18 Awesome Service Projects for Your National Art Honor Society

art department mosaic

Prepping for a new school year is a lot of work, and it takes a chunk of our mental capacity. Thinking about service projects for your extracurricular students is probably something you have considered tabling for later. We all know that using our artistic skills to give back is a great way to connect with the community. However, service projects don’t have to be large and time-consuming to make a big impact on your students, school, local, and global communities.

Many high school art programs offer a National Art Honor Society (NAHS) as an extracurricular activity. A big focus of NAHS is to bring art to the community through service. Likewise, the International Baccalaureate (IB) program has a Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) component. Students are encouraged to tie all three areas together to grow through collaborative experiences that help others. If you are looking for activities and events for your NAHS and CAS students, or even just your art classes and art club, you are in the right place!

Here are eighteen meaningful projects that fuse art and service.

Small-scale projects.

Short-term, small-scale project ideas are perfect to keep on hand. They are quick, fun fillers between larger, long-term projects. Inject these throughout the seasons to fill space or to get the ball rolling on the new year.

1. Welcome Signs Create artful banners to promote a positive environment on day one. Print off locker signs with warm, personalized messages for incoming freshmen. Create pocket maps of the school or hang hand-lettered flags to identify rooms or areas.

2. Be Mine, Valentine Art students come up with the wittiest (and cutest) valentines around. Help students create pun-loving cards and then scan and print them in bulk. Students can then sell, package, and deliver these happy messages for a small fee. These cards help students feel special, and the funds can be donated to a larger organization.

3. Calculator Covers Janell Matas, a high school teacher in Illinois, keeps close connections with other departments when adding to her list of service projects. The math department keeps a stash of calculators for students to check out during testing or for homework. These covers, primed and painted with acrylic paint, send an art-filled message to those crunching numbers. This is also a unique way for the math teachers to label and track the calculators.

students decorating calculator covers

4. Cards and Care Packages Nothing touches hearts like sending original art cards and small care packages. Consider service members abroad, hospitals with long-term patients, and nursing home residents. Women and Children centers are another great local opportunity to spread love and warmth to those who need it the most.

5. Self-Care Coloring Pages If you are looking to boost morale or support mindfulness around the school, look no further. Students in Elizabeth Osborne’s NAHS in Illinois created artwork that was turned into a coloring book. Create a station with colored pencils in the teachers’ lounge to support teachers’ well-being. Share pages in the school library or cafeteria to impact the culture and climate of the school.

stack of coloring books

6. Google Classroom Banner Contest Osborne’s students also participated in a Google Classroom banner contest for other classes and content areas. Students connected with teachers from other subjects, advocated for the arts, and supported student engagement through art. The end result was a personalized banner for each teacher.

Mid-Sized Projects

Medium-sized projects may take a little more planning and collaboration with your community to get started. Schedule these into your service calendar based on what is going on in your school and the local community.

7. Window Painting Perhaps your community hosts a yearly painting contest, your school needs some pep for homecoming, or you are looking to show support for a themed month. Window painting is a fun and highly visible way to clock service hours.

8. Art Fair Fundraisers Print off student artwork to sell as mini-prints, cards, magnets, and more. Have students research charitable organizations and determine where to donate the proceeds. Save a portion of the earnings to cover supplies for future service projects.

9. Holiday Markets Schools often rent out space to holiday markets or craft fairs. These are good opportunities to snap holiday photos, sell hand-made cards, clay pendants, ornaments, and more.

10. Teach Art Connect with your community to teach art to others. Reach out to your local community center, YMCA, or afterschool organization. Teaching art to others through a weekly class or one-time workshop is a fun service project for your students. It promotes the importance of the arts beyond your school walls. Another idea is to connect with your school or district’s child development program. Teaching preschoolers melts the heart and may even make some art teachers in training!

11. Field Trip Fundraiser Raise funds to bring art experiences to other schools. Partner with a less-funded elementary school or work with other NAHS groups. Create opportunities to pay for a bus or ticket fee into a local museum for those who can’t afford it.

Long-Term Projects

Large service projects may take months or even years to complete. You may have to write grants, plan for funding, and get administrative approval for many of these ideas. These projects are worth the work, as they create a long-lasting impact for everyone involved.

12. Little Free Library Matt Milkowski of Illinois painted a Little Free Library for his community. Support literacy and make an artful impact with these small, communal libraries.

13. School Murals The English Department at Janell Matas’s school commissioned her NAHS students to create literacy-related murals to line the hallways . Students designed these murals in collaboration with English teachers and received administrative approval. Because murals can take months or years to complete (or add onto), you may want to consider working on masonite sheets. The sheets can be painted in your art space and installed once complete.

14. Functional Community Art Engage with your local parks and recreation department to spruce up benches and rain barrels with beautiful and meaningful messages. Your community might also sponsor a yearly “statues around town” event. Paint a fiberglass sculpture to advocate for the arts and share a positive message. These sculptures are typically purchased and displayed by a local business and later auctioned off for a charitable cause.

15. Empty Bowls This popular event, founded in 1990 by art teacher John Hartom, uses the goal of ending hunger to give students a sense of global awareness . This event takes planning and coordination with your community resources and student helpers. Participating in the long-standing tradition with both your school and community is well worth it. First, students create ceramic bowls for the community to purchase. Then, connect with a local restaurant to serve catered soup on the night of the event. While people are sharing a meal in their one-of-a-kind bowl, educate the community about the cause, how it developed, and about your art program. The funds earned through selling the bowls are then donated to your local soup kitchen or food pantry.

16. The Memory Project Another popular service project, founded in 2004 by Ben Schumaker, bridges cultural understanding through portraiture and other art exchanges. Students globally connect with children in orphanages who have few belongings. They create portraits of these children or exchange artwork with them.

For more on The Memory Project, take a peek at these resources:

  • The Memory Project (Ep. 134)
  • The Memory Project’s Global Art Exchange (Ep. 169)
  • How to Change Lives Around the World with The Memory Project

17. Artist Collaboration Write a grant to work with a local artist or artist-in-residence to install a permanent mural in the school or community. Students design, propose, and acquire approval to create on a large scale. Chicago artist Phil Schuster worked with Kenwood Academy students to create a permanent installation. Through the grant, students created concrete reliefs that reflect student and community diversity. Plan to add pieces or sections each year to connect generations of students to their community’s buildings.

student painting concrete wall relief

18. Healing Hospitality Help the pediatrics wing welcome their littlest patients with extra care. Create fleece blankets for hospital arrivals to ease nerves and bring comfort. Keep healing vibes flowing with mini-art kits for more long-term stays. Turn childrens’ artwork into soothing stuffies or create how-to videos to keep patients busy while in bed. Research and collaborate with your local hospital for more possibilities.

Remember, service projects do not have to be enormous tasks. As you schedule out your school year, look for a balance of projects to support short-term, long-term, and everywhere in between. Giving back to the community can be as large as creating a permanent mosaic mural or as small as a welcome sign on the first day of school. Don’t feel pressured to make magic fundraisers happen—traditions and memories will be made along the way. Your art students will find it rewarding to use their artistic skills to advocate for the arts while giving back to their community. For a few more ideas, give 9 Powerful Service Learning Projects to Inspire Students a quick read.

What are your favorite art-related service projects?

Which project from the list are you excited to try with your students this year?

In what ways do you like to connect with your school, local, and global community through art?

Magazine articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Art of Education University (AOEU) or its academic offerings. Contributors use terms in the way they are most often talked about in the scope of their educational experiences.

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Janet Taylor

Janet Taylor, a high school art educator, is also AOEU’s K–12 Content Specialist and a former AOEU Writer. She geeks out about choice-based curriculum, assessment strategies, and equipping new teachers.

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national honor society field trip ideas

National Honor Society Community Service Project Ideas

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National Honor Society (NHS) is an organization comprised of high school students in grades 10 through 12 with stellar academic records, as well as other leadership, character, and service accomplishments. Students must meet certain academic criteria, after which they generally must apply for membership. In order to become a member, your high school must have an NHS chapter. Membership requirements vary by high school, and most decisions are made at the individual local chapter level. Visit the NHS website to learn more about requirements for membership.

NHS is a great achievement to add to the honors or the extracurricular activities sections on your college applications. Furthermore, it provides excellent opportunities to grow your leadership skills through conferences and events exclusive to NHS members. To learn more about NHS and the benefits of becoming a member, check out our post, How (and Why) to Get Into the National Honor Society .

One of the key requirements for your NHS membership is fulfilling community service commitments. In this post, we will look at some community service project ideas to meet your requirement. Keep in mind that these projects are not limited to NHS members; performing community service will help you grow personally, as well show colleges that you are committed to bettering your world and demonstrating leadership.

NHS community service requirements

Community service is usually a requirement for NHS membership. You may need to fulfill an individual requirement, complete community service as a group with the other members of your chapter, or both. Your local chapter determines your service requirement, so you should contact a representative or visit the chapter website for details about what your school requires if you are unsure.

Some high schools require you to perform a certain number of hours of community service each school year to maintain your membership. Generally, this must be unpaid volunteer work that benefits the community in some way. This does not include any paid work or internships (even if they are unpaid). Some chapters offer group service activities in which you may partake during the year to meet some of your hour requirements, but you can also undertake independent projects. Make sure you verify whether or not you can use group projects to meet your full requirement or if you must perform some independent hours as well.

NHS service project ideas

There are plenty of ways to help your community. Here are just a few examples to get you started:

  • Organize a blood drive
  • Tutor younger students or peers
  • Organize a cleanup of your local park or another public space
  • Organize a community festival or celebration (to amp up the effort, make it a fundraiser to benefit a cause of your choosing)
  • Raise funds for research into or awareness about a medical condition
  • Institute a faculty appreciation event or program at your high school
  • Start a recycling program at your school or in your community
  • Wash cars to raise funds for a worthy cause
  • Advocate or raise funds for a memorial plaque to be placed in honor of an important person or event in your community
  • Run a food or clothing drive for a local shelter or food pantry
  • Teach at an after-school center or inner-city program
  • Organize a book drive for local libraries and schools
  • Volunteer at a local library
  • Start a community service organization at your school
  • Organize a team for a walk to raise money for charities
  • Participate in an organized project like Habitat for Humanity
  • Initiate a Day of Service at your school

Check out Do I Need Community Service for My College Applications? for more tips and ideas.

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Coming up with your own original NHS service project ideas

You may decide you would prefer to come up with your own community service project. And you certainly can—be creative! Start by identifying a need in your community that can be filled by a high school-age volunteer activity. It is important to keep in mind that there may be needs which you simply won’t be able to fill due to age and other legal restrictions. (For more on volunteering as a high school student, check out our post, Can I Volunteer if I’m Under Age 18? ) Next, identify your useful skills. How can you personally be most helpful and make the most difference in your community?

Leverage your networks and connections to make contact with organizations that could use your help or support your effort in another way, like sponsoring an event, donating supplies, and so on. It is a good idea to cast a wide net here. Think about adults who you know, such as friends of your parents, parents of your friends, and teachers. Are any of them connected with a nonprofit or volunteer organization that could use your help? Do any of them own or know someone who owns a small business that might be able to support your efforts?

Think about volunteer opportunities available in areas that most interest you. You are likely to make the most impact, as well as grow personally, if you are participating in a cause that is meaningful to you . While it is certainly okay—and encouraged—to fulfill your NHS community service requirement and add the activity to your college application, you will perform your best work if you actually care about what you are doing. Furthermore, you are more likely to describe the activity well and demonstrate enthusiasm—and thus showing colleges that you truly grew from the experience—if you enjoy it. You should also decide if you would prefer to work alone or with others and what kind of commitment you can offer. Will it be a long- or short-term project? How many hours do you plan to commit each day, week, or month?

Once you have a plan, put it into practice. Whether you are starting from scratch or going with one of the examples above, you will need to do some research to figure out how to get started. An organization website is a good place to check first.

NHS community service projects not only benefit your community; they can help you grow personally as well. As an added benefit, your work will also show colleges that you are committed to bettering the world around you.

Check out our post on the National Honor Society to learn more about the organization.

For more advice on participating in community service, read the following posts:

Do I Need Community Service for My College Applications?

Community Service, Reimagined: MCC’s Recommendations for High School Service

Can I Volunteer if I’m Under Age 18?

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I need to come up with a service project idea for my National Honor Society chapter, but I'm drawing a blank. Can anyone suggest any ideas or share what they've done in the past? Would really appreciate it!

I understand that coming up with a unique service project idea can be a bit challenging! Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

1. Tutoring Program: Organize a tutoring program where NHS members volunteer to provide academic support for peers or younger students in subjects where they excel. You could offer these tutoring services after school or on weekends and collaborate with local schools or community centers.

2. Book Drive: Coordinate a book drive for a local library, school, or children's hospital. Encourage students and community members to donate gently used books, and organize a book-sorting event to categorize the donations before distributing them to the receiving institutions.

3. Community Clean-Up: Plan a community clean-up event where NHS members and others help pick up litter in parks, playgrounds, or other public spaces. This will not only help improve the appearance of the community but also foster a sense of pride among its residents.

4. Food/Clothing Drive: Host a food or clothing drive to collect non-perishable food items and gently used clothing for local shelters or organizations that help those in need. You can promote the drive within the school and the community, and involve other clubs and organizations to increase participation and donations.

5. Educational Workshops: Organize workshops on important topics like financial literacy, college preparation, or mental health awareness for students and community members. You can collaborate with local experts to provide informative presentations and valuable resources for attendees.

6. Animal Shelter Support: Partner with a local animal shelter to organize volunteer days where NHS members help with tasks like walking dogs, cleaning cages, or assisting with adoption events. You could also hold a pet supply drive to collect items like food, toys, and blankets for the shelter.

Remember, the key to a successful service project is to identify a need within your community and create a plan to address it. Brainstorm with your NHS chapter and consider what issues or challenges are particularly relevant in your area. Good luck, and have fun planning your service project!

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You don’t have to be a member of NJHS to submit your project. Everyone benefits from great project ideas. Use our  online project submission tool  to send us your project for consideration in the National Student Project Database.  Submitted projects must have already concluded. Projects that are still in going on and ones that have not yet taken place will not be published.

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Updated Fall 2020

Below, please find a list of ideas we compiled for virtual chapter activities. If you have other ideas you’d like to share with the group, please forward them to us and we would be happy to share them. Or you can always post directly to our Facebook group ( https://www.facebook.com/ groups/PLUNational ).

1) Movie Party Host a club movie night. There are many platforms with built in chat functions that will allow you to connect with each other during the event. One example is the Chrome Extension Netflix Party ( https://chrome.google.com/ webstore/detail/netflix-party/ oocalimimngaihdkbihfgmpkcpnmla oa?hl=en ). For a chemistry theme, Radioactive is on Amazon!  https://www.amazon.com/ Radioactive-Rosamund-Pike/dp/ B08CMDVZMP

2) TikTok Competition Post to PLU facebook group!  Join in on the TikTok fun by creating content for an existing TikTok challenge or creating your own challenge and trying to get students at your school to join your challenge. Share on your campus community platform and create a hashtag for them to follow on TikTok. For a chemistry themed twist, try kitchen chemistry demos!

3) Photo Contest Post to PLU facebook group!  Have students share fun and inspiring photos, campus-wide or within a group. Set a new theme daily or weekly such as pet pics, dorm-style door decoration, who is your quarantine fam (introduce family members, roommates, your cat), or most organized desks (bonus: this can also help equip less organized classmates with ideas to improve their own workspaces). Set up a hashtag on social media for everyone to contribute and follow and see which photo gathers up the most likes for a prize.

4) Post a Group Video Lesson Post to PLU facebook group!  Use this time to share your knowledge! Invite group members to record and upload their own instructional videos to share something they care about with the community. One chemistry themed idea would be to prepare a favorite food or drink and present the chemistry behind it.

5) Livestream a Virtual Speaker Event Gather members in your community together at the same time by hosting a live session, presentation or webinar for chapel, a virtual speaker event, or set up a video conference Q&A session with an alumni of your school to share career and industry insights with current students.

6) Career Prep Bring in a recruiter to talk about virtual job search strategies. Invite alumni for a Q&A session related to chemistry-related jobs or other opportunities for students with chemistry degrees post-graduation, including graduate school.

7) Virtual Field Trip Organize a virtual field trip themed around chemistry and science! Many of the world’s most famous museums are offering virtual museum tours to share their incredible collections while promoting social distancing. As a group leader, you can simply pick a deadline, create a virtual field trip and encourage members to attend the tour either at the same time or explore at their own convenience. Depending on museum regulations, you might share and discuss photos, insights and comments on your group feed, or alternatively set up a follow up webinar to host a discussion about the tour.

8) Book Club Connections Have group members vote on and read a selected book, graphic novel or short story and then meet up for a Lit & Latte discussion. Bring your own questions, feedback and snacks. (Bonus: If your assigned reading has been adapted into a film, ask members to check it out, too (or watch it together at a Netflix Party – see #1) and compare!

9) Guided Wellness Sessions Help students relax and focus in this stressful time. Gather members together and livestream a calming guided meditation or soothing yoga session hosted by a trained instructor. Or make it a recurring event: Create an extensive wellness series to offer additional classes and workshops.

10) Virtual Trivia Contest Name that tune! Challenge your group members with fun rounds of trivia. Pick your poison: Current events, politics, history, sports, music, film, or even chemistry!

11) Virtual Board Games Maintain the recommended social distance while challenging your competitive spirit by organizing an online board game meetup with friends. This is a fun and budget-friendly way to get together and connect with friends and group members you might not know very well yet. Here are some beloved group games that are ideal for virtual gatherings: Settlers of Catan, Dominion, Ticket to Ride, Words with Friends, Code Names, and Pandemic, or browse available games on apps like Tabletop, Pogo or Poki, which provide online arenas for playing board games, just like in real life!

12) Embrace E-Gaming Connect your group’s gamer members on Discord, a gaming server where you can chat and play games together with friends. Set up your own dedicated server and invite your friends to chat/call within the various text and voice channels you create.

13) Elect Officers Fall semester is a great time for student organizations to set up elections to select new leaders.

14) Lunch & Learn Gather your group members together for an informative BYOS session (Bring Your Own Snacks), whether you’re studying for an upcoming exam, planning an event with your team of officers, working together on a collaborative project or inviting a professor or industry pro to give a talk or lead a discussion group.

15) Organize and Share Volunteer Opportunities Take on volunteer and leadership roles in your community or virtually.

Keep it local: Help with grocery shopping for an elderly neighbor or offer babysitting services to the family next door. Donate money, food or volunteer at local food banks, foster a shelter pet, volunteer with Meals on Wheels or other philanthropic organizations, or lead an on-the-ground effort by organizing a fundraiser to help struggling small businesses or displaced workers in your community.

Expand your outreach: Explore remote volunteer opportunities from the comfort of your home like mentoring or tutoring children in your favorite subject area. Also check out Skype a Scientist!

16) Hold on to end of year traditions Do you usually host a dinner where you give out superlative awards to your seniors? Keep traditions alive by creating surveys to engage your group members! Virtual gatherings can add meaning and help create lasting memories for your group.

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Every year, chapters report their most noteworthy activity for the year in the Chapter Annual Survey . These activities are listed here for other chapters seeking ideas and inspiration. Use the keyword checkboxes to filter activities by type or occasion, or click on the headers to sort the list by year, school, or state. More About Keywords

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On April 20th, 1944, in the middle of World War II, Auburn High School became a charter member of the National Honor Society. The National Honor Society (NHS) is a nationwide organization for high school students in the United States and outlying territories, which consists of many chapters in high schools. Selection is based on four criteria: scholarship (academic achievement), leadership, service, and character.  This is a members only club for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors.  The AHS NHS Chapters organizes many community service projects in town.

The National Honor Society has been working hard this year, putting in numerous volunteer hours and fundraising for projects. One of those projects is the annual sending of care packages to members of the military. All of that candy that you’ve been buying from NHS members has helped fill those packages with supplies and goodies. Other than selling candy, NHS members offer tutoring in the library during activity. The Major David Brodeur Memorial Foundation asked for volunteers from NHS to help with preparations and race day activities for the annual Klepto 5k. Members also put in several hours of community service through their own connections with organizations. All of this hard work paid off as they enjoyed a field trip to the New England Aquarium and Faneuil Hall. Each member upholds their duties as a part of the National Honor Society including, scholarship, leadership, character, and service.  

Constitution of Auburn High School Chapter of the National Honor Society of Secondary Schools

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AHS Chapter of the National Honor Society Eligibility Requirements

All 10th-12th graders with a GPA of 3.807 or higher are eligible to apply for membership in the AHS Chapter of the National Honor Society, per the group’s constitution.  *Please note: The 3.807+ GPA on it’s own does not guarantee membership.

By the end of January, the list of students with qualifying GPAs will be posted on the NHS advisors’ classroom doors (Mr. Kennard - room 2000 and Mr. Berg - room 3064), along with details about a mandatory meeting for all interested applicants.  Any eligible student planning to apply for membership must attend this meeting in order to receive an application packet.  This meeting is vital as it will provide details about the application process and deadlines, along with clarifying any questions that students may have.

The NHS Selection Faculty Council will meet after February break to review applications.  Candidates will be considered based on their Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character; the four pillars of the National Honor Society.  

Students will receive formal acceptance or denial letters via the U.S. Postal Service.  Acceptance letters will include more information about the Induction Ceremony and denial letters will include feedback from the faculty council along with information about the appeal process. Students will have the ability to appeal an denial, with the school principal being the final arbiter.  Students that are denied acceptance are encouraged to reflect on the feedback, maintain their eligibility, and apply again the following year.

The Induction Ceremony is typically held in person in mid-March.

Advisors: Spencer Kennard & Erik Berg

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Secondary Spanish Space

Secondary Spanish Space

Spanish Teachers Sharing Ideas

What to Do with Spanish Club 20 Fun Ideas

national honor society field trip ideas

Why are school clubs great for student learning? 

national honor society field trip ideas

Here’s a big list of some of my favorite, student-tested and teacher-approved Spanish club activities:

1. throw a spanish language movie night. , 2. support an international humanitarian campaign. , 3. volunteer with your spanish-speaking community. .

national honor society field trip ideas

4. Host a salsa dance party or lesson. 

5. take a field trip to a local museum or event related to spanish culture. , 6. design club t-shirts. , 7. travel abroad together. , 8. host the pulsera project. , 9. host a school-wide jalapeño eating contest. .

national honor society field trip ideas

10. Visit a Spanish restaurant to order food in Spanish and try new foods.

11. learn to cook authentic dishes. .

national honor society field trip ideas

12. Invite a mariachi band to play at your school. 

13. create and share spanish trivia on the daily announcements. , 14. create and post inspirational quotes in spanish around the school. , 15. compete for scholarships. , 16. start a spanish book club. , 17. host a reyes magos party in early january. , 18. attend local spanish culture festivals., 19. make paper flowers to sell as a fund raiser. .

national honor society field trip ideas

20. Host a Spanish language music video production challenge. 

Bonus Ideas

  • World Language Lip Sync Night
  • Hispanic Heritage Month Ideas
  • Spanish Teacher FAQs

Hope these ideas get you thinking! What activities have your Spanish Club and Spanish Honor Society students enjoyed?

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The jalapeño eating contest is the greatest idea EVER! I love how mean it is and how funny it would be 🙂 Great ideas, Catharyn!

A great book to use for Spanish class, club, or your own kids at home is a picture book called The Barking Mouse. Very funny and promotes bilingualism.

I had not heard of this work, Laura, thanks for sharing! Lots of cultural connections in his stories, it seems. I bookmarked the author, Antonio Sacre's website to take a look more in depth soon: antoniosacre.com/story.html Thanks for your idea!

Haha! I mean it is pretty much every freshman boy's dream.

I need more info about the Spanish Honor Society, never heard of it.

This is some great info, thanks for sharing! I work with the Yuda Bands organization, thanks for the shout out 🙂

Glad you're interested. Simply click on the link in my post and you can visit the SSH website.

You're very welcome. We keep hearing great things about Yuda Bands!

Only downsides here was that I’m not sure if they were expecting such a crowd as they did not have nearly enough servers and sometimes it would take a really long time for service guy to come. But at venues in Los Angeles they tried to keep a smiles on their face.

Hi, I work in a very small school district. Foreign language is not very important to the community. I have been doing tones of things without the support of the community and the school staff. I see that you mentioned Spanish Honor Society. It sounds like a good idea to help my Spanish program grow. Can I get more information about it.

Está muy bien, pero muy orientado hacia América Latina. España también tiene comidas y tradiciones muy interesantes. Por favor, no te tomes este comentario como una crítica, sino como una opinión. Gracias por leerme, espero que apliques mi consejo al blog.

I was looking for ideas of activities to do with my Spanish Club, and I came across your page. I read that you partnered with Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos! A couple of years ago I took my students to Antigua, Guatemala, and we helped NPH with the construction of a building to house a store to be run by their life-skills kids. It was a great experience, and I can vouch for the great work and sound management of the organization. Thanks for sharing the information on your page!

Love these!! so many great ideas. THANK YOU

Some of our local universities (1 hour away) have language competitions. Also they encourage campus visits (their enrollment is down) and we can sit in on classes. Plus- free lunch.

Thank you for sharing! It seems like my Spanish club highlights have all to do with food at my school. Thanks for sharing non-food activities as well. They all seem so fun!

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  •   National Junior Honor Society

  National Junior Honor Society is a service organization at Pilgrim Academy that accepts 6 th ,7 th , and 8 th graders who commit themselves to volunteering in the community and working hard in the classroom.  Each October NJHS runs a Safe Trick or Treat that allows hundreds of Pilgrim elementary students and their families to enjoy Halloween with candy and games at the school. NJHS also takes field trips to learn more about other organizations involved in public service including the Houston Fire Department and the Texas state legislature. College preparation is an important part of the club as well – students who join NJHS take a field trip to the University of Texas at Austin in the spring.


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  1. National Honor Society Field Trip

    national honor society field trip ideas

  2. Memorial Middle School: National Junior Honor Society Field Trip!

    national honor society field trip ideas

  3. Honor Society

    national honor society field trip ideas

  4. National Member Trips

    national honor society field trip ideas

  5. National Member Trips

    national honor society field trip ideas

  6. National Member Trips

    national honor society field trip ideas


  1. National Honor Society Induction Ceremony April 30, 2024

  2. 2023

  3. WHS National Honor Society Induction


  1. 18 Awesome Service Projects for Your National Art Honor Society

    Schools often rent out space to holiday markets or craft fairs. These are good opportunities to snap holiday photos, sell hand-made cards, clay pendants, ornaments, and more. 10. Teach Art. Connect with your community to teach art to others. Reach out to your local community center, YMCA, or afterschool organization.

  2. National Honor Society Community Service Project Ideas

    NHS service project ideas. There are plenty of ways to help your community. Here are just a few examples to get you started: Organize a blood drive. Tutor younger students or peers. Organize a cleanup of your local park or another public space. Organize a community festival or celebration (to amp up the effort, make it a fundraiser to benefit a ...

  3. National Member Trips

    Honor Society plans fun and meaningful trips for members across the nation to have the chance to connect. These trips are designed to showcase a city and its history to our member base, while giving members the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals from across the nation. More than networking, Honor Society is about building deeper ...

  4. Community Service Idea Starters

    Maybe it's working with animals, helping the homeless or mentoring fellow students. The National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society offer a list of cause-related organizations that can serve as your starting point. You also can look for individual service project ideas by visiting the National Student Project Database.

  5. National Honor Society service project ideas

    I understand that coming up with a unique service project idea can be a bit challenging! Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing: 1. Tutoring Program: Organize a tutoring program where NHS members volunteer to provide academic support for peers or younger students in subjects where they excel. You could offer these tutoring services after school or on weekends and collaborate ...

  6. Student Project Database

    Contact. 1904 Association Drive Reston, Virginia 20191-1537 703 860 0200 [email protected] Payment Remit. NASSP PO Box 640245 Pittsburgh PA 15264-0245

  7. Ideas for Chapter Engagement

    The National Chemistry Honor Society, Founded March 1899. Ideas for Chapter Engagement. Updated Fall 2020. Below, please find a list of ideas we compiled for virtual chapter activities. If you have other ideas you'd like to share with the group, please forward them to us and we would be happy to share them. ... Virtual Field Trip

  8. Chapter Life: Noteworthy Activities

    These activities are listed here for other chapters seeking ideas and inspiration. Use the keyword checkboxes to filter activities by type or occasion, or click on the headers to sort the list by year, school, or state.

  9. Field Trips

    ERA NATIONAL ARTS HONOR SOCIETY. About NAHS Our Projects Our Work Award Winners Field Trips NAHS Field Trips 2024. Richmond, VA Visual Arts Center of Richmond & VMFA . 2023. Asheville, NC Glass Demonstration, Batik Workshop & River Arts District. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Get Started ...

  10. Field Trip

    posted Oct 5, 2010, 1:57 PM by National Honor Society Springfield Catholic HS. Plan and organize field trip each semester. · Get possible suggestions from members. · Have two suggestions within the first month of each semester. · Post on website for members to vote. · Have a destination, itinerary, and cost per member by second month of ...

  11. National Honor Society

    The National Honor Society (NHS) is a nationwide organization for high school students in the United States and outlying territories, which consists of many chapters in high schools. Selection is based on four criteria: scholarship (academic achievement), leadership, service, and character. This is a members only club for Sophomores, Juniors ...

  12. Member Trips! Join Us

    Member Trips! Join Us Member Trips! Join Us . One great perk of being an HonorSociety.org member are the trips we take! Providing a great opportunity to explore fascinating cities, such as Washington D.C. and L.A., students are able to network with other members of the organization, take in the stunning sights, and share an environment with like-minded people who embody the leadership ...

  13. What to Do with Spanish Club 20 Fun Ideas

    5. Take a field trip to a local museum or event related to Spanish culture. I took my students to a Frida Kahlo exhibit at our art museum and we also attended a local production of Don Quijote. 6. Design club t-shirts. I love enlisting an artistic student or two to design club shirts each year.

  14. National Honor Society Fundraising Ideas

    Local Honor Societies hold a fundraiser to send member to national events, to raise money for local charities and for their schools. Fundraising is challenging but also rewarding. One of the biggest decisions is often deciding what type of fundraiser to do. In Clifton Park, NY, teams of students from the Shenendehowa Central School District ...

  15. Student Clubs and Organizations / National Junior Honor Society

    National Junior Honor Society is a service organization at Pilgrim Academy that accepts 6 th,7 th, and 8 th graders who commit themselves to volunteering in the community and working hard in the classroom. Each October NJHS runs a Safe Trick or Treat that allows hundreds of Pilgrim elementary students and their families to enjoy Halloween with candy and games at the school.

  16. Field Trips

    NATIONAL ART HONOR SOCIETY. Home Agenda Contests Club Info Officers Gallery About Us Field Trips. Crystal Bridges for Seniors. Date: xx xx, 20xx. There was a meeting about the trip on xx, xx xx, during lunch. Requirements : (1) Can only have missed one meeting (must have a good reason otherwise), (2) An active ...

  17. 8 Great Field Trip Ideas For Homeschool Families in Southern California

    6. Riley's Farm, Oak Glen. Step back into history at Riley's Farm (not to be mistaken with Riley's Apple Farm). A student will get a hands-on experience of the Revolutionary War, Civil War, Gold Rush, or Colonial Farm Life, and more in the different programs offered at Riley's Farm. In the Revolutionary War field trip, students got to ...

  18. 38 National Honor Society ideas

    Oct 19, 2022 - Explore Megan Moore's board "National Honor Society" on Pinterest. See more ideas about national honor society, honor society, community service ideas.

  19. Member Trips 9

    Honor Society Member Trip. Member Trips 9. Benefits. Best-in-class benefits to help you succeed today and tomorrow. Members-only networking, travel and educational tools and events. ... Student National Board; Frequently Asked Questions; Contact Member Services; TOP. HonorSociety.com is an informational portal about Honor Society®. For more ...

  20. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Elektrostal

    Things to Do in Elektrostal. 1. Electrostal History and Art Museum. 2. Statue of Lenin. 3. Park of Culture and Leisure. 4. Museum and Exhibition Center.

  21. THE 10 BEST Dzerzhinsky Sights & Landmarks to Visit (2023)

    Top Dzerzhinsky Landmarks: See reviews and photos of sights to see in Dzerzhinsky, Russia on Tripadvisor.

  22. The 10 Best Things to Do in Elektrostal

    1. Bars & Clubs. 11. Papa Lounge Bar. Bars & Clubs. 12. Karaoke Bar. Karaoke Bars. Things to Do in Elektrostal, Russia: See Tripadvisor's 802 traveller reviews and photos of Elektrostal tourist attractions.

  23. Zheleznodorozhny, Russia: All You Need to Know Before You Go (2024

    Can't-miss spots to dine, drink, and feast. Zheleznodorozhny Tourism: Tripadvisor has 1,133 reviews of Zheleznodorozhny Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Zheleznodorozhny resource.