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Manhattan sightseeing bus tours

TopView ® offers the best New York sightseeing bus tours led by local experts so you won't miss the most important attractions. On our NYC bus tours, hop on, hop off, and take time to enjoy all of the different places to visit in New York City. We have dozens of hop-on hop-off bus tour stops near all major points of interest. Our New York sightseeing bus will take you by all of the biggest NYC attractions!

5 Best Routes for Open-Top Sightseeing Bus Tours in NYC

New York open-top sightseeing bus

We have five New York tours that allow you to experience the best of New York City, including two hop-on hop-off NYC bus tours, Downtown and Uptown, along with Brooklyn, and an exciting Night Tour route! While enjoying our NYC bus tours, hop on or hop off to take part in the excitement, explore the sights, and make the most of your visit. We'll make sure you hit every stop on your list of NYC attractions to see and give you plenty of Instagram-worthy views from atop our NYC sightseeing bus!

What Is There to Do in New York? Top Manhattan Attractions

Our hop-on hop-off NYC tours can take you to the top of Manhattan and back again, stopping at some of the most famous sites in New York City, NY. Here are a few examples of city locations you can see on an NYC sightseeing bus around Manhattan:

  • Rockefeller Center
  • Times Square
  • Empire State Building
  • Flatiron Building
  • Union Square
  • Washington Square Park
  • Battery Park
  • Garment District

Top Manhattan attractions

Our New York tours and sightseeing packages include multi-day passes and 24-hour passes as well as individual hop-on hop-off and nonstop double-decker tours. We offer plenty of choices so you can customize your New York City tours any way you want, and our flexible ticketing means that you can buy your tickets online now without having to plan a set schedule: Once you book your tour or package, you'll have twelve months to exchange your online booking confirmation for a boarding ticket. And our buses run seven days a week, 365 days a year, in any kind of weather, so no matter when you choose to visit New York City, we can help you make the most of your trip. Whether you want a day trip or simply to see the city sights at nighttime, you will find a TopView ® sightseeing pass that fits your needs.

best bus tours in NYC

Rain or Shine Manhattan Hop-On Hop-Off Sightseeing Tours

Learn more about the history, culture, and architecture of this one-of-a-kind city with our audio narration. Our big bus tour is available in 11 languages, with free earphones provided. And this isn't the only perk we offer! Our New York tours also provide free ponchos for rainy days.

Two Million and Counting Passengers on the Best Sightseeing Double-Decker Bus Tour in NYC

No matter your travel style, an adventure with TopView Sightseeing ® will add convenience and comfort to your trip. More than two million people have already discovered why TopView ® is the best choice for Big Apple sightseeing. For the best NYC bus tours at the best prices, book with us today!

Bike Rentals and Other Popular New York City Attractions

See the Statue of Liberty

When you book our New York City tours as part of a complete All City package, we also include a 2-hour extension to any bike rental purchase, so you can cruise Central Park the way it was meant to be enjoyed, as well as free admission to the Museum of the City of New York . You can also enjoy a Liberty Cruise of New York Harbor and get close-up views of the Statue of Liberty. You know you want a selfie with Lady Liberty!

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Monde ​Le 11 Septembre, une tragédie charnière qui vient d’atteindre un tournant

​le 11 septembre, une tragédie charnière qui vient d’atteindre un tournant.

Les préparatifs allaient bon train pour les commémorations de cette tragédie qui, il y a 20 ans, a meurtri profondément une ville et brisé des milliers de destins.

C’était mercredi dans la lumière chaude du matin. Il avait la main posée solennellement sur un des 3000 noms gravés dans le métal autour des fontaines du monument commémorant les attentats du 11 Septembre, construit à l’emplacement exact des tours jumelles qui ont été emportées par la haine et deux avions de ligne en ce matin de 2001.

Son regard était triste. Comme il l’est désormais à chaque mois de septembre depuis deux décennies.

Shaw Escoffery dit avoir fait le voyage depuis Los Angeles pour rendre hommage à son amie d’enfance, Dominique. Il est venu aussi pour passer un peu de temps, comme il le fait chaque année, avec celle qui, il y a 20 ans, a perdu dans cette ignoble tragédie son unique enfant.

« C’est très dur pour [la mère de Dominique], les 11 septembre. Moi, je pense à Dominique chaque jour depuis 20 ans », dit l’homme dans la quarantaine tout en soulignant l’absurdité de cette disparition. « Elle ne travaillait même pas là. Elle venait de décrocher un nouvel emploi dans le bureau régional d’une compagnie d’assurances. Ce jour-là, elle était venue pour une simple formation », dans les bureaux de Marsh McLennan, au 99 e  étage de la tour nord du World Trade Center. À l’endroit précis du premier impact.

Elle s’appelait Dominique Pandolfo. Elle avait 25 ans.

Cette semaine, l’émotion était encore très vive au sud de Manhattan, au pied du nouveau One World Trade Center où, sous haute protection militaire et policière, les préparatifs allaient bon train pour les commémorations de cette tragédie qui, il y a 20 ans, a meurtri profondément une ville et brisé des milliers de destins. Des destins dont quelques-uns commencent à peine à profiter du temps qui a passé pour se reconstruire.

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« Vingt ans, c’est une belle tranche de vie que je n’ai pas vue passer », laisse tomber Bruno Dellinger, un des survivants du 11 Septembre, revenu à New York cette semaine pour la première fois depuis 12 ans, avec ses enfants de 18 et 16 ans à qui il avait envie de transmettre la ferveur, le respect, la tristesse ainsi que les valeurs d’héroïsme et de résilience portées par cet anniversaire. Il veut aussi partager avec eux, sur les lieux des attentats, la mémoire d’un drame qu’il a vécu, lui, aux premières loges, depuis le 47 e  étage de son bureau de la tour nord.

« Cette journée ne s’effacera jamais de ma mémoire, mais la blessure est en train de cicatriser », assure l’homme, qui gérait à l’époque un bureau de consultants en art chargé de tisser des liens entre les États-Unis et la France, pays où il est parti vivre en 2009.

Il évoque des images, des sensations, celle de l’avion à basse altitude qu’il a vu arriver vers la tour depuis sa fenêtre, celle du choc, du bâtiment qui s’est mis à trembler, des débris tombant sous ses yeux, puis la vision de « sa » tour en feu, une fois qu’il aréussi à en sortir, après de longues minutes dans les escaliers de secours, et celle de ce « monstre minéral » fait de cendre, de métal, de débris qui l’a engouffré après le premier effondrement.

« Tout est devenu noir, sinistre et silencieux. L’air était tellement épais que le son ne circulait plus. À cet instant, mon corps a cru qu’il était mort. »

M. Dellinger a mis dans ses bagages le costume qu’il portait cette journée-là, qu’il a fait nettoyer dans les jours qui ont suivi le drame et qu’il n’a jamais osé remettre depuis. « Je vais décider samedi matin si c’est celui que je vais porter pour les commémorations. Vingt ans, c’est un marqueur de temps important qui offre la possibilité de regarder les choses autrement. »

Il ajoute : « Au lendemain desattentats, j’ai détesté l’humanité entière, mais surtout les personnes qui ont perpétré ces actes. Je ne pardonne toujours pas. Je ne comprends toujours pas pourquoi cet événement s’est produit. Mais le temps est venu de s’éloigner un peu des sentiments négatifs qu’il a animés, pour appréhender la tragédie sous un autre angle, prendre la pleine mesure de sa magnitude, de sa démence, de ses conséquences humaines et voir quelles leçons positives on peut désormais en tirer. »

Une mémoire qui s’estompe

Depuis son bureau situé au cœur de « Ground Zero », Clifford Chanin, directeur adjoint du Musée et mémorial national du 11 Septembre, le croit lui aussi. « Après 20 ans, c’est le moment de regarder en arrière pour constater que la mémoire s’estompe, oui, mais que le pays et le monde restent à jamais marqués par cet événement, dit-il. On ne peut pas fermer la porte comme ça sur cette tragédie, même deux décennies plus tard. Mais on doit trouver des façons désormais de la raconter à ceux qui n’étaient pas là à l’époque pour que cette mémoire perdure. »

Depuis le 11 septembre 2001, 75 millions d’Américains ont vu le jour, arrivant ainsi dans l’après sans en avoir connu l’avant. Même chose pour ceux qui, le jour des attentats, étaient trop jeunes pour comprendre, comme Dina Peña, 23 ans, rencontrée jeudi dans la rue Amsterdam de l’Upper West Side. « C’est un événement charnière dans l’histoire qui a arrêté d’un coup sec le mouvement de la ville, et celui du pays, pour lui faire prendre conscience que le pire pouvait frapper n’importe quand. On dit que le monde n’est plus pareil depuis cette date. Mais pour moi, c’est la même chose, puisque c’est le seul monde que j’ai connu. »

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« Ces attentats marquent le début d’une nouvelle ère dont nous ne sommes toujours pas sortis, dit Azad Mahmound, jeune New-Yorkais de 25 ans qui se souvient de sa journée à la garderie, écourtée il y a 20 ans par la commotion provoquée par les attentats, et de l’image à la télé du deuxième avion frappant une des tours jumelles. Une ère de militarisation, de racisme, dont j’ai fait l’expérience durant toute ma jeunesse, de création d’agences de surveillance qui ont amplifié les interférences du gouvernement dans un nombre incalculable de champs de nos vies quotidiennes. Je n’ai pas connu le monde d’avant, mais celui d’après ne s’est pas construit sur ce qui est le meilleur. »

« Le 11 Septembre, ce n’est pas seulement deux tours qui se sont effondrées, c’est aussi l’esprit de New York, sa légèreté d’être et sa frivolité qui ont disparu, dit Pasquale Marcotullio, jeune retraité, assis sur un banc à l’entrée de la passerelle piétonnière du pont de Brooklyn où, en 2001, des milliers de New-Yorkais hébétés, blessés, traumatisés, se sont rués pour fuir à pied le sud de Manhattan, après la fermeture soudaine du réseau de transports en commun. Les gens sont aujourd’hui plus craintifs, plus prudents. Le traumatisme des premières années est peut-être moins là, mais la mémoire du drame reste, surtout en ce 20 e  anniversaire. C’est d’ailleurs important de se souvenir, mais ça l’est aussi d’oublier. Parce qu’il faut aussi regarder devant pour continuer à avancer. »

Une distance qui rapproche

C’est un peu ce que New York serait en train de faire, à en croire l’écrivain français Marc Levy, qui vit ici depuis plus de 20 ans et qui a vu les New-Yorkais se transformer au fil du temps et de la distance prise forcément avec le choc. « Les actes de violence gratuite induisent un traumatisme qui prend un temps fou à s’estomper, car ils exposent ce dont l’humain est capable de pire, dit-il, assis à la terrasse d’un café de Greenwich Village. Mais le centre de gravité de la ville s’est déplacé depuis quelques années. Les gens en parlent moins et surtout n’inscrivent plus la temporalité de la ville ou la leur dans un avant et un après-11 Septembre, comme ils le faisaient avant. »

Cette autre nouvelle normalité explique sans doute pourquoi, depuis quelques jours, plusieurs New-Yorkais, touchés de près ou de loin par les attentats, s’approchent désormais du monument commémoratif, à la veille des commémorations, alors qu’ils ne l’avaient jamais fait au cours des 20 années précédentes.

« J’ai toujours estimé que c’était un endroit pour les touristes », dit Michael Minogue, qui s’y est arrêté cette semaine pour la première fois alors qu’il habite quelques rues plus haut, « sur la 14 e  », précise-t-il, et qu’il vient souvent travailler ici, dans le Financial District où se trouvaient les tours jumelles. « Mais je me rends compte aujourd’hui que c’est plus que ça. C’est un lieu de souvenir pour le pays, comme le monument commémoratif de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale à Pearl Harbor. Un endroit qui rappelle un événement qui a façonné l’identité du pays. »

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« Nous allons devoir composer avec la réminiscence de cette tragédie pour toujours, dit Cesar Hernandez, 45 ans, un autre New-Yorkais venu pour la première fois se recueillir sur les lieux du drame. Avec le temps, la signification de cet attentat a évolué dans les esprits. L’ampleur des victimes me frappe et surtout le fait que ces victimes n’étaient que des gens qui, ce jour-là, n’ont rien fait d’autre que d’aller au travail et qui se sont retrouvés pris au milieu d’une géopolitique sur laquelle ils n’avaient pas de prise. »

C’est d’ailleurs cette mémoire des victimes que le Musée et le Mémorial du 11 Septembre cherchent désormais à cultiver, pour les années à venir, et ce, afin d’expliquer la tragédie un peu par les informations factuelles qui la composent, mais surtout par l’expérience de la perte vécue par des milliers de familles dans les années qui ont suivi. « Nous sommes dans un lieu de tristesse, mais aussi un lieu de rassemblement, dit Clifford Chanin. Les gens viennent ici en famille aussi pour prendre conscience des liens fragiles qui les unissent les uns aux autres, d’un drame qui a provoqué la destruction de famillesentières, d’amitiés solides… », ce que Shaw Escoffery, 20 ans plus tard, vit toujours au plus profond de lui.

« Le temps passe, oui, mais le sentiment qui m’habite n’a pas changé, dit l’homme en s’éloignant, le regard sombre, de la plaque où le nom de son amie Dominique a été gravé pour l’éternité. Je vis encore aujourd’hui et je vivrai encore demain avec la douleur d’une mort qui n’était pas nécessaire. »

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"They call New York the 'City of Dreams' and I love watching our guest's travel dreams come true as they set eyes on the Statue of Liberty, wander through Greenwich Village, catch a real Broadway show, or finally get a taste of a real New York bagel!"

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Embark on an orientation tour of the City that Never Sleeps

There’s no better way to dive into the energy of the Big Apple than with your Travel Director leading the way to all the best places in New York. From the glittering uptown penthouses to the charming downtown streets, and from the neon-lit skyscrapers to the lush oasis of Central Park, it’s all about the iconic and the unexpected on our New York tours.

View the towering Art Deco façades of the Empire State Building

You can’t go to New York without setting eyes on the Empire State Building, an icon of the city skyline and a symbol of innovation and triumph - everything that makes New York so unique. A masterpiece of modern engineering, this Art Deco skyscraper is a staggering 102 storeys high, and you can head to the observation decks for panoramic views over the city. 

See the pulsating Times Square

You’ve seen it in countless shows and movies, and now you’ll walk in the footsteps of some of the world’s most famous stars when we take you to Times Square. It’s a hub of adventure, and you can gaze up at the flashing billboards, marvel at the street entertainers, or simply watch the world rush past in the “Crossroads of the World”. 

Go behind the scenes on Broadway

Our New York trips take you to the bright lights of Broadway and beyond, with a very special behind-the-scenes tour of this legendary theater district. You’ll meet a Broadway show performer and find out how the famous shows are created, from the first auditions to the live performance, and all the costumes, choreography and chaos in between.

Ascend to the Top of The Rock for dramatic views of the Manhattan

If you’re looking for stunning views over Manhattan, we’ll take you to the Top of the Rock at the famous Rockefeller Center. First, you’ll feel the thrill of gliding 70 floors into the sky as you ride the elevator to the open-air observation deck. Then, you’ll step out into 360-degree views of the world’s most iconic skyline. It’s an experience you’ll never forget.

Our top 5 things to do in New York

The Big Apple is an adventurer’s playground, and we’ll show you all the very best things to do in New York, from the Empire State Building to the beautiful Strawberry Fields.

American Museum of Natural History

As one of the largest natural history museums in the world, you’ll be amazed by this institution, complete with a planetarium, library and over 34 million specimens from fossils and meteorites to cultural artifacts. Learn about volcanoes in 3D film, marvel at a T-Rex skeleton, discover Native American culture, or even travel to the universe beyond Earth.

Guggenheim Museum

Housed in a UNESCO-listed modernist masterpiece by revered architect Frank Lloyd Wright, you’ll be impressed before you even enter the museum. The spiral ramp and domed skylight make the perfect introduction to the superb collection of modern and contemporary art, including works by Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, Vasily Kandinsky and Jeff Koons.

9/11 Memorial & Museum

You’ll have the chance to learn about the tragic history of the 9/11 attacks and World Trade Center bombing at the site where the Twin Towers once stood. We’ll take you around this moving memorial to learn the story of the attacks and the aftermath, and pay tribute to the resilience and strength of the people of New York City.

Best museums in New York

The city’s museums are some of the most incredible places to visit in New York, and we’ll go from iconic art collections and ancient artifacts to moving memorials.

Manhattan clam chowder

Love seafood and soup? You’ll adore this unique clam chowder. It’s famously made with tomatoes and no cream, along with clams, bacon, broth, garlic, red pepper flakes and other vegetables. Created back in the late 19th century in Rhode Island by Portuguese immigrants, it’s still a beloved dish today and you’ve got to give it a try in New York.

New York-style bagel

Soft and chewy in the middle, yet glossy and crunchy at the crust, the New York bagel is one of the city’s greatest masterpieces. It originated from the Jewish community of New York City, and we’ll take you to a 100-year-old Jewish deli in the Upper West Side to taste some of the very best bagels in the city. Don’t forget the cream cheese!

Pastrami sandwich

Famed as New York’s signature sandwich, the classic combo of smoky pink sliced pastrami on rye bread with spicy brown mustard is an unmissable foodie experience in the Big Apple. This delicious invention originated from New York's first Jewish kosher delis in the early 20th century, and we’ll show you all the best places to try this iconic sandwich.

Best food in New York

When you travel New York with Trafalgar, we’ll show you all the best places to taste the city’s most famous eats, including those irresistible New York bagels.

What to pack for New York

People packing for a tour

Walking shoes

New York is a city that’s best explored on foot, and you’ll need a comfortable pair of shoes to get you around all the famous sights.

Glitzy outfit

With world-class bars, restaurants and theatres, you’ll want to hit the town at least once in the City that Never Sleeps. Bring a glam outfit and you’ll feel like a million bucks.

Portable charger

Your camera and phone are sure to get a workout on your New York tour, so bring a portable charger and save yourself the hassle of trekking back to your hotel to charge them up.

Bring a lightweight, waterproof day bag and use it to store your snacks, water bottle, souvenirs and anything else you pick up on your New York adventure.

Layered clothing

The weather can be unpredictable in this city and the best way to prepare for your New York trip is to bring cool and warm layers that will keep you comfortable in any weather.

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THE 10 BEST New York City Tours & Excursions

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1. New York in One Day Guided Sightseeing Tour

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2. New York City Sightseeing Bus Tour and Boat Ride

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3. Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Tour: All Options

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4. Manhattan Architecture Yacht Cruise

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5. SUMMIT One Vanderbilt Experience Ticket

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6. NYC Food Tour: Chinatown and Little Italy

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7. Empire State Building Ticket

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8. Official NYC Horse Carriage Rides in Central Park since 1979 ™

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9. New York Helicopter Tour: City Skyline Experience

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10. Interactive Mystery Hunt by Empire State Building in NYC

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11. Circle Line: Complete Manhattan Island Cruise

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12. All-Access 9/11: Ground Zero Tour, Memorial and Museum, One World Observatory

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13. New York Helicopter Tour: Ultimate Manhattan Sightseeing

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14. New York City Statue of Liberty Super Express Cruise

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15. Edge Observation Deck at Hudson Yards Admission Ticket

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16. New York Helicopter Tour: Manhattan Highlights

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17. New York City Mafia and Local Food Tour led by former NYPD Guides

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18. NYC Must-See Highlights of Manhattan Bus Tour

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19. Statue of Liberty and New York City Skyline Sightseeing Cruise

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20. Big Bus New York: Hop-On Hop-Off Sightseeing Tour by Open-top Bus

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21. Boroughs of NYC: Harlem, Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn & Coney Island

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22. Secret Food Tours NYC - Greenwich Village

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23. New York CityPASS®

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24. 3 Hour Session at Williamsburg's Adventure Park Area 53

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25. New York City at Night Bus Tour

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26. 9/11 Memorial Museum Admission Ticket

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27. Circle Line: New York City Harbor Lights Cruise

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28. The Manhattan Helicopter Tour of New York

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29. New York Helicopter Tour: City Lights Skyline Experience

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30. Central Park Pedicab Guided Tours

What travelers are saying.


  • Jennifer P 4 contributions 0 5.0 of 5 bubbles Great first night in NYC First time in NYC on girls trip with my mom. Had a great evening carriage ride with Hassin (sp?) and Charlie. It was wonderful! Nice, relaxing pace. Lots of info and Hassin graciously stopped to play photographer for us more than once. I would highly recommend. 😊❤️ Read more Review of: Official NYC Horse Carriage Rides in Central Park since 1979 ™ Written June 4, 2024 This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews.

Eszter K

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The 19 best new york city tours of 2024.

Explore the best parts of NYC with a local expert.

The Best New York City Tours

yellow cabs going across NYC bridge

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Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned local, you're guaranteed to learn something new on these guided tours of New York City. Tour options range from sightseeing outings to the city's famous attractions to leisurely dinner cruises on the Hudson River.

Editor's Pick: USA Guided Tours – Discover NY Bus Tour

Price: Adults from $99; kids from $89 Duration: 6 hours

U.S. News independently paid to send  Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner , an travel writer based in New York City, on this tour to provide readers with an unbiased, first-hand perspective of what to expect. USA Guided Tours – Discover NY Bus Tour was selected by our team as an Editor’s Pick thanks to its popularity and favorable user reviews.

This tour starts in Midtown and provides a comprehensive survey of well-known Manhattan landmarks, cultural institutions and tourist attractions, peppered with local knowledge. It's an enjoyable way to see much of the city in half a day. The tour is perfect for first-time travelers to get their bearings, check off some photo-ops and see the range of activities that await during their time in New York: shows, parks, museums, live tapings, skyscraper tours, eateries and more. A comfy bus seats about 30 passengers, ideal for quick group gatherings at stops. Tour activities include a walk through Central Park 's west side, a peek at the Empire State Building and a pause at the 9/11 memorial . Guides address ways to further enjoy each space for a return visit, plus pertinent history, standout events, cultural hot spots and more. A round-trip journey on the Staten Island ferry offers close views of the Statue of Liberty , and a real New York commuter experience.

For an additional fee, you can opt to take this tour in a glass-top bus. If you're hoping to admire the city at night, consider the company's evening bus tour.

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Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner

Why we love it:

  • A 45-minute stop by Zuccotti Park for lunch offers visitors the chance to eat at Gansevoort Liberty Market, outdoor food carts, Eataly and more, just like countless New Yorkers downtown.
  • The drive up Broadway, and down Fifth Avenue offers visitors a taste of several neighborhoods they may want to return to (think: West Village and Chinatown). Guides are happy to recommend how to return to these areas and share personal recommendations for shopping, dining and low-priced tickets. 
  • There’s never a boring moment – each block has a story about a synagogue, a celebrity, a changemaker or other notable figures in New York history. The comprehensive overview takes visitors from 1600s New Amsterdam to 2024’s Tony Award contenders. 

– Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner

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Bike Rent NYC – Central Park Bike Tour

Price: From $49 Duration: 2 hours

Led by Bike Rent NYC, the Central Park Bike Tour covers roughly 5 miles of Central Park in two hours, and stops along the way include the Bethesda Fountain, Strawberry Fields and the Reservoir. Reviewers generally praise the guides' knowledge of and enthusiasm for the park, and they note that the tours are not paricularly strenuous.

Tours are available multiple times daily, with the first departing at 9 a.m. Tickets cover the use of bicycles as well as helmets, which are mandatory for riders 14 and younger. Bikers can purchase insurance for an additional fee.

Prefer to explore on your own? The company also rents bikes for self-guided tours.

Ahoy NY Tours & Tasting – Chinatown and Little Italy Food Fest Walking Food Tour

Price: From $105 Duration: 3 hours

Eat your way through Chinatown and Little Italy on this three-hour walking tour of New York City. As you explore iconic neighborhoods with an expert guide, you'll stop for seven samples of traditional dishes. Tastings may include Chinese dumplings, cannolis and homemade mozzarella, among other delicacies. Participants praise guides for their historical knowledge of the area and the amount of food served; many warn that you'll want to arrive hungry to fully enjoy all of the tour's offerings.

Tickets cover all food, and participants 21 and older have the option to add a glass of wine or beer at the seated tasting. If you're still hungry, Ahoy NY Tours & Tasting also offers tours of Mulberry Street.

On Location Tours – "Sex and the City" Hotspots Tour

Price: From $66 Duration: 3.5 hours

New York City offers something for just about everyone, including fans of a certain television show starring four fashionable women. On Location Tours' "Sex and the City" Hotspots Tour takes travelers via bus to more than 40 locations where Sarah Jessica Parker and her costars were filmed wining, dining and shopping. Travelers visit famed neighborhoods, such as midtown Manhattan, Greenwich Village, SoHo and the Meatpacking District, stopping for photo-ops along the way. Tourgoers rave about the experienced and amusing guides and assure you don't have to be a fan to enjoy the tour.

The adults-only (18 and older) outings are generally offered Thursday through Sunday at 2 p.m., but the tour runs daily during the summer months. Availability may be more limited in the winter. The company also offers a variety of other TV- and movie-themed bus tours, including those that visit locations featured in "Gossip Girl." If you'd rather walk, consider the company's Central Park TV & Movie Sites Walking Tour.

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Courtesy of ExperienceFirst

ExperienceFirst – Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Guided Tour

Price: Adults from $79; kids from $75 Duration: 5 hours

For an in-depth look at the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, sign up for this excursion with ExperienceFirst. The five-hour tour includes access to the grounds of Liberty and Ellis islands, the Immigration Museum and the Statue of Liberty Museum, as well as round-trip ferry tickets. What's more, you'll enjoy priority line access to board the ferry. Guides win praise from reviewers for their expertise and engaging delivery, as well as their ability to navigate the crowds.

Tours depart daily at 8:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. The 3.5-hour guided portion of the five-hour tour begins at Castle Clinton in Battery Park and ends at Ellis Island. From there, you can continue to explore on your own for as long as you wish or hop back on the ferry to return to Battery Park. ExperienceFirst also conducts three-hour "express" Statue of Liberty tours , in addition to walking tours of various New York City neighborhoods, including Little Italy and Chinatown.

Broadway Up Close Walking Tours – Broadway's Beginnings

Price: Adults from $41; kids from $36 Duration: 1 hour, 45 minutes

Theater fans can't miss the chance to tag along on the Broadway's Beginnings tour. During the nearly two-hour, half-mile walking tour, you'll pass by the theaters at the southern end of the Broadway theater district, from 41st Street to 44th Street. Along the way, your expert guide will share tales of Broadway's early years and detail how Broadway shows evolve from the first rehearsal to opening night. Plus, guides regale you with stories of the ghosts that reportedly haunt the district's theaters. Reviewers rave about the guides' passion for theater and the behind-the-scenes scoop they share.

Tours are generally available Sunday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 a.m. A maximum of 15 participants are allowed to tour. Can't get enough of Broadway? The company offers a variety of other themed tours, including one that focuses on "Hamilton: An American Musical" and another one all about the Shubert brothers (best known for their theater empire in the 1900s).

Top Dog Tours New York City – Ghosts of Greenwich Village Tour

Price: From $35 Duration: 2 hours

Hear all about the ghosts that purportedly haunt Greenwich Village on this two-hour stroll. Among the sites you'll pass by are the Anne Charlotte Lynch House, where Edgar Allan Poe debuted some of his most famous works, the Hangman's Elm, a more than 300-year-old tree in Washington Square Park that is believed to be the site of many hangings during the American Revolution, and the Jefferson Market Library, a former courthouse. Travelers recommend this tour if you're a fan of the paranormal and are interested in the history of Greenwich Village. Reviewers give kudos to the guides, who they describe as friendly and captivating.

Tours operate nightly at 8 p.m. and are offered in English and Spanish. Note that Top Dog Tours says this experience is not suitable for kids younger than 12.

9/11 Memorial Plaza

You'll visit the 9/11 Memorial, a plaza at the former site of the twin towers, during the 9/11 Ground Zero Tour.

9/11 Ground Zero Tour

Price: Adults from $39; kids from $35 Duration: 1.5 hours

Go beyond the 9/11 Memorial with this 90-minute walking tour, led by New Yorkers with personal connections to 9/11. Tours begin at St. Paul's Chapel, which served as an impromptu rescue center during the attacks, and then move to the 9/11 Memorial, a plaza at the former site of the twin towers. From there, your tour may also stop at the FDNY Memorial Wall, the "Survivor Tree" or the Oculus at the World Trade Center transit hub, depending on your tour guide. Tour-takers find the guides to be insightful, respectful and passionate.

Tours take place daily at 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Packages that combine the 9/11 Ground Zero Tour with a visit to the 9/11 Museum or to the One World Observatory are also available.

New York Media Boat – Adventure Sightseeing Tour

Price: Adults from $99; kids from $75 Duration: 1 hour

If you're looking for a unique (and thrilling) tour of NYC's top sights, consider this 60-minute speed boat ride aboard a vessel originally reserved for photographers and news crews. After departing from North Cove Marina in lower Manhattan, you'll zip across the Hudson River for views of downtown, midtown and the Empire State and Chrysler buildings. You'll also sail under the Brooklyn Bridge, along the Brooklyn waterfront and around Governors Island. Plus, the tour offers up-close views of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Reviewers say this is a fun and memorable way to see the sights and applaud the captain for their interesting commentary and handling of the boat.

Boats depart several times daily, but availability is limited in the winter months. New York Media Boat also operates private tours.

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Nice Guy Tours – Lower East Side Tour

Price: From $89 Duration: 3 hours

You'll want to come hungry for this New York City food tour, which visits a minimum of seven eateries for samples of pickles, pastrami and doughnuts, among other dishes. During the three-hour walking tour, you'll stop at famous restaurants like Katz's Deli and Russ & Daughters as your guide regales you with stories about the Lower East Side's history and culture. Reviewers are particularly fond of the guides, who they describe as friendly, informative and entertaining. Travelers are also complimentary of the generous amount of food offered.

Tours are available Sunday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:30 a.m. A maximum of 12 people are allowed on each tour. The company also offers food tours of Greenwich Village.

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Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises – Landmarks Cruise

Price: Prices vary Duration: 1.5 hours

The Landmarks Cruise offered by Circle Line allows you to soak in dramatic views of the New York City skyline from the water surrounding Manhattan. The 90-minute boat ride sails beneath New York's famous bridges, including the Brooklyn Bridge, cruises past the Statue of Liberty and glides by other famous structures. English-speaking guides, who are characterized by reviewers as informed and entertaining, provide a running commentary about the various sights. Food and drinks, both alcoholic and nonalcoholic, are available for purchase.

Prices may vary based on the time and date of the cruise. Passengers also have the option of purchasing premier seating. Cruises depart at multiple times daily between 11:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. from Pier 83 at Hudson River Park. Specialized cruises to the Statue of Liberty and evening cruises are also available.

Foods of NY Tours – Heart and Soul of Greenwich Village

Price: Adults from $75; kids from $50 Duration: 3 hours

The Heart and Soul of Greenwich Village tour highlights the diverse culinary offerings of one of the city's most eclectic neighborhoods. Reviewers enthusiastically praise the varied array of food sampled during the three-hour walking tour, which stops at various cafes and specialty shops for seven tastings – two seated, the rest on the go. Specific tastings vary by day and time, but may include artichoke pizza, fresh pasta, empanadas or kati rolls.

Tours are offered Thursday through Monday year-round. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, tours depart at noon (with a possible additional tour at 12:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday); on Thursday and Monday, tours start at 2 p.m. The tickets cover the food and one bottle of water. Excursions are limited to 16 people. Foods of NY Tours also conducts tours of other neighborhoods, such as Chinatown and Little Italy, as well as Brooklyn.

Tommy's New York – The Catacombs by Candlelight

Price: Adults from $36; kids from $30 Duration: 1.5 hours

Explore the crypts beneath the Basilica of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral and enjoy a behind-the-scenes tour with Tommy's New York. On the 90-minute tour, participants will learn the history of the catacombs, which date back to 1815, and the histories of the people buried here, including bishops, priests and families. Unlike the catacombs in Paris and Rome, there are no visible bones. Tourgoers will also walk through the cathedral and see its Erben pipe organ. Reviewers applaud guides for their engaging and educational delivery and vast knowledge of New York history.

Tours are available Thursday through Monday at multiple times between 10:30 a.m. and 4:15 p.m.

Brooklyn Bridge at sunrise

Learn all about Brooklyn, Brooklyn Heights and Dumbo with Free Tours by Foot.

Free Tours by Foot – Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn Heights and DUMBO Tour

Price: Free Duration: 3 hours

For a local's perspective on Brooklyn history, consider this three-hour walking tour. You'll start your tour by walking a mile over the Brooklyn Bridge. Then, you'll explore America's first suburb, Brooklyn Heights, before stopping to admire the views of Manhattan and New York Harbor. You'll end the tour in Dumbo. Participants compliment guides for their expertise and friendly personalities, as well as their willingness to answer questions. Because it's a name-your-own-price tour, participants choose if they want to compensate the guide at the tour's conclusion.

Tours, which meet at City Hall Park, are offered daily at 9:30 a.m. Though the tour is free, reservations must be made on the company's website. The company offers a variety of other themed tours, including walks through Harlem, Chinatown and Little Italy.

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Zip Aviation – Big City Helicopter Tour

Price: From $279 Duration: 20 minutes

Escape the crowds and enjoy panoramic vistas of the Big Apple on Zip Aviation's Big City Helicopter Tour. The route extends from Liberty Harbor up to the Bronx with views of landmarks, such as the Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Yankee Stadium and New York's various rivers and iconic bridges, along the way. Reviewers repeatedly laud the exceptional views, the one-of-a-kind flight experience and the professional staff. Plus, prerecorded commentary is provided in multiple languages.

Zip Aviation limits tours to six passengers, depending on the aircraft. The tour, which is available Monday to Saturday at a variety of times between 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., lasts 20 minutes. The company also offers 15-minute flights concentrating on the Liberty Harbor area and nighttime skyline tours.

The Wall Street Experience – Wall Street Insider Tour

Price: Adults from $39; kids from $35 Duration: 75 minutes

The Wall Street Experience's Wall Street Insider Tour traverses some of the oldest streets of New York City. The 75-minute walking tour goes past (but not inside) the New York Stock Exchange, which is closed to the public, and the Federal Reserve. As you meander the streets of lower Manhattan, guides – many of whom are traders, investment bankers and stockbrokers – discuss the Financial District's history, architecture and related trivia. Travelers describe guides as funny and extremely well-versed in both finance and New York history.

Outings start at Broad Street, just around the corner from Wall Street, at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The company also offers tours that focus on the 2008 financial crisis.

Best New York City Tours

Courtesy of Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises

Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises – Harbor Lights Sunset Cruise

Price: Prices vary Duration: 2 hours

The Big Apple shines at night, and a great way to take in the glistening skyline is from the water. The Harbor Lights Sunset Cruise allows you to do just that, admiring some of the city's most recognizable landmarks, including the Empire State Building and the High Line, during the two-hour evening sail. Cruisers relish the expansive views, photo-ops and engaging commentary, and describe the tour as relaxing.

The tours, which depart nightly at 7 p.m. from Pier 83, feature narration by guides. Prices vary based on time and date of cruise. Cruisers also have the option of purchasing premier seating. Circle Line offers daytime cruises, as well as specialized cruises to the Statue of Liberty.

Intrepid Urban Adventures – New York Tenements, Tales, and Tastes Discovery

Price: From $79 Duration: 3 hours

This walking tour of the Lower East Side, Little Italy and Chinatown illustrates how immigration shaped New York's culture and culinary history. Throughout the three-hour tour, you'll sample four ethnic foods (such as knishes, prosciutto and dumplings) with a knowledgeable guide providing information about the cuisine and culture of the area. Stops include restaurants, bakeries, churches and historic sites. Reviewers heap praise on the attentive guides and recommend pairing this tour with a trip to Ellis Island to gain a better understanding of the early immigrant story.

Tours are generally offered daily at 10 a.m. Groups are limited to 14 people. Intrepid Urban Adventures also leads tours all about Alexander Hamilton, in addition to private outings.

HeliNY – The New Yorker Tour

Price: From $199 Duration: 12 to 15 minutes

Soar above the Statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge, Chelsea Piers, Times Square and more on this approximately 15-minute helicopter flight. As you marvel at the sights below, your pilot will point out landmarks and answer any questions. Previous passengers describe the flight as magical and an amazing way to see NYC. Reviewers also praise the staff for their friendliness and professionalism.

Ticket prices start at approximately $199 per person and do not include the additional $40 facility and fuel fees. Prices may fluctuate depending on the time and date of your booking. There is a 275-pound weight limit per passenger. If you're looking for a longer flight, consider booking HeliNY's Deluxe Tour, which lasts up to 30 minutes.

You may also be interested in:

  • The Best NYC Walking Tours
  • The Best New York City Hotels
  • The Best Weekend Trips from New York City

Tags: Tours , Travel , Vacations , New York City , food and drink , New York Vacations , Mid-Atlantic Vacations , US Vacations

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Tours in New York City

The bright lights of New York City entice visitors like no other city on earth. Most visitors to the Big Apple pack their schedules with bucket-list attractions: Times Square, the Empire State Building, and maybe even a Broadway show. But while enjoyable, these experiences barely scratch the surface of the real New York.

Instead, head off the beaten path into Manhattan’s neighborhoods—or maybe even into one of the other four boroughs—and taste your way around the infinite facets of New York’s food scene. From Little Italy to Chinatown, community-built, family-run restaurants throughout the city cook up delights beloved by locals and visiting foodies alike.

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The BEST New York City Tours

No trip to New York is complete without paying homage to the 9/11 memorial. Our tour of Manhattan’s Wall Street and Ground Zero Memorial will provide a moment to reflect on one of the greatest tragedies in United States history. You can also eat and drink your way through the city. During our Greenwich food tour, you’ll enjoy pizza and cannoli while learning about the neighborhood’s rich history from a local foodie guide. Find hidden pubs that have been around since Prohibition. You’ll also get amazing views of the city at a special rooftop speakeasy. On our can’t-miss bike tours, you’ll have the chance to see the city from Harlem to Battery Park. Or you can explore the iconic Central Park. Covering 840 acres, Central Park is filled with stunning sites, statues, and art, alongside hidden pockets you won’t want to miss. Looking to get out of the city for the day? We’ve got you covered. The mighty Niagara Falls is waiting for you just north of the city. We’ll take care of everything; you just need to take in her natural beauty (and try not to get wet). Is history more your thing? We have a day trip to Boston that will have you discussing the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, and the building blocks of American democracy.

Don’t miss 5,000 years of culture at the Met or the most monumental gift in American history, the Statue of Liberty

13 Tours Found

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The New York Met Unveiled: Semi-Private Tour

Dive into NYC's largest museum to see modernism, impressionism, Renaissance art, and so much more

Before the Crowds Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Tour

See Lady Liberty up close and get in touch with your roots at the gateway to New York City

Central Park Highlights Small Group Bike Tour

Ride through Manhattan’s world-famous park by bike with a friendly NYC guide

Greenwich Village Local Food Tour in New York City

Eat your way through NYC’s most beloved neighborhood and feast on pizza, cannoli, sandwiches & more

NYC Speakeasy and Prohibition History Tour

Step back to the Roaring '20s as you sip cocktails in New York’s coolest hidden pubs and bars

Niagara Falls Day Trip from New York City

Book a hassle-free trip to the mighty falls, with round-trip travel and Maid of the Mist boat tour

Boston in a Day Trip from New York City

Journey through American history from the Boston Massacre to Harvard University

Best of NYC Half Day Electric Bike Tour

From Central Park to Brooklyn Bridge, pedal through the city with electric ease and a fun NYC guide

Hell's Kitchen Local Food Tour in New York City

Taste the world New York-style in Manhattan's eclectic culinary neighborhood with a foodie guide

Private NYC Helicopter Ride for Two

View Manhattan the ultra-exclusive way as you soar from Times Square to the Statue of Liberty

Private Group Helicopter Tour of New York City

Fly the skies with family or friends over Central Park, Statue of Liberty, Yankee Stadium and more

Helicopter Flying Lessons Near NYC

Pilot your own R44 Raven II chopper on an exhilarating training flight. No experience required!

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More about new york city, new york, why visit new york.

There’s no shortage of iconic landmarks in New York City. The Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, and the Charging Bull of Wall Street are images we’re all familiar with even if we’ve never set foot on a New York street. Our local experts tell us that these are some of the top iconic sights you shouldn’t miss.

911 memorial

9/11 Memorial and Museum

A powerful tribute to the day the United States changed forever, the 9/11 Memorial & Museum sits at the site of the former Twin Towers. The Memorial is the outline of the “footprints” of the two buildings turned into fountains. The Museum holds the story of that fateful day, told in stunning visuals and powerful exhibits.

Ellis Island & Liberty Island

These two islands in New York Harbor were often the first things the New World immigrants saw when they came to this country in the early 1900s. Now, Ellis Island holds a museum to tell the proud history of U.S. immigration. On tour, the iconic Lady Liberty, standing with her torch held high on her own island, can’t be missed.

The Empire State Building

Standing over the skyline at a staggering 102-stories, the Empire State Building is an Art Deco work of art, and a must-see on your travels. It was named as one of the “seven wonders of the modern world,” and the view from the observation deck is something to behold. It will literally change your perspective on New York City.

Times Square

Seeing Times Square in countless movies and TV shows can’t even begin to compare to the real thing. The electric heart of New York City is a neon-lit wonderland. A few blocks away, we suggest visiting Rockefeller Center, Madame Tussauds famous wax museum, and the Museum of Modern Art.


New York is densely packed and sprawling, so every neighborhood tends to be named, guiding you roughly to where something is located. Each neighborhood has its own flavor and culture, and each has something special for visitors there. Be sure to wander, explore, and sample a little bit of what these neighborhoods have to offer. We can’t recommend them enough.

greenwich village

Greenwich Village

Sometimes just called “The Village,” Greenwich Village is the neighborhood that dominates the western part of Lower Manhattan. Once known as New York’s counter-culture capital, the Village is now the place to eat, stroll through the parks, or take in a comedy show at a club.

Wall Street

Wall Street needs no introduction. The lifeblood of the American economy, this street is home to big-time financial dealings. But it’s also home to a great deal of museums. We love to visit the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Customs House, and the Charging Bull statue with its new addition of the Fearless Girl statue standing in front of it.

Little Italy

New York City’s Little Italy is where generations of Italian immigrants made their home. Here, there are wall-to-wall bakeries, restaurants, and delis, all serving world-class Italian fare. Locals “in the know” are always raving about eating a cannoli from a Little Italy bakery. These tasty treats are a can’t-miss experience.

Like Little Italy, Chinatown was shaped by the immigrants that came to the U.S. and settled down in the city. You can see the Chinese influence in the art and architecture everywhere, and of course, the cuisine here can’t be beat. On tour, try to be adventurous and try some Chinese candy while you’re here.


New York City is the live entertainment capital of the world, and that’s never more obvious than when you’re on tour. While most movies and TV shows are produced on the west coast, New York boasts a theater scene that no one else can compete with. Combine that with live music and stand-up comedy, and you have an unbeatably entertaining city.

ellens stardust diner

Ellen’s Stardust Diner

This 50s-themed eatery has a reputation for great food and great times. Located in New York City’s theater district, Ellen’s Stardust Diner is consistently named the best themed restaurant in NYC. It features a singing waitstaff, many of whom go on to illustrious careers in musicals both on and off Broadway.

Broadway Shows

Broadway, the legendary street that’s the epicenter of the American Musical Theater world, never disappoints travelers in New York. Every day of the week, there is a Broadway show happening that will completely blow audiences away. There are 41 theaters packed into this area, so take your pick.

Radio City Music Hall

Radio City Music Hall, declared a New York City landmark in 1978, has been entertaining New Yorkers for generations. Take in a concert if you can. But, we recommend stopping by at night to see the world-famous neon signs lit up bright, and to take a stroll through the public areas of the Hall to see the art deco architecture.

Madison Square Garden

In midtown Manhattan, the legendary Madison Square Garden waits for the next big event to happen within its walls. You can see hockey and basketball games here, as well as massive, audience-stunning concerts. Stopping by MSG is as easy as taking the train to Penn Station.

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myNY: The Ultimate NYC Itinerary Tool

myNY: The Ultimate NYC Itinerary Tool

Image of author Moritz

Picking and choosing between the hundreds of things that you can do in NYC, especially when you are only there for a couple days is probably the hardest part of the trip. Hours of research scouring websites and scribbling down things that might interest you only to later find out they won’t ever fit into the rest of your sightseeing plan…  Enough!

We wanted to make itineraries easy. So we developed myNY.

myNY – Your Personal NY Itinerary

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Welcome to USA Guided Tours, your gateway to the electrifying pulse of New York City! Here, the thrill of adventure and the city that never sleeps intertwine in our award-winning NYC bus tours .

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Join our expert tour guides on a captivating journey through the veins of New York City. Unveil the city’s iconic landmarks, historic districts, and hidden gems, all from the plush comfort of our climate-controlled luxury tour bus . Our NYC sightseeing tours are designed as public, private tours, or custom tour options to accommodate all your requirements and interests.

But we’re more than just NYC tours – we’re storytellers, history enthusiasts, and experience creators. Each stop on our guided NYC tours is meticulously chosen to give you a taste of the city’s diverse culture and rich tapestry of history. Whether you’re a first-time explorer or a seasoned traveler, prepare to discover a New York City you’ve never seen before.

Embarking on a USA Guided Tour isn’t just a ride around the city – it’s a vibrant journey through the beating heart of New York City. From mesmerizing skyline vistas to the invigorating city streets, get ready to see the city in a whole new light!

So, what are you waiting for? Book your unforgettable journey through the heart of New York City today!

Customer Testimonials

Viator Experience Awards 2023: Top 20 for the USA

Rachel was absolutely incredible, she was extremely knowledgeable and a lot of fun. Highly recommend!

Tripadvisor Reviews

Tyler Marie was our wonderful guide on this small bus tour of NYC. She was upbeat and so knowledgeable and happily answered our questions. Would definitely recommend this 6 hour tour. Frequent stops at highlights broke up the time nicely. We had fewer than 30 people on our bus. Our tour never felt rushed! Great experience.

Google Reviews

Gil was an amazing tour guide. We booked the 6 hour NYC tour and I can not imagine a better way to see all that we saw in half a day. We started in Times Square, we were educated on history and architecture throughout our day. We made stops in Central Park, Rockefeller Center, Madison Square, the 911 Memorial, Ferry to Staten Island w views of The Statue of Liberty, & so much more. Worth every penny!

I just had the time of my life…. OMG what a great choice I made…!!! My wife and my daughter look at me like a hero…. We had a great time, lots of fun and time enough to do everything…!!! Thank you so much “USA Guided Tours NY” for sure you guys will be my next choice again… I would give you 10 stars but google only lets me do 5 but you guys deserve more… Thanks a bunch…!!!

Recommended NYC Tours

From our blogs, things to do in nyc (2024).

New York City, the city that never sleeps, is a whirlwind of energy and excitement. Its iconic skyline, a tapestry of shimmering skyscrapers, beckons dreamers and adventurers. From the neon glow of Times Square to the serenity of Central Park, hole-in-the-wall eateries to Broadway’s bright lights, NYC offers an endless array of experiences. Whether you…

deux tours new york

A Tour Guide’s New York City

In partnership with TripAdvisor, we’re highlighting top-rated tour guides from around the world who go above and beyond to create unforgettable experiences, as proven by traveler reviews. Read on for top tips, local expertise, and more. It can be hard to stand out in a city of more than 8 million people, but not for…

Expertly Guided NYC Tours

NYC Trip for Foodies: A Flavorful Tour of the City’s Best Eats

New York’s vibrant and diverse culture separates it from any city in the world. The food scene is an important part of New York that must be explored on a trip to the city. The variety, ranging from Italian cuisine to Korean street food, trumps ones in many other parts of the country. However, with…

NYC for Foodies: A Flavorful Tour of the City's Best Eats

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Best 2 week Tours from New York City

Find the best 2 week adventures and trips starting from New York City. Choose from 133 tours - we've found the most popular time to visit is in July with the most number of tour departures.

21 trips from New York City with 133 reviews

East Coast and Dreamed Canada Tour

East Coast and Dreamed Canada

Essential East Coast, Niagara and Chicago Tour

  • Sightseeing

Essential East Coast, Niagara and Chicago

New York City, Niagara Falls & Washington DC with Extended Stay in New York City Tour

  • Coach / Bus

New York City, Niagara Falls & Washington DC with Extended Stay in New York City

Eastern USA & Canada Escape (15 destinations) Tour

Eastern USA & Canada Escape (15 destinations)

Very well planned and professionally executed. Thank you.
  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

East Coast USA and Canada (End Boston, 14 Days) Tour

  • In-depth Cultural

East Coast USA and Canada (End Boston, 14 Days)

  • €100 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

East Coast USA and Canada (End New York, 14 Days) Tour

East Coast USA and Canada (End New York, 14 Days)

New England & the Hudson Valley with New York City Tour

New England & the Hudson Valley with New York City

Eastern Discovery Tour

Eastern Discovery

  • €150 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

New York to Miami Tour

New York to Miami

Excellent coordination. Very good accommodation and transport.

Southern Explorer Tour

Southern Explorer

Eastern Discovery Tour

  • Intl. Flights Included
  • Christmas & New Year

USA Adventure: City Hopping from Coast to Coast (7 destinations)

  • Flights included
  • €50 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

USA Adventure: Lady Liberty, Miami Heat & Western Vibe Tour

USA Adventure: Lady Liberty, Miami Heat & Western Vibe

USA Road Trip: From the Big Apple to Niagara Falls Tour

USA Road Trip: From the Big Apple to Niagara Falls

New York & California: Airstream Glamping Road Trip Tour

New York & California: Airstream Glamping Road Trip

Reviews of 2 week tours from new york city.

Excellent coordination. Proper time management. Very good accommodation.. Very good transport. All over it was a nice trip.
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Multi-day tours and trips from new york city.

New York City is called “the center of the world” for technology, fashion, finance and more. But it’s also centrally located near many other exciting places that are waiting to be explored.

The Big Apple is just a short drive from several other northeastern destinations such as Philadelphia, Washington DC, Toronto and more. You can even visit Canada from New York City, as the country’s border is only 800 kilometers from the metropolitan area.

Take a multi-city day trip from New York City to see all the northeast of America has to offer, for the experience of a life time.

2-Day trips

Philadelphia and washington dc tour from new york city.

deux tours new york

Philadelphia and Washington DC are two of the most historically significant cities in the United States, and they are both just a short drive from New York City. Take a 2-day, 1-night guided tour to visit the most important memorials in both destinations and experience life in Amish country along the way.

You’ll kick off your journey with a morning departure from NYC in an air-conditioned bus. From there, you’ll travel to Philadelphia where you’ll see sights such as the Liberty Bell, Constitution Square and Congress Hall. Afterward, you’ll head to Amish country to ride on an authentic Amish buggy and tour the traditional farmland maintained without technology for hundreds of years. Your group will close out the night at a Washington DC hotel.

Day 2 of your journey begins in the nation’s capital with a visit to the Thomas Jefferson Memorial and famous Japanese cherry blossom trees. Your experienced guide will then lead you through several war cemeteries before a visit to Capitol Hill, where you can see the White House. You will also have the opportunity to visit several more different memorials and museums, before beginning the journey with a ride back to New York City.

Niagara Falls tour from New York City

deux tours new york

This 2-day tour crosses over the Canadian border for a visit to the spectacular natural wonder of the Niagara Falls . This exciting tour includes transportation in an air-conditioned bus, along with the services of an experienced tour guide and a 1-night hotel stay with breakfast.

Your journey begins with a drive through the Finger Lakes region to see the beautiful scenery of upstate New York. You’ll stop by several stunning lakes and waterfalls before arriving at the US side of Niagara. Tour several of the nearby islands and the lights reflecting on the falls before calling it a night.

On day 2 of your tour, you’ll head straight to Horseshoe Falls before hopping on the Maid of the Mist for a fun boat ride. Once you depart Niagara, you’ll venture to one of the largest outlet malls in America for some souvenir shopping. Finish the journey to Canada with an evening drop-off in Manhattan.

3-Day trips

Finger lakes, niagara falls, toronto and 1000 islands from new york city.

deux tours new york

This multi-day excursion ventures from the bright lights of the city to the peaceful beauty of upstate New York and Canada. The trip begins with a morning pickup in an air-conditioned bus, from where you’ll head north to Watkins Glen and the scenic Finger Lakes. You’ll walk through stunning canyons to see the serene lakes and waterfalls of the region. From there, you’ll head to the iconic Niagara Falls for a ride on the Maid of the Mist to be immersed in the magic of the gorge. The first day ends with a nighttime viewing of the Niagara Falls light show before checking into a hotel.

On day 2, you’ll head back to Niagara to visit the beautiful village Niagara-on-the-Lake and the magnificent Horseshoe Falls view. Afterward, you’ll venture back into city life with a visit to Toronto, Canada. You’ll tour the financial capital with a stop at the Hockey Hall of Fame, and end the evening in the 1000 Islands area.

For day 3 of your multi-day trip, you’ll enjoy a breathtaking cruise through the incredible 1000 Islands that are scattered among the St. Laurence River. You’ll have time to taken in the views of the private islands owned by the rich and famous, as you peruse the area that was first navigated by French explorer Jacques Cartier.

On the journey back to New York City, you’ll stop by the Delaware Water Gap, known for many outdoor activities such as hiking , camping and white water rafting . Your last stop will be at the Pocono Premium Outlets for some shopping before you return to the metropolitan area.

4-Day trips

Niagara falls, philadelphia, washington dc and amish country.

deux tours new york

This 4-day trip from New York City visits the breathtaking upstate Finger Lakes, Niagara Falls, Philadelphia, Washington DC and Amish Country in one combined excursion. You’ll begin with a bus pickup at Port Authority in Manhattan , from where you and your group will head North to the Finger Lakes region. You’ll visit the picturesque area of Seneca Lake and visit several waterfalls and islands before ending the night at the Niagara Falls Hotel with views of the famous light projections.

On day 2 of your journey, you’ll head to the iconic Niagara Falls for a boat ride on the Maid of the Mist. Later, you’ll stop at one of the United States’ largest outlet shopping malls before ending the night at a New Jersey hotel.

For day 3, you’ll go sightseeing in Philadelphia with visits to Congress Hall, the Liberty Bell and more. Next, you’ll head to Lancaster County to see America’s oldest Amish settlement. After an afternoon drive south, you’ll spend the night at a Washington DC hotel for an early morning start on day 4.

The final day of this multi-city trip ends with a fascinating tour of the nation’s capital. You’ll visit many different memorials and even get a glimpse at the beautiful Japanese cherry blossom trees. Depart from Washington DC in the early evening for a nighttime drop-off back in New York City.

Best Places to Visit in New York City

Tours and things to do in new york city, best day trips from new york city.

Les Deux Tours

Situated in the city's lush palmeraie, les deux tours in marrakech is a stylish boutique resort with traditional-style..

Circuit de la palmeraie, Douar Abiad, Marrakech 40000, Morocco

General: Air conditioning

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Les Deux Tours

Marrakech, Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz Region, Morocco

  • Full Review
  • Quiet retreat in the heart of Marrakech's palm grove area
  • Gorgeous grounds, outdoor pool, and sundeck
  • Elegant rooms combine traditional and modern decor
  • Large suites have private plunge pools
  • Salammbo restaurant delivers French flavors with local Moroccan produce
  • Bar has a fireplace and outdoor terrace
  • Traditional hammam-style spa
  • Free Wi-Fi throughout
  • Free parking and all-day shuttle to the city center
  • A 15-minute drive from the Medina
  • Standard Classic Rooms have a cramped layout
  • No coffeemakers, just kettles for instant coffee and tea
  • Wi-Fi signal varies in strength

Bottom Line

Set within the palm groves of the ritzy Palmeraie district, the 36-room, luxurious Deux Tours is a great place to indulge in poolside lounging and traditional hammam treatments outside the often chaotic bustle of the Medina. The immediate surrounding area has little to offer, but it's a free 15-minute ride on the hotel shuttle to the Medina. Peaceful grounds filled with gardens, fountains, and animals are somewhat kid-friendly, though the traditionally designed rooms and elegant private riads have a decidedly romantic appeal better suited to couples. Guests who want to stay directly in the Medina could try the Riad Ambre et Epices, a luxury property with free breakfast. 

Hotel & Amenities Photos

Classic room.

Classic Room

Premium Suite

Premium Suite

Restaurants and Bars

Restaurants and Bars

Pets Allowed

Oyster hotel review, romantic moroccan country boutique with lush gardens, mosaic tile pool, and vaulted ceilings .

Architect Charles Boccara bought this palm tree-laden property in 1991, reopening the renovated Les Deux Tours in 2008 as a unique hotel composed of traditional adobe buildings and private riads scattered around a central outdoor pool. The beautiful gardens brimming with both flora and fauna -- including a donkey and goat -- conceal hammocks and shaded daybeds amid lily ponds and fountains. As if that weren't romantic enough, there's also the peaceful pool, a stretch of heated aquamarine water extending gracefully alongside beautiful stone decks lined with white sun loungers and umbrellas -- naturally, cocktails are available poolside, and the rounded end of the pool is decorated with gorgeous mosaic tiling. Inside, the restaurants and bars are similarly breathtaking, with vaulted stone ceilings set off by dramatic chandeliers, fireplaces, colorfully tiled floors, and jewel-tone velvet chairs. Unsurprisingly, couples are drawn to the private feeling of this property, though there are also some families and solo travelers in the mix. 

Outside the city in the Palmeraie district, 15 minutes from the Medina

Les Deux Tours is located in the palm groves outside of Marrakesh. This is a quiet area with several other luxury hotels nearby, far from the commotion of the Medina, which is about a 15-minute drive -- alternatively the hotel operates a free shuttle for guests’ convenience (every two hours, throughout the day). There are three nearby golf courses, including Golf Club Palmeraie, at just over five minutes' drive. For guests with cars, free parking is provided, with no reservations necessary. Marrakech Menara Airport is about 20 minutes away.

Mix of Moroccan and contemporary decor in separate riads, some with private plunge pools 

The rooms and suites are spread throughout several palatial riads with views of the gardens, and most have private balconies (though some ground-floor rooms have shared patios). The standard Classic Rooms are far from small, but their layouts can be cramped and dark even after throwing open all the wooden shutters. All are air-conditioned and have minibars, flat-screen TVs with satellite channels, safes, and kettles for tea and instant coffee. Some have fireplaces and all have pretty, Moroccan tiling and rich, natural-wood furniture, with contemporary lamps and white-upholstered chairs mixed in. Suites add living rooms, dedicated work spaces, and more elaborate interiors, some with fantastic vaulted ceilings. The large bathrooms have big, tiled soaking tubs with showerheads, or walk-in rainfall showers. There are also a few "private residence" suites, whole traditional riads with their own private gardens and plunge pools. 

Outdoor pool, traditional spa, two great restaurants, and a bar with outdoor terrace

Several acres of tree-lined paths lead to the hotel's heated outdoor pool, which looks like it was partially built within the ruins of an old Berber village. Sun loungers dot the perimeter, while daybeds and hammocks are scattered around the grounds, making for plenty of quiet places to relax. For professional relaxing, Les Bains is a traditional spa with a hot bath hammam and two steam rooms. Covered, outdoor treatment rooms built from adobe stone provide exotic locations for the usual array of massages and body therapies. The dining here is well-regarded, and the two eateries serve traditional specialties along with Western standards; the dishes incorporate produce and herbs from the hotel's own gardens. La Pergola serves light bites and lunch outdoors (under a pergola) and Le Salammbo covers a range of Mediterranean flavors with French culinary sensibilities -- on display in dishes like fried scallops with pistachio, artichoke mousseline and saffron emulsion, or the lamb confit stew with crushed quince, and tfaya (a Moroccan garnish of caramelized onions and raisins). The attached bar with its open fireplace has an extensive wine list, cocktails with fresh herbs, and a beautiful outdoor terrace. 

Related Hotels

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Les Jardins de La Koutoubia

The 100-room Les Jardins de La Koutoubia is a Moroccan romantic haven, offering luxury palatial designs, Moorish furnishings, secluded tropical courtyards with fountains, and quick access to Jemaa el-Fna square. The intimate hotel features rooftop and outdoor garden pools, an elegant spa with an indoor…

deux tours new york

Mogador Palace Agdal

The 610-room Ryad Mogador Agdal is a huge, modern, upscale resort-style hotel located south of the medina next to the Agdal Gardens, about a 15-minute drive to Place de Jamaa el-Fna, with free shuttle service offered to the medina. The spacious rooms open onto balconies,…

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La Mamounia Marrakech

With a rich history, a long list of celebrity and noble guests, and over-the-top design and architecture, La Mamounia is Marrakech's grandest and most famous hotel. Built in 1923, the 207-room luxury property is a blend of Moroccan and Art Deco style with intricate zellige…

Air Conditioner

Airport transportation, babysitting services, balcony / terrace / patio, business center, dry cleaning, golf course, kids allowed, meeting / conference rooms, mini bar (with liquor), poolside drink service, rental car service desk onsite, room service, separate bedroom / living room space, smoking rooms available, swim-up bar.

Disclaimer: This content was accurate at the time the hotel was reviewed. Please check our partner sites when booking to verify that details are still correct.

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45 ans après les Twin Towers, le funambule Philippe Petit plus que jamais sur le fil

  • le 17/06/2019 à 06:45
  • Modifié le 17/06/2019 à 17:49

Lecture en 2 min.

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45 ans après les Twin Towers, le funambule Philippe Petit plus que jamais sur le fil

Philippe Petit en spectacle à la Glass House, à New Canaan , le 9 juin 2019 dans le Connecticut / AFP

A deux mois de ses 70 ans et presque 45 ans après sa fameuse traversée entre les tours jumelles du World Trade Center, le funambule français Philippe Petit continue à défier la gravité et se verrait bien de nouveau au sommet de Notre-Dame.

Le regard est ailleurs, dans le vague. Ils sont plusieurs à s'approcher de lui mais Philippe Petit semble ne voir personne, redescendu de son câble mais pas encore de sa transe.

"Mes amis me disent: quand tu finis une traversée, tu es comme un zombie, un extra-terrestre. Tu es toujours sur le fil", confiait-il début juin, après avoir achevé un numéro sur le toit de la Glass House, célèbre maison du Connecticut conçue par l'architecte américain Philip Johnson il y a 70 ans.

Physique affûté, environ 1,70 m tout en souplesse, Philippe Petit affirme que l'âge n'a rien entamé de ses possibilités, lui qui continue à s'entraîner trois heures par jour, six jours par semaine.

"Je pense que je peux faire ce que je faisais quand j'avais 18 ans", dit-il.

"Je suis plus en possession de mes moyens aujourd'hui que quand j'étais un jeune homme qui voulait prouver quelque chose", estime cet Américain d'adoption, qui a élu domicile aux Etats-Unis après sa marche du World Trade Center en 1974. "Je n'ai plus rien à prouver."

Et l'appel du câble est là, toujours aussi pressant. "Je suis toujours enthousiaste, (...) comme un gamin. Je suis impatient de commencer. L'avant, c'est une perte de temps. J'aime le pendant."

- Revoir Notre-Dame -

45 ans après les Twin Towers, le funambule Philippe Petit plus que jamais sur le fil

Philippe Petit en représentation pour l'anniversaire de la Glass House, le 9 juin 2019 à New Canaan / AFP/Archives

Sur la ligne qui le reliait à la Glass House, Philippe Petit, éternel facétieux, ne s'est pas contenté de marcher.

Il a allongé le pas, puis s'est couché sur le fil, à plusieurs reprises, comme lors de la marche du World Trade Center, qui a humanisé ces deux tours un peu froides.

"Je ne suis pas de l'univers du cirque", rappelle le funambule autodidacte, "mais du théâtre, de l'opéra, des arts. Je suis un poète funambule qui veut utiliser son câble pour connecter."

De sa retraite non loin de Woodstock, au nord de New York, celui que le documentaire oscarisé "Le Funambule" (2008) et le film "The Walk" (2015) ont fait connaître à un large public voit s'élever, un peu partout dans le monde, des tours sans cesse plus hautes, avec envie.

45 ans après les Twin Towers, le funambule Philippe Petit plus que jamais sur le fil

Philippe Petit, le 9 juin 2019 à New Cannan, dans le Connecticut / AFP

Les tours jumelles Petronas à Kuala Lumpur (452 m) l'ont fait rêver mais, sans permission, plus grand-chose n'est possible, reconnaît-il. Il a pourtant posé jadis son câble à New York, Paris ou Sydney sans autorisation.

"Un type avec une tonne de matériel la nuit au sommet d'une tour géante, vous ne pensez pas qu'ils tireraient avant de poser des questions?", interroge-t-il. "Nous vivons dans un monde tellement parano sur la sécurité."

Aujourd'hui, l'homme au balancier prépare une tournée à l'international, dont il ne peut rien dire pour l'instant.

Il a aussi en tête la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, qu'il a vu partiellement brûler, comme le monde entier, le 15 avril.

"J'adorerais refaire une traversée entre les deux tours comme en 1971", dit-il, "pour aider à la reconstruction."

Il a offert ses services au ministère français de la Culture, qui n'a pas donné suite pour l'instant.

Philippe Petit ne fait jamais deux fois la même traversée. A Notre-Dame, "le câble serait placé de la même façon mais je ferais quelque chose de très différent".

Il imagine déjà le violoncelliste Yo-Yo Ma dans la tour d'en face. "Il m'appellerait avec sa musique. Ce serait magnifique."

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« pour certains, l’extrême droite incarne le dernier bastion des valeurs chrétiennes », paris 2024 : les jeux olympiques, une occasion d’améliorer l’accès au sport en prison.

Paris 2024 : les Jeux olympiques, une occasion d’améliorer l’accès au sport en prison

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« La Petite Vadrouille », « L’Affaire Vinca Curie »... Les sorties cinéma du 5 juin

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  • Le torchon brûle entre la Suède et l’Iran, accusé de manipuler des gangs
  • Européennes 2024 : l’immigration s’invite dans le débat au Portugal
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  1. Les Tours Jumelles New York Wikipedia

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  2. New York Twin Towers Wallpapers

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  3. Twin Towers, World Trade Center, designed by Minoru Yamasak, New York

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  4. Tours Jumelles du New York

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  5. Le World Trade Center avant le 11 septembre 2001

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  6. La construction des tours jumelles : le World Trade Center avant le 11

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  1. La chute des Tours Jumelles en images (11 septembre 2001)

    Le matin du 11 septembre 2001, deux Boeing 767 percutaient les Tours Jumelles du World Trade Center (WTC). Moins de deux heures plus tard, les deux Tours s'...

  2. Hop On Hop Off NYC Bus Tours starting at $45

    5 Best Routes for Open-Top Sightseeing Bus Tours in NYC. We have five New York tours that allow you to experience the best of New York City, including two hop-on hop-off NYC bus tours, Downtown and Uptown, along with Brooklyn, and an exciting Night Tour route! While enjoying our NYC bus tours, hop on or hop off to take part in the excitement, explore the sights, and make the most of your visit.

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  4. Le 11 Septembre, 20 ans plus tard: une tragédie charnière qui vient d

    « Le 11 Septembre, ce n'est pas seulement deux tours qui se sont effondrées, c'est aussi l'esprit de New York, sa légèreté d'être et sa frivolité qui ont disparu, dit Pasquale ...

  5. New York Vacation Packages & New York Tours

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    Lorsque les deux Boeing 767 frappent les tours jumelles du World Trade Center, personne n'imagine qu'elles puissent s'effondrer. L'incroyable s'est pourtant ...

  7. THE 10 BEST New York City Tours & Excursions

    LIKELY TO SELL OUT*. 21. Statue of Liberty and New York City Skyline Sightseeing Cruise. 293. Full-day Tours. 1-2 hours. See the New York skyline and the Statue of Liberty by water in style on this 1920s-style yacht cruise. Complete with open…. Recommended by 94% of travelers.

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  11. 19 Best New York City Tours of 2024: Food, Cruises & More

    Bike Rent NYC - Central Park Bike Tour. Price: From $49. Duration: 2 hours. Led by Bike Rent NYC, the Central Park Bike Tour covers roughly 5 miles of Central Park in two hours, and stops along ...

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  18. Multi-day Tours & Trips from New York City

    Finger Lakes, Niagara Falls, Toronto and 1000 Islands from New York City. This multi-day excursion ventures from the bright lights of the city to the peaceful beauty of upstate New York and Canada. The trip begins with a morning pickup in an air-conditioned bus, from where you'll head north to Watkins Glen and the scenic Finger Lakes.

  19. Les Deux Tours

    Guestrooms. Rooms open onto balconies or patios. The 39 air-conditioned guestrooms, suites and villas at Les Deux Tours include minibars and safes. Guests can use the in-room complimentary wireless high-speed Internet access. Rooms are equipped with plasma TVs with satellite channels. All accommodations provide desks and phones.

  20. Les Deux Tours Review: What To REALLY Expect If You Stay

    Les Deux Tours is located in the palm groves outside of Marrakesh. This is a quiet area with several other luxury hotels nearby, far from the commotion of the Medina, which is about a 15-minute drive -- alternatively the hotel operates a free shuttle for guests' convenience (every two hours, throughout the day).

  21. 45 ans après les Twin Towers, le funambule Philippe Petit plus que

    Les tours jumelles Petronas à Kuala Lumpur (452 m) l'ont fait rêver mais, sans permission, plus grand-chose n'est possible, reconnaît-il. Il a pourtant posé jadis son câble à New York, Paris ...