Welcome to the Eiffel Tower visitor’s guide

Welcome to the Eiffel Tower visitor’s guide

Eiffel Tower

The 2nd floor

The 1st floor.

The esplanade

The esplanade

West garden

West garden

East garden

East garden

Official eiffel tower tour guide for your mobile.

The Eiffel Tower mobile guide provides you with all the information you need to make the most of your visit to the Eiffel Tower. In it, you will discover all the services available: restaurants, refreshments, shops, restrooms, etc. A multidimensional map will allow you to orient yourselft to the floors and gardens, without missing any of the cultural and historical information about the Tower.

History and Culture

How tall is the Eiffel Tower? When was it build? Did they really intend to demolish it? Since when has the tower been illuminated? Where is Gustave Eiffel's office located? Must see sites on each floor: the square, gardens, 1st floor, 2nd floor, the summit. The Eiffel Tower, a world icon, has also been a source of inspiration for many artists. During your visit, we will introduce you to some of these works of art.

Important statistics

So, you think you know the Tower? But do you know how long it took to build it? Discover all the important statistics about the Tower during your visit.

A magnificent view

Incredibly majestic, the Eiffel Tower dominates Paris. It offers a magnificent view of the entire city. Revealing, on you climb up, an infinite number of perspectives. The panorama on the 2nd floor is exceptional, revealing details of the closest monuments and the intermingling of streets and avenues designed by Baron Haussmann. From the summit, the view is breathtaking: with your hair tousled by the wind that blows most of the time, you will be surprised by the silence that reigns there, the city noises that reach the summit are quite muffled. Our tour guide will introduce you to one of the most fabulous monuments ever built by man.

  • The Eiffel Tower

Official Eiffel Tower Ticket Office

  Official Eiffel Tower Ticket Office

volume tour eiffel

Tickets for visits from June 17, 2024, are progressively becoming available. The Eiffel Tower will be open during the Olympic Games except on July 26. No tickets for this summer (including during the Olympic Games) are currently on sale, so do not buy tickets from websites promoting such offers. Keep an eye on our official online ticket office.

  • Contact information

When do you want to visit the Eiffel Tower?

How many tickets do you need.

Young (12-24 years)

Children (4-11 years old)

Small children (younger than 4 years old)

Disabled individuals

RSA (earned income supplement) recipients

An order may include a maximum of 9 tickets

An order may only contain a maximum of 5 children’s tickets (4 years or younger)

An order may only contain a maximum of 2 RSA (earned income supplement) tickets

An order containing only children’s tickets (-4 years old and 4-11 years old) is not permitted.

“Adult”: Normal rate for adults 25 years old and over.

“Youth (12-24 years old)”: Rate for youth between 12 and 24 years old. Proof of age required.

“Children” (4-11 years old)”: Rate for children between 4-11 years old. Proof of age required. Mandatory purchase of an adult or youth ticket.

“Small children (younger than 4 years old)”: Free for children younger than 4 years old. Ticket and proof of age required. There is no left luggage office available, in particular for strollers.

“RSA (earned income supplement) recipients”: Rate applied to French RSA (earned income supplement) recipients only, available at the Tower's ticket offices.

“Disabled individuals”: Rate for disabled individuals only applicable upon presentation of valid certificate. Access to the Summit and stairs is not permitted for individuals with reduced mobility.

Online help

How much does it cost to visit the eiffel tower.

To check the prices for the Eiffel Tower, please visit this page on the official Eiffel Tower site . The Eiffel Tower online ticket office provides the official prices. The adult price applies to adults 25 years and over.  There are discount rates for young people (12-24 years old), children (4-11 years old) and for those with disabilities. Admission is free for children under 4 years old. The price of the ticket varies upon how you go up (elevator and/or stairs) and the destination (2nd floor or the upper floor) you select. 

The desired visit date is not available, what should I do?

Certain days (weekends, days during peak season between July and August) are in high demand and we sell out quickly, especially for e-tickets for the top floor, which are the most popular. If you are flexible, select another date that is shown as available. The dates marked in orange indicate that the last tickets are available. Lined out or grayed out dates are no longer available. If there is no more online availability, note that tickets to visit the Eiffel Tower are also sold on site at the ticket offices at the monument. Regardless, we sell our tickets online up to 60 days in advance (for lift tickets) and 14 days in advance (for stairs tickets to second floor). If you can, plan your visit well in advance, so you will have the choice of date, destination and time.  

How many tickets can I buy?

On the online ticket shop, you can buy up to 9 tickets for the same order. Groups who want to buy tickets, regardless of the number, must use the ticket office site reserved for groups.

The Eiffel Tower’s online box office allows you to purchase your ticket online for the 2nd floor or the Summit at the official rate. You can purchase individual e-tickets for up to 9 people. Tickets can also be purchased several weeks in advance. With the e-ticket system, experience no lines! You will directly receive your ticket by e-mail so you can print it at home or store it on your smartphone. If e-tickets are sold out for the date/time or destination that you search, it is always possible to purchase tickets on the spot on the day of your visit.  At the scheduled hour, go directly to the lifts or stairs without having to wait at the ticket stands. There are mandatory security checks at the Eiffel Tower’s entrance and before entering one of the pillars.

Tourism professionals, schools, associations:  professional ticketing website .

Destination to the top

An engrossing experience

« The Eiffel Tower Summit »

volume tour eiffel

The most marvelous view of Paris

At the top of the Eiffel Tower, enjoy the highest view of Paris and its surroundings. With its 2 floors (one open-air and the other indoor), experience for yourself the majesty of Paris from all angles: witness the most eye-catching architectural beauties, monuments, and the Seine.

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The office of Gustave Eiffel

At the top of the Tower, you will also discover a reconstitution of Gustave Eiffel’s office, the Tower’s creator. With its wax models, this scene depicts Gustave Eiffel and his daughter Claire receiving the famous American inventor, Thomas Edison.

Destination to 2nd floor

At the heart of the Tower :

« The Eiffel Tower’s 2nd floor »

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The most all-encompassing experience

On the 2nd floor, you’ll be transported with amazement: With several monoculars located on both levels, Paris and its monuments will offer a scintillating pleasure to your delighted eyes. Take advantage of the large selection of activities, boutiques and restaurants!

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Be at the forefront of a spectacular lighting show

During evening visits, the 2nd floor is the best spot to be to witness the Tower and its magnificent lit structure. Also don’t forget, Paris is the “City of Lights.” On the 2nd floor, you’ll have a front row seat for an unforgettable moment of scintillation at all hours!

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  • Books Received
  • Published: 30 January 1902

La Tour Eiffel en 1900

Nature volume  65 ,  pages 291–293 ( 1902 ) Cite this article

77 Accesses

Metrics details

IN a handsome volume, profusely illustrated with engravings and photographs, M. Eiffel has given an elaborate account, from its earliest conception, of the lofty structure that will always bear his name, and of the mechanical devices which have secured its success, both as a worthy monument of the art of construction and as a source of delight to the millions who have ascended it. We understand and regret that this monograph in some measure owes its appearance to the attacks of detractors, and it is intended to furnish a complete answer to those who, disapproving of the structure, have commented on its puerility and its uselessness. This ill will, well pronounced in the early days of the structure, and to which M. Eififel refers at length, has possibly revived since the falling off of receipts on the occasion of the last exhibition, and the well-earned reputation of the author may have suffered in consequence. Certainly no less than three descriptions of the Tower have emanated from the engineer in a short space of time. The first, “La Tour de trois cents Mètres,” was an ouvrage de lux , massive folio volume with sixty-seven plates, felio. This work, intended for experts, has been to various public libraries and scientific and will be consulted with interest by those engaged in similar projects of construction. Next appeared, in a more handy form, “Travaux Scientifiques exéés àla Tour de trois cents Mètres,” which, though not generally circulated, was intended to form a complete refutation to those who still urged the plea of inutility against the structure. The present volume appears to follow a middle course between these two, the author giving an account of the history of the construction of the Tower, the modifications that were suggested, after the experience gained in 1889, to make it more accessible to visitors in 1900, together with some account of the scientific investigations which this unique structure rendered possible or facilitated by reason of its height and form.

La Tour Eiffel en 1900.

Par M. G. Eiffel, Officier de la Légion d'Honneur. P.p. 363. (Paris: Masson and Co., 1902.)

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La Tour Eiffel en 1900. Nature 65 , 291–293 (1902). https://doi.org/10.1038/065291a0

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Issue Date : 30 January 1902

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/065291a0

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L'air contenu dans la Tour Eiffel est-il plus lourd que la Tour elle-même ?

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Questions aux experts

Matière et matériaux, l'air contenu dans la tour eiffel est-il plus lourd que la tour elle-même .

Un élève m'a affirmé que l'air contenu à l'intérieur de la pyramide formé par les contours de la tour Eiffel était plus lourd que la masse des matériaux constituant la structure ? Est-ce vrai ? Que pèse l'air ?

Ca parait peu probable, mais examinons tout de même le problème de plus près.

Pour plus de simplicité, nous ferons comme si la Tour Eiffel était une pyramide à base carrée (en réalité, ses flancs sont incurvés, donc son volume est un peu inférieur à celui que nous allons calculer).

La Tour Eiffel fait 324 mètres de haut pour une base carrée dont le coté mesure 125 mètres (source : http://www.tour-eiffel.fr ). La base a bonc une superficie de 125*125 ~ 16 000 m2. Le volume d'une pyramide est 1/3 * base * hauteur (les vieux souvenirs de lycée servent parfois de façon inattendue !). Pour la Tour Eiffel, on trouve donc un volume d'environ 1 700 000 m3. Comme la masse volumique de l'air vaut environ 1 kg/m3, la masse d'air contenu dans la Tour Eiffel est de 1 700 000 kg, soit 1700 tonnes.

La masse de la structure (métal, peinture...) de la Tour Eiffel est de 10 100 tonnes. On voit donc que la structure est plus lourde que l'air qu'elle entoure. L'air contribue pour environ 1/10eme à la masse totale (structure + air) de la Tour Eiffel !

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Fête des pères : nos 6 idées cadeaux pour faire plaisir à votre papa cette année

Fête des pères : nos 5 idées cadeaux pour faire plaisir à votre papa cette année

Fête des pères : nos 5 idées cadeaux pour faire plaisir à votre papa cette année - Unsplash

La fête des pères, au même titre que celle des mères, est le moment réservé aux enfants de remercier leurs parents du temps passé à les élever et à les aimer. Bonne nouvelle, il n'est pas nécessaire de débourser une fortune pour faire un cadeau royal ; une petite attention finement ciblée est toujours bien appréciée.

  • Retrouvez les offres Fêtes des pères sur Cdiscount
  • Retrouvez les offres Fêtes des pères sur Amazon
  • Retrouvez les offres Fêtes des pères sur Rakuten

Quelle est la date de la fête des pères en France ?

La fête des pères a lieu également un dimanche, exactement 3 semaines après celle des mères. Ainsi, ce jour très particulier tombe, cette année, le dimanche 16 juin 2024. Moins populaire que la fête des mères, la fête des pères est, pour les personnes concernées, un moment important que les enfants se doivent de ne pas mettre de côté.

D'où vient la fête des pères ?

Beaucoup de gens croient que la fête des pères est une opération purement commerciale. En fait, il n'en n'est rien. À l'origine, la fête des pères était une célébration de Joseph, Père de Jésus. La source est donc purement religieuse et a vu le jour au XVe siècle.

C'est seulement dans les années 50, qu'une approche beaucoup plus commerciale a été établie par un commerçant qui voulut augmenter son chiffre d'affaires au mois de juin, soit 6 mois environ après la grosse période de Noël. Il eut alors l'idée de créer l'événement de la fête des pères en se basant sur le cadeau phare de l'époque, un briquet à gaz de la marque Flaminaire.

Le slogan de l'époque était net et précis. “Fête des pères ! offrez-lui un Flaminaire, le briquet qui tient toutes ses promesses !”. Le résultat de cette offre commerciale, entièrement faite sur mesure, connut un énorme succès si bien que l'événement de la fête des pères finit par s'installer définitivement.

Nos idées cadeaux pour la fête des pères

Le sèche-cheveux dyson pour votre papa.

Le Dyson Supersonic est bien plus qu'un simple sèche-cheveux ; c'est un symbole de technologie avancée et de design élégant. Pour la fête des pères, il constitue un cadeau parfait pour les papas modernes qui apprécient l'innovation et le style.

Grâce à son moteur numérique puissant et à sa technologie de contrôle de la chaleur, il sèche les cheveux rapidement tout en les protégeant des dommages causés par une chaleur excessive. Son design ergonomique et léger rend son utilisation agréable et facile. Offrir le Dyson Supersonic pour la fête des pères, c'est offrir un luxe quotidien, alliant performance exceptionnelle et soin attentionné, pour montrer à quel point votre père compte pour vous.

Le OneBlade pour les papas avec une barbe

Parmi les cadeaux à offrir, la tondeuse à barbe Philips OneBlade Original, proposée par Amazon à 34,99 euros au lieu des 52,99 euros est une excellente idée si, bien sûr, la personne concernée possède bel et bien une barbe.

La tondeuse Philips OneBlade Original a le gros avantage d'être un produit capable, non seulement de tailler les contours de la barbe avec précision, mais également de la raccourcir à la longueur souhaitée, grâce à la présence d'un sabot réglable entre 1 et 5 mm.

Elle dispose également d'une batterie, d'une petite pochette de transport et peut être également utilisée sous la douche sans problème.

Verre à bière Funnli : le cadeau sympa par excellence

Cadeau plutôt original, pourquoi ne pas offrir le verre à bière Funnli, actuellement disponible sur Amazon au prix de 24,99 euros ? Ce verre est livré avec un magnifique soubock entièrement fabriqué dans un bois naturel et gravé aux couleurs de l'événement.

La contenance du verre à bière Funnli est également au rendez-vous car il profite d'un très beau volume de 510 ml. Comme le sous-bock, il profite d'une impression spéciale Papas qui est parfaite pour lui dire à quel point vous l'aimez et lui êtes reconnaissant.

La forme réalisée et donnée au verre à bière Funnli est également particulièrement élégante, permettant à ce cadeau original d'obtenir la très belle note de 4,6 sur 5 donnée par ses utilisateurs vérifiés.

Montre connectée WeurGhy : le cadeau high-tech parfait

L'essor des nouvelles technologies vous permet également de vous tourner vers un cadeau plus high-tech comme la montre connectée WeurGhy, proposée par Amazon à 29,99 euros au lieu des 89,99 euros habituels. Bien que très bon marché, cette montre a reçu la très belle note de 4,6 sur 5 donnée par plus de 650 utilisateurs vérifiés.

La montre connectée WeurGhy est universelle et se connecte en Bluetooth à n'importe quel téléphone sous Android ou iOS. Elle vous permet ainsi d'accéder à vos SMS, vos mails et vos réseaux sociaux, mais également de passer un coup de fil directement avec la montre.

De plus, elle dispose d'un grand nombre de modes sportifs, accompagné de mesures des données de santé complètes et détaillées.

Écouteurs sans fil Aovoce : leur qualité sonore a bluffé tout le monde

Les écouteurs sans fil de type oreillettes sont également un cadeau qui fera mouche à tous les coups. Ces modèles conçus par Aovoce et proposés par Amazon à 20,99 euros au lieu des 69,99 euros habituels, sont d'une qualité surprenante et ont reçu l'excellente note de 4,6 sur 5 donnée par près de 2 500 utilisateurs vérifiés.

Les écouteurs sans fil Aovoce sont également livrés avec un boîtier de recharge qui fait également office de rangement, le tout étant étanche, donc utilisable sous la pluie.

Ils se connectent instantanément à votre smartphone en Bluetooth et profitent de 6 heures d'autonomie poussée à 36 heures grâce au boîtier de recharge. Ces écouteurs sont également équipés d'une réduction des bruits environnants.

Tablier de cuisine LaTostadora : le cadeau idéal pour les papas qui aiment cuisiner

De nos jours, un grand nombre de pères de famille adore se mettre derrière les fourneaux et préparer les repas. Pourquoi alors ne pas marquer le coup en offrant le tablier de cuisine LaTostadora, proposé par Amazon à 19,90 euros.

Le tablier de cuisine LaTostadora a été spécialement personnalisé pour la fête des pères. Fabriqué en Espagne, le tissu est d'une excellente qualité et composé de coton conjugué à du polyester avec une épaisseur de 180 gr/m². Le tissu est également traité pour éviter aux liquides de le pénétrer et ainsi provoquer des tâches difficiles à avoir.

Si le tablier de cuisine LaTostadora est élégant, il permet également de protéger à la perfection toute la partie avant du cuisinier.

Ce contenu a été réalisé par un expert de l’équipe shopping de BFMTV. Les prix indiqués sont donnés à titre indicatif et sont susceptibles d’évoluer. BFMTV est susceptible de percevoir une rémunération lorsqu’un de nos lecteurs procède à un achat via les liens intégrés dans cet article.

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View from the Top of the Eiffel Tower

Guided tour to the Top

The most comprehensive tour.

12 people max.

Enjoy a thrilling trip to the Top and visit the entire Eiffel Tower accompanied by a guide

A tour of the Eiffel Tower is a thrilling and emotional experience. Accompanied by a member of the Eiffel Tower family who is enamored with the monument, you will hear about momentous and everyday moments in its history, and learn more about the life of the Tower and the company that operates it, while visiting all three levels of the Tower.

Vue sur le sommet de la tour Eiffel

An unforgettable tour, available in French or English and lasting around 90 minutes, in groups of no more than 12 people! Your Official Eiffel Tower Guide will ensure that everything goes smoothly on your visit while helping you access the different levels, especially the elevators. And to enhance this experience, the Eiffel Tower can offer you outstanding 10% discounts on a selection of products available in the stores (Exclusive Eiffel Tower Collection) and certain restaurants (bistro on the First Floor and the buffet on the esplanade).

Advantages of the guided tour

Easy access to the Top

The tour experience

Plan du parvis

01: See you on the Esplanade

Meet your guide 15 minutes before the start of the tour at the Official Guided Tours meeting point (don't forget the security checks at the site entrances, which may take 10 to 20 minutes). Your guide will take care of you, and you will benefit from easier access to the Top.

02: Discover how the historic elevators work

From an exceptional and perfectly preserved vantage point over the hydraulic elevator shaft dating from 1899, you will gain a complete insight into the workings of this machinery found nowhere else in the world.

03: The magic of the ascent and the Top

You can then savor the thrills of the ascent to the Top. Throughout the visit, your Official Guide will be happy to share tales of momentous and everyday moments in the Tower's history with you, from the monument to the company, and from the past to the present.

04: Back down to the heart of the structure

After regaining the Second Floor (by elevator), you will take the stairs to the First Floor, at the heart of the structure. Your Guide will tell you more about the structure of the monument and the history of its construction.

05: Don't leave us without obtaining your privileges!

Once you reach the First Floor, it will be time to say goodbye to your Guide, but you can extend your visit and explore this floor a little longer, where you can take advantage of the benefits on offer by presenting your guided tour tickets. For a bite to eat, you will receive a 10% discount on a special menu served at the first-floor bistro (located in the Ferrié Pavilion) depending on the time of your visit (breakfast, lunch/snack or afternoon snack). This offer also applies to the buffet on the Esplanade! You will also benefit from an exceptional 10% discount in our official gift shops on all products in the exclusive Eiffel Tower Collection, which promotes French expertise.

Also available

Visite guidée jusqu'au 2ème étage

Guided tour to the Second Floor

Official and exclusive guided tours of the Eiffel Tower. Get an easy access to the Second floor then visit the 1st floor of the Eiffel Tower with an Official Eiffel Tower Guide.

Photo depuis le 2ème étage

Guided tour up to the second floor with access to the Top

A ticket combining a guided tour to the 2nd floor, then a self-guided tour to the top.

Ticket prices

Pictogramme ascenseur

The price of a guided tour is composed of the price of the access ticket + €35 (€25 for children rate)

  • Adult : 64.40 euros
  • Young from 12 to 24 : 49.70 euros
  • Children from 4 to 11 : 32.40 euros

Please be on time to meet us on the Esplanade near the Information Point, 15 minutes before the time stated on your ticket.

Before reaching the Esplanade, security checks are carried out at the entrance to the site. But you are authorized to use an entrance specially reserved for "Official Guided Tours". Allow 10 to 20 minutes to complete these checks.

This tour is not accessible for people with reduced mobility and not recommended for people with baby strollers.

Your guided tour ticket entitles you to an exceptional 10% discount on items in the exclusive Eiffel Tower Collection in our gift shops and on special menus at the buffets located on the First Floor and on the Esplanade.

  • Prices & Times
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  2. Visiter la Tour Eiffel : mes infos, conseils et bons plans pour la visite

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  3. La Tour Eiffel en 5 secrets à connaître

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  4. EIFFEL : La tour de trois cents mètres. Texte et Planches

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  5. 1 Volume : "La Tour Eiffel", Roland Barthes, André Martin, Collection

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  6. Eiffel Tower at Night :: Along the Way with J & J

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  2. En Studio avec Eiffel

  3. Eiffel 65

  4. Tetris on Eiffel Tower Jello Softbody Simulation Relaxing Satisfying ASMR (Rev 1)


  1. Eiffel Tower information : facts, height in feet, weight

    377 feet, 4,692 square feet. Third floor. 906 feet, 820 square feet. Lifts. 5 lifts from the esplanade to second floor, 2 x 2 duolifts from second floor to the top. Weight of the metal frame. 7,300 tons. Total weight. 10,100 tons.

  2. Eiffel Tower

    The Eiffel Tower (/ ˈ aɪ f əl / EYE-fəl; French: Tour Eiffel [tuʁ ɛfɛl] ⓘ) is a wrought-iron lattice tower on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France.It is named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower from 1887 to 1889.. Locally nicknamed "La dame de fer" (French for "Iron Lady"), it was constructed as the centerpiece of the 1889 World's Fair, and to ...

  3. Why does the Eiffel Tower change size?

    Heat causes an increase in volume that makes the Eiffel Tower a few millimeters taller. This expansion also causes the Tower to tilt slightly away from the sun. The sun only hits one of the 4 sides of the Tower creating an imbalance with the other 3 sides, that remain stable, thus causing the Eiffel Tower to lean.

  4. Hauteur, poids, construction

    La tour Eiffel a été construite par Gustave Eiffel à l'occasion de l'Exposition Universelle de 1889 qui célébrait le premier centenaire de la Révolution française. Deux ans, deux mois et 5 jours. Sa construction en 2 ans, 2 mois et 5 jours, fut une véritable performance technique et architecturale.

  5. Eiffel Tower

    The tower stands 300 meters (984 feet) high. It rests on a base that is 5 meters (17 feet) tall, and the TV antenna atop the tower gives it a total elevation of 330 meters (1,083 feet). The Eiffel Tower was the tallest structure in the world until the topping off of the Chrysler Building in New York City in 1929.

  6. Tour Eiffel

    La tour Eiffel [tuʁɛfɛl] Écouter est une tour de fer puddlé de 330 m [3] de hauteur (avec antennes) située à Paris, à l'extrémité nord-ouest du parc du Champ-de-Mars en bordure de la Seine dans le 7 e arrondissement.Son adresse officielle est 5, avenue Anatole-France. Construite en deux ans par Gustave Eiffel et ses collaborateurs pour l'Exposition universelle de Paris de 1889 ...

  7. Eiffel Tower

    However difficult its birth may have been, the Tour Eiffel is now completely accepted by French citizens, and is internationally recognized as one of the symbols of Paris itself. ... Around and About Paris, Volume 1: From the Dawn of Time to the Eiffel Tower (Arrondissements 1-7), Thirza Vallois, 1995, Iliad Books, London.

  8. OFFICIAL Eiffel tower tour guide for your mobile

    The Eiffel Tower mobile guide provides you with all the information you need to make the most of your visit to the Eiffel Tower. In it, you will discover all the services available: restaurants, refreshments, shops, restrooms, etc. A multidimensional map will allow you to orient yourselft to the floors and gardens, without missing any of the ...

  9. Eiffel Tower : purchase a ticket

    The Eiffel Tower's online box office allows you to purchase your ticket online for the 2nd floor or the Summit at the official rate. You can purchase individual e-tickets for up to 9 people. Tickets can also be purchased several weeks in advance. With the e-ticket system, experience no lines! You will directly receive your ticket by e-mail so ...

  10. (PDF) Model equations for the Eiffel Tower profile: Historical

    [10] G. Eiffel, Projet d'une tour en fer de 300 mètres de hauteur d estinée à L'Exposition de 1889, Société des Ingénieurs Ci vils de France, Bulletin 38 (1885) 345-370.

  11. The OFFICIAL Eiffel Tower website: tickets, news, info

    The Eiffel Tower on social media. See more photos. Discover or visit the tower: buy a ticket (10.5 to 26.10 € maximum for adults and 2.6 to 13.10 € for children and young people), news and practical information.

  12. Surface area and Volume of Twin Towers and Eiffel Tower

    Surface area and Volume of Twin Towers and Eiffel Tower. Jun 14, 2011 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 2 likes • 15,220 views. M. Mariatd98. This powerpoint shows the volume and TSA od 1 tower (the eiffel tower) and a structure (twin towers). It also shows how to calculate.

  13. All You Need to Know About Visiting the Eiffel Tower in Paris

    The Eiffel Tower has always been an icon of Paris that stands 324 meters tall from the ground. It's a structure made out of iron and was completely built in 1889. Although the Eiffel Tower is famous for its beautiful design, it's also known for being an essential part of the Parisian night scene — as it gives off such a romantic vibe.

  14. La Tour Eiffel en 1900

    The first, "La Tour de trois cents Mètres," was an ouvrage de lux, massive folio volume with sixty-seven plates, felio. This work, intended for experts, has been to various public libraries ...

  15. Eiffel Tower

    La tour Eiffel. 5 avenue Anatole France - Champ de Mars - 75007 Paris Tour Eiffel - Invalides. Book now. A symbol of Paris and more generally of France, the Eiffel Tower, built by Gustave Eiffel for the 1889 World's Fair, is one of the world's most visited monuments. Visiting the Tower, and seeing its historic gardens and the breathtaking ...

  16. Paris: Highlights Tour with Eiffel Tower, Louvre, and Cruise

    IMPORTANT: This tour includes a self-guided Eiffel Tower ticket. While the tour ends around 4pm; the tower entry can fall between 4pm-10pm. We'll communicate your entry time in advance for planning. ... Depending on the volume of visitors, we may have a short wait in the security line; Depending on ticketing times, the itinerary order might vary.

  17. Photos at Stade Tour Eiffel

    beach volleyball

  18. A virtual tour of the Eiffel Tower

    A full, virtual reality tour of the Eiffel Tower. On the occasion of the Eiffel Tower's 130th anniversary, TV5 Monde created a 360° virtual reality tour that reveals every aspect of the Tower in 3 minutes, featuring sunrise from the Champ-de-Mars and a panoramic ascent to the top, both inside and out. See the Eiffel Tower as if you were ...

  19. L'air contenu dans la Tour Eiffel est-il plus lourd que la Tour elle

    Le volume d'une pyramide est 1/3 * base * hauteur (les vieux souvenirs de lycée servent parfois de façon inattendue !). Pour la Tour Eiffel, on trouve donc un volume d'environ 1 700 000 m3. Comme la masse volumique de l'air vaut environ 1 kg/m3, la masse d'air contenu dans la Tour Eiffel est de 1 700 000 kg, soit 1700 tonnes.

  20. Eiffel Tower ticket prices to rise by 20% to help cover ...

    In 2020, less than 1.6 million people visited the Eiffel Tower, compared to nearly 6.2 million visitors the year before, the monument's operating company Sociéte d'Exploitation de la tour ...

  21. Ticket prices and opening times

    Download here. Home. Prices & Times. Opening times, ticket prices for individual and group visitors. Prices: 10.5 to 26.10 € maximum for adults, 2,6 to 13,10 € for children and young people.

  22. La tour Eiffel

    Bienvenue sur la chaîne YouTube officielle de la tour Eiffel ! Flâner au 1er étage, contempler Paris au 2ème, et faire le plein de sensations au sommet ; il y a tellement à voir et à faire ...

  23. Fête des pères : nos 6 idées cadeaux pour faire plaisir à ...

    La contenance du verre à bière Funnli est également au rendez-vous car il profite d'un très beau volume de 510 ml. Comme le sous-bock, il profite d'une impression spéciale Papas qui est ...

  24. Guided tour to the Top

    Guided tour to the Second Floor. Official and exclusive guided tours of the Eiffel Tower. Get an easy access to the Second floor then visit the 1st floor of the Eiffel Tower with an Official Eiffel Tower Guide. For more information. Book. from 32,40€.