? That's the difference between his name and mine. His opens doors; mine closes them.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: You'd make a pretty good counselor. You wanna trade jobs?

Colonel Kira: Oh, yeah, people would love bringing their problems to me. "You dreamt about what? You're crazy! Now, get out of my office! Next patient!"

Quark: You're making a mistake by pursuing another relationship with Worf.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Excuse me?

Quark: You heard me. I know how Jadzia felt about Worf; but that was her life, not yours. You're Ezri Dax. You need to give yourself a chance to explore other relationships. You're young, and beautiful, and full of life. Why go after a man who's only a memory to you? I've had my problems with Worf, I'll admit that, but this is not about me or my feelings; this is about you. Worf has done nothing, and I mean nothing, to deserve you. Shouldn't you try and find someone who's willing to win your heart, not just inherit it? You deserve better. There, I've said my piece.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Can I say something now? I'm not interested in having another relationship with Worf. I care about him, and I probably always will, but he's moved on with his life, and so have I.

Quark: Oh... Well, good!

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: And I'd also like to say that what you just did was one of the kindest, dearest, and for you one of the most embarrassing things that I have ever heard.

Kor: [about Ezri] Still the same old Dax. And yet not.

Darok: Kor! Here! On our ship! [laughs ecstatically]

General Martok: [growls] Don't you have something to do?

General Martok: Then find something!

Darok: Men of our generation never stood on ceremony, huh?

Darok: We ate when we were hungry, we fought when we were angered. Oh... I miss the simplicity of those days.

Kor: I miss a great deal about those days.

Darok: The warriors on this ship - they don't know what they've missed. But such is the way with children. They often let the promise of the future obscure the glories of the past.

Kor: Is there a point to this nostalgic indulgence?

Darok: Only that they are children. Even Martok, who, for all his flaws, is a great man, even Martok is but a child compared to you or me. They're quick to judge, and slow to forgive. They still have much to learn.

[Darok tells Kor about Worf's plan to engage the Jem'Hadar fleet with only one ship]

Kor: It can be done. The key is to confuse their sensors in the opening moments... with a spread of torpedoes.

Darok: Perhaps. But it would take a man with three times his experience to accomplish such a feat. And such a man... would have to be certain of his abilities.

Kor: Such a man would not take the job - unless he *were* certain.

General Martok: You can wound a man without ever seeing his face.

General Martok: [about Kor] I've hated his name for almost thirty years. I've dreamt of the moment when I would finally see him stripped of his rank and title, when he would suddenly find himself without a friend in the world, without the power of his birthright. Well, I've had that moment now... and I took no joy from it.

Kor: Do you have any message you want me to convey to Jadzia? [to Worf, just before knocking him out with a hypospray]

Kor: [to the unconscious Worf] When I reach the Halls of the Hallowed Dead, I will find your beloved, and remind her that her husband is a noble warrior, and that he still loves no one but her. Goodbye, my friend. Live well.

Lt. Commander Worf: Today was not my day to die.

Darok: It has been an honor serving with you, Kor, son of Rynar.

Kolana: He's done it. The Jem'Hadar are out of time. They can no longer overtake us before we reach the Defiant.

General Martok: How? How did that pompous old man hold off an entire Jem'Hadar fleet with only one ship?

Lt. Commander Worf: Does it matter?

General Martok: Darok, give me that bottle.

[cuts off the stopper and raises the bottle]

General Martok: To Kor, a Dahar Master, and noble warrior to the end!

[the other Klingons fall into a battle song, in honor to Kor]

Kor: I heard the news about Jadzia.

Lt. Commander Worf: She died a warrior.

Kor: I expected nothing less.

Lt. Commander Worf: This is the story of a little ship, that took a little trip...

Lt. Commander Worf: It is an ancient Klingon tradition to commemorate an important event with a poem. Jadzia asked me to compose one for this occasion.

Captain Sisko: Well, what have you got so far?

[Worf is about to answer when Nog returns their attention to the crew in the runabout]

Nog: They've penetrated the accretion disk!

Major Kira: [aside, to Sisko] Now is it my imagination, or did the kid just cover for him?

Captain Sisko: This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Chief O'Brien: I don't feel any smaller...

Chief O'Brien: What are you smirking at? You're as small as I am.

Doctor Bashir: Actually, you're sitting 1.14 meters closer to the focal point of the anomaly. Which means, you've shrunk .04 percent more than I have.

Chief O'Brien: [indicating the size of about seven centimeters] Are you telling me I'm gonna be this bloody tall for the rest of my life?

Doctor Bashir: [indicating about one centimeter] This bloody tall, actually.

[Dax is trying to open a door by activating the control panel with the runabout]

Chief O'Brien: Don't hit it too hard. You could shatter the control panel.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Don't worry, I have a light touch.

Doctor Bashir: Not according to Worf...

First Kudak'Etan: It'll be Alphas like us that determine the future of this quadrant. *That* will be the new order of things.

Captain Sisko: [referring to a Jem'Hadar] In a battle of wits between you and him, I'll bet on you every time.

Major Kira: Hm... What kind of odds are you giving?

[Nog is trying to override the bridge control lockouts, without success]

Nog: [desperate] Do you have a backup plan, in case this doesn't work?

Captain Sisko: Yes, I'll destroy the ship.

Nog: ...There are still a few algorithms I haven't tried yet.

Doctor Bashir: Chief - you're not gonna like this.

Doctor Bashir: This conduit's filthy, Chief. Don't you ever clean up in here?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: All right, all right, let's not badger the Chief.

Chief O'Brien: Thank you.

Doctor Bashir: I'm sorry. It was very small of me.

Captain Sisko: [after his crew has overpowered the Jem'Hadar] He should have listened to you and killed me when he had the chance.

Second Ixtana'Rax: He was a First. They don't need... to... listen. Obedience brings victory. And... victory is...

Captain Sisko: Mr. Worf, I think your wife is here.

Odo: Are you sure you've returned to your normal size?

Chief O'Brien: Of course.

Odo: Well, you both appear to be a couple of centimeters shorter than you were the last time I saw you. A Changeling notices that sort of thing.

Quark: I didn't want to say anything, but... you do look a little on the petite side.

[O'Brien and Bashir look at each other]

Doctor Bashir: Infirmary!

[they hurry out]

Quark: [to Odo] And they say you don't have a sense of humor.

[both chuckle]

[Nog, unaware of O'Brien and Bashir's re-wiring on the bridge, finally succeeds in re-routing the ship's functions]

Nog: Oh, I am good!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: This guy's really starting to get on my nerves.

Caprice: Thank you, Mister... Mister...?

Dr. Julian Bashir: Bashir. Julian Bashir.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Baccarat and geology are my life.

Dr. Julian Bashir: I work for one of the nation states of this era, Great Britain, which is battling various other nations in what is called the Cold War. This apartment, my clothes, weapons, even my valet were provided to me by my government.

Garak: I think I joined the wrong intelligence service.

Garak: [on Mona Luvsitt] Is she your valet - or your personal assassin?

Dr. Julian Bashir: Mona is very capable. She speaks seven languages, has degrees in biology, chemistry, physics, can fly anything from a jet to a helicopter and makes an excellent Martini. Cheers.

Mona Luvsitt: Is there anything else that I can do for you?

Dr. Julian Bashir: [looking her up and down] I'll let you know.

Garak: Kiss the girl, get the key - they never taught me *that* in the Obsidian Order.

Garak: There comes a time when the odds are against you, and the only reasonable course of action is to quit!

Dr. Julian Bashir: Quit?

Garak: Yes!

Dr. Julian Bashir: Is that what they taught you at the Obsidian Order?

Garak: You're such a - forgive me - a talkative man, and it's so unusual for you to have secrets.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Well, I must have picked up that habit from you.

Dr. Julian Bashir: A lot of kick for a '45 Dom.

[after knocking out Falcon with a champagne cork]

Garak: I only want to point out that your lovely companion is leaving. Odd - she seemed so interested in your advances just a moment ago. I wonder what scared her away.

[Bashir glares at him]

Garak: Oh no! I do apologize. You must be incensed. In fact, if I were in your shoes, I'd grab a bottle of champagne and shoot me.

[Bashir has shot at Garak, who is lightly bleeding from his neck]

Dr. Julian Bashir: You'll be fine. It's just a flesh wound.

Garak: That was awfully close. What if you'd killed me?

Dr. Julian Bashir: What makes you think I wasn't trying?

Dr. Julian Bashir: Well, I'm so relieved!

Hippocrates Noah: Welcome to paradise, Mr. Merriweather. I believe you've been looking for me. My name... is Hippocrates Noah.

Garak: Don't worry, Doctor, we're going to have a wonderful time. After all, what could possibly go wrong?

Garak: I don't know if I've made this explicit to you or not, Doctor, but I really don't want to die chained to a 20th-century laser!

Hippocrates Noah: Try to stay cool, Mr. Bashir.

Dr. Julian Bashir: [to Honey Bare] What a waste... that no one can see what a beautiful woman you are.

Garak: Is that your plan?

Dr. Julian Bashir: Shut up!

Dr. Julian Bashir: [to Honey Bare] You know, your hair... would look so much better if it were free.

Garak: I must say, Doctor, this is more than I ever wanted to know about your fantasy life.

Garak: It's time to face reality, Doctor. You're a man who dreams of being a hero because you know, deep down, that you're not. I'm no hero either, but I do know how to make a choice. And I'm choosing to save myself.

Hippocrates Noah: I am going to let mankind... begin anew - here, on this island paradise, the only place that will remain above water on my brave new world.

Anastasia Komananov: Because of ze global nature of zis crisis, my government and yours have decided to cooperate. We will be working... very closely...

Dr. Julian Bashir: I'm sure we will.

Anastasia Komananov: Who is Dax?

Garak: [on the 1964-style decoration of Dr. Noah's lair] Another decorator's nightmare. This era had a distinct lack of taste.

Rom: I have had to make a few modifications to this holosuite over the years.

Michael Eddington: A few? It's like a junkyard in here!

Anastasia Komananov: You've destroyed ze world!

Falcon: It's working, just as you planned. You've done it, Doctor!

Hippocrates Noah: Yes. But somehow... I didn't expect to win.

Garak: Interesting. You saved the day by destroying the world.

Dr. Julian Bashir: I bet they didn't teach you *that* at the Obsidian Order.

Garak: Well, who am I to question Julian Bashir, secret agent?

Dr. Julian Bashir: What's the matter, Garak? Have I bruised your ego by play-acting at something you take so very seriously?

Garak: That's something else you've yet to learn, Doctor. A real intelligence agent *has* no ego, no conscience, no remorse, only a sense of professionalism. And mine is telling me that it's time to go.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Lunch tomorrow?

Garak: Of course. But, why don't we have it at your place, in Hong Kong? Unless, of course, this was your last mission.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Oh, I think it's safe to say that Julian Bashir, secret agent... will return.

Alixus: The human body is a powerful tool.

Cassandra: What are women's fashions like back home now?

Chief O'Brien: Well, Keiko, my wife, she's been replicating longer dresses lately.

Cassandra: Oh, no. That means I'll have to alter everything I own.

[Sisko reads in Alixus' journal about her views about mankind]

Commander Sisko: ...She says we have become fat and lazy and dull.

Chief O'Brien: My wife told me something along those lines just last week.

Commander Sisko: [reading] "The common conceit that the human species has evolved over the last several centuries is ludicrous. What gains we have made have come at the cost of our own core identities. Man has lost touch with his true power."

Chief O'Brien: Sounds like it took a crash landing for her to find her paradise.

Joseph: [talking about the transition from a technologically influenced society to a more traditional lifestyle] I was the last convert. But as time passed, I realized Alixus was right. She was helping us discover a new philosophy of life together. Because we needed one - to survive. And I'll tell you, every one of us is better for it. We're more committed to each other, we're truly a part of each other's lives. We've renewed a sense of community, that man left behind centuries ago.

Alixus: No one follows me; they follow their own hearts.

Commander Sisko: My heart tells me to try to get back to my ship.

Alixus: I'm sure it does. But if we'd had that attitude for the last ten years, we wouldn't have been doing what was necessary to survive here - to find the plants, herbs, molds that cure disease. We've conquered seventeen illnesses, with the most powerful resource man has: his ingenuity.

Commander Sisko: An interesting philosophy. And while we're debating it, a woman is dying.

Alixus: We're doing everything we can for her.

Commander Sisko: No, we're not.

Chief O'Brien: Around my house, I'm known as the 'black thumb'... The only way I could get anything to grow was to marry a botanist.

Chief O'Brien: It wasn't until I got to the Cardassian Front I found out I had talents I never knew I had... It was a matter of figuring out how to get a field transporter operational in ten minutes, or wind up being a Cardassian prisoner of war. Now, I didn't know a transporter from a turbolift in those days; but somehow, in 9min 53sec, I got that thing to work.

Commander Sisko: [after being stranded on a planet] I hope you find a few more of those talents you never knew you had...

Cassandra: Alixus doesn't believe in doors.

Alixus: That's the first core behavior I've seen from you since you arrived.

Commander Sisko: 'Core behavior' - does that chapter come before or after sexual procurement?

Alixus: Cassandra came to me; she was worried. She sensed that you weren't happy.

Commander Sisko: She was right about that.

Commander Sisko: You never had much use for technology, did you? It's interesting how you happened to crash on a planet that fit your philosophy of life so well.

Alixus: I agree. In fact, I've started writing a book about our experiences. I've been wondering if in the ancient religions of man there aren't some new truths to be found, something, to explain how sometimes fate delivers us exactly where we need to be.

Commander Sisko: [sarcastic] Perhaps one day, you'll even feel the hand of God on your shoulder.

[Kira and Dax are trying to get control over an unmanned runabout at warp speed. Kira's first solution however doesn't find Dax's approval]

Major Kira: You got a better idea?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: I'm the Science Officer. It's my job to have a better idea.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: A very talented Hopi I knew did things with a rope you wouldn't believe. It's an old West American artform.

Cassandra: You lied to us. You've been lying to us for ten years!

Alixus: Yes. But perhaps a lie can lead to a more important truth.

Alixus: Look at yourselves! Look at what you've become. What you've achieved, here, has redefined your potential: the potential of man. Just as I knew it would. You are the living proof.

Joseph: Whatever Alixus may be guilty of, she did give us a community. I-I'm not sure if we'll leave the device on or off, now that we know it's there. And we'll have to decide if we want to establish contact with the outside world. But Alixus is right: we have found something here... that none of us is willing to give up.

Joseph: This is our home.

Alixus: It's time for those of us who don't belong here... to leave, Ben.

Chief O'Brien: [smugly,in his skivvies, standing above his now subdued attacker] Well, you finally got one of us out of our uniform.

[Nog is telling Captain Sisko about the Red Squad]

Captain Sisko: I'd like to meet some of these cadets. You think you could introduce me to one of them?

Cadet Nog: I'm sorry, I can't do that, sir. The names of Red Squad members are supposed to be secret.

Captain Sisko: But you know who they are?

Cadet Nog: It's not easy keeping secrets from a Ferengi. But I feel funny telling anyone else. Besides, if they found out I'd told you who they were, I'd never get in.

Captain Sisko: [with increasingly commanding voice] Cadet, you are obviously under the mistaken impression that I'm asking a favor. I want a name, and I want it now, and that is an order! Understood, Mr. Nog?

Cadet Nog: Yes sir.

[Sisko is interrogating Cadet Shepard]

Captain Sisko: Who told you there wasn't to be a written record?

Riley Shepard: Briefing officer, sir.

Captain Sisko: I want that officer's name.

Riley Shepard: She didn't give us her name, sir. But she did say there would be no record of our actions, and our role would have to go unrecognized, at least for now.

Captain Sisko: Maybe if you'd done your job better it would have. But you fouled it up, didn't you? You cadets did some sloppy work, some *damn* sloppy work!

Odo: And are you sure that this cadet is telling the truth?

Captain Sisko: He admitted to committing acts of treason against the Federation. If he was going to lie, I think he would have made up a better story.

Captain Sisko: These aren't evil people, Odo. These are people I've worked with. They're my friends - people I respect. How can I turn against them?

Odo: It seems to me, if they have committed treason against the Federation, the Federation that you swore to protect - you won't be turning against them. *They* will have turned against you.

Changeling: Let me ask you a question. How many Changelings do you think are here on Earth right at this moment?

Captain Sisko: I'm not going to play any guessing games with you.

Changeling: Ah. What if I were to tell you that there are only four on this entire planet? Huh? Not counting Constable Odo, of course. Think of it - just four of us. And look at the havoc we've wrought.

Changeling: We do not fear you the way you fear us. In the end, it's your fear that will destroy you.

Captain Sisko: I don't get much time to spend on Earth. And it is so pleasant here, with a Starfleet officer on every corner. Paradise has never seemed so well armed.

Admiral Leyton: You've always had a strong sense of duty.

Captain Sisko: My duty is to protect the Federation.

Admiral Leyton: That's what we're trying to do.

Captain Sisko: What you're trying to do is to seize control of Earth and place it under military rule.

Admiral Leyton: If that's what it takes to stop the Dominion.

Captain Sisko: So you're willing to destroy Paradise in order to save it?

Admiral Leyton: You know, Ben... I stand here looking at you - best officer who ever served under me. Trapped in this holding cell. And I think... life can be damned cruel.

Captain Sisko: Let me out. Maybe life will look a little better.

Captain Sisko: [reciting his father's advice] There comes a time in every man's life when he must stop thinking and start doing.

Admiral Leyton: Go home, Ben. You don't belong here.

Admiral Leyton: I've sent the Lakota to intercept the Defiant.

Captain Sisko: You think that one Starfleet ship is going to fire on another?

Admiral Leyton: As far as Captain Benteen's crew is concerned, the Defiant isn't a Starfleet ship. They've been told everyone on the Defiant has been replaced... by shapeshifters.

Captain Sisko: Are you willing to risk a civil war? If the Lakota fires on the Defiant, you will be opening up a Pandora's Box that may never be closed!

Admiral Leyton: Then contact the Defiant, and tell them to stand down.

Captain Sisko: I won't do that.

Admiral Leyton: I didn't think so. But don't kid yourself, Ben. This Pandora's Box of yours - we're opening it together.

Admiral Leyton: I have enough loyal officers to make a fight of it.

Captain Sisko: Who will you fight? Starfleet? The Federation? Don't you see, Admiral? You're fighting the wrong war! And as for your loyal officers, Benteen's already abandoned you. And she was closer to you than anyone. You've lost! Don't make anyone else pay for your mistakes.

[Leyton slowly gets up, takes off his rank insignia and lays them on the table]

Admiral Leyton: I hope... you're not the one making the mistake.

Joseph Sisko: [on the Starfleet troops] The streets are gonna seem emptier with them gone.

Odo: Would you be happier if they'd stayed?

Joseph Sisko: Oh, if they'd stayed it wouldn't be Earth anymore, would it? It didn't seem right, all those phasers everywhere.

Odo: Am I the only one who's worried that there are still Changelings here on Earth?

Joseph Sisko: Worried? I'm scared to death. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna let them change the way I live my life.

Captain Sisko: If the Changelings want to destroy what we've built here, they're going to have to do it themselves. We will not do it for them.

Joseph Sisko: Today I'm recommending the pasta boudine. It's got a bit of a kick, but it will make you smile.

Admiral Leyton: I only wish I'd taught you more about the importance of loyalty.

Captain Sisko: You want to talk to me about loyalty? After you broke your oath with the Federation! Lied to the people of Earth? Ordered one of our own starships to fire on another! You don't have the right!

Admiral Leyton: You don't understand me at all, do you?

Captain Sisko: I used to think I did. I used to think that you were a man of principles, a man of honor! I see that I was mistaken!

Admiral Leyton: I'm sorry you feel that way.

Captain Sisko: So am I!

Joseph Sisko: [about Benjamin] Is he always such a mother hen?

Odo: He means well.

Major Kira: This wouldn't have been possible without your support. I want you to know it's appreciated.

Commander Sisko: Be sure to mention it the next time you chat with Admiral Rollman.

Major Kira: Sir?

Commander Sisko: Go over my head again, and I'll have yours on a platter.

[Dr. Bashir is bemused about Garak's invitation to buy a suit in his shop at a particular time]

Commander Sisko: Sometimes communications can't be conducted through official channels. Maybe this is their way of telling us that we have a common enemy.

Doctor Bashir: Well, what do you want me to do?

Commander Sisko: I think, doctor, you could definitely use a new suit.

[Garak has introduced himself to Dr. Bashir]

Garak: You may also know, I have a clothing shop nearby, so if you should require any apparel or simply wish, as I do, for a bit of enjoyable company now and then, I'm at your disposal, Doctor.

Lursa: Klingons do not surrender their weapons.

Odo: Who are you?

Lursa: We are Lursa and B'Etor, of the House of Duras.

Odo: And we have specific regulations. You can leave the weapons or leave the station - your choice. Please make it now.

B'Etor: Who are you?

Odo: I'm the one giving you the choice.

Doctor Bashir: You're very kind, Mr. Garak.

Garak: Oh, it's just Garak - plain, simple Garak.

Doctor Bashir: Garak, I'm a doctor...

Commander Sisko: [of Lursa and B'Etor] We've heard they've been trying to raise capital to rebuild their armies. But what are they doing here?

Odo: Sitting. They went straight to Quark's, but not for the gambling - huh - and certainly not for the food. They're just... sitting.

Gul Danar: What about Tahna Los?

Commander Sisko: Well, we've got a problem.

Gul Danar: A diplomatic insult to the Cardassian people would be a problem. Delivering a wanted criminal to us would not be.

Chief O'Brien: You've never fought the Cardassians, have you?

Commander Sisko: No.

Chief O'Brien: Well, you wouldn't wanna turn a man - any man - over to their tender care, sir. You just wouldn't.

Tahna: [referring to Sisko] Kira - do you think he'll give me to the Cardassians?

Major Kira: Over my dead body.

Tahna: Now, that's the Kira I remember.

[Kira has managed to get amnesty for Tahna Los]

Tahna: I never realized you were such an accomplished politician.

Major Kira: Me? A politician? U... no, I-I don't think so.

Tahna: You manipulate Sisko and the Federation, the ministers of the provisional government...

Major Kira: I'm just determined. I think they all simply get tired of hearing my voice.

Odo: You know, there's one thing about you humanoids I can't imitate very well.

Major Kira: What's that?

Odo: Pretense. There's a special talent to it. It's as hard for me as creating one of your noses.

Major Kira: Maybe there are still wars to be fought, and I'm just making a fool of myself doing what 'm doing here.

Odo: It sounds like you're trying to talk yourself into something - or out of something?

Major Kira: Either way I have to betray someone.

Odo: The only important thing is not to betray yourself.

Major Kira: It was so much easier when I knew who the enemy was.

Odo: You know, Cardassian rule may have been oppressive, but at least it was... simple.

Garak: Ah, an open mind, the essence of intellect.

Major Kira: Tahna... The old ways don't work anymore, everything is different now. I had to do this. One day you'll understand.

Tahna: [contemptuously] Traitor.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Causing people to suffer because you hate them... is terrible. But causing people to suffer because you have forgotten how to care... that's really hard to understand.

[the Defiant is approaching Earth]

Commander Sisko: Now, there's something I never get tired of looking at.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: If you ask me, the seas could be a little more purple.

Major Kira: That's funny, I was just thinking they weren't green enough.

Dr. Julian Bashir: I guess it's true what they say: there is no place like home, no matter what color the water is.

Quark: [217th Rule of Acquisition] You can't free a fish from water.

Commander Sisko: [111th Rule of Acquisition] Treat people in your debt like family. Exploit them.

Commander Sisko: Those shotguns, uniforms - there's something very familiar about this.

Vin: Yeah, probably from the last time you were in a Sanctuary District.

Commander Sisko: By the early 2020s, there was a place like this in every major city in the United States.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Why are these people in here? Are they criminals?

Commander Sisko: No, people with criminal records weren't allowed in the Sanctuary Districts.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Then what did they do to deserve this?

Commander Sisko: Nothing. Just people, without jobs or places to live.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Ah, so they get put in here?

Commander Sisko: Welcome to the 21st century, Doctor.

[Sisko tells Bashir about the Bell Riots that are about to occur in their Sanctuary, causing the death of hundreds of residents]

Dr. Julian Bashir: Starfleet temporal displacement policy may sound good in the classroom, but to know that hundreds of people are going to die, and to not be able to do a thing to save them...

Commander Sisko: I sympathize, Doctor. But if it will make you feel any better, the riots will be one of the watershed events of the 21st century. Gabriel Bell will see to that.

Dr. Julian Bashir: It makes you wonder, doesn't it? Are Humans really any different than Cardassians or... Romulans? If push comes to shove, if something disastrous happens to the Federation, if we are frightened enough, or desperate enough, how would we react? Would we stay true to our ideals or... would we just... stay here, right back where we started?

Commander Sisko: I don't know. But as a Starfleet officer, it's my job to make sure we never have to find out.

Vin: Please fill out these forms. Answer all questions to the best of your ability. If you cannot speak English, an interpreter will be provided; if you cannot read, questions will be given to you verbally; if there's any part of this form you do not understand, ask one of our staff for assistance. Now siddown, shuddup and fill out the forms, and if you got any problems, don't come to me with them!

Dr. Julian Bashir: This is ridiculous. I mean... we've been here three hours, and the line has barely moved at all.

Vin: I got one word for you, pal: plenty of overtime.

Dr. Julian Bashir: That's three words.

Vin: Hey, for a dim you're pretty smart!

Commander Sisko: Is there something wrong?

Lee: Well, according to these forms, you're supposed to be dims. But you're not, are you?

Commander Sisko: I hope you're not disappointed.

B.C.: [on Sisko and Bashir] Gimmies. No sense of fun.

B.C.: Enjoy your stay. And in a few days, I know you're gonna feel right at home!

Chris Brynner: Don't worry, your friends are fine. That's the whole point of the Sanctuary, to give people in trouble food and a place to stay.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: If that's all it's for, then why is there a wall around it?

Male Guest: Europe is falling apart.

Female Guest: Well, at least we don't have to worry about that kind of thing here.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Don't count on it.

Chris Brynner: You'll have to excuse Jadzia's cynicism, she was just mugged yesterday. That kind of thing's bound to give a negative impression of the future.

Commander Sisko: [after trading their uniforms for contemporary clothes] Well, at least now, we look like we belong here.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Yeah, and we smell just as bad as everyone else, too.

B.C.: I've waited a long time for this. And I know I won't be disappointed. Ain't that right, new boy?

Commander Sisko: The name is Bell - Gabriel Bell.

B.C.: You really gonna shoot me, Bell? I don't think so.

Sisko: Think again.

B.C.: I thought we were on the same side here!

Sisko: We are. But you get on my nerves, and I don't like your hat!

Doctor Bashir: It's not your fault that things are the way they are.

Lee: Everybody tells themselves that... and nothing ever changes.

[Sisko has taken over the role of Gabriel Bell]

Doctor Bashir: Didn't you say Gabriel Bell died when the police stormed the building?

Sisko: Right. But I'm not Bell.

Doctor Bashir: No. But we're the only ones who know that.

Preston: Change takes time.

Sisko: You've run out of time.

B.C.: When you treat people like animals, you're gonna get bit.

B.C.: [about his demands] It's simple: we trade the hostages for our freedom. We get amnesty, a handful of credit chips, and a flight to anywhere we want. Personally, I'm thinking Tasmania.

Sisko: Tasmania...

B.C.: Errol Flynn was born in Tasmania!

[Dax has managed to find Sisko and Bashir in the Sanctuary]

Webb: Excuse me. You obviously don't live here. So how did you get in?

Jadzia Dax: I managed to recode my ID-card, so that I could get past the Sanitation Department checkpoint.

B.C.: You-you crawled in through the sewers? You must really like these guys.

B.C.: It's the story of my life - all the good ones are taken.

Major Kira: I broke my nose.

Vin: [looking at the many casualties in the Sanctuary] How could we've let this happen?

Doctor Bashir: The question is, how do we stop it from happening again?

Commander Sisko: [on seeing his picture in the historical database of the 21st century] I'm not looking forward to explaining this to Starfleet Command.

Doctor Bashir: You know, Commander... having seen a little of the 21st century, there is one thing I don't understand: how could they have let things get so bad?

Commander Sisko: That's a good question. I wish I had an answer.

B.C.: [after giving Danny his hat] What the hell - probably raining in Tasmania anyway.

Bernardo: [to Vin] We're not on duty now, so don't give me orders!

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: I bumped into Captain Boday the other night.

Chief O'Brien: Captain Boday?

Doctor Bashir: The Gallamite. Jadzia dated him.

Chief O'Brien: Oh, the toothy smile and the transparent skull?

Doctor Bashir: That's him. -... - Personally, I don't know what Jadzia ever saw in the man.

Chief O'Brien: Well - his brains.

[Worf has gone missing in the Badlands, leaving Ezri distraught]

Quark: He'll be back before you know it.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: You really think so?

Quark: Absolutely. The night before he went on patrol, he brought the Koraga's crew in here and bought them three barrels of bloodwine.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: And?

Quark: And he didn't pay the tab! Do you really think he'd go to Sto-vo-kor owing me money?

[Ezri is reminiscing Jadzia's wedding day with Worf]

Sirella: [voice] Jadzia, daughter of Kela, does your heart beat only for this man?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [voice] Yes.

Sirella: [voice] And do you swear to join with him and stand with him against all who would oppose you?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [voice] I swear.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: [whispering] I swear.

Captain Sisko: [of Ezri] She's a Dax. Sometimes they don't think. They just do.

Weyoun: Damar.

Damar: Yes?

Weyoun: What's wrong with you? You're distracted.

Damar: Am I?

Weyoun: You've been pacing back and forth all morning.

Damar: ...Just trying to stay warm.

Captain Sisko: Vedek Oram wanted me to visit his monastery. We took a transport across the mountains. The sun was just going down, and the entire valley was shimmering in the light. And I said to myself, *this*... is the place, this is where I'm going to build my house.

Captain Sisko: Maybe someday, I'll retire here.

Kasidy Yates: Ah! Oh, I could see you now - sitting in your rocking chair, watching the sun set over the mountains every night... wondering where you put your teeth.

Captain Sisko: Just like my great-great-grandfather - in the glass, next to the chair.

Captain Sisko: Let's get married.

[Sisko has appointed Jake to be his best man]

Jake Sisko: Best man, huh?

Captain Sisko: Yes.

Jake Sisko: That means I get to plan the bachelor party!

Captain Sisko: From the moment I set foot on this station, nothing has turned out the way I imagined it. This was supposed to be just a temporary assignment. But it's become much more than that. I guess I was meant to come here. You see, it's almost like my... my...

Kasidy Yates: Destiny.

Captain Sisko: Destiny, yes.

Kasidy Yates: I guess when your mother turns out to be part Prophet or part wormhole alien or whatever it is you want to call her, words like 'destiny' begin to mean something.

Captain Sisko: We're going to be married.

Sarah Sisko: That is not your destiny.

Captain Sisko: My destiny is my own.

Sarah Sisko: You are the Sisko. You are part of me.

Captain Sisko: If that's true, if you really do care about me, if you do consider me your son, then let me have this!

Sarah Sisko: It is not for you to have. There are still many tasks ahead of you.

[Dax has rescued Worf out of the Badlands]

Lt. Commander Worf: Why would Captain Sisko risk sending a runabout to look for me?

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: He didn't. I came without his permission.

[Worf looks at her stunned and incredulous]

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: You're a fellow officer. I would've done the same for Kira or Julian.

Lt. Commander Worf: Of course.

Kasidy Yates: About the guest list - I wanted to keep it... small, just family and friends.

Captain Sisko: Well, that's fine by me, there's only room for 30 or 40 people in the wardroom. -... - Kasidy, what else do we need to talk about? I have the feeling we're forgetting something.

Kasidy Yates: You tell me. You're the one who's been married before.

Captain Sisko: Well, that's just it, it was a lot more complicated before.

Kasidy Yates: People get carried away with weddings. I... just want it to be nice and simple.

Saghi: Can I be one of your dais bearers?

Kasidy Yates: My what, honey?

Saghi: For the bridal procession. I know you can only choose 51 girls, but it would be such an honor for me.

Kasidy Yates: Well, um...

Saghi: People are saying it's gonna be the biggest wedding Bajor's ever seen.

Kasidy Yates: They are?

Saghi: The Emissary's getting married!

Kasidy Yates: Ben...?

Captain Sisko: [looking over to the Promenade... ] Kasidy... I think this is going to be a little more complicated than we thought.

[... where a crowd of Bajorans has gathered to catch a glimpse of the Emissary and his bride-to-be]

Sarah Sisko: You must walk the path alone.

Captain Sisko: You're not listening to me. I want to spend my life with her.

Sarah Sisko: If you do, you will know nothing but sorrow.

Sarah Sisko: Accept your fate. Your greatest trial is about to begin. Don't be afraid. All will be as it should be.

Captain Sisko: Mother...

Sarah Sisko: Stay on the path... Benjamin.

Lt. Commander Worf: I killed it, and now I'm going to eat it.

Quark: Don't play with my ears, unless you're serious about it.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Arjin, if you truly want to become a Trill host someday, you'll never call me 'ma'am' again.

Arjin: Yes... Lieutenant.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Why don't you try 'Jadzia'?

Arjin: If you think that's appropriate.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Oh, I'm sure it isn't appropriate at all. But then I hate to be appropriate.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Who am I to confront him?

Commander Sisko: You're Dax.

Quark: There isn't a problem in the world that can't be fixed by the right holosuite program.

Commander Sisko: So - what are you going to do? This kid has to measure up soon, or he'll never be chosen. True? So you're not doing him any favors by avoiding a confrontation, are you? Curzon was tough - maybe even abusive in his own charming way. But he always demanded the highest standards of excellence from these host candidates.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: You don't know what he did to me.

Commander Sisko: I know you made it through the program.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: No thanks to him.

Commander Sisko: Are you sure?

Odo: You can't just wipe out a civilization. We'd be committing mass murder.

Major Kira: It's like stepping on ants, Odo!

Odo: I don't step on ants, Major.

Commander Sisko: Personal log, supplemental - One hour. One hour to make a decision that could mean the life or death of a civilization - or the end to our own. My mind keeps going back to the Borg, how I despised their indifference, as they tried to exterminate us. And I have to ask myself: would I be any different if I destroyed another universe, to preserve my own?

Jake Sisko: I wanted to tell you, but I was sure you wouldn't understand.

Commander Sisko: So now you're hiding things from me?

Jake Sisko: You mean you would have understood?

Commander Sisko: Of course not!

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: You don't know me as well as you think you do. I'm sure you looked at all the training profiles. But that doesn't tell you who Jadzia really was before she was joined. She was the quietest, shyest, most withdrawn young woman you've ever known - brilliant, top grades... and not a clue to what life was about. She'd never lived outside the program. And it didn't matter because she was sailing through it. Until she met Curzon Dax. Curzon sized her up in about twenty seconds, and made the next two weeks the most miserable of her life. She cried herself to sleep every night. She hated him for it. But when the field training was over and she learned about Curzon's recommendation to terminate her from the program, she went back a different woman. She found her voice and reapplied. She tore through the program with a passion, a vengeance. And in the end the administrators chose her for joining.

Arjin: How did you wind up with the Dax-symbiont?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: When I found out Curzon was dying, I requested the Dax-symbiont.

Arjin: And Curzon didn't object?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: No. Then I've never been sure quite why - except, as I've come to know Curzon's dark sense of humor, I have a feeling the irony might have appealed to him.

Commander Sisko: So, you're the one who picked the black marble?

Arjin: You're nothing like I expected.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: I'm nothing like I expected. Life after life, with each new personality stampeding around in your head, you get desires that scare you, dreams that used to belong to someone else.

Major Kira: May the Prophets guide you.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: You haven't touched your racht.

Arjin: No, I have, er... It's interesting.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: No, you've moved around your plate to make it look like you've touched it.

Arjin: I didn't have to move it. It moved itself.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: It always takes me longer to get ready as a female.

Klingon Chef: [to Arjin, about Dax] Don't get any ideas - she's mine!

Arjin: Never trust a Trill, Quark.

Quark: Why not?

Arjin: [sighs] They're... two-faced.

Quark: That go for all Trills or just for the ones with the worm?

Arjin: Any worm named Dax.

[Quark tells Arjin how he once carelessly threw away a promising career]

Arjin: How did you recover?

Quark: Never did. Look at me, tending bar out here in Wormhole Junction while the big boys fly by me at warp speed. You only get one shot at the latinum stairway. If you miss it... you miss it. Welcome to the club, son.

Quark: Rule of Acquisition 112: Never have sex with the boss's sister.

[Quark arrives with a Cardassian vole in Ops]

Quark: It ran right across a dabo table!

Major Kira: How'd it die? Get into your food?

Quark: As landlords, you're responsible for this. I expect vermin control, or I'm gonna have to...

Major Kira: Leave? Oh, please say leave. I'd take a Cardassian vole over you any day. [walks off]

Quark: The girl insists on fighting her latent attraction to me.

Chief O'Brien: [reading] "It worked in Hamelin".

[Bashir's note to his "solution" against the vole plague: a flute]

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Jadzia Dax is not Curzon Dax. But I am Dax. And I'm slowly coming to terms with what that means to me. Sometimes it means gambling or wrestling; sometimes it means waking up an initiate, before he slides into the middle of the pack and gets overlooked.

Arjin: [surprised] You're giving me another chance?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: You are the only one who can give yourself another chance. You can't simply do this anymore, to meet other people's expectations - not your father's, not your teachers', and not mine. You need to discover what Arjin wants out of life, out of joining.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: I'm not Curzon.

Odo: By the way, your gagh has arrived.

Ezri Dax: My what...? Oh, no.

Colonel Kira Nerys: Oh, yes. And it's waiting for you in cargo bay 2.

Colonel Kira Nerys: [incredulous] Your *gagh*?

Ezri Dax: Jadzia ordered it. She was planning a party for Martok's birthday next week.

Colonel Kira Nerys: How much gagh did she order?

Odo: Fifty-one cases.

Ezri Dax: Each containing a different variety.

Colonel Kira Nerys: There are *varieties* of gagh?

Ezri Dax: Oh, yes. I can remember what each one tastes like. And the way they feel when you... swallow them. Torgud gagh wiggles. Filden gagh squirms. Meshta gagh jumps...

[She starts dry-heaving; the conversation continues as she composes herself]

Ezri Dax: ...Bithool gagh has *feet*. [to Odo] Flush it out the airlock. All of it.

Odo: [shaking his head] Environmental regulations.

Colonel Kira Nerys: Well, why don't you just give it to Martok?

Ezri Dax: He'd insist on sharing it with me, as a point of honor.

Ezri Dax: Wistan gagh is packed in Targ blood...

[she looks nauseated]

Ezri Dax: I have to go now.

Ezri Dax: I haven't talked to my mother in almost six months.

Captain Sisko: Oh.

Ezri Dax: Last time I saw her was just after I was joined. She came to visit me on Trill and... I was still a little confused. When she walked into my room, I put on a big smile, looked her right in the eye and said "Hi mom, it's me - Curzon!" Things kinda went downhill from there.

Ezri Dax: Nothing's simple for Ezri.

[Bashir hands Dax a PADD]

Doctor Bashir: Everything Starfleet knows on Bilby and his widow.

Ezri Dax: Where's your report?

Doctor Bashir: Oh, it's in there. It's the one with Captain Sisko's boot prints all over it.

Chief O'Brien: I'm not looking forward to seeing Captain Sisko. He has a boot with my name on it.

[Bashir is planning to play his Alamo program with O'Brien]

Odo: Give my regards to Santa Anna.

Yanas: I hate your hair.

Ezri Dax: Our mother is a force of nature.

Ezri Dax: There's times when the computer asked me to identify myself, and I have to think about what to say. Or worse yet, there's days when I wake up, and I don't even know if I'm a man or a woman until I pull back the covers!

Yanas: Ezri, you always were too proud for your own good.

Norvo: To my sister - a shining angel in a dark sky.

Ezri Dax: [of a painting on the wall] Is this yours?

Norvo: Mom insisted on hanging it in here. I hate it.

Ezri Dax: Why?

Norvo: Well, the composition is puerile and obvious, the colors belong on a child's toy, and the technique is laughable.

Ezri Dax: But other than that?

Norvo: It's perfect.

[Norvo wakes up with a hangover]

Norvo: Good morning.

Ezri Dax: Good *afternoon.*

Norvo: [about destroying his paintings] What can I say? I get drunk, I become an art critic.

Ezri Dax: Norvo - you don't know what happened to Morica, do you?

Norvo: [smirking sardonically] I'm the idiot brother. How would I know?

Norvo: Mother disapproves of suicide - all that blood on the carpets...

Norvo: You always said that I was too weak... to handle the tough ones. I'm not. I proved it. I handled the problem that you couldn't. I handled it.

Rom: Moogieee! I was so worried!

Ishka: You're a good son.

Quark: I was worried too.

Ishka: And you're a good liar!

Rom: Nagus? You remember my son Nog, don't you? He's the first Ferengi to join Starfleet.

Zek: I'll try not to hold that against him.

Captain Sisko: A Dominion invasion of Ferenginar?

Rom: Think of the terrible repercussions to the Alpha Quadrant!

Lt. Commander Worf: I cannot think of any.

[Grand Nagus Zek has given Ferengi females the right to wear clothes and make their own business]

Ishka: I predict that one day, a female will enter the Tower of Commerce, climb the forty flights of stairs to the Chamber of Opportunity, and take her rightful place as Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance.

[Zek looks at Quark, flabbergasted]

Quark: Don't look at me. It was your amendment.

Quark: [as Lumba] "Drink Slug-o-Cola, and keep your teeth that lovely shade of green." [Lumba's suggestion for a slogan for Nilva's drink]

Leeta: I've heard so much about you!

Zek: [approaching her, suggestively] Would you like to hear more?

Ishka: [holding him back] Remember - she's Rom's wife!

Zek: Meaning what?

Ishka: Meaning she's broke!

Quark: Moogie and I argue all the time; it's our way of showing affection.

Quark: I just kicked the Grand Nagus out of my bar.

Other Ferengi: *Acting* Grand Nagus!

Quark: Whatever. I need to lie down.

Quark: You're nice to the customers, you're nice to the dabo girls, you're nice to the Ferengi waiters. You're nice to everyone - almost everyone.

Aluura: You mean I've offended someone?

Quark: Look closely, Aluura. Can't you see the pain in my eyes?

Aluura: But I'm always nice to you.

Quark: I think you could be nicer.

Aluura: How much nicer?

[Quark hands her a PADD]

Aluura: [reads] "Oo-mox for Fun and Profit"?

Quark: It's a quick read.

Aluura: Ooh! You want me to be... "nice".

[Zek has given Quark the "good news" that Ferengi females are allowed to wear clothes and make profit]

Quark: Better tell me the bad news. It might cheer me up.

Nog: I know, "Females and finances don't mix". But that can be interpreted in many different ways.

Zek: Rom may make a better female than you, but when it comes to business, you're the better Ferengi.

Quark: [to Rom] Looks like your stupidity has saved you again.

Rom: It comes in handy sometimes.

Ishka: [to Quark] You may be a lousy son. But you made a wonderful daughter.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Assuming you're not a spy... then maybe you're an outcast.

Elim Garak: Or maybe I'm an outcast spy.

Dr. Julian Bashir: How could you be both?

Elim Garak: I never said I was either.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Before you can be loyal to another, you must be loyal to yourself.

Elim Garak: And who can we thank for those misguided words of wisdom? Sarek, of Vulcan?

Dr. Julian Bashir: Actually it was Bashir, of Earth.

Odo: I heard an interesting rumour today.

Quark: Only one? I started at least twelve.

Quark: I never told you this, Odo, but I consider you as dear to me as my brother.

Odo: [laughs contemptuously] I've seen how well you treat him.

[Quark has just been slapped in the face by Natima]

Odo: Are you all right?

Quark: All right? This is the happiest day of my life!

Odo: So, how well does this woman know you? Just enough to dislike you or well enough to really hate you?

Elim Garak: Toran!

Gul Toran: It's Gul Toran now.

Elim Garak: They made you a Gul? I didn't realize the situation on Cardassia had gotten so desperate.

Quark: You've done enough for the movement. You lit the match; let them carry the torch.

Elim Garak: Mr. Quark, might I offer you some free advice?

Quark: As long as I'm under no obligation to follow it.

[Quark and Natima are indulging in reminiscences]

Natima Lang: ...You painted my face with honey.

Quark: And a Mordian butterfly landed on your nose.

Natima Lang: And a Mordian butterfly got *stuck* on my nose.

Elim Garak: All you really need to know right now is that the return of Hogue and Rekelen is in the best interest of the Cardassian Empire.

Commander Sisko: Or at least in the best interest of the Cardassian military.

Elim Garak: Is there a difference?

Quark: Consider the cloaking device a... a gift.

Rekelen: I'm surprised. Ferengis aren't known for their generosity.

Quark: Oh, we're a deeply misunderstood race.

Odo: So, which is it - dislike or hate?

Quark: It's none of your business. But if you have to know, I was the love of her life.

Odo: [scoffs] Must have been some life.

Quark: It'll be like old times.

Natima Lang: It'll never be like old times.

Quark: You're right. It'll be better.

Quark: You know, you're as beautiful as ever.

Natima Lang: And you're as big a liar as ever.

Quark: You see, just like old times!

[Natima has accidentally shot Quark]

Natima Lang: It hurts?

Quark: Oh, she wants to know if it hurts. Of course it hurts, it's supposed to hurt, it's a phaser!

Natima Lang: I love you, Quark. I've always loved you - even when I hated you.

Elim Garak: I've been in this business a long time, and I know there's nothing worse than following the wrong trend. Now, you're a smart fellow, with your own inimitable sense of style. Perhaps... you should mention this to your lady friend. I'd hate to see her fall victim to fashion.

Quark: Would you like to explain that?

Elim Garak: She's chosen to associate herself with some rather flamboyant companions. It would be a tragedy if she got in the way, when her friends go out of fashion.

Elim Garak: You'd be surprised how detrimental a poor choice of fashion can be. Take this dress: it may be all the rage now, but in a very short time it can become tiresome, an affront to the eyes. Certain people might even think it's objectionable. And then...

[he tears the dress apart]

Elim Garak: ...nothing but rags.

Quark: If anyone tries to harm her, they're gonna have to deal with me!

Elim Garak: And what are you going to do? Short-change them at the dabo table?

[Quark has beseeched Odo to set Natima and her students free]

Quark: Listen to me, Odo. You do this for me, and I promise you, there'll be no more secrets between us. I'll tell you about every underhanded deal, every lying scheme, every dirty trick... my brother Rom's involved in.

Odo: Well - since you put it that way... I'm not interested.

Quark: [about Natima] What was I supposed to say? That I love her? That I would do anything for her? That without her, my life would be meaningless? Sure, I could say those things, but what good would it do? How can I expect you to understand? You've never had those feelings. You don't know what it means to really care about another person. You've never been in love; you've got all the emotions of a stone! - No offense.

Odo: I'll free them, Quark, but only in the name of justice.

Quark: Justice? That was gonna be my next suggestion!

Quark: Don't allow my greed to keep you from doing the right thing.

Elim Garak: [after killing Gul Toran] Well, some people should never be promoted.

Elim Garak: Oh, and if you'd like, stop by the shop one day. I have a number of suits that would look quite flattering on you.

Quark: I'm gonna see to it that every Ferengi on the station shops in your store.

Elim Garak: Ah, that alone makes it all worthwhile!

Quark: You have to tell me: why'd you do it - shoot Toran?

Elim Garak: Why did you let Professor Lang go?

Quark: I've no choice; I love her.

Elim Garak: And I love Cardassia. Which is why I had to do what I did.

Elim Garak: That's the thing about love - no one really understands it, do they?

Nog: Jake, I'm getting that tingling in the lobes. And when a lobe tingles, it means only one thing - opportunity!

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: [on Morn] You know, those... seven or eight little wiry hairs that come out of his forehead...

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Well, they make him look kinda cute.

[Kira is threatened by Baltrim and Keena with farm tools]

Mullibok: Their problem is, they don't like uniforms.

Major Kira: Neither do I, but, uh, it comes with the job.

Mullibok: You're halfway pretty.

Major Kira: Does that mean I can come in?

Mullibok: You know, you look real good even from this angle. But you know something? You walk like a carnivorous rastipod.

Major Kira: [unnerved] Now look...!

[looks annoyed, but then starts smirking]

Major Kira: You're trying to make me mad!

Mullibok: How am I doing?

Major Kira: Not well enough to get rid of me.

Mullibok: Damn!

Commander Sisko: [referring to Kira] I'm going to tell Minister Toran that she's remained temporarily on Jerrado, at your request.

Doctor Bashir: But sir - that isn't true.

Commander Sisko: Make it true, Doctor. Now, please.

Doctor Bashir: [officially] Commander, I'd advise that Major Kira remain on Jerrado for humanitarian reasons...

Doctor Bashir: [under his breath] How long?

Commander Sisko: The next day or two.

Doctor Bashir: ...for the next day or two, sir.

Commander Sisko: Thank you, Doctor. I'll consider that request. Dismissed.

Lissepian Captain: One thing about Cardassians, they pay their bills.

Jake Sisko: Land!

[Kira tries to persuade Mullibok against his will to leave Jerrado]

Mullibok: The Cardassians probably told you you didn't stand a chance either. Did you surrender?

Major Kira: No.

Mullibok: Why do you expect me to act any different than you? Now you tell them they can start cracking this moon apart whenever they're ready. I'll be here.

[Mullibok tells Kira how he had traveled as a stowaway on board a Cardassian vessel]

Mullibok: When we got here to Jerrado, I overpowered the crew and I stole whatever I needed to start building a life here.

Major Kira: Y... you overpowered the crew? Yourself?

Mullibok: There was only six of them. That was fortunate for me, because I was somewhat weakened by the captivity and starvation.

Mullibok: [about his times of starvation] It was mind over matter. Every 26 hours, I'd just tighten up my waist belt another notch, and that way my belly didn't know that it was shrinking.

Major Kira: Excuse me?

Mullibok: You wanted to ask me to tell you how I got started here, which I'm very politely trying to do. Now, would you kindly let me finish?

Major Kira: I assume you found some food before you ran out of belt notches.

Mullibok: Are you telling the story or am I?

Mullibok: What I'm telling you, Major, I tamed this place - me.

Major Kira: I believe you.

Commander Sisko: You know, you're causing a lot of trouble.

Mullibok: I can't tell you how delighted I am to hear that.

Major Kira: When I was very small, I remember there was this tree right outside my window. It was the ugliest, most gnarled and battered old tree I'd ever seen. Even the birds stayed away from it.

Mullibok: But you loved it, huh?

Major Kira: I hated it! Because it had grown so huge, its branches blocked out the sun for kellipates, and its roots buried themselves so deep in the soil, nothing else could grow there. Oh, it was a... big, selfish, annoying...

Mullibok: ...nasty...

Major Kira: ...nasty... nasty old tree.

Mullibok: Hm... Sounds to me like it had a lot of character.

Major Kira: A lot.

Commander Sisko: Look, I understand you're used to sympathizing with the underdog. You spent your life fighting to overcome impossible odds, just like he's doing. But you have to realize something, Major: you're on the other side now. - Pretty uncomfortable, isn't it?

Major Kira: It's awful.

Mullibok: I told you, my life's here. If I leave here, I'll die. So I'd rather die here.

Major Kira: Two to beam up.

[O'Brien and Bashir are trying their hands at darts]

Doctor Bashir: I don't know about this.

Chief O'Brien: You'd rather play a game of racquetball?

Doctor Bashir: Chief, since Keiko's been on Bajor, we've played 106 games of racquetball.

Chief O'Brien: Right. So throw a dart.

[Grand Nagus Zek has revised the Rules of Acquisition]

Quark: Rom, do you know what this means?

Rom: Yes. It means we're gonna have to memorize a whole new set of rules.

[Quark and Rom are trying to make sense of the new Rules]

Quark: It must be some kind of code. Read me the first word of every Rule.

Rom: [flipping through the first Rules] "If"... "Never"... "Keep"... "Profit"... "A"... "Good"... "Smile"... "Honesty"...

[Quark interrupts him with a shout, then repeats the words]

Quark: "If never keep profit a good smile honesty."

Rom: What does it mean, Brother?

Quark: It means... absolutely nothing!

[Dr. Bashir has been nominated for the Carrington Award]

Doctor Bashir: Do you know what the average life expectancy of a Carrington Award winner is? Five years. Ten at the very best; and do you know why? Because the Carrington Award is intended to be the crowning achievement for a lifetime in medicine. April Wade is 106. The last time she was nominated, three years ago, people said it was premature!

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: You're exaggerating!

Doctor Bashir: Maybe, a little. But the undeniable truth is, I am way too young to be a serious contender for the Carrington. Now, put my name up for nomination in seventy years, and I promise you I will get very excited.

Odo: I have a friend at Starfleet Intelligence, and she has a friend who has a cousin who's married to the assistant of one of the members of the Federation Medical Council.

Odo: And according to my friend, her friend heard something from his cousin that his wife heard from the council member that I thought you might find interesting.

Doctor Bashir: Which is?

Odo: Doctor Wade is not going to win the Carrington.

Doctor Bashir: The only one that has a reason to celebrate is Ghee P'Trell.

Odo: Perhaps, but P'Trell is by no means as popular as Dr. Wade.

Doctor Bashir: According to your friend.

Odo: Actually, according to my friend's friend's...

Doctor Bashir: I get the picture.

Odo: The point is, if it's not going to be Wade, it could be anyone - P'Trell, Senva, Roget... even you.

Doctor Bashir: I didn't think I was gonna win before; and I don't think I'm going to win now.

Odo: Is that a fact? Then, why have you been working on your acceptance speech?

[startled, Bashir looks at the PADD he's been working on]

Doctor Bashir: How did you know?

Odo: Just a guess.

[smiles and leaves]

Quark: I have an idea.

Rom: Does it involve me?

Quark: Not really.

Rom: Aah. I like it.

Quark: When the Nagus feels ready, he'll inform us of his plans, but until then, we have to act as if we know nothing.

Rom: I can do that!

Quark: What does Zek want with me?

Rom: Looks like he's moving in with you, Brother.

Zek: [in Quark's vision] Looking for answers? You couldn't find them if they were dangling from your lobes.

Zek: That's the wonderful thing about mysteries. Sometimes the answers just fall from the sky.

Quark: [10th Rule of Acquisition] Greed is eternal.

[revised Rules of Acquisition]

Quark: #1: If they want their money back, give it to them.

Rom: #10: Greed is dead.

Rom: #21: Never place profit before friendship.

Rom: #22: Latinum tarnishes, but family is forever.

Rom: #23: Money can never replace dignity.

Rom: #285: A good deed is its own reward.

Prophet: Linguistic communication is tiresome.

Quark: My point exactly!

Emi: Quark - I can't wait any longer. Why don't you and I go down to Cargo Bay 11 and... sign the contract?

Quark: No need to rush. Your family's ship won't be here for a week. We'll have plenty of time to finalize the deal before then.

Emi: That's an unusual attitude for a Ferengi.

Quark: I'm a very unusual Ferengi.

[Quark, Rom and Maihar'du have kidnapped Zek in a sack]

Quark: Grand Nagus, can you hear me? Are you okay?

Zek: Don't worry, Quark. I forgive you.

Quark: [to Rom] D'you hear that? We have to help him.

[Zek has passed a medical test with flying colors]

Zek: [handing Bashir a strip of latinum] Here, Doctor, for your trouble.

Doctor Bashir: I can't accept that.

Zek: Why not? It's only money. Donate it to charity, if you'd like.

Quark: And you say he's not sick.

Quark: [to Bashir] I can't believe you're supposed to be one of the five best doctors in the Federation. If you ask me, you're a quack. No wonder everyone says you don't have a chance to win the Carrington.

Zek: So many needy people; so little time.

[Zek has been restored to his former self, with some help from Quark]

Quark: There's only one thing that bothers me. Now, don't get me wrong, I was honored to help the Nagus; but it would've been nice if I'd been able to make a little profit for my troubles.

Rom: That's all right. I made enough profit for the both of us.

Rom: I'm talking about the Ferengi Benevolent Association. Did you know it was funded with Zek's personal fortune? I was the senior administrator, Brother.

Quark: You embezzled money, from the Nagus?

Rom: Surprise!

Quark: Father would be proud!

Quark: I have been accommodating long enough! If the Negus wants to stay on the station, he's gonna have to find someplace else to live!

Q: You hit me! Picard never hit me.

Sisko: I'm not Picard.

Q: Indeed not. You're much easier to provoke. How fortunate for me.

Vash: You are the one who almost got me killed on Errikang VII, and they weren't exactly thrilled to see you on Brax either. What did they call you, 'the God of Lies'?

Q: They meant it affectionately.

Q: [mockingly] The eminent Vash! Barred from the Royal Museum of Epsilon Hydra VII. Persona non grata on Betazed. Wanted dead on Miridon for stealing the crown of the First Mother.

Vash: Dead or *alive*!

Q: *Preferably* dead!

Vash: It's over, Q, I want you out of my life. You're arrogant, you're overbearing and you think you know everything.

Q: But... I do know everything.

Vash: That makes it even worse.

Doctor Bashir: [examining Vash] Well, um... no sign of disease or malnutrition... or parasitic infections.

Vash: You sound disappointed.

Doctor Bashir: I am. Now I've no reason to keep you here.

Chief O'Brien: Vash and Captain Picard were friends - close friends, if you follow my meaning. Seems they met on Risa a few years back. I figured she must be a special woman being friends with the Captain at all.

Commander Sisko: Somehow she doesn't seem to be his type.

Chief O'Brien: The Captain likes a good challenge, sir.

Q: Really, Vash, I can't believe you're still pining for Jean-Luc, that self-righteous do-gooder.

Q: An abysmal place.

Vash: Tartaras V?

Q: Earth. Oh, don't get me wrong. Thousand years ago it had character - Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, Watergate... Now it's just mind-numbingly dull.

Q: [to Sisko] Just answer one question: is Starfleet penalizing you or did you actually request such a dismal command?

Chief O'Brien: Why don't you do something constructive for a change, like torment Cardassians?

Q: Do I know you?

Chief O'Brien: O'Brien, from the Enterprise.

Q: Enterprise? Oh, yes! Weren't you one of the little people?

Q: I suppose it's my fate to be the galaxy's whipping boy. Oh, heavy is the burden of being me.

[Vash is massaging Quark's ears over a business deal]

Quark: I'll not be distracted by your feminine wiles. I demand 40%... All right, 30.

Vash: What magnificent cartilage.

Quark: 22, and don't stop!

Quark: I can't decide what's more intoxicating - this Gamzian wine or your negotiating skills.

Q: [referring to Quark] What business could you possibly have with that disgusting little troll?

Quark: I have nothing to hide. I'm selling quality merchandise to select clientele.

Odo: And what makes them so... select?

Quark: They're all ridiculously wealthy - and not too bright.

Quark: [of his select client?le] I don't care about their manners. The important thing is, they're honest collectors of antiquities, every one.

Vash: How honest?

Quark: As honest as you and I.

Vash: Then we'd better keep a close eye on them.

Doctor Bashir: [entering Quark's after a *very* long slumber] I feel as though I've been asleep for days.

[Dax only looks at him]

Doctor Bashir: What? Did I miss something?

Quark: It's all about foot traffic. The more people come in, the more they drink, the more they drink, the more they talk, the more they talk, the more they let slip things that I shouldn't know, and that, oh, that always leads to latinum.

Lt. Commander Worf: Perhaps so, but there is one problem.

Quark: What's that?

Lt. Commander Worf: There's an ancient Klingon proverb that says, "You cannot loosen a man's tongue with root beer."

Admiral Whatley: The Bajorans requested that the signing ceremony take place on your station. So make sure you spruce up that floating bicycle wheel of yours.

Major Kira: I was just thinking about Zocal's Third Prophecy. It said only someone who had been touched by the Prophets... could find the ruins of B'hala.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [to Sisko] No pressure.

Captain Sisko: I remember the first time I held you in my hands. You were only a few minutes old. And I looked down at your face. And it was almost as if I could see your whole life stretched out in front of you - all the joys it would bring, and the bruises - it was all there, hidden in that scrunched up little face. The baby I'm holding in my hands now is the universe itself. And I need time to study its face.

Major Kira: I know you're worried. But the Prophets are leading the Emissary on this path for a reason.

Lt. Commander Worf: Do not attempt to convince them, Major. They cannot understand.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Since when did you believe in the Prophets?

Lt. Commander Worf: What I believe in... is faith. Without it there can be no victory. If the Captain's faith is strong, he will prevail.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: That's not much to bet his life on.

Major Kira: You're wrong. It's everything.

Captain Sisko: Admiral...

Admiral Whatley: What is it, Ben?

Captain Sisko: Your son. You can stop worrying about him. He forgives you.

Admiral Whatley: How the hell did he know that Kevin and I weren't getting along?

Doctor Bashir: He's the Emissary.

Captain Sisko: Locusts! They'll destroy Bajor, unless it stands alone!

Admiral Whatley: Ben, what the hell are you talking about?

Captain Sisko: It's too soon. Bajor must not join the Federation. If it does, it will be destroyed!

Kai Winn: Before Captain Sisko found B'hala, my path was clear. I knew who my enemies were. But now... now nothing is certain.

Kasidy Yates: Ben, I can't say I understand what you've gone through. I know you feel you've lost something important, and maybe you have. But believe me...

[she takes Jake by the hand]

Kasidy Yates: ...you've held on to something important as well.

[she takes Ben's hand as well, and joins it together with his son's]

Captain Sisko: When I said that Bajor should wait before it joins the Federation, I have never felt so certain about anything in my life.

Admiral Whatley: I was afraid you would say that, Ben.

Captain Sisko: Admiral, for what it's worth, I wish things had turned out differently.

Admiral Whatley: So do I.

Captain Sisko: But it's not over. One day, Bajor will join the Federation. That I'm sure of.

Admiral Whatley: Are you speaking as a Starfleet captain or as the Emissary of the Prophets?

Captain Sisko: Both.

Admiral Whatley: In that case I'll keep the champagne on ice.

Admiral Whatley: I knew we were headed for trouble the minute he allowed the Bajorans to call him Emissary.

Captain Sisko: Sometimes being the Emissary isn't such a bad thing.

Kai Winn: Those of you who were in the Resistance, you're all the same. You think you're the only ones who fought the Cardassians; that you saved Bajor single-handedly. Perhaps you forget, Major, the Cardassians arrested any Bajoran found to be teaching the word of the Prophets. I was in a Cardassian prison camp for five years, and I can remember each and every beating I suffered. And while you had your weapons to protect you, all I had was my faith, and my courage. Walk with the Prophets, child. I know I will.

Odo: I wonder if the Prophets can help us find quarters for Captain Rifkin.

Captain Sisko: B'hala. It was the eve of the Peldor Festival. I could hear them ringing the temple chimes.

Major Kira: You were dreaming.

Captain Sisko: No. I was there. I could smell the burning bateret leaves, taste the incense on the wind. I was standing in front of the Obelisk, and as I looked up, for one moment, I understood it all. B'hala, the Orbs, the Occupation, the discovery of the wormhole - the coming war with the Dominion.

Major Kira: You could see the future as well as the past?

Captain Sisko: For one moment, I could see the pattern that held it all together.

Major Kira: You were having a pagh'tem'far - a sacred vision!

Captain Sisko: Well, I don't know what I had. But it felt *wonderful*!

Major Kira: The Prophets chose well when they made you their Emissary. So how does it all fit together?

Captain Sisko: I wish I knew...

Captain Sisko: [playfully] Someone woke me up!

Quark: Time flies when you're having fun.

Kai Winn: May the Prophets reveal their wisdom to you, Emissary.

Major Kira Nerys: What do Klingons dream about?

Worf: Things that would send cold chills down your spine, and wake you in the middle of the night. It is better you do not know. Excuse me.

Major Kira Nerys: I can never tell when he's joking.

Major Kira Nerys: [on Lenara Kahn] You know that woman?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I know her. She used to be my wife...

Dr. Lenara Kahn: [at a reception party] I suppose we should load up our plates, since the whole room is watching us.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [appraising the people around] Quite an audience.

Dr. Lenara Kahn: Seems a shame to disappoint them; maybe we should do something.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Well, we could get into a screaming match and start throwing things at each other.

Dr. Lenara Kahn: Not bad. Or I suppose we could throw ourselves at each other, profess our undying love for each other, and complete disregard for Trill society.

[Dax has performed some magic tricks which Quarks tries in vain to explain]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Don't worry, Quark, you'll figure it out eventually.

[she suddenly looks at Quark startled]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: No wonder you can't figure it out.

[she reaches for Quark's ear and pulls a strip of latinum out of it]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Your head's full of latinum!

Quark: [after painfully establishing Jadzia's and Lenara's former relationship] I'm sorry I brought the whole thing up; it's giving me a headache.

Doctor Bashir: It must be all the latinum rattling around in there...

[he suddenly scrutinizes Quark's ear, reaches out and repeats Jadzia's earlier trick on him]

Doctor Bashir: Oh - I thought so. You really should have that looked at.

Doctor Bashir: Next time I'm gonna pull a rabbit out of his ear.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Nilani wasn't panicking the day before Torias died.

Dr. Lenara Kahn: No?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: No. Torias should have listened to her. The shuttle was not ready for a full impulse test. But Torias had to do it anyway. And he was wrong. And whatever part of me is still Torias... is very sorry, and wishes he'd listened to you.

Dr. Lenara Kahn: It's really good to see you again, Dax. That sounds so strange. I mean, I'm looking at a different face, hearing a different voice... But somehow it's still you.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I know. Every time I start to think of you as just Lenara, you'll smile, or laugh, and suddenly it's you.

Doctor Bashir: For a joined Trill, nothing is more important than to protect the life of the symbiont. Nothing.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [about Curzon] He used to say there was an exception to every rule; and he usually went out of his way to find it.

Dr. Lenara Kahn: Dax, I am not like you. I don't have a little Curzon inside me telling me to be impulsive, to ignore the rules, to give up everything that I've worked for.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Can you really walk away from me? From us? After all this time we're together. Don't throw that away!

Dr. Lenara Kahn: I don't want to! Maybe I need more time. Maybe if I go back to Trill for a while, I... I'll think it over, I... I can always come back later.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I wish I could believe you. But ultimately it comes down to this: if you feel about me the way I feel about you, you won't go on that transport tomorrow. And if you do leave, I think we both know... you're never coming back again.

Captain Sisko: I know this is difficult for you, I know how you feel about Lenara. But I want you to think about what will happen if you pursue this. If you're exiled from Trill, there will be no further hosts for your symbiont. When Jadzia dies, Dax dies.

Captain Sisko: If I were in your position, I'd probably be just as ready to throw away everything for the person I love. But I would also want to be sure... that I was ready to pay the price.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [to Sisko] I've lived seven lifetimes, and I have never had a friend quite like you.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: What about Captain Boday?

Major Kira: Captain Boday? You want me to bring Captain Boday to your quarters for dinner?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: It's just a suggestion.

Major Kira: Well, it's a bad suggestion! Number one, you used to go out with Captain Boday, number two, Worf hates him, and number three, and we've discussed this many times, Captain Boday has a transparent skull.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: And you don't like to see a man's brains. -... - What about Doctor Trag'tok? He's intelligent, he has a good physique... and he has a very opaque cranium.

Major Kira: True. But his eye bothers me.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Which one?

Major Kira: The middle one.

Major Kira: Sometimes your taste in men frightens me.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [arriving in Ops] I'll make sure to tell Worf you said so.

Lt. Commander Worf: [at his console] Tell me what?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Don't be so nosy!

Major Kira: [quoting Vedek Bareil] "When you overindulge the body..."

Bareil: "... you starve the soul."

Bareil: This must be very strange for you... you and I here together... me looking like him...

Major Kira: Fortunately, you're not anything like him.

Bareil: You mean, he didn't eat in bed?

Captain Sisko: I know what you're going through, Major. When I met the other Jennifer Sisko, it was... very confusing, to say the least. I knew she wasn't my wife. Sometimes, she would smile at me a certain way, and then the light would hit her eyes - and it *was* my Jennifer. At least that's what I wanted to believe.

Intendant Kira: I'd be disappointed if you didn't find the Major intoxicating. I mean, after all, she is me - or the next best thing to me.

[after kidnapping Major Kira, Bareil has climbed 57 levels with her to get to the runabout landing pad]

Major Kira: Here we are. Landing pad A.

Bareil: Open it.

Major Kira: I've got a better idea. Why don't you hand over that disruptor?

Bareil: Oh, you've been so cooperative up to now. I'd hate to have to kill you.

Major Kira: You're not gonna kill me.

Bareil: Oh, you sure of that?

Major Kira: You're not gonna kill anyone, not with that disruptor. Power cell's cracked.

Bareil: [sighs] How long have you known?

Major Kira: Since we left Ops.

Bareil: Then... why did you come with me?

Major Kira: I needed the exercise.

Bareil: Who are the Prophets?

Major Kira: Our gods. You do have gods, don't you?

Bareil: Of course we do.

Major Kira: You don't sound too sure.

Bareil: That's because I leave them alone; they leave me alone.

Major Kira: [to Bareil, on the assumption that he was using Kira to get to the Orb] It's not true. You know that as well as I do. You may have come here for the Orb. But you found something else.

Intendant Kira: And people say that *I* have a large ego.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Julian, Kira's personal life is her own. We're her friends, we should respect her privacy.

[Kira arrives in Ops]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Good morning, Nerys. How'd it go last night?

Major Kira: You mean dinner? We had a great time, why?

Doctor Bashir: Uh, she means after dinner, but you don't have to answer that, because we don't want to invade your privacy.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: But if you want to tell us about it, we'll listen.

Major Kira: What's that old saying? "Once a thief..."

Major Kira: [to Bareil] You don't have to do this.

Intendant Kira: Oh, isn't that sweet? She is still trying to save your soul. Of course, you don't have one.

[Quark has suggested that Bareil pose as a Vedek to the paying public]

Bareil: I wouldn't know what to say.

Quark: The less, the better. Just nod every once in a while and smile benignly. It's very simple. Later on, once you get the hang of it, you might even throw in a blessing or two. What do you think?

Bareil: I have known people like you my whole life - nasty, greedy little minds willing to do whatever it takes to make money. I know just how you think.

Quark: That's because you think the same way.

Bareil: [laughs flatly] I suppose I am a lot more like you than I'll ever be like... Vedek Bareil.

Quark: Perfect. Then we have a deal?

Bareil: I'm afraid not.

Quark: Why?

Bareil: Because right now, I don't like either one of us.

Intendant Kira: Wearing the Major's clothes, it feels so intimate. Oh, admit it. You've never found me more exciting; it's like having the best of both worlds.

Intendant Kira: I couldn't leave without saying hello to myself.

Bareil: You know what I saw when I looked into that Orb? You and me, together, on Bajor. We had a life. A family.

Major Kira: What's wrong with that?

Bareil: Nothing. Might even work... for a while. But eventually, I'd find some way to ruin it. I'm a thief. I belong with her.

Major Kira: Then you should go.

[a demoted Dukat is having dinner with Kira]

Gul Dukat: By the way, Major, what is this I hear about you and Shakaar?

Major Kira Nerys: I don't know what you've heard.

Gul Dukat: First it was Vedek Bareil, and now it's the head of the Bajoran government. You do like powerful men, don't you?

Major Kira Nerys: First of all, Shakaar's an old friend. Second of all, what business is it of yours?

Gul Dukat: Let's just say it's further incentive for me to regain my former position.

Tora Ziyal: You don't like my father very much, do you?

Major Kira Nerys: No. I don't.

Tora Ziyal: I understand. He did some very bad things during the Occupation.

Major Kira Nerys: Yes, he did.

Tora Ziyal: It bothers him, you know.

Major Kira Nerys: [cynical] Does it?

Tora Ziyal: Very much. He talks about it sometimes. He'd never admit it to anyone else, but he thinks the Occupation was a mistake.

Major Kira Nerys: Somehow, I don't think he'd say that if the Cardassians had won.

Tora Ziyal: Maybe not. But maybe losing made him a better person.

Major Kira Nerys: Well, then a lot of innocent people died for his education.

Tora Ziyal: I... I know. I think about that a lot, but when I look at my father, I have a hard time seeing a murderer.

Major Kira Nerys: And when I look at him, I have a hard time seeing anything else.

Major Kira Nerys: Why is it when you smile, I wanna leave the room?

Gul Dukat: I suppose it's because of my overwhelming charm.

Gul Dukat: Major, is it my imagination, or do you have a hard time accepting compliments?

Major Kira Nerys: I have a hard time accepting compliments from *you*.

Gul Dukat: Well, I'll try to restrain my enthusiasm, but I can't make you any promises.

Tora Ziyal: My father says that the two of you have a lot in common. That you both did things during the war that you regret. That's why he cares so much about what you think of him.

Major Kira Nerys: Ziyal, what your father wants from me is forgiveness. That's one thing I can never give him.

Gul Dukat: You judge me too harshly. Maybe I *am* seeking to regain my former position, one which I earned, through hard work, dedication and sacrifice. But redemption is not my sole motivation. I care about my people, and I don't intend to allow the Klingons to get away with murdering them. I'm a much more complicated man than you give me credit for.

Major Kira Nerys: Well, if that's true, I suppose I prefer simpler men.

Gul Dukat: I must say, I've always admired Shakaar's success with women. The Intelligence file I kept on him during the Occupation is filled with reports of his conquests. In fact, if you remember correctly, you were the only female in his resistance cell that he didn't... charm. At least until now.

Major Kira Nerys: Is that what you kept track of during the Occupation? No wonder you lost.

Gul Dukat: It amazes me that a woman... as intelligent and sophisticated as you could be attracted to such a lumbering, simplistic field hand. I mean, what could the two of you possibly talk about?

Major Kira Nerys: That lumbering field hand is the First Minister of Bajor. And he knows more about how to talk to me than you ever will.

Gul Dukat: How can you be so sure? After all, you don't know me well enough to make a comparison.

Major Kira Nerys: I don't wanna know you well enough. And if you want to keep working with me, I suggest you stick to business.

[on Shakaar's personal request, Kira has agreed to attend a diplomatic conference]

Major Kira Nerys: Oh, it was a personal request all right. Shakaar took me to my favorite restaurant in Jalanda City, poured me glass after glass of spring wine, and then took me to his home, and gave me a massage with Kolaish spice oil.

Doctor Bashir: Well, nice to know he's keeping in touch with his constituents.

Major Kira Nerys: It wasn't fair. I mean, I would have said yes to anything at that point.

Gul Dukat: Well... it would seem we're not... worth destroying.

[after a Klingon Bird of Prey has shrugged off Dukat's attack without shooting back]

Gul Dukat: [low-spirited] I have to inform Central Command. These Klingons have been operating behind our lines with impunity. Someone has got to stop them... Someone else.

Gul Dukat: There was a time when the mere mention of my race inspired fear. And now, we're a beaten people, afraid to fight back because we don't wanna lose what little is left.

Major Kira Nerys: That's not the Cardassians I know.

Gul Dukat: What Cardassians? Don't you see, Major? They're paralyzed! They're beaten and defeated! *I* am the *only* Cardassian left. And if no one else... will stand against the Klingons, I will!

K'Temang: I'm confiscating your ship and its cargo!

Gul Dukat: On whose authority?

K'Temang: [sneers] On the authority of the Klingon Empire and the disruptors I have pointed at your vessel.

[Kira has suggested storing planetary defense disruptors in the cargo hold]

Gul Dukat: But those weapons are huge. What do we do with all this cargo?

Major Kira Nerys: Get rid of it.

Gul Dukat: All of it?

Major Kira Nerys: I realize it's traditional for a Cardassian captain to take a percentage of the haul; but you are gonna have to shed a lot of traditions if you are serious about fighting the Klingons.

Gul Dukat: Some traditions are hard to break.

Major Kira Nerys: [knowing] You'll get used to it.

[after getting the upper hand on the Klingons, Dukat kills them]

Major Kira Nerys: Was that necessary?

Gul Dukat: You're the terrorist. You tell me.

Major Kira Nerys: Best way to survive a knife fight is to never get in one.

[Dukat has asked Kira to join him in his fight against the Klingons]

Gul Dukat: On Deep Space Nine you're nothing but a bureaucrat, an administrator. If you come with me, you can be a soldier again. Think about it, Major: the chance to fight against a superior foe in a righteous cause; to protect a defeated and broken people from a cruel aggressor. You know as well as I do that if Cardassia falls, Bajor is next. Help me stop the Klingons before you become their next target.

Gul Dukat: I know that our past makes it difficult for you to accept me as an ally. I also know that every fiber of your being is telling you to say 'no, no, no', but somewhere, I know there's a 'yes'. You need to listen to that 'yes' - not for my sake, not for Cardassia's, not even for Bajor's... but for your sake.

Major Kira Nerys: The fact of the matter is, I've already been where you're going. I've lived the life you're choosing - fighting, hit and run, always outgunned, living on hate and adrenaline... It's not much of a life. And it eats away at you, so that every day a little bit of you dies.

Major Kira Nerys: Odo, this is Tora Ziyal.

Odo: Gul Dukat's daughter.

Major Kira Nerys: She's gonna be living here on the station with us, for a while.

Major Kira Nerys: [sotto voce] I'll tell you all about it.

[walks off with Ziyal]

Odo: I certainly hope so.

Gul Dukat: Well, Major, it appears that whether you like it or not, our lives have become deeply intertwined.

Major Kira Nerys: [smiles] That really pleases you, doesn't it?

Gul Dukat: Pleases me? Major, it gives me reason to live.

Martus Mazur: [after waking up Cos] I thought you'd died.

Cos: If only I could be so fortunate.

Quark: [Rule of Acquisition #109] Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.

[Kira is having a very bad day while Dax is having a very good day]

Major Kira Nerys: Come on. You make your own luck, we all know that.

[walks off-screen, trips and falls]

Cos: In the end, it all comes down to luck.

[Martus has ordered a drink in Quark's]

Quark: And how do you plan on paying for this? With charm perhaps?

Martus Mazur: Double or nothing?

Quark: Double nothing is still nothing.

Quark: The 47th Rule of Acquisition says, "Don't trust a man wearing a better suit than your own." Either you're a con-artist, or you're covering up an empty coin purse. I happen to know it's both.

Cos: I won!

Quark: House always takes blue!

Alsia: I feel like I can really trust you. It's like I've known you forever.

Martus Mazur: When hearts are in sympathy, time collapses.

[Martus is in animated conversation with Alsia when Odo shows up and apprehends Martus]

Odo: Let's go.

Martus Mazur: Exactly where are we going?

Odo: To Security.

Martus Mazur: But I've done nothing wrong.

Alsia: It's true, we were just talking.

Odo: *You* were talking, madam; he was listening.

[Quark has offered to bail Martus out of prison]

Martus Mazur: In return for what?

Quark: Nothing. Pure generosity.

Odo: [scoffing] Ha!

Martus Mazur: You're enjoying this, aren't you?

Quark: Oooh - taken in by one of your own victims, and no one to turn to but me? Ha-ha-ha-ha! I can't remember when I've been so entertained!

Quark: Quark's House of Champions.

Martus Mazur: It seems that overconfidence comes in small packages around here.

Quark: My track record speaks for itself - just like your security file.

[Quark is complaining about Martus, who has opened a gambling establishment opposite his bar]

Quark: He's a con-artist, a crook!

Commander Sisko: One more won't make much difference.

Quark: You owe me! You begged me to stay here when you first came on board, and I did - against my better judgment.

Commander Sisko: I didn't beg, I blackmailed you.

[Martus has pinched Rom from Quark's and employed him in his own establishment]

Quark: Careful, Martus - he shaves the latinum.

Rom: I do not! Not much...

[Bashir is showing O'Brien a 5000-year-old warm-up exercise]

Doctor Bashir: According to the legend, it makes the heart a friend to the hand... Medically I don't really know what that means but, er, it seems to give me a lot of energy.

[O'Brien returns from a demoralizing racquetball game with Bashir]

Quark: What was the score?

Chief O'Brien: Who cares?

Quark: I care. I'm listening. Tell me your problems, all of them.

Chief O'Brien: I've got no problems a good drop shot wouldn't cure.

Quark: He beat you.

Chief O'Brien: Only by half a step, that's all. He's got a few years on me, so what? I, I've got more experience.

Quark: [to himself] The aging champion...

Chief O'Brien: Got spin shots he's never seen.

Quark: ...versus the daring challenger...

Chief O'Brien: So I had a few breaks, huh? One more game, that's all I needed.

Quark: Come one, come all...

Chief O'Brien: I'd've kicked him all over the court. He knows it too.

Quark: Welcome to Quark's!

Chief O'Brien: [irritated] Thanks!

Quark: Don't mention it.

Keiko O'Brien: Kick his butt.

[Keiko's encouragement for O'Brien's upcoming racquetball match against Bashir]

Rom: You promised me one quarter of the profits. But then you gave her everything we earned.

Martus Mazur: I promised you one quarter of the profits *after* expenses.

Rom: Expenses? What expenses?

Martus Mazur: Operating costs, overhead, recapitalization.

Rom: That does it!

[he takes off his employee's jacket and dumps it onto Martus]

Martus Mazur: Where are you going?

Rom: Back to Quark. At least then I'll get cheated by family!

[Martus has asked Quark for financial help to get off the station]

Quark: All right. I'll *loan* you 500 isiks. You can book passage on a cargo ship.

Martus Mazur: 1500. After all, I do have expenses.

Quark: 600.

Martus Mazur: 1200. I still have my dignity.

Quark: Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack - Rule of Acquisition number 109.

Martus Mazur: [reluctantly] All right... 800.

Quark: Go on. I'm listening.

Martus Mazur: [trying to close a deal with Quark] I'll take one hundred times what you've got here.

Quark: Not in this space/time continuum, you won't!

Captain Sisko: Captain's log, supplemental - O'Brien needed three days to restore main power to our commandeered Dominion ship. But he's not going to get them. Sensors have detected two Jem'Hadar fighters heading our way, and without main power our chances of survival are slim to none.

Nog: You can either stay in front of me or walk beside me, but I won't turn my back on you again.

Elim Garak: Cadet, there may be hope for you yet.

Keevan: That's a communication system. It needs repair, but I'm willing to bet that you brought one of those famed Starfleet engineers who can turn rocks into replicators.

Keevan: Once you've taken care of the Jem'Hadar, I'll give you the com-system, and surrender to you as a prisoner of war.

Doctor Bashir: And you spend the war resting comfortably as a Starfleet PoW, while your own men lie rotting on this planet?

Keevan: I see we understand each other.

Remata'Klan: Remember, "Obedience brings victory."

Limara'Son: "And victory is life."

Remata'Klan: Until we reestablish communications, we will hold this world for the Dominion.

Limara'Son: And if we cannot reestablish communications?

Remata'Klan: Then we will hold this world for the Dominion... until we die.

Chief O'Brien: Reroute the damn gyrodyne through the damn thruster array.

Nog: Got it.

Captain Sisko: Mr. Garak, where are those ships now?

Garak: Bearing 310, Mark 215, still closing.

Chief O'Brien: Nog, did you reroute that damn gyrodyne?

Nog: I've tried, but the damn thruster array won't take the input.

Chief O'Brien: Try the lateral impulse thrusters and watch your mouth!

Chief O'Brien: Oh no!

Captain Sisko: What?

Chief O'Brien: I can't believe it!

Chief O'Brien: I tore my pants!

Captain Sisko: You... you tore your pants?

Chief O'Brien: Yeah, I tore my pants!

[Everybody laughs]

Chief O'Brien: I guess... I guess I'm really in trouble now, eh?

Garak: Lucky for you, it ripped on the seam.

Chief O'Brien: Can you fix it?

Garak: Unlucky for you, my sewing kit went down with the ship.

Doctor Bashir: Your insides are being held together by cellular micro-sutures and, uh... a lot of hope.

[Garak's tricorder is giving out an alarm]

Nog: What is it?

Garak: I'm not sure, but...

[a couple of Jem'Hadars materialize and apprehend Garak and Nog]

Garak: Now I'm sure.

[Remata'Klan has proposed on Keevan's behalf to return the hostages Nog and Garak in exchange for Captain Sisko and Doctor Bashir]

Captain Sisko: Sounds like he wants to trade two low-ranking prisoners for two more valuable ones. Would you make a deal like that?

Remata'Klan: No.

Captain Sisko: Then why should I?

Remata'Klan: You shouldn't.

Captain Sisko: You're not a very good negotiator, are you?

Chief O'Brien: There are rules, Garak, even in a war.

Garak: Correction. Humans have rules in war. Rules that tend to make victory a little harder to achieve, in my opinion.

[Bashir is about to operate on Keevan, when the Jem'Hadar encircle him very closely]

Doctor Bashir: I am a doctor. I'm not gonna harm him.

Keevan: They're not here to protect me. They've just never seen what the inside of a Vorta looks like.

Vedek Yassim: Evil must be opposed!

Vedek Yassim: Can't you see what is happening to you? You're becoming an apologist for them, a defender of evil. What will it take to make you act, Kira, to stop accepting them, and start fighting back?

Major Kira: Vedek - you just don't understand.

Vedek Yassim: You are right, I don't. Maybe tomorrow... we will both understand.

Major Kira: I keep going over it and over it in my mind. And I can't believe that... that I stood there, ready to use force to stop a protest against the Dominion. Me. When I was in the Resistance, I despised people like me. I'm a collaborator, Odo.

Major Kira: We used to have a saying in the Resistance: if you're not fighting them, you're helping them.

Major Kira: This is about me. This is about being able to get up in the morning and look in the mirror and not feel nauseated by what I see. Yassim was right. I have to do something. I have to start to fight back.

Captain Sisko: How was the show?

Remata'Klan: Informative. [on Bashir's surgery on Keevan]

[Keevan has asked for the Jem'Hadar who had disobeyed orders]

Remata'Klan: I may not be First, but I am the unit leader. You may discipline me, but only *I* discipline the man. That is the order of things.

Captain Sisko: Keevan doesn't deserve the unwavering loyalty you're giving him.

Remata'Klan: He does not have to earn my loyalty, Captain. He has had it from the moment I was conceived. I am a Jem'Hadar. He is a Vorta. It is the order of things.

Captain Sisko: Do you really want to give up your life for 'the order of things'?

Remata'Klan: It is not my life to give up, Captain. And it never was.

Chief O'Brien: What did he say?

Captain Sisko: All the wrong things.

Keevan: You know, Captain, if I'd had just two more vials of white - you never would have had a chance.

Remata'Klan: Our death is glory to the Founders.

Pel: Tell us, Zyree, what is this place?

Zyree: This, this is where opportunities are made.

Quark: Really? I thought it was some kind of party.

Zyree: Then you thought wrong. This is all about profit, and like the Ferengi, the Dosi are very serious when it comes to profit.

[a Dosi is shot by another before their eyes]

Zyree: *Very* serious...

Pel: Where're you going?

Quark: To get serious about profit.

Major Kira: The Ferengi reputation speaks for itself.

Zek: A reputation for honesty and decency and reliability. You always know what to expect when you do business with the Ferengi.

Major Kira: Which is why, if you're smart, you don't do business with the Ferengi.

Zyree: If you really want 100,000 vats of tulaberry wine, I can put you in touch with the right people - for a price, of course.

Quark: Of course! I always said, you were my favorite Dosi. Now, um... who do we have to see?

Zyree: The Karemma.

Pel: Who is the Karemma?

Zyree: An important power in the Dominion.

Quark: In the Dominion? What's that?

Zyree: Let's just say, if you want to do business in the Gamma Quadrant, you have to do business with the Dominion.

Pel: [of the Dominion] Maybe it's some planetary alliance or trading consortium.

Quark: Whatever it is, it's important, and I want a piece of it.

Zek: Most of my information consists of little more than hints and whispers, but it's enough to convince me that whoever learns the secret of the Dominion, whatever that may be, will learn the secret of the Gamma Quadrant.

Quark: When it comes to business, my brother has the weak little lobes of a female.

[Pel has removed her "lobes" in front of Nagus Zek]

Rom: Does this mean I don't get the bar?

Zek: Let me remind you that taking business advice from a female is a violation of Ferengi law.

Quark: I didn't know she was a female.

Zek: Stupidity is no excuse. Now one more word out of you, and you are going to share her cell.

Quark: Then you better make sure that it's big enough for three.

Zek: Are you threatening me?

Quark: I wonder what your associates will say when I tell them you allowed a female to represent you in a business negotiation.

Zek: I didn't know she was a female.

Quark: Stupidity is no excuse.

Pel: This is not about profit anymore, it's about love!

Quark: [scoffs] Spoken like a true female.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: [about Pel] She came by to see me before she left. I'm gonna miss her. So are you.

Quark: Do you really think I'd let anyone come between us?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Nice try, Quark. But I know you better than that.

Quark: [21st Rule of Acquisition] Never place friendship above profit.

Pel: [22nd Rule of Acquisition] A wise man can hear profit in the wind.

Quark, Pel: [33rd Rule of Acquisition] It never hurts to suck up to the boss.

Pel: [48th Rule of Acquisition] The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.

Quark: [59th Rule of Acquisition] Free advice is seldom cheap.

Pel: [62nd Rule of Acquisition] The riskier the road, the greater the profit.

Odo: I'm always suspicious of people who are eager to help a police officer.

Ch'Pok: It's an interesting system of justice you have, Captain. It does have its flaws however. It emphasizes procedure over substance, form over fact.

Captain Sisko: I'm sorry if you feel that puts you at a disadvantage.

Ch'Pok: On the contrary. I look forward to fighting on your terms.

Captain Sisko: This is not a fight. It's the search for the truth.

Ch'Pok: The truth must be won! I'll see you on the battlefield.

Quark: I was cleaning up and I saw Mr. Worf come in.

Ch'Pok: Was there anything unusual about that?

Quark: No. He comes in here all the time. But he was in a *good* mood.

Ch'Pok: And that's unusual?

Quark: Well, he's a Klingon. And you people are rarely in what I call good moods... Not that you're anything but a pleasant, charming race.

[after being provoked by Ch'Pok, Worf has knocked the advocate down]

Ch'Pok: I thought you told me you'd never attack an unarmed man. Perhaps you should have said: "Not unless I get angry. Not unless I have something to prove".

Ch'Pok: Fate is a Human concept.

[Ch'Pok has suggested to Sisko to concede Worf's extradition process, so he can defend Worf in a Klingon court]

Ch'Pok: What matters to me is the thrill of the fight, not which side I'm on. And I think we both know, the extradition fight is over.

Captain Sisko: You're not making this offer out of kindness. You want the Federation to concede, so the convoys will stop, and the Klingons can move in on the Pentath system.

Ch'Pok: As Humans would say, that would be icing on the cake.

Captain Sisko: I wouldn't try eating that cake just yet, if I were you.

Captain Sisko: Care to step onto *my* battlefield?

Captain Sisko: 441 people somehow survived a crash on Galorda Prime. And then a few weeks later, they all decide to take another trip - on the same day, on the same transport ship, under the same captain and crew; and then that ship is destroyed, too. This is a very unlucky group of people, wouldn't you say?

Ch'Pok: I am not an expert on luck.

[on behalf of his crew, Sisko has invited Worf to a party at Quark's]

Lt. Commander Worf: But I do not feel like celebrating.

Captain Sisko: Part of being a captain is knowing when to smile. Make the troops happy, even when it's the last thing in the world you want to do. Because they're your troops, and you have to take care of them.

Captain Sisko: You made a military decision, to protect your ship and crew. But you're a Starfleet officer, Worf. We don't put civilians at risk or even potentially at risk to save ourselves. Sometimes that means we lose the battle, and sometimes our lives. But if you can't make that choice, then you can't wear that uniform.

Lt. Commander Worf: Life is a great deal more complicated in this red uniform.

Captain Sisko: Wait till you get four pips on that collar. You'll wish you had gone into botany.

Captain Sisko: Chief, do you believe Worf was correct in giving the order to fire?

Chief O'Brien: I stand by his decision.

Captain Sisko: Is there any question in your mind about his motives?

Chief O'Brien: No, sir. I've known Commander Worf for nine years. He's an honorable man. He would never intentionally fire on an unarmed ship.

Captain Sisko: Thank you, Chief.

Ch'Pok: I'm curious, Chief. You said you stand by Commander Worf's decision. Do you agree with it?

Chief O'Brien: I completely support him.

Ch'Pok: That's not my question. Do you agree with his decision?

Chief O'Brien: I wasn't in command. It's not my place to question his judgment.

Ch'Pok: What if you were in command? What would you have done?

Chief O'Brien: I don't know.

Ch'Pok: Chief, how many years have you been in Starfleet?

Chief O'Brien: Twenty-two.

Ch'Pok: And how many combat situations have you been in?

Chief O'Brien: I couldn't even guess.

Ch'Pok: Try.

Chief O'Brien: A hundred... a hundred and fifty?

Ch'Pok: [to the JAG officer] For the record, Chief O'Brien has been in 235 separate engagements and Starfleet has decorated him fifteen times. I would like to have him declared an expert in the area of starship combat.

Gul Dukat: Tell me, Weyoun. Have you ever been diagnosed as... anhedonic?

Damar: I'd like to toss that smug little Vorta out the nearest airlock. And his Founder with him.

Gul Dukat: [laughs] Now, now, Damar, that's no way to talk about our valued allies. Not until this war is over, anyway.

Gul Dukat: A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place. To force them to acknowledge your greatness.

Weyoun: Then you kill them?

Gul Dukat: ...Only if it's necessary.

Garak: I feel sorry for the Klingons. They're going to miss a very interesting fight.

Chief O'Brien: I have a feeling we're gonna miss them.

Weyoun: [when the Federation is about to retake Deep Space Nine] Time to start packing!

Female Shapeshifter: Contact our forces in the Alpha Quadrant. Tell them to fall back to the Cardassian territory. It appears this war is going to take longer than expected.

Nog: It's the Klingons, sir - they're here!

Chief O'Brien: Cannon to the right of them, Cannon to the left of them, Cannon in front of them, Volley'd and thunder'd...

Doctor Bashir: Storm'd at with shot and shell, Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of Hell, Rode the six hundred.

Nog: Whatever it is you two are reciting, I wish you'd stop!

Garak: Er, Chief - how does that poem end?

Chief O'Brien: You don't wanna know.

Gul Dukat: War is such thirsty work. Don't you agree?

Weyoun: Perhaps if you didn't talk so much, your throat wouldn't get so dry.

Garak: Congratulations, Captain. You wanted them angry? They're angry!

Rom: The only reason they haven't killed me yet is that I'm part of their victory celebration. Seven o'clock: Dukat makes a speech. 8:30: Cake and raktajino. 8:45: Execute the Ferengi!

Rom: Brother! I knew you would come!

Quark: It's a surprise to me.

Odo: Never underestimate the element of surprise.

Major Kira: [after Odo has rescued Kira and her resistance group] What about the Link?

Odo: The Link... was paradise. But it appears I'm not ready for paradise.

Gul Dukat: Victory was within our grasp!

Damar: We have to evacuate the station, sir!

Gul Dukat: Bajor! The Federation! the Alpha Quadrant! All lost!

Captain Sisko: [to the Prophets] You want to be gods? Then be gods! I need a miracle. Bajor needs a miracle! Stop those ships!

[the Dominion ships in the wormhole have vanished into thin air]

Chief O'Brien: They've cloaked!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I'm not picking up any neutrino emissions.

Garak: Then... where did they go?

Captain Sisko: Wherever they went... I don't think they're coming back.

Gul Dukat: [as prophet] The Sisko is of Bajor, but he will find no rest there.

Major Kira: [as prophet] His pagh will follow another path.

[Ziyal has been killed, leaving Dukat a broken man]

Gul Dukat: [delirious] We'll go back to Cardassia, Ziyal. We'll be safe there. You'll live with me. Everything will be fine. We'll both be very happy together. I know you forgive me. After all, I am your father. And I forgive you... my precious girl...

Rom: You've been promoted?

Nog: I'm an engineer.

Rom: We'll be working together!

Nog: Actually you'll be working for me!

Gul Dukat: [handing Sisko his baseball] I forgive you too.

Damar: The wormhole is opening.

[Only one ship emerges from the wormhole]

Damar: The Defiant!

Gul Dukat: Our reinforcements must be right behind.

[the wormhole closes]

Damar: No, sir. There's no sign of them.

Weyoun: That's... impossible! Check our listening posts in the Gamma Quadrant.

Damar: They're not they're either.

Gul Dukat: But they entered the wormhole... where are they?

Damar: I don't know!

[the station rocks]

Damar: The Defiant has opened fire on us!

Weyoun: [sardonically] Obviously!

Damar: You don't have anything to hide, do you?

[Looks at Leeta as she walks past]

Damar: You certainly don't.

Haneek: Men are far too emotional to be leaders. They're constantly fighting amongst themselves. It's their favorite thing to do.

Major Kira: I just spent the whole day yesterday...

Commander Sisko: ...talking to Minister Rozahn about irrigating the Trilar Peninsula.

Major Kira: How did you know?

Commander Sisko: It's hard to keep a secret in ops, especially when you've been shouting at a monitor for the last two days.

Major Kira: Thought I kept it down to an angry whisper.

Commander Sisko: Let's just say that your voice carries.

Commander Sisko: Ah, Major. Get everything settled with Quark?

Major Kira: Oh, that little toad is this far from doing a 360 out an airlock!

Commander Sisko: I'm glad to hear everything went okay.

[a Skrreean ship has arrived at DS9]

Odo: What seems to be the trouble, Commander?

Commander Sisko: The computer's having a hard time translating their language.

Odo: I can see how that would be a problem.

Commander Sisko: We'll have to keep them talking until the computer can establish a translation matrix.

[meanwhile, the female Skrreean is continuously and desperately trying to explain something to Kira]

Major Kira: Keeping them talking shouldn't be much of a problem.

[Quark is complaining to Odo about the Skrreeans]

Odo: They won't be here long.

Quark: I hope not. They're driving my paying customers away. They stay here too long and I'll be out of business.

Odo: In that case, I hope they'll never leave. [smirks]

Haneek: [of the T-Rogorans] For eight centuries my people have lived under their rule. We've been forced to work as laborers and servants. We were able to escape when the T-Rogorans were invaded and conquered.

Odo: Who conquered them?

Haneek: I do not know their name. I only know they were members of something called 'The Dominion'.

Odo: It's gonna get awfully crowded around here, Commander.

Commander Sisko: I know, Constable, but it's worth it. Just look at them. They're experiencing their first taste of freedom.

Tumak: [to Nog] This isn't over yet, big-ears!

Haneek: [after the Skrreeans have been denied settlement on Bajor] I think you've made a terrible mistake, all of you. Maybe we could've helped you. Maybe we could've helped each other. The Skrreeans are farmers, Kira. You have a famine on your planet. Perhaps we could've made that peninsula bloom again. We'll never know, will we? Fifty years of Cardassian rule have made you all frightened and suspicious. I feel sorry for you. - You were right: Bajor is not Kentanna.

Commander Sisko: Personal log, stardate 47329.4 - I finally realize why I've had trouble sleeping the last few nights. Yesterday was the 4th anniversary of the massacre at Wolf 359, the fourth anniversary of Jennifer's death. I'm not sure what bothers me more, the date itself, or the fact that it almost passed unnoticed.

Commander Sisko: That's one of the great things about this station: you never know what's going to happen next... or who you're going to meet.

Commander Sisko: I'm looking for someone - a woman.

Commander Sisko: Fenna.

Odo: First name or last?

Commander Sisko: I don't know.

Odo: Species?

Commander Sisko: I don't know. Humanoid.

Odo: What ship did she arrive on?

Commander Sisko: I... don't know.

Odo: Well - what *can* you tell me about her?

Commander Sisko: Let's see - I'd say she's about... 1.6 meters tall, brown skin, dark hair, and the last time I saw her, she was wearing a... She was wearing *red*!

Odo: Well, that's something anyway.

Commander Sisko: Do you think you can help me?

Odo: I don't know.

Commander Sisko: I need to find her, Constable. I think she may be in some kind of trouble.

Odo: What kind of trouble? Ah - let me guess: you don't know.

[Sisko and Fenna are looking at the stars]

Commander Sisko: The Bajorans call that constellation the Runners. I can never figure out if they're running toward something or away from something.

Fenna: Does that matter? Sometimes it just feels good to run.

Commander Sisko: I never thought about it that way.

Jake Sisko: Dad - are you in love?

Commander Sisko: What?

Jake Sisko: You know, with a woman. You're showing all three of the signs.

Commander Sisko: Signs?

Jake Sisko: The ones that Nog told me about: loss of appetite, daydreaming, smiling all the time...

Dr. Gideon Seyetik: I never fail. Well, I did once; but I found it didn't agree with me, so I swore never to do it again, and I never break my word.

Dr. Gideon Seyetik: Art should be an affirmation of life.

Dr. Gideon Seyetik: A great terraformer needs the green thumb of a gardener, the eye of a painter and the soul of a poet. And of course it doesn't hurt to be a raging egomaniac!

Major Kira: Which makes you eminently qualified.

Major Kira: Commander, do you think he'd notice if we weren't here when he got back?

Commander Sisko: Don't even think about it, Major. I have had dinner with about two dozen Bajoran ministers, I think you owe me this one. Besides, Seyetik is one of the Federation's greatest minds.

Major Kira: I know, he told me.

Dr. Gideon Seyetik: [reciting from a poem by G'trok] "So honor the valiant who die 'neath your sword."

Commander Sisko: "But pity the warrior who slays all his foes."

Dr. Gideon Seyetik: So, what were we talking about?

Commander Sisko: You.

Dr. Gideon Seyetik: Ha! Of course, my favorite subject.

Dr. Gideon Seyetik: [his final words] Keep your eye on the viewscreen, Commander - you'll never see anything like this again. Let there be light!

[Jake is telling his father about his dream]

Jake Sisko: ...I guess I got a little scared and started looking for you. But I couldn't find you. Some... somehow I ended up in ops, but you weren't in your... you weren't in your office. And... and then... it was like... like the- like the floor started sloping, and-and I couldn't keep my balance. And all I wanted to do is find you.

Commander Sisko: And here I am.

Jake Sisko: Dad?

Commander Sisko: Hm?

Jake Sisko: I miss her.

Commander Sisko: Me too.

Fenna: When I came here, I thought I was looking for a place - somewhere I belong, but I was wrong. I wasn't looking for a place, I was looking for a person. I was looking for you.

Nidell: I wish that I could remember Fenna - what she did... how she felt, but I can't, I'm sorry.

Commander Sisko: That's all right. I can remember for both of us.

Nidell: Tell me one thing.

Commander Sisko: If I can.

Nidell: What was she like?

Commander Sisko: Fenna?

[he turns to look her in the face]

Commander Sisko: She was just like you.

[last words]

Dr. Gideon Seyetik: Keep your eye on the viewscreen, Commander, you'll never see anything like this again! Let there be light!

Commander Sisko: [O'Brien is working on a conduit, with the occasional spark flying] Is this maintenance or repair?

Chief O'Brien: Right now, it's maintenance. Five will get you ten it'll be repair by the time I'm through.

Commander Sisko: Admit it, Chief: if you were on a station where everything worked, you'd be miserable.

Chief O'Brien: Well, you may be right, sir [spark] but I'd be willing to give it a try.

Garak: Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

Major Kira: Anything worth doing in a holosuite can be done better in the real world.

Quark: You obviously haven't been in the right holosuite program. But if you'd like, I could...

Major Kira: You could. But you'd live to regret it.

Commander Sisko: Is the communications holo-filter ready?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: I can make your com image look like a 3,000-ton screech rhino, if you want me to.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Nobody here but us Kobheerians.

[Sisko is "inviting" Garak to join him and Odo on a rescue mission to Cardassia]

Garak: You can't be serious! Commander, if I were allowed on Cardassia, do you really think I'd be living here?

Commander Sisko: Which brings up an interesting point. There're certain ministers in the Bajoran government who are concerned about your presence on the station; in fact, they want you removed. Right now, I see no alternative but to honor their request, unless of course... I can show them how you might be valuable to us.

Odo: Rescuing Kira would go a long way toward improving your standing with the Bajoran government.

Garak: Why should I care what the Bajoran government thinks of me?

Commander Sisko: I don't know. But it seems to me, if someone were in trouble with the Cardassian Central Command, a Bajoran space station under Federation control might just be the safest place in the galaxy.

Garak: Commander, this is extortion.

Commander Sisko: Mmm... Yes, it is.

Garak: I'll go along on your fool's errand, but I want one thing to be perfectly clear: I have no intention of sacrificing my life to save yours. If it looks like we're in danger of being captured, if there's any sign of trouble at all, you're on your own!

Commander Sisko: Mr. Garak, I believe that's the first completely honest thing you've ever said to me.

Entek: Garak, what are you doing here?

Garak: I got homesick.

Major Kira: [on Garak] Don't worry, he's on our side - I think.

Garak: Major, I don't think I've ever seen you looking so ravishing.

[on Kira's Cardassian appearance]

Entek: The enemies of Cardassia will be destroyed.

Ghemor: The enemies of the Order, you mean.

Entek: The Obsidian Order *is* Cardassia.

[Sisko, Odo and Garak have managed to track Kira down to Ghemor's house]

Major Kira: How did you...

Garak: Suffice it to say, I still have friends on Cardassia.

Garak: [to Entek] You will, no doubt, derive years of enjoyment trying to determine exactly who they are.

Garak: A pity. I rather liked him.

[after vaporizing Entek]

[Kira gives Ghemor back his wife's bracelet, but after looking at it for a moment, he places it back in Kira's hand]

Ghemor: No. I want you to have it. You may not be my daughter. But until I find Iliana, you're the closest thing I have to family.

[Jadzia and Odo are discussing Odo's effect on women]

Odo: Women don't react to me in that manner.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Are you saying that you've never had a female friend?

Odo: I consider Major Kira a friend.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: That's not what I meant. I'm talking about... an intimate friendship.

Odo: That's a very personal question.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: I'm sorry, but after seven lifetimes, the impersonal questions aren't much fun anymore.

Taya: What happened to your face?

Odo: Nothing happened to my face; I'm a shapeshifter. I just don't do faces very well.

Taya: Your face isn't so scary, once you get used to it.

Jake Sisko: It's kinda fun working with Chief O'Brien. But it would be better if I knew what I was doing.

Major Kira: Quark, get this into that little twisted brain of yours! If you thought you were gonna get away with anything while Odo's gone, think again! I'm watching you.

Quark: Major. You make it sound like you don't like me.

Major Kira: Don't like you? You collaborated with the Cardassians, you cheat your customers, and you're a danger to the station. I don't just not like you. I despise you!

[walks off]

Quark: [embarrassed] Sorry I mentioned it.

Taya: If I were a changeling, I'd change shapes all the time. Everyone'd want to be my friend.

Odo: [scoffs] I wish it were that easy.

Taya: Why wouldn't it be?

Odo: When I was younger, people were always asking me to change shape for them. They pretended to be my friends. But all they wanted was to see me become a chair or... animal. None of them ever really cared about me.

Vedek Bareil: So... what did you think?

Major Kira: Of your speech?

Vedek Bareil: M-hm...

Major Kira: I liked everything about it - except the content.

Major Kira: You follow springball?

Vedek Bareil: Religiously, er, if you'll pardon the expression. I even used to play a little.

Major Kira: Me too. I had Chief O'Brien design a springball holosuite program.

Vedek Bareil: Really? Let's go!

Quark: Life is full of disappointments.

Rurigan: I was happy living on Yadera Prime - that is, until the Dominion took over, and changed our whole way of life. And I realized one morning that I didn't really belong there anymore. So I came here, and I used a holo-generator to recreate all the things that I'd lost. I've lived here in my village for nearly thirty years. I've watched the people marry, have children, grow old. And sometimes I even forgot that they were holograms. But it's over. It's over; and I would appreciate it if you'd take me back to Yadera Prime.

Odo: But... what about the villagers, what about your granddaughter?

Rurigan: She's not real.

Odo: Technically I suppose you're right. Maybe, by our definition, Taya is not real; her memories are stored in a computer, her body is made up of omicron particles. But who is to say that our definition of life is the only valid one?

Odo: I saw the way you held her hand when she was sad. I saw the way you tried to comfort her when she was frightened.

Rurigan: I-I didn't want her to get hurt.

Odo: If she's not real, what does it matter?

Rurigan: It matters. It matters to me.

Odo: Why should it matter to you if a hologram cries?

Rurigan: Because I love her.

Odo: Don't you see? She's real to you; and she's real to me too, they're all real. And you can't turn your back on them now.

Taya: ...Then the Great Minra said to the evil changeling, "Maybe you can turn into a mountain, or a Ghergher Beast, or a tornado. Those are big things, and big things are easy. I bet you can't turn into something small - like a loaf of greenbread." And the changeling said, "Yes I can", and he did. And do you know what happened?

Odo: The Great Minra gobbled him up.

Taya: How'd you know that?

Odo: The changeling in your story wasn't very smart.

Taya: [shrewdly] Could you turn into a loaf of greenbread?

Odo: I suppose I could.

Taya: Show me.

Odo: And let you gobble me up? I don't think so!

Taya: Thank you for bringing my mother back. I hope you find your parents too.

Jake Sisko: Dad... I don't want to join Starfleet.

Commander Sisko: Since when?

Jake Sisko: S-snce forever. Starfleet is too much like you. I need to find what's me.

Commander Sisko: It's your life, Jake. You have to choose your own way. There is only one thing I want from you: find something you love. Then do it the best you can.

Jake Sisko: I'll try.

Commander Sisko: Good. Then you make the old man proud.

Colyus: [after Dax has restored the holographic village with all its inhabitants] We just have to get used to the fact that we're holograms.

Rurigan: We're alive and we have our families back, that's the only thing that counts.

Colyus: I wonder who created all this.

Odo: Whoever it was did a fine job.

Colyus: They did, didn't they?

Major Kira: By the way, Prylar Rhit tells me that you encouraged him to invite Bareil onto the station.

Quark: That a crime?

Major Kira: Not at all. I just wanted to thank you. I found him very...

[her look becomes piercing]

Major Kira: ...diverting!

[walks off and joins Bareil on the Promenade]

Quark: [under his breath] Not diverting enough.

Sisko: Dax! I can't believe it!

Ensign Ezri Dax: I can hardly believe it myself. But... I'm Dax. I mean, I'm not Jadzia Dax; I'm Ezri Dax. But I have all of Jadzia's memories - not to mention Lela's, Tobin's, Emony's, Audrid's, Joran's, Curzon's - am I forgetting anyone?

Sisko: Torias.

Ensign Ezri Dax: Right. You're probably asking yourself, "Who is this person, how did she get the symbiont, do I even want another Dax in my life, does she always talk this much?" These are all very good questions; and I wish I had good answers for you.

Ensign Ezri Dax: Hi Jake.

Jake Sisko: Hi.

Ensign Ezri Dax: You seem taller. Or am I shorter?

Jake Sisko: How did you get the symbiont?

Ensign Ezri Dax: It was an accident.

Joseph Sisko: Some accident...

Admiral Ross: Facts are facts, Colonel. And there's no way the Bajorans can drive the Romulans off Derna, not without help, anyway; and the Federation isn't going to provide that help, not now. Is that clear?

Colonel Kira: We're just not as important to the war effort as the Romulans.

Admiral Ross: That's a harsh way to put it.

Colonel Kira: The truth often is.

Ensign Ezri Dax: I was on the Destiny when they brought the Dax symbiont aboard to be taken back to Trill. Halfway through the trip, the symbiont took a turn for the worse and it needed to be placed in a host immediately...

Sisko: And you were the only Trill on board.

Ensign Ezri Dax: [nods] I lay down on that operating table one person and I woke up a completely different person - well, I should say eight different people. I was not prepared for this at all. I mean you're supposed to get years of training and preparation before you get joined and all I got was a 15-minute lecture from the ship's surgeon and he wasn't even a Trill...

Sisko: I'm starting to see the problem.

Ensign Ezri Dax: [on traveling to Tyree] When do we leave?

Sisko: Today.

Ensign Ezri Dax: Great. It'll be just like old times. Except, different.

[repeated line, in minor variations]

Asylum announcer: [in Sisko's vision] Dr. Wykoff, please come to isolation ward 4.

Sisko: I wish he'd get there.

Ensign Ezri Dax: Who?

Sisko: Dr. Wycoff. They're waiting for him in the isolation ward.

Ensign Ezri Dax: You have definitely gotten stranger.

Jake Sisko: The Prophets have spoken.

Ensign Ezri Dax: I hope he heard them right.

Quark: I loved Jadzia as much as anyone in this room - with maybe one or two exceptions - and I am willing to pledge my life to see that she gets into Sto-vo-kor.

Martok: Perhaps there is some Klingon in you after all.

Quark: I wouldn't go that far.

Quark: The things we do for love...

Cretak: I would hate to see you throw your life away.

Colonel Kira: Your concern is touching, Senator - but I'm not dead yet. End transmission.

Odo: [off line] At least not for another six minutes.

Odo: [to Kira] I was hoping that our relationship was going to be a long and happy one, but I suppose I'm willing to settle for short and exciting.

Quark: We're risking our lives to help Jadzia get into Sto-vo-kor. The very least Worf could do is show us some appreciation. Is it so hard to say 'thank you'?

Doctor Bashir: Thank you.

Quark: Nice try, Doctor, but I wanna hear it from him.

Chief O'Brien: Don't do this, Quark.

Quark: Do what? All I'm asking for is two little words.

Lt. Commander Worf: Be quiet!

Quark: That's two words all right. Just not the two I was hoping for.

Quark: So, uh... why all the cutlery?

Martok: We shed our blood to prove we are not frightened of death.

[he cuts his palm with his dagger]

Quark: Can't you just take my word for it?

Lt. Commander Worf: We are going to fly toward the molten heart of the sun, so close, that our ship will glow like a flaming comet.

Doctor Bashir: Well, hopefully not *that* close.

Quark: Take me out of the oven, Moogie. I'm cooked.

Admiral Ross: You can blink now, Colonel; you've won. Senator Cretak has agreed to remove the weapons from Derna.

Colonel Kira: What changed her mind?

Admiral Ross: I told her if she didn't remove them, I would.

Colonel Kira: Then what changed your mind?

Admiral Ross: You did. Remind me never to play poker with you.

Quark: Sto-vo-kor, here we come.

Ensign Ezri Dax: [arriving on DS9] Odo! Nerys, Julian, it's so good to see you. Worf, we need to talk!

Doctor Bashir: Who's that?

Jake Sisko: It's Dax.

Lt. Commander Worf: Dax?

Jake Sisko: That's right. Ezri Dax. Incredible, isn't it?

Lt. Commander Worf: It cannot be.

Quark: She's so much... shorter!

Odo: Just when you thought things couldn't get more interesting...

Sarah Sisko: The Sisko's path is a difficult one.

Sisko: But why me? Why did it have to be me?

Sarah Sisko: Because it could be no one else.

Ensign Ezri Dax: Ben, maybe my memories are playing tricks on me, but have you gotten stranger?

Quark: I don't believe it. Gagh for Breakfast, Gagh for Lunch, Gagh for Dinner... Am I the only one who thinks Klingon menus need to have more variety?

Chief O'Brien: You want to complain about their Gagh, fine with me but don't complain about it when we're in the Mess Hall sitting at a table surrounded by a dozen Klingons.

Quark: All right I get the point.

Doctor Bashir: Good.

Quark: But I'm telling you I think some of those Klingons agreed with me.

Doctor Bashir: Commander, um, is Chief O'Brien in here?

Commander Sisko: He's back there - in the zone.

Chief O'Brien: You're offering 10 to 1 to anyone betting against me tomorrow?

Quark: That's right.

Chief O'Brien: I'd make it 15, if I were you.

Shakaar: You cut your hair.

Major Kira: You let yours grow.

[Furel explains why he hasn't had his arm replaced]

Furel: Before I went into that... interrogation center... I asked the Prophets to give me the strength to get the rest of you out of there. And... that in exchange, I... I said I'd give up my life. - Well, as it turned out, I was able to rescue you, Shakaar and Lupaza. It's only cost me an arm. I felt the... the Prophets were generous. Somehow, replacing the arm seems... ungrateful.

Odo: It has been my observation that one of the prices of giving people freedom of choice... is that sometimes, they make the wrong choice.

Kai Winn: This isn't about soil reclamators. This is about the future of our society. When someone like Shakaar can defy the law and escape punishment, we risk descending into anarchy and chaos. This is a test - a test by the Prophets. They want to see if I'm worthy of the role they've given me as First Minister and Kai. I will not fail them. I will stop Shakaar by any means necessary.

Major Kira: Shakaar, you have to be flexible. I'm not sure this is a fight you can win.

Shakaar: That's what the Cardassians used to say.

Commander Sisko: You want me to bring in Shakaar for you.

Kai Winn: Such an act would do much to solidify the relations between the Federation and Bajor.

Commander Sisko: I wasn't aware that our relationship needed solidifying.

Shakaar: This isn't your fight, Nerys. Go home.

Major Kira: I am home, Shakaar. And I have been lied to by Kai Winn for the last time. She wants a fight, I'll give her one.

Furel: The civil police have issued a province-wide alert for you and Kira. They've also requested that the surrounding towns send more troops and equipment, to help in the search for the fugitive.

Shakaar: Now there's a familiar word. Haven't been called that in a while. Kinda missed it.

Furel: Just like old times.

Shakaar: That's the general idea.

Lupaza: It's just like in the old days. Every once in a while the Cardassians would get too close, and we'd turn around and give 'em a bloody nose.

Shakaar: Sometimes it was our nose that got bloodied.

Shakaar: I didn't fight the Cardassians for 25 years just so I can start shooting other Bajorans.

Lupaza: The next time I start getting nostalgic for the old days, shoot me.

Furel: If you insist.

Major Kira: It's a free election. If you wanna run, go ahead, but if you do, this entire incident is gonna be made public. And when the people know the real facts, when they know that you risked a civil war over a couple of pieces of farm equipment, they're never gonna trust you again. You'll still be Kai, the spiritual leader of Bajor. But your days in this office are numbered. So if I were you... I'd start packing.

Quark: Doctor! Welcome to the zone!

[after Bashir has hit bullseye on his first attempt]

[Jake feels uneasy about being spotted by Odo on the promenade]

Jake Sisko: You always used to chase me away.

Odo: I never chased you away, I chased Nog. You just happened to be with him. So, unless you are planning on flicking sand peas at the passing throng, you are welcome to stay here as long as you like.

Quark: I suppose that's what you get for having friends.

Odo: Meaning what?

Quark: Just that - when you think you can count on them they go off and leave you. No, you're much better off without them.

Odo: Well, I imagine that's why you don't have any friends.

Quark: Look who's talking!

Chief O'Brien: Captain Bashir, Captain O'Brien, Captain Sisko. We may not have enough troops or ships or weapons, but we have plenty of captains!

Nog: You and I friends?

Nog: I don't think so.

Jake Sisko: Why not?

Nog: You're too tall. I don't trust tall men. Tall women... ah, that's a different story!

Jake Sisko: [introducing] This is my father.

Nog: He's tall too!

Captain Sisko: All right, I'm here. And I'm going to help you. But I want you to leave my son alone.

Jennifer Sisko: I can't.

Captain Sisko: Why not?

Jake Sisko: [from the background] Jennifer!

Jennifer Sisko: Because he won't leave *me* alone.

Garak: The Intendant was bad enough. She was irrational, accusatory, unappreciative, but at least...

Regent Worf: At least... what?

Garak: At least... I was able to please her now and then.

Regent Worf: You are not my type!

Garak: I never said I was.

Chief O'Brien: What good is glory when you're dead?

[Nog has helped the Intendant escape from her holding cell]

Nog: Don't worry about me, I won't tell anyone where you are.

[they separate. Kira, having second thoughts, goes back after Nog]

Intendant Kira: Nog!

Intendant Kira: You're right. You won't tell anyone.

Intendant Kira: [to Jake] Give your father a message from me: tell him I spared your life. That's a debt I intend to collect.

Regent Worf: Terek Nor will soon be ours again! Then you can spend the rest of your life contemplating your failure as you labour alongside the other slaves in the ore processing center!

Garak: It's nice to have something to look forward to.

Garak: Believe me, my Regent, it will take the blood of many rebels to quench the thirst of my revenge.

Regent Worf: [laughs] Spoken like a Klingon!

Garak: I'm trying.

Regent Worf: Make it so!

Intendant Kira: I could never make them understand, violence is a precision instrument. It's a scalpel, not a club.

[Jadzia slaps Sisko's face]

Jadzia Dax: That's for making love to me under false pretenses. I was suspicious of you from the start.

Captain Sisko: You hid it well.

Jadzia Dax: If you ever touch me again...

[she holds a large knife to his throat]

Jadzia Dax: Do you get my point?

Captain Sisko: I hope not.

[Sisko has voluntarily taken command of the rebels' Defiant]

Chief O'Brien: Captain, you never cease to amaze me.

Captain Sisko: Sometimes I even surprise myself.

[Nog has lent one of his women to Jake]

Jennifer Sisko: Jake, isn't she a little old for you?

Nog: Who are you, his mother?

Jennifer Sisko: I knew that Jake would want to meet me, that I'd remind him of his mother.

Captain Sisko: You're nothing like his mother.

Jennifer Sisko: I think Jake would disagree.

Captain Sisko: Of course he would. In his mind, the three of us are already living together!

Intendant Kira: [of Jennifer Sisko] She's very attractive, but I've known Breen icicles that are warmer than she is.

[Regent Worf suspects Garak to have stolen a key]

Garak: You've searched me three times already. Where could I possibly be hiding it?

Regent Worf: Perhaps you swallowed it.

Garak: Impossible. I'm very particular about what I eat.

Captain Sisko: There's a difference between interrogation and torture.

Captain Bashir: The Alliance never made that distinction.

Captain Sisko: But you should.

Jennifer Sisko: By the way, you have done a good job with him. Jake, I mean.

Captain Sisko: Well, you're not making that job any easier.

Jennifer Sisko: Oh, he'll get over me.

Jennifer Sisko: [gloomily] I wish I could say the same.

[Sisko looks at her surprised]

Jennifer Sisko: Is that really a surprise? Think about it. My Ben Sisko is dead. I look at Jake... and all I see... is the son that I'll never have. Maybe bringing him here wasn't such a good idea after all.

[Jennifer has been shot by the Intendant when trying to protect Jake]

Jake Sisko: [bent over her holding her hand] She needs a doctor!

Intendant Kira: Mm... I'm afraid it's too late - for both of you.

[she points her gun at Jake]

Intendant Kira: Just out of curiosity - why was she protecting you?

Jake Sisko: [after a pause] She's my mother.

Regent Worf: This time, I will deal with the rebels myself.

Chief O'Brien: [after Sisko has already taught O'Brien Evasive Pattern Delta] Shields are down to forty percent! That cruiser has us in weapons range! Do we make a run for it?

Captain Sisko: We run, all right - right at it!

Chief O'Brien: Ah. "Pattern Suicide".

Lt. Commander Worf: [to Martok] May glory and honor follow you on your journey.

Lt. Commander Worf: I am Worf, son of Mogh. I now take my place as first officer. I serve the captain; but I stand for the crew.

Lt. Commander Worf: [to the crew] It is clear to me that none of you are worthy of my blood or my life. But I will stand for you; and together, we will restore honor to this ship and bring glory to the Empire.

Martok: Doctor... Thank you.

Doctor Bashir: If you really want to thank me, don't walk in here dripping blood anymore. It takes days to get it out of the carpet!

Lt. Commander Worf: I have accepted the crew's battle records, and on their behalf, I pledge you our lives and ask that you lead us as Commander of this ship.

Martok: I accept your lives into my hands.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I think it is an honor to serve under General Martok.

Leskit: You mean the one-eyed giant?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I wouldn't let *him* hear you say that.

Leskit: He won't. Unless Worf is not the only one you're sharing a bed with this trip.

[chuckles, along with other Klingons]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: On this trip, my bed is as empty as yours, Leskit. Except, mine is empty by choice.

Kornan: This ship is made for tears, not laughter.

Chief O'Brien: Serving on a Klingon ship is like being with a gang of ancient sea pirates. You advance in rank by killing the people above you. So everywhere you turn, you're surrounded by potential assassins.

Lt. Commander Worf: You know that I was forced to fight the Jem'Hadar guards in the camp. Each day they would call me to the ring, and each day I would fight. But then there came a day when I... wavered.

Captain Sisko: You mean you didn't want to go back into the ring?

Lt. Commander Worf: No, I mean I considered letting them kill me. It seemed like the only way out. Just before I went into the ring, Martok turned to wish me success. And then he saw what I was planning, he saw it in my eyes. It was a moment of tova'dok.

Captain Sisko: Of what?

Lt. Commander Worf: There is no Human word for it. It is a moment of... clarity, between two warriors on a field of battle. Much is said without the need for words. In that moment, he knew what was in my mind. Once I realized that he saw my intention to give up I could no longer go through with it. I went back into the ring and fought once more. He had given me his warrior's heart. - Perhaps it is something a Human cannot understand.

Martok: How is it that I have only one eye but I can see more clearly than anyone around me?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: This crew has lost half a dozen separate actions to the Jem'Hadar. The casualty list is as long as my arm, and now they're serving under a man who seems to have left more behind than just an eye in that prison camp.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: What happened in that mess hall could happen all over the ship. And if you think the blood looks bad on my uniform, wait until the decks are dripping with it.

Martok: I do not want an artificial eye!

Martok: On the bridge, during the fight, when you dropped your guard - how did you know I would not kill you?

Lt. Commander Worf: I did not know.

Martok: [of the Jem'Hadar] They're soulless creatures, Worf. Fighting for no goal or purpose except to serve the Founders. They take no pleasure in what they do, nothing is glorified, nothing affirmed. To the Jem'Hadar, we are nothing more than, than targets to be destroyed! I must not let them destroy us, Worf...

Leskit: Ah, but you can respect a Cardassian. Because he fights for his people. And he follows a code, just like we do. But not the soldiers of the Dominion, not the Jem'Hadar. No, they don't fight for anything. They fight because they're designed that way, because they're programed to fight.

Ortakin: They have no honor.

Leskit: You're right. That's why they're better than us.

Tavana: You never could handle your bloodwine, Leskit. You sound like a snivelling Ferengi, crying about lost profit.

Martok: Your... actions on the Rotarran - at the time I thought they were disloyal. But I have come to realize that your intention was to remind me of my duty as a soldier of the Empire and as a warrior. For that, I am grateful.

Lt. Commander Worf: You did the same for me once.

Martok: I see you're still wearing the crest of the House of Mogh.

Worf: Yes. Jadzia calls it a... sentimental gesture.

Martok: Ah... Perhaps you would consider replacing sentiment with the symbol of a new beginning? The House of Martok would be honored to welcome the son of Mogh into our family, as a warrior - and as a brother.

[he hands his crest to Worf, who replaces his own with it]

Martok, Worf: [both, clasping hands] Qapla'!

Doctor Bashir: [treating Martok with the assistance of a nurse] Another three centimeters to the right and you would have severed your brachial artery - auto-suture, please - and if that had happened, you would have bled to death right there in the holosuite.

Martok: The human fascination with "what might have been" is tiresome, Doctor. The artery is not severed, and I am not dead!

Doctor Bashir: Oh, well, forgive me for boring you! Let me get straight to the point: you're acting like a fool!

Martok: Your observation is noted. But spending two years in a Dominion prison camp has dulled my reflexes. This only proves that I need further training.

Doctor Bashir: Turning off the holosuite safety protocols during a battle simulation is, at best, dubious. For a man with only one eye, it's positively idiotic. Now, if you would consider ocular...


Doctor Bashir: Then you must accept the fact that you have a disability and stop acting...

Martok: There are limits as to how far I will indulge you, Doctor!

Martok: We keep falling back. The Dominion keeps pushing forward. I tell you, Worf, war is much more fun when you're WINNING! Defeat makes my wounds ache.

Martok: A vital mission, impossible odds and a ruthless enemy. What more could we ask for? I tell you, Worf, I feel young again!

Captain Sisko: Are you a betting man, General?

Martok: One of my many pleasures.

Captain Sisko: Then a barrel of bloodwine says, I set foot on Deep Space Nine before you do.

Martok: [laughs, clasping forearms with Sisko] Done!

[Dax has told Worf that she'd refuse to join the House of Martok]

Lt. Commander Worf: If you refuse, it will be a grave dishonor. General Martok will not understand...!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Worf - I'm joking.

Lt. Commander Worf: So you *will* join our House?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Of course I will.

Lt. Commander Worf: I can see, our lives together will not be easy.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: True. But they'll be fun.

Alexander Rozhenko: [presenting himself to Martok and Worf] Alexander Rozhenko.

Lt. Commander Worf: Alexander.

Martok: Rozhenko? Of what House is Rozhenko?

Alexander Rozhenko: Of no House, sir. My honor will be my own.

Martok: Tell me, Alexander Rozhenko. Why are you on my ship?

Alexander Rozhenko: To serve the Empire, General.

Martok: That is a slogan, not an answer.

Ch'Targh: [after Alexander has mistaken a battle simulation for a real battle situation] Keep a close watch. There may be more hostile simulation programs out there!

Martok: Nothing breaks the tension better than a tankard of warnog - except maybe a good brawl...

Lt. Commander Worf: You heard about the fight in the mess hall.

Martok: Yes, but not from my First Officer. I lost him the moment his son stepped aboard this ship.

Martok: When a father and son do not speak, it means there is trouble between them.

Lt. Commander Worf: We both know you do not belong here. You heard what I expect from the rest of the crew. Twice that I expect from you! Do we understand each other?

Alexander Rozhenko: Perfectly.

Alexander Rozhenko: You call yourself my father, but you haven't tried to see me or talk to me in five years. I wasn't the kind of son you wanted, so you pretended that you had no son. You never accepted me. You abandoned me.

[Dukat has invited Kira to a party in honor of Ziyal]

Major Kira: What time?

Gul Dukat: Uh, 2130. Unless I'm unavoidably delayed.

Major Kira: Ah, the busy life of an interstellar despot!

Ziyal: Nerys. You didn't come to the party last night.

Major Kira: I'm sorry, I couldn't. I think you know why.

Ziyal: Please don't ask me to choose between you.

Major Kira: I'm not. There's no choice. He's your father.

Lt. Commander Worf: I cannot change the mistakes I have made. But from this day forward, I promise, I will stand with you.

Alexander Rozhenko: We'll see if you mean it.

Lt. Commander Worf: Yes, we will. What you're about to do entails a grave obligation. Do not accept it lightly.

Alexander Rozhenko: I understand. And I accept.

Lt. Commander Worf: Good. I will teach you what you need to know to be a warrior. And you will teach me what I need to know to be a father.

Martok: Welcome to the House of Martok, Alexander, son of Worf.

Lt. Commander Worf: I am indebted to you.

Odo: Yes, you are. And Mr. Worf - you'll find I'm a man who collects on his debts.

Lt. Commander Worf: He decided to kill me while I was looking him right in the eyes and I never saw it. But Kurn did, and he was three meters away.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Worf, I don't think you can tell someone's going to kill you by looking at them.

Lt. Commander Worf: A Klingon can. It is an instinct - the ability to look someone in the eyes and see the decision to kill. An instinct I no longer have. Kurn was right. I have lived with Humans so long I no longer think like a Klingon.

[after a fighting practice in the holosuite, Worf and Dax discuss the merits of Klingon weapons]

Lt. Commander Worf: I find using a large and intimidating weapon like the bat'leth often leads to overconfidence.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: So you think that I was overconfident?

Lt. Commander Worf: You *were* overconfident. You thought by distracting me with your outfit, you would gain an advantage.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: My outfit?

Lt. Commander Worf: Erm... I thought that... I mean, I only assumed that...

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: You thought that I wore this for you? Talk about overconfidence!

Kurn: The sons of Mogh reunited for one last time.

Kurn: Soon there will be only one son of Mogh. I came for Mauk-to'Vor.

Lt. Commander Worf: What?

Kurn: Yes, Brother. I want you to kill me.

Lt. Commander Worf: I do not apologize for what I have done. I could not join Gowron in his war with Cardassia or the Federation. It would have been dishonorable.

Kurn: Oh, so, in avoiding dishonor for yourself, you brought it down on the rest of your family. What a noble act. How selfless!

Lt. Commander Worf: For a long time, I have tried to walk the line between the Empire and the Federation. I told myself I could live in either world, that it was *my* choice. But the truth is, I cannot go back to the Empire.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Do you want to go back?

Lt. Commander Worf: I had always hoped that one day, the House of Mogh would reclaim its rightful place and that I would return. But now I know that even if I did... I have no place there.

[he takes off his combadge]

Lt. Commander Worf: *This* is all I have.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Is *that* enough?

Lt. Commander Worf: It will have to be.

[O'Brien and Kira are returning to DS9 in a runabout]

Major Kira: [waking from a long nap] How long have I been asleep?

Chief O'Brien: Seven hours.

Major Kira: I don't get seven hours sleep at the station!

Chief O'Brien: Must be the company.

Major Kira: I am so hungry, I could even eat Quark's food.

Chief O'Brien: Let's not get crazy.

Quark: That does it. I'm gonna stop talking to the customers.

[after Dax has neglected to give him an answer to a simple question]

Odo: Well, your brother's had an interesting career with the Klingon Defense Forces, Mr. Worf. I have just one question: does he know how to use the 'stun'-setting on a disruptor?

[Kurn has been assigned to Odo's Security team]

Odo: I'd say your brother's doing well, Commander. He's been on the job six hours, he's only killed four Boslics so far.

[humor Odo-style]

[Kurn has made a second attempt to get killed]

Doctor Bashir: He'll be all right - again.

Lt. Commander Worf: How do you feel?

Kurn: Like a man who's tired of waking up and seeing a Human doctor's face.

Kurn: Tell me, Worf, does Starfleet ever make mistakes? Even in their furniture?

[Kurn has killed a Klingon officer to save Worf's life]

Kurn: He was a warrior, doing his duty defending the Empire, and I killed him. My dishonor is complete.

Kurn: [to Worf] For a moment, in your quarters, during the ritual... you were Klingon. But your Federation life has claimed you again, and now it is claiming me as well. I have no life. I have no death. Whatever is to become of me is up to you.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: What if there was a way for you to kill your brother... without killing him?

Kurn: You know what... my one regret is, Worf? That we weren't raised together. In the Empire, on Earth, it wouldn't have mattered. But the sons of Mogh should have never been separated.

Lt. Commander Worf: On that, we both agree.

Kurn: I have never understood you, Worf. But I do know this: in your own way... you are an... honorable man.

[he slums on the table]

Lt. Commander Worf: And you will be an honorable man again. But not as my brother.

Lt. Commander Worf: Goodbye, my brother.

Kurn: Good... bye!

Rodek: [formerly Kurn] Who are you?

Lt. Commander Worf: I am Worf.

Rodek: Are you part of my family?

Lt. Commander Worf: I have no family.

Kurn: Stay back! You miserable koruts!

Odo: Easy. None of us koruts is going to hurt you.

Lt. Commander Worf: Kurn, where have you been? It has been four months since your last message.

Kurn: I've been overseeing the end of a once proud house. Perhaps you've heard of it. It was called the House of Mogh.

[Worf tries to persuade Kurn to help uncover a Klingon conspiracy against the Federation, which could backfire on the Klingon Empire]

Lt. Commander Worf: Our people have turned their backs on us, but we have not turned our backs on them. Let it be the sons of Mogh, side by side, saving our people.

Major Kira: Detonate all the mines in grids 22 alpha through 47 gamma.

[a series of explosions occur in space, and several cloaked Klingon Birds of Prey flee the explosions]

Chief O'Brien: Just like flushing quail.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [the scene opens with a shot of a bloodied Klingon dagger, before the camera pans to a righteously pissed Sisko] Kurn's going to make it. Julian said he'll be up on his feet by tomorrow morning.

Captain Sisko: Good. Mister Worf, I want you to tell me why I shouldn't put you on the next transport out of here.

Lt. Commander Worf: You are well within your right to do so.

Captain Sisko: I'm not talking about my rights. Answer my question.

Lt. Commander Worf: Captain, I do not have an answer. Sir, I realize my actions were in violation of Starfleet regulations, but...

Captain Sisko: "Regulations"? We're not talking about some obscure technicality, Mister Worf. You tried to commit premeditated murder!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Benjamin, it wasn't murder. Worf and Kurn were performing a Mauk-to'Vor ritual. It's part of Klingon belief that...

Captain Sisko: At the moment, I don't give a damn about Klingon beliefs, rituals, or custom! Now I have given you both a lot of leeway when it comes to following Klingon traditions, but in case you haven't noticed, this is not a Klingon station, and those are not Klingon uniforms you're wearing! There is a limit to how far I'll go to accommodate cultural diversity among my officers, and you've just reached it! When your brother is released from the infirmary, you'd better find another way to settle your family problems. Is that clear?

Lt. Commander Worf: Captain, it may not be possible to...

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: It's clear! There are definitely other possibilities for Kurn. This will never happen again.

Captain Sisko: You're damned right it won't! Now both of you get out!

Chief O'Brien: The Captain's gotten us out of tougher spots than this. Last year, when the Romulans tried to invade the Founders' homeworld, we went up against a dozen Jem'Hadar ships.

Stevens: I know, Chief, uh... you've told me the story.

Chief O'Brien: Oh, yeah? Well, unless you want to hear it again, you'd better get down to the torpedo bay and start working on those probes.

[Sisko has sustained a head injury]

Major Kira: Captain! E-everything's gonna be all right. But you have to try and stay awake for me. I'm just gonna keep talking, all right? But you have to listen. It's very... important that you listen to me. Bec... because there's gonna be a test later!

[a blind torpedo has gone halfway through the Defiant's hull, sticking through the bulkhead]

Hanok: We sell these torpedoes to the Jem'Hadar.

Quark: I thought you said you never sold substandard merchandise.

[Hanok gives him a quizzical look]

Quark: This was supposed to explode on impact, wasn't it?

Hanok: ...Maybe I should offer them a refund.

[Hanok explains to Quark the Karemma way of doing business]

Quark: You make it sound so antiseptic. Where's the bargaining? Where's the scheming? Where is the greed?

Hanok: Greed leads to misjudgment. And that can result in a loss of profits.

Quark: If there's no risk, there's no thrill! Your way is just barter. If you wanna win big, you gotta be willing to play the odds. It's like gambling!

Hanok: Gambling is the last recourse of the desperate. Only a fool would risk losing what he has to chance.

Quark: I hate the Gamma Quadrant.

Quark: [to Hanok] I tried to cheat you, and I lost. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna give up the game.

Quark: The bigger the risk, the bigger the win!

Quark: I think we have a winner.

[after picking the right diode in a fifty-fifty chance to deactivate the torpedo warhead]

Quark: You know - there's another risk you could take. Staying in business with me.

Hanok: You never give up, do you?

[Bashir has risked his life to rescue Dax from asphyxiation]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: It's funny. A year ago, if you'd done something like this, I would have thought you were just trying to be a hero.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Now that I know you better, I realize it was just a really stupid thing to do.

[Bashir confesses to Dax an earlier fantasy about her]

Doctor Bashir: Well, don't worry, Jadzia. It's been a long time since I had that... particular fantasy.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Oh?

Doctor Bashir: You sound disappointed.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Julian!

Doctor Bashir: That's right! You enjoyed being chased, and now you miss it.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: That's preposterous. And if you start chasing after me again...

Doctor Bashir: Don't worry, Jadzia. Now I know you liked it, I don't need to, do I?

[Sisko has invited Kira to a baseball game in the holosuite]

Captain Ben Sisko: You can get the hot dogs from Quark.

Major Kira: 'Hot dogs'?

Captain Ben Sisko: Oh, he'll know.

Quark: There's no lock that can't be picked.

Stevens: I think we should route the generator output through the secondary power grid.

Mu?iz: We'll have to recalibrate the ODN manifold.

Stevens: That'll overload the whole system. What a mess.

Mu?iz: Nah, we'll worry about that tomorrow.

Stevens: Yeah, it's easy for you to say. It's your day off.

Chief O'Brien: Don't count on it.

[O'Brien has advised Worf earlier to go a little easier on the Engineering personnel]

Lt. Commander Worf: How long will the repairs take?

Stevens: Sixteen hours.

Chief O'Brien: Oh, you can do it in twelve.

Stevens: Twelve. Sure. No problem.

[walks off a little less enthusiastic]

Chief O'Brien: [to Worf] See? You can give 'em a little slack; but you can't take your hands off the reins.

Jack: There are rules! Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an airlock when someone's inside it. And don't lie about your genetic status.

Jack: I will not forget what was done to me; I will not be a part of a society that put me away for being too smart. No! No!

Doctor Bashir: It's not our place to decide who lives and who dies! We're not gods!

Jack: Maybe not. But we're the next best thing.

Jack: Well why don't you fix it, dear fellow, dear fellow, well why don't you fix it before I go mad!

Doctor Bashir: The only reason Patrick gets so emotional is because he likes you.

Chief O'Brien: He does?

Doctor Bashir: Yeah, they all do.

Chief O'Brien: What, because I got rid of that noise?

Doctor Bashir: No, no, it's not just that. They feel comfortable being around you. What was the word Jack used? "Uncomplicated".

Chief O'Brien: "Uncomplicated"?

Doctor Bashir: Oh yes, they're amazingly insightful. They have ways of seeing things other people don't.

Chief O'Brien: And saying things other people don't.

[Patrick takes O'Brien's toolbox away]

Chief O'Brien: I-I'm... I'm gonna need those.

Patrick: No, you don't. There's nothing wrong with that power coupling.

Lauren: The Chief doesn't like any of us. Do you, Chief?

Chief O'Brien: Julian...

Jack: He's just jealous you're spending so much time with us.

Lauren: His wife's away. He misses his friend.

Lauren: It's all right, Julian. Go play with your friend, we'll be fine.

Doctor Bashir: You want me to play with you, do you, Chief?

Chief O'Brien: No!

Lauren: Yes, you do.

Doctor Bashir: [laughing] Come on, let's go to Quark's.

Chief O'Brien: After being with them, I can understand how the rest of us must seem a little... uncomplicated.

Doctor Bashir: Well, I wouldn't say that exactly. More like... slow.

Chief O'Brien: Ha-ha. Must be very frustrating for you.

Doctor Bashir: I don't mind. Makes me feel superior.

Chief O'Brien: Ah, glad to be of service.

Jack: Bashir, was it? Rings a bell, rings a bell. Bashir-Bashir-Bashir-Bashir-Bashir-Bashir-Bashir... a-ah! Got it, got it! Uh, 15th century poet, Singh el Bashir. Any relation, hm?

Doctor Bashir: Yes, actually.

Jack: His work was totally derivative. He was a plagiarist. You knew that; you-you had to know that. Yet you come in here, bragging about it anyway, hm-hm. Why?

Doctor Bashir: You're the one who brought it up.

Jack: Well, what was I supposed to do, just let you get away with it?

Lauren: [about Bashir] He turned out all right.

Jack: You're not exactly known for being very discriminating, hm?

Lauren: Turned you down, didn't I?

Jack: And you're still regretting it!

Lauren: I know what you're thinking, Julian. But I'm not that kind of girl.

Jack: Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.

Lauren: [on Damar] Looks like a man who doesn't sleep.

Jack: Methought I heard a voice cry "Sleep no more!" Damar does murder sleep.

[Jack has a recording of Weyoun's negotiations run in native language mode]

Jack: Got you! D'you hear that? He used the passive voice transitive.

Doctor Bashir: Since when could you speak Dominionese?

Jack: Since this morning.

Weyoun: Odo...!

Odo: Yes, I know. I honor you with my presence.

Weyoun: We... seem to have gotten ourselves lost.

Odo: M-hm. They're not coming.

Damar: Who's not coming?

Odo: I had a feeling you were going to say that.

[the mutants have suggested that the Federation surrender to the Dominion in order to save billions of lives]

Captain Sisko: Surrender is not an option! Now, I'm happy to hear your group's advice on how to win this war, but I don't need your advice on how to lose it.

Doctor Bashir: We can't win this war!

Captain Sisko: I don't care if the odds are against us. If we're going to lose, then we're going to go down fighting, so that when our descendants someday rise up against the Dominion, they'll know what they're made of!

Doctor Bashir: So we go down fighting. How terribly courageous of us.

Doctor Bashir: [at the dabo wheel] Sooner or later, no matter how perfectly I play, no matter how well I hedge my bets, I'm going to lose!

Quark: Why are you trying to spoil everyone's good time? Look around. These people are enjoying themselves. Half of them know the odds are against them, but they don't care. They're here because they wanna believe they can win. Is that so bad?

Doctor Bashir: They're fools!

Chief O'Brien: The way you're acting, you'd think nobody with half a brain could possibly disagree with you.

Doctor Bashir: Frankly, I don't see how they can.

Chief O'Brien: I can see two possible explanations for it. Either I'm even more feeble-minded than you ever realized, or you're not as smart as you think you are.

[Bashir is playing another risky dabo game]

Doctor Bashir: Maybe there's a better bet. But sometimes, when the odds are so stacked against you, you've just got to take a chance.

Damar: Overconfidence - the hallmark of the Weyouns.

Female Shapeshifter: With the Breen at our side, the Federation will not be able to stand against us. They'll be erased from the face of the galaxy.

Damar: You expect me to agree to territorial concessions, when I haven't even seen what they are?

Weyoun: Damar, you are missing the point. We need the Breen to win this war. When it's over, there will be more than enough territories available to compensate Cardassia for the loss of a few minor planets.

Damar: There're no minor planets in the Cardassian Union.

Damar: [after Worf has killed Weyoun 7] They'll just make another copy of him, you know. You should've killed me. There's only one Damar.

Lt. Commander Worf: I will keep that in mind.

Weyoun: Oh, Damar - there you are...

[Dax and Worf are hung up upside down]

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: I hate to say it, but this is doing wonders for my back.

Lt. Commander Worf: I doubt that is what our captors had in mind.

Lt. Commander Worf: We must get back to the station and warn Starfleet about the Breen.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: You're right. There's just a few problems. We're on a Jem'Hadar ship, heading in the wrong direction, hanging upside down, and...

Lt. Commander Worf: And what?

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: I think I'm getting space-sick.

Weyoun: The Founder - she wishes to see me. She has to be told about this.

Damar: Oh, I'm sure she'll understand. But if she doesn't, I look forward to meeting Weyoun 9.

Kai Winn Adami: [of the Prophets] Their love is strong. So is their wrath.

Kai Winn Adami: If the Prophets wanted me to step down, surely they would've told me so.

Colonel Kira: They don't always use words to make their wishes known. Sometimes they speak to us by touching our hearts, but... only you would know if they had done that.

Kai Winn Adami: I remember when I first saw the gate of the Celestial Temple - I was on the Promenade. When it burst into view, this... whirlpool of color and light, the people all around me were in awe. They said they could feel the love of the Prophets washing over them... Do you know what I felt, Anjohl? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. But I smiled, and pretended I did, because it was expected of me. I've never admitted that to anyone.

[Martok tells Sisko about the "war" he wages with his wife at home]

Martok: Don't get me wrong, I would not trade Sirella for all the targs on Qo'noS. And, over the course of our marriage, I've won more than my fair share of battles between us; but in the end, I know - she... will win the war.

Captain Sisko: I'll keep that in mind.

Captain Sisko: [after a first debate with Kasidy] And so... the battle begins.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: You have the biggest ego of any man I've ever known!

Lt. Commander Worf: Considering how many men you have known, that is quite a statement.

Lt. Commander Worf: You never listen!

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Look who's talking.

Lt. Commander Worf: I realize, Jadzia saw physical love differently than I do. To her it could mean many things, but to me it was a deeply spiritual act. When I made love to you... my motives were not spiritual. It was an unworthy impulse.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Worf, we're not gods or prophets. We're people. We make mistakes.

Pah-wraith: [in Kai Winn's vision] Feel our love - the love of the Pah-wraiths.

Dukat: [as Anjohl Tennan] Go. Crawl back to your Prophets, beg their forgiveness. Live the rest of your life in Sisko's shadow!

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: [after reconciling with Worf] Friends?

Lt. Commander Worf: And more.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: And more.

Dukat: [as Anjohl Tennan] The Prophets have done nothing for you. During the Occupation, they turned their backs and let our people suffer. You've sacrificed everything for them, and how have they rewarded you? They've appointed an alien Emissary. They've rejected you at every turn. Even now, they won't speak to you.

Kai Winn Adami: Solbor!

Dukat: Shh! Listen to me, please! The Pah-wraiths will give you everything you've ever dreamt of - the power, the adoration of the people. In spite of your protestations of humility, that's what you really want, admit it. Stop pretending to be something you're not. Take what they're offering you.

Kai Winn Adami: Get out!

Kai Winn Adami: I'm a patient woman; but I have run out of patience. I will no longer serve gods who give me nothing in return. I'm ready to walk the path the Pah-wraiths have laid out for me.

Dukat: [as Anjohl Tennan] I'll walk with you; and no one will be able to stand against us.

Kai Winn Adami: Those who dare to try - the Federation and its vedek puppets, the false gods and their precious Emissary - they will all be swept aside like dead leaves before an angry wind.

Lt. Commander Worf: It appears, all we have left to do is to be executed.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Sounds like a lazy day to me.

[Weyoun's latest clone enters]

Damar: Well, hello! [chuckles heartily]

Weyoun: I'm glad to see you find the death of my predecessor so amusing.

Damar: Oh, you misjudge me. I miss him deeply. Here, let's drink to Weyoun 7!

[Damar helps Dax and Worf to escape]

Lt. Commander Worf: Why are you doing this?

Damar: I want you to give a message to the Federation: tell them they have an ally here on Cardassia.

Lt. Commander Worf: Why should we trust you?

Damar: You can either trust me, or you can stay here and be executed.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: I vote for Option One.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: You know, Worf, I have had just about enough of your little Klingon aphorisms. The only reason I came on this mission was to save your miserable life, so the least you could do is stop acting like a self-righteous targ!

Lt. Commander Worf: Your motives for rescuing me are not honorable.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Do you really think that I would disobey orders and risk my life so that I could seduce you? I hate to burst your bubble, Worf, but it wasn't that good.

[Rusot has provoked Kira into hitting him]

Gul Rusot: I guess... I hit a nerve.

Colonel Kira: [strangling him] No. *This* is hitting a nerve! Stop pushing me, or I'll make you realize just how many nerves you have in that miserable body.

Lt. Commander Worf: We cannot attack Sarpedion.

Gowron: I decide what can and cannot be done!

Lt. Commander Worf: You rule without wisdom and without honor. The warriors that are gathered here will not say this to you, but I will. You are squandering our ships and our lives on a petty act of vengeance!

Gowron: I should have known better than to trust you again. If you were a true Klingon, I would kill you where you stand! Fortunately for you, that 'child's' uniform shields you from you rightful fate.

Garak: Odo, I hope you know how much I...

Odo: If I don't want pity from the woman I love, why would I want it from you?

[Garak informs Kira about Odo's true condition]

Colonel Kira: I love him, Garak; you think I really wouldn't notice?

Garak: Why the pretense?

Colonel Kira: Because I also know that he doesn't want me to find out about it. He wants to put up a brave front and protect me from the truth, well fine. If that's what makes this easier for him, if that gives him one last shred of dignity to hold on to, then I'll go on ignoring what's happening to him until the very end.

Doctor Bashir: No more cloak-and-dagger games. Science is the answer here. Every puzzle has a solution, every disease a cure. It's just a matter of finding it.

Lt. Commander Worf: [referring to Martok] He likes you, and he considers you an honorable woman, a worthy successor to Jadzia. And so do I.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: That's very sweet of him.

Lt. Commander Worf: Sweet?

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Not a very Klingon word, is it?

Lt. Commander Worf: No.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: It's very... honorable.

Lt. Commander Worf: Better - albeit a little obvious.

Female Shapeshifter: If our cloning facilities were operational, I would eliminate this Weyoun immediately.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: I think that the situation with Gowron is a symptom of a bigger problem. The Klingon Empire is dying; and I think it deserves to die.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: I tend to look at the Empire with a little more skepticism than Curzon or Jadzia did. I see a society that is in deep denial about itself. We're talking about a warrior culture that prides itself on maintaining centuries-old traditions of honor and integrity. But in reality, it's willing to accept corruption at the highest levels.

Lt. Commander Worf: You are overstating your case.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Am I? Who was the last leader of the High Council that you respected? Has there even been one? And how many times have you had to cover up the crimes of Klingon leaders because you were told that it was for the good of the Empire? I... I know this sounds harsh, but the truth is, you have been willing to accept a government that you know is corrupt. Gowron is just the latest example. Worf, you are the most honorable and decent man that I've ever met. And if *you're* willing to tolerate men like Gowron, then what hope is there for the Empire?

[Sisko has shifted the blame for the Klingons' failures from Martok to Gowron]

Gowron: That's one of the things I like about you, Captain - your loyalty to your friends.

Captain Sisko: This has nothing to do with loyalty.

Gowron: Of course not.

Martok: You want me to become chancellor - me! Tell me, Worf, how do you think the members of the High Council will react when they're asked to follow a common man from the Ketha lowlands, a man without a drop of noble blood in his veins?

Worf: Kahless himself was not high-born.

Martok: Kahless was divine!

Martok: I am a loyal soldier of the Empire. I would rather die than dishonor my uniform. By raising a hand to my chancellor in a time of war, I would bring shame to everything that I've fought to protect, everything that I believe in.

Lt. Commander Worf: [citing Kahless] Great men do not seek power. They have power thrust upon them.

Colonel Kira: [after another argument with Rusot] You gonna do something about him?

Damar: I am. I'm giving him my support.

Gul Rusot: You're still a Cardassian, Garak. You're not gonna kill one of your own people for a Bajoran woman.

Garak: How little you understand me.

[Damar's family has been killed]

Damar: To kill her and my son - the casual brutality of it, the waste of life... What kind of state tolerates the murder of innocent women and children? What kind of people give those orders?

Colonel Kira: Yeah, Damar, what kind of people give those orders...?

Colonel Kira: Oh, that was stupid.

Garak: Not at all. Damar has a certain... romanticism about the past. He could use a dose of cold water.

Colonel Kira: Well, I could have picked a better time.

Garak: If he's the man to lead a new Cardassia, if he's the man we all hope him to be... then the pain of this news made him more receptive to what you said, not less.

[O'Brien has come up with a plan how to lure a Section 31 agent to DS9]

Doctor Bashir: I think it's a plan. A very good plan. When did you get so devious?

Chief O'Brien: I've been hanging around you too long.

Lt. Commander Worf: What I say now, I say as a member of the House of Martok, not a Starfleet officer. [to Gowron] You have dishonored yourself and the Empire, and you are not worthy to lead the Council.

Lt. Commander Worf: What I have done was for the Empire. A new day must dawn for our people. I am not the man to usher in that day. But there is a man here who can.

Martok: Worf - I do not seek the leadership.

Lt. Commander Worf: Kahless said "Great men do not seek power. They have power thrust upon them."

[Worf hands the Chancellor's robes to Martok]

Lt. Commander Worf: Hail Martok, leader of the Empire - leader of destiny!

Gowron: [to Worf, his last words] You will not have this... day...

Damar: [of Rusot] He was my friend. But his Cardassia is dead, and it won't be coming back.

Chief O'Brien: Julian, it's time to face facts: you're not gonna pull a rabbit out of your medkit.

Doctor Bashir: You wanna face facts? Face this fact: Section 31 have managed to stay in hiding for three *hundred* years. They're not gonna come scurrying into the light just because Miles O'Brien and Julian Bashir are on the case.

Odo: You're... probably angry.

Odo: I... I hid my true condition.

Colonel Kira: Odo - I've known all along. But it's not over. Julian's probably working on a cure right now...

Odo: Shh-shh, Nerys, Nerys, don't. Just... stay here, with me.

Doctor Bashir: So, when is this "Clash of the Titans"?

Captain Sisko: Two weeks, in holosuite 5.

Colonel Kira: What's the contest?

[Sisko produces a round white object and places it on the table]

Captain Sisko: Baseball!

[during the baseball game, Odo, as umpire, didn't make a call after a player scored]

Nog: What's wrong?

Chief O'Brien: He didn't touch home, Nog!

Nog: Is that true?

[Odo harrumphs]

Nog: Wha- what do I do?

Worf: Find him and kill him!

Doctor Bashir: What are you eating?

Chief O'Brien: I'm not eating, I'm chewing.

Doctor Bashir: Chewing what?

Chief O'Brien: Gum. It's traditional. I had the replicator create me some.

Doctor Bashir: They just chewed it?

Chief O'Brien: No, they infused the gum with flavor.

Doctor Bashir: What did you infuse it with?

Chief O'Brien: Scotch.

Captain Sisko: [shouting] You stole the run from us! You stole it just as if you reached up and tore it off the score board!

[begins poking Odo in the chest]

Captain Sisko: You stole it from us!

Odo: You - you're out of here!

Odo: No player shall at any time make contact with the umpire in any manner. The prescribed penalty for the violation is immediate ejection from the game. Rule Number 4.06, subsection a, paragraph four. Look it up, but do it in the stands. You're GONE!

Captain Solok: Umpire, this is completely improper. [Grabs Odo and turns him around]

Captain Solok: The game is not over! [suddenly realizes he's touching Odo. Odo smiles slightly]


Captain Solok: [insincerely] I understand you were recently honored with the Christopher Pike Medal for Valor. Congratulations.

Captain Sisko: [just as insincerely] Thank you. And congratulations to you. I heard you received your medal last month.

Captain Solok: My second, actually.

Captain Solok: [to Sisko] You are attempting to manufacture a triumph where none exists.

Captain Sisko: It's been a long time.

Captain Solok: 10 years, 2 months, 5 days.

Captain Sisko: You mean you don't know it to the minute?

Captain Solok: Of course I do. But Humans are often irked by such precision - especially the more emotional Humans.

Kasidy Yates: I know that look. It's the I'd-really-like-to-smash-something-but-she'll-think-I'm-crazy look. Well, don't let me stop you - they're your quarters. Smash away if it'll make you feel better.

Worf: [playing baseball] Death to the opposition!

Captain Sisko: There is more to baseball than physical strength. It's, uh... it's about courage; and it's also about faith; and it is also about heart. And if there's one thing our Vulcan friends lack, it's heart.

Worf: We will destroy them.

[Sisko has recruited Odo to fill the post of the umpire in their baseball game]

Captain Sisko: Remember, the game is in less than two weeks, so you better start to, er, work on your moves.

Odo: My "moves"?

Rom: We're trying out. What about you?

Quark: I don't have the slightest interest in this... Human game.

Leeta: [scoffs] You know why? Jake says it's a game that takes heart. And you sold yours a long time ago.

Rom: I got it! I got it! I got it! [lets the ball drop behind him]

Captain Sisko: [to Odo] You can't tell me that ball was over the plate! What were you doing, regenerating?

Captain Sisko: [offering Solok his signature covered baseball] Would you like to sign it?

Captain Sisko: Well, there's an old saying: those who can't - coach!

Captain Sisko: If you have some time, one day - maybe you can teach me how to bunt.

Rom: [to Leeta] What's a bunt?

Captain Sisko: [telling the story of him and Solok to Kasidy] We were in the same class at the academy. One weekend, I was with some friends in a bar off campus, The Launching Pad, when Solok came in with a group of Vulcan cadets. Said they were doing research on 'illogical human bonding rituals'. We didn't take too kindly to that.

Kasidy Yates: And you'd had a few drinks.

Captain Sisko: One or two. Well, we got into a debate and Solok said that Vulcans were naturally superior to Humans and other 'emotionally handicapped species'. Of course, I took the opposite position. So there I am, drunk and debating logic versus emotion with a smug and very sober Vulcan. Well, to make a long story short, I decided that the best way to prove that Humans were every bit the equal of Vulcans was to challenge him to a wrestling match.

Kasidy Yates: Wrestling?

Captain Sisko: All I wanted to do was wipe that arrogant look off his face so with everyone watching, in the heat of the moment, I challenged him.

Kasidy Yates: And?

Captain Sisko: I ended up in the infirmary with a separated shoulder, two cracked ribs and a very bruised ego.

Kasidy Yates: [laughing] Oh Ben! I don't mean to laugh but what did you expect? A Vulcan has three times the strength of a human.

Captain Sisko: [whistles] And they're faster too. But you're right - I got what I deserved. And if it had ended right there it would've been fine. But it didn't. Solok took every opportunity to remind me about our match. He used to point me out whenever I walked across the campus. In fact, he wrote 5 psychology papers about our match. I became the living embodiment of why Vulcans were inherently superior to Humans.

Kasidy Yates: You don't mean he was gloating? A Vulcan?

Captain Sisko: That's exactly what I mean. He may have hidden it beneath that Vulcan calm of his, but he loved every minute of it. And you'd think that once we graduated it would have stopped. But it didn't. Over the years, Solok wrote over a dozen papers on Vulcan/Human comparative profiles, and at the beginning of every paper is an analysis of that damn wrestling match.

Kasidy Yates: And now he comes to your station and announces that he's put together a baseball team.

Captain Sisko: Solok doesn't care about baseball. All he wants to do is rub it in my nose on more time but this time he's using my game. My game!

Captain Sisko: Alright Niners! Let's hear some chatter! Hey batter!

Kasidy Yates: Hey batter batter batter batter batter!

Leeta: Hey batter batter batter batter batter batter!

Worf: Death to the opposition!

Weyoun: Pah-wraiths and Prophets. All this talk of gods strikes me as nothing more than superstitious nonsense.

Damar: You believe that the Founders are gods, don't you?

Weyoun: That's different.

Damar: [laughs] In what way?

Weyoun: The Founders *are* gods.

[Worf and Dax return from the holo-suite]

Doctor Bashir: You were supposed to be up there exercising. I don't see any sweat. Where are all the bruises, the... the... the broken bones, the blood?

Lt. Commander Worf: We were talking.

Quark: For an hour and 45 minutes?

Lt. Commander Worf: It is a private matter.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: We're thinking about having a baby!

Lt. Commander Worf: It *was* a private matter.

Doctor Bashir: A baby!

Quark: It's bad enough she married that Klingon psychopath.

Doctor Bashir: A baby - do you have any idea what that means?

Quark: That their marriage's gonna last a lot longer than we thought.

[Sisko has been honored with the Christopher Pike Medal of Valor]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: To think I knew him when he was just a callow youth.

Chief O'Brien: Oh, I bet even then he showed signs of greatness.

Admiral Ross: Good luck, gentlemen - good luck to all of us.

Letant: Romulans don't believe in luck.

Martok: All the better! Leaves more for the rest of us.

Letant: Klingons can be quite entertaining, can't they? Every Romulan zoo should have a pair.

Weyoun: You haven't changed a bit, have you?

Gul Dukat: On the contrary, I'm a new man. I no longer have a need for conquest or power. I'm far beyond all that. I exist in a state of complete clarity - a clarity I intend to share with the universe.

Weyoun: You're right, Dukat, you have changed. You've gone from being a self-important egotist to a self-deluded madman. I hardly call that improvement.

[Bashir and Quark are brooding in Vic's lounge over their lost love]

Vic Fontaine: It's simple: you take one beautiful, happily married filly, add the possibility of her giving birth to a foal, and what's that leave you? A couple of lovesick stallions that never got out of the starting gate.

Quark: [to Bashir] You have any idea what he's talking about?

Vic Fontaine: [of Quark and Bashir] Nice guys - but absolutely clueless.

Major Kira: Now I know why you've been avoiding me for the past few days.

Odo: I haven't been avoiding you. I've been helping you to avoid me.

Odo: You know, Nerys - observing humanoid relationships and being in one... are very different things.

Martok: Leave it to a Romulan to run at the first sign of trouble.

Letant: And leave it to a Klingon to leap to the wrong conclusion.

Martok: [to Sisko and Admiral Ross] Mark my words: by this time next year, the three of us will drink blood wine in the halls of Cardassia's Central Command!

Captain Sisko: The Prophets don't see me as a Starfleet captain. They see me as their Emissary.

Admiral Ross: That's the problem, isn't it? For the past six years you've tried to be both. And up to now I've been patient. I have indulged you, I have gone out on a limb for you many times. But this is it. You've got to make a decision. You are either the Emissary or a Starfleet captain. You can't be both.

Chief O'Brien: You got here early.

Garak: This is a momentous occasion. It's not every day I embark on a journey to liberate my home world.

Chief O'Brien: That's one way to put it.

Captain Sisko: [by Jadzia's coffin] When I first met you, you told me that my relationship with Jadzia Dax wouldn't be any different than the one I had with Curzon Dax. Things didn't work out that way. I had a hell of a lot of fun with both of you. But Curzon was my mentor. You... you were my friend, and I am going to miss you. I should've listened to the Prophets and not gone to Cardassia. Then maybe you'd still be alive. -... - I've failed as the Emissary, and for the first time in my life I've failed in my duty as a Starfleet officer. I need time to think. Clear my head. But I can't do it here, not on the station, not now. I need to get away - and find a way to figure out how to make things right again. And I have to make things right again, Jadzia. I have to.

Captain Sisko: Let's go home, Jake.

Major Kira: [looking over Sisko's abandoned desk] I was afraid of that. He's not sure he's coming back.

Odo: What makes you say that?

Major Kira: His baseball - he took it with him.

Jake Sisko: Dad - Grandpa's ready to close up the restaurant. He wants to know when you're comin' in.

Captain Sisko: In a little while.

[Dax and Worf, who is preparing to go into battle, are talking about their plans to have a baby]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Just remember when you get back: we have a lot of work to do.

Lt. Commander Worf: I don't consider that 'work'.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [her last words] Our baby... would have been so beautiful...

Damar: [watching the battle turn their favor] I believe you owe me an apology.

Weyoun: I believe you're right.

Mardah: First rule of dabo is, "Watch the wheel, not the girl".

[Sisko has just met the baby found in the wreckage of a ship]

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: You are positively glowing! I haven't seen that look on your face since...

Commander Sisko: ...since Jake stopped wearing diapers.

Commander Sisko: [about Mardah] Quark may call her a dabo girl; but she's twenty years old. She's a woman, and Jake is a sixteen-year-old boy. It has to stop.

Chief O'Brien: Well, why did you invite her over, if you don't mind my asking?

Commander Sisko: Curiosity, mostly. I want to see what I was up against.

Chief O'Brien: What if it turns out you like her?

Commander Sisko: She's a dabo girl, she's dating my son - I don't want to like her.

Chief O'Brien: Sixteen years old and dating a dabo girl... Godspeed, Jake.

Mardah: It's amazing, how some people would judge you based on nothing more than your job.

Jake Sisko: Mrs. O'Brien used to say that Mardah should try to get some of her stories published.

Mardah: Jake, they aren't that good.

Jake Sisko: Yes, they are.

Mardah: Nothing like your poetry.

Jake Sisko: You don't have enough faith in yourself.

Commander Sisko: P-poetry - y-you write... poetry?

Jake Sisko: Well - sort of. Not... not really.

Mardah: Now who doesn't have enough faith in himself?

Mardah: [to Sisko] He writes some of the most beautiful things I've ever read. That's what won me over.

Commander Sisko: [becoming more and more bewildered] Er... His... poetry?

Mardah: And the way he plays dom-jot. [Jake winces]

Commander Sisko: You play dom-jot?

Mardah: Oh, your son can play. He's quite the hustler.

Commander Sisko: A hustler?

Mardah: Jake seemed like just another teenage boy at first. But there's more to him than that.

Commander Sisko: I'm beginning to realize that myself...

Chief O'Brien: [referring to the Founders] I still don't understand why they would engineer someone to be addicted to a certain chemical.

Odo: I suspect it's another way of ensuring the loyalty of the Jem'Hadar to the Founders. If your soldiers are addicted to a drug that can't be replicated and only you can provide, that gives you a great deal of control over them.

Chief O'Brien: Seems a pretty cold-blooded thing to do.

Odo: My people don't have blood, Chief.

[Sisko has been ordered to send the Jem'Hadar to another starbase]

Commander Sisko: There will be a complete team of xenobiologists and exopsychologists waiting for him.

Odo: So they're going to study him, like a laboratory specimen.

Commander Sisko: Well, he'll be very well treated.

Odo: [sarcastically] So he'll be a well treated specimen.

Odo: I also know what it's like to be a specimen in a laboratory. Oh, I'm sure they'll treat him very well. No one will risk harming their new prize. They'll be courteous, caring, treat him like he's among friends, but in the end, he'll be just another specimen to them, something to be analyzed and cataloged. Give me the chance to find out if he really is just a programed killing machine - or if we can help him become something else.

Major Kira: I never thought I would say this to you, Odo, but you are listening to your heart, not your head. That boy was created in a laboratory! His body, his mind, his instincts, are all designed to do one thing: to kill.

Odo: My body, mind, and instincts were designed to be a Founder. You were trained to be a terrorist. But each of us chose to be something different. I just want to give him the same chance we've had!

Major Kira: All right. Give him a chance. Just don't forget, he is a Jem'Hadar. He's dangerous!

Odo: Is that all you can think about? Killing? Isn't there anything else you care about?

Jem'Hadar Teenager: I don't think so.

Odo: We need to find other interests for you to pursue. For the moment, why don't you relax? Try not to be so tense. Take it easy. Smile.

Jem'Hadar Teenager: Why do you want to look like a humanoid? You're better than they are. You're a Changeling.

Odo: That doesn't make me better. Just different.

Odo: No one on this station is better than anyone else. We're all equal.

Jem'Hadar Teenager: I'm not like these other humanoids. I'm a Jem'Hadar. And that's what I want to be. You're not like these other humanoids either. But they've done something to you. They've filled your mind with, with ideas, with these beliefs. I don't know what the other Changelings are like. But I know they're not like you.

Jem'Hadar Teenager: I now know that anyone who is not a Jem'Hadar, is my enemy.

Odo: Does that include me?

Chief O'Brien: [seeing Jake walk by with Mardah] I thought you were gonna lower the boom on those two.

Commander Sisko: Well, I was; but some things came up at dinner I didn't expect.

Chief O'Brien: Ah - got to know her a little better, decided you liked her after all?

Commander Sisko: No, actually I got to know Jake a little better. Have you ever played dom-jot with him?

Chief O'Brien: Nope.

Commander Sisko: Don't.

Odo: Major - about the boy... You were right.

Commander Sisko: Commander's log, stardate 48959.1 - It is with mixed emotions that I record this, my final Commander's log. The last three years have been the most demanding and rewarding of my career. I can only hope that the future will hold even greater challenges.

Jake Sisko: Dad, there's something I've been wanting to say to you for a long time. And now that I finally have the chance, I'm gonna make it short and simple.

[he approaches Sisko and pins a fourth pip on his father's collar]

Jake Sisko: Congratulations, 'Captain' Sisko!

Captain Sisko: My son, the writer, thinks I should say something profound on this occasion. He even offered to write me a brief statement. I told him I'd take care of it myself; but as it turns out, the only thing I can think of is: Begin Captain's log, stardate 48960.9.

Major Kira: Well, now that you have another pip on your collar, does that mean I can't disagree with you anymore?

Captain Sisko: No. It just means, I'm never wrong.

Major Kira: Ah - we'll see about that.

[O'Brien is faced with two Odos, one of them an impostor]

Odo II: You'd better make a decision. We're running out of time.

Chief O'Brien: I 've got more important things to do than play 'choose the Changeling'!

Changeling: Why are you protecting these Solids? You don't belong with them. You belong with us.

Odo: [on using a phaser on a fellow Changeling] In the history of my people, no Changeling has ever harmed another. I'd hate to be the first.

Michael Eddington: Apparently that Changeling doesn't feel the same way. If we don't stop him, no one on board will escape unharmed, including you.

Odo: You may be right. But I've been a Security officer most of my humanoid existence; and in all that time, I've never found it necessary to fire a weapon, or take a life. I don't intend to start now.

Michael Eddington: Captain - I just want to say that... I agree with what Chief O'Brien said. About your promotion. It's about time.

Captain Sisko: I appreciate the sentiment, Commander, but it really doesn't change anything. I have the assignment I want, I have the crew that I want. The rank doesn't make much difference.

Michael Eddington: You'd be surprised. People don't enter Starfleet to become commanders, or admirals, for that matter. It's the captain's chair that everyone has their eye on. That's what I wanted when I joined up... You don't get to be a captain wearing a gold uniform.

Captain Sisko: You could always transfer from Security to Command.

Michael Eddington: [with fake naivety] Then who would protect the Ambassador?

[having lost any control of the Defiant's systems, Sisko has initiated the auto-destruct sequence]

Chief O'Brien: I think I may be able to shut down the Changeling's force fields, and gain access to the sabotaged systems. The only problem is, we may lose our force fields too.

Federation Computer: Auto-destruct in seven minutes.

Captain Sisko: Just tell me how long it will take.

Chief O'Brien: Well, I guess it'll have to be less than seven minutes, won't it?

Captain Sisko: That'd be my suggestion.

Odo: Captain, there's something you need to know. The Changeling, before he... died - he whispered something to me.

Captain Sisko: Go on.

Odo: He said..."You're too late. We are everywhere."

Quark: [celebrating Sisko's promotion to captain] This calls for a toast!

Doctor Bashir: That had better not be from a replicator, Quark.

Quark: Chateau Cleon, 2303. I already put it on your account.

Odo: Humanoid death rituals are an interest of mine.

Quark: Death rituals?

Odo: Everybody needs a hobby.

Quark: I am merely a businessman. It would take an orator with the skills of the late, great Plegg himself to sing the praises of the late, great Plegg.

Odo: Some species burn their dead, others pack them in blocks of ice. Some even surround themselves with the company of family corpses. But the Ferengi ritual, of chopping up their loved ones and selling them, huhuhuh, I find that... irresistible.

Quark: I'm very busy here.

Odo: What a fitting and distinguished way to honor the memory of great Ferengi entrepreneurs. I'm thinking of starting a collection, putting up a display case in my office. There'll be a special space in there reserved just for you, Quark.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Feel like getting a raktajino before we call it a night?

Doctor Bashir: In my replicator or yours?

Doctor Bashir: [about Dax teasing him] She enjoys it. She actually gets some kind of perverse pleasure out of it. One of these days I'm gonna stop chasing after her... and then we'll see.

Commander Sisko: Dr. Bashir gave you permission to be up and about?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Dr. Bashir wouldn't listen to me and hid my clothes so I wouldn't leave. I had to sneak out to my quarters in a hospital gown that wouldn't close in the back.

[Dr. Mora is telling Dax about the time when he first discovered Odo]

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: When did you realize you were dealing with a sentient life form?

Odo: He didn't. I had to teach him that myself.

[Dr. Mora has been injured in an earthquake]

Commander Sisko: I know how you feel, Constable.

Odo: Feel? About what?

Commander Sisko: When my father became ill, I can remember how small and weak he looked there lying on the bed. He'd been so strong, so independent. It always seemed to me that there was nothing that he couldn't do. But in the end, I realized there was nothing that he *could* do, and nothing I could do to help him.

Odo: I appreciate your thoughts, Commander. But Dr. Mora is not my father.

Dr. Mora: Constable?

Odo: It's a nickname that I barely tolerate.

Dr. Mora: It's an expression of affection that you find difficult to accept.

Chief O'Brien: [about the pillar found in the Gamma Quadrant] Any idea what it is?

Odo: I'm hoping it's a key, Mr. O'Brien - a key to my past.

Dr. Mora: [after finding out about Odo's identity crisis] What do you think they'll do with you?

Dr. Mora: They won't know what to do with you! They'll put you in a high-security prison, or quarantine you on a deserted asteroid in the Gamma Quadrant. Odo, they'll put you in a zoo!

Odo: [flustered] I don't... believe that. You don't know them.

Dr. Mora: What other humanoid have you been able to trust except me?

Odo: [incensed] What makes you think I trust you?

Dr. Mora: [about Odo] I never thought he could do it - integrate successfully. If you could have seen him before. He was so ill-prepared to be on his own, I was sure he'd come back. I told him when he left, he'd come back. And all these years I was so certain that eventually, one day he'd show up at the lab... Well, I guess I'd better get used to the idea he's not going to.

Odo: Dr. Mora... I want to be sure, you understand... I had no idea.

Dr. Mora: You had to speak in a voice loud enough for me to hear.

Odo: I'm... sorry.

Dr. Mora: I'm sorry it was necessary.

Dr. Mora: I've done it to you again, haven't I, Odo? Make you a prisoner. Dear God, what have I done?

Dr. Mora: I would like - in a very small way - to be part of your life again, your life here, on the station. From time to time, we could talk about things that matter to you, to us.

Odo: I'd like that.

Odo: [Odo is buying the remains of a Ferengi from Quark] There is one thing I was curious about.

Quark: And what's that?

Odo: How do I know it's Plegg?

Quark: It says so on the label.

Odo: Isn't there some sort of letter of authenticity?

Quark: The Ferengi Seal of Dismemberment is right here! What more do you want?

Odo: I want Plegg!

Quark: You've got him!

Odo: Not if he's still alive.

Quark: Still alive?

Odo: Still alive.

Quark: Plegg?

Odo: After I tracked him down on Khosla II, told him about your little scheme, he was quite amused. [beat] I'm. Not.

Quark: I'm not trying to rescue you, I'm taking you along as emergency rations. If you die, I'm gonna eat you.

Odo: You're joking.

Quark: Waste not... want not.

Nog: I'll do the cleaning on the odd-numbered days and you'll do it on the even ones.

Jake Sisko: We're going to clean every day?

Nog: No, just the odd and even ones.

Nog: A healthy body, healthy mind.

Jake Sisko: Please, Nog, no cliches before breakfast.

Quark: So - how much longer till we reach Inferna Prime?

Odo: Oh, I'd say 191 hours and 17 minutes - give or take a day.

Quark: This whole runabout is alive with annoying little noises!

Quark: You know, Odo, I used to think all your problems stemmed from the fact that you were a Changeling - isolated from your own kind, forced to live among strangers who didn't understand you. You couldn't eat, you couldn't drink, you couldn't sleep, you couldn't make love. Was it any wonder you had such a bad disposition? But you're not a Changeling anymore. You're one of us. Life is yours for the taking, all you have to do is reach out and grab it. But do you? No. Because Solid or Changeling, you're still a miserable, self-hating misanthrope. That's who you are, and that's who you'll always be.

Odo: You can annoy me, bait me, question my very existence, but in the end, we both know I've won. Because when all is said and done, I'll be heading back to Deep Space Nine, and you'll be spending the rest of your life in a Federation penal colony.

Odo: I guess you're not as successful a businessman as you think you are.

Quark: Which means you spent the last ten years of your life trying to catch a nobody, with little success, I might add. So you tell me: which one of us is the bigger failure?

Nog: Don't forget, we're hitting the gym at 0430.

Jake Sisko: The gym?

Nog: Muscles, Jake! You know, those things that are supposed to go between your bones and your skin?

Jake Sisko: Yeah, I've heard of them.

Nog: Good. Cos by the time I'm done with you, you'll have some of your very own.

Captain Sisko: Now, I know the two of you are very different people, but you're still friends, and somehow, some way, you'll make this work.

Jake Sisko: I don't know...

Nog: Neither do I.

Captain Sisko: Well, I do...

Captain Sisko: [to Nog]... and I'm your captain!

Captain Sisko: [to Jake, softer]... and I'm your father. And what I say goes. Good day, gentlemen.

Quark: All we have to do is haul this transmitter to higher ground - more altitude, less atmosphere. Go high enough and we might be able to get a signal out.

Odo: And how much higher do we have to go?

Quark: Uh... carry the seven, take the square root, times pi... I'd say, er...

[points at the top of the highest mountain]

Quark: ...that high.

Odo: You know, if I were still a Changeling, I could've shapeshifted into a Vorian pterodactyl and flown that damn transmitter to the top of the mountain hours ago.

Quark: You're the one who wanted to be a Solid.

Odo: I never wanted to be a Solid.

Quark: Oh, please. I used to see you coming into the bar, watching Morn eat, eyeing my customers, as they gambled and flirted with the dabo girls, wishing you were one of them - not to mention your platonic friendship with a certain Bajoran Major.

Odo: [laughs disparagingly] If that's the kind of psychological insight you dispense with your drinks, it's a wonder you have any customers.

Quark: Deny it all you want, but the fact is, your people gave you what you wanted. You're one of us now, and I can finally sit on a chair and know with absolute certainty that it isn't you.

Quark: [on the prospect of dying alone on the planet] My brother will get the bar. My nephew will be completely corrupted by the Federation, and become a Starfleet captain. And my bones will lie here and freeze, unsold, and unmourned.

Odo: [freezing and breathing heavily] Chief of Security... 's log, final entry. It looks like... Quark didn't make it. Can't say I'm surprised. You'll find his body further up the slope. No doubt he'd want you to vacuum desiccate his remains... and auction them off. Not that they're worth... much. As for myself... cremate me. Stick my ashes in my bucket and shoot me through the wormhole. I might as well end up where I began. Or better yet...

[he is beamed up]

[Odo has just been saved from the planet]

Odo: [slightly bemused] I'm alive.

Doctor Bashir: Yes, I'm gonna see you stay that way.

Odo: Quark?

Lt. Commander Worf: We found him on top of the mountain slumped over a subspace transmitter.

Odo: You mean he made it?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: If it wasn't for his signal, we never would have found you. Looks like he saved both of your lives.

Odo: I was afraid you'd say that.

Quark: You remember back there, when I told you I hated you, and you told me you hated me?

Odo: Vividly.

Quark: I just wanted you to know... I meant every word of it.

Odo: So did I.

[O'Brien prepares Rom for a secret mission and urges him to talk to no one about it]

Rom: Culpable deniability - I understand. Don't worry about me, Chief; my lips are sealed. Nobody will get anything out of me, not even my name!

O'Brien: Rom - everybody on the station knows your name.

Rom: [reflecting] Right... But I won't confirm it!

[Sisko checks on the progress of the interrogation of Rom]

Captain Sisko: Has he said anything?

Odo: Not much. For the first 40 minutes it was like pulling teeth even getting him to admit his name.

Rom: Captain Sisko, Odo, they don't know about any of this, do they?

O'Brien: No. No, they don't. And I want you to help me keep it that way for a little while longer.

Rom: I have to stay here and play the idiot?

O'Brien: I'm afraid so. And no matter what Odo asks you...

Rom: I'm Quark's brother. I know the role.

[Bashir has accidentally killed Keiko's plants, but refuses O'Brien's request that he come along to apologize to her for it]

Doctor Bashir: You don't need me there. I've seen you handle your wife thousands of times. Just say you're sorry and that you take full responsibility; you'll be fine! Besides, I, er, have to be in surgery - operating.

O'Brien: On who?

Doctor Bashir: I'll find someone.

Quark: You know, Morn... There's nothing more invigorating than breakfast in a bar. Where else can you get raw slug liver first thing in the morning?

[Rom comes into the bar after his night shift. Quark places a bowl with some sort of mash in front of him without comment]

Rom: What's this?

Quark: What do you mean, 'what's this'? It's puree of beetle.

Rom: I didn't order it.

Quark: Of course you didn't order it; you don't need to order it. You have it after work every morning!

Rom: So, what are you drinking?

Whatley: Raktajino.

Rom: Great! Is that what we drink on the swing shift?

Whatley: You can drink anything you want.

Rom: I'll have a raktajino.

[he goes to the replicator]

Rom: It's not like this on a night shift. We don't drink raktajino. We really don't drink anything...

Whatley: Fascinating.

[Jake and "Keiko" are talking about the myth of the Bajoran Pah-wraiths]

Jake Sisko: Maybe the next time you go to the Fire Caves, I could come along. I've always wanted to meet a Pah-wraith.

Keiko O'Brien/Pah-wraith: Maybe you will, you never know.

[the station crew have found out that certain systems on the station have been manipulated]

O'Brien: So far, these alterations don't seem to pose any threat to the station.

Captain Sisko: So far. But this might be just the tip of a very large and dangerous iceberg.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I couldn't sleep, so I got up and decided to scan the wormhole for radiometric anomalies.

O'Brien: At three in the morning?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I've always found anomalies to be very relaxing; it's a curse.

Keiko O'Brien/Pah-wraith: Strange, these corporeal bodies of yours - so fragile. Burst even a tiny blood vessel in the brain and every memory, every passionate emotion gone forever.

Keiko O'Brien/Pah-wraith: Another weakness of you corporeal lifeforms, your need for physical intimacy. It's especially irritating in your young.

O'Brien: God help me.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: You're cleared for departure. But before you go, there's one thing I'd like to ask you.

O'Brien: What's that?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Did you enjoy your birthday?

O'Brien: Well, it was full of surprises.

Doctor Bashir: If that is a Changeling, maybe we should get it into a security field.

Odo: That won't be necessary.

Doctor Bashir: But if it gets out of that container it could be dangerous.

Odo: It's not going anywhere, Doctor. It doesn't know how. It's just a baby.

Dr. Mora: Spare the rod, spoil the child.

Lt. Commander Worf: Constable... why are you talking to your beverage?

Quark: What are you up to?

Odo: I am happy, Quark, can't you just accept that?

Quark: No. It doesn't fit. If you're happy, there's something very wrong in the world. The center cannot hold.

Captain Sisko: Why would the Founders send such helpless creatures out into space?

Odo: To find out if the species they encountered posed any threat. What better way to gauge another race than to see how it treats the weak and vulnerable.

Captain Sisko: Maybe you should contact Dr. Mora.

Odo: Mora? Why?

Captain Sisko: Well, he managed to find a way to communicate with you. He obviously knows what he's doing.

Odo: Maybe so, but... I'd prefer to do this alone.

Captain Sisko: That's your call. But it's, er... always nice to have someone around to help change the diapers.

Odo: What are you doing?

Dr. Mora: I'm measuring its volume. It's been here a week and it's only grown 17%. After three days in my lab you were twice that size.

Odo: Well, maybe I was anxious to grow up, so I could get out of there.

Dr. Mora: I can't wait to see what next preposterous thing you're going to try. Who knows, maybe in a couple of months it may get so tired of your incessant chatter that it might actually do something.

Odo: Oh, you'd just love to get your hands on it, wouldn't you? You could sell tickets on the Promenade. "Dr. Mora's Chamber of Horrors, open for business. Right this way...!"

Dr. Mora: By the Prophets, Odo, I wasn't even sure you were a lifeform.

Odo: I wasn't sure about you either.

Dr. Mora: I was under enormous pressure to come up with results, and I did. My technique worked. The fact that you are standing here whining about it proves it.

Dr. Mora: If it wasn't for me, you'd still be sitting on a shelf somewhere in a beaker labeled 'unknown sample'.

Odo: If it wasn't for me, you'd be a nobody. Starfleet wouldn't hire you to judge a science fair!

[Odo is ecstatic after he managed for the first time to get the baby-Changeling to take on a shape]

Dr. Mora: I smiled the first time *you* did that. Little did I realize you would end up hating me for it.

Dr. Mora: You formed a connection with this Changeling. That is something I was never able to do with you.

Odo: That's not true. I respected you.

Dr. Mora: You feared me.

Odo: You didn't know what I was, you... were experimenting on what looked like a lump of organic residue. That's what I'd still be if it weren't for you.

Dr. Mora: You don't know how much it means to me to hear you say that.

Dr. Mora: I suppose it's all my fault. If I hadn't poked and prodded you so much, you may have grown up in a less forbidding disposition.

Odo: Something tells me, no matter what we do to that Changeling, it's going to have a more pleasant disposition than mine. It's just the way I am.

Dr. Mora: Take care of yourself, Odo.

[Shakaar visits Kira while O'Brien is giving her a leg massage]

Shakaar: Chief, would you mind leaving us alone for a minute?

Chief O'Brien: I'm almost done.

Shakaar: I'll take over.

[he starts working on Kira's other leg]

Major Kira: I think it's time...

Chief O'Brien: You got to do it harder.

Shakaar: I know what I'm doing.

Major Kira: [in happy anticipation] It's time!

Chief O'Brien: And you got to work *up* the legs.

Major Kira: [emphatic] It's time!

Shakaar: [to O'Brien] Do me a favor. Next time you have a baby, leave my girlfriend out of it, huh?

Odo: Do you ever think about having children?

Quark: Huh?

Odo: See, I never did. It just seemed like too much trouble. But then, fate dropped one into my lap. And I couldn't be happier.

Odo: Cheers!

Odo: It's strange. Over the past few months I came to accept the fact that I'd never have any contact with my people again. They... rejected me, they turned me into a humanoid. Part of me was lost forever.

Odo: But that... little... ball of goo back in the lab changed everything. I feel as if I'm... experiencing what it is to be a Changeling again. And somehow, being a Solid... doesn't seem so bad anymore.

Major Kira: I got into this because the O'Briens needed my help. I never wanted a baby. But now... I just wish I could hold him in my arms - and never let him go.

Odo: I think I know how you feel, Nerys.

[Damar, the Cardassian leader, speaks to his people]

Damar: And so two years ago, our government signed a treaty with the Dominion. In it the Dominion promised to extend Cardassia's influence throughout the Alpha Quadrant. In exchange, we pledged ourselves to join the war against the Federation and its allies. Cardassians have never been afraid of war, a fact we've proven time and again over these past two years. Seven million of our brave soldiers have given their lives to fulfill our part of the agreement, and what has the Dominion done in return? Nothing. We've gained no new territories. In fact, our influence throughout the quadrant has diminished. And to make matters worse, we are no longer masters in our own home. Travel anywhere in Cardassia and what do you find? Jem'Hadar, Vorta, and now Breen. Instead of the invaders, we have become the invaded. Our allies have conquered us without firing a single shot. Well, no longer. This morning, detachments of the Cardassian First, Third and Ninth Orders attacked the Dominion outpost on Rondac III. This assault marks the first step toward the liberation of our homeland, from the true oppressors of the Alpha Quadrant. I call upon Cardassians everywhere. Resist. Resist today. Resist tomorrow. Resist till the last Dominion soldier has been driven from our soil!

Weyoun: I could be the last Weyoun...

Weyoun: There's something... different about you today, Damar, I can't quite put my finger on it. It's almost as if you're only... half-dressed...

Damar: What're you talking about?

Weyoun: [with fake realization] You don't have a bottle in your hand!

Martok: We must give the enemy credit. To launch an attack on Starfleet headquarters... Even my people never attempted that.

Martok: [about the Breen] Captain, every species has its weakness. They're no exception.

Captain Sisko: Let's hope you're right. But whatever the weakness is - we better find it soon.

Gul Rusot: I remember the day I heard the news that Cardassia had joined the Dominion. Like everyone else, I rejoiced. We were going to be rulers of the entire Alpha Quadrant. Instead, we're a conquered people, servants in our own land.

Damar: The Dominion victories are no longer our victories.

[On the Defiant, the crew is going through the pre-flight procedure]

Nog: This is bad, very bad.

Colonel Kira: You say that every time we take the Defiant into battle.

Nog: Impulse manifold purged and clear. - If we lose the Chin'toka system, we lose our only foothold in the Dominion territory. I think that qualifies as bad.

Colonel Kira: Oh, we haven't lost it yet. - Initiating impulse pre-start sequence.

Nog: Microfusion generators online. - But the Breen, they seem unstoppable. First Earth, now Chin'toka?

Lt. Commander Worf: Ensign, no one is unstoppable. - Collimate the nadion emitters.

Nog: Collimation sequence in progress.

[Bashir and O'Brien enter the bridge]

Doctor Bashir: What more can I say, Miles, but 'I'm sorry'?

Chief O'Brien: Dilithium matrix is aligned and calibrated. - Just be a bit more careful, that's all I ask.

Colonel Kira: Opening antimatter injector ports. - Trouble in paradise?

Doctor Bashir: It was nothing. - Emergency life support and damage control systems standing by.

Chief O'Brien: I wouldn't call it nothing.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Autonomous guidance system initialized and active.

Chief O'Brien: He lost Travis.

Colonel Kira: Hm - sounds serious. - Verify astrometric database.

Doctor Bashir: Miles built this Alamo model, replete with small figures. Quite spectacular, actually. - Data sets loaded and verified. - Anyway, he was showing it to me in Quark's when we - rather I - accidentally misplaced Colonel Travis.

Nog: Phaser safeties engaged. - Can't you make another one?

Chief O'Brien: What, so he can lose it again? - Field stabilizers online.

Colonel Kira: [playfully] Well, that's what happens when you share your toys. - Synchronizing warp plasma flow...

Chief O'Brien: It's not a toy! It's a model, built to scale.

Doctor Bashir: He really did a fantastic job.

Chief O'Brien: Nacelles holding at pre-warp threshold.

Doctor Bashir: Miles, look...

[Kasidy has burned the dinner]

Captain Sisko: What're you... you doing? You don't cook!

Kasidy Yates: I know; I was just making sure.

Kasidy Yates: From now on, *you* wear the apron in the family.

[Quark watches Sisko and Kasidy in a deep debate, chuckling]

Odo: What's so funny?

Quark: Marriage - it changes everything... If you're not careful, that could be you and Kira.

[Sisko has made up with Kasidy wih a bunch of flowers, when the door chimes]

Captain Sisko: Ah, that must be Quark with the necklace.

Kasidy Yates: The necklace?

Captain Sisko: Just in case the flowers didn't work.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: You're a good friend, Worf.

Lt. Commander Worf: I know.

Dukat: [as Anjohl Tennan] I am but a moon made warm by the light of your sun.

Kai Winn: I hope you're a better farmer than you are a poet.

Solbor: There is an old saying: he who studies evil is studied *by* evil.

Weyoun: [after the Defiant has been destroyed] Poor Captain Sisko. I believe he was quite fond of that ship.

Weyoun: All those escape pods - so small... so vulnerable...

Admiral Ross: Damar may have just bought us some precious time - if the Dominion doesn't track him down too quickly.

Captain Sisko: We need to find a way to help him. Legate Damar may be the key to saving the Alpha Quadrant.

Captain Sisko: [of the Defiant] She's a fine ship.

Chief O'Brien: No one will argue with that. But like you say, it's time to go.

Dukat: [to Kai Winn] The Pah-wraiths have judged you and found you worthy. Their secrets are now your secrets, to do with as you please. Take their gift and use it. Seize the power they're offering you.

Captain Sisko: Nobody touches my peppers!

Damar: [Weyoun has left the command center, leaving Damar alone with the Breen] By the way, in case Weyoun neglected to mention it, the Dominion once sang Cardassia's praises as well. [garbled Breen question] That's really quite simple. They expected the war to be over long ago; it's not. For that, they blame us. Now, if the war isn't ended soon, they'll shift the blame to you. [garbled Breen statement] Maybe so. But win or lose, I wouldn't turn my back on Weyoun if I were you.

[after Quark informs Odo who is supplying The Circle with weapons, but refuses to try and find out more]

Odo: Quark, I hate to do this, but I guess I'll have to...

Quark: That's not fair!

Odo: I haven't done anything yet.

Quark: Whatever you're going to do, it's not fair!

Odo: You're a deputy.

Quark: It's not - what?

Odo: You're a deputy. I want you to find out where the weapons are going on Bajor. Meanwhile, I'm going to find out exactly where they're coming from.

Quark: You and me, a team?

Odo: That's right.

[Quark bursts out laughing, bowing over the chair in hysterics, then sobers]

Quark: Uh, goodbye.

Odo: Either that or I'm putting you in a cell.

Quark: *That's* not fair. On what charge?

Odo: Impeding an investigation. Unless you want to reveal the identities of the people you've been talking to.

Quark: You know I can't do that.

Odo: It's your choice. You're a deputy or you're a prisoner.

Quark: [with fake enthusiasm] I'm a deputy.

Quark: It's over.

Odo: What're you talking about?

Quark: Everything. Bajor, the provisional government, the Federation being here, all of it. We got to leave. Well, I do anyway. You can just turn into a couch.

Odo: You're not...!

Major Kira: Leaving? I really don't have much choice, do I?

Odo: You're not just leaving, Major, you're surrendering.

Major Kira: You break the rules, you pay.

Odo: Wait a minute, I wanna be sure I heard that correctly. Because it doesn't sound like the Kira Nerys who has made a career out of breaking the rules.

Major Kira: Well, I guess I broke one too many.

Odo: [incensed] Major, you've been breaking one too many for fourteen and a half years! Cardassian rules, Bajoran rules, Federation rules, they're all meaningless to you. Because you have a personal code, that's always mattered more. And I'm sorry to say, you're in slim company.

Major Kira: [softly] I'll miss you too, Odo.

Doctor Bashir: [to Kira] I came to give you my best.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Well, that's rather dull.

Doctor Bashir: I beg your pardon?

Major Kira: Dull is a polite word for it.

Odo: Doctor, if you were Kira, wouldn't you at least be complaining to Commander Sisko?

Doctor Bashir: Look, I just wanted to wish you good luck.

Major Kira: Thank you, Doctor!

Doctor Bashir: Complaining, about what?

Odo: Never mind, Doctor. If she doesn't care, why should we?

Doctor Bashir: Have they given you any reason yet?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Did they give you any alternative?

Major Kira: I do care. - No, they haven't. - No, they didn't. I... I really ought to finish packing!

Doctor Bashir: Will someone please explain this conversation to me?

Major Kira: [to the crowd that has accumulated in her quarters] Is this a joke? Did you plan this?

Doctor Bashir: Nobody could have planned this.

Odo: Idiotic bureaucracy! Now I suppose they'll expect me to break in a new man!

Major Kira: A great man. Li Nalas can handle the job, believe me.

Odo: Well, you did fairly well at it once I smoothed your rough edges.

Major Kira: [surprised] Ha!

Major Kira: [amused] I thought *you* did fairly well - once I smoothed *your* rough edges.

Li Nalas: Commander, anything you need from me, I will try my best to do. But I know that I can never replace Major Kira.

Commander Sisko: No one could.

Commander Sisko: If you need any other help...

Li Nalas: Help? I can't even sneeze without three people handing me handkerchiefs.

Commander Sisko: I'm going to get you back, Major. I promise that to both of us.

Commander Sisko: General Krim. I'm Benjamin Sisko. We met during a session of the Executive Committee last year.

Krim: I remember, Commander. I was impressed by your talk.

Commander Sisko: As I recall, you disagreed with all of it.

Krim: Commander Sisko... You told me about the Kressari before you asked the favor regarding Kira... You could've tried to trade that information... for the favor.

Commander Sisko: I wouldn't do that.

Krim: I'll remember that about you.

Major Kira: I'm useless here.

Vedek Bareil: So?

Major Kira: So? I... I need to feel useful.

Vedek Bareil: It might be interesting to explore 'useless' for a while - see how it feels.

[Vedek Bareil has taken Kira into the monastery to show her an orb]

Vedek Bareil: It is the third orb - the orb of prophecy and change.

Major Kira: What do I do?

Vedek Bareil: Be useless, Nerys. Allow the Prophets to guide you.

Commander Sisko: For a minute I was thinking to myself, there's a warm wind blowing in from Minicoy.

Minister Jaro: I'm sorry?

Commander Sisko: It's just an old saying from Earth. It all started with the famous ambassador from Minicoy, who used to bluster, exaggerate and dissemble to get what he wanted - not at all like you or me. He was a bag of hot air, and everyone recognized him for what he was.

Major Kira: How can you betray your own government?

Minister Jaro: Major, I don't have to tell you. I've heard your opinion of this government. Government! They can't even agree it is a government, so they call it provisional. It's just another word for 'powerless'.

Major Kira: If you want to change the government, Minister Jaro, you vote to change it. You don't sneak up from behind it with a dagger.

Minister Jaro: Think of the prestige of having the new leader of Bajor being a member of your order.

Vedek Winn: If you *are* the new leader.

Minister Jaro: Have the Prophets given you reason to doubt it?

Vedek Winn: I didn't say that.

Minister Jaro: Then let them bless my ascension. Tell the people the Prophets are with me.

Vedek Winn: That's a lot to ask.

Minister Jaro: I know that.

Vedek Winn: I need more than just prestige, Essa.

Minister Jaro: I know that too.

Vedek Winn: The people need leadership to return to the old values - yours and mine.

Minister Jaro: I can think of no one more worthy of being the next Kai than you, Winn. I shall do everything in my power to see that you are.

Vedek Winn: The Prophets are smiling on you today, Minister.

Minister Jaro: We're a match made by the Prophets.

Odo: Have you asked Sisko for help?

Major Kira: I'm sure he'll do whatever he thinks is best for the station.

Odo: You haven't even gone to him?

Major Kira: Well, what do you want me to do, Odo?

Odo: Fight for what you want! It's what you do best!

Odo: Secretary Kubus! Last I heard, you were living on Cardassia.

Kubus: I decided it was time to come home.

Odo: Welcome back. You're under arrest.

[Kubus, a former collaborator, has requested that he be allowed to return to Bajor, which Kira denies]

Kubus: Major! I'm an old man. I don't have many years left. What's the harm of letting me live them out on Bajor?

Major Kira: When the Cardassians needed a new group of Bajorans to work in the mines, who approved those work orders?

Kubus: The Bajoran government.

Major Kira: Whose signature was on those authorization forms?

Kubus: [after some hesitation] Mine.

Major Kira: And you had to know that those authorizations were death sentences. Did you ever *once* refuse to sign them?

Kubus: [shakes his head] No.

Major Kira: And that's why you can never be allowed to set foot on Bajor again. Because if you do, it would dishonor the memory of every person you sentenced to death.

[Kira and Odo are paying Quark a visit]

Quark: Whatever she told you, I didn't do it.

Odo: Relax, Quark, no one's accusing you of anything.

Quark: Huh... The day's still young.

Quark: You want something from me, don't you?

Major Kira: How'd you guess?

Odo: It's simple: we've been here more than a minute, and we haven't insulted him, threatened him or arrested him.

Vedek Winn: [to a group of children] Remember now: honor the Prophets, and they will always love you.

[the children leave]

Vedek Bareil: As I understand the Sacred Texts, the Prophets' love is unconditional. They ask nothing in return.

Vedek Winn: Thank you, Vedek Bareil, for reminding us how the Sacred Text can be so easily misinterpreted.

Vedek Bareil: Nothing pleases me more than providing you with an opposing viewpoint, Vedek Winn.

Vedek Winn: Somehow you never fail to do that.

Major Kira: What brings you to the station, Vedek Winn?

Vedek Winn: My child, if I thought the Prophets wanted you to know the purpose of my visit, I would have informed you of it in advance.

Major Kira: Well, now that I know you're here, I'll be sure to inform Constable Odo to increase station Security.

Vedek Winn: That won't be necessary. I feel quite safe here.

Major Kira: No, it wasn't... *your* safety that concerned me.

Vedek Winn: My child, I know you still hold me responsible for the deplorable attempt on Vedek Bareil's life. But I can only pray that someday, you'll be cured of this unfortunate misconception.

Major Kira: Well, that's one prayer that will never be answered.

[in Bareil's orb experience, Kira cuts a man loose who has hung himself]

Major Kira: Who is it?

Vedek Bareil: [turning the man around] It's Prylar Bek.

Major Kira: No, it's not... It's you.

Major Kira: He says he's not guilty. I know he's not guilty.

Odo: But you're afraid he's guilty.

Odo: The one thing I've learned about humanoids is that in extreme situations, even the best of you are capable of doing terrible things.

Odo: You humanoids - when it comes to emotional attachments, you never see the obvious.

Prylar Bek, Major Kira: [respectively, in Bareil's orb experiences] Accept this gift from the Prophets.

Quark: I hate payday.

Major Kira: We need access to certain communication files in the Vedek Assembly records.

Quark: Perfect. Not only is it illegal, it's sacrilegious.

Quark: [285th Rule of Acquisition] No good deed ever goes unpunished.

Major Kira: I believed in you. I defended you. And Winn was right all along. And now she's gonna destroy you.

Vedek Bareil: No. I've destroyed myself.

[Winn has been elected the new Kai]

Major Kira: So... instead of you, we have Winn to lead us.

Vedek Bareil: It is the will of the Prophets.

Major Kira: The question is... *where* will she lead us?

Vedek Bareil: Down paths she cannot possibly imagine. She's gonna need our help along the way, even if she doesn't realize it yet.

Major Kira: Let's go pay our respects to the new Kai.

Silaran: A creature born within the comforting anonymity of darkness awakens in the harsh truth of daylight. It squirms in the glare, afraid of the light that pins it to the chair like a needle through its heart.

Odo: Perhaps you could make a list of all the attacks by the Shakaar in which you participated.

Major Kira: It's a long list.

Major Kira: Those herbs taste like something that crawled out of Quark's ear.

Lt. Commander Worf: Remember Rule of Acquisition No. 111: "Treat people in your debt like family - exploit them!"

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: *You* know the Rules of Acquisition?

Lt. Commander Worf: I'm a graduate of Starfleet Academy. I know many things.

Major Kira: Fala spent the Occupation cleaning floors in a Cardassian records office in Dahkur Province. She passed us information for years without anyone catching on. But she was always so afraid... afraid she'd be caught and executed. But she never stopped. I told her once, I thought she was braver than all of us, because she had to live with her fear every day. Even after the Occupation was over, she didn't want anyone to know that she was secretly helping us. She was worried... that someone would come looking for her for revenge.

Captain Sisko: Looks like her fears were well founded.

[Furel and Lupaza have offered to take care of the mysterious murderer of the Shakaar members]

Major Kira: The Occupation is over. We can't go around fighting private wars. Times have changed; we have got to change with it. Leave this for the authorities.

Furel: [contemptuously] Authorities!

Lupaza: Maybe you feel that way now, but trust me. When you find out who killed Latha and Fala, and maybe now Mobara, you're not going to want to leave it to someone else. You're going to want him dead, and you're going to want *us* to do it.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I made it a policy never to argue with someone's lobes.

Major Kira: How did you get in? We just installed a new security system.

Furel: And a pretty good one it is, too. But they have not yet invented the system that Lupaza cannot beat.

Major Kira: I should have you both thrown in the brig. But I'm glad to see you.

Major Kira: I'm not afraid of you. I'm not some coward who's been sending anonymous messages and bombs to murder innocent people.

Silaran: No, Kira! I didn't murder anyone! You did! You killed them all.

Major Kira: There. That wasn't so hard, was it? Now we can talk.

Silaran: Talk and lies won't help you. You're in the light; and the light reveals the truth.

Major Kira: I was thirteen when I joined the Resistance. Been hanging around the Shakaar base camp for a couple of weeks, you know, running errands, cleaning weapons, that kind of thing. And one night, they had an ambush planned and they were a man short, so I volunteered. But everyone thought I was too young, too small. Lupaza... stuck up for me. She said I had the heart of a sinoraptor. And they didn't have much choice. Furel made some kind of joke, I don't remember what it was, but I do remember that Lupaza hit him. She was always doing that. They loved each other in some way. But it was... up to Shakaar and... he stared at me for a long time before he decided I was big enough to carry a phaser rifle after all. So we set the ambush up along the ridgeline, that night, and waited. I was so cold, my hands were shaking. I was so afraid that one of them would look at me and think that I was nervous, that I kept biting my fingers to keep the blood flowing. We must have waited there three or four hours before the skimmer appeared, set down right where Furel said it would. And when that hatch opened and the first Cardassian appeared, I just started firing. And I didn't stop, until I'd discharged the entire power cell. When it was all over, I... I was so relieved that I hadn't let anyone down, my head was giddy. Furel told me to stop grinning, that it made me look younger, but I couldn't help it. I was one of them. I was in the Resistance.

Silaran: Don't you feel guilty? Don't you feel ashamed of what you did?

Major Kira: None of you belonged on Bajor. It wasn't your world. For fifty years you raped our planet, and you killed our people. You lived on our land, and you took the food out of our mouths, and I don't care whether you held a phaser in your hand or you ironed shirts for a living. You were all guilty, and you were all legitimate targets!

Silaran: And that's what makes you a murderer! Indiscriminate killing, no sense of morality, no thought given to the consequences of your action. That's what makes us different.

Silaran: Panic starts to creep into its soul; does it understand? Or is it so blinded by the light that it can think only of returning to the velvet cloak of darkness? No matter. Perhaps it is better that it doesn't realize how close death has come. But make no mistake. There is no escape. It has reached the end, and soon, it will die.

Major Kira: We both agree this baby's an innocent. Don't put him at risk, please, Silaran.

Silaran: Don't worry. I promise that I'll take care of the child. And that I'll teach him the difference between darkness and light.

Major Kira: He wanted to protect the innocent... and separate the darkness from the light. But he didn't realize... the light only shines in the dark. And sometimes innocence is just an excuse for the guilty.

Silaran: The creature slept, dreaming its dark dreams, and happy to be out of the light. The innocent life it held would awaken in brilliance, and never... know darkness... again.

[Dr. Bashir is frustrated that O'Brien isn't paying attention to him during lunch]

Chief O'Brien: Look, Julian... you said you wanted to have lunch. And we're having lunch.

Doctor Bashir: Yes, but I was hoping for a little more conversation with my plomeek soup.

Chief O'Brien: Ah. My mother taught me, if you try to combine talking and eating, you'll end up doing neither very well.

[the Cardassian/Romulan fleet is under attack]

Enabran Tain: How could this be? What could have happened?

Elim Garak: I'm afraid the fault, dear Tain, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.

Enabran Tain: What?

Elim Garak: Something I learned from Doctor Bashir.

[Tain wants to have Odo interrogated by Lovok]

Elim Garak: I brought Odo here. He's my prisoner and my responsibility.

Enabran Tain: You don't have to do this.

Elim Garak: Yes, I do. And I think we both know that you won't trust me, until I do.

Odo: Garak, this is pointless. There's nothing I can tell you about the Founders that you don't already know.

Elim Garak: I wish I could believe that.

Odo: Then why don't you?

Elim Garak: Because you and I are so alike. We both value our privacy, our secrets. That's why I know there's something about the Founders you haven't told anyone, something you didn't even share with Starfleet and Commander Sisko. Hm? But you are going to tell *me*, Odo.

Odo: There's nothing to tell!

Elim Garak: Well, perhaps something will come to you. I can wait. The question is - can you?

[Odo has suggested that a tailor's shop on the Promenade might find more approval from Sisko than a massage facility]

Elim Garak: Do you know what the sad part is, Odo? I'm a very *good* tailor.

Elim Garak: [to Odo] You really must stop reading those human crime novels Chief O'Brien gives you. It's poisoning your thinking.

Enabran Tain: [addressing the Cardassian Central Command]... I take this action not in defiance of the Cardassian state, but in defense of it. You and the Central Command have neglected the security of our people, and allowed peace with Bajor and the Federation to blind you to the real threat: the Dominion. I intend to remove that threat. Let history be my judge.

Admiral Toddman: His plan looks like it's got a fair chance of success. He's commanding a fleet of twenty ships manned by combat veterans. They know the location of the Founders' homeworld, and they've modified their cloaks, so the Jem'Hadar can't detect their approach.

Major Kira: It sounds like you're hoping Tain will succeed.

Admiral Toddman: I never hope for war, Major. But if it comes, I'd rather see the Dominion on the losing side.

Enabran Tain: So much for the Dominion. Open fire!

Odo: They're still my people. I tried to deny it, I tried to forget. But I can't! They're my people, and I want to be with them, in the Great Link!

Major Kira: Commander, there's an incoming priority message from Starfleet Command. It's Admiral Toddman. He's repeating his order not to enter the Gamma Quadrant.

Commander Sisko: That's what you think it says. How can we be sure when a transmission is as badly garbled as that one?

Major Kira: ...You're right. There's an awful lot of subspace interference on this channel. Must be an ion storm or something.

Commander Sisko: Must be.

Admiral Toddman: [to Sisko, after Sisko has disobeyed his orders] If you pull a stunt like that again, I'll court-martial you, or I'll promote you. Either way, you'll be in a lot of trouble.

[the combined fleet of Obsidian Order and Tal'Shiar is being destroyed by the Dominion]

Enabran Tain: These Founders, Elim, they're very good. Next time, we should be more careful.

Odo: Garak... I was thinking that you and I should have breakfast together sometime.

Elim Garak: Why, Constable - I thought you didn't eat.

Odo: I don't.

Elim Garak: [Enters with two Romulans] I realized it must be nearly time for you to return to your liquid state, so I thought I'd bring you something to relax in. [Gives him a bowl]

Odo: [Dubious] How kind...

Elim Garak: But before you go for a swim, I have some questions I'd like to ask you.

Odo: I have nothing to say.

Elim Garak: Well I had hoped a few hours alone would jog your memory but I see that I'm going to have to take some steps I had hoped to avoid. [the Romulans set up a device on the table]

Odo: [Heavily sarcastic] Oh no... You're going to *torture* me, aren't you? How I've been dreading this! *Please* have mercy Garak!

Enabran Tain: [Talking to the air, staring vacantly] These Founders, Elim, they're good... Next time, we should be more careful!

Doctor Bashir: [Looks at Garak's black eye] Oh, that looks painful.

Elim Garak: It is. But it did saved my life.

Odo: They used me as an instrument to try to commit genocide. Now, we may be at war with the Founders, but that's no excuse.

Odo: Interesting, isn't it? The Federation claims to abhor Section 31's tactics. But when they need their dirty work done, they look the other way. It's a tidy little arrangement, wouldn't you say?

[Sisko has taken over the command of the Sao Paulo]

Captain Sisko: [reading his orders] "Special dispensation from the Chief of Starfleet Operations to change the name from Sao Paulo... to Defiant."

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: I didn't know we were getting another Defiant-class ship.

Captain Sisko: That's what happens when you miss staff meetings.

Chief O'Brien: Looks... just like her.

Captain Sisko: Let's hope she fights like her.

Captain Sisko: Hello, ship.

[Brunt is kissing Nagus-to-be Quark's hand passionately]

Quark: I think I'm gonna like being Nagus. Don't stop.

Brunt: It's never too early to suck up to the boss.

Mila: Everyone's talking about Damar and his rebels.

Colonel Kira: What are they saying? How stupid we were for walking into a Dominion trap?

Damar: How arrogant we were to think we could beat them in the first place?

Garak: How glad they are that we're all dead?

Mila: Actually, they don't really believe you *are* dead. Oh, you should hear the stories: "Damar is alive!" "My cousin saw him on Kelvas Prime." "He faked his own death." "He is plotting a new offensive from his secret mountain hideaway."

Garak: You never told me you had a secret mountain hideaway.

Damar: I was going to surprise you.

Quark: A Nagus has to lead by example. My greed has to be a shining light to everyone, a testament to the rewards of avarice.

Brunt: Surely you're aware of the new regulation making all bribes tax-deductible.

Quark: Wait, wait, wait, wait - did you just use the T-word?

Brunt: You mean 'tax'?

Quark: Are you telling me there are... Ts on Ferenginar?

Quark: Whatever happened to survival of the fittest? Whatever happened to the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer? Whatever happened to pure, unadulterated greed?

Quark: Did you know this Congress of Economic Meddlers actually passed legislation, making monopolies illegal? What's the point of being in business if you can't corner the market, gouge your customers?

Rom: There's something to be said for keeping prices down by ensuring healthy competition. So - what're you gonna do with the bar?

Quark: You can't even dump industrial waste anymore because it might harm the natural habitat. I'm supposed to start worrying about animals now. Look how they live, wallowing in dirt, sleeping in trees. That's not natural!

Rom: I suppose you could argue that Ferenginar's biodiversity is a precious resource that belongs to everyone. So... what are you going to do with the bar?

Quark: And don't even get me started about this whole 'labor rights' thing. What have we come to if you can't demand sexual favors from the people in your employ?

Rom: Unharassed workers are productive workers. So, what-are-you-going-to-do-with-the-bar?

Quark: I won't preside over the demise of Ferengi civilization, not me! The line has to be drawn here! This far and no further!

Chief O'Brien: [on Bashir and Dax] I don't get it. He's interested, she's interested... What's the problem?

Lt. Commander Worf: He is an overgrown child, and she is very... confused.

Chief O'Brien: It could still work.

Zek: A new Ferenginar needs a new kind of Nagus - a kinder, gentler Nagus.

Zek: [to Rom] And that's you, my boy. It's a great responsibility to stand at the bow of the Ferengi ship of state. A Nagus has to navigate the waters of the Great Material Continuum, avoid the shoals of bankruptcy and seek the strong winds of prosperity!

Quark: As far as I'm concerned, the Ferenginar that I knew doesn't exist anymore. No... I take that back. It *will* exist, right here in this bar. This establishment will be the last outpost of what made Ferenginar great: the unrelenting lust for profit!

Zek: [to Ishka] Are you sure we picked the right brother?

Jem'Hadar: Surrender yourself or die!

Damar: I choose neither.

[the Jem'Hadar soldiers are killed]

Damar: Citizens of Cardassia, hear me! The Dominion told you that the rebellion has been crushed. What you have seen here today proves that that is yet another lie. Our fight for freedom continues, but it will take place here, in the streets. I call on Cardassians everywhere to rise up, rise up and join me. I need *you* to be my army! If we stand together, nothing can oppose us. Freedom is ours for the taking!

Garak: Freedom!

Lonar: Freedom!

Cardassians: Freedom!

[Rom willingly relinquishes the bar to Quark, after buying it earlier from him]

Quark: I suppose you're gonna let me keep the 5000 bars of latinum too?

Rom: You're my brother.

Quark: And you're an idiot! But I love you.

Captain Sisko: We're gonna have a baby.

Kasidy Yates: A baby.

Captain Sisko: If we do nothing, the Dominion could sit behind that perimeter for the next five years rearming themselves. And when they're ready to come out, God help us all.

Captain Sisko: Then it's settled: we attack.

[Rom's last line of the series]

Rom: Wow...!

Quark: [observing Dax and Bashir in an animated conversation] Have you ever seen anything so disgusting? The way he's undressing her with his eyes... And look at his hands!

Odo: What about his hands?

Quark: His gestures, they're obscene. You should arrest him.

Quark: He's pitiful. Doesn't he realize she loves me?

Odo: I don't think he does. To be honest, I don't think she does either.

Quark: Thanks for your support.

Captain Bashir: There's nothing I loathe more than traitors.

Ezri Tigan: I'm not a traitor.

Chief O'Brien: She's right. You have to believe in something before you can betray it.

Zek: [on a recorded message] You'll never guess where I am!

Quark: Risa?

Zek: If you said Risa, guess again.

Ezri Tigan: If you're found in Alliance territory without the cloaking device, you're dead.

Quark: Are you suggesting we should go back home?

Ezri Tigan: It's the smart move.

Quark: Do we look smart to you?

[Quark is visited in his quarters, apparently from Ezri Dax, who attacks him twisting his arm on his back]

Ezri Tigan: Anyone else here?

Quark: [suggestive] Just you and me.

[she pushes him forward to the next room]

Ezri Tigan: Is that the bedroom?

[Ezri thrusts him brutally against the wall]

Quark: I owe you... Ow! Does it have to be so rough the first time?

Ezri Tigan: [holding a knife to Quark's throat] I don't know what you think is going on here, but think again!

Ezri Tigan: You're a very confused man, aren't you? If your friend Zek is depending on you, he's in a lot more trouble than he thinks.

Quark: He's the Nagus. He's the man my mother loves, not to mention he's the head of the Ferengi Alliance.

Ezri Tigan: In other words, he's rich!

Quark: [chuckles] They don't come any richer.

Ezri Tigan: I see. How much are you expecting to get out of him?

Quark: Knowing the Nagus, I'd say, a pat on the head and a fistful of empty promises.

Ezri Tigan: I don't understand.

Quark: There's nothing to understand. He's my Nagus; and when your Nagus gets in trouble, you're supposed to do something about it.

Ezri Tigan: Why?

Quark: I don't know - loyalty.

Ezri Tigan: [incredulous] You're kidding me, right? You're doing this out of loyalty?

Quark: Would you stop looking at me like that? You're making me feel like an idiot.

Ezri Tigan: I hope so.

[Rom and Quark are toiling away carrying something invisible]

Rom: I told you, cloaking the cloaking device was a good idea.

Quark: Brilliant. But couldn't you have done something about its weight?

Rom: Uuh... nope. But if it makes you feel any better, the cloaking device on the Defiant is a lot heavier.

Quark: Tell it to my hernia.

Martok: Ferengi! I'll have you hanging by your ears!

Quark: Now, if you give us the Nagus, we'll be on our way, and you can go on with your plans for mass destruction, genocide and all those other good things.

Rom: [about alternate Brunt] He's so nice...

Quark: Scary, isn't it?

Intendant Kira: I can't remember the last time I kept my word.

Intendant Kira: [to Maihar'du] Have a seat, big boy!

[Ezri Tigan, Quark and Rom arrive in the alternate universe]

Rom: It didn't work.

Ezri Tigan: Yes, it did. We're on Terok Nor.

Rom: It looks like Deep Space Nine to me.

Quark: I suppose a cargo bay is a cargo bay, no matter what universe you're in.

Quark: I can't believe it - Julian just shot Vic Fontaine!

Rom: I thought Vic was his favorite singer. No wonder they call it the "alternate" universe.

Intendant Kira: [after killing Brunt] Dispose of that, would you? It depresses me.

Ezri Tigan: It's your mess. You clean it up.

Rom: I'm really beginning to hate this universe!

Ezri Tigan: You shouldn't have killed Brunt.

Intendant Kira: Isn't it a little late to be developing a conscience?

Ezri Tigan: I hope not.

Zek: Brunt's dead?

Rom: Sorry - wrong Brunt.

Quark: I still don't understand why you'd want to come here in the first place.

Zek: Simple, really. I came to find new financial opportunities for the Ferengi people.

Rom: In the alternate universe?

Zek: Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Zek: That's quite a temper you have, my dear.

Intendant Kira: It's one of my best features.

[Lwaxana Troi has lost her latinum hair brooch and is accusing Quark of theft, grabbing his ears]

Lwaxana Troi: You are dealing with the daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx and the Holy Rings of Betazed!

Quark: Ow, not my ear, please!

Lwaxana Troi: Yes, and I know where it hurts the most, you little troll! Now I want this room sealed, and I want everyone in it strip-searched until you find my brooch!

[Bashir has been assigned to chaperone a trio of visiting diplomats]

Commander Sisko: Think of it as an opportunity, Doctor. You never know when a friendly ambassador is going to be in the right place at the right time to help your career.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Another hour with them could destroy my career!

Commander Sisko: It's a simple job: just keep them happy, and away from me.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Simple? Nothing makes them happy! They are dedicated to being unhappy, and to spreading that unhappiness wherever they go! They are the Ambassadors of Unhappy!

Commander Sisko: All of us have had these assignments, Doctor.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Have you, sir?

Commander Sisko: As a matter of fact, Curzon Dax used to take perverse pleasure in assigning me to take care of V.I.P. guests.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Ah, so now you take the same perverse pleasure in doing it to me.

Commander Sisko: Exactly!

Odo: What seems to be the problem?

Lwaxana Troi: Well, my brooch has been stolen. It's been in my family for 36 generations, it's absolutely priceless and I want it back!

Odo: You're certain you were wearing it today?

Lwaxana Troi: Yes, of course I'm certain. I never use this hair without it.

Odo: You're Betazoid?

Lwaxana Troi: Of course.

Odo: Telepathic?

Lwaxana Troi: Yes.

Odo: And you sense no guilt anywhere in this room?

[Lwaxana Troi sighs and "scans" the room with her mind, then eyes Quark suspiciously]

Lwaxana Troi: No. But Betazoids cannot read Ferengis.

Odo: Quark has plenty of reason to feel guilty, but he usually doesn't have to resort to petty theft to fleece his clients.

Quark: Thank you.

Lwaxana Troi: Is Odo your first or last name?

Odo: What can I do for you? You haven't lost anything else, I hope?

Lwaxana Troi: Only my heart.

Lwaxana Troi: Then I can just call you...?

Lwaxana Troi: It has a certain lyrical quality.

Odo: Lyrical?

Lwaxana Troi: Odo... it rolls off the tongue.

Odo: Uh, I have a lot of work to do.

Lwaxana Troi: I understand you're a shapeshifter.

Lwaxana Troi: I've never been with a shapeshifter.

Odo: [nervously] "Been with?"

Lwaxana Troi: I've heard that you're the only one of your kind.

Odo: So far.

Lwaxana Troi: Mm. All the men I've known have needed to be shaped and molded and manipulated, and finally I've met a man who knows how to do it himself. [leans in towards him]

Odo: Oh... is that the com? I think it is. Excuse me. I've got to get to ops.

Lwaxana Troi: [to Odo] On this station, you are the thin beige line between order and chaos.

Odo: There was a minor incident at the bar that I helped her with, and now she's... grateful.

Commander Sisko: What's the problem?

Odo: The manner in which she expresses her gratitude. To be honest, Commander, she seems... interested in me.

Commander Sisko: What's wrong with that?

Odo: She's extremely aggressive.

Commander Sisko: I see. So she's after you.

Odo: Like a Wanoni tracehound.

Odo: Frankly, in my humble opinion, most of you humanoids spend far too much time on your respective mating rituals.

Commander Sisko: It does help the procreation of one's species.

Odo: Procreation does not require changing how you smell, or writing bad poetry, or sacrificing various plants to serve as tokens of affection. In any event, it's all irrelevant to me.

[O'Brien is getting upset with the station computer]

Commander Sisko: Relax, Chief, it's just a computer.

Chief O'Brien: This is no computer. This is my archenemy!

Chief O'Brien: Working with the Enterprise computer was like dancing a waltz. With this computer, it's always been like a wrestling match.

Major Kira: Great. Everything's in working order, except nothing's working.

[Lwaxana Troi has suggested to Odo to have a picnic on one of the upper pylons]

Odo: [peevish] I don't eat! This is not a real mouth. It is an approximation of one. I do not have an esophagus or a stomach or a digestive system. I am not like you. Every sixteen hours I turn into a liquid.

Lwaxana Troi: [shrugs] I can swim.

Odo: I'm just trying to avoid a diplomatic incident; I don't want to insult the ambassador.

Commander Sisko: A reasonable concern. I suggest you handle the matter with great delicacy.

Odo: I don't handle "delicacy" very well.

Odo: [about his past] What was it like, huh? I guess you could say I was - huh - the life of the party.

Lwaxana Troi: I... don't think I understand.

Odo: My way of trying to fit in. I found I could be entertaining. "Odo, be a chair" - I'm a chair; "Odo, be a razorcat" - I'm a razorcat. Life of the party!

[he chuckles sarcastically]

Odo: I *hate* parties.

Lwaxana Troi: Maybe you've just been to the wrong ones. Come to one of mine, I'll make sure that all the guests are there to entertain you.

[Lwaxana Troi has taken off her wig]

Lwaxana Troi: No one's ever seen me like this.

Odo: Why? It looks fine.

Lwaxana Troi: It looks ordinary. I've never cared to be ordinary. So you see, Odo, even we non-shapeshifters have to change who we are once in a while.

Odo: You are not at all what I expected.

Lwaxana Troi: No one's ever paid me a greater compliment.

[Odo and Lwaxana Troi have been trapped in a turbolift]

Odo: I... know that wasn't exactly what you had in mind for your picnic.

Lwaxana Troi: When it comes to picnics, the only thing that really matters is the company.

Odo: I'd really rather prefer to pass the time quietly.

Lwaxana Troi: Quietly.

Odo: Quietly.

Odo: Thank you.

Lwaxana Troi: [sighs] The Quiet Man.

Lwaxana Troi: You know, I've always been attracted to quiet men. Odd, isn't it? But maybe there's more truth than we realize to that old axiom that - [Odo glares at her] - Quietly. [sighs and sits on floor] Odo.

Odo: [Somewhat annoyed] Yes?

Lwaxana Troi: I don't think I can.

Odo: Can what?

Lwaxana Troi: Well, you don't have to say another word as long as we're here, but, I, I think I really need to talk.

Odo: I understand. [Sits down next to her] There's nothing to be afraid of.

Lwaxana Troi: Of course not. [laughs] No, things could be much worse.

Odo: [Sarcastically] Really?

Lwaxana Troi: [sighs] My daughter and I were once trapped aboard a Ferengi cargo ship, and it was dreadful. Well, all right, it wasn't actually dreadful. It was mildly lamentable, and it was all because of that loathsome DaiMon. Well, actually he wasn't altogether loathsome. He was just slightly repulsive. But he did have a certain charm, in an insufferable kind of way. Of course, he was totally at the mercy of his uncontrollable passion for me, which means he wasn't ALL bad, now, doesn't it? You know it wasn't all passion. [Odo begins looking at the wall of the lift] There was some negligible commercial interest involved. But, oh, the passion, oh, that was perfectly real, and kind of, um, kind of sweet in a way. He was so helpless. At first it was totally a question of expediency when I made love with him. But, um, what are you looking at?

Odo: Hmm? Oh, uh, nothing. I was just wondering how many volts are in that exposed circuit. Go on. Go on.

Lwaxana Troi: Well, frankly, by the time one thing led to another... [he rolls his eyes]

Odo: Your sensitivity and discretion are appreciated.

Lwaxana Troi: Well, next time you see me, I'll give you a lot more to appreciate.

Commander Sisko: Constable, you can handle thieves and killers, but not one Betazoid woman?

Odo: I understand thieves and killers. I don't understand... her.

[Quark is sharing his winnings with Rom]

Quark: ...One for you and six for me - one for you and six for me... Would you stop looking so glum? Pay day is supposed to be a time of... joy!

Rom: I know, brother. But every week it's the same thing - six for you and only one for me. It's not fair!

Quark: You're right.

Quark: Yes. It's not fair.

Rom: It's not?

Quark: Absolutely not!

[Rom becomes excited with expectation]

Quark: [resuming the distribution] One for you, and... *seven* for me. One for you...

Quark: Really Odo, sometimes I think there's no pleasing you! I help you crack a notorious smuggling ring, and yet you still insist on treating me like the enemy?

Odo: You *are* the enemy.

Quark: From now on, you and I are going to be friends.

Odo: You're up to something.

Quark: Why would you say that?

Odo: Because you're always up to something.

Quark: [76th Rule of Acquisition] Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies.

[Li Nalas tells Sisko the story about how he came to fame]

Li Nalas: ...We made our way to a ridge overlooking a small lake. As I was the only one still carrying a phaser, I went on ahead to scout for the enemy. Halfway down the embankment, I slipped, went sprawling on my back down to the edge of the lake, just as a huge Cardassian emerged from the water. He must have just finished bathing. He stood there, frozen in surprise, dressed only in his underwear, shivering in the cold. I lay there, looking up at him, too stunned to even move, and it was only when he reached for a phaser rifle that was lying across his clothes on a nearby rock, that I realized that I was still holding my own phaser, and I shot him. His body fell on top of me, and that's how my companions found us a moment later.

Li Nalas: ...Soon every victory won by the resistance was attributed to my leadership. Stories of my brilliance, my daring, my courage, grew more and more unbelievable; yet the people insisted on believing them. My reputation even followed me into the labor camp, where my mere presence seemed to inspire my fellow prisoners. And I had done nothing... but shoot an unarmed Cardassian in his underwear! I'll never forget the look on his face when he died . He was so... embarrassed.

Commander Sisko: I saw you, in front of the crowd on the promenade. They look at you, and they see strength, and honor, and decency. They look at you and they see the best in themselves.

Li Nalas: But it's all based on a lie.

Commander Sisko: No - it's based on a legend. And legends are as powerful as any truth.

Major Kira: How do I look?

Chief O'Brien: I doubt there's a Cardassian alive who could resist you.

Major Kira: I hope you're right.

Chief O'Brien: So do I.

[Kira and O'Brien are trying to get past a Cardassian control post in a runabout, masked as a Lissepian transport]

Major Kira: [to the control post, over comm] Gul Marayn is waiting on Cardassia IV to receive my shipment of rulot seeds. Any delay could ruin the entire crop, not to mention the Gul's mood.

Chief O'Brien: [after getting past the post] Tell me, Major, who is this Gul Marayn?

Major Kira: Don't ask me - I just made him up.

Chief O'Brien: [on the graffiti of the Circle on DS9] If they think scrawling a few signs is gonna get rid of us, they got another thing coming.

Commander Sisko: Right now, they're just trying to show us that we're vulnerable.

Odo: I wouldn't be overly concerned, Commander; this section is a low security area.

Commander Sisko: As of now, Constable, there are no low securities on this station.

Minister Jaro: You know, your little adventure made you some enemies in the Chamber of Ministers.

Major Kira: I'm not surprised; all I did was risk my life.

Minister Jaro: What you did today, Major, was declare war on Cardassia. Thankfully they declined the invitation.

Minister Jaro: [referring to Li] The Navarch needed to return here to assume his new post. He's been made the Bajoran liaison officer to Deep Space Nine.

Commander Sisko: I already have a liaison officer.

Minister Jaro: Not anymore, you don't. Major Kira is no longer assigned to this post. She's been recalled to Bajor.

Jake Sisko: [discussing Jake's first date] I can see you're not ready to have this conversation yet.

Commander Sisko: *I'm* not ready?

Quark: Now I know we're doomed.

Rom: Why, brother?

Quark: Rule of Acquisition 286: When Morn leaves, it's all over.

Quark: I am Quark, son of Keldar, and I have come to answer the challenge of D'Ghor, son of... whatever.

Gowron: The House of Kozak is gone. For the time being it will be known as... as the House of...?

Quark: Quark.

Gowron: Querk?

Quark: Quark!

Gowron: ...the House of Quark.

Quark: Business is dropping off again.

Rom: Money isn't everything.

Quark: If father were alive, he'd wash your mouth out with galcor.

Quark: I should've gone into insurance - better hours, more money, less scruples.

[a crowd has gathered in front of Quark's bar]

Quark: Look at them: they're consumed with morbid fascination. They can't wait to get in here. They all want to know what happened. Was it a bar fight? What started it? And most of all, who killed the Klingon...?

Quark: You see the way they look at me now? I'm not just some venal Ferengi trying to take their money. I'm Quark, slayer of Klingons!

Rom: But what about Kozak's family? What if they come here for revenge?

Quark: If that happens, I'll stand up, look them straight in the eye - and offer them a bribe.

[D'Ghor has cornered Quark to interrogate him about his "brother"'s death]

Quark: I wish you had been there. You would have been proud of your brother. He fought a brave and valiant battle right up to the end. It was an honor to kill him.

D'Ghor: I'm sure it was. Remember that when you tell your customers about the death of Kozak.

[O'Brien enters Sisko's office, who is having a meeting with Kira and Dax]

Chief O'Brien: Oh, er, excuse me, sir. I can come back later.

Commander Sisko: No, no, no, no, we're done here. What can I do for you?

Chief O'Brien: Well, it's... it's kind of private.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Wife problems, Chief?

Chief O'Brien: How did you know?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Well, I've been a husband and I've been a wife, and I know that look from both sides.

[O'Brien has prepared an impromptu dinner for Keiko, much to her surprise]

Chief O'Brien: I can't believe you've forgotten! It's 'I'm married to the most wonderful woman in the galaxy'-day. I marked it in your calendar!

[O'Brien is planning to create an arboretum in a cargo bay for his wife]

Chief O'Brien: Do you think it'll work?

Doctor Bashir: Absolutely - for about two months; then you'll be right back where you started.

Chief O'Brien: Two months?

Doctor Bashir: Well, it's been my experience that during any serious disagreement, a smile and sweet words will buy you two hours. Flowers buy you a week, an arboretum, well, that's at least two months.

Chief O'Brien: Be a botanist, Keiko. Be the best damned botanist in the galaxy.

Quark: [analyzing Grilka's finances] It's no accident your family's getting weaker and D'Ghor's family is getting stronger; he's been systematically attacking your family's assets for over five years now.

Grilka: You mean D'Ghor has been scheming and plotting like a F...?

Quark: Like a Ferengi!

Grilka: I told you not to say anything!

Quark: I was trying to avoid a lot of unnecessary bloodshed - like my own.

Quark: There's an old Ferengi saying about discretion being the better part of valor.

Grilka: Then what they say about the Ferengi is true. You're all lying, thieving cowards, who have no sense of loyalty or honor!

Quark: "Sticks and stones."

Grilka: I thought you were different. I thought you had something in here. But all you have in there is a piece of latinum - and it's a pretty small piece at that.

[Quark is facing a fight to the death with D'Ghor]

Quark: Go ahead - kill me! That is why I'm here, isn't it, to be killed? Well, here I am, so go ahead and do it. You all want me to pick up that sword and fight him, don't you? But I don't have a chance, and you know it. You only want me to put up a fight so that your precious honor will be satisfied. Well, I'm not gonna make it so easy for you.

[he kneels down]

Quark: Having me fight D'Ghor is nothing more than an execution. So, if that's what you want, that's what you'll get - an execution. No honor, no glory. And when you tell your children and your grandchildren the glorious story of how you rose to power and took Grilka's house from her, I hope you remember to tell them how you heroically killed an unarmed Ferengi half your size.

Gowron: A brave Ferengi - who would have thought it possible?

Grilka: I really am very grateful for all you have done, Quark. That is why I'm going to let you take your hand off my thigh, instead of shattering every bone in your body.

Grilka: You have given me back my house and my family name. How can I repay you?

Quark: I would like a divorce, please. No offense.

Grilka: Qapla', Quark, son of Keldar.

Quark: Qapla' to you too.

Quark: Respect is good. But latinum's better.

[Sisko and Quark have been captured by the Jem'Hadar]

Third Talak'talan: A Ferengi, and a human. I was hoping the first race I'd meet from the other side of the anomaly would be the Klingons.

Sisko: I'm sorry to disappoint you.

Third Talak'talan: It's too late for apologies. The Dominion will no longer stand by and allow ships from your side to violate our territory.

Third Talak'talan: We gain more knowledge every day. And now we have you to help us learn more.

Sisko: I don't plan on telling you anything.

Third Talak'talan: I won't be the one asking the questions.

Sisko: Who will?

Third Talak'talan: I was really hoping to meet a Klingon.

Captain Keogh: Lieutenant, have you ever thought of serving on a starship?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: I'm happy where I am.

Captain Keogh: Good.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: [about Captain Keogh] Don't you find him just a little arrogant?

Sisko: Funny, he said the same thing about you.

Quark: Uh, well, what did he say?

Odo: What did who say?

Quark: Commander Sisko, about my idea?

Odo: You mean, using the monitors throughout the station to sell merchandise?

Quark: Stop torturing me, Odo, tell me what he said.

Odo: Guess.

Quark: He said yes!

Odo: Guess again.

Quark: It would triple my profits. How can he refuse?

Odo: Maybe it's because he doesn't like you.

Quark: Don't be ridiculous. Major Kira's the one who doesn't like me; Sisko...

Odo: ...doesn't like you either.

Quark: What'd I ever do to him?

Odo: Oh, I could think of one or two things.

Quark: Oh, one or two things, that's nothing. So do you think there's any way I can, uh, change his mind?

Odo: Ha! [and leaves]

[Quark is making smalltalk to Sisko on a wild planet]

Quark: I'm glad we could talk like this. There's nothing like facing the wilderness to bring people closer.

Sisko: The answer is still no, Quark.

Quark: As a wise man once wrote: "Nature decays, but latinum lasts forever".

[Rule of Acquisition #102]

Quark: I have the right to express my opinion.

Sisko: I'm about to put my fist in your opinion!

Quark: You don't scare me. And you want to know why you don't scare me? Because I'm already more scared than I've ever been in my life.

Third Talak'talan: It's too late. You're done running.

[introducing the Jem'Hadar]

Sisko: I want to know why we are being held here.

Third Talak'talan: That's not my concern.

Sisko: Then why won't you let us go?

Third Talak'talan: Because the Founders don't want you released.

Sisko: And who are the Founders?

Third Talak'talan: That's not *your* concern.

Quark: This has not been a good day.

Nog: I'm telling you, Jake, something's happened to them. Maybe they were attacked by a wild animal.

Jake Sisko: You heard my dad, there aren't any wild animals, just insects and plants.

Nog: Maybe they were attacked by a vicious tree.

[Jake and Nog are observing some Jem'Hadar from a distance]

Nog: I don't know who they are, but they don't look friendly.

Jake Sisko: I wish we could get closer.

Nog: I don't think they'll look any friendlier close up.

Sisko: How did you know that the security barrier is lethal?

Eris: Because everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal.

Eris: No one ever escapes from the Jem'Hadar.

[Quark is making a racket calling for the Jem'Hadar]

Eris: If we escape, do we have to take him with us?

Sisko: He's not so bad.

Eris: Doesn't he realize he's not accomplishing anything?

Sisko: Don't be so sure. We need to know what the Jem'Hadar plan to do with us, which means we need to get their attention. And if there's one thing I know...

Third Talak'talan: [from the background] That's enough!

Sisko: ...it's that Quark is hard to ignore.

[Jake is trying to fly the runabout at impulse speed]

Nog: At this speed it'll take weeks to get home!

Jake Sisko: Actually it'll take about five years.

Sisko: You know, Jake, we really need to get away more often.

Jake Sisko: I'm ready whenever you are. I'm sure Nog is, too.

Quark: I think I figured out why Humans don't like Ferengi.

Sisko: Not now, Quark.

Quark: The way I see it, Humans used to be a lot like Ferengi: greedy, acquisitive, interested only in profit. We're a constant reminder of a part of your past you'd like to forget.

Sisko: Quark, we don't have time for this.

Quark: You're overlooking something. Humans used to be a lot worse than the Ferengi: slavery, concentration camps, interstellar wars. We have nothing in our past that approaches that kind of barbarism. You see? We're nothing like you... we're better.

Third Talak'talan: Here is a list of vessels we've destroyed for violating our territory.

Major Kira: [picking up the list] Where'd you get this datapad?

Third Talak'talan: From the Bajoran colony on our side of the anomaly. You should be proud. I hear they fought well for a spiritual people. I hope we won't have to repeat this lesson.

[a Jem'Hadar ship has made a suicide run against the Odyssey and caused it to explode]

Chief O'Brien: [aghast] We were retreating. There was no need for a suicide run.

Sisko: They're showing us how far they're willing to go.

Eris: You have no idea what's begun here.

Major Kira: She'll be back. The question is who she'll bring with her.

Sisko: If the Dominion comes through the Wormhole, the first battle will be fought here. And I intend to be ready for them.

Quark: Everyone - this is Keevan. We're gonna trade him for Ishka.

Rom: Hi. I'm Rom. This is Nog, that's Brunt...

Quark: Rom! He doesn't care.

Keevan: Truer words have never been spoken. I'll advise you all to send final messages to your loved ones, and make sure your wills are in order.

Keevan: Because the moment we leave the station you'll have signed your death warrants. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to take a nap.

[trying to negotiate with a group of Ferengi]

Yelgrun: And I thought the Breen were annoying.

Quark: I once did business with the nephew of the cousin of the stepsister of a friend of the secretary to the Consortium's chief account. Erm... nephew, cousin, stepsister, f-friend... Yeah, that's right...

[the other Ferengi have found out that Quark lied to them about the reward]

Gaila: I come here, risk my life, and for what? You've had this coming for a long time, cousin!

[Gaila fires a phaser at Quark and instead hits Keevan, their hostage]

Keevan: I hate Ferengi.

[slumps down]

[Quark's mother Ishka has been squabbling with Nog]

Quark: [to Yelgrun] Family. You understand.

Yelgrun: Not really. I was cloned.

Quark: I'm putting together a little rescue mission, and I'd like you to be part of my team.

Leck: I work alone.

Quark: You'll be paid in latinum.

Leck: I don't care about latinum.

Rom: You're right, his priorities *are* different.

[in a starbase jail]

Quark: How the mighty have fallen.

Gaila: Cousin Quark.

Quark: I heard you were arrested on Thalos VI, for vagrancy.

Gaila: That's all your fault. I was a thriving weapons merchant - until I went into business with you. You ruined me. If I ever get out of here, Cousin, I'll make you pay for what you did to me.

Quark: [to security officer] Lower the force field.

[the force field drops; Quark grabs Gaila by his collar]

Quark: Now what exactly is it you were you gonna do to me?

Gaila: I don't understand.

Rom: Quark paid your fine. You're a free man.

Gaila: What do I have to do in return?

Quark: Earn some latinum.

Gaila: [smirks] Tell me more.

Brunt: A child... a moron... a failure... and a psychopath. Quite a little team you've put together.

Quark: You're gonna tell your helmsman to head back to Dominion territory, warp 9.

Yelgrun: That would leave me stranded here.

Quark: For a few days.

Yelgrun: I see, and by the time they return, you'll be long gone.

Quark: That's the idea.

Yelgrun: On the other hand I could have my Jem'Hadar storm the infirmary and kill you all.

Rom: I like our plan better.

Nog: One more thing. How do we know that's really Moogie and not a changeling?

Ishka: I think that uniform is too tight on you, Nog. It's cutting off circulation to your brain!

Rom: Sounds like Moogie.

[Nog has cut Ishka with a knife to verify she is not a changeling]

Ishka: Now let's see if you're a changeling! [grabs Nog by his ear and beats him on the head]

Rom: That's no way to tell if he's a changeling!

Ishka: You're right. Give me that knife!

Quark: There you are! I've been looking all over the station for you.

Rom: Well, you found me. Now you go hide, and I'll search for you!

Rom: I can't go with you. I'm a married man. I have responsibilities, and my responsibilities don't want me to die.

Quark: I don't want to die either. So let's just concentrate on the reward the Nagus is offering.

Rom: Reward?

Quark: Fifty bars of gold-pressed latinum.

Rom: Fifty bars!

[knocks his head on the ceiling]

Quark: Which I'm willing to share with you.

Rom: An even split?

Quark: Absolutely! Thirty bars for me, and twenty for you.

Rom: That's not even!

Quark: It is when you include my finder's fee.

Quark: It's about the Nagus and Moogie.

Rom: What about them?

Quark: They're lovers.

Quark: It's been going on for over a year.

Rom: Nooooo.

Quark: She's his secret financial adviser. She helps him run the entire Ferengi Alliance.

Rom: Nooooooo!

Quark: Would you stop saying that?

Rom: [after adding Brunt to their team] Now we are six.

Quark: I guess it's time for me to pick up my prisoner.

Major Kira: Just be careful you don't turn your back on him, Quark. He's not to be trusted.

Quark: Neither am I.

[Keevan is trying to escape in the Ferengi ship]

Quark: Going someplace?

Keevan: Apparently not. I couldn't get the impulse engines online.

Quark: That's because I had Rom disengage the induction matrix.

Keevan: Then why did you bother chasing me?

Quark: Because sometimes my brother gets things wrong.

[the Ferengi have simulated a battle with Jem'Hadar, rather unsuccessfully]

Rom: I think we're getting better.

Nog: No, you're not. This is the eighth run-through, and you haven't been able to hit a single Jem'Hadar.

Nog: [to Leck] And you shot Moogie!

Leck: I saw we weren't gonna rescue her, so I put her out of her misery.

Brunt: Maybe we should start off with something easier.

Nog: Like what?

Brunt: Like ambushing a couple of Bolians.

Nog: You couldn't ambush a Bolian if he was blindfolded and tied to a tree!

Nog: All right, let's head for base camp.

Gaila: Base camp?

Quark: He means the infirmary. It's right over there.

Nog: Come on, let's move it! On the double!

[Nobody moves]

Nog: Well, what are you waiting for?

Quark: Two slips of latinum for the first man who makes it to the infirmary.

[Everyone else shoots off to the infirmary]

Quark: [to Nog] I mean 'base camp'.

Nog: You don't pay your soldiers to do their duty!

Quark: You do if they're Ferengi.

Leck: How can we be sure these schematics are accurate?

Nog: 'Sir'.

Leck: Oh, no need to stand on formality here. Just call me Leck.

Nog: No, I meant you should call me 'Sir'.

Leck: Don't be ridiculous.

Nog: You mean 'Don't be ridiculous, Sir'.

Quark: Gentleman, please let's not squabble. We're a team Nog.

Rom: [corrects him] We're a team, sir.

Quark: Stay out of this.

Rom: [proudly] My son, the soldier!

Quark: They've ruined him.

Gaila: I'm a weapons dealer, not a soldier.

Quark: No one's hiding and no one's escaping and no one's surrendering! What's wrong with you people? Have you forgotten the Battle of Prexnak?

Rom: Who could forget the most important battle in Ferengi history?

Quark: Ten Ferengi stood alone against 273 Lytasians.

Gaila: As I recall, all ten Ferengi were slaughtered.

Quark: The point is, we Ferengi are just as tough as anyone in the galaxy. And this is our chance to prove it, once and for all.

Leck: Quark's right. Let's do it for Ishka. Let's do it for the Grand Nagus. Let's do it for Ferengis everywhere!

Brunt: Let's do it for equal shares of fifty bars of gold-pressed latinum!

Quark: It always comes down to profit with you people, doesn't it?

Gaila: We're Ferengi.

Quark: And that's why I love you! Fifty bars it is, minus my usual finder's fee.

[after a long crawl through the access tunnels, Quark and Rom emerge through a panel - into Sisko's office]

Captain Sisko: May I help you, gentlemen?

Rom: [to Quark] I was following you.

Quark: Must have taken a wrong turn.

Captain Sisko: [deadpan] It looks that way.

Nog: In a half-hour, we'll have Moogie back and we can all go home.

[everyone sighs with relief]

Gaila: Home - to the torrential rains of Ferenginar.

Brunt: You know what I miss most? The rotting vegetation.

Quark: Yep.

Rom: And the dampness.

Leck: Oh, to stand once more in those rivers of muck.

Keevan: Oh, I only wish I could be there with you.

Nog: [after a lengthy examination of Keevan] Well, there's no doubt about it. According to these readings, this man is dead.

Quark: Thank you, Dr. Nog!

Yelgrun: Your people have a reputation for cunning. I see that it's well-earned. Perhaps one day, the Ferengi will take their place as valued members of the Dominion.

Quark: Anything's possible.

Leck: This is the sloppiest, most amateurish operation I've ever seen. If you ever do something like this again - count me in!

Quark: [to his family] If I even think about doing something like this again, shoot me!

Yelgrun: Ferengi!

Quark: I know, I know. You hate us.

Rom: So, Brother, how does it feel to be a... hero?

Quark: You tell me.

Rom: It feels... good?

Quark: [laughs] You bet it does!

Quark: Um... One... more... thing...

Yelgrun: Why am I not surprised?

Leck: [to Keevan] You don't seem to be too happy at the prospect of rejoining your people.

Keevan: Believe me when I tell you I have nothing to be happy about. Vorta are supposed to commit suicide when they're captured. I failed to follow that rather harsh policy.

Rom: They're going to execute you?

Keevan: After what is surely going to be a most unpleasant debriefing.

Gul Dukat: [Dukat is trying to dispel Sisko's idea that the Cardassians "suicided" a Marquis prisoner] A good interrogator doesn't allow his subject to die; you lose the advantage.

Gul Dukat: Education is power. Joy is vulnerability.

Major Kira: Feel like getting together for dinner tonight?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Can't. I'm having dinner with Captain Boday.

Major Kira: The Gallamite? You're going out on a date with *him*?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Is something wrong with that?

Major Kira: [ironic] No. Not at all.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: He happens to be brilliant. His brain is twice the size of yours and mine.

Major Kira: I know, I've seen it.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: It's not his fault Gallamites have transparent skulls.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: You know, Kira, sometimes I think you place too much emphasis on how men look.

Major Kira: What's that supposed to mean?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Nothing.

Major Kira: Look, when I kiss a man goodnight, I like to know where I'm kissing him.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: I guess seven lifetimes gives me a somewhat broader perspective.

Major Kira: Well, since I just have one lifetime, I have to be a little more particular about whom I go out with.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: I never said I wasn't particular.

Major Kira: I'm not the one who dates Ferengis.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: And what's that supposed to mean?

Major Kira: Nothing.

[Dukat is pointing out to Sisko that his controls in the runabout are not illuminated]

Gul Dukat: Commander, I'm not going to sit here and steal your little technical secrets, I promise you.

Commander Sisko: I appreciate your assurances, but Cardassians are famous for their photographic memories.

Gul Dukat: Oh, so you turn off my controls so I don't have enough light to take my photograph, is that it?

Gul Dukat: Of all the Humans I've met, you strike me as the most joyless and the least vulnerable.

Commander Sisko: I am when I'm with you.

Cal Hudson: [of Dax] That woman knows more about me than any woman ever has. More than my wife even.

Cal Hudson: Don't you find things a little uncomfortable?

Commander Sisko: Oh no. She's a good officer.

Cal Hudson: Yes, but Curzon was, uh...

Commander Sisko: She is not Curzon.

Cal Hudson: Now, you two aren't, I mean...

[they burst out laughing]

Commander Sisko: Oh no. She may not be Curzon, but she is Dax.

Cal Hudson: Yes, that would be extremely... strange.

Quark: Now, er, you mentioned a business proposition.

Sakonna: It is a private matter. I would rather not discuss it here.

Quark: Then we can discuss it over dinner. That is, we can plan the business meeting to coincide with when you think you might get hungry.

Sakonna: That would be acceptable.

Quark: That would be wonderful. How does eight sound to your tummy?

Quark: Rule of Acquisition number 214: Never begin a business negotiation on an empty stomach.

Quark: Are you trustworthy?

Sakonna: I'm a Vulcan.

Quark: Now then - what kind of business proposition do you have in mind?

Sakonna: I wish to procure weapons.

Quark: [almost chokes on his drink] I beg your pardon?

Sakonna: Guns, phaser banks, photon torpedoes...

Quark: Sshhh!

Sakonna: ...troop transports and a number of cobalt-thorium devices. My list is quite extensive.

Quark: [incredulous] You're a gun-runner?

Sakonna: I am prepared to pay in latinum, and I will very likely need a continuous supply for the foreseeable future.

Quark: [flustered] You're not like other Vulcans, are you?

Commander Sisko: Where are we going?

Gul Dukat: The Volan colonies.

Commander Sisko: The demilitarized zone?

Gul Dukat: Hm - not so demilitarized, I'm afraid.

[Sisko and Dukat have witnessed a space battle between Federation and Cardassian colonists]

Gul Dukat: Now do you begin to see, Commander? That without any help from either one of us they've managed to start their own little war out here.

Major Kira: I can tell you one thing for certain: the Cardassians are the enemy, not your own colonists. And if Starfleet can't understand that, then the Federation is even more naive than I already think it is!

Cal Hudson: I'm glad to see you had no trouble finding us, Ben. It seems that one disaster after another keeps bringing us back together again.

Major Kira: Commander, we just received a general subspace transmission from somewhere in the demilitarized zone. A group there is taking credit for the kidnapping of Dukat. They're calling themselves... 'the Maquis'.

Commander Sisko: Do you know what the trouble is? The trouble is Earth-on Earth there is no poverty, no crime, no war. You look out the window of Starfleet Headquarters and you see paradise. It's easy to be a saint in paradise, but the Maquis do not live in paradise. Out there in the demilitarized zone all the problems haven't been solved yet. Out there, there are no saints, just people-angry, scared, determined people who are going to do whatever it takes to survive, whether it meets with Federation approval or not.

Quark: Vulcans are a species that appreciate good ears.

Quark: [to Sakonna] They have weapons, you have weapons, everyone has weapons; but right now, no one has a clear advantage. So the price of peace is at an all-time low. This is the perfect time to sit down and hammer out an agreement. Don't you get it? Attacking the Cardassians now will only escalate the conflict and make peace more expensive in the long run! Now, I ask you: is that logical?

Quark: [3rd Rule of Acquisition] Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to.

Commander Sisko: According to Sakonna, the Maquis are going to attack the depot sometime within the next 52 hours.

Gul Dukat: But she didn't tell you on which colony the depot is hidden?

Commander Sisko: She says she doesn't know.

Gul Dukat: How convenient.

Commander Sisko: I believe her.

Gul Dukat: Why? Because Vulcans don't lie?

Commander Sisko: As a rule, they don't.

Gul Dukat: They don't blow up ships either, as a rule.

Gul Dukat: In Cardassia, the verdict is always known before the trial begins; and it's always the same.

Commander Sisko: In that case, why bother with a trial at all?

Gul Dukat: Because the people demand it. They enjoy watching justice triumph over evil, every time. They find it comforting.

Commander Sisko: Isn't there ever a chance you might try an innocent man by mistake?

Gul Dukat: Cardassians don't make mistakes.

Commander Sisko: I'll have to remember that.

Gul Dukat: [on Legate Parn] I'm sure he made some rather ugly threats on my behalf, hm?

Commander Sisko: He said that you were the one responsible for smuggling weapons into the demilitarized zone. That if the Maquis did not execute you, then the Central Command would - *after* a comforting trial, I'm sure.

[Quark has been found out collaborating with Sakonna, and put in a holding cell]

Quark: Surely it's no crime keeping company with a beautiful female. You ought to try it, Odo. It might improve your disposition.

Quark: I hope you're happy.

Sakonna: I am a Vulcan. My emotional state is irrelevant.

Quark: Well, I'm a Ferengi, and my emotional state is very relevant. And right now, I'm miserable; and it's all your fault.

Parn: [about DS9] I am afraid this place has lost its charm since the last time I was here.

Commander Sisko: [of Dukat] The Central Command wants him dead. That's reason enough for us to want him alive.

Cal Hudson: I never thought I'd see the day when you'd side with a Cardassian against me.

Cal Hudson: We're in a war here, and I intend to win it.

Commander Sisko: You're throwing away your entire life!

Cal Hudson: And beginning a new one.

Gul Dukat: Anyone can blow up a ship. Ha! But to look your enemy in the eye, knowing you'll remember his face for the rest of your life, now that takes... a stomach, much stronger than you'll ever have.

Commander Sisko: I said I would stop the Maquis. And one way or another, I will.

Commander Sisko: [to Amaros] Tell Cal Hudson I haven't told Starfleet anything yet. Tell him we can still solve this thing together, but we're running out of time. Tell him I still have his uniform; he can have it back any time he wants.

Gul Dukat: I thought you were strong, Commander. You're not. You're a fool - a sentimental fool.

Commander Sisko: I said I'd stop the Maquis, and I have. But I will not kill a good man for defending his home.

Cal Hudson: I'm going to miss you, Ben. You've been a good friend.


Commander Sisko: So have you.

Commander Sisko: I just got a communique from Starfleet, congratulating me on my good work, and thanking me for preserving the peace with the Cardassians.

Major Kira: You deserve it. You prevented a war.

Commander Sisko: Did I? Or did I just delay the inevitable?

Odo: And one other thing...

[nods towards Quark in the holding cell]

Odo: How long do I keep him here?

Commander Sisko: Forever.

PADD Computer Voice: Recording.

Jake Sisko: Character sketches for possible stories: a Bolian tries to impress a dabo girl by wearing a toupee. A thief disguises himself as a monk, so he can swindle a Ferengi. A woman, traveling alone. She's come a long way...

Lwaxana Troi: Someone once said: "Life is a search to find the peace you once had when you were safe inside your mother".

Odo: I didn't have a mother.

Lwaxana Troi: [long sigh] Don't worry, it's all right. You'll find your peace... just the same.

[a rather glum and depressed group is sitting around Lwaxana Troi]

Lwaxana Troi: Odo! Won't you join the party?

Odo: Actually, I have some free time, and I was... wondering if you wanted to take a walk.

Lt. Commander Worf: [apathetic] I would.

Odo: How are you feeling now?

Lwaxana Troi: Like a Changeling who's had to hold his shape too long.

Odo: Ah. Well, I, uh... I think I know how that feels.

Lwaxana Troi: Camelot. Love betrayed. Dreams... shattered.

Lwaxana Troi: May I ask you something, Odo? Are you over her? Don't worry - I'm not going to throw myself at you if you say yes.

Lwaxana Troi: Don't go do what I did. Look for someone to fix your broken heart, then end up pregnant and on the run.

Odo: I... don't think there's much danger of that happening.

Captain Sisko: You've got a good start on a novel here, Jake. The dialogue is sharp, the story's involving, the characters are real... the spelling is terrible!

Onaya: Let the words... flow, Jake - let them flow...

[Odo has proposed to Lwaxana to marry him in a Tavnian ceremony]

Lwaxana Troi: In a Tavnian wedding, the groom must stand before the bride and tell her why he wants to marry her. And then, in front of his family and friends, he must proclaim his love for her and convince her to accept him as her husband.

Odo: Well, I trust I can count on you to accept me even if I just stand there and read last week's criminal activity report.

Odo: [at his Tavnian wedding] Before I met her, my world was... a much smaller place. I kept to myself; I didn't need anyone else; and I took pride in that. The truth is... I was ashamed of what I was. Afraid that if people saw how truly different I was, they would recoil from me. Lwaxana saw how different I was - and she didn't recoil. She wanted to see more. For the first time in my life, someone wanted me as I was. And that changed me... forever. The day I met her... is the day I stopped being alone. And I want her to be part of my life from this day on. Marry me, Lwaxana. Let me into your light.

Quark: Ladies and gentlemen, please do me the honor of accompanying me to my humble establishment. I'm throwing a party for the happy couple!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [surprised] Quark!

Quark: What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic.

Lwaxana Troi: You're such a dear, sweet man.

Lwaxana Troi: I can't help it, I'm still in love with you. And as much as I wish that you were in love with me, I know you're not.

Lwaxana Troi: Goodbye, husband.

Odo: Goodbye... wife.

Captain Sisko: What are you?

Onaya: It's not what I am that matters, it's what I do. You don't know the minds I've touched: Catullus, Tarbolde, Keats, a hundred others. I unlocked their potential.

Captain Sisko: Is that what you did to Jake? Look at him!

Onaya: They all die in the end, but look what I gave them in return: immortality. Their names will live on forever.

Onaya: [of Jake] He was the youngest I ever found. So eager, ready to give everything he had in one great burst. What a waste. I will never forget you, Jake.

Captain Sisko: [about Jake's novel] It's really good.

Jake Sisko: I know. I just wish I wrote it.

Captain Sisko: You did.

Jake Sisko: How can I be sure? I mean, without Onaya...

Captain Sisko: Listen to me. You wrote these words, not her.

Jake Sisko: But she got them out of me.

Captain Sisko: Which means, they were somewhere inside of you. And all you have to do is to learn to find them for yourself.

[Rom has returned a beautiful woman's lost wallet]

Quark: You worthless tiny-eared fool! Don't you know the First Rule of Acquisition?

Rom: Yes, brother.

Quark: Then say it!

Rom: "Once you have their money, you never give it back."

[Zek comes back from the dead, and confronts his son]

Zek: It was a test, to see if you were ready to take my place! And you failed, miserably!

Gral: Grand Nagus Quark!

Quark: I love the sound of that!

Quark: Tell me, is the Grand Nagus here on business or pleasure?

Krax: Is there a difference?

Zek: The Gamma Quadrant, gentlemen - millions of new worlds at our very doorstep. The potential for Ferengi business expansion is staggering.

Krax: And best of all, no one there has ever heard the name 'Ferengi'!

Gral: Our reputation will be absolutely stainless.

Nava: Our word can be our bond.

Krax: Until we decide to break it!

Zek: [to Quark] It was a stroke of brilliance to open a bar so close to a stable wormhole.

Krax: Why, he didn't even know the wormhole existed!

Zek: That's what makes it so impressive.

Zek: [on Krax] It's like talking to a Klingon.

Gral: Still hiding in your father's shadow?

Krax: The Nagus casts a very *long* shadow. Careful you don't disappear in it!

Chief O'Brien: [of Jake] If he were my son, I'd find a friend for him other than Nog.

Commander Sisko: I'm afraid that's easier said than done. The two of them have become inseparable.

Chief O'Brien: I'd find a way to separate them, sir. That Nog's a bad influence.

Commander Sisko: I appreciate the advice, Chief, but I trust my son. Besides, if I get between them now, it would become me versus Nog, and I'm not going to force Jake to choose between us.

Chief O'Brien: Why not?

Commander Sisko: Because I'd probably lose.

Chief O'Brien: Oh, I doubt that, sir.

Commander Sisko: That's because your daughter's three. Wait until she's fourteen!

Commander Sisko: Going through my own adolescence was difficult enough. Surviving my son's is going to take a miracle.

[Quark has been promoted to Grand Nagus]

Quark: Gral just threatened my life!

Zek: So he's the first, is he? Well, he won't be the last.

Quark: [to Rom] Get out of my sight, before I toss you out the nearest airlock!

Quark: So, Rom, you were gonna toss me out an airlock?

Rom: Forgive me, Brother.

Quark: Forgive you! Why, brother, I didn't think you had the lobes! Such wonderful treachery deserves a reward. I'm gonna make you the assistant manager of policy and clientele here at Quark's.

Rom: W-what exactly does that mean?

Quark: How should I know? Just made it up.

Rom: [1st Rule of Acquisition] Once you have their money, you never give it back.

Zek: [6th Rule of Acquisition] Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity.

Zek: Never trust anyone who places your prosperity above their own.

Zek: You don't grab power, you accumulate it quietly, without anyone noticing.

Commander Sisko: [to Jake] You're a great boy, you know that? Now go be with your friend.

Rao Vantika: Make... me... live!

[Bashir wakes up after being freed from Vantika's control]

Doctor Bashir: [groans] I have the worst headache...

[last lines; all that's left of the criminal is a few neural cells in a specimen container]

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: What do you intend to do with it?

Ty Kajada: May I assume that you return custody of the prisoner to me, Commander Sisko?

Commander Sisko: [indicates the container] The prisoner... what's left of him.

Ty Kajada: Good.

[She draws her phaser, disintegrates the container, and walks out without another word]

Quark: [of Dax] Poor woman. She's obviously infatuated with me.

Odo: [scoffs] You're deluding yourself.

Quark: There's nothing wrong with a good delusion. I sell them upstairs to dozens of people every day. Besides, there is something in her eyes when she looks at me.

Odo: Hmm - an allergic reaction no doubt.

Quark: It's good to want things.

Odo: Even things you can't have?

Quark: Especially things I can't have.

Major Kira: I've never seen anything like that.

Doctor Bashir: Hm?

Doctor Bashir: What, the woman?

Major Kira: She was dead! The tricorder clearly showed...

Doctor Bashir: Ah yes, well, tricorders - very accurate with live people, not so accurate with dead ones. We learn that first year medical school.

Doctor Bashir: Fate has granted me a gift, Major - a gift to be a healer.

Major Kira: I feel privileged to be in your presence.

Ty Kajada: What kind of fool are you?

Odo: My own special variety.

[Ltd. Primmin is complaining about Odo talking openly about a deuridium shipment to Quark]

Commander Sisko: It's hard to keep a secret in a place like this, Lieutenant; it's not a starship.

Lieutenant Primmin: I understand that...

Commander Sisko: I'm sure almost everyone knows about the shipment by now. Odo was probably making sure that Quark knows we know he knows.

Lieutenant Primmin: If you want my opinion...

Commander Sisko: Actually, I don't. You and I are guests of the Bajorans, Lieutenant. You don't have to forget what you learned at the Academy; you just don't throw it in anyone's face here.

Odo: I'm watching you, Quark.

Quark: And I'm watching you, Jadzia.

Odo: [speaking of Dax]... Every man on the station would like to be buying her a raktajino.

Quark: Ah, but I'm the one with the raktajino machine.

Commander Sisko: Miss Kajada, I must admit I'm having a tough time with your theory.

Ty Kajada: Then you're making a fatal mistake.

Commander Sisko: Three passengers were on your ship. Two bodies are in our morgue. Unless the ghost of Vantika is...

Ty Kajada: Don't patronize me, Commander!

Commander Sisko: Isn't it more likely that some accomplice did this?

Ty Kajada: Rao Vantika is obsessed with his own survival. He's prolonged his life with the use of drugs, cryogenics, transplants. As a medical supervisor in a high-security penitentiary, he used prisoners for his illegal experiments in cellular longevity. He's organised raids on government labs to steal bio-regenerative research. I promise you when he started that fire on board my ship, he had a plan to survive. I'm not sure what that plan was, but I'm convinced it succeeded.

[Quark has tampered with the station's and the Defiant's systems to play jingles advertising the "fun" in his bar]

Major Kira: If all your little advertisements aren't purged from our systems by the time I get back from the Gamma Quadrant, *I* will come to Quark's, and believe me, I will have fun!

Doctor Bashir: Is it my imagination, or are the stars a little brighter in the Gamma Quadrant?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Is it my imagination, or has Julian lost his mind?

Trevean: More than anything, the Dominion wanted my people to bear the mark of their defiance. So... they brought us the blight. We're all born with it - we all die from it. When the blight quickens, the lesions turn red. Death soon follows. Some in childhood, most before they can have children of their own. Only a few live to be my age.

Doctor Bashir: I just want to do what I can to help, I'm not making any promises.

Trevean: Take care that you don't. Because we have dealt with people who give false hope before. Believe me, their deaths make the blight look like a blessing.

Doctor Bashir: I thought this was a hospital, and that you were a healer.

Trevean: I am. I take away pain.

Patient: Yesterday, when I woke up, I... saw that it had finally happened, I'd quickened. I always thought I'd be afraid, but I wasn't. Because I knew I could come here. Last night, I slept in a bed for the first time in my life. I fell asleep listening to music. This morning, I bathed in hot water, dressed in clean clothes... and now I'm here with my friends and family... Thank you, Trevean, for making this day everything I dreamed it could be.

Ekoria: Maybe you should go home. Maybe my people don't deserve your help.

Doctor Bashir: Oh, they've just been suffering so long, they've lost hope that things can be better.

Ekoria: It's more than that. We've come to worship death. - I used to wake up and look at myself in the mirror and be disappointed I hadn't quickened in my sleep. Going to Trevean seemed so much easier than going on living.

Doctor Bashir: Some people don't like to be around the sick; it reminds them of their own mortality.

Ekoria: Doesn't bother you?

Doctor Bashir: Sometimes. I prefer to confront mortality, rather than hide from it. When you make someone well, it's like you're... chasing death off, making him wait for another day.

Doctor Bashir: First thing I have to do is run a complete bio-spectral analysis on an asymptomatic individual.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [to Ekoria] Loosely translated that means he needs a volunteer.

Epran: I canceled my death for you. I was really looking forward to it.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Ekoria... where did you get all this food?

Ekoria: I've been saving it for the hospital - for my death. But something tells me I'm not going to need it anymore.

[while Dax and Kira are returning to the station, Bashir has decided to stay on the planet]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: You know what worries me, Julian? It's that without me, you won't have anyone to translate for you.

[Bashir tells Ekoria about his teddy bear Kukalaka, his first "patient" when he was a child]

Doctor Bashir: I must have sewn and stitched and repatched every square inch of that bear.

Ekoria: Why were you so determined to keep him together?

Doctor Bashir: Well, I wouldn't be much of a doctor if I gave up on a patient, would I?

Doctor Bashir: I'm gonna tell you a little secret, Jadzia. I was looking forward to tomorrow, to seeing Kira again, casually asking 'How was the nebula? And, oh, by the way, I cured that blight thing those people had'.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: It's not a crime to believe in yourself, Julian.

Doctor Bashir: These people believed in me, and look where it got them. Trevean was right. There is no cure. The Dominion made sure of that. And I was so arrogant, I thought I could find one in a week!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Maybe it was arrogant to think that. But it's even more arrogant to think there isn't a cure just because *you* couldn't find it.

[Bashir has developed a vaccine against the blight]

Doctor Bashir: The vaccine isn't difficult to make. But seeing that everybody gets it will be a huge task.

Trevean: Oh, not a task. A privilege. Can you show me how to make it?

Doctor Bashir: I was hoping you'd ask that.

Doctor Bashir: People are still dying back there.

Captain Sisko: Yes. But their children won't.

Doctor Bashir: That's what I keep telling myself, sir.

[Sisko leaves]

Doctor Bashir: [to his computer] Initiate re-shuffling sequence.

Quark: [Quark's jingle] Come to Quark's, Quark's is fun, come right now, don't walk - run!

Major Kira: [possessed by a Prophet] The Reckoning. It is time.

Captain Sisko: The Reckoning - what is it?

Major Kira: The end, or the beginning.

Major Kira: "Will the Romulans leave Benzar?" You love to bring up the worst case scenario in these meetings, don't you?

Odo: Somebody has to. Besides, everyone expects me to be dour and suspicious; I don't want to disappoint them.

Major Kira: If only they knew the real you.

Odo: That is the real me - at least as far as everyone else is concerned.

Captain Sisko: [reading the Bajoran prophecy] "The time of Reckoning is at hand. The Prophets will weep. Their sorrow will consume... the Gateway to the Temple."

Quark: From now on, every hour is happy hour - at least until business picks up. Eat, drink and be merry.

Doctor Bashir: For tomorrow, we die.

Major Kira: [of the bats in the B'hala ruins] Don't worry, they rarely bite.

Jake Sisko: "Rarely"?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [scanning the stone tablet found at B'hala] I had a pretty good idea what this was the minute I laid eyes on it... That confirms it: it's a slab of stone with some writing on it!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [trying to translate a Bajoran inscription] The computer has given me two possibilities.

Captain Sisko: They are?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: During the Reckoning, the Bajorans will either "suffer horribly" or "eat fruit".

Captain Sisko: "Eat fruit?"

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Given the tone of the rest of the inscriptions, I would bet on horrible suffering.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Just do me one favor - if you talk to the Prophets again, ask for a dictionary... please.

Captain Sisko: [to Jake] You know, I didn't ask to be the Emissary. But for better or worse, I guess, that's what I am - except for being your dad.

Major Kira: [to Sisko] The Kai has always been the spiritual leader of Bajor. But Winn has to share that role with you. And to make matters worse - you're an outsider, a non-Bajoran. That's something she can never forgive you for.

Captain Sisko: She may be the spiritual leader of millions of Bajorans, but she is not an easy woman to like.

Major Kira: [about faith] I just don't know how people make it through the day without it.

Odo: We manage. Besides, I do have faith in some things.

Major Kira: Hmm. Such as?

Major Kira: [smiles] I'll try not to disappoint you.

Captain Sisko: I just had this uncontrollable urge to smash the tablet.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Oh, I get those urges all the time. Of course, I never act on them.

Doctor Bashir: Who knows? The rest of the tablet probably says "Go to Quark's. It's happy hour."

Quark: I like the way you think, Doctor.

Captain Sisko: [to Winn] You and I haven't always seen things eye to eye. But we have one thing in common: we both believe that the Prophets have a plan for Bajor. Sometimes, it's not easy to see the path they've laid out for us. Right now, I don't know what they want from me; but I'm willing to take a leap of faith and trust that they're guiding me, and I'm asking you to take that leap with me.

Major Kira: [possessed by a Prophet] Kosst Amojan has chosen its vessel.

Jake Sisko: [possessed by a Pah-wraith] Let it begin.

Captain Sisko: I want to explain what happened. But I'm not sure that I can.

Jake Sisko: You don't have to explain. When the Pah-wraith was inside me, I could feel its hatred. And I knew that no matter what, it couldn't be allowed to win - even if it meant I had to die. You did the right thing.

Major Kira: You defied the will of the Prophets, and you did it because you couldn't stand the fact that a Human, an infidel, had a stronger faith than you. The Emissary was willing to sacrifice his own son to serve the Prophets.

Kai Winn: My faith is as pure as the Emissary's.

Major Kira: I think you're confusing faith with ambition.

Major Kira: Because of your interference, the Reckoning was stopped. The evil still exists. And I'm not sure if even the Prophets know what that will mean for Bajor.

[Quark has opened business negotiations with a Karemma in order to get information about the whereabouts of the Founders]

Quark: Name your terms.

Ornithar: [searching the ship for valuables] Nothing, nothing, nothing. - The terms are not the issue. I cannot help you locate the Founders because I do not know who they are or if they even exist. - Nothing.

[he spots Kira's earring]

Ornithar: Ah, here is something interesting. Appears to be diamide-laced beritium. I'll give you 52 diraks for it.

Quark: Done.

Commander Sisko: Quark.

Quark: I mean, one bargain at a time, Ornithar. We were talking about the Founders.

Ornithar: Our only contact with the Dominion has been through the Vorta. I have no idea who they report to; all I know is that the Vorta say to do something, and you do it.

Commander Sisko: Why?

Ornithar: Because if you do not, they will send in the Jem'Hadar. And then you die.

Commander Sisko: I've brought back a little surprise for the Dominion.

Commander Sisko: Officially, it's classified as an escort vessel. Unofficially, the Defiant's a warship - nothing more, nothing less.

Major Kira: I thought Starfleet didn't believe in warships.

Commander Sisko: Desperate times breed desperate measures, Major.

Major Kira: And this is the ship that Starfleet sends us to fight off an attack by the Dominion?

Commander Sisko: We're not going to fight the Dominion, Major - at least, not yet, anyway.

Commander Sisko: [of the Defiant] She may have flaws, but she has teeth.

Commander Sisko: If the station falls, then Bajor falls, and I will not let that happen!

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: [smiles] You know - after Jennifer died, I never thought I would see you this passionate about something again.

[Odo has joined the away team, consisting of all senior officers and Quark]

Doctor Bashir: I think we'd all feel a bit better with someone here to watch over Quark.

Quark: I take that as a personal insult, Doctor.

Doctor Bashir: You should.

[Quark is pestering Odo with his chatter until the latter reaches breaking point]

Odo: [snarling] I have no interest in speaking to you, or in listening to your witless prattle! So stay out of my way, or you'll regret the day you ever met me!

Commander Sisko: May I present my officers: this is Major Kira...

T'Rul: Thank you, but I know their names, and I'm not here to make friends.

Major Kira: Charming.

Lt. Commander Michael Eddington: Well, I am here to make friends. I'm Lieutenant Commander Michael Eddington, Starfleet Security.

Odo: You needn't brace yourself to give me unpleasant news, Commander, I'll save you the trouble: I've been relieved as Chief of Security!

[walks out]

Commander Sisko: [goes after him] Odo, wait. You've not been relieved. You're still in charge of all non-Starfleet security matters aboard this station.

Odo: And what about matters that *are* Starfleet?

Commander Sisko: In those areas, you coordinate your efforts with Commander Eddington.

Odo: [scoffs] 'Coordinate' is another way of saying, 'I'll report to *him*'!

Major Kira: Maybe it's time to stop brooding, and start talking.

Odo: Are you the ship's counselor now?

Major Kira: No. I'm your friend. You know, the one who comes to you when she needs help.

Major Kira: Can I speak freely?

Major Kira: What the hell is wrong with Starfleet?

Commander Sisko: Starfleet likes team players. Starfleet likes the chain of command, and frankly, so do I.

Commander Sisko: The first thing to go right in the Gamma Quadrant in a long time.

Major Kira: Let's hope it's not the last.

[after the cloaked Defiant has passed an anti-proton scan by Jem'Hadar ships undetected]

Commander Sisko: [about Starfleet Headquarters] I used to get a thrill just walking into that building. I'd look around at the admirals and think: One day that's going to be me. One day, I'm the one that's going to be making the big decisions!

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: [smiles] Curzon always thought that was very funny.

Commander Sisko: Did he?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: What I mean is, he could never see a set of admiral's stars on your collar. He thought that just making the decisions would never satisfy you. You had to implement them, see the results, face the consequences. Curzon always thought you were the kind of man who had to be in the thick of things - not behind some desk at Headquarters.

Commander Sisko: He was a smart old man, wasn't he?

Odo: The Omarion Nebula!

[Odo has rescued Kira from the Jem'Hadar and escaped with her in a shuttle]

Major Kira: Where are we?

Odo: We're approaching the Omarion Nebula.

Major Kira: You should have taken us back to the wormhole.

Odo: You didn't object at the time.

Major Kira: I was unconscious!

Female Shapeshifter: Welcome home.

Quark: I have a dream - a dream that one day all people, Human, Jem'Hadar, Ferengi, Cardassians will stand together in peace... around my dabo tables!

[Odo has linked with the female shapeshifter, leaving him awestruck]

Major Kira: Odo!

Major Kira: Are you all right? What happened?

Odo: I'm not sure. But I know one thing. She's right: I am... home!

Odo: It's... different than I imagined it would be.

Female Shapeshifter: Whatever you imagined, I promise, it will be better.

Female Shapeshifter: To become a thing is to know a thing. To assume its form is to begin to understand its existence.

Odo: Then teach me what I need to know.

Female Shapeshifter: I'll do what I can. But in the end, this is another journey you'll have to make on your own. And when it is over, you'll be ready to take your place in the Great Link.

Major Kira: I don't believe it - I'm talking to a tree!

[Garak has knocked out Eddington in order to help Sisko escape from a holding cell]

Doctor Bashir: If I didn't know better, I'd say you were enjoying yourself, Garak.

Garak: Oh, not at all, Doctor, but after years of hemming women's dresses, a little action is a welcome change of pace.

Garak: There's an old saying on Cardassia: "Enemies make dangerous friends", and I fear the Dominion will make a very dangerous friend indeed.

Borath: Believe me, Commander, an alliance between the Dominion and the Federation will be beneficial to both our people.

[Sisko is questioning the decision to exclude the Romulans from the peace talks with the Dominion]

Admiral Alynna Nechayev: Commander, if this treaty is signed, and I'm confident it will be, we'll never have to worry about the Romulans again.

Commander Sisko: Are you sure of that?

Admiral Alynna Nechayev: Quite sure. After all, what chance would they have against the combined power of our new alliance?

Commander Sisko: They wouldn't have much of a chance at all.

Admiral Alynna Nechayev: I'm glad we agree.

Borath: It's the beginning of a new era, Commander, and you helped make it possible. Congratulations.

Garak: Life is full of surprises, Commander.

Garak: I'm glad to see the plan is going as scheduled.

Jem'Hadar Soldier: What plan is that?

Garak: You mean no one told you? You see, I pretend to be their friend... and then I shoot you.

Admiral Alynna Nechayev: Commander, I'm ordering you to stand down. Return to the station immediately.

Commander Sisko: I'm afraid I'm going to have to refuse that order.

Borath: Please, Commander. Don't make us send the Jem'Hadar after you.

Commander Sisko: Go right ahead. But you'd better warn them not to expect any reinforcements for about seventy years.

Doctor Bashir: Well, I guess this means the end of our Starfleet careers.

Garak: Oh, I wouldn't worry about that, Doctor.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Well, that's easy for you to say.

Garak: Oh, you misunderstand me, Lieutenant. All I meant was, it's a little foolish to worry about your careers at a time like this, when there's a good chance we're all about to be killed.

Garak: [his last words] Doctor, I'm afraid... I won't be able to have lunch with you today.

[Kira and Odo find the rest of their crew unconscious in a cavern and attached to some machines]

Odo: What have you done to them?

Borath: Nothing harmful. We're just conducting a little experiment.

Major Kira: What kind of experiment?

Borath: To see how they'd respond to an attempt by the Dominion to gain a foothold into the Alpha Quadrant. We were curious to see how much they'd be willing to sacrifice in order to avoid a war.

Major Kira: And what have you found out?

Borath: Unfortunately, they're proving to be just as stubborn as I'd feared.

Odo: I'm glad to hear it.

Major Kira: You belong to the Dominion, don't you?

Female Shapeshifter: Belong to it? Major, the Changelings *are* the Dominion.

Odo: [understanding] You are the Founders!

Female Shapeshifter: Ironic, isn't it? The hunted now control the destinies of hundreds of other races.

Odo: But... why control anyone?

Female Shapeshifter: Because what you can control, can't hurt you.

Odo: How do you justify the deaths of so many people?

Female Shapeshifter: The Solids have always been a threat to us. That's the only justification we need.

Odo: But these Solids have never harmed you. They travel the galaxy in order to expand their knowledge, just as you once did.

Female Shapeshifter: The Solids are nothing like us.

Odo: No - I suppose they're not. And neither am I.

Odo: I admit this... Link of yours is appealing. But you see, I already have a link - with these people.

Female Shapeshifter: Your link to the Solids won't last. You will always be an outsider.

Odo: Being an outsider isn't so bad. It gives one a unique perspective. It's a pity you've forgotten that.

Female Shapeshifter: We will miss you, Odo. But you will miss us even more.

Chief O'Brien: Always kissing up to the officers, aren't you, Mu?iz?

Mu?iz: I'm just following your example.

Mu?iz: I thought maybe you just stopped to catch your breath.

Chief O'Brien: Me, out of breath? I was climbing mountains in Ireland before you were born.

Mu?iz: You mean hills, don't you? They've gently sloping hills in Ireland - no mountains. But what do I know? After all, you're the mountain man - an old mountain man.

Chief O'Brien: You know something, Mu?iz? You're due for a transfer. How does waste extraction sound?

Captain Sisko: [about the Jem'Hadar ship] Can we use the runabout's tractor beam to haul this thing into orbit? This would be the greatest intelligence find in the last ten years. We're not going to leave it here to rot. What d'you say, Chief?

Chief O'Brien: Well, we're not gonna haul it out with a runabout.

Captain Sisko: Then we need something with a little more muscle.

[Mu?iz is injured; O'Brien treats him]

Mu?iz: Don't worry, Jefe. I'll get you through this.

Chief O'Brien: I feel better already!

Captain Sisko: If you think I'm going to deliver my people into your hands without a fight, then this really must be your first mission.

Kilana: It seems we're approaching an impasse.

Captain Sisko: We've already arrived.

Mu?iz: I'm leaking like a ruptured plasma conduit, aren't I, sir?

Chief O'Brien: It's not that bad.

Mu?iz: You're lying.

Chief O'Brien: What makes you say that?

Mu?iz: I called you 'sir' and you didn't even flinch.

Captain Sisko: How're you doing, Mu?iz?

Mu?iz: We seem to be having a difference of opinion on that one, sir.

Quark: [to Odo] If you're going to prosecute me, I demand that you prosecute my co-conspirator.

Doctor Bashir: I'm not a conspirator!

Odo: What would you call yourself, Doctor?

Doctor Bashir: An idiot!

Quark: What's love without danger?

Chief O'Brien: [ripping off a sleeve from his shirt] Quique, do me a favor. Please... stop bleeding before I run out of clothes.

Chief O'Brien: That boy's life is in our hands; and I won't let anybody give up on him.

Lt. Commander Worf: That is no way for anyone to die.

Chief O'Brien: I told you, he is not going to die.

Lt. Commander Worf: It is only a matter of time.

Chief O'Brien: So we should just kill him, right?

Lt. Commander Worf: If you truly are his friend, you would consider that option. It would be a more honorable death than the one he's enduring.

Chief O'Brien: I'm not some bloodthirsty Klingon looking for an excuse to murder my friend.

Lt. Commander Worf: No. You're just another weak Human afraid to face death!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Worf, what do you say we go look at that ion exchange matrix we found? And on the way maybe we can discuss some of the finer points of diplomacy.

Captain Sisko: The Vorta doesn't want the ship; she wants something aboard it.

Chief O'Brien: Any idea what?

Captain Sisko: It could be anything - encoding device, guidance system...

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Maybe she lost an earring.

[the Jem'Hadar are shelling the area around the ship, rattling the Starfleet crew inside]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: You'd think they'd be tired of playing this game with us by now!

Lt. Commander Worf: I have a game I would like to play with them, if only I could leave this prison and meet them face to face on a field of battle!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Right now, that doesn't sound like a bad idea.

Captain Sisko: And you, Mr. Mu?iz - your orders are... to stay alive.

Captain Sisko: I've got to get this ship back to the station, old man. Five people have died on this mission. I want to be able to tell their families why.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: It may sound cruel; but we both know, that ship out there was worth it. Those five deaths may save five thousand lives, or maybe even five million.

Captain Sisko: And if I had to make the same trade all over again, I would. But five people are dead - fine men and women, who deserved a lot more than to die on some lonely planet, 50,000 light years away from home!

Mu?iz: Que bonita!

Kilana: Do you have any gods, Captain Sisko?

Captain Sisko: There are things I believe in.

Kilana: Duty? Starfleet, the Federation? You must be pleased with yourself. You have this ship to take back to them. I hope it was worth it.

Captain Sisko: So do I.

[Worf compares O'Brien's vigil at Mu?iz's casket with a Klingon tradition]

Lt. Commander Worf: When a warrior dies in battle, his comrades stay with the body to keep away predators. That allows the spirit to leave the body when it is time to make the long journey to Sto-vo-kor.

Chief O'Brien: It's a fine tradition.

[Worf sits down by Mu?iz's casket, beside O'Brien]

Chief O'Brien: What're you doing?

Lt. Commander Worf: We will both keep the predators away.

Chief O'Brien: I'm sure Quique would like that.

[Sisko and Dax are discussing the five dead]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [of Rooney] You know something else I remember about him? How *proud* he was to wear his uniform. And how proud he was to serve under you. The same as Hoya, T'Lor, Bertram, and Mu?iz. They chose a life in Starfleet. They knew the risks. And they died fighting for something that they believed in.

Captain Sisko: That doesn't make it any easier.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Maybe nothing should.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [Sisko has just broken up a fight between Worf and O'Brien] Tough guys. A little pressure and they buckle.

Captain Sisko: [turns to her] Dax, maybe you haven't noticed, but no one's laughing.

[Quark is pushing a heavy chest down the access tunnel]

Dr. Julian Bashir: Quark, leave it!

Quark: I can't leave it, it's all that I have. My personal mementos, my family album...

Dr. Julian Bashir: It's full of gold-pressed latinum, and you know it.

Quark: ...Who told you?

Dr. Julian Bashir: Your mother did, the day you were born.

[Quark shoves the chest aside and speed-crawls down the tunnel, until he's nose-to-nose with Bashir]

Quark: NEVER-MAKE-FUN-OF-A-FERENGI'S-MOTHER. Rule of Acquisition Number 31!

[Kira and Dax are flying an ancient Bajoran raider]

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Navigational sensors aren't functioning.

Major Kira Nerys: No problem.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: [incredulous] No problem? Big problem. Without navigational sensors...

Major Kira Nerys: We'll have to fly by the seat of our pants.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: [sarcastically] Great. Seat-of-the-pants technology.

Major Kira Nerys: You Starfleet types are too dependend on gadgets and gizmos. You lose your natural instincts for survival.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: My natural instincts for survival told me not to climb aboard this thing. I'd say they were functioning pretty well.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: How did you ever win a war in these things?

Major Kira Nerys: We were the insects, Lieutenant. The Cardassians were just as allergic as Trills.

[Kira and Dax are chased by several Bajoran fighters]

Major Kira Nerys: There is one problem.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: "One"?

Major Kira Nerys: The guys flying those ships...

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Yeah?

Major Kira Nerys: ...used to be the guys flying these ships.

Li Nalas: I've done everything I can to help. I'd die for my people, but...

Commander Sisko: Sure you would. Dying gets you off the hook. Question is, are you willing to live for your people, live the role they want you to play? That's what they need from you right now.

Quark: Rom, do you actually believe that I would sacrifice my own brother's life? For personal profit?

Quark: It would have to be the deal of a lifetime.

Rom: Yes - my lifetime!

[Odo leads Quark into ops]

Odo: He's been brokering seats on the evacuation vessels.

Commander Sisko: Where did you get more seats?

Quark: Everybody always asks the brokers where they get their extra seats; and all I can say, this is my business to find preferred seating for select listed clients...

Commander Sisko: [grabs Quark by his throat] I have got more than 200 people who want to get off this station. Where did you get more seats?

Quark: A few trades... A person here or there who changed his mind about leaving at the sight of a reasonable stipend.

Dr. Julian Bashir: [over comm] Bashir to Commander Sisko.

Commander Sisko: Go ahead.

Dr. Julian Bashir: We're having a bit of a panic at the airlock, sir. Far more passengers than we can handle have shown up, and they all claim to have made arrangements to leave.

Quark: I might have overbooked slightly...

Quark: My ship... the Rio Grande... my brother's on it; he's got my ticket.

Dr. Julian Bashir: [to Sisko] That ship is full, sir, I checked the list myself, and Quark's name wasn't on it. His brother Rom did go aboard, but he was with a dabo girl.

Quark: [aghast] A dabo girl? What?

Commander Sisko: Looks like he sold your seat. [smirks smugly]

Nog: Has there ever been one of your kind and one of my kind who were better friends?

Jake Sisko: Never.

Nog: And if our fathers couldn't break us up, no stupid coup d'?... coup... coup-coup d'?...

Jake Sisko: Coup d'?tat. It's French.

Nog: And no stupid French thing will either!

[Kira and Dax come across a huge spider-like creature]

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Agh! Whoa... What's that, is that a spider or a dog?

Major Kira Nerys: Palukoo. The Bajoran moons are full of 'em.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Oh, I suppose you used to make them your pets and, uh, sing songs about them around the campfire?

Major Kira Nerys: No - we used to eat 'em.

Commander Sisko: Sisko to all units - you can thank Chief of Operations Miles O'Brien for your repast this afternoon.

Dr. Julian Bashir: [sniffs at his combat ration] Woah - you haven't made any friends here, Chief - or should I say 'chef'?

Commander Sisko: [to Colonel Day] We don't want to fight you or hurt anyone. Your officers will be our guests for a while. I hope they won't mind Starfleet combat rations.

[Dax refuses to leave Kira behind, who has been injured]

Major Kira Nerys: You're being a fool, Dax.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Don't talk to your elders that way.

[Kira and Dax are disguising themselves as Bajoran vedeks]

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: So what do you think?

Major Kira Nerys: Think?

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: The nose.

Major Kira Nerys: Oh! It-it's flattering.

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: I'm thinking of keeping it.

Quark: Hey, Odo! You'll miss me. You know you will, say it.

Odo: I'll miss you, Quark.

Quark: [stunned] You said it!

Odo: I'll miss the aggravation, the petty theft, the bad manners...

Quark: Odo - take care of yourself.

Li Nalas: [after being shot] Off the hook, after all.

Major Kira Nerys: [referring to Li Nalas] Somehow you figured now that he was here... things would be better. You know, he'd... he'd find a way to make things better. Because he was a man who could do that - a great man. I wish I knew where we could find others like him.

Commander Sisko: Major, there are heroes all over Bajor. I'm sitting with one.

Chief O'Brien: Sir, can I ask you something?

Commander Sisko: Sure.

Chief O'Brien: About Li Nalas.

Commander Sisko: M-hm.

Chief O'Brien: Well, listening to Kira talk about all he was, all he did, all he was going through... She makes him sound like he was larger than life, like he was some kind of military genius. But the Li Nalas I...

Commander Sisko: Chief - Li Nalas was *the* hero of the Bajoran resistance. He performed extraordinary acts of courage for his people and died for their freedom. That's how the history books on Bajor will be written, and that's how I'll remember him, when anybody asks.

Quark: Let me tell you something about Hew-mons, Nephew. They're a wonderful, friendly people, as long as their bellies are full and their holosuites are working. But take away their creature comforts, deprive them of food, sleep, sonic showers, put their lives in jeopardy over an extended period of time and those same friendly, intelligent, wonderful people... will become as nasty and as violent as the most bloodthirsty Klingon. You don't believe me? Look at those faces. Look in their eyes.

Quark: Well, aren't you gonna say something?

Nog: I feel sorry for the Jem'Hadar.

[Rom has asked Vic to sing in the lounge as Vic's opening act]

Vic Fontaine: Two singers on the same bill, that's a one-way ticket to Deadsville. I need someone to warm up the audience for me. You know, a comic.

Rom: A comic?

Vic Fontaine: A comedian, someone who can make people laugh.

Rom: I can do that. My brother tells me people are always laughing at me.

Vic Fontaine: Well, that may be true, but this is a holosuite program, capisce?

Vic Fontaine: So you're not a hologram.

Rom: Life can be so unfair!

Vic Fontaine: I wish I was going on the supply run with you. I could make some personal appearances, sing a few songs, tell a few jokes - you know, put on a regular USO show.

Doctor Bashir: I'm afraid there are no holosuites where we're going.

Vic Fontaine: Rom's right - life can be unfair. You know, pally, sometimes being a hologram can be a real pain in the asymmetric photons.

Kellin: I'm an engineer, not a magician.

Kellin: You're sure you're not an engineer?

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: In nine lives, I've been a little of everything.

Captain Sisko: I think that's what I'm going to remember most about this war - looking through casualty reports. Sometimes it feels like that's all I do - stare at the names of the dead. When the war started, I read every name. I felt it was the least I could do to honor their sacrifices... But now, the names have begun to blur together.

[Quark provides Nog with a ration pack]

Quark: Here. You need to keep your strength up.

Nog: Thanks, Uncle, but I can get my own food.

Quark: What's the matter? Afraid of looking weak in front of the Humans?

Nog: I want to earn their respect, if that's what you mean.

Quark: At the price of your soul?

Quark: Take a look around you, Nog. This isn't the Starfleet you know.

Nog: Sure it is. It's just that these people have been through a lot. They've been holed up here a long time, seen two thirds of their unit killed. But they haven't surrendered. Do you know why? Because they're heroes.

Quark: Rule of Acquisition 125: "You can't make a deal if you're dead."

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: This is my first time on the front lines.

Kellin: You're talking about Ezri now?

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Right. But Torias, Curzon and Jadzia, they were in battle many times. And I can remember what that felt like. I remember the fear, the anger, and the adrenaline surge.

Kellin: Having someone else's memories of being in combat is one thing. Living through it yourself... is another.

Vargas: McGreevey put this bandage on me. He ripped up his own uniform to make it.

Doctor Bashir: He sounds like a good friend.

Vargas: He was a jerk. I couldn't stand the guy. He wouldn't shut up. Yap, yap, yap! He thought he was the world's greatest authority on everything. I know, he's dead, and I should have more respect. But God, I hated him. One minute he's tying this bandage around my arm talking his head off, and in the next minute he's lying flat on his back with a hole in his chest... And I just sat there and I looked at him. That was so great... He was so quiet! One time in his life, he's quiet!

Larkin: Welcome to paradise, Captain.

[Sisko has suggested to use the Dominion's subspace mines against the Jem'Hadar]

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: A few hours ago, we thought of these mines as the kind of ruthless weapon only the Dominion would use. But now...

Reese: ...they become a whole lot friendlier.

Reese: [of the replacement troops] Children.

Captain Sisko: Not for long.

[before the battle against the Jem'Hadar]

Doctor Bashir: Funny - I joined Starfleet to *save* lives.

Larkin: Sir, what're your orders?

Captain Sisko: There's only one order, Lieutenant. We hold.

Nog: [after losing his leg] Captain... The communications array - it's worth it, right?

Captain Sisko: I hope to God it is.

Captain Sisko: We held.

Reese: Those were our orders, sir.

Lt. Commander Worf: This was a great victory - one worthy of story and song.

Captain Sisko: It cost enough.

Colonel Kira: Sir, the latest casualty reports have just been posted.

Captain Sisko: How many this time?

Colonel Kira: Including the troops lost at AR-558 - 1730.

Captain Sisko: [whispering] 1730...

Colonel Kira: It's a lot of names.

Captain Sisko: They're not just names. It's important we remember that. We have to remember.

Lisa's Voice: This is a general distress call. I am a citizen of the United Federation of Planets and a Starfleet officer. If you can hear me, please respond. My government will reward you for any assistance you can offer, and most of all, you'll be my personal heroes. Repeat:...

Captain Sisko: Chief, I want you to establish a two-way com link with this woman, and when you do, tell her... tell her, her heroes are on the way.

Lisa's Voice: I can't sleep. I think the injections are keeping me awake. I haven't had anyone to talk to for two days.

Captain Sisko: We will be able to help you with that, Captain. I'll have one of my officers stay on the com line with you at all times.

Lisa's Voice: And order them to enjoy it, too!

Kasidy Yates: If you're gonna do something, do it right; that's what my father used to say.

Captain Sisko: Every father says that. Even I say that.

Kasidy Yates: That's why you're a good parent. You know all the clich?s by heart.

Kasidy Yates: [about Bashir, who is sparing with words] There was a time when you couldn't get him to shut up.

Captain Sisko: I think I like him better this way.

Kasidy Yates: That's mean.

Captain Sisko: I was just kidding.

Kasidy Yates: No - you weren't.

Lisa's Voice: How did they let you out of medical school with this kind of bedside manner? Are you sure you're a doctor?

Doctor Bashir: I graduated, second in my class in fact.

Lisa's Voice: Ooh! And we're especially proud of that, aren't we?

Doctor Bashir: I get the feeling that it's gonna take me some hours to crawl out of this rather sizable hole I've dug for myself.

Lisa's Voice: Not at all. It'll take you days!

Quark: What's love? Love's a distraction. And a distracted policeman is... an opportunity.

Chief O'Brien: I have this... this growing sense of isolation. I see people, I... talk to them, I laugh with them... But some part of me is always saying... "They may not be here tomorrow. Don't get too close."

Quark: I'm gonna win this one, Jake. You know what the best part is? I beat Odo - I finally beat him!

Major Kira: I don't know, Odo - you sure you wanna let him get away with smuggling Denevan crystals?

Odo: I owe him one. So he'll get this one - but *just* this one.

Major Kira: Why is it every time I think I have you figured out you do something to surprise me? Like tonight - where did you get the idea to celebrate our one-month anniversary in Paris?

Odo: Well - some mysteries are better left unsolved.

Chief O'Brien: I never shook her hand, and I never saw her face. But she... she made me laugh... and she made me weep. She was all by herself, and, and I was surrounded by my friends. Yet I felt more alone than she did. We've grown apart, the lot of us. We didn't mean for it to happen; but it did. The war changed us, pulled us apart. Lisa Cusak was my friend. But you are also my friends, and I want my friends in my life. Because someday we're gonna wake up, and we're gonna find that someone is missing from this circle. And on that day, we're gonna mourn. And we shouldn't have to mourn alone. To Lisa, and the sweet sound of her voice.

Major Kira: There's an old saying on Bajor: "The land and the people are one".

Chief O'Brien: [trying to perform the Sirah's task as the storyteller] Once upon a time... th-there was a Dal'Rok...

[Jake and Nog are sitting at their favorite spot on the landing above the promenade]

Odo: [passing by] Mr. Sisko, Nog - I thought I told you, no dangling over the promenade.

Jake Sisko: We're not gonna fall, Odo.

Nog: We can see things better from down here.

Odo: And what, may I ask, is so interesting?

Jake Sisko: Nothing.

Odo: In that case you can see "nothing" just as well from up here.

[Quark is serving drinks]

Quark: Let's see - two Bajoran synthales, a glass of Gamzian wine, and a Trixian bubble juice for the little lady.

Varis: [snarling] I'm not a little lady!

[throws her drink in Quark's face and walks out]

Quark: I'm still charging her for that drink.

Quark: Major, what a pleasant surprise. I always look forward to one of your infrequent visits.

Major Kira: Spare me the small talk and give me a star drifter.

Quark: So, er... how are the negotiations coming along?

Major Kira: ...Better make it a double.

Jake Sisko: When I have a problem I can't figure out, I ask my dad.

Nog: I ask my dad too!

Varis: It helps, doesn't it?

Jake Sisko: Yeah.

Jake Sisko: My dad's a, a pretty smart guy.

Nog: Mine too... in his own way.

Sirah: [after Dr. Bashir has advised him to stay in bed] Your concern touches me, Doctor. But I am now in the hands of the Prophets.

Faren: May the Prophets grant you victory, Sirah.

Chief O'Brien: Let's hope so.

Chief O'Brien: Bloody hell! [on the destructive power of the Dal'Rok]

Hovath: Wait! There is no need to run. A new voice appears, to challenge the Dal'Rok.

Chief O'Brien: It's about time!

Nog: [9th Rule of Acquisition] Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.

Commander Sisko: So your answer is still 'no'?

Varis: You don't lose by saying 'no'.

Commander Sisko: Maybe. But a great leader, like your father, is one who's willing to risk saying 'yes'.

Varis: Commander - I believe I know of... an opportunity, that can allow both sides to say 'yes'.

Quark: [to Worf] You know what I like about Klingon stories, Commander? Nothing. Lots of people die, and nobody makes any profit.

Kor: [telling a Klingon story]... We found T'nag's body... by the river, its waters red with blood. Which of us had slain him? No one could say for certain. So... we cut out his heart, and all three of us feasted on it together.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Big heart.

Kor: I am on a quest, a quest for the most revered icon in Klingon history, an icon that predates the Klingon Empire, an icon more sacred than the Torch of G'boj, more revered than Sabak's armor, and more coveted than the Emperor's crown.

Lt. Commander Worf: The Sword of Kahless!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: You could carpet this station with all the "authentic" Shrouds of the Sword that people have tried to peddle.

Kor: I had the most magnificent dream. I dreamt that the three of us were in the Hall of Heroes, presenting the Bat'leth to the Emperor. We stood near the statues of Kang and Koloth. And as the crowd sang out our names, the most astonishing thing happened: their statues came to life! Kang and Koloth were flesh and blood again, and we held the Sword high! Kang, Koloth, and Kor. Together again.

Lt. Commander Worf: A true warrior has no need to exaggerate his feats.

Kor: Well, you'd better hope that I exaggerate, or else when they start singing songs about this quest and come to your verse, it will be "and Worf came along".

Kor: The Sword will unite us - if it's held by a true Klingon. Not a politician like Gowron. Or some toothless figurehead, like the Emperor. The Sword must rest in the hands of someone who has been hardened by battle, pure of heart. Who understands loyalty and honor. A warrior like Kang and Koloth.

Lt. Commander Worf: Someone like you?

Kor: ...The Empire could do far worse.

Kor: Glorious!

Kor: [after finding the Sword] To think, Kahless himself once held this Bat'leth!

[he passes it on to Worf]

Lt. Commander Worf: With this he slew Molor, conquered the Fek'Ihri, and forged the first Empire. And now, I hold it in my hands!

Kor: Did you see the look on the face of that Klingon that I killed? It was as if he understood the honor bestowed upon him. The first man in a thousand years to be killed by the Sword of Kahless!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I'm sure he was very proud.

Lt. Commander Worf: When I held the Sword in my hand, I felt the spirit of Kahless himself had guided me to it. Don't you see? He wants me to have it! He wants me to lead his people!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: You sound like Kor.

Lt. Commander Worf: Kor is an old man. His greatest days are behind him. Mine are still ahead.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Then we have a bit of a problem. There's only one Sword, and you both want it.

[Worf is protesting about Kor's disrespectful treatment of the Sword]

Kor: Look at him! He's like the Hur'q. He thinks it's a museum piece. Why, Kahless himself used it to skin the serpent of Xol, to harvest his father's field, to carve a statue of his own beloved. It's a sword!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I feel like a Hur'q already.

Kor: [referring to Worf] If he hadn't spared Toral's life, we'd be on the way to Qo'noS.

Lt. Commander Worf: And if you had not been drunk and told a tavernful of people what you were planning, Toral would not have followed us here in the first place.

Kor: I told them nothing of consequence! How can I know that Toral was going to send a Lethean to steal my thoughts?

Lt. Commander Worf: You should have been more discreet!

Kor: And you should've been more of a Klingon!

Kor: [of Worf] I'm beginning to think I was too lenient in my judgment of him. Any Klingon who denies himself the Right of Vengeance is no Klingon at all. He dishonors the Sword with his presence. I don't trust him. I should've let him stay on that space station where he belongs.

Kor: [to Worf] I'll take the Sword to my grave before I give it to you!

[Worf and Kor are interlocked in a stranglehold, until Dax ends the battle stunning Worf]

Kor: Dax, I knew in the end you'd choose me. We're blood brothers...

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Be quiet!

[stuns Kor]

Lt. Commander Worf: The Sword is not meant for us. It was never our destiny to find it.

Kor: You're wrong. It was our destiny to find it. It just wasn't our destiny... to keep it.

[Worf has beamed the Sword into space]

Lt. Commander Worf: It is done.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Good. It's for the best.

Kor: I hope you're right. It could be lost for another thousand years.

Lt. Commander Worf: When it is destined to be found... it will be.

Kor: [before entering the wormhole] Let this moment be remembered. For on this day, we three, Kor, Dahar Master of the Klingons, Jadzia Dax, a joined Trill of seven lives, and Worf, son of Mogh, and thorn in Gowron's side... together stepped forth into the eye of destiny.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Kor! I have someone I'd like you to meet.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I'd like you to meet our Strategic Operations Officer, Commander Worf.

Kor: Ah, Worf the traitor. The pariah. The lowest of the low!

[long tense pause, then his face turns into a smile]

Kor: It's a pleasure to meet you.

Kor: [to Worf] I am on a quest, a quest for the most revered icon in Klingon history.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [warningly] Kor...

Kor: An icon that predates the Klingon Empire. An icon more sacred than the torch of G'Bok...

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Kor!

Kor: [ignoring her]... more revered than Sabak's armor, and more coveted than the Emperor's Crown.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: You told *me* not to tell anybody.

Kor: He guessed!

Melanie: You are my favourite author of all time!

Adult Jake Sisko: You should read more.

Captain Sisko: I'm no writer; but if I were, it seems to me I'd wanna poke my head up every once in a while and take a look around, see what's going on. It's life, Jake. You can miss it if you don't open your eyes.

Adult Jake Sisko: If you had shown up yesterday, or the day before, or a week ago, I would have said 'no', and sent you on your way. But here you are - today of all days. And somehow it seems like the right time for me to finally tell this story...

Adult Jake Sisko: There's only one first time for everything, isn't there? And only one last time too. You think about such things when you get to be my age; that today may be the last time you sit in your favorite chair, or watch the rain fall, or enjoy a cup of tea by a warm fire.

Adult Jake Sisko: You must understand that when a person my age says he is dying, he's only admitting to the inevitable. Besides, we old people need to remind everyone to pay special attention to us.

Melanie: [on Ben Sisko's accident] I'm not sure I could ever get over losing somebody like that; right in front of my eyes.

Adult Jake Sisko: People do. Time passes, and they realize that the person they lost is really gone. And they heal.

Melanie: Is that what happened to you?

Adult Jake Sisko: No - I suppose not.

Korena: I suppose you're gonna ask me to chew your food for you?

Nog: I have to admit, I've been more popular with women since I stopped asking them to do that.

Adult Jake Sisko: I tried to tell you that twenty years ago.

Nog: I'm a slow learner.

Captain Sisko: [to his son] Look at you. You're older than I am!

Captain Sisko: I'm proud of what you've accomplished.

Adult Jake Sisko: None of it matters - now that I know that you're out there lost somewhere.

Captain Sisko: Of course it matters. You have a wife; a career. And don't think because I'm not around much, that I... don't want grandchildren!

Adult Jake Sisko: It was me. It was me all along. I've been dragging you through time like an anchor. And now it's time to cut you loose.

Captain Sisko: Jake - you didn't have to do this. Not for me.

Adult Jake Sisko: For you, and for the boy that I was. He needs you, more than you know. Don't you see? We're going to get a second... chance.

Adult Jake Sisko: I... want you to promise me something.

Melanie: Anything!

Adult Jake Sisko: While you're studying my stories, poke your head up every once in a while. Take a look around. See what's going on. It's life, Melanie.

Melanie: And you can miss it if you don't open your eyes.

Melanie: Thank you - for everything.

[she kisses Jake and prepares to leave]

Adult Jake Sisko: It was a pleasure meeting you, young lady.

Jake Sisko: You okay, Dad?

Captain Sisko: I am now, Jake. I am now.

Captain Sisko: [reading Jake's dedication] "To my father, who's coming home."

Doctor Bashir: They broke seven of your transverse ribs and fractured your clavicle.

Elim Garak: But I got off several cutting remarks which no doubt did serious damage to their egos.

[a group of Klingons invade the tailor's shop]

Elim Garak: Well, let me guess. You're either lost, or desperately searching for a good tailor.

Drex: Guess again!

[knocks Garak down]

Quark: I want you to try something for me. Take a sip of this.

Elim Garak: What is it?

Quark: A human drink. It's called root beer.

Elim Garak: [unwilling] Uh, I don't know...

Quark: Come on, aren't you just a little bit curious? [Garak sighs, takes a sip and gags]

Quark: What do you think?

Elim Garak: It's *vile*!

Quark: I know. It's so bubbly, and cloying, and *happy*.

Elim Garak: Just like the Federation.

Quark: But you know what's really frightening? If you drink enough of it, you begin to *like* it.

Elim Garak: It's insidious!

Quark: *Just* like the Federation.

Odo: I didn't know you spoke Klingon.

Elim Garak: Oh, you'd be surprised at the things you can learn when you're doing alterations.

Doctor Bashir: Care for a game of darts?

Lt. Commander Worf: I do not play games.

Chief O'Brien: It's like poker... with pointed tips!

Martok: You robbed my son of his honor just to get my attention?

Lt. Commander Worf: You cannot take away what someone does not have.

Gowron: Come with me Worf; glory awaits you on Cardassia!

Captain Sisko: Curzon told me once that in the long run, the only people who can really handle the Klingons... are Klingons.

Quark: [on Worf] Just what the station needs - another Klingon.

Elim Garak: What I can't understand is that inexplicable hostility toward me. Maligning Constable Odo was one thing; after all he's a changeling. The Klingons don't know him as well as we do. But relations between the Klingon and Cardassian Empires have never been anything but amicable.

Doctor Bashir: With the exception of the Betreka Nebula incident.

Elim Garak: A minor skirmish.

Doctor Bashir: It lasted eighteen years!

Elim Garak: It was ages ago. Perhaps... they've decided they just didn't like me.

Doctor Bashir: [ironic] Not like you? Impossible.

Lt. Commander Worf: Nice hat.

[on Kira's Guinevere costume, during their first encounter]

Lt. Commander Worf: Curzon's name is an honored one among my people.

[Curzon was the Dax symbiont's previous host, and was central to peace negotiations between the Federation and the Klingon Empire]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [in Klingon] Yeah, but I'm a lot better looking than he was.

Lt. Commander Worf: I suppose so. Excuse me.

Major Kira: [after Dax has spoken to Worf in Klingon] What did you say to him?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: It loses something in the translation.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [ordering two holo-bat'leths for herself and Worf] I thought you might be tired of fighting holograms.

Lt. Commander Worf: It would not be a fair match.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I'll go easy on you.

Captain Sisko: My father always says, the way to a woman's heart is through her stomach.

Quark: Am I glad we finally got rid of all those Klingons - er, present company excepted, of course.

[Worf stares at him, then gets up and leaves]

Chief O'Brien: I gotta hand it to you, Quark. You really know how to make your customers feel welcome. [gets up and leaves as well]

Quark: What do I care? All he ever drinks is prune juice.

[Worf and O'Brien are reminiscing about their days on the Enterprise]

Lt. Commander Worf: We were like warriors from the ancient sagas. There was nothing we could not do.

Chief O'Brien: Except keep the holodecks working right.

Gul Dukat: I must compliment you, captain. You're nearly Cardassian in your punctuality.

[Dukat enters the Defiant's bridge with an armed guard in tow, after Sisko has rescued him from the Klingons]

Gul Dukat: Captain, would you kindly inform this security guard that he does not have to monitor my every move? It makes me feel unwelcome.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Looks like I won, Benjamin. You owe me dinner.

Gul Dukat: And what is that supposed to mean?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Captain Sisko bet me that you would thank him for the rescue before you started complaining.

Captain Sisko: I lost.

[O'Brien is making upgrades on the station]

Chief O'Brien: I just hope everything works okay.

Major Kira: You're saying you're not sure?

Chief O'Brien: The way I see it, there are two possibilities: either everything will be fine, or...

Major Kira: Or?

Chief O'Brien: Or we'll end up blowing the station to pieces.

Major Kira: Oh... Well, let's hope we don't have to find out.

Doctor Bashir: I'm sure there's more than one Klingon who thinks that slaying a changeling would be worthy of a song or two.

Odo: Doctor, if a Klingon were to kill me, I'd expect nothing less than an entire opera on the subject.

Doctor Bashir: Maybe. I just don't want to have to listen to it. Watch your back.

Lt. Commander Worf: Worf, son of Mogh, does not break his word.

[Worf has decided to resign from Starfleet, not unlike Sisko had almost done once]

Captain Sisko: I understand you're headed for the Nyberrite Alliance?

Lt. Commander Worf: Yes, I leave this afternoon.

Captain Sisko: For me, it was a job on Earth - directing construction of orbital habitats.

Lt. Commander Worf: Why did you change your mind?

Captain Sisko: I finally realized that it wasn't Starfleet I wanted to get away from. I was trying to escape the pain I felt, after my wife's death. I thought I could take the uniform, wrap it around that pain and toss them both away. But it doesn't work like that. Running may help for a little while. But sooner or later, the pain catches up with you; and the only way to get rid of it is to stand your ground, and face it.

Lt. Commander Worf: But wearing that uniform must remind you of what you have lost.

Captain Sisko: Sometimes. But it also reminds me of what I've gained, and who I am. Oh, I can throw away the uniform, resign my commission, run all the way to the Nyberrite Alliance. But it really wouldn't matter. A Starfleet officer - that's what I am, and that's what I'll always be.

Doctor Bashir: Sir, I hate to bring this up, but our agreement with the Romulans expressly prohibits use of the cloaking device in the Alpha Quadrant.

Captain Sisko: You're right, it does. But there are hundreds of Klingon ships between us and Dukat, and I intend to make that rendezvous in one piece.

Doctor Bashir: Well, I won't tell the Romulans if you don't.

Lt. Commander Worf: In war, there is nothing more honorable than victory.

Gowron: Surrender the council members, or we will have no choice but to take them by force.

Captain Sisko: And risk an all-out war with the Federation?

Gowron: If a war starts here, the blame will be yours.

Captain Sisko: I doubt very much history will agree.

Gowron: History is written by the victors.

Gowron: You're like a toothless old Grishnar cat trying to frighten us with your roar.

Captain Sisko: I can assure you, this 'old cat' may not be as toothless as you think.

Lt. Commander Worf: Kahless himself said "Destroying an Empire to win a war is no victory."

Gowron: "And ending a battle to save an Empire is no defeat."

Gowron: [in Klingon] Today is a good day to die.

Major Kira: Looks like the Klingons are here to stay.

Captain Sisko: Maybe they are. But so are we.

Elim Garak: How thoughtless of me not to consider the effects the destruction of my home world would have on your business; These must be trying times for you, be brave.

Quark: [Worf arrives at the promenade for the first time] Let me guess, Kilngon bloodwine.

Lt. Commander Worf: Prune juice. Chilled.

Quark: [laughs] Prune juice!

[Worf glares at him]

Quark: If you say so.

Captain Sisko: This is exactly what the Founders want: Klingon against Cardassian! Federation against Klingon! The more we fight each other, the weaker we'll get, and the less chance we have against the Dominion!

Elim Garak: My dear Doctor...

Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: [examining an exotic plant] Can you tell what's wrong with it?

Dr. Julian Bashir: In my expert medical opinion, I'd say it's... sick.

Dr. Julian Bashir: I'm a doctor, not a botanist.

Elim Garak: Doctor, did anyone ever tell you that you are an infuriating pest?

Dr. Julian Bashir: Chief O'Brien ALL the time, and I don't pay any attention to him either.

[Dr. Bashir thanks Enabran Tain, Garak's former mentor in the Obsidian Order, for providing the necessary information to save his life]

Enabran Tain: Oh, don't thank me. I'm not doing Garak any favors. He doesn't deserve a quick death. On the contrary, I want him to live a long, miserable life. I want him to grow old on that station, surrounded by people who hate him, knowing that he'll never come home again.

Dr. Julian Bashir: What a lovely sentiment.

Enabran Tain: And it's from the heart, I assure you.

Enabran Tain: I can see that Garak hasn't changed a bit. Never tell the truth when a lie will do. That man has a rare gift for obfuscation.

Enabran Tain: A good host knows the needs of his guests.

Elim Garak: Here, I've brought you something.

Dr. Julian Bashir: What is it?

Elim Garak: "Meditations on a Crimson Shadow", by Preloc.

Dr. Julian Bashir: More Cardassian literature?

Elim Garak: I think you'll find this one more to your taste. It takes place in the future, during a time when Cardassia and the Klingon Empire are at war.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Who wins?

Elim Garak: Who do you think?

Dr. Julian Bashir: Never mind, don't tell me. I don't want you to spoil the ending.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Now, try not to yell at any more admirals for a while.

Commander Sisko: I wasn't yelling, I was just expressing my feelings - loudly.

[Odo and Bashir are secretly monitoring one of Quark's late-night activities]

Dr. Julian Bashir: I hope you don't have one of these little bugs hidden in *my* quarters.

Odo: Should I?

Dr. Julian Bashir: Listen to me, Garak. I've had just about enough of your nonsense. Now, you're coming back to the Infirmary with me.

Elim Garak: Oh, I don't think so. Believe me when I tell you, there's nothing you can do for me.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Oh. And Quark can, is that it?

Elim Garak: I thought *I* was supposed to be the spy.

Dr. Julian Bashir: [examining a hypospray Garak has been using] Triptacederine? How much of this did you take?

Elim Garak: A mere thirty ccs - not nearly enough, I'm afraid.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Thirty ccs would anesthetize an Algorian mammoth.

Elim Garak: Oh, we Cardassians must be made of sterner stuff. I barely feel it.

Elim Garak: My implant was given to me by Enabran Tain himself, the head of the Obsidian Order. If I was ever tortured, it was designed to stimulate the pleasure centers of my brain, to trigger the production of vast amounts of natural endorphins. I do hope you appreciate the irony, Doctor. The whole purpose of the implant was to make me immune to pain.

Dr. Julian Bashir: What caused it to malfunction?

Elim Garak: It was never meant for continuous use.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Continuous use? What do you mean?

Elim Garak: Living on this station is torture for me, Doctor. The temperature is always too cold, the lights always too bright, every Bajoran on the station looks at me with loathing and contempt. So one day, I decided I couldn't live with it anymore. And I took the pain away.

Elim Garak: Has it ever occurred to you that I might be getting exactly what I deserve?

Dr. Julian Bashir: No one deserves this.

Elim Garak: Oh, please, Doctor. I'm suffering enough without having to listen to your smug Federation sympathy. And you think that because we have lunch together once a week you know me? You couldn't even begin to fathom what I'm capable of.

Dr. Julian Bashir: I am a doctor. You're my patient. That's all I need to know.

[Garak tells Bashir how during the war he once let some Bajoran prisoners escape]

Dr. Julian Bashir: And so they exiled you.

Elim Garak: That's right! And left me, to live out my days with nothing to look forward to but having lunch with you.

Dr. Julian Bashir: I'm sorry you feel that way. I thought you enjoyed my company.

Elim Garak: Oh, I did. And that's the worst part. I can't believe that I actually enjoyed eating mediocre food and staring into your smug, sanctimonious face. I hate this place, and I hate you.

Dr. Julian Bashir: You know, I still have a lot of questions to ask you about your past.

Elim Garak: I have given you all the answers I'm capable of.

Dr. Julian Bashir: You've given me answers all right; but they were all different. What I want to know is, out of all the stories you told me, which ones were true and which ones weren't?

Elim Garak: My dear Doctor, they're all true.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Even the lies?

Elim Garak: Especially the lies.

Dr. Julian Bashir: [Garak is struck by a sudden headache] Are you all right?

Elim Garak: I'm fine.

Dr. Julian Bashir: You don't look fine. Your skin is clammy and your pupils have contracted.

Elim Garak: I assure you. I'm in perfect health. Now, you were asking about other Cardassian novels... Something maybe a little more accessible... [Garak feels another headache coming on]

Dr. Julian Bashir: "Perfect health". Then Cardassian standards must be a little lower than mine. Come on.

Elim Garak: Doctor, what do you're think you're doing?

Dr. Julian Bashir: Taking you to the Infirmary.

Elim Garak: That won't be necessary.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Maybe not, but humour me.

Elim Garak: Frankly Doctor, I'm getting a little tired of humoring you. There's nothing wrong with me that a little peace and privacy wouldn't cure. Now, if you'll excuse me. I seem to have lost my appetite. [Garak walks away but that headache still hasn't gone]

Major Kira: [Kira's also at the Replimat and witnessing the whole thing, walks up to Bashir] What was that all about?

Dr. Julian Bashir: I have no idea.

Elim Garak: I took the liberty of borrowing this from the gentleman who thought my nose needed adjustment.

Odo: I see I'm going to have to add the word "pickpocket" to your resume.

Elim Garak: It's only a hobby.

Captain Sisko: This is Terok Nor, DS9 during the Occupation.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Time travel?

Elim Garak: Er, no, it's more than that, our clothes have changed.

Odo: Could we be in a holosuite?

Captain Sisko: [testing] Computer, end program.

[nothing happens]

Captain Sisko: Let's assume that's a "no" for the moment.

[the crew in the runabout are discussing the conference on Bajor they are returning from]

Captain Sisko: I thought the Bajorans bent over backwards to be polite to you, Garak.

Elim Garak: Giving me a name tag that read, 'Elim Garak - Former Cardassian Oppressor' was hardly polite.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: And what did you want it to say - 'Former Spy'?

Elim Garak: [to Odo] It seems you have quite a fan club on Bajor. I half expected you to be signing autographs at the end.

[Odo, Sisko and Garak appear with the identities of Timor, Ishan and Jillur respectively]

Odo: Timor, Ishan and Jillur were the names of three Bajorans who were accused of attempting to assassinate Gul Dukat on the Promenade.

Captain Sisko: Half the Resistance tried to kill Dukat.

Odo: These three were innocent. However, no one knew that at the time, and... Dukat wanted to make an example of them, so he had them led out onto the Promenade and publicly... executed.

Elim Garak: If we're them...

Captain Sisko: If we're them, we'd better find a way out of here before Dukat makes an example out of *us*.

Elim Garak: The Bajorans never did have a sense of style - turn the vase over and the Resistance appears!

Elim Garak: You'd think they'd put us in our own cell block instead of with the common criminals. After all, we are accused of attempting to assassinate the station commander. That deserves some respect!

Captain Sisko: [sardonically] Maybe they'll salute when they execute us.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: How do you feel?

Gul Dukat: Better than the last time.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Last time?

Gul Dukat: This is the forth assassination attempt I've survived.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Maybe you should find another job.

Gul Dukat: Bad manners are the fault of the parent, not the child. My weakness is, I'm too generous, too forgiving. My heart is too big...

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [knocks Dukat out] And so is your ego.

Elim Garak: I never knew we were such messy conquerors. I remember the Occupation being a little more tidy than this.

Captain Sisko: Everything's tidy when someone else is doing the cleaning.

Thrax: The Occupation has lasted for fifty years, and it will probably last another fifty!

Odo: I wouldn't be too sure about that.

Thrax: Why not just accept it? If the Bajoran people would accept their place in history, none of this would be happening.

Odo: We are talking about the attempt on Gul Dukat's life, not the socio-political ramifications of the Resistance!

Thrax: It's all part of the same problem! When your people resort to terrorism and violence, they're fighting against order, against stability, against the rule of law, and this must be stopped.

Odo: There is more to life than the rule of law.

Thrax: It has been my observation that only the guilty make that kind of statement.

Odo: Your job is to find the truth, not obtain convictions.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: What was it the moderator said? That you may have worked for the Cardassians, but your only master... was justice.

Captain Sisko: And a legend is born.

[Thrax suspects Quark to have dealings with the smuggler Livara]

Thrax: Rumor has it that the Obsidian Order has had him under surveillance for several months.

Quark: The Obsidian Order?

Thrax: Rumor also has it that they're bringing in all of Livara's co-conspirators for... questioning.

Quark: Well - you know how rumors are.

Thrax: Yes - they're usually true.

Odo: How much damage would it do to the timeline if Quark were to suffer a mysterious "accident"?

Captain Sisko: I'm not sure. But maybe we should conduct a little experiment and find out.

Odo: Captain! The authorities on Terok Nor will not be looking for reasons to help us, they will be looking for a reason to interrogate us, and believe me, you do not want to be interrogated by the Cardassians.

Elim Garak: [about cleaning work] The Bajorans were much more suited for this sort of thing than we were. Servile work is in their nature.

Captain Sisko: I'll remember to mention that to Major Kira when we get back.

Elim Garak: There are exceptions to every rule.

Odo: [as Timor] There's been a temporal displacement of some kind. We don't belong in this time. We are from the future!

Thrax: I know.

Odo: You know? Then what are you going to do about it?

Thrax: What I am supposed to do; nothing more, nothing less. The question is - what are *you* going to do... Odo?

[Odo has admitted that he was the one responsible for the death of the three Bajorans]

Odo: I was too busy, too concerned with maintaining order, and the rule of law. I thought of myself as the outsider, a shapeshifter who cared for nothing but justice. It never occured to me that I could fail. But I did. And I never wanted anyone to know the truth... that seven years ago, I allowed three innocent men to die.

Odo: I'm guilty. What more is there to say?

Major Kira: Maybe nothing. Maybe a lot. I believed in you. A lot of people did. You were special; you were the one man who stood apart from everyone else, the one man who stood for justice. Now what?

Odo: Now I'm... just another... imperfect Solid.

Major Kira: Okay.

Major Kira: I guess the truth is that anyone who lived through the Occupation... had to get a little dirty. But I need to know... that no other innocent people died on your watch, Odo. That this was the only time.

Odo: I'm not sure. I hope so.

Commander Sisko: Where are we?

Smiley O'Brien: I guess you could say we just stepped through the looking glass.

Odo: [to Sisko] I found 27 voles in his storeroom.

Quark: Vole infestations are not uncommon on this station. If you don't believe me, ask Chief O'Brien.

Odo: When I came in, he and Morn were painting numbers on the voles' backs.

Quark: We were just... counting them, to see how many we'd caught.

Commander Sisko: You were getting ready to stage a vole fight.

Quark: A vole fight? I'm appalled. Do you really think that was what Morn was up to?

Commander Sisko: Constable, I want the voles confiscated and removed from the station.

Quark: You can't confiscate Morn's voles, they're like his pets!

Commander Sisko: I'll see if I can get him some... goldfish.

Quark: Poor Morn. This is going to break his hearts.

Intendant Kira: I have news of your husband.

Jennifer Sisko: Nothing you could tell me about Ben would interest me. I haven't even seen him in five years.

Intendant Kira: Oh, I know that. And I hope that will make this easier for you. You see... Benjamin is dead.

Jennifer Sisko: Can I go now?

Intendant Kira: You must have loved him very much, to be so angry with him; to become so cold.

Garak: [of Captain Sisko] Well, I will say this for him: he did have spirit.

Intendant Kira: [sighs] Too much spirit can be a dangerous thing. Tends to... infect others.

Tuvok: What do you propose we do?

Captain Bashir: We smuggle explosives aboard the station, plant them in her quarters... and detonate them.

Tuvok: You realize it is highly unlikely that anyone assigned to such a mission would survive.

Captain Bashir: I say it's worth the risk.

Commander Sisko: [from the background] Does that mean you're volunteering for the job?

Rom: [to Commander Sisko] Captain, you're alive.

Smiley O'Brien: Of course he's alive. You can't kill the Captain, he's too ornery.

[Jadzia kisses Sisko]

Jadzia Dax: That's to let you know I missed you.

Jadzia Dax: [slaps him] And that's for letting me think you were dead!

Commander Sisko: I thought you told me I was married.

Smiley O'Brien: Well, you are, technically, but... she is your mistress.

Commander Sisko: I see what you meant by "surprises".

Garak: With Sisko's death and the imminent completion of the transpectral sensor array, the Rebellion is certain to collapse.

Intendant Kira: You seem very sure of yourself.

Garak: I am.

Intendant Kira: I'll remember that. If the Rebellion continues, I'll know who to blame.

Intendant Kira: I'm afraid I can never trust you again. Which means... that I will have to dispose of you eventually. The question is... should it be sooner, or later?

Commander Sisko: Do I get a vote?

Intendant Kira: Of course you do. It just doesn't count.

Intendant Kira: The only reason I can think of to keep you alive is to infuriate Garak.

Commander Sisko: What better reason do you need?

Commander Sisko: [of Jennifer] I can't let her die. Not again.

Smiley O'Brien: You're the only one who can save her.

[Sisko and O'Brien are surrounded by Alliance ships]

Smiley O'Brien: You know, Captain Sisko would try to fight his way out of this.

Commander Sisko: Be glad I'm not him.

Intendant Kira: Whatever shall we do about O'Brien? I remember the first time I saw you, Tinkerer. You were fixing something. You were always fixing things, making things better. And everyone loved you for it, even me. But that just wasn't enough for you, was it? You couldn't be happy, staying here being loved. You had to lash out and betray everyone who was ever good to you. Why?

Smiley O'Brien: I wanted to be free.

Intendant Kira: [contemptuously] Free. You're a Terran. You were born a slave and you'll die a slave.

Jennifer Sisko: You know what I wish? I wish I'd never met you.

Commander Sisko: And I wish things could've been better between us. But this isn't about us... Or is it?

Commander Sisko: I think the two of us have been fighting each other so long, that you've gotten used to us being on opposite sides. But I'm not the enemy this time, Jennifer. The Alliance is.

Jennifer Sisko: The Alliance is your enemy, not mine.

Commander Sisko: That's where you're wrong. Don't you see? You're no different than the slaves working in the ore processing center. In fact, you may even be worse off; at least they know they're prisoners.

Jennifer Sisko: What if I am a prisoner?

Commander Sisko: You don't have to be. Fight back. Come with me!

Jennifer Sisko: You want me to join the Rebellion?

Commander Sisko: The way I see it, freedom is a whole lot better than slavery.

Jennifer Sisko: Let's get one thing clear.

Commander Sisko: What's that?

Jennifer Sisko: I still hate you.

Commander Sisko: I know.

Commander Sisko: Jennifer, there's so much I want to tell you. I just don't know where to start.

Jennifer Sisko: Why don't you start by telling me what happened to my husband?

Jennifer Sisko: Something tells me that's not part of your plan.

[when seeing Rom hanging from an airlock and stabbed in the chest]

[Sisko has activated the station's self-destruct sequence]

Intendant Kira: Computer, disengage self-destruct sequence. Authorization Kira, Alpha 9175 Blue.

Cardassian Computer Voice: Authorization denied.

Commander Sisko: I changed it!

Intendant Kira: [of Captain Sisko] He always has to make things difficult.

Garak: It's one of his least endearing qualities.

Intendant Kira: This isn't over, Benjamin. I'll hunt you down. I swear it.

Commander Sisko: You're welcome to try.

Intendant Kira: I suppose this means you won't be finishing the sensor array.

Jennifer Sisko: [after exchanging a look with Sisko] I'm a Terran.

Jennifer Sisko: Thank you, for rescuing me.

Commander Sisko: It was my pleasure.

Commander Sisko: Take me home, Smiley.

[Weyoun swallows a whole glass of a drink just proven to be poisoned]

Gul Dukat: Wha...?

Weyoun: Oh my! That is quite toxic, isn't it?

Gul Dukat: Are-you-insane?

Weyoun: The Vorta are immune to most forms of poison. Comes in handy when you're a diplomat.

Captain Sisko: Especially when you're working with the Cardassians.

Captain Sisko: Still calling yourself Gul? I'm surprised you haven't promoted yourself back to Legate by now.

Gul Dukat: I prefer the title 'Gul' - So much more hands-on than 'Legate', hm? And less pretentious than the other alternatives - President, Emperor, First Minister - Emissary!

Captain Sisko: How about 'Dominion Puppet'?

Ghemor: Patience is for the young.

Captain Sisko: I saw you die.

Weyoun: That wasn't me - at least, not exactly.

Captain Sisko: Ghemor just doesn't want to be debriefed. He wants someone to talk to - someone to be with until the end.

Major Kira: And that someone... is me...

[Kira has a flashback to a moment during the occupation, where her father was badly wounded, leaving a younger Kira rather helpless]

Captain Sisko: Are you up to it?

Major Kira: [tearfully] I have no choice... I'm all he's got.

Lt. Commander Worf: Major Kira - friends with a Cardassian - seems wrong.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: You should have known her five years ago. Back then I never thought she'd be friends with anyone.

Lt. Commander Worf: Cardassian politics are very complex.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I think they like it that way.

Ghemor: [to Dukat, on the Dominion] I don't like the company you're keeping. You and I might have come to an agreement, one Cardassian to another. But now, dealing with you means dealing with them. And that makes the price too high.

Weyoun: [to Dukat, about Ghemor] He doesn't seem to like you very much. We're going to have to do something about your public image.

Major Kira: You are really enjoying this, aren't you? Hm? All your sick little games...

Gul Dukat: I must admit, I do get a certain... perverse pleasure out of it.

Major Kira: I promise you, Dukat, I will make you pay for all of this one day.

Gul Dukat: Maybe. But not today.

Doctor Bashir: Regardless of what Ghemor has done in the past, he doesn't deserve to die alone. Nobody does.

Quark: [to Kira] You look terrible. Not that I mind; I like my women a little rumpled.

Gul Dukat: Major. Sorry to disturb you.

Major Kira: Sorry enough to leave?

Gul Dukat: It takes a great man to admit he's wrong. And that's what Ghemor did. I'm speaking of his last minute change of heart - his deathbed decision to embrace the new Dominion government.

Captain Sisko: That's very moving. Except for one small problem: it never happened!

Weyoun: As you say, it's a... small problem.

Ghemor: Be my daughter one last time, Nerys. Hear what I know. And use it as you see fit.

Major Kira: He got so quiet... toward the end. I-I could hear him whispering things - his wife's name, Iliana's, even mine. Then the pain just got too much for him and he just lay there, breathing. And at the end of every exhale... there was this pause, and I thought, "That's it. It's over." Then he'd force another breath. And another... I started counting them. One hundred... two hundred... three hundred... He fought for every last second. I don't think he even knew that I was there.

Doctor Bashir: He knew. You gave him what he needed. He didn't die alone.

Major Kira: [sobbing] I missed my father's death by less than an hour. Did you know that? Less than an hour! I always told myself that it was... bad luck, bad timing - will of the Prophets. But the truth is... I didn't have to go when I did. I could have stayed a while longer. I saw my chance to get out and I took it... I saw so much death during the Occupation, I felt so much pain... But my father... he was my strength. And I... I couldn't stand to see that strength slipping away. So I ran.

Doctor Bashir: Just like you tried to run from Ghemor.

Major Kira: He reminded me so much of my father... Going through it again, I... I just couldn't face it.

Doctor Bashir: But in the end, you did. You were there for Ghemor.

Major Kira: I owed it to him. I owed it to my father - to get it right this time.

Captain Sisko: [after intercepting a poisoned drink meant for a Cardassian defector] What's wrong, Ducat? Are you afraid Ghemor is going to say something that might undermine your new cozy position?

Gul Dukat: Tread with care, Captain. You're coming dangerously close to accusing the head of the Cardassian government of attempted murder.

Captain Sisko: Is that what I'm doing?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: By the way, what does 'gung-gung-gung' mean?

Lt. Commander Worf: Why do you ask?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Well, it was the strangest thing. I was taking Yoshi home, and he kept shaking his rattle saying "Gung-gung-gung!"

Lt. Commander Worf: He did?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: He seemed to get a big kick out of it. So what does it mean?

Lt. Commander Worf: That is between Yoshi and me.

Lt. Commander Worf: I am a Klingon warrior, and a Starfleet officer. I've piloted starships through Dominion minefields; I've stood in battle against Kelvans twice my size; I courted and won the heart of the magnificent Jadzia Dax. If I can do these things, I can make this child go to sleep!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Talk about losing perspective.

Molly O'Brien: I know what I'm going to be when I grow up.

Molly O'Brien: M-hm. I'm going to be an exo-bologist.

Odo: [after the O'Briens have failed to smuggle older Molly off DS9 unnoticed] I'm disappointed in you, Chief. If anyone could break a prisoner out of a holding cell and get them off the station, I'd have thought it would have been you.

Older Molly O'Brien: Molly... loves you.

Older Molly O'Brien: Molly... home.

Keiko O'Brien: I wonder if she realized that the little girl she was looking at was herself.

Chief O'Brien: I hope so. And I hope she realized that... in a way, she was going home too.

[Worf has been instructing Yoshi in hehh-duHpp]

Lt. Commander Worf: That's a Klingon exercise designed to teach children hand-eye coordination, so they will grow up to become warriors.

Doctor Bashir: Oh, I get it, the rattle is like, er, the baby's first bat'leth kind of thing.

Chief O'Brien: How'd he do?

Lt. Commander Worf: Uh, he acquitted himself well.

Chief O'Brien: Thanks for watching him.

[Worf is about to leave]

Doctor Bashir: Oh, Worf, um, you might want to leave the rattle, just in case Yoshi wants to practice his hehh-duHpping.

Molly O'Brien: [the O'Briens are going on a picnic] Can we bring Chester?

Keiko O'Brien: I don't think that would be a good idea, sweetie.

Chief O'Brien: He might get lost.

Keiko O'Brien: On second thought...

Sisko: I have a few things I want to make clear. First, this is my ship and my command, which means, I give the orders, not you and not Weyoun. What's more, I'm holding you personally responsible for the actions of your men. If I have a problem with them, *you're* the one who's going to have to answer for it.

Omet'iklan: That's as it should be. After all, I'm the First.

Sisko: As far as I'm concerned, on this mission, *I'm* the First.

Omet'iklan: Until the traitors are found and terminated. After that, we shall see.

[Dax is trying to work, but Virak'kara, a Jem'Hadar, is staring at her]

Jadzia Dax: Am I really that interesting? You've been standing there staring at me for the last two hours.

Virak'kara: You are part of my combat team. I must learn to understand your behaviour - anticipate your actions.

Jadzia Dax: There must be something you'd rather do. Maybe get some sleep?

Virak'kara: We don't sleep.

Jadzia Dax: How about getting something to eat?

Virak'kara: The white is the only thing we need.

Jadzia Dax: [pondering] Don't sleep... don't eat... What do you do for relaxation?

Virak'kara: Relaxation would only make us weak.

Jadzia Dax: [aghast] You people are no fun at all - I'm glad I'm not a Jem'Hadar woman.

Virak'kara: There are no Jem'Hadar women.

Jadzia Dax: [sardonically] So what do you do? Lay eggs?

Virak'kara: [proudly] Jem'Hadar are bred in birthing chambers. We are able to fight within three days of our emergence.

Jadzia Dax: Lucky you. So let me get this straight: no sleep - no food - no women. No wonder you're so angry. After thirty or forty years of that I'd be angry too.

Virak'kara: No Jem'Hadar has ever lived thirty years.

Jadzia Dax: [puzzled] How old are you?

Virak'kara: I am eight.

Jadzia Dax: I would have guessed at least fifteen.

Virak'kara: Few Jem'Hadar live that long. If we reach twenty, we're considered honored elders.

Virak'kara: How old are you?

Jadzia Dax: I stopped counting at three hundred.

Virak'kara: [amazed] You don't look it.

Jadzia Dax: Thank you.

Omet'iklan: I am First Omet'iklan, and I am dead. As of this moment, we are all dead. We go into battle to reclaim our lives. This we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar. Remember: victory is life.

[the Jem'Hadar march out]

Weyoun: Such a delightful people.

[O'Brien turns to face the assembled Federation officers]

O'Brien: I am Chief Miles Edward O'Brien. I am very much alive, and I intend to stay that way.

Sisko: Amen! Let's get it done!

Sisko: Sometimes I wish we could have the Defiant standing guard over the station 26 hours a day.

Weyoun: Wouldn't it be much simpler if the Dominion and the Federation could reach some mutual beneficial understanding without resorting to the unpleasantness of military conflict?

Weyoun: Your psychographic profile is required reading for Vorta field supervisors. I probably know things about you you don't know yourself.

Sisko: There'll be a joint briefing session at 1900 hours.

O'Brien: ...followed by a get-to-know-you buffet at 1930.

Jadzia Dax: And I forgot my dress uniform.

Omet'iklan: [about his Starfleet allies] They'll never succeed as long as they value their lives more than victory.

Weyoun: There's something to be said for soldiers who aren't afraid to die.

Sisko: I don't know, I found that nothing keeps me alert quite like a healthy fear of death.

Omet'iklan: You think you have to lie to us and use the white to ensure our loyalty. But the fact is we are more loyal to the Founders than the Vorta ever will be. It is the reason for our existence; it is the core of our being.

Weyoun: There's an entire corps of Jem'Hadar down on Vandros IV that would disagree with you.

Omet'iklan: And for that, they will die.

Worf: [to Sisko] You're asking us to lie to them about our mission. It is not honorable.

O'Brien: There's a lot of things about this mission that bother me. But lying to the Jem'Hadar is not on top of my list.

Worf: We consider Klingon women our partners in battle. They're the mothers of our children.

Jadzia Dax: And a lot of fun at parties too.

Worf: True.

[after a brawl between Worf and a Jem'Hadar, Omet'iklan has executed his subordinate for discipline, while Sisko has only sent Worf to his quarters]

Omet'iklan: You call that discipline?

Sisko: A dead man can't learn from his mistakes.

Omet'iklan: Any soldier who cannot follow orders is a danger to his unit and must be eliminated.

Sisko: Mister Worf is not a danger to my command. But if I eliminate him for a simple breach of discipline, then *I* would be. My men would stop trusting me - and I wouldn't blame them.

[O'Brien has recorded a potential good-bye message to his family]

O'Brien: Every time I record one of these, I think... this is it. This is the one they're gonna end up hearing.

Jadzia Dax: It'll never happen.

O'Brien: What makes you say that?

Jadzia Dax: Because, when you've lived eight lifetimes, you develop certain instincts. And my instincts tell me that you, Miles Edward O'Brien, are going to live to be 140 and die in bed, surrounded by family and friends.

O'Brien: Do you really believe that?

Jadzia Dax: Do you?

O'Brien: I'd like to.

Jadzia Dax: That's all that matters.

O'Brien: [after a pause] Well, just to be on the safe side, maybe you'd better enter this into the ship's log anyway.

Jadzia Dax: I'll put it right alongside my message to my mother.

O'Brien: You record these too?

Jadzia Dax: Doesn't everyone?

[Sisko fends off a fatal blow aimed at Omet'iklan with his arm and gets injured in the process]

Omet'iklan: [baffled] I threatened to kill you. But you were willing to sacrifice yourself, to save my life.

Sisko: [holding his arm] Looks that way.

Omet'iklan: Why?

Sisko: If you have to ask, you'll never understand.

[the Jem'Hadar bring Weyoun's white dispenser into the mess while Weyoun is eating]

Omet'iklan: It's time.

Weyoun: It's time when I *say* it's time.

[the Jem'Hadar remain]

Weyoun: [sighs] Very well. [to the dispenser] Prepare six vials. Unlock.

[Weyoun opens the dispenser and takes out six vials]

Weyoun: [bored, reciting] First Omet'iklan, can you vouch for the loyalty of your men?

Omet'iklan: [solemn] We pledge our loyalty to the Founders, from now until death.

Weyoun: [bored] Then receive this reward from the Founders, may it keep you strong.

[He hands out the white]

Weyoun: What would you say... if I offered to make you absolute ruler of the Federation? No President, no Starfleet Chief of Staff, just you.

Sisko: I'd say your psychographic profile of me isn't as good as you think.

Weyoun: [laughs richly] Just doing my job.

Weyoun: The Founders' ability to control the Jem'Hadar has been somewhat... overstated. Otherwise we never would have had to addict them to the white.

Sisko: Sounds like the Dominion isn't quite as stable as you'd like us to believe.

Weyoun: [with cold fury] The Dominion has endured for two thousand years and will continue to endure long after the Federation has crumbled into dust.

[calms down]

Weyoun: But we'll leave that to history.

[Weyoun has been intently watching Odo for some time]

O'Brien: [to Odo] I wonder what would happen if you went over there and ordered him to stand on his head.

Weyoun: Your people... want you to come home, Odo. No matter what differences you may have with them, no matter what mistakes you may have made, they still love you.

Odo: Well, maybe they do. But I don't love them.

Weyoun: You're lying. And you're not very good at it. I on the other hand am an expert at lies, both in telling them and in spotting them...

Toman'torax: It is our duty to punish those who would break their vow of loyalty.

Odo: Are you accusing me of something?

Omet'iklan: It is not for us to accuse a god of betraying heaven. The gods themselves will sit in judgment over you.

Odo: I'm no god, and neither are the Founders. The sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be.

Quark: Has anyone seen my brother Rom? He told me he was gonna be working on one of the upper pylons today!

Major Kira: He's fine, I saw him with one of the damage control teams on Level 5.

Quark: Oh, what a relief... Wait 'til I find him, I'll kill him for scaring me like that!

Odo: Has it ever occurred to you that the reason you believe the Founders are gods is because that's what they want you to believe? That they built it into your genetic code?

Weyoun 6: Of course they did. That's what gods do. After all, why be a god if there's no one to worship you?

Odo: You still haven't answered my question. Why did you decide to defect?

Weyoun 6: I realized my place is with you.

Odo: You can do better than that.

Weyoun 6: Then let's just say, I left Cardassia because my life was in danger.

Odo: From whom?

Weyoun 6: Everyone.

Odo: Aren't you being a little paranoid?

Weyoun 6: Of course I'm paranoid, everyone's trying to kill me.

Chief O'Brien: How could he do this to me? How could he leave me adrift, mid-river, without a paddle?

Rom: What river would that be?

Chief O'Brien: You know, the Great Material Continuum.

Rom: Oh, *that* river. It can be very treacherous.

Chief O'Brien: Tell me about it. Well, I suppose the good news is, with Nog gone, nothing else can go missing.

[when trying to escape the Jem'Hadar, Odo hides his runabout inside of a large chunk of ice]

Weyoun 6: "We become the ice." Only a god could think of such a thing.

Odo: Well, let's just hope the Jem'Hadar give up their search before we freeze to death.

Weyoun 6: My faith will keep me warm.

Odo: Hmm, perhaps. But in an hour, you may want to trade in that faith for a thermal blanket.

Damar: Clones - keeping track of them is a full-time job.

Chief O'Brien: Leave me alone, Quark, or I'll feed you to one of those plasma conductors.

[Nog has promised O'Brien to organize a graviton stabilizer within three days]

Chief O'Brien: All right. But don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Nog: Chief, I can't operate under those kinds of restrictions.

Chief O'Brien: At least promise me you won't do anything to get us court-martialed.

Nog: I'll try.

Chief O'Brien: Nog!

Nog: Just kidding, Chief.

Chief O'Brien: [on Chief Lorenzo] So, once he has his picture, he's going to send us the graviton stabilizer?

Nog: No. He is giving us an induction modulator.

Chief O'Brien: But we don't need an induction modulator.

Nog: But the USS Musashi does.

Chief O'Brien: Aah. So the Musashi's going to send us the stabilizer?

Nog: No. They're giving us a phaser emitter.

Chief O'Brien: But we don't need a phaser emitter!

Nog: I know. But the USS Sentinel does, and *they* have the extra stabilizer.

Chief O'Brien: And they're willing to give it up for a phaser emitter?

Nog: That's the rumor.

Chief O'Brien: Rumor? What, you-you've made all these deals based on a rumor?

Nog: From a very reliable source.

Chief O'Brien: But what if it turns out not to be true?

Nog: You have to have faith, Chief.

Chief O'Brien: In a rumor?

Nog: No. In the Great Material Continuum.

Chief O'Brien: [sighs] Who are they?

Nog: It's not a 'they'. It's the force that binds the universe together.

Chief O'Brien: I must have missed that class in engineering school.

Chief O'Brien: What do you think?

Doctor Bashir: It's white.

Chief O'Brien: I know it's white. I'm gonna paint it.

Doctor Bashir: It's the wrong shape... It's the wrong height, the wrong width, other than that it is perfect. The Captain will never suspect you switched desks on him.

Chief O'Brien: Julian, I need your help, not sarcasm.

Doctor Bashir: I'm afraid Nog is the only one that can help you now.

Chief O'Brien: If he gets back to the station before the Captain does.

Doctor Bashir: Maybe he's not coming back. Maybe he's decided to make a run for it.

Colonel Kira: [enters] That isn't the Captain's desk!

Doctor Bashir: He's gonna paint it.

Colonel Kira: Get it out of here!

Nog: Rule of Acquisition 168: "Whisper your way to success."

Odo: Well, I hope this taught you a lesson.

Colonel Kira: What's that?

Odo: Never play springball against a changeling.

Colonel Kira: Right now, all I wanna do is just sleep for two or three... [groans]

Colonel Kira: ...days.

Odo: Go right ahead. I should be back by the time you wake up.

[Odo has emphasized to Weyoun earlier that he is no god]

Odo: I wish you'd stop doing that.

Weyoun 6: Doing what?

Odo: Staring at me.

Weyoun 6: Was I? I didn't mean to.

Odo: You've been doing it for the last ten hours.

Weyoun 6: I'm sorry. It's just such an honor to be sitting here with a g...

[Odo gives him a menacing look]

Weyoun 6: ...security officer.

Odo: It isn't easy to turn your back on your people. Believe me, I know.

Weyoun 7: To think a Weyoun could be capable of such treachery...

Nog: The Continuum is real. You see, there are millions upon millions of worlds in the universe, each one filled with too much of one thing and not enough of another. And the Great Continuum flows through them all, like a mighty river, from 'have' to 'want' and back again. And if we navigate the Continuum with skill and grace, our ship will be filled with everything our hearts desire.

Chief O'Brien: Yeah, right now, I'd settle for a stabilizer and the Captain's desk.

Nog: The river will provide.

Chief O'Brien: Huh - if it doesn't sink us first.

Nog: And remember: anytime you're shopping for wines or spirits, my cousin Gant is the man to see.

Lt. Commander Worf: We will keep that in mind.

Chief O'Brien: Your cousin Gant?

Nog: Just another sailor on the Great River.

Captain Sisko: Oh, about the stabilizer...

Chief O'Brien: Captain, I-I can explain...

Captain Sisko: Don't bother. Ensign Nog tells me you were able to get ahold of one this morning.

Chief O'Brien: I was? I mean, I was!

[Weyoun 6 has told Odo about the disease that is spreading among the Founders]

Weyoun 6: I'm sorry to bring you such sad news. But at least you are not infected. The Dominion will survive.

Weyoun 7: You look surprised to see me, Odo.

Odo: I'm well aware the Vorta are all clones. But I'm not sure the universe is ready for two Weyouns.

Weyoun 7: I couldn't agree more.

[Weyoun 6 has activated his termination implant]

Weyoun 6: There is one thing you can do for me.

Odo: What's that?

Weyoun 6: Give me your blessing.

Odo: I-I can't.

Weyoun 6: Please, Odo - tell me I haven't failed, that I've served you well.

Odo: You have, and for that you have my gratitude - and... my blessing.

Odo: I don't think I'll ever forget the look on his face when he died. He seemed so... content.

Colonel Kira: The last thing he saw was one of his gods smiling at him. If you ask me, he was a lucky man.

Odo: Nerys, please.

Colonel Kira: No, listen to me. I know, to Starfleet, the Prophets are nothing more than wormhole aliens. But to me, they're gods. I can't prove it. Then again, I don't have to; because my faith in them is enough - just as Weyoun's faith in you... was enough for him.

Odo: The Changelings are dying, and I can't help them. They're the enemy.

Colonel Kira: A very dangerous enemy - now more than ever, because they're also desperate. This isn't easy for you; but you have to remember, they started this war. You didn't.

Odo: That's true. But I know now, whichever side wins, one thing is certain: I'm going to lose.

[the crew has traveled back in time and is now wearing TOS-style uniforms. Sisko is wearing gold, O'Brien red and Bashir blue]

Doctor Bashir: Wait a minute. Aren't you two wearing the wrong color?

O'Brien: Don't you know anything about this period in time?

Doctor Bashir: I'm a doctor, not an historian.

Sisko: In the old days, operations officers wore red, command officers wore gold...

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: And women wore less.

[Dax appears behind them, dressed in a revealing TOS miniskirt-style uniform]

Doctor Bashir: I think I'm going to like history.

[about the appearance of early Klingons]

Worf: We do not discuss it with outsiders...

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Maybe we should beam over to the station to help Odo and Worf. We know Darvin was there a few hours ago.

Sisko: I think it might be better if Chief O'Brien and Dr. Bashir go.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: But if we went, we might run into Koloth.

Sisko: Exactly.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [pleading] It's not as if he would recognize me! I'd love to see him at his prime!

Sisko: Dax.

[Dax is sulking]

Sisko: Major, beam the Chief and the Doctor to K-7 and fill them in.

Major Kira Nerys: [over communicator] Aye, sir.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [pouting] It would have been fun.

Sisko: Too much fun!

Doctor Bashir: Captain.

Sisko: [dressed in a gold TOS-style uniform] Well... Lieutenant, actually. I didn't want to push my luck.

Captain Sisko: Are you sure you don't want anything?

Dulmur: Just the truth, Captain.

Captain Sisko: You'll get it. Where do you want to start?

Dulmur: The beginning.

Lucsly: If there is such a thing.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: That's...

Captain Sisko: The Enterprise!

Dulmur: Be specific, Captain, which Enterprise? There've been five.

Lucsly: Six.

Captain Sisko: This was the first Enterprise - Constitution-class.

Dulmur: His ship!

Lucsly: James T. Kirk.

Captain Sisko: The one and only!

Lucsly: Seventeen separate temporal violations; the biggest file on record.

Dulmur: The man was a menace.

Sisko: The last thing I want is a visit from temporal investigations when we get home.

Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax: I guess you boys from temporal investigations are always on time!

Arne Darvin: [about Klingons] At least they know how to make coffee, even if they are foul smelling barbarians.

[spots Worf who gives him a stern look]

Arne Darvin: Uh, sss-sorry!

[leaves quickly]

O'Brien: I wouldn't take it personally, Worf.

Doctor Bashir: I rather like the way you smell.

O'Brien: Yeah... sort of... earthy, peaty aroma.

Doctor Bashir: With a touch of... lilac...

[O'Brien and Bashir in the Enterprise's turbolift... ]

O'Brien: Deck 21.

[the turbolift is still not moving]

O'Brien: I said deck 21!

Doctor Bashir: Maybe if you said 'please'.

Dr. Julian Bashir: This could be a pre-destination paradox... I could be destined to fall in love with that woman and become my own great-grandfather.

O'Brien: You're being ridiculous.

Dr. Julian Bashir: Ridiculous? If I don't meet with her tomorrow I may never be born!... You saw the way she looked at me. You can't just dismiss this.

O'Brien: I can try.

Dr. Julian Bashir: All right - fine! But I can't wait to get back to Deep Space Nine and see your face when you find out that I never existed!

Worf: Where did you get that... 'thing'?

Odo: From a man named Cyrano Jones. He told me tribbles like everyone. This one doesn't seem to like you.

Worf: [shouting] The feeling's...

Worf: [composing himself; softer]... is mutual. They are detestable creatures!

Odo: Hm... interesting. It's been my observation that most humanoids love soft furry animals; especially if they make pleasing sounds...

O'Brien: [examining an Enterprise power relay] I'm afraid to touch anything. It's all cross-circuited and patched together - I can't make head nor tails of it.

Doctor Bashir: Sounds like one of your repair jobs.

[Bashir accidentally steps on a tribble]

Doctor Bashir: [picks him up] I'm sorry about that, little fellow. Who left you out here all alone?

O'Brien: [looks up the corridor] He's not alone...

O'Brien: Captain, I'm not sure we can get to K7's internal sensors.

Sisko: Then you will have to manually scan every tribble on the station.

O'Brien: There must be thousands of them by now.

Doctor Bashir: Hundreds of thousands.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: 1,771,561! That's starting with one tribble, with an average litter of ten every twelve hours. After three days...

Sisko: Thank you!

Dr. McCoy: The nearest thing I can figure out is that they are born pregnant. Which seems to be quite a time saver!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I love classic 23rd century design!

Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax: Come on, Benjamin, are you telling me you're not the tiniest bit interested in meeting one of the most famous men in Starfleet history?

Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax: [reminiscing about young Leonard McCoy] I had a feeling he'd become a doctor. He had the hands of a surgeon.

Korax: I didn't mean to say that the Enterprise should be hauling garbage. I meant to say that it should be hauled away *as* garbage!

O'Brien: Me. Of all the people in the line-up he asks me who threw the first punch.

Doctor Bashir: You lied to him.

O'Brien: I lied to Captain Kirk! I wish Keiko could've been here to see it.

Sisko: If my people had caused any changes in the timeline, we would have been the first to notice when we got back.

Lucsly: Why do they all have to say that?

Dulmur: Captain, why'd you take the Defiant back in time?

Captain Sisko: It was an accident.

Lucsly: So you're not contending it was a pre-destination paradox?

Dulmur: A time loop? That you were meant to go back into the past?

Captain Sisko: Um... no.

Dulmur: Good.

Lucsly: We hate those. So - what happened?

Captain Sisko: This may take some time.

Dulmur: Is that a joke?

Captain Sisko: No.

Lucsly: Good.

Dulmur: We hate those too.

[Sisko and Dax are frantically scanning tribbles in the grain bin for the bomb, throwing them aside as they scan]

Mr. Spock: [inspecting a tribble] They seem to be gorged.

Nilz Baris: *Gorged*? On *my* grain? Kirk, I'm going to hold you responsible! Must be thousands of them!

Captain James T. Kirk: Hundreds of thousands.

Mr. Spock: One million, seven hundred seventy-one thousand, five hundred sixty-one.

[Sisko and Dax share a look for a moment as Spock continues, and resume scanning]

Mr. Spock: That's assuming one tribble, multiplying with an average litter of ten producing a new generation every twelve hours over a period of three days.

[Sisko and Dax are getting an unexpected glimpse of Kirk and Spock]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I had no idea.

Sisko: What?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: He's so much more handsome in person. Those eyes!

Sisko: Kirk had quite the reputation as a ladies' man.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Not him. Spock.

Sisko: [drags Dax away] Let's go.

Doctor Bashir: Clearly we've been going about this search business all wrong, Chief.

O'Brien: You're right. Why bother searching thirty decks when you can just plunk yourself down at the bar here and wait for Darvin to come to you?

Odo: We have reason to believe that he'll return to this area.

Doctor Bashir: Ah...!

O'Brien: Ah, yes, the raktajino.

Doctor Bashir: A vital clue that others might have missed. How fortunate it is that it has kept you stuck at this bar for the past three hours having drinks, while we've been crawling through conduits.

Arne Darvin: I see myself standing with Kirk's head in one hand... and a tribble in the other.

Sisko: He put a bomb in a tribble?

Odo: Tell me, do they still sing songs of the Great Tribble Hunt?

Captain James T. Kirk: As Captain I want two things done: first, find Cyrano Jones and second...

[he looks up irritated, as tribbles keep falling on him from the storage compartment]

Captain James T. Kirk: ...close that door!

[Sisko on the Enterprise bridge... ]

Sisko: Excuse me, Captain. Here's tomorrow's duty roster for your approval.

Captain James T. Kirk: Lieutenant... er, Lieutenant...?

Sisko: Benjamin Sisko, sir. I've been on temporary assignment here. Before I leave, I just want to say... it's been an honor serving with you, sir.

Captain James T. Kirk: All right, Lieutenant, carry on.

Sisko: Thank you, sir.

Captain Sisko: I'm open to suggestions, people.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: We could build another station...

[on how to deal with the growing tribble population on DS9... ]

Sisko: [unknowingly echoing a Kirk line from the original episode] Storage compartments... storage compartments...

Chief O'Brien: My name is Miles O'Brien. My rank is Chief of Operations, Starfleet. I'm a Federation citizen.

Commander Sisko: Chief O'Brien.

Chief O'Brien: Yes, sir?

Commander Sisko: You're on leave. Please, disembark the station!

Chief O'Brien: Aye, sir.

Chief O'Brien: I've been in service to the Federation - Starfleet - all my adult life. No one has ever questioned my loyalty. No one in my entire life has ever had cause to ask "Miles O'Brien, are you a criminal?" I took an oath to defend the Federation, and what it stands for. I don't steal from them, I don't lie to them. I'm no angel. But I try to live every day as the best human being I know how to be. I need my little girl to wake up in the morning and look up at me and see a man she can respect. Until now, she always could.

[O'Brien has been arrested by the Cardassians]

Commander Sisko: May I speak with him?

Makbar: That is not possible.

Commander Sisko: May I see him?

Makbar: Commander...

Commander Sisko: May I be assured that he is well and being treated properly?

Makbar: Mr. O'Brien is being treated with great care and respect.

Commander Sisko: Good. Because if he is not, I will hold you personally responsible. And if that sounds like a threat, it is.

Odo: May I ask, what penalty does Mr. O'Brien face?

Makbar: His execution is scheduled for next week.

Keiko O'Brien: How can you schedule an execution before a trial even begins?

Makbar: We believe in swift justice.

Kovat: Whatever you've done, whatever the charges against you, none of that really matters in the long run.

Chief O'Brien: What does matter?

Kovat: This trial is to demonstrate the futility of behavior contrary to good order. Everyone will find it most uplifting.

Chief O'Brien: Not everyone.

Odo: Being accused of a crime is not a disgrace, Chief. Some of the great figures of history have shared the honor with you.

Chief O'Brien: I didn't figure on dying a martyr.

Odo: Not all of them were martyrs; not all of them died. Some of them were just innocent men - like you.

Makbar: The offender Miles O'Brien, Human, officer of the Federation, Starfleet, has been found guilty of aiding and abetting seditious acts against the state. The sentence is death. Let the trial begin.

Makbar: Do not try the patience of the Cardassian people. If this court finds you in contempt, you'll find the punishment very unpleasant.

Odo: I regret that I have no teeth to offer your Bureau of Identification.

Chief O'Brien: I've been told that I've already been charged, indicted, convicted and sentenced. What would I need with a lawyer?

Kovat: Ah, Mr. O'Brien, if it sounds immodest of me, I apologize, but the role of public conservator is key to the productive functioning of our courts. I'm here to help you concede the wisdom of the state. To prepare you to accept the inevitable with equanimity.

Kovat: There is an old Cardassian expression: "Confession is good for the soul."

Chief O'Brien: Oh, I do have one question.

Kovat: Yes, certainly.

Chief O'Brien: Have you ever won a case?

Kovat: Winning isn't everything.

Kovat: Once again, justice will be done. Our lives will be reaffirmed, safe and secure. Here on Cardassia, all crimes are solved, all criminals are punished, all endings are happy. Even the poorest of our subjects can walk the streets in the dead of night in perfect safety. You're only one man; but your conviction will be a salutary experience for millions.

Kovat: Excuse me for asking. I'm merely trying to establish why a fine man like you could turn into a criminal. Perhaps you could help me?

Chief O'Brien: Sorry, no, I can't help, because I'm no criminal.

Kovat: [to Archon Makbar] Well, I tried.

[O'Brien has been released]

Kovat: [stammering] I... What happened? What's...?

Odo: You won.

Kovat: I... They'll kill me.

Kovat: We want justice, not chaos in this court. No, I will have no part of this!

Chief O'Brien: I'm ready to get back to work.

Commander Sisko: Oh, no, no, no. I had to use all of my influence to extend your accomodations at the lagoon. We'll drop you off on our way home.

Chief O'Brien: But we haven't any bags, no holo-cam. I-I've nothing to read.

Keiko O'Brien: Perfect!

Jake Sisko: I don't even know who you are anymore.

Nog: I'm the chief engineer of the starship Valiant.

Jake Sisko: I'll have them put that on your tombstone.

Nog: You gonna write a story about all this?

Jake Sisko: Probably.

Nog: What are you going to say?

Jake Sisko: What do you think I should say?

Nog: That it was a good ship, with a good crew, that made a mistake. We... let ourselves blindly follow Captain Watters, and he led us over a cliff.

Chief Dorian Collins: That's not true. Captain Watters was a great man.

Jake Sisko: Dorian, he got everyone killed.

Chief Dorian Collins: If he failed, it's because we failed him.

Nog: [to Jake] Put that in your story too. Let people read it, and decide for themselves.

[Nog gives Dorian his Red Squad insignia]

Nog: He may have been a hero. He may even have been a great man. But in the end, he was a bad captain.

Odo: I take it there's a problem with your drink replicator?

Quark: [frustrated] A problem? No - can't be. If there were a problem, I would have submitted an emergency maintenance request this morning. And if I had done that, Chief O'Brien would have assured me that Rom would fix it right away. Then of course, Rom would have promised me that Nog would fix it before the end of the day. And since this is the end of the day and there is no Nog in sight, we can only draw one conclusion: that I don't have a problem!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [arriving] Is your drink replicator broken?

Quark: You're quick today.

Tim Watters: This ship is special, Jake. This crew is special. And whatever fates guide this universe, they've chosen us to achieve some purpose in this conflict, I know that - just as surely as I know your presence on this ship is no coincidence. You're here to write the story - to tell people of the Valiant and her crew. Don't interfere with the story, Jake; don't become a part of it. Just let it unfold around you, observe, listen, and then write it down.

Chief Dorian Collins: You know, the sun only comes up once a month on the moon. Every lunar morning, my father and I would put on suits and... hike out across the Sea of Clouds. We'd stop at this collection of boulders on the western rim and... just wait for the sun to come up. Dawn is so... shocking on the moon. One minute you're in the darkest night you can imagine. And in the next instant the sun lifts up and this... glorious, pure light just... explodes across the surface... I felt like I met God every morning.

Tim Watters: We've had to maintain strict radio silence ever since the war began. The orders were addressed to Captain Ramirez. But since he's dead, the mission's now mine. Make no mistake, I will carry out that mission, or die trying.

Tim Watters: We're Red Squad - and we can do anything!

[Jake and Nog are having an argument about Watters' command decisions]

Jake Sisko: I feel like I'm having a conversation with one of the bulkheads!

Nog: You don't understand, because you've never put on one of these uniforms. You don't know anything about sacrifice, or honor, or duty, or any of the things that make up a soldier's life. I'm part of something larger than myself. All you care about is you!

Jake Sisko: That's right. All I care about is Jake Sisko and whether or not he's gonna be killed by a bunch of delusional fanatics looking for martyrdom!

Nog: [about Watters] He may have been a hero. He may even have been a great man. But in the end, he was a bad captain.

Chief O'Brien: I really felt I was standing on the Promenade watching myself talking to Quark.

Doctor Bashir: What was the conversation about?

Chief O'Brien: He was complaining about some Klingons. He said they'd damaged two of his holosuites.

Doctor Bashir: Well, you do have one problem. If all you can hallucinate about is Quark's maintenance problems you have a sadly deficient fantasy life.

Chief O'Brien: You need to run a basilar arterial scan.

Chief O'Brien: Because if you don't, I'm gonna die in less than five hours.

Doctor Bashir: Who told you that?

Chief O'Brien: You did. In the future.

Doctor Bashir: Oh. Well, who am I to argue with me?

Ruwon: I think you're lying, Quark.

Quark: About what part?

Ruwon: All of it.

Quark: Well, at least I'm consistent.

Commander Sisko: The Romulans generally prefer to sit back and pull the strings from a distance if they can.

Major Kira: This is one puppet who doesn't like her strings pulled.

Commander Sisko: And Major, when you're with the Romulans, try to be diplomatic.

Major Kira: I'm always diplomatic!

Major Kira: [in her interview with the Romulans] That's it! You can rip the cloaking device out of the Defiant right now, I am not answering any more questions! And I suggest you avoid asking Odo those questions, or you may just find yourself on the other side of that bulkhead floating home!

Major Kira: ...And then... What's his name?

Odo: Ruwon?

Major Kira: Ruwon... started to insinuate that... you were...

Odo: That I was what?

Major Kira: Interested in me.

Odo: [alarmed] He said that?

Major Kira: Have you ever heard anything more...

Odo: Ridiculous?

Major Kira: Exactly!

Odo: I plan to investigate the Klingons, the Bajorans, Quark, the visiting Terrellians...

Commander Sisko: You think Quark had something to do with this?

Odo: I always investigate Quark.

Odo: [after a lengthy derivation] The three Klingons now on the station are part of a covert strike force that reports directly to the Klingon High Council.

Commander Sisko: Why didn't you just say so?

Odo: Well, sometimes I have to remind you just how good I am.

Odo: I think I can question them until the Romulan delegation leaves the station.

Commander Sisko: Just be careful.

Odo: Commander, there is no careful way to question a Klingon.

Chief O'Brien: Trust me, Quark. Darts and bars go together like bacon and eggs.

Quark: At least people order bacon and eggs.

Chief O'Brien: I feel like someone just walked over my grave. I mean, I've had a few brushes with death in my career. But there was something about watching myself being killed, feeling my own neck for a pulse that wasn't there...

Doctor Bashir: Well, could've been worse - could've been me.

Chief O'Brien: Quark - dabo.

Quark: The usual, Odo?

Odo: Nothing.

Quark: The usual.

Ah-Kel: Whoever you are, you're making a mistake!

Croden: Well, it wouldn't be the first and probably won't be the last.

[Croden has killed Ah-Kel's brother in self defense]

Ah-Kel: My only purpose in life from here on... is to see him dead!

Odo: That... Croden... is an interesting character.

Quark: I wouldn't know.

Odo: Really? I thought you said you got to know him rather well.

Quark: I never told you that! I merely said we chatted when he bought a drink or two.

Odo: I've talked to several people who saw the two of you engaged in heavy conversations, while Morn here says you even bought the fellow a meal.

Quark: Morn should keep his big mouth shut!

Croden: Don't you feed your prisoners?

Odo: The fact that you just killed a man doesn't affect your appetite?

Croden: It was him or me. And if he'd have killed me, I wouldn't be hungry now.

Croden: I'm sorry if I made things awkward; I didn't have much choice.

Croden: My needs exceed my skills.

Odo: I think I finally figured out what crime you were found guilty of on your world.

Croden: What's that?

Odo: You talk too much.

Quark: You should sympathize with my kindness.

Odo: There's no profit in kindness.

Quark: You attribute odious motives to my every charitable act.

Odo: That's because your favorite charity is your own pocket.

Rom: How dare you suggest that my brother set up this robbery!

Odo: What an interesting theory, Rom.

Quark: You think the whole galaxy is plotting around you, don't you? Paranoia must run in your species, Odo. Maybe that's why no one has ever seen another shape-shifter. They're all hiding!

Yareth: Are you really a changeling?

Odo: Yes - I suppose I am.

Odo: You could have left me behind.

Croden: Don't thank me, I already regret it.

[after saving Odo from falling rocks]

Odo: Don't thank me, I already regret it.

[after proposing to a Vulcan captain to take Croden and Yareth to her home world]

Odo: [to the stone changeling] Home... Where is it? Someday we'll know... cousin.

Gul Dukat: [of the Bajorans] I hated everything about them! Their superstitions, and their cries for sympathy, their treachery and their lies. Their smug superiority and their stiff-necked obstinacy. Their earrings, and their broken, wrinkled noses!

Captain Sisko: You should have killed them all, hm?

Gul Dukat: Yes! Yes! That's right, isn't it? I knew it! I've always known it! I should've killed every last one of them! I should've turned their planet into a graveyard the likes of which the galaxy had never seen! I should have killed them all.

[Sisko clubs him over the back with a metal pole]

Captain Sisko: And that is why you're not an evil man?

Captain Sisko: Captain's log, stardate 51408.6. I've been aboard the Honshu for two days now, and I still haven't spoken to him, although the doctors have assured me that he's made a full recovery. Maybe that's what I'm afraid of. Maybe I prefer to think of him as a crazy man, a broken man. He'd be less dangerous that way. As terrible as it sounds, there's a part of me that wishes he were dead. But that's a thought unworthy of a Starfleet officer. He lost an empire, he lost his daughter, and he nearly lost his mind. Whatever his crimes, isn't that enough punishment for one lifetime?

Gul Dukat: About my daughter... You and Major Kira took care of her for almost a year. I wanted to thank you for that, it was very generous.

Captain Sisko: Ziyal was a very special young woman. It was a pleasure to have her with us, even if it was only a short time.

Gul Dukat: A short time is all she ever had.

[the crew of the Defiant are arguing whether to keep searching for Sisko or to keep an appointment for another mission]

Lt. Commander Worf: We all know what Major Kira's orders were. It would be dishonorable to ignore them.

Doctor Bashir: You will forgive me, if I don't consider your honor to be worth Captain Sisko's life.

Gul Dukat: No more pretense, no games! Just you, me and the truth.

Captain Sisko: What do you know about the truth? You bend the truth into whatever shape suits you.

Gul Dukat: The Emissary has spoken.

Gul Dukat: [about his dealings with the Bajorans during the Occupation] On and on it went, year after blood-soaked year. Time and again I would reach out with an open hand of friendship, and time and again they would slap it away.

Damar: The Bajorans understand a clenched fist, not an open hand.

Gul Dukat: Pride. Stubborn, unyielding pride. From the servant girl that cleaned my quarters, to the condemned man toiling in a labor camp, to the terrorist skulking through the hills of Dahkur Province. They all wore their pride like some... twisted badge of honor.

Gul Dukat: I'm so glad we had this time together, Benjamin, because we won't be seeing each other for a while. I have unfinished business on Bajor. They thought I was their enemy? They don't know what it is to be my enemy, but they will. From this day forward, Bajor is dead! All of Bajor! And this time, even their Emissary won't be able to save them!

Captain Sisko: You know, old man, sometimes life seems so complicated. Nothing is truly good or truly evil. Everything seems to be a shade of gray. And then you spend some time with a man like Dukat, and you realize that there is such a thing as truly evil.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: To realize that is one thing. To do something about it is another. So what are you going to do?

Captain Sisko: I'll tell you what I'm not going to do: I'm not going to let him destroy Bajor. I fear no evil. From now on, it's him... or me.

Captain Sisko: Is there anything I can get for you?

Gul Dukat: Hmm. A bottle of kanar and an Orion slave girl would be nice.

Captain Sisko: [smiling in spite of himself] I'll see what I can do.

Cardassian Computer Voice: The time is 0500.

Doctor Bashir: [half asleep] Mmyeahalright.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: [appearing behind him] Julian?

Doctor Bashir: Yes?

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: We have to get up.

Doctor Bashir: Are you sure?

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: It's a big day.

Doctor Bashir: [sighs] It was a big night. Cleared up a lot of unanswered questions.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Such as?

Doctor Bashir: Such as, just how far these spots really go down.

[Dukat is dominating Sisko during a final confrontation in the Fire Caves]

Sisko: You are pathetic!

Gul Dukat: Then why are you the one on your knees?

Sisko: First the Dominion, now the Pah-wraiths. You have a talent for picking the losing sides...

[Sisko cries out in pain]

Gul Dukat: Benjamin, please, we've known each other too long. And since this is the last time we will ever be together, let's try to speak honestly. We've both had our victories and our defeats. Now it's time to resolve our differences and face the ultimate truth: I've won, Benjamin. You've lost.

Sisko: [defiantly in pain] The Pah-wraiths will never conquer anything - not Bajor, not the Celestial Temple, and certainly not the Alpha Quadrant!

Gul Dukat: And who's going to stop us?

Sisko: [in pain] I am!

Gul Dukat: [laughs] You can't even stand up.

Weyoun: [to two Jem'Hadars guards] You two, get out there and see that no one gets through that door!

Weyoun: [to two other guards] You stay here - in case they fail.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: You're sure you're not angry?

Lt. Commander Worf: Why should I be angry? I have been asking you to tell the Doctor how you feel about him for the past month.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Well - now that he knows how I feel...?

Lt. Commander Worf: I am happy for you.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: That's a relief.

Lt. Commander Worf: But... I am going to kill him.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: You're kidding, right?

Lt. Commander Worf: And Jadzia said I did not have a sense of humor.

Kasidy Yates: [after being sick] Reports of my death have been exaggerated, but not by much. Ooh...

Jake Sisko: Isn't there something she can take to make her feel better?

Captain Sisko: She doesn't like taking medication, unless it's absolutely necessary.

Kasidy Yates: Ooohh...!

Jake Sisko: Sounds necessary to me.

[the Cardassians have turned against the Dominion]

Female Shapeshifter: I want the Cardassians exterminated.

Weyoun: Which ones?

Female Shapeshifter: All of them. The entire population.

Weyoun: That will take some time.

Female Shapeshifter: Then I suggest that you begin at once.

O'Brien: Somebody has to teach you officers the difference between a warp matrix flux capacitor and a self-sealing stem bolt.

[Kira and Garak have taken over the Dominion briefing room on Cardassia]

Colonel Kira Nerys: This war is over. You lost.

Female Shapeshifter: Have I? I think you'll find that neither the Jem'Hadar or the Breen will agree with that assessment. They will fight to the last man.

Colonel Kira Nerys: And what will that accomplish?

Female Shapeshifter: Isn't it obvious? You may win this war, Commander; but I promise you, when it is over, you will have lost so many ships, so many lives, that your victory will taste as bitter as defeat.

Garak: [as his house is being destroyed] All during the years of my exile I imagined what it would be like to come home. I even thought of living in this house again, with Mila. But now she's dead, and this house is about to be reduced to a pile of rubble. My Cardassia is gone.

Colonel Kira Nerys: Then fight for a new Cardassia.

Garak: I have an even better reason, Commander: revenge.

Colonel Kira Nerys: That works too.

Jake Sisko: [discussing O'Brien's move to Earth] Any idea where you're gonna live?

O'Brien: No, Keiko and I're still mulling over a few possibilities.

Worf: Have you ever considered Minsk?

O'Brien: I don't think that's on our list.

Sisko: New Orleans is a gorgeous city.

Kasidy Yates: I've heard great things about Paris.

Worf: Minsk.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Jadzia loved Rio.

Odo: Well, you've certainly got a lot of choices.

O'Brien: Yeah, too many, hm?

Quark: Earth's nothing more than a rotating ball of boredom.

Captain Sisko: All right, people, what do you say we end this war?

Chief O'Brien: Sounds good to me.

Captain Sisko: All right, people, you heard the orders. Let's finish what we started.

Mila: All right, I'll prepare some food. Nobody should die on an empty stomach.

Captain Sisko: Ensign, I believe you know the way to Cardassia.

Nog: If I get lost, I'll just follow the ship in front of us.

Nog: I lost the Breen ship we were after.

Captain Sisko: I wouldn't worry about it. There are plenty more to choose from.

[the female shapeshifter has promised the Breen the control over Earth after the war, leaving Weyoun baffled]

Female Shapeshifter: Is something bothering you?

Weyoun: Apparently, uh, I was under the mistaken impression that all Federation territories would fall under my jurisdiction, including Earth.

Female Shapeshifter: And so they shall.

Weyoun: But... you promised the Breen...

Female Shapeshifter: I would promise the Breen the entire Alpha Quadrant, if I thought it would help win this war.

[O'Brien has been injured]

Doctor Bashir: I can't look away for a second.

Chief O'Brien: Just fix the shoulder... Careful!

Doctor Bashir: Sit still, or you're gonna end up with one arm shorter than the other!

Chief O'Brien: You'd do anything to beat me at darts.

[Garak has killed Weyoun]

Female Shapeshifter: I wish you hadn't done that. That was Weyoun's last clone.

Garak: I was hoping you'd say that.

Dukat: Benjamin Sisko will be dealt with by me, and me alone.

Kai Winn: Assuming he survives the invasion of Cardassia.

Dukat: Oh, he'll survive. But I promise you - he'll wish he hadn't.

Sarah Sisko: Know this, my son: your journey's end lies not before you, but behind you.

Gul Dukat: Let me guess. We're here.

Kai Winn: We've reached the end of one journey, and stand ready to begin another. What's the matter, Dukat? You look disappointed.

Gul Dukat: Well, this may sound naive, but I was expecting to see fire. They are called The Fire Caves.

Kai Winn: And with good reason. [she kneels and begins to chant] Lano ka'la bo'shar lanu no'vala, pahrom carana mokado ba'jah. Ko'se nusso ma'kora kajani. Lano ka'la Kosst Amojan. [flames appear all around them out of nowhere]

Kai Winn: Is that better?

Kai Winn: Kosst Amojan, I am yours, now and forever!

Ekoor: [after saving Damar, Kira and Garak from execution] Legate Damar, I pledge my life to free Cardassia from the Dominion.

Damar: With men like you on our side - how can we fail?

Admiral Ross: I never thought I'd say this, but thank God for the Cardassians.

Admiral Ross: 400 years ago, a victorious general spoke the following words at the end of another costly war: "Today the guns are silent. A great tragedy has ended. We have known the bitterness of defeat and the exultation of triumph. And from both we have learned, there can be no going back. We must move forward, to preserve in peace what we've won in war."

Martok: My friends, songs will be sung about this day.

Martok: Before you waste too many tears, remember: these are Cardassians lying dead at your feet. Bajorans would call this poetic justice.

Captain Sisko: That doesn't mean I have to drink a toast over their bodies.

Garak: You know, some may say that we've gotten just what we deserved. After all, we're not entirely innocent, are we? And I'm not just speaking of the Bajoran occupation. No, our whole history is one of arrogant aggression. We've collaborated with the Dominion, betrayed the entire Alpha Quadrant... Oh, oh, no no, there's no doubt about it - we're guilty as charged.

Female Shapeshifter: It's up to you now, Odo.

[Bashir invites Dax to a holo-battle between Spartans and Persians about a mountain pass, in which the Spartans are eventually defeated]

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: I take it we'll be the Spartans?

Doctor Bashir: Fighting to the last man.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Just like the Alamo.

Doctor Bashir: Exactly.

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Have you talked to a counselor about these annihilation fantasies?

Doctor Bashir: Do you think I should?

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: M-m. I'll set up a session for you tomorrow.

Doctor Bashir: What about tonight?

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Tonight we defend the pass.

Colonel Kira Nerys: Just between you and me, all bets are off.

Colonel Kira Nerys: As of this moment, betting pools of any kind are illegal on the station. I catch someone placing a bet, I put *you* in a holding cell for fifteen days, is that clear?

Quark: Fifteen days? Can I bring my own pillow?

Colonel Kira Nerys: Quark.

Quark: It's clear, it's clear.

Colonel Kira Nerys: Better be.

Admiral Ross: Commander, how would you feel about being named Federation Ambassador to Qo'noS?

Lt. Commander Worf: I am not a diplomat.

Martok: And I am not a politician. But sometimes, fate plays cruel tricks on us, Worf.

Odo: Nerys - it's time I rejoined the Great Link.

Sarah Sisko: [to Sisko] You're with us now.

Garak: You've been such a good friend. I'm going to miss our lunches together.

Doctor Bashir: I'm sure we'll see each other again.

Garak: I'd like to think so. But one can never say. We live in uncertain times.

Quark: A-ha, I knew it! When I saw the two of you slip out, I said to myself, that no-good, misanthropic, cantankerous changeling is trying to sneak off the station without anyone noticing.

Odo: That was the idea.

Quark: Well, it's not gonna happen, is it?

Odo: Apparently not.

Quark: So - now that I'm here... is there something you want to say to me?

Odo: Such as?

Quark: Such as... 'Goodbye. You certainly were a worthy adversary.' Or maybe something with the words 'mutual respect' in it.

Quark: No? What do you mean, no?

Odo: I mean, no. I have nothing I want to say to you.

Quark: You telling me that after all these years, after all we've been through, you're not even gonna say goodbye to me?

Odo: That's right. Nerys, I'll be on the runabout.

[he utters one last contemptuous grunt and mounts the runabout]

Colonel Kira Nerys: Don't take it hard, Quark.

Quark: Hard? What're you talking about? That man loves me! Couldn't you see? It was written all over his back.

Odo: Nerys, please - tell everyone I'll miss them.

Colonel Kira Nerys: Even Quark?

Odo: Even Quark. But most of all...

Colonel Kira Nerys: I know.

Odo: [after "changing" into a tuxedo] You always said I looked good in a tuxedo.

Colonel Kira Nerys: You do.

Odo: Then this is the way I want you to remember me.

Colonel Kira Nerys: I'll never forget you.

Odo: Goodbye, Nerys.

Kasidy Yates: When will you be back?

Captain Sisko: It's hard to say - maybe a year, maybe... yesterday. But I will be back.

Kasidy Yates: And I will be waiting.

[Martok's last line of the series]

Martok: An ambassador who'll go targ hunting with me!

Martok: Well, perhaps being chancellor won't be so bad after all!

[Jake Sisko's last line of the series]

Jake Sisko: Kas, can you hear me? You seemed pretty far away for a second.

[Kasidy's last line of the series]

Kasidy Yates: I was talking to your father.

[Worf's last line of the series]

Lt. Commander Worf: Colonel Kira and Chief O'Brien have completed another scan of the planet. As far as they can tell, he is not there.

[Ben Sisko's last line of the series]

[Dr. Bashir's last line of the series]

[Ezri Dax's last line of the series]

Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Tonight, we defend the pass.

[Nog's last line of the series]

Nog: I'll get right on it.

[O'Brien's last line of the series]

Chief O'Brien: See, it's gonna be great.

[Kira's last line of the series]

[Odo's last line of the series]

[Quark's - and last line of the series]

Quark: Ah, it's like I said: the more things change, the more they stay the same.

[Garak's last line of the series]

Captain Sisko: This may be the last time we're all together. But no matter what the future holds, no matter how far we travel, a part of us - a very important part - will always remain here, on Deep Space Nine.

Vic Fontaine: Ladies and gentlemen, tonight is a very special night for some friends of mine. They've been together a long time. But like the man said... nothing lasts forever. So gang, this one's from the heart.

Dr. Julian Bashir: [to Odo] I need to borrow a cup... of goo. I'll give it back.

Dr. Julian Bashir: It's very difficult to keep a supply of synthetic organs on hand in a battlefield situation. You never know how many livers you're gonna need - or, uh... how many hearts.

Odo: I can imagine. But, uh, what does that have to do with me?

Dr. Julian Bashir: Well, the holy grail of organ replacement is to be able to find a way to inject the patient with undifferentiated tissue, so that it can become whatever organ is needed. The only problem is...

Odo: Doctor, get to the point.

Dr. Julian Bashir: I need to borrow... a cup... of goo.

Odo: Excuse me?

Dr. Julian Bashir: Please? I'll give it back.

[Dr. Bashir is analyzing a glass container filled with a liquid substance]

Chief O'Brien: Is that Odo?

Dr. Julian Bashir: Part of him, anyway.

Kai Winn: Remember your place, Dukat.

Dukat: I thought my place was in your bed.

Kai Winn: That was before I knew who you were.

Dukat: Adami, I'm not the same man I was during the occupation. The Pah-wraiths have changed me.

Kai Winn: But they can't change what you did. Do you really think I could let myself be touched by a man whose hands are stained with the blood of my people?

Dukat: When we do release the Pah-wraiths from the fire caves... your hands will be stained as well.

[Dukat has been blinded]

Kai Winn: You need a lesson in humility. I'm going to see that you get it.

Dukat: By putting me out on the street?

Kai Winn: You'll find the Bajoran people are very kind.

Gowron: The son of Mogh...

Lt. Commander Worf: Chancellor.

Gowron: [to Martok] They say you've made him part of your house.

Martok: That's true.

Gowron: [after a long look at Worf] Then what is past is past. If Martok considers you his brother, that's all I need to know. Come, I've brought a barrel of the finest bloodwine, and it must be drunk tonight! [Klingons leave]

Captain Sisko: [to Admiral Ross] I guess we're not invited.

[the Klingons are performing a ritual where they have to cut open their hands]

Captain Sisko: We're next.

Admiral Ross: You're kidding.

Captain Sisko: I wish I were.

Colonel Kira: Damar and Garak - should be an interesting mission.

[Kira, Odo and Garak have joined Damar's resistance movement to train them in guerilla tactics]

Garak: Now that the formalities are over with, let's try to remember that our enemy is the Dominion, and not each other.

Gul Rusot: I don't need to be reminded who my enemies are.

[Odo and Garak have managed to appease a run-in between Rusot and Kira]

Garak: You don't know how lucky you are.

Gul Rusot: Oh? Why is that?

Garak: She would've killed you.

Gul Rusot: [scoffs] I only wish she'd tried.

Gowron: I can see it all so clearly: while our allies sit and do nothing, the Klingon Empire will score the final triumph over the Dominion. We'll be the saviors of the Alpha Quadrant. The glory will be ours - and ours alone.

Gowron: The Dominion will rue the day they heard my name!

Admiral Ross: Well, gentlemen, it seems as if the Klingon fleet is the only thing that stands between us and the Dominion.

Velal: What have we come to?

Dr. Julian Bashir: 31 isn't just trying to stop us from finding a cure. They're trying to cover up the fact that they set out to commit genocide.

Chief O'Brien: Well, if they gave Odo this disease, then they must have a cure.

Dr. Julian Bashir: We have to find a way to get our hands on that cure.

Chief O'Brien: Huh... Before 31 gets their hands on us.

[Dr. Bashir is carrying out a physical check-up on O'Brien]

Chief O'Brien: Are you nearly finished? I believe you've poked into every orifice in my body - and created a few new ones!

Chief O'Brien: Look, if you're determined to keep me here until you find something wrong with me, I'll see if I can't grow you a hangnail.

Doctor Bashir: Eye problems? Hearing? Headaches?

Chief O'Brien: Headache! There you go. In fact, I'm getting a very bad one right now!

Doctor Bashir: Short temper - flies off the handle under the slightest provocation. Perfectly normal behavior.

Chief O'Brien: Ah, I'm glad you're enjoying this.

Doctor Bashir: Sorry. I know how you feel about doctors.

Chief O'Brien: It's not doctors I have a problem with, it's

Chief O'Brien, Doctor Bashir: you, Julian!

Chief O'Brien: [voiceover] All I could think of, as I looked at her, was that this was not my Keiko.

Chief O'Brien: [voiceover] They'd even broken into my personal logs to see what they could find in there... I hope they enjoyed reading the sexy letters to my wife.

Doctor Bashir: Well, your sense of humor seems normal enough.

Chief O'Brien: I don't have a sense of humor.

Doctor Bashir: Cough.

[O'Brien coughs]

Doctor Bashir: How's the sex life?

Chief O'Brien: I don't *have* a sense of humor.

Doctor Bashir: Cough!

Doctor Bashir: Everything all right in that department?

Chief O'Brien: That department is none of Starfleet's business, or yours.

Chief O'Brien: [voiceover] I mean, the way they were acting, they might have been trying to pull off one of those surprise parties that I can't stand. Only, my birthday's not until September; and believe me, as it turned out, I had nothing else to celebrate.

Chief O'Brien: Coffee, Jamaican blend, double strong, double sweet.

Quark: So, er... tell me about the Paradas. They're gonna be here when, tomorrow?

Chief O'Brien: Why do you want to know anything about the Paradas?

Quark: It's always good business to know about new customers *before* they walk in your door.

Chief O'Brien: Hm. And which Rule of Acquisition is that?

Quark: [chuckles] Oh, one of the high numbers - 194, I think.

Chief O'Brien: Well, there was one thing I noticed. Oh, I don't know if it means anything or not, but the Paradas have an odor - from some kind of skin excretions, I'd guess. It changes with their moods. When they're upset, it can get pretty strong, actually.

Commander Sisko: Hm... Then I'll try not to get them upset.

Chief O'Brien: [after replicating a coffee] You're drinking too much of this stuff, O'Brien... Anything to stay alert, O'Brien.

Chief O'Brien: I worked on the pylon controls the better part of the day. Needle in a haystack wouldn't do this job justice.

Chief O'Brien: [voiceover] I like to think I'm a man with many talents. But waiting isn't one of them.

Chief O'Brien: Where did I go? Now you see me, now you don't. What's it gonna be, fellas? I can play hide-and-seek with the best of them.

Chief O'Brien Replicant: Keiko...

Chief O'Brien: What about her?

Chief O'Brien Replicant: Tell her... I love...


Quark: Everyone, thank you all for coming. It means a great deal to me to see so many people cared about Morn, as much as I did. I'll never forget the first time he walked in here and sat down on that very stool. It must have been... almost ten years ago. He still had his hair then... I thought he was just another customer passing through. Little did I know he'd become such an important figure in my life. In all our lives. Morn was always someone we could count on for a cheerful smile and an entertaining story. Some of you might be thinking this place won't be the same without him. And it won't! But this was his home, and wherever he is, I'm sure he'd want to know that his favorite bar still echoed with the laughter of his dear friends. This was his chair. And I think the greatest tribute we can ever pay him would be to make sure that it is never empty. [he indicates to a Bajoran to sit down on the chair]

Quark: Keep it warm for Morn.

Quark: I wonder who came up with the idea of suspending liquid latinum inside worthless bits of gold.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Probably someone who got tired of making change with an eyedropper.

Quark: Sometimes good things come in small packages.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [about Morn] I used to have a little crush on him.

Lt. Commander Worf: Morn?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: It was before we met! Besides, he wasn't interested.

Lt. Commander Worf: What do you mean, he wasn't interested?

Quark: [about Morn] People love him. He's like a mascot. Everyone who comes in here expects to see him, and if they don't it doesn't feel like home to them.

Odo: [knowingly] And that's not good for business.

Quark: The last time he went away, my sales dropped almost five percent.

Quark: It's a relief not to have to listen to him go on. You know Morn - he never shuts up.

Quark: I want Morn's money. I need Morn's money. I deserve Morn's money.

Quark: What are you doing in my mud?

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: [of Larell] I don't trust this woman.

Quark: Neither do I. But - that doesn't mean I'm gonna keep her away from my lobes.

Quark: [to Larell, when Krit and Nahsk bypass Quark's door lock] Remind me to invest in a better lock.

Nahsk: [to Quark, when Hain bypasses Quark's door lock minutes later] You should invest in a better lock.

Krit: Tell me, d'you like surprises, Quark?

Quark: Only pleasant ones.

Krit: I like to think I'm pleasant. D'you think I'm pleasant?

Nahsk: Absolutely.

Krit: Then I guess this qualifies as a pleasant surprise.

Hain: It's been a long time.

Krit: Nine years.

Nahsk: You know, it must be nine years.

Hain: I see you're still a step behind everybody else.

Quark: Morn was a prince?

Quark: Morn slept in... mud?

Odo: Mmm. I'm told it's excellent for the skin.

Quark: Do me a favor. Don't tell his ex-wife. I'm gonna need a little oo-mox later.

Quark: Think of me as Morn. I can't believe I just said that.

Hain: 1000 bricks of latinum split five ways... What do you think?

Krit: Still a lot of latinum.

Nahsk: That's 250 bricks each.

Quark: So, do we have a deal?

Hain: All right.

Quark: Someone's extracted all the latinum! There's nothing here but worthless gold!

Odo: And it's all yours! [chuckles]

Quark: Take that gold dust of yours. It doesn't have to be a total loss. I hear there're some primitive cultures who consider it quite valuable.

Quark: Wait a minute! You can't kill me, I'm the only one who can take delivery of the latinum! [holds up his thumb] You need my thumbprint.

Nahsk: If you stand still, this won't hurt as much.

[He flicks open a knife, Quark starts to scream, ear-piercingly]

Hain: Wait a minute! What do you propose, Nahsk? That we walk into the cargo bay with his bloody thumb and *ask* for the latinum? We need him.

Quark: What are you looking at?

Odo: Your respect for the dead is heartwarming.

Quark: I'll have you know Morn died without paying this month's bar tab.

Odo: Oh, how inconsiderate of him!

Kira Taban: [in a recorded message to his wife, who has become a Cardassian comfort woman] Meru, I hope the Cardassians aren't lying to me, and that they really will send this message to you. I know it's only been a few weeks that we've been back home; but you should see the children. It's like they've been transformed. Reon and Pohl are laughing and playing together; they've never been happier. And I swear, little Nerys must have gained five pounds. Of course, they keep asking for you. I've told them that you're still at the refugee center. I think that's best, at least for the time being. I can't believe how much I miss you. I think about you all the time. You've saved all our lives. I hope you realize that. Never forget it, not even for an instant. Every day, I pray to the Prophets that you'll find some peace in this new life of yours. I believe that even in the worst of times, we can still find moments of joy and kindness. If you can find that kindness, hold on to it. And remember, no matter what happens, I love you, Meru. I'll always love you.

Legate: I bet I know what you're thinking: you'd like nothing better than to get us all drunk, so you could kill us in our sleep.

Kira Nerys (as Luma Rahl): Are you sure you're not part Betazoid?

Kira Nerys (as Luma Rahl): Mind telling me what you're smiling about?

Kira Meru: The Prophets. I never realized they had such a sense of humor. When I was a child, I dreamed of having enough food to eat and pretty clothes to wear, and now look at me - I have everything I ever wanted, and I feel horrible.

Gul Dukat: I only hope you won't condemn us all for the boorish behavior of one man.

[Kira has ordered Bajoran lilacs for herself]

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I thought you didn't like flowers.

Major Kira: I don't.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I'm confused.

Major Kira: Jadzia, there's such a thing as privacy.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Not between friends.

Major Kira: Please, Emissary, please - let me seek the will of the Prophets.

Kira Nerys (as Luma Rahl): [after spotting Meru's scar] We all have scars of one kind or another.

Kira Meru: Maybe. But most aren't quite so evident.

Gul Dukat: I'm afraid to ask how you came by such a mark.

Kira Meru: It's nothing.

Gul Dukat: On the contrary. It's an unfortunate reminder of the gulf that exists between our two peoples. It must be removed immediately.

Kira Nerys (as Luma Rahl): Don't let that smile fool you. He's still the enemy.

Kira Meru: It's not that simple.

Kira Nerys (as Luma Rahl): Yes - it is.

Kira Meru: What do you expect me to do? Kick and bite Dukat every time he comes near me? How is that gonna help Taban or the children?

Kira Nerys (as Luma Rahl): Oh, is that what you tell yourself, that you're doing it for the children? The clothes, the food, the easy living, that you're doing it all for them? Are you that deluded? It's not for them. It's for you. You like it here. You enjoy playing house with that murderer. Don't you see what you are? What you've allowed yourself to become? You're a collaborator!

Kira Meru: A collaborator? Because I share Dukat's bed?

Kira Nerys (as Luma Rahl): No, because you *like* sharing his bed, because you've fallen in love with him!

Major Kira: I've always hated collaborators. I mean, what could be worse than betraying your own people? During the occupation, if I ever had any doubt about what their fate should be, I would think of my mother - how she gave her life for Bajor. She was a hero, they were traitors; it was that simple. Or so I thought.

Captain Sisko: She did what she had to do to save her family - to save you.

Major Kira: It doesn't make it right.

Captain Sisko: Maybe not. But it was her decision to make.

Captain Sisko: Tell me something, Nerys. If you hate her that much, why did you save her life?

Major Kira: Believe me... there's a part in me that wishes that I hadn't... But the fact is - no matter what she did - she was still my mother.

Lt. Commander Worf: Anyone can see that we are hopelessly mismatched. She is a Trill, I'm a Klingon. She has had five marriages; this would be my first. When she is laughing, I am somber. When I am happy, she is crying. She plays tongo with the Ferengi bartender; I can barely stand him. She mocks everything, while I take everything seriously. She is nothing like the woman I thought I would marry.

Martok: We are not accorded the luxury of choosing the women we fall in love with. Do you think Sirella is anything like the woman I thought that I'd marry? She is a prideful, arrogant, mercurial woman, who shares my bed far too infrequently for my taste. And yet... I love her, deeply. We Klingons often tout our prowess in battle, our desire for glory and honor above all else. But how hollow is the sound of victory without someone to share it with. Honor gives little comfort to a man alone in his home... and in his heart.

General Martok: My Lady.

Sirella: You've put on weight, and your hair is going gray.

General Martok: My... deterioration is proceeding apace.

Sirella: I thought you would be in your grave by now.

General Martok: [laughing] I shall endeavor to die. This year, if possible.

Lt. Commander Worf: As you probably know by now, Jadzia and I will be married here on the station in six days.

Doctor Bashir: There's nothing more romantic than a wedding on DS9 in springtime.

Chief O'Brien: When the neutrinos are in bloom.

Martok: We are Klingons, Worf. We don't embrace other cultures, we conquer them!

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: All men are sentimental; they just cover it up with scowls and clenched jaws.

Martok: You knew about this, didn't you?

Captain Sisko: Oh, I had a pretty good idea.

Martok: And you did nothing to stop it?

Captain Sisko: No. In fact, I recommended you for the position myself. Allow me to offer my congratulations to the new Supreme Commander of the Ninth Fleet.

Martok: Do you have any idea how much paperwork a supreme commander has to do?

Captain Sisko: You're welcome!

Captain Sisko: Morning, Major.

Major Kira: Good morning, Captain.

Captain Sisko: Do you know how much I missed hearing you say that?

Major Kira: Do you know how much I hated saying 'Good morning, Dukat'?

Captain Sisko: I can imagine.

Captain Sisko: Have I mentioned that it's good to be home?

Major Kira: Once or twice.

Doctor Bashir: Four nights at a Klingon bachelor party - just think of the possibilities.

Lt. Commander Worf: There are six trials we must face on the path to Kal'Hyah. This is the first - deprivation. We now begin a fast that will continue until the day of the wedding.

Doctor Bashir: That's four days away.

Martok: It is a short time, I know, but we must make the best of it.

Captain Sisko: What are the other five trials?

Lt. Commander Worf: Blood, pain, sacrifice, anguish, and death.

Doctor Bashir: Sounds like marriage alright.

Chief O'Brien: How would you know?

Quark, Jake Sisko: [respectively] It's a Klingon bachelor party... Use your imagination.

Lt. Commander Worf: Now begins the trial of blood.

Martok: Let rivers flow from our veins.

Lt. Commander Worf: Who will be first?

[O'Brien, Sisko and Alexander clandestinely move one step backwards, while Bashir, somewhat groggy, stays put]

Lt. Commander Worf: I did not expect it to be you, Doctor.

Doctor Bashir: [looks around] Neither did I.

Jake Sisko: I sold my first book today.

Quark: Really? How much did you get for it?

Jake Sisko: It's just a figure of speech. The Federation News Service is going to publish a book of my stories about life on the station under Dominion rule.

Quark: And they're not paying you?

Jake Sisko: No.

Quark: Well, then you have my sympathies, and the first round of drinks is on the house.

Jake Sisko: Really?

Quark: No. It's a figure of speech.

Jake Sisko: [of Jadzia] A woman of many talents.

Quark: It's a shame she's about to waste them all on that walking frown she calls a fianc?. She's too good for him. I've said that from the beginning.

Jake Sisko: Are you jealous?

Quark: There's no profit in jealousy.

Jake Sisko: Well, that's not a denial.

Quark: It's not to be quoted either.

Quark: [about Alexander] Handsome young man. He must get his looks from his mother's side.

Lt. Commander Worf: You are forbidden to join the House of Martok.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: So I won't be invited to the family picnics. I'll live.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I wasn't looking to fall in love. I was perfectly happy by myself. I had friends, a career, adventure. Then one day, this Klingon with a bad attitude walked into my life - and the next thing I know, I'm getting married! After 356 years and seven lifetimes... I still lead with my heart.

Captain Sisko: You know, that is what I've always loved about you. And I think that's why Worf loves you too.

Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax: [reciting Klingon history]... but the second Dynasty ended when General K'Trelan assassinated Emperor Reclaw. For the next ten years, the Empire was ruled by a council elected by the people... Modern-day Klingon historians refer to this as "The Dark Time".

Lt. Commander Worf: [referring to a number of pugil sticks] These... are Ma'Stakas.

Doctor Bashir: What, er... what do we do with them?

General Martok: At the conclusion of the wedding ceremony, you will use them to attack Worf and Dax.

Chief O'Brien: Obviously. Don't you know anything?

Lt. Commander Worf: The tradition dates back to the wedding of Kahless and Lukara, who were nearly killed by Molor's troops, moments after they were married. Until the ceremony, you should keep these with you at all times.

Captain Sisko: I trust this combat is non-lethal?

General Martok: It is a symbolic attack only.

Captain Sisko: Quark, take it all away. No food for those on the path to kal'Hyah!

Quark: No refunds for those on the path to kal'Hyah as well. Sorry.

Doctor Bashir: Miles...

Chief O'Brien: Yeah...

Doctor Bashir: It's working. I've had a vision about the future. I can see it so clearly.

Chief O'Brien: What is it?

Doctor Bashir: I'm gonna kill Worf. I'm gonna kill Worf. That's what I'm gonna do. I can see it clearly now, I'm gonna kill... him.

Chief O'Brien: Kill Worf.

Doctor Bashir: Kill Worf.

Chief O'Brien: Kill Worf... Kill Worf.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: Whatever happened to that young, callow ensign I used to know? The one who used to turn to me for advice all the time? You know - the one with hair?

Captain Sisko: I grew up.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: I guess it's time I grew up too.

Sirella: And when the two hearts began to beat together, they filled the heavens with a terrible sound. For the first time, the gods knew fear. They tried to flee, but it was too late. The Klingon hearts destroyed the gods who created them, and turned the heavens to ashes. To this very day, no one can oppose the beating of two Klingon hearts - not even me.

Sirella: Welcome to the House of Martok... my daughter.

[she embraces Jadzia]

Martok: Now, Doctor!

[Bashir and O'Brien raise their Ma'Stakas, bellow war cries and charge the newlyweds]

Doctor Bashir: [Quark is taking down the Klingon decorations in his bar] What's going on?

Quark: Haven't you heard? The wedding's off!

Chief O'Brien: Off? Why?

Quark: She says it's because he's a pigheaded, stubborn man who puts tradition before everything else. He says it's because she's a frivolous, emotional woman who refuses to take him or his culture seriously. You can see the problem.

Chief O'Brien: They're both right.

Every man has his price

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The 10 Best Modern 'Doctor Who' Quotes, Ranked


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The iconic BBC TV show Doctor Who is the longest-running sci-fi TV show currently on television. Having started its run in 1963, it has taken a few hiatuses here and there. But since 2005, the modern version of the series has been charming fans both old and new, with the current season kickstarting a whole new era of the story of this time-and-space-traveling Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey.

One of the best British television shows of modern times , the Doctor Who revival has been treating fans to some of the most incredible writing the shown has seen over the course of its entire run. This includes creative concepts, fun characters, and — of course — plenty of memorable quotes that are sure to live in any whovian's mind long after they first hear them.

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10 "Before I go, I just want to tell you: You were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And you know what? So was I!"

Season 1, episode 13 - "the parting of the ways" (2005).

Although Christopher Eccleston 's run as the Ninth Doctor was tragically short-lived, being contained to just the first season of the modern series, what a fun and groundbreaking run it was. Eccleston breathed new life into the role from the very start of the pilot; and combining his distinct performance with Russell T. Davies 's fresh new narrative direction for the story, it's no wonder the result was immediately successful — and why many remember Nine as one of the very best Doctors .

"As he bids farewell to Rose before regenerating, the Doctor calls her 'absolutely fantastic' (his beloved signature word)."

As a more weathered and even slightly cynical version of the Doctor, having just started to cope with the trauma of the Time War, Nine was often the source of some really powerful quotes . The best one, though, came at the very end of his life. As he bids farewell to Rose before regenerating, the Doctor calls her "absolutely fantastic" (his beloved signature word), admitting that he, too, was pretty damn fantastic. Fans can't help but agree.

9 "Pain and loss, they define us as much as happiness or love."

Season 2, episode 3 - "school reunion" (2006).

Throughout the extremely long time that he's been traveling through time and space, the Doctor has enjoyed the company of numerous very different companions from all over the universe. One of the very best ones , as well as the favorite of many of the show's older viewers, is Elisabeth Sladen 's Sarah Jane Smith, a persistent investigative journalist and one of the Doctor's best friends.

It's always a delight to see familiar faces in Doctor Who , but seeing Sarah Jane return to the show after a whopping 23 years of absence truly felt like seeing an old friend . In the episode "School Reunion", she and the Doctor fight a sinister alien clan in a school, where Sarah Jane delivers a moving speech about loss and the universe's need to move on in spite of it. It's a beautiful encapsulation of the human experience, spoken by one of the series' most human characters.

8 "Laugh hard. Run fast. Be kind."

Season 11 special - "twice upon a time" (2017).

Though it isn't without its detractors, it's hard to deny that Doctor Who 's time under Steven Moffat 's tenure as showrunner was incredibly special. Perhaps the best thing that it had to offer was Peter Capaldi 's 12th Doctor. At once a return to classic form (older, wiser, more cantankerous Doctors) and an entirely unique take on the character, Twelve is loved by many and hated by few.

As grumpy and rough-around-the-edges as Twelve could sometimes be, he was also one of the kindest and wisest iterations of the Doctor that fans had seen in decades. The memorable quotes that he gave fit that description to a tee. One of those quotes is one of his last phrases before regeneration: "Laugh hard. Run fast. Be kind." More than just a summary of the growth that Twelve saw as a character over his run, this phrase is a sweet summary of the main lessons that Doctor Who teaches .

7 "Every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't always spoil the good things or make them unimportant."

Season 5, episode 10 - "vincent and the doctor" (2010).

As soon as the Tenth Doctor regenerated into Matt Smith 's Eleventh Doctor, it became clear that this younger version of the character would be the bubbliest, quirkiest version of the character that fans had seen yet. This prediction proved true — but not without its fair share of nuances. Eleven was also wise and fully aware of the power that he held, but more than anything, he was optimistic to a fault .

One of the Eleventh Doctor's best quotes comes in one of the modern series' best episodes . "Vincent and the Doctor" ends with the Doctor taking Vincent Van Gogh to an art gallery in 2010 for him to see his works and the impact they've had on the world. In a touching conversation with Amy after dropping Vincent back home, the Doctor encourages her to embrace the bad parts of life instead of letting them detract from the good parts.

6 "Some people live more in 20 years than others do in 80. It's not the time that matters, it's the person."

Season 3, episode 6 (2007) - "the lazarus experiment".

Season three of modern Doctor Who is full of memorable quotes, some even coming from episodes that aren't usually regarded as particularly extraordinary. There's a good reason why it's one of the most highly-rated seasons of the show on IMDb . One such quote comes from "The Lazarus Experiment", one of the season's most forgettable episodes.

The story is all about a mad scientist who appears to have discovered the secret to eternal youth, though his experiments hide something much more sinister. As much as the episode ends up lacking bite overall, it offers a cool examination of people's obsession with looking forever-young . The Doctor sees beneath this obsession and finds the natural human anxiety that one isn't doing enough with one's life, offering a moving reminder that it's all about how one uses the time that one is given.

5 "Because sometimes this team structure isn't flat. It's mountainous, with me at the summit in the stratosphere, alone, left to choose."

Season 12, episode 8 (2020) - "the haunting of villa diodati".

Chris Chibnall 's tenure as showrunner of Doctor Who is seen by many whovians as the darkest period of the show's modern era, and for good reason. However, it's impossible to deny that Jodie Whittaker 's fantastic run as the Thirteenth Doctor offered a decent number of all-timer episodes, including "The Haunting of Villa Diodati". Coming near the end of series 12, this enrapturing episode is a great Cyberman-centric story.

"It's one of only a few moments in the show when the Doctor is willing to admit that she thinks she's on a higher position."

Of course, having one of Doctor Who 's best villains as an episode's main antagonist is usually a good sign, but "The Haunting of Villa Diodati" takes things a step further by offering some really potent Doctor moments , mainly the one where she drops the episode's best line of dialogue. It's one of only a few moments in the show when the Doctor is willing to admit that she thinks she's on a higher position than the humans around her, even if that superiority is precisely what usually allows her to save the day.

4 "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey... stuff."

Season 3, episode 10 - "blink" (2007).

Time travel-centric stories — TV shows in particular — usually run into the conundrum of how to treat the issue of time travel, which often results in a number of plot contrivances. Having run for as long as it has, Doctor Who is no different. Its solution? Being completely self-aware about its limitations and treating the concept of time as a delightfully mysterious entity .

In "Blink", one of the show's best and scariest episodes , the Doctor gets stuck in the past and has to rely on the help of a young woman from the future, named Sally, through a complicated plan. When explaining how time works to Sally, the Doctor makes it evident that he's about as confused about it as she and the audience are. If anything, it adds to the charm of how the show treats time travel. After all, it's a more-than-satisfying-enough explanation to describe time as "a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey... stuff." It's a perfect excuse for the being late to parties.

3 "We're all capable of the most incredible change. We can evolve while still staying true to who we are. We can honor who we've been and choose who we want to be next."

Season 11, episode 1 - "the woman who fell to earth" (2018).

With the start of series 11 of Doctor Who came a new era for the show. Chris Chibnall was the new showrunner, which meant a new Doctor, new companions, and an entirely new tone. While the shift would soon prove rather unsuccessful, Jodie Whittaker's first episode as the Doctor, "The Woman Who Fell to Earth", is one of the best episodes of the season by far.

At a point in the episode, the Doctor says a phrase that couldn't possibly have been a more perfect summary of what makes Doctor Who so magical and timeless. It's a show that's all about change, all about honoring the past but always looking forward , all about being willing to grow and evolve. Sure, it applies to the show itself, but it also applies to the philosophy that most whovians end up having toward life.

2 "How much blood will spill before everybody does what they were always going to have to do from the very beginning: Sit down and talk!"

Season 9, episode 8 - "the zygon inversion" (2015).

The Doctor's rousing anti-war speech during the climax of "The Zygon Inversion" is easily one of the show's best and most memorable moments. In the episode, after a long-drawn battle between humans and the shape-shifting Zygons, the Doctor places the leaders of both factions in an eye-opening game: They each have the power to ensure either the victory or annihilation of their race at the press of a button. Fifty-fifty chance. A small-scale representation of all wars.

If anything, the Doctor's speech feels much more poignantly relevant today, nearly ten years after the episode aired , than back then. There are several portions of the monologue, powerfully spoken by Peter Capaldi in what might just be the best acting of his run as the Doctor, that could be counted among Doctor Who 's best quotes. The most impactful one, though (as well as the most Doctor-like) is when he invites humans and Zygons to do what they should have done well before any bloodshed happened: "Sit down and talk!"

1 "We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?"

Season 5, episode 13 - "the big bang".

Matt Smith's run as the Eleventh Doctor was packed with some of the series' most underrated episodes , but "The Big Bang" got the praise that it deserved from the moment it aired. The momentous finale of season 5, it's one of the show's most epic and game-changing season finales. It ties up everything that series 5 had set up and puts a nice ribbon on it, as well as serving as a testament to the inimitable charm of Doctor Who .

"That is precisely what the show has always been about: Stories, people who become stories, and the people who tell them."

Watching over a sleeping Amy Pond as a child, the Doctor starts speaking to her as the wise old Time Lord that he really is, no matter his appearance. The speech reaches its pinnacle with what's probably the show's best quote : "We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one." That is precisely what the show has always been about: Stories, people who become stories, and the people who tell them. In the end, isn't that what all of life is about? Then again, this iconic sci-fi show has always been a reflection of the human experience, even if its main character isn't human at all.

NEXT: The Most Rewatchable Modern 'Doctor Who' Episodes, Ranked

star trek quotes about space

Star Trek: DS9's Dax Actress Calls Out Sexism In Major Kira's Friendship

  • Terry Farrell wanted more action scenes with Nana Visitor's Major Kira on DS9, rather than gossipy moments.
  • Dax and Kira's friendship lacked variety in Deep Space Nine, missing out on potential depth and nuance.
  • Although Kira and Dax's lighter conversations helped Kira, it fell short of exploring their friendship fully.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 's Terry Farrell, calls out the sexism in her character Jadzia Dax's friendship with Major Kira Nerys (Nana Visitor). In the third part of Star Trek: DS9 season 2's 3-part opener , "The Siege", Lt. Dax and Major Kira unearth an old Bajoran resistance sub-impulse raider and fight their way off of the lunar base where the resistance hid the raider a decade earlier. After Kira and Dax work together to get the raider operational and flying like an off-kilter fighter jet , Kira flies "by the seat of her pants", and Dax targets enemies without sensors in the ensuing dogfight. It's action-heavy. It's exciting. It's also rare.

Dax and Kira's escape from the old resistance base is nothing like the types of scenes that Farrell and Visitor usually have together on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . More often than not, Kira and Dax trade friendly banter in DS9's Ops, or meet over a raktajino in the replimat to discuss their personal lives. While quiet moments between Deep Space Nine' s characters do offer insight into their lives, Dax and Kira's discussions about which station residents they find attractive are pretty frivolous , especially compared to the intrigue of replimat lunches shared by Dr. Julian Bashir (Alexander Siddig) and totally-not-a-spy Elim Garak (Andrew Robinson).

The 10 Best Friendships In Star Trek

From Kirk and Spock to Burnham and Tilly, Star Trek has been home to some of the most enduring, fulfilling friendships in all of science fiction.

Terry Farrell Wanted "More Scenes In Battle" With Nana Visitor's Major Kira On Star Trek: DS9

Less gossip, more swashbuckling.

On The Delta Flyers podcast discussing Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 2, episode 4, "Invasive Procedures", Terry Farrell points out the dearth of action-oriented scenes with herself and Nana Visitor in DS9. It's rare that Dax and Kira are action heroines together, as they were in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 2, episode 3, "The Siege". Read Farrell's quotes below and listen to The Delta Flyers , starting at the 1:25:00 timestamp.

Terry Farrell: "It was shocking to me, we had little [scenes when] Dax is being gossipy, asking about [Kira] dating. It used to just make me crazy. Why don't we have more scenes in battle together, rather than talking about dating and dresses? ... We were two of the first Star Trek women to be seriously strong, engaged women, who also had a very healthy sex life. We were sexy and we were strong. They had a missed opportunity to have us swashbuckle together, instead of dumbing it down to girl sh*t."

Kira Nerys & Jadzia Dax's Star Trek: DS9 Friendship Should Have Had More Variety

There was a reason for "gossipy" scenes with kira and dax.

There should have been more variety in the scenes between Kira Nerys and Jadzia Dax in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. More scenes of Kira and Dax "swashbuckling", as Terry Farrell suggests, would have shown that Dax and Kira's friendship didn't have to be superficial. Dax and Kira rarely have the strong emotional beats or friction between them that tightens their friendship, like the story arcs for Julian Bashir and Chief Miles O'Brien (Colm Meaney). There are no differences to overcome, like Jake Sisko (Cirroc Lofton) and Nog (Aron Eisenberg). Star Trek: DS9 doesn't spend time exploring the depth or nuance of Dax and Kira's friendship, and it's a shame.

Still, there's a point to the "gossipy" scenes between Kira and Dax, as part of Kira Nerys' character arc . Kira comes to DS9 fresh off the Occupation, a former Bajoran resistance fighter who had few opportunities to relax or indulge in stereotypically feminine activities. Dax has fewer inhibitions overall, so Jadzia is able to tease some joy out of Nerys by talking about lighter topics. Dax's breezy friendship eases the weight of Kira's anger, which is no small feat, but it's not enough. If their scenes weren't subject to sexist stereotypes, the friendship between Major Kira Nerys and Lt. Jadzia Dax on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine could have been so much more.

Source: The Delta Flyers , season 10, episode 4, "Invasive Procedures"

Cast Terry Farrell, Cirroc Lofton, Rene Auberjonois, Nicole de Boer, Michael Dorn, Andrew Robinson, Nana Visitor, Avery Brooks, Colm Meaney, Armin Shimerman, Alexander Siddig

Release Date January 3, 1993

Genres Drama, Sci-Fi, Action, Adventure

Network CBS

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

Franchise(s) Star Trek

Writers Ira Steven Behr, Michael Piller, Ronald D. Moore

Showrunner Ira Steven Behr, Michael Piller

Rating TV-PG

Where To Watch Paramount+

Star Trek: DS9's Dax Actress Calls Out Sexism In Major Kira's Friendship

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