All Time Low Concert in Jakarta 2024

All Time Low have undeniably, albeit unassumingly, carved out their own corner of popular culture. The multi-platinum Maryland quartet have toppled charts, sold out arenas worldwide, and served up a series of instantly irresistible anthems in the process. Their catalog consists of five consecutive Top 10 albums on the Billboard Top 200 in addition to picking up multi-platinum, platinum, and gold certifications.

Speaking to their impact, Rolling Stone even named So Wrong, It’s Right among its “50 Greatest Pop Punk Albums.” In 2020, they ascended to a new commercial and critical high watermark with their eighth full-length LP, Wake Up, Sunshine. Following a #1 debut on the Top Rock Albums chart, it spawned the biggest hit of the band’s career thus far, “Monsters” [feat. blackbear].

It clinched #1 on the Billboard Alternative Airplay Chart for an unprecedented 18 weeks, emerging as the longest charting song ever at the Modern Rock format. In addition to going platinum, it notably garnered “Alternative Rock Song of the Year” at the 2022 iHeartRadio Music Awards, while superstar Demi Lovato teamed up with the group for the Official Remix. Meanwhile, the mainstream came to them as they delivered show-stopping performances everywhere from Bonnaroo and Firefly to The Late Late Show with James Corden, Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Ellen, Good Morning America, and beyond.

Dear Maria Count Me In


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  • Tiket hanya dapat dibeli melalui Tiket dapat digunakan untuk masuk ke konser All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024 bersama official Partner kami yaitu Tickets can only be purchased through Tickets are only for admission to the All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024 concert with our official partner,
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  • Tiket yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat dibatalkan atau diuangkan kembali dengan alasan apapun. Purchased tickets cannot be canceled or refunded for any reasons.
  • Ada 4 (empat) kategori Tiket yaitu Festival tanpa kursi, serta Tribune A , Tribune B , dan Tribune Center merupakan kategori dengan kursi bernomor. Nomor kursi akan tersedia 7 (tujuh) hari sebelum hari konser. There are 4 (four) ticket categories for a Festival without seats. For Tribune A , Tribune B , and Tribune Center are numbered seating. Seat number(s) will be provided 7 (seven) days before the concert day.
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  • Harga Tiket tidak termasuk Pajak 10%, Biaya Platform 5% dan biaya lainnya. Ticket price excludes Government Tax 10%, Platform Fee 5% and Convenience Fee.
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  • Pemegang Tiket akan diberikan e-tiket setelah pembayaran. E-tiket dilarang keras untuk diposting di media sosial demi keamanan tiket Anda. Ticket Holders will be given out e-tickets after payment. E-ticket is strictly forbidden to be posted on social media for the safety of your ticket.
  • Anak dibawah umur 14 tahun wajib didampingi oleh orang tua atau wali, serta anak dibawah umur 6 tahun tidak diperkenankan masuk. Children under 14 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, and children under 6 years old are not allowed to enter.
  • Untuk alasan keamanan, perempuan hamil tidak diperbolehkan menonton di area Festival (berdiri bebas), dan diwajibkan membeli tiket di kategori duduk (Tribune Center atau Tribune A & B). For safety reasons, pregnant women are not allowed in the Festival (free standing) area, and are required to purchase tickets in seating categories (Tribune Center or Tribune A & B).
  • Penukaran Tiket dan waktu open gate akan diinfokan kembali oleh penyelenggara sebelum event berlangsung. Mohon untuk mengikuti sosial media penyelenggara. Ticket exchange and gate open time will be informed again by the organizer before the event takes place. Please follow the organizer's social media.
  • Penukaran tiket yang diwakili oleh pihak lain wajib menyertakan surat kuasa yang telah ditandatangani di atas materai Rp 10.000,- dan membawa fotokopi/scan foto KTP sesuai dengan nama yang tertera pada saat pembelian tiket. Ticket redemption by other parties must provide a power of attorney letter signed and attached with IDR 10.000,- stamp along with its authorizer’s ID.
  • Penonton bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap keamanan diri dan semua barang-barang pribadinya. Ticket holders are fully responsible for the safety of themselves and all their personal belongings.
  • Penonton dilarang merekam dengan kamera profesional untuk kepentingan komersial. Ticket holders are prohibited from recording with a professional camera for commercial purposes.
  • Penonton dilarang mengambil foto menggunakan flash. Ticket holders are prohibited from taking photos using flash.
  • Penonton dilarang membawa senjata api, senjata tajam, dan benda-benda yang membahayakan. Ticket holders are prohibited from bringing firearms, sharp weapons, and dangerous objects.
  • Penonton dilarang membawa makanan dan minuman dari luar. Ticket holders are prohibited from bringing food and beverages from outside.
  • Sesuai dengan regulasi yang tertera pada Surat Edaran (SE) Satuan Tugas Penanganan Covid-19 20/2022, seluruh penonton wajib sudah menerima Vaksinasi Lengkap. In accordance with the regulations stated in the Circular Letter of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force 20/2022, all ticket holders must have received Complete Vaccination. Especially for viewers aged 18 years and over, they must have received a Booster Vaccine.
  • Melarang masuk penonton jika TIKET telah dipergunakan oleh orang lain/tidak valid. Prohibit ticket holders from entering if the TICKET has been used by someone else/is not valid.
  • Memproses atau mengajukan hukum, baik perdata atau kriminal kepada penonton yang mendapatkan TIKET dengan illegal termasuk memalsukan dan menggandakan TIKET yang sah atau mendapatkan TIKET dengan cara yang tidak sesuai prosedur. Process and prosecute in accordance with the prevailing civil or criminal provisions of ticket holders who obtained TICKETS illegally, including falsifying and duplicating valid TICKETS or obtaining TICKETS in unauthorized manner.
  • Dalam keadaan Force Majeure seperti bencana alam, kerusuhan, perang, wabah, dan semua keadaan darurat yang diumumkan secara resmi oleh Pemerintah, terkait kenaikan wabah covid, panitia/penyelenggara/promotor berhak untuk membatalkan dan/atau merubah waktu acara dan tata letak tempat tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya (TIKET tidak dapat direfund, tetapi bisa digunakan untuk pertunjukkan All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024 di waktu dan tempat yang lain). In Force Majeure circumstances such as natural disasters, riots, wars, epidemics, and all emergencies officially announced by the Government, related to an increase in the covid outbreak, the committee/organizer/promoter has the right to cancel and/or change the event time and venue layout without notification beforehand (TICKETS are non-refundable, but can be used for the All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024 show at another time and place).
  • Panitia/Penyelenggara/Promotor tidak bertanggung jawab atas kompensasi dan/atau biaya pembatalan untuk biaya perjalanan dan/atau penginapan yang Anda keluarkan apabila pertunjukkan dibatalkan atau ditunda. The Committe/Organizer/Promoter is not responsible for compensation and/or cancellation fees for travel and/or lodging expenses ticket holders purchased if the show is canceled or postponed.
  • Panitia/Penyelenggara/Promotor berhak untuk merevisi waktu acara, tata letak tempat, dan kapasitas penonton tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. The committee/organizer/promoter reserves the right to revise the event time, venue layout and audience capacity without prior notification.
  • Panitia/Penyelenggara/Promotor berhak menindak tegas dan mengeluarkan pengunjung apabila tidak mematuhi peraturan yang berlaku, Do & Don’ts, menimbulkan kerusuhan, atau melanggar ketertiban umum. The committee/organizer/promoter has the right to take firm action and get ticket holders out of the venue if they do not comply with applicable regulations, Do & Don'ts, cause riots, or violate public order.
  • Mohon cek akun Instagram kami (@chakraliveasia) secara berkala untuk informasi lebih lanjut seputar konser All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024 . Please check our Instagram account (@chakraliveasia) periodically for more information about All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024 concert.
  • Dengan membeli Tiket untuk ke acara konser All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024 , maka Pembeli Tiket dan Pemegang Tiket setuju untuk menaati setiap dan seluruh Syarat & Ketentuan acara yang ditetapkan dan berlaku dari waktu ke waktu. By purchasing tickets to the All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024 concert, Ticket Buyers and Ticket Holders agree to comply with all the Terms & Conditions of the event that are determined and valid from time to time.

Established in 2023, Chakra Live Asia is a promoter based in Indonesia under the well-established SOD Group as our holding company with a vision to build strong and everlasting lifestyle, entertainment, and hospitality industry.

With our ability and experience, chakra live asia are committed to bring the best international concert in asia, especially indonesia. supported by the best team, we will deliver spectacular experience for the audience as our top priority..

  • Philippines

American rock band All Time Low announce 2024 Asia tour – Singapore, Manila, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, and more confirmed

American rock band All Time Low announce 2024 Asia tour – Singapore, Manila, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, and more confirmed

All Time Low is coming to Asia. 

Today (30/1), the American rock band took to social media to break the news of bringing the All Time Low Forever Asia 2024 Tour . Fresh off the Brazil leg of the tour, the band will kickstart the Asia tour in Kuala Lumpur on 28 April and thereafter make stops in Jakarta, Manila, Singapore, Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka.

          View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by All Time Low (@alltimelow)

Comprising band members Alex Gaskarth (vocals and guitar), Jack Barakat (guitar), Zack Merrick (bass), and Rian Dawson (drums), the four-piece rock outfit are known for tracks like‘ Dear Maria, Count Me In ’ and ‘ Monsters ’ featuring blackbear . 


Check out the All Time Low Forever Asia 2024 Tour dates here. 

28 April – Kuala Lumpur, Zepp

30 April – Jakarta, Tennis Indoor Senayan

3 May – Manila, Araneta Coliseum

5 May – Singapore, Fort Canning Park

7 May – Tokyo, Spotify O-EAST

8 May – Nagoya, Club Quattro Nagoya

9 May – Osaka, Gorilla Hall


Date: 28 April

Venue: Zepp

Tickets will be on sale on 8 February , 10 AM local time, via All Time Low’s official website .

Date: 30 April

Venue: Tennis Indoor Senayan

Tickets will go on sale on 2 February , 9 AM local time, via All Time Low’s official website .

Date: 3 May

Venue: Araneta Coliseum

Ticket sales will begin on 3 March , 9 AM local time, via All Time Low’s official website .

Date: 5 May

Venue: Fort Canning Park

Date: 7 May

Venue: Spotify O-EAST

Ticket sales will start on 2 March , 10 AM local time, via All Time Low’s official website .

Date: 8 May 

Venue: Club Quattro Nagoya

Ticket sales will start on 2 March , 10 AM local time, via All Time Low’s official website . 

Date: 9 May

Venue: Gorilla Hall

Check out All Time Low’s ‘Sleepwalking’ here.

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Alternative Rock Band, All Time Low, is Coming to Kuala Lumpur in April 2024!

all time low asia tour

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90’s babies, listen up! This one is for you.

Come One, Come All , because All Time Low is coming to Kuala Lumpur in April!

Taking to their official Instagram page , the American alternative rock band shared details into their ATL Forever Asia Tour this 2024.

Atl 7

They wrote, “We’re bringing #ATLForever to Asia! Starting April 28, we’re celebration 20 years in 7 incredible venues of all different sizes – from rock halls to arenas – with a new live show (and maybe some songs we’ve never played overseas before!). If we’re coming to your city, you won’t want to miss it!”

All Time Low will be starting off their Asia tour in Malaysia, on April 28 (Sunday) at Zepp Kuala Lumpur.

Atl 6

Anticipating all time favourite hits like Dear Maria, Count Me In , Remembering Sunday , Poppin’ Champagne and more, Malaysians have expressed their utter excitement to received the band in our backyard again since their last show here in 2011. That’s right, it’s been 13 years!

Atl 4

Tickets for the Malaysian stop of the ATL Forever Asia tour will be going on sale on February 8 (Thursday) at 10am. For those who are diehard fans, we hope you get tickets!

You can check out their post here .

So, if your name is Maria, you best count them in!

What do you think about this? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.

Also read: Sam Tsui & Casey Breves Slay Siti Nurhaliza’s Iconic Song, Bukan Cinta Biasa, in New TikTok Video

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  • All Time Low
  • April 28, 2024 Setlist

All Time Low Setlist at Zepp Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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  • Tell Me I'm Alive Play Video
  • Some Kind of Disaster Play Video
  • Weightless Play Video
  • Lost in Stereo Play Video
  • Six Feet Under the Stars Play Video
  • Poppin' Champagne Play Video
  • Jasey Rae Play Video
  • Vegas Play Video
  • Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don't) Play Video
  • Do You Want Me (Dead?) Play Video
  • Runaways Play Video
  • Backseat Serenade Play Video
  • Something's Gotta Give Play Video
  • Kids in the Dark ( Played by Alex without the rest of the band till the first chorus ) Play Video
  • Old Scars / Future Hearts Play Video
  • Missing You Play Video
  • Therapy Play Video
  • Sleepwalking Play Video
  • PMA Play Video
  • Fake as Hell Play Video
  • Dirty Laundry Play Video
  • Afterglow Play Video
  • Monsters Play Video
  • Calm Down Play Video
  • Modern Love ( With "Stella" snippet ) Play Video
  • Dear Maria, Count Me In Play Video

Edits and Comments

8 activities (last edit by anakinandrea , 29 Apr 2024, 17:13 Etc/UTC )

Songs on Albums

  • Kids in the Dark
  • Missing You
  • Old Scars / Future Hearts
  • Something's Gotta Give
  • Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don't)
  • Lost in Stereo
  • Dear Maria, Count Me In
  • Poppin' Champagne
  • Six Feet Under the Stars
  • Modern Love
  • Sleepwalking
  • Tell Me I'm Alive
  • Dirty Laundry
  • Some Kind of Disaster
  • Fake as Hell
  • Do You Want Me (Dead?)
  • Backseat Serenade

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All time low gig timeline.

  • Mar 10 2024 I Wanna Be Tour (Belo Horizonte) 2024 Belo Horizonte, Brazil Add time Add time
  • Mar 13 2024 Glory Dayz 2024 Bogota, Colombia Start time: 7:00 PM 7:00 PM
  • Apr 28 2024 Zepp Kuala Lumpur This Setlist Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Start time: 8:40 PM 8:40 PM
  • Apr 30 2024 Tennis Indoor Senayan Jakarta, Indonesia Start time: 8:00 PM 8:00 PM
  • May 03 2024 Smart Araneta Coliseum Quezon City, Philippines Start time: 8:00 PM 8:00 PM

5 people were there

  • farhanamarwan
  • jakesharks666
  • naztremax01

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When In Manila Search

All time low is going back to manila this 2024 see the schedule and ticket prices here.

Dear Maria, count us in!

All Time Low is coming back to the Philippines this 2024 as part of their “All Time Low Forever” tour, as announced by PULP Live World on Tuesday, January 30.

“Join us as we celebrate decades of awesome pop-punk power with one of the most iconic names in the game, as PULP Live World presents: ALL TIME LOW FOREVER this 2024,” PULP Live World said on their social media posts.

all time low header

“All Time World Forever” in Manila will be held on May 3, 2024, at the Smart Araneta Coliseum. Tickets go on sale on March 3 at 12 PM via TicketNet outlets nationwide and . Gates open at 6 PM and show begins at 8 PM.

Ticket prices are as follows:

  • PULP Royalty (Includes access to fan signing event, priority entry, souvenir ID, lanyard, and official poster): PHP 12,500
  • Platinum (Includes souvenir ID, lanyard, and official poster): PHP 9,500
  • Gold: PHP 8,000
  • Patron A: PHP 6,500
  • Patron B: PHP 5,500
  • Box A: PHP 4,500
  • Box B: PHP 3,500

Ticketing charges apply.

See the seating chart below:

all time low seating chart 2024

All Time Low was last in Manila on August 15, 2022, at the Mall of Asia Arena. We can’t wait for them to be back this year!!!

(ALSO READ: Laufey Is Going Back to Manila! See the Schedule and Ticket Prices Here )

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David Archuleta

About The Author

' src='s Associate Editor and Head of Entertainment. A storyteller since 8, but she swears she was a fortune-teller in her past life. When she isn't writing, she plays video games, screams about Formula 1, and does tarot readings as a form of therapy. Find her on Instagram, @reseaseo.

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All Time Low is set to perform in Singapore this May

Count us in!

Mingli Seet

Erm duh, count us in! American rock band All Time Low will perform in Singapore at Fort Canning Park on May 5, 2024. This is part of their All Time Low Forever tour. They will be pit-stopping at other cities as well, including Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Manila, Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya.

Originating from Maryland, the band burst onto the music scene in 2003, quickly establishing themselves as pop-punk and alternative rock stalwarts. The quartet – Alex Gaskarth, Jack Barakat, Zack Merrick, and Rian Dawson – has garnered widespread recognition, earning accolades such as MTV Awards, Kerrang! Awards , and a dedicated fanbase worldwide. 

With a string of chart-topping albums, including mega hits like Dear Maria, Count Me In and Weightless , All Time Low has not only shaped the modern pop-punk landscape but also amassed a collection of achievements and awards that underscore their enduring impact on the music industry. 

Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.

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Philippine Concerts

Concerts, gigs, live performances and other musical events, all time low live in manila 2024.

All Time Low Live in Manila on May 3, 2024, 8pm at the Smart Araneta Coliseum. All Time Low Forever Tour Manila is presented by Pulp Live World.

All Time Low Live in Manila 2024

All Time Low Live in Manila Ticket Prices: PULP Royalty – P12,500 Platinum – P9,500 Gold – P8,000 Patron A – P6,500 Patron B – P5,500 Box A – P4,500 Box B – P3,500

*Ticketing charges apply.

Tickets available at Ticketnet Outlets or online at

All Time Low Live in Manila Seatplan

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All Time Low in Manila 2024: A Pop-Punk Celebration for All Ages

In an era where music genres blend seamlessly, pop-punk maintains a fervent fan base, characterized by its infectious energy and anthemic choruses. All Time Low, a band that has become synonymous with this genre’s evolution, is set to bring their vibrant live performance back to Manila in 2024. This article dives into what fans can expect from the “All Time Low Forever” tour, including possible setlists, ticket information, and why this concert is a must-see event for both long-time followers and newcomers to the pop-punk scene.

all time low manila concert 2024 poster

The Journey of All Time Low

All Time Low began their journey in the early 2000s, capturing the hearts of listeners with their dynamic pop-punk sound. Over the years, they’ve evolved, incorporating elements of pop, rock, and emo into their music. Their ability to adapt while staying true to their roots has endeared them to a broad audience, spanning different generations.

From Humble Beginnings to Pop-Punk Icons

Starting as high school friends with a passion for music, All Time Low quickly rose through the ranks of the pop-punk scene. Their breakout hit “Dear Maria, Count Me In” catapulted them into the spotlight, becoming an anthem for an entire generation.

A Discography That Evolves With Its Audience

With nine studio albums under their belt, All Time Low has demonstrated a remarkable capacity for growth. Albums like “So Wrong, It’s Right” and “Nothing Personal” are considered classics, while their latest release, “Tell Me I’m Alive,” showcases their evolution as artists.

All Time Low Forever: The 2024 Manila Concert

In 2024, Manila will host All Time Low as part of their “Forever” tour, a celebration of two decades of music. This section provides essential details for fans looking to be part of this pop-punk festivity.

all time low manila concert 2024 seating plans

Event Details and Ticket Information

  • Date and Venue:  The concert is scheduled for May 3, 2024, at the Smart Araneta Coliseum, a venue known for hosting some of the most memorable music events in the Philippines.
  • Tickets:  Sales begin on March 3, 2024, at 12 PM through TicketNet outlets and online. Prices range from PhP 3,500 for Box B seats to PhP 12,500 for PULP Royalty, which includes exclusive perks like a fan signing event and official merchandise.

What to Expect: Possible Setlist and Show Highlights

Based on their recent performances and the celebratory nature of the “Forever” tour, fans can anticipate a mix of classic hits and new favorites. Songs like “Dear Maria, Count Me In,” “Somewhere in Neverland,” and “Monsters” are likely to feature, alongside tracks from their latest album.

Why This Concert Is a Must-See

All Time Low’s concerts are more than just live music events; they’re communal experiences where fans of all ages come together to celebrate their love for pop-punk. The band’s energetic performance, combined with their interaction with the audience, creates an unforgettable atmosphere.

A Celebration of Pop-Punk Culture

Attending the “All Time Low Forever” tour is not just about seeing a band perform; it’s about being part of a moment that celebrates the enduring appeal of pop-punk music.

An Event for All Ages

Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to the genre, All Time Low’s music has a universal appeal that transcends age. Their concerts are welcoming spaces where everyone can enjoy the power of live music.

The “All Time Low Forever” tour in Manila is more than just a concert; it’s a testament to the band’s lasting impact on the music scene and a celebration of the pop-punk genre. With a setlist that promises to span their entire career and an energy that only All Time Low can deliver, this event is poised to be a highlight of 2024 for fans old and new.

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Show Details

Get ready to watch them bring 20 years of hits to life on the Araneta Coliseum stage!

For 20 years, ALL TIME LOW has been a staple of the pop-punk scene, belting out high-octane yet catchy tunes that have had many of us singing along at the top of our lungs and drumming on every surface imaginable. Now, they’re bringing two decades of epic music to life with their All Time Low Forever Tour . The Manila leg of this tour will touch down at the Araneta Coliseum on May 3, 2024 .

ALL TIME LOW has become a prominent name in the alternative rock and pop-punk scenes since their formation in 2003. The band was formed by high school friends Alex Gaskarth (lead vocals, rhythm guitar), Jack Barakat (lead guitar, backing vocals), Zack Merrick (bass guitar, backing vocals), and Rian Dawson (drums, percussion). They started out covering songs by bands they looked up to before moving on to writing their own music.

They built a steady following by playing local shows in their hometown of Towson, Maryland, which led to their signing with Hopeless Records in 2004. Their first studio album, The Party Scene, was released in 2005, but it wasn’t until 2007, when their third album, So Wrong, It’s Right, dropped that the band truly blew up. A string of successful albums followed, including Nothing Personal (2009), Dirty Work (2011), Don’t Panic (2012), and Future Hearts (2015). Their 2020 album, Wake Up, Sunshine, was also well-received. The hit single “Monsters” brought them significant chart success and new levels of mainstream recognition.

ALL TIME LOW’s musical style has primarily been described as pop-punk, but they’ve also incorporated elements of alternative rock, emo, and power pop into their sound. They’ve been influenced by bands like Blink-182 and New Found Glory, and in turn, have influenced a new generation of pop-punk bands.

As the band tells it, no one is more surprised by their longevity and success than they are. “We had no lofty expectations for how far this band would go,” frontman Alex Gaskarth said on social media. “We just had this relentless drive to play shows for as many people as we could in as many places as we could. It hasn’t always been easy staying on the road for the better part of 20 years, and we’ve experienced our share of growing pains along the way for sure, but through it all, we’ve always been called back to the stage.”

He added that as a “thank you” to fans, they planned this tour to celebrate 20 years of “doing the damn thing together.”

The All Time Low Forever Tour will start with a bang in Kuala Lumpur. Afterwards, the band will hit Jakarta on April 30, pop over to Singapore on May 5, rock Tokyo on May 7, Nagoya on May 8, and finish strong in Osaka on May 9. Then, they’re bringing the party back to the US with three epic shows, the last of which will take place in Maryland.

“These shows will be our most ambitious yet, and if you’ve been along for the ride with us, you won’t want to miss out on this unforgettable experience,” the band promised in a statement. “All of us together, All Time Low forever.”

Tickets for ALL TIME LOW FOREVER IN MANILA will go on sale at 12NN (PST) on March 3, 2024 , available through the TicketNet website and at outlets across the country. Fans have a wide variety of ticket options to choose from: Box B seats are priced at Php3,500, Box A at P4,500, Patron B at P5,500, Patron A at P6,500, Gold at P8,000, Platinum at P9,500 (which includes a poster, souvenir ID, and an official poster), and the PULP Royalty tier at P12,500, offering exclusive access to a fan signing event, priority entry, and more.

Keep an eye on PULP Live World’s socials for updates on ALL TIME LOW’s Philippine comeback!

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“He got all these twists and turns that I thought only John Wetton was capable of”: How Geoff Downes assembled his new Asia line-up

US tour with Focus, Martin Turner and Curved Air presents possibility of completing songs left unfinished after original singer’s death


Asia have stubbornly refused to fade away despite the death of John Wetton in 2017. After a series of line-up changes in the following years, keyboardist Geoff Downes revealed his new bandmates for their 2024 tour of America. Wetton’s wife Lisa has voiced her approval for Downes’ move, inspired by his belied that Asia songs should be played live. Ahead of the road trip he told Prog how it all came together.

Yes keyboard player Geoff Downes’ new version of Asia features Lonely Robot ’s John Mitchell , Planet X drummer Virgil Donati and singer Harry Whitley, in a move inspired by the same line-up’s performance at 2023’s John Wetton memorial concert .

“The reaction was just incredible, not just from the audience on the night, but also the people who were streaming it at home,” marvels Downes. “People seemed so impressed by what we were doing and it really made a big impact on me. And that kickstarted an idea: I decided it would be great to take Asia back out on the road and do it all again.”

True to his word, the new-look line-up headline the Heat Of The Moment Tour, which will take in North America and Canada this July. Named after the monster hit from Asia’s self-titled 1982 debu t, the dates carry a certain symmetry for Downes.

“A lot of time has gone by since that first album,” he says. “But I think there’s a natural cycle to it, especially with me having discovered Harry. He’s not emulating John Wetton as such, but he’s always been a big fan of Asia and his voice is very similar.”

Wetton performs with Asia

Classically-trained Whitley first caught Downes’ attention through his YouTube channel , where he offers his uncanny Asia covers. “Harry told me how my music was a big influence on him, so I thought I’d check him out,” says Downes. “I was really blown away by his attention to detail, particularly his vocal intonation. He did a version of Heroine where he managed to get all these twists and turns that I thought only John was ever capable of.

“To hear Harry do that was really scary and quite chilling, because John’s voice could bring people to tears. So I got in touch with him when the tribute show was coming together. I thought, ‘If anyone’s going to put their stamp on these songs, here’s the man for the job.’”

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There’s quite a bit of material – I’m looking to maybe bring in someone like John Mitchell to collaborate

Along with guitarist Mitchell – who has history with both Wetton and Downes, appearing on their Icon project – Virgil Donati completes Asia’s new iteration. The drummer is perhaps best known for Planet X, though he was also a latter-day member of Wetton’s prog supergroup, UK. Downes sees him as a perfect replacement for Carl Palmer , who’s otherwise busy with his ELP Legacy project.

The Heat Of The Moment Tour will see Asia top-billed over Focus , Martin Turner (ex- Wishbone Ash ) and Curved Air , with legendary album designer Roger Dean as MC. “We’ll be playing quite a lot from the first album,” teases Downes. “That was the defining one really, the one that put it all into gear.

2023's John Wetton tribute concert

“We never expected anything like the incredible numbers it did; it was the biggest-selling album of 1982. But we’ll also be looking across all the albums, putting together a show that’s hopefully going to be action-packed.”

No fresh studio offerings are imminent – but Downes reveals that he and Wetton had started working up some new Asia songs shortly before the singer’s death from cancer in 2017. “They weren’t really fully developed,” he explains. 

“They were basic ideas; then John’s health deteriorated quite rapidly and we never got the opportunity to get stuck in and take it further. There’s quite a bit of material – I’m looking to maybe bring in someone like John Mitchell to collaborate. Hopefully we can put it together in a way that John would have liked us to.”

Freelance writer for Classic Rock since 2008, and sister title Prog since its inception in 2009. Regular contributor to Uncut magazine for over 20 years. Other clients include Word magazine, Record Collector, The Guardian, Sunday Times, The Telegraph and When Saturday Comes . Alongside Marc Riley, co-presenter of long-running A-Z Of David Bowie podcast. Also appears twice a week on Riley’s BBC6 radio show, rifling through old copies of the NME and Melody Maker in the Parallel Universe slot. Designed Aston Villa’s kit during a previous life as a sportswear designer. Geezer Butler told him he loved the all-black away strip.

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