Información de promociones, puntos, catálogos y regalos para los socios de la tarjeta Travel Club

Catálogo Travel Club

El catálogo de Travel Club contiene una amplia variedad de viajes y regalos que puedes conseguir fácilmente con tus puntos. Cada 6 meses se publica una edición del catálogo Viajes y Más con un gran número de vuelos, alojamientos, hoteles, escapadas, cruceros, alquiler de coches, packs de aventura, packs de relax, balnearios, regalos tecnológicos, entradas de cine, entradas a eventos, parques de atracciones, restaurantes, regalos originales, complementos para el hogar, etc.

Índice de Contenidos

  • 1 ¿Dónde se puede encontrar o ver el catalogo de Travel Club 2024?
  • 2 Descargar los catálogos de regalos y viajes
  • 3 Catálogo Premium con increíbles regalos

¿Dónde se puede encontrar o ver el catalogo de Travel Club 2024?

Cada edición del nuevo catálogo puntos Travel Club «Viajes y más» se puede encontrar impreso en papel en diversos establecimientos de las empresas asociadas y los socios también suelen recibirlo por correo postal, aunque también está totalmente disponible para consultarlo desde Internet en la web oficial de la tarjeta de puntos.

Además del catálogo de Junio «Viajes y más» que tienes disponible, ocasionalmente también se publica un nuevo catálogo virtual (Online) con propuestas, últimas novedades y ofertas especiales para cada mes . El «catálogo virtual» de cada mes es más reducido y solo es válido para el mes actual.

El catálogo virtual de propuestas mensuales y el catálogo «Viajes y más» presentan diferentes posibilidades de conseguir viajes y regalos por puntos destinados a los socios de la tarjeta de fidelización;

  • Conseguir premios canjeando solamente puntos de tu tarjeta Travel Club
  • Conseguir premios mediante la modalidad puntos+euros

Dependiendo del regalo seleccionado, será necesaria una determinada cuantía de puntos. En cualquier caso, cuando se desea conseguir algún premio del catálogo de regalos hay que iniciar el procedimiento para canjear los puntos de Travel Club .

Los catálogos de regalos están disponibles online desde la dirección , en donde se puede navegar online de forma interactiva por cada una de sus páginas .

Descargar los catálogos de regalos y viajes

También es posible descargar el catálogo de Travel Club en PDF para consultarlo y visualizarlo al completo sin necesidad de estar conectado a Internet o incluso para imprimirlo en papel si se desea.

⏩  Ver última edición  del catálogo en versión PDF  ⏪

A continuación también te dejamos el enlace a los PDFs de algunos catálogos «Viajes y más» de temporadas anteriores por si deseas consultar las promociones que había;

PDF catálogo Noviembre 2012 – Abril 2013 PDF catálogo Mayo 2013 – Octubre 2013 PDF catálogo Noviembre 2013 – Abril 2014 PDF catálogo Mayo 2014 – Octubre 2014 PDF catálogo Octubre 2014 – Abril 2015 PDF catálogo Mayo 2015 – Octubre 2015 PDF catálogo Noviembre 2015 – Abril 2016

Catálogo Premium con increíbles regalos

Y además, si formas parte de Travel Club Premium , tendrás disponible un listado de regalos Travel 2024 espectaculares y algunos totalmente gratis.

Para consultar los premios que tienes disponibles por ser Premium, solo necesitas identificarte con tu usuario y contraseña en la zona de socios de y acceder a sección de regalos.

¿A qué esperas para comenzar a vivir experiencias increíbles como las que cuentan en el blog de Travel Club  o en otros blogs de viajes en Internet como CuentaViajes  y otras muchas personas que viajan por todo el mundo gracias a los puntos de su tarjeta?

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Es un servicio de primera y muy necesario, muchas gracias.

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Quiero recibir las comunicaciones,promociones,ofertas de viajesy regalos….por email y conseguir los 200 puntos travel club de regalo.Gracias.

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Haceis un servicio que se presta a ilusiones y a necesidades que en estos tiempos que corren son muy bien avenidos. Gracias

Si la verdad que es un servicio que vale la pena, también está la web donde hay mucha información.

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Aún no me han mandado la tarjeta Travel nueva

Tarda un poco pero al final llega, no te preocupes.

[…] Catálogo Travel Club […]

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Últimas Publicaciones

Encuentra Travelclubbys de TravelClub y gana Cofres Regalo de Hotel+Desayuno

Experiencias Travel Club Gratis: Deportes-Aventura, Belleza-Salud, Ocio-Hogar, Infantil y más

Juego: Acierta y Gana Puntos, ¿Cuánto sabes de Travel Club?

Travel Club Seguros: Comparar los mejores seguros y sumar puntos

Multiplica tus puntos Travel Club con Eroski. ¡Sorteo de premios!

Mi Punto de Partida – Blog oficial de Travel Club

Tarjeta Travel Club Sport: Real Sporting de Gijón

Travel Club MegaPuntos City: Jugar partidas y ganar puntos

Tarjeta Repsol Más y Travel Club; Descuentos + Promociones

GanaPuntos Travel Club: Juego + Códigos para conseguir puntos gratis

Travel Club Adictos

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Mi Punto de Partida

Blog de travel club donde encontrarás artículos relacionados con viajes, estilo de vida y trucos para tu día a día. ¡visítanos.

Promociones en viajes, regalos, servicios gratuitos... Todo eso y más con Travel Club (iStock).

10 novedades del Catálogo de Travel Club que te van a encantar

Renovarse para mejorar las propuestas que ofrecen a sus socios. Ese es el objetivo que se refleja en el nuevo catálogo de Travel Club. Travel Club ofrece más ventajas que nunca, no solo con descuentos y promociones en compras, sino también con servicios para hacerte la vida más fácil ¡y acumular puntos para canjear por viajes y regalos: No te lo pienses más y toma nota de las ventajas que ofrece Travel Club.

Nuevas ventajas solo por ser Socio Travel Club:

1. Olvídate del roaming en tus viajes

Se acercan las vacaciones y seguro que estás pensando un destino nuevo para conocer. Pues bien, ahora tienes un motivo más para decidirte por una escapada fuera de España: por ser socio de Travel Club puedes acceder a wifi gratuito de 1 GB al mes si estás en el extranjero. Repetimos: G-R-A-T-I-S. Solo tienes que descargarte su App móvil y encontrarás esta opción como ‘Servicio WIFI GRATIS’. Ver –y viajar–… ¡para creer!

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2. Descuentos en tus parques temáticos favoritos

En España contamos con magníficos complejos de ocio y diversión para toda la familia y gracias a Travel Club disfrutar de un día en parques temáticos como Port Aventura, Isla Mágica o Dinópolis está al alcance de todos. Todos los socios de Travel Club van a poder aprovecharse de promociones tan interesantes como estas: por 10 puntos consigues 15 euros de descuento en Port Aventura; 10 euros en Isla Mágica, en Cabárceno (para dos entradas) y en Senda Viva; y 8 euros menos en el ticket de acceso de Dinópolis. También podrás ahorrar en las entradas a Parque Warner Bros Oceanográfic o al Loro Parque, entre otros. ¿Te lo vas a perder?

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3. Grandes descuentos en tus compras

Travel Club ofrece rebajas del 20% en artículos Philips, 30% en Fox, 15% en La Tienda en Casa y un 20% en álbumes y calendarios de tualbum.

Con la Tarjeta Travel Club podrás canjear puntos por descuentos y promociones (iStock).

Recomendaciones de viajes:

4. Ideas para aprovechar las vacaciones en paraísos muy cercanos

En ocasiones nos entusiasmamos por planificar un viaje buscando playas de ensueño y destinos paradisiacos y… ¡Lo tenemos más cerca de lo que pensamos! Travel Club cuenta con los lugares más idílicos para desconectar del estrés y las prisas. Cádiz, Mallorca, Fuerteventura, Cantabria… Sitios de una gran belleza, llenos de magia y donde vas a poder disfrutar de una estancia con una magnífica relación calidad-precio por ser socio de Travel Club. Entra a la web de Travel Club y accede a descuentos muy interesantes canjeando tus puntos.

5. ¿Pensando qué ciudad visitar? ¡Acierta con Travel Club y tu horóscopo!

Travel Club quiere sacar todo el jugo a tus escapadas y por eso te ayuda a elegir qué regiones y/o ciudades visitar según tu signo del Zodiaco. Es decir, según tu personalidad y tus preferencias al viajar te sugerirá el destino ideal. Por ejemplo, Travel Club recomienda para los Aries, Asturias; si eres Géminis, te recomienda apostar por Barcelona; para los Leo mejor Madrid; y para Capricornio, Travel Club recomienda una ciudad tan bonita como Pamplona. Encontrarás tu destino según tu signo en la web.

Sugerencias de los mejores lugares a los que viajar en vacaciones (iStock).

6. Los mejores regalos, por menos puntos

Vas a encontrar en el catálogo de Travel Club una selección de productos al alcance de tus manos. Además han ‘rebajado’ los puntos para hacerte con regalos en prácticamente todas las categorías: bricolaje y jardinería, infantil, aire libre, multimedia, menaje de hogar, pequeños electrodomésticos, relojes y bisutería, belleza y salud, automóvil, etc.

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7. Nuevos regalos para socios de Travel Club

Consulta el catálogo de productos que puedes conseguir completamente gratis y canjea los puntos que hayas acumulado en tu Tarjeta. Cada vez son más los regalos y artículos tanto para la casa como para aprovechar en tus viajes o para cuidarte más. Descúbrelos en la web y consíguelos completamente gratis.

El catálogo de Travel Club mejora: más regalos por menos puntos (iStock).

Nuevas empresas asociadas:

8. Pagos más fáciles y puntos para tu Tarjeta Travel Club y/o Repsol con Samsung Pay

¿Un servicio transparente y seguro para pagar con el móvil? ¿Y además puedes conseguir puntos para tu cuenta Travel Club al utilizarlo? Sí, así es. Esto es lo que ofrece   Samsung Pay , una app muy sencilla y totalmente segura que te hará la vida –¡y las compras!– más fácil. Además, ahora, solo por registrar tus Tarjetas Travel Club y Repsol vas a conseguir hasta 1.000 puntos y por cada registro si lo haces en el mes de mayo. Y llevarás tus tarjetas siempre contigo.

9. Sanidad privada de calidad, sin listas de espera y con los mejores profesionales: CanalSalud 24

No hay nada más valioso que la salud por eso esta nueva empresa colaboradora de Travel Club te será de gran ayuda. Se trata de CanalSalud24, un servicio de sanidad privada que te permite contar con la atención de hasta 27.000 médicos en más de 120 especialidades diferentes. Descuentos en consultas y tratamientos de hasta el 70% y sin restricciones ni listas de espera. Cuando lo necesites ahí tendrás a excelentes profesionales para atenderte. Conseguirás 500 puntos solo por contratar la tarjeta CanalSalud24 Travel Club hasta el 30 de junio y cuando empieces a utilizarla tendrás un punto por cada euro que abones por consulta.

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10. Pon a punto tu coche con Midas…¡Y suma Puntos!

Midas es la cadena especialista en el mantenimiento integral del automóvil líder en España y a través de La Revisión Oficial, ofrece un mantenimiento exactamente igual al del concesionario oficial hasta con un 30% de ahorro. Además, consigues 2 puntos por cada 5 euros de compra y solo durante el mes de Mayo obtienes 200 puntos de regalo en tu primera compra. ¿A qué esperas para aprovechar esta oportunidad?

Como puedes comprobar, formar parte de la gran familia de Travel Club son todo ventajas, ¿eh? Prepárate para sacarle todo el jugo tu Tarjeta, con descuentos, promociones y muchos regalos. Puedes consultar los  Regalos y Promociones de Travel Club  para saber más sobre las condiciones y conocer todas las empresas asociadas. Y si ya estás más que decidido a hacerte socio, solo accede a la página y hazte la Tarjeta Travel Club para disfrutar de los beneficios.

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  • Viajes y Ocio

Travel Club - Catálogos, Ofertas y Descuentos

¿buscas las mejores ofertas de travel club.

Si estás buscando los mayores descuentos de Travel Club estás en el sitio correcto. En Tiendeo tenemos todos los catálogos para que no te pierdas ninguna promoción online de Travel Club ni de ningún otro negocio de la categoría de Viajes y Ocio en tu ciudad. Apúntate a nuestra newsletter para mantenerte informado de las nuevas ofertas de Travel Club y sé el primero en enterarte de los mejores ahorros. Mientras esperas puedes navegar por los últimos catálogos de la categoría de Viajes y Ocio como el folleto de " " válido del al .

Encuentra catálogos de Travel Club en tu ciudad

Travel Club en Santiago

Travel Club en Las Condes

Travel Club en Viña del Mar

Travel Club en Providencia

Travel Club en Concepción

Travel Club en Antofagasta

Otros catálogos de Viajes y Ocio

Logo Revesderecho

Travel Club, todas las ofertas a tu alcance

Travel club, la mejor opción para los que buscan los mejores precios en vuelos aéreos, amplia cobertura en destinos, planes y programas, y la mejor asistencia en viaje.


La  agencia de viajes Travel Club  en Chile te abre las  puertas  al mundo. A través de las  promociones  y planes incluidos en el  catálogo online  de la empresa, tiene la posibilidad de viajar a cualquier destino del mundo a precios muy convenientes.

Además de sus convenientes tarifas aéreas, programas y servicios turísticos,  Travel Club  pone a su disposición un equipo de ejecutivas altamente calificadas para brindar la más completa Asesoría de Viajes para hacer de sus vacaciones una experiencia inolvidable. 

Si está buscando los mejores precios en vuelos y una amplia cobertura en destinos, además de un excelente servicio al pasajero, no dude en entrar a  y asómbrese de los increíbles planes y programas de viaje que  Travel Club  le ofrece.


Además de sus convenientes tarifas aéreas, programas y servicios turísticos,  Travel Club  pone a su disposición un equipo de ejecutivas altamente calificadas para brindar la más completa  Asesoría de Viajes .

El servicio de  asistencia en viajes , ofrecido por  Travel Club , a un precio preferencial, sus clientes pueden acceder a una protección frente a emergencias médicas u otras imprevistas en sus viajes al exterior.

No importa el destino elegido para su viaje, ya que tienen distintas alternativas de planes de  asistencias en viaje  con diferentes montos de coberturas. Sólo elija el plan que mejor se adecue a su necesidad.


Al tener activa su Tarjeta Travel y comprar con ella, queda incorporado automáticamente y sin ningún costo al Programa Travel , el cual permite a los socios acumular Dólares-Premios para canjearlos por viajes y exclusivos productos.

El socio acumulará Dólares-Premio por utilizar su Tarjeta de Crédito en compras nacionales e internacionales. Además existen campañas especiales de acumulación que se publicarán periódicamente en

Ver todas las tiendas de Travel Club

Travel Club online

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MoscowNavigator International Travel Club

We take part in BBC series of documentaries "World's Busiest Cities"(Moscow)

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Buy Tickets to the Bolshoi Theatre

Romantic Balloon ride

Other special offers...

Interpreting and assistance at exhibitions and conferences, our garage ( vehicles+drivers), where to stay in moscow, what and where to eat in moscow, visa support, learning and discovery, our partners (trips to st.petersburg).

Copyright 2015 - Moscow Navigator

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Travel Club - Ofertas, Códigos Promocionales y Cupones

¿buscas las mejores ofertas de travel club.

Si estás buscando los mayores descuentos de Travel Club estás en el sitio correcto. En Tiendeo tenemos todos los catálogos para que no te pierdas ninguna promoción online de Travel Club ni de ningún otro negocio de la categoría de Viajes en tu ciudad. Apúntate a nuestra newsletter para mantenerte informado de las nuevas ofertas de Travel Club y sé el primero en enterarte de los mejores ahorros. Mientras esperas puedes navegar por los últimos catálogos de la categoría de Viajes como el folleto de Travelplan " Travelplan TÚNEZ " válido del del 31/5 al hasta el 12/6.

Otros catálogos de Viajes

Logo Viajes El Corte Inglés

Travel Club, todas las ofertas a tu alcance

Travel club ofrece grandes ventajas a sus usuarios. si compras en sus establecimientos asociados, como eroski o repsol, acumularás puntos para canjear por premios o viajes..

Conociendo Travel Club

La Tarjeta Travel Club es un programa de puntos. Es un club que ofrece ventajas y descuentos gracias a puntos acumulados en sus establecimientos asociados. Travel Club convierte tus compras habituales en fantásticos viajes y regalos.

En Travel Club consigues puntos cada vez que realices tus compras habituales o utilices los servicios de las más de 30 empresas asociadas al Programa. Si disfrutas viajando, tienes una gran variedad de viajes nacionales, internacionales, turismo rural, Paradores, etc. También parques temáticos, cine, teatro… Si prefieres regalos puedes acceder a artículos de fotografía, multimedia, pequeño electrodoméstico, etc.

Algunas de las empresas son las que conseguirás puntos Travel Club: Repsol , Grupo Eroski, BBVA, Gas Natural Fenosa, Correos, GAES, Midas, Iberia; las tiendas online de eBay, Desigual, Zooplus, Casa del Libro, El Corte Inglés; una gran selección de hoteles y de viajes.

Para consultar los puntos Travel Club puedes acceder a la web o la app Travel Club. Allí podrás canjear tus puntos Travel Club por regalos o viajes.

Los orígenes de Travel Club

Desde 1996 Travel Club trabaja con empresas líderes en sus respectivos sectores de actividad con un solo objetivo: vender más y hacerlo de forma rentable. Travel Club tiene hoy en día más de 6 millones de socios, un 45% de los hogares están asociados a Travel Club, más de 12 millones de establecimientos asociados y millones de premios repartidos.

App Travel Club

En la App Travel Club puedes gestionar todo: comprar a través de la app, reservar tus viajes, canjear puntos, juegos y sorteos, etc.

  • Information and Reservations
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Discover our Resorts

Tailored to you

Discover our resorts in the Caribbean, the Canary Islands and Spain and get ready to experience a world of unforgettable moments. Are you dreaming of a romantic escape, a fun family holiday, or an adventure with friends? With our vacation program, you’ll find the best selection of hotels equipped with all the facilities and services you’ll need.

Contact our team of advisers who will explain how you can start enjoying Premium Travel Club.

Our beach destinations will captivate your senses!


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Adults only, despacio spa center, explore our, destinations.

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Dominican Republic

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Premium Travel Club

Premium travel club access, forgotten your password.

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Experience a desirable tour to the United States

and remember it for the whole life!

Individual tour selection

24/7 support in the united states, personalised entertainment.

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More than 70 million tourists choose to travel to the US each year

In the US, there is complete freedom of speech, action and thought. You feel confident as all Americans do.

Another world

It is a different world that you fall in love with from ther first sight. Because it's looks different form what you've see before in Europe and Asia too. America is a multicultural and unique country.


Vegas, amusement parks in Florida, California, Tennessee, star concerts and so on. In the United States, everyone will find entertainment to their liking and desire.

The full seasons are mesmerising. You can visit all the seasons in one trip.

Every city has something to offer and there's always something to do, regardless of location either you're in jazzy Chicago or natural Aspen.

The US is filled with natural wonders - Niagara Falls, the Pacific coast, the Grand Canyon. You'll see it!

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5 reasons to travel with Travel Club US

  • Direct arrangements with the hotels
  • Various ways to pay for services and hotels
  • Flexibility for clients - budgets, plans, entertainment
  • Customer orientation on all levels
  • 24/7 online. Based in the USA

List of hotels we cooperate with

The langham chicago.

A montes et nisi lectus. Mauris massa id ut diam aliquet. Scelerisque sem est nec duis.

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The Peninsula Chicago

Metus purus porta massa praesent eu quam et id etiam. Ac vitae libero egestas vitae.

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Four Seasons Chicago

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Ritz Carlton Chicago

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Fairmont Chicago

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The Thompson Hotel

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Aman New York

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Baccarat Hotel New York

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Hôtel Barrière Le Fouquet's

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The Langham New York

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The Peninsula New York

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Four Seasons New York

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Choose your dream location and we will make an unforgettable trip to the USA

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New Year's Eve and Christmas in New York

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

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Old Boston and its great residents

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Vanderbilt is a city of great European immigrants

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae

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Stellar Los Angeles

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Miami Beach Holiday

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Key West and the Hemingway story

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Washington, D.C. and museums

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere posuereNunc ut sem.

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Multicultural Philadelphia

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High-mountain Denver

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Natural and Historical Portland

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Jazz Chicago with a criminal flavour

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Natural Landmarks of the United States

The best holidays in the usa will be created for you by.

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Yuliia Shpilyova

In 2009 Yuliia Shpilyova developed Travel Club in Odessa, Ukraine. Julia fall in love with tourism in 1998, when she worked in an airline and travelled a lot. Her superpower is organising exclusive individual and group holidays that give unforgettable emotions and memories.   At the moment she is the owner and director of the Travel Club USA. As she moved to the United States and opened a branch office.

Do you dream of seeing the real United States?

Leave your contacts and we will give you a free consultation with a selection of hotels

Personal information

How to choose a tour, do you have any ready tours from which to choose, how do i pay for my tour, in what currency should i pay for the tour, should i book a hotel first or apply for a visa, do you help with a visa to the united states, what are some of the extra fees that can be charged on the tour, how does 24/7 support work.

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What is a Travel Club? Exploring the Benefits, Types and Tips for Choosing the Right One

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By Happy Sharer

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Travel clubs are an increasingly popular way for people to explore the world. With a travel club membership, you can access special deals and discounts on flights, hotels, and vacation packages, take advantage of unique experiences, and receive expert advice and support. But what exactly is a travel club and how do you choose the right one? In this article, we’ll explore the history of travel clubs, the benefits of joining one, types of travel clubs and what they offer, tips for choosing the right one, and frequently asked questions.

History of Travel Clubs – How it All Began

The concept of a travel club began in the late 19th century when a group of wealthy individuals formed a social organization to share their love of travel. Since then, the concept has evolved and now there are a variety of travel clubs available to suit different needs and budgets.

The Origin of Travel Clubs

The Origin of Travel Clubs

The first travel clubs were exclusive organizations that catered to wealthy travelers. These clubs provided members with access to luxurious accommodations, private transportation, and other VIP benefits. Over time, these clubs grew in popularity and eventually opened up to the public. Today, there is a wide range of travel clubs available to suit different budgets and interests.

The Evolution of Travel Clubs

The Evolution of Travel Clubs

As travel clubs have evolved, so have their offerings. Many of today’s travel clubs offer members access to exclusive discounts and deals on flights, hotels, and vacation packages, as well as unique experiences such as cooking classes, wine tastings, and spa treatments. Additionally, many clubs provide members with expert advice and support to make their travel experience even more enjoyable.

The Benefits of Joining a Travel Club

Joining a travel club offers a variety of benefits. Here are some of the most common:

  • Access to Special Deals and Discounts: Travel clubs often offer members exclusive access to deals and discounts on flights, hotels, and vacation packages. This can help you save money on your next trip.
  • Variety of Destinations and Experiences: Most travel clubs offer access to a wide range of destinations and experiences. Whether you’re looking for a beach getaway or a cultural adventure, there’s something for everyone.
  • Receive Expert Advice and Support: Travel clubs often provide members with access to expert advice and support. This can be invaluable when planning a trip, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the destination.

Types of Travel Clubs and What They Offer

There are a variety of travel clubs available to meet different needs and interests. Here are some of the most common:

  • Luxury Travel Clubs: Luxury travel clubs offer members access to exclusive discounts and deals on luxury accommodations, private transportation, gourmet meals, and more. These clubs also often provide access to unique experiences, such as cooking classes, wine tastings, and spa treatments.
  • Group Travel Clubs: Group travel clubs are ideal for those who prefer to travel in groups. These clubs often offer discounts on group trips, as well as access to exclusive events and activities.
  • Adventure Travel Clubs: Adventure travel clubs provide members with access to thrilling experiences, such as white water rafting, skydiving, and mountaineering. These clubs also often provide access to expert guides and instructors.
  • Cruise Travel Clubs: Cruise travel clubs offer members exclusive discounts and deals on cruises, as well as access to unique experiences, such as onboard entertainment and shore excursions.

Tips for Choosing the Right Travel Club

Choosing the right travel club can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you make the best decision:

  • Consider Your Budget: Before you join a travel club, consider your budget. Some travel clubs require an upfront fee while others may offer monthly or annual payments. Make sure you choose a club that fits within your budget.
  • Check for Reviews: It’s always a good idea to read reviews before joining a travel club. Look for reviews from members who have used the club to get an idea of what the experience is like.
  • Look for Flexible Payment Options: Many travel clubs offer flexible payment options, such as monthly or annual payments. This can be helpful if you’re on a tight budget but still want to take advantage of the benefits of a travel club.
  • Find Out What’s Included in Membership: Make sure you find out what’s included in the membership before you join. Some clubs may include access to exclusive discounts and deals, while others may offer access to unique experiences or expert advice.

Exploring the World with a Travel Club

Exploring the World with a Travel Club

Once you’ve joined a travel club, you can start exploring the world. Here are some tips to make the most out of your experience:

  • Making the Most Out of Your Experience: Take advantage of the discounts and deals offered by your travel club. You can also look for special offers and promotions, such as free upgrades and complimentary meals.
  • Taking Advantage of Special Offers: Many travel clubs offer members access to exclusive events and activities, such as cooking classes, wine tastings, and spa treatments. Take advantage of these offers to get the most out of your experience.
  • Taking Care of Your Safety and Security: Make sure you take care of your safety and security when traveling. Research your destination, register with your embassy, and follow local laws and customs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Travel Clubs

Frequently Asked Questions About Travel Clubs

Here are some of the most common questions about travel clubs:

  • What is the Cost of Joining a Travel Club? The cost of joining a travel club varies depending on the type of club and the benefits included. Some clubs may require an upfront fee while others may offer monthly or annual payments.
  • Are There Age Restrictions? Generally, there are no age restrictions for joining a travel club. However, some clubs may require members to be 18 or over.
  • Are Membership Fees Refundable? Depending on the club, membership fees may be refundable. Check with the club before joining to find out their refund policy.
  • Are There Any Hidden Costs? Some clubs may charge additional fees for certain services, such as booking flights or hotels. Make sure you read the fine print and ask any questions before joining.

Travel clubs offer a variety of benefits, from access to special deals and discounts to unique experiences and expert advice and support. When choosing a travel club, consider your budget, check for reviews, look for flexible payment options, and find out what’s included in membership. With a travel club membership, you can explore the world and make the most out of your experience.

(Note: Is this article not meeting your expectations? Do you have knowledge or insights to share? Unlock new opportunities and expand your reach by joining our authors team. Click Registration to join us and share your expertise with our readers.)

Hi, I'm Happy Sharer and I love sharing interesting and useful knowledge with others. I have a passion for learning and enjoy explaining complex concepts in a simple way.

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These Private Travel Clubs Are Exclusive — and Affordable

If unrivaled access and seamless planning sound like your style, perhaps it’s time to sign up for a private travel group.

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Andria Gutierrez is a marketing executive in Lake Tahoe, California, who loves to travel — but doesn't love the time suck of researching vacations. "When I was younger, I planned all my own trips," she says. "But now that I own a business, I just don't have the spare hours anymore."

That's why she recently joined Allcall , which offers personalized itineraries and exclusive deals to members. She's already taken three Allcall trips, including a multi-state ski trip and a vacation in Baja California, Mexico. "The team is incredibly helpful and responsive," Gutierrez says. "They make the planning process so efficient."

While some established outfits like Exclusive Resorts and Wheels Up have catered to the ultra-wealthy for years, a number of new clubs are opening their doors. One reason is, of course, a new obsession with safety.

"Health has become the paramount concern of our members," says Melissa Biggs Bradley, founder of Indagare , which plans and books trips for its members. "We have a ton of information on COVID protocols, and the team takes care of understanding those, even as they change all the time."

There are other factors at play. "I'd traveled independently for decades," says Suzy Kellems Dominik, an artist from New York City. But hearing about an opportunity to visit Modena, Italy, with acclaimed chef Massimo Bottura of Osteria Francescana was enough to convince her to join Prior , a company that started in 2019.

"What's so interesting is that they have this access," Kellems Dominik says. "It's intellectual and emotional travel — the imagination is just endless — and they curated a group of very interesting people who were all like-minded around food."

That ability to open doors is also drawing travelers who don't normally think of themselves as joiners. Around half of all millennials are now considering signing up for some form of travel club, according to one industry survey, outpacing the interest from Gen Xers and baby boomers. Even Exclusive Resorts, which charges an extra hefty fee per day for trips on top of the cost of membership, has seen a surge of interest from young families. In 2020, the company notched its best December in nine years, despite the pandemic.

So which of these clubs is right for you? It all depends on what you're looking for — and how much you're ready to invest.

For Upscale Private Stays

Exclusive Resorts has a portfolio of over 400 vacation homes, plus members-only cruises and expeditions. Inspirato has the keys to villas in over 180 locations; members can also jump aboard cruises arranged by the company. A more affordable choice is Koala , which allows travelers to book one-off stays in timeshares all over the globe.

For a Like-Minded Community

El Camino began as a small-group-trip operator focused on helping women to travel to new places, but has since unveiled El Camino Travel Clubhouse, a platform that allows members to participate in virtual events and chats about upcoming trips. Manifest , which debuted in August 2020, has chapters in cities across the United States. "We create a social aspect, with people getting to know each other outside of just traveling together," founder Jeff Potter says.

For Feel-good Trips

The upstart wellness website and app MyLifeWell went live in 2020 with virtual fitness classes and a selection of workout gear. Now it connects subscribers with travel advisors who specialize in booking wellness retreats at Canyon Ranch properties, among others.

For the Commitment-phobic

The high cost of clubs has historically been a barrier to signing up. But in the spring of 2020, Prior lowered its price tag in an effort to draw together a more diverse group of adventurers. "I don't want a club in the sense of shutting people out," founder David Prior says. Travel + Leisure Co. launched its own affordable subscription club, promising preferential rates and insider experiences around the world.

A version of this story first appeared in the June 2020 issue of Travel + Leisure under the headline Join the Club.

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6 new credit cards and exciting travel perks in time for summer.

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The latest perks for summer are worth exploring.

Responsible credit card use can deliver a world of value in miles, points and benefits. But, different cards offer different perks as many travelers are looking for more than just bonus points.

According to the State of Loyalty Credit Card Rewards from iSeatz, there is a growing trend from credit card issuers to move away from traditional awards (flights, hotels and other points redemption) in favor of lifestyle rewards, including things like tours, activities, dining and wellness activities. There are also updated perks and bonus-earning categories when cardholders use their card for those lifestyle experiences.

These are some of the latest credit cards on the market and the extra perks they are offering in time for summer.

Barclays debuts Xbox Credit Card

A father and son are concentrating while sitting down at home playing video games together.

Video game players rejoice. This new card from Barclays Bank awards points that can be redeemed for,, or console and in-game purchases. The card does not have an annual fee, and after making your first purchase with the card, it unlocks three months of Game Pass Ultimate. Bonus points are a big part of this card: 5x points per dollar on eligible products at the digital Microsoft Store, 3x points on streaming services and dining delivery services.

New cards from Qatar Airways Privilege Club and Cardless

Qatar Airways launches new U.S. credit card.

In early May, Qatar Airways launched a waitlist for its first credit card in the U.S. Now, it is available for applications and awards cardholders Avios points that can be redeemed for free travel on Qatar and Oneworld airline partners . The Qatar Airways Privilege Club Visa Infinite Credit Card ($499 annual fee and instant Gold status) and Qatar Airways Privilege Club Visa Signature Credit Card ($99 annual fee and instant Silver status) both offer instant elite status for one year after being approved for the card. This is the first international loyalty program to offer a Visa Infinite credit card in the U.S. market. Cardholders earn 5x Avios points on Qatar Airways spend, 3x points on dining and one point on everything else. For the Visa Signature Card, the earning is 4x points for Qatar Airways flights, 2x points on dining and one point on everything else.

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Citi Strata Premier Mastercard replaces the original Citi Premier card.

Replacing the Citi Premier card, Citi Strata Premier is a new card product with some upgraded perks. Existing cardholders will receive new Strata Premier cards, which will continue at a $95 annual fee. Among the changes are the ability to earn 10x ThankYou Points on hotels, attractions and car rentals booked directly through the Citi travel site. Cardmembers also receive 3x ThankYou Points when using electric vehicle charging stations. That is in addition to the previous bonus, which will continue, offering 3x points on air travel, dining, supermarkets and gas stations. Cardmembers also receive a $100 credit when making a hotel reservation through the Citi travel site for at least $500.

Special invitations for Chase Sapphire Reserve cardholders at Paris Olympics

Chase Sapphire Reserve cardholders have special access to events at the Paris Olympics.

Visa is offering some extra perks for Chase Sapphire Reserve cardholders attending the Paris Summer Olympics. Flash your card to enter the floating VIP lounge on the Seine where food, beverages and special athlete meet and greets will entertain. Cardholders also have special access to priority reservations at an iconic Parisian restaurant with up-close views of the Eiffel Tower. The a la carte menu is a collaboration between New York Chef Ignacio Mattos and Chef Charles Ducrocq. There is also an Olympics kick-off party for cardholders with tasty food and drinks on July 27.

AmEx launched another limited-edition Boeing 747 Delta SkyMiles Reserve Card

This is the second time American Express uses recycled aircraft to develop a credit card.

For the second time, American Express is releasing a limited-edition credit card made from a retired Jumbo Jet. It was so popular last time that AmEx is creating twice as many cards made from two separate 747 planes that were retired in 2017. The cards, which have a new white glossy finish, became available in late April although they will stop being offered June 5.

Cards increase Global Entry credits

Cards are updating their perks due to the fare increase.

On the heels of Global Entry rates going up from $100 to $120, many credit cards are boosting their credits to fully cover it. Among these are the Citi Prestige and Citi/AAdvantage Executive World Elite Mastercards; the AAdvantage® Aviator® Silver Mastercard; and a slew of Chase-branded credit cards. They include the Chase Sapphire Reserve, United Explorer Card, United Club Infinite Card, United Quest Card, IHG One Rewards Premier Credit Card, J.P. Morgan Reserve Card, Southwest Rapid Rewards Performance Business Credit Card, IHG One Rewards Premier Business Credit Card and Aeroplan Credit Card.

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  3. Viaja y suma puntos

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  8. MoscowNavigator International Travel Club

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  12. Premium Travel Club

    The Ocean Coral & Turquesa is located on the seafront in Punta Coral, in the area of Puerto Morelos. It has exclusive Suites, ten themed restaurants, Privilege, Exclusive Rooms and Services and a Despacio Spa Centre. In addition, it has a wide range of entertainment and sports for enjoying an unforgettable stay. view Hotel.

  13. Travel Club USA

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  15. The ultimate guide to joining and leaving a travel club

    A travel club, sometimes also called a vacation club, is a monthly or annual membership program that offers discounts on airline tickets, hotel rooms or rental cars. Many travel clubs market themselves as the Costcos or Sam's Clubs for travel. They aren't. Instead, they are memberships of negligible value and sold through questionable tactics.

  16. Welcome to Apollo Adventures

    Congratulations, you have joined an exclusive club where our number one goal is to help you build Amazing Vacation Memories. For 20 years our travel professionals have been helping put smiles on our members faces. Log in to account. About us. As a member of Apollo Adventures, you'll never have to worry about not getting the absolutely best ...

  17. Log In

    arrivia, Inc. d.b.a. Pueblo Bonito Travel Club, is a Registered Seller of Travel in the following states: California: CST 2066521-50; Washington: UBI 602 443 155 001 0001; Hawaii: TAR-5192; and Florida: ST29452

  18. These Private Travel Clubs Are Exclusive

    Exclusive Resorts has a portfolio of over 400 vacation homes, plus members-only cruises and expeditions. Inspirato has the keys to villas in over 180 locations; members can also jump aboard ...

  19. Home

    Club Travelo is a modern, club-based leisure and travel agency with access to millions of hotels, cruises, tours, car rentals, resorts and more! A WORLD OF OPTIONS. CLUB TRAVELO. Watch us on the news. Alexandra Olson, CEO of Club Travelo chat with Vanessa from Arizona Midday about Club Travelo, your modern solution for today's travel needs.

  20. Interview with Evgenia Komarova, Personne Travel Club

    Interview with Evgenia Komarova, CEO and Founder of a boutique travel company based in Moscow, Russia - Peronne Travel Club. Members of Traveler's Made, Evgenia and her team are true travel designers! Evgenia is a mother of 3 kids, she is constantly on the move, always full of energy and as she mentioned it, Evgenia has a developed travel intuition!

  21. Home

    Design Travel Club - Tourist services of the highest quality. Design Travel Club. Home; About Us; Destinations; Hotels; Contacts + 8 800 550 04 07 | +90 534 875 52 41. [email protected]. RU. EN. 8 800 550 04 07 +90 534 875 52 41. Contact Information. Contact us. CONTACTS. DESTINATIONS. ABOUT US. HOME.

  22. 6 New Credit Cards And Exciting Travel Perks In Time For Summer

    Qatar Airways. In early May, Qatar Airways launched a waitlist for its first credit card in the U.S. Now, it is available for applications and awards cardholders Avios points that can be redeemed ...