Young Pioneer Tours


Explore Syria Independent Tour – 2024 and 2025

Standard independent tour to the syrian arab republic.

Young Pioneer Tours are now offering independent tours to Syria throughout the entire year.

Beginning and ending in Lebanon’s vibrant capital, Beirut , this tour is your opportunity to witness Syria at a unique point in its history. We know you will fall in love with this beautiful country like we did, and want to give you the option to visit on dates most compatible with your schedule.

Because this is an independent tour, we can make modifications to the itinerary should there be anything you’d like to change. For logistical reasons and factors out of our control, the itinerary is subject to very slight changes, but we will ensure you have a wonderful time in Syria.

Obtaining a Syrian visa is easier than most would expect. All we need from you are a few documents, and we will take care of the rest. For more details, visit our “How to get a visa for Syria” page.

If you are looking for a group tour to the county then check out our Syrian Group Tours page.

Damascus Guide

Tour Itinerary – 8 days, 7 nights

Day 1 – Beirut, Lebanon – Damascus, Syria

  • Pickup by your driver at your named time and location in Beirut (or Amman, Jordan for an extra fee), and begin the drive to Syria.
  • Drive towards the Syrian border, which takes roughly two hours.
  • Cross the border, and stop at duty free in no man’s land for some of the cheapest alcohol and other products you’ve ever experienced. Whether or not you plan to buy, this is extremely interesting just to see what people are taking across the border. You can purchase a SIM card here if you’d like.
  • The border crossing usually takes 1-2 hours, with the border guards being very friendly.
  • Once you’ve cleared Syrian customs, you will continue onward to Damascus, which will take about an hour.
  • After checking into your hotel in old Damascus, you will stop for lunch. You have not truly visited Damascus unless you have tried their shawarma, or falafel if you are a vegetarian.
  • Lunch will be followed by a one-hour walking tour of the old part of Damascus with our first stop being the Ananias Church – Damascus’ oldest church which happens to be underground, and the Omayad Mosque – the main mosque located in the center of the city.
  • You will then explore the Old Town’s bazaar and shopping areas. This is a great spot for sampling local ice cream and some of the best street food in the Arab world. Shisha is widely available here as well.
  • You will then head to Monalisa for dinner. This is one of the most famous and best restaurants in Damascus – this is a true feast and for those inclined, you will be able to try local Arak as well as Syrian Wine.
  • After dinner, you can choose to watch a football match, visit the bars of Old Damascus, or simply return to your comfortable hotel to relax.
  • Overnight at hotel in Damascus.

Day 2 – Damascus

  • Breakfast at the hotel.
  • After breakfast, you start heading towards the outskirts of the city and will get your first glimpses of the destruction caused by the recent conflict.
  • October War Panorama – dedicated to the war against Israel, this is one of the most unique museums in the country. It was built with assistance from North Korea!
  • A trip to a museum built with Korean assistance cannot be complete without following up with a trip to Kim Il Sung Park. Syria and the North Korea have had a long history of friendship, and recently the Syrian government decided to dedicate a park to the founding leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Traveling doesn’t get much more YPT than this!
  • You will then visit a shop which will satisfy all your Syrian souvenir desires: flags, drip, magnets, key chains, and of course everything related to President Assad.
  • The day continues with a visit to the National Museum.
  • Following this, you will go on a full city tour of Damascus which includes all the main churches, mosques, and places of historical interest.
  • Depending on availability, you have the option of attending a performance by the Syrian Wind Orchestra at the newly reopened Syrian Opera House. Very few foreigners get to have this unique experience. If the Opera is unavailable, or if you are not interested, you can attend a classic Syrian dance performance.
  • You’ll be hungry after attending the performance, so you will head over to Naranj Restaurant, which has shisha available if you are interested.
  • Following dinner, you will go next door to our favorite bar in both Damascus and the world. We won’t spoil the surprise by giving away its quirks, but rest assured it is well worth it.
  • Overnight at hotel.

Day 3 – Damascus – Maaloula – Homs – Aleppo

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Today will be a long day on the road, since the main route between Damascus and Aleppo runs very close to areas controlled by the Al Nusra Front, so you’ll be going on a more lengthy but also more scenic route.
  • The first stop of the day will be Maaloula, a small Christian town that was nearly obliterated by ISIS in 2014.
  • You will go see the Greek Catholic Church that has largely been rebuilt since its destruction during the war.
  • This town is one of the last in the world where people speak the Aramaic language – the same language Jesus spoke, and it’s possible to hear the Lord’s prayer being spoken using it.
  • Then you will walk through a canyon to the St. Sergious and Bakhous Monastery where you’ll have the chance to meet nuns who were kidnapped and held hostage for several years.
  • This is also a great place to stop for a coffee, snack, or even to buy wine produced by the Christians of the area (and yes, they offer free samples).
  • The next stop on the way to Aleppo is Homs.
  • The first stop in Homs is the St. Mary Church of the Holy Belt, the Seat of the Syriac Orthodox Church, where the Virgin Mary’s belt was kept until shortly before the war. Fortunately the belt had already been removed by the time the church was looted and all of its icons and artwork got burned or stolen.
  • You will have your first chance at the Safir Hotel properly explore the destruction that is now commonplace in Syria. Until 2014, it was a 4-star hotel that accommodated many international guests. Now it is a shell filled with rubble. Among the rubble, you will find “do not disturb” signs, menus, folders of guest information, time sheets, crockery, and all sorts of other hotel items.
  • Visit the grave of Frans van de Lugt – a Dutch Jesuit priest who established a community center and farm in Homs where he worked with the homeless, disabled, sick, and hungry. He is also notable for working towards harmony between Christians and Muslims. Greatly respected by locals, he was shot dead in the garden in 2014 by members of the Al-Nusra Front. The garden is now a memorial to him and his honorable work.
  • The drive to Aleppo then continues, and you will arrive in the late afternoon.
  • On arrival, you will stop at the best falafel and kebab restaurant in the city before checking into the centrally-located Aleppo Palace Hotel.
  • After a quick freshening-up, you will begin an evening tour of Aleppo.
  • For dinner, you will go to the famous Cordoba Restaurant, which is walking distance from the hotel. Popular favorites include the Aleppo Kebab and lamb testicles for the truly adventurous.
  • After dinner, you can choose to return to your hotel, or you can visit the only bar in Aleppo: Cheers Bar. Being an independent tour, you may also ask your guide to take you anywhere else people hang out.
  • Overnight in Aleppo.

Day 4 – Aleppo

  • Aleppo was arguably one of the worst affected cities during the Syrian war. Here you’ll get the chance to see some of the terrible destruction as well as the opportunity to witness the early stages of rebuilding that Syrians are now partaking as they slowly return to their homes.
  • Your first stop of the day will be the famous Aleppo Citadel, or Aleppo Castle. This is a truly amazing experience and you will spend a few hours exploring here. During the Syrian Crisis army troops were blockaded in the citadel for over a year and you will still see bullets strewn around.
  • When you hit the summit, you can take some amazing pictures of Aleppo City before exiting by VIP secret passage, something only YPT can offer!
  • You will have lunch at the imaginatively titled Citadel Cafe, where you get some tea with Syrian sandwiches called muhammara kashkawan. This is the perfect place to engage in some people-watching.
  • A flourishing metropolis since the 3rd millennium BC, Aleppo has been contending with Damascus for the title of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited city. This old city has some of the most beautiful souks in the Middle East. Visiting the formerly bustling souks is not only one of the highlights, but also probably the saddest part of visiting Aleppo. The souks here were previously the biggest and most profitable in the Arab world, but now lie in ruins. Here you will witness the slow rebirth after a period of painful destruction.
  • While visiting the souks, you will visit a Syrian institution in the Aleppo Soap Company where they have making soap the same way for 800 years, stopping only during the years the company was under ISIS control. Not only will you get to see how the soap is made, but you will also get the chance to buy some – they make excellent gifts and souvenirs.
  • The next stop is another sober highlight featuring true living history – the oldest hotel in Syria: Baron Hotel. Though not currently operational, it is still worth a visit. Previous guests have included Lawrence of Arabia and Agatha Christie among countless others. The manager here is very open to sharing his story, which includes surviving an attack while drinking on the balcony.
  • You will then experience the Syrian sunset at one of our secret spots overlooking Aleppo before heading back to the Aleppo Citadel area for dinner.

Overnight at Aleppo Palace Hotel.

young pioneer tours syria

Day 5 – Aleppo – Hama – Almishtaya

  • Breakfast at hotel
  • Before departing Aleppo, you’ll stop at the “I Love Aleppo” sign for a photo op before heading over to the Presidential Park. This is one of the few places where you will see a bust of the elder Hafez al-Assad, father of the current President Bashar al-Assad.
  • You can expect a warm welcome when you enter the houses, with singing and tea with your hosts.
  • You will stop in Hama City, which is famous for its water wheels. You will have lunch down by the riverside, giving you another great opportunity to witness everyday Syrian life.
  • After lunch, you will visit yet another highlight of Syria: Krak des Chevaliers. This former castle was built for Christians to house them on their way to the crusades. In addition to its rich and ancient history, it also boasts a darker contemporary one, with our guide being held hostage and tortured by Al Nusra during its occupation.
  • This highlight is followed by yet another highlight: the nearby Christian village of Almishtaya. After checking into your quaint hotel, you will head out for the night.
  • Dinner at Le Monde, after which you can either go back to the hotel, or further explore the nightlife.
  • A short drive from here is the village of Marmarita and the trendy Couples Bar. The trendy kids of the town hang out here. If you’re a trendy kid, you can end up dancing with them.
  • Overnight in Almishtaya

Day 6 – Almishtaya – Palmyra – Damascus

  • Visit Palmyra, one of Syria’s most famous sites. Once a lush city on the Silk Road, Palmyra was even briefly its own empire in the 3rd Century, stretching from Turkey to Egypt. Although the old city was ruined, it was famously in spectacular condition and exceptionally well preserved. Sadly, it fell under the control of ISIS in 2015, and a lot of the buildings were brought to the ground.
  • Here you will visit the formerly unreachable ancient sites while enjoying a picnic lunch.
  • After lunch, the long drive back to Damascus begins. You will stop on the way for dinner of lamb ribs, also known as Kastalita.
  • Check back into hotel in Damascus.
  • Overnight in Damascus

Day 7 – Damascus – Busra – Damascus

  • Breakfast in hotel
  • Today will involve a lot of driving, but the ends will certainly justify the means as you visit the seldom seen Busra. This is on the way to the Golan Heights, as well as Jordan. You will be able to stop for numerous picture opportunities.
  • Once you arrive at Busra, you will first visit the truly amazing Busra Colosseum, the most complete Roman amphitheater in the world.
  • There is still lots to see in this old Roman town, such as the oldest Mosque in Syria, but there has been much looting and there are hawkers trying to sell “treasure.”
  • Perhaps most interestingly, Bosra, or Busra lies outside of the control of the Syrian government, with the area protected by local militias. While not at war with the government, this is one of the only places you will see the green rebel Syrian flag.
  • You will have a late lunch, but it is very much worth it, being a classic Arabic tent feast followed by lots of dancing.
  • Long drive back to Damascus.
  • You will head for tea or drinks at the home of Professor Abdul Homsi, the most famous tour guide in Syria. He not only has very interesting views, but was also the guide for President Carter, as well as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, the latter of which even gave him a kiss!
  • You will then have your last dinner in Syria before either heading back to the hotel. If you’d like, you can also experience an expensive night club, or have your guide take you somewhere else.

Day 8  – Damascus – Beirut, Lebanon

  • Breakfast at the hotel
  • Last chance to do some last minute exploring of Damascus, including a stop at the iconic “I love Damascus” sign and a drive past and stop at the Presidential Palace.
  • You will also stop at some special souvenir shops, where you can buy everything from a national football jersey, to Assad posters.
  • Then you’ll head back towards the Lebanese border. Times are flexible to ensure you get back to Beirut in time if you have a flight to catch.
  • Tour concludes – your driver can drop you off either at the airport or a hotel in Beirut.
  • Transportation to and from Beirut
  • All transportation in Syria in a private, modern, and air-conditioned car
  • Accommodation and breakfast for each day
  • Entrance fees for sites
  • Local English-speaking tour guide
  • One large bottle of water per person per day
  • Security clearance (visa approval)
  • Departure tax
  • Special permission to visit Palmyra
  • International flights to and from Beirut
  • Tips (although not compulsory, it is always greatly appreciated)
  • Lunch, dinner, and drinks
  • Visa fee at the border (depends on your nationality and is subject to change, but should be between US$50 and $200)
  • Departure tax (Approximately US$5, paid at the border)
  • Hammam (Approximately US$10 per person)
  • Suspendisse tincidunt nunc nec


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Syria - May 2023 - Young Pioneer Tours

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This is my very first YPT adventure. I couldn’t have made a better decision traveling to Syria and... read more

young pioneer tours syria

The tour was very good, Caitlin (YPT tour guide) went above and beyond to make us feel comfortable... read more

young pioneer tours syria

Syria - May 2023

Just got back from an amazing week in Syria where our group was able to see all of the wonderful things about the country that you don’t see in the news at home. For sure there are still many problems in Syria and you can’t visit the country without accepting the devastation that is apparent in many areas but the welcome of the locals and their warmth balanced this up nicely. Add in to the mix some 8000 years of human history and our wonderful local guides, Rami and Mary, the trip will stick with me forever. And, of course, you can't forget our great YPT leader who pulled all the pieces together and helped make the trip such fun, as well as educational and all the other amazing things about Syria!

This was right out of the top drawer. Alistair, our YPT leader, was great and he was ably supported by 4 specialist local guides, including Pablo Escobar's driver! It wasn't just "dark tourism", though, Tayrona National Park, Botero Art, historic Cartegena and Vanessa the rejected Hippo ( yes, really) complemented the in depth Bogota and Medillin city tours. Highly recommended.

What can I say about this crazy, quirky, offbeat tour company? After taking multiple tours with Young Pioneer Tours in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia (so far), I would definitely recommend the company to adventurous travelers everywhere. I became aware of YPT several years ago, but admit I was a bit put off by the ‘hard partying’ reputation they had within the travel community at that time. After hearing from a friend who had a positive experience on one of their tours, I more actively began looking at their range of tour offerings. YPT made its reputation (good, bad and ugly) based on their groundbreaking entry and many years of experience in the North Korea tour market. The pandemic obviously changed all of that and by necessity helped increase focus on other parts of the world. Their current portfolio consists of diverse offerings to unique places on all continents, and newly designed tours being added all the time. They also have built some productive partnerships with other tour operators on specific tours. All of this makes them an ‘alternative’ travel company with a truly global reach, including dozens of different tours to choose from beyond their North Korean legacy offerings. I took my first tour with them in the Spring of 2022, with COVID-19 still complicating travel to many regions. Since then, between my partner and myself, we have completed seven YPT tours (Microstates of Europe, Iraq and Kurdistan, Socotra, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Extreme Philippines). And we are certainly planning to book more in the coming years! I have been very happy with the itineraries on all of the trips we’ve done with YPT, which typically include a nice blend of must-see traditional tourist highlights as well as very unusual off-the-beaten track (and sometimes outright bizarre!) sights and experiences most tour companies would not cover. I’ve never come away from a tour without learning a lot and enjoying a range of unique things seen and experienced. My one wish would be that some of the itineraries be a bit longer to have a deeper experience, but YPT also offers customized private tour options and add-ons if you would like to spend more time in a place or cater to a particular interest. I have found that the tours themselves have all been well organized on the ground, with generally excellent local guides, transport, and lodging (taking into account the inevitable glitches that occur in any developing country travel), and with good support from the YPT staff accompanying each tour. The group sizes are small and always filled with an eclectic mix of global travelers of diverse ages, occupations, nationalities, and points of view. The back office support of YPT has been good overall as well, and in my short experience has greatly improved since I first interacted with them in late 2021. In fact, I can vouch for the great responsiveness and customer service we’ve received from the staff at all levels. Even when I had a serious last minute over-scheduling crisis related to one tour, I have to say YPT really stepped up to the plate and found a way to resolve the problem and make everything happen as scheduled (and it ended up being an excellent tour!!!). All in all YPT is now among the handful of my ‘go-to’ travel companies for seeking out the unique and unexpected while pursuing my global adventures.

I am so happy I discovered YPT. I recently returned from the Extreme Philippines trip. I had heard about the Cutud Lenten Rites before and booked this trip to see it. What a tremendous experience. YPT got us up close with VIP seats and provided a lot of background information about this unique ritual. I wasn't sure what to expect for the rest of the tour, because I actually hate group tours. It turned out to be a blast. Gareth and the guides Ravi and Bing were ebullient, helpful and fun to travel with. The drivers were wonderful too. Fabulous Road Trip! I loved that we stopped at all sorts of offbeat places, rather than typical tourist traps. The Philippines is pretty well-traveled place, but YPT made it feel like an adventure. OK so most of this just sounds like some sort of typical BS review... but there is nothing "typical" about this extraordinary tour company.. do yourself a favor and book a tour with them ... I'm planning to

young pioneer tours syria

I just finished touring divided Cyprus with YPT. Everything went well. I enjoyed it all! This is the third YPT trip I have attended and all have been affordable, well planned, and safe. Highly recommended!

I've just come back from a 10-day journey with YPT across multiple cities in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and I can't tell you how unexpectedly smoothly the whole thing went. When you go somewhere like Afghanistan, you sort of mentally prepare for anything and everything to go wrong. But somehow nothing did. I still don't know how they pulled it off. The local guides they partnered with were so kind, so knowledgeable, and so accommodating, and their English was pretty much perfect. The itinerary itself was rich in cultural heritage: We basically went from one unforgettable thing to the next the whole time. This tour is challenging because of the present situation in the country, so please do your research before you just start packing for Kabul on a whim, but YPT did everything they could to make us feel safe and well taken care of. All the hotels we stayed in were nicer than I was expecting, too. Rowan (the co-founder and our tour operator) is an absolute, consummate pro in the moments when he needs to be — and a great friend in all the other moments. I count myself lucky to have met him. Overall, if you're ever looking to go somewhere that "nobody" goes, YPT is the company for you.

Young Pioneer Tours

young pioneer tours syria

Christmas in Syria Tour

Looking for somewhere unique to spend your Christmas this year? Join us in Syria and create your unique Christmas tale for your family and friends back home. We’ve designed this tour to be short, sweet.. and easy on the wallet after those hefty Christmas expenses!

As soon as it became possible in 2018 for tourism to resume after years of civil war, Young Pioneer Tours were the first to take you there. Now that life is returning to relative normal again and travel is back on the cards, we’re excited to continue taking you to Syria, a country that we fell in love with and know like that backs of our hands. That’s why for many reasons we know this country better than any other company, hence why our itineraries are more unique.

Beginning and ending in Lebanon’s vibrant capital, Beirut, this tour is your opportunity to see Syria at a unique point in its history.

From Beirut we’ll drive two hours to Damascus, the capital of Syria. Travelling in Syria is truly a surreal experience, on one hand you’ll get to experience the famous cosmopolitan nightlife that has returned to the capital where the streets are lined with bars, cafes, young locals smoking shishas and drinking cocktails, and then on the other hand we see the truly harrowing effects of full-scale war – destroyed hospitals, schools and houses.

From Damascus we’ll then make our way to Aleppo, once the pearl in the Middle East, going via the Christian town of Maaloula, with it historic churches now largely restored after their destruction by Islamist militants. On the journey to Aleppo you will witness the destruction the occurred in Syria throughout the journey, with it being particularly paramount in the city itself.

During our stay in Aleppo you will explore many sites other travel groups cannot visit, as well more obvious ones such as the Presidential Park and the Aleppo Soap factory – the oldest company in the world.

Driving around Syria is an experience itself as we stop on the way at charming coffee stands where we’ll get a chance to mingle with locals while also passing destroyed villages. In Syria we often have to take the long route to avoid rebel-controlled areas, but this just means seeing more of the amazing countryside.

Before your tour concludes we’ll visit the very the best restaurants and bars the capital has to offer for a farewell celebration with our local guides. Aside from what we offer there are multiple chances to meet, eat, drink and converse with Syrians about their everyday lives. You will be very surprised by how direct and open locals are with their views.

Monday 23 rd December – Beirut, Lebanon – Damascus, Syria

  • Arrival at your convenience into Beirut – the capital city of Lebanon – most international airlines have daily flights between Beirut and other major European cities. For those arriving on the previous night we can arrange pre-tour dinner and drinks.
  • Pre-tour meeting will be held at the lobby of Beirut Gems Hotel at 8:00am to discuss tour itinerary and to meet your fellow travellers and YPT guide.
  • Begin the drive to the Syrian border, which will take about two hours. We’ll stop on the way for a quick breakfast of croissants and various other Lebanese snacks
  • Cross the border, with a stop at duty free in no man’s land, for some of the cheapest alcohol and other products you’ve ever experienced. Whether you plan to buy, or not this is extremely interesting just to see what people are taking across the border.
  • The whole border crossing usually takes 1 to 2 hours, with the border guards being very friendly.
  • Once clearing Syrian customs and immigration we’ll continue our drive to Damascus, which will take roughly an hour. On the way we will stop for some Syrian tea and coffee to break up the journey.
  • On arrival we will check into the Al Mamluka Hotel – quite simply one of the best hotels in the Old Town of Damascus. This itself is a highlight.
  • After welcome tea and snacks we will then arrange SIM cards and currency exchange for those that need it.
  • Next stop is lunch and quite simply you have not been to Damascus unless you have tried their shawarma, or felafel for those of the vegetarian persuasion.
  • Begin our one hour walking tour of the old part Damascus with our first stop being the Ananias Church – Damascus’ oldest church which happens to be underground, and Omayad Mosque – the main mosque located in the centre of the city.
  • Explore the Old Town’s bazaar and shopping areas – a great spot for sampling local ice cream or some of the best street food in the Arab world.
  • Later we’ll head to Monalisa for dinner, one of the most famous and best restaurants in Damascus – this is a true feast and for those inclined you will be able to try local Arak, as well as Syrian Wine
  • After dinner we offer 3 options, either going to watch a football match if available, hitting the bars of Old Damascus, or simply returning to our comfortable hotel to relax.
  • Overnight at Al Manluka in Damascus.

Tuesday 24 th December – Damascus – Maaloula – Aleppo

  • Breakfast at hotel
  • Today will be a long day as the main road between Damascus and Aleppo is runs very close to areas controlled by Jahat Al Nursra (Al Qaeda) so we’ll need to take the more scenic route. This journey offers a real insight into how close ISIS got to Damascus. Various stops will be taken for pictures.
  • Our first stop will be at Maaloula, a small Christian town that was almost completely decimated by ISIS in 2014.
  • Visit the Greek Catholic church which was destroyed but has already largely been rebuilt and is now again doing services.
  • This town is one of the last in the world where people speak the Aramaic language – the same language Jesus spoke, and it is possible to hear the lords prayer being spoken using it.
  • This is also a great place stop for a coffee, snack, or even to buy wine produced by the Christians of the area (and yes they offer free samples).
  • This will be your first opportunity to properly explore the destruction that is now so commonplace in Syria, at the Safir Hotel. Until 2014 it was a 4 star hotel with plenty of international guests, but is now a shell filled with rubble. There are still “do not disturb” signs, menus, folders of guest information, time sheets, crockery and all sorts of other hotel items amongst the debris.
  • Walk through a canyon to the St. Sergious and Bakhous Monastery where you’ll have the chance to meet nuns who were kidnapped and held hostage for several years.
  • We continue the drive to Aleppo arriving in the late afternoon.
  • On arrival we will stop at the best falafel and kebab restaurant in the city.
  • Check into the centrally locate Aleppo Palace Hotel, after a quick freshen up we head for an evening tour of Aleppo.
  • For dinner we head to the famous Cordoba Restaurant, which is walking distance from the hotel. Particular favourites include the Aleppo Kebab and lamb testicles for the truly adventurous.
  • Optional return to the hotel, or you can join us at the only watering hole in Aleppo, Cheers Bar to spend a festive Christmas eve together.
  • Dinner and overnight in Aleppo

Wedneday 25 th December – Aleppo – Hama – Krak des Chevaliers – Damascus

  • Aleppo was arguably one of the worst affected cities during the Syrian war. Here you’ll get the chance to see some of the terrible destruction as well as the opportunity to witness the early stages of rebuilding that Syrians are now partaking as they slowly return to their homes.
  • Our first stop in the morning will be the famous Aleppo Citadel, or Aleppo Castle. This is s truly amazing experience and we will take a few hours exploring here. During the Syrian Crisis army troops were blockaded in the citadel for over a year and you will still see bullets strewn around.
  • When we hit the summit you can take some amazing pictures of Aleppo City, before we exit by VIP secret passage, something only YPT offer!
  • We have lunch at the imaginatively titled Citadel Cafe, where we get some tea coupled with Syrian sandwiches known as muhammara kashkawan, as well as people watching.
  • In the afternoon we head to to not only one of the highlights, but also probably the saddest part of Aleppo, visiting the formerly bustling Souk. This was previously the biggest and most profitable in the Arab world, but now lies in ruins. It is though slowly starting to rebuild and as well as destruction we will witness its slow rebirth
  • Whilst in the Souk we visit a Syrian institution the Aleppo Soap company where they have been making the soap the same way for 800 years, excluding the years it was under ISIS control. Aside from seeing how it is made, we will also get the chance to buy some – they make great souvenirs.
  • We then continue driving until we reach the Krak des Chevaliers a former castle built for Christians to house them on their way to the crusades. As well as a rich and ancient history it also boasts a darker contemporary one, with our guide having being held hostage and tortured by Al Nusra during its occupation
  • Begin the journey back to Damascus
  • On arrival head to Naranj Restaurant, again one of the best in Syria for a big Christmas feast – shisha available for those interested
  • Following dinner we head next door to our favourite bar in Damascus and one of our favourites in the world. We won’t spoil the surprise by giving away its quirks, but rest assured it is well worth it.
  • Overnight at Al Mamluka Hotel

Thursday 26 th December – Damascus – Beirut, Lebanon

  • Breakfast at the hotel
  • Last chance to do some last minute exploring of Damascus, including a stop at the iconic “I love Damascus” sign and a drive past and stop at the Presidential Palace.
  • We will also stop at some special souvenir shops, where you can buy everything from a national football jersey, to Assad posters.
  • Farewelling Damascus, we’ll head back towards the Lebanese border. Including the border crossing and a few stops, we’ll arrive back in Beirut in the early evening around 5:00pm
  • Tour concludes – Airport drop-offs can be arranged for people leaving that day, with hotel stops available for those staying in the Hamra area of Beirut

young pioneer tours syria

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Is it safe to travel to Syria in 2024?

Is it safe to travel to Syria? The vast majority of Syria, specifically the government controlled parts, such as Damascus and Aleppo are safe to travel to. The parts that are either rebel controlled, or still at war are not.  There are of course m …

Kim Il Sung Park – Damascus, Syria

For anyone who’s travelled to North Korea – or has more than a passing interest in all things DPRK – it’s no secret that a great many things are named after the founder of the DPRK, Kim Il-sung. Kim Il-sung Square and Kim Il-sung Stadium are just two e …

  • Tour Extensions

Want to extend your YPT adventure? Join one of our great tour extensions

  • Start Date : December 23rd 2024 End Date : December 26th 2024
  • Price : $895
  • Duration: 3 nights, 4 days

Tour Highlights

  • Experiencing the cosmopolitan life in Damascus. Something you might not be expecting is how vibrant and alive the centre of the capital is especially around Christmas Day
  • Visiting the citadel in Aleppo. Not only is the citadel itself an incredibly well preserved castle which was used for its original purpose during the recent war, but you can also explore the destroyed bazaar and buildings around it.
  • Krak des Chevaliers a former castle built for Christians to house them on their way to the crusades. As well as a rich and ancient history it also boasts a darker contemporary one.

Inclusions and exclusions - test

  • Letter of Invitation / Visa Support
  • Accommodation in twin share at 3 & 4 star hotels
  • All transportation throughout the tour
  • Entrance fees to all sites
  • YPT guide and local guides
  • Visa fee paid at the border on arrival (Depending on your nationality $60 - $140)
  • Single Supplement ($180)
  • Lunches and dinners
  • Accommodation and any other services in Lebanon before and after the tour commences
  • Personal expenses such as souvenirs, drinks or any optional activities
  • Travel Insurance

We have expert guides ready to help answer any questions you may have.


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  1. Syria Autumn Tour

    young pioneer tours syria

  2. Syria Tours

    young pioneer tours syria

  3. Explore Syria Independent Tour

    young pioneer tours syria

  4. Driving into Syria with Young Pioneer Tours

    young pioneer tours syria

  5. Syria September Tour

    young pioneer tours syria

  6. Syria Autumn Tour

    young pioneer tours syria


  1. Syria (2023) E03

  2. Syria (2023) E04

  3. Syria (2023) E06

  4. Syria (2023) E10


  1. Best Syria Tours and Holidays for 2024 and 2025

    Young Pioneer Tours are pleased to announce our Syria Tours program for 2024 and 2025. It includes group tours and independent packages to the Syrian Arab Republic. Back in 2017, we were one of the first travel agencies to offer Syrian packages after the war. We have now returned with a full program after the COVID-19 pandemic.

  2. Explore Syria Independent Tour

    Visa fee at the border (depends on your nationality and is subject to change, but should be between US$50 and $200) Departure tax (Approximately US$5, paid at the border) Hammam (Approximately US$10 per person) Libya Tours 2024 - 2025. Young Pioneer Tours are now running regular group tours to Libya, as well as offering independent Libya Tours.

  3. Syria Spring Tour

    Join Young Pioneer Tours on one of our signature African adventures in Eritrea, Somaliland, or Socotra (with new destinations being added all the time), or let us plan an independent trip for you. Close; Central Asia Tours.

  4. Our spring tour in Syria, which is...

    Our spring tour in Syria, which is scheduled for March, seems to be quite popular with our American friends. If you are an American interested in visiting Syria, you got 3 more days to book, because...

  5. Syria

    Young Pioneer Tours: Syria - May 2023 - See 1,108 traveler reviews, 1,230 candid photos, and great deals for Beijing, China, at Tripadvisor.

  6. Spots still available for our Syria...

    Spots still available for our Syria Spring Tour, book now so we have time to get your visa processed!

  7. Join us in Syria this spring

    Join us in Syria this spring - spots are still available, but because the visa takes a while to process, our advice is to book sooner rather than later.... Join us in Syria this spring - spots... - Young Pioneer Tours

  8. See Syria with Young Pioneer Tours!...

    See Syria with Young Pioneer Tours! This group is already filling up fast. Check out the itinerary and get in touch to book.

  9. Join us in Syria this spring

    Join us in Syria this spring - spots are still available, but because the visa takes a while to process, our advice is to book sooner rather than later. If March isn't a good time for you, or if...

  10. Fancy a trip to Syria but simply...

    Fancy a trip to Syria but simply can't make our group tours fit with your schedule? Write us any time at [email protected] to set up a private...

  11. Lebanon Spring Tour

    While often just a pit-stop for our pioneers traveling to Syria - Lebanon has a unique history that while stretching back thousands of years is still just as ... International Tours. Group Tours. Young Pioneer Tours are the leading budget adventure travel company to off the wall, and off the beaten track destinations. Check out our ...

  12. Young Pioneer Tours

    102 likes, 3 comments - youngpioneer on May 6, 2024: "For exciting road trip affectionados and country collectors alike, join us as we take you to five of the ...

  13. Syria Tours

    Our classic 7 day Syria tour taking in Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Maaloula and Palmyra! September 16 - 22nd, 2024. 1490 USD. 7 days. Syria New Years Tour. 6 spots remaining. No better place to ring in the new year than Damascus Old Town!

  14. Syria Revolutionary Tour

    Beginning and ending in Lebanon's vibrant capital, Beirut, our Syria Revolutionary Tour takes in all the major spots of the country, such as Palmyra and. Young Pioneer Tours. Toggle Navigation. Menu. Home; ... Join Young Pioneer Tours on one of our signature African adventures in Eritrea, Somaliland, or Socotra (with new destinations being ...

  15. Booze, bribes and propaganda: The company that promises 'safe' travel

    Gareth Johnson is a 36-year-old British entrepreneur and tour guide who identifies himself as the founder of Young Pioneer Tours. In previous interviews and his social media accounts, he portrays ...

  16. Syria Marmarita Carnival Tour

    Join us in Syria as we partake in one of the largest celebrations held in the country - Marmarita Carnival! Syrian Christians gather on the streets of ... Join Young Pioneer Tours on one of our signature African adventures in Eritrea, Somaliland, or Socotra (with new destinations being added all the time), or let us plan an independent trip for ...

  17. Christmas in Syria Tour

    Join us in Syria and create your unique Christmas tale for your family and friends back home. ... Join Young Pioneer Tours on one of our signature African adventures in Eritrea, Somaliland, or Socotra (with new destinations being added all the time), or let us plan an independent trip for you.