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Essai Kawasaki VN1700 Voyager : fausse jumelle

Essai Kawasaki VN1700 Voyager : fausse jumelle

La Kawasaki VN 1700 Voyager a beau ressembler à la célèbre Harley Davidson Electra Glide, son patrimoine mécanique lui, est bien différent. Car si la Japonaise hérite des mêmes codes esthétiques, elle se distingue par son moteur, son châssis et son prix.

kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700

C'est vrai que la grosse Kawasaki VN 1700 rappelle sans nul doute l'une des plus illustres Harley Davidson : l'Electra Glide. Un parti pris que les Verts défendent par le fait que cette configuration esthétique semble être la plus adaptée pour une moto destinée au voyage.

On trouve donc de nombreux points communs, dont le principal : l'énorme tête de fourche équipé d'un feu rond et de deux phares antibrouillard, le tout surplombé par un grand pare-brise. Cet élément est directement fixé au cadre et permet ainsi d'alléger la direction. Un détail qui a son importance quand on sait que ce gros bébé pèse 406 kg !

La plus balaise des Kawasaki n'a pas changé depuis quelque temps, mais chaque année les Japonais la parent d'un nouveau coloris. En 2013, l'unique blanc "Pearl Crystal" et argent "Metallic Phantom" allège considérablement l'allure de la moto. Revers de la médaille : il est salissant et nécessitera un entretien fréquent.

kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700

Rappelons également que Kawasaki continue de proposer la VN 1700 à travers une gamme particulièrement fournie et variée : cinq versions, dont la "Classic" qui commence à 13 999 euros et cette série "Voyager" qui culmine à 20 199 euros (voir encadré).

En face, la Harley-Davidson Electra Glide Ultra Classic (lire notre Essai MNC Ultra Classic 2012 : la croisière s'amuse ! ) s'affiche à partir de 26 290 euros et peut même frôler les 39 000 dans sa version CVO !

Pas de doute, c'est une Kawa'

Sensible lorsque la moto est posée sur sa béquille - latérale, pas de centrale -, le poids de la VN1700 est toujours présent une fois qu'on la chevauche. Bien que la masse soit correctement répartie sur les 2 560 mm de la bête, cette dernière reste un sacré bestiau à manoeuvrer à l'arrêt.

kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700

L'absence de marche arrière ne nous pas posé de problème, mais elle pourrait faire suer - au sens propre comme au figuré ! - le biker transportant un passager et des bagages, coincé dans un faux plat ! Heureusement, le large guidon offre le bras de levier nécessaire pour bouger l'engin. Les biceps en revanche ne sont pas livrés avec la moto...

Heureusement, la lourdeur de l'ensemble disparaît dès qu'on enclenche le premier rapport. Il devient même étonnant qu'on puisse manier aussi facilement à basse vitesse un pareil engin, pourtant équipé de roues de 16 pouces et de gros boudins qui vont bien. Le train avant tombe mais ne chute pas comme celui d'une Rocket par exemple (lire notre Duel MNC VN1700 Voyager Vs Rocket III Touring : 4 000 cc pour les vacances ! )

Une fois lancé, l'équilibre s'améliore encore et l'on peut rapidement apprécier la traversée des petits villages normands... qui font la part belle aux ronds-points ! La souplesse des commandes - et celle du moteur ! - permet de rester sur un filet de gaz sans aucune difficulté et facilite également la prise en main.

Tout aussi souple, le levier d'embrayage assure une parfaite gestion des changements de vitesses (cinq plus un "overdrive"). Dommage que la boîte se montre à la fois bruyante et un peu lente, car la Kawasaki pouvait jusqu'alors prétendre au sans-faute.

Sur petites départementales, la VN 1700 continue de séduire grâce à son châssis convaincant. Les petites routes bucoliques que nous empruntons mettent en évidence les qualités dynamiques de ce cruiser.

Toujours aussi maniable, elle est facile à mener dans les virages, même lorsqu'on hausse un peu le rythme. Et contrairement à une certaine Américaine qui gigote pas mal dans ces conditions, la Kawasaki reste stable même quand la route se dégrade.

kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700

Les suspensions font preuve d'une belle efficacité en ce qui concerne la tenue de route, mais elles auraient mérité davantage de frein en détente - jouer avec les réglages sur 4 positions de série ne change rien - afin d'éviter de venir en limite de débattement en sortant de vilaines cuvettes par exemple.

Mais ce détail ne gâche en rien les prestations de la VN 1700 : cette moto est l'une des meilleures voyageuses au monde !

  • La fausse jumelle japonaise...
  • Équipement de série, caractère en option
  • Fiche technique Kawasaki VN1700 Voyager


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Fiche moto Kawasaki VULCAN 1700 Nomad 2016 La tentation du voyage


Pour les amateurs de custom, de cruising et de grosses cylindrées, le VN 1700 Tourer vient renforcer l’offre de Kawa. Remplaçant du 1600 Tourer , ce Jumbo Jet s’intercale pile-poil entre feu la VN Classic et la Vulcan Voyager . Petit détail apparu en 2015 : les customs Kawa ne s'appellent plus VN mais récupère l'appelation américaine, Vulcan. Et ici, le prénom n'est plus 'Tourer' mais 'Nomad'.

Kawasaki VULCAN 1700 Nomad 2016 - 1

Avec son gros twin de 1700 cc, le VN.. pardon, Vulcan, sait attirer l’oeil et l’attention des amateurs. Cette version Nomad est prédisposée aux belles escapades en duo avec le confort adéquat : valises rigides latérales, grand pare-brise, régulateur de vitesse, double jeu de marche-pieds grands comme des plateaux repas, et sissy-bar de bonne dimension pour le dos de Madame. Une belle bête pour les beaux week-end sans vaciller vers l’exubérance du Vulcan Voyager , encore plus équipé et débordant, plus typée pour les séjours au long cours. Par rapport au VN 1600 Tourer, le 1700 présente un nouveau châssis, un nouveau moteur, une nouvelle boite à 6 rapports, du couple et une puissance en hausse. Il se veut remarquable, et l’on ne peut qu’acquiescer devant son superbe coloris bi-ton.

Ce qu'il faut retenir

  • Moteur souple
  • Garde au sol limitée
  • Manque de sensations

Assurez votre Kawasaki VULCAN 1700 Nomad 2016

AMV, spécialiste de l'assurance moto et partenaire de Motoplanete depuis 2014.


  • Vitesse max : environ 180 km/h

Fiche technique

  • Cadre : double berceau en acier
  • Réservoir : 20 litres
  • Hauteur de selle : 730 mm
  • Longueur : 2 500 mm
  • Largeur : 1 025 mm
  • Hauteur min : 1 465 mm
  • Empattement : 1 665 mm
  • Poids en ordre de marche : 378 kg
  • Train avant
  • fourche téléhydraulique Ø 43 mm, déb : 140 mm
  • Freinage 2 disques Ø 300 mm, étrier 2 pistons
  • Roue AV : 130 / 90 - 16 → Commander ce type de pneu

Kawasaki VULCAN 1700 Nomad 2016 technique

  • Transmission
  • boîte à 6 rapports
  • Secondaire par courroie
  • Train arrière
  • double combiné à assistance pneumatique, déb : 80 mm
  • Freinage 1 disque Ø 300 mm, étrier 2 pistons
  • Roue AR : 170 / 70 - 16 → Commander ce type de pneu
  • Bicylindre en V , 4 temps
  • Refroidissement : liquide
  • Injection Ø 46 mm
  • 4 soupapes par cylindre
  • 1 700 cc (Alésage * course: 102 x 104 mm)
  • 73 ch à 5 000 tr/min
  • 13,90 mkg à 2 750 tr/min
  • Rapport poids / puissance : environ 4.94 kg/ch
  • Rapport poids / couple : environ 25.96 kg/mkg
  • Crit'air :
  • Options / équipements
  • Assistance au freinage : ABS de série

Kawasaki VULCAN 1700 Nomad 2016 - 1


Photo de la Harley-Davidson 1690 ROAD KING FLHR 2016

Retrouvez d'autres Routière & GT de 2016


Consommation, rapport poids / puissance * rapport calculé à partir du poids plein, rapport poids / couple * rapport calculé à partir du poids plein.

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  • VULCAN ® 1700 VOYAGER ®

The Vulcan ® 1700 Voyager ® is the king of Kawasaki touring cruisers. A 1,700cc digitally fuel-injected V-twin engine plus Kawasaki Advanced Coactive-braking Technology (K-ACT) ABS and electronic cruise control help make the Vulcan 1700 Voyager the pinnacle of power and luxury on the open road. 

  • Fuel-injected 52-degree 1,700 cc V-twin engine
  • Electronic cruise control system
  • Kawasaki Advanced Coactive-braking Technology (K-ACT) ABS

kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700


MSRP 19 799 €


  • Dual-air-assisted shocks for optimized damping
  • AM/FM/WB audio system with SiriusXM radio compatibility
  • Intercom-headset compatible audio system
  • Dual-locking saddlebags and tail trunk
  • Large, easy-to-read instrumentation
  • Stylish, frame-mounted fairing



A roaring fuel-injected 52-degree liquid-cooled 1,700cc V-twin engine powers the Vulcan® 1700 Voyager® ABS touring cruiser.



Command the open road.

A frame-mounted fairing combined with Kawasaki Advanced Coactive-braking Technology (K-ACT) results in highly-effective braking and light steering with exceptional protection from the elements. These innovative performance features help deliver a smooth, reassuring ride.



Large trunk can hold two full-face helmets while high-capacity, locking saddlebags carry supplies and your long-distance gear. A comfortable saddle, passenger backrest and floorboards maximize passenger comfort on long rides. Small locking storage compartments allow you to stow electronics, sunglasses and other necessities in a convenient spot.



Featuring a host of modern amenities and backed by a 36-month limited warranty, the Vulcan® 1700 Voyager® ABS motorcycle rides in a class of its own. Powerful speakers accompany the standard AM/FM/WB audio system with SiriusXM and intercom-headset compatibility. It also features Navigation Audio Prompt Capability in conjunction with select Garmin GPS devices (sold separately).

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kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700

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2021 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS [Model Overview]

2021 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS

The 2021 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS: Designed To Cross Continents

Model overview.

  • Specifications

The 2021 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS is the top of the line touring cruiser from the Japanese company . Powered by a 1,700cc liquid cooled V-twin, much like its brother the 1700 Vaquero, it is tuned more for long-distance road trips instead of short blasts for a day trip. It generates 73 HP and 100 lb-ft of torque, which helps it be fuel-efficient while also giving it more than enough grunt to push through the air on any paved road.

Kawasaki did not skimp at all for their top model. Electronic cruise control, dual-zone ABS with unified braking, wide-band radio built in along with AM/FM and optional satellite radio, integrated rear hard-case luggage compartment with integrated pillion seat, and a full set of aerodynamic fairings and windshield. As well, the Voyager has multiple options for adding hard case saddlebags, grip heaters, seat heaters, and a variety of other touring necessities.

The 2021 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS starts at $17,999 USD / $20,799 CAD.

On this page: we’ve curated specs, features, news, photos/videos, etc. so you can read up on the new 2021 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS in one place.

2021 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS

General Info

  • Price: $17,999 USD / $20,799 CAD
  • Key Features:
  • Electronically controlled throttle valves to ensure economy with power
  • Electronic cruise control
  • Standard dual-zone ABS with unified braking
  • Engine Type: 1,700cc liquid-cooled, 4-stroke, SOHC 8-valve V-twin
  • Horsepower: 73 HP
  • Torque: 100 lb-ft
  • Wet Weight : 895 lbs (406 kg) with luggage case empty
  • Seat Height: 28.7 inches (730 mm)


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2021 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS

2021 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS Specifications

From Kawasaki

2021 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS

2021 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS Features

Electronic cruise control, electronic throttle valves, k-act (kawasaki advanced coactive-braking technology) abs.

Complementing its standard ABS function, K-ACT ABS links the front and rear brakes. It monitors the brake force the rider is exerting at both the front and rear, and takes into consideration vehicle speed to ensure highly effective braking while maintaining chassis stability.

2021 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS Photos

kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700

2021 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS Videos

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2020 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager

Kawasaki’s most expensive touring-ready cruiser.

kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700

A roamer, a city-hopper, and—you guessed it—a voyager. The Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager takes the comforts of the cruise and pairs it with a long-stroke 1,700cc V-twin with peak torque low in the rev range—that’s a claimed 108.0 pound-feet at 2,750 rpm. Its touring comforts include cruise control, integrated luggage (claimed two-helmet capacity) with passenger backrest, and a frame-mounted touring fairing. The Vulcan 1700 Voyager is Team Green’s take on cruising.

2020 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager Reviews, Comparisons, And Competition

American competition for this big boy tourer include the Harley-Davidson Road Glide Limited , Ultra Limited , and CVO Limited and the Indian Roadmaster . Japanese tourers include the Yamaha Star Venture and Honda Gold Wing .

kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700

Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager Updates For 2020

The only colorway available is Metallic Phantom Silver/Metallic Carbon Grey.

kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700

2020 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager Claimed Specifications

kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700

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  • VULCAN ® 1700 VOYAGER ®

The Vulcan ® 1700 Voyager ® is the king of Kawasaki touring cruisers. A 1,700cc digitally fuel-injected V-twin engine plus Kawasaki Advanced Coactive-braking Technology (K-ACT) ABS and electronic cruise control help make the Vulcan 1700 Voyager the pinnacle of power and luxury on the open road. 

  • Fuel-injected 52-degree 1,700 cc V-twin engine
  • Electronic cruise control system
  • Kawasaki Advanced Coactive-braking Technology (K-ACT) ABS

kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700


MSRP $19,799


  • Dual-air-assisted shocks for optimized damping
  • AM/FM/WB audio system with SiriusXM radio compatibility
  • Intercom-headset compatible audio system
  • Dual-locking saddlebags and tail trunk
  • Large, easy-to-read instrumentation
  • Stylish, frame-mounted fairing



A roaring fuel-injected 52-degree liquid-cooled 1,700cc V-twin engine powers the Vulcan® 1700 Voyager® ABS touring cruiser.



Command the open road.

A frame-mounted fairing combined with Kawasaki Advanced Coactive-braking Technology (K-ACT) results in highly-effective braking and light steering with exceptional protection from the elements. These innovative performance features help deliver a smooth, reassuring ride.



Large trunk can hold two full-face helmets while high-capacity, locking saddlebags carry supplies and your long-distance gear. A comfortable saddle, passenger backrest and floorboards maximize passenger comfort on long rides. Small locking storage compartments allow you to stow electronics, sunglasses and other necessities in a convenient spot.



Featuring a host of modern amenities and backed by a 36-month limited warranty, the Vulcan® 1700 Voyager® ABS motorcycle rides in a class of its own. Powerful speakers accompany the standard AM/FM/WB audio system with SiriusXM and intercom-headset compatibility. It also features Navigation Audio Prompt Capability in conjunction with select Garmin GPS devices (sold separately). 

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kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700


Starting at $22,799 MSRP


The Vulcan 1700 Voyager is the king of Kawasaki cruisers. A 1,700cc digitally fuel-injected V-twin engine plus Kawasaki Advanced Coactive-braking Technology (K-ACT) ABS and electronic cruise control help make the Vulcan 1700 Voyager the pinnacle of power and luxury on the open road.

  • Fuel-injected 52-degree 1,700 cc V-twin engine
  • Electronic Cruise Control
  • Kawasaki Advanced Coactive-braking Technology (K-ACT) ABS


$22,799 MSRP

  • Stylish, frame-mounted fairing
  • Intercom-headset compatible audio system
  • Integrated luggage

Image of 2023 VULCAN 1700 VOYAGER in action

$22,599 MSRP

Image of 2022 VULCAN 1700 VOYAGER in action

$21,199 MSRP


A roaring fuel-injected 52-degree 1,700cc V-twin engine powers the Vulcan 1700 Voyager touring cruiser.


Innovative performance features such as Kawasaki Advanced Coactive-braking Technology (K-ACT) for highly-effective braking and frame-mounted fairings to keep steering feeling light, combine to deliver a smooth, reassuring ride.


Large trunk can hold two full-face helmets while high-capacity, locking saddlebags carry supplies and your long-distance gear. A comfortable saddle, passenger backrest and floorboards maximise passenger comfort on long rides. Complementing the integrated luggage, small locking storage compartments allow you to stow electronics, sunglasses and other necessities in a convenient spot.


Featuring a host of modern amenities and backed by a 36-month limited warranty, the Vulcan 1700 Voyager motorcycle rides in a class of its own. Powerful speakers accompany the standard AM/FM/WB audio system with accessory iPod, SiriusXM and intercom-headset compatibility. It also features Navigation Audio Prompt Capability in conjunction with select Garmin GPS devices (sold separately). 

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10 Reasons Why The Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager Is Criminally Underrated

The Vulcan is not an American-built cruiser, but Kawasaki seems to have nailed it overall!

While the Japanese have embraced the concept of the large, V-Twin American-style cruiser, the reception to the various models that have come from the Far East hasn’t always been positive, despite the obvious qualities such models possess. True, some of the Japanese attempts have been unconvincing pastiches of the ‘real thing’ but others have had all the qualities to succeed in what is a very important market. One such motorcycle is the Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 - one of the best of its type - and this is why it deserves a second chance.

10 A Brief History Of The Kawasaki Vulcan

Kawasaki first entered the cruiser market - with the American market firmly in is sights - back in 1984, with the 699cc Vulcan model, powered by Kawasaki’s first-ever V-twin engine. Over the years, the Vulcan’s basic concept and structure have remained largely unchanged, although there have been a total of ten different displacement engines fitted, ranging from 400cc to 2,053cc. All have proved to be well-built, reliable, and comfortable, with decent performance and a large catalog of accessories allowing owners to configure the bike to their taste and purpose.

9 The Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager Came Out In 2009

The Vulcan 1700 series was introduced in 2009 and the Voyager model was, as the name suggests, the fully-dressed touring model, complete with panniers, top box, and frame-mounted fairing. The 2023 version has a 1,700cc, 82 horsepower, 107 foot-pounds of torque V-Twin engine pushing along 895 pounds of weight. Yes, it’s big but no bigger than any of its rivals and the styling has a curvy softness which serves to make the size a little less intimidating.

Related: 10 Motorcycles With Cruise Control

8 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager Chassis

The chassis of the Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager is completely conventional, comprising steel tubing for the double down tube, and double cradle frame, with a large backbone running across the top of the engine. There’s nothing subtle about it, and it is built for strength and hang the weight penalty! Of course, carrying this much weight, it needs to be strong if stability is going to be uncompromised. The wheelbase won’t encourage sharp handling and it will never be a back-lane scratcher but then, if that’s what you’re expecting, but for cruising down the highway, it is perfect. Normally, long means low and the Vulcan is no exception, with a seat height of 28.7 inches.

7 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager Suspension

Don’t expect anything revolutionary, because it just isn’t there! The forks are a sturdy 45mm and the rear shock is an air shock, which compensates somewhat for the relatively short 3.1 inches of travel - the front forks have 5.5 inches of travel. The rear shock has a four-position rebound damping adjuster, so you can dial it in depending on the load being carried or the road condition. Overall, the suspension is as good as on any of the American entries in this class and is only outperformed by the sophisticated suspension set-up on the Honda Gold Wing.

Related: Here's How The Harley-Davidson Iron And Sportster S Stack Up Against Each Other

6 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager Brakes

Again, Kawasaki has foregone the temptation to equip the Vulcan Voyager with anything but industry-standard braking equipment. Twin 300mm discs up front, clamped by four-piston calipers, and a single 300mm disc at the rear are standard fare for this class and perform as well as can be expected when dealing with this amount of mass. ABS, in the form of Kawasaki’s Advanced Coactive Braking technology (K-ACT ll) is a welcome feature. The brakes are linked so applying either lever actuates both the front and rear brakes.

5 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager Transmission

Bikes in this class aren’t known for their light-switch-like gear changes, as you would find on a sports bike: Heavy Duty would be a more appropriate term. The Vulcan Voyager features a six-speed gearbox , with the top two gears designed to be more of an overdrive set-up and therefore perfect for keeping the revs down when on long straight stretches, while the first four gears give pretty spritely acceleration, whether from a standstill or rolling on the throttle on the move. The final drive is by a low-maintenance carbon-reinforced belt.

Related: The 10 Best Indian Motorcycles Currently On Sale Ranked

4 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager Air Management System

This is an interesting feature. Big V-Twins such as this produce a lot of heat and the Kawasaki is no different, despite the engine being liquid-cooled. With the rear cylinder and exhaust header being right under the rider’s legs, excessive heat can be a problem but Kawasaki has developed the Kawasaki Air Management System to combat it. The front leg shields route radiator heat down below the engine, while a rear fan draws hot air away from the rear cylinder and exhaust header and directs it to the ground on the left side of the motorcycle. It’s surprisingly effective.

3 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager Overall Quality

The Japanese are well-known for the quality of their products and the Vulcan Voyager is no different. If the design is a little derivative and brings nothing new to the table, then at least it is very well put together, and, in the fit and finish, you’ll find nothing to be concerned about, even after a few years. One benefit of keeping the same design for many years is that Kawasaki has had time to iron out any bugs.

Related: Indian FTR Sport vs Harley Davidson Sportster S: Here's How They Stack Up Against Each Other

2 Should You Seriously Consider The Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager?

The simple answer is, ‘why wouldn’t you?’ The only thing it lacks when compared to the Harley or Indian alternatives is the name on the tank. No, it’s not a particularly up-to-date design but, with typical Japanese engineering quality, that really doesn’t matter and the engine’s performance and refinement are proof enough of that, as is the overall comfort. None of the bikes in this class, with the exception of the Honda Gold Wing , are over-endowed with electronic trickery and the Vulcan Voyager is comparable with all of them, featuring ABS, built-in speakers, and integrated intercom compatibility with the majority of helmet-mounted communication systems.

1 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager Rivals and Pricing

The classic-style full dresser class is well populated, the obvious rivals to the Vulcan Voyager being the Harley-Davidson Road Glide Limited and Ultra Limited, Indian Roadmaster, and home-grown rivals the Yamaha Star Venture and, slightly more modern in concept, the Honda Gold Wing. The Kawasaki Vulcan Voyager costs $19,299 , the Honda Gold Wing $29,600, the Yamaha Star Venture $24,999, the Harley-Davidson Road Glide Limited starts at $29,399, the Ultra Limited $29,799 and the Indian Roadmaster $30,499. With that in mind, the Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager is a positive bargain, another reason to consider it.

Q: How much horsepower does a Kawasaki 1700 have?

The 1,700cc V-twin engine in the Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 produces 82 horsepower and 107 foot pounds of torque

Q: Does the Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager have a reverse gear?

No, the Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager does not have a reverse gear

Q: Is the Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager fuel injected?

Yes, fuel injection is used on the Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager

kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700



Les esprits libres peuvent s’exprimer entièrement avec la Vulcan 1700 Voyager. Parcourez le monde à bord de ce cruiser entièrement équipé et aux lignes voluptueuses.

1,700 cm³ Cylindrée Le volume combiné de chaque cylindre mesuré en centimètres cubes . -->

{} / Puissance maximale -->

kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700


Gris Metallic Carbon / Noir Metallic Spark


Réservez votre essai.

kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700


Conçus et fabriqués avec le même soin que la Vulcan 1700 Voyager, ces accessoires approuvés par l’usine sont conçus pour s’installer en lieu et place des éléments d’origine et offrent un haut niveau de performance.

Accessoires techniques

kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700

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Vulcan 1700 Voyager 2016


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  1. 2019 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS Guide • Total Motorcycle

    kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700

  2. KAWASAKI Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS (2014-2015) Specs, Performance

    kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700

  3. 2018 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS Review • Total Motorcycle

    kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700

  4. 2019 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS Guide • Total Motorcycle

    kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700

  5. KAWASAKI Vulcan 1700 Voyager (2011-2012) Specs, Performance & Photos

    kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700

  6. KAWASAKI Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS (2014-2015) Specs, Performance

    kawasaki vulcan voyager 1700


  1. Мини-Обзор Kawasaki Vulcan Voyager 1700


  3. Kawasaki Vulcan Voyager 1700 Review. TG MotoRider

  4. 2013 Kawasaki Vulcan Voyager 1700; Vance and Hines Exhaust & IVANs Flash

  5. Yamaha XV 1700 Warrior. Круйзер в ярости



  1. Kawasaki Vulcan® 1700 Voyager® ABS

    OVERVIEW. The Vulcan ® 1700 Voyager ® is the king of Kawasaki touring cruisers. A 1,700cc digitally fuel-injected V-twin engine plus Kawasaki Advanced Coactive-braking Technology (K-ACT) ABS and electronic cruise control help make the Vulcan 1700 Voyager the pinnacle of power and luxury on the open road.

  2. Kawasaki VULCAN 1700 Voyager 2016

    Rien de moins qu'un énorme twin de 1700 cc avec un couple débordant de quasi 14 mkg, disponible dès 2750 tr/mn. Une véritable main de fer qui n'aura aucun mal à soulever cet imposant cruiser. Ce qu'il faut retenir. Les plus. Gros twin. Capacité de chargement. Protection. Les moins. Copier-coller H-D Electra Glide. Largeur du pneu avant. Tarifs.

  3. Tous les Tests

    Essai Kawasaki VN1700 Voyager : fausse jumelle. La Kawasaki VN 1700 Voyager a beau ressembler à la célèbre Harley Davidson Electra Glide, son patrimoine mécanique lui, est bien différent. Car si la Japonaise hérite des mêmes codes esthétiques, elle se distingue par son moteur, son châssis et son prix. Essais.

  4. Vulcan 1700 Voyager MY 2016

    1700 Voyager. Parcourez le monde à bord de ce cruiser. entièrement équipé et aux lignes voluptueuses. E-brochure. COLORIS & CARACTÉRISTIQUES. 1,700 cm³ Cylindrée. 54 kW {73 ch} / 5,000 tr/min Puissance maximale. COLORIS DISPONIBLES. Argent Metallic Phantom / Noir Metallic Spark. VOIR TOUTES LES CARACTÉRISTIQUES. OBTENEZ LA VOTRE.

  5. Kawasaki VULCAN 1700 Voyager 2015

    Rien de moins qu'un énorme twin de 1700 cc avec un couple débordant de quasi 14 mkg, disponible dès 2750 tr/mn. Une véritable main de fer qui n'aura aucun mal à soulever cet imposant cruiser. Ce qu'il faut retenir. Les plus. Gros twin. Capacité de chargement. Protection. Les moins. Copier-coller H-D Electra Glide. Largeur du pneu avant. Tarifs.

  6. Vulcan 1700 Voyager MY 2016

    CARACTÉRISTIQUES TECHNIQUES. Moteur. Type de moteur. Bicylindre en V 4 temps à refroidissement liquide. Cylindrée. 1,700 cm³. Alésage x course. 102 x 104 mm. Taux de compression. 9.5:1. Système de distribution. Arbre à cames en tête, 8 soupapes. Système d'alimentation. Injection: Ø 42 mm x 2. Allumage. Électronique. Système de démarrage. Électrique

  7. 2023 Kawasaki Vulcan® 1700 Voyager® ABS

    The 2023 Kawasaki Vulcan® 1700 Voyager® ABS cruiser is the pinnacle of power and luxury, featuring stylish frame mounted fairings and a massive 1,700cc fuel-injected, V-twin engine.

  8. Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager

    La moto Vulcan 1700 Voyager est la reine des motos de croisière Kawasaki. Le bicylindre à injection numérique de 1 700 cm³, le système de freinage antiblocage à technologie de freinage coactif évolué Kawasaki (K-ACT) et le régulateur de vitesse électronique contribuent à faire de la Vulcan 1700 Voyager le summum de la puissance et du ...

  9. kawasaki vn 1700 occasion

    Toutes les annonces Moto kawasaki vn 1700 d'occasion - Particuliers et professionnels - Annonces sécurisées avec La Centrale

  10. Kawasaki VULCAN 1700 Nomad 2016

    Fiche moto Kawasaki VULCAN 1700 Nomad 2016 La tentation du voyage. présentation à retenir Technique Galerie Millésimes Concurrentes Comparer Avis Indispensables Occasions. Routière & GT. Pour les amateurs de custom, de cruising et de grosses cylindrées, le VN 1700 Tourer vient renforcer l'offre de Kawa.

  11. Kawasaki Vulcan® 1700 Voyager® ABS

    The Kawasaki Vulcan® 1700 Voyager® ABS cruiser epitomizes power and luxury on the open road with a powerful 1,700cc engine and premium amenities.

  12. 2021 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS [Model Overview]

    The 2021 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager ABS is the top of the line touring cruiser from the Japanese company. Powered by a 1,700cc liquid cooled V-twin, much like its brother the 1700 Vaquero, it is tuned more for long-distance road trips instead of short blasts for a day trip.

  13. Vulcan 1700 Voyager MY 2016

    DESCRIPTION. Faites glisser. POINTS CLEFS. Boîte 6 vitesses à 6ème surmultipliée. La 6ème vitesse est surmultipliée, ce qui constitue un gage de conduite détendue et d'économies de carburant lors des longs trajets sur autoroute. Commande électronique des gaz ETV.

  14. 2020 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager

    Learn about the features, specs, and price of Kawasaki's most expensive cruiser with a long-stroke V-twin and integrated luggage. Compare it with other American and Japanese tourers in the market.

  15. 2022 VULCAN 1700 VOYAGER Motorcycle

    $21,199. Destination Charge $895. Dealer sets the actual destination charge, your price may vary. Specifications and pricing are subject to change. Get your Kawasaki now while supplies last! Limited time offer. START SAVING TODAY. MODEL SPECS. Pearl Robotic White / Pearl Nightshade Teal. 1,700 cc V-twin. engine. Integrated. luggage. Technology.

  16. Kawasaki Vulcan® 1700 Voyager® ABS

    The Vulcan 1700 Voyager is a touring cruiser with a 1,700cc V-twin engine, K-ACT ABS, electronic cruise control and a frame-mounted fairing. It offers large storage, audio and communication features, and a comfortable ride for two passengers.

  17. 2023 VULCAN 1700 VOYAGER Motocyclette

    VULCAN 1700 VOYAGER. Le compagnon par excellence pour vos périples. 2023 VULCAN 1700 VOYAGER. CARACTÉRISTIQUES TECHNIQUES. GALERIE. OFFRES. OBTENIR UNE OFFRE. TROUVER UN CONCESSIONNAIRE. PDSF. 22 599 $ Frais de Destination 895 $ Le concessionnaire détermine les frais de destination et le prix peut varier.

  18. Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager

    The Vulcan 1700 Voyager is the king of Kawasaki cruisers with a 1,700cc V-twin engine and K-ACT ABS. It features a stylish fairing, integrated luggage, audio system and more for a smooth and comfortable ride.

  19. Vulcan 1700 Voyager MY 2015

    CARACTÉRISTIQUES TECHNIQUES. Moteur. Type de moteur. Bicylindre en V 4 temps à refroidissement liquide. Cylindrée. 1,700 cm³. Alésage x course. 102 x 104 mm. Taux de compression. 9.5:1. Système de distribution. Arbre à cames en tête, 8 soupapes. Système d'alimentation. Injection: Ø 42 mm x 2. Allumage. Électronique. Système de démarrage. Électrique

  20. Kawasaki VULCAN 1700 VOYAGER Motorcycles for Sale

    for Sale. View Trims | View Colors | View Used | View States | Under $5000 | Under $2000 | About Kawasaki VULCAN 1700 VOYAGER Motorcycles | View All 15 VULCAN Models. Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Classic Motorcycle: The stunningly beautiful Vulcan 1700 Classic cruiser evokes that certain feeling in riders: one that beckons you aboard with its gorgeous ...

  21. Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager motorcycles for sale

    Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager motorcycles for sale - MotoHunt. 2013 Kawasaki Vulcan Voyager VN1700ADF: $9,500 -- 2010 KAWASAKI VULCAN 1700 VOYAGER: $7,950 -- 2009 Kawasaki Vulcan® 1700 Voyager®: $8,990 -- 2011 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager: $5,999 -- 2013 Kawasaki Vulcan® 1700 Voyager®: $6,995.

  22. 10 Reasons Why The Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager Is Criminally Underrated

    The Vulcan 1700 series was introduced in 2009 and the Voyager model was, as the name suggests, the fully-dressed touring model, complete with panniers, top box, and frame-mounted fairing. The...

  23. Vulcan 1700 Voyager MY 2015

    DESCRIPTION. COLORIS & CARACTÉRISTIQUES. Multimédia. Les esprits libres peuvent s'exprimer entièrement avec la Vulcan 1700. Voyager. Parcourez le monde à bord de ce cruiser entièrement. équipé et aux lignes voluptueuses. E-brochure. COLORIS & CARACTÉRISTIQUES. 1,700 cm³ Cylindrée. {} / Puissance maximale. COLORIS DISPONIBLES.