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Panduan Road Trip ke Gunung Bromo via Malang, Budget Nggak Sampai 100 Ribu

road trip ke bromo

Author : Admin Adventure

Article Date : 08/10/2023

Article Category : News

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Pengin traveling ke gunung, tapi nggak mau effort hiking ? Cobain deh liburan ke destinasi wisata yang satu ini. Yup, apa lagi kalau bukan Gunung Bromo. Gunung dengan ketinggian 2.329 mdpl ini berada di kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru yang meliputu Kabupaten Probolinggo, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Kabupaten Lumajang, dan Kabupaten Malang.

Di antara empat kabupaten tersebut, Kabupaten Malang jadi salah satu yang paling sering dilewatin wisatawan. Walaupun cukup ekstrem dan menanjak, lo bakal dimanjain sama pemandangan indah di sepanjang jalan. Jalur ini paling seru kalau dilewatin pakai motor, Bro. Namun, disaranin buat nggak pakai motor matik untuk mencegah kecelakaan di jalan licin.

Pengin nyobain road trip ke Bromo via Malang naik motor? Simak panduan dan budget- nya berikut ini, Superfriends.

Panduan Road Trip ke Bromo via Malang

Perjalanan ke Gunung Bromo via Malang naik motor memakan waktu kurang lebih 1,5 jam dengan jarak sekitar 53 km. Rute yang bakal lo lewatin yaitu Kabupaten Malang, Tumbang, Gubugklakah, Ngadas, Jemplang, dan akhirnya sampai ke Gunung Bromo. Kalau pengin dapet sunrise , disarankan buat jalan sebelum jam 3 dini hari.

Setelah sampai di Jemplang, lo bisa lanjutin perjalanan ke Bukit Mentigen buat lihat sunrise. Jarak menuju spot sunrise ini sekitar 10 km atau 30 menit dari Pos Jemplang. Jalur di Bukit Mentigen terbilang masih alami karena cuma berupa jalan setapak yang ditumbuhi pohon pakis dan cantigi. Lo bisa parkir motor di area yang disediain dan jalan kaki menuju puncak bukit.

Sebenernya, ada banyak spot sunrise di Gunung Bromo, seperti Penanjakan, Seruni Point, dan Bukit Cinta. Namun, jarak yang paling dekat dari Jemplang yaitu Bukit Mentigen. Lo bisa pilih yang lebih deket atau lebih jauh.

Setelah puas lihat sunrise, saatnya lo eksplor tempat wisata lain di Gunung Bromo, seperti Bukit Teletubbis, Pasir Berbisik, dan Kawah Gunung Bromo. Semuanya bisa dikunjungi dengan naik motor. Namun, khusus kawah gunung, lo harus jalan kaki sekitar 30 menit buat sampai ke lokasi.

Setelah puas seharian eksplor Bromo, lo bisa balik ke Malang dengan jalur yang sama. Kalau lo pulang dalam kondisi masih terang, lo bisa lihat pemandangan indah di sepanjang jalan, salah satunya area perkebunan apel di Gubugklakah. Kalau lo masih punya tenaga, lo juga bisa mampir ke air terjun Coban Pelangi di Ngadas.

Estimasi Biaya Road Trip ke Bromo via Malang

- Bensin (perkiraan): Rp50 ribu

- Tiket Bromo: Rp29 ribu ( weekday) dan Rp34 ribu ( weekend)

- Tiket masuk motor: Rp5 ribu

Buat disclaimer, estimasi biaya tersebut berlaku buat lo yang punya motor sendiri dan dan belum termasuk makan serta keperluan lainnya. Kalau lo nyewa motor di Malang, lo perlu bayar sewa mulai dari Rp40 ribu per harinya. Selain itu, kalau lo berasal dari daerah lain, ada biaya transportasi yang harus lo tanggung buat menuju Malang, baik itu kereta api, pesawat, maupun travel. Belum lagi bayar hotel di Malang kalau lo berniat buat menginap.

Itu tadi sedikit banyak panduan road trip ke Gunung Bromo via Malang. Tertarik, Superfriends? (arpd)


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Itinerary Road Trip Depok Bromo (Sepanjang Jalan ke Bromo)

* Coretan dari  Road Trip  Depok-Solo-Malang- Bromo-Semarang

road trip ke bromo

Sehari di Semarang memang gak akan cukup buat merasakan semua denyut kota yang cukup besar ini. Dari beberapa pilihan titik wisata, karena ini pertama kalinya buat anak-anak di Semarang, akhirnya kami memilih pilihan yang umum, yang menjadi ikon kota Semarang. Dimulai pagi hari dengan mengunjungi Lawang Sewu , lalu ditutup dengan kelenteng Sam Poo Kong. Gak ketinggalan sebelumnya beli oleh-oleh di bandeng Juwana, dan menu wajib kami kalau ke Semarang, Sate Kambing 29 depan gereja Blenduk.

road trip ke bromo

  • Kami, Bromo, dan Foto (Sekilas Cerita Jalan-jalan ke Bromo)
  • Teluk Kiluan, Seninya tuh di Sini

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Hallo, kami Herwin-Yossie-Lana & Keano, keluarga dengan dua anak penggemar traveling. Backpacking, budget traveling, hiking, & camping bersama anak menjadi favorit kami. Di sini kami berbagi cerita traveling dan pengalaman bertualang. Dan percayalah, bagi anda yang suka traveling dan wisata petualangan, melakukannya bersama anak dan keluarga jauh lebih menantang, sekaligus menyenangkan.

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How to Arrange Your Bromo Tour (The Complete Guide)

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The Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park offers some of the most amazing landscapes in the whole of Indonesia. It is especially beautiful at sunrise as the mist rolls over the valley and the sun rises behind Bromo Volcano. However, arranging a Bromo Tour can be surprisingly difficult. It’s easy to get over charged, stay in the wrong place or make a silly mistake (like not bring a warm coat).

To help you arrange your Bromo trip I created this short guide. The guide covers everything you need to know to arrange a Bromo tour. The guide has been broken down into easy to navigate sections. You can click the link to jump directly to a certain part of the Bromo Tour Guide.

  • Where to Stay: Find Out More
  • Entrance Fee: Find Out More
  • Jeep Rental: Find Out More
  • Bromo Tour: Find Out More
  • Booking a Tour: Find Out More

Let’s get started.

Where to Stay

When you visit Bromo you can stay in one of the following three cities; Malang, Surabaya or Probolinggo. Surabaya is the furthest away from Bromo. It is a 90 minute car drive from Surabaya to Mt Bromo. Malang is a little closer. It is a 60 minute car drive from Malang to Mount Bromo. Probolinggo actually overlooks Mount Bromo.

The 3 Mount Bromo Tours

From surabaya: bromo midnight tour.

If you decide to book a hotel in Surabaya you will join the Bromo Midnight tour. The reason it’s called the Surabaya to Bromo midnight tour package is because you get picked up from your hotel at midnight. From Surabaya you will be driven directly to Bromo for sunrise.

From Malang: Bromo Sunrise Tour

The Bromo Sunrise Tour is for people who are staying in Malang (which is closer to Bromo). The driver of your car will pick you up from your hotel in Malang at 3:30am. It’s a one hour and forty minute to 2,5 hours from Malang to the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park at night. During the day it is around 3-3,5 hours journey. To actually visit Bromo you need to swap cars, because only members of the local community can drive the jeeps you need to take to visit the volcano.

From Probolinggo: Bromo Probolinggo Tour

The Bromo Probolinggo tour is the most convenient of the three options. The hotels in Problinggo actually overlook Mt Bromo volcano. If you are staying in Probolinggo then you have the option of either walking to the Penanjakan viewpoint or renting a jeep to take you there. It’s a 3 hour walk from Probolinggo to Penanjakan, which means that you will need to set off at approximately 1:00 am – 2:00 am to reach the viewpoint for sunrise (the walk is almost all uphill).

Visiting Savana Hill. It’s a beautiful green landscape in the wet season.

Mount Bromo Entrance Fee

There is an entrance fee to enter Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park. For Indonesians the price for entrance to the national park is at around Rp30,000 per person. For foreigners there are two price prices. On weekdays the price for the entrance ticket is at around Rp 240,000. On weekends and Indonesian public holidays the cost is at around Rp 340,000.

Jeep Rental

To take the Bromo tour you will need to arrange a jeep rental. There are two different tours you can choose from, the short tour and the long tour. On the short tour you will visit Penanjakan Viewpoint to watch sunrise and climb Mount Bromo Volcano, before returning to your hotel/ driver.

If you go on the long tour you will go to Savana Hill and Whispering Sands (Sea Sands). You can arrange a jeep rental on arrival in Bromo, but it is more convenient and cheaper to pre-book the jeep. All of the jeep rentals at Bromo are pretty much the same model. A Bromo jeep rental can fit up to five passengers. The price for a Bromo jeep rental changes according to the tourist season. See the table below for more information on jeep rental prices.

Mt Bromo Tour

If you take either the Bromo Mindnight or Bromo Sunrise tours you will need to change cars to a jeep to get to Penanjakan. If you are staying in the Bromo National Park area the jeep will pick you up at your hotel. Penanjakan does get really crowded for sunrise. There will be a big crowd. For the best experience visit on a weekday, because it’s not as packed and it’s also cheaper (it’s still quite busy though).

Whichever tour you take, the first place you will stop is Penanjakan viewpoint (or other viewpoints such as King Kong Hill, Cinta Hill, etc). This is where you will watch sunrise from (it’s where everybody takes those beautiful photos that Bromo is so famous for). There’s a perfect 15 minutes or so to take some amazing photos and then it’s over for another day. Those 15 minutes are worth waking up really early in the morning for.

Climbing Bromo

After sunrise the jeep will take you to Bromo crater. It is a 25-minute car drive from Penanjakan to the crater. The jeep will drop you off on the dusty valley floor. From there it’s a relaxing 30-minute walk to the crater. If you have children, or you just want to do something different, you can ride a horse to the crater.

It is an easy climb to the top of Bromo crater. On the final part of the climb there are concrete stairs dug into the side of the crater. From the top of Mount Bromo you can look inside the crater, which is normally smoking. Many locals throw offerings into the crater. The view from the top are really beautiful. If you are on the short tour the driver will take you back to your hotel after climbing Mt Bromo.

The rugged landscape of Whispering Sands.

The Long Bromo Jeep Tour

After you’ve climbed the volcano you will visit the Tengger Sea Sands and the Savanna Hill.  This part of the tour takes around an hour. During the tour you can ask the driver to stop so you can take some photos. The landscape is really impressive. At the Tengger Sand Sea you see the volcanic sand. This area is popular for people who do off road motocross.

In the Savannah area you are surrounded by an island of green (or brown-ish if it is dry season). The visit to these two places is a real chance to see the contrasts in the landscape of Mount Bromo. On the tour of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park you’re guaranteed to take beautiful photos that you’ll want to share with your family and friends.

Arranging a Bromo Tour

The Bromo tour is really special. The view of the sunrise is an unforgettable experience. You can probably understand why I tell all my friends they have to join this tour if they visit Surabaya or Malang or Probolinggo. To help you arrange a tour without the usual hassle I’ve partnered with some local independent drivers and we can take care everything.

Here’s What’s Included in the Package:

  • Pick up from your hotel or the train station/ airport
  • Transport in a comfortable car
  • Experienced local driver
  • Entrance costs for Bromo
  • Drop off at your hotel

FYI Bromo is an active volcano. We do monitor the volcanic activity at the crater. Sometimes people are not allowed to visit the crater when the authorities request the visitors to be 1-3 km away from the crater. You can still enjoy the amazing landscape of Bromo.

Interested in joining the Bromo tour and visiting the most famous tourism sites in East Java? Press the button below to find out more.

Have you ever visited Bromo? Do you have any tips, advice or places you’d recommend?

Next post Review: Tugu Hotel Blitar

Previous post 9 fun and interesting things to do in blitar.


About the Author Firsta

Related posts, bromo marathon: racing towards the future.

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Take me there kak Fisrta…. 🙂

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Ah Kak Indra, namaku aja salah tulis. 🙁 Yuk berkunjung ke pulau Jawa, nanti kita main ke Bromo!

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keren kali kak Fistra!

Thanks Kak Wira 🙂

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Very nice article, Firsta. Masih terus terkagum-kagum kalau baca blog yg pake Bahasa Inggris. Kapan aku bisa nulis casciscus gitu ya 😀 *e koq malah curcol

Yes, you give so much reason to come back to Bromo. Longing for it 😉

Thank you Uniek! Namanya seru sekali 🙂 Ini jg masih banyak latihan, dan kadang masih suka aku revisi karena kalau dibaca lagi suka ada yg aneh / salah tulis. Hahahaa.. Yes, I really want to go to Bromo again! Hopefully in the near future. Thanks for dropping by here, Cheers!

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bagus…….. aku punya kenalan anjing disana, namanya ROCKY…

What? Mas Arik, anjingnya domisili sebelah mananya Bromo? :p

Di warungny mas Adi, sebelah timur pangkalan bensin buat jeep. https://www.facebook.com/arik.bintang/media_set?set=a.4275326685054.2180677.1342818519&type=3

[…] – Bromo, Baduy, Bale Kambang and so much […]

[…] over 7,000 feet to challenge the skyline with impudent spumes, the still-active Mount Bromo is a cantankerous old volcano that shows no sign of retiring. Particularly impressive at sunrise, […]

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I just discovered Mt Bromo while researching for inspiring weekend getaway from Brunei. There is a direct flight to Surabaya from here and I am so tempted to see Mt Bromo. Your article convinced me to visit, but the flock of tourists may change my feeling about visiting. Just want to compliment on your article 🙂

Hi Emily, Thank you for your kind words and the visit to my blog. You should go to Bromo. 🙂 Promise that you will not regret. :p It is pretty amazing!

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Firs..ini kyknya gw mau ke bromo december nanti.. hehe.. waktu itu elo berangkat dr mana dan sewa mobil ga yah? hehe

Jenitaaa.. Aku udah kirim infonya by email yaa. 🙂

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Great articles! Very inspiring. What is the best way to get from Yogyakarta to Surabaya or Probolinggo? We are leaving in one week to Indonesia 🙂 I’m very excited.

Kind regards, Ayla

Hi Ayla. Thanks for the kind feedback. I’d recommend taking the train from Yogyakarta to Surabaya or alternatively the plane. It really depends on your timetable and budget. If you haven’t done the train before I think it’s worth it though 🙂 Hope that helps.

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Thanks for your information. Can you please email me a package for a midnight tour from Surabaya airport?

Hi Anton, We sent you an email on Sept 22. Please let me know if you receive the email ok. Look forward to hearing back from you, Anton.

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Can you help me with the tour, i fly from Jog to Surabaya and from Suryabaya i intend to stay at Malang so i can avoid the midnight ride to Bromo, can you help me with best way to get to Malang frm Suryabaya airport. i would like you to help me stay and a tour for Bromo as well, from here i intend to flyout to Bali. appreciate your help

Though on the google maps you can go to Bromo through Wonokitri / Poncokusumo, but it is not the usual route. I personally never tried it. I always go through Probolinggo, this means it takes 3-4 hours drive from Malang to Bromo. From Surabaya to Bromo is 4-5 hours. The best way to travel from Surabaya to Malang is by rent a private car. If you don’t want to do anything in Malang, it is better to go straight from Surabaya to Bromo. When is your travel date? Please get in touch with us through email: [email protected] . Thank you.

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Hye Firsta..ur article is very helpful for me to plan my trip to Bromo next April 2018. Im looking forward to experience milky way in Bromo..heard the view was awesome!! Can u give any tips on combining the milky way session with sunrise?will be reaching at Juanda Airport airport around 5:55p.m. Is the camping site at Bromo being recommended anyway?and if it yes, any suggestion on how to rent it for a night?

Hi Sue, I don’t have the experience of camping in Bromo so I don’t know if they have a campsite around the area. My suggestion is to stay overnight at Lava View Lodge, it is one of the best lodges in Bromo in regards to location. From in front of the lodge, you can see the Bromo volcano, Mount Batok, etc. The view is something like this (I took this shot). You can come out from the hotel around 10-11 pm or 1 AM to see the milky way. You can get some rest afterwards and start the sunrise tour with the jeep at 3:30 AM. Hope this helps. If you are interested in arranging the tour with us, complete the form closer to your travel date (1,5 months before is sufficient). Have a good day!

Thanks Firsta for your prompt reply.. the shot is so beautiful!!!

Thanks Sue!

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Hi Firsta. Very Useful information. I am planning to visit mount bromo in march 2019 and may I know what time i should arrive the Surabaya airport if i wish to join the 3 days 2 night Bromo and Ijen tour which mean pick me up in the airport directly.

Arrival max at 10 am on day 1 is the best. 🙂

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Could you please send me detail and price of Bromo tour. We plan to come at Surabaya airport at 9:00 am in 22.11. Thank you.

We sent you an email. Hope you receive it ok. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Plan March 2019. Deciding go on weekday or weekend. From surabaya Town.

Hi Jerry, We have sent you an email. Look forward to hearing back from you. 🙂 Bromo is a very popular tourist destination in Indonesia so it is mostly busy. However usually weekday is better than weekend.

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Halo Kak Firsta salam kenal, kalau berkunjung ke Bromo di bulan Desember apakah recommended Kak? rencana ingin hunting sunrise dan milkyway, thank you Kak Firsta!

Dear Hutama, Sekarang ini sudah masuk musim hujan, biasanya sampai Maret. Kalau musim hujan seperti ini biasanya kesempatan lihat sunrise dan milkyway-nya lebih kecil.

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Hi Firsta, Thanks for your useful information. I’m going to Bali in March 2019 and planning to go to Ubud, visit Mt Batur, Lombok, Bromo and Ljen in 2 weeks. Can you give me some advice to fit all all those places in 2 weeks. Thank you x

Dear Phuong Le, Sure. I’ll get in touch through email. Speak soon.

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Hi! Im going to do a bromo + ijen 3d2n in late feb. Any guide/tours for this? Theres 3 of us.

Dear Steph, Yes, we can help to arrange that. We will contact you through email. Speak soon.

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We are going to bromo + Ijen 4 days 3 nights. Any guide or tour for 4 pax on 7/2/19 to 10/2/19.Thanks

Hi Chea Sow Eng, I have sent an email to you. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Firstly thank you so much for this very informative article.

I am traveling from Singapore, and wish to visit Bromo, Ijen, as well as head onward to Borobudur.

We are two young adults traveling with a 1 year old baby. Heard that Ijen is very sulfuric. Is it suitable for a young baby?

Is the best way to do this trip to book a tour before arriving in Indonesia? Or can I book a tour when I am there?

Dear J Choo,

We have sent a reply through email on Jan 28. Hope you receive it ok. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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I am planning for midnight tour to bromo from Surabaya. Single traveller. Please let me know the available packages.

Dear Azsrina,

We have sent a reply through email. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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hey there, we are planning to visit mt bromo from jakarta around mid of june..also wish to see milky way..we are a group of 4 adults n 1 kid please lemme knw the best pacakage

Hi Manisha,

I’ll get in touch through email. Speak soon.

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Hi planning for 5d4n to bromo/ijen in aug 2019

Hi YC, We have sent you an email. Please let us know if you receive it ok. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hello, I am a KITAS holder and i really want to go to brom from surabaya. I have asked to a travel agent and they said I have to pay for bule price for this year (2019). I always have local price in Indonesia (borobudur, bali, komodo island). Is this thing true?

Hi Elizabeth, Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I think started from 2016 or 2017, you can’t get a local price with Kitas anymore.

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Hey Firsta, my girlfriend and I have just arrived to an airbnb in Malang and we are looking for a genuine driver willing to take us to either one of these Bromo tours or to a bromo tour followed by Tumpak Sewu. Do you have anyone honest to recommend as most drivers start throwing the randomest numbers out there thinking that we “bule” produce money out of our ass ? And it’s definitely not the case. Please help ???

Hi Benjamin, Riri sent you an email a few days ago, but I think its probably too late. Hope you had a great time in Indonesia.

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Dear Fiesta,

We are planning to do a 3d2n Bromo Ijen tour on 2nd of June. Any tips?

4-5 June is Idul Fitri, it is one of the biggest Muslim celebrations in Indonesia. Usually some destinations especially those in Java will be quite packed and the traffic will be generally bad. If you can, I recommend to change your travel date.

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Dear Firsta, Looking to do the Bromo & Ijen tour 7th and 8th of May. I’m a single traveller on a tight budget. Could you please help me out? Thanks!

Dear Danique, Unfortunately we don’t have recommendation for a shared tour for Bromo and Ijen. We only run a private tour arrangement. Hope you can find something and have a great time in Indonesia.

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Hai, saya Faridha dari Bandung rencana long tour Bromo di awal Juli sekitar tgl 5. Kalo saya menginap di Plataran Bromo jam brp Jeep jemput ? Dan berapa biaya nya ? Terimakasih

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Hi Firsta, thanks for your informative guide. Me and my girlfriend will be in Probolinggo in the first two weeks of August and want to do a Bromo tour. How much is the long tour for this period? And are there any options to do a two day tour with a night near Bromo?

Kind regards,

Dear Jon, My colleague Riri has sent you an email. Please let me know if you receive it ok. PS: Please check your spam folder too. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hello, I will travel to Bali on 12th of June and will stay in Ubud. Would you please give me an advice how can i arrange to book a Bromo tour 3D2N? I’d love to join it, from 13th is okay to me. This is the first time i visit Bali…?, your recomendation is really valuable to me. Can you send me tge detail of the tour and price as well? Thanks. Have a great day! Best regards, Emma

Sorry for the late reply. I have sent you an email. Look forward to hearing back from you soon.

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Hi Firsta I would like to do a Bromo-Ijen tour 16-19 Jun. Can you please send me an itinerary with prices, inclusions/exclusions. I am available from evening of 16th from Surabaya and would like to be back there at the end of tour. I am single and would appreciate help. I am also okay to extend the tour by a day if necessary but would prefer to be back on Wednesday night at Surabaya. Thanks.

Hi Varun, Sorry for the late reply. We have sent an email to you. Hope you receive it ok.

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Hi can i know a packages to the bromo and ijen

I have sent you an email yesterday. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Firsts Read ur article on Mount Bromo .Interesting.should I carry warm clothing.Is the temperature on minus degree now

Dear Vasantha, yes, bring a warm jacket. It can be as cold as 3C. You can also rent a warm jacket on the spot, if you don’t bring any.

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What a complete guide you have here, kak! I’m sure everyone will need this guide. Nice post 😀

Hi Walter! Thanks for dropping by 🙂 Hope to see you again sometimes in the future! Safe travels and keeps on blogging.

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Hi Firsta, I will be travelling to Surabaya in Oct 2019 with my husband and two kids age 4 & 2 years old respectively. We are planning to do the 1 day sunrise tour. Would need some advice from you.

I have sent you an email a few days ago. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hi, I am thinking to go bromo. I have 4 days 3 night on August 2019. Can u recommend different type of tour. Can I bring my 11 n 13 years old kids along?

Hi Yolanda, Yes, you can definitely bring your 11 and 13 yo kids. We have sent you an email a few days ago. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hi Frista, I will be there with my 2 friends in August 2019. We will need a guide from Surabaya airport. We reach Surabaya in the morning around 9.30 am. Need your favor to give us complete guide to enjoy our trip in Bromo.

My colleague will email you the details. Thank you.

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Me and 2 two are planning to go to Bromo from Malang. We are planning to arrive by train at 3:30am and go directly to Bromo. I have no idea if it is possible but we were thinking to go to Probolinggo after Bromo instead of coming back to Malang.

We would like to know if it is an executable idea, and how should we do in terms of renting the car, the tour, etc etc.. ? Can you please help us with that?

Thank you a lot in advance, Diogo Aguiar

I have sent an email to you. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hi, there is 2 of us arriving on Saturday night in Surabaya airport at 11pm and would like to go to Mount Bromo straight from there. Would it possible to let me know prices. Thank you Mauricio

Hi Mauricio, we’ll get in touch through email. Speak soon.

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Hey Firsta!

We like to have the long tour with starting in Malang on Wednesday the 25th. We are 2 people. Do you have prices and can you arrange the tour, starting at our hotel? Please leave me a mail.

Best regards Marcus

Hi Marcus, I have sent you an email. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

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Hello Fiesta,

I would like to go this Monday, I am alone, is it possible to arrange a tour fro. Malang?

Hi Jorge, I have sent you an email. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hi Firsta, my husband and I are interested in a Bromo Tour next week. Best, Christina

Hi Christina, We sent you an email 5 days ago. We haven’t heard anything back from you. I hope you receive it ok.

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Hi! Can I check the price for the Bromo tour?

We have sent two emails to you. Hope you receive it ok.

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Hi, 1. Is Ijen safe for a 6 year old child? 2. Surabaya–> Bromo/Ijen –> Batu, Malang (price for the transfers/package please)

Dear Shazwani,

My colleague Riri sent you an email. We need more information from you to be able to send a quotation. Look forward to hearing back from you.

' src=

Hi there, What will the price be if picking up from Plataran Bromo? And is it possible to visit Madakaripura Waterfall as well?

Hi Ru, We will get in touch through email. Thank you.

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i wish to do a 3-4days trip to Surabaya that include : Mt.Bromo, Tumpak Sewu and Madakaripura waterfalls.

May i know any suggested itinerary and price.

Traveling date : 23 JAn – 28 Jan 20201

Thanks for the message. We have sent you an email a few days ago. I wonder if you receive it ok.

' src=

Me & my family plan to visit Bromo in June. We’ll arrive from Surabaya. Could you send me the itinerary for private tour please. We plan stay stay 3-5 for this trip. Sincerely- Ana

Dear Ana, I have sent an email to you (please check the Junk folder if you can’t see it in your inbox). Look forward to hearing from you.

' src=

Dear Firsta,,

Apa khabar, saya physically disabled (using elbow crutches). Is it possible for me to enjoy Mount Bromo trip ?

Hi Rosli, I think it should be fine. The journey to the crater will be challenging. You can take a horse, but you need to hike some stairs. Bromo is also nice to see from afar (from the viewpoint or several points around the sea sands and the savannah, which you don’t need to hike to reach). Take care!

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The Pinay Solo Backpacker Itinerary Blog


by thepinay solobackpacker | Jan 12, 2019 | Bromo , Indonesia , Itinerary , Travel Guide | 0 comments

Here’s a detailed Bromo itinerary and budget. I also created a DIY Bromo Travel Guide and how to do the Bromo sunrise tour from Cemoro Lawang or Surabaya.   

Rugged peaks of the Tennger mountains pierce the morning mist in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. The view here during sunrise is mesmeric, as the whispering lava sand and the nearby massif are draped by fog. This popular volcanic complex in East Java is composed of the jaw-dropping Mt.Batok, Mt.Bromo, Mt.Semeru, Mt. Widodaren, and the Tengger Caldera. It is one of the first Indonesian Parks established as a recreational and tourism resource because of its breath-snatching scenery, for watershed protection, and as safeguard zone when the volcanoes here erupt.  Its territory, which is dappled with casuarina trees, is actually composed of nature reserved and other protected areas with endemic plants and typical Java wildlife.

Over the years, Mt.Bromo has attracted throngs of tourists, but despite the crowd it brings, it remains undeniably stunning.  The name Bromo is believed to be derived from the Sanskrit word “Brahma”, the highest god in the Hindu religion, so, it’s actually a holy mountain for the locals.  Here’s a detailed Mt. Bromo travel guide with sample Mt.Bromo itinerary and budget to help you plan your trip. You can do it by joining a Mt.Bromo tour (group of private tour) or by doing a DIY Bromo travel.



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The Tenggerese drew comfort from a legend that the same great lava flows that occasionally devastated their farms also protect their land. The Tenggerese (also Tengger) is a small group of indigenous people of Java living on the slopes of the Tengger mountains.  They are believed to be the only surviving bloodline of the Hindu-Majapahit Empire. But when the Dutch arrived and established plantation agriculture here, converting sprawling lands into the production of sugarcane and coffee, the Tenggerese were increasingly forced up into the mountains.

Based on anecdotes, sometime in the 14th century, Roro Anteng (the Princess of Majapahit Empire) with her husband Joko Seger fled to Bromo when their kingdom was gradually replaced by Islamic Rule. They ruled the place and named it “Tengger”, derived from their last name. While they formerly call their religion “Buddha Jawa”, their beliefs are said to be closer to Hinduism than Buddhism.

Despite the Kingdom’s success, the couple was unable to conceive an heir. So, they prayed to the gods of Bromo to give them successors. The gods granted their request, but in return they need to throw their last born into the crater as a sacrifice. The couple then had many children. But when their last child named Prince Kesuma was born. They refused to make him as an offer. This anger the gods and Mt.Bromo rumbled and spewed fire, fumes, and ash. This claimed the life of Prince Kesuma who was dragged to the volcano’s crater.

To appease the gods, the couple and their descendants held an annual ceremony called Kasodo at the temple on the foot of Bromo. On the 14th day, they all climbed the volcano and threw their offerings to the still angry crater.  This ceremony is still practiced today, as Mt.Bromo continue to simmer and spew white wisps of smoke rising into thin air.


Mt.Bromo climate

WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO VISIT MT.BROMO:  The best season to visit Mt. Bromo is during the dry season – April to October. And the best months to visit are May to August with lesser chance of rain.

MT.BROMO TIMEZONE: GMT + 7 Hours (1 hour behind Manila)

BROMO CURRENCY AND MONEY EXCHANGE: The currency here is Indonesian rupiah (IDR), you can exchange money at Surabaya airport or at money exchange centers. However, the best rate is still the bank’s rate.  I prefer withdrawing from ATMs scattered in Surabaya or at Surabaya airport. Stack up cash (Indonesian Rupiah) as everything is on cash basis here.

Current exchange rate is IDR 14,470 = ₱52 = $1

BROMO ELECTRICITY: Type C and F, 230 Volts, 50Hz

BROMO WI-FI: Pick up your sim card upon arrival at Jakarta Airport to enjoy staying connected online with your 3G/4G connection.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”]   RESERVE HERE


  Sneakers or hiking shoes

Hiking pants

Thick, warm, Jacket (if you don’t want to bring one since it’s bulky and will take up a space in your luggage, you can rent one at Penanjakan Hill)

Gloves (you can buy cheap gloves at Cemoro Lawang from touts)

Cotton shirt

Flashlight or headlamp

Scarf or mask


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[wp-svg-icons icon=”home” wrap=”i”]  1. Surabaya

The capital of East Java, this is where the airport is located and is the farthest from Bromo. But budget hotels here are cheaper.

You can book cheap Bromo sunrise tour here for hassle-free travel. BOOK TOUR HERE .  If you want to maximize your tour, you can book a Marakapidura Waterfall + Bromo tour. DISCOUNTED HERE


  West Surabaya Homey


Oyo 179 68 Residence

Max One’s Hotel

Weta International Hotel

[wp-svg-icons icon=”home” wrap=”i”]  2. Malang

Another popular base for Bromo tour is Malang, about 1 hour away. There’s also an airport here but it’s quite hard to find flights. There’s a train station too, but the one in Probolingo is nearer to Bromo.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”home” wrap=”i”]   3.  Probolingo

This base is closer to Bromo compared to the two above. This is where the bus and train stations are located. There are also hotels in the area.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”home” wrap=”i”]  4.  Ngadisari

This village is about 3 km back towards Probolingo.  This is where I stayed during my 1 st visit to Bromo in 2010, because the tour package I availed in Yogyakarta booked me in Yoschi Hotel , a rustic hotel with lots of character.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”home” wrap=”i”]   5.  Wonokitri

Also closer to Mt.Bromo, but I don’t have much information on this.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”home” wrap=”i”]  6.  Cemoro Lawang

This is the recommended area to stay for those on a budget as it is peppered with cheap homestays. This is also the closest to Mt. Bromo, located at the tip of the Tengger crater. Our hotel is located in this area on our most recent trip.

We stayed in Jiwa Jiwa Resort, a mid-ranged hotel in Cemoro Lawang.

Jiwa Jiwa Resort

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] CHECK ROOM RATES HERE


Bromo Otix Guesthouse

Cemoro Lawang, Bromo

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”]  CHECK ROOM RATES HERE

Cahyo Homestay

Hotel Bromo Permai

Bromo Ecolodge

Bromo Camphouse


How to get to mt.bromo.

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OPTION 1 (*Recommended if you have limited time.)

If you opt for this route, I recommend you do this if you are traveling alone:

  • Fly from Jakarta  or Bali to Surabaya via Airasia.
  • Join a group tour to Bromo.

Here’s a detailed Bromo Travel Guide from Surabaya:

  By Plane:

Juanda International Airport (Surabaya Airport) serves Sidorajo Regency in East Java.  It is located in Sedati, about 20 km drive from the city center. It is one of the nearest airports to Mt.Bromo, along with the Malang Airport (however, the flights to Malang from other parts of Indonesia is irregular).

If you are coming from Jakarta, Airasia has direct flights to Surabaya, the earliest flight leaves at 5:00 AM. Fare starts at $54.84 (₱/IDR728.20/SGD 73.62/MYR 446.62) and travel time is about 1 hour and 20-35 minutes.  Book here: Airasia.com

To get to Mt.Bromo by DIY travel, from Surabaya, you have to make your way to the town of Probolingo and then Cemoro Lawang.


  1.By Bus: There are several buses from Surabaya Airport to Surabaya City Center.  Fare is IDR 30,000 (₱111,$2,SGD 2.88, MYR 8.72)  and travel time is about 50 minutes.

  Bus Line 1: Surabaya Airport to Purabaya Station

Bus Line 2: Surabaya Airport to Ttanjung Perak Station

Bus Line 3: Surabaya Airport to Bunder Gresik Station

*Purabaya Station is the main bus station in Surabaya, with buses heading to Bromo and other parts of Surabaya.

2.By Private Car: If you want a hassle-free transfer, you can hire a private car to transfer you from the Surabaya Airport (Juanda Airport) to your hotel in Surabaya. Depending on the vehicle, it’s good for 2-3 and 4-5 passengers. Inclusive of driver, gas, toll fee, parking fee, and airport fee.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] BOOK HERE

3.By Taxi: Fixed coupon cabs are available at Surabaya Airport. Travel time to the city center is about 40 minutes. Blue Bird Taxi are the most reliable.

4.By Ride Sharing: Gojek and Grab are available in Surabaya.


By Tour:   Tour packages also abound in Surabaya to Mt.Bromo, usually include hassle-free transfer to Sukapura village or Cemoro Lawang where you ride the 4×4 jeep to Mt.Penanjakan Hill for the Mt.Bromo sunrise tour, and then transfer back to your hotel in Surabaya. I would recommend this if you are alone and you have limited time since you no longer have to deal with the touts when transferring between Probolingo and Cemoro Lawang. This tour package will end up cheaper if you are a solo traveler than doing DIY tour to Bromo from Surabaya that will involve staying overnight in Cemoro Lawang.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] RESERVE BROMO TOUR HERE

By DIY Travel: If you plan to do a DIY Tour, here’s a step by step guide from Surabaya to Probolingo to Cemoro Lawang. Take note though that you will end up paying more than joining a tour package from Surabaya especially if you are a solo traveler, but if you want to soak in the atmosphere in Bromo and you want to do the tour at your own pace, by all means, do it DIY.

1.Go to Purabaya Bus Station in Surabaya .

2.At Purabaya Bus Station, ride a bus or minibus to Probolinggo . Travel time is about 3 hours.

3.At Probolingo, make your way to Bayuangga Bus Terminal .

4.At Bayuangga Bus Terminal, change to minibus to Cemoro Lawang. Fare is roughly IDR 35,000 per person. But the minibus only leaves once full, they need about 15 passengers. If you miss the bus or you can no longer wait for the bus to get full, you can pay for the other seats (around IDR 525,000 for the whole minibus), or split that cost with other tourists. If you miss the bus, you can go with those private taxi or bemo (minivan) to Cemoro Lawang. Prepare around IDR 350,000 for 1 taxi or bemo, depending on your haggling skill. Travel time is about 1.5 hours.

5. The minibus will stop over at the ticket office where passengers need to pay IDR 10,000 each as entrance fee to Cemoro Lawang .

6.At Cemoro Lawang, look for your hotel or homestay.

7. At Cemoro Lawang, rent a 4 x 4 jeep or go hike to Penanjakan Hill, the sunrise viewpoint. Touts will offer you the 4 x 4 jeepney, it’s up to you if you want to take this, prepare around IDR for 1 jeep, good for 3 persons.

Otherwise, you can hike for about 1 to 1.5 hours to the sunrise viewpoint. Ask for directions from your hotel staff. The 4×4 jeep will usually pick up tourists for the Bromo sunrise tour around 2:00 AM. If you are a solo traveler, you may also join group tours for 4×4 jeep instead of paying for the entire jeep, inquire with the travel agencies, your hotel or the touts.

Whether you will go by 4 x 4 jeep, motorcycle, or walk on foot, 2:00 – 2:30 AM is the recommended time to start your tour.

8.Pay the entrance fee for Mt.Bromo National Park. For foreigners, the fee is IDR 218,000 during weekdays and IDR 320,000 on weekends and holidays. For locals, fee is IDR 28,000 on weekdays and IDR 38,000 on holidays and weekends.

IMPORTANT: There are a lot of touts in bus stations in Probolingo to Cemoro Lawang, the yellow minibus will drop you at the private van or bus terminals owned by local tour agencies and convince you to take the “taxi” or bemo (minivan) with them (they do this because they get a commission for every passenger that books with the the tour operator). You can take it if you want, if not, just follow the directions above and make sure you use your Google Maps to check of you are actually at the public bus terminal called Bayuangga Bus Terminal. However, the public buses leaving for Cemoro Lawang will only leave once full. It could take up to 3:00 PM, after that, you have no choice but to avail of  those private van or bus. Use your haggling skills if that’s the case.

OPTION 2 (By Train + DIY Tour)

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  If you’ll do this, here’s the summary:

  1.Train from Yogyakarta to Bromo , or if you are already in Surabaya, you can get on the train to Probolinggo.  But you have to head first to Surabaya Gubeng Station, about 20 km from Surabaya Airport.  You can go there by taxi or by ride sharing app – Grab.

2.Upon arrival at Probolingo Train Station, exit the station and walk opposite to the bus station.

3.Ride the yellow minibus to Bayuangga Station in Probolinggo.

4.Ride bemo to Cemoro Lawang.

5.Pay Cemoro Lawang entrance fee.

6.Check-in at hotel/homestay

7.Book Bromo sunrise group tour or rent a 4×4 jeep.

8.Pay Mt.Bromo National Park fee.

9.Bromo tour.

Here’s the comprehensive travel guide to Bromo from Yogyakarta and Probolinggo.

By Tour: When I first visited Mt.Bromo in 2010, I just joined a group tour package from Yogyakarta that includes an overnight stay in one of the hotels in Probolingo, one-way transfer to Probolingo, and Mt.Bromo sunrise tour via 4×4 jeepney. It was hassle-free, since you don’t have to deal with the touts. You can inquire the rates from tour agencies in Yogyakarta.

  By Train: There’s no Airasia flight from Yogyakarta to Surabaya, so, you either have to take a flight back to Jakarta and fly to Surabaya from there (like we did), or take the train from Yogyakarta to Probolingo.  Travel time is about 8 hours.

  There are 3 train stations in Yogyakarta with trains to Probolingo:

Tugu Station (Yogyakarta): This train station is in the city center (near Maliboro Street and the backpacker street of Sosrowijayan) with economy, executive, and business class trains.

Lempuyangan Station: Also located in Yogyakarta city but a little farther from the city center and Tugu Station. Check Google Maps. This is where you can board economy trains.

Wates Station: Has economy trains to Probolingo.

Economy Class(Lempuyangan) – starts at ₱257.49 (IDR 70,000/$4.96/SGD 7)

Economy Class (Tugu Station) – starts at ₱827.63 (IDR 225,000/$15.96/SGD 21.47)

Business Class – starts at ₱827.63 (IDR 225,000/$15.96/SGD 21.47)

Executive Class – starts at ₱1,121.90 (IDR 305,000/$21.63/SGD 29.11)

Here’s the train schedule for Yogyakarta to Probolinggo:

Take note that the train station indicated below is the departure train station, all trains will arrive at Probolingo Station. Rates may change without prior notice. The earlier you book, the lower the price.

Here’s the train schedule for Probolinggo to Yogyakarta:

Take note that the train station indicated below is the arrival train station, all trains will depart from Probolingo Station. Rates may change without prior notice. The earlier you book, the lower the price.


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Here’s a step by step guide from Probolingo to Cemoro Lawang.

  If arriving by train:

  • Train from Yogyakarta to Probolingo . IDR 70,000 – IDR 305,000
  • Arrive at Probolingo Train Station.
  • Exit the train station. Walk to the opposite side and look for the yellow mini-buses to Bayuangga Bus Terminal . Ignore the touts saying those buses won’t go to the terminal or will leave late. They will talk you to take the private taxi where they will get a commission.
  • Ride yellow minibus to Bayuangga Bus Terminal. Fare is IDR 5,000 – IDR 25,000 per person depending on your haggling skill. Transit time is about 10 minutes. Check Google Maps or the Map.me app to make sure you are the right bus terminal. The driver might drop you in front of a tour agency instead of the bus terminal itself, insist on being dropped off at the Bayuangga Bus Terminal, which is further down the road on the left side.
  • At Bayuangga Bus Terminal, change to minibus to Cemoro Lawang. Fare is roughly IDR 35,000 per person. But it only leaves once full, they need about 15 passengers. If you miss the bus or you can no longer wait for the bus to get full, you can pay for the other seats (around IDR 525,000 for the whole minibus), or split that cost with other tourists. If you miss the bus, you can go with those private taxi or bemo (minivan) to Cemoro Lawang. Prepare around IDR 350,000 for 1 taxi or bemo, depending on your bargaining skill. Travel time is about 1.5 hours.
  • The minibus will stop over at the ticket office where passengers need to pay IDR 10,000 per person as entrance fee to Cemoro Lawang.
  • At Cemoro Lawang, look for your hotel or homestay.
  • Touts will offer you the 4 x 4 jeepney . It’s up to you if you want to take this, prepare around IDR for 1 jeep, good for 3 persons. Otherwise, you can hike for about 45-60 minutes to the sunrise viewpoint. Ask for directions from your hotel staff. The 4×4 jeep will usually pick up tourists for the Bromo sunrise tour around 2:00 AM. If you are a solo traveler, you may also join group tours for 4×4 jeep instead of paying for the entire jeep, inquire with the travel agencies, your hotel or the touts.
  • Pay the entrance fee for Mt.Bromo National Park. For foreigners, the fee is IDR 218,000 during weekdays and IDR 320,000 on weekends and holidays. For locals, fee is IDR 28,000 on weekdays and IDR 38,000 on holidays and weekends.

IMPORTANT: There are a lot of touts when doing a DIY travel from Probolingo to Cemoro Lawang, the yellow minibus will drop you at the private van or bus terminals owned by local tour agencies and convince you to take the “taxi” or bemo (minivan) with them. This makes it quite confusing and unfortunately many foreign travelers call this as a scam. You can take it if you want or just follow the directions above and make sure you use your Google Maps to check of you are actually at the public bus terminal called Bayuangga Bus Terminal. However, the public buses leaving for Cemoro Lawang will only leave once full. It could take up to 3:00 PM, after that, you have no choice but to avail of  those private van or bus.

You can try using Grab, but as per reviews on Tripadvisor, it only works around Probolingo. If you try to book to Cemoro Lawang (around IDR 180,000 ), the driver reportedly usually cancel the booking once near and will try to haggle the price with you. Some will also request you to walk a few meters away from the bus terminals for fear of retaliation from the touts or the bus drivers of private transport companies. They might charge extra, or ask for about IDR 550,000 to take you to Cemoro Lawang.


  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by gael | thepinaysolobackpacker (@thepinaysolobackpacker) on Jan 11, 2019 at 7:05pm PST

  1.By 4×4 jeep. Good for 3-4 persons. The most convenient. The sunrise tour typically starts at 2:00 AM to 2:30 AM. Here’s the rate of the 4 x4 jeep (Toyota Land Cruisers) in Bromo, good for 3 -4 persons. Use your haggling skills.

2.By motorcycle . I wouldn’t recommend this unless you are with a local driver or you’re are a professional driver because the trail is really rocky, bumpy, and there’s a lot of 4×4 jeeps on the road.

3.By walking. If your hotel is in Cemoro Lawang, you can walk for about 1 hour to 1.5 hours to the sunrise viewpoint on Penanjakan Hill. If you have the energy, then by all means, do this. But this could take up your time. Make sure you bring a flashlight or headlamp, wear sunscreen and face masks because of the dust. If you want to go to the crater, you can ride a motorcycle from Penanjakan Hill  for about IDR 50,000 ((₱184 – $4 – SGD 5) or hike all the way down.

There are 2 popular sunrise viewing point for Mt.Bromo:

  1.Penanjakan Hill

2. 2 nd Viewpoint down Penanjakan Hill

There’s a fee for the Mt.Bromo National Park:


  If you avail of the 4 x 4 jeepney tour, there are 2 kinds of tours:  

Short Tour: Bromo Sunrise (Penanjakan Hill)+ Bromo Crater

  Long Tour: Bromo Sunrise + Viewing Deck 2 + Lava Sand + Bromo Crater + Savannah Hill

Here are the things to do and attractions in Bromo.

1.Watch the sunrise: When visiting Bromo, do the sunrise tour because it’s pretty dreamy when the weather is good. You can witness the surreal sea of clouds surrounding the Bromo massif. It’s pretty dramatic if you ask me. However, be prepared for the crowd. It is pretty crowded even on regular days. Much more on weekends and holidays.

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TIP: There’s a secluded spot below the paved viewing deck at Penanjakan Hill, but it is pretty slippery and dark. So, if you plan to go there, be very careful. Make sure you have a headlamp or flashlight. Not recommended for the elderly and kids.

2.Photo op at the Lava Sand – Sea of ash and sand surrounding Mt.Bromo. Great spot for photo op.

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3.Climb the Bromo Crater  – Yes, you can actually climb Mt.Bromo, on foot or by riding a horse  half-way to the volcano.

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4.Stop Over at the Savannah – If you’re going for the long tour in Bromo, you will stop at the Savannah Hill. It’s a stunning, green landscape that reminds me of  the hills of Batanes. One of my favorite spots in Mt.Bromo.


This Mt. Bromo itinerary for 3 days 2 nights, this is good if you plan to base in Surabaya.  So, this is basically like a day tour to Bromo from Surabaya.

If you will base in Cemoro Lawang, I have created a separate detailed Surabaya Itinerary for you below.

*Hotel and flights not included (you can refer to the “Where to Stay in Mt.Bromo” section above for hotel prices. You can easily find budget hotels in Surabaya for $10  or less. For flights, check Airasia’s website, regular fares usually start at IDR 904,220 (₱/$68/SGD 91/MYR 277) one-way. Rates indicated below may change without prior notice.

mt.bromo itinerary

Mt.Bromo Itinerary 2 days 2 nights (if Surabaya is your base.) Mt.Bromo Tour Only

Mt.bromo itinerary 3 days 2 nights (if surabaya is your base.) mt.bromo + madakipura waterfall, diy mt bromo itinerary 2 days 1 night (if cemoro lawang is your base).

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I will have 2 sample Day 1 itineraries, option 1 is for those arriving in Surabaya by plane and option 2 is for those arriving in Probolinggo by train.

Option 1 (If arriving by airplane at Surabaya).

* Sample budget doesn’t include airfare, hotel, tips, and souvenirs.

DAY 1 Option 2 (If arriving by airplane at Surabaya). Follow Day 2 and Day 3 above

If arriving by train in Probolinggo late in the afternoon or evening. Since the last trip of buses to Cemoro Lawang  is usually around 3:30 PM, you can stay overnight at Probolinggo and rent a 4×4 from there or join group tour.


  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by gael | thepinaysolobackpacker (@thepinaysolobackpacker) on Dec 22, 2018 at 7:29pm PST

Stack up cash when visiting Bromo, everything is on cash basis.

Bromo sunrise tours usually starts at 2:30 AM, so if you are arriving late in the afternoon or at night in Cemoro Lawang, you need to find a 4×4 jeep for rent as soon as you arrive.

Based on the itinerary above, if you are a solo traveler, the most practical and cheaper option if you have limited time is to fly to Surabaya via Airasia, book a budget hotel in Surabaya, and then join the group tour to Mt.Bromo.


Jakarta itinerary, bali itinerary, gili trawangan travel guide.

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*This post is brought to you by : Indonesia Tourism and Airasia Indonesia. For more information on Indonesia Tourism visit Indonesia.travel . Also check out #wonderfulindonesia #airlinesinfluencerstrip #airasiatravelbuddies.

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About the Blogger : Gael is a Filipina travel blogger. Her work has appeared in local and international publications.

Follow her on [wp-svg-icons icon=”facebook-2″ wrap=”i”] Facebook , [wp-svg-icons icon=”twitter” wrap=”i”] Twitter and [wp-svg-icons icon=”instagram” wrap=”i”] Instagram .

For advertisements, sponsorship and partnerships, you may reach her at gaelhilotinblog (at) gmail (dot) com.



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Road trip bisa menjadi pengalaman yang menyenangkan dan menarik. Namun, terkadang kamu bosan kan dengan jalur yang itu-itu lagi. Nah bagaimana jika kamu mencoba rute lainya? Di bawah ini ada rekomendasi rute road trip Pulau jawa yang asik dan dipenuhi spot foto dan wisata. Cek yuk!

Persiapkan Road Trip Mu! 

Sebelum memulai perjalanan, pastikan kamu telah mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya dengan baik, termasuk rencana perjalanan, penginapan, makanan, dan juga pemeliharaan kendaraan yang akan digunakan.

Pastikan juga Eigerian telah mempersiapkan dana yang cukup untuk perjalanan tersebut, serta mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor cuaca dan kondisi jalan yang mungkin dapat memengaruhi perjalanan Anda.

Tetap berhati-hati di jalan, patuhi peraturan lalu lintas, dan nikmati setiap momen dalam perjalanan Anda. Semoga perjalanan Anda menyenangkan!

Rute Road Trip Pulau Jawa 

Berikut ini adalah rute touring di Pulau Jawa yang dapat dijadikan referensi:

Rute Road Trip Hari 1: Jakarta – Bandung

  • Mengunjungi tempat-tempat populer di Jakarta seperti Monas, Kota Tua, dan Museum Nasional.
  • Melanjutkan perjalanan ke Bandung dan mengunjungi Gedung Sate, Kampung Gajah, dan Saung Angklung Udjo.

Rute Hari 2: Bandung – Pangandaran

  • Mengunjungi Taman Hutan Raya Ir. H. Djuanda dan Situ Patenggang di Lembang.
  • Melanjutkan perjalanan ke Pangandaran dan menikmati pemandangan pantai yang indah di sepanjang jalan.

Di Hari 3: Pangandaran – Yogyakarta

  • Mengunjungi Pantai Pangandaran dan melakukan aktivitas surfing atau snorkeling.
  • Melanjutkan perjalanan ke Yogyakarta dan mengunjungi Candi Borobudur, Candi Prambanan, dan Keraton Yogyakarta.

Rute Hari ke-4: Yogyakarta – Malang

  • Mengunjungi Keraton Yogyakarta dan Taman Sari.
  • Melanjutkan perjalanan ke Malang dan mengunjungi Jatim Park dan Museum Angkut.

Hari 5: Malang – Bromo

  • Mengunjungi Kawah Ijen dan menikmati pemandangan api biru di malam hari.
  • Melanjutkan perjalanan ke Bromo dan menikmati pemandangan matahari terbit di Gunung Bromo.

Hari Terakhir: Bromo – Surabaya

  • Mengunjungi Surabaya dan mengunjungi Tugu Pahlawan, House of Sampoerna, dan Pasar Atom.
  • Mengakhiri perjalanan dan kembali ke Jakarta.

Rute touring di atas dapat disesuaikan dengan waktu dan keinginan Eigerian untuk mengunjungi tempat-tempat wisata yang lain di Pulau Jawa. Namun, pastikan untuk memperhatikan jarak dan waktu tempuh antar tempat agar perjalanan berjalan dengan lancar dan tidak terlalu melelahkan.

Tips Road Trip Ke Pulau Jawa 

Road trip di Pulau Jawa adalah cara yang menyenangkan untuk mengeksplorasi keindahan alam, budaya, dan sejarah yang dimiliki Pulau Jawa. Berikut adalah tips dan saran untuk melakukan road trip di Pulau Jawa:

  • Rencanakan Rute Perjalanan

Sebelum melakukan road trip, pastikan untuk merencanakan rute perjalanan dengan baik. Tentukan tempat-tempat wisata yang ingin dikunjungi. Susun rute perjalanan yang logis dan efisien agar perjalanan Eigerian menjadi lebih lancar dan terorganisir.

  • Pilih kendaraan yang tepat

Pilih kendaraan yang tepat untuk melakukan road trip di Pulau Jawa. Pastikan kendaraan yang Eigerian gunakan dalam kondisi baik dan layak untuk melakukan perjalanan jauh. Jangan lupa untuk membawa perlengkapan darurat seperti ban cadangan, segitiga pengaman, dan alat pemadam kebakaran.

  • Siapkan diri secara fisik dan mental

Sebelum melakukan road trip, pastikan bahwa Eigerian siap secara fisik dan mental. Pastikan Eigerian cukup istirahat dan bugar untuk menghadapi perjalanan yang panjang dan melelahkan.

  • Persiapkan kebutuhan sehari-hari

Pastikan Eigerian membawa perlengkapan yang cukup untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari, seperti air minum, makanan ringan, dan peta jalan. Jangan lupa untuk membawa baju yang sesuai dengan kondisi cuaca dan tempat yang akan dikunjungi.

  • Waspadai lalu lintas dan kondisi jalan

Selalu waspada terhadap lalu lintas dan kondisi jalan. Pastikan Eigerian mengikuti aturan lalu lintas dan memperhatikan tanda-tanda jalan yang ada. Jangan lupa untuk memeriksa kondisi jalan sebelum melakukan perjalanan agar dapat mempersiapkan diri dengan baik.

  • Nikmati perjalanan

Terakhir, jangan lupa untuk menikmati perjalanan dan mengambil waktu untuk beristirahat dan menikmati pemandangan yang indah di sepanjang jalan. Road trip di Pulau Jawa adalah kesempatan untuk mengeksplorasi keindahan alam dan budaya yang dimiliki Pulau Jawa.

Baca Juga: 5 Destinasi yang Cocok untuk Road Trip Bersama Pasangan Atau Sahabat

Road Trip Bersama EIGER! 

EIGER Adventure, brand lokal luar ruang yang menyediakan berbagai perlengkapan roadtripmu. Ada apparel, aksesoris, sepatu dan berbagai perlengkapan lainya. Cocok banget untuk kamu yang suka petualangan.

Dapatkan di website resmi eiger; eigeradventure.com untuk mendapatkan harga promo terbaik dengan jaminan dan kualitas. Ngga perlu ragu, kamu juga bisa dapatkan gratis ongkos kirim loh Eigerian. 

  • Road trip ke pulau jawa

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13 Tips Kembali ke Sekolah: Mulai Lembaran Baru Dengan Semangat Baru

Bingung pilih tas sekolah untuk dipakai ini rekomendasinya, lengkap ini tips & trik perawatan motor touring untukmu, most popular, rekomendasi produk eiger untuk perlengkapan sekolah, tips membeli simcard luar negeri dan cara menggunakannya, kenal lebih dekat iwan kwecheng irawan, berikut 5 produk eiger favoritnya, recent comments.


Gunung Bromo (dari bahasa Sanskerta: Brahma , salah seorang Dewa Utama dalam agama Hindu) atau dalam bahasa Tengger dieja "Brama", adalah sebuah gunung berapi aktif di Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Gunung ini memiliki ketinggian 2.329 meter di atas permukaan laut dan berada dalam empat wilayah kabupaten, yakni Kabupaten Probolinggo, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Kabupaten Lumajang, dan Kabupaten Malang.

1# Rute dan Akses Menuju Gunung Bromo

  • 1# Surabaya -  Tongas Probolinggo - Sukapura - Cemoro Lawang - Bromo
  • 2# Surabaya - Pasuruan - Tosari - Wonokitri - Bromo
  • 3# Malang - Tumpang - Gubugklakah - Ngadas - Jemplang - Bromo

2# Awal Musim Kemarau Adalah Panorama Terbaik

3# pilih waktu hari biasa, bukan weekend atau liburan panjang.

Berdasarkan laporan Balai Besar Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (TNBTS), selaku pengelola kawasan wisata alam di Bromo itu mencatat yang berkunjung ke Gunung Bromo dan Gunung Semeru selama libur Natal dan Tahun Baru sebanyak 27.331 orang yang terhitung dalam sepekan atau seminggu.

4# Bromo Midnight atau Menginap

5# jasa operator wisata, sewa jeep bromo atau kelola mandiri, 6# sewa jeep, naik kuda atau trekking menuju kawah bromo, 7# antisipasi udara dingin di bromo.

open trip wisata gunung bromo

8# Sebaiknya Sepatu, Jangan Sandal Jepit

9# jangan lupa kacamata, topi, masker dan sunblok.

Dehidrasi adalah kondisi ketika tubuh kehilangan lebih banyak cairan daripada yang didapatkan, sehingga keseimbangan zat gula dan garam menjadi terganggu, akibatnya tubuh tidak dapat berfungsi secara normal. Kandungan air di dalam tubuh manusia yang sehat adalah lebih dari 60% total berat badan.

10# Bawa Bekal Makanan Ringan dan Air Secukupnya

wisata banyuwangi kawah ijen dan baluran

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Open trip bromo.

  • Open Trip Bromo Setiap Hari
  • Open Trip Bromo dari Surabaya
  • Open Trip Tumpak Sewu

Open Trip Ijen

  • Open Trip Kawah Ijen
  • Open Trip Ijen - Baluran
  • Open Trip Menjangan - Tabuhan

Sewa Jeep Bromo

  • Jeep Bromo - Batu
  • Jeep Bromo - Malang
  • Jeep Bromo - Tumpang
  • Jeep Bromo - Pasuruan
  • Jeep Bromo - Probolinggo

Bromo Populer

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Bromo Diary

Wisata jeep & offroad.

open trip gili labak dan pantai sembilan madura

road trip ke bromo

Traveloka Team

09 Jan 2020 - 3 min read

Jelajah Bromo Seharian, Ini Itinerary-nya!

Gunung Bromo yang terletak di Jawa Timur menjadi salah satu destinasi unggulan pariwisata Indonesia. Lanskap unik, pemandangan cantik, dan tradisi lokal yang terpelihara menjadi magnet kuat untuk menarik wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara. Tak sedikit pula pecinta alam datang berkali-kali ke gunung setinggi 2.329 mdpl ini meski sedang pada level siaga.

Bagi kamu yang ingin melihat kemegahan Gunung Bromo dengan waktu terbatas, bukan hal mustahil untuk menjelajahi Bromo dan spot-spot menarik lain di sekitarnya hanya dalam waktu satu hari saja. Dibandingkan gunung-gunung lain, kawasan Gunung Bromo dapat dijangkau lebih mudah.

Kamu dapat menggunakan mobil jip sewaan yang menempuh waktu perjalanan sekitar 2 – 3 jam dari Malang. Meski medan yang ditempuh cukup menantang, perjalanan akan terbayarkan dengan suguhan alam yang menakjubkan. Supaya kamu dapat memaksimalkan waktu untuk menjelajahi Bromo secara puas, berikut itinerary objek wisata di Gunung Bromo yang harus kamu kunjungi:

03:30–06:00, melihat matahari terbit di berbagai spot terbaik

Melihat indahnya matahari terbit menjadi salah satu atraksi wisata utama yang ditawarkan Gunung Bromo. Untuk merasakan pengalaman ini, datanglah ke beberapa spot terbaik yang tersebar di kawasan Bromo sejak dini hari. Karena suhu udara yang sangat dingin, kamu disarankan untuk memakai jaket, syal, topi penutup telinga, dan sarung tangan agar tetap hangat.

Tempat terbaik untuk melihat pemandangan matahari terbit adalah Penanjakan yang memiliki tinggi 2.700 mdpl. Meski harus berjuang trekking ke view point ini,pemandangan golden sunrise berselimut kabut yang muncul di balik kegagahan Gunung Bromo akan membuat kamu terpana.

Saat cuaca cerah, siluet Gunung Batok dan Gunung Semeru pun dapat terlihat jelas. Tak heran, Penanjakan selalu penuh sesak oleh wisatawan saat musim liburan.

Jika ingin menikmati momen matahari terbit dengan suasana lebih sepi, Bukit Kingkong dan Bukit Mentigen bisa jadi lokasi alternatif. Meski tidak setinggi Penanjakan, kedua spot ini menawarkan pemandangan sunrise yang tak kalah cantik. Bahkan, kamu bisa melihat pemandangan magis yang ditawarkan Bukit Mentigen, yaitu lautan awan tipis di kaldera Gunung Bromo.

06:00–07:00, mengunjungi area Bukit Cinta dan Widodaren

Setelah puas memandangi pemandangan matahari terbit, kamu bisa langsung mengunjungi Bukit Cinta yang berada tak jauh dari Bukit Kingkong. Bukit Cinta tersohor karena lokasinya yang menawarkan pemandangan Gunung Bromo, Batok, Widodaren, dan Semeru dengan sensasi berbeda. Bukit ini juga selalu ramai dipadati wisatawan sebagai alternatif tempat berburu foto-foto yang instagramable .

Selain pemandangannya yang eksotis, Bukit Cinta juga menyuguhkan mitos yang menarik. Konon, Bukit Cinta merupakan tempat bertemunya sepasang kekasih Joko Seger dan Roro Anteng yang disebut sebagai nenek moyang suku Tengger. Maka itu, tempat ini dinilai romantis dan sering kali ditawarkan dalam paket wisata bulan madu Bromo.

Tak jauh dari Bukit Cinta, ada Widodaren atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Lembah Dinosaurus. Dari sini, kamu akan disuguhkan megahnya pemandangan perbukitan dan pegunungan yang mengelilingi Gunung Bromo. Selain itu, gunung ini memiliki gua yang dijadikan tempat ibadah masyarakat Tengger. Bahkan, di dalamnya terdapat sumber mata air yang dikeramatkan masyarakat untuk upacara ritual.

07:00–09:00, menjelajahi Kawah Bromo dan Pura Luhut Poten

Belum lengkap berkunjung ke Gunung Bromo tanpa melihat langsung kemegahan kawah Bromo dan Pura Luhur Poten. 2 destinasi ini menawarkan banyak spot foto yang menarik dengan beragam aktivitas seru untuk melengkapi pengalaman liburan kamu.

Meskipun harus menaiki ratusan anak tangga, semua perjuangan kamu untuk berfoto dengan latar Kawah Bromo tak akan sia-sia setelah disuguhkan pemandangan kaldera yang begitu memikat. Pastikan tetap selalu berhati-hati dan menjaga jarak aman dari kawah Gunung Bromo. Selain itu, jangan lupa persiapkan masker dan kacamata karena sebagai gunung berapi yang masih aktif, Bromo selalu melemparkan abu vulkanik dan gas belerang ke udara.

Setelah puas mengabadikan foto, cobalah melihat tradisi masyarakat sekitar secara dekat di Pura Luhur Poten yang indah dan sakral. Tempat ibadah warga suku Tengger ini terletak di lautan pasir yang berada tak jauh dari tangga penanjakan ke kawah Bromo.

Bagi masyarakat Tengger, Gunung Bromo dipercaya sebagai gunung yang suci. Pada perayaan hari-hari besar, pura menjadi pusat segala macam ritual. Salah satunya adalah upacara Yadnya Kasada, ritual menaruh sesaji di kawah Gunung Bromo setiap tanggal 14 bulan Kasada dalam penanggalan Jawa kuno. Wisatawan dapat menyaksikannya, sehingga tak jarang momen ini menjadi periode puncak kunjungan di Bromo.

09:00–10:00, berfoto di Pasir Berbisik, Sabana, dan Bukit Teletubbies

Menjelang siang hari, turunlah dari kawah atau bukit untuk mengunjungi Pasir Berbisik dan Bukit Teletubbies yang terkenal dengan padang sabananya. Selain namanya yang unik, tempat-tempat tersebut juga sangat indah untuk dijadikan latar fotografi. Tak heran, ketiganya selalu menjadi tujuan favorit wisatawan untuk menikmati sisi lain Gunung Bromo.

Pasir Berbisik terletak di sebelah timur kaki Gunung Bromo. Semula area ini hanyalah padang pasir yang luas tanpa nama. Namun, sejak dijadikan lokasi syuting film “Pasir Berbisik” pada 2001, lokasi ini kemudian dikenal dengan nama sebutan Pasir Berbisik.

Meskipun terkenal karena film, nama Pasir Berbisik sebenarnya terinspirasi dari suara pasir yang ditimbulkan oleh butiran-butiran pasir terbang tertiup angin menyerupai orang sedang berbisik. Suara tersebut dapat kamu dengar jelas jika mengunjungi Gunung Bromo saat musim kemarau.

Jalan kaki selama 15 menit ke arah selatan, kamu akan mendapati Bukit Teletubbies. Bukit ini memiliki hamparan padang sabana yang luas dan hijau layaknya bukit yang ada dalam serial TV anak berjudul “Teletubbies”. Menariknya lagi, kamu pun bisa mencoba beragam kegiatan seru mulai dari hunting foto, menunggang kuda, berkemah, dan permainan outbond . Benar-benar puas!

10:00–11:00, sempatkan melihat keindahan Air Terjun Coban Pelangi

Ada baiknya mengunjungi Air terjun Coban Pelangi setelah puas menjelajahi kawasan Bromo. Di sini, kamu akan dimanjakan dengan suasana alam yang asri dan udara segar sehingga cocok dijadikan tempat peristirahatan sebelum kembali ke penginapan. Rintikan air terjun yang jatuh dari ketinggian 30 meter di sini memunculkan efek pelangi yang tak akan rugi untuk kamu saksikan.

Air Terjun Coban Pelangi berada di Desa Gubuk Klakah, Kecamatan Poncokusumo, Kabupaten Malang. Lokasinya mudah diakses karena berada di jalur arah menuju Gunung Bromo. Namun, untuk menuju dasar air terjun, kamu harus berjalan kaki melewati jalur menurun setapak selama kurang lebih 15 menit.

Meskipun dengan waktu liburan singkat, kamu tetap bisa puas menjelajahi keindahan Gunung Bromo. Pengalaman liburan kamu pun semakin sempurna karena itinerary di atas memastikan tak akan ada momen yang terlewatkan.

Selain merencanakan sendiri, kamu juga bisa memesan paket tur selama 1 hari di Bromo di Traveloka Xperience agar lebih mudah dan terencana. Yuk, segera rencanakan perjalanan kamu agar dapat menikmati keindahan dan keseruan Bromo secara langsung!

road trip ke bromo

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road trip ke bromo

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  • Indonesia / Itinerari / Travel

Itinerari: 5h 4m ke Bromo, Ijen, Tumpak Sewu & Malang

by Dan Arif · Published January 20, 2020 · Updated February 23, 2021

Itinerari Bromo , Ijen, Tumpak Sewu & Malang

Jawa Timur merupakan antara kawasan yang mempunyai banyak landskap semulajadi yang cantik di Indonesia . Bandar Surabaya biasanya menjadi pintu masuk utama untuk pengembara yang hendak menjelajah kawasan Jawa Timur ini. Untuk kali ini, kami ingin kongsikan pengalaman Amirah Tunku mengembara ke kawasan Jawa Timur ini bersama 9 orang rakan yang lain.

Destinasi : Jawa Timur (Bromo, Ijen, Tumpak Sewu & Malang) Durasi : 5hari 4mlm (September 2019) Traveler : Amirah Tunku Jenis Trip : Bersama 9 orang yang lain

Day 1 : Kuala Lumpur ke Surabaya

  • Sampai airport Surabaya 5.00pm
  • Driver pickup trus ke Probolinggo perjalanan dalam 5jam
  • Stop di kedai makan malam & sambung perjalanan,smpai checkin Saputra View Bromo Guest House dalam pukul 10.00pm.

Day 2 : Bromo

  • penanjakan view bromo
  • kawah bromo
  • bukit teletubies
  • pasir berbisik
  • Ke kawah bromo boleh naik kuda dari parking jeep then parking kuda naik tangga kawah bromo. Harga 150k
  • Gerak ke hotel mandi2 & Lunch
  • Checkout ke Banyuwangi (Perjalanan 7jam)

road trip ke bromo

Day 3 : Kawah Ijen Blue Fire

  • Start hiking pukul 2.30am , panjang track dalam 3km
  • Sampai puncak dalam pukul 5.00am
  • Untuk tengok blue fire kena turun 700m ke kawah . Tapi kami tak turun just tunggu dekat puncak nak tengok sunrise
  • Hiking takes time around 2 jam lebih bergantung kepada fitness masing masing. Track dia mencabar. Mental gila kena kuat hike dgn cuaca sejuk lagi
  • 08.00am back to parking area and directly to the tumpak sewu
  • Ijen ke Tumpak Sewu 7/8hours

road trip ke bromo

Day 4 : Tumpak Sewu Waterfall

  • 06.00 Start trekking n visit Tumpak Sewu.
  • 09.00 Back to homestay
  • 11.30 Checkout dan gerak ke Malang
  • 14.00 Ke kampung warna warni Jodipan
  • 15.30 Gerak ke Batu & Dinner
  • 21.30 Checkin Capital O 892 Grand Pujon View Hotel & Resort

road trip ke bromo

Day 5 : Pulang ke KL

  • 06.30 Checkout ke Sawah Pujon Kidul & Rumah kayu
  • 13.00 Sampai airport surabaya
  • Bye-bye Surabaya

road trip ke bromo

Jumlah kos ke sana

Ticket flight AA KUL- Surabaya – KUL – RM197.00 (return) Tukar 2juta rupiah – RM594 Total Semua termasuk ground arrangement : BELOW RM1300


  • Kalau nak hiking, better pergi bromo dulu baru Ijen. Ijen lagi extreme
  • Suhu masa saya pergi tu bawah 10 degree, memang sejuk sangat. Kena pakai baju tebal sikit
  • Dekat ijen, make sure korang sentiasa pakai mask, sebab ada asap sulfur
  • Harga pakej boleh dapat lagi murah kalau team korang ramai
  • Tips – Better beli luggage. Airport surabaya tak boleh lebih 7kg. Tidak nanti ampa kena pau
  • Enjoy, experience & explore every moments

Semogra perkongsian ini bermanfaat buat anda!

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Tags: bromo ijen indonesia malang

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How to get to Mount Bromo from Jakarta

road trip ke bromo

Mount Bromo tourism has been reopened and can be visited by tourists from all regions. For those of you from Jakarta, get ready to buy train or bus tickets. You can also reach it by a private vehicle. In addition to land transportation, trains or buses, you can also go to Bromo by using air transportation, planes.

Train You can order a train to Malang Station. There are many trains from Gambir Station (Jakarta) and Pasar Senen Station (Jakarta) to get there such as Mutiara Selatan Train (Gambir), Bima (Gambir), Gajayana (Gambir), Matarmaja (Pasar Senen), Malabar (Pasar Senen), and Jayabaya (Pasar Senen). The cheapest ticket price currently is the Matarmaja Train.

Arriving at Malang Station, you can continue your trip using public transportation to Arjosari Terminal. After that, you can continue to take public transportation to Bayu Angga Probolinggo Bus Terminal and switch to village transportation to Cemoro Lawang, Ngadisari.

Bus If you choose to go by bus, you can take Gunung Harta, Medali Emas, and Lorena buses. Arriving at Malang terminal terminal, you can continue with the same route, take public transportation to Bayu Angga Terminal and village transportation to Cemoro Lawang.

Plane If you go by plane, you can choose a plane ticket for Juanda Sidoarjo Airport. Then continue the road trip to Bungurasih Terminal by Damri bus. Arriving at Bungurasih Terminal, you can return to continue the trip to Arjosari Terminal by bus. Arriving there, you can look for public transportation to Bayu Angga Probolinggo Bus Terminal and change to village transportation to Cemoro Lawang.

Tourists are advised to go through Malang to Mount Bromo rather than via Surabaya. This is because the distance from Malang to Mount Bromo is closer, which is about 35 kilometers, while Surabaya to Mount Bromo is around 79 kilometers.

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Bromo Tour & Travel

24travel bromo.

24TravelBromo is your tour and travel specialist for Mount Bromo tour packages. With our expertise and dedication, we are offer unforgettable experiences exploring the stunning landscapes of Mount Bromo and its surroundings. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast or a photography lover, 24TravelBromo ensures a seamless and captivating adventure, making your visit to Mount Bromo truly remarkable.


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With 13 years of invaluable experience in the tour agency industry, 24TravelBromo stands as a trusted and seasoned expert in crafting unforgettable travel experiences. Our wealth of knowledge and expertise ensures that every journey with us is meticulously planned and flawlessly executed. Whether you seek adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion, 24TravelBromo is your go-to partner for memorable travel experiences that exceed expectations.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Travelers often ask about the transportation options to get to Mount Bromo using tour and travel services. You can address this by explaining the various modes of transportation available, such as private vans, shared vehicles, or even hiking tours, depending on their preferences and budgets.

Many tourists want to know the ideal time to visit Mount Bromo to witness its beauty. You can explain that the best time is during the dry season, typically from April to October, when the weather is clear and the sunrise view is spectacular. However, you can also mention that it’s possible to visit year-round but with some weather-related variations in visibility.

Travelers often inquire about the specific attractions and activities included in a Bromo tour. You can provide an overview of the key highlights, such as the sunrise viewpoint at Penanjakan, the Sea of Sand, Bromo crater, and the whispering sands. Additionally, you can mention any optional add-ons or unique experiences that might be available with the tour package.

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Pakej Surabaya – 4H3M

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More Information

Package Inclusive

  • Hotel Accommodation at respectively hotel (Based on Standard / Superior Room)
  • Private Transportation
  • Tour Guide Service English or Malay speaking (02 – 07 Pax Driver Cum Guide)
  • All Entrance fee as stated in itinerary
  • Daily Mineral Water
  •  Meals as stated in Program (HALAL MEALS)

Package Exclude

  • Flight Ticket and International Airport Tax
  •  PCR TEST & Quarantine Stay
  •  Weekend (Fri – Sat) / Public Holiday Surcharge to BROMO : RM 40/pax
  •  Travel Insurance, Personal Expenses (Porter, Laundry, telp, Optional Tour, etc)
  •  Tipping for guide and driver (RM12-15/day/person)

Notes & Surcharge



Notes & Surcharge :

  • Child rate (02 – 10 Years): 100% Share Room.
  • 90% with extra bed and 60% no bed.
  • Child above 11 years old are charges with adult price.
  • Surcharge Apply for Christmas, New Year and Hari Raya, Jul – Aug peak season in Indonesia.
  • Price rate for low season only
  • Price rate for Malaysian market only.


Arrive at Juanda Airport Surabaya. Meet & greet by our tour guide. Have Surabaya City tour, visit Submarine Monument (Monkasel), Heroes Monument (Tugu Pahlawan) Stop by at The House of Sampoerna. Behind the building is clove cigarette factory where you can witness hundreds of worker girls hand-rolling "kretek" at incredible speed. Before we go to Mt. Bromo we will stop at Cheng Ho Mosque. Transfer to Mt. Bromo (+/- 3,5-hour drive by car/coach). Dinner will be served at local restaurant. Check in Hotel. Overnight in Bromo.


Early morning call at 03.00 hours, in time for the highlight of your tour, watching the glorious sunrise and the spectacular painting view scene of Mount Bromo and its surrounding vista. Depart by local transport or four-wheel drive jeep to Mount Penanjakan, view platform point 1 located at 2750 meters above the sea level. Drive back to hotel for breakfast & shower. Check out from hotel then transfer to Sidoarjo City. Shopping at Tanggulangin which known for their leather products. Continue to buy “Oleh-oleh” at Sidoarjo Shrimp Crackers which have so many traditional snacks of Indonesia. After that, going back to Surabaya and shopping at Indah Embroidery Moslem Fashion and Mirota Shop & Batik Gallery for buying souvenirs. After Dinner at local restaurant, transfer to hotel for check in. Lunch at local restaurant. Overnight in Surabaya.


After breakfast at hotel, visit: Suramadu Bridge, afterward Continue to Mosque & Tomb of Sunan Ampel. Last visit to Pasar Atum Shopping Mall or Tunjungan Plaza Shopping Mall (one of the biggest shopping mall in East Indonesia region). Return to your hotel & overnight in Surabaya.


After breakfast at hotel, last minute shopping at jembatan Merah Plaza / Tunjungan Plaza before transfer to Surabaya airport for next flight. *Itinerary is only a suggestion. Any changes are subject to travel time, traffic conditions, and weather without prior notice.

Indonesia travel tour trip package - indonesia holiday travel package

Located on the northwest coast of Java, Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political center.

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Tempah pakej Gunung Bromo tour bersama Raha Holidays. Rancang trip Bromo, Indonesia sekarang!. Kenapa anda wajib menempah pakej Gunung Bromo tour dan merancang trip Bromo bersama kami?

Kemudahan dan Keselamatan: Raha Holidays menawarkan pakej percutian yang menyediakan kemudahan lengkap termasuk pengangkutan, penginapan, dan panduan pelancongan. Ini memberikan rasa keselamatan dan keselesaan tambahan kepada pelanggan semasa melancong.

Penjimatan Kos: Raha Holidays menyediakan pakej percutian dengan harga yang lebih berpatutan, membantu pelanggan menjimatkan kos berbanding membuat tempahan secara berasingan.

Local Guide yang mesra: Kebanyakan pakej kami sudah termasuk local guide yang pakar mengenai destinasi percutian anda, Raha Holidays memastikan pelanggan mendapat maklumat yang mendalam dan pengalaman rakyat tempatan semasa percutian anda.

Perancangan percutian yang tepat: Pakej percutian Raha Holidays merangkumi perancangan itinerari, penginapan dan aktiviti yang membuatkan pelanggan tidak terasa terikat dengan pakej kami semasa pecutian. Biarkan Raha Holidays merancang perjalanan percutian anda dan memastikan anda akan mendapat pengalaman percutian yang menyeronokkan. Itinerary pakej Gunung Bromo tour kami telah susun dengan rapi dan kemas supaya anda lebih seronok sepanjang trip Bromo anda.

Jaminan Kualiti: Raha Holidays mempunyai reputasi baik dalam menyediakan pakej percutian yang berkualiti dengan menekankan kepada pengalaman pelanggan yang positif.

Fleksibiliti Pilihan Pakej: Kami menawarkan pelbagai pakej percutian untuk memenuhi keperluan pelanggan dengan kepelbagaian destinasi, tempoh penginapan, dan jenis aktiviti yang bersesuaian dengan pilihan anda. Pakej Gunung Bromo tour kami menawarkan 3 destinasi utama seperti Submarine Monument (Monkasel), Cheng Ho Mosque dan Gunung Bromo.

Pengalaman Pelanggan yang Memuaskan: Ulasan dan testimoni pelanggan sebelum ini rata-rata menyatakan percutian mereka amatlah menyeronokkan dan sangat berpuas hati dengan servis kami. Kami yakin dan positif ia boleh menjadi faktor penentu utama yang memotivasikan pelanggan lain untuk memilih Raha Holidays dan kami memberi jaminan anda akan mendapat pengalaman percutian yang memuaskan dan berbaloi dengan apa yang anda bayar!

Pakar Pakej Private :

Raha Holidays sudah berada di dalam industri pelancongan semenjak 2011 lagi dan semenjak itu kami telah fokuskan pakej kami kepada Pakej Private. Pakej Private kami ditawarkan kepada pelanggan yang tidak mahu terikat dengan kumpulan pelanggan yang lain. Kami akan memastikan percutian anda lebih fleksibel dan lebih privacy sepanjang tempoh percutian anda. Jom rancang trip Bromo dengan pakej private kami sekarang!

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Berita Otomotif Terbaru & Terkini Dalam dan Luar Negeri | Moladin Blog

Rute ke Bromo dari Jakarta Naik Mobil, Biaya Tol, BBM, dan Penginapan!

Rute ke Bromo

Rute ke Bromo dari Jakarta naik mobil pribadi, sesungguhnya cukup menantang. Pasalnya memakan jarak hingga 900 Km dan waktu tempuhnya sekitar 10-12 jam. Belum lagi kalau terjadi kemacetan, artinya bisa butuh satu hari penuh berkendara.

Memang kalau dari Jakarta, paling banyak rute ke Bromo paling banyak dihabiskan lewat jalan tol Transjawa hingga Surabaya. Kemudian lanjut ke arah selatan bisa melewati tiga wilayah yaitu: Pasuruan, Malang, dan Probolinggo.

Perlu diingat, tidak bisa naik mobil pribadi sampai ke Gunung Bromo. Kamu harus melajutkan perjalanan dengan jip 4×4 sewaan ketika mau masuk ke wilayah Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (TNBTS).

Oleh karena itulah biaya road trip ke Bromo tidak murah, kisarannya mencapai Rp 2,6 jutaan. Rinciannya untuk tol dan bensin mobil Rp 1,7 jutaan, sewa jip Rp 600 ribuan, dan homestay Rp 300 ribuan.

Kalau mau tahu lebih detail soal rute ke Bromo dari Jakarta, sekaligus biaya perjalanan yang dibutuhkan, dan tempat penginapannya? Berikut bahasan lengkap untuk kamu:

Road Trip ke Bromo

rute ke bromo naik mobil

Naik mobil pribadi ke Bromo bisa melewati Malang, Pasuruan, atau Probolinggo

Seperti yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya, rute ke Bromo naik mobil bisa melewati Pasuruan, Malang, dan Probolinggo. Kami menyarankan, untuk road trip Jakarta ke Bromo bisa naik mobil dengan ground clearance tinggi untuk menghindari bodi bawah mentok saat lewat jalan jelek. Kemudian mobil sebaiknya punya kapasitas mesin minimal 1.500 cc, untuk menghindari gagal menanjak. Kamu bisa pakai Mitsubishi Xpander, Hyundai Stargazer X, hingga Toyota Rush.

Ada baiknya tujuan rute ke Bromo yang kamu tuju, langsung lokasi homestay. Pasalnya dari situ, kamu bisa beristirahat terlebih dulu dan parkir mobil. Kemudian barulah kamu ganti kendaraan dengan jip 4×4 sewaan untuk masuk ke lokasi wisata di Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (TNBTS).

Memang dari beberapa literatur yang kami baca, rute ke Bromo lewat Malang cukup menantang. Selain banyak tanjakan dan turunan, jalannya juga tidak terlalu baik. Hanya saja setelah kami riset lebih lanjut, kini kondisi jalannya sudah lebih baik dan beraspal. Jadi tidak masalah untuk melewatinya, apalagi pemandangan di jalur tersebut sangatlah ini.

Nah untuk rute ke Bromo via Malang, kamu bisa naik mobil dari Jakarta melewati Tol Transjawa hingga ke Surabaya . Kemudian masuk Tol Surabaya-Gempol, Tol Gempol-Pandaan, dan Tol Pandaan-Malang. Ambil jalan keluar gerbang Tol Pakis, selanjutnya lewat jalan raya melewati Tumpang, Gubuklakah, hingga ke Desa Ngadas.

Buat kamu yang belum tahu, Desa Ngadas merupakan salah satu area terakhir untuk bisa naik mobil pribadi. Selanjutnya perjalanan ke Gunung Bromo akan dilewati dengan jip 4×4 sewaan dari warga setempat. Walau demikian, sedari Tumpang juga sudah banyak penyewaan mobil jip untuk transportasi ke Bromo yang dapat kamu pilih.

Via Probolinggo

Rute Ke Bromo selanjutnya bisa via Probolinggo. Banyak yang menyarankan lewat sini, karena jalurnya lebih mudah. Dari Jakarta lewat Tol Transjawa hingga ke Gempol. Lanjut Tol Gempol-Probolinggo, tapi keluar di gerbang tol Tongas. Kemudian lewat Jalan Raya Purut Lumbang ke arah selatan, melewati Lumbang hingga ke Sukapura.

Daerah Sukapura adalah rute terakhir kamu bisa naik mobil pribadi untuk ke Bromo. Oleh karenanya, kamu sebaiknya cari homestay di sekitar sini. Kemudian lanjutkan perjalnaan dengan jip 4×4 sewaan.

Via Pasuruan

Alternatif terakhir untuk rute ke Bromo lewat Pasuruan. Dari Jakarta lewat Tol Transjawa hingga ke Gempol. Lanjut Tol Gempol-Probolinggo, tapi keluar Gerbang Tol Pasuruan, kemudian lanjut ke selatan lewat Jl. Raya Pleret, belok kiri ke Jl. Raya Tebas, dan Jalan Raya Bromo hingga ke Wonokitri/Tosari.

Di Wonokitri/Tosari inilah kamu bisa mencari homestay untuk beristirahat dan parkir mobil. Kemudian perjalanan ke Gunung Bromo akan dilanjutkan pakai jip sewaan dari warga sekitar.

Biaya Tol dan Bensin Mobil Ke Bromo

rute ke bromo naik mobil - biaya tolnya

Road Trip ke Bromo naik mobil bisa menghabiskan biaya Rp 2 jutaan

Road trip dari Jakarta ke Bromo memang menyenangkan, apalagi dilakukan bersama yang terkasih. Walau demikian, butuh biaya yang tidak sedikit untuk bisa sampai ke gunung berapi aktif di Jawa Timur tersebut. Pasalnya jarak yang ditempuh mencapai 900 Km, melewati jalan Tol Transjawa dan Tol Pandaan-Malang. Artinya bukan cuma uang bensin yang harus dikeluarkan, tapi juga tarif tolnya.

Sebagai gambaran, perjalanan ke Bromo dari Jakarta menggunakan mobil seperti Mitsubishi Xpander, Hyundai Stargazer X , dan Toyota Rush. Mobil-mobil tersebut punya konsumsi BBM rata-rata 12,3 km/liter atau dengan kata lain, satu liter bensin bisa membuat kendaraan melaju hingga 12,3 km.

Jarak tempuh dari Jakarta ke Bromo adalah 900 Km. Maka sepanjang perjalanan, mobil kamu bakal membutuhkan bensin 73 Liter. Dengan tangki bensin kendaraan rata-rata berkapasitas 45 Liter, artinya akan butuh setidaknya 2 kali isi bensin dalam road trip ke Bromo.

Kemudian harga BBM Pertamax RON 92 per Juli 2023 adalah Rp 13.300 per liter per September 2023. Jadi total biaya BBM untuk road trip Jakarta Bali dengan mobil Xpander, Avanza, Terios sekitar Rp 970 ribuan.

Sementara untuk tarif tolnya, dari Jakarta ke Bromo melewati Tol Transjawa ke arah Malang, Pasuruan, atau Probolinggo, kira-kira habis Rp 750 ribuan. Jadi total biaya bensin dan tol untuk naik mobil melewati rute ke Bromo dari Jakarta via Malang adalah Rp 1.720.000.

Biaya Sewa Jip 4×4 di Bromo

rute ke bromo - biaya sewa jip

Jip yang disewakan di Bromo

Berdasar Surat Keputusan Kepala Balai Besar Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru nomor SK.88/21/BT.1/2012 tanggal 20 Desember 2012 mengatakan bahwa tidak boleh ada mobil pribadi yang masuk ke Bromo. 

“Kendaraan roda-4 yang akan memasuki kawasan Laut Pasir melalui Cemorolawang dibatasi sampai dengan Pintu Masuk Cemoro Lawang (Ngadisari, Probolinggo; untuk yang melalui Wonokitri dibatasi sampai dengan Pintu Masuk Wonokitri (Tosari, Pasuruan); dan untuk yang dari arah Lumajang dan Malang dibatasi sampai dengan Jemplang/ Desa Ngadas,” itulah isi aturan soal bawa mobil pribadi ke Bromo.

Alasannya, karena jalur ke Bromo sangat menantang. Di samping di kelilingi lautan pasir, juga ada tanjakan dan turunan eksterem. Kemudian tidak semuanya aspal, masih banyak jalan tanah, lumpur, dan berbatu. Oleh karena itulah pengunjung ke Gunung Bromo wajib menggunakan mobil jip berpenggerak 4×4 yang disewa di tempat wisata tersebut. 

Sewa Jip Bromo bisa dilakukan dari Sukapura (Probolinggo), Wonokitri/Tosari (Pasuruan), hingga Tumpang/Ngadas (Malang). Lalu berapa biayanya? Sewa Jip di Bromo punya tarif bervariasi, mulai dari Rp 575 ribuan hingga Rp 1,25 jutaan. Itu tergantung lokasi wisata yang mau dituju.

Misalnya kamu Sewa Jip untuk ke Pananjakan 1 dan Kawah Bromo, biayanya cuma Rp 575 ribuan. Sementara kalau ada tambahan wisata lain seperti Pasir Berbisik, Savana Bukit Teletubbies, Watu Gedhe, Lembah Widodaren, hingga Hillside Cafe 360, maka biayanya bisa tembus Rp 1,25 jutaan.

Jika kamu sewa jip di Bromo, maka lokasi penjemputan bisa langsung di homestay. Sementara untuk waktu penjemputannya juga bisa disesuaikan. Umumnya ke Bromo mau lihat sunrise di Pananjakan 1, maka harus berangkat dari homestay sejak jam 12 malam.

Jip Bromo Bisa Berapa Orang?

Untuk kapasitas orang di jip sewaan ke Bromo, ternyata cukup lega mampu muat hingga 6-orang. Dengan posisi duduk, dua di depan bersama supir. Empat orang di belakang duduk berhadap-hadapan.

Ada 4 Pintu Masuk Bromo

Rute ke Bromo

Jalur pananjakan Bromo

Di Bromo ada 4 pintu masuk ke kawasan wisata yang biasa digunakan wisatawan dengan jip sewaan. Keempat jalur ini memiliki kondisi  yang berbeda-beda. Berikut ulasan lengkapnya:

Penanjakan (Kabupaten Pasuruan) Pintu masuk utama menuju Gunung Bromo adalah melalui Penanjakan yang terletak di Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Tempat ini menjadi salah satu yang paling banyak dilalui wisatawan. Di sini, pengunjung dapat menikmati pemandangan matahari terbit di Bukit Cinta. Penanjakan memiliki kapasitas untuk menampung lebih dari 400 pengunjung. Selain Penanjakan, terdapat juga situs lain yang menarik seperti Bukit Cinta dan Bukit Kedaluh.

Cemoro Lawang (Kabupaten Probolinggo) Pintu masuk kedua menuju Gunung Bromo adalah melalui Cemoro Lawang di Kabupaten Probolinggo. Wisatawan dapat menikmati pemandangan indah sambil menunggu matahari terbit dari Bukit Mentigen, Cemoro Lawang, Desa Ngadisari, Sukapura, Probolinggo, Jawa Timur. Bukit Mentigen adalah salah satu alternatif tempat untuk menyaksikan matahari terbit selain dari Bukit Penanjakan di Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru. Selain Bukit Mentigen, wisatawan juga dapat mengunjungi Seruni Point sebelum menuju Lautan Pasir.

Coban Trisula (Kabupaten Malang) Jika berada di Kota atau Kabupaten Malang dan ingin menjelajahi Gunung Bromo, pintu masuk terdekat adalah melalui Coban Trisula. Jalur ini membawa wisatawan dari Pertigaan Jemplang menuju Bromo. Pintu masuk ini terletak di sisi selatan Lautan Pasir Bromo. Dari Malang, arahkan perjalanan ke timur menuju Ranu Pani, dan pintu masuk ke Bromo dapat ditemukan di Pertigaan Jemplang.

Senduro (Kabupaten Lumajang) Pintu masuk ini khususnya ditujukan bagi mereka yang tinggal atau berdomisili di sisi timur kawasan Gunung Bromo, seperti Lumajang dan Jember. Wisatawan akan memasuki Lautan Pasir Bromo melalui Pertigaan Jemplang. Sabana Teletubbies adalah situs terdekat dari pertigaan tersebut. Selain itu, wisatawan juga dapat mengunjungi Bukit Teletubbies di Kawasan Wisata Gunung Bromo.

Tempat Menginap di Bromo Mulai Rp 200 ribuan

Rute ke Bromo - homestay

Ilustrasi homestay yang nyaman

Mencari penginapan di Gunung Bromo dengan harga terjangkau adalah pilihan cerdas untuk menghemat budget selama liburan. Meskipun memilih penginapan dengan harga murah, penting bagi wisatawan untuk tetap memperhatikan kenyamanan dan fasilitas yang disediakan.

Berikut beberapa rekomendasi penginapan di Gunung Bromo dengan harga rata-rata di bawah Rp350.000 per malam:

Istana Petani Hotel

Istana Petani Hotel menawarkan kamar dengan pilihan double atau single bed. Desain bangunan bergaya tradisional dengan dominasi elemen kayu pada dinding dan atapnya. Fasilitas yang disediakan meliputi area parkir, wifi, shower, jasa tur, dan restoran dengan menu bervariasi. Harga: Rp280.000 – Rp300.000 per malam Alamat: Jalan Raya Bromo No.KM 31, Dusun 1, Sapikerep, Kecamatan Sukapura, Kabupaten Probolinggo, Jawa Timur 67254

Bromo Ecolodge Hotel

Bromo Ecolodge Hotel menawarkan nuansa modern dengan desain interior yang menggunakan bahan dasar kaca. Fasilitas termasuk layanan kamar 24 jam, kafe, restoran, dan jasa tur untuk pengunjung. Harga: Rp260.000 – Rp300.000 per malam Alamat: Jalan Raya Bromo, RT.02/RW.1, Dusun 1, Sapikerep, Kecamatan Sukapura, Kabupaten Probolinggo, Jawa Timur 67254

Yoschi’s Hotel

Yoschi’s Hotel menawarkan tarif yang sangat terjangkau dengan interior bertema Bali yang dipadukan dengan ornamen khas Jawa, memberikan nuansa tradisional. Fasilitas meliputi kayu dan anyaman bambu, menciptakan pengalaman menginap yang unik. Harga: Rp170.000 – Rp300.000 per malam Alamat: Jalan Raya Bromo No.KM. 02, Ponjol, Wonokerto, Kecamatan Sukapura, Kabupaten Probolinggo, Jawa Timur 67254

OYO 1080 Sm Bromo Hotel

Sm Bromo Hotel memiliki desain modern yang berpadu dengan nuansa tradisional, menawarkan pemandangan indah dan lokasi strategis, hanya 5 km dari Gunung Bromo. Fasilitas meliputi TV, AC, wifi, dan lainnya. Harga: Rp175.000 – Rp250.000 per malam Alamat: Jalan Raya Bromo, Ponjol, Ngadas, Kecamatan Sukapura, Kabupaten Probolinggo, Jawa Timur 67254

Selain rekomendasi di atas, tersedia juga homestay dengan harga lebih terjangkau. Dengan berbagai pilihan ini, diharapkan wisatawan dapat memilih penginapan yang sesuai dengan budget dan preferensi mereka saat berkunjung ke Gunung Bromo.

Demikian ulasan terkait rute ke Bromo yang ditempuh dari Jakarta. Simak terus Moladin.com untuk update berita terbaru seputar otomotif.


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  1. Tips Liburan ke Bromo dari Jakarta Bagi Pemula

    road trip ke bromo

  2. Panduan Road Trip ke Gunung Bromo Via Malang , Budget nggak sampai 100 ribu

    road trip ke bromo

  3. Itinerary Road Trip Depok Bromo (Sepanjang Jalan ke Bromo)

    road trip ke bromo

  4. Road Trip Eksklusif ke Bromo

    road trip ke bromo

  5. Itinerary Road Trip Depok Bromo (Sepanjang Jalan ke Bromo)

    road trip ke bromo

  6. Road to Mount Bromo , Indonesia

    road trip ke bromo


  1. Beautiful Road at Bromo

  2. Off road di gunung BROMO

  3. The Road to Bromo 6

  4. The Road to Bromo 4

  5. The Road to Bromo 10




    Road Trip Jakarta Bromo Malang Batu Oktober 2022 dengan rincian biaya detil menggunakan mobil MPV diesel yaitu hyundai h1 , bersama keluarga dengan 4 dewasa ...

  2. Road Trip Jakarta

    Berikut pengalaman kami sekeluarga Road Trip dari Jakarta ke Bromo, dan di video ini jg sekalian ngasih info ke temen-temen Rincian Biaya Perjalanan :1. Tol2...

  3. Panduan Road Trip ke Gunung Bromo via Malang, Budget Nggak Sampai 100

    Panduan Road Trip ke Bromo via Malang Image: PublicDomainPictures/Pixabay. Perjalanan ke Gunung Bromo via Malang naik motor memakan waktu kurang lebih 1,5 jam dengan jarak sekitar 53 km. Rute yang bakal lo lewatin yaitu Kabupaten Malang, Tumbang, Gubugklakah, Ngadas, Jemplang, dan akhirnya sampai ke Gunung Bromo. ...

  4. Panduan Wisata Gunung Bromo Malang & Rekomendasi Paket Tour

    Paket Wisata Gunung Bromo Saja dari Malang atau Surabaya. Harga Paket: Mulai dari Rp 328 ribu/pax (minimal 2 orang) untuk open trip Bromo, dan mulai dari Rp 1,2 juta/pax (minimal 2 orang) untuk private trip. Kalau kamu hanya tertarik untuk melihat matahari terbit dari Gunung Bromo saja dan mendaki ke kawah Bromo, paket tour yang ini adalah ...

  5. Itinerary Road Trip Depok Bromo (Sepanjang Jalan ke Bromo)

    Itinerary Road Trip Depok Bromo (Sepanjang Jalan ke Bromo) April 28, 2015 Ajak Anak. * Coretan dari Road Trip Depok-Solo-Malang-Bromo-Semarang. Dalam satu pelesiran atau jalan-jalan, sampai di tempat tujuan bukanlah satu-satunya goal, atau faktor utama yang bikin kami senang. Saat-saat di perjalanan, mulai dari perencanaan ataupun yang tanpa ...

  6. TRIP BROMO 2023

    Assalamualaikum sahabat Lianu,,kali ini Lianu Road Trip ke Bromo. Dan di video kali ini, aku mau review perjalanan aku selama Trip Bromo 2023 lengkap dengan ...

  7. 5D4N Affordable Mount Bromo and Ijen itinerary where you can conquer

    Besides tour operators, your hotel might arrange tours to Mount Bromo too! As at 2019, the entrance fees for Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park are as follows (this entrance fee also includes access to the viewpoints and savannah): Domestic visitors Weekday: Rp. 27,500 (Approximately USD$1.93) Weekend: Rp. 32,500 (Approximately USD$2.28)

  8. 4D3N Magical road trip adventure itinerary from Surabaya to Mount Bromo

    Duta Bromo Tour. Jeep Tour Rates: From Rp. 550,000 per jeep (Approximately USD$39) Contact: +62 343 443579 / +62 813 3323 0888 (Whatsapp) Website . Bromo Executive. Bromo Midnight Tour Rates: From Rp. 350,900 per person (Approximately USD$25) Contact: +62 822 9981 6630 Website

  9. How to Arrange Your Bromo Tour (The Complete Guide)

    The Bromo Sunrise Tour is for people who are staying in Malang (which is closer to Bromo). The driver of your car will pick you up from your hotel in Malang at 3:30am. It's a one hour and forty minute to 2,5 hours from Malang to the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park at night. During the day it is around 3-3,5 hours journey.

  10. Diy Itinerary for Mount Bromo & Kawah Ijen, Indonesia

    This should be your rough schedule for Mount Bromo: 3:00 AM - Leave Cemoro Lawang for the Mount Bromo Sunrise (Hike 1) 5:00 AM - Arrive at the topmost viewing point. 5:30 AM - Watch the Mount Bromo Sunrise. 6:10 AM - Begin your decent. 7:45 AM - Arrive at the base. 8:00 AM - Freshen up and head to Bromo Crater.

  11. 8 Tips Persiapan Road Trip Jakarta-Bromo

    Berikut ini adalah 8 tips persiapan road trip Jakarta-Bromo yang perlu diperhatikan: 1. Rencanakan Perjalanan. Sebelum berangkat, pastikan Anda membuat rencana perjalanan yang matang. Tentukan waktu yang tepat untuk perjalanan, jarak tempuh, dan rute yang akan AutoFamily lalui. Selain itu, pertimbangkan kondisi jalan dan cuaca di daerah tersebut.

  12. Itinerary Liburan Keluarga 4H3M di Malang, Batu & Bromo

    1) Bus. Ada dua jenis bus jurusan Surabaya - Malang, yaitu Patas dan Ekonomi AC. Kedua jenis bus tersebut bisa dinaiki di Terminal Purabaya (Bungurasih) Surabaya menuju Terminal Arjosari Malang. Harga tiket bus patas mulai dari Rp25.000, tiket bus ekonomi AC mulai dari Rp15.000. Lama perjalanan sekitar 2,5 jam.


    WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO VISIT MT.BROMO: The best season to visit Mt. Bromo is during the dry season - April to October.And the best months to visit are May to August with lesser chance of rain. MT.BROMO TIMEZONE: GMT + 7 Hours (1 hour behind Manila) BROMO CURRENCY AND MONEY EXCHANGE: The currency here is Indonesian rupiah (IDR), you can exchange money at Surabaya airport or at money ...

  14. 8 Rute Road Trip Pulau Jawa Asyik, Dipenuhi Spot Wisata

    Di bawah ini ada rekomendasi rute road trip Pulau jawa yang asik dan dipenuhi spot foto dan wisata. Cek yuk! DAFTAR ISI hide. 1 Persiapkan Road Trip Mu! 2 Rute Road Trip Pulau Jawa. 2.1 Rute Road Trip Hari 1: Jakarta - Bandung. 2.2 Rute Hari 2: Bandung - Pangandaran. 2.3 Di Hari 3: Pangandaran - Yogyakarta. 2.4 Rute Hari ke-4: Yogyakarta ...

  15. 10 Tips Penting, Panduan Lengkap Wisata ke Gunung Bromo

    4# Bromo Midnight atau Menginap Kunjungan 12 Jam atau Satu Malam Menginap di Bromo, Sebelum wisata ke Gunung Bromo sangatlah bijak jika Anda juga merancang durasi atau lamanya waktu kunjungan, tentu semua berkaitan dengan budget yang harus dianggarkan selama di berwisata di Bromo. Bromo Midnight, wisata Bromo tanpa menginap.Berangkat saat tengah malam berburu sunrise di Pananjakan dan kembali ...

  16. Jelajah Bromo Seharian, Ini Itinerary-nya!

    Jelajah Bromo Seharian, Ini Itinerary-nya! Gunung Bromo yang terletak di Jawa Timur menjadi salah satu destinasi unggulan pariwisata Indonesia. Lanskap unik, pemandangan cantik, dan tradisi lokal yang terpelihara menjadi magnet kuat untuk menarik wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara. Tak sedikit pula pecinta alam datang berkali-kali ke gunung ...

  17. Road Trip Jakarta Bromo Dengan Balita

    hai teman-teman kali ini arayya mau nyeritain tentang perjalanan kami dari Jakarta ke Gunung Bromo.. ini adalah destinasi pertama kita dalam rangkaian road t...

  18. Itinerari: 5h 4m ke Bromo, Ijen, Tumpak Sewu & Malang

    Destinasi : Jawa Timur (Bromo, Ijen, Tumpak Sewu & Malang) Durasi : 5hari 4mlm (September 2019) Traveler : Amirah Tunku. Jenis Trip : Bersama 9 orang yang lain. Itinerari Bromo , Ijen, Tumpak Sewu & Malang. Day 1 : Kuala Lumpur ke Surabaya. Sampai airport Surabaya 5.00pm. Driver pickup trus ke Probolinggo perjalanan dalam 5jam.

  19. How to get to Mount Bromo from Jakarta

    Then continue the road trip to Bungurasih Terminal by Damri bus. Arriving at Bungurasih Terminal, you can return to continue the trip to Arjosari Terminal by bus. ... This is because the distance from Malang to Mount Bromo is closer, which is about 35 kilometers, while Surabaya to Mount Bromo is around 79 kilometers. -sh. East Java .

  20. 24Travel Bromo Tour & Travel

    24TravelBromo is your tour and travel specialist for Mount Bromo tour packages. With our expertise and dedication, we are offer unforgettable experiences exploring the stunning landscapes of Mount Bromo and its surroundings. Whether you're a nature enthusiast or a photography lover, 24TravelBromo ensures a seamless and captivating adventure ...


    Pada video kali ini kita akan road trip dari Jogja ke Bromo dan akan naik ke gunung Bromo, bagaimana videonya? saksikan sampai akhir...

  22. Bromo Tour

    Child rate (02 - 10 Years): 100% Share Room. 90% with extra bed and 60% no bed. Child above 11 years old are charges with adult price. Surcharge Apply for Christmas, New Year and Hari Raya, Jul - Aug peak season in Indonesia. Price rate for low season only. Price rate for Malaysian market only. Tempah pakej Gunung Bromo tour bersama Raha ...

  23. Rute ke Bromo dari Jakarta Naik Mobil, Biaya Tol, BBM, dan Penginapan!

    Dengan tangki bensin kendaraan rata-rata berkapasitas 45 Liter, artinya akan butuh setidaknya 2 kali isi bensin dalam road trip ke Bromo. Kemudian harga BBM Pertamax RON 92 per Juli 2023 adalah Rp 13.300 per liter per September 2023. Jadi total biaya BBM untuk road trip Jakarta Bali dengan mobil Xpander, Avanza, Terios sekitar Rp 970 ribuan.