Finding the Universe

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A Four Day Sri Lanka Tour

Last updated: August 15, 2022 . Written by Laurence Norah - 6 Comments

We were in Sri Lanka recently for a brief trip. We did want to spend a bit of time exploring, particularly as Jess hadn’t visited before, but we only had four full days to tour, so had to be pretty focused on what we wanted to see.

As a tea lover, Jess was keen to visit a tea plantation – Sri Lanka being world famous for its tea production. I was particularly interested in wildlife spotting, and in particular, heading south to Yala to see leopards, something I had failed to do on my previous two trips to the country.

Elephant Yala National Park Sri Lanka

With this very specific set of requirements, and only four days to play with, we got in touch with Jetwing Eco Holidays , who happen to specialise in custom built itineraries. They said that yes, our itinerary was entirely possible – with the warning that it would involve a fair bit of driving, as the tea plantation area isn’t that close to the leopard area.

We decided we were fine with this as it meant we were going to be able to see everything we wanted, with the added bonus that all our transport was also going to be handled. So all we had to do was relax and enjoy ourselves. Win!

Jetwing Eco Tours Sri Lanka

In today’s post I’m going to go over what our four day trip looked like, some of our highlights, to give you an idea as to whether or not this sort of trip might work for your visit to Sri Lanka.

4 Days in Sri Lanka

Days 1 & 2: colombo to tea trails.

Our adventure started in Colombo, the largest city in Sri Lanka. This is where the airport is located, so is pretty much where every traveller will start their Sri Lanka journey. We were picked up from our Colombo hotel by our driver, Nawfer, who was with us for our whole trip, in a minibus that sat around 8 – 10 people. So plenty of room for the two of us and our baggage – with lots of room to spare! The seats also reclined an incredible amount if we wanted to sleep – something we took advantage of on our last day when we headed back up to the airport.

I’m getting ahead of myself. Back to the start.

Ceylon Tea Trails Sri Lanka

Our first day consisted of a fair amount of driving. Whilst distances in Sri Lanka tend not to be great, the roads for the most part are also not great, so it takes a while to get around. Getting from Colombo up to the tea plantation where we were staying was around a 4 – 5 hour drive. Nawfer was a great driver, Sri Lankan traffic can be a scary experience if you’re not used to it, but we never felt anything but safe in his hands.

Elephant in Water Sri Lanka 3

On our journey we were able to stop if we saw something scenic that we wanted to photograph – one of the definite advantages to not being on a group tour was this flexibility. So we stopped to take pictures of an elephant having a bath in a river we crossed, as well as some waterfalls and, as we ascended into hill country, shots of mountains and tea plantations.

Tea pickers Sri Lanka 1

We also stopped for lunch on the way up at a lovely little restaurant by the river, where we had excellent fried rice and delicious fresh juices. One of my favourite things about Sri Lanka is the abundance of fruit, and the fact that there are so many excellent fresh juices to drink!

Finally, after a good long drive, we arrived at our home for the next couple of nights – the exquisite Ceylon Tea Trails property. This is the world’s first tea bungalow resort, and is made up of five restored colonial era tea bungalows. There are 26 rooms in total, but the bungalows are spread out around Castlereigh Resevoir, and each is really a self-contained property, with around 4 – 6 rooms available.

Ceylon Tea Trails Sri Lanka

We stayed at the Tientsin Bungalow for two nights. This was a six bedroom property, which also featured a pool, billiards room, veranda, tennis court and croquet lawn. We stayed in the Brebham Luxury Room, which was just gorgeous, featuring a lovely huge bed, as well as a massive bathtub – the latter making Jess very happy indeed.

Ceylon Tea Trails Sri Lanka

Being a fully inclusive property, everything during our stay was included. That meant all our food and drinks, which also included copious amounts of tea! We arrived just in time for a full afternoon tea, and also to discover that we were the only guests that night – this being the off season for this part of Sri Lanka due to it being the rainy season. Thankfully, the weather was fairly co-operative during our time there, with just a few rain showers in the afternoons.

Ceylon Tea Trails Sri Lanka

Tea Trails was a really fabulous experience. The staff were friendly and attentive, and catered to our every need. Each day the chef would discuss with us the menu to be sure that we were getting what we wanted, and if we had any requests at all they would do their best to cater to them. We are pretty easy as guests I like to think, but I was keen to have mangoes for breakfast, and that was arranged for us.

Ceylon Tea Trails Sri Lanka

Jess has done a full review of our two day Tea Trails experience , which covers all the bungalows that we visited (you can opt to have meals in different bungalows if you want a change of scenery), as well as more detail on our tea factory tour. You should definitely check that out if you want to know more.

Ceylon Tea Trails Sri Lanka

Suffice to say that if you’re visiting Sri Lanka and want to experience true luxury in magnificent surroundings, you can’t go wrong with Tea Trails. Plus, you can even fly here if you’re not into the car ride, as the lake handily doubles as an airport for the local seaplane service!

Ceylon Tea Trails Sri Lanka

During our Tea Trails stay, everything was handled by Tea Trails themselves, including transport between the bungalows. So we didn’t need the services of our driver and we didn’t see him during our stay. Our second day was spent enjoying the Tea Trails service, eating delicious food, and taking the aforementioned tour of the fully operational tea factory.

Tea picker Sri Lanka

Again, Jess covers all this in her super-detailed post. Let’s forward on to our third day, where we sadly had to bid farewell to our fantastic Tea Trails team, all that delicious food and tea, and start our journey south.

Day 3: The Road to Yala

Our third day was another long day of driving. Our target was the far south of Sri Lanka, Yala National Park , and the Jetwing Tented Camp .

Jetwing Eco Tours Sri Lanka

The drive was incredibly scenic, winding over the tea covered hillsides of this part of Sri Lanka. As before, we were free to request stops whenever we saw something photogenic, something which happened a lot, with wonderful sights around seemingly every corner.

Jetwing Eco Tours Sri Lanka

We stopped in the town of Bandarawela, one of the larger towns in hill country, for a cup of tea at around 11am. Very civilised. Then, it was on to a lunch stop at a restaurant with one of the finest views I’ve ever had to accompany fried rice, followed by a pause at Rawana Falls, a gorgeous 25 metre high waterfall which is one of the widest in the country.

Jetwing Eco Tours Sri Lanka

A few photos later, and our journey continued. Our trip felt a bit more structured on this day, with more impressive stops scheduled than on our first day. My advice for a tour like this is to be sure that if there’s anything you really want to see, to make that clear up front.

A highlight of the day was definitely Buduruvagala, an ancient Buddhist temple, which features seven Buddha statues carved into a huge rock face. The largest of these is 16 metres in height, making it the largest standing Buddha statue in Sri Lanka.

Jetwing Eco Tours Sri Lanka

Getting to Buduravagala was also a bit of fun. The main road was out, and the alternative route was unsuitable for our van. So we took a tuk-tuk instead, manned by an enterprising young chap who had clearly figured out a good way to capitalise on a broken bridge. It was only a 15 minute ride or so each way, and a lot of fun!

Jetwing Eco Tours Sri Lanka

After Buduravagala, we continued on for the last section of our trip, stopping only a couple more times for some photos, once of some roadside monkeys, and then to take some pictures of a temple. And then we arrived at our camp, just before sunset, ready for dinner.

Jetwing Eco Tours Sri Lanka

Jetwing Yala offers a couple of types of accommodation. There’s a traditional hotel, with the sort of rooms you would expect from a good hotel. Beds, walls, floors, en-suite facilities, a TV – that sort of thing.

Then, there’s the tented camp. I’ve never actually stayed in a tented camp, although Jess has experience staying in them in Africa , and we decided this would be more of an adventure.

Yala National Park Sri LAnka

Of course, a luxury tented camp is a little different to my previous camping experience, particularly my year living in a tent in Australia . To start with, there’s a proper, giant bed. And a wardrobe. And a fridge. And power. And an en-suite bathroom. It’s basically a gorgeous room that happens to be made out of canvas.

Yala National Park Sri LAnka

Oh, we had our own butler as well, the lovely Thilanka, who not only made fantastic towel animals on our bed, accompanied by scented petals, but also chauffeured us to and from our tented accommodation. This wasn’t just for fun – at night there is the risk of running into wildlife, so a golf cart is a safer mode of transport.

Yala National Park Sri LAnka

We definitely loved our tent. But we couldn’t spend too much time loving it, as we had to both get dinner and an early night, as our morning safari was starting at 5.30am.

Yala National Park Sri LAnka

Dinner was buffet style, with a good mix of Sri Lanka specialties and more European style dishes. We had the option of dining inside or under the spectacular night sky with the sound of the sea – no prizes for guessing which option we went with!

Yala National Park Sri LAnka

And then it was to bed, and an early wake up call for our fourth day.

Day 4: Safari in Yala National Park

With our alarm going just after five, we had time to make coffee in our room (no day is ever going to go well without coffee), before our butler arrived to chauffer us to our waiting safari jeep, which was parked outside the hotel reception. Our safari was a private trip, so it was just Jess and I, our Jetwing driver, Nawfer, and the jeep driver.

Yala National Park Sri LAnka

The jeep was much like most safari jeeps, with six comfortable seats in the back of a flatbed pickup, and a roof (to stop leopards falling on our heads), but no windows or anything like that to obstruct the view. The seats all had excellent views, so we had plenty of choice in terms of where we sat.

From our hotel we drove to the Yala National Park entrance. The park opens at around 6am, and there’s usually a queue of jeeps waiting to get in. There aren’t any accommodation options in the park itself, but Jetwing Yala was only about a five minute drive from the entrance gate, so it wasn’t very far. Our driver paid the entry fee, and when the gates opened, we were in!

Yala National Park Sri LAnka

Now, the big draw of Yala, and the whole reason I was visiting, was of course to see a leopard. Yala National Park has one of the highest density of leopards in the world, with around 25 leopards believed to be in the part of Yala that is open to the public. So, in theory, this is one of the best places in the world to see leopards.

Yala National Park Sri LAnka

That isn’t of course a guarantee. Leopards are wild animals, and do whatever they want. So we just had to hope. Would we see a leopard? I very much hoped so.

There are of course far more animals in Yala than leopards. There are over 215 bird species, and we saw a huge crested serpent eagle only a few minutes after entering the park. If you’re into bird watching, Yala is kind of a dream come true.

Yala National Park Sri LAnka

There are also plenty of mammals, 44 species in fact, with notable highlights being (other than the leopard!) the elephants, Sri Lanka sloth bear, wild water buffalo and red slender loris. The loris being nocturnal, we weren’t optimistic, but we were hoping for the others.

Yala National Park Sri LAnka

To put you out of your state of leopard suspense, I am delighted to say that we did see leopard in Yala. In fact, within our first hour we came across a leopard stalking a herd of deer. He was lying in wait for them to come closer, which they did, and then in a controlled explosion of dust, he made his move.

Yala National Park Sri LAnka

Unfortunately for him, he failed to get his timing exactly right, so the herd of deer made their escape, and he slunk back into the forest shadows without his breakfast.

With the leopard sighting in the bag, we could really relax and enjoy the rest of our safari. We’d brought packed breakfasts with us, so we paused by the beach for a short while to enjoy these, and then carried on. We saw all sorts of animals, from elephant to crocodile, wild water buffalo, and countless bird species – as well as two more leopards! Suffice to say, a fantastic morning.

Yala National Park Sri LAnka

By 11am it was starting to get hot, so we headed back to the hotel. We did have the choice to do an all day safari, or to take two safaris, one morning and one afternoon, and we opted for the later, thinking it might be nice to take a break at the hotel for a while.

Jetwing Yala

This was an excellent idea. Safari’ing is dusty, thirsty work, so a swim in the hotel pool along with a bite to eat and a refreshing iced coffee was just the ticket. Then we were able to relax for a little while before starting our afternoon safari at around 2.30pm.

Jetwing Yala

Having seen three leopards (I wouldn’t have minded seeing more of course!), our driver turned his attention to finding a sloth bear. This is a small bear species with long claws and a mouth designed to suck up a lot of insects at once – their primary diet. Despite the name, they’re not related to sloths, nor are they particularly slow, but they are able to hang upside down like sloths, which may explain the name a bit.

Yala National Park Sri LAnka

We were lucky enough to see two sloth bears. Once, we had an encounter all to ourselves, with a sloth bear crossing the road in front of us. The second time there were multiple vehicles, and the sloth bear walked right past our seats – close enough to touch had I leant out!

Yala National Park Sri LAnka

This was a wonderful way to wrap up a superb day of safari in a beautiful country.Yala is a truly wonderful national park to take a safari in, and I’d say it’s an absolute must if you visit Sri Lanka. We saw plenty more animals that I’ve not mentioned here, and we could have happily gone back for more days if we’d had the time.

Yala National Park Sri LAnka

As it was, that was our last day! We had a super early start the next morning, as Nawfer drove us all the way back to Colombo in order to get our plane home, and wave farewell to Sri Lanka – likely not for the last time! Now, let’s talk about some practicalities.

How do You Plan A Short Tour in Sri Lanka?

Whilst it is of course possible to do a trip like this on your own, we found that using Jetwing Eco Holidays was a wonderful way to take the hassle of planning out of the equation, as well as give us more flexibility and freedom to do exactly what we wanted. The whole trip was customised to precisely our requirements, and having the same driver throughout was also just right for us.

Ceylon Tea Trails Sri Lanka

The benefits definitely made the trip for us, particularly having the vehicle to ourselves, meaning we could stop whenever and wherever we wanted, based on our interests.

Jetwing Eco Holidays offer a fully tailored experience, or they have a number of preset tour itineraries that you can pick from. Overall, we can definitely recommend Jetwing Eco Holidays to anyone looking to do a custom, tailor made Sri Lanka tour.

Further Reading on Sri Lanka

If you’ve got more time to play with in Sri Lanka, or just want a bit more information on visiting, check out my two week Sri Lanka itinerary . That is stuffed full of practical advice and tips for your trip, plus has a detailed two week itinerary to help you plan your visit.


And that sums up our four day Sri Lanka tour! Definitely not enough time to explore all that this magnificent country has to offer, but we were thrilled by what we were able to see. Have you been to Sri Lanka? What would you recommend for a four day tour? Let us know in the comments below!

So you know: our Sri Lanka tour was provided to us complimentary of Jetwing Eco, who covered the majority of our meals, as well as our transport and applicable entry fees. Our time at Ceylon Tea Trails was courtesy of Tea Trails themselves. We’d like to thank both of these firms for a wonderful trip, and of course, to let you know that all our opinions remain our own. For more information on who we choose to work with, and what that means, you can read our code of ethics .

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There are 6 comments on this post

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21st January 2020 at 10:38 pm

We are currently in the planning stages for a trip to the Maldives and Sri Lanka in May. Trying to decide how many days we want/need in Sri Lanka. Was leaning toward 5 days since there seems to be a lot of driving/traveling involved and two of the things we want to do are the tea plantations and Yala. This was really helpful as I’ve been trying to tell my husband that we SHOULD NOT rent a car. Looking forward to reading more of your posts and will check out Jetwing. Thank you!

Laurence Norah says

22nd January 2020 at 11:40 am

Our pleasure Miri! We hope you have a great trip, and we can definitely advise against driving! Let us know if you have any questions 🙂

Harika says

12th November 2019 at 11:00 am

Hi, I am planning for the first international trip. I dnt know any things prior. I have read somewhere that we have to pre book everything to stay in srilanka, then only your e-visa get approved. Is this correct ??

12th November 2019 at 1:13 pm

In my experience the e-visa did not ask where I was staying. However, it is very normal for every country you visit to need to have accommodation booked in advance, as the immigration officials will often ask for this information. It may also be required on the landing card you have to fill in. So I would certainly advise having at least your first few nights booked for your time in the country.

Have a great trip!

13th November 2019 at 5:16 am

yeah, 1_2 nights we can book, but as we move on we do not even know and if interested we can stay back for another night, so in that case pre-booking is not helpful though. That’s why the doubts came up.Thank you so much for your wonderful reply.

15th November 2019 at 2:04 pm

My pleasure – have a wonderful trip!

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Sri Lanka 4-Day Tours and Itineraries

See the top Sri Lanka 4-Day tours and itineraries. Select from 7 4-Day tours in Sri Lanka with a total of 14 genuine reviews. Each of Bookmundi's 4-Day Sri Lanka itineraries are carefully handpicked.

  • Sri Lanka Travel Guide
  • Best Time to Visit Sri Lanka
  • Top 12 Things to do in Sri Lanka

7 Trips in Sri Lanka with 14 Reviews

Cultural Tour - Free Upgrade To Private Tour Available

  • Starts Colombo, Sri Lanka
  • Ends Colombo, Sri Lanka

Cultural Tour - Free Upgrade To Private Tour Available

  • Best price guaranteed
  • No booking fees
  • Tour Type Private Tour
  • Activities Art and architecture & Getaways and short breaks
  • Accommodation Hotel & Villa
  • Age Range 10-99 yrs
  • Operated in English
  • Brochure Price: US$ 1,279
  • Special Deal (15%): - US$ 192
  • Total Price from: US$ 1,087
  • Jun 21 Only 5 seats left
  • Jun 22 Only 5 seats left
  • View More Jan 1, 2019 Jan 2, 2019 Jan 3, 2019

Kandy & Nuwara Eliya, Private Tour

  • Starts Bentota, Sri Lanka
  • Ends Bentota, Sri Lanka

Kandy & Nuwara Eliya, Private Tour

  • Activities Art and architecture & Active and outdoor Art and architecture , Active and outdoor & Getaways and short breaks 'data-more-tripid='35474'>+1 more
  • Accommodation Hotel
  • Transport Private Vehicle
  • Brochure Price: US$ 1,284
  • Special Deal (15%): - US$ 193
  • Total Price from: US$ 1,091
  • Jun 27 Only 6 seats left
  • Jun 28 Only 6 seats left

Kandy, Sigiriya & Dambulla 4 Days, Private Tour

Kandy, Sigiriya & Dambulla 4 Days, Private Tour

  • Activities Active and outdoor & Art and architecture Active and outdoor , Art and architecture & Getaways and short breaks 'data-more-tripid='35557'>+1 more
  • Brochure Price: US$ 1,236
  • Special Deal (15%): - US$ 185
  • Total Price from: US$ 1,051

Wild, Pristine Sri Lanka And Its Heritage - Free Upgrade To Private Tour Available

Wild, Pristine Sri Lanka And Its Heritage - Free Upgrade To Private Tour Available

  • Activities Art and architecture & Active and outdoor Art and architecture , Active and outdoor & Getaways and short breaks 'data-more-tripid='32918'>+1 more
  • Accommodation Hotel & Resort
  • Transport Boat & Jeep
  • Brochure Price: US$ 1,296
  • Special Deal (15%): - US$ 194
  • Total Price from: US$ 1,102
  • Jun 15 10+ seats left
  • Jun 16 10+ seats left

The Vivid Green Of Sri Lanka - Free Upgrade To Private Tour Available

The Vivid Green Of Sri Lanka - Free Upgrade To Private Tour Available

  • Activities Active and outdoor & Getaways and short breaks
  • Brochure Price: US$ 1,135
  • Special Deal (15%): - US$ 170
  • Total Price from: US$ 965

City Break, Escape To Negombo Tour

City Break, Escape To Negombo

  • Activities Art and architecture & Explorer Art and architecture , Explorer & Getaways and short breaks 'data-more-tripid='33319'>+1 more
  • Transport Boat
  • Brochure Price: US$ 504
  • Special Deal (15%): - US$ 76
  • Total Price from: US$ 428

City Break, Escape To Colombo Tour

City Break, Escape To Colombo

  • Activities Art and architecture & Explorer
  • Brochure Price: US$ 536
  • Special Deal (15%): - US$ 80
  • Total Price from: US$ 456

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Seerendipity tours Sri Lanka

Greatness in Sri Lanka holiday packages

All-Inclusive Cultural Triangle Tour: Sri Lanka 4-day tour

sri lanka tour 4 days

Trace the famous Cultural Triangle of Sri Lanka on this rollicking Sri Lanka 4-day tour of Colombo, Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Sigiriya, Kandy, and Dambulla, as well as part of Sri Lanka’s hill country. Explore the icons and discover local spots in this perfect introduction to the diverse cultural triangle of Sri Lanka. Begin in throbbing Colombo and explore the cultural triangle by walking and driving.

  • Trip Type All , Best Seller , Sri Lanka 3 Days Tour
  • Activities Cultural tour , Visiting historical places , Visiting temple
  • Group Size 2 Min - 10 Max
  • Reviews 58 Reviews
  • Locations Dambulla , Kandy , Polonnaruwa , Sigiriya
  • Trip Duration 4 Day(s) 3 Night(s)

Encounter ancient temples, untamed wilderness, beautiful botanical gardens, picturesque hill country, and memorable cultural shows.

Trace the famous Cultural Triangle of Sri Lanka on this rollicking Sri Lanka 4-day tour of Colombo , Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Sigiriya, Kandy, and Dambulla, as well as part of Sri Lanka's hill country . Explore the icons and discover local spots in this perfect introduction to the diverse cultural triangle of Sri Lanka. Begin in throbbing Colombo and explore the cultural triangle by walking and driving. Travel to the ancient wonders of Sigiriya rock fortress , Polonnaruwa ancient city, Anuradhapura, Golden Temple Dambulla, Tooth Temple Kandy, Aukana Buddha statue, Gal vihara and many other UNESCO world heritage sites, as well as the Minneriya national park adjacent to the cultural triangle of Sri Lanka, which is teeming with elephants, buffaloes, bears, crocodile and many other wild creatures.

This 3-day tour offers the perfect introduction for first-time visitors to Sri Lanka. The trip includes round-trip private transport from Bandaranaike International Airport or your hotel in Colombo, Mount Lavinia, Negombo, or any other beach resort on the west coast.

Start : Colombo, Sri Lanka

Finish: Colombo, Sri Lanka

Group size : min. 1 person

Nature of tour : Private

Why you'll love Sri Lanka 4-day tour

  • Visit the world's 3rd tallest ancient building  (after pyramids) and the tallest Buddhist stupa, built in the 2nd century AD.
  • The proposed 8th-century world wonder, one of the oldest landscaped gardens in the world, dates back to the 5th century AD.
  • Visit Dambulla, a sacred pilgrimage site for 22 centuries with 157 Buddha statues and paintings (with a surface area of 2100 m2). 
  • Visit the Avukana statue (5th century), 14m, which is one of the best examples of Buddha statues from ancient Sri Lanka.
  • The hassle-free private trip includes all necessary components of the trip, such as accommodation, meals, transportation, guiding, and taxes, and Seerendipity takes care of all of them.
  • Trekking through the tea garden / Ceylon tea trail.
  • Experience the character of Sri Lanka's cultural triangle on a hop-on, hop-off tour, weaving through the narrow alleyways and exploring ancient temples, palaces, statues, parks, lakes, and forts.
  • Take a break from bustling cities in the hill country resort of Kandy, where you can catch your breath and spend the night in the faded opulence of your heritage stay.
  • This trip is perfect for people who like to get the most out of a 3-day trip to Sri Lanka, as long travel days are kept to a minimum on an itinerary that hits several icons of central Sri Lanka.
  • 24-hour assistance on the ground via phone or WhatsApp (0094-77-440977) and email at [email protected].

Is the Sri Lanka 4-day tour right for you?

  • This compact trip packs a lot. It’s one of the most popular Sri Lanka trips we run in our original style, perfect for those with little time and a desire to do the most with it. If you are after a more leisurely trip or an adventure trip, please browse our tour itinerary page.
  • In Sri Lanka, it can be extremely hot in the summer. While we organize our walking tours and city tours early in the morning or evening, when it’s cooler, remember to keep water on you and to bring a hat, sunscreen, a long-sleeved shirt, and anything else that will protect you from the sun.
  • Part of traveling with Seerendipity means respecting local cultures and sensibilities. That way, you get the most out of your interactions with local people and environments. We visited a number of temples on this trip and to enter them, you must have clothes that cover your wrists and below the knee. Please click here to know more about the rules and regulations pertaining to Sri Lanka temple visits.

Highlights of  Sri Lanka 4-day tour

  • Touring Sri Lanka's cultural triangle, find out the rich historical past of Sri Lanka.
  • Kandy sightseeing tour and visiting downtown Kandy.
  • Witness the Kandyan cultural show to experience a typical Sri Lankan dance and musical performance.
  • Take a 360-degree panoramic view from the summit of the Sigiriya rock fortress.
  • Walking through the Spice Garden while learning about herbal trees, plants, and spices (this will be an easy walk that lasts about an hour).
  • Walk in the tea plantations, the Royal Botanic Gardens of Peradeniya and many more (the walk in the botanical garden lasts around 1 hour and you will cover about 2 km).
  • Visiting a tea factory (Scottish) and seeing the entire process of tea manufacturing and tasting a cup of unblended Ceylon tea.
  • a wildlife safari in Minneriya National Park in search of leopards, wild elephants, crocodiles, bears, jackals, and other wild creatures with a local guide and driver.

This tour can be booked with 3-star, 4-star, or 5-star standard categories of hotels. 

Trip includes

  • 2 nights (3 days) of accommodation in standard hotels
  • Daily Breakfast at the Hotel: 2 breakfasts (starting from day 2)
  • Daily dinner at the hotel: 2 dinners (starting from day 1)
  • Kandy city tour and shopping tour
  • Anuradhapura, an ancient city
  • Sigiriya rock fortress, Sigiriya paintings, Sigiriya museum
  • Aukana temple and Buddha statue
  • Dambulla golden cave temple
  • Polonnaruwa historical city and historical museum
  • Tooth relic temple and Kandy museum
  • Kandyan cultural show
  • Spice garden with a serving of herbal drink
  • Tea factory and tea tasting
  • Pickup and drop-off at the airport or local hotels
  • All passengers are fully insured during the sightseeing tours
  • Meeting arrangements at the airport
  • Entire ground transportation by air-conditioned, modern, fuel-efficient private vehicle
  • Service of an English-speaking driver or guide for the entire tour (please inquire about other languages)
  • All current taxes

Trip excludes

  • The expenses of personal nature, such as telephones and the Internet
  • Minneriya national park safari
  • Peradeniya botanical garden

Cancellation policy

Cancel 24 hours prior to arrival for a full refund

Choose your payment method

We offer you mainly three payment options: card payments, bank transfers, or payment on arrival. You can choose whatever is the most convenient payment option for you. If you opt for payment on arrival, we will collect a 10% advance payment from you as a guarantee once the booking is confirmed. 

Book now and pay later

Reserve your tour now and pay later. Send us the duly filled-out tour booking form, and we will arrange your tour. You can make the payment as soon as you meet us on the first day of the trip.

Single supplement

The trip can be booked with a single room for the entire trip with a single supplement (please inquire about your chosen category of hotel)

Additional information

  • A confirmation will be received at the time of booking
  • A current, valid passport is required on the day of travel
  • The child rate applies only when sharing with two paying adults
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult
  • The duration of transfers is approximate; the exact duration will depend on the time of day and traffic conditions
  • Not wheelchair accessible
  • Infant seats are available
  • This is a private tour or activity.
  • You can reach us 24 hours a day through our hotline at 0094-77-4440977


Colombo / anuradhapura / sigiriya.

You will be met and warmly greeted by your personal chauffeur guide at the Bandaranaike International Colombo Airport or your hotel in Colombo and drive to Sigiriya (Approx. 5 hours drive), En-route stop at Anuradhapura.

Anuradhapura Anuradhapura with the recent excavations, the history goes back to the 8th C.BC. Or 2800 BP. However, legends take history more than 3000-5000 years. (Ramayana is one of them) at that time there were 04 tribes living in Sri Lanka. Kingdom lasted one thousand and five hundred years from 380BC. This city is home to many of the earliest and grandest monuments of Sri Lanka. A popular destination for the Sinhalese Buddhist pilgrimage because of its many ancient Buddhist monuments.

Anuradhapura ancient city tour There are eight significant icons that represent Sri Lanka’s connection to Buddhism, and all of them are situated in Anuradhapura, thus calling this collection “Atamasthanaya,” meaning “eight sacred places.” There is a unique story or history connected to each one of them. Most of them were built by kings that ruled the Anuradhapura Kingdom. You will visit all these places on our hop-on hop-off Anuradhapura City Tour.

• Ruwanwelisaya-It is a “stupa” that is built by King Dutugamunu and is one of the biggest completed ones to date. • Thuparamaya-It is the oldest ‘dagoba’ in Sri Lanka, and possibly the oldest visible one in the world. • Lovamahapaya-The significance of this building is that the roof was once covered in bronze tiles. • Abhayagiri-It is one of the biggest viharas in Anuradhapura. It was a monastery of 5000 monks. • Jethavanaramaya-It is a sacred world heritage site and accommodated some 3000 monks at the time. It is also quite similar to Abhayagiri. • Mirisavetiya-This stupa was built by King Dutugamunu after defeating King Elara. • Lankaramaya-This is also built by a king called King Valagamba in the Anuradhapura Kingdom times and is one of the eight sacred places in the city.

Aukana Buddha Statue The Avukana statue is considered to be one of the best examples of a standing statue of the Buddha from ancient Sri Lanka. The Avukana statue is a standing statue of the Buddha near Kekirawa in North Central Sri Lanka. The statue, which has a height of more than 46 feet (14 m), was carved out of a large granite rock face during the 5th century. It depicts a variation of the Abhaya mudra, and the closely worn robe is elaborately carved. Constructed during the reign of Dhatusena, it may have been made as a result of a competition between a master and a pupil. The Avukana statue is one of the best examples of a standing statue built in Sri Lanka. It is now a popular tourist attraction.

In the afternoon safari at Minneriya national park (optional). Minneriya is a popular wildlife reserve that attracts a large number of travellers.

Minneriya safari Get a thrilling look at the elephants of Minneriya National Park during this 3-hour private Jeep safari. Travel to a wilderness refuge known for hosting one of the largest gatherings of Asian elephants on earth (each June through September), observing these giant creatures as they drink, feed, and congregate.

This activity will include a Safari tour by jeep with a jungle tracker, where you can see animals in the Jungle, including elephants, Bears, Wild boars, Dear, Buffalo, Monkeys and many other animals if you are lucky, leopards too. Return to Habarana.

Activities planned for today Hop-on hop-off Anuradhapura city tour and Minneriya wildlife tour, Aukana Buddha statue. Accommodation Hotel in Sigiriya / Dambulla Meals Dinner included at the hotel

Sigiriya / Polonnaruwa / Sigiriya

After breakfast leave for a sightseeing tour of Sigiriya and Polonnaruwa, Stop At the Ancient City of Sigiriya, Sigiriya Site between the towns of Dambulla and Habarane

Sigiriya: duration 3 hours Morning: Climb the famous Sigiriya rock fortress and visit rocky abode and water gardens, a UNESCO world heritage and one of the Wonders of the World).

Sigiriya is located in the central Matale District near the town of Dambulla of the Central Province, Sri Lanka. The name refers to a site of historical and archaeological significance that is dominated by a massive column of rock nearly 200 meters (660 ft) high. According to the ancient Sri Lankan chronicle the Culavamsa the site was selected by King Kasyapa (477 – 495 CE) for his new capital. He built his palace on the top of this rock and decorated its sides with colourful frescoes. On a small plateau about halfway up the side of this rock, he built a gateway in the form of an enormous lion. The name of this place is derived from this structure —Sīhāgiri, the Lion Rock. The capital and the royal palace were abandoned after the king's death. It was used as a Buddhist monastery until the 14th century.

Polonnaruwa Polonnaruwa is the second most historical city in Sri Lanka. It was made the capital of Sri Lanka after Anuradhapura. The second most ancient of Sri Lanka's kingdoms, Polonnaruwa was first declared the capital city by King Vijayabahu I, who defeated the Chola invaders in 1070 to reunite the country once more under a local leader.

Today the ancient city of Polonnaruwa remains one of the best-planned archaeological relic sites in the country, standing testimony to the discipline and greatness of the Kingdom's first rulers. Its beauty was also used as a backdrop to film scenes for the Duran Duran music video Save a Prayer in 1982. The ancient city of Polonnaruwa has been declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO.

The city tour includes palaces, dagobas, and temples, and provides a good example of Sri Lankan historical craftsmanship. In this 3-hour guided tour of the Ancient city of Polonnaruwa, you will cover some of the following attractions; • Royal Palace (Palace of King Parakramabahu, the most prolific and gifted builder of the era) • Nissankamulla Palace (Royal audience hall with impressive stonework) • Gal Viharaya (Contains some of the best rock sculptures in the country) • Thuparama & Lankathilaka Image Houses (Good examples of vaulted shrine rooms) • Vatadage (Gives an idea of what a complete vatadage may have looked like) • Rankoth Vehera (Largest stupa in Polonnaruwa) • Parakramabahu Statue (Statue of one of the greatest kings of ancient Sri Lanka)

Activities planned for today cultural tour of Sigiriya rock fortress, the historical city of Polonnaruwa Accommodation Hotel in Sigiriya/Da,mbulla Meals Breakfast and Dinner at the hotel

Sigiriya / Dambulla / Kandy

After breakfast leave for Colombo via Kandy, En route, Stop At Dambulla Cave Temple, spice/herbal garden and Kandy sightseeing tour.

Dambulla Cave Temple Dating back to the 1st Century BC, this is the most impressive cave temple in Sri Lanka. It has five caves under an overhanging rock, carved with a drip line to keep the interiors dry. Inside the caves, the ceilings are painted with religious images as well as various gods and goddesses. There are images of the Buddha and the bodhisattvas. The temple has several caves which have been converted into shrine rooms. The caves were built at the base of a 150m high rock during the period of the Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa kingdoms. The famous Dambulla Cave Temple is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The Dambulla cave monastery remains the best-preserved ancient edifice in Sri Lanka.

You will do the city tour of Kandy including a visit to the temple of the sacred tooth relic, and the Peradeniya botanical garden.

Later visit Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic Sri Dalada Maligawa or the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic is a Buddhist temple in the city of Kandy, Sri Lanka. It is located in the royal palace complex of the former Kingdom of Kandy, which houses the relic of the tooth Buddha. Since ancient times, the relic has played an important role in local politics because it is believed that whoever holds the relic holds the governance of the country. Kandy was the last capital of the Sri Lankan kings and is a UNESCO world heritage site partly due to the temple.

Royal Botanical Gardens The Botanical Garden of Peradeniya was a pleasure garden of a Kandyan King of the 16th Century and was later made into a Botanical Garden during the British regime. This garden; one of the best in Asia is a place of beauty and a site for bird watchers.

Activites for the day Visiting Dambulla golden temple, Spice/herbal garden, Tooth relic temple, Peradeniya botanical agrden Accommodation No accommodation is planned for today Meals Breakfast

End of the tour

Kandy / Colombo

Leisurely breakfats at hotel and leave for Colomb, En-rouet stop at Pinnawala elepahnt orphanage.

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage, the foster – home of elephants of different age and size feeding, bathing, playing together and even mating. These have been found injured or left abandoned in the wilderness. There are even little baby calves born in captivity.

Tea factory Visit a Tea Plantation and a Tea Factory enroute. Sri Lanka being famous for its “Ceylon Tea” has added cheers to many the world over for more than a century.

sri lanka tour 4 days

Rony – May 16, 2024 :

Very helpful and flexible to customize your tour. Perfect knowledge 👌 👏 🙌

Jess – May 13, 2024 :

Delay of our flight forced us to book the trip with Seerendipity at the last minute. They planned a wonderful 4-hour tour for us. Our guide ruwan was prompt and communicated well before and after the tour. We liked being chauffeured and not having to arrange our trips. I recommend this for anyone with limited time who wants to see everything. Ruwan his company deserves our gratitude!

Radia – March 15, 2024 :

Getting this personalized tour was a wise choice because it made for a really comfortable visit, especially in the hot weather. Everyone should do this tour; the tour guide is knowledgeable and excellent.

Ronda – March 12, 2024 :

The visit to the cultural triangle, followed by the Famus Minneriya safari, was the highlight of my trip to Sri Lanka. Jayaweera, our guide, was a very kind and professional person.The excursion to Pinnawala was not very exciting.

Kayla – January 2, 2024 :

Wonderful Sri Lanka trip. Our guide, Gayan, did a fantastic job while educating us about Sri Lanka’s rich historical past.

Michael – December 23, 2023 :

An excellent Sri Lanak trip to the cultural and historical places in Sri Lanka. The driver, Sarath, was quite pleasant and well-informed; he also spoke excellent English. Though he was tardy, he did show up early. Visiting the temples, parks, palaces, buddha statues and countless number of other monumnetswas a very different yet interetsing experince. Having fabric on hand to sew a skirt or wrap for our visit to the Buddhist monastery was a nice gesture on his part. In addition to being helpful, he accompanied us to the market to pick out some fruit. When we asked him to use our camera to snap a few pictures of us, he gladly obliged.

Regarding the company, they are excellent at communicating with you before your booking, pickup, and driver’s name. They also inform you of different tour possibilities without being intrusive.

The tour was fantastic.

Klemenski – December 17, 2023 :

Malan was a great driver and helper for us. He was always nice, polite, and smart, and he helped us in so many ways that the trip was always fun. We also really like how safe and smart the driver is and how comfortable the car is. Thanks a lot; we’ll tell our friends and family about you.

Klara Kaufmann – December 11, 2023 :

The tour was excellent; it was brief yet packed with engaging activities. We avoid the throng by leaving early every day. Our experienced guide made the morning really engaging. Without a doubt, I would suggest this tour.

meheil kuhman – December 5, 2023 :

Despite it was only 3 days the trips was very well planned allowing us to see the major culturual attraction in Sri Lanka. Sigiriya hike was the most memorable part of the trip. safari was also good and we had the opportunity to witness a large herd of elephants. However nothing much except wild elephants. Overall excellent trip experince.

Beate – November 29, 2023 :

We booked a three-day cultural trinagle trip Sri Lanka, because we mostly wanted to see culture sites. It was a great chance to see temples, Buddha statues, palaces, churches, and other old buildings. Good hotels, a good vehicle, tasty food, and a friendly tour guide. Apart from the hsitorical and religious monuments the tour includes many other interesting places like wildlife parks, tea gardens, botanical gardens.

Ivonne – November 5, 2023 :

I would not recommend this tour the tour guide basically repeated a script I could barely understand him focus was to bring is shopping did not enjoy this tour at all

roche – October 28, 2023 :

Tout était parfaitement organisé, et notre guide chamil était excellent et a fait un excellent travail. Tous les sites étaient relativement moins peuplés et les hôtels étaient principalement vide. En général, voyage au Sri Lanka était excellent et les prix étaient très abordables.

Petra – September 20, 2023 :

Wonderful Sri Lanka, and it exceeded our expectations. Everything was well-organized, and our guide, Chamil, was great and did an excellent job. All of the attractions were relatively less crowded, and the hotels were mostly empty. Overall, a fantastic Sri Lanka trip at a very reasonable price.

Alan meister – August 26, 2023 :

Wondeful Sri Lanka and it was far better than what we expected. It undertook the trip as COVID-19 restrictions eased in Sri Lanka. Everything was perfectly organized and our guide chamil was excellent and did a good job. All sites were fairly less crowded and hotels were largely empty. Overall excellent Sri Lanka trip and price was very affordable.

Cimberly – May 8, 2023 :

Exploring the historical and spiritual side of Sri Lanka was a fascinating experience. Meeting up and walking around with local people in ancient monuments and crowded religious site was the best experience I could have wished for. Our guide Deva know a lot about Sri Lanka and its historical monuments. he loves to tell stories and answers every question I fire away at him. He really takes his time to show you around and the cultural and historical monuments became much more beautiful through his eyes. Thank you so much!

Rukshi – May 2, 2023 :

Gids kon veel vertellen over de buurt en liet mooie plekjes zien in de culturele driehoek van Sri Lanak. Het was niet echt een geweldige reis. Programma / te bezoeken locaties werden in goed overleg op elkaar afgestemd. Flexibele gids die vooraf veel en snel communiceerde via de app.

Helena – April 9, 2023 :

A very interesting short trip thanks to our charming tour guide Sam who guided us through three impressive temples and the beautiful Grand temple.

Clemanski urzula – March 11, 2023 :

We wanted to see mainly the cultural places on our tour and booked the 3 days trip. It was a perfect opportunity to see temples, palaces, and ancient monuments. Good hotels, good vehcile, delicious food and friendly guide.

Johny shandor – February 5, 2023 :

Perfect !!!! Everything was perfect!!! Thanks!!! We have done dozens of interesting temple, palaces, gardens, stupa, within short period of time. Everything is well times and planned. Everything was betterthan we expected!!! Thanks

Patrik – February 4, 2023 :

This was a Sri Lanka cultural tour well worth taking! Our guide was Chamara and he was very knowledgeable and explained a lot about the history and culture of Sri Lanka. I would highly recommend the tour and this guide!!

Joseph R – January 23, 2023 :

Expert guide, great information . The reclining Buddha was incredible and the story behind it is very interesting. Short tour but plenty of intreretsing archeological sites, wildlife safari, botanical garden, elephant park, great tour

Slinc – January 6, 2023 :

This was a great tour, short but not short of interesting activites. Going in the morning every day we beat the crowds. Our guide was very knowledgeable and may the morning very interesting. I would definitely recommend this tour.

Jenny fatal – November 12, 2022 :

My first time with a tour like this! I was very happy with the inclusions. Pace is fast but I realize I could never have done everything my own everything was perfectly planned and organized. The local operator was very professional. I really enjoyed this Sri Lanka short trip and was happy to learn more about its culture through are friendly, professional and knowledgeable guide

Lauren – October 18, 2022 :

seven days back, my mother and 3 sisters did the cultural triangle tour of Sri Lanka. It was absolutey great! Mainly because we had a very good guide. He was very knowledgeable about the temples, history, Buddhism of Sri Lanka cultural triangle. We had very good accommodation and delicious food during the tour. Rohan’s English is perfect, his enthusiasm about his country is contagious and his knowledge of his coquetry is excellent! Thanks Rohan!

Julie – October 3, 2022 :

Fun and informative, Our guide Jaya took us to many interesting historical and religious places, which allowed us to experience some of SriLankas top-notch historical monuments. Our guide is very knowledgeable and fun, he made thus a worthwhile adventure 😊

miri – July 2, 2022 :

The cultural trip through Sri Lanka cultural triangle was a unique experience that I will not forget for the rest of my life. We saw a lot in such a short amount of time and everything was super organized. Our guide Gihan always took excellent care of us and always tried to make sure that everyone was fine and that everyone got their money’s worth. I particularly liked that he gave us a lot of knowledge about the culture, country and people. The hotels and our private car, which we always traveled with, were all in very good condition, making the journey very comfortable. I always felt very safe on the trip and would recommend the tour to anyone who wants to tour Sri Lanka but doesn’t want to sacrifice comfort.

Grumbiego – June 16, 2022 :

We heard a lot of disturbing news about Sri Lankan politics and economy and we were a bit hesitant in the beginning. However, it was a bit exaggerated I must say. We did not feel the economic hardship and hotels were giving us a good service. good food and drinks. Fortunately, we had one of the best guide, and Luma did a fantastic job. We enjoyed the trip a lot. Thanks, Kuma

Robby ilham – May 31, 2022 :

The trip is good but had to travel a lot during the three days.

Louise – May 28, 2022 :

Excellent trip! Everyday I felt immersed, educated and safe in the Sri Lankan culture, thanks to Gihan’s hospitality and knowledge of Sri Lanka. The Itinerary was thorough and exciting – it exceeded expectations. Loved the local craft activities; wildlife tour, herbal garden visit and all of the conversations about Sri Lankan history, culture, religion and spirituality.

Gilber shang – April 7, 2022 :

Very interesting tour itinerary including many cultural, religious, and historic sites in the Sri Lanka’s cultural triangle. Our exceptional tour guide, sam. was very knowledgeable, taught us a great deal, and ensured all of us was listened to and properly looked after throughout. Failure of arrival airport transfer was bit disappointing. Hotels were good, excellent delicious meals and good vehicle.

Juliea chuan – March 24, 2022 :

This tour was an excellent and wide ranging introduction toSri Lanka’s historical and cultural assets with comfortable accommodation and transport.

manfred – March 22, 2022 :

Fantastic Sri Lanka trip to get an in-depth knowledge about Sri Lanka in just a few days, wonderful hotels and brilliant staff were outstanding, highly recommend it.

Philipa – March 18, 2022 :

This trip gave a great taste of what Sri Lankan cultural triangle within a short period of time. Everything was beyond my expectations, food accommodation and activities. As a woman travelling alone I felt safe and included the whole trip. Our leader was amazing and I highly recommend this local travel company (Seerendipity).

Merry – February 28, 2022 :

I highly recommend the cultural triangle Experience trip. What an amazing and beautiful way to see the historical cities of Sri Lanka. This was a trip I waited 46 yrs to see after going to Sri Lanka on my own at age 21yrs. My gratitude to Sam, our tour guide for my making the tour, safe, fun, and interesting.

Adison – February 28, 2022 :

Our Sri Lanakn cultural triangle Experience trip exceeded all our expectations! Our guide, Sandu was exceptional ! His vast knowledge of all things on the trip and his genuine ability to make us all feel safe and supported added to our holiday. The car Sri Lankan traffic! We definitely recommend the “comfort” level experience, being great value for money. Thank you Seerendipity and Sandu for an amazing family holiday

Diane – February 25, 2022 :

This was an amazing trip that was brought to life by our superb guide Ravi. His vast knowledge of the cultural and historical aspects of the island and his ability to share this with us and to explain many aspects of Sri Lankan life and culture meant the trip exceeded our expectations.

Kurba – February 8, 2022 :

Fabulous trip, tips.. hand sanitizer, money belt, closed shoes, see if you have a Car on comfort class as I limited myself to 6kg backpack. Take money for tips, barter, enjoy the experience with a smile and have a bottle of lion beer every day

Joshua – January 14, 2022 :

Sam was our personal guide, was excellent. Our car driver didn’t show up on time, but this did not stop him from giving us an excellent tour, he rescheduled everything very well and we did not mis-anything, and he explained the history behind each site wonderfully! As this was a private tour , she also offered to take photos of us with each surroundings, and each photo was great!

Steppi – January 12, 2022 :

The tour was amazing. You need to do the tour with a guide, and Kelum is the perfect one! Very helpful and knowledgeable. He is also an excellent photographer. Seriously if you think you can just show up to the temples on your own, you are doing yourself an injustice. Kelum told us the history and background of each temple which was fascinating! Thank you so much kelum!

pnodicher – January 5, 2022 :

We had read up about the tour and had a good idea of what we will see but we had no idea the Driver/Guide would be so great! The temples, ancient structure, and the Buddha stautues were beautiful, amazing and thanks to the guide (Sam) we got a very good idea of the history associated with Sri Lanka. It was awesome what ancient people managed to do, remarkable achievements. All in all it was a wonderful tour.

Babu – December 17, 2021 :

I had been to Sri Lanka before, in the earlier occasion I visited the southern part of Sri Lanka and this time wanted to visit some Temples and explore the ancient places that I had missed before.

The tour guide picked me up on time and a prearranged Hotel. He advised which Temples we would visit and I asked to miss one of them as I had seen it before. He was happy to oblige. We visited the reclining Buddha at Galvihara and explore hundreds of statues in dambulla. The Buddha staues were amazing and the temples were very impressive. We then traveled a short distance to the Sigiriya rock, which was built by a king morethan a thousands years back. Again it was very impressive. The tour includes a large number of places and we also explored kandy, Polonaruwa, pinnawala and oh I stop here..because there is no end if i going to put all good things here. A nice tour…

Korianne – December 2, 2021 :

We thoroughly enjoyed our tour and were blessed with the BEST tour guide named Kelum. He was very knowledgeable and never got tired of taking pictures of us. These temples are a must-see in Sri Lanka! They are so beautiful, historical, intricately detailed, and willKelumTum Tum! Such a wonderful start to our trip.

Cristopher – November 23, 2021 :

Our guide patiently waited for us as we fought Colombo traffic to meet him. He showed us everything we wanted to see!

Jeewantha – November 18, 2021 :

We wanted to take the trip despite the invasion of Omicron. Well organized trip and our tour guide Shan was very knowledgeable. I like when he gave cold bottled water after the temple visits as it helps us to feel comfortable due to heat .

grace – November 9, 2021 :

Very well planned trip from pickup to visiting temples to drop off well-timed. The local tour operator has heap of experince in this field we saw it when they planned the trip with early morning temple visits. Early morning visits allow you to escape from the heat. and It is difficult to walk on the sandy temple garden during the mid-day. clever thinking. Good hotels, good vehicle and excellent guide.

evelin – October 20, 2021 :

We enjoy the trip a lot and looking at the UNESCO world heritage sites in teh cultural triangle… Its amazing to know more of the history of Sri Lanka and the its people… very educating!

RICHARD W – October 18, 2021 :

Very knowledgeable guide and comfortable transport. Highly recommended. Just the right length of tour, as you could get “Templed” out. Take plenty of water.

Nunjin – October 6, 2021 :

The overall tour felt very rushed. We saw dozens of temples but didn’t have sufficient time to fully experience the beauty of each one. This was our first tour of a three week trip in Sri Lanka and guide also rushed us through the places. Although he was friendly and contacted us in advance of our hotel pickup time, her overall knowledge of the temples we visited was limited. There was too much conversation about personal feelings regarding the country’s current leaders Not to mention personal stories and picture sharing of the guides cat.

Babu – August 17, 2021 :

It was a good decision to get this private tour it was really comfortable for us to go around especially with the hot weather.. The tour guide is good and informative will recommend this to evryone

Ruban – August 11, 2021 :

Tour guide was excellent, very informative. Had a wonderful time. Would definitely recommend to friends and family.

Shamini – August 5, 2021 :

there are no identifying markers on their vehicles, my hotel had two entrances, they left me, customer service was unkind, they charged me 600 additional rupees for the next tour

Evans – June 23, 2021 :

This tour is a perfect option if you don’t want to get up early in the morning and don’t want to waste the whole trip in Colombo.

Rizmi owl – February 10, 2020 :

Perfect tour to see the temples, palaces and ancient monuments. It was very well planned. very good guide, good hotels, good vehicle and excellent service

Genola gulheim – January 10, 2020 :

Good trip but lot of travelling.

Fernandez ursula – December 10, 2019 :

If there had been little bit more time to relax it could have been better

elheim knur – October 15, 2019 :

very good Sri Lanka tour

Dewsa regnis – October 2, 2019 :

Excellent trip with plenty of attractions like ancient places, wildlife parks and remote countryside. Very affordable and good hotels.

bonnie reama – August 10, 2019 :

Good trip enjoyed a lot

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Green Holiday Travels PVT LTD

4 Days Sri Lanka Tour Package

4 days Sri Lanka tour itinerary is an ideal choice if you are looking for a short economical holidays. Sri Lanka has more places to see, more things to do in 4 days. Sri Lanka has things to entertain & satisfy tourists with multiple travel requirements and different holiday desires. The pearl of Indian ocean, the Sri Lanka is a beloved holiday destination by nature lovers, beach lovers, watersports devotees, wildlife admirers, adventure & thrill seekers, honeymooners and more.

4 Days Tour Itinerary Sri Lanka

At Green Holiday, we have multiple 4 days in Sri Lanka tour itineraries for tourists to relish on their holidays to the wonderful island, Sri Lanka. With our experience in the Sri Lanka tourism industry, we provide excellent tour arrangement, holiday accommodation bookings, tour guide and other tour related services to our customers. Our tour packages can be customized according to your travel requirements, simply connect with us through the forms in our website to arrange a 4 days tour to Sri Lanka. Here are some 4 days Sri Lanka tour itineraries we have designed to save your time and enjoy your holidays in Sri Lanka

Best 4 Days Sri Lanka Tour Itinerary

Here is the most wanted 4 days tour itinerary to Sri Lanka, which many of our customers enjoyed and are happy with. With this best selling 4 days Sri Lanka tour package, we will take you to Kandy , Nuwara Eliya and Bentota . These holiday destinations are popular among tourists, because, these holiday destinations offer various things to do and many places to see in short period. We are glad to offer you wonderful holiday experience to Sri Lanka with this best 4 days tour itinerary.

Day 1 : Colombo – Kandy

  • Airport Pickup by our Sri Lanka tour guide
  • You will be driven to Kandy and check in to hotel
  • Visit to Peradeniya Royal Botanical Gardens
  • Visit Sri Dalada Maligawa, Kandy Lake & Udawattakele Forest Reserve
  • Shopping at Kandy Shopping Center
  • Overnight stay in Kandy

4 Days in Sri Lanka

Our chauffeur driver guide will pick up you from the Colombo airport, and drive you to Kandy, the hill capital on your very first day of 4 days in Sri Lanka tour itinerary. After check in to the hotel in Kandy, let’s relax some time, and then, let’s start our Kandy day tour to see what does Kandy has to entertain tourists. With this 4 days tour plan we will visit Peradeniya Royal Botanical Gardens, Temple of Tooth Relic, Kandy Lake, Udawattakele Forest Reserve and Kandy Shopping Center. A visit to these must to see places in Kandy, will satisfy your thirst to being next to nature, desire on knowing Sri Lankan culture, passion to see birds & reptiles on their own home and more.

4 days itinerary Sri Lanka

Let’s visit Peradeniya Royal Botanical Gardens, which is a well known tour destination in Sri Lanka among locals and foreigners. If you are in love with nature and admirer of mother nature’s beauty, Peradeniya Royal Botanical Gardens should be in your Sri Lanka 4 days itinerary. This is the largest botanical garden in the country, spreading around 60 hectares of the land, with diversity of trees & plants. This is a quite place to walk around and witness the plants which are very rare around the world. The orchid house is worth of visit, shooting some selfies with attractive scenery and plants is highly recommended for your memories of Sri Lanka holidays.

4 days tour Sri Lanka

Not only the plants & trees, there are monkeys live on their own too in the garden. It requires around 2 hours to walk all around the garden and see the beautiful trees and plants. There are small shops here and there inside garden for visitors to relax and have a cup of tea. If you feel hard to walk, the buggy service is available in the garden to round you around garden with a driver. The visitors to Peradeniya Royal Botanical Garden often praise the garden specially for the orchid house, double coconut trees, bamboo trees, variety of grasses, flora and fauna in the garden.

4 Days in Sri Lanka Tour Plan

After lunch and some break time, our guide will take you to the temple of Tooth relic, the Sri Dalada Maligawa. It is a World’s heritage site in Sri Lanka, recognized by UNESCO. It is a tourist hotspot, to see the ancient culture & history of the country, and it is the last kingdom before British had captured entire island in early 1800s. The scared place is well maintained and attracts thousands of tourists daily. The temple itself was ancient palace of King, and wall paintings describe the history of Buddhism in detail, and reflects clear idea about ancient Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka 4 Days Tour Itinerary

If you are interested to know more about ancient Sri Lankan sculpture & architecture, this place is a must to visit on your holidays to Sri Lanka. The artwork inside temple, and wooden structures still showcase Sri Lankan antique styles in architecture. People from all over the world visit Sri Dalada Maligawa, not only to worship Lord Buddha, but also to see ancient art work, and to know in detail about ancient Sri Lankan culture. A visit to museum nearby temple helps to collect more thoughts and knowledge on how Sri Lanka was in olden days. On your 4 days in Sri Lanka tour itinerary, the Sri Dalada Maligawa is a must place to visit to experience the primitive Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka in 4 Days

Kandy Lake is nearby the ancient palace (i.e : Sri Dalada Maligawa). The green water of lake offers some relax to your eyes, and a walk around the lake guarantee some relax and calm on 4 days tour to Sri Lanka. It is a man made lake, built by King Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe in 1807. If you are excited about birds watching, Kandy lake has something for you. Indian cormorant, Ducks, Pelican, White egret crane, Wood stork are some birds species, which you can spot around Kandy lake. The clouds wall around lake was built to add more beauty to lake by the King Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe, but before its construction works had completed, British captured the city, and still the clouds wall remains uncompleted.

Sri Lanka 4 Days Tours

Udawattakele forest reserve is located just after the Sri Dalada Maligawa. In the ancient days, it was used as a garden by Kandyan Kings, with a pond for the royal families to take bath, and was closed for public access. If you are a passion about nature, this forest reserve is a must to visit on 4 days in Sri Lanka tour. On a walk inside the reserve, you may experience birds singing, may see the reptiles, leeches, different types of snakes, butterflies, even you can spot some deer, monkeys too in this forest reserve. If you are looking forward some trekking experience with this 4 days tour itinerary, Udawattakele forest reserve is the choice for you to trek around and have some time closure with nature buzz. In this forest reserve there are trees, shrub species and lianas for you to check out and have some whisper with nature on your holidays to Sri Lanka.

4 Days Tour Itinerary Sri Lanka

Later in the evening, if time permits, let’s do some shopping in Kandy shopping center and let’s taste Sri Lankan dinner in a world class restaurant in Kandy. In the Kandy city you can find all kind of shops for you to buy some souvenirs, clothing, jewels and more. Overall with the Kandy Day Tour, on the first day of 4 days tour to Sri Lanka, tourists are captivated with what Sri Lanka has to satisfy their appetite for needs of nature holidays, cultural holidays, birds watching holidays and trekking holidays. Contact us today to arrange your four days in Sri Lanka holidays or any other tailor made bespoken tour packages to Sri Lanka for a wonderful holidaying time in the country.

Day 2 : Kandy – Nuwara Eliya

  • After breakfast, transfer to Nuwara Eliya
  • En Route Visit Lover’s leap waterfall & Pedro Tea Factory
  • Visit Seetha Eliya & Moon Plains
  • Experience time at Gregory Lake
  • Overnight stay in Nuwara Eliya

4 Days in Sri Lanka

After breakfast in Kandy hotel, let’s proceed to Nuwara Eliya, the little England, the coolest place in Sri Lanka. Holidays in Nuwara Eliya provides moments to stick with cold nature, trek around tea estates, taste World class Ceylon Tea, experience beauty of waterfalls, thrill activities in man made lake, sightseeing of sceneries, understand ancient Hindu culture, a peek to wildlife & birds watching, witness colonial buildings and more. In other words, a Nuwara Eliya day tour has things to delight tourists with numerous holiday desires & passions. Due to the reason what Nuwara Eliya has to greet and treat its visitors, we have scheduled day 2 and day 3 stay in Nuwara Eliya, and we are excited to help you exploring the greenish tea lands.

4 days itinerary Sri Lanka

On the way to Nuwara Eliya, let’s visit the beautiful Lover’s leap waterfall. There is a history behind the name of this waterfall; in ancient times, a prince was in love with a village girl, but the king did not accept their love, and on a full moon day, prince jumped from the rock with his lover. This waterfall is only 30 meters in height. Hiking through tea estates to see, more closure incredible view of the waterfall, itself a must to do on a Sri Lanka holidays, to add adventure flavor to your Sri Lanka tour. For tourists who feel hard to hike, there are tuk-tuk facilities to go near the waterfalls and experience the water spray from the falls on your skin. Many visitors to the waterfall reported, the area is rich in panoramic view and biodiversity, so it is not to be missed on a short tour to Sri Lanka, i.e 4 days in Sri Lanka.

4 days tour Sri Lanka

Next to the Lover’s leap waterfall, let’s visit the Pedro Tea Factory. The tea factory is located near to Nuwara Eliya, the city of cold, and is near by the highest mountain in Sri Lanka, the Piduruthalagala. On a visit to factory, you have the opportunity to see more closely, how the tea leaves are plucked by the workers in the estate. And even you can try to plug the two leaves with bud, which undergoes multiple procedures and processes before it becomes the World Class Tea. Not only plugging the tea leaves, if you are interested, you can have a guided tour in the factory, which explains in detail about tea making process, starting from plugging to make it ready for a fine cup of tea. By having a cup of tea in the outdoor, and refresh yourself together with the scenery rich panoramic view, on the 2nd day of 4 days in Sri Lanka tour. If you just fall in love with the cup of tea at Pedro Tea Factory, why not buy few packets for home to share with your family and friends?

4 Days in Sri Lanka Tour Plan

After entering the Nuwara Eliya city, let’s check in to the hotel we booked for you, and get some refreshment break. Then, let’s proceed to Seetha Eliya. Seetha Eliya is a historic tour destination which wins hearts of visitors since ancient days. Ancient Hindu epic, “Ramayana” has links with this tour destination. The history says, the heroine of Ramayana, “Seetha” – the wife of Indian prince “Rama”, was captured by king of Sri Lanka the “Ravana” and kept in this area, which happens around 3000 years ago as per the epic “Ramayana”. Nowadays you can see, a Hindu temple called “ Seetha Amman Temple ” on this place dedicated to “Seetha” & “Rama”, and they are worshipped as god and goddess.

Sri Lanka 4 Days Tour Itinerary

These days, the near by a river is called “Seetha River”. History states, part of this river was formed with the Seetha’s tear drops, and Ravana’s palace was in hills nearby the Seetha Eliya. Still the Hanuman imprints can be noticed near by the Seetha river which is still worshipped by locals. If you are interested in Ramayana or ancient history dated back thousands of years, this place is a must to visit on a 4 days Sri Lanka tour. Seetha Eliya is colder than Nuwara Eliya city, and you can notice monkeys in the trees around the river. In the epic Ramayana, the current Seetha Eliya and surroundings were referred as “Ashoka Vana”, which was kingdom of king “Ravana”.

Sri Lanka in 4 Days

After a visit to Seetha Eliya, let’s continue to Moon Plains. Moon Plains has things to do for nature lovers and adventure & wildlife seekers. The place is almost filled with greenish grass, and a recommended area for cycling tour and hiking tour. This tour destination in Nuwara Eliya offers the panoramic view of sceneries around the location, a better place for selfies and photo-shooting. On the other hand, it is reported that Moon Plains is a home for deer, elks, birds and occasional leopards. Local and foreign tourists to Moon Plains, never failed to admire the Sun rise from “Mini World’s End” at Moon Plains. The beautiful Sun rise, which sends the misty clouds home, offers better refreshment for viewers specially who are in deep love with mother nature. A jeep safari on Moon Plains together with tour guide would be a great idea to explore more depth around this holiday destination.

Sri Lanka 4 Days Tours

Next to Moon Plains, let’s visit it to Gregory Lake. After a busy day with tour around Nuwara Eliya, this is the time to relax around Gregory Lake to refresh with misty lake view. There are fast food stalls, small kids amusement activities park, and wide spread greenish grass to sit and relax with cool climate. If you still have energy, you can try a boat ride in the lake, it can be a group boat ride or double boat ride. There are swam shaped small boats for two people to ride themselves around the lake, water motor bike ride (with a guard or without guard) and more fun adventure activities to do in Gregory lake.

With the fun filled adventure activities and relaxed walk around the Gregory lake in Nuwara Eliya, you 2nd day of Sri Lanka 4 days tour comes to end, together with a feel of being in an ancient British city. The second day of the tour would provide you with satisfaction of enjoying water spray at lover’s leap fall along with hiking experience around nature’s beauty, sipping a cup of tea at Pedro Tea Estate, witnessing Hanuman footprints dated 3,000 years back, breathing fresh air in Moon Plains, and chilled out with adventure activities in Gregory lake.

Day 3 : Nuwara Eliya

  • After breakfast, visit Single Tree Hill and World’s End
  • Visit Victoria Park & Ambewela Farm
  • Visit to Tea estates & Strawberry Fields
  • Visit Holy Trinity Church

4 Days Tour Itinerary Sri Lanka

On the 3rd day of this 4 days tour, let’s hike to Single Tree Hill to see the Sun Rise from top of the mountain, visit to World’s end to see complete landscape of serene beauty of Nuwara Eliya, enter Victoria park to see Flora, Fauna & listen to some birds signing, pay a visit to Ambewela farm to experience “Little New Zealand” with cattle, and a visit to Holy Trinity Church to see British influence to ancient Sri Lanka.

4 Days in Sri Lanka

If you are passionate about hiking, Single Tree Hill has something for you. If you are not interested, you can stay at hotel and lets proceed to World’s End later in the morning. But if you would like to experiment the hiking experience in Sri Lanka, Single Tree Hill climb is worthy. We have to start hiking early in the morning around 4.30 am, walk through the tea estates all the way towards the summit. It may take around one and half hours to reach top of the summit. On top of the summit, there is only one single tree, because of this, it is also called as “One Tree Hill”. When we will have reached the top around 6.00 am, we can see the best view of Sun Rise. Not only that, a view of Nuwara Eliya City, Haggala mountain range, Piduruthalagala mountain range etc from top of the summit. The Sun rise and view of scenery are something to store in your memory of 4 days in Sri Lanka tour, through snapshots from the Single Tree Hill.

4 days itinerary Sri Lanka

On the 3rd day of this Sri Lanka tour itinerary, after the breakfast in hotel, let’s visit World’s End in Nuwara Eliya. World’s End is another most wanted tourist hotspot in Nuwara Eliya which attracts more tourists and locals. For a nature lover, the World’s End has more to treat and greet during the 4 days Sri Lanka tour. It is situated as part of the Horton Plains National Park. It is recommended to have a visit to World’s end early as possible, to avoid mist which blocks the great view from the World’s End. If you are expecting breathtaking views and vegetation like fauna and flora, World’s End is a must place to visit on your Sri Lanka tour. With a visit to World’s End, gather some ideas on how the World’s end had formed, listen to leopards roar, calls of elks & wild animals which live in hidden World around this area.

4 days tour Sri Lanka

Even though it is a small park, there are more things to see. You can see the variety of plants, reptiles and birds in the park. The Victoria park is a popular among birds watching seekers, specially because the park is home for local and migrant birds. Visitors reported that Indian pitta, Dusky Blue Flycatcher, Kashmir flycatcher and other endemic Sri Lankan birds are spotted in the Victoria Park in Nuwara Eliya. The park is known for wedding photography and more, even the visitors to the park never failed to snap a selfie. This is because the scenery at the park gives quite beautiful room for photography. It is a must place to visit on 4 days Sri Lanka tour itinerary to be in touch with nature, plants and birds, alongside a cold, chilled climate.

4 Days in Sri Lanka Tour Plan

After a visit to Victoria Park, we will go to Ambewela Farm. It is one of the widest grass field in Sri Lanka where you can see cattle, pigs, rabbits and more. If you have more room in your heart for nature, this is a must place to check out. The mist, cold, cows, greenish grasses are there to welcome you and offer a great sight to treat your love with nature. You can taste dairy products like milk, yogurt and more here, and oversee the process of cheese making and so on. Many locals refer this place as “Mini New Zealand”, because there are lots of with cows, bulls, calves to see in a wide area. Ambewela Farm is a must to have place to visit on 4 days tour itinerary to Sri Lanka, specially if you are looking forward a nature tour.

Sri Lanka 4 Days Tour Itinerary

On the way back from Ambewela Farm, let’s check out some tea estates and strawberry gardens and shoot some selfies and photographs with the natural beauty of Nuwara Eliya. Not only that, we can see the process of strawberry plucking, packing etc on a visit to strawberry garden on the way. And, you can buy some tea bags package, strawberry packets to take home with memories on Nuwara Eliya. Apart from tea and strawberry, Nuwara Eliya is known for vegetables such as Carrots, Beet-roots, leeks and nookal.

Sri Lanka in 4 Days

Next, let’s go to Holy Trinity Church. The English Gothic Church was built around in mid 1800s, one of the old Church in the city to visit. History of the Church states that Queen Elizabeth II had visited the Church in 1954 for Easter mass. You can still witness the ancient English architecture on this Church, along with other ancient colonial buildings in Nuwara Eliya. On your 4 days Sri Lanka tour, a visit to the Holy Trinity Church helps you to understand the ancient British influence to Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka 4 Days Tours

After a visit to the Church, let’s get back to the hotel and take rest after a long day around Nuwara Eliya, and prepare to go to Bentota on next day. With end of 3rd day of the tour, tourists will have enjoyed the Sun Rise & panorama view from “One Tree Hill”, complete view of beautiful mountains and scenery from top of the mountain range from “World’s End”, walk around in Victoria park and mesmerizing with natural plants & birds, witness beautiful cattle in Ambewela, trek around strawberry gardens, hike tea estates and feel British in Holy Trinity Church.

Day 4 : Bentota

  • After breakfast, transfer to Bentota
  • En route visit St Clair’s Falls
  • Check in hotel in Bentota & relax
  • Walk around Bentota beach and take part in beach activities
  • Get ready to go home with cherishing memories with 4 days in Sri Lanka

4 Days Tour Itinerary Sri Lanka

After breakfast in Nuwara Eliya hotel, let’s proceed to Bentota. On the way to Bentota, let’s adore and investigate the beauty of St Clair’s Falls in Nuwara Eliya, which is a wide waterfall in Sri Lanka, also called as little Niagara of Sri Lanka. By having tea from the near restaurant, you can see the beauty of the falls which is located among the tea estates. If you wish you can walk down from the hills, have a nearer view of the St Clair’s falls and capture some photographs to store to remember your 4 days tour to Sri Lanka. Many visitors to the St Clair’s falls said, it is a great place to relax and calm together with nature. It is a highly recommended tour destination to visit on a short holidays to Sri Lanka like a 4 days tour, to blossom refresh mentally and escape from your daily routine.

4 Days in Sri Lanka

Bentota is a town of beach, known for the beach, watersports activities, boat ride and more. On our final day of this 4 days Sri Lanka tour, we will spend some time in Bentota beach. During our stay in Bentota, we will focus only on beach activities such as beach walk, admiring Sun set with wine glass in hand, participate in adventure watersports (seasonal), taking sunbathe while sipping king coconut from golden sand.

4 days itinerary Sri Lanka

Proceed to Bentota, check in a hotel and relax for sometime. Bentota is a most visited beach in Sri Lanka, the golden sand and sea attracts more tourists. During season, watersports lovers explore watersports adventure activities in Bentota, such as diving, surfing, snorkeling, body boarding, jet skiing, banana boat riding, canoeing, wake boarding, mono skiing, kite surfing, tube riding etc. If you are a thrill seeker, there are watersports schools around Bentota offer courses on watersports for you to get more training and test & experiment water adventure activities in Bentota beach. The most of the courses offered are hourly basis and does not require more hours to practise. If you are a watersports geek, Bentota is a must place to include on your 4 days itinerary to Sri Lanka.

4 Days in Sri Lanka Tour Plan

Not only watersports, you can sit back in golden sand and calm on the beach under Sun in Bentota. Revel in sunbath, a beach walk in the evening, sipping glass of wine by mesmerizing with beauty of Sun set are few things, which most of the tourists love to do in Bentota beach. On the 4th day of this 4 days in Sri Lanka tour itinerary, lets spend more time on the beach, take rest in hotel, and work on packing to fly home.

Sri Lanka 4 Days Tour Itinerary

Finally, with this 4 days tour itinerary to Sri Lanka, you will have fed yourself with numerous travel desires, but not limited to fall in love and cuddle tightly with nature, have a peek to wildlife & birds on their own home, collect some ideas about the ancient Sri Lankan culture, Buddhism & Hinduism, taste World class tea, roll around World class beach, and feel ancient British. To book this 4 days in Sri Lanka tour itinerary, please contact us today and we are always happy to assist you to explore Sri Lanka in 4 days.

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Lanka Tour Experts

Sri Lanka Tours

4 nights 5 days sri lanka tour package (all in one).

4 Nights 5 Days Sri Lanka Tour Package - Elephant Safari in Sigiriya

Tour Details

Experience the best of Sri Lanka in just 5 days with our all-inclusive 5 days Sri Lanka tour package. Visit the ancient ruins of Sigiriya, the lush tea plantations of Nuwara Eliya, and the pristine beaches of the south coast. This tour has something for everyone, from history buffs to nature lovers to beach bums.

Our experienced and flexible drivers will be happy to accommodate slight changes to your tour itinerary, even during the tour.

5 Days Sri Lanka Tour Package

Day 1: colombo – sigiriya, sigiriya lion rock.

Sigiriya Lion Rock is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most popular tourist attractions in Sri Lanka. It is a 200-meter-high rock plateau that is home to the ruins of an ancient palace and fortress complex. The rock is also known for its beautiful frescoes , which depict celestial maidens and other mythical figures.

Sigiriya Village Tour

Explore the Sigiriya Village Tour for a real taste of Sri Lanka. Meet villagers and see their daily lives. Enjoy simple village joys like ox-cart rides, catamaran trips, and walks in the fields. Back in the village, engage in an interactive cooking demonstration of traditional Sri Lankan cuisine, where you’ll get hands-on experience in preparing a local dish. End with a tasty buffet lunch, served the Sri Lankan way. This tour is a true Sri Lankan holiday experience.

Day 1 Itinerary: 5 Days Sri Lanka Tour Package

  • Arrive at Colombo or Airport and transfer to Sigiriya.
  • Explore Sigiriya Village on a village tour for a real taste of Sri Lankan life.
  • Check in to your hotel in Sigiriya and leave your luggage in your room.
  • Head to Sigiriya Rock and climb to the top for stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Overnight in Sigiriya.

Day 2: Sigiriya – Kandy

Dambulla golden cave temples.

The Dambulla Golden Cave Temples are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most important Buddhist temple complexes in Sri Lanka. The temples are a series of five cave temples that are home to over 150 Buddha statues and murals. The murals are some of the best-preserved examples of ancient Buddhist art in Sri Lanka.

Matale Hindu Temple

Sri Muthumariamman Temple is a Hindu temple in Matale. It is also known as Arulmigu Sri Muthumari Amman Kovil by Tamil people. The temple is a revered place of worship for both Hindu and Buddhist devotees, and is open to locals and foreigners alike, making it a popular tourist destination in Matale.

Kandy is the second-largest city in Sri Lanka and the cultural capital of the country. It is home to a variety of temples, museums, and other cultural attractions. Some of the most popular tourist attractions in Kandy include the Temple of the Tooth Relic, the Kandy Lake, and the Royal Botanical Gardens .

Temple of the Tooth Relic

The Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic is a revered Buddhist temple, believed to house a tooth of the Buddha. It’s a popular pilgrimage site for Buddhists worldwide.

Day 2 Itinerary: 5 Days Sri Lanka Tour Package

  • After breakfast, proceed to visit the Dambulla Golden Cave Temple.
  • Drive to Kandy.
  • On the way to Kandy, visit the Matale Hindu Temple, Nalanda Gedige , and a spice garden.
  • Visit the Temple of the Tooth Relic.
  • In the evening, enjoy a traditional Kandy cultural dance performance .
  • Overnight in Kandy.

Day 3: Kandy – Nuwara Eliya – Ella

Nuwara eliya.

Nuwara Eliya is a hill station in Sri Lanka that is known for its tea plantations and cool climate. It is a popular tourist destination for both Sri Lankans and foreigners. Some of the most popular tourist attractions in Nuwara Eliya include the Ramboda Falls , Gregory Park, and the  Gregory Lake .

Kandy to Ella Train Ride

The train journey from Kandy to Ella is renowned for being one of the most scenic routes in the world. Winding through the heart of Sri Lanka’s hill country, this ride offers breathtaking views of lush tea plantations, misty mountains, and charming rural landscapes. The journey, characterized by its picturesque bridges and tunnels, provides a unique opportunity to witness the natural beauty and cultural essence of the region. A must-do for any visitor, this train ride is not just a means of travel but an unforgettable experience in itself.

Ella is a small town in Sri Lanka that is known for its scenic beauty and its proximity to Horton Plains National Park. It is a popular tourist destination for both backpackers and luxury travelers. Some of the most popular tourist attractions in Ella include Little Adam’s Peak, Nine Arches Bridge, and Ella Rock .

Day 3 Itinerary: 5 Days Sri Lanka Tour Package

  • After breakfast, proceed to visit the Peradeniya Royal Botanical Gardens.
  • Drive to Nuwara Eliya.
  • On the way, visit a tea factory and tea plantation to learn about the tea-making process and sample some of the finest Ceylon tea.
  • Visit Ramboda Water Falls .
  • In Nuwara Eliya, explore iconic sites such as Gregory Lake, Gregory Park, and the charming colonial city center.
  • Take the train from Nanuoya to Ella , a journey that offers scenic views of the Sri Lankan countryside.
  • Overnight stay in Ella.

Day 4 – Ella – Yala

Little adam’s peak.

Little Adam’s Peak , a captivating destination known for its stunning vistas and serene atmosphere. This relatively easy trek is perfect for travelers of all ages, leading you through lush tea plantations and offering panoramic views of the rolling hills and valleys of Sri Lanka’s countryside. The peak, a favorite among hikers, provides a picturesque backdrop ideal for memorable photographs, making it a must-visit spot for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.

Nine Arches Bridge

The Nine Arches Bridge is an iconic colonial-era railway bridge surrounded by lush greenery. Its striking architecture with nine stone arches offers a picturesque setting, especially when the train passes over. This scenic spot is a must-visit for its blend of history and natural beauty.

Day 4 Itinerary: 5 Days Sri Lanka Tour Package

  • Start your day with a morning hike to Little Adam’s Peak, offering breathtaking views.
  • Visit the iconic Nine Arches Bridge for a scenic walk amidst stunning landscapes.
  • Drive to Tissamaharama, making a stop to visit the Ravana Falls along the way.
  • Explore the ancient rock carvings at Buduruwagala Temple.
  • Overnight stay near Yala National Park.

Day 5 – Yala – Galle or Colombo

Yala national park.

Yala National Park is a biodiverse haven, home to a variety of plants and animals. With over 42 species of mammals, including leopards, elephants, sloth bears , and deer, and 47 species of reptiles, including crocodiles, Yala is a nature lover’s paradise.

Galle Dutch Fort

The Galle Dutch Fort , a UNESCO World Heritage Site, showcases a blend of European and South Asian architecture. Built by the Portuguese and fortified by the Dutch, this historic fort in Sri Lanka features charming streets and picturesque ocean views, making it a must-visit for history and culture enthusiasts.

Day 5 Itinerary: 5 Days Sri Lanka Tour Package

  • Go on a morning safari in Yala National Park.
  • Drive to Galle.
  • On the way, visit the Koggala Turtle Hatchery , where conservation efforts for sea turtles are undertaken.
  • Explore the Galle Dutch Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Conclude the tour with a drop-off either at your hotel in the south or directly at Bandaranaike International Airport for your departure.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what cities are covered in your 4 nights 5 days sri lanka private tour package.

Our private tour package includes visits to the following cities: Sigiriya, Kandy, Nuwara Eliya, Ella, Tissamaharama, Yala, and Galle.

2. What services are included in this 5 days Sri Lanka tour package?

Our package includes the following services: private driver, accommodations in standard hotels with double rooms and breakfast, guidance to locations, and transportation in an air-conditioned vehicle.

3. Is this 5 days Sri Lanka tour customizable to suit my preferences?

Yes, we can customize the tour itinerary to suit your wishes and interests. Please let us know your preferences when you book the tour.

4. Are meals included in the package?

Meals are not included in the package, but we can provide you with recommendations for local restaurants.

5. What are the accommodations like?

We offer standard 2-3-star hotels with air-conditioned double/deluxe rooms (B/B) to ensure your comfort during your stay.

6. Do I need to purchase tickets for the attractions we visit?

Yes, you will need to purchase tickets for the attractions we visit. We recommend purchasing tickets on location as per your preferences.

7. Is Sri Lanka safe for travel?

Yes, Sri Lanka is a safe place to visit. We make your safety our top priority during your trip.

8. What is the minimum and maximum group size for this 5 days Sri Lanka tour package?

This is a private tour, and it can be booked by a minimum of 1 person and a maximum of 6 people.

9. How can I book this tour?

You can book this 5 days Sri Lanka tour by filling out the form below or by contacting us directly.

10. What are the major tourist attractions covered in this 5 days Sri Lanka tour package?

During the 4 Nights 5 Days tour, you’ll have the opportunity to explore iconic sites like: Sigiriya rock fortress, Dambulla cave temples, Kandy’s cultural heritage, The scenic beauty of Nuwara Eliya, Ella’s stunning landscapes, Tissamaharama, Yala national park, the southern coast and more.

11. Do I need a visa to visit Sri Lanka with this tour package?

Yes, most travelers to Sri Lanka require a visa. We can provide you with information on the visa requirements and assist you with the application process if needed.

12. What is the cost of the tour package, and are there any hidden fees?

Please contact us for a quote. The cost may vary depending on accommodation preferences and customization options.

13. What is your cancellation and refund policy?

Our cancellation and refund policy is available on our website and will be shared with you during the booking process.

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4 Days Itinerary Sri Lanka

4 Days Itinerary Sri Lanka (2024)

Are you short on time? Do you have only four days to spend in the beautiful and tiny country of Sri Lanka? In this post, you will find the 4 Days Itinerary Sri Lanka that will help you plan for those few days and make the best of them.

During my brief 4-day trip to Sri Lanka, I had the chance to explore three vibrant cities. Allow me to recount the highlights of each city and the experiences that made my short stay memorable.

Note: I had hired a car with the driver to drive me around during these four days.

This article may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. For complete information, please see our affiliate disclaimer here .

Quick Information about Sri Lanka Capital City : Colombo Currency : Sri Lankan Rupee Languages Spoken : Sinhala and Tamil Basic Greetings in Sinhala : Ayubowan (Hello), Bohoma Istuti (Thank you) Best Season to Visit : December to April Adapter Required : Types D, M, and G

Sri Lanka Retreat - Open Sky Circles

Page Contents

About Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is an island country in South Asia located in the Indian Ocean. It is a hidden gem known for its coconut trees and beautiful beaches. Formerly known as Ceylon, Sri Lanka has a rich culture and history and stunning national parks. The capital city is Colombo.

Sri Lanka is a perfect example of how great things come in small packages. The country has everything, and there are many reasons as to why you should visit this wonderful country.

Best Time to Visit Sri Lanka

The best time to visit Sri Lanka is during the winter season, between December and April. The weather is cool and pleasant then.

Beach in Colombo

How to get to Sri Lanka?

Sri Lanka has five international airports strategically located in cities like Colombo (the capital), Jaffna, Mattala, Batticaloa, and Bandaranaike. These airports offer excellent connectivity with flights linking to major cities globally. Notably, a flight from Chennai, India, to Colombo takes less than 2 hours, making it a convenient and accessible travel destination.

Interestingly, did you know that when flying from India to Sri Lanka, you can glimpse Ram Sethu (Adam’s Bridge) from the aeroplane? It’s a unique and fascinating sight.

Ram Sethu - India to Sri Lanka

Ferry services are available between Pondicherry in India and Sri Lanka, providing an alternative mode of transportation. Additionally, recent reports suggest the existence of ferry connections between Sri Lanka and Maldives , further expanding travel options in the region.

4 Days Itinerary Sri Lanka

The 4 Days Itinerary in Sri Lanka will outline the cities and attractions I visited during my short stay. Admittedly, four days is quite limited for exploring Sri Lanka’s richness. For a more comprehensive experience, I strongly recommend allocating at least a week to appreciate all this beautiful country has to offer. If you have a week to spare, here’s an ideal one-week itinerary for Sri Lanka .

4 Days Itinerary Sri Lanka Summary

My travel itinerary in Sri Lanka was roughly structured as follows:

  • 2 days in Bentota.
  • 1 day in Kandy.
  • 1 day in Colombo.

If you have the luxury of time, I strongly recommend allocating at least a week to explore all three destinations thoroughly. During my trip, I found my itinerary somewhat rushed, leaving me with limited time for exploration. Among the three places, I particularly enjoyed Bentota and Kandy, and given the chance, I would happily extend my stay in Kandy for a more immersive experience.

Dog in Sri Lanka

4 Days Itinerary Sri Lanka Details

About bentota.

Bentota, nestled in the Galle district of the Southern province, is a picturesque coastal town in Sri Lanka known for its stunning beaches. The beaches are conveniently within walking distance of accommodations. This resort town is a mere 110 kilometres from the Colombo airport.

The initial city on my exploration list was Bentota, situated on the southwest coast of Sri Lanka. I spent two days delightfully in this beautiful town.


Things to do in Bentota

  • Bentota Beach: Explore the pristine shores of Bentota Beach and Ventura Beach, both boasting breathtaking beauty.
  • Water Sports: Engage in thrilling water sports like jet skiing, windsurfing, or banana boat rides, which are available at various water sports centres.
  • Bentota River Safari: Take a boat safari along the Bentota River to explore its mangroves, wildlife, and picturesque landscapes.
  • Gems : Immerse yourself in the world of precious stones at Aida Gems and Jewellery . Take your time to admire the stunning gems and consider purchasing one as a unique and cherished souvenir from your Sri Lankan journey.
  • Sea Turtle Conservation Project: Visit the Sea Turtle Conservation Project to learn about and contribute to the conservation of these fascinating creatures.
  • Brief Garden: Explore the lush Brief Garden, an artistic and beautifully landscaped garden featuring a variety of plants and sculptures.
  • Kande Viharaya Temple: Visit the Kande Viharaya Temple, known for its giant Buddha statue and panoramic views of the surrounding area.
  • Ayurvedic Spa Experience: Indulge in a rejuvenating spa treatment to relax and revitalize your mind and body.
  • Lunuganga Estate: Discover the enchanting Lunuganga Estate, the former home of renowned Sri Lankan architect Geoffrey Bawa, known for its unique architecture and serene surroundings.
  • Bentota Bazaar: Explore the local markets in Bentota to experience the vibrant culture and shop for souvenirs and handmade crafts.
  • Dining by the Beach: Enjoy fresh seafood and traditional Sri Lankan cuisine at beachside restaurants for a memorable dining experience.
  • Scuba Diving: Consider diving options in Bentota, which provides the thrilling opportunity to scuba dive alongside magnificent whale sharks.

Sea Turtle Conservation Project

Embark on a heartwarming experience at Bentota’s sea turtle conservation nursery, where you can witness the delicate beauty of two-day-old baby turtles. Participate in this conservation project, which involves safely hatching turtle eggs within the nursery and releasing these tiny wonders into the sea to ensure their survival.

Sea Turtle Conservation - Bentota

An entrance fee of 1000 Sri Lankan Rupees is required at the entrance, and this contribution goes towards supporting the turtles and their conservation efforts.

Note: It is advisable to conduct thorough research and read online reviews before participating in any turtle conservation project. Unfortunately, some organizations prioritize profits over the well-being of the turtles and other animals. Ensuring that you choose a reputable and genuinely committed conservation effort will contribute to a positive impact on the environment and wildlife.

My Experience

The nursery’s dedicated staff is committed to the crucial mission of saving endangered sea turtles from extinction. The facility cares for the adorable hatchlings and provides a sanctuary for rescued turtles.

During your visit, the knowledgeable staff will offer detailed insights into the hatching process and the release of these precious turtles into the ocean. Additionally, you may be able to witness these beautiful creatures making their way into the sea on alternate days.

Places to Stay in Bentota

Bentota, a coastal town, has a selection of hotels and resorts along its picturesque beaches. Many of these accommodations offer private beach access. I recommend considering the following options for your stay:

  • Cinnamon Bentota Beach Resort (5-Star Hotel)
  • Thaala Bentota Resort (4-Star Hotel)
  • Taj Bentota Resort and Spa (5-Star Hotel)

About Kandy

Kandy is a significant city in the central region of Sri Lanka. It is renowned for being the final capital of the country’s kings and is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Nestled amidst tea plantations and rainforests, Kandy is characterized by its sacred ambience, featuring prominent Buddhist temples. Although I had only one day to explore this cultural hub, a complete guide to Kandy is available for those seeking more in-depth insights.

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage Kandy

Things to do in Kandy

There are plenty of things to do in Kandy . During my brief stay in Kandy, I explored a few key attractions due to time constraints.

  • Temple of the Tooth Relic : Highlights included visiting the renowned UNESCO World Heritage Site Temple of the Tooth Relic, an awe-inspiring experience that justifies dedicating several days to Kandy.
  • Kandy Lake: I also strolled around Kandy Lake, immersing myself in the serene surroundings. Enjoy a leisurely walk around the picturesque Kandy Lake, surrounded by lush greenery and beautiful views.
  • Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage (with caution) : Additionally, I ventured to the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage , established in 1975 with seven orphaned elephants. However, it’s essential to conduct thorough research on animal orphanages before contributing, considering concerns about their care practices.

Note: I encountered a distressing sight in Kandy, witnessing captivated and drugged animals, particularly snakes, exploited for tourist photo opportunities. It is crucial to raise awareness about the unethical treatment of these creatures and discourage such activities. Participating in or promoting these practices supports animal cruelty and is against ethical tourism principles. I strongly advocate refraining from engaging in activities that exploit animals and instead encourage responsible and compassionate tourism.

  • Recycled paper from elephant dung: An intriguing and eco-friendly activity involved witnessing the process of making recycled paper from elephant dung, a unique experience near the lake where the elephants bathe.
  • Royal Botanical Gardens: Spend time in the Peradeniya Royal Botanical Gardens, known for its diverse plant species, scenic landscapes, and avenues of majestic trees.
  • Bahirawakanda Vihara Buddha Statue: Embark on a short hike to the Bahirawakanda Vihara Buddha Statue, offering panoramic views of Kandy.
  • Cultural Dance Performance: Witness a traditional Kandyan dance performance showcasing local culture, music, and dance forms.
  • Ceylon Tea Museum: Learn about the history of tea production in Sri Lanka and enjoy a guided tour of the Ceylon Tea Museum.
  • Udawatta Kele Sanctuary: Take a nature walk through this forest reserve, home to various bird species, monkeys, and diverse flora.
  • Scenic Train Ride: Enjoy a picturesque journey from Kandy to Ella, offering breathtaking views of Sri Lanka’s landscapes.

Places to Stay in Kandy

I had just a day in Kandy, but if you have more time, I highly recommend extending your stay in this charming city. Consider staying at these accommodations in Kandy:

  • Radisson Hotel Kandy
  • The Heaven’s Villa Kandy
  • Fox Kandy by Fox Resorts (5-Star Hotel)

About Colombo

Exploring Sri Lanka’s capital city is essential to experiencing the country truly. Despite its modern skyscrapers, the city retains the colonial charm of the British-built structures. I dedicated my last day to discovering Colombo.


Things to do in Colombo

Colombo, Sri Lanka’s bustling capital, has various activities to enjoy. Some notable things to do include:

  • Gangaramaya Temple: Explore this iconic Buddhist temple known for its eclectic architecture and extensive collection of artifacts.
  • Galle Face Green: A famous promenade along the coast, perfect for an evening walk or enjoying local street food.
  • Independence Square: A historical landmark with beautifully landscaped gardens reflecting Sri Lanka’s journey to independence.
  • Pettah Market: Immerse yourself in this bustling market’s vibrant chaos. It offers various goods, from textiles to spices.
  • National Museum: Delve into Sri Lanka’s rich history and cultural heritage through the exhibits in this museum.
  • Beira Lake: Enjoy a peaceful boat ride in the heart of the city, surrounded by nature and urban scenery.
  • Odel: Visit one of Colombo’s premier department stores, offering a wide range of local and international brands.
  • Viharamahadevi Park: Unwind in this public park, known for its serene atmosphere and beautiful flowering trees.
  • House of Fashions .
  • Noritake Ceramic Shop .
  • Temple of Sri Kailawasanathan Swami Devasthanam Kovil . Unfortunately, I could not go inside the temple as it was closed when I got there.
  • Khan Clock Tower .

Places to stay in Colombo

The capital city boasts diverse hotels and resorts, encompassing everything from historic establishments to luxurious accommodations. For an unforgettable stay in Colombo, consider the following hotels:

  • The Kingsbury Colombo (5-Star Hotel)
  • Grand Oriental Hotel (3-Star Hotel)
  • Hilton Colombo (5-Star Hotel)

Is Sri Lanka Safe for Solo Female Travelers?

Update 2023: Sri Lanka is currently facing a crisis, and I strongly recommend conducting thorough research before planning a visit. Stay informed about the current situation, assess the ongoing events, and decide whether it is safe to travel to the country. Always prioritize your safety and well-being when making travel plans.

Your safety should be your top priority. While Sri Lanka is generally considered safe for solo female travellers, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions. I didn’t encounter any issues during my time there, but as with any destination, it’s advisable to be cautious, especially when travelling at night. Trust your instincts, stay aware of your surroundings, and consider standard safety practices to ensure a secure and enjoyable trip.

Closing Notes

Even though Sri Lanka is a small country, it offers diverse experiences for all types of travellers. Four days were quite limited, and I would eagerly return to explore more of its attractions. Sigiriya is at the top of my list for the next visit. However, if you are constrained to just four days, this 4 Days Itinerary Sri Lanka should guide you through some of Sri Lanka’s highlights.

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4 Days Itinerary Sri Lanka (2024)

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Raksha Nagaraj is a versatile content creator, skilled writer, and dedicated blogger. With a passion for travel ingrained in her adventurous spirit, she has journeyed through over 50 countries across all seven continents.

Embracing the thrill of exploration, Raksha thrives as an intrepid solo traveler, constantly seeking new experiences. Her adventurous pursuits extend to the depths of the ocean as a certified Rescue scuba diver, and to the heights of mountain trails as a regular trekker.

With a wealth of global experiences under her belt, Raksha brings a unique perspective and expertise to her writing, inspiring others to embark on their own extraordinary journeys.

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Sri Lanka Holiday Package 4 Days

Sri Lanka Holiday Packages - Cultural Dance



4 Days Sri Lanka Holiday Package - Summary

Discover the land of exotic culture, beauty, and wonderful people! On this 4 Day Sri Lanka tour package, you can explore Sri Lanka’s proud heritage in the city of Kandy. Afterward, enjoy the sight of magnificent elephants at the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage – we believe it would be an unforgettable memory! Further, if you are a beach-lover, you would love this tour, as it covers the picture-perfect Bentota beach. Later, you can visit the enchanting Madu Ganga, a river located close to Balapitiya – while at it, be sure to enjoy a soothing session of Fish Foot Therapy – definitely a delightful experience.  

Activities Covered

  • Enjoy a Kandy City Tour
  • Enjoy a cultural dance
  • Visit the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage
  • Sightsee the Colombo City
  • Enjoy a Madu Ganga boat ride
  • Enjoy a fish foot therapy

Locations Covered

  • Airport pick-up and drop-off
  • All government taxes
  • Fuel & local insurance for the vehicle
  • Support at the airport
  • A private luxury car (air-conditioned)
  • English speaking drivers for the entire journey
  • Accommodation on bed and breakfast on the basis of the hotel's options
  • Sri Lankan cultural dance
  • Ceylon Gem Factory visit
  • Ceylon Batik Clothing Factory visit
  • Sri Lanka Handicraft Factory visit
  • Colombo city tour - 3 hours
  • Air-tickets
  • Sightseeing entrance charges (unless specified)
  • Meals not mentioned in the itinerary
  • Camera and video permits
  • Travel insurance
  • Guide/Driver tips
  • Personal expenses
  • Late check-outs & early check-in charges

Booking information

Once booking details are submitted by you, we will go ahead with the booking process. At this stage, we require a 20% payment from you. A booking confirmation will reach you after 48 hours of making the payment. A balance of 80% of the payment is required, 30 days prior to the tour start date. Then you may go ahead with applying for Visa.

Cancellation Policy

  • All travel offers listed on our website are discounted. As such, all orders are non-refundable, and cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion. Thus, no refund for Cancellations made with less than 30 days from the start of a tour and for No-show.

Day 01 - Kandy

Welcome to our beautiful island! We hope you are in the safe hands of our representatives. Now it’s time to begin your dream tour on the fourth day of your Srilanka Vacation Package. Kandy is known as the home to diverse treasures, located high into the hills with a cooler atmosphere, with the eyes of dozens of monkeys on our backs paving the way to the ultimate travel destination of Srilanka. After arrival, you will be taken on a tour around the Kandy lake by Sri Lanka Holiday Package to witness and enjoy the cool breeze and afterward, you will experience a mind-blowing experience with the elephants at the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage. What’s an evening in Srilanka without enjoying a cultural dance? Oh yey! We heard you! After a tiring day, you will be able to witness the rich culture of Srilanka through a colorful, professional cultural dance in-cooperated with the feisty drums giving you goosebumps till the end of the performances.

Sri Lanka Holiday Package - Kandy Trip

  • Arrive at Sri Lanka (Katunayake International Airport)
  • Warm welcome from our Olanka representative and driver at the airport
  • Proceed to Kandy city
  • En route stop by Sri Lankan Cashew village
  • Visit the exciting Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage
  • Know about Sri Lankan spices in the Spice village tour
  • Visit the sacred Temple of the Tooth (Dalada Maligawa)
  • Later, witness the Sri Lankan traditional cultural show
  • Overnight stay at the tropical hotel and relax

Kandy Highlights

Kandy Beautiful Masks - Sri Lanka Holiday Package

  • Accomodation: Earl's Regent (4 Star Hotel)
  • Meal Plan: Breakfast & Dinner
  • Travel Time: Airport to Kandy - 2 hours (approx.)
  • Transfer Mode: Private Car (Air Conditioned)

Day 02 - Bentota

After a luxurious breakfast at the hotel, let’s head out to the town that embraces the culture with extra accommodations by the Sri Lanka vacation packages for surfers like you and me. A boat ride along the Madu Ganga enjoying the enchanting sceneries and serene atmosphere. This is the most reliable place to experience a boat ride if it’s your first! The fish foot massage is a unique experience and should be enjoyed by you in Bentota. After refreshing yourselves at the hotel let’s grab your surfboard, pack your swimsuit and get ready to hit the waves at the Bentota territory, a unique experience designed just for you by the Sri Lanka Holiday packages with a beautiful sunset along with plenty of shops for you to enjoy and grab souvenirs when the waves have worn you out.

Beautiful Bentota Beach - Sri Lanka Holiday Package

  • Wake up to your first beautiful morning in Sri Lanka
  • Enjoy a traditional Sri Lankan breakfast buffet
  • Proceed to the beautiful Bentota beach
  • Visit a turtle hatchery to learn about Sri Lankan turtles
  • Wade through mangroves on a scenic boat ride in the “Madu” river
  • Try Sri Lankan fish therapy while on the boat ride
  • Experience water sports; Jet Ski, Banana & tube boating, diving, snorkeling, kite surfing, fishing & deep sea fishing
  • Check in at the beachfront hotel & relax
  • Take a walk on the golden seashore
  • Experience the magical sunset with a Sri Lankan Lion beer
  • Taste Asia’s best crab and seafood buffet for dinner
  • Overnight stay and relax at the hotel in Bentota

Bentota Highlights

Fun in the Beach - Sri Lanka Holiday Package

  • Accomodation: Taj Bentota Resort & Spa (5 Star Hotel)
  • Travel Time: Kandy to Bentota - 4 hours 30min (approx.)

Day 03 - Colombo City

After a solid breakfast at the hotel, it’s time to head down south! You will be given a soothing city tour by the Sri Lanka Vacation Package around the city of Galle enjoying the salty atmosphere around and then it’s time to head towards the heart and soul of Sri Lanka which is the Colombo city filled with various fun-filled activities for you and for me! It is a mix of shiny and luxurious hotels and offices to beautiful and enchanted colonial buildings. This is the gateway to the wonder of Sri Lanka and you will be able to witness the multi-ethnic legacy with temples, churches, and mosques located every step of the way. After reaching the destination you will be directed to the hotel to relax yourselves and afterward, we will proceed on to witness the life of Colombo with a city tour by the Sri Lanka Holiday Package.

sri lanka tour 4 days

  • Wake up to the songs of the beach waves
  • Enjoy a grand seafood breakfast buffet with tropical fruits
  • Proceed to Colombo city
  • Visit Galle Face Green & Old Parliament in Sri Lanka
  • Witness busy Colombo fort bazar, Red mosque & Dutch museum
  • Visit the beautiful Gangaramaya Buddhist temple
  • Visit Independence Square & Independence Arcade
  • Stroll through the Green Path & Viharamahadevi Park
  • Witness beautiful paintings by local Artists
  • Shop at the best shopping malls in Sri Lanka
  • Tour around Colombo with friendly locals
  • Later, visit pubs, clubs & casinos if interested
  • Enjoy your last night at the luxury hotel in Colombo

Colombo City Highlights

sri lanka tour 4 days

  • Accomodation: Hilton Colombo (5 Star Hotel)
  • Travel Time: Bentota to Colombo - 1 hour 45min (approx.)

From US$ 450

sri lanka tour 4 days

Hi I'm Paris, I represent Olanka Travels as a Travel Consultant. We are online 24/7 365 days. You can contact me by clicking on "chat with me now" button or use Whats App, Viber number given below

  • [email protected]
  • +61 483 909 556

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Client Reviews

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Rob Aivatoglou

From Australia

Reviewed November 25, 2022

I contacted Olanka online about our planned family trip to Sri Lanka. Thamashiya did a great job in pulling together an itinerary that ensured we visited all the sites we wanted to see. We are a family of 4 with 2 teenage kids. Our driver was Ali and he was fantastic. Excellent spoken English and a very safe driver. Believe me, in Sri Lanka, you want a safe driver! Nothing was too difficult and he always accommodated our wants and needs. He took time to...

Photographs of the tour

sri lanka tour 4 days

Barry Hickey

From Ireland

Reviewed July 9, 2019

Myself and my finacée recently returned from a trip to Sri Lanka that was organised by Olanka Travels. We had a wonderful trip starting in Negombo and finishing in Bentota. Our agent Salini was incredibly helpful and quick with responses to any queries that we had. As my partner is a wheelchair user we asked that the tour cater for this need insofar as is possible. Salini put together a trip that covered landmarks and experiences such as the Yalla National Park, a visit to...

sri lanka tour 4 days

From Argentina

Reviewed September 9, 2014

Dear Ravi and Fernando, I hope you are doing well and also I also i hope you remember our travelling family. This time I'm contacting you with my friend Alfredo, who is planning a trip to Sir Lanka, more or less the same round we did that time, but you can give him different option. I told him that we had had a nice experience with your service. So, we felt like we had your attention all to ourselves during our visit to Sri Lanka....

sri lanka tour 4 days

Reviewed August 15, 2019

It was amazing experience , the visit of Mali. Actually we have planned small budget and when reviwed in Google I got a good review of olanka. When I drop a message the reply was so fast and all the arrangements in Mali was amazing. Malki, the tour consultant was quite directed me and in entire trip she was very caring in each day. She was very prompt in gathering all our requirements and she was very professional. We had a long discussion and she...

sri lanka tour 4 days

From New Zealand

Reviewed July 21, 2019

We have booked our cricket tour with Olanka 2019 july (this month). Olanka travel guys were wonderful. Very helpful with our tour group. We were travelling with under 16 school cricket team with parents from Wellington NZ. They were very helpful especially Pabasara and Randima and whole Olanka team. The bus service was amazing and the driver was awesome. Kept us safe all the way through. Always on time for us and very obliging and understanding our needs. We could not have done this trip...

sri lanka tour 4 days

Reviewed June 18, 2019

We decided to take a quick get away to celebrate the birthdays of my two year old son and I. Our last minute planning due to my husband managing to take some time off from work meant we didn’t have time to do too much research but were clear on a few criteria that we needed fulfilled. After a little googling, I chanced upon Olanka Travels having read the reviews one night about 5 days before our selected dates of travel. A young lady named...

sri lanka tour 4 days

From Saudi Arabia

Reviewed June 10, 2019

This April,2019, I made a plan to visit Vietnam, and upon recommendation of my son in law, we contacted Olanka Travel and they assigned us one of their tour consultant Ms Isurika Sadhani De Silva We gave her our plan . Our Vietnam trip was like a fairy tale, she was in touch with us even before we landed and during our stay in Vietnam. She really made our trip a memorable one. Olanka/Isurika provided the best value. We are glad to receive an amazing...

sri lanka tour 4 days

Reviewed August 11, 2019

Sri Lanka is a very beautiful place and olanka travels made it possible so that our trip becomes the most memorable one. Heshanie is very sweet and friendly person and she helped us book our itineraries for the whole trip. She managed to get us discounts in some hotels and upgrades. Charith is a humble, friendly person. He entertained us with sharing histories of Sri Lanka and personal as well. He is a very funny guy. We had a lot of fun especially in the...

sri lanka tour 4 days

Reviewed April 20, 2018

Thank you so much Olanka Travels for a great experience of our lovely honeymoon start to end. The communication during the sales stage was great. Maheshi, our sales rep and contact throughout the trip was excellent. She tailored our itinerary until we were satisfied and was always available despite the time difference before the holiday. Landing in Sri Lanka was nice easy with our driver arranged by Olanka waiting with our names at the arrivals area. The itinerary and trip were great. There were some...

sri lanka tour 4 days

Reviewed August 4, 2019

Thank you so much Olanka Travels for the great experience that you arranged from the start to end. Myself and husband had been to Maldives for our honeymoon. We just had finished off our honeymoon vacation with Olanka. We both were very impressed with the courteous and professional approach of the representatives. All our queries were patiently responded to. The actual trip was also well planned. We did not face any issues whatsoever. Everything was well organized and planned by our tour consultant Malki. She...

sri lanka tour 4 days

Reviewed August 10, 2019

I sincerely appreciate the time you spent planning my trip and recommending ideas for having a wonderful trip. Your advice was very helpful and gave me a new idea about how to spend a great time in your kind country. Also I would like to inform of a distinguished member of staff you have, Heshanie. She has been in touch with us and gathered all the info needed to make our tour pleasant one. She has tailored our requirements with full energy and all the...

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From Sri Lanka

Reviewed October 8, 2018

"Our trip to Phuket was amazing.Our Sri Lankan agent Olanka Travels they did a superb job by arranging everything to make us more comfortable. We enjoyed plenty of breathtaking views on phi phi island,James bond island,Kata beach and Pathong beach. Entire experience including snorkeling, canoe, long tail boat ride and travel on a sea angle cruise were so special. For me best part of my tour was Siam Niramit show where i experienced the real Thai culture, Thai music and dancing. Highly recommend for any...

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From Israel

Reviewed July 31, 2019

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Gliga Marius

From Romania

Reviewed August 4, 2016

We’ve just returned from a truly brilliant holiday in Sri Lanka arranged by Olanka Travels. Our tour consultant, Manori, was excellent whilst arranging the holiday. She put together several itinerary options then helped us to refine our tour so that it matched what we wanted to do with the hotels that we wanted to stay in. She was also happy to work in hotels from our own research, so there was complete flexibility to make sure we got exactly what we were looking for. Manori...

sri lanka tour 4 days

From Singapore

Reviewed May 28, 2014

The services provided by Olanka Travels were excellent. Olanka staff were friendly, established good rapport with the tour participants and showed good local knowledge. The hotels provided were good; clean and furnished room, swimming pool and helpful staff. Our meals consist of a good spread of both local and international dishes, and at unique settings too. We had dinner at camp fire, breakfast by the river and lunch in a restaurant that offers panoramic view of Colombo city. I believe the needs of every tour...

sri lanka tour 4 days

From Lebanon

Reviewed October 26, 2016

Thank you Olanka Travels Sri Lanka Tourism, Ann and Pavi for making our tour so unforgettable.Sri Lankan hospitality could not be matched by anywhere else in the world with smiling people through out the country. The other uniqueness about Sri Lanka is that you will find something naturally beautiful where ever you go. Ann also made sure that we got the best rate available. The process right from enquiry to our travel was a smooth one. Our representatives from Olanka were very helpful in answering...

sri lanka tour 4 days

Reviewed April 7, 2013

Thanks to Olanka Travels who organized us a very fabulous and an unforgettable tour. Their vastly experienced team guided us in all aspects of the tour till our departure. One of the accommodation that we were provided with was at Ravnidu Denawak's house ,the Olanka Travels Managing Director .Over there the entertainment facilities and food were super quality similar to a hotel. His family members treated us as their own family. Once again thank you Ravi and Olanka for such a wonderful time. I would...

sri lanka tour 4 days

From Malaysia

Reviewed October 26, 2014

Booked our (3 couples) Sri Lanka Golf & Sight Seeing tours through Olanka Travel for a week in October 2014. It was a perfect tailor made trip by Ann of Olanka Travel to accommodate our sight seeing and playing golf at Royal Colombo Golf Club, Victoria Golf Club in Kandy and Nuwara Eliya Golf Club in Nuwara Eliya. Thank you Ann for your efforts, before, during and after our trip. Nice and friendly people, beautiful scenery, clean, good food and most importantly is our kind...

sri lanka tour 4 days

Steve Smith

Reviewed May 13, 2014

No words to express how much we got excited with such an amazing experience given by Olanka Travels. We had a superb and a fantastic experience in Sri Lanka! This was our first visit and we hope to come again soon. The promptness of our tour consultant, Ann was truly passionate to witness and the way she designed our tour programme was unbelievable. Everything was perfect, including driver, the hotels and the places were able to visit. The hotels they have selected for us also...

sri lanka tour 4 days

Reviewed July 6, 2019

Olanka Travels indeed is a wonderful travelling service provider who can cater your needs very well. Starting from the enquiry till the departure, Olanka Travels performed an exotic way of hosting travellers. Our tour consultant, Ms. Nimansala, was absolutely a very capable character who knows everything in details about her country, passion for travelling and has tailor made a beautiful itinerary. We initially made some changes and Nimansala patiently arranged everything accordingly with almost prompt responses. A BIG HUG TO NIMANSALA for your lovely work...

sri lanka tour 4 days

Thilina Weerasinghe

From Hong Kong

Reviewed November 4, 2016

Some of my friends and my wife’s family visited Sri Lanka for our wedding in the August. I spoke to Maheshi about planning a tour for them. I wanted to give them a good time and was worried about the tour arrangements. So I was asking a lot of questions from Maheshi. I still remember what she told me,” you got a wedding to plan, so you take care of that, let me take care of your friends and family” Actually, she did. All my...

sri lanka tour 4 days

Cindy-Melissa Botes

From South Africa

Reviewed October 4, 2016

Great experience from start to finish with Ishara and Dugles. A After reading a lot of reviews, I approached Olanka through the chat feature available on their website. I was assigned with delightful Ishara who showed the enthusiasm throughout, even when we all came up with conflicting ideas on how the trip should go. She made the plan, suggested a few good places to stay and visit. Dugles was a good driver, friendly and very supportive to any needs of us through our journey of...

sri lanka tour 4 days

Reviewed May 3, 2019

I fell in love with Sri Lanka before I arrived! It was when Nima from Olanka provided me with my itinerary. Honestly I went through the itinerary with a fine tooth comb as I was a bit nervous booking with a tour group I didn't know. But Nima answered every one of my queries and made changes to the itinerary as I wished (which were minor as the itinerary was amazing- especially the hotels). The entire process was soo smooth they planned everything to the...

sri lanka tour 4 days

From Germany

Reviewed March 27, 2017

There was no regrets whatsoever for choosing Olanka Travels to plan out our short holidays in Sri Lanka. Our agent Maheshi has been nothing but attentive, efficient and extremely patient with planning our holidays based on our preferences. Most of the hotels we stayed in were lovely. Not forgetting our drivers Nuwan and Lalith who were punctual all throughout, very helpful and knowledgeable. They both brought us to their preferred restaurants that serve authentic Sri Lankan food and the food was amazing. The hotels they...

sri lanka tour 4 days

Tracy Morley

Reviewed April 3, 2019

I reached out to Olanka Travels to book and they were beyond amazing! From the moment I got in touch with the Olanka Travels - Heshanie who was our Olanka contact went above and beyond to book our customized tour taking all of our detailed and specific requests and making them into a reality. We also had an amazing tour guide and driver who also FANTASTIC! He was knowledgeable and his driving was excellent. Our driver was wonderful, willing to do anything that we wanted...

sri lanka tour 4 days

Reviewed October 23, 2019

Lasithi (trip planner) was great!!!! The Lasithi (trip planner) with this travel agency was the best agent I have ever worked with. She answered the questions and delivered an itinerary for us that captured exactly what we were looking for my sister and her husband, the first trip to the Maldives. Overall this was the lowest stress trip. They loved that transportation for the trip was always on time and professionally staffed. All tickets for activities were covered. And the guides for most of the...

sri lanka tour 4 days

We had an amazing trip and Dilini did an amazing job in arranging everything in Vietnam. From receiving us in Hanoi to the final goodbye in Ho Chi Minh City, everything was fantastic. The upgrades we received, the hotels that we stayed in, the lunch that was arranged, the vehicle that was provided, the tour guides we were provided — everything was above our expectation. Among all, the best was at Hanoi and Ha Long Bay. Kien, our guide in Hanoi was one of the...

sri lanka tour 4 days

Caro Karseras

From United Kingdom

Reviewed October 15, 2019

My family and I visited Sri Lanka in the period August 16 –March 9 2019. Olanka Travels helped us enormously to organize our trip around the country. Sri Lanka proved a miracle on earth! Wonderful landscape, kind people, excellent gastronomy, very comfortable hotels. Olanka Travels had accommodated all our requests and were very attentive on all the details of our journey. We in fact asked for transportation initially. Starting from booking our flights to organizing our itinerary, Heshani from Olanka Travels was extremely helpful and...

sri lanka tour 4 days

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Sri Lanka 4 Nights 5 Days Itinerary

  • Partially Guided
  • Personalized
  • Christmas & New Year

Places You’ll See


  • Introduction
  • Day 1 Arrival (CMB) – Pinnawala – Kandy
  • Day 2 Kandy – Nuwara Eliya
  • Day 3 Nuwara Eliya – Yala
  • Day 4 Yala – Mirissa
  • Day 5 Mirissa – Galle – Colombo – Departure (CMB)

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Operated by holiday lanka tours.

Holiday Lanka Tours is one of Sri Lanka's most famous travel agency, you can explore this...

Customer Reviews

  • Overall Rating Good 4.0
  • Itinerary Good 4.0
  • Guide Excellent 5.0
  • Transport Excellent 5.0
  • Accommodation Good 4.0
  • Food Excellent 5.0
  • Tour Operator Holiday Lanka Tours 4.3

Holiday Lanka Tours

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  • -20% Wednesday 19 Jun, 2024 Sunday 23 Jun, 2024 English Multiple Room Types €287 €230 Confirm Dates

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As a traveller from USA, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand you will need an adaptor for types D, M.

  • These are only indications, so please visit your doctor before you travel to be 100% sure.
  • Typhoid - Recommended for Sri Lanka. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.
  • Hepatitis A - Recommended for Sri Lanka. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.
  • Tuberculosis - Recommended for Sri Lanka. Ideally 3 months before travel.
  • Hepatitis B - Recommended for Sri Lanka. Ideally 2 months before travel.
  • Rabies - Recommended for Sri Lanka. Ideally 1 month before travel.
  • Yellow fever - Certificate of vaccination required if arriving from an area with a risk of yellow fever transmission for Sri Lanka. Ideally 10 days before travel.
  • Japanese B encephalitis - Recommended for Sri Lanka. Ideally 1 month before travel.
  • Unfortunately we cannot offer you a visa application service. Whether you need a visa or not depends on your nationality and where you wish to travel. Assuming your home country does not have a visa agreement with the country you're planning to visit, you will need to apply for a visa in advance of your scheduled departure.
  • Here is an indication for which countries you might need a visa. Please contact the local embassy for help applying for visas to these places.
  • For any tour departing before 16th August 2024 a full payment is necessary. For tours departing after 16th August 2024, a minimum payment of 20% is required to confirm your booking with Holiday Lanka Tours. The final payment will be automatically charged to your credit card on the designated due date. The final payment of the remaining balance is required at least 70 days prior to the departure date of your tour. TourRadar never charges you a booking fee and will charge you in the stated currency.
  • Some departure dates and prices may vary and Holiday Lanka Tours will contact you with any discrepancies before your booking is confirmed.
  • The following cards are accepted for "Holiday Lanka Tours" tours: Visa, Maestro, Mastercard, American Express or PayPal. TourRadar does NOT charge you an extra fee for using any of these payment methods.
  • Insurance Unless otherwise mentioned, TourRadar does not provide travel insurance. We do however recommend purchasing it through our tried and trusted partner, World Travel Nomads .
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sri lanka tour 4 days

Sri Lanka Tour Itinerary - 4 days in Sri Lanka & Top 10 things to do


Sri Lanka Tour Itinerary - The Route Map:

The daunting work had kept me occupied beyond the scale. It was six months since my previous trip and i wanted to break the routine - a " wanderlust thing ". I planned to go on a group trip to Sri Lanka with few friends for the "Independence Day" holidays. Well, as usual, we had to plan in advance for the Promo tickets. We found a decent offer for return tickets in Spice Jet for about 9,000 INR (MAA<->CMB) with a Sri Lanka tour itinerary in hand. We wanted to try package tours for a change and booked with Travel Triangle, a package tours marketplace.

Air India - A Chance to Fly for free to Sri Lanka using Air Miles:

I am a member of Air India - Flying Returns . Redemption could have benefited me free tickets to Sri Lanka. Redemption was an option, but let's say i had bigger number on my mind and i wanted to save my air miles for a different destination. Well, I am choosy! Here's a sample redemption detail : MAA < - > CMB required 4800 miles one way. If you have managed to save 9600 miles, you could travel for free (although, you may need to pay taxes in extra).

The redemption rates have gone up this year. A member would need 8000 miles one way. Redemption chart.

Note: The number of redemption tickets are limited for every flight. Booking in advance is the only means to win free tickets!

Guide to Travel for free

Sri Lanka - Tour Itinerary

4 days in Sri Lanka was our plan owing to the time constraint and the project deadlines back at work. We had to research the must see places in Sri Lanka and choose the best, that suited us. Well, getting around Sri Lanka was the next thing we were tied up with. We did ponder over the option to get an International driver's licence and rent bikes (bike rentals were available at 20$a day).

On second thoughts, we dropped the idea with security and the time constraint on the mind. We researched on all the cheapest methods to travel between destinations. Since, getting around was a challenge to cover the must see places in Sri Lanka , we decided to opt for Sri Lanka package tours with a customized itinerary of our own. Traveling as a group does play a significant role in making a trip luxurious at a relatively cheaper cost!

We drew up the top 10 things to do in Sri Lanka, that we wanted to visit within the time frame. The Sri Lanka tour itinerary was well researched and prepared to give us a blended experience of the Sri Lankan culture, religion, history, adventure, beach, night life and culinary. Listed below are the top 10 things we managed to do in Sri Lanka in 4 days and 3 nights. Sri Lanka did welcome us with open hands (well, our tour guide did ???? ).

Our trip was a 90% success, since we missed the amazing night life in Unatwana, Galle - owing to a shut down on Full Moon day, a fact that we were not aware of!

Top 10 things to do in Sri Lanka:

Sigiriya Lion Rock

Dambulla Cave Temple

  • Kandy - Over night Stay for the Weather
  • Train ride from Kandy to Nuwara Eliya
  • Gregory Lake at Nuwara Eliya by dusk
  • White Water river rafting
  • Night Life at Unatwana, Galle
  • Kasgoda Turtle Hatchery
  • Madu River boat ride
  • Night Life at Colombo

4 Days in Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka Tour Itinerary break up

Bandaranaike international airport.

The flying experience was akin to a bullock cart ride and the deafening sound from the engine had our ears " vrooming" ! At times, we did talk about the on going Sri Lankan politics and the recent gruesome war - only to be reminded that "Traveler needs no Politics!". Well, we were more excited about what Sri Lanka had in store for us! We arrived at Bandaranaike International Airport (Colombo International Airport) around 2 AM in the morning.

Our tour guide and driver for the whole trip, an young chap in his late twenties was waiting for us with a Name Board. Long have i wished for a warm welcome. It was a dream come true and a happy sign indeed! I owe you, Lanka!

The tour operator had offered us a van for four ( the vehicle could easily accommodate 7 pax). The air conditioned vehicle was comfy and more than we had anticipated!

Sigiriya Lion Rock Fortress

It was almost 4 hours drive from Colombo Airport to the famous Sigiriya Lion Rock. The Sigiriya Lion Rock was one hell of a sight. It took us almost two hours to hike to the peak. It was worth a visit.

Photo of Sigiriya Lion Rock Fortress, Sigiriya, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Kandy Lake View

Photo of Sigiriya Lion Rock Fortress, Sigiriya, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Day 1: Colombo > Sigiriya Lion Rock > Dambulla Rock > Kandy (over night stay)

Experience at Dambudlla, Kandy & Sigiriya - Recommended Read:

Dambulla, Kandy & Sigiriya - How to get there

Nuwara Eliya

The best of Sri Lanka, in my opinion, was the train ride from Kandy to Nuwara Eliya [Peradeniya (Kandy Railway Station) to Nanu Oya (Nuwara Eliya)]. The best way to travel is to get the train ticket at the counter on the day of travel and travel by 2nd class coach. The 2nd class coach offers spectacular views of the lush green tea estates, waterfalls, dam and the mountains all along the journey. Moreover, it offers an opportunity to mingle with the locals.

Lake Gregory

Nuwara Eliya offers a wonderful climate to chill out. The city is laid back and has fewer attractions such as Victoria Park, Lake Gregory and a huge Golf course. Lake Gregory has boat rides and water scooters. It gets freezing cold in the evenings. Nuwara Eliya - Climate at its best.

Train at Nanu Oya, Nuwara Eliya

Photo of Lake Gregory, Nuwara Eliya, Central Province, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Falls near Nuwara Eliya, on Route to Galle

Photo of Lake Gregory, Nuwara Eliya, Central Province, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Gregory Lake View 3, Nuwara Eliya

Photo of Lake Gregory, Nuwara Eliya, Central Province, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Gregory Lake View 6, Nuwara Eliya

Photo of Lake Gregory, Nuwara Eliya, Central Province, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Gregory Lake View 5, Nuwara Eliya

Photo of Lake Gregory, Nuwara Eliya, Central Province, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Gregory Lake View 4, Nuwara Eliya

Photo of Lake Gregory, Nuwara Eliya, Central Province, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Gregory Lake View 2 , Nuwara Eliya

Photo of Lake Gregory, Nuwara Eliya, Central Province, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

House Boat in Gregory Lake, Nuwara Eliya

Photo of Lake Gregory, Nuwara Eliya, Central Province, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Nanu Oya Train Station at Nuwara Eliya

Photo of Lake Gregory, Nuwara Eliya, Central Province, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Scenic Views on Route to Nuwara Eliya

Photo of Lake Gregory, Nuwara Eliya, Central Province, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Scenic view – Nuwara Eliya

Photo of Lake Gregory, Nuwara Eliya, Central Province, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Gregory Lake View, Nuwara Eliya

Photo of Lake Gregory, Nuwara Eliya, Central Province, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Day 2: Kandy Sight seeing > Train ride from Kandy Railway Station (Peradeniya) to Nanu Oya > Nanu Oya to Nuwara Eliya by Cab > Stay at Nuwara Eliya

A scintillating experience on a Trains Ride from Kandy to Nuwara Eliya - Recommended Read:

Train Ride from Kandy to Nuwara Eliya

After a relaxed stay at Nuwara Eliya, we opted to go for White Water River Raftingon the way to Galle. It was a unique experience.

Unfortunately, the night life at Galle, Unatwana was shut down due to Full Moon day. The pubs were closed and the restaurants were forbidden to sell liquor. It was mostly dull, except for the scenic beach and the sounds of the waves.

The views along the Galle fort were a sight to remember. The streets were colorful and the architecture was good.

Beach by the Galle Fort

Photo of Galle fort, Galle, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Gallle Fort – View 4

Photo of Galle fort, Galle, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Galle Fort – View 1

Photo of Galle fort, Galle, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Galle Fort – View 3

Photo of Galle fort, Galle, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Casual passerby near Galle Forte

Photo of Galle fort, Galle, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Galle Fort – View 2

Photo of Galle fort, Galle, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Tourists walking on the bright streets of Galle Fort

Photo of Galle fort, Galle, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

A restraunt near Galle Fort

Photo of Galle fort, Galle, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Shop selling artistic goods on the streets of Galle Fort

Photo of Galle fort, Galle, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Light House by the Galle Fort

Photo of Galle fort, Galle, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Day 3: Nuwara Eliya > White Water River Rafting > Galle - over night stay

Turtle Hatchery

The Kasgoda turtle hatchery is involved in conservation of the endangered sea turtles. The conservation program relocates the eggs from the nesting grounds, protects them until they hatch and release them on to the sea.They have been preserving the disabled turtles which cannot survive at sea. They have been creating an awareness among the locals on the importance of these endangered species. The tiny little turtles were so amazing. It was worth a visit.

Kasgoda Turtle Conservation Project – Turtle not seaworthy conserved

Photo of Turtle Hatchery, Kosgoda, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

kasgoda Turtle Hatchery View 1

Photo of Turtle Hatchery, Kosgoda, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Recently hatched tiny turtles at Kasgoda Turtle Conservation project

Photo of Turtle Hatchery, Kosgoda, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Kasgoda Turtle Hatchery – Turtle eggs being conserved

Photo of Turtle Hatchery, Kosgoda, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Boat ride on Madu River:

Maduganga river.

We took a boat ride on the Madu river, with a designated "Captain". Madu river is renowned for it's Mangrove spread boasting an asset of 64 islands, few of which are inhabited by humans. We spotted huge lizards and birds of different kinds on our tour. We did enjoy the fish spa for a nominal fee.

Photo of Maduganga River, Balapitiya, Southern Province, Sri Lanka by KAVI MANI KUMAR KULANDHAIVEL SAKTHIVEL

Night life at Colombo:

We visited two renowned pubs, the names of which, i hardly remember. The night life at Colombo seemed to be a desperate attempt to mimic Bangkok, with an utter failure. We just wanted to sample or see how the night life was really taking off in the Capital. Well, it was mediocre.

Day 4 : Galle Sight seeing > Kasgoda Turtle Hatchery > Boat ride on Madu River > Mount Laviniya beach > Colombo Night Life and Shopping > Depart Colombo


The tourism industry in Sri Lanka is good and Sri Lanka offers amazing destinations for travelers and tourists alike. The Sri Lanka tour itinerary could be customized in line with your interests. Sri Lanka has more to offer on Diving, Cultural tourism in Anuradhapura, pristine coastal lines along Matara (a fishing hamlet), Arugam Bay and much more on eco-tourism. Experience the "Wonder of Asia".

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Photo of With Elephants, Turt

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Sri Lanka Sightseeing Tour

Sri Lanka Sightseeing Tour

  • 4 days / 3 nights
  • Bentota To Yala

Our Sri Lanka Sightseeing tour include 4 days with 3 nights. We hope this will give you an unforgettable vacation in Sri Lanka. So, check the itinerary below;

Day 1 – Arrival at the Bandaranaike International Airport and travel to Bentota and booking in to a Hotel.

Arrive at Bandaranaike International Airport from your respective cities and complete immigration formalities to proceed towards the arrival area. Here, you will be met and greeted by our THE VISIT LANKA representative and thereafter board your vehicle to proceed for Bentota.

Once you have booked in to your hotel, you can go in to your room and relax in the evening. Thereafter, you can enjoy your dinner at the hotel and spend the night in the hotel.

Day 02 – Sightseeing in Bentota

Bentota is a resort town on Sri Lanka’s southwest coast. The long Bentota Beach stretches north, where it becomes a sandy strip known as Paradise Island, parallel to Bentota Lagoon.

You can start your second day of Sri Lanka Sightseeing Tour, with a delicious breakfast at your hotel. Thereafter you have the opportunity of visiting the Turtle Conservation and Hatchery site, followed by a boat ride on Madu River with a chance to experience a massage given by the fish in a small river.

Thereafter, it’s back to your hotel and an opportunity to spend time leisurely in a relaxed atmosphere.  The hotel will arrange your dinner at the hotel.

Day 03 – Yala National Park Safari Day Tour

Yala National Park is a huge area of forest, grassland and lagoons bordering the Indian Ocean, located in the southeast area of Sri Lanka. It’s home to wildlife such as leopards, elephants and crocodiles, as well as hundreds of bird species.

After enjoying a sumptuous breakfast at your hotel in Bentota, you will be travelling to Yala for a Safari at the Yala National Park. After the conclusion of the safari, you will travel back to the Bentota.

The night will be spent at Bentota.

Day 04 – Departure to Colombo

An opportunity will be provided for you to spend some free time in the morning. You will be transferred back to airport and dropped off at the Bandaranaike International Airport in time for your flight (at least 2-3 hours before your flight. This will end your beautiful Sri Lanka Sightseeing tour with us!


Kasbawa The Sea Turtle


Book Us now and we will get back to you soon !   

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Sri Lanka 4 Days Tour Package Number 3 Western, Southern, Uva and Central Province

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Bestselling Srilanka Packages Rated 4.3 /5 (based on 947 reviews) Bestselling Srilanka Packages

Best Selling Sri Lanka Tour Package 5 Days & 4 Nights

Lush Tea Estate in Sri Lanka

See the cutest family; the elephant family at Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage

Enjoy your beach vacation to Sri Lanka at the unspoiled Bentota Beach

Pay a visit to the ancient Temple of the Tooth Relic on your Sri Lanka holiday

Admire the spectacular views of the Sri Lanka Skyline on your Sri Lanka holiday

Hotel included in package:

  • NuwaraEliya (1D)
  • Bentota (3D)

Starting from:

₹21,000/- ₹24,333/-

Per Person on twin sharing

Price For The Month

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Planning a tropical vacation to Sri Lanka with your loved ones? Our sprightly 4-nights, 5-days bestselling Sri Lanka holiday package from India is exactly what you require for a refreshing break. This package is designed for you to explore the natural bounties, mesmerizing landscapes, and the historical structures of this island nation. From the palm-lined beaches to rolling hills with tea plantations, our 5 day Sri Lanka tour packages offer plenty of exciting opportunities for adventure and leisure.

Bestselling Sri-Lanka Tour Packages From Top Cities of India

Sri Lanka with its scenic beauty and home to one of the many Unesco world heritage sites, makes a spot in one of the most visited countries from India by the travelers. Earlier, this country was not much explored but later on people started to admire the richness of its art, culture and natural beauty. Sri Lanka is home to around 8 world heritage sites and is also rich in flora and fauna. The grandeur of this country reflects in its legendary monuments and sites. 5 days in Sri Lanka can be best explored by visiting all the top rated tourists sites, undergoing adventure activities, shopping in the local markets, and relishing the scrumptious cuisines of this place. Best 5 days itinerary for Sri Lanka can be customized as per the traveler’s needs and liking.

This enigmatic Sri Lanka tour itinerary has especially been crafted to provide you an unforgettable experience of the teardrop island. On your Sri Lankan holiday, you’ll have an endless number of things to experience like visiting the temples at Kandy and witnessing the splendid natural beauty of Nuwara Eliya. The unspoiled Bentota tempts you to the inviting ambiance where you can sit back and relax on your beach holiday to Sri Lanka. Shopping at the metropolitan Colombo, apart from trying delicious Sri Lankan cuisine, and experiencing a rich cultural heritage is all that one can ask for a perfect combination of leisure and fun while on their tour to Sri Lanka. Fly away on this invigorating journey and discover an entirely new culture on your sensational trip to Sri Lanka. One can avail this amazing 4-nights and 5-days Sri Lanka tour package from Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata & Ahmedabad.

These packages also include stays at luxurious properties to ensure a homely environment for the travelers throughout their vacation in Sri Lanka. So, book this splendid Sri Lanka tour package right away to embark on an enthralling journey to this majestic country.

  • Get the views of the beautiful landscape from Ramboda Waterfalls
  • Relish a sip of famous ceylon tea at a renowned tea factory
  • Enjoy a leisure time at the beachside in Bentota
  • Get an insight into the culture and history of Sri Lanka in Kandy

Kandy: Arrive at Colombo & transfer to Kandy via Pinnawala

  • Elephant Orphanage
  • Tooth Relic Temple
  • Folk Dance Evening

Other Benefits (On Arrival)

Your Sri Lanka tour is marked with a refreshing start as you feed baby elephants and visit religious sanctums to bow before Buddha.

A representative of tour operator of Sri Lanka will receive you at the Colombo International Airport, and take you to Kandy en route Pinnawala. Watch baby elephants being fed on the first day of your Sri Lankan holiday at Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage. Proceed to Kandy in the afternoon, check-in to your hotel and relax for some time.

Post lunch, enjoy Kandy city tour. Indulge in a shopping spree, visit the Temple of Tooth Relic and watch a cultural Sri Lankan dance in the evening. After an entertaining day, get back to your hotel and have a sound sleep.

Distance from Colombo to Kandy: 133 km

Travel time (Colombo to Kandy): 3 hours

Optional: You can request for a buffet dinner in all hotels throughout your trip while customizing your Sri Lanka tour package (charges extra).

Tip:  While on your holiday in Sri Lanka, for Indian food in Kandy, get to Balaji Dosai or White House Restaurant.

Nuwara Eliya: Transfer from Kandy to Nuwara Eliya

  • Ramboda Waterfalls
  • Botanical Garden
  • Scenic Drive

Get to Nuwara Eliya on the second day of your 5 Day Sri Lanka tour and experience a rich tale of waterfalls, gardens, and the flavorous Ceylon tea.

Post a hearty breakfast, you’ll proceed for Nuwara Eliya. Spend the second day of your Sri Lanka tour riding through winding hills and tea estates with delicious aromas in the air. En route Nuwara Eliya, visit the Peradeniya Botanical Gardens, housing over 4000 species of exotic plants. Also, this is amongst the best places to visit in Sri Lanka for bird watchers.

Your Sri Lanka trip itinerary includes a stopover at a renowned tea factory and Ramboda Waterfalls. After a sumptuous lunch, take a city tour of Nuwara Eliya. Walk around the streets, explore a lake, race track, and well kept lawns with hedges, a golf course, and an Anglican Church. Get to your hotel and retire for the night.

Distance from Kandy to Nuwara Eliya: 76 km

Travel Time (Kandy to Nuwara Eliya):  2.5 hours

Tip:  For local Indian food in Nuwara Eliya, get to Grand Indian or Sri Ambaal.

Meal plan:  Breakfast

Bentota: Travel from Nuwara Eliya to Bentota

  • Bentota Beach
  • Leisure Day

Get ready for a beachy affair amidst a magical atmosphere on the third day of your Sri Lanka tour itinerary.

After a wholesome breakfast at the hotel, set off for Bentota. En route, visit Kitulgala, where the Oscar-winning movie Bridge on the River Kwai was shot.

Upon your arrival at Bentota, check-in at the hotel and rest for a while. Spend this day of your beach holiday in Sri Lanka leisurely. Stroll over the golden beach in Bentota, take a dip in the cool water, or merely sit and relax on the beachside, among other things to do in Sri Lanka.

Distance from Nuwara Eliya to Bentota: 210 km

Travel time (Nuwara Eliya to Bentota): 5 hours

Optional: Request for inclusion of water sports in your trip itinerary, while customizing your Sri Lanka holiday package (charges extra)

Meal plan: Breakfast

Bentota: Leisure day in Bentota

  • Watersports
  • Beach Holiday

Sip on a tropical mocktail swinging on a comfy hammock!

Post a hearty breakfast, spend your day leisurely on the beach. Bask under the sun reading a book of your choice, sip on a cool, fresh tropical fruit drink, or take a refreshing stroll on the beach. You can also indulge in water sports activities like water skiing, wind surfing, snorkeling, or riding a jet water scooter on your Sri Lanka beach holiday.

Optional:  Request for inclusion of a whale watching trip in your itinerary while customizing your Sri Lanka tour package (charges extra).

Tip: Visit a Turtle Hatchery in Bentota to witness the newly born endangered species of turtles.

Bentota: Departure Day

Bid farewell to this island nation with happy memories in your heart.

Post a yummy breakfast, set off to Colombo, the commercial capital of Sri Lanka. Enjoy an evening city tour of Colombo while indulging in shopping and sightseeing. Board your flight back home with sweet memories of your Sri Lanka tour.

Distance from  Bentota to Colombo:  87 km

Travel time (Bentota to Colombo): 1.5 hours

Tip: Buy souvenirs for your loved ones from Lakpahana Handicrafts or Laksala Emporium.

Note: Our agents will provide you these or similar hotels depending on availability

Rockside beach resort

Rockside beach resort

Galle Road, Athuruwella, Induruwa, 80510 Bentota, Sri Lanka

Trip Advisor

Winter villa kandy

156/A Jayasewana Gardens, Ayurweda Rd, Kandy, Sri Lanka

Nuwara eliya

Ashford hotel

Ashford hotel

Welimada Road,Sithaeliya,Nuweraeliya. Nuwara Eliya - 22200, Sri Lanka

  • Airport Transfers
  • All Transfers in Private Vehicle
  • Water bottle on arrival
  • Accommodation on twin sharing basis
  • Meal: Breakfast
  • Government Taxes/VAT/ Service Charges
  • Local Sightseeing as per programme
  • English speaking driver cum tour guide
  • Local mobile sim card
  • Meal: Lunch and Dinner
  • Entry tickets, if any
  • Personal and incidental expenses
  • Anything not mentioned in inclusions

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FAQs for Sri Lanka

What should a traveler pack to enjoy this sri lanka itinerary 6 days.

What a traveler packs for their trip depend on the destination and the season. Loose-fitting cotton clothes with long sleeves and hats will protect a traveler from the harsh rays of the sun. Some warm clothes are recommended if traveling to hilly regions. A traveler must dress modestly at religious sites, and remember to remove items like shoes and hats before entering a Buddhist or Hindu temple.

Can an English speaking driver be arranged in this Sri Lanka tour package?

Yes, an English speaking driver can be arranged in this Sri Lanka tour package. The traveler is advised to communicate his preferences with the appointed tour operator in order to avoid last-minute hassles on this Sri Lanka trip.

Which are the famous Indian restaurants in Sri Lanka?

Some of the best Indian restaurants in Sri Lanka include:

  • Shanmugas, Colombo
  • Agra, Colombo
  • Mango Tree, Colombo
  • Golden Grill, Bentota
  • Avanhala, Kandy
  • Sriram Indian Restaurant, Kandy
  • The Palms at Vivanta By Taj, Bentota

What are the must see Sri Lanka attractions with this bestselling Sri Lanka tour package?

Sri Lanka has in store numerous attractions for its travelers. The must-see Sri Lanka attractions are:

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage: The breeding ground for the wild Asian elephants. Watch baby elephants being fed with milk bottles.

Temple of the Tooth Relic, Kandy: It is one of the most sacred Buddhist temples in Kandy and is known for housing the relic of the tooth of Buddha.

Peradeniya Botanical Gardens: Known for its finest collection of orchids and the royal palms.

Bentota Beach: The pristine beaches of Bentota are a perfect spot for relaxing while on a beach holiday to Sri Lanka.

Can a traveler customize this best selling Sri Lanka tour package as per their wish?

Yes, a traveller can customise this best selling Sri Lanka tour package as per their wish. It is advised that a traveler discusses their specifications with the concerned tour operator of Sri Lanka in order to avoid last minute hassles.

How many days are perfect for Sri Lnaka?

One week is perfect for a trip to Sri Lanka as people would be able to see all the major spots in the country.

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The Eden Resort & Spa Beruwala

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21 Sri Lanka Tour Packages

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Shrikant's 5 days trip to Sri Lanka

Shrikant Purushottam Shetty

Mumbai, India

Pritham's 6 days trip to Sri Lanka

Pritham Srinivas

Jinal's 7 days trip to Sri Lanka

Pawan's 5 days trip to sri lanka.

Pawan Goyal

New Delhi, India

Jayesh's 6 days trip to Sri Lanka

Mumbai, Maharashtra

Drvijutumkur's 5 days trip to Sri Lanka


Deepak's 4 days trip to Sri Lanka

Deepak Suresh

Kochi, India

Kaushik's 4 days trip to Sri Lanka

Kaushik Bijoy Sarma

Chennai, India

Jai's 5 days trip to Sri Lanka

Thiruvalla, India

Saravanan's 5 days trip to Sri Lanka

Saravanan Manoharan

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IRCTC launches seven-day tour package to Sri Lanka


Bringing cheer to those who are planning a trip to Sri Lanka, the Indian Railway Catering Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) has rolled out a week-long travel package from July 14 to the teardrop-shaped island. The tour will be a golden opportunity to walk through the trails of the ancient epic Ramayana and explore other tourist spots in Sri Lanka. The package will take the tourists from Colombo to the snow-capped Nuwara Eliya mountains. The flight from Kochi, which departs at 10.20 am, will reach Sri Lanka at 11.30 am on July 14. The tourists will first visit the Manavari Munneswaram Temple, which is on the way to Dambulla, where they will stay for the night. The second day kicks off with a tour of the Sigiriya Fort and the Dambulla Cave Temple. Later, the travellers can offer prayers at the Thiru Koneswaram Temple and the Sree Lakshmi Narayana Perumal Temple.

The visitors can explore Kandy on the third day. First, they will be taken to the Royal Botanical Gardens and Peradeniya. The itinerary includes a visit to the Kandy cultural exhibition and the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic. The fourth day of the package starts by offering prayers at the Bahiravakanda Buddha Statue. The afternoon is packed with visits to the Ramboda Hanuman Temple and the tea factory in Nuwara Eliya. The fifth day is dotted with trips to Gayatri Peedam, Sita Amman Temple, Gregory Lake and the Divurumpola Temple. After visiting the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage, the tourists will travel to the capital city of Colombo where they will visit the Panchamukha Anjaneya Temple and the Kelaniya Buddha Temple. As part of the Colombo city tour, the tourist will get an opportunity to see the Clock Tower Light House, Galle Face, Colombo Harbour, Beira Lake, Independence Square, National Museum and Nelum Pokuna Theatre and Town Hall. The next day the tourists will board the flight to Kochi.

During the seven-day tour, the travellers can visit all the tourist spots and the spiritual and pilgrimage centers associated with the ancient Indian epic Ramayana. The package includes round-trip air tickets, food, three-star accommodation, AC vehicles, entry tickets, visa expenses, an English-speaking tour guide, travel insurance and tax. The package starts from Rs 66,400 and for more details contact IRCTC at 8287932082.  

Air India, Delhi Metro offer baggage drop services for international travellers

Air India, Delhi Metro offer baggage drop services for international travellers

IRCTC launches seven-day tour package to Sri Lanka

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Delhi-SFO flight delay: Air India apologises, offers USD 350 travel voucher to passengers

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visa 31 days/airport early bagage drop? - Sri Lanka Forum

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visa 31 days/airport early bagage drop?

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sri lanka tour 4 days

I need a advice:

Problem: I counted days from 3 of July till 2 of Auguest as 30 days ( I missed day of arrival)

Check in at the airport starts at 1:20, so also to late.

Can I check-in earlier online and drop off my baggage at self-service bagage drop point? Is something like that at the CMB airport? Then I could do it before midnight.

Plan B I have to check-in online and my wife and daugthter will go by the customs before midnight and I will wait with my son with 2 bagages.

As I understand the worst can happend - I have to pay extra for visas, without penalty fine anyway, right?

Airline :flydubai

8 replies to this topic

' class=

Yes for 1 day overstay it would only be USD 100/person extra for the missed visa extension. Not cheap either...

-Erik> & [Sandya]

Expensive mistake I made....

So. If I will buy 30 days visa for 50 USD, on day 31 customs will catch me and ask to pay 100 usd extra per person, right? so in total 150 per person by 4 - 600 USD in total.

What If I will buy a 60 days visa (Standatd Visitor Visa) as first? On webpage is cost 75USD (probably plus service fee), but You noted in other post is 100 USD.

In this situation should be cheaper, right? Anyway the way to get this visa is this same? Can I expect a problems?

Anyway Eric - You are doing a great job on this forum, Thank You.

Yes indeed, for your scenario that is cheaper. Erik

sri lanka tour 4 days

Incidentally you can't pass security and Immigration without a valid boarding pass.

$100 for 1 day overstay is extortionate. Another anti tourist policy for Sri Lanka (Thailand usually free one day and about $15 for second).

In addition.

Are you in Sri lanka. If so you can't apply for a visa for that trip. Also if you apply for another longer visa you must ensure that the correct one is used on entry.

As I mentioned in the first post, my trip is planned from 3rd of July till 2 of August.

I still did not buy a visa yet, so all options are on the table.

At this moment the best option is to buy a visa for 60 days (100 USD)

In general I got a very expensive lesson. 200USD for 2 hours of extra stay.

If someone read it - Learn on my mistake instead of Yours. Day of arrival is a day number 1 for Your visa, so for example if You arrive on 01/01/2024 and leave on 31/01/2024, Your visa count 31 days. NOT 30

In a trip that is costing you 1000's and your concerned over a couple extra 100..? Remember it will also cost you for many a things unforeseen on trips like this..

It's 100USD for 31-60 days stay, not 2 hours!

You could extend your stay for a couple of weeks more, if it makes you feel better.

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Sri Lanka Hotels and Places to Stay

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T20 World Cup 2024

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Sri Lanka unhappy with ‘unfair’ travel schedule

Kamindu Mendis

Sri Lanka players and management are unhappy with their "unfair" travel schedule in the ICC T20 World Cup, where they are one of only two teams alongside the Netherlands who will be playing their four group-stage matches in four different venues.

The Lankans started their World Cup campaign on Monday with a six-wicket defeat to South Africa in New York and were in a rush after the game to get to Dallas, where they will face Bangladesh on June 8.

For all latest news, follow The Daily Star's Google News channel.

Immediately after the South Africa match, they had to rush to their hotel in Brooklyn, an hour-and-a-half away, pack, check out, and then make their 6:00 pm flight to Dallas.

Earlier, they had to wait for seven hours at the Miami airport to take their delayed flight to New York to play this match.

Sri Lanka's team manager Mahinda Halangoda confirmed that they had written to the ICC about the travel schedule, but conceded that it was too late to do anything about it.

"So unfair for us, we have to leave every day [after the match] because we are playing [at] four different venues," Sri Lanka spinner Maheesh Theekshana was quoted saying by Cricinfo.

"It's unfair. The flight we took from Florida, from Miami, we had to wait like eight hours in the airport to get the flight. And we came around. We were supposed to leave at 8pm but we got the flight at 5am. It's really unfair for us, but it doesn't matter when you play [on the field]." He added.

Meanwhile, South Africa and India are scheduled to play three of their first round matches in New York and are lodging in nearby facilities.

Although Theekshana and Co didn't want to use their travel hassles as an excuse for the defeat against the Proteas, they spoke about how the current schedule has put them in a disadvantageous position.

"I can't say the names of the teams that have got the opportunity to stay in the same place but their hotel is only 14 minutes to the ground. Ours was like one hour and 40 minutes.

"I can't say the [names of the] teams that are playing in the same venue, so they know what the conditions are like. They're playing practice games at the same venue. No one will get that. We played the practice games in Florida, and our third game's in Florida.

"There's some things that I think that everyone will rethink about next year because I know that this year, nothing will change. Our management is trying to fix today's [Monday] flight also because we are playing, we have to pack everything and [leave]. We woke up around 5:30 am to come here, and [it plays on the mind, what] if we miss something here [while packing in a hurry]."


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Fri, 07 Jun 2024 Today's Paper


EU and Sri Lanka: Efforts towards economic prosperity through better plastic waste management

5 June 2024 11:28 am - 0     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

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By Nuzla Rizkiya

Sri Lanka is not an exception for plastic waste management which is a critical environmental challenge for the whole world. Significant threats have come up due to the increased generation of plastic waste and ineffective disposal practices. The main sectors affected are the terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

Understanding these problems, the European Union is joining hands with Sri Lanka to implement innovative strategies to minimize plastic waste generation and manage them better.

Plastic waste in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka imports over 500,000 metric tonnes (MT) of virgin plastic annually, a number that signifies the high demand for plastic products in the country. This high import rate, together with inadequate waste management systems, leads to the mismanagement of an estimated 1.59 million Tonnes of plastic waste each year. Surveys reveal that only 33% of it is collected, and a mere 3% is recycled on a national scale. Most of the waste ends up in canals, rivers, and eventually in the ocean, posing severe risks to marine life and ecosystems.  

Therefore, the inefficiency in current waste management systems is apparent.  The Small to medium enterprises (SMEs), which play a crucial role in waste collection and recycling, are facing numerous challenges. These include the high costs with regard to adopting advanced technologies needed to practice the imposed economic strategies and adhering to environmental guidelines.

However, the Sri Lankan government too has initiated measures to curb plastic pollution. A prime example is the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme aimed at minimizing plastic use.

Objectives of the EU for Sri Lanka

Initiatives by the EU for Sri Lanka aims at more sustainable and innovative plastic waste minimization and management systems. According to the union, Sri Lanka can achieve this by integrating SMEs into greener value and supply chains. They shortlist the following strategies.

  • Boosting economic development

By improving usage of resources, fostering national innovation and providing green financing, initiatives can boost economic development, especially in the commercial western provinces.

2.  Promoting circular economy practices

The initiative funded by the EU seeks to increase the capacity of value chain actors to contribute to a circular economy. This includes providing increased access to green financial products and schemes for start-ups and SMEs.

3.  Strengthening frameworks

Developing robust frameworks for business concepts such as traceability, transparency, and compliance in plastic waste management will help SMEs adopt sustainable and innovative plastic minimization and management practices.

4.  Encouraging stakeholder collaboration

Leveraging collective knowledge, skills, and experience of partners and stakeholders to foster a collaborative approach to plastic waste management.

Achieving objectives

To achieve its objectives, the EU initiatives in Sri Lanka focuses on several key areas

·  Upgrading technical skills and resources for SMEs

Enhancing the technical capabilities and addressing resource gaps among SMEs will empower them to adopt sustainable practices and technologies for plastic waste management.

·  Improving connectivity and awareness

By encouraging better networking among stakeholders and raising awareness about the economic potential of recycling and upcycling, EU initiatives aim to create a more collaborative and informed effort.

·  Increasing access to green financing

Increasing the opportunities for SMEs to access start-up capital and green financial products will enable them to invest in sustainable initiatives and technologies.

·  Strengthening involvement and representation in policies

By ensuring that stakeholders and recyclers have a stronger voice in policy discussions and their inputs considered, the country can formulate more effective regulations and standards.

·  Imposing regulations and managing data on plastic more effectively

By encouraging the enforcement of existing regulations and improving the traceability and transparency of plastic waste throughout its life cycle will support better management practices.

Relation to the European Green Deal and Circular Economy

The EU-supported initiatives in countries generally align with the goals of the European Green Deal 2019 and the EU Circular Economy Action Plan 2020. Therefore, by promoting circular economy strategies, they try address two key policy areas of the Green Deal. They are

a.  Eliminating pollution

Keeping water streams clean and preserving biodiversity in lakes, rivers, and wetlands by minimizing plastic waste leakage into these environments.

b.  Supporting sustainable product policies:  

Encouraging circular designs and reducing waste, particularly in resourceful sectors such as the textile industry to create more sustainable products.

Furthermore, the initiatives support the EU Plastics Strategy 2018 by advocating for circular business models and strategies that minimize plastic use. It also complements the EU Green Deal Investment Plan 2019 by involving EU-based financial institutions to promote private and public investments in green initiatives.

Addressing Sri Lanka’s overall challenge in plastic waste

Addressing the plastic waste crisis in Sri Lanka requires a multi-phased approach that involves all stakeholders including government bodies and SMEs to local communities and international partners. Therefore, efforts should offer a comprehensive strategy to tackle the challenge by integrating sustainable practices into the plastic value and supply chains. By enhancing resource efficiency, promoting circular economy principles, and strengthening regulatory frameworks Sri Lanka can create a more sustainable and prosperous future.

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sri lanka tour 4 days


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    Kandy, Sigiriya & Dambulla 4 Days, Private Tour. Exclusive Flash Super Sales. Best price guaranteed. No booking fees. 4 day active and outdoor trip through Kandy, Sigiriya, Bentota and 3 other destinations in Sri Lanka. Read More. Tour Type Private Tour. Activities Active and outdoor & Art and architecture +1 more.

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  5. Sri Lanka 4-day tour

    All-Inclusive Cultural Triangle Tour: Sri Lanka 4-day tour. From $390.00. 4.26 out of 5. Trace the famous Cultural Triangle of Sri Lanka on this rollicking Sri Lanka 4-day tour of Colombo, Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Sigiriya, Kandy, and Dambulla, as well as part of Sri Lanka's hill country. Explore the icons and discover local spots in this ...

  6. Sri Lanka 4 Days Trip

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  7. Sri Lanka 4 Days Itinerary by Holiday Lanka Tours (Code: 2037

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  10. 4 Days in Sri Lanka Itinerary by Holiday Lanka Tours (Code: 2042

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    Discover Sri Lanka on 4 days short tour and get to know the wonders of Sri Lanka. 4 days 3 nights holiday deals start from $290. DAY 01: Colombo Airport - Pinnawala - Kandy. Arrival at the Bandaranaike International Airport, You will be met by our Sanki Leisure staff and English speaking Chauffeur Guide, and transfer to Kandy.

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  18. Sri Lanka 4 Nights 5 Days Itinerary by Holiday Lanka Tours with 1 Tour

    Start and end in Colombo! With the Explorer tour Sri Lanka 4 Nights 5 Days Itinerary, you have a 5 days tour package taking you through Colombo, Sri Lanka and 6 other destinations in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka 4 Nights 5 Days Itinerary includes accommodation in a hotel as well as an expert guide, insurance, meals, transport and more.

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  20. 4 days in Sri Lanka & Top 10 things to do

    4 Days in Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka Tour Itinerary break up Day 1: Bandaranaike International Airport. The flying experience was akin to a bullock cart ride and the deafening sound from the engine had our ears " vrooming"! At times, we did talk about the on going Sri Lankan politics and the recent gruesome war - only to be reminded that "Traveler ...

  21. Sri Lanka Sightseeing Tour (4 Days)

    Our Sri Lanka Sightseeing tour include 4 days with 3 nights. We hope this will give you an unforgettable vacation in Sri Lanka. So, check the itinerary below; Day 1 - Arrival at the Bandaranaike International Airport and travel to Bentota and booking in to a Hotel. Arrive at Bandaranaike International Airport from your respective cities and ...

  22. 4 Days Tour Packages Sri Lanka

    Sri Lanka 4 Days Tour PackageNumber 3Western, Southern, Uva and Central Province. With this Sri Lanka 4 day tour we will visit Galle with the ancient fort. Discover wildlife in Yala National Park. Visit Ella, the beating heart of Sri Lanka. Take the scenic train journey, enjoy a hike in the Horton Plains National Park, enjoy water sport ...

  23. 4 Nights 5 Days Best Selling Sri Lanka Tour Package

    Get best deals on 4 nights, 5 days Sri Lanka tour packages with your loved ones. Book customizable Sri Lanka tour packages from TravelTriangle. Scan Sri Lanka tour itinerary for a great vacation to cherish. Book Sri Lanka tour packages from Delhi, Mumbai, & other cities for a blissful vacation.

  24. IRCTC launches seven-day tour package to Sri Lanka

    The tour will be a golden opportunity to walk through the trails of the ancient epic Ramayana and explore other tourist spots in Sri Lanka. The package will take the tourists from Colombo to the snow-capped Nuwara Eliya mountains. The flight from Kochi, which departs at 10.20 am, will reach Sri Lanka at 11.30 am on July 14.

  25. itenerary for 6 days

    377 reviews. 407 helpful votes. 12. Re: itenerary for 6 days. Jun 5, 2024, 1:04 PM. This whole packed trip is solely possible with car -driver. (And train from Nanu Oya/Eliya to Ella, but driver will bring you there and await you, with your luggage, in Ella). Ella to Galle using E01 is about 3.30-4 hours. -Erik> & [Sandya]

  26. visa 31 days/airport early bagage drop?

    michal m. 4 posts. visa 31 days/airport early bagage drop? Jun 5, 2024, 6:32 PM. I need a advice: Problem: I counted days from 3 of July till 2 of Auguest as 30 days ( I missed day of arrival) We are family 2+2 and return flight we have at 4:20 at night, so anyway few hours to late. Check in at the airport starts at 1:20, so also to late.

  27. Sri Lanka unhappy with 'unfair' travel schedule

    Sri Lanka started their World Cup campaign on Monday with a six-wicket defeat to South Africa in New York and were in a rush after the game to get to Dallas, where they will face Bangladesh on June 8.

  28. World Cup 2024 News, Live Updates Today June 4, 2024: Imperfect New

    Experts ripped apart ICC after a bizarre T20 World Cup match between Sri Lanka and South Africa where 157 runs were scored at a rate of 4.4 runs per over Read the full story here June 4, 2024 6:04 ...

  29. EU and Sri Lanka: Efforts towards economic prosperity through better - Sri Lanka 24 Hours Online Breaking News : News, Politics, Video, Finance, Business, Sports, Entertainment, Travel, sri lanka news,sri lanka latest news, latest breaking news ...

  30. Sri Lanka vs South Africa Highlights, T20WC: Nortje stars as SA win by

    Sri Lanka vs South Africa Live Score, T20 World Cup 2024 Match 4: Since the last T20 World Cup, Wanindu Hasaranga has been the standout player for Sri Lanka in the shortest format: 177 runs in 13 ...