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Tour through the Villarrica Volcano 3 hours

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  • Tour through the Villarrica Volcano: 3 hours

pucon volcano tour

Tour to learn from the heights the impressive Villarrica volcano located 20 kilometers from Pucon. From the top you'll see a view of different lakes and other volcanoes in the Region of Araucania.

  • Departure: 10:00
  • Duration: 3 hours

What you will visit:

  • 1 Villarrica National Park

We depart from your hotel in Pucón at approximately 14:00 hours to the Villarrica volcano. Once there, we are going to make a gentle walk towards the base of Villarrica volcano, where you will have a privileged view of Villarrica, Colico, Caburgua and Calafquén lakes.

Then, a transfer will take us to the coffeshop of the Ski Center of the volcano at a height of 1441 msl. If it is summer season, there is very little snow and you can walk, but if it is winter, it is necessary to take the lift that will take you to the base of the volcano.

Upstairs there is about an hour to walk and if you wish, enjoy a picnic before returning to Pucón.

17:00: We will finish the tour and we will be back at your hotel in Pucón.

  • Hotel Transport - Villarrica Volcano - Transfer Hotel
  • Guide Spanish
  • Entrance to Villarrica National Park
  • In andarivel winter that has an approximate value of CLP10.000 / USD 15
  • Everything that was not mentioned in the itinerary.


Bring sunscreen, trekking shoes, sun hat, camera.

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An Adventurous World

Hiking to the Top of Volcan Villarrica, Chile

This post contains product affiliate links. These are mainly on items/hotels/tours that I personally endorse & love. I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase, but at no extra cost to you.

Are you thinking of hiking Volcan Villarrica in Pucon, Chile? Then check out my guide packed full of info all about the Villarrica volcano hike!

villarrica volcano hike

So, you want to hike to the top of Volcan Villarrica, one of the most active volcanoes in Chile ? Well who can blame you, it’s one of the best hikes you’ll ever do!

When I heard you can climb to the top of an active volcano, I knew I had to visit Pucon to conquer that challenge. I love hiking at the best of times but add in sunrise, a steaming volcano and sledding down some snow and I’m like a little kid at Christmas. Nothing makes me happier than a hard hike with beautiful views.

Let me say this now though. The Villarrica Volcano hike isn’t for the faint-hearted. It’s tough, a fair few people drop out along the way, but if you make it to the summit it is an experience like no other.

Personally, I really can’t recommend this activity enough. If you’re still interested then make sure you keep reading my guide all about the Pucon volcano hike!

Are you planning on hiking more of Chile? Then check out my guides to hiking Parque Nacional la Campana , Torres del Paine , and the Atacama Desert too.

villarrica volcano

My experience of the Villarrica Volcano hike

I tentatively put on my gas mask, securely sealing it in place before climbing the final few hundred metres to the summit.

At the top, clouds of sulphur were pouring off the active volcano making my eyes water. That didn’t stop me grinning from ear to ear though.

To the right of me I could see the crater of Villarrica Volcano, the rock tinged yellow from all the sulphurous gas, while to my left I could see a huge white glacier, a place where hardly anyone steps foot.

Turning around, I looked down the volcano past all the ice and snow to Lake Pucon glistening in the midday sun. It was amazing seeing how far we’d come in just one morning.

It didn’t matter that I was only 2,848 metres high, it felt like I was on top of the world. This really was a hike like no other. 

climbing villarrica volcano

An early morning wake up call for the Pucon volcano hike 

My alarm went off at 5:30am. Not the earliest of starts, but still enough to question what I was doing.

Armed with my packed lunch and water for the day, I walked the 10 minutes from my hostel to Zenit Travel , the guys who I was climbing Volcan Villarrica with for the day.

There, I grumbled a hello to everyone as they already had their kit laid out before them. Almost in solemn silence, we started packing our bags for our hike that day.

Despite the early hour, Agustin, the owner and chief guide of Zenit Travel, was already working at a million miles an hour making sure everyone was happy and comfortable with their kit, stating that it was a good day for climbing. 

Once we were all ready, we jumped into the minibus and made our way to Volcan Villarrica National Park.

If there were any doubts about climbing an active volcano, one that erupted as recently as March 2015, now would’ve been the time to back out. Thankfully, no one did. 

volcan villarica

Driving to Volcan Villarrica

After a 45 minute ride, we arrived at the car park in Villarrica National Park at the bottom of the volcano.

I’m not going to lie, I was so surprised at how many people there were rushing around getting ready for the climb.

I thought there would be a few dozen people climbing Villarrica volcano, not a few hundred people. Saying that, Agustin assured me that once we got on the volcano itself it wouldn’t matter. We’d find a climbing slot that’d make it feel like it was just us.

Considering he’s been doing this for years I had a feeling he was right. 

pucon volcano

After a brief demonstration from Agustin on how to climb (keep those knees bent people!), we walked a short way to the ski lift.

From here you can clearly see the summit of Volcán Villarrica, far off into the distance. I’m not going to lie, it looked pretty daunting.

That’s why, when Agustin asked if I’d like to take the ski lift for $10,000 or climb for an extra hour and a half to the top of the ski lift, I jumped at the opportunity for an easy start to the day (it was still early after all!)

Peacefully swaying back and forth as we slowly crawled higher, the view of the volcano became clearer and clearer. The anticipation grew. It was time to climb.

pucon volcano hike

Starting the climb at Volcán Villarrica

The first stage was a steep 45 minute climb over rocks to get onto the slope of the volcano from which it was a straight line to the top.

At our first stop where we ate some nuts and glugged down some water, we had 10 minutes to catch our breath and appreciate the views which were already something else.

Honestly, any doubts you have about this climb will fly out the window when you see the view. You can also see a couple of the other Pucon volcanoes in the area too.

volcan villarrica hike

The next stage was another 45 minutes, again over rock, to get to the bottom of the glacier . This is where Agustin showed us how to put on our crampons and gave us a demonstration of how to walk on the ice.

If you’ve never worn crampons before, it’s actually really easy. After about 10 minutes of walking in them you’ll hardly notice they’re on your feet at all.

Then it was time to walk on the glacier itself, a blanket of white before us. 

volcán villarrica

I won’t go into all the details of climbing Mount Villarrica – a lot of it was just me putting one foot in front of the other, very comfortable in the silence of walking, almost overawed with where we were – but it’s safe to say that the views just got more and more spectacular the higher we climbed. 

We stopped off a couple of more times for a rest and to gather our energy again, especially for the final assent.

That’s when we put our gas masks on, for the final push to the top.

pucon volcanoes

Reaching the summit of Volcan Villarrica

Then, after hours of climbing, we did it.

Agustin timed it perfectly so we were the last group to summit Villarrica. Once we got to the top there were only a few other people up there with us; it felt like we had the volcano to ourselves.

It felt so good being at the top of the volcano – it really did feel like being on top of the world – and the views were just the best yet. They were simply astounding. It was hard to believe how far we’d come, and looking back down the volcano you can’t help but feel a huge sense of achievement.

pucon volcano tour

Getting back down from the summit

As you’d expect, getting from the top to the bottom of the volcano was so much quicker, but not for the reason you’d think. We tobogganed down.

One thing we’d been carrying around with us all morning was a round piece of plastic, just big enough to sit on, so that’s what we did. This is exactly like tobogganing anywhere else around the world, just down the side of an active volcano.

Again, Agustin showed us how to use these bum boards, and it wasn’t long before we were all sliding down, throwing ourselves around corners like we were professional lugists.

And if you’re looking for an adrenaline high to top standing upon an active volcano, this is it.

Sliding down Volcano Villarrica

Once we made it back to the ski lift again, it was a short 20 minute walk through the loose gravel back to the car park and the opportunity to finally relax a bit.

It’s hard to summarise trekking Volcan Villarrica. I’ve climbed a lot of volcanoes in the my time, but this is up there with the best of them. There aren’t many places where you can climb to the top of an active volcano in a day, but at Volcano Villarrica you can.

Add in the fact that you’re climbing on a glacier – no doubt a first for many people – and tobogganing back down to the bottom in an adrenaline-fuelled rush, and you really do have one of the best day hikes in the world.

As I said, I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Top tips for trekking Volcan Villarrica

  • Go to bed early – I can’t stress this enough, but don’t stay up late and don’t go partying the night before. It’s a very early start to the day and you’ll need to keep your energy for later.
  • My advice; take the chairlift – I know a lot of backpackers who’ll want to save their pennies but the chairlift really is worth it. Saves precious time, energy, and the views are great in the morning.
  • Take lots of snacks – When you’re hiking, it’s always a good idea to have lots of snacks on you. I find trail mix (nuts and dried fruits) are great to eat. Also, sweets, lots and lots of sweets.
  • Take more water than you’ll think you need – Obviously you’re on a volcano, so once you’ve run out of water you can’t get any more. Always take more than you’ll think you need.
  • Wear layers – It can get very hot very quickly, so wear layers to peel on and off whenever you get hot and cold.
  • Don’t push yourself – If you’re not feeling it and you don’t think you can make it to the summit, don’t push yourself. Remember, people have died on this hike so the risk really isn’t worth the reward.
  • Where are the toilets? Everywhere! For guys this is pretty easy, but there are lots of rocks and other spots of girls too so don’t worry about being seen.

pucon volcano hike

How much does a Volcan Villarrica tour cost?

A full day tour hiking to the top of Volcan Villarrica with Zenit Travel costs £107 ($135) and includes all transport costs, guides and equipment for the day. This is usually limited to a group of 12 people too, so make sure you book in advanced. 

If you’d like catch the ski lift to cut out an hour and a half of climbing then make sure you bring an extra $10,000.

Have you ever hiked Volcan Villarrica before? Did you think it was one of the best hikes you’ve ever done? Make sure you let me know in the comments below!

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There aren't many places where you can hike to the top of an active volcano, but at Volcano Villarrica you can. It really is one of the best hikes in the world!

About the Author

Macca Sherifi

Macca Sherifi is the founder of the multiple award-winning blogs An Adventurous World and the Great British Bucket List. Every month he inspires over 200,000 avid readers to travel the world.

15 thoughts on “Hiking to the Top of Volcan Villarrica, Chile”

I did this climb in April 2010 with a guide and a small group. It was hell, but I was unfit. It was also the most extraordinary thing I’ve ever done, and the scariest moment of my life when a lot of sulphur came out the top and the guides yelled for us to get away from the crater and bury our heads in the snow. They hadn’t seen it so active before. We took a few photos but couldn’t capture t at its worst because we couldn’t see or breathe at that stage.

I just looked up history of the volcano and it was very active in April 2010, and by May 2010 there was lava 100m from the brim.

In retrospect it was not safe to climb but I did no homework at all, had no internet access on holidays and just met some people in the hostel who were climbing it so I did.

The lifts weren’t operating that day. I’m not sure if there was a lift fault, or perhaps it was considered unsafe to climb so the local authorities closed the lifts.

My Facebook album from that hike is here


I lived in Pucon and taught skiing on the volcan villarica thirty years ago. One of my last days I hiked to the crater. It was as amazing as Macca claims, but I can tell you, guides don’t like it if you hike without one. I had an altercation with a guide on the summit and had to talk my way out of a ride to the jail in Pucon when I got to the bottom. Permits and licenses are required if you’re unguided, so don’t try to go it on your own!

I 100% agree with this. When I did it myself, there was actually a foreigner climbing up on his own. He made it quite far up the volcano before he was stopped by our guide. As we were the last group on the volcano it was down to our guide to get him back down, but this foreigner just completely refused to listen. I’m not kidding, but they actually had a fight on the mountain with punches being thrown! Eventually, our guide had to call the mountain police, told them were he was and left him too it. Presumably he got arrested and chucked in jail. It was such a weird situation and one I still can’t quite work out to this day. So crazy what people try and do!

Hi Macca, Do you know if you can use drones at the top of the volcano?

Good question! I’m not 100% sure myself but I can’t really see it being a problem. I would check with your tour operator first though, I would add in you don’t have a huge amount of time at the top, but definitely enough to fly a drone! I cab image the photos would be pretty spectacular so let me know how you get on!

Did you book your tour in advance or a couple days before while in Pucon?

I booked mine a couple of days before while I was in Pucon, so it wasn’t a problem at all. It all depends on your style of travel I guess!

I was there almost 5 years ago! Hard work to going up, but totally amazing when you get to the summit. The best part was sliding down on those crazy carpets! Highly recommend it if you have a decent level of fitness! An unforgettable experience!

Yay! That’s what I like to hear! It’s such an incredible experience, isn’t it? I had such a rush too, and it’s definitely up there with one of the best day hikes I’ve ever done. I’m so happy to hear you had a great time.

Hi, just wondering how fit you were at the time of climbing and whether you’d recommend this to a first time climber? I’m active and workout 3-4 times a week but I’ve never climbed a mountain, would I need to train? Only a couple of weeks till I go to Chile though!

Thanks, Tessa

Do it! If you work out and have a good base fitness you’ll be absolutely fine Tessa. It’s essentially walking for 7 hours. Yes, it can be tough, but it isn’t like running or doing exercise for long periods of time. Honestly, I think you’ll be absolutely fine – I really hope you have an amazing time!

Hi Macca – Thank you for the informative and interesting post. When did you do this trek? My wife and I are thinking of going in early-mid May.

May thanks – Petrit

Hi Petrit! I did the trek in February but you can do it May for sure. It really is such an amazing adventure activity and one of my favourite things I did in Chile!

@Macca Sherifi, Is there a better time in the year to go to be able to climb it?

The best time to hike the volcanoes is from November through to April.

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Roaming Around the World

Travel Guides, Tips, and Tales

Climbing Volcan Villarrica: The Icy Hike to the Summit

February 18, 2015 By John Widmer 23 Comments

The very next day, we rose early to begin this exhilarating expedition.

The Villarrica Volcano taken from Pucon Chile

The weather plays a huge factor in any Volcan Villarrica summit attempt. When we arrived at the excursion office in Pucon, we checked the ever-changing weather conditions. We were thrilled to be given the green light to proceed with the volcano climb.

Skies were blue and the wind was minimal. It was just about perfect conditions for this trek to the top of the Villarrica Volcano. This volcano hike is no easy feat and bad weather only complicates things.

In fact, there have been multiple accidents resulting in injuries and even deaths of tourists climbing Volcan Villarrica, most of which were influenced by poor weather conditions. Such accidents were a little concerning to us. So the seemingly calm weather during the day of our Volcan Villarrica summit was appeasing.

It’s very common for weather conditions or heightened volcano activity to cancel a planned Volcan Villarrica trek. Some travelers wait around in Pucon for days for the chance of clear weather to climb Villarrica Volcano. We expected this. So we planned accordingly, allotting a few extra days staying in Pucon for a better chance of accomplishing a Volcan Villarrica summit. We felt extremely fortunate to get lucky with these blue skies that allowed us to set off up Volcan Villarrica during the first day attempting to do so!

It didn’t take long to get outfitted with ice picks, crampons, and Gortex-lined snow gear. Then we were driven out to the base of Volcan Villarrica.

It was at the base of the volcano where we had one final weather report.  The lead guide literally drew a line in the sand .

He gave everyone the choice to opt-out of the Villarrica Volcano summit attempt. He explained that once you cross the line, you were obligated to pay for Volcan Villarrica tour regardless of how far you make it up the icy volcano. Of course, we all crossed his line in the sand.

We were doing this. All in!

Climbing Villarrica Volcano

The first stretch of Volcan Villarrica’s summit was below the ice line, only containing rocky terrain without snow. Here, you have the option to take a chairlift up this segment, which saves you about an hour and a half of hiking.

The guides strongly encouraged everyone to take the chairlift and explained how this extra bit of hiking can be draining, sometimes causing people not to reach the summit. But we came here to climb the entire volcano and as we always aim to stretch our travel budget, we decided to save the extra $18 Chilean Pesos (~$30 USD) that it would cost for of both to take the chairlift.

Instead, those funds would be put towards something more important, like tasty local craft brews once back in Pucon.

Chairlift going up the Villarrica Volcano

And so the trek began.

There were about 30-40 people in our Volcan Villarrica tour group in total. Somewhat surprisingly, there were only five of us who opted not to take the chairlift. As our fellow climbers whisked up above us in their chairlifts , we tackled the steep rocky terrain right from Volcan Villarrica’s base.

Once we reached the ice line where the chairlift ended, the other group was already leisurely making their way up the volcano, with a 90-minute head start on us. Meanwhile, we quickly guzzled water, stuffed a sandwich down our throats, strapped on our crampons , and were given quick instructions on how to use our ice picks. It seemed as if we were in a mad dash for the summit to get there fast, in case the weather conditions changed.

Onward hiking up the snow and ice, this was our first time using crampons, and we actually got used to them quite quickly. We zigzagged up Volcan Villarrica’s cinder cone, trying to step in the footprints before us. We used the ice pick as more of a walking stick , rather than axing our way up the mountain. But the ice pick was still a much-needed tool in order to stabilize ourselves on this steep, treacherous, icy terrain.

hiking up Volcan Villarrica

We were going at what seemed like a furious pace. The 2,800-meter altitude probably didn’t help matters much either.

Horrible leg cramps soon set in and we were quickly growing out of breath . About halfway up the ice section of the volcano is when our guide finally suggested that we stop to take some photos and rest.

We hadn’t stopped for a break the entire time trekking up Villarrica Volcano, so the idea of a short rest sounded fantastic. Our trekking guide then continued, “…and you can just enjoy this nice view, relax, and when the others come down from the summit, you can go down with them.”

Wait, what?

To clarify, I asked if we would not be completing the summit of the Villarrica Volcano . He responded that he thought it would be too dangerous for us to continue since we weren’t able to keep up to his pace. “Oh, hell no!”

After a bit of back and forth, I convinced him to let us continue.

No rest. No taking pictures. No relaxing to enjoy the view. Onward we went.

But this time, we really had to put on our game face so he wouldn’t turn us back. My right leg was cramping up so bad that I could no longer put weight on it. I used the ice pick as a cane and dragged my lame leg along, sometimes having to pull it up step-by-step with my hands.

Meanwhile Heather was fighting exhaustion. The toxic fumes from the volcano blowing into our lungs certainly weren’t helping matters . We really had to push through the pain. But when the guide looked back, it was all smiles as he sprinted up the icy Villarrica Volcano with ease.

climbing up the Villarrica Volcano

We would get to points in the ice where it appeared we were reaching the top. But upon climbing the steep segment of Volcan Villarrica, we’d realize another nearly vertical portion awaited us ahead.

Then we reached ice patches where our picks just went right through . It was actually hollow underneath. So we could no longer rely on them to support our limping along. It was hiking on this hollowed out ice towards the top of this volcano, when the wind carried the chemical-smelling fumes right in our direction.  It choked us and nearly suffocating our every breath . It was all excruciating. We were ready to give up.

You win Villarrica Volcano. You win.

But we were so close!

Volcano Villarrica Summit

We dug deep, pushed ourselves hard, and ultimately prevailed. We  finally arrived at the top of Volcan Villarrica.

This agonizing hours-long summit of the Villarrica Volcano had finally come to an end. We made it.

Interestingly enough, we got there exactly at the same time as the chairlift group who had a 90-minute headstart on this grueling trek up the Villarrica Volcano. Hmm… so I guess we weren’t so slow after all.

Having caught up to the others, it was now time to catch our breath. But first, we had to remove our crampons and put on our descending gear just in case we volcano began erupting and we needed to make a quick exit. Yikes!

John and Heather standing atop Volcan Villarrica

The views were incredible as you could see the entire surrounding lake-filled land of Patagonia  in addition to other impressive volcanoes in the distance.

It was at this moment, that every grueling step of the speedy ascent was suddenly 110% worth it.

view from atop Volcan Villarrica showing other volcanos and lakes around Pucon

We took a peek over the cone of the Villarrica Volcano but were very hesitant to get too close to the edge.

Others seemed to have no problem standing on a ledge of snow on the interior side of a steaming volcano . We took a hard pass on that activity.

Just think, one wrong step or a little slip! Gives me chills.

Guy standing inside the rim of Volcan Villarrica

Look at the dude standing so close to the rim. Yikes – no thanks!

After nearly collapsing (err, resting) at the top of Volcano Villarrica for about a half hour, it was time to go down.

There’s only one way to get down Volcan Villarrica.

resting at the top of Volcan Villarrica with crampons and ice axe in view

Thankfully we wouldn’t have to climb the way we came up.

Instead, we would be sliding down Volcan Villarrica.  What a thirll!

Sledding Down Volcano Villarrica

There were luge-like tunnels carved into the snow that we jumped on in and slid right down. As if the hike up Villarrica Volcano wasn’t crazy enough, this sledding down the active volcano was now just insane .

But it was also a lot of fun. Imagine going down a super-greased up waterslide that ran miles long, and was on the side of a volcano! That’s the only way I can even try to relate the experience. It was like nothing we’ve ever done before and a highlight of the entire Volcan Villarrica trek.

While going down, our guides managed to ski the steep grade while keeping an eye on us and picking up loose items that inevitably popped out as we launched into the air.

Sledding down Villararica Volcano (Volcan Villarrica) with a pick-axe to help get down the volcano's icy summit

Our ice picks became our steering wheels and our breaks as we sled down the Villarrica Volcano. At some moments we were shooting down the volcano so fast that it gave the false sensation that we may fly right off the side. Whenever we felt this way, we attempted to dig our ice picks into the ice to slow down our sledding momentum.

At one point, the ice chute dipped down then launched upward sending us a few feet into the air .

Thrilling? Yes! But the landing was not so glamorous. Ouch!

This was no short sled ride either. The volcano sledding lasted what seemed like about an hour. We slid right down Villarrica Volcano at great speeds, giving testament to the distance of the climb that preceded our joy ride.

All the pain of the climb up Volcan Villarrica now seemed worth it for this awesome shot of adrenaline as we slid down. The panoramic views at the volcano’s summit seemed like the climax of this experience. But it was sledding down these steep icy slopes of Villarrica Volcano that had become the highlight for us.

By mid-afternoon, we had safely reached the base of Villarrica Volcano. So we got to remove all our sweat and snow-soaked gear.

Our muscles were thoroughly exhausted. I’ve never been quite so excited for a hot shower and a cold beer.

Despite the grueling ascent, climbing up and sledding down Pucon’s Villarrica Volcano has been one of our favorite adventures in Chile. We’d definitely recommend it to anyone in decent shape and with an adventurous spirit.

If You Go – Volcano Villarrica Hike Information:

Where to organize volcan villarrica trek :.

You can easily organize the Villarrica Volcano trek from the city of Pucon , Chile, a town located near the base of the volcano. Pucon is a great adventure hub in the area with lots of outfitters, tour companies, hotels, restaurants, and bars. There is a ton of recreation in the nearby area including whitewater rafting, hydrospeeding, hiking, horseback riding, and canyoning. Or you can just relax at the lakeside beach that’s in walking distance from town.

The Need for a Guide to Trek Villarrica Volcano :

Unless you’re a seasoned mountaineering expert traveling with all your gear, you must embark on a Villarrica Volcano tour with a guide. Without a guide, you’ll be required to obtain a mountaineering license and get permission from Conaf. You must also have all of your gear such as crampons, ice pick, and helmet.

Selecting an Outfitter to Summit Volcan Villarrica :

There is an abundance of adventure companies throughout Pucon who offer this Villarrica Volcano excursion. Do you own research and find a reputable company. The company we used to climb Volcan Villarrica is otherwise one of the most highly recommended companies in Pucon according to popular guidebooks and even our hostel owner. But we were a bit disappointed by their rushed pace for those of us who did not take the chairlift.

More importantly, we felt safe the entire time. And safety should be your number one priority when selecting a tour group to go with when climbing a treacherous volcano that has previously resulted in injuries and deaths. Some good advice is to do your research and check safety records of the Villarrica Volcano tour operators.

Making a Reservation to Climb Villarrica Volcano :

On the day you arrive in Pucon, be sure to reserve an excursion for the very next day . Weather often prohibits this climb. If you have multiple days in Pucon and your summit gets scrapped, you will get bumped to the following days in which you’ll hope for improved weather.

When to Go Make a Summit Attempt of Volcan Villarrica:

We did this Volcano Villarrica climb in early January, which is the middle of summer here in the Southern Hemisphere. Yet there was still a lot of snow on the cone. People were even skiing down. We were told that the later summer months (February and March) tend to have progressively less snow, which makes sledding down Volcan Villarrica more difficult and can make descending slightly more dangerous. Yet conditions change from year to year and day to day . You may even find that the volcano is active!

Cost of Villarrica Volcano Climb :

We saw prices for this trip consistently at $40,000 or $45,000 Chilean Pesos per person that includes transportation and all essential equipment. Food is typically not provided, nor is water. When choosing a guide be sure to do your due diligence on exactly what is included and what their policy is if the full summit is canceled due to changing weather conditions.

What To Bring When Climbing the Villarrica Volcano :

Eat a full breakfast beforehand and pack a quick lunch (like a sandwich) and snacks for energy.

The Volcan Villarrica tour guides suggest bringing chocolate bars to give quick bursts of energy.

Bring at least 1.5 liters of water per person.

Wear long pants and three layers. (Additional waterproof outer layers are provided.)

Bring sunscreen and sunglasses .

If you are thinking about taking the chairlift, bring 9,000 pesos per person to pay for it when you get to the chairlift.

You pay for the entire Villarrica Volcano tour pay at the end, so bring cash or card for that too, in addition to a few extra bucks if you wish to tip your guide(s).

List of what to Bring on Volcano Villarrica Climb

Where is the Baño on Volcan Villarrica:

There are no toilets along the way and no trees to hide behind , so be sure to go at the porta-potties at the base of the volcano where the chairlift begins. Otherwise, you’ll endure a funny position with other climbers watching you turn the snow yellow.

Important: Deciding To Take the Chairlift or Not Take the Chairlift on the Villarrica Volcano

In retrospect, we wish we had taken the chairlift .

It wasn’t the extra few kilometers of hiking that wore us down; it was the fact that we went at twice the pace in order to catch the group who did take the chairlift. If we had understood that we would need to climb Villarrica Volcano at an accelerated pace by not taking the chairlift, we probably would have opted differently.

Not taking the chairlift pros :

  • You hike the entire volcano
  • You save 9,000 Chilean pesos per person

Not taking the chairlift cons:

  • You must ascend at a much faster pace than everyone else
  • There’s little to no breaks to enjoy the climb
  • There’s greater chance that the weather can turn, ending your climb
  • Adds an extra few kilometers to an already demanding climb

Villarrica Volcano Climb Recommendation – Just Go!

Overall, we would definitely recommend this intense climb to anyone of moderate fitness who is up for the challenge. The views atop Volcan Villarrica are a breathtaking reward.

The experience of using crampons and an ice-pick to climb to the summit of this massive peak was like nothing we’ve ever embarked on before, making for an incredible challenge.

Sledding down Villarrica Volcano was one of the best thrills we had during our two months roaming around Patagonia. Climbing Volcan Villarrica is a must-do for any adventure junkies traveling near Pucon, Chile!

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December 26, 2022 at 7:33 PM

another thing to consider when choosing the time of year that you go is the more snow, the more difficult the climb. I was surprisingly fatigued quite early on because I went in mid October and there was still A LOT of snow to climb through at the beginning of the hike. It was warming up so it was soft and we’d sink. Not an easy way to start.

pucon volcano tour

December 10, 2019 at 6:24 AM

Thanks for this interesting article. I and one of my sons did the climb in January 1998. We were fully equipped by the tour operator but I can’t remember whether we got the dual-cartridge gas masks. Our leader did, but I can’t remember ours. Did you get them? I’m asking as a result of the White Island disaster, with my 20/20 hindsight I think the Chileans have safety fairly well nailed.

pucon volcano tour

May 19, 2017 at 8:37 PM

Wow, it looks amazing! i am going to Pucon in 2 days, and I am so excited. How tough is the trek on the knees though? I hurt my left knee very badly one month ago at Torres del Paine, even though I still did Fitz Roy and Cerro Castillo few weeks later (bearing the pain). If this is much tougher I might have to give it a miss,

pucon volcano tour

May 20, 2017 at 4:12 PM

That’s really hard to say. I suppose it depends on just how bad your knees is. Villarica definitely is very tough on your knees, so not sure if it would be a good idea to pursue. I probably wouldn’t risk it. Then again, if you were able to get through Fitz Roy, you may be able to push through the pain here too. In comparison this is a shorter trek, although much more steep, technical, and hard on the knees. If there is plenty of snow on the peak, you’ll be able to sled down instead of putting your bad knee through the descent.

May 21, 2017 at 8:22 PM

Thank you John. I’m here at Pucon right now. Fitz Roy was a struggle on the knees on the descent. Steep, technical and hard on the knees? I guess I’d skip it. Such a pity.

pucon volcano tour

February 1, 2017 at 7:49 PM

A personal question, if you don’t mind: how fit are you? Do you hike frequently? What’s your approx. age? I am reasonably fit but after being on vacations for 2 weeks without exercising I am getting concerned. Also,if you can’t make it to the top, can you turn back with a guide? I usually hike with hiking poles. Do you recommend them? Thanks!

February 3, 2017 at 9:10 PM

We are both fairly fit in our early 30s. We’re avid hikers but don’t work out regularly or anything. If you are relatively fit, I’d say go for it. But most definitely take the chair lift for the first part so that you can take a more leisurely pace and not sprint up like we did. If you can’t make it to the top, I imagine that a guide would accommodate you. Not sure about bringing hiking poles because you may need to have your hands free at times. I’d visit the outfitters once you are are there and ask before booking.

pucon volcano tour

December 31, 2016 at 11:46 AM

What was the company that you used?

January 6, 2017 at 9:52 AM

We used Aguaventura. At first I was hesitant to name them in this post because I didn’t want to damage their otherwise good reputation just because our guides really rushed us.

pucon volcano tour

September 3, 2015 at 4:03 AM

Great blog. We are travelling to Pucon in October and may take the lift up but the hike seems like to much of a challenge!

pucon volcano tour

February 26, 2015 at 5:22 PM

That’s an impressive climb. The views look amazing. Chile seems to have some of the best climbs in the world.

pucon volcano tour

February 23, 2015 at 10:00 AM

Wow, what stunning vistas – I love that first one in particular. Congratulations on making it up, and thanks for such a comprehensive post.

pucon volcano tour

February 22, 2015 at 1:30 PM

Congratulations on making the climb and pushing through the pain. I would have preferred to skip the chairlift as well, but it looks like it’s worth it to not have to rush up to the top. The views are spectacular!

pucon volcano tour

February 22, 2015 at 9:54 AM

Whoaaaa, Chile sure has some incredible Volcanoes!!! Nice photos!!!

pucon volcano tour

February 22, 2015 at 5:03 AM

Wow. Such an achievement to make it to the top and look at the gorgeous views behind you guys. Looks like an amazing experience! 🙂

pucon volcano tour

February 22, 2015 at 4:25 AM

This volcano looks majestic. I’d love to hike it one day.

pucon volcano tour

February 22, 2015 at 2:26 AM

Well that was courageous not to take the chairlift! To be honest I would have been lazy and would have taken it! It looks like a fantastic hike though! Very nice!

pucon volcano tour

February 21, 2015 at 8:14 PM

WOW this looks amazing, kudos on the climb! And really, only 5 out of 40 didn’t take the chairlift??! Totally counts as cheating lol! The views are incredible, massive congrats on completing this climb. And thsnks for the helpful tips – adding this to my list 🙂

pucon volcano tour

February 21, 2015 at 7:26 PM

Fantastic effort and well worth it for those amazing views! Not sure I could have done it though getting to sled back down would possibly have motivated me along.

pucon volcano tour

February 21, 2015 at 7:23 PM

I have to say that you two are brave and resilient. Good for you for hiking up the volcano too bad the guide rushed you when in retrospect you probably could have taken it just a wee slower. That slide down would scare the heck out of me. Thanks for sharing your story this is one trip I’ll leave to the more adventurous.

pucon volcano tour

February 21, 2015 at 6:45 PM

This is so awesome!! What an adventure 🙂

pucon volcano tour

February 21, 2015 at 5:20 PM

Impressive effort and what gorgeous view at the top.

February 21, 2015 at 6:04 PM

Thanks! Views at the top really were pretty spectacular!

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Quetrupillán Volcano Climb

If you cancel your booking until 48 hours before the beginning of the activity, we will refund 100% of the advance you paid for the booking.

You can reschedule your booking without any additional cost until 48 hours before the beginning of the activiity.

Make the Quetrupillan Volcano Climb of medium difficulty, mountain approach tour with no previous experience needed. Transport and guide included.

Price per person:

CLP$ 100.000 per person.

Minimum of passengers

Departure from 2 passengers.

Meeting Point:

Brasil 555, Pucón .

shared transport, bilingual instructor (Spanish and English), entrance fee to park, accident insurance, mountain gear (backpack, helmet, piolet, crampons, trek pole, shoes, gaiters, jacket cover, pant cover, 2 pairs of gloves, sunglasses) and (pictures and videos (when the conditions allow it) .

What to bring:

comfortable clothing, long socks, long pants, long-sleeved shirts, fleece clothing to stay warm (Polartec or similar), warm jacket, winter hat and gloves for the cold, hat to protect against the sun, buff, food (sandwich, fruit, dry fruit, cookies, chocolate), water and sunscreen .

In case of suspension for weather conditions, we will refund 100% of your payment.

subject to weather conditions .

Not included:

travel insurance (recommended) .


not allowed for people with problems related to the altitude, not allowed for pregnant women, not suitable for persons with heart problems, good physical condition, weigh between 30 and 100 kg and minimum age required of 10 years old .

Cancellation and rescheduling policy:

We will meet in our meeting point in the city of Pucon to start the 25-mile trip to the starting point of the hike to begin the Quetrupillan Volcano Climb . This climb is not technical, but you need to be in good shape, because you will make a 10-mile roundtrip hike, in around 8 hours, in which you will cross several tracks with native woods, volcanic rocks, and even snow if you make the climb during winter. You will have access to the local flora and fauna, with explanations of the guide that will be always with you. The same way, you will have panoramic views of the forests of ancient araucarias , besides other volcanos and lakes that form the mountain landscape. You will reach the summit of the also known as Mocho , at 7776 feet of altitude, from where you will have views of the Lanin Volcano and the glacier that covers the Quetrupillan’s crater. After that, you will return to Pucon to end the activity.

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pucon volcano tour

Pucón and Villarrica

 - imagen #2

Where to go

Recommendations, where and what to eat.

Villarrica is located 87 kilometers southeast of the city of Temuco, in the 9th region. It is located on the shores of Lake Villarrica, a place of nice resort spas such as Pucón and Licanray.

Another attraction is the Villarrica Volcano, which is active and has a permanent plume. Its height is about 2840 meters altitude and at its northern slope is the Pucon Ski Center.

This is the sixth oldest city in Chile, but because of its past battles between Spaniards and Indians, most of its colonial buildings were destroyed. Thus, Villarrica has a rather rustic style with traditional buildings such as the Catedral (Cathedral), the Municipalidad (Municipality) and the headquarters of the Diocesis, plus some modern features like the regional campus of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica.

The climate of Villarica is temperate oceanic style, with warm temperatures in summer, cold in winter and the presence of rainfall throughout the year. The annual average temperature is 22º C.

The city is located in a ecological Mediterranean type zone, where there is lot of vegetation, favored by the constant rains throughout all months of the year, especially in winter. Some of the native species of the sector are oak, myrtle, araucaria, coigue and mañio.

It is also home to wildlife like pudú, fox, puma, coipo, wild boar, deer and birds such as condors, woodpeckers, parrots, owls and other native birds. In its waters you can find salmon and rainbow trout, so sport fishing can be done.

Among the main attractions in Villarrica we find the Costanera (waterfront), that borders the lake on the way to Pucon, LicanRay, the Muestra Cultural Mapuche, recreational activities such as sport fishing and other excursions on the river Toltén, as well as activities during the summer such as the Noche del Lago and cultural events.

Pucon, on the other hand, is located about 15 miles away from Villarrica, on the east bank of the lake. It is the largest lake resort of Chile and the "capital of adventure tourism" of Chile.

It is highlighted for its beaches and beautiful natural surroundings with year round snow-capped mountains, coniferous forests, rushing rivers, waterfalls, lakes and rapids, plus ski resorts and hot spring facilities. Because of its many attractions it is a place that can be visited all year round.

An example of this is the Villarrica National Park, 12 kilometers from Pucón, where the Pucon ski center is found, where you can find camping areas, lakes and volcanoes in over 60 thousand acres. Moreover, within this park you can visit the Centro de Ski Pucón Ski (Pucon Ski Center).

Other natural areas are the Villarrica National Reserve and the Huerquehue National Park.

Map de Pucón and Villarrica

The Valdivia area began to fill in 8000 BC, but the first traces of a population organized emerged between 300 and 1200 AD, where groups of hunter-gatherers who developed an incipient agriculture and livestock appeared. Over time these groups would become the Mapuche tribe.

In 1552, the Spaniard Geronimo de Alderete founded Villarrica on the banks of the Tolten river and the west side of Lake Villarrica, formerly Mallalafquén. Gold mines were expected to be found in the area and turned into a passage between the Pampas and the Atlantic.

The constant battles with the Mapuche broke the peace of the newly founded city, being evacuated in 1554 after the Battle of Tucapel. After being abandoned, it was completely destroyed by the Mapuche. That same year in October, Villarrica was resettled and started a large growth in the mining of gold and silver.

This boom lasted until 1598, with the Battle of Curalaba where the Mapuche were winners. They maintained their siege on the city until 1602, when again and definitely took it over and burned down what was left of their buildings.

The ruins of the city of Villarrica were abandoned for 280 years. In 1882, after the Parliament of Putue, they were able to approve the rebuilding of the area. In 1883 a fort was built in the area now corresponds to Pucon.

From the beginning years of Villarrica as a city, its beautiful surroundings, hot springs, lakes and snow-capped volcano became a tourist attraction spot, and in 1923 the first hotel was inaugurated in the city. Some boats made trips to Pucon tours to the volcano crater.

Pucon was always a vacation destination, especially visited by German settlers. This area, which was a military settlement in its beginning, to protect the borders of Villarrica, and became an attractive place that led to the construction of a hotel by part of the Ferrocarriles del Estado (State Railways), with a railway that made trips by train toto the zone.

With it, new hotels were established in the area, allowing sustained growth of the tourism industry which reached its peak in the 80s, and it is maintained until today.

Avenida Costanera de Villarrica: (Costanera de Villarica Avenue)

This trip borders the beach of Lake Villarrica and is ideal for water activities such as fishing, sailing, among others. It gives you a beautiful view of the lake and the volcano of the same name.

Museo de Villarrica: (Villarica Museum)

It offers collections of objects from the Neolithic period that belonged to the Mapuche people such as jewelry, pottery, leather goods, as well as part of the colonial era documents.

Ferias Artesanales: (Craft Fairs)

Here you can find all kinds of products produced in the area, along with a replica of a “ruca mapuche” (Mapuche hut), a typical house of this village made with reed and cattail.

Parque Nacional Villarrica: (Villarica National Park)

It is located 12 kilometers from Pucón and offers more than 60 thousand acres where there are several attractions like the Villarrica Volcano (2840 meters), the Quetrupillán Volcano (2360 meters) and the Lanin Volcano, near the border with Argentina (3774 meters).

In addition, inside you can find several lagoons like Blanca, Azul, Verde, Los Patos, Quillelhue, Verde and Huinfiuca, and the rivers Trancura, Palguín and Turbio, to name a few. In all of theses bodies of water you can perform water activities such as fishing, sailing, rafting, kayaking, among others.

It is a rainy area throughout the year with snow in the winter. This permits it to have large native vegetation, where you can find pine, coigues, beech and evergreen beech, which are habitat of indigenous fauna such as the harrier red fox, quique, pumas, pudú, auilucho, peuco, eagle, and many more.

Volcán Villarrica: (Villarica Volcano)

It is the main attraction and the postcard of the city of Villarrica. It is active and has a permanent plume. Its crater is covered by a large glacier of about 40 square kilometers.

It also has volcanic caves, which extend up to 700 meters and can be toured by visitors with a guide. Promotions are also given out as well as a climb up the side of the volcano.

At its northern slope, the Pucon Ski Center is located.

Centro de Ski Pucón: (Pucon Ski Center)

This ski resort is located on one of the slopes of the Villarrica Volcano and within the grounds of the National Park of the same name. It has excellent services such as chairlifts and arrastre, fields with different levels of difficulty, ski schools, equipment rental, cafes and more.

It is administered by the Gran Hotel Pucón and the snow season runs each year from June to October.


It is the country's largest lake resort. In addition to its beach front on the shores of Lake Villarrica, it has attractive surroundings like forests, rivers, waterfalls and trails, where all kinds of outdoor activities can be performed and this is why it is known as the Adventure Capital of Tourism.

Besides this it also has hot springs and excellent tourist services.

Parque Nacional Huerquehue: (Huerquehue National Park)

Within this natural area of 12 thousand acres we can find several lakes such as Verde Lake, Toro Lake and Chico Lake. It has hiking trails and you can observe the flora and fauna of the environment, as well as the beautiful surrounding countryside.

The forests of araucarias are highlighted in this area, which are over 2,000 years old. Traverse is recommended throughout the year, but always with warm clothing, regardless of the season.

Volcán Quetrupillán: (Quetrupillán Volcano)

It lies between the Villarrica Volcano and Lanin Volcano. Here you can also do climbing excursions and trails crossing lush forests. It is a lesser known destination but with beautiful scenery, a place that is worth seeing.

Salto de la China: (China Falls)

Located 30 kilometers from Pucon, it is a waterfall with a height of 73 meters, surrounded by lush nature of the forests in the area. It is located near the Termas de Palguín.

Termas de Palguín: (Palguin Springs)

They are located 30 kilometers southeast of Pucon and correspond to outdoor pools accross from the Villarrica volcano. Its waters are of volcanic origin and have healing properties for rheumatic diseases, skin conditions and nervous system, among others.

It has 15 wells of thermal water directly into the natural terrain, but have wooden or sement hot tubs, a heated outdoor pool and accommodation.

Termas de Coñaripe: (Coñaripe Springs)

This resort is located on the lakeside of Pellaifa Lake, just 15 miles away from Coñaripe and 60 kilometers away from Villarrica. Its waters, completely natural, emerge from 6 main aspects at temperatures reaching 78° C and spa services to relax and rest.

It has a hotel, without roof installations and two outdoor pools. It also offers all kinds of outdoor activities to enjoy the beauty of its surroundings, such as hiking and horseback riding, among others.

Termas Geométricas: (Geometricas Springs)

They are found within the forests of the Villarrica Volcano National Park, on the road from Coñaripe to Colguin.

Its waters are of volcanic origin, with temperatures reaching 89° C and that sprout from more than 60 natural springs in the middle of a creek that was inaccessible but was enabled through 20 pools cut out from the rock, and walkways made from coigue wood, which allows you to travel the length of 450 meters in the area.

At night, the bridge is illuminated with candles to enjoy a romantic bath. Construction of the springs also includes a barbecue made from coigue wood wherean open fire nrightens the area, to chat and rest after a relaxing thermal bath.

Other services include bathrooms, lockers and dressing rooms, but do not have places to stay within the springs.

This beautiful town is located on the shore of Lake Calafquén. It has four sectors that are used as spas: the peninsula, which offers a full view of the surrounding, playa chica, playa grande and the embaracadero (all beaches).

Lago Calafquén: (Calafquen Lake)

It is located around Villarica and Pucon, 30 kilometers south of Villarrica. It belongs to the de Siete Lagos (Seven Lakes) circuit area, and is ideal for water sports such as fishing, yachting, swimming, boating, and more.


It is another lakeside resort located on the shore of Lake Calafquén. It has an attractive beach that is 3 kilometers long. It is also in one of the entrances to the Villarica National Park, one of the most beautiful areas of exuberant nature.

Río Trancura: (Trancura River)

It is one of the most important rivers of the 9th region of la Araucanía and the main tributary of Lake Villarrica. In its rushing waters you can practice sports like fishing and it is most famous for being ideal for rafting, because of their rapids that can get up to grade 4.

In Villarrica you can enjoy beautiful surroundings, outdoor activities, ecotourism and walking the quiet streets of the city as well as the beauty of the tourustic city of Pucón.

Starting from the center of Villarrica, we can find the Mapuche Fair which features an elaborate construction made from reed and rattan such as a Mapuche hut, where you can appreciate the lifestyle and the objects of these first settlers in the area, plus traditions and typical meals. You can also visit the Mapuche Cultural Center, with more information and collections relating to this ethnic group.

Then you can tour the lakefront of the Villarrica Lake and get a direct view of the Villarrica Volcano's fumaroles. You can also navigate on its waters and enjoy the beach that offers complete services for visitors arriving throughout the year.

Another attraction is the beach of Licanray, 26 kilometers away from Villarica. It is located on the shore of Lake Calafquén and offers nice spas surrounded by native vegetation. The lake waters have a nice temperature and water activities can be performed such as kayaking and sailing.

On the other hand, there are also attractions in Pucon such as Playa Grande, with a span of 4 kilometers and extends through an area of native forest that reaches the river Trancura. Here you can also do water sports with jet skis, windsurfing and sailing.

Pucón offers attractive shopping centers and beautiful streets that retain the alpine mountain style of other cities such as San Martin de los Andes and San Carlos de Bariloche in Argentina. In addition, it features a casino with modern installations and attractive gaming machines.

Other attractions in the area include the spa centers that are in its vicinity, such as the Termas Geométricas and the Termas de Palguin (both Springs). In addition, the natural areas surrounding both towns, such as the Villarrica and Huerquehue National Parks which are a major attraction for nature lovers, photography and recreation activities.

Volcanoes of the sector such as Villarrica, Lanin and Quetrupillán have trails to climb, where you can explore volcanic caves, practice snow sports during the winter in the Pucon Ski Center and fabulous views of the coniferous forests, lakes, rivers and snowy mountains og the 9th region.

In Villarrica and Pucon there are money exchange offices to exchange money, ATMs and most shops accept credit cards. As always, it is recommended that if you take a trip to rural areas, it is recommended to carry cash.


The city of Villarrica has a transportation system that allows you to reach all the surrounding areas in microbus, taxis or radiotaxis.

Moreover, It is possible to reach Villarica through buses arriving from Santiago or even from Argentina, via Route 5 Sur, Autopista de la Araucanía or Ruta Interlagos

By plane you can arrive from Santiago to the Maquehue Airport in Temuco and after travel 87 kilometers by land to the south.


The dialing code of Villarrica and Pucon is 45. To call from abroad, first you must dial the international code of Chile which is 56, then the Villarica code and finally the telephone number.

In Villarrica and Pucon you can enjoy the same traditional Chilean gastronomy than in other southern cities, with dishes such as veal or chicken cazuela, charquicán, humitas, carbonada and estofado (stew), among others.

In this area the elements of the native Mapuche gastronomy has been appraised once again, known as Chilean and Mapuche fusion cuisine. This is achieved by adding new flavors to traditional preparations, such as myrtle and pine nuts, cooked in clay items for warmth and artisanal flavor preparations.

In the area fish like smoked salmon, obtained from fishing in lakes and rivers nearby are also consumed.

The pastry, which preserves the German style of the German settlers who arrived to the south of the country, can be found in fine chocolates, especially in Pucón-kuchenes and fruit tarts, cookies, etc..

Recommended Tour in Pucón and Villarrica

Adventure Tourism in Pucon

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Conquering Volcan Villarrica In Pucon, Chile

So you’re thinking about climbing the mighty volcan villarrica .

If you read anything about Volcan Villarrica, you’ll know that it’s a climb that should be treated with respect. Despite the difficulty, the lure of climbing an active volcano, covered in snow, was too much for us to resist! In this guide, we’ll show you:

1. Our experience of climbing Volcan Villarrica

2. what to wear on volcan villarrica, 3. how to choose the right tour company for you.

You can also click on any of those headlines to take you directly to that section in the guide.

villarrica volcano

Gluttons for punishment, after only three days in Chile we signed up for another volcano climb! After our volcanic Rinjani trekking adventure in Indonesia, our sapa trekking  experience in Vietnam, and our day trekking the Tongariro crossing , our next challenge was Volcan Villarrica near Pucon. You may think we’re obsessed with volcanoes, but it just seems to be that the most interesting climbs happen to be over things that are dangerous!Arriving at the offices early doors, it was time to get our kit on. Yet again on our trip it was time to layer up. The set up was rigorous: waterproof trousers, climbing boots, crampons, waterproof jackets, helmets and a dangerously sharp looking ice axe all checked and verified. We looked like pros, once again we had no idea.

If we weren’t fully awake after our early morning start, the 30 minute journey on a bus with seemingly no suspension (or tyres) got our attention, as we ascended to the volcano base along a rock laden road. We were ready for what was to come, or so we thought. We reached the base of the Volcan Villarrica, and looked up at the challenge ahead: 1 kilometre above us we could see the smouldering summit of the volcano.  Wait…smouldering? Don’t worry, our guide assured us.

villarrica volcano

Our ascent would be over snow and ice to the crater at the top, no nice little paths to walk along, no steps to use. In fact, there would be no walking on any ground the whole way up (and down). And so came the easiest decision of our trip to date: to take the ski lift for the initial hour walk or not. What would you prefer? An extra hour of journey time scrambling across scree or a 10 minute ski lift to cut the boring rock ladden scree bit out? Some decisions are difficult in life, this wasn’t.With our backpacks strapped to our fronts temporarily, we jumped up onto the platform and waited for our seats to fling around the end of the lift and come back at us. At some speed, the chair swung round, we bent our knees and smack, we were on the lift and already soaring above the base of the volcano. No safety barriers here, just a wooden seat attached to the pulley system, and our heavy backpacks on our front and ice axes in our faces. We relaxed and enjoyed the views as we passed over other much braver souls who had decided to walk the extra hour. Good luck to them!

villarrica volcano

Challenge number two of the day: getting off the lift with our heavy bags on our fronts. As we approached the platform, two bulky men were waiting in anticipation to yank us from our seats before they swung around and took off back down the mountain. Feet down, a strong arm from each side and we were off.  The rest of the ascent would be all our own work.It was crampon time. We’d first used crampons on the fox glacier in New Zealand , so we were excited to strap them on again and get back on the ice and snow. After strapping in, it was health and safety time.

This was the moment we realised this might not be as easy as we’d imagined. One of our guides explained to us how, in the event of us slipping down the volcano, to use our ice axe to halt the slide. It basically involved slamming the ice axe into the ice ala the film ‘Touching the void’.  After this lesson, we were ready for our ascent.

And so we began our ascent. With its steep sides and icy covering, we had to zig zag slowly up the volcano. Left for 30 metres, right for 30 metres, and again and again. Digging our crampons into the icy slope, and using our ice axe to pull us forward, we were on our way. For 1 hour, we climbed without stopping, not borne out of time constraints but because there was nowhere to stop (we were, of course, on the side of a snow and ice covered volcano!).

villarrica volcano

After an hour, we reached our first stopping point and got our first chance to look back at the vista. And what a view it was, lush green volcanoes punctuated the landscape, the obvious remnants of previous flows from the volcano spreading like tentacles across the landscape. The occasional cloud drifted below us, but it was a perfect weather day and we could clearly see miles into the distance.After our brief stop, it was time for hour number two and our climb to the ridge where we would have breakfast. Off came the jackets, we strapped our backpacks and helmets on, and we were off again. Instantly this leg of the journey was more difficult. The slope was steeper, the snow and ice looser than the lower slope. It was time to grit our teeth and get our heads down.

villarrica volcano

Beginning the second half of our ascent, it would be another hour before we stopped again. We both kept our heads down, not daring to look up at how far we had to go, not wanting to see how far we’d come. Behind me I could hear Laura utilising her usual trekking strategy of counting 1,2,3 before returning back to 1 and repeating over and over again. I was struggling with a sore right knee and cramp in my left foot. Why were we putting ourselves through this again? Still we kept quiet, and focused on our routine: ice axe into the ice, left foot, right foot, ice axe into the ice, left foot, right foot etc.Occasionally as we switched from climbing to the left to the right, we’d swap our ice axe into the opposite hand and continue onwards and upwards. After another hour, we were exhausted and delighted to sit and rest on the side of the volcano for 15 minutes. Strapping up my knee and knocking back some painkillers, it was time for one final push to the top. 40 minutes more and we’d be there.

villarrica volcano

The final push was easier than we thought, and we managed it with relative ease. We snaked left and right for a while, and then hit a ridge where we walked in a more direct route to the top. Reaching the top was an incredible feeling, high fives from our guides and fellow group members followed by our first glimpse inside the crater.Standing so close to an active crater on a volcano was an unnerving experience. Peering in, our snow covered side of the crater looked ominously easy to slip and slide down into the crater from where we were. On the opposite side, a mixture of reds, oranges, greys and blacks dominated the inside of the crater, becoming darker and darker the lower we looked down until they slipped away into the magma pools just out of view.We turned around to admire the view back down, and we sat and ate our sandwiches a mere metre from the crater rim. We couldn’t decide where to look! In front of us was the route we’d taken to the top. We were way above the clouds now, and our view was obstructed by these as we looked out over Chile. We sat and enjoyed our fleeting time at the top of Volcan Villarrica, took some photos, and enjoyed the view before it was time to leave.

You should be provided with a waterproof outer layer from the tour company you book, but in terms of what you wear underneath that, we recommend:

  • Thick socks
  • Long trekking trousers (not shorts)
  • Layers on top (long sleeve top, a fleece and a jacket)
  • Sunglasses (the glare from the snow is unbearable without them!)
  • A hat or cap (we wore caps to protect from the sun above and reflecting off the snow, but our ears were burnt as they weren’t covered so a hat would have been better)
  • Plenty of food and snacks to keep your energy up (cereal bars, nuts, lunch, water)
  • Money for the ski lift and tips
  • We’d also recommend you rent two poles to help you up the volcano

Climbing Volcan Villarrica is not for the faint hearted, people have died climbing it and weather conditions can deteriorate rapidly. That is why we absolutely recommend you use a reputable tour company to get you safely up and down the volcano. A good company will have good guides, good equipment and most importantly know the volcano better than anyone else. They will know when conditions get so bad to turn back. So book a tour company.

Looking for more Chile inspiration? Click here .

pucon volcano tour


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