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Woman traveling without Mahram for necessity

travelling without mahram islamqa

If a woman has migrated to a land to save her religion, honour, and life, and stays alone, but she has the nationality and passport of the land where she migrated from and the passport needs to be renewed, can she travel back to that land for this purpose and then return back without a Mahram to the new land if she does not have a trustworthy Mahram to accompany her)? If not, then what is the solution for this? Also please advise, if her non Muslim family members ask her to visit them during her visit to that old land (from where she fleed to save her religion, honour, and life), is she allowed to do so? If yes, how long is she allowed to stay with them? Please advise.

If she does not find a Mahram to accompany her, it is more appropriate for her to find a means to renew her passport without traveling, such as sending it by mail, for example. If this is not possible and she needs to travel without a Mahram, then there is no harm on her to travel provided that she takes precautions to be safe during her travel. Some scholars gave concession for a woman to travel with safe company in every permissible travel.

The Hanbali scholar Ibn Muflih said in Al-Furoo’ :

“ Our Shaykh said, ‘Every woman is permitted to make Hajj without a Mahram if she is safe (in her travel).’ He also said, ‘This applies to every travel of obedience.’ This is what he said. Al-Karaabeesi quoted this from Ash-Shaafi’i in regard to an optional Hajj. Some of his companions said the same thing about the optional Hajj and about every travel that is not obligatory, such as a travel for visiting or for trade. The Maaliki scholar Al-Baaji also said this in regard to an old woman who is not desired for sexual intercourse. Abul-Khattaab mentioned the narration by Al-Marwathi and then said, ‘The apparent meaning is that she is permitted to travel without a Mahram.’ This is what our shaykh said in regard to an old woman who attends the congregational prayer. ”

The fact that she migrated from that country before in order to preserve her religion and honor does not prevent her from traveling to that country for her need if she feels secure, provided that she does not stay there, except if the reason for which she had migrated from her country no longer exists, as has been stated by some scholars.

There is no harm in her visiting her family.

Allah knows best.

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Muslim Women: Is Travel Without Mahram Permissible?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

1- Muslim scholars views that as long as women are in a safe company and the path is safe, it would be allowed from them to travel without mahram .

2- However, if there is a long distance between major cities where there is a significant isolated area, women should travel with a mahram for their safety and protection.

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Answering your question,  Sheikh Mustafa Umar , President of California Islamic University , states:

The Prophet said, “A woman should not travel except with a mahram [unmarriageable close-relative], and no man should visit her except in the presence of a mahram.” (Al-Bukhari)

This applies to traveling long distances [where one is allowed to shorten their prayers ] and does not apply to living at home alone or wandering around one’s own city for everyday reasons.

The reason for the prohibition of travel without mahram is for the protection of women, and not because of some defect in them, as some people may ignorantly read into the text.

The Prophet’s statement was made in an environment where people would travel through deserts and encounter areas of isolation where virtually no one lived.

Throughout history, a number of Muslim scholars made exceptions to this rule, stating that as long as a women were in a safe company with other women present and the path was safe, it would be allowed.

Since most people travel via airplanes or trains, going direct from one city to another, there is no period of crossing through an isolated place, since there are always men and women inside the train/plane with them.

This would fulfill the condition of other women being constantly present and the path being safe.

However, if traveling by car through a long distance between major cities where there is a significant isolated area, the command of the Prophet would apply in order to protect women from passing through those areas. A car may break down on the road or some other incident could happen.

Almighty Allah knows best.

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The Distance A Woman Can Travel Without A Mahram | By Shaikh Ibn Bāz

travelling without mahram islamqa

What is the distance at which the Sharee’ah allows a woman to travel without a Mahram? How do we harmonise between those narrations that mention a limit of three days distance, and another that mentions two days distance, yet another that states one day? How many kilometres is a journey of a day in our times?

The Imām, Al-‘Allāmah, ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Ibn Bāz answered:

The principle here is: What is termed a journey at which point it is not permitted for a woman to travel except which a Mahram?

Everything that is considered a journey, then it is not allowed for a woman to embark upon it except with a mahram, due to the saying of the Prophet (ﷺ):  “A woman is not to travel except with a mahram.”  In a narration,  “For a journey of a day and a night except with a mahram.”  In a narration,     “For a journey of a day.”  In a narration,  “For a journey of a night except with a mahram.”  In another,  “For a journey of three days except with a mahram.” And in another narration,  “For a journey of half a day.” So the scholars have stated that Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) would respond in accordance to the questioner asking the question. So a questioner would ask,  “If a woman wishes to travel for the length of a day, is that allowed for her?”  So the Messenger (ﷺ) would respond,  “She is not to travel the distance of day’s journey except with a mahram.”  Another would ask,  “Can she travel for the journey of a night?”  Another would ask,  “Can she travel for a journey of three days?”  So Prophet (ﷺ) would answer in accordance to the question asked.

It can also be understood that he would answer in accordance with the Revelation sent to him in those situations. Then Allah (ﷻ) reduced the hardship concerning travel. So Allah permitted women to go out in what is not termed a journey. And He did not permit her to go out in that which was considered a journey unless she is accompanied by a mahram.

The point is that his (ﷺ) statements could be in accordance with the questions asked. It could also be that Allah forbade the woman from going out for the distance of half a day except with a mahram, then after that, He (the Most High) forbade her from a distance of a day and a night except with a mahram. Then after that, He forbade her from going out for a distance of three days (and so on) – all this due to a far-reaching wisdom.

But all this is understood on the basis of what is considered a journey. And a journey is that which agrees with the evidence. In that regard, there are narrations reported in the two Saheehs (Bukhari and Muslim) that place no limits and restrictions on the matter, where the Prophet (ﷺ) stated,  “A woman is not to travel except with a Mahram.”  So he stated that without any restriction (of days or nights) as occurs in this narration in the Saheeh (of Al-Bukhāri) from the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbās (may Allah be pleased with him). This one narration harmonises between all the other narrations. Everything that is referred to, or considered to be a journey, then a woman is not allowed to embark on it except with a Mahram. And least of that is half a day, so she cannot embark upon it because this may expose her to evil, corruption and treacherous conduct.

It is not necessary for her to hazard a journey without a  mahram. A mahram is her husband and other than him, from those she is forbidden to marry permanently due to blood relations, such as her brother, her father, or a brother through breastfeeding from the same wet nurse. Likewise her paternal uncle through breastfeeding (as they are forbidden for her to marry) and so on.

A day and night’s travel is approximately 80 kilometres (or) 75 kilometres approximately. Half a day is therefore 40km approximately. That is because a day and night are 24 hours, so half of that is 12 hours making it 40km or so. So it is upon her that she keeps herself away from that which approaches this.

As for normal moving around within the city or town, and to the limits of the city, then she does not require a mahram if she is in the company of other women or she is in a safe locality; in a safe and secure township where she does not fear anything, then there is no problem in her moving about the area, to fulfill her needs. It can be from one house to another, even if is a kilometre or two kilometres, three or four (for that matter). All of this does not harm so long as there is widespread safety, and no danger or suspicion, yes.

The Imām, Al-‘Allāmah ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Ibn Bāz (may Allah have mercy upon him).

Source: https://binbaz.org.sa/fatwas/12405

Mindmap illustration showing the mahrams (male chaperones) of a woman for travel and sittings

Hadeeth on the topic:.

قَالَ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏”‏ لاَ تُسَافِرِ الْمَرْأَةُ إِلاَّ مَعَ ذِي مَحْرَمٍ، وَلاَ يَدْخُلُ عَلَيْهَا رَجُلٌ إِلاَّ وَمَعَهَا مَحْرَمٌ ‏”‏‏.‏ فَقَالَ رَجُلٌ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ إِنِّي أُرِيدُ أَنْ أَخْرُجَ فِي جَيْشِ كَذَا وَكَذَا، وَامْرَأَتِي تُرِيدُ الْحَجَّ‏.‏ فَقَالَ ‏”‏ اخْرُجْ مَعَهَا ‏”

Bukhari no. 186

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “A woman is not to travel except with a mahram. A man is not to enter the company of a woman unless her mahram is with her.” A man said, “O Messenger of Allah! I wanted to out with the expedition of so-and-so, but my wife wants to perform Hajj.” The Prophet said, “Go with her.”

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Very beneficial.

Jazakallah khair Ustadh for this clarification with evidence. Although I knew this principle, the evidence was just vague.The evidence here is much clearer and explained very clearly without ambiguity. May Allah (ta’aala) reward you for your efforts.

Alhamdulillah. Jazakallaahu khairan.

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Can I Pray on a Plane?

Can I Travel by Plane Without a Mahram?

Answered by Shaykh Umer Mian

Question: Assalamu alaykum

I am willing to study in a city that is 50 minutes by plane away from my family. When I will there I’ll be residing in a very safe place. Is it permissible for a woman to fly a distance of about 350 miles (50 minutes) alone?

Answer: As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

First of all, regarding the distance after which travelling becomes impermissible for a woman:

It is the same as the distance after which prayers are shortened, i.e. 48 miles, regardless of whether that distance is covered quickly (e.g. on an airplane) or slowly (e.g. by car or by foot).

Secondly, Fatwa # 1 below conveys the permissibility of a Muslim woman residing alone in a foreign country, as long as her safety and security is relatively certain and her reason for being there is permissible in itself. Although the issue of residing alone was not specifically asked about, this fatwa has been provided for your benefit since it relates to your situation.

Third, regarding the issue of a Muslim woman travelling without her husband/mahram, two fatwas are given. Please read these fatwas below in full, in order to properly understand the issue. Fatwa # 2 goes into detail regarding this issue. A number of hadith are provided along with detailed explanation, and many citations are given to relied-upon Islamic texts. The conclusion is that a Muslim woman may not travel beyond 48 miles from her place of residence without her husband or a mahram (i.e. unmarriageable kin such as father, son, brother, uncle, etc.). However, Fatwa # 3 conveys the position of some Maliki scholars for the permissibility of a Muslim woman travelling beyond this distance. According to these scholars, this is permissible as long as she is with a group of people with whom her safety and security is relatively certain. Modern air travel normally fulfills this condition, according to these scholars. Hence, it is clear that there is some difference of opinion of scholars on this issue. In one of his previous answers, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani summarized the issue as follows:

“There are permissive fatwas from some respected, traditional scholars. But safety lies in caution. As such, what I have heard from two fuqaha of great knowledge, wisdom and taqwa, Shaykh Adib al-Kallas of Damascus and Shaykh Mahmoud Ashraf Usmani of Pakistan is that women should NOT do so under normal circumstances. They explained the fiqhi reasoning behind this: it is convincing. It is also what taqwa and caution would indicate. The Prophetic hadiths on the issue are well known. The way of those two seek the path of the next life is to avoid dispensations and the ‘easy way out’ on such matters inasmuch as reasonably possible.”

Fatwa # 1 ======= A woman living alone in a foreign country Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

Question: What is the ruling of man who leaves his wife alone in a foreign country so that she can call people to the religion of Allah?

Answer: A woman living alone in a foreign country is not forbidden as long as her honor and religion is safe, whether she is there to call people to Allah, Most High, or for another purpose that is permissible, such as visiting relatives and the sort.

However, it is not permissible [in the Shafi`i school] for her to move from the country that she is in, such that she would be traveling alone without a mahram, even if it is with the intention of calling people to Allah, Most High. It is also impermissible for her to live alone in a place where her religion and honor is not safe.

Amjad Rasheed

السؤال: ما هو حُكم مَن يترك زوجته وحدَها في دولة أجنبية لتقومَ بالدعوة إلى دين الله؟

الجواب : إقامةُ المرأة وحدَها في دولة أجنبية غير ممنوع طالما كانت تأمن على عرضها ودينها سواء كانت تقيمُ هناك للدعوة إلى الله تعالى أم لغرض آخر مباح كزيارة رحم ونحو ذلك ، لكن لا يجوز لها أن تنتقل من بلدتها التي هي فيها فتسافر وحدها من غير محرم ولو كان ذلك بقصد الدعوة إلى الله تعالى . وكذلك يحرمُ إقامتها وحدَها إن كانت لا تأمن على عرضها ودينها .

Fatwa # 2 ======= Can Women Travel Without a Mahram? By Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari

(follow the link above to read the fatwa)

Fatwa # 3 ======= Is there a dispensation in the Shafi`i school for a woman to travel with a safe group upon need? Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

Question: Is there a dispensation in the Shafi`i school for a woman to travel with a safe group upon need when she does not have a mahram (unmarriageable kin) that she can travel with?

Answer: When a woman travels without her husband or mahram, there is some detail to discuss. If the purpose of her travel is to perform an obligation, such as the hajj or umra, according to our school, it is permissible for her to travel by herself, if she feels it is safe for her. Included in this is travel for seeking a livelihood, if no one else spends on her, as the scholars have explicitly stated, because seeking halal livelihood is obligatory. However, she must be sure to observe the rules of covering and not be in seclusion with men.

As for a trip that is for something non-obligatory, it is haram for her to travel without a husband or mahram, even if she feels it is safe, and I have not heard anything in our school that permits it.

I have seen in Maliki works a position that it is permissible if the travel is with a secure group and some of the later scholars have relied upon this. I asked the erudite scholar, Shaykh Muhammad al-Hafiz al-Shanqayti al-Maliki and he said that it is permissible to follow this opinion and to act upon it in their school, such as airplane passengers if they are many. In this is some room for ease.

– Amjad.

(Translated by Shazia Ahmad)

السؤال : هل ثم رخصة في المذهب الشافعي للمرأة أن تسافر في قافلة مأمونة عند الحاجة مع عدم إمكان السفر مع محرم ؟

الجواب : في سفر المرأة من غير زوج أو محرم تفصيلٌ ؛ فإن كان سفرُها لأداء واجبٍ كالحج والعمرة عندنا فيجوز لها السفرُ وحدَها إن أمنت على نفسها ، ومن ذلك السفرُ لطلب الرزق كما صرحوا به إن لم يُنفق عليها أحدٌ ؛ لأن طلب الحلال واجب ، لكن عليها مراعاةُ الأحكام بستر العورة وعدم الخلوة بالرجال .

أما إن كان سفرُها لغير واجب فيحرم عليها من غير زوج أو محرم وإن أمنت على نفسها ، ولا أعلم قولاً في مذهبنا يبيحُ ذلك . نعم رأيتُ في بعض كتب المالكية قولاً بالجواز إن كان السفر مع جمعٍ مأمونٍ واعتمده بعضُ المتأخرين منهم ، وقد سألتُ عنه العلامةَ الشيخَ محمداً الحافظ الشنقيطي المالكي فقال : يجوز تقليدُه والعملُ به في مذهبهم كمسافري الطائرة إن كانوا كثيرين ، وفيه سعة .

Wassalam, [Shaykh] Umer Mian

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Can Women Go to Hajj Without a Mahram?

Publication : 12-10-2011

Views : 142680

A woman says: I live in the Kingdom (of Saudi Arabia) because I work here. I went for Hajj last year, and there were with me two of my female colleagues, but there was no mahram with us. What is the ruling concerning that?

Summary of answer

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Hajj without mahram

  • Why is it required to have a mahram? 

Praise be to Allah.

Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Uthaymin (may Allah have mercy on him) said: This action – Hajj without a mahram – is haram because of the hadith of Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say, when he was delivering a sermon, “No woman should travel except with a mahram.” A man stood up and said, “O Messenger of Allah, my wife has set out for Hajj, and I have signed up for such-and-such a military campaign.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “ Go and do Hajj with your wife .” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 3006; Muslim, 1341)

So it is not permissible for a woman to travel without a mahram . A mahram is a man whom she is forever forbidden to marry because of blood ties or for a permissible reason. This is also subject to the condition that he be an adult of sound mind. A minor child cannot be a mahram, and neither can one who is not of sound mind. 

Why is it required to have a mahram? 

The reason for a mahram’s presence being required is so that he can look after her and protect her, so that she will not be bothered by those who do not fear Allah and do not show mercy to the slaves of Allah. 

It makes no difference whether there are other women with her or not, or whether she is safe or not. Even if she goes with women from her own family and she is extremely safe, it is not permissible for her to travel without a mahram, because when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) commanded that man to go and perform Hajj with his wife, he did not ask whether there were other women with her or not, or whether she was safe or not. The fact that he did not ask about that indicates that it makes no difference. This is the correct view. 

Some people nowadays take the matter lightly and allow women travelling alone in a plane without a mahram . This undoubtedly goes against the clear meaning of the texts. Travel by plane is like any other kind of travel and still involves danger. 

If the mahram of a woman travelling by plane takes her to the airport, as soon as she reaches the departure hall, he has to leave her there, then she is on her own without a mahram. The plane may leave on time or it may be late. It may leave on time but then have to come back for some reason, or it may land in another airport which is not the one she was heading for, and so on. It may land in the airport she is heading for after the expected time for some reason. If it happens that it lands on time, the mahram who is supposed to meet her may be late for some reason, either because he overslept or because of traffic congestion, or because his car broke down, or for some other reason.  And even if he is there on time and meets the woman, there may have been a man sitting next to her on the plane who would deceive her and may like her and she likes him.

 The point is that women should fear Allah and not travel for Hajj or for any other reason except with a mahram who is an adult of sound mind. And Allah is the One Whose help we seek.

And Allah knows best.

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Source: Reference: Daleel al-Akhta’ allati yaqa’a fiha al-Haaj wa’l-Mu’tamir (mistakes made by pilgrims performing Hajj and ‘Umrah)

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As Salaamu Alaikum,

I am 62 years of age is it okay for me to go to Hajj without a Mahram?  What are the opinions of the Imams of fiqh?

Wa Alaikumus Salam,

Generally, in many books of Fiqh and Fatawa, it is mentioned that a woman must not undertake a journey, including that of Hajj except with her husband or a Mahram (male blood relative). This is based on the authentic hadith of Abdullah Bin Umar (R.A) which states that the Prophet (S.A) said, ‘it is not permissible for a woman who believes in Allah and the last day, to undertake a journey/travel for three days/nights except that she has a Mahram with her. (Sahih Al Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawood).

 In another tradition, Abu Saeed Al Khudri (R.A) narrates that the Prophet (S.A) said, ‘it is not permissible for a woman who believes in Allah and the last day to undertake a journey/travel for three days or more except that she has her father with her, or her brother or her husband, or her son or another Mahram (male blood relative to her). (Sahih Al Bukhari; Sahih Muslim; Sunan Abu Dawood; Sunan At Tirmizi).

Based on these traditions and others, many of the great scholars of the past and present have stated that a woman needs a Mahram to go for Hajj. In fact, these scholars have stated that if a woman does not have a husband or a Mahram to go with her for Hajj, than Hajj is not compulsory upon her. (Fatawa Ta’Tar Khaniya).

This is in accordance to many great scholars from among the Sahabahs and Tabieen and the Imams of Fiqh, and is the official Madhhab of Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal. In this regard, the Madhab of Imam Abu Hanifa states that a woman must be accompanied by her husband or a Mahram for the Hajj Journey. It will be Makrooh Tahreema (prohibitively disliked) for a woman to undertake the Hajj Journey without her husband or a Mahram. If she perform the Hajj in this manner (without the husband or a Mahram), her hajj will be valid, but with dislike.

According to the Madhab of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, it is essential for a woman to perform Hajj with her husband or her Mahram. Hajj will not be essential upon her if she does not have a Mahram or her husband to accompany her for the Hajj. (Al Fiqh Al Islami Wa Adilatuhu Vol. 3 Pgs 2082-2091. Maktaba Rasheediya Queta Pakistan).

Other Imams and great scholars however, have adopted different opinions in this matter. The explanations of this by these Imams of Fiqh are as follows:-

–          According to the Madhab of Imam Malik, a woman is required to have a Mahram or her husband with her to perform Hajj. However, in the absence of the husband or a Mahram, it will be permissible for her to undertake the Hajj with a group of Muslims who are safe and protected. This group can be men and women or can be women alone.

–          According to the Madhab of Imam Shafi, a woman should have a Mahram or her husband to accompany her for Hajj. However, it will be permissible for a woman to go with other reliable Muslim women for the pilgrimage in the absence of the husband or a Mahram.

From the above explanations, we see that in accordance to the madhhab of Imam Malik and Imam Shafi, a woman is allowed to go on the Hajj journey to perform Hajj without a Mahram or her husband when she travels with a group of reliable/trustworthy women who are safe and protected. Those who follow any of these madhab can practice upon the verdict of his Imam of Fiqh.

In the Madhhab of Imam Ahmad and Imam Abu Hanifa (A.R), a woman, whether young or old, is required to have a Mahram or her husband to go on the Hajj Journey. This is based on the Ahadith which have been mentioned above. Although this is the well-established ruling and verdict of the Hanafi Madhab, we have seen that there are some of the latter day scholars of the Hanafi Madhhab who have given an allowance for a woman 60 years and above to travel for Hajj on the condition that she is safe and protected from Fitnah, and travels with trustworthy and reliable Muslims. This is mentioned by the great scholar and jurist expert, Mufti Muhammad Salman Mansoorpuri in his ‘Kitab An Nawazil’. In discussing this allowance, Mufti Salman drew references from Durr Al Mukhtar, Imdadul Fatawa, Faidhul Bari and Fatawa Hindiya. (Kitab An Nawazil Vol.7 Pgs 621, 622 Darul Isha’at Karachi 2016)

The great Shaikh of Hadith and Mufti of Darul Uloom Zakariyya, South Africa, Mufti Ridha’ul Haqq (D.B), has also discussed this topic of an elderly woman going for Hajj without a Mahram, and stated that the late grand Mufti, Mufti Wali Hassan (A.R) of Pakistan was once asked about an elderly woman of 75 years of age who wants to go for Hajj with other trustworthy/reliable women. He granted the permission and gave the source of his ruling for it in Ad Durr Al Mukhtar which states:-

امّا العجوز التي لا تشتهي فلا باس بمصافحتها و مس يدها اذا امن و متي جاز المس جاز سفره لها، و يخلوا اذا امن عليه و عليها و الِّا لا

(Ad Durr Al Mukhtar Ma’a Ash Shami Vol. 6 pg. 368 H.M Saeed Karachi)

Mufti Ridha’ul Haqq (A.R) also gave references from Faidh Ul Bari and Majalis Hakeemul Ummah. (Fatawa Darul Uloom Zakariya Vol. 3 Pg. 356 Zam Zam Publishers 2009).

And Allah Knows Best

Mufti Waseem Khan

This answer was collected from DarulUloomTT.net, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Waseem Khan from Darul Uloom Trinidad and Tobago .

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I can’t go outside without getting bothered

  • Thread starter caanoshaah
  • Start date Saturday at 12:41 PM
  • Saturday at 12:41 PM
Angelina said: Lol, it doesn’t. Women get harassed in the haram of all places as well. You don’t know much about the deviants of your gender it seems. Really find it hilarious when men say this. I truly do. Click to expand...


  • Saturday at 1:00 PM
ina-cilmi said: what is proper hijab miss doja? Click to expand...



  • Saturday at 1:09 PM
caanoshaah said: Not in a sexual way but yes women be bothering me too sometimes, I had this old Ethiopian lady sit next to me at a timmies and talk to me for like forever I think she was tryna hook me up with her son or smthn It was a rlly weird experience and then she was asking me to help with her business or smthn this just one of a handful of stories like this, another Filipino lady kept talking to me for so long on the train I think she was tryna get me to go to her church but I really don’t know she just kept going on and on so I don’t think it was just church that made her talk to me, she rlly sat next to me and yapped on and on for like 30 mins etc etc nigga why would I lie ? my whole point is to vent about shit why would I intentionally stress myself out ranting about shit that isn’t even true ? I’m just constantly getting bothered is it that hard to believe Like damn maybe I am a targeted individual damn cuz apparently the shit that happened to me is so far fetched that u think imma liar. I guess imma have to join those schizo gangstalking groups something is fishy but I am telling the truth Click to expand...
  • Saturday at 1:20 PM
ina-cilmi said: ppl always say this but ive never seen proof. most if not all of the "proof" would probably be just first hand testimonies without other substance anyways. regardless, (proper)Hijab certainly lowers the amount of ppl coming up to you/harassing you. Even if it were to not stop it completely, by Allah it lowers it significantly. Click to expand...
  • Saturday at 1:38 PM

This is why it is haram for female to travel outside without mahram.  

  • Saturday at 1:42 PM
Zob said: This is why it is haram for female to travel outside without mahram. Click to expand...
Angelina said: To see proof is for you to see the assault in 4k. That’s a silly way to go about life, especially as a man. Who is going to try and assault a woman in front of you? Men do this sneakily. Or do you expect these women to have their cameras out all the time? How does that work? Harassment is definitely a cultural issue as well and it’s also based on what societies allow men to get away with. Why is it that harassment is very common in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh but significantly lower in Western societies in which women are walking around half naked compared to the former who are more covered up and traditional? Why do we have crazy r-word stories in Somalia in which 98% of the women there are all clad in Jilbaab? Why is harassment cases more common amongst poorer women vs richer women? I’ll tell you the answer, men will harass women unfortunately based on the ability to get away with it and how permissive the society is. Law and order is key and without law and order, a woman can be wearing a jilbaab dragging the floor like in a lot of the high profile cases we’ve had with Somalis and this occurs. In Somalia recently, a 70 yr old Islaan was sexually assaulted. Even in the deen, the hijab of an old woman isn’t as strict due to them losing their beauty and men not wanting them but still, they’re being assaulted. Also why is it a lot of assault cases target children. Why? Because those sick men are much more likely to get away with it. I’d totally agree with you if it wasn’t for the proof of the world around us in which you see women in poorer areas who are indeed dressed more modestly being assaulted way more than a woman wearing shorts in Germany. A perfect example is Egypt. Where am I most likely to be assaulted? Egypt even as a hijabi or Switzerland? You’re inflicted with idealism and it’s strange you’re saying that in a world in which a child and a 70 yr old woman isn’t safe. Click to expand...
  • Saturday at 1:44 PM
  • Saturday at 1:47 PM
DojaKhat said: In case you didn't read the above: Click to expand...
  • Saturday at 1:55 PM
Zob said: That has nno relevance to my post aannd that wouldn't happen if she followed the deen and been out with her mahram. Click to expand...
DojaKhat said: Please, spare me from your transparent attempt at a 'Gotcha!' moment following my answer as to what proper hijab constitutes. We all know the conditions of hijab from a young age, it doesn't need to be reiterated. More to the point, the most proper hijab worn by all women would be of little to no effect in a society where misogynistic thought is normalised and the actions taken by such depraved men are not more harshly condemned than the woman wearing improper hijab. You have no idea how evil some of your fellow men are and seem deadset on being ignorant to our reality. Click to expand...
  • Saturday at 1:56 PM
  • Saturday at 1:57 PM
Angelina said: No it isn’t. It’s haram for a woman to travel outside her city or country. The traveling the deen talks about is long distance. The exact Hadith actually talks about a distance of more than 3 days. Another one is 1 day and 1 night. It is NOT haram for a woman to walk around her own city. Click to expand...
  • Saturday at 2:01 PM


  • Saturday at 2:02 PM
Angelina said: The deen doesn’t stimulate that a woman needs a Mahram to walk around in her own city/area. If you’re going to argue something is part of the deen, show proof. All the Hadiths, fatwas and the scholarly commentary talk about traveling outside of one’s city or country. Click to expand...
Angelina said: At this point, you’re trying hard to simply blame women. What will be answer for children and even elderly women that are also harassed? Click to expand...
  • Saturday at 2:03 PM
Zob said: Ibn 'Abbas r.a. reported: The Prophet ﷺ said, "No man must not be alone with a woman except in the presence of her mahram. No woman should travel except in the company of a mahram ." A man said: "O Messenger of Allah! I have been enrolled for such and such expedition, and my wife left for Haj." He ﷺ said to him, "Go and perform Haj with your wife." [Al Bukhari and Muslim] Click to expand...
  • Saturday at 2:06 PM
ina-cilmi said: x.com x.com x.com x.com Click to expand...
  • Saturday at 2:07 PM
  • Saturday at 2:08 PM
Angelina said: Saudi Arabia as well as the Khaleej have incredibly low crime rates. I live in the Khaleej and I totally area with that. But unfortunately the same cannot be said for Pakistan and Egypt along with other poorer Eastern societies. It’s very telling that poster is using Saudi. It’s incredibly safe there. I can leave my phone and someone wouldn’t steal it. I’ve done that before as well. Same in Qatar, UAE and the like. Shall I tell you what those countries have? Strong law and order. I feel safer in the Khaleej over anywhere in the world. Can the same be said for Somalia? Can the same be said for Pakistan? Can the same be said for Egypt? Click to expand...
  • Saturday at 2:09 PM
ina-cilmi said: what is considered travel is what is customarily considered as such. while (in the netherlands which is a small country) my sister for example 300 years ago wouldnt be allowed to go from the east of the country to the west alone, now its a commute that takes 4 hours to go there and come back so it isnt considered traveling anymore Click to expand...

Can Women Travel Without a Mahram? - IslamQA


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    Evidence for not allowing women to travel without a mahram. This is indicated by the texts and common sense. For example: 1- The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "No woman should travel except with a mahram and no man should enter upon her unless she has a mahram with her.". A man said: O Messenger of Allah, I want ...

  2. How Far Can a Woman Travel without a Mahram?

    This travelling is not defined by a specific distance, as is the case with shortening the prayers or breaking the fast, rather everything that is called travelling, whether it is long or short, is not permitted for a woman unless she has a Mahram with her. Al-Bukhari (1729) and Muslim (2391) narrated that Ibn `Abbas (may Allah be pleased with ...

  3. Ruling on a woman travelling without a mahram

    Answer. Praise be to Allah. It is haraam because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "No woman should travel without a mahram.". This was narrated by Ahmad from the hadeeth of 'Abd-Allah ibn 'Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) in his Musnad. Even if her work requires that of her, we say that if she cannot ...

  4. Can Women Travel to Seek Knowledge without a Mahram?

    Based on that, it is not permissible for a woman to travel to seek knowledge without a Mahram . She should acquire the knowledge that she needs in the many ways that are available, such as listening to tapes, asking scholars over the phone and other means that Allah has made available in these times. The Standing Committee was asked: Can a ...

  5. Can Women Travel Without a Mahram?

    In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, Generally, it is impermissible for a woman to travel the distance of three days (equivalent to 48 miles) without her husband or a Mahram (unmarriageable kin) accompanying her. There are many clear narrations of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) in this regard.

  6. Is a Woman Permitted to Live Alone in Islam?

    Summary of answer. • A woman may live alone subject to the condition that she is trustworthy and is not a woman of dubious character. • A woman is not allowed to travel without a Mahram because travel Because there is a Hadith that clearly prohibits it, and because it involves hardship and exhaustion, and because of her weakness a woman ...

  7. The Ruling on a Woman "Traveling" by Herself, without a Mahram

    Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuHu, It is impermissible for a woman to travel except when accompanied by a mahram. The Prophet Muhammad said, لا تسافر المرأة إلا مع ذي محرم. "A woman may not travel except for when accompanied by a mahram .". How we understand this hadith shall be subsequently discussed.

  8. Can a woman travel without a Mahram?

    It is prohibited in Shari'ah for a woman to travel the distance of safar (which is 48 miles or 78 km) without a mahram [1]. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: « لا تسافر المرأة ثلاثا إلا ومعها ذو محرم ». "A woman cannot travel (a distance of) three days unless she has a mahram with her" (Sahih ...

  9. Is travelling without Mahram permissible according to Imam ...

    Therefore, according to the majority of scholars, it is not permissible for a woman to leave the town without a Maḥram as this will constitute travel. It is for this reason ʿAllāmah Ibn Ḥajar al-Makkī al-Shāfiʿī (d. 974/1567) mentions in his commentary of Imām Nawawī's al-Īḍāḥ (p. 103) and in al-Zawājir (1: 150) that it is ...

  10. Women Traveling Without Mahram

    Regarding a woman's travel without a mahram, this is primarily unlawful according to the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): "A woman who believes in Allah and the Hereafter shall not travel for (a period of) a day and a night unless accompanied by a mahram of hers." (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim) Depending on ...

  11. Woman traveling without Mahram for necessity

    Some scholars gave concession for a woman to travel with safe company in every permissible travel. The Hanbali scholar Ibn Muflih said in Al-Furoo': " Our Shaykh said, 'Every woman is permitted to make Hajj without a Mahram if she is safe (in her travel).'. He also said, 'This applies to every travel of obedience.'. This is what he ...

  12. Women travelling without a mahram

    It is not permissible for a woman to travel without a mahram because of the general meaning of the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): "It is not permissible for any woman who believes in Allaah and the Last Day to travel except with a mahram.". And because the purpose for the mahram being there is so that he ...

  13. Traveling without a Mahram

    Ustadh Tabraze Azam is asked about a mother traveling to a wedding without a mahram and attending a walima that involves music, dancing, and mixing. Question: Assalam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuh. My mother is going to travel to turkey for a wedding next week without a male mahram accompanying her. My father

  14. Travelling without a Mahram

    In principle, a woman cannot travel without a Mahram beyond the Shar'i distance of Safar i.e. 48 miles or 88 kilometres. [1] Consider the following Ahadith; لَا يَحِلُّ لِامْرَأَةٍ، تُؤْمِنُ بِاللهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ، تُسَافِرُ مَسِيرَةَ ثَلَاثِ ...

  15. Muslim Women: Is Travel Without Mahram Permissible?

    1- Muslim scholars views that as long as women are in a safe company and the path is safe, it would be allowed from them to travel without mahram. 2- However, if there is a long distance between major cities where there is a significant isolated area, women should travel with a mahram for their safety and protection. Ads by Muslim Ad Network.

  16. The Distance A Woman Can Travel Without A Mahram

    Bukhari no. 186. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "A woman is not to travel except with a mahram. A man is not to enter the company of a woman unless her mahram is with her.". A man said, "O Messenger of Allah! I wanted to out with the expedition of so-and-so, but my wife wants to perform Hajj.". The Prophet said, "Go with her.".

  17. May a Woman Travel Internationally Safely without a Mahram?

    Answer. The Hanafi school stipulates a mahram for any travel undertaken by a woman exceeding the travel-distance, which is 48 miles. However, the position I have seen adopted by my teachers and other scholars is permission for a journey without a mahram provided there is: (a) need or benefit, and. (b) the travel is safe.

  18. Can I Travel by Plane Without a Mahram?

    Answer: When a woman travels without her husband or mahram, there is some detail to discuss. If the purpose of her travel is to perform an obligation, such as the hajj or umra, according to our school, it is permissible for her to travel by herself, if she feels it is safe for her. Included in this is travel for seeking a livelihood, if no one ...

  19. Can Women Go to Hajj Without a Mahram?

    Praise be to Allah. Hajj without mahram. Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Uthaymin (may Allah have mercy on him) said: This action - Hajj without a mahram - is haram because of the hadith of Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say, when he was delivering a sermon, "No woman should travel except with a ...

  20. Any Restrictions on Women Going Out?

    The only restriction is that when and where it is unsafe to do so, women should venture out only while being accompanied by a mahram or in safe company of other women. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) never restricted women's movements. He only told them that they should not travel a journey of three days and three nights without ...


    The explanations of this by these Imams of Fiqh are as follows:-. - According to the Madhab of Imam Malik, a woman is required to have a Mahram or her husband with her to perform Hajj. However, in the absence of the husband or a Mahram, it will be permissible for her to undertake the Hajj with a group of Muslims who are safe and protected.

  22. I can't go outside without getting bothered

    The hadith where the where the Prophet (ﷺ) stated, "A woman is not to travel except with a Mahram.". There is no exceptions made in this hadith and many scholars back this with countless fatwas. if a woman travels alone she may be approached and tempted to do evil, especially when there is a great deal of corruption.

  23. I can't go outside without getting bothered

    This is why it is haram for female to travel outside without mahram. No it isn't. It's haram for a woman to travel outside her city or country. The traveling the deen talks about is long distance. The exact Hadith actually talks about a distance of more than 3 days. Another one is 1 day and 1 night.