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A Q-ship is a Federation Starfleet vessel, but in disguise. From the outside, it looked like a slow-moving civilian ship. But on the inside, it had Starfleet 's best engines and shields .

Calypso [ ]

A Starfleet Q-ship, the commercial astrogation vessel ''Calypso'' was assigned to James T. Kirk in 2380 by Admiral Kathryn Janeway to undertake a mission to identify the killers of Ambassador Spock on Primedian , Romulus , on stardate 57465.6.

Kirk's Q-ship was little more than a blunt-nosed, cylindrical main module about the same size as a single nacelle from an old Ambassador -class ship, with a slight, tapered bulge at the rear of the ventral hull , and two swept-back, outboard warp nacelles , also cylindrical, suggesting technology that was decades removed from state-of-the-art.

The bridge of this Q-ship was boxlike, rectangular, more like an enlarged interior of an old-style shuttlecraft . On the main level, four steps down from the elevated deck on which the turbolift opened, along each side of the bridge were three duty stations, each with two chairs, and two sets of displays and control boards cantilevered out from the bulkheads . But instead of the displays being aligned flat to the bulkheads, so that command staff in the center of the bridge could see each duty station at a glance, all controls faced ahead, like desks in a classroom. And what they faced were three viewscreens , side by side on the sharply inward-angled forward wall.

On the outside, it looked like a sixty-year-old derelict ship, with mismatched hullplates, three non-functional sensor grids , and an impulse drive that was out-of-balance. But on the inside, it was equipped with warp core of a Defiant -class vessel, an undetectable, distributed phaser system that could put a dent in a Sovereign -class starship , and shields that could potentially "punch a hole through a main-sequence star ." ( TOS novel : Captain's Blood )

  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 Odyssey class
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This article details a subject that falls under the Legends brand.

The term Q-Ship referred to any starship that, while ordinarily belonging to a class of freighter or transport , had been outfitted with military-grade weapon systems, deflector shields , and armor plating. Ships that had been modified thusly were intended to pose as ordinary cargo vessels in order to lure pirates into firing range, whereupon the crew would engage the unsuspecting raiders.

History [ ]

The Gozanti Cruiser Krayt's Honor was a Q-Ship that served to protect legitimate merchant vessels from attack. Many GR-75 medium transports were also converted to Q-Ship status, being armed with military-grade weaponry.

Behind the scenes [ ]

The Q-ship was a British naval tactic which was developed in WW1, the Germans were raiding British shipping and by 1915 Britain was desperate to find a way to beat the raiders, they come with the idea of arming a freighter with hidden weapons which could be hidden until needed, making the ship look like any other unarmed merchant ship. When a raider appeared (German submarines usually attacked convoys with their deck gun, to save precious torpedoes) the Q-ship could bring out its weaponry and sink the raider, these ships were also used by the US Navy. Q-ships later served in WW2 against German and Japanese submarines, some say they could also be used to combat modern-day pirates.

Sources [ ]

  • Starships of the Galaxy , Saga Edition
  • 1 The Acolyte

star trek q ship

The A to Z of Star Trek 's Q

Q shows up to put humanity on trial.

Star Trek ’s galaxy is filled with mysterious alien races, unexplained phenomena, and incomprehensible technology that our Starfleet heroes would love to explore and understand. And then there’s the Q Continuum, a group of beings that a lot of those Starfleet officers wish would leave them alone instead.

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But you can’t keep a good omnipotent being down, and now that the Q are coming back—well, a Q, our Q , if you will—with John de Lancie’s arrival in the second season of Star Trek: Picard , here are the ins and outs of what you need to know about one of Star Trek ’s most enduringly silly godlike species, and its most iconic self-named member.

First introduced in The Next Generation ’s debut episode—the two-parter “Encounter at Farpoint”—John de Lancie’s Q was cut from the same cloth as similarly mysterious, powerful (and, on occasion, very camp ) figures like Trelane in the original Star Trek . An essentially godlike being with a puckish taste for putting our heroes in absurdist scenarios to test everything from their morals to their patience, Q stories are a whirlwind of de Lancie chewing as much scenery as he possibly can and wild stretches of danger and comedy, putting Captain Picard and his crew through their paces.

But Q himself also had a hugely important role to play beyond his iconic relationship with Picard—a sort of gentleman’s agreement in so much as a god and an ordinary (and usually very annoyed) human being can have. It’s Q that introduced the Federation to the Borg, in a manner that can either be perceived as him smashing together two powerful civilizations to watch the chaos that ensues or an early warning about one of the galaxy’s most dangerous presences. It’s Q that would eventually go on to help Voyager shave years off their long journey home. It’s Q, metatextually, that would go on to starkly differentiate Benjamin Sisko from the shadow of his predecessor: his sole appearance in Deep Space Nine highlighted by Q staging a boxing match between himself and Sisko, only for it to be cut short by Sisko promptly decking Q (“You hit me! Picard never hit me !”).

Aside from the laughs brought about by a cheeky superbeing with the power to do whatever the hell he wanted with a wave of his hand, Q’s appearances across The Next Generation and Voyager are likewise defined by the morality plays at their core. While Voyager in particular would go on to define the backstory of the wider Q society and the moral and ethical implications of a group of all-powerful beings, in TNG, Q’s games were tests of character. He’s introduced by literally putting humanity on trial for its history of violent, cruel transgressions, forcing the crew of the Enterprise to prove the species’ capacity to grow and change into a better society for all. He pushes Picard constantly, offering temptations and tricks to get the Captain to stand his ground and embrace both his very best aspects and his moments of failure.

But what are the Q themselves? Well, suitably so, we know a lot, and yet also nothing.

Most of our understanding of Q society in Star Trek is framed through Q himself—who has been exiled from it, re-introduced back into the fold as a stabilizing force, and, occasionally, starting civil wars within the Continuum (not just a name for the Q race but their plane of existence). But over the wider franchise, we have met other members of the Q to help further flesh out the Continuum as an entity beyond “our” Q’s impish behavior; from Amanda Rogers (Olivia d’Abo), a Q raised on Earth as if she were a human being to help explore the concept of giving a Q a moral code, to Quinn, an exiled Q in the Delta Quadrant encountered by Voyager , to even Q’s own son.

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Not even the Q can agree on where and when the first immortal members of their species manifested, other than the general number of “billions of years ago.” It took centuries of evolution, but members of the Continuum mastered the ability to manipulate reality. Any Q could shift their own form and perception, create or destroy matter and energy, change time, and shift the very nature of existence on a whim, either by moving galaxies and solar systems or even creating alternate timelines. This le d to two things: first, an attitude that the Q believed themselves to be the most elite beings in the entirety of existence, having attained a knowledge and hyperintelligence beyond that of any other known species. Secondly, the Q promptly using their abilities to explore every facet of that existence thoroughly. It didn’t take long for them to understand and explore all of it in totality and then promptly get very, very bored with it.

This also meant that Q society very quickly stagnated which, alongside their amoral leanings, lead to rogue elements like our own Q. He had a history of calamitous galactic upheaval and a few minor bits of warmongering even before he first encountered humanity in the 2360s, poking and prodding at civilizations to provoke conflict on a whim, or reshaping parts of the universe with his powers. But even his own brand of chaos aside, this state of dormancy—where the Q shut themselves off in their own plane, not even communicating with each other because they believed all possible interesting conversation about anything had already happened—also lead to other members of the Continuum similarly rebelling.

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One Q we meet in Star Trek: Voyager , a philosopher named Quinn (Gerrit Graham), attempts to commit suicide, but fearing the chaos such an act could cause within his society, the Continuum collectively sentences him to exile and imprisonment within a comet. After being accidentally freed by the Voyager on its journey through the Delta Quadrant, Quinn was granted asylum aboard the ship by Captain Janeway against the Continuum’s wishes, only to indeed, die by suicide. This event sparked a civil war within the plane of the Continuum, where a faction advocating for individual freedoms among the Q compared to the stagnancy of its status quo broke off. They created devastating superweapons that couldn’t just render Q beings mortal, but were capable of irrevocably damaging subspace beyond the Continuum’s plane—not only depowering Q who had left their home but threatening to undo reality itself.

After intervention by Voyager on Q’s behest, the civil war—which played out in front of the Starfleet crew’s eyes as the American Civil War—was brought to an end with a result we may ultimately see the ramifications of in Picard ’s second season. Q and a f emale Q chose to do something no member of the Continuum had considered in their long existence: procreate, giving birth to the first actual child of the Continuum. Nicknamed Junior (Keegan de Lancie), this Q did briefly bring about stability to the Continuum’s moral crisis, but, like his father before him, he was kind of a spoiled brat. After eventually being kicked out of the Continuum and nearly having his powers revoked, a brief stint aboard Voyager convinced the Continuum to re-accept Junior... as long as his father cleaned up his interstellar messes.

Aside from a brief trip over to the first season of Lower Decks , that was the last time we’d seen a Q in decades. But, of course, a few decades is a blink of an eye to a Q.

Image for article titled The A to Z of Star Trek's Q

Now that Star Trek is returning to the Continuum next year, it remains to be seen what more we’ll learn about not just our Q, and maybe even his son, but the status of the Continuum itself. Hopefully something a bit exciting—after all, it’s not really a Q appearance if something a bit zany isn’t going on.

For more, make sure you’re following us on our Instagram @ io9dotcom .

As a pursuing hostile, Q achieved Warp 9.9 - although that might have been designed to tease the humans; he has since showed capability for instantaneous travel within both space and time within this dimension and perhaps others. The subject Q claims to have an Intelligence Quotient of 2,005 and to be ageless.

The Q being, usually taking the form of a human male, is known to have confronted the El-Aurian native Guinan around 2166, a century before the Borg scattered her people and over 250 years after she first encountered Captain Picard and his crew when they were time-traveling in old San Francisco. Q and Guinan consider each other enemies.

He first appeared to the mainstream Federation when attempting to limit humanity's ongoing advance in the galaxy, charging humans as being a "grievously savage race" and putting Picard's crew on trial as all humanity's representative. Later that year, with the Continuum intrigued by humans, Q tried to tempt Picard's first officer Riker with Q powers so the Continuum would have a human to study. Losing a bet with Picard that Riker would accept them, Q had to promise he'd leave humans alone.

Recalled home for that incident and cast out to wander the galaxy, a bored Q offered to renounce his powers and sign on as a "guide" through the unknown upon reappearing in 2366. Picard's refusal angered him into hurling the ship 7,000 light-years beyond explored space into the initial confrontation with the Borg, where the U.S.S. Enterprise escaped only with his help. Because of such ongoing meddling, Q was reportedly stripped of all his powers by the Continuum and banned again circa Stardate 43539, choosing human form in refuge aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise to hide out from all his enemies. But after selflessly offering himself to the Calamarain to save the starship, his powers were restored.

Captain Picard has reported that Q returned a year later, claiming to still harbor guilt over the unreturned gratitude while arriving unannounced amid a personal matter involving a romantic affair. To apparently learn more about this new vulnerability in Picard, he placed the couple and the ship's senior staff in a Sherwood Forest reality as the legendary Robin Hood, Maid Marian, and the Merry Men - with himself as the Sheriff of Nottingham. After its resolution, the woman, the rogue archeologist Vash, accepted Q's offer for hosted adventures about the universe.

It was this encounter which prompted Starfleet Command to schedule a major service-wide briefing on Q in 2367. Despite his departure with Vash and a year's seeming absence, Q turned up again in Picard's life twice within a few months in 2369, to claim a Q female raised up as a human and to steer Picard on his deathbed through an alternative view of his own life. The busy alien also turned up on Deep Space Nine that year, where he taunted Commander "Benjy" Sisko and his staff.

A year later he sent Picard on a time-slipping trek into three key timelines to help decipher a poser the Continuum had raised to illustrate humanity's future.

Q has called 24th century Earth a "dreary place" and "mind-numbingly dull," preferring it a thousand years earlier with the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and - shrinking his own time lag by 400 years - Watergate. However, it was that same boredom that drove him to mischief in the first place.

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Endeavors Made Easy

This guide will help to make the endeavor grind as quick and painless as possible. Since the Foundry and its easy to do kill accolade missions were removed from the game, some endeavors have become far less convenient to complete. For obvious reasons straightforward endeavors such as deal a certain type of damage will be omitted (with two exceptions). Some endeavors can be conveniently completed by starting a TFO and then quitting the mission (Assault on Terok Nor or Azure Nebula Rescue for example) but I do not advocate such a tactic.

One concept that will turn several otherwise time-consuming grinds into very quick and easy completions is leaving episodes in progress. You don’t have to complete an episode once you’ve started it, nor must you restart from the beginning. You can always abort with your progress saved to the last map transfer (or sometimes major plot point). When you come back to it, even months later, you will once again begin at that last map transfer without having to play through the preceding sections. For certain enemies who do not appear early in a mission nor have their own adventure zone, or whose TFOs rarely are queued for, this is a great way to reach your required kill numbers. This strategy works as long as you do not drop the mission at any point, and as long as you do not progress far enough to trigger the next map transfer or major plot point. Make sure you have all the mission rewards that you want from the episodes in question before you start using them for endeavors.

Defeat Tzenkethi (ground)

Mission: Scylla and Charybdis

Play through the space section. Yes, this is tedious the first time you do it, but once you have done it once you can start from the ground section “Adamant”, at which point this endeavor becomes one of the quickest and easiest to do. Play through the various Tzenkethi ambushes, but I would avoid going into the cave system because once you begin that combat it is difficult to extricate yourself from it so you can beam out. If your need to defeat more Tzenkethi than the outdoor section provides, simply beam up and start over.

Defeat Tzenkethi (space)

Location: Gon’cra space battlezone

This one does not have a convenient episode with which to transwarp to its location, so the transwarp destinations menu is required. Either that or a lot of slow flying from a different star system somewhat farther away.

Defeat Hur’q Attendants (ground)

Mission: Home

Play through the space section. It is a simple, albeit long, brawl, and then beam to the “Frontier Medicine” mission point. Fight through the Hur’q dreadnought interior but do not start Bashir’s computer hacking phase. If you need to defeat more attendants, simply beam up and start over.

Defeat Hur’q Frigates (space)

Just play through the initial space combat section. For obvious reasons, do not use the same character for this and the Hur’q attendants endeavor.

Defeat Terrans (ground)

Mission: Ragnarok

Play through the space section and then beam into “The Battle of Enterprise-J”. Fight the Terrans on the Enterprise but do not enter the engineering section. If you start the computer setup phase you will begin there when you restart the mission rather than at the beginning of the ground section. This initial sections contains 21 Terran ground soldiers.

Defeat Terrans (space)

Location: Badlands Battlezone

Use the episode “Spoils of War” to quickly transwarp there.

Defeat Herald Ships (space)

Mission: Broken Circle

The initial ground section is long and tedious with way too much talking, but once you’ve finished it once you can start in the space section “The Direct Approach” on all subsequent playthroughs. Fight each of the three groups of Herald ships and then warp out before repairing the damaged allied ships. If you need to defeat more Heralds then just do this first space section over again. As an aside, Captain Kagran’s strategy is a perfect example of what not to do when fighting from the weaker position of an asymmetrical war. The weaker side should always default to guerilla tactics and avoid a pitched battle.

Defeat Tholian Ships (space)

Mission: Archer System Patrol, Azure Nebula Rescue

Archer System Patrol is typical of most of the Romulan space area patrols with 5 waves of Tholians and should be able to quickly fulfil the endeavor’s requirements. It is located in the far right of the Narendra sector.

Azure Nebula Rescue is a fairly easy lucrative mission and is fun to do with a particle generator-based science ship. It takes a long time though so it may be one for skipping if you are in a hurry.

Defeat Voth (space)

Location: Sphere space contested zone

Depending on your luck this can be really quick or kind of a chore, depending on the state of the map when you get there. Each of the 4 towers can have large groups of Voth allowing you to complete the endeavor quickly if you can get to each one before the other players. Once the Voth fleet is triggered, you can obviously destroy a large number of them as long as the players on the map are not trying to tackle all 4 all at once. You can also do several of the found missions. Voth can be a tricky opponent to fight because of their Reflective Immunity Matrix, making them immune to energy weapons along one shield facing and quickly destroying your ship with a form of feedback pulse, so the best ships in which to complete this endeavor are pure torpedo boats and exotic damage-based science ships. The easiest way to get to the contested zone is to take the shuttle to the ground battlezone then beam up.

Defeat Voth (ground)

Location: Dyson sphere ground battlezone

Travel there, fight dinosaurs with frickin’ laser beams on their heads. Make sure you get your missions from Commander Arnold so you can get big dilithium and Dyson mark rewards.

Defeat Borg (ground)

Location: Ohta and Qay’ghun ground battle zones, Defera ground adventure zone

These two planets have stationary groups of Borg just waiting to be killed. The one problem with going to Ohta (southeast of Nukara) on the Federation side is occasionally there will be a Klingon player waiting there to hunt you. Klingons on the other hand have the option of going to Qay’ghun (just southwest of Q’onos, so very convenient to get there) where there are no Federation players, and can also actually do the mission there to gain large dilithium rewards from Lieutenant B’Eta and Commander J’Vek, so I tend to favour doing this with a Klingon captain.

Apparently the Defera ground adventure zone is still a thing as well, so that would be another option.

Defeat Captains (ground)

Mission: The Undying

After a bit of running around at the beginning of this mission, you are put into a combat arena where each wave includes a captain ranked enemy for a total of 5, so this endeavor can be completed very quickly. If you weren’t lucky enough to meet a Nimbus miniboss on the way, the final Nausicaan guard captain before you get to Hassan’s office also counts, so this mission will get you your required 6. The Nimbus 3 episodes were removed from the main episode progression for some reason but are still accessible through the “Available” tab. To get to Shangdu the first time requires some running, however subsequent playthroughs can be reached quicker using the Nimbus 3 transporter system. The main transporter is in the bar behind the Dance Coordinator. The Stronghold transporter is under the scaffolding to the right of the door to Hassan’s club. Some players prefer to ignore the episode and instead hang around fighting the Orion Syndicate guards outside in the Stronghold. Located on the mezzanine above the transporter pad where you beam in is a pirate captain which counts toward this endeavor. The miniboss for the area also spawns fairly frequently. This takes a little longer than the episode to defeat 6 captains for the hard version of the endeavor but would be the preferred method for the easier versions requiring only 2 captains and has some small dilithium rewards.

Defeat Dreadnoughts (space)

Mission: Hive Onslaught (advanced or elite)

Most missions will have one dreadnought in them at some point. If you are doing the lower tier versions of this endeavor then there is no real trick to it. However, doing the elite endeavor requires a large number of dreadnoughts and the best place for that is Hive Onslaught, where every tactical cube counts as one, along with the unimatrix ships and the Queen’s octahedron. In the normal version of the mission there are no tactical cubes, so only the last 3 ships count as dreadnoughts.

Destroy Destructable Torpedoes (space)

Mission: Brushfire, Operation Riposte, Undine Battlezone, Awakening Patrols

This one is still a bit of a chore. The initial space section of Brushfire, if you fight every Son’a ship available and take a little time to do it will complete the elite version of this endeavor in 3 playthroughs. Operation Riposte, if you get to be the ship on missile interception duty, will complete the elite version of the endeavor but you have to play through much of the mission to even get to this section, though if you complete the mission you at least get the rewards. The Undine use destructible torpedoes occasionally. If you are in the battlezone with a significant number of enemies and a ship with plenty of multitarget weapons, you will be able to complete this endeavor eventually, though I have never completed the endeavor in this way.

Elachi use heavy torpedoes frequently, which makes the new Awakening patrols a potential great source for completing this endeavor. “Sentinels” seems particularly effective. I have not tried it yet as I have not gotten this endeavor since the new content was introduced.

From a reader:

Mission: Crystalline Catastrophe

The crystalline shards count as destructable torpedoes and doing this mission with any sort of multitarget attack guarantees quick completion of this endeavor. As a bonus, if you are powerful you get nice rewards for winning.

Materials Scan (ground)

Mission: Sphere of Influence

Not only does this mission have 2 materials on the first map with no combat, you can also transwarp to the location if you want to easily go to New Romulus. You may have to beam out and begin again two more times. You do not have to drop the mission in between runs, just beam out and restart the mission again.

Materials Scan (space)

Mission: Mine Enemy

The initial space section of this episode has a whopping 4 materials and the one fight is optional.

Gain Salvage

Methods: New Awakening patrols or buying things

The patrols introduced in Awakening have huge armadas of enemy ships and produce copious amounts of equipment loot. Just bring lots of firepower. Prior to this if you were powerful and lucky you could generate a lot of salvageable loot from space battle zones if you were in a big group, but that required either coordination or timing and was not guaranteed to be convenient so I would usually just go to a vendor and buy equipment specifically to salvage. These patrols however make it easy.

Repair shields (ground)

Methods: Engineering captain or bridge officers

If you have an engineering captain it is fairly easy to do this with Shield Recharge captain ability and access to so many shield heal kit modules. Just find a ground mission with a lot of incoming enemy fire and get shot. I often just take my engineering captain to the center location in either of the two Borg ground battle zones and let the turrets shoot me. MACO set bonus also has a shield heal. If you are a not an engineering captain, this might seem more difficult but it is still fairly easy. Just train an engineering bridge officer in your away team (preferably 2 of them) with shield recharge then play a mission with a lot of incoming enemy fire. I find Scylla and Charybdis with my character that is already set up to play that mission a good choice, which would be very convenient if both shield healing and defeat Tzenkethi endeavors were active at the same time. I’m sure there are other options.

Heal health (ground)

Methods: Science captain, Engineering captain, or bridge officers

Science captains have several different kit modules to generate healing, such as medical tricorder, vascular regenerator, or triage. Nanite health monitor would probably not end up being used for this since you’ll be being more proactive than that. Any mission with lots of damage dealing enemies will do. Engineering captains have medical generator and, here’s the synergistic part, quick fix. I simply go to the Borg ground battle zones and let the Borg shoot me and my medical generator while my medical generator heals me and I use quick fix to heal my medical generator. If you’re a tactical captain you will have to use science bridge officers in your away team with medical tricorder and vascular regenerator to heal you in a mission. Motivation provides some healing but needs help to complete the endeavor in a reasonable timeframe.

Tetryon Damage (space)

Mission: Argala system patrol

I know not many of you have significant tetryon use. You could always buy some low-end tetryon weapons. Most of you have at least one ship with a hangar bay and Tholian widows are a decent source of tetryon damage as well. However, if you want to make it a little easier on yourself, the two Benthan Guard ships in Argala system patrol count at your pets for the purpose of damage ownership, which is something that doesn’t happen with most allied ships in missions, and they use tetryon, so just let them do the work.

Physical Damage (ground)

Method: choose your weapon appropriately

If you, like me, actually have a couple of characters who are dedicated punchers or swordsmen, then this is easy. However, since this method of combat requires specialized equipment and is generally only effective against a small number of high hp enemies, most people don’t have an effective melee character. You could take your regular character into ground combat with one of the many decent Bat’leths and it would be okay against slower enemies, especially the Borg on Ohta or Qay’ghun, but if you were lucky enough to pick up the Zefram Cochrane shotgun or the replica tommygun, this endeavor becomes quite easy. There are also a couple of science kit modules and temporal kit modules that cause some physical damage, but they are somewhat weaker than the kinetic, fire, cold, and radiation options.

Of course, once you get into the swing of things you’ll have far more reroll tokens than you need, so you’ll be able to skip endeavors that are less convenient or lucrative for you. For instance, I always skip the complete TFOs endeavors unless it’s a single Borg one. This list contains everything I know to complete endeavors but I doubt it’s truly the end word for everything. I’m sure some of you have some other great ideas of how to complete the endeavors. Please comment below.

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19 comments on “ endeavors made easy ”.

Shards in “Crystaline catastrophe” counted as destructable torpedos. U can also shoot anti-planet protomatter torpedos is “scilla and charibda” mission

For ground healing combination of space suit and healing trible also work. Undine dreadnoughts appears in undine battlesone in fed and rom zones if many players are present (5+?) Tholian ships can also be found in “in to the web” space encounter (on alpha sector map). Fighters and webs are counted too.

Both great additions to the list. Thanks, Silver.

From fleet member Aniol, here’s an interesting one for completing the ground healing endeavor:

Episode “Home” has several plasma fire patches on the ground that cause high damage if you stand in them, including one in the very first room of the “Frontier Medicine” section. This can be used to quickly accumulate damage for the purposes of healing, whether from your own abilities or your bridge officers, and apparently certain tribbles can also be used for healing on the ground to help it along. Be careful to just quickly move in and out of the plasma fire patch as it can kill you very quickly. Naturally, this would be done on your character who already has this part of the mission unlocked for purposes of completing the defeat H’urq attendants endeavor.

I d like to comment heal shield and health on ground: i recommend to go to go to nukara and walk into acid to have constant loss of health/ shields. this allows constant regeneration

Any advice on “Kill Elachi Captains (3)”? I don’t want to do the TFO but am unsure where else I can find a captain rank Elachi. Thanks!

There is an Elachi Predator in the episode “What’s Left Behind” but I’m not sure if that would be any more convenient than doing the TFO. Sadly I don’t think there’s a way to make this particular endeavor easy.

Oh great thank you! So the Captain Rank Elachi are called Predators? That helps me narrow down my wiki search lol – thanks!

Do you know if the Elachi commander in Turnabout counts by chance? That’s where you capture an Elachi ship. Thank you!

For Kill Terrans Ground the mission Jaberwocky in the Cardassian Struggle arc is very useful for both ground and space endeavors.

Jabberwocky would certainly work too for Terrans. I’m not sure how many of them are in a single run of the ground section. I went with Ragnarok because this was back before I got my new computer and the rain effects from Jabberwocky made it chug.

There are enough Terran grounds to kill at least 10 and about that number of ships too. I’ve only ever gotten the kill 10 version of the Terran Endeavor so it’s worked out great for me lol 🙂

There’s definitely ten Terrans on the Jabberwocky ground mission. I use it even for the purple endeavor and just beam out and back in. Still the easiest way to get Terran kills. For space, the Badlands BZ is best.

That would be a bit more beaming in and out. Ragnarok has 21 in the first ground section so you’d only have to beam in 3 times for the purple endeavor. But if you’re happy with Jabberwocky I’m happy with Jabberwocky.

Any suggestions for Defeat Tholians (Ground)? Thanks.

For Defeat Tholians (Ground) the solution is obvious but doing it super easily is a bit more clever than that. Nukara Prime adventure zone provides the most Tholians to kill of course but there are a couple of things to make it more easy. First, find a good mission with which to transwarp for free nearby. I use “Sentinels” which drops me fairly close but with some digging through the episode options you might be able to find one closer. The second is using the Agony Field Generator universal kit module, which allows you to kill many Tholians in a wide circle around you without having to maintain a weapons line of sight on them.

Awesome! Thanks a lot. 🙂

So what TFOs have Voth if we don’t want to do the battlezone?

You’re both in luck and out of luck. You’re in luck because you commented on a 4 year old post on a blog that isn’t updated anymore and you’re getting a reply. You’re out of luck because there are no TFOs that have ground Voth in them with any consistency or numbers. There aren’t even any episodes that have sufficient numbers of Voth ground enemies. So if you want to complete that endeavour without rerolling it, the battlezone is your only option.

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Ex Astris Scientia

Starship Database

Earth & Federation Major Aliens Various Aliens Anomalous Starships Animated Abramsverse Discoverse

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The database lists all canon starships and other spaceborne constructions of the Star Trek Universe by races and classes. Schematic side views and technical specs are included where available. The data is mainly based on the very episodes and on official sources. In some cases, however, obvious errors had to be corrected. Inconsistencies or oddities are discussed in the annotations. Read more about the database structure .

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Pages with Recent Changes

  • Lower Decks Alien Ship Classes 01 Jun 2024
  • Discovery Future Federation Ship Classes 01 Jun 2024
  • Discovery Future Alien Ship Classes 31 May 2024
  • Discovery Mirror Universe Ship Classes 31 May 2024
  • Discoverse Alien Ship Classes 31 May 2024
  • Romulan Ship Classes 31 May 2024
  • Starfleet Ship Classes L-Z 11 May 2024
  • Xindi Ship Classes 05 May 2024
  • Earth Ship Classes 05 May 2024
  • Mirror Universe Ships 05 May 2024
  • Federation Shuttlecraft 05 May 2024
  • Space-Dwelling Lifeforms 05 May 2024
  • Federation Ground Transportation 05 May 2024
  • Non-Existent Ships 05 May 2024
  • Discoverse Klingon Ship Classes 05 May 2024
  • Borg Ship Classes 05 May 2024
  • Bajoran Ship Classes 05 May 2024
  • Ancient or Mysterious Ships 05 May 2024
  • Starfleet Ship Classes A-K 20 Apr 2024
  • Delta Quadrant Ships of Unknown Affiliation 10 Apr 2024

Structure of the Starship Database

Fleet Charts

Starship Articles

Starship Gallery

Earth & Federation

Starfleet Ship Classes A-K

Starfleet Ship Classes L-Z

Other Starfleet Ship Classes - uncertain and unknown

Civilian Federation Ship Classes

Federation Shuttlecraft - and other small auxiliary vehicles

Federation Probes - unmanned space vehicles

Federation Space Stations - fixed spaceborne installations

Federation Ground Transportation - bound to the ground

Earth Ship Classes - Pre-Federation (prior to 2161)

Future Ship Classes - of the 26th century and beyond

Major Aliens

Vulcan Ship Classes - Pre-Federation (prior to 2161)

Klingon Ship Classes - from all eras

Romulan Ship Classes - from all eras

Ferengi Ship Classes - from all eras

Cardassian Ship Classes

Bajoran Ship Classes

Dominion and Allied Ship Classes

Borg Ship Classes

Suliban Ship Classes

Xindi Ship Classes

Various Aliens

Alpha and Beta Quadrant Ships A-E

Alpha and Beta Quadrant Ships F-K

Alpha and Beta Quadrant Ships L-R

Alpha and Beta Quadrant Ships S-Z

Alpha and Beta Quadrant Ships of Unknown Affiliation

Gamma Quadrant Ships

Delta Quadrant Ships A-E

Delta Quadrant Ships F-K

Delta Quadrant Ships L-R

Delta Quadrant Ships S-Z

Delta Quadrant Ships of Unknown Affiliation

Anomalous Starships

Ancient or Mysterious Ships - whose owners don't show up

Space-Dwelling Lifeforms - organic or conscious vessels

Mirror Universe Ships - from TOS, DS9 and ENT

Confederation Timeline Ships - from PIC season 2

Non-Existent Ships - that were made up for varying reasons

Animated Star Trek

TAS Starfleet & Federation Ship Classes

TAS Alien Ship Classes

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Prodigy Starfleet & Federation Ship Classes

Prodigy Alien Ship Classes


Abramsverse Federation Ship Classes

Abramsverse Alien Ship Classes

Discoverse Federation Ship Classes - 23rd century, from DIS and SNW

Discoverse Klingon Ship Classes - 23rd century, from DIS and SNW

Many of the images in this section are taken from official sources such as the Star Trek Encyclopedia II , the Star Trek Encyclopedia (2016) the DS9 Technical Manual , the Star Trek Fact Files , Star Trek: The Magazine or the Eaglemoss Official Starships Collection . Note that some of these were cleaned up and obvious errors were corrected. A number of schematics (namely Academy trainer craft, Antares NCC-501, Archer's model, Birdseye, Bonaventure from the Chronology , Centaur, Cheyenne, Constitution original, Excelsior variant 1, "Star Trek (2009)" shuttle, Mars defense perimeter, New Orleans, Ptolemy, Saladin, Springfield, Sydney, Raven, Talarian ships and variants, Tamarian ship and variants, Tosk ship and several TAS ships) are copyright of Ex Astris Scientia.

Special thanks go to Mike Swantak for the Ambassador, to Tim Davies for the Excelsiors, to Gus for the "Star Trek (2009)" Enterprise, to Sean Thornton for the Enterprise-A (alt.), to Pundus for the Odyssey, to MadMan and The-Didact for two versions of the Vengeance, to Chris G. for the "Star Trek (2009)" Spacedock, Klingon "Warbird" (models by MadMan), Whale Probe, "Nemesis" drydock (mesh by S-Stephen), TMP drydock (mesh by Prologic9), McKinley drydock (mesh by Eric Peterson), Warp Five Complex (mesh by Beda of Borg) and several images from Lower Decks, to Dávid Metlesits for the Klingon DIS ships (rendered based on models from Star Trek Adversaries), to Dave Combe for the DIS BoP and Sarcophagus ship, to C.HellenBrandt for the D'Arsay archive, Farpoint lifeform, interface probe, Melkotian buoy, ultraviolet satellite, standard D5, the "Star Trek (2009)" escape pod, forklift and more, to Ryan Church for Kirk's motorbike concept art, the Breen ship and the Klingon Augment ship, to Tobias Richter who created the USS Kelvin mesh, to James Chung for Picard concept art, to Daniel Petri for the reconstructed Aurora and the Class J from TOS-R, to Kristian Trigwell for Nomad, DY-100, DY-500, Valiant, Utopia Planitia, TAS personal spacecraft and some emblems, to Chris Spinnler for the Challenger, to Masaki Taniko who modified the Constitution refit, Miranda, Nebula variants, Curry and "Raging Queen", to Robert Bonchune for posting the official Intrepid-type, Delta ship and Kumari renders and who created many renders for recent official publications, to Doug Drexler for posting renders by several CGI artists such as Robert Bonchune, including the "Emmette", NX-Alpha, Arctic One, Arctic One Borgified, three-fingered drydock, multispatial probe, all Vulcan CGI ships, Cardassian workbee, 22nd century Ferengi ship, Nausicaan raider, all Suliban ships, Arkonian warship, Kreetassan ship, Kago Darr's shuttle, Malurian ship, Takret ship, Tandaran patrol ship, Valakian ship, Xantoran patrol ship, "Crossing" alien ship, Reptohumanoid ship and variants, Ledosian ships, Markonian outpost, Venatic, "Alice", "Silent Enemy" ship & shuttle and "Dead Stop" station, to John Eaves for the "Communicator" fighter, the Triannon vessel, the "Extinction" vessel, Xindi-Insectoid vessel 2 and the Axanar combat ship, to Irishman for drawings of Earth Starfleet ships, to Sven Lindemann for intermediate images, to Harry for parts of the early spaceship I, to Thorsten Junk for the Reman shuttle, to Raul Quiles who provided the Shuttlepod 1 and inspection pod schematics, to Kris Olinger who modified the Challenger, to Graham Kennedy for cleaning up and coloring the Starfleet probes, to Masao Okazaki for drawing the Daedalus, Bonaventure, Huron and TAS cargo drone, to Simon Golding for intermediate images, to E. Jakobsson for the Yeager and Elkins, to Jeff Russell for V'ger, to David Matteson for the NX-02 emblem, to viperaviator for the Franklin emblem, to Tobias Weimann for a couple of emblems, to Animaniac for the 22nd century Tholian ship and finally to Alice Orbán for subspace amplifier, Cardassian escape pod, Enolian vessels, Kobali shuttle, Malcorian ship, Malon freighter 2, Malurian shuttle, Mazarite shuttle & variants, Sikarian ship, Tarkalean freighter, Tellarite shuttle, Tsunkatse ship, Vissian ships, some of the Xindi ships, and several more.

Jörg Hillebrand has provided innumerable screen caps and invaluable observations. Most other screen caps are from TrekCore , Ariane's Star Trek Gallery , , Neutral Zone Starship Database or The Guardian of Forever. The photo of the Miranda-class USS Trial is courtesy of Larry Nemecek. Some images are based on Jim Stevenson's Starship Schematics . A reliable list of all canon starship appearances can be found in D. Joseph Creighton's The STArchive from where I extracted some useful data. Several facts about TAS ships came from Curt Danhauser's Guide to Animated Star Trek . I would also like to acknowledge The Unofficial Star Trek Fact Files Index, , Sector 0-0-1, Pedro's Shiporama, Frank Gerratana's Starfleet Ship Designs, Steve Pugh's Vessels of Starfleet, Adam Brooks , Adam Buckner, AJ, Alex Köhnen , Alexander Hartmann , Ambassador, Andrew Halliday, Andros, Andy Kinnear, B. J. Olejnik, Bounty, Brendan Stone , Brian Hunter, cardinal biggles, Colin , Dan Carlson , Daniel Anderson, DAS, doubleofive , Ed Bailey, Erich Mohr , Erik Filean, Florian Ollivier , Frank Bitterhof , George Nicolaides, Greg , Gvsualan , Harry , J , Jeff W, Jake Stotsky, Jason Schmus , Jim Morrissey , Jimmie R. Giboney, Jochen Gnida, John Mesiavech, Kevin , Kratisto, Lee McDonald , Lennier , Lester , Maik Leon Ehnert, Mariner Class, Mark Gill, Micah Haber, Michael Lanzinger, Mike , moreorlesser, Muchu, Paragon, Paul Doize, psycopunkn , Ralph Spitzner, Raymond J Impastato Jr, Rick , Rob Minnes, Robert, Scott Fletcher , Sol System, Stacy Smith, Stefan Posner, Stefan Rypalla , Stephen L. , Tadeo D'Oria, Thomas Owens , Thorsten , Trolleybus and Tuskin38 for ship pictures and information. Several more people helped me through their comments in the Flare Sci-Fi Forums . My special thanks to Colin and Boris S. who have provided lots of little-known information. Last but not least, special thanks to Michael Chabon and Dave Blass for sharing some information from behind the screen with us.

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Last modified: 08 Jun 2024

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Published Jun 12, 2024

30 Years Ago, Star Trek Revealed the Most Complex Villain, Ever

With 'The Jem'Hadar,' just when you thought it was safe to go back to the Gamma Quadrant…

Triptych featuring the Vorta Eris, the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant, and the Jem'Hadar Talak'talan from 'The Jem'Hadar'

On June 12, 1994, Star Trek fans were nervous about the Enterprise .

Three weeks prior, on May 23, The Next Generation series finale " All Good Things… " had shown the beloved Enterprise -D sailing off, safely, into the cosmic sunset. But, a preview trailer for the Season 2 finale of Deep Space Nine showed a ship that looked exactly like the Enterprise getting totally blown apart. What was going on?

Following a run-in with a Jem'Hadar fighter, the U.S.S. Odyssey explodes in 'The Jem'Hadar'

"The Jem'Hadar"

With " The Jem'Hadar ," the conclusion of its second season, Deep Space Nine changed everything. The ship we saw in that preview wasn't the Enterprise , but rather the U.S.S. Odyssey , a different Galaxy -class starship. Still, with this episode DS9 had clearly raised the stakes, and pivoted the Star Trek franchise into a more complex storytelling structure with the help of an incredibly multifaceted villain.

Whispers of the Dominion

A close-up of the soldier Talak'talan in 'The Jem'Hadar'

The introduction of the Dominion was a very slow burn in DS9's second season. While most fans probably view the introduction of the Defiant in Season 3's " The Search " as the true start of the Dominion arc, the truth is, ominous mentions of the Dominion were seeded subtly, starting with the second season's " Rules of Acquisition ." Ira Steven Behr, who would go on to become what we now think of as the "showrunner" for DS9 wanted the Dominion to help define the rules of the Gamma Quadrant more clearly, and to set the series apart as not being planet-of-the-week type storytelling. "What's on the other side of the wormhole?" he wondered. "Is it just more space?"

For the DS9 writers' room the answer to that question was — a dangerous organization known as the Dominion, who ruled this part of space with an iron fist. Writer Robert Hewitt Wolfe described the conception of the Dominion as "a sort of unifying anti-Federation," meaning there wouldn't be just one monolithic species representing the whole group. The Federation has various species and member planets, why not the baddies, too? And so, at the end of Season 2, when Benjamin and Jake Sisko think they're going on a nice little father-son camping trip, they instead meet two of the three major alien species that would ruin their lives forever.

Introducing a New Kind of Star Trek Villain

On a M-class planet in the Gamma Quadrant, Sisko kneels between Jake and Nog as they analyze soil samples in 'The Jem'Hadar'

"The Jem'Hadar" is a masterclass in Star Trek storytelling, mostly because the whole reason Sisko encounters the titular soldiers in this episode is because Jake needs a material for a science project and Nog is about to flunk out of school. While it's reasonable to assume Starfleet would have encountered the Dominion and its Jem'Hadar muscle at some point, the fact is the reason it all happens the way it does is totally innocent and innocuous. Sisko is looking forward to a good old camping trip with his son, which Jake turns into a friend trip with Nog, which Quark turns into a tag-along-trip to butter-up Sisko about letting him sell more junk on the promenade. This would be a little like if Jean-Luc Picard had first encountered the Borg while still wearing his swim trunks, in " Captain's Holiday ," instead of the super-dramatic way Q forced that introduction in " Q Who? " in The Next Generation 's second season.

The point is Sisko is on a break, and isn't even in uniform for most of this episode. This is a small, but subtle detail, but it helps shatter the coziness of the Gamma Quadrant. The episode sneaks up on you, mostly because if you didn't know "The Jem'Hadar" was the season finale, the set-up is still a pretty solid Star Trek episode. The basic conflict, at first, seems like an episode about two families working out their political and cultural differences for the sake of their kids having a good time. (Quark is Nog's uncle, but you get it.)

While held captive on a M-class planet, Sisko and Quark quarrel in 'The Jem'Hadar'

Sisko is openly frustrated with Quark's transparent business tactic, but he also wants to be tolerant of Ferengi culture. If the Jem'Hadar had never shown up, this would still be a great Trek episode; one that uses the allegory of different alien species as a way to talk about tolerating extreme political differences, all for the sake of making your kid's friends feels safe, and being a consummate professional. Once again, in parenting lessons and leadership lessons, Sisko is simply the GOAT.

Close-up of the Vorta Eris with an inhibitor collar around her neck in 'The Jem'Hadar'

But, despite getting settled into a camping trip in which Quark complains about nature predict full-on Carrie Bradshaw behavior in the 2001 Sex in the City episode "Sex and The Country," nobody is allowed to enjoy Sisko's jambalaya for long. A mysterious woman named Eris arrives, who says she's being chased by the Jem'Hadar. Soon, she, Sisko, and Quark are captured by Jem'Hadar soldiers, and have to team-up to escape.  

A crucial detail in this escape is that Eris possesses a kind of telekinetic power, which has supposedly been inhibited by a collar placed on her neck by the Jem'Hadar. After Quark deploys his lock-picking aptitude to remove the collar, Eris uses her power to take down a force-field and the trio escapes. Jake and Nog are okay, too. But not as all as it seems. 

Deep Space Nine Levels-Up

At DS9, Captain Keogh of the U.S.S. Odyssey informs the crew Bashir, Kira, O'Brien, and Dax that traffic through the wormhole is disabled until they can investigate the level threat the Jem'Hadar threat poses in 'The Jem'Hadar'

The climax of the episode sports two major revelations, back-to-back. By the time Sisko, Quark, and Eris escape the Jem'Hadar — who are self-described soldiers of the shadowy Dominion — Starfleet was sent in the calvary in the form of the U.S.S. Odyssey, commanded by Captain Keogh. The rest of the DS9 crew, including Kira, O’Brien, Odo, Dax, and Bashir tag along in three runabouts, as a kind of back-up squadron of Starfleet fighters. And although the Jem'Hadar ships are whooping both the Odyssey and the DS9 squad, Sisko has been rescued, so everything's okay, right? Well, no. Even though the Odyssey is in retreat, one Jem'Hadar ship rams it anyway, destroying the ship utterly. Sisko knows this is a message. The Jem'Hadar — and by extension, the Dominion — are not messing around. They'll even blow-up their own ships to keep Starfleet out of their sphere of influence.

On DS9, Quark raises a discrepancy in the Vorta Eris' story as he addresses the crew in 'The Jem'Hadar'

Back at the station, we get the final twist. Eris is one of the Vorta, another species that is part of the Dominion, and she was never in danger, and was lying to everyone to test the weaknesses of the Federation and to gather information. Still in his camping clothes, with phaser drawn, Sisko is powerless to stop any of this. And so, at the end of the episode, with the camera centered right on his face, Sisko promises that when the Dominion returns, "I intend to be ready for them."

Sisko keeps his promise, because when Season 3 debuted, on September 26, 1994, Deep Space Nine , in some ways, became a totally new show. The U.S.S. Defiant became the crew's second home away from the station, and the struggle with the Dominion ended-up occupying nearly everything about the rest of the series. At the end of Season 2, we still didn't know who the "Founders" of the Dominion were, nor what they looked like. And, no one could imagine that this conflict would take a Star Trek show through five more seasons.

On a camping trip in the Gamma Quadrant on a M-class planet, Sisko, Jake, Nog, and Quark huddle around a campfire at night eating a meal in 'The Jem'Hadar'

Essentially, in 1994, very serialized storytelling on television was uncommon, and was particularly uncommon for Star Trek at the time. Today, all the modern Star Trek series, from Discovery to Strange New Worlds , and Lower Decks to Picard , greatly benefit from the advent of this kind of big, epic story plotting. Discovery heavily featured the Breen , a species who would become allies of the Dominion later in DS9, in its fifth season, while both the final seasons for Picard and Discovery relied heavily on the continuity of the Dominion War to create very specific, and impactful plot details and twists.

But, none of it would have happened, or existed quite the way it does without "The Jem'Hadar" happening first. Thanks to Jake, Quark, Nog and Sisko's little camping trip, the rest of Star Trek became more interconnected, more gripping, and overall, even more epic in scope than ever before.

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Ryan Britt is the author of the nonfiction books Phasers on Stun! How the Making and Remaking of Star Trek Changed the World (2022), The Spice Must Flow: The Journey of Dune from Cult Novels to Visionary Sci-Fi Movies (2023), and the essay collection Luke Skywalker Can’t Read (2015). He is a longtime contributor to Star and his writing regularly appears with Inverse, Den of Geek!, Esquire and elsewhere. He lives in Portland, Maine with his family.

Graphic illustration of sometime in the future, Admiral Burnham prepares Discovery and Zora for its final mission in 'Life, Itself'

Playable Hur'q starships

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  • Hur'q Nekcrid Assembly Multi-Mission Science Vessel
  • Hur'q Vedcrid Hive Dreadnought Carrier
  • Hur'q Vridyat Ravager Strike Wing Escort

Star Trek Minutiae: Exploring the Details of Science Fiction

I have been a fan of science fiction for more than thirty years, since my parents introduced me to Star Wars some time in 1991. Since then, I’ve become obsessed to varying degrees with many shows including Star Trek , Babylon 5 , Battlestar Galactica , The Expanse , and many others. Generally, I don’t buy into most of the incessant crossover debates that frequently rage on certain sci-fi message boards. Rather than waste time proving that the Imperial Star Destroyer can blast Kirk’s Enterprise into molten slag, I prefer to enjoy each story based on the merits of its own setting and plot. Since the entire technological background is fictional anyway, the writers can simply make up any quasi-scientific principles that they wish for the sake of the plot.

Although I’m not that interested in the technological comparisons between series, I’ve occasionally wondered about how a certain starship would compare in size to those of another series. When Farscape ’s John Crichton first saw Moya , he exclaimed, “That’s big.... really big.” The question is, just how big is “big”? So I started to gather a list of the sizes of various science fiction ships. There are plenty of fans out there who have worked up all kinds of comparison charts on their own. But the one thing that very few of those charts has ever done is to include non-canon fan designs alongside the original canon starships. I decided to create one all-encompassing chart that would include many (if not quite all) of the Star Trek ships that are out there. The charts available below include those created by the Advanced Starship Design Bureau , Masao Okazaki at the Starfleet Museum , and Star Trek: Renaissance , the fan fiction series of which I was once a part.

I originally started these charts as a side project , to fulfill my own curiosity for how the ships stacked up. But they’ve become one of the most popular resources on Star Trek Minutiae, and I’ve even found copies of them floating around elsewhere on the web. So, here’s the original cross-sci-fi starship reference!

Star Trek Comparison Charts

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General Sci-Fi Comparison Charts

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Frequently Asked Questions

Idle Stats as of 2022-06-17: 945 ships and space stations total, 607 from Star Trek (including 86 non-canon designs)

External Links

  • Ex Astris Scientia: Fleet Charts
  • Daystrom Institute Technical Library: Size Charts
  • Park My Spaceship
  • Dirk Loechel’s Size Comparison
  • Jeff Russell’s Starship Comparison (no longer updated)

star trek q ship

I’m bored! Bored with the Q Continuum! Bored with it all! So I’ve decided to play with the human race again. I possess immeasurable power over time, space, the laws of physics, and reality itself, capable of altering it to my whim. And my whims are legion! I am omnipotent, but stylishly so, and my true motivations will always be shrouded in mystery, so all you Commanders out there will just have to play along.

“Con permiso, Capitan. The hall is rented, the orchestra engaged. It’s now time to see if you can dance.”

My Court appears across all bases from Ops Level 19 upwards, anything below just isn’t worth my time. There, puny mortals, you will have access to my trials. Of course, as a show of respect, I demand you build the Court of Q, for which you will require Court of Q Keys. You will find these in the Gifts Section, for I am a munificent being, known for my generosity.

As my Court level increases - and it had better, lest you incur my wrath! - you will find the amount of bonus Protomatter you earn from completing a Trial increases also. You’re welcome, microbe. The Court of Q level is also essential for unlocking new Trials, gaining access to certain Forbidden Tech refinery options and Forbidden Tech upgrades. How I love the word forbidden, it just begs to be defied!

“You can’t outrun them, you can’t destroy them. If you damage them, the essence of what they are remains. They regenerate and keep coming. Eventually, you will weaken. Your reserves will be gone. They are relentless!”

Be prepared, Komandanto, before you set forth on one of my Trials. You can learn more about your target by tapping the info (i) button on the Trial screen. Your minuscule brain will no doubt need it.

You may begin my Trials by spending Trial Bells - I know, frivolous, aren’t I? Collect them through the daily gift or specific events. You may encounter others in the Offers tab. If you are fortunate.

Each Trial requires you to defeat a hostile target before time runs out. The target is unique to each Commander, for how else am I to judge your worth? No one else may see or interact with the target I put before you. You may attempt to destroy the target as many times as you wish while the timer is running. But know this, the Trial target will regain its full SHP/HHP between each combat. My Trials are never easy!

If my Trial is completed by defeating the hostile, the Rank of the Trial will increase. As the Trial Rank increases, the target hostile also increases in power. I want to test you and only the very best deserve to survive. If the Trial is conquered, new Trials can be unlocked to face more challenging targets. Or you can forever languish in the realms of abject failure. Like most mortals.

The only way to fail a Trial is by not destroying the target before the timer expires. If you fail a Trial, you will need to spend Trial Bells to attempt the Trial again. It would be prudent to increase your power before attempting the same Trial. I know prudence is difficult for you lower life forms, but you must try.

Why these games? Why, the play is the thing. And I’m surprised you have to ask when your human, Shakespeare, explained it all so well.

Upon successful completion of a Trial, I will bestow Protomatter upon you, magnificent entity that I am. Use it to upgrade your Forbidden Technology. How much Protomatter depends on the Trial and your current Court of Q building level. Remember, upkeeping my Court pleases me, for which you will receive a buff. And they don’t come more buff than me!

Also, depending on how I rate your success, and what kind of a day I’m having,, your Rank will also increase by a variable degree. However, there is a maximum rank a Trial may reach.

As your Rank increases in the Trial - and be sure that it does as I do so hate to be disappointed - you will be able to collect Milestone Rewards. These one-time rewards include unique pieces of Forbidden Tech not available through any other means, as well as resources to help you attempt more Trials and upgrade your Forbidden Tech.

“You just don’t get it, do you, Jean-Luc? The trial never ends. We wanted to see if you had the ability to expand your mind and your horizons. And for one brief moment, you did.”

When you reach the maximum available Rank on a Trial, you will no longer have any one-time Milestone Rewards to collect. But then, why should you? You must learn that a job well done is its own reward. Ha! You mortals and your trinkets! However, you may still attempt the Trial and earn Protomatter rewards. This is still an excellent way to earn Protomatter for upgrading Forbidden Tech.

Assessment Rank

Your Assessment Rank is your highest Trial Rank. Each newly unlocked Trial has a higher maximum Rank value, allowing you to attain a higher Assessment Rank. Your Assessment Rank determines your chances of success when upgrading Forbidden Tech. So, you must always strive to push it as high as possible. I shouldn’t have to point out the obvious, but I know the limits of organic minds, so let me just add that doing this will benefit you in the long run. Even though a long run for you is no more than just the impulse to blink an eye for me.

“I see now, it was too simple a puzzle. Generosity has always been my… weakness.”

Each Trial comprises either an Explorer, a Battleship or an Interceptor. It suits me that the hostiles I make you face in the Trial will generally be the same type. Anything else is too much effort for me. However, that said, I will sometimes select a special hostile for you to face, which may be of a different ship type. I am not here to make things easy for you. For your own good!

Keep pushing!

Each Trial awards Seals of Approval for the next tier of Trials when you reach certain Milestones. The type and amount vary depending on the Trial, but they are always available in the tier before the one you are trying to unlock. Assuming you make it past any Trials at all. I shall try and contain my disappointment.

For example:

To unlock the ★★★ Trial - Explorers Trial, you will need to collect ★★★ Seal of Approval - Explorers. These can be earned by completing the ★★ Trial - Explorers, ★★ Trial - Battleships, and ★★ Trial - Interceptors.

In addition to Seals, the Court of Q you are fortunate to have grace your base, will also need to be at a required level before you can unlock any higher-value Trials. Remember, my Court serves as a temple to me, and will be treated accordingly. Upgrade it often, or I will find you, and transform you back into the protoplasmic goo you evolved from not five minutes ago!

Seal of Approval 2

Seal of Approval ★★ ★ ★ /  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★   (Epic )

NOTE:  Take heed, mortal! Be mindful - assuming you have a mind to fill - of your surroundings when initiating a Trial. Hostiles will usually spawn within 2 systems of your base . If you foolishly initiate a Trial too close to a system you cannot enter... you might be in trouble! And you will definitely disappoint me.

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This makes a lot of sense.

Warning! The following contains spoilers for the  Star Trek: Discovery  finale "Life, Itself." Read at your own risk! If you haven't caught it yet, check it out with a Paramount+ subscription .

Star Trek: Discovery 's final scene addressed a long-standing mystery surrounding the series tied to the Short Treks episode "Calypso." Unfortunately, some fans have found  they're not getting all the answers they want about how the mystery was resolved. I asked co-showrunner Michelle Paradise for details about how the scene was written and got her response about why the ending went down the way it did. 

What's The Mystery Anyway? 

In the short "Calypso," released between Seasons 1 and 2 of Discovery , viewers watched a man named Craft travel through the USS Discovery, which had been dormant in deep space for a thousand years. Fans have speculated for seasons now about how that was possible, particularly considering the crew arrived safely in the future at the start of Season 3. In fact, they were never away from the ship for any remarkable length of time. 

In the Coda, we saw Michael Burnham, much older and now an admiral, enter the Discovery, which had been deliberately retro-fitted to look like it did in "Calypso." Burnham explained she had a "Red Directive" to take this ship to deep space and leave it there, but there wasn't much said beyond that. Assuming I missed something, I asked Michelle Paradise for clarification, only to learn the scene was intentionally scripted to be mysterious: 

It was meant to be a little bit cryptic. Part of that is just in working on the coda we definitely wanted to address Calypso, but we didn't want to dive into the plot of things that we weren't ultimately going to see. It felt important not to use a pun, but of ‘paramount’ importance that the coda live in the world of emotion and wrapping up the story. And so it felt enough to us to say there's a Red Directive, the ship is gonna go rather than diving into the reasons why the ship was gonna go. Burnham is not ultimately gonna be part of that. She's gonna take the ship and leave it there. But we definitely wanted to tie up the Calypso piece of it.

Michelle Paradise confirmed in an interview with Variety that Season 6 of Star Trek: Discovery had a broad goal of addressing "Calypso" in detail, but obviously, the Trek series' cancelation came before they could get too deep into that. As such, the finale ensured that the answer was given while it was careful not to create more loose ends with the explanation.

David Cronenberg in Star Trek: Discovery

This Enterprise Easter egg was awesome. 

The Star Trek: Discovery audience isn't explicitly told why the Discovery needs to be left in deep space without a crew, but we know from Season 5's plot that a "Red Directive" is a highly classified mission deemed of utmost importance. Briefings of Red Directives are conducted in Kovich's "Infinity Room," and given we now know Kovich was just a codename for the famed Temporal Agent Daniels from Enterprise , we can assume the USS Discovery must remain in deep space for reasons vital to the timeline. 

Whether or not the mystery will be examined any further will depend on whether or not upcoming Trek shows want to acknowledge it. The Starfleet Academy show, which just brought on Holly Hunter , will be set the closest in time to Discovery 's finale. Provided the show also brings on Tilly actress Mary Wiseman like the finale further hinted it would, I would see that as justification to further explain the Red Directive mission surrounding the ship at some point. 


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It might not be as neat of an ending as Star Trek: The Next Generation , but it's also worth noting the circumstances were different. I applaud Discovery for being able to end on the high note that it did. Making a conclusive finale on such short notice is difficult, especially for a serialized series. And yet, I think it is still one of the better finales in Star Trek history, and I felt just as much closure watching it as actor Doug Jones did . 

Regardless, is it too early to start petitions for Paramount+ to greenlight a movie for this crew? I miss them so much already. 

Mick Joest is a Content Producer for CinemaBlend with his hand in an eclectic mix of television goodness. Star Trek is his main jam, but he also regularly reports on happenings in the world of Star Trek, WWE, Doctor Who, 90 Day Fiancé, Quantum Leap, and Big Brother. He graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Radio and Television. He's great at hosting panels and appearing on podcasts if given the chance as well.

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star trek q ship

Who Is Locutus Of Borg In Star Trek?

W hile in one sense Locutus of Borg lived and died only in the two-part Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Best of Both Worlds," the villain's influence stays with Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) throughout the hero's life. Locutus is who Picard becomes in the game-changing TNG story after he's assimilated by the Borg, and along with inflicting the Trek hero with lasting psychological trauma the experience leads to disastrous consequences for Starfleet itself. Locutus' legacy has been felt acutely as recently as the revival series Star Trek: Picard .

When the crew of the Enterprise-D first encounter the Borg in the Season 2 TNG episode "Q Who," the bizarre species is one seemingly without individuals. The Borg are on a violent quest to achieve perfection by assimilating other species' biological and technological advances into their own hive mind. The heroes are surprised in "The Best of Both Worlds" to learn that creating an individual, Locutus, is central to their plan to assimilate Earth and the United Federation of Planets.

When the Borg invade the Federation, Picard is initially confused but grateful that the single Borg Cube is initially focused on the Enterprise-D. The Borg, we learn, have decided that assimilating Earth is challenging enough of a task that they need a representative with a face that will be familiar to Earth's people. It is decided that - unlike Borg Drones, who are not individuals and are given only numerical designations like Jeri Ryan‘s Seven of Nine - Picard will be captured and assimilated as "Locutus of Borg," in order to act as the Collective's representative.

As Locutus, with his will stripped away from him, Picard is forced to contribute to thousands of deaths at the Battle of Wolf 359 , where 39 Starfleet ships intercept the Borg Cube in hopes of stopping its progress. With Picard's knowledge of Starfleet helping it, the Cube destroys all 39 ships, and either kills or assimilates close to 11,000 Starfleet personnel.

Although Locutus helps the Borg win Wolf 359, he proves to be the weakness that the Riker (Jonathan Frakes) led Enterprise uses to defeat the Borg. Data ( Brent Spiner ) and Worf (Michael Dorn) are dispatched to rescue Picard from the Borg Cube, and back on the Enterprise Data and Dr. Crusher (Gates McFadden) are able to reach their friend within Locutus. In part thanks to a cryptic clue from Picard, Data is able to use Picard's connection to the Borg Collective to order the Cube to enter its rest mode, halting its advance toward Earth.

After the Borg are defeated, Crusher removes the surgical implants from Picard, but the specter of Locutus lives on in a few ways, both good and bad. On the less pleasant side of things, it soon becomes clear that the experience has shook Picard like never before. In "Family" - the episode immediately following "The Best of Both Worlds, Part 2" - sensing something is wrong with Jean-Luc, his older brother Robert (Jeremy Kemp) goads him into a fight, after which Jean-Luc breaks down in tears, admitting to how helpless he was against the Borg.

That trauma surfaces in ugly ways in 1996's Star Trek: First Contact , when Picard's hunger for vengeance on the Borg pushes him to make mistakes. Thankfully the Enterprise-E's surprise guest Lily (Alfre Woodard) is able to talk sense into him.

While no one on the Enterprise crew seems to trust Picard any less because of his transformation into Locutus, the rest of the Federation doesn't necessarily feel the same. As remembered my Memory Alpha , Picard's time as Locutus is used against him in an inquiry later in Season 4 in "The Drumhead" and in the series premiere of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , Commander Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) - whose wife dies in the Battle of Wolf 359 - makes it clear to Picard that he'd like to tear the Enterprise captain's head off. As recently as the Season 3 premiere of Star Trek: Picard , in fact, Captain Liam Shaw (Todd Stashwick) refers to the titular hero as a "former ex-Borg" with disgust.

One positive aspect of Picard's time as Locutus is that it gives him insight that helps him in future confrontations with the Borg. For example in First Contact , a lingering connection with the Borg allows him to find a weak spot in the Borg Cube that helps the gathered defense fleet destroy it. It also lends him insights in the weaknesses of the Borg Queen (Alice Krige).

His time as Locutus also gives Picard a connection to other former Borg, such as Jonathan Del Arco's Hugh - who Picard first meets in the TNG episode "I, Borg" - and Seven of Nine. This is particularly helpful in the first season of Star Trek: Picard , when even former Borg drones still recognize him as Locutus.

With Picard's consciousness transferred from his old body into an artificial one at the end of Star Trek: Picard ‘s first season, any lingering connection to the Borg was presumably lost. But if nothing else his memories of being part of the Borg will stay with him until the end of his story in the franchise.


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Every starship enterprise & discovery saucer separation in star trek.


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Only 5 Star Trek Movies Didn’t Destroy The Starship Enterprise

Every starship enterprise chief engineer in star trek, star trek: how every uss enterprise was destroyed (& which weren't).

  • Saucer separation was a tactical maneuver used in extreme circumstances to protect innocent lives on the USS Enterprise and USS Discovery.
  • Only the USS Enterprise-D from Star Trek's prime timeline has conducted a saucer separation, despite early consideration in production.
  • The Kelvin timeline's USS Enterprise conducted a saucer separation in Star Trek Beyond, but it was too late to make a difference.

In extreme circumstances, Star Trek 's starship Enterprise and USS Discovery can carry out a saucer separation for both tactical and emergency purposes. The Enterprise's first saucer separation maneuver was seen in the Star Trek: The Next Generation pilot, "Encounter at Farpoint", and though used sparingly, it wouldn't be the last time that Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) gave such a command. While the TNG version of the starship Enterprise was the first to use the saucer separation, Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott (James Doohan) theorized a similar "nacelle removal" maneuver was possible in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "The Apple".

During a saucer separation, a full-evacuation of non-essential personnel would be conducted as the senior staff made their way to the battle bridge, located in the starship's drive section. Once preparations were complete, the docking clamps would retract, separating the saucer section from the ship's primary hull. The concept of a saucer separation in Star Trek had been under consideration since early production on the abandoned Star Trek: Planet of the Titans movie . However, to date, the USS Enterprise-D is the only ship from Star Trek 's prime timeline to conduct a saucer separation, but the Kelvin Timeline's USS Enterprise, and Star Trek: Discovery 's hero ship have similar abilities.

Destroying the Enterprise provides cinematic spectacle, but does it always have to be that way? These five Star Trek movies suggest otherwise.

6 The Enterprise-D Separated To Avoid Q's Forcefield

Star trek: the next generation, season 1, episode 1, "encounter at farpoint".

After a less than cordial first meeting with Q (John de Lancie), the crew of the USS Enterprise-D attempted to outrun the cosmic trickster by fleeing his forcefield. Q's forcefield gave chase, which forced Picard to order a saucer separation to protect the innocent lives of the many civilians aboard the Enterprise . Picard put Lt. Worf (Michael Dorn) in charge of the saucer section until the crisis was over. Despite trying to outrun Q from the Enterprise-D's stardrive section from the battle bridge, Picard and his senior staff soon found themselves in Q's courtroom.

After Q agrees to let Picard prove that human beings are not savages, the two halves of the starship Enterprise are reunited in orbit above the planet Deneb IV. The remainder of the Star Trek: The Next Generation cast are introduced at Farpoint Station, too. One of Picard's first orders to his number one, Commander William T. Riker (Jonathan Frakes) is to conduct a manual docking of the Enterprise's stardrive and saucer sections .

Saucer separation was planned to be a regular feature in Star Trek: The Next Generation , but was abandoned due to the costs involved, and the fact that the process of separating the Enterprise's saucer section slowed down the story.

5 Geordi Ordered A Saucer Separation Above Minos

Star trek: the next generation, season 1, episode 21, "the arsenal of freedom".

In Star Trek: The Next Generation season 1, episode 20, "Heart of Glory", two Klingon warriors plotted to hijack the Enterprise by conducting an illegal saucer section. They were foiled in their plans by Lt. Worf, who chose his Starfleet colleagues over his fellow Klingons. In the following episode, "The Arsenal of Freedom", the Enterprise did conduct a saucer separation, ordered by Lt. Geordi La Forge. Geordi was placed in temporary command of the Enterprise while Picard and Riker's away team were pinned down by an automated weapons system on the planet Minos .

The Enterprise's chief engineer, Lt. Commander Logan (Vyto Ruginis) objected to Geordi's plan to stay and rescue the away team, and tried to pull rank. Geordi stood his ground and reminded Logan that only Picard or Riker could relieve him of command. Later, when preparations for the saucer separation were underway, Geordi ordered Logan to take command of the saucer, and pilot it to Starbase 103. After Picard, Riker, and the away team were rescued, the Enterprise captain allowed Geordi to remain in command until he had reconnected the stardrive with the saucer section.

Geordi would later replace Logan as Chief Engineer of the starship Enterprise from Star Trek: The Next Generation season 2 onward.

A brief history of Star Trek's legendary Starfleet Chief Engineers who have kept the USS Enterprise running for over 200 years from 2155 to 2401.

4 Riker Used A Saucer Separation To Rescue Picard

Star trek: the next generation, season 4, episode 1, "the best of both worlds, part ii".

The USS Enterprise-D carried out a saucer separation during the epic Star Trek: The Next Generation two-parter, "The Best of Both Worlds" . Commander Elizabeth Shelby (Elizabeth Dennehy) suggested to Captain Picard and Commander Riker that a saucer separation could create a significant distraction in encounters with the Borg Collective. Riker opposed the strategy because he felt that it would take away valuable resources during a battle, namely the power used by the saucer's impulse engines. However, Riker and Shelby later had cause to revisit this strategy once Picard was captured by the Borg.

Riker knew that Locutus of Borg would retain the tactical information held in Picard's brain, so he used it to the Enterprise's advantage. Riker ordered the USS Enterprise-D to engage the Borg Cube, and initiated a saucer separation. Picard's knowledge of the saucer separation maneuver meant that the Borg directly engaged the stardrive section and ignored the saucer for long enough that it could launch a shuttle craft which contained a rescue team. The distraction enabled Lt. Commander Data (Brent Spiner) and Lt. Worf to beam aboard the cube and capture Locutus, giving Starfleet a huge tactical advantage.

3 Escaping A Catastrophic Warp Core Breach In The Enterprise-D's Saucer

Star trek generations.

There were a handful of attempted saucer separations between "The Best of Both Worlds" and the end of Star Trek: The Next Generation , but they were abandoned due to their dangerous implications. The Enterprise-D's next saucer separation was also its last, as it was necessitated by a catastrophic warp core breach in the stardrive section . In Star Trek Generations , the Enterprise was ambushed by the Duras sisters in the Veridian system, causing severe damage to the ship, resulting in a coolant leak in the warp containment system. With the drive section compromised, Commander Riker ordered a full evacuation of personnel to the Enterprise's saucer section.

The starship Enterprise's saucer section made it to relative safety before the stardrive section exploded. However, the shockwave of the explosion knocked the saucer out of orbit, sending what was left of the Enterprise-D hurtling toward the surface of Veridian III. The crew made a crash landing, but the damage to the Enterprise's saucer was so extensive that the Star Trek: The Next Generation crew needed a new starship by the end of Star Trek Generations .

Star Trek has a long history of great starships called the Enterprise — and an equally long history of blowing those ships to smithereens.

2 Saucer Separation During Krall's Attack On The Enterprise

Star trek beyond.

The idea of Kirk's Enterprise having the ability to separate the saucer was first mooted by legendary Star Wars designer Ralph McQuarrie for the abandoned movie, Star Trek: Planet of the Titans . However, it wouldn't become a reality until 2016's Star Trek Beyond , when Chris Pine's Captain Kirk ordered a saucer separation maneuver while under attack from Krall (Idris Elba) and his swarm ships. The Enterprise was devastated by the onslaught, losing the warp nacelles and the majority of its secondary hull. In a desperate attempt to restore power to the impulse engines, Kirk tried to initiate a saucer separation but was interrupted by Krall.

Lt. Nyota Uhura (Zoe Saldana) finished the sequence for Kirk, and separated the saucer from what was left of the Enterprise's hull. However, much like the USS Enterprise-D in Star Trek Generations , it was completed too late to make any difference. With the starship Enterprise's saucer caught in the gravitational pull of the planet Altamid, it crashed on to the surface, damaged beyond repair. The saucer separation and Enterprise crash landing was a thrilling start to the third and, to date, last Chris Pine Star Trek movie .

1 The USS Discovery Used A Saucer Separation To Beat The Breen

Star trek: discovery, season 5, episode 10, "life, itself".

The USS Discovery is the only other Star Trek hero ship to pull off a successful saucer separation , but it took five seasons before it happened. In the Star Trek: Discovery finale, "Life, Itself", Discovery's crew was desperately trying to protect the Progenitors' treasure from the Breen Imperium. With the Breen closing on Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and the portal to the treasure, Commander Rayner (Callum Keith Rennie) had the idea to use Discovery's spore drive against the Breen.

Commander Paul Stamets (Anthony Rapp) and Ensign Adira Tal (Blu del Barrio) theorized that it would be possible to use the spore drive to jump the Breen away from the USS Discovery. To do this, they had to initiate a saucer separation that would create two poles. When Stamets activated the spore drive, whatever was between these two poles would "jump" to the location of Discovery's choosing . Positioning the Breen dreadnought between the two halves of Discovery, the spore drive sent the Breen to the Galactic Barrier, from which they'd have a long trip home.

The Galactic Barrier was first introduced in Star Trek: The Original Series ' second pilot "Where No Man Has Gone Before", and also played a major role in Star Trek: Discovery season 4.

The USS Discovery's saucer separation could change the game for Starfleet ships going forward. For decades, saucer separations were largely seen as solely a feature of the 24th century's Galaxy-class starships, but Star Trek: Discovery 's finale proves that isn't the case . With Star Trek: Lower Decks season 5 and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 on the way, it remains to be seen if other starships will find that they too can pull off a saucer separation when extreme measures are called for. After all, when used sparingly, a Star Trek saucer separation can be a thrilling maneuver.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

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Star Trek: The Next Generation is the third installment in the sci-fi franchise and follows the adventures of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew members of the USS Enterprise. Set around one hundred years after the original series, Picard and his crew travel through the galaxy in largely self-contained episodes exploring the crew dynamics and their own political discourse. The series also had several overarching plots that would develop over the course of the isolated episodes, with four films released in tandem with the series to further some of these story elements.

Star Trek: Discovery

Star Trek: Discovery is an entry in the legendary Sci-Fi franchise, set ten years before the original Star Trek series events. The show centers around Commander Michael Burnham, assigned to the USS Discovery, where the crew attempts to prevent a Klingon war while traveling through the vast reaches of space.

Star Trek

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Nog Is Faced With A Ferengi Existential Crisis In Preview Of ‘Sons Of Star Trek’ #3

star trek q ship

| June 4, 2024 | By: Staff 3 comments so far

This week IDW continues its new miniseries all about the kids. Sons of Star Trek is a 4-issue spinoff of IDW’s Star Trek: Defiant series that takes a closer look at the children of Star Trek’s heroes. The new series is being written by first-time Trek writer Morgan Hampton ( Cyborg ) and features art from Trek comic vet Angel Hernandez. We have a preview of the third issue, out this week.

Star Trek: Sons of Star Trek #3

In a- SNAP! -turn of events, Q Jr has kidnapped three of Starfleet’s eldest sons and transported them to an alternate reality.By way of a bold maneuver with Lieutenant Jadzia at the helm, the  U.S.S. Avery  crew finally avoided being turned to shrapnel by the Breen… for now. But the crew now face a new challenge: The infamous Curzon maneuver has left them sitting dead in space, and the Breen have already begun infiltrating the ship. To make matters worse, QJ’s powers have stopped working. It’s do or die for Jake Sisko and the crew of the  Avery -for real this time!

star trek q ship

Cover A by Jake Bartok

star trek q ship

Cover B by Aaron Harvey

star trek q ship

RI cover by Andy Price


star trek q ship

Five-page preview: 

star trek q ship

Sons of Star Trek continues Wednesday

Star Trek: Sons of Star Trek #3 arrives on Wednesday, June 5. You can order issue 3 and other Trek comics at TFAW or pick up individual digital editions at Amazon/comiXology .

The mini-series wraps up on July 3rd. Here is the cover for the final issue…

star trek q ship

The paperback collection of all four issues will be released in November. You can pre-order that now at Amazon .

star trek q ship

Keep up with all the Star Trek comics news, previews and reviews in  TrekMovie’s comics category

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I don’t think variant covers are canon, folks. 🙄

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  • Category:Starships for a full listing of all starships

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  • Star Trek Ships: Expanded - Others at The STArchive
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 2 Jamaharon


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    "By God, that's a big ship!" So for many sci-fi fans, it begs the question: Just how big is "big"? I decided to take it upon myself to catalogue the sizes of the various famous starships from the best and most popular series. From the USS Enterprise and the Doomsday Machine to the Star Destroyer Executor, you can now see how they all stack up!

  19. Q's trials help! : r/startrekfleetcommand

    Spock will boost Kirk's CM as well as replenishing shields when Kirk rolls Morale. and both Spock and Zhou base their buffs on total ship Defense, so you can stack Defense below decks and get both. I attempted the same Q hostile and won with about 4% hull left.

  20. Q's Trials

    The Court of Q level is also essential for unlocking new Trials, gaining access to certain Forbidden Tech refinery options and Forbidden Tech upgrades. How I love the word forbidden, it just begs to be defied! "You can't outrun them, you can't destroy them. If you damage them, the essence of what they are remains.

  21. Why Star Trek: Discovery's Calypso Resolution Played ...

    Star Trek: Discovery resolved the mystery surrounding "Calypso," and CinemaBlend learned from Michelle Paradise on why it was done that way.

  22. Q Who (episode)

    Q throws the Enterprise into uncharted space where it encounters and is engaged by a dangerous alien vessel of a previously unknown species: the Borg. When the vessel instantly and effortlessly overwhelms the Enterprise, Picard realizes that the Federation may not be as ready for the future as he thought. New ensign Sonya Gomez orders a hot chocolate from a replicator in engineering. While ...

  23. Who Is Locutus Of Borg In Star Trek?

    When the crew of the Enterprise-D first encounter the Borg in the Season 2 TNG episode "Q Who," the bizarre species is one seemingly without individuals.The Borg are on a violent quest to achieve ...

  24. Every Starship Enterprise & Discovery Saucer Separation In Star Trek

    As seen in TNG, some versions of Star Trek's Enterprise can conduct a saucer separation to gain a tactical advantage or flee emergency situations.

  25. Federation starship classes

    The following is a list of starship classes operated by the Federation. Because of the strong connotations with the real world United States Navy, Star Trek: The Original Series Producers Gene Roddenberry and Robert H. Justman (a World War II navy veteran himself) had imbued Starfleet with (The...

  26. Nog Is Faced With A Ferengi Existential Crisis In Preview Of 'Sons Of

    Star Trek: Sons of Star Trek #3. Synopsis: In a- SNAP! -turn of events, Q Jr has kidnapped three of Starfleet's eldest sons and transported them to an alternate reality.By way of a bold maneuver ...

  27. Starships

    A list of starships by: Andorian starships Borg starships Cardassian starships Dominion starships Earth starships Federation starships Ferengi starships Klingon starships Romulan starships Vulcan starships Category:Starships for a full listing of all starships Star Trek Ships: Expanded - Others...