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Exploring on Two Wheels: Panoramic Routes Through Switzerland

The quiet purr of an e-bike's motor is like an extra muscle. With a light touch on the pedals, you can tackle long, hilly routes. Ten scenic routes for the adventurous cyclist.

#1 Round trip in the Bündner Herrschaft GR The Bad Ragaz e-bike station next to the Tamina Therme is one of the best in the country: here, you can be sure that every rented e-bike is impeccably maintained and that newcomers getting on an electric-powered bike for the first time are patiently instructed on how to handle the rideable contraption. The operators also readily provide information about possible routes in the Heidiland vacation region. The easy round tour through the hilly Bündner Herrschaft is perfect for beginners, because the 26 km long route runs mostly on bike paths or small roads and the pure riding time is only two hours. From Bad Ragaz, the route first crosses the Rhine to the other, sunnier side of the valley. Here, the winegrowing villages of Fläsch, Maienfeld, Jenins and Malans nestle gently into the extensive, gently sloping vineyards and orchards. Our route crosses the villages in this order and in a leisurely up and down. Connoisseurs are spoiled for choice as to where to stop - highly recommended is the "Alte Torkel" with its spectacularly panoramic terrace. From Malans the tour continues via Landquart and then along the Rhine back to the starting point, where you can finally dive into the Tamina Therme. www.heidiland.com www.susobike.ch www.torkel.ch www.taminatherme.ch

#2 On the Rhine Route from Kreuzlingen to Schaffhausen TG/SH Just a moment ago, there was the seeming endlessness of the Constance Bay in the Upper Lake Constance, already a few thousand birds are chirping, whistling, screeching above the nature reserve of the Wollmatinger Ried. We continue on to Gottlieben, where the well-kept half-timbered houses line the Seerhein. The scenery at Untersee widens anew, the view sweeps: there the park-surrounded Arenenberg Castle near Mannenbach. There is the vegetable and monastery island of Reichenau on the German side of the lake. Further west, the Höri peninsula, also on the other shore. At Mammern, the Untersee flows into the Hochrhein. Hohenklingen Castle towers over the richly decorated town of Stein am Rhein. A few river loops further on, Diessenhofen with its historic wooden bridge is worth a stop. In Schaffhausen, the varied, 48 km long tour ends (well marked as Rhine Route, stage 6). If you are early enough, you can make the return trip along the same route on a scheduled boat (limited space available for bicycles). www.schweizmobil.ch

#3 Appenzell Route AI/AR/SG The Appenzellerland is a symbol of rural peace. On this 69 km round trip, signposted as Veloland Route No. 42, you can get to the bottom of this idyllic piece of Switzerland. After an energizing breakfast at the starting point and destination of Appenzell, you're ready to go: The route via Gais, Oberegg, Walzenhausen, Heiden, Rehetobel to St. Gallen offers a backdrop ready for a home movie, green and gentle and wild at the same time - the Alpstein massif with the Säntis at your back, then the Rhine valley deep below and to the north the wide panorama of Lake Constance in front of your handlebars. In St. Gallen, you can fortify yourself in one of the many old town taverns or refresh yourself in the natural waters of the Drei Weiheren in the St. Georgen district. The remaining 15 kilometers, which leads via the village of Stein (with its show dairy) back to the small town of Appenzell, can be tackled leisurely. By the way: Five kilometers west of Appenzell, the "Appenzeller Huus" in Gonten is a good choice for all those who like to eat well after a day close to nature and want to spend the night in a real Appenzell house that is completely modern inside. Bike rental stations of Rent a Bike are available at the train stations of Appenzell and St. Gallen. www.schweizmobil.ch www.appenzellerhuus.ch

#4 Lake Thun Loop BE The deep blue lake can be circled on a four-and-a-half-hour bike tour. Starting point of the 55 km long, moderately difficult route in front of the most beautiful alpine scenery is for example Sigriswil. From there, the route initially heads west via Oberhofen and Hünibach to Thun. Here it is worthwhile to stop off at one of the old town restaurants located directly on the Aare, such as the "Waisenhaus". The route continues via Gwatt and Spiez to Krattigen. This is followed by a challenging climb to the suspension bridge in Leissigen and a challenging descent to Därligen. Alternatively, you can bypass the section by cycling along the main road from Krattigen via the village of Leissigen to Därligen (follow the signposting for Lakes Route No. 9). The last stage leads via Matten near Interlaken and Merligen back to Sigriswil, with the highlight at the end: the thrilling Sigriswil panorama bridge crossing the Gummischlucht gorge - at 340 meters one of the longest and at 182 meters one of the highest pedestrian bridges in the world. www.interlaken.ch www.bindella.ch

#5 On the Heart Route through the Emmental LU/BE The "Herzroute 99" and its loops are perfectly signposted cycling routes. These lead along a total of 720 km of low-traffic paths and in a total of thirteen stages from Romanshorn to Lausanne. The classic "Ur-Etappe" (today the sixth stage of the entire Tour de Suisse) winds its way over 63 km from the small town of Willisau in Lucerne to Burgdorf. Initially heading west, one dives into the Oberaargau region before this peaceful rural part of the canton of Bern becomes increasingly hilly towards the south and turns more and more into the Emmental. A region like in the picture book "Unsere heile Schweiz": Villages nestled in valley hollows, lush green meadows, in between stately houses with their typical roofs extended far beyond the facade and the lovingly tended flower and vegetable gardens. From Otterbachegg at the latest, the route builds up to a scenic crescendo, and at the hamlet of Eggerdingen, it is worth taking a detour to the Lueg lookout mountain, where you are rewarded with a phenomenal view of the Napf region and the Bernese Alps. This area also hides some of the most beautiful Emmental country inns, such as the "Hirschen" or the country inn Lueg in Kaltacker. Also in the further course of the route, at Affoltern, where the Emmental show dairy is located, and around Sumiswald, where for example the village of Trachselwald is worth a detour, one likes to believe the cows that they are happy here and therefore deliver proper milk for the holey cheese. In the last section from Lützelflüh along the Emme riverbank path, Burgdorf Castle can be seen overlooking the valley from afar. www.herzroute.ch www.hirschenkaltacker.ch www.lueg.ch www.emmentaler-schaukaeserei.ch

#6 Tour du Lac de Morat FR/VD The smallest of the three large Jura lakes (after Lake Neuchâtel and Lake Biel) has a very special grace that can be experienced most impressively on a leisurely circumnavigation on two wheels. The route leads from Murten or Sugiez clockwise, mostly close to the shore, once around the lake; on the northern side of the lake with an ascent of 250 meters in altitude to the sunny Mont Vully, which is crisscrossed by various hiking and biking trails, with the hotel-restaurant "Le Mont Vully" as a possible stop for refreshments. Between Môtier and Sugiez, the 5 km long vineyard trail "La Riviera" leads through the vineyards. The 28 km long tour can be shortened at various places by boat. Bicycles are transported free of charge. If you feel like a refreshing swim in the lake halfway along the trail: One of the longest sandy beaches in the country stretches out near Salavaux. The Romantik Hôtel de L'Ours in Sugiez at the northeast end of the lake is a charming place to stay. www.schweizmobil.ch www.hotelmontvully.ch www.hotel-ours.ch

#7 Circumnavigation of Lake Neuchâtel NE/VD/FR This wonderful circular cycling route with ever-changing views of Lake Neuchâtel is a remarkable 108 km long, but has few climbs, so the route can easily be completed in eight to ten hours of riding for both e-bikers and well-trained cyclists. The tour starts in Neuchâtel in a southwesterly direction and first crosses the wine-growing communities of Auvernier, Cortaillod and Saint-Aubin. After a two and a half hour ride, the small town of Yverdon-les-Bains is reached at the end of the lake. From here on, nature becomes more pristine along the flat southeastern shore and is flanked by extensive, protected green zones - from the Champ-Pittet marshland near Yverdon to the Grande Cariçaie nature reserve and the Chablais de Cudrefin at the mouth of the Broye. Estavayer-le-Lac is a good intermediate stage for a rest. Then it's back to Neuchâtel via Cudrefin, optionally by scheduled boat. Good to know: There is a Rent a Bike rental station at the Neuchâtel train station. www.j3l.ch www.rentabike.ch

#8 "Route du vignoble de La Côte" from Morges to Nyon VD The timelessly beautiful winegrowing villages of La Côte, the belt of land between the two towns of Morges and Nyon, exude a Mediterranean serenity. Hardly anything disturbs the eye. A great harmony lies over the vineyards gently rising from Lake Geneva to the Jura, which are covered by a network of car-free concrete roads on which the largest wine-growing region in Vaud can be explored with great pleasure on two wheels. After starting in Morges, the route passes through Vufflens-le-Château, Denens, Aubonne, Féchy, Mont-sur-Rolle, Tartegnin, Gilly, Bursins, Luins, Coinsins, Duillier to Nyon. Always in view: The expanse of Lac Léman and behind it the Alpine chain with Mont Blanc. Distance: 35 km (ascent 600 m, descent 580 m). Recommended stop: Auberge La Clef d'Or in Bursinel. www.lacote-tourisme.ch www.laclefdor.ch 

#9 Through the heart of the Rhone Route VS/VD

The altogether eight-part "Rhone Route" leads on 350 km from Andermatt over the Furka Pass through the Goms, the Rhone Valley and along the entire Lake Geneva to Geneva. The combined stages 4 and 5 between Sierre and Montreux (89 km, altitude difference approx. 360 m) are suitable for a leisurely day tour. The middle Rhone valley between Sierre and Fully on the Rhone knee has a very special charm - and is characterized over longer stretches by vineyards, some of which are laid out on breathtakingly steep terraces. Sion, which is reached after an hour's drive from the starting point in Sierre, is definitely worth a stroll through town, perhaps with lunch at "Le Coq en pâte" or at the restaurant "La Sitterie". Then the route continues over the bathing lakes "Les Iles de Sion", which many cyclists will enjoy, and you are already immersed in the rich fruit culture. At Evionnaz to Martigny you pass the nature reserve Les Follatères, and after Saint-Maurice with the monastery of the same name the valley opens up to the vastness of the Chablais wine-growing area with Aigle and Yvorne. On a splendid bike path, you ride along the river towards Lake Geneva. www.schweizmobil.ch www.coqenpate.ch www.lasitterie.ch

#10 From Cardada via Val Resa to Locarno TI Cardada Cimetta, Locarno's local mountain, can be easily climbed by bike: First with the funicular from Locarno station square to Madonna del Sasso, then with the cable car to Cardada. If you are in good shape or have electric motor assistance, the 1130 meters of altitude on 17 km of winding paths can of course also be done on two wheels. Either way, the panorama from the Cardada viewpoint of Lake Maggiore, the Magadino plain and the Alpine rim is spectacular. By the way, the chairlift from Cardada (1340 m) to Cimetta (1670 m) leads even higher - here additional views and insights into the valleys Vallemaggia, Onsernone and Centovalli open up. For the bikers, the descent follows from Cardada, or rather the rapid ride down, on 6 km of single trails through the Val di Resa and then on another 7 km of asphalt road back to Locarno. www.ascona-locarno.com www.cardada.ch

Selection & Text: Claus Schweitzer Photos: Website of the respective tourism organisations

Published on: 22.08.2023

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E-bike tours within Switzerland: six routes packed with variety

Daniel Geiger, Christof Sonderegger, Lugano Region/Antonio Ravazza, Musikautomatenmuseum, Jan Geerk, Paul Menz, Colin Frei, Marco Hartmann, Rob Lewis Photography, Unesco Biosphäre Entlebuch/Michelle Felder/Beat Brechbühl

E-bikes are a great choice for lengthier trips. Why? Because their electric assistance leaves you with more energy to enjoy the ride. Here are six e-bike tours covering the whole of Switzerland.

The extra energy an e-bike provides makes getting from A to B quick and easy – perfect for longer trips! You don’t always need to own your own e-bike, either, as local bike shops often have bikes for hire. You can rent bikepacking bags from Transa’s Markthalle Bern store , too: then you’re all set for your e-bike tour.

We’ve cherry-picked some of Switzerland’s most stunning tours for you. Some even take you past publicly accessible charging points, so you can enjoy the route at a leisurely pace.

The Heart Route – along the length of Switzerland

The 13 legs of the Heart Route take you from one end of Switzerland to the other, from Lake Constance to Lake Geneva. Of course, you don’t need to do the whole thing in one go. Maybe you’ll find the time to complete each leg one by one over the course of a year? Or you might be able to tackle three during a long weekend? The Heart Route is perfectly suited to this approach, as you can take every leg individually. The start and finish towns are always well-connected to public transport, and there are suggestions for restaurants and hotels along each leg, too. If the Heart Route isn’t enough, you can tack on the additional Heart loops, too, and enjoy even more of Switzerland.

Start: Romanshorn Finish: Lausanne Distance: 720 km Legs: 23 Highlights: 22 lakes, 17 historic old towns

The leg from Herisau to Wattwil; the snow-covered peak of the Churfirsten is visible in the background.

Stunning views on the leg from Willisau to Burgdorf, near Affoltern in the Emmental valley.

Travelling by e-bike along the additional circular route in the Napf region. Just like the main route, you can attempt the Herzschlaufen in individual legs or in one go.

E-bike round trip in Ticino

This one-day e-bike trip starts in Bogno, on the Italian border. You’ll cycle through Ticino’s characteristic landscapes in Val Colla and enjoy a stunning panoramic view of the mountains. You can stop for a picnic on route, of course, but if you’d prefer, you can also pop into one of the three restaurants you’ll pass.

Start/finish: Bogno Distance: 27.4 km Highlight: the landscape of Ticino

San Lucio chapel on the pass of the same name. Passo San Lucio links Italy’s Val Cavargna with Ticino’s Val Colla.

Soaking up culture on your e-bike in Baselland

With attractions such as the Museum of Music Automatons in Seewen, the ruins of Dorneck Castle, the Goetheanum in Dornach or Arlesheim Cathedral on offer, you’d be forgiven for thinking that cycling takes a back seat on this trip. It’s still worth taking your e-bike out for a spin, though. The first section starts in Aesch and leads you through the picturesque Chaltbrunntal valley. You’ll then reach the historic town of Laufen – a great place to take your first break or charge your e-bike’s battery at one of the public charging points available across the canton. You can complete the route in one or two days, depending on how many stops you take.

Start/finish: Aesch Distance: 54.5 km Highlights: museums and attractions

It’s always worth taking a break to explore Baselland’s culture – and the Museum of Music Automatons in Seewen is the perfect place to do so.

Wander through the town of Laufen and even charge your e-bike at one of the public charging points.

During this e-bike tour, you’ll also pass the ruins of Dorneck Castle and...

...Arlesheim Cathedral.

Exploring the Creux du Van with your e-bike

This route is perfect for a one-day cycling trip. The round trip starts from Noiraigue railway station with a manageable stretch until you reach the entrance to Travers. There, you turn onto a side road and continue above the forest to La Banderette Museum. The incline gets a little steeper here – so your bike’s electric assistance will be all the more welcome. Hop off your e-bike for a moment and walk to the Creux du Van, one of Switzerland’s most stunningly impressive rock formations. While you can take a shortcut via Couvet on your return journey, it’s worth cycling back along the route in its entirety over the verdant plateaus.

Start/finish: Noiraigue railway station Distance: 52 km Highlights: La Banderette Museum, Creux du Van, plateaus

It’s worth hopping off your e-bike briefly at the Creux du Van.

E-bike trip in the Grisons: circling the Rhine Gorge

From the River Rhine to stunning panoramic views of the mountains and Crestasee lake, one picture-postcard view follows the next during this round trip along the Rhine Gorge. You start in Chur and then proceed to Bonaduz. Once you reach there, you cycle along the stunning Versamerstrasse road above the Rhine Gorge (image at the top of the article). Versam has a charging point for your e-bike – the perfect spot to take a little break. The return journey takes you back to Chur via Laax and Tamins. You can usually complete this route within a day.

Start/finish: Chur Distance: 65.2 km Highlights: nature

The imposing Rhine Gorge from above.

Standing on the Il Spir viewing platform near Conn makes you feel like you’re almost floating above the Rhine Gorge.

Discovering the moorland near Entlebuch with your e-bike

The round trip from Entlebuch gets off to a steep start, climbing out of the village until you reach Rengg. You’ll barely break a sweat on your e-bike, though – and you’ll doubtless have plenty of energy left to enjoy the view. Later, you’ll pass the Mettilimoos moors. This area is protected, but you can cool off your feet in the moorland paddling pool. Then you continue towards Schachen and Wolhusen before returning to Entlebuch via Doppleschwand, Habschwanden and Hasle.

Start/finish: Entlebuch Distance: 36.7 km Highlights: moorland

The e-bike tour in Entlebuch takes you past lots of lush meadows, hills and moorland landscapes.

Immerse yourself in the moorland experience – literally – at Mettilimoos and give your feet a refreshing dip.

Equipment for your e-bike tour

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