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Censorship   Akiba's Trip DLC update censors 'trap' ten years after release

  • Thread starter Ebicentre
  • Start date Aug 3, 2023


  • Aug 3, 2023



  • Aug 4, 2023

10 fucking years? bruh what the fuck.  

Lost Branch

Lost Branch

This is the new trend for devs. This is the third or fouth game this year that has done something like this. Keep a look out for any old game updating, it's probably the devs making random pointless changes.  



  • Sep 21, 2023

Shit, and I just "purchased" the new version. Guess I should go back and get the PS3 version.  


  • Sep 24, 2023

What else did they censor in the Director's Cut?  

  • Sep 25, 2023

From what I can tell, that was the only line that was censored/altered. Everything else looks the same for the most part.  

If that's the case, that's really pathetic. Imagine being such a loser to go back to a decade old game to remove a single word.  

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Akiba's Trip HD Box Art

Review: Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound and Debriefed

Image of Zoey Handley

Show me how you strip

The Akiba’s Trip series is one that I think many people know based on premise alone. It has never reviewed very well in the West, but it’s hard to ignore a game whose central mechanic is undressing people in Akihabara. Undressing people. Stripping them to the nude. Putting them in their flesh tuxedo. They’ve even contrived a reason to do so, but we’ll get to that.

We never got the original Akiba’s Trip over here in North America. It was originally released in 2011 on the PSP, which was close enough to the launch of the Vita to be ignored. Instead, we jumped straight into the sequel, Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed .

Now, however, we’re getting a chance to travel back to 2011’s Akihabara with Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed (oh, I get it, “HD”) and see how the stripping began.

Akiba's Trip Awkward Moment

Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed ( Nintendo Switch [reviewed], PC , PS4 ) Developer: ACQUIRE Corp. Publisher: XSEED Games, Marvelous USA, Inc. Released: July 20, 2021 MSRP: $39.99

Let’s address the whole “HD” part of this package. Akiba’s Trip was a mighty fine-looking PSP game for its time. It is not, however, a good-looking Switch, PS4, or PC game. Models are angular, textures are blurry, and if you look too far off, you can see the cars disappear into the 2D backdrops. It’s an improvement over the original, don’t get me wrong. Textures and lighting have been touched up, but they didn’t go as far as even matching Undead & Undressed’s graphical fidelity.

Even still, the framerate tends to chug on the Switch version when you position the camera just right or there’s lots of stripping going on. I never found it too intrusive, but it was hard to ignore.

That’s not the end of the world, but it doesn’t bode well for any other upgrades. Indeed, the combat, which has been a sticking point for the series in general, is just as clunky as ever. The idea is that you have to damage the enemy’s clothing before you can rip it off, exposing their supple flesh to the world. There’s headwear, upper body, and lower body, and they are all worn down with their individual attacks. As such, you have high, mid, and low attacks, but they can’t be chained together in any advantageous way, so you’re stuck with just kicking them in the shins until their pants break.

The biggest issue is the targeting, which is essentially non-existent. You can’t lock on, so you’re at the mercy of your character’s attention span, and they’re easily distracted. Even when fighting only one enemy, you’ll often find yourself attacking off to the side for no reason, or striking behind your target. In groups, things can get hopeless, and kamisama help anyone who joins you as an ally. Just flail in the direction of the enemies you want to strip and start tearing every once and a while. See what you can catch.

The whole reason for the stripping? Akiba’s Trip tells you it’s because there are vampires preying on the citizens of Akihabara, but it gets a little murky. You’re turned vampire at the outset, so you’re just as susceptible to sunlight as everyone else. Lose your clothes, and you dissolve. Take off a vampire’s outfit, and they dissolve. Strip a bystander, and they just run off in embarrassment.

The weird thing is, the story isn’t all that committed to this concept. It plays along with the whole hidden threat angle, but often when you strip a character with a name, they’re just like, “Hah, I’m too tough to be killed by the sun!” Then they run off because no one has heard of restraints. You can also just strip down to a pair of headphones and be perfectly fine. As long as you’re wearing an article of clothing, the sun can’t hurt you. Your underwear doesn’t count. Thankfully?

Why are all these vampires out in the daylight, anyway? Have they never heard of coffins? I’m pretty sure Akihabara has a nightlife to prey on.

Akiba's Trip Holy Veil

The story of Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound and Debriefed involves you investigating the disappearance of a friend and getting beaten up in an alley. A woman takes pity on you and shares her blood with you by way of a kiss, and you become a vampire — sorry, Shadow Soul — like her. An organization dedicated to the eradication of Shadow Souls, NIRO, recruits you by force to stop their diabolical scheme.

The plan? Vampire bites apparently turn people into shut-ins. It’s not very well explained, but from what I gather, I may have been a victim of these Shadow Souls. I’m also not really certain of the grand plan. Drive down human birth rates in Japan so vampires can thrive? I’m not sure they need help with that, especially not in Akihabara.

I poke fun at some of the more nebulous elements, but the foundation does a decent job of moving things along. While it seems from the outset that NIRO has you by the crotch of the pants, as the plot moves along, you’re given some agency in who you help. Your primary concern is protecting the people of the Tokyo neighborhood, but who has its best interests in mind? Is it really NIRO? Are all vampires bad?

Akiba's Trip Stripping

Likewise, the characters are enjoyable, if not a fair bit archetypal. It does tend to get a bit overly wordy, especially towards the end. There’s a possible romance in the game that I enjoyed, but every so often she’d start to drop analogies that I just didn’t understand. I’m sorry, but an analogy is supposed to clarify a subject, not mystify it further. Poor use of poetic license is a turn-off for me.

At its core, Akiba’s Trip is about being an otaku, which I guess also means being a pervert. Throughout the game, you’ll be subjected to fetishes laid bare. I consider myself to be pretty open-minded, but I found myself feeling somewhat uncomfortable when I had to utilize the protagonist’s little sister to awaken a schoolgirl fantasy in him. Likewise, when I had to find a “cherry” on the street, deceive her, and deliver her to the local BDSM queen, I kind of felt a bit disconnected. But the game rewarded me for being a predator! Not sure what message that sends.

It’s nothing worse than you’d find in some of the lewder anime out there, just be ready to dip your toes into other people’s kinks. Some that you might not be into, but others that you might be! What’s your game, friend? Crossplay, maids, moe, catgirls, bunny girls, fox girls? You’re covered. Just don’t be surprised when it skirts a little near sexual assault territory, as if the core theme wasn’t close enough.

Akiba's Trip Hate Boner

Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed is a horny game if nothing else. It’s not explicit ecchi, but it knows exactly what it’s doing, and it succeeds in a lot of ways. It’s an interesting satire of the otaku lifestyle, both poking fun at and embracing it.

Most of the time, though, it’s like playing a stripped-down version of Yakuza . You wander a Japanese neighborhood, shop, do side-quests, build up your character, much like in that venerated series. But then the combat sucks and the story is poorly paced. On the other hand, I can’t deny it grew on me. It feels like one of those janky, Japanese, early PS2 titles like Mr. Mosquito or Robot Alchemic Drive . It might not be the most fun to play, but it’s unique enough to captivate.

[This review is based on a retail build of the game provided by the publisher.]

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akiba's trip remove censor ps4

Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed Strategy Guide

Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Vita / Switch / PC

Release Year: 2013

Developer: Acquire

Publisher: Acquire / XSEED / NIS America

Guide Version: 1.1 - Revision History and Credits

Guide includes the Director's Cut DLC

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Table of Contents


  • Story Routes
  • Combat Mechanics
  • Gameplay Overview


  • Before You Start
  • Chapter 3 - Tohko's Route
  • Chapter 3 - Shizuku's Route
  • Chapter 3 - Rin's Route
  • Chapter 3 - Shion's Route
  • Chapter 3 - Kati's Route (DLC)

Side Missions

  • Side Missions: Chapter 1
  • Side Missions: Chapter 2
  • Side Missions: Chapter 3
  • Side Missions: DLC

Additional Info

  • All Equipment

© 2023-2024 ecchiGamer

Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed PS4 Review

Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed had a lot of good things going for it when I first reviewed the original Vita release of the title a few months ago. The game looked incredibly sharp for a handheld title and had an incredible amount of depth when it came to character customization. However, it was held back by technical issues such as long load times, short draw distance, and sluggish performance at times.

Fortunately, North American publisher XSEED announced soon after the localization reveal that they would also be bringing over the PlayStation 4 version of the clothes-ripping, ramen-gorging, spending-my-entire-paycheck-at-a-hostess-bar Nerd Mecca simulator to us plebeians here in the West, marking one of the first RPGs that we have seen in the current gen. Even if that game happens to be a port, there are a lot of much-appreciated improvements to be enjoyed here.


For starters, load times have drastically improved to the point where areas load at a fraction of the time that they used to. No longer does it feel like one big hassle having to traverse the mean streets of Akihabara without having to resort to the fast travel mechanic, which only mitigated the problem. I would say that the only issue with this is that when you only get to enjoy for a brief moment one of the many ads featuring licensed properties during these moments.

Visually, the game takes two steps forward and one step back. The draw distance has dramatically improved to the point where you actually feel like you’re in this giant mob of human traffic trying to get from one side of a block to another with a very small amount of the gender-specific cursors that I spoke about in my original review. The game also runs a lot smoother in both movement and combat.

However, it appears that the character portraits have not been updated for the higher resolution, instead remaining in sub-HD as compressed artifacts are present. That’s not to say the game looks bad by any means, but it would have been nice if some work went into the art.

The graphics themselves have seen a nice upgrade with the enhanced visuals, improved lighting and shadowing, and slightly more detailed character models, although the game certainly pales in comparison to other offerings on the platform and seems to still work best on the Vita’s 5-inch screen.


Little has changed with the core of Akihabara itself. More video ads have been included to promote games such as Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited, the latest Super Sonico game title, and mobile titles like Snipai72. The downside is that there has been no increase in the number of places that can be visited which is a disappointment considering that was one of the biggest problems of the original, but that may have been asking for a bit much.

One of the more fascinating additions to the current-gen console release is the Visual Editor. Here the game allows players to completely change the look of the world. There is freedom to change the RGB color settings, adjust the saturation level, and change the sharpness and contrast with its wide assortment of filters. It’s a neat little gimmick, though while it is fun to mess around with, I don’t see it getting a whole lot of us other than for self-amusement. Still, I thought it was pretty cool.

Another great new element that takes advantage of the PS4 is the ability to have viewers interact with the player while they're streaming. This can be anywhere from calling in more enemies to fend off, bringing in outside help during difficult encounters, or even make a tornado of underwear appear that can be used to attack others.

It’s all very eccentric, to say the least, and is definitely one of the more appealing additions where you and a group of friends can all participate in this ridiculous adventure.

My favorite new feature is the Toybox Mode. Kind of like this game's version of “impulse101” typed into the console, this option lets you start off playing the game with every single weapon and piece of clothing that the game offers without having to put the effort into collecting any of it.


While you do have to sacrifice the ability to earn trophies and use bonuses earned from clearing a previous version, this gives people the opportunity to mess around the wide range of items available throughout the game to create their own personalized look and go nuts. Nothing quite like beating down enemies with a giant Neptunia hug pillow.

I did have a chance to try out Akiba's Trip on PS4 via Remote Play for a bit to see how it compares to the original. Obviously, it’s not going to look nearly as sharp in this form since it isn’t optimized and there isn’t any interaction with the touchscreen outside of making the in-game menu pop up, but it felt nice being able to see what it would have been like if the improvements with the PS4 release of the title had been carried down to the small screen, so first-time owners of the game can be satisfied with either format.

The PlayStation 4 entry of Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed is clearly the best one available. With its improved visuals and performance, the ability to directly interact with other people streaming the game, and the fantastic addition of the Toybox Mode, those who have been sitting idly by for this to be released are going to find out that it was well worth the wait.

Versions tested: PlayStation 4

Disclaimer: A copy of this game was provided to RPG Site by the publisher.

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Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed – PS4 Review

I remember Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed quite fondly. I only gave it a 6/10 on both the Vita and PS4 but my overall memory of it is it just being a bit of silly fun. Now Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed has come to PS4. It’s not a sequel as you might imagine but the PSP game that came before it which never left Japan. I played it on my PS5 thanks to backwards compatibility and let me tell you, playing a 2011 PSP game on a large television through a PS5 is an experience.

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So begins an adventure, trying to figure out who the girl was, what’s the Shadow Souls’ plan with Akihabara and who are these NIRO Agents that are wandering around. In reality these threads don’t really come to anything until the very end of the game with the early parts being pretty devoid of any meaningful story. What it does set up though is the ability to strip everyone to their underwear, both to defeat them and obtain their clothes for yourself.

akiba's trip remove censor ps4

This is where a collectible element to the game comes in. Initially you will only be able to remove basic clothing whole, other clothing will rip and be useless when you take it off. You can gain the ability to remove more exotic clothes by purchasing the ability in shops or completing certain side quests. There are hundreds of pieces of clothing and weapons in the game to collect and although they have their own basic stats you can upgrade whatever you want which is one of the games strengths.

akiba's trip remove censor ps4

The main story is quite short, though there are multiple roots for you to go through, but it’s padded out by side quests which pretty much exclusively involve, you guessed it, fighting. There are some that need you to buy things but that is arguably worse as you just have to bounce between the shops in each small zone trying to find what you’re looking for. Akihabara isn’t the fun place to run around as it was before, with very basic streets, very few pedestrians and a general lack of atmosphere.

akiba's trip remove censor ps4

I don’t know whether my tastes have changed in seven years or whether the sequel is just much better but whilst my memories of Undead & Undressed are reasonably fond ones I could not wait for Hellbound & Debriefed to be over. The story is irrelevant, though I remember the sequel feeling similar, the combat was weak back then so now it is awful and thanks to the visuals not being updated at all just exploring and interacting with Akiba itself is nowhere near as enjoyable. Maybe fans of the sequel will get some joy with this as it has a similar amount of content in that the playthroughs themselves are short but there are multiple stories and lots to collect.

akiba's trip remove censor ps4

Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed 5 Overall Pros + More silly gameplay + It's (a low poly, blurry, empty version of) Akihabara! + Lots to collect Cons - Visuals have not been updated at all from the PSP version - Akiba has lost a lot of its atmosphere - Combat is very weak - Side quests are dull Summary Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed is a re-release of a ten year old portable title and it shows. Apart from being weak on a technical level the combat is basic, the story is lacking and the side quests are repetitive. Not a patch on the sequel, but major fans might get some joy out of it. {{$data | json}} -->

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akiba's trip remove censor ps4

akiba's trip remove censor ps4

AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed

akiba's trip remove censor ps4

Originally posted by nbisbo : the 60fps mode works now some ads were lost and repaced with ads for the devs other games and a text change to remove a transpobic word

akiba's trip remove censor ps4

Originally posted by nbisbo : some ads were lost and repaced with ads for the devs other game

akiba's trip remove censor ps4

Originally posted by Saga Saga : Originally posted by nbisbo : some ads were lost and repaced with ads for the devs other game

akiba's trip remove censor ps4

Originally posted by dririan : Originally posted by Saga Saga : Awww man, don't tell me they got rid of the Sen No Kiseki advert. Akiba's Trip just isn't Akiba's Trip without Rean screaming YAMETE KUREEEEEE every couple of seconds.

akiba's trip remove censor ps4

Originally posted by Saga Saga : Ah that's lame. Oh well.... I seem to recall you could edit/replace the in-game video adverts on the PC version. I'll have to look into that whenever I get the chance to try out the Kati DLC.

akiba's trip remove censor ps4

Originally posted by CindyNemi : Originally posted by nbisbo : the 60fps mode works now some ads were lost and repaced with ads for the devs other games and a text change to remove a transpobic word
Originally posted by Hyperdimension : They removed nep nep billboard

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AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed

AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed

  • Remote Play supported
  • PS4 Version DUALSHOCK 4 vibration

ESRB Mature

Global player ratings

Explore the supernatural mysteries of Akihabara in AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed. A dark conspiracy plots to consume Japan's pop-culture mecca with an army of synthetic vampires. As a fugitive from their experiments, it's up to you to hunt these 'Synthisters' down, brawling with them in the streets and tearing off their clothes to roast them in the harsh light of day. Roam free through an authentic recreation of Japan's famous Electric Town. Fight alongside your otaku (obsessive nerd) friends, wielding everything from rolled-up posters to replica laserswords in a battle for dorky dominance. Four potential love interests await you, each with her own unique endgame. In addition to the dual audio from previous versions, this PS4™ system edition includes a 'Toybox Mode' that starts you off with one of every item, a 'Visual Editor' to customize the look of Electric Town as you see fit, chat commands that allow livestream viewers to directly influence your game, 1080p HD support and more.


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