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The 23 Best Things to do in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (2024 Guide)

Picture of Richard Barnes

  • Last Updated: February 6, 2024

If you’re planning a trip to Kyrgyzstan and wondering what things to do in Bishkek then we’ve got you covered!

Any visit to Kyrgyzstan will bring you to Bishkek. Nestled in the north of the country, close to the Kazakh border, Bishkek is the furthest capital city from an ocean.

As you land at Manas Airport you may be lucky enough to spot snow-capped peaks on the outskirts of the nation’s capital. Such views and the epic hiking trails that accompany them are what draw many to this landlocked nation.

Some of these lie just a stone’s throw from the nation’s capital. Meaning that if your time here is short you will still be able to get your hiking boots muddy. 

Bishkek is a great place to plan out your trip. Certain hiking trails may be inaccessible due to weather conditions. Bishkek’s CBT and the Trekking Union of Kyrgyzstan will be able to help in this area. 

The heart of Bishkek is not particularly big, therefore you will spend most of your time on foot. Public transport is limited, but picking up a taxi is pretty easy. For longer trips, it may be worth booking through your accommodation or negotiating at the bus station.

READ MORE: Be sure to check out our guide for travelling in Kyrgyzstan to help you plan your entire visit there!

Mountain Views Flying Into Bishkek

Table of Contents

1) People watch at Ala-Too Square

2) wash the world away at the zhirgal banya, 3) check out the city’s parks, 4) catch a ballet or opera, 5) take a wander around the deserted circus, 6) find lenin’s statue, 7) check out bishkek’s museums , 8) relax in a cafe, 9) spot some soviet architecture in bishkek’s centre , 10) visit a museum dedicated to a famous revolutionary., 11) admire some russian and kyrgyz artwork at the museum of fine arts., 12) take the opportunity to enjoy some culinary variety, 13) test your bargaining skills at osh bazaar , 14) pay your respects at victory square, 15) visit the holy resurrection cathedral, 16) get the lowdown of bishkeks craft beer scene, 17) hike in the ala-archa canyon , 18) take a weekend hike with one of the city’s hiking ccubs, 19) get off the beaten track in the alamedin and sokuluk valleys , 20) take a day trip to the burana tower, 21) hike in the konorchek canyon, 22) visit the issyk ata valley hot springs, 23) go skiing in chunkurchak, the best things to do in bishkek.

For many travellers, Bishkek is not what draws travellers to Kyrgyzstan. That being said there is certainly enough to do in and around Bishkek to keep you occupied for a couple of days at least. 

Let’s check out some of the best things to do in Bishkek.

The main square in the centre of Bishkek. Home to protests in times gone by, this is the nominal centre of Bishkek. A statue of Manas, the hero of the epic 500,000 line poem of the same name , stands triumphantly in the centre. 

This poem holds a special place amongst Kyrgyzstan’s population, and as result you will hear quite a bit amount Manas during your time in Kyrgyzstan. 

Next to the statue of Manas is a gigantic flag pole which is raised on a regular basis throughout the day. Behind both is an excellent piece of brutalist architecture, the State History Museum.

In the evening the square fills with skaters, couples and families enough an evening under the squares lights. 

Ala Too Square Best Things To Do In Bishkek

One of the great bathing traditions alongside Japanese onsen’s and Turkish hammams, the banya is an institution in Russia and most of the former Soviet Union.

Unlike an onsen which is based primarily on the bathing itself, banya’s are based primarily around a sauna followed by cold water in the form of a dip of a dunk.

A great way to warm up in the cold Russian winter, a banya can also provide some welcome relief to your aching muscles.

Of all of the top Bishkek attractions, this is definitely one of the most relaxing.

  • Address: Toktogul 53, cnr Sultan Ibraimov (Pravda)
  • Price: Includes a locker & towel – Adult/Child – 300/150som

Bishkek has quite a few lovely parks that are perfect places to spend a slow lazy afternoon in the summer sun.

Dubovy Park, just northeast of Ala-Too Square is home to a few interesting statues and is well worth a stroll. 

To the north west of Ala Too Square you will find Panfilov Park, which is s slightly prettier affair. At night this park fills with activities, games and even some fair ground rides. 

Taking a stroll through one of city’s parks is one of the best things to do in Bishkek.

Statue In A Park In Bishkek

The Soviet Union has left many opulent theatres dotted across Central Asia (the Navoi Theatre in Tashkent springs to mind ).

In Bishkek, this Opera and Ballet Theatre, located a stone’s throw from Ala-Too Square, has all the trappings of Soviet overstatement, both inside and out.

With regular performances, there is a good chance something will be on when you’re in town.

Tickets can be purchased directly from the theatre’s ticket office. Full listings can be found here . If you’re running out of things to do in Bishkek, or just fancy doing something a bit different, this is a great option.

To the city’s north is the deserted old circus building. One of the odder Bishkek attractions, this was a popular haunt during the Soviet Union days. Now it’s a quirky shadow of it’s former glory.

Now it sits as a true testament to the Soviet Union’s architectural desires. 

At sunset, it is possible to get some pretty cool photos. It’s certainly an interesting Bishkek activity.


After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many Lenin statues were defaced or torn down. Unlike its European counterparts, Central Asia wasn’t really yearning for independence as they were very reliant on the Soviet Union. 

Therefore when independence came to Kyrgyzstan in 1991 Lenin was relocated and replaced by Manas on Ala Too Square. 

He now faces some government offices with his back to Manas. A symbolic gesture perhaps? 

Incidentally, many towns and cities in Kyrgyzstan have statues of Lenin, in direct contrast to the rest of the Soviet Union. A slightly odd piece of Bishkek sightseeing!

Bishkek does have some pretty cool museums that are worth checking out.

The state history museum is worth visiting, although it has been closed on-and-off in recent years, unfortunately. It can be found just behind Ala Too Square. 


After spending the majority of your time hiking and trekking, by foot or by horse, Bishkek is a great place to relax and do absolutely nothing.

Whiling away an afternoon in a park or cafe is a quintessential Bishkek activity. However, Bishkek’s growing cafe culture means there are plenty of excellent spots for getting your caffeine fix as the world passes by.

We have a guide on chilling out in Bishkek for you to check out, which has some of Jarryd and Alesha’s favourite cafes!

In short, don’t miss out on these at least:

  • Chicken Star (our favourite!)
  • Sierra Coffee
  • Social Coffee
  • Prosto Coffee
  • Cafe de Paris
  • Vanilla Sky

Bishkek’s main street, Chuy Avenue is home to some decent eateries a fair few shops, however, there is also a fair bit of Soviet Architecture on display.

This will make you fawn or weep depending on your persuasion. However, there certainly is a tip of the hat to the former overlords in Moscow. 

Incidentally, the city’s north is home to the rather spectacular Holy Resurrection Cathedral which is well worth a visit. Certainly a bit more pleasing to the eyes than some classic Soviet architecture.

Soviet Architecture In Bishkek

If you’re more interested in Kyrgyzstan’s more recent history then head over to the Mikhail Frunze Museum.

Focusing on the Russian revolution it tells the story of Mikhail Frunze who was born in Bishkek and was one of the leaders of the revolution that toppled the Romanov family that had ruled Russia and its empire for over 300 years.

There are some sources that suggest he may have even been a minor candidate to replace Lenin. 

Although English is limited it provides an interesting insight into one of the defining moments of the 20th century. 

Located in the heart of Bishkek, this museum holds the work of artists from both Kyrgyzstan and Russia.

The museum opened in 1935 with the collection being built up from 1934. Naturally, you can expect to see some evocative works depicting Krygyzstan’s stunning landscape alongside work with a strong Soviet favour.

The most prominent artist is Gapar Aitiev. Revered in his homeland, he is also the first professional artist in Kyrgyzstan according to some sources.

READ MORE: Don’t miss our full guide on the top places to visit in Kyrgyzstan !

Many visitors to Kyrgyzstan visit as part of a longer trip to Central Asia. You will eat a lot of shashlik, manti, lagman and plov during your time in Central Asia.

Whilst the food is good you will want to take advantage of the variety where possible. 

Kyrgyzstan does have a pretty wide variety of culinary options, including a number of western restaurants and a decent Chinese hot pot restaurant out by the circus.

You’ll also find a great Georgian cafe called Pur-Pur, and quite a few nice Indian restaurants.

If you are spending quite a bit of time in Central Asia then you definitely need to take advantage!

Mantys Course

To the west of Bishkek’s centre is the Osh Bazaar. This sprawling maze of stalls and storefronts is a great place to hunt down some fresh fruit, souvenirs and anything else in between.

This is a great place to practice your bargaining skills and in some cases in can be a goo dplace to find a driver. 

Do be aware that pickpockets are known to operate out of this bazaar so make sure to keep your wits about you. 

READ MORE: Wondering what else you can do in Kyrgyzstan? Our expert blog post will help with that !

Built in 1985 to commemorate 40 years since the end of World War II (The Great Patriotic War in the Former Soviet Union), it is made up of three red granite pillars built to represent a yurt.

At the centre of the monument stands a woman waiting for her husband to return home. Above her is funeral wreath supported by the granite pillars.

The eternal flame receives a changing of the guard ceremony every hour.

Also known as the Russian Orthodox Church, this is the home of Bishskek’s Russian Orthodox community.

Located north of Panfilov Park, its blue roof and gold domes stand out against much of Bishkek’s Soviet backdrop.

Like coffee and cafes, craft beer is growing in popularity in Bishkek. Brewster in the heart of the city is one of the most popular and well-known, alongside the original Kyrgyz micro-brewery, Save the Ales .

Bishkek Park

Bishkek Day Trips

One of the best things about Bishkek is the cities close proximity to fantastic hiking.

The stunning mountain vistas and spectacular alpine history is the main draw for visitors and so much is accessible as a day trip from the capital. Of all the things to do in Bishkek, taking on one of the many awesome hiking trails on the cities outskirts is a real highlight.

The main reason people come to Kyrgyzstan is to trek into the wilderness and enjoy the stunning scenery Kyrgyzstan is blessed with.

Bishkek is a short journey to the Ala Archa gorge which we have touched on in a couple of other articles on places to visit and things to do in Kyrgyzstan.

The hiking and scenery here is stunning, especially when you consider it’s close proximity. 

There are numerous day hikes available. However, it is possible to spend the night if you wish.

Make sure you go all the way to the Aplager where the trails start, not the park’s entrance. 

This is one of the best things to do in Bishkek, so grab your boots and head for the mountains.

Bishkek has a number of weekend hiking groups that go out to some of the more off the beaten track hiking destinations that surround Bishkek. The Trekking Union of Kyrgyzstan is a solid bet.

Incidentally, they do multi-day hikes elsewhere in the country if you’re interested. The Mount Club based in Bishkek is also a solid bet.

I took a trip with the Trekking Union of Kyrgyzstan and we took in a day hike a the rather lovely Shamshi Groge.

Sadly the final section of the trail was considered unsafe by the guide due to heavy rainfall that day. However, we were still able to get into the wilderness 1.5 hours from Bishkek.

Hiking In Shamshi Gorge Near Bishkek

Ala-Archa is the most well-known hiking destination around Bishkek. However, there are two other spectacular destinations that are well worth checking out; the Alamedin and Sokuluk Valleys. 

The Alamedin is more about the views than the journey. This is the ideal place to enjoy a picnic with a picture-perfect backdrop. The views start to appear roughly 1 kilometre after the trailhead. 

The Sokuluk Valley is home to some great trekking and rather spectacular waterfalls. The trekking union of Kyrgyzstan runs one day tours here. 

One of Kyrgyzstan’s most important historical sites lies to the east of Bishkek. With a largely nomadic history, Kyrgyzstan does not have the same archaeological sites as it’s neighbours. This is what makes the Burana Tower so significant. 

With spectacular scenery surrounding it, this is a pretty inspiring destination. 

READ MORE: Check out our post on visiting the Burana Tower.

This may be a stretch at 86 miles from Bishkek, but the Konorchek Canyon is another excellent hiking around the capital.

Some use this a stop on the long journey to Issyk Kul. Transport here relies on private hire, and we would recommend booking onward or return travel, as your chances to flag down marshrutka and taxis are slim.

The red rocks of the canyon are reminiscent of the Skazka Canyon, just south of Issyk Kul.

Only 2 hours drive from Bishkek is another excellent hiking destination. The main target for day hikers are the waterfalls an hour beyond the sanatorium at the entrance.

The trail goes will beyond here with places to camp for those with their own equipment.

Back in the Soviet days, this was a popular getaway for those wanting to relax in the hot springs. After hiking to the waterfalls, soaking in the hot springs is the perfect way to end the day.

Kyrgyzstan is not the first name on the lips winter sport enthusiasts, however there are some decent ski resorts in the country .

One of the best being Chunkurchak, located less than 50 kilometres from Bishkek. With 10km of runs and 5 lifts, there’s plenty here for the majority of skiers.

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Picture of Richard Barnes

Richard Barnes

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The 23 Best Things to Do in Kyrgyzstan

14 AWESOME Things to Do in Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan [2024]

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Great read. I just arrived in Bishkek and unfortunately greeted by a taxi scammer…what a day to start. I’ll try to check out all your list above.

Muslim countries are always blessed to visit either it is UAE, Dubai, Pakistan or this one. thanks for this informative writing.

Glad you liked our article. Thank you for reading. 🙂

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The 10 Best Things To Do in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Bishkek is famed for its monumental white marble architecture

Kyrgyzstan’s mountain-ringed capital, Bishkek, is a must-visit for anyone wanting to explore diverse Islamic and Soviet architecture, sample Central Asian cuisine, and discover local artwork.

Bordering the Tian Shan mountain range, Bishkek is as abundant in things to do as the picturesque surrounding scenery. The best things to do in the Kyrgyz capital include scoping out Soviet-era mosaics, admiring the brutalist Bishkek Central Mosque, and enjoying a night at the ballet.

Ala-Too Square is the central square in Bishkek

Seek out Soviet-era mosaics

Bishkek as you see it today is predominantly a Soviet creation, and among the grand public buildings and concrete apartment blocks are some reasonably well-preserved mosaics from this era. They depict figures such as Lenin , cosmonauts, scientists and soldiers of the Red Army.

The easiest way to find the mosaics – and to learn about their significance – is on a mosaic-themed walking tour with Bishkek Walks . Guide Rahat shares highlights including The Path to Enlightenment (1974), Lenin is with Us (1978), and the facade of the Ala-Too Cinema (1963).

Compare Bishkek’s central mosques

The practice of religion in public was surpressed during the Soviet era, but since independence in 1991, Islam has experienced a revival in Kyrgyzstan.

Compare and contrast the brutalist concrete design of the old Gogol Street Mosque, built during Perestroika, with the newer Bishkek Central Mosque (also known as the Borborduk Mosque). The new mosque opened in 2017, cost $25 million (£19.3 million), and was a gift from a Turkish Foundation. Its Ottoman-style minarets are striking, and provide a visual counterpoint to the largely modernist Bishkek skyline.

The Turkey Diyanet Foundation began building the Bishkek Central Mosque in 2012

Dress up for a night at the ballet

The most prestigious performance venue in Kyrgyzstan is Bishkek’s Kyrgyz National Opera and Ballet Theatre. It’s an elegant neo-classical building next to the Hyatt Regency Hotel, and with tickets available from less than $2 (£1.55), it’s one of the cheapest nights out around.

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The national opera and ballet are both accompanied by a full-size professional orchestra. They stage international favourites such as Swan Lake and La Traviata , as well as productions by Kyrgyz composers and choreographers.

Picnic among (in)famous faces in Oak Park

Oak Park (Dubovy Park in Russian) is right in the centre of Bishkek, just off the main street, Chuy Prospekt. The long-established trees cast their shade over multiple sculptures of well-known figures. Wander about and you’ll be sure to spot Buddha, but also philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. In fine weather contemporary artists exhibit their paintings alongside the paths, and in the evenings it’s a popular spot for families and couples to relax.

Oak Park is home to a wealth of statues

Discover new works from the Union of Artists

Kyrgyzstan’s Union of Artists has an exhibition hall on the edge of Oak Park. It’s a treasure trove for fans of late- and post-Soviet painting, sculpture and graphics, and a place where you’ll find many artworks by creatives who have never exhibited abroad.

Guidebook writer Max Lovell-Hoare fell in love with an almost life-size oil portrait of buzkashi players. “The artist captured the visceral energy, the aggression of the game,” he observes. “I had to have it!” There’s no obligation to buy from the artists, but if you do, the works are one-of-a-kind souvenirs.

Shop for handicrafts at Tumar Art Salon

Kyrgyzstan’s rural artisans produce some stunning handicrafts, particularly feltwork and embroidery. The highest-quality products are on sale at Tumar Art Salon , a stylish and centrally located boutique. The women-run group commissions artisans to produce work to agreed designs, so there’s consistency and an effort to appeal to contemporary tastes. The monochrome felt cushion covers, silk and felt scarves, and beautifully made Christmas tree decorations are particularly popular.

Eat traditional Kyrgyz cuisine

Kyrgyz cuisine draws heavily on the country’s nomadic heritage, with meat and dairy products featuring prominently. Restaurant chain Navat has expanded the cultural experience to incorporate Kyrgyz interior design, music and costumes.

Aijan Lässer, co founder of Kalpak Travel , recommends going to Navat for dinner, “Each restaurant has beautifully decorated halls with national ornaments, and a wide variety of delicious national food. In the evenings they play music on traditional instruments, and if you are lucky you will also see national dances performed by the waiters and waitresses.”

Kyrgyz cuisine includes plentiful noodles, breads and potatoes

Save the Ales: Kyrgyzstan’s first craft brewery

An all-female microbrewery and LGBTQ safe space, Save the Ales is a truly ground-breaking business in relatively conservative Kyrgyzstan. The brewery was founded in 2016 by Aida Musulmankulova and Arzu Kurbanova, two women who felt inspired when drinking craft beers abroad and decided to try their hand at brewing. “[Save the Ales] could be a bar in Brooklyn or Shoreditch before they became uber-trendy,” explains local resident Alan Laing. “It is simple, unfussy and all about the beer.”

Beers at Save the Ales cost around $3 (£2.33) for a pint. The high-strength IPA, stout, and fruit beers are brewed in kegs with imported ingredients, and are rightly the toast of the town.

Treat yourself to couture from DILBAR

DILBAR is Kyrgyzstan’s only couture house, and the designer is the lynchpin of Bishkek Fashion Week. In addition to producing prêt-à-porter collections each season, designer Dilbar Ashimbaeva also makes extraordinary costumes for films and for the Kyrgyz Olympic team.

DILBAR’s boutique is at 114/2 Kievskaya. If you’re interested in seeing the craftsmanship which goes on behind the scenes however, you can also request a studio tour.

Dance until dawn at Promzona

Bishkek is quite the party town, but the nightclubs and bars don’t get lively until late. Promzona Club has been the go-to venue for more than a decade, and it hosts a young and glamorous crowd.

Prepare to dress up if you’re going out in Bishkek; face control is strictly enforced, and shorts and worn-out jeans are a no. Promzona has an extensive drink menu of local and imported alcohol (the latter is substantially more expensive), plus pizzas and other snacks to fuel your dancing.

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15 Amazing Things to Do in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, in 2024

Bishkek is the bustling capital of Kyrgyzstan, one of the shining jewels of Central Asia and the old Silk Road. There are lots of wonderful things to do in Bishkek from exploring the markets and bazaars to sampling the local cuisine and more.

The city is located at an altitude of around 800m and on the outskirts of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too mountain range, part of the Tian Shan, and can be seen from around Bishkek. I spent a few wonderful days exploring the Bishkek attractions on my way from China to the UK.

If you’re thinking of planning a trip through Central Asia then Bishkek should be on your list. In this article you’ll learn about the best places to visit in Bishkek and how to get the most out of your trip.

Boring stuff: I have visited each of the places I recommend and give you my honest opinion, warts and all. All photos are my own unless otherwise stated and may not be reproduced without permission. Affiliate links may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.

Check out these excellent Bishkek and Kyrgyzstan tours:

Table of Contents

Top Things to Do in Bishkek

Below you’ll find a wide selection of the best things to do in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan from exploring the city and its many museums, bazaars and historical landmarks to incredible day trips into the mountain wilderness.

1. Take a Guided Tour of the City

Things to do in Bishkek

I find the best way to get acquainted with a new city is to take a guided tour so I can learn something of its history. This full-day tour is one of the best things to do in Bishkek as it includes all the top sights such as Osh Bazaar and Ala-Too Square, and also includes a trip to the mountains.

You’ll get to walk around this incredible Silk Road city before being transported to the stunning Ala Archa National Park where you can witness the pristine mountain wilderness that makes Kyrgyzstan so special. The day finishes with a Kyrgyz family dinner.

The tour lasts around 10 to 11 hours and includes pick-up from your hotel, transport in an air-conditioned vehicle, and an English-speaking guide. This really is a fantastic cultural experience that packs a lot into one day. Click here to find out more .

2. Haggle at Osh Bazaar

Osh Bazaar, Bishkek

Bustling Osh Bazaar is one of the largest bazaars in the city and one of the top Bishkek places to visit. It’s the perfect place to brush up on those haggling skills and breath in the smells, sights and sounds of the old Silk Road.

It’s a large open-air market that sells a variety of goods from herbs and spices to tasty homemade dishes, clothes, and household products among many other things. This was one of the highlights of my time Bishkek sightseeing as it offers a real taste of Central Asia.

The bazaar is also a great place to try some authentic Kyrgyz dishes such as beshbarmak or buying any of the interesting breads, spices and nuts on offer. This excellent Bishkek city tour includes a trip to Osh Bazaar as well as other landmarks. Click here to book .

Address: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Click here for directions . Opening hours: 9am-5pm, Tue-Sun (closed Mondays) Ticket price: Free

3. Visit Ala-Too Square

Ala-Too Square, Bishkek

Impressive Ala-Too is the central square of the city and was built in 1984. It is one of the most popular places to visit in Bishkek and is always filled with people – both tourists and locals alike.

The square was built to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic. Due to this a statue of Lenin was placed in the square, and the square was named Lenin Square until Kyrgystan gained its independence in 1991.

Afterwards, the Lenin statue was moved and was replaced by a new statue that represented freedom.

Today visiting the square is one of the most popular things to do in Bishkek. The square itself is covered in beautiful flowers, and there are fountains located here too which are turned on during the summer months.

At night time Ala-Too comes to life with photo booths, hoverboard rentals and even karaoke if you’re feeling brave enough! You can see the square on this excellent city tour. Click here to learn more .

4. The Museum of Fine Arts

If you are a culture buff, then visiting the Museum of Fine Arts is a must! The Museum opened in January 1935 and was named after Gapar Aitiev, who was one of the first professional Kyrgyz artists.

The museum has around 18,000 items in storage ranging from paintings to sculptures, and so has a pretty impressive collection. The main exhibitions of the museum include the Russian hall, an applied art gallery with decorative folk and classical Kyrgyz art.

Address: Opening hours: Ticket price: Website:

5. Zhirgal Banya Bath House

Zhirgal Banya Bathhouse is located in the centre of Bishkek. It is one of the many bathhouses located within the city and is one of the most popular. This is because Zhirgal Banya Bathhouse has two large pools of ice-cold water as well as its sauna. This is to refresh the skin, after sweating in the sauna for so long.

It is a great place to spend an evening with friends if you don’t mind the nudeness that comes with it – although the bathhouse is sex-segregated which makes that easier!

Visiting one of these bathhouses is known to have numerous health benefits, especially for diseases related to the nervous, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and endocrine systems.

If you are feeling like you need more relaxation, you can also book a massage and manicure. Relaxing at Zhirgal Banya Bath House is one of the best things to do in Bishkek and is popular with both tourists and locals.

6. Victory Square

Victory Square, Bishkek

The large, Soviet-style Victory Square is located in the city centre of Bishkek and was built in 1985. The square commemorates the 40th anniversary of the end of World War II and is dedicated to the victory over Nazi Germany.

The design of the monument in the centre of the square is three yurt struts curving above an eternal flame, with a statue of a woman located underneath who is waiting for her husband to return home from the war.

7. The State History Museum


The State History Museum is one of the most important museums across Central Asia as it contains several exhibits about the heritage and culture of the Kyrgyz people.

There are plenty of wonderful exhibits located within the museum where you will get the chance to see household items from the Bronze age, jewellery dating from the 1st Century, ancient coins and numerous samples of rock paintings.

Unfortunately, it seems that the State History Museum is closed due to renovations currently, and has yet to announce a reopening date.

8. The White House

The White House is the presidential office building in Bishkek and is very unique in its architectural design. The building is of a Stalinist design and the exterior of the White House is covered in beautiful white marble.

The construction of this important building took eight years to complete and was completed in 1985. The White House was the headquarters for the communist party, and some people even believe it is connected to Ala-Too Square through a number of underground tunnels.

This building has an interesting history, as it was the site of the 2005 Kyrgyz Tulip revolution where protestors stormed inside the White House to overthrow the president.

It was also the site of the 2010 Kyrgyzstani riots, where a fire broke out damaging official government documents.

9. Oak Park

Bishkek Park

Oak Park is one of the oldest parks in Bishkek, and although the park was renamed in 2010 in honour of Chingiz Aitmatov, many people still know this area as Oak Park.

The Park is actually home to an open-air sculpture exhibition, and 90 sculptures can now be found within the park.

Some of the sculptures date back to 1984, with the most recent addition being a statue of Kurmajan Dakta in 2004.

If you are looking for relaxing things to do in Bishkek, then taking a wander around Oak Park is a must.

It is the perfect place to take a picnic, and the large oak trees offer plenty of shelter on a sunny day. Some of these oak trees have been here since 1890, which makes them as old as Bishkek itself.

10. Kyrgyz National Opera and Ballet Theatre

If you are a culture buff, then a visit to the Kyrgyz National Opera and Ballet Theatre is a must.

The shows that are put on at this theatre are usually performed by local students or Russian and Kyrgyz artists, so will give you a good idea of the local art scene. Tickets are also incredibly cheap.

Day Trips from Bishkek

There are plenty of places you can visit that are located outside of the city. Here are just a few of the most popular day trips from Bishkek:

11. Ala-Archa National Park

Wild Kyrgyzstan

Ala-Archa National Park is about a 45-minute drive from the city centre of Bishkek. Located within the Tien Shan Mountains, Ala-Archa offers incredible hiking opportunities and plenty of fresh air if you are looking to get out of the city.

The park’s altitude ranges from about 1,500m to 4,895m at the peak of Semenova Tian-Shanski which is the highest peak in the area. The scenery is so beautiful here that it is nicknamed “the Alps of Central Asia”.

With the abundance of space, comes a rich diversity of wildlife with wild goats, roe deers, marmots and if you are really lucky you might even spot a snow leopard although it’s incredibly rare.

You can get to this beautiful national park by using the public bus which you can catch near the Osh Bazaar. However, the bus only tends to drop you off at the first gate and there is a 7km walk to the start of the trails, so a taxi is also a good choice.

12. Konorchek Canyon

Konorcheck Canyon is probably one of the most beautiful places in the country. Also known as the Red Canyon, this landscape is incredible and offers views of unique rock formations, lush greenery and of course the striking red colour of the canyon.

Located about a two-hour drive from Bishkek, the cheapest option you have is to catch a minibus from the city centre and negotiate where you want them to drop you off.

However, if you are choosing to do it this way make sure you have a local sim card in your phone in case you get stuck on the way back. The simplest way to visit is to take a tour like this one, which includes the gorgeous canyon. Click here to book.

Another alternative is hiring a private taxi or joining a day tour of the canyon from Bishkek.

13. Climb the Burana Tower

The Burana Tower

Burana Tower is located within the Chuy Valley, near the town of Tomok. It is one of the oldest architectural pieces in Central Asia and used to be located at the centre of Balasagun, which was an ancient city that was built towards the end of the 9th century.

Today all that remains of the city are some grave markers, the remnants of a castle and three mausoleums and of course Burana Tower.

Originally the tower stood at an impressive 45m high (148ft) but an earthquake in the 15th century destroyed the top half of the tower. Today the tower stands at a height of 25m because of this, but it is still a pretty impressive sight to witness.

Getting to the Burana Tower from Bishkek is pretty easy. The first step is to get a bus to Tomok which takes about 90 minutes and then grab a taxi to the tower from there.

For more information see my full guide to the Burana Tower .

14. The Issyk-Ata hot springs

The Issyk-Ata hot springs have an incredibly interesting history, as they are one of central Asia’s oldest Soviet Sanatoriums. A sanatorium is a place used to treat people with an illness, and there were many of them located throughout the Soviet Union.

Issyk-Ata was used as a treatment centre for bone and muscle ailments, radiation illnesses after the Chernobyl disaster and during World War II as a treatment centre for soldiers. However, people still come here to be treated due to the peat mud which is full of nutrients and the hydro-sodium thermal water.

Today you can come here to take a walk around the surrounding valley, and then end your day swimming in the hot springs with beautiful views surrounding you.

Although the sanatorium isn’t maintained very well, and many parts look abandoned it’s definitely worth your time to visit. Issyk-Ata is open all year round and if you choose to brave it and visit in the winter, you can relax in the hot springs outside surrounded by snow-covered mountains.

15. Visit Lake Issyk Kul

Stunning Lake Issyk Kul is arguably Kygystan’s most beautiful landmark and the reason many people visit the country. This high-alpine lake is 113 miles long and 37 miles wide with various villages, resorts and beaches dotted around its shores.

This full-day tour from Bishkek includes a visit to the lake where you can swim (from May to September), take a boat trip and explore ancient sites such as the Rukh Ordo Spiritual Centre. The tour also includes a trip to the Burner Tower. Click here for more info .

Getting to Bishkek

The closest international airport to Bishkek is Manas International airport which is located about 27km away from the city centre. This makes the city easily accessible if you are travelling from abroad.

There is also a train from Moscow to Bishkek and vice versa, which runs twice a week if you are choosing to travel from Russia.

If you are travelling to Bishkek from Kazakhstan, there are minibuses from Almaty’s Sayran Bus Station which will take you through the border crossing and to the city centre. The journey time is around four hours.

More: How to get from Almaty to Bishkek .

Getting Around Bishkek

All the popular tourist attractions in Bishkek are located relatively close together, so you will be able to walk around a large part of the city.

If you are wanting to take public transport, the city has an extensive network of minibuses that will take you around.

These minibuses are known as Marshrutkas and there are various routes throughout the city. You can also choose to travel around by bus, but this is generally a lot slower. However, both ways are incredibly cheap.

Getting around by taxi is also a popular option, as fares are cheap. However, it is important to organise a fee in advance or ask the taxi driver to put on their taxi meter before you get in. This way you will avoid being overcharged.

Food in Bishkek

Kyrgyz Restaurant in Bishkek

You will be spoilt for choice when it comes to tasty dishes in Bishkek, so we’ve made it a bit easier for you. Here are some of the dishes you just have to try!

Oromo is a traditional steamed pie that is popular in Kyrgyzstan. The pie consists of layers of dough which are filled with meat, minced potatoes, animal fat and other vegetables like carrots, onion or pumpkin.

Beshbarmak is a traditional Kyrgyz dish, and translates to “five fingers”. That is because the dish is often eaten with hands only. The dish consists of either lamb or beef that is placed on top of a pile of noodles and onions and then served up with a broth at the side.

Borsok is a dough that is cut into squares and then fried. They are very airy inside and are especially tasty when served with butter, honey, jam or even dipped in fresh cream.

Bishkek Weather

The weather varies dramatically throughout the year in Bishkek. The warmer months between May and September have a high temperature of 36°C, with an average daily temperature of 25°C. Bishkek summers are usually very dry and warm, with the hottest month to visit being July.

However, the winters in Bishkek are freezing and experience lots of snow and rain. The coldest month to visit is January where temperatures can reach a low of -9°C.

Best Time to Visit Bishkek

Bishkek can be visited all year round, but many people choose to visit between the warmer months of August to October. I visited in April and the snow had melted from the low ground and the days weren’t cold.

Although the weather is warm, and the city will be busy, it also means the hiking trails located in the nearby mountain ranges are easily accessible and there will be less rain during this time of year.

Is Beshkik Safe to Visit

Bishkek is safe to visit with low crime rates and a friendly population. However, there are a couple of recordings of muggings taking place after dark on poorly lit streets.

Petty crimes also occur here such as pickpocketing, so it’s best to watch out when using public transport and around Osh Bazaar. A Kyrgyz friend I visited was robbed on a bus in Bishkek while she slept, so best to use a money belt .

Another thing to take note of is that Political tensions do remain in the country, and demonstrations occur throughout the year. Always avoid large political gatherings and protests.

Travel Insurance

Although Bishkek is a very safe city by world standards, you should always have good cover in case the unexpected happens. Our partners at  World Nomads  offer policies for adventurous travellers at great prices. You can get a free, no-obligation quote  here .

Accommodation in Bishkek

If you are looking for accommodation in Bishkek, there are plenty of options. Here are some of the best options for each budget:

Budget accommodation: Apple Hostel (close to Bishkek Bus Station)

Mid-budget accommodation: Bishkek Centrum Hotel (a superior king room)

Luxury accommodation: Navat Hotel (a deluxe king studio with balcony)

FAQs about Bishkek Things to Do

Bishkek is definitely worth visiting. Explore sights such as the famous Osh Bazaar, and use the city as a base for exploring the nearby mountains.

Three days is enough time to explore Bishkek, but if you wish to take day drips such as those to the Burana Tower, Ala-Archa National Park and Lake Issyk Kul, then a week is better.

Bishkek is one of the most interesting world capitals as it is not full of shiny skyscrapers and still retains much of its ancient Silk Road charm.

Kyrgyzstan is a land of mountains and untamed wilderness more beautiful than any city.

The area around the bus station and city centre is convenient for travelers. As Bishkek is not a large city, most places are either reachable on foot or no more than 10-minutes by taxi.

Bishkek is known for its famous Osh Bazaar and its stunning location surrounded by towering, snow-capped peaks.

So is Bishkek worth visiting? The answer is a definite yes! Whether you like to wander around museums, relax in a park with a tasty picnic or treat your tastebuds to some mouth-watering authentic dishes; this city has something for everyone. There are so many incredible things to do in Bishkek, so what are you waiting for?

Photograph credits:

Osh Bazaar © Ph. Valentina Borghi –  www.beborghi.com Victory Square © Claire Robinson – ZigZagReisen Burana Tower © Stephen Rohan – thetripgoeson

Almaty to Bishkek

About the author: Steve Rohan is a writer from Essex, England. He has traveled to over 60 countries, lived in Armenia, China and Hong Kong, and is now living the digital nomad life on the road.

Steve prefers “slow travel” and has covered much of the world by train, bus and boat. He has been interviewed multiple times by the BBC and recently featured in the documentary Scariest Places in the World . See the About page for more info.

Where I am now: Yerevan, Armenia 🇦🇲

2 thoughts on “ 15 Amazing Things to Do in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, in 2024 ”

I am visiting The Stans , starting from Krygastan / Bishkek as planned. My question is, is Almaty a safe place to visit ?, because we would like to pay a visit to Almaty for a few days but have been told the mugging and looting is very bad in Almaty. What is the latest news on Kazakhstan and is it really as bad as they say ?? Since the riots there….. Need some feed back as we are starting to organize the trip for May / June travel. your valued insight will be greatly appreciated. I have enjoyed reading your blog article so far. Thank you in advance for your response, awaiting fro a favourable feedback. Regards, Ash.

Hi Ash, I’ve sent you an email. But the short answer is, Almaty is very safe to visit. Just avoid any political gatherings (like you should in any country you visit). Cheers, Steve

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Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan Tours

Bishkek Sights

Bishkek guide.

Bishkek center area is situated between the Ala-Archa and Alamedin rivers that intersect in the north side of city with the Great Chuisky Canal (Chui is the name of the region).  Formerly Pishpek, then Frunze and since 1991 Bishkek (in Kyrgyz a stick to stir the mare’s milk), is the largest city and the capital of Kyrgyz Republic and is located just north from the high snow capped peaks of Ala-Too range that are part of the Tien Shan mountains. The mountains can be also seen from almost everywhere in the city by just looking towards south. Bishkek is not the most beautiful or the cleanest of capitals but it has a relaxed feeling to it with great nature around it to be explored and can offer a lot for sightseeing.

Bishkek is a Soviet-built city with wide boulevards and developing high-rises (no that high though due to earthquake risk) of around 1 million residents. The cozy, green and slightly cosmopolitan capital of Kyrgyzstan offers an exciting experience for travelers with the nearby nature destinations and the laid-back atmosphere combining vibrant nightlife and nomadic traditions.

Bishkek has lately turned into being a town for backpackers, cycle tourists, and young expats due to the low cost of living and especially due to the liberal visa regime for most countries. Most of our Kyrgyztan tours also start and end in Bishkek and the Central Asia Tours also include a day in Bishkek.

Bishkek Guide Table of Contents

History of bishkek.

The first mentions of Bishkek were from 1825 when the Kokand fortress of Pishpek was founded here. Pishpek was established to protect caravan roads transporting goods between Tashkent and Lake Issyk-Kul across the Chuy Valley. In 1860 Russians arrived and after a battle between the Russian tsarist army and the Khanate of Kokand the fort was destroyed and taken over by Russians. By April 1878, the country’s administrative center was transferred to Pishpek, and the village received the status of a city. 

Nowadays the ruins of the Pishpek fortress, which is also often called the Blacksmith’s fortress, can be found a little bit north of the new Bishkek main mosque (Turkish mosque) and the Jibek Joly street (Silk Road street). The ruins have almost nothing resembling a fortress and appear more as a pile of mud squeezed between the houses and it is evident that there have been more modern houses also built on top of it that are also in ruins now. According to some sources, the fortress was bulldozed by the Russians.

bishkek city

After the October Revolution of 1917, the rapid development of the city began. Pishpek was renamed Frunze in honor of famous native Soviet military leader Mikhail Frunze. In 1936, the city became the capital of the Kyrgyz SSR. The city went through good and bad days in the middle of the 20th century.

In the 1930s the Soviet Union transferred some of its heavy industries to the Kyrgyz Republic to hide them away from the German attacks and this improved the city’s economy. However, the economy also took a hit when a big number of intellectuals in Frunze were persecuted due to Stalin’s purges until the 1960s. 

During 1970 to 1980 a number of soviet buildings in Bishkek were built due to the first secretary of the republic called Turdakun Usubaliev, who ordered the construction of the impressive marble buildings that still stand in the city center, including the National History Museum and the houses on Ala-Too Square. 

Following the collapse of the USSR and gaining independence in February 1991, the city was renamed Bishkek. Since independence, Russian influence over Bishkek has declined, allowing Kyrgyz to add their own decorations to their capital. The decorations involve for example Kyrgyz traditional ornaments and murals by Kyrgyz artists on many of the city’s latest housing blocks. Most of the Soviet statues in Bishkek have been also replaced by statues of known Kyrgyz people of the past or characters from folklore and legends, except for the large Lenin that was just moved behind the national museum. The new buildings in the town have often also a hint of East in their architecture.

What to See in Bishkek

Bishkek is a compact city and one or two days is enough to see the main parts that it has to offer for sightseeing that are concentrated around the area along the Chuy avenue. Having said this we want to emphasize that Bishkek is still a good base camp to explore the whole of Northern Kyrgyzstan .  From the  Chuy  main street and almost everywhere in the city you can see snow-capped mountains to the south (if there is not too much smog in the air that is). Be aware that the locals usually refer to north as down and south as up since the landscape is constantly decreasing in level as moving north inside Bishkek.  The city architecture offers a glimpse of the Soviet influence mixed with some Islamic and Eastern sights. 

Walking in the cozy boulevards you can see marble-faced public buildings combined with numerous Soviet-style apartment blocks and a number of beauty salons. The most common profession for young Bishkek ladies seems to be a manicurist, make-up artist, or eyelash specialist.  

Bishkek Ala Too Square

The central square was built in 1984 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the soviet republic of Kirgizia. Formerly known as a Lenin square, today the Ala-Too square is a place where locals enjoy walking around, celebrating concerts and festivals, or organizing meetings and demonstrations. It is also the center of Kyrgyz culture with  Kyrgyz and Russian drama theaters, operas, cinemas, and libraries in the Soviet-style, all located nearby. 

Behind (north) the open square, dotted with fountains, there is the National Historical Museum, which was opened again in late 2021 after being closed for about 5 years due to renovation. At the backside of the National History Museum, you can find a large Lenin Monument which was moved to its current place in 2003 from a more central location and being replaced by a more appropriate Kyrgyz horse statue.

North-east from Alatoo square, there is a beautiful  Oak Park known as Dubovyi Park. This park is the oldest park in Bishkek and is filled with old oak trees, Kyrgyz-style sculptures, and fountains. West of the Oak Park, the amusement park Panfilov is a favorite place for kids with numerous attractions and games. 

Behind theNational history museum, there is an old square where you’ll find the parliament building.  Frunze Museum, a medium-size  museum dedicated to the life of Mikhail Frunze, is located next to the parliament.  Mikhail Frunze   An i mportant figure in Kyrgyz Soviet times  was born in 1885 in Pishpek. 

He was a celebrated Bolshevik General and a close associate of Lenin. To honor his death his hometown was Frunze. 

In 2011, a statue of the hero of the folk epic Manas was erected in front of the national history museum with his bronze figure reaching the height of 10 m. During the same year, two other significant monuments were placed as well. At the Southern edge of Ala-Too Square, there is a monument to  Chingiz Aitmatov (the best-known author in Kyrgyzstan’s literature).  Next to the   Manas   sculpture, a monumental flag is guarded by the honorary guard who changes shifts every two hours. You can catch the sharp moves and the synchronized march of the guards that were originally a dopted by Russia and modified by the Soviet Union  into what it is nowadays .

Little further from Ala-Too square next to the white house (president’s house), there is a monument to Those Who Died in the Events of 2002 and 2010. It was made of two massive stones, one black and one white, with a group of people pushing the black stone away from the white. This memorial is dedicated to those who gave their lives in Aksu in 2002 and in the revolution in 2010 for a better future for Kyrgyzstan. 

Bishkek old Square

The old main square of Bishkek lies to the north of the main Ala-Too Square. It used to be the main Central Square called “Red Square” but is now “behind” everything. The old square occupies a big area with two major buildings, the Parlament (Jogorku Kenesh) and the Supreme Court of the Kyrgyz Republic. 

During the Soviet time, the current Supreme Court building belonged to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kirgizia. There are still the bronze statues of  chatting Karl Marx with Friedrich Engels j ust in front of this building. Behind the Supreme Court you can find a Frunze museum, which is dedicated to the life of prominent Soviet commander M.V. Frunze, who also gave the city its name during the Soviet era. The Kyrgyz State drama theater is located opposite Jogorku Kenesh (Parlament building) and in the west the old square is limited by the amusement park called  Panfilov  park .

Erkindik Avenue

Erkindik avenue goes back to 1902 when the colleagues of the horticulturalist M. Fetisov planted trees along the street. Most  big cities have streets that are loved by all citizens which and reflect the soul of the town. In Bishkek, it is the Erkindik Boulevard, formerly Dzerzhinsky Boulevard and locals therefore still sometimes call it Dzerzhinka. 

The total length of this green boulevard is 2,2 km, it  stretches from south to north from the Bishkek railway station until Zhibek-Zholu Avenue.  There are many restaurants along it accompanied by ice cream trucks and other entertainment facilities during the summertime. Local couples often sit in the many benches of Erkindik boulevard in the evenings and many seek shelter from the heavy sun during the day time under the canopies of old oak trees.

bishkek erkindik avenue

Bishkek Art street

Bishkek artists exhibit and sell their paintings

At the end of Erkindik Avenue is the local Arbat, street for the selling of paintings. Here artists exhibit and sell their paintings of mountains, horses, and portraits mainly local themes. Sometimes you can find some real gems in here.

Bishkek White House

white house in bishkek

White House or the Presidential Palace located just next to the Ala-Too square. The fence around the building was installed during the presidency of first president Askar Akayev, who now in Moscow. White House has seen three revolutions and its fences got legendary after the pictures of climbing people during the revolutions. Today they eventually were demolished by the order of the current president. 

Bishkek Victory Square

Another must-visit sight in Bishkek is the Victory Square located in the Northeast part of Bishkek center. In the square there is a statue of a woman waiting for the loved ones to return home from battle. 

She is facing north, the direction in which the men went off to fight in the WW2, under three granite half-arches that represent the supports of a yurt  (a traditional Kyrgyz nomad tent). 

The crown ring where the supports come together, is in the shape of a wreath with the Soviet star inside. The eternal flame sits at the woman’s feet. The flame in the middle never goes out and often you can see newlywed couples and young friends taking pictures next to the fire. (And some homeless people warming up during the cold winter nights).

Bishkek Victory square with the eternal flame

Kyrgyz National Philharmonic

Kyrgyz National Philharmonic is located in the center of Bishkek, on Chui Avenue, surrounded by a public garden, the snow-white buildings of  the Bishkek city hall, Institute of Mining, International University of Kyrgyzstan, and Philarmonic itself. 

In the courtyard of the Philarmonia situated a monument of Manas, the hero of the epic Kyrgyz poem along with a sculpture of Kanykei his wife and adviser Bakai surrounded with fountain.  Residents and guests of the capital enjoy the coolness from the fountain, the foamy streams of which glisten and sparkle in the sun. And there is a long alley in the east side of Philarmonic designed with the beautiful flowers which leads you all the way to the Kyrgyz National University.   

The Kyrgyz National Philharmonic is named after the composer, music virtuoso, akyn Toktogul Saltyganov .  Since 1980 the philharmonic has offered high-quality entertainment to the people of Bishkek, including symphonies and Kyrgyz orchestral musical performances.  Inside of the Kyrgyz State Philharmonic there are two separate halls and hosts a wide variety of concerts, from classical to traditional Kyrgyz to modern pop. 

Rabochiy Gorodok

“Rabochi gorodok” translates as the workers town and is a district located on the southeast side of  Bishkek . This district emerged in 1920 and developed according to the concept of the English architecture E. Howard. Primarily it was an attempt to create a “garden town” in Bishkek. There is supposed to be a park in the center with four concentric circular routes around it and twenty-four radial roads which divide the town blocks. 

Bishkek Panorama

You can see the city in the palm of your hand in the panorama. The view of the green city opens up from an easy-to-view point from a hill at the south side of Bishkek at the Chon-Aryk hill like Kok-Tobe near Almaty . 

However, a comparison of the two mountains clearly explains the difference between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. While in Kok-Tobe there is an amusement park, a TV tower and a cable car but at Chon-Aryk there are only pastures, graves and empty plastic and vodka bottles with a bad road leading to it.

Parks in Bishkek

Kyrgyz national opera and ballet theatre.

Op posite of Museum of Fine Arts, next to the Hyatt-Regency Hotel are the Kyrgyz National Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Abdylas Madumarov. He was a Kyrgyz composer, actor, and operatic tenor singer.

The theatre is a b eautiful building with columns and carvings. If you wish to see an opera or a ballet, check out the u pcoming events through the Opera and Ballet  official site .

Bishkek Kyrgyz Opera and Ballet Theatre

Bishkek State Circus

One of the many attractions in Bishkek is the State Circus located on Frunze Street. It was built in 1976 by the famous architects L. Segal, B. Shardin, A. Nezhurin and D. Leontovich. The first circus performance was held in 1978, with the participation of the best acrobats, magicians and trainers of Kyrgyzstan. 

In 1995, in the arena of the Bishkek State Circus, they showed a performance called “Lion Tamers”, which received recognition far beyond the borders of Kyrgyzstan. The last reconstruction was in 2005, a new covering was placed on the arena and new instruments for the orchestra were installed. Today, the circus is actively showing performances with the participation of world stars. 

the circus in bishkek

Bishkek Museums

Kyrgyz state museum of arts.

Next to the  Oak park , you will find the Kyrgyz State Museum of Fine Arts named after the Kyrgyz artist Gapar Aitiev .  The museum exhibits some of the finest pieces of artistic grandeur of Kyrgyzstan and the region. Today it is also the venue for many contemporary exhibitions.

National Museum of Fine Arts named after Gapar Aitiev

National history museum

Bishkek national history museum presents a cross-cut of Kyrgyz history from the pre-historic era to the days of independence and especially the ancient and medieval sections of the museum are worth seeing. One section of the museum is dedicated to valuable old jewelry that has been found from different parts of Kyrgyzstan.

Before the renovation, the museum housed an amazing amount of artifacts from Soviet Union. It has been said that a vast amount of the old objects vanished during the renovation of the museum. 

Main hall of Bishkek national history museum

Frunze museum

The museum traces the life and career of Mikhail Frunze in a house that  is allegedly the house in which he was born and brought up in. Frunze was a successful Soviet politician and army officer born to a Romanian – Russian family and as a token of his success, Bishkek was named after him 1926 – 1991, after his death until the independence of Kyrgyzstan.

The Frunze museum house is a typical representative of it’s time (1879) with lots of objects related to Frunze himself and his political and military career. The museum also housed a temporary exhibition telling about the history and development of Bishkek and the changing exhibitions have been updated almost yearly for the last few years.

Frunze museum in Bishkek

Other museums in Bishkek

Surprisingly, Bishkek has many many museums but most of them are not well known: Tinibek Sadykov Museum, Aaly Tokombaev Museum, Gaspar Aitiev Studio, Semeni Chuykov Museum, Toktugulok Literary Museum, Mineralogical Museum, Zoological museum (recommended if you are interested in Kyrgyz fauna),  National Bank Museum, National Library and few more that are closed for renovations.

Bishkek Soviet Architecture

Central asia tours including bishkek, the five stans of central asia, central asia in-depth tour, five stans quick tour, what to do in bishkek.

Bazaars of Bishkek are a favorite destination among the travelers: Osh bazaar, Orto-Sai bazaar, Alamedin bazaar, and Dordoi bazar, which is the largest in Central Asia. Bazars of Bishkek are diverse, large, colorful, crowded and you can find pretty much anything there. Closest to the center is the Osh bazar in the Western part of the city and it is a big open air market with some smaller closed inside areas. 

The crowds, the smells, and the noises inside can make you a bit overwhelmed the first time you enter. Keep on eye on your valuable items, because bazaars have a reputation of pickpocketing. Ak Emir bazar is a smaller bazar just little bit East of the city center offering mostly good quality fresh fruits, vegetables and meat products. Some could called it a high end grocery bazar of Bishkek.

Mal Bazar is a livestock market popular in autumn. During the autumn time the animals are well fed from the  fresh  summer grass and are just back from the pastures. Autumn is also the wedding season and giving horses, sheep, or goats is considered a respected gift. In Kyrgyzstan, like in many other Central Asian countries, families spend a lot of money on weddings and other celebrations.

Visit Bazars of Bishkek

Bazars of bishkek, bishkek entertainment, bishkek shopping malls.

Bishkek has big shopping malls such as Tsum, Dordoi Plaza, Asia Mall, Vefa Center and Ala Archa mall with tons of stores, cinemas, supermarkets, playgrounds as well as food courts. They places where young locals to go hang out with friends or family. Quite many of the shops sell Chinese origin items and you cannot always be sure if authentic looking shops are the real brand shops or not. 

If you are looking for souvenirs, head to the 5th floor of Tsum or Tumar at the corner of Isanova and Kiev streets. The latter one mentioned is rather expensive but they also sell very good quality products.

Bishkek Spa & Sauna (Banya)

Spas are very popular in Bishkek and there are various types of spas with different price ranges from modest to luxurious. Locals usually go to spas to spend the entire day with their friends and families, enjoying the services and to eat and drink well. In Bishkek, the spas are always separate for men and women. 

Generally, most spas offer a wide number of saunas like Finnish sauna,  Russian sauna, Turkish bath called Hammam and a national style sauna. Better places also offer a steam cabin, hot tub, pool, cold cascade shower, relaxing room with TVs and so on. In the women’s side there is usually a good choice of inexpensive beautification procedures.

Bishkek offers a variety of cuisines

For the food lovers Bishkek offers a variety of cuisines from around the world in addition to local kyrgyz cuisines . From Georgian to Thai, from Korean to Mexican, just name it. Chinese cuisine is very popular within the locals and there are plenty of Chinese restaurants with a variety of quality and price but generally the Chinese food is tasty in Bishkek. 

If you get hungry in the middle of the night you can walk to the nearest supermarket or pharmacy as they mostly work 24/7.  Moreover, f ood delivery services are very popular in Bishkek at affordable prices and can really save your hangover or just an otherwise lazy day.

bishkek restaurant

Bishkek Movie Theaters

There are several cinemas around  Bishkek and some of them even offer movies in English or at least with English subtitles.  Check here for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/englishmovieclub/

Bishkek Coffee Houses

The number of stylish coffee shops in the city of Bishkek is increasing every day. Drinking coffee among the townspeople has become a fashionable habit, apart from just drinking coffee the coffee shops turned to thee freelancer offices. Due to the number of coffee shops, the choice of a coffee shop depends on the purpose of your visit: a stronger coffee to tune in to the working day, a business meeting, or chat with friends. In Bishkek, the average bill per person is from 200 to 1000 som.

Bishkek Night Life

Bishkek is a hub of nightclubs and bars where one can have an amazing nightlife experience. Also, there are bars popular within expats, where they gather to watch a football match and enjoy live music. There are different type places for every taste and the prices are quite affordable especially with the local beer products and snacks. Try the cold smoked fish with beer! The quality of internationally known drinks varies a lot and is better in the high end places. Lately shisha bars (tobacco for smoking in a hookah or bong, usually mixed with flavors such as mint) have been getting very popular.

Travel to Bishkek

Bishkek by plane.

There are many international flights to Bishkek. If you are coming from Western countries you may take Turkish Airlines flights through Istanbul taking about 5h 30m. Flights from Moscow with Aeroflot take about 4 hours. Due to large amount of Kyrgyz workers in Russia the other major cities are also well connected to Bishkek.

If you are arriving from elsewhere in Central Asia, you can take Astana airlines through Almaty or Astana taking about 55 minutes or 2,5 hours to Bishkek or Uzbek Airways from Tashkent taking 1h 15 minutes. Fly Dubai also offers inexpensive flights from Middle East direction.

Bishkek by Train

There are direct train routes with Moscow through Kazakhstan and an indirect one in Tashkent in Uzbekistan that also travels first through Kazakhstan. 

The journey from Moscow takes about 73 hours. Within Kyrgyzstan, only few routes operate, between Bishkek – Balykchy (only summer time for Issyk Kul visitors) and Bishkek Kara-Balta.  

The Bishkek  Train station  is located south of the city center at the junction of Erkindik Boulevard and Lineinaya street.

Bishkek by wheels

From Almaty , Kazakahstan you can get to Bishkek by marshrutka or taxi in four hours, the trip being 240 km in total. M inibuses and taxis to Bishkek depart from the Sairan bus station. Marshrutka will cost you 250 som a seat and  taxi 400 som a seat. Yo can also take a taxi till the border and travel rest of the way from the Kyrgyz side with marshrutka or by another taxi. (Not all of the taxi drivers are willing to cross the border)

There is bus line between Tashkent, Uzbekistan and Bishkek.  Traveling between the two cities by bus takes about 8 to 13 hours depending on  the border crossings and the road conditions. The cost of a bus ticket is about 1500 som. 

bishkek railroad trains

Manas Airport

Manas International Airport is located about 30 km Northwest from Bishkek city center. At arrival,  you might meet some enthusiastic taxi drivers that will offer you a ride to Bishkek. The most eager ones grab your bags and guide you straight to their car and will most likely charge you more than the standard price which is about 600 som. Most hotels usually offer the pickup with an extra cost but it saves you from most of the hassle while arriving. If you want to get a taxi from the airport, the most convenient one is the Manas taxi that have their own counters at the airport and usually English speaking persons present in the counters.  

There is  a shuttle marshrutka (Aero express) service but it is not continuous and often not available at the time of arrival of international flights. When available, i t costs about 120 som per person.  Marshrutka 380 also goes to the airport and operates from 7.00 until 21.00 price being only 40 som. When leaving Bishkek it is recommended to organize the taxi ride to airport beforehand as during rainy dais or other disturbances it can take a while to catch a taxi. Booking beforehand can be done via the apps of Manas taxi and Yandex taxi. 

Taxis in general inside Bishkek and for nearby destinations are half or 2/3 price if you use the apps compared to the taxis straight from the street. Apps always have standard meters so it is always a fair deal. If you take taxis from the streets it’s better to negotiate the price for the destination first to avoid haggling after the trip is already done. Taxi is generally the most convenient way of moving around in Bishkek. Marshrutkas can get very crowded and trolley buses or buses are not available everywhere. Especially during rainy days the city traffic can be quite heavy and you might end up sitting in one street for a long time.

Where to Stay in Bishkek

Bishkek offers a variety of choices depending on the preferences of travelers from low price hostels to fancy hotels in the city center. You can find great hostels for 20$ located in the center. Lately, Airbnb has gotten more popular and depending on you taste you can get cozy room and comfortable apartment for affordable price through the service. 

For the people who like to pay more, there are good options of five star hotels such as Hyatt and Orion which include saunas and swimming pools with other services as well. If you have adequate skills in Russian it is also not a bad option to browse the forums where people rent their apartments for longer periods.

Getting Around in Bishkek

The central part of Bishkek is relatively small and one can get around here by foot quite well. However, for longer journeys to the outskirts of the city or journeying across the center at the night, it is best to get a taxi or to use the city’s public transport services. Public transportation in Bishkek includes buses, trolleybuses, marshrutkas, and taxis. There is a useful application for public transportation routes called “ bus.kg ” which has a Bishkek route finder app that you can download. 

Many cars seem to have AC but almost no one uses them and an even a lesser group of drivers maintain them. The driving culture in Kyrgyzstan is different and if you decide to drive then you should be ready for bad roads and deal with an aggressive way of driving. Outside Bishkek, it is easier to drive also for Europeans but inside Bishkek, only the bravest ones are willing to try. 

The most popular form of transportation among the locals is marshrutka. They go almost everywhere and operate frequently. You might see people squeezed staying next to each other in marshrutkas during the rush hours and it can get very hot inside the cars in the summertime. Sometimes you may notice how marshrutka drivers are multitasking: Apart from driving they count the money to give back the change, speak on the phone, or even smoke while driving sometimes. 

The main difficulty in marshrutka is knowing exactly when to get off. When you think it is your time to exit you should let the driver know that you want to stop. 

You need to pay in marshrutka after entering the car.

Taxis are everywhere in Bishkek and it the most convenient and quickest way to get around the town (though walking a short distance can be faster sometimes during heavy traffic).  There is no uber, but plenty of comfortable, safe, and low-cost taxi services that work with high-quality apps like Yandex taxi and Bi taxi, and calling taxis like Jorgo and etc.  Generally, taxis in Bishkek are relatively inexpensive.

Most of the drivers do not want to use air conditioning even if it would be working due to the increased fuel consumption and mostly it does not even work except in some more luxurious taxi services like comfort taxis. 

Bishkek has a relatively small number of buses compared to the number of marshrutkas.  Buses can be quite crowded during the rush hours and especially if there is rain. 

The payment process in the busses works so that you pay at the end of your journey, so remember to give the money to the driver before exiting from the front door.

There are few trolleybuses that operate mainly in the city centers and Southern areas of Bishkek. Trolleybuses are usually less crowded compared to buses and marshrutkas.  

Enter the trolleybus at the rear door and exit at the front door and pay the driver while you are leaving. 

Sights Around Bishkek

By venturing 20-30 km away from Bishkek, one can find yourself already in very different surroundings like mountain valleys. You will find scenic hiking and horseback riding, interesting cultural sights, charcoal-baked trout, and fresh air to breathe. There are also other types of places to visit near Bishkek like memorials and ancient city ruins.

Ala-Archa Reservoir

Ala-Archa reservoir is combined with three reservoirs of medium size with often overgrown bottom and curving coastline. Ala-Archa is a river a tributary of the Chu River. It originates from glaciers in the area of the northern slope of the Kyrgyz ridge. High water in summer (May-September), low water in winter. 

Ala-Archa flows in the Chui region through the suburb of Bishkek, the village of Mayevka, and near the village of Orto-Sai. The length of the river is 78 km, the basin area is 270 km² (according to another source, 233 km², the average water discharge is 4.17 m³ / s.

ala-archa reservoir near bishkek

 Ala-Archa, translated from Turkic, means variegated juniper. A reservoir of the same name was built on the Ala-Archa River. Many main canals emerge from it, which irrigate the vast lands of the Chui valley. Water from the river is used to fill the Ala-Archinsky and Nizhneala-Archinsky reservoirs. Also for irrigation of agricultural land using drainage canals. 

ala-archa reservoir near bishkek maevka

Ancient and Medieval cities around Bishkek

It is a well-kept secret that Kyrgyzstan also has many ancient or medieval walled cities like the ones in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. They are just less excavated and established as tourist sites. But there is also a possibility here: They are free to be roamed and explored. One can easily see the pieces of pottery lying around and the walls and other remains of the old cities visible in many locations.

Medieval Towns near Bishkek

Bishkek tips:.

  • Watch where you step in Bishkek! There are uncovered ditches all around and sometimes there are holes in the pavement and bridges.
  • Toilets all around Kyrgyzstan are mostly of the type of hole in the ground. In Bishkek, in hotels, restaurants and better nightclubs you will mostly find the toilet seats but it is not 100% certain even here.
  • Air quality in Bishkek can be very bad during the winter period due to the excess burning of coal in the households and a large amount of old cars in the city area.
  • Take some time to relax and enjoy the basic amenities of life in Bishkek as when you venture deeper into Kyrgyzstan it gets a lot less developed but on the other hand more interesting!

Destinations & Sights near Bishkek

Konorchek canyons, chunkurchak gorge, zil ski base, orlovka ski base, burana tower, kok moinok canyon, shamsi gorge, sokuluk gorge, belogorka waterfall & borulu lake, alamedin valley, kegety gorge and kol-tor lake, chon-kemin valley, ata beyit memorial​, all kyrgyzstan sights & destinations.

Page updated 15.12.2022

Central Asia Guide

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Backpack Adventures

The Best Things to do in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

This post is about the best things to do in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Bustling bazaars, green parks and Soviet architecture is what characterizes the capital of Kyrgyzstan . They are among the top things to do in Bishkek. A city that is quickly changing from a Russian outpost to a dynamic capital city with a Kyrgyz identity.

Kyrgyzstan has a nomadic past and therefore its urban areas aren’t necessarily the best the country has to offer. Yet, Bishkek is a pleasant city to explore for a couple of days and culturally speaking there are a lot of things to do in Bishkek.

Bishkek is a city that evolves and as it leaves its Soviet past behind is becoming more Kyrgyz in recent years. Nevertheless, Bishkek remains a very multicultural city with large Uzbek and Russian minorities.

For tourists there are a number of cultural activities from cooking classes to felt making workshops. The restaurant scene is excellent with some of the best Kyrgyz cuisine in the country and Bishkek’s bazaars offer ample opportunities to meet the friendly locals

Like Almaty in Kazakhstan , Bishkek also serves as the gateway to a range of outdoor activities. The mountains are just around the corner. Hiking in Ala archa National park, visiting the soviet Sanatoria in Issyk Ata and walking in the Alamedin Gorge are easy day trips from the capital.

There are enough things to do in Bishkek that you won’t be bored if you find yourself in Kyrgyzstan’s capital. Furthermore it is a good introduction to the country and a great place to start your Kyrgyzstan itinerary.

Osh bazaar is among the top things to do in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

Things to do in Bishkek

Ala too square.

The Ala too square is among the top things to do in Bishkek. The central square was built in 1984 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Kyrgyz Soviet republic. The square has kept its unmistaken Soviet design, but Lenin has been replaced by the Kyrgyz hero Manas.

On a clear day you can see the snow capped peaks of the mountains in the backdrop and in summer families come here with their children to seek refreshment at the fountains.

The Ala too square is among the top things to do in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

State history museum

The state history museum on the Ala too square is one of the largest museums in Central Asia with interesting exhibitions about Kyrgyz nomadic culture. Unfortunately it has been closed for a long time due to restorations.

Victory monument

Like any proper Soviet city, Bishkek also has its own victory monument to remember the Kyrgyz soldiers that fought in the Great Patriotic War. The monument represents a yurt where the statue of a woman is watching over the eternal flame. She represents all the mothers and wives that were waiting for their sons and husbands that never came back home from the war.

The victory moment in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan during victory day

One of the things that makes Bishkek such a pleasant city is the abundance of greenery. One of the oldest and most beautiful parks is Oak park. It is located just behind the fine arts museum and the park is almost a museum in itself with more than 90 sculptures. Most of the sculptures were made in 1984 at the 60th anniversary of Soviet Kyrgyzstan, but over the years new works of art have been added as well.

Oak park in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

Fine arts museum

Bishkel’s small fine arts museum has a nice collection of applied arts such as Kyrgyz embroideries and shuurdaks as well as Russian and Soviet arts. With the state history museum closed this is now one of the most interesting museums in Bishkek.

Lenin statue

In most central asian cities, Lenin was quickly removed after independence. Not so in Bishkek, where he kept its prominent position in Ala Too square till 2003. And even then, Lenin was not completely removed to a remote suburb, like in Khujand, Tajikistan . Lenin, still has a central location behind the State history museum and in between Panfilov and Oak park.

Lenin statue in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

Panfilov park

Panfilov park is the typical Soviet amusement park that is still immensely popular with families in the weekends and on holidays. It’s a fun park if you have children, but not the place where you will go for a quiet and peaceful walk.

Panfilov Park in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

One of my favourite things to do in Bishkek was exploring the bazaars. The biggest and most colourful market in Bishkek is Osh bazaar. Here you can find anything. From cheap chinese imports to traditional clothes, Kyrgyz Shuurdak, souvenirs and food items.

It might be noisy, smelly and chaotic, but no other market is so rich in local colour. It’s where the Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Russian, Dungan and Korean communities come together in the interest of commerce. Despite the cultural differences there is a friendly and collegial atmosphere in the market and it is a joy to see the vendors laughing together and helping each other out.

With its focus on food there are many things to try. Dried apricots, walnuts, dried yoghurt balls (kurut), fermented horse milk (kymyz), korean salads, horse sausages, sweets and other local delicacies.

Insider tips : Osh bazaar is notorious for pickpocketing, so keep your valuables at home and only bring what you really need.

Osh bazaar in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

Dordoi bazaar

Dordoi bazaar is the other most important market in Bishkek. While Osh bazaar is mostly about food, Dordoi is more about wholesale and retail products. Together with Tehran Grand bazaar , it is one of the largest markets in Asia.

Dordoi is a densaely packed maze of double stacked shipping containers functioning as store and storage at the same time. There are over 30,000 containers divided in different sections. There is the chinese section, the european section, the Kyrgyz section and a fur and leather section.

It’s easy to get lost in Dordoi. Apparently maps do exist, but I doubt they will be very useful as the container alleys all look very much alike. I found Dordoi to be less colourful as Osh bazaar. Things are definetly more about business here and the atmosphere is less friendly. Regardless, Dordoi is an experience that is not to be missed.

Dordoi bazaar in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

Zhirgal banya

One of the top cultural things to do in Bishkek is visiting one of the local bathhouses. The most popular one is the two domed zhirgal banya.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with a Russian banya, it is in fact more than just a bathhouse. The Russian banya ritual is all about sweating it out in a hot and humid sauna while you are being slappped by a bundle of leafy branches.

The sauna can be anything from a small wooden hut in a garden to a more spa like complex like the zhirgal banya in Bishkek that has several sauna’s, pools to cool down and possibilities to book massages and beauty treatments.

It’s sex segregated and entrance is less than 5 us dollars for which you get some plastic slippers and a bed sheet like material to cover yourself. Inside the sauna it is all nudity though, with the exception of the felt hats that the local woman wear to protect their heads from the heat.

Don’t expect too much privacy either. Once people find out you are not from there, you will get some stares, but also smiles and people trying to start a conversation, because they are curious where you are from. I thought it was a bit awkward in the beginning, but soon really enjoyed the experience.

Zhirgal banya in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

Russian orthodox church

Christianity has a long history in Kyrgyzstan and has a large presence in Bishkek. The Russian orthodox church at Jibek Joli is the center for the Russian orthodox minority in the city.

Soviet architecture in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

White house

The presidential office building in Bishkek is interesting for its Stalinist design. It was built in 1985 as the headquarters for the communist party and some say it is connected with the Ala too square through a network of underground tunnels.

With independence it became the presidential office building and was the site of the 2005 Kyrgyz Tulip revolution when protesters stormed inside to overthrow president Askar Akayev.

The white house in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

Soviet architecture

If you love Soviet architecture, Bishkek is a great city for you. Besides the white house and the Ala too square there are plenty of other Soviet style buildings in Bishkek.

Hidden away in corners you will find beautiful mosaics and murals. This article on Soviet era art in Bishkek from Going the whole hogg will help you find some of these gems. This great Soviet architecture walking tour from Time travel turtle will guide you along the most impressive Soviet buildings.

Soviet architecture in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

Soviet circus

A special mention among the Soviet buildings is for Bishkeks circus. The Russians loved their circus and during the Soviet Union this tradition developed into a high form of art. While in many former Soviet cities the iconic circus buildings were left abandoned like in Chisinau, Moldova , Bishkek is still up and running.

Soviet architecture in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

Things to do near Bishkek

Being in Bishkek means you are very close to Kyrgyzstan’s spectacular nature. The mountains are just a stone’s throw away and there are several opportunities for day trips. Most are easy to reach with a combination of public transport and private taxi’s, but if you prefer not to hike alone you can always join one of the cheap tours of the Kyrgyzstan Trekking Union .

Ala archa national park

Ala Archa National Park is the most popular day trip destination to escape the city. Only 40 kilometers south of Bishkek and you are surrounded by juniper forests and breathtaking mountain sceneries. There are two hikes. One easy trail runs along the river and another more difficult trail goes up to the Ak sai waterfall. Multiple day hikes to the Adygene glacier and Ak Sai glacier are also possible.

How to get there : the best way to get there and back is by arranging a taxi to bring you there and pick you up again at a certain time. Otherwise catch marshrutka 265 to Kaska Suu and ask the driver to drop you off at the park entrance. Then walk or hitchhike the last 12 kilometers to the Alplager base that is also the start of the trails.

Read more information in my Ala Archa travel guide .

Ala Archa National Park in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

Burana tower

A lone 25 meter high minaret is all that is left of the medieval city of Balasagun in the Chuy valley. It stands tall in one of the few flat places in Kyrgyzstan. However, as you look over the fields, the snow capped peaks of the Tien Shan mountains loom in the distance. It’s an incredibly picturesque sight.

Balasagun was once a thriving city under the Khakanids in the 9th century, but it was destroyed by the Mongols. Earthquakes also took its tolls and the minaret is now only half of its original length. For 2 us dollars you can climb it for some beautiful views. Also don’t miss the balbal grave stones from nomadic Turkic tribes and the petroglyphs.

How to get there : take a minibus to Tokmok and arrange a taxi from there. With a one hour waiting time it should cost not more than 300 som.

The hot springs and old Soviet Sanatoria in the Issyk Ata gorge make for a great day trip from Bishkek. The hot springs in Issyk Ata’s mountains have a long history of attracting people that believe in the healing properties of the mineral rich waters.

The Soviet concept of a sanatorium was both to prevent and treat disease among the working people. When ill or for simple rest and recuperation people were sent to the sanatoriums in for example Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan.

Issyk Ata is one of the oldest and is still in use as a treatment center for several illnesses, although its glory days are clearly over. Not much has changed since Soviet days and the buildings are in serious disrepair. The heated sulfur pools are believed to be good for all kind of things be it your skin, bones or muscles.

Besides the sanatorium, Issyk Ata’s pristine nature is another reason to come here. Issyk Ata is in the Chuy valley and a great place for hiking.

How to get there : take marshrutka 316 from the eastern bus station that leaves 6 times per day on fixed times (08:30, 10:00, 11:30, 13:30, 17:00, 18:00). It takes about two hours to get there. The last bus back to Bishkek is at 16:00.

Alamedin valley

Alamedin valley is south of Bishkek and is another hikers paradise with alpine mountain sceneries. You will also find hot springs here and the famous sanatorium tople kluchie where you can take radon baths believed to heal a number of diseases. From the Sanatorium there is a scenic 2 hour walk to a waterfall

How to get there : the best way is to take a private taxi and arrange a pick up to bring you back as well. Otherwise take a marshrutka from the Alamedin bazaar in Bishkek to Koi Tash village. It should take about an hour to get there. From there you can hitchhike or take a taxi to the sanatorium.

Bishkek Travel Tips

What to eat in bishkek.

Bishkek, the capital city of Kyrgyzstan, offers a diverse and delicious array of dishes that reflect the country’s Central Asian and nomadic culinary heritage.

You will find all the Central Asian classics like Plov (rice with carrots and meat), Laghman (noodle soup with vegetables and meat), manti (dumplings) or Shashlyck.

Kyrgyz specialities that you can try at the bazaars in Bishkek are kymyz (fermented horse milk) and kurut (hard cheesy balls).

Where to eat in Bishkek

Cafe faiza : Cafe Faiza is one of my favourite places to eat on a budget. They have a nice menu with both Russian and Kyrgyz food like plov, beef stroganov, borsht and laghman.

borsht and beef stroganov in cafe faiza in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

Chaikhana Navat : Chaikhana Navat has a beautiful decor and an extensive menu with delicious central asian food. If you want to have the best version of plov, laghman and beshbarmak out there head to Navat.

I can recommend one of their soups as a starter. I really loved the Uzbek soup Mastava. Their beshbarmak is very good too otherwise the pictures in the menu will help you choose what to eat.

Chaikhana Navat in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

Chebak pub : Go to Chebak pub if you want a good beer and some nice sizzling meat steak. The menu is more international and includes all kind of dishes that all go very well with your beer.

Adriano coffee : Adriano Coffee was one of my favourite places in Bishkek for breakfast. They also have excellent salads, pizza’s and spaghetti.

Stolovoya Lozhka : Stolovaya Lozhka doesn’t have the best food, but is a good option if you want to have a cheap and quick lunch or dinner. It’s like a Russian canteen where you can choose your food from a buffet for real bargain prices.

Where to sleep in Bishkek

Apple hostel : The Apple hostel is a social hostel that is very helpful in arranging day tours to nearby destinations like Ala Archa and Issyk Ata. Sometimes they organize cultural nights as well. A great start of any journey in Kyrgyzstan. It is conveniently located near the western bus station

Sakura guesthouse : Sakura guesthouse is a good option for those on a budget. It’s also a great place to meet other travellers. the dorms and rooms are very clean. It’s in a nice and quiet suburban area and there is a nice garden area to sit outside.

How to get around in Bishkek

Public transport : Bishkek has an excellent public transport network that can bring you anywhere in the city for less than 10 som whether it is by bus, marshrutka or trolley. Download 2Gis for offline navigation that includes how to get from A to B. Another useful site and app is bus.kg .

Taxi’s : If figuring out the public transport network seems too daunting a task or you find it too overcrowded, don’t worry. Taxi’s are cheap in Bishkek. I can really recommend to use the taxi hailing app yandex , especially if you don’t speak Russian or Kyrgyz.

Eastern bus station in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

How to get to Bishkek

Bishkek has several bus terminals each serving different destinations in the country and even abroad.

Western bus station : The western bus station at the intersection of Jibek Joli and Kuliyeva street is the largest station in Bishkek and also seen as the main bus station. From here buses and shared taxi’s leave to almost every destination in the country as well as Almaty , Tashkent and Russia.

Read more in my post on how to travel from Bishkek to Karakol and lake Issyk kul .

Eastern bus station : The eastern bus station at the intersection of Jibek Joli and Osmonkula serves nearby destinations east of Bishkek such as the Chuy valley, Tokmok and Issyk Ata

Osh bazaar : South of Osh bazaar is where shared taxi’s to Osh gather. Try to come early morning when there are more passengers and taxi’s fill up more quickly. Check out my post on how to get from Bishkek to Osh for more information and alternative ways to travel.

International : Kyrgyzstan shares borders with Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and China, allowing for overland travel options. However, be prepared for longer travel times and possible visa requirements for crossing borders. Flying to Bishkek is the most convenient and time-efficient option for international travelers. Manas International Airport (FRU) serves Bishkek and various international destinations.

When to visit Bishkek

The best time to visit Bishkek is during the late spring to early autumn months, which generally fall between April and October. During this period, the weather is more favorable, and you can enjoy various outdoor activities and explore the city comfortably.

Summer in Bishkek can be quite hot, with temperatures often exceeding 30°C (86°F) during the day. However, this is the best time to go trekking in the mountains. In contrast, winters are very cold.

Sustainable Travel in Bishkek

Bishkek is seeing more tourists every year. It is better to try Kyrgyz cuisine that uses local ingredients rather than imported foreign foods. Traveling sustainably in Bishkek, involves conscious choices that minimize your environmental impact and support the local community.

Support the community : You can support the community by purchasing goods and services from local vendors, artisans, and restaurants. It is better to try Kyrgyz cuisine that uses local ingredients rather than imported foreign foods. Kyrgyz food is not very vegetarian friendly, but there are a few vegetarian restaurants in Bishkek.

Stay in small scale sustainable hotels : It is also better to stay in locally-owned guesthouses or homestays to support the local economy directly. These accommodations often have a more positive impact on the environment compared to large hotels. Where possible, I can recommend staying in a homestay for an authentic cultural experience. You might want to bring a small book with pictures of your family to break the ice.

You can also look for guesthouses or homestays that prioritizes sustainable practices. That said, environmental awareness is still low. It’s up to you to use water sparsely, turn off lights, air conditioning, and heating when leaving your accommodation.

Use public transport : Bishkek has a well-developed public transportation system with buses and marshrutkas. Opt for public transport, whenever possible, instead of taxis or private cars to reduce carbon emissions. Even better is exploring the city by foot.

Leave no trace principle : Bishkek is not far from the Tien Shan mountains. When exploring the area, stick to designated trails when they are there, avoid disturbing wildlife or picking plants, and leave no trace of your presence. Ensure you take all your trash back with you and dispose of it responsibly. To avoid single-use plastics, invest in reusable items. For example, you can bring your own water bottle with a filter that you can refill at your accomodation.

Respect the culture : Besides environmental concerns it is also important to respect the culture. Kyrgyzstan is an Islamic country that is just opening up to tourism. Therefore, learn about the local customs and traditions beforehand and be mindful of your behavior.

People will appreciate it, if you dress modestly, especially at religious sites. Learning a few basic phrases in Kyrgyz or Russian, can go a long way in building meaningful connections.

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There are so many things to do in Bishkek! This post is helpful in our planning

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The best places to visit in bishkek when you arrive.

Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, is the perfect place to begin your trip around Central Asia. Central Asia is a relatively untouched corner of the Earth that sees little tourism. It can be difficult to plan your trip around Central Asia with few resources online. So, here, we have decided to give you information on the places to visit in Bishkek and why it’s the perfect starting point for a Central Asia trip.

Things to do in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

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Places to visit in Bishkek

Bishkek osh bazaar & second-hand street.

The weather in Central Asia can change dramatically on a day-to-day basis. One day you could be in 25-degree heat in Bishkek, and the next day you could be freezing by the lake in Cholpon-Ata. As if the weather changes in different regions aren’t enough, the weather can also change throughout the day. Temperatures can drop to below freezing during the night but can reach 20+ degrees in the daytime.

Osh Bazaar and second-hand street are perfect places to pick up some cheap clothes to suit the weather, whether that be for trekking adventures in Kyrgyzstan, or adventuring along the Pamir Highway in Tajikistan. Trust us, you don’t want to be up in the mountains when it is freezing with only a thin jacket. Clothes shopping for your trip should be the first thing on your list of things to do in Bishkek!

Osh bazaar - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Osh Bazaar is massive and you can find anything from clothes to cosmetics here. There is also a second-hand street located just by Osh Bazaar where you can find some decent jackets and coats. Jake bought a big warm jacket for just $10, and Katie bought some nice new trainers for just $8. They certainly came in handy, once we reached Cholpon-Ata.

Ala-Too Square

A visit to Ala-Too Square, the central square, is one of the number one places to visit in Bishkek. Aside from it being the central hub of some of the main attractions, such as the Historical Museum and Oak Park, the square is a nice place to roam around. In the centre of the square, the 45-meter Kyrgyz flag waves proudly, not too far from the 10-meter high equestrian statue of Manas, a famous Kyrgyz Batyr.

Ala-Too Square in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Historical Museum

If you’re a history buff, head over to Bishkek’s historical museum, which displays over a whopping 90,000 exhibits. You will find collections of objects, such as jewellery from nomads that date way back to the 1st century. You can also view samples of rock paintings and other household items from the Bronze Age period.

Neighbouring countries’ embassies for visas

Bishkek is the perfect place to pick up visas for neighbouring countries, such as Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Bishkek is one of the easiest places to apply for and pick up your visas. You can apply for the Uzbekistan visa and travel around Lake Issy-Kul before picking up the visa on your way back.

How to make a successful Uzbekistan visa application in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

If you’re planning a trip to Uzbekistan, make sure to check out our Backpacking Uzbekistan itinerary.

Coffee shops & cafes

There are many coffee shops and cafes dotted along the streets of Bishkek. They make for great places to sit, relax and plan out your trip through Central Asia. The wifi in the city is excellent, so here is your chance to do some research in a relaxing environment. Once you leave Bishkek, wifi is limited.

Apple Hostel for a social vibe

Bishkek is a great place to meet fellow travellers and socialize. You will find many travellers in Bishkek are either starting their journey through Central Asia or finishing. Apple Hostel is a popular hostel for all kinds of tourists and is a good place to pick the brains of travellers that have been there and done that, as well as find other people to travel with and split the cost of any tours or taxis.

Apple hostel Bishkek entertainment - Kyrgyzstan

How to get to Bishkek

Cheap flights to bishkek.

Bishkek is one of the cheapest areas in the region to fly into. It’s particularly cheap to fly from Delhi, India . Pegasus Airlines offer direct flights that take just under 4 hours. We paid around $100 each for a direct flight. We recommend checking Skyscanner for the best deals and prices for this route.

Transfer from Bishkek airport to the city centre

Kyrgyzstan is visa-free

Citizens of 45 countries are now eligible to enter Kyrgyzstan visa FREE, and a further 20 countries can easily obtain a visa upon arrival. The visa-free scheme and the easiness to get a visa, make Kyrgyzstan a great place to start your trip. It’s also a great starting point for those who are undecided on which “stan” country to visit first. Plus, if you only visit one, why not visit the one where you don’t need to get a visa?

Visa free in Kyrgyzstan

Where to stay in Bishkek

Apple hostel.

Apple Hostel is a great base for ticking off these places to visit in Bishkek. It is conveniently located right next to the West Bus Station, which has plenty of transport links to Osh , places around Issy-Kul Lake, and the airport.

Owner of Apple Hostel - Kyrgyzstan

The rooms at Apple Hostel are super comfy and are all equipped with good-quality bedding. But what makes this hostel one of a kind is the owner, Aigul. Aigul and her staff are the perfect hosts and are very knowledgeable about Kyrgyzstan and the different types of tours. We fully recommend this hostel for solo travellers or people who want a social environment.

Apple hostel dorm room - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Solutel Hotel

Solutel Hotel is a shining example of a hotel that knows what it’s doing! The hotel is well equipped with amenities such as; a fridge and mini-bar, restaurant, breakfast bar, sauna, and gym. The rooms are modernly decorated, and the beds are HUGE. Don’t believe me? Just take a look at the picture! The staff at the hotel are professional and very welcoming. We recommend this hotel for travellers who need a little bit of luxury before heading out into the wilderness to camp. After all, we all need a little luxury now and then!

Solutel hotel bedroom - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Essential resources for travelling in Kyrgyzstan

Travel Insurance – No matter where you’re travelling to, it’s a good idea to make sure you’re covered for any accidents or losses. We spent days and weeks searching for insurance, but most insurers would not allow us to take out a policy as we were already abroad. Our personal choice is Safteywing . You can opt for automatic monthly payments, just like a subscription. More importantly, it is available in 180 countries and can be purchased whilst already travelling. There is no cap on the duration of travel.

Visa – Before you travel to any country, make sure to check if you need a visa. iVisa is a fantastic website that is super easy and quick to use. Just type in where you are from. and where you are going. to check if you need a visa. If you do, you can quickly make an application online.

Accommodation – Booking.com is our go-to when looking to pre-book accommodation online. Booking.com tend to almost always have the best rates and a FREE cancellation policy for most properties.

Tours & Activities – If you want to book tours and activities online, make sure to check out Get Your Guide . Get Your Guide takes the stress out of booking activities abroad. You will also find a range of benefits, such as skip-the-line passes, lunch included in your tours, and so much more.

Travel tips ebook -Before you head off on your adventure, make sure to download our free ebook. It has a whopping 109 budget travel tips to help you make your hard-earned cash go further. Click here to download your FREE ebook.

Looking to travel around Kyrgyzstan? Check out our Kyrgyzstan backpacking route.

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Places You Must Visit in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

*We were hosted complimentary by Apple Hostel and Solutel Hotel. All opinions are our own, based on our experience.*

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visit bishkek kyrgyzstan

  • Where to go
  • Types of tourism

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  • Food and drink
  • Health and wellness vacations
  • Historical, Cultural sites
  • Holidays in jailoo
  • Hunting with eagles
  • Jeep and motorbike tours
  • Mountain, Passes, Valleys
  • Mountaineering
  • Natural reserves, National Parks
  • Natural wonders
  • Sites/Settlements
  • Ski resorts
  • Unesco list
  • Whitewater rafting and kayaking
  • World Nomad Games
  • Kumis treatment
  • Skiing and snowboarding
  • Hiking & trekking
  • Horseback tours
  • Living in yurts


Welcome to Bishkek, a captivating destination in Kyrgyzstan that offers a wealth of cultural and historical attractions. From the Gapar Aitiev Arts Museum to the Ata Beyit Memorial Complex and the iconic Ala-Too Square, there are plenty of sights to explore and activities to indulge in. Join us, and we will tell you about the main attractions of Bishkek and the capital's outskirts, allowing you to discover this wonderful area's rich heritage and vibrant atmosphere. We will tell you what to visit, see and do in Bishkek.

Immerse yourself in the world of art and culture at the Gapar Aitiev Arts Museum in the heart of Bishkek. This renowned museum showcases an extensive collection of Kyrgyz fine arts, including paintings, sculptures, and textiles. Stroll through the halls and admire the works of prominent Kyrgyz artists, gaining a deeper understanding of the country's artistic heritage.

For those interested in paying homage to Kyrgyzstan's history, visiting the Ata Beyit Memorial Complex is a must. Located just outside Bishkek, this poignant memorial commemorates the victims of political repression during the Soviet era. Walk through the tranquil gardens and reflect on the past as you learn about the struggles and sacrifices of those who fought for freedom and democracy.

No visit to the Bishkek Region is complete without experiencing the vibrant energy of Ala-Too Square. This central square is a hub of activity and a focal point for national celebrations and events. Admire the grandeur of the Kyrgyz White House, which overlooks the square, and observe the changing of the guard ceremony. Ala-Too Square is also a popular gathering place for locals and tourists, offering a vibrant atmosphere and numerous cafes and shops to explore.

Beyond these prominent attractions, the Bishkek Region offers a host of other sights and activities to entice visitors. Stroll through Oak Park, a charming urban oasis filled with lush trees and flower beds. Explore the bustling Osh Bazaar, where you can immerse yourself in Kyrgyzstan's traditional markets' vibrant colors, aromas, and flavors. Indulge in local cuisine and sample delicious traditional dishes at one of the many restaurants and cafes scattered throughout the region.

Nature lovers will be delighted by the stunning landscapes surrounding the Bishkek Region. Venture into the nearby Ala Archa National Park, where you can embark on scenic hikes, witness breathtaking waterfalls, and revel in the beauty of the alpine meadows. For a serene retreat, visit the Burana Tower and explore the surrounding archaeological site, which offers a glimpse into the region's ancient history.

Bishkek is a captivating blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. Whether exploring the fascinating exhibits at the Gapar Aitiev Arts Museum, paying respects at the Ata Beyit Memorial Complex, or immersing yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of Ala-Too Square, this region has something for everyone. Embark on a journey of discovery and unravel the treasures of  Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan.

Bishkek: Destinations

Cultural tourism

Bishkek Bishkek



Bishkek: Events


Bishkek: Hotels

Kausar Bishkek Booking.com →

Astoria Garden Bishkek Booking.com →

Salut Bishkek Booking.com →

Garnet Bishkek Booking.com →

Inter Bishkek Booking.com →

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Golden Bishkek Booking.com →

Camelot Bishkek Booking.com →

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Lavitor Bishkek Booking.com →

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NOVOTEL Bishkek City Center Bishkek Booking.com →

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Bishkek – A Place to Rest & Relax (Kyrgyzstan)

February 14, 2020 February 9, 2024 | Karin-Marijke

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After a two-month summer in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan’s capital,  I felt it was time for a guide “How to do nothing (or very little) and enjoy Bishkek at its very best.”

The capital of Kyrgyzstan is home to about one million people, Bishkek has a feel of a town rather than a city. Bishkek is said to be the greenest capital of Central Asia, making it a pleasant town to stay for a longer period of time.

  • You are tired of your travels and in need of a rest.
  • You need to fix your overland vehicle .
  • You have no reason but just want to be somewhere where it’s pleasant and people are nice.

Bishkek works for all of this.

Places to see in Bishkek - Manas Statue Complex

Without the typical big tourist attractions, you won’t be seduced by a heavy to-do list. Bishkek is a town to wander around, stroll about the bazaars, take in the summer evening scene at Ala-Too Square with splashing fountains, and sit on benches in parks.

(But, don’t panic. If you get this sudden burst of energy and you do want to do something fun, and maybe even challenging, there are tons of activities around Bishkek to be found. Right outside Bishkek rise the mountains and Issyk Kul Lake is not far away either. Find some great ones here .)

Overland Travel Information on Kyrgyzstan

  • Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide  
  • Kyrgyzstan Budget Report  
  • Wild Camping in Kyrgyzstan

1- How to Move around in Bishkek

In the downtown area, (around Ala-Too Square), most places of interest can be reached on foot. If you do need public transportation, there are buses, trolleys, taxis, and the Yandex (the local version of Uber).

How does Yandex work:

  • You need to register with a telephone number. This you need to do only once, so if you did this in another Yandex-using country, you won’t have to do it again. (Of course they can’t call you back then if you have switched telephone numbers).
  • The Yandex app is in Russian and is very slow. Fortunately, the Yandex app is connected with Maps me. So, in Mapsme you can see the prices and can order a Yandex from there.
  • Whether you use the app or Mapsme, you need to be online to order a Yandex.

Map Markers Explained:

  • grey with a loop = parks
  • yellow with a camera = monuments & sculptures & statues
  • purple with a jug = museums
  • blue with a pin = architecture & places of worship
  • purple with a bed = accommodation
  • purple with fork & knife = restaurant & bazaars

2- Places to Relax in Bishkek – Enjoy the Parks

Bishkek is green. Many streets, all orderly built in a grid, are lined with trees, providing you with shade, which makes the 40-degree (Celsius) heat in summer so much more bearable.

Where to enjoy all that green and shade  (check map: map markers are grey with a loop):

  • East/northeast of Ala-Too Ala-Too Square lies the extensive Oak Park.
  • Across Oak Park, south of Chuy Ave, the green surroundings continue with a long, green park along Erkindik Avenue all the way to the train station.
  • Panifilov Park lies west of Oak Park. Good for a visit with kids. Here you can enjoy the Ferris Wheel and find some other simple forms of entertainment.

In summer you will see the locals coming here in large numbers during late afternoon / early evening.

Go for a walk, sit on the benches, be mesmerized by the fountains. Smile at kids running around as they hunt for a stick flowing in narrow canals that run through the park for irrigation. Admire youngsters playing ping pong, watch mothers chatting on benches while keeping an eye on their kids.

Eat ice-cream, drink kvas, read a book  – learn about the Silk Road history, the Great Game, and adventurers who visited the region.

This is Bishkek’s life of leisure at its very best.

Read More: Books about Central Asia and the Silk Road

visit bishkek kyrgyzstan

3- Places to See in Bishkek – Sculpture & Monuments

Which brings me to topic 2. Bishkek abounds in sculptures.

Bradt Guides’ Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide has a page dedicated to Bishkek’s statues with a fun story on how the local government has the tendency to place these statues around, depending on changing political climates. (It’s too much text to legally copy here, so you’ll have to check out the guidebook for yourself).

Among them is the Lenin statue. Once a prominent place on Ala-Too Square it was moved to the backside of the massive National History Museum.

Here’s a blog post with an extensive list with photos of monuments and statues and explanations.

Of note are these statues (check map: map markers are yellow with a camera):

  • Part of Oak Park is filled with sculptures, south from the luxurious Frunze Restaurant on Abdumomunov Street.
  • Alley of Heroes, with the Marx and Engels Memorial in memorial, in Oak Park.
  • Manas Statue, on Ala-Too Square.
  • Victory monument, on Victory Square.
  • Monument to the victims of the 2010 Revolution, on Chuy Ave.

Apart from the fact that many of them are beautiful and/or impressive, the statues teach you a thing or two about the Bishkek’s history and culture. Here you can download an app to get access to self-guided walking tours in Bishkek .

Bradt Travel Guides for Central-Asia

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Bradt Travel Guides – Uzbekistan


Bradt Travel Guides – Kyrgyzstan

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visit bishkek kyrgyzstan

4- Places to Visit in Bishkek – Museums

The above-mentioned Lenin statue brings me to museums. No stress on that front either. For now the National Historical Museum is under renovation. Apparently it has been closed for 3 years (a local told us that 10 of the 15 allocated million dollars has disappeared; no idea if this is true or gossip).

But, do check it out. The building on Ala-Too Square can’t be missed and is a piece of brutalist architecture that is impressive even if it’s for nothing but its sheer size.

Two other museums you may want to check out (but to be honest, we didn’t) – (check map: map markers are purple with a jug) :

  • Frunze Museum (Mikhail Frunze Street, 364)
  • Museum of Fine arts (Yusup Abdrahmanov Street, 196)

National Historical Museum in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

5- The Ultimate Place to Relax at Night – Ala-Too Square

Ala-Too Square is the main public square of Bishkek (and Kyrgyzstan). This is by far the biggest attraction of Bishkek – at least in summer (and on New Year’s Eve). Go late afternoon, early evening when the place fills with locals.

This open downtown area is a place to sit down, quiet down, and people watch. Fountains splash all over the place and are enjoyed by frolicking families. Kids play in them, some even swim while their mothers pull up their skirts and wade through the cool waters.

Fountains on Ala-Too Square, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

You can rent small (annoying) electric cars for your kid. Vendors sell Chinese plastic gadgets that you can throw in the air and that come down twirling in colors. Or maybe next year they’ve invented another useless piece of junk that excites your kid.

You can watch the changing of the guards. Check out the two guys in uniform standing guard under the enormous flag. In summer this happens every two hours.

Or read up on who that heroic guy featuring on that towering pedestal on Ala-Too Square. This is  Manas , who is the central figure in the  Epic of Manas .

Ala-Too Square in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

7- Places to Go for a Stroll – Bazaars

Since we’re talking food, let’s talk bazaars (check map: map markers are purple with a fork & knife):

Behind the above-mentioned fast-food stalls stretches a lively bazaar (on the corner of Yunusaliev Ave and Suyerkulov Street, hidden from the main road). Like on any bazaar you will find all kinds of stuff – the typical clothes, household stuff, notebooks, and pens, etc.

It is followed by an extensive food bazaar with lots of vegetables, dried fruit, and nuts (I’m sure there is a corner with meat too but I didn’t check it out).

Places to visit in Bishkek: Osh Bazaar

We found this bazaar friendlier (and cleaner) than the popular Osh Bazaar, although that is a perfectly fine bazaar to check out well. (On the corner of Chuy and Kuliev streets)

Basically, these bazaars sell the same kind of stuff so if you have seen one, you have seen the other.

Tip: Take reusable mesh bags to stock up on legumes, grains, nuts and the likes. Many vendors want to sell every product in a different plastic bag and you’ll find the bags littering towns and countryside.  Spread the word through good example 🙂

Places to visit in Bishkek: Osh Bazaar

8- Places to Visit in Bishkek – Architecture & Places of Worship

As said, Bishkek isn’t a top destination for sightseeing. However, among the sites worth a visit are (check map: map markers are blue with a pin):

Kyrgyzstan’s White House

The stroll around Ala-Too Square will give you an idea of the typical Soviet brutalist architecture. Such as Kyrgyzstan’s White House, the humungous National Parliament Building west of Ala-Too Square. (Chue Avenue, 205)

The Resurrection Cathedral

On walking distance from Oak Park, on the Silk Road avenue (#497), the cathedral can be a lively place with many visitors.

Place to see in Bishkek: Kyrgyzstan's White House

St. Vladimir Orthodox Church

The largest orthodox church in Central Asia, this religious building with typical golden onions lies outside the city center.

The New Central Mosque

Easy to combine with your exit of the city (well, when driving your own vehicle) towards Issyk Kul Lake, the New Central Mosque lies on your right-side hand on the Silk Road Avenue.

Place to see in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: the New Mosque

9- Places to Stay in Bishkek

Bishkek has hostels and hotels in all price ranges. Low budget travelers as we are, we can recommend two hostels:

Apple Hostel

Arguably among the most popular low-budget places to stay, Apple Hostel is not in the downtown area but is conveniently located next to the bus station and on walking distance from the Osh Bazaar.

They have dorms, private rooms, a kitchen, a living room with sofas (but no windows), and a shaded outdoor area. Overlanders can park inside the premises and sleep in their vehicle (accessible for trucks).

  • Address: Chymkentskaja Street, 1B
  • Website Apple Hostel

Tunduk Hostel

On the southern side of town, near the above-mentioned Korean restaurants and embassy, is the Tunduk Hostel. Smaller than Apple Hostel we found it a kinder place to stay. Expect the company of lots of French visitors 🙂

It has a super green garden a with swimming pool and fruit trees, a kitchen, and dorms and private rooms. Overlanders can park inside the premises and sleep in their vehicle (accessible for trucks).

  • Address: Pereulok Kubanskiy Street, 46
  • Website Tunduk Hostel

Tunduk Hostel in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan with swimming pool

Check ik out: the Landcruising Adventure Coaster Collection

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Places to visit in kyrgyzstan - Manas statue

More on Kyrgyzstan:

Hiking in Kyrgyzstan – 7 days to Ala-kul Lake & Surrounding Valleys

Hiking in Kyrgyzstan – 7 days to Ala-kul Lake & Surrounding Valleys

Land Cruiser Overhaul #4 – The Turnbuckle Method (Kyrgyzstan)

Land Cruiser Overhaul #4 – The Turnbuckle Method (Kyrgyzstan)

Why Add Central Asia to your Overland Bucket List

Why Add Central Asia to your Overland Bucket List

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Today's Paper | June 04, 2024

10 officials ‘removed’ over bishkek violence, claims kyrgyz envoy.

visit bishkek kyrgyzstan

ISLAMABAD: Blaming a small group of criminal elements behind violent clashes that left some Pakistani students injured in Bishkek, the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan in Islamabad, Ulanbek Totuiaev said the chief and nine officers of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk region were removed from their positions after riots on the night of May 18.

“Do not let an isolated event put you off from visiting Kyrgyzstan. The incident does not reflect the overall safety of the country or the warm hospitality of the Kyrgyz people,” Ambassador Ulanbek Totuiaev said at a press briefing held at the Embassy of Kyrgyzstan.

About 10 days ago, a fight broke out between local and foreign citizens in one of the hostels in the eastern part of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. The police opened a criminal case under the article “hooliganism” of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic and all participants in the brawl were taken to the police department.

On May 17, a video of the fight and injured Kyrgyz citizens was published on one of the social media pages, as a result of which on the night of May 18, in Bishkek a mob gathered demanding that the foreigners be brought to justice.

Ambassador says four foreign nationals, 10 locals detained after riots

“From the moment information about the incident was received, law enforcement agencies of the Kyrgyz Republic took prompt measures to detain persons involved in the event…four Egyptian citizens and around 10 citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic. The chief and nine officers of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk region were removed from their positions after riots on the night of May 18,” the Kyrgyz envoy said. He claimed that the situation was completely under the control of law enforcement agencies and the safety of citizens and public order were ensured.

There were no seriously injured people among the participants of the incident, said Ulanbek Totuiaev, adding, “At the same time, the embassy urges representatives of the mass media not to disseminate unreliable and unverified information.”

He said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic informed that “destructive forces in foreign mass media, social networks, especially in the territory of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan deliberately spread totally false information” about the situation in the Kyrgyz Republic that did not correspond to reality.

Ambassador Ulanbek Totuiaev described various meetings at different forums between government officials of both countries assuring assistance and cooperation.

On May 18, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan Almaz Imangaziev met Pakistan’s Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Hassan Ali Zaigham to discuss the incident involving foreign citizens, including Pakistani students, in Bishkek. The Kyrgyz authorities assured that the situation was under control and requested Pakistan to prevent the spread of misinformation.

On May 19, Deputy Minister Avazbek Atakhanov and Ambassador Zaigham expressed gratitude for the assistance provided and reiterated the commitment to maintaining order. They agreed on a future meeting between their foreign ministers during the SCO Council in Astana.

In Astana on May 21, a bilateral meeting focused on enhancing economic, cultural, and humanitarian cooperation. Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar later made a brief stop in Bishkek to visit Pakistani citizens and met Kyrgyz officials, including Deputy Chairman Edil Baisalov. Both sides emphasised the friendly relations and the need for justice regarding the incident. The Kyrgyz official said during the briefing that the two sides reaffirmed their strong bilateral ties following the incident in Bishkek.

He stressed the “deep historical, cultural, and religious connections” between the two nations and highlighted the longstanding friendship and numerous cooperative efforts between Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan within regional and international frameworks.

Published in Dawn, May 30th, 2024

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visit bishkek kyrgyzstan

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visit bishkek kyrgyzstan

Journal of Nomads

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Where to go in Kyrgyzstan? Here’s an overview of the most interesting, beautiful, and exciting places to visit in Kyrgyzstan, including famous landmarks in Kyrgyzstan and highlights, detailed info on how to get to all these places independently, and where to stay in each location.

My first visit to Kyrgyzstan in 2017 was a spontaneous trip while I was hitchhiking through Central Asia . I didn’t really know much about this destination as I hadn’t done any research. I was in for a big surprise!

I immediately fell in love with Kyrgyzstan. So much that I decided not to continue my overland journey and live here for nearly 11 months…

Kel Suu Lake - Cynthia Bil - Journal of Nomads Adventure Tour

Is Kyrgyzstan beautiful and worth visiting? Absolutely!! The country is defined by the beautiful Tien Shan mountain range which occupies 90% of the country, lush valleys and about 2000 crystal-clear alpine lakes. 

Holy Lake Arslanbob Trekking Guide - The Complete Guide to Arslanbob Walnut forest Kyrgyzstan - Arslanbob Things to do

What is also special about Kyrgyzstan is that it still preserves and values centuries-old nomadic traditions .

If you love mountains and the outdoors and you’re interested in learning more about the nomadic lifestyle of Central Asia, then you’ll love traveling to Kyrgyzstan! It’s one of the few off-the-beaten-path countries where you can still get a taste of the authentic nomadic culture.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

I return yearly to guide my Kyrgyzstan Tours and to visit new destinations in the country.

Would you love to go on an epic adventure on foot, on horseback or by 4×4 to the most beautiful places in Kyrgyzstan with a small group of adventurous travelers?

Check out my 6 Fantastic Kyrgyzstan Adventure Tours!

Kyrgyzstan Adventure Tours

This post currently lists 25 places but it’s a work in progress. I’ll be adding more as I continue to explore Kyrgyzstan over the coming years. You’ll find links to my comprehensive destination guides for most of the locations mentioned in this article.

The best time to visit Kyrgyzstan and explore the places I’ve mentioned would be in late spring and summer, between the end of May and the end of September. Most of the destinations are located in the mountains, which are only accessible when the snow has cleared.

Here’s my (current) list with an overview of the most beautiful and best places in Kyrgyzstan to visit. I hope this guide will inspire you to travel to one of my favorite destinations in the world!

Tip: See my  Kyrgyzstan Travel Page  for a complete overview of all my travel guides and blog posts about Kyrgyzstan!

Traveling in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide: 20 things you should know before you go

Kyrgyzstan Adventure Tour - Camping at Lake Ala Kul

Disclaimer: This posts might contain affiliate links, meaning that if you make a purchase through these links, I may earn an affiliate commission. Thank you for helping to support this website!

Kyrgyzstan Travel Essentials

  • 20 things you need to know before traveling to Kyrgyzstan
  • The 25 best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan
  • The top 28 things to do in Kyrgyzstan
  • The 14 best hikes & treks in Kyrgyzstan
  • The 9 best horse riding destinations in Kyrgyzstan
  • Kyrgyzstan Budget Guide
  • Kyrgyzstan Adventure Tours & Kyrgyzstan Tour Planning
  • Visa: Required Kyrgyzstan travel documents
  • Getting there: Search for flights to Bishkek or Osh
  • Where to stay : Find a yurt camp,homestay, hotel, hostel or guesthouses
  • Travel Insurance: Choose the best travel insurance for Kyrgyzstan

Best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan Map


Best Places to visit in Bishkek (Chuy Region)

What are the best things to do in Bishkek

Bishkek is the largest city in Kyrgyzstan and the country’s capital. It’ll very likely be the first place you visit in Kyrgyzstan as nearly all flights arrive at the international airport of Manas, only a 30-minute drive from Bishkek’s city center.

Bishkek is located at an altitude of 800 meters and borders the Central Asian Tian Shan Mountains. On a clear day, you can the spectacular peaks of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too Mountains in the city’s background.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

What is special about Bishkek? Bishkek doesn’t feel like a capital city to me. It’s a busy and bustling place but whenever I walk through its streets and parks, I have the impression I’m in a big provincial town rather than a capital city.

It’s Central Asia’s greenest city, with rich biodiversity in its tree-lined streets and many parks. You also won’t see any skyscrapers here.

While Bishkek is a modern and continuously evolving cosmopolitan, it still preserves the essence of the Kyrgyz culture and Soviet architecture. There are a ton of cool brutalist architecture that offer you a glimpse of the Soviet influence during its occupation in the 20th century.

best places to see in Bishkek - Kyrgyzstan

I wouldn’t say that Bishkek is one of Kyrgyzstan’s highlights but it’s worth visiting the city for at least one full day to experience the mixture of modern and national culture.

You could go shopping at the colorful Osh Bazaar , Kyrgyzstan’s most famous market, in the morning and pop in a hipster cafe for a good cappuccino afterward. You could go on a self-made Soviet architecture tour in the afternoon and every now and then take a break and have ice cream in one of the many parks.

You can explore Bishkek’s nightlife scene in the evening in one of the many pubs, bars, and nightclubs. Or you can just relax with a cocktail and a nice meal on the outdoor terrace of one of the many restaurants in the city.

I highly recommend reading my Bishkek City Guide where you’ll find all the information from where to go and the top things to do, to where to eat and stay in Bishkek.

What are the best things to do in Bishkek

13 Top Things to do in Bishkek – Bishkek Travel Guide

I’d also recommend going on a guided city tour in Bishkek , to explore its highlights and history with a guide. You’ll learn so much!

Is it safe to visit the Osh Bazaar?

How to get to Bishkek

  • Getting to Bishkek from other countries:

Manas International Airport is the main international airport in Kyrgyzstan, located 25 kilometers northwest of the capital Bishkek. This is where currently all international flights (with a connection in Istanbul, Dubai, or Moskow) arrive.

There will be plenty of taxi drivers greeting you upon arrival at the airport. The cost of a taxi from the airport to the city center in Bishkek is between 600 to 800 som (around €8 / $10).

You can also reach Bishkek by land if you’re coming from Kazakhstan or Uzbekistan . Read the following posts for more information:

  • How to get from Almaty (Kazakhstan) to Bishkek
  • How to get from Tashkent (Uzbekistan) to Bishkek
  • Getting to Bishkek from other cities in Kyrgyzstan:

As Bishkek is Kyrgyzstan’s capital city, you’ll find nearly in every big town or city a marshrutka (minibus) or a shared taxi going directly to Bishkek. They’ll overly likely drop you off at the Western Bus Station in Bishkek .

This bus station is a bit outside of the city center so I recommend installing the Yandex app to get a taxi to the city. This app works like Uber and has fixed rates so no need to waste time and energy on negotiating prices.

Where to stay in Bishkek:

  • Koisha Hostel : dorm or private room, great location, garden, budget friendly. Check the price availability here
  • Navat Hotel : private room, great location, swimming pool: Check the price and availability here
  • Orion Hotel Bishkek : deluxe rooms, great location, fitness and wellness center: Check the price and availability here.

2. Ala Archa National Park

Things to do around Bishkek - Ala Archa National Park - Journal of Nomads

Ala Archa National Park, located 40km south of Bishkek , is one of the few national parks in Kyrgyzstan that is easily accessible and fun to visit no matter what time of the year it is.

This National Park in the Tian Shan Mountains is the perfect introduction to the beauty of the Kyrgyz Mountains. It’s also a great place to acclimatize to hiking in high altitudes if you just arrived in the country.

There are some beautiful day hikes and multiple-day treks at Ala Archa starting at 1500 meters altitude and leading up to 2500 meters and higher.

Ala Archa National Park Kyrgyzstan- Best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Ala Archa Hiking

Ala Archa is a popular destination and one of the more touristic places in Kyrgyzstan, not only for travelers but also for locals.

I visited this park on more than one occasion and I was surprised to see so many locals having a picnic and spending time with their family and friends cozily nested under the trees of the park.

The accessibility of this park (it’s located only an hour drive away from the city center of Bishkek ) and the fact that it’s at the base of the beautiful Tian Shan mountains makes it the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of the capital city.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

If you’re planning on visiting Ala Archa, remember that this National Park is located in the mountains.

The weather will be a lot cooler than in Bishkek, especially if you’re going to hike to the waterfall (2500m) or to the Ratsek Hut (3300m) so always bring a warm sweater and foresee rain gear. The weather in the mountains is very unpredictable!

You should also wear hiking boots, even when going on the short hike to the waterfall. I’ve seen people hurting themselves on the trail to the waterfall on more than one occasion as they weren’t wearing proper footwear.

There aren’t any shops so pack some snacks and a reusable water bottle with filter, like a Lifestraw Water Filter Bottle , so you can refill your bottle with the water from the many streams and rivers.

When visiting Ala Archa in winter, you won’t be able to go on any hikes as the trails are covered in snow but it’s still beautiful to go there!!

Ala Archa National Park Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

The 8 Best Hikes and Day Trips from Bishkek

Best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Ala Archa National Park in Winter - Journal of Nomads

Day tours to Ala Archa

The easiest way would be to go on a day tour to Ala Archa . Nowadays, there are some really nice (and budget-friendly) day trips to the national park. Here are the ones I recommend:

How to get from Bishkek to Ala Archa by public transport

You can either take a taxi directly to the Alpager base (where the hiking trails start) or you can take a mashrutka (shared minibus) to the entrance of the national park and then hitchhike or take a taxi to cover the remaining 12 km of asphalt road to the Alpager base.

  • How to reach Ala Archa by mashrutka

In Bishkek, you’ll have to hop on mashrutka 265 . This shared minibus can be found at the bus stop at Moscow Street 229 ( near the entrance of Osh Bazaar ).

Keep in mind that this minibus will only leave once it’s completely full so this option won’t be the best one if you’re in a hurry to get to the park.

-> If you have an android phone, install the app  Maps.me , type in ‘ mashrutka 265 ’ and the app will show you exactly on the map where to find the bus stop.-

The marshrutka will bring you for 25 som all the way to Kash- Kasuu, the nearest village to Ala Archa. You can also ask the driver if he can drop you off at the entrance gate of the National Park for an additional 50 som. 

Once you’re at the entrance of the park you’ll have to pay 80 som to get in. At the entrance, you can catch a taxi that will bring you to the Alpager base for 500 som.

You could also hitchhike the remaining 12 km. If you’re there in summer, there will be a lot of cars with tourists and locals passing by and they’re likely to give you a lift for free.

  • How to reach Ala Archa by taxi

If you want to get to Ala Archa early, you could get a taxi from Bishkek all the way to the entrance gate of the park for 500 som.

If you want the taxi to drop you off at the Alpager base (At the beginning of the hiking trails), you’ll have to pay the entrance fee for the car (400 som) + an additional 500 som for the taxi to drive you that extra 12 km.

If you’re planning on returning the same day, you can negotiate a price with your driver so he waits for you at the parking lot. Otherwise, you’ll have to search for available taxis or try to hitchhike back.

If you’re just planning to spend the day at the park, I recommend requesting a private taxi for the day at your hostel/ hotel. This will be around €50 and covers all the costs, including the waiting time for the driver at the park.

GoBus  operates a  daily shuttle on Saturday and Sundays to Ala Archa for 800 som each way.  The trip goes from  Tommi Mall , so if you’re not staying near there it’s not entirely convenient.  To get tickets, you need to use the GoBus App but unfortunately it’s not so user-friendly yet (particularly for non-Russian speakers).


It’s very convenient to do a quick day trip to Ala Archa and come back to the capital city in the evening if you don’t plan to  camp in the park or go on a multi-day hike there .

In Bishkek, I recommend staying at  Koisha Hostel or Bugu Hotel  because it’s located very close to the bus stop at Osh Bazaar from where the marshrutkas to Ala Archa National Park leave.

3. Burana Tower

Burana Tower - Kyrgyzstan - historical monument - Landmark - Silk Road - Journal of Nomads

The Burana Tower is one of the most famous landmarks in Kyrgyzstan. This 25m high tower is all that remains of the ancient city of Balasagun , a once flourishing city that welcomed thousands of Silk Road caravans.

Although the tower itself might not seem very exciting to many people, if you’re interested in history, this will be a fascinating and one of the mysterious places to visit in Kyrgyzstan.

It’s crazy to imagine that this archaeological site used to be such a big city and was once considered the center of the world!

The book The Silk Roads: A New History of the World by Peter Frankopan explains it all and is a must-read if you’re a history lover!

Burana Tower - Kyrgyzstan - historical monument - Landmark - Silk Road - Journal of Nomads

Another remarkable sight is the collection of ancient bal-bals in the field near the Burana Tower. The bal-bals are gravestones, carved by the nomadic Turkic tribes who used to roam around Central Asia in the 6th century.

Burana Tower - Kyrgyzstan - Bal-bal Gravestones - Silk Road - Journal of Nomads

These gravestones were initially erected as a representation of slain enemies and later became memorials for the ancestors of the people who sculpted them. They are oddly proportioned, with strange heads and short torsos. 

Burana Tower - Kyrgyzstan - historical monument - Landmark - Silk Road - Journal of Nomads

The Burana Tower and the Lost City of Balasagun

Day tours to Burana Tower

The easiest way to get to the Burana Tower is by going on  a guided day tour . It’s an extra advantage if you have a guide so you can learn more about this historical place, making your visit much more interesting.

As you only need an hour to visit the historical site, most tour operators will offer a combination with another place of interest near Bishkek. Here are the best choice of day tours to Burana Tower:

How to get from Bishkek to the Burana Tower by public transportation

You can visit the Burana Tower as a day trip from Bishkek or on your way towards Lake Issy-Kul or Song Kul .

The Burana Tower is a 2-hour drive from Bishkek by public transport. For 50 som per person, you can take mashrutka#353 that goes directly from the  Eastern bus station in Bishkek  to the town of  Tokmok .

Once you arrive with the mashrutka in Tokmok, you’ve got 3 options.

You could take a taxi to the tower and back (8km), which will cost you 300 som (around $4). Ask the driver to stay and wait while you visit the tower. You’ll probably only need 1 hour to visit the whole site (you could combine it with a trip to Issyk-Ata or Konorchek Canyons, read more below). Once the taxi drops you off in Tokmok, you can take a marshrutka back to Bishkek.

There are a few marshrutkas running between Tokmok and Burana. Ask the locals in Tokmok where you can take this minibus.

Your last option is to hitchhike. Getting a ride won’t be difficult but know from the start whether or not you have to pay for it.

It isn’t very common among the locals to give rides for free, however, some won’t ask you for money when they see you’re a foreigner (and others will try to ask you for more money than they should, read more about  hitchhiking in Kyrgyzstan ).

If your driver wants you to pay for the ride, don’t give him/her more than 100 som!

You could also combine a visit to Burana Tower with a trip to another site near Bishkek.

4. Kol-Tor Lake

Things to do around Bishkek - hiking to Kel-Tor lake - photo by Stephen Lioy - Journal of Nomads

Kyrgyzstan has some of the most beautiful alpine lakes in the whole world and Kol-Tor lake is pretty high on that list. It shines in a bright turquoise shade and adopts different tones of blue throughout the day.

This lake is located at an altitude of 2700m above the village of  Kegeti , around 92 km outside of Bishkek.

The two-hour moderate hike to the lake will take you across some gorgeous alpine meadows and coniferous forests. Although the trail to the lake is relatively short, I would suggest wearing  good hiking boots  to get there.

This lake is very popular and easily accessible from Bishkek so it can get a bit crowded during summer. It’s still possible to access the lake throughout the rest of the year and it’s lovely in winter. My friend Stephen Lioy has a great  photo report  of his hike there in November when the mountains surrounding the lake were already covered in snow.

Depending on whether or not you start hiking early, you could reach the lake in one day and be back in Bishkek in the evening. If you want to stay longer near the lake, you can also sleep in a mountain hut near the lake.

A Complete Guide to Trekking in Kyrgyzstan with the best and most beautiful hikes of the country - Journal of Nomads - Kol Tor Lake

Hiking tours to Kol Tor Lake

The easiest way to arrange your transportation is by going on a guided day tour to Kol Tor Lake. Here are the 2 tours I recommend:


The hiking trail to Kol-Tor starts in the Kegeti Gorge. To get there by public transport, take at 9:30 am minibus 303 from the Eastern Bus Station in Bishkek towards the village of Kegeti . It takes about 2 hours to get there.

Tell the driver that you want to get out at Kegeti and get out off the bus just before crossing a riverbed into the village. From there it’s another 10 km to the end of the dirt road and the beginning of the trail. You could always hitchhike that last part.

It might be harder to get back by public transport as I read that the last minibus from Kegeti Gorge leaves at 3:30 pm. Of course, you can always hitchhike back to Bishkek.


There are a few homestays where you could spend the night in Kegeti, the town near the hiking trail to Kol-Tor Lake:

  • Tazabek guesthouse
  • Guesthouse Temirlan

5. Chon Kemin National Park

Chon Kemin - Kyrgyzstan Travel - Kyrgyzstan Culture Tour - Journal of Nomads

The Chon Kemin National Park , located 150km east of Bishkek, covers an area of 500 hectares and is home to many species of plants and animals, including the snow leopard.

This National Park in the heart of the Chuy Valley is surrounded by three mountain ranges and has a wide variety of landscapes, from semi-deserts to lush forests, alpine lakes and stunning glaciers.

The Chon Kemin Valley offers a wide variety of activities such as hiking, fishing, horseback riding, and rafting on the Chu River. There are several trekking possibilities, from easy short walks along the Chong Kemin River to adventurous hikes over 3 000m passes.

You can visit the park all year through and you can choose to relax, go on an easy day hike or spend a few days horse riding, trekking, and rafting. You definitely won’t get bored here!

Chon Kemin Valley is part of my 9-day Overland Expedition . Click here for more information about my Kyrgyzstan Tours!

Horse riding tours to Chon Kemin

Chon Kemin is a great place for horse riding, especially if you’ve never ridden before and would like to experience it at least for one day! Here are some horse riding trips to Chon Kemin that I recommend:

How to get to Chon Kemin from Bishkek by public transport

First, you need to take a shared taxi or marshrutka from  Bishkek’s Western Bus Station  to Tokmok. The fare is around 100 KGS.

Once in Tokmok, you can find a shared taxi or marshrutka heading towards the Chon Kemin Valley. This leg of the trip should cost a similar amount.

The total travel time (one-way) by public transport can be up to 4 hours, due to waiting times and stops. If you only have one day and you like to do some hiking and/or horse riding, I would highly recommend going on a guided day tour to Chon Kemin!

Where to stay in Chon Kemin National Park

There are guesthouses and homestays run by local families near the Chon Kemin National Park:

  • KF Guesthouse Medina
  • Berdibektin Uiu
  • Guesthouse CBT Chon Kemin
  • Kemin Guesthouse

Are you looking for a  customized guided tour  in Kyrgyzstan and/or other countries  in Central Asia ? Do you need help  planning your itinerary ?

Have a look at my   C e n t r a l   A s i a  tour and itinerary planning services !

Kyrgyzstan Tours - Journal of Nomads

Best Places to visit in Issyk Kul Region

6. issyk kul lake.

What are the best drones for travel - Lake Issyk Kul Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

Lake Issyk-Kul is the world’s second-largest alpine lake. It’s located at an elevation of 1609 meters in Northeastern Kyrgyzstan. It’s 182km long, 60km wide, and covers an area of 6236 km²!

The name Issyk-Kul means “warm lake”. It gets a lot of scientific interest as the lake never freezes because it’s so deep – its deepest point is at 668 meters – and fed by thermal springs. Don’t get fooled by the name tho, it’d still be very cold to go for a swim in winter…

Kyrgyzstan winter itinerary

The lake is bordered by two mountain ranges of the Central Tien Shan mountains. You can see the Kungei-Alatau range (meaning “facing the sun” in Turkic) in the north and the Terskei-Alatau (meaning “turned away from the sun”) in the south, and they make the scenery around the lake magnificent.

Issyk Kul Lake, best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan

There are a lot of resorts on its northern shore as it’s a popular holiday destination for local, Kazakh and Russian tourists.

The southern shore of Issyk Kul lake is, in my opinion, more interesting and beautiful to visit. It’s wilder than the northern side and has some very unique sights (which I mention below).

The region around Issyk Kul is rich in cultural heritage. You can visit petroglyph sites and ancient burial mounds on the northern shore. The villages on the southern shore offer an opportunity to experience traditional Kyrgyz hospitality and cuisine.

You can visit the village of Kyzyl-Tuu, the center of the yurt craftsmanship in Kyrgyzstan, where about 50 traditional yurt makers live and learn how to build a yurt there . You can participate in a culinary or felt-making workshop in Bokonbaevo, one of the biggest towns on Issyk Kul’s Southern Shore.

It’s also the place where you can visit the last remaining Eagle Hunters in Bakanbaevo, see a demonstration and learn all about this ancient Central Asian tradition. Some of my Kyrgyzstan Adventures Tours also include a demonstration by the eagle hunters.

Eagle Hunter Kyrgyzstan _ Journal of Nomads

The region offers opportunities for trekking, skiing in winter, and exploring off-the-beaten-path locations. The nearby canyons, gorges, and valleys (see below) provide some beautiful routes for climbers and trekkers.

Issyk Kul Lake, best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan

Reading Tip: Top Things to do at Issyk Kul lake – a one-week itinerary

Kayaking in Kyrgyzstan - Issyk Kul Lake

Tours to Issyk Kul Lake

We visit the southern shore of Issyk Kul lake, together with an eagle hunting demonstration and a folkloric music performance during my 10-day Kyrgyzstan Adventure Tour and 14-day Highlights of Kyrgyzstan Adventure Tour .

You can also go on the following shorter tours to Issyk Kul:

How to get from Bishkek to Issyk Kul Lake by public transport

The easiest way to get to Issyk Kul Lake from Bishkek is by marshrutka (minibus). They leave from the Western Bus Station in Bishkek.

If you want to go to the north shore of Issyk Kul, you have to take the marshrutka to Cholpon Ata . It costs 300 som per person and the journey takes about 4 hours.

If you want to travel to the southern shore of Issyk Kul, take the mashrutka heading for Karakol and get off at Bokonbayevo or any other place you’d like to visit on the southern shore, see below for more inspiration. The journey from Bishkek to Bakanbayevo takes around 5 hours and costs 400 som.

You can also take a shared taxi. A shared taxi picks up other people and baggage, meaning you may have to be stuffed in with several other people and their bags. Shared taxis are faster and usually cost slightly more than marshrutkas but they also pick up other people along the way.

A shared taxi from Bishkek to Cholpon Ata costs 500 som and you’ll pay around the same price for a shared taxi from Bishkek to Bokonbayevo.

Where to stay at Issyk Kul Lake

Here are some suggestions where to say on the southern shore of Issyk Kul Lake:

It’s one of my favorite tourist yurt camps in Kyrgyzstan and I also stay there with my groups during my adventure tours .

  • Bel Tam Yurt Camp is a fantastic yurt camp on the shores of the lake in Tong, not too far from Bokonbayevo (take a (shared) taxi to get there). Check the prices and availability of Bel Tam Yurt Camp.
  • Feel Nomad Yurt Camp is another beautiful yurt camp near Ak-Say, on the southern shores of the lake. This camp is quite remote so you’ll enjoy peace and tranquillity there!

Kyrgyzstan Adventure Tour - sunset at Issyk-Kul lake

If you want to stay in Bakanbaevo, I recommend:

  • Guesthouse Gulmira
  • Meerim Guesthouse

7. Skazka Canyon

Things to do around lake Issyk Kul - Fairytale Canyon Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

The Skazka Canyon , located between the villages of Tosor and Kaji-Say on the south shore of Issyk Kul, is one of the most spectacular canyons in Kyrgyzstan. It’s small compared to the Charyn Canyon in Kazakhstan but equally beautiful and impressive.

The Skazka Canyon is nicknamed “ Fairytale Canyon ” because of its irregular rock formations that resemble animals, fantastical characters and castles. Not only the shapes in this canyon are remarkable, but also the colors of the rocks are very unique.

You’ll find yourself in a world of red, pink, orange and yellow and it almost feels like you’re walking in a very colorful painting! The panoramic views in the canyon are spectacular, especially when you get to the higher rock formations and see lake Issyk Kul in the background.

Skazka is a small canyon and 1 to 2 hours is enough to enjoy the views.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Tours to the Skazka Canyon

A tour to the Skazka Canyon is offered in combination with a tour in the Issyk Kul Region (see above).

How to get to the Skazka Canyon

The Skazka Canyon is located on the road from Bishkek to Karakol along the southern shore of Issyk Kul and is easy to reach by public transport.

You can stop there on your way from Bishkek to Karakol (see How to get to Issyk Kul Lake in the section above).

If you’re coming from Bokonbayevo, take mashrutka #315 at the bus stop near the bazaar. It’s a 30-minute ride. Ask the driver to let you out at the Skazka Canyon. He’ll drop you off 2km from the entrance of the canyon. If you’re coming from Karakol, ask the driver to do the same.

The entrance fee to visit the canyon is 150 som. After spending some time there, catch a marshrutka to Karakol, Bokonbayevo or Bishkek from the main road before 4 pm.

Where to stay at the Skazka Canyon

There are no accommodation options at the canyon itself but you can stay either in Bokonbayevo (30 minutes), Kaji-Say (10 minutes) or Karakol (1,5 hours).

  • If you want to stay in Kaji-Say, I recommend Eco Summer House Garden
  • For Bokonbaevo, I recommend Guesthouse Gulmira and Meerim Guesthouse .
  • Hostels: Snow Leopard Hostel
  • Guesthouses: Guesthouse Altay
  • Hotel: Karagat Hotel

8. Barskoon Waterfall

Places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Things to do at lake Issyk Kul - Barskoon Waterfall - Kyrgyzstan Itinerary - Journal of Nomads

The Barskoon Waterfalls are one of the most famous waterfalls in Kyrgyzstan. They’re located in the equally stunning Barskoon Valley near Issyk Kul’s South Shore. The high mountains and thick spruce forests give you the impression that you’ve suddenly arrived in Switzerland.

The Barskoon Falls, which means “snow leopard tears”, is a chain of 3 waterfalls. The first small waterfall can easily be reached by following the uphill path behind a small yurt camp. It’s a 20-minute walk and not too steep.

The second waterfall, with an impressive height of 24 meters, is another 30-minute hike and is a bit harder to reach. The steep path leading to the waterfall takes you through a spruce forest and small meadows along the edge of the gorge. Be careful walking on slippery rocks!

The third waterfall is another 45 minutes of climbing but I don’t recommend going there by yourself as you’ll have to hike through wild and rough terrain. When you reach the top, you’ll also get a spectacular view of the Barskoon Valley and Issyk Kul lake in the distance.

Best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan -Issyk Kul - Barskoon Waterfall - Kyrgyzstan Itinerary - Journal of Nomads

How to get to the Barskoon Waterfalls

When you’re coming from Bishkek, Bokonbaevo or Karakol by mashrutka or shared taxi, you’ll have to ask the driver to drop you off at Barskoon Village. From there it’s a 15km walk to the waterfalls. You can also try to hitchhike from the village to the trailhead.

If you’re staying in Bokonbaevo or Karakol, you could also ask your guesthouse or hotel to arrange a private taxi for you and combine it with a visit to the Skazka Canyon (see above) and Jeti Oguz (see below).

Where to stay in Barskoon

I recommend visiting the Barskoon Waterfalls as part of your trip to or from Karakol.

There are also a few guesthouses neaby if you want to spend the night there:

  • Barskoon Guesthouse
  • Macedon Guest House
  • Guest House Ugra

9. Jeti Oguz

Jeti Oguz Kyrgyzstan - Rock formation - Best places in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

Jeti Oguz is the name of a valley but also of a stunning sandstone rock formation about 25 km southwest of Karakol.

This sandstone crag used to resemble 7 bulls and that’s where its name comes from. It was a sacred place for the original inhabitants of the area and once you see it, you’ll totally understand why.

The original formation was eroded with time and there are now 9 or 10 different reddish bluffs that overlook the valley below.

Jeti-Oguz is a very popular day trip from Karakol. People go there to see a few other rock formations apart from the seven bulls such as one called the Broken Heart which is the source of many tragic love stories.

In summer, you’ll also come across plenty of beekeepers in the area who bring their beehives to the valley filled with flowers around the protruding rocks.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

1 0 – d a y I t i n e r a r y t o v i s i t K y r g y z s t a n i n w i n t e r


If you are going to  Jeti-Oguz  with public transport, you’ll have to make sure you reach  Jeti-Oguz Korort , a small village beside the seven bulls and not  the town of Jeti-Oguz , which is located 12km away from the stone formation.

To get to Jeti-Oguz Kurort from Karakol, first go to the Ak-Tilek Market in Karakol . From there, you’ll need to catch mashrutka 355 to Jeti-Oguz Korort. The mashrutka doesn’t have a fixed schedule and departs only a few times a week from Karakol, typically late morning and possibly mid-afternoon. It costs 100 som and takes about 45 minutes to reach Jeti-Oguz Korort from Karakol.

A much better option to reach the seven bulls rock formation would be to take a shared taxi from Karakol to Jeti-Oguz Korort. This should cost, at most, around 250 som per person. You’ll have to make it clear with the driver that you are going all the way to Jeti-Oguz Kurort and not Jeti-Oguz town.


There aren’t many guest houses or hotels in Jeti-Oguz Kurort. If you want to stay in a place that offers a fantastic view of the seven bulls, I recommend staying in  Guesthouse Emir . It’s located literally just below the Seven Bulls, with a view of it out of almost every bedroom window.

The view of the rock formation is quite spectacular in the morning from this guest house. They have an amazing breakfast served every morning on location and the guest house is also located very close to shops and restaurants. If you would like to cook your own meal, the kitchen is available. 

Click to check out rates and availability for “Guesthouse Emir”

10. Altyn Arashan Valley & Hot Springs

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Altyn Arashan , which means ”Golden Spa” in Kyrgyz, is a lush green valley near Karakol and Lake Ala Kul. The place is famous for its pristine untouched landscapes and natural hot springs.

It’s also a very popular trekking destination and attracts hikers and mountain enthusiasts from all over the world. It’s a valley in which I have hiked many times while in Kyrgyzstan.

Walking there always feels very soothing and it seems to recharge my soul and spirit with so much energy. The valley is breathtaking and could easily be used as a picture for a postcard.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

This environment is ideal for camping, horseback riding, and hiking in nature. The area is a pristine nature reserve but the main attraction of the place are its natural hot springs.

The hot springs of Altyn Arashan are probably the most famous hot springs in Kyrgyzstan. The water is generally around 45 ºC and is known to help with diseases related to the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

Kyrgyzstan Overland Tour - Yurt Camp Stay Kyrgyzstan

T h e 2 8 Top Things to do in Kyrgyzstan

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024


If you want to start the trek from Ak-Suu, you’ll have to reach this small village first by public transport or with your own car from Karakol.

The starting point of the trek to the hot springs is located south of Ak-Suu. The first part of the trek will take you along the beautiful Arashan river. You’ll be walking along pastures filled with flowers and grazing horses.

A few kilometers later you’ll start seeing the beautiful snow-capped mountain peaks that dominate the valley. At this point, the trail becomes steeper and steeper and goes through patches of pine forest before finally reaching an open area where the hot springs are located.

Along the way to the hot springs, you might come across mountain goats, horses and groundhogs.

leaving Altyn-Arashan valley - Journal of Nomads


It’s also possible to reach the valley coming north from Ala Kul lake as part of a 4-day trek . You can read how to reach this valley from the alpine lake  here .

Visit Altyn Arashan by joining one of my Adventure Tours in Kyrgyzstan !

Altyn Arashan Valley - Best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads


If you have your tent, you can camp almost anywhere in the valley during summer as the weather is really ideal and there are tons of gorgeous flat areas where you can pitch camp.

There are a few yurts where you can stay in the valley and a few lodges and guest houses next to the hot springs. You can’t book them online as there’s no wi-fi reception in the valley.

I recommend staying at the  Guesthouse Elza . It’s a guest house where it’s possible to stay in a room or in a yurt and it has its own private hot spring.

11. Ala Kul Lake

Ala Kul lake Kyrgyzstan - Adventure Travel Tour Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

I’m at a lack of words when it comes to describing the beauty of lake Ala Kul , located at an altitude of 3500m in the Terskey Alatau mountains. It’s so beautiful that the locals often refer to it as the ‘ pristine diamond of the Karakol Canyon ’ and it’s absolutely one of the most beautiful places to visit in Kyrgyzstan!

The water of this glacier lake changes hourly from azure to violet, depending on the weather conditions and the time of the year.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

This lake is only accessible by going on a long strenuous multiple-day hike . I yearly make the  trek to Lake Ala Kul   during my adventure tours and I would absolutely recommend anyone visiting the country to try hiking providing they are in shape.

Kyrgyzstan Tour - Kyrgyzstan Adventure Tour - Best of Kyrgyzstan - Rondreis Kirgizie - Journal of Nomads


It’s impossible to reach this lake by car or by public transport. The only way to get there is by hiking. Reaching Ala Kul can be done independently or with a guide.

To get there, you will need to reach the Ala Kul Nature Reserve first and hike from there.

From the center of Karakol, you can take  marshrutka 101  to the entrance of the park. You can also take a taxi for 400 KGS that will stop between the entrance and a broken bridge farther along the trail saving at least 1 hour of walk.

Once you have reached the park, you can follow the  day-by-day instructions on how to hike to the lake here .

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

How to hike to lake Ala Kul: a day-by-day trekking itinerary

Tip → Download the  Maps.me  app and get a map of the region. The app has the whole trail mapped and is really useful. People occasionally get lost along this trail so check the app to stay on the right track.

If you don’t want to hike there by yourself and you’d rather go with a mountain guide and a fun group of international travelers, you could  join one of my Adventure Tours!

Another option is to go on a private hiking tour to Ala Kul, but this can get quite pricey if you’re by yourself or with a small group:


There are no guesthouses near the lake. There are a couple of yurt camps along the way but they are put there for the trekkers and I don’t recommend staying there. They’re not well-kept and the prices are ridiculously high!

If you have your tent, it’s possible to camp around the lake in various areas where the terrain is flat. Be aware that it’s very cold and windy up there so prepare well!

Kel Suu Yurt Camps - Kel Suu Lake Kyrgyzstan - The Complete Travel Guide how to visit Kel Suu Lake in Kyrgyzstan

The Complete Packing List for Trekking and Traveling in Central Asia

Adventure Trekking in Kyrgyzstan July 2019 - camping at Ala Kul Lake

12. Jyrgalan Valley

Jyrgalan Valley Kyrgyzstan - best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

The Jyrgalan Valley is nestled between the snow-capped Tian Shan mountains east of lake Issyk Kul and it’s probably one of Kyrgyzstan’s most picturesque regions. Right in the center of this valley, there is a small village with the same name.

Jyrgalan used to be a small coal-mining town. It was thriving at first under the Soviet regime but things changed after the fall of the empire. Many families abandoned the town in search of work elsewhere. What was once a booming center quickly became a ghost town.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Luckily things have been changing a lot for this region in the last few years. There are now a few guest houses in town and new hiking trails, some horse treks, and even mountain biking routes are being developed. Jyrgalan Valley is slowly becoming the next best hiking destinations in Kyrgyzstan .

A Complete Guide to Trekking in Kyrgyzstan with the best and most beautiful hikes of the country - What you need to know before hiking in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

When it comes to Jyrgalan valley, the question isn’t whether or not you should trek there but rather which day-hike or multi-day trek will inspire you the most. There are plenty of awesome treks to choose from and they cover a wide range of difficulty levels.

Whether you have been hiking for years or you are an absolute beginner, you’ll find something that will be appropriate for your level in this untouched environment.

They go from short half-day hikes to multiple days treks that climb almost up to 4000 meters. I cover a few of them in  my hiking guide to Karakol and Jyrgalan.

Karakol Trekking - Best hikes in Karakol - Kyrgyzstan Trekking - Journal of Nomads

The 21 Best Hikes in Karakol and Jyrgalan

Hiking in Jyrgalan Valley - A Complete Guide to Trekking in Kyrgyzstan with the best and most beautiful hikes of the country - Journal of Nomads


To get to Jyrgalan from Karakol, you can take the number 331 marshrutka from the  Big Bazaar bus station.  They leave three times a day – 8:30 am, 1:30 pm and at 5:30 pm and the journey will take you around 2 hours. A ticket will cost you 90 KGS, and it’s good to know that the buses fill up quickly, so make sure to arrive early to secure a seat.

You can also take a (shared) taxi from Karakol to Jyrgalan. You’ll find taxi’s at the Big Bazaar bus station.


There are now many guest houses in Jyrgalan. Here are the ones I recommend:

  • Darya Hostel
  • Alakol-Jyrgalan Guest House
  • Jyrgalan Yurt Lodge

13. Sary Jaz Valley

Sary Jaz Valley Kyrgyzstan- beautiful places to visit in Kyrgyzstan

The Sary Jaz Valley , located 150km from Karakol, is a hidden beauty I’ve only discovered during my 4 th visit to Kyrgyzstan.

The valley is part of the Khan-Tengri National Park, the largest national park of Kyrgyzstan. It’s a stunning and wild place with vast landscapes as far as the eye can see.

It’s so remote that you won’t see people here, with the exception of a few sheep and yak shepherds and the guards at the checkpoints (you need a border permit to get here, more about that in How to get to Sary Jaz).

Sary Jaz Kyrgyzstan yaks remote places in Kyrgyzstan

Sary Jaz means yellow spring and you’ll understand how it’s gotten its name when you see the rolling yellow hills with breathtaking views of the snowcapped Celestial Mountains in the background. Only in the months of April and May are the hills green.

Sary Jaz Kyrgyzstan places to visit

Several powerful rivers cut the valley and bring water from the mountain glaciers, the main source of freshwater in Kyrgyzstan. You’ll also see some of Kyrgyzstan’s highest mountain peaks, including the Khan Tengri Peak at 7010m and Victory Peak at 7439m.

Sary Jaz offers some great hiking possibilities but it’s also nice to just drive there along the stunning scenery and imagine you’re all alone in the world.

Sary Jaz Kyrgyzstan - Places to visit in Kyrgyzstan

How to get to the Sary Jaz Valley from Karakol

The Sary Jaz Valley is a restricted area and border zone so you need to have a border permit. You have to apply for this permit at least 14 days in advance and include a copy of your passport with your application. The costs of a border permit are between $20 and $30 per person.

I made the trip to the Sary Jaz Valley with Aydarbek from Hiking in Kyrgyzstan and he helped me with the application process.

You can only get to the Sary Jaz valley by 4×4 car. It’s a real off-road trip along windy gravel roads and steep mountain passes. If you want to drive yourself, you need to be a confident driver and know how to handle a 4×4 vehicle well.

You can also arrange a tour with a private driver and a 4×4 SUV vehicle.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

The Sary Jaz Valley is a 6-hour drive from Karakol. You’ll be driving next to the border of Kazakhstan, close to Jyrgalan. There you’ll have the first military checkpoint where you need to show your passport and border permit. The road then continues through the lush Turuk Gorge across the Turuk Pass (3481m) into the Sary Jaz Valley.

It’s also possible to take a different road through the Turgen Valley and across the beautiful Chong Ashu Pass (3800m). While you skip the bordering road with Kazakhstan, there is another military checkpoint on this road.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

You can do this road trip as a day trip from Karakol. However, it’s a very long road and a lot of effort to just go there for one day.

My recommendation would be to combine it with a visit to the old USSR mine town Engilchek (see below) and make it into a 2- or 3-day trip.

Where to stay at the Sary Jaz Valley

Aside from some nomadic settlements, there’s absolutely nothing in the Sary Jaz Valley. Your only option is to camp here.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

I loved the camping experience, the feeling of being completely alone in this wonderful part of the world and, the silence and the closeness to nature.

14. Engilchek Ghost Town and Hot Springs

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

I wouldn’t call Engilchek beautiful but it’s definitely one of the most fascinating places to visit in Kyrgyzstan!

The town of Engilchek (Inylchek) was once a prosperous mining town during the Soviet Union. It’s located in the isolated Engilchek Valley near the border with China.

Many young people came to work here in the early 1980s when the mining industry in the region was developing. A whole town including a school and a hospital got built to house the employees of the mine and entire families moved to Engilchek in the hope of building a good life and future here.

There were around 5000 people living here when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. The mining was stopped, people lost their jobs and were forced to move to search for work elsewhere. Engilchek became a ghost town.

Engilchek Ghost Town USSR Kyrgyzstan interesting places to visit Kyrgyzstan

There are nowadays about 100 people living in Engilchek, many of them working with livestock in the mountains. I’ve been told that a Chinese company reopened the mines and is slowly providing new working opportunities.

I’ll be honest, I really wouldn’t want to live between these deteriorated buildings. It was very interesting to spend a day and an evening there, to experience how it must be to live in such a remote and abandoned place and to witness the daily life of the few people living there.

Engilchek Ghost Town USSR Kyrgyzstan interesting places to visit Kyrgyzstan

If you decide to visit Engilchek, don’t skip the Kara Tash hot springs. They’re wedged between the Sary Jaz River and a cliff, about 15 minutes driving from Engilchek town towards At Jailoo.

These hot springs consist of two open-air pools. One is so hot that you could boil an egg in there, but you can bathe in the other one and enjoy the surrounding views.

Engilchek Kyrgyzstan Hot Springs - Best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan

Remember that the Kara Tash hot springs aren’t always accessible – usually halfway spring – when the river level becomes so high that it covers the springs.

Engilchek hot springs Best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan

This region is also home to the Engilchek Glacier, one of the longest and largest glaciers of the Tian Shan Mountains. The Engilchek glacier is only accessible on foot. The trek starts at the At Jailoo base camp and it takes 2 to 3 days and 8 hours walking a day before reaching the glacier.

Don’t undertake this trek by yourself as the terrain is rough and dangerous! If you have $750 per person to spare, you can also go on a helicopter excursion to the glacier.

How to get to Engilchek Ghost Town

The Engilchek Valley lies right next to the Sary Jaz Valley and borders China so you’ll need a border permit to get there. Apply for this permit at least 14 days in advance and include a copy of your passport with your application. The costs of a border permit are between $20 and $30 per person.

I combined my visit to Engilchek with the trip to Sary Jaz, organized by Hiking in Kyrgyzstan , who also took care of arranging my permit.

Engilchek can’t be reached by public transport. You can only get there with your own vehicle or by renting a 4×4 car (with an optional driver). You’ll be driving on one of the highest roads in the country surrounded by spectacular sceneries and via the Chong Ashu Pass (3800m).

The accessibility to the village is limited during the winter due to large amounts of snow blocking the road and mountain passes.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Where to stay in Engilchek

I’d highly recommend spending one night in the only homestay in Engilchek as it will give you an insight into the daily life of the few families living there.

Nellie, who’s an English teacher at the school in Engilchek, is always happy to host visitors at her home. She’ll treat you to delicious homemade meals and will very likely invite you to visit the school with her and show you around.

You can’t book your stay in advance as there’s no cellphone or wi-fi reception. Just ask for Nellie when you arrive in Engilchek and people will show you the way.

Top Places to visit in Naryn Region

15. song kol lake.

Song Kol lake is definitely one of the most beautiful places to visit in Kyrgyzstan! I was charmed from the first moment I set foot on its shores! It’s not an easy place to access but any traveler worth his salt knows that the more challenging it is to reach a destination, the more rewarding it will be. This is exactly the case with Song Kol.

Adventure Trekking in Kyrgyzstan July 2019 - horseback trek in Kyrgyzstan - Song Kol lake

I visited it for the first time  while marking hiking trails with Discover Kyrgyzstan . I was left breathless by the vastness of the mountains surrounding it and by how pristine and untouched the area around the lake was!

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Song Kol is the second largest lake of Kyrgyzstan and lies at an altitude of 3000m (9895 feet). The area around the lake is largely unspoiled, offering a chance to experience raw, unfiltered nature. The clear blue waters of the lake contrast beautifully with the rolling hills and snow-capped peaks.

Nomadic herders have used these meadows as pastureland for their flocks for hundreds of years and today there are still a lot of semi-nomadic shepherds who settle here for the summer and live in their yurts while tending to their herds.

Son Kul lake - Kyrgyzstan Tours - Journal of Nomads

The area offers numerous trails for hiking and horseback riding , allowing adventurers to explore the surrounding mountains and valleys. Kyrgyzstan is a country known for its horse culture and going on a horseback trek to this pristine lake almost feels like the epitome of everything Kyrgyzstan has to offer.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

How to organize a horse trip to Son Kul Lake

Song Kul is less crowded than many other tourist destinations which makes it an ideal spot for those seeking tranquility and connecting with nature.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024


A great option is to take a marshrutka from Bishkek to Kochkor and then hitchhike or take a taxi from there to Kyzart. You can get to Kyzart by shared local taxi for 250 – 300 KGS (around €3). If you want to go by private taxi, you will pay at least 2000 KGS (€20).

Kochkor is one of the biggest towns near Song Kol and it’s easily reached from Bishkek. You can get a shared taxi or a marshrutka to this town from the  western bus station in Bishkek .

A marshrutka ticket from Bishkek to Kochkor costs around 400 som and the journey to get there from the capital should take less than 3 hours.

Once in Kyzart, you can hike to the lake of Song-Kol over the course of two days.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Hiking to Song Kul Lake – 2 Trekking Itineraries


Song Kul is quite a remote lake and definitely not the easiest one to access. There are many tour companies offering a multi-day trip to Song Kul lake.

If you’d like to visit Son Kul lake by horse in combination with other fantastic destinations and with a small group of like-minded travelers, check out my  Adventure Tours in Kyrgyzstan !

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024


There are nowadays many yurt camps spread around the lake, operated by different travel organizers and families. You can arrange your stay in these yurt camps ahead of time or directly with the yurt owners upon arriving there. A night at a yurt camp in Song Kul, including breakfast and dinner, cost around 2500 KGS. Prices can vary.

  • Yurt Camp Azamat
  • Yurt Camp Ali-Nur

Son Kul Northern Yurt Camp

Remember that these yurt camps are only there from the end of May/ beginning of June until mid-September!

Kyrgyzstan on a budget. How much does it cost to travel in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan Money Guide: How much does it cost to travel and live in Kyrgyzstan

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

16. Kel Suu Lake

Although this fantastic canyon lake is hard to get to, it’s one of Kyrgyzstan’s beautiful points of interest! Kel Suu was formed in the 1980s when part of the mountains around it collapsed and created a massive natural reservoir. It’s surrounded by cliffs so tall that it defies the imagination.

There are numerous caves and alcoves in the rocky crags around Kel Suu that you can explore on foot and there’s a small island in the center of the lake that you can reach by boat.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

There are plenty of fun activities to do in the vicinity of the lake. The whole area can be explored on foot, on horseback, or by boat.

If you want to explore the farthest parts of the lake, you can rent a boat from the locals. If you like horseback riding, you can always rent a horse from the local shepherds. You could also go for a swim, however, the water is freezing (around 5ºC)!

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

This natural gem is considered to be one of the most beautiful and spectacular mountain lakes in the Kyrgyz Republic and it’s also one of the highest lakes in the world.

Chelpek Lakes - Zhashyl Kul - Ydryk Lakes - Horse Riding in Kyrgyzstan - Best destinations horseback trek Kyrgyzstan - Horse riding Karakol

The 8 most beautiful lakes in Kyrgyzstan

Kel Suu is located in a valley called Kok-Kiya at an elevation of about 3,520 meters altitude and not too far from the Chinese border. You’ll need a border permit to get here.

You can occasionally see eagles flying over the mountains and herds of wild yaks grazing in the distance. This is a place that would fit very well the description of untouched nature.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Since this lake is not completely closed off, its water level tends to vary considerably throughout the year. When I went there with a group of travelers during one of my  Overland Expedition Tours  in 2018, Kel-Suu was empty but it was still beautiful and special to walk in the dry lake bed.

Trekking to Kel Suu Lake - A Complete Guide to Trekking in Kyrgyzstan with the best and most beautiful hikes of the country - Journal of Nomads

Reaching this lake requires a border permit that you can get by contacting the local CBT office in Naryn. The lake is also so remote that you will need a 4×4 vehicle to get there. 

Kel Suu Lake Kyrgyzstan - The Complete Travel Guide how to visit Kel Suu Lake in Kyrgyzstan

Travel Guide to Kel Suu Lake and the Kok Kiya Valley


This lake is very remote. The only road to get there is very rough and bumpy and there are many river crossings where there is no bridge. Even with a 4×4 car, the water level in these rivers might be higher than the floorboards. Rental car companies won’t let you go there with a rented car.

There are also no marshrutkas or taxis that go there either so I would advise contacting a  local tour company  to arrange transportation to this lake.

You can also join my Kyrgyzstan Overlanding Tour or Highlights of Kyrgyzstan Adventure as Kel Suu is one of the destination on the tour itinerary.

Best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - How to get to kel Suu lake


There is plenty of space for wild camping in the valley near Kel-Suu lake.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

There are also a few yurt camps around Kel-Suu. You can arrange your stay there upon your arrival at the Kok Kiya Valley.

Kyrgyzstan Travel Tour - Overland Trip to Kel Suu Lake - Yurt camp Kyrgyzstan

17. Tash Rabat

Tash Rabat was a very important place during the period when the Silk Road was used actively by Asian traders and merchants. It’s a place known as a Caravanserai, a roadside inn where the merchants could stop and rest for a few days.

On top of being the perfect place to rest for travelers, it was also a place where the various animals transporting the wagons along the silk road could be well fed and taken care of.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Caravanserais were scattered all along the silk road and were providing shelter in isolated regions from the hostile environment and from bandits.

What is so interesting about Tash Rabat is the unusual architecture of the place which leads many researchers to believe it was originally a Buddhist monastery before being used as a caravanserai.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

This unusual building really stands out against the green mountains that surround it. It gives the place very peaceful and calm energy.

The whole area is very quiet and the silence is only occasionally broken by herds of horses running down from the hills.

Travelers coming here can spend a few days relaxing in the yurt camps nearby and go for a few hikes in the quiet mountains around the caravanserai.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

If you are more adventurous, I would recommend renting a horse from one of the camps to go explore the valley more in-depth and spend some time on the trails that used to be part of the silk road.

You can rent a horse for about 3 USD an hour at the yurt camps and go ride by yourself or you can go on a longer guided tour to some of the more remote peaks of the region.

The Complete Guide to Tash Rabat Caravanseria Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

How to visit mysterious Tash Rabat Caravanserai – The Complete Travel Guide


There are marshrutkas and shared taxis going directly from the bus station in Naryn city to Tash Rabat.

The distance between Naryn and Tash Rabat is 117 km and getting there by shared taxi should cost around 3000som.

You could also visit Tash Rabat by joining one of my   Kyrgyzstan Adventure Tours !

Things to do in Tash Rabat - Tash Rabat hikes - Hiking to Tash Rabat Panda Pass Chatyr Kul Viewpoint - Horse Riding Tash Rabat- The Complete Guide to Tash Rabat Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads


Tash Rabat is the ideal place to pitch your tent if you enjoy camping. There are a lot of flat areas in the valley near this archaeological site and you should be able to camp there without being bothered.

If you would prefer to have a typical Kyrgyz experience, you can sleep in a yurt in one of the various yurt camps that you will encounter near the caravanserai.

They charge around 2000 som per person, dinner and breakfast included in this price. You can arrange your stay in the yurts by walking directly to the camps and talking with the owners.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Beautiful Places to visit in the Jalal-Abad Region

18. too ashuu mountain pass.

Ala Bel Mountain Pass - best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

The Too Ashuu mountain pass (3594 m) is on the mountainous road connecting Bishkek to Osh. It’s one of the most beautiful mountain passes in Kyrgyzstan and it’s easily accessed by car.

It’s located above two gorgeous valleys and the whole panorama there is truly a feast for the eyes. From one side of the pass, you can admire Chichkan Valley and from the other side, you can see the Susamir Valley.

This place also looks incredibly in winter. The whole area becomes buried under big layers of snow and looks like a vast white desert. The road can be a bit dangerous if you drive there when there is a lot of snow so drive with caution.

In spring, the alpine meadows that are visible from the pass are blooming with more flowers than the mind can imagine and it’s likely you’ll see shepherds moving their animals across the pass in fall.

Ala Bell Mountain Pass in winter - best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads


You can get to the Too Ashuu pass by public transport from Bishkek by (shared) taxi and marshrutka. You can take a shared taxi or hop on a marshrutka in Bishkek at the Western bus station or at the bus stand south of the Osh Bazaar.

You will need to take a shared taxi or a marshrutka going in the direction of Osh or Jalal-Abad to reach the Too Ashuu pass.


Since Too Ashuu is a very high mountain pass, staying there is practically impossible. There aren’t any hotels or hostels and camping there could be hard because there isn’t much flat ground in the surroundings.

What I would recommend is to continue your journey from the Too Ashuu pass towards the south until you reach  Toktogul (see the next place to visit in Kyrgyzstan below).

19. Toktogul Reservoir

Places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Lake Toktogul in Kyrgyzstan - Hitchhiking in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

Toktogul Reservoir is the largest water reservoir in Kyrgyzstan and in the whole of Central Asia. It covers 284 km² and has an average depth of about 215 m. 

Toktogul is also home to Kyrgyzstan’s biggest hydro-electric station. The reservoir is sourced from the Naryn River, whose waters flow from the northern part of the Jalal-Abad region. The deep turquoise color of the water is a stunning contrast to the red hills surrounding the reservoir.

You can go for a quick stop at the reservoir or spend more time hiking up to the Toktogul Kyzyl-Too Panoramic view (around 6km) and camp at the reservoir. You’re even allowed to swim in certain permitted locations in the reservoir (the water is around 28 ° C in summer!).

HOw to get to Tokotogul Reservoir

Toktogul Reservoir lies on the main road between Bishkek and Osh. You can get there by marshrutka or shared taxi, coming from either direction and ask the driver to let you out at the reservoir.

Where to stay at Toktogul reservoir

If you have a tent, you can easily (wild) camp on the shores of the reservoir. There are also a few guesthouses in Toktogul town.

The one I recommend is the  RAHAT Hostel in Toktogul . This place is owned and operated by a sweet elderly couple who will do their utmost best to ensure you have a comfortable stay.

The location of this hostel is very good. It’s located right on the main street, three minutes from the bus station and five minutes from the bazaar.

Click to check out rates and availability for “RAHAT Hostel in Toktogul”

20. Sary Chelek Lake and National Reserve

Sary Chelek Lake Kyrgyzstan - Sary Chelek Travel Guide - Journal of Nomads

Sary Chelek is located in the Jalal-Abad region in the west of Kyrgyzstan, tucked into the Western Tien Shan Mountains at the foot of the Chatkal Mountain Range.

This alpine lake is the highlight of a larger area called Sary Chelek Nature Reserve which has been declared as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 1978.

The reserve has seven alpine lakes with Sary Chelek Lake being the largest one. Located at an altitude of 1887 meters and created by a landslide, the lake covers almost 500 hectares. The depth varies across the lake, with its deepest point at 245 meters.

Beautiful places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Visit Sary Chelek Lake Kyrgyzstan - Sary Chelek Travel Guide - Journal of Nomads

The other six lakes in the area are smaller but nonetheless beautiful! There’s a hiking trail in the park that allows you to visit almost all the lakes in one day.

The dense forest with its wild fruit and walnut trees and the valleys surrounding the lakes are a habitat for thousands of plant species, hundreds of birds, and around 40 species of mammals, such as bears and lynx.

Sary Chelek Lake Kyrgyzstan - Sary Chelek Travel Guide - Journal of Nomads

I think Sary Chelek is a must-see destination as it’s absolutely one of the most beautiful places to visit, especially if you’re a nature and outdoor lover!

Best Travel Drones - Places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Sary Chelek Lake Kyrgyzstan - Sary Chelek Travel Guide - Journal of Nomads

How to get to Sary Chelek Nature reserve and things to do at Sary Chelek

How to get to Sary Chelek Lake

The entrance gate to Sary Chelek Nature Reserve is located in the village of Arkit. Getting there by public transport from Osh or Jalal-Abad is the easiest but it’s also possible to travel to Arkit from Bishkek.

Read here in detail on how to get to Sary Chelek Nature Reserve and Arkit .

You can also visit Sary Chelek during the 10-day Feel Like a Nomad Horse Riding Adventure !

Where to Stay in Sary chelek

You can stay in one of the many guesthouses and homestays in Arkit village . They also offer meals at an additional price as there are no restaurants in the village.

The prices vary between €10 and €35 per person per night. Breakfast is usually included. If you want to have lunch or dinner, count on an extra €5 per person per meal.

There are no guesthouses or homestays in the nature reserve. The only way to spend a night near the lake(s) is by camping.

Camping Sary Chelek Nature Reserve - Sary Chelek Lake Kyrgyzstan - Sary Chelek Travel Guide - Journal of Nomads

21. Arslanbob

Arslanbob Valley - The Complete Guide to Arslanbob Walnut forest Kyrgyzstan - Arslanbob Things to do

Arslanbob is a village tucked in the eponymous valley in the Chatkal mountain range in the south of Kyrgyzstan .

It’s a destination that is popular for its hikes, horseback riding, and skiing but more than anything else, it’s famous for having the world’s largest walnut forest (nowadays around 11,000 hectares) right at its doorstep.

The Arslanbob walnut forest is estimated to be 50 million years old and is also home to 130 varieties of other nut and fruit trees. Some of the trees are more than 1000 years old!

There are about 16000 people living in Arslanbob and the main population is mainly ethnic Uzbek. They speak a local Uzbek dialect and still wear their traditional clothing. This is one of the things that makes Arslanbob special and different from other places in Kyrgyzstan.

Arslanbob Walnut forest Kyrgyzstan

Families in Arslanbob spend fall harvesting nuts in this forest and it’s very interesting to be there and take part in the whole process. They will be more than happy to welcome you and show you how the walnut harvest is done if you offer a helping hand.

The ancient walnut forest isn’t the only reason why you should visit Arslanbob. There’s a variety of things to do and you don’t have to go far to visit the waterfalls, walk to the panoramic viewpoint, have a picnic in the forest or enjoy the village life and the picturesque mountainous views.

For those seeking more action and adventure, there are a number of outdoor activities, such a multiple-day hikes, horse treks, and options to go rock climbing and mountain biking.

Kyrgyzstan Arslanbob - Kyrgyzstan travel

12 Wonderful Things to do in Arslanbob Walnut Forest

Kyrgyzstan Arslanbob - Kyrgyzstan travel


There’s a marshrutka (minibus) that goes directly from Osh to Arslanbob village. This marshrutka leaves daily around 1.30 pm at the   new bus station in Osh ,   located on the corner of Lenin and Kasymbekova street.

The mashrutka from Osh to Arslanbob costs 200 som per person and the journey takes around 4 to 5 hours, including the 30-minute stop at Bazar Korgon.


There are a number of CBT guesthouses in Arslanbob Village that offer food and accommodation. You can  book some online in advance  or you can go to the CBT office to help you arrange your stay.

Most guesthouses are equipped with warm showers and (outdoor) toilets and have beautiful courtyards filled with fruits and flower gardens.

The average cost is around €15 to €20 per person per night, including breakfast. Your host will also provide dinner at an additional cost of 500 som.  Note: these prices are subject to change .

Best Places to visit in Osh Region

Sunset in Osh Kyrgyzstan - Osh, Places to visit in Kyrygzstan - Journal of Nomads

Osh , located in the Ferghana Valley in the south of Kyrgyzstan, is the country’s second-largest city. It’s a great transit point to explore the south of the country and it’s also the gateway to the Pamir Highway and the Ferghana Valley, both leading to Uzbekistan and Tajikistan .

That’s why Osh is very often seen as the cultural capital of Kyrgyzstan as it’s a melting pot of Kyrgyz, Tajik and Uzbek cultures. It’s also one of the best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan to try several regional dishes that reflect the multicultural nature of the city.

Osh - Best places in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

Osh was also the first and therefore the oldest city of the country with a history of over 3000 years as the fertile soil of the Ferghana Valley attracted the nomadic people to settle down. From the 8th century, it developed into an important center of silk production.

The Suleiman Too mountain is the heart of the city. This sacred mountain has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and houses several mosques, a museum, and sacred caves, some of which women visit to increase their fertility.

Panoramic view Osh Kyrgyzstan City Guide - Things to do in Osh Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

1 4 Top Things to do in Osh – Osh City Guide

28 top things to do in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads - Sulaiman-Too Mountain Osh

Osh is definitely worth visiting for a couple of days and I’d highly suggest taking a guided tour around the city as there’s so much history and places to be explored.

I highly recommend Atabek from Best of Osh as your guide. He speaks fluent English, is very knowledgeable and is highly passionate to show people the incredible features of his hometown. You can book a tour with him here:


  • By public transport

Most towns and cities have marshrutkas or (shared) taxi’s going directly to Osh. The road between Bishkek and Osh is a long one (10 to 12 hours!) but it takes you through some of the most beautiful mountain passes in the country.

Since the road between the two cities is really winding and quite narrow in certain areas, it’s inappropriate for large vehicles, even for marshrutkas. The only way to get there by local transport is by shared taxi. A shared taxi between the two cities costs around 2500 per person.

  • Taking a domestic flight from Bishkek to Osh

With really cheap flights between the two cities, the easiest and fastest way to travel to Osh is to fly directly from Bishkek.

There are many flights linking the two cities throughout the day and travel time is very short. It takes about 45 minutes to reach the southern city from Bishkek by plane so it’s a great option if you’re on a tight schedule. A one-way flight costs around €50.

The airport in Osh is not very far from the city center and you can reach the city center by taxi for about 250 som.


Osh is the second biggest city in Kyrgyzstan and the number of high-quality guest houses and hotels operating there is increasing every year.

This destination offers a good quantity of  budget hostels  for backpackers who want to save money to explore during the day and swap stories with fellow backpackers in the shared kitchen or bar in the evening.

If you are looking for more comfort and a place to wind down after the long journey there, the city also offers some fancy but affordable  hotels .

These are the hostels, guesthouses, and hotels I recommend in Osh:

  • Lovely Home For You : dorm or private room, great location, beautiful garden, budget friendly
  • Ethno Boutique Hotel : beautiful private rooms with mountain views
  • Rayan Hotel : deluxe rooms, great location, wellness center

23. the Alay Mountains

Ak Tor Pass Trek - Alay Mountains Hikes - Hiking in Kyrgyzstan - Trekking Guide - Journal of Nomads

The Alay Mountains, also referred to as the Alay Valley, are a stunning sub-range of the Pamir-Alay Mountain system in the southwest of Kyrgyzstan.

They are known for being some of Central Asia’s most beautiful and dramatic mountains with their green and alpine landscapes.

The Alay region has small traditional villages with many nomadic shepherds living in yurt camps during summer. It’s a great place to learn more about local life, gain insight into the nomadic culture, and, of course, go on hikes to enjoy the wild and fabulous nature.

Horseback trek Kyrgyzstan - Hiking in Kyrgyzstan - Alay Mountains - Kyrgyzstan Trekking Tours - Journal of Nomads

There are many hiking trails in the Alay Mountains – from day hikes to multiple-day treks – along luxuriant valleys and pastures filled with grazing horses, yaks, sheep, and cows, crystal-clear alpine lakes, and rugged mountain passes with panoramic views over snow-capped peaks and glaciers.

Sary Mogul Pass - Best of Alay Mountains Trek - Alay Mountains - Kyrgyzstan Trekking Tours - Journal of Nomads

Some of the hiking trails are just one hour away from Osh in the  Kichik Alay , which means lower Alay Mountains.

The higher Alay Mountains in the southern part of the Alay mountain range have passes above 4000 meters altitude. The trailheads of the hikes in the higher Alay are close to Sary Mogul Village (about 4 hours driving from Osh).

There are just so many beautiful places to visit within the Alay Mountain region that it’s hard to point out just a couple.

Join the 12-day Best of Alay Trekking Adventure in Kyrgyzstan!

Alay Mountains Hikes - Hiking in Kyrgyzstan - Trekking Guide - Journal of Nomads

If you’re a physically fit person, then I highly recommend doing the Best of Alay Trek as this 12-day trek takes you to all the highlights of the higher Alay Mountains.

I’ve written a very comprehensive guide of all the most beautiful destinations and hikes within the Alay Mountains and how to reach them.

Alay Mountains Hikes - Hiking in Kyrgyzstan - Trekking Guide - Journal of Nomads

7 Best Hikes in the Alay Mountains

24. Tulpar Kol Lake

Places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Kyrgyzstan beautiful places - Tulpar Kul Lake - Lenin Peak Basecamp - Alay Mountains - Kyrgyzstan Trekking Tours - Journal of Nomads

Tulpar Kol is one of the several small alpine lakes in the Alay Valley in the south of Kyrgyzstan. This alpine lake lies at an altitude of 3500m. On clear days, the view of Lenin Peak, one of the highest mountains in Central Asia, is reflected on the surface of the lake.

Tulpar Kol is the largest of a string of 42 lakes. The surrounding landscapes are very colorful! The hills around these lakes consist of red soil, then you have the green grass growing around and the white snowcapped peaks of the Trans-Alay mountain range in the background.

Tolpar Kol Lake - Lenin Peak Basecamp -

I stayed a couple of nights in a yurt camp on the shores of this lake during my trek towards Lenin Peak Basecamp and Travellers Pass (see next best place to visit in Kyrgyzstan below).

It was such a good base for hiking in the area or just relaxing and enjoying the incredible beauty and peace of the place!

This destination is also part of my 12-day Kyrgyzstan Trekking Adventure !

How to get to Tulpar Kol lake

There’s no public transport going directly from Osh to Tulpar Kol Lake. You’ll first have to get to Sary Mogul Village.

Sary Mogul Village - Alay Mountains - Kyrgyzstan Trekking Tours - Journal of Nomads

You can get from Osh to Sary Mogul by (shared) taxi or marshrutka.

There’s  one daily marshrutka  that goes from Osh to Daraut-Korgon via Sary Mogul. It usually leaves around 2 pm from the Old Bus Station, which is located in the city center at the head of Osh Bazaar near Aravanskaya.

You can also take a  shared taxi  to Sary Mogul at the New Bus Station. These also don’t leave until the car is full, but several shared taxis run throughout the day. It costs 500 som, and the journey takes around 4-5 hours.

Tulpar Kul is a 25km drive from Sary Mogul Village. You can take a taxi or try and hitch a ride there.

You can also book a direct transfer from Osh to Tulpar Kol (5 hours) with CBT Osh , which would be around 6500 som per car.

Remember that you need a  Border Zone Permit  to visit Tulpar Kol Lake (the same one as for Lenin Peak Basecamp) as it’s close to the border with  Tajikistan . It takes 10 to 20 days to issue the permit, so you need to apply and pay in advance.  CBT Osh  can help you obtain this permit.

Where to stay at Tulpar Kol Lake

There are just a couple of yurt camps on the shores of Lake Tulpar Kol. I stayed at the family-owned  Pamir Nomad Yurt Camp .

25. Peak Lenin Basecamp & Traveller’s Pass

Best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Lenin Peak Basecamp - Travelers Pass - Alay Mountains - Kyrgyzstan Trekking Tours - Journal of Nomads

Peak Lenin is one of the highest mountains in Central Asia. This 7134 meters tall mountain, straddling the border of Kyrgyzstan and  Tajikistan  in the Pamir-Alay mountains, is on a clear day almost always visible from a distance.

When you go on the day hike to Traveller’s Pass, you’ll get a fantastic close view of Lenin Peak and its surrounding glaciers from this 4150m high ridge.

Lenin Peak - Peak Lenin Basecamp - travelers pass - Alay Mountains Hikes - Hiking in Kyrgyzstan - Trekking Guide - Journal of Nomads

The trail to Traveller’s Pass starts right behind the yurt camp on the southern shore of Tulpar Kul. You’ll also pass Peak Lenin Basecamp along the way.

Lenin Peak Basecamp - Lenin Peak - Alai Mountains - Alay Mountains - Kyrgyzstan Trekking Tours - Journal of Nomads

You might meet some mountaineers who are preparing for the climb to Lenin Peak. It’s quite a popular climb as it’s known to be the “easiest” 7000-meter summit in the world.

However, many people underestimate this climb. It’s not something you do in a day. Climbing Peak Lenin is a 3-week expedition and it’s a dangerous one!

Once you’ve reached the top of the ridge of Traveller’s Pass and see the magnificent view of glaciers tumbling off the majestic Lenin Peak, I guarantee that you won’t stop smiling for a while!


Since Peak Lenin is located on the border between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, getting there requires a border permit. There are a few military checks on the road to the base camp of the mountain and you will be required to show your permit to proceed.

It can take anywhere between 10 days to 3 weeks to get the permit and you can do so by  contacting CBT Osh .

It is better to get the border permit through the CBT office instead of through a travel agency because most travel agencies will tell you that you have to organize an official tour there with them to get the permit which is absolutely not the case.

HOW TO GET TO Peak Lenin Basecamp and traveller’s Pass

Peak Lenin Basecamp and Traveller’s Pass can only be reached on foot or on horse.

The trail starts right behind the yurt camp on the southern shore of Tulpar Kol. Read the full description of this hike here .


You can camp anywhere you like along the trail or you could stay in one of the yurt camps near Tulpar Kol Lake and go on a day hike to Lenin Peak Basecamp and Traveller’s Pass.

Join one of my Kyrgyzstan Trekking Adventures to visit these places!

I hope this guide has inspired you to visit Kyrgyzstan and helped you plan your trip! Please let me know in the comments below if you have any questions left!

Plan your trip to Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan on a budget. How much does it cost to travel in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan Money Guide: Costs of Living and traveling in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Traveling in Central Asia Packing List - what to wear in Central Asia - Kyrgyzstan - The Complete Travel Guide how to visit Kel Suu Lake in Kyrgyzstan

Best Tips and complete Packing List for Traveling in Central Asia in 2024 – When to go and what to wear when visiting Central Asia

Kol Ukok - Son Kul - Chelpek Lakes - Zhashyl Kul - Ydryk Lakes - Horse Riding in Kyrgyzstan - Best destinations horseback trek Kyrgyzstan - Horse riding Song Kul Naryn

Kyrgyzstan Horseback riding: Everything you need to know about horse riding in Kyrgyzstan+ the 9 best horse Riding destinations

Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide - Backpacking in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide: 20 Useful Things you should know to visit Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Culturele Rondreis Kirgizie - People of Kyrgyzstan - Folkloric clothes - traditional clothes - Alay Mountains - Journal of Nomads

The 28 Best Things to Do in Kyrgyzstan – culture, nature, history, and sights

Is it safe to travel in Kyrgyzstan? - Kyrgyzstan travel safety tips - is it safe to travel to kyrgyzstan in 2019? - Journal of nomads

Is Kyrgyzstan safe? 15 Useful Things to Know before you go in 2024

More kyrgyzstan travel resources.

  • The Complete Travel Guide to Kyrgyzstan
  • The 14 best hikes in Kyrgyzstan
  • The 25 most beautiful places in Kyrgyzstan
  • 8 beautiful lakes in Kyrgyzstan
  • 15 useful safety tips for Kyrgyzstan
  • The complete packing list for Kyrgyzstan
  • 28 Things to do in Kyrgyzstan
  • 13 Top Things to do in Bishkek – City Guide
  • How to visit the Osh Bazaar in Bishkek
  • 14 Top Things to do in Osh – City Guide
  • 15 Best Things to do in Karakol – City Guide
  • The 21 best hikes in Karakol and Jyrgalan
  • Tash Rabat Travel Guide
  • The complete travel guide to Kel Suu Lake
  • The complete travel guide to Arslanbob
  • How to visit Sary Chelek Lake and Nature Reserve
  • Top things to do around Issyk Kul Lake, a one week itinerary
  • Facts and legends of the Burana Tower
  • Everything you need to know about horse riding to Song Kul lake
  • A comprehensive guide to skiing in Kyrgyzstan
  • 6 reasons why you should visit Kyrgyzstan in winter
  • Visit Kyrgyzstan in winter by using this 10-day Kyrgyzstan winter itinerary
  • Here are the 7 best hikes in the Alay Mountains near Osh
  • Use this day-by-day itinerary to hike independently to Ala Kul lake
  • Hike independently to Son Kul lake by using these 2 itineraries
  • 8 great day trips and hikes near Bishkek
  • Ready steady goat! An insight into Kok Boru, Kyrgyzstan’s unusual national sport
  • Meet the Golden Eagle Hunters of Kyrgyzstan

12 thoughts on “The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024”


Thank you 🙂

Hi, the detailed information provided in your central Asia travel blog is simply captivating & very helpful to those wanting an adventure in central asia. Well done & 2 thumbs up for your contribution. Keep it up.

with thanks, Ivan Lai

Thank you so much Ivan!

We are two seniors and would like to explore this beautiful country in September. Is there a tour to see all of these places in 8 days? Is it possible for a female to rent a car? Love your article, thank you so much.

Hi Arlene, I’m happy you loved the article!

I’m afraid it won’t be possible to see all these places in 8 days. Kyrgyzstan might be a small country in comparison with its neighbors (with the exception of Tajikistan) but it’s still quite a big country. The distances between all these places require a lot of driving and not all the roads are very good, which adds even more driving time. You’re always welcome to contact me and I can help you with an itinerary suggestion. It is also definitely possible to rent a car as a woman!

hey! great article! thank you very much for sharing to much experience and knowledge.

Thank you Roger!

What a great write up and stunning photos! We are planning a trip end of March/early Apr but looks like its not the right time to be visiting Kyrgystan. Were you there around that time? Please could you advise. Thank you!

Hello Ranjani, thank you! 🙂 It’s still very cold end of March/ early April and there won’t be many yurt camps around as most semi-nomads set up their camps from May on. But if you prepare for the cold temperatures, you can still get a very beautiful experience in Kyrgyzstan as the winter landscapes are stunning!

Great article! Do you still have a high resolution version of this picture? https://www.journalofnomads.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/IMG_6488-1.jpg I’d love to use it as my laptop’s wallpaper. Cheers! Bob

Hi Bob, if you’re interested in one of our photos, please send us an email at hello(at)journalofnomads(dot)com or use the contact form on our website! 🙂

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visit bishkek kyrgyzstan

Situation normal in Kyrgyzstan's Bishkek, direct flights to Delhi continue

H YDERABAD : The Indian Embassy in Kyrgyzstan on Wednesday announced that the situation in Bishkek has returned to normal and that air connectivity between Bishkek and Delhi remains operational.

The communique comes four days after a mob violence struck in the capital city and foreign nationals, including Indian students, were attacked by the locals.

Besides direct flights from Bishkek, the Embassy noted that there are flights to India via Almaty, Dubai, Istanbul, Sharjah and Tashkent.

“The local transport to Manas International Airport in Bishkek remains accessible to Indian students,” the Embassy said.

In the absence of an evacuation plan, Indian students have already been leaving the country through regular flights in the past few days. According to sources, many students have booked their flights to India for this week starting Thursday.

Meanwhile, the Manas airport in Bishkek on Wednesday received a bomb threat for the second time in the past week, according to the news agency, AKI Press. While the airport staff and passengers were evacuated as the threat cautioned for an explosion at 3 pm (local time), bomb technicians checked the territory and confirmed that it was a hoax.

“The Bishkek police department said none of the flights were delayed. The airport returned to normal functioning,” the news agency reported.

Situation normal in Kyrgyzstan's Bishkek, direct flights to Delhi continue

ESPN Press Room U.S.

The Ultimate Fighter: Team Grasso vs. Team Shevchenko Premieres Tuesday, June 4, at 10 p.m. ET on ESPN, ESPN Deportes and ESPN+

New episodes debut every tuesday at 10 p.m. et/ 7 p.m. pt.

Photo of Ardi Dwornik

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The 32nd season of The Ultimate Fighter— The Ultimate Fighter: Team Grasso vs. Team Shevchenko— debuts next Tuesday, June 4, at 10 p.m. ET, on ESPN, ESPN Deportes and ESPN+. This season of  The Ultimate Fighter  will feature UFC flyweight champion Alexa Grasso coaching opposite former champion and No. 1 contender Valentina Shevchenko, as the two prepare to square off for the third time at a future date.

Additional TUF content on ESPN throughout the season:

  • All  31 seasons of TUF

@ESPNMMA  Twitter ,  Facebook  and  Instagram :

  • Throughout the season, ESPN’s social handles will share, in collaboration with UFC, unreleased footage, highlights and key moments
  • ‘The Ultimate Fighter,’ Season 32 preview: Team Grasso vs. Team Shevchenko
  • After each episode: TUF reactions, including the best moments, fights and anecdotes from the latest episode.

The Ultimate Fighter: Team Grasso vs. Team Shevchenko   will feature the most international cast ever assembled for the show, with 14 nations being represented by the 16 rising prospects in the men’s featherweight (145 lbs.) and middleweight (185 lbs.) divisions, who have put everything else in their lives aside to pursue their UFC dreams.

No. 1 ranked women’s pound-for-pound fighter  Grasso   (16-3-1, fighting out of Guadalajara, Mexico) intends to make a statement in her coaching debut. She will look to pass on the skills and experience that have earned her notable victories over Shevchenko, Maycee Barber and Joanne Wood. Grasso now has her sights set on shutting out Shevchenko as coach and building momentum towards their inevitable rematch later this year.

Former UFC flyweight champion  Shevchenko   (23-4-1, fighting out of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) is considered by many to be one of the greatest mixed martial artists of all time. A Master of Sport in taekwondo, boxing, kickboxing, and Muay Thai, Shevchenko has claimed highlight-reel victories over Lauren Murphy, Jéssica Andrade, and Katlyn Chookagian. She now plans on adding a successful TUF coaching season to her impressive resume on the way to reclaiming her belt from Grasso.

Produced by Lionsgate Alternative Television’s Pilgrim Media Group,   The Ultimate Fighter  is the iconic reality television series that has introduced millions of new and die-hard fans to future UFC champions and top contenders. Those whose careers have been shaped by their participation in  The Ultimate Fighter  include: Julianna Peña, Kamaru Usman, Forrest Griffin, Rashad Evans, Rose Namajunas, Michael Bisping, Robert Whittaker, Nate Diaz, Tony Ferguson, T.J. Dillashaw, Amanda Nunes, Matt Serra, Michael Chiesa, Al Iaquinta, Kelvin Gastelum, Uriah Hall and many others.

Below is the full list of competitors scheduled to compete in The Ultimate Fighter: Team Grasso vs. Team Shevchenko  (name, age, professional record and fighting out of):


Edwin Cooper Jr | 31 | 6-1 | Albuquerque, N.M.

Nathan Fletcher | 26 | 8-1 | Liverpool, England

Zygimantas Ramaska | 27 | 9-2 | Ukmergė, Lithuania

Roedie Roets | 27 | 7-1 | Polokwane, South Africa

Bekhzod Usmonov | 28 | 12-4 | Tajikistan

Guillermo Torres | 37 | 7-1 | Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

Kaan Ofli | 30 | 11-2-1 | Melbourne, Australia

Mairon Santos | 23 | 13-1 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Omran Chaaban | 23 | 6-1 | Finland

Shamidkhan Magomedov | 29 | 8-1 | Gubkinsky, Russia

Robert Valentin | 28 | 10-3 | Switzerland

Mark Hulme | 29 | 12-3 | Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Ryan Loder | 31 | 6-1 | Sacramento, Calif.

Giannis Bachar | 33 | 9-2 | Athens, Greece

Thomas Theocharis | 30 | 9-5 | Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Paddy McCorry | 26 | 4-1 | West Belfast, Ireland

*All athletes are subject to change

Photo of Ardi Dwornik

Ardi Dwornik

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Ministry of health receives 26 vehicles to improve vaccine transportation across kyrgyzstan.

handover of cars

On June 1, UNICEF handed over 16 specialised vehicles to the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic to enhance the transportation of life-saving vaccines throughout the country. The vehicles were provided by the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI) through UNICEF, as part of efforts to boost immunisation in Kyrgyzstan.

These pickup vehicles are equipped with four-wheel drive to ensure access to remote areas. They can accommodate large cold boxes needed for the safe transportation of most vaccines.

“Today’s transfer of specialized vehicles is an important step in strengthening our healthcare system. These vehicles will allow us to ensure the delivery of vaccines to even the most remote areas of our country, which is critical to increasing immunization rates and protecting the health of our citizens. We express our deep gratitude to GAVI and UNICEF for their continued support and contribution to improving healthcare in Kyrgyzstan,” said Alymkadyr Beishenaliev, Minister of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The vehicles will improve the delivery of vaccines from regional to district-level storage facilities, ensuring their timely availability.

“Safe and effective administration of vaccines against dangerous diseases such as measles, rubella, and whooping cough requires special storage and transportation conditions. Improving this infrastructure is crucial to ensure that life-saving vaccines are available to every child in Kyrgyzstan,” noted Cristina Brugiolo, acting UNICEF Representative in Kyrgyzstan.

This is the first batch of a total of 26 vehicles that the Ministry will receive. The remaining 10 vehicles will arrive in the country by the end of July 2024.

The total cost of the vehicles is 1,261,000 USD.

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About unicef.

UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child, in everything we do. Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere.

For more information about UNICEF and its work for children, visit www.unicef.org.

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    Improving this infrastructure is crucial to ensure that life-saving vaccines are available to every child in Kyrgyzstan," noted Cristina Brugiolo, acting UNICEF Representative in Kyrgyzstan. ... More than 200 Children with Disabilities Took Part in Fun Run Event in Bishkek Visit the page Press release. 17 May 2024. 1 million school children ...

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