21 U.S. Travel Bloggers Worth Following

21 u.s. travel bloggers everyone with wanderlust should be following.

Travel Blogger

If being a travel blogger sounds like a dream job — well, it kind of is. Writers across America spend their days exploring fantastic sights in dozens of exotic countries, documenting what they experience and making a living as they go.

But that doesn’t mean the job is easy. Most professional travelers have made impressive sacrifices to follow their dreams, whether it's by selling all of their belongings, living in small apartments with several roommates, or just living very simply. Superb travel blogging also takes a unique knack for making extraordinary travel experiences resonate with the masses.

Here, we’ve rounded up some of the most engaging and inspirational travel bloggers across the U.S. And yes, a little bit of jealousy is OK.

A Dangerous Business

Amanda of the Dangerous Business blog

The blogger behind A Dangerous Business is Amanda, who decided in high school that she wanted to travel. An avid Lord of the Rings fan, she was determined to visit New Zealand and spent two weeks there in 2005. She has since been to over 50 countries on six continents.

With the hopes of traveling more, Amanda started A Dangerous Business in 2010, but isn't a full-time traveler. She enjoys the comforts of home — and her beloved cat — far too much. Instead, she created the blog as a hobby and a way to combat boredom at work. In 2015, after earning her Master's degree in Tourism Management, she went full-time as a blogger.

The goal of A Dangerous Business is to help people find ways to fit travel into their lives. Amanda works with global brands and destinations to create bucket-list-style travel trips, and has been featured on The Huffington Post and USA Today Travel .

Follow Amanda on her adventures by visiting her on Facebook and Instagram .

The Everywhereist

Geraldine DeRuiter Photo

An author and public speaker, Geraldine DeRuiter runs the award-winning blog, The Everywhereist .  

While her focus is primarily on travel-related topics, she does occasionally delve into content related to dessert and feminism. And she has an apparent fondness for Jeff Goldblum.

The Seattle blogger has been featured in Forbes , The Independent and The Huffington Post . TIME Magazine also called her work “clever,” while The New York Times described her as "dark and hilarious."

These assessments are evident when you explore The Everywherist, which showcases Geraldine's dry wit. Check out her Facebook page and Instagram page to keep up with her shenanigans.

The Blonde Abroad

The Blonde Abroad

The award-winning travel and lifestyle blog, The Blonde Abroad , is run by California native Kiersten Rich. She left her job in corporate finance to become a world traveler, and has now been to over 50 countries.

Through her blog, Kiersten hopes to inspire people to live a life they love and not settle for anything less. The Blonde Abroad is a multi-level business that allows Kiersten to earn an income through various streams of revenue. She offers social media and marketing consulting, content creation and blog mentorship retreats, and takes all-expenses-paid press trips to produce content for brands.

You can catch all of Kiersten's adventures on Instagram , where she does weekly Q&A stories on travel, work and personal topics.

Adventurous Kate

Adventurous Kate

Kate McCulley travels the world for a living and documents her adventures on her blog, Adventurous Kate . It all started in 2010 when she quit her job in online marketing to travel to southeast Asia for six months. Those six months turned into five years and she's now traveled across more than 65 countries.

Adventurous Kate started on that trip to southeast Asia, when Kate began building up her freelance work portfolio while developing her blog. In 2016, she moved to New York City, revamped her blog and downsized her travel, so she's only away from home about 25 percent of the time.

You can keep up with Kate on social media by following her on Facebook , YouTube and Twitter .

Land Lopers

A self-described former cubicle dweller, Matt Long is the man behind the LandLopers blog. His passion for travel led him to start the blog, but he doesn't backpack around the world. He lives in a house in the suburbs with his three dogs and has found a way to make travel his profession. The blog name comes from the word "landloper," which is a wanderer or vagabond.

LandLopers is a reflection of Matt's experiences, and provides information on many travel-related topics. He strives to make travel more fun and accessible by sharing tips on how to experience the best destinations around the world.

Follow Matt on Instagram , Twitter and Facebook .

Lee Abbamonte

Lee Abbamonte

A Wall Street veteran, Lee Abbamonte worked in energy and wealth management for eight years after earning his undergraduate degree in Finance and Marketing from the University of Maryland at College Park, and his MBA from the Thunderbird School of Global Management.

Lee is now a multimedia travel personality, brand ambassador and entrepreneur.

He's also the youngest person to visit every country in the world, plus the North and South Poles. His goal is to visit all 325 countries and unique destinations in the world via the Travelers Century Club list. He has been featured in or on a wide array of media outlets, including Fox News, ESPN, CNN, Sports Illustrated , the Washington Post and Conde Nast Traveler.

Lee documents his travels on Facebook , Instagram , YouTube and Twitter .

Sending Postcards

Sending Postcards Couple

The travel blog Sending Postcards is a labor of love between a married couple. While they don't disclose their names, they do share their story. After their wedding, the duo left Canada to travel the world together. The blog was essentially a way to document their extended honeymoon.

The two spent a year traveling around Africa, Europe and the U.S., living in Montreal for a few years before settling in San Francisco, which they currently call home. As they travel to various destinations, many right in and around California, they share their adventures on Sending Postcards.

Hippie in Heels

Hippie in Heels

Rachel Jones grew up in a small town in Ohio, where she lived with her brother and parents. When she got to college, she spent two summers backpacking in Europe and a month in Uganda. She went on to graduate with honors as a nurse. After 11 months as a cardiac care nurse in Charlotte, N.C., Rachel realized that a life in the "real world" wasn't for her. And so, she decided to retire from nursing and follow her heart.

She chose Goa, India, where she could ride a camel and climb a mountain, as her next home. It's where she's spent the last five years and where she currently documents her life on her travel blog, Hippie in Heels . She basically lives out of a backpack and survives on street food. While she's barely getting by financially, the trade off is worth it because she's been to 30 countries and counting. And she met the love of her life in India.

Follow Rachel and her Indian adventures on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter .

Pause the Moment

Pause for the Moment

In 2008, the day after his 24th birthday, Ryan headed to Dublin, Ireland for his first solo backpacking trip through Europe. The three-month experience was life changing, and in 2010, Ryan quit his job. He then set off on a trip around the world that was supposed to last six months to a year. His passion for the sun, the sea and adventure wouldn't let him stop there, and he's been on the road for seven years.

Now he's a digital influencer and travel blogger who has spent the last three years in Playa del Carmen, sometimes visiting Greece during the hot summer months. His blog, Pause the Moment , features travel guides and resources for destinations all across the world. In 2017, he started running small group tours to Egypt, which he plans to continue in October 2018.

Catch Ryan on his Facebook page and on Twitter .

Camels & Chocolate

Camels & Chocolate

A Nashville-based freelance writer and fitness buff, Kristin Luna runs the Camels & Chocolate blog. She was a college tennis player and marathoner, and she loves to travel with her husband. And while she's all about diving, hiking and skiing, she's not a nomad. She has simply mastered the art of balancing career with family and traveling.

Most of her freelance work involves influencer campaigns where she partners with brands and destinations to create original content. She also consults with small businesses on marketing and media strategy. And while she currently lives in Nashville, her blog has been around since 2007, so it's full of helpful and interesting information on tourist locations all over the world. Kristin has appeared in multiple media publications, including Redbook magazine, Glamour magazine, Marie Claire and National Geographic .

Camels & Chocolate has a social presence on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter .

Just Chasing Rabbits

Just Chasing Rabbits

Mississippi couple Mark and Jennifer Campbell share their travel stories on their blog, Just Chasing Rabbits . The self-proclaimed "young at heart" duo has been traveling together since 2004, when they went to New Orleans on their honeymoon.

Mark and Jennifer travel with a sense of curiosity, always on the lookout for unusual and amazing sites. They hope to inspire their readers to take everyday moments and turn them into unforgettable adventures.

In addition to giving readers an inside look at their travels, Just Chasing Rabbits also has an online shop full of cool travel-related products personally selected by Mark and Jennifer.

Keep up with the two lovebirds on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter .

My Itchy Travel Feet

My Itchy Travel Feet

A travel guide for baby boomers, My Itchy Travel Feet is the work of Donna L. Hull, the blog's chief navigator, and Alan Hull, the site's photographer. The Montana couple has been documenting their travels since 2008, covering both domestic and international destinations.

They have travel guides for a variety of places all across the world, and also have tips and ideas for themed trips like bucket list trips, cruises, romantic getaways and national park adventures. With Donna's preference for luxury and Alan's rugged sense of adventure, My Itchy Travel Feet has something for every baby boomer (and beyond) to enjoy.

Follow the couple on their travel journeys via YouTube , Instagram and Facebook .

Be My Travel Muse

Be My Travel Muse

Since 2012, southern California resident Kristin Addis has been a solo globetrotter. After working as an investment banker in Newport Beach, she got burned out and decided to make a big change. She sold her belongings — everything except a carry-on bag — and has since experienced amazing global adventures.

She's hitchhiked across China, taken a 35-day safari to Africa and spent two months hiking in Patagonia. She even became a Buddhist nun for 10 days. Her blog focuses on solo travel and outdoor adventures like hiking, camping and scuba diving.

New content is posted on Be My Travel Muse every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, offering readers ways to make the most of their travels. Kristin shares packing lists, country cost guides and exercise tips for novice and expert travelers from all around the world.

See where Kristin's next adventure will be by following her on Instagram , YouTube and Facebook .

Local Adventurer

Esther from Local Adventurer

Each year, travel bloggers Esther and Jacob of Local Adventurer move to a new city. The Atlanta natives decided on a year in each spot because it's enough time to discover amazing spots in each new place, without being too permanent. After moving across the country and realizing that they hadn't gotten to know their hometown as well as they should have, they decided to get out and explore.

Esther and Jacob travel full-time but focus on local destinations. They seek to find adventure in everyday life, seeing the world through a childlike lens that highlights the beauty in even the most mundane things.

My Beautiful Adventures

Andi Perullo de Ledesma

Chinese medicine doctor and travel photojournalist Andrea (Andi) Perullo de Ledesma is a Charlotte, N.C., resident and blogger who runs My Beautiful Adventures . She's a native southerner but has lived in seven states and been to over 50 countries on six continents.

She claims to live a very dichotomous life because she struggles with wanting to capture the world on film through travel and focusing on her experience practicing Chinese medicine, which she considers her true calling.

Andi's love affair with travel can be credited to her intrigue of diverse cultures, roads not traveled and life-changing experiences. During her time traveling the world, she met an Argentinean man, Lucas, who she married in Buenos Aires after five years of a long-distance relationship.

In 2015, Andi had a son, Joaquin, whom she calls her "most beautiful adventure yet."

Follow along as she travels the world on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter .

Hole in the Donut

Barbara Weibel

No, Hole in the Donut is not a food blog. But it might awaken your appetite...for travel.

Barbara Weibel is the owner/editor of Hole in the Donut, which she started in 2007. While working in various industries like marketing, advertising, real estate and public relations, Barbara was merely earning an income, but never felt passionate about what she did. She envied people who loved their jobs.

That's when she left her job and spent six months traveling solo around the world. She had no plans other than to go wherever the wind blew her. She documented all of her travels and blogged about the different places she visited. In 2009, she decided to become a full-time traveler.

Hole in the Donut is where Barbara shares her adventures in interesting countries. She features stories about the people she meets, the wild encounters she has and the spiritual lessons that she learns along the way.

Stay in the loop with Barbara's travels by following her on Facebook , Instagram , Twitter and YouTube .

Jessie on a Journey

Jessica Festa

Started in 2011 by Jessica (Jessie) Festa, Jessie On A Journey is an award-winning solo female and offbeat travel blog. Jessie was born and raised in New York, where she is a certified sightseeing guide.

She grew up traveling, taking North American road trips and Caribbean cruises. While studying at the State University at Albany in New York, Jessie had several opportunities to travel. She taught English in Thailand, backpacked solo across Europe, studied in Australia and hiked through China.

After college, her 9 to 5 job wouldn't allow her time to travel and Jessie realized that she had to spend her life doing something she loved, not something she was "supposed" to do. Now she runs her blog, offering readers tips on solo travel, as well as blog advice and resources for others who want to start a travel blog.

Hook up with Jessie on Twitter , Instagram and Facebook .

Travel Mama


Moms who like to travel will find common ground with Colleen Lanin, the founder/editor-in-chief of Travel Mama . Colleen is an award-winning author with a Master's degree in Business Administration. She's also a member of the Society of American Travel Writers. She was invited to the White House as one of the 100 most influential travel bloggers for a summit on study abroad.

Colleen's stories have been featured in Parenting Magazine , the Chicago Tribune, Working Mother Magazine and the Orlando Sentinel . She has lived in California, Minnesota and southern France, as well as Arizona, where she currently resides. She shares her life with her husband, two children and a rescue pup.

Check out Colleen and Travel Mama on the Travel Mamas Facebook page and on Twitter .

Solo Traveler

Solo Traveler

Janice Waugh started Solo Traveler in 2009. When she became a widow and am empty nester, a love of travel fed her inspiration. Her personal musings quickly became public and now Solo Traveler is a community where people who love travel share tips, tricks and support one another.

The Solo Traveler publishes posts that highlight the benefits of solo travel and how to do it well. Weekly features cover solo travel destinations and photos provided by readers. The blog has a Facebook page with over 230,000 followers, as well as a Pinterest page loaded with more tips, tricks and solo travel ideas.

Tourist 2 Townie

Tourist 2 Townie

Gareth Leonard, a former Marketing Director, has a passion for slow, meaningful travel, which he shares on his blog, Tourist 2 Townie . After spending six years working to make other people's dreams come true, he decided to drop everything and follow his own path.

In 2009, he bought a one-way ticket to Buenos Aires and left his comfortable life behind.

Now he documents all of his adventures in Argentina, as well as other destinations around the world. He gives recommendations on the best places to see, the coolest things to do and his favorite places to eat. Check out Gareth on YouTube , Facebook , Instagram and Twitter .


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35 Best USA Travel Blogs and Websites

us travel bloggers

  • USA Travel Blog
  • Visit The USA
  • Loving New York
  • Blogger at Large » USA
  • Everything Everywhere | Around the World Travel Blog
  • American Travel Blogger
  • Goats On The Road » United States of America
  • Discovering Hidden Gems
  • Travelistia
  • USA Travel Tickets Blog
  • Eat Drink Dive
  • Paradise Of USA
  • Y-Travel Blog | Travel more create better memories » America Unplugged
  • The Commoner
  • TrekAmerica » USA
  • Me Want Travel » United States
  • Solo Traveler » United States
  • R We There Yet Mom? | Traveling the Great USA One Darling Adventure at a Time » United-states
  • Expert Vagabond » United States
  • Caroline in the City Travel Blog » USA
  • Flywithnate
  • Pickles Travel Blog for Food and Family Travel » USA
  • What To Do VI
  • Here We Wander
  • Pilot and Me
  • CIEE Work & Travel USA | Youtube
  • Ray Family Adventures
  • Inside the US
  • USA Travelers

USA Travel Bloggers

  • USA Travel Newsletter

USA Travel Blogs

Here are 35 Best USA Travel Blogs you should follow in 2024

1. USA Travel Blog

USA Travel Blog

2. Visit The USA

Visit The USA

3. Loving New York

Loving New York

4. Blogger at Large » USA

Blogger at Large » USA

5. Everything Everywhere | Around the World Travel Blog

Everything Everywhere | Around the World Travel Blog

6. American Travel Blogger

American Travel Blogger

7. Goats On The Road » United States of America

 Goats On The Road » United States of America

8. Discovering Hidden Gems

Discovering Hidden Gems

9. Travelistia


10. USA Travel Tickets Blog

USA Travel Tickets Blog



12. Eat Drink Dive

Eat Drink Dive

13. Paradise Of USA

Paradise Of USA

14. Y-Travel Blog | Travel more create better memories » America Unplugged

 Y-Travel Blog | Travel more create better memories » America Unplugged

15. The Commoner

The Commoner

16. TrekAmerica » USA

TrekAmerica » USA

17. Me Want Travel » United States

 Me Want Travel » United States

18. Solo Traveler » United States

 Solo Traveler » United States

19. R We There Yet Mom? | Traveling the Great USA One Darling Adventure at a Time » United-states

R We There Yet Mom? | Traveling the Great USA One Darling Adventure at a Time » United-states

20. Expert Vagabond » United States

 Expert Vagabond » United States



22. Caroline in the City Travel Blog » USA

 Caroline in the City Travel Blog » USA

23. Flywithnate


24. Pickles Travel Blog for Food and Family Travel » USA

 Pickles Travel Blog for Food and Family Travel » USA

25. What To Do VI

What To Do VI

26. Here We Wander

Here We Wander

27. Pilot and Me

Pilot and Me

28. CIEE Work & Travel USA | Youtube

CIEE Work & Travel USA | Youtube

29. Ray Family Adventures

Ray Family Adventures

30. Inside the US

Inside the US

31. USA Travelers

USA Travelers

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An Adventurous World

United States

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Wanderlust Chloe

USA Travel Blogs

These are all of my travel blogs about the usa. .

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Happy exploring!

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Pickyourtrail Travel Blog

10 Travel Bloggers In The U.S. – Follow To Fall In Love With Travel Yet Again!

Travel makes you feel the most alive. Each time you travel, it’s merely a new experience altogether. Traveling is not just limited to moving from place to place but all the experiences you get, cultures you adapt to, life learnings you take, and memories you create along the way. Besides that, travel turns you into a blogger, photographer, and whatnot. There are SO MANY travel bloggers out there who churn out beautiful blogs and content with every experience they get and inspire you in a million ways. Of which, we have put together 10 U.S. travel bloggers for you.

If you are looking to visit places and need some inspiration from someone already acing it, we have made your search simpler. The below stories and pictures are just perfect which would surely inspire you to travel by the end of the article if not already.

‘The one with the 10 travel bloggers in the U.S.’

Below is nothing but a handpicked list of 10 travel bloggers in the U.S. whose pictures themselves are enough to awaken the traveler in you.

1. Kiersten Rich

You are reading about an inspirational traveler who had left her job just to travel and explore things. Not even kidding. The love she has for travel took her to almost 70 countries now and the urge today doesn’t seem any lower than yesterday and any higher than tomorrow. She is an award-winning traveler who keeps amazing all her followers with photography, fashion, paw-sitive vibes that she spreads, and a new perception of life well-narrated, in every country she travels to. She is not just an inspirational traveler but an amazing self-made female who has turned The Blonde Abroad into a multi-level business with affiliate programs, social media marketing and consulting, and digital content creation.

One quick tip. Be prepared to handle Bailey’s cuteness while you scroll down her posts.

Have a sneak-peek into Kiersten Rich’s blogs . Would like to get more inspiration? – The first step is to follow her on Instagram , Facebook , Youtube , and Twitter . When you connect with her, call her Kiki. She loves to be called by this name.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kiki | The Blonde Abroad (@theblondeabroad)

2. Jessica Festa

The love for travel is infectious so are Jessica’s (aka Jessie) positive vibes and smile. Just going through her handles would give such vibes and a widened smile of course. If traveling your heart out is an art, Jessica is the Picasso of it. Jessie Festa is an award-wining female solo traveler in the name of Jessieonajourney . Maybe she grew up traveling to a few destinations, she wanted to pursue it full-time. Whatever. But it is a happily ever after for Jessica with travel. She has started this crazy journey of hers by being a student learning about travel blogging to a travel blogger teaching students now.

What does Jessieonajourney give you? You will find various adventures that Jessica takes, blogs about every place, tips for travel, and some courses for all the amateur female travelers out there.

Give these blogs a read written by someone who believes life is a journey and makes sure it’s a happy one for herself and others as well. Get to know Jessie more on Instagram , Facebook , Twitter , Pinterest , and YouTube .

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jessie 🎉 Solo Travel Blogger (@jessieonajourney)

3. Lee Abbamonte

Lee Abbamonte likes to travel. But you know what? He has already earned a name for himself and gets featured in many channels and magazines. Lee is the youngest person to visit every country on earth and the North and the South poles. He makes it to the list of most traveled people having covered 193 UN states and 321 countries so far. You might think he is a full-time traveler to achieve such numbers but there is so much more about Lee Abbamonte that will surprise you. From being an employee in corporate finance and energy and wealth management, he is now an entrepreneur, a multimedia travel personality, travel expert and a blogger , brand ambassador, and global adventurer. Though he has visited SO many destinations, he is still looking for destinations to vacation in.

Are you curious to know how he managed to do so many things, all at once? Ask him yourself. Follow him on Instagram , Facebook , Youtube and Twitter and you will never run short of destination ideas.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Lee Abbamonte (@leeabbamonte)

4. Kristin Luna

Trying out to find a balance between your career, travel, and family? – Kristin Luna does it just right! She shares her adventures in the name of Camels & Chocolate and creative content for people who are looking for travel ideas. Kristin is a journalist by profession and also co-own three companies with her husband. You might think her day, week and year can pretty much be occupied with these but Kristin’s feed says otherwise. She exactly knows how to find the perfect balance between things and travels 150 days a year. She is one of those active travelers, who loves her vacation just adventuresome. Why don’t you check out Kristin Luna’s blogs and get inspired to pursue your dream job? Ask your questions to Kristin Luna on Instagram , Twitter , and Facebook , and start your own travel blogging site.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kristin Luna (@lunaticatlarge)

5. Amanda Williams

A journalist turned into an award-winning travel blogger is a quick one-liner about Amanda Williams, the person behind A Dangerous Business . Being a huge fan of ‘Lord of the Rings’, Amanda badly wanted to visit New Zealand and had started planning for her first vacation after graduation during her high school (A vacation planned very well in advance). She had that dream vacation of hers with her mom and little did she know that their vacation to New Zealand would be the starting point to an endless adventure she is going to take. She has now traveled to almost 60 countries. As much as Amanda likes to travel all over the world, she also loves the comfort of home and has been perfectly balancing her work and life well. Isn’t that something you have been looking for?

Get some inspiration from Amanda’s blogs and make sure you follow her on Instagram , Facebook , and Twitter for some pro-trips.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Amanda Williams 🌎 (@dangerousbiz)

6. Matt Long

The man behind Landlopers – Matt Long. But who is he? What does he do? Matt describes himself as a normal person who lives with dogs in a house and has a passion for travel. The one thing about Matt that stands out is that he took that first step and turned his passion into a profession . He finds his blogs as a place where he can put his perspectives into words. And trust me, they are not only interesting but informative as well. As his name ‘Landlopers’ suggests, Matt Long is a true wanderer who finds travel fun and makes sure his followers see it that way too. Are you ready to explore the world with Matt? You can find him on Instagram , Facebook , and Twitter , helping people experience the life he has been having.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Matt Long (@landlopers)

7. Colleen Lanin

A happy family that travels – Still a dream for many . Let’s see how Colleen Lanin and her family make it happen. Colleen Lanin is an inspiration to all mothers out there. In the name of Travel mamas , she shows you how you still can take vacations and take care of the family too. From being a marketing manager to the founder/editor of one of the best travel blogging sites, Colleen Lanin has been super inspiring. She is not only a travel blogger churning out blogs on the site on how moms these days can take kids on vacations but also the author behind an award-winning book – ‘ The Travel Mamas Guide ‘. Travel mamas started in 2009 and ever since, the journey has been amazing and getting featured in many national commercials and magazines.

Want to be a travel mama yourself? – Get some pro tips from the Travel mama herself – Colleen Lanin on Instagram , Facebook , Twitter , YouTube , and Pinterest .

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Colleen Lanin (@travelmamas)

8. Kristin Addis

Kristin Addis is a female solo traveler in the name of Bemytravelmuse who also loves painting, writing, and reading history books. She has always been a dreamer but one of the very few people who made it come true. After working as an employee in Finance for four years, she realized what she wanted and that’s when Bemytravelmuse started. Ever since she started her journey, she’s been to many global destinations and experienced global adventures. Being a solo traveler herself, she not only writes blogs on places, trips, and guides but also gives traveling advice to all female travelers out there, helping them become what many people only dream of.

Know more about her on Instagram , Facebook , Pinterest , YouTube , and Twitter . They say ‘You will leave your footprints wherever you go’ and this picture of Kristin Addis is so on point. She does create an impact with every location she travels to.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kristin Addis (@bemytravelmuse)

9. Esther & Jacob

Some serious couple goals all the way! Esther and Jacob own the Local Adventurer which easily made it to the list of ‘ The top 5 travel blogs in the US and World ‘. This is one of the travel blogging sites with the best blog statistics. Esther and Jacob’s work deserves much appreciation and you know what? They have got it too. This site holds many awards and featured in magazines as well. Their idea of traveling is simple yet amazing. They do not plan getaways or any kind of vacations but find a home in a foreign land. Every year, they travel to a new city and take one whole year to explore the city and the hidden gems in that place.

You can have a read of their blogs which would tell you a lot more about travel and how they make it all possible. They give you blogging tips, destination ideas for travel, and photography too. Find them interesting? You can follow them on Instagram , YouTube , Pinterest , Bloglovin’ and Facebook .

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Local Adventurer 🇰🇷🇺🇸 Esther (@estherjulee)

10. Kate McCulley

Let’s now get to know Kate and how she started this never-ending journey of hers in the name of Adventurous KATE . Kate McCulley is one of the super brave tourists who quit the job and chose to travel full time then to a freelancing business now with teaching and consulting. It all started when she planned her vacation to Southeast Asia for six months when she was 26. Now having achieved a number of 83 countries across 7 continents, I am sure she, at the moment, will be planning for her next vacation . She not only travels but shows women how to travel safely and how connected one feels when travel. Make sure you check out her handles for some expert advice on Instagram , Facebook , and Twitter .

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kate McCulley (@adventurouskate)

If the above stories and pictures of these 10 travel bloggers in the U.S don’t tempt you to travel, what will?

Pickyourtrail is only a text away to help you take that first step to become the traveler you want to be. If you have any questions or in need of travel tips, you know who to reach out to. So, what is stopping you? There are many amazing vacation packages and travel blogs for you to have a look at. I am sure you could be on this list very soon. Don’t just imagine traveling. TRAVEL. If you don’t find time to travel now, you never will.

Only you choose where your destination should end. So, what’s your destination?

' src=

Preetha Manivelan

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USA Family Travel Blog

Explore 50 states of awesome through our USA family travel blog. From the National Parks to the best cities for families, we have it all.

Thinking of visiting Ausable Chasm New York, the Grand Canyon of the Adirondacks? Discover how to get there and the best things to do at Ausable Chasm NY

Our Guide To Family Travel In The USA

With 50 States and 16 territories, it’s hard to know where to begin travel in the USA. It has incredible cities like New York, Chicago, New Orleans, and Los Angeles. There are the epic vistas of the American Southwest, the mountains of the Pacific Northwest, the Everglades of Florida, and the glaciers of Alaska. You can also escape the mainland and head to the islands of Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or the US Virgin Islands.

The United States is the birthplace of the world’s National Parks, and its smaller State Parks are just as amazing. No matter where you choose to explore in the United States, there is bound to be something that will take your breath away.

Popular USA Family Travel Blog Posts

Searching for the best things to do in the Adirondacks? Discover adventurous rail journeys and the most scenic views for your Adirondack vacation

Tips For Family Travel in the United States

If you’re new to international family travel , I highly recommend checking out our well-researched trip planning resources . It’s full of proven family travel hacks.

  • The Capital of the United States of America is Washington D.C. Washington D.C. (not to be confused with Washington State) is filled with incredible museums and monuments.
  • The United States uses North American standard 110v electrical outlets.
  • Cell phone service is readily available throughout the United States. Sim chips are available and can be added to unlocked phones. I have used the Airalo eSim app for all of my international travel.
  • Driving in the United States is relatively safe. Most roads and highways are well-maintained
  • Family travel to the USA is very popular. Most cities have extensive attractions for children.

Explore The Most Popular States In The USA For Families

what to do in Colorado for kids

How To Stay Connected And Get Internet And Phone Service In The United States

Most major cities throughout the United States have excellent cellular service. If you have an older phone, I highly recommend purchasing a sim either at the airport or as one of your first stops on your travels.

If you have a newer eSim capable phone, you can save yourself time by purchasing an eSim ahead of time and having it activated before you arrive.

There are many companies that offer this service. I have used Airalo for years . It has been seamless in over ten countries. They have World, Regional, and Country-Specific eSims available. The price goes down the more specific you get. The regional sims allow for easy country-hopping if you are visiting multiple destinations.

Airalo eSim logo

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I’m Victoria. I’m actually British (born in Manchester) but moved to New York to follow my American Dream. After leaving university I packed my degree into my suitcase to be my own boss and make money at the same time. Over the course of my 20’s I travelled to over 50 countries, much of the time, solo. I settled for a couple of years in London before finally making the move to the US. 

On this travel blog you’ll find lots of info on U.S trip ideas, including weekend getaways, road trips and national park adventures. I love to travel with my dog Luna, so you’ll find info on dog-friendly trips too. Not traveling in the U.S? I also blog about destinations all over the world that I’ve visited! Plus you’ll find plenty of info about digital nomad life and how to save money on travel!

Travel Tips

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How to get cheap domestic flights in the USA [16 TRICKS]

Flying with a Small Dog in Cabin - Dog at the Airport

Flying with a dog in cabin: 20 Tips for traveling with dogs on planes

SafetyWing Remote Health

SafetyWing Remote Health Review: Health Insurance for Remote Workers

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Top US lakes for a boat rental adventure

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16 Things to Do in Montauk, NY (by a New Yorker)

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Top Tips for Organizing a US Sports Trip

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The Top 12 Most Influential Travel Bloggers

Have you ever dreamed of escaping the traditional workplace to travel the world… and then share all of your experiences online?

That’s what the people on this list have managed to successfully do in their own original way. Let their stories inspire you to start your own blog and see America like you’ve never seen it before!

Without further ado, here they are (in alphabetical order):

Amanda Williams

This seasoned backpacker has seen the sights of many continents with a philosophy that getting lost along the way is all part of the travel experience. Amanda Williams reminds us to just set aside the planning and let the road carry you where you need to go. She has stepped into the scenes of 20 different countries across 4 continents with the most intriguing travel blog to prove it! Her inspirational posts and words of advice allow others to set their compass toward some place warm, exotic and full of life–taking in all that this new found place has to offer with no need for a map! Amanda is a world traveler that invites others to seek out their dreams abroad–for the experience will enrich our lives and make us all the wiser when we return.

Amanda’s blog : A Dangerous Business

Follow her on Twitter: @dangerousbiz

Place recently visited: Savannah, GA

A favorite post: The Best of Oahu, Hawaii – In Photos

C hris Christensen

Chris Christensen is a world traveler with plenty of podcasts to bring each destination right to your doorstep. You won’t ever have to buy the guidebook to learn all the best tips about your upcoming trip! With both audio and video podcasts alike, you can get acquainted with Chris’s own travel experiences for a unique glimpse into the delights of an ‘amateur’ traveler. Although he claims the name the ‘amateur traveler’, we all know he has seen more than the experts since his first podcast began back in 2005. His website and podcasts are two great sources for travel tips, guides and hilarious travel stories. I was thrilled to have gotten to feature him as the second guest on our podcast . Chris likes to pick up the language each place he goes and has a passion for storytelling–so lend him an ear, there is much to learn from his travels! Here’s a guest post I did on his site with 10 Must-See Art Museums In America .

Chris’s blog : Amateur Traveler

Follow him on Twitter: @amateurtraveler

Place recently visited: Virginia City, NV

A favorite post:  How To Spend a Long Weekend In Seattle

This man is bold. Gary Arndt sold his house in 2007 to travel the world. He has stepped foot inside 7 different continents and 130 countries across the globe. The kicker? He’s been to every state in the US! You would never guess that Gary was not always such the avid traveler–besides, the occasional summer vacation. Since he sold his home, he’s been at it ever since! His blog keeps you updated on his latest travels, so that there is always something new to read about in Gary’s grand adventure. Check out Gary’s blog to get the latest update on his backpacking expedition, and see the pictures he’s captured along the way. You may just find the inspiration you need to step out on your own journey to a new land beyond the edge of the sea. Learn about his favorite National Parks .

Gary’s blog :  Everything Everywhere

Follow him on Twitter:  @everywheretrip

Place recently visited: Wisconsin

A favorite post:  7 Things That Are Awesome About America

Geraldine DeRuiter

This lucky lady got roped into the ‘blogging thing’ when she decided to tag along on her husband’s work journeys to destinations across the world. Geraldine DeRuiter describes her blog as a love letter to her husband–long and cuss-filled. But, don’t take offense that’s just the way he likes it. Her personal experiences give an inside scoop into what is good and not so good about each and every place she goes. Even better, the drama of her writing style is sure to reel you in and keep you watching, waiting for more. This blog is jam-packed with tips, guides and overall info that sets the scenery for sights all over the world. Even better, its told through the eyes of a lovely lady in the company of her husband–who adds a bit of the romantic touch to each story.

Geraldine’s blog :  The Everywhereist

Follow her on Twitter:  @everywhereist

Place recently visited: Miami

A favorite post: Alaska Airlines: Your Leg Room is Wasted on Me

Janice Waugh

Janice Waugh is a strong woman who inspires others to set their sights on scenes across the globe under the Solo Traveler Project. Her blog is all about going solo–a philosophy granted from her past widow and empty-nesting experience. Besides the travel tips and firsthand journals on her blog, she speaks and gives advice for those who like to take the road alone. Janice is also co-founder of Global Bloggers Network and host for the Toronto Meet Plan and Go–a brilliant resource for long term travel. She reminds us that we all have the power within us to ‘go it alone’ and enjoy our travels each step along the way. From the traditional to the exotic, Janice has seen and shared it all. She reminds us to pursue our own ‘Personal Legend’ and realize those travel dreams we would otherwise cast aside. As an aspiring solo traveler myself, I was thrilled to have recently gotten the opportunity to conduct an interview with her about solo travel .

Janice’s blog :  Solo Traveler

Follow her on Twitter:  @solotraveler

Place recently visited: Jupiter, FL

A favorite post:  Solo Travel Mistakes to Avoid

Take lessons from this Johnny Jet who conquered his fear of flight and set off on an amazing journey that would multiply to destinations spanning the globe. His website, blog and forum are a fantastic place for travelers to learn and share travel tips, bookmarks and firsthand experience. This is where the travelers come together and become ‘the expert’, so that others benefit from each pleasant (or unpleasant) travel memory offered up as unique insight. Johnny is all about sharing unique tricks of the trade, as he champs friends in airline miles competitions–an unexpected turn of events for a guy who used to dread the idea of flying altogether! Needless to say, Johnny can’t wait for his next trip and is offering you all the little details that complete a worthwhile journey.

Johnny’s blog : Johnny Jet

Follow him on Twitter: @johnnyjet

Place recently visited: Manhattan Beach, CA

A favorite post: 10 Ways To Find Cheap Thanksgiving Flights

Kate McCulley

Adventurous Kate is an inspiration for all who wish to make traveling a full-time job. She did just that! Now Kate spends her days wandering around any place that seems wacky and interesting, while soaking up the culture and interacting with the locals each stop along the journey. With her experience in online marketing, she decided to make it her job to blog about her experiences as a world traveler. Now, Kate’s seen over 45 countries and is here to tell everyone *ladies especially that traveling solo is not just possible–it is truly the experience of a lifetime. There is much out there designed to scare us into shying away from independent travel–but Adventurous Kate proves it can be easy, safe and fun all rolled into one.

Kate’s blog : Adventurous Kate

Follow her on Twitter: @adventurouskate

Place recently visited: New York City

A favorite post:  How I Saved $13,000 For Travel In Just Seven Months

Matt Long is just a regular guy who is here to teach you how travel is in your sights. You may not realize that traveling is in the cards for you, but Matt will show you just that! On his blog, he offers up tips, guides and advice for ordinary people who wish to travel the globe. Matt has succeeded in making traveling his profession, and he would like to share all his firsthand experience with those who also seek the world beyond the cubicle. With travel tips, itinerary tools for planes, trains and travel apps, his website offers it all up for those who are ready and willing to set out on their own journey away from home. It’s Matt’s vision to help make the best travel advice more accessible to ordinary people who wish to create their own travel experience with destinations all over the world.

Matt’s blog : LandLopers

Follow him on Twitter: @landlopers

Place recently visited: Amelia Island, FL

A favorite post: 20 Things Every Smart Traveler Should Know

With a camera, passport and ukulele–you can’t go wrong! Pam Mandel is a self proclaimed ‘nerd’ who loves to share her travel experience. This world traveler has contributed to many travel blogs, and she was also featured in National Geographic’s Intelligent Traveler. Her countless experiences have led her to many other opportunities such as radio, guidebook writing and on to become the co-founder of Passports with a Purpose–a group to raise funds for a cause that resonates with travelers. Most of all Pam has a passion for sharing her photographs and travel stories with those who seek the entertainment and advice of an intelligent seasoned traveler. She also has a special section on her website to flaunt her nerdtastic attitude–the Ukulele FAQ. So, you, too can learn to play.

Pam’s blog : Nerd’s Eye View

Follow her on Twitter:  @nerdseyeview

Place recently visited: Seattle

A favorite post: Finders, Weepers

You guessed it! Seth Kugel is frugal–but only in the best way possible. This guy really knows his stuff when it comes to traveling on a budget. And even better, he would like to share his tips and advice with all who seek it. Seth has been writing for the New York Times since 1998 and in 2010 he took over their  Frugal Traveler blog . I highly encourage you to check out his blog as it has really inspired me over the years. He is currently based in both New York and São Paulo. He has written for a variety of publications including: New York Magazine, Conde Nast Traveler, Time Out New York ,  O the Oprah Magazine , Every Day With Rachael Ray ,  ARTnew and The boston Globe . I recently got the honor to interview him on budget travel !

Seth’s blog : Frugal Traveler

Follow him on Twitter: @frugaltraveler

Place recently visited: San Francisco

A favorite post: Memphis on the Cheap: Elvis, Barbecue and Baseball

Shannon O’Donnell

Shannon O’Donnell is an eco-conscious and humanitarian traveler who invites others to turn their next trip into a volunteer effort. With her real-world volunteer experiences, her advice is unique in that it allows others who seek destinations around the world to learn the ropes of responsible traveling. Shannon has been traveling all around the world since 2008, sharing her each and every experience with all of us. Her goal is to better empower and motivate all interested travelers with solid advice on how to travel the world. Shannon’s website is full of great tips, beautiful photographs and personal stories that reveal the cultural rewards of travel with fantastic food, local interests and unique long term trips to complete the most memorable journey abroad. She has also written a book guide for those who seek volunteer travels.

Shannon’s blog : A Little Adrift

Follow her on Twitter: @ShannonRTW

Place recently visited: Key West

A favorite post:  20 Lessons from 5 Years Traveling Around the World

Are you too a cubicle dweller? Sherry Ott is living proof that anyone can escape the cube to set off on a nomadic adventure to cities and sights across the globe. Her blog shares firsthand stories with witty humor and stunning photography to add scenes of awe to the mix. This bold woman claims no home–she up and sold all her possessions back in 2006! The experiences she shares are there for others to capture the magic of travel, as it opens a door to a world of possibilities. Sherry is the epitome of what happens when boring everyday routine takes its toll on the soul, so she left that world behind altogether. This former IT gal now spends her days volunteering, freelancing, house-sitting each step along her journey. She was a participant in my roundup of 15 Travel Savings Tips from Some of the World’s Most Popular Travel Bloggers .

Sherry’s blog : Ottsworld

Follow her on Twitter: @ottsworld

Place recently visited: Chicago

A favorite post: 48 Hours In New Orleans

Here are some other travelers who almost made the list: 

Which travel blogger has inspired you the most (other than me!)? We would love to hear from you in the comments!

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Hello i’m nomadic matt.

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Welcome! Every day I wake up with one goal in mind: “How can I help other people travel better for less?” My mission is to help travelers like you realize their travel dreams!

Since 2008, I’ve helped millions of people save money, travel more, and have a more authentic experience in the destinations they visit.

This website has been featured in major media time and time again because it’s got the best budget advice out there. My goal is to make you a smarter traveler so you can go where you want as often as you want.

Learn more about my story >>>

Top Articles

  • How to Find Cheap Flights
  • How to Find Cheap Accommodation
  • How to Choose a Backpack
  • 17 Steps for Planning a Trip
  • My Ultimate Packing Guide
  • How to Buy Travel Insurance
  • 11 Tips for New Travelers
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  • How to Pick the Right Travel Credit Card
  • 14 Travel Scams to Avoid
  • 15 Ways to Work Overseas

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Top Resources

Over the last 17 years, I’ve used hundreds of companies during my travels. Some have been great, some have been awful. To help you plan your  trip, here’s my list of the best travel companies. They are where all my travel planning and booking starts. Use them to book your trips too!

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Books & Guides

Ten years a nomad: a traveler’s journey home.

The book is a memoir of my ten years backpacking the world and the lessons I learned along the way. It follows the arc of a trip around globe: getting the bug, the planning, setting off, the highs, the lows, the friendships made, the relationships forged (and lost), and the emotions you feel when it’s all over.

Unlike my previous books, this is not a “how to” guide but a collection of insights, advice, and stories from the road meant to convey the experience of what it’s like to quit your job, follow the road not taken, and travel the world trying to discover who you are and what the world has to offer. It is my opus on travel meant to inspire you to pursue your own travel dreams.

Find out more and pick up a copy today!

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Destination Guidebooks

I’ve written a few destination guidebooks that will help you travel cheaper, better, and smarter. Unlike other guidebooks, these are specifically written for budget travelers! They contain detailed tips, advice, and insider information so you can get off the beaten path, away from the crowds, and save money when you travel. Straight to the point, no fluff.

nomadic matt's guide to travel hacking


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The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

15 Best Travel Vloggers on YouTube to Follow

Written By: Christine Ka'aloa

Digital Nomads

Updated On: June 3, 2023

Living your passion for travel is one thing, but filming yourself doing it daily to weekly for binge watching audiences on YouTube is another! Yet, the list of travel vloggers on YouTube grows as storytelling techniques of its creators evolve to keep you tuned in.

From storytelling editing, daily vlogging, cinematic flair, sexy drone shots, and 360 viewing, these travel YouTubers are committed to pumping out travel inspiration on a regularly programmed basis.

Enjoy this list of inspiring Youtube channels to find great travel content and travel experiences.

Table of Contents

Best Travel Vloggers

Christine chose some great travel vlogs and we don’t want to mess with her, list, but when you are done here, check out some other amazing travel YouTubers! These travel personalities are not only travel hosts, they are their own travel show! We made our own list of best travel vloggers too !

1. Fun for Louis

best travel vlog on youtube | fun for louis

Louis Cole initially started out enthralling (and grossing out) viewers with his adventurous ability to eat every odd delicacy that was dead or alive.

Today, this U.K. travel vlogger has taken to daily vlogs of his life, inspiring viewers to live the adventure while travelling the world.

A well-loved travel vlog hero of YouTube, not only does he make binge-watching addictive, but he incorporates 360-degree video and has his fans introduce his videos.

Schedule : Daily

2. Mr Ben Brown

youtube travel vloggers | mre ben brown

Mr. Ben Brown is mostly known as a YouTube vlogger. But he travels a bit and his Visual Vibes series showcases some seriously stunning travel cinematography, which will leave you breathless.

An expert storyteller, his vlogs are partly filmed from his perspective, as if you’re inside his head.

Whether skiing, motorbiking or hiking, you’ll feel like you’re moving vicariously with him, as he traipses around the world to meet up with his posse of YouTuber friends.

Ben joined YouTube in 2006 definitely making him one of the older travel vloggers (at least by channel age) out there.

  • Devon Supertamp is very similar and we have him listed on our choices for best travel channels.

Schedule: Daily .

3. Vagabrothers

best travel vlogs | vagabrothers

The Vagabrothers are the wacky boys of the travel vlogging world.

As charismatic travel hosts revving you for the flight,  they offer a cultural soft side into the joys of travelling.

Their travel videos incorporate fun shooting styles, collaborations with other YouTubers, destination guides focused on culture, and lethal drone shots.

Schedule :  Tuesdays

4. Hey Nadine

best female travel vlogger | hey nadine

As the reigning top female travel vlogs on YouTube, Nadine Sykora knows what YouTube audiences want.

As Hey Nadine , she infuses her travel lifestyle channel with a creative flair of fashion, fun, food and entertainment.

From travel tips, to “ What I Eat in a Day in. ..” ,… to playful collaborations with other travel YouTubers, Nadine’s channel drums up an addiction to seeing just what new video she puts out next.

Schedule : Twice a week

5. Migrationology

best food vloggers on youtube | migrationology

Would you travel for food? Favorite food vlogger and travel YouTuber Mark Weins does, and boy does he!

A travel and food blog, Migrationology has hit gastronomical stardom on YouTube, making Mark the number one ‘foodie guy’ to both, watch and read.

Mark is the ultimate digital nomad!

He shares his passion for travel by delivering each country through mouth-watering morsels.

You’ll find DIY city guides and of course, lots and lots of food videos!

Schedule: Sundays and Wednesdays.

6. Wolters World

best travel youtubers | wolters world

Mark of Woltersworld is my favorite ‘Loves & Hates Travel Guy’, sharing his unchained opinion on what travelers will love, hate and be shocked with about each city.

He tells it like it is and his honesty won’t take away your excitement in experiencing the place for yourself.

His videos are highly informative insights, which crack the travel code of each country.

Schedule: Wednesdays and Saturdays

7. Hopscotch the Globe

best travel vloggers on youtube | kristen and siya

Kristin Sarah merges her acting chops with her love for travel in Hopscotch the Globe .

She’s like that fun travel bestie who’s not afraid to be a little silly. Her channel incorporates vlogging with cultural parodies and travel inspired DIY recipes.

Today, she shares her channel spotlight with her husband Siya; together, these travel partners in crime hop around the globe, creating weekly entertainment.

They’ve also recently added a baby drone into their picture!

Schedule : Weekly

8. Psychotraveller

best travel vloggers on youtube | physcho traveller

If twenty-something backpacking is your thing, check out Psychotraveller .

Ally dishes backpacking travel tips, vlogs and travel budget information, all with a dose of humor.

Best of all, her favorite filming studio is often a hostel room!

Schedule: Weekly.


best travel vloggers on youtube | grrl traveler

Does traveling alone freak you out? Christine Kaaloa of GRRRL TRAVELER takes you inside the adventurous world of solo travel and shows you how she survives it.

Experiencing culture shock and filming it , isn’t easy, but Christine finds ways to turn her encounters of taxi scams, Asian squat toilets, airport layovers and getting sick abroad, into travel survival tips to walk away with !

A solo travel blogger, she films and blogs travel tips and city and food travel guides, while playing with video storytelling styles.

Schedule: Fridays or Saturdays.

10.  Sonia’s Travels

youtube travel vlog | sonyas travels

Sonia is your female travel MacGyver. From how to pack your makeup to product reviews and how to score a deal on a hotel, she’s got slick tips to make you a savvy traveler.

Her tips are usually around 2-3 minutes, which make her videos perfect to watch with your morning coffee.

Until then, she has hundreds of travel tip videos to keep your travels well-groomed.

Schedule: On hiatus. Let’s hope she comes back.

11.  The Planet D

best youtube travel channels | theplanetd

Dave and Deb of The Planet D , not only live the dream of travel, but they also visit some of the most exotic places that most of us can only dream about!

This zany travel-adventure couple have blogged about adventure travel for the past 10 years, and now they’re on YouTube too, inspiring each other (and others) to take a passion for adventure to the next level. Making the list as one of the couple travel vloggers to watch.

From polar ice plunges in Antarctica to riding the fastest zipline or ballooning over the Masai Mara, their channel covers a bucket list of activities to try when you’re looking to leave your comfort zone.

Schedule: Saturdays.

Expats & Nomads: Travel Youtubers Hitting the Road

12.  gone with the wynns.

travel vloggers | gone with the wynns

Ever think of packing up your family life and hitting the road in an RV?

Nikki and Jason of Gone with the Wynns sold it all and packed it up to hit the highway.

From composting toilets to solar powering an RV (okay, not your everyday travel story), they’ve transformed the concept of an RV travel lifestyle for YouTube.

Their videos are well-shot and occasionally, filmed like a sexy commercial (okay, not your every day RV travel video).

Recently, they’ve made a rather new change in their lives, by trading in their RV for a sailboat!

Schedule : Weekly.

13. Samuel & Audrey

travel video channels | samel and audrey

You may know Samuel and Audrey as their travel blogging aliases, Nomadic Samuel and That Backpacker .

As former ex-Korea expats, this adorable travel geek couple are on an indefinite road between expat life and nomadism.

Their channel is prolific with destination guides and food taste tests.

For audiences, who want to get their binge watching on without taking a break, they are also known to occasionally have long format videos.

Schedule: 1-2 times a week.

14. 8 Miles from Home

travel vlog | 8 miles from home

Inspiring us to take our dream lifestyle (and dog) abroad is 8 Miles from Home .

Sacha and Jymael are British photographers turn expat vloggers, documenting their life in Thailand.

Their vlogs are cinematic video diaries, occasionally incorporate dazzling special FX.

Recently they announced their new adventure~ a move to Portugal and a baby!

15. The Food Ranger

travel food vloggers | the food ranger

If you love Asian food, Trevor is The Food Ranger of Asia. An expat in Sichuan, China, he chomps and slurps some of the best Chinese cuisine (and uh, some pretty obscure foods too).

Commendable is his ability to upload regular videos while staying under China’s banned radar (YouTube and Google are banned in China).

He’s quickly growing a following as a new foodie channel to watch.

Schedule: Saturdays

How the best travel vloggers were chosen:

Like all lists, people will wonder why they’re not on it. I’m positive I missed some good ones, but this is very loose criteria I’d be using if I were hired to cast, produce or pitch a TV show. Creators did not need to meet all criteria, but most. – Programming: Weekly dedication, quality, storytelling & individual style execution – Audience: Niche, loyalty, & YouTube friendly – Blog worthy and/or binge worthy – Does it bring a new spin to the term “travel video” or “travel show” – Channel Personality/Talent: brand recognition, hosting & entertainment value

best travel vloggers on youtube

Do you have favourite travel vlogger you love on YouTube? Introduce us to them in the comments below!

  • 16 Amazing Women Instagrammers to Follow
  • 11 Inspiring YouTube Travel Channels to Follow
  • Best Travel Blogs by Category
  • 101 Best Travel Quotes in the World with Pictures

That’s a subjective question. If you go by subscribers it is Devon Supertramp or Fun for Louis on this list. Drew Binskey is definitely the most successful travel vlogger out there right now.

Mark Weins t ops the list as the best food travel vlogger. He takes you on a culinary journey around the world.

Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use Booking.com and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO . 

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Allianz - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

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About Christine Ka'aloa

Christine Ka'aloa is a freelance television producer , camera operator and travel blogger/YouTuber. She runs GRRRL TRAVELER, where she writes about solo travel, food and travel inspiration. Follow Christine at grrltraveler / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / YouTube

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The Packable Life

Best of the Best Travel Blogs: My Top 10 Favorites

A green canyon with text overlay saying "MY 10 FAVORITE TRAVEL BLOGS"

Do you ever spend late nights staring into the bright glow of a computer screen, searching for inspiration through the adventures of other travelers? I do. Quite frequently actually.

I’m obsessed with travel blogs that excite me and it’s keeping me up past my bedtime.

No, I’m not talking about ogling over Instagram models stretched out under waterfalls or watching giggly tourists with selfie sticks riding elephants – that’s not what I’m searching for.

I’m looking for heartfelt writing, meaningful adventures, awe-inspiring photography, authentic experiences, and above all else,  honesty about travel .  These  are the things that make me want to see the world.  This  is why I  started a travel blog  of my own.

The good news is that I’ve found a few bloggers who do all those things and do them  really  well. That’s what this post is all about.

Let me share with you my favorite travel blogs that I’ve come across. Each blogger is quite different than the next, but they are  all  capable of keeping you up late into the night, fascinated by the pictures they paint and the lives they lead.

#1 –   Wandering Earl

A screen shot of WanderingEarl.com as a top travel blog

Origin : 🇺🇸 U.S.A. Great for : Down to earth travelers and storytellers Twitter  •  Instagram  •  Facebook

Wandering Derek Earl Baron has travel in his blood. He’s been on the move constantly since 1999, with no signs of slowing down. In fact, he wrote a blog post in 2012  asking his followers for advice on a potential ‘home base’ and, well, it’s 2024 and the guy still hasn’t decided yet.

Earl’s blog is clean and inviting, which brings its genuine content to the forefront. He offers spot-on insight into the highs  and  lows of his life of constant travel, a refreshing perspective that’s all too often missing from mainstream sites. While his humble approach to blogging hasn’t vaulted him into social media fame, I don’t think he ever craved the spotlight in the first place.

His honest and focused posts push all of us to hold ourselves accountable and become better travelers, and that’s why I think he’s the best overall travel blogger.

Posts I Dig from Wandering Earl:

  • A Rant About Travel, Awareness and Social Media
  • Please Don’t Be Afraid to Travel on Your Own
  • I’m Confused About Life Just Like Everyone Else

#2 –   Nomad Revelations

A screen shot of NomadRevelations.com

Origin : 🇵🇹 Portugal Great for : Desert wanderers and cultural connoisseurs Twitter  •  Instagram  •  Facebook

João Leitão’s destiny is to wander the Earth, and his free-spirited blog reflects just that. He flows seamlessly throughout the world, entrenching himself in any and all cultures that he encounters. He, like Wandering Earl, has been traveling since 1999 and has visited over 100 countries. He’s got some serious mileage.

What intrigues me is that João’s favorite destinations – places like Mali, Nicaragua, and Uzbekistan – are almost always ‘the roads less traveled.’ Wherever he goes, João sheds light on rich cultures that most travelers wouldn’t think twice about passing over.

When I read Nomad Revelations, I feel that João wants the reader to see the world from an ever-evolving perspective and break down their mental travel barriers. The depth of content he’s built up over 20 years is nothing short of incredible.

Posts I Dig from Nomad Revelations:

  • Moped in Sahara Desert – Moroccan Motorcycle Adventure
  • The Tatuyo – Incredible Life of a Surviving Amazon Brazilian Tribe
  • Visit Half Moon Island – Forsaken Humid Antarctica

#3 –   Expert Vagabond

A screen shot of ExpertVagabond.com as a top travel blog

Origin : 🇺🇸 U.S.A. Great for : Thrill-seekers and photographers Twitter  •  Instagram  •  Facebook

Matt Karsten was an underpaid photographer in 2010, working gigs at used car dealerships and nightclubs. Now, he’s among the most successful travel bloggers in the world. How did he make that happen?

It helps that he’s a world-class photographer who seeks out extreme and obscure adventures – the types of trips most travelers shy away from. Whether he’s  exploring the notorious Darien Gap  or  trekking deep into the mountains of Afghanistan , Matt constantly puts himself in heart-pounding situations and challenges his readers to do the same.

Posts I Dig from Expert Vagabond:

  • Trekking The Arctic Circle Trail in Greenland
  • My 30 Best Travel Tips After 8 Years Traveling the World
  • Hitchhiking Across America: One Ride at a Time

#4 –  The Broke Backpacker

A screen shot of TheBrokeBackpacker.com

Origin : 🇬🇧 U.K. Great for : Budget travelers and risk-takers Twitter  •  Instagram  •  Facebook

Will Hatton is a man on a mission. Three years ago, he was nearly out of money and his blog wasn’t taking off. He saw his dream disintegrating, so he decided to double down and go for broke. (It worked.) Will now runs two incredibly productive websites, offers tours of Pakistan, thrives in the cryptocurrency trade, and just purchased land to build a hostel in Bali.

The content on The Broke Backpacker is witty, informative, and unapologetic. Will isn’t afraid to dive head first into touchy subjects. Sex,  drugs , (and more  drugs ) – to Will, it’s all fair game. He inspires his readers through hilarious and motivating blog posts, and lays his failures and triumphs out for the world to learn from. He’s honest, provocative, and never quits, and that’s why he’s one of the best travel bloggers around.

Posts I Dig from The Broke Backpacker:

  • 72 Lessons from 9 Years Traveling
  • Why Every Backpacker Should Travel With a Tent
  • 10 Reasons You Should Travel to Pakistan

#5 –  Nomadic Matt

A screen shot of NomadicMatt.com as a top travel blog

Origin : 🇺🇸 United States Great for : City dwellers and beginner bloggers Twitter  •  Instagram  •  Facebook

Nomadic Matt Kepnis is a travel blogging powerhouse. His resource-heavy website exists to help  any  style of traveler from  any  walk of life. He was one of the first in the business to make it big, but success hasn’t slowed him down. He remains engaged and enthusiastic with his many thousands of readers, which is what helped him succeed in the first place.

Matt wants other bloggers to flourish, and you can see it in his writing. He recognizes and embraces the fact that he’s a leader in the travel blogging community, and shares the limelight. His site is abundant with high-quality posts from other talented bloggers from around the world. Reasons like these are why I’ve come to rely on his blog as a tremendously relevant and useful resource for me as I follow my own path.

Want to learn from the best? Enroll in Nomadic Matt’s  Superstar Blogging Course .

Posts I Dig from Nomadic Matt:

  • The Ultimate Guide to Traveling When You Have No Money
  • 12 Things Not to Do When You Travel
  • How to Start a Travel Blog

#6 –  Atlas and Boots

A screen shot of AtlasandBoots.com

Origin : 🇬🇧 U.K. Great for : Outdoor enthusiasts and environmental activists Twitter  •  Instagram  •  Facebook

Peter Watson and Kia Abdullah are a travel blogging power couple. Whether they’re trekking  Africa’s Grand Canyon  or exploring  abandoned diamond-mining towns,  they constantly find themselves in eye-opening destinations. The two work well together, and it shows through their swath of impressive content.

Kia is a professional author and Peter is an avid backpacker with an impressive resume in photography and filmmaking. Their talent shines through in every post, and their top-notch content never slows down, with two new posts hitting the site every week. Atlas and Boots celebrates Earth and raises important questions about its future, all within the same breath.

Posts I Dig from Atlas and Boots:

  • The Most Extreme Places on Earth
  • Call of the Wild: Disconnecting from Daily Life
  • Polar Bear Death: Has Extinction Tourism Gone Too Far?

#7 –  Fearful Adventurer

A screen shot of FearfulAdventurer.com as a top travel blog

Origin : 🇺🇸 United States Great for : Writers and anxious travelers Twitter  •  Instagram  •  Facebook

Fearful Adventurer isn’t your typical travel blog. Torre DeRoche’s goal isn’t to deliver cliché travel tips, packing guides, or scenic photography. She wants to let the world know that it’s okay to crash and burn once in a while and that fear and failure are an essential part of life (especially for her).

Torre is a brilliant writer – the best on this list. Her shamelessly self-deprecating style and honest introspection put the reader on an emotional and often hilarious journey. It’s perfectly normal to well up with tears during one paragraph and break out in laughter at the next. I don’t visit Fearful Adventurer to plan my next trip, I go there for the gripping and unfiltered over-sharing.

Posts I Dig from Fearful Adventurer:

  • A Woman Who Walks Alone
  • Why the Internet is Making Us All F*@#ing Insane
  • The Importance of Traveling Alone

#8 –  Journey Era

A screen shot of JourneyEra.com

Origin : 🇬🇧 Australia Great for : Go-getters and ocean enthusiasts Twitter  •  Instagram  •  Facebook

Jackson Groves is a travel blogging machine. In two-and-a-half year’s time, Journey Era has racked up over 600 blog posts – all while Jackson is constantly hiking, diving, and surfing some of the world’s most tropical and scenic destinations.  How is that even possible?!  While his writing may not be as polished as others on this list, his photography and sense of adventure are undeniably excellent.

Even with his huge vault to success, Jackson still chooses to live a simple and frugal lifestyle. He’s a six-figure adventure blogger who  still  hasn’t spent more than $12 on a night of lodging in his career. He strives to clean up the environment as well, which is a tall task that he’s willing to tackle head-on. Keep moving forward, Jackson. We’ll do our best to keep up.

Posts I Dig from Journey Era:

  • Adventure Bag Movement
  • 50 Epic Photos of East Java to Inspire Your Adventure
  • It’s Been Two Years as a Travel Blogger

#9 –  Goats on the Road

A screen shot of GoatsontheRoad.com as a top travel blog

Origin : 🇨🇦 Canada Great for : Couples who travel and SEO strategists Twitter  •  Instagram  •  Facebook

Meet Nick and Dariece, Canada’s most well-known travel blogging duo. Not only are these two passionate about visiting obscure and exhilarating destinations — think Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Mozambique — they seem to get equally as excited about the business side of running a successful travel blog.

They’ve written loads of helpful posts about web hosting, SEO, and affiliate marketing — all the technical stuff aspiring travel bloggers often overlook. Their posts are also incredibly detailed – Nick and Dariece leave no stone unturned in their quest to show the travelverse exactly how it’s done.

Posts I Dig from Goats on the Road:

  • A Guide to Independent Trekking in Mongolia
  • 10 Expert Tips to Become A (Successful) Travel Blogger
  • What We’ve Learned and Accomplished from 10 Years on the Road

#10 –  Don’t Stop Living

A screen shot of DontStopLiving.com as a top travel blog

Origin : 🇬🇧 Northern Ireland Great for : Wild spirits and wayward souls Twitter  •  Instagram  •  Facebook

And then there is Jonny Blair, the wild card of the bunch. Born and raised in Northern Ireland, Jonny knows what it’s like to live a chaotic and unpredictable life, and you can feel it in his writing. He seems to live every day by the seat of his pants and has the uncanny ability to take us all along for the ride. His and my lifestyles don’t really match up, but I have to admit that reading about his wild and reckless adventures is seriously entertaining.

But, it’s not all fun and games for Jonny – he’s battled mightily with depression and stopped work on the blog multiple times. When you dive beneath the wild adventures, Jonny seems to be an incredibly complex and genuine person who is unafraid to share his struggles with the world. It makes me think that maybe the title of his blog is a simple reminder to himself and those who share his kind of pain.

Posts I Dig from Don’t Stop Living:

  • The Day I… Met My Ex-Girlfriend In Antarctica
  • 5 Craziest Travel Moments from My First 100 Countries
  • Backpacking in Transnistria: Top 12 Sights in Tiraspol

There you have it: the 10 best travel blogs I’ve yet to come across. Together, these adventurous few challenge  millions  of travelers worldwide to explore further and lead lives beyond their borders. To travel is to see the world through a different set of eyes – a privilege that these wanderers don’t take for granted.

I encourage you to browse these captivating blogs and explore their stockpiles of accessible and  free  resources. You’ll find that travel blogging is more than just a pretty set of online postcards. Travel is deep and formative, and these bloggers are living proof.

Maybe some night soon, you’ll find yourself staring intensely into your computer as you absorb their exceptional stories, and the hours melt away. Maybe these are the pioneers who will inspire you to blaze a trail or two of your own.

Hell, it worked for me.

Last Updated on March 18, 2024

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Noel Krasomil


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I'm David Leiter , the guy behind this website. I'm an American who's been traveling the world full time for 8 years now.

I started this travel blog in 2019 to document my own international trips, share my photos, and help others learn how to travel the world and find some really good spots off the beaten path.

I'm currently based in Bali , Indonesia , where I met my wife Intan, who’s a Bali local. Now she joins me on these wild and crazy adventures too.

Together, we've done some bucket list hikes , climbed active volcanoes , seen exotic wildlife , and visited some spectacular castles , temples , and monuments around the world.

I've worked with and been featured by BBC Travel , NBC News , Time , and other companies.

I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list. I hope this world travel blog can help and inspire you in your own journeys as well!

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14 Must-See Waterfalls in West US You Didn't Know About

T here’s nothing quite like stumbling upon a hidden waterfall during a hike, especially when it’s one you never knew existed. From the booming sound of water cascading over rocks to the cool, misty air that greets you, Mother Nature never runs out of surprises. Cruising through the American West in my trusty van, I stumbled upon some pretty spectacular waterfalls that don’t make it into the usual guidebooks.

From hidden cascades to pounding falls onto beaches, I’m thrilled to take you on a tour of 14 must-see waterfalls in the western United States that are a bit off the beaten path.

1. Burney Falls, California

Burney Falls is often described as one of the most beautiful waterfalls in California. It was even once said to be called “the Eighth Wonder of the World” by President Theodore Roosevelt. I’m not sure I would go that far, but it’s certainly a stunning sight to see.

Falling into McArthur-Burney Falls Memorial State Park, this dazzling cascade drops 129 feet and pumps out roughly 100 million gallons of water every day, even in the driest summer months. The water comes from underground springs that feed Burney Creek, and the constant flow of clear, cold water creates an ethereal mist all year round.

How to Visit:  About an hour from the town of Redding, the park entrance fee is $10 per vehicle, which includes access to the falls and other activities such as hiking, fishing, and camping. There are several viewing areas around the falls, including a short hike down to the base where you can feel the mist from the cascading water or venture on the 1-mile Falls Loop Trail.

2. Iron Creek Falls, Washington

This was one of my favorite hidden gem discoveries on my Pacific vanlife trip. It may not be the largest, but in the greenery of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Iron Creek Falls presents a picturesque scene straight out of a fairy tale. 

This scenic waterfall plummets approximately 40 feet into a calm, emerald pool surrounded by moss-covered rocks and towering trees. The sound of cascading water and the refreshing mist make it a perfect spot to try out long-exposure photography.

How to Visit:  Located just off Forest Road 25, the waterfall is easily accessible via a short, well-marked trail. The trailhead is near a parking area about 2 hours from Portland and 3.5 hours from Seattle.

  Read Also: One Day in Olympic National Park Itinerary for First-Timers

3. Hanging Falls, Colorado

This off-the-beaten-path waterfall in the Glenwood Springs area requires a bit of hiking, but it is absolutely magnificent. It almost looks like the famous Plitvice Falls in Croatia but without the crowds.

The waterfall cascades down a series of terraced rock formations, creating a cascade of crystal-clear water that glistens in the sunlight. Overhead, tree branches form a natural canopy, allowing dappled sunlight to filter through and create an ultra-blue hue. 

How to Visit:  The trailhead for Hanging Falls is located at the end of a dirt road off of Transfer Trail near Glenwood Springs. The hike to the waterfall is approximately 4 miles round-trip and takes about 2-3 hours.

  Read Also: 11 Dreamy Lakes in West USA That Will Take Your Breath Away

4. Grand Falls, Arizona

Known as “Chocolate Falls,” this 185-foot waterfall is completely brown due to the high silt content carried by the Little Colorado River. Located in the Navajo Nation near Flagstaff, Grand Falls is actually taller than Niagara Falls and only flows during certain times of the year.

Water cascades down a series of rocky terraces, creating a thunderous roar and a magnificent spray that refracts sunlight into shimmering arcs. The best time to visit is after heavy rainfall or snowmelt in late spring or early summer.

How to Visit:  Grand Falls is located on the Navajo Nation land, about 30 miles northeast of Flagstaff, Arizona. You’ll need a high-clearance vehicle to reach this wonder, as the final approach is on a rough, dirt road. A short, easy walk from the parking area will bring you right up to the edge of this falls,

  Read Also: Perfect Day Trip to Flagstaff, AZ: One Day Itinerary

5. Palouse Falls, Washington

Palouse Falls is the kind of waterfall that looks like it belongs in a movie set! This 198-foot waterfall has a unique shape, cascading down a dramatic gorge carved by the Palouse River than a traditional vertical drop. The falls are framed by steep basalt cliffs.

Apart from being beautiful to look at, Palouse Falls also has cultural significance, as it was designated the official state waterfall of Washington in 2014. Fun fact: one section of Palouse Falls even creates the illusion of twin falls during periods of high water flow.

How to Visit:  Palouse Falls is located in southeastern Washington, approximately 100 miles southwest of Spokane. To get there, take Highway 261 towards Palouse Falls State Park. There’s a designated viewing area to view the falls, or you can take a challenging trail that leads down to the river’s edge.

6. Hamilton Pool Preserve, Texas

A natural swimming hole formed from a collapsed grotto, Hamilton Pool Preserve  looks like a cenote straight out of Yucatan, Mexico. A waterfall pours over a limestone ledge into a jade-green pool below. The unique cave formed behind the falls creates a natural amphitheater where you can relax and listen to the soothing sound of water while being shaded by large stalactites. The pool itself is surrounded by lush vegetation and rugged cliffs.

At 50 feet tall, the waterfall at Hamilton Pool Preserve is not the tallest on our list, but its distinctive setting and environment make it a must-visit location. The pool’s water comes from Hamilton Creek, which trickles year-round.

How to Visit:  Hamilton Pool Preserve is located about 23 miles west of Austin, Texas. To manage the influx of visitors, the park requires reservations, which can be made online. The trail to the pool is a moderately steep descent and about a quarter-mile long.

  Read Also: 29 Drivable Day Trips from Austin You Might Never Have Known Existed

7. Kanarra Falls, Utah

Kanarra Falls is a smaller version of Zion’s The Narrows, where you will wade to find a series of waterfalls cascading into a narrow slot canyon. The journey begins with a 1.5-mile hike through Kanarraville and then climbs up the creek’s flat-bottomed valley to reach the first waterfall.

After the initial climb, expect to hike through shallow waters and boulder fields as you make your way deeper into the canyon. Along the route, there are three different waterfalls.

How to Visit:  Kanarra Falls is located in the small town of Kanarraville, about 40 minutes from Zion National Park. A permit is required for this hike, which can be obtained online or at the trailhead’s front entrance. The hike is about 4.8 miles round trip and involves some wading through water.

  Read Also: 7 US National Parks with Jaw-Dropping Night Skies

8. Avalanche Lake Falls, Glacier National Park, Montana

Avalanche Lake is a popular hiking destination in Glacier National Park , but many visitors don’t know about the beautiful waterfall cascading down the mountain’s side. Once you arrive at the edge of the mountain lake, you’ll spot a beautiful collection of waterfalls cascading down the sheer cliffs into the turquoise waters below. 

With a dramatic drop of around 500 feet, these falls are especially impressive in early summer when the snowmelt significantly boosts their flow.

How to Visit:  To get to Avalanche Lake Falls, head to Glacier National Park in Montana. Start at the Trail of the Cedars in Glacier National Park and follow the Avalanche Lake Trail along the Going-to-the-Sun Road. The hike to the lake is about 4.5 miles round-trip, through old-growth forest and alongside Avalanche Creek.

9. Alamere Falls, California

Alamere Falls is a stunning coastal waterfall that plunges directly onto a sandy beach down the cliffsides amidst the windswept beauty of Point Reyes National Seashore . This 40-foot cascade is divided into two separate sections: one that flows over a cliff and another that flows down a rocky slope to the beach below. 

The cool thing about Alamere Falls is that it flows year-round but is particularly impressive after a nice rainfall.

How to Visit:  To reach Alamere Falls, you’ll take an 8.4-mile round-trip hike through the scenery of Point Reyes, starting at the Palomarin Trailhead. The final stretch involves a somewhat challenging descent down the coastal bluffs. It’s recommended to go during low tide so you can access the beach and see the waterfall up close. 

10. McWay Falls, Big Sur, California

McWay Falls is like something out of a paradise dream! This 80-foot waterfall plunges from granite cliffs right onto a pristine sandy beach that meets the turquoise Pacific Ocean. It’s one of the few waterfalls in the world that empties directly into the ocean. 

The cascade is surrounded by lush vegetation and dramatic coastal cliffs within Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park and can easily be viewed from an overlook on Highway 1. 

How to Visit:  You can view the falls right from Highway 1. Otherwise, a short, easy path from the parking area leads to a viewing platform where you can get a fantastic view of the falls. Note that you cannot access the beach itself, but the vantage point is very good. The trail is less than a mile round-trip.

  Read Also: 11 American Places So Surreal, You’ll Think They’re Photoshopped

11. Havasu Falls, Arizona

Havasu Falls is one of the most sought-after waterfalls in the United States, and for good reason. Located within the Havasupai Indian Reservation in Arizona, this 100-foot waterfall features bright blue-green waters that contrast beautifully against the orange-red rocks of the Grand Canyon.

To reach Havasu Falls, you’ll need to take a long hike or ride a mule down into the canyon. But once you arrive, you can swim in the pools beneath the falls or camp nearby and wake up to this gorgeous view every day you are permitted to.

How to Visit:  To visit Havasu Falls, you must make reservations through the tribe’s official website, as permits are very limited. The hike to Havasu Falls is a challenging 10-mile trek from the Hualapai Hilltop.

  Read Also: 7 Coveted National Park Experiences that Require Entering a Lottery

12. Lower Falls, Yellowstone Falls, Wyoming

If you thought Yellowstone was just geothermal features , prepare to be wowed by Lower Falls. Standing at a colossal 308 feet, it’s almost twice the height of Niagara Falls and drops into the stunning Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. 

Besides being extraordinarily tall, the force and spectacle of the water plunging down is absolutely thunderous. During peak flow in late spring and early summer, nearly 63,500 gallons of water per second flow over Lower Falls!

How to Visit:  The falls can be viewed from several vantage points along the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, such as Artist Point and Lookout Point. Uncle Tom’s Trail gets you a spectacular vantage point nearer to the base of the falls; just be prepared for a steep climb down!

  Read Also: Perfect One Day in Yellowstone for First Time Visitors

13. Multnomah Falls, Oregon

Multnomah Falls is one of the tallest year-round waterfalls in the United States, standing at an impressive 620 feet tall. This iconic waterfall has been featured in many films and TV productions, including “The Goonies” and “Twin Peaks.”

All of these cascade through a lush green forest that’s particularly vibrant during the rainy season. With the iconic Benson Bridge strategically placed between the two tiers, you’ve got an unbeatable spot for those Instagram-worthy snapshots. Located along the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon, this two-tiered waterfall is easily accessible and a must-see for anyone traveling through the area.

How to Visit:  Head to the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon, just a 30-minute drive from Portland. You can get a good view of the falls right from the parking area, but take the short paved pathway up to the Benson Bridge. You can also continue the hike to the top of the falls for a full 2.4-mile round-trip journey.  

  Read Also: One Day in Portland Itinerary: Best of the City in 24 Hours

14. Snoqualmie Falls, Washington

Snoqualmie Falls is a popular tourist destination in Washington, located just 30 minutes from Seattle. Plummeting a whopping 268 feet, it’s not just the height that’s impressive—Snoqualmie Falls packs a powerful punch with its thunderous roar that can be heard from quite a distance. Fun fact: this waterfall is actually higher than the famous Niagara Falls!

The falls are sacred to the Snoqualmie people, who believe that the mist from the falls connects Heaven and Earth.

How to Visit:  About a 40-minute drive from Seattle, there are two main viewpoints for Snoqualmie Falls – one at the top and one at the bottom. The lower viewpoint offers a closer look at the base of the falls, and you can also walk down to get an even better view. The upper viewpoint provides a panoramic view of both tiers of the waterfall.

Final Thoughts: Beautiful Waterfalls in the US

These are just a handful of the many beautiful waterfalls in the US, but they don’t have the crowds of Niagara Falls or other popular tourist destinations. Stand next to a thundering 300-foot waterfall or jump into the crystal-clear waters at the base of a tropical oasis. Next time you’re out exploring nature, consider adding one (or all!) of these attractive waterfalls to your itinerary.

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There’s nothing quite like stumbling upon a hidden waterfall during a hike, especially when it’s one you never knew...

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Returning Resident Visas

Overview - about returning resident visas, step 1 - qualifying for returning resident status, applying for a returning resident visa, required documentation, required fees, step 2 - immigrant visa application and documentation, if your application to determine returning resident status is not approved, about international travel and permanent residents.

A permanent resident (called lawful permanent resident or LPR) or conditional resident (CR) who has remained outside the United States for longer than one year, or beyond the validity period of a Re-entry Permit, will require a new immigrant visa to enter the United States and resume permanent residence. A provision exists under U.S. visa law for the issuance of a returning resident special immigrant visa to an LPR who remained outside the United States due to circumstances beyond his/her control. This webpage is about Returning Resident Visas. If you are an LPR unable to return to the United States within the travel validity period of the green card (1 year) or the validity of the Re-entry Permit (2 years), you may be eligible and can apply at the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate for a Returning Resident (SB-1) immigrant visa.

If your application for returning resident status is approved, this eliminates the requirement that an immigrant visa petition be filed on your behalf with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). You will need to be interviewed for both your application for returning resident status, and usually later for the immigrant visa. An SB-1 applicant is required to establish eligibility for an immigrant visa and have a medical examination. Therefore, this involves paying both visa processing fees and medical fees.

Spouse or Child of a Member of the U.S. Armed Forces or Civilian Employee of the U.S. Government Stationed Abroad  - If you are the spouse or child of a member of the U.S. Armed Forces or of a civilian employee of the U.S. government stationed abroad on official orders, you may use your Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551, to enter the United States even if it has expired. Therefore, you would not need a Returning Resident (SB-1) immigrant visa, as long as you:

  • Have not abandoned your LPR status; and
  • Your spouse or parent is returning to the United States.

Under provisions of immigration law, to qualify for returning resident status, you will need to prove to the Consular Officer that you:

  • Had the status of a lawful permanent resident at the time of departure from the United States;
  • Departed from the United States with the intention of returning and have not abandoned this intention; and
  • Are returning to the United States from a temporary visit abroad and, if the stay abroad was protracted, this was caused by reasons beyond your control and for which you were not responsible.

If you wish to apply for a Returning Resident (SB-1) immigrant visa, you should contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate in advance of your intended travel (at least three months in advance, if possible) to permit sufficient time for visa processing. As part of the visa application process, an interview at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate is required. Review country-specific instructions and information by reviewing the  U.S. Embassy or Consulate website  where you will apply.

When applying for a Returning Resident (SB-1) immigrant visa, you should submit the following forms and documents to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you will apply:

  • A completed Application to Determine Returning Resident Status, Form DS-117
  • Your Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551
  • Your Re-entry Permit, if available

You must also submit supporting documents that show the following:

  • Dates of travel outside of the United States (Examples: airline tickets, passport stamps, etc.)
  • Proof of your ties to the United States and your intention to return (Examples: tax returns, and evidence of economic, family, and social ties to the United States)
  • Proof that your protracted stay outside of the United States was for reasons beyond your control (Examples: medical incapacitation, employment with a U.S. company, etc.)

A consular officer will review your application and supporting documents to determine whether you meet the criteria for Returning Resident (SB-1) status. If you do, you must be eligible for the immigrant visa in all other respects in order to be issued a Returning Resident (SB-1) immigrant visa.

The following are the required fees:

  • Application to Determine Returning Resident Status, Form DS-117. Select  Fees  for current Department of State fees.

Additionally, if you are approved for Returning Resident (SB-1) status, the following fees will be required based on the immigrant visa processing explained below:

  • Form DS-260 application processing fee
  • Medical exam and vaccination fees

The U.S. Embassy or Consulate will provide you with specific instructions for the remainder of the processing for your Returning Resident (SB-1) immigrant visa. While exact instructions may vary by embassy or consulate, these instructions will include:

Before your interview:

  • Instructions for your medical examination, including a list of required vaccinations

Instructions for your interview, including the following documentation to bring:

  • Preview a  sample  DS-260 (6.4MB).
  • Original passport;
  • Two photographs, meeting  Photograph Requirements
  • A list of civil documents to bring to your immigrant visa interview, as requested by the embassy or consulate

Review country-specific instructions and further information by reviewing the  U.S. Embassy or Consulate  website where you will apply.

If, after reviewing your Application to Determine Returning Resident Status, Form DS-117, and supporting documents, the consular officer determines that you do not meet the criteria for a Returning Resident (SB-1) immigrant visa on the grounds that you have abandoned or relinquished your residence in the United States, it may or may not be possible to obtain a nonimmigrant visa depending on whether you have established a residence abroad to which you will return. If you cannot submit convincing evidence of compelling ties abroad, you may have to apply for an immigrant visa on the same basis and under the same category by which you immigrated originally.

As a permanent resident, before you depart the United States for temporary travel abroad and then seek to return to the United States, you should review important information on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) websites. Learn about  Travel Documents , including Re-Entry Permits and  Form I-131, Application for Travel Document , on the USCIS website. For information for permanent residents returning to the United States from travel abroad, review the  CBP website .

Returning Legal Permanent Residents Who Obtained Such Status Based on Asylum Status - Asylum applicants, asylees, and lawful permanent residents who obtained such status based on their asylum status are subject to special rules with regard to traveling outside the United States. For more information on obtaining proper documentation before you depart the United States, see  Benefits and Responsibilities of Asylees  on the USCIS website.

More Information

A-Z Index Latest News What is a U.S. Visa? Diversity Visa Program Visa Waiver Program Fraud Warning Find a U.S. Embassy or Consulate Straight Facts on U.S. Visas

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How To Start a Travel Blog in 2024: It’s Easier Than You Think

Suzanne Stewart

  • Before You Begin

Choosing a Sub-Niche

The Blonde Abroad home page

  • Solo travelers
  • Women travelers
  • Empty nester/couples-only trips
  • Region-specific trips
  • Activity-specific adventures like road trips or backpacking
  • Luxury travel
  • Work/business traveling
  • Family adventures
  • Accessible travel for those with disabilities
  • “Off the beaten path” adventures
  • Retirement traveling

Who Do You Read?

Who will be your reader, do you have a budget and a plan.

  • Choose a Good Domain Name
  • Choose a Reliable Web Hosting Service

Hostinger Mananged WordPress features

  • Install WordPress and Set Up Your Travel Blog

Hostinger WordPress installation with pre-selected plugins

Choose a WordPress Builder and Theme

WordPress plugins section

Consider These Useful Plugins

AIOSEO plugin

  • Set Up and Customize the Most Relevant Pages
  • An About Me page. Give the reader some insight into who you are, why you do what you do, and what kind of personality you have.
  • Contact page. This can be as simple as displaying your email address to setting up a detailed contact form. Make sure to be specific about what types of inquiries you’ll respond to, though.
  • Privacy and Disclosure pages. Privacy pages notify your readers about the use of cookies and if you collect any other personal data (such as emails). You’ll also want to add a Disclosure page if you work with certain brands or earn a commission from any sales made through your blog.

Sample travel blog page with embedded map and image carousel

  • Photo and Video Gallery. You’ll probably want an attractive gallery page of your best travel photos. Or, if you don’t have enough content to create a gallery right away, do what I did and include an image carousel widget at the bottom of each blog post.

Elementor website builder customization menu

  • Revise, Test, and Publish Your Travel Blog

test blog front page

  • An Easier Way To Get a Travel Blog Online

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You’re All Set To Start Your Travel Blog Journey Today

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Copilot for Telegram

Meet your new everyday AI companion: Copilot, powered by GPT, now on Telegram. Engage in seamless conversations, access information, and enjoy a smarter chat experience, all within Telegram.

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Gaming Glory

Ready to level up? Ask Copilot for the latest game releases, cheat codes, and walkthroughs. Whether you’re a casual gamer or a hardcore enthusiast, let’s play and conquer the gaming world! 🎮👾 

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Screen Magic

Movie buff or series binger? Let Copilot be your guide to the latest blockbusters, timeless classics, and must-watch TV shows. Grab your popcorn and let the show begin!🎶🎬 

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Romance Refined

Dive into the dating scene with confidence! Copilot brings you savvy advice on making connections, sparking conversations, and creating lasting impressions. Just type ‘Dating Tips’ for your cupid’s guide!” 💡❤️ 

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Food for Thought

Craving something delicious? Let Copilot be your culinary sidekick! From exploring new recipes to healthy eating habits, we’ve got the scoop. let’s get munching! 🍽️🥗 

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Sports Central

Game on! Whether you’re a casual fan or a stats geek, Copilot has all the sports action you need. Scores, schedules, and more—dive into the excitement! 🏋️‍♂️🏀 

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Melody on Demand

Feeling the need for a musical uplift? Ask Copilot to tune into your vibe with personalized playlists, concert updates, and music trivia. Let’s hit a high note together! 🎶🎵 

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Time Well Spent

Got a moment to spare? Let Copilot entertain you with fun facts, brain teasers, and quirky challenges. Just say ‘I am bored’ and let Copilot turn your spare moments into treasure! 🎮⏳ 

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Travel Made Simple

Planning a trip abroad or a short weekend getaway with friends. Just ask Copilot to get personalized travel itineraries, recommended local attractions and so much more. Let the journey begin! 🌍✈️

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Fitness Frenzy

Get fit, feel great! Let Copilot be your personal trainer. From home workouts to gym routines, we’re here to pump you up. let’s get moving! 💪🏋️‍♀️ 

Frequently asked questions

Copilot is a personal generative AI assistant powered by GPT model and Bing Search, available within Telegram. Copilot for Telegram uses natural language to provide responses on a range of topics, from seeking knowledge to travel tips to sports updates to movie recommendations. Let Copilot enhance your Telegram experience with its quick-witted assistance and endless curiosity. 

* Please note that Telegram is not a Microsoft product.  

You can use Copilot on Telegram desktop & mobile app or on Telegram web. 

If you already have Telegram app on your device or are already signed into Telegram web on your browser, click on this link to start interacting with Copilot. You can download & sign into Telegram app or sign into your Telegram web account and then click on this link to start interacting with Copilot. 

Alternatively, you can search for Copilot by typing @CopilotOfficialBot in the search bar within Telegram. 

Yes, Copilot for Telegram is currently in beta and free for all users.  

Copilot for Telegram is designed to work within the Telegram app available on various platforms including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. If you have the Telegram app installed on your device, you should be able to use Copilot on any of these operating systems. You can use the web browser on your device to interact with Copilot on Telegram web.  

Copilot enhances your Telegram experience by unlocking the power of internet and AI. Here are some examples: 

  • Information Search: Ask Copilot, to get comprehensive answers on quick facts or detailed research powered by Bing Search. 
  • Travel Planning: Dreaming of your next vacation? Copilot can suggest destinations and even help plan your itinerary. 
  • Fitness Guidance: Want to start a new workout routine? Copilot can provide fitness tips and exercise plans. 
  • Entertainment Updates: Curious about the latest movies or music? Copilot keeps you in the loop with entertainment news and recommendations. 
  • Leisure & Laughs: Need a quick chuckle or a way to relax? Copilot can tell you a joke, share a funny gif, or suggest a casual game to unwind. 
  • Copilot beta for Telegram currently supports only text chat requests. 

Simply type in your question, instruction or thought like you would do in any 1-1 chat, and let Copilot provide you with answers, suggestions, and more. 

Copilot generates content based on language patterns it has found throughout the internet. Sometimes its results will be very similar to existing internet content or Copilot might generate the same or very similar content for multiple people who are prompting Copilot in the same way. 

For example, everyone who instructs Copilot to create a "recipe for apple pie" is likely to wind up with identical or nearly identical content. 

Copilot on Telegram relies on the same safety infrastructure as the Microsoft Copilot experience, which was developed in accordance with Microsoft’s AI Principles, Microsoft’s Responsible AI Standard, and in partnership with responsible AI experts across the company. 

Responsible Artificial Intelligence (Responsible AI) is an approach to developing, assessing, and deploying AI systems in a safe, trustworthy, and ethical way. AI systems are the product of many decisions made by those who develop and deploy them. From system purpose to how people interact with AI systems, Responsible AI can help proactively guide these decisions toward more beneficial and equitable outcomes. That means keeping people and their goals at the center of system design decisions and respecting enduring values like fairness, reliability, and transparency. 

Microsoft developed a Responsible AI Standard . It's a framework for building AI systems according to six principles: fairness, reliability and safety, privacy and security, inclusiveness, transparency, and accountability. For Microsoft, these principles are the cornerstone of a responsible and trustworthy approach to AI, especially as intelligent technology becomes more prevalent in products and services that people use every day. 

For more information visit our Responsible AI site . 

Copilot is built on Microsoft's comprehensive approach to security, compliance, and privacy. For more information about privacy, please visit: Privacy Statement . 

Copilot is like having a research assistant, personal planner, and creative partner at your side whenever you search the web. With this set of AI-powered features, you can: 

  • Ask your actual question. When you ask complex questions, Bing gives you detailed replies.  
  • Get an actual answer. Copilot looks at search results across the web to offer you a summarized answer and links to its sources.  
  • Be creative. When you need inspiration, Copilot can help you write poems or stories.  

With the Copilot experience, you can also ask follow-up questions such as, “can you explain that in simpler terms,” or, “give me more options” to get different and even more detailed answers in your search. However, in Copilot, each conversation will have a limited number of interactions, to keep the interactions grounded in search. 

Copilot builds on the existing Bing experience to provide you with a new type of search.   

  • Beyond generating a list of relevant links, Copilot consolidates reliable sources across the web to give you a single, summarized answer.   
  • Search in a way that feels natural to how you talk, text, and think. Copilot takes your complex searches and shares back a detailed response.   
  • In the Copilot experience, you can chat naturally and ask follow-up questions to your initial search to get detailed replies.  

Copilot can be used as a creative tool. It can help you write poems, stories, or even share ideas for a project. 

While Copilot works to avoid sharing unexpected offensive content in search results and has taken steps to prevent its Copilot features from engaging on potentially harmful topics, you may still see unexpected results. We’re constantly working to improve our technology in preventing harmful content.   

If you encounter harmful or inappropriate content, please provide feedback, or report a concern by sending /feedback in the chat window of Copilot on Telegram. You can also report your concern here: https://www.microsoft.com/concern/bing   

We will continue working with user feedback to provide a safe experience for all. 

Copilot aims to base all its responses on reliable sources - but AI can make mistakes, and third-party content on the internet may not always be accurate or reliable. Copilot will sometimes misrepresent the information it finds, and you may see responses that sound convincing but are incomplete, inaccurate, or inappropriate. Use your own judgment and double check the facts before making decisions or taking action based on Copilot’s responses. 

To share your feedback or report a concern, refer to the previous FAQ. 

  • * Feature availability and functionality may vary by device type, market, and browser version.

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  • Policy & Compliance
  • Updates To NIH Institutional Training Grant Applications

Updates to NIH Institutional Training Grant Applications

This page provides details on the updates being made to NIH institutional training grant applications for due dates on or after January 25, 2025.

On this page:

  • Application updates
  • Peer review updates
  • Notices, reports, and blogs
  • Training, resources, and FAQs
  • Contact information

NIH has made significant investments to develop, implement, assess and disseminate innovative, effective approaches to  research training and mentoring and to prepare trainees for a variety of  career paths in the biomedical research workforce. Additionally, NIH established the  UNITE initiative to identify structural barriers and promote equity in the NIH-supported biomedical research ecosystem. Through these initiatives, the research community has identified the need for:

  • Broader outreach activities to foster awareness of research training opportunities for potential trainees from all backgrounds, including individuals from  underrepresented groups ,
  • Targeted recruitment activities to diversify training program applicant pools, and
  • Increased mentorship opportunities to facilitate trainee success (see  Re-envisioning NIH Supported Postdoctoral Training ;  UNITE Listening Sessions )

NIH will leverage the lessons of these initiatives to enhance institutional research training programs, including by enhancing opportunities to strengthen mentor training.


The updates will apply to applications that use the following activity codes:

  • Institutional Training – T series, e.g., T15, T32, T34, T35, T37, T90/R90, TL1, TL4
  • International Institutional Training – D43, D71, U2R
  • Institutional Career Development – K12, KL2

Application Updates

The updates to NIH Institutional Training Grant Applications include three key changes:

  • The Recruitment Plan to Enhance Diversity will be its own attachment in the PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan Form.
  • Mentor training expectations will be more clearly defined in the parent T32 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
  • Institutional Training data tables will be updated to reduce burden and promote consistent information collection across training programs.

Updates to PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan Form

The “Recruitment Plan to Enhance Diversity” will be moved from being nested within the Program Plan attachment to being a separate attachment within the  PHS 398 Research Training Plan Form . The Recruitment Plan to Enhance Diversity Attachment will:

  • Continue to be required for all training grant activity codes except U2R, and all D-series activity codes.
  • Have a three-page limit, consistent with the page limits for “Plan for Instruction in the Responsible Conduct of Research” and “Plan for Instruction in Methods for Enhancing Reproducibility.”

Defining Mentor Training Expectations in Training Programs

The Parent T32 NOFO will incorporate new language outlining expectations for mentor training and oversight into the program considerations, application instructions, and review criteria.

Programs should consider the following, in addition to other evidence-informed curricula, as potential mentor training components and are encouraged to adapt to program and trainee needs:

  • Aligning expectations
  • Maintaining effective communication
  • Fostering independence
  • Assessing scholars’ understanding of scientific research
  • Enhancing professional development
  • Addressing equity and inclusion
  • Articulating your mentoring philosophy and plan

Reviewers will assess the mentor training expectations included in the application.

Updates to Data Tables

Institutional Training data tables will be updated to reduce burden, focus on trainee outcomes, and promote consistent information collection across training programs. For example:

  • Tables 1 and 2: Applicants will be expected to provide data only for the training stage(s) reflected in the proposed program.
  • Table 5 (Publications of Those in Training) will be reorganized so that the first column is the trainee (instead of the faculty member), and applicants will be allowed to include  interim research products to which the trainee contributed.
  • Table 6 (Applicants, Entrants, and their Characteristics for the Past Five Years) will no longer ask for trainee characteristics related to prior academic and research experience.
  • Table 8 (Program Outcomes: Predoctoral and Postdoctoral)   will no longer include Part II “Those Clearly Associated with the Training Grant.”

Peer Review Updates

Institutional training awards will retain the five scored review criteria.  For example, for Training Grants (Ts), reviewers will continue to score Training Program and Environment, Training Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s), Preceptors/Mentors, Trainees, and Training Record when determining the overall impact score.   

NIH will now include “Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research” and “Recruitment Plan to Enhance Diversity” as items that contribute to the overall impact score.  These items will move from “Additional Review Considerations” and will be included as “Additional Review Criteria.”  As such reviewers will evaluate the “Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research” and the “Recruitment Plan to Enhance Diversity” while determining scientific and technical merit, and in providing an overall impact score.

Notices, Reports, and Blogs

  • Updates to NIH Institutional Training Grant Applications for Due Dates on or After January 25, 2025: NOT-OD-24-129 – May 31, 2024
  • Updates to NIH Training Grant Applications - Registration Open for June 5, 2024 Webinar: NOT-OD-24-124 – May 8, 2024
  • Open Mike Announcing updates to NIH Institutional Training Grant applications and required data tables – May 16, 2024

Training, Resources, and FAQs

Webinars and Videos

Learn more about the application and peer review updates for institutional training grants and have the opportunity to have your questions answered at our live events.

Slide Decks

Slide decks for use in public presentations.

Public FAQs

Answers to some of your most frequent questions

Contact Information

For those with questions, please direct all inquiries to: [email protected]

This page last updated on: May 28, 2024

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    Backpacking Afghanistan. One of my most memorable travel experiences so far was hiking over 100 miles through the mountains of Afghanistan with locals. Check out the video, and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more adventures! Popular adventure travel blog featuring inspirational stories, photography, and budget travel tips ...

  15. American Travel Blogger

    Over the course of my 20's I travelled to over 50 countries, much of the time, solo. I settled for a couple of years in London before finally making the move to the US. On this travel blog you'll find lots of info on U.S trip ideas, including weekend getaways, road trips and national park adventures. I love to travel with my dog Luna, so ...

  16. The Top 12 Most Influential Travel Bloggers

    There is much out there designed to scare us into shying away from independent travel-but Adventurous Kate proves it can be easy, safe and fun all rolled into one. Kate's blog: Adventurous Kate. Follow her on Twitter: @adventurouskate. Place recently visited: New York City. A favorite post: How I Saved $13,000 For Travel In Just Seven Months

  17. Nomadic Matt's Travel Site

    Family & Senior Travel. Hello! I'm Nomadic Matt! Welcome! Every day I wake up with one goal in mind: "How can I help other people travel better for less?". My mission is to help travelers like you realize their travel dreams! Since 2008, I've helped millions of people save money, travel more, and have a more authentic experience in the ...

  18. 15 Best Travel Vloggers on YouTube to Follow

    Devon Supertamp is very similar and we have him listed on our choices for best travel channels. Schedule: Daily. 3. Vagabrothers. The Vagabrothers are the wacky boys of the travel vlogging world. As charismatic travel hosts revving you for the flight, they offer a cultural soft side into the joys of travelling.

  19. Best of the Best Travel Blogs: My Top 10 Favorites

    Nomadic Matt. Origin: 🇺🇸 United States Great for: City dwellers and beginner bloggers Twitter • Instagram • Facebook. Nomadic Matt Kepnis is a travel blogging powerhouse. His resource-heavy website exists to help any style of traveler from any walk of life.He was one of the first in the business to make it big, but success hasn't slowed him down.

  20. The Blonde Abroad • Solo Female Travel Blog

    Carmel Valley Ranch #hosted us for the coziest getaway! We had a picnic with donkeys, rode in "Monster Trucks" (four wheelers) to visit the cows and goats at The Corral, fed the chickens in the organic garden, and had tons of adventures around their 500 acre properly.

  21. Travel Blog • How To Travel The World

    I started this travel blog in 2019 to document my own international trips, share my photos, and help others learn how to travel the world and find some really good spots off the beaten path. I'm currently based in Bali, Indonesia, where I met my wife Intan, who's a Bali local. Now she joins me on these wild and crazy adventures too. Together ...

  22. 25 Best Travel Blogs in 2024: Top Travel Bloggers to Follow

    3. Travel Tom Tom. Travel bloggers can wear many hats - from informational and enlightening to funny and entertaining. Fortunately, Travel Tom Tom gives his audience the best of both worlds. This Dutch blogger (and vlogger) has been traveling the world continuously since 2012, visiting 147 countries and sharing many serendipitous moments and laughs along the way.

  23. Travel Blog

    The Travel Blog Site, Create free travel blogs to share with friends, family and the world. Join the World's Friendliest Travel Community. menu continents | Sign In. ... Create a Travel Blog; Contact Us; Advertising; World Facts; Visa Date Calculator. now: 1717484631 age: 370 ttl: 3600 left: 3230

  24. 14 Must-See Waterfalls in West US You Didn't Know About

    14. Snoqualmie Falls, Washington. Snoqualmie Falls is a popular tourist destination in Washington, located just 30 minutes from Seattle. Plummeting a whopping 268 feet, it's not just the height ...

  25. Returning Resident Visas

    Overview - About Returning Resident Visas. A permanent resident (called lawful permanent resident or LPR) or conditional resident (CR) who has remained outside the United States for longer than one year, or beyond the validity period of a Re-entry Permit, will require a new immigrant visa to enter the United States and resume permanent residence.

  26. How To Start a Travel Blog in 2024: It's Easier Than You Think

    Choose a WordPress Builder and Theme. When you first start your travel blog, you'll need to make some adjustments to your theme to make it truly your blog. WordPress has its own built-in theme editor and page builder, but I'm going to show you a better way to work using the Elementor plugin.

  27. What rights does Trump lose as a felon? And more of your ...

    But Trump is no longer a New York resident. In Florida, felons lose civil rights, including the ability to hold public office and serve on a jury. While he can't hold office in Florida or New ...

  28. Copilot for Telegram

    Are Copilot's AI-generated responses always factual? * Feature availability and functionality may vary by device type, market, and browser version. Try Copilot for Telegram, your personal AI messaging companion. Text, create, translate, search, and more wherever you are with Copilot.

  29. Updates to NIH Institutional Training Grant Applications

    Notices, reports, and blogs; Training, resources, and FAQs; Contact information; Background. NIH has made significant investments to develop, implement, assess and disseminate innovative, effective approaches to research training and mentoring and to prepare trainees for a variety of career paths in the biomedical research workforce.

  30. Looking Forward to That Summer Vacation?

    Contact David Toll, JD, senior associate vice president in Drexel's Office of Gift Planning, at 215.895.1882 or [email protected]. The first day of summer 2024 is only days away and, for many of us, summer means vacation and vacation means travel! When you are planning that long-awaited get-away, the last thing you want to think about are ...