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How to Practice Travel Photography at Home

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David Wilder  

Scroll through photographer Karthika Gupta ’s Instagram feed and you probably won’t notice anything out of the ordinary at first glance—there’s a photo of a man and a woman rock climbing and another of tourists looking at animals on safari .

But if you slow down and take a closer look, you’ll see that these “travel” photos are actually tiny scenes made using household materials, miniature figurines, and some very clever photography on Gupta’s part.

Gupta, like the rest of us, is spending more time indoors these days. As a travel photographer, it’s not an ideal setup, but Gupta is making the most of it by practicing her craft in new ways. She was inspired to take the clever indoor photos by the #OurGreatIndoors Instagram challenge, created by Los Angeles-based travel photographer and blogger Erin Sullivan .

Thanks to this and other photo challenges making the rounds online, amateur and professional photographers alike are staying active and honing their skills, even while respecting stay-at-home orders and social distancing guidelines.

“At the end of the day, it’s just getting out there and photographing, whether it’s in your backyard or from your balcony or patio,” Gupta said. “Anything to keep your creative juice flowing. It really doesn’t stop you from trying to perfect your art.”

Think you can’t practice your travel photography skills in quarantine? Think again. Even the pros are using this opportunity to stay inspired and work on their form.

“The last couple of days, I’ve been shooting these made-up scenes in my house with props and stuff,” said Stevin Tuchiwsky , an outdoor lifestyle photographer based in Calgary, Alberta. “It’s not the real thing, but it slows it down a bit to where you can understand some concepts better or understand why you might have framed it that way or why you focused on something a certain way.”

We checked in with a few travel, nature, and adventure photographers and asked them to share some useful tips for practicing travel photography at home.

Experiment, Experiment, Experiment

With so much time on your hands, now is the perfect time to experiment and get outside your comfort zone. If you love taking wide landscape shots, practice doing portraits of your family members instead ( if you live alone , practice with a pet or even a stuffed animal). If you typically photograph people you meet during your travels, mix it up and master the art of food photography. 

Even though you’re not taking travel photos, you’ll open yourself up to more diverse shots when you do get back out there. After all, travel encompasses so many things beyond the physical landscape or geography—food, culture, people, art, movement, and more. And no matter the subject, practicing the fundamentals will make you a better photographer overall.

“If all you have ever done is one genre of photography, branch out and learn a new one,” says David Wilder , a photographer based in Calgary, Alberta. “Food photography, product photography, or even fine art. Heck, get some incense, a flashlight and a dark room—now you can do some fine art smoke photography.”

Get to Know Your Camera

How many of us rushed to open the box when our new camera arrived, thumbed through the instruction manual for a few seconds, and simply started clicking? Sure, you can learn a lot about your camera on the go, but there’s no substitute for actually studying how it works and why. 

Take a deep dive into the manual (or watch the thousands of instructional YouTube videos out there) and figure out how to get the most out of all the buttons and settings on your camera. Practice shooting in different modes, then compare the results so you’ll be able to make quicker decisions when you’re on the move.

Now is also a good time to evaluate your travel photography gear and do some research on new technologies or tools for specific scenarios, like taking photos underwater or using a tripod to photograph animals and birds.

Return to the Basics

Even the most skilled photographers welcome an opportunity to revisit the basics—lighting, composition, depth of field, framing, and more. And you can practice these principles whether you have an iPhone or a fancy DSLR camera. The ideas are the same, even though the tools are different. 

In fact, now is the perfect time to practice taking better pictures with your phone camera so that you can spring to action when you’re out in the real world, even if you don’t have another camera with you. 

"It’s not just looking at something and clicking,” said Gupta. “Take your phone and turn on the grid view. Just kind of rotate it around to see different angles, different compositions, and see what catches your fancy. The goal right now is not perfection, but actually more so training your eyes to look at color, light, and composition in an aesthetically pleasing way."

Play With Lighting and Perspective

And while you’re at it, try experimenting a bit more with lighting and perspective, which can help you capture unique images in popular destinations. Getting up at sunset or shooting from the top of a building will come in handy whether you’re camping in a national park or wandering around a big city like Paris . 

Take pictures at different times of the day, or use lamps around your house to create different effects. Master changing the exposure on your iPhone camera quickly so that you can react to dark or fluid lighting situations. “Always pay attention to the light, where it is coming from, the quality of the light, and what it is doing to your subject,” said Wilder.

And be sure to move around. Stand (carefully) on a chair, take some photos looking down from your balcony, or get low to the ground and take pictures of your dog, for example.

“We all see the world from eye level,” said Wilder. “The moment you change up your perspective is when your image stands out from the crowd. My best example is we all look down at pets, but if you get onto the floor with them, everything changes.”

Practice Photographing Small Details

In the same vein as the #OurGreatIndoors challenge, practice photographing small scenes or focusing on one object in a group. This will help you consider new perspectives the next time you’re at a street market or wandering through a botanic garden , for example. You’ll want to capture the entire scene, yes, but you may also want to photograph a particularly colorful piece of fruit or a bee resting on a flower.

“Often, photographers get stuck shooting the same sweeping hero shot every time they go out,” Wilder said. “Small details that really show what it’s like to be in a place are often ignored, so spend some time finding those details and shooting them.”

Enroll in Online classes and Webinars

Now is a great time to level-up your travel photography skills with classes, workshops, and webinars. Tons of photographers are sharing tips and tricks with livestreams on Instagram, Facebook, and elsewhere right now. 

You can also check out sites like CreativeLive , Skillshare , Nikon School Online , Professional Photographers of America, and Sony’s Alpha Universe .

Become a Photo Editing Pro

If you’ve got folders and folders of unedited (and unshared) photos on your hard drive because you just hate editing, now is the time to get over that roadblock. 

Aside from working through your backlog of unedited photos, use this time to become more comfortable with whatever editing software you use. Practice really does make perfect in this case, and it can also make you a faster, more efficient photo editor down the line.

While you’re at it, try editing older photos in different ways, suggests Gupta. You might stumble across a technique or a style you like even better than what you’re used to doing. “Crop them differently, or if it’s black and white, make it color,” she said.

Research Your Next Trip

Although it may feel a bit premature, start thinking about where you want to go when travel becomes safer, and start doing some photo-related research for that destination, too. 

Consider the best time of day or year from a photography perspective for visiting certain locations. Read how other photographers tackle shooting super popular tourist destinations. Look into off-the-beaten path locations that could produce some surprising or interesting pictures.

If you do all the administrative legwork now, you’ll likely get better photos and have more fun on the trip. Plus, research has found that simply anticipating an upcoming vacation can make us happier .

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Travel Blog

Indigo Sahara

Travel Reviews, Guides, Tips & Travel Hacking

25 Easy Poses For Travel Photos (With Examples)

By: Indigo Sahara, M.A. | Published: April 5, 2023 | Updated: April 5, 2023

Posing for photos is surprisingly difficult. Honestly, posing correctly for location, outfit and body type does not come naturally to anyone. In order to help you advance in your photo-posing skills quicker than I did, I’m giving you access to over 25 easy poses for travel photos that anyone can do.

25 Easy Poses For Travel Photos (With Examples)

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But first, I want to let you know about a couple other blog posts I have that you’re going to want to check out next:

  • Cheap Travel Camera Gear For Better Travel Photos
  • 15 Easy Beginner Tips To Elevate Your Travel Photography
  • 115 Travel Instagram Captions You Need In 2023

Now, let’s dive into the best poses for travel photos .

Table of Contents

Posing Basics: How should I pose for pictures while traveling?

It is important to know a few of the basics when it comes to posing. Here are five pro posing tips to remember as we go through the specific poses for travel photos .

1. Pose To Evoke Emotion

A good photo evokes strong emotion. Try to evoke the exact emotion you feel at the time of taking the photo .

Perhaps you feel a sense of awe, happiness, curiosity or seriousness. Show the viewers how you feel. This can be done through facials, lighting, editing and, of course, posing.

2. Keep Your Hands Busy

Keep your hands busy if possible. Touch your cheek, put your hand on your hip, run your fingers through your hair and use props whenever you can.

Of course, there will be times when you have nothing to do with your hand(s). So, when that’s the case, loosen up and let them hang naturally.

3. Point Your Toes

Whenever you’re sitting or have a foot off the ground in a photo, your toes should be pointed . This will elongate your legs and look a lot less awkward.

If you can’t point your toes in the shoes you’re wearing, such as hiking boots, flex your feet. Basically, just don’t leave them dangling.

4. Avoid Touristy Poses

Touristy poses (like jumping, peace signs, or awkwardly standing and smiling) are fun and location-appropriate sometimes.

But, if you want to look like your favorite travel influencer, avoid these poses the majority of the time.

5. Combine These Posing Tips Together

As you browse through the following travel photo poses , you will notice that I often combine two or more of these posing basics together. Once you practice and get the hang of it, combing the tips will become second nature.

Poses For Travel Photos

1. make triangles with your arms..

poses for travel photos

This may sound a little peculiar at first, but making triangles with your arms is an industry trick-of-the-trade in the world of photography.

Making triangles brings definition to your muscles, elongates your torso and, overall, brings more life to every photo. It will also help you feel less stiff and more natural, which is the goal.

2. Make a triangle with one of your legs.

travel photo poses

The same rule applies with your legs.

Make a triangle with your legs by bending or popping one of them.

3. Hold on to the back of your hat.

poses for girls photoshoot travel

I always bring hats on my trips. As you can see, hats make fantastic travel photo props . Plus, they give you something to do with your hands.

Often times, the wind is actually so strong where you are taking travel photos that you have know choice but to hold on to your hat.

Other times, holding the back of your hat can make the viewers imagine that there is wind, and this helps the viewers imagine that they themselves are at the location.

4. Lean against a wall or other nearby object.

travel photos poses best friends

This pose is pretty self-explanatory; just be careful not to slouch too much while you lean.

Leaning straight-up gives an element of calm-and-collected to the photo, which looks particularly fitting in luxury travel and beach photos.

25 Easy Poses For Travel Photos (With Examples)

5. Run away from the camera.

travel photo poses airport

Again, one of the key ways to producing a high-quality travel photo is to evoke emotion and desire.

Running away from the camera toward an object in the photo will make the viewer want to run toward the view with you, and it creates an exciting feeling of FOMO (fear of missing out).

6. Run toward the camera.

travel photos poses ideas

The previous rule applies here, too.

Running happily toward the camera leaves a cheerful and frolick-y impression on the viewer, which is exactly what us travelers feel when we’re at a new destination.

7. Face away at an angle and look back at the camera.

travel photos poses fun

This is, hands down, one of the most flattering travel photo poses .

Plus, this is an excellent pose to use when there is nothing in the photo to sit or lean on.

Take this travel photo pose to the next level by holding a prop with your back arm, such as a hat, purse or beverage.

8. Face away and pop one leg.

travel pictures poses

Facing the view with your back to the camera and one leg popped is another extremely flattering pose.

It simultaneously brings attention to both you and the view, without taking away from the view.

9. Look up and tilt your head back slightly.

Instagram pose ideas standing

As previously mentioned, the goal with any travel photography is to evoke emotion.

Looking up and tilting your head back will evoke a sense of freedom, which many people feel — or desire to feel — while traveling. You can smile or keep a more serious facial expression here.

10. Focus on the background

travel poses ideas

This “pose” is more of a camera trick than a physical pose, but I add it to the list, nonetheless.

Focusing on the view rather than the subject shows the viewer exactly what they would see if they were with you. If the viewer was at the location with you, and if you were standing slightly in front of them, you would be out of focus as they look directly at the view.

To get the most blur, you will need a camera lens with a low f-stop. I suggest getting one with an f-stop under 2.0, like the Sigma 28-35mm F1.8 that I used in the above photos.

11. Block the sun with your hand. (Poses For Travel Photos)

how to pose for pictures by yourself

Kind of like the wind-and-hat situation, sometimes you actually need to block the sun out of your face .

Not only can this pose cast a unique shadow across your face for an extra element of pattern, but it also makes a seemingly perfect photo location look a bit more realistic.

12. Play the main character.

travel photo poses

Indulge in a main character moment while you’re traveling.

Have fun and act sassy if it fits the style of the location.

13. Look up in awe. (Poses For Travel Photos)

best poses for travel photos

You know those moments when you go somewhere incredible and all you can do is look up and mutter, “Wow”? Try to reenact that feeling in your travel photos.

I especially love to use this travel photo pose in busy locations where I don’t want to look like a complete “influencer in the wild.” By looking up at the view like you would naturally anyway, you can sneak photos without bystanders even noticing that you’re posing.

14. Sit with your knees stacked.

travel photos poses

Posing while sitting can be tricky.

The best way to pose while sitting is to sit with your knees stacked on top of one another . This pose elongates your legs, forces you to sit up straight and prevents a potentially awkward crotch shot.

15. Rock back and forth for a fake walking shot. (Poses For Travel Photos)

vacation poses travel photos

Would you ever guess that I wasn’t actually walking in the above photos? No? Exactly. I was just rocking back and forth!

Just like added emotion to a photo, adding motion is equally important for producing professional quality travel photos .

This posing hack comes in handy particularly when you want to stand in a specific spot of the photo frame but still want to add motion. Nobody will ever know you weren’t genuinely taking a stroll.

16. Face away and look down at an angle.

photoshoot poses travel

This simple pose for travel photos allows the view to speak for itself.

Its simplicity is physically flattering, and you can easily incorporate the triangle rule by popping one leg.

17. Throw your hands up. (Poses For Travel Photos)

travel photos poses best friends

Throwing one hand (or both hands) up in the air will inspire the viewer to travel and feel as free as you did in that moment.

P.S. if you’re a peace sign addict, this is one pose where you can throw up a peace sign appropriately without looking like a tacky tourist.

18. Throw a jacket or purse over your shoulder.

couple travel photos poses

In you haven’t noticed, props are amazing when it comes to adding a little spice to your travel photos. Props can be as simple as your jacket, coat, sweatshirt, purse or scarf.

If you want an alternative way to hold your prop, throw it behind you over your shoulder.

19. Hold an object in front of you to add foreground. (Poses For Travel Photos)

couples photoshoot poses travel

A basic photography rule is to always have a defined foreground, middle ground and background whenever possible.

An obvious foreground, such as a foreground that is created when you hold an object slightly in front of you, can bring a lot of dimension to the photo, which is very pleasing to the eye.

20. Act like a drama queen.

travel photos poses fun

Embrace your inner influencer, act like a drama queen and just have fun with it.

Even though you may feel silly in the moment, especially if you’re in public, remember that the awkwardness lasts 30 seconds but the amazing travel photos you create will last your entire life .

Who cares what strangers think!

21. Hold food or a drink in your hand. (Poses For Travel Photos)

travel pictures poses

Food and drinks are super simple yet impactful props in travel photos. Why? Because cultural foods are a huge part of traveling to a new place. Demonstrate this part of traveling by incorporating the foods you eat (and drinks you drink) into your photos .

And, chances are, you’ll already be eating out on your trip anyway.

Bonus tip: food and drinks act as props that give you something to do with your hands .

22. Stand tall and proud.

travel poses ideas

You don’t always need fancy camera equipment or stellar pose ideas to make a great photo.

This photo from the Bonneville Salt Flats was taken on an iPhone. All I did was stand tall and proud .

23. Hold or adjust your sunglasses. (Poses For Travel Photos)

good poses for instagram

Like hats and jackets, sunglasses make great props in travel photos as well. Adjust your sunnies to add a little attitude and pizzaz.

This pose also naturally adds a triangle shape with your arm(s), which, as you know by now, is one of the best ways to elevate any pose for travel pictures .

24. Get a bird’s eye view.

how to pose for pictures by yourself

Disclaimer: yes, these are drone shots. But, you don’t always need a drone to catch a bird’s eye view.

Lay down on the ground and have a friend take a photo from above. A chair, ladder or ledge of some sort will get the job done and provide your viewers with a new visual perspective.

25. Grab your jacket collar or opening. (Poses For Travel Photos)

travel photo poses

Lastly, acting like you’re going to button your jacket (or pop your collar) keeps your otherwise limp hands busy. Not to mention, it brings more life to the photo.

And that wraps up our 25 easy poses for travel photos . Which travel photo pose are you going to try? Be sure to follow me on Instagram and tag me in your posed photo for a chance to be featured on my Story .

More Tips For Travel Photos

15 Easy Beginner Tips To Elevate Your Travel Photography Beach Picture Ideas For Instagram You Need Now Cheap Travel Camera Gear For Better Photos 115 Travel Instagram Captions You Need To Copy

25 Easy Poses For Travel Photos (With Examples)

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About Indigo Sahara, M.A.

Indigo Sahara, M.A., is the founder and CEO of the Indigo Sahara travel blog. Since earning her master's degree in global leadership, she has traveled to more than 20 countries. Now, her goal is to make travel accessible to all by teaching others how to travel on a budget. She writes world travel guides and travel hacking tips weekly.

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Reader Interactions

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January 29, 2023 at 5:00 pm

Love these tips! Thanks for sharing!

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January 31, 2023 at 4:39 pm

So glad you like them, Brianna!

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[…] In addition, if you need some pro tips on taking the best travel photos, I have an entire travel photography beginner guide, as well as guides on how to choose the best camera gear for travel, the best camera lenses for travel and even how to pose in travel photos. […]

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[…] if you need some couple photography inspiration, I have numerous travel photo tip guides for posing, beginner travel photography and the best budget travel camera […]

[…] if you need some extra travel photography inspiration, I have numerous travel photo tips for posing, beginner travel photography and the best budget travel camera […]

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100 Incredible Travel Photo Ideas to Inspire Your Next Adventure

By: Author Valerie Forgeard

Posted on Published: December 28, 2022  - Last updated: July 31, 2023

Categories Travel

Are you looking for creative ways to capture your travel memories? Whether you’re an experienced photographer or just starting, plenty of unique photo ideas will make your travel photos stand out from the rest.

From shooting at unusual angles and playing with perspective to finding exciting subjects, here are some great ideas and tips for taking beautiful and eye-catching vacation photos. So get ready to explore the world through your lens!

Landscape photography is an easy way to capture your travels and the beauty of nature.

When traveling, it can be difficult to find the time (or energy) to take a landscape photo. But if you have the opportunity, don’t miss it! Landscape photos are a great way to capture your trip’s incredible memories. Here are some great photo ideas that will help you keep fond memories of the different landscapes you encounter:

  • Sunset over the sea
  • Lighthouses
  • The view from the top of a mountain
  • Sunrise over the mountains
  • Misty morning shots of a city skyline or a mountainside
  • A rainbow after a thunderstorm
  • The view from your hotel window
  • A tree with leaves changing color in the fall
  • An old building or structure that has been around for years
  • A photo of a city skyline at sunset
  • A picture with a landmark or other famous place in the background
  • A full moon over a lake
  • A street in a new city
  • An old building with character that has been around for hundreds of years
  • The landscape
  • A lush green forest in spring
  • A film location

When you’re traveling, don’t be afraid to take a selfie. It’s a great way to document your experiences and share them with everyone back home. Try out some of these photography ideas:

  • A photo of you with a local friend
  • A photo of the view outside your window
  • Yourself at a tourist spot
  • A photo of your reflection in the mirror
  • A photo of you eating
  • A selfie with a foreign language sign
  • A photo of you in front of your window seat on an airplane
  • A selfie with a statue of someone you admire
  • A photo of yourself in front of a famous painting or sculpture
  • A selfie with your favorite piece of street art or graffiti
  • A selfie of you walking on the beach
  • A selfie of you jumping into the water
  • A photo of you having a drink at the airport
  • A photo of you and your suitcase
  • Selfie with a famous person you met on your trip
  • Selfie in your hotel room
  • Selfie while walking on the street
  • A picture of you in front of a famous landmark
  • Selfie with your favorite tourist attraction
  • Selfie on a boat
  • Selfie of you at a local event or concert
  • Selfie with traditional clothes

Local Culture

Local culture is an essential indicator of a country’s identity. It’s essentially the way of life and habits of the people. It’s their way of thinking and acting that makes their country unique. Here are some ideas for travel photos that you can use to document the cultural side of your trip.

  • The local color
  • A poster of a local celebrity
  • Architecture
  • A photo in a museum or art gallery
  • An animal you don’t see every day
  • A photo of a local product purchased
  • A local delicacy
  • A selfie with a local statue
  • A photo from a local market
  • A photo of a festival or parade in the city
  • A religious building
  • A religious ritual or ceremony (if allowed)
  • A local place to relax after a long day
  • Local people in traditional dress (if approved)
  • Local food stalls
  • A local dance performance
  • A local sports team playing a game
  • Local transportation
  • A game popular with the locals
  • Cultural symbols

Capturing Moments

Capturing moments in photos is something I love to do. It’s a great way to express your feelings and emotions without having to say anything.

I used to make the mistake of not taking photos to live better in the present, but now I know that memory can fade, and now I love capturing moments in photos because it brings back all the beautiful memories from the past.

  • Sailing and boating
  • A photo of your tour guide showing you something
  • A photo of a map (or screenshot of Google Maps) or directions that help you reach your destination
  • Your plane is making its way through the clouds to your destination
  • A surfer riding the waves at sunset
  • Trying to catch a wave
  • A hike in the rainforest
  • A photo of you or friends jumping into a pool
  • A photo of something that represents what it means to be from where you’re from
  • A photo from inside a vehicle
  • Photos while riding in cabs or busses
  • A photo with someone who makes you happy, such as a friend, family member, or even your pet!
  • A photo of your feet in the sand
  • A photo of a street performer
  • Your going away party
  • The reflection of something in the water, like an animal or a tree
  • An empty bus stop on a rainy day
  • An empty street in the rain
  • The terrace of a café on a sunny day

Creating a Social Impact

Traveling is about more than just seeing the sights and taking selfies. It’s about taking in your surroundings, learning about other cultures, and connecting with the people around you. And when you travel to a place that needs more attention, it’s even more important to spread that awareness. After all, travel isn’t just about exploring new places – it’s also an opportunity to contribute to the lives of the people you meet.

  • A place destroyed by natural disasters.
  • Plastic bottles on the beach
  • Taking a photo of an endangered species
  • A national park
  • Unusual weather
  • The local school that needs help
  • Local charity (make sure the organization is reputable)
  • Photo of your donation
  • The entrance to an orphanage (don’t take pictures of children unless you have official permission to do so)
  • A picture of an abandoned building or house
  • An animal shelter
  • Local vegetarian or vegan food
  • Local wildlife
  • Take a picture of yourself holding up a handwritten sign that says, “I believe in peace.”
  • A CO2-reduced mode of transportation

What Makes a Good Travel Photo?

Whether you’re traveling alone or with friends, taking photos is a great way to document your trip.

The best travel photos are those that capture the natural beauty of your surroundings. Whether you’re traveling alone or with friends, taking photos on the road is a great way to document your trip.

Here are a few photography tips on how to capture beautiful images and make sure they look their best:

Shoot in Color Instead of Black and White

Color is more than just a pretty face. It’s also your best friend when it comes to travel photography, helping you capture the vibrancy of your surroundings and giving your vacation pictures a time frame as technology advances.

When you shoot in color, you have the ability to capture every detail and texture of a scene. You don’t have to worry about getting the perfect exposure or how the image will look on paper – you can just focus on capturing what you have in front of you and worry about the rest later.

Black and white photography, on the other hand, requires you to think about what makes an image work, because there’s no color to cover imperfections or distract from flaws in composition or subject matter. Rather than focusing on getting everything right in every shot, black-and-white photography requires you to analyze every element in the image to ensure that everything fits together seamlessly for maximum impact – whether it’s making sure that each subject is sufficiently separated from the others, or ensuring that there is enough contrast between light sources and shadows within a scene so that there are no unwanted distractions from what should be the focus of the image.

What makes black and white photos special is that black and white photos are timeless, while color photos can quickly look dated as technology advances. Some photographers even choose to convert their images to black and white after the fact, believing that it gives them more creative freedom than shooting in color.

Color is vibrant and eye-catching, but black and white can be just as impressive – if not more so – than its counterpart.

When Possible, Use Natural Light

When traveling and taking photos, it’s easy to get into the habit of shooting only when the sun is shining. But if you have the time, you should shoot with natural light as much as possible.

Natural light is softer than artificial light and gives your photos a more flattering look. It also makes your subjects look more natural and less posed.

If you don’t have much time or access to natural light, find a place with good artificial lighting. If you’re at a restaurant, ask if there are any empty seats where the light isn’t too bright or harsh. If there isn’t, move outside or around the corner to another area where the lighting is better than your current spot.

Experiment With Angles and Perspectives

Photography is about capturing the world around you. It’s not just about taking a photo, it’s about conveying your feelings and emotions. The best travel photos are the ones that show you a place from an angle or perspective you’ve never seen before. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to make your photos even more interesting – you may discover something new about a place that no one has noticed!

Don’t be afraid to get creative with your camera. Using filters and other effects can add life to your images, but remember that these are just tools, not rules. If something doesn’t work for you, don’t use it again!

A photo should tell a good story. When choosing where to shoot, look for areas where there are lots of exciting objects that you can include in the shot – a fountain or sculpture would be ideal. If there are no apparent subjects, look for patterns in architecture or street signs; these can make great subjects for photos!

Get Up Close and Personal With Your Subject

Zoom in to see the details of a flower, or zoom out to capture the scene of a busy cityscape.

Zooming in allows you to focus on one part of the image while leaving other parts out of focus. This can be very effective at isolating your subject from its surroundings and focusing the viewer’s attention on what matters most to you.

When photographing landscapes and scenery, use a wide-angle lens that shows large areas of the landscape in one shot. If you’re photographing small objects like flowers or insects, you should use a macro lens that allows you to take extreme close-ups that show intricate details of small objects like petals and leaves.

How to Share Your Travel Photos

We used to organize an evening with family and friends to share our travel experiences. Nowadays, everything is shared instantly. So if you’re a photography enthusiast, it’s time to start thinking about your next trip.

There are many ways to share your photos online. Here are some tips on how to show off your travel photos online:

Set Up an Online Gallery

Setting up an online gallery is the easiest way to show off your travel pictures. There are many services on the Internet, including Flickr and SmugMug. You can also use your website or blog to showcase your photos.

The purpose of an online gallery is to share your best shots with friends and family, as well as potential clients and employers. If you’re serious about becoming a professional photographer, it’s a good idea to create such a gallery, even if you don’t plan to charge money to view photos.

Use Social Media

If you don’t have much time and don’t mind strangers seeing your pictures, you can post them on social media. Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are easy ways to share photos with friends. You can also post them on travel forums or blogs if you want feedback and advice from other travelers.

  • On Facebook, simply upload your favorite travel photos to your Timeline and tag them with where they were taken. Your friends will see them in their news feeds over time – some may even like them or comment on them!
  • On Instagram, use hashtags to link your Instagram photo to other images from the exact location (e.g., “#paris”). This way, people can search for images related to their destination and find yours too!
  • If you use Snapchat, create a story that lasts 24 hours so people can view a series of snaps together without having to keep going back to old snaps. If you’re on Twitter or Tumblr, try posting updates in real time by sharing photos with your followers every few minutes (or seconds!). This is fun for both sides because it creates a sense of excitement for what’s happening!

Create a Blog

A blog is one of the most effective ways to show off your travel memories of the best places you’ve been and the amazing people you’ve met, while detailing your trip. Nowadays, blogs are easy and intuitive to create and can be used to showcase your best shots from around the world.

Blogs are also great for sharing your experiences with others, such as advice on what to do or not do when visiting a particular place or region. For example, if you’ve been to Australia several times and know the best places to go, why not share some tips about those places on your blog? You might even want to share some stories about your experiences there!

Another reason blogging can be beneficial is the opportunity to connect with people who have traveled to similar places. This is especially important if you want to connect with like-minded people from around the world with similar interests.

The first step is to choose a platform on which to create your blog. There are many options, like WordPress or Tumblr, but they all offer similar features. The next step is to choose a template that fits your style and needs.

You can also use free websites like Weebly or Squarespace, which allow you to create a beautiful website without any coding knowledge.

A great way to showcase your photos is to use a grid layout, where each image fills an entire column or row. This way, users can see each travel photo without having to scroll down a lot, which makes browsing photos much easier.

Another good option is to add captions under each travel photo so viewers can read what’s happening in each image or why you chose it as one of your favorites.

Create a Physical Travel Photo Album With Your Favorite Photos

A physical travel photo album of your favorite photos is a great way to showcase your photos, especially for those who don’t use the internet, like older people.

It’s also a great way to preserve your memories and share them with family and friends. Or maybe you want to stay offline to protect your privacy.

You can create a photo book at home or hire someone to create it. Many companies offer a photo book service where the book is designed and printed for you.

You can also design a photo book yourself at home or hire someone to create it. Many companies offer a photo book service where they design and print the book for you.

Here are some tips on how to create a physical photo album:

  • Select your favorite travel photos from your collection . It’s better to start with fewer photos than too many, because it can be difficult to choose which vacation photos to put in an album.
  • Select your favorite photos in terms of quality and content – this will ensure that all the images go well together. For example, if you’re creating a vacation album, all the pictures should have been taken during that road trip so they have similar backgrounds and lighting conditions.
  • Create a theme for your album (e.g., “vacation,” “family portrait,” “friends”). If you give yourself guidelines for what kind of photos you need, it’ll be easier for you to choose good photos from your collection.
  • Consider adding captions or short descriptions next to each photo . These little extras make the album more personal and interactive – perfect if it’s intended as a gift!

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This page provides information about photos if you are applying or renewing using a paper form. 

  • Submit one color photo
  • Submit a recent photo taken in last 6 months
  • Use a clear image of your face 
  • Do not change your photo using computer software, phone apps or filters, or artificial intelligence 
  • Have someone else take your photo. No selfies.
  • Take off your eyeglasses for your photo
  • Use a white or off-white background without shadows, texture, or lines

Photo Examples

  • Shadows and Lighting
  • Size and Position

Resolution, Print Size, and Quality

  • Digital Changes

Pose and Expression

Attire, hats, and glasses, already have a photo.

Use our  Photo Tool  to crop your photo so it's the right size.

  • This photo tool does not check the quality of your image. 
  • This tool is for cropping your photo only when you are applying or renewing using a paper form.
  • Do not use this tool if you are renewing online.

After you apply, a U.S. Department of State employee will review your photo and decide if we can accept your photo.

Tips for Submitting your Photo

  • Submit a high-resolution photo that is not blurry, grainy, or pixelated.
  • 2 x 2 inches (51 x 51 mm) 
  • Head must be between 1 -1 3/8 inches (25 - 35 mm) from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head
  • Printed on matte or glossy photo quality paper.
  • Do not change your photo using computer software, phone apps or filters, or artificial intelligence. 
  • Do not submit photocopies or digitally-scanned photos.
  • Do not submit a damaged photo with holes, creases, or smudges.
  • Have a neutral facial expression with both eyes open and mouth closed. 
  • Face the camera directly with full face in view. 
  • If you cannot remove your glasses for medical reasons, please include a signed note from your doctor with application.
  • You cannot wear a uniform, clothing that looks like a uniform, or camouflage clothing. 
  • If you wear one for religious purposes, submit a signed statement that says it is religious attire worn daily in public.
  • If you wear one for medical purposes, submit a signed doctor's statement that says you wear it for medical purposes.
  • Your full face must be visible and your hat or head covering cannot cast shadows or cover part of your face.
  • You cannot wear headphones or wireless hands-free devices.
  • You can wear jewelry and keep on your facial piercings as long as they do not hide your face. 
  • Take off any face covering or medical mask so your full face is visible and the face covering or mask do not block portions of your face.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can i get my photo taken.

You can go to:

  • An acceptance facility  that will take a photo when you apply for your passport
  • Any company which offers photo services
  • A friend or family member, and print your own photo on matte or glossy paper

Acceptance facilities and photo vendors charge different fees for taking your photo. 

Can I smile in my passport photo?

Yes. Make sure your eyes are open and your mouth is closed in your photo. 

Do I need a new passport if my appearance changed?

You only need to apply for a new passport if your appearance significantly changed. If you can still be identified from the photo in your current passport, do not apply for a new passport. 

Minor change - do not apply for a new passport

  • Growing a beard
  • Coloring your hair 
  • Normal aging process

Major change - apply for a new passport

  • Significant facial surgery or trauma
  • Adding or removing many large facial piercings or tattoos
  • Significant weight loss or gain
  • A gender transition

Do you have more tips to take a photo of a baby or toddler?

Yes. Some tips include:

  • Lay your baby or toddler on a plain white or off-white sheet, or cover a car seat with a plain white or off-white sheet. 
  • Make sure there are no shadows on your baby or toddler's face.
  • It is okay if a baby's eyes are not entirely open. All other children must have their eyes open.

Picture Perfect Passport

Follow these steps so you have a great passport photo.

Tips for Taking a Good Photo

Learn about a few tips for taking a good photo if you are renewing by mail or applying in person.

Image Sizing Photo Tips

Photos that are taken too close or too far away will be rejected.

Low Quality Image or Paper Tips

Photo is blurry, grainy, pixelated, or printed on the wrong paper. Photos should be high resolution.

Photo Exposure Tips

Photos that are too bright or that show shadows on your face will also cause you problems. Your photo needs to be a clear image of your face. 

Previous Passport Book Photos

Your passport photo needs to have been taken within the last 6 months. We verify that the photo looks like you. 

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Gear to Go ‘With’: A Colored Pencil Set for the Mountains and Beyond

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a colored pencil set resting on a drawing of a tree

It’s not difficult to find art supply kits aimed at travelers of all stripes . But often, these kits are just miniaturized versions of full-size supplies. The nods towards packability, accessibility, durability, and clean design can be cursory at best.

That’s a problem Kirk Bierens set out to solve when he launched his travel art supply company With last month.

A lifelong artist , Bierens wants to facilitate the creative drive in others and homed in on the ability to meet that drive at a moment’s notice as the best way to do so. If you’re an artist with big adventure plans but limited pack space, With’s cleverly designed colored pencil set just might make it into your permanent kit.

“It’s very healthy to be creative. It’s therapeutic. And I am trying to give people the ability [to create] anywhere they’re at,” Bierens told me via phone interview from the Big Gear Show , an outdoor trade show this past weekend in Denver.

“You’re stuck somewhere, and you’re like, ‘Oh, I could actually create right now versus surf on my phone.’ To create versus consume,” he continued.

four folded up leatherman tools arranged in a row next to a pair of keys.

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‘With’ Design and Features

The With colored pencil set on a white background

So what makes the With kit any different from rubberbanding a handful of colored pencils together and tossing them into a stuff sack?

Well, the heart of the system is the use of colored lead inserts that pair with a single mechanical pencil. This form serves multiple functions, Bierens explained.

One, it minimizes the space and weight that traditional wood-wrapped colored pencils bring to the party. Two, it means that even as your lead shortens, the tool you’re holding (the mechanical pencil) stays the same size. And three, sharpening the leads doesn’t create nearly as much waste as sharpening traditional pencils would — waste that you’d have to pack out like the good Leave No Trace-loving camper I know you are.

With’s colored pencil kit also includes a sharpener and a two-surfaced eraser. But the real eyecatcher is the clever lead storage system, a slim plastic gizmo that accordions out to display your colors while in use and folds back into a svelte package when you’re done sketching.

The With lead storage system

All of the tools slide neatly into a waxed canvas bag, complete with a carabiner loop. Not enough travel art sets seem to realize that nobody wants to spend 3 minutes of a 10-minute sketching block rummaging around inside a pack looking for supplies. The ability to clip the With kit to external webbing or pocket on a pack is a crucial win.

Bonus points: With sources the bag fabric from North Carolina and sews and dyes them in-house at the HQ in Grand Rapids, Mich.

The whole kit runs $64 and is available directly from With’s website . Shipping is free in the U.S.

More Than Just Pencils

The With waxed canvas bag clipped to a backpack

With is a young brand, but Bierens already has concrete plans to expand into watercolors and markers, two other popular travel art mediums. The details are still a secret, but suffice it to say Bierens and his team are applying the same attention to common problems as they did with the colored pencil set.

Essentially, Bierens told me, he wants With to become the best travel art kit for outdoor adventurers . Or, as he reminded me again and again: anybody, anywhere.

“I’m almost 50,” he said. “If I spend the next 20 or 30 years of my life building a brand that helps people create art anywhere they’re at, I’m happy.”

photo negatives arranged in a collage

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Andrew Marshall author

Andrew Marshall is a writer, illustrator, and photographer living and adventuring in the Smoky Mountains. His work across all three disciplines has earned Excellence in Craft awards from his colleagues in the Outdoor Writers Association of America for two years in a row.

Born and raised in the southern Appalachians, Andrew recently returned to his beloved home range after 10 years in the American West. He’s relieved to once again have access to a decent pulled-pork barbeque sandwich with South Carolina-style mustard sauce, but the weather is more humid than he remembered. You can find him on the web at, on Instagram @andrewmarshallimages, or on Twitter @pawn_andrew. Fair warning: social media content is frequently cat-related.  

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South of the border, a woman is poised to take power in historic Mexico elections

The election will likely have big ramifications for the u.s. and others. 'so many things that happen in mexico don’t stay in mexico; they influence the united states,' one expert said..

The U.S. tried and failed, and now Mexico is getting there first.

In an historic election on Sunday, Mexican voters are expected to elect a woman − most likely a woman of Jewish ancestry − to lead the country, beating its neighboring ally and sometimes competitor, the United States, to that distinction.

Claudia Sheinbaum is favored to win and become the next negotiator-in-chief with the U.S. on issues from cross-border trade to immigration and drug and fentanyl trafficking , with consequences that inevitably spill into American households.

Here's what to know about election day in Mexico, and the woman likely to win.

A woman will likely become president of Mexico

It's a three-way presidential race with a clear front-runner: Claudia Sheinbaum , a scientist, engineer and former mayor of Mexico City who shares the populist ideology of her political mentor, current President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Prep for the polls: See who is running for president and compare where they stand on key issues in our Voter Guide

Xóchitl Gálvez, a businesswoman and former senator, is trailing second place in polls, all but ensuring that Mexico will elect a female head of state before the U.S. does. Jorge Álvarez Máynez is the third candidate.

"So many things that happen in Mexico don’t stay in Mexico; they influence the United States," said Shannon O'Neil, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. "Who the next president of Mexico is really matters."

Political rhetoric north of the border may leave some Americans thinking of Mexico in stereotypes and caricatures: former President Donald Trump's "bad hombres," or spring breakers . But Mexico’s stamp on the U.S. is everywhere.

It’s in the Mexico-made car parts that keep U.S. autoworkers employed in Detroit , in the windmill blades exported to U.S. clean energy plants , in the pacemakers saving the lives of American patients with heart failure and in the $15 avocado toast on restaurant menus nationwide.

The country became the United States’ largest trading partner last year, pushing China to the No. 2 spot, and the two neighbors now do nearly $800 billion in trade annually , according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

But it’s a fraught relationship. Mexico is also the transit country for hundreds of thousands of U.S.-bound migrants, provoking repeated humanitarian crises at the U.S. border. And it’s the source country for the fentanyl that kills tens of thousands of Americans each year.

"If you have a president that is open to the United States and cooperating on the shared challenges and doubling down on the opportunities," O'Neil said, "that is better for the United States. If you have a president who is more suspicious and doesn’t want to work with the United States, then it’s much harder."

Frontrunner Claudia Sheinbaum calls out racism, 'machismo'

Sheinbaum, who has been leading in polls by double-digits, is seen as more of a left-leaning idealist than a savvy deal-maker like López Obrador. But she has promised to continue his agenda.

In a campaign rally outside Mexico's colonial-era Palacio Nacional on Wednesday, Sheinbaum, 61, lauded López Obrador as the "best president Mexico has ever had," railed against "neoliberalism" and promised to carry on López Obrador's measures to combat inequality.

Those measures include cash transfers to some 25 million Mexicans, O'Neil said, including elderly people, students and others.

"Humanism means reclaiming rights and eradicating classism, racism, machismo and discrimination – which all belong to right-wing thinking," Sheinbaum said.

U.S.-Mexico cooperation suffered under López Obrador in some areas and held strong in others , and experts predict more of the same if Sheinbaum wins.

López Obrador scaled back security cooperation by quitting an agreement called the Mérida Initiative, under which the U.S. had committed $1.5 billion to help Mexico battle criminal organizations . But he renegotiated the key free trade agreement between the U.S., Canada and Mexico and has continued partnering with the U.S. on one of its current top priorities: slowing migration to the U.S. border .

Mexican voters concerned with economy, public safety

But the issues most important to the United States – trade, immigration, border security, drug trafficking – aren't the ones that Mexicans care about most.

In regions from the industrial north to the Caribbean coast and all-important capital city of 22 million people, Mexican voters are worried about inflation, economic opportunities and public safety in their own communities.

It's the biggest election the country has ever had, with 20,708 offices up for grabs, according to the National Electoral Institute. Campaigns across Mexico have been marred by violence; a mayoral candidate in southern Guerrero state was shot to death Wednesday.

"Whoever wins will be dealing with huge issues in terms of security," said Jennifer Apperti, director of the Texas-Mexico Center at Southern Methodist University.

In Mexico, the next administration's focus is likely to be domestic policy, not foreign policy, she said. "Two of the biggest domestic issues are: What are we doing about crime and also jobs?"

Official corruption in Mexico and insatiable demand for drugs in the U.S. have helped criminal organizations flourish across many regions in Mexico. They've amassed power to control not only the drug trade but legitimate export industries including avocados and limes . Where rival organizations fight for territory, Mexicans live under a heavy cloud of extreme violence .

Gálvez, the candidate trailing second in the polls, is trying to capitalize on that discontent. In her final campaign rally in the northern city of Monterrey, she called out the "136,000 killed and 50,000 disappeared" in Mexico during López Obrador's six-year term.

"This is the result of a security strategy in which the 'hugs' have been for criminals and the 'bullets' for citizens," she said, referring to López Obrador's signature "hugs not bullets" strategy of not tackling criminal organizations head-on.

Faced with the realities of violence and weak economic growth in Mexico, in a recent poll by the El Paso, Texas-based Puente Collaborative , more than a third of Mexican respondents said they would consider migrating to the U.S. to improve their working or living conditions.

A path for prosperity in U.S.-Mexico relationship

But more often Mexicans are staying put. They're finding jobs in the hundreds of assembly plants that send car parts, pacemakers, respirators, computers and Christmas lights to the U.S., or they're working in the booming tourist ports from Puerto Vallarta to Cancun .

In Mexico, the hundreds of thousands of migrants pushing north to the U.S. border are increasingly from somewhere else .

In Mexico City's enormous Zócalo public square on Wednesday, Lorenzo Pacheco held a sign for Sheinbaum. Pacheco has never worked in the U.S., he said. But with the peso gaining strength against the U.S. dollar, he recently took a four-day trip to visit the casinos of Las Vegas.

He wore the maroon color of Sheinbaum's political party, MORENA, and said he'd vote for her on Sunday. But even a militant "morenista" like him said the government hasn't done enough to fight organized crime.

"It's a problem the current government should handle with a tougher hand," he said. "Because really they haven't solved the problem."

Like many Mexicans, Pacheco sees a path for Mexican prosperity in its relationship with the U.S. The Puente poll found that 42% of Mexicans view the current relationship with the U.S. favorably and 60% hold a favorable opinion of U.S. citizens.

"The United States depends on Mexico as much as Mexico depends on the United States," Pacheco said. "There should be more openness in trade and tourism and everything that benefits both countries. As one grows, so grows the other."

Omar Ornelas reported from Mexico City.

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Merax Luggage Set 3 Pcs, ABS Durable Lightweight, 360°Silent Spinner Wheels, TSA Lock, Brown/Beige, 20/24/28 Inch

Luggage Set 3 Pcs, ABS Durable Lightweight, 360°Silent Spinner Wheels, TSA Lock, Brown/Beige, 20/24/28 Inch

Sweetcrispy 3-Piece Luggage Sets, Hard Shell ABS Suitcases with Double Spinner Wheels, Lightweight Expandable Rolling Trav...


3-piece luggage sets, hard shell abs suitcases with double spinner wheels, lightweight expandable rolling travel luggage with tsa lock.

LARVENDER Luggage 6 Piece Suitcase Sets, Expandable Luggage Sets Clearance, Suitcases with Spinner Wheels, Hard Shell Lugg...

Luggage 6 Piece Suitcase Sets, Expandable Luggage Sets Clearance, Suitcases with Spinner Wheels, Hard Shell Luggage Carry on Luggage Set with TSA Lock White Brown

Rockland Journey Softside Upright Luggage Set,Expandable, Blue, 4-Piece (14/19/24/28)

Journey Softside Upright Luggage Set,Expandable, Blue, 4-Piece (14/19/24/28)

Coolife Luggage Expandable 5 Piece Sets PC+ABS Spinner Suitcase 20 inch 24 inch 28 inch (white grid new)

Luggage Expandable 5 Piece Sets PC+ABS Spinner Suitcase 20 inch 24 inch 28 inch (white grid new)

PRIMICIA GinzaTravel PC+ABS suitcase Spinner Wheels scratch-resistant Lightweight Spinner Expandable Suitcase, luggage set...

GinzaTravel PC+ABS suitcase Spinner Wheels scratch-resistant Lightweight Spinner Expandable Suitcase, luggage sets,Universal wheel (Green, 3-Piece Set(20"/25"/29"))

Rockland London Hardside Spinner Wheel Luggage, White, 3-Piece Set (20/24/28)

London Hardside Spinner Wheel Luggage, White, 3-Piece Set (20/24/28)

COOLIFE Expandable Suitcase PC ABS TSA Luggage 3 Piece Set Lock Spinner Carry on (Teal blue)

Expandable Suitcase PC ABS TSA Luggage 3 Piece Set Lock Spinner Carry on (Teal blue)

Coolife Suitcase Set 3 Piece Luggage Set Carry On Hardside Luggage with TSA Lock Spinner Wheels (White, 5 piece set)

Suitcase Set 3 Piece Luggage Set Carry On Hardside Luggage with TSA Lock Spinner Wheels (White, 5 piece set)

Rockland Jungle Softside Upright Luggage, Leopard, 4-Piece Set (14/19/24/28)

Jungle Softside Upright Luggage, Leopard, 4-Piece Set (14/19/24/28)

Rockland Fashion Softside Upright Luggage Set, Expandable,Lightweight,Telescopic Handle,Wheel, Pink Leopard, 2-Piece (14/19)

Fashion Softside Upright Luggage Set, Expandable,Lightweight,Telescopic Handle,Wheel, Pink Leopard, 2-Piece (14/19)

Samsonite Omni PC Hardside Expandable Luggage with Spinner Wheels, 3-Piece Set (20/24/28), Black

Omni PC Hardside Expandable Luggage with Spinner Wheels, 3-Piece Set (20/24/28), Black

Travelers Club Sky+ Luggage Set, Expandable, Navy Blue, 3 Piece Set

Sky+ Luggage Set, Expandable, Navy Blue, 3 Piece Set

Karl home Luggage Set of 3 Hardside Carry on Suitcase Sets with Spinner Wheels & TSA lock, Portable Lightweight ABS Luggag...

Luggage Set of 3 Hardside Carry on Suitcase Sets with Spinner Wheels & TSA lock, Portable Lightweight ABS Luggages for Travel, Business - Rose Gold (20/24/28)

Karl home 3-Piece Luggage Set Travel Lightweight Suitcases with Rolling Wheels, TSA lock & Moulded Corner, Carry on Luggag...

3-Piece Luggage Set Travel Lightweight Suitcases with Rolling Wheels, TSA lock & Moulded Corner, Carry on Luggages for Business, Trip, Purple (20"/24"/28")

Coolife Luggage Expandable Suitcase PC+ABS 3 Piece Set with TSA Lock Spinner 20in24in28in

Luggage Expandable Suitcase PC+ABS 3 Piece Set with TSA Lock Spinner 20in24in28in

Coolife Luggage Expandable(only 28") Suitcase 3 Piece Set with TSA Lock Spinner 20in24in28in (reg grey)

Luggage Expandable(only 28") Suitcase 3 Piece Set with TSA Lock Spinner 20in24in28in (reg grey)

Wrangler Smart Luggage Set with Cup Holder and USB Port, Wood Thrush, 2 Piece

Smart Luggage Set with Cup Holder and USB Port, Wood Thrush, 2 Piece

Traveler's Choice Pagosa Indestructible Hardshell Expandable Spinner Luggage, Black, 2 Piece Set

Traveler's Choice

Pagosa indestructible hardshell expandable spinner luggage, black, 2 piece set.

travel picture set

Luggage Sets 3 Piece Softside Expandable Lightweight Durable Suitcase Sets Double Spinner Wheels TSA Lock Dark Green (20in/24in/28in)

Cosbarn Luggage Sets 5 Piece Suitcases with Wheels, Suitcase Set ABS Hard Case Luggage with TSA Lock Spinner Wheels Durabl...

Luggage Sets 5 Piece Suitcases with Wheels, Suitcase Set ABS Hard Case Luggage with TSA Lock Spinner Wheels Durable Travel Luggage(Black, 5-Piece Set(20"/24"/28"))…

LEAVES KING LARVENDER Luggage Sets 5 Piece, Expandable(Only 24"&28") PP Suitcase with Spinner Wheels, Durable Luggage Sets...


Larvender luggage sets 5 piece, expandable(only 24"&28") pp suitcase with spinner wheels, durable luggage sets clearance carry on luggage suitcase set for women men, purple.

Samsonite Omni 2 Hardside Expandable Luggage with Spinners, Nova Teal, 3-Piece Set (CO/MED/LG)

Omni 2 Hardside Expandable Luggage with Spinners, Nova Teal, 3-Piece Set (CO/MED/LG)

American Tourister Fieldbrook XLT Softside Upright Luggage, Black, 4-Piece Set (BB/WD/21/25 UP)

American Tourister

Fieldbrook xlt softside upright luggage, black, 4-piece set (bb/wd/21/25 up).

Merax Contrast Color 3 Piece Luggage Set Hardside Spinner Suitcase with TSA Lock 20" 24' 28" Available, Orange Blue, 20/2...

Contrast Color 3 Piece Luggage Set Hardside Spinner Suitcase with TSA Lock 20" 24' 28" Available, Orange Blue, 20/24/28 Inch

Joyway Luggage Set 3 Piece Suitcase Sets with Spinner Wheel,Hardside Expandable Travel Laggage with TSA Lock (20/24/28 Nav...

Luggage Set 3 Piece Suitcase Sets with Spinner Wheel,Hardside Expandable Travel Laggage with TSA Lock (20/24/28 Navy Blue

Samsonite Hardside Spinner Wheel Luggage, Silver, 2-Piece Set

Hardside Spinner Wheel Luggage, Silver, 2-Piece Set

Coolife Luggage 4 Piece Set Suitcase Spinner TSA Lock Softshell lightweight (blue+sliver)

Luggage 4 Piece Set Suitcase Spinner TSA Lock Softshell lightweight (blue+sliver)

Wrangler Quest Luggage Set, Granite Gray, 3 Piece Set (28"/24"/20")

Quest Luggage Set, Granite Gray, 3 Piece Set (28"/24"/20")

Rockland Vara Softside 3-Piece Upright Luggage Set,Expandable, Black, (20/22/28)

Vara Softside 3-Piece Upright Luggage Set,Expandable, Black, (20/22/28)

Wrangler Tahoe 3 Piece Spinner Luggage Set, Poseidon Blue

Tahoe 3 Piece Spinner Luggage Set, Poseidon Blue

Amazon Basics 3 Piece Set Hardside Spinner, 20", 24", 28", Orange

Amazon Basics

3 piece set hardside spinner, 20", 24", 28", orange.

Coolife Luggage Set 3 Piece Suitcase Set Carry On Luggage PC Hardside Luggage TSA Lock Spinner Wheels Telescopic Handle

Luggage Set 3 Piece Suitcase Set Carry On Luggage PC Hardside Luggage TSA Lock Spinner Wheels Telescopic Handle

Travelers Club Orion Luggage and Travel Accessories, Black, 6-Piece Set

Orion Luggage and Travel Accessories, Black, 6-Piece Set

Travel Select Amsterdam Expandable Rolling Upright Luggage, Gray, 4-Piece Set

Travel Select

Amsterdam expandable rolling upright luggage, gray, 4-piece set.

Melalenia Luggage Carry On Suitcase Sets, Expandable PP Hard Shell Suitcase with Spinner Wheels,Travel Luggage with TSA Lo...

Luggage Carry On Suitcase Sets, Expandable PP Hard Shell Suitcase with Spinner Wheels,Travel Luggage with TSA Locks 22x14x9 Airline Approved

Travelers Club Bella Caronia Deluxe Luggage & Travel Set, Jamila, 3 Piece Set

Bella Caronia Deluxe Luggage & Travel Set, Jamila, 3 Piece Set

Kono Suitcase Set 3 Piece Luggage Set Carry On Hardside Luggage with TSA Lock Spinner Wheels (Cream White, 6 piece set)

Suitcase Set 3 Piece Luggage Set Carry On Hardside Luggage with TSA Lock Spinner Wheels (Cream White, 6 piece set)

Coolife Luggage 4 Piece Set Suitcase Expandable TSA lock spinner softshell

Luggage 4 Piece Set Suitcase Expandable TSA lock spinner softshell

LARVENDER Luggage Sets 5 Piece with Duffel Bag Expandable(Only 28 inch) Hardside PP carry on luggage with 360° Spinner Whe...

Luggage Sets 5 Piece with Duffel Bag Expandable(Only 28 inch) Hardside PP carry on luggage with 360° Spinner Wheels TSA Lock for Men Women, Purple

Coolife Suitcase Set 3 Piece Luggage Set Carry On Travel Luggage TSA Lock Spinner Wheels Hardshell Lightweight Luggage Se...

Suitcase Set 3 Piece Luggage Set Carry On Travel Luggage TSA Lock Spinner Wheels Hardshell Lightweight Luggage Set(Dark Green, 3 piece set (BP/TB/20))

SHOWKOO Luggage Sets 3 Piece Hardside Expandable Suitcase with Double Spinner Wheels Tsa Lock Green (20in/24in/28in)

Luggage Sets 3 Piece Hardside Expandable Suitcase with Double Spinner Wheels Tsa Lock Green (20in/24in/28in)

Widfre Luggage Sets 3 Piece - HardShell Luggage Set with Spinner Wheels, Travel Suitcase Set, 20 24 28 inch, TSA Lock (Dar...

Luggage Sets 3 Piece - HardShell Luggage Set with Spinner Wheels, Travel Suitcase Set, 20 24 28 inch, TSA Lock (Dark Gray)

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We Just Found the Ultimate Summer Travel Outfit From This Unexpected Brand — and It’s Only $50

Reviewers say the quality of this two-piece set is “shockingly nice” for the price.

travel picture set

Travel + Leisure / Marcus Millan

The waistcoat is an unexpected spring sensation that has high potential to become summer’s reigning trend. It happens to be a street-style staple among celebs like Kendall Jenner and Victoria Beckham, but you don’t have to be a member of fashion’s high society to wear it. Everyday people are sporting this affordable vest and shorts set from Amazon, and tons of reviewers say it’s perfect for travel. 

Prettygarden Matching Vest and Shorts Set

The two-piece outfit includes a button-down suit vest with a deep V-neck and faux pockets that give it a true menswear look. The shorts are slightly oversized with subtle pleats. The set is “easy to pack, easy to wear, and [easy to] accessorize up or keep more casual,” a reviewer wrote . “Very comfortable. Will be a go-to outfit [in] warm weather. I'll try the vest with jeans and shorts with a T-shirt — when traveling, [I] can get several outfits that way.”

Higher-end brands like Aritzia, Veronica Beard, Staud, and Rag & Bone have similar styles that are priced over $150 (and upwards of $250, in some cases), but this whole Prettygarden set costs only $50.

Reviewers say it’s lightweight, breathable, and made with good-quality fabric — to quote another review , “ shockingly nice” — that can withstand the rigors of travel. “This is an easy-reach outfit for summer, and I love that you can just throw it on and look put together,” another shopper wrote . The one drawback? The material (a blend of polyester, viscose, and elastane) can wrinkle easily, reviewers say, so make sure you have access to an iron or steamer at your destination before packing it in your suitcase.

“All i can say is wow , this item is nice and the quality is great. Surprised the #$@! out of me,” a shopper said . The set comes in 13 colors, including brick red, army green, basic black, khaki, and light blue. It’s available in sizes XS to XXL, and it’s worth noting that some reviewers say it runs big.

Looking for some more easy outfits for summer travel? Shop more matching sets for $50 or less below.

More Summer-ready Matching 2-piece Sets:

Automet linen shorts set, fixmatti button-down shirt and shorts set, casly lamlit vest and shorts set, flygo linen shorts set.

At the time of publishing, the price started at $49.

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Moscow, Russia

You are here, about moscow.

Moscow is unlike any other city on Earth. It is the wealthy economic center for one-sixth of the world's land mass and has over 120 ethnic groups and nationalities. A diverse and vibrant city with a strange combination of traditional Russian architecture and newer Soviet tastelessness, Moscow is an adventure waiting to happen!

Reasons to travel to Moscow

But what makes it so popular among tourists is the concentration of Moscow attractions. When you travel to Moscow you definitely want to see the red-bricked walls of the Kremlin , to take a picture in front of St. Basil's Cathedral , and probably visit the world-famous Bolshoi Theater . All of these places are located within a very small area around Red Square , so seeing them on a walking sightseeing tour of Moscow is convenient and allows you to avoid traffic jams.

The concentration of Moscow's main sights is one of the facts that make this city a world-class tourist destination. The majority of its attractions is centered in one small area, and the Kremlin is the hub of this concentration.

These sights extend into the realm of fantasy and are a must to put on your Moscow itinerary: the colorful domes of the Cathedral of St. Vasily the Blessed, the neo-gothic consumer wonderland that is the GUM , or state department store, and the timepiece of Russia's New Year's celebrations, the Spassky clock tower, all tower over the beautiful Red Square.

The neighboring Kitay-Gorod, or "Basket-Town" (likely a reference to the construction method of the city walls surround it), remains a significant concentration of traditional Russian structures serving as a commercial center. The Bolshoi Theater, the Lubyanka, and the hotels that tower above the Manege Square all are situated within the Boulevard Ring, an urban open-space doubling as a heavily-trafficked roadway created after the Great Fire of 1812, the one that left Napoleon's Army starving deep within wintry Russia.

Moscow transport system

As Europe's largest metropolis, and the 5th largest city in the world, Moscow comes with its share of traffic blunders. It seems that all of the world's most expensive black cars are here, and that most of the city's car owners do not understand the difference between sidewalks and parking lots. Still, while the traffic situation leaves much to be desired, the Moscow subway is superb.

The advanced Metro system carries up to 3 million passengers a day and its trains run every few minutes. With stations that could rival art museums, the Metro is one of Moscow's great must-see sights. Travel in Moscow Metro at least once to see that there is nothing like it in the world.

Best time to visit Moscow

The peak of the Moscow travel season is May through September. However, you may prefer to savor Moscow tourism delicacies during the low travel season. The snowy winter months offer just as many entertainment options as one can find during summer.

You can celebrate New Year's Eve or see Russia's biggest ice rink on Red Square, taste blinis or visit one of the numerous winter markets. Any popular St. Petersburg - Moscow tour hides a handful of memorable experiences the whole year round!  

Although the best time to visit Moscow is from May to September, the city in winter still enchants with its towers and lights. Its great celebrations on the day of the October Revolution (held on November 7, a discrepancy resulting from the difference between the traditional Russian Julian calendar and the Gregorian calendar in use around the world today), and New Years Day make it the place to be. Of course, the best way to plan your trip is through one of our package tours to Moscow. If you are planning a trip to Russia , don't hesitate to contact our experienced travel experts who'll be glad to help.

Best Things to Do in Moscow

  • Explore the Kremlin and the gorgeous Red Square
  • Get acquainted with Russian art at the Tretyakov Gallery
  • See the "underground palaces" down in Moscow metro

Top Attractions in Moscow

GUM, Moscow

The famous GUM is a large department store in the Kitai-gorod part of Moscow facing Red Square.

Kremlin, Moscow

The symbol of Moscow and entire Russia, the Kremlin is often described as the 8th Wonder of the World.

Moscow Subway

Moscow Metro is like a whole underground city that holds the world's largest collection of Stalinist Art.

Novodevichy Convent, Moscow

Moscow's most well-known cloister with golden domes, untouched since the 17th century.

St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow

St. Basil’s Cathedral is Moscow’s most famous artistic work of architecture set in the romantic Red Square.

Armoury Chamber, Moscow

History and luxury is revealed inside the Kremlin as the Armoury Chamber displays treasures like Faberge Eggs.

The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Over 1000 years of Russia's finest art from Rublev to Shishkin, over 150 000 exhibits of religious and modern art.

All Attractions in Moscow

More about moscow.

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Hermitage Museum Church of the Savior on Blood The Kremlin Sergiev Posad, Golden Ring Kizhi Island The Red Square Siberia Lake Baikal

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Russian Tours and Cruises from Express to Russia

  • Moscow Tours

Our 20 Best Moscow Tours of 2022

Join us on an unforgettable tour to Moscow, the capital of Russia. Imagine visiting Red Square, St. Basil’s the Kremlin and more. Moscow is one of Europe’s most vibrant cities and one of Russia’s most historical. All of our tours to Moscow are fully customizable and can be adjusted to fit any budget. Our most popular tours are listed below. Please click on the tour details to learn more or contact us for more information about our Moscow tours using the form at the side of the page. You can also schedule a call with one of our Russian travel specialists to learn more.

Moscow Kremlin, photo by Walkerssk on Pixabay

Classic Moscow

This is our most popular Moscow tour that includes all the most prominent sights. You will become acquainted with ancient Russia in the Kremlin, admire Russian art in the Tretyakov Gallery, listen to street musicians as you stroll along the Old Arbat street, and learn about Soviet times on the Moscow Metro tour.



St. Basiils Cathedral, Moscow, Photo by vierro from Pexels

A Week in Moscow

This tour is a perfect choice for those who wish to get to know Moscow in depth. One of the highlights of this package is the KGB history tour which gives an interesting perspective on the Cold War. You will also have time for exploring the city on your own or doing extra sightseeing.

Photo by Andrey Omelyanchuk on Unsplash

Weekend in Moscow

This tour is a great way to get acquainted with the capital of Russia if you are short of time. You will see all the main attractions of the city, the most important of which is the Kremlin - the heart of Russia. The tour starts on Friday and can be combined with a business trip.

travel picture set

Group Tour Moscow Break by Intourist

Russia's capital has so much to offer, from the Kremlin and the Metro to the Old Arbat street and the Tretyakov Gallery. Besides these sites, you will also visit a fascinating country estate which today is quite off the beaten path, Gorky Estate, where the Soviet leader Lenin spent the last months of his life.

travel picture set

Kolomenskoye Tour with transport

The history of Kolomenskoye stretches back for centuries. In 1380, Dmitri Donskoi’s army passed through Kolomenskoye on their way to the Kulikovo battlefield, and it was...

Tours by car

travel picture set

Kremlin, Red Sq., Cathedrals & Armory Tour

The Kremlin is truly a fascinating structure, at the same time it is an ancient tower, the city’s former military fortification, a palace, an armory, the sovereign treasury...

Walking tours

travel picture set

Kremlin, Red Sq., Cathedrals, Armory, Diamond Fund Tour

travel picture set

Old Arbat walking tour

You will be told of the street’s interesting history and view the street’s artisan culture. You will also have the opportunity to view and purchase souvenirs from the...

travel picture set

Tour to Sergiev Posad with transport

Considered by some to be the Russian Vatican, Sergiev Posad is the temporary residence of the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Trinity St. Sergius Monastery (Lavra)...

travel picture set

Tour to Kuskovo with transport

The Kuskovo Estate often called the Moscow Versailles due to its perfectly preserved French park, is an example of an 18th century, luxurious Moscow summer residence. Its history...

travel picture set

Tour to Tsaritsyno with transport

The Tsaritsyno Estate is located in the southern part of Moscow. The estate was constructed for Catherine the Great by the Russian architects Bazhenov and Kazakov in a romantic...

travel picture set

Moscow Metro and Old Arbat Tour

The Moscow Metro is one of the largest and most grandly built metro systems in the world. It was meant to be a showcase of the Soviet Union’s achievements for both the Russians...

travel picture set

Vodka Museum Tour with transport (excursion and vodka tasting)

Vodka is an important component of Russian life, an element of national identity and everyday culture. We invite you to visit the Vodka Museum and feel the atmosphere of long-gone...

travel picture set

Mikhail Bulgakov Apartment Museum

This apartment museum located close to Patriarch Ponds became the prototype of the "bad apartment" described in the novel "The Master and Margarita." Currently the museum's...

Spasskaya Tower,Moscow Kremlin, Russia, image from Shutterstock

Kremlin, Red Sq., Cathedrals & Diamond Fund Tour

Portrait of Leo Tolstoy by Ilya Repin (1887)

The State Museum of Lev Tolstoy Tour

Take this opportunity to learn more about the Russian writer Lev Tolstoy. During the visit to the museum you will see part of a vast collection of exhibits connected to Tolstoy...

Novodevichy convent, Moscow, Russia, image from Shutterstock

Novodevichy Convent Tour with transport

Tour of the Novodevichy Monastery. Founded in 1524 by Grand Prince VasiliIoanovich, the original convent was enclosed by fortified walls and contained 12 towers. The structure...

St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow, Russia, image from Shutterstock

City Tour with Visit to St. Basils & Red Sq. with transport

Panoramic City Tour. This Moscow tour is a great start to your trip and the best way to get acquainted with many of the city’s major highlights. Our professional guide will...

travel picture set

City Tour of Moscow

Head to the heart of Moscow with a professional guide on a 4-hour private walk through the city center. See Tverskaya and Old Arbat streets, Theatre Square with the world-famous...

travel picture set

Moscow Metro walking tour

The Kremlin, Moscow, Russia, image from Shutterstock

Kremlin, Red Square and Cathedrals Tour

travel picture set

KGB Tour with transport

This is a very interesting and insightful tour. You will visit places connected with Stalin’s terror - a time of great repression and fear. You will be shown monuments to...

travel picture set

Soviet and Post-Soviet Moscow Tour

The tour begins with a drive or walk down Tverskaya Street – a Soviet masterpiece. In the years of Soviet power, Tverskaya began to undergo a transformation: it was widened...

Girl with Peaches by Alexander Serov

Tretyakov State Gallery Tour

This world-famous gallery contains masterpieces of Russian art beginning in the 10th century up until today. You will view exquisite Russian icons and paintings from the 18th and...

travel picture set

Jewish Heritage of Moscow Tour

This tour offers a detailed look into the history and present-day life of the Jewish community of Moscow. On the tour, you will visit sites connected with the cultural and religious...

Vodka, photo by Detonart at Pixabay

Vodka Museum Tour with transport (excursion only)


Lena, our guide in Moscow was excellent. She was very knowledgable and could answer any question we had for her. We liked that she could pick up on our interests and take us places we might not have thought of to go. When we realized that one of the places we had chosen to see would probably not be that interesting to us, she was able to arrange entry to the Diamond Fund and the Armoury for us. Riding the Metro with Lena was a real adventure and a lot of fun. In Saint Petersburg we found Anna well versed in the history of the Tsars and in the Hermitage collection. Arkady in Veliky Novgorod was a very good guide and answered all of our questions with ease. Novgorod was perhaps a long way to go for a day trip, but we did enjoy it. Vasily was a great driver to have and kept us safe with good humour and skill. We enjoyed ourselves so much, my daughter says she is already planning to return. We would both have no hesistation to recommend ExpresstoRussia to anyone we know.

Just wanted to let you know that My grandson Bruno and I couldn´t have been more pleased with our week in Moscow (6/15 - 6/21). We were absolutely enchanted with the whole experience, including getting lost a couple of times in the Metro during our free time. Although both our guides (both Eleanas) were excellent, I would particularly commend the first one (she took us to the Tatiakov, the KGB tour, and to that beautiful cemetery where so many great Russian artists, authors, composers, musicians, militarists, and politicians are buried). Her knowledge is encyclopedic; and her understanding of today´s Russia as a product of its past was, for us, truly enlightening. I will be taking another tour in Russia, with my wife, within the next two or three years. I will be in touch with you when the time comes. Meanwhile, I will refer you to other potential visitors to Russia as I meet them.

Tours to Moscow

Our Moscow tours are land only meaning that you arrange your own air travel to Russia and our expert staff meets you at the airport and handles everything else from there. Our online Airline Ticket booking system offers some of the most competitive rates to Russia available on the web so if you need tickets, please visit our Russian air ticket center . Rest assured that you will be taken great care of on one of our Moscow tours. Express to Russia has a fully staffed office in Moscow that will help to make your visit fun, informative and unforgettable. Please remember that of all these tours are private and can be adjusted to your taste. You can add, replace or skip some sights; you can add more days to the package or cut the tour short. Our specialists will be glad to help you create the tour of your dreams!

Novodevichy Convent, Moscow

Moscow, a City Like No Other

Moscow is Russia’s largest city with a population of between 12 and 13 million. It is also Europe’s largest city and when you visit Moscow, you can feel it. The layout and architecture of the city is eclectic, ranging from crooked, ancient streets and alleyways to wide, bustling boulevards, from medieval churches to Stalin skyscrapers and to modern, glass buildings towering over everything and of course in the center of it all is the Kremlin and the magnificent Red Square. Moscow is also home to a fantastic, efficient and very beautiful metro system – each station having its own special design. In fact, Express to Russia’s Moscow metro tours and excursions are some of our most popular attractions that we offer. On our Moscow tours, you will see this and more.

Moscow Kremlin in the times of Ivan III

Moscow Tours centering on Russian History

Moscow has a long and interesting history and has been the capital of Russia in many of its different iterations – capital of the Grand Duchy of Moscow , the Russian Empire and of course the Soviet Union (who could ever forget the Soviet Union?). Moscow, was founded in the 12th century by Prince Yuri Dolgaruki (Yuri of the long arms – he really did have long arms!). From that time on, it was home to the Russian Tsars until Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg in 1703. The city has survived invasions and sieges from the Mongols, the Tartars, the Poles, Lithuanians and Napoleon but has always persevered. Our Moscow tours will enlighten you on this great history and give you insights into Muscovites and their unique culture. Our Moscow tours show you what the city is like today but also brings to life the past. Moscow never seems to sleep and is bursting with energy. A Moscow tour with Express to Russia is truly the best way of getting to know Russia’s largest and most vibrant city.

Frequently Asked Questions From Our Travelers

What is the best time to visit moscow.

Any time of year is fine depending on what you plan to do. Summertime is pleasantly warm, ideal for exploring the city and its vibrant atmosphere, but Moscow will be much busier and accommodation is more expensive. Winter can be quite cold but beautiful nonetheless, and this is unproblematic if you intend to spend most of your trip in museums and galleries. There are also various festivals and events organised throughout the year. For more information about the best time to visit, read our guide

How many days are enough in Moscow?

If you plan your itinerary strategically and aren’t averse to a packed schedule, you can cover Moscow’s main sights over a long weekend. Most popular attractions are in the city centre, and the Moscow Metro allows you to cover much ground in a small amount of time. Ensure that your accommodation is fairly central and book tickets in advance, so that you can make the most of your days. For an informative and well-organised day out, check out our Moscow day tours with options to suit all interests.

Do they speak English in Moscow?

As Russia’s capital city, tourists are well accommodated in Moscow. There should be English-speaking staff in restaurants, bars, hotels, shops and attractions in tourist hotspots, and there are also English-speaking tourist police. Transport services have English translations on their maps and English announcements via intercom; alternatively, order taxis from the Yandex Taxi app (Russian Uber), though it’s unlikely that your taxi driver will speak English. If you get stuck and cannot communicate, it’s fine to use Google Translate.

Is it safe to travel to Moscow?

It is no less safe to travel to Moscow than to any European city if you exercise common sense and look after your belongings. As with every city some regions can be more unsavoury than others, but no tourist attractions are located there. The traffic in Moscow is notorious, so exercise caution when crossing roads. Do not take unlicensed taxis; book in advance or take public transport, which is widespread and perfectly safe. If you encounter any problems, look for the special tourist police who can help you. For more information, read our guide about staying safe in Russia .

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'A Gentleman in Moscow' Review — Ewan McGregor Effortlessly Charms From a Gilded Cage

  • Ewan McGregor and Mary Elizabeth Winstead's chemistry shines in A Gentleman in Moscow as Alexander navigates relationships in his gilded cage.
  • The storytelling cleverly deploys nonlinear narrative and amusing dialogue to engage the viewer.
  • A slow start evolves into a compelling historical epic within the Metropol's walls.

Based on Amor Towles ’ critically acclaimed novel by the same name, A Gentleman in Moscow is Showtime’s next great historical drama. While the mention of “Moscow” in the title might make the mind’s eye wander down snowy streets in the shadow of Saint Basil's Cathedral, A Gentleman in Moscow is far removed from the sprawl of a struggling society and is instead a far more quaint tale , set within the confines of a grandiose hotel-turned-prison cell.

Like the gilt Fabergé egg that adorns the poster for the series, Count Alexander Rostov’s ( Ewan McGregor ) existence is a reminder of the opulence of bygone days—an ostentatious relic. He serves no real purpose in the grand scheme of things, except to be watched within his gilded cage, and kept account of by authorities, much like the dwindling few eggs that sit in collections around the world. And much like the Fabergé egg, Alexander’s life is inextricably linked to the tragic downfall of the Romanov family and the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 that followed.

The series starts swiftly, with the Bolshevik tribunal sentencing the Count to a lifetime of confinement within the walls of the Metropol Hotel. He is spared a far worse sentencing ( death ) due to the poem that he allegedly penned, which critiqued the upper class and questioned the purpose of the royal family. These are, of course, ideals that the Bolsheviks agree with, even if they are being echoed by a Count who benefited from the institutions he criticized. As with Towles’ novel, much of the Count’s life before the revolution is shown through fragmented flashbacks dotted throughout the series, as well as through illuminating conversations with his compatriots — or, rather, comrades, Mishka ( Fehinti Balogun ) and Prince Nikolai Petrov ( Paul Ready ).

A Gentleman in Moscow

A Russian aristocrat is spared from death and placed on house arrest while the Bolshevik Revolution plays out before him.

Release Date March 29, 2024

Cast Leah Harvey, Anastasia Hille, Beau Gadsdon, Bjrn Hlynur Haraldsson, Paul Ready, Johnny Harris, Ewan McGregor, Mary Elizabeth Winstead

Main Genre Drama

Genres Drama

‘A Gentleman in Moscow’ Breathes New Life Into Its Characters

With Ben Vanstone as the guiding hand for the series, A Gentleman in Moscow was smartly adapted from page to screen. Rather than embracing the novel's insular storytelling, with the Count as the sole protagonist, Vanstone has widened the narrative to bring more life to the surrounding characters — particularly the women who come in and out of his life, and the gilded doors of the Metropol. It would have been very easy to frame Anna Urbanova ( Mary Elizabeth Winstead ) as little more than the Count’s on-again-off-again girlfriend. Her life outside of Alexander doesn’t matter on the page; she only exists when she is with him or on his mind. Perhaps with a different creative team, that would have been exactly how she was portrayed, but Vanstone veered far away from playing straight into that trope. Instead, Anna’s life outside of Alexander is given depth . Her career as an actress is a vital subplot that weaves through each episode, headed towards a larger plot point. While she and the Count do fall into bed on numerous occasions, it’s always handled tastefully and shown as a relationship that she holds the reins to. Courting a criminal comes at great personal risk to her budding career, which makes the shifted narrative all the more vital.

A Gentleman in Moscow marks the third time that McGregor and Winstead have shared the screen following their performances in Fargo and Birds of Prey , and their real-life chemistry beautifully carries through into the relationship between Alexander and Anna. They play off each other naturally, and their performances are just as electric, regardless of whether Anna is keeping his delusions of grandeur in check or he’s sprawled out naked on the ground with nothing more than a towel to hide the… Fabergé eggs. McGregor and Winstead's dynamic is half the fun of A Gentleman in Moscow . It’s refreshing to have even more historical romances to talk about around the watercooler — and audiences will be raving about this series given its weekly release schedule.

While Alexander’s relationship with Anna is at the heart of A Gentleman in Moscow , the soul of the series is his unlikely friendships with two little girls who call the Metropol home during different periods of his imprisonment. First is Nina Kulikova ( Alexa Goodall ), a curly-haired spitfire who has everyone in the hotel wrapped around her finger. It’s through Nina that Alexander starts to make genuine connections with the host of characters around him, which changes him for the better. Years after Nina has been set free from Alexander’s gilded cage, a second young girl comes into Alexander’s life: Sofia ( Billie Gadsdon ). Through both girls, Alexander gets to experience what fatherhood might have looked like for him had he not been ensnared by the Bolsheviks.

Another notable and equally unlikely friendship that Alexander makes at the Metropol is the one that he forges with Osip Glebnikov ( Johnny Harris ), the man tasked with ensuring he never leaves the hotel. Glebnikov enlists Alexander in training him to be more of a gentleman. Given his upbringing, he was never afforded the same access to scholarly works or classic literature as Alexander, and this academic pursuit becomes their evening conversations over supper.

One such conversation centers on Victor Hugo ’s seminal work, Les Misérables , which is a cause of confusion for Glebnikov, who withers at the notion of Javert (spoilers for a 162-year-old book) committing suicide. While the conversation about Les Misérables may be brief, the comparison between the two works is undeniable. Alexander, much like Jean Valjean, is a prisoner of circumstances, though on wildly different sides of the scale. While Valjean escapes from his jailor, Javert, for large swaths of time, Alexander is always right where Glebnikov left him within the halls of the Metropol. The true comparison, however, arises when Alexander is tasked with the care of young Sofia by her mother, much in the same way Fantine entrusts Cosette’s future with Valjean. Further comparisons could be made with the setting of both tales, as they are both set against uprisings, revolutions, class disparity, and the sort of socialist discourse that would make Karl Marx sit up in his grave. And, much like the stage musical, A Gentleman in Moscow is all about the turning of the years.

‘A Gentleman in Moscow’ Starts Slow, But Builds to a Pulse-Pounding Conclusion

Spread out across eight episodes, A Gentleman in Moscow spans approximately forty years of Alexander’s life in captivity. With each new episode, a running total of how many days he has spent in his lavish prison is tallied up. Occasionally, the episodes will work backward from each shocking total, which cleverly hooks the audience right from the onset of the episode. Except for his visible aging and waning agility, the Count remains largely stagnant as the world changes around him. He has very little control over his circumstances, which means a lot happens to him, not with him. People come and go around him, relationships are formed, babies are born, those babies grow up and go to war, people die, and Russia evolves—for better and for worse.

The first handful of episodes start slowly, particularly where Alexander’s passivity is concerned, but as he begins to come to terms with his situation and connect with the vibrant world around him, however small it may be, the pace finally picks up. Without revealing too many details about the final episodes of the series, one might be able to imagine what sort of turmoil might visit his gilded cage once Stalin’s regime falls and America starts poking around the ruins of the government. The passage of time is cleverly shown through more than just a running total and graying hair. While Alexander’s wardrobe rarely receives an upgrade, the people around him represent the ever-evolving world beyond the Metropol. Anna is the best bellwether for societal changes as her appearance transforms from a picture-perfect blonde bombshell with rising hemlines to her natural brunette curls and sophisticated elegance. As time continues to pass, she even dons cozy sweaters that mirror Alexander’s own comfortable existence.

While it is unlikely that A Gentleman in Moscow intended for Ewan McGregor to look like a dark academia fever dream, every bit of the Count’s character design screams the aesthetic. From the unkempt coif of permed curls to his longjohns-clad calisthenics in a dusty attic, Alexander looks more like an eccentric history professor than a count whose wings have been clipped. McGregor brings a charming congenitally to the role that makes the Count ever so beguiling , particularly when he gets to act opposite the younger members of the cast. When he’s not going toe-to-toe with Winstead, he’s at his best keeping up with the spry wit of Goodall and Gadsdon's characters.

A Gentleman in Moscow lives up to the expectations set by Towles’ novel and delivers a sprawling historical epic contained within the walls of a single location. The Count’s world might be as small as the Metropol, but he lives vicariously through the relationships he makes — and, by extension, so do we. With mystery, danger, and intrigue threaded throughout, A Gentleman in Moscow has the potential to dominate cultural conversation in the same way that Shōgun and The Gilded Age have nourished audiences who are starved for well-told, compelling tales.

A Gentleman in Moscow lives up to the original novel it adapts, delivering a sprawling historical epic confined to a single location.

  • Ewan McGregor and Mary Elizabeth Winstead electrify the screen with their chemistry and natural ease together.
  • The writing is clever, both with its amusing dialogue and the way it deploys nonlinear storytelling to keep audiences engaged.
  • The set and costume design are sumptuous and visually appealing.
  • The first handful of episodes are quite slow, but the series does eventually pick up as the story unfolds.

A Gentleman in Moscow premieres March 29 on streaming and on-demand on Paramount+ with Showtime before its on-air debut on March 31.

Watch on Paramount+

'A Gentleman in Moscow' Review — Ewan McGregor Effortlessly Charms From a Gilded Cage


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