Fox 17 West Michigan WXMI

Lavender Life Company begins harvest season and continues its mission to help kids in foster care

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The sweet smell of lavender is inescapable as the harvest is in full bloom at Lavender Life Farms in Caledonia. Take a short trip to the farm and wander to find some serenity

Lavender Life Company's commitment to helping kids in the foster care system has grown so much, that it's become a standalone non-profit. The Fox 17 Morning Mix took a trip to the farm in Caledonia to learn more about the farm's owners, Vic and Vickie, and the work they do beyond the farm.

Lavender Life Farms is hosting the Lavender Harvest Festival now through July 6. Guests can stroll through 30 acres filled with thousands of lavender plants to smell and harvest, visit the barn shop to purchase lavender products and baked goods, and learn about their mission involving the Xander Bunny.

Purchase a car pass for the festival, or start shopping online at .

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  • Carry-On Capsules
  • Travelista Tips
  • Destinations

How to Plan a Mix and Match Travel Capsule

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I thought I’d break down the process of creating a mix and match travel capsule into simple steps you can follow. While the steps are simple, the post is a little long so bookmark it if you have to or download it along with bonus content (that includes some killer worksheets by the way) because I didn’t want to make this post any epically longer than it was already.

But stick with me and hopefully I will take the overwhelm out of this process a little more so that you can confidently pack your carry-on capsule and be a packing light guru yourself one day.

One of the keys to packing light is indeed the mix and match travel wardrobe. It does take a wee, little bit of planning but it does not have to be an overwhelming process. You can approach it in two ways: use a list (or worksheet, like the one I’ve provided) or lay your clothes out or both, whatever works for you. Let’s break it down.


Step 1 – Check the Weather

The first steps in planning your carry-on travel wardrobe is to write down or at least be familiar with the weather conditions you are packing for. Google it, look in a Farmer’s Almanac, ask a friend – whatever you gots to do, just find out what the weather is like at your destination.

Specifically, be aware of the range of temperatures you should be expecting. For instance, the highs may be comfortable but the morning/evening lows may require outerwear or warm layers. Also check for rain conditions. This is key, so don’t skip this step!

Step 2 – Check your Itinerary

Next, take a look at your itinerary and write down your major travel activities. If you aren’t sure of your activities, no worries.

Just try and generalize what you’ll most likely be doing and estimate how much time you’ll spend doing each activity. So typically you’ll be sightseeing, going out to dinner, beachtime – whatever it may be that you will most likely be doing, write this down.

When you write down your activities, estimate how many outfits you might need for each. For instance, if you’ve got a few nice dinners scheduled during a 7 day trip that may require 2 outfits (or one outfit worn multiple times). Let’s say for this same 7 day trip you’ll also be sightseeing most days then you’ll need enough mix and match items to come up with 7 outfits for your 7 days of sightseeing.

This is not the time to speculate or dream about what you’ll be doing like having dinner with Beyonce or the queen of something or attending the opera or whatever fancy scenario you can come up with. For me, it’s thinking that I will actually work out and run on vacation. I bring my workout gear and shoes and NEVER touch them. So once again, just be honest and very realistic about what you’ll be doing during your trip.

If you have a special occasion or specific travel activity that requires particular clothing lay that out or list it first. This is what I call your non-negotiables . If you’re traveling for a wedding, jeans and flats won’t do, you’ll need to pack whatever is appropriate for that event.

Or if you’ve got some serious hikes planned for your trip, the right shoes are key to prevent yourself from being injured. So take note, of whatever specific, non-negotiable clothing needs you may have for your trip and list them or lay them out.

Step 3 – Build your Core Capsule

One way to put together your travel capsule is to start with a foundation of basics and build from there. I call this foundation of travel basics your “Core Capsule” and it should be around 8 items. You can either lay out or list your items during this process. And, don’t worry you will be adding to the Core Capsule in the next step.

Neutral Base Core Capsule Now, I could get very deep on the color wheel and color theory when picking out color palettes for your travel capsule. BUT, the packing process can be difficult enough as it is and honestly adding a color palette component can just make it all too overwhelming.

Unless you’re an art major, you really don’t have to know the difference between complementary and tertiary colors, mmkay. If your closet is anything like mine it’s a complete mish-mosh of patterns and colors. So , I recommend you build your Core Capsule on a base of neutral colored clothing or as close to neutral as possible.

You will be adding more items to your core capsule (don’t worry) and that’s when you can mix in different colors and patterns. If you love color and matching and your closet already has an existing color palette then by all means build your Core Capsule around the palette of your choice. If you are looking for some color palette inspo, check out The Vivienne Files for outfits curated with specific color palettes. For this particular example we will stick to a “core capsule” consisting of neutrals and/or basics you have.

Color Selection The only thing you do have to think about when it comes to color is to be aware of what types of colors are appropriate for your destination. Bright hues might not be the best to pack for your European vacation but they are totally right for more tropical locations. So just do a bit of research about the types of clothing and colors that are suitable for your destination.

Choose Versatile Items When choosing and editing your options you just want to make sure that clothing can be worn with at least 2-3 other items. Don’t stress about this too much and don’t get too tripped up in the travel outfit math. Yes, it would be amazing to make 97 outfits of just 12 items but most of us aren’t traveling for 97 days.

Focus on getting the most use out of your items but don’t let this be a stumbling block. But, yes the more items that match the better your travel capsule will work for you. The longer the trip, the more necessary it is for all of your clothing items to mix and match, unless you are ok with wearing just a few outfit combinations.

Do not pack “one use” items that can only be worn one way unless it’s for a specific travel activity in your travel itinerary. For example, a dressy dress to attend a wedding is completely acceptable. However, don’t pack that same dressy dress if it’s not for a specific event and when another combination of versatile clothing can perform the same function.

Don’t pack any “Just in Case Items” Avoid packing for those “just in case” situations. That will lead to overpacking every single time. Pack only for the weather, your travel activities and your destination. Boom! That’s it. Keep it simple!

A few reminders about the best types of clothes for packing light:

  • Pack Lightweight knits
  • Avoid bulky materials
  • Think in layers and choose items that are “layerable”
  • Flattering clothing you like to wear and feel comfortable in
  • Clothes that fit in with your destination
  • Remember to think “versatile” when choosing items

Let’s start with general clothing categories. You can adjust these categories to suit your wardrobe and travel needs.

Outerwear Even if you are traveling in the summer you may want to pack a light jacket for cool nights. Look at the weather conditions and pick out outerwear that works best for the predicted conditions.

Remember to always wear your bulkiest items in transit. Pack rain gear if it’s appropriate for your destination.

Try and get the most versatile outerwear possible. Sometimes you will have to pack more than one kind of outerwear depending on the type of trip you take and the weather conditions. If you are doing long term travel or traveling through multiple climates you will most likely have to pack more than one type of outerwear.

Prioritize functionality first when selecting outerwear. Sometimes when planning my own travel capsules I account for a functional piece of outerwear along with a more fashionable option. Just determine your outerwear needs according to your trip. By wearing your bulky outerwear in transit you save room in your carry-on suitcase.

My functional piece is generally the Patagonia Nano-Puff and it’s successfully seen me through a number of adverse weather conditions. Best of all, it weighs only 10.5 ounces and it’s so compact and compressible I can literally stuff it in my purse if I’m not using it. I have it in the black color so even in travel situations when it’s my only piece of outerwear it blends in well with the rest of my travel clothes.

Mid-layers Choose a lightweight sweater, either a pullover or cardigan style. Cardigans are versatile items because you can easily slip them on and off to deal with changing temperatures. Sweaters made of lightweight merino wool aren’t bulky and they are highly insulating. However, in colder weather pullovers do a better job at keeping you warm.

When choosing a mid-layer, check that the color complements with whatever outerwear you’ve selected. Read my Guide to Cold Weather Layering here for more on how to pack for colder climates.

Bottoms This can range from jeans to trousers to skirts to shorts. Choose 2 options that fit in with your personal style or preference and of course whatever suits the weather and travel activities. It’s crucial that whatever bottoms you select match all (or most) of your tops and your outerwear.

Try and keep bottom silhouettes similar because it’s easier to match with the same footwear. For instance the shoes that work with a wide leg pant may not work for a skinny jean and vice versa. Shoes that work with shorts may not work with jeans. So keep silhouettes in mind and how they will pair up with your travel shoes.

If you will be packing mostly dresses use this category and the tops category to list out your travel dress options.

Tops Choose whatever tops you find comfortable and that fit in with packing light guidelines above. Pick out up to 4 options that are appropriate for the range of weather conditions of your trip and that can be layered under sweaters easily.

Also look at your travel activities and weather when making your selections. I like to pack 2 lightweight tees (long and/or short sleeve), 1 button down and a blouse. When laying them out or listing them make sure that they complement or match your mid-layer, outerwear and bottoms.

Shoes This is the hardest category, I know! Read my post on How to Pick the best Travel Shoes for more tips on choosing what I like to call the Travelista Trio of shoes. Keep your travel activities in mind and you’ll want to pack at least one comfortable pair for walking.

Remember wear a pair and pack the other two. And don’t hate me too much for suggesting you bring no more than 3 pairs of shoes! It can be done and this will most definitely make you a packing ninja!

Step 4 – Add in your “A la Carte items” Or “Mini-capsules”

Ok, so now that you have your core capsule you can round it out. Add items that will keep your outfits interesting and increase your options. I call these “ A la Carte ” items. Some items you may want to add at this point are some statement pieces or strategic colors and patterns. Remember whatever you add still has to match multiple items and be worn multiple ways. Add clothing like blazers, a second lightweight outerwear option, cardigans and dresses or an extra pair of pants or a skirt.

Or, you can add a “mini-capsule”. Let’s say you are planning on going for hikes or to the beach, pack items for those portions of your trip if you haven’t already. Don’t go crazy here, you want to aim for a “ Travelista 12 ” and keep the capsule at 12 items ideally, 15 items maximum (for trips over 15 days). If you have a specific event or clothing need during your trip that’s not included in your core capsule now is the time to add it.

Now that you have most of your travel outfits established you can add in a few key accessories. A scarf is essential so pick one that complements your carry-on capsule. The same goes for jewelry. Keep it minimal and don’t get carried away with too many accessories. One to three scarves should be plenty, pack a warm one in colder weather. Keep jewelry simple during the day and pack a statement piece for evening. The same goes for handbags. Pack a minimal and functional purse for day and pack a small clutch for evening.

Step 5 – Try Everything on!

Trying clothes on can be time consuming but it’s an important step to make sure your travel capsule will actually work for you. Try on potential outfits for your most common travel activities.

When trying clothes on aim to pick outfits that are comfortable and flattering. You’ll also want to check that items can be layered easily. You don’t have to try on every potential combination because if you’ve planned correctly you’ll end up with dozens and dozens of options (Yay!).

Take pictures on your phone or notes to remind yourself of your favorite travel outfit combos. Also note what you’ll wear during rainy or any other inclement weather if it’s expected during your trip. This would be a good time to choose your airplane outfit as well. Choose something comfortable and always try and wear your bulkiest layers in transit.

Step 6 – Edit

If at any point during or after this process a clothing item or outfit feels a little “meh” and you don’t love it- don’t pack it ! Replace it with clothing you do love or don’t pack it at all. If you’re not loving it at home your feelings won’t change while you’re on your trip. Only pack what you love and feel fabulous in. Especially for longer trips, you really want to love every item in your suitcase.

Some clothes just don’t layer well and that’s ok but only for shorter length trips. If some are in your travel wardrobe just know their limitations and that it will reduce the amount of outfits you can put together. If you’re traveling for an extended period of time then you’ll want to find something more versatile.

Step 7 – Shop if you have to

Sometimes when assembling your travel wardrobe you may find you just don’t have the right pieces to build a whole travel capsule around. This is understandable, because unless you have a wardrobe capsule in everyday life, most of us don’t shop with the idea of capsules in mind. I myself haven’t committed to a capsule wardrobe lifestyle yet but if you are interested, blogs like Un-fancy are the place to start.

Try and make due with whatever is currently in your closet, if you do have to shop only buy the essentials. One or two classic pieces can bring your travel wardrobe to life. Invest in a well-fitting pair of jeans or trousers or a skirt or leather jacket, whatever the wardrobe workhorse is for you.

Your bottom pieces will get the most wear, so if you’re starting with a high quality piece then you can get away with inexpensive tops. Another good buy is a versatile day to night dress if you are a dress person. You can easily change the look of a dress with outerwear, cardigans and a change of shoes. Other worthy travel investments are stylish and functional outerwear and comfortable yet cute travel shoes.

If budget is an issue, stores like Target, Old Navy, H&M, Nordstrom Rack and Gap usually have a great selection of classic and on-trend pieces that are affordable. Ebay and consignment stores are other budget-friendly resource for finding high quality basics.

Do not be tempted to buy items that are so outside your comfort zone that you wouldn’t wear them in real, everyday life. Stick to your own personal style preferences. Maybe upgrade styles and silhouettes but be true to your own style and what makes you feel beautiful!

Step 8 – Pack Sleepwear, etc.

Once you’ve picked out your carry-on capsule. Don’t forget to pack or list your sleepwear and underwear and socks. Pack a few pairs of underwear and plan to hand wash them depending on the length of your trip. Check out my post on How to do Travel Laundry here .

Step 9 – Make a checklist and Stick to it!

After you’ve done all the planning of your amazing carry-on travel capsule, add the clothing items to your travel checklist. If you’ve got time before your trip you can make adjustments to your list and replace items but don’t be tempted to throw in extras. Stick to your list! Don’t panic and add in extras at the last minute!

If your goal is to pack light in a carry-on then trust in your planned carry-on capsule wardrobe of 12-15 clothing items and 3 pairs of shoes. You can do it!!

If you need extra help, grab my worksheets to help you figure out different outfit options for each item of clothing you pack (you can print as many copies of the worksheet as necessary to help you figure out potential travel outfit options). The worksheet even comes with space to list out your final mix and match travel capsule.

Step 10 – Evaluate What worked

After your trip, take a few minutes to note what worked best and what didn’t in your travel capsule. By noting items that didn’t work or didn’t get used you can be more efficient with your next mix and match travel capsule. These notes will help you pack better the next time you travel and before you know it you will be a total packing ninja, hollah! So hold on to these precious notes in an app like Evernote or something similar where you can easily refer to them for your next trip.

I hope this helps you begin your packing process so you don’t leave it until the last minute. Just a little advanced planning can make you a better, savvier, lighter traveler. And, who doesn’t want that?!

Remember to download my Mix and Match Travel Capsule Guide with bonus content, checklists, sample capsules and worksheets that will help you create your own mix and match travel capsule and you’ll get signed up for my newsletter as well (don’t worry, I won’t flood your inbox except when I have extra special travel light tips that aren’t included here on the blog).

Travel on, Travelistas!

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Thanks for sharing your method – it’s brilliant! And thanks for the shout-out – I appreciate it. You and I should have dinner sometime; I think we were separated at birth. 😉 hugs, Janice

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Janice, of course! We are kindred spirits! I enjoy your site greatly 🙂

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What a timely post for me. I am leaving early May for 3 weeks in eastern Europe. This was so helpful. Thank you!

Juanita, I hope it’s helpful for you!

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I LOVE this! Saving for future reference!

Happy to help!

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Lady Light Travel

I loved your post. It looks like we have very similar philosophies on travel wardrobe building. I wrote a similar article in 2012 ( )

I need a lot of color in my wardrobe or I’ll get washed out. I would blend into the wall if I wore neutrals only! I’m also an emotional dresser so a wardrobe that gives me multiple outfit options is important.

Your capsules are always cute and powerful. Keep up the great work.

Thank so much! Color is good, some people get overwhelmed by it. I love neutrals and I add color in my accessories or in a few statement tops. I enjoy your site as well!!!

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I’m having trouble downloading the worksheets. Help!

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Hello, I will be traveling on a much longer trip to mexico for about four months and im not sure how to adjust your travel capsule idea for a longer trip. I will be there in the summer but I was told to beware that is only gets pretty cold and rains often in the area i will be staying. I also need to pack professional clothes for when i am volunteering as a teacher and comfotable clothes for when i am sightseeing/walking around the city. The plus to this being a long trip is that i will be able to buy most of my toiletries once I get to the destination so I will have a bit more room in the suitcade for the extra clothes. By the way we are told to bring two checked bags and one carry on and we are required to bring enough donated school supplies to fill the carry on bag for the school we are volunteering at! I appreciate all of your help so much! Thank!

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Spring 7 day carry-on capsule : new york city, how to layer clothes for travel.

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Atuh Beach, located on the eastern coast of Nusa Penida in Indonesia, captivates visitors with its pristine beauty and dramatic landscapes. Towering limestone cliffs encircle the secluded cove, providing a stunning backdrop to the crystal-clear turquoise waters that gently lap against the white sandy shore. With its tranquil ambiance and breathtaking vistas, Atuh Beach offers a serene escape for those seeking a picturesque retreat on this enchanting island.

Diamond Beach

Diamond Beach in Iceland is a stunning coastal destination renowned for its otherworldly beauty. Nestled near the Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon, the beach features glistening icebergs that have broken off from the nearby Breiðamerkurjökull glacier, creating a captivating contrast against the black volcanic sands. Visitors can witness the mesmerizing spectacle of sparkling “diamonds” scattered along the shore, making Diamond Beach a surreal and unforgettable natural wonder.

Kelingking Beach

Kelingking Beach, located on the Indonesian island of Nusa Penida, captivates visitors with its breathtaking natural beauty. The iconic T-Rex-shaped limestone cliff, overlooking crystal-clear turquoise waters, provides a stunning backdrop for this hidden gem. Adventure seekers can descend the steep cliffs to reach the pristine sandy beach below, creating an unforgettable experience amidst the rugged charm of Kelingking Beach.

Broken Beach

Broken Beach, nestled on the western coast of Nusa Penida in Indonesia, is a mesmerizing natural wonder defined by its rugged cliffs and a unique arched rock formation that encircles a tranquil turquoise lagoon. The sheer cliffs offer panoramic views of the Indian Ocean, while the natural bridge creates a dramatic frame for the stunning seascape. Accessible via a scenic hike, Broken Beach captivates visitors with its otherworldly beauty, making it a must-visit destination for those seeking awe-inspiring landscapes.

Angel’s Billabong

Angel’s Billabong is a breathtaking natural infinity pool located on the picturesque island of Nusa Penida in Indonesia. Nestled along the rugged coastline, the crystal-clear turquoise waters of the billabong create a stunning contrast against the surrounding jagged rocks and lush greenery. Visitors can marvel at the beauty of this unique tidal pool, which provides a surreal and enchanting experience amidst the island’s stunning landscapes.

  • Riten tiket past boat
  • 1 aqua per pax
  • Car + driver/guide
  • IDR. 1.000.000 (Min. Booking  1 pax)
  • IDR. 1.350.000 (Min. Booking  2 pax)
  • IDR. 1.650.000 (Min. Booking  3 pax)
  • IDR. 1.950.000 (Min. Booking  4 pax)
  • IDR. 2.350.000 (Min. Booking  5 pax)

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West Trip Half Day

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Special Rental Bike Area Nusa Penida

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Special Taxi Pick Up and Drop Area Nusa Penida

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1 Day Trip West & East (mix) Package

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  • 1 Pax – IDR 1,150,000/Pax
  • 2 Pax – IDR 900,000/Pax
  • 3 Pax – IDR 750,000/Pax
  • 4 Pax – IDR 650,000/Pax
  • 5 Pax – IDR 600,000/Pax
  • 6 Pax or more – IDR 575,000/Pax
  • 1 Pax – IDR 950,000/Pax
  • 2 Pax – IDR 700,000/Pax
  • 3 Pax – IDR 550,000/Pax
  • 4 Pax – IDR 450,000/Pax
  • 5 Pax – IDR 400,000/Pax
  • 6 Pax or more – IDR 375,000/Pax

Price Included

  • Private Tour
  • Fast boat ticket go & return (Sanur-Nusa Penida)
  • Private car (Nusa Penida)
  • Driver/Tour guide
  • Help for take picture
  • Retribution fee
  • Mineral water
  • Lunch at resto
  • 4 tourism objects

Price not Included

  • Pickup (AirPort) / Hotel in Bali. For those of you who want to be picked up, Additional: IDR 200,000 / Car / One way (from Kuta / Airport / Legian / Seminyak) and IDR 300,000 / Car / One Way (from Canggu, Nusa Dua, Pecatu / Uluwatu, Ubud)
  • Photo ticket fee at Paluang Cliff (to be paid directly to the local operator)

Tour Details

Meeting point/confirmation of attendance at the partner boat counter/stand (Sanur Harbor), Jl. Hang Tuah, East of Warung Mak Beng.

The boat departs for Nusa Penida.

Arriving at Nusa Penida Harbor (Pick up driver with nameplate aids)

Arrive at Atuh Beach & Diamond Beach

Lunch at Resto

Arrive at Kelingking Beach & Paluang Cliff

The boat departs back to Sanur

  • This West and East Nusa Penida Tour Package (mix) includes a car, driver as a tour guide, lunch, boat tickets.
  • The intended tourist attraction is the diamond beach, this beach is now more crowded in the eastern part of Nusa Penida and combined with the western part of Nusa Penida (Kelingking Beach and Paluang Cliff).
  • Get this Nusa Penida Tour Package only from Nusa Penida Tourist.
  • This package is a PRIVATE TOUR (not combined with other participants/groups except Boat from Sanur-Penida).
  • Driver guide (driver concurrently guide, can help with photos).
  • You can book now or at least 10 days before the tour day.



IDR 375.000

  • Redeemable up to 14 days after selected visit
  • Make a reservation at least 2 days in advance
  • Bookings without a system go directly to WhatsApp
  • Price can be negotiated
  • Safe in transactions
  • Account name according to business legality

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Email :  [email protected] Phone :  +6282236176345 WhatsApp :  +6282236176345 Address : Jl. Raya Adegan, Ped, Nusa Penida

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Travel Fashion Girl

Minimalist Travel Packing – How to Mix and Match 4 Pieces of Clothing

FASHION , Travel Outfits , Travel Style

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Traveling with just four-six items of clothing as suggested in the Minimalista Packing Guide may sound unrealistic but for some travelers like this ultra light packer , this is considered standard packing.

Her packing list consists of just four travel items: 1 convertible pair of pants (that also turn into shorts), 1 tank top, 1 long sleeve shirt, and 1 dress.hji8y

Travel Fashion Girl Stylist :  Style-Mix

Minimalista Packing List: 4 Items of Clothing = 8 Travel Outfits

By being creative and learning how to mix and match clothes, you too can easily travel with just four items of clothing!

In this Travel Fashion Girl Stylist Style-Mix, we show you how to make eight entirely unique fashion ensembles with just four items. That’s more than  one week’s worth of travel outfits !


This Travel Fashion Ultra Light Packing List includes:

1 tank top in a neutral color

1 button up long sleeve shirt in the same color palette

1 dark set of convertible pants

1 plain “little black travel dress”

1 travel handbag

5 travel accessories: 2 scarves, 1 pair of earrings, 1 belt, and 1 hat

1 pair of flip flops

1 pair of sunglasses

I love how a standard LBD an also be used as a skirt! Check out my top 5 travel dresses .

Did you like this Travel Outfit Style-Mix on how to mix and match clothes? Comment below!

Use our Signature Packing Lists to mix and match your travel wardrobe:

  • Minimalista 6-Piece Packing List  cold weather  |  hot weather
  • Essentials 10-Piece Packing List  cold weather  |  hot weather
  • Classic 12-Piece Packing List  cold weather  |  hot weather
  • Maximista 15-Piece Packing List  cold weather  |  hot weather

I hope you found this post useful. Please share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Thanks for reading!



Your packing list was pure inspiration, thank you so much. I travel a lot for work and I am already a very light packer in a regular carry-on. But on my next trip I’m going to Costa Rica for 10 days so i needed a couple more pieces for ziplining, waterfalls, dinners etc. In total I made 30 outfits from 14 pieces and added a swimsuit, underwear, shoes and toiletries. Everything fits in a small backpack so no airline baggage fees, #spiritsucks! but it’s cheap so you get what you pay for. Thanks again. Happy travels!

Travel Fashion Girl

Wow 🙂 30 outfits from 14 pieces is fantastic! Good Work! So glad you like the packing list 🙂 It sounds like it’s really working for you!


More posts like this please!


you got it!

Jane Goddall

How often do you have to wash these items so you don’t smell?

Hi Jane! It just depends on the fabrics you choose for your minimalist capsule wardrobe and the type of weather you travel in.

Here are a few more tips on how to re-wear your clothing:


any ideas for the camino de santiago??

I’ve asked several times for travelers with tips but no luck for a packing list. I’ll post your question on Facebook so keep an eye out for replies: thanks!


Love your blog and refer to it often when packing my carry on. Looking at this combination though, all these pieces will not fit as well as shown, cause they are altered in the pictures. White shirt is long then short…tucking it in will create inevitable bulkiness. White tank over black dress…the black top part will poke out in areas, unless perfectly matched. Plus the black dress is bloused in some pictures, and then fitted under the white tank. Using 4 pieces is not as easy as pictures, that have been altered. Inspirational though for those wanting to travel lighter. Please keep up the fantastic work, but please show us the real deal.


Hi Josly, thanks for your email! I’m glad you like the blog and find it useful for your travels 🙂 All the packing lists and visuals are for inspiration only so you can then apply the ideas illustrated and choose clothing choices that you personally like and that also fit your specific travel needs. This post provides more details:

Just as you have mentioned certain tops look better with specific bottoms and that is the art of creating and perfecting your own travel wardrobe – determining which of your own clothing fits all the criteria:

For further convenience, there will be more posts consisting of actual photographs of clothing and travel outfits in the future. Thanks again for reading 🙂

Thanks Alex! Look forward to the photographs of pieces/combos… and links to where we can purchase of course… in Canada…. am I pushing it now? 😉 Take care!


Thanks! Getting ready for a trip to London. As a stay-at-home-mom, I’m feeling a bit “out of practice” when it comes to fashion and/or travel. Browsing your site has been super-helpful.

Thank you Kathleen! Hope you have a fantastic trip 🙂


I love some of these pieces of clothing! Can you say where they are from, specifically the flip flop/sandals, belt, black dress, and bag? Thanks for your travel help!


Would love to see clothes modeled for larger women. 14-16 Your cloths look lovely on the slimmer figure but what about the rest of us.

Hi Madeline, thanks for your comment! The clothes are only meant to represent clothing types with the hopes that each individual can apply the styling ideas to meet their unique needs.

If you let me know what your favorite brands are, I can replicate this list for you if you’d like 🙂


These are great tips, Alex. I’m a tour director so I always have to look nice on tour for the guests, however, I have a lot of extra tour “stuff” I must carry that does not include my wardrobe. I’ll be implementing these strategies during my next tour.

Thank you, Glad to help! Please share your feedback when you do 🙂

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Can You Mix Business and Pleasure When you Travel?

With summer vacation season almost upon us, people’s thoughts often turn to travel, and we thought it would be a good time to review the rules for deducting the costs of a business trip where you also take a vacation ("mixing business with pleasure").   These costs may be deductible, but are also subject to limitations.  We will discuss these limitations below.


If you take a business trip during which you also vacation, you can take allowable deductions for travel expenses (i.e., airfare, hotel, cab fare, meals - subject to limitation, etc.) as long as the main purpose of the trip is for business. If, however, the main purpose of the trip is personal, you can't deduct any of the costs unless you identify and pay for those expenses that are directly related to your business, which is  deductible.

To support these deductions, it is very important that you keep complete records supporting the reason the trip was primarily for business purposes.  Proper recording will entail keeping a log of who you met with, where the meeting took place, and what was discussed. 

If you decide to extend your business trip or take a side trip, these expenses would not be tax deductible. Assuming you travel from Cleveland to San Francisco for a week-long business trip and then decide to stay for an extra three days. You may take allowable expenses for the week in San Francisco (including your return airfare), but you may not deduct the costs of the extra three days you spent there afterward.

However, there is an exception to this rule.  If you extend your stay over a weekend to take advantage of less expensive airfares, this is considered a valid business purpose, and you may deduct allowable expenses for the extra days.

Mixed business/vacation trips outside the United States

The rules for mixed business/vacation trips outside the United States are generally the same as similar trips within the United States, as long you didn't have control over the arrangement of the trip, or a personal vacation was not a major factor in making the trip.  It's important to note that even if you had a say in the timing of the trip, it would not constitute control over the arrangement of the trip.  Finally, you cannot be a managing executive of the company, cannot own more than a 10 percent interest in the business, and/or are may not be related to your employer.

If you do meet one of the above criteria, you can still deduct allowable costs of mixed business/vacation trips outside the United States, if the portion of the trip abroad was for less than a week, not counting the day that you depart.  These costs may also be deductible if the time abroad lasts for more than a week (not counting the day you left but counting the day you return) but less than 25 percent of your total time was spent on nonbusiness activities. If this applies to you, but you cannot prove that vacationing was not the main purpose of planning the trip, you may allocate your expenses between  business and vacationing days, and deduct the portion of allowable expenses allocated to the days spent on business. In performing this allocation, you may count the days traveling to and from the destination as business days.

For example, assume that your office is in Cleveland, and you travel to Vancouver on Wednesday for business. You have business meetings scheduled in Vancouver all day on Thursday, Friday morning, and on Monday. You return to Cleveland on Monday evening. Even though you spend Friday afternoon and all weekend sightseeing, this time is not counted as time spent on nonbusiness activity, because the trip abroad lasted for less than one week.

Seminar or convention expenses

Business trips taken for the purpose of attending a seminar or convention are often held at resort areas. The IRS tends to scrutinize these costs very closely, especially if you take your spouse or other family members. Make sure that you carefully document that the convention or seminar is closely connected to your job and/or business. The seminar/convention doesn't have to be specifically related to your job; however, attendance at the event has to benefit your trade or business.

If you attend a seminar/convention that is primarily for business purposes, you can deduct all costs for travel to and from the event, lodging, tips, display costs, and meals and entertainment of business clients, the latter of which are also subject to a 50% limitation. Keep in mind that you can't deduct expenses for sightseeing and personal entertainment when attending a business convention.  Finally, if you cannot prove the major reason for a business trip was for business purposes, or if you attend a seminar or convention and can't prove that your attendance was for the purposes of your business, the trip will be considered personal, and you will only be able to deduct expenses that are specifically related to business.  As is the case with proving any deduction ("iffy" or not), keep good documentation, and then some!

A trip taken to attend a convention given by a fraternal organization isn't considered to be for business purposes; therefore, the costs related to this type of trips are not deductible. You also can't deduct costs for a spouse or a family member who accompanies you on a business trip or to a seminar or convention, unless they are your employee and have a valid business reason for going on the trip. It's a good indication of a valid business reason if they could have claimed a business travel deduction had they gone on the trip by themselves.

The same rules that apply to business trips outside the United States apply to the cost of attending a business seminar or convention held outside of the country. Also, if the convention is held outside of the United States (or certain areas of North America), you have to prove that it was reasonable for the convention to be held there.

Finally, the costs of attending a business seminar or convention held on a cruise ship cannot be deducted more than $2,000 per year. Also, amounts less than or equal to $2,000 per year can only be deducted if all the ports of call are in the United States (or its possessions), and the ship is registered in the United States.

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Our 20 favorite trail mix ingredients

Posted: February 15, 2024 | Last updated: February 15, 2024

<p>Packing plenty of water and snacks is essential to any outdoor adventure, whether you’re hiking, biking, kayaking, or maybe just planning for a picnic or a camping trip. A piece of produce or something in bar form can be satisfying, but it doesn’t offer the variety of a tasty trail mix. If you’re wondering what ingredients to include, we have some inspiration for you. From nuts and seeds to fruit and sweets, here are our 20 favorite trail mix ingredients.</p>

Packing plenty of water and snacks is essential to any outdoor adventure, whether you’re hiking, biking, kayaking, or maybe just planning for a picnic or a camping trip. A piece of produce or something in bar form can be satisfying, but it doesn’t offer the variety of a tasty trail mix. If you’re wondering what ingredients to include, we have some inspiration for you. From nuts and seeds to fruit and sweets, here are our 20 favorite trail mix ingredients.

<p>We love almonds and pretty much anything made with almonds—and there are a lot of those foods nowadays. So if we welcome almonds in our milk, butter, creamer, and more, of course, we also welcome them in our trail mix. Almonds are also good for lowering bad cholesterol and raising good cholesterol and contain solid servings of fiber, protein, and vitamin E.</p>

We love almonds and pretty much anything made with almonds—and there are a lot of those foods nowadays. So if we welcome almonds in our milk, butter, creamer, and more, of course, we also welcome them in our trail mix. Almonds are also good for lowering bad cholesterol and raising good cholesterol and contain solid servings of fiber, protein, and vitamin E.

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<p>We like banana chips by themselves—as well as plain ol’ bananas (or in a smoothie!)—so we enjoy them in our trail mix, too. Bananas are rich in fiber and potassium, but store-bought banana chips can also be fried in oil or loaded with added sugar. Keep the ingredients in check by making them at home, and skip the oil by baking them instead!</p><p><a href=''>Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

Banana chips

We like banana chips by themselves—as well as plain ol’ bananas (or in a smoothie!)—so we enjoy them in our trail mix, too. Bananas are rich in fiber and potassium, but store-bought banana chips can also be fried in oil or loaded with added sugar. Keep the ingredients in check by making them at home, and skip the oil by baking them instead!

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<p>Of course, cashews are a common contributor to our trail mix—they’re our favorite nut! Cashews are also tasty (especially with a bit of salt) and have some health benefits, as they contain healthy fats and essential vitamins and minerals, as well as 5 grams of protein and 1 gram of fiber in every ounce.</p><p>You may also like: <a href=''>10 towns in the Netherlands to visit other than Amsterdam</a></p>

Of course, cashews are a common contributor to our trail mix—they’re our favorite nut! Cashews are also tasty (especially with a bit of salt) and have some health benefits, as they contain healthy fats and essential vitamins and minerals, as well as 5 grams of protein and 1 gram of fiber in every ounce.

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<p>“Dried cherries” is a bit of a misnomer because even in dried form, cherries burst with juicy tartness. They’re like fruit snacks, but with less added sugar, no artificial dyes, and, you know, they’re actually fruit. </p><p><a href=''>Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

“Dried cherries” is a bit of a misnomer because even in dried form, cherries burst with juicy tartness. They’re like fruit snacks, but with less added sugar, no artificial dyes, and, you know, they’re actually fruit. 

<p>Sure, many of the Chex pieces will get crushed to bits, but the ones that stay intact are so satisfying to crunch into and tasty, too. This ingredient shouldn’t be too surprising in a trail mix, as Chex proved themselves a worthy member of an ensemble cast way back when Chex Mix was first invented in the 1950s.</p><p>You may also like: <a href=''>21 things you didn’t know about Dunkin’</a></p>

Sure, many of the Chex pieces will get crushed to bits, but the ones that stay intact are so satisfying to crunch into and tasty, too. This ingredient shouldn’t be too surprising in a trail mix, as Chex proved themselves a worthy member of an ensemble cast way back when Chex Mix was first invented in the 1950s.

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<p>Some people like coconut, some don’t. If you’re in the former camp—like us—you’re going to want to add coconut to your next trail mix. Not juicy chunks of coconut, of course, but thin, unsweetened flakes that blend easily with all your other ingredients.</p>

Coconut flakes

Some people like coconut, some don’t. If you’re in the former camp—like us—you’re going to want to add coconut to your next trail mix. Not juicy chunks of coconut, of course, but thin, unsweetened flakes that blend easily with all your other ingredients.

<p>If you’re not a raisin fan (we are; more on that later), you might still be down with dried cranberries. They’re about the same size and consistency of a raisin but with added tartness along with the sweetness. Cranberries also contain potassium, calcium, and numerous antioxidants.</p><p>You may also like: <a href=''>Easy and delicious apple desserts the whole family will enjoy</a></p>


If you’re not a raisin fan (we are; more on that later), you might still be down with dried cranberries. They’re about the same size and consistency of a raisin but with added tartness along with the sweetness. Cranberries also contain potassium, calcium, and numerous antioxidants.

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<p>This one’s a given in any trail mix we buy or make. Since we associate trail mixes with physical activity, this calorie-dense and nutrient-packed food—which is generally high in protein and fiber, too—is an essential part of our snack medley.</p><p><a href=''>Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

This one’s a given in any trail mix we buy or make. Since we associate trail mixes with physical activity, this calorie-dense and nutrient-packed food—which is generally high in protein and fiber, too—is an essential part of our snack medley.

<p>M&M’s don’t add any nutritional value to your trail mix, so use them in moderation. However, they add a little sweetness to balance the typically salty ingredients found in most trail mixes, and that helps get kids into trail mix, too! We prefer M&M’s over chocolate chips, as the candy shell keeps the chocolate from melting all over the other ingredients on warmer excursions.</p>

M&M’s don’t add any nutritional value to your trail mix, so use them in moderation. However, they add a little sweetness to balance the typically salty ingredients found in most trail mixes, and that helps get kids into trail mix, too! We prefer M&M’s over chocolate chips, as the candy shell keeps the chocolate from melting all over the other ingredients on warmer excursions.

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<p>We honestly enjoy dried mango just as much as we enjoy fresh mango—thus, we’re always looking for an excuse to eat it. And as far as excuses go, making a trail mix is an excellent one. The fact that mangoes are also loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants is a pleasant bonus.</p><p><a href=''>Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

We honestly enjoy dried mango just as much as we enjoy fresh mango—thus, we’re always looking for an excuse to eat it. And as far as excuses go, making a trail mix is an excellent one. The fact that mangoes are also loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants is a pleasant bonus.

<p>Peanuts are a must in our trail mix, as they contain more protein than any other typical nut—and that fuel is vital for powering our biking, paddleboarding, or other outdoor adventure. Generally, peanuts contain a whopping 7 grams of protein for every ounce, so throw a handful into your next mix.</p><p>You may also like: <a href=''>12 things that will surprise you at European restaurants</a></p>

Peanuts are a must in our trail mix, as they contain more protein than any other typical nut—and that fuel is vital for powering our biking, paddleboarding, or other outdoor adventure. Generally, peanuts contain a whopping 7 grams of protein for every ounce, so throw a handful into your next mix.

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<p>Pecans are a perfectly balanced nut: They have a not-too-hard, not-too-soft texture, and they’re just a little bit sweet. They also contain 19 vitamins and minerals—including vitamins A, B, and E, as well as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus—and also some fiber and protein. They’re sort of similar to walnuts but a bit cheaper!</p>

Pecans are a perfectly balanced nut: They have a not-too-hard, not-too-soft texture, and they’re just a little bit sweet. They also contain 19 vitamins and minerals—including vitamins A, B, and E, as well as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus—and also some fiber and protein. They’re sort of similar to walnuts but a bit cheaper!

<p>In Pineapple We Trust. So if we trust pineapple in our tacos and on our pizzas (and in both cases, we do—don’t fight us), then we definitely trust it in a trail mix. In fact, we love this delightfully sweet treat! Combine dried pineapple with the aforementioned almonds, banana chips, dried mango, and coconut flakes, and you’ve got yourself a nice little “tropical” trail mix.</p>

In Pineapple We Trust. So if we trust pineapple in our tacos and on our pizzas (and in both cases, we do—don’t fight us), then we definitely trust it in a trail mix. In fact, we love this delightfully sweet treat! Combine dried pineapple with the aforementioned almonds, banana chips, dried mango, and coconut flakes, and you’ve got yourself a nice little “tropical” trail mix.

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<p>Like cashews, pistachios technically aren’t nuts—they’re seeds—but that doesn’t matter because, also like cashews, pistachios are great in a trail mix. Additionally, pistachios contain healthy fats and about 6 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber per ¼-cup serving. Just be sure to take the shells off first, of course!</p>

Like cashews, pistachios technically aren’t nuts—they’re seeds—but that doesn’t matter because, also like cashews, pistachios are great in a trail mix. Additionally, pistachios contain healthy fats and about 6 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber per ¼-cup serving. Just be sure to take the shells off first, of course!

<p>Pumpkin seeds aren’t just something that gets thrown away when making a jack-o-lantern—they’re a delicious and nutritious food! Hulled pumpkin seeds add a nice crunch to any trail mix, and they’re packed with powerful antioxidants and nutrients like magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, and vitamin E!</p><p>You may also like: <a href=''>Did you know that these 20 foods are actually fruits?</a></p>

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds aren’t just something that gets thrown away when making a jack-o-lantern—they’re a delicious and nutritious food! Hulled pumpkin seeds add a nice crunch to any trail mix, and they’re packed with powerful antioxidants and nutrients like magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, and vitamin E!

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<p>When you want something sweet that’s not candy, raisins are one of your best options. They’re juicer than some other dried fruits, and they contain vitamin C, calcium, iron, potassium, and numerous antioxidants.</p><p><a href=''>Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

When you want something sweet that’s not candy, raisins are one of your best options. They’re juicer than some other dried fruits, and they contain vitamin C, calcium, iron, potassium, and numerous antioxidants.

<p>When we’re craving something sweet that won’t quickly melt, but M&M’s just won’t do, Reese’s Pieces are the perfect upgrade. You get the taste of peanut butter without the messiness of peanut butter chips or just scooping a spoonful of peanut butter into your trail mix (not recommended). </p><p>You may also like: <a href=''>22 most epic waterfalls in the United States</a></p>

Reese’s Pieces

When we’re craving something sweet that won’t quickly melt, but M&M’s just won’t do, Reese’s Pieces are the perfect upgrade. You get the taste of peanut butter without the messiness of peanut butter chips or just scooping a spoonful of peanut butter into your trail mix (not recommended). 

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<p>Sunflower seeds may be tiny, but they’re mighty in both taste and benefits. These salty little seeds contain vitamin E, flavonoids, and other compounds that may reduce inflammation, and they’re also a sneaky source of protein (6 grams per ¼ cup) and fiber (4 grams per ¼ cup).</p><p><a href=''>Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds may be tiny, but they’re mighty in both taste and benefits. These salty little seeds contain vitamin E, flavonoids, and other compounds that may reduce inflammation, and they’re also a sneaky source of protein (6 grams per ¼ cup) and fiber (4 grams per ¼ cup).

<p>If you like the consistency of pecans but want something a little less sweet, go with walnuts, which are perfect in a trail mix, whether they’re whole or chopped. We also dig the hearty helping of healthy fats and antioxidants provided by these nuts.</p><p>You may also like: <a href=''>20 healthy slow cooker recipes</a></p>

If you like the consistency of pecans but want something a little less sweet, go with walnuts, which are perfect in a trail mix, whether they’re whole or chopped. We also dig the hearty helping of healthy fats and antioxidants provided by these nuts.

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<p>We hated these as kids but love them now—especially in trail mix. Then again, we didn’t like any spicy food in our younger days, and the little bit of spice they add to a trail mix is the exact reason that they’re one of our favorite ingredients. Plus, they add a nice pop of green color if you’re into trail mix aesthetics.</p>

Wasabi peas

We hated these as kids but love them now—especially in trail mix. Then again, we didn’t like any spicy food in our younger days, and the little bit of spice they add to a trail mix is the exact reason that they’re one of our favorite ingredients. Plus, they add a nice pop of green color if you’re into trail mix aesthetics.

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Mix Up Your Cabin Classes (& Save Cash)

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As airlines continue to roll out new cabin classes, we’re making it our mission to help you navigate these changes. So, we’re introducing the ability to search different cabin classes for each leg of your flight.

What’s that, you may ask? Good question.

KAYAK flight search on laptop

It works like this: say, you’re booking a trip to Berlin. Because your flight to Germany is a redeye, you really want the comfort of First class (fully reclinable seats for the win). But, yikes, booking a round-trip first class flight drives your ticket price up to $10k. Not a good look. So, instead, you decide that while first class is a must going there, you’ll settle for Economy class on the way home. Using KAYAK’s mixed cabin search, you’re now able to adjust your class for the return leg of your trip. Bingo: you spot a ticket for around $5k.

To start a search, from our Flights page select Multi-City (even if you’re not visiting other cities). There, you’ll be able to select the cabin class for each leg of your flight. Then, in the results, look for the “Mixed” tag above each price to see what classes you’ll be flying. Simple as that.

By letting you further customize your travel search and mix up your cabin classes, it’s another step we’re taking to be sure you’re armed with the information you need to make smarter travel decisions.  Virtual high fives all around.

Try it out.

For now, this is in desktop-only mode, but we’ll be rolling out the ability on mobile shortly.  Prices are for example purposes and may vary.

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Ferretti 80 (2004)Maximum number of passengers: 25Maximum number of passengers per night: 8Cabins: 4 Route:Naka Island (half day – 4 hours) – 95000฿Naka Island (full day – 8 hours) – 130000฿ Phang Na + Naka (half day – 4 hours) – 95000฿Phang Na + Naka (full day – 8 hours) – 135000฿ Kai Island (half […]



Coral island8.30 – 13.00 or 14.00 – 18.30Cost – 11900฿ Coral Island + Sunset14.30 – 19.30Cost – 12900฿ Coral Island + Sunset10.30 – 19.30Cost – 13900฿ Paradise + Coral Island9.30 – 17.00Cost – 16900฿ Paradise + Coral Island + Sunset9.30 – 19.30Cost – 17900฿ Racha Yai + Racha Noi9.30 – 19.30Cost – 20900฿ Phi Phi9.30 […]



The price is for 15 people, maximum 30 peopleAdditional payment +1000 ฿ for each subsequent one. Routes:CORAL08:30-13:30 – 23,000 ฿ CORAL+Sunset14:00 – 19:00 – 25,000 ฿ RACHA(RAYA)+CORAL08:30 – 16:00 – 32,000 ฿ RACHA(RAYA)+CORAL+Sunset10:00 – 18:30 – 35,000 ฿ Included:Masks and snorkelsFruitsCold drinksVestsTackle for fishingInsurancePier: ChalongType: Catamaran



The cost is calculated for 6 people, each subsequent +1000฿, maximum 25 people Release time: 09.00 – 16.00 or from 10.00 – 17.00 Routes to choose from: Price – 28900฿ Racha Islands + Banana Beach Island Banana Beach + Cape Promtemp Kai + Maiton Routes to choose from: Price – 33900฿ Phi Phi Phangna The […]



Individual yacht tour:Designed for 8 peopleMaximum 20 people Period 1 May – 31 OctoberHalf a day (5 hours) – 96,000 baht1 day (8 hours) – 115,000 baht2 days/1 night – 230,000 baht (6 people) Period November 1 – April 30Half day (5 hours) – 115,000 baht1 day (8 hours) – 135,000 baht2 days/1 night – […]


Routes:Lan+o.Nan+o Coral09:00 – 13:00 – 14,000 ฿, fishing +3,000 ฿ Cape Promthep + Krating (sunset)16:00 – 19:00 – 14,000 ฿14:00 – 19:00 – 18,000 ฿Fishing+3,000 ฿ o. Racha Yaai09:00 – 17:00 – 21,000 ฿, fishing +3,000 ฿ Racha Noi Island09:00 – 17:00 – 26,000 ฿, fishing +3,000 ฿ Maiton Island09:00 – 17:00 – 21,000 ฿, […]

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  2. How To Book Mixed Cabin Itineraries To Score A ...

    This is the trick to making it work. To search the mixed cabin itinerary you'd search "f bc= [whatever booking class you want]" which in this case is "I.". I know that because for the cheapest roundtrip business class ticket, that's what the fare booked into in both directions.

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  12. Perfect TRIP-HOP Mix • High Quality CHILL Music

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  14. 21 Best Road Trip Snacks for Long Drives

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  15. Trail Mix

    Mix and Match: In a large mixing bowl, combine the almonds, pretzels, yogurt-covered cherries, candied macadamia nuts, M&M's, roasted cashews, chocolate chunks, skittles, honey-roasted peanuts, salted peanuts, dried sour cherries, malt balls or robin's eggs, toasted walnuts, Whoppers, peanut M&M's, and salted pistachios.

  16. Travel Questions Answered!

    3: I make sure my Kindle is downloaded with new books for the trip (you don't want to be scrambling to find WIFI later to download a new one). 4: I keep packing lists saved on my computer for different destinations. This really helps me remember what to pack no matter where I'm going.

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  18. Perfect TRIP-HOP Mix • High Quality CHILL Music

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    1 button up long sleeve shirt in the same color palette. 1 dark set of convertible pants. 1 plain "little black travel dress". 1 travel handbag. 5 travel accessories: 2 scarves, 1 pair of earrings, 1 belt, and 1 hat. 1 pair of flip flops. 1 pair of sunglasses. I love how a standard LBD an also be used as a skirt!

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  25. Mix Up Your Cabin Classes (& Save Cash)

    Using KAYAK's mixed cabin search, you're now able to adjust your class for the return leg of your trip. Bingo: you spot a ticket for around $5k. To start a search, from our Flights page select Multi-City (even if you're not visiting other cities). There, you'll be able to select the cabin class for each leg of your flight.

  26. Psychedelic Trance

    Psychedelic Trance - Mushroom Trip Trippy Animation 🍄 Psytrance mix 2024 (AI Graphic Visuals) _____ 124,520 views 29 Mar 2024. 2K likes. 101 Comments ...

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    #deephousemix #DeepMusic #summermixRihanna, Avicii, Justin Bieber, Kygo, Selena Gomez, Alok, Bastille, David Guetta - Summer Nostalgia🟢 Stream/Download: htt...


    Ferretti 80 (2004)Maximum number of passengers: 25Maximum number of passengers per night: 8Cabins: 4 Route:Naka Island (half day - 4 hours) - 95000฿Naka Island (full day - 8 hours) - 130000฿ Phang Na + Naka (half day - 4 hours) - 95000฿Phang Na + Naka (full day - 8 hours) - 135000฿ Kai Island (half […]

  29. Mix & Match Mama

    Hi! I'm Shay! I'm cookbook author, lifestyle blogger, travel agency owner wife and mama who loves making every day special for my family.