Department of Tourism (DOT): What You Need to Know

The Department of Tourism is an agency under the national government of the Republic of the Philippines, responsible for creating and maintaining a favorable environment for the growth of tourism in the country. The DOT seeks to attract tourists to visit the Philippines and to ensure their safety while in the country. This aims to improve economic, social, and cultural value of tourism amongst Filipinos. In this respect, there had been significant improvements in the Philippine tourism industry over the last decade or so.

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As the Department of Tourism is responsible for the country’s development in the tourism industry, its goal is to promote growth and increase opportunities in tourism, contributing to job generation and poverty alleviation in rural areas. However, there’s so much more to this department than what is typically known to mot Filipinos. In this guide, we will take a look at the services of the department and how its programs affect Filipinos and the country’s economy, in general. Keep reading to learn more.

Table of Contents

DOT: What You Need to Know about the Department of Tourism

What is the Meaning of DOT?

DOT stands for the Department of Tourism in the Philippines.

What is the Purpose of DOT?

The Department of Tourism (DOT) is the primary planning, implementing, and regulatory government agency tasked to develop and promote the Philippine tourism industry, both domestic and international.

The agency is also tasked to manage, operate, and maintain all government-owned tourism facilities. It is the sole owner of all Philippine tourism-related trademarks, as well as its logo and slogan “It’s more fun in the Philippines.” The DOT is headed by a Secretary who reports directly to the President of the Philippines.

The DOT is mandated to formulate tourism plans and programs to promote, develop and regulate the country’s tourism industry as a major socio-economic activity that generates foreign currency and local employment, and to spread the benefits of tourism to a wider segment of the population with the support, assistance, and cooperation of both the private and public sectors.

The DOT is also responsible for promoting the Philippines as a tourist destination, and to this end has created several tourism campaigns that have become well-known around the world. These include “It’s more fun in the Philippines;” “Pilipinas Kay Ganda;” “Sights, Sounds and Flavors of the Philippines;” and “Traveling with Children”.

The DOT envisions “to position the Philippines as a premier tourist destination in Asia”. This vision aims to make travel an integral part of Filipino life through sustainable tourism development that will create new jobs for Filipinos while conserving heritage sites and protecting cultural identities.

In its commitment to serve its purpose, the department is working with the following agencies:

Duty-Free Philippines Corporation: a government-owned and controlled corporation which operates the country’s airports and seaports. The company is engaged in the sale of duty-free goods to foreign nationals who are transiting or on a stopover in any of its facilities. It also operates retail stores at Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 1, NAIA Terminal 2, NAIA Terminal 3, Clark Intl. Airport and Mactan-Cebu Intl. Airport.

Intramuros Administration: the agency responsible for the administration, promotion, and development of Intramuros as one of the country’s tourist destinations.

National Museum : the government agency mandated to preserve, develop, and promote Philippine history and culture through its collection of artefacts, books, documents, and other materials related to Filipino heritage.

National Parks Development Committee: the agency responsible for the administration, development, promotion and protection of all national parks and other protected areas in the country. The committee is also tasked with promoting ecotourism activities that are consistent with preserving the natural resources found in these areas.

Nayong Pilipino Foundation: the government agency mandated to manage and develop the country’s tourism infrastructure through its Nayong Pilipino Parks, a network of theme parks showcasing Philippine culture and heritage. The foundation was formed in 2002 as a subsidiary of the DOTC.

Philippine Commission on Sports Scuba Diving: the government agency tasked with promoting and protecting the interests of recreational divers in the Philippines. The PCSSD is also responsible for regulating scuba diving activities in all Philippine waters and for ensuring that divers are properly trained and equipped before engaging in these activities.

Philippine Retirement Authority: the government agency tasked with managing the country’s pension and retirement funds. The PRSA was created by virtue of Executive Order No. 386, which was issued by former President Fidel Ramos in 1996.

Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA): the agency that oversees the development of tourism infrastructure and enterprise zones in the Philippines. TIEZA is tasked with promoting sustainable tourism, managing public-private partnerships, developing private property for tourism purposes, and providing assistance to investors interested in setting up new businesses in the country.

Tourism Promotions Board Philippines: the entity that promotes tourism in the Philippines. The Tourism Promotions Board of the Philippines is a government agency under the Department of Tourism. It was created through Executive Order No. 546, which was signed by former President Fidel Ramos on June 21, 1995.

Brief History

The Philippine Travel & Tourism Association was established in 1950 to promote the country as a major travel destination. In 1956, the Board of Travel & Tourist Industry was established by Congress as a law following the Integrated Reorganization Plan of 1972.

The following year, the Department of Commerce and Industry was merged with the Trade and Tourism Department to form a new agency known as the Philippine Tourism Commission. The objective of the commission is to oversee the development of the tourism industry in the country.

In 1973, President Ferdinand Marcos established a new Department of Tourism, which was composed of two separate agencies. One of these was the Philippine Tourism Authority, while the other was the Philippine Convention Bureau. The new agency was then renamed the Ministry of Tourism. The structure of the department was changed following the implementation of the 1973 Constitution, which provided for the division of government.

In 1986, President Corazon Aquino signed Executive Order 120 and 120A, which reorganized the Department of Tourism. The Convention Bureau was then renamed the Philippine Convention & Visitors Corporation. The Intramuros Administration was also included in the department. In 1998, the Tourism Department was instrumental in celebrating the country’s independence from Spain.

In 2003, the Department of Tourism launched the World Wide Opportunities for Philippines (WOW Philippines) project, which was under the leadership of Senator Richard Gordon.

The passage of Republic Act 9593 in 2009 was regarded as the most significant event in the tourism industry of the Philippines.

Functions and Responsibilities of DOT

The Department of Tourism is responsible for promoting tourism in the Philippines. It does this by developing and managing tourist spots, as well as promoting them through advertising campaigns. The department also regulates the industry to ensure that all businesses are operating within the law.

Office of the Secretary

The Office of the Secretary is responsible for providing leadership and direction to the Department of Tourism. It is also responsible for developing policies and programs, reviewing the effectiveness of the Master Plan, and advising the President on all matters related to the tourism industry.

Tourism Promotions Sector

The Department of Tourism’s tourism promotion sector is responsible for promoting the Philippines as a preferred tourist destination. It is also responsible for developing and implementing marketing programs and promotional activities that are geared toward increasing the country’s tourism profile. It also oversees the department’s overseas field offices that are responsible for enhancing the tourism promotion program of the country.

Tourism Services and Regional Offices Sector

The sector is responsible for ensuring that the various services and facilities of tourist establishments are maintained and operated in a manner that is consistent with international standards. This includes setting uniform standards for the quality of service and ensuring that the establishments are following proper safety and environmental practices.

This division is also responsible for overseeing the implementation of the department’s policies and programs, as well as maintaining the effectiveness of the department’s regional offices.

Planning, Product Development and Coordination

The division is responsible for developing and implementing the department’s Master Plan, as well as its various component programs. It is also responsible for monitoring the implementation of the plan and developing new investment opportunities that will benefit the tourism industry.

Internal Services Sector

The division’s various sections provide effective and efficient services to the Department of Tourism, which ensures that its operations are conducted in a legal and ethical manner. These include human resources management, information technology services, general services administration, and budgetary management.

The Department of Tourism is responsible for the following:

-To formulate and implement plans and policies on tourism development in coordination with other government agencies involved in tourism promotion.

-To provide direction, supervision and control over the performance of all tourism-related activities by local government units (LGUs) within their respective territorial jurisdiction.

-To formulate and implement policies on the development and promotion of international tourism.

-To exercise supervision over the Philippine Tourism Authority (PTA), including its local offices.

-To coordinate with other government agencies concerned with tourism development in order to ensure that their policies will not be inconsistent or conflicting.

Laws enacted by the DOT

-Republic Act No. 9183 (Tourism Act of 2004), which provides for the establishment of a National Tourism Promotion Board and a Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority;

-Republic Act No. 7916 (Tourist Attractions Development Act of 1995) is aimed at promoting tourist attractions development in the country through its provision on incentives to investors;

-Republic Act No. 7593 (An act providing for the establishment of an inter-island linkage system);

-Republic Act No. 7591 (An act establishing the Philippine Tourism Authority); and

-Senate Bill No. 1526 (Tourism Development Fund Act of 2009).

List of Programs and Services of DOT

The Department of Tourism (DOT) is the government agency responsible for promoting and developing the Philippine tourism industry. It is headed by a Secretary of Tourism appointed by the President of the Philippines.

The DOT has several programs and services, namely:

International Inbound Marketing Program

International Inbound Marketing Program is a service that promotes Philippine tourism to foreign markets. It aims to attract more international tourists to visit the country and spend their money here. This program also helps in promoting local tourism products, services, and events overseas so they can be known by international travelers.

Inbound Marketing Support Services

The Inbound Marketing Support Services is a program that helps develop marketing strategies for the Philippine tourism industry. It also assists local government units (LGUs) and private companies in developing their tourism products, services, and events.

The program also supports the development of a brand identity for Philippine tourism. It aims to establish the country as a prime destination for international visitors by ensuring enough travel-related products and services are available in the market.

Outbound Marketing Program

The Outbound Marketing Program aims to promote Philippine tourism in key markets abroad. It also provides support services for local travel agencies and tour operators. The program helps set up trade shows, road shows, and other events that allow local tourism stakeholders to showcase their products or services to international visitors.

Marketing Research and Intelligence Division

The Marketing Research and Intelligence Division (MRID) is the central marketing research unit of the Department of Tourism. It provides business intelligence to help guide the Department’s marketing strategies and plans. The division conducts market surveys, researches trends in tourism demand, and analyzes data on visitor arrivals by country of origin.

Information Technology Center, Inc.

The Information Technology Center, Inc. (ITC) is the IT arm of the Department of Tourism. It provides information technology services to multiple government agencies, including the DTI and other departments under the DOTr, such as CICT and CAAP. The division also handles e-commerce systems for both domestic and international travelers.

Tourism Promotions Board

The Tourism Promotions Board (TPB) is the government agency responsible for promoting tourism in the Philippines. It implements various projects and programs that aim to boost tourism arrivals and generate more revenue from the industry. The TPB also manages advertising campaigns, such as “It’s More Fun in the Philippines”, which aims to increase awareness of Philippine destinations among international travelers.

Undersecretary for Tourism Program Management Office

The Undersecretary for Tourism Program Management Office (TPMO) is an agency under the Department of Tourism that oversees the implementation of various programs and projects. The TPMO also monitors the activities of other government agencies involved in tourism, such as CAAP, TPB, and DOT. Its main functions include creating tourism development policies and monitoring other agencies’ implementation.

World Trade Center Manila

The World Trade Center Manila (WTCM) is a business-centered building located along Pasay Road in Makati, Philippines. It is one of the most prominent landmarks in Metro Manila and is currently the country’s fourth tallest building. The building houses several shops, restaurants and offices that cater mainly to foreign companies doing business in the Philippines.


Check Payables : The agency’s payables or obligations to its creditors can be made through the issuance of modified disbursement system checks or government checks. These checks are usually issued after the approval of related documents.

Collection of Payments for Accreditation and Training/Fees/Bid Documents : All payments for the various services and activities of the Department of Tourism, including the accreditation and training, must be made in cash or check. These can be made through the following procedures: Order of Payment from the Accounting Division or the Accreditation Office.

Endorsement for Special Investor’s Resident Visa : -The service of the DOT endorsement saves you time and money because it gets you a resident visa without having to go back to your home country. You will be able to travel in and out of the Philippines with no problem as long as your visa is valid.

Endorsement of Tourism Development Project to the Board of Investments : The DOT endorsement of a tourism development project to the BoI is an essential step in getting a visa for your foreign investor. The BoI will help you decide which projects are eligible for investment by foreigners and how much money can be invested. If approved, you will get a certificate of investment eligibility that shows that the project has been approved. This document must be submitted with all other documents when applying for your visa at the Philippine embassy or consulate in your home country.

Endorsement for Tourism Road Infrastructure Program (TRIP) Proposal : The DOT also has a Tourism Road Infrastructure Program (TRIP), which is designed to improve the country’s tourism infrastructure through the construction of roads, bridges and flyovers. If you have a TRIP proposal and need an endorsement from the DOT for funding purposes, you will have to submit your proposal in person at any DOT office or send it via mail. The application form can be downloaded from the DOT website.

External Communications Handling : If you are a foreign company that wishes to set up an office in the Philippines, you will have to register with the SEC as an External Communications Handling (ECHC) agent. This is a requirement under Republic Act No. 1067 or the Securities Regulation Code of 2000. Once registered, your company will be able to provide services in relation to foreign investment into the country and communications between investors and their local partners.

Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests : If you are a foreign company, you may have to deal with Freedom of Information (FOI) requests. These are requests for documents that can be made by anyone who is interested in obtaining information about the government’s activities and policies. The government can reject these requests if they relate to “classified” matters or if providing the requested information would pose a security risk.

DOT Internship Application : Students who are interested in working as an intern with the Department of Tourism can apply online or by walk-in applications. To be eligible, you must be a Filipino citizen, have finished at least one year of college education, and speak English fluently. The application process involves submitting your resume and cover letter outlining why you would like to work with the DOT.

Issuance of Certificate of Tax Withheld : To get a Certificate of Tax Withheld, you need to submit an application form and pay the required fees. The DOT will then issue a certificate for you within three working days. This document is proof that your taxes have been withheld from your payment.

LDDAP/ADA Payables : To get LDDAP/ADA payables, you have to register with the DOT and apply for a license. After that, you will receive a list of documents needed to complete your application. You will then submit these documents and pay the required fees in order to get a license from the department.

Maintenance of Databank of Property Offerings : You need to maintain the databank of property offerings, which will be updated as soon as a new listing is added or an existing one is changed. You are also responsible for ensuring that all information in this database is accurate and up-to-date.

Media Coverage Requests : The Department of Tourism has a procedure for providing media and communication support to its various offices. These include its regional offices and other tourism-related agencies.

Payment through Checks : The agency’s obligations or payments to its creditors can be made through the use of a modified disbursement system, which is also known as government checks. These checks are issued after the approval of various documents.

Processing of Application for Vacant Position : The HR process for the recruitment of internal and external candidates for vacant positions is carried out according to the requirements of the ORAOHRA. As of 2017, the deadline for filling up positions has been set at nine months.

Readily Available Photos, Videos, and/or Reports Requests : The Department of Tourism’s media and communications department is responsible for providing a variety of media and communication services to its various offices.

Statistics Technical Assistance : The procedure for approval of requests for statistical data related to tourism is established by the Department of Tourism. It allows employees and other individuals to request such data.

Technical Assistance to Local Government Unit for Tourism Development Projects : The procedure for approval of a local government’s request for assistance in developing tourism infrastructure is outlined in this document.

Video: Department of Tourism-Philippines INFOMERCIAL

Here is an infomercial discussing the overview and Governance Performance Task of the Department of Tourism.

The Department of Tourism is responsible for promoting the Philippines as a tourist destination and for overseeing the country’s tourism industry. The department is headed by a Secretary of Tourism, who is a member of the Cabinet.

The department is tasked with developing and implementing policies and programs to improve the competitiveness of the Philippines as a tourist destination. It is also responsible for promoting the country’s tourism industry, and for regulating the tourism sector.

The department has several key units, including the Tourism Promotions Board, the Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority, and the Philippine Tourism Authority. These units work together to promote the Philippines as a tourist destination and to develop and implement policies and programs to improve the country’s tourism industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what is the role of the department of tourism in the hospitality industry.

The responsibilities of field offices include overseeing the activities of their staff members and providing them with the necessary information to make informed decisions. They are also responsible for the classification and approval of hotels and restaurants.

2. Who are the officers of the Philippine Department of Tourism?

The Department of Tourism is headed by Secretary Bernadette Romulo Puyat. Her deputies are Assistant Secretary for Policy and Planning Benito Bengzon Jr. and Assistant Secretary for External Affairs Rene Tingzon.

3. What are the functions of the DOT?

The DOT’s main functions are to promote and develop the country’s tourism industry; formulate policies and programs that will attract tourists; coordinate with other government agencies, local governments and private entities in order to implement these policies; conduct research on tourism-related issues, and provide information about the Philippines’ attractions to foreign tourists.

4. What are some achievements of the DOT?

The DOT has successfully attracted more foreign tourists to the Philippines. In 2017, the country welcomed almost 10 million visitors—a record high since it began recording tourist arrivals in 1952. The DOT also launched several projects that support the Philippine tourism industry, such as the “It’s More Fun in the Philippines” campaign in 2012 and its website,; the creation of the Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA) in order to help develop tourism-related infrastructure; and the establishment of the Department of Tourism Academy (DOT Academy) to train local government officials, travel agents, and other stakeholders.

5. What are the roles and responsibilities of a tour guide?

Tour guides are responsible for providing travelers with information about the places they visit. They should also be able to manage groups and individuals, act as an intermediary between clients and local authorities (such as police officers), and make sure their clients have a memorable experience.

6. What steps should I take to become a licensed tour guide?

You should first make sure that you’re eligible for a tour guide license. You can apply for one at the Tourism Academy (DOT Academy) or the Department of Tourism (DOT).

7. Do I need a license to be a tour guide?

Yes. You will need to apply for a license from the Tourism Academy (DOT Academy) or Department of Tourism (DOT). What are the requirements for becoming a licensed tour guide? First, you must be at least 18 years old. Next, you should have completed a course on tourism in an accredited school or university. You should also pass the licensure exam and submit your application form with all necessary documents (including proof of citizenship).

8. Where can I apply for accreditation as a Tour Guide, Tour Escort or Tour Conductor in PH?

You can apply for accreditation at the Department of Tourism (DOT) or the Tourism Academy (DOT Academy).

9. How is my Tour Guide license printed and issued by the DOT?

Your license will be printed in a booklet form, which you can use as proof of your accreditation. The license is valid for one year from the date of issue and can be renewed upon submission of additional requirements.

10. Is there an expiration date on my Tour Guide license?

Yes. Your license will be valid for one year from the date of issue and can be renewed upon submission of additional requirements.

The Department of Tourism (DOT) is the government agency responsible for promoting tourism in the Philippines. It is under the Office of the President and led by Secretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat. The DOT, which was established in 1959, promotes tourism through various programs and projects, including tourism promotions and marketing strategies, international trade fairs, grants to domestic and foreign travel agencies, airline companies and hotel chains, as well as airport improvements.

One of the biggest challenges facing the DOT is to increase international arrivals. In 2016, about 5 million tourists visited the Philippines; however, this number has yet been reached again since then due to political instability and other issues such as traffic congestion in Manila and increasing crime rates.

The DOT is also tasked with managing travel warnings issued by other countries against traveling to certain areas due to safety concerns or natural disasters. For example, travelers were advised against visiting Boracay Island after it was closed down due to environmental degradation caused by excessive tourism activities in 2018.

Filipinos, including OFWs, benefit from the work of the DOT by receiving more travel advice and tips from the agency’s website and social media accounts. This ensures that travelers are aware of the potential dangers and risks associated with traveling to certain places. The DOT also works closely with the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) to ensure that Filipinos abroad are protected from exploitation and abuse.

READ NEXT: PH Hailed as World’s Top Diving Destination, Intramuros Named Top Tourist Attraction

Contact Information

Address : IPO Building, The, 351 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave, Makati, 1200 Metro Manila Telephone Number : 0284595200 Website : Facebook Page :

Google Map Location :

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Branding ng bayan: Tourism slogans for the Philippines through the years

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Branding ng bayan: Tourism slogans for the Philippines through the years

MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Tourism launched a new tourism slogan on Tuesday, June 27, presenting the world with a new imperative: “Love the Philippines.”

It’s the latest era in the constantly shifting identity of Filipino tourism campaigns, which, over the years, has straight-up invited visitors to travel around the country, painted the Philippines as a “wealth of wonders” and a country of smiles, put the spotlight on the country’s natural beauty, and hinged on the humor of being in the Philippines.

As the country assumes yet another new identity to the world, here’s a look back at some of the Philippines’ tourism slogans through the years:

Where Asia Wears a Smile

In the ’70s, before tourism slogans were a thing, the Department of Tourism published a tourist’s guide book to the Philippines titled Where Asia Wears a Smile – perhaps one of the earliest efforts for a concentrated campaign to promote Philippine tourism. The title of the book takes off from a quote apparently attributed to then-First Lady Imelda Marcos. Ironically, despite the book’s sunny title, it was published at the height of the Martial Law era – a period marked by impunity and human rights abuses.

The Philippines Fiesta Islands

In 1989, there was a presidential proclamation to declare it as “the Philippine Fiesta Year.” The proclamation , signed by then-President Cory Aquino in 1988, said “The proper projection and promotion of the Philippines as the Fiesta Islands will greatly contribute to the promotion of the Philippines as a wholesome tourist destination.”

WOW Philippines

Conceptualized in 2002 by then-Tourism secretary Richard Gordon, the campaign, which had the sub-tagline “More than the Usual,” aimed to revamp the country’s reputation and hype both balikbayans and tourists to visit. In a stab at meme-ability, the word WOW was used as an acronym for various phrases: “Wealth Of Wonders,” “Warm Over Winter,” and “Wacko Over Wildlife.” The campaign turned out to be quite popular, with spinoff campaigns such as “Tara Na, Biyahe Tayo” starring the likes of Regine Velasquez.

Pilipinas Kay Ganda

department of tourism tagalog

Perhaps the most controversial of all tourism slogans, “Pilipinas Kay Ganda” met criticism almost as soon as it was launched in 2010. The most damning accusation was that the campaign’s logo was plagiarized from a Polish tourism campaign. Ultimately, the campaign was scrapped, with then-Tourism Secretary Alberto Lim admitting that the campaign had been rushed .

Pilipinas, Tara Na

This short-lived 2010 campaign was launched to encourage Filipinos to travel within the country. It came with three music videos starring a laundry list of OPM talent, including the likes of 6Cyclemind, Ice Seguerra, Barbie Almalbis, Bayang Barrios, Bituin Escalante, Boboy Garovillo, Regine Velasquez, Rivermaya, and more.

It’s More Fun in the Philippines

Launched in 2012, this tourism campaign decided to pull the focus from the country’s tourist attractions to its quirks. It involved pretty much everyone, thanks to its meme-able format that produced all kinds of images from the pure and earnest, to the sarcastic and ridiculous. It turned out to be the campaign that kept on giving, with multiple spin-offs, and even a custom-made, jeepney-inspired font launched in 2019 .

Experience Philippines

In 2017, the Department of Tourism under then Tourist Secretary Wanda Teo launched a spin-off to the “It’s More Fun” campaign, which focused on highlighting Filipino family values. One of the campaign’s ads showed the Philippines being explored by a man who turned out to be blind. The ad was later criticized and taken down for its striking similarity to a South African tourism ad. –

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To Build Up Tourism, Philippines Loosens Pandemic Restrictions For Filipinos


Ashley Westerman

The tourism industry in the Philippines lost some $8 billion in 2020 because of the pandemic. Filipinos are being encouraged to travel domestically to try to restart a crucial sector of the economy.

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Department of Tourism unveils new ad inspired by the ABaKaDa alphabet, highlighting unique Filipino culture

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Makati City  – Culture buffs around the globe can now learn the ABCs of the Philippine culture as the Department of Tourism (DOT) unveils its newest ad at the Culture Launch on Thursday, February 27, held at the Shooting Gallery Studio in Makati City.

In just a minute, the ABaKaDa music video is able to talk about 20 unique cultural facts about the Philippines represented by each letter of the Philippine alphabet. It starts with ‘A’ for abaca accessories that many can admire for its beauty and sustainability. ‘Ba’ is for barefoot bounding while dancing the Tinikling. ‘Ka’ is for Kinetic kali combat showing the country’s national martial arts.

Documenting a diving experience represents the ‘Da’, while eating Filipino cuisines literally everywhere perfectly fit the ‘E.’ The music video also features Filipino art galleries for ‘Ga,’ hand-weaving for ‘Ha,’ island vibes for ‘I,’ the lakes and its lilies for ‘La,’ and the mountain rides in Ifugao for ‘Ma.’ Filipinos are also known to be one of the happiest people on earth, and so the ‘Na’ is for “ngumiti ng ngumiti” or to keep on smiling.

The ABaKaDa song lyrics, written in collaboration with and sang by  Curtismith , also highlights oratories of Filipinos, polo and prints using pineapple fabrics, rondallas rhythm and river rafting, street dancing, tribal tattoos, the underground caves, and the wild and warm welcome of the locals, immersing tourists to the exceptional Filipino hospitality.

2019 campaigns of the DOT relied on crowdsourcing, making everyone who has captured their Philippine travel experiences a tourism ambassador. These materials were compiled and used for tourism promotions.

The global community also recognized the DOT’s sustainable tourism advocacy. It won an Excellent Partner Award for sustainable efforts in the Japan Tourism Awards. It bagged the second place in the recently concluded Asia Destination Film Forum awards for the ‘Save Our Spots’ campaign.

Sustaining the “It’s More Fun in the Philippines” campaign, the ABaKaDa culture video is only one of the 10 tourism campaign videos of the DOT focusing on Philippine tourism products. Remaining videos focus will focus on sun and beach, nature and adventure, leisure and entertainment, MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferencing, Exhibitions), culinary, education (English as a Second Language), cruise, health and wellness, and dive. These promotion videos target global tourists to further boost inbound tourism.

The DOT is also working on immersing tourists in the stories of every region. Sixteen tourism videos will highlight destinations of the regions, inviting everybody to be part of a greater year while ensuring every experience to truly be part of the culture.

2020 Tourism Department Plans

Speaking at the Culture Launch, DOT Assistant Secretary for Branding and Marketing Howard Lance A. Uyking said, “I strongly believe that the principles of sustainability are more relevant than ever. After an amazing 2019, there’s no time to rest on our laurels—there’s always something brewing at the DOT—whether they’re new advertisements or digital innovations—so we can keep visitors and locals alike interested in what the Philippines has to offer.”

For 2020, the DOT will be ramping up its nationwide accreditation efforts to help tourism stakeholders become globally competitive in its facilities services.

One of the exciting tourism projects this year is the month-long Philippine Shopping Festival this March. Tourists can score bargains in a wide selection of discounts on airline tickets, hotels and resorts, tour packages, and all the major malls nationwide.

The DOT has also partnered with the Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP) to promote the country in the international film industry. Dubbed as the “Film Philippines,” the program will provide incentives to attract foreign film productions to hold location shoots in the country.

Filipino creative minds meantime can join the “Go Create Getaway,” a new crowdsourcing campaign this summer, inviting tourists to become content creators and vloggers. It will be a competition to win exciting prizes.

With all the exciting activities lined up for the year, the DOT invites all tourists to and succeeding videos on social media and other platforms.

Published:February 22, 2021

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DOT Chief: Philippines surpasses yearend target with 5.45 million int’l visitor arrivals in 2023, int’l visitor receipts surge at PHP482.54 billion

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Frasco proudly presents WTA awards to PBBM

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DOT lauds PPP framework for Tourist Rest Area in Carmen, Cebu

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DOT breaches industry targets for 2023; Frasco bullish on country’s continued tourism transformation under Marcos administration in 2024

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Philippines cited for Global Tourism Resilience, wins World’s Best Beach, Dive, City Awards

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DOT inaugurates first Tourist Rest Area in Bohol Island

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PH wins big at international award-giving bodies

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Philippine tourism earnings surge to 404B in first 10 months of 2023 – DOT chief

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DOT hails inclusion of CRK as world’s most beautiful airport

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DOT chief joins global tourism leaders in WTM Ministers’ Summit 2023 in London

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Philippines, Japan ink deal on tourism cooperation

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UNESCO Gastronomy City citation for Iloilo boosts gastro, creative tourism – Frasco

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DOT’s Alternative Livelihood Training Program signals hope and recovery as Oriental Mindoro’s tourism industry bounces back after oil spill woes

Dot wins back-to-back best videos at world tourism organization competition.

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The Philippines vies for 4 major awards at the prestigious World Travel Awards 2023

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DOT chief joins high-level UNWTO Global Education Forum as panelist

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The Philippines joins UNWTO General Assembly as Vice President for East Asia and the Pacific; prestigious global position held again after 24 years

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Philippines Named Asia’s Best Cruise Destination 2023 by World Cruise Awards

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Filipino Hospitality Excellence soars with DOT surpassing 100k target

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TIEZA Philippine Tourism Investment Summit 2023: Uniting Public and Private Sectors to Fuel Tourism Growth

Frasco to join world tourism leaders in 25th unwto general assembly.

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LOVE THE PHILIPPINES! Boracay, Palawan, Siargao voted among Asia’s best by Condé Nast Traveler readers

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Tourism industry generates Php344 Billion in int’l visitor receipts in 9 months; Frasco seeks Senators’ support to usher in the “Golden Era” of Philippine tourism

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DOT launches Tourist Assistance Call Center

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Tourism chief visits Tawi-Tawi in PHL, assures LGU, tourism stakeholders of Marcos admin’s full support

Phl records more than 4m foreign visitors; dot optimistic on robust rebound of tourism.

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Film Heritage building to rise, boost PH film tourism

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DOT chief bares bold prospects for PH tourism at Global Tourism Economy Forum

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Frasco to speak at UNWTO Global Tourism Economy Forum

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DOT, TPB bring back on-site PHITEX 2023 in Cebu

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Frasco thanks lawmakers for the swift approval and support for increase of Php 2.7 B DOT budget

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DOT’s Bisita, Be My Guest program awards first raffle winners

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Philippines’ FIBA hosting boosts hotel occupancy, visitor arrivals – Tourism Chief

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1st Philippine Tourism Dive Dialogue unites Dive Industry: 37B raked in 2022

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Boost in PH medical tourism seen with public-private convergence

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Philippines wins “Asia’s Leading Dive Destination” at prestigious World Travel Awards 2023

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DOT affirms support to peace and security efforts under Marcos administration

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Frasco cites PBBM’s policies, programs for the industry at PTM 2023

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DOT inks deal with Cebu LGU for more Tourist Rest Areas, “Heritage City” Carcar thanks DOT for TRA

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DOT in full support to FIBA World Cup Opening Day

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DOT, TESDA ink deal to expand tourism education, reinforce tourism training opportunities

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DOT, NCIP ink partnership to empower indigenous peoples, protect and promote cultural heritage through tourism

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Lawmakers laud tourism initiatives, bat for higher 2024 budget for DOT

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PHL records Php 286B tourism receipts from January to July; Frasco bares efforts to support tourism in Central Visayas

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PBBM’s prioritization makes tourism among top drivers of economic growth– DOT Chief

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DOT inaugurates first Tourist Rest Area in Mindanao; Frasco bares plan to build 15 more TRAs across the country

Dot records more inbound flights to phl, increase in domestic air routes.

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Tourism Chief highlights Culinary Tourism in PHL at World Chefs Asia President Forum 2023

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NMP-Cebu to spur tourism development in Visayas Region—Frasco

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DOT Chief welcomes e-Visa system for Chinese tourists

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DOT positions PHL as one of Asia’s most LGBT-friendly destinations

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From courtside to paradise: DOT supports FIBA World Cup hosting with Philippine Tour Packages

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DOT bares tourism milestones under PBBM’s first year in office; Secretary Frasco optimistic on exceeding industry targets for 2023

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PHL int’l tourist arrivals breach 3M mark; tourism receipts surge at P212.47 billion

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Frasco inaugurates first ever DOT Tourist Rest Area in PHL

Pbbm trusts frasco, tourism chief gets widespread support.

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Frasco launches Philippines Hop-On-Hop-Off for Manila

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DOT chief grateful for continued support from lawmakers, employees

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Love the Philippines draws widespread support

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DOT’s enhanced branding is Philippines’ Love Letter to the world

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Batanes joins UNWTO International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories inclusion is a manifestation of Philippines’ successful sustainability efforts in local destinations – DOT chief

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The Philippines elected as Vice President of UNWTO General Assembly after 24 Years, nabs Chairmanship of Commission for East Asia and the Pacific

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DOT eyes increased arrivals from Cambodia

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DOT welcomes positive tourism figures for FY2022; vows sustained industry recovery drive under the Marcos administration

Ph vies for six nominations for the wta 2023.

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DOT rallies support of tourism stakeholders on digitalization initiatives

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Heritage and Arts Tours in San Juan City get support from DOT

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Tourism chief, Deputy Speaker Frasco donate for education of Pagsanjan boatmen’s children

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Tour Guides to get more livelihood with Digital Bookings

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DOT commits full support on Laguna’s local tourism resurgence; vows for more tourism projects in the province

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TWG convened to drive up CRK utilization; travel and tourism to remain ‘spark of hope’ for Clark – Secretary Frasco

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Philippines wins Emerging Muslim-friendly Destination of the Year Award (Non-OIC)

Dot supports malacañang heritage tours.

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The country’s colorful marine life takes the spotlight in DOT’s Anilao Underwater Shootout

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DOT, DND, DILG forge pact to make Mindanao a peaceful and viable tourist destination

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DOT, PRA ink partnership

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DOT lauds Rosquillos Festival’s showcase of local culture, contribution to local tourism

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PHL participation in int’l, local travel and trade fairs yields more than P3 billion in business leads—DOT Chief

More than 43k workers receive dot training on the filipino brand of service excellence (fbse).

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DOT vows support to SOCCSKSARGEN, Mindanao

Pbbm approval of phl tourism plan to spur tourism transformation, employment, philippines’ int’l visitor arrivals breach 2m.

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DOT lauds PATA’s initiative to rebuild tourism communities in Laguna, Pagsanjan Falls

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Filipino tourism frontliners recognized during DOT’s 50th founding anniversary celebration

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DOT supports new country brand under the Marcos administration

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DOT welcomes the resumption of chartered flights to PHL top destination Boracay

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Medical Tourism pushed by Marcos Administration with strategic global partnership – DOT Chief

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Frasco meets US filmmakers, media execs to promote Philippine tourism

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Record number 1,400 Koreans arrive to Filipino welcome led by Tourism Secretary Frasco

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Tourism chief Frasco dives in Puerto Galera, provides alternative livelihood to Oriental Mindoro

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Philippine-Turkiye air service deal to boost tourism- DOT Chief

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DOT-DOLE Tourism Job Fairs offer more than 8K jobs; 3rd leg set in May

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DOT, DOTr jointly conduct inspection at NAIA T2 ahead of Holy Week break

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More than 6k jobs up for grabs at DOT’s PHL tourism job fair

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Go Negosyo, DOT mount Tourism Summit in Cebu

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Business as usual in Puerto Galera; DOT to train tourism workers affected by oil spill for alternative livelihood – Frasco

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DOT holds Philippine visa reforms convergence

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Philippines hits 260M negotiated sales, bags recognition at the ITB Berlin 2023

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DOT chief unveils National Tourism Development Plan (NTDP) 2023-2028 at stakeholders’ summit

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Frasco meets with Central Europe tourism players, vows prioritization of tourism under Marcos Administration

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Philippines comes back with biggest delegation to ITB Berlin, bags sustainable tourism recognitions

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Oil Spill affecting tourist sites – DOT Chief

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DOT issues guidelines pushing for more openness for tourism enterprises

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Tourism chief to lead biggest PHL delegation to ITB Berlin 2023

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PHL feted Best Dive Destination anew

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New Flights from Clark to boost tourism, decongest NAIA

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Frasco lauds Ilocos Norte’s Tan-Ok festival as manifestation of the Philippine Experience’

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Frasco: Panagbenga Festival touts Baguio’s tourism resurgence

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DOT extends ‘free accreditation’ for tourism establishments

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DOT Chief launches Tourism Champions Challenge’ to spur tourism development in LGUs

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PHL secures back-to-back nominations at the 2023 World Travel Awards

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Frasco convenes first TCC meeting, forecasts full domestic recovery in 2023

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Frasco leads groundbreaking of new tourist pit stop to boost Palawan tourism

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Frasco leads grand welcome reception for cruise passengers, says ‘PHL aims to be cruise hub in Asia’

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Japanese stakeholders bullish of PHL tourism prospects

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PBBM, Tourism chief engage Japanese tourism stakeholders in high-level meet in Tokyo

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Tourism chief affirms DOT’s support to PH Dev’t Plan 2023-2028

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Chinese tourists receive warm welcome from PHL; DOT foresees swifter tourism recovery with Chinese outbound group tour

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PHL, CHINA ink tourism implementation deal

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PHL breaches 2.6M arrivals for 2022; DOT chief bullish of 2023 projections

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DOT lands on Top 3 Highest Approval Rating among Government Agencies; bares targets for 2023

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DOT, DICT ink deal for improvement of connectivity in tourist destinations, digitalization of services

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DOT, DMW launch newest incentivized tourism promotions campaign

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DOT, TIEZA launch 7th Tourist Rest Area in Pagudpud’s Saud Beach

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Tourist Rest Area to rise in Bohol

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Luzon’s First DOT Tourist Rest Area to Rise In Baguio City

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DOT strengthens PHL-Saudi Arabia tourism relations, engages industry key players

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Statement of Tourism Secretary Christina Garcia Frasco on the Launch of the e-Travel System

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Filipino hospitality, Philippine sustainable tourism highlighted at WTTC Global Summit Saudi Arabia

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Frasco welcomes Uzakrota World’s Leading Country Award, PHL destinations’ citations

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Frasco eyes more urban parks in the Philippines

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DOT’s Frasco is among best-performing cabinet officials- RPMD Survey

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Frasco hails first-ever North Luzon Travel Fair as critical to revitalizing tourism; reiterates the Philippines’ readiness for visitors

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DOT welcomes long holidays for 2023; PBBM signing of Proclamation No. 90 important stimulus to PHL domestic tourism in 2023: DOT chief

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PHL visitor arrivals reach 2M; tourism revenue hit 100B – DOT Chief

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Philippines hailed as World’s Leading Dive and Beach Destinations

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PHL Tourism Chief initiates tourism cooperation talks with Italian Tourism Minister

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Palawan cited “Most Desirable Island” in 21st Wanderlust Travel Award

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Outlook for Philippine tourism positive – tourism chief

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DOT launches 1st North Luzon Travel Fair

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Tourism chief to lead PHL contingent to WTM, brings listening tours to FILCOM in UK

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PBBM oks easing of stringent travel restrictions

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PHITEX 2022 yields record high 173M sales leads

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One Health Pass replaced with PHL’s ‘simpler’ eARRIVAL CARD system

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Philippine Experience Caravans to roll out 2023 – Frasco

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DOT relaunches Philippine Tourism Awards

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DOT exceeds 2022 target arrivals; PBBM rallies support for tourism as admin’s priority sector

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Siargao, a priority for Tourism Development — Frasco

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DOT bares tourism wins under PBBM’s first 100 days

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Tourist Rest Areas for PHL’s top destination – Cebu

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Tourist Rest Areas launched in Mindanao

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FY 2023 DOT budget submitted to plenary; Senators press for higher tourism budget

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DOT celebrates Philippines’ back to back wins at Conde Naste Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards; Boracay claims spot as top island in Asia anew

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Frasco secures CA nod as Tourism Chief

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DOT receives HOR nod for P3.573 B budget for 2023

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First ever DOT-DOLE nat’l tourism job fair opens

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Tourism Chief tackles plans to revive industry, entices foreign investors in New York briefing

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PBBM pronouncements at UN meet an “excellent representation” of PHL – Secretary Frasco

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DOT-DOLE 1st Philippine Tourism Job Fair pre-registration now open, more than 7k jobs available to tourism job seekers- Sec. Frasco

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DOT muling pinarangalan ng Selyo ng Kahusayan sa Serbisyo Publiko 2022

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DOT Chief welcomes IATF recommendation to make masking optional when outdoors

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Phl scores back to back win in WTA Asia; Intramuros hailed as Asia’s Leading Tourist Attraction of 2022

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Frasco lays out DOT plans and programs for industry recovery; lawmakers bat for higher DOT budget

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More than 1,500 tourism jobs to be offered in joint DOT-DOLE job fair

Dot to ink tourism job fair program – trabaho, turismo, asenso with dole; domestic, international jobs to be available to tourism job hunters.

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Thailand to offer tourism job opportunities to Filipinos– Frasco

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PHL tourism chief pushes for increased connectivity, interoperability of vax certs, equalization of opportunities, and sustainability in APEC tourism ministers’ meet

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Philippines strengthens tourism ties with Thailand

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20 intl, local dive and marine experts take centerstage at PHIDEX 2022

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Measures in place to ensure safe travel to PHL – Tourism Chief

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Frasco eyes visitor-friendly, “distinctly Filipino” air, seaports in PHL

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DOT celebrates Philippine Accessible Disability Services, Inc. (PADS) Dragon Boat Team historic four gold medal haul

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DOT to facilitate interagency effort to strengthen Filipino Brand of Service

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DOT to coordinate on quake-hit tourist destinations, heritage sites

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PBBM cites tourism as top-priority; orders infra development, enhancement of Filipino brand

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DOT chief takes “Listening Tours” to Luzon

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DOT Chief affirms support to National Museum of the Philippines; proposes inclusion of museums in tourism circuits

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Boracay, Palawan and Cebu hailed World’s Best Islands; DOT celebrates back-to-back accolades for PHL destinations

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Marcos push for Tourism Infra strengthens industry, raises PHL global position – DOT Chief

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DOT lauds Boracay’s inclusion in TIME’s 50 World’s Greatest Places of 2022

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DOT lauds Cebu-based group win in int’l dance competition

Statement of tourism secretary christina garcia frasco on banaue.

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Tourism Chief Frasco kicks off listening tours in VisMin, encourages officials to reach out to LGUs, stakeholders

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Tourism chief Frasco to go on ‘listening tours’ starting this week

Dot reports increase in domestic tourism in 2021.

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Incoming tourism chief receives warm welcome from employees, vows to bring “LGU perspective” to DOT

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DOT’s Philippine International Dive Expo (PHIDEX) returns to Manila next month

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First Davao Dive Expo slated on June 24

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DOT touts ‘future farms’ as new and sustainable tourist attractions

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DOT pitches PHL as ideal retirement destination in Japan Expo

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DOT positions New Clark City as premier tourism investment hub

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PH’s significant recovery in travel and tourism hot topic in Routes Asia 2022

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DOT’s KAIN NA! takes foodies to a multi-sensory adventure

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DOT Presents “Escape: Stories from the Road” Podcast

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Second (2nd) Online Master TESOL Certification Course

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DOT, MMC Foundation partnership brings ER bikes to three Metro Manila tourist sites

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DOT spotlights PWDs and women in tourism with new “It’s More Fun for All” campaign

Media release from the department of tourism.

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PHL scraps COVID pre-departure test for fully vaccinated, boostered tourists

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DENR, DOT and DILG unveil Year of Protected Areas (YoPA) Campaign marking 90th anniversary of Protected Area establishment in the Philippines

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Department of Tourism and Mickey Go Philippines introduce Pinoy Mickey Funko Pops

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DOT launches “Keep the Fun Going” sustainable tourism campaign with gamified challenges

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DOT reminds AEs on proper flag etiquette

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DOT 49th Anniversary speech of the Tourism Secretary

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DOT pushes for 100% vaccination of active tourism workers

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DOT calls for lowering of testing price cap, certification of more saliva test facilities

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PHL may be next filming location as Tourism Summit brings in Hollywood execs

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WTTC Investment Tour Highlights Viable Opportunities in Clark, Central Luzon

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WTTC lauds PH successful hosting of Int’l tourism Summit

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Closing and Congratulatory Message during the Closing Ceremony of the 21st WTTC Global Summit of the DOT Secretary

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WTTC: ‘Astonishing Recovery’ for Philippines’ tourism sector

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World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) Exhibition Booths

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WTTC Opening Ceremony Welcome Remarks of the DOT Secretary

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WTTC bullish on PH tourism recovery amid Covid-19 pandemic

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PHL Foreign tourist arrivals breach 200k mark – DOT Chief

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DOT, partner agencies celebrate Filipino Food Month

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WTTC announces speakers for its 21st Global Summit in the Philippines

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DOT seeks return of Korean tourists, PH’s top market

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DOT inks partnership with PNP, PDEA to beef up security in tourist destinations

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DOT Launches Digital Travel Magazine “7641”

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PHL says “All systems go for full reopening on April 1”; Removes EED as entry requirement

Phl logs more than 100,000 visitor arrivals since feb. 10 reopening.

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DOT meets with Japanese tourism execs to boost inbound tourism arrivals

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Statement of the DOT on hotel rooms occupancy guidelines

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PH opens doors to all foreign tourists with easing of arrival requirements starting April 1

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Travel to PHL is “easier”, more fun – Puyat

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DOT Launches “Sounds More Fun in the Philippines” Playlist on Spotify

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DOT hopeful on higher tourism growth with downgrading of NCR, 38 areas to Alert Level 1

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Intramuros visitors up by 132% in February

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DOT bares higher tourist influx since reopening

Dot welcomes iatf approval to accept the national vaxcert of 12 additional countries.

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PH receives 9,283 inbound tourists; DOT upbeat on higher arrivals in months ahead

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Puyat: Walk-in booster shots available for Boracay visitors

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All systems go for PHL reopening for international travel- Puyat

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Kids’ vaccination to make family travels safe, more fun

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DOT lists requirements and protocols for arriving foreign leisure guests

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Save the date for the World Travel & Tourism Council Global Summit in the Philippines

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DOT: PH to accept fully-vaxxed tourists from visa-free countries starting Feb. 10

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DOT supports ‘Pharmacy and Drive-thru Vaccination Sites’ rollout in Baguio City

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DOT Launches “ASMR Experience the Philippines” Project

Dot to hold 2-day conference on english as second language (esl).

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PH cities, hotels bag ASEAN tourism awards

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Booster shots rolled out for fully vaxxed tourism workers; 50% of NCR hotel staff already “boosted”

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DOT trains over 30,000 tourism professionals amid pandemic

Dot welcomes eased travel movement between gcq and mgcq areas for tourism revival, hotel in ‘poblacion girl” fiasco suspended, fined, intramuros gives vulnerable population a breathing space, dot launches website with exclusive travel deals for balikbayans.

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Anilao Underwater Shootout stages a successful comeback

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DOT’s KAIN NA! makes a comeback in Tagaytay

Dot earns unwto citation for have a safe trip, pinas ad.

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Brgy. Bojo in Aloguinsan, Cebu bags UNWTO best tourism village award

More than 95% of tourism workers in dive establishments already vaccinated against covid-19: dot.

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DOT: PHL to welcome Int’l tourists soon

Dot welcomes shortened quarantine days for balikbayans, dot asks lgus to simplify entry requirements in tourist spots, miceconnect 2021 positions boracay as asia’s premier bleisure destination, dot releases latest list of domestic destinations waiving rt-pcr tests for fully vaxxed visitors, dot grants incentives to fully vaccinated individuals visiting intramuros.

department of tourism tagalog

Statement of the DOT on waiving RT-PCR requirement to Boracay for fully vaxxed tourists

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Anilao underwater ‘shootout’ is back

Puyat, dot execs pitch ph tourism in japan travel mart, dot welcomes eased restrictions in mm under alert level 2, free swab tests for domestic tourists starting nov. 1, dot lists destinations without testing requirement, with projected 100% inoculation rate by next month, boracay will soon waive rt-pcr testing for fully vaxxed visitors.

department of tourism tagalog

Domestic Travel Welcome-Back: DOT, TPB launch ‘It’s More Fun with You’ ad and ‘Have a Safe Trip, Pinas’ Viber Stickers

22 divers pass dot guide training in anilao.

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PH cited Asia’s top beach and dive destination anew in 2021 World Travel Awards

Dot bullish on camiguin’s reopening, boosts covid-19 vax drive, dot clarifies travel guidelines for ncr residents under alert level 4, alert level 3, good for tourism jobs and businesses as holidays near – puyat, 2nd tourism & technology forum: readying for a different future.

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DOT vaccination drive for tourism workers continues in Pampanga

Dot welcomes easing of age restrictions for interzonal travel, less quarantine days for travelers an ‘encouraging development’ for tourism industry – puyat.

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Vaccination of Rizal tourism workers crucial to industry’s recovery — DOT

Dot welcomes siargao, palawan and boracay win in int’l travel mag awards, over 43k safety seals issued as more businesses apply, dot backs call to shorten quarantine of fully vaxxed travelers, dot calls for cooperation to ensure success of expanded operational capacity of restaurants in ncr.

department of tourism tagalog

DOT lauds Samar LGU vax drive for tourism workers

Message of secretary berna romulo-puyat on the celebration of world tourism day, dot ensures compliance of accredited hotels, resorts to new iatf alert level system guidelines.

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Cebu vax drive for tourism workers gains traction with more than 50% inoculated

Puyat bares phl hosting of international tourism conference in march 2022.

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DOT and TikTok launch #GandaMoPinas Campaign as local borders reopen

Dot invites esl teachers to free online master tesol certification course.

department of tourism tagalog

DOT launches “More Fun Awaits” global campaign to showcase travel preps

Statement of the department of tourism (dot), statement of the department of tourism on the inclusion of palawan in t+l’s top islands in asia, world list, more than 50% of country’s tourism workers vaccinated against covid-19 – dot chief, intramuros site visit of dot secretary berna romulo-puyat.

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Intramuros sites and Rizal Park to reopen September 16

Philippines boosts participation in expo 2020 dubai, highlights pinoy food, local tourism businesses receive dot, tpb philcare kits.

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DOT, partner agencies drive up promotion of Filipino food experience

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More than 7.5k tourism workers in Baguio have received Covid vax – Tourism Chief

Dot, tpb distribute p19m worth of materials to promote safety protocols.

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DOT, NTF bring vaccination rollout for tourism workers in Siargao Island

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DOT: 95% of tourism workers in NCR vaxxed vs Covid-19

Sustainability is key to tourism industry’s recovery — puyat, dot lauds private sector for vaccine rollout in el nido.

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PHITEX 2021: Beyond Business slated for September 19-23

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Puyat leads vaccination drive for Pampanga tourism workers

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More than 75% of Bohol tourism workers eyed for inoculation with second vaccine roll-out

More than 70% of tourism frontliners in metro manila vaccinated vs covid-19 — puyat.

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Dot, bpos to hold job fair, statement of the department of tourism.

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DOT targets increased inoculation of tourism workers in more destinations

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Puyat: More vaccines coming for Palawan tourism workers

Dot statement on nesthy petecio’s silver medal finish in the tokyo 2020 olympics, rizal park drive-thru vax site opens; puyat hails manila’s anti-covid initiative, dot gets highest coa rating for 2nd straight year, statement of the department of tourism on the passing of heritage and cultural tourism advocate mr. ramon hofileña, statement of the department of tourism (dot) on the heightened community quarantine level implementations in ncr, more tourism workers in boracay to receive covid-19 jabs – dot, dot reiterates call for safe travel amid stricter quarantine measure, dot reminds hotels, resorts that room sharing for quarantined families is allowed, dot celebrates siargao inclusion in time magazine as one of the world’s greatest places of 2021, dot launches halal food tourism, dot backs gov’t infra program to boost tourism, dot backs iloilo bid for ‘creative city of gastronomy’ recognition from unesco, statement of the department of tourism on iatf decision allowing children five years old and above, and fully vaccinated seniors to visit outdoor areas, dot partners with viber to promote kain na foodfest, dot: 3,000 boracay tourism workers to receive covid vax, dot, tpb continues to support lgus with digital transformation projects, dot teams up with scarlet belo and cartoon network to take safe trips, dot statement on the activities of the taal volcano, bakuna by the sea: dot hails davao’s innovative approach to travel, hospitality workers, dot, tpb to roll out 2nd phase of rt-pcr financial subsidy program through pcmc, dot unveils region 1 tourism recovery plan, statement of the department of tourism on the drop of tourism contribution to gdp, dot to co-stage virtual fête de la musique june 18-21, more ncr tourism workers receive support through dot-dole program, travel for tourists of all ages from ncr plus to boracay, other mgcq areas extended to june 30, dot eyes inoculation of 5,000 bohol tourism workers, museums in ncr plus to reopen on limited capacity – dot, dot turns food tourism to high heat with 2021 kain na, terms for tourism business loans eased, dot bares tourism recovery plans for bulacan, dot and tiktok launch #sarapmagingpinoy campaign to promote local food tourism, dot launches five-year plan to develop tourism professionals, dot celebrates world environment month, highlights responsible marine wildlife interactions, statement of the department of tourism (dot) on the rt-pcr requirement for leisure travelers under iatf-eid resolution 118a, statement of the dot on iatf-eid resolution 118a, more than 16k bulacan tourism workers get dot-dole cash aid, dot orders stricter monitoring of staycation hotels and aes in gcq areas following new iatf guidelines, dot lauds inclusion of frontline tourism workers in a1 priority group, dot hosts pata summit for first hybrid mice event in 2021, over 1,400 golf workers in metro manila get dot-dole cash aid.

department of tourism tagalog

Central Luzon to Showcase ‘Flavors of Pampanga’, readies tourists for gastronomic experience

Dot lauds ph hotels recognized with the 2021 tripadvisor awards, 3,390 tourism workers in marinduque approved to receive p16.95m dot-dole cash aid, puyat bares tourism recovery plans for marinduque, dot proposes ‘green lane’ for fully vaccinated travelers, dot hails expansion of priority vaccination to a4 cluster, including tourism frontliners, 5,986 staycation rooms open for guests from ncr plus, intramuros to open fort santiago, baluarte de san diego to visitors may 17, dot statement on the proposed vaccination center in nayong pilipino, dot welcomes iatf decision to ease travel in ncr plus, 221m cash aid approved for 44k tourism workers in western visayas, statement of the department of tourism (dot) on the collected garbage from the waters of samal island, davao del norte, statement of the department of tourism (dot) on the reported violations of a hotel in davao city, dot to host hybrid pata annual event for adventure travel, p1.5m cash aid approved for 295 intramuros tourism workers, updates on the vaccination of tourism workers, labor day vax for tourism workers, more than 400k displaced tourism workers get dot-dole cash aid, philippine tourism and mice industry to bounce back with the hosting of wttc global summit, dot, manila lgu ink mobile hospital deal, dot-accredited establishment, eligible for safety seal certification, dot grants the wttc safe travels stamp to 33 more hotels nationwide, dot welcomes proposals to convert tourism sites to temporary medical facilities, dot lauds repurposed hotels, calls for ‘bayanihan’ vs covid, dot approves use of burnham green and quirino grandstand in rizal park for temporary mobile hospital and drive-thru vaccination site, dot celebrates saud beach inclusion in the 25 most beautiful beaches in the world list of travel and leisure, 67k displaced tourism workers of ncr+ receive dot-dole cash aid, statement of the department of tourism on the vaccination facility in nayong pilipino property, statement of the department of tourism regarding the alleged birthday “super spreader” event in boracay, dot eyes adoption of covid-19 digital travel pass, dot statement on ecq extension in ncr plus, phl, dot nominated at asia edition of 2021 world travel awards, dot pushes for inclusion of other tourism workers in priority group a4, strict new guidelines set for hotels under ecq; lenten ‘staycations’ within ncr plus suspended, dot statement on ecq for ncr+ areas, dot statement on holy week, rizal park and paco park adjust visiting hours, remain open for physical exercise, dot statement on biatf measures for boracay, tpb philippines spearheads tourism and technology forum (ttf), dot statement on coron tourist with falsified travel documents, dot supports rizal tourism circuit on food, faith, art, adventure and nature, the ‘fun’ continues: philippines joins digital itb berlin, dot to spur domestic tourism in rizal, dot’s stdp program to enhance resiliency of phl destinations – puyat, dot sustains online presence with ‘wake up in ph’ campaign and safety travel advisories, dot greenlights partial operations of hotel restaurants on june 15, dot eyes tourism recovery as more destinations may reopen, domestic travel to drive recovery of tourism industry, says survey, dot hails revival of tourist cops, tourism will recover well, dot chief vows, dot celebrates hidden beach, palawan’s inclusion in cnt’s best beaches in the world, tourism industry hikes share in gdp to 13%; puyat sees strong recovery from pandemic, dot pushes stringent guidelines for stakeholders across the nation, biatf denounces travelers’ breach of entry protocol to boracay, dot lauds partnership model for safe and sustainable tourism in boracay, dot issues guidelines on tourist land transport services, iatf–eid resolution reiterates ‘dot certificate of authority’ as requisite to operate, dot issues protocols on restaurant operations under the new normal, dot welcomes ph ‘rising stars in travel’ citation by, dot, dti to roll out health and safety guidelines, digital solutions for restaurants, dot, attached agencies promote digital tourism, tourism chief reminds hotels, resorts: no dot certificate, no business operations during mgcq, dot assists 36,000 tourists during covid-19 crisis, dot webinar tackles digital as the new normal, dot welcomes the resumption of tourism operations in areas under mgcq, trust and health safety key to phl tourism recovery – dot chief, puyat on reopening tourism: ‘do it slowly but surely’, dot brings home 84 tourists stranded in eastern visayas, dot supports coron’s sustainable tourism development to bounce back, dot welcomes puerto princesa reopening to domestic tourists, dot urges for more wttc safe travels stamp applications, boracay’s white beach, el nido’s nacpan beach among tripadvisor’s top beaches in asia, dot statement on uniform travel protocols, dot supports the safe reopening of negros oriental, puyat affirms support for siquijor’s reopening, dot statement on el nido’s swift action against tourists with false covid test records, dot supports dilg’s streamlining of travel requirements, dot assists 98 stranded tourists in western mindanao, dot assists 246 tourists stranded in bicol, dot response team assists 1004 tourists stranded in caraga region, statement of tourism secretary bernadette romulo-puyat, dot8 springs stranded tourists, total assisted travelers now at 11,000, dot assists stranded tourists in central luzon, dot response teams assist over 10,000 travelers, dot announces the guidelines on hotels and other accommodation establishments during the enhanced community quarantine, dot chief: innovation to spur food tourism in new normal, dot webinar tackles heritage site conservation and use amid pandemic, dot banners “filipino brand of service”; assists over 35,000 tourists amid pandemic, dot to jumpstart domestic tourism under stricter protocols with iatf and lgus.

Department of Tourism

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Republic of the Philippines

People and religion.

department of tourism tagalog

The Filipino is basically of Malay stock with a sprinkling of Chinese, American, Spanish, and Arab blood. The Philippines has a population of 76.5 million as of May 2000, and it is hard to distinguish accurately the lines between stocks. From a long history of Western colonial rule, interspersed with the visits of merchants and traders, evolved a people of a unique blend of east and west, both in appearance and culture.

The Filipino character is actually a little bit of all the cultures put together. The bayanihan or spirit of kinship and camaraderie that Filipinos are famous for is said to be taken from Malay forefathers. The close family relations are said to have been inherited from the Chinese. The piousness comes from the Spaniards who introduced Christianity in the 16th century. Hospitality is a common denominator in the Filipino character and this is what distinguishes the Filipino. Filipinos are probably one of the few, if not the only, English-proficient Oriental people today. Pilipino is the official national language, with English considered as the country’s unofficial one.

The Filipinos are divided geographically and culturally into regions, and each regional group is recognizable by distinct traits and dialects – the sturdy and frugal llocanos of the north, the industrious Tagalogs of the central plains, the carefree Visayans from the central islands, and the colorful tribesmen and religious Moslems of Mindanao. Tribal communities can be found scattered across the archipelago. The Philippines has more than 111 dialects spoken, owing to the subdivisions of these basic regional and cultural groups.

The country is marked by a true blend of cultures; truly in the Philippines, East meets West. The background of the people is Indonesian and Malay. There are Chinese and Spanish elements as well. The history of American rule and contact with merchants and traders culminated in a unique blend of East and West, both in the appearance and culture of the Filipinos, or people of the Philippines.

Hospitality, a trait displayed by every Filipino, makes these people legendary in Southeast Asia. Seldom can you find such hospitable people who enjoy the company of their Western visitors. Perhaps due to their long association with Spain, Filipinos are emotional and passionate about life in a way that seems more Latin than Asian.

The Spaniards introduced Christianity (the Roman Catholic faith) and succeeded in converting the overwhelming majority of Filipinos. At least 83% of the total population belongs to the Roman Catholic faith.

The American occupation was responsible for teaching the Filipino people the English language. The Philippines is currently the third-largest English speaking country in the world.

Historically, the Filipinos have embraced two of the great religions of the world – Islam and Christianity. Islam was introduced during the 14th century shortly after the expansion of Arab commercial ventures in Southeast Asia. Today, it is limited to the southern region of the country.

Christianity was introduced as early as the 16th century with the coming of Ferdinand Magellan in 1521.

Protestantism was introduced by the first Presbyterian and Methodist missionaries who arrived with the American soldiers in 1899.

Two Filipino independent churches were organized at the turn of the century and are prominent today. These are the Aglipay (Philippine Independent Church) and the Iglesia Ni Kristo (Church of Christ) founded in 1902 and 1914, respectively. Recently the Aglipay signed a covenant with the Anglican Church. The Iglesia ni Kristo has expanded its membership considerably. Its churches, with their unique towering architecture, are landmarks in almost all important towns, provincial capitals, and major cities.

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The Philippines is a land rich in natural resources, scenic locales, and friendly smiles. Here, everybody is welcome to be part of the fun – from the captivating coastlines to the creative native crafts, to the unique gastronomic experience, you will find the kind of fun that is uniquely yours.

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department of tourism tagalog

#TravelThrowback: Philippine tourism slogans and campaigns through the years

By Kara Santos Published Aug 30, 2022 2:10 pm Updated Aug 30, 2022 3:13 pm

Slogans play a large part in promoting a travel destination and attracting tourists not only within the country, but all over the world.

Just think of "Incredible India," "Amazing Thailand," and "Malaysia, Truly Asia." These slogans immediately bring images of the destinations to mind. Some country’s tourism slogans are just so timeless and have great recall value that tourists know exactly what to expect.  

For the past 10 years, the Philippines has been using “It’s More Fun in the Philippines” as its main tourism slogan. But with a new administration in place this year, the campaign could soon change. 

In a report by earlier this month, current Tourism Secretary Christina Frasco said that the Department of Tourism (DOT) was considering replacing the slogan with a new one anchored on making the Filipino brand more “distinct.”

The tourism chief said the new branding campaign will “take into consideration the change in circumstances, citing that amid the COVID-19 pandemic, people are now in search for substantial and immersive experiences anchored on cultural experience.”

While the tourism agency is still brewing up a new campaign, since travel borders are reeopning, now seems like a good time to take a look back at some of the hits and misses in tourism marketing of the Philippines.

The country has had its fair share of different promotional slogans through the years. A Wall Street Journal article published in 2001 pointed out that for years, the country struggled to find a catchy slogan. The report cited campaigns in the past including "Philippines: Where Asia Wears A Smile," " Fiesta Islands Philippines ," "Rediscovery Philippines" and the almost-apologetic "Consider the Philippines." 

In an official proclamation, then-president Cory Aquino declared 1989 as the Philippine Fiesta Year. A national council was also created to promote the country as the Fiesta Islands of 1989. 

However, it was two decades ago when one of the most memorable slogans in local tourism was born.

WOW Philippines (2002)

WOW Philippines was used as the campaign and tagline for tourism from 2002 to 2010. The tagline, which had the sub-slogan "More Than the Usual” was conceptualized by then Department of Tourism secretary Richard "Dick" Gordon in 2002 under the term of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. 

The promotional campaign was reportedly based on the 24-month Visit Philippines 2003 campaign by the World Tourism Organization, which aimed to encourage overseas Filipinos to visit tourism destinations in their home country. The slogan was also an attempt to rebrand the Philippines to highlight tropical white-sand beaches and diverse attractions to counter the country's negative portrayal in the media due to political instability and conflicts during those times.

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The logo, which used mainly primary colors of red and blue, incorporated unique elements of Philippine culture including a jeepney and festival mask, as well as a sun, coconut tree, diver and boat to reflect the tropical beaches and landscapes. 

WOW actually doubled as an acronym, referring to several different aspects about Philippine travel including “Wealth of Wonders” (tourist attractions), “Warm Over Winter” (beaches), “Wild Over Water”(water-based adventures), and “Wacko Over Wildlife” (for the country’s rich indigenous flora and fauna), among others. 

The WOW Philippines campaign was considered highly successful and managed to put the Philippines on the world tourism map for the first time. Incidentally, the former tourism secretary also used "WOW Dick" as his campaign slogan when he ran for senator, banking on the campaign's popuilarity. 

Pilipinas Kay Ganda (2010)

Pilipinas Kay Ganda (which literally translates to "Philippines, So Beautiful") was a short-lived campaign launched by DOT back in 2010 which (thankfully) failed to take off. Initially aimed to replace the WOW Philippines campaign, the logo and branding used similar colors and elements as the former logo including a sun and coconut tree (with a smiling face), a tarsier, and wavy lines to signify the beach and tropical island vibe. 

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Unfortunately, the slogan and associated logo received a lot of flak from the Filipino public when it was first released, prematurely to the public, according to the advertising agency Campaigns & Grey, which supervised the design. A controversy arose because the logo bore a similar look to the logo of the Polish tourism campaign, Polska in terms of style, colors and font design used. 

The widespread criticism led to the eventual scrapping of the new slogan by no less than President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III and the resignation of the country's then-Tourism Secretary, Alberto Lim.  

It’s More Fun in the Philippines (2012)

In 2012, the DOT started a brand new campaign that aimed to brand the Philippines as the perfect destination for beach bums and dive lovers. The slogan "It's More Fun in the Philippines" was conceptualized with the help of BBDO Guerrero and Proximity Philippines under then Tourism Secretary Ramon Jimenez Jr., an advertising executive.

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The punchy slogan aimed to show what sets the country apart from others in terms of the “fun factor” and entice foreign visitors to visit our shores. The colorful logo showed recreated the Philippine map in a textile type weave, while the official AVP highlighted the diverse islands, beaches, tourist sites, festivals and food of the country. The visuals, set to fast-paced music, were dynamic and exciting and highlighted the unique aspects and culture of the country that adventurous foreign tourists could look forward to.

The “More Fun” slogan caught on and became wildly popular with Pinoy users submitting their own photos and reasons why the Philippines was "more fun" with the help of an online meme maker. The user-generated ads that channeled the pride of millions of Filipinos managed to gain a lot of traction in promoting the country overseas, resulting in higher tourist arrivals for the country. 

The Tourism Promotions Board also collaborated with world renowned artist and Philippine Tourism Ambassador for one of the promotional campaigns.

Under this campaign, from 2011 to 2016, tourist arrivals and revenues almost doubled, and the Philippines improved 20 places in a tourism competitive index among nations.

Experience the Philippines (2016)

In 2016, there were talks that the “It’s More Fun” slogan would be replaced to reflect then President Rodrigo Duterte’s goal to institute reforms in the country.

At one point, former tourism secretary Wanda Teo planned to scrap the campaign in 2017 and replace it with “Experience the Philippines,” a more emotional approach that aimed to tug at the heartstrings of viewers. The minimalist logo retained the monochomatic colors in the Philippines text and a smaller "It's more fun in the Philippines" tagline in a smaller white font right below.

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Right in time for Philippine Independence Day, the Department of Tourism l aunched the TV commercial "Sights" produced by McCann Worldgroup Philippines which featured a Japanese retiree wearing a tourist hat and dark glasses named M. Uchimura touring the different destinations in the Philippines. The ad, which eventually revealed that the retiree was visually-impaired, ended with a voice-over saying, “here, you don’t have to see the sun to discover radiance. You don’t have to see colors to experience vibrance. You don’t have to see smiles to know you are safe.” 

At the time, the campaign drew mixed reactions on social media, with many netizens skeptical about promoting the Philippines as a PWD-friendly destination, and pointing out all the negative events happening around the country. Netizens were also quick to draw comparisons to the “Rediscover South Africa” advertisement, which shared a similar concept and plot twist, and criticize the campaign's lack of originality.  

It’s More Fun in the Philippines / More Fun Awaits (present)

Bernadette Romulo Puyat decided to retain the “More Fun” campaign when she was appointed DOT chief mid-2018. However, the former logo was given a slight makeover and got refreshed with a custom-made Philippine-inspired font called Barabara, inspired by lettering seen on jeepneys. The Philippine map logo got simplified with just a few lines. 

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The new design was said to be more “rooted in traditional motifs and colors” while the new logo was inspired by local woven textiles, and is considered as the “core of a fresh graphic identity system” symbolizing the DOT’s fun, contemporary, and more sustainable offerings.

During the pandemic era when travel borders were closed, DOT also launched its "More Fun Awaits" campaign with the same look to promote newly-developed products and packages featuring different activities, experiences, destinations and attractions for tourists to discover and enjoy in the country once it's safe to travel again.

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The new ads were notably not as fast-paced and frenetic as the earlier “It’s More Fun” ads, and highlighted mainly the outdoor attractions and safety and health protocols of travel during the new normal.

Which of these tourism slogans is your favorite? Do you think it's time for another tourism campaign makeover now that travel borders everywhere are starting to reopen?

TAGS: travel tourism Tourism slogans

Kara Santos

Kara Santos is a freelance writer and photographer based in Manila. Her blog at is where she writes about travel, motorcycling, and food trips.


  1. Department of Tourism (DOT): What You Need to Know

    department of tourism tagalog

  2. Department of Tourism (Philippines)

    department of tourism tagalog

  3. Philippine Department Of Tourism Slogans Through The Years

    department of tourism tagalog

  4. Department of Tourism Philippines

    department of tourism tagalog

  5. Tourism Quality Seal

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  6. ‘Love the Philippines’ is country’s new tourism slogan

    department of tourism tagalog


  1. Kagawaran ng Turismo (Pilipinas) Ang Kagawaran ng Turismo (Ingles: Department of Tourism ), ang kagawarang tagapagpaganap ng pamahalaan ng Pilipinas na may tungkulin ukol sa alintuntunin ng industriyang panturismo sa Pilipinas at ang pagpapakilala sa Pilipinas bilang isang destinasyon.

  2. Department of Tourism (Philippines)

    The Department of Tourism (Filipino: Kagawaran ng Turismo, DOT) is the executive department of the Philippine government responsible for the regulation of the Philippine tourism industry and the promotion of the Philippines as a tourist destination. History.

  3. Department of Tourism (DOT): What You Need to Know

    The Department of Tourism (DOT) is the primary planning, implementing, and regulatory government agency tasked to develop and promote the Philippine tourism industry, both domestic and international. The agency is also tasked to manage, operate, and maintain all government-owned tourism facilities. It is the sole owner of all Philippine tourism ...

  4. Department of Tourism

    Department of Tourism - Philippines, Makati. 887,523 likes · 2,088 talking about this · 17,890 were here. The official Facebook page of the Philippines Department of Tourism. 151-TOUR (8687)

  5. Key Officials

    Department Secretary Hon. Ma. Esperanza Christina Garcia Frasco biography. Philippine Tourism Secretary Christina Garcia Frasco is a former three-term mayor of the Municipality of Liloan in the Province of Cebu before she was catapulted to the executive branch of government when President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. handpicked her to join his Cabinet and lead the Department of Tourism (DOT) in 2022.

  6. Department of Tourism

    Department of Tourism - Philippines, Makati. 887,510 like · 3,477 ang pinag-uusapan ito · 17,885 (na) ang pumunta dito. The official Facebook page of the Philippines Department of Tourism. ...

  7. Mission and Vision

    1973. 1973. 1973. Established in 1973, the Department of Tourism (DOT) is the Philippines' executive office responsible for the regulation and promotion of the Philippine tourism industry. DOT's mission is to encourage, promote, and develop tourism as a major socio-economic activity to generate foreign currency and local employment ...

  8. Home

    fusing military heritage with cultural tourism while increasing safety and security of tourists at the walled city May 21, 2024 The Department of Tourism (DOT), in partnership with the Intramuros Administration (IA) and the Armed Forces of the Philippines...

  9. General Information

    LANGUAGES There are two official languages in the Philippines—Filipino and English. Filipino which is based on Tagalog, is the national language. English is also widely used and is the medium of instruction in higher education. There are also eight (8) major languages spoken by majority of the Filipinos: Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilocano, Hiligaynon or Ilonggo, Bicol, … General Information Read ...

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    In 2017, the Department of Tourism under then Tourist Secretary Wanda Teo launched a spin-off to the "It's More Fun" campaign, which focused on highlighting Filipino family values.

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    Filipino Brand of Service Excellence (FBSE) is one of the flagship training programs of the DOT, envisioned to provide all front liners in the tourism and hospitality industry with a benchmark on how to render excellent service to our tourists the Filipino way, and make it our "brand". #DOTTrains. #findyourselfinthecordilleras.

  13. Department of Tourism-Philippines

    The Department of Tourism (DOT) endeavors to ensure the tourism resiliency of the country's prime destination, El Nido, Palawan, through the full implementation of the Sustainable Tourism Development Project (STDP) this year. ... The Department of Tourism (DOT) commits to sustain the Filipino brand of hospitality and service to stranded ...


    shall instill in the Filipino the industry's fundamental importance in the generation of employment, investment and foreign exchange. SECTION 6. Powers and Functions. - The Department shall have the following powers and functions: a) Formulate tourism policies, plans, and projects for the development of tourism as

  15. Department of Tourism-Philippines

    Tourism Demand Statistics . Philippine Tourism Satellite Account. 2000 - 2022; Visitor Arrivals to the Philippines

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  17. Explore more things to love!

    Find out the many charming attractions, adventures, and cuisine that await you in The Philippines. Make your plans and book tours and accommodations instantly.

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    The tourism industry in the Philippines lost some $8 billion in 2020 because of the pandemic. Filipinos are being encouraged to travel domestically to try to restart a crucial sector of the economy.

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    Here is a video from the Philippine Department of Tourism featuring the country's top artists. They sing "Biyahe Tayo", a song with a catchy rhythm and tune ...

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  22. People and Religion

    The Filipino is basically of Malay stock with a sprinkling of Chinese, American, Spanish, and Arab blood. The Philippines has a population of 76.5 million as of May 2000, and it is hard to distinguish accurately the lines between stocks. From a long history of Western colonial rule, interspersed with the visits of merchants and … People and Religion Read More »

  23. #TravelThrowback: Philippine tourism slogans and campaigns through the

    WOW Philippines was used as the campaign and tagline for tourism from 2002 to 2010. The tagline, which had the sub-slogan "More Than the Usual" was conceptualized by then Department of Tourism secretary Richard "Dick" Gordon in 2002 under the term of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. The promotional campaign was reportedly based on the 24-month Visit ...