Virtual Travel

A Smithsonian magazine special report

Ambitious VR Experience Restores 7,000 Roman Buildings, Monuments to Their Former Glory

You can take an aerial tour of the city circa 320 A.D. or stop by specific sites for in-depth exploration

Meilan Solly

Meilan Solly

Associate Editor, History

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Ever wish you could step into a hot air balloon, travel back in time to 320 A.D., and soar over the streets of Ancient Rome? Well, that oddly specific fantasy is achievable in a new virtual reality experience called “ Rome Reborn .”

The ambitious undertaking, painstakingly built by a team of 50 academics and computer experts over a 22-year period, recreates 7,000 buildings and monuments scattered across a 5.5 square mile stretch of the famed Italian city. The project, according to Tom Kington of the Times , is being marketed as the largest digital reconstruction of Rome to date.

Director Bernard Frischer , a digital archaeologist at Indiana University, tells Agence France-Presse that “Rome Reborn” features multiple VR experiences: You can opt for a whirlwind flyover tour of the city or stop by a specific site, such as the Roman forum or the Basilica of Maxentius .

For now, the forum and basilica are the only two landmarks available for in-depth exploration, but tours of the Colosseum, the Pantheon and other top attractions are expected to debut this year or next.

The “ Flight Over Ancient Rome ” experience, currently available via VR headsets and computers, takes participants on a roughly two-hour highlights tour that includes stops at more than 35 points of interest, including the imperial fora and palace, the Circus Maximus, and the tombs of emperors Augustus and Hadrian. All of these sites are seen from above, providing a unique aerial perspective the website touts as a chance to see “how the individual buildings and monuments fit into a larger pattern of urban organization.”

Comparatively, the two site visits place users in the driver’s seat, affording them freedom to roam through reconstructed streets and halls while learning key facts via a helpful in-app tour guide. The Basilica of Maxentius , a monumental civic building commissioned by the emperor Maxentius prior to his defeat at the hands of rival Constantine, is particularly impressive due to its vibrant interior and restored statue of the conquering emperor, who later oversaw the Roman Empire’s transition into a Christian state.

The Forum, a marketplace of sorts that served as the center of the ancient city, also reveals an impressive attention to detail: As archaeologist Paolo Liverani of the University of Florence explains to the Times ’ Kington, researchers used studies on the flooring of the Forum—including an illustration found on the Arch of Constantine —to render the virtual model accurately. VR experts even collaborated with historians to ensure that sunlight correctly bounced off of the Forum’s gold-gilded statues.

Frischer tells AFP that he and his colleagues chose to set their virtual world in 320 A.D. because they had the most information on that period, which allowed them to go into greater detail. Additionally, he explains , the year represented a critical turning point for Rome, as it experienced a burst of architectural energy and saw its population cross the 1 million threshold. Just 10 years later, Constantine moved the imperial capital east to Constantinople , signaling the end of Rome’s position as the center of the empire.

Today, little of the sumptuous world seen in “Rome Reborn” remains, a fact emphasized by the app’s “Time Warp” feature. By toggling between the structures’ past glory and present-day dilapidation, history lovers gain an even greater appreciation of just what was achieved during Rome's glory days.

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Meilan Solly

Meilan Solly | | READ MORE

Meilan Solly is Smithsonian magazine's associate digital editor, history.

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Travel through time: 7 immersive virtual reality experiences in Rome

virtual reality tour ancient rome

Relive ancient Rome through these multimedia and augmented reality experiences in Rome

Rome is known worldwide for its fascinating open-air museum, boasting thousands-year-old monuments, ruins and architecture. So much so that each year millions of tourists flock to visit the stunning archeological treasures the Eternal City has to offer. But in addition to visiting these colossal structures, you can now relive ancient Rome in a completely different way thanks to these 5 virtual reality experiences that allow visitors to immerse themselves in the glorious days of the Roman Empire and witness the monuments the way the were 2000 years ago. From augmented reality experiences to multimedia shows, get ready for the famous ruins to come back to life with these 7 immersive experiences in Rome .

Circo Maximo Experience

The colosseum in vr, domus aurea, van gogh experience, palazzo valentini’s domus roma, baths of caracalla 4d virtual tour, imperial rome – virtual reality bus.

virtual reality tour ancient rome

There is little left of the famous Circo Massimo, once the heart of Roman entertainment and a social hub for the city. But with the Circo Maximo Experience , everything changes – the cutting-edge project allows us to see into the past and experience Roman life at the famous arena, using interactive display technologies never before realized in an outdoor area of such large dimensions. The immersive experience takes us on a journey through time, seeing the Circus Maximus evolve from the origins of Rome to the current day: from a simple green valley, to the area’s first primitive arena, to the splendour of Roman imperialism and beyond. The 40-minute walking itinerary is available in eight languages (Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Japanese) and is a must-have experience for anyone wanting to relive the splendours of the Circo Massimo.

Travel through time: 5 immersive virtual reality experiences in Rome

It’s not always easy trying to imagine how things looked like thousands of years ago. And this goes for wonderfully preserved monuments like the Colosseum as well. As many know, the Colosseum was once a stadium for gladiator contests and public spectacles. But how was the Colosseum really 2000 years ago? With the new animated and interactive 3D reconstruction , you can now live the Colosseum like it was back in the day. With this Colosseum Virtual Reality experience , you’ll get a skip-the-line ticket into the Colosseum Archeological park plus last generation Samsung Oculus VR to virtually immerse yourself in ancient Rome. Inside the arena, you will immerse yourself between the roar of the lions and gladiators fighting; as well as into various 3D corridors of the mysterious underground  area of the Colosseum where slaves prepared the shows and hungry animals were ready to be let into the arena. It will be unlike any experience you’ve ever had, equipped with an audio guide in English, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French.


Erected by Emperor Nero in 64AD, the Domus Aurea , also known as the Golden House, was an opulent imperial residence that sprawled from the Palatine Hill to the Colle Oppio and Caelius Mountain. At its peak, the Domus boasted gardens, woods, and even artificial lake, statues hailing from Greece and Asia Minor, gold and marble from Egypt and the Middle East, and even a grandiose, octagonal chamber with a domed roof graced the grounds. The palace was inhabited until it was damaged in 104 AD by a wildfire. Legendary artists of the Renaissance, Raphael among them, made pilgrimages to the site, studying and later recreating the Domus’s motifs and designs in their own work. Fast forward to the present century: after extensive renovation, the palace finally opened its gates to visitors in 2014 offering virtual reality tours . With the aid of visual headsets, the 3D, multimedia experience provides a glimpse into how the Domus looked in its heyday, resurrecting Nero’s elaborate frescoes.

van gogh experience in rome

The Next Museum , one of the newest cultural centers in Rome, situated just a 10 minute walk from the famous Villa Borghese Gardens , presents Van Gogh Experience , a virtual reality experience dedicated to the famous dutch painter, Vincent Van Gogh . Visitors can purchase the oculus goggles for three euros to see a completely different kind of world as if looking through the artist’s very eyes. Don’t miss the interactive room, where you’re confronted by wall-to-wall projections set to the thrum of passionate, emotional classical music.


Palazzo Valentini's Domus Romane

In Rome, we walk by hidden treasures everyday without giving them a second thought; however, the unassertive yet noble  Palazzo Valentini’s Domus Romane is a must-see you should not ignore. The main floor is open to the public and uncovers the Domus Romane – the archeological remains of homes belonging to the wealthy families of Imperial Rome. The virtual tour is a mix of history and wonder: exquisite relics of finely detailed mosaic floors to colossal marble columns, and vast kitchens to private saunas are displayed beneath your feet. The glass floors allow you to look down into the superior archeological relics while the enchanting lighting and knowledgeable guide bring them back to life. The comprehensive tour walks you through the design of the Trajan column, as well as the history of the Roman Empire, tempting you to visit the real thing just outside.

Travel through time: 6 immersive virtual reality experiences in Rome

When visiting the Baths of Caracalla it is now possible to fully relive the ancient splendour that characterised this fascinating archaeological site. In fact, with the 4D virtual tour , designed especially for the Baths of Caracalla, visitors will be able to jump time barriers: wearing special visors they will be able to go back to 216 A.D., when Emperor Caracalla, of the Severan dynasty, inaugurated these majestic Baths. Thanks to technology and advanced geolocation systems, visitors will be able to see the original version of the complex reconstructed in 4D, with truly extraordinary results.

Travel through time: 6 immersive virtual reality experiences in Rome

Who among us has never wished to take a trip back in time to discover how a place looked centuries and centuries ago? Thanks to the exhibition Imperial Rome – Virtual Reality Bus , it will be possible to admire, on board a small electric bus, the three-dimensional reconstruction of the ancient monuments of the Capital. This is a 3D immersive experience tour , due to special “visor free” VR technology. All reconstructions of the architecture are enjoyed directly on OLED screens superimposed on the windows of the bus. All of this is supported by sounds, music and an integrated fragrance emission system, in order to ensure a truly immersive experience. The approximately 30-minute route will wind through the heart of Rome’s historic center, from the Imperial Forums to the Colosseum, from the Palatine Hill to the Circus Maximus to the Theater of Marcellus.

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Rome's Domus Aurea

The Virtual Reality Bus website indicates that the bus will no longer run after 28 February 2023. I will be in Rome in March. Is there a similar tour available then?

Hello Dyanne, not at moment. But you can have a look at the Colosseum in VR here:

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A Virtual Tour of Ancient Rome, Circa 320 CE: Explore Stunning Recreations of The Forum, Colosseum and Other Monuments

in Architecture , History , Technology | August 5th, 2020 4 Comments

If you’re a reg­u­lar read­er of this site, you’re like­ly famil­iar with the sim­u­la­tion hypoth­e­sis , the idea that con­scious expe­ri­ence is noth­ing more than a com­put­er pro­gram. This con­cept has many sci-fi impli­ca­tions, from Matrix -like sce­nar­ios to the rad­i­cal idea that every­thing in the uni­verse is soft­ware, run by incom­pre­hen­si­ble beings who might as well be gods. One of the more plau­si­ble ver­sions sug­gests that we are liv­ing in an “ances­tor sim­u­la­tion,” designed by future human soci­eties to recre­ate their past.

Pre­sum­ably, sim­u­lat­ed ances­tors would cre­ate their own ances­tor sim­u­la­tions and so on, ad infini­tum . There’s no way to know where on the con­tin­u­um we fall, but wher­ev­er it is, ances­tor sim­u­la­tions are on the way… maybe. They’re rudi­men­ta­ry at the moment, con­sist­ing of immer­sive video games and VR recre­ations of ancient cities.

Each iter­a­tion, how­ev­er, is bet­ter than the last, as we have seen in the case of Rome Reborn (or Rome Reborn®), a 3D dig­i­tal mod­el­ing project designed to recre­ate the city’s archi­tec­ture as it was in 320 CE, through expert ren­der­ings informed by archi­tec­tur­al his­to­ri­ans and “vir­tu­al archae­ol­o­gists” like Dr. Bernard Frisch­er , pro­fes­sor emer­i­tus at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vir­ginia .

Back in a 2012 Open Cul­ture post , Matthias Rasch­er explained the sig­nif­i­cance of this year, “when Rome’s pop­u­la­tion had reached its peak (about one mil­lion) and the first Chris­t­ian church­es were being built.” His­to­ri­ans will also rec­og­nize 320 as fol­low­ing direct­ly on the heels of the Dona­tion of Con­stan­tine that gave the city to the Pope. We can tour the vir­tu­al streets of this rapid­ly chang­ing ancient city, though the bur­geon­ing pop­u­la­tion is nowhere in evi­dence. Noth­ing moves, grows, or changes in Rome Reborn. In that sense it is still like so many pre­vi­ous rep­re­sen­ta­tions of antiq­ui­ty.

Now in ver­sion 3.0, Rome Reborn began as a 3D mod­el in 2007, and was first owned by the Regents of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia. It now oper­ates, under the aus­pices of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vir­ginia, as a pri­vate com­pa­ny called Fly­over Zone. They have oth­er such dig­i­tal recre­ations in their prod­uct line, includ­ing “Athens Reborn ® , Hadri­an’s Vil­la Reborn ® , Baal­bek Reborn ® , Egypt Reborn ® , and His­tor­i­cal Games ® .” Rome Reborn’s design­er, Dani­la Logi­nov, has released increas­ing­ly detailed pro­mos of the project over the years, and you can see these many videos here.

To ful­ly expe­ri­ence this sim­u­lat­ed Rome, you’ll need a Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty head­set. The third ver­sion of the 3D mod­el has been made pub­licly avail­able. “You can immerse your­self in the ancient city and even enter into some of its most famous build­ings while lis­ten­ing to the com­men­tary of high­ly qual­i­fied experts,” the Rome Reborn site promis­es . Famous build­ings one might explore include the Roman forum and the Basil­i­ca of Max­en­tius. It is not an expe­ri­ence based in real­ism. In some of the sim­u­la­tions “you can opt for a whirl­wind   fly­over tour  of the city,” notes Meilan Sol­ly at Smith­son­ian .

This rough­ly two-hour tour is like noth­ing any ancient Roman ever expe­ri­enced. “Com­par­a­tive­ly, the two site vis­its place users in the driver’s seat,” Sol­ly writes, “afford­ing them free­dom to roam through recon­struct­ed streets and halls.” It’s not quite the stuff of a sim­u­lat­ed uni­verse just yet, but it may not be too far in the future before Rome Reborn® ful­ly lives up to its name. Learn more about ancient Rome, cir­ca 320 CE, in the videos here, and learn more about Rome Reborn at their offi­cial site .

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Explore Ancient Athens 3D, a Dig­i­tal Recon­struc­tion of the Greek City-State at the Height of Its Influ­ence

An Ani­mat­ed Recon­struc­tion of Ancient Rome: Take A 30-Minute Stroll Through the City’s Vir­tu­al­ly-Recre­at­ed Streets

French Illus­tra­tor Revives the Byzan­tine Empire with Mag­nif­i­cent­ly Detailed Draw­ings of Its Mon­u­ments & Build­ings: Hagia Sophia, Great Palace & More

Josh Jones  is a writer and musi­cian based in Durham, NC. Fol­low him at  @jdmagness

by Josh Jones | Permalink | Comments (4) |

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Comments (4), 4 comments so far.

While it looks great, I don’t believe it’s accu­rate. Rome was built on hills, not flat land.

I do agree, Rome was built on hills and not flat land.

This web­site is absolute trash maybe you should upgrade to the um, you know 2022 style! I’m not 77 bro I’m try­ing to learn as an 11-year-old not to go back to 1709. pls pls pls pls pls pls pls upgrade this place is absolute trash! trash trash trash trash!!!

Why not make a real dig­i­tal twin based on actu­al pho­to’s and videos. Nowa­days there is great soft­ware with ai to cre­ate a more real expe­ri­ence.

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One app. Multiple experiences.

Ancient rome vr.

The Ancient Rome VR app is an immersive virtual reality experience, providing you with the opportunity to explore some of the most iconic sites and landmarks of ancient Rome, including Hadrian’s Wall, the Temple of Jupiter, Livia’s Garden Room, and the Statue of Augustus. As you navigate through these virtual environments, you can walk around and interact with your surroundings as if you were really there. Pick up and maniulate objects, change seasons, read the history, and explore every nook and cranny of these historical sites. Whether you’re a history buff or simply looking for an exciting and unique way to experience the wonders of the ancient Roman empire, this app can transport you back in time. Join us on a journey through the past of one of the most influential civilizations in human history. Developed with the participation of Dr Rhiannon Evans, Associate Professor of Classics and Ancient History at La Trobe university, Melbourne Australia. Extra levels will be added with future updates. Feedback and suggestions for future updates is welcome.

Visit Livia’s Garden room

Discovered in 1863, Livia’s Garden room was located in the Villia of Livia. the residence of Livia Drusilla, the wife of Augustus, an emperor of Rome. Sophisticated frescos cover the walls of an indoor dinning room depicting realistic garden scenes, including half eaten pomegranates, small birds, sun dappled leaves, flowering trees, and a birdcage.

Hadrian’s wall

Walk along Hadrian’s Wall in VR. Built by the Roman Empire in Britain in the 2nd century AD, Hadrian’s wall stretched 117 kilometers across the island, from the Solway Firth on the west coast to the Tyne River on the east coast. Designed to protect the Roman province of Britannia from barbarian tribes to the north, Hadrian’s wall was made from stone and stood 3 metres high.

The temple of Jupiter

The Temple of Jupiter was one of the largest and most important temples in ancient Rome, dedicated to Jupiter, the king of the gods in Roman mythology. We’ve recreated the temple inside the Ancient Rome VR app for you to explore in VR. Located on the Capitoline Hill, one of the seven hills of Rome, it was a grand and impressive structure, with a large portico, a wide set of steps leading up to the entrance, and a triangular pediment above the entrance. Inside the temple, there was a large and ornate sanctuary, where the cult statue of Jupiter was housed.

Staue of Augustus

See the Statue of Augustus in VR. Switch between white marble, coloured marble, or its most likely original bronze form. The Statue of Augustus depicted the Roman Emperor Augustus, the first Roman Emperor and one of the most influential figures in Roman history. He ruled from 27 BC to 14 AD. He is credited with establishing the Roman Empire and establishing many of the political, social, and cultural institutions that would shape the Roman world for centuries to come.

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  • Tours and Tickets

Live Ancient Rome Tour with Colosseum in Virtual Reality (Official Product)

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Want to avoid busy times? Check availability The 3D Virtual Reality experience with our last technology Oculus VR devices will allow you to fully immerse in Roman times. You will walk virtually in the completely reconstructed Colosseum square, in the arena with gladiators and roaring lions, and in the hidden underground corridors of the monument. The incorporated audio-guide will accompany you during this travel back in time, and the 3D reconstruction will immediately give you the idea of how the Colosseum and its square were in Roman times. Our expert guides will be at your disposal to answer your questions during your live tour in the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. The skip-the-line access will avoid you the long queue to get into the archaeological areas.

Tour’s Location

What's included, departure & return, departure point, return details, what to expect, additional info.

  • Confirmation will be received at time of booking
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Stroller accessible
  • Near public transportation
  • Infants must sit on laps
  • ATTENTION: mandatory security checks in the Colosseum (metal-detectors) may cause a slight delay in entering the monument even for skip-the-line ticket holders.
  • ATTENTION: it is required to show up at the meeting point at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the tour.
  • Inside the Colosseum it is strictly forbidden to enter with backpacks, handbags and trolleys. Please be aware that there is NO luggage deposit.
  • Children/Under 18 must be accompanied by an adult and must carry a valid ID document (NO student cards or similar documents).
  • The local operator is not responsible for any inconvenience caused by the closure of the Colosseum and Palatine Hill/Roman Forum due to strikes, bad weather, etc.
  • Tours operate rain or shine.
  • Please wear comfortable shoes and bring your own water (no glass bottles).
  • Most travelers can participate
  • This tour/activity will have a maximum of 20 travelers

Cancellation policy

From 85. 09  usd, reserve now & pay later.

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virtual reality tour ancient rome

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virtual reality tour ancient rome

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ANCIENT ROME Virtual Reality Tour

Discover and explore the colosseum gladiators, animals fights and… virtual reality be ready to enjoy, have fun and learn travelling back in time.

ancient rome virtual reality tours


  • 2.5/3 hrs approx.
  • Daily Except for the first Sunday of the month
  • 10AM – 3.00PM (flexible upon request)
  • Use of goggles (only outside)
  • Colosseum (inside)
  • Arch of Costantine
  • Roman Forum (Arch of Titus, Temple of Julius Caesar, etc.)

3D glasses are not allowed inside the Colosseum/Forum for security reasons.  Introduction to the Colosseum outside using goggles, enter the Colosseum and climb up to the second tier, see the Arch of Constantine and use of goggles again. Enter the ancient Roman Forum, the Holy street and the Arch of Titus then an (easy) climb of the Palatine Hill to visit the ruins of Caesars’ Palace.

ROME !! You’ve watched movies about it, studied it in school, read about it in books, and now you are finally here! An  Ancient Rome VIRTUAL REALITY tour with GOGGLES  is   tailored to satisfy all your curiosity and have a complete immersion in the ancient Rome scenarios! The virtual reality points in our tour are carefully designed and chosen for you. While you will walk on the cobble stones of the Eternal City, we will show you reconstructions and 3d pictures using glasses. The city from where, more than 2000 years ago, the fate of a huge empire was decided by charismatic and unscrupulous emperors! You will see the marbles shining, the bronze statue of the emperor Nero intact! Games and Gladiators and temples as if they were never torned down! We studied only the most impressive and inspiring points of view to make you see the ancient city of Rome as it used to be. Follow us through more than 12 centuries of ancient Roman history reconstucted! During this ancient Rome walking virtual tour, you will literally BE there thanks to the glasses and the perfect and accurate reconstructions. You and your kids won’t believe your eyes! As you will be watching the 3d,  your expert guide will describe the environment for you like being in a guided tour…Somewhere else!

What will we see in the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill Virtual Reality 3d Tour?

The use of the glasses is not permitted inside the archeological areas by law.

We designed a perfect itinerary for you to mix and match ancient remains and reconstructions. After we meet, we will use the googles for the first time watching the outside of the Colosseum and the surroundings. You will move at the same time in the real space and the virtual one with the best guides always at your side.

We studied the reconstructions and chose the best ones developed in collaboration with top notch archaeologists: this technological support will make your ancient Rome tour just amazing and unforgettable experience.

Next, we will enter the Colosseum like an ancient spectator , climb the stairs and reach the first tier! You will be struck by a spectacular view of the arena and your expert, local tour guide will make history come alive again! Imagine  gladiators  wounded by wild  lions  and  tigers , criminals skinned alive or fed to wild animals during  cruel executions . And finally, in the afternoon, bet (not for real!) on the gladiators fighting for their life.

After the exploration of the Flavian Amphiteatre , leave the stadium walk to the  Arch of Constantine , in 5 minutes you will arrive at the beating heart of the ancient world: the  Roman Forum .

Here there will be a second virtual reality stop to go deep into the Colosseum story and travel down to the Underground area to watch the cages where lions and gladiators were kept and to have the best introduction to the majesty of the Roman Forum. After watching the “piazza” of the past through your glasses, we will be back on the real world and enter the Roman Forum for real! During tour Roman Forum Tour with the help of our licensed guides you will easily imagine sellers trading goods, politicians speaking to the crowd, judges sentencing criminals, teachers surrounded by their students. Be inspired by the beauty of the most important remains of antiquity: the  Temple of Saturn , the Tabularium façade, the ancient Senate house, the  Temple of Julius Cesar , the house of the Vestal Virgins and their Holy Fire. Walk through the “Via Sacra”, the holiest road in Rome, to reach the Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine and the  Arch of Titus,  with its picture of the glorious  Jewish Menorah .

After this, a very easy walk will take us to the top of the  Palatine Hill , where the imposing remains of the  Imperial Palace  are still visible!

Don’t miss the opportunity to see the Ancient city with a different approach! Book your immersive 3D walking tour of Ancient Rome and the Colosseum!

PLEASE NOTE : from October to February Colosseum and Roman Forum will close at 4:30 PM.

  • Small groups are available only at 3PM from June 1st to October 15th. On winter time: 10AM and 1.30PM. All groups are available only at 3PM from June 1st to October 15th. On winter time: 10AM and 1.30PM
  • The googles will be sanitized before the tour and share with max 2 persons
  • You’ll be in a group of max 8 pax
  • The virtual reality technology will be used only OUTSIDE the Colosseum and OUTSIDE the Roman Forum for a minimum 30 minutes time. Virtual reality experience will be matched with real tour INSIDE Colosseum and Roman Forum.
  • Your tour guide is  LICENSED and specialized in ROMAN HISTORY and VR technology use .
  • The cost of the Colosseum entry tickets is NOT included in the tour guide fees. Buy your tickets and save your money!! The online procedure is very easy! After paying the deposit to secure the tour, we will send you the online booking procedure to get your admission tickets.
  • Colosseum Tickets : The cost of entry tickets is NOT included in the guide fees. ADULTS:  18 euros CHILDREN under 18 do not pay entry tickets (just the  2 euro reservation fee).

We run only private tours.

We don't run small groups.

We can accommodate time/day request according to our guides' and entry tickets availability.

Final and detailed price will be provided after receiving your request from the contact form.

Starting price for a private tour 2,5 hrs for 2 adults: 350 euro + tickets but definitive price is provided *only* upon request. Price can be reduced during low season or increased during holiday, peak dates or last minute request.

For group larger than four, price will be provided upon request.

Ancient Rome Virtual Tour for Kids

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Colosseum Rome Tickets

Colosseum Self Guided Tour with 3D Virtual Reality Experience

virtual reality tour ancient rome

Prepare yourself to be immersed in the grandeur of ancient Rome with our exclusive Colosseum skip-the-line, self-guided virtual reality tour. Dive into the heart of one of the most iconic architectural marvels ever built and experience its history like never before.

Experience Ancient Rome Through Interactive 3D

Imagine yourself standing amidst the hustle and bustle of the heart of ancient Rome, witnessing the mighty Colosseum in all its glory. Our cutting-edge virtual reality tour brings the Colosseum’s captivating history to life. Experience the Colosseum in a fully animated and interactive 3D reconstruction, complete with gripping audio commentary.

Stroll the square, feel the adrenaline of the gladiators on the arena floor, and listen to the ferocious roars of lions echoing through the corridors. Then, head below to the mysterious underbelly of the Colosseum, where slaves and gladiators once prepared for epic spectacles.

Colosseum Self Guided Tour with 3D Virtual Reality Experience

Marvel at the Majestic Colosseum

Built to accommodate between 50,000 to 75,000 spectators, the Colosseum stands as a testament to the grandeur of Rome. Our virtual reality tour allows you to skip the line and explore the Colosseum intimately. Relive the moments of greatest glory and visualize the iconic symbol of Rome as it was centuries ago.

Extend Your Exploration to the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill

Once you’ve completed your journey through the Colosseum, venture further to the ruins of the Roman Forum and the legendary Palatine Hill. Walk the same streets as Roman emperors, discover the site where Rome was founded, and marvel at the heart of the vast Roman Empire.

Colosseum Self Guided Tour with 3D Virtual Reality Experience

Journey with Us

Join us on an extraordinary journey through time. Immerse yourself in the grandeur of the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and the Palatine Hill. Experience the history, the myths, and the glory of ancient Rome through our skip-the-line self-guided virtual reality tour.

Experience the grandeur and history of Rome as it unfolds before your eyes. Unveil the secrets of the ancient world with our exclusive virtual reality tour. Book your journey through time today.

  • Interactive 3D reconstruction of life in ancient Rome.
  • Detailed history of the Colosseum, Rome’s iconic symbol.
  • Guided exploration of the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill.
  • Oculus VR headset, providing the highest quality VR experience.
  • Audio commentary in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, or Italian (chosen during the booking process).
  • Samsung S7 rental and English-speaking VR assistant to enhance your virtual journey.
  • Skip-the-line entrance tickets to the Colosseum , Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill.
  • Comprehensive third-party insurance for peace of mind.
  • Live guide.
  • Access to the Underground , Arena Floor, and the Third Ring.
  • Personal expenses and gratuities.
  • Transportation to and from the venue.

Free cancellation up to 1 day before tour starts.

virtual reality tour ancient rome

from €18.00 EUR Closest Date: June 7 Validity:  24-hour  Seller: Parco archeologico del Colosseo

from €1200.00 EUR Duration:  3.5 Hours  Organized by: Enjoy Rome

from €260.00 EUR Duration: 7 Hours  Seller: Musement

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Travel the world virtually with Flyover Zone

We create curated virtual tours taking you across space and back in time to see the world’s great cultural heritage sites. Published on our proprietary platform, Yorescape , the tours show you the sites as they appear today and, when they have been damaged, we restore them digitally so you can see them in their prime, hundreds or sometimes thousands of years ago. At each stop on a tour, you hear one of the world’s leading experts explain what you are seeing. Our tours run on devices ranging from smartphones and PCs to VR goggles. Whatever the device, the content is the same.

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TESTIMONIAl by rick steves

“I’m so thankful, as we produced our new public television art series, for Yorescape by Flyover Zone (a great app for virtual tourism). Thanks to their impressive animation, we were able to take our viewers back 2000 years for a vivid glide over a virtual ancient Rome. Yorescape can help travelers enjoy such a virtual experience to cultural heritage sites around the world.” –Rick Steves

Red Chapel Of Hatshepsut 5, Flyover Zone

Browse our Virtual Museum

Flyover Zone has created one of the largest virtual museums of 3D models of ancient sculptures you can find on the web. Our artists use the models to create accurate 3D restorations of the art for our virtual tours. 

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Colosseum Virtual Reality Guided Tour

Adults 15+: 65 € Child 4-14: 43 € Infant 0-3: 4 €

English Italian

9:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM

Take part in a Colosseum Virtual Reality Guided Tour and start your journey in Ancient Rome . Join the group and set off with a tour guide to discover the Colosseum .

The Colosseum is the largest and most famous Roman amphitheater in the world. Through an exciting, fun and immersive 3D experience, learning its long history has never been easier. It is an experience suitable for all age groups. This way you will give shape and color to your imagination.

What to see in Colosseum Virtual Reality Tour

Meet your tour guide and listen to his or her instructions to make the most of the headset. Trace the history of the Colosseum through three distinct areas: the square; the arena; and finally the Colosseum underground .

With our animated 3D reconstruction complemented by professional multilingual music and audio, exploring the Colosseum has never been more fun! All the contents within the reconstruction that you will observe, were handled by the well-known Prof. Filippo Coarelli and by the Digilab Archeo & Arte3D department of the La Sapienza University of Rome .

By taking part in a Colosseum Virtual Reality Guided Tour , you will find yourself, in other words, walking virtually in the ancient square of the Colosseum ; you can then admire the fountain of the gladiators, the Meta Sudans; the Temple of Venus and Rome; the majestic Colossus of Nero from which the name “ Colosseum ” derives; and the Arch of Constantine , in all its grandeur.

In the Arena Floor Colosseum , raise your head towards the Velarium, its gigantic red curtain that closes to start the show; he walks among the roar of ferocious lions; then witness the fights between gladiators ; to conclude, he puts on the emperor’s robes and takes his place. Decide the fate of the wounded gladiator with: “Death” or “Grace”! To conclude the experience, descend into the mysterious Colosseum underground to observe the slaves moving in silence between narrow and dark corridors, ready to prepare all the tools necessary to make the show a success. If you look around you will notice the gladiators sharpening their weapons and the various cages in which the hungry beasts wait to be lifted from the elevators inside the arena.

Once you enter the Colosseum…

The time has come to discover what is left today of all the structure you have seen in Virtual Reality .

Together with your tour guid e, enter the most famous monument in the world, the Flavian Amphitheater. Thanks to a Colosseum Virtual Reality Guided Tour , avoid the long queues thanks to the Colosseum Ticket Skip the Line . After the security checks, let its magic overwhelm you completely. Hear the stories about its construction, which took place over 8 years; take unforgettable photos; and finally, close your eyes imagining you are there.

Observe every little detail. The shiny white marbles that covered the floor; the ceiling richly decorated with sculptures and frescoes; go up to the first level and look out to observe the ancient structure of the Ludus Magnus, the gymnasium of the gladiators ; find out where the senators sat; crosses the museum, with all its archaeological evidence. So live it; observe it; and imagine it. Your tour guide will be at your complete disposal to answer any questions or concerns.

Once the Colosseum Guided Tour is over, you will be given directions to continue the visit in total autonomy within the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill . Are you still eager to delve into your journey into the history of Ancient Rome , follow your tour guide at the entrance. Using the same Colosseum Ticket Skip the Line , if you wish, you can continue exploring the magnificent temples of Rome ; the columns; the triumphal arches and the sumptuous Domus of the emperor Domitian.

Before leaving, you will have all the information you need to be able to continue alone in the Roman Forum and on the Palatine Hill . In conclusion, take part in a Colosseum Virtual Reality Guided Tour and go home having lived an unforgettable experience!

Site Visited

  • Colosseum (guided)
  • Roman Forum (self guided)
  • Palatine Hill (self guided)
  • Tourist guide
  • Colosseum Guided tour
  • Colosseum Ticket Skip the Line
  • VR assistant in Italian and English
  • VR headsets
  • RC insurance
  • Integrated audio guide (Italian, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French)
  • Eye mask cover for VR headset
  • Hand sanitizing gel

Not included

  • Roman Forum and Patatine Hil Guided Tour
  • Access to the Colosseum underground
  • Access to the Arena Floor Colosseum and Third Order
  • Transport to/from the hotel

Select participants and date

Important things to know.

  • It is necessary to arrive at the meeting point at least 15 minutes before the tour start time. Customers who arrive late at the meeting point can NO longer join the tour, therefore they are not entitled to any kind of right or refund.
  • Please show the voucher to the staff (also in electronic format)
  • Attention: due to the mandatory security checks of the metal detector at the Colosseum, this could result in a slight delay at the entrance even for “skip the line” ticket holders
  • Tour not available on January 1st, May 1st, December 25th.
  • Ancient & Recent is not responsible for any inconvenience caused by the closure of the Colosseum and the Roman Forum due to strikes, union assemblies, bad weather, etc.
  • Online bookings must be made at least 24 hours in advance, last minute bookings are accepted by phone or email.
  • Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult and bring a valid identity card
  • Comfortable shoes are recommended
  • Large suitcases or bags are not allowed inside the attractions
  • For help with meeting points or other urgent issues, please phone +39 3313586107
  • In case of rain, all our tours run regularly.

Meet us here

The meeting point established is at the ARCH OF CONSTANTINE , located on the Colosseum square, where you can meet our staff with a black flag with a golden Ancient & Recent logo.

Arch of Constantine, Via di San Gregorio, 00186, Rome.

meeting point colosseum vatican pompei civita bagnoregio rome virtual reality tour ancient and recent

Meeting Point

Need to cancel your trip?

If you cancel your reservation you will be charged a 30% cancellation fee. Cancellation between 6 and 4 calendar days in advance of the scheduled departure time, you will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. If you cancel within 3 calendar days (72 hours) of the scheduled departure time, you will becharged a 100% cancellation fee. Refund will only be issued if the tour was booked and paid for directly with Ancient&Recent within a week from the cancellation. The payment will not be refunded for any other reason (i.e. weather, change of travel plans, illness, missed train..). To change the date or time of the tour, send an e-mail to [email protected] or call +39 3313586107

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Reviews (255).

' src=

Valeria T. – 4 September 2021

Bellissima esperienza!! 🙂 Si viene accompagnati nell’area dietro al Colosseo, dove si viene spiegato cosa si può fare ed il percorso da seguire all’interno del VR. Non consiglio di camminare effettivamente attorno al Colosseo se si è da soli, per esempio ero ferma vicino al posto dove ho iniziato ed addirittura un signore si è seduto quasi attaccato vedendomi che non potevo vedere essendo dentro al VR chiedendomi di spostarmi. All’interno è molto bella, si vedranno anche persone ed animali, ci si perde tra l’architettura, le persone e le spiegazioni in maniera fluida ma anche con libertà di esplorazione. Molto semplici i comandi da eseguire, oltre a muoversi a 360° con il visore, si ha un controller con cui cliccare e muoversi in avanti. Dura all’incirca un’ora e mezza, se avete preso anche il tour fisico del Colosseo e Fori e Palatino, li farete dopo l’esperienza VR con molta tranquillità. Consiglio di fare una pausa dopo aver visitato il Colosseo, i Fori ed il Palatino sono estesi, comunque rifocillarsi con cibo. Portare ovviamente acqua, cappellino e scarpe/vestiario comodi. Godetevi questa esperienza speciale indietro nel tempo! ATTENZIONE: se non avete il Green Pass vi è una ambulanza dietro l’entrata del Colosseo (per 18€, contanti). Il pass che viene fornito è valido esclusivamente per le visite dei monumenti nei dintorni(quando l’ho effettuato io). Rilasciando solo il foglio di carta e non essendoci il codice scansionabile non sarà valido per entrare nei cinema o in qualsiasi stabile che richiede la scansione del pass, che dimostra la registrazione con la regione, non effettuata dall’ambulanza del Colosseo. Consiglio nel giorno o il giorno prima di effettuare il tampone in farmacia se non siete vaccinati.

Luigi – 4 October 2021

Interessante e sbalorditivo allo stesso tempo. Progetto fantastico per adulti e bambini!!! Staff gentile e super disponibile!

Makayla – 28 October 2021

Ines – 30 October 2021

Das war toll!

Randall – 25 November 2021

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luca a

Virtual Field Trips

Ancient Rome

Preview video by clicking the “play” arrow

Ciao Amici! Hello Friends! Let’s go on a stroll through Ancient Rome visiting the noble ruins of the Roman Empire. Power, politics, and pagan gods – all part of the glory and majesty of the Eternal City! We take a walk back in the footsteps of time to explore the enduring feats of engineering, and the lasting grandeur of the seat of Western civilization.

Video length: 14:39 minutes.

Watch Full Video*

*authorized members

National Standards for this video

State standards, learning resources with this video*.

Quiz – PDF

Quiz – Online

My Visit To The Roman Forum

The Roman Arch

A Day in the Life – Ancient Rome

Draw A Scene

Universal Resources

National Standards

*Links are active on Full Video page.

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Video Memberships

  • Unlimited viewing of 1 video
  • Post-trip quiz + resources for 1 video
  • Access to Closed Captioned version of 1 video
  • Lowest-cost option

Teacher + Class Membership

  • Unlimited access to the entire Virtual Field Trips library
  • All quizzes + learning resources
  • Access for 1 teacher + all students
  • Access to all Spanish videos
  • Access to all Closed Captioned videos
  • Best value option for one teacher

Schoolwide Membership

  • Access for all teachers and all students
  • Access to all Spanish videos + resources
  • Best for school administrators supporting their teachers & students
  • Up to 500 students – $350/year
  • 500-1,000 students – $500/year
  • 1,000+ students – $1,000/year

Classroom Ideas 

virtual reality tour ancient rome

Ancient Timeline

Create a timeline that shows what was happening in each of the Ancient Civilizations at certain points in time.   For example, who created calendars and at what point in time? Who was building pyramids and when?

virtual reality tour ancient rome

Work as a class to build an arch that Ancient Roman’s used for their buildings.   You could use boxes, plastic containers, etc.   This will give students an sense that this simple idea takes a lot more time and ingenuity to build.  

virtual reality tour ancient rome

Discussion Topic

After studying a specific ancient civilization (Ancient Greece, Romans, Mayans, Egypt, etc. ), have a class discussion about what a day in the life of a person would be like.

virtual reality tour ancient rome


Contact your local college or university to see if they have an archaeology program.   If so, see if your class can visit them and learn what has been discovered by structures and buildings left behind different ancient civilizations.

Create a diorama of Ancient Rome.

virtual reality tour ancient rome

Greek vs. Roman Gods & Goddesses

The Ancient Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses were much the same, but had different names.   Have students come up with the list of both Greek and Roman names for their gods.

virtual reality tour ancient rome

Gods and Goddesses

Study the different Roman Gods and Goddesses.   Have each student choose one and either dress like on, create a sculpture, or paint a picture of the Roman God or Goddess that was chosen.   They can explain what they learned and why they chose that specific God or Goddess.

virtual reality tour ancient rome

Ancient Civilization Comparisons

Divide your class into smaller groups, with each group responsible for further researching how each ancient civilization has benefited the world.   They need to bring props to show (photos, food, items that represents tools and discoveries by each group).

virtual reality tour ancient rome

Create Quizzes

Students create a quiz based on the information presented for their peers. This can be used as a review for a test, or jigsaw class activity where students are responsible for teaching other students assigned topics.

virtual reality tour ancient rome

Classroom Ideas for ALL Videos

Here are dozens and dozens of ideas that you can use in your classroom along with our videos!

Topics Covered In This Video

Early beginnings of Rome

Historical rulers

Roman engineering

Roman Forums

Trajan’s Markets

Roman baths


Temple of Saturn

Basilica Julia

Temple of Vesta

Circus Maximus

Triumphal Arches

Videos in this Series

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Ancient Egypt: Land of the Pharaohs

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Ancient Egypt: Land of the Pyramids

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Ancient Greece

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Ancient Mayan Civilization

Related videos.

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Rome: The Eternal City

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Ancient Rome comes to life with Virtual Reality Bus

Tourists can experience the rome of 2,000 years ago with 3d bus tour..

This summer Rome launched the city's first Virtual Reality Bus, an immersive 3D experience which brings to life the central archaeological area of the capital.

It is now possible to travel among the ruins of ancient Rome and discover how they were 2,000 years ago, with the Virtual Reality Bus, a 16-seater vehicle equipped with cutting-edge technology.

Passengers on the electric bus can view the Imperial Fora, Colosseum, Palatine Hill, Circus Maximus and Theatre of Marcellus thanks to "visor free" VR displays, with all imagery created by visual effects specialists under the guidance of archaeologists.

virtual reality tour ancient rome

All the 3D displays are visible directly on the OLED screens superimposed on the windows of the bus, with a system of motorised curtains that allows passengers to compare the present with the past.

“The VrBus project will allow visitors to literally immerse themselves in the history of Rome", said the city's mayor Roberto Gualtieri, who described it as a "one-of-a-kind initiative" that will take tourists and Roman residents "on a journey to discover Rome's past."

Imperial Rome - Virtual Reality Bus is active every day from 16.20 to 19.40 (last tour), departing from Piazza della Madonna di Loreto, at the Trajan's Column end of Via dei Fori Imperiali.

The tour, lasting 30 minutes, is available in Italian and English. Tickets can be bought online or at the ticket office near Trajan's Column. For full details see website .

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Piazza della Madonna di Loreto, Roma RM, Italy

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Ancient Rome like you’ve never seen it before thanks to virtual reality

You can now discover Ancient Rome in a virtual reality bus! A guided tour takes you around the Eternal City’s finest monuments as they were during ancient times. An unusual activity that is ideal for families.

Take a seat on board the Virtual Reality Bus Roma, the city’s latest tourist innovation, and go on a real journey through time. Departing from Piazza Venezia, at the Trajan’s Column end of Via dei Fori Imperiali, the 30-minute tour is available in Italian and English.

This one-of-a-kind experience was dreamt up by the Italian start-up Invisible Cities, in collaboration with visual effect specialists and archaeological conservators, in order to remain historically accurate. As a result, visitors can admire the monuments in 3D exactly as they were in ancient times.

Ancient Rome as if you were there

Through the windows of the small red electric bus, today’s ruins come to life, and you discover the heart of the Italian capital in the time of the great Roman emperors. The Imperial Fora, the Colosseum, Palatine Hill, the Circus Maximus and Teatro di Marcello: all the jewels of Antiquity stand intact before your eyes.

Time has turned back to just under 2,000 years ago, when the Roman people rushed to the Colosseum to watch gladiatorial contests. The effect is simply stunning: as you look through the bus window at the remains of the building, which now stands in the centre of Rome, the screens drop down and the amphitheatre of the Emperor Vespasian (72 A.D.) appears before your eyes with the – now-disappeared – giant (35-m high) gold statue of Nero on its forecourt.

A successful immersive experience

  • ville : Rome
  • pays : Italy
  • Nearest airport : Roma Fiumicino

This dive into Antiquity is made possible thanks to a new virtual reality technology that does not require a headset or glasses. The screens are installed on motorised curtains and placed on top of the bus windows. You can admire the present-day beauties while comparing them to their past versions. The speed and position of the bus are also synchronised to match the real physical space with the virtual space, and fragrances are diffused to reproduce the smell of Roman streets in ancient times. An experience that is even better than the real thing!

Virtual Reality Bus Roma Piazza Venezia 00186 Rome +39 06 06 08

Colosseo ( Colosseum ) Piazza del Colosseo 00184 Rome +39 06 3996 7700

Fori Imperiali ( Imperial Fora ) Via dei Fori Imperiali 00187 Rome +39 06 06 08

Palatino Via di San Gregorio 30 00186 Rome + 39 6 3996 7700

Circus Maximus Via del Circo Massimo 00186 Rome +39 06 06 08

Teatro di Marcello Via del Teatro di Marcello 00186 Rome +39 06 06 08

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