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christian tour senior voyage 2023

Christian Tours for Singles Over 50

Embarking on a journey of faith and adventure knows no age limits, and for Christian singles over 50, the world beckons with captivating destinations that blend spiritual enrichment, cultural exploration, and the joy of forming meaningful connections.

Christian travel tours designed exclusively for this vibrant demographic offer an extraordinary opportunity to deepen one’s faith while basking in the beauty of diverse lands and forging lasting friendships with like-minded individuals.

  • Egypt Christian Journey – The Steps of Jesus – This tour offers a spiritually enriching pilgrimage, retracing the biblical footsteps of Jesus through significant sites in Egypt, providing you with a unique opportunity to connect with the roots of Christianity and delve into the sacred stories that unfolded in this ancient land.
  • Holy Land Galilee & Golan Tour – This tour is a spiritually enhancing and culturally immersive pilgrimage through the biblical landscapes of Galilee and the Golan Heights, offering a transformative experience connecting you to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ amidst the region’s natural beauty and historical significance.
  • Bethlehem, Jericho and Qasr al-Yahud – This tour is a spiritual journey through iconic biblical sites in the Holy Land, offering you a profound connection to the region’s cultural and religious heritage.
  • Epic Egypt and Jordan Religious Journey – This tour is another transformative pilgrimage that intertwines the sacred heritage and historical wonders of Egypt and Jordan, offering you a profound and spiritual connection to the ancient biblical stories and cultural treasures of these extraordinary lands.
  • Land of the Gods – The 13-Day Israel and Jordan Tour of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Jericho, and Petra is an immersive and complete expedition that weaves together the ancient biblical sites, modern cities, and cultural wonders of Israel and Jordan, offering you a profound and enriching voyage of historical discovery and spiritual connection.

How to Choose a Christian Tour

Choosing a Christian tour that aligns with your interests, spiritual preferences, and travel expectations requires careful consideration.

Research Tour Operators

Look for reputable tour operators that specialize in Christian travel. Check their websites, read reviews, and assess their experience in organizing similar tours. Established companies often have a track record of delivering meaningful experiences.

Review Tour Itineraries

Examine the itineraries of various tours. Ensure that the destinations and activities offered resonate with your interests and spiritual goals. Look for tours that visit places you’ve always wanted to see or that offer unique opportunities for spiritual reflection.

Consider Group Size

Determine your preference for group size. Some travelers enjoy intimate, small-group experiences, while others prefer larger gatherings. Choose a tour that suits your comfort level and desire for personal connections.

Check Accommodations and Transportation

Verify the quality of accommodations and transportation provided during the tour. Comfortable lodging and efficient travel arrangements contribute to a more enjoyable experience.

Tour Leaders and Guides

Learn about the tour leaders and guides who will accompany you on the journey. Experienced and knowledgeable guides can enhance your understanding of the destinations’ cultural and spiritual significance.

Seek Spiritual Content

Assess the spiritual content and activities included in the tour. Some tours may offer daily devotionals, worship services, or prayer gatherings, while others may focus more on historical or cultural aspects.

Compare Costs and Inclusions

Compare the costs and what is included in each tour package. Take note of any additional fees or optional excursions. Consider the value of inclusions like meals, entrance fees, and guided tours.

Read Testimonials

Look for testimonials or reach out to previous participants to get firsthand feedback about their experiences with the tour operator and the overall trip.

Trust Your Instincts

Ultimately, trust your instincts and choose a tour that resonates with you on a spiritual and personal level. If a particular tour feels right in your heart, it’s likely the one that will offer you the most enriching experience.

How to Prepare for a Christian Tour

Preparing for a Christian tour involves a combination of practical considerations and spiritual readiness. Here are some steps to help you prepare for a meaningful and fulfilling Christian travel experience.

Define Your Purpose

Determine the purpose of your trip. Are you seeking a tour that focuses on spiritual growth, historical Bible sites, humanitarian outreach, or a mix of these elements? Understanding your intentions will guide your search.

Spiritual Preparation

Take time to pray and meditate on the purpose of the trip. Reflect on your spiritual goals and expectations for the journey. Consider reading relevant scriptures related to the destinations you’ll visit to deepen your understanding and connection.

Get to Know Fellow Participants

If possible, connect with other participants before the tour. Many tours have online groups or forums where you can introduce yourself, ask questions, and foster a sense of community before you even start your travels.

Understand Local Customs

Research the cultural norms and customs of the countries you’ll be visiting. Understanding and respecting local practices will help you make the most of your interactions and leave a positive impact.

Prepare Emotionally

Be open to new experiences and be willing to step out of your comfort zone. Traveling can sometimes be challenging, but approaching it with an open heart and a positive attitude can lead to transformative experiences.

Pack Thoughtfully

Pack appropriate clothing and essentials based on the destinations and activities on the tour. Don’t forget to include comfortable walking shoes, a Bible, a journal for personal reflections, and any items you use for daily devotionals.

Pack an Attitude of Gratitude

Approach the tour with an attitude of gratitude, knowing that this is an opportunity to grow spiritually, meet new people, and witness God’s beauty in different parts of the world.

As the demand for travel experiences catered to mature Christian singles continues to rise, an array of specialized tours awaits, promising an unforgettable blend of spiritual rejuvenation, breathtaking discoveries, and the boundless camaraderie that arises when hearts align in the pursuit of God’s grace across the globe.

Egypt Christian Journey – The Steps of Jesus

This tour, offered by Look at Egypt Tours, is a remarkable pilgrimage that retraces the footsteps of Jesus in the land of Egypt, a country deeply intertwined with biblical history. This spiritually rich voyage spans over several days and takes you to significant biblical sites, providing a unique opportunity to connect with the roots of Christianity and immerse in the sacred stories that unfolded in this ancient land.

The tour commences in Cairo, Egypt’s bustling capital, where you will have the chance to visit the renowned Egyptian Museum, home to a vast collection of artifacts from ancient times, including exhibits with potential biblical relevance. The journey then leads to Old Cairo, a district rich in Coptic Christian heritage. Here, you will explore the Hanging Church (Saint Virgin Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church), which dates back to the 3rd century and is one of the oldest Christian churches in Egypt.

Next, the tour takes you to the serene city of Aswan, where a felucca sailboat expedition on the Nile River allows for a contemplative experience amid the scenic beauty of the Nile’s banks. The itinerary continues with a visit to the Philae Temple, dedicated to the worship of the goddess Isis but also associated with the legend of the last pharaoh of ancient Egypt, Cleopatra, and her encounters with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.

From Aswan, the trip moves to Luxor, where a captivating exploration of the East Bank and West Bank awaits. On the East Bank, you will witness the grandeur of the Luxor Temple, an ancient site that holds historical significance as a place of worship for both pharaohs and early Christians. On the West Bank, you will visit the Valley of the Kings, the final resting place of several pharaohs, including the tomb of Tutankhamun, and the awe-inspiring Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut.

The tour then culminates in the ancient city of Alexandria, where you can delve into the remnants of early Christianity at the catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa and the Roman Amphitheater, both emblematic of Alexandria’s historical Christian past.

Throughout the Egypt Christian Journey – The Steps of Jesus tour, knowledgeable guides offer insights into the biblical significance of each site, weaving together the tales of the Holy Family’s journey in Egypt with the vast historical tapestry of this storied nation. You will have ample opportunities for prayer, reflection, and spiritual contemplation in the very places where Jesus’ presence was believed to have left an indelible mark.

Tour Operator: Look at Egypt Tours

Days: 9 days, 8 nights

Max Group: 15

Holy Land Galilee & Golan Tour

This tour is an exceptional and soul-stirring pilgrimage that invites you to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ through the serene landscapes of Galilee and the majestic expanses of the Golan Heights. With a focus on spiritual enrichment and cultural discovery, this meticulously designed tour promises an unforgettable experience that will resonate deeply.

The tour starts in Galilee, a region of profound biblical significance where Jesus spent much of his ministry. Amidst the rolling hills and picturesque shores of the Sea of Galilee, you will visit hallowed sites such as Capernaum, where Jesus performed miracles and taught his disciples, and the Mount of Beatitudes, where the timeless Sermon on the Mount was delivered. The tour also includes a visit to the Baptismal site on the Jordan River, a place of profound spirituality where pilgrims can partake in baptismal ceremonies and renew their faith.

As the tour ventures into the Golan Heights, you are greeted by awe-inspiring panoramas and an abundance of natural beauty. This region, renowned for its captivating landscapes and historic significance, offers you a unique opportunity to explore ancient fortresses, such as Nimrod Fortress, which echoes with stories of the past, and the ancient city of Banias, where the ruins of a pagan temple bear witness to the region’s historical tapestry.

Throughout the trip, experienced guides share their profound knowledge of the biblical events that unfolded in these sacred lands, breathing life into ancient stories and providing a deeper understanding of the scriptures. Daily reflections and moments of prayer allow you to connect spiritually with the essence of the Holy Land, fostering an atmosphere of reverence and contemplation.

Tour Operator: Click Tours

Days: 3 days

Max Group: NA

Bethlehem, Jericho and Qasr al-Yahud

Not looking for a multi-day tour? This 1-day tour is a captivating and comprehensive trip that takes you on a remarkable exploration of some of the most iconic and historically significant sites in the Holy Land. This full-day tour provides a unique opportunity to delve into the rich cultural and religious heritage of the region while immersing yourself in the biblical stories and ancient wonders that have shaped the course of history.

The tour begins with a visit to Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ, where you will have the chance to witness the revered Church of the Nativity. This ancient basilica, a UNESCO World Heritage site, stands atop the traditional birthplace of Jesus and is a testament to centuries of Christian devotion.

The tour then ventures to Jericho, one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities, and a place steeped in biblical history. As you explore the ancient ruins and archeological sites, including the excavated Tel Jericho, you will gain a deeper understanding of the city’s pivotal role in biblical events and its significance as a symbol of faith and perseverance.

Next on the itinerary is Qasr al-Yahud, another site of immense religious importance, located on the banks of the Jordan River. This holy site is traditionally believed to be the place where John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ. You can partake in moments of reflection and prayer along the riverbanks, creating a memorable and spiritually enriching experience.

Throughout the tour, knowledgeable guides share insightful commentary, offering historical context and religious significance, ensuring that you gain a deeper appreciation for the cultural and spiritual aspects of each site visited.

This tour is designed to be inclusive and accommodating to participants of various Christian denominations, creating a space for personal reflection, spiritual connection, and an authentic encounter with the sacred history that permeates the Holy Land.

Tour Operator: Bein Harim Tourism Service

Days: 1 day

Epic Egypt and Jordan Religious Journey

This tour is a meticulously curated and deeply meaningful expedition that transcends time and space, immersing you in the profound spiritual legacy and awe-inspiring history of Egypt and Jordan. This comprehensive pilgrimage embraces the essence of both faith and cultural exploration.

The tour starts in Cairo where you have the opportunity to explore the legendary Pyramids of Giza, a testament to the remarkable achievements of the ancient Egyptians and a reminder of the divine mysteries that have captivated humanity for millennia. Adjacent to the pyramids lies the enigmatic Sphinx, shrouded in myth and symbolism, creating an atmosphere of wonder and reverence.

Continuing the expedition, you will venture to Old Cairo, where a treasure trove of Coptic Christian heritage awaits. The Hanging Church and the Church of Abu Serga stand as enduring symbols of Egypt’s early Christian history, each holding sacred stories that intertwine with the tapestry of the Holy Family’s voyage in this ancient land. Moments of prayer and reflection in these holy sanctuaries allow for a profound spiritual connection and an appreciation of the enduring faith that has withstood the tests of time.

The journey then takes flight to the historical city of Luxor, home to the splendid temples of Karnak and Luxor, hallowed sites that bear witness to the religious devotion of ancient Egyptians and reflect the intricate interplay between spirituality and human endeavor. You will also embark on a serene cruise along the Nile River, mirroring the travels of ancient pharaohs and biblical figures alike, creating a sense of unity with the past and the divine.

As the tour transitions to Jordan, the ancient city of Petra awaits, a UNESCO World Heritage site renowned for its majestic rock-cut architecture and enduring Nabatean legacy. Among the awe-inspiring structures of this “Rose City,” you can reflect on the intertwining of faith, culture, and history in the heart of the desert.

The pilgrimage concludes with a visit to the iconic Baptism Site of Jesus Christ at Bethany Beyond the Jordan, located on the eastern banks of the Jordan River. This sacred location offers a poignant opportunity for you to retrace the steps of the baptismal rite performed by John the Baptist, fostering a profound spiritual encounter and a connection to the foundations of Christianity.

Travel Operator: Look at Egypt Tours

Days: 8 days

Max Group: 10

Land of the Gods

The 13-Day Israel and Jordan Tour of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Jericho, and Petra is a carefully crafted adventure that offers a deeply immersive experience that unveils the captivating blend of ancient traditions, modern vibrancy, and spiritual heritage that these remarkable lands embody.

The tour commences in Tel Aviv, Israel’s cosmopolitan and cultural hub, where you are greeted by the city’s dynamic atmosphere, beautiful beaches, and bustling markets. You have the opportunity to explore the city’s historical and modern facets, gaining insight into Israel’s contemporary lifestyle and its deep-rooted connection to its biblical past.

As the tour progresses, it moves to Jerusalem, one of the world’s most revered cities, brimming with spiritual significance for multiple faiths. Here, you embark on a profound exploration of sacred landmarks, such as the Western Wall, the holiest site in Judaism, and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, revered by Christians as the site of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Amidst the cobbled streets and ancient walls, the diverse and harmonious tapestry of Jerusalem’s religious heritage becomes apparent, fostering an atmosphere of reverence and awe.

The tour then takes you to the ancient city of Jericho where biblical tales intertwine with archeological wonders. Jericho, renowned as one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world, offers you a unique glimpse into its storied past.

Continuing the expedition, you then venture into Jordan, where you are greeted by the mesmerizing city of Petra, an architectural marvel hewn into rose-red cliffs. Exploring the ancient Nabatean city, with its intricate facades and hidden tombs, becomes a surreal trip back in time, evoking a sense of wonder and amazement at the ingenuity and artistry of its creators.

Beyond Petra, the tour takes you to the mesmerizing desert landscapes of Wadi Rum, known for its ethereal beauty and association with the exploits of Lawrence of Arabia. A thrilling jeep safari allows you to venture into the heart of this vast desert expanse, soaking in the rugged grandeur of the landscape.

Throughout the tour, experienced Trafalgar guides offer their wealth of knowledge, providing historical context, cultural insights, and stories that bring each destination to life. The itinerary is thoughtfully designed to strike a balance between guided exploration and free time, allowing you to delve into the local flavors, traditions, and interactions with welcoming locals.

Tour Operator: Trafalgar

Days: 13 days


Let’s Have a Conversation:

Have you been on a Christian tour? Are you planning on joining one of the tours on our list? Tell us about it in the comments below.


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Sixty and Me is a community of over 500,000 women over 60 founded by Margaret Manning. Our editorial team publishes articles on lifestyle topics including fashion, dating, retirement and money.

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Christian Tours & Group Tour Packages 2024, 2025

What is a Christian Fellowship Package?

Have you been on a vacation that was not a blessing because you did not travel with other Christians? This list of Christian Packages is simply a means for you to enjoy the friendship, Bible study, and encouragement that you gain when traveling with people of like mind and faith. Many group leaders offer study tours and private group packages as well.

Reserve your tour at least 6 months in advance for an Early Booking Discount

Groups and parties of 6 or more click here for special rates, scheduled tours, christian tours: frequently asked questions.

Are there opportunities for spiritual enrichment and worship during the tours?

Yes, there will be opportunities for spiritual enrichment and worship during our Christian tours. You’ll get to visit and learn about sites that played a key role in the stories of the Bible and Christian history. These experiences also give you a chance to learn more about the world and the different cultures that have shaped it.

What type of accommodations can I expect during the tours?

Most of the tours we offer are all-inclusive, which means airfare, lodging, and most meals are included in the price of your tour. This includes everything from Ireland tours to cruises and tours of Alaska. You can find individual itineraries and tour details for each of our tour packages on our website, and you can contact us if you have any questions.

What safety measures are in place for travelers?

We can’t guarantee your safety, but we do take traveler safety seriously. Safety is a top priority with all of our Christian travel groups. We work with destination management companies who prioritize/commit to safety, and we’ve built strong relationships that allow us to provide an incredible experience whether you book one of our Europe or U.S. tours .

Are meals provided during the tours? Are dietary restrictions accommodated?

We provide meals and other accommodations during most of our tours, but you should check the details on our website before booking your tour. Hotels may also provide various options that can accommodate different types of diets, allergies, and other restrictions.

Can I customize my tour itinerary to include specific religious sites or activities?

We offer several Christian tours, so you can choose the tour that piques your interest. Some of our tours — including Italy and Greece tours and cruises —include optional activities and visits to religious sites. You can decide which sites you want to visit and spend your time relaxing on the shore or cruise ship when you’re not busy sightseeing. We do offer pre-nights or post-nights before and after our tours for those that want to take some time to rest, relax or get caught up on jet lag.

What is the group size for these tours?

Group sizes are typically between 25 and 35 people, although group sizes can vary. Some tour groups may be as large as 40–45 people, but it depends on the tour and the group leader. We try to maintain reasonably sized tour groups for our Christian vacations.

How far in advance should I book my Christian tour?

The sooner you book, the better. Our tour groups can fill up fast, but we do our best to give everyone a chance to visit other countries and learn about early Christian history throughout the world. Many of our tours offer an early reservation discount if you sign up for a tour 6+ months in advance. Keep in mind that you’ll also need to have a valid passport — and visa if required — before departing.

Do I need travel insurance for these Christian tours? Is it included in the package?

We strongly recommend purchasing a travel insurance plan — whether you’re booking one of our Christian Alaska cruises or a trip to Europe. Travel insurance charges can be added to your final bill, but they’re not included in your tour package. We can provide a total approximate cost for travel insurance when you book your tour.

Are there any extra fees or expenses not included in the tour package?

We do our best to offer tour pricing that includes as much as possible. You’ll need to pay a $300 (USD) deposit per person to book one of our Christian tours, $100 of which is non-refundable at time of deposit. However, most of our Christian travel packages include lodging, food, and all the other accommodations you’ll need during your trip. From Costa Rica tours to Alaska cruises, we offer a luxurious and enriching experience.

What is the cancellation policy for these tours?

You must notify Pilgrim Tours of your cancellation 91+ days before your departure date for a refund of your deposit minus service fees. Canceling on shorter notice will result in a smaller refund, and you won’t receive any refund if you notify us of your cancellation 7 days or fewer before your departure.

Can I extend my stay at any of the destinations beyond the tour dates?

Our Christian tours follow a specific itinerary, so you’ll need to stick with the tour group throughout the tour. During some of our tours, we’ll even travel to different countries and meet new tour guides throughout the trip. Travelers do have the option to book extra hotel nights either before the tour or after the tour.

Do you provide transportation between destinations?

We provide transportation for all of our Christian tours, from US to Germany tours . While transportation costs are included in the price of your tour, tips to guides and drivers aren’t covered.

What should I pack for the tour? Are there any specific clothing or items recommended?

You should pack appropriate clothing for the destination you’re visiting. Consider the culture you’re immersing yourself in and dress modestly according to cultural norms. You should also pack a phone charger, personal care products, medicine, and anything else you typically bring on a vacation.

christian tour senior voyage 2023

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The future of travel

The founder of Christian Tour, Cristian Pandel, has gone through all the stages of a successful story, starting from a simple idea, working hard and with passion, becoming an entrepreneur with an unique approach concerning travel and related services.

After 24 years, Christian Tour is one of the most prominent companies in SE Europe, with a dedicated team of more then 200 travel professionals active in +40 travel office all over Romania and Republic of Moldova.


We understand the families’ needs for vacation: a peaceful, serene trip for  adults and entertainment for children.

Nearly half million customers travel with Christian Tour every year . All our customers, looking for sunny beaches destinations, city breaks or niche holiday spots, can and will find ideas for their next holiday.


We know that the active people go on vacation for new experiences. Especially for them, Christian Tour  has created cultural tours, weekend breaks and pilgrimages all over the world.


Nowadays we want to explore the world, to discover new destinations, to change the décor for a while. We offer city breaks in the European capitals and flight tickets to any destination around the world.


You dream of paradise? Christian Tour will take you there! Exotic islands,  turquoise horizons, bizarre foods and exquisite cocktails. This is the scenery of an exotic holiday created by Christian Tour.

WE FOCUS on what our customers want; we constantly introduce new destinations and new services; we are very selective regarding our suppliers; nevertheless our rates for all holiday packages stay at the range of affordable.


Senior Voyage, our dedicated brand for senior citizens is well known for its unrivaled tours throughout the most spectacular destinations in Romania and in many European countries.

Christian Tour is the unique owner and developer of the „Senior Voyage” brand in Romania.  


WE ARE PROUD to show our guests the beauties of our country – Romania, our natural treasures, historic sites, our distinctive and unique traditions. Christian Tour welcomes guests from around the world since the very beginning of its existence.

Business Travel

We offer complete solutions for business travel by combining technology with experienced and well trained travel specialists. We provide complete counselling and support services such as accommodation, transport, transfers, rent-a-car, medical assurance, visa assistance.


Our evets team is experienced, creative, innovative and enthusiastic.  We will work alongside you to create complex and memorable events. We aim to make your work easier, by taking over your responsibilities and saving you time, while also fully complying with your budgets and policies. 

Cristian Pandel Founder & President Memento Group

Who are we - THE JOURNEY

We make everything simple

IT ALL BEGAN ALMOST 24 YEARS AGO when, together with a group of other enthusiasts, we started exploring the Romanian mountains. We discovered the excitement of experiencing new places and the joy of escaping the everyday bustle. Three years later, Christian Adventure Mountaineering School was founded. We wanted to make these wonderful experiences accessible to as many people as possible.  

Following the success of the mountaineering school, the next natural step was to extend the activity outside the borders. Therefore, in 1997, Christian Tour was founded. Since the philosophy of the newly founded travel agency was based on the same values as the school, to open up new experiences and places, we chose as logo a symbol that reminded of those special early days: the Bucegi Sphinx.  

In the past years, due to an excellent team of tourism professionals and the economic force behind us, Christian Tour has become one of the most important brands on the Romanian tourism market. Our field of activity is one of the most fascinating anyone can imagine: we set out our clients for dream destinations!  

Christian Tour, as part of Memento Group, stands out as NO 1 tour operator in Romania and a major player in SE Europe. We are committed to fulfill the need of travelling, to make the journey as enjoyable, accessible and memorable as possible, to deliver the right experience to all our customers.  

Corporate Services

BUSINESS TRAVEL: Ticketing, accommodation, transport, transfers, rent-a-car, medical assurance, visa assistance

BENEFITS: Employee benefits, gift vouchers, discount packages

MEETINGS: Consultancy on accommodation and meal choices, transport, technical equipment, graphics

INCENTIVES : Consultancy on destinations, transport, accommodations, meals, conference venues, party planning, teambuilding activities, tour guides, customized gifts

CONGRESSES : Event concept, on-site coordinator, participants registration, accommodation, meals, catering, transport, graphic design, technical equipment, multimedia solutions, translation services, hostess services, airport meet& greet, photo and video services, voting and videoconference facilities, VIP services, speakers booking, entertainment, security services

EXPOSITIONS : Planning, contracting, concept design, logistics, graphic production, marketing and promotion services

inside MementoGroup

Benefits for our customers

  • A single provider that manages the entire travel business of the company
  • Personalized and complete services adapted to their needs
  • Negotiated rates
  • Access to our global network of partners
  • Optimized travel costs
  • Safe travels through verified services
  • Advantageous payment terms
  • Dedicated travel consultants
  • Specialized assistance during the trip in case of flight cancellation or schedule changes
  • Event planning
  • Compliance with the company’s SLAs
  • Detailed and efficient reporting
  • Specialized help in designing travel policies

Happy Clients

christian tour senior voyage 2023

christian tour senior voyage 2023

Welcome to Senior Adult Travel Inc.

After many years of traveling with church groups on mission trips, educational trips, fellowship trips, fun trips, and travel in general, I retired and transitioned into Senior Adult Ministry.  More specifically, providing travel opportunities for active senior adults.  Motorcoach tours will primarily be serving the North Florida area.  All international tours are available to everyone and you can depart from an airport near you.   I will continue to lead tours to Israel and now offer them annually.

Group travel is still the preference for many people and I will continue to lead group tours.   Because of many requests, inquiries and opportunities, on occasion I will  offer exciting travel opportunities to places other than the group destinations which are planned.

I look forward to opportunities to travel with you, plan a tour for your group, or help you make it to one of your bucket-list destinations.

Jerry W. Nash, Founder, President, Tour Host, Consultant, Travel Guide . . .

christian tour senior voyage 2023

Oferte Vacanțe Senior Voyage

Oferte Vacanțe Senior Voyage. În mijlocul tumultului cotidian, unde suntem înconjurați de tehnologie și goana după performanță, ne-am uitat esența. În special după ce atingem vârsta de aur, acea perioadă când putem spune cu adevărat că am trăit, ne dorim să ne reîntoarcem la rădăcini și să ne răsfățăm în mijlocul naturii. Explorează lumea AIDA: oază de relaxare și vindecare în Transilvaniei.

Pentru cine caută mai mult decât un simplu sejur, spațiul nostru oferă nu doar tratamente balneare avansate, ci și o ambianță caldă și primitoare. Pentru cei ce au înțelepciunea vârstelor, pregătim 4 proceduri zilnice adaptate de experții noștri: băi revigorante în piscina cu apă termală la 36ºC, inhalări cu aerosoli ce aduc prospețimea sărurilor, și sesiuni energizante de electroterapie, ultrasunete și magnetoterapie. Simțiți, trăiți și îmbrățișați esența vindecării alături de noi!

  • 7 Motive pentru o Vacanță în Transilvania
  • 7 Pensiuni Cu Piscină Lângă Cluj

AIDA hotel SPA & Tratament

Oferte Vacanțe Senior Voyage

Frumusețea anilor înaintați vine cu multă înțelepciune și experiență. Dar, în același timp, ne dorim să găsim acele locuri unde corpul și sufletul pot regăsi echilibrul pierdut. AIDA Hotel SPA & Tratament, având la bază această filosofie, a creat un pachet special pentru cei care au depășit vârsta de 60 de ani, unde tratamentele balneare tradiționale se combină cu inovații moderne.

În Geoagiu Băi, vă așteptăm să descoperiți frumusețea și liniștea acestui ținut al apelor termale. Înconjurată de natură și istorie, stațiunea îți oferă nu doar peisaje de vis, ci și oportunitatea de a experimenta efectele benefice ale apelor sale mineral-termale. Explorează lumea AIDA!

În pitorescul peisaj al județului Hunedoara, în stațiunea balneară Geoagiu Băi, la 5 minute de mers pe jos se află Ștrandul Băile Daco-Romane (…) AIDA hotel Spa & Tratament reprezintă o destinație de refugiu și reînnoire pentru toți cei care căută echilibru și bunăstare. Cu o abordare centrată pe sănătate, oferim o experiență de neuitat, combinând resursele naturale ale locului cu facilități moderne și terapii de vindecare.  Cazare Geoagiu Băi !

Povestea Germisarei Geoagiu-Băi

Alături de Herculane și Călan, Geoagiu–Băi, se bucură de privilegiul de a reprezenta una dintre cele mai vechi exploatări balneare din România, datând din perioada colonizării romane, când stațiunea purta numele de Termae Dodonae.

După părerea specialiştilor, utilizarea terapeutică a surselor de apă termală este și mai veche, respectiv din epoca anterioară colonizării, cănd localnicii foloseau apa termo-minerală ce izvora din abundență la Germisara, considerat toponimic geto-dac („germi”=cald, fierbinte – „sara”=apa, izvor).

Oferta pentru Tratarea Reumatismului

Oferte Vacanțe Senior Voyage

Stațiunea balneară Geoagiu Băi se numără printre cele mai cunoscute locații cu destinație balneoclimaterică existente în România. Fiind plină de izvoare termale și minerale care sunt cunoscute din cele mai vechi timpuri, această zonă este considerată un cufăr cu comori. În plus, bioclimatul este unic și eficientizează tratamentul pacienților care suferă de probleme reumatice și articulare. Umiditatea de aici are valori normale și temperaturile sunt plăcute pe tot parcursul anului.

La Hotel Aida ești așteptat într-o călătorie unică, la izvorul cu bucurii, unde vei putea face atât terapie, cât și relaxare în natură sau evenimente la care să te distrezi. Vacanțele în Hunedoara sunt despre două lucruri esențiale – tratament balnear și SPA. Prin urmare, la Geoagiu Băi ai răsfăț cu ape termale și timp plăcut petrecut în natură. Te vei bucura de tot ce te înconjoară în această stațiune, unde fiecare loc are o poveste. Poți profita de pădure, calități curative ale apelor termale, o zonă spa și un izvor de vitalitate, care definește un nou stil de viață.

O escapadă balneară se poate transforma într-o adevărată călătorie a regenerării și revigorării. Și pentru cei ce au străbătut drumul înțelepciunii anilor, am creat pachetul „Senior Voyage”, o invitație la liniște, confort și tratamente de top.

Transformă-ți Vacanța în Terapie: Află Secretele Vindecării la Geoagiu Băi

Valoare și Calitate la 192 de lei/noapte de persoană cu demipensiune sau pensiune completa Investiția în sănătate și binești este cea mai bună pe care o puteți face. Și la prețul de 192 de lei/noapte de persoană, pachetul „Senior Voyage” este o alegere excelentă.

Ce include pachetul?

  • 12 Nopți de Cazare – Detalii Pachet Pentru a vă asigura o relaxare totală, am pregătit pentru dvs. 12 nopți de cazare în camere confortabile, spațioase și elegant amenajate, menite să vă ofere un somn odihnitor și un mediu plăcut.
  • Demipensiune sau Pensiune Completă Bucurați-vă de două mese zilnice – mic dejun și cină. Meniurile noastre sunt diversificate și echilibrate, gândite să îmbine plăcerea gustului cu principiile unei alimentații sănătoase.
  • Tratamentul este efectuat de către personal medical cu calificare de specialitate și include: 4 proceduri / zi / persoană, la recomandarea medicului specialist, dintre următoarele: Hidrokinetoterapie de grup în piscina de tratament cu apă termală la 36ºC, aerosoli de grup (cu efect de salină), electroterapie (curenți interferențiali, curenți diadinamici, curenți tens, curenți trabert), magnetoterapie, unde scurte, ultrasunete, aplicatii termoterapie, baie galvanică;
  • Piscină cu apă termală Redefiniți noțiunea de relaxare în apa termală. Aceasta nu doar că vă va relaxa mușchii și va calma durerile articulare, dar va stimula și circulația, având un efect benefic asupra întregului organism.
  • Sauna Finlandeză Detoxifierea nu a fost niciodată mai plăcută. Sauna finlandeză este locul unde vă puteți purifica corpul și spiritul, eliminând toxinele și stresul acumulat.
  • Salina Modernă Beneficiile terapiei în salină sunt nenumărate: de la ameliorarea afecțiunilor respiratorii până la îmbunătățirea stării generale de sănătate. Respirați adânc și lăsați sărurile să își facă magia.
  • Sală de Fitness Chiar și în vacanță, menținerea unei rutine de exerciții fizice este esențială. Sala noastră de fitness este echipată cu aparatură modernă, pentru ca dvs. să vă puteți menține în formă optimă.

Relaxează-te și încarcă-te cu energie pozitivă la Geoagiu Băi

Vacanța perfectă în anii senioratului nu este doar despre relaxare, ci și despre regăsirea echilibrului și sănătății. AIDA Hotel SPA & Tratament oferă o combinație unică de tratamente, peisaje și istorie. Este locul unde tradiția se întâlnește cu inovația, iar fiecare zi petrecută aici este un pas către revitalizare și reînnoire. Vă așteptăm în acest sanctuar al binelui și al frumuseții!

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Rhonda Sand

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Professor Ryan Mauro - Headshot

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  • Circuit Italia Elvetia 8 zile Avion - 600 euro 
  • Circuit Italia Coasta de Azur 8 zile Avion - 549 euro 
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  • Circuit Italia Toscana Florenta 8 zile Avion - 529 euro 

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SC Bavaria Concept Tour SRL | J40/3143/2018 | CUI RO 38970773 | Licenţa de turism nr. 377/04.07.2023 | Brevet Turism nr.10797/20.01.2006 - Badiu Camelia | Operator de date cu caracter personal nr. 31581 M.D.R.T. - 0800.86.82.82 |  A.N.P.C. - | SOL  

Adresa: Bucuresti, Str Banu Antonache, 40-44, Et 1 | Telefon: 0744.300.309 | Email: [email protected]

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Christian Tour oferte turstice

Christian Tour: Superoferte turistice de ultimă oră

Agenția de turism Christian Tour, cel mai mare tour operator de vacanțe din România, a lansat o campanie de reduceri la pachetele sale turistice, cu oferte pornind de la câteva zeci de euro de persoană.

Christian Tour oferă reduceri generoase de până la 40% până în data de 16 iulie a.c. Potrivit unui comunicat de presă al Anchor Group, promovat pe site-ul, ofertele sunt disponibile la agenția Christian Tour din Plaza România. Reprezentanții  Christian Tour informează însă că vă puteți adresa oricărei agenții pentru detalii și rezervări. Ofertele Christian Tour pot fi consultate pe site-ul agenției.

Christian Tour este recunoscută pentru programul său turistic adresat seniorilor. Prin Senior Voyage, persoanele de peste 55 de ani (și nu numai) pot beneficia de pachete turistice reduse în perioada octombrie – mai.

Programul Senior Voyage are „atașat” un card de loialitate pe care îl puteți obține contra sumei de 25 de euro și care se activează în momentul în care achiziționați primul pachet turistic Senior Voyage.

Ofertele de ultimă oră ale agenției pot fi consultate aici .

Detalii despre programul Senior Voyage, aici .

  • Christian Tour
  • oferte seniori
  • reduceri seniori
  • Senior Voyage
  • turism seniori

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Reduceri oferte seniori 2024 | Vacante Senior Holidays

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  • Coasta de Azur
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Arata tarif

 Senior Holidays Albania | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

Senior Holidays Albania | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

  • Date de plecare: 05.10.2024, 21.09.2024, 28.09.2024
  • Itinerar: Tirana – Berat – Appolonia – Arbanica – Vlore – Kruje  Shkoder
  • Senior Holidays Albania | 8 zile - Avion | 2024 Tirana – Berat – Appolonia – Arbanica – Vlore – Kruje  Shkoder...

 Senior Holidays Toscana | 8 zile - Avion | Plecare Iasi 2024

Senior Holidays Toscana | 8 zile - Avion | Plecare Iasi 2024

  • Date de plecare: 06.10.2024
  • Itinerar: San Marino - Bologna - Siena - San Gimignano - Cinque Terre - Florenta 
  • Senior Holidays TOSCANA 8 zile Avion PLECARE IASI San Marino - Bologna - Siena - San Gimignano - Cinque Terre - Florenta  Program fara limita...

 Senior Holidays Elvetia si Italia de Nord | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

Senior Holidays Elvetia si Italia de Nord | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

  • Date de plecare: 04.10.2024, 11.10.2024, 27.09.2024
  • Itinerar: Torino - Chamonix - Mont Blanc - Geneva - Laussane - Zermatt - Matterhorn - Montreux – Berna

 Senior Holidays Italia - Puglia | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

Senior Holidays Italia - Puglia | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

  • Date de plecare: 20.09.2024, 27.09.2024
  • Itinerar: Bari - Altamura - Matera - Alberobello - Grotta del Trullo - Gallipoli - Otranto - Lecce - Monopoli
  • Bari – Altamura – Matera – Alberobello – Grotta del Trullo – Gallipoli – Otranto – Lecce – Monopoli

 Senior Holidays Napoli si Coasta Amalfitana | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

Senior Holidays Napoli si Coasta Amalfitana | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

  • Date de plecare: 11.10.2024
  • Itinerar: Pompei - Vezuviu - Caserta - Napoli - Roma - Capri - Positano - Amalfi – Sorrento
  • Pompei - Vezuviu - Caserta - Napoli - Roma - Capri - Positano - Amalfi – Sorrento

 Senior Holidays Costa del Sol | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

Senior Holidays Costa del Sol | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

  • Date de plecare: 10.10.2024, 17.10.2024, 19.09.2024
  • Itinerar: Granada - Sevilla - Cordoba - Gibraltar - Ronda - Mijas - Marbella - Puerto Banus
  • Granada - Sevilla - Cordoba - Gibraltar - Ronda - Mijas - Marbella - Puerto Banus

 Senior Holidays Valencia - sejur Costa del Azahar | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

Senior Holidays Valencia - sejur Costa del Azahar | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

  • Date de plecare: 19.09.2024, 26.09.2024
  • Itinerar: Valencia - Tarragona - Cuevas de San Jose - Villafames - Port Saplaya
  • Senior Holidays Valencia - sejur Costa del Azahar | 8 zile - Avion | 2024 Itinerar: Valencia - Tarragona - Cuevas de San Jose - Villafames - Port Sap...

 Senior Holidays Barcelona si Costa Brava | 8 zile - Avion | Plecare Cluj Napoca 2024

Senior Holidays Barcelona si Costa Brava | 8 zile - Avion | Plecare Cluj Napoca 2024

  • Date de plecare: 06.09.2024
  • Itinerar: Tossa de Mar – Montserrat – Barcelona – Barrio Gotico – Perpignan
  • Senior Holidays BARCELONA si COSTA BRAVA 8 zile Avion PLECARE CLUJ-NAPOCA Tossa de Mar – Montserrat – Barcelona – Barrio Gotico...

 Senior Holidays Barcelona si Costa Brava | 8 zile - Avion | Plecare Iasi 2024

Senior Holidays Barcelona si Costa Brava | 8 zile - Avion | Plecare Iasi 2024

  • Senior Holidays BARCELONA si COSTA BRAVA 8 zile Avion PLECARE IASI Ziua 1. IASI - BARCELONA  Prezenta in aeroport va fi la ora 04:00 pentru...

 Senior Holidays Toscana | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

Senior Holidays Toscana | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

  • Date de plecare: 21.09.2024, 28.09.2024
  • Itinerar: San Marino - Bologna  - Siena - San Gimignano - Cinque Terre - Florenta 
  • San Marino - Bologna - Siena - San Gimignano - Cinque Terre - Florenta

 Senior Holidays Cipru | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

Senior Holidays Cipru | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

  • Itinerar: Limassol - Stanca Afroditei - Paphos - Kourion - Larnaca - Nicosia - Manastirea Kykkos - satul Omodos - Ayia Napa - Famagusta - Chirokitia - Lefkara
  • Senior Holidays Cipru | 8 zile - Avion | 2024 Itinerar: Limassol - Stanca Afroditei - Paphos - Kourion - Larnaca - Nicosia - Manastirea Kykkos - satu...

 Senior Holidays Sicilia | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

Senior Holidays Sicilia | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

  • Date de plecare: 13.09.2024
  • Itinerar: Palermo - Monreale - Siracusa - Ortigia - Etna - Taormina - Messina - Riviera Ciclopilor 
  • Palermo - Monreale - Siracusa - Ortigia - Etna - Taormina - Messina - Riviera Ciclopilor

 Senior Holidays Barcelona si Costa Brava | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

Senior Holidays Barcelona si Costa Brava | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

  • Date de plecare: 04.10.2024, 13.09.2024, 20.09.2024, 27.09.2024
  • Tossa de Mar – Montserrat – Barcelona – Barrio Gotico – Perpignan

 Senior Holidays Tara Bascilor si Nordul Spaniei | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

Senior Holidays Tara Bascilor si Nordul Spaniei | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

  • Date de plecare: 23.09.2024
  • Itinerar: Bilbao – San Sebastian – Oviedo si Gijon – Covadonga si San Vicente de la Barquera – Santander si El Sardinero – Burgos
  • Bilbao – San Sebastian – Oviedo si Gijon – Covadonga si San Vicente de la Barquera – Santander si El Sardinero – Burgos...

 Senior Holidays Malta | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

Senior Holidays Malta | 8 zile - Avion | 2024

  • Date de plecare: 19.10.2024, 26.10.2024
  • Itinerar: Valetta - Mosta - Mdina - Rabat - Gradinile San Anton - Grota Albastra - Marsaxlokk - Insula Gozo - Birgu - Senglea - Cospicua
  • Valetta – Mosta – Mdina – Rabat – Gradinile San Anton – Grota Albastra – Marsaxlokk – Insula Gozo – Bi...

 Senior Holidays Coasta de Azur | 8 zile - Avion 2024

Senior Holidays Coasta de Azur | 8 zile - Avion 2024

  • Date de plecare: 04.10.2024, 11.10.2024
  • Itinerar: Monaco - Montecarlo - Antibes - Cannes - Mentone - Nice - Sain Tropez - Grasse - Saint Paul de Vence - Genova - Portofino
  • Monaco – Montecarlo – Antibes – Cannes – Mentone – Nice – Sain Tropez – Grasse – Saint Paul de Vence -...

christian tour senior voyage 2023

ABONEAZA-TE si fii la curent cu cele mai mari REDUCERI!


Super ghid, domnul Radu N.???? dar și domnul șofer Ștefan D. ✨️ Cu siguranță voi mai călători cu această agenție!!

Am fost astazi 26.05.2024 în aceasta excursie draguta.. ghidul nostru dl Munteanu "Duracel" a facut ca aceasta zi sa fie minunată. Felicitari multiple????????????????????????????

intra in comunitatea noastra


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Copyright © Hello Holidays, 2023. Toate drepturile sunt rezervate.

HELLO HOLIDAYS SRL | RO 29347254 | J40/ 13629/ 2011 | Capital Social: 30.000 RON | Licenta turism nr: 587/ 15.01.2019 | Polita asigurare seria: I Nr. 58824 valabila pana la 31.12.2024 - Societatea de asigurare OMNIASIG VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP S.A. | Brevet turism nr: 238/ 2001 - Balaiban Elena Madalina | M.D.R.T - 0800.86.82.82 | A.N.P.C. - | Sugestii sau reclamații la [email protected]

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SENIOR VOYAGE: Excursii pentru toate vârstele și bugetele!

Adriana Mosoiu

  • Călătorii în perioadele de sezon redus, pentru a beneficia de prețuri cât mai bune și a te bucura de locurile respective fără aglomerație.
  • Înnoptare în aceeași locație, astfel căratul bagajelor dintr-o parte în alta nu va mai constitui o problemă.
  • Echilibru optim între relaxare și vizite. Vizitezi pe îndelete, pentru a surprinde frumusețea fiecărui loc și moment.
  • Asistență turistică pentru întreaga perioadă, care include preluarea și însoțirea turiștilor către și de la hotel, organizarea excursiilor opționale și suport oricând la destinație.
  • Ghizi profesioniști, bine pregătiți pe fiecare destinație, care știu ca-n palmă fiecare pietricică din partea locului.

Citește și Vacanță în ROMÂNIA: DELTA DUNĂRII, un colț de natură rupt din rai

  • senior voyage

christian tour senior voyage 2023


Buna ziua! Ma numesc Rodica Grigoras si locuiesc in Brasov. As dori sa ma inscriu la mai multe excursii in tara,realizate de Cristian Tour dar,faptul ca, se pleaca dimineata din Bucuresti este un impediment pentru mine. Ar fi foarte convenabil daca, CONTRA COST s-ar asigura un transfer de la Brasov la punctul de imbarcare din Bucuresti si retur. Am fi mai multe persoane interesate. 10 martie 2024,cu multumiri anticipate

Bună ziua, Vă rog să luați legătura cu cei de la agenția Christian Tour din Brașov, pentru a găsi o soluție.

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christian tour senior voyage 2023

Handbalistul Tudor Șerbănescu, de la Axiopolis Cernavodă, convocat la naționala României U16


Christian Tours In Israel 2023

The Land of Israel is synonymous to the Holy Land. Much of the biblical History took place within the boundaries of the modern nation of Israel. For the Christians, the land of Israel is Holy because of its connection with Jesus life. All the events of His life such as His birth, His ministry, crucifixion and resurrection took place in Israel. Israel, also is important for Jewish and Muslim faith, especially the city of Jerusalem.

Many terms have been connected to the Land of Israel: Land of Canaan, The Promised Land, The Holy Land. The History of Israel follows the History of the whole area. Many rulers, many languages, different religions. Israel was and still is the bridge of these people and worlds. We find there Jewish religion, the beginning of Christianity, the changes and the diversities.

Israel is the most important visit for the believers and the Pilgrims because is a tribute to the beginning of Christianity, is a visit searching for the divine, full of images, History, faith and spiritual growth. Is a journey through the Bible towards to the Light. The Light of Jesus Christ.

Pilgrimage To The Holy Land

8 days / 7 nights.

Tel Aviv, Caesarea, Mt. Carmel, Nazareth, Galilee, Tiberias, Upper Galilee, Caesarea, Jordan River, Tiberias,

Valley of Armageddon, Beit Shean, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Desert of Judea, Qumran, Masada & the Dead Sea


Click To View This Tour

Holy land & greece tour, 9 days / 8 nights.

Valley of Armageddon, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Desert of Judea, Athens & Corinth


Israel & Greece Christian Tour With Greek Cruise

12 days / 11 nights.

Valley of Armageddon, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Desert of Judea, Athens, Ephesus, Patmos & Corinth


Holy Land Tour & Steps of Paul In Greece

14 days / 13 nights.

Valley of Armageddon, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Desert of Judea, Athens, Corinth, Delphi & Thessalonica


Christian Tours For Greece

  • Biblical Greece / Steps Of Paul In Greece (7 Days)
  • Catholic Pilgrimage Of Saint Paul In Greece (8 Days)
  • Byzantine Tradition Of Greece (10 Days)
  • In The Footsteps Of Paul The Saint With Greek Cruise (11 Days)

Christian Tours For Turkey

  • The Seven Churches Of Revelation & The Steps Of Paul In Greece (15 Days)
  • In The Footsteps Of Paul (16 Days)
  • The Pilgrimage Of Saint Paul (15 Days)

Christian Tours For Cyprus

  • Cyprus / Culture & Pilgrim Tour (3 Days)

Christian Tours For Italy

  • Apostolic Rome (4 Days)
  • Biblical Rome & Artistic Florence (6 Days)
  • Biblical Rome & Naples (6 Days)

Christian Tours For Jordan

  • Pilgrimage To The Holy Land & Jordan (10 Days)

Christian Tours For Israel

  • Pilgrimage To The Holy Land (8 Days)
  • Holy Land & Greece Tour (9 Days)
  • Israel & Greece Christian Tour With Greek Cruise (12 Days)
  • Holy Land Tour & Steps of Paul In Greece (14 Days)

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Coral Travel & Tours, Ltd.

Calvary Chapel Dickinson 2023 Israel Tour

With host senior pastor ron hodson, january 9 – 18, 2023.

This  Calvary Chapel Dickinson Israel Tour  with Pastor Ron Hodson is an incredible opportunity to join others with a love for Jesus as you explore the land of the Bible. You’ll visit places you’ve read about in the Bible such as:  Jaffa, Caesarea, Mt. Carmel, Sea of Galilee, Megiddo, Bet She’an ,  the  Mount of Olives ,  Garden of Gethsemane ,  Western Wall , along with other cultural sites like the  Yad Vashem , and the  Israel Museum . Experience the Bible come to life. Space is limited so sign up now!

Caesarea Maritima amphitheater


Usa / tel aviv.

Flight from USA to Tel-Aviv.


Arrival / jaffa / tel aviv.

Arrive at Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv where your Coral representative will be waiting to greet and assist you inside the terminal. Meet your guide and if time permits drive to  Jaffa,  one of the oldest cities in the world. Visit the House of Simon the Tanner and walk through Jaffa’s reconstructed Old Quarter. Transfer to your hotel in Tel Aviv. Dinner and overnight: Hotel in Tel Aviv.


Caesarea / mount carmel / megiddo / sea of galilee.

Depart Tel Aviv and travel to  Caesarea , the seat of the Roman Procurator of Judea at the time of Christ, and the site where Peter converted the centurion Cornelius. This fortified harbor city was built 2000-years-ago by King Herod the Great. View the ruins of Roman, Byzantine and Crusader times. Explore the Roman Theater and the Aqueducts. A drive up  Mt. Carmel  will bring us to the site where Elijah challenged and defeated the 450 prophets of Baal. Continue to  Megiddo , the Fortress City of King Solomon, later built again by King Ahab. The books of Daniel and Revelation will come alive as we study about the final Battle of Armageddon, while viewing the Plains of Jezreel. Drive via  Nazareth , the home of Mary and Joseph. Pass Mary’s Well and visit the  Church of the Annunciation . Continue on to Tiberias via  Cana of Galilee . Dinner and overnight: Hotel in Tiberias.


Mount of beatitudes / tel dan / golan heights / capernaum.

The day starts with a drive to the  Mt. of Beatitudes , site of the Sermon on the Mount. Drive along the Hula Valley to  Tel Dan  and visit the remains of the city. Via a ride through the  Golan Heights  return to the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee, the area where Jesus spent his years of ministry. See the ruins of  Capernaum,  the town where Jesus made his home after leaving Nazareth. After a  boat ride  drive to  Tabgha  where the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fish took place. Dinner and overnight: Hotel in Tiberias.


Jordan river / bet she’an / gideon’s spring  / jerusalem.

Start the day at  Yardenit , the  Baptismal Center  site on the Jordan River where you will have an opportunity to be baptized (optional).  Then, depart the Sea of  Galilee and drive to  Bet She’an  where recent excavations have unveiled the impressive ruins of the country’s largest city in the Roman and Byzantine periods, which was destroyed by an earthquake in 749 AD. Continue to  Gideon’s Spring.  Drive along the  Jordan Valley  to Jerusalem and on the way pass  Jericho , believed to be the world’s oldest walled city. This was the first city taken by Joshua when the Hebrews returned from Egypt – “and the walls fell down” – and was also the site of the Mount of Temptation. Enter the city of Jerusalem in a traditional way. Dinner and overnight: Hotel in Jerusalem.


In the morning ascend the  Mt. of Olives  for a breathtaking panoramic view of the Old City of Jerusalem. Walk along the  Palm Sunday Way  and descend to the  Garden of Gethsemane  where Jesus spent the last night before he was arrested. Visit the famous  Church of All Nations.  Walk along the “last way” to Mt. Zion. Visit the  Church of Peter in Gallicantu , the site where Peter denied his Lord three times. It was also the House of the  High Priest Caiaphas  where Jesus was interrogated. Visit the  Last Supper Room  on Mt. Zion and  King David’s Tomb.  Walk to the  Pool of Bethesda,  and  St. Anne’s Church , a fine example of Crusader architecture. Continue along the  Via Dolorosa  to the  Church of the Holy Sepulcher.  Walk through the colorful Bazaar to the Jaffa Gate. Dinner and overnight: Hotel in Jerusalem.


Masada / ein gedi / qumran / dead sea.

christian tour senior voyage 2023


Temple mount / western wall / rabbinical tunnel / davidson center.

The day starts with a drive to Mt. Moriah. Walk up to the  Temple site  and see the area of the  Dome of the Rock and El Aqsa Mosque.  Visit the  Western Wall , last remnant of the 2nd Jewish Temple during the time of Jesus. Continue with a visit to the  Rabbinical Tunnel  (the tunnel under the wall) and the  Davidson Center,  the Southern Wall excavations. You will also visit  The City of David  and the  Pool of Siloam.  Dinner and overnight: Hotel in Jerusalem.


Yad vashem / israel museum / garden tomb / farewell dinner.

In the morning, visit  Yad Vashem,  the National Holocaust Museum. Drive through the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) and visit the famous  Menorah  (the official sign of the State of Israel). Proceed to the  Israel Museum  to see the  Shrine of the Book  where the  Dead Sea Scrolls  are exhibited and the  Holy Land walk-around model  of the city of Jerusalem as it was in the 2nd Temple period (the time of Jesus). We’ll end our visit in Jerusalem with a service at the  Garden Tomb .  Farewell dinner . Overnight: Hotel in Jerusalem.


Tel aviv / usa.

Transfer to the airport for your flight home.  Arrive USA the same day.

*Subject to Change*

Tour Benefits

This inspiring  Calvary Chapel Dickinson 2023 Israel Tour  is a tailor-made Holy Land tour with a biblical emphasis. Visit some of the most significant historical, cultural and biblical sites in the country. Learn about the roots of your faith in this once-in-a-lifetime spiritual adventure. Draw closer to Jesus as you walk where he walked.

Calvary Chapel Dickinson Israel Tour Bet She'an

Jaffa, Caesarea, Mt. Carmel, Sea of Galilee, Mount of Olives, Jordan River, Old City of Jerusalem, Mount of Beatitudes, Caesarea Philippi, Megiddo, Capernaum, Bet She’an, Masada, Ein Gedi, Qumran, and many more.

Among other amazing sites, visit the Davidson Center (Southern Wall excavation), Yad Vashem, the Israel Museum, Garden Tomb, the pool of Siloam, Jordan River, Church of Peter in Gallicantu, and the house of the High Priest Caiaphas.

Features Included in this Calvary Chapel Dickinson 2023 Israel Tour

  • Round trip airfare: DEN/TLV/DEN
  • Airline taxes & surcharges (Currently $700,  to be adjusted at time of ticketing)**
  • Tel Aviv – Leonardo Art Hotel*
  • Tiberias – Leonardo Hotel*
  • Jerusalem – Leonardo Hotel*
  • Breakfast & dinner daily at hotels
  • Licensed English-speaking guide throughout
  • Round trip transfers: Airport/Hotel/Airport
  • Touring in a deluxe air-conditioned motor-coach
  • Sightseeing per itinerary
  • Entrance fees to all included sites
  • Porterage, hotel taxes & service charges
  • Tips to guide, driver & hotel staff
  • Farewell Dinner

Not Included in this Calvary Chapel Dickinson 2023 Israel Tour

  • Personal expenses
  • Travel insurance – (highly recommended & available at an additional cost)
  • Anything not mentioned as included

*Or similar ** At time of writing, subject to change – any changes will be billed at time of ticketing. Please see our terms and conditions for additional info.

Air/land package.

Click here for the Calvary Chapel Dickinson Israel Tour brochure with pricing details. If you have any questions please click on this link to send us a request for more information  or call 866.267.2511.

A deposit of $350.00 per person, along with a completed registration form, is required to ensure your space on this tour.

Deposits and Payments for the Calvary Chapel Dickinson 2022 Israel Tour

A deposit of $350.00 is required with each reservation to guarantee booking. The balance is due 60 days prior to departure. All checks should be made payable to Coral Travel & Tours, Ltd.

Tour Arrangements

Air  –  Air arrangements are included in most group tours. Air is available to individual travelers upon request.

Land  –  All packages including overnight hotel stays are quoted based upon double occupancy sharing a twin or double room with private facilities. Coral Travel & Tours, Ltd. does not arrange sharing for individual travelers. Single rooms are available at additional cost. Coral Travel & Tours, Ltd. reserves the right to substitute hotels based upon availability when necessary. Sightseeing and entrance fees are included as per itinerary. Individual passengers and passengers arriving independently from a scheduled group are responsible for their own transfers.

Not Included

Gratuities, airport taxes and transfers (unless specifically included in certain group tours), optional tours, charges for passports, vaccinations and inoculations, excess baggage charges, accident, trip cancellation and baggage insurance, telephone and cable charges, laundry, meals not specified in the itinerary, liquor, items of a personal nature and any items not specifically listed as included.

Cancellation Penalties

All cancellations must be in writing

  • Up to 100 days prior to departure date $75.00 cancellation fee
  • From 99-61 days prior to departure date $250.00 cancellation fee
  • From 60-46 days prior to departure date $350.00 cancellation fee
  • From 45 days prior to departure date and on – full cancellation fee (100%)


You will be required to provide Coral Travel & Tours with a copy of your passport with final payment. Please Note: The State of Israel requires that your passport have an expiration date not less than 6 months after your date of arrival in Israel. There is no visa requirement for citizens of the United States traveling to Israel. Other nationals should contact their consulate for visa information. For other destinations please contact Coral Travel & Tours, Ltd. Coral Travel & Tours does NOT process visa applications. No inoculations are currently required for travel to Israel. Please contact public health authorities for further information or other destinations.

Fuel Surcharge

Please note fuel surcharges are set by the airline and Coral Travel & Tours has no control over nor receives advance notice of changes. Due to fluctuating global oil prices, the fee may change. The airline will only guarantee the fee at time of ticketing. If the airline imposes an increase, the difference will be the responsibility of each traveler and will be collected prior to departure.

Insurance Note

Travel Insurance is Highly recommended, See attached information. The Exclusion for Pre – Existing Condition will be waived i9f premium is received at the time of orwithin 14 days of the initial deposit/payment for the trip. See Travel Insurance Certificate for complete details. Travel Insurance Benefits are administered by :Trip Mate, Inc. (in CA, dba Trip Mate Insurance Agency). 9225 Ward Parkway, Suite 200, Kansas City, MO, 6411, 1-800-888-7292, To review full plan details online, go to:

Suitcases: 1 per person, not to exceed 50 lbs. for 1 bag. Each can measure up to 62 linear inches (length + height + width). Carry On Luggage: 1 per person, not to exceed 11 lbs. Each can measure up to 45 linear inches (length + height + width).

Any change in the basic program will result in the charge of $150 per change per person plus any additional charges that may apply for revised air or land arrangements.

CORAL TRAVEL & TOURS LTD. (CORAL), and/or its agents and their representatives abroad, act only as agents for the tour participants in making arrangements for hotels, transportation, touring, restaurants, or any other services in connection with the itinerary. They will exercise reasonable care in making such arrangements. However, they do not assume any liability whatsoever for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity to person or property because of any act or default of any hotel, carrier, restaurant, company, or person rendering any of the services included in the tours. The tickets, coupons, tariffs, rules or contracts currently in use by any carrier, hotel, restaurant, or other contractor rendering services shall constitute the sole contract between such contractor and the tour participants. CORAL, and/or its agents and their representatives abroad, accept no responsibility for any damage, delay, or injury due to sickness, pilferage, labor disputes, machinery breakdown, government restraints, hostile acts, terrorism, weather, acts of God, or any other cause beyond their personal control. CORAL, and/or its agents and their representatives abroad are not responsible for loss of or damage to your luggage, accidents en route, or ill health which may require travelers to miss parts of the tour or to return home without the group. No carrier shall be responsible for any act, omission, or event during the time tour participants are not on board its own conveyance. The tour programs are planned in advance. If between planning time and the actual tour operation, circumstances beyond control require changes, CORAL, and/or its agents and their representatives abroad reserve the right to vary itineraries and substitute components of tour programs. In the event it becomes necessary or advisable for any reason whatsoever to alter the arrangements of the itinerary, such alterations may be made without penalty to the operators. The right is reserved to accept or refuse any person as a member of the tour.

Download a PDF version of the tour brochure for the Calvary Chapel Dickinson 2021 Israel Tour .

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  • Safety and Security: Why Trusting a Tour Operator is Essential for Exploring Israel
  • Exploring Israel’s Coastal Charms: Sun, Sea, and Sand in Mediterranean Paradise
  • Exploring Israel: Around The Sea of Galilee
  • When is the Best Time to Visit Israel?
  • 11-Day Israel Itinerary: The Perfect Adventure

Other Links

  • Destinations
  • Christian Israel Tours
  • Subscribe to our e-Newsletter
  • Jonathan Cahn 2025 Israel Super Tour
  • Egypt Tours
  • Greece Tours


Main Office: 215 Millburn Ave. Millburn, NJ 07041 866.267.2511 toll 973.921.1166 phone 973.376.9598 fax [email protected]

Florida Office: 561.704.2900 561.364.5518 [email protected]


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