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Inca Tours Logo

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Inca Tickets AB ingår i en koncern med 4 bolag. Koncernmoderbolag är Moscha Holding AB. Koncernstrukturen baseras på uppgifter från 2021-08.


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Best Inca Trail Tour Companies

Are you planning on trekking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu but don’t know which tour company to choose? No worries! We’ve got you covered.

Choosing the right tour operator can greatly influence your experience, and that’s why we’ve done the research for you. We’ve handpicked the best Inca Trail tour companies based on their solid reputation, years of experience, top-notch equipment, and satisfied customers.

With our recommended tour operators, you can rest assured that you’ll have a safe, comfortable, and unforgettable journey to the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu. So, let’s dive into our top picks and find the perfect tour operator for your adventure!

Our team choice and ranking for 2024

  • Best Overall Inca Trail Tour Operator: Alpaca Expeditions
  • Best budget Inca Trail tour operator: G Adventure
  • Best luxury Inca Trail tour operator: Enigma Adventure
  • Best tour operator in terms of quality and price: TrekXperience
  • The best local Inca Trail tour operator: AB Expeditions
  • Small group best tour operator:  SAS Travel

The Inca Trail in the mountains

How to Choose the Best Inca Trail Tour Company

If you’re planning to hike the Inca Trail, choosing the right tour company is essential. With so many options out there, how do you know which one to pick? Here are some factors to consider:


When looking for a tour company, professionalism is key. One of the best ways to gauge this is by reading customer reviews. Look for companies with positive reviews that highlight their professionalism, communication skills, and fair cancellation policies. You want a company that is easy to work with and makes it clear what is included in their tours.

Mountains views in the Inca Trail

If you’re traveling with young children or seniors, it’s important to find a company that accommodates a wide range of ages and skill levels. Again, reading customer reviews and researching company information online can help you find the right fit. Additionally, if anyone in your party has health conditions, make sure the company offers special accommodations or training to handle any health situations that may arise.

Value is subjective, so think about what’s important to you. Do you want a private tour with gourmet food and hotel accommodations for a honeymoon? Or are you looking for the cheapest basic hiking tour possible? Group discounts may be available for families or large groups, while private tours and tours by mountain bike or horseback may cost more.

Look for a tour company with experience and knowledge of the trail and cultural history. Many Inca Trail tour companies are locally owned and have been in business for decades, employing guides who are native to the area. A good tour guide will be enthusiastic and not dampen the excitement of first-time trekkers.

The cost of an Inca Trail tour can vary widely depending on the company and tour type. Prices typically range from $700 to $1,200 per person, with private tours and tours by mountain bike or horseback costing more. Consider the amenities included, such as shuttle fees, food, camping supplies, and Machu Picchu admission and tour.

Essential Safety Tips for Traveling with the Best Inca Trail Tour Companies

When hiking the Inca Trail, safety should be a top priority. Follow these tips to stay safe and comfortable:

  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, provided by the tour company.
  • Take non-perishable, high-protein snacks for between meals.
  • Wear appropriate clothing that is comfortable, practical, and protective.
  • Take your time and rest when needed.
  • Follow the tour guide’s instructions and advice.

Inca Trail 4 Days

Top 10 best inca trail tour companies, 1. alpaca expeditions.

Alpaca Expeditions is a highly reputable tour company that offers group and private hikes to Machu Picchu, including several Inca Trail alternatives. With a maximum group size of 16 people, Alpaca Expeditions is committed to responsible tourism practices and supporting the local community. Their dedication to sustainability is evident through their use of eco-friendly equipment, and they even provide porters with fair wages and working conditions.

Alpaca Expeditions has garnered numerous positive reviews on Google, attesting to their excellent services and attention to detail. As a customer, you can rest assured that your safety and comfort are their top priorities. With a knowledgeable and friendly staff, Alpaca Expeditions provides a unique and unforgettable experience that combines adventure and cultural immersion.

Reviews: Alpaca Expeditions TripAdvisor

2. AB Expeditions

AB Expeditions is a locally-owned Cusco-based travel company with a focus on small group sizes and social responsibility. Founded by Inca Trail industry veterans Abel and Elsa, the company offers well-cared-for porters and knowledgeable guides for a personalized experience. With positive reviews on Trip Advisor, AB Expeditions is a great option for travelers seeking an authentic and socially responsible adventure.

Reviews: AB Expeditions Tripadvisor .

3. Traveleez (Recommended)

Discover Traveleez , a new trailblazer in Inca Trail tours, where exceptional service meets social responsibility. Specializing in immersive, expert-led tours that unveil the rich tapestry of Inca culture, Traveleez is committed to delivering unforgettable Andean adventures with a focus on quality, safety, and comfort. Unique in its approach, the agency dedicates a portion of its profits to enhancing local youth education, making every journey with Traveleez not only a trek through majestic landscapes but also a step towards empowering community futures.

4. Valencia Travel Cusco

Valencia Travel Cusco is a professional trek and tour company that offers alternative treks to Machu Picchu, including the Huchuy Qosqo trail. Their experienced guides ensure safe travels for both young and older travelers. In addition, their enthusiastic porters, knowledgeable guides, and delicious food make for an excellent trekking experience.

Reviews: Valencia Travel Cusco TripAdvisor .

5. Evolution Treks Peru

Evolution Trek is a trail and tour company that offers both group and private treks to Machu Picchu, including alternative hikes to the Inca Trail. They were the first company to hire women porters on the Inca Trail and have received plenty of positive reviews on TripAdvisor, making them a reputable option for travelers.

Reviews: Evolution Treks Peru TripAdvisor

6. Llama Path

Llama Path offers small group tours with experienced guides who are knowledgeable about the history and culture of the Inca Trail. They also prioritize sustainable tourism practices and offer support for local communities.

Reviews: Llama Path TripAdvisor

7. Photo Tours Peru

Photo Tours Peru is an excellent option for photography enthusiasts looking to capture stunning images while exploring the Inca Trail. Owner Flavio Huamani, an experienced photographer and tour guide, leads tailor-made tours and provides photography instruction and tips throughout the tour. Their commitment to sustainable tourism sets them apart, making for an unforgettable experience and stunning photographs.

Reviews: Photo Tours Peru TripAdvisor

8. Wayki Trek

Wayki Trek, founded by experienced tour guides from rural communities in Cusco, stands out for its small group sizes, never exceeding eight trekkers per group. This ensures a more personalized and local experience, while their commitment to sustainable tourism supports local communities and minimizes their environmental impact. Choose Wayki Trek for an unforgettable and responsible Inca Trail adventure.

Reviews: Wayki Trek TripAdvisor

9. TrekXperience

TreXperience is a highly-rated Inca Trail tour company founded by experienced guide Juan Coronel. They offer group and private tours to Machu Picchu, including alternative hikes, and have a maximum group size of 16 people. Despite the larger group size, they provide a personalized experience and prioritize sustainability. Choose Trexperience for a memorable and responsible Inca Trail adventure.

Reviews: TrekXperience TripAdvisor

10. Enigma Adventure

Enigma Adventure offers both group and private Inca Trail treks, specializing in private luxury treks with gourmet food and top-notch service. Although more expensive, their personalized treks are worth considering for a chic experience, such as a honeymoon. Enigma Adventure is committed to sustainability, making them a responsible choice. Choose Enigma Adventure for a high-end Inca Trail adventure.

Reviews: Enigma Adventure TripAdvisor

More Inca Trail Tour Companies to consider

11. g adventure.

G Adventures is a well-respected tour company that offers a range of Inca Trail tours, from budget-friendly options to more luxurious experiences. They also prioritize responsible tourism and support local communities.

Our list of the top 10 best Inca Trail tour operators does not end here, we have included 5 more for you to consider before making your decision.

12. Salkantay Trekking

Salkantay Trekking is a tour company that offers alternative treks to Machu Picchu, including the popular Salkantay Trek. They specialize in small group tours with experienced guides, providing a personalized and unforgettable experience. Salkantay Trekking is also committed to sustainability, supporting local communities and minimizing their environmental impact.

13. Sam Travel Peru

Sam Travel Peru is a tour company that offers a range of trekking options to Machu Picchu, including the classic Inca Trail and the lesser-known Lares Trek. They pride themselves on providing personalized and high-quality service, with experienced guides and comfortable camping equipment. Sam Travel Peru is also committed to sustainability, supporting local communities and protecting the environment.

14. Explorandes

Explorandes is a tour company that offers a range of trekking and adventure tours in Peru, including to Machu Picchu and the Sacred Valley. They specialize in small group tours with experienced guides, providing a personalized and immersive experience. Explorandes is also committed to sustainability, promoting responsible tourism and supporting local communities.

15. Sas Travel

SAS Travel is a reliable and experienced tour company that offers various trekking options to Machu Picchu, including the classic Inca Trail. They provide comfortable camping equipment and excellent food while prioritizing sustainability and supporting local communities.

16. Conde Travel

Conde Travel is a tour company that offers a range of trekking options to Machu Picchu, including the classic Inca Trail and alternative routes like the Salkantay Trek. They focus on small group tours with knowledgeable guides, providing a personalized and immersive experience.

There are many excellent tour companies that offer trekking options to Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail. Each of the companies mentioned in this travel blog has its unique strengths, whether it’s small group sizes, personalized service, luxury options, or a focus on sustainability. When choosing a tour company, it’s essential to consider your priorities and preferences, as well as your budget.

By selecting one of these reputable tour companies, you can be sure to have an unforgettable and responsible trekking experience to Machu Picchu.

Read This Next

Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

Best Time To Hike Inca Trail To Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu 7th Wonder of the World

Machu Picchu With Clouds

How To Get To Machu Picchu

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Private Inca Trail Tours 4 days

  • Hiking/Trekking
  • 42 km/26.198 miles

Our Private Inca Trail Tours to Machu Picchu is an adventure in your life that brings you to explore the originality of Inca engineering, which led them to construct an unparalleled Inca stone trail that crosses mountains, rivers, Inca ruins, and Rain forest until getting the Sun Gate, from where you will admire a unique view of the new 7 wonders of the world.

Hike the Inca Trail 4 days at your own pace with a private team of porters, cooks, and head guides. This private tour is perfect for couples, families with kids, or a group of friends who would love to have private service.


This Private Inca Trail Tours allows you to visit the most magnificent ruins such as LLactapata, Sayacmarca, Phuyupatamarca, Runkuraqay, and Winawayna, and then enter on foot through the Sun Gate as the Incas did. And on the last day, you will visit Machu Picchu (Seven Wonders of the Modern World) with a private guide.

We follow the “Health Guidelines for COVID-19 for Private Inca Trail Tours” issued by the Peruvian government.

 Why should you hike Private Inca trail Tours with AB Expeditions?

  • Top-notch equipment . Including Eureka tents, Mountain wear Sleeping bags, Black Diamond trekking poles, and sleeping pads. We only use top brands and quality to guarantee ache-less nights up in the mountains.
  • Portable toilets. We provide you Eco-friendly, comfy & clean portable toilet. It is difficult to walk to the public toilet during the night
  • Hotel to Hotel service.   Direct pick-ups and drop-offs from your hotel in Cusco City. We will never leave you stranded before or after any of our tours.
  • Our amazing porters are treated with a lot of respect. They get all their equipment for free from our local Company AB Expeditions.  We give them a fair salary, a decent tent with a pad, enough meals, hiking shoes, trekking pants, and a Winter hut. We care for their health, well-being, and the health of their families, and we are committed to social projects to improve their lives.
  • We are an honest, practical, punctual, reliable Travel Agency, welcoming individuals or groups. Check out our excellent reviews on Google Reviews , We Travel , and Trip Advisor .
  • We pay on time  At AB Expeditions, our porters, tour guides, drivers, and Cooks receive their salaries as soon as they finish their job.
  • Satellite phones. We provide you with satellite for any emergency on hiking Inca Trail private tours in 4 days.
  • 100% Local Company. AB Expeditions is A 100% locally owned Travel Agency and fully licensed Inca Trail operator.
  • Highly Trained Guide.  Our Guides pride themselves on being up-to-date and have a comprehensive continuing professional development program. We love showing what a fascinating and unique Inca trail is.
  • Ground logistics. transportation, Machu Picchu tickets, Inca Trail permits, train tickets, and bus tickets.  We book, secure, and deliver all minuscule details of your hike for you—worry & stress-free.
  • Vistadome Train. After hiking for 4 days in private service, you will come back on Vistadome train, This train has window in its ceiling so you will enjoy the mountains much better. Also you will see peruvian dances in the train.  We will book at 02:55 pm or 3:20 pm from Aguas Calientes to Ollantaytambo. So you will get to Cusco early so you will sleep enough to do any other tour the next day such as Rainbow Mountain.

Private Inca Trail Tours 4 Days Itinerary

Day 1: cusco – km 82 – hatunchaca – patallacta – ayapata.

Our AB team will pick you up from your hotel in Cusco City at 4:30 a.m. for your Private Inca Trail tours 4 days. if you stay in Ollantaytambo or Urubamba; we will pick you up after 6:00 a.m. Next, We will drive to Ollantaytambo where we will have our breakfast which is Included. After our delicious meal, we will keep driving until km 82 (Piscakucho) to start the 4-day Private Inca Trail tour to Machu Picchu. First, you will meet our amazing cooks, strong porters,  and knowledgeable guides. Then we will go to the checkpoint to show our passports and start our adventure to the New 7 wonders of the world.

After passing the checkpoint gate, we will start our Inca Trail trek. In the beginning, the Trail is relatively easy about a 3-hour hike to Llactapata ruins(the first Inca ruin along the Inca Trail trek). We will visit the upper part of this amazing site and we will take pictures of the lower part. Then we will hike for 1 hour to Hatunchaca campsite, where our AB team will be waiting for a tasty lunch made from fresh local ingredients.

After our delicious lunch, we will keep hiking for about 4 hours to Ayapata(first campsite) where you are going to arrive around 5:00 p.m. Your tents will be already set up, then you will have hot tea waiting for you.

  • Campsite Altitude: 3303m(10828ft).
  • Highest altitude: 3303m(10828ft).
  • Distance: 14.34 km / 8.34 miles.
  • Hiking time: 6 hours.
  • Accommodation: Camping in tents.
  • Difficulty: Moderate.

Day 2: Ayapata – Dead Woman’s Pass – Runkuraqay – Chaquicocha

We will wake you up early in the morning with hot tea or coca tea. The second day is the most challenging of the Private 4-day trek to Machu Picchu. We will hike for around 4-hour to Dead Woman’s Pass (4215m / 13829ft), the highest pass of all the Inca Trail Trek. At the top, we will enjoy the amazing landscape that surrounds us.  Also, our guide will make some offerings to the Apus (local Gods). After appreciating the views, we will start hiking down to Pacaymayu Valley for about 2 hours, we will have our amazing lunch prepared by our chef.

After our meal, we will hike another 1 hour and a half to the second pass called Runqurakay (4000m / 13123ft). Before getting the pass, we will explore the Inca site Runqurakay. Then we will hike down to Sayacmarca ruins which we will explore too. After visiting those Inca sites, we will keep hiking to our second campsite Chaquicocha ( 3600m / 11811 ft.), where you can enjoy an amazing sunset over the Vilcabamba mountain range before our dinner. Also, this campsite is the perfect place to observe the Milky Way.

  • Campsite Altitude: 3605m(11816ft)
  • Highest altitude: 4217m(1383ft)
  • Distance: 16.4 km / 9.34 miles
  • Hiking time: 10 hours
  • Accommodation: Camping
  • Difficulty: Difficult

Day 3: Chaquicocha – Intipata – Wiñaywayna

Today is a more relaxing day. it is only 5 hours of hiking to the last campsite. At the beginning is a Peruvian flat for about 2 hours then, you will hike all the way down to the campsite. Along the way, you will hike through several different ecosystems, and admire the amazing panoramic view of the Salkantay glacier (the second-highest mountain in the Cusco region). We are going to explore 2 Inca ruins, Phuyupatamarka, and Intipata.

From the Intipata ruins, you could already see the last campsite. Before heading to the campsite our guide will explain the site. We will arrive at the campsite at approximately 12:30 p.m. You will have your meal,  then you can go to take a shower and take a siesta to relax. Around 4 pm, we will hike for 5 minutes to explore the Inca ruins of Wiñaywayna, where our tour guide will explain this amazing site and you will have free time to take amazing pictures. Then we will come back to the campsite to say goodbye to our amazing porters and enjoy our dinner. After enjoying the meal, we will go early to sleep and prepare for the next day.

  • Campsite Altitude: 2602m – 8532ft
  • Highest altitude: 3602m – 11813ft
  • Distance: 10.3km / 6.34 miles
  • Hiking time: 5 hours
  • Difficulty: Easy

Day 4: Machu Picchu –  Aguas Calientes – Cusco

Today is the day you have been waiting for, we will wake up early to head to the last checkpoint of the Inca Trail. We will pass the checkpoint at 05: 30 am. Then, we will hike to the Sun Gate for one hour and 20 minutes, the Trail is up and down, so no more crazy uphills and downhills. Once you get to the gate, you will observe an amazing sunrise over Machu Picchu from the Sun Gate. We will begin our 45-minute final descent toward the lost city of the Incas. You will get to the Mapi checkpoint around 8:00 a.m .

Our tour guide will take you for a 2-hour guided tour of the citadel.  Once we finish visiting the city, we will take a tourist bus from Machu Picchu to Aguas Calientes where you will have your lunch. Then you will take the train at 14:55 or 15:20 pm. At the Train station, our AB team will wait for you to return to your hotel in Cusco or the Sacred Valley. You will arrive back to Cusco  around 07:00 pm

If you hike to Huayna Picchu Mountain (Permits must be reserved as far in advance as possible). You will hike by yourself and our guide will tell you where you will have lunch and where you will pick up your duffle bag then take the train.

  • Highest altitude: 2700m -8858ft
  • Distance: 6km / 3 miles
  • Hiking time: 2 hours

What s Included?

  • 10 kg of your personal belongings for your personal porter
  • Satellite phone. 
  • Pick up and drop off at your hotel or Airbnb. .
  • Private tourist van from Cusco to Kilometer 82 (the starting point of the hike).
  • English speaking tour guide with Satellite phone. .
  • Foam mattresses.
  • Profesional cook.
  • Kitchen equipment.
  • Dining and kitchen tents with chairs and tables.
  • Portable toilet (The Pett).
  • 4 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 3 dinners, 3 snacks with option for vegetarians, vegan, gluten free, Pescatarian, lactose Intolerance and any food allergy.
  • 4 season Tents for two people (tent with capacity for 4 people used as doubles – Eureka).
  • Porters. As detailed in the table authorized by the Ministry of Culture. (To carry our camping equipment and food) we never overload our porters.
  • Inca trail Permit and Machu Picchu ticket.
  • Bus ticket from Machu Picchu to Aguas Calientes town.
  • Vistadome train ticket(14:55 Hrs.) from Aguas Calientes to Ollantaytambo.
  • Private van from Ollantaytambo train station to Cusco.
  • Emergency tank of oxigen and first aid kit.
  • Pre-departure Inca Trail orientation, presented by our guides at 6:00 pm at the office one day before departure.
  • Wake-up tea. Hot herbal tea or Coca tea brought to your tent, each morning.
  • A duffle bag, where you put your 10 kg / 22 pounds of personal items per person (personal cares, personal items, sleeping bag are within this 7 kg / 14 pounds).
  • We provide hot water bins each day to help our clients clean and feel good at night.
  • Rain Poncho to protect from the rain.
  • Two hours of guided tour in Machu Picchu
  • Boiled water to fill in your water bottles or Camelback (our cook will give you clean water after every meal)
  • Day pack cover to protect your personal backpack.
  • Sleeping bag

What s not included?

  • Lunch  – Day 4.
  • Hot springs entrance in the town of Aguas Calientes (US $ 5).
  • Gratitude for the staff (optional).


  •   Huayna Picchu Moutain : It is $65USD 
  • Machu Picchu Mountain: It is $65 USD


How to book the inca trail private tours with ab expeditions.

To reserve your Inca trail 4-day private service, please find the “book now” button on our website. once you click the button, you will be redirected to a booking platform where you can choose your desired departure date and provide essential personal information about each participant. the payment process can be completed using either a credit card or a debit card.

If you are interested in additional options like the Huayna Picchu mountain hike, we recommend booking them simultaneously with your Inca trail reservation. this approach ensures that you don’t miss out on any possible opportunities due to the rapid-selling Inca trail permits. You can rent walking sticks in Cusco 1 day before your trip. 

We will send you a confirmation email once the Inca trail permit has been secured to ensure a meticulously organized and successful trip. we guarantee that it will proceed as planned once the start date is confirmed.

Can I store my luggage at your office?

Certainly! During the 4-day Inca trail private trek to Machu Picchu, we provide a luggage storage facility at our office. we kindly request that you only bring the essentials necessary for the duration of your hike to Machu Picchu.

What about the outstanding balance?

We would like to inform you that settling your outstanding balance can be done efficiently and securely with our various payment options. you may choose to pay in cash, either in USD or soles, one day prior to your trip. for your convenience, credit card payments can also be made with a 5% service fee. please let us know your preferred payment method in advance.

Please note that cash payments must be made one day prior to your trip without exception. we appreciate your prompt attention in settling your outstanding balance and look forward to providing you with the best service possible.

How about the student discount?

Please note that individuals who are 18 years or older must present a valid student card in order to be eligible for discounts on the tour. for students aged 11-17 years, a discount of $30 USD applies, while children aged 2-11 years can avail of a discount of $ 40 USD. in order to obtain the student discount, please ensure that a copy of your passport and student card are sent to our team at the time of booking via email to [email protected].

May I change the departure date after the permits have been bought?

We regret to inform you that the Inca trail permits are non-transferable and non-refundable, according to the regulations set forth by the government. we would like to clarify that the only information allowed to be modified is the passport numbers. please let us know if there are any other questions we can help answer or concerns we can address. thank you for your understanding.

Do I need to bring my original passport on the private Inca trail 4 days to Machu Picchu?

We kindly remind you that it is imperative to bring your original passport for your upcoming private Inca trail tours 4-day permits. it is highly important that the passport you bring is the same one you provided to us during the reservation process. we just want to ensure that you have a seamless and enjoyable experience throughout your journey. please take note that your passport will be checked at three different Inca trail checkpoints, as well as at Machu Picchu, and when boarding the train.

Updating passport numbers

If you are in the process of renewing your passport and planning to book Inca Trail private guided trek permits, we kindly request that you email us a copy of your old passport for verification purposes. in case you do not possess your old passport anymore, any valid government-issued identity card can be presented as long as it bears the same name.

Furthermore, once you receive your new passport, we sincerely ask that you immediately email us a copy of it to modify the information on your permit. it is essential to ensure that all details on your permit match those on your passport exactly to avoid any inconvenience during your private premium Inca Trail Tours.

What is the schedule of my train ticket?

Typically, return train tickets are reserved for departure at 14:55 pm or 15:20 on day 4, allowing arrivals in Cusco at 07:00 pm. This itinerary allows for sufficient rest and the opportunity to participate in tours such as Rainbow Mountain on the subsequent day.

Can I stay in the Sacred Valley for my Private Inca trail 4 days?

We recommend that you consider staying in either Urubamba or Ollantaytambo during your visit to the sacred valley. by opting for accommodation in this area, your pick-up time will be scheduled an hour and a half after the usual pick-up time in Cusco, which will allow you some more time to rest.

If I cancel my I nca trail private tour. do I get any refund?

If you are unable to join us for any reason such as illness, missing your flight, or a natural disaster, we regret to inform you that we will lose $150 USD automatically. please note that once the Inca trail permit is purchased, it becomes non-refundable and non-transferable. this is because the Ministry of Culture of Peru and Peru Rail are in charge of issuing permits and train tickets, and do not provide refunds.

We understand that unexpected changes can occur, and we want to assure you that we will always do our best to be reasonable and only charge you for any expenses that have already been incurred.

What time will we get to Machu Picchu?

our group’s usual arrival time at the sun gate is around 7:00 a.m. with slight variations. afterward, it takes approximately 45 minutes to reach Machu Picchu from the Sun gate. thus, we can estimate your arrival at Machu Picchu at around 8:00 am in the morning.

Will water be provided?

We recommend that you purchase 2 liters of water for the first day of your trek for adequate hydration. From the second day onwards, we will supply you with boiled water three times a day — after breakfast, during lunchtime, and at dinner. this measure has been implemented for your health and safety, ensuring that you have access to safe drinking water throughout your trekking journey.

What kinds of reusable water bottles should we bring to the Inca Trail private Tours 4 days?

From march 2022, the use of single-use plastic water bottles and other plastic waste will be strictly prohibited while trekking on the Inca trail for 4 days and 3 nights. to comply with this policy, we kindly ask that all guests bring their own personal reusable water bottles to be filled with the water we provide. we suggest opting for a bladder, hard shell bottle, or pouch that is most convenient for your needs. this measure is part of our ongoing commitment to minimize our environmental impact and preserve the natural beauty of this iconic landmark. thank you for your cooperation in this endeavor.

Is there an age limit for the Private Inca trail tour 4 days?

It is important to note that there is no age limit for the Inca trail private tours 4-days 3 nights. however, for safety purposes, ab expeditions recommend a minimum age of 6 years old. this is due to the presence of steep sections that may prove challenging for younger individuals. our team prioritizes the safety and well-being of our customers, and we believe that this recommendation will help ensure an enjoyable, memorable, and safe experience for all who embark on this journey with us. we appreciate your understanding and look forward to providing you with an exceptional experience on the Inca trail.

How many kilos is it allowed to carry on the Inca trail?

As per our porter policy, our porters carry no more than 20 kilograms for safety and well-being. however, we understand that as a guest, you may wish to carry your own personal belongings, there is no weight limit for guests. so you can carry the weight that you want. we saw some people carrying up to 30 kg.

Is there any location where I can plug and charge my electronic devices on the Inca trail?

“Please note that there is currently no electricity available at any of the campsites. to ensure a comfortable stay, we highly recommend that all visitors bring along extra portable battery packs or power banks to keep their devices charged.”

What is the temperature rating of ab expeditions sleeping bags?

We offer top-quality mummy-style sleeping bags that are designed for use in temperatures as low as -15°c / 5°f. the brand is mountain hard wear.

Which campsites do you usually book for your groups?

During the booking process, you will be presented with four options to choose from. we typically recommend selecting option 01 or 02. By choosing either of these options, your last campsite will be wiñaywayna, which is located approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes away from Machu Picchu. this allows you to reach Machu Picchu early in the morning, ensuring you have ample time to explore and fully enjoy the site.

On the other hand, options 03 and 04 are not recommended. these options involve camping at phuyupamarca, which is situated around 6 hours away from machu picchu. choosing these options would result in a longer trekking time on the final day, and you might arrive at machu picchu later in the day, potentially limiting the time you have to explore the site.

Additional Info for Private Inca Trail Tours

We would like to inform you of the regulations put in place by the Peruvian Ministry of Culture and SERNANP regarding access to the Inca Trail. Please ensure that you have a permit that matches your full name, passport number, nationality, and age, issued by the Ministry of Culture.

The number of visitors to the Inca Trail is tightly controlled with a maximum of 500 people per day, including support staff such as authorized porters, cooks, and tour guides. It’s important to note that when the daily visitor limit is reached, the Trail is closed off, and no further reservations can be made. We highly recommend booking permits a year in advance if possible.

Please note that only licensed Inca Trail Travel Agencies like AB EXPEDITIONS can secure permits, which are not transferable at any point. In case of a change in the start date, a new permit must be purchased. We strictly adhere to the regulations set by the government of Peru.

In the event that permits are sold out for your desired start date, we are happy to suggest alternative treks to Machu Picchu, including Salkantay Trek, Inca Quarry Trek, and Lares Trek. Please feel free to contact us for further assistance.

Things to know

  • To ensure a comfortable and enjoyable Inca Trail hike, we recommend breaking in your trekking shoes beforehand.
  • We advise spending two days in Cusco prior to the hike, especially for those not acclimatized to the altitude.
  • For peak season bookings in June to August, it is essential to reserve permits a year in advance.
  • Along the trail, bottled water is available for purchase on the first and second days, but not again until Machu Picchu.
  • Please keep in mind that individuals with back problems are discouraged from taking part in this 4-day trek.
  • Departures are available daily for groups of two or more, with no departures in February due to trail maintenance.
  • wheelchair access is not available on the trail.
  • DON’T FORGET THE ESSENTIALS: Original passport, insurance card, and personal medications.

As part of our service, we will provide you with duffel bags that can be collected from our office after the briefing. These duffel bags will be carried by your porters and will only be accessible at the campsites. We suggest placing your non-hiking attire and personal items in the duffel bag, allowing you to carry your essential items, such as water, snacks, first aid kit, and rain gear, separately in your day pack.

We ask that you ensure that your duffel bag does not exceed 10kg, of which only 7kg should be allocated to your personal belongings. The remaining 3kg should be reserved for your sleeping pad and sleeping bag. By allocating the weight correctly, you will ensure a comfortable and enjoyable hiking experience.

We would like to inform you that, at times, strikes and roadblocks may occur in Peru which may cause disruption to our Private Inca Trail to Machu Picchu hike and rail service to and from Machu Picchu.  We understand the importance of your journey and want to ensure that any changes to your travel plans are kept to a minimum.

If a strike occurs on the first day of your Private Machu Picchu 4-day tour, we will take you to the trailhead the night before your start date, ensuring a smooth start to your journey. In the event that a strike occurs on the day of your return from the Private Inca Trail 4-day hike, we will send our vans to Hidroelectrica, where you will be required to hike an additional 2 hours from Aguas Calientes to Hidroelectrica. From there, we will transport you by van to Cusco and drop you off at your hotel.

We are committed to providing a comfortable and enjoyable travel experience, and we thank you for your understanding should any unforeseen circumstances arise.

Returning from Machu Picchu to Cusco.

At AB Expeditions, we have taken care of all the logistics for your return trip from Machu Picchu to Cusco. We have arranged for a bus to take you from Machu Picchu to Aguas Calientes, with buses departing every 15 minutes. From there, you will take a train to either Ollantaytambo or Poroy train station. Our guide will provide you with your train tickets and we ask that you arrive at the station at least 30 minutes before departure time.

The journey to Ollantaytambo is estimated to take approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, while the journey to Poroy will take approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes. Once you arrive at the train station, our transfer will be waiting for you with the AB Expeditions logo and will take you back to your hotel in Cusco.

Inca trail weather

When hiking the Private Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, it is important to understand that the weather in the Andes can be unpredictable, with rain falling during the dry season and sunshine during the rainy season. As a professional, we recommend hikers prepare for variable weather conditions by bringing essential gear such as a rain jacket, rain pants, poncho, and waterproof gloves. Additionally, hikers should be aware that the trail has various microclimates that can change throughout the day, so it is important to dress in layers that can be easily adapted to temperature changes. Hikers should also bring a down jacket for the early morning and evenings when the weather is colder. Overall, being prepared with the right gear and clothing will ensure a safe and enjoyable experience along the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.

Travel Insurance

We highly suggest that you acquire travel insurance as it offers essential coverage for unforeseen circumstances during your Private 4-day Inca Trail tour. It can provide reimbursement for your pre-paid, non-refundable Inca Trail permit in case of last-minute cancellations. Additionally, having travel insurance can offer peace of mind as it can cover medical emergencies that may arise while traveling far away from home. In the event of a covered medical emergency, travel insurance can reimburse for necessary medical expenses incurred. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase travel insurance to ensure that you have adequate protection throughout your journey.

Physical requirements

We highly recommend that individuals embarking on this trek be in good physical condition due to the strenuous nature of the hike. The classic Inca Trail boasts elevation changes that challenge even seasoned hikers, featuring three passes throughout the trek. It is important to prepare and take into consideration the physical demands of the trail in order to fully enjoy your experience.

Pre-departure briefing

We would like to remind you that a pre-departure briefing is essential for a successful and unforgettable Inca Trail experience. The briefing is scheduled at our Cusco Office, located at Marquez Street 250, Second Floor, Office 03 in Cuzco, Peru. The session takes approximately 30-45 minutes where your guide will be introduced to you and provide you with detailed information about the upcoming private tours to the Inca Trail, such as the list of essential items to bring, rental equipment, and answer any questions you may have. Should you have any difficulty attending the scheduled briefing, please contact the AB Expeditions team via email to coordinate an alternative time. We look forward to welcoming you to our Cusco Office at 06:00 pm one day before your departure to ensure everything goes smoothly.

We kindly remind our valued guests that it is customary to tip Inca Trail Trail tour staff, including our hard-working porters and skilled chefs. On the third afternoon of the tour, we will bid farewell to these incredible individuals and it is at this time that we request you provide a gratuity, if you so choose. Please note that tipping is voluntary and should never be a source of discomfort or coercion.

Typically, our guests choose to combine their tips for the chefs and porters, while tips for the tour guide are reserved for after the Machu Picchu guided tour. Additionally, we recommend providing tips in Soles for our chefs and porters, while both Soles and U.S. dollars are acceptable for the tour guide.

To assist in guiding your gratuity amount, we suggest considering a range of 50-90 Soles per porter and 120-150 Soles per chef. As always, any additional amount is greatly appreciated by our staff members. Thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to providing you with an unforgettable Inca Trail experience.

Typical meals on the trek

Our commitment to offering the ultimate culinary experience during your trek to Machu Picchu is unwavering. To ensure that our meals are always of the highest quality, we regularly provide our cooks with intensive training during the low season. The menus we prepare are designed to showcase the freshest local ingredients and provide you with a range of dietary options, which includes vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free options upon request at the time of booking.

For breakfast, indulge in hot porridge, quinoa, or oats, accompanied by a variety of freshly baked bread, fried eggs, omelets, and pancakes. To complete the meal, enjoy fresh fruit and a selection of hot beverages like coca tea, coffee, and hot chocolate.

Our lunch and dinner course offerings, a combination of traditional dishes and international cuisine, are served in two courses. The first course is typically a vegetable-based soup or a stuffed avocado, followed by hearty options such as beef stew, quinoa, and hamburgers. Finally, cap off the dining experience with a selection of desserts like chocolate pudding, vanilla cake, or fresh fruit.

During the trek, snacks such as candies, cookies, fruit juices, and a variety of Peruvian fruits, like bananas, chirimoya, and apples are also available to satisfy any cravings or keep up your energy levels.

Our Private Inca Trail tour video

Here is our full Private Inca Trail tour 4 days/3 nights to Machu Picchu video, with unseen footage! Hope you enjoy…

private inca trail tours video

what makes us different

We are determined to give our customers the best adventure ever in Peru. Our only question is, will it be yours?

inca tours holding ab

At AB Expeditions, we understand the importance of ensuring your safety during your hike along the Inca Trail. That’s why we’ve made a significant investment in Satellite Phones, ensuring that each guide participating in our private 4-Day Inca Trail Hike will have access to fully charged devices.

private inca trail equipment

We are dedicated to guaranteeing access to top-notch camping gear. We place utmost importance on quality in every aspect of our outdoor adventures, acknowledging the vital role that properly maintained equipment plays in ensuring our clients’ safety and enhancing their overall experience.

inca tours holding ab

We will pick you up at 4:30 in the morning from your hotel or Airbnb either in Cusco or the Sacred Valley. Once you have finished your private trek, we will make sure you are safely brought back to your place of accommodation. You can trust us to always provide a reliable way for you to return.

inca tours holding ab

All the meals we offer during the private 4-day Inca Trail trek are crafted from fresh ingredients bought at Cusco’s local market. Our chef prepares each dish, ensuring that only the freshest and most nutritious ingredients are used. We prioritize offering our guests delicious meals.

inca trail private tour portable toilet

We’ll offer you a dedicated tent for your personal portable toilet to improve our service. This portable toilet will be set up at our campsite, removing the necessity for you to venture to the nearby public restroom during nighttime, which is a brief distance away from our location

inca tours holding ab

We are happy to offer complimentary luggage storage to our customers embarking on the Private 4-day Inca Trail journey to Machu Picchu. Our secure storage facility ensures the safety of your belongings during your entire trip, giving you peace of mind.

meet our amazing team

We are proud of our employees – some of the world’s top talent – who take pride in what they do and are engaged with our ambitions as a company..

inca trail porters

The most affordable price

Let's start your journey!

Our Recommendation

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  • Monday through Saturday 9AM - 1PM & 3PM - 7PM
  • Sunday 5 PM - 7PM
  • +51976510080
  • [email protected]
  • Marquez Street 250, Two Blocks from the Plaza de Armas (upper floor of the market, third door on the right)


  • Monday through Saturday 8AM - 1PM & 4 PM - 7 PM
  • Sunday is closed

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We offer different sightseeing programmes in Moscow and Russia!

Maria moscow tours.

Private tours in Moscow and Russia


Walking tour + Metro

We offer a 4-hour private tour which includes a walking tour around the city center and a metro visit.

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Panoramic city tour

Panoramic city tour

A 4-hour tour around the city with a private transport and a guide. The best option for the first day in Moscow!

The Kremlin Tour

The Kremlin Tour

During the tour you will see the grounds of the Kremlin. We offer a walking tour with a private guide.

Metro Tour

Together with a private guide you will see the most famous stations of Moscow underground. The tour lasts about 2h, you will be picked up at the hotel.

The State Tretyakov Gallery

The State Tretyakov Gallery

A private tour to the biggest gallery of Russian art, where you can see classical and ancient Russian paintings

Tretyakov Gallery + Metro

Tretyakov Gallery + Metro

A private tour which includes the visit to the biggest Russian art gallery and the excursion to Moscow underground

Kremlin grounds + The Armoury Chamber

Kremlin grounds + The Armoury Chamber

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Moscow Running Tour

Moscow Running Tour

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Transfers from/to the airport/railway-station

Transfers from/to the airport/railway-station

We arrange private transfers for you!

Local family visit

Local family visit

If you want to learn more about modern Russians, you have a chance to visit a real Russian family, see the apartment and have a traditional Russian meal.

Vladimir and Suzdal' Tour

Vladimir and Suzdal' Tour

This a 2-day tour to ancient Russian cities located near Moscow: Sergiev Posad, Vladimir and Suzdal. You will have 3 excursions and stay overnight in Vladimir or Suzdal.

Food tour + sightseeing

Food tour + sightseeing

It is 3h walking tour which includes food tasting and sightseeing programme. You will have a private guide for the tour.

Cancellation policy

If you cancel the tour 15 days or more in advance before the expected date and time of tour operations (local time, Moscow) there is no cancellation fee of prepaid service. If you cancel the tour 14-8 days before the expected date and time of tour operations (local time, Moscow), there is a 50% cancellation fee of prepaid service. If you cancel the tour 7 and less days in advance before the expected date and time of tour operations (local time, Moscow) or do not come to the tour, you will not receive a refund of prepaid service. The refund may take up to 30 days, usually about 3-5 days.

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We serve our travel industry partners in the most efficient way by providing superb quality service, competitive rates and a constantly expanding range of services.

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About destination


  • St Petersburg
  • Golden Ring
  • Highlights of Russia
  • Moscow Break
  • Saint Petersburg Break
  • Master-class in painting Russian matryoshka dolls
  • Roof Top trip in Saint Petersburg
  • Tour of the Bolshoi Theatre
  • Booking and cancellation terms

Moscow Bike TOur

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  • Find adventure at every turn
  • Take pride in covering Moscow in record time
  • Enjoy the icons in style
  • Explore off the beaten path routes of Moscow
  • Expert commentary as you travel around the city
  • Test your nerve, driving on crazy Russian roads
  • Get an Endorphin Rush
  • Savour delicacies from different regions of Russia in a traditional restaurant

Only in Moscow for a short time and want to get the most out of the city and have fun? Then a 3-hour bike tour in Moscow is what you need! You won’t hear much about Russian history or become an expert on Russian art, but you will experience all the rest of Russian culture! This tour gives you a unique perspective of a little bit of everything in 3 or 5 hours: must-see tourist sights, local hangouts, Russian food, a glimpse of the modern Moscow life, amazing photo opportunities, a bit of Russian history, and a lot of fun!

This is a great opportunity to cut the usual all day tour down to only 3 or 5 hours and get the most out of the city while having fun and being fit in the greatest locations around Moscow!

A bike trip is sure to capture your heart. It enables you to see the heart of Moscow within the Boulevard Ring and to explore some non-touristic areas of the city, to get an image of the city centre and to work out at the same time.

Our tours differ and depend on whether you are interested in city scenery or nature-like landscape. A variety of places in Moscow are great for riding a bike: these are large parks, yards with old mansions, and historical streets in the centre.

Let’s see what’s waiting for you!

Here are 4 suggested itineraries for a 3-hour tour:.

Moscow Bike Route #1

St. Basil's Cathedral, GUM, Kazan Cathedral, State Historical Museum and Lenin's Mausoleum

Revolution Square and Theatrical Square

Bolshoy Theatre, Metropol Hotel, Chinese Wall, State Duma of Moscow

Alexander Garden

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, fountains, the Grotto, Central Exhibition center, Kutafya tower, Kremlin wall and towers

Historic City Center

Tverskaya street with its beautiful historical architecture, China town (Kitai-gorod), an old historical area of Moscow

Beautiful  City bridge  leading to  Gorky Park  with scenic views of  Christ the Savior  cathedral and the Moscow River. Explore all the beauties riding a bike along the riverside pathways.

Sculpture Park

Peaceful  Crimean embankment  is one of the quietest area of Moscow city with painters' works at the  Vernisage , close proximity to new  Tretyakov Gallery  and good views of  Christ the Savior Cathedral ,  Peter the Great  monument and the Crimean bridge.

Delicious lunch at a café/restaurant

Arbat street + Stalin Skyscraper

The  Arbat  has existed since at least the 15th century and is proud of being the oldest surviving street of the Russian capital. Nowadays, it is now an entertainment and event mecca for Muscovites and tourists alike.

Victory park

Get thrilled with 142 metres  Obelisk  and  Victory Park museum , which is an open-air museum dedicated to the Russian victory of 1945, built in 1995 to celebrate 50 years of victory

Moscow Bike Route #2

Pyatnitskaya street - the Tretyakov Gallery - Luzhkov Bridge - the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - the Gogolevsky Boulevard - the Nikitsky Boulevard - the Tverskoy boulevard - Teatralnaya street - the Bolshoi Theatre – the Kitai - Gorod - Red Square and GUM store - the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge

This route is the best one if you want to see the heart of Moscow. It goes right through the major places of interest and touches upon the most exciting and vibrant areas of Moscow such as part of the Boulevard Ring, which is absolutely loved by everyone.

Cozy streets of Zamoskvorechye will never leave you indifferent. This district has a long and vivid history and is full of old baroque houses along with Stalinist buildings. It includes three theatres, three museums and sixteen churches.

Back in the 18 th century Zamoskvorechye was known as a quiet, country-like land of single-storey houses and conservative businessmen. It remained country-like and is much more filled with business than before, as this area is just right in the city centre.

You’ll learn:

  • what was previously on the site of the Novokuznetskaya metro-station;
  • names of four abandoned metro stations and how to find these stations;
  • what is the oldest bridge among all the bridges in Moscow;
  • how old was Pavel Tretyakov when he decided to collect paintings, that are now exhibited in the Tretyakov gallery;
  • what does the real form of the Boulevard Ring in Moscow look like;
  • what tricks did the Russian government used to save the houses and buildings from bombing during the World War II;
  • what unofficial name the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky bridge has

Moscow Bike Route #3

View over the Kremlin - The Luzhkov Bridge –  The Strelka Institute –  The Muzeon Park –  The Gorky Park –  Neskuchny Garden –  Sparrow Hills –  The Luzhniki Stadium -  Novodevichy Convent – The Arbat Street – The Gogolevsky boulevard - The Cathedral of Christ the Savior –  The Bolotnaya Square

This route includes the most popular city-sights and goes along the Moskva-River. It starts with an observation point, from which you may enjoy the view over the Kremlin, and covers all the most beautiful green areas of Moscow. Historical sites are included into the route so you can feel the historical vibes of ancient Moscow.

  • where is hidden an island Moscow;
  • where in Moscow you can get printed music of the most sweet masterpieces like “Chocolate waltz” and “Cake-gallop” along with a box of chocolates of the 18 th century;
  • why the Luzhkov bridge is also called “the bridge of kisses”;
  • the place where the famous Olympic symbol – the Olympic Bear of the Olympics-1980 was flown from;
  • the stage where Rolling Stones and Madonna performed when they came to Moscow;
  • why the Krymsky bridge was Stalin’s favourite bridge and what musical instrument it represents;
  • where living statues in Moscow could be found in 1740s;
  • myths and legends about inhabitants of the main building of Moscow State University;
  • story about why Sparrow Hills were called that way;
  • how Napoleon was cheated when he was going to burn down the Novodevichy convent;
  • what was supposed to be on the site where the Cathedral of Christ the Savior is now;
  • why Moscow was nearly burnt down in the 15 th century and which role the Arbat street played in it.

Moscow Bike Route #4

Starting with wide area of the VDNKh, you are to learn interesting and fun facts about this spectacular part of Moscow.

  • where is a hidden the secret bunker under Moscow (and no, it’s not a famous Bunker 42 everybody knows about;
  • why the number of golden statues at the fountain is more than the number of Soviet republics, although it is said to correspond them;
  • why one of the Stalin statues was called “matryoshka” (Russian doll);
  • what was Picasso’s favourite statue at the exhibition in Paris in 1937.

You’ll see:

  • the world’s first light-music fountain that was built in 1950-1954;
  • pavilions that symbolize Soviet republics;
  • the Botanic garden which is twice as big as the Principality of Monaco;
  • the largest green-house in Europe (for the opening day in 1945);
  • English garden at the Ostankino mansion;
  • Ostankino Tower, one of the tallest structures in Europe;
  • the most beautiful flowers in hidden places of the parks.

Biking through VDNKh, Botanic garden and the territory of the Ostankino park will definitely be appreciated by nature-lovers and all those who are keen on speed, who knows no limits and want to explore off the beaten path of Moscow.

We can customize your bike adventure to meet your individual interests.

Our bicycle tour in Moscow gives you a chance to have a s pectacular ride  with  wonderful photo opportunities  and an  unforgettable cultural experience!

What you get:

  • + A friend in Moscow
  • + Private & customized tour
  • + An exciting tour, not just boring history lessons
  • + An authentic experience of local life
  • + Flexibility during the tour: changes can be made at any time to suit individual preferences
  • + Amazing deals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the very best cafes & restaurants. Discounts on weekdays (Mon-Fri)
  • + A photo session amongst spectacular Moscow scenery that can be treasured for a lifetime
  • + Good value for souvenirs, taxis, and hotels
  • + Expert advice on what to do, where to go, and how to make the most of your time in Moscow

*This tour can be modified to meet your preferences

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MacIntyre, with dad as caddie, gets tearful Canadian Open win

inca tours holding ab

Scotland's Robert MacIntyre won his first PGA Tour title on Sunday, holding off American playing partner Ben Griffin down the stretch to capture the Canadian Open by one stroke.

The 27-year-old left-hander was in tears after taking the title with his father, Dougie MacIntyre, serving as his emergency caddie for the week.

"I can't believe it, to have him on the bag. I'm crying with joy but I'm laughing because I didn't think it was possible," MacIntyre said, wiping the tears from his face.

"This is the guy that taught me the game of golf. And I just can't believe I've done this with him on the bag."

MacIntyre became the first Scotsman to win a PGA event since Martin Laird at the 2020 Shriners Children's Open, firing a two-under-par 68 to finish on 16-under 264 after 72 holes at Hamilton Golf and Country Club in suburban Toronto.

Griffin, who reeled off three consecutive birdies before a closing par, shot 65 to finish second on 265 with France's Victor Perez third on 266 after a 64. Third-ranked Rory McIlroy and South Korean Tom Kim each shot 64 to share fourth on 267.

World number 76 MacIntyre has two DP World Tour triumphs, most recently at the 2022 Italian Open, but his best prior PGA finish was runner-up in last year's Scottish Open.

"I honestly can't believe this," said MacIntyre. "It's just everything for me and my family, my girlfriend, my team."

Asked about the joy of serving as bagman for his son on a breakthrough triumph, greenskeeper Dougie MacIntyre said, "Unbelievable. I'm a grass cutter," and then began to weep.

"You are a caddie," his son said as he put his arm around him. "You're a caddie."

The elder MacIntyre recalled getting a call the Saturday before tournament week.

"I'm sitting on the couch at home, 8 o'clock on Saturday night. I was like, I can't leave my job. I'm busy at work," Dougie MacIntyre said. "Eight o'clock the next morning I'm on my flight out here, then, wow."

Asked if his father would keep his caddie duty for the next three weeks, which includes the US Open, MacIntyre said his dad's career was strictly one and done.

"No, dad's on the flight home on Monday," Robert MacIntyre said.

MacIntyre led by four strokes when the day began and when MacIntyre curled in a left-to-right birdie putt from 22 feet at 11, his edge was five.

But MacIntyre made bogeys at 12 and 13 before a birdie from just outside five feet at 15 stabilized him, only for 91st-ranked Griffin to make a final charge with birdies at 15, 16 and 17, the middle one on a 40-foot putt, to trail by one at the 18th.

"I was coming down the last and (dad) was trying to tell me to stay focused and swing smooth because yesterday I got a lot too fast," MacIntyre said.

"In my head I wasn't listening to him, I was like, I'm going to win this for my dad."

Griffin left himself a birdie putt from just outside 24 feet at 18 to equal MacIntyre, who had a 10-foot birdie putt. Griffin left his putt four feet short and MacIntyre two-putted for the victory.


World number 109 Perez, a three-time DP World Tour winner whose most recent title came last year at Abu Dhabi, missed out on his first PGA victory but matched his best tour finish, third at March's Puerto Rico Open.

World No 3 Rory McIlroy, a two-time Canadian winner and four-time major champion, birdied four of the first six holes and made another at 12 to reach 12-under.

"I played a great weekend, 11-under," McIlroy said. "It's a really good weekend to build on."


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