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30 Jahre BoBo: DJ BOBO geht 2023 auf große EVOLUT3ON Tour!

Seit unglaublichen drei Dekaden begeistert DJ BoBo nun schon seine Fans und setzt mit seinen gigantischen Konzerten immer wieder neue Maßstäbe in puncto Live-Entertainment. 30 Jahre BoBo – das muss selbstverständlich gefeiert werden! Und zwar mit einer Tour, die alles übertrifft, was vorher gewesen ist. Was im Falle des „King of Dance“gar nicht mal so einfach ist, schließlich gehören seine Shows zum Eindrucksvollsten, was man live auf der Bühne erleben kann. Mit seiner EVOLUT3ON Tour , die – nach drei Premiere-Shows im Januar – im Mai und Juni 2023 steigen wird, will DJ BoBo sein Jubiläum auf ganz besondere Weise feiern und seinen Fans etwas bieten, das es so vorher noch nie zu sehen gab: Auf gleich drei unterschiedlichen Bühnen wird er in den großen Arenen eine Show der Superlative inszenieren – mit atemberaubenden Choreografien, imposanten Video- und Lichteffekten sowie fantastischen Kostümen.

DJ BoBo: Tickets ab 16. April

Der Vorverkauf für diese Tour der Superlative startet am Freitag, den 16. April um 10 Uhr exklusiv auf . Unser Tipp: Meldet euch für den Ticketalarm von DJ BoBo , dann gibt’s zum Vorverkaufsstart automatisch einer Erinnerung in euer Postfach! Hier sind die Termine für die EVOLUT3ON Tour von DJ BoBo :


Könnte dich auch interessieren.

For free im Livestream: DJ BOBO am Sonntag mit seiner neuen Show „EVOLUT30N“



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Yes Music AG / DJ BoBo Management Breitenweg 6 6370 Stans / Switzerland Email: [email protected]


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Aus Deutschland & Österreich an:

Trend RK e.K. "Autogrammwunsch DJ BOBO" Eggerstr. 15 D-94469 Deggendorf

Bitte senden Sie ein Kuvert mit 0,85 € Frankierung ein.

Sowie für eine DIN A 5 Autogrammkarte ein Kuvert mit 1,60 € Frankierung.  

Aus der Schweiz:   Yes Music AG "Autogrammwunsch DJ BOBO" Breitenweg 6 CH-6370 Stans

Bitte ausreichend frankieren Schweiz: 1,00 CHF


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Prague – 9. 11. 2024 Bratislava – 5. 10. 2024

Get ready for the apotheosis of dance music like you’ve never experienced before! As part of his EVOLUT3ON tour, DJ BoBo is coming to Prague and Bratislava to bring you an explosion of his greatest hits, that will touch your hearts and have you dancing all night long. Everybody, Somebody dance with me, There is a party and many more.

The 90s was an era when music legends emerged on the scene, and among them was DJ BoBo, who became the king of dance music. With his unmistakable style and incredible charisma, he quickly gained worldwide popularity. Now, you have the opportunity to see him live at the concert in Prague and Bratislava.

DJ BoBo, born René Peter Baumann, dazzled us with his hits. “Somebody Dance with Me,” “Love Is All Around,” and “Freedom” are just some of his songs that became musical anthems. His visually stunning music videos featuring dance creations remain legendary to this day.

Experience the legend live and let yourself be captivated by his unique energy at the DJ BoBo concert.

Tickets available

Prague – 9th november 2024 Sportovní Hala Fortuna , Za Elektrárnou 419/1, 170 00 Praha

Bratislava – 5th october 2024 Tipos Aréna , Odbojárov 9, Bratislava


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World Premier DJ BoBo concert ‘EVOLUT30N’

The highlights of the show 'EVOLUT30N' and the VEEJOY live stream: DJ BoBo presents the world premiere of his anniversary show in the Europa-Park Arena after 30 years on stage.

  • 02:32 Minutes

dj bobo evolution tour vorgruppe

A fantastic journey through DJ BoBo's eras: For his new show programme 'EVOLUT3ON', the Swiss superstar has once again come up with something very special. A gigantic, changeable lion's head is enthroned on the main stage in the Europa-Park Arena. DJ BoBo celebrates hits such as 'Somebody Dance With Me' or 'What a Feeling', while also playing new songs. Before going on a big tour in early May 2023, DJ BoBo performed 'EVOLUT3ON' four times at the Europa-Park Arena. The concert on 15. January was broadcast live on VEEJOY. Unfortunately, the livestream cannot be made permanently available for the time being - but here we show you the best moments of the brilliant show and the livestream. 


Interview with DJ BoBo: EVOLUT3ON TOUR 2023

Info | Short clips

Interview with dj bobo: evolut3on tour 2023.

DJ BoBo celebrates his 30th stage anniversary in 2023 with ‘EVOLUT3ON’.


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Dj BoBo EVOLUT3ON tour Praha

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Pozvat přátele:, dj bobo evolut3on tour praha.

🌟 DJ BoBo v Praze - EVOLUT3ON TOUR 2024 🌟

🥳 Připravte se na apoteózu taneční hudby, jakou jste ještě nezažili 🤩 ! DJ BoBo v rámci EVOLUT3ON přijede do Prahy a přinese vám explozi svých největších hitů  🎵 , které vám rozhýbou srdce a nechají vás tančit do noci 🥳 . Everybody, Somebody dance with me, There is a party 🎵

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  • 2018  ( 5 )
  • 2017  ( 10 )
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  • 1993  ( 2 )

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  • "Vampires Alive"-Tour 2008  ( 1 )
  • Alpenparty 2004  ( 1 )
  • Circus  ( 1 )
  • Dance With Me  ( 3 )
  • Dancing Las vegas  ( 5 )
  • EVOLUT30N 2023  ( 9 )
  • Fantasy  ( 4 )
  • KaleidoLuna  ( 2 )
  • Magic Tour 1998  ( 1 )
  • Mystorial – 25th Anniversary Tour  ( 8 )
  • Pirates of Dance  ( 2 )
  • Planet Colors  ( 1 )
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Average setlist for tour: EVOLUT30N 2023

Note: only considered 4 of 9 setlists (ignored empty and strikingly short setlists)

  • Evolut30n Play Video
  • Together We Fly Play Video
  • La vida es Play Video
  • Somebody Dance With Me Play Video
  • Better Days Play Video
  • Superstar Play Video
  • Amazing Life Play Video
  • Respect Yourself Play Video
  • I Believe Play Video
  • Where Is Your Love Play Video
  • Look into My Eyes Play Video
  • Vampires Are Alive Play Video
  • Shadows of the Night ( Helen Schneider  cover) Play Video
  • Pray Play Video
  • Everybody Play Video
  • Flashdance... What a Feeling ( Irene Cara  cover) Play Video
  • Take Control Play Video
  • Let the Dream Come True Play Video
  • Mystorial Play Video
  • Dance Dance Dance Play Video
  • Keep on Dancing Play Video
  • Together Play Video
  • Love Is All Around Play Video
  • Crazy world Play Video
  • It's My Life Play Video
  • Chihuahua Play Video
  • Freedom Play Video

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Námestie Oslobodenia 11/17, Senica

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Součástí VIP vstupenky je exklusivní catering podávaný po celou dobu akce, včetně no-limit konzumace vybraných alko/nealko nápojů.

+1 500 Kč Viac info >>

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DJ BoBo v Bratislave - EVOLUT3ON TOUR 2024

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Pozvite aj priateľov:, dj bobo v bratislave - evolut3on tour 2024, 🌟dj bobo v bratislave - evolut3on tour 2024 🌟.

🥳 Pripravte sa na apoteózu tanečnej hudby, akú ste ešte nezažili 🤩! V rámci svojho turné EVOLUT3ON príde DJ BoBo do Bratislavy a prinesie vám explóziu svojich najväčších hitov 🎵 , ktoré sa dotknú vašich sŕdc a roztancujú vás na celú noc🥳 . Everybody, Somebody dance with me, There is a party

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Môžete použiť aj výrazy ako napríklad: Festival Bratislava, Divadlo Astorka, Názov podujatia alebo hľadajte len mesto

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dj bobo evolution tour vorgruppe


Experience DJ BoBo from 13. until 15. January 2023 with his new tour 'EVOLUT30N' in the Europa-Park Arena. Please note: The concert is exclusively available in combination with an overnight stay incl. breakfast buffet in one of the six 4* (superior) themed hotels. Make the concert an unforgettable short holiday!

Unfortunately, no date has been confirmed for this event yet.

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Thu 18.05.2023

EVOLUT30N - The Great Anniversary Tour 2023

Olympic hall.


With more than 14 million albums sold, he is one of the most successful Swiss musicians of all time. His latest album Evolut3on was only released in November 2022, and of course it was able to place in the charts again right away. On his eponymous tour, DJ BoBo will also come to the Olympic Hall on 18 May 2023 - with a colourful mix of his latest recordings and the greatest hits from 30 years.

For more than two decades, he has been a perennial favourite at the Olympic Hall. Usually every two years, the singer has thrilled his Munich fans with grandiose shows and rousing parties. Whether at his numerous solo concerts or, as in 2004, as one of the stars at the "Last Night of the Proms". In 2005, DJ BoBo also immortalised himself on the Munich Olympic Walk of Stars when he pressed his hands into the liquid cement before a performance.

On his last Kaleidoluna tour to date, the dancer, composer and producer set a new record in 2017 when 175,000 spectators came to his 22 concerts in Germany and Switzerland. For his 30th stage anniversary, the Swiss dancer is now returning to the Olympiahalle - and, after all the superlatives so far, he is going one better: with a brilliant show that tops everything that has been seen so far. DJ BoBo will bring not one, but three spectacular stages to the Olympic Hall. Plus colourful costumes, breathtaking choreography and, of course, the unmistakable BoBo sound. It should be a grandiose groovy evening on 18 May 2023 in the Olympic Hall.

Shamma Concerts

[email protected]

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  • DJ BoBo v Bratislave | EVOLUT3ON TOUR 2024

DJ BoBo v Bratislave | EVOLUT3ON TOUR 2024  V predaji

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Začiatok: 05.10.2024 20:00 Pridať do Google kalendára

Miesto: Zimný štadión Ondreja Nepelu (Tipos Aréna) Bratislava

Účinkujúci: DJ BoBo

DJ BoBo v Bratislave - EVOLUT3ON TOUR 2024

Pripravte sa na apoteózu tanečnej hudby, akú ste ešte nezažili! V rámci svojho turné EVOLUT3ON príde DJ BoBo do Bratislavy a prinesie vám explóziu svojich najväčších hitov, ktoré sa dotknú vašich sŕdc a roztancujú vás na celú noc. Everybody, Somebody dance with me, There is a party.

  • 🎗 GOLDEN SEAT - vlastné miesto priamo s exkluzívnym výhľadom na pódium, prednostný vstup do arény, welcome drink, darček so symbolom turné DJ BoBo
  • 🏅 1.kategorie - najlepšie miesta v aréne s dokonalým výhľadom na pódium

Dostupné vstupenky      119.0 EUR         65.0 EUR         55.0 EUR         45.0 EUR         44.0 EUR   

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Istra is famous for its New Jerusalem Monastery which was established to serve as a Russian version of the Holy Land. Today the monastery has been completely restored following the damage it suffered at the hands of the Nazis and Bolsheviks, and remains the main reason for visiting Istra. The city can easily be visited as a day trip from Moscow .

Top recommendations in Istra

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New Jerusalem Monastery

Visit the New Jerusalem Monastery, its magnificent walls and the amazing Resurrection Cathedral.

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  1. Evolut30n (Evolution)“ von DJ Bobo bei Apple Music

    dj bobo evolution tour vorgruppe

  2. DJ Bobo

    dj bobo evolution tour vorgruppe

  3. Dj Bobo Evolution Tour 2023

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  4. Dj Bobo

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  5. Europa-Park feiert Weltpremiere der DJ BoBo EVOLUT30N 2023 Tour

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  6. DJ Bobo Evolution Tour 2023

    dj bobo evolution tour vorgruppe


  1. DJ BoBo

  2. DJ Bobo Evolution Tour 2023

  3. Dance Dance Dance

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  5. dj Bobo Evolution Tour 2023 (5)

  6. DJ Bobo Evolution Tour in Leipzig 🥰


  1. 30 Jahre BoBo: DJ BOBO geht 2023 auf EVOLUT3ON Tour!

    Seit unglaublichen drei Dekaden begeistert DJ BoBo nun schon seine Fans und setzt mit seinen gigantischen Konzerten immer wieder neue Maßstäbe in puncto Live-Entertainment.30 Jahre BoBo - das muss selbstverständlich gefeiert werden! Und zwar mit einer Tour, die alles übertrifft, was vorher gewesen ist. Was im Falle des „King of Dance"gar nicht mal so einfach ist, schließlich ...

  2. - DJ BoBo

    Eine Show der Superlative, einzigartige Kostüme, atemberaubende Choreografien unterstützt durch eindrucksvolle Videoeffekte und eine gigantische Lichtshow! Mit EVOLUT30N erwartet die Fans ein unvergessliches interaktives Live-Erlebnis.

  3. DJ BoBo aus dem Europa-Park die ersten Infos zur EVOLUT3ON-TOUR 2023!

    DJ BoBo präsentiert aus dem Europa-Park die ersten Infos zu EVOLUT3ON 2023!EVOLUT30N - Die große DJ BoBo-Tour 2023 Tickets/Infos: https://www.djbobo.comPremi...

  4. DJ BoBo

    EVOLUT30N - DJ BoBo-Tour 2023 Tickets/Infos: dates:05.05.2023 Stuttgart Porsche-Arena - additional show!06.05.2023 Stutt...

  5. DJ BoBo v Praze

    Event by DJ BoBo CZ/SK and 2 others on Saturday, November 9 2024 with 11K people interested and 1.3K people going. 98 posts in the discussion. ... DJ BoBo v Praze - EVOLUT3ON TOUR 2024. Invite. Details. 12.7K people responded. Event by DJ BoBo CZ/SK, TicketPortal CZ and DJ BoBo.

  6. DJ BoBo

    DJ BoBo "EVOLUT30N TOUR 2024"27 August 2024 São Paulo/Brasil - Vibra Order here: August 2024 Santiago/Ch...

  7. DJ BoBo Setlist at ZAG-Arena, Hanover

    Get the DJ BoBo Setlist of the concert at ZAG-Arena, Hanover, Germany on May 13, 2023 from the EVOLUT30N 2023 Tour and other DJ BoBo Setlists for free on! Add Setlist. Search Clear search text. follow. Setlists; Artists; Festivals ... Evolution 6. There Is a Party 4. Dance With Me 3. World in Motion 3. Visions 2. Covers 2 ...


    DJ BoBo EVOLUT3ON. Prague - 9. 11. 2024. Bratislava - 5. 10. 2024. Get ready for the apotheosis of dance music like you've never experienced before! As part of his EVOLUT3ON tour, DJ BoBo is coming to Prague and Bratislava to bring you an explosion of his greatest hits, that will touch your hearts and have you dancing all night long.


    Before going on a big tour in early May 2023, DJ BoBo performed 'EVOLUT3ON' four times at the Europa-Park Arena. The concert on 15. January was broadcast live on VEEJOY. Unfortunately, the livestream cannot be made permanently available for the time being - but here we show you the best moments of the brilliant show and the livestream.

  10. Dj BoBo EVOLUT3ON tour Praha

    Dj BoBo EVOLUT3ON tour Praha Sportovní hala FORTUNA. Praha . Koupit. Informace o akci DJ BoBo v Praze - EVOLUT3ON TOUR 2024 拾 Připravte se na apoteózu taneční hudby, jakou jste ještě nezažili 朗 ! DJ BoBo v rámci EVOLUT3ON přijede do Prahy a přinese vám explozi svých největších hitů , které vám rozhýbou srdce a nechají ...

  11. DJ BoBo Average Setlists of tour: EVOLUT30N 2023

    BoBo, DJ > Tour Statistics. Song Statistics Stats; Tour Statistics Stats; Other Statistics; All Setlists. All setlist songs (142) Years on tour. Show all. 2023 (12) 2022 (4) 2019 (6) ... Average setlist for tour: EVOLUT30N 2023. Note: only considered 4 of 9 setlists (ignored empty and strikingly short setlists) Setlist. share setlist Evolut30n ...

  12. DJ BoBo Evolution Tour

    Diese Gruppe dient zum Austausch von DJ BoBo Fans. Egal ob neue Informationen zur Evolution Tour, News zur neuen Tour, News, Gewinnspiele, uvm. Hier werdet ihr rund um das Thema DJ BoBo auf dem...

  13. DJ BoBo

    Want to be the first to know about the next tour? Then sign up here: Follow DJ BoBo: https://ww...

  14. DJ BoBo v Bratislave

    Popis podujatia DJ BoBo v Bratislave - EVOLUT3ON TOUR 2024 拾 Pripravte sa na apoteózu tanečnej hudby, akú ste ešte nezažili 朗! V rámci svojho turné EVOLUT3ON príde DJ BoBo do Bratislavy a prinesie vám explóziu svojich najväčších hitov , ktoré sa dotknú vašich sŕdc a roztancujú vás na celú noc拾 .

  15. DJ BoBo EVOLUT30N

    Experience the show celebrating the 30th stage anniversary live! Event is in the past. Experience DJ BoBo from 13. until 15. January 2023 with his new tour 'EVOLUT30N' in the Europa-Park Arena. Please note: The concert is exclusively available in combination with an overnight stay incl. breakfast buffet in one of the six 4* (superior) themed ...

  16. Evolut3on Tour: DJ BoBo in the Olympic Hall

    On his eponymous tour, DJ BoBo will also come to the Olympic Hall on 18 May 2023 - with a colourful mix of his latest recordings and the greatest hits from 30 years. For more than two decades, he has been a perennial favourite at the Olympic Hall. Usually every two years, the singer has thrilled his Munich fans with grandiose shows and rousing ...

  17. DJ BoBo v Bratislave

    DJ BoBo v Bratislave - EVOLUT3ON TOUR 2024. Pripravte sa na apoteózu tanečnej hudby, akú ste ešte nezažili! V rámci svojho turné EVOLUT3ON príde DJ BoBo do Bratislavy a prinesie vám explóziu svojich najväčších hitov, ktoré sa dotknú vašich sŕdc a roztancujú vás na celú noc. Everybody, Somebody dance with me, There is a party.

  18. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Lobnya

    Things to Do in Lobnya, Russia - Lobnya Attractions. 1. Temple of the Divine Savior. 2. Temple-Chapel of St. Matrona. 3. Lobnya Park of Culture and Recreation. 4. Chamber Stage, Lobnya Drama Theater.

  19. Lobnya, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Distance (in kilometers) between Lobnya and the biggest cities of Russia. Moscow 31 km closest. Saint Petersburg 607 km. Novosibirsk 2816 km. Yekaterinburg 1419 km. Nizhny Novgorod 1828 km. Kazan 729 km. Chelyabinsk 1500 km.

  20. Istra

    Istra is famous for its New Jerusalem Monastery which was established to serve as a Russian version of the Holy Land. Today the monastery has been completely restored following the damage it suffered at the hands of the Nazis and Bolsheviks, and remains the main reason for visiting Istra. The city can easily be visited as a day trip from Moscow.

  21. Weltpremiere DJ BoBo Evolution Tour

    In diesem Vlog nehmen wir euch mit auf ein unvergessliches Wochenende in das Europa-Park Erlebnis-Resort.- Erlebt mit uns die Weltpremiere der DJ BoBo Evolut...

  22. Lobnya

    Main page; Contents; Current events; Random article; About Wikipedia; Contact us; Donate; Pages for logged out editors learn more

  23. DJ BoBo "EVOLUT30N"

    Want to be the first to know about the next tour? Then sign up here: Follow DJ BoBo: https://ww...