Everything We Know About The Husnock, One Of Star Trek's Most Mysterious Alien Races

Star Trek: The Next Generation The Survivors

In the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" episode "The Survivors" (October 9, 1989), the U.S.S. Enterprise discovered a mystery. On the planet Delta Rana IV — otherwise uninhabited and whose surface was devastated by an ancient cataclysm — a single house sat. Beaming down, the Enterprise crew found a well-kemp lawn, a large white home, and a kindly elderly couple named Kevin and Rishon Uxbridge (John Anderson and Anne Haney). While polite and welcoming, the Uxbridges are cagey about their circumstances. How are they the only people alive on the whole planet, and how can they merely enjoy teatime and lawn mowing without acknowledging their utter isolation? 

Eventually, of course, the truth would come out. Kevin Uxbridge was, in fact, a member of a species called the Douwd, a species of pure energy, possessed of godlike powers. He transformed into a humanoid and fell in love with Rishon, living with her in connubial bliss for years. Many years ago, however, the colony on Delta Rana IV was attacked by a vicious species called the Husnock, who killed all 11,000 colonists, including Rishon. Kevin initially refused to fight the Husnock because his species lives by a strict code of pacifism, but the death of Rishon devastated him. In a moment of vengeful pique, Kevin used his powers to reach out into the galaxy and wipe out every single member of the Husnock race, 50 billion of them. He committed genocide. 

Kevin recreated his home and an illusion of Rishon, hoping to live quietly as penance for his unimaginable crime. Unable to punish or incarcerate a god, Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) merely leaves Kevin in peace. 

What we never learn anything about is the Husnock. All Trekkies ever saw was a mysterious warship. What other information can we find?

The Husnock

Indeed, the mysterious warship that appears throughout "The Survivors" isn't even definitively identified as a Husnock ship. Audiences later learned that the warship was another one of Kevin Uxbridge's illusions, summoned to scare off the Enterprise and leave Kevin alone. We are left to infer that Kevin's illusion was extrapolated from Husnock warships, but that may be a foolhardy assumption. 

There are no pictures of the Husnock anywhere in "The Survivors," and there is no description as to what they looked like. In dialogue, they were merely called "a species of hideous intelligence, who knew only aggression and destruction." By extrapolation, Trekkies have found that the Husnock were killed off in the year 2366, only shortly before the events of the episode. The Federation seemed to have little information about the Husnock. 

The only information given about the Husnock has to be derived from the vast sea of "Star Trek" expanded universe lore. In the late 2010s, there was a series of tie-in "Star Trek" novels called "Star Trek: Titan," an anthology that followed the adventures of Captain Riker commanding the titular ship. In David Mack's 2017 "Titan" novel "Fortune of War," the Husnock were finally brought back in their own central story, albeit after their extinction.

"Fortune of War" is set 20 years after the events of "The Survivors" and follows the U.S.S. Titan on an exploration mission of all the abandoned Husnock technology that was abandoned when Kevin wiped them from existence. Husnock warships still possessed a great deal of destructive potential, and it was up to Admiral Riker, a new character named Captain Vale and the Titan crew to keep Husnick ships from falling into the wrong hands. 

'Fortune of War'

By the description in "Fortune of War," the Husnock were essentially evil octopodes. Or, more accurately septapodes. They walked around on four tentacles and used the other three as their arms. They had beak-like mouths and their blood was a dark blue color. They were also said to have multiple hearts, although an exact number was not given. They also seemed to oversee a vast portion of space called the Husnock Star Kingdom, implying that their government was a monarchy. 

"Fortune of War" also described the extinction of the Husnock as they personally experienced it, and it was similar to Thanos' mass murder in "Avengers: Infinity War," but a lot more painful. Evidently, Kevin Uxbridge projected himself into the minds of all 50 billion Husnock simultaneously to simply say "For Rishon" and show them all the image of Rishon being killed in the Husnock attack. He then essentially set them all on fire, burning them all into ash. 

It's a bit grim, but the Husnock warship appeared in "Star Trek Online," the popular 2010 video game. That game endeavored to include every single character and ship that ever appeared in "Star Trek," and to get the Husnock ships involved, a new narrative was invented. It seems that those Husnock ships that the Titan was trying to protect in "Fortune of War" had already been salvaged and put into combat by the Klingons, the Romulans, and even the Federation. That doesn't seem wise or even ethical, but it was a fine shorthand for a video game predicated on combat. 

Whether or not the Husnack will return remains to be seen, although one could see an enterprising screenwriter working a reference into "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds."

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Mudd Wants to Show You TNG!

By Ambassador Kael | Wed 24 May 2023 09:30:00 AM PDT

Everyone loves TNG! I refer, of course, my friends and best customers, to The Nexus Gambit, my brand new game of chance, available in the casino outside! Yes, it is certainly one of the most popular games in my collection. I thought when I made The Othello System, I would just make that one and be done, but fans demanded a sequel, and The Nexus Gambit is it! Of course, you still hear customers arguing over which is best: The Nexus Gambit, Delta Squadron 9, or…Voyager.

But that’s not why you’re here, friends! Yes, here at Mudd’s Market we have brand new offerings on sale! We’ve gathered a collection of starships based on the beloved TNG, and you can take them home today – yes, today , sir! Now, if you’ll all just step this way…

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Mudd is opening the doors on a new Choice Pack on May 25nd, this one celebrating the Star Trek: The Next Generation! Purchase the Mudd's As Seen on TNG Choice Pack for 29500 Zen, and choose any three of the above options! But that's not all - this pack will be  50% off from 5/25 @ 8am PT – 6/8 @ 12pm PT . Choose from the following options:

  • Liberated Borg Command Juggernaut [T6]
  • Son'a Collector Science Dreadnought [T6]
  • Husnock Warship [T6]
  • [2x Pack] T6 Ship Coupon - 100% Off
  • [1x] Epic Prize Token – Phoenix Prize Pack
  • [300x Pack] Lobi Crystals
  • 10x Ultimate Tech Upgrades  

We're adding a special version of the pack! The Mudd's MEGA As Seen on TNG Bundle is a one stop purchase to obtain all eight items in the pack at once! The pack contains all seven items, no choices needed. It will also launch on 5/2, for 60000 Zen, but will be  50% off until 6/8 at 12pm PT . Here's how it works:

The MEGA As Seen on TNG Bundle will appear in Mudd's Market at the same time as the As Seen on TNG Choice Pack. This is a once per account purchase. When purchased, it will disappear from the store. If you'd like, you can still purchase the As Seen on TNG Pack for more of the non-ship items.

Purchasing the MEGA As Seen on TNG Bundle will drop an item in your inventory, that you can unpack to receive the items.

If you wish to buy both the MEGA As Seen on TNG Bundle and the As Seen on TNG Choice Pack, you must purchase the bundle first. Any purchase of the Choice Pack will cause the Bundle to disappear from the store.

Never seen one of these packs before? Seen them all but still unsure how they work? Here's an FAQ just for you:

Each time I buy this pack, I get to choose any three items?

Yes! Even if you only purchase it once, the Mudd's As Seen on TNG Choice Pack allows you to choose any three of the above ships, upgrades and more. You can choose multiples of the same item, as long as its not a ship.

Are the ships bound to the character that buys them?

Nope! The ships are account unlocks, like everything in the Zen Store. Once you purchase the bundle and choose any of the ships, you unlock that ship for all your characters, immediately, and all future characters.

Can I claim a second ship of the same type?

Also no. Because the ships are unlocked for your entire account, you only need to choose each ship once. Therefore, should you purchase a bundle and choose the Husnock Warship and two non-ship items, if you purchase a second bundle, you won’t be able to choose the Husnock Warship again.

But I can choose the non-ship items again?

You sure can. You can choose anything that's not a ship up to three times each, per purchase of the bundle.

Even within the same purchase?

That’s right. If you only want Upgrades, you can purchase this bundle once, choose the Upgrades three times, and get 30 Upgrades. It’s up to you!

Do I have to purchase more than one bundle to get all the items?

Yes, unless you buy the MEGA Bundle.

Do I have to purchase more than one bundle?

No! If you just want three of the ships, or any other combination, just purchase it once, claim the three items you want, and never think of it again.

Do I have to purchase this bundle?

That’s really up to you, friend.

Will this pack change my taste in tea?

Absolutely. Be prepared to only love Earl Grey, Hot.

By the way, everything in Mudd's Market that isn't a Bundle is on sale for  75% off from May 25th at 8am PT to May 29th at 12pm PT ! Grab more for your Zen!

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Mirror Constitution Warship

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Release date: October 6, 2020 The Mirror Constitution -class Warship is a Tier 6 Warship which may be flown by Starfleet characters, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. All faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying unlock from the Zen Store . This starship can be used from any level upon completion of the tutorial experience. As you level up, this ship gains additional hull, weapon slots, and console slots.

Players can obtain this starship as a ultra rare drop from the [ Infinity Lock Box ] ; it comes in an [ Infinity Prize Pack - T6 Ship ] choice package, which is bound to you until a ship is chosen. The boxed ship is not bound and so may be traded to other players or bought and sold on the Exchange for energy credits under the name [Special Requisition Pack - Mirror Warship [T6]] .

  • 2 Class variants
  • 3 Starship Mastery
  • 4.1 Universal consoles
  • 4.2 Specialization seating
  • 5 Standard configuration
  • 6.1 Equipment slots and seating
  • 6.2 Hull strength
  • 6.3 T6-X upgrade
  • 7 Ship comparison
  • 8 Admiralty ship
  • 11 External links

Overview [ | ]

After crossing over into the Mirror universe and aiding Empress Sato in her takeover, the Constitution class ship formerly known as the U.S.S. Defiant was unquestionably the most powerful vessel of its time and timeline. However, that wasn’t enough for the warmongering Terran Empire or its Empress, and the ship saw a series of continual refits to emphasize the tactical superiority it already held over other vessels. More weapon emplacements, more powerful engines, and a bloodthirsty crew made it a warship that kept the Empire strong for years.

Class variants

Starship mastery [ | ], abilities [ | ], universal consoles [ | ].

The Mirror Constitution Warship comes equipped with the [ Console - Universal - Interphasic Rift Generator ] .

Create Interphasic Rift icon (Federation)

Specialization seating

The Mirror Constitution -class Warship features the following specialist seats:

Lieutenant Commander Universal-Intelligence

Standard configuration [ | ]

Federation starships come with standard equipment and weapons of the lowest mark available at the ship's minimum rank. The items provided are appropriate to the type of vessel and its related playing style.

Shield Array icon

Fore Weapons

Phaser Dual Cannons icon

Aft Weapons

Phaser Turret icon

Scaling starship

This starship's equipment slots, base hull capacity and shield capacity scale as your level increases.

Equipment slots and seating [ ]

As you rank up every 10 levels, up to level 40, the ship's forward weapon slots, aft weapon slots, tactical console slots, engineering console slots, science console slots and available bridge officer (boff) abilities will slowly increase toward endgame capabilities:

Hull strength [ ]

This table shows how the ship's hull strength scales at each level. The base hull of all scaling starships is 10,000, which is then multiplied by the ship's hull modifier (1.3 for the Mirror Constitution -class Warship), and then multiplied by the scaling multiplier below at each level.

T6-X upgrade

By using an [ Experimental Ship Upgrade Token ] , the Mirror Constitution -class Warship may be upgraded to T6-X , unlocking an extra ship device slot, universal console slot, and the ability to slot an extra starship trait .

Ship comparison [ | ]

Admiralty ship [ | ].

Shipshot Background Admiralty

Gallery [ | ]

Mirror Constitution Warship Layout

Mirror Constitution Warship Layout

Notes [ | ]

  • The Mirror Constitution Warship is based on the wireframe of the retrofitted USS Defiant (NCC-1764) as seen in the DSC episode " Vaulting Ambition ".

External links [ | ]

  • Official Blog - The Ship That Smashed the Mirror
  • 2 Playable starship
  • 3 List of canon starships


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  6. Everything We Know About The Husnock, One Of Star Trek's Most ...

    It's a bit grim, but the Husnock warship appeared in "Star Trek Online," the popular 2010 video game. That game endeavored to include every single character and ship that ever appeared in "Star ...

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    Husnock Warship. Though the Husnock were eradicated as a species in 2366, their home planet and star system remained - along with everything in it, even starships. Alliance engineers have taken recovered Husnock Warships and restored them to operational capacity. These massive vessels are well-armed, and can withstand a great deal of ...

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    #StarTrekOnline #STO #DPSAs I continue to refine my beam overload build, the damage is steadily increasing and even in some cases bypassing my cannon builds ...

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    When I was in middle school i used to draw Star Trek comics in class and i can't tell you how many times I drew the Enterprise fighting a Husnock ship. 3. Reply. DilaZirK • STO (PC) Handle: @dilazirk#4433 • 3 yr. ago. Between the two ships, which was easier for you to draw? =P.

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    Also no. Because the ships are unlocked for your entire account, you only need to choose each ship once. Therefore, should you purchase a bundle and choose the Husnock Warship and two non-ship items, if you purchase a second bundle, you won't be able to choose the Husnock Warship again. But I can choose the non-ship items again? You sure can.

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    The Husnock Warship comes equipped with the Heavy Particle Emitter Array Universal Console. When this ability is activated, it will fire a burst of particle beams at its target. ... Star Trek Online . sto-news, sto-launcher, star-trek-online, Follow / Subscribe. Follow @PerfectWorld YouTube. Subscribe. Most Recent More. A Battle Royale with the ...

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    8 HUSNOCK WARSHIP PLAN VIEWS PLAN VIEWS Lateral energy beam weapon SHIP PROFILE PERPLEXING ENCOUNTERS The Husnock warship that was encountered by the Enterprise-D was in fact a creation generated by an energy being from the Douwd civilization. He tried to force the Enterprise-D into leaving him alone by using his recreation of a Husnock warship.

  19. Mirror Constitution Warship

    Release date: October 6, 2020The Mirror Constitution-class Warship is a Tier 6 Warship which may be flown by Starfleet characters, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. All faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying unlock from the Zen Store. This starship can be used from ...