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Sahara Voyage - Sahara prestige

Une société marocaine créée dans les années 90 par M. Abdelouhaed Attari. Avec une expérience de plus de 30 ans dans le domaine du transport, Sahara Voyage est devenue une référence incontournable dans le secteur du transport des voyageurs au Maroc.

Sahara Voyage couvre un vaste réseau de lignes, desservant 142 villes et villages à travers le Maroc, notamment Agadir, Casablanca, Rabat, Essaouira, Marrakech, Tan Tan, Tiznit, Guelmim, et bien d'autres encore.

Sahara Voyage

La flotte de Sahara Voyage est composée de 42 autocars de dernière génération, renouvelée tous les 5 ans pour garantir confort et sécurité à ses passagers. Sahara prestige accorde une importance particulière au confort des voyageurs, privilégiant les trajets directs via autoroute et évitant les arrêts fréquents.

Les conducteurs de Sahara Voyage sont parmi les meilleurs du marché, professionnels et expérimentés, assurant des trajets en toute sécurité et dans les meilleures conditions possibles.

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Morocco Sahara Exploration

Morocco Travel: The Ultimate Guide to Safi – A Hidden Gem Worth Exploring


Introduction: Welcome to Safi – Morocco’s Off-the-Beaten-Path Destination

Morocco is known for its stunning landscapes, colorful markets, and rich cultural heritage. Most tourists flock to popular destinations like Marrakech, Fes, and Casablanca. But there’s a lesser-known gem waiting to be discovered: Safi. This coastal city is filled with unique attractions, mouth-watering cuisine, and a thriving ceramics industry, making it a perfect addition to any Morocco travel itinerary. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Safi, ensuring you make the most of your trip to this beautiful city.

The Rich History of Safi: An Age-Old Port City

Safi has been an important port city since its foundation by the Carthaginians in the 4th century BC. Over the centuries, it has been occupied by various civilizations, including the Romans, Berbers, Portuguese, and the Alaouite dynasty. This diverse history has left a unique mix of cultural influences, making Safi a fascinating place to explore.

Some key historical sites in Safi include:

  • The Portuguese Fortress, built in the 16th century to protect the city from pirate attacks
  • The Dar el Bahar Tower, an iconic landmark standing tall along the coastline
  • The ancient Kasbah, a walled fortress featuring breathtaking views of the city

Top Attractions in Safi: Discover the City’s Charm

Safi boasts a variety of attractions that cater to all interests, from history buffs to art enthusiasts. Here are some must-see spots:

  • The Medina: Safi’s old town, filled with narrow streets, traditional houses, and bustling souks. Stroll through the Medina to experience authentic Moroccan life.
  • The National Ceramics Museum: Showcasing Safi’s rich ceramic heritage, this museum features beautiful pottery collections and interactive workshops.
  • The Safi Beach Promenade: Take a leisurely walk along the coastline, admiring the ocean views and indulging in delicious street food.

The Ceramic Capital of Morocco: Explore Safi’s Unique Artisanal Craft

Safi takes pride in its long-standing ceramics industry, dating back to the 14th century. The city’s pottery stands out for its vivid colors, elaborate patterns, and classic designs. Here, you can:

  • Visit local workshops to witness skilled artisans at work
  • Attend a hands-on pottery class and create your own masterpiece
  • Shop for unique ceramic souvenirs to take home

Traditional Moroccan Cuisine in Safi: Savor the Flavors

Moroccan cuisine is celebrated for its bold flavors, and Safi is no exception. The city offers an array of mouth-watering dishes, showcasing the best of Moroccan culinary traditions. Some must-try delicacies include:

  • Sardines: Safi is famous for its fresh sardines, which can be enjoyed grilled, fried, or stuffed with chermoula – a zesty marinade made from garlic, coriander, and spices.i
  • Tagines: These slow-cooked stews, cooked in a traditional clay pot, are a Moroccan staple. In Safi, try the local favorite, fish tagine, for a scrumptious meal.
  • Couscous: This fluffy semolina dish is often served with meat, vegetables, and a rich sauce, making for a satisfying feast.
  • Harira: A hearty soup made with lentils, chickpeas, and tomatoes, often enjoyed to break the fast during Ramadan.

Don’t forget to indulge in Morocco’s signature sweet treat – mint tea – served with a generous helping of sugar and a sprig of fresh mint.

Shopping in Safi: Discover Handmade Treasures

Shopping in this city is an adventure, with numerous markets and boutiques offering a variety of unique products. The Safi Souk is a must-visit, where you can find:

  • Hand-painted ceramics and pottery
  • Traditional Berber rugs
  • Local handicrafts and textiles
  • Spices and herbs
  • Argan oil products

Remember to haggle when shopping at markets, as bargaining is an essential part of Moroccan culture.

Accommodation Options in Safi: Find Your Home Away from Home

Safi offers a range of accommodations to suit all budgets and preferences. Choices include:

  • Riads: Traditional Moroccan guesthouses, often featuring stunning architecture and an intimate atmosphere
  • Hotels: From budget-friendly options to luxurious establishments, you’ll find a variety of hotels to choose from
  • Airbnbs and vacation rentals: For a more private and personalized experience, consider renting an apartment or house

Safi’s Beautiful Beaches: Soak Up the Sun

The coastline around Safi boasts some picturesque beaches perfect for relaxation or water sports. A few popular options include:

  • Lalla Fatna Beach: A stunning, sandy beach, ideal for sunbathing and surfing
  • Sidi Bouzid Beach: A family-friendly spot with crystal-clear waters and a lively atmosphere
  • Sidi Abdel-Rahman Beach: A quieter, more secluded beach, perfect for those seeking tranquility

Transportation in and around Safi: Navigating the City

Getting to and around this city is relatively easy, with various transportation options available:

  • By air: The nearest international airport is in Marrakech, from which you can take a train or bus to Safi.
  • By train: Safi is connected to Morocco’s main cities by the national rail network, ONCF.
  • By bus: CTM and Supratours offer comfortable and affordable intercity bus services to and from Safi.
  • Within the city: Petit taxis and local buses are the most common modes of transport while walking is the best way to explore the Medina and historic sites.

Best Time to Visit Safi: Plan Your Moroccan Escape

The ideal time to visit this city is during the spring (March to May) and fall (September to November), when temperatures are mild and pleasant. These seasons also see fewer tourists, making for a more relaxed and authentic experience. The summer months (June to August) can be quite hot but are still enjoyable if you plan on spending time at the beaches. Winters (December to February) tend to be cooler, with occasional rain, but can still provide a comfortable trip for those who don’t mind cooler temperatures.

Conclusion: Embark on an Unforgettable Journey to Safi

With its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning coastal scenery, Safi is a hidden gem worth exploring during your Morocco travel adventure. From the bustling souks and artisan workshops to the mouth-watering cuisine and beautiful beaches, Safi offers a unique experience that will leave a lasting impression on your memory. Use this comprehensive guide to plan your perfect trip and discover the charm and allure of this lesser-known Moroccan city. Your adventure awaits – it’s time to immerse yourself in the wonders of Safi!

Voyage Bucketlist

Epic Desert Adventures: Sahara Safari in Morocco

sahara voyage safi


A Sahara safari in Morocco is a journey into the heart of one of the world’s most iconic deserts, offering an unforgettable experience for adventure seekers. The vast and mesmerizing Sahara Desert stretches across North Africa, and Morocco is home to some of its most accessible and captivating regions. In this guide, we’ll take you on a virtual voyage through the Sahara, highlighting five key aspects that make it a must-add adventure to your voyage bucket list.

The Sahara’s Enigmatic Beauty: A Desert Wonderland

The Sahara’s endless sand dunes, shimmering under the scorching sun, create a surreal landscape that seems almost otherworldly. As you embark on your Sahara safari in Morocco, you’ll witness the desert’s ever-changing hues, from golden sands at sunrise to deep oranges and reds during sunset. It’s a photographer’s dream, and the sheer beauty of the vast, untouched desert is a spectacle you’ll cherish forever.

Camel Trekking: The Traditional Desert Experience

To truly immerse yourself in the Sahara’s magic, there’s no better way than camel trekking. Riding atop these gentle giants, you’ll traverse the dunes and experience the nomadic way of life that has thrived in the desert for centuries. Guided by knowledgeable Berber guides, you’ll learn about the desert’s secrets, stories, and survival tips, making it an educational and awe-inspiring adventure.

Camping Under the Starry Sahara Sky: A Night to Remember

Spend a night in the Sahara, and you’ll witness a celestial display like no other. After a day of exploration, settle into a traditional Berber campsite. As the night falls, a dazzling blanket of stars stretches overhead, free from the interference of city lights. Enjoy a campfire dinner, listen to traditional music, and fall asleep in a cozy desert tent, serenaded by the haunting silence of the dunes.

Merzouga: Gateway to the Sahara

Merzouga, a small village on the edge of the Sahara, serves as the perfect starting point for your desert adventure. It’s from here that you’ll set out on your camel trek or 4×4 expedition into the dunes. Take some time to explore the village, interact with locals, and savor the flavors of Moroccan cuisine in the local cafes, adding cultural depth to your Sahara experience.

Saharan Sunrises and Sunsets: Moments of Pure Magic

One of the most enchanting aspects of a Sahara safari is the daily spectacle of sunrise and sunset. Witness the desert come alive with vivid colors as the sun rises, casting long shadows and revealing intricate dune patterns. And as the sun dips below the horizon, watch as the landscape transforms yet again, bathing the dunes in a warm, golden glow. These moments are not just Instagram-worthy; they’re soul-stirring and deeply reflective.

A Sahara safari in Morocco is not just an adventure; it’s a journey into the soul of the desert. From the mesmerizing beauty of the Sahara’s dunes to the traditional experiences of camel trekking and desert camping, every moment is a memory waiting to be etched into your voyage bucket list. The Sahara’s magic transcends words and pictures; it’s an experience that touches your heart and leaves an indelible mark on your traveler’s spirit. So, pack your bags, set your compass to Morocco, and embark on an epic desert adventure that will stay with you long after the sands of the Sahara have settled.

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Sahara Safaris tour Private Morocco Tours; Luxury Desert Trip

Craft Your Dream: Private Morocco Tours & Luxury Desert Trip | Sahara Safaris Tour

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10 days Tangier desert tour to Marrakech; Sahara Safaris Excursions Trips

10 Days Tangier Desert Tour to Marrakech

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3 Days Marrakech Desert Tour

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4 Days Tour from Marrakech to Fes

Sahara Safaris tour 4 days tour from Casablanca to Marrakech, Morocco

8 Days Casablanca Morocco Tour

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Unveil the Enchantment of Morocco with Private Desert Tours

Craft your own Moroccan odyssey with Sahara Safaris tour’ bespoke private tours. Immerse yourself in the golden expanse of the Sahara Desert, camel trekking through Erg Chebbi dunes under starlit skies. Delve into ancient kasbahs, savor Berber hospitality, and discover hidden gems off the beaten path.

  • Tailor-made itineraries
  • Expert guides
  • Luxurious accommodations
  • Authentic experiences
  • Luxury Desert Trip

Morocco, a land where ancient kasbahs whisper stories of the past and endless dunes stretch beneath star-dusted skies, beckons the adventurer within. Beyond the bustling souks and vibrant cities lies a world ripe for exploration, a world waiting to be unveiled with Sahara Safaris Tour.

Imagine traversing the golden expanse of the Erg Chebbi dunes on a camel’s back, the wind whispering secrets through your hair as the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in fiery hues. Immerse yourself in the warmth of Berber hospitality, sharing cups of fragrant mint tea and traditional tagines while listening to tales passed down through generations. Discover hidden oases nestled between rugged canyons, their emerald waters inviting respite from the sun-kissed sands. In Morocco, every turn reveals a new treasure, every encounter a story waiting to be written.

Sahara Safaris tour invites you to craft your own Moroccan odyssey, a bespoke adventure tailored to your dreams. Whether you yearn for the thrill of camel trekking, the serenity of stargazing in the heart of the Sahara desert , or the fascination of ancient kasbahs and vibrant souks, let us guide you beyond the ordinary. Join us and unveil the magic of Morocco, where adventures whisper and memories remain etched on your soul.

Why Choose Sahara Safaris​ Tour for your private morocco tours

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We tailor each tour to your unique interests, pace, and budget, ensuring an experience that feels truly yours.

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Local Expertise

Our guides are more than just experts; they’re passionate storytellers who unveil the heart and soul of Morocco.

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Unlock Morocco’s Enchantment: Private Tailor-Made Tours with Sahara Safaris

Sahara Safaris tour, your trusted companion on an unforgettable Moroccan journey. Forget generic tours – we craft personalized itinerary adventures to immerse you in the soul of this vibrant land, from sun-drenched dunes to bustling souks and snow-capped peaks.

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4 Days Tour from Casablanca to Marrakech

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7 Days Marrakech Chefchaouen Desert Trip

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“We had an amazing tour experience with a local guide Mohammed who was very knowledgeable and helpful. We started our sightseeing tour by the famous Jemaa El Fna square, Koutoubia mosque ( the biggest and largest building of Marrakech), Saadian Tombs and passing through the famous gate ( bab agnaw). Finally, we visited the best site of Bahia Palace before we get to explore the main market of the Red City. Thanks to Mohammed we learned lot of things related to history and culture. Highly recommended.”

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39 Facts About Safi

Yasmeen Borg

Written by Yasmeen Borg

Modified & Updated: 25 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith


Safi is a vibrant and bustling city located on the west coast of Morocco. With its rich history, diverse culture, and stunning natural landscapes, Safi is a hidden gem that offers a unique experience for travelers. From its famous pottery and ceramics to its picturesque beaches and delicious cuisine, there is something for everyone to enjoy in this charming city.

In this article, we will delve into 39 fascinating facts about Safi that will provide you with a deeper insight into this captivating destination. From its historical significance as a Portuguese stronghold to its thriving fishing industry, prepare to be amazed by all that Safi has to offer. So, grab a cup of mint tea , sit back, and let’s embark on a journey to discover the many wonders of Safi!

Key Takeaways:

  • Safi, a city in Morocco , is famous for its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes. It’s known for its pottery, seafood, traditional music, and beautiful beaches, making it a must-visit destination for travelers.
  • Safi’s enchanting charm lies in its ancient history, thriving arts scene, and warm hospitality. From its UNESCO World Heritage Site to its vibrant festivals and serene atmosphere, Safi offers a unique and authentic Moroccan experience for visitors.

Safi, also known as Asfi, is an ancient city with a history dating back to the Phoenician era.

Located 200 kilometers southwest of Casablanca, Safi has been a significant trading port for centuries, blending influences from various civilizations.

Safi is renowned for its ceramic and pottery industry.

The city’s traditional craftsmanship produces intricate and vibrant ceramics, drawing inspiration from Andalusian, Arab, and Berber designs.

Safi’s medina is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Stroll through its narrow streets and marvel at the well-preserved medieval structures, including the Dar Al Bahar fortress and the Grand Mosque .

The Portuguese ruled Safi from 1488 to 1541.

During their occupation, they heavily influenced the city’s architecture and introduced new pottery techniques.

Safi is blessed with pristine beaches.

Head to Lalla Fatna Beach or Sidi Bouzid Beach to soak up the sun, enjoy water sports, or take a leisurely stroll along the shore.

The Festival of Ceramics is a popular annual event in Safi.

It showcases the city’s exceptional pottery craftsmanship and attracts artists, collectors, and enthusiasts from around the world.

Safi is home to the National School of Ceramics.

Aspiring ceramic artists flock to this prestigious institution to master the craft under the guidance of skilled artisans.

The Saadian Sultan Ahmed al-Mansour built the iconic Dar el Bahr fortress in Safi.

This fortress served as a defense against pirate attacks and now houses a museum that offers a glimpse into Safi’s maritime history.

Safi is renowned for its high-quality seafood.

Indulge in a gastronomic experience by savoring freshly caught fish and succulent seafood dishes at the city’s seaside restaurants.

Safi has a thriving traditional music scene.

Experience the rich melodies and rhythms of Andalusian music during festivals and cultural events held throughout the year.

The historic Pottery Cooperative of Safi is a must-visit.

Witness the artisans in action as they skillfully handcraft pottery using traditional techniques passed down through generations.

Safi is famous for its intricate Zellij tilework.

These beautifully decorated mosaic tiles adorn many buildings, adding a touch of elegance and splendor to the city’s architecture.

Safi has a vibrant fishing port.

Take a stroll along the waterfront and witness the bustling activity of fishermen unloading their catch and repairing their colorful boats.

The city of Safi boasts a rich literary heritage.

Famous Moroccan writers and poets have hailed from this city , contributing to the country’s literary legacy.

Safi offers a wide range of traditional handicrafts.

From vibrant carpets to intricate metalwork and leather goods, you’ll find a treasure trove of Moroccan craftsmanship in Safi’s markets.

Safi is home to the National Ceramics Museum.

Here, you can explore an impressive collection of antique ceramics , showcasing the city’s artistic prowess throughout history.

The annual National Sardine Festival celebrates Safi’s thriving fishing industry.

Visitors can indulge in delectable sardine dishes, enjoy music performances, and witness traditional fishing competitions.

Safi is a surfer’s paradise.

The city’s coast offers excellent waves, attracting surfers from around the world who seek the thrill of riding the Atlantic swells.

The picturesque Safi coastline is dotted with stunning sea caves.

Explore these natural wonders through guided boat tours and marvel at their unique formations.

The traditional Moroccan pottery techniques used in Safi have been passed down through generations.

Artisans meticulously create these exquisite pieces, preserving a centuries-old craft that continues to thrive in the city.

Safi hosts the International Festival of Bahja, promoting traditional music and dance.

Immerse yourself in the enchanting performances that celebrate Morocco’s cultural heritage.

Safi is surrounded by picturesque countryside landscapes.

Escape the city and embark on a journey to explore the beautiful hills, valleys, and rural villages that surround Safi.

Safi’s annual Marathon International des Sables is one of the world’s most challenging desert ultramarathons.

Every year, athletes from around the globe gather to test their endurance and navigate the rugged terrain of the Sahara Desert .

Traditional hammams are an integral part of Safi’s culture.

Indulge in a rejuvenating experience by immersing yourself in the age-old tradition of Moroccan steam baths.

Safi is home to a vibrant art scene.

Galleries and art spaces showcase the works of local artists, representing various styles and mediums.

The annual National Festival of Popular Arts celebrates Safi’s cultural heritage.

Experience traditional music, dance, and storytelling that showcase the unique cultural expressions of the city.

Safi’s strategic location on Morocco’s western coast makes it a hub for international trade.

The city’s port plays a vital role in facilitating imports and exports, connecting Morocco to the global market .

Safi’s vibrant souks offer a wide range of goods.

From spices and textiles to traditional Moroccan handicrafts, the bustling markets of Safi are a shopper’s paradise.

Safi is known for its festivals celebrating religious occasions.

During Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, the city comes alive with vibrant festivities, including street parades and traditional ceremonies.

Waraq al-Harraq, a traditional Moroccan pastry, is a specialty of Safi.

Indulge in this mouthwatering delicacy made of flaky dough filled with almonds, honey, and fragrant spices.

Safi is home to renowned educational institutions.

Universities and schools in the city offer excellent academic opportunities for students seeking quality education.

Safi’s coastal cliffs offer breathtaking panoramic views.

Hike along the rugged cliffs and be rewarded with stunning vistas of the Atlantic Ocean.

The annual International Festival of Documentary Films attracts filmmakers from around the world.

Safi becomes a hub for documentary enthusiasts , showcasing thought-provoking films that shed light on important global issues.

Safi is surrounded by fertile agricultural land.

The region’s agricultural abundance provides a variety of fresh produce, nourishing both locals and visitors alike.

Safi’s traditional silver jewelry is highly sought after.

Adorn yourself with intricate silver pieces crafted by skilled artisans, reflecting the city’s unique artistic flair.

The annual International Festival of Amateurs Theater showcases Safi’s local talent.

Witness the creativity and passion of amateur theater groups as they bring captivating performances to the stage.

Safi offers a serene and tranquil atmosphere.

Escape the hustle and bustle of larger cities and find peace in the calming ambiance of this coastal gem .

Safi has a rich traditional textile industry.

Explore the intricately woven carpets and textiles that showcase the city’s vibrant colors and patterns.

Safi’s warm and welcoming locals add to the city’s charm.

Experience the hospitality of Safi’s residents, who are always ready to share their culture and traditions with visitors.

In conclusion, Safi is a city rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. With its picturesque coastline, stunning architecture, and vibrant markets, Safi offers visitors a truly unique experience. The city’s numerous historical landmarks, such as the Safi Castle and the Pottery Museum, provide insights into its storied past.

Moreover, Safi’s lively arts scene, traditional crafts, and delicious local cuisine make it a must-visit destination for those looking to immerse themselves in Moroccan culture. Whether you’re exploring the narrow streets of the medina or relaxing on one of the city’s pristine beaches, Safi has something for everyone.

So, pack your bags and embark on a journey to Safi, where ancient traditions blend seamlessly with modern life, creating an unforgettable experience.

Q: What is the best time to visit Safi?

A: The best time to visit Safi is during the spring (March to May) or fall (September to November) when temperatures are pleasant and the city is less crowded with tourists.

Q: Can I visit Safi’s pottery workshops?

A: Yes, Safi is known for its pottery industry, and many workshops offer guided tours where you can observe the traditional techniques and even try your hand at pottery making.

Q: Are there any nearby attractions to explore around Safi?

A: Yes, Safi is located near several noteworthy attractions such as the Oualidia lagoon, famous for its beautiful beaches and fresh seafood, and the Portuguese Cisterns of El Jadida.

Q: Are there accommodations options available in Safi?

A: Yes, Safi has a range of accommodations to suit all budgets, including hotels, guesthouses, and riads (traditional Moroccan houses).

Q: Is it safe to travel to Safi?

A: Safi, like any other city, has its share of petty crimes. However, with basic precautions such as keeping your belongings secure and avoiding dimly lit areas at night, it is generally considered a safe destination for travelers.

Safi's fascinating facts showcase its rich history, cultural heritage, and thriving industries. If you're curious about other intriguing topics, why not explore the exciting world of space tourism , uncover the secrets of Berlin's historic cityscape , or dive into the colorful tradition of Eyemouth's herring queen festival ? Each offers a unique glimpse into different aspects of our world, from cutting-edge technology to time-honored traditions and captivating urban landscapes. So, keep your curiosity piqued and continue discovering the many wonders that await you!

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EXTRA3 Why does the author include the information that Moscow has been described as the first stopping and setting point in the northeast?

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A. To explain why certain historically important areas near Moscow have fallen into a decline

B. To show why Moscow attracted populations of immigrants from lines located further to the northeast

C. To emphasize the importance of the location on Moscow in accounting for its growth

D. To challenge the idea that immigrants to Moscow came from only one direction

sahara voyage safi


sahara voyage safi

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