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What To Pack For A 9-Day Trip

Published: November 16, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Milissent Curry

  • Travel Tips



Planning a 9-day trip can be an exciting and exhilarating experience. Whether you’re embarking on an adventurous trek through the mountains or leisurely exploring a new city, it’s important to pack wisely to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable journey. This comprehensive guide will help you determine exactly what to pack for your 9-day trip, covering everything from clothing and toiletries to essential electronics and travel documents.

When it comes to packing for a 9-day trip, it’s crucial to strike a balance between being prepared for all scenarios and not overpacking. Consider the activities and weather conditions you’ll encounter during your trip and plan your clothing accordingly. Remember, versatility is key!

Next, don’t forget to pack essential toiletries to maintain personal hygiene and skincare during your trip. Be mindful of the size restrictions imposed by airlines and opt for travel-sized items whenever possible. Additionally, packing the right electronics can greatly enhance your travel experience, whether it’s capturing stunning photographs, staying connected, or navigating unfamiliar territories with ease.

Travel documents should be organized and easily accessible throughout your journey. Ensure you have all the necessary identification, visas, tickets, and reservations before embarking on your trip. It’s always prudent to have both physical and digital copies of these important documents.

If you take any medications, be sure to pack an ample supply to last the duration of your trip. It’s advisable to carry them in your carry-on luggage for easy access. It’s also wise to have a basic first aid kit with you, containing essentials such as band-aids, pain relievers, and any other specific medications you may require.

While on a 9-day trip, you’ll likely have some downtime or moments of relaxation. Packing entertainment options like books, magazines, or portable gaming devices can help pass the time during long flights or lazy days at the beach.

Snacks can be a lifesaver when hunger strikes while exploring new destinations. Pack some lightweight and non-perishable snacks such as granola bars, nuts, or dried fruits to keep you energized throughout your trip. However, it’s important to be aware of any food restrictions or customs regulations in the countries you will be visiting.

Finally, don’t forget to pack those miscellaneous items that are often overlooked but can make your trip much more comfortable. These may include an umbrella, travel adapters, a reusable water bottle, a portable charger, a travel pillow, and a lightweight daypack.

By following this comprehensive packing guide, you’ll be well-prepared for your 9-day adventure, able to enjoy every moment without the stress of forgetting something essential. Remember to check the weather forecast and specific destination recommendations to tailor your packing list to your specific needs. Happy travels!

When it comes to packing clothing for a 9-day trip, it’s important to strike a balance between being prepared for different activities and weather conditions, while also keeping your luggage as light as possible. Here’s a breakdown of the essential clothing items you should pack:

  • Shirts/Tops: Pack a mix of short-sleeved and long-sleeved shirts to accommodate varying temperatures. Opt for versatile pieces that can be dressed up or down.
  • Pants/Bottoms: Include a couple of pairs of comfortable pants or jeans that you can wear throughout your trip. Additionally, pack a pair of shorts or skirts for warmer days.
  • Jacket/Sweater: Even if you’re traveling to a warm destination, it’s always a good idea to have a light jacket or sweater for cooler evenings or air-conditioned environments.
  • Undergarments: Don’t forget to pack enough underwear and socks for the duration of your trip. Consider the activities you have planned and pack accordingly.
  • Swimwear: If your trip includes beach or pool time, be sure to pack at least one swimsuit.
  • Footwear: Choose comfortable shoes that are suitable for the activities you have planned. Include a pair of sneakers for walking or hiking, sandals for warmer days, and dressier shoes if needed.
  • Accessories: Depending on the weather and your personal style, pack accessories such as hats, scarves, and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun or add a fashionable touch to your outfits.

It’s important to pack clothing items that can be mixed and matched to create different outfits. Stick to a color palette that is easy to coordinate. Also, consider the cultural norms of your destination and pack modest clothing if needed.

Finally, don’t forget to check the weather forecast for your destination and pack accordingly. It’s always a good idea to have some lightweight and waterproof options just in case. Layering is also a smart strategy to adapt to changing temperatures throughout your trip.

By packing a well-thought-out selection of clothing items, you’ll be prepared for any activities and weather conditions that come your way during your 9-day trip.

When packing toiletries for your 9-day trip, it’s important to consider the size restrictions imposed by airlines and opt for travel-sized items whenever possible. Here’s a checklist of essential toiletries to include in your luggage:

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Body wash or soap
  • Face cleanser
  • Moisturizer
  • Razor and shaving cream
  • Hairbrush or comb
  • Hair styling products
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Nail clippers and file
  • Medications and any necessary prescriptions
  • First aid kit

Pack these items in a toiletry bag that is leak-proof and easily accessible. Use travel-sized containers for liquids and consider using refillable bottles to save space and reduce waste.

In addition to the essential toiletries, you may also want to pack some extras. These can include makeup, contact lens solution, eye drops, hand sanitizer, wet wipes, and any other personal care items you use regularly.

Remember to keep all liquids and gels in a clear, zip-top bag to comply with airport security regulations. It’s also a good idea to double-check the customs regulations of your destination to ensure you are not bringing any prohibited items.

Lastly, if you’re worried about running out of toiletries during your trip, you can always purchase them at your destination. Many hotels provide basic toiletries, and local convenience stores or pharmacies will have a wide array of products available.

By packing the necessary toiletries and being mindful of size restrictions, you’ll be able to maintain your personal hygiene and skincare routine during your 9-day trip.


When it comes to packing electronics for your 9-day trip, it’s important to consider both your entertainment and practical needs. Here are the essential electronics to take with you:

  • Smartphone: Your smartphone is a travel essential, serving multiple purposes such as communication, navigation, and entertainment. Don’t forget to pack your charger and any necessary adapters.
  • Camera: If you enjoy capturing high-quality photos, bring along a camera that meets your needs. Whether it’s a digital camera, DSLR, or even just a reliable smartphone camera, make sure to pack extra batteries or a portable charger.
  • Headphones: A pair of headphones can be a lifesaver during long flights or bus rides. Choose a comfortable and compact set that can provide quality sound and cancel out external noise.
  • Laptop or tablet (optional): If you need to work or stay connected during your trip, consider bringing a laptop or tablet. Ensure that it is lightweight and has a reliable battery life.
  • Universal travel adapter: If you’re traveling to a different country, a universal travel adapter will allow you to charge your electronics without any compatibility issues.

While these are the essential electronics, you may also want to consider additional items such as an e-reader, portable power bank, or a compact travel speaker, depending on your preferences and needs.

Remember to pack these electronics securely in a padded case or bag to protect them during your travels. It’s also a good idea to make backups of important files and documents stored on your devices, either on a cloud storage platform or an external hard drive.

Lastly, be mindful of the power requirements and voltage differences in your destination. Do some research beforehand to ensure that your electronics are compatible and that you have the appropriate adapters or converters if needed.

By packing the necessary electronics and accessories, you’ll be able to stay connected, capture memories, and enjoy entertainment during your 9-day trip.

Travel Documents

Travel documents are essential for a smooth and hassle-free trip. Before embarking on your 9-day adventure, make sure you have all the necessary travel documents organized and easily accessible. Here are the key documents you’ll need to pack:

  • Passport: Ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your intended departure date. Make a photocopy or take a digital scan of your passport as a backup.
  • Visas: Depending on your destination, you may need a visa to enter the country. Check the visa requirements well in advance and apply accordingly.
  • Driver’s license: If you plan on renting a car or driving during your trip, don’t forget to bring your driver’s license. It’s also wise to check if an international driver’s permit is required.
  • Flight tickets: Print out or have digital copies of your flight tickets, including any connecting flights or return tickets.
  • Hotel reservations: Keep a record of your hotel reservations, including the confirmation numbers and contact information.
  • Travel insurance: It’s highly recommended to have travel insurance for your trip. Keep a copy of your insurance policy, as well as the emergency contact information, readily available.
  • Itinerary: Create a detailed itinerary of your trip, including transportation details, accommodations, and any planned activities or tours.
  • Emergency contacts: Carry a list of emergency contacts, including family members, friends, your country’s embassy or consulate in your destination, and any important phone numbers in case of emergencies.

It’s always a good idea to have both physical and digital copies of these documents. Store digital copies on your phone or save them in cloud storage for easy access. You may also want to consider carrying a small travel document organizer to keep everything neatly organized and easily accessible.

Before your trip, double-check the entry requirements and any additional documents needed for your specific destination. Some countries may require proof of onward travel, vaccination certificates, or other documentation.

By ensuring you have all the necessary travel documents in place, you’ll be well-prepared to navigate through airports, immigration, and any unexpected situations that may arise during your 9-day trip.


Packing medications is a crucial aspect of trip planning, especially if you have specific healthcare needs or take regular medications. Here are some important considerations when it comes to packing medications for your 9-day trip:

  • Prescription Medications: Make sure you have an ample supply of your prescription medications to last the duration of your trip. It’s advisable to carry them in your carry-on luggage rather than checked bags, in case you experience delays or luggage mishaps.
  • Over-the-Counter Medications: Pack a basic first aid kit containing over-the-counter medications such as pain relievers, antihistamines, motion sickness medication, and any other non-prescription medications you may require.
  • Medical Information: Keep a list of your medications, including their generic and brand names, dosages, and instructions. It’s also helpful to have a note from your doctor detailing your medical condition and dosage instructions.
  • Travel Insurance: If you have travel insurance, make sure to familiarize yourself with the coverage for medical emergencies. Note down the contact information for your insurance provider and any necessary phone numbers in case of emergencies.
  • Destination Specific Medications: If you’re traveling to a destination with specific health risks or concerns such as malaria-prone areas, high altitude regions, or tropical diseases, consult with your healthcare provider and pack any necessary medications or preventive measures.
  • First Aid Supplies: In addition to medications, consider packing basic first aid supplies such as band-aids, adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes, and any other items you may need for minor injuries or ailments.

It’s important to familiarize yourself with the regulations and restrictions related to medications in the countries you will be visiting. Some medications may be controlled substances or require specific documentation for transport.

If you wear glasses or contact lenses, don’t forget to pack an extra pair or a sufficient supply to last the duration of your trip. It’s also wise to bring a copy of your optical prescription, in case you need a replacement or adjustment while traveling.

Lastly, ensure that your medications are stored properly and at the appropriate temperature throughout your trip. If needed, consider using a travel-sized medication organizer to keep everything organized and easily accessible.

By packing your medications and necessary medical supplies, you’ll be able to maintain your health and well-being during your 9-day trip, ensuring a worry-free and enjoyable experience.


While traveling on a 9-day trip, there will likely be moments of downtime or long journeys where having some form of entertainment can make the time fly by. Here are some suggestions for entertainment options to pack:

  • Books or E-Readers: If you enjoy reading, pack one or two books that you’ve been wanting to dive into. Alternatively, an e-reader allows you to carry multiple books in a compact and lightweight device.
  • Magazines or Newspapers: Grab a few magazines or newspapers to catch up on the latest news, articles, or your favorite hobbies while on the go.
  • Portable Gaming Devices: If you’re a fan of gaming, consider packing a portable gaming device such as a handheld console or a gaming app on your smartphone.
  • Puzzles or Brain Teasers: Challenge yourself with puzzles, crosswords, or Sudoku books to keep your mind sharp and entertained.
  • Journal or Sketchbook: Use your downtime to jot down your thoughts, memories, or sketches in a journal or sketchbook.
  • Movies or TV Shows: Load up your tablet or laptop with your favorite movies or TV shows to enjoy during long flights or relaxing evenings in your accommodation.
  • Music or Podcasts: Create a playlist or download your favorite music albums and podcasts to enjoy during your travels. Don’t forget to pack a pair of headphones for a more immersive experience.

Consider the type of entertainment that brings you joy and helps you relax. It’s important to strike a balance and not rely solely on electronic devices for entertainment. Immersing yourself in a book or engaging with your surroundings can enhance your travel experience.

Remember to pack your entertainment options in a way that they are easily accessible and well-organized. Keep electronic devices charged before your journey and carry portable chargers or power banks to ensure you don’t run out of battery during your trip.

While having entertainment options is great, don’t forget to be present and engage with the local culture and surroundings. Be open to new experiences and take the time to connect with fellow travelers or locals.

By packing your preferred form of entertainment, you’ll have a source of enjoyment and relaxation during your 9-day trip, ensuring a well-rounded and fulfilling experience.

When embarking on a 9-day trip, having some snacks on hand can be a lifesaver, especially during long journeys or when hunger strikes in-between meals. Here are some snack suggestions to consider packing:

  • Granola Bars: Granola bars are a convenient and portable snack that provides a quick burst of energy. Look for ones with whole grains, nuts, and dried fruits for a healthy and satisfying option.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Pack a small bag of nuts or seeds such as almonds, cashews, or sunflower seeds. They are nutrient-dense, provide healthy fats, and can help curb hunger.
  • Dried Fruits: Dried fruits like raisins, apricots, or cranberries offer a sweet and chewy snack that is packed with fiber and vitamins. They are lightweight and don’t require refrigeration.
  • Crackers or Rice Cakes: These crunchy snacks are versatile and can be enjoyed with spreads like peanut butter, cheese, or hummus for added flavor and protein.
  • Energy Bites: If you prefer homemade snacks, consider making energy bites with a combination of oats, nuts, dates, and a sweetener like honey or maple syrup. They are packed with nutrients and can be customized to your liking.
  • Jerky: For a savory and protein-packed snack, consider packing some beef, turkey, or vegan jerky. It’s lightweight, non-perishable, and offers a satisfying chew.
  • Dark Chocolate: Indulge in a small portion of dark chocolate for a sweet treat. It’s not only delicious but also contains antioxidants and can provide a mood boost.
  • Trail Mix: Create your own trail mix by combining dried fruits, nuts, seeds, and even some chocolate or pretzels for a satisfying and customizable snack.

When choosing snacks, consider any dietary restrictions, allergies, or cultural norms of your destination. Be mindful of any customs regulations regarding bringing food items into the country you’re visiting.

It’s important to note that while snacks can be convenient, it’s still essential to enjoy local cuisine and support local businesses during your trip. Use snacks as a supplement, not a replacement, for experiencing the local food scene.

Remember to pack your snacks in resealable bags or containers to keep them fresh and prevent any spills or messes. Also, stay hydrated by packing a reusable water bottle and filling it up as needed during your travels.

By packing a variety of snacks, you’ll have a quick and convenient source of energy to keep you fueled and satisfied during your 9-day trip.

Miscellaneous Items

When planning your 9-day trip, there are some miscellaneous items that may not immediately come to mind but can greatly enhance your overall travel experience. Here’s a list of miscellaneous items to consider packing:

  • Travel Adapter: Depending on your destination, you may need a travel adapter to plug in your electronic devices. It’s a good idea to invest in a universal travel adapter that works with different types of outlets.
  • Portable Charger: A portable charger can be a lifesaver when you’re on the go and need to recharge your devices, especially during long days of sightseeing. Make sure it’s fully charged before your trip.
  • Reusable Water Bottle: Staying hydrated is important while traveling. Bring a reusable water bottle to refill throughout the day. Look for one that is collapsible or lightweight to save space in your luggage.
  • Lightweight Daypack: A lightweight daypack is perfect for carrying essentials during day trips or hikes. It should be compact, comfortable, and have enough storage space for your belongings.
  • Umbrella or Raincoat: Be prepared for unexpected weather changes by packing a compact umbrella or a raincoat. This will keep you dry and comfortable when exploring outdoor destinations.
  • Travel Pillow: If you have a long journey, a travel pillow can provide much-needed comfort and support for your neck and head, enabling you to get some rest during flights or train rides.
  • Locks: Keep your belongings secure by packing a couple of sturdy locks. Use them to lock your luggage, secure hostel lockers, or even for added security at your accommodation.
  • Travel-Size Laundry Detergent: Packing a small amount of travel-size laundry detergent can be handy for quick laundry washes, especially for longer trips. Consider sink-washing essentials for lightweight travel.
  • Snack Bags: Pack a few resealable bags for storing leftover snacks, organizing small items, or even keeping wet clothes separate from the rest of your belongings.
  • Travel Guides or Maps: While digital resources are readily available, having a physical travel guidebook or map can still be helpful for navigating your destination, especially in areas with limited internet coverage.

Remember, the specific miscellaneous items you pack may vary based on your destination, preferences, and planned activities. The key is to bring items that will enhance your comfort, convenience, and overall travel experience.

Keep these miscellaneous items organized in separate compartments or bags within your luggage to easily locate them when needed. Pack smartly and consider the weight and size restrictions imposed by airlines.

By packing these miscellaneous items, you’ll be well-prepared for unexpected situations and have the necessary tools to enhance your travel experience during your 9-day trip.

As you prepare for your 9-day trip, packing wisely can make all the difference in ensuring a smooth and enjoyable journey. With this comprehensive packing guide, you now have a clear understanding of what to pack for your adventure.

Remember to consider the climate and activities you’ll be engaging in during your trip when selecting your clothing. Pack versatile items that can be mixed and matched to accommodate varying weather conditions.

Essential toiletries and medications are crucial for maintaining personal hygiene and addressing any health needs while traveling. Ensure you have an ample supply of prescription medications and a basic first aid kit to take care of any minor injuries or ailments.

Electronics such as smartphones, cameras, and headphones can enhance your travel experience, while travel documents are necessary for a hassle-free journey. Double-check that you have all the required documents, including passports, visas, flight tickets, and hotel reservations.

Entertainment options like books, magazines, and portable gaming devices can keep you engaged during downtime. Snacks provide a convenient and energy-boosting solution for those moments when hunger strikes, while miscellaneous items like travel adapters, reusable water bottles, and travel pillows add comfort, convenience, and security to your trip.

By packing thoughtfully and efficiently, you’ll be well-prepared to embark on your 9-day adventure. Keep in mind the importance of traveling light, being mindful of restrictions, and respecting local customs and regulations.

Remember to create lasting memories and fully immerse yourself in the destinations you visit. Embrace the new experiences, engage with the local culture, and stay open to new adventures along the way.

Wishing you a fantastic and unforgettable 9-day journey filled with joy, discovery, and memorable moments!


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Beaches of Normandy Tours

Band of Brothers Tours

Bringing history to life.

If you are looking for military historical tours in Europe, we are the best local experts you can find. In terms of World War II tours, no one comes even close to offering the quality you get from us. Our Tour Directors and local guides are professionals who have perfected their craft. All our hotels and restaurants are tried and true, and our local knowledge is evident and all of our staff speak fluent English. Our secure and guaranteed payment systems allow you to shop online with the utmost confidence. Once you book your trip, we will guide you through everything related to your tour, from what travel documents you need and what to pack to a recommended list of books to read and movies to watch before your departure. We are not an assembly line company focused on mass production – our goal is to give you a once in a lifetime experience.

Band of Brothers Tour bus



This is an adventure designed for your bucket list and your pocket book. Feel the sands of the landing beaches between your toes, stand at the very foxholes where heroes fought for your freedom and breathe the Alpine air at Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest.


The ultimate trip through the American WWII effort: our Band of Brothers Tour is an epic journey from Normandy to Hitler's Eagle's Nest via the battlefields of the Battle of the Bulge in the footsteps of the famous Easy Company.

Band of Brothers - The Screaming Eagles

The 101st Airborne Division came into existence on August 16, 1942, and the "Screaming Eagles" quickly soared to legendary status. With a proud service history in World War II, Vietnam, and more recently Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan and other locations, they are a shining example of American military excellence. The division’s WWII actions were depicted in several movies and series, the most famous being HBO’s Band of Brothers miniseries. Read on here: Band of Brothers



Remember the bloodiest battle for the American forces in World War II. On this tour you can see where the brave soldiers held their ground during the siege of Bastogne, and experience the citizens “throwing nuts” to commemorate their liberators.



Numerous historical sites tell the tales of the rise, the fall and the aftermath of Hitler’s Third Reich on this tour. Join us at the epicentre of WWII, where the Führer rallied followers, commanded armies, held events and eventually met his demise.



Hit all the essential sites on this streamlined 10-day tour combining the air war related sites with the iconic vehicles on display at the Bovington Tank Museum and finishing off with a cultural intake of the prehistoric monument of Stonehenge.



Our signature tour gives you an opportunity to thoroughly explore the beaches and the sites of Normandy connected to the D-Day landings. This tour is designed for people who want to enjoy military history and culture alike on their vacation in Normandy.

Our first-class historical tours take you on a journey through iconic World War II sites around Europe, as well as the most emblematic moments of American heroism of the time. From the Normandy beaches to Bastogne and the Bavarian Alps we guide you through the significant events and experiences of the war that changed the world. Band of Brothers Tour is a registered brand and protected trademark in the European Union by Beaches of Normandy Tours.

The first days of the tour dive into all five landing beaches, with a special focus on the American landing sectors. We then head east through the Ardennes to Belgium, where passengers can crouch in the foxholes of Bois Jacques and learn about the vehicles that defined the Allied war effort during the Battle of the Bulge and the Siege of Bastogne. Our journey ends in Germany, where we learn about the context of the Nazi regime, a sobering visit to the very first concentration camp of Dachau and we top off the tour with a day trip to the Bavarian Alps, where we visit the famous Eagle's Nest on top of the Kehlstein mountain.

Band of Brothers Tour review

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The 40+ Best Trip Hop Artists, Ranked


Vote on the bets trip hop artists.

If you are ready for a journey through one of the most eclectic music forms, consider trip hop. Trip hop music awakens the senses and unlocks a treasure trove of rhythm, style and emotion. This genre is steeped in the roots of British electronica, breakbeat, and hip hop. It's fascinating to wend your way through a collection of the finest trip hop artists whose songs have made a profound impact on music scenes globally. 

The best trip hop groupspaint an enchanting picture of profound musical innovation, blending various styles to create something unique and potent. Their transformative influence on trip hop's evolution becomes apparent with each resonating beat and soulful lyric. The music vibrates with a deep resonance that echoes across the mainstream and indie audiences, highlighting the uniqueness of each artist and their indelible mark on the genre. 

In the illustrious lineup of trip hop artists, certain names stand out. These include top trip hop bands like Portishead , Massive Attack, and Tricky. Portishead's hauntingly beautiful melodies tug at the heartstrings of the listeners, making the band famous. Massive Attack, with their groundbreaking albums, brought a new perspective to the genre, a testament to their status among the best trip hop artists. Tricky melded raw emotion with creative beats resulting in a distinctive sound that resonates with fans to this day. Their achievements, ranging from memorable songs and classic albums to prestigious awards, speak volumes about their stature in the trip hop universe. 

Reflecting on the history of trip hop music and its best artists presents a captivating saga of artistic expression, innovation, and boundary-pushing beats. Distinguished by their individual style and contributions, these trip hop bands have set new standards for the genre with magical tunes that continue to inspire, entertain, and move audiences around the world. 


Portishead, the brainchild of Geoff Barrow, Beth Gibbons, and Adrian Utley, revolutionized trip hop in the 90s with their groundbreaking albums Dummy  and Portishead . With a hauntingly atmospheric sound that flawlessly combined eerie vocal melodies, innovative sampling techniques, and cinematic soundscapes, Portishead captured the imagination of music lovers everywhere. They managed to push the boundaries of the genre by blending elements of jazz, electronica, and rock, ultimately creating a hypnotic experience that became synonymous with the trip hop movement. To this day, Portishead remains a luminary of the scene, continuously inspiring generations of artists with their emotive and timeless compositions.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Portishead   - "Glory Box"   - "Sour Times"   - "Roads"

Dive Into Portishead's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "It's a Fire"   - "Over"

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Massive Attack

Massive Attack

Massive Attack, hailing from Bristol, England, have long been considered pioneers in the realm of trip hop. The trio, consisting of Robert Del Naja, Grant Marshall, and Andy Vowles, crafted a unique sound that seamlessly merged elements of dub, reggae, soul, and electronica. Their seminal album Blue Lines  served as a blueprint for trip hop, boasting an array of downtempo beats, ethereal ambience, and thought-provoking lyricism. Massive Attack's innovation and experimentation within the genre have solidified their legacy as one of the most influential trip hop acts of all time.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Massive Attack   - "Teardrop"   - "Unfinished Sympathy"   - "Angel"

Dive Into Massive Attack's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Karmacoma"   - "Black Milk"

  • # 965 of 1,150 on The Greatest Musical Artists Of All Time, Ranked
  • # 233 of 307 on The Greatest Musical Artists of the '90s
  • # 132 of 248 on The Most Hipster Bands


UK-based artist Tricky, born Adrian Thaws, quickly emerged as a trip hop icon with the release of his debut album, Maxinquaye . His distinct fusion of hip hop, rock, and electronica resonated with listeners seeking something more subversive and experimental within the genre. Drawing heavily on his Jamaican roots and experiences growing up in Bristol, Tricky's music showcased his powerful storytelling abilities and otherworldly production skills. As a result, Tricky has remained an essential figure within the trip hop scene, continuously pushing the envelope with each successive release.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Tricky   - "Hell is Round the Corner"   - "Black Steel"   - "Ponderosa"

Dive Into Tricky's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Vent"   - "Christiansands"

  • # 286 of 307 on The Greatest Musical Artists of the '90s
  • # 41 of 91 on The Best Electronic Bands & Artists
  • # 17 of 219 on The Best Intelligent Dance Music DJs/Artists


Morcheeba, a British trio consisting of siblings Paul and Ross Godfrey and vocalist Skye Edwards, captivated listeners with their polished blend of trip hop, electronica, and pop. Their debut album Who Can You Trust?  served as a prime example of their ability to create moody, atmospheric compositions that showcased Edwards' sultry vocal stylings. Morcheeba's ability to navigate the diverse sonic landscape of trip hop while maintaining a strong focus on melody earned them critical acclaim and a devout following. Over time, the band has continued to evolve, solidifying their status as a versatile powerhouse within the genre.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Morcheeba   - "The Sea"   - "Trigger Hippie"   - "Rome Wasn't Built in a Day"

Dive Into Morcheeba's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Friction"   - "Big Calm"

Sneaker Pimps

Sneaker Pimps

Established in the mid-90s, the British trip hop trio Sneaker Pimps, composed of Chris Corner, Liam Howe, and Kelli Ali, brought a unique spin to the genre with their compelling mix of electronica, alternative rock, and darkly melodic pop. Their debut album Becoming X  showcased innovative production techniques, catchy hooks, and Ali's alluring vocals, which quickly garnered them international attention. Not content to remain static, Sneaker Pimps continued to explore and push the boundaries of trip hop, consistently reinventing their sound and remaining an influential force within the scene.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Sneaker Pimps   - "6 Underground"   - "Spin Spin Sugar"   - "Tesko Suicide"

Dive Into Sneaker Pimps' History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Low Place Like Home"   - "Grazes"

Zero 7

British duo Zero 7, comprised of Henry Binns and Sam Hardaker, emerged on the trip hop scene in the late '90s with a mission to blend chilled-out electronica, sophisticated pop sensibilities, and seductive downtempo grooves. Their debut album Simple Things , featuring collaborations with vocalists like Sia and Mozez, showcased the duo's penchant for crafting exquisitely lush and soothing soundscapes. Over the years, Zero 7 has continued to evolve and redefine their sound, often incorporating elements of jazz, soul, and world music, earning them a dedicated fanbase and a lasting impact on the trip hop genre.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Zero 7   - "Destiny"   - "In the Waiting Line"   - "Home"

Dive Into Zero 7's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Likufanele"   - "I Have Seen"


French duo Nicolas Godin and Jean-Benoît Dunckel, better known as Air, brought a distinctly Gallic flair to the world of trip hop with their sublime fusion of electronic experimentation, retro-pop melodies, and dreamy atmospherics. Their seminal album Moon Safari , featuring hit singles like "Sexy Boy" and "Kelly Watch the Stars," captivated audiences with its timeless charm and ethereal beauty. Throughout their career, Air has consistently pushed the boundaries of trip hop by exploring a wide range of sonic palettes and textures, leaving an indelible mark on the genre.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Air   - "Sexy Boy"   - "La Femme d'Argent"   - "Cherry Blossom Girl"

Dive Into Air's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Le Soleil est près de Moi"   - "Talisman"

  • # 296 of 307 on The Greatest Musical Artists of the '90s
  • # 136 of 215 on The 200+ Best Indie Artists Of All Time, Ranked
  • # 364 of 384 on The Greatest Pop Groups & Artists Of All Time



Belgian outfit Hooverphonic, led by mastermind Alex Callier, made a lasting impact on the trip-hop scene with their evocative, cinematic soundscapes that beautifully melded elements of pop, rock, and electronic music. From their breathtaking debut A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular  to their more recent work, Hooverphonic has demonstrated an uncanny ability to create lush, immersive atmospheres with a keen sense of melody. With a revolving door of talented vocalists, including Liesje Sadonius, Geike Arnaert, and Luka Cruysberghs, the band has consistently defied expectations, solidifying their status as one of trip hop's most captivating acts.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Hooverphonic   - "Mad About You"   - "2Wicky"   - "Eden"

Dive Into Hooverphonic's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Vinegar & Salt"   - "Out of Sight"

Thievery Corporation

Thievery Corporation

Washington, D.C.-based duo Thievery Corporation, consisting of Eric Hilton and Rob Garza, have been synonymous with trip hop since their formation in the mid-'90s. With a sound that effortlessly fuses elements of dub, reggae, lounge, and electronica, the pair has developed a unique global sonic identity that transcends genre boundaries. Their debut album Sounds from the Thievery Hi-Fi  laid the groundwork for their signature sound, combining lush electronic soundscapes with hypnotic grooves and worldly influences. Over the years, Thievery Corporation has continuously evolved their eclectic sound, solidifying their status as one of trip hop's most innovative and boundary-pushing acts.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Thievery Corporation   - "Lebanese Blonde"   - "Sweet Tides"   - "The Richest Man in Babylon"

Dive Into Thievery Corporation's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Amerimacka"   - "The Mirror Conspiracy"

DJ Shadow

Josh Davis, known professionally as DJ Shadow, is an American producer and DJ who has left an indelible mark on the world of trip hop with his undeniable talent for crafting immersive beats and moody soundscapes. His groundbreaking 1996 debut Endtroducing...  is widely regarded as a trip hop classic, showcasing a mastery of sampling techniques, innovative production styles, and a keen ear for haunting, atmospheric sounds. Throughout his career, DJ Shadow has continued to explore and expand the boundaries of the genre, pushing the limits of what can be achieved through the art of sampling and beat making.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From DJ Shadow   - "Midnight in a Perfect World"   - "Building Steam with a Grain of Salt"   - "Six Days"

Dive Into DJ Shadow's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Stem / Long Stem"   - "Organ Donor"

  • # 103 of 156 on The Best DJs in the World Right Now
  • # 57 of 81 on The 80+ Best Rap Producers Of All Time, Ranked
  • # 37 of 349 on The Best Electronica Artists


British duo Goldfrapp, led by the bewitching Alison Goldfrapp and multi-instrumentalist Will Gregory, emerged in the early 2000s as a force to be reckoned with in the realm of trip hop. Their debut album Felt Mountain  showcased a beguiling mix of cinematic orchestration, electronic experimentation, and Alison's enchanting vocals. Goldfrapp's enigmatic sound has continually evolved, encompassing elements of glam rock, synth-pop, and dance music, making them one of the most unpredictable and fascinating acts within the trip hop genre.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Goldfrapp   - "Ooh La La"   - "Strict Machine"   - "Lovely Head"

Dive Into Goldfrapp's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Utopia"   - "Black Cherry"

  • # 172 of 248 on The Most Hipster Bands
  • # 121 of 156 on The Best DJs in the World Right Now
  • # 36 of 42 on The Best Gold Things


British musical mastermind James Lavelle, the driving force behind Unkle, has been captivating audiences with his dark and cinematic take on trip hop since the late '90s. Unkle's debut album Psyence Fiction , featuring collaborations with notable artists like Thom Yorke and Richard Ashcroft, showcased Lavelle's knack for blending moody electronic production with elements of rock, pop, and hip-hop. Over the years, Unkle's ever-evolving sound and roster of talented collaborators have helped cement the project's place in trip hop history as a daring, innovative force within the genre.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Unkle   - "Rabbit in Your Headlights"   - "Bloodstain"   - "Burn My Shadow"

Dive Into Unkle's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Celestial Annihilation"   - "Lonely Soul"


Lamb, the enchanting English duo consisting of producer Andy Barlow and vocalist Lou Rhodes, first made waves in the trip hop scene with their eponymous 1996 debut album. Their unique fusion of electronic experimentation, emotive vocals, and captivating songwriting quickly set them apart, winning them fans across the globe. With a sound that combines elements of jazz, drum and bass, and ambient music, Lamb has continually pushed the envelope, proving themselves to be one of the trip hop genre's most enduring and captivating acts.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Lamb   - "Gorecki"   - "Lusty"   - "Angelica"

Dive Into Lamb's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Cotton Wool"   - "Trans Fatty Acid"

Nightmares on Wax

Nightmares on Wax

George Evelyn, the man behind Nightmares on Wax, has been weaving spellbinding webs of sound since the early '90s, blending elements of dub, electronica, and soul to create uniquely evocative trip hop compositions. With a discography that spans decades, Nightmares on Wax has earned a reputation for consistently crafting music that not only embodies the spirit of trip hop but also pushes the boundaries of the genre. From early classics like Smokers Delight  to more recent releases like Shape the Future , Nightmares on Wax has proven time and again that his innovative approach to music-making remains vital and engaging.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Nightmares on Wax   - "You Wish"   - "Les Nuits"   - "Flip Ya Lid"

Dive Into Nightmares on Wax' History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Ethnic Majority"   - "Morse"

  • # 84 of 146 on The Most Influential DJs of All Time
  • # 16 of 43 on The Best Bands Like Massive Attack
  • # 17 of 48 on The Best Downtempo Bands/Artists


Norwegian duo Röyksopp, comprising Svein Berge and Torbjørn Brundtland, emerged in the early 2000s with a distinct brand of trip hop infused with elements of synth-pop, ambient, and electronica. Their chart-topping debut, Melody A.M. , showcased their ability to create lush, atmospheric soundscapes punctuated by catchy hooks and intricate production. Throughout their career, Röyksopp has remained committed to exploring the boundaries of trip hop, collaborating with various artists and incorporating diverse influences into their constantly evolving sound.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Röyksopp   - "Eple"   - "Poor Leno"   - "Happy Up Here"

Dive Into Röyksopp's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "So Easy"   - "A Higher Place"

  • # 113 of 156 on The Best DJs in the World Right Now
  • # 31 of 143 on The Best Europop Bands/Artists
  • # 28 of 349 on The Best Electronica Artists

Wax Tailor

French producer Jean-Christophe Le Saoût, known by his stage name Wax Tailor, has been crafting elegant, cinematic trip hop since the early 2000s. With a penchant for lush orchestration, deft sampling, and moody atmospherics, Wax Tailor's music stands as a testament to the genre's enduring appeal and versatility. Throughout his career, he has collaborated with a diverse array of artists, pushing the boundaries of trip hop while remaining true to the genre's core aesthetic.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Wax Tailor   - "Que Sera"   - "Seize the Day"   - "Ungodly Fruit"

Dive Into Wax Tailor's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Positively Inclined"   - "Until Heaven Stops the Rain"

Kruder & Dorfmeister

Kruder & Dorfmeister

Austrian duo Kruder & Dorfmeister, composed of Peter Kruder and Richard Dorfmeister, have been at the forefront of the trip hop movement for decades, known for their innovative remix work and original productions. Their landmark compilation The K&D Sessions  featured reimaginings of tracks from a wide range of artists, showcasing their ability to transform songs into immersive, downtempo masterpieces. With their seamless blend of dub, jazz, and electronica, Kruder & Dorfmeister have left an indelible mark on the trip hop scene and inspired countless artists to follow in their footsteps.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Kruder & Dorfmeister   - "K&D Sessions" (This is an album containing various remixes)   - "Black Baby"   - "Deep Shit Pt. 1 & 2"

Dive Into Kruder & Dorfmeister's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Bug Powder Dust"   - "Sofa Rockers"

  • # 146 of 156 on The Best DJs in the World Right Now
  • # 28 of 40 on The Best Lounge Music Artists of All Time
  • # 8 of 48 on The Best Downtempo Bands/Artists

DJ Krush

Japanese producer Hideaki Ishi, better known as DJ Krush, has been making waves in the trip hop world since the early '90s with his uniquely atmospheric and meditative soundscapes. Known for his groundbreaking use of sampling and turntablism, DJ Krush consistently pushes the boundaries of the genre by incorporating elements of jazz, hip-hop, and traditional Japanese music into his work. With a discography that spans multiple decades, DJ Krush remains an influential figure within the trip hop scene, inspiring future generations of artists with his innovative, genre-defying approach to music production.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From DJ Krush   - "Kemuri"   - "Song 2"   - "Big City Lover"

Dive Into DJ Krush's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Road to Nowhere"   - "Meiso"

  • # 152 of 156 on The Best DJs in the World Right Now
  • # 36 of 99 on The Real Names of 100 DJs
  • # 12 of 49 on The Best Turntablists


American producer Ramble Jon Krohn, better known as RJD2, burst onto the trip hop scene in the early 2000s with his adventurous, genre-blurring approach to music-making. His debut album Deadringer  showcased a unique blend of hip-hop, electronica, and soulful sampling that garnered widespread acclaim and helped establish him as a pioneer within the trip-hop scene. Throughout his career, RJD2 has continued to push the boundaries of the genre by incorporating a wide range of influences and collaborating with various artists, solidifying his status as an innovative force in the world of trip hop.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From RJD2   - "Ghostwriter"   - "Smoke & Mirrors"   - "The Horror"

Dive Into RJD2's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Dead Ringer"   - "Shot in the Dark"

  • # 130 of 156 on The Best DJs in the World Right Now
  • # 60 of 81 on The 80+ Best Rap Producers Of All Time, Ranked
  • # 85 of 99 on The Real Names of 100 DJs


The London-based collective Archive has been pushing the boundaries of trip hop since forming in the mid-1990s. With a diverse and ever-evolving roster of musicians, the group has developed a sophisticated sound that incorporates elements of rock, electronica, and orchestral music. Their ambitious concept albums, like the acclaimed Londonium , showcase their ability to create sweeping, cinematic soundscapes full of emotion and depth. Archive’s unique take on trip hop has earned them a dedicated fanbase, solidifying their status as one of the genre’s most daring and innovative acts.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Archive   - "Bullets"   - "You Make Me Feel"   - "Again"

Dive Into Archive's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Conscience"   - "Numb"



Portland-based producer Doug Appling, known as Emancipator, has been a leading force in the trip-hop scene since the release of his acclaimed debut album Soon It Will Be Cold Enough . With a signature sound that blends lush instrumentation, intricate production, and cinematic soundscapes, Emancipator has consistently captivated listeners with his evocative and meditative compositions. A classically trained musician, Appling's ability to seamlessly weave together elements of electronic, hip-hop, and world music has helped him stand out as a unique and influential figure within the trip-hop genre.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Emancipator   - "Soon It Will Be Cold Enough"   - "Lionheart"   - "Anthem"

Dive Into Emancipator's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Periscope Up"   - "Nevergreen"


Irish singer Róisín Murphy and English producer Mark Brydon formed Moloko in the mid-'90s, bringing a quirky, innovative, and genre-defying sound to the world of trip hop. With hit singles like "Sing It Back" and "The Time Is Now," the duo crafted a distinct blend of electronic, pop, and dance music that set them apart from their peers. Throughout their career, Moloko's continuously evolving sound and Murphy's beguiling stage presence have earned them a dedicated fanbase and solidified their status as one of trip hop's most inventive acts.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Moloko   - "Sing It Back"   - "Time is Now"   - "Fun for Me"

Dive Into Moloko's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Pure Pleasure Seeker"   - "Dominoid"

  • # 45 of 65 on The Best Bands Named After Books and Literary Characters
  • # 56 of 70 on The Best House Music DJs
  • # 33 of 35 on The 35 Best Acid Jazz Artists, Ranked

Martina Topley-Bird

Martina Topley-Bird

British singer-songwriter Martina Topley-Bird first emerged as a prominent figure within the trip hop scene through her collaborations with pioneering artist Tricky. Her distinctive, ethereal voice adds a unique depth to the atmospheric soundscapes that have come to define the genre. With subsequent solo work like her debut album Quixotic , Topley-Bird has demonstrated her ability to craft captivating trip hop compositions that seamlessly blend elements of electronica, pop, and rock. Her continued contributions to the genre have made her an enduring and influential presence within the trip hop community.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Martina Topley  -Bird   - "Sandpaper Kisses"   - "Need One"   - "Anything"

Dive Into Martina Topley  -Bird's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Too Tough to Die"   - "Steal Away"

Amon Tobin

Brazilian-born composer and producer Amon Tobin has long been heralded as a pioneer within the realm of trip hop and electronic music. His unique ability to fuse diverse influences, ranging from jazz and ambient to drum and bass, has earned him a reputation for pushing the boundaries of the genre and defying categorization. Tobin's atmospheric and immersive compositions, such as those showcased on his groundbreaking album Bricolage , remain influential touchstones within the trip hop scene and continue to inspire future generations of producers and musicians.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Amon Tobin   - "Four Ton Mantis"   - "Easy Muffin"   - "Stoney Street"

Dive Into Amon Tobin's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "The Lighthouse"   - "Bridge"

Cibo Matto

The eclectic New York duo Cibo Matto, comprised of Japanese expats Yuka Honda and Miho Hatori, brought a quirky, genre-defying approach to trip hop with their 1996 debut album Viva! La Woman . Incorporating elements of hip-hop, pop, and experimental music, Cibo Matto's unconventional sound and whimsical lyricism set them apart from their peers. Their unique blending of styles and penchant for culinary-themed lyrics helped Cibo Matto carve out a distinct niche within the trip hop community, making them one of the genre's most memorable and singular acts.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Cibo Matto   - "Sugar Water"   - "Know Your Chicken"   - "Birthday Cake"

Dive Into Cibo Matto's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "White Pepper Ice Cream"   - "Sci  -Fi Wasabi"

Supreme Beings of Leisure

The Los Angeles-based collective Supreme Beings of Leisure merged trip hop with elements of lounge, world music, and electronica to create a unique and enticing sound in the late '90s. The group's self-titled debut showcased their ability to craft lush, groove-driven compositions that catered to fans of downtempo electronic music. Supreme Beings of Leisure's diverse influences and innovative approach to trip hop earned them a dedicated following and helped cement their place within the pantheon of influential acts in the genre.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Supreme Beings of Leisure   - "Strangelove Addiction"   - "Golddigger"   - "Never the Same"

Dive Into Supreme Beings of Leisure's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Ain't Got Nothin'"   - "Sublime"

Little Dragon

Little Dragon

Swedish band Little Dragon, fronted by the dynamic vocalist Yukimi Nagano, brings a fresh, genre-defying approach to trip hop, blending influences from electronica, R&B, and synth-pop. With acclaimed albums like Ritual Union  under their belt, the band has captivated audiences worldwide with their unique sound and electrifying live performances. As Little Dragon continues to push the boundaries of trip hop and explore new sonic territories, they remain an exciting and essential act within the genre.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Little Dragon   - "Ritual Union"   - "Twice"   - "High"

Dive Into Little Dragon's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Blinking Pigs"   - "Feather"

Kid Loco

French musician and producer Jean-Yves Prieur, known as Kid Loco, has been a fixture in the trip hop scene since the mid-'90s, producing music that blends elements of dub, jazz, and electronica into an intoxicating, downtempo sound. His debut album A Grand Love Story  showcased his deft touch for crafting lush instrumental soundscapes that evoke a sense of warmth and nostalgia. With a career spanning multiple decades and numerous collaborations, Kid Loco has solidified his status as an influential figure within the trip hop genre.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Kid Loco   - "A Grand Love Theme"   - "She's My Lover"   - "The Bootleggers"

Dive Into Kid Loco's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Love Me Sweet"   - "Calling Aventura King"


Los Angeles-based duo Bitter:Sweet, consisting of vocalist Shana Halligan and producer Kiran Shahani, delivered a sultry, sophisticated take on trip hop that captivated listeners in the mid-2000s. Drawing inspiration from jazz, lounge, and electronica, their debut album The Mating Game  showcased their ability to craft intoxicating, melody-driven compositions that resonate with fans of the genre. Though their time as a duo was brief, Bitter:Sweet's unique sound left a lasting impression on the trip hop scene and continues to be celebrated by fans and fellow musicians alike.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Bitter:Sweet   - "Dirty Laundry"   - "Drink You Sober"   - "The Mating Game"

Dive Into Bitter:Sweet's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Heaven"   - "Don't Forget to Breathe"


Canadian singer-songwriter Esthero, born Jen-Bea Englishman, made a powerful entrance to the trip hop scene with her 1998 debut album Breath from Another . Her enchanting blend of jazz, pop, and electronica elements, combined with her candid lyricism and emotive vocals, struck a chord with listeners. While Esthero's sound has evolved over the years to include elements of R&B, hip-hop, and rock, her roots in trip hop remain evident, solidifying her status as one of the genre's most versatile and captivating artists.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Esthero   - "Breath from Another"   - "Heaven Sent"   - "That Girl"

Dive Into Esthero's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Swallow Me"   - "Telephone"

DJ Spooky

Paul D. Miller, better known as DJ Spooky That Subliminal Kid, has been an innovative force in trip hop since the early '90s, combining elements of hip-hop, electronica, and experimental music to create a unique and mind-expanding sound. Often incorporating sociopolitical themes and multimedia elements into his work, DJ Spooky challenges the boundaries of the genre and encourages listeners to question their assumptions about music and culture. Through his recordings, performances, and collaborations, DJ Spooky remains a vital and thought-provoking presence within the world of trip hop.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From DJ Spooky   - "Object Unknown"   - "Galactic Funk"   - "Synchronic Disjecta"

Dive Into DJ Spooky's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Peace in Zaire"   - "Polyphony of One"


Bristol-based duo Alpha, consisting of Corin Dingley and Andy Jenks, emerged as part of the trip hop scene in the mid-'90s, crafting lush soundscapes that blend elements of jazz, electronica, and pop. Their debut album Come from Heaven  showcased their ability to create atmospheric tunes with haunting melodies and intricate production. Over the years, Alpha's sound has continued to evolve, further solidifying their status as a versatile and innovative force within the trip hop genre.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Alpha   - "South"   - "Somewhere Not Here"   - "Slim"

Dive Into Alpha's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Saturn in Rain"   - "Reversal"


8mm, the creative partnership between producer Sean Beavan and vocalist Juliette Beavan, brings an intimate, seductive spin to trip hop, blending electronic soundscapes with sultry vocals and lush melodies. Their debut EP Opener  showcased their knack for crafting moody, atmospheric tunes that resonate deeply with fans of the genre. As they continue to explore the possibilities of trip hop, 8mm remains a captivating and passionate force within the scene.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From 8mm   - "No Way Back"   - "Give It Up"   - "Between the Devil and Two Black Hearts"

Dive Into 8mm's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Quicksand"   - "Forever and Ever, Amen"

UK producer Tripswitch, also known as Nick Brennan, expertly merges elements of ambient, electronica, and trip hop to create lush, expansive soundscapes that transport listeners to otherworldly realms. His debut album Circuit Breaker  quickly earned him a reputation as a skilled and innovative producer within the trip hop scene. Tripswitch's continued exploration of genre boundaries and willingness to experiment with new sounds have earned him a dedicated fanbase and a lasting impact on the trip hop genre.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Tripswitch   - "Roll Your Own"   - "Indigo"   - "Cartwheel"

Dive Into Tripswitch's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Stereogram"   - "Silver"



PTSMH, also known as Patt Smith, is an enigmatic and multifaceted artist whose contributions to trip hop cannot be understated. Crafting music that seamlessly combines elements of electronic, ambient, and avant-garde, PTSMH's distinctive sound and innovative approach to production have garnered widespread acclaim and respect from fans and peers alike. With a discography that spans multiple projects and pseudonyms, PTSMH remains a highly influential figure within the trip hop community.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From PTSMH / PATT SMITH   - "Because the Night"   - "Dancing Barefoot"   - "Gloria"

Dive Into PTSMH / PATT SMITH's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Break It Up"   - "25th Floor"

Shana Halligan

As a founding member of trip hop duo Bitter:Sweet, Shana Halligan's sultry and emotive vocals quickly established her as a captivating presence within the genre. In her solo work, Halligan further explores the boundaries of trip hop, merging electronic, jazz, and pop influences to create evocative, genre-blurring compositions. With a diverse range of collaborations and projects under her belt, Shana Halligan continues to captivate fans and fellow musicians alike, solidifying her status as an enduring and influential figure within the trip hop community.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Shana Halligan   - "True Love"   - "Get Gone"   - "Been Waiting"

Dive Into Shana Halligan's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Freak"   - "Always Forever Now"

A.R. Kane

London-based duo A.R. Kane, comprised of Alex Ayuli and Rudy Tambala, emerged in the late '80s, bringing an innovative blend of shoegaze, dream-pop, and trip-hop to the musical landscape. Often cited as pioneers within the genre, the duo's seminal albums 69  and i  showcased their ability to craft immersive, genre-defying soundscapes that still resonate with fans today. Despite their relatively brief career, A.R. Kane's influence on the trip hop genre remains evident, inspiring countless artists with their trailblazing approach to music-making.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From A.R. Kane   - "Lollita"   - "A Love from Outer Space"   - "Up"

Dive Into A.R. Kane's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Miles Apart"   - "Crack Up"

Moth Equals

London-based producer Moth Equals has been making waves within the trip hop scene thanks to his innovative blend of electronic, ambient, and experimental sounds. With critically-acclaimed releases like Sick Puppy  under his belt, Moth Equals showcases his ability to craft immersive soundscapes that challenge listeners' preconceptions about trip hop. As an artist who continually pushes the boundaries of the genre, Moth Equals stands out as a unique and vital presence within the trip-hop community.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Moth Equals   - "Fingers"   - "Border"   - "Sneaker"

Dive Into Moth Equals' History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Drowned City"   - "Escape Pod"


New York-based duo Mudville, consisting of vocalist Marilyn Carino and producer Ben Rubin, brought a dark and seductive edge to the trip hop scene with their captivating fusion of soul, jazz, and electronic influences. Their hauntingly atmospheric debut album The Glory of Man is Not in Vogue  showcased their impressive songwriting prowess and Carino's sultry, evocative vocals. Though Mudville's output has been relatively sparse over the years, their unique and intoxicating approach to trip-hop has earned them a dedicated following and a lasting impact within the genre.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Mudville   - "Wicked"   - "Blown"   - "Eternity"

Dive Into Mudville's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "The Hero of the World"   - "Nothing"

Bene Dico

Bene Dico, the enigmatic producer behind a slew of eclectic, genre-defying trip hop releases, has made a name for himself with his innovative approach to music-making. Blending elements of electronic, hip-hop, and experimental sounds, Bene Dico's immersive compositions push the boundaries of trip hop, making him a vital force within the genre. With a discography that spans multiple projects and pseudonyms, Bene Dico remains an influential figure within the trip hop community.

Howie B

Scottish producer and musician Howie B, born Howard Bernstein, has left an indelible mark on the trip hop scene with his acclaimed work both as a solo artist and as a collaborator with acts like U2, Björk, and Tricky. With his groundbreaking debut album Music for Babies , Howie B showcased his innovative production techniques and an innate ability to craft atmospheric, genre-blending soundscapes. Over the years, his diverse range of projects and continued dedication to pushing the boundaries of trip hop have cemented Howie B's status as a vital and influential figure within the genre.

Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Howie B   - "Take Your Partner by the Hand"   - "Switch"   - "Who's Got the Bacon"

Dive Into Howie B's History With Some Unique Deep Cuts   - "Baby Sweetcorn (Come Here)"   - "Music for Money"

  • Electronic Music
  • Bands/Musicians

Lists that rank the best rappers and hip hop artists from every time and place.

The Most Famous Rapper in the World Right Now

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The ORIGINAL Band of Brothers® Tour

This is the ORIGINAL Band of Brothers® Tour. Our founder, Stephen E. Ambrose wrote the book, “Band of Brothers.” We ran the first Band of Brothers® Tour in 2002.

Any tour company that has come along since then is just copying us.

Our ORIGINAL Band of Brothers® Tour is based on the recollections of the paratroopers themselves and the extensive research of Dr. Ambrose and the editors of Military History Quarterly and World War II magazines.

Learn more >

World War II Tours

Stephen Ambrose Band of Brothers® Tours is an AMERICAN-OWNED, FAMILY-OPERATED  company.

Stephen Ambrose Band of Brothers® Tours is operated by Stephen Ambrose Historical Tours, America’s premier historical tour company that was founded by America’s premier historian and best-selling author, Stephen E. Ambrose.

Today, we continue to preserve his legacy with our WWII tours, expanding the carefully conceived and executed heritage itineraries inspired by his life’s work. Explore our WWII tours, including D-Day to the Rhine Tour, Iwo Jima Tour and Operation Overlord Tour. LEARN MORE >


Our Band of Brothers® Tour was created by Stephen E. Ambrose, the author of the best-selling book, Band of Brothers , and co-executive producer of the epic Steven Spielberg/Tom Hanks HBO miniseries, Band of Brothers.

Our Band of Brothers® Tour is based on his book and the personal recollections of the paratroopers of the 101st Airborne who shared their stories with Stephen Ambrose and our historians.

It is the ORIGINAL Band of Brothers® Tour!

9 day trip band

Dick Winters and How the Original Band of Brothers® Tour Began

    By Chris Anderson, Senior Historian I’ve been thinking about my friend and mentor Richard “Dick” Winters a lot recently. Probably because this is the time of year when I’m usually in the midst of a Band of Brothers® Tour and I’m missing the thrill of showing people where Easy Company made history. Since … >>

Easy Company Member George Luz: A Son Remembers

We are delighted to share “Through My Father’s Eyes,” a video by George Luz, Jr. about his father, Easy Company member George Luz. George originally shared stories of his father, who was a paratrooper with the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, with his local PBS station in Rhode Island in an episode called “Hometown Hero.” He has graciously … >>

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  • Average 4-6 miles walk a day
  • Some uneven terrain
  • Medium to long travel times
  • Moderate pace
  • All five beaches of Normandy

Normandy American Cemetery

Pointe du hoc.

  • Utah Beach Museum
  • Luxembourg American Cemetery

Dachau concentration camp

  • Eagle's Nest (The visit is strongly dependent on weather conditions)

Our Band of Brothers Tour is an unforgettable 11-day journey from the shores of Normandy to Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest, hitting all of the highlights of the American WWII war effort in the footsteps of the famous Easy Company. The first days of the tour dive into all five landing beaches, with a special focus on the American landing sectors. We then head east through the Ardennes to Belgium, where Passengers can crouch in the foxholes of Bois Jacques and learn about the vehicles that defined the Allied war effort during the Battle of the Bulge and the Siege of Bastogne. Our journey ends in Germany, where we learn about the context of the Nazi regime, a sobering visit to the very first concentration camp of Dachau and we top off the tour with a day trip to the Bavarian Alps, where we visit the famous Eagle's Nest* on top of the Kehlstein mountain. *The visit is strongly dependent on weather conditions, which can change even last minute.

Detailed Highlights and Itinerary

Passengers are greeted at the Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris and transferred by coach to Normandy. After an orientation dinner to get to know your fellow patriots, we spend the next few days exploring the iconic shores of the Normandy Landings. The first two days of this leg will focus on the American landing beaches Utah and Omaha, where we will pay our respects to the heroism that contributed to this battle that changed history. We then visit the British landing beaches, where our fellow Allied troops fought to secure a foothold in Europe.

Normandy American Cemetery

Omaha Beach

Utah Beach


Gold Beach, Mulberry Harbor

Gold Beach, Mulberry Harbor

Juno Beach Centre

Juno Beach Centre

Sword Beach

Sword Beach



Pegasus Bridge Memorial

Pegasus Bridge Memorial

The second leg of our journey heads east to Belgium, where we visit the sites of the Battle of the Bulge, the foxholes of Bois Jacques, and the military vehicles at the Bastogne Barracks. You’ll have ample time to explore these quaint areas independently and appreciate the incredible history and awe-inspiring monuments of this vital region. We cross border to Luxembourg to visit the National Museum of Military History in Diekirch. The museum exhibits a collection of military vehicles and weaponry among lifesize dioramas. We pay our respects to the fallen soldiers at Luxembourg American Cemetery where General Patton is also buried.

McAuliffe Square

McAuliffe Square

Patton Monument

Patton Monument

Foxholes of Bois Jacques

Foxholes of Bois Jacques

Mardasson Monument

Mardasson Monument

Bastogne Barracks

Bastogne Barracks

Bastogne Barracks

Bastogne War Museum

General Patton's Grave

General Patton's Grave

National Museum of Military History Diekirch

National Museum of Military History Diekirch

M45 Quadmount in the Diekirch Museum

M45 Quadmount in the Diekirch Museum

Our journey culminates in Germany, where we will explore the genesis and defeat of Hitler’s Nazi Party. We begin by exploring the somber site of the first Nazi concentration camp, where we can pay our respects to the victims of Hitler’s genocide. We then head to Munich to learn about the Third Reich before we visit Obersalzberg and the Eagle’s Nest*. The tour ends with a chance for reflection and community over a farewell dinner. The next day, our Passengers are brought to Munich’s airport for their return flights. *The visit is strongly dependent on weather conditions, which can change even last minute.

Eagle’s Nest

Eagle’s Nest

Restaurant in the Eagle's Nest

Restaurant in the Eagle's Nest

Mussolini's gift to Hitler

Mussolini's gift to Hitler

Tunnel under the Eagle’s Nest

Tunnel under the Eagle’s Nest

Hitler's Bunker

Hitler's Bunker

Dachau concentration camp

Hofbräuhaus Munich



Dates and prices, 80th anniversary bulge tour.

  • Day 8: Departure


  • Day 11: Departure


  • Day 9: Departure


  • Day 12: Departure


Beaches of normandy tour.

  • Day 6: Departure


War in poland tour, third reich tour, britain at war tour.

  • Day 10: Departure


World war i tour, 80th anniversary d-day tour, 80th anniversary gold tour, 80th anniversary silver tour, hotels, motorcoach, guides and other services.

Relax after a long flight and ease your mind knowing that your Tour Director will meet you at the airport on the first day of the tour, avoiding extra navigating and expensive taxi fares. With our all-inclusive tour package, we handle all the details of your tour, so you can focus on experiencing this trip of a lifetime. Sit back and let us wine and dine you as you explore history with our carefully planned itinerary, with all breakfasts, dinners and entrance fees included. You will sleep soundly each night at 4-star accommodations. Breakfasts are delicious and authentic, while the two-three course dinners are mix of buffet and limited menu dining options which offer a chance to taste some of the local wines or beers as well. This tour includes a 24/7 Tour Director and several local guides. Our dynamic, knowledgeable Tour Directors are with you from your arrival at the airport to departure on the final day. They proactively smooth the way for your entire tour experience. Our handpicked, trusted local guides are fluent in English and expert historians, who deliver their impressive wealth of knowledge, anecdotes, and local insights with skill that shows their years of research and experience.

Hotel in Normandy

Hotel in Normandy

Hotel Room in Germany

Hotel Room in Germany

Hotel Room in France

Hotel Room in France

Hotel in Germany

Hotel in Germany


Motorcoach 2

Motorcoach interior

Motorcoach interior

Motorcoach 3

Motorcoach 3

Local guide in Normandy

Local guide in Normandy

Local Guide at the Bastogne barracks

Local Guide at the Bastogne barracks

Local guide in Normandy

Breakfast in France

Sausage plate in Germany

Sausage plate in Germany

Dinner in France

Dinner in France

They always address topics onsite so that you get to experience history where it happened as they guide both popular destinations and obscure locations only the locals would know. Do not worry about availability, wait times, or ticket costs as all museum and site admissions are pre-arranged and included in the cost of our all-inclusive tours. On this tour you ride in style in our motorcoaches complete with climate control, video entertainment and extra leg room. Our skilled, professional drivers maximize your tour time by navigating the busiest highways and tightest country lanes, giving you more time at sites and less time subjected to the inflexible scheduling, delays and crowded areas that accompany public transport. For those who want to stay connected, Wi-fi is available at all our hotels and on all of our buses.

Beaches of Normandy Tours review

Beaches of Normandy Tours Band of Brothers Tours 48 Rue de Thouays, 50480 Sainte-Marie-du-Mont, Normandy, France

Phone: +1 855-473-1999 Monday - Friday, 10am - 6pm ET e-mail: [email protected]

When it comes to planning your next band tour, learn why so many directors choose Encore. We understand the needs of band directors, and are attuned to your ensemble’s unique needs. Trusted by band leaders around the country, we stand out as the top choice, thanks to our 30-year track record of excellence and unparalleled insight into the complexities of band travel. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with our best-in-class instrument insurance, freeing band leaders to focus on delivering memorable performances. Whether your preference is a world-class concert hall, an extraordinary outdoor venue, or the vibrant atmosphere of a music festival, Encore is poised to craft a journey that exceeds all your expectations and aspirations.

What type of bands are traveling?

From small, adult jazz combos to large high school marching bands, all band groups can feel at home on their Encore band trip.

High School Marching Bands

High school concert bands, college/university marching bands, college/university wind ensembles, elementary and middle school bands, community bands.

9 day trip band

Your Band Trip Experience

Appropriate venues for your band.

Based on your band’s size, experience, ability and repertoire, we’ll hand-pick appropriate indoor or outdoor venues just for you. We guarantee your venue will be suitable for your ensemble.

Instrument & Equipment Rentals

We take care of all your instrument and equipment rental needs. Whether you need a tuba, sound system or large percussion instruments, we’ll handle it for you.

High-Quality Instrument Trucks

Coach space is limited with your group’s luggage. Upon request, we’ll book an additional instrument truck to travel alongside your group carefully transporting your instruments.

Instrument Insurance

Both our Ultimate and Ultimate-Plus Insurance plans offer instrument insurance for traveling passengers. Upgrade to additional insurance by speaking with your Tour Consultant.

Instrument Storage

We’ll keep your instruments in a safe, separate location at your hotel, plus, we’ll work with your venues or coach driver to ensure a safe storage space for your things during the performances.

Set-Up, Sound Checks and Rehearsals

Your Program Managers will work with you to determine how much time you will need and will coordinate this with your chosen venues.

Publicity Materials

Your band’s press kit is of the utmost importance when requesting to play in venues overseas. Our  Ultimate Guide to Creating Your Band’s Press Kit will guide you along the process of how to put this together.

Repertoire Selection & Approval

Whether playing in an outdoor bandstand or a beautiful concert hall, repertoire selection is key to a successful band trip. We’ll help you select your touring repertoire and pass it along to your venues for approval.

Attire & Changing Rooms

Uniforms, tuxedos or something else? We’ll keep you informed of what band attire you’ll need to bring and we’ll even book your changing rooms in advance.

Balance & Ringers

We know that your band’s balance is important during your recruitment strategies. We’ll help you keep an eye on your instrumentation as passengers register and can even hire ringers if you need them!

Joint Concerts, Workshops and Benefit Concerts

Looking to work with a local band while playing overseas? Want a workshop with a local band director? Or want to raise money for a certain charity during your performance? Ask us to include some of these options in your proposal.

Customize Your Tour

Are you ready to take your ensemble to new places? Get a quote from one of our tour consultants who will help you customize a trip to meet your goals.

Get A Quote

9 day trip band

Popular Band Trip Itineraries

9 day trip band

Oh, Canada!

9 day trip band

The Big Apple

9 day trip band

Avventura Musicale

Popular international band venues.


American Cemetery

Honoring nearly 10,000 American soldiers who died in Europe during World War II, this site is a historical landmark in memory of the 1944 invasion of Normandy. This cemetery and memorial is located near Omaha Beach and the English Channel, close to the Normandy landings. With the US flag flying proudly, visitors can attend the flag-lowering ceremony, which occurs twice each day. Performances here are sure to be emotional and inspiring.


Palazzo Cittanova

Built after the Piazza del Comune, or city hall, this two-story building was once a headquarters for the merchants of fustian, a barracks, and a headquarters for the notary. Over the years there have been slight changes to its structure to accommodate the changes in its function. Today, it is used for meetings and events. Its history and unique architecture make it a perfect backdrop for our groups’ performances.

9 day trip band

Parade Garden’s Bandstand

The Parade Garden’s Bandstand sits at the beautiful Victorian Garden’s center. The gardens sit alongside the River Avon and contain some of the best floral bedding displays in Great Britain. Though the garden is a very popular picnicking spot, it also houses an outdoor café. In the summer months, concerts and children’s entertainment programs are held in the bandstand. A beautiful spot to simultaneously bask in sunlight and perform for local and foreign onlookers

9 day trip band

Amaryllis Fleming Hall, Royal College of Music

Located in the Royal College of Music, this concert hall can accommodate large orchestras/choirs and features new lighting and sound equipment, perfect for capturing professional shots and recordings of your ensemble! Joint concerts are also possible with the college students for a nice international exchange.


INBioparque Educational Center Amphitheater

This 300-seat covered amphitheater is situated in the famous INBioparque ecological park in San Jose. While outdoors, the shell provides an acoustical setup perfect for any ensemble.

9 day trip band

Schönbrunn Orangerie

Formerly a Baroque greenhouse and now an event center, the Orangerie Schönbrunn has hosted many live performances from all ensemble types and is the official site of the palace concerts. The building dates back to 1745 and originally housed not only the Empress Wilhelmine Amalie’s orange plants but also many royal events and festivities.


Hofið (the Temple)

The Hof Cultural and Conference Center is located in the city of Akureyri in Northern Iceland. The center has a wonderful concert hall used for many professional performances in the area. With a well-equipped stage, seating for up to 510 in the audience and excellent sound systems, this venue is perfect for any ensemble type.


L’église de la Nativité, Québec

L’église de la Nativité has suffered several fires over the course of its history. In 1918 the fourth and current church was built by the famous architect Georges-émile Tanguay. Tanguay was well known throughout Europe for his gothic-style architecture. This beautiful church is in the heart of Québec’s historic district, Vieu-Bourg de Beauport.


Oscar Peterson Hall at Concordia University

This hall has hosted internationally-renowned musicians, including members of Montreal Symphony Orchestra, Arlo Guthrie, Ranee Lee and Oliver Jones. The intimate 570-seat hall draws from Japanese influences as seen the horizontal grid of birch planks that forms the stage’s backdrop. The spacious hardwood stage is easily seen from all vantage points in the room, and adjustable acoustic panels allow for a wide spectrum of natural sound.

Conservatory of Music

Central Conservatory Hall of Beijing

A few minutes’ drive from Tiananmen Square, this concert hall is most well-known as the residence of Prince Chun and the birthplace of Emperor Kuang-hsu of the Qing Dynasty. Many famous Chinese musicians began their journey in this very hall and Encore is thrilled to offer such a prestigious location to our incredibly talented ensembles. This is an excellent venue suitable for choirs and symphony orchestras.

Cathedral Dublin

Christ Church Cathedral

Situated in medieval Dublin, Christ Church is not only the seat of the Roman Catholic archbishops but is also the seat of the Church of Ireland. Founded around 1028 the cathedral was rebuilt and renovated many times throughout history and is now accented by flying buttresses, high arching stone ceilings, and, most notably, the Grand Organ which appears to be floating in the air! The Cathedral is home to one of the most reputable choirs in Ireland whose origins trace back to 1493 when the choir school was founded.

Featured Band Festivals

St. patrick's day festival.

Every spring, Dublin is proud to host the St. Patrick’s Day Festival, a 4-day international extravaganza. Imagine marching past Trinity College, Dublin Castle and City Hall while playing your music to a crowd of thousands! Travel with your band to the St. Patrick’s Day Parade for an experience of a lifetime!

Plus perform in the prestigious Limerick International Band Festival, explore Dublin and Belfast, and more.

9 day trip band

Rhythms Festival

Rhythms International Festivals offer musical groups in the USA and Canada a unique adjudicated festival experience. Each festival is a non-competitive, educational event where ensembles perform in local venues for three expert adjudicators. Every group receives a full hour on stage which includes time for their performance and a Masterclass with a clinician. The festival wraps up with an Awards Banquet dinner and dance, featuring a live band and jam session where students are invited to play.

9 day trip band

9 day trip band


Upcoming shows, west chester, oh, "taps, tastes, and tunes" with the smithereens (john cowsill on vocals) the voice of america museum 8:30 - nine days 9:35 - the smithereens, jackson, mi, "rockin the tee box fest" with alien ant farm, sponge, the ataris and dishwalla apex sports and entertainment 3600 free show 6:30 - nine days, churchill county fairgrounds 8:00 - nine days 9:30 - dishwalla.

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JUNE 27 @ 👀



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July - Studio Time!

Drums - CHECK!

B ass - CHECK!  

Guitars - CHECK!

Vocals - Up Next!



JUNE 1 @Vaquero Taquero w /Armpit Motel, Shysters, Port of Monks, and Needle Freak

MAY 25 @ Voodoo Doughnut

MAY 23 @ Come and Take It Live

MAY 3 @ Valhalla w/Kairos, Shysters and Swellin

APRIL 28 @ The Coral Snake  (<-- Buy Tickets) w/Camacho and Full Metal Jackalope

APRIL 6th @ Sir Winston's Pub 

MARCH 27 @ The Far Out Lounge w/Mars God and The Unlimited Stars

MARCH 15th @ Stiles Switch BBQ w/Camacho, Full Metal Jackalope, and many more

FEBRUARY 16  @ Anderson Mill Pub  w/Camacho and Full Metal Jackalope

JANUARY 13  @ Anderson Mill Pub  w/Camacho and Full Metal Jackalope

DECEMBER 2  @ Independence Brewing

NOVEMBER 18 @Carousel Lounge w/Full Metal Jackalope, Camacho, and Broken Time Piece

NOVEMBER 10 @ Kick Butt Coffee w/Bicycle Boy, No Tin Godz, and Under None

OCTOBER 21 @ Hanover's Draught Haus w/Stupid Drama, Under None, and Obnosticon

OCTOBER 28 GRIMFEST !! @Ragnar's On The Compound

SEPT. 15 @ Hanover's Draught Haus w/Full Metal Jackalope, Traces Left, and Three33

AUG. 19 @ Anderson Mill Pub w/Knives and Camacho

JULY Houston - @ Acadi a Bar and Grill w/ Dxllhxvse, Primaries, Kenton Place

JULY 2 - San Marcos - Ragnar's On The Compound , San Marcos w/ZNO Electro Outlaw, Camacho, and Geronimo

JUNE 24 @ Hanover's Draught Haus w/Dongle, Camacho Band, Under None

JUNE 21 @ Kick Butt Coffee w/ Obnosticon, Sykotic Tendencies, and La Fermata

JUNE 10 @ Anderson Mill Pub  w/Armpit Motel, and Traces Left

MAY 6 @ Circle Brewing Grand Opening Celebration, Elgin @ 4pm

APRIL 23 @ The Brewtiqu e , ROGUES Over the Top Pierogi GRAND OPENING, 6-8

MA RCH 13 @ Kick Butt Coffee ATX Local Fest w/11 bands I 11 VDT

MARCH 11  @The Grey Horse Saloon in San Marcos w/Mars God I VDT I  Traces Left

FEBRUARY 11th @ The Brewtiqu e  Show starts 9pm

FEBRUARY 10 @ Kick Butt Coffee w/ Mars God I Thunderosa I MIE  I  VDT

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What Producer Duo Take A Daytrip Have Learned from Lil Nas X’s ‘Montero’

By Mankaprr Conteh

Mankaprr Conteh


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  1. 9daytrip

    9daytrip. 3,427 likes. Americana Psychedelic Blues

  2. 9 Day Trip

    9daytrip are an unsigned Americana blues rock band out of Salisbury NC. Check out their song 'I Know You Rider'. : Petty Theft Films Video. Home. Live. Reels. Shows. Explore. More. Home. Live. Reels. Shows. Explore. 9 Day Trip - I Know You Rider. Like. Comment. Share. 235 ... 9 Day Trip - I Know You Rider.

  3. ‎9daytrip on Apple Music

    9 Day Trip - Single · 2017. West Virginia. Truth and Other Folklore · 2020. Albums. Truth and Other Folklore. 2020. Into the Great Unknown. 2018. Singles & EPs. 9 Day Trip - Single. ... Jamey Johnson. Sturgill Simpson. Aaron Lewis. Ryan Scoggins. The SteelDrivers. The Marshall Tucker Band. David Allan Coe. United States. Español (México)

  4. 9- day Band of Brothers Tour®

    9-day BAND OF BROTHERS TOUR. Double occupancy price per person $3,400. Registration fee per person $490. Single supplement $790. Quick view Get a quote. 80th ANNIVERSARY BULGE TOUR. ... Beaches of Normandy Tours Band of Brothers Tours 48 Rue de Thouays, 50480 Sainte-Marie-du-Mont, Normandy, France.

  5. 9 Day Trip Songs, Albums, Reviews, Bio & More ...

    Explore 9 Day Trip's discography including top tracks, albums, and reviews. Learn all about 9 Day Trip on AllMusic.

  6. What to Pack for a 9-Day Trip

    Toiletries. When packing toiletries for your 9-day trip, it's important to consider the size restrictions imposed by airlines and opt for travel-sized items whenever possible. Here's a checklist of essential toiletries to include in your luggage: Toothbrush and toothpaste. Shampoo and conditioner.

  7. 9Day Trip

    Visit Website. 9 Day Trip, based in Salisbury, NC plays an eclectic blend of roots, americana, folk, and rock music. Their catchy tunes and jamming stage show won them the "North Carolina Best Americana Band" Award. The Ashe County Chamber of Commerce is a not-for-profit voluntary membership association that serves as the ...

  8. ‎9 Day Trip on Apple Music

    Listen to music by 9 Day Trip on Apple Music. Find top songs and albums by 9 Day Trip.

  9. 9 Day Trip

    original tune from the 9 day trip album by Bink Supertramp and Chad (Red Rooster) Butler

  10. Band of Brothers Tour®

    Bringing History to Life. "It was truly amazing, I would definitely recommend BoN" D-Day Anniversary Tour, 2023. "It was everything I could have hoped for and more" Band of Brothers Tour, 2023. Our Band of Brothers Tour® is an unforgettable 11-day journey from the shores of Normandy to Hitler's Eagle's Nest.

  11. Book Us

    Let's Connect BOOK THe TRiP Get In Touch with Erik Johnson Email: [email protected] (714) 397-0051 Let's Connect BOOK THe TRiP Get In Touch with Erik Johnson Email: [email protected] (714) 397-0051 WHAT OUR CLIENTS SAY ALL TESTIMONIALS WEDDING TESTIMONIALS CORPORATE TESTIMONIALS BEST BAND EVER!!!! They were kind, accommodating, and truly the best cover band I have […]

  12. Nine Days (@ninedaysband) • Instagram photos and videos

    3,322 Followers, 2,169 Following, 1,218 Posts - Nine Days (@ninedaysband) on Instagram: "Official Instagram of the number one hit #storyofagirl Nine Days • Facebook/Twitter: ninedaysband."

  13. Song List

    band - the weight. beatles - a hard day's night. beatles - birthday. beatles - come together. beatles - drive my car. beatles - eight days a week. beatles - help. beatles - hey jude. beatles - i feel fine. beatles - i saw her standing there. beatles - i want to hold your hand. beatles - in my life. beatles - lady madonna

  14. Beaches of Normandy Tour®

    Day 9: D-Day Commemorations; Day 10: British Beaches; Day 11: Departure; Close. BAND OF BROTHERS TOUR. Day 1: Arrival; Day 2: Utah Beach; Day 3: Omaha and Gold Beach; Day 4: Traveling to Belgium; ... Beaches of Normandy Tours Band of Brothers Tours 48 Rue de Thouays, 50480 Sainte-Marie-du-Mont, Normandy, France.

  15. The 40+ Best Trip Hop Artists & Bands, Ranked By Fans

    Over the years, Zero 7 has continued to evolve and redefine their sound, often incorporating elements of jazz, soul, and world music, earning them a dedicated fanbase and a lasting impact on the trip hop genre. Rock Out To Some Of The Most Popular Songs From Zero 7- "Destiny" - "In the Waiting Line" - "Home".

  16. About

    THE TRIP is a top-rated band on The Bash (formerly known as Gigmasters). MORE ROCK, LESS SHLOCK! You and your guests will be entertained by a high-energy, genuine rock band that takes you on a fun-filled musical journey through the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's … as well as today's Top 40 and rock hits.

  17. Band of Brothers® Tour

    About. STEPHEN AMBROSE HISTORICAL TOURS IS AN AMERICAN-OWNED, FAMILY-OPERATED COMPANY! Our Band of Brothers® Tour was created by Stephen E. Ambrose, the author of the best-selling book, Band of Brothers, and co-executive producer of the epic Steven Spielberg/Tom Hanks HBO miniseries, Band of Brothers. Our Band of Brothers® Tour is based on his book and the personal recollections of the ...


    Dachau concentration camp. Eagle's Nest (The visit is strongly dependent on weather conditions) Dates and Prices. From $5,441 /person + reg. fee. 9-day economic version of this tour. From $3,011 /person + reg. fee. *The visit is strongly dependent on weather conditions, which can change even last minute.

  19. Experience Unforgettable Band Trips with Encore

    Band Trips. When it comes to planning your next band tour, learn why so many directors choose Encore. We understand the needs of band directors, and are attuned to your ensemble's unique needs. Trusted by band leaders around the country, we stand out as the top choice, thanks to our 30-year track record of excellence and unparalleled insight ...

  20. Day Trip

    Day Trip was created in the summer of 2018 with a simple premise: House Music All Day Long! Its open-air day parties on the patio of Academy LA in Hollywood have since become a tradition for house heads of all kinds, as the packed crowds dance past sunset to the best veteran and upcoming house DJs, sipping Day Trip's signature fishbowls among tropical decor and palm trees.

  21. Nine Days » Tour

    Nine Days Featured On The Today Show! Lost Together with Matt Wardlaw, Episode 21: John Hampson (Nine Days) Nine Days to play Sangamon River Music Festival; Nine Days Reform and Set Release of New Album Snapshots Out July 8th; Show tonight at 89 North Music Venue in Patchogue, New York!


    MAY 3 @ Valhalla w/Kairos, Shysters and Swellin. APRIL 28 @ The Coral Snake (<-- Buy Tickets) w/Camacho and Full Metal Jackalope. APRIL 6th @Sir Winston's Pub. MARCH 27 @ The Far Out Lounge w/Mars God and The Unlimited Stars. MARCH 15th @ Stiles Switch BBQ w/Camacho, Full Metal Jackalope, and many more. FEBRUARY 16 @ Anderson Mill Pub w/Camacho ...

  23. What Take A Daytrip Have Learned from Lil Nas X's 'Montero'

    September 21, 2021. Tanima Mehrotra*. David Biral and Denzel Baptiste, better known as the production duo Take A Daytrip, have spent years building worlds with Lil Nas X. You may have caught them ...