SUPER BEAVER Tickets, Tour Dates and %{concertOrShowText}


Concerts and tour dates, fans also follow, about super beaver.




TICKET フリーライブ予定

【SUPER BEAVER 2021年3月31日(水) 代々木公園野外音楽堂フリーライブ 中止のご案内】 誠に残念ではございますが、SUPER BEAVER 2021年3月31日(水) 代々木公園野外音楽堂公演の中止を決定させて頂きました。 公演開催の可能性を模索し続けて参りましたが、野外でのフリーライブという公演形態の特性上、現状のガイドラインに沿った開催は不可能であると判断致しました。開催の可否の発表までに時間を要した事をお詫び申し上げます。 【中止公演】 2021年3月31日(水) 代々木公園野外音楽堂 SUPER BEAVER メンバー・スタッフ一同

SUPER BEAVER「都会のラクダ 野外TOUR 2024 〜ビルシロコ・モリヤマ〜」 

OPEN 17:00 START 18:00

TICKET 指定席/雨かかり指定席 7,700円、注釈付き指定席/雨かかり注釈付き指定席7,200円

【追加販売受付のお知らせ】 河口湖ステラシアターにて会場設営を行い、 若干数のチケット追加販売が可能と判明したため追加販売を行います。 《対象公演》 6月22日(土) 【山梨】 河口湖ステラシアター 《券種/料金》 指定席7,700円 注釈付指定席7,700円 《受付期間》 6月21日(金) 21:00~ 受付URL: ※先着順での受付のため、予定枚数に達し次第受付は終了となります。 ※支払い方法:クレジットカード決済のみ ※注釈付指定席はステージの全体および一部演出、出演者が見えにくい、または見えない場合がございます。 ※ご購入後の返金・クレーム及びお席の振替は一切お受けできません。予めご了承ください。 ★河口湖ステラシアターへのアクセス方法 河口湖駅より、シャトルバスの運行スケジュールが決定いたしました。 【電車をご利用の場合】 富士急行「河口湖駅」 より シャトルバス約15分 片道/現金のみ 大人300円 小人150円 1日券/デジタルチケット 大人500円 小人250円 チケット販売:6月19日(水) 16時~ 受付URL: ■往路 河口湖駅7番線発 河口湖ステラシアター行き 13:45/14:15/15:15/15:45/16:15/16:45/17:15 ■復路 河口湖ステラシアター発 河口湖駅行き 終演後~約30分後まで ※終演後は河口湖ステラシアター発河口湖駅行きのシャトルバスに限りがあるため、 お客様にはシャトルバスをお待ちいただく場合があります。 ※当日はステラシアター近辺の道路の混雑が予想されます。想定時間より到着までに 時間がかかる可能性がございます。 ※また他の交通機関への乗り継きは保証いたしかねます。予めご了承ください。 【お車をご利用の場合】 ステラシアター隣接駐車場が無料開放となります。 約500台収容可能 ※駐車場の事前予約はできません。 ※当日は、駐車場整備員がおりますので、その指示に従っての駐車をお願いいたします。 ※雨天時はホール隣接駐車場の利用ができない場合がございます。  隣接駐車場が利用できない場合は近郊駐車場にご駐車いただくことになります。  近郊の駐車場から会場まで徒歩で20分程度かかりますので、雨天時は開演時間に間に合わない場合があります。  できる限り開場時間前には会場周辺にお越しくださいますようお願いたします。 ■チケット 一般発売:3月23日(土)12:00〜 URL: 年齢制限:3歳以上チケット必要 枚数制限:お一人様 4枚まで ※複数公演申込み可能 ※雨かかり 指定席 ・建物の構造上、雨天の際に一部雨がかかるお席がございます。予めご了承ください。 ※雨かかり 注釈付き指定席 ・建物の構造上、雨天の際に一部雨がかかるお席がございます。予めご了承ください。 ・ステージの全体および一部演出が見えにくい、または見えない場合がございます。 ・ご購入後の返金・クレーム及びお席の振替は一切お受けできません。予めご了承ください。 ■クレジット 主催:DISK GARAGE 企画/制作:[NOiD]/ murffin discs / YUMEBANCHI 協力:eggman ■注意事項 ・お客様を含む会場内の映像を配信させて頂き、写真が公開される事がありますので予めご了承下さい。 ・営利目的でのチケット購入はお止め下さい。 ・チケットの営利目的の購入申し込み、及び転売行為は一切禁止です。転売されたチケットは無効となりご入場出来ません。 ・雨天決行・荒天中止となります。 ・公演途中での中止の場合、払戻しは致しませんのでご了承下さい。 ■問い合わせ DISK GARAGE


OPEN 18:00 START 19:00

TICKET 指定席 6,900円

【SUPER BEAVER official YouTube にて無料生配信決定!】 配信URL:後日公開 ■チケット 料金:指定席 6,900円 年齢制限:3歳以上チケット必要(2歳未満でも座席が必要な場合はチケット必要) 枚数制限:お一人様 4枚まで ■クレジット 主催:FOB 金沢:076-232-2424[平日11:00〜17:00] 企画/制作:[NOiD]/ murffin discs / YUMEBANCHI 協力:eggman ■注意事項 ・お客様を含む会場内の映像を配信させて頂き、写真が公開される事がありますので予めご了承下さい。 ・営利目的でのチケット購入はお止め下さい。 ・チケットの営利目的の購入申し込み、及び転売行為は一切禁止です。転売されたチケットは無効となりご入場出来ません。

Talking Rock! FES.2024 


OPEN 10:00 START 11:00

TICKET センタースタンディング(ブロック指定) 11,000円(税込) / 指定席 11,000円(税込)

■オフィシャル先行受付 受付期間:2024年4月9日(火)12:00〜4月21日(日)23:59 ローソンチケット: ■チケット一般発売日: 2024年6月8日(土)10:00 ■お問い合わせ:DISK GARAGE 主催/企画: Talking Rock! 制作/運営: DISK GARAGE / 808株式会社 ◎Talking Rock! FES.2024: ◎Talking Rock! HP: ◎Talking Rock! 公式X: ◎Talking Rock! 公式Instagram:

京都大作戦2024〜翔んで騒いで万々祭 ゙〜 

OPEN 9:30 START 11:00

TICKET 通常札:2日通し券 18,820円(税込)/ 1日券 9,410円(税込)

公式HP: チケット代 通常札:2日通し券 18,820円(税込)/ 1日券 9,410円(税込) 童札(わらべふだ):2日通し券 9,400円(税込)/ 1日券 4,700円(税込) ※童札は、2024年7月時点で小学生(生年月日が2012年4月2日〜2018年4月1日)の方が申込み可能です。 ※必ず大人の方(通常札・家族札購入者)と一緒にご来場ください。童札のみでの入場はできません。 ※全自由(整理番号無し) ※アーティストは都合により変更になる場合がございます。その際チケット代金の払い戻しは行いませんので予めご了承下さい。 ※雨天決行/荒天中止 ※小学生以上有料/未就学児童は通常札・家族札の大人1人に対し、1人まで無料 主催:バダス/サウンドクリエーター/エフエム京都 企画制作:バダス/サウンドクリエーター サウンドクリエーター TEL:06-6357-4400(月〜金 12:00〜15:00 ※祝日を除く) ローソンチケットFAQ:


OPEN 10:00 START 12:00

TICKET 1日券 16,000円(税込)、2日通し券 30,000円(税込)

【スキマフェスオフィシャル2次プレオーダー受付】 受付期間:02/09(金) 18:00 ~ 03/03(日) 23:59 受付URL: ■問い合わせ ジェイルハウス 052-936-6041



OPEN 9:00 START 11:00

TICKET 通し入場券 ¥25,000 / 13日入場券・14日入場券 ¥13,500

主 催: マウントアライブ 共 催: ハマナスアート 企画制作: マウントアライブ / スマッシュイースト 特別協力: 㻴㼀㻮北海道テレビ放送 協 力: 北海道グリーンランド 運 営: ドンクエンタープライズ お問合せ: マウントアライブ 050-3504-8700 平日11:00〜18:00

バズリズム LIVE -10th Anniversary- 

w) キタニタツヤ / 超特急 / NiziU / BE:FIRST / MC バカリズム(順不同)

OPEN 16:00 START 17:00

TICKET 全席指定 12,500円

■チケット 10回記念特別先行受付(抽選):4月5日(金)17:00〜4月21日(日)23:59 チケット受付URL: ■オフィシャルサイト URL:


OPEN 8:30 START 10:30

TICKET 単日指定席¥11,000 (税込) / 単日指定席(Tシャツ付き)¥13,500 (税込) / 両日通し指定席¥20,000 (税込) / ゆったりペアチケット¥18,000 (税込) / プライベートシート¥32,000 (税込) / のぼせもん専用単日券¥5,500 (税込) / のぼせもん専用単日券(Tシャツ付き)¥8,000 (税込) / のぼせもん専用両日通し券¥9,000 (税込)

■主催 キョードー西日本 ■お問い合わせ キョードー西日本: 0570-09-2424 (月〜土 11:00-15:00 ※日・祝日休業) ■HP


OPEN 8:30 START 11:45

TICKET 1日券 ¥15,000 / 2日セット券 ¥28,000 / 3日セット券 ¥39,000 / 4日セット券 ¥47,000 / 5日セット券 ¥53,000


【開催中止】2021年3月31日(水) - 代々木公園野外音楽堂

2024年6月22日(土) - 河口湖ステラシアター

2024年6月24日(月) - 金沢歌劇座

2024年7月6日(土) - 横浜アリーナ

2024年7月7日(日) - 京都府立山城総合運動公園 太陽が丘特設野外ステージ

2024年7月13日(土) - Aichi Sky Expo(愛知県国際展示場)多目的利用地A・野外

2024年7月13日(土)・14日(日) - いわみざわ公園〈野外音楽堂キタオン&北海道グリーンランド遊園地〉

2024年7月19日(金) - 国立代々木競技場 第一体育館

2024年07月21日(日) - 福岡PayPayドーム(山笠ステージ・どんたくステージ)

2024年8月11日(日) - 千葉市蘇我スポーツ公園

Photo by Jumpai Yamada

“A wild, raging knockout“

The fader  , “sheer calamity and deliriously fun“, “punk is rarely this charmingly vicious”.

Photo by Takeaki Emori

“… For them, every social nicety is teetering on a ledge, looking down into mayhem. Super Champon is the sound of Otoboke Beaver shoving them over, one by one.”

Pitchfork , “..with two really fantastic albums under their belt at this point, is otoboke beaver not one of the best modern punk bands that japan has to offer right now”  , antony fantano, theneedledrop, super champon – out now, sign up to our newsletter.


  • The Republik

Otoboke Beaver - Super Champon: North American Tour 2023

Ticket Prices

GA - $30 + fees

Prices increase day of show

Ticket Locations:

The Republik Box Office (Tues-Fri 10am-1pm, cash only, $2 fee per ticket)

Permanent Vacation (cash only)

All ages welcome

Lounge: 6:00 pm (21 and up)

Doors: 7:00 pm

Show: 8:00 pm

Japan Concert Tickets

SUPER BEAVER in Osaka, 2024-10-23

Disclaimer: Our site is reader-supported. When you buy or book through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you.

SUPER BEAVER will be performing at Festival Hall Osaka in Osaka on Wednesday, October 23, 2024. The show is part of the ‘Urban Camel TOUR 2024 ~ Seiha! Two to two Uraura ~’. Any overseas ticket sale would be announced on the official website (see link below). Tickets might also be available from resellers (secondary market).

Doors / Start

Official Ticket Price

Buy Tickets

More ticket information: 👉Japanese Resale Tickets – Where and How to Buy if a Concert is SOLD OUT 👉The 5 Basics of the Japanese Ticketing System

※ Note: You might need a Japanese phone number to buy and/or receive tickets. How to Get a SIM Card With Japanese Phone Number & SMS as Non-Resident

※ Please note that we are not the official website of this event. All the information is subject to change and we cannot guarantee its accuracy. Events may be canceled, schedules changed, admission requirements altered without notice. Checking the official event site for the latest and most accurate information is recommended. Found any errors? Please drop us a quick note at [email protected] . Thank you!

Venue Map and Hotels

Related events.


SUPER BEAVER in Tokyo, 2024-12-04


SUPER BEAVER in Tokyo, 2024-12-03


SUPER BEAVER in Saga, 2024-11-26


SUPER BEAVER in Iwaki, 2024-11-22

Japan Concert Tickets

EURO 2024 round of 16 fixtures confirmed

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Article summary

The UEFA EURO 2024 round of 16 ties are now confirmed following the conclusion of the group stage.

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EURO 2024 fixtures by venue

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Tour de France 2024: How to watch the cycling Super Bowl, full schedule, livestream info and more

The 111th Tour de France begins in Florence, Italy this Saturday, June 29. The annual long-distance race will bring together some of the biggest names in cycling, including two-time defending champion Jonas Vingegaard, Tadej Pogačar, Primož Roglič, Remco Evenepoel, Juan Ayuso, Carlos Rodríguez, Adam Yates, João Almeida and Matteo Jorgenson. The Tour De France will cover 2,170 miles across 21 days of racing, finishing in Nice on July 21. This year's Tour will be the first ever to not finish in Paris (due to the 2024 Olympics).

Want to tune into the 2024 Tour de France (AKA the cycling Super Bowl)? Here's everything you need to know about the cycling event, including the odds of who will take home the yellow jersey in 2024, where to stream the 2024 Tour de France and more.

How to watch the Tour de France from the US:

Stream the tour de france.

Tour de France dates: June 29 - July 21

Tour de France TV channel: NBC

Tour de France streaming: Peacock

How to watch the 2024 Tour de France without cable:

Starting at just $6 a month, a Peacock subscription is the easiest way to stream live sports and events airing on NBC, including this year’s Tour de France! On top of access to the Tour de France, the streaming platform is the home of the 2024 Olympics, and the easiest way to stream most live sports and events airing on NBC. You’ll also get access to thousands of hours of shows and movies, including beloved sitcoms such as Parks and Recreation and The Office . For $12 monthly you can upgrade to an ad-free subscription which includes live access to your local NBC affiliate (not just during designated sports and events) and the ability to download select titles to watch offline.

Is there a free Tour de France livestream?

Don’t want to pay for Peacock to watch the Tour de France? UK-based streaming platform ITVX will have a free livestream of their Tour de France coverage throughout the race. To access this free livestream though, you’ll need a VPN.

To watch ITVX from the US, you’ll need to sign up for a good streaming VPN and choose a UK server. From there, you should be able to watch ITVX totally free from the US.

A VPN (virtual private network) helps protect your data, can mask your IP address and is perhaps most popular for being especially useful in the age of streaming. Whether you’re looking to watch Friends on Netflix (which left the U.S. version of the streamer back in 2019) or tune in to a boxing match this weekend without paying the PPV prices, a VPN can help you out. Looking to try a VPN for the first time? This guide breaks down the best VPN options for every kind of user .

Stream free Tour de France coverage

ExpressVPN offers “internet without borders,” meaning you can catch free coverage of the 2024 Tour de France without shelling out for Peacock. All you'll need to do is sign up for ExpressVPN, change your server location to the UK and then find free livestream coverage on one of the streaming platforms mentioned above. 

ExpressVPN’s added protection, speed and range of location options make it an excellent choice for first-time VPN users looking to stretch their streaming abilities, plus, it's Endgadget's top pick for the best streaming VPN . New users can save 49% when they sign up for ExpressVPN’s 12-month subscription. Plus, the service offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, in case you're nervous about trying a VPN.

How long is the Tour de France?

The 2024 Tour de France will cover 3,492km (2,170 miles) across 21 days of racing. The longest day of racing will be Stage 3, Piacenza to Turin, at 229km (142 miles).

Where does the Tour de France end?

The Tour de France cycles to a stop on July 21, 2024 in Nice, France. It'll mark the first time in Tour De France history that the ride won't finish in Paris.

How many riders are in the Tour de France?

176 cyclists are riding in the Tour de France this year, making up 22 Tour de France teams.

2024 Tour de France full schedule:

Florence to Rimini (Italy), 128 miles (hilly stage) - Coverage begins at 6:30 a.m. ET (Peacock)

Cesenatico to Bologna (Italy), 120 miles (hilly stage) - Coverage begins at 6:05 a.m. ET (Peacock)

Piacenza to Turin (Italy), 142 miles (flat stage) - Coverage begins at 6:50 a.m. ET (Peacock)

Pinerolo (Italy) to Valloire (France), 86 miles (mountain stage) - Coverage begins at 7 a.m. ET (Peacock)

Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne to Saint-Vulbas, 110 miles (flat stage) - Coverage begins at 6:55 a.m. ET (Peacock)

Mâcon to Dijon, 101 miles (flat stage) - Coverage begins at 7 a.m. ET (Peacock)

Nuits-Saint-Georges to Gevrey-Chambertin, 16 miles (individual time trial) - Coverage begins at 7:10 a.m. ET (Peacock)

Semur-en-Auxois to Colombey-les-Deux-Églises, 109 miles (flat stage) - Coverage begins at 6 a.m. ET (Peacock, NBC)

Troyes to Troyes, 124 miles (hilly stage) - Coverage begins at 7:05 a.m. ET (Peacock)

Orléans to Saint-Amand-Montrond, 116 miles (flat stage) - Coverage begins at 6:55 a.m. ET (Peacock)

Évaux-les-Bains to Le Lioran, 131 miles (mountain stage) - Coverage begins at 6:55 a.m. ET (Peacock)

Aurillac to Villeneuve-sur-Lot, 127 miles (flat stage) - Coverage begins at 6:55 a.m. ET (Peacock)

Agen to Pau, 106 miles (flat stage) - Coverage begins at 7:30 a.m. ET (Peacock)

Pau to Saint-Lary-Soulan, 94 miles (mountain stage) - Coverage begins at 6:30 a.m. ET (Peacock, NBC)

Loudenvielle to Plateau de Beille, 123 miles (mountain stage) - Coverage begins at 6:55 a.m. ET (Peacock)

Gruissan to Nîmes 187 km, 116 miles (flat stage) - Coverage begins at 6:50 a.m. ET (Peacock)

Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux to SuperDévoluy, 111 miles (mountain stage) - Coverage begins at 6:05 a.m. ET (Peacock)

Gap to Barcelonnette, 111 miles (hilly stage) - Coverage begins at 6:55 a.m. ET (Peacock)

Embrun to Isola 2000, 90 miles (mountain stage) - Coverage begins at 7:05 a.m. ET (Peacock)

Nice to Col de la Couillole, 83 miles (mountain stage) - Coverage begins at 7:35 a.m. ET (Peacock, NBC)

Monaco to Nice, 21 miles (individual time trial) - Coverage begins at 10:10 a.m. ET (Peacock)

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  • Olympic Sports

Land Development Plan for Penn State's Beaver Stadium Expected in July

Mark wogenrich | jun 21, 2024.

Penn State's Beaver Stadium is under construction ahead of the Nittany Lions' 2024 football season.

  • Penn State Nittany Lions

Penn State intends to submit a land development plan for the Beaver Stadium renovation as early as July, signaling the $700 million project will ramp up following the 2024 Penn State football season.

The College Township Planning Commission this week heard a brief presentation and saw a site sketch of Beaver Stadium, updating the progress of the planned renovation. Mark Saville of the Harrisburg engineering firm HRG said that Penn State estimates submitting its land development plan in July.

Penn State's Board of Trustees in May approved the bulk of funding for the Beaver Stadium renovation, which is scheduled to be completed before the 2027 football season. The board approved $70 million last year to begin addressing Beaver Stadium's maintenance backlog. Penn State officials initially have budgeted the renovation at $664 million and said it would not exceed $700 million.

In its presentation to the College Township Planning Commission, HRG noted the project's scope. As Penn State officials have said, the renovation will completely altar Beaver Stadium's West side, demolishing and replacing it with a new structure. The completed West side will include premium seating options such as club seats and suites, a new broadcast facility and a 21,000-square-foot welcome center with event space. Penn State President Neeli Bendapudi said the welcome center would serve as a "front door" for the university and community.

RELATED: Penn State positions Beaver Stadium as a year-round entertainment venue

The HRG summary noted several other enhancements to Beaver Stadium, including lighting upgrades "to meet NCAA standards." It also presented something new: The renovation plan will include perimeter fencing around Beaver Stadium, with new plazas inside the fencing.

"The approach of the Beaver Stadium renovation is to focus primarily on the West Side of the stadium, replacing that portion in its entirety and providing improved access for greatly improved circulation, new restrooms, upgraded concession offerings, much-needed premium seating and an updated broadcast level," HRG wrote in its presentation. "Also included in this project are much needed improvements to the balance of the stadium that will greatly enhance the fan experience, including field lighting improvements to meet NCAA standards, East side vertical circulation improvements to improve and address accessibility needs/requirements, North and East side restroom and concession additions to supplement existing conditions. Outside the stadium, a new fence will be constructed to create a secure perimeter that is further from the entrances, which will positively impact fan entry. New plaza areas will be constructed inside this fence perimeter to create fan zones."

Saville told the commission that the fencing will "improve the fan experience and security." Many stadiums nationwide use such fencing for similar purposes.

In a May presentation to the Board of Trustees, Penn State said it will renovate Beaver Stadium in three phases, the first of which is underway. Penn State has begun the winterization project to prepare the stadium for a possible College Football Playoff game in December. Phase 1 also includes some of the restroom and fan-circulation upgrades, a new ribbon board and videoboard and enhancements to Gate F.

According to an Office of Physical Plant project description , the scope of the scoreboard project includes "replacing the existing North and South ribbon boards, the South scoreboard LEDs, a new South upper ribbon, and a new super ribbon board on the South end."

Phase 2 begins in 2025, when the press box and upper section of the stadium's West side will be demolished. Penn State Athletic Director Patrick Kraft said they will be replaced with a "superstructure" housing suites and club seating.

Phase 3 begins in 2026, when the lower-bowl seating on the West side will be removed and replaced with club seating. The entire project is scheduled for completion in time for the 2027 college football season.

"Beaver Stadium should be more than just average, more than just comparable to others," Kraft told trustees. "It should be a model for the college and the NFL world, with innovation, experiences that are different and exciting technology."

A rendering of the proposed $700 million renovation of Penn State's Beaver Stadium, which is scheduled to be completed in 202

More Penn State News

Beaver Stadium FAQ: What we know about the renovation

The Penn State White Out turns 20 this year: An abridged history

James Franklin endorses Beaver Stadium renovation plan

AllPennState is the place for Penn State news, opinion and perspective on the network. Publisher Mark Wogenrich has covered Penn State for more than 20 years, tracking three coaching staffs, three Big Ten titles and a catalog of great stories. Follow him on Twitter @MarkWogenrich.

Mark Wogenrich


Mark Wogenrich is Editor and Publisher of AllPennState, the site for Penn State news on SI's FanNation Network. He has covered Penn State sports for more than two decades across three coaching staffs and three Rose Bowls.

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The full Glastonbury 2024 line-up and stage times you need to know

Dua Lipa, Coldplay and SZA headline the Worthy Farm festival this weekend

Ed Cunningham

The wait is finally over: Glastonbury 2024 is kick off tonight. The headliners have been announced. The weather forecast is in . You might even have caught a 100mph ‘rave train’ to Worthy Farm . All that’s left now is to figure out who you’re seeing, where and when. 

Beyond the headliners Dua Lipa, Coldplay and SZA, thousands of acts will play Glastonbury this year. As usual, it’ll be a stacked line-up with every kind of music you can imagine, with everyone from legendary household names to plucky up-and-comers. And, thanks to secret sets , the official line-up is just the start. 

‘Glasto hasn’t even properly kicked off yet, but we’ve already been treated to a drone show, a heatwave and some killer DJ sets, including a late night Shygirl appearance at Levels that had queues stretching all the way to the next stage,’ says Time Out London’s events editor Rosie Hewitson, ‘After completing the trudge onto a campsite on the hottest day of the year, the atmosphere is one of relief and contentment, with LCD Soundsystem’s early evening slot on the Pyramid Stage and Charli XCX’s Partygirl club night seemingly the hottest tickets for the first ‘proper’ day of the festival.’

So, if you’re after the Glasto’s full weekend line-up, check Clashfinder or the official website – but be warned, the amount of stuff in there is vast . Below we’ve condensed all the timings from Worthy Farm’s five biggest stages. Get planning!  

RECOMMENDED:  ✨  Dua Lipa at Glastonbury 2024: Time Out Day One Review   ⭐️⭐️  Coldplay at Glastonbury 2024: Time Out Day Two Review ⛺️  How to get Glastonbury 2025 tickets .

Friday June 28

Pyramid stage.

  • Dua Lipa 10pm– 11.45pm
  • LCD Soundsystem 7.45 – 9pm
  • PJ Harvey 6pm – 7pm
  • Paul Heaton 4.15pm – 5.15pm
  • Seventeen 2.45pm – 3.45pm
  • Olivia Dean 1.15pm – 2.15pm
  • Squeeze noon – 12.45pm

Other Stage

  • Idles 10.15pm – 11.30pm
  • D-Block Europe 8.30pm – 9.30pm
  • Anne-Marie 6.45pm – 7.45pm
  • Bombay Bicycle Club 5.15pm – 6.15pm
  • Confidence Man 3.45pm – 4.45pm
  • Headie One 2.15pm – 3.15pm
  • The Snuts 1pm – 1.45pm
  • Annie Mac 11.30am – 12:30pm

West Holts 

  • Jungle 10.15pm – 11.45pm
  • Heilung 8.15pm – 9.30pm
  • Danny Brown 6.30pm – 7.30pm
  • Sugababes 4.55pm – 5.55pm
  • Noname 3.30pm – 4.25pm
  • Squid 2pm – 3pm
  • Asha Puthli 12.30pm – 1.30pm
  • Sofia Kourtesis 11am – noon
  • Jamie xx 22:30 – 23:45
  • Sampha 21:00 – 22:00
  • Declan Mckenna 19:30 – 20:30
  • Arlo Parks 18:00 – 19:00
  • The Vaccines 16:30 – 17:30
  • Kenya Grace 15:15 – 16:00
  • Remi Wolf 14:00 – 14:45
  • Lambrini Girls 12:45 – 13:30
  • Voice Of Baceprot 11:30 – 12:15
  • Fontaines DC 11pm – 12.15am
  • King Krule 9.15pm – 10.15pm
  • Aurora 7.30pm – 8.30pm
  • Dexys 6pm – 7pm
  • This Is The Kit 4.30pm – 5.30pm
  • The Mary Wallopers 3.15pm – 4pm
  • Barry Can’t Swim 2pm – 2.45pm
  • Moonchild Sanelly 12.45pm – 1.30pm
  • Lynks 11.30am – 12.10pm

Saturday June 29

  • Coldplay 9.45pm – 11.45pm
  • Little Simz 7.45pm – 8.45pm
  • Michael Kiwanuka 5.45pm – 6.45pm
  • Keane 4pm– 5pm
  • Cyndi Lauper 2.30pm – 3.30pm
  • Ayra Starr 1.15pm – 2pm
  • Femi Kuti noon – 12.45pm
  • Disclosure 10.30pm – 11.45pm
  • The Streets 8.30pm – 9.30pm
  • Camila Cabello 6.45pm– 7.45pm
  • Bloc Party 5.15pm – 6.15pm
  • The Last Dinner Party 3.45pm – 4.45pm
  • Tems 2.15pm – 3.15pm
  • The Staves 1pm – 1.45pm
  • Jamie Webster 11.45am – 12.30pm
  • Jessie Ware 10.15pm – 11.45pm
  • Masego 8.30pm – 9.30pm
  • Black Pumas 7pm – 8pm
  • Nitin Sawhney 5.30pm – 6.30pm
  • Corinne Bailey Rae 4pm – 5pm
  • Alogte Oho & His Sounds Of Joy 2.30pm – 3.30pm
  • The Skatalites 1pm – 2pm
  • 47soul 11.30am – 12.30pm
  • Gossip 10.30pm – 11.45pm
  • Sleaford Mods 9pm – 10pm
  • Yard Act 7.30pm– 8.30pm
  • TBA 6pm – 7pm
  • Fat White Family 4.30pm – 5.30pm
  • Soccer Mommy 3.15pm – 4pm
  • Mannequin Pussy 2pm – 2.45pm
  • High Vis 12.45pm – 1.30pm
  • Kneecap 11.30am – 12.15pm
  • Peggy Gou 11pm – 12.15am
  • Orbital 9.15pm – 10.15pm
  • The Breeders 7.30pm – 8.30pm
  • Lankum 6pm – 7pm
  • Arooj Aftab 4.30pm – 5.30pm
  • Otoboke Beaver 3.15pm – 4pm
  • Bar Italia 2pm – 2.45pm
  • Kara Jackson 12.45pm – 1.30pm
  • Johnny Flynn 11.10am – 12.10pm

Sunday June 30

  • SZA 9.30pm – 11.15pm
  • Burna Boy 7.30pm – 8.30pm
  • Janelle Monae 5.45pm – 6.45pm
  • Shania Twain 3.45pm – 5pm
  • Paloma Faith 1.45pm – 2.45pm
  • Seasick Steve 12.30pm – 1.15pm
  • Interlinked Ballet 11.30am – noon
  • The National 9.45pm – 11.15pm
  • Two Door Cinema Club 7.45pm – 8.45pm
  • Avril Lavigne 6pm – 7pm
  • Nothing But Thieves 4.30pm – 5.30pm
  • James 3pm – 4pm
  • Soft Play 1.45pm – 2.30pm
  • Rachel Chinouriri 12.30pm – 1.15pm
  • The Zutons 11.15am – noon
  • Justice 10pm– 11.15pm
  • Nia Archives 8pm – 9pm
  • Brittany Howard 6.30pm – 7.30pm
  • Jordan Rakei 5pm– 6pm
  • Steel Pulse 3.30pm – 4.30pm
  • Balming Tiger 2pm – 3pm
  • Jalen Ngonda 12.30pm – 1.30pm
  • Matthew Halsall 11am – noon
  • James Blake 21:30 – 22:45
  • Romy 20:00 – 21:00
  • Kim Gordon 18:30 – 19:30
  • Alvvays 17:00 – 18:00
  • Blondshell 15:30 – 16:30
  • Newdad 14:00 – 15:00
  • The Ks 12:30 – 13:30
  • Jayahadadream 11:15 – noon
  • London Grammar 9.15pm – 10.30pm
  • Ghetts 7.30pm – 8.30pm
  • Mount Kimbie 6pm – 7pm
  • Baxter Dury 4.30pm – 5.30pm
  • Mdou Moctar 3.15pm – 4pm
  • Psychedelic Porn Crumpets 2pm – 2.45pm
  • Lime Garden 12.45pm – 1.30pm
  • Problem Patterns 11.30am – 12.15pm

Can you watch Glastonbury on TV?

Loads of Glasto sets are available to watch live via BBC iPlayer. Exact info about which channels to watch and when to catch SZA, Coldplay, and Dua Lipa and more are available here .

How much are Glastonbury tickets?

Tickets for Glastonbury 2024 cost £360 (including a £5 booking fee), which was up from 2023 ’s  £340. As for 2025, we might reasonably expect ticket prices to increase again, but this hasn’t been confirmed.

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2024 nba free agency tracker: top players, news, live updates, rumors, deadline, signings.

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The chase to beat the Boston Celtics — or, for a lot of teams, the chase toward respectability — gets serious today with the official start of NBA free agency (and a busy trade window).

Not every team waited for today — the Knicks pushed themselves into contention by trading for Mikal Bridges before the NBA Draft .

Teams can officially talk to free agents starting at 6 ET (although, in the NBA world of tampering, many of these discussions are already done or at least well along). In this tracker we will give you all the latest signings, trades, rumors and reports all in one place (all in order of when they happened, with the most recent news on top). This is a short synopsis with first-blush thoughts on any deals; follow the links to see a more detailed analysis. —————————————————— 76ers reportedly trying to land both Paul George and Kentavious Caldwell-Pope

The biggest takeaway from watching Boston hold up the Larry O’Brien trophy this season and Denver a year ago might be this: It’s not the teams with the biggest collection of stars that wins, it’s the team with enough depth to roll out 7 good players and not have holes in their roster to cover.

Philadelphia GM Daryl Morey is going big game hunting chasing Paul George, but he was paying attention to the need for depth and wants to sign Kentavious Caldwell-Pope as well, reports Marc Stein . That’s a big ask, especially in the tax apron era, but Philly is all-in on winning. So is Joel Embiid.

HERE WE GO!!!! — Joel Embiid (@JoelEmbiid) June 30, 2024

—————————————————— No trade market for Zach LaVine?

Interesting note from ESPN’s salary cap guru (and former Nets front office member) Bobby Marks: There remains no market for Zach LaVine. The Bulls are looking at attaching a first-round pick to LaVine to see if that can get teams interested. It’s a little strange because, while LaVine’s game is flawed (not much defense, concerns about how he contributes to winning outside of scoring) he averaged 19.5 points a game last season and is a career 38.2% shooter from 3.

It will be interesting once Paul George signs/is traded somewhere, then Brandon Ingram is traded and DeMar DeRozan signs, will the teams that miss out take a fresh look at LaVine? —————————————————— NBA official salary cap numbers are out

The NBA announced the official salary cap numbers for the 2024-25 season, and they are just a little lower than expected. The official numbers are:

• Team minimum salary $126.529 million • The NBA salary cap is $140.588 million • NBA luxury tax line is $170.814 million • The first tax apron is $178.132 million • The second tax apron is $188.931 million

What does that mean for your team (if you’re a Suns fan and wonder why being above the second apron hamstrings your team), Keith Smith has this cheat sheet that should help.

Enough people seem to like this, so I figured I would share with all. This isn't the be all, end all of what different levels mean for NBA teams, but think of it as a quick reference guide for when you hear all about cap space, over-the-cap and first & second aprons this summer! — Keith Smith (@KeithSmithNBA) June 30, 2024

Also of note, the 22 teams under the salary tax line last year got a nearly $12 million payout each from the eight teams over the line. ——————————————————

Max Christie agrees to re-sign with Lakers for four years, $32 million

If Max Christie is the rotation player the Lakers think he is — and he’s penciled in as a rotation player for next season — this is a good deal for both sides. Christie agreed to a four-year, $32 million contract with the Lakers, reports Adrian Wojnarowski of ESPN.

ESPN Sources: Restricted free agent G Max Christie intends to sign a four-year, $32 million deal to stay with the Los Angeles Lakers. Deal includes player option. Christie — 35th pick in the 2022 draft — has shown promise as a future LA rotation player. — Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) June 30, 2024

Just a reminder that Christie is just 21 years old — he’s two years younger than just drafted Dalton Knecht. Last season he was playing 14 minutes a game, but the Lakers hope to see that number go up under J.J. Redick, Christie has shot 37.8% on 3-pointers in his two NBA seasons and the Lakers are going to be launching from deep more next season. ——————————————————

Would Klay Thompson really take a huge discount to be in Los Angeles?

Negotiations between the Warriors and Klay Thompson have fallen apart — they have not spoken in weeks and there is no offer currently on the table — but when they talked, the Warriors reportedly were offering a couple of years (maybe a team option on a third) at around $20 million a year. Thompson found that insulting enough to want to leave the team he has been with for 13 years and won a title with.

Now comes an interesting report from Jake Fischer at Yahoo Sports that Thompson might be open to taking the mid-level exception — $12.7 million a season — to play in Los Angeles with the Lakers or Clippers.

That would be some real spite toward the Warriors.

LeBron James opting out of his $51.4 million player option (along with some smaller moves) means the Lakers can offer that full mid-level, it means LeBron would take about a $16 million pay cut but he is reportedly open to it if it lands Thompson (or DeMar DeRozan). Whether the Clippers can offer the MLE depends on what happens with Paul George (keep reading below) and James Harden.

The Mavericks, Lakers and Clippers are all reportedly talking to the Warriors about a sign-and-trade deal that could get Thompson more money (salaries would have to match in a trade). The challenge for all three teams is that any sign-and-trade or use of the mid-level exception hard caps them at the first tax apron ($178.7 million), a number all three teams were expected to exceed that number. ——————————————————

Paul George remains the lynchpin of free agency

There will be a flurry of action the second NBA free agency opens — not that there’s any tampering in the NBA, how could you say such a thing? — but the biggest move will likely be on hold for a bit.

That’s because a lot of things will be on hold until Paul George makes a decision.

Paul George to Philadephia rumors are heating up, according to Chris Hanes at Bleacher Report in their live stream. The 76ers will offer George the four-year max ($212 million from them) the Clippers would not (reportedly only three years at around $150 million, the discounted amount Kawhi Leonard signed for to stay home in Southern California).

George will reportedly go old school and take a free agent meeting with the 76ers, Orlando Magic and Clippers, then make his decision.

DeMar DeRozan is going to wait to decide on his free agency until after George makes his call — and he could end up with the Clippers if George leaves. The Lakers are also interested if DeRozan wants to play in his home city.

Any trade of Brandon Ingram also would likely be on hold until George makes a call. There are other moves that would be dominoes to fall after that, but it’s all waiting on George.


Signing: Obi Topin agrees to four-year, $60 million to stay with Pacers

Obi Topin is as good a lob finisher as there is in the NBA. Tyrese Haliburton is as good a lob passer as the league has right now.

Indiana wisely wants to keep them together and struck a deal to do so.

ESPN Sources: Restricted free agent F Obi Toppin intends to sign a four-year, $60 million contract to stay with the Indiana Pacers. Toppin emerged as a top bench contributor for the Eastern Conference finalists. — Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) June 30, 2024

This is a fair deal for a solid rotation player, in a couple of years that will basically be the mid-level exception or a little lower.

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  • November 23, 2022 Setlist

SUPER BEAVER Setlist at Osaka-jou Hall, Osaka, Japan

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  • Aoi Haru Play Video
  • Sayonara Zetsubou Play Video

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2 activities (last edit by FFalex , 26 Nov 2023, 12:00 Etc/UTC )

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  • Namae wo Yobu yo

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Jaggerz, Skyliners, Pure Gold to perform oldies concert at Lincoln Park

Three of pittsburgh’s most popular and iconic oldies groups will entertain.

super beaver tour

MIDLAND ― Three of Pittsburgh’s most popular and iconic oldies groups will entertain July 26 at the Lincoln Park Performing Arts Center.

The Skyliners, The Jaggerz and Pure Gold will perform in the first Pure Black & Gold Oldies show at the Midland center's MainStage Theater.

Showtime is 7 p.m. Tickets start at $18, on sale now by phone at 724-576-4644, or online at .

The Skyliners celebrate 66 years as one of the world’s most celebrated and beloved doo-wop groups, known for Top-40 hits "Since I Don't Have You," "This I Swear," “Pennies from Heaven,” “ItHappened Today” and “Close Your Eyes.” Inducted into The Vocal Group Hall of Fame in 2002, The Skylinerscurrently feature John Sarkis, Eric Bruce, Jim Gregorakis, and Beaver County's own Donna Groom.

The Jaggerz topped the charts in 1970 with "The Rapper," and feature founding members Jimmie Ross and Benny Faiella, along with Hermie Granati, Dennis McAbee, Paul Martello and Chris Patarini, showcasing a distinctive blend of blue-eye soul, rich vocals and soulful grooves.

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Pure Gold's career spans four decades, performing songs from the '50s to present day, includinga blend of blues, standards and original material to highlight the group's unique talent and range.

Scott Tady is entertainment editor at The Times and easy to reach at [email protected] .

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Taylor Swift brings out Travis Kelce at London Eras Tour date

Travis Kelce suited up for his first appearance on the Eras Tour stage, joining Taylor Swift in London for a skit in which he carried her and danced a little jig.


Taylor Swift performs at Wembley Stadium as part of her Eras Tour on Friday, June 21, 2024 in London. (Photo by Scott A Garfitt/Invision/AP)

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Taylor Swift had a surprise for fans attending her Eras Tour at London’s Wembley Stadium on Sunday: her boyfriend and tight end for the Super Bowl-winning Kansas City Chiefs, Travis Kelce .

Dressed in a tuxedo with a tailcoat and top hat, Kelce joined Swift on stage for a transitional sketch that leads into the song “I Can Do It With a Broken Heart.” In fan videos, he’s seen carrying Swift, urging her into a costume change. He fanned and powdered her face as part of the act.

Last month, in her first Eras Tour concert since the release of “The Tortured Poets Department,” Swift shook up her setlist. At the La Défense Arena in Paris, fans were treated to the inclusion of new songs from the record-breaking album released in April.

The billion-dollar Eras Tour is meant to be a career retrospective, with Swift performing more than 40 tracks reflecting 17 years of recorded music. “The Tortured Poets Department” was her first brand-new release since the tour’s start.



Rocket mortgage classic 2024 saturday tee times, pga tour pairings and how to watch, share this article.

super beaver tour

The first two days of the 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic at Detroit Golf Club are in the books and two names are tied atop the leaderboard. Akshay Bhatia, who won the Valero Texas Open earlier this season, and Englishman Aaron Rai, looking for his first PGA Tour win, each sit at 13 under, two shots ahead of a pack at 11 under.

Some of the big names in the mix include Cameron Young (11 under, two back), Cam Davis (10 under, three back), Joel Dahmen (10 under, three back) and Jake Knapp (9 under, four back).

However, several notables missed the cut including last week’s runner-up Tom Kim .

Rocket Mortgage : Photos

From tee times to TV and streaming info, here’s everything you need to know for the third round of the 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic. All times listed are ET.

Saturday tee times

Groupings and starting times for the third round of the Rocket Mortgage Classic — PGA TOUR Communications (@PGATOURComms) June 29, 2024

How to watch, listen

ESPN+ is the exclusive home of PGA Tour Live . You can also watch the Rocket Mortgage Classic on Golf Channel free on Fubo . All times ET.

Saturday, June 29

Golf Channel/ Peacock : 1-3 p.m

CBS: 3-6 p.m.

Sirius XM: 1-6 p.m

ESPN+ : 7 a.m.-6 p.m

Sunday, June 30

ESPN+ : 7 a.m.-1 p.m

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  1. Otoboke Beaver • Tour

    Super Champon • Out Now

  2. Super Beaver Official Web

    SUPER BEAVER 「都会のラクダ TOUR 2024 〜 セイハッ!ツーツーウラウラ 〜」 【2024年】 10月4日(金) 【東京】J:COMホール. 10月6日(日) 【山梨】YCC県民文化ホール. 10月11日(金) 【大分】iichikoグランシアタ. 10月13日(日) 【宮﨑】都城市総合文化ホール 大ホール

  3. SUPER BEAVER Concerts & Live Tour Dates: 2024-2025 Tickets

    Follow SUPER BEAVER and be the first to get notified about new concerts in your area, buy official tickets, and more. Find tickets for SUPER BEAVER concerts near you. Browse 2024 tour dates, venue details, concert reviews, photos, and more at Bandsintown.

  4. SUPER BEAVER official YouTube channel

    SUPER BEAVER Offcial YouTube Channel

  5. Shows

    SHOWS | SUPER BEAVER OFFICIAL WEB. 【開催中止】2021年3月31日 (水) 代々木公園野外音楽堂. 2024年6月22日 (土) 河口湖ステラシアター. 2024年6月24日 (月) 金沢歌劇座. 2024年7月6日 (土) 横浜アリーナ. 2024年7月7日 (日) 京都府立山城総合運動公園 太陽が丘特設野外ステージ. 2024 ...

  6. SUPER BEAVER Concert Setlists

    Get SUPER BEAVER setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other SUPER BEAVER fans for free on! Add Setlist. Search ... SUPER BEAVER Concert Setlists & Tour Dates. Upcoming Shows. Date and Venue Doors Scheduled. Apr 14 2024. Obihiro Shimin Bunka Hall Obihiro, Japan Doors 5:00 PM - Add time. 5:00 PM. Add time.

  7. Otoboke Beaver • Home

    NPR Music. Otoboke Beaver おとぼけビ~バ~ - Pardon? [Official Music Video] "…. For them, every social nicety is teetering on a ledge, looking down into mayhem. Super Champon is the sound of Otoboke Beaver shoving them over, one by one.". Pitchfork. "..with two really fantastic albums under their belt at this point, Is Otoboke ...

  8. SUPER BEAVER Concert Setlist at CDTV Live! Live! Toshikoshi Special

    Get the SUPER BEAVER Setlist of the concert at TBS TV, Tokyo, Japan on December 31, 2023 and other SUPER BEAVER Setlists for free on!


    Get the SUPER BEAVER Setlist of the concert at KYOCERA DOME OSAKA, Osaka, Japan on December 25, 2021 and other SUPER BEAVER Setlists for free on!

  10. SUPER BEAVER Tickets, 2024 Concert Tour Dates

    Find SUPER BEAVER tickets on SeatGeek! Discover the best deals on SUPER BEAVER tickets, seating charts, seat views and more info!

  11. SUPER BEAVER Official YouTube Channel

    Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

  12. Otoboke Beaver

    Otoboke Beaver - Super Champon: North American Tour 2023. Ticket Prices. GA - $30 + fees. Prices increase day of show. Ticket Locations: The Republik Box Office (Tues-Fri 10am-1pm, cash only, $2 fee per ticket) Permanent Vacation (cash only)

  13. Super Beaver Concert & Tour History (Updated for 2024)

    The next Super Beaver concert is on August 17, 2024 at ZOZO Marine Stadium (ZOZOマリンスタジアム) in Chiba, Japan. The bands performing are: Måneskin / Glay / Hoshino Gen / Lil Yachty / Major Lazer / OneRepublic / AKMU / Belle & Sebastian / Bleachers / Bright / chilli beans. / Imase / Jon Batiste / Laufey / Lee Youngji / Madison Beer ...

  14. SUPER BEAVER in Osaka, 2024-10-23

    SUPER BEAVER will be performing at Festival Hall Osaka in Osaka on Wednesday, October 23, 2024. The show is part of the 'Urban Camel TOUR 2024 ~ Seiha! Two to two Uraura ~'. Any overseas ticket sale would be announced on the official website (see link below). Tickets might also be available from resellers (secondary market).

  15. Japan's Otoboke Beaver announce first full North American tour

    December 15, 2021. Otoboke Beaver @ SXSW 2019 (photo by Amanda Hatfield) Japanese garage punks Otoboke Beaver have announced the SUPER CHAMPON 2022 Tour which includes their first full-length trek ...

  16. Otoboke Beaver announce 2023 tour

    Otoboke Beaver 2022-2023 Tour Dates. Oct 5 Brooklyn, NY, US @ Music Hall of Williamsburg. Oct 6 Washington, DC, US @ Union Stage. Oct 8 Chicago, IL, US @ Empty Bottle. Oct 11 Denver, CO, US ...

  17. Super Beaver (@Super_Beaver)

    The latest posts from @super_beaver

  18. SUPER BEAVER music, videos, stats, and photos

    2005 - present (19 years) SUPER BEAVER is a japanese rock band from Tokyo, Japan formed in 2005. They are most known from their major debut (June 3, 2009) single "Shinkokyu" ( 深呼吸 ), which was also used as one of the ending themes for the anime series Naruto Shippuden. The band consists of : Vo.

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  20. 26 Pinehurst Pl #26, Beaver, PA 15009

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    Dan Beaver, Dan Beaver, Marcel Siem birdies last and then birdies first playoff hole to win Italian Open. Associated Press, Associated Press, Top Clips. Highlights: Dow Championship, Round 4. Highlights: 2024 Tour de France, Stage 2. Vingegaard 'super happy' with Tour de France start. Trending Teams. Washington Commanders. St. Louis ...

  27. SUPER BEAVER Setlist at Osaka-jou Hall, Osaka

    Get the SUPER BEAVER Setlist of the concert at Osaka-jou Hall, Osaka, Japan on November 23, 2022 and other SUPER BEAVER Setlists for free on!

  28. Pure Black & Gold Oldies concert planned for Lincoln Park

    Showtime is 7 p.m. Tickets start at $18, on sale now by phone at 724-576-4644, or online at ... Jim Gregorakis, and Beaver County's own Donna Groom.

  29. Taylor Swift brings out Travis Kelce at London Eras Tour date

    Taylor Swift had a surprise for fans attending her Eras Tour at London's Wembley Stadium on Sunday: her boyfriend and tight end for the Super Bowl-winning Kansas City Chiefs, Travis Kelce.. Dressed in a tuxedo with a tailcoat and top hat, Kelce joined Swift on stage for a transitional sketch that leads into the song "I Can Do It With a Broken Heart."

  30. Rocket Mortgage Classic 2024 Saturday tee times and how to watch

    The first two days of the 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic at Detroit Golf Club are in the books and two names are tied atop the leaderboard. Akshay Bhatia, who won the Valero Texas Open earlier this season, and Englishman Aaron Rai, looking for his first PGA Tour win, each sit at 13 under, two shots ahead of a pack at 11 under.