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La tour de paix - cabinet de psychiatrie et psychothérapie.

Group practice · Psychiatry and psychotherapy

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Fax: 021 944 52 30

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Place des Anciens-Fossés 6, 1814 La Tour-de-Peilz

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Docteur carmen edilma sarmiento stadlin.

Practice doctor · Psychiatry and psychotherapy

This health facility is the main practice location of Docteur Carmen Edilma Sarmiento Stadlin.

Docteur Kugan Thirupugal

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Cabinet de Psychiatrie et Psychothérapie - La Tour de Paix

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Barbara Perrin-Cabrer


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La tour de paix - cabinet de psychiatrie et psychothérapie.

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Fax: 021 944 52 30

Place des Anciens-Fossés 6, 1814 La Tour-de-Peilz


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Docteur carmen edilma sarmiento stadlin.

Ärztin in Praxis · Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie

Diese Institution ist der Hauptstandort von Docteur Carmen Edilma Sarmiento Stadlin.


Docteur Kugan Thirupugal

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Diese Institution ist der Hauptstandort von Docteur Kugan Thirupugal.

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Cabinet Dre Gothuey Isabelle

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Centre Inis

Cabinet Dr Jaroslaw Albert Lipiec

Cabinet Dr. Tadic Milos

Cabinet Dr. Haefliger Thomas

Cabinet Dr. Kaufmann Muriel

Cabinet Dr méd. Schneider Britta

Cabinet Dr. Golay Frédéric

Cabinet PD Docteur Cochet-Hofer Béatrice

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Psychiatrie et psychothérapie

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Docteur carmen edilma sarmiento stadlin.

Médecin en cabinet · Psychiatrie et psychothérapie

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À propos de Docteur Carmen Edilma Sarmiento Stadlin

Informations personnelles :

Nationalité: Suisse

Fax : 021 944 52 30


Titre de formation approfondie

Psychiatrie et psychothérapie de la personne âgée

Reconnu en Suisse :

Titre de spécialiste

Suisse, 2013

Examen d’État

Colombie, 1985

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La Tour de Paix - Cabinet de Psychiatrie et Psychothérapie

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Établissement principal de Docteur Carmen Edilma Sarmiento Stadlin. Elle y exerce comme médecin en cabinet .

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  • Who are the Volga Germans?
  • Settlements along the Volga

Mapping information provided by Sandy Payne

Drawing of Saratov in 1711 - approximately 50 years before the arrival of the Volga German immigrants. Source: Steve Schreiber.

Saratov was home to both a Lutheran parish and a Roman Catholic parish which served the ethnic Germans living in this city.


St. Clement Catholic Church

St. John Lutheran Church

St. Mary Lutheran Church

The Lutheran parish in Saratov was officially organized in 1793, although Pastor Ahlbaum was active in the city before then.

The Pope established the Diocese of Tiraspol, headquartered in Saratov on 3 July 1848. During its existence, there were five bishops:

Ferdinand Helanus Kahn (1850-1864) Franz Xavier Zottmann  (1872-1888) Anton Johann Zerr  (1889-1902) Eduard von der Ropp (1902-1903) Joseph Aloysius Kessler  (1904-1930)

This diocese went inactive in 1930 with the resignation of Bishop Kessler and officially vacant in 1933 when he died. It was formally "surpressed" in 2002 when the new Diocese of St. Clement in Saratov was established.

The Catholic parishners of Saratov built a wooden church which was consecrated in 1805. This building was used until 1880 when a new brick building was erected. The architect was M. N. Grudistova, and the new building was consecrated to St. Clement (St. Klemens in German) when it was completed in 1881. Today the structure serves as a movie theatre called "Pioneer."

In the post-Soviet era, the St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church was founded in 2001 in Saratov. It is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria (ELCI). There is a chapel in Saratov, and the pastor serving there is Olav Panchu.

There were three frontier garrisons founded to protect merchant ships traveling on the Volga River: Saratov (1584), Samara (1586), and Tsaritsyn (1589). Over the next century, the settlements were rebuilt on first one side of the Volga and then the other following a series of natural disasters.  The 1670 peasant revolt led by Stepan Razin also thwarted development of these cities.

Saratov was the first point of arrival for the German colonists and the location of the Kontora (Office of Immigrant Oversite) following the establishment of the colonies in the 1760's. From its beginning as a provincial outpost, Saratov grew to become a prosperous city and served as the center of industry for the Volga German colonists.

Catholic and Lutheran

Maps of Saratov and Saratov Province

Schnurr, Joseph.  Die Kirchen und das Religiöse Leben der Russlanddeutschen  - Evangelischer Teil (Stuttgart: Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, 1972): 194.

Saratov  (Wikipedia)

Roman Catholic Diocese of Tiraspol (Wikipedia)

Map of Saratov Province (1823) (World Digital Library)

Historic Saratov photos and maps  (Russian site)

Description of the city of Saratov and Saratov Province  ( Encyclopædia Britannica )

Geographic card depicting key features of Saratov Province (1856)  (World Digital Library) valuation and analysis

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Psychiatrie à La Tour-de-Peilz

Dr méd. gothuey isabelle.

  • Lundi 10 : 00 -   jusqu’à   19 : 00
  • Mardi 10 : 00 -   jusqu’à   19 : 00
  • Mercredi 10 : 00 -   jusqu’à   19 : 00
  • Jeudi 10 : 00 -   jusqu’à   19 : 00
  • Vendredi 10 : 00 -   jusqu’à   19 : 00
  • Samedi 10 : 00 -   jusqu’à   17 : 00
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Dr méd. Gothuey Isabelle – Contacts & site

psy la tour de paix

  • Téléphone 021 944 47 18 *
  • Fax 021 973 26 06 *
  • Portable 079 509 49 78 *
  • E-mail [email protected]


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Your Rus

Saratov city: Location, population and transportation!

Saratov is a beautiful Russian city in the Volga region. Join us and learn more about its geographical location, population, transportation and many other interesting information!

Geographical location of Saratov:

The city is located in the southeast of the European part of the Russian federation, on the right bank of the Volgograd Reservoir of the Volga river, opposite the mouth of the Saratovka River and the city of Engels, located on the opposite bank. The distance is 389 kilometers from Volgograd city, while it’s about 442 kilometers from Samara city, and 858 kilometers southeast of the capital Moscow.

Where did the city have its name from?

The name Saratov may be derived from Sary Tau, meaning “Yellow Mountain” in the Tatar language. Another version of the name origin derives it from the words Sar Atau, which means the “Boggy Island”.

Administrative divisions of Saratov:

Saratov is the administrative center of the oblast, within the framework of administrative divisions, it also serves as the administrative center of Saratovsky District. Within the regional administrative structure of the region, Saratov is a city of regional importance.

As part of the organization of local self-government, the city, together with all seventy nine settlements of the Saratov region, forms a single municipal entity.

Saratov’s districts:

There are six districts in the city:

  • Volzhsky district.
  • Factory area.
  • Kirovsky district.
  • Leninsky district.
  • Oktyabrsky district.
  • Frunzensky district.

Beautiful night view of the bridge and river in the beautiful city

Saratov’s population :

Together with Engels and other settlements, the city forms a conglomerate of 1.15-1.2 million people. Moreover, there are proposals to unite the two cities Saratov and Engels into one millionth city.

Transportation :

Saratov Gagarin Airport which was opened in 20 August 2019 replacing Saratov Tsentralny Airport serves the city. The airport handles flights to both international and domestic destinations. Saratov West is a general aviation airfield.

Saratov airlines

Motorways and railways:

Motorways connect the city directly to all of: Volgograd, Samara, and also Voronezh. On the other hand, the railways also play an important role. The Privolzhskaya Railway is headquartered in Saratov.

In fact, due to the city’s location on the Volga, the river itself is an important inland waterway.

In addition to above, both of the Buses and trolleybuses form the backbone of public transport in the city.

Where did Saratov city have its importance from?

Saratov is a city of regional importance and is the administrative center of the oblast of the same name. Together with the Saratov region, this city forms a municipal formation with the status of an urban district. It serves as major cultural, economic and educational center of the Volga region. Included in the twenty largest cities of Russia, and not a millionth city, it is at the same time the center of the Saratov agglomeration, whose population exceeds 1.2 million residents according to the latest census.

In the same vein, Saratov Oblast is highly industrialized, due in part to the richness in natural and industrial resources of the area. It is also one of the more important and largest cultural and scientific centers in the Russian federation. Moreover, the oblast possesses six institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, twenty one research institutes, ninteen project institutes, as well as the Saratov State University, the State Socio-Economic University, the Saratov State Technical University, and many scientific and technological laboratories attached to some of the city’s large industrial enterprises.

Read more about the Volga river , the longest river in Europe.

You can also read about Samara city in Samara oblast one of the beautiful cities on the Volga river.

For more information, follow us on our Facebook page .

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    Informations relatives à l'établissement : Admission de nouveaux patients à clarifier. Téléphone : 021 944 44 33. Afficher les horaires téléphoniques. Fax : 021 944 52 30.

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    Cabinet de Psychiatrie et Psychothérapie - La Tour de Paix. Dr Carmen Sarmiento Stadlin. Place des Anciens-Fossés 6. 1814 La Tour-de-Peilz VD. Mehr. 021 944 44 33 *. Termin buchen. Route.

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    details.meta-description:Cabinet de Psychiatrie et Psychothérapie - La Tour de Paix - Place des Anciens-Fossés 6, 1814 La Tour-de-Peilz - 021 ... 1814 La Tour-de-Peilz - 021. Veuillez renseigner ce champ. Nos solutions digitales Enrichir son inscription. Mon Compte DE; FR; IT; EN; Menu. Annuaire; La Tour-de-Peilz. Psychiatrie et psychothérapie.

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  11. Barbara Perrin-Cabrer

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  14. Psychothérapie

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    Dr méd. Gothuey Isabelle - Contacts & site. Ajouter aux favoris. Partager. Modifier l'inscription QR-code pour des avis des clients. Adresse Place des Anciens-Fossés 14, 1814 La Tour-de-Peilz. Téléphone. 021 944 47 18 *.

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