Letter How

Write it Well

  • How To Write Field Trip Letter To Parents –  3 Samples.
  • By: Ray Martins
  • Date: January 14, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.

field trip letter example

Once in a while, students are required to go for field trip so that they can see firsthand, the different theories and concepts that they study in the classroom. However, before the children can go for the field trip, the school has to obtain consent from the parents. Thus, the school has to write a letter to the parents or guardians requesting them to consent that their children take part in the field trip.

In order to write a good field trip letter to the parents, it is important that the letter details the specific location that the children will visit, what they intend to see and learn, and any necessary preparations that need to be made by the parents in order to ensure that the field trip will be a success.

The introduction of the letter should be precise. Specifically, it should brief the parent on the actual date when the field trip is supposed to take place, the time that the school bus will be leaving, and when the bus is expected to arrive back from the trip.

How Do You Write No Objection Letter From Parents To Allow A Child To Travel?

If you have received a field trip letter from school informing you that your child is expected to go for a field trip, you will be required to write a no objection letter that will show you agree your child to take part in the trip. Here is a simple format you can use to indicate that you have agreed your child takes part in the field trip.

I have no objection to my child taking part in the field trip scheduled to take place on 15 th January 2022.

Sign and Date

Mary’s parents.

Sample 1 : Field Trip Letter To Parent

Dear Parent / Guardian

The fifth grade are scheduled to go for a field trip to the animal park in Texas on 23 rd January 2022 . In this trip, the children are going to see different wild animals that they have studied in the classroom. The school bus will leave at exactly 9.00 am and return about 2.00 pm. It is crucial that your child is not late for school on that date so that he/she does not miss the trip.

The field is paid for by the school. I however, require that you ensure you have consented and returned this letter by 16 th January 2022 so that we can have the names of the children going for the trip registered with the animal park. You are requested to pack snacks for your child so that he/she can enjoy the snacks on the bus.

This is a unique opportunity that shouldn’t be missed as the children will get a chance to see many wild animals that they have only seen on TV. The children should be dressed as they normally dress when coming to school on normal days.

It is my hope that you are going to consent your child takes part in the trip. In case you have any questions or concerns regarding the planned field trip, feel free to contact me any time.

Your Sincerely

Fifth Grade Sciences Studies Coordinator

Teacher Anne


Parent Trip Consent Slip

I _________________________ consent my child _______________________ attends the planned field trip on 23 rd January 2022.


Sign and Date 


Sample 2 : Field Trip Letter To Parent

Dear Parents

The school has planned for your child to go on a science field trip with the science club. The trip is a unique opportunity for your child to gain hands-on experience on different environmental issues such as how human activities have contributed to degradation of the environment.  The field trip might include a walk of about one mile in the forest, and in the farm. We are certain that this trip will be informative and beneficial to learning of your child.

In order to make sure that your child has unforgettable experience, we seek your assistance in the following:

  • Make sure that your child wears ideal shoes – no sandals. Hiking or sports shoes are the best.
  • Dress your child well. Layers are ideal so that they can be removed as needed.
  • Let us know about any underlying health conditions such as allergy and medication.

Thanks for doing your best in ensuring that your child has a positive learning experience. For any queries or questions, feel free to contact me.

Emma Watson

School Events Coordinator


Sample 3 : Information Letter To Parent About Planned Field Trip

I am writing to inform you that your child who is a 6 th Grader has an opportunity to visit Texas for a curriculum trip. We are all thrilled about this opportunity and it’s our hope that you are also thrilled.  The luxury coach is planned to leave school on Wednesday 8 th June 2021 at 5pm. We come back to school at 9:00am on Monday, 12 Th June . The total cost for the trip is $550 and it incorporates all costs to be incurred by the students.

Students are expected to be in school-appropriate dressing during the entire trip. When parking clothes for your sons and daughters, take into consideration the fact that the trip will happen during summer season. We will try our best to advise students prior to leaving about the forecasted temperatures.

We request that you sign the attached student consent slip and return it before 30 th April 2021 . After that, we are not going to accept any other reservations. We also request that you pay the fee of $500 before 30 th April so that we can be able make all the necessary arrangements.

I hereby conform that I have consented my child to go to the Texas trip taking place from June 8 to June 12 2021.

Name of student: ____________________________________________

Name of the Parent :_________________________________________

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School Trip Announcement Letter to Parents Template

school trip announcement letter

We are with you from start to finish for your group trip, and all the steps in between. Throughout every stage of your tour planning, we want you to have the highest quality materials.

Customize this school trip announcement letter to announce your trip to parents and invite them to your first meeting. The earlier you can start planning, the more time parents have to plan for the trip financially. Announce your trip as soon as the school year starts to get everyone excited for the year ahead. Not sure where to travel? View our sample school trip itineraries.

  • Download the Field Trip Letter to Parents

There are many free resources available on our Resources page. We suggest that you book mark that page for future reference. Sign-up to receive monthly newsletters so that you never miss a resource!

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  • Sample Request Letter For Educational Field Trip

Educational field trips play a crucial role in providing students with hands-on learning experiences and expanding their understanding of the subjects they study in the classroom. To facilitate the process of requesting permission for such enriching trips, we have prepared four templates for writing formal request letters addressed to school principals, college/university deans, or department heads. These templates are designed to cater to different educational levels, including primary schools, middle schools, high schools, and colleges/universities.Each template outlines the purpose and significance of the proposed field trip, highlights its alignment with the curriculum, and assures the recipient that all necessary safety measures have been taken into consideration. Moreover, the templates express gratitude for considering the request and emphasize the value of these educational experiences in broadening students' horizons and fostering their enthusiasm for learning.It is essential to personalize these templates by including specific details such as the name of the destination, the proposed dates, and the anticipated duration of the trip. Furthermore, be sure to customize the content according to the educational institution and the level of the students involved. By utilizing these templates as a starting point, you can effectively communicate your request, showcase the educational benefits of the proposed field trip, and seek approval to offer a memorable and rewarding learning experience to your students.

Template Request Letter for Educational Field Trip - Primary School

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Principal's Name] [School Name] [School Address] [City, State, ZIP]

Dear [Principal's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to request permission for an educational field trip for the students of [Grade/Class] at [School Name]. The purpose of this trip is to enhance our students' learning experiences by providing them with a hands-on educational opportunity outside the classroom.

We have carefully selected [destination], which aligns with the curriculum and offers enriching activities that complement our current lesson plans. The field trip is scheduled for [proposed date(s)], and we anticipate that it will last approximately [duration of the trip].

We assure you that all necessary safety measures and arrangements have been taken into consideration. The trip will be supervised by our experienced teachers and staff members to ensure the security and well-being of our students.

We kindly request your approval for this educational field trip, and we would be grateful for your support in making this valuable learning experience possible for our students. Your endorsement will allow us to proceed with the necessary preparations and logistics.

Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to your positive response and the opportunity to provide our students with an unforgettable educational journey.

[Your Name] [Your Designation] [School Name] [Contact Information]

Template Request Letter for Educational Field Trip - Middle School

Greetings! I am writing on behalf of the [Grade/Class] students of [School Name] to seek your approval for an educational field trip to [destination]. We believe that this trip will significantly enhance our students' understanding of the subjects they are currently studying.

The field trip is scheduled for [proposed date(s)] and will last for approximately [duration of the trip]. During the trip, our students will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning experiences related to [specific subjects/curriculum areas]. The activities planned at [destination] will complement and reinforce the concepts taught in the classroom.

As teachers, we have designed an itinerary that ensures a balanced blend of education and recreation. Safety is our top priority, and we will have a team of experienced teachers and staff members to supervise and guide the students throughout the trip.

We kindly request your permission and support to organize this educational field trip. We are confident that this experience will leave a lasting impact on our students and ignite their passion for learning.

Thank you for considering our proposal. We eagerly await your positive response and the opportunity to provide our students with an invaluable learning experience beyond the walls of the classroom.

Template Request Letter for Educational Field Trip - High School

I hope this letter finds you well. On behalf of the [Grade/Class] students of [School Name], I am writing to request your approval for an educational field trip to [destination]. This field trip is an integral part of our curriculum and will provide our students with a unique learning opportunity.

The proposed dates for the trip are [proposed date(s)], and we anticipate that the duration will be approximately [duration of the trip]. The trip has been carefully designed to align with the subjects being studied and to expose our students to real-world applications of the knowledge they have acquired in the classroom.

At [destination], our students will have the chance to engage in hands-on activities and workshops that will broaden their understanding of [specific subjects/curriculum areas]. Additionally, the trip will also promote team-building, cultural awareness, and personal development among the participants.

The safety and security of our students are of utmost importance. We have made all the necessary arrangements and will have a team of dedicated teachers and staff members accompanying the students throughout the trip.

We kindly request your support and permission to proceed with this educational field trip. Your endorsement will greatly contribute to the success of this experience, allowing our students to gain valuable insights and experiences beyond traditional classroom learning.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We eagerly await your positive response and the chance to provide our students with an enriching and memorable educational journey.

Template Request Letter for Educational Field Trip - College/University

[Dean/Head of Department's Name] [College/University Name] [College/University Address] [City, State, ZIP]

Dear [Dean/Head of Department's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. As part of the [Department/Program] at [College/University Name], we are excited to propose an educational field trip for our students to [destination]. We believe that this trip will be an invaluable addition to their academic journey.

The field trip is tentatively scheduled for [proposed date(s)] and is expected to last for approximately [duration of the trip]. It will offer our students a unique opportunity to explore and learn about [specific subject/curriculum area] in a practical and immersive setting.

We have meticulously planned an itinerary that includes visits to key educational sites, interactions with industry experts, and engagement in hands-on activities related to their field of study. This experiential learning opportunity aligns with our commitment to providing a holistic education to our students.

The safety and welfare of our students are paramount. We have taken all necessary precautions and will have a team of experienced faculty members accompanying the students throughout the trip.

We kindly request your endorsement and support for this educational field trip. Your approval will enable us to proceed with the necessary arrangements and ensure a successful and enlightening experience for our students.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We eagerly await your positive response and the chance to provide our students with an enriching educational journey.

[Your Name] [Your Designation] [College/University Name] [Contact Information]

We are delighted to extend our professional proofreading and writing services to cater to all your business and professional requirements, absolutely free of charge at Englishtemplates.com . Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at englishtemplates.com. Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the earliest.

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Permission Letter For Field Trip: How To Write It Right!

In this article, I’ll guide you step-by-step through the process of creating an effective permission letter, providing a template and personal insights to assist you.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the Purpose : Recognize that a permission letter serves as a formal request for consent and an informative document for guardians.
  • Be Clear and Concise : Use simple language to convey all essential details about the trip.
  • Include All Relevant Information : Ensure to mention the destination, date, time, reason for the trip, transportation, and contact information.
  • Personalize Your Letter : While following a template, add a personal touch to make the letter more engaging.
  • Seek Feedback : Encourage parents to provide feedback or ask questions to ensure clarity and build trust.

Step 1: Start with a Professional Layout

Begin your letter with a professional letterhead, if available, or simply start with your name, position, school name, and address at the top. Follow this with the date and the recipient’s address. This sets a formal tone for the letter.

Step 2: Craft a Clear Introduction

In your opening paragraph, briefly introduce the purpose of the letter. Mention that the letter seeks permission for the child to attend a field trip and provide a brief overview of the trip’s educational value.

Example : “I am writing to request your permission for your child, [Child’s Name], to attend the upcoming field trip to [Destination]. This trip is an excellent opportunity for students to enhance their understanding of [Educational Purpose].”

Step 3: Provide Detailed Information

This is the core of your letter. Clearly mention the following details:

  • Destination : Where the field trip will take place.
  • Date and Time : Specify the departure and return times.
  • Purpose : Explain the educational or recreational objective of the trip.
  • Transportation Details : Describe the mode of transportation and safety measures in place.
  • Food Arrangements : Specify if students need to bring their lunch or if it will be provided.
  • Cost : If there’s any cost involved, mention the amount and the payment method.

Step 4: Include a Call to Action

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Encourage the recipient to sign the permission slip and return it by a specific date. Also, provide your contact information for any questions or concerns they might have.

Step 5: Express Gratitude

Close your letter by thanking the parents or guardians for their time and support, reinforcing the value of the field trip for their child’s education.

Step 6: Provide a Signature Line

End with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely,” followed by a space for your signature and printed name.

Template for a Permission Letter for a Field Trip

[Your Name] [Your Position] [School Name] [School Address] [Date]

[Recipient’s Address]

Dear [Parent’s Name],

I am pleased to inform you about an upcoming field trip that we have organized for [Grade/Class]. We plan to visit [Destination] on [Date], which will be an enriching experience for the students as they learn about [Educational Purpose].

Details of the Field Trip:

  • Destination : [Destination]
  • Date and Time : [Date and Time]
  • Purpose : [Purpose of the Trip]
  • Transportation : [Transportation Details]
  • Food : [Food Arrangements]
  • Cost : [Cost Details]

Please sign the attached permission slip and return it to us by [Return Date]. If you have any questions or require further information, feel free to contact me at [Your Contact Information].

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation in enhancing our students’ learning experiences.

[Your Signature] [Your Name] [Your Position]

Personal Tips from Experience

  • Double-check the details : Ensure all the information is accurate and up-to-date to avoid any confusion.
  • Engage with empathy : Understand that parents might have concerns. Addressing these proactively can build trust.
  • Follow-up : Consider sending a reminder or making a follow-up call as the return date approaches.

I’d love to hear your thoughts or experiences with writing permission letters for field trips. Have you found a particular approach effective? Do you have any tips to share? Please leave your comments below, and let’s discuss!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Field Trip Permission Letter

Ai generator.

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[Teacher’s Name] [Teacher’s Position] [School Name] [School Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Subject: Permission for Upcoming Field Trip

I am excited to announce that our class will be participating in a field trip to [Destination Name], located at [Destination Address]. This trip is scheduled for [Date of Trip], and it promises to be an enriching experience for the students, complementing our curriculum in [Relevant Subject or Area of Learning].

Purpose and Educational Value: The purpose of this trip is to [Briefly Describe the Educational Objectives]. Students will have the opportunity to [List Specific Activities or Learning Experiences], which will enhance their understanding of [Relevant Educational Content].

Itinerary and Details:

  • Departure from School: [Time of Departure]
  • Return to School: [Time of Return]
  • Transportation: [Mode of Transportation, e.g., school bus]
  • Meals: [Details about lunch – whether students need to bring their own, or if it will be provided]
  • Cost: [Cost per Student, if applicable]

Safety and Supervision: The safety and well-being of our students are our top priorities. Adequate supervision will be provided, with [Number of Teachers/Chaperones] accompanying the students. All activities are planned with student safety in mind, and emergency contact procedures are in place.

Permission and Consent: To allow your child to participate in this field trip, please complete the attached permission slip and return it to me by [Due Date for Permission Slip]. If there are any medical conditions or special requirements for your child that we need to be aware of, please include this information on the permission slip.

Contact Information: For any questions or concerns regarding this trip, please feel free to contact me at [Teacher’s Email Address] or [Teacher’s Phone Number].

We believe that this field trip will be a memorable and valuable educational experience for the students. Thank you for your support and cooperation in making this event successful.

[Teacher’s Name] [Teacher’s Position] [School Name]


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Field Trip Permission Letter To Parents

Field Trip Permission Letter To Principal

Home » Letters » School » School Trip Letter to Parents – Sample Letter to Parents About School Trip

School Trip Letter to Parents – Sample Letter to Parents About School Trip

field trip letter example

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

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How to use live assistant, additional template options, download options, share via email, share via whatsapp, copy to clipboard, print letter, sample letter to parents regarding school picnic.

To, _________ (Parent Name), _________ (Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Informing about picnic ________ (picnic information)

Respected Sir/ Madam,

This letter is in reference to the picnic which is being conducted on __/__/____ (Date) for classes __ to __ (Class). Picnic will be held at __________ (Location).

It is to inform you that this picnic will be held on __/__/____ (Date) for which we along with all other students will be leaving for the venue at __:__ (Time). Students will be taken to the venue by _______ (Type of bus). ________(Lunch and drinks will be served at the venue itself – if applicable). It is to inform you that charges for the same are ______ (Amount). You are requested to submit the above-said amount by __/__/____ (Date).

Students need to be in proper school uniforms and wearing the ID card would be mandatory. ___________ (Mention all other important information).

For, ________ (School Name), ________ (Signature/ Stamp), ________ (Name)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • This letter is to inform parents about an upcoming school picnic, providing details regarding the date, time, location, transportation, dress code, fees, and other relevant information.
  • Parents are requested to submit the participation fee by the specified date through the designated payment method mentioned by the school.
  • Besides wearing the school uniform and carrying their ID cards, students may need to bring additional items such as sunscreen, hats, or water bottles, depending on the nature of the picnic.
  • Parents are encouraged to reach out to the school administration for any queries or clarifications regarding the picnic. Contact information is provided at the end of the letter for further assistance.
  • While attendance at the picnic is typically encouraged, it may not be mandatory. Parents should refer to the letter or contact the school if they have any concerns regarding their child's participation.

Incoming Search Terms:

  • school trip letter to parents samples
  • sample letter to parents informing about picnic
  • letter to the parents from principal informing about school picnic

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How To Write A School Trip Letter To Parents

When it comes to booking a  school trip , there are countless things to consider and plan – it’s an exciting time for all involved. But, after you have gained approval from the necessary channels, there comes a time when you must start promoting your school trip to your students and their parents – after all, planning can only go so far without their buy in.

The most common way to spread word about an upcoming trip is to send a letter to parents. But what should you include, and how much information is too much?

To help, we’ve put together a step-by-step guide of how to write a school trip letter to parents. Take a look below for inspiration, including a downloadable school trip letter template.

What To Include In Your Letter

1. what are the benefits of a school trip.

The main aim of your letter should be to convey how enriching a school trip can be for any student.

School trips are a fantastic way for students to learn – seeing new sights and experiencing unfamiliar cultures can be a great way to stimulate the brain, while creating a memorable case study to aid their learning.

In your letter you could make parents aware of exactly how beneficial and enriching a school trip can be for students. This will help to build a case for parents to see the how a trip will aid their child in the long term.

2. The trip logistics

As with any investment, parents will want to know precisely where their money will be spent before making a decision on whether to send their child on a school trip.

To put parents’ minds at ease, you  can inform them of the logistics of the trip. Make sure to include the trip’s price , dates , what the deposit will be , how many places there are , when a response is needed by , and a general outline of what the trip will include (if possible). Make sure to include which subjects or modules the school trip will be beneficial towards.

A slip  can be also provided along the bottom of the letter which can be filled out by parents to secure their child’s place. This will help to garner how many students would like to attend the trip.

3. Your school trip provider

Finally, when writing your letter, you should make an effort to introduce the school trip  provider  you have chosen. This will allow peace of mind for parents wishing to find out more about their child’s school trip. 

When introducing your school trip organiser, it is often beneficial to mention their point of difference. What was it that made you choose them? Put their minds at rest by confirming that the company has all the  accreditations to keep their child and their money safe.  Your school trip organiser should be able to help you with this.

Is there an example I can use?

If you’re looking for help with writing a letter to inform parents about an upcoming school trip, then this example letter should lend a hand.

For more information around planning your school trip, make sure to visit the Resources  section of our website where you can find packing checklists, insurance documents, planning guides, post-trip classroom resources and much more.

07 March 2022

How Do I Write A School Trip Letter?

Check out our top tips on writing school trip letters requesting parental permission for your students to attend your school trip..

A person typing at a laptop

Tell them where you’re going, how long you’re going for and how you’re going to get there. For example, ‘we’re organising a 3-day coach trip to the WW1 battlefields in Northern France and Belgium ’.

There’s no need to go into too much detail at this point (they won’t take it in and you’ll overwhelm them – save all the exciting details for your parents' evening when you can get everyone really pumped for the trip).

2. Information on anything else that's confirmed

Two people point at a world map and hold landmark images

You won’t have started planning the itinerary with your Itinerary Coordinator yet, so let’s not get too bogged down in the details here.

But if there are any key activities that were included in the quote and are essential elements of the trip (and a reason for them to want their children to go), let parents know about them.

We’re thinking the bucket list visits - like Disneyland® Paris or whale watching in Iceland . Or those life-changing educational visits - like CERN in Geneva or Auschwitz in Poland .

You could also let them know what the teacher-to-student ratio will be (just so you know, we include 1:8 for coach trips and 1:10 as standard in our trips).

3. Reasons to go on the trip

A lined notebook with a numbered list of goals

We know it sounds really obvious, but make sure you let them know why they should be parting with their hard-earned cash to send their child on this trip.

For example, ‘the school trip to Barcelona will offer many exciting opportunities and experiences designed to reinforce and further your child’s Spanish skills in a fun and stimulating environment’.

4. Information on who's organising your trip

Halsbury Travel staff at the school travel awards

Unless your students’ parents are fellow teachers, they’re probably not that bothered about which trip company you use.

However, they will want to know that you’ve chosen a reputable company, that their money is protected and, most importantly, that their kids are going to be safe on the trip.

It’s a great idea to include some information on your tour operator’s accreditations .

Again, parents aren’t going to be completely sure what each one means for them, but it will offer them reassurance (and makes you look like you’ve really done your homework!).

For example, are they ABTA or ABTOT members? Are their flight tours ATOL-protected ? Are they members of the School Travel Forum ? And do they hold a LOtC Quality Badge ?

Just in case you’re wondering, in our case the answer to all of these questions is yes.

5. Details on what and when they need to pay

Alarm clock in front of a calendar

Again, it sounds so obvious, but you’re going to need to let them know how much it’s going to cost and when they need to pay.

Setting out a payment schedule now will help them to budget for the trip, which is often a significant financial commitment for many families.

And, just a heads up - it’s worth mentioning the cancellation policy here.

Cancellations could affect the viability of your trip, so give them all the info on what they could be charged to cancel now. That way, they’ll only sign up if they’re fully committed to the trip (and any cancellations you do get should be totally genuine and may be covered by your travel insurance).

6. Next steps

Climbing steps

Finally, you need to explain to parents and guardians what they need to do if they want to book their child’s place on your school trip.

This will usually include completing and returning a permission slip, along with payment for the first deposit.

Most teachers choose to include a permission slip at the bottom of the school trip letter for parents to fill out.

This includes confirmation of the child’s details, trip details, confirmation of inclusion of the first deposit and confirmation of the contact details for the parent or guardian, along with their signature.

You’ll need to be really clear about when you need to receive the permission slips and deposits.

And if there are limited places on the trip, make sure you make that clear and confirm how you’ll choose who gets to go (e.g. if it’s on a first-come, first-served basis).

You should also let them know when your first parents’ evening will be arranged. And, if you’ve got a social media account for the trip where you will be sharing updates and information, now is a great time to let them know about that.

How to write a school trip letter

  • Make sure all the important information about the trip is included
  • Make sure the permission slip gives the appropriate permissions

1. Be concise

We’d really recommend keeping the letter itself as concise as possible. Too wordy, and parents just won’t read it.

Include the information they need to make a decision about the trip, but don’t go into too much detail. As well as the risk of them switching off halfway through, you’re also opening yourself up to follow-up questions, which would be better fielded at a parents' evening (and not with 30 phone calls and emails!).

2. Make sure all the important information about the trip is included

We know, this is the tricky bit, making sure you include all the important information, while also being concise. Below is a sample letter (which you can also download and tweak) – this gives you an idea of the really important information you need to include and how to include it without waffling too much.

Essentially, you need to say:

  • Where you're going and when
  • How much it will cost and what's included (and what isn't!)
  • What supervision will be included
  • Who you've booked the trip with, so they know their money and, more importantly, their children will be safe
  • What they'll need to pay and when

3. Make sure the permission slip gives the appropriate permissions

In the sample letter below (which you can also download), you’ll see a great example of a permission slip.

The first thing you need to include is a clear statement saying that they give permission for their child or ward to attend the trip – followed by identification of the student the permission refers to.

We recommend asking them to confirm the child has the relevant, valid travel documents, including the EHIC/GHIC (you can find more information on this in our ' Know Before You Go ' article).

You then need to ask them to identify themselves and provide contact details. Plus, of course, you’ll need to get that all-important signature.

Need a sample school trip letter template to get started?

Dear parent/guardian,

We’re very pleased to inform you that the school is organising a trip to [destination] for year […] pupils, leaving on [date] for […] days.

The trip to [destination] will offer many exciting opportunities and experiences designed to reinforce and further learning in a fun and stimulating environment.

Trip details:


Dates: [From date – to date]

Trip price: [£…]

Tour inclusions: [Transport e.g. return coach travel, flights, transfers, etc. Accommodation and visits/excursions included in price]

Proposed excursions/visits: [Anything not included in price] (please note this may be subject to change)

Recommended spending money: [£…]

Supervision: Supervision will be provided at a ratio of 1 adult to every … students.

The aim of the trip is to provide students with first-hand experience of the subject matter in the curriculum that wouldn’t otherwise be possible within the normal classroom environment. In addition to this, the trip will also offer opportunities to experience a new culture, form friendships and create fantastic memories, which we hope they will look back on fondly for many years to come.

Our tour operator:

We have chosen to book our trip through Halsbury Travel, a specialist school tour operator with nearly 40 years’ experience.

As ABTA members, Halsbury Travel are obliged to maintain a high standard of service to you by ABTA’s Code of Conduct. They can also offer you ABTA’s scheme for the resolution of disputes which is approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute.

Air tours and flights arranged by Halsbury Travel are ATOL-protected by the Civil Aviation Authority, which means that you and your money are protected if the tour operator ceases to operate. This means that if that were to happen we would either be able to claim the money back for the trip (if we were yet to travel) or continue the trip and be repatriated.

For non-flight packages, Halsbury Travel’s ABTOT membership provides financial protection under The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 for non-flight packages. For further information, on ABTOT please visit their website: https://www.abtot.com/ (Please note that bookings made outside the UK are only protected by ABTOT when purchased directly with Halsbury Travel.)

Halsbury Travel are also Assured Members of the School Travel Forum, which means that they prioritise the health and safety of groups travelling with them.

They have also been awarded the Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge, which shows that they are committed to offering activities that are safe and beneficial to learning.

For more information on Halsbury Travel, please visit www.halsbury.com

PLEASE NOTE: Cancellations are likely to incur charges due to the provider’s booking terms and conditions.

What to do next:

Please be aware that there are only a limited number of places available on the trip and places are being allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. If you would like your son/daughter/ward to participate, please complete the reply slip below and return this to [your name] with a cheque for the first deposit of [£…] no later than [date]. Cheques should be made payable to [payee].

Once all initial trip deposits have been received a parents’ evening will be arranged to provide further information on the trip. Please follow our Twitter feed [@...] for further updates on the trip.

Yours sincerely,

[your name]

Please complete the reply slip below and return it to: [your name/department]

I hereby give permission for my son/daughter/ward to attend the educational visit to: ___________________ on: __/__/__.

Name of child:______________________________________ Class/year/tutor group:_____________________

I enclose £___ and understand that this is a non-refundable deposit securing the place of the above-named pupil. I will fully adhere to the above payment schedules.

I also confirm that the above-named child has a valid passport, appropriate visa and an EHIC/GHIC card.

Parent/guardian name:________________________ Email address:__________________________________

Telephone number: _________________________ Signature:___________________ Date:________________

Download this sample letter >>>

We hope this guide has been helpful!

And if you need any further information from us to be able to send out your school trip letters, please just get in touch !


The Number 1 Letter Writing Website in the world

Field Trip Permission Letter

Last Updated On September 17, 2018 By Letter Writing

A field trip permission letter is written by a school to parents or guardian to ask permission for a field trip which is organized by his or her school. A lot of parents are a little skeptical about field trips as they fear that the trip might not be completely safe. So the letter has to be written in such a way that it is easy for the parents to trust the school authorities who are taking the students out for the field trip. Also, if the child wants to go, he needs to make his or her parents trust him so that he is allowed to go. The parents should feel like the school as well as the child is responsible enough to take care.

Tips on Writing the Letter

  • Be polite and try not to force decisions on them.
  • Try to convince as much as you can.
  • Give the necessary details of the field trip.
  • Make sure you come out as trustworthy in the letter.

Letter Template

Use our free Field trip permission letter to help you get started. If you need additional help or more examples check out some of the sample letters below.

Date:_____________ (date of the day when the letter has been sent)


Subject: Request for field trip permission

Dear Sir/Ma’am (write a proper salutation and title for the recipient),

This letter is to inform you that our school _____________(name of the school) wants to take our students of class ___(mention the standard) for a field trip to the nearby windmills. The field trip will be on the 18th of October. The students will be taken at ________(mention time) and will return back to school by _______(mention time). This field trip is financed by the school as we aim for it to be an educational trip.

We request you to send your child for this field trip as it will be a very educational experience and he or she will get to learn a lot from it. We guarantee you full safety as we are taking a lot of teachers with us to take care of them.

R. J. Taylor

Yours sincerely,

(your name)

Sample Letter

Rob Taylor,

Andhra NGO,

Date: 6th February 2017

Dinesh Agarwal,

Subject: Request for sentence reduction

This letter is to inform you that our school Modern High School for girls wants to take our students of class 5 for a field trip to the nearby windmills. The field trip will be on the 18th of October. The students will be taken at 8:00 a.m. and will return to school by 5:00 p.m. This field trip is financed by the school as we aim for it to be an educational trip.

Email Format

The following is an Email format of a Permission for Field trip letter.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

SUBJECT: Permission for field trip

Dear Sir/ Ma’am,

This letter is to inform you about a field trip organised by our school on Thursday, 14th August. the trip is to the nearest wildlife sanctuary which is situated at a distance of 40 km from the city. We are taking our students there to spread awareness about the wildlife. It is very important the the generation knows how important it is to conserve animals.

I hope you will send your daughter on the field trip. The last day for confirmation is Tuesday. Send in your confirmation through your daughter.

Related Letters:

  • Travel Permission Letter
  • Copyright Permission Letter
  • Permission Giving Letter
  • Permission To Play Sports Letter
  • Permission Letter For Industrial Visit
  • Permission Letter
  • Grades 6-12
  • School Leaders

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8 Field Trip and School Permission Forms to Make Your Life Easier

Because who has time to reinvent the wheel?

School Permission Forms Templates

While some schools may be lucky enough to have transitioned to electronic permission slips, many are still relying on the same photocopies that they’ve had for years. Thankfully, we’ve got some spiffy new school permission forms templates to help you retire your old forms without too much heavy lifting.

1. Class Party or Project

field trip letter example

When you’re planning a class party or project, this template is a great start. You can use it as is to address any concerns about allergies or adjust it to collect other information, like supply donations or even available volunteers.

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2. School Dances

field trip letter example

There comes a time in each student’s life when they’re presented with the opportunity to get down and funky with a group of their peers. At that time, it falls on many an adult to help students manage responsibilities and expectations. This permission slip helps do just that with student, guest, and guardian signatures, and much more.

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3. Movies and Other Media

field trip letter example

With all of the digital learning resources available nowadays, you may think permission slips for these tools are no longer necessary. As mindful as you may be in making your selections, you still might want to solicit specific approval for certain content. This quick and easy form is the way to do it.

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field trip letter example

Speaking of potentially sensitive content, sex ed likely requires permission, no matter what it’s called, what grade it’s for, or what class it’ll be in. In addition to documenting approval, this form provides information parents and guardians are sure to find useful before their student participates in any discussions.

5. Extracurricular Transportation

field trip letter example

Kids today have an amazing number of options available when it comes to extracurricular activities—and just as many when it comes to getting to and from them. Coaches, leaders, and other staff will love having this form at the ready to get transportation permissions on file in record time.

6. Field Trip Lite

field trip letter example

This is a great field trip permission slip without all the fuss. Just enter the facts and send it on its way.

7. Field Trip Plus

field trip letter example

For those who sleep a little more easily at night when they have a bit of legalese covering their backsides, the additions in this two-pager may be the better choice. Plus, the added room in the layout gives you plenty of space to load up on trip details, if that’s more your style.

8. Overnight Field Trip

field trip letter example

Fair warning: This one has a lot of fine print! But what else would you expect to counter the increasing liability that comes with an overnight field trip?

What school permission forms templates should we add to this list? Let us know in the comments and we’ll create more templates!

Plus, the best field trip ideas for every age and interest (virtual options too), you might also like.

Students on field trips to the local theater and a fire station.

260+ Field Trip Ideas for Grades Pre-K Through 12 (In-Person and Virtual)

Get out of the classroom and explore the world! Continue Reading

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School Trip Application Letter (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional school trip application letter.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Request for School Trip Participation Application Approval

First, find the sample template for school trip application letter below.

To, The Principal, [School’s Name], [School’s Address], [City], [State], [Postal Code].

Subject: Request for School Trip

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Name], a student of Class [Your Class], Section [Your Section], write this letter to formally request your permission for the upcoming school trip.

Our class teacher, [Teacher’s Name], announced that our class will be going on an educational trip to [Trip Destination] on [Date of Trip]. This trip is intended to enhance our learning experience and provide us with an opportunity to see and understand the things we have been studying in a real-life context.

I am very excited about this trip as I believe it will be a great opportunity for me to learn outside the boundaries of our classroom and interact with my classmates in a different environment.

I assure you that I will follow all the rules and regulations set by the school for the trip. I will also make sure to behave respectfully and responsibly throughout the journey.

I kindly request you to grant me the permission to participate in this educational trip. I am enclosing the signed consent form from my parents along with this letter.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Full Name] [Admission Number] Class [Your Class], Section [Your Section] [Your Contact Number] [Today’s Date]

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “school trip application letter” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Application for Permission to Organize a Historical Sites School Trip

Application for Permission to Organize a Historical Sites School Trip

To, The Principal, [School’s name], [School’s address]

Subject: Application for Permission to Organize a Historical Sites School Trip

I, [Your Name], am writing as a [Your Position] of the [Class/Group’s name] to request your permission to organize an educational school trip to various historical sites located in our country.

Our plan is to take the students on a five-day trip, tentatively scheduled from [Start Date] to [End Date]. The purpose of this trip is to broaden our students’ understanding and appreciation of Indian history and culture. The itinerary includes visits to prominent historical sites such as [historical site 1], [historical site 2], and [historical site 3], allowing students to learn about these landmarks’ significance and the role they played in shaping our nation’s history.

We believe that this hands-on experience will complement their classroom studies and help them recognize the importance of preserving our national heritage. Additionally, such a trip would foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork among the students.

The total estimated cost of the trip per student would be around INR [amount], which includes transportation, accommodation, meals, and entry fees to the sites. We propose that the expenses be covered by the students’ parents. However, we are open to discussing any financial assistance the school might be able to provide.

We assure you of our utmost attention to the students’ safety and wellbeing during the trip, with responsible teachers and staff to supervise at all times.

We kindly request you to grant us the permission to proceed with the necessary preparations. We eagerly await your positive response.

Thank you for considering our request.

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Date]

Request for Funding Assistance for a School Trip to a Science Museum

Request for Funding Assistance for a School Trip to a Science Museum

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address], [City], [State], [Postal Code]

Subject: Request for Funding Assistance for School Trip to Science Museum

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am [Your Name], a student of class [Your Class] in [Your Section]. I am writing this letter to kindly request your assistance in funding our forthcoming educational school trip to the [Science Museum Name], located in [City Name].

This trip, which is scheduled to happen on [Date], is an incredible opportunity for us to gain hands-on experience and broaden our understanding of various scientific concepts beyond the classroom environment. The exhibits and workshops at the museum are specifically designed to inspire curiosity and encourage learning among students of our age.

However, the trip costs, including transportation, entry fee, and meals, amount to [Cost per Student] per student, which might be a bit strenuous for some of our classmates and their families. Therefore, we humbly request the school to consider providing financial assistance to ensure that all students can participate in this enriching experience.

We firmly believe that this trip will not only enhance our knowledge but also stimulate our interest in the field of science, potentially shaping our future careers.

Thank you for considering our request. We hope for your positive response and assistance in making this educational venture a reality for every student in our class.

[Your Name] [Roll Number] [Your Class and Section] [Date]

Application to Arrange a Cultural Exchange School Trip Abroad

Application to Arrange a Cultural Exchange School Trip Abroad

To, The Principal, [Your School’s Name], [Your School’s Address], [City, State, ZIP]

Subject: Application to Arrange a Cultural Exchange School Trip Abroad

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and high spirits. I am [Your Full Name], the [Your Position] of Class [Your Class/Grade], writing this application to propose the organization of a cultural exchange school trip abroad.

The main purpose of this trip is to expose our students to different cultures and traditions, broaden their perspective, and foster a sense of global citizenship amongst them. This proposed trip will not only be an educational experience, but it will also be a platform for them to interact with students of diverse backgrounds, thereby improving their interpersonal and communication skills.

I propose the destination for this trip to be [Destination Country]. This country, with its rich history and cultural diversity, will provide an enriching experience for our students. The tentative duration for the trip would be [Number of Days].

I understand that organizing such a trip would require significant planning and resources. However, I firmly believe that the benefits that our students would derive from this experience would outweigh the challenges. The school can also seek sponsorship or partnership with cultural exchange organizations to ease the financial implications.

For the safety and security of our students, we can collaborate with a reputed travel agency specializing in educational tours. They can help us with travel, accommodation, and itinerary, ensuring that the trip is not only educational but also safe and enjoyable.

I kindly request you to consider this proposal and give your valuable feedback. Looking forward to your positive response.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely, [Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]

Letter for Special Dietary Requirements for a School Trip

Letter for Special Dietary Requirements for a School Trip

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address], [City], [State], [ZIP Code]

Subject: Special Dietary Requirements for School Trip

I am [Student’s Name], a student of class [Class] in your esteemed institution. I am writing this letter to inform you about my specific dietary requirements which need to be considered for the upcoming school trip to [Trip Location] scheduled on [Trip Date].

I suffer from [Specify the Allergy/Dietary Restriction], which restricts me from consuming certain types of food. I understand that meals during the trip will be served to all students, hence I felt it necessary to bring this to your attention.

The list of foods that I am allergic to or must avoid includes [List of Foods]. Consuming these may lead to severe health complications for me. Therefore, I kindly request you to consider my special dietary needs while arranging meals for the trip.

I am really excited about the trip and do not wish for my dietary constraints to hinder my participation. I am sure that with your understanding and the school’s cooperation, these issues can be easily managed.

I am ready to bring my own packed meals if it would be more convenient for the school. However, I would really appreciate it if the school could accommodate my dietary needs.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I hope for your understanding and assistance in this matter.

[Student’s Name] [Roll Number] [Class and Section] [Contact Number]

Application for Accommodation Arrangement for a School Field Trip

Application for Accommodation Arrangement for a School Field Trip

To, The Principal, [School’s Name], [School’s Address], [City], [State], [Postal Code]

Subject: Application for Accommodation Arrangement for School Field Trip

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am [Your Name], the class teacher of [Class/Section]. I am writing to request your permission and assistance in arranging accommodation for our upcoming field trip to [Location] scheduled on [Date].

The field trip is planned as part of our curriculum to provide the students with practical exposure to [Nature/Culture/History or any other purpose of the trip]. We are expecting around [Number of Students] students and [Number of Teachers] teachers to participate in this educational excursion.

Our stay at the destination will span over [Number of Nights] nights, and hence, we require safe and comfortable accommodation for the students and accompanying teachers. We hope to find an accommodation facility that is close to the main attractions, so that commuting can be easy for the students.

I kindly request you to provide necessary approvals and allocate funds for the same. Your assistance in this regard will be instrumental in making this educational trip a success and ensuring a memorable experience for our students.

Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name], Class Teacher, [Class/Section], [Your Contact Number], [Your Email Address]

How to Write School Trip Application Letter

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

  • Start the letter by addressing the proper authority.
  • Introduce yourself and your child.
  • State the purpose of the letter, which is to apply for the school trip.
  • Specify the trip’s details like date, location, and purpose.
  • Express your child’s interest and benefits they’ll receive from the trip.
  • Request for any necessary arrangements or accommodations.
  • Assure them of your child’s behavior and safety measures.
  • Offer your contact details for further correspondence.
  • End with a respectful closing and your signature.
  • Proofread the letter for any spelling or grammar errors.

Related Topics:

  • Application for a Testimonial
  • Application for a Student Loan
  • Application for a Recommendation Letter

View all topics →

I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write “school trip application letter”. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

And if you have any related queries, kindly feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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very helpful and i am grateful for providing me this assistance.

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field trip letter example

Sample Field Trip Permission Letter from School

Sample Field Trip Permission Letter from School

[A field trip permission letter is written by a school to a parent or guardian to request permission for a school-organized field trip. Many parents are wary of field trips because they are concerned that the trip will not be completely safe. As a result, the letter must be written in such a way that the parents can easily trust the school officials who are taking the students on the field trip. Also, if the child wishes to go, he must gain the trust of his or her parents in order to be permitted to go. Parents should have the impression that both the school and their child are responsible enough to take care of them.]

Sender/Your Name…

Job Designation and Institute Name…

Date: DD/MM/YY (date of the day when the letter has been sent)

parents or guardian name…

Home/Office Address…

Subject: Request for field trip permission

Dear Sir/Ma’am (write a proper salutation and title for the recipient),

This letter is to inform you that our school (name of the school) wants to take our students of class (mention the standard) for a field trip to the nearby windmills. (Describe in your words). The field trip will be on the (Date and time). The students will be taken at (mention time) and will return back to school by (mention time). (Describe all about the situation). This field trip is financed by the school as we aim for it to be an educational trip.

We request you to send your child for this field trip as it will be a very educational experience and he or she will get to learn a lot from it. (Cordially describe your greetings and expectation). We guarantee you full safety as we are taking a lot of teachers with us to take care of them.

Yours sincerely,

(Your name)

Job Designation…

School/Institute name…

Contact Info. and Signature…

Another Format, [Email Format]

To: Receiver mail address, [email protected]

From: Sender mail address, [email protected]

SUB: Permission for a field trip

Dear Sir/ Ma’am,

This letter is to inform you about a field trip organized by our school on (date), (Describe in your words), the trip is to the nearest wildlife sanctuary which is situated at a distance of 40 km from the city. (Describe the purpose of the trip). We are taking our students there to spread awareness about wildlife. (Describe all about the situation). It is very important the generation knows how important it is to conserve animals.

I hope you will send your daughter on the field trip. Cordially describe your greetings and expectation). The last day for confirmation is (date). Send in your confirmation through your daughter.

 (Your name)

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Election latest: Elton John backs Labour and Starmer in general election; Farage told to 'get a grip' on party

Sir Elton John endorsed the Labour Party and Sir Keir Starmer in a video message at a major Labour campaign rally in London. Meanwhile, Nigel Farage has been told to "get a grip" on his party amid a vast racism row.

Saturday 29 June 2024 19:59, UK

  • General Election 2024

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  • Sir Elton John endorses the Labour Party
  • Farage urged to 'get a grip' of Reform UK
  • Reform canvasser in PM racism row says he was 'a total fool'
  • Faultlines:   Eight-hour school runs and kids too hungry to sleep - the families caught up in housing 'social cleansing'
  • Politics at Jack and Sam's : The last weekend
  • Live reporting by Ben Bloch and Jess Sharp

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Thank you for watching tonight's edition of Politics Hub With Ali Fortescue .

We heard from:

  • Mark Spencer , Conservative candidate and farming minister;
  • Sir Anthony Seldon , educator and contemporary historian.

And on the panel were:

  • Max Wilson , former Labour political adviser;
  • Claire Pearsall , former Tory adviser.

Scroll down for all the key moments and highlights - and stick with us here in the digital Politics Hub for the latest political news throughout the evening.

Sir Anthony Seldon is our next guest on Politics Hub With Ali Fortescue .

He has penned a new book entitled '2010-2014: 14 wasted years?', and we ask for his reflections on the Tory years in power.

He says there were some good things, such as in education where standards rose, "aspects of pensions, aspects of science, aspects of the arts, Universal Credit".

But he goes on: "Overall, growth and productivity has been stagnant since the global financial crisis of 2007-8, and if we look at health, if we look at transport, if we look at housing, if we look at the state of defence, if we look at Britain's position in the world - we don't see the different historians and academics who wrote the book... there isn't the kind of significant change in the standard of all those various areas and other that we have tended to see in long periods of Tory government in the past."

He says there have been "some progressive, important, and incremental changes, but overall a disappointing performance, frankly".

"It's hard to think of any period of single-party domination by the Conservative Party that has achieved less than the party's achieved since 2010."

Infighting has been partly to blame, and it is also a party that is "unsure what it believes in" and is "confused", Sir Anthony says.

He also says "the flip flop" of policies and ideological direction has been a problem.

"There were so many opportunities that the Conservative government could have had for consistent and thoughtful policymaking, and it simply hasn't happened."

Despite the "stability" brought by Rishi Sunak and Lord Cameron, Labour is on track for "a very significant victory" on Thursday.

He notes that no party since 1832 have ever won five general elections in a row, and adds: "It is going to be a colossal Labour victory, akin to 1945."

Celebrities endorsing political parties is not a new phenomenon, but Sir Elton John publicly backing Labour today has got people thinking - do they actually help things shift? 

Max Wilson, former Labour political adviser, tells the Politics Hub With Ali Fortescue that endorsements from the famous are a "good thing".

But, he says that they are unlikely to "shift the dial" or increase the number of votes. 

"It is a nice thing to have, but I don't think it is a prerequisite to winning," he adds. 

Former Tory adviser Claire Pearsall feels the idea has "really gone out of fashion". 

"It has sort of slid away over the years... I would be more impressed if it was sort of Margaret from Burnley telling us exactly why she's voting for whichever party," she adds. 

"We're now in the realms of understanding that real people want to see people like them." 

It is the final weekend before the election, and parties have been making the most of it with leaders out campaigning.

Here's where they've been focusing their efforts today: 

Rishi Sunak has been marking Armed Forces Day by meeting veterans at an event near Catterick in North Yorkshire. 

He hailed the "duty, dedication and selfless personal sacrifice" of servicemen and women, before embarking on a community visit in Neasden in northwest London.

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey promised to reverse cuts to numbers in the armed forces as he set off on a 1,300-mile battle bus tour from John O'Groats in Scotland to Land's End in England.

The SNP's leader John Swinney has been campaigning in a couple of areas in Scotland, including Glasgow, where he told voters a Labour government is a foregone conclusion.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has been at a veterans' coffee morning in Hampshire, where he has pledged to "lead a government of service" if elected. 

This evening, he has held a rally in Central London - where there was an endorsement from Sir Elton John and his husband David Furnish -and a warning that the Tories could still win the election. 

We are now hearing from our panel about the racism row engulfing Reform UK - and the intensification of the Tories' attack.

Asked if the party should have been more on the attack from the start, Claire Pearsall , former Tory adviser, replies: "Yes."

She says it is "unsurprising" that Nigel Farage leading a party on an anti-immigration platform would be "loud, and brash, and against the Conservative Party".

"Why anybody would tip toe round saying 'we need to be nice to him' is absolutely beyond me."

She also notes that this is an election, so "surely you need to go out there and tell everybody why you're the best".

Considering doing a deal with Reform at the start of the campaign was "the wrong approach".

Max Wilson , former Labour political adviser, says the Tories got too close to Reform, with some candidates suggesting at the start of the campaign that Mr Farage could join the party after the election.

"It seems a bit mad to me that in a short campaign, you're actually entertaining the idea that your rival might actually join the party," he says.

He goes on to say that the Tories needed to hold back on Reform because of the party's supporters have, in their view, "strayed from the true faith" - but the comments that have come out over the last few days mean that the Tories can go on the attack.

Ms Pearsall  adds that Mr Farage "whether you love him or loathe him has bought in a sort of dynamism to what was a pretty dull campaign".

She says there needs to be more scrutiny on his policies as well if he wants to be the new opposition and a major political player.

As a former supporter of Boris Johnson, Mark Spencer has been asked if he thinks the former prime minister would be doing a better job than Rishi Sunak in the Conservative's election campaign. 

"I think that's unfair actually," he says, saying that voters understand the "big issues" and the "big challenges". 

He goes on to say that the nation has been "unlucky" with global events, and Rishi Sunak has started to get that disruption "under control". 

Mr Spencer has previously found himself facing criticism for saying people do not care about lockdown parties, which took place during the COVID pandemic. 

Ali asks him how he feels about the comments now. 

He says there were "huge challenges" facing the government at the time, and he's "sure mistakes were made along the way".

The first guest on tonight's edition of Politics Hub With Ali Fortescue  is Mark Spencer, the farming minister.

We start by putting to him that the Tory party seems to be intensifying its attacks on Reform UK and Nigel Farage, and put to him the question that many of his colleagues are asking privately, which is why it didn't happen sooner.

He replies: "I think the mask has slipped a bit, hasn't it, really. And we sort of see what some of these Reform candidates are like, and it must be pretty scary, actually, for people who have heard those comments, who are affected by them - they are pretty abhorrent."

He goes on to say that Rishi Sunak's response was "very powerful", talking about the impact on his daughters of them hearing him being call racist terms.

The minister dodges the question of whether racism in Reform came as a surprise to him, speaking about "how shocking it is that someone in this country judges other people by the colour of their skin".

"In this age, the fact that we're having this conversation is pretty sad," he says.

Ali puts to the minister that some in the party have said they would welcome Mr Farage in the party, and today the party is on the attack.

But he replies that many supporters of Reform "do actually share the Conservative Party's concerns about the Labour Party", adding that "the sad thing is" that voting for Reform would see Labour in power.

His message to voters is that if they want tax cuts, for example, they should vote Conservative.

Warning again that voting for Mr Farage's party would let Labour into power, he says: "I think those who are minded to vote for Reform should stop and think about that, stop and think about what they will deliver and for how long."

Our first story tonight on Politics Hub With Ali Fortescue  is Reform UK withdrawing support from three of its parliamentary candidates as the racism row engulfing the party continues to grow.

The party led by Nigel Farage is no longer supporting Edward Oakenfull, who is standing in Derbyshire Dales, Robert Lomas, a candidate in Barnsley North, and Leslie Lilley, standing in Southend East and Rochford, after alleged comments made by them emerged in the media.

It comes as party leaders from across the political spectrum have lined up to condemn Reform UK, and told Mr Farage he needs to "get a grip" of his party.

Read more from political reporter Ben Bloch  here:

Our daily politics show  Politics Hub  is live now on Sky News with our  political correspondent  Ali Fortescue  hosting this evening.

The fast-paced programme dissects the inner workings of Westminster, with interviews, insights, and analysis - bringing you, the audience, into the corridors of power.

Joining Ali tonight are:

And on her panel are:

Watch live on Sky News, in the stream at the top of this page, and follow live updates here in the Politics Hub.

Watch  Politics Hub  from 7pm every night during the election campaign on Sky channel 501, Virgin channel 602, Freeview channel 233, on the  Sky News website  and  app  or on  YouTube .

By Faye Brown , political reporter

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan has joked about needing a new job next week as she faces being one of the Tories' most high-profile election casualties.

The cabinet minister is projected to lose her Chichester seat in West Sussex to the Lib Dems, who are aiming to smash the so-called "blue wall" in southern England.

During a visit to a school in her constituency, Ms Keegan was asked by pupils what job she would do if she was not an MP.

"I might have to answer that question next Friday", she said.

Ms Keegan later told the PA news agency that the polls were "all over the place" and "I have never taken anything in my whole life for granted".

But her initial answer reflects the defeatist mood of some Tories as multiple polls suggest Britain's political landscape is about to be fundamentally re-drawn, with Labour  on course for a historic majority.

Ms Keegan is one of more than a dozen senior figures at risk of having a so-called "Portillo moment" - a reference to Michael Portillo, the Conservative minister who was famously unseated as Tony Blair swept to power in 1997.

Read more here:

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  1. Printable Field Trip Letter

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  2. Field Trip Letter

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  3. Permission Slip for Field Trip: Complete with ease

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  4. Field Trip Permission Letter Example

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  5. Letter for Field Trip

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  6. Field Trip Permission Slip (Editable)

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  1. How To Write Field Trip Letter To Parents

    Sample 1 : Field Trip Letter To Parent. Dear Parent / Guardian. The fifth grade are scheduled to go for a field trip to the animal park in Texas on 23rd January 2022. In this trip, the children are going to see different wild animals that they have studied in the classroom. The school bus will leave at exactly 9.00 am and return about 2.00 pm.

  2. School Trip Announcement Letter to Parents Template

    View our sample school trip itineraries. Download the Field Trip Letter to Parents; There are many free resources available on our Resources page. We suggest that you book mark that page for future reference. Sign-up to receive monthly newsletters so that you never miss a resource! Related: Letter Template to Parents Announcing School Trip Openings

  3. Sample Request Letter For Educational Field Trip

    Dear [Principal's Name], I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to request permission for an educational field trip for the students of [Grade/Class] at [School Name]. The purpose of this trip is to enhance our students' learning experiences by providing them with a hands-on educational opportunity outside the classroom.

  4. Permission Letter For Field Trip: How To Write It Right!

    Step 2: Craft a Clear Introduction. In your opening paragraph, briefly introduce the purpose of the letter. Mention that the letter seeks permission for the child to attend a field trip and provide a brief overview of the trip's educational value. Example: "I am writing to request your permission for your child, [Child's Name], to attend ...

  5. Field Trip Permission Letter Example, Edit Online & Download PDF

    Field Trip Permission Letter. Dear Parents and Guardians, Subject: Permission for Upcoming Field Trip. I am excited to announce that our class will be participating in a field trip to [Destination Name], located at [Destination Address]. This trip is scheduled for [Date of Trip], and it promises to be an enriching experience for the students ...

  6. School Trip Letter to Parents

    Begin by addressing the parent (s) respectfully, mention the date and purpose of the trip, including important logistical information such as departure time, transportation, venue, dress code, and any fees involved. Politely request the required amount by a specified date. End the letter with gratitude and include school contact information for ...

  7. Field Trip Template Letter

    Use our easy-to-download Field Trip Template Letter when you're planning a field trip for your students. This is a simple way to notify parents, guardians, and caregivers of the upcoming trip by letting them know details such as the dates, times, cost, what to wear, whether lunch is provided or not, specific planned activities, and a section that requires them to provide a signature for ...

  8. 14 {EDITABLE} Templates for Field Trip Letters to Parents ...

    Description. You can quickly edit and print field trip Letters to Parents, Reminders, and Groups using this product! It includes fourteen 100% editable templates I have used in my own classroom for years. Parts of the documents will need to be edited to fit your individual field trip needs, but these templates are a great starting place.

  9. How To Write a School Trip Letter To Parents

    A slip can be also provided along the bottom of the letter which can be filled out by parents to secure their child's place. This will help to garner how many students would like to attend the trip. 3. Your school trip provider. Finally, when writing your letter, you should make an effort to introduce the school trip provider you have chosen.

  10. How Do I Write A School Trip Letter

    How to write a school trip letter. Be concise. Make sure all the important information about the trip is included. Make sure the permission slip gives the appropriate permissions. 1. Be concise. We'd really recommend keeping the letter itself as concise as possible. Too wordy, and parents just won't read it.

  11. Sample Permission Letters for School Trip (Parent Consent)

    Greenfield High School. [email protected]. (555) 123-4567. Sample Letter for School Trip to Music Festival Permission. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Garcia, I am writing to you with an exciting update regarding an extracurricular activity that we believe will be of great interest to your daughter, Emily Garcia.

  12. PDF Field Trip Letter to Parents

    Field Trip Letter to Parents. Saint Patrick School 284 East Main Street Smithtown, New York 11787. December 10, 2021. Dear Parent(s) / Guardians: We are pleased to inform you that we are taking both 7th grade classes to see a live performance of "A Christmas Carol," which they have been reading in English Language Arts class. Mrs.

  13. Field Trip Permission Letter

    The following is an Email format of a Permission for Field trip letter. To: [email protected]. From: [email protected]. SUBJECT: Permission for field trip. Dear Sir/ Ma'am, This letter is to inform you about a field trip organised by our school on Thursday, 14th August. the trip is to the nearest wildlife sanctuary which is situated at a distance ...

  14. PDF Field Trip Letter[1]

    Field Trip Letter[1] Dear Parent/Guardian: The seventh grade will be taking a field trip to the Children's Museum in Indianapolis on Tuesday, May 20th, 2014. We will be viewing the Terra Cotta Warriors exhibit, which is one of the major items we studied this year. The buses will be leaving the school at approximately 8:45 a.m. and will be ...

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  16. School Trip Application Letter (with Samples & PDFs)

    Subject: Request for School Trip. Respected Sir/Madam, I, [Your Name], a student of Class [Your Class], Section [Your Section], write this letter to formally request your permission for the upcoming school trip. Our class teacher, [Teacher's Name], announced that our class will be going on an educational trip to [Trip Destination] on [Date of ...

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    Contact Information: 462 2725 751. This information should be included at the top of the letter to make it easy for the parents to understand why they are approving. The form should also contain the name and official stamp of the school or organization requiring permission. Field Trip Form Template 01.

  18. 10 Free Field Trip Permission Slip Templates (Word

    A field trip permission slip allows a school or another organization to take children away from the facility for a day or longer. This is usually an educational trip, such as a zoo trip or a visit to a museum. This permission slip alerts the parents of the field trip and asks for permission ahead of time, which allows the parent to know about ...

  19. Field Trip Permission Letter

    The field trip is scheduled to take place on [Date] and will serve as an enriching and educational experience for the students. The purpose of the trip is to provide hands-on learning opportunities that align with the curriculum and enhance their understanding of [relevant subject/lesson]. The details of the field trip are as follows: - Date ...

  20. Field Trip Letter

    Field Trip Letter - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document announces an upcoming school trip to an unspecified destination city. It notes that educational travel provides context for classroom lessons and forms long-lasting positive memories. The trip will be planned by an educational travel company.

  21. Free Field Trip Permission Slip Templates (Word

    The field trip permission slip should contain information such as the cost of the trip, location, and activities to be undertaken. It lets the parent understand what their child will do on the trip. From the information provided on the slip, parents can assess whether there are special provisions that the school needs to provide for their child ...

  22. Sample Field Trip Permission Letter from School

    From: Sender mail address, [email protected]. SUB: Permission for a field trip. Dear Sir/ Ma'am, This letter is to inform you about a field trip organized by our school on (date), (Describe in your words), the trip is to the nearest wildlife sanctuary which is situated at a distance of 40 km from the city. (Describe the purpose of the trip).

  23. PDF Sample Field Trip Approval Letter

    Please review the attached field trip approval details, including trip dates, itinerary, and safety guidelines. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact our education department. We anticipate an engaging and educational field trip for our students. Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Title] Created Date. 6/25/2024 12 ...

  24. Election latest: Senior Tory demands 'robust action' on betting scandal

    Tobias Ellwood, a former minister, has added to the pressure on Rishi Sunak over the election betting allegations. Elsewhere, the IFS think-tank has said Labour and the Conservatives have ...