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Gare Maritime Food Market opens at Tour & Taxis

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The Gare Maritime Food Market is now open at Tour & Taxis. The new space features 10 restaurants and bars run by some of Belgium’s top chefs and mixologists.

The Food Market is operated by brewer AB InBev and hosts a diverse selection of eateries, including XGreen, where veggies are the stars of the show; Carne, all about burgers; 140! an upscale friture also featuring croquettes, gratins and potato buns; and Just Graze, with platters of fine meats and cheeses. Ab InBev, meanwhile, will run the Victoria Bar.

“Being part of the Food Market was a no-brainer for me, with our desserts as the cherry on the top,” says chocolatier Patrick Aubrion of dessert spot Sugarlandia. “I’m really looking forward to immersing visitors in a true Belgian culinary dream, along with the other chefs, each of us in our own way.”

Chef Patrick Aubrion of Sugarlandia

The space’s Bosch food studio will host workshops, master classes and competitions. In addition, the Gare Maritime Food Market will be home to events, including concerts, DJs, kids’ days and craft markets. Coming up in December is DJ duo Very Disco Channel, the Brussels Makers Market and a workshop on making your own foie gras .

The new space is dedicated to local businesses and is not hosting any international chains. All the eateries source products locally and contribute to a sustainable food chain in one way or another.

“The location, the choice of top chefs and the local impact make it unique in Belgium,” says Pieter Anciaux, catering manager at AB InBev. “As a Belgian brewer, we are extremely proud of this achievement. It’s an exclusive way to experience Belgium’s world-famous food and beer culture in a unique setting.”

The Gare Maritime Food Market is open from 12.00 to 22.00 or 23.00 Wednesday to Sunday.

A dish by Fish Bar at Gare Maritime Food Market

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Food Market : la plus grande halle gourmande d’Europe se trouve à la Gare Maritime de Bruxelles

Food Market est le food court de la Gare Maritime de Bruxelles. Il est ouvert 7j/7.

Justin Ducol

À l’heure où la folie des halles gourmandes s’accroît en Europe, un nouveau venu a fait son apparition dans la capitale belge en novembre dernier. Étalé dans l’enceinte de l’immense Gare Maritime du site Tour & Taxis à Bruxelles, il est devenu de par sa surface d’accueil le plus grand food market du continent. Bienvenue chez Food Market !

Unis par les liens sacrés de l’amour de la bouffe, le géant de la bière AB InBev et le développeur immobilier Extensa ont lancé en novembre dernier un gigantesque food market dans la Gare Maritime du site Tour & Taxis à Bruxelles. Une dizaine de restaurants , des terrasses couvertes et des comptoirs à manger peuplent celle qui est devenue la plus grande halle gourmande d’Europe .

Dans ce marché couvert dynamique et varié, dix restaurants se font face en proposant une série de concepts culinaires différents.

Buns, bouillons de viande et de poisson, gyozas

Lobster rolls, ceviche, tacos et burgers de poisson

Salades, pitas, burgers, flatbread, tapas grecs

Poulet, vol-au-vent, pistolets, croquettes et salades

Tomorrowland Kitchen

Fingerfood, sushis, bowls de ghee rice, pavlova, glace de safran

Cereal Killer

Pâtes à l’italienne : gnocchis, tagliatelles, rigantonis

Potato buns, croquettes, frites ( le resto signé M. Gabsi et A. Cachot )

Burgers, frites, snacks, Ribeye grillé, boeuf tartare

Piadinas, salades, croque-monsieur, pizzas, planches charcuterie/fromage


Brownie, tartelette fraise, chocolate bar, glaces, cocktails sucrés

En plus de ces dix pépites, le « Victoria Flagship Bar » , installé au centre de la halle, a pour but d’abreuver ses nombreux visiteurs en boissons, notamment au travers des créations AB InBev (Stella Artois, Jupiler) et de sa récente – et déjà célèbre – Victoria Beer.

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Outre sa fonction de lieu de vie convivial et innovant mettant sans conteste en avant la gastronomie belge, le Food Market de la Gare Maritime accueille donc de nombreux Chefs belges talentueux, exploitant des produits locaux, de saison et de haute qualité. Plusieurs collaborations avec des start-ups alimentaires et des fermes de la région ainsi qu’une politique globale du zéro-déchet ont été lancées. Le lieu arborera le slogan « Dare to be good » , ça lui va si bien !

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Nous nous sommes rendus plusieurs fois au Food Market depuis novembre, et à chaque fois, nous avons été conquis. Alors pourquoi pas vous ?

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Food Market, le nouveau rendez-vous des grands chefs à Tour & Taxis

Tour&taxis accueille un nouveau marché gastronomique. quelques chefs étoilés, un people. et du bien manger, surtout.

  • Publié le 26-11-2021 à 14h53

 Mallory Gabsi et Adrien Cachot font partie de l’aventure Food Market à Tour & Taxis.

Le Food Market est un espace qui rassemble plusieurs chefs renommés dans dix corners de vente de nourriture variée dans l’ancienne Gare Maritime de Tour & Taxis. Le concept a été présenté ce 25 novembre.

Ainsi, on y retrouve 140!, lancé par Mallory Gabsi et Adrien Cachot (Top Chef). Le duo y propose une cuisine autour de la pomme de terre mais aussi des buns délicieux. Dans les starting-blocks aussi: Carne, la première chaîne d’hamburger avec un certificat B Corp, lancée par le célèbre Mauro Colagreco, et sa sélection de burgers divers. Mais encore Bouillon, FishHeads, XGreen ou Cereal Killer.

Un seul mot d’ordre : des prix accessibles pour tout le monde

C’est le brasseur belge AB InBev qui a décidé d’exploiter l’énorme hangar de la gare maritime de Tour&Taxis. Les lieux rassemblent pas moins de huit restaurants et deux commerces alimentaires, un Food Studio et 450 places assises.

"Par l’emplacement, la sélection des grands chefs et l’impact local, nous pouvons assurément parler d’une recette unique en Belgique. Le Food Market veut donner à la clientèle un ressenti exclusif de la culture culinaire et brassicole belge, réputée dans le monde entier, et cela dans un emplacement hors du commun", explique Pieter Anciaux, responsable Horeca Belgique chez AB InBev.

Le lieu a de la gueule.

Le volet local et social n’est pas écarté car les ingrédients sont sélectionnés avec soin. Les champignons proviennent de PermaFungi tandis que les marcs de café du bar Victoria seront utilisés comme engrais pour les champignons.

De nombreuses activités seront également organisées au Food Market dans le grand hall de la gare maritime.

Le Food Market sera ouvert du mercredi au dimanche de 12 à 22 heures, et jusqu’à 23 h du jeudi au samedi. Pour y accéder, Pieter Anciaux explique que la mobilité est en cours de développement afin de relier le site de Tour&Taxis au reste de Bruxelles. La réparation du pont Sainctelette est en cours après avoir été endommagé par un incendie début mai. Un parking payant est également disponible pour les visiteurs sous la gare maritime. Attention, son prix est élevé.

 N’attendez pas de bières artisanales: l’endroit est sous la bannière d’Inbev.

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Joelle Rochette

Le Food Market de Tour & Taxis, belle destination de balade gourmande

Joelle Rochette

Ouvert fin novembre dernier au cœur de la superbe Gare Maritime de Tour & Taxis, le nouveau Food Market héberge quelques grands noms de la gastronomie et de la street food belge et étrangère. Une belle occasion de se restaurer ou de déguster une bonne bière tout en découvrant ces lieux superbes,millésimés 1907 et toujours bien logés le long du canal de Bruxelles.

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Au menu, quelques chefs de renom ou de jeunes talents déjà très en vue ont imaginé une dizaine d’approches culinaires différentes.

Côté belge, on y retrouve : le toujours très sympathique Glen Ramaekers (Humphrey’s Brussels) qui à FishHeads avec Marco Ferracuti, le spécialiste du Fish & Chips, Bia Mara font des petites merveilles avec, notamment, un délicieux ceviche de saumon façon asiatique, une mitraillette de homard !

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Bart Depooter (De Pastorale**) qui y propose quelques grands classiques de notre cuisine nationale sous l’enseigne « Bart »

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San Degeimbre (L’Air du Temps**) qui y concocte à « Bouillon » quelques bouillons d’inspiration sud-coréenne

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Giovanni Bruno (Senzanome*) , ses pâtes fraîches issue de sa délicieuse cuisine piémontaise sous le nom de Cereal Killer ; le dynamique Mallory Gabsi (ex Top Chef, Y. Mattagne/Sea Grill, …) qui, en complicité avec le jeune chef français Adrien Cachot, présente son « 140 » dédié (notamment) à la pomme de terre en mille et une versions.

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Venus de plus loin, Mauro Colagreco (Mirazu***) et primé « Meilleur restaurant du monde » en 2019 et 2020, y propose aussi de fameux burger à « Carne » et le barcelonnais Xavier Pellicer , à « XGreen » affiche son titre de Meilleur restaurant de légumes au monde (par We’re Smart World), pour y aller de grandes portions de légumes grillés, braisés ou cuits vapeur et toujours concocté avec créativité et large respect du potager … de saison, comme il se doit !

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Un bar à fromage, « Just Graze » et un long bar à bière et autres softs sont aussi là pour plaire à tous comme un autre concept de « douceurs chocolatées » signées Patrick Aubrion auquel a participé l’ami Glen de Humphrey’s !

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A propos de la Gare Maritime de Tour & Taxis

Ce ne sont pas moins de 4 hectares qui accueillent ces bâtiments historiques depuis 1907 et n’étant autres que l’ancienne gare de marchandises de Bruxelles. Restaurés par plusieurs bureaux d’architectes successivement en 2016 puis en 2020, cette immense structure métallique accueille à la fois le Food Market, divers commerces ou encore des bureaux et espaces de travail. Autour du vaste bar, différentes tables et chaises permettent à 450 personnes de s’attabler et de découvrir cette nouvelle approche du street food local.

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Initiateurs et coordinateurs du projet

C’est à AB Inbev que l’on doit la création du Food Market de Bruxelles. C’est aussi AB Inbev qui dirige et coordonne le projet complet dont le bar principal et qui a sélectionné les différents chefs et concepts mis en place ici.

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Que du beau monde et de belles/bonnes choses à découvrir en ce flambant neuf Food Market pour une balade de fêtes aussi gourmande que distrayante.

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Food Market – Gare Maritime de Tour & Taxis – Rue Picard, 9 – 1000 Bruxelles – www.garemaritime-foodmarket.be

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The Brussels Times Magazine

Europe's largest food market to open in Brussels

Europe's largest food market to open in Brussels

A brand new food market - created in part by brewery giant AB InBev - will open in the Brussels Gare Maritime area of Tour & Taxis in autumn this year.

The food space, which aims to be the largest in Europe, is offering space for "ten restaurants, cozy covered terraces and trendy food shops,"  according to a press release.

"It will be an innovative culinary meeting place where everyone with a heart for tasty and healthy food can come and taste the richness of Belgian gastronomy," it adds.

The hall - which was previously the largest freight station in Europe - will soon be home to various culinary delights from across Belgium. While the full lineup is yet to be found, two fixtures have already been announced.

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The Victoria flagship bar  will sit in the middle of the Food Market and is inspired by the InBev Victoria beer. The second confirmed eatery will be a  “Steak and burgers” concept,  which will be run by chef Bart De Pooter.

“I am happy to take on this challenge. Chefs together, in a unique location with enthusiastic people, this will be a great experience for every foodie,” De Pooter said.

Local Focus

The Gare Maritime Food Market aims to inspire its visitors to focus on sustainability by using locally produced seasonal products, with a particular effort to make the concept Zero Waste.

“Our ambition goes further than a high-quality culinary concept. We also pay attention to our social impact and want to forge a bond with the Belgians, the inhabitants of Brussels and the surroundings of Tour & Taxis,” explained Pieter Anciaux, director Horeca at AB InBev Belgium.

“The Victoria Bar and the restaurants will mostly do their shopping locally. There will also be collaborations with food start-ups and farms in the area.”

Award-Winning Beginnings

To make this possible, InBev has partnered with real estate player Extensa, which is transforming Tour & Taxis into a progressive urban district, including the award-winning renovation of the Gare Maritime building.

“We embrace contemporary challenges and hurdles. And we expect the same from our allies. Together we are connected by the passion to pioneer, accelerate and activate. Not to let things run the way they always do. But to stimulate initiatives that have an impact," said Kris Verhellen, CEO of Extensa.

The Food Market will be run by AB InBev, which is a first for the brewery giant.

Copyright © 2024 The Brussels Times. All Rights Reserved.

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Food Market

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There’s Food for Everyone on Earth. So Why Is Hunger Getting Worse?

“The New Breadline,” by Jean-Martin Bauer, a veteran food aid worker, chronicles a growing problem that should not exist — along with the harmful policies that have exacerbated it.

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This color photo shows a young woman in a striped tank top and pants carrying a sack of rice on her head. Behind her, we can see a series of makeshift tents.

By Alec MacGillis

Alec MacGillis is a reporter for ProPublica and the author of “Fulfillment: America in the Shadow of Amazon.”

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THE NEW BREADLINE: Hunger and Hope in the Twenty-First Century , by Jean-Martin Bauer

In 2004, Jean-Martin Bauer was doing humanitarian work in southern Mauritania when he met a woman named Binta living with her children in a patched-up tent by a dry riverbed. A member of the oppressed Haratin caste, Binta often struggled to feed her kids, and had developed a trick to cover for that: “At night,” she told Bauer, “I gather the pots and pans, and build a fire. I pour out water into the large pot. I act just as though I am making dinner. And if my kids become suspicious and start asking me when dinner is ready, I snap at them and tell them: ‘Quiet! Can’t you see I’m cooking?’” When they’d finally fall asleep, she’d stop the charade.

This is one of many memorable moments in “The New Breadline,” Bauer’s illuminating account of his 20 years working with the World Food Program, for which he has led country offices in Haiti and the Republic of Congo in addition to serving in the western Sahel and central Africa, and responding to crises in Afghanistan and Syria. The book is a close-up look at efforts to vanquish hunger amid both major, front-page disasters, such as the 2010 Haiti earthquake and the Syrian civil war, and the countless lower-profile calamities that are documented on the inside pages, if at all.

The theme linking the landscapes of want depicted by Bauer is straightforward: Hunger is almost always the product of political decisions, whether the immediate cause is violent conflict, misguided trade and aid policies, or discrimination against minorities and lower castes. The downside of this reality is that humans are constantly engaged in “forces that lay the groundwork for hunger.” The upside is that hunger should, in theory, be largely avoidable. “By making better political choices and creating more equitable and humane systems of aid, we can reduce or even eliminate hunger,” Bauer writes.

Unfortunately, world hunger has lately gotten worse, not better. In 2023, an estimated 250 million people suffered from acute (life-threatening) hunger, double the figure from just three years earlier, and that’s in addition to the 700 million who suffered from chronic hunger — meaning they had barely enough food to survive.

The chief driver of this surge, Bauer maintains, was the global response to the coronavirus pandemic. He cites the Republic of Congo, where a strict lockdown in the spring of 2020 left containers packed with imported food stuck in port and local produce stranded in farming areas — “the plantain is rotting in the forest,” a colleague told him — while in Brazzaville, the capital, hairdressers, food vendors, taxi drivers, construction workers and others saw their livelihoods vanish. At one point, Bauer received a WhatsApp video showing two thin teenage boys skinning a cat to roast. “It’s the lockdown,” one says, by way of explanation.

By June 2020, a study found, one-third of Brazzaville’s population, or 700,000 people, did not have enough to eat, triple the level in 2015. The situation was worst in outlying districts. And yet, by the end of 2020, Congo had recorded only 100 or so fatalities from Covid-19, in line with lower than expected death rates in other sub-Saharan African nations . “Were the public health benefits of lockdowns and quarantines worth it, considering their destructive impacts on people’s ability to feed their families?” Bauer asks.

This is an uncomfortable question, but Bauer has earned the reader’s trust by documenting other examples of seemingly justifiable policies that turned out to be harmful, including, in 1994, President Clinton’s forcing Haiti to lift its tariff on imported rice, which severely undermined domestic growers (including Bauer’s uncle), and the implementation of NAFTA, which resulted in cheap U.S. corn flooding the Mexican market as well as a surge in northward migration. Overreliance on imports to feed nations, he writes, is “shortsighted, corrosive and dangerous.”

What makes “The New Breadline” so compelling, though, are not the big debates it touches on but the small details Bauer shares from a realm that usually operates out of the public eye. He introduces readers to the “wheelbarrow boys” of Monrovia, Liberia, who tamper with the tins cans used to measure out rice so that customers on the street receive less than they think they’re buying. He relates efforts by a Congolese colleague to persuade insurgents known as Ninjas that the rice and cooking oil the colleague was bringing to civilians in their remote district was not poisoned: He proved the point by consuming both goods in front of Ninjas manning a checkpoint.

Bauer tells us that after Saudi Arabia put Qatar under a trade blockade in 2017, Qatar flew in 4,000 milk cows from Germany; that farmers in the Central African Republic started planting cassava instead of corn because it was harder for marauding rebels to steal; that central African elites import champagne and cognac in quantities so great that they risk compromising other pressing national needs — such as technology to facilitate industrialization.

In giving us the tour of his world, Bauer is self-effacing to a fault, keenly aware of the fraught ethics of relief work, the fact that his career is dependent on the need of others. He opens up a bit about his own experience as a biracial man with a Haitian mother and French father, raised in Washington, D.C., and how the complexities of his racial background affect his job; I was left wishing for more of his personal perspective throughout.

I also wished that Bauer had been able to reckon with the world’s latest food-related horrors: The looming famine in Sudan ; the struggle to bring aid into Gaza, where seven workers with World Central Kitchen perished in an Israeli airstrike in April; and the charge by the prosecutor for the International Criminal Court that Israel has used starvation as a weapon of war, a tactic Bauer addresses well in other contexts. But one effect of this book is to leave the reader oddly hopeful about the prospects for mitigating these nightmares, having given us a glimpse of the deeply committed people working to overcome them, again and again.

THE NEW BREADLINE : Hunger and Hope in the Twenty-First Century | By Jean-Martin Bauer | Knopf | 290 pp. | $30

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Join us August 9-11 at Tour & Taxis for Swish Fest, a three-day basketball festival that promises action and fun! Attend thrilling tournaments, enjoy performances by local and international artists, dance to wild DJ sets, and take part in advanced workshops with basketball pros.

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Festival L’Afrique en Couleurs

Ready for an unforgettable journey? The L'Afrique en Couleurs festival is back for its 9th edition in Brussels from August 31 to September 1, 2024!

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Turn your event vision into reality at Tour & Taxis!

What exactly are you looking for food or drinks, team building, fun activities, coworking spaces... , what exactly are you looking for food or drinks, team building,....



    Découvrez les 10 concepts de streatfood et l'expérience unique du bar de notre Food Market dans un lieu emblématique. Venez comme vous êtes… avec votre famille, vos amis, vos collègues et même votre chien. Il y en a pour tous les goûts. Profitez d'une expérience culinaire inattendue et de toutes les activités de la Gare Maritime ...


    Discover our Food Market's 10 street food concepts and unique bar experience in an iconic location. Come as you are… with your family, friends, colleagues and even your dog. There's something for everyone, whatever your taste. Enjoy an unexpected culinary experience and all the activities of the Gare Maritime with your loved ones.

  3. Home

    Kitchen hours Monday to Friday : 12h-14h30 | 17h00-21h00 Saturday : 12h00-22h00 Sunday : 11h30-20h00. Victoria Bar Opens all day long, including 1H before and 1H after kitchens. Easter Hollidays Opening hours. Gare Maritime is a covered street, so in wintertime, some parts of the main area can get chilly.

  4. TOUR & TAXIS Gare Maritime

    Food Market, Gare Maritime - Brussels, Belgium Tour & Taxiswith Peter De Durpel (COO, Nextensa), Pieter Anciaux (Manager Horeca, AB InBev Belgique)©lesdelire...

  5. Gare Maritime Food Market opens at Tour & Taxis

    The Gare Maritime Food Market is open from 12.00 to 22.00 or 23.00 Wednesday to Sunday. Ten eateries vie for your custom at the new Food Market. Pictured from top to bottom are dishes from Fish Bar, XGreen and Bouillon. The Gare Maritime Food Market is now open at Tour & Taxis. The new space features 10 restaurants and bars run by some of ...

  6. Food Market : la plus grande halle gourmande d'Europe se trouve à la

    Rue Picard 11. Lun-mer 12h-21h30, jeu-sam 12h-22h30, dim 11h30-20h. Ribaucourt. À lire sur Bruxelles Secrète : Bon plan : vos restos bruxellois préférés à moitié prix pendant le festival The Fork ! Rendez-vous chez Food Market, la plus grande halle gourmande du continent, qui a ouvert dans la Gare Maritime de Tour & Taxis à Bruxelles.

  7. Food Market, le nouveau rendez-vous des grands chefs à Tour & Taxis

    Publié le 26-11-2021 à 14h53. Le Food Market est un espace qui rassemble plusieurs chefs renommés dans dix corners de vente de nourriture variée dans l'ancienne Gare Maritime de Tour & Taxis ...

  8. Tour & Taxis

    The word is out! Gare Maritime Foodmarket will officially open its doors on November 26. 8 renowned chefs, 10 creative food concepts and an iconic location. Mark your calendars! #foodmarket...

  9. Le Food Market de Tour & Taxis, belle destination de balade gourmande

    Ouvert fin novembre dernier au cœur de la superbe Gare Maritime de Tour & Taxis, le nouveau Food Market héberge quelques grands noms de la gastronomie et de la street food belge et étrangère. Une belle occasion de se restaurer ou de déguster une bonne bière tout en découvrant ces lieux superbes,millésimés 1907 et toujours bien logés ...

  10. Europe's largest food market to open in Brussels

    Europe's largest food market to open in Brussels. Tuesday, 29 June 2021. By Jules Johnston. Credit: Ab inbev. A brand new food market - created in part by brewery giant AB InBev - will open in the Brussels Gare Maritime area of Tour & Taxis in autumn this year. The food space, which aims to be the largest in Europe, is offering space for "ten ...

  11. THE 10 BEST Restaurants Near Tour & Taxis

    Restaurants near Tour & Taxis, Brussels on Tripadvisor: Find traveler reviews and candid photos of dining near Tour & Taxis in Brussels, Belgium. ... La Fabbrica Tour et Taxis #1,397 of 3,300 Restaurants in Brussels 54 reviews. Avenue du Port 86c . 0 miles from Tour & Taxis ... Gare Maritime - Food Market #1,909 of 3,300 Restaurants in Brussels ...

  12. corporate-package

    The Catering of the Food Market can be made available on all the venues of Tour & Taxis and for all your special occasion : Such as team building, product launches, award ceremonies, conferences to name few. Discover More . Gare Maritime Map @ Tour & Taxi. Gare Maritime Food Market. From 20 to 900 persons. Casa Corona. From 200 to 750 persons ...

  13. Events & Studio

    The Gare Maritime Food Market will feature live concerts, djs, happy hours and fun theme days, such as a 'kids paradise' for children. Thanks to the food studio by Bosch, visitors can take part in workshops, master classes and exclusive competitions. ... Tour & Taxi - Avenue du Port 86C, Bruxelles, Belgium ...

  14. 140! The Food Market

    The Food Market - Tour & Taxis. 140! The Food Market. The best smash burgers in town are at 140!, accompanied by their delicious Belgian fries (of course). The perfect comfort food combo ;-). And let's not forget to mention their famous home made Andalouse to die for!

  15. Tour & Taxis

    Tour & Taxis (French: Tour et Taxis; Dutch: Thurn en Taxis) is a large former industrial site in Brussels, Belgium.It is situated on the Brussels Canal in the City of Brussels, just north-west of the city centre, immediately adjacent to Laeken and Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, and about 1 kilometre (0.62 miles) west from the Northern Quarter business district.

  16. Shops & Services

    What exactly are you looking for ? FOOD OR DRINKS, Team Building, fun activities, coworking spaces...

  17. THE BEST Elektrostal Sights & Historical Landmarks

    Top Elektrostal Landmarks: See reviews and photos of sights to see in Elektrostal, Russia on Tripadvisor.

  18. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Cities near Elektrostal. Places of interest. Pavlovskiy Posad Noginsk. Travel guide resource for your visit to Elektrostal. Discover the best of Elektrostal so you can plan your trip right.

  19. tour-and-taxis-venues

    Concept. The catering of the Food Market can be made available on all the venues of Tour & Taxis and for all your special occasions such as team buildings, product launches, award ceremonies, conferences to name a few. Don't hesitate to contact us and we would be delighted to work with you to make your event a success.

  20. The 10 Best Things to Do in Elektrostal

    9. SmokyGrove. 10. Gandikap. 11. Papa Lounge Bar. 12. Karaoke Bar. Things to Do in Elektrostal, Russia: See Tripadvisor's 802 traveller reviews and photos of Elektrostal tourist attractions.

  21. Getir set for break-up and Mubadala cash injection

    Meanwhile online food delivery groups in Europe and the US have racked up more than $20bn in combined operating losses since they went public, and remain locked in a battle for market share.

  22. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow.Population: 155,196 ; 146,294 ; 152,463 ; 135,000; 123,000; 97,000 ...

  23. Poland Ecommerce Market Report 2024, Featuring bonprix,

    Dublin, June 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Poland Ecommerce Market Opportunities Databook - 100+ KPIs on Ecommerce Verticals (Shopping, Travel, Food Service, Media & Entertainment, Technology ...

  24. Book Review: 'The New Breadline,' by Jean-Martin Bauer

    By June 2020, a study found, one-third of Brazzaville's population, or 700,000 people, did not have enough to eat, triple the level in 2015.

  25. Tomorrowland Kitchen The Food Market

    The Food Market. Taste the magic of Tomorrowland! Enjoy and savor delicious street food dishes with typical flavors from all corners of the world, inspired by the iconic festival's 'Tastes of the World' cuisine. Xavier Van Hecke shares with you his passion for food and takes you on a magical journey to discover the exquisite 'Tastes of ...

  26. Agenda

    Discover the extraordinary story of the Titanic in a new light, by putting yourself in the shoes of the passengers. In the 16,000 square feet exhibition, admire authentic artifacts recovered from the wreck of the Titanic at a depth of almost 10,000 feet, visit the reconstruction of the ship's rooms and discover poignant accounts of the passengers present at the time of the shipwreck.