Chief O'Brien's Tragic Star Trek Timeline Explained

Chief O'Brien, Colm Meaney, Star Trek

Senior Chief Petty Officer Miles O'Brien has led a storied life. He joined Starfleet at 17 years old , and by the time he settled down to teach engineering to cadets who outranked him the second they graduated, he'd served for 30 years. This jack-of-all-trades and certified transporter wizard can beam a radioactive MacGuffin through an ion storm in the middle of a swirly blue temporal distortion, keep a mishmash of Federation, Cardassian, and Bajoran technology running for seven seasons, and is an expert in starship combat, to boot. O'Brien doesn't need to be an officer to command respect.

However, O'Brien's rise from random bridge guy to main cast member wasn't all a shiny Galaxy -class ride set to heroic music. Star Trek loves to torture its engineers, after all, and our mild-mannered transporter chief has a biography that would make a Vulcan weep. Get the violins ready because we're about to dive into Chief O'Brien's tragic Star Trek timeline.

Chief O'Brien saw the horrors of war early on

O'Brien served aboard the USS Rutledge early in his career, when Starfleet was embroiled in the Federation-Cardassian War. During the conflict, the Cardassians came to believe that the Federation had established a military base on Setlik III, and they set out to destroy it. According to Memory Alpha , all they found was a civilian colony, but they attacked anyway, killing most of the colonists.

The Rutledge was the first Federation ship to arrive, leaving O'Brien to witness the bloody aftermath firsthand as the crew worked to rescue the remaining survivors amid Cardassian patrols. O'Brien saved 13 people by repairing a field transporter and beaming everyone away, but he truly distinguished himself when he led a group of two dozen against a regiment of Cardassians, an offensive which would change him forever. As he was protecting a group of civilians, two Cardassians ambushed O'Brien. He managed to knock one out, but he had to shoot the other ... with a phaser he didn't know was set to maximum.

O'Brien had never killed anyone before and was haunted by the incident for years to come. He was decorated for his valor in the colony and became known as the " hero of Setlik III ," but he didn't relish the title, merely tolerating it. O'Brien came to resent Cardassians and would later recount that he hated the person he became after the massacre.

He had to face down his former captain

By the time of the Next Generation episode " The Wounded ," the Federation and the Cardassians have signed a peace treaty, and a newly married O'Brien is serving on the Enterprise . The transporter chief's honeymoon gets tossed on its head, however, when he learns that Captain Benjamin Maxwell, his commanding officer during the war, has gone rogue and is attacking and destroying Cardassian ships. The Enterprise is tasked with entering Cardassian space and finding Maxwell's ship, the Phoenix , and bringing it home, a mission tailor-made to dredge up painful memories.

Maxwell's wife and children were killed in the Setlik III massacre, so it doesn't take long for accusations of revenge to fly. O'Brien, however, refuses to believe that his former captain doesn't have a good reason for what he's doing, and when the Enterprise crew finally catches up with Maxwell, the captain claims that the Cardassians are preparing to start another war. Captain Picard , however, is there to stop Maxwell from kicking off a conflict and orders the rogue officer to follow the Enterprise back to Federation space.

En route, Maxwell suddenly takes the Phoenix off toward another Cardassian ship, telling Picard that he'll destroy it if the Enterprise crew doesn't board it. In a bid to keep the two captains from trading photon torpedoes, O'Brien pulls some transporter magic and beams onto the Phoenix through its shields. There, he finally manages to talk Maxwell, who'd already killed more than 600 Cardassians , into surrendering.

Chief O'Brien took his own family hostage while possessed

O'Brien leads a generally happy life on the Enterprise , but he wouldn't be O'Brien if something bad didn't happen to him every now and then. In the TNG episode " Power Play ," he's called upon for more transporter voodoo, in this case to beam a stranded away team up from a stormy planet. He succeeds in doing so ... but gets possessed, along with Data and Troi, by imprisoned alien lifeforms hoping to free their comrades.

The aliens are quite intent on moving the Enterprise into position to rescue their buddies, but they're not very patient and try to take over when they don't get what they want. They end up in Ten-Forward, the Enterprise' s fancy space pub, where they take hostages, including O'Brien's wife, Keiko, and his newborn daughter, Molly.

After the Enterprise has moved to their desired location, the aliens each take a hostage (with O'Brien choosing Keiko) to a cargo bay, where the chief's transporter knowledge will be used to beam the rest of the prisoners on board. They're ultimately foiled, and it's revealed at the end of the episode that O'Brien was conscious the entire time he was possessed but was unable to do anything as he terrorized his own wife and daughter.

He almost succumbed to a biological weapon

O'Brien receives the promotion of his life after five years aboard the Enterprise . He goes from being the "beam me up" guy to the chief of operations of Deep Space Nine, the Federation's newest secondhand outpost. Of course, taking an everyman like O'Brien and making him the chief engineer in a Star Trek series is like dressing someone in sheet metal and having him run through a thunderstorm carrying a steel pole. Case in point: the DS9 episode " Armageddon Game ."

In this outing, O'Brien and Dr. Bashir are helping two alien races, the Kelleruns and the T'Lani, destroy their stocks of biological weapons, along with all knowledge on how to create them. Neither of them were informed that this process includes killing everyone who helped to dispose of the weapons, leaving the duo quite confused when soldiers storm in and kill all the extras just as the last batch is being eradicated. O'Brien gets gassed by a bioweapon in the mayhem, but he and Bashir escape, leaving the two to sneak and fight their way to freedom as more soldiers hunt them, all while O'Brien gets sicker and sicker. Eventually cornered, Bashir and a nearly dead O'Brien end up facing an impromptu firing squad just before Sisko swoops in to save the day.

O'Brien was kidnapped and replaced by a duplicate

In literally the next episode after almost dying from an alien bioweapon, our beleaguered hero gets kidnapped. In " Whispers ," O'Brien is helping the Paradans — who've been locked in a civil war for several years — prepare for peace talks, but then the Paradan government takes him and replaces him with a replicant . This copy has all of O'Brien's knowledge and memories and doesn't know what he is ... but he's also programmed to assassinate the rebels' diplomatic delegation. The Paradan rebels, however, are wise to the government's plan and warn Deep Space Nine before Fake O'Brien returns.

When the replicant gets "home," things aren't right. No one seems to trust him, he's kept from working on anything pertaining to the peace conference, and he realizes that he's being surveilled. He concludes he's run afoul of some massive conspiracy once Sisko and Kira try to arrest him, after which the replicant escapes.

O'Brien's duplicate ends up making his way back to Parada II, where he finds Sisko and Kira meeting with the rebels, but just as he thinks he's about to stop whatever they're plotting, he gets shot. That's when it's revealed that Sisko and Kira were there to pick up the real O'Brien, who now gets to watch himself die. The replicant's last words to his real counterpart are "Keiko ... tell her I love ..." Cheerful.

This Star Trek hero was framed by the Cardassians

Chief O'Brien takes a much-needed vacation in the DS9 episode " Tribunal " ... or at least he tries to. Everything is squared away for his absence from the station, and he even crosses paths with an old friend from the Rutledge , Raymond Boone, on his way to his shuttle. But then, as he and Keiko are en route to their destination, the Cardassians show up to arrest O'Brien, stunning him in front of his wife and carting him off.

On Cardassia, O'Brien is stripped naked, has a molar pulled from his mouth, and is repeatedly prompted to confess to charges he hasn't even heard. Eventually, O'Brien learns that he's been accused of smuggling weapons to the Maquis, Federation rebels who remain hostile to the Cardassians despite the peace treaty, and that the Cardassians who arrested him found photon torpedoes in his runabout's cargo bay.

O'Brien's execution is already scheduled, and the trial is a mere formality. He's just been declared guilty when Sisko enters the courtroom with O'Brien's old buddy Boone, except it isn't Boone. The real Boone was killed years earlier and replaced by a surgically altered Cardassian spy , who recorded O'Brien's voice when they "bumped into each other" and used it to steal the photon torpedoes and frame him, all part of a Cardassian ploy to discredit the Federation and increase their own negotiating clout. O'Brien, with a dead friend to mourn, is released.

O'Brien died (but kept on serving)

For most people, watching themself die would be a life-changing, traumatic experience. For O'Brien, it's Tuesday. In " Visionary ," the chief finds himself briefly time-jumping a few hours into his future. While Dax and Dr. Bashir work to figure out the cause, a few more time shifts ensue, which give O'Brien a chance to do things like help himself in a Klingon bar fight and witness and subsequently prevent his own assassination, until a jump lands him in the morgue, standing over his own corpse. Luckily, Dr. Bashir is there to tell the chief that his autopsy revealed previously undetected damage to his nervous system due to the time shifts, information which O'Brien can relay once he shifts back.

Everything's going to be okay ... until O'Brien jumps forward one last time and finds himself piloting a shuttle full of evacuees away from Deep Space Nine as it explodes. To save the station, Bashir fashions a device that blasts O'Brien with radiation and sends him back to the future, a bit before DS9 blows. O'Brien wakes his future self up, and the two quickly figure out why the station blew when a Romulan Warbird decloaks and attacks. Dying from the radiation, O'Brien gives Future O'Brien the device so the latter can go back, warn everyone, and save the day.

He was given 20 years of prison memories

The universe's next gut punch comes in the form of the DS9 episode " Hard Time ," in which O'Brien once again finds himself arrested, this time by the Argrathi. The chief is wrongfully convicted of espionage, and his captors have a very efficient correctional system. They implant the memory of a 20-year prison sentence into O'Brien's mind before the rest of the DS9 crew even knows what happened. In real life, only a few hours have passed, but as far as O'Brien is concerned, he's just spent two decades growing old and gray in a dark cell. He had one friend while incarcerated, his cellmate Ee'char, but near the end of his sentence, after the years had frayed his mind, O'Brien killed his friend for hoarding food, only to realize that Ee'char had been saving it for both of them.

And then he's suddenly back at DS9 with 20 years of unremovable prison memories. O'Brien tries to adjust but understandably can't get over what happened. He becomes ever more irritable and violent before finally almost hitting his daughter. After this, he runs off to a cargo bay, finds a weapons locker, and takes out a phaser, ready to commit suicide. Thankfully, Bashir talks him down.

O'Brien lost another friend

As detailed by Memory Alpha , during his time on Deep Space Nine, O'Brien becomes good friends with another crewman, Enrique Muniz. Sadly, this friendship doesn't last long. In " The Ship ," Sisko, Dax, Worf, and O'Brien are surveying an alien planet, and they find a crashed Jem'Hadar vessel. With the main cast members are several other personnel, including Muniz, so you can probably guess where this is going. Another group of Jem'Hadar soon show up and destroy the DS9 crew's runabout, and our heroes are left holed up in the crashed Dominion ship.

During a firefight, Muniz receives a minor wound, which isn't enough to stop him from saving O'Brien from an infiltrating Jem'Hadar soldier. Muniz's wound won't stop bleeding, though, and it becomes apparent that the weapon that hit the crewman had poisoned him with some sort of anticoagulant. As O'Brien watches helplessly, his friend's condition deteriorates, with Muniz beginning to hallucinate that he's a child again, visiting a carnival with his dad. By the time the Defiant arrives to rescue O'Brien and the others, poor Muniz has died.

He just can't catch a break with Cardassians

Chief O'Brien simply can't catch a break when it comes to Cardassians, as seen in the episode " Empok Nor ." O'Brien, Nog, and four Starfleet crewmen are sent to the eponymous abandoned space station to salvage parts. Along for the ride is DS9's resident tailor/spy Garak, who's there to disarm booby traps. The party's presence, however, awakens two Cardassian soldiers — left to guard Empok Nor — from stasis. They've been shot full of some serious mind-altering drugs, and they waste little time destroying the intruders' ship and killing two crewmen.

Garak, a clothier with no shortage of deadly skills, goes after the soldiers while the rest try to contact DS9. He kills one but is exposed to the drug. The other soldier takes out a third crewman and is about to kill the fourth when Garak dispatches him as well ... right before slaying the final crewman himself.

Garak proceeds to go full supervillain, taking Nog hostage and taunting O'Brien about the Setlik III massacre before O'Brien agrees to fight the Cardassian hand-to-hand on the station's promenade, where Garak has hung the bodies of the dead crewmen. Garak proceeds to beat the Starfleet out of O'Brien, but the chief manages to stun him with a strategically set-down tricorder rigged to explode. O'Brien, despite presumably acquiring a whole new pile of Cardassian-based PTSD triggers, later agrees to testify that Garak wasn't responsible for his drug-fueled rampage.

O'Brien had to betray a friend

O'Brien's résumé is further expanded in the DS9 episode " Honor Among Thieves ," in which he's recruited by Starfleet Intelligence to infiltrate the Orion Syndicate, the biggest organized crime outfit in the Alpha Quadrant, to learn the identity of a mole the Syndicate has in Starfleet. Posing as a down-on-his-luck engineer named "Connelly," O'Brien utilizes his space handyman skills to earn the trust of a few Syndicate operatives, including Liam Bilby , for whom he does several jobs.

Things become more ominous when O'Brien is asked to repair several Klingon disruptors and subsequently witnesses the Syndicate meeting with a representative of the Dominion. At this point, O'Brien's assignment changes to finding out what's going down, and he discovers that the Dominion wants the Syndicate to assassinate a Klingon ambassador in order to destabilize the Federation-Klingon alliance. O'Brien passes this information on to his handler, who immediately warns the ambassador, but there's a problem. A genuine friendship has formed between O'Brien and Bilby, who's supposed to carry out the assassination and is now walking into certain death.

O'Brien visits Bilby, reveals his true identity, and warns him that the Klingons know he's coming. He urges his shocked friend to turn himself in or go into hiding, but Bilby chooses to go through with the assassination attempt and die so that the Syndicate will look after his family rather than kill them.

O'Brien nearly lost his daughter in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

It's a good thing O'Brien's a workaholic because his days off are clearly cursed. In " Time's Orphan ," he, Keiko, Molly, and his baby son, Kirayoshi, are enjoying a picnic on Golana, and everything's good until they hear Molly scream. She's wandered into a nearby cave, and O'Brien finds her hanging from the edge of a cliff, dangling over an alien time travel device. Molly falls before her father can save her, and then the portal deactivates. O'Brien and a science team get the time portal running again and beam Molly out, but they're met by a feral teenager, not an eight-year-old. Molly has been stuck in the past for ten years.

On Deep Space Nine, Molly has an understandably difficult time adjusting. Slowly, she makes progress, eventually uttering the words "mommy" and "daddy," but things take a turn for the worst when Molly freaks out and assaults several people in Quark's bar. Not wanting to see their daughter institutionalized, the O'Briens make a heart-wrenching decision — to send her back through the portal and then destroy it to keep her safe. After a last tearful goodbye, Molly tells her parents she loves them. On the other side, though, she finds herself back at the same point in time she was originally sent to when she was eight, and she sends her younger self back through the portal to her parents, an act which erases teenage Molly from existence.

Memory Alpha

Keiko O'Brien

Professor Keiko O'Brien (née Ishikawa ) was a 24th century civilian botanist aboard the USS Enterprise -D and on Bajor , as well as the primary school teacher aboard the starbase Deep Space 9 .

  • 1 Personal life and family
  • 2.1 USS Enterprise -D
  • 2.2 Deep Space 9
  • 3.1 Appearances
  • 3.2 Background information
  • 3.3 Apocrypha
  • 3.4 External links

Personal life and family [ ]

Keikos flashback

Keiko giving the ink brush to her obaachan .

Keiko Ishikawa, daughter of Hiro Ishikawa , was a native of Japan , Earth . Her mother , born in 2269 , was a resident of the city Kumamoto well into the 2360s . ( TNG : " Disaster "; DS9 : " Emissary ", " Dax ")

It is unclear if just Keiko's mother lived in Kumamoto or if her father lived there as well. If it was just her mother, then this may indicate that her parents were divorced, as it was later established that both of her parents were alive later in the series. ( DS9 : " The Darkness and the Light ") It's also interesting to note that Keiko's mother was apparently around the age of 60 when she had Keiko (assuming Keiko was not much older than 40 in 2369 ).

Keiko had a strong bond with her family and past; as a child, she used to help her grandmother , whom she called obaachan (Affectionate Japanese term for "grandmother"), with her Japanese brush writing or calligraphy . Young Keiko would fill an old chipped cup with water and bring it to the table for her grandmother to use for cleaning the ink brushes . Keiko would sit beside her and watch the most beautiful characters come from her brush – the whole time, she would hum to herself. ( TNG : " Violations ")

O'Brien's wedding

Keiko's and Miles' wedding in 2367

Keiko was introduced to Miles O'Brien by their mutual friend, Data . ( TNG : " Data's Day ") While on Earth together, Miles and Keiko visited McKinley Park , where Miles gave Keiko a gold bracelet . ( TNG : " Power Play ") The two eventually wed aboard the Enterprise -D in a wedding ceremony that combined Irish and Japanese traditions. Data served as the "father of the bride." ( TNG : " Data's Day ")

One of Keiko's favorite foods was plankton loaf with kelp buds and sea berries . Following her marriage to Miles, she prepared a plankton loaf for lunch one day, much to the dismay of Miles. ( TNG : " The Wounded ")

Together, Miles and Keiko O'Brien had their first child, Molly , who was born in early 2368 . Keiko gave birth to the child in the Enterprise 's Ten Forward lounge during a ship-wide systems failure. Worf coached Keiko during her labor and later delivered the baby. ( TNG : " Disaster ", " The Game ")

Keiko was part of a woodwind quintet on the Enterprise -D in which she played the clarinet . ( TNG : " In Theory ")

Keiko, an apparent follower of fashion, was replicating longer dresses in mid- 2370 to keep up with the style. ( DS9 : " Paradise ")

USS Enterprise -D [ ]

Keiko was assigned to the USS Enterprise -D as a botanist , working primarily in the arboretum . ( TNG : " Data's Day ") She was also the head of the plant biology lab , when the Enterprise got caught in the Tyken's Rift . In mid-2368, Keiko was assisted by young Clara Sutter in planting several nasturtiums . ( TNG : " Night Terrors ", " Imaginary Friend ")

For years, Keiko saw an old cup in her memory , but could never recall what it was or why it was important. Following an encounter with a Ullian named Tarmin , a telepathic historian , she was able to recall the significance of the cup – she thought that it was a wonderful experience. Following a series of telepathically-induced comas , Doctors Crusher and Martin did a neurological work-up on Keiko, since she was the only person aboard the Enterprise to experience the memory probe , in order to see if there were any residual effects from her experience. ( TNG : " Violations ")

Keiko and Molly were among those taken hostage when three aliens possessed Deanna Troi , Data and O'Brien. ( TNG : " Power Play ")

Keiko O'Brien, age 12

Keiko after reverting to the age of 12

In 2369 , Keiko, Guinan , Ro Laren and Jean-Luc Picard visited the planet Marlonia , where Keiko found a specimen of Draebidium calimus , which she brought back to the Enterprise on her return trip. Moments before docking on the Enterprise , their shuttlecraft , Fermi , became enveloped in an energy field , and their subsequent emergency transport caused the group to be transformed into children. She was eventually returned to her normal state after she and her transformed colleagues helped to retake the ship from a group of renegade Ferengi . Keiko was particularly grateful to be returned to her normal adult self because while she was transformed into a child, her own daughter Molly didn't recognize her. ( TNG : " Rascals ")

Later that year, Miles was transferred to the new Federation outpost Deep Space 9 . Keiko and Molly moved to the station as well, even though Keiko was not very happy about the move. ( DS9 : " Emissary ", " A Man Alone ", " Captive Pursuit ")

Deep Space 9 [ ]

Keiko O'Brien and Kira Nerys, 2369

Keiko with Major Kira in 2369

On DS9, she found there was no need for a botanist, so with the permission of Benjamin Sisko , she opened a school for the children living on the station. ( DS9 : " A Man Alone ") Within a few weeks of opening her classroom, she took her eleven students on a field trip to Bajor to visit the grain processing center in Lasuma . ( DS9 : " Dramatis Personae ") Later that year, the school became embroiled in a dispute with the Bajorans . They believed that Keiko was teaching her Bajoran pupils that the Prophets were only " wormhole aliens". Keiko argued that it was her duty to expose students to knowledge, not to hide it from them, and refused to teach about the Prophets in religious terms. The school was then destroyed by a bomb; fortunately, no one was in the school at the time. Commander Sisko held Vedek Winn responsible for the bombing. ( DS9 : " In the Hands of the Prophets ") When Bajor was on the verge of revolution in early 2370 , i.e., shortly after the school bombing, Keiko and Molly were evacuated to the Korat system . ( DS9 : " The Siege ")

In early 2370 , after the situation on the station and on Bajor had normalized again, Keiko invited the Cardassian teenager, Rugal , to move in with her family. ( DS9 : " Cardassians ") When Miles believed that he was getting old after Bashir destroyed him in a racquetball game , Keiko encouraged him to train and beat Bashir in their upcoming match that was being staged by Quark . Before the game, Keiko adorned Miles with a traditional Japanese hachimaki , but neither of them knew that Quark had fixed the game in Miles' favor in order to clean up on the wagers that were heavy in Bashir's favor. ( DS9 : " Rivals ") Not much later, Miles had been reported killed in an explosion while destroying nano-biogenic weapons for two alien races. Keiko viewed the tape of the incident and was convinced that the tape was a fake. Miles was shown drinking coffee in the afternoon, and she insisted that he never drank coffee at that time of day. This caused Sisko to investigate and find out that Miles was alive and that the races were trying to kill him in order that no one would know the secrets of the bio-weapons. Ironically, even though Keiko's suspicions proved correct, she later found out that Miles drank coffee in the afternoon all the time. ( DS9 : " Armageddon Game ")

Miles was replaced by a replica during arrangements for a peace conference. He had been captured by rebels on Parada and his duplicate was programmed to assassinate one of the delegates. Keiko knew about the switch, but had to pretend that she did not so the duplicate would lead them to the real O'Brien. ( DS9 : " Whispers ") Later in 2370, Keiko was gone for over a period of a week, attending a hydroponics conference on Rigel IV . ( DS9 : " The Wire ") On vacation, Keiko and Miles were captured by the Cardassians, and Miles was put on trial for aiding the Maquis . ( DS9 : " Tribunal ")

Due to a recent Dominion attack on Deep Space 9 and the continuing threat of further incursions, most Bajorans and their families left the station in early 2371 . Keiko eventually closed her school down because the only children left were " Jake , Nog , and a lot of empty chairs". ( DS9 : " The House of Quark ") Later that year, Keiko joined an agrobiology expedition on Bajor with Miles' encouragement, where she served as chief botanist. It was projected to be a six-month expedition and its first study region was the Janitza Mountains . ( DS9 : " The House of Quark ", " Civil Defense ", " Fascination ") While Keiko was on Bajor, Miles began to focus more on his hobbies to allow time to pass quicker, including playing more racquetball and picking up the game of darts . ( DS9 : " Fascination ", " Prophet Motive ")

Keiko reunites with O'Brien

Keiko greets her husband after his return from Argratha

In early 2372 , Keiko and Miles got into an argument because Miles set up a workshop in their bedroom. Miles justified his decision by stating that, since his wife was only on the station a few days at a time, he was the one who is really living in the quarters. Therefore, having a workshop in his bedroom was his right. Keiko saw this as Miles trying to "live like a bachelor again", and that he was living a "subconscious desire" to push her out of their quarters . ( DS9 : " Hippocratic Oath ") Later that year, Miles was arrested by the Argrathi on charges of espionage and subjected his mind to altering that imprinted twenty years of prison into his synaptic pathways . Keiko had a very difficult time in trying to make him comfortable and readjust to a normal life. ( DS9 : " Hard Time ")

Keiko ended her work on Bajor in 2372 and returned to Deep Space 9, after becoming pregnant with the O'Briens' second child. Keiko, however, was hurt in a shuttle accident and the child had to be relocated into Kira's womb in order to save Keiko and the child's life. Due to the dense nature of the multiple blood vessels formed between mother and child in a Bajoran pregnancy, the baby had to remain in Kira even after Keiko recovered from her injuries, prompting Kira to move in with the O'Briens so they could feel closer to their baby. ( DS9 : " Accession ", " Body Parts ") The child, Kirayoshi , was born in 2373 . ( DS9 : " The Begotten ")

Keiko O'Brien possessed by Pah-wraith

Keiko O'Brien possessed by a Pah-wraith

Keiko's body was taken over by a Pah-wraith who threatened to kill her if O'Brien did not help it destroy the wormhole; while fully aware of everything, Keiko was effectively a prisoner in her own body, unable to act. The Pah-wraith forced O'Brien to convert the station into a gigantic chroniton emitter , but Rom realized its purpose and informed O'Brien, who in turn realized the nature of the Pah-wraith and how it was related to the Prophets . Miles took the possessed Keiko to a runabout . Once in position near the wormhole, Miles activated the emitters on the station, but targeted the runabout instead of the wormhole, instantly killing the Pah-wraith and leaving Keiko unharmed. ( DS9 : " The Assignment ")

In mid-2373, Keiko and Molly visited her parents on Earth for an extended period of time. ( DS9 : " The Darkness and the Light ")

When war with the Dominion was almost a certainty by the end of the year, and with Deep Space Nine looking like one of the most likely targets for attack, Miles and Keiko decided that she and the children should leave the station for their own safety. Keiko, Molly and Kirayoshi then lived on Earth for almost a year ( DS9 : " Call to Arms ", " Change of Heart "), returning to the station by the end of 2374 when things were looking safer. ( DS9 : " Time's Orphan ")

Keiko had to deal with the loss of Molly who, while on a picnic on Golana , fell through a time portal three hundred years into the past. Molly returned as an eighteen-year-old who had grown up in a prehistoric era and could not adjust to the modern era. After attempts to rehabilitate her failed, Keiko and Miles let Molly return through the portal, where the older Molly found her younger self and returned young Molly to her parents. ( DS9 : " Time's Orphan ")

Miles asked Jadzia Dax to check in on Keiko and the kids while he was away, participating in the first Battle of Chin'toka . ( DS9 : " Tears of the Prophets ")

Keiko and Kirayoshi

Keiko and Kirayoshi in 2375

The family would remain together aboard DS9 throughout the remainder of the war. Miles turned down a visit to the holosuite with Bashir in favor of having dinner with his family in early 2375 . ( DS9 : " Chrysalis ")

Keiko made some crab rolls for Dr. Bashir as he worked to find the cure for Odo 's morphogenic virus . ( DS9 : " Tacking Into the Wind ")

Keiko left Deep Space 9 to live permanently on Earth when Miles took a job teaching at Starfleet Academy in late 2375 . ( DS9 : " What You Leave Behind ")

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • " Data's Day " (Season 4)
  • " The Wounded "
  • " Night Terrors "
  • " In Theory "
  • " Disaster " (Season 5)
  • " Violations "
  • " Power Play "
  • " Rascals " (Season 6)
  • " A Man Alone " (Season 1)
  • " If Wishes Were Horses "
  • " In the Hands of the Prophets "
  • " The Siege " (Season 2)
  • " Cardassians "
  • " Armageddon Game "
  • " Whispers "
  • " Tribunal "
  • " The House of Quark " (Season 3)
  • " Fascination "
  • " Accession " (Season 4)
  • " Hard Time "
  • " Body Parts "
  • " Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places " (Season 5)
  • " The Assignment "
  • " The Begotten "
  • " Time's Orphan " (Season 6)
  • " What You Leave Behind " (Season 7)

Background information [ ]

Keiko O'Brien was portrayed by Rosalind Chao . Dawn Cleveland portrayed young Keiko's hands during the flashback sequence in " Violations ", and the young Keiko who appeared in the episode " Rascals " was played by Caroline Junko King .

Patti Yasutake was also a contender for the role of Keiko O'Brien but the role was cast with Chao. [1]

Apocrypha [ ]

Keiko has appeared in more than twenty-five novels. In the DS9 relaunch novels , Keiko relocates to Cardassia with O'Brien and her children when she joins the Interstellar Agricultural Aid Commission and becomes the project leader of agricultural planetary renewal for the post-war Cardassia. When the second Deep Space 9 is completed, Keiko and her family relocate there.

Her mirror universe counterpart ( β ) is introduced in the Shards and Shadows short story "A Terrible Beauty". She is an operative of Memory Omega who eventually manages to escape from slavery on the Korvat colony in 2375 . Keiko and 98 other slaves make their way to Terok Nor and she joins the Terran Rebellion in 2375 . By Saturn's Children , she and the rebellion's leader General Miles "Smiley" O'Brien had became lovers. After the defeat of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance in Rise Like Lions , they married and settled down on Inis Mór, a small island off the western coast of Ireland . They had a daughter named Molly in 2380 .

Keiko O'Brien (alternate reality)

Keiko O'Brien of the alternate reality

The alternate reality version of Keiko O'Brien appears in the Star Trek: Ongoing story arc The Q Gambit where she is a member of the Free Federation Resistance and captain of the USS Defiant , with her husband Miles as first officer .

External links [ ]

  • Keiko O'Brien at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Keiko O'Brien at Wikipedia
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 World War III
  • Cast & crew
  • User reviews

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Michael Dorn, Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, and Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

Set almost 100 years after Captain Kirk's 5-year mission, a new generation of Starfleet officers sets off in the U.S.S. Enterprise-D on its own mission to go where no one has gone before. Set almost 100 years after Captain Kirk's 5-year mission, a new generation of Starfleet officers sets off in the U.S.S. Enterprise-D on its own mission to go where no one has gone before. Set almost 100 years after Captain Kirk's 5-year mission, a new generation of Starfleet officers sets off in the U.S.S. Enterprise-D on its own mission to go where no one has gone before.

  • Gene Roddenberry
  • Patrick Stewart
  • Brent Spiner
  • Jonathan Frakes
  • 322 User reviews
  • 162 Critic reviews
  • 39 wins & 61 nominations total

Episodes 176

The Best of Star Trek: The Next Generation

Photos 3438

Jonathan Frakes and Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

  • Captain Jean-Luc Picard …

Brent Spiner

  • Lieutenant Commander Data …

Jonathan Frakes

  • Commander William Thomas 'Will' Riker …

LeVar Burton

  • Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge …

Marina Sirtis

  • Counselor Deanna Troi

Michael Dorn

  • Lieutenant Worf …

Gates McFadden

  • Doctor Beverly Crusher …

Majel Barrett

  • Enterprise Computer …

Wil Wheaton

  • Wesley Crusher …

Colm Meaney

  • Chief Miles O'Brien …
  • Youngblood …

Denise Crosby

  • Lieutenant Natasha 'Tasha' Yar …

Whoopi Goldberg

  • Doctor Katherine Pulaski …

Patti Yasutake

  • Nurse Alyssa Ogawa …

Dennis Madalone

  • Ansata Terrorist …

Michelle Forbes

  • Ensign Ro Laren …

Rosalind Chao

  • Keiko O'Brien …
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Stellar Photos From the "Star Trek" TV Universe

Nichelle Nichols and Sonequa Martin-Green at an event for Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

More like this

Star Trek: Voyager

Did you know

  • Trivia Almost everyone in the cast became life-long friends. At LeVar Burton 's 1992 wedding, Brent Spiner served as best man, and Sir Patrick Stewart , Jonathan Frakes , and Michael Dorn all served as ushers. Man of the People (1992) (#6.3) aired on that day.
  • Goofs It is claimed that Data can't use contractions (Can't, Isn't, Don't, etc) yet there are several instances throughout the series where he does. One of the first such examples is heard in Encounter at Farpoint (1987) , where Data uses the word "Can't" while the Enterprise is being chased by Q's "ship".

[repeated line]

Capt. Picard : Engage!

  • Crazy credits The model of the Enterprise used in the opening credits is so detailed, a tiny figure can be seen walking past a window just before the vessel jumps to warp speed.
  • Alternate versions The first and last episodes were originally broadcast as two-hour TV movies, and were later re-edited into two one-hour episodes each. Both edits involved removing some scenes from each episode.
  • Connections Edited into Reading Rainbow: The Bionic Bunny Show (1988)

User reviews 322

  • Jan 1, 2004
  • How many seasons does Star Trek: The Next Generation have? Powered by Alexa
  • Who is the captain of the USS Enterprise?
  • Did any cast members of the original Star Trek series appear in The Next Generation?
  • September 26, 1987 (United States)
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  • Official Facebook
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  • Star Trek: TNG
  • Donald C. Tillman Water Reclamation Plant - 6100 Woodley Avenue, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, California, USA (location)
  • Paramount Television
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Technical specs

  • Runtime 45 minutes
  • Dolby Stereo

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Where To Watch Every Star Trek TV Show and Movie in Order

Published on.

star trek o

Rachel Ulatowski

Official JustWatch writer

Paramount has ushered in a new era of Star Trek. Following the conclusion of Star Trek: Discovery , the studio ordered multiple new series and began developing the TV movie Star Trek: Chapter 31 , which will star Academy Award-winning actress Michelle Yeoh. Given its revitalization, now is the perfect time to delve into the franchise. This guide will demonstrate where and how to watch every Star Trek movie and TV show in order.

The Star Trek franchise began in 1966 with the premiere of Star Trek , also known as Star Trek: The Original Series. Created by Gene Roddenberry, the sci-fi series follows Captain Kirk (William Shatner) and First Officer Spock (Leonard Nimoy) as they guide the Enterprise on a mission of intergalactic space exploration. While the show received poor ratings during its three-season run, broadcast syndication and reruns breathed new life into the franchise, garnering it a cult following after its 1969 cancelation.

Following the show’s re-evaluation, Roddenberry convinced Paramount to continue the original series on the big screen with Star Trek: The Motion Picture . Although it wasn’t a huge box-office hit, it did well enough to earn five more sequels, for which Roddenberry was a consultant.

As Star Trek: The Original Series remained one of the most popular syndicated TV shows years after its release, Paramount and Gene Roddenberry began working on another live-action series: Star Trek: The Next Generation . The series takes place aboard a new Enterprise one century after the events of the original series, with Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) at the helm. Along with his crew, Captain Picard carries on his predecessors' mission of exploring new worlds.

Star Trek: The Next Generation also continued on the big screen after its conclusion, receiving four feature films. While films like Star Trek: First Contact were well-received, Star Trek: Nemesis was a critical and financial failure. The failure of Star Trek: Nemesis was followed by another blow as the prequel series Star Trek: Enterprise was canceled amid low ratings.

Paramount switched directions on the big screen and released what many consider a “reboot” trilogy. However, the films aren’t an official reboot as they merely explore an alternate timeline known as the Kelvin Timeline and see Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto take over as Captain Kirk and Spock, respectively.

While the Kelvin Timeline film series played out, Star Trek went on a hiatus on the small screen. After a 12-year break, Paramount revived the franchise, aiming to create Star Trek shows specifically for its streaming service, CBS All Access (now Paramount+). In 2017, it released Star Trek: Discovery, followed by a new round of shows, including Star Trek: Picard , which continued Captain Picard’s story after Star Trek: The Next Generation.

There are no signs of the franchise slowing down, with the first TV movie, Star Trek: Chapter 31, on the way and Paramount showing interest in further Star Trek TV films, theatrical films, and shows.

How to watch the Star Trek franchise in order

Viewers can watch the Star Trek franchise either by release date order or chronologically. Those hoping to watch chronologically should know that the Kelvin Timeline trilogy takes place outside of the timeline of the other shows and movies, so they can technically be watched at any point. Star Trek: Short Treks also does not fit in the chronological order as it is an anthology series. Additionally, viewers may have to jump between shows occasionally due to time jumps in series like Star Trek: Discovery.

See below for the chronological order of every Star Trek show and movie:

Star Trek: Enterprise

Star Trek: Discovery Seasons 1 - 2

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek: The Animated Series

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Star trek ii: the wrath of khan, star trek iii: the search for spock, star trek iv: the voyage home, star trek v: the final frontier, star trek vi: the undiscovered country, star trek: the next generation, star trek: generations, star trek: first contact, star trek: insurrection, star trek: nemesis, star trek: deep space nine, star trek: voyager.

Star Trek: Lower Decks

Star Trek: Prodigy

Star Trek: Picard

Star Trek: Discovery Seasons 3 - 5

Viewers can also watch the Star Trek franchise by the release date order detailed below. Read on to find out where to stream every Star Trek movie and TV show in the United States!


Star Trek is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry that follows the adventures of the starship USS Enterprise and its crew. The show is set in the Milky Way galaxy, roughly during the 2260s. The crew is headed by Captain James T. Kirk, first officer Spock, and chief medical officer Leonard McCoy. Shatner's voice-over introduction during each episode's opening credits stated the starship's purpose: The series was produced from 1966-67 by Desilu Productions, and by Paramount Television from 1968-69. Star Trek aired on NBC from September 8, 1966 to June 3, 1969. Although this television series had the title of Star Trek, it later acquired the retronym of Star Trek: The Original Series to distinguish the show within the media franchise that it began. Star Trek's Nielsen ratings while on NBC were low, and the network canceled it after three seasons and 79 episodes. Nevertheless, the show had a major influence on popular culture and it became a cult classic in broadcast syndication during the 1970s. The show eventually spawned a franchise, consisting of five additional television series, 12 theatrical films, and numerous books, games, toys, and other products.

Paramount Plus

The animated adventures of Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock and the crew of the Starship Enterprise.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

When an unidentified alien destroys three powerful Klingon cruisers, Captain James T. Kirk returns to the newly transformed U.S.S. Enterprise to take command.


The starship Enterprise and its crew is pulled back into action when old nemesis, Khan, steals a top secret device called Project Genesis.

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

A surprise visit from Spock's father provides a startling revelation: McCoy is harboring Spock's living essence.

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

When a huge alien probe enters the galaxy and begins to vaporize earths oceans, Kirk and his crew must travel back in time in order to bring back whales and save the planet.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Follow the intergalactic adventures of Capt. Jean-Luc Picard and his loyal crew aboard the all-new USS Enterprise NCC-1701D, as they explore new worlds.

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

A renegade Vulcan with a startling secret hijacks the U.S.S. Enterprise in order to find a mythical planet.

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

After years of war, the Federation and the Klingon empire find themselves on the brink of a peace summit when a Klingon ship is nearly destroyed by an apparent attack from the Enterprise. Both worlds brace for what may be their deadliest encounter.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

At Deep Space Nine, a space station located next to a wormhole in the vicinity of the liberated planet of Bajor, Commander Sisko and crew welcome alien visitors, root out evildoers and solve all types of unexpected problems that come their way.

Pluto TV Live

Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Enterprise-D find themselves at odds with the renegade scientist Soran who is destroying entire star systems. Only one man can help Picard stop Soran's scheme...and he's been dead for seventy-eight years.

Star Trek: Voyager

Pulled to the far side of the galaxy, where the Federation is 75 years away at maximum warp speed, a Starfleet ship must cooperate with Maquis rebels to find a way home.

Star Trek: First Contact

The Borg, a relentless race of cyborgs, are on a direct course for Earth. Violating orders to stay away from the battle, Captain Picard and the crew of the newly-commissioned USS Enterprise E pursue the Borg back in time to prevent the invaders from changing Federation history and assimilating the galaxy.

Star Trek: Insurrection

When an alien race and factions within Starfleet attempt to take over a planet that has "regenerative" properties, it falls upon Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise to defend the planet's people as well as the very ideals upon which the Federation itself was founded.

Star Trek: Enterprise

During the mid-22nd century, a century before Captain Kirk's five-year mission, Jonathan Archer captains the United Earth ship Enterprise during the early years of Starfleet, leading up to the Earth-Romulan War and the formation of the Federation.

Star Trek: Nemesis

En route to the honeymoon of William Riker to Deanna Troi on her home planet of Betazed, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise receives word from Starfleet that a coup has resulted in the installation of a new Romulan political leader, Shinzon, who claims to seek peace with the human-backed United Federation of Planets. Once in enemy territory, the captain and his crew make a startling discovery: Shinzon is human, a slave from the Romulan sister planet of Remus, and has a secret, shocking relationship to Picard himself.

Star Trek

The fate of the galaxy rests in the hands of bitter rivals. One, James Kirk, is a delinquent, thrill-seeking Iowa farm boy. The other, Spock, a Vulcan, was raised in a logic-based society that rejects all emotion. As fiery instinct clashes with calm reason, their unlikely but powerful partnership is the only thing capable of leading their crew through unimaginable danger, boldly going where no one has gone before. The human adventure has begun again.

Star Trek Into Darkness

Star Trek Into Darkness

When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis. With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction. As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew.

Showtime Apple TV Channel

Star Trek Beyond

The USS Enterprise crew explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a mysterious new enemy who puts them and everything the Federation stands for to the test.

Star Trek: Discovery

Star Trek: Discovery

Follow the voyages of Starfleet on their missions to discover new worlds and new life forms, and one Starfleet officer who must learn that to truly understand all things alien, you must first understand yourself.


Screen Rant

The complete star trek timeline explained.


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How To Watch All Star Trek TV Shows In Timeline Order

Every star trek movie in chronological order, to me, william shatner’s movie star trek v is great comfort food.

  • Star Trek's timeline is a complex tapestry that spans over a thousand years, filled with time travel and alternate realities.
  • Star Trek: Enterprise chronicles the pioneering voyages of Captain Jonathan Archer, setting the stage for the United Federation of Planets.
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine continue the legacy of the original series, shaping the 24th century era.

Star Trek has been one of the premiere science fiction franchises in the world for nearly 60 years, spanning over a dozen TV series consisting of 900+ episodes, and 13 feature films with more on the way. Star Trek' s Prime Timeline now encompasses a thousand years of the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet seeking out strange new worlds, and boldly going where no one has gone before in the 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 32nd centuries.

Star Trek has rarely told its stories in a straight, chronological line; time travel tropes, alternate realities, and massive jumps into the future are all commonplace. Star Trek is a multiverse of myriad realities, including an alternate Mirror Universe. The Star Trek timeline is a rich tapestry of compelling characters and science fiction parables - and it's still going strong.

Here is a definitive guide to Star Trek' s timeline, primarily centering on the Prime Universe's Star Trek TV series and feature films in chronological order, including the alternate Kelvin Timeline of J.J. Abrams' Star Trek movies where noted.

An Untitled Star Trek Origin movie reportedly set "decades before" J.J. Abrams' Star Trek (2009) is in development, and may end up preceding this entire chronology.

The Star Trek TV franchise has existed for 57 years and consists of 12 shows (and counting). Here's how to watch them all in timeline order.

28 Star Trek: Enterprise


Star Trek: Enterprise is, chronologically, the first Star Trek series in the timeline (although technically the 6th produced) chronicling the pioneering 22nd-century voyages of Captain Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) and the NX-01 Enterprise. Archer's Enterprise is Starfleet's first Warp 5-capable starship, which allowed the NX-01 to make pivotal First Contact missions and lay the groundwork for the creation of the United Federation of Planets. Star Trek: Enterprise 's 4 seasons only depict the first few years of Archer's 10-year saga that ends with the first Captain of the Enterprise helping to found the Federation in 2161.

Star Trek: Enterprise

*Availability in US

Not available

27 Star Trek: The Original Series - "The Cage"

"The Cage" is the original Star Trek pilot that was rejected by NBC. However, "The Cage" is a canonical story set 2 years before Star Trek: Discovery season 1 and 12 years before Star Trek: The Original Series . Set in 2254, "The Cage" sees Captain Christopher Pike (Jeffrey Hunter) and the USS Enterprise lured to Talos IV, where Pike is held captive the planet's illusion-casting inhabitants. Star Trek: The Original Series turned "The Cage" into a two-part episode titled "The Menagerie", and "The Cage" also laid the foundation for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.

26 Star Trek: Discovery Seasons 1 and 2


Star Trek: Discovery begins with a disastrous meeting between Starfleet and the Klingon Empire in 2256, which leads to a long, bloody war that nearly cost the Federation its soul. Centering on Commander Micheal Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green), Discovery deals with the personal prices of war, as well as the themes of redemption and empathy.

Star Trek: Discovery season 1 depicted the Klingon War, while Discovery season 2 brought in USS Enterprise Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount). When faced with a genocidal artificial intelligence called Control, the crew of the USS Discovery realize the only way to save all organic life in the universe would be to jump to the 32nd century, permanently leaving Star Trek: Discovery' s original 23rd century era behind.

Star Trek: Discovery season 1 also ventured to the 23rd century MIrror Universe for a multi-episode arc.

Star Trek: Discovery

25 star trek, (kelvin timeline 2233/kelvin timeline 2258/2387).

Directed by J.J. Abrams, Star Trek is a reboot that spawns the alternate reality known as the Kelvin Timeline. Star Trek 's main story is set in 2258 of the parallel reality , but the film's branching timeline is made possible by the supernova of the Romulan sun in 2387 in the Prime Universe, which Ambassador Spock (Leonard Nimoy) is unable to prevent.

The Romulan villain Nero (Eric Bana) time travels back to 2233, and his attack on the USS Kelvin ignites an all-new reality that changes the lives of Captain James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) and the crew of the USS Enterprise. After Kirk and the Enterprise defeat Nero, they set forth into the great unknown of their new reality.

In the Kelvin Timeline, Kirk and his friends become the crew of the USS Enterprise roughly 7 years before Captain Kirk (William Shatner) and his crew take command of the Enterprise in Star Trek 's Prime Universe.

Star Trek (2009)

24 star trek into darkness, (kelvin timeline 2259).

Set a year after Star Trek 's events, Star Trek Into Darkness sees the crew of the Starship Enterprise take on Khan Noonien Singh (Benedict Cumberbatch), whose life has also been massively altered in the Kelvin Timeline. Rather than being discovered by the Enterprise in 2267, Khan's derelict ship was discovered much earlier by Starfleet's Section 31, led by the corrupt Admiral Alexander Marcus (Peter Weller). Marcus attempts to use Khan to militarize Starfleet and wage war with the Klingons, but Captain Kirk and the Enterprise defeat both Marcus and Khan.

Star Trek Into Darkness remakes and reverses key elements of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , which takes place 26 years later in the Prime Timeline.

Star Trek Into Darkness

With 13 entries in the Star Trek movie series from 1979-2006, there are a couple of ways to watch the films chronologically.

23 Star Trek: Strange New Worlds


Star Trek: Strange New Worlds begins in 2259, months after Star Trek: Discovery season 2, with Captain Christopher Pike leading the Starship Enterprise on all-new missions of exploration. Strange New Worlds sets the stage for what will eventually become Star Trek: The Original Series , with young versions of Lieutenant Spock (Ethan Peck), Ensign Nyota Uhura (Celia Rose Gooding), Nurse Christine Chapel (Jess Bush), Scotty (Martin Quinn), and even Lieutenant James T. Kirk (Paul Wesley) serving on the Enterprise.

Although Pike's tragic future of being horribly disfigured is inevitable, Strange New Worlds fills in the years before Kirk takes over as Captain of the Enterprise with optimism and an anything-goes attitude. Strange New Worlds ' deftness in adapting to different genres, from comedy, to action, to Star Trek 's first musical episode , makes the episodic series the purest Star Trek show in years.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

22 star trek beyond, (kelvin timeline 2263).

Back in the alternate Kelvin Timeline and 3 years into their five-year mission of exploration , the crew of the Starship Enterprise are attacked by the mysterious Krall (Idris Elba). Krall's mechanized drone army destroys the Enterprise, stranding Captain Kirk and his captured crew on the planet Altamid. Kirk and his friends escape with the help of their new ally, Jaylah (Sofia Boutella), and they defeat Krall before he destroys Starfleet's USS Yorktown space station. At the end of Star Trek Beyond , Captain Kirk takes command of the new USS Enterprise-A.

Star Trek Beyond is dedicated to Leonard Nimoy and Anton Yelchin, who passed away in 2015 and 2016, respectively.

Star Trek Beyond

21 star trek: the original series, (2266-2269).

The Star Trek show that started it all, Star Trek: The Original Series chronicles the first three years of Captain James T. Kirk and the USS Enterprise's historic five-year mission of exploration, starting in 2266. The original Star Trek is an all-time classic, establishing the core tropes of the franchise, from starships, to beaming down to planets, to the unbreakable three-way friendship between Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, and Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy (DeForest Kelley). Star Trek: The Original Series would not only be emulated by every other Star Trek that followed, but it would also become an enduring part of pop culture.

Star Trek: The Original Series

20 star trek: the animated series, (2269-2270).

While Star Trek: The Original Series was unceremoniously canceled after its third season, the show would go on to become a phenomenon in syndication. The first hint that Star Trek would outlive its somewhat humble beginnings was Star Trek: The Animated Series , an Emmy-winning cartoon that aimed for a family-friendly vibe without sacrificing what made the live-action original Star Trek work. Star Trek: The Animated Series is essentially the fourth season of Star Trek: The Original Series , and its status as canon has been made official by its numerous references in Star Trek on Paramount+'s shows .

Gene Roddenberry did not consider Star Trek: The Animated Series to be official canon, which made the cartoon apocryphal for decades.

19 Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Star Trek: The Motion Picture is the first feature film that launched Star Trek as a successful movie franchise . Set in the 2270s, years after the USS Enterprise's five-year mission ended, Admiral James T. Kirk takes command of his starship once more and reunites his crew to intercept a threat to Earth. Star Trek: The Motion Picture reunited the entire cast of Star Trek: The Original Serie s for a ponderously-paced adventure that had the virtue of dazzling visual effects . But Star Trek: The Motion Picture proved the human adventure was, indeed, just beginning.

18 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, still widely considered the gold standard of Star Trek films, picks up Admiral Kirk's saga in 2285. A sequel to the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Space Seed", Admiral Kirk faces a midlife crisis just as his old enemy, Khan Noonien Singh (Ricado Montalban) steals both the USS Reliant and the Genesis Device super weapon to seek revenge on Kirk. Star Trek II ends with the sacrifice and death of Spock, but opens the door for the Vulcan's resurrection and much more.

17 Star Trek III: The Search For Spock

Set immediately after the events of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek III: The Search For Spock finds Admiral Kirk and friends stealing the USS Enterprise in an effort to save Spock's katra - his soul - after the wily Vulcan transferred it to Dr. McCoy just before his death. The crew would eventually save Spock, but at great cost; Kirk would not only lose his son, David Marcus (Merritt Burrick) , to a Klingon attack, but the Starship Enterprise is destroyed to prevent it from falling into Klingon hands. Thankfully, Kirk succeeds in bringing back Spock.

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock is the first film directed by Leonard Nimoy.

16 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home


Star Trek IV: The Voyage Hom e takes place in 2286 , months after Star Trek III: The Search for Spock . Or, at least, the 23rd century bookends of the movie do. The bulk of Star Trek IV is set in 1986 San Francisco, where Admiral Kirk and the former crew of the USS Enterprise time travel in order to find two humpback whales to bring back to the future in order to save Earth. A delightful, fish-out-of-water, time travel romp, Star Trek IV proved a Star Trek movie doesn't need action, violence, and death to be a mainstream success.

Kirk is demoted to Captain and given command of the USS Enterprise-A at the conclusion of Star Trek IV.

15 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

Directed by William Shatner, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier begins with the malfunctioning USS Enterprise-A less than a year out of space dock . But Captain Kirk and crew are still called into action when a mysterious Vulcan named Sybok (Laurence Luckinbill) takes a group of diplomats hostage, demanding a starship in exchange for their release. Sybok would be revealed as Spock's half-brother who seeks God on the fabled planet Sha Ka Ree. When "God" (George Murdock) turns out to be a malevolent alien, Sybok sacrifices himself so that Kirk and Spock can destroy the false Almighty.

William Shatner's Star Trek V: The Final Frontier is a comforting watch with enjoyable banter, a compelling villain in Sybok, and good intentions.

14 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country is set in 2293 when the Klingon moon Praxis' explosion leaves the Klingon Empire in dire financial straits. But a conspiracy within the Federation, the Romulans, and Klingons seek to prevent peace, and Captain Kirk is framed for the assassination of Klingon High Chancellor Gorkon (David Warner) . Star Trek VI is the final voyage of Captain Kirk's USS Enterprise crew, and its Klingon-centric story sets the stage for the future friendship between the Klingons and the Federation in Star Trek: The Next Generation .

13 Star Trek: Section 31

Star Trek: Section 31 , which stars Academy Award-winner Michelle Yeoh, is Star Trek 's first movie made for streaming on Paramount+. While the story of Section 31 is top-secret, the movie is a spinoff of Star Trek: Discovery, taking place after Yeoh's Emperor Philippa Georgiou exited the 32nd century . Georgiou reappears in the "lost era" of Star Trek 's early 24th century , although there could be more time travel involved in Star Trek: Section 31 as Philippa confronts the sins of her own past.

Star Trek: Section 31

12 star trek: the next generation, (2364-2370).

Star Trek: The Next Generation is the pillar and foundation of Star Trek 's popular 24th-century era . TNG follows the voyages of Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and the crew of the Galaxy Class USS Enterprise-D. TNG is Star Trek to an entire generation of fans, and the series produced some of the greatest Star Trek episodes of all-time . Expanding the universe and canon in myriad ways, and nominated for a Best Dramatic Series Emmy, Star Trek: The Next Generation was a massive hit in first-run syndication and solidified Star Trek as an A-list franchise for most of the 1990s.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

11 star trek: deep space nine, (2369-2375).

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine would break new ground for the Star Trek franchise in more ways than one. DS9 starred Avery Brooks as Commander (later Captain) Benjamin Sisko, the first Black actor to lead a Star Trek series. Taking command of a former Cardassian space station Starfleet renamed Deep Space Nine, Sisko would interact with a vast cavalcade of characters that would deepen the Star Trek universe in countless ways. Culminating with the epic Dominion War saga that reshaped the galaxy, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is a fundamentally important part of the Star Trek universe.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine began as a spinoff of Star Trek: The Next Generation and carried on in syndication after TNG jumped to feature films.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

10 star trek: voyager, (2371-2378).

Star Trek: Voyager was the flagship series of the United Paramount Network (UPN), and continues the 24th-century era of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , but with a twist: Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) and the USS Voyager were stranded in the uncharted Delta Quadrant. Voyager's seven-year journey home created a new generation of fans (girls and women, especially) and saw the introduction of numerous new alien species and characters, as well as the return of the Borg. Voyager ended with Janeway, Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan), the Doctor (Robert Picardo), and its other characters as bona fide Star Trek icons.

Star Trek: Voyager

9 star trek generations, (2371/2293).

Star Trek Generations ' main story takes place in 2371, months after the series finale of Star Trek: The Next Generation. However, Star Trek Generations begins with a prologue set in 2293 where Captain James T. Kirk is believed to be killed during the maiden voyage of the USS Enterprise-B. Kirk survives within the interdimensional Nexus, where he meets Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who is out to stop a madman named Dr. Tolian Soran (Malcolm McDowell) from destroying the Veridian star system.

Kirk and Picard's team-up defeats Soran but results in Kirk's tragic death . Meanwhile, a Klingon plot leads to the destruction of the USS Enterprise-D. Star Trek Generations was a successful transition by TNG to feature films so that the 24th century era of Star Trek continued on television and in movie theaters.

Star Trek

  • the wrath of khan

star trek o

Uhura Is Getting Closer And Closer To Nichelle Nichols In Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3

  • Uhura on Strange New Worlds season 3 keeps evolving into the confident Lieutenant Uhura from Star Trek: The Original Series.
  • Celia Rose Gooding, who plays Uhura, is excited for her character's journey in season 3 to mirror Nichelle Nichols' Uhura.
  • Gooding discusses Uhura's growth from a Cadet to a confident officer on Strange New Worlds in an Awards Radar interview.

Celia Rose Gooding says Ensign Nyota Uhura in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 is getting "closer and closer" to the Lieutenant Uhura played by Nichelle Nichols in Star Trek: The Original Series. Gooding is one of several Strange New Worlds characters rising to the challenge of playing a younger version of a Star Trek i con. Audiences get to witness the evolution Uhura undergoes on S trange New Worlds , with each step bringing her closer to the legendary Communications Officer in Star Trek: The Original Series .

Awards Radar interviewed Celia Rose Gooding about Star Trek: Strange New World s, where the Grammy Award-winning actor broke down how Uhura has grown from an uncertain Starfleet Cadet to a confident officer in Strange New Worlds ' first two seasons. Gooding then hinted at how Uhura continues on the path to becoming the Lieutenant Uhura portrayed by Nichelle Nichols in Strange New Worlds season 3. Read Celia's quote below and listen to her Awards Radar interview in the link above.

I think in season three, shes just continuing to expand on taking space and really ownership over her responsibilities and her contributions to the Enterprise crew. And so were just continuing to see her expand and expand and expand, and Im really excited about her journey in season three. Thats just been the word of the day... Shes just taking up space, really owning her title and her role, and her confidence is really blossoming and blooming. I think, as the seasons go on, Im trying to get closer and closer to a recognizable version of Uhura, really trying to emulate Nichelle Nichols Uhura. And I think season three, were just getting closer and closer and closer, so its very exciting for me.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 has wrapped filming and is expected to premiere in 2025 on Paramount+.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3 - Everything We Know

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2 ended with an epic cliffhanger and here's everything known about when it will be resolved in season 3.

Uhura's Evolution Is One Of The Best Parts Of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Strange new worlds gives uhura the emphasis nichelle nichols never got in star trek: tos.

One of the pleasures of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is seeing Uhura's evolution. Strange New Worlds is providing Uhura with the emphasis, backstory, and character depth that Star Trek: The Original Series never afforded Nichelle Nichols' Lt. Uhura. Nichols had to be content with being a supporting player with minimal character development , but her presence in Star Trek nonetheless served as an inspiration for generations of African Americans, as Nichols herself was told by Dr. Martin Luther King .

Uhura's first name "Nyota" was made canon in J.J. Abrams ' Star Trek (2009), when Uhura was portrayed by Zoe Saldana.

Since Celia Rose Gooding is portraying the same character as Nichelle Nichols, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is delivering Nyota Uhura's complete story as it progresses. Starting as a Cadet unsure if she wanted to remain in Starfleet, Uhura gained a mentor in the late Lt. Hemmer (Bruce Horak), who helped Nyota grow beyond her confidence issues. Strange New Worlds ' season 2 saw Ensign Uhura accept her crucial role on the Starship Enterprise, even giving her a whole song about it in Star Trek' s first-ever musical episode . Where Uhura goes next will surely be one of the most fascinating aspects of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3.

Source: Awards Radar

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Cast Bruce Horak, Celia Rose Gooding, Jess Bush, Melissa Navia, Ethan Peck, Babs Olusanmokun, Rebecca Romijn, Paul Wesley, Christina Chong, Anson Mount

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

Franchise(s) Star Trek

Writers Bill Wolkoff, Akiva Goldsman, Henry Alonso Myers

Directors Amanda Row, Valerie Weiss, Jonathan Frakes, Chris Fisher

Showrunner Akiva Goldsman, Henry Alonso Myers

Where To Watch Paramount+

Uhura Is Getting Closer And Closer To Nichelle Nichols In Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3

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Published May 31, 2023

Time's Orphan: Molly O'Brien is All Grown Up

We catch up with actress Hana Hatae on her Star Trek role!

Hana Hatae and her Star Trek character Molly O'Brien

Getty Images / - Rob DeHart

Molly O'Brien is all grown up.

Or rather, Hana Hatae , the young actress who played Miles and Keiko's daughter — who first appeared in the episode " Rascals " of Star Trek: The Next Generation , and then in 11 episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — is all grown up.

Molly O'Brien lays in bed in her family's quarters in 'Rascals'

Hatae will make her first-ever convention appearance at the official Star Trek Convention and, in advance of that occasion, caught up with Hatae for an interview in which she recounted playing Molly, shared her thoughts on making her con debut, and filled us in on what she's up to these days. Going all the way back, how did you first land the role of Molly O'Brien in the TNG episode "Rascals?"

Hana Hatae: I actually don't remember the audition for TNG at all. My mom told me that I went in the audition room by myself and when the door opened and I walked out, all she could hear was everyone in the room laughing hysterically. I guess I must have done something right because I apparently didn't even have a callback before they told my parents that I landed the role.

Miles O'Brien carries his daughter Molly in 'A Man Alone' You were probably too young to know what you getting into, but did your parents know at the time that Molly could become a recurring character? Or did that happen only once the producers considered including the character on DS9?

Hana Hatae: My parents knew what I was getting into because Star Trek already had such a huge following and the role I was cast for was the chief's daughter. Do you have any memory at all of your TNG experience or were you just too young?

Hana Hatae: I was so young and it was such a long time ago that I don't really have any memory of my TNG experience.

Molly O'Brien sits in Keiko's lap on a recliner as they both look over their shoulders at Miles in 'Hard Time' You were about 5 years old when you first played Molly on DS9 and were about 12 when the show ended. What do you remember of the overall experience?

Hana Hatae: I remember getting to leave school every once in a while and having private lessons on the days that I filmed. Every day someone would ask what I would like for lunch and all I ever wanted was grilled cheese with a side of ketchup. Everyone was so nice and I always had such a good time when I was at the studio. You did 11 episodes of DS9. Which ones stand out most in your mind, and why?

Hana Hatae: There are two episodes that really stand out in my mind. The first one being " If Wishes Were Horses " because I was absolutely terrified of Rumpelstiltskin. I think that I legitimately thought the actor who played him was going to steal me. I was too scared to be alone with him in the same room, so I had someone else with me at all times.

Molly O'Brien falls through a time portal as her parents try to grab her before she falls in 'Time's Orphan'

The second is " Time's Orphan " because it was so much fun to film. The outdoor scene was filmed at Malibu Creek, which is one of my favorite places to hike and explore. My family and I used to go there all the time when I was growing up. There was a rattlesnake in the bushes right next to where we were filming, so we had to take a break until the park rangers came and removed the snake. The next scene, where I'm falling into the time portal, was awesome to film because I was strapped to a harness and got to swing in front of a green screen. It was pretty much like my own personal little roller coaster. Were you an actress playing a role or a little girl being a little girl, or maybe a bit of both?

Hana Hatae: I think in the beginning, I was just a little girl being a little girl. I was so young I wasn't really aware that what I was doing was acting. Once I got older, I started to realize that I was an actress playing a role.

Molly, Keiko, Kirayoshi, and Miles O'Brien on the family couch in 'What You Leave Behind' How close did you get with Rosalind Chao and Colm Meaney over your time on the show? And did you keep in touch with them or anyone else from the show over the years?

Hana Hatae: Even though I was only in 12 episodes total, they really were like second parents to me. I was so lucky because they always treated me so well and showed me so much love. Unfortunately, I didn't keep in touch with anyone after the show ended, but I ran into Rosalind Chao and her son in DTLA a few years later, which made me really happy. What did you make of how they closed out Molly's storyline and the O'Brien family storyline in the series finale, " What You Leave Behind "?

Hana Hatae: I think the way they closed out Molly and the O'Brien family storyline in the finale made sense. Earth seemed like a safe move for a human family with two young kids.

2014 photo of Hana Hatae You didn't seem to pursue much more acting after DS9. Why not? And what have you been up to since the show ended? You were involved for a time with your family's restaurant business, right?

Hana Hatae: After DS9, acting had become so much more competitive and I lived pretty far from L.A., so it was hard to get out to auditions, especially since I couldn't drive myself. I got pretty involved with sports and music after the show ended. I played roller hockey for years and took violin lessons, and was actually pretty good at both of them. I eventually stopped playing both, but have been trying to re-teach myself how to play the violin again. While I was in high school, my family opened an amazing Japanese restaurant close to where we lived at the time in Southern California. We eventually had to close due to the economy. What are you doing these days?

Hana Hatae: Aside from trying to teach myself how to play the violin again, I've been into rock climbing. I started climbing indoors a few years ago and just recently went outdoor bouldering for the first time. It's such an accomplishment to finish a problem you've been working on for a while and is a great work out. I'm also going back to school for psychology in the fall after taking a few years off to work and travel. I was never really a big fan of school, but I'm actually really excited to go back.

A disheveled Molly O'Brien in 'Time's Orphan' Do you ever go back and look at the old DS9 episodes? What's that like for you? And what do you think it'll be like to show the episodes to your own kids one day?

Hana Hatae: I just recently watched some of my old DS9 episodes and they made me laugh. I wasn't a very good actress ( laughs ). It's so wild to watch myself when I was so young. The costume designer really did a great job because the outfits I had were fantastic. It's going to be pretty amusing showing the episodes to my kids one day, especially since I will be much older then.

Molly O'Brien raises a book and shows it to her brother Kirayoshi in 'Time's Orphan' You'll be in Las Vegas for Star Trek 's big convention. How many conventions have you done? How surreal is it all this time later to meet the fans, sign autographs, and revisit your time on Star Trek ?

Hana Hatae: This will be my first convention ever. I'm really excited and nervous at the same time. It's crazy to think that I have fans. I was such a little kid when I was on the show and never really understood that Star Trek was such a hot commodity. It's been 15 years since DS9 ended and I never thought that I would be meeting fans or signing autographs. I'm really looking forward to being at the convention and revisiting my time on the show.

This article was originally published on July 13, 2014.

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Collage of Michelle Paradise along with a behind-the-scenes Star Trek: Discovery photo of Alex Kurtzman, Aaron Baeirs, Olatunde Osunsanmi, and Michelle Paradise with Sonequa Martin Green

Before ‘Star Trek,’ Gene Roddenberry Made His Mark on This Classic Western Series


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The Big Picture

  • Gene Roddenberry wrote 24 episodes of the Western series Have Gun - Will Travel , showcasing his versatile writing talent.
  • The show was ahead of its time, featuring a unique main character, Paladin, who avoided unnecessary violence and embraced different cultures.
  • Roddenberry's work on Have Gun - Will Travel foreshadowed his creation of Star Trek, as both series aimed to challenge storytelling norms.

Before he created Star Trek , Gene Roddenberry worked as a freelance writer for a plethora of different programs beginning in the mid-1950s. But back then, the American Western was the most popular genre on television, which meant that Roddenberry wrote a few gunslinging tales in his day. Between hour-long and half-hour-long programs, there was almost always a Western on one of the Big Three television networks, and one of the most popular of the age was Have Gun - Will Travel . The six-season television series starred Richard Boone (from The Tall T ) and ran from 1957 until 1963, telling just about every traditional Western tale you could imagine. Roddenberry wrote his fair share of those stories himself, which made their own mark on his more popular science-fiction series.

Have Gun - Will Travel

What is 'have gun - will travel' about.

With a title like Have Gun - Will Travel , one might wonder what this "adult" Western is about. Richard Boone stars here as Paladin, a learned and intelligent gun-for-hire who travels around the country taking odd jobs and solving all sorts of problems . There are few recurring characters beyond Paladin himself, but that's actually to this show's benefit. Paladin was always friendly with others, but he ultimately worked the best on his own. The character's name derives from the legendary Middle Ages knights of the same name, and, indeed, he has a white chess knight embroidered on his holster. More than capable as a soldier on his own, Paladin wanders across the post-Civil War-era United States (he once served in the Union Army) as a "knight without armor," hoping to avoid violence at every turn.

Have Gun - Will Travel deals with everything from Native American conflicts, cattle rustling, bank robbery, interracial marriages, outlaw gangs, and more. If it happened in a Western , it likely happened at some point on Have Gun - Will Travel . According to Tim Brooks and Earle Marsh in The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows, 1946–Present , the series was an instant hit. It ranked as one of television's Top 5 programs in the ratings as early as its first season and was the third most popular Western of its time , just behind Gunsmoke and Wagon Train . It's also worth noting that the show's portrayal of its leading gunslinger was likely part of the reason it was so popular. Unlike other Western TV protagonists, Paladin was college-educated, well-read, and did everything he could to avoid unnecessary violence after his time in the Civil War. He was also willing to engage with different cultures and had an expensive palate that cost a considerable amount to maintain. No wonder his rates were so high.

Additionally, Paladin was one of the fastest guns in the Old West. Though he never hoped to fire his sidearm in battle, he often found himself in situations where violence was necessary. While many other Western heroes wore lighter colors to signify their stance in the fight between good and evil, Paladin wore all black and prided himself on his ethics despite his almost villainous appearance. Have Gun - Will Travel ran for 225 episodes, each chronicling a new half-hour adventure that would see our hero put to the test again . Simultaneously, a Have Gun - Will Travel radio show was also produced, with John Dehner of Gunsmoke fame voicing Paladin instead.

Gene Roddenberry Wrote 24 Episodes of 'Have Gun - Will Travel'

From the very beginning, Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry was involved in Have Gun - Will Travel . The third episode of the series, "The Great Mojave Chase," was the first episode penned by the future science-fiction author, and it immediately helped set the tone of the series. He would write several episodes throughout the first season, including "The Yuma Treasure" and the excellent Christmas tale "The Hanging Cross," which begins with Paladin removing his gun in the infamous intro sequence. However, Roddenberry wouldn't be acknowledged for his contributions to the series until the sixteenth episode, "Helen of Abajinian," aired in late 1957. The following year, the Writer's Guild of America granted him a "Best Original Script" award for the episode. And it's no wonder, as "Helen of Abajinian" is loads of wedding-themed fun .

In total, Roddenberry penned 24 episodes of Have Gun - Will Travel across all six seasons of the series . Though he only wrote a single episode in the show's fourth and fifth seasons, he wrote between five and six episodes per season for the rest of the series. Roddenberry writes Paladin as cool and collected, emphasizing his peculiar brand of morality. He has an air about him that makes him feel like something of a man outside of time, and while that's Paladin's aesthetic throughout the series, Roddenberry's episodes capture it best . "The Hanging Cross" is a particularly compelling episode where Paladin plays mediator between a grief-stricken rancher, Nathaniel Beecher ( Edward Binns ), and the local Pawnee chief Cah-la-te ( Abraham Sofaer ) at Christmastime. As Paladin seeks to discover the truth behind Beecher's missing son, he preaches a message of peace and hangs up his gun so that he can stop Beecher from killing the Pawnee without any bloodshed. It's a powerful moment when Paladin is challenged on his belief, and Roddenberry nails it in the climax.

In Have Gun - Will Travel , Roddenberry's distinct voice is seen throughout his episodes. Though the show would also help launch the careers of others—including Superman director Richard Donner , Mission: Impossible creator Bruce Geller , The Wild Bunch director Sam Peckinpah , and Dirty Harry co-writer Harry Julian Fink — Roddenberry was the show's most prolific writer besides the series creators, Herb Meadow and Sam Rolfe . It's no wonder then that he would go on to create his own series for CBS three years after Paladin's final adventure.

Roddenberry's Blueprints for 'Star Trek' Can Be Seen in This Western

It's long been said that when Gene Roddenberry first pitched Star Trek to CBS, he did so by calling it " Wagon Train to the Stars ." The Star Trek creator hoped to adapt the traditional Western theme of "Manifest Destiny" into outer space with the concept of the U.S.S. Enterprise exploring the greater reaches of the universe, the "final frontier." Though the original Star Trek series only lasted three seasons, it became a cult classic that spawned a massive franchise that is as strong as ever today. But while Star Trek might seem like the exact opposite of a series like Have Gun - Will Travel (set in the future rather than the past, an ensemble cast instead of a single hero, alien species instead of mythical Native Americans, etc.), there were a few more common threads than you might initially think. According to Edward Gross ' The Fifty-Year Mission: The Complete, Uncensored, Unauthorized Oral History of Star Trek: The First 25 Years , Roddenberry wanted to break free of the formula Westerns he'd been forced to write before.

But that's not all. Roddenberry felt limited by what issues he could and couldn't talk about on network television, so Star Trek 's futuristic setting was crafted to shift the entire conversation. Of course, we can see Roddenberry's yearnings for more in his Have Gun - Will Travel episodes, too . The acclaimed "Helen of Abajinian" doesn't feature a shootout at all and instead ends with a wedding that blends two cultures ( Star Trek would later feature one of the first interracial kisses on television ). "The Hanging Cross" doesn't conclude with a gunfight either, although it almost escalates there. Instead, a Christmas miracle (and Paladin's willingness to set down his gun) changes the entire outcome. And let's not forget about how, in most of Roddenberry's episodes, Native Americans have more depth and complexity, rarely (if ever) portrayed in a negative light.

It's easy to see how a character like Paladin, who seemed relatively progressive in his day and age, would appeal to Gene Roddenberry , whose political and cultural leanings would serve as the foundation for the Star Trek franchise. Have Gun - Will Travel was what someone like Rod Serling ( who once tried his own hand at the Western ) might call "a thinking man's Western." It made audiences pause and consider the implications of each and every conflict and, like Paladin himself, seek another, more peaceful solution. In the wake of the Vietnam War, this would've been a Western that most audiences could get behind. It was conservative enough in its material but progressive in its solutions. No doubt Gene Roddenberry contributed to the impressive legacy of Have Gun - Will Travel , which in turn contributed to the creation of Star Trek itself.

Have Gun - Will Travel is available to stream on Pluto TV in the U.S.

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  • TV Features
  • Gene Roddenberry


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