
Ultimate Around the World Itinerary | 1 Year Around the World

By: Author Charles

Posted on August 25, 2023

Ultimate Around the World Itinerary | 1 Year Around the World

In March of 2019, I quit my job, packed a couple of carry-on bags, and took a one-way flight to Auckland, New Zealand to begin my around the world itinerary.

Over the course of the next 375 days, I traveled to 20 countries and countless cities in 6 continents. I put together this post to walk you through the exact route, and how it all came together the way it did.

Whether, you are just interested in reading along, or you would like to put together an around the world itinerary for yourself, I hope this can inspire you!

*  Affiliate Disclosure : This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you make a purchase through the links provided, at no additional cost to you. Thanks for supporting the work I put into TripTins!

1) Around the World Itinerary Overview

I knew from early on in my career that travel was a very important aspect of my life. I didn’t know at the time though, that I would have it in me to quit my safe corporate job of 6 years and travel for an extended period of time.

Instead of taking those few 10-day vacations and always looking forward to just taking that next trip, I thought a full year of solo travel would be the right move for me. I could visit places that would have taken years for me to get to, and challenge myself consistently along the way.

So, on March 13 2019, I hopped on a flight from JFK to LAX and then onwards to Auckland, New Zealand (essentially as far as one can get!). Over the course of the next 12 months, I got to experience some of the best travel moments of my life.

Whether it was meeting locals, exploring cities, hiking high into the mountains, trying new foods, engraining myself in new cultures, or hanging out with like-minded travelers. The one year of travel ended up being the best decision of my life, and one of the reasons, this site came to be .

Around the World Stats Days: 375  Countries: 20 Cities: ~100

Travel Around the World

2) Travel Considerations

As I planned the trip, there were a few “main” aspects that I was sure to plan the trip around. These included – weather, local holidays for & peak seasons, logistics, among a few other considerations.

Probably the most important aspect of the around the world itinerary, was making sure I was visiting countries during the best time of year from a weather standpoint .

I did not want to go through all of this, just to visit countries when it was rainy season or when I couldn’t take part of certain activities.

For example, I made sure to visit Nepal during November when the weather was at its clearest (but quite cold) and there was little risk of rain and clouds ruining the trekking views. I made my way to the Philippines at the tail end of the dry season and Costa Rica at the beginning of their dry season.

At the end of the day, it was all about being able to fully enjoy my time in each place on a day to day basis and not have constant days where the weather wouldn’t allow me to do anything.

With that said, the weather is unpredictable and you never know what it can bring (no matter how much you plan). There were certainly days I was completely rained out of doing anything, and times where I had to move things around last minute to circumvent the weather.

But by initially planning the trip to avoid poorer weather conditions, I feel as I was really able to get the most out of the journey.

Local Holidays & Seasons

Another thing that I considered is to avoid traveling to countries during the local’s national holidays . While dealing with tourists is one thing, dealing with a whole country traveling at the same time is another.

This isn’t across every country out there of course, but for some countries during these holiday times, many locals decide to travel for themselves.

This results in less availability for hotels and more expensive prices altogether . A couple that come to mind are Golden Week in Japan and Holy Week in the Philippines. 

I will caveat that with saying, sometimes it can be a great experience to take part of certain local celebrations if that is what is of interest to you.

In addition to holidays, I also tried to avoid peak season when most tourists are traveling to a certain destination .

Now, this is certainly not avoidable if traveling for a year, but it can help to steer clear of some places during those peak seasons.

Instead, I tried to visit places during shoulder seasons, as the weather is great but just less people are traveling to these places. At the end of the day it is just picking and choosing what works best.

The last main consideration when planning the trip was the logistics side of things. I just wanted to be sure that there was an easy way to get between city A and city B .

Whether that be a plane, boat, train or bus, I just didn’t want to put myself in the position where I would have to go drastically out of my way to continue on with the next city or country.

To the best of my abilities, I attempted to book direct flights when possible . I remember in the Philippines for example, there were not direct flights between certain islands or they were not operating every day of the week. I had to put the itinerary together so I was not wasting full days just to get between two islands. 

If I was renting a car, and I was taking a one way route through a country (such as Austria), I had to be certain that I could pick up and drop off the car in two separate locations without a hefty fee. 

With that said though, there were certainly times where I had to compromise with logistics. If I really wanted to travel somewhere but it would take days of traveling, I had to be fine with that. It all becomes a balance between everything .

Other Considerations

Also considered in the travel planning was the flexibility and having time to just unwind without anything planned. While I put together a list of countries and things I wanted to do in each country, I never had it written out to a tee.

I consistently moved things around as I went and sometimes did not even have a set date to leave a country I was in. Having that flexibility helped big time when things didn’t go 100% according to plan .

I also wanted to be sure that I had time to just rest and recover . For the majority of the trip I was out and about from morning until night. All of that traveling can take a toll on the body.

So, you will see times in the itinerary where I may have stayed longer than one may expect just to have time to do nothing and all.

When I combined the weather, holidays, and logistics, an itinerary began to form that I continuously worked on for months leading up to the trip.

→ Learn more: check out the planning a trip around the world and around the world cost guides for many more considerations when putting together an itinerary, as well as my around the world packing list

With that said though, there were some things that I had to plan around, making this around the world trip a bit more difficult to plan out than initially expected. See the next section for more on that…

One Year Travel Itinerary

3) What I Planned Around

Now, the around the world itinerary didn’t come without any hitches. There were a few things that came up which altered my initial travel planning.

Timing is never perfect to take a full year off from your friends and family. And there were certain events that I just had to come back for. Due to this, you will see a bit of interesting travel plans that the trip goes through.

» I spent October of 2019 back in the US as I had weddings to attend of close friends. Due to this I ended up staying the month back in the US before heading out again (and did get to visit NYC, Philadelphia and Chicago during my time back). Then again in December 2019, I came back again, but this time just for a quick weekend.

» On top of that, my trip was originally going to be closer to 15 months of travel. As we all know though, Covid started to ramp up in March of 2020. The end of my trip was a bit hectic trying to figure out where to go and what to do. But on March 20, 2020 I ended up taking one of the final flights out of South Africa before the world went into lockdown.

Round the World Travel

4) Around the World Itinerary Details

From start to finish the trip lasted 375 days with 329 days outside of the country. Over the course of those 375 days I visited 6 continents, 20 countries, and upwards of 100 cities. I ended up splitting out my trip in five phases:

Phase 1 : NZ/AU/Asia Phase 2 : Middle East / Europe Phase 3* : Nepal Phase 4 : Central and South America Phase 5 : Asia/Africa -> cut short

→ *I returned home before/after I traveled to Nepal

Below is the country by country route I took along with the number of days (including days to travel to them). Throughout the remainder of the post I will go into detail about where I decided to travel to in each country.

Country #1: New Zealand (29 days) Country #2: Japan (12 days) Country #3: South Korea (11 days) Country #4: Philippines (20 days) Country #5: Indonesia (30 days) Country #6: Australia (21 days) Country #7: Singapore (4 days) Country #8: Israel (17 days) Country #9: Jordan (4 days) Country #10: Austria (10 days) Country #11: Germany (6 days) Country #12: Slovenia (11 days) Country #13: Croatia (15 days) Country #14: Montenegro (10 days) Country #15: Nepal (26 days) Country #16: Belize (17 days) Country #17: Costa Rica (24 days) Country #18: Argentina (21 days) Country #19: Chile (11 days) Country #20: Sri Lanka (24 days)

Bonus : South Africa for 5 days until I had to take an emergency flight back home on my final day

Some of my travel plans would not necessarily look efficient on paper (Chile to Sri Lanka for example). However, given I did need to make some stops back in the US as I spoke about earlier, and with Covid ending the trip early, the trip doesn’t always make perfect sense without knowing the details.

You can see that I did spend quite a bit of time in many of these countries (24 days in Costa Rica). Like I said, when planning the trip, I did not want to rush myself in a country.

I wanted to truly enjoy all different aspects of where I was . I also wanted to be sure to have enough “rest” days, to just spend time to regroup and reset before continuing on.

You may find many itineraries out there that visit double the amount of countries in the same time period. But at the end of the day, each person has their own travel style and what they want to accomplish on a trip like this.

For me, it was seeing the world at my pace and really engraining myself in each country I visited.

How to Build a Around the World Itinerary

5) Around the World Itinerary Map

Below is a map of each and every place I visited all along the year long journey. You not only can see the cities I visited, but you can also see nearly every attraction I got to visit along the way.

Feel free to zoom in for more details!

6) 1 Year Around the World Itinerary

With that all said, below is a breakdown of each country along with the main cities/attractions I got to enjoy along the way.

New Zealand (March 13 – April 10)

I started off the around the world itinerary by taking a one-way flight to Auckland, New Zealand and from there got to explore both the North Island and South Island of the country.

After spending a night in Auckland, I grabbed a rental car, and then began the journey from north to south. Along the way I was able to visit the following places:

• Auckland • Waitakere Ranges • Rotorua • Taupo • Tongariro Alpine Crossing • Wellington • Abel Tasman National Park • Punakaiki* • Wanaka • Te Anau • Queenstown • Mount Cook • Pukaki • Christchurch

* As I was making my way down the western coast of the South Island, a major storm caused mudslides and a collapsed bridge. I ended up missing out on Franz Josef and had to spend a day driving around the island to Wanaka. Always good to have the flexibility to change things on the fly!

Driving in New Zealand

Japan (April 11 – April 22)

From Christchurch, I hopped on a flight to Tokyo via Brisbane. After a full day of travel, I arrived to Tokyo, where started my 12 days through Japan .

Since this was my second time in Japan, I did not spend as long as I might have if it was my first time. While I certainly went to some of the same places from my initial trip, I did not go back to places like Kobe, Hiroshima , Miyajima and Osaka.

However, I did get to visit a bunch of new places as well, and took the following journey through Japan:

• Tokyo • Kamakura • Hakone • Takayama • Shirakawago • Kanazawa • Kyoto • Nara

10 Days in Japan

South Korea (April 23 – May 3)

It was then off to South Korea as I flew directly from Osaka to Jeju Island. Over the course of the next 10 days or so, I visited three beautiful places in the country:

• Jeju Island (+ Mount Hallasan hike !) • Gyeongju • Seoul

Seoul South Kora

Philippines (May 4 – May 23)

After a successful time around South Korea, it was then onto the Philippines. It was all about the beaches, water, and island life during this portion of the trip.

As the rainy season starts in June, I got there just in time to fully enjoy the experience. Besides a few nighttime rain showers, it was all clear to enjoy some time in the sun. I ended up spending time in 4 different islands for around 4-5 days each.

Logistics were important here as it can get quite tricky to travel around the country. With a combinations of boats and direct flights, I ended up visiting these places:

• Coron • El Nido • Bohol • Siargao

Philippines Travel Guide

Indonesia (May 24 – June 22)

You are only allowed to visit Indonesia for 30 days without getting a longer term visa, so that is exactly what I decided to do. I spent a full month exploring the country visiting many places along the way .

While 30 days does sound like a long time, Indonesia is a massive country. I can honestly spend a year traveling around the country and still have things to do. But during my month there I started on the island of Java and then got to visit:

• Yogyakarta • Lumajang / East Java Waterfalls • Cemoro Lawang / Mount Bromo • Banyuwangi / Ijen Crater • Munduk • Ubud • Nusa Penida • Gili Trawangan • Mount Rinjani • Komodo National Park

From Komodo, it was then a quick flight back to Bali , where I headed off to Australia for the next portion of my trip.

King Kong Hill Bromo

Australia (June 23 – July 12)

Australia was one country, where it was a bit tougher to pick a time of year that worked weather wise for various cities around the country. I could have gone right after New Zealand but found some of the logistics a bit too difficult to manage.

Either way though, while I did not have the beach weather for Sydney, all else went great in the cities further up north. Below were the places I traveled to during my few weeks in Australia :

• Sydney • Blue Mountains • Whitsundays • Cairns / Great Barrier Reef • Port Douglas • Daintree Rainforest • Uluru / Kata Tjuta • Kings Canyon • Alice Springs / West MacDonnell Ranges

Whitehaven Beach Australia

Singapore (July 13 – July 16)

From Alice Springs I took a flight over to Perth for a quick layover before heading off to Singapore. I decided to split Singapore into two parts.

The first couple days I would spend sightseeing all around the city. For the second two days, I opted for a bit of relaxing and treated myself to two nights at the Marina Bay Sands hotel.

Overall, the four days in Singapore ended up great and got me ready for the next leg of my trip as I traveled all the way to Israel.

Visiting Singapore

Israel & Jordan (July 17 – August 2)

When visiting Israel, I knew that I wanted to spend a few days in Jordan visiting a couple of the top sites.

So, I ended up traveling around Israel for 10 days, and then ended up in Eilat. From Eilat, I traveled into Jordan for 4 days and then re-entered Israel, where I spent another week.

While I could have figured out the logistics to be a bit more favorable, the three weeks between Israel and Jordan ended up something like this:

• Jerusalem • Ein Gedi / Masada • Dead Sea • Mitzpe Ramon • Eilat • Petra • Wadi Rum • Haifa* • Tel Aviv

* After visiting Jordan, I crossed back into Eilat, rented a car and drove all the way north to Haifa. I spent a few days exploring the northern coast and ended the trip in Tel Aviv for a few days of beach time.

Israel Travel Planning

Austria & Germany (August 8 – August 23)

After taking a flight from Tel Aviv to Vienna, I spent the next 2+ weeks driving my way through Austria and the Bavaria region of Germany. I spent time in cities and out in the mountains, while visiting several places along the way:

• Vienna • Hallstatt • Berchtesgaden • Garmisch Partenkirchen • Mayrhofen

This is also a time where the weather did not always go according to plan. It was nice to have some extra days here in order to wait out the couple days of poor weather and then get up into the mountains.

Olpererhütte Bridge Hike

Slovenia (August 24 – September 3)

From Mayrhofen, I took the quick drive to Innsbruck, dropped off my rental car and then took a train over to Ljubljana. I spent the next 10+ days driving around Slovenia and enjoying all different aspects of the country including:

• Ljubljana • Lake Bled • Bohinj • Bovec • Piran

Ojstrica & Osojnica Lake Bled Hiking

Croatia (September 4 – September 18)

A quick train from Ljubljana to Zagreb and it was then time to explore Croatia for two weeks . I opted against renting a car here and just made my way around the country using busses and ferries. Along the way I got to visit:

• Zagreb • Plitvice National Park • Zadar • Krka National Park • Split • Hvar • Korcula • Mljet • Dubrovnik

Croatia Itinerary

Montenegro (September 19 – September 28)

Montenegro was the last country on the first portion of my trip around the world . I took a bus from Dubrovnik to Kotor and then rented a car for the next 10 days. During those days I made my way to a few different places:

• Kotor • Durmitor National Park • Lake Skadar • Sveti Stefan

My last night of the 200 th day of my trip was spent in the small coastal town of Sveti Stefan, where I got to enjoy one last sunset before making my way back to the US for the next month.

After heading to a couple of weddings and traveling to cities like NYC, Philadelphia and Chicago, I then made the round trip journey to Nepal. Here is where I took part of the Three Passes Trek + Everest Base Camp.

Sveti Stefan Montenegro View

Nepal (November 11 – December 6)

Visiting the Himalayas had been a life dream of mine, and during this around the world trip, I finally got to experience some time there. I decided to go for the Three Passes Trek , which is essentially a longer version of the standard Everest Base Camp trek .

In addition to EBC, I got to head over the Kongma La , Cho La , and Renjo La passes, visit the Gokyo Lakes , and trek up peaks like Chukhung Ri and Gokyo Ri .

After three weeks of trekking, I had a few days of relaxing in Kathmandu before heading back for a quick weekend in NYC .

Gokyo Ri

Belize (December 10 – 27)

It was then time to explore some of Central and South America, as I headed from New York down to Belize. During my time in Belize I spent several days scuba diving, visiting the inland of the country, and finishing up at the beach .

Technically I actually went to another country during the trip as I also did make the quick one night journey to Tikal in Guatemala. Overall, the trip to Belize (and Guatemala) looked like this:

• Ambergris Caye • Caye Caulker • San Ignacio • Tikal • Cockscomb Basin • Placencia

Belize Itinerary Scuba Diving

Costa Rica (December 28 – January 19)

It was then off to Costa Rica , where I got to spend 3+ weeks traveling to all different parts of the country.

It was a great mixture between volcanoes, rainforests, wildlife, hiking, and beaches as I visited the following places:

• Poas / La Paz Waterfall Gardens • La Fortuna / Arenal • Monteverde • Manuel Antonio • Corcovado National Park • Uvita • Cerro Chirripo • San Jose*

*The plan was to visit the Caribbean coast for the final few days of the trip around Puerto Viejo. However, the weather had different plans. So, I decided to just spend a few days in San Jose, rest and recover there before heading off to Patagonia for the next month of hiking.

Arenal Volcano Viewpoint Tower

Argentina (January 20 – February 9)

While I did spend a day in Buenos Aires, the main aspect of this portion of the trip was to hike my way through Patagonia . While, I did visit during what is considered one of the best times of year to go from a weather perspective, I still knew the risk of the Patagonian weather.

One day can be nice and sunny, while the next day could be a complete snowstorm (yes even in their summer months!). I mean, I even had a day when it was sunny and snowing at the same time .

Knowing the unpredictability of the weather, I decided to always give myself extra days in each one of the places I visited . This way if the weather did not cooperate for a day or two, I still would be able to enjoy my time there.

And for the most part, that is exactly what happened. Half the time I was in El Chalten, the weather made hiking impossible. A couple days in El Calafate by the Perito Merino Glacier were completely clouded over. But since I planned to have more days than necessary, it all worked out pretty well in the end as I visited these regions:

• Ushuaia • El Calafate • El Chalten • Huemul Circuit

Argentina Patagonia Itinerary

Chile (February 10 – February 20)

From El Chalten, I bussed back to El Calafate, and then took a bus ride over to Puerto Natales in Chile. From there began the O Circuit Trek in Torres Del Paine National Park (an extended version of the famous W Trek ) .

This was actually one portion of Patagonia, where I could not just add on more days for a weather buffer. Since I needed to book the accommodation in the park well in advance, I was locked into my days.

Although the weather was not perfect for some of the days on the trail, it was more than suitable for some trekking. Some top highlights included the Grey Glacier , French Valley , and Mirador Las Torres .

After 8 days of hiking the “O”, I made my way back to Puerto Natales and flew to Santiago to end my time in Chile.

Torres Del Paine Chile Around the World

Sri Lanka (February 21 – March 15)

It was then across the world to Sri Lanka , where I got to see the ins and outs of the country for the next three weeks. Yes, I know not the best flight plan, but I planned to spend the next several months in Asia/Africa. Along the way I got to experience a little bit of everything including:

• Colombo • Habarana • Polonnaruwa • Kandy • Dalhousie / Adam’s Peak • Nuwara Eliya • Ella • Yala & Udawalawe Safaris • Mirissa

Sri Lanka Tea Fields Views

And here is where things just started to get a bit crazy. We are talking March of 2020 as the world began to turn upside down. The remainder of my trip I was supposed to go to China (quickly got nixed), India, South Africa and Namibia.

I soon realized though, that traveling was no longer an option. After deciding to go to South Africa, I just lasted a few days in Cape Town, before taking one of the last flights out of the country back to the US. It wasn’t the way I wanted to end it, but I still did get to travel around the world for a year.

But now I have written a ton about the countries I visited before, during and after the trip around the world. I hope you find the itineraries and travel guides up on the site helpful!

If you have any questions or comments about any of it, just feel free to comment down below. Also be sure to check out some travel tips & tricks to help you better plan your next trip.

Have fun out there and safe travels!

Around the World 1 Year Itinerary

Related posts:

Planning a Trip Around the World

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Monday 13th of November 2023

This is very helpful!, thanks so much for taking the time to put it together. Can you expand more on why you didn't go to Australia after NZ? Also, so it was fall when you went to NZ and winter for Australia, any regrets going when you did? thoughts? I've read travelling west, is the best way to do a RTW trip, so it's a given to start in NZ, but when to go to get less tourists but decent weather.

Sunday 6th of August 2023

This is all very inspiring and informative, as I’m considering doing the same. Question, how much did you spend your your entire trip?

Monday 7th of August 2023

Hi Mai - feel free to check out this overview I put together about the costs of traveling the world. Good luck with trip planning!

Monday 26th of June 2023

Hi, love your travel story. Have u visited china ever since u miss the last round? Do you plan to round china? I am looking for a company to go round china. I am 60 years old woman.

Hi Janet - I traveled a long while ago just to Shanghai and Beijing. I have yet to go back but would love to travel more around the country one day!

Friday 23rd of June 2023

Hi, this trip sounds amazing! myself and my husband would love to do this type of trip! How did you manage to sort all this out with transport etc? And how did you budget doing all the travel? How much would you need? Thanks. Katie

Saturday 24th of June 2023

Hi Katie - I just took everything one step at a time. The entire trip was not planned out from day one. While I knew of the overall route for the most part, I did not want to corner myself into making decisions too early. I would recommend writing out the countries that are most interested to you and then doing some research on what an overall route would look like. You can see what is possible and what may be too difficult or expensive to fit in.

As for budget, check out this around the world cost overview up on the site that will walk through it all.

Hope you have an amazing time!

Saturday 10th of June 2023

What was it like coming back to the US and finding work? I want to travel the world for a year or two but it would take me leaving my very stable/promising career.... Which scares me to death! My worry is that I would come home to the US and not be able to get the same type of job.

I also worry that a gap year (0r two) may look bad on a resume. Thoughts?

@hailey, from someone who used to work in Human Resources, the time you spend travelling is an education. Learning language, culture, customs, weather, geography, etc. As a candidate, you bring a lot to the table with this type of experience. It would be a completely different story, if you were just unemployed and laying on the couch for a year. won't regret it at all!!!

Tuesday 20th of June 2023

@hailey, The current unemployment rate in the U.S is 3.7%. Anybody who wants a job can find one. As long as the gaps in your resume were doing something interesting and intellectually stimulating (like travelling) and were not spent doing something stupid (like in prison or in re-hab), you'll be fine.

Monday 12th of June 2023

Hi Hailey - everyone is different and I can't say for certain how hard/easy it will be able to come back and find work. I was able to do so within a few months but there are many factors at play such as industry, the economy, demand/supply, etc. I am an advocate of traveling as you can tell, and would recommend doing so if it is something very important to you. There are ways to fill up the gap in the resume - for me it was this site, for others it may volunteering, remote work, etc. It is certainly a tough decision, but hope you make the right one for yourself!! Good Luck!

Here's what you need to know to plan a trip around the world

Dec 29, 2021 • 7 min read

Cenote Suytun at Valladolid, Yucatan - Mexico

Don't start planning your round-the-world trip without reading this guide © Getty Images

In 1924, a team of aviators from the USA successfully completed the first-ever circumnavigation of the globe by airplane, a feat that took 175 days, 76 stops, a cache of 15 Liberty engines, 14 spare pontoons, four aircraft and two sets of new wings. This achievement ushered in an era of international air travel, and nearly a century later, travelers are still creating their own round-the-world itineraries. 

You might not have the same worries as those early aviators, but planning a round-the-world trip has never been a more complex process. As COVID-19 continues to alter world travel , heading out on a multi-country trip might be more complicated than it has been in decades. While it might not be the right time to hit the road, luckily it's never too early to start figuring out the logistics of a trip around the globe. After all, who doesn't have a lot of pent-up wanderlust at the moment? 

When it comes to booking your trip, there are several options for booking your airfare, as well as flexibility on timing, destinations and budget. But don't let that overwhelm you – start here with our handy guide on how to plan that round-the-world trip you’ve always dreamed of.

Where and how to get a round-the-world plane ticket

The most economical way to circumnavigate the globe is to buy a round-the-world (RTW) plane ticket through a single airline alliance. These are confederations of several different airlines that make it simple to maximize the number of places you can travel and pay for it all in one place or with points. There are three primary airline alliances to choose from: Star Alliance, OneWorld and Skyteam.  Star Alliance is a coalition of 26 airlines that fly to 1300 airports in 98% of the world’s countries.  OneWorld includes 14 airlines traveling to 1100 destinations in 180 territories.  Skyteam is made up of 19 airlines that serve 1000 destinations in 170 countries.  

Read more:   How to save money when you're traveling

Once you pick an airline alliance, whether because of a loyalty program you’re already a member of or because you like its terms, conditions and destination list, you can purchase a single RTW airline ticket made up of several legs fulfilled by that alliance’s partners. The RTW ticket rules vary between each of the airline alliances, with particulars like Star Alliance’s rule that a RTW ticket can include two to 15 stops. But there are some general principles that apply to most RTW tickets, no matter which airline group you go with. 

You typically must follow one global direction (east or west – no backtracking); you must start and finish in the same country; and you must book all your flights before departure, though you can change them later (though this could incur extra charges). Typically you have one year to get from your starting point to the finish line.

How long do I need for a round-the-world trip?

You could whip around the world in a weekend if you flew non-stop, especially with the advent of new ultra-long-haul flights that can clock in at 20 hours of flight time. However, the minimum duration of most RTW tickets is 10 days – still a breathless romp. To get the most out of your round-the-world ticket, consider stock-piling vacation days, tagging on public holidays or even arranging a sabbatical from work to take off at least two months (but ideally six months to one year). Because most airline alliances give you up to a year to use your ticket, you can maximize your purchase if you plan well.

A hiker approaching an archway on a mountainous trail in Nepal

When should I travel on a round-the-world trip?

The weather will never be ideal in all your stops, so focus on what you want to do most and research the conditions there. In general, city sightseeing can be done year-round (escape extreme heat, cold or rain in museums and cafes), but outdoor adventures are more reliant on – and enjoyable in – the right weather.

Research ahead of time if any must-see destinations or must-do activities will mean facing crowds. For example, if you’re hoping to be in Austria for the famous Salzburg Festival, you’ll want to plan ahead and book your tickets months in advance. If you’re hoping to fit a shorter thru-hike into your round-the-world trip, you’ll want to make sure you’re going in the correct season and starting in the right spot. You won’t get far or have as enjoyable an experience if you’re, say, attempting the Tour du Mont Blanc during the dates of the annual winter marathon or headed northbound on the Pacific Crest Trail in July, missing most of the warmer months. 

Accept youʼll be in some regions at the "wrong" time – though this might offer unexpected benefits. For example, Victoria Falls has a dry season each year , which means a slightly less thunderous cascade, but it does open up rafting opportunities and a chance to swim right up to the lip of the falls in The Devil’s Pool. Going to Venice in the winter might mean grayer skies but fewer crowds. Heading to Kenya and Tanzania in April is likely to mean fewer humans, but not fewer chances to spot wildlife, all while saving money on safari.  Also keep in mind that mom-and-pop locations have their downtime and holiday seasons as well; don't be too surprised if your local bakery in Paris is closed for a holiday week or two in August.

Where should I go on my round-the-world trip?

The classic (and cheapest) RTW tickets flit between a few big cities, for example, London – Bangkok – Singapore – Sydney – LA . If you want to link more offbeat hubs ( Baku – Kinshasa – Paramaribo , anyone?), prices will climb considerably. The cost of the ticket is also based on the total distance covered or the number of countries visited.

A train crossing a bridge curves through lush green hillsides in India

Remember, you donʼt have to fly between each point: in Australia you could land in Perth , travel overland and fly out of Cairns . Or fly into Moscow , board the Trans-Siberian railway  and fly onwards from Beijing.  Pick some personal highlights and string the rest of your itinerary around those. For instance, if youʼre a keen hiker, flesh out a Peru ( Inca Trail ) – New Zealand ( Milford Track ) – Nepal ( Everest Base Camp ) itinerary with stops in Yosemite , Menz-Gauassa and the Okavango Delta .

If budgetʼs an issue, spend more time in less expensive countries and plan budget city breaks along the way. You’ll spend more in metros like Paris, Dubai and San Francisco than in Nusa Tenggara , Budapest  and Buffalo . 

Tips, tricks and pitfalls of round-the-world tickets

Talk to an expert before you book a round-the-world ticket: you may have an itinerary in mind, but an experienced RTW flight booker will know which routes work best and cost least. A few tweaks could mean big savings in time and money. Hash out a budget well ahead of time, not only for your RTW ticket, but also for the whole trip. Reach out to friends or travel bloggers who have done a round-the-world trip or are full-time travelers because they can offer tips on how to budget for a trip around the world .

Be flexible: moving your departure date by a few days can save money. Mid-week flights are generally cheaper, as are flights on major holidays such as Christmas Day. Avoid days and times popular with business travelers to escape higher prices and more crowded cabins.

Think about internal travel: it can be cheaper to book internal flights at the same time as booking your RTW ticket, but with the global increase of low-cost airlines, you may find it better (and more flexible) to buy them separately as you go.

Be warned: if you donʼt board one of your booked flights (say, on a whim, you decide to travel overland from Bangkok to Singapore rather than fly it) your airline is likely to cancel all subsequent flights.

You might also like: 10 destinations perfect for solo travel Can visiting lesser-known places offer a better travel experience? 6 things I learned from flying 6 days in a row

This article was first published Mar 20, 2012 and updated Dec 29, 2021.

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Dawn over the ancient temples in Bagan scattered through the misty landscape

How to plan a trip around the world

 Making the fantasy of a global odyssey an achievable reality is not as impossible as it might seem.

Combining a series of once-in-a-lifetime experiences into a single around-the-world trip can feel like the ultimate expression of luxury travel. It can be a daunting prospect though, with many contending factors to consider. Here's how to start planning the ultimate round-the-world trip.

1. Take to the sky

Air travel is, predictably, the simplest way to traverse the globe. Start by purchasing an around-the-world plane ticket through an airline alliance — coalitions of different airlines which let you pay for all of your flights in a single transaction. The alliance offers regional passes which might work better should you want to devote the bulk of your time to one or two continents.

There are three main players: Star Alliance, OneWorld and Skyteam; the latter, however, has suspended sales of RTW tickets. Star Alliance is a confederation of 26 airlines covering 1,200 airports in 98% of the world’s nations, while OneWorld’s 13 airlines serve 1,000 destinations across almost as many countries.

The small print varies, but fliers must always keep to one global direction, east or west (the latter better suits your circadian rhythm), with no backtracking; must only cross the Atlantic and Pacific oceans once each; must start and finish in the same country; and must travel for a period between 10 days and one year.

Convenience is a benefit here, allowing you to minimise paperwork. It’s worth noting that some countries, such as China, also require proof of an outbound air ticket before issuing visas.  

How to do it:   Star Alliance offers a 133-day itinerary from London via Istanbul, Dubai, Bangkok, Sydney, Los Angeles and New York from £2,580 per person.  

2. Ride the rails

A century ago, taking extended rail journeys was one of the only means of long-distance travel. Today, trains are a great option for travellers looking to minimise their carbon footprint and take a slower, more measured route.

Recapturing the romance of the past, around-the-world specialists Travel Nation can tailor-make odysseys involving   separate train journeys. Vietnam’s Reunification Express, an Outback crossing aboard the Australian Ghan and a ride on the Rocky Mountaineer in Canada can all feature.

How to do it:   Travel Nation ’s 74-night, rail-focused global tour costs from £17,760 per person, including flights, trains, accommodation, most meals and some excursions.  

3. Go Private

For those who truly want to travel in style, it’s possible to circumnavigate the globe by private jet through National Geographic Expeditions. These trips are based around epic itineraries whose remarkable destinations are brought to life by a experts and groundbreaking researchers in various fields, who most travellers never get to meet.

On the 24-day Around the World by Private Jet expedition, you can visit 10 UNESCO World Heritage sites. Among the trip’s standouts are Easter Island’s Moai statues, Angkor’s jungle-flanked temple complexes, rock-carved Petra and a Serengeti safari. Departing from Washington, DC, up to 75 passengers will travel VIP-style in a customised Boeing 757, bedding down throughout the adventure in five-star hotels or lodges.

How to do it: National Geographic Expeditions ’ 23-night Around the World by Private Jet trip starts from £77,100 per person, all-inclusive, including medical evacuation insurance. Departures on 10 March, 29 October and 28 December 2024.  

train curving near Lake Louise on bright, sunny day

4. Head overland

Travellers who don’t mind hitting the open road can try Oasis Overland, a tour company specialising in overland travel. Its longest offering is a 293-day trip from the UK to Cairo via an anticlockwise loop along much of the African coast, plus Victoria Falls and Zanzibar. The slew of highlights include the Sahara desert, the Giza Pyramids and East Africa’s wildlife-rich plains.  

The 16 (or fewer) group members will ride in one of Oasis Overland’s bright yellow trucks, built for traversing bumpy roads while offering as much comfort as possible. Nights are almost exclusively spent camping, and everyone is expected to contribute by pitching tents or cooking dinners.

You could also combine trips by flying from Cairo to Istanbul and then joining another overland tour all the way to Singapore, for example.

How to do it: Oasis Overland ’s 292-night UK to Cairo expedition starts from £9,495 per person, including all transport (except flights from the UK to Gibraltar or Malaga) and a selection of excursions.

5. Do it yourself

Arranging everything yourself is an option — most easily accomplished by purchasing multi-destination flights through a comparison website such as or Skyscanner.

A big upside to this is that you can work out something closely aligned to your specific needs; it’ll require a fair bit of time, though, and you’ll lose out in terms of flexibility — changing dates can be tricky — and cancellation cover.

It’s usually more convenient to aim for large airport hubs — the likes of Bangkok, Dallas, Dubai, Heathrow, Paris and Singapore — as the many competing services provide more options. A typical around-the-world ticket will involve something along the lines of London — Istanbul — Bangkok — Singapore — Sydney — Los Angeles — New York — London. From these hubs, you’ll be well placed to add in more obscure destinations in between.  

It’s also worth bearing in mind that you don’t have to fly between each stage. For instance, it’s possible to travel from London to Istanbul by train, lowering your carbon footprint in the process. Or, rather than flying from Bangkok to Singapore, you could get a boat from the Thai capital to Koh Samui and continue from there instead. A reliable tool for establishing train, bus, boat or taxi costs is the website Rome2Rio, and it’s worth investigating the likes of Amtrak rail passes in the US, Eurail Passes for European trains or Greyhound coach tickets covering Australia’s east coast.

Accommodation is something to decide on in advance. Be sure to have all hotel bookings locked in place well ahead of time. Hostels are a good bet, especially if you’re travelling solo or planning an ad-hoc approach during each stage of the trip, but can be lacking in privacy and comforts. House or apartment rentals can be much more comfortable and convenient, particularly for longer stays.  

How to do it: A sample 147-day itinerary from London via Istanbul, Dubai, Bangkok, Sydney, Los Angeles and New York from starts at £2,189 per person, including checked luggage.

evening images of Singapore's Supertrees lighten up at Gardens by Bay.

6. Enlist a pro

One of the best ways to arrange an air-based around-the-world itinerary is by booking with a specialist agent or operator such as Trailfinders, Travel Nation or AirTreks. This can cut out a lot of organisational stress, while also enabling you to take advantage of these companies’ many years of experience. These firms often have access to special deals and aren’t constrained to particular airlines or alliances, allowing them to further improve the offerings to their clients.

The AirTreks website even has a trip planner tool listing a series of suggested activities, interests and attractions such as hiking, beaches, meditation or family travel, providing an extra level of choice at the planning stage.

If you’re interested in earning air miles, specify this to the agent so that they can concentrate on finding flights that qualify. Agents will also be able to suggest tempting additional stops — Taiwan, maybe, or a pause in Oman — which can be a great way of adding an extra bit of excitement to burgeoning itineraries.  

Finally, a specialist company can also take care of — or advise on — vaccinations (such as malaria), and certification and visas you’ll need, saving you plenty of legwork.

How to do it: AirTrek s’ nine-stop ticket from London via Paris, Florence, Venice, Athens, Singapore, Sydney, Auckland and Los Angeles costs from £1,325 to £1,770.

7. Learn to sail

Land ahoy! You might just get to utter those words by signing up for a unique sailing adventure with London-based operator Another World Adventures, which can arrange for you to join a classic, square-rigged tall ship for 90 days as it makes its way around the world on a 455-day voyage. Once on board, you’ll learn how to trim the sails, haul mizzen spinnakers and lean on trade winds to cross the tropics. No experience is required, and participants will become part of a tight-knit crew and make friends for life.

It doesn’t matter at which point on its itinerary the ship happens to be, as it’s entirely possible to join subsequent legs. Setting sail from Bali on 6 November 2023, leg three sees the ship call at the Indian Ocean islands of Rodrigues and Reunion before arriving in Cape Town on 6 February. Beginning one day later, the fourth and final stage is via Namibia, the British overseas territory of St Helena, several Caribbean islands and, on 13 July, Nova Scotia in Canada.

If you’d prefer to wait and tackle the whole trip — the other two legs are Nova Scotia to Tahiti, and Tahiti to Bali — then Another World Adventures (which also offers other, similar experiences) expects it to start in 2025.

How to do it:   Another World Adventures offers 90 nights, full board, from £13,600 per person, including transport, port fees and instruction.  

daylight image of people sailing

8. Cruise along

Ever more around-the-world voyages are being offered by cruise lines. To join one, you’ll need one important thing: lots of spare time. The circular itineraries are mostly more than 100 days in length, with Royal Caribbean’s Ultimate World Cruise maxing out at 274 nights via seven continents and around 150 stops. These kinds of journeys really fit the ‘trip of a lifetime’ tag, running up to £100,000 per person.

Notably, 2023 marks a century since the world’s first continuous passenger cruise ship completed its pioneering journey. Chartered by the American Express Company, Cunard’s SS Laconia arrived back in New York City after completing a monumental six-month sailing via Japan, Singapore, India and Egypt.  

They also sell out quicker than almost any other cruise, partly due to having a limited number of departures. Holland America Line, for example, opened bookings this summer on its new 2025 Grand World Voyage. Departing from Fort Lauderdale in Florida, this is a six-continent, 124-day round-trip which transits the Panama Canal before visiting Callao (for excursions to Machu Picchu), Easter Island, Tahiti, the Great Barrier Reef, the Seychelles, Cape Town, Kenya, Jordan and Barcelona among 46 stops.  

How to do it:   Holland America Line’s 123-night Grand World Voyage starts from £19,900 per person, full board, including complimentary airport transfers, a $500 (£400) air credit and up to £6,700 per person in onboard spending credits if booked by 3 June 2024.  

9. Hop aboard a cargo ship

A rather more adventurous way of sailing the seas is aboard a cargo ship or freighter cruise. Carrying large containers of clothes, electrical equipment, foods and most other things between the world’s major ports, some of these allot space for four to 12 passengers.

Single, twin or double cabins are the norm, usually with sea-facing windows as well as a sitting area, a desk, a shower and a toilet. A few boats come with a pool, but most are very simple — they’re built for work, not pleasure, after all — and you certainly won’t find a spa or casino (though playing cards with the crew members isn't unheard of). All meals are provided in the on-board canteen.

The major appeal is the sense of serenity — watching the ocean drift by and having time to gather your thoughts or write that novel you’ve always planned.  

This can also be an amazing way to tick off some hard-to-reach places. Take freighters travelling to Singapore from New Zealand; be it for fuel and supplies or to make a drop-off, these stop at numerous Pacific islands en route, occasionally for a couple of days. That said, some port calls are too quick for guests to go ashore.

Note that good health and unaided mobility — due to steep gangways and lots of stairs — are mandatory, and it’s not suited for children or elderly travellers.

How to do it:   Cargo Ship Voyages offers a cargo ship crossing from Rotterdam to Cuba (estimated at 16 nights) from £1,880 per person, which includes all meals.  

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Explore 14 Incredible Countries: Our Around-the-World Itinerary

  • by two by the world
  • January 25, 2024 February 25, 2024

For over 5 months (165 days), we travelled around the world. Initially, the around-the-world itinerary was planned for 6 months, but unfortunately, we had to end our journey earlier due to the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020.

Travelling around the world was a unique and enriching experience for us; we returned more knowledgeable about the world but also more aware of our capabilities and limitations as travellers. Reflecting on our around-the-world itinerary, we realized how each destination contributed to our journey.

Check out how we planned our trip and how we built the around-the-world itinerary .

We initially had a planned around-the-world itinerary, but as mentioned earlier, this itinerary allowed for some flexibility, and there were long periods when the detailed itinerary was not set, so we will share with you the actual itinerary and the main reasons that led us to adjust the around-the-world itinerary during our journey.

around-the-world Itinerary

  • Duration: 165 days (between October 2019 and March 2020)
  • Countries: 14

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South Africa

City View, Cape Town, Start of the around-the-world itinerary, South Africa

  • Duration : 15 Days
  • Month : October
  • Destinations : Cape Town ; Stellenbosch; Overberg; Garden Route; Wilderness; Knysna; Port Elizabeth; Kruger National Park;

The first stop on our around-the-world itinerary was South Africa. The initial idea was to start with Namibia; however, we had to make choices and leave that country for a future trip. Visiting South Africa was a pleasant surprise for us. We loved the diversity of the country, the friendliness with which we were received, and how safe we felt during our journey. We mostly travelled by car within the country, although for longer distances, we flew.

What was left to do : Explore more wine regions; cross it by train;

Nathan Road Area, Hong Kong

  • Duration : 2 days

Initially, on our around-the-world itinerary, we hadn’t planned to visit Hong Kong ; however, when we bought the flight from Johannesburg to Ho Chi Minh City, we had the opportunity to extend the layover and took advantage of it. A few days earlier, we considered replanning and going to Macau since protests were happening in the city. But after talking to locals, we realized it was safe to visit Hong Kong.

What was left to do : Visit the Tian Tan Buddha; Visit the Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery; Visit Macau

Hanoi, street market, Vietnam

  • Duration : 16 days
  • Month : October/November
  • Destinations : Ho Chi Minh; Mekong Delta; Hoi An; Da Nang; Hue; Hanoi; Halong Bay;

When we arrived in Ho Chi Minh from Hong Kong, the contrast between an organized city and the typical chaos of major cities in Southeast Asia couldn’t have been greater. This is one of the details we enjoy most when travelling, the cultural shock. On one hand, upon arrival, the traffic, cockroaches, and rats were a bit overwhelming, a city full of life all day long, but after two days, we were more than accustomed. 

Vietnam is not just chaos, and visiting the Mekong Delta, Hoi An, or experiencing waking up on a boat in Halong Bay are clear examples of a diversity that many countries don’t have, and those were also the reasons that led us to include this wonderful country in our around-the-world itinerary.

What was left to do : Visit Ninh Binh

travel the world itinerary

  • Duration : 9 days;
  • Month : November
  • Destinations : Vientiane; Vang Vieng; Luang Prabang;

Laos is an untouched paradise. The natural beauty and the simplicity and tranquillity of the cities are undoubtedly reasons that would make us want to revisit this country. Sometimes overlooked by many itineraries in Southeast Asia, it is a country we advise anyone with the time or opportunity to visit, or to include it in an around-the-world itinerary .

Thailand (first part)

travel the world itinerary

  • Duration : 10 days
  • Destinations : Chiang Mai; Chiang Rai; Bangkok;

To optimize our transportation budget and save some time on travel, we chose to divide Thailand into two parts, the North and the South. We wanted to visit the temples of Angkor, and we found a combination of flights that would allow us, at a low price, to go from Bangkok to Siem Reap and from Siem Reap to Phuket. We even considered leaving Cambodia for another trip, but perseverance in flight research allowed us to fit in four days to visit the country during our visit to Thailand.

It was our first trip to Thailand, so initially, the fascination with the numerous temples in the northern cities was evident, however, we recognized that when we arrived in Bangkok, we were already a bit saturated with temples and began to make some selections of what we wanted to visit.

We loved all the cities we visited and fell in love with the cuisine, the markets, and the atmosphere of each place, but Bangkok won a special place in our hearts. This city, where modernity and Thai cultural tradition meet, with the influence of being the “capital of Southeast Asia,” is a unique place from which we didn’t want to leave so soon.

travel the world itinerary

  • Duration : 4 days
  • Destinations : Siem Reap;

Visiting the temples of Angkor was something that was on our Bucket List, so there was nothing better than including this destination in the around-the-world itinerary. Since we were travelling so close, we didn’t want to miss the opportunity to visit them. We visited the country only for this purpose. We arrived one night, we had previously hired a tuk-tuk driver, and we agreed on the time with him the next day. We didn’t need to worry about any other details of the temple visit.

For two days, we visited the most important temples, including watching the sunrise at Angkor Wat. On the last day, we went to visit one of the floating villages on the outskirts of the city. Both experiences were fantastic.

What was left to do : Visit Phnom Penh;

Thailand (second part)

travel the world itinerary

  • Month : December
  • Destinations : Phuket; Krabi; Ko Lanta; Ko Lipe;

After two months of travelling at an almost frantic pace, the islands of Thailand seemed like a great place to slow down and recharge. But on the one hand, while it felt good, after a few days, the atmosphere starts to be always the same, and the fact that they are highly touristy places means that what you hear most on the street is always the same things: massage, tuk-tuk, longboat, tour, etc.

Of all the places we visited in that area, what we loved the most was Ko Lipe. If today we were planning an around-the-world itinerary to travel in that area, we would probably have reduced the time in Thailand and would have gone to Malaysia earlier.

What was left to do : Islands of the Gulf of Thailand;

travel the world itinerary

  • Duration : 13 days
  • Destinations : Langkawi; Penang; Kuala Lumpur; Malacca;

We entered Malaysia by boat, at Langkawi Island, coming from Ko Lipe. It’s a very quiet island with paradisiacal beaches, and some tourist attractions (including a cable car with a fabulous view and an amusement park). We stayed in Kuah, which is a duty-free zone and has many tax-free shops; however, there’s little else happening in the city, and the area by the sea is a port. If we were to return today, we would probably choose another area to stay, such as Pantai Cenang, which is more lively and has a pleasant beach.

From Langkawi, we travelled by boat to Penang. This was one of the most unique places we visited in Malaysia. The city is magical with its gastronomy, urban art, and architecture. From Penang, we travelled to Kuala Lumpur and ended up spending Christmas in Malacca.

Within Malaysia, we always travelled by train or bus, which work well and are much more economical than flights. To leave the country for Singapore, we also used a bus. Making these more economical choices allows us to optimize the budget and maximize the around-the-world itinerary.

travel the world itinerary

  • Duration : 3 days

We had wanted to visit Singapore for a long time. When we found a flight promotion from the city to Australia at an unbeatable price, we booked right away and included the city in our around-the-world itinerary.

We visited Singapore in the days immediately after Christmas, so the city had a special magic, and the Gardens by the Bay were hosting the Christmas fair, which made everything even more magical. Besides loving the futurism and modernity of many parts of the city, we also enjoyed the older and more traditional parts like Little India.

travel the world itinerary

  • Duration : 21 days
  • Month : January
  • Destinations : Melbourne; The Great Ocean Road (Warrnambool; Apollo Bay; Geelong); Brisbane; Pacific Highway (Gold Coast; Byron Bay; Port Macquarie; Newcastle); Sydney;

Australia is one of those almost classic dream destinations. When we started planning the visit to Australia, we quickly realized that many things would remain unseen. It is a really large continent, and the cost of travelling in Australia is higher than in most other countries we visited.

We visited Australia during the major fires at the end of 2019, and even before we travelled, we thought our around-the-world itinerary would be compromised, however, we ended up sticking to the plan we had made without any problems.

We visited Melbourne and rented a car to do the Great Ocean Road, where we saw some of the most beautiful coastal landscapes in the country. We flew from Melbourne to Brisbane and rented another car to drive down the coast to Sydney. Both experiences were incredible. We left the country from Sydney to Fiji.

What we didn’t get to do: Visit Adelaide; Visit the Great Barrier Reef;

travel the world itinerary

  • Duration : 9 days
  • Destinations : Nadi; Nacula Island;

Our goal when we included Fiji in our around-the-world itinerary was to find the true tropical paradise, so we chose to spend most of our time on one of the Yasawa Islands, Nacula Island.

Access to the islands can be done by seaplane or boat from Viti Levu. We opted for the more economical solution, travelling by boat. The boat leaves early in the morning and takes about 6 hours to reach the destination, so it was essential to book a hotel in Nadi for the first night and the night after the return. This boat makes several stops along the way on the various islands of the country. There is a ticket option that allows you to travel for some time between the various islands; however, as we intended to rest and thought we had found the perfect place, we stayed the entire time on Nacula Island.

We stayed at a resort managed by the local community of the island, and it was an incredible experience. The warm weather, the blue sea with transparent waters and corals right there, the green island, the friendliness of the people, and the relaxation that that place provided us are undoubtedly reasons that would make us return. It is important to note that the islands have small villages of locals, so the isolation when visiting these islands is real and ideal for relaxing.

What we didn’t get to do: Visit other islands; Explore Viti Levu Island;

New Zealand

travel the world itinerary

  • Duration : 17 days
  • Month : January/February
  • Destinations : Christchurch; Otematata; Wanaka; Invercargill; Lumsden; Queenstown; Cambridge; Taupo; Rotorua; Auckland;

When we included New Zealand in our around-the-world itinerary, we divided our trip to the country into two parts: the South Island and the North Island. We travelled between the two islands by plane, since typically the cost of the ferry and the fee to drop off the car on the different islands is more expensive than connecting the two islands by plane. However, sometimes there are promotions or reallocation deals that may allow you to rent a car or a camper van for the entire trip.

We started the journey on the South Island. This island is much more natural and less populated than the North Island, mainly because the main cities are located in the north. The landscapes are fantastic, such as Mount Cook. Unfortunately, we caught floods and couldn’t visit Milford Sound and Te Anau because the roads were destroyed.

On the North Island, we loved the city of Auckland and crossing Tongariro. Having the opportunity to cross a volcano on a nearly 20km walk is undoubtedly a unique experience.

What we didn’t get to do: Milford Sound; Visit Wellington;

Argentina (first part)

travel the world itinerary

  • Month : February
  • Destinations : Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is a huge and fantastic city, very much like a large European city. We visited the main sights of the city, tried the best food, and even saw a tango show. We were lucky to catch the Carnival season, which allowed us to see some street performances.

When we planned the South America part of our trip, we realized we wouldn’t have time to visit Chile, so we chose to add Uruguay and extend our visit to Argentina. It’s possible to visit Uruguay by taking a ferry from Buenos Aires to Colonia del Sacramento, which is on the other side of the Rio de la Plata.

travel the world itinerary

  • Duration : 7 days
  • Destinations : Colonia del Sacramento; Montevideo

Uruguay is one of the most developed countries in South America. We knew that during our visit, we wouldn’t have time to explore everything we wanted, so we chose to visit Colonia del Sacramento and the capital, Montevideo.

To travel between the two cities, we used the bus. In reality, the return ferry ticket to Buenos Aires included the bus connection between Montevideo and Colonia del Sacramento.

Colonia del Sacramento is a very quiet small town with excellent gastronomy and a very pleasant historic area to explore. For those who enjoy street photography, there couldn’t be a better place. Montevideo is a city very similar to Buenos Aires but smaller. The indoor and outdoor markets offer great opportunities to buy crafts and try national cuisine. The architecture of the buildings in Montevideo is undoubtedly a point of interest, as well as the proximity to the beach, where you can enjoy long walks along the promenade. From our experience, both cities were safe for tourists.

Argentina (second part)

travel the world itinerary

  • Duration : 14 days
  • Month : February/March
  • Destinations : Ushuaia; Salta; Cachi; Cafayate; Tilcara; Purmamaca; Humahuaca; Puerto Iguazu

After returning by ferry to Buenos Aires, we stayed only one night in the city before taking a flight to Ushuaia the next day.

Ushuaia, the southernmost city in Argentina, is the starting point for those visiting Antarctica. That wasn’t our case, however, the city is much more than that. Dubbed as the end of the world, the city provides access to the Tierra del Fuego National Park, where besides the end of the world train, you can find several trails and the southernmost post office. The natural beauty of that place is worth a visit.

After a few days in Ushuaia, we took a flight to Salta, which would be the starting point for two road trips in that part of Argentina. First, we went south to visit Cachi, the Quebrada de las Flechas, the Quebrada de las Conchas, the Los Cardones National Park, and the wine region of Cafayate, and then north on National Route 9 where we visited Tilcara, Purmamaca, and Humahuaca. The landscapes in that area are undoubtedly something we had never seen before. The diversity and the small villages, which often made us stop, made this part of the trip one of our favourites.

After visiting this part of Argentina, we returned to Salta where we took a flight to Puerto Iguazu. This city provides access to the Iguazu Falls on the Argentine side. Its proximity to the borders of Brazil and Paraguay also allows a visit to the various cities and various perspectives of the falls. After visiting the Argentine side, we crossed the border to Brazil.

travel the world itinerary

  • Month : March
  • Destinations : Foz do Iguaçu

In Foz do Iguaçu, besides admiring the waterfalls from the Brazilian side, we also explored the city, with special emphasis on its gastronomy. It was there that we enjoyed one of the best barbecues of our lives while preparing to continue the journey towards Bolivia.

As we were heading to Bolivia, we were informed that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the borders would be closed the next day. Thus, we were forced to decide to return to Portugal, postponing visits to Bolivia and Peru for later.

Although this journey and this around-the-world itinerary were unexpectedly and abruptly interrupted, it was a unique life experience, being not only the first but also spectacular. We explored incredible places, tasted fantastic foods, and, above all, tested our limits as travellers. We learned a lot from travelling this way, freely, independently, and always aware that the world has much to teach us.

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How to plan the itinerary of your trip around the world?

Last Update: 08/04/2024 0 COMMENT

Planning a trip around the world itinerary is no mean feat… To tell the truth, we’d spent quite a few evenings discussing, researching, imagining, compromising, and uncorking a little bottle to keep us going… It has to be said that there are quite a few things to take into account when planning a long-term travel itinerary: desires, budget , climate, etc. But don’t panic, we’ll help you sort it all out!

hiking trail sari organic walk rice field in Ubud

Should I plan an itinerary around the world?

What should you consider when planning your trip around the world itinerary, how do you plan a trip around the world itinerary , final tips for traveling around the world, what are the cheapest countries to visit, some ideas and examples for round-the-world itineraries.

our guide to plan your round-the-world trip

You are currently reading the third chapter of our free ebook How to travel the world , in which you will find all the necessary advice and preparations for your trip around the world!

In addition to the version on the blog , there is a PDF version to read it peacefully on your computer, smartphone, or tablet, or to print it 🙂.

This is perhaps the first question to ask, and as far as we’re concerned, there are two schools of thought:

  • Are you going on a trip with no return date ? Then an itinerary is not essential, or perhaps just for the start of the trip when you cross your first countries.
  • Do you have a limited amount of time in which to travel around the world (6 months or 1 year)? In that case, an itinerary is a good way to structure your trip.

Easter island

Why plan a round-the-world itinerary?

Initially, we weren’t too keen on having an itinerary all mapped out before we left on our trip around the world… We wanted to leave room for the unexpected , for encounters, and keep as much flexibility as possible. Nevertheless, we decided to sketch out the route of our trip for the following reasons:

  • Drawing up an itinerary forced us to put our ideas on the table , share our respective desires, and give our adventure a direction.
  • It also forced us to find out about certain destinations and countries that interested us. For example, we started our trip in China, and I can guarantee that having information on local customs, transport and practical tips in our heads helped us a lot when we got there.
  • Generally speaking, doing your homework when traveling in a country that’s not your own is simply a mark of respect for its inhabitants. It shows that we’ve taken an interest in local customs beforehand, and can help us avoid certain faux pas.
  • As we opted for round-the-world tickets , we had to have at least a rough outline of our travel itinerary . It doesn’t have to be ultra-precise, as round-the-world tickets are quite flexible. However, you should at least know the direction of the trip and more or less the regions that interest you.

However, drawing up a round-the-world itinerary doesn’t mean drawing up a day-by-day plan for the coming year! It gives you an overall idea of where you want to go, at what season/time of year, the must-sees, what to avoid…

Our around-the-world itinerary changes

in a village around Ba Be in Vietnam

Keep in mind that nothing is set in stone, and you need to remain flexible . The key is to know that you can change your itinerary along the way , according to your wishes and the conditions. Even if you go off on your own, there will always be a time when you’ll have to worry about administrative and environmental issues. This can range from visas to weather conditions to budgeting (an unforeseen event?).

To tell you the truth, our itinerary around the world changed drastically during our round-the-world trip… We knew our adventure would start in China, and then continue in Taiwan for 4-5 months in Southeast Asia. The length of our stay and the order in which we planned to visit the countries in this part of Asia were radically altered during the trip. For example, we were supposed to stay 20 days in Vietnam, but ended up staying twice as long!

Also, we eliminated Australia from our plans and completely reversed the order of the South American countries. As we arrived 3 months later than planned on the American continent, our climate and itinerary logic was turned upside down and we had to adapt to optimize the seasons. So why bother planning an itinerary at all? In fact, having an initial roadmap served us well, as it forced us to think about these details in advance!

To take things a step further, we’ve gone into a little more depth on the subject in the article “How to make a success of your round-the-world trip” . In it, you’ll read about the importance of listening to yourself and remaining flexible during a long-term trip.

Do I need a return ticket?

When you say itinerary, you say return… Depending on your project, it may be worthwhile to buy a return plane ticket.

Example: you’re going away for 6 months, not a day longer (due to professional or other imperatives). In this case, it may be worth buying your plane ticket before you leave, as you’ll be returning home on that date, whatever the cost. We’ve devoted an entire article to round-the-world tickets if you’re interested!

There are several things to bear in mind when you start planning the itinerary of a round-the-world or long-term trip. Here’s a short, non-exhaustive list to get you started!

The duration of your trip

The length of your trip is a complex equation, depending mainly on your budget , your professional availability (sabbatical leave or not), and your desires . To give you an idea, most backpackers travel between 6 months and 1 year around the world. You can of course choose to travel for longer, but the budget automatically becomes more substantial.

sunset in Mount Bromo

How to travel longer?

However, it’s not necessarily proportional and still depends on your future choices. If you go away for longer , you also stay longer in one place. And that means significant savings , whether on transport or accommodation. Renting a studio (or other) over several weeks/months is cheaper than sleeping in hotels or guesthouses. We did this in Ecuador and Argentina, and thanks to this more “static” stay, we were able to extend our world tour by 6 months! The important thing is that we had the freedom and, above all, the desire to do it.

Another solution for traveling longer is to have a job that allows you to be mobile and work en route. In the chapter dedicated to budgeting, we’ve written a whole section on jobs that allow you to travel .

What is the optimum duration of a trip around the world?

After returning from our trip, we recommend that you take a minimum of 6 months to get the most out of your adventure. Why? Because that’s the minimum length of time you need to completely cut yourself off from your daily routine and visit several countries. The truth is, it’s hard to enjoy a country and its culture if you’re only there for 1 week 😉.

6 months is a good length of time if you’re planning to travel to a single continent or a specific region. A road trip to South America, a trip to Oceania, or a backpacking trip to Southeast Asia… In short, 6 months gives you plenty of time to explore!

On the other hand, if you want to travel around the world on several continents , then I’d advise you to plan more than 6 months’ travel . This allows you to change countries and continents several times, without having to race against the number of countries crossed.

lan ha bay, Cat Ba

Your expectations and desires when choosing countries

This step can be critical when you’re planning a round-the-world trip with at least two people, whether with friends or family. You’ll need to agree on the places to visit and the things to do, as each of you usually has very specific expectations.

Our advice: draw up an itinerary on your own (without cheating 😉). Then, once everyone has their own itinerary, pool them together and start negotiating! Ideally, each person should draw up a small list of their dream destinations (must-sees) and those they’d like to visit. Then it’s a bit like school: we keep score before making the final choice! One thing’s for sure: we’re going to have to make some concessions …

Fortunately for us, we were pretty much in agreement! Fabienne simply postponed her desire to discover South Africa. For obvious budgetary reasons, this was the most reasonable decision. And it’s only a postponement!

on the beach of rabbit island or koh tansay next to Kep

The “difficulty” of the countries

This is a very subjective point… With hindsight, it’s not really a criterion that concerns me anymore. I’ll mention it anyway, as it influenced my choice of countries when preparing the trip around the world itinerary.

Not all countries are created equal, and some may require a little more travel experience than others. Factors influencing the difficulty of a country include insecurity, extreme poverty, political instability, the status of women, climatic/environmental conditions, etc.

Take each country’s situation into account before making your decision. For example, we decided to start with Asia instead of South America. The reason? We felt more reassured by the idea of having a little more backpacker experience before discovering Latin America. What’s more, we’d have acquired a few good reflexes before venturing into certain countries “reputed to be more dangerous” . I use quotation marks deliberately, because of course, an incident can happen anywhere… Just because you’re in a country with a high crime rate doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll end up with a gun to your head – far from it!

In general, all it takes is a little common sense and a few basic precautions . If you’re interested in the subject, we’ve written a full article on travel risks and, more specifically, another on safety in South America .

Quito in Ecuador when we were traveling around the world as a couple

Cost of living by country

Once again, money is an important factor when planning an itinerary for a round-the-world or long-term trip. For example, the average daily budget for travel to Laos is just 22 euros. To Australia? 57 euros. To the USA? 98 euros! As you can see, 1 year in Southeast Asia and South America won’t cost you the same as 1 year in Australia, Japan, New Zealand, the USA or Europe.

Once again, it’s time to make some country choices. This is exactly why we decided (during the trip) to eliminate Australia from our final itinerary. Giving up 1 month in Australia allowed us to spend 2-3 more months in South America on the same budget!

For more information on costs per country, please consult our complete article on the round-the-world budget and all our articles devoted to travel budgets . At the bottom of the page, you’ll also find a list of the cheapest countries to travel to!

temple ulun danu in northern Bali

Climate and seasons

We all agree that travel includes a certain amount of adventure. But personally, if I could avoid arriving right in the middle of the rainy season in Asia, or when it’s -25°C in Mongolia, it would be better, wouldn’t it?

Of course, it’s possible to travel to a country even if it’s not the best season. It may even make the trip a little more pleasant: (often) fewer tourists and lower prices! But it’s worth planning your itinerary according to the wet and dry seasons.

tableau des climats et des températures qu'on a fait pour créer notre itinéraire de tour du monde

To create our itinerary, we drew up a table showing the ideal seasons for each country . We took into account the average temperature and rainfall for the 12 months of the year. If we had to plan our round-the-world trip again, today we’d use our buddy Nico’s super tool, the a-contresens planner (soon in English!), which automatically generates a table of climates . But we’ll talk about the planner a little further down with an example.

Once again, making an itinerary doesn’t mean putting up barriers . To illustrate this, let’s go back to our initial planning. We actually stuck to it until we reached Taiwan. Then we realized that we didn’t want to travel that fast… So we arrived in Laos in mid-February instead of January, and in Indonesia in April instead of February! In the end, we landed in South America in May, starting with Patagonia. But the climate was already getting too hot for that time of year. So we changed our plans and flew to Quito, where we learned Spanish for 2 months ! In short, we ended our South American tour in January in Patagonia instead of August in Colombia!

mendoza argentina

The direction of your trip

If you opt for a round-the-world ticket , you’ll be obliged to choose a direction for your trip: either eastbound or westbound . With this type of ticket, you’ll only be able to cross the Atlantic and Pacific oceans once.

On the other hand, forget the idea of enjoying spring in Argentina, cherry blossom in Japan, surfing in Australia, smoking a cigar in Cuba, summering in Russia and then wintering in Asia with a stopover in Tahiti! We’re going to have to make some choices (again!).

Carbon footprint and slow travel

More and more people are taking these trips around the world: traveling around the world without flying , traveling slowly and more responsibly … This philosophy and this way of travel have a major influence on the itinerary.

Around the world without flying

It may seem impossible to travel around the world without taking a plane , especially when it comes to crossing oceans and seas. But some have done it! Making this choice pushes the travel experience even further.

Perhaps you’ve heard of Thor, a Dane who traveled around the globe in 10 years, without once flying? He crossed the globe and visited 195 countries, traveling by land and sea.

But others have succeeded in meeting this “challenge” within the “standard” duration of a round-the-world trip: Ed spent just 381 days across the world without flying.

If you’d like to find out more, take a look at Carbone 4’s FAQ , which deciphers all the preconceived ideas about aviation and the climate.

boat in china

Slow travel

A year is both long and short. There’s no point in planning to visit 30 countries in such a short space of time! Visit less, but better .

A country the size of China covers 9.6 million km 2 . That’s roughly 17 times the size of France and 234 times the size of Switzerland… So do you really think you can visit China in 2 weeks ? It’s as if you had less than a day to visit France and wanted to know what there was to see at all costs… Impossible!

Between you and me, if you’re taking a year off , it’s probably not to race against the clock. So take it easy, plan a reasonable number of countries and make the most of it! So take it easy, plan a reasonable number of countries and enjoy! You’ll still have plenty of time to discover the rest of the world later in life. And who knows, maybe you’ll develop such a taste for travel that you’ll stay on the road for 10 years!

There’s no need to worry too much about visas ! You can easily apply for visas for most countries along the way. Remember that there are only a few countries that require a little more organization for this administrative side of your round-the-world trip. I’m thinking in particular of Russia and China.

We started our round-the-world trip itinerary in China because we wanted to stay there for between 2 and 3 months. In the end, that’s not such a long time when you consider the size of the country! But to get a 3-month visa, we had to apply from the Chinese embassy in Switzerland, and it wasn’t possible to get such a visa en route. So we applied for our visa from home before leaving for the first country on our trip.

visiting Pekin

Now that you know what you need to pay attention to, here’s our little method (which is, after all, very personal) for preparing a travel itinerary.

The inspiration phase

This is obviously the part we prefer when we’re in “sponge mode” . You look for information online, scour as many travel blogs as you can for inspiration and ideas, watch great videos, listen to travel podcasts, and so on. The idea is simply to come up with a list of things we dream of doing and places we absolutely want to discover.

Before our trip around the globe, we had a big map of the world in our living room. Whenever there was a country we had to see, we’d put a little pin on the map. That way, we always had the map in front of us and could better visualize distances and borders. And that’s how, over the weeks, we saw our project evolve and our itinerary take shape. The map is also a good way of pooling your desires if you’re traveling with several people, and of making compromises.

argentina were planned in our itinerary around the world

Integrating constraints with the planner

Once you’ve got your dream list, sort it out by taking into account the constraints we mentioned earlier. For this, we really recommend using the planner on the a-contresens blog , run by Nico and Aude.

planner for a round the world itenerary

Nicolas is a passionate traveler, but also a real geek. Having just returned from his first trip, he decided to create a tool to help future travelers plan their itinerary . The planner helps you integrate all the constraints into your itinerary around the world:

  • budget : behind the planner lies a database containing thousands of travelers’ budgets. Using all this information, the tool estimates the average daily budget for each country. Once you enter your provisional itinerary into the tool, it will give you an approximate budget for your trip. Frankly, for our part, this approximation turned out to be very close to reality.
  • climate : the planner integrates very precise information on climate and the best seasons to travel in each country. You’ll automatically get a great table that tells you if you’re in the right places at the right times!
  • visas : you’ll also find helpful information on visas (for French nationals) in each country.
  • and much more : safety information, recommended vaccines, important telephone numbers, internet, etc.

The site is very intuitive when it comes to planning your itinerary. You enter your dates, stages and routes, and in just a few clicks you’ve got your around-the-world itinerary!

exemple de planificateur pour le budget tour du monde

Our itinerary around the world

Below you’ll find the map we created with the planner for our round-the-world trip. Let’s face it, it wasn’t quite as accurate before we left, and we corrected it on the way home to post it on our blog. Once you’ve clicked on it, you’ll notice the buttons at the bottom right of the map displaying the estimated budget for your trip around the world, as well as the climate map (which we took the trouble to make by hand!). Pretty cool, huh?

Today, it’s the best tool you can have for a clear and precise itinerary , whether you’re on a round-the-world trip or a long-term trip. The planner is already in its 3 rd version!

We came across the planner by chance in 2011. We were total fans and signed up straight away. We didn’t know it, but we were only the 2 nd to sign up. We used it throughout our trip, scrupulously entering our numbers. In 2015, we met Nicolas at a conference and since then, he’s become a very good friend who we see very regularly. Just goes to show that even great friendships can come out of budget planning!

Fabienne and a panel describing why taking your time (and not race around the world) is important.

Making an itinerary is good. Not sticking to it is even better!

Even if you’ve spent a lot of time planning your around-the-world trip’s itinerary, be flexible and don’t hesitate to change what’s planned according to what you meet and what you feel like doing at the time. A round-the-world trip is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity . You’re entirely free to do what you want when you want. Zero constraints! It would be stupid to miss out on a great experience just because it wasn’t on your original itinerary.

In our case, we changed practically all the dates of the flights included in our round-the-world ticket. We traveled longer in China, stayed almost 2 months in Vietnam, skipped Australia, and reversed the order of our trip to South America to take a 2-month Spanish course in Quito. None of this was planned, but it was what we wanted to do at the time !

Here’s the video of our 7 weeks in Vietnam! If you’ve read everything so far, your brain must be fried!

🎶 Money, money, money 🎶 ABBA sings it very well and I don’t need to hum it to you. As mentioned above, many travelers leave with a budget defined in advance ! As a result, money can be a bit of an issue, especially when it comes to choosing which countries to travel to!

When we planned the itinerary for our round-the-world trip, I dreamed of going to South Africa (I’m still dreaming about it, by the way) and seeing the Northern Lights in Norway (we did that after we got back!). For his part, Benoit wanted to discover Japan. And Tahiti was on our radar, not to mention Australia and New Zealand!

northern lights in sweden

In the end, we didn’t visit any of the countries mentioned above! So no, we’re not weathervanes who change your mind as often as you change your underwear, but it’s the fruit of a logical reflection based on our round-the-world budget . That’s right! These are among the most expensive countries in the world!

Let’s be honest for 2 minutes. The world is a vast place, and there are plenty of cheap countries to visit on a trip around the world ! Not that these countries will ever be off our list! But it just made sense to put them aside when it came time to leave for 18 months on a limited budget.

So here’s a (non-exhaustive) list of the cheapest countries to travel to . We’ve based it solely on countries we’ve visited.

The cheapest countries to visit in Europe

  • The Baltic States : Estonia , Lithuania and Latvia are the cheapest countries in which to travel. We spent 2 months there in winter, and it was a great experience.

  • Greece : We love this country, especially the Cyclades ! Our last visit was in the middle of winter, outside the tourist season, which kept the budget down: 25 euros per day per person.
  • Spain : Ah, tapas, sunshine and good wine! We’re big fans! Budget-wise, it depends a lot on the region, with the big cities being more expensive. On average, you should expect to pay around 35 euros per person per day. We spent 6 weeks in Menorca in autumn 2017 and the whole of winter 2018-19 in Tenerife .
  • Croatia : We’ve never been there together: Benoit with friends and me with my best friend! We both have great memories! Budget: around 35 euros per day (partying 😉). In 2019, we went back (2 of us!) via Zagreb .


The cheapest countries to visit in Asia

  • Laos : A superb country not to be missed! The budget for travel there is around 20 euros per person per day. Find out more about Laos here .
  • Cambodia : A must for road trips in Southeast Asia. Cambodia too can be visited on a more than reasonable budget! Expect to pay around 20 euros per person per day.
  • Vietnam : Our favorite country in Asia! We spent 2 months in the country instead of the 3 weeks we had planned, that’s for sure! For a trip to Vietnam , allow around 23 euros per person per day.
  • Indonesia : Beautiful landscapes, wonderful people, divine cuisine! The budget for our trip to Indonesia was 22 euros per day, but it included plenty of activities: surfing lessons, volcano climbing, trekking, etc.
  • Thailand : A bit of a place to go for backpackers, but also a wonderful country and people! Budget in Thailand : around 22 euros per day per person.
  • China : Our first round-the-world trip and first culture shock. We loved it! Budget: around 22 euros per person per day, but this depends on the region. Find out more about a trip to China here .

village de Nong Khiaw au nord du laos

The cheapest countries to visit in South America

  • Bolivia : This is probably the cheapest country in South America ! During our visit, we had a budget of 21 euros per day per person, with plenty of activities!
  • Peru : A sublime country offering many hiking possibilities! The average budget for Peru is around 25 euros per day per person. If, like us, you do a lot of trekking and sleep regularly in tents, then the budget can be reduced even further. For us, the budget for Peru was 20.7 euros per day per person.
  • Ecuador : One of our favorite places in South America! We spent 3 months there during our trip, and it paid for itself! The average daily budget is around 25 euros per person per day (excluding the Galapagos).

femmes péruviennes

You’ll notice that I’ve wholly omitted Oceania and Antarctica from the list. The only reason is that the cost of living on these continents is much higher, or the costs associated with getting there are astronomical!

I had intended to give you a few ideas and examples of around-the-world itineraries. In the end, I’d simply say let your desires guide you . In fact, there are almost as many itineraries as there are backpackers. There are no limits (except perhaps for certain war-torn countries) and I feel I’d be doing you a disservice by giving you ideas for more or less classic itineraries.

And while it may sound a bit cliché, more than the destinations you’ll discover, it’s the journey to get there that really counts, and the experiences you’ll make along the way.

If you want some sample itineraries, we suggest you use the a-contresens planner search engine below. It contains thousands of trips around the world itineraries, so you should be able to have a bit of fun!

Now, we hope you have a more or less clear idea of your around-the-world itinerary! For the rest of your trip preparations, we’re going to tackle a subject that divides backpackers a little, round-the-world tickets . Are you following?

  • Leave everything and travel
  • The Itinerary
  • Round-the-world Tickets
  • Health and travel insurance
  • Travel gear
  • Checklist and schedule

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Trip planning

Planning a world trip itinerary.

Dock on the water, text overlay says "Trip planning: how to plan a world trip itinerary"

Last Updated on 12th November 2019 by Sarah and Justin

So you’ve decided you want to quit your job and travel the world. But thinking about where to go and when and for how long is completely overwhelming. Planning a world trip itinerary can indeed be daunting. It’s easy to get completely confused and overloaded by the vast number of choices you have. But with some organization and tips, it can be done, and more importantly, it can be fun!

We spent 13 months traveling to 27 countries in Europe, Asia, and Oceania. Figuring out where we wanted to go and in what order took quite a bit of planning. In fact, we started planning about 9 months before we left. But once we established some ground rules, we really enjoyed it. So based on our experience, we’re offering tips to help you get organized, get inspired, and have fun planning your trip around the world.

What type of traveler are you?

The first question to ask yourself is how you like to travel. And there are many different components to this question.

Planning style

Are you a super planner or are you a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants traveler? If you like everything all figured before you get somewhere, this whole post is for you. If you like to wing it, you may find some of these recommendations a bit much, but the general principles should help guide you. We definitely fall more into the planner category. Due to our own accommodation preferences, budget restrictions, and Sarah’s chronic disease , we needed to plan where we were going and when before we got there. We couldn’t easily just hop a plane from one country to another without notice (Sarah must get advanced approval to fly with her medical device). And to get the most options and the best deals, we always booked accommodations in advance. It worked out that for most of our trip, we had things planned around two months in advance.

Pace of travel

Do you like to spend time really digging deep in a place, or do you like to see lots of different destinations? We started out as the latter type of travelers, and would try to hit as many cities as possible in one vacation. However, as time passed on this trip, we definitely turned into slower travelers. First and foremost, long-term travel is tiring, so it’s nice to give yourself time to rest. Second, jetting from one place to another (between cities, countries, and continents) can give you some sensory overload and confusion. It will take you longer to adjust to a destination. Based on all of this, we tried to mix up how long we spent in places.

Sarah and Justin standing in front of a lake in Hanoi, Vietnam

What do you like?

Spend some time thinking about what you actually enjoy doing and seeing in travel and in life. Try not to feel like you have to do something just because it’s trendy or because you’ve heard it’s a must-do on a round the world trip. This is your trip. It’s your time, energy, and money so you should go where you want to not where you think you should.

Itinerary planning tools

Before you even start thinking about specific destinations, get organized. To give you some ideas, here are the things we used to help plan our trip.

Microsoft Word calendar template

We used a calendar to map out every day of our trip. In every square, we wrote the city we would be visiting. We started more generally, week by week. But then adjusted it to be specific to the day. It was a helpful way to visualize how long we would be places. And it was also useful to see days of the week in addition to dates. For example, if we were going to be somewhere a bit off the tourist track, we considered not leaving or arriving on a Sunday. Or if a place was known for its party scene, we’d try to be there mid-week. We also used this to track our Schengen Zone days (more on this in the visa section below).

Excel spreadsheet

We’re both big dorks who love spreadsheets. So we made a massive one to track absolutely everything related to our trip including all of our finances (and kept it updated throughout our whole trip). But since post this is about itinerary planning, we’ll focus on that. Before we left home, we pre-booked the first two months of the trip. We used the spreadsheet to track what we had booked (and whether we had pre-paid or not) so we knew what gaps we had to fill in once we got on the road. And of course, we color coded everything so that at a glance we could easily see what we had booked, how much we had spent, and what was left to do.

Google Maps

If you’re a traveler, Google Maps is your best friend. We used Google Maps for both logistics and inspiration. For many parts of the world it will tell you how to get from A to B, but also, once you figure out that it actually takes 27 hours to get from A to B, it can help you find places to stop and explore on the way… places you’ve never even thought of! As an example, several years ago, we were planning a trip and wanted to drive from Gdańsk, Poland to Kaunas, Lithuania. Since Justin is the sole driver on our trips, we knew we’d need to stop for the night somewhere in the middle. We jumped on Google Maps and searched for somewhere centrally located that might also be pretty. We saw a very small lake on the map, zoomed in, and found Gizycko, Poland. After some additional research, we learned there was also a forest, some castle ruins, and a great hotel complete with a bowling alley. Of course it ended up being one of our favorite spots and we never would have found it without doing some serious map investigation.

Google Flights

Sure, Google Flights is great to use to find great deals on flights, but even before you’re ready to do that, it’s a fantastic itinerary planning tool. If we knew we would be in location A and were trying to figure out the best place to go next, you just plug in location A and Google Flights will tell you everywhere you can fly to. And you can filter for direct flights. It’s helpful if you have a list of potential destinations in mind or to get inspiration to new destinations you may have never consdered. Note, we recommend using it on a good old fashioned computer not a mobile device.

Itinerary planning considerations

Once you’re organized, it’s time to do the fun stuff – finding all those amazing places in the world to visit. A combination of dreamy wanderlust and detail-oriented logistics is required. Here is everything we considered when planning our 13-month trip around the world.

Determine your must-see destinations

For most people, a trip like this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. So make the most of it! Start with your bucket list – what’s a place or experience you’ve always dreamed about? Our #1 bucket list destination was New Zealand, so we knew we absolutely had to get there on this trip. And seeing the temples at Angkor in Cambodia was pretty high on the list too.

Rearview mirror showing New Zealand landscape

After the bucket list, you can move onto the rest of your wish list. This might include countries you’ve never visited or places you know you must return to. In our case, we had never been to Southeast Asia so knew we wanted to spend time in that region. And we loved our first visit to Tokyo, so wanted to get back there again and explore more of Japan (and eat more ramen and sushi).

Where to look for inspiration

Chances are you’ll need some inspiration to decide on places to visit. Good thing there are gazillion places these days to do that. When we were planning, we focused mainly on established travel websites like Rough Guides and Wikitravel, and region-specific websites like Travelfish (for Southeast Asia), Japan Guide, and New Zealand’s tourism website. We also devoured travel blogs of people who had done similar trips. Now, just a few years later, there are blogs for pretty much every destination out there, so it’s easy to quickly get some key information and see some pretty pictures to decide if it’s for you or not. Plus using Instagram and Pinterest to get travel inspiration is now quite common and easy. But we would recommend not just using pictures to guide your journey. Read up on the places that pique your interest so you know what there is to do, how long to spend there, and what a place is really like.

Cross destinations off your list

There will be places that, no matter how much you’d love to visit them, just won’t be feasible to see on this trip. It could be due to budget or geography or logistical complications. Take the time to figure out what they are and remove them from consideration. It might be sad, but it’s a must-do in this process.

Make note of major life events and necessities

Is your sister having a baby? Is your best friend getting married? Do you want to be home for the holidays? These are all questions you should ask yourself and answer before you get into the nitty gritty of planning so if there’s somewhere you really want or need to be at a specific time you can work that into your itinerary. Similarly, if you are like Sarah and have a medical condition that you must manage in a specific way, think about that as well. We returned home for a number of reasons, but the most important one was to see Sarah’s LAM specialist for her bi-annual check-up.

Decide if you want to do a round-the-world ticket

A round-the-world ticket is a great option if you can continue moving in one direction throughout your journey. It doesn’t allow for backtracking (on that ticket). We knew we’d be returning home two times during our trip, which pretty much ruled out the round-the-world ticket for us. But if you don’t have any reasons to backtrack, it’s a good option to consider. If you decide you want to do it, you’ll have some constraints about where you can go and in what order. All companies and airlines offering round-the-world tickets have different rules, so do your research to understand the ramifications before you decide.

Research any visa restrictions

As American citizens and US passport-holders, we were lucky that the only visa requirement that significantly impacted what we wanted to do was the Shengen visa. We could only remain in Shengen Zone countries for 90 days within a 180 day period. We tracked these days carefully during our planning and used our handy dandy calendar template by adding a number in a different color to every day we would be in the Schengen Zone. A few other countries we visited had restrictions. For example, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and Thailand all restrict the number of days you can stay consecutively, but this didn’t impact our itinerary. Additionally, there were several countries for which we had to buy visas. For Vietnam and Australia, we had to buy visas in advance. For Laos and Cambodia, we could buy visas upon arrival at the airport. These costs and processes may or may not impact your itinerary, but it’s good to be aware of them. The visa for Vietnam was quite expensive, and in retrospect, we should have stayed in the country longer to make the most of it. Last, certain countries require that you have booked a way out when you arrive. We were asked to prove our onward travel plans in South Korea and New Zealand but have heard this can be the case in Thailand as well. This is worth researching and deciding if you want to do some advance planning or take the risk of having to buy a plane ticket while standing at the immigration desk.

Consider your budget

Setting a budget is definitely the first thing you should do in the planning process. Because unless you have unlimited funds, your budget will impact every aspect of your world trip, including your itinerary.

When considering how our budget would impact our itinerary, we broke things down into three categories: transportation, lodging, and living expenses. We started with transportation and figured out the biggest ticket items – our longest flights. We also looked at the places we could travel overland or take budget airlines and came up with a general number. Next, we moved onto lodging. We established a per night average we wanted to stick to across the entire trip. We did a lot of research on hotel booking sites and Airbnb and came up with estimates for each of the major destinations we knew we wanted to visit. And last, we read up on cost of living in those destinations too.

All of that helped us decide how long we would spend where. To state the obvious, certain places in the world are more costly to visit than others. We would have spent much more time in New Zealand and Australia and the Faroe Islands if money were no object. But planning a trip like this, you’ll have to make compromises. Having a lodging average was helpful because if we knew certain places would be higher than that number, we would work to compensate for it in places with more affordable options.

It’s a lot of work, but if you do your research, you’ll feel more comfortable with your decisions and you (hopefully) won’t be blindsided by expenses that have negative consequences for your journey.

A small white house sitting on green cliffs in the Faroe Islands

Get a good handle on your loyalty program points and airline miles

This step also falls into budget planning, but it can be very helpful when you’re itinerary planning too. We had a lot of miles and points, and we wanted to use as many of them as possible to save money on our trip. But we also actually got some great ideas for our itinerary by looking into all the options associated with our programs. For example, we knew we were going to be in Southeast Asia in December and that we wanted to go home for the holidays prior to further exploring that region. We also love German Christmas Markets. By looking into reward flight options we (okay, it was Justin – he is a master at all this) found an amazing way to accomplish this on miles. All on one reward ticket, we flew from Bangkok to Frankfurt, spent three weeks in Germany, then flew from Frankfurt to New York, spent three weeks there, and then flew back from New York to Bangkok.

Oh and yes, we used a spreadsheet to track all of our points and miles.

Consider the weather

Think about what climates you prefer to travel in, as well as what different places are like during specific times of year. The seasons are flipped in South America, Australia, and New Zealand. There are different rainy seasons in certain countries in Southeast Asia. In Northern Thailand, there is a burning season which we wanted to avoid since we knew would be particularly bad for Sarah’s lungs. Traveling in and among all the seasons means you’ll have to pack more (or buy local supplies). All of these things helped us figure out where we wanted to go when. We found Weather Underground very helpful, especially their monthly averages and historic temperatures.

Planning your world trip itinerary

Finally, after all that, you’re ready to actually start planning your trip. Using all of the above considerations, start big and general. Think about when you want to depart and the regions of the world you want to visit. Using Google Maps and a calendar, see what makes sense. And then, create a skeleton itinerary. Our first skeleton itinerary looked like this:

Leg 1: 3 months in Europe (then return home) Leg 2: 3 months in Asia (then return home) Leg 3: 6 months in Asia, Australia, New Zealand, South America

It might be scary to write something like this down, but don’t panic – this is just an outline, and of course you can change it! In the end, we actually didn’t end up going to South America.

Next, start looking at the logistics of traveling from point to point and between the specific countries and cities you want to visit. Use Google Maps and Google Flights to understand the best ways to travel between destinations and the distances and times involved.

And then it’s time to get detailed. Country by country, city by city, write down where you want to go. Then look at accommodation options in those cities. That will help plan specifically how long you want to be in certain places too. For example, we found really great Airbnb options in Krakow and Warsaw, and they were even cheaper if you stayed a week, so we decided to keep our time in Poland to those two cities instead of adding a third city in the middle. Conversely, when we were in Auckland, NZ our accommodation of choice was only available for three nights, so we kept our stay there brief.

Building lit up in rainbow colors in Warsaw, Poland

Finally, start booking. Yes, in the beginning this can be quite nerve wracking! We nervously hit that first “confirm” button together and then celebrated with a stiff drink. But after a few times, it’ll be just like booking any other vacation. Just consider how you want to book things. Most often you can save money if you make non-refundable bookings, but if you’re not 100% set on your itinerary, you might have to spend a little more to give yourself some flexibility. If you’re using Airbnb, be sure to read the specific cancellation policies because they have a whole bunch of different ones. And of course, keep a detailed account of everything you’ve booked, if you’ve prepaid, and any cancellation deadlines. We also found it helpful to keep track of how we booked things. We used pretty much all the different hotel booking websites out there, so it made it easier for us to pull up confirmations when we needed them.

Before we left Brooklyn, we booked all the flights, long, international trains, and car rentals for our first leg, plus about two months of accommodations. We followed a similar planning system until our third leg, when we landed in Bangkok without a plan. Eek! Based on how we like to travel, we honestly found that lack of structure a bit stressful. Sometimes we felt like we were spending too much time figuring out our next step instead of enjoying where we were. But it all worked out and there wasn’t anywhere we felt we missed out on because of this.

So that’s it! We hope you feel more comfortable planning your own trip now. It might be a lot of work, but it’s definitely worth it.

We’d love to help with your planning. Ask us any questions in the comments!

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Planning a world trip itinerary: tips for how to get organized, get inspired, and plan the ultimate trip around the world #travel #travelinspiration #tripplanning #travelplanning #triparoundtheworld #rtw #roundtheworld

Sarah and Justin

11 thoughts on “ planning a world trip itinerary ”.

I love that you guys “celebrated” your bookings with a stiff drink! LOL! We could totally hang! 😉 Great tips on getting started with trip planning – I started with SE Asia, but ended up falling in love with the region, I never left! Someday when I save more money I hope to make it to other parts of the world…

Haha we’ll meet you for a drink anytime! Especially in SE Asia – we’re dying to get back and spend more time there.

Love this. It can be so overwhelming to even start to think about planning a long break. Love how you have given really practical tips and information.

Thank you! We’re glad you found it helpful and agree with our recommendations!

Hi Sarah & Justin, You’ve done an excellent job in showing people what to consider when planning a world trip. Undertaking such an adventure can be very daunting. Without a doubt, weather considerations, family events & medical needs are very important. Well done in compiling such a comprehensive post.

Thank you for such positive feedback. Some of these things are basic trip planning things but it can all seem overwhelming when trying to do it on such a grand scale! Just important to keep organized.

Great info and tips here Sarah. I really like that you tell folks to cross things off the list as we all try to do too much and travels are more enjoyable when you slow down a bit (or a lot!)

Thanks! We have a hard time slowing down and editing ourselves but once we do we are always rewarded with richer travel experiences.

Pingback: How to Travel Around the World and Plan an RTW Trip - 52 Perfect Days

Pingback: "It's in My Blood": Sarah Poitras - Round the World with a Lung Disease

Thank you for this great and profound information. I’m so happy you were brave and courageous to live life

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travel the world itinerary



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Plan Your Trip

Plan your rtw trip.

Finding the right round the world trip planner can be difficult. This is first and foremost because many such tools on the internet are only for planning (and, in some cases, booking) RTW flights. The truly difficult part of planning a trip around the world is deciding where to go, how long to stay and how to arrange your trip, so the content deficit (let alone how rare it is to find a quality world trip planner) is frustrating for many travelers.

The good news? Whether you want to travel all around the world, or simply want to visit multiple continents during a single trip, this guide covers all the bases you’ll need to hit as you plan your trip.

Of course, I’ll also touch on the particulars of buying a RTW ticket, including a somewhat contentious recommendation on my part. I’m about to share a great deal of information with you, but I promise: Planning a RTW trip is much, much easier than it looks.

Booking Round the World Flights

Many a round the world trip planner (which to say, any airline alliance website create for the purpose of selling flights) will tell you that booking a single RTW ticket is essential for a round the world trip. However, I don’t agree with this. In addition to the fact that having a single travel the world for a year itinerary (even a flexible one) can lock you in on a trip that will be anything but predictable, it’s often more cost effective to book individual segments, particularly if you have some miles or points to play with.

travel the world itinerary

Let’s say, for example, that you live in the United States and want to fly around the world westward. After taking advantage of a rock-bottom one-way flight from the US to Japan or China , you can take advantage of low-cost flights as you explore Southeast Asia and Australia , then gradually make your way to Europe (and from there, Africa ), flying to South America before returning home, often for only a few hundred dollars per segment. A round-the-world ticket, on the other hand, which often only includes long-distance flights, can easily cost between $2,000-3,000. And that’s without the fees you’ll certainly have to pay to change it as your plans evolve.

How Long Does a Round the World Trip Take?

Whether or not you work with an around the world trip planner, you should keep in mind that as you plan a round the world trip, the issue of timing can be surprisingly far in the back of your mind, particularly if you’ll be traveling to regions of the world you’ve never visited. While two weeks traveling through Japan or Western Europe can allow you to cover a lot of ground, it’s woefully insufficient in places like India , Africa or even much of South America. In general, it’s safe to assume you’re probably underestimating how long you’ll need to devote to your trip.

travel the world itinerary

Broadly speaking, I’d say the best round the world holidays last a minimum of six months, though I have personally taken epic trips in a shorter amount of time than that. On the other hand, I’d caution against traveling for longer than a year at a time, as being away from your “real life” for such a period can have other impacts on your well-being, ones you might not be able to anticipate right now.

How Much Does a Round the World Trip Cost?

Another deficiency of many a round the world trip planner (which is once again to say a flight booking tool) is that it provides only a piece of the cost puzzle—your round the world trip isn’t only going to cost a few thousand dollars. Generally speaking, the average cost of traveling anywhere in the world is between 50-150 USD per person, per day, which means that a conservative estimate for the cost of the ultimate around the world itinerary for a six-month trip (without your “big” flights) is between $9,000-27,000. Not cheap!

travel the world itinerary

Of course, there are ways to decrease the cost of a travel around the world itinerary, whether you manage to find the cheapest round the world ticket, take advantage of opportunities for free or discounted stays (whether you couch surf or do some sort of volunteer program) or simply keep your dining out and shopping to a minimum. In general, however, I’d recommend over-estimating your budget than under-estimating it, if only so you don’t end up as a “begpacker.”

When to Take a Round the World Trip

When you travel around the world will depend upon where you want to go. While most of the sample round the world routes I’ll recommend in the next section are fairly evergreen, some destinations are better during certain months than others, and planning according to this can influence the rest of your travel trajectory.

travel the world itinerary

For example, let’s assume you want to see the cherry blossoms in Japan , probably the world’s most famous seasonal spectacle. Whether you choose from my round the world trip ideas below or commission a custom 6 month travel itinerary, you’ll want to arrange the rest of your RTW trip to optimize the weather in all your destinations. You might head to Nepal after Japan, for instance, to trek when the country’s famous rhododendrons are blooming, or visit Australia and New Zealand before Japan to catch the tail end of warm weather Down Under.

Round the World Trip Ideas

The best of six continents.

Most round the world trip planners will want to see the “whole world” on their trips—all six inhabited continents, and potentially even Antarctica. Regardless of where your RTW travel originates, the general path you will follow is North America-Asia (Australia/New Zealand)-(Middle East/India) Europe (Africa)-South America-North America, or maybe in reverse depending upon where you start and what time of year you’re traveling.

travel the world itinerary

In terms of a general flight path, this might look something like the following: Los Angeles-Vancouver- Tokyo – Bangkok – Sydney – Dubai – Paris -Cairo-Cape Town-London-Buenos Aires- Bogota -Houston. Needless to say there are countless variations, from a 6 month round the world trip to ones much longer!

Wonders of the World

Rather than taking a comprehensive approach (which can lead to a year or even longer on the road—again, not an option for the majority of travelers), you can start your world travel planner based on a finite list of world wonders, be it classic ones you find on an Asia trip planner like the Great Wall or ones you designate yourself, such as Barcelona ‘s Sagrada Familia church or Ethiopia’s “Door to Hell.”

travel the world itinerary

Assuming you take a more classic route for your around the world itinerary, you might go about planning a round the world trip between wonders as follows. From Chicago to Beijing (for the Great Wall), then to Delhi (for the Taj Mahal), to Cairo (for the Pyramids ), to Athens (for the Acropolis), to London (for Stonehenge), to Rio de Janeiro (for Christ the Redeemer) to New York (for the Statue of Liberty). Again, this is highly customizable!

The Backpacker’s Trail

I’ve taken great pains within this round the world trip planner to be honest and sober about the cost of traveling around the world, but this is still a sort of trip that people on the backpacking spectrum can take. Specifically if you decide to string together affordable destinations like Southeast Asia, India, Eastern Europe, Andean South America and Central America.

travel the world itinerary

For instance, if you’re seeking a cheap around the world itinerary, you might fly from Denver to Kuala Lumpur (via China, as Chinese airlines are the cheapest), then fly to Mumbai or Delhi for a month or two there. From there, head to Ukraine or Poland to begin a month or so backpacking Eastern Europe (I particularly like the Balkans ), before taking a flight (probably a multi-leg one) to Lima (where Peru and Bolivia await) or Cancun, from which can you head south to affordable Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua.

Five-Star Frolic

On the other end up to the spectrum for a world trip itinerary, travelers without a set budget can enjoy a round the world business class (or even first class) romp that pulls out all the stops. Rather than focusing on a set range of destinations, you can plan your trip based on luxurious hotels and experiences, be it a Tanzania safari from the opulent Four Seasons Serengeti , sampling award-winning in-flight products and services from airlines like Qatar Airways and Singapore Airlines or dining in foodie capitals like Tokyo and Paris.

travel the world itinerary

If you’re planning a luxury round the world trip, it makes sense to enlist the help of a professional (me or someone else), since the price of such assistance (usually between $100-200 per week of travel) is minimal compared to the overall cost of such a RTW trip.

Other FAQ About RTW Travel

How many stops do you get on a round the world ticket.

Whether you’re planning a 6 month round the world trip or plan to stay on the road for years, I am a proponent of piecemeal booking of air travel, rather than committing yourself to a RTW ticket. Therefore, I consider the number of “stops” permitted on such a ticket to be superfluous.

How do I plan a trip around the world?

Unless you are a very experienced global traveler, I recommend against trying to plan a trip on your trip. Rather, work with a professional (such as Yours Truly) to arrange a travel the world for a year itinerary. Or for longer than a year, or shorter—you get the idea.

Are round the world tickets worth it?

No! As I’ve expressed many times during this round the world itinerary, I am not a fan of RTW plane tickets. They rarely cost less; booking and changing them requires a pedantic phone call—or rather phone calls, since you’ll have to call in every time you want to make a modification.

Round the World Trip Planning

The best round the world trips are the ones where you get out on the road and go where the wind takes you, but that’s not realistic for most people. Whether because of finite funds or a “real life” you need to get back to, round the world trips require more planning than you’d probably like, even if you’re generally an adventurous and spontaneous traveler.

“So,” you might be asking, “can you plan my round the world trip for me?” The answer is yes, though there are a couple caveats. Because of the length and breadth of most RTW trips, many travelers want a more skeletal version of my typical “Travel Coaching” itinerary, which is typical extremely detailed and includes day-by-day recommendations. As a result, my pricing for planning RTW itineraries differs from what I’ve published on my Travel Coaching page , so I’d advise emailing me directly with any inquiries.

The Bottom Line

No matter how extensive a round the world trip planner you’ve been seeking, I’m confident that mine has met your needs. For most travelers, it’s simply a matter of learning your RTW flight booking options, assessing the cost of your RTW trip and deciding upon destinations and routing. However, others might want to hire a world trip planner (or a least a skeleton of it, which puts in place a broad trajectory) on their behalf.

travel the world itinerary

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Round the World in 30 Days

The Ultimate Guide to Planning the Round the World Trip of a Lifetime

Bucket List Pyramids Egypt

After planning 10 around the world trips, I’ve learned a few things. Here’s how to plan your dream RTW vacation, from Round the World flights to choosing your Bucket List itinerary.

Let’s face it, the pandemic was a punch to the gut for travel lovers around the world.

Never did I think I’d see a day when I couldn’t just bebop onto a transatlantic flight. Or just, say, leave my own home. But there we were.

When I (literally) dusted off my passport in early 2021, the thin layer of dust accumulated was borderline soul crushing.

But thankfully, the pandemic era is finally in the rearview mirror and international travel has rebounded with a heart-warming zeal in the years since!

Note: This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to book through these links, I receive a small commission, which I will undoubtedly blow on more flights (it’s a vicious cycle).  All of this internet voodoo takes place at no additional cost to you. 

So now what?

You’ve got some lost time to make up for, that’s what.

And there’s no better way to do it than with a life-changing, Bucket-List-crushing, dream vacation around the world .

Take my word for it…I’ve done 10 around the world trips, visiting more than 175 countries on all 7 continents along the way.

And you can, too.

But I probably don’t need to waste my time selling you on the idea of a trip around the world. You found this site. I suspect you’re on board.

So let’s start with the basics.

Pyramids Giza Cairo Egypt

What is a Round the World Trip?

Simply put, a Round the World (RTW) trip is a circumnavigation of the globe, either in an eastward or westward direction. Start in one city and continue east or west until you get back to it. That’s all there is to it!

Tip: West is best for combatting jetlag, while East saves time and hotel nights ($$) with overnight flights. (I’m cheap and usually short on time, I fly East. )

Read More: 8 Reasons to Stop Dreaming & Start Planning a Trip “Around the World in 30 Days “

Of course, while the concept of round the world travel is simple, the variables are far more complex.

For example, you may be wondering…

How many days do I need for a Round the World trip?

What you’ve probably seen on YouTube and Instagram from round the world travelers is true.

Most quit their jobs, sell their possessions, and hit the road for a year or more with big dramatic flair. Of course, that kind of nomadic commitment is not for everyone.

And I’m living proof that there are other options.

My first 9 RTW trips were approximately 30 days each. The lone exception was RTW #10, my honeymoon , which clocked in at a pretty incredible 3 months.

I’ve also done 30-day trips focused on various regions of the world like Europe , Central America , Oceania , the Balkans , and the Himalayas (a great option if there’s a specific part of the world that interests you or you just hate jetlag).

For me, a month is the ideal amount of time to travel.

Machu Picchu Peru

Long enough to truly disconnect and explore.

Yet short enough that I’m unlikely to throw my carry-on (we’ll get to that) suitcase out the nearest train window because I’m tired of every single thing in it.

There’s no right answer to how long your round the world trip should take. I know someone who went around the world in 5 days (zero stars, do not recommend) and someone else who started 10 years ago and is still going strong.

So, two weeks, a month, or even 6 months to travel around the world? It’s totally up to you.

The bottom line: Take as much time as you can, anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months will do. If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that you never know if you’ll have the chance to do it again.

World Trip Dream Vacation Around the World

A trip around the world sounds amazing, but how do I get the time off?

When I wrote the first edition of The Grown-Up’s Guide to Globetrotting 12 years ago, this topic was a central focus and the largest hurdle to taking a career-friendly trip around the world.

After all, most Americans are stuck with a measly 2 weeks of annual vacation leave (the horror!).

So, how do you travel around the world without tanking your career?

Amazingly, on this front, the COVID-19 pandemic gifted us with one gleaming silver lining:


Yes, even the stuffiest of Fortune 500 corporations have finally come around to the idea that work from home can (and does) work – with the right employee.

This revelation is especially thrilling to me as someone who has been working from home (combined with business travel) for more than 20 years.

In fact, my friends will tell you that my life mantra has always been:

If you can work from home, you can work from Rome. Jenny McIver Brocious

Or Paris. Or Bangkok. Or wherever floats your boat.

You get the idea.

There’s a lot more to making this work successfully from exotic locales – time zone challenges, reliable internet, etc. (I go into that in detail in the book) – but I can assure you, it can be done.

And it beats the pants off working from your dining room table.

Captain Vassilis Chania Crete Greece

The bottom line: You can use the WFH option to increase your available time for travel. Add days or weeks onto your trip or schedule a trip just to work from somewhere inspiring.

What’s on your Bucket List?

And now we come to the fun part. This is where the magic happens.

Where in the world do you want to go?

I speak from experience when I say that there are few things more thrilling than sitting down in front of a giant foldout map of the world and plotting out your dream vacation .

explora Patagonia Hotel Salto Chico

Maybe you already have a dozen exotic destinations in mind. Or maybe there are places in the world you never considered visiting because they always seemed too far away.

The beauty of going around the world is that the entire world becomes just a short flight away.

How many destinations should I choose?

The answer will directly correlate to how much time you plan to take. My 4 week round the world trips have ranged from an uber-ambitious 15 stops on Round the World #1 to a more relaxed pace with 8 stops on Round the World #2 .

Here’s a simple, 3-step plan to crafting your round the world trip itinerary:

  • Make your wish list.
  • Compare it to the number of days you have to travel.
  • Adjust accordingly.

Critically evaluate how long you actually need to see each desintaiton on your wish list.

Great Barrier Reef Australia Whitsundays

For some (like me), 2-3 days per destination can be a good rule of thumb. Devote more time to your “ Top 5 ” must-see destinations and maybe just spend one day exploring the city you only added to the itinerary because it was right there and you couldn’t just skip it (you laugh, but I guarantee a few of these stops will sneak their way onto your itinerary!).

Remember that a 4 week round the world trip, however incredible, is not going to be an in-depth cultural experience at every stop.

Think more Amazing Race and less Under the Tuscan Sun .

It IS, however, a terrific way to get a taste of new and exciting places and start building a new wish list for future trips.

Depending on your interest level, you may not need a week to see the Pyramids , I did it in an afternoon and it was magnificent. A full day at the Taj Mahal and a morning walk along the Great Wall of China were enough to fulfill my dream of seeing those world wonders.

But that’s me. And I’ve been told I can be a little, ah, overly-energetic when I travel.

You do you.

Need some destination inspiration? Here are 30 of my favorite travel experiences around the world:

Around the World in 30 Extraordinary Travel Experiences

And here are the Top 50 places I think should be on every Travel Bucket List:

50 Amazing Places for Your Travel Bucket List (2024)

Round the World Flights: The RTW Ticket (your new best friend)

I am fortunate that my years of excessive business travel have one nifty little side benefit, I have a crap ton of airline miles.

So when I discovered the magical world of “ Round the World airline tickets ” years ago, those Delta miles not only afforded me the opportunity to take that first RTW trip but to take it in first class with Delta’s Skyteam Alliance.

Eiffel Tower, Sunset, Paris

Sadly, the days of booking a RTW ticket with miles went the way of the dodo bird in 2015. I won’t lie to you, I wept openly when Delta first announced it (followed quickly by United and American).

But all is not lost if you’ve been hoarding miles like pandemic toilet paper. All major US airlines now allow one-way award booking. This means you can still use your miles to route yourself around the world, one one-way flight at a time!

And honestly, the old mileage RTW tickets were a deal but they were a BEAR to book and had zero flexibility. One-way award booking gives you a ton more flexibility plus the option to mix economy and business class legs (for longer flights) on your journey.

This is a BIG perk.

Here are a few more tips for you “ Up in the Air ” business travelers out there with miles & points to burn:

How to Use Points & Miles to Redeem Your RTW Dream

No miles, no problem

Two of the three major airline alliances do still offer paid RTW ticket options. Delta’s Skyteam Alliance is the exception, they discontinued the RTW ticket option completely a few years ago.

There are pros and cons to booking a round the world ticket with an airline alliance:

  • Cons – Airline alliance RTW tickets are not cheap and you’ll spend extra time connecting through hub cities to get where you want to go.
  • Pros – You can earn a ton of miles (and airline status) as you travel and those extra cities can be fun stopovers. Plus, if you already have status with an airline in the network, you’ll get lots of extra benefits like free checked bags and early boarding.

If that option interests you, start here:

  • Oneworld – World Travel (American, Alaska)
  • Star Alliance – Round the World (United)

travel the world itinerary

The affordable RTW ticket…

If redeeming (or earning) miles isn’t your jam and you truly just want the most affordable way to see the world, skip the airline alliances and head straight to:

  • Airtreks – This site is more service oriented, you enter a proposed itinerary and a travel planner will contact you to create the perfect customized itinerary.
  • BootsnAll – This one is more DIY. You can create and book an itinerary yourself online.

Unlike the airline alliances, these two round the world airfare specialists utilize all airlines to create your dream itinerary. This will often yield both the best price and the most direct routing for your trip.

WARNING: Once you start playing around with the trip planners on these two sites, you may become addicted to the global possibilities.

Tip: You guessed it, I’ve covered all the ins and outs of booking RTW tickets in the book.

Hotels vs. Airbnb – Where to stay?

Once again business travel rewards can be handy when planning trips around the world.

My Marriott and Hilton points have been offsetting the costs of my round the world trips for years. Not to mention affording me swank rooms at hotels and resorts that were WAY outside of my round the world budget, like these:

Points and Miles at the Hilton Moorea Lagoon Resort

But if you don’t have points, not to worry!

I am a firm believer that a quality, affordable hotel can always be found, even in the most expensive destinations. My go-to hotel site (when I’m not using points) is .

Tip: If you’re not a member of any hotel frequent guest programs, sign up for all of them before you go. It’s free and you’ll earn points as you travel. Many also offer perks during your stay, just for being a member.

If you’re not a fan of chain hotels or if you’re going to be in one spot for more than 3 or 4 days, I’d highly recommend an apartment rental. They can be considerably cheaper than even the most economical hotel, and having a kitchen can also be a tremendous cost-saver.

Not to mention it’s just fun to live more like a local!

One of my favorite apartment rental sites is Airbnb but I’ve also found that more and more apartment rentals are also listed on (and the fees there are often cheaper than Airbnb). That said, I’ve booked with Airbnb all over the world (including the Tuscan villa we used for our wedding – below!) and never had a bad experience.

Villa Poggio Tre Lune Tuscany Italy

Who should I travel with on an around the world trip?

If you’re married, it would probably be rude to go without your spouse (try it at your own marital peril).

But if you’re single, this is a question that deserves serious consideration. If you’ve never traveled solo, your gut instinct may be to find a friend or family member to travel with.

But before you do that, consider this…

A solo trip around the world is perhaps the best gift you can ever give yourself, especially for women. It’s empowering, it’s safe and it just might be the best travel experience of your life.

Read More: Why Every Woman Should Travel the World Solo (at Least Once) & How to Stay Safe Doing It

So yes, it’s perfectly fine (and perhaps even preferable) to travel round the world solo.

Petermann Island Antarctica

No matter what you decide, choose carefully.

How to pack (carry on only!) for an around the world trip

Yes, you read that right. I just casually floated the idea of traveling around the world for a month or longer with nothing but a carry-on bag.

If you’re a guy, you were probably not at all alarmed by the previous paragraph and thought, “ Couple of t-shirts, some shorts, underwear, got it. ” You can scroll down to the next topic, this section is not about you.

Now, for my globetrotting ladies. I’m going to ask you to trust me on this one. We’ve known each other for 10 or 15 minutes now and I feel like you get me.

With so many flights involved in an around-the-world itinerary, carry-on is truly the only option.

Reuniting with a lost bag can quickly become a logistical nightmare when you’re changing cities every few days. (And I can assure you that no one at the lost baggage desk understands what “ RTW ticket ” means.)

If you don’t believe me you can read all about the one time I broke my own rule and ended up spending an entire day at baggage claim in Paris on Round the World #4 . (Actually, don’t. It’s mind-numbing reading and definitely not my best work.)

You can do this. You don’t need all the “ stuff ” you think you do!

(For the things you do need, here’s all the Stuff I Love most!)

I have traveled for as long as 3 months out of just a carry-on (and in case I forgot to mention it, I’m a girl!). I do freely admit, however, that I was over just about every item of clothing in that suitcase by the end.

I also confess I checked a bag to Antarctica. Because Antarctica .

Carry-on bags

How do I do it? This excerpt from “ The Grown-Up’s Guide to Globetrotting ” is guaranteed to help you overcome your RTW packing challenges:

How to Travel Around the World with Just a Carry-On: A Girl’s Guide to Traveling Light

What else do I need to know for a RTW trip?

We’ve covered the big-ticket items – how long to travel, how many places to visit, with who, how to find RTW tickets, where to stay, and what to pack.

So what’s left?

Well, a LOT actually. But hey, that’s where my book comes in (insert shameless plug here).

I’ll end with a hit list of other tips, tricks, and things to consider when planning your once-in-a-lifetime (or maybe more!) round the world trip:

  • Apps : For currency conversion, I like the Oanda app. And Google Translate is also a life saver.
  • Thoroughly research entry requirements for ALL countries you plan to visit well in advance. Almost all visa applications can now be completed online.
  • A good universal power adapter & converter is a must. More than one is a plus if you have lots of devices (and don’t we all these days?).
  • Check with your doctor for any immunizations you may need for your destinations. I got the works before my first trip and haven’t had to worry about it since (other than the occasional prescription for malaria pills).
  • Consider purchasing travel insurance, for a trip of this magnitude, it’s a must! Especially in the post-pandemic era. Here’s a good independent review of the benefits of travel insurance and the options available: 10 Best Travel Insurance Companies
  • Make sure your passport is valid for at least 6 months after your planned date of return because all countries have different requirements on this.

And finally…

How to Travel Around the World

Get the Book!

For more comprehensive advice on planning your around the world itinerary, booking Round the World tickets, and everything else you ever wanted to know about travelling around the world, get the ultimate Round the World trip planner:

Round the World in 30 Days: The Grown-Up’s Guide to Globetrotting

Now get out there and start planning the around the world trip of your dreams!

As Phil Keoghan says at the start of every season of the Amazing Race,

“The world is waiting for you!”

A Little Adrift Travel Blog

My Yearlong Around the World Itinerary

Last updated on January 26, 2024 by Shannon

When I look back at my first yearlong trip around the world in 2008-2010, I am in awe of many of the places I had the privilege to visit and the honor to witness on that whirlwind itinerary.

After visiting 21 countries in 15 months on my round-the-world itinerary , I would go on to travel for ten more years, visiting 70+ countries and living in several of them . I traveled with my niece . And then with my nephews . And again with another teen niece . It’s been a long road. I settled in Barcelona in 2018 , where I now live in Spain with my toddler son—we continue to embark on world travel adventures.

As my travels continued long after my first round the world travels, for posterity’s sake, these are the highs and lows of my year+ of backpacking solo around the world from 2008 to 2010.

Table of Contents

My High-Level Route Around the World

map of my itinerary around the world on my yearlong RTW trip

How long? 16 months How many countries? 21 Which countries, in order : Australia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, India, Nepal, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Czech, the Netherlands, England, Scotland, Ireland, the U.S., Mexico, Cuba, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras Dates of round the world trip : November 4, 2008 – October 2009 How many flights? 17 flights How many miles? How many friends joined? Three friends booked tickets and traveled the world with me! A friend joined in Thailand and Laos, my cousin and I spent four months backpacking through India and Nepal together, and my friend Jenn joined for Italy and Croatia.

Australia: November 4 – January 6

My overland travel itinerary through Southeast Asia on my round the world trip

Sydney Blue Mountains Kiama Bateman’s Bay Lake Entrance Melbourne

Great Ocean Road Ayers Rock Great Barrier Reef Whitsundays Fraser Island Byron Bay

My decision to start in Australia mostly stemmed from the fact that I was living in Los Angeles at the time . I booked a one-way ticket from LA to Sydney in June and then spent the next five months planning my RTW trip and downsizing my life .

My RTW trip started with a long trek across the Pacific on November 4, 2008. As a newbie to round the world travel, I landed in Sydney without a single friend and feeling a tad lonely.

world travels to Sydney was on my itinerary to see the blue mountains

Luckily, backpackers are a friendly lot. I got my travel legs under me by  exploring the Opera House , the Taronga Zoo, and the Botanical Gardens. Deciding to stay in the Blue Mountains  was a real highlight, and my penchant for getting incredibly lost  at the least convenient moments started here. This would become a recurring theme of the trip because, yeah, I get lost a lot .

Instead of taking the more common route from Sydney to Cairns, I meandered down the coast of New South Wales  (because, kangaroos !). I eventually landed in  Melbourne , where I couchsurfed for a week with my buddy Row, who had actually couchsurfed with me in LA earlier that year.

Not one to miss the highlights of any new place, I hit up the stunningly pretty Great Ocean Road , and visited the parade of tiny fairy penguins on Phillip Island.

Sunset over Uluru at the first stop on my 1 year trip around the world.

Instead of taking the backpacker bus, I splurged on a quick flight to Alice Springs, which was my launching point to the Australian outback and the iconic Uluru (Ayers Rock) , where it rained until our final day at Kings Canyon . Having seen only very brief sunshine in the outback, which is rare, I needed the coast so I jumped a flight to Cairns.

I had obtained my driver’s certification on Catalina Island near LA just so I was ready to spend several days diving the Great Barrier Reef and the UNESCO World Heritage listed Daintree Rainforest. I booked the Greyhound down the east coast of Oz and stopped to sail the Whitsunday Islands for Christmas  and to  drive across Fraser Island for my 25 th birthday. Both were gorgeous and good fun since I was on tours filled with other backpackers.

I joined up with two German women for New Years in Noosa and  surf lessons  in Byron Bay.

After two months exploring Australia, I was ready for my next adventure in Southeast Asia .

Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia: January 6 – February 19

my six week itinerary through southeast asia while traveling the world

Bangkok Vientiane Vang Vieng Luang Prabang Kuang Si Waterfalls

Hongsa Gibbon Experience Siem Reap/Angkor Wat Phnom Penh Volunteering

My flight to Southeast Asia left out of Sydney and I was psyched. Thailand here I come! Except for, no. I almost missed my flight out of Oz because of a visa issue. Just in the nick of time, I convinced the Aussie flight crew to let me on the plane and for the next six weeks I circled around Southeast Asia .

I wasn’t in love with Thailand —which is funny because I ended up living there later, spending months enjoying Chiang Mai . At the time, however, I had the happy chance to reconnect with an old friend , who I hadn’t realized was also backpacking the region!

Songrkan festivities in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Laura and I teamed up and beelined to  Laos . We did all the things.

We took the backpacker rite of passage by  tubing in Vang Vieng, Laos . Then we moved ourselves into a treehouse for the weekend and zip-lined through the forest as a part of the Gibbon Experience. Although elephant trekking has moral quandaries , we rented a logging elephant for the day and trekked through rural Laos .

Laos stood out as one of my favorite stops on the trip. Filled with gorgeous waterfalls , Buddha caves , and gorgeous karst rocks made for  rock climbing , how could I not dream of returning? There was that time I was so sick I nearly died , but even that didn’t taint my love for Laos.

And although SEA is big on the backpacker route, I stepped off of it for a week to volunteer at FLOW in Phnom Penh . Oh, and naturally Angkor Wat, Cambodia was on the list, how could I not!

India: February 19 – March 28

my traveling itinerary through india on my one year trip

Mumbai Ahmedabad Udaipur Pushkar Holi: Festival of Colors

Taj Majal Amritsar Mcleod Ganj Rishikesh

Saying goodbye to Southeast Asia left me a bit heartbroken. Six weeks was not enough time. I could have spent ages longer in the gorgeous forests, rivers, and sleepy towns of Laos, Cambodia , and Vietnam . But Southeast Asia travels had a hard and fast deadline. I needed to meet up with my cousin in India!

Although I had mostly backpacked solo up until this point, my cousin joined me in Mumbai, India . We had intentionally left our two months in India with a blank slate, so we spent our first day in Mumbai plotting a route north and learning or first lessons in Indian scams .

We head to Ahmedabad to visit  Gandhi’s ashram and then beelined straight to charming Udaipur  renewed our faith that we had chosen a good route. We spent a week there taking it slow , but at the point that I was getting marriage proposals daily, we moved on to Pushkar , a small town with good vibes. We did a  camel safari and some hiking .

I stopped in several festivals during my world travels, including Holi in India during my 1 year RTW

We then made our way further north to Jaipur for India’s most colorful and joyful holiday:  Holi The Festival of Colors . This Hindu festival celebrates the triumph of “good” versus “evil” and involves throwing large quantities of colored powder and water on everyone within reach.

The colors died my skin pink for a week after the celebrations! I was so pink, in fact, that if you look closely at the photos of me at the Taj Mahal the next day, there is a distinct rose hue to my skin.

bucket list stop at the taj mahal

After the Taj, my cousin and I took the sleeper train to Amritsar to take in the beauty of the Sikh’s holy Golden Temple before catching a bus to McLeod Ganj, home of the Tibetan government-in-exile. McLeod Ganj is a pretty mountain town and it was a very different vibe to spend a week living among the Tibetan community there. We hiked in the gorgeous mountains and even learned how to cook tasty Tibetan momos.

I’d love to have stayed even longer, but we had just a week before our volunteer program in Nepal , so we made our way to Delhi, stopping in Rishikesh to raft on the sacred Ganges River .

Nepal: March 28 – May 19

map of my world travels through Nepal, and where my one year itinerary allowed me to explore

Kathmandu Pharping Teaching English Vipassana Meditation

Annapurna Hike from Pokhara Chitwan National Park Nepali Food

My two-month volunteer program in Nepal teaching English to young Buddhist monks  was a hands-down highlight of my entire year traveling around the world. The young monks were from the poorest regions all over Nepal. They are able to live at the monastery and receive an education, something lacking in many rural areas of Nepal. 

I enjoyed the teaching , and, as is often the case, I undoubtedly learned more than I taught my young monks while living in the charming, rural town of Pharping, Nepal .

Pokhara lake started my trek, a key stop on my 1-year world travels itinerary

My cousin and I wrapped up our time at the monastery  in late April and left our  quiet life in Pharping. Pharping is an hour+ outside of Kathmandu and it was a peaceful town with many monasteries.

Then began some proper exploring on Nepal’s best things to do, including Chitwan National Park , home to elephants , tigers, and endangered rhinos. From there, we took a bus to Pokhara for a 10-day Vipassana meditation course . It was intense, mind-expanding, and something I’m not likely to do in this lifetime. Pokhara is the gateway to the Annapurna treks, so I teamed up with others from my volunteer program and we hiked in the Himalayas for five days .

Italy and Croatia: May 19 – June 10

map of my Italy and Croatia route on my world travels

Cinque Terre Pisa Florence Boboli Gardens

Assisi Milna, Brac Island Krka National Park Plitvice Lakes National Park

cinque terre italy travels on my around the world trip

By the end of May, the Maoists began heavily protesting in Nepal, so it was an ideal time to leave the developing world and welcome my bestie Jenn to the round-the-world trip.

We met in Milan, Italy and spent a couple of weeks gorging on gelato and exploring. We hiked through Cinque Terre and supported the Leaning Tower of Pisa before landing in Florence.

Then we biked around Tuscany , snapped photos of the David (yes, he is gorgeous), and wandered the Boboli Gardens .

We trained across Italy with a stop in Assisi , before taking the ferry from Ancona, Italy to Split, Croatia .

krka national park croatia was on my itinerary

The ferry to Croatia was a debacle, but that was quickly forgotten as we  rented cottage on the island of Brac  and relaxed for a week. Then we all explored the Krka waterfalls  and the stunning  Plitvice Lakes National Park .

Jenn needed to get home, so we parted ways and I continued traveling.

Bosnia-Herzegovina and Slovenia: June 10 – July 3

itinerary through Bosnia and Slovenia

Sarajevo Mostar Ljubljana Lake Bled

Bidding adieu to Jenn in Zagreb, I moved into Sarajevo, Bosnia  and met wonderful couchsurfers there. Sarajevo has made my short-list of my favorite capital cities in the world—it’s small and consumable with just the right touch of fun.

I had  food issues in Bosnia traveling as a vegetarian , but also some real non-issues with the Bosnian desserts ! The pretty town of  Mostar still has visible war damage  and the city’s cobbled streets and history are a more sobering look at Bosnia’s war-riddled recent past.

Traveling through Bosnia & Herzegovina was a sleeper favorite from my entire year! I had no idea I would love it so much there.

soca river in slovenia was a stop on my 1-year itinerary around the world

From Bosnia I moved into Slovenia and couchsurfed with a lovely couple . I fell in love with the sidewalk café culture  in the region.

Like Bosnia, I visited Slovenia on a whim and it wowed me. The Soĉa River  is among the prettiest rivers in the world, and Ljubljana’s Street Theatre Summer Festival  is all kinds of fun. My couchsurfing hosts took me to the Pekel Jama caves on our road trip , and I just enjoyed the unexpectedly pretty country.

Czech Republic and Amsterdam: July 3 – Aug 1

travel route in central europe on my RTW trip

Prague Cesky Krumlov Amsterdam

Leaving Slovenia, I trained to the Czech Republic to take in the peaks and churches of  Prague . And while Prague is undoubtedly pretty, I love small towns and I camped out for one week in the incredibly cute town of Cesky Krumlov, where I sampled all of the Czech desserts and went rafting down the Vltava River .

After visiting the Czech Republic, I finished out the month of July by house-sitting in Amsterdam for two weeks (for free!). Biking around Amsterdam  is the way to go, and I visited dozens of museums, parks, and farmers markets.

England and Scotland: August 1 – Sept 1

my travel itinerary through England and Scotland

London Lakes District Stirling Isle of Skye

Fort Augustus / Loch Ness Cairngorms National Park Dundee Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Popped into London for a few days on my one year trip.

An all-day from Amsterdam to London had me crashing on a couch there—I met up with friends that I had last met in India during the Holi festival.

London was pricey and fast-paced—and I had spent a week exploring London on my study abroad years earlier—so I headed north.

Highlights from my month in the UK include hiking through  the Lakes District , enjoying  Stirling (of the William Wallace fame) , and taking in the gorgeous scenery on the Isle of Skye —I loved hiking the Old Man of Storr .

I was traveling at a rapid pace, so it didn’t end there. I caught a bus to Fort Augustus to hunt down  Nessie the Loch Ness Monster , and then I might have lost my mind when I hitchhiked in the Cairngorms  before landing in Edinburgh.

hiking in scotland on my rtw trip.

I loved Edinburgh. A tweetup connected me with locals , which I squeezed in between watching a dozen shows at the annual Edinburgh Fringe Festival . This festival was a pivotal point on the timeline for my RTW trip. I structured all of my Europe travels to be in  Edinburgh in August for the Festival.

Ireland: Sept 1 – Oct 1

map of my route driving through Ireland

Blarney Castle Ring of Beara Ring of Kerry Dingle Slea Head Drive

Cliffs of Moher Aran Islands Diamond Hill Dublin

The Emerald Isle marked the last leg of my solo round the world trip—I would head home for the holidays for the first time in nearly a year before continuing to travel Central America for another five months.

Sadness and nostalgia were already creeping into me. Seeing the end in sight, I rented a car for my weeks exploring. This was a huge  splurge  on considering I was aiming for a budget under $20,000 for the entire first year.

More hiking views in Ireland while I traveled the world

After a year of witnessing the most incredible sites in the world, I took it low-key in Ireland, with many things well  on the tourist path , and then a lot of things  well off of that path . Kissing the Blarney Stone  and visiting the Cliffs of Moher are arguably some of the “musts” in Ireland, while Dingle’s Slea Head drive and the Aran Islands  are less touristy and filled with incredible Irish music and culture.

With just a week left of my entire first year of world travel, I spent  a week driving around Connemara  and then  hiking in the National Park . My dad sent me money and told me to treat myself to someplace nice, so I stayed in a beautiful bed and breakfast in the Wicklow mountains before ending with a day in Dublin at the Guinness Factory and one last chance to hear  amazing live music .

driving Slea Head on Dingle peninsula in Ireland

After two layovers and a handful of hours, somehow I had arrived back in Florida. Although I had travel fatigue at points during the year, I was also used to constant movement. Landing at my parents house was a shock to the senses and I had serious travel blues and culture shock as I readjusted to life back home, enjoyed the holidays, and then planned my next leg of my route around the world: Central America.

Mexico, Cuba and Belize: January 7 – February 16

backpacking Mexico, Cuba, and Belize in Central America on my round the world trip

Cancun Havana Trinidad

Chichen Itza Yucatan Peninsula Belize

As my first round the world travel ended, I realized how well I was able to work from the road . I visited home for the holidays and then set out across Central America. I landed in Cancun as a gateway to meeting up with a travel friend in Cuba.

We started in Havana and then made our way to Trinidad, a colorful city filled with vibrant music, people, and culture.

Louise headed back to the States and I flew back to Cancun, where I explored more of the Yucatan Peninsula before heading south to Belize at the Chetumal border . I had a bad allergic reaction in Belize, so although I found Belizean culture fascinating , I spent a week on Caye Caulker before heading to Guatemala .

Guatemala and Honduras: February 16 – May 18

map of my world travel itinerary through Central America

Tikal Semuc Champey Antigua Semana Santa Coffee Tour

Xela Chichicastenango Rio Dulce Copan Ruins Utila Diving

Guatemala ranks as one of my favorite countries in the world, and it charmed me from the moment I entered on the shuttle from Belize City to Flores. I marveled at the jungle ruins of Tikal and then stomped through caves and waterfalls at Semuc Champey .

It was onward by bus to charming Antigua , where I took a coffee tour , visited a macadamia nut farm , and spent a memorable Semana Santa week learning all about Guatemala’s Easter traditions .

I spent two weeks perfecting my Spanish at lessons in Xela , while volunteering in the rural areas . Then relaxed at Lake Atitlan and did some shopping at Chichicastenango .

I popped over to Honduras to briefly visit Copan Ruinas , and then get my advanced divers certificate on Utila . But then I loved Guatemala so much that I spent my remaining 10 days in the country relaxing on the Rio Dulce .

At that point, I flew to California for a friend’s wedding in Napa, spent the summer catching up with friends who had moved all over the U.S., and then decided to move to Bali by the fall . That set off a whole other adventure living in Thailand and traveling more in Asia as the years passed, as well as a six month solo backpacking trip across Africa.

I’ve now visited more than 70 countries on five continents—find the full list of countries and stories on the site’s destination page , where you can browse by stories or via themes and you can plan your own trip with these world travel resources .

I also have a detailed page dedicated to planning your own round the world itinerary .

You can find my location and travel plans here , as well as my current projects and passions.

Planning Your travels

If you’re in the early stages of planning your travels, the following resources should help.

Dreaming of Travel » Letter to Travel Dreamers | How Do You Make Big Decisions? | Why I Decided to Travel the World | Creating Transformative Travel Experiences | The Best Travel Books

Affording Travel » How to Save for World Travel | How Much Does it Cost to Travel the World | Best Credit and Debit Cards for Travel | Using Geoarbitrage to Live Abroad | How to Work Remotely

Planning Travel » Plan Your World Travel Itinerary | Pack for Long-Term Travel | Homeschooling While Traveling | How to Purge Everything You Own | How to Pick the Right RTW Backpack | Buying RTW Flights

Staying Healthy » Safety and Solo Female Travel | How to Pick the Right Travel Insurance | Travel Vaccines 101 | How to Stay Healthy Abroad

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travel the world itinerary

6 Sensible (and Not-So-Sensible) Round-the-World Travel Itineraries

Recently I shared five planning tips for creating your ideal round-the-world travel itinerary. A reader suggested that a few sample itineraries might make useful reading, and the opportunity to play around with RTW routes for a better reason than purely my own amusement was too good to pass up.

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For the sake of simplicity, I’m going to start every route in New York. I don’t live there, but I bet more readers do than in my current hometown in Western Australia, and wherever you are, you’re more likely to be able to adapt a route going through the US to suit your own situation. I’m using my favorite RTW site TripPlanner for the price estimates.

So to start off, and following my own advice, let’s look at some routes that include what I would call “sensible” destinations.

A Varied Route: Not Just Beaches, But Not Too Much Cash

New York — Barcelona — Athens — Cairo — Dubai — Bangkok — Sydney — Auckland — San Francisco — New York

For just over $3,000, it’s possible to get a RTW ticket stopping at places as varied as Gaudi-haven Barcelona, historically soaked Cairo (I hadn’t thought of Athens, but it got thrown in by TripPlanner as a free stopover), the modern architectural marvel of Dubai, and a stop in Bangkok which you could turn into a beach sojourn in a quiet part of Thailand. Getting home again could see you explore parts of east coast Australia and New Zealand before soaking up the San Francisco Bay atmosphere.

If you’re looking for variety, think big. Nobody says you have to stop at the biggest or most well-known cities. Many standard routes would head to London or Frankfurt rather than Barcelona, but why not head straight to the cities that really interest you most?

Crater Lake National Park, Oregon

A Not-Overdoing-It Route: Don’t Squeeze the Whole World In

New York — Moscow — Singapore — Tokyo — Honolulu — Vancouver — Seattle — New York

Too much variety can be too much of a good thing. This route’s cheapest variant comes out at around $2,500, and I picked it using a handful of cities that have really interested me of late. Singapore and Seattle were free extras thrown in by the system — places where these routes would make stopovers anyway — but Moscow, Tokyo, Honolulu and Vancouver make to me a fascinating and relaxing vacation which also doesn’t need to last more than a few weeks.

A Cheap Route: Cheap Fare, Cheap Living Costs

New York — Shanghai — Bangkok — Delhi — Amsterdam — New York

For just over $2,000, you can get around the world with a few stops in the cheaper parts of Asia and one of the slightly less expensive cities of Europe. If you spend most of your trip in China, Thailand and India, or other areas of south-east Asia where living and traveling expenses are relatively low, you’ll have enough cash to enjoy a European stopover like Amsterdam on your way home.

A Summer Route: Don’t Pack A Coat

New York — London — Vienna — Hong Kong — Bangkok — Singapore — Perth — Melbourne — Christchurch (NZ) — Auckland (NZ) — Los Angeles — New York

This gets trickier, and we’re talking about a longer trip, nine months or a year. Say we start in New York in April — that’s spring in the northern hemisphere. Head to Europe for the northern summer. As the seasons change, enjoy the eternal warmth of tropical Asia, then when the southern hemisphere summer begins in December, head to Australia and New Zealand for a few months. Summer all the way, and you’ll have really cut back on your clothes packing by avoiding cold weather. But for a relatively reasonable $3,500, you’ve really seen a lot of the world in your shorts and T-shirt.

Sunset Balloon Flight, Germany

A Quick Route: Around the World in Much Less Than 80 Days

New York — Paris — Dubai — Hong Kong — Los Angeles — New York

While this is not really my style of traveling, I still think that giving someone the chance to see some very different corners of the globe, even if it’s only for a short time, is better than staying at home. You get the romance of Europe typified in Paris, a stopover in Dubai and an easy Asian thrill in Hong Kong, starting from around $2,200. This is the kind of route you could fit into a two-week vacation. I’m not recommending it, but if you can’t get any more time off, then it’s a viable alternative.

An Eccentric Route: Writer’s Choice

New York — Miami — Lima — Mexico City — Los Angeles — Tahiti — Auckland — Sydney — Ho Chi Minh City — Singapore — Mumbai — Delhi — Moscow — Frankfurt — Madrid — Casablanca — London — New York

Like I said: go wild. This is the ultimate RTW route I’d take if money was no object (it comes in at around $5,000). I’ve still chosen it with relative care about which connections are sensible, so that I don’t spend half of a year away sitting at airports.

Lessons From Itinerary Planning

If you sit down to plan your own round the world itinerary, be prepared to spend a reasonable amount of time at it. Over the years, I’ve looked at so many different routes — and thank goodness that the marvels of the internet makes this easy to do without the help of travel agents, who would never be patient with all my questions and ideas — that I have a good idea of the various routes that exist the world over. As you practice, you’ll get the hang of it too, and soon work out that getting in and out of South America is tricky and usually expensive, whereas hopping around Asia is usually relatively cheap.

Of all the possible travel planning you can do, designing a round-the-world itinerary of flights is probably one of the most enjoyable. Open yourself up to the millions of possibilities that exist. Take your time to play and adjust your route to see what else you can squeeze out of it — a few dollars saved, or an exciting stopover added. Enjoy your RTW planning, and then make sure you tell us about it so we can share the excitement a bit too.

Love those suggestions! I spend many-a-bored moment at work working and reworking RTW itineraries on LOL. Good day dream tool, to be sure.

cool article. Because of the nature of RTW flights you can also fit in some really great destination that would otherwise cost a lot of money on single trips, like Svalbard and Easter Island.

Definitely agree with you there, Mark. And hopefully now and again we can turn some of those daydreams into reality. Which of course leads to a whole host of other places we want to visit and more dream itineraries and …

After visiting Southeast Asia, I would definitely recommend replacing Singapore with Bangkok for anyone looking for a cultural experience. Not to mention it is way cheaper. Also, you briefly mentioned that South America can be expensive. How much more should you plan on spending to get there? Technically you are going AROUND the world in those scenarios, but you’re skipping an entire continent. I’ve never been there, but it seems worth seeing. Was there any more motive behind skipping SA, or is it simply just the cost?

Hi Dave, That’s true, I only headed to South America in that very last itinerary (the “dream” one at around $5,000) and the only reason it didn’t feature in other itineraries is the cost. For me it’s more practical as a destination where you head there and back, rather than try to include it on a RTW, unless it’s a really long trip and time/money aren’t so much of an object. Don’t get me wrong, there are a million reasons to get to South America!

I have enjoyed reading your articles and postings about RTW travel. My wife and I, cafe owners on the east coast of the US are in our 40’s-50’s are are hoping to take a long (2-3 year) trip around the world which would take us to a large number of destinations. What we are trying to understand and figure out is this: if, for instance you wanted to go to Europe and see England, Ireland, Scotland and then Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Croatia, Greece and on to Turkey what do you do regarding flights? Do you fly from country to country and use trains/buses/cars to get around to places within the country? Do you fly into one place, rent a car or use trains, and travel to many spots before flying out of another country? How do you think of those issues? Do you establish a base or travel from place to place?

You best and cheapest travel method in Europe is over land, via train. I’d recommend flying into a major city and branching out from there…Ireland and England can be visited via boat. It’s really a matter of time vs money. Perhaps you have both?

I like the “eclectic” itenerary with a few exceptions/additions. Can you give me some advice regarding adding Tanzania/Serengeti, Bhutan, Turkey? How much time would you allow for the trip as a whole, or for your trip? What would be a reasonable expectation of total cost?

Great ideas! How does this route sound:

Boston – Rio de Janeiro – Marrakesh – Paris – London – Edinburgh – Amalfi Coast (or Cinque Terre) – Dubai – Varanasi – Hong Kong – Los Angeles – Boston

It comes in at around $4000, so I’d be saving up for a while. I’m planning on doing this sort of thing my whole life, where I save 15% of my salary each year for travel. So, is there anything on this list that I should save for later, rather than stay for 2-3 weeks (which I plan to do for the RTW)?

Changed: (Parentheses are for the number of days I’d spend there.) This one isn’t definite, yet.

Boston – Edinburgh(5) – London(3) – Paris(5) – Malta(10) – Marrakesh(7) – Dubai(10) – Hong Kong(10) – Los Angeles(5) – Rio de Janeiro(12) – Boston

This route comes in at $3796 to $5200 an it’ll take a little over 2 months to travel. It might be just me, but I don’t think there’s enough variety, since Marrakesh and Dubai are together; LA and Rio are together; and so are Edinburgh and London. Anything I should add/subtract? I travel for any purpose. It can be exciting and adventurous or relaxing.

I’m not really definite on Malta, because I wanna add some Italy, but Malta is the cheapest for travel and a lot of people say they prefer it to the Amalfi Coast and Capri. And then for Edinburgh, I’m not really into haunted castles, but it seems like a cool place other than that.

i don’t know about this – but i for one wanted to do – SA (5) – Brazil (4) – lima (6) – Rio (5) – and after that i get lost because i want to fit in Spain (5) – Greece (6) – Turkey (6) – Jordan (4) – Russia (8) – trans siberian train (5) – and then even worse is i want to do cambodia (5) and vietnam (5) about 65 days – you think its too far fetched or is it possible within these many days – i am also wondering how these RTW flights be possible.

About to retire at age 72, still workout every day, am planning on a one year vacation as follows: September -mid December: NYC-Panama City-Guayaquil- Galapagos-Lima-(Have already spent two years in South Pacific-Aus-NZ) South Africa (3 weeks including Safari)- Morrocco-Brussels. THEN RT Brussels-Florida for the winter and to see family. Mid- March back to Brussels- 2 months rail Europe- Turkey-Dubai-Mumbai-Chiang Mai-Myanmar- Seoul- Tokyo- Vancouver and home in July for rest of summer (Have already visited China 4 times and Indian Golden Triangle, Thailand, and Vietnam/Cambodia) Would appreciate thoughts from anyone who has bothered to read thru all this.

Peter, I noticed in reading your post that you wrote December, 2013, yet mentioned getting ready to travel September so my thoughts are that should be preparing to go in the next couple of months or so. Is that right.

Then you mention stopping in Florida for family. I was interested because I too am just sort of retiring (run a small sole agent travel business) and would like to keep my hand in travel through a web blog while moving around the world.

Will you be traveling alone and have you researched that or have you done much of solo traveling before. If you are expecting to stop by Florida sometime in the future, and will have started a RTW, I would love to chat with you more.

Possibly you could return and email to me at [email protected] and we could chat. Thanks, Saundra

Thanks for a comprehensive list of itineraries, my wife and I did a RTW trip 10 years ago with Russia and Egypt NYC Canada and so much more. We need do it again but with 2 little ladies from Perth WA! Need to include NZ, Disney land, LA? London, ooh maybe India and China? Better still we could pop over for a cuppa and discuss?

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kate storm in san juan del sur on a 6 month round the world trip

How Our 6 Month Round The World Trip Changed Our Lives (+ Tips!)

Considering a 6 month round the world trip soon? We’ve been there!

I originally published this blog post in early 2016, on the cusp of starting what we then believed to be a 6 month RTW adventure that would see us backpacking parts of Europe, Southeast Asia, and South America.

Fast forward 7 years, and it turns out that 6 months of backpacking the world turned into a full-time travel lifestyle that has spanned more than 50 countries and counting, entirely reshaping our lives along the way.

Our travels have truly been beyond our wildest dreams.

The decision to go backpacking for 6 months eventually led to us camping in the Sahara , learning to scuba dive in Thailand , climbing a volcano in Guatemala , traveling overland from Mexico City to Bocas del Toro, Panama, visiting most European countries, road-tripping on several continents, and spending a month or more basing ourselves in cities as diverse as Rome , Istanbul , and Cape Town .

kate storm jeremy storm and ranger storm on a balcony overlooking matera on a southern italy itinerary

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Eventually, we spent a year living in Lisbon, Portugal, and racked up enough long trips to Italy that we can say we’ve spent a year each there, too.

Oh, and we added our dog Ranger to our pack, and who also travels with us now!

For posterity (and, okay, primarily for my own nostalgia), I’ve saved our original post announcing our intention to go backpacking here, complete with all of the excitement, nerves, and anticipation that bleeds through it.

Toward the end of this post, though, I’ll share a little more about where we are now–as well as a few important things we would have done differently when planning a RTW trip if we knew in 2016 what we know now.

Table of Contents

Our Original 6 Month RTW Trip Announcement

What actually happened on our 6 month round the world trip, what we would have done differently, planning a trip.

kate storm and jeremy storm with two elephants bathing them in thailand when backpacking the world

I have written and deleted and rewritten the opening paragraph of this post at least a dozen times.

It appears that the words just aren’t going to come out right on this subject, but I am so ready to have them out there that I’m just going to have to settle for adequate ones.

Jeremy and I are leaving in May for a 6 month round the world trip.

In the internet world, this is not a big deal.

In our world, it is an enormous upheaval of our entire lives and everything that we thought they would be at this point, and it is an epic adventure.

kate storm and jeremy storm riding camels when camping in wadi rum jordan

In mid-2015, we found ourselves growing more and more discontent: with our jobs, with the beautiful house we had bought less than a year before, with our city, with the entire 8-to-5, double-income, double-commute, spend-the-weekend-recovering-from-the-work-week-while-also-squeezing-in-all-your-chores life.

We had already discussed and decided that we would work toward early financial independence from biweekly paychecks (I know, this trip is not exactly moving that goal forward, but hey–we’re not perfect).

Still, though: that was a long, long way away.

Several (for now theoretical) kids away. A lot of gray hairs away. And way, way too many congested commutes away.

Kate Storm and Jeremy Storm spinning together on a beach in Tayrona National Park Colombia. Be sure to bring sunglasses and a dress

We needed out. We needed gone. We needed a whole new lifestyle.

We needed (and yes, this is hopefully the corniest line I’ll ever type), an escape clause from the contract we had apparently signed after college graduation with suburban, corporate America.

From there, we started to discuss seriously: if we were going to redesign our lives, what would they look like?

Kids were a major theme for the future, but we knew that wasn’t a path we were in a hurry for.

Downsizing was a big one: what in the world were we thinking, buying a 2600 square foot house on a tiny lot that made us feel like we were drowning in space inside and claustrophobic outside?

Seriously, that decision now feels utterly insane.

kate storm and jeremy storm hiking on glacier, one of the best things to do iceland

Moving away from San Antonio was also a repeated idea–when we moved there right after Jeremy graduated college, we agreed to give it two years.

We love the food (breakfast tacos, TexMex, and kolaches are all pieces of heaven), but the city feel and heavy traffic was not for us.

2023 Update: turns out we absolutely adore cities, the bigger and more complex the better (spoiler: we very happily moved to New York City of all places). We just don’t like commuting in cities or living in car-dependent neighborhoods!

kate storm and ranger storm in central park new york city with skyscrapers in the background

On top of that, of course, was our big, seemingly unattainable dream: travel.

Long term travel , the kind with a one-way plane ticket and plenty of time to wander as we please.

The type of travel that came with a loose itinerary, and the ability to make plans and decisions along the way.

Adding all this up, we cobbled together the vague idea of a plan: since we knew we wanted to leave San Antonio , we would sell our house.

Assuming that went well, we would take advantage of this transition period and leave on a round the world trip for 6 months.

After wrapping that up, we would return home and decide on our next chapter.

Moving back to our hometown is on the shortlist, but frankly, we’re a little gun-shy about making hardline predictions about our future at the moment.

Jeremy Storm jumping into Cenote Azul Playa del Carmen

After all of the discussing and what-iffing, the doing… well, the doing went exceptionally fast. Our house was under contract less than 2 months after putting it on the market.

Our first few destinations ( Spain , Italy , Morocco ) are outlined, with plane tickets purchased and some accommodation arranged.

I have triple and quadruple-checked our budget, and we are squeezing every last penny we can into it while also holding our breaths and hoping the money lasts as long as we hope that it does.

Now, we prepare, prepare, prepare–and wait (oh, okay, and go on an awesome 2 week road trip to Savannah , Charleston , and Atlantic Beach, North Carolina ). 

Kate Storm in a black dress walking away from the camera along Jones Steet in Savannah GA, with several American flags hanging from homes on the right side of the photo

It took less than a month for our carefully-organized (read: obsessively overplanned) 6 month backpacking itinerary to veer wildly off course.

Years later, I can still remember the decision like it was yesterday.

Rather than double-back from the blue city of Chefchaouen, Morocco to Fez, where a pre-paid Ryanair flight was ready to whisk us off to… Milan ? Venice ? (I honestly can’t remember which), we decided to extend our stay in Chefchaouen once.

And then twice.

After almost 2 weeks in Morocco and nearly a month of traveling at a breakneck pace, we were already exhausted.

The prospect of the long, hot, bumpy bus ride back was just too unappealing for words.

jeremy storm riding a camel on a sahara desert tour in morocco during a backpacking 6 month round the world trip

Instead, we stuck around Chefchaouen for a while, and then headed to Tangier and hopped a ferry back to Spain, where we promptly fell in love with both the town of Tarifa and the joy of traveling spontaneously.

And, sure, yes, we lost one of our debit cards in Tarifa, only took about 10 photos of our entire week-long stay there, and one of my clearest memories of our stay is rejoicing upon finding an Old El Paso taco kit in the grocery store (our homesickness for TexMex never went away).

Importantly, though, the electrifying feeling of freedom and opportunity also sunk in during our time in southern Spain.

Here’s what our 6 month RTW trip ended up looking like:

6 Month Around the World Trip Itinerary

Spain ( Madrid , Toledo , Tarifa), Italy ( Bolzano , Lucca , Florence , Volterra , Pisa, Monterosso al Mare ), Morocco ( Marrakech , Erg Chebbi, Tinghir, Air Benhaddou, Fez, Chefchaouen).

Kate Storm in a black sundress standing inside the Mercato Centrale, a must-see stop during your 2 day Florence itinerary

Spain (Tarifa, Seville ), Italy ( Milan , Trieste), Slovenia ( Piran , Mojstrana, Triglav National Park, Bled, Lake Bohinj, Ljubljana), Croatia ( Split )

Croatia (Split, Hvar , Dubrovnik ), Bosnia and Herzegovina ( Mostar , Sarajevo ), Thailand ( Bangkok , Koh Tao )

Thailand (Bangkok, Koh Tao, Chiang Mai ), Laos (Luang Prabang, Vang Vieng, Vientiane ), Cambodia (Phnom Penh, Koh Rong )

kate storm jeremy storm in front of a temple at angkor wat cambodia

Cambodia (Koh Rong, Siem Reap )… and then the USA.

Yep, after all that careful planning, we ended up not only making it to South America in our first six months of travel (that actually wouldn’t end up happening until early 2018, when we spent a month in Colombia ), but we also took a break before six months was even up.

As it turns out, planning that far into the future wasn’t our strong suit–and still isn’t.

We ended up spending a couple of months at home with family, and then a few days after Thanksgiving, boarding a flight to Mexico City that would end up turning into our six-month adventure of backpacking overland from Mexico City to Bocas del Toro, Panama –which just about brought us to the one-year mark of full-time travel.

kate storm and jeremy storm in front of volcan de acatenango as a volcano erupts in the background

After Our First Year of Full-Time Travel…

How we pulled off the next six years and counting is mostly a story for another day (hint: travel blogging is a big part of it, and is now our sole income source).

But, we ended up staying fully nomadic until mid-2020 when the global crisis finally caused us to (temporarily) hang up our bags.

At that point, we headed back to the Lone Star State and spent a year rebuilding our business while based in Austin (2020-2021), and then moved to Lisbon, Portugal for a bit over a year (2021-2022).

As of 2023, we are happily based in NYC (for now?) and continue to travel far and wide in our pursuit of living our personal versions of a deeply fulfilling life.

kate storm and jeremy storm sitting on a wall overlooking lisbon portugal

Overall, we are beyond thrilled with how our decision to go backpacking for 6 months turned out, even and possibly especially because we never could have predicted it!

That being said, we were still fairly novice travelers when we kicked off our RTW trip, and we certainly made plenty of mistakes along the way ( getting scammed in Marrakech is one memorable one).

Looking back, here’s what I would tell our ambitious, mid-twenties selves before they got started traveling the world.

Kate Storm and Jeremy Storm at Monte Alban in Oaxaca Mexico--exploring lots of ruins like this is one of our top tips for traveling to Mexico!

Don’t plan too far in advance.

It took less than a month for our carefully-planned 6 month travel itinerary to fly out the window.

Today, we wouldn’t recommend putting money down on anything more than a couple of weeks in advance, unless it’s a bucket list experience that you’re planning your trip around, like a festival.

kate storm overlooking the coast while hiking lions head cape town

Be open to changing your itinerary.

Did we end up not getting around to a lot of things we planned to do on our RTW trip?

Most definitely–for example, we still haven’t been to Malaysia, Ecuador, or Vietnam!

Instead, we ended up with a lot of unforgettable experiences that never even occurred to us before we started traveling, such as scuba diving in Mozambique and chasing waterfalls in Chiapas .

kate storm in the sand dunes of vilanculos mozambique during a life of travel lifestyle

Get rid of more than you think you should.

When we initially sold our house and got rid of most of our belongings, we absolutely did not get rid of enough.

Objectively, we didn’t keep a ton, but going through the boxes years later, it’s laughable what we thought we needed.

At this point, we’ve actually gotten rid of (almost) everything and furnished places from scratch 3 times (not including our pre-travel lives), and each time the “to keep” pile gets smaller.

If you’re planning an open-ended trip, especially if you’re paying for storage, keep only what is nostalgic or entirely practical.

kate storm standing in front of the blue mosque, one of the best things to do in istanbul turkey

Take more photos than you think.

During the last 7 years, photography has gone from something we use to remember our trips by to a component of our business, and as such we have an absurd amount of photos… but often not the ones we would like.

Take photos of scenery, yes, but make sure to put yourself in some of them, too.

Even if you don’t like how you look at the time, the years have a way of softening edges and turning a photo you were critical of yourself in into a priceless snapshot of your happiness at the time.

I also wish we had more photos of temporal things like bustling markets, restaurant meals, and dogs and people we met along the way.

Those photos don’t seem as valuable at the time, but they tend to grow in sentimental value with the years in a way that standard scenery photos don’t.

kate storm and jeremy storm at the grand palace in bangkok during a 6 month round the world backpacking trip

Buy a few souvenirs.

Because of the very nature of backpacking the world for six months, we bought shockingly few souvenirs during our first year abroad.

While we still consider ourselves minimalists and don’t necessarily recommend buying things in every destination, I wish we had a few more physical items to remember our adventures by.

We have exactly two surviving souvenirs from our first year: a carved elephant from Thailand and a vase from Nicaragua.

Were they impractical to carry? Yes. But we deeply cherish them both.

kate storm and jeremy storm taking a selfie in antigua guatemala when traveling guatemala on a budget

Say yes more than no.

Just a couple of months into our 6 month round the world trip, we visited Krka National Park in Croatia.

At the time, you could swim in the waterfalls there–but we were tired from a long day of travels and didn’t like the idea of riding the bus back to Split damp, so we passed.

Fast forward several years, and you can no longer swim in the falls.

I wish we would have said yes.

Most travelers who stick with it long enough have an anecdote or two like that–and the bottom line is, with the exception of incredibly dangerous things, people regret saying no a lot longer than they regret saying yes.

people swimming in waterfalls croatia krka vs plitvice national park

Pack less than you think.

Oh, how we agonized over our packing list!

From clothes to travel gear, we spent weeks checking and double-checking what we needed, trying to anticipate what we would want or wear, and making sure we wouldn’t run out of anything.

Honestly, we should’ve spent about 10% of the energy on it than we did.

It simply does not matter nearly as much as many travelers, us included, think it does before they set off.

The exceptions?

Prescription medication, and high-quality essentials that might be a pain or expensive to source abroad (like your backpack, camera, or hiking boots).

When it comes to things like t-shirts, drugstore shampoo, or flip-flops, though, you’ll find them for sale just about everywhere relevant.

Kate Storm waiting for a train on a platform in Luxembourg, as part of a travel Europe by train adventure across Europe

Keep a journal.

travel the world itinerary

I absolutely adore it and desperately wish I had kept a travel journal of some kind during that first 6 month round the world trip.

At the time, I thought blogging would be more than enough writing, but sharing RTW travel advice, or even stories, is simply not the same as notes you keep only for yourself.

kate storm and jeremy storm in front of great pyramid giza

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About Kate Storm

Image of the author, Kate Storm

In May 2016, I left my suburban life in the USA and became a full-time traveler. Since then, I have visited 50+ countries on 5 continents and lived in Portugal, developing a special love of traveling in Europe (especially Italy) along the way. Today, along with my husband Jeremy and dog Ranger, I’m working toward my eventual goal of splitting my life between Europe and the USA.

8 thoughts on “How Our 6 Month Round The World Trip Changed Our Lives (+ Tips!)”

Best wishes for an awesome trip! I’ve done my traveling slowly, too, but in chunks – unlike you, I wasn’t smart enough to realize how badly I needed to see the world before I had three kids! Lucky for them, they got dragged around on a bunch of those trips, and now they have the itch themselves. Not sure if your RTW trip will take you places I have or haven’t been, but I look forward to seeing where you go.

Thank you! We are so excited–less than a week to go until departure now!

I think it’s awesome that your kids have had a chance to travel extensively too–we sure hope to do the same, but they certainly throw a huge wrench into things like 6 month adventures.

Happy travels!

So excited to find your blog!! I’ve always dreamed of traveling & so regret not doing what you guys did– taking months, even years, to see the world before kife, work, chires, marriage, kids made it seem so daubting & impractical. I had the bug early & at least was able to spend 3 months livong in Oaxaca Mexico before grad school started. Anyway—NOW way latter, separated, in my early 50’s and still raising my 14 year old son, I’m trying to make a plan–if it’s possible, for he & I to do some traveling. I am permanently disabled from my career so recieve a modest but stable check. Every month. Our plan of moving accross country in a couple years could be the time to put what little we keep in storage & go. He may finish school early at 16 or finish doing alternative on- line school. What are some of your best ideas to save money traveli g through Europe? Wether we do months at a time or 3 or 4 week trios then return….any udeas would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you so much, Ann! So glad you have found our site inspiring.

For our best Europe travel tips, including on budgeting, I recommend looking here:

If you search “budget” or “trip cost” in our search bar, you’ll also find write-ups on budgeting in several destinations in Europe, including Slovenia, Croatia, Ireland, and Italy.

Hope you and your son have a chance to hit the road soon!

Do you have a blog post about your dos and donts for packing for a trip like this?!

I actually don’t! It’s on my list of things to write eventually, but my biggest advice is not to stress too much about it and to budget a bit for some clothes/accessories along the way (I still have very fond memories of my elephant romper from Thailand!)

If you search “Central America Packing List” on our website, I wrote that list during our nomadic backpacking days and it’s pretty close to what we carried for the first couple of years. We also have some general Europe packing lists that cover the bases on some of our favorite travel gear that comes with us everywhere (our current favorite anti-theft daybag, etc.)

Love your blog! My husband and I are planning to tour the world soon! Would love to connect with you on this! Thanks

That’s so exciting! We’re always happy to answer a few questions for travelers as they plan. 🙂 Good luck with your adventures!!

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The Passport Kids

Adventure Family Travel

Trip Around the World Itinerary

In: Best Family Travel , Full Time Travel by Nicole Last Updated: June 23, 2021

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Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

Our family left Canada on a trip around the world . So many great memories and experiences shared as a family. Exploring new places, going back to a few familiar spots, visiting family and making new friends. A journey of a lifetime that our family will cherish forever.

Early on in the trip, I found it difficult to keep up with the blogging about all the places we were going to on our RTW trip; the choice came down to either blogging or enjoying the moments with my husband and kids. From the lack of blog posts, you can see I choose to enjoy the moments! So as we get settled (somewhat) into a regular life I hope to share all our stories and update the below Trip Around the World Itinerary .

In case you didn’t follow us from the beginning, here is our Ultimate Around the World Itinerary .

If you are wondering what travel gear we brought and what we packed go check out our long term travel packing checklist !

United Kingdom – July 1 – 7

  • London  – 5 nights
  • Cambridge – 2 nights

5 Days in London with Kids. Find out the Top 8 picks of fun things to do in London with your family. A 5 day London itinerary with kids, including Buckingham Palace, London Eye, Big Ben, Princess Diana Memorial Playground, South Bank and more. Make your London family trip planning easy! #london #londonkids #londoneye #buckinghampalace #southbank #wimbledon

France – July 7 – 23

  • Biarritz   – 14 nights
  • Toulouse – 2 nights

travel the world itinerary

Spain – July 20

  • San Sebastian – 1 day

Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

Croatia – July 23 – August 9

Find out more details about our 16 days in Croatia with our itinerary here!

  • Dubrovnik – 5 nights
  • Split – 7 nights
  • Hvar Island – 1 day
  • Brac Island – 1 day
  • Trogir – 1 day
  • Krka National Park – 1 day
  • Plitvice National Park – 3 nights * Where we stayed in Plitvice National Park, Croatia

travel the world itinerary

Italy – August 9 – 23

  • Rome – 3 nights
  • Civitanova del Sannio – 11 nights

Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

Vatican – August 10

  • Vatican City – 1 day

Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

Czech Republic – August 23 – 26

  • Prague – 3 nights * Where we stayed in Prague, Czech Republic

Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

Austria – August 26 – 29

  • Vienna – 3 nights * Where we stayed in Vienna, Austria

Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

Hungary – August 29 – Sep 1

  • Budapest – 3 nights * Where we stayed in Budapest, Hungary

Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

Malta – September 1-14

Find out all the things we did in Malta here!

  • Bugibba – 14 nights
  • Gozo – 1 day
  • Valletta – 1 day
  • Golden Bay – 1 day
  • Blue Lagoon – 1 day

Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

Bulgaria – September 14 – 17

  • Sofia – 3 nights

Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

United Arab Emirates – September 17 – 28

  • Dubai – 5 nights * Where we stayed in Dubai, UAE
  • Arabian Desert – 2 nights * Where we stayed for our Desert Safari
  • Abu Dhabi – 4 nights * Where we stayed for 3 nights & Where we stayed for 1 night

Going to Dubai or Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates and looking for more info on which desert safari is best for families. Here is all the info you need to know about things to do on a Dubai desert safari with kids including: camel riding, sand dunes, sandboarding, evening safari, dune bashing, henna tattoos, belly dancing, camel farm and so much more . Easy, safe, and fun experiences for your next family holiday to UAE. #desertsafari #dubai #uae #abudhabi #camelriding #sandboarding

South Africa  – September 28 – October 17

  • Cape Town – 12 nights
  • Ndabushi Safari Lodge – 4 nights * Where we stayed for this African Safari
  • Kambaku Safari Lodge – 2 nights * Where we stayed for this African Safari

Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

Vietnam – October 18 – November 16

Check out our 4-week Vietnam Itinerary here!

  • Ho Chi Minh City – 5 nights
  • Hanoi – 4 nights
  • Halong Bay – 2 nights
  • Hue – 3 nights
  • Hoi An – 2 nights
  • Da Nang – 1 night
  • Mekong Delta – 2 nights
  • Phu Quoc Island – 10 nights

Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

Singapore – November 16 – 19

  • Singapore – 3 nights

Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

Malaysia – November 19 – December 3

  • Langkawi Island – 14 nights

Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

Indonesia – December 3 – 29

  • Sanur, Bali – 26 nights
  • Ubud – 1 day
  • Kuta – 2 days
  • Seminyak – 1 day

Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

Thailand – December 29 – February 18

  • Bangkok – 8 nights * Where we stayed in Bangkok
  • Kamala Beach- 20 nights * Where we stayed in Kamala
  • Karon Beach – 9 nights * Where we stayed in Karon
  • Phi Phi Islands – 5 nights
  • Krabi – 8 nights

Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

Cambodia – February 18 – 23

  • Siem Reap – 4 nights

Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

Australia – February 23 – March 28

Check out our full post for all the details on our 4 weeks in Australia!

  • Gold Coast – 5 nights
  • Hervey Bay – 1 night
  • Fraser Island – 2 nights
  • Sunshine Coast – 3 nights
  • Whitsundays – 1 day
  • Great Barrier Reef – 1 day
  • Melbourne – 3 nights
  • Lorne * Where we stayed in Lorne
  • Apollo Bay * Where we stayed in Apollo Bay
  • Port Campbell * Where we stayed in Port Campbell
  • Torquay * Where we stayed in Torquay
  • Bondi Beach – 4 nights
  • Sydney – 4 nights * Where we stayed in Sydney Harbour

Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

Vanuatu – April 2

  • Vanuatu – 1 day
  • Lifou, Loyalty Island – 1 day
  • Noumea, New Caledonia – 1 day

Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

New Zealand – April 9 – May 13

  • 33-Day Campervan Trip – 1 Month South Island & North Island Itinerary
  • Christchurch – 1 night
  • Lake Pukaki – 1 night
  • Mount Cook – 1 night
  • Wanaka – 2 nights
  • Queenstown – 3 nights
  • Milford Sound – 1 night
  • Fox Glacier – 1 night
  • Motuek – 3 nights
  • Nelson – 1 night
  • Picton – 1 night
  • Wellington – 1 night
  • Greytown – 2 nights
  • Taupo – 1 night
  • Rotorua – 2 nights
  • Waitomo – 1 night
  • Hobbiton – 1 day
  • Coromandel Penisula – 3 nights
  • Russell – 3 nights
  • Orewa – 1 night
  • Auckland – 2 nights

travel the world itinerary

United States  of America – May 13 – June 1

  • Houston, Texas – 19 nights

travel the world itinerary

Canada – June 1 – July 1

  • We visited more places in Saskatchewan and spent the summer boating and enjoying lake life on the prairies.

RTW Travel Facts & Numbers:

  • International Travel Dates – July 1, 2017 – June 1, 2018
  • Countries Visited – 23
  • Cities Visited – 81
  • North America
  • Days Out of Canada – 336 days
  • UNESCO sites – 28
  • Flights – 37
  • Ferries – 7
  • Trains – 4
  • Car Rentals – 4
  • Cruises – 2
  • Campervan Rentals – 1
  • Taxi/Uber/TukTuk/Trams/etc – Too many to count
  • Apartment Rental – 154
  • Hotel/Resort – 82
  • Campervan – 33
  • Family & Friends – 32
  • Boats – 13
  • Safari – 6
  • Planes – 5
  • Cabin/Cottage – 8
  • Hostel – 3
  • Broken Glasses – 2
  • Worn-out Shoes & Sandles – 10
  • Teeth Lost – 3
  • Haircuts – 16
  • Lost Wallet – 1
  • Lost Luggage – 0
  • Total Avg Weight Luggage – 62kg / 137lbs

Around the World Itinerary Planning Tips

The toughest part for me was when I started to plan the trip and how to travel around the world . I didn’t know anyone that had done an around the world trip before. I had no idea where to start and how to plan a trip around the world ,  so hopefully, a few tips below can get you started on the world trip planning!

  • Check out our Pre Travel Checklist of Things to do Before Travelling for a Year!
  • Set some clear expectations on what you want to get out of your trip around the world . We outlined what we thought would be our world trip success here before we left so we always looked back to make sure our trip was aligned with these trip goals.
  • Being from Canada we knew we wanted to follow the sun and stay in warm climates ! This also helped with packing for a year too. So we spent a significant amount of time in Southeast Asia, both for the temperatures and also the cost helped stretch our budget for a year.
  • We looked into RTW tickets (round the world flights) and we found they would have been cheaper if we knew what our exact route was going to be. But, we wanted to have the freedom of planning out our destinations 4-6 weeks out ahead of time.
  • We also were open-minded about if we needed to come back for any reason we would have only lost money for accommodations and flights for approximately 6 weeks. 
  • We found that three days in major city centers were the right amount of time for us. This would give us 2 full days of sightseeing and also helped with the budget since bigger cities generally cost more money.
  • We found it useful to sometimes book half-day tours or day tours to be able to see more within that timeframe and help with taking some planning away from us. We used Get Your Guide and Viator to book these tours and get some ideas. 

Subscribe Passport Kids

  • We really wanted to go to South America to reach our 6th continent on the trip, we researched into it a lot but we had a budget set aside for the trip and this was not going to fit it. So we decided that we could spend a month in New Zealand to extend our trip. We had to make adjustments with closer flights to keep on track with the budget. We generally used Skyscanner to help us search for destinations and compare flights to different locations with this tool.
  • Staying longer in places was just simply cheaper, so if you can travel slower you will be able to save more money and travel longer.
  • We used and stayed in VRBO for most of our accommodations and overall were happy with the places we stayed at. This provided us with a home away from home feel that we needed since being away for so long. We stayed at Apartments for over 200+ nights.
  • A general guiding rule we had was anything less than 3 nights we would stay in a hotel. We used mostly to book our hotel rooms. 
  • Be sure to have travel insurance for your RTW trip, we used World Nomads and were extremely happy with their services. We had to extend our coverage to the United States (as that was not originally part of the plan), and making the changes with World Nomads was extremely easy! You can read our ENTIRE review of the family travel insurance in this post here.
  • Schooling for kids was a big item for us to sort out. I worked through the kid’s school plans for our world trip in detail and outlined their world school program here .
  • Pre-planning for this trip around the world took approximately 1 year to put everything together and prepare to be gone from our regular life.
  • Although the saving for the trip took a lot longer, you can check out more details on how we saved for the trip . 
  • We started itinerary planning for our world travel with our family bucket list and mapped out the tentative travel routes with the months of the year.
  • The first destination on our around the world trip we chose was London. This was to help transition our kids into travelling full-time and ease their way into it with the same language, adjust to different time zone and slowly get our kids into the rhythm.
  • Don’t take anything for granted! Be in the moment and truly enjoy you are going to travel around the world!  This was my dream and I learned so much by travelling with my kids and this was our tour of the world together!

Looking for more inspiration? Check out some of our favourite family travel quotes here !

Trip Around the World Itinerary - with a family! Find out all the places for an around the world trip itinerary for 1 year of fulltime travel. 23 Countries, 5 continents and over 80 cities! Includes some planning tips, info, lessons learned and help to start planning your trip around the world with your kids. #rtw #tripitinerary #fulltimetravel #familytravel #worldtrip

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travel the world itinerary

June 3, 2018 at 11:56 pm

Wow! What a journey! It is a lifetime experience for the kids for sure! Interesting to know what were their favourite places and the most memorable moments of the trip.

The Passport Kids says

June 9, 2018 at 8:31 am

Hi Nat – An amazing lifetime experience for our entire family. Everyone has their favourite or special moments it is tough to pick just one. I think for me it had to be the safari in South Africa… it was everything that I imagine and more. Just so different than anything like our typical lives in Canada and I am a wilderness gal :) I am going to be getting more blog posts up about our trip now that we are getting back to a “regular” type life and we will share more about our moments! Thanks for following along!

Kuheli says

September 28, 2018 at 8:19 pm

Such a leap of faith to do this. And I am glad you chose not to blog while on the trip and just experience it. A year of travel is a lifetime of experiences. Please do let me know what’s the best age to do this. My son is 3 and I would love to do if not a year then 6 months of travel.

October 13, 2018 at 8:36 pm

Thanks so much for the support and understanding. To me, it was about enjoying the moments… I won’t ever get those moments back and will never regret that decision. To be honest, any age is the best age. I think it would be different experiences with every age, the most important part is really to just go and do it! You’ll know in your heart when the right time is, but regardless spending time with your son and exploring the world will be remarkable! Best of luck and please let me know when you go! I would love to hear when and where :)

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Round The World Airline Tickets

Fly rtw with one world member airlines.

one world's Round The World tickets give you unprecedented access to hundreds of destinations in 170 territories. We offer three types of Round The World trips:

one world Explorer: a continent-based fare,

Global Explorer: a distance-based fare,

Circle Pacific: an inter-continental journey to explore continents that border the Pacific Ocean.

Where to first? The whole wide world is waiting for your Round The World trip.

Skyscrapers behind a clear blue sky in Doha, Qatar.

one world Explorer

Continent-Based Air Travel

No matter where business or pleasure takes you,  one world's vast network means your Round The World trip via  one world Explorer fare makes it easy to travel from city to city, and continent to continent. And, for every dot you connect, you earn more miles and points to spend across the  one world Alliance.

A view of a palm tree on the beach, overlooking the ocean with a vibrant sunset sky.

Global Explorer

Distance-Based Air Travel

For an even wider choice of where to travel, book your Round The World trip via Global Explorer, which grants you access to an even more extensive list of airlines, including Aer Lingus, Bangkok Airways,  one world  connect   partner  Fiji Airways , Jetstar, Jetstar Asia, Jetstar Japan, Jetstar Pacific, WestJet, and  Qantas  code-share flights operated by Air Tahiti Nui.

A mountain peak with a blue sky behind it.

Circle Pacific

Multi-Continent Air Travel

If you prefer to visit multiple continents without actually flying all the way around the world, our Circle Pacific fare lets you explore the continents that border the Pacific Ocean. You can choose to start and finish your journey in one of the following continents:

Asia  (Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam)

Southwest Pacific  (Australia and New Zealand)

North America  (USA and Canada)

South America

Contact a  one world member airline or your travel agent to plan and book your Circle Pacific trip now.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a round the world ticket.

The one world Alliance offers a way to visit many countries, around the world, all in a single itinerary.

On, you can choose to book either one world Explorer, where the fare depends on the number of continents you visit, or Global Explorer, where the fare depends on the distance you travel.

Circle Pacific, an inter-continental journey to explore continents that border the Pacific Ocean, can be booked by your travel agent and is not currently available for booking on

Where Can I Fly With Round The World?

For one world Explorer and Global Explorer, one world member airlines and affiliate airlines cover six continental regions: Europe/Middle East (including Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Georgia, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and Yemen); Africa (excluding countries listed above); Asia (including the Indian subcontinent, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, but excluding countries named above); Australia, New Zealand, and the South West Pacific; North America (including the Caribbean, Central America, and Panama); and South America. Currently, it is not possible to begin your itinerary through Doha Hamad International Airport (DOH) through one world member Qatar Airways. Book both one world Explorer and Global Explorer on

Through the one world Circle Pacific fare, one world member airlines and affiliate airlines cover four continental regions: Asia (including the Indian subcontinent, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan); Australia, New Zealand, and the South West Pacific; and North America. Ask your travel agent about booking a one world Circle Pacific fare. Routes are subject to change.

Where Can I Travel Now, Given COVID Restrictions?

View entry restrictions and COVID-19 travel requirements for countries around the world on our the one world Travel Requirements Information Portal . Use the map to get information on travel restrictions by country, including entry restrictions, as well as COVID-19 vaccination, testing, and quarantine requirements.

Is Round The World Ticket Business Class An Option?

Yes, Round The World tickets are available in Economy, Business, and First class. On our booking tool, there is a drop-down menu to select your preferred cabin class. Premium economy upgrades will show where available when you select flights.

Is Round The World Ticket First Class An Option?

How much does a round the world ticket cost.

Your Round the World fare is based on a few factors: the number of continents you visit or pass through or the distance travelled, the travel class selected, and the number of travelling passengers. Read on for more information about full fare rules and conditions [Note: Links open PDF in browser]:

What Are The Round The World Rules?

Read on for Round The World rules and conditions [Note: Links open PDF in browser]:

What Should I Know To Help Me Plan My one world Explorer Itinerary?

When planning your one world Explorer itinerary, here are tips to keep in mind:

Destinations are grouped into three zones and six continents:

Zone 1: North & South America

Zone 2: Europe, the Middle East and Africa

Zone 3: Asia and the South West Pacific

Your trip must be in a continuous forward direction, East or West, between Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3. Backtracking within a continent is generally permitted, however some exclusions apply.

Your adventure can last from 10 days up to a year. Travel must be completed within 12 months of your original departure date.

Your trip must start and finish in the same city.

You must cross both the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean on your journey.

Your journey can include three to six continents, and anywhere between three and 16 flights.

Review complete one world Explorer fare rules and conditions .

Can I Change Or Update My Round The World Itinerary?

Yes, one world Explorer, Global Explorer and one world Circle Pacific itineraries can be modified to accommodate changes to your Round The World plans.

If you booked your Round The World trip through, contact the ticketing airline (the airline you are flying on the first leg of your journey) to make changes to your itinerary.

If you booked your Round The World tickets through a travel agent, please contact the travel agent to make changes to your itinerary.

Will I Earn Frequent Flyer Points On A Round The World Trip?

Short answer: Yes, you will earn frequent flyer points on your Round the World trip.

Long answer: Yes. one world works in collaboration with all of our partner and member airlines to ensure that you’re rewarded no matter where you travel. On all eligible flights, you will accrue points or miles toward the airline of your choice and toward your one world tier status .

How Can I Pay For A one world Round The World Trip With Frequent Flyer Points?

Currently, it is not possible to use frequent flyer points to pay for a one world Round The World trip.

Does Your one world Explorer ticket include checked-in baggage?

Two free pieces of 23 kilos each shall be permitted. Additional allowances may apply. Refer to individual carrier websites.

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The Galapagos Islands – Western Itinerary

Nestled in the Pacific Ocean at the confluence of three ocean currents, the Galapagos Islands are a haven for explorers, nature enthusiasts, and those seeking a profound connection with the natural world.

  • Experience unparalleled opportunities for immersive, up-close encounters with a myriad of wildlife.
  • Walk among creatures on shore, and snorkel beside sea lions and turtles in the clear waters of the world’s second-largest marine reserve.
  • Visit historic sites, including the Charles Darwin Research Station, and learn about the breeding program for the Galapagos giant tortoise.
  • See Sullivan Bay on Santiago Island, one of the first sites visited by Charles Darwin.

Day 1: Depart U.S for Quito, Ecuador Day 2: Quito Day 3: Quito | Santa Cruz: Highlands | Puerto Ayora | Embarkation Day 4: Bartolomé | Santiago: Sullivan Bay Day 5: Santa Cruz: Dragon Hill | Santiago: Buccaneer Cove Day 6: Isabela: Punta Vicente Roca | Fernandina: Punta Espinoza Day 7: Baltra | Disembarkation | Quito Day 8: Quito | Depart for U.S.

Galapagos Journey

Starting price

Deposit per person, countries visited, activity level.

Havana The Afro Cuban Expereince

Havana: The Afro-Cuban Experience

Best of Belize

Best of Belize

Sydney travel agent allegedly faked itinerary for $160,000 family reunion trip to Greece

Dozens of travellers say their holidays have been thrown into disarray after claims their travel agent has taken off with their money.

The travellers had booked through Travel World Sydney in Arncliffe, only to be sent itineraries that don't actually exist.

Nicole Vris used Travel World Sydney and its director Zahra Rachid to book a holiday to Greece for 35 members of her family.

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travel the world itinerary

"To plan this holiday it takes a very long time, to take time off work, to save your money for the ticket and for your spending money." Vris told A Current Affair .

The family paid Rachid and Travel World Sydney more than $160,000 for return flights and accommodation.

As the travel date neared, family members started to check their flights online to select seats, only to find out the booking confirmations they were sent weren't real.

"We called Emirates directly, obviously they asked us for numbers that were on that itinerary, they just didn't exist, we were not in the system." Vris said.

travel the world itinerary

When she questioned Rachid over the tickets and demanded a refund, Vris claims she got the run around before the travel agent stopped talking to her altogether.

Now most of the family is due to miss out on the trip, unable to afford to pay again.

"A lot of families will never recover from this financially, it's a disaster, they can't recover," Vris said.

Fatima Awada was also planning a family trip to Germany.

travel the world itinerary

"My mum hasn't seen her sisters in such a long time, and just to spend time with them and make memories," she said

"But it is not happening anymore, for me at least."

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Awada heard word in the community that Rachid had shut her office, with mounting complaints over travel not being booked.

Concerned about her own tickets, Awada called her airline, who she says told her the tickets had been cancelled in April.

"Yeah, it is a big hit, and it is not just me. My sisters, my mum and her kids as well," Awada said.

"They paid nearly $10k. That's just from us, that's nearly $15k of our money."

Awada now can't afford to travel.

travel the world itinerary

Her big sister Nouha also had her flight cancelled, just two days before the trip.

"We had just called to ask about our bags, and they're like 'oh you don't have a ticket' and we're like 'what? our flight is tomorrow', Noura said.

"So we had to try and find new tickets straight away."

At Travel World Sydney's office a note has been posted on the window to say the landlord has regained possession.

travel the world itinerary

Customers have been told to go to police once their travel date has passed.

Travel World Sydney and Rachid did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Police have confirmed to us, it has launched a strike force investigation into the fraud. It's urging anyone affected to contact St George Police, or Crimestoppers.

Fair Trading said it has received 28 official complaints regarding Travel World Sydney, totaling more than $235,000.


St George Police Area Command have commenced an investigation under Strike Force Baile regarding alleged frauds involving a travel agency at Arncliffe.

Police have been told that a number of people have come forward to report that they had made travel arrangements with the agency and those bookings had not been honoured.

As investigations continue, anyone with information is asked to contact St George Police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.


This type of dishonest behaviour, if proven, is unacceptable and hurts consumers and the marketplace.

NSW Fair Trading is committed to protecting consumers from this illegal behaviour and is investigating the 28 complaints received since January 2023.

Under the Australian Consumer Law, businesses must not accept payment for products or services if they don't intend to supply the product or service.

Penalties in respect of an offence are up to $50,000,000 for a corporation and $2,500,000 for an individual.

Property News: This five-bedroom, six-bathroom home at 671 Lincoln Avenue in Winnetka, Illinois is very familiar. Take a look at the house from Home Alone that is for sale.

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Travel & Tourism Development Index 2024

travel the world itinerary

The Travel & Tourism Development Index (TTDI) 2024 is the second edition of an index that evolved from the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) series, a flagship index of the World Economic Forum that has been in production since 2007. The TTDI is part of the Forum’s broader work with industry and government stakeholders to build a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient future for economies and local communities.


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    3. Find creative overland routes. My niece is pleased as punch for her first trip on a train—an overnight sleeper train between Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Thailand. Whew, you now have a list of dream destinations for your world trip and a direction of travel. Now it's time to fill in the space in your itinerary.

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  13. My Yearlong Around the World Itinerary

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  17. Trip Around the World Itinerary

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  18. Wanderlog: best free travel itinerary & road trip planner app

    The best group itinerary planner. Use Wanderlog to share your itinerary with tripmates, friends, and families and collaborate in real time, so everyone stays in the loop. Plan your vacation or road trip with the best travel planner for marking routes, plans, and maps with your friends, on web or in a mobile app (Android and iOS).

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    For 2024, six countries share the number one ranking - France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore and Spain. Five of those nations appear in the WEF's top 10, with Singapore a respectable 13th ...

  23. RTW Flights: Round The World Airline Tickets

    The oneworld Alliance offers a way to visit many countries, around the world, all in a single itinerary.. On, you can choose to book either oneworld Explorer, where the fare depends on the number of continents you visit, or Global Explorer, where the fare depends on the distance you travel.. Circle Pacific, an inter-continental journey to explore continents that border the Pacific ...

  24. The Galapagos Islands

    Walk among creatures on shore, and snorkel beside sea lions and turtles in the clear waters of the world's second-largest marine reserve. Visit historic sites, including the Charles Darwin Research Station, and learn about the breeding program for the Galapagos giant tortoise.

  25. Sydney travel agent allegedly faked itinerary for $160,000 family

    Sydney travel agent allegedly faked itinerary for $160,000 family reunion trip to Greece. Dozens of travellers say their holidays have been thrown into disarray after claims their travel agent has taken off with their money. The travellers had booked through Travel World Sydney in Arncliffe, only to be sent itineraries that don't actually exist.

  26. International Travel Money Tips From TD Bank

    Other helpful tips for world travelers. Important phone numbers. Save these international numbers for emergencies: Debit card: 1-215-569-0518. Credit cards: 1-706-644-3266. Bring TD along for the trip. Download the TD Mobile Banking App for your smartphone and tablet to track your transactions while you travel.

  27. Travel Itineraries

    Cruise along Route 66, road trip through the Florida Keys, explore the American Southwest, or even drive from coast to coast. In this guide, we share 18 of the best USA road trips…18 great ideas for your next big adventure. 7 - 10 Day Florida Keys Itinerary: Miami, Key West & the National Parks. Driving from Miami to Key West is one of the ...

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    India. OT Travel Itinerary: 5 Days In Meghalaya, The Abode Of Clouds Embark on a journey to explore stunning destinations that will leave you spellbound, from breathtaking rivers to picturesque ...

  29. Travel & Tourism Development Index 2024

    The Travel & Tourism Development Index (TTDI) 2024 is the second edition of an index that evolved from the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) series, a flagship index of the World Economic Forum that has been in production since 2007. The TTDI is part of the Forum's broader work with industry and government stakeholders to build a ...

  30. Our Around the World Packing List

    1 rain jacket. 1 pair pajamas. 1 pair long underwear. 1 swimsuit. 1 visor/hat. 1 bra and 1 sports bra (Julie only) 1 scarf (Julie only) We designed our around the world itinerary for an almost "endless summer.". By staying in warm climates for most of the year, we were able to avoid bringing along winter coats or cold weather gear.