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Ultimate Guide to Security Guard Tour Systems

By Jay Palter   |  July 20, 2022


A  guard tour system is an integrated network of wireless sensors connected to a central software dashboard you use to manage and log their guards’ rounds. Reliable real time security guard tour systems improve the speed and effectiveness of your security patrols. They also help mitigate human errors that might otherwise creep into your operations.

Table of Contents

This article covers some of the best practices for designing and deploying your guard tours that we’ve identified in our nearly 30 years in the security industry. While these practices are best applied when designing new real time guard patrol systems , any security team can use them to improve existing security plans. They are meant to be adapted to each organization’s strategic needs and their facility.  

Why You Should Use a Real Time Security Guard Tour System

Guard t our systems use a network of sensors strategically placed throughout your facility that actively or passively monitor guard locations as they conduct patrols , escort visitors, or carry out any other activities you want to track. You can use sever al different wireless technologies in guard tour systems . For example, Real Time Networks’ product uses radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, which provides several key advantages.  

Automated non-contact checkpoints

On patrol, guards carry active RFID badges detected by the wireless checkpoints. They can either be active or passively powered. Active RFID badges have a built-in battery to extend their read range. Passive badges draw power when they’re brought close to sensors. For example, with tap-to-pay credit cards.  

The checkpoint sensors automatically timestamp a guard’s approach and relay their location to the control center. No line of sight is required, and checkpoints can be hidden or relocated for greater accountability. And guards do not need to stop and check in on their patrol manually, so they can better maintain situational awareness .  

Real-time incident reporting and alerts

Guard checkpoint systems automatically raise alerts for different incidents to help improve your security team’s response times. For instance, when a patrol does not start, takes too long to complete, or when a guard misses a checkpoint. In each of these instances, your team will be alerted right away, allowing you to investigate and address incidents quickly when needed. For example, if you’ve deployed a real time security guard tour system in a casino, you could configure the system to alert you when a cash cart does not reach a checkpoint on time.  

No additional equipment required  

Aside from the RFID badges and sensors, not much other physical equipment is needed to run an RFID guard tour system in your live facility. You can simplify your guard tour service even further with other technology.   

For example, many security guard checkpoint systems today use Near Field Communications (NFC) sensors that communicate with electronic devices, such as smartphones. This method allows tracking a guard's movement as long as they carry their phones. However, guards may not be allowed to carry personal devices in high-security environments.  


What to Look For When Evaluating Automated Guard Tour Products  

Managing on-site security guards , especially in the wake of the pandemic, is challeng ing. Organizations of all sizes are looking for tools to make this work easier. If you’ve spent a lot of time evaluating different RFID guard tour systems , they can all start to look alike. But four key qualities can set a system apart. We recommend invest igating each system’s usability, customer service and support, tracking capability, and reporting options.  

If the new technology you introduce into your workplace is clunky, awkward, or time-consuming, your personnel will find ways to work without it. It doesn’t matter how much you spend on new technology or how strict you make your policies. If the system makes someone’s job more difficult, they’ll find ways to avoid it.  

When comparing guard tour patrol systems , look for usability. You want a system that is easy to use and will fit into the workflows that make sense for your guards' existing patrol patterns. Don’t settle for a square peg solution in a round hole.  

Guard Tour Patrol Monitoring Software

Customer support  

Security guard tour systems aren’t bits of technology you drop into place and decide you’re done with them. They require ongoing management and support. They’re living technologies that must change and adapt as your workplace grows. Evaluate the design and support options offered by each provider you’re considering.  

Will they help you customize hardware for your facility’s unique needs ? Will they update your guard tour system management software when you need additional features? Are they available for ongoing support requests when you need to modify your system?  

Customer Support for Guard Tour Systems

Tracking capability  

Busy worksites require real-time tracking capabilities. Evaluate how each tracking system will work in your existin g facility. Will you receive real-time results on guard locations? Is each system's wireless standard compatible with your facility’s security requirements? Will the signals work in your environment without interference?  

Guard Tour Real Time Tracking

Real-time reporting & alerts  

One of the key benefits of digitally automating guard tour management is the amount of new, actionable data you can collect. Every tag signout, checkpoint reached, and real-time location logged feeds into the central management system. As a result, you’ll collect a massive volume of new data. But that data is only as useful as the new insights you can generate from it.  

Compare the reporting capabilities of each RFID guard tour system . Do they collect data in a meaningful way? Do they offer reports that allow you to monitor KPIs? Do they provide data to meet regulatory standards?  

Restricted Access Reports in Real Time

Best Practices for Designing Your Own Tour Program  

The guard tour system you buy must fit within your greater security program to be truly effective. To achieve your security program's strategic goals , follow these best practices for designing your guard tour system.  

First, Define Your Security Goals  

Whether establishing a new tour plan or updating an existing one, you must start the process by defining your organization’s overall security goals. You have unique security needs and unique risks that you must protect against. That usually leads to unique patrol requirements.  

What are your priorities? Are you deterring theft , detecting intruders, or managing emergency response ? Identify your priorities and determine how they align with your overall strategic objectives .  

Align Checkpoint Deployment with Your Security Goal s  

Now you can plan out your system layout and tour checkpoints. If your priority is to deter theft from an administrative space, place checkpoints at the back of each store room. If you have office space where staff work on proprietary materials, place checkpoints at opposite ends of that space to ensure guards can observe visitors anywhere. If there’s a heavily-trafficked doorway that must remain locked off hours, place a checkpoint right at that door and include a documentation check in your automated guard tour system for guards to confirm it is secured.  

Digital systems also allow you to quickly and easily customize patrol routes that maximize coverage and are unpredictable to attackers. Random patrols are essentially force multipliers against attackers looking to bypass your physical security routines.  

Address Your Security Guards’ Needs  

Remember, the guard tour monitoring system is there to supplement your human security guards and make their efforts more effective. Therefore, you should build the system around them. That means an effective guard tour pla n must address their needs for better communication, management, and equipment.  


If your business implements these best practices, ensure your guards and other security personnel know the new objectives. Get them into the planning process early. Then, keep them updated throughout the process. Keeping staff invested in a project is an easy way to help ensure success.


You must strike a balance between having your guards familiar enough with their routes to identify concerns but not so familiar that they become desensitized to the environment. Use your guard tour control system to adjust or randomize patrol routes to reinforce guard awareness.  

If you’ve assigned other duties like alarm inspections to your guards, ensure you’ve scheduled sufficient time for them to complete those tasks and properly complete their patrols. Adding inspection tasks without increasing overall patrol time creates a situation where your guards are compelled to cut corners.  


Just as important day-to-day is suppl ying proper equipment for your guards on patrol. That means defensive and protective gear appropriate for your environment, lights, and other tools to enhance their awareness. Guards should be focused on the environment, not distracted by walking condition s or temperature.  

Integrate With Existing Security Systems  

Guard patrols are one of the most effective risk management practices businesses can deploy. But they are still just one facet of an effective security program.  

Ideally, your business’s security should have an integrated design with complementary camera deployments, key control, access control stations, patrol routes, and tools for managing everything efficiently. For example, knowing how your access control will route foot traffic through your facility can be useful in planning guard patrols to monitor unauthorized access. Likewise, knowing where you have your most and least reliable camera coverage can also inform your patrol planning.  

Remember, best practices are proven across an entire industry, on average. That means not every practice will be right for your business. Only you and your trusted security advisors can determine the best plan to meet your individual security needs.  

Do you think a Real Time Networks’ Guard Tour System is the right fit for you?

Jay Palter

Vice President of Marketing

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advantages of guard tour patrol system

What are the Advantages of the Guard Tour Control System?

Wed, Nov 15, 2023

Read in 5 minutes

In today's security-conscious world, organizations are constantly seeking innovative solutions to safeguard their assets and personnel. The traditional methods of manual patrol checks and paper-based records are often deemed inefficient and prone to human error. Enter the Guard Tour Control System. A technological marvel that revolutionizes the way security operations are managed. They are here to make the work easier for security guards. They not only provide enhanced security but many additional benefits as well.

What are the Advantages of the Guard Tour Control System?

Imagine you’re a security guard (or maybe you’ve seen one in action). They’re the unsung heroes who keep an eye on places to make sure everything’s okay. Now, here’s where the Guard Tour Control System comes into play. It’s like the sidekick that helps these heroes do their job even better.

It’s not your everyday gadget. It’s the backbone of security operations, ensuring that places like schools, offices, and other spots on the map are safeguarded with the precision of a superhero on duty. It’s like a digital patrol partner, creating a trail of virtual breadcrumbs that security guards follow. All the while headquarters gets live updates and insightful reports. But why does it matter to us? Well, it’s not just about fancy tech jargon. It’s about elevating security to superhero levels, boosting accountability. Guard Tour Control System is the next big thing in the security industry. They are redefining the definition of security. And if a business wishes to succeed they need to get one for their operations now!

Advantages of the Guard Tour Control System

Improved accountability.

The Guard Tour Control System provides real-time visibility into guards’ patrol activities. Ensuring that they are following their assigned routes and completing their tasks diligently. This level of accountability promotes a sense of responsibility among security personnel, fostering a more secure environment. They help us evaluate which security guard is working and which one is sitting idle. There are going to be times when you need to supervise your security personnel and you cannot be present there. The control system will help you with that! They will keep an eye on the employees where you cannot be present.

Streamlined Operations

By eliminating the need for manual paperwork and check-ins, it streamlines security operations . Allowing guards to focus on their primary task of patrolling and responding to incidents. This leads to improved efficiency and productivity, optimizing the utilization of security resources. And not only that the rest of the employees can take a breath of relief as well. Guard Tour Control System allows you to make fun. How? With automating tasks, scheduling and report sending you will save a significant amount of time. This reduces a large amount of load from the employee’s head and makes them focus. Now you will not have overwhelmed or frustrated employees to deal with!

Increased Security

It makes security supercharged. With the system in place, places become less like a puzzle and more like a well-guarded fortress. It’s like giving your school or workplace an extra layer of protection. They are your eyes and ears when there is no one. It helps the security guard to quickly assess the situation, call for backup (if needed). Now you do not have to wait for long hours. Since the system will handle everything from scheduling to reports. There is little to no error in mistakes. Give your clients a peaceful night’s sleep with upgraded security and top performing security guards. They are not only convenient and reliant but they provide an extra level of security too.

Improved accountability is a key aspect of the Guard Tour Control System, and it refers to the system’s ability to enhance and monitor the responsibility and performance of security personnel. When you have the direct visuals of what’s happening  you can make informed decisions. This will make the security guards more accountable as they will think they are under surveillance. Communication is made easier, tasks are assigned seamlessly and changes are done on time. The clients want a reliable team that can handle everything. And companies need someone they can rely on. If the process is seamless the business will change at the rate the times demand. 

Enhanced Reporting and Analysis

Remote monitoring is the need of the hour. While conducting a patrol if a security guard encounters them they can easily report. This gives the authorities time to take immediate action. This saves the damages from happening at a larger scale. Periodic reports keep everyone in the loop. It generates comprehensive reports that provide detailed information about guards’ patrol activities, including timestamps, locations, and any incidents encountered. These reports are invaluable for identifying areas of improvement, training needs, and potential security gaps.

What Does the Guard Tour Control System Include?

The Guard Tour Control System is a guide that helps security guards in managing the operations. But do you know what they consist of? It is quite simple really:

Checkpoints and Tags: At the core of the system are checkpoints and tags strategically placed throughout the secured area. These can be physical markers, QR codes, RFID tags, or other identifiable points. Security guards use a handheld device (such as a barcode scanner or RFID reader) to scan these checkpoints during their patrols.

Exception Handling: The system can detect exceptions or anomalies in the patrol routine. For instance, if a guard misses a checkpoint or deviates from the assigned route, the system can trigger alerts. This proactive approach enables swift responses to potential security breaches or issues. Hence maintaining a higher level of security.

Integration with Technology: The Guard Tour Control System often integrates with other security technologies. Such as surveillance cameras, access control systems, and alarms. This integration creates a  security ecosystem where different components work together. Providing a more comprehensive security infrastructure.

User-Friendly Interface: To make the system accessible to security personnel and administrators. It typically features a user-friendly interface on the handheld devices and a centralized management interface. This ensures that users can easily navigate the system, view reports, and respond to alerts.

Customizable Configurations: The Guard Tour Control System is adaptable to the specific needs of different environments. Managers can customize patrol routes and adjust system parameters to align with the security requirements of a particular facility.

Remember, it’s not just about cool gadgets and tech; it’s about making the world a safer place.

So, the next time you see a security guard making their rounds, think about the Guard Tour Control System quietly working in the background, ensuring everything runs smoothly. It may not wear a cape, but it’s definitely a hero in its own techy way.

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advantages of guard tour patrol system

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Guard Tour System: What It Is & How It Is Beneficial For The Long Run?

Guard Tour System

For seamless monitoring of patrol routes, the guard tour system can drive many advantages. It is tailored to track & monitor security personnel & employees of a particular organization.

This innovative tracking system ensures guards are patrolling their routes within the given time.

Previously tracking was quite arduous as managers & supervisors had to rely on manual data & had to move from one place to the other.

With the guard tour system, the individuals are held accountable for executing their pre-defined tasks without downtime.

Why Are Security Companies Relying Heavily On Guard Tour System?

The guards generally operate, having minimal or no supervision.

Patrol monitoring system  allows perfect monitoring of them & making sure they are carrying out the patrol duty without any hassle.

The supervision allows better tracking making sure guards are continuing the patrols without any distraction & without moving away from the patrol sites.

Working Of Guard Tour System-

• The bottom-sized tags are used along the patrolling route at regular checkpoints.

• All these checkpoints are set up using a unique identification number.

• All the tags can be fixed on the wall at each point. The guards need to inspect

• With a portable reader or wand, the guards are told to conduct the patrol

• The use of the unique identification number or patrol reader during a patrol

• As the reader reads the tags, it records the unique ID along with the time & date.

• At the end of the patrol, guards place the reader in a downloader allowing the transfer of all critical data stored in the respective computer with patrol monitoring software.

• The information will allow you to fetch real-time data. If any checkpoints are missed, an immediate notification is sent.

How Is It Useful For The Owners?

With the innovative guard tour system , you can rest assured that all the employees follow routes as they are given instructions.

It also helps you to gather insight regarding the time of each guard. The guards remain utterly accountable for carrying out the patrols in a lively manner.

It also helps you gather how quick patrols are completed. This groundbreaking solution uses a bespoke app on your respective phones to allow reading NFC tags & GPS locations.

Apart from using a downloader to transfer patrol data to the computer software at the end of the day, the app is legitimate to send patrol data in real-time.

It helps check & reporting all the data instantly. In the long run, it decreases costs simply by using the mobile phone instead of unique tag readers.

An Extra Advantage That You Can Fetch-

If the app is used randomly, it can be used to enhance the patrol data by forwarding images along with voice or sound files & incident reports.

Few apps have simple time & attendance characteristics allowing the employees to gather data & check-in & checkout using GPS verifications.

What Are The Key Advantages Of the Guard Tour System?

The primary advantage is keeping the workforce accountable, ensuring the task is easily monitored. With the system working in tandem, guards will have it in mind for task completion.

They will neither be tempted nor get distracted or do any negligence during the patrol. It gives you complete assurance that employees will remain active & carry out the task efficiently.

How to Get Guard Tour System?

If you find it optimistic, get in touch with our team. We are confident that we will drive many advantages for the future. We offer you a quote or a demo for better understanding.

Call us or drop a mail at-. [email protected]

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9 Benefits of using a cloud-based guard tour system

Date Published : Mar-26-2019

Written By : Phillip Livingston

advantages of guard tour patrol system

A guard tour patrol system is a way to ensure that your security system is effective by keeping the guards productive and accountable. It’s mostly utilized by property managers, security companies, and organizations. There are mainly two guard tour systems available for you to choose from; wand tour guard systems and cloud guard systems.

A wand tour guard system is the oldest version of this technology and it relies on the use of handheld devices. Cloud guard tour systems, on the other hand, are mobile and make use of cloud technology . 

Both options allow you to track guard activity and make sure that each guard is making their rounds on the patrol route as required. All you need to do is design a patrol route with specific checkpoints that security personnel need to stop at. With cloud-based guard tour system, the guards will be able to record real-time events, send SOS alerts and reports instantaneously. The information will be stored on the cloud and you are not required to install the software on your computer. Read on to find out about all the benefits offered by a cloud-based guard tour system.

Why do you need a cloud-based guard tour system?

If you want to protect your asset from threats such as burglaries, theft, and damage a guard tour system can help. Here are some of the benefits that come with using a cloud-based guard tour system.

It’s simple and convenient:

Once you start using a cloud-based guard tour system, you’ll no longer have to use notebooks and maintain an ever-growing paper trail. Officers can use a smartphone to scan checkpoints and log reports. The information is sent to a central monitoring center and automatically stored on a cloud interface accessible only through permission. This means that each guard can just carry a mobile device from which to manage all their work.

Improves accountability:

A cloud-based system gives you access to critical and accurate information that allows you to analyze and detect the effectiveness of your system. You’ll be able to see the exact time at which a guard executed his tour, the time intervals at which patrol scans were completed and whether or not reports are delivered on time. You’ll be able to spot trends such as missed checkpoints and inspections. This information will help to eliminate redundancies and anything that decreases the effectiveness of your security patrols system.

Plus, it encourages accountability among your security guards. You’ll have reliable and accurate data of their activity at your fingertips and at all times. You can literally validate guard tours, coordinate schedules and track activity from anywhere in the world using the cloud-based system from your smartphone.

Offers automation:

If you’re using the old-school guard tour method, then your security personnel have to go through a rigorous process at each checkpoint. Every time they pass a point, they have to check in using pen and paper or even take a picture with their camera. This information will only be made available for review at the end of the day.  

Cloud-based guard tour systems automate the whole process by allowing security guards to log all their reports on a stealthy mobile device. The information is conveyed to the site owner or manager immediately and automatically.

Maintain and access an accurate history log:

A cloud-based guard tour system allows you to maintain an accurate record of all security logs and reports. This includes every guard tour that was executed since you started using the system and it’s all stored in a secure database that’s easy to access via a desktop or smart mobile device.

This includes information such as patrol time intervals, guard tour stops, digital notes, sound recording, images, and even guards’ signatures. Being able to track historical data is critical to monitoring guards’ accountability and getting rid of any ambiguities in the security patrol system you’ve set up.

Real-time tracking:

Lack of access to real-time data is one of the most common challenges faced by security companies & property managers. In the past, security guards had to record their activity in a booklet. They’d send the information to a control center or property administrator via fax and later email.

Cloud-based guard tour systems allow you to monitor your guards, see patrolling reports and guard activity in real time. You can make notes and respond immediately if need be using a convenient and reliable app. It’s all available at the tips of your hands.

Data analysis:

Since everything is centrally stored and organized in a cloud you can access, monitor and analyze data at any time. You no longer have to manually record, verify and file reports either. Everything is automatically organized for you and this simplifies data analysis tremendously.

You can track trends, patterns and guard activity constantly and effortlessly. That’s because, in a cloud-based guard tour system, everything is filtered according to specific categories, so you’ll get a birds’ eye view of time intervals between patrols, missed and executed checkpoints, etc. This valuable information allows you to spot problem areas and helps you to devise a better patrolling system over time.

You can also notify your guards of the changes you make in real-time.  

All in all, cloud-based guard tour systems make it easy to effectively manage multiple units and buildings through proper data analysis. 

No download, no install:

Most property managers and Security companies are apprehensive about moving to a cloud-based system. They think it’s going to require new software updates, professional installation or worse, it could mean digging into the association’s fund for some expensive downloads.

We’re here to tell you this doesn’t have to be the case. For example, Condo Control Central’s guard patrol system doesn’t come with any download or installation requirements. After all, it’s a “cloud” based system which means you can simply synchronize your existing systems to it in one fell swoop.

All you need is an Android phone with NFC support. The NFC checkpoints are quite accessible too and will be made available to you as well if you like.

Going digital has never been easier.

Budget control:

A cloud-based guard tour system is a much more affordable solution than executing a guard tour patrol system manually. It’ll save you money and time would’ve been spent on data acquisition and analysis, repetitive admin tasks as well as additional inspections to ensure guard accountability.

GPS monitoring:

Cutting-edge guard tour systems even come with GPS monitoring for large properties. Which means you’ll be able to pinpoint exactly where your guards are located at each checkpoint. This can increase accountability and reliability, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your security guards are patrolling as expected.

The added benefit of this feature is that it keeps your security guards protected and improves the safety of your assets.

Making your life easier

There’s no better way to hold your officers accountable for their patrol tours than with a cloud-based guard tour system . It enables you to get the best out of your security personnel with little to no supervision.

You’ll receive email and text notification for missed patrols due to bad weather or construction. That way, instead of skipping their check-ins or postponing them for another day, guards are obliged to report the problem so that a solution can be devised to overcome it.

All told, cloud-based guard tour software can significantly improve the accountability, reliability, and productivity of your security system.

Guard Tour System

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advantages of guard tour patrol system

Trackforce Valiant logo

Security Guard Tour System

Increase productivity with the leading security guard tour system.

Monitor guard tours in real time. Instantly know the status of each tour – When it is in progress, when it is complete, and if any checkpoints have been missed.

advantages of guard tour patrol system

Create Guard Tours With Ease

Design guard tours via the Trackforce software. Create tour schedules and intuitively monitor your officers across multiple locations.

advantages of guard tour patrol system

Keep Track of Your Officers

Receive notification alerts if a guard tour is not carried out properly, is incomplete, or if an incident occurs. Information captured is instantly updated.

advantages of guard tour patrol system

Increase Officer Productivity

Forget about paper and spreadsheets. Ensure officers perform their tasks efficiently and document their tours digitally.

Ensure Complete Guard Tours

Depending smartphone capabilities, easily guide and monitor officers with NFC, QR or geolocation tour checkpoints. Get real-time notifications about guard tour progress, including missed checkpoints.

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guard tours

Enhanced Tour Reports

Each tour tag has the option to include GPS location, post orders or activity reports. For added clarity, all guard tour reports can be enhanced with photos and videos, and GPS location.

Alert With The Push Of A Button

Using lone worker alert on their smartphone, security officers on patrol can trigger an alert if their safety is compromised. If there is an emergency, an alert is immediately triggered including officer location.

Features Packages

Provide High-Quality Tour Reports

See what your officers have done and more importantly, what they haven’t. You’ll get a comprehensive report, including a tour and checkpoint analysis enhanced with rich media and geolocation data.

Leverage Data to Smart Decision Making

Analyze and visualize tour data from all your sites in the dashboard. Use the findings to improve officer productivity and to identify weaknesses before they become an issue.

Data Graph


start quote

Trackforce Valiant has helped us generate more value and trust with clients.

– Hector Guerro , Inter-con Security

Since I introduced Trackforce Valiant to our security operation, it has proven itself as an invaluable tool in managing the security operations efficiently

– Lewis Loveless , the Ageas Bowl

Trackforce Valiant is very user-friendly, unlike the system we were using before. We like that our guards didn’t need to be experts using mobile apps to understand how to use it.

– Alejandro Flores Romero ,  Mexico U.S. Embassy

Since we started using Trackforce Valiant, verifying payroll, clock-in and clock out times, calculating taxes, and submitting compliance reports has been significantly cut down by nearly 50%.

– Jesus Canales , Securiguard

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Guard Tour System

Exceptional, easy and affordable., guard tour system capabilities that fit your needs, click to request a demo of our guard tour system , or call a security officer tour system & app expert at (800) 825-6858  .

Guard tour systems are too often developed by overseas software companies with little or no American guard tour system experience.  These overseas companies don’t make their guard tour system easy to use, either.

The GuardMetrics security guard tour system, on the other hand, has been developed and is is continually enhanced by security guard business experts, with decades of end-user security officer tour and patrol experience, right here in the USA.

The best guard tour system security software for your business should be based on the unique complexities specific to American security and to security officer management.  We say our guard tour system is continually enhanced by security officer tour system experts because we have added dozens of features over the years based on the excellent suggestions of our valued customers.

Guard tour systems share largely the same core functionalities. But with an offline mode, and an average uptime in excess of 99.99%, the GuardMetrics security officer tour system is far more reliable than most guard tour software apps.  These common features enable you to monitor your officers’ positions and receive data from them to report back to your clients.

advantages of guard tour patrol system

Call GuardMetrics today to receive a demo of our guard tour system and guard tour app , and see if they will work best for your business.

This guard tour system pulls ahead, particularly considering its  affordable  price-point, through:.

  • Native security guard tour app for iPhone and Android
  • Guard tour device and patrol phone options
  • Reports branded to YOUR security guard company
  • Offline guard tour and patrol mode
  • All app submissions time-stamped and geo-tagged
  • Customizable report types
  • Real-time situational awareness for security officers and management
  • Real-time GPS map photos with every guard tour system activity or scan submission
  • An efficient Neighborhood Watch App add-on
  • Security Officer Dispatch add-on
  • Tour system visitor management functions
  • Ability to attach numerous relevant pics to all report types
  • Timekeeping for payroll and billing comparison
  • Real-time Incident Reports
  • Daily Activity Report emails
  • Real-time Shift Reports
  • Incident Report emails by specific Incident Type
  • Their own database of all relevant reports, branded to your guard agency
  • Easy to use and MUCH more…

Demo this exceptional, easy and affordable guard tour system.

Or call us today for more info. (800) 825-6858, our management (administrator) portal.

O nce again, the development of the GuardMetrics security guard tour system was/is based on making the tasks that your security service needs accomplished as simple as possible for you and your officers.   iPhones, Google Phones, Windows Phones, Android phones and mobile smart-devices automatically send alerts to your/ supervisory mobile phones, and push real-time information to a “Management (administrator) Portal”, accessible from anywhere in the world.  

And getting the reports to your clients with the GuardMetrics security guard tour system has never been easier for you or them!  The Guard Metrics “Client Portal” is your client’s own REPORTS DATABASE.  It is far superior to email and extremely easy to use.  The Client Portal is branded to YOUR security officer business and list’s that clients site as well.  Here, the guard tour system stores all of that client’s reports, which are searchable, filterable, printable and/ or emailable.  With the simple report filters at their disposal, this aspect of your security guard tour system enables any administrator with permission at that client site to run a report using exactly the parameters they wish, to view the data, or to save the branded report and email it elsewhere.  We even include a simple one-page user manual for your clients as well!  As your client’s security officer service of choice, you decide if the security guard reports feed directly into their Client Portal in real-time, or if you prefer to do a simple and swift  approval each morning before reports feed into all corresponding Client Portals.

Real-time data and branded patrol and tour reports are at your fingertips with GuardMetrics’ security officer tour system.

Guard tour systems are NOT all alike, and when guard tour software and apps try to achieve the capabilities of the GuardMetrics security officer tour system, they quickly price themselves outside what is cost effective; many times because they have little or no experience with the security officer industry profit margins.

Just as not nearly all advantages of this security guard tour system were bullet-pointed above, we won’t go into how critical each has proven to be over the years either.  One function, however, requires further consideration:  Offline guard tour system capabilities.  What this means, simply, is that your security officers can login—and/or clock-in , if you wish to utilize the built-in timekeeping functions or scheduling integrations —and go to work, performing any and all scans and Activities, with no cell-phone signal or Wi-Fi connection!  The offline function allows your security officers to enter their security scans and activity reports, adding as many as four pictures if needed, at the speed of the device (so, FAST!) through their guard tour app.  The guard tour app then uploads the data securely to the cloud and to the management end of your security officer tour system, as soon as that officer steps back in range of a cell-signal.

Now, if the guard tour takes your security officer off-line, through the hospital basement, through an abandoned high-rise, or if they are working on the pipelines or oil fields, they can collect the data you need, uninterrupted, and your guard tour system receives all the data, even when they were out of range of a signal when they used their guard tour app!

And how about SCHEDULED Tours?  While not required with the GuardMetrics system–DAR and other reports can go to your customers through regular scans and Activity submissions–scheduling tours and patrols is an option.  The GuardMetrics guard tour system makes scheduling tours easy, and will send a variety of alerts to management if the tours and patrols are not completed accordingly.

Demo this dynamic, yet easy-to-use, security guard tour system solution and guard tracking app.

Security in real-time, we provide you real security in real time.

Security guard tour system capabilities have come a long way, leaving the old “pipes”, “wands” and keys-system guard tour technology behind.  The GuardMetrics security guard tour system tracks your officer’s tours and patrols in real-time by means of checkpoint   tag scanning and GPS triangulation. This kind of situational awareness allows you to provide real security in real-time. Armed with your officer’s locations–both in real-time and stored within the guard tour system for later viewing–you are able to provide your clients with quick answers, and even dispatch your closest mobile officers to a security incident. With GuardMetrics, you can now give your clients true peace of mind by showing them that your officers are delivering excellent service.  The GuardMetrics security guard tour system is easy and affordable, yet comprehensive; including a guard tour tracking and mobile reporting app .  It even includes a couple benefits not available in other guard tour systems .

The best security guard tour systems incl ude many of the same fe atures: 

An Android guard tour app, as well as an iPhone guard tour app,  guard tour and patrol GPS tracking, mobile Daily Activity Report/ DAR, Incident Report and Visitor reporting with embedded photos and videos, post order management, timestamps and geo-tags, checkpoint scanning, exception alerts, etc., and the GuardMetrics guard tour system is no exception.

But where this tour system breaks ahead of the pack is with special features like a real-time management “Dashboard” where you can view scans, activities and Incidents at a glance,  facility access manageme nt , visitor management, task management (to keep track of the everyday operational issues that often fall through the cracks otherwise, sometimes costing you business), guard contract bid-pricing software, and the electronic neighborhood watch app.  We have never seen this combination of additional benefits in any other security gua rd tour system, and certainly nowhere close to this price-point!

GuardMetrics offers peace of mind to your officers as well.  With a user manual icon, innovative task management technology, checkpoint instructions, and mobile post order access, you can keep expectations clear and instructions right at your officer’s fingertips.  This mobile security guard tour system geo-tags and time-stamps all events, from checkpoint scans to DARs (Daily Activity Reports) to Incident Reports.  You will even have a satellite photo attached to each event submitted.  GuardMetrics tour tracking app allows you to easily  see what is happening with your security officers in the field, and communicate with them accordingly, 24 x 7.

Guard tour checkpoints

Guard tour checkpoints–NFC/ RFID or QR Code–are created and swiftly deployed according to your client’s needs, and QR Codes are created and sent to you at NO CHARGE!  This guard tour system allows you to easily attach instructions to any checkpoint to make expectations clear for your security officers.  These instructions can be specific and  short- term like, “There was an attempted vehicle theft on Saturday the 12th of May.  Double sweeps this week”, when the officer scans the “back-lot” checkpoint, or, the instructions can be long-term like, “Make certain your location services are activated on your mobile device” when the officer scans the “Clock-in” checkpoint.  The guard tour system even allows you to easily set an “exception alert” on any scan point, whether it be to notify you that a guard has not clocked-in on time, or a specific point–like a swimming pool gate–was not checked/ scanned when it was supposed to be.

This security guard tour system allows your officers to clock-in and clock-out by simply scanning a corresponding checkpoint when they arrive at and leave a site.  From there you can run a “Timekeeping Report” to check against scheduling, payroll and billing .  You can run a report to find how many total hours were logged for a particular site and time period, or you can simply see how many hours a guard put in last week. 

You set various permission levels in the guard tour system, from full access, to “site-lock”.   Site-lock simply means that, from the time an officer scans their first checkpoint, all mobile checkpoint scanning, reporting & post orders will be “locked” to that site until they are directed to go to a different site; that is to say that they will not see a drop-down menu of your client list to choose from. 

To Sum It Up

With our expert set-up, training and support–performed by specialists with decades in the guard tour and software industries–you can deploy GuardMetrics security guard tour system software quickly, easily, and affordably, and bring to the table the kind of high-tech security team that is in demand from today’s clientele.

In a nutshell:

  • Guard tour systems must be reliable and REAL-TIME
  • A good guard tour system must also be simple to use and easy to deploy
  • Your security officer tour system should set you above your  competition
  • The GuardMetrics guard tour system is branded to your security guard agency 
  • A security guard tour system should save you time and money 
  • The best security guard tour systems must also be cost-effective
  • The GuardMetrics sec urity guard tour system is all of this, and more… 

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Guard Tour System and Your Private Patrol Company: Four Benefits Of Transparency

patrol guard tour system

We all can agree to the fact that as important it is to protect and safeguard data, it is critical to bring transparency to your security business. A patrol guard tour system is the most effective way to balance the two.

But contrary to what one might believe, most security managers renounce the need to be transparent or use a guard tour system, data safety is the reason to blame.

What follows are four main benefits of bringing transparency into your security operations using a security management software.

Employee Accountability:

How do you address guard accountability issues without a patrol guard tour system? You rely on manually updated time-sheets. And these manual methods are susceptible to manipulations and errors while a guard tour system enables you to automate the reporting and data management process.By eliminating the chances of manual errors, the data is more accurate which in turn encourages the guards to be accountable for their scheduled patrols. The data recorded through their security patrol devices can be used to track and measure their performance.

Guard Engagement:

Studies have shown that when the employees are given access to their performance data, they tend to put effort towards improvement and show higher levels of engagement. Using a security management software allows the guards to update site reports from the field using their smartphones. This data is saved in a secure cloud database, who gets to access this data is decided by the security manager using the PPO dashboard. When the guards can see how they have performed in a specific period, they can plan and strategize improvement in the concerned areas. You are developing accountability towards performance and encouraging engagement without any supervisory intervention.

Client Confidence :

By showcasing how you collect and manage data in the process of holding your guards accountable for their performance at client’s site, you convince them of your commitment to providing excellent services.A patrol guard tour system like Guardso also allows you to receive on-site reports from the guards, and approve and forward them to the clients in real time on the mobile app. This establishes your efficiency and additionally allows the clients to stay abreast of the on-site incidents and what is being done to mitigate them.

Business Credibility :

Each of the above three factors combines to build business credibility. If your guards are engaged and accountable, and the clients confide in your business, you are succeeding in establishing credibility and creating a strong brand image. Not only will it help you strengthen your present customer retention strategies but also gain new customers.

A security management software can not only help you in image management but the data so collected can serve as proof in any audit and legal issues.

It is focussed on creating value for your business in both short and long run.

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advantages of guard tour patrol system

advantages of guard tour patrol system

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Introduction to Guard Tour Systems

Many companies hire security officers to provide protection of company facilities on twenty-four hour, seven day per week basis. One important duty of these officers is to provide periodic patrols of the facility to detect suspicious and abnormal activity, including doors left unlocked, burned out lights, water leaks, safety hazards, and other such conditions. In an industrial facility, the officer’s duties may also include checking various types of machinery to observe temperature readings or pressure settings.

To get maximum value from the security officer, it is essential that the officer make patrols according to established procedures. In general, patrols should be made at least several times per shift, and should cover all important areas of the facility. Many times, the person managing the security program will establish a patrol route or “tour” that includes stops at all the important points that the security officer needs to check. Depending on the size of the facility, there may be several different tours, each which includes different areas of the plant. The officer usually alternates between tours, doing one tour during the first hour, and a different tour during the second hour, and so on throughout the shift. In this way, all important areas of the facility are checked at least every two hours.

During many shifts, security officers may work alone and with very little or no supervision. Sometimes, security officers want to remain at their posts and don’t want to go on patrol. This can be particularly tempting at times when the weather is bad and going on patrol means going out in the cold or rain. Even when officers do go on patrol, there may be certain portions of the tour that are difficult to access or that require that a large number of stairs be climbed. There can be a tendency for officers to skip these portions of the tour much of the time.

“Guard Tour” systems have been developed to solve these problems. In general, guard tour systems record the activities of the security officers to determine if officers are making their tours when they should, and to verify that they are covering all portions of their tour.

The use of a guard tour system provides two important benefits. First, if officers know that their activities are being recorded, there is a strong motivation for them to follow the rules and make patrols the way that they are supposed to. Second, the guard tour system provides a written record of all patrol activities, allowing discrepancies in patrol procedures to be quickly identified. Appropriate disciplinary actions can be taken against officers who fail to comply with established procedures. The written record provided by the guard tour system can also be used for incident investigation and as proof of patrol activities for insurance companies or regulatory agencies.

Types of Guard Tour Systems

There are three basic types of guard tour systems in use:

Watchman’s Clock System

The “watchman’s clock” is the oldest type of guard tour system in use and has been around since the middle of the 19th Century. The watchman’s clock is a circular device about eight-inches in diameter and has an analog clock face on the front of it. The watchman’s clock is usually provided in a leather carrying case with shoulder strap which allows it to be carried by the security officer when on patrol. Inside of the watchman’s clock is a circular paper dial. This dial is printed with markings that indicate each of the 24 hours in the day.

At various points along the patrol route, “key stations” are installed. Each key station contains a large metal key that looks something like a skeleton key. Each key has a unique key number. The key is usually fastened to the key station using a metal chain to keep the key from being removed. The key station usually has a door that allows the key to be stored when not in use.

When on patrol, the security officer stops at each key station along the route, removes the key, and inserts it into the watchman’s clock. Doing this causes the key number to be printed on the paper dial located within the clock. The key number is printed next to the markings on the dial which indicate the present time. This provides a record of which keys were used and at what times.

At the end of each day, the paper dial is removed from the watchman’s clock and replaced with a new one. The paper dials can be examined by the security manager or supervisor to determine if patrols were completed on time and that all stops along the patrol route were properly made. The paper dials can be filed away to provide a long-term record of all patrol activity.

Advantages of Watchman's Clock System

Least expensive type of system

Simple and easy to use

Disadvantages of Watchman's Clock System

Limited number of key stations can be used in system (usually 30 or less)

Watchman’s clock is fairly large and bulky to carry

Paper dial must be changed every 24 hours

No ability to create automatic reports

No ability to provide incident codes to indicate abnormal conditions

Long term storage of paper dials can be a problem

Does not provide real-time reporting of officer’s activity

Electronic Guard Tour System

Electronic guard tour systems are similar in function to the watchman’s clock system except use electronic rather than mechanical components. An electronic data gathering device, called a “wand”, is used in place of the watchman’s clock. The physical shape of the wand varies depending on the manufacturer, but is usually a small hand-held device in the shape of a pen or small PDA. The wand is carried by the security officer when on patrol.

“Checkpoint stations” are used in place of key stations. These stations contain some type of device that can be read electronically and are used in place of the mechanical key. Depending on the manufacturer and type of system used, a barcode, magnetic strip, or memory button may be used in the checkpoint station. Like key stations, checkpoint stations are installed at various points along the desired patrol route.

When on patrol, the security officer stops at each checkpoint station and scans it using the wand. This causes the location of the station as well as the current time to be recorded in the wand. Most electronic systems also allow the security officer to make a record of any abnormal conditions found at or near the checkpoint station. For example, if a checkpoint station was located at a door, and this door was found unlocked when checked by the security officer, he or she could enter a code indicating that the door was found unsecured. Depending on the system, this code can be entered either on a keypad located on the wand itself, or by scanning the appropriate code in an “incident booklet” that is carried by the officer.

At the conclusion of the tour or at the end of each shift, the security officer places the wand into a “docking station”. This docking station is connected either to a printer or personal computer and is used to download information from the wand. If connected to a printer, all information concerning patrol activities can be immediately printed to create a written report. If connected to a computer, the information from the wand is downloaded into a computer database. This database can then be sorted and various types of activity reports can be displayed on the computer screen and/or printed.

Advantages of Electronic Guard Tour Systems

Wand is smaller and easier to carry than watchman’s clock

Large or unlimited number of checkpoint stations possible

Small size of checkpoint stations allows them to be placed almost anywhere

Provides ability to enter incident codes to indicate abnormal conditions found when on patrol

Much more complete and advanced reports can be created. Easier to identify missed stops and abnormal patrol activity

No need to store paper dials – system can store many months or years worth of activity on computer

No need to change paper dial every 24 hours – data is downloaded automatically when wand is placed in docking station

Ability to create random patrols with wand telling officer which checkpoint station is next on patrol route (some systems)

Disadvantages of Electronic Guard Tour Systems

More expensive than watchman’s clock system

Somewhat more complicated to use

Integrated Guard Tour System

Many facilities already have an electronic security management system that is used to provide card access control, alarm monitoring, and closed-circuit television monitoring. At these facilities, it is possible to integrate the guard tour system with the security management system. This type of arrangement is known as an “integrated guard tour system”.

Integrated guard tour systems use card readers instead of key stations or checkpoint stations. Most often, existing card readers that are already used to control doors are also used as “guard tour” readers, allowing them to perform double duty. If needed, additional card readers can be installed at certain points where guard tour stations are needed and a reader doesn’t already exist.

Security officers do not need to carry any special type of equipment such as a watchman’s clock or wand. Instead, they can use a regular access card at the card readers set up as guard tour readers.

Special “guard tour” software is provided on the computer that controls the security management system. This software is programmed so that system knows which card readers are to be used as guard tour readers and which access cards will be used by the security officers.

When on patrol, the security officer stops at each location along the patrol route and swipes his or her access card at the card reader. This causes the time and location to be recorded into the guard tour software. At any time, a report can be created that shows all guard tour activity for any time period. This report can be displayed on a computer screen or printed to create a written report.

Advantages of Integrated Guard Tour Systems

No special equipment required – no need for officer to carry wand or watchman’s clock

Can use existing card readers as guard tour readers – no need to install special key stations or checkpoint stations

Provides real-time tracking of officer activity – missing a stop or performing a tour off-schedule or out of sequence can generate an immediate alert at the security monitoring center

Large or unlimited number of guard tour readers possible

Disadvantages of Integrated Guard Tour Systems

No ability to enter incident codes to indicate abnormal conditions found when on patrol (some systems)

The need to provide cabling to card readers sometimes makes it difficult to place a station in all locations where they might be needed (perimeter fence lines, inside vehicles, etc.)

Generally not cost effective if facility does not already have an extensive card access control system

Other Considerations

Make sure that key stations, checkpoint stations, or guard tour readers are located at the points that you wish the security officer to patrol. In general, stations should be located within the room that requires attention rather than just at the door. For example, if you have a freezer in a room that needs to be checked, it is best to place the station in the room near the freezer rather than on the entrance door to the room.

Provide an adequate number of stations. There is a tendency for some customers to be frugal when it comes to placing stations and often will only provide one or two within a very large building. The guard tour system provides maximum benefits when an adequate number of stations are widely placed throughout the buildings.

Don’t forget to provide stations at the perimeter of the site (along fence lines and at gates) as well as at critical equipment (generators, pump stations, etc.) located on the exterior of the property.

Make certain that security officers are trained to remain observant while on patrol and don't just travel from station to station. With a guard tour system, there can be a tendency for officers to be so focused on “hitting the stations” that they become oblivious to their surroundings.

The best guard tour system is worthless if it is not regularly monitored by the security manager or supervisor. If a contract security agency is used, both the customer and the security agency's site supervisor should have access to the reports created by the guard tour system.

The Latest Technology

New technology is being employed to enhance the capabilities of the basic guard tour system. New features that are already available include:

Ability to use standard smart phone as a guard tour device or even as a complete guard tour system.  Downloads as an "app" from an app store. Typically uses QR tags as checkpoints and scans these using camera in phone.

Built-in email and cell phone capability in guard tour device.

GPS integration to enable active and real-time tracking of security officers.

Built-in security incident reporting capability in guard tour device. Real-time status updates for all incidents.

Built-in equipment inspection reporting capability to automate things such as the inspection of fire extinguishers.

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Published May, 2016


  • Assignments
  • Client Commander
  • Communications Log
  • Scheduling & Timekeeping
  • Lost and Found
  • Push Notifications
  • Summary Reports
  • Text Commander
  • Tour Confirmation
  • Visitor Management
  • Casino Security
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Optimizing Security: 5 Advantages of Merging Guard Tour Systems with Live Dashboards

by Jalen Turpen | Nov 13, 2023

Optimizing Security: 5 Advantages of Merging Guard Tour Systems with Live Dashboards

In the dynamic realm of modern security, the choice of tools can significantly impact the effectiveness of security services. Amidst the features provided by security guard management software, a live security dashboard emerges as a crucial element. As a centralized communication hub, it simplifies the supervision and monitoring of security team activities, offering a comprehensive overview of their procedures. Explore the following five compelling advantages of integrating guard tour patrol systems into your security services through a live security dashboard:

Continuous Vigilance

Managing an extensive security team covering vast areas poses inherent challenges. A live security dashboard equipped with guard tour patrol systems adds an invaluable surveillance and risk management layer. It delivers a 360-degree view of any space, even when physical guards are not on-site. This heightened surveillance not only enhances safety but also instills confidence in clients.

Tailored Widgets for Effortless Access

A well-designed live dashboard empowers customization to align with the specific needs of your security team through guard tour patrol system widgets. These customizable shortcuts provide instant access to critical information, such as personnel locations and dispatch access. With every detail at your fingertips, optimize the dashboard to include weather updates and local news, enhancing situational awareness.

Real-Time Incident Tracking and Reporting

Enhanced surveillance translates into quicker response times facilitated by guard tour patrol systems. Security dashboards enable real-time reporting, allowing teams to address risks promptly. This ensures swift deployment of guards and provides clients with a firsthand account of events. The recorded responses become invaluable training tools for future guards, fostering the development of proactive security measures.

Efficient Communication Tools

Bid farewell to paper messages and laborious file searches. Security dashboards streamline team communication, with Communication Logs enabling guards to exchange messages seamlessly. Tools like TxtCommander facilitate interaction between guards and guests, all conveniently stored and managed within the dashboard. This eliminates unnecessary administrative burdens.

Modernized Visitor and Guard Tour Management

The integration of guard tour patrol systems and live security dashboards streamlines the management of visitors and tours. Guests can pre-register, and facial recognition expedites the check-in process. Digital reports of visitors and tours seamlessly delivered to the dashboard eliminate the need for cumbersome paper documentation, saving precious time. The dashboard also offers a comprehensive view of schedule checkpoints. It simplifies guard tour management, while live feeds enhance the security of all tours, regardless of location.

Incorporating guard tour patrol systems into security management software with a live dashboard is a transformative step in enhancing security services. Beyond the tangible benefits, it liberates administrative time, allowing security managers to focus on their teams. The advantages are abundant, and the potential for improved security services is vast.

Don't hesitate - to unlock the potential of your security services by integrating guard tour patrol systems into your live security dashboard. Request a demo with CSA360 today.

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What is a Guard Monitoring System, and How Does It Work?

What is a Guard Monitoring System, and How Does It Work?

Many operations and tasks must be handled daily when running a private security service. Timekeeping, scheduling security guards for different duties, preparing training sessions, and ensuring security guards are fulfilling their assigned tasks during their shift are all responsibilities that must be managed efficiently and professionally to provide clients with much-deserved peace of mind.

There is another operation that is tricky but crucial to perform, and that's guard monitoring. Today, we have guard monitoring assets that can be leveraged, one of them being a monitoring system. But what is a guard monitoring system?

We seek to inform the readers about the various aspects of a security guard monitoring system in addition to discussing what it actually is and how it works. We aim to equip the readers with the right information to help them choose the best security guard monitoring system.

In this article, we will begin with the meaning of a security guard monitoring system. Next, we will look at the working of a security guard patrol system (or the monitoring system) with the help of some prominent features of the same. Finally, we will look at some major benefits of an efficient guard patrol system.

What is a security guard monitoring system?

A Security Guard Monitoring System is a great way for businesses to keep track of personnel whose jobs require them to move around a lot, including security guard patrolling, policeman patrolling, nurse rounds, remote equipment inspection, and so on.

Guard monitoring systems are tools that help organizations manage, record, and perform security tours of the assets and ensure officers perform the required tasks within the specified period.

security officer patrolling parking lot

The system uses security guard tracking software that doubles down as security guard management software. The functionality of the latter allows security companies and organizations to manage various aspects of the working of security guards, including their attendance, duty hours, payroll, and everything in between.

Why Use a Security Guard Monitoring System?

Security guard monitoring and management are important parts of enhancing an organization's security. You can get the finest performance from your security guards by using an effective guard monitoring system, assuring maximum efficiency and productivity.

Security Reporting Software

Implementing guard tour systems is critical if you are concerned about the efficiency of your security guard workforce or want to ensure that the security guards are properly managed. The software helps you better manage and secure your patrol personnel while ensuring the peace of mind of your clients as a security guard firm.

How does a Security Guard Monitoring/Patrol System Work?

A security guard monitoring/patrol system consists of three major parts:

  • Patrol reader
  • Checkpoints
  • Security Guard Tracking/Management Software

First, the checkpoints are placed along the patrol route's major intersections. During the patrol, the security guards read their ID tags with the patrol wand that they carry before reading the checkpoints in the order of the routes.

security guard patrolling duty

If a security guard encounters an emergency at the time of their patrol, the event tag can be read at any instance, and the checkpoint details, including its number along with the time of reading, can be saved in the wand as a patrol record. Later, the security guard management software regularly uploads the patrol records in the patrol wand to a computer or a server automatically.

The management software can generate statistics results such as missed patrols and missed checkpoints by comparing the pre-set patrol plan with real patrol records. These reports can accurately reflect the patrol work that has been completed.

With the advancement of technology, companies like Therms have started implementing QR codes, NFC tags, and beacons for event tagging. With Therms, the security personnel scans the tags placed at the site, and the Monitoring Center is informed of the situation.

The Therms web app is automatically scanned for every location in the world by a cloud server if necessary. With Therms, a security guard manages her entire duties via mobile devices and completes security tours with total control. Therms have efficiently integrated the latest technology into how it operates and helps security firms and their clients monitor security guards.

Features of Security Guard Patrol System

Now, let's look at some stand-out features of a security guard monitoring/patrol system. These include:

Real-time monitoring of security guards

Another advantage of security guard monitoring is reporting in real-time throughout a shift. If and when an incident occurs, a security guard won't have to wait until the end of their shift to report it, nor do they have to call their supervisor.

Security Reporting Software

Instead, videos and images of the incident can be instantly shot and shared to a client-only website. After that, security supervisors and customers can use real-time data to assess the situation and offer guards directions on how to proceed.

Better security and control

You can keep track of each of your security guards using an advanced security guard monitoring system.

Furthermore, a patrol management system provides security guards with fast access to their tours as well as control over any events that arise.

Through a dashboard on their security guard monitoring system put on their smartphones, the security guard can see the whole log of their tour.

Incident Reporting

Incident reporting permits security guards to report any suspicious activity that occurs while they are on patrol. The specifics of these instances are logged in the guard patrol systems' storehouse, where they can be assessed, and preventive steps are taken afterward.

Instant notifications

Preventive management is essential for efficient security guard management/tracking. The security guard monitoring system gives an immediate notification to the designated individual, informing them of any missed rounds or other lapses in duty.

The person who receives the warning from the patrolling guard system can then take preventative measures to guarantee that the security guards are doing all of their assigned tasks with the highest efficiency.

Security guard attendance management

Guard monitoring systems come with an attendance feature that provides you with a continuous online update about the security guards present on duty, allowing you to better oversee resource planning and management. It connects seamlessly with your HRMS and boosts your company's overall productivity.

One point solution

The security tracking software helps protect property and assets from unauthorized use. It provides easy access to all types of property, including department locations, warehouses, transportation facilities, airport stores, and isolated areas.

A sense of safety for guards and clients alike

You may give guards and clients an extra degree of safety and protection by implementing a monitoring system with tracking and real-time reporting functions. This is particularly important during night shifts when guards are frequently patrolling locations after the majority of the population has left for the day.

Supervisors can attend to the location themselves or dispatch additional security staff to assess the situation if they have a system that can send instant push notifications if an officer fails to check in on time. Additionally, having a system that can transfer videos and pictures to mobile devices allows law enforcement to use real-time data to catch thieves or other criminals.

Improved accountability

The system notifies supervisory officials that guards are arriving on time for their shifts, patrolling at designated locations and times, submitting daily and incident reports, and doing other duties as assigned. The system uses a combination of electronic checkpoints, GPS tracking, and automatic timekeeping for the same.

We have covered in considerable detail what a guard monitoring system is, how it works, and its various features so that you can learn more about security guard management in the modern-day age.

How to Monitor the Performance of Your Private Security Guard

What is a Real Time Security Guard Tour System?

5 Positive Impacts of An Efficient Security Guard Monitoring System

Pros & Cons of Using GPS for Security Guard Tracking

Frequently Asked Questions

What is guard system in security.

A guard system in security means a dedicated structure or framework that manages security personnel for a security company through processes like hiring, training, and scheduling to provide optimum safety to clients.

How Do You Monitor A Security Guard?

You can efficiently monitor security guards by installing CCTV cameras and through other modes like GPS tracking and check-ins. This supervision is essential to ensure that optimum security is provided to clients.

What is patrol management system?

A patrol management system is software designed for the purposes of planning, tracking, and optimizing security services and can help businesses by monitoring time, planning the route of patrol, and reporting incidents.

advantages of guard tour patrol system


GuardsPro Improves

Over 1500+ private patrol companies worldwide utilize GuardsPro to reduce their operational costs while improving security guard accountability and enhancing customer service.


Improve Performance

GuardsPro is built to improve the performance of your security guards. Communicate schedules, assign tasks, and collect reports in real-time.


Client Satisfaction

Simply allow clients to access crucial reports online and other data on the go with our guard monitoring system to experience elevated client satisfaction.


Streamlined Operations

GuardsPro takes the hassle out of security operations by improving the way data is channeled and flow of communication enhanced for optimized performance.


Address Accountability

Find out which guard is checked-in at which site, if he is performing the right tasks and conducting tours regularly, submitting reports on time, and much more.


Simple Implementation

Start using GuardsPro within minutes without any additional training costs. Guards can just download, install, and they are ready to start working with the app.


Simplify Reporting

GuardsPro allows the guards to submit multiple reports from their post sites using the mobile app while ensuring you are notified of it every time to do more.


Deliver Quality

Make effective decisions based on quality data to address accountability and notably improve the way your guards do their job to deliver quality services.


Ensured Compliance

Ensure compliance by sharing your company policies, post orders, tasks, notes with your guards so they have access to accurate data when they need it.


Stay Organized

GuardsPro helps you stay organized by systematizing all the important data on the cloud and making it available to your entire staff when needed.


Reduced Liability

Share the clearly defined post orders stating what guards need to do on-site. By relaying the right information so you can reduce the liability on your part.


Collaborate Easier

With GuardsPro's multiple user access, define roles for your staff to let them manage security operations and access information from multiple devices.


Increased Productivity

GuardsPro helps clearly define the tasks for your guards and provide the means required to report them, increasing their productivity on the client sites.


Customer Satisfaction

GuardsPro makes it easier for you to share the right piece of information with the clients, ensuring high-quality customer services are delivered every time.


Incident Management

Get full insights into the daily incidents on-site with daily incident reports and pre-analyzed charts to perceive the level of threat and to assess your security needs.


Guard Safety

Easily track guards on-site with the GuardsPro live tracker. In the case of disruptions, send external help to the exact location cutting down the need for assumptions.


Paperless Management

GuardsPro eliminates the need for paper timesheets and reports, so you can significantly reduce the use of paper and make your contribution to the environment.


Actionable Insights

Get actionable insights from the client sites with the reports submitted by the guards and make data-driven decisions to drive accountability and profitability.


Automate Tasks

Enjoy automated tasks and processes with shift-templates and the scheduling module. All features are built to help you optimize your private patrol operations.

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advantages of guard tour patrol system

Guard Tour Patrol System and Smart Lock System | JWM


Yesterday, the security guard must carry a paper formbook, and stop at every checkpoint to mark on the form book to accomplish his work. Also, he must write down any incident within patrolling range, then describes the difficulties he may suggest improving the safety of the region. If all guard follows the same procedure, a ton of paper would be used and different notebooks should be examined by the administrator, so it will add up the extra workload and will consume lots of time.


At present, Guard tour systems provide a means to check and record the time that a guard executes his guard tour by scanning specific checkpoints assigned to the area he patrols. JWM Intelligent Guard Tour Management System is an advanced, flexible guard management software that can be used to schedule security officers at regulated locations. Guard Tour System is the automated system to help security companies – organize, log and execute guard tours and patrols for their properties.


It proves beneficial to the patrolling guards and improves their efficiency as well. Moreover, the system keeps a detailed trail of your guards’ tours and checkpoints. And several benefits that it offers, the top 3 advantages of JWM guard tour systems are discussed below.

Cloud Software

What Can Guard Tour System Do?

Petrol products

No company or organization could survive today without gathering, analyzing data and utilizing it to afford solutions and manage workflow. Now, JWM provides a better solution for you. While JWM device routinely collects checkpoints, guards, and GPS information during patrolling. So the security guard’s daily life is deluged by data and numbers, and then the management center needs data and information to evaluate processes, take decisions, visualize problems and suggest solutions.

JWM intelligent guard tour patrol management systems record time and checkpoint when guards reach each area, working with the scanning action required by the guards. This means that guards do not need to access checkpoints, so no line of sight is required and checkpoints can be hidden or relocated for greater accountability.

The security guard illustrations

JWM intelligent guard tour patrol management systems provide the most humanized method to gather, analyze a large amount of important information about the patrolling areas, and the guard tours executed within them. And data can be exported to pdf and excel, and it can be used for further process and analysis which can help companies and organizations to know deeply about their daily operations, and then find a way to reduce your budget.

advantages of guard tour patrol system

Which Industries need a Guard Tour System?

JWM intelligent guard tour system will help the company timely and accurately supervise security guard, and manage property more effectively, upgrade the level of safety services. So, many different industries can take advantage of intelligent guard tour patrol management system:

  • Security Companies
  • Police Officers
  • Educational Institutions
  • Real Estate Organizations
  • Public Transport Services
  • Financial Institutions
  • Warehouse Department
  • Production Facilities
  • Cleaning and Maintenance Services

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Security personnel talking on a walkie talkie

Benefits of A Guard Tour Patrol System For Hotels

Published on : January 3, 2020

What are the benefits of a hotel guard tour patrol system?

Real-time tracking, reduced costs, comprehensive data analysis, proper scheduling, remote management, enhanced guard protection.

Hotels experience a number of guests that come and go as they please. It also frequently experiences staff visiting restricted areas. With that, it is only suitable to place a reliable security verification system to keep an eye on things.

Hotels are incredibly difficult establishments and facilities to secure. To ensure the safety of the premises, a guard tour patrol system can double protection for all guests and staff. With that, take a look at the benefits of placing a comprehensive system and software for remote management.

The guard tour patrol system enables real-time action for both administrators and users. Administrators can remotely manage the system through a workstation. The users are the security personnel patrolling their designated area. The challenging parameter of any software is its ability to provide real-time tracking features.

Real-time data gets uploaded instantly once the guard checks a scheduled point. With this, the administrators are alerted that a perimeter is secured, which ensures the safety of the hotel. Through GPS, the movements of security personnel are tracked and marked on the map.

A security dog

Resources mean cost and capital investment. Most hotels tend to seek protection by posting guards in different locations to secure the entire structure. With more security personnel in place, it is harder to track the area they are guarding on a real-time basis. You will need managers to ensure that they are performing their duties and rounds well. This results in a need for more manpower. The more people needed, the more working capital goes to their salaries.

Guard tour patrol systems are guaranteed to reduce costs . This includes costs for transportation during patrolling tours, equipment costs, administrative tasks, and data analysis. A system in place should relieve excessive transportation costs to validate performed patrols or missed scans. It reduces the time spent to execute administrative tasks through cloud software that enable remote access and management.

Data is vital to any business’ success. A reliable guard tour system presents a comprehensive way to gather, analyze, and collate a large amount of valuable information. It can give you information regarding patrolled areas as well as the personnel who performed the tour. The analyzed data can help secure a building structure.

Moreover, it is supposed to enable guards and administrators to find ways to resolve any incidents that may occur. As the tedious tasks are alleviated, it is easier to plan and reinforce better problem solving and safety status reports for checked areas in the hotel premises.

A group of security personnel being handed their schedules

A guard tour patrol system should enable you to create a strategic personnel rotation and performance plan. It allows you to properly schedule checkpoints and important areas to patrol at a certain time of the day. Guard tour schedules determine duties and entail planning for the following:

  • Security personnel responsible for an area

With a guard tour patrol system in place, dividing areas for available security personnel is made easy. Aligning schedules can be optimized so that no two guards will meet in the middle.

  • Patrolling rotation

Naturally, scheduling off days is part of rotation planning. The task of doing so is enhanced through a guard tour patrol system. You will no longer need other software to complete the patrolling schedule.

  • Areas that require frequent tours

This system can help you determine the areas that should be given the utmost priority and importance. These are the areas frequently visited by guests and the zones that are restricted. Security personnel are not only supposed to guard public posts but also areas where hotel employees normally enter.

A guard tour patrol system is convenient for administrators. The software can help you with locating checkpoints, validating marked areas, and determining missing ones. The system can also be remotely accessed at any time and from anywhere through a device that is equipped with cloud software. For larger hotels, it is a necessity to manage areas simultaneously. It is important to prevent communication problems from occurring.

A criminal being put into handcuffs

Take note that you need to thoroughly brief your security personnel on the system and its use. Reiterate that a guard tour patrol system is not created to spy on their activities but to identify and monitor if areas are secure . Moreover, the system guarantees the protection of the guards.

One of the unique features of the system entails the ability to send immediate SOS alerts with a simple press of the device. For instances wherein the life of a guard is at risk and there is no time to call for backup, a guard tour patrol system can save their lives. The aim is to ensure that guards are not alone in the territory.

Key Takeaway

Improve your business performance and reduce your operational costs by enhancing your security verification system. Increase your security personnel protection, consolidate data, and ensure the overall safety of your hotel with a reliable guard tour patrol system. Carefully reassess your hotel needs and take note of the possible resources your hotel business can save through a comprehensive system operating in the background.

Security Control Access And Integrated Security Systems

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Why Panic Buttons Are a Vital Element of QR-Patrol's Security Arsenal


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  • Posted by: blignos
  • Published: 29-05-2024
  • Category: Security articles

Panic buttons, in their simplest form, are devices designed to summon immediate assistance in emergencies. They come in various types, including physical buttons, mobile applications, and wearable devices. When activated, they transmit distress signals to designated responders or security personnel, triggering swift action in critical situations.

QR-Patrol, a leading-edge security solution, integrates panic buttons seamlessly within its framework. This integration amplifies the platform's efficacy by offering real-time communication and instant response capabilities in emergency scenarios.

  • 1    Swift and Coordinated Responses : Panic buttons within QR-Patrol enable instantaneous communication between those in distress and security personnel. This immediacy expedites response times, allowing for swift intervention in crisis situations, thereby minimizing potential risks and mitigating threats efficiently.
  • 2    Location Accuracy and Tracking : One of the standout features of panic buttons within QR-Patrol is their ability to provide precise location data. This information is invaluable during emergencies, enabling responders to pinpoint the exact location of the distress signal, expediting rescue efforts and enhancing overall security measures.
  • 3    Employee Safety and Well-being : Prioritizing the safety and well-being of employees is a cornerstone of QR-Patrol's ethos. The integration of panic buttons aligns with this commitment, empowering employees with a sense of security and assurance, fostering a conducive work environment that prioritizes their safety.
  • 4    Diverse Applications Across Industries : From healthcare facilities to educational institutions, hospitality sectors to corporate offices, panic buttons integrated into QR-Patrol find versatile applications. They cater to the unique security needs of each industry, ensuring a tailored and effective response to emergencies.

The significance of panic buttons extends beyond their immediate functionality. They serve as proactive measures, instilling a sense of security and confidence among individuals, fostering a culture of preparedness and risk mitigation.

advantages of guard tour patrol system

However, the future holds promising advancements. Incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning within panic button systems could refine response mechanisms further. Predictive analytics could improve response accuracy, reducing false alarms and optimizing emergency protocols.

Panic buttons stand as indispensable components within QR-Patrol's comprehensive security infrastructure. Their integration elevates the platform's efficacy, ensuring swift responses, precise location tracking, and bolstering overall security measures across industries. As technology evolves, the continued refinement and innovation in panic button systems promise a safer and more secure future, where emergency responses are efficient, timely, and potentially life-saving. In the dynamic landscape of security solutions, panic buttons within QR-Patrol represent an essential and proactive approach to safeguarding lives and assets, reaffirming the platform's position as a leader in modern security practices.

Written by Maria-Christina Antoniou

QR-Patrol is the smartest real time on-line guard tour and patrol system helping companies and organizations worldwide monitor their guards' activities and upgrade their security status.

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Guard Tour System | Guard Patrol Monitoring System – JWM

What Is Guard Tour System?

Guard tour system  is a variety of access control system, is a kind of flexible use of the access control system. It is mainly used in schools, hospitals, factories, forestry and any industry which need to ensure safety. The purpose is to help the enterprise leadership or management personnel carry our effective supervision and management to the patrol staff and working records through the system. At the same time, the system can also report more details of patrolling line in a certain period.

Three benefits of guard tour system

1. simplicity & convenience.

advantages of guard tour patrol system

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  1. TrackTik

    Security Guard Tour Software Designed to Increase Accountability & Productivity. See Why Thousands of Security Companies Use Our System Daily! Get Your Free Demo Today.

  2. Ultimate Guide to Security Guard Tour Systems

    When comparing guard tour patrol systems, look for usability. You want a system that is easy to use and will fit into the workflows that make sense for your guards' existing patrol patterns. ... One of the key benefits of digitally automating guard tour management is the amount of new, actionable data you can collect. Every tag signout ...

  3. Why you need a guard tour system

    A guard tour system is a system used to help companies and organizations to organize, log and execute guard tours and patrols in their assets ensuring that the officers will accomplish their tasks within the predefined time intervals. There is a wide variety of guard tour systems, which can be divided in two major categories: Wand guard tour ...

  4. What is a guard tour system and how can it benefit you?

    A guard tour system is a patrol system designed to monitor the patrol routes of a company's security guards and other employees. It allows you to ensure your employees are carrying out their patrol rounds as they should be, within the right time intervals. This way, your employees are monitored and can be held accountable to perform their ...

  5. What are the Advantages of the Guard Tour Control System?

    The Guard Tour Control System provides real-time visibility into guards' patrol activities. Ensuring that they are following their assigned routes and completing their tasks diligently. This level of accountability promotes a sense of responsibility among security personnel, fostering a more secure environment.

  6. Guard tour patrol system

    A guard tour patrol system is a system for logging the rounds of employees in a variety of situations such as security guards patrolling ... (SaaS) combined with mobile or fixed on-site devices. These offer the advantages of lower installation and maintenance costs, forgoing the need for hardware, software upgrades, data backups and computer ...

  7. What Is A Guard Tour System?

    A guard tour system is used to help companies and organizations organize, log, and execute tours in their assets ensuring that the officers will accomplish their tasks within the predefined time intervals. This helps prevent "Laziness" and ensures your guard is on duty. Guard tour systems provide a means to check and record when a guard ...

  8. Guard Tour System: What it is & How It Is Beneficial For The Long Run?

    by dev July 21, 2022. For seamless monitoring of patrol routes, the guard tour system can drive many advantages. It is tailored to track & monitor security personnel & employees of a particular organization. This innovative tracking system ensures guards are patrolling their routes within the given time. Previously tracking was quite arduous as ...

  9. 9 Benefits of using a cloud-based guard tour system

    A cloud-based guard tour system is a much more affordable solution than executing a guard tour patrol system manually. It'll save you money and time would've been spent on data acquisition and analysis, repetitive admin tasks as well as additional inspections to ensure guard accountability.

  10. Security Guard Tour System

    Trackforce Valiant's award-winning Guardtek platform is trusted by thousands of organizations and security companies to optimize their security operations. Request a demo today. Guard management solution improving officer productivity with guard tour system, incident and activity reporting, lone worker protection, visitor management.

  11. What is a Guard Tour System and How Does It Works?

    A guard tour system is a technology that is used to monitor and track the movements and activities of security guards or other personnel as they perform their duties. The system typically consists ...

  12. Guard Tour systems

    The traditional guard tour monitoring systems rely on a device which helps guards scan checkpoints in multiple locations and keep data of their patrols. When an incident is recorded on the device, a log is created and data are stored for further use and processing. On the other hand, cloud based guard tour systems enable real-time ...

  13. Guard Tour System

    Click to request a DEMO of our guard tour system, or call a Security Officer Tour System & App expert at (800) 825-6858. Guard tour systems are too often developed by overseas software companies with little or no American guard tour system experience. These overseas companies don't make their guard tour system easy to use, either.

  14. Why Use A Guard Tour Monitoring System?

    Having a guard monitoring system will help to manage many areas across the globe without any communication issues. It also helps to take immediate action no matter where you are. The office's security manager will be able to decide the location of checkpoints and guards. And also centrally manage data received from all locations.

  15. Patrol Guard Tour System and You: 4 Benefits Of Transparency

    A patrol guard tour system is the most effective way to balance the two. But contrary to what one might believe, most security managers renounce the need to be transparent or use a guard tour system, data safety is the reason to blame.

  16. Introduction to Guard Tour Systems

    Second, the guard tour system provides a written record of all patrol activities, allowing discrepancies in patrol procedures to be quickly identified. Appropriate disciplinary actions can be taken against officers who fail to comply with established procedures. The written record provided by the guard tour system can also be used for incident ...

  17. CCTV VS Guard Tour System: Which One Is Better?

    Advantages of Guard Tour System: ... The SOS and man-down functions of the guard patrol system can also protect your guards. In the event of an emergency attack, personal injury, or abnormal physical condition of the guards suddenly fall down, it will automatically real-time send an alarm to the console to ensure the safety of the guards. ...

  18. Optimizing Security: 5 Advantages of Merging Guard Tour Systems with

    Beyond the tangible benefits, it liberates administrative time, allowing security managers to focus on their teams. The advantages are abundant, and the potential for improved security services is vast. Don't hesitate - to unlock the potential of your security services by integrating guard tour patrol systems into your live security dashboard.

  19. What is a Guard Monitoring System, and How Does It Work?

    Implementing guard tour systems is critical if you are concerned about the efficiency of your security guard workforce or want to ensure that the security guards are properly managed. The software helps you better manage and secure your patrol personnel while ensuring the peace of mind of your clients as a security guard firm.

  20. Guard Tour System Solution

    Upgrade to JWM Guard Tour System: Your pathway to smarter, safer, and more accountable security operations. Buy Now Be a Reseller Comprehensive Functions cloud management software, preset patrol schedule, monitor security guard in real-time, view security patrol tracks, record abnormal events, and analyze data. Diversified Patrol Reader equipment types include basic, real-time, GPS, APP, and ...

  21. Guard Tour System Benefits

    View Benefits . Company . ... Over 1500+ private patrol companies worldwide utilize GuardsPro to reduce their operational costs while improving security guard accountability and enhancing customer service. ... Simply allow clients to access crucial reports online and other data on the go with our guard monitoring system to experience elevated ...

  22. Solution

    And several benefits that it offers, the top 3 advantages of JWM guard tour systems are discussed below. ... JWM intelligent guard tour patrol management systems provide the most humanized method to gather, analyze a large amount of important information about the patrolling areas, and the guard tours executed within them. ...

  23. Benefits of A Guard Tour Patrol System For Hotels

    The guard tour patrol system enables real-time action for both administrators and users. Administrators can remotely manage the system through a workstation. The users are the security personnel patrolling their designated area. The challenging parameter of any software is its ability to provide real-time tracking features.

  24. Why Panic Buttons Are a Vital Element of QR-Patrol's Security Arsenal

    Challenges and Future Advancements: While panic buttons integrated into QR-Patrol offer significant advantages, challenges persist in their implementation. Ensuring seamless integration with existing security systems, addressing false alarms, and providing adequate training for personnel are among the hurdles to overcome.

  25. Three Benefits of Guard Tour System

    Guard tour system is a variety of access control system, is a kind of flexible use of the access control system.It is mainly used in schools, hospitals, factories, forestry and any industry which need to ensure safety. The purpose is to help the enterprise leadership or management personnel carry our effective supervision and management to the patrol staff and working records through the system.