Your travel expert

Our travel experts are at your service to help you make your business trips more efficient, cheaper and more comfortable.

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Read here our messages regarding the corona measures, your business travel partner for :.

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+35 years of business travel experience

Our core business! UNIGLOBE Travel offers businesses the most comprehensive service in terms of business travel. Our experienced and enthusiastic team of travel experts will be happy to assist you.

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Bespoke advice

Our collaboration starts with an analysis of your needs and wishes. This way we can develop your ideal travel policy together with you.

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Manage your traveller profile

Make your own online bookings or call on your travel expert? Together we can save on your travel budget

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24/7 support and service

Your UNIGLOBE travel expert provides guaranteed budget savings without compromising on your travel comfort. In short, if you take care of business, we’ll take care of the rest!

... or choose your favourite holiday destination

Who is uniglobe.

For over 35 years we have been offering companies and business travellers the very best service in terms of business travel. You can rely on us.

A passionate and enthusiastic team of travel professionals is ready to share its experience and knowledge so you can benefit from the very best service and solutions.


Working closely together gives us a profound insight into your business, enabling us to propose bespoke solutions and maximise the value for money of your travel costs.

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Consummate professionalism

UNIGLOBE invests heavily in the education and training of its staff. Our constant analyses enable us to cut your travel expenses without compromising on travel comfort. 

Global network

With subsidiaries in more than 60 countries UNIGLOBE is the largest independent travel organisation in the world . Our global franchise network combines more than 35 years of business travel experience and generates an annual turnover of € 4 billion. Our shared purchasing power enables us to negotiate optimum travel options across the globe at the most competitive tariffs.

More about our network

UNIGLOBE enhances range of professional services with Olympus Mobility platform

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Uniglobe Top Travel

  • 4P – Your Advantages

Greven +49 2571 9174-0    |    Email

Stuttgart +49 711 120455-0    |    Email

You landed in the right place … … at the 4P’s that will simplify your Business Travel Management to your advantage.

Business Travel needs to be managed with a focus not only on your trip, but also on your company’s success. After all, you travel to facilitate your company’s success. Accordingly, your business trip should be easy and perfect. Make your travel easier and more advantageous. With Uniglobe’s 4P Approach.

Perform better

DVKG Visa Application > easily and directly here. DVKG Country Information > information quickly and efficiently.

Efficient and worthwile. Schedule your brief telephone consultation now..

Flight online check-in here

Uniglobe 4P's

Save costs, time and stress with Uniglobe’s 4P Approach.

Uniglobe’s 4P Approach unlocks the door to decisive advantages for your business dealings worldwide. Contact us now.

More personalized. More productive. More price optimized. More perfect.

360° full service , setting standards in all areas. for your perfect business trip..

700 agencies in 60 countries. Uniglobe is your leading expert for global business travel. Benefit from 40 plus years of expertise. Take local advantage of Uniglobe’s global travel experience.

Designated travel consultants for you. Our dedicated team of expert business travel consultants will research the best connections, fares and find the most innovative and beneficial alternatives for you. You can alternately book by yourself using the Uniglobe App or online booking tool. You will be assisted by state-of-the-art technologies, live chats or telephone support.

Reliable global crisis and security management tools enable you to locate your travelers anytime and provide them up-to-date information about their destination.

Your Business Travel Management with Uniglobe: Reliable, efficient, advantageous for you. Contact us now.

360° Full Service


Trip Planning

Trip Approval

Travel Bookings

Travel Documents

Controlling, travel expense management, security management, travel implementation.

Your access to the best fares. Expert assistance in establishing or improving your business travel policy. We negotiate with airlines, hotels, and car rental suppliers on your behalf.

Travel Planning

Finding your best routing alternatives by our travel experts and online tools.

Travel Approval

Integrated travel approval with the Uniglobe App or online booking tool.

Perfectly designed trips with your designated travel consultant

All components of your trip in a well-organized itinerary.

All conventional payment methods as well as vouchers for hotel and rental cars.

More safety through a reliable crisis and security management as well as a 24/7 emergency hotline.

Receive pre-trip and in-trip travel alerts as well as medical-service-assistance during disasters or other emergencies.

Well-organized digital travel expense reports. Saves paper, time, and hassles.

Focused consolidated travel reports and meeting reviews, retrievable online or presented personally.

Global player

Uniglobe Agencies globally: Perfectly networked to your advantage.

Countries with Uniglobe offices: e.g., to facilitate local bookings.

BN USD global sales volume: A strong partner with strong advantages.

Team members globally: Concentrated international   know-how.

Best testmonials are best credentials

Enthusiastic clients continually motivate the Uniglobe team to top performance. Let’s talk.

uniglobe tm travel

„Wir buchen unsere Geschäftsreisen über  UNIGLOBE  Smart Travel, weil wir die Kompetenz, Flexibilität und die Freundlichkeit der Mitarbeiter, auch bei komplexen Buchungen, schätzen. “

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„Für knifflige und Spezialaufgaben konnten wir uns immer auf das Uniglobe Focus Team verlassen. Ich denke z.B. an den aufziehenden Sturm, der später den Flughafen München lahmlegte. Sie haben es geschafft, sehr kurzfristig mehrere unserer europäischen Gäste eines Meetings auf frühere Flüge umzubuchen, damit diese dem Unwetter zuvorkommen und alle an diesem Tag noch nach Hause konnten.

Diesen Service bietet uns wohl keine anonyme Callcenter-Hotline und kein Internet-Anbieter, und dafür sind wir bereit, eine Service-Gebühr zu zahlen.“

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Seit wir mit  UNIGLOBE  TM Travel zusammen arbeiten, haben wir die Möglichkeit online auf die Statistiken aller Reisen und Archivierungsvorschriften zuzugreifen.

Mit  UNIGLOBE  arbeiten wir regelmäßig über eine Reihe von Jahren zusammen. Mit dem Know-how, der Qualität und der Zuverlässigkeit sind wir sehr zufrieden. Damit kommen wir erstmalig in den Genuss, per Online auf das Reporting von unseren Geschäftsreisen und die Archiv Bestimmungen für unserer Passagiere zuzugreifen. So können wir uns besser organisieren und haben immer aktuelle Informationen über unsere Geschäftsreisen zur Verfügung.

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„Für die immer größere Anzahl an internationalen Reisebuchungen von Flug über Mietwagen und Hotelbuchungen für unsere globale Unternehmensgruppe waren wir lange Zeit auf der Suche nach einer Komplettlösung. Die haben wir mit  UNIGLOBE  Smart Travel gefunden. Das  UNIGLOBE -Team leistet seither hervorragende Arbeit und unterstützt uns schnell, umfassend und zuverlässig bei der täglichen Reiseplanung mit ihrem freundlichen und aufgeschlossenen Service. Da macht die Zusammenarbeit Spaß.“

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„UNIGLOBE Focus Travel zeichnet sich nicht nur durch sein umfangreiches Angebot und kompetentes Service, sondern auch durch seine schnelle und unkomplizierte Abwicklung aus. Die Online-Buchungsplattform ist übersichtlich und intuitiv zu bedienen. Dank der persönlichen Nachbearbeitung der Onlinebuchungen oder E-Mail-Anfragen werden die Reisekosten regelmäßig optimiert oder zusätzliche Alternativen angeboten.

Die Unterstützung während der Reise oder die Rückerstattung von Reisekosten im Stornofall gehören genauso zu den Stärken von  UNIGLOBE . Trotz zeitkritischer oder schwieriger Anfragen bleiben die Mitarbeiter immer professionell und freundlich. Die Betreuung erfolgt oft telefonisch und gibt damit unserer langjährigen Zusammenarbeit eine persönliche Note.“

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„Wir buchen unsere Geschäftsreisen seit Jahren über  UNIGLOBE  Smart Travel, weil wir die Online-Buchungsmöglichkeiten schätzen und das Engagement für attraktive Ticketpreise überzeugt.“

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„Wir bewerten  UNIGLOBE  Network Travel wie folgt:

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*Wir buchen unsere Geschäftsreisen über  UNIGLOBE  Top Travel, weil

  • wir schnelle Antworten und Beratungen vorziehen
  • weil wir die Online Buchungsmöglichkeit mit Serviceunterstützung schätzen*

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“Das Online-Reservierungsportal e-Travel ermöglicht uns eine unkomplizierte, schnelle und übersichtliche Reiseplanung, durch das ein reibungsloser Ablauf erzielt wird. Zur Unterstützung steht uns jederzeit das freundliche und hilfsbereite Team von  UNIGLOBE  zur Seite, das durch deren Kompetenzen und kurze Reaktionszeit auf alle Arten der Anforderungen perfekt eingehen kann.”

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„Wir buchen unsere Geschäftsreisen über  UNIGLOBE  Smart Travel, weil wir die Online Buchungsmöglichkeit über das anerkannte Amadeus-System in Verbindung mit dem professionellen, persönlichen Service schätzen.“

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„Wir arbeiten mit Uniglobe Smart Travel zusammen, weil der Service zu 100% unseren Erwartungen entspricht:

  • Die telefonische Erreichbarkeit ist ausgezeichnet
  • Angebote werden innerhalb von wenigen Stunden zugesandt
  • Die Mitarbeiter merken sich Präferenzen und denken mit, dass immer das beste Preis-Leistungsverhältnis angeboten wird
  • Auch während des Auslandsaufenthaltes wird einem im Problemfall sehr schnell geholfen; entweder direkt vom Büro aus, oder über die Hotline. Diese Hotline wird ebenfalls von Profis besetzt und nicht, wie bei anderen Unternehmen, von Personen, die sich nur wenig auskennen“

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Angebote für Flüge, Hotels und Mietwagen erhalten wir in wenigen Minuten. Die Zusammenarbeit mit  UNIGLOBE  hat viele positive Veränderungen mit sich gebracht. Angebote für Flüge und Hotels haben wir in nur wenigen Minuten. Außerdem wissen wir immer, dass uns die professionellen Dienstleistungen von TM Travel während der gesamten Reise für die Passagiere zur Verfügung stehen.

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“Wir buchen unsere Geschäftsreisen über  UNIGLOBE  Top Travel, weil

  • wir es mit freundlichen und kompetenten Mitarbeitern zu tun haben.
  • uns das Engagement der Mitarbeiter für das Erreichen optimaler Ticketpreise überzeugt.
  • von uns die Erreichbarkeit an Wochenenden und Feiertagen über eine 24/7 Hotline gewünscht wird.”

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“Das Team von Uniglobe Network Travel überzeugt auf der ganzen Linie durch schnelle Reaktionszeiten und vorausschauende Reiseplanung. Ich muss nicht mehr selbst das beste Angebot suchen. Das macht Uniglobe Network Travel für mich. Dabei werden durch meinen persönlichen Ansprechpartner meine Präferenzen berücksichtigt. Für mich alternativlos.”

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Die Vorschläge umfassen mehrere konkurrierende Angebote.

Mit  UNIGLOBE  TM Travel arbeiten wir schon fünf Jahre zusammen. Vertrauen basiert auf Transparenz der Arbeit und regelmäßige Informationen über die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Preise auf dem Markt zum Zeitpunkt der Nachfrage. Gegenseitigen Austausch von Erfahrungen, Innovationen, Entwicklungen im Bereich der Geschäftsreisen ermöglicht unseren Passagieren eine bessere Wahl. Die Vorschläge umfassen mehr wettbewerbsfähige Angebote von den nahe gelegenen Flughäfen. Das alles bietet uns  UNIGLOBE  TM Travel. Zusätzlich profitieren wir von GoOpti – einer Low-Cost-Car-Company der gleichen Eigentümer, die Passagiere zum nahe gelegenen Flughafen fährt.

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„Wir sind seit über 10 Jahren zufriedener Kunde von  UNIGLOBE  Focus Travel und schätzen die schnelle Antwortzeiten auch außerhalb der Geschäftszeiten.“

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Wir buchen unsere Geschäftsreisen über  UNIGLOBE  Top Travel, weil wir persönliche, kompetente Ansprechpartner einer anonymen Hotline vorziehen.

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“Unsere Anfragen wurden in kürzester Zeit bearbeitet und der Service und die Beratungsqualität sind stets sehr gut.”

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„Wir arbeiten gern mit  UNIGLOBE  Smart Travel zusammen, weil:

  • Wir freundlich und kompetent beraten werden.
  • Wir neue Alternativen für Reiseoptionen aufgezeigt bekommen
  • Wir uns auf  UNIGLOBE  verlassen können.“

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„Für viele unserer Mitarbeiter ist es alltäglich geworden, ihre Dienstreisen mit dem Flugzeug zu absolvieren, sowohl im Verkauf als auch in der Projektbetreuung.

UNIGLOBE  Focus Travelbietet uns die Möglichkeit unsere Reisen selbständig online zu planen und zu buchen. Bei kurzfristigen Terminen und Terminänderungen vertrauen wir seit Jahren auf die unverzügliche Unterstützung durch unseren Reisepartner  UNIGLOBE  Focus Travel, der in Notfällen durch die Rescue Line sogar 24 Stunden erreichbar ist.“

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„Der persönliche und innovative Service von Uniglobe Focus Travel, sowie dessen engagierte Mitarbeiter passen perfekt zu unserer Firmenphilosophie. Während unserer seit 2009 andauernden Partnerschaft haben wir vor allem das umfassende Fachwissen und die hohe Flexibilität zu schätzen gelernt.

Wir freuen uns mit einem so zuverlässigen Partner zusammenarbeiten zu können.“

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„Wir wickeln unsere Flugbuchungen seit einigen Jahren über  UNIGLOBE  Focus Travel ab und sind mit der Zusammenarbeit sehr zufrieden. Die Reaktionszeit ist sehr kurz und wir erhalten immer die besten Vorschläge hinsichtlich Flugroute und Preis, wobei unsere Reiserichtlinien und der Wunsch nach möglichst kurzen Transferzeiten berücksichtigt werden. Besonders angenehm finde ich, dass die Berater einfach wissen, was wir wollen, und auch der persönliche Kontakt am Telefon sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit ist.“

Sustainable travel

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Why is business travel with Uniglobe more sustainable ?

While videoconferencing can replace some travel, certain business trips are indispensable for various reasons. The sustainability challenge will continue to impose change.

The Uniglobe team appreciates and assists you in your efforts to align your business travel sustainably. Much business travel will continue to be essential to developing new markets, building new business relationships and trust as well as assembling, installing, or servicing machinery, tools and equipment. Furthermore, many meetings require a personal presence for effective communication and negotiation. Yet not all travel is essential. In addition, the means of transportation can be selected prudently.

Uniglobe supports you in your sustainable travel efforts.

  • Documented Travel Carbon Footprint calculations showing each trip’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)
  • Careful and economic trip design, e.g., with efficient multi-stop trips rather than several single trips
  • Integrating sustainability in your travel policy
  • Considering rail as an alternative for short trips
  • All documents and infos via the Uniglobe App, saving paper
  • Recommending sustainable hotels
  • Eco-friendly car rentals

Contact us to help you advance the sustainability of your business travel management.

Let’s talk

We are happy to help your company leverage more business travel advantages.

The achieved benefits will speak for themselves

Only a small step for you. With big advantages. Call or mail us now. +49 2571 9174-0

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Travel news you should not miss. Subscribe to our newsletter now.

Up-to-date monthly business-travel news directly to your email inbox, free of charge.s

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Smart und Top Travel GmbH

Kerkstiege 28 48268 Greven +49 2571 9174-0 [email protected]

Wilhelmstr. 9 70182 Stuttgart +49 711 120455-0 [email protected]

Die Reiseschneiderei Bronngasse 17/1 71083 Herrenberg +49 7032 24061 [email protected]

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© 2023 Smart und Top Travel GmbH

Privacy Overview

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Münster - UNIGLOBE Smart Travel

Stuttgart - uniglobe top travel, münchen - uniglobe network travel, münchen - uniglobe expert travel traunstein - uniglobe focus travel, business travel solutions locally & around the world.

UNIGLOBE ® is one of the leading specialists for business travel with more than 700 agencies in 60 countries worldwide, serving clients just like you. You benefit directly by locally accessing our primed 30 plus years of service excellence. Our business travel management expertise goes beyond booking travel services or fully managing your incentive events. You can tap into our state-of-art competence in designing, improving or implementing your travel policy as well as streamlining your internal travel management processes.

What our customers are saying about us

Click on one Logo and the testimonials will appear!

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Telekom Slowenije

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Studio Moderna

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HEYtex & BondCote

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Udo Leinhäuser

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Beumer Group

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BW International

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Morgan Advanced Materials

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August Faller KG

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KTR Systems GmbH

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Gustav Klein GmbH & Co. KG

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Bitzer SE Management

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Bayrische Milchindustrie

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SPARX System

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MBM Maschinenbau Mühldorf GmbH

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Uniglobe ® Newsletter

Get the latest and most relevant news about the world of business travel.

Stay up to date with the most pertinent news about air travel, hotel accommodations, business travel, rail travel and car rentals, by receiving our monthly newsletter directly into your inbox. Click here to receive our current newsletter. (Only in German)

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Direct-dial access to your dedicated travel consultant

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Save money through our lower-fare international ticket procurement

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Your online bookings are reviewed and optimized by UNIGLOBE ®

Hotel booking

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Here you can book your own hotel. The hotel content is large with attractive offers from, Expedia etc.


  • Uniglobe app

Expert Travel Management

We give you expert advice and tools to simplify your travel management program. Manage everything yourself or let us handle the day-to-day details.

Your travel partner at home and around the world

Our service promise.

Our team of travel professionals provides you with the best booking options to meet every requirement. For 40 years, we’ve built our brand on key attributes: Responsiveness, dependability, flexibility and trust. Annual satisfaction surveys ensure we remain focused on our customers’ expectations. And at Uniglobe, we’re like family – just a call or email away.

Risk management and duty of care

Risk is everywhere, and you never know when a travel disruption will occur. We offer systems and tools to fulfil your duty of care obligation and equip travellers with the knowledge and resources they need to stay safe while on the road.

Policy consultation

Our account management team will meet with you to understand your business needs and culture, and work together to develop or fine-tune your business travel policy.

24/7 support

At Uniglobe, personalized customer care is our service promise. Real people are available to support your needs via phone or email. You can relax knowing we’ll be there if you need us, day or night, anywhere in the world.

uniglobe tm travel

Uniglobe Reporter lets you view your travel spend in real time. Choose from on-demand or scheduled delivery of spend detail. Your account manager is always available to help you review, analyze and adjust your spend.

Self-booking options

We offer an array of online booking options that let you view and select trip choices within your company’s set travel policies. Our team is always available to answer questions and assist with complicated bookings.

Automated quality control

Uniglobe TripCheck is our automated “super-agent” that works behind the scenes to source and find lower fares and better seats; it also ensures all applicable company and traveller information is correctly applied.

Traveller Profiles

We keep detailed profiles on your travelers to ensure efficiency each time we work with you.  For select accounts, we make these profiles available to you and your travelers to update and manage yourselves.

We make it easy for travel arrangers to work with us. 

Meetings and Events

Meetings and Events

Global Solutions

Global Solutions

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The Next Generation of Travel Management

uniglobe tm travel

In today’s travel landscape, change is the only constant. You expect better fares, reporting, savings and customer service, using all the latest technologies to save you time, money and trouble. At Uniglobe, we make accessing the tools you need fast, easy and seamless online or by e‐mail, in person or over the phone. Take control or leave the details to us: we stand behind every reservation. At Uniglobe, we understand your travel needs, and we implement a service solution that meets your expectations.

COVID Travel Info

Your safety is our priority. For the latest on COVID-19 travel guidance, please visit our dedicated Travel Well page.

Happy Team Happy Life

Learn how we can customize a travel program your employees will love and will bring you cost savings.

Our World, Your Adventure

Be the first to receive the things we know you'll love—from special offers and events to news and exclusive travel inspiration.

“Uniglobe has been fantastic to work with. The team has been very responsive to all my requests, and the project came together much better than I had even hoped for. They not only supplied everything I requested but suggested and sent reports, etc. in a format that she knew would be helpful. And I also have a new friend!” 

– thom battles (travel nurse across america), "for the past 15 years uniglobe has faithfully served lifeshape in planning our international travel, and they are the best. we highly recommend that you do business with the team at uniglobe as they specialize in international travel, and they are servants of their clients.", -(lifeshape), "we are so impressed with the consultant we worked with and the rest of the team. we have had nothing but excellent service from uniglobe. we recommend you to all of our friends and family.", - tim (vacation client), "the consultant i deal with at uniglobe is very professional. she cares about us and works with us, even when things get complicated. i wouldn't consider using anyone else.", -lee (corporate traveler).

Business Travel

Business Travel

Uniglobe Vacations

Uniglobe Vacations

Group Travel

Group Travel

Entertainment and Production Travel

Entertainment and Production Travel

Our Culture

Our Culture



Choose your next destination., travel ideas and tips, how safe is flying today, what to expect in the new world of travel, coronavirus: your safety is our priority, what will happen to my loyalty program status, getting the most out of virtual meetings.

  • Uniglobe app

Sledenje letov


S pomočjo aplikacije UNIGLOBE® ste vedno dobro informirani, saj vas pravočasno obvesti o vseh spremembah potovanja (zamude, odpovedi, sprememba vrat za vkrcanje na let).

Spletna obvestila lahko priročno pregledujete kar na svojem pametnem telefonu, kamor lahko prejmete tudi vaš načrt potovanja in vstopni kupon za let, telefon pa sinhronizirate s svojim koledarjem.

PREDNOST: kadarkoli in kjerkoli lahko povsem enostavno dostopate do vseh potrebnih in aktualnih informacij, ki so priročno zbrane na enem mestu – v eni sami aplikaciji za vse letalske družbe.

OBVLADOVANJE KRIZNIH RAZMER Odpovedi, zamude in naravne nesreče se dogajajo! Če na potovanju naletite na težave, vam stojimo ob strani. Medtem ko bodo drugi potniki čakali v vrsti, se bomo osredotočili neposredno na vaše potrebe ter hitro in učinkovito poiskali rešitev.

Meetings and Conferences

Our dedicated meeting and incentive travel planning consultants negotiate the best group pricing to deliver exceptional value on hotels, meeting spaces and airfares, from sought-after cities to unique global destinations.

Incentive Travel

Our travel experts work with you to identify the perfect destination, create personalized experiences, and ensure everything runs smoothly.

Student Groups

Over the last 25 years, Uniglobe Travel Designers has coordinated hundreds of student groups, ranging in size from 10 to 1000 travelers per group, for both domestic and international itineraries.


Group travel, whether we are accommodating 10 or 1,000 travelers, our expert group travel consultants ensure that you receive the lowest rates, latest technology, smartest innovations, and the simplest solutions to create a trip that exceeds expectations. our group travel experience extends to conferences, university athletics, fan-based travel, meeting and incentive trips, company retreats, club and alumni group travel and study abroad experiences., our professional and courteous group travel staff understands that each program is unique, and that every aspect of each event requires the highest level of responsiveness. our commitment to customer service and attention to detail means our team focuses on all aspects of travel including:, destination/site selection, contract negotiations, securing scheduled and charter air (domestic and international), hotel/lodging accommodations, bus charters, limousine service, sport and entertainment tickets, site inspections, meals, banquet and catering services, sports equipment accommodations, visa/passport services, advice on immunizations, museum/cultural event coordination and ticketing, sightseeing/points of interest, securing of tour guide services, ground transportation, pre-payment services (for hotel and bus), meeting space/classroom facility bookings, local cultural guides, no detail is too small. we handle every aspect of the group trip, from start to finish.,                                                                                                                                                                                                                        , group travel inquiry, by clicking 'submit', you agree to west enterprise inc dba uniglobe travel designers’ terms of use and privacy policy. you consent to receive phone calls and sms messages from west enterprise inc dba uniglobe travel designers to provide updates and information regarding your business with west enterprise inc dba uniglobe travel designers. message frequency may vary. message & data rates may apply. reply stop to opt-out of further messaging. reply help for more information. see our privacy policy:

If you are a Uniglobe Travel Designers client currently traveling and are in need of assistance, please contact us at the information above or call our 24/7 Rescue Line as listed below. If this is an emergency and you are in a foreign country please contact the local authorities along with the U.S. Department of State at the numbers listed below.

UNIGLOBE 24/7 Rescue Line: 1-800-966-6512 U.S. Department of State: +001 888-407-4747


  1. Uniglobe Travel Logo Download

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  2. Uniglobe Travel Logo PNG Vector (AI) Free Download

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  3. Uniglobe Travel Center

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  4. Uniglobe Travel Global Network Adds Seven TMCs

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  5. Uniglobe Total Travel

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  6. Uniglobe debuts brand new look including updated signage for agencies

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  1. Home Page

    About Uniglobe. COVID-19 info point. For companies. Credit tracking. Cost of Travel . Global network. MICE. For Travellers. Online reservations. 24/7 customer service. Flight tracking. Uniglobe advises. CONTACT US. ... TM Travel. Tehnološki park 18 1000 Ljubljana +386 (0)1 620 45 10. Covid-19 info point

  2. Domača stran

    REŠITVE ZA POSLOVNA POTOVANJA UNIGLOBE® je eden vodilnih specialistov za poslovna potovanja. V več kot 700 poslovalnicah v kar 60 državah z veseljem skrbimo za stranke, kot ste vi. V lokalnih agencijah vam nudimo visokokakovostne storitve zahvaljujoč več kot 30 letnim izkušnjam. ... TM Travel. Tehnološki park 18 1000 Ljubljana +386 (0)1 ...

  3. Home

    Uniglobe travel professionals understand the complexities of business travel and meetings management. What sets us apart? Our unrivalled dependability, responsiveness and obsession to detail. Why choose Uniglobe Travel? We recommend cost-saving strategies and technologies to maximize the value of your budget. Whether you spend $50,000 or $5 ...

  4. About Uniglobe

    UNIGLOBE Travel, was established in 1980 and is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. Our mission. Our mission is to be the leading and most reliable travel management company in the world, setting standards of professionalism and reliability for its clients. ... TM Travel. Tehnološki park 18 1000 Ljubljana +386 (0)1 620 45 10. Covid-19 info point

  5. Uniglobe TM Travel

    Uniglobe TM Travel | 60 followers on LinkedIn. Vse rešitve za poslovna potovanja na enem mestu - tudi v Sloveniji: 01 620 45 11 | REŠITVE ZA POSLOVNA POTOVANJA LOKALNO & GLOBALNO UNIGLOBE® je ...

  6. About Uniglobe

    Uniglobe Travel was founded by award-winning franchise entrepreneur U. Gary Charlwood. Fluent in multiple languages, Charlwood attended Southampton University on a scholarship before parlaying his part-time summer tour guide job into a full-fledged travel industry career. Charlwood opened the first Uniglobe travel agency in British Columbia in ...

  7. UNIGLOBE Travel

    With subsidiaries in more than 60 countries UNIGLOBE is the largest independent travel organisation in the world. Our global franchise network combines more than 35 years of business travel experience and generates an annual turnover of € 4 billion. Our shared purchasing power enables us to negotiate optimum travel options across the globe at ...

  8. Uniglobe Top Travel

    360° Full Service, setting standards in all areas. For your perfect business trip. 700 agencies in 60 countries. Uniglobe is your leading expert for global business travel. Benefit from 40 plus years of expertise. Take local advantage of Uniglobe's global travel experience. Designated travel consultants for you.

  9. Home / Uniglobe Travel

    UNIGLOBE ® is one of the leading specialists for business travel with more than 700 agencies in 60 countries worldwide, serving clients just like you. You benefit directly by locally accessing our primed 30 plus years of service excellence. Our business travel management expertise goes beyond booking travel services or fully managing your ...

  10. About Us

    Uniglobe Travel serves small-to-mid-size corporate accounts and vacation travellers in more than 90-countries, with annual system-wide sales volume of US$5.0+ billion. Uniglobe continues to look for strategic expansion opportunities worldwide in its ongoing quest to be the brand of choice for its primary target market of business travellers.

  11. O Uniglobe

    UNIGLOBE Travel, je bil ustanovljen leta 1980 in ima sedež v Vancouvru, Kanada. UNIGLOBE poslanstvo. Naše poslanstvo je biti vodilno in najbolj zanesljivo podjetje za upravljanje potovanj na svetu, ki svojim strankam postavlja standarde strokovnosti in zanesljivosti. ... TM Travel. Tehnološki park 18 1000 Ljubljana +386 (0)1 620 45 10. Covid ...

  12. UNIGLOBE TM Travel

    UNIGLOBE TM Travel, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 386 likes. Center za poslovna potovanja.

  13. Business Travel

    Business travel management becomes more complex as your workforce grows. Uniglobe Travel works with you to develop custom policies and programs to keep travellers safe, comfortable and productive. With Uniglobe Travel, you'll enjoy preferred access to our exclusive rates and supplier network. Your dedicated travel manager will help you build ...

  14. Destinations

    World Headquarters 1285 West Pender Street, Suite 500 Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 4B1 1-604-718-2600

  15. Travel Management

    Our team of travel professionals provides you with the best booking options to meet every requirement. For 40 years, we've built our brand on key attributes: Responsiveness, dependability, flexibility and trust. Annual satisfaction surveys ensure we remain focused on our customers' expectations. And at Uniglobe, we're like family - just ...

  16. Uniglobe Travel Home Page

    At Uniglobe, we make accessing the tools you need fast, easy and seamless online or by e‐mail, in person or over the phone. Take control or leave the details to us: we stand behind every reservation. At Uniglobe, we understand your travel needs, and we implement a service solution that meets your expectations. Uniglobe Travel - The Little Things.

  17. UNIGLOBE Travel Partners

    UNIGLOBE Travel Partners-Atlanta has had the privilege of providing incentive, group, and mission travel for over 40 years. Our group team of professionals will assure that every detail and all travel options are made available to your group. read more. Entertainment and Production Travel ...

  18. Uniglobe TM Travel on LinkedIn: #tmpotovanja #uniglobe

    Uniglobe TM Travel 60 followers 6mo Report this post Business Travel Awards Europe 2023! Skoraj 1.000 kolegov iz panoge se je v ponedeljek zvečer zbralo v hotelu JW Marriott Grosvenor House v ...

  19. Za potnike

    S pomočjo aplikacije UNIGLOBE® ste vedno dobro informirani, saj vas pravočasno obvesti o vseh spremembah potovanja (zamude, odpovedi, sprememba vrat za vkrcanje na let). ... TM Travel. Tehnološki park 18 1000 Ljubljana +386 (0)1 620 45 10. Covid-19 info točka

  20. Sledenje letov

    S pomočjo aplikacije UNIGLOBE® ste vedno dobro informirani, saj vas pravočasno obvesti o vseh spremembah potovanja (zamude, odpovedi, sprememba vrat za vkrcanje na let). ... TM Travel. Tehnološki park 18 1000 Ljubljana +386 (0)1 620 45 10. Covid-19 info točka

  21. Group Travel

    If this is an emergency and you are in a foreign country please contact the local authorities along with the U.S. Department of State at the numbers listed below. UNIGLOBE 24/7 Rescue Line: 1-800-966-6512. U.S. Department of State: +001 888-407-4747. Details on group services.