travel guides behind the scenes

Travel Guides: “I’d rather be a snob, than a bogan”

Drinks in hand, enjoying jetsetting, but kevin & janetta have no issue with how they are portrayed on nine's travel guides..

  • Published by David Knox
  • on April 18, 2023
  • Filed under News , Top Stories

Intrepid travellers Kevin Moloney & Janetta Stones recently finished filming their 7th season of Travel Guides for Nine.

In a joint interview the retired couple spoke with TV Tonight about their time on the hit Nine series, proudly toasting the finer things in life and acknowledging how their reviews provide a perfect contrast to other cast reviews.

How were you cast?

Janetta: I saw an ad on Channel Nine that said, ‘If you can give up three months next year, and you like traveling, apply here.’ We’d just retired at that stage so I said to Kevin we should apply, and he said…

Kevin: ‘What would they want with old things like us?’

Janetta: So that was my cue to go down the track and apply.

Kevin: We didn’t know anything about the show but we saw an episode of the British Travel Guides and we thought, ‘Oh, God, what have we got ourselves into? It looked pretty terrible!’

The Australian version is very different, thankfully. So we were thrilled to get involved in the first series. And then it just grew its own legs, and here we are at Season 7.

How do you feel about the way the show portrays you?

Janetta: We come across exactly as we are in real life. We like the nice things of life.

Kevin: We’re are a bit older, a bit more discerning them than some of the others. In the first season they introduced us as ‘Travel Snobs.’ But we’re fine with that.

Janetta: If it means we don’t like camping, we prefer to go business class, five stars, like fine food and wine, that’s what it is.

I’d rather be a snob than a bogan, but we’re not snobs by any stretch of the imagination. We just know what we like, and what we don’t.

Kevin: Nothing is scripted. No words are put into our mouths. If we don’t like something, we’re free to say we don’t like it. But I think that’s what people can relate to.

Janetta: We have fans in the street quite literally from 8 to 80. People will say that ‘You’re just like my parents,’ or ‘I want to be like you when I get older.’

What have been some of the more memorable things you’ve done on the show?

Kevin: Last year, or the year before, I jumped out of a plane. Now, I would never think of doing that on a holiday. So there are situations you find yourself in and we end up liking some things that we would never have even tried.

Janetta: They juxtapose us against pretty much nearly all of the other groups, which makes makes the show what it is. What we like, they don’t.

Kevin: That’s the magic of the show. ….One of the places we went to was the Arctic Circle. Janetta doesn’t like the cold so somwehere like that wouldn’t really feature on our travels. But we absolutely loved it.

Janetta: It was so memorable, really, really incredible.

travel guides behind the scenes

Tell us about behind the scenes, and how you shoot the show?

Janetta: We don’t know where we’re going until we actually get to the airport. We only get an email the night before telling us where we have to be, and what sort of clothes to wear. That’s very much against how we are, which is being very organised.

We could be doing anything from FinAir business class, that we did on our last trip, or we could be doing the Perth – London flight, middle seat, third back row in economy.

Kevin: For 17 hours solid. That was pretty close to torture.

Janetta: We quite often will use our points or money to upgrade.

Kevin: The older you get, the more comfort you need.

How much interaction do you have with the other cast?

Kevin: We all travel together. But on camera, we don’t have any interaction whatsoever. They’re doing their thing and we’re doing our thing, and we try not to influence each other.

We don’t talk about the experiences we do together. So if, say the Fren family or the Target boys or Stack & Mel, have a certain opinion on an activity, our opinion might be different. So we don’t want to influence them with our opinion, and they won’t influence us with theirs

What is your essential item to take on aeroplane?

Kevin: Noise cancelling headphones.

Janetta: I have an e-reader with me.

Kevin: It really depends on what class you’re in, and the how long the flight is. Some people take neck pillows, all that sort of rubbish. I try to have the least amount of stuff around me when I’m on an aeroplane. I hate stuff on the floor and all over the place. The less I have the better.

travel guides behind the scenes

Where do you travel to this season?

Kevin: We did 10 episodes. We went to Europe twice, Africa twice.

Janetta: We only did two episodes in Australia in Melbourne and the Riverina, but also South Africa, Zambia, England, Scotland, Croatia, Helsinki, Borneo, Vanuatu, New Zealand. Pretty much for 4 months we aren’t on any particular timezone.

Kevin: You come back from Europe or the Americas or wherever, and you’re only home for two or three days. There’s no way you get back into your home timezone. So you’re just floating for 4-5 months.

Janetta: Croatia was absolutely beautiful.

Kevin: We saw a different side of Croatia than we had in our last trip, which was our own holiday a few years ago. Travel Guides took us to different places in Croatia, which was sensational. But for me it was probably Lapland (Finland)… be knee deep in freshly powdered snow was an experience that I’ll never forget.

Have you ever met narrator Denise Scott?

Kevin: No. I’d like to, I like Denise, she does a great job.

It’s now 7 seasons, how long do you see yourselves doing the show?

Janetta: Each series we get home and we say ‘Never again.’ But I think it must be like childbirth. I’m terrible at the time on that flight home. But once it’s over you forget about it, and you’re ready to go again.

Travel Guides returns 7:30pm Wednesday on Nine.

  • Tagged with Travel Guides

13 Responses

Love this show and all the participants…..their differences make it what it is….👌

Very good amateur actors, get paid to overact and over dramatise, but people like watching itđŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž

Interesting behind the scenes look at Travel Guides. Thanks, Mr. Knox.

The casting on this show is the best, it’s a great mixture of different people who like different things and but they’re all so likeable and great personalities, there’s not one person I don’t like!!

The differing personalities makes the show.

Love the show and Janetta and Kevin are my favorites. To me they are the least irritable and make the most sense in their evaluation of the places they visit (not like the ‘over the top’ Fren family – where I turn down the sound when they are on – LOL)

I think you hit the nail on the head regarding the appeal of Kevin and Janetta, they say it as it is and provide really useful feedback on their stay, which is why they are my favourite too. I also quite like the Target boys as everything seems to be so new to them, it’s like watching them grow as people.

I really enjoy Kevin and Janetta too, they are entertaining and perhaps share a similar perspective, I like some of the nice things too, but am younger and can’t necessarily afford them!

Not snobs at all, nor old things (age is only how you feel) just sensible people who enjoy travelling and a bit of luxury. They don’t try to outdo each other with the comedy, they certainly don’t put each other down because they are afraid to partake in an activity unlike some on the show and they certainly don’t make Australians look like bad tourists with OTT antics.

I love these two! They give great balance to Travel Guides! Love this show (it’s one of my favorites) and I’m realling looking forward to the return on Wednesday!

The british version has a snobby couple as well.

the british show has not been on since 2015 ….

Love this show,so glad it’s back for another season.

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Tour Travel Life

“The Unseen Heroes of Travel: Behind the Scenes with Travel Guides”

When we think of travel, we often picture picturesque landscapes, iconic landmarks, and thrilling adventures. But behind the scenes, there are unsung heroes who work tirelessly to make these experiences possible: travel guides. These dedicated individuals are the key to unlocking the full potential of your journey. In this blog, we’ll shine a spotlight on the often-overlooked world of travel guides and explore the remarkable role they play in shaping our travel memories.

1. Masters of Adaptation: Travel guides are experts in the art of adaptation. They can seamlessly adjust an itinerary to account for weather changes, unexpected closures, or spontaneous opportunities that arise during a trip. Their ability to navigate these challenges ensures that your travel experience remains smooth and enjoyable.

2. Cultural Ambassadors: Travel guides are not just tour leaders; they are cultural ambassadors. They bridge the gap between travelers and the local community, facilitating meaningful interactions and fostering cross-cultural understanding. Through their insights, you gain a deeper appreciation for the destination’s culture and people.

3. Storytellers Extraordinaire: The best travel guides are storytellers extraordinaire. They transform historical facts and local legends into captivating narratives that bring destinations to life. These stories turn your visit to a monument or museum into an immersive and enlightening experience.

4. Keepers of Knowledge: Travel guides are walking encyclopedias of knowledge. They are well-versed in the history, geography, flora, fauna, and customs of the places they lead you to. Their wealth of information not only enriches your journey but also answers your burning questions along the way.

5. Problem Solvers: From language barriers to unexpected emergencies, travel guides are skilled problem solvers. They ensure that any hiccups during your trip are resolved efficiently, leaving you with peace of mind to focus on enjoying your adventure.

6. Hidden Gem Hunters: Travel guides have a knack for uncovering hidden gems that often elude the average traveler. They introduce you to charming local cafes, off-the-beaten-path attractions, and unique experiences that you wouldn’t find in guidebooks.

7. Creating Memories: Perhaps the most important role of a travel guide is their contribution to the creation of lasting memories. They enhance your journey with their passion, expertise, and dedication, leaving you with stories to tell and cherish for years to come.

In closing, travel guides are the unsung heroes who transform ordinary trips into extraordinary adventures. They are the custodians of culture, the keepers of knowledge, and the architects of unforgettable memories. So, the next time you embark on a journey, take a moment to appreciate the invaluable role that travel guides play in making your travels truly exceptional.


The Art of Crafting Exceptional Travel Guides: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Process

travel guides behind the scenes

Welcome to the fascinating world of travel guides! Whether you’re an avid globetrotter or someone who dreams of exploring far-flung destinations from the comfort of your armchair, travel guides play a vital role in shaping our journeys. They are the key that unlocks hidden gems, unveils local secrets, and allows us to truly immerse ourselves in different cultures. But have you ever wondered what goes into crafting these exceptional travel guides? Behind those glossy pages lies a meticulous process that combines research, design, writing prowess, collaboration with locals, and harnessing the power of technology. In this blog post, we’ll take you on a behind-the-scenes journey into the art of creating extraordinary travel guides. So fasten your seatbelts and get ready for an adventure like no other!

What is a Travel Guide?

What exactly is a travel guide? Well, think of it as your trusty companion on your journey to unfamiliar territories. It’s like having a knowledgeable friend who has explored every nook and cranny of the destination you’re heading to. A good travel guide provides you with essential information about the place – from its history and culture to practical tips on accommodations, transportation, and dining options. But it’s not just a mere collection of facts; a great travel guide goes beyond that. It captures the essence of a destination, painting vivid pictures in your mind through captivating descriptions and stunning visuals. It sparks curiosity and ignites wanderlust within you. A travel guide is also much more than just words on paper or pixels on a screen. It serves as an inspiration board for your adventures, helping you plan your itinerary and make the most out of your time in each location. It acts as a compass, pointing you towards must-see attractions while also leading you off-the-beaten-path to discover hidden gems that only locals know about. In today’s digital age, where information is readily accessible at our fingertips, travel guides have evolved into dynamic platforms that seamlessly blend traditional wisdom with modern technology. They come in various forms – from traditional printed books and glossy magazines to interactive websites and mobile apps. In essence, a travel guide is like having an experienced tour guide by your side – someone who knows all the ins and outs of the destination but leaves room for personal exploration too. So whether you’re embarking on an epic backpacking adventure or planning a luxurious getaway, let these invaluable resources be your gateway to unforgettable experiences around the world!

The Importance of Crafting an Exceptional Travel Guide

Crafting an exceptional travel guide is of utmost importance when it comes to providing valuable information and unforgettable experiences for travelers. A well-crafted guide can make all the difference between a mediocre trip and one that exceeds expectations. A travel guide serves as a roadmap, helping travelers navigate through unfamiliar destinations with ease. It provides them with essential information on transportation options, local customs, attractions, accommodations, and more. By crafting a comprehensive guide that covers every aspect of the destination, you ensure that your readers have all the necessary tools to plan their trip effectively. An exceptional travel guide goes beyond just practical details; it captures the essence of a place. It dives into the history, culture, and unique experiences that make each destination special. By including these elements in your guide, you help travelers connect with the spirit of the place they are visiting. Moreover,focusing on quality content allows you to establish credibility as an authoritative source. Travelers rely on guides that provide accurate and up-to-date information they can trust. It is crucial to conduct thorough research,to ensure accuracy,and stay informed about any changes or updates in order to provide reliable guidance. Additionally,a well-crafted travel guide should be user-friendly visually appealing layout. Going beyond mere text,such visuals include maps,detailed images,and illustrations. These visual elements not only enhance aesthetics but also aid comprehension by presenting information in a digestible format. Images showcasing local landmarks,cuisine,and activities can inspire wanderlust in readers,making them excited about their upcoming journey In conclusion,the process of creating an exceptional travel guide requires attention to detail,research skills,content writing expertise,and collaboration with locals. All this effort pays off when you see how your carefully crafted words and visuals come together to empower travelers,enrich their experiences,and create lasting memories. Travel guides play an integral role in shaping our travels,hence dedicating time and effort towards producing high-quality guides is indeed paramount!

Understanding Your Audience: Research and Planning

Understanding Your Audience: Research and Planning When it comes to creating an exceptional travel guide, understanding your audience is key. You can’t expect to create a guide that resonates with everyone, so conducting thorough research and planning is crucial. It’s not enough to simply know the demographics of your target audience; you need to dig deeper. Start by identifying the specific interests and preferences of your audience. Are they adventure seekers or culture enthusiasts? Do they prefer luxury accommodations or budget-friendly options? By gathering this information, you can tailor your content to meet their needs and expectations. Next, dive into the destination itself. What are the must-see attractions? Where are the hidden gems that only locals know about? By immersing yourself in the local culture and exploring every nook and cranny, you’ll be able to provide insider tips that will truly enhance your readers’ experiences. But research doesn’t stop there! Keep up with current travel trends, as well as any upcoming events or festivals in the area. Stay on top of changes in transportation infrastructure or visa requirements. This way, you can ensure that your guide remains relevant and up-to-date for your audience. Planning is equally important in crafting an exceptional travel guide. Outline each chapter or section carefully, ensuring a logical flow from one topic to another. Consider including maps or itineraries for ease of navigation. And don’t forget about visual elements – striking photographs can instantly captivate readers’ attention. Understanding who you’re writing for is essential when creating a travel guide worth reading. Conduct thorough research on both your target audience’s preferences and desires as well as on the destination itself. Then plan accordingly by organizing information logically while incorporating eye-catching visuals.

Visual Elements: Designing an Eye-Catching Layout

Visual Elements: Designing an Eye-Catching Layout When it comes to crafting exceptional travel guides, one aspect that cannot be overlooked is the design of the layout. A well-designed guide not only catches the reader’s attention but also enhances their overall experience. The visual elements in a travel guide play a crucial role in conveying information effectively and engagingly. From stunning photographs to carefully chosen fonts and colors, every element must work together harmoniously to create an eye-catching layout. First and foremost, selecting captivating photographs is essential. Stunning images can transport readers to the destinations they are reading about, igniting their wanderlust and sparking their curiosity. Each photograph should be carefully chosen to capture the essence of the place being described. In addition to photographs, typography also plays a significant role in designing a compelling layout. The font choice should align with the overall theme and tone of the guide while ensuring readability. Whether it’s elegant script or clean sans-serif fonts, each selection should contribute to enhancing readability and visual appeal. Color schemes are another vital aspect when designing a travel guide layout. Colors evoke emotions and set moods; therefore, choosing appropriate color palettes can greatly enhance engagement with readers. Vibrant hues may convey excitement for adventurous destinations, while soothing pastels may create a sense of tranquility for serene getaways. Furthermore, utilizing graphic elements such as icons or illustrations can help break up text-heavy sections within the guide. These visuals serve as visual cues that aid readers in navigating through different sections effortlessly. Designing an eye-catching layout requires careful attention to detail and consideration for how each visual component contributes to creating an immersive experience for readers exploring new places through your travel guide.

Writing Engaging Content: Tips and Techniques

Writing Engaging Content: Tips and Techniques When it comes to crafting a travel guide, the content is everything. It’s what captures the attention of readers and entices them to explore new destinations. But how do you create content that is truly engaging? Here are some tips and techniques to help you get started. Keep your writing style conversational and relatable. Travel guides should feel like a conversation with a trusted friend who is sharing their experiences and recommendations. Use language that is accessible and easy to understand, avoiding overly complicated jargon or terminology. Paint vivid pictures with your words. Help your readers imagine themselves in the destination by using sensory details – describe the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures they might encounter. This will make your content come alive and transport readers to another place. Another technique is storytelling. Humans are wired for narratives; we love stories! So why not incorporate storytelling into your travel guide? Share personal anecdotes or highlight interesting historical facts about each location. This will add depth to your content and make it more memorable. Don’t forget about visuals! Including high-quality images throughout your travel guide can greatly enhance its appeal. They provide visual context for the written information, making it easier for readers to envision themselves in those places. Additionally, consider incorporating interactive elements such as maps or clickable links within your digital guides. These features allow readers to engage with the content on a deeper level by exploring additional resources or planning their own itinerary based on specific points of interest mentioned in the guide. Lastly – proofread! Typos can be distracting and diminish the overall quality of your work. Take the time to review and edit your content before publishing it so that you can present polished material that reflects positively on both yourself as an author/creator but also enhances user experience. By following these tips and techniques when creating travel guides’content’, you’ll be able to captivate audiences effectively and inspire them to embark on their own adventures. Happy writing!

Collaborating with Local Experts for Authenticity

Collaborating with Local Experts for Authenticity When it comes to creating an exceptional travel guide, one of the key ingredients is authenticity. And what better way to infuse authenticity into your guide than by collaborating with local experts? These individuals possess a deep knowledge and understanding of their destination, allowing them to provide invaluable insights that can truly enhance the travel experience. By working closely with local experts, you can tap into their wealth of knowledge and expertise. They can offer insider tips on hidden gems, off-the-beaten-path attractions, and lesser-known cultural experiences that may not be found in mainstream tourist guides. This helps ensure that your travel guide stands out from the rest and offers a unique perspective that resonates with travelers seeking more authentic experiences. In addition to providing valuable information, collaborating with local experts also adds credibility to your travel guide. Their firsthand accounts and personal recommendations lend an air of authority and trustworthiness that readers appreciate. It shows that you have taken the time and effort to gather information from those who know best – the locals themselves. To find these local experts, thorough research is essential. Engage with community organizations or tourism boards in your chosen destination as they often have connections to passionate individuals eager to share their knowledge. Social media platforms can also be great resources for identifying potential collaborators who are active in promoting their region or city. Once you’ve identified potential collaborators, it’s important to establish open lines of communication and foster a collaborative relationship based on mutual respect. Listen attentively to their suggestions while also sharing your vision for the travel guide. By working together harmoniously, you’ll be able to create content that truly reflects both parties’ perspectives. Remember, collaborating with local experts goes beyond just gathering information; it’s about forming meaningful relationships built on trust and shared passion for showcasing a destination authentically. So embrace these collaborations wholeheartedly as they will undoubtedly elevate the quality of your travel guide while ensuring its relevance and appeal to curious travelers. So, go ahead and immerse yourself in

The Role of Technology in Modern Travel Guides

The Role of Technology in Modern Travel Guides Technology has revolutionized the way we travel, and it plays a crucial role in modern travel guides. From smartphones to apps and online platforms, technology has made it easier than ever for travelers to access information on-the-go. One of the key advantages of technology is its ability to provide real-time updates. With just a few taps on their smartphones, travelers can find up-to-date information about attractions, restaurants, hotels, and transportation options. This ensures that they have the most accurate and current details at their fingertips. Another important aspect is the integration of interactive maps. Travel guide apps often include detailed maps that allow users to navigate new cities with ease. These maps are equipped with GPS technology, making it simple for travelers to locate themselves and plan their routes accordingly. Furthermore, technology enables personalization in travel guides. Many apps now offer personalized recommendations based on individual preferences and interests. This helps travelers discover hidden gems or tailor their experiences according to their unique tastes. Additionally, social media platforms play a significant role in modern travel guides. People can share photos, tips, and reviews which serve as valuable resources for fellow wanderers. Social media also provides opportunities for direct communication with locals who can offer insider advice or recommend off-the-beaten-path experiences. Technology enhances the convenience and efficiency of travel guides by providing instant access to information while allowing personalization based on individual needs/preferences. It has undoubtedly transformed how people explore new destinations – making traveling more accessible and enjoyable than ever before!

Challenges and Solutions in Creating a Travel Guide

Challenges and Solutions in Creating a Travel Guide Crafting a travel guide is no easy task. It requires meticulous research, careful planning, and creative writing skills. But along the way, there are bound to be challenges that arise. Let’s take a look at some of these hurdles and explore possible solutions. One common challenge faced by travel guide creators is the ever-changing nature of destinations. Attractions may close down, new ones may open up, or popular places might become overcrowded. To overcome this, it’s important to constantly update the information in your guides. Regularly reaching out to local experts or revisiting destinations can help ensure accuracy. Another challenge lies in striking a balance between providing enough information without overwhelming readers. A solution for this is to focus on highlighting key details and insider tips while keeping descriptions concise and engaging. Language barriers can also pose challenges when creating multilingual guides. Translating content accurately while maintaining its essence requires professional translators who are well-versed in both languages. In today’s digital age, technological advancements have introduced new challenges as well as opportunities for travel guide creators. Finding innovative ways to integrate interactive maps, augmented reality features, or user-generated content can enhance the overall experience for travelers. Promoting your travel guide effectively poses yet another obstacle. With so much competition out there, it’s crucial to invest time and effort into marketing strategies such as social media campaigns or collaborations with influential bloggers. While creating an exceptional travel guide certainly comes with its fair share of challenges, finding solutions through adaptability and innovation will ultimately lead to success in providing valuable resources for travelers around the world.

Behind-the-Scenes: A Day in the Life of a

Behind-the-Scenes: A Day in the Life of a Travel Guide Creator As we wrap up this journey into the art of crafting exceptional travel guides, let’s take a sneak peek behind the scenes and discover what a typical day looks like for those dedicated individuals who bring these guides to life. A travel guide creator’s day begins with research and planning. They dive deep into understanding their audience, researching popular destinations, local attractions, hidden gems, and unique experiences. This groundwork ensures that every guide they create is tailored to meet the needs and desires of travelers. Once armed with knowledge, it’s time to design an eye-catching layout. Visual elements play a crucial role in attracting readers’ attention and enticing them further into exploring each page. From stunning photographs to carefully chosen fonts and colors, every aspect is meticulously crafted to enhance the reader’s experience. But visuals alone aren’t enough; engaging content is equally vital. The travel guide creator employs various writing techniques – from storytelling narratives to concise descriptions – all aimed at capturing readers’ imaginations while providing practical information about places to visit, eat or stay. To truly capture authenticity in their guides, collaboration with local experts becomes imperative. These experts offer valuable insights into cultural nuances, off-the-beaten-path spots, and insider tips that can make all the difference between an average trip and an extraordinary adventure. In today’s digital age, technology also plays a significant role in shaping modern travel guides. Digital platforms allow creators to incorporate interactive maps or integrate multimedia content such as videos or audio clips to enhance users’ engagement even further. Of course, creating exceptional travel guides comes with its fair share of challenges too. Navigating through vast amounts of information requires careful filtering and fact-checking processes while maintaining accuracy amidst ever-changing landscapes can be quite daunting. Additionally, staying up-to-date on emerging trends within the industry keeps creators on their toes as they strive for innovation in each new edition. But despite these challenges, the passion and dedication of travel guide creators shine through.

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Behind The Scenes Along The Inside Passage: Alaska Cruise Tips & Travel Guide

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Alaska Cruise Travel Guide

Jim from  WINEtineraries  is back again with  another write up . This time he is here to share his Alaska cruise travel guide. An Alaska cruise is a bucket list item for many people. Most who make this trip will let their cruise line arrange their excursions. Even so, they may find some helpful ideas in this guide. For those, however, who enjoy independent travel and prefer to avoid paying inflated prices to be herded onto motorcoaches, this guide may be a gold mine of tips and high value experiences in some iconic ports of call.

Table of Contents

Alaska Cruise Travel Guide: General tips

Here are a few general tips to prepare for your cruise on the days leading up to your departure.

Tip #1: “Got a ticket for my destination

Many Alaska cruises depart/return to either Seattle, WA or Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. All will include a Canadian port of call, usually Victoria or Vancouver (on the return). One benefit of cruising right now is that the U.S. requirement (at the time of writing) for a negative COVID test the day before returning to the States does not apply to entry by land or aboard a maritime vessel.

Cruisers prone to seasickness may want to consider that cruises departing from Vancouver sail in the calmer waters between the mainland of British Columbia and Vancouver Island on the first leg of their journey.

Tip #2: “Don’t worry; be happy”

Sure, you can (and, some would argue, you probably should) take out trip insurance but
you can (and, I would argue, absolutely should) plan to arrive in you embarkation port city the day before your cruise.

I learned this lesson the hard way when an air traffic ground stop at Newark caused us to miss the first 2 days of our 25 th anniversary Mediterranean cruise. Alaska cruises (at least from Seattle) tend to depart late afternoon.

When you consider flight connections, waiting at baggage claim for your luggage (see the following tip), waiting for your transfer from the airport to your ship, factoring in traffic on the almost 20-mile ride, and then the inevitable, God-awful lines at the cruise terminal, you can see how stressful a same-day arrival can become.

In fact, our flight was scheduled to arrive SEA @ 12:10pm but was delayed because of tailwinds and flight weight. In the end, we didn’t arrive until about 1:15pm which would have made it dicey to make our same-day cruise embarkation scheduled to depart @ 3:00pm. 

Tip #3: “Carry on, my wayward son

Carry on all your luggage; we haven’t checked any luggage (except wine shippers) for years. Even though heavy packers may consider this impossible; it can be done. Doing so means you can’t be separated from your bags, and it saves at least 30 minutes at baggage claim (which can be an absolute lifesaver if you’ve ignored Tip #2). Click on the links in this sentence for ideas about what to pack and how to pack for an Alaska cruise.

Seattle Sunset

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (aka SeaTac or SEA) Information

Since you will likely be flying into Seattle and hopefully staying over night (see tips above) here is some information on the airport and local area. You can take a little trip before your trip with your free night.


SEA is home to one of nicest domestic airline lounges – the Alaska Airlines lounge in the North Satellite concourse (which is used exclusively for Alaska Airlines’ flights).

You can get access the following ways:

  • Admirals Club or Alaska Airlines Lounge membership
  • Alaska Airlines’ first-class ticket
  • Pay-in ($25 for Bank of America Alaska Airlines Visa Signature card or $50 without)

SEA also has 2 Priority Pass restaurants; Bambuza in the North (N) Satellite concourse near Gate N19 or Trail Head BBQ Bar near Gate C1 . Both are open from 5:00am – 10:30pm, so it’s easy to get a meal no matter what time your flight arrives/departs.

Link Light Rail

If you’ve booked an Alaska cruise departing the next day, you can take the super-convenient Link light rail from the airport to the stop of your choice in downtown Seattle to enjoy a little sightseeing and a nice, relaxing dinner the day before your cruise.

One-way fares are just $2.25/person ($1.00 for seniors). The airport station for The Link is located on the 4 th floor of the north end of the airport parking garage. To get to the station, start at baggage claim carousels #15 and #16, cross the airport roadway using Skybridge #6, make your way to the 4 th floor, and follow the well-marked route.

Note : It’s not a short walk and if you’re toting luggage (especially if you haven’t heeded the advice to pack light above), it can feel even longer. If you’re lucky (as we were), you may be offered a ride by one of the skycaps that patrol the route.

The ticket kiosks at the station are easy to use, and the trains run about every 10 minutes. There are 12 stops between the airport and the Westlake station (where you can transfer to Seattle’s iconic monorail); the entire trip takes about 40 minutes.

Spending A Night In Seattle Before Shipping Out

If you get into town the night before then here are some tips on where to stay and some dining options.

Seattle Lodging

Whether you are brand-loyal or have points to burn, every hotel chain has one or more properties close by one of the downtown Link stations.

I had an annual free night certificate from Hyatt, so we chose the Motif Seattle near the corner of Pike Street and 5 th Avenue. It is just a short walk from both the Westlake Link station and Pike’s Place Market, one of Seattle’s top tourist attractions.

Tip : If you’re not familiar with Seattle’s neighborhoods, you may save time by launching the website for and entering any of the Link stops (e.g., “Westlake Station” or “Pioneer Square”) along with your travel dates to see a comprehensive list of lodging options.

You can then narrow the results by adding a filter for the hotel chain of your choice and their locations relative to the Link station you entered as your destination by using the “View map” feature. Finally, search for award availability on the website for your preferred hotel chain.

Seattle Dining

As with hotels, there is no shortage of dining options in Seattle’s downtown core:

Cutter’s Crahbouse

If you’re not familiar with Landry’s family of restaurants, it might be worth checking whether you have one of their brands near your home. It costs $25 to join Landry’s Select Club , but you get that back immediately in the form of a “Welcome!” dining credit. You also get a $25 birthday dining credit each year.

Landry’s also emails an offer for 40% in bonus dining awards for every $50 gift card purchased a couple times each year. Since I had $20 in bonus dining rewards that were expiring, I chose Cutter’s Crabhouse, a well-reviewed Landry’s restaurant on Elliott Bay near Pike Place Market.

Since Cutter’s is also on the OpenTable reservation system, I earned 100 dining points which I’ll save to cash in for a dining certificate at some point in the future. My wife ordered blackened mahi-mahi paired with a Washington state dry Riesling, I ordered a seafood trio paired with an Argentinian malbec and we shared a phenomenal crab and artichoke dip appetizer.

Alaska Cruise Travel Guide

This little family-run stand can be a bit tricky to find but it’s worth the effort! It’s in the Pike Place Market building, across the street from Rachel , the life-size bronze piggy bank (be sure to rub her nose and make a donation to a worthy cause for good luck!), tucked away behind two fish markets and the Three Girls Bakery . We shared a very tasty breakfast burrito ($10). Los Agaves is on Dosh , which gave me 5% cash back as well as on the AAdvantage Dining Rewards network which earns Loyalty Points to support my quest to requalify for Executive Platinum status with American Airlines for 2023-24.

Alaska Cruise Travel Guide: Ports of Call

Here are the various ports of call we visited and what to do in each.

With 250 miles of hiking trails and only 190 miles of city- and state-maintained roadways, Juneau is the most remote state capitol in the U.S. But this doesn’t mean there’s not plenty to do here.

Alaska Cruise Travel Guide

Mendenhall Glacier

The Mendenhall Glacier is accessible via public bus but it’s a 1.5 walk from the closest stop on line #3 or #4. Juneau Tours operates the Glacier Shuttle ($45 for 13+, $40 for ages 3-12) departs from in front of the Mt. Roberts Tramway (right where your ship docks) at least twice/hour and drops you off at the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center , the admission ($5) to which is included in your ticket.

The closest you can get to a view of the retreating glacier is at the Visitor Center. The only path to the edge of the glacier itself is via the moderately challenging West Glacier Trail which is reached only by taxi or rental car. If your aspiration is to walk on the glacier, you’re looking at a strenuous, professional guide-led, full day trip ($200-$400/pp + tax). 

“ Juneau Voices ”

is a free, self-guided audio tour of downtown Juneau featuring first person storytelling from Juneau natives. The location of stops 2-11 are available online (I will gladly email a map free to M2M readers on request). The website says only “Juneau Voices #1 is located at several welcoming signs along the seawalk in downtown Juneau.” So, I asked at the Visitor Information building on the dock as you exit your ship where I could find stop #1, but they didn’t know. Eventually, I found a location with a #1 QR code; however, it played the script for stop #2. Evidently this project is still a work in progress.

Alaska Cruise Travel Guide

is the name given to a life-size bronze sculpture of a breaching humpback whale which is about a 20-minute walk from where the cruise ships dock. It is the happy marriage of two inspirations: a former Juneau mayor’s admiration of the monumental (6.5 tons, 25’ tall) sculpture of a blue whale at the entrance to Japan’s National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo and the sculptor’s observation of a humpback bubble net feeding off the west coast of Admiralty Island.

Installation was finally completed in 2018 with the addition of lighting and fountain jets to simulate the effect of water streaming off a breaching whale which, sadly, were not operating on our visit.

Here’s a counter-intuitive trivia question for you: “What is the largest city (in land area) in the U.S.?” With a population of 8,310 spread over 2,870.3 square miles (more than twice the size of the state of Rhode Island!), the answer is “Sitka.” In fact, the 4 largest cities in the U.S. by land area are all in Alaska! And Sitka offers these truly memorable experiences:

Alaska Cruise Travel Guide

Sitka Checkered Tour and Historic Sheldon Jackson Campus Tour:

“Who you gonna call” if you want the definitive introduction to this fascinating location? Not Ghostbusters but Jeff Bud (and his car is almost as cool)!

Sitka resident for 37 years, cruise line guest lecturer, and walking encyclopedia of local history, flora, and fauna, Jeff offers private tours using his pristine, classic 1973 Checker Marathon car (pictured above). Jeff’s mission in life is to convince everyone who enters his orbit that his adopted hometown is, indeed, more than worthy of its nickname, “The Paris of Alaska.”

To fully appreciate the moniker, one must understand Sitka’s heritage and vision, upon which Jeff will happily expound. While San Francisco was still a sleepy port town with a population of less than 500, Sitka could already boast of having the first piano, first opera house, and first theater on the west coast. The Reverend Sheldon Jackson , a Presbyterian missionary in the last quarter of the 19 th century, who subscribed to the ethnocentric concept of acculturation through education, also recognized the need to preserve important aspects of indigenous culture.

Today, Sitka is home to the Sitka Music Festival (a month-long series of classical chamber music concerts each June), the Sitka International Cello Seminar each July, the Sitka Fine Arts Camp, a biannual performance of The Nutcracker (with an Alaskan twist! ) by the Sitka Studio of Dance, etc. And talk about ambition – Sitka has adopted a 100-year plan to be named a UNESCO World Heritage Site!

Jeff offers two tours. The Historic Sheldon Jackson Campus Tour (90 minutes, 30 of which are for you to explore the collection of native Alaskan artifacts in the Sheldon Jackson) focuses on the 20 buildings on this former site of Alaska’s oldest institution of higher learning. Jeff’s Sitka Checkered Tour can be focused on one’s interests – from Sitka’s history to the culture of its indigenous peoples to the rescue of its wildlife.

Sitka Sound Science Center (SSSC):

The nondescript home to this hands-on aquarium and oldest operating salmon hatchery is directly across the street from and part of the Sheldon Jackson Campus.

SSSC’s 90-minute “Behind the Scenes” tour ($25/adult, $20 for12 and under) includes all day admission to the Aquarium (otherwise, $8/adult and $6 for 12 and under) and takes one through the research center and hatchery. The hatchery plays an important role in keeping the wild salmon population stable by rearing and releasing 3 million Pink salmon, 3 million Chum salmon, and 250,000 Coho salmon per year.

Alaska Cruise Travel Guide

Alaska Raptor Center

It’s about a 24-minute walk (1.1miles) from Harrigan Centennial Hall (where the cruise ship shuttle buses drop you off) to this nonprofit home and hospital for injured raptors.

The oldest permanent resident, a bald eagle named Volta that was electrocuted, suffered a concussion, injured an eye and – most important – broke a wing bone necessary for flight in a 1992 collision with power lines.  Even though Volta can’t fly, he has visited almost every state in the U.S. as an ambassador for the Center and the important work of wildlife conservation.

The bald eagle Flight Training Center (included in the price of admission) is a marvel! Here, raptors which can be rehabilitated regain their flight skills for release into the wild. The slatted roof is open to the elements and, during our visit, we actually saw wild eagles perch and interact with their convalescing peers inside! Admission is $15/adult, $6 for ages 6-12.

Sitka National Historic Park

(free entry) is just a 13-minute walk from Harrigan Centennial Hall and is easily paired with a visit to the Alaska Raptor Center. The park was created in 1910 to commemorate the 1804 battle between the native Tlingit and the Russians who had established a post for fur trading in Ketchikan. Totem Trail leaves from the Visitor Center, passing replicas of 20 totem poles on a relaxing walk around this peninsula. If you’re lucky, you may even be able to watch Tlingit Master Carver Tommy Joseph working on a pole.

Alaska Cruise Travel Guide: Ketchikan

is home to the world’s largest collection of standing totem poles as well as the infamous “Bridge to Nowhere” (which was never built). Its name is derived from the phrase Kich xáan , which, in the indigenous Tlingit language, means “thundering wings of an eagle,” referring to the sound made by the wings of eagles who frequent the area to catch and eat salmon.  There’s no better place to appreciate the appropriateness of the town’s name than at the Ketchikan Museums which include:

Alaska Cruise Travel Guide

Tongass Historical Museum

at 629 Dock Street, is just a 10 minute walk from where the cruise ships dock The Museum’s location, alongside and overlooking Ketchikan Creek, where salmon begin their journey upstream to spawn and die, is meant to convey that we are part of a circle of life much larger than any of us.

There’s a subtle genius to the way colored panels are used to organize the museum’s exhibits. Salmon (of course!)-colored interpretive signs describe each exhibit’s central theme. Panels with white text on a green background present photos, examples, and explanations of each theme. Finally, lighter green-gray panels present supportive quotations to ground each exhibit in the experience of individuals (often local). It’s like a color-coded outline to each exhibit.

Admission is $6/18+, $5/senior, 17 and below are free.

The Salmon Walk

From the museum, we walked along a route that will be called the “Salmon Walk,” which follows the path salmon take from where Ketchikan Creek empties into the Tongass Narrows, up a salmon ladder to the spawning grounds. Interpretive signs (shaped like salmon, of course!) will explain the significance of each step in the final journey of the salmon and the completion of their amazing circle of life.

The Salmon Walk ends at the Totem Heritage Center , built in the shape of a traditional native clan house. Here we learned that these poles can’t be read like a book; they were carved to honor important people or recall significant events in the life of the families or clan which erected them. Totem poles were never intended to be permanent museum displays; they were raised, allowed to weather and decay, finally returning to earth
again, completing the circle of life. (See the overarching theme here?) They are preserved here to honor the rich culture that created them.

The Ketchikan Story Project offers a thorough explanation of the Chief Johnson Totem Pole , one of the most photographed in the world. A replica stands less than a football field away from the Tongass Historical Museum at the intersection of Mill and Dock Streets.

Admission structure here is the same as for the Tongass Historical Museum, except that you can purchase a “Museum Pass” which gives you entry to both for $9.

Alaska Cruise Travel Guide

Creek Street Photo Op

If you want the iconic shot of Creek Street , probably the most photographed spot in Ketchikan, be one of the first off your cruise ship and walk straight there.

The tongue-in-cheek sign on Dolly’s House, “Where both men and salmon came upstream to spawn” hearkens back to the Alaskan Gold Rush, when most these buildings were brothels owned by female entrepreneurs. Today, this walkway, elevated over Ketchikan Creek, is home to locally-owned specialty shops and restaurants.

Alaska Cruise Travel Guide: Final Thoughts

That should about do it. Hopefully you enjoyed Jim’s Alaska cruise travel guide and got some valuable tips along the way. His trip looks absolutely amazing and I may need to revisit Alaska after reading this. The Takhu sculpture and Creek Street look like two things I would really love to see in person.

Thanks again to Jim from  WINEtineraries for putting this Alaska cruise travel guide together for us. If you enjoyed this guide be sure to check out his others he has written for us:

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  • Road To Hana: How To Survive The Most Scenic White Knuckle Drive Out There
  • These Are Some of My Favorite Things to Do on Maui
  • Our Amazing Auckland City Guide Just In Time For New Zealand’s Reopening
  • Tour Like A Pro! 8 Tips to Demystify Wine Tasting
  • How to Spend 72 Magical Hours in Oslo, Norway
  • With Car Rentals Still Sky High, Here Is How To Visit Oahu Without A Rental Car
  • The Mileage Run From Hell in Pursuit of American Airlines Status
  • GEMS of Napa and Sonoma – The Best Wine Tasting Experiences

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  • Alaska Cruise

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Thanks for the article! I’m headed there in just a few days, and I would love to take you up on your offer to email the free map to Juneau Voices. Can you access my email from this post? (I’d prefer not to post it publicly.) Thanks!

I forwarded your email on to Jim so hopefully he gets that to you in the next few days.

Read the “guide” and decided against taking such cruise. The main reasons, being in Alaska twice on land by car and RV – definitely comes with way more wildlife experiences and choices of what to see. Even a day nature cruise from Seward offered more exciting things, including glacer viewing, island hopping, whale and other marine animals watching, plus local salmon dinner. And moose watching is unparalleled in mainland Alaska, compared like on African safari. I’d rather go see live animals than man-made statue.

Alaska is a huge place and absolutely one can get closer to much wildlife in Alaska’s interior. However, it’s impossible to drive (unless you load your vehicle on a ferry) to some of the places on most cruise itineraries (including Alaska’s capital!). For many who may want an “easy” introduction to the beauty that is Alaska, a cruise may be their preference. To each their own…. And, we saw a number of live humpback whales swimming very near the ship and on a whale watching excursion from one of the ports. Takhu is just kind of impressive — as a sculpture — and has a neat story behind it. Thanks for your comments.

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  • Travel Photography and Videography

How to Capture Behind the Scenes: Travel Photographer Tips

  • 8 minute read

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  • August 4, 2023


Travel photography is no longer confined to mere snapshots of iconic landmarks; it has evolved into a captivating medium that tells stories, captures emotions, and brings the world closer through digital sharing. In an era where wanderlust and global connectivity thrive, travel photography has taken on a new dimension: it’s about capturing the moments that unfold behind the scenes, moments that reveal the authenticity, emotions, and interactions that define a journey.

travel guides behind the scenes

In this article, we’ll explore the art of capturing behind-the-scenes moments as a travel photographer. We’ll delve into the intricate details, strategies, and mindset required to weave captivating narratives that go beyond conventional travel imagery.

From preparation to editing, from ethical considerations to inspiring others, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to create a visual journey that resonates deeply.

What is behind the scenes content in photography

Behind-the-scenes content in photography, often referred to as BTS, unveils the captivating moments that occur beyond the lens’s focal point. It’s like a hidden treasure trove that takes viewers on a journey into the creative process, interactions, and challenges that photographers navigate while crafting their visual stories. BTS content offers an intimate glimpse behind the curtain, showcasing the intricate artistry involved in capturing that perfect shot.

In the realm of photography, BTS content serves as a backstage pass, revealing the orchestrated chaos and genuine moments that shape the final imagery. It’s a canvas where you witness:

The meticulous setup and preparation before the shutter clicks, encompass the arrangement of equipment, meticulous adjustment of camera settings, and the meticulous framing that lays the foundation for an extraordinary shot.

Authentic interactions between photographers and subjects, frozen in candid snapshots. These unscripted moments bring a sense of life, connection, and relatability to the final images.

Triumphant tales of photographers conquering challenges. Whether it’s braving harsh weather conditions, mastering low-light environments, or navigating unexpected hurdles, these glimpses underscore the dedication that goes into creating remarkable photographs.

The intriguing decision-making process of artists unveils the reasons behind choosing specific angles, compositions, and focal points. This artistic insight provides viewers with a deeper appreciation of the creative vision behind each frame.

The evolution from raw captures to polished masterpieces through post-processing. This window into the editing realm showcases the careful enhancements that bring out the essence of the scene while retaining its authenticity.

In essence, BTS content bridges the gap between the final image and the behind-the-scenes magic, offering viewers a deeper understanding of the artistry and storytelling that define each photograph. It’s an invitation to witness the sweat, laughter, challenges, and triumphs that transpire before the click of the shutter—a journey that transforms ordinary scenes into extraordinary visual narratives.

The Role of a Travel Photographer

A travel photographer’s role extends far beyond the click of the camera shutter. It’s a dynamic blend of creativity, cultural acumen, and a deep-seated yearning for connection. In their pursuit of authenticity, they become cultural interpreters, translating the intricate stories of each destination through their lens. A travel photographer assumes various personas:

  • Visual Anthropologist: Delving into the historical and cultural tapestry of a place to capture its essence.
  • Emotional Storyteller: Translating emotions and experiences into visual tales that resonate universally.
  • Candid Observer: Capturing fleeting moments of vulnerability, revealing the candid beauty of life.

Preparing for the Journey

The preparation phase of travel photography is akin to laying the groundwork for a masterpiece. It’s a symphony of research, gear selection, and cultural awareness that culminates in capturing behind-the-scenes moments that resonate.

  • Cultural Insight: Immerse yourself in the destination’s history, traditions, and festivals. This knowledge serves as your compass, guiding you to anticipate moments of significance. Understanding local customs enables you to approach subjects with respect, fostering connections and genuine interactions.
  • Gear Selection: Your camera equipment isn’t just tools; they’re extensions of your creative vision. Beyond the camera body, an array of lenses offers versatility. Wide-angle lenses capture sweeping scenes, while telephoto lenses bring distant subjects closer. Consider prime lenses for exceptional clarity and low-light performance. Carrying spare batteries, ample memory cards, and lens cleaning essentials ensures you’re prepared for extended shooting sessions.
  • The Weather Variable: Travel photography is an outdoor endeavor, subject to the whims of weather. Rain, fog, or even snow can add an ethereal quality to your images. Embrace these conditions as opportunities for unique shots. To safeguard your gear, invest in weather-resistant accessories such as camera covers, lens hoods, and waterproof bags. These provisions allow you to embrace spontaneity without fearing the elements.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Being culturally aware isn’t just a courtesy; it’s an essential tool for building connections. Familiarize yourself with local customs, greetings, and taboos. This awareness demonstrates respect for your subjects and fosters an environment of trust. Engaging in a manner that aligns with cultural norms opens doors to capturing intimate moments that might otherwise remain inaccessible.

 Building Connections

Behind-the-scenes photography isn’t just about capturing scenes—it’s about encapsulating emotions and experiences. Building connections with your subjects enhances the authenticity of your images.

  • The Language of Connection: Language is a powerful bridge between cultures. Learning a few phrases in the local tongue can break barriers and establish an immediate connection. Simple greetings or expressions of gratitude convey your respect and genuine interest in their world.
  • Respectful Interaction: Approach subjects with genuine curiosity and humility. Seek permission before taking photographs, especially in intimate settings. Inquire about their stories, and be willing to listen. This two-way interaction not only enriches your understanding but also enables your subjects to share their experiences authentically.
  • Immersive Engagement: Being an active participant in local activities allows you to blend seamlessly into the environment. This immersion provides opportunities for candid, unscripted moments to unfold naturally. Whether it’s sharing a meal, participating in a ceremony, or joining a game, your involvement bridges the gap between observer and participant.
  • Empathetic Perspective: Empathy is the bedrock of impactful travel photography. Striving to view the world through your subject’s eyes fosters a deeper connection and adds layers of meaning to your images. This perspective invites you to capture emotions, experiences, and even challenges that may otherwise go unnoticed.

Seeking Authenticity

Authenticity is the heartbeat of behind-the-scenes photography. It’s the pursuit of capturing the unfiltered moments that reveal the soul of a place.

  • Patient Observation: In a world of fleeting instants, patience is your virtue. Allow moments to unfold naturally. Observe interactions, expressions, and the ebb and flow of life. The art lies in recognizing and seizing these fleeting yet genuine moments.
  • The Beauty of Unposed: Candid shots often carry a raw, unfiltered beauty that staged images cannot replicate. They encapsulate the unguarded reactions and interactions that provide a genuine window into a culture. Such moments humanize a place, allowing viewers to connect on a personal level.
  • Everyday Elegance: While iconic landmarks have their charm, the beauty of a culture often resides in its everyday rituals. Embrace these seemingly mundane moments—the market vendors setting up before dawn, the elderly conversing on park benches, or children playing in narrow alleys. These scenes provide glimpses into the rhythm of local life.

Navigating Challenging Environments

Travel photography demands adaptability. From unpredictable weather to low-light settings, your ability to navigate challenges enhances your creative toolkit.

  • Mastering Low Light: Low light settings offer a canvas of mystery and mood. Embrace dimly lit environments to create a sense of intimacy and emotion. Utilize available light sources strategically—the warm glow of street lamps, the soft illumination of a candlelit ceremony—to craft images that evoke emotion.
  • Weather’s Drama: Adverse weather doesn’t hinder your creativity—it enhances it. Rain and fog can veil a scene in an enchanting aura, adding depth and atmosphere to your images. Snow transforms landscapes into ethereal wonderlands. These weather-induced transformations offer a unique perspective that sets your images apart.
  • Quick Adjustments: The essence of travel photography lies in capturing fleeting moments. Rapidly changing conditions necessitate quick adjustments to your camera settings. Familiarize yourself with your equipment to seamlessly adapt to changing light, movement, and other variables. This skill ensures you don’t miss the magic of an unfolding scene.

Composition and Creativity

Composition is the invisible thread that weaves your narrative together, guiding the viewer’s gaze through your visual story.

  • Frame with Purpose: Every element within your frame contributes to the story you’re telling. Utilize architectural structures, natural elements, or even people to frame your subject, providing context and drawing attention.
  • Unique Angles: Challenge conventional perspectives by experimenting with angles. A low-angle shot can imbue your subject with a sense of grandeur, while a high-angle shot offers a unique viewpoint. These unconventional angles create visual interest and provide a fresh take on familiar scenes.
  • Embrace Negative Space: Empty spaces within your composition are as meaningful as the elements you capture. Negative space allows your subject to breathe and adds a sense of balance. It also encourages viewers to focus on the subject’s emotions and interactions.
  • Guiding Lines: Incorporate natural lines within your environment to guide the viewer’s eye. Roads, paths, rivers, or even the gaze of a person in your frame can lead the viewer’s attention, adding movement and a sense of direction.

Storytelling Through Editing

Post-processing isn’t just about enhancement; it’s about sculpting your images to reflect the emotions and atmosphere of the moment.

  • Selective Storytelling: The editing process begins with curating the images that collectively tell your narrative. Each photograph should contribute a distinct facet to the overarching story, culminating in a holistic and immersive experience.
  • Enhancement with Subtlety: While post-processing tools allow you to manipulate colors and tones, the key is to maintain authenticity. Enhance the vibrancy of colors without veering into unnatural territory. Fine-tune contrast to bring out the texture and depth present in the original scene.
  • Preserving Essence: Editing should amplify the emotions captured in the moment, not distort them. Strive to retain the genuine ambiance of the scene—the play of light, the subtleties of expression, and the nuances of the environment.

Ethical Considerations

Ethics are the moral compass that guides your interactions and ensures that your photography respects the dignity and privacy of your subjects.

  • Informed Consent: Seek permission before capturing images, particularly when your subjects are in intimate or vulnerable settings. A simple gesture, such as showing your camera and seeking a nod of approval, communicates your respect for their autonomy.
  • Cultural Diplomacy: Travel is an opportunity to engage with diverse cultures, but it’s vital to do so with cultural sensitivity. Recognize that not all moments are meant to be captured. Some cultures consider photography intrusive, especially during rituals or private moments.
  • Dignity and Respect: Always approach your subjects with dignity and empathy. Remember that your photographs have the power to shape perceptions, so strive to portray cultures and individuals in an authentic and respectful light.

Sharing Your Behind-the-Scenes Journey

The culmination of your journey is the act of sharing your visual narrative with the world. This isn’t just about photographs; it’s about transporting your audience into the heart of your experiences.

  • Narrative Choreography: Arrange your images in a sequence that mirrors the ebb and flow of your journey. Craft a visual storyline that guides viewers through different emotions, landscapes, and interactions, creating a captivating visual journey.
  • Social Media Platforms: Utilize platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to share your travel narrative. Accompany your images with insightful captions that provide context, emotions, and personal anecdotes, inviting viewers to engage on a deeper level.
  • Personal Blogging: Establishing a personal blog provides a canvas for deeper exploration. Through detailed blog posts, you can delve into the stories and emotions behind your images, offering readers a more immersive understanding of your journey.
  • Photography Communities: Engage with fellow photographers on platforms like Reddit, 500px, and Flickr. Share your work, exchange insights, and receive constructive feedback that can further refine your craft.

The art of capturing behind-the-scenes moments as a travel photographer goes beyond technical skills—it’s about cultivating a curiosity for the world, building connections, and telling stories through imagery.

By embracing the strategies and insights shared in this comprehensive guide, aspiring travel photographers can embark on a transformative journey that uncovers the hidden narratives that shape our global tapestry.

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Travel Photography Behind the Scenes FAQ

What is behind-the-scenes travel photography.

Behind-the-scenes travel photography goes beyond capturing typical tourist spots. It focuses on candid, unscripted moments that reveal the authenticity, emotions, and interactions that define a journey. It’s about telling stories through images that offer a deeper connection to the places and people encountered.

How does cultural understanding play a role in behind-the-scenes photography?

Cultural understanding is pivotal for building rapport with locals. It helps photographers anticipate events and situations, enabling them to capture more meaningful moments. Moreover, understanding local customs shows respect and helps avoid causing offense, enhancing the quality of the images captured.

What are some techniques for capturing authentic behind-the-scenes moments?

Patience is key. Spend time observing and waiting for genuine interactions to unfold naturally. Opt for candid shots that capture unguarded emotions and interactions. Focus on everyday activities that define the rhythm of life in a destination.

What equipment is essential for behind-the-scenes travel photography?

Apart from a good camera body, a range of lenses is crucial. Wide-angle lenses are great for capturing landscapes and scenes, while telephoto lenses bring distant subjects closer. Carrying spare batteries, memory cards, and weather-resistant gear ensures you’re ready for any situation.

How can I build connections with the people I photograph during my travels?

Building connections involves respectful interactions. Learning a few phrases in the local language can go a long way. Seek permission before taking photos, engage in local activities, and show empathy towards your subjects. These connections result in more authentic and intimate photographs.

How can I navigate challenging weather conditions while photographing?

Challenging weather can add atmosphere to your images. Embrace low light settings for a sense of mood. Rain and fog can provide a unique ambiance, while snow can transform scenes. Adaptability is crucial—be prepared to adjust your settings swiftly to capture fleeting moments.

What role does composition play in behind-the-scenes photography?

Composition is the language of storytelling in photography. Frame subjects purposefully, experiment with angles, and use negative space to draw attention. Incorporate natural lines to guide the viewer’s gaze through your narrative.

How can I share my behind-the-scenes travel photography with others?

Sharing your work involves curating a visual narrative. Organize your images to create a compelling visual story. Utilize social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, start a personal blog to provide deeper insights, and engage with photography communities to receive feedback and connect with fellow enthusiasts.

How can my travel photography inspire cultural appreciation and understanding?

Beyond capturing moments, travel photography can bridge cultural gaps. By sharing stories behind your images, you invite viewers to appreciate the nuances of different cultures. Responsible travel practices promoted through your work encourage others to explore with empathy and respect.

How do I ensure my behind-the-scenes photography is respectful and ethical?

Respect is foundational. Seek permission before photographing individuals, especially in intimate settings. Be culturally sensitive, avoiding capturing moments that may be considered intrusive. Always prioritize the dignity and privacy of your subjects, and present cultures authentically.


Meet David Hoper, a passionate travel Blog writer with 7+ years of experience in travel content. Through his exemplary storytelling and engaging narratives, he shares his experiences and brings destinations to life. With a keen eye for detail and a love for exploration, he has cultivated a diverse portfolio of travel blogs that inspire and inform readers worldwide.

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Post written by: David Hoper

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Travel Guides EP on producing a global show during a pandemic

Tess Connery

‱ Melissa Maclean explains how the guides got off the ground in 2021

After a year of global lockdowns brought the travel industry to a screeching halt, Nine ’s Travel Guides is bringing the world back to Australian lounge rooms. 

Mediaweek spoke to Travel Guides executive producer Melissa Maclean about putting together a travel show in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic.

travel guides behind the scenes

Melissa Maclean at Kings Creek Station on the Rim Walk, NT, during Travel Guides production

Getting Travel Guides off the ground

Maclean says that crossing international borders for this series was no mean feat. 

“ Travel Guides got off the ground this year because of the extraordinary persistence of the team and the willingness of our travel guides to be flexible, and being able to work really closely with the Government agencies to allow some travel exemptions to happen for us.

“We had plans A, B, C, and D for everything, and there were certainly times when we thought all may be lost. But we were a combination of fortunate and persistent, we managed to get everyone together, all of the guides and all of the crew, and once that happened we were able to form a moving bubble.”

Travel Guides have taken their guides across the globe, but Maclean says that the place that stood out most for her this year was closer to home.

“We’re going to South Australia this series, and it surprised me. Of all the destinations we go to, we kind of go to the more remote places, and it is absolutely fantastic, those more remote areas of South Australia, they’re just stunning. That’s something I really like about the show, it can turn pre-conceptions about what a place might be on its head.”

Finding their guides

Choosing the guides for the show is all about authenticity and reflecting modern Australia, and Maclean says that the guides they work with cover both bases.

“We’re looking for people who are themselves. That’s what we need, it sounds like a cliche, but their absolute authentic selves, wherever that is. Then of course we’re looking for contrast, we don’t want to have the same perspective. We’ve got to have different perspectives and those perspectives represent the vast diversity of the Australian experience.”

travel guides behind the scenes

Travel Guides in Greece. Credit: Channel 9

Producing Travel Guides

Maclean says that the team behind Travel Guides don’t often get to take a look at a location before letting the guides loose.

“There’s quite a bit of research and pre-preparation done, but then an awful lot is left to chance, so we’re turning up very hopeful with quite a large moving beast. We carry about 1.3 tonne of gear for example. 

“We try to shoot the episode in a week, so it is real time. We say we’re going to go on a great week long holiday in a destination, and we always give the destination a theme, we film it in a week, and move on to the next destination.”

Filming for 2021

As Travel Guides took their unique brand of chaos across the world, Maclean says that there were a few standout moments for her while filming.

“Some of the highlights were Greece – going up to the Acropolis and getting the guides take on such a wonder of the ancient world and how there’s a real mixture of reverence and utter flippancy up there, as we would expect from the range of travel guides that we have. 

“Mauritius turned out to be an absolute surprise, absolutely beautiful and the paradise that you think only exists on Instagram. Cambodia warmed everybody’s hearts with just how really lovely the people are and how keen they are to show you everything.”

Ultimately, Maclean hopes that the show will give Australians something to look forward to after spending so much time at home.

“The great thing about the internationals that we’re showing, they’ve all had really good Covid responses so people will be able to book those holidays before long. We’re all ready to start dreaming about international travel and our travel guides going for it overseas will inspire people, I think.”

travel guides behind the scenes

Travel Guides airs Wednesday, April 28 at 7.30pm on Channel 9 and 9Now

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Forbes Travel Guide Stories

Charlotte’s Most Exciting Behind-The-Scenes Tours By Correspondent Sarah Crosland

April 16, 2013

travel guides behind the scenes

Forget simply catching the latest show or making a reservation for dinner. Charlotte is now offering a slew of ways to immerse oneself in the city through hands-on tours and encounters. From wonderful art happenings to wine tastings, the city’s visitor’s authority has found more than 30 local places serving full-immersion experiences . Here are our top three picks for getting an exclusive glimpse of Charlotte’s arts and fare.

Behind the Curtain

Uptown’s Blumenthal Performing Arts Center frequently plays host to some of Broadway’s biggest shows like The Lion King and The Book of Mormon . And while snagging a seat offers plenty of exciting entertainment, for a real close up of the NYC exports, you’ll want to sign up for this post-show one-hour tour. In addition to meet-and-greets with cast and crew, there’s also the chance to customize your experience with workshops on topics from percussion drumming to makeup magic. And with hit musicals including Peter and The Starcatcher and We Will Rock You arriving in town soon, now’s the time to make reservations for your private peek at the productions. $15, in addition to theater ticket

Feast Food Tours

Savor an exclusive taste of Charlotte with this culinary-centric company offering various dining tours around town. You can opt for homegrown choices such as the Uptown Soul of the South tour featuring southern cuisine around the city with a North Carolina craft beer tasting, a glance at a late 1800s Southern home and more, or the Brew & Chew version with the chance to see what’s on tap at local breweries — food- and beer-wise — while riding around on a 14-passenger party bike. But the Uptown Chic Behind-the-Scenes Tour provides the ultimate upscale look at Charlotte dining. This three-hour, two-mile long walking trek includes kitchen tours, conversations with chefs and sommeliers, and, of course, a sample of the cuisine at swank spots such as the Forbes Travel Guide Four-Star The Ritz-Carlton, Charlotte or the historical McNinch House . $47-67

Canvas and Cocktails

Get your creative juices flowing at the Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American Arts + Culture ’s Canvas and Cocktails, a regularly offered chance to indulge in wine and cocktails as local artists provide instruction on your creative masterpiece. Take a sip of your drink and then take inspiration from museum pieces such as paintings, African masks or a Romare Bearden-inspired collage. Art supplies are included and the two-hour experience gets you up-close-and-personal with both art and artists as you recreate a featured work. $40

Photos Courtesy of iStock

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Photo Tips, Creative Photography + Travel Guides - The Wandering Lens

  • Behind the Scenes: Hiking in Kari Gorge, Atacama Desert
  • Behind the Lens
  • By Lisa Michele Burns

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Crackling walls of salt crystals and sand dunes…

Standing on the edge of the Salt Mountain range, we peered into the valley below where patterns weaved throughout a dry, river floor. Rugged, rocky, part desert and part alpine it’s a bizarre scene to step into

Volcanoes feature across the skyline and jagged rocks fill the foreground. Shades vary from earthy red to brilliant white, a crusted carpet of salt, one of the ever present scenes in Chile’s Atacama Desert.

Trying not to lag behind while taking photos, I kept telling myself to get a wriggle on despite the urge to fill an entire memory card within metres of the trail starting. The landscapes of the Atacama Desert are simply mesmerising and this hike had been recommended very highly by the team Alto Atacama so I knew I was in for something special further along the path

Kari Gorge, Atacama Desert, Chile-6-2

Kari Gorge lies within the Salt Mountain range near the village of San Pedro de Atacama and shares a landscape with the Valle de la Luna (Valley of the Moon). The hiking trail kicks off just a short drive from the main highway, venturing along the valley rim then veering down toward the dried river bank, gorge and cave system.

As we made our way along the path, I couldn’t help but skip along between photos in total delight of where I was, ensuring I was behind my guide at all times so he couldn’t see what a nature geek he was walking with. Also of course paying attention not to trip and plummet down the unforgiving drop to my left
but why not live a little right? To be hiking in such an extreme landscape was just so overwhelming and Kari Gorge had me excited from the get go.

To access the valley it’s a matter of filling your shoes with sand as you clamber down a steep sand dune. There’s two ways to manage it, run like a lunatic OR let the sand gently glide down with each step, I of course chose the latter because, duh! Also though, the moon was on show and every step provided a different angle to photograph where the valley walls met shadows as they slowly crept across the face of the dune with the moon above.

Kari Gorge, Atacama Desert, Chile-12-2

Reaching the river I was immediately impressed by the visible layers from geological activity over millions of years. Capturing shots of striations where tectonic movements shifted overtime, formed from layers of volcanic ash and a dusting of salt. Glowing in the sun the layers are fascinating to watch as they change depending on the depth and location within the gorge.

The best however was yet to come

Wandering through the gorge at times it was only a few feet in width yet 15m high. We crawled  through caves where salt crystals had formed on the ceiling and soon ended up with crackling salt under our feet. As rains evaporate the water leaves behind a crusty salt carpet, one of the most incredible things I’ve ever seen.

In the driest place on earth, the salt still feels wet to touch in parts, others are crystalised and hard as rock. It almost felt wrong stepping on such a beautiful product of natural elements!

Kari Gorge, Atacama Desert, Chile-12-2

To capture the scene I used mainly the M.Zuiko 7-14mm f2.8 wide angle lens paired with the Olympus E-M1X. With the gorge being tall and narrow, it felt so immense but also intricate in contrast and I found the wider lens helped portray this best.

The patterns carved by water and shriveled salt were extensive and all around me, not to mention the sound that was created with every step
a snap, crackle and pop like frosted snow on concrete. Before exiting the gorge my guide said we should stand in silence and just listen. With a wall of salt crystals before us and salt at our feet, the only sounds were the intense echoes of crackling salt, rearranging itself within the walls of the gorge. As the temperatures of the desert change, the salt expands and contracts, it’s truly spectacular to hear!

Below are a few images taken from my hike in Kari Gorge with Alto Atacama, it’s a place I not only want to go back and experience all over again but urge others to add to their wish list, you won’t be disappointed.

Photography gear used for the images below –

Olympus OM-D E-M1 MKII + M.Zuiko 7-14mm f2.8 pro lens

Olympus OM-D E-M1 X + M.Zuiko 40-150mm f2.8 pro lens

Those keen to use similar gear but aren’t able to justify the professional price tag may be interested in the brand new OM-D E-M5 MKIII that was announced on October 17th, 2019. It features the weather sealing, 121-point AF + incredible stabilisation (great for landscapes + low light) like the bodies I’m currently using.

Kari Gorge, Atacama Desert, Chile-12-2

Reason #246 why I’m better behind the camera…

Kari Gorge, Atacama Desert, Chile-6-2

Travel and landscape photographer from Australia who is far more comfortable in a pair of flippers than heels! Having worked for publications such as Lonely Planet, Wanderlust and the Sunday Times, Lisa founded The Wandering Lens to share destination guides to the worlds most photogenic places and outdoor experiences.

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Big rectangular stones balanced at the gate fro the Blaundos archeological site in Turkey

Textile and Cultural Tours

Ready for a behind the scenes adventure.

Behind the Scenes Adventures specializes in taking small group tours of friendly folks to destinations where the local people wear traditional dress, make their own textiles, celebrate at exciting festivals, and live among superb archaeology and architecture.

Panorama view of front of Angkor Wat stone carved temple, Cambodia

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Indigo, Ikat & Angkor: Textile Tour – Thailand, Laos and Cambodia

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Silk Road Textiles Tour: Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan ‱ Fall 2025

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If you love going “behind the scenes” to meet people and experience exotic destinations, then join us for your next adventure!

Taste savory local cuisine, see flamboyant festivals and gorgeous natural scenery, and visit remote villages where people make exquisite textiles.

Peru was the trip of a lifetime, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the effort and energy you put into each and every day. My expectations for the tour were sky-high, and they were exceeded by at least 100%. I’m planning to do it again, and am working on getting some other people to come with me. Susan W. Ontario, Canada
I have done five trips with Cynthia so far, and loved every one… Everything has been meticulously organized and to a high standard. This includes both food and accommodation. The unique, boutique hotels which comprise much of the accommodation are wonderful, and the local guides have been of the highest quality. Jo H. Australia

Group shares a laugh with Bouchra, friend who came to the hotel to show us how she makes sfifa or djellaba trim.

Behind the Scenes Adventures

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Norwegian Escape

Introducing Norwegian's Behind The Scenes Tour

Norwegian Behind The Scenes Tour

Sparkling pools, luxurious spas, clubs and bars of all types, delicious restaurants and spectacular entertainment, these are just some of the typical experiences you can expect aboard Norwegian Cruise Line ships . But have you ever wondered how these extraordinary floating cities function? It’s not magic, it takes a huge staff of specially trained individuals working 24/7 to maintain everything the average cruiser may not have ever thought about.

Ready to start planning? Explore all Norwegian cruises .

Go Behind The Scenes & View The Bridge

Whether you're new to cruising or a bona fide expert at sea, it's likely that taking a Behind The Scenes Tour with Norwegian, with exclusive access to the bridge, will have you seeing things from a new perspective. In fact, many other commercial cruise lines don't even allow guests to view the bridge when they go behind the scenes. Talk about exceptional, right? And if you've been on one of those other tours, Norwegian's is a great way to compare the depth of detail their entire staff takes into account to create the perfect guest experience on each and every sailing. From the kitchen to the theater to laundry and beyond, A Behind The Scenes Tour truly shows you the belly of the beast that keeps your vacation going.

Norwegian Behind The Scenes Tour.

Now Available to Book Before You Sail

It's amazing to me how many people are devoted cruisers but never even knew that this tour exists. Probably because up until now, you could only book the tours once you've boarded your ship. But, for the first time ever, Norwegian has extended the opportunity to book your Behind The Scenes Tour before you cruise by calling your personal cruise consultant or by booking online! I want to note that tours are limited and tend to fill up fast, so I recommend trying to book as early as possible. Also, closed-toe shoes are required, so make sure you pack a pair if you plan on going. You'll be happy you did because there's plenty of walking and you'll want to be comfortable.

RELATED CRUISES: 7-Day Mexican Riviera Cruise: Cabo & Puerto Vallarta 14-Day Caribbean Cruise: Dominican Republic, San Juan & Cozumel 7-Day Caribbean Cruise: Great Stirrup Cay & Dominican Republic

Navigate I-95 Without the Crowds

Our tour guide was charming and delightful like all the staff at Norwegian. He walked us through the I-95, yes you read that correctly, named after the highway, the largest path the staff uses to get around the ship is called the I-95. Unlike the actual I-95, this hallway was organized, open and not overcrowded with people blaring horns - though it did have plenty of hustle and bustle. The walls are different than the lovely interior designed halls you'll find above, stripped of all the fancy makeup, this is where you get to see the bones of the ship with thick piping across the ceiling and shiny non-slip floors.

Starting with the star of the show, the theater, you'll be taken backstage to see the the dressing rooms with glamorous, classic light-bulb mirrors and beautiful costumes neatly hung in rows. You'll also be able to walk across the stage and look out at the sea of roughly 850 plush red velvet chairs. Then you'll see my personal favorite - the sound and lighting booth. Located up on the top of the theater behind the audience is where the real magic happens. These backstage technicians are the backbone of every production that goes on and without them the whole show would go dark, literally. Have your questions ready! Your guide will be happy to tell you all about the shows, training, where the cast auditions and rehearses - it's your time to shine!

Norwegian Behind The Scenes Tour.

Watch How Thousands of Meals Are Prepared

Then there's the kitchen otherwise known as The Galley and let me just say, this was by far the largest kitchen I have ever seen in my life - which makes sense when you have to feed thousands of people breakfast, lunch and dinner every single day. If you've ever worked back of house, this is something that would truly impress you. As you enter, you see a team of workers in crisp, white uniforms, hurriedly prepping and plating with great care and precision. Everything is laid out in organized stations exclusively dedicated to specific tasks and services, down to 24-hour room service. One might say, the staff runs a tight ship, (ha) following strict procedures and recipes to create the perfect meal every time.

From The Galley you'll go to the Provisions Area where you'll get to see massive dry and cold storage rooms and gigantic refrigerators. As they'll explain to you, this is where food is received and stored throughout the cruise. You can ask things like where they source the ingredients, how they limit waste, how the ship gets supplies and all kinds of questions regarding the nitty gritty of bringing fine dining to thousands of hungry travelers across the seven seas.

Venture Below Sea Level

Next, they'll escort you to the enormous laundry room, where you'll get to see how they wash and prepare four tons of laundry every day! You'll see how they separate items, check water sanitation, reserve water waste and more. Also, the laundry room is located below sea level, you wouldn't have any idea being there, but it's pretty cool!

Norwegian Behind The Scenes Tour.

See The Engine Control Room and The Bridge

After that, you'll get access to one of the most important rooms on the ship - the engine control room. Inside, you feel like you're in a spaceship with walls of blinking lights, computer screens, numbers and sounds happening all around, and engineers dressed like astronauts in all white spacesuit-looking jumpers. They'll be able to answer any technical questions you have about the ship.

And finally, you have The Bridge, no that isn't a Star Trek reference, The Bridge is actually what cruise ships call the room where they navigate the ship, and Norwegian is one of the only commercial cruise lines that allows guests in this area. This expansive room of massive windows provides completely unobstructed views of the open ocean, and it is stunning. You'll get to learn about the ship's officers, the command and anything else you want to know about what it takes to be a ship captain. You won't be surprised to know that nowadays it's pretty much 100% automated, but there is still a joystick in case they need to steer the ship manually. It's not the pirate ship wheel you're imagining, though. But not to worry, The Bridge is plenty impressive all on its own.

Norwegian Behind The Scenes Tour.

Afterwards, the tour is done and you can go back to splashing in the sunlight, or enjoying a drink by the pool, all with a whole new understanding of all the work that goes into giving you an incredible vacation. Overall, the tour lasted about an hour and a half and did not feel very long at all, though it did require a bit of walking, it was absolutely worth it. I recommend it for cruisers of pretty much any age. New cruisers and experienced ones, if you haven't done a Norwegian Behind The Scenes Tour, it's definitely something you should consider.

Be sure to sign up for the emails so you're always in the know about the latest cruise deals, itineraries, and special offers.

To book your Behind The Scenes tour, log in to your MyNCL account . Let us know if you've recently taken a tour or have one scheduled on your upcoming cruise!

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Shakespeare's books

Behind-the-scenes tour at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre

The Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of the playwright and poet, was established in 1879 with its own permanent troupe of professional actors. Performances here often feature major stars in the regular Shakespearean productions and high-caliber contemporary plays.

Although attending a performance is highly recommended, a backstage tour offers a fascinating introduction to the history of the theater and the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), as well as giving you an insider's view of the inner-workings of the theater. You'll get a sense of how much goes on in preparation for and during a production, giving you a deeper layer of understanding prior to watching a live performance.

The hour-long, small-group tour begins in the theater’s entrance, where you meet your guide. You're then told a little about the theater's redevelopment, which concluded with the opening of a new performance space in 2010. You then head upstairs to see sections of the theater walls that combine elements of the previous theater on the site and the new.

You discover how the building's architecture affects acoustics as well as the audience experience. You also learn how the new design better reflects the theater conditions audiences would have experienced in Shakespeare's time In the restaurant you can even see three of the old theater seats left hanging in the wall, much further from the stage than the current arrangement.

Next, you head backstage to see behind the scenes in parts of the theater not usually accessible to the public. Visit the dressing rooms, the wardrobe department and the wig-making workshop as well as more technical areas such as the lighting booths, audio description room and direction booths.

In each you learn a little about the work done there and how it contributes to the process of theater-making. You'll gain a basic understanding of the work of the production director who controls the show and get a sense of the precise timings needed for a successful performance.

Then it's off to the main theater, which seats an audience of over 1,000 around three sides of the refurbished stage. After hearing a little about its design and taking a look around you proceed to the adjacent Swan Theatre, a smaller 'in-the-round' performance space based on Elizabethan designs.

As you stroll around the theater your guide's expert knowledge and passion brings the theater and its inner workings to life. Along the way you'll learn about the origins of the RSC, the history of the successive theater buildings which have stood on this site, and about some of the famous players who have graced its stage.

Audley Travel specialist Aislyn

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Photos of Behind-the-scenes tour at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre

Shakespeare's plays

Other experiences in Stratford-upon-Avon

These activities are designed to give you the most authentic experiences around where you're staying. We work with local guides, who use their knowledge and often a resident's eye to show you the main sights and more out-of-the-way attractions. Our specialists can suggest tours and activities that will introduce you to the local ways of life.

Shakespeare's birthplace

Shakespeare's Stratford walking tour

Explore the medieval market town of Stratford-upon-Avon in the company of an expert guide who will walk you through the streets of William Shakespeare's hometown, taking you to his birthplace, school and burial place as the Bard's story unfolds.

Experience it for yourself

You can enjoy this activity as part of the suggested tour below, or we can weave it into a trip shaped entirely around you.


Literary tour through England

9 days from $11,745pp

15 Things That Happen Behind The Scenes At Disneyland

The mystery behind Disneyland is not as enigmatic as you may think; plenty of things happen behind the scenes that you'd never guess.

The first Disney themed amusement park of Disneyland in California has always been magical and mysterious to guests. Its majesty stems from years of building a brand that is now internationally recognized as the most fun place on earth for kids and adults alike. Behind closed doors, however, their outstanding guest-centered hospitality has been because of Disney's strict and rigid rules for its employees.

While all this may be true, the mystery behind Disneyland is not as enigmatic as you may think. While we all would love to be young and innocent at heart, sometimes knowing is better. Keep reading if you are curious to know some of the things that happen behind the scenes at Disneyland.

15 Cast Members Go Through Initiation

Did you know that all staff at Disneyland are referred to as "cast members"? This is because every single employee represents the Disney brand as well as the Disney magic experience for guests. There is also quite an abundance of training to become a cast member, like training at Disney University.

14 Off With Their Heads!

One of the saddest things that happen behind closed doors is the takedown of the Disney magic, like this mascot beheading. Cast members are actually not allowed to take photos behind closed doors so this leaked photo is a rarity.

13 Cast Member Breaks Are On The Down-Low

More often than not, behind the scenes at Disneyland, the hard-working cast members are taking a break. Since they are not allowed to break character in front of guests, they have to unwind behind closed doors to refresh and recharge to bring the "Disney Magic" alive in the park.

12 Storage, Storage, And More Storage

Disneyland is one of the biggest amusement parks in the world, so it should be no surprise with all the setting up that happens, there is an abundance of storage from uniforms to stock for the gift shops. There actually are hundreds of warehouses for storage, making the giant closet its own mini-city that needs its own map.

11 Cats Got Your Tongue?

Disneyland is home to quite the population of stray cats. They've been around since the park opened and are looked after by the employees, so we guess they're here to stay. These feral animals are actually pretty helpful to the park by chasing away the mice. Pretty sure Mickey Mouse should be more scared.

10 Planning And Imagineering Make The Magic

Disney has Imagineers who are the brains behind the park. They do all the research and development that implements their visions into reality. They work tirelessly to make sure all the theme parks are innovative but also tell guests a story with their visual experiences.

9 Knowing The Script Goes For All

Since every employee is known as a cast member and they are seen as always on stage, therefore, everything they say is basically scripted. This goes for all costumed cast members, performers, and even retail cast members!

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8 The Hidden World Below Your Feet

There is a secret world underneath the park full of tunnels and passageways just for employees called "The Utilidor." Since no two of the same characters are allowed to be seen publically together, employees use underground passages to get from place to place in costume.

7 Makeup And Hair For The Fairest In The Land

As long as you are on the clock, cast members have to have the Disney look. This goes especially for mascots, and princesses and princes. For more detailed costumes, there are hair and makeup artists who help everything from fitting wigs to applying lipstick but most cast members are trained to get themselves ready.

6 Security To Keep The Magic, Well, Magical

When real security is needed, it is done on the down-low as much as possible so as to not interrupt any other guests and their experience. There are lots of secret procedures in place to keep the magic alive in the most seamless protocol possible.

Related:  Here's What The Staff At Disneyland Choose Not To Say To Visitors

5 Do You Smell That?

Main Street utilizes patented Air Smellitizer machines that burst smells of food  through vents out to the public. Generally, the Air Smellitizers use vanilla, candy or a popcorn scent except during Christmas when it uses peppermint for a holiday flare.

4 The Mystery Extends To In (And Under) Rides, Too

There are tons of secrets and mysteries at the park for guests to find. This includes the hundreds of hidden Mickey Mouse caricatures around the park or the basketball court located inside the Matterhorn.

3 Storage Of Old Rides And Attractions

As attractions go out of style, Disneyland has to find more square footage for the new ones coming in. So they keep them in their copious storage facilities or sometimes they even repurpose them. Talk about recycling!

Related:  20 Things We Won't See Again At Disneyland By The Year 2030

2 Walt Disney's Apartment Isn't Exactly Hidden

Walt Disney actually had an apartment built for him above the fire station on Main Street to watch the progress of the park when it was first being built. He had a light on in the window to inform workers whenever he was there. Today the light remains on all the time out of respect for Walt's memory.

1 VIP Tours Pull The Curtain Back A Bit

If you are actually interested in behind the scenes at Disneyland, then they actually offer exclusive (and expensive) tours for guests. It is a multi-day tour that lets you peek behind the curtain of one of the most fun places on earth.

Next:  20 Strange (But Real) Pictures Captured At Disneyland

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At LoKal Experiences, we know that travel is about immersing yourself in the local culture, making unforgettable memories, and gaining a deeper understanding of the place you're visiting. That's why we're passionate about providing authentic and enriching experiences to our guests. Our expert guides are all life-long residents of Lancaster County, with extensive knowledge of the area's history, culture, and hidden gems. We've forged close relationships with other locals to provide access to experiences you won't find anywhere else, from behind-the-scenes tours of Amish farms to visits to historic sites and landmarks. If you're looking for something more than just a tour, you've come to the right place. Discover the real Lancaster with LoKal Experiences. 

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MKBHD shares behind-the-scenes look at Apple’s iPhone durability testing [Video]

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Ever wonder how Apple tests its iPhones for dust, water, drop protection, and more? Apple invited MKBHD to check out its special laboratories with custom machines for durability testing as well as talk with Apple’s chief of hardware John Ternus. Check out the fascinating Apple lab footage to see how it all works.

MKBHD shared multiple short videos on X this morning showing the neat behind-the-scenes look at how Apple tests its IP (dust/water) ratings, drop resistance, vibration resistance, and more.

In typical Apple fashion, the labs have extremely detailed machines to thoroughly test each metric.

For example, one of the water ingress tests uses 13 streams of water while it rotates almost 360 degrees, hitting iPhone from all angles.

MKBHD notes there’s an entire room dedicated to just water/dust ingress. And for water alone, there are four levels that Apple tests at:

  • Drip tray simulation
  • Sustained, low-pressure jet spray
  • High-pressure spray from a “literal firehose”
  • Locking the phone underwater plus extra pressure to mimic depth for an extended time

Another interesting tidbit is Apple sometimes tests up to 10,000+ pre-release iPhones for durability.

The behind-the-scenes footage also shows the drop-testing system, vibration-testing system, and a short interview with Apple’s John Ternus discussing repairability, durability testing, and more.

Check it all out in the full thread here:

I recently got to visit some Apple labs where they durability test new iPhones before they come out, and learned a few things (đŸ§”THREAD) #1: Have you actually seen how they water test phones for IP ratings? (video) — Marques Brownlee (@MKBHD) May 29, 2024

Top image by MKBHD

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