online travel fair

Citilink Online Travel Fair (COTF) - BRI

online travel fair

Flight Sale Akan Berakhir Dalam

Hai Citilinkers pengguna BRI ! Ini waktunya untuk wujudkan bucket list Citilinkers karena Citilink-BRI Online Travel Fair kembali untuk menemani liburan Citilinkers!

Mulai tanggal 5 hingga 8 Maret 2024 , dapatkan berbagai keuntungan seperti diskon hingga Rp500.000 untuk pembayaran menggunakan Kartu Kredit BRI, Kartu Kredit Prioritas, Kartu Debit Prioritas dan Kartu Debit Private. Selain itu, terbang ke rute domestik dan internasional diskon hingga 20% lho!

Ada bonus LinkMiles hingga 5000 Miles pula untuk pemesanan tiket dengan metode pembayaran menggunakan Kartu Prioritas, Kartu Private, dan Kartu Kredit BRI kecuali Corporate Card, melalui website dan Aplikasi Citilink. Juga dapatkan gratis makanan untuk Citilinkers pemegang Kartu Prioritas BRI, Private, Infinite & World Access.

Nantikan Flight Sale setiap harinya pada pukul 11.00-13.00 WIB dan dapatkan diskon tiket internasional hingga 80% serta diskon hingga Rp1.500.000 dengan menggunakan Kartu Kredit BRI, Kartu Kredit Prioritas, Kartu Debit Prioritas dan Kartu Debit Private.

Yuk pesan tiketnya sekarang di website atau Aplikasi Citilink dan rasakan keuntungannya liburan bareng Citilink-BRI Online Travel Fair!

Diskon Bank

Promo Reguler : sesuai periode promo Promo Flight Sale : hanya pada jam 11.00-13.00 wib

   Periode Promo : 5 - 8 Maret 2024   


  • Kunjungi web dan applikasi Citilink
  • Lakukan pemesanan tiket pesawat ke destinasi yang kamu inginkan
  • Pastikan pemesanan dan pembelian tiket di tanggal 05-08 Maret 2024 .
  • Periode terbang pada 05 Maret 2024 – 31 Desember 2024
  • Selesaikan pembayaran dengan menggunakan Kartu Kredit/Debit BRI tertentu.
  • Diskon Bank berlaku untuk 1 (satu) kali transaksi / kartu /hari.
  • Diskon Bank hanya berlaku untuk pembayaran menggunakan mata uang Rupiah (IDR)
  • Diskon akan secara otomatis didapat apabila memenuhi syarat & ketentuannya.

Syarat & Ketentuan

  • Pastikan transaksi dilakukan melalui Web dan Applikasi Citilink terbaru (minimal versi 9.0.0)
  • MASTERCARD Platinum
  • MASTERCARD Co-Branding OVO
  • MASTERCARD Easy Card
  • MASTERCARD World Access
  • MASTERCARD Co-Branding Bank RAYA
  • MASTERCARD Promoter
  • MASTERCARD Wonderful Indonesia
  • MASTERCARD Business Card
  • VISA Co-Branding Bank BTN
  • VISA Co-Branding Tokopedia
  • VISA Co-Branding Traveloka Paylater
  • VISA Co-Branding Pegadaian
  • VISA Co-Branding Paper ID Reguler
  • VISA Co-Branding Paper ID Premium
  • JCB Platinum
  • VISA Infinite
  • Diskon Bank berlaku selama kuota masih tersedia
  • Diskon Bank tidak berlaku kelipatan
  • Diskon Bank akan secara otomatis didapat pada akhir pembayaran setelah memasukkan nomer Kartu Kredit/Debit dengan jenis pembayaran Full Payment (bukan cicilan).
  • Diskon Bank yang didapat setelah memasukan nomer kartu kredit/debit, telah memotong kuota hariannya, baik transaksi itu dilanjutkan untuk dibayarkan atau terbatalkan oleh time limit (batas waktu pembelian tiket).
  • Diskon Bank tidak dapat diuangkan atau dikembalikan.
  • Penambahan biaya untuk  refund ,  reissued dan  reschedule  dari tiket pesawat berlaku sebagaimana aturan yang berlaku di Citilink Indonesia sesuai  sub-class  tiket masing-masing, dan nilai Diskon Bank yang telah diterima tidak dapat di
  • Dalam hal terjadinya  refund , pelanggan dapat mengunjungi untuk syarat & ketentuannya.
  • Dalam hal terjadinya  reschedule dan  reissued , pelanggan dapat menghubungi Contact Center Citilink Indonesia (24 jam) di nomor 0804 1 080808 atau Tanya Linka (WhatsApp) 0811 1011 0808, serta  live chat pada web atau di Applikasi Citilink
  • BRI dan Citilink berhak membatalkan diskon apabila ditemukan kecurangan dalam pelaksanaan promosi ini.
  • BRI dan Citilink berhak mengubah atau menghentikan promo sewaktu-waktu dengan atau tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.

Bank BRI terdaftar dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dan Bank Indonesia

Kuota Diskon Bank

  • Promo Reguler dengan Kuota 350 pemenang setiap harinya
  • Promo Flight Sale dengan Kuota 26 pemenang setiap harinya

Diskon Hingga 80% Rute Internasional

Syarat & Ketentuan:

  • Hanya berlaku untuk pemesanan melalui Website dan Apps
  • Flight Sale setiap hari, selama Promo berlangsung
  • Flight Sale mulai pukul 11.00 wib hingga 13.00 wib
  • Periode pembelian tiket di tanggal 5 - 8 Maret 2024
  • Periode penerbangan tanggal 13 Maret – 31 Desember 2024
  • Tidak berlaku untuk Periode penerbangan Black out date
  • Harga berlaku selama alokasi masih tersedia.
  • Hanya berlaku untuk penerbangan rute Internasional, selain DPS-DIL dan sebaliknya, DPS-POM dan sebaliknya.
  • Tiket Tidak dapat dipindah nama maupun rubah jadwal (fix date, fix flight)
  • Tiket Tidak dapat diuangkan atau dikembalikan.
  • Info lebih lanjut hubungi Call Center Citilink 0804 1 08 08 08 

Diskon Hingga 20% Rute Domestik & Internasional

  • Promo Reguler mulai jam 00.00 wib – 23.59 wib
  • Diskon Tiket berlaku untuk rute domestic dan rute Internasional tertentu.
  • Ketentuan reschedule mengikuti ketentuan umum dengan membayar biaya administrasi mulai dari Rp 150.000 (Seratus lima puluh ribu rupiah) ditambah dengan biaya selisih jika ada.
  • Ketentuan refund dapat dilakukan sesuai kebijakan yang berlaku.

Ekstra Hingga 5.000 Miles

Syarat & Ketentuan:  

  • Ekstra miles hanya diberikan kepada pemegang kartu.
  • Promo berlaku 1 kali transaksi/kartu/hari.
  • Periode pemesanan 5 – 8 Maret 2024.
  • Periode terbang 5 Maret 2024 – 31 Desember 2024.
  • Ekstra miles dikirimkan selambat-lambatnya pada tanggal 31 Maret 2024.
  • Nasabah BRI yang belum terdaftar menjadi anggota LinkMiles, dapat mendaftarkan keanggotan melalui website Citilink dan aplikasi Citilink versi terbaru.
  • Ekstra miles berlaku selama kuota masih tersedia.
  • Citilink berhak mengubah syarat dan ketentuan sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.

Syarat & Ketentuan :

  • Berlaku hanya untuk pemesanan melalui website dan Mobile Apps.
  • Free Meals berlaku untuk pembayaran menggunakan  Kartu Prioritas BRI,Private, Infinite & World Access.
  • Free Meals hanya diberikan kepada pemegang kartu yang ikut dalam penerbangan.
  • Apabila Pemegang Kartu tidak ikut terbang maka akan diberikan kepada penumpang urutan pertama.
  • Free Meals diberikan pada rute yang tersedia mitra catering kami.
  • Apabila pemesanan dilakukan pulang-pergi maka berhak mendapatkan free meals sesuai dengan ketersedian dan HUB yang berlaku.
  • Free Meals hanya diberikan pada rute yang menggunakan airbus.
  • Berlaku hanya untuk pemesanan pada tanggal 05 – 08 Maret 2024.
  • Periode Terbang: 05 Maret – 31 Desember 2024
  • CGK    = Soekarno-Hatta, Cengkareng
  • HLP    = Halim Perdana Kusuma, Jakarta.
  • SUB    = Juanda, Surabaya.
  • DPS    = I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Bali.
  • KNO    = Kualanamu, Medan.
  • PKU    = Sultan Syarif Kasim II, Pekanbaru.
  • UPG    = Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar.
  • BPN    = Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Balikpapan
  • YIA      = Yogyakarta
  • Hanya untuk penerbangan H+19 hari sejak tanggal pemesanan tiket.
  • Kuota Meals 500 pcs selama periode.
  • Free Meals tidak dapat dibatalkan, dipindah tangankan, ataupun ditukar setelah melakukan pemesanan.
  • Segala sesuatu/keadaan kahar (force majeure) di luar kemampuan PT. Citilink Indonesia, yang menyebabkan makanan tidak diterima oleh penumpang, maka Citilink tidak berkewajiban atas penggantian tersebut.
  • Pembatalan Free Meals tidak dapat dilakukan, apabila terjadi perubahan jadwal atas permintaan penumpang (re-schedule atau pax no show).

Situs kami menggunakan cookie untuk memastikan pengalaman browsing terbaik. Dengan mengklik 'Terima Semua Cookies' , Anda setuju bahwa Citilink dapat menyimpan cookie di perangkat Anda dan mengungkapkan informasi.

  • Anggota LinkMiles
  • Travel Agent

Alternate Text

Can't wait to fly? New online travel fair from Mediacorp and Singapore Airlines offers deals and giveaways


The Time To Fly fair in partnership with Singapore Airlines runs from Mar 31 to  Apr 10 and includes curated travel packages, livestream events and more.

online travel fair

Richa Liz Mathew

Are you raring to head off for an overseas holiday but still wracking your brain on where to go? Don’t worry, just head over to Time To Fly , the one-stop site for all your travel deals and information to ignite your wanderlust.

Hosted by Mediacorp with official airline, Singapore Airlines, the online travel fair launches on Thursday (Mar 31). Travel partners are Allianz Travel, Mastercard, KrisFlyer and Krisshop.

Look forward to an 11-day sale from Mar 31 to Apr 10, as well as other exciting activities.

The online travel fair features curated travel packages for 15 countries, including Australia, Canada, Germany and South Korea. If you need suggestions on where to go, check out articles on these destinations – an ultimate guide on where to head for an awesome vacation.

The 10 participating travel agents offering these packages are:  ASA holidays, Chan Brothers, EU Holidays, Hong Thai Travel, Nam Ho, PriceBreaker, Super travels, Traveloka, and UOB travel.

Don’t miss exciting livestream events where you can win giveaways from Singapore Airlines. Check out the Time To Fly site for more details.

That’s not all, though. You should also remember to head back to the site from 12pm to 3pm and 8pm to 11pm for twice-daily flash deals for more travel offers and promotions.

Finally, take part in the Time To Fly Giveaway Contest and stand a chance to win business class tickets to Sydney and London, as well as other amazing prizes such as 188,000 KrisFlyer Miles, transport e-vouchers, staycations and more.

Rediscover and reconnect with the world around you through Time To Fly’s amazing travel offers and vacation packages.

For all the details, check out the website here .

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City tours

Virtual Tourism and Travel Fair

Tourism and Travel Agencies, Travel Operators and Accommodation Fair

365 Days Open Online Fair

Location : online.

online travel fair

Tourism and Travel Is Meeting At The Virtual Fair

Virtual Fair is the global communication and network platform in the field of virtual fairs. Our company, which is based in Istanbul, is the largest exhibition portal in Turkey.

VIRTUAL FAIRS, which have been developing in recent years and gaining more importance in the pandemic process we live in, will take an important place in the future of the sectors.

With the Online Digital Fairs, the global trade industry is reuniting.

Developments in your industry, new models of manufacturers and current designs are now in digital environment.

With online VIRTUAL FAIRS, follow any company presentations, meet the authorities one-on-one, and get new customers or suppliers without leaving your seat.


Create your company’s digital stand with online virtual fair and access to all virtual platform, make online meetings, create your own live events in private rooms, organize your webinars and interviews. Share your events with Online Fair visitors. Lead your trade with an online fair.

online travel fair

Virtual Fair Platform 

In virtual fairs, exhibitors can buy online stands in the fairground. With company logos, visitors can directly access to the company’s information, officials and their products.

Companies that are participating in virtual fairs can make B2B meetings and business meetings in their own private rooms. The online fair platform provides you a comfortable environment to spend your meetings more efficiently. Expand your trading network by reserving a virtual stand in virtual fair.

Virtual Fair Area

The Virtual Fair Exhibition Hall allows exhibitors and visitors to check all the virtual stands.

Visitors can easily access exhibitor’s information, officials and company product information with a simple click. They can also easily access to the matching stands based on multiple searching criteria.

In the virtual fair area, visitors have direct access to the catalogs, promotional and product videos of exhibitors.

online travel fair

Virtual Exhibitor Stand

Participants can upload company informations with the pre-designed cabin template.

Virtual event stands can contain any digital content, including: documents, videos, links to web pages, social media links, online interview information. When a visitor enters the booth, he/she can meet with company officials.

Visitors can view the products with a company information. Visitors can also chat with the exhibitor. Chat options include:

  • Private chat
  • Public group chat

Why You Should Attend to Virtual Fairs?

What a professional Virtual Trade Fair looks like in your imagination?

Numerous Exhibition Halls for speakers, presentations, suppliers or exhibitors? online virtual Fair provides you with the same features as an old fashioned fair exhibitions. It allows you to open your company & products to the world with online virtually (and much more and cost-effectively).

Advantages Of Online Virtual Fairs

Fast access, 24/7 introduction, global customer network, cost savings, join virtual fairs now.

We are restarting the economy and trade with virtual fairs.

How do you expand your trading network?

With the global epidemic, the trading markets suddenly has stopped. But this challenges are also can be seen as new opportunities. Now it’s time to evaluate your business, find new partners, find new markets, work better and use new technologies!

Attend to Online Virtual Fairs with VirtualFairs365 Register Now !

Turkey’s Largest Virtual Trade Platform

With virtual trade fairs; Attend to fairs online, get inspired, listen to live opening speeches, ask questions and communicate with others without flying to another city or country.

You can review the developments and useful informations in your industry by online. You can promote your services globally, create your own live sessions, webinars and events, and expand your trading network.

online travel fair

Visiting Online Virtual Fairs is Free.

Visit fairs., register and join; fast, easy and safe., access to virtual fairs.

Check the Online Virtual Fairs, Check the Exhibitors and Products. Connect and meet with the Exhibitors, register for upcoming webinars, or direct your trade directly with an online call.


With Virtual Fair platform, which contributes to the digital world where electronic commerce has become more and more common, it is now very easy to turn your trade into digital!

Access your digital stand where you can exhibit your business and access all platforms of communication tools.

Meet via online, create your own Live events, webinars and interviews. Expand your trading network.


You can make your company accessible to not only for the limited visitors who attend the physical fair, but to anyone who has an internet. Distance, cost and time difficulties should not prevent the promotion of your company.

Exhibiton Period

With the Virtual Fair Platform, you have the freedom to participate in fairs in all sectors at any time instead of the fairs that are compressed for a few days a year.


Specially designed virtual stands of your company are used for interacting online in the online fair platform. Company information, product pictures and features, video, catalog informations are displayed on your stand. Join the virtual fair today for a surreal experience.

Online Introduction Meetings

You can participate in online introduction meetings to promote your brand on the virtual fair platform. It is the best way to reach potential buyers quickly. In this way, you can organize your meetings with buyers and direct your trade.

Live Chat and Messaging

A fast and effective online live messaging system is used between buyers and exhibitors on the online fair platform. You can generate fast solutions instantly by saving your time and space for your interaction with buyers. You can share your company and products. You can organize and manage your web seminar or company presentation.

Virtual Fair Event Flow

In the sectoral fair to be held as a virtual fair platform, commercial meetings and information webinars are organized during the fair. Get ready for an experience that will involve participants constantly.

Video Meeting

Support and live chat team 24/7.

Our technical team will be at your service 24/7 to answer all technical questions or solve problems in the virtual fair. You can always reach the dedicated customer support technical team by e-mail for all participants.


B2b virtual fair network.

Online Virtual Fair platform is the B2B portal that brings together buyers, producers and distributors.

  • Visit to Online Fair Area
  • Access to Exhibitors Companies
  • Online Meeting with Participants
  • Attendance to Webinars
  • Online Fair Stand
  • 12 Months (365 days) and 24/7 Accessible Virtual Fair Stand Specially Designed for You
  • Published Company Informations for the visitors
  • Product Catalog of Your Company
  • Certificate & Documents of Your Company
  • Company Introduction Video
  • 20 Product Image Uploads
  • Webinar Participation for Your Company Introduction
  • Online Video Calls During Virtual Fair
  • 10% Discount for Vip Transfers at

2023 Online Travel Fair

2023 Online Travel Fair

Start planning your holiday in 2024 to some of the popular destinations in our network. Make the most of our online travel fair special offers. Enjoy up to 10% off airfares with early bird deals and earn bonus KrisFlyer miles when you purchase eligible tickets. KrisFlyer members can enjoy an additional 10% discount with promo code “SQDBSTW23” when you pay with a DBS credit card in full. Book by 8 November 2023 to enjoy an elevated travel experience.

Campaign Period: 12 October to 8 November 2023

2023 Online Travel Fair

Singapore Airlines will be increasing our flight services between Singapore and Taipei. We will by introducing 4 additional flights weekly between 3 February and 17 March 2024. This brings the total number of flights to 18 times per week, offering passengers a seamless travel experience to Singapore and via Singapore to its global network. The flights will be operated by the Airbus A350-900. Fly with us now and enjoy the elevated experience on board the world’s most awarded airline.

2023 Online Travel Fair

We will be launching four direct flights weekly between Singapore and Brussels, Belgium from 5 April 2024. There is a piece of Brussels for everyone! Plan your next holiday and discover more about this special European gem now.

Great fares from Taipei to Southeast Asia

Outbound travel period: 6 January 2024 to 30 September 2024 Black-out travel period: 8 February 2024 to 15 February 2024 and 20 June 2024 to 13 July 2024

Great fares from Taipei to India

Great fares from Taipei to Australia

Outbound travel period: 1 March 2024 to 30 September 2024 Black-out travel period: 1 April 2024 to 30 April 2024 and 20 June 2024 to 13 July 2024

Great fares from Taipei to Europe

Outbound travel period: 1 May 2024 to 30 September 2024 Black-out travel period: 20 June 2024 to 13 July 2024

Exclusive 20% bonus miles for KrisFlyer members in Taiwan

Exclusive 20% bonus miles for KrisFlyer members in Taiwan

KrisFlyer members residing in Taiwan can earn 20% bonus miles. Simply make a booking on between 12 October and 8 November 2023, and travel between 1 January and 31 March 2024 to receive the bonus miles. Terms and conditions apply.

Exclusive offer for DBS credit card holders

Exclusive offer for DBS credit card holders

KrisFlyer members who are DBS card holders can enjoy an exclusive promotion from Singapore Airlines. Enjoy additional 10% discount on the promotional airfares (available on when you enter the promo code “SQDBSTW23” and pay with a DBS credit card. This offer is only limited to the first 500 tickets issued.

  • Book now with promo code

Unlimited complimentary in-flight Wi-Fi

Unlimited complimentary in-flight Wi-Fi

KrisFlyer members can enjoy free unlimited Wi-Fi access in all cabin classes when travelling on Singapore Airlines. Stay connected with loved ones, work online, or keep up to date with the latest news or their social media feeds, even from 30,000 feet in the sky.

  • Become a KrisFlyer member today

Fare terms & conditions

  • Fares shown are inclusive of relevant taxes and surcharges. Fares quoted at time of booking reflect the latest fares. Other terms and conditions may apply. Please read the full fare rules applicable for this promotional fare before payment (available on the payment page).
  • The promotional airfares are only applicable for adult round-trip tickets for Economy Lite booking classes and selected destinations. Flights must be operated by Singapore Airlines (SQ). The discount only applies to the base fare and does not apply to taxes nor other fees. Black-out period may apply.
  • Exclusive promotional code offer is only applicable for KrisFlyer members and DBS card holders. The discount is only valid at the time of purchase at with promotional code SQDBSTW23 and payment with DBS Credit Card issued in Taiwan. Flights must be operated by Singapore Airlines (SQ). Not applicable to any other promotional fare offer. Booking classes that are eligible for further discounts are Economy Lite booking classes. Fares quoted at time of booking will reflect the most updated levels. This offer is only limited to the first 500 tickets issued. Customers holding Citibank Credit Card issued in Taiwan may also be eligible for this offer.
  • For verification purposes, you may need to present your credit card used to purchase the ticket upon check in, in order to complete the check-in process. Passengers need to make their own arrangements to obtain other travel documents.
  • By participating in this promotion, the participant signifies that he/she has read, understood and agreed to be bound by these terms and conditions stated on the website. Participant will forfeit his/her eligibility if he/she is in breach of any of these terms and conditions or is involved in any unlawful use of the promotion.
  • Singapore Airlines and DBS reserve the right to amend or withdraw the fares, promotions and fare conditions without advance notice. In the event of a dispute, the decisions of Singapore Airlines and DBS shall be final.

謹慎理財 信用至上循環信用利率區間:5.99~15%; 循環信用利率基準日:民國112年6月28日; 預借現金手續費:預借現金金額乘以3.5%+NT$100; 其他費用請上星展網站 查詢詳情。

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  • Hi New York City Hostel $66+
  • West Side Ymca $105+
  • Radio Hotel $149+
  • Pod 51 $150+
  • Pod Times Square $157+
  • Pod 39 $169+
  • OYO Times Square $174+
  • The Washington $180+
  • The Gallivant Times Square $181+
  • Paramount Times Square $181+
  • DoubleTree by Hilton New York Downtown $182+
  • DoubleTree by Hilton New York Times Square West $191+
  • The Manhattan at Times Square Hotel $195+
  • YOTEL New York $196+
  • Ink 48 Hotel $196+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Newark (FLL - EWR) $39+
  • Flight Miami - Newark (MIA - EWR) $40+
  • Flight Orlando - New York (MCO - JFK) $45+
  • Flight Atlanta - New York (ATL - LGA) $47+
  • Flight Atlanta - New York (ATL - JFK) $59+
  • Flight Atlanta - Newark (ATL - EWR) $69+
  • Flight Chicago - New York (ORD - LGA) $70+
  • Flight Miami - New York (MIA - LGA) $73+
  • Flight Chicago - Newark (ORD - EWR) $79+
  • Flight Dallas - Newark (DFW - EWR) $79+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - New York (FLL - LGA) $79+
  • Flight Dallas - New York (DFW - LGA) $82+
  • Flight Orlando - Newark (MCO - EWR) $86+
  • Flight Denver - New York (DEN - LGA) $89+
  • Flight Orlando - New York (MCO - LGA) $90+
  • Monumental Movieland Hotel $50+
  • Rosen Inn Closest to Universal $65+
  • Rosen Inn International $67+
  • Flight Houston - Orlando (HOU - MCO) $40+
  • Flight Houston - Orlando (IAH - MCO) $40+
  • Flight Cincinnati - Orlando (CVG - MCO) $47+
  • Book A Bed Hostels $22+
  • Generator London $32+
  • Palmers Lodge Swiss Cottage $36+
  • Nx London Hostel $36+
  • Flight New York - London (JFK - LGW) $286+
  • Flight New York - London (JFK - LHR) $349+
  • Flight New Windsor - London (SWF - STN) $354+
  • Flight Baltimore - London (BWI - STN) $360+

Fort Lauderdale

  • Red Carpet Inn Airport Fort Lauderdale $63+
  • Days Inn by Wyndham Fort Lauderdale Airport Cruise Port $66+
  • La Quinta Inn & Suites by Wyndham Fort Lauderdale Tamarac $67+
  • Flight Atlanta - Fort Lauderdale (ATL - FLL) $40+
  • Flight Cleveland - Fort Lauderdale (CLE - FLL) $40+
  • Flight Dallas - Fort Lauderdale (DFW - FLL) $40+
  • Green Tortoise Hostel Seattle $64+
  • Travelodge by Wyndham Seattle By The Space Needle $160+
  • Coast Gateway Hotel $180+
  • Flight Las Vegas - Seattle (LAS - SEA) $53+
  • Flight Phoenix - Seattle (PHX - SEA) $62+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Seattle (LAX - SEA) $68+
  • Fabhotel Royal Residency Ii $18+
  • Taj Mahal Hotel Abids $30+
  • Katriya Hotel & Towers $31+
  • Flight New York - New Delhi (JFK - DEL) $553+
  • Flight San Francisco - New Delhi (SFO - DEL) $586+
  • Flight Newark - Ahmedabad (EWR - AMD) $595+
  • Smile Hotel Premium Sapporo Susukino $49+
  • Sapporo Tokyu Rei Hotel $54+
  • Vessel Inn Sapporo Nakajima Park $57+
  • Flight San Francisco - Tokyo (SFO - NRT) $617+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Tokyo (LAX - NRT) $658+
  • Flight Santa Ana - Tokyo (SNA - NRT) $764+
  • Kuhio Banyan Club $106+
  • Pacific Marina Inn $126+
  • Ohia Waikiki Studio Suites $127+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Honolulu (LAX - HNL) $161+
  • Flight San Diego - Honolulu (SAN - HNL) $167+
  • Flight San Francisco - Honolulu (SFO - HNL) $176+
  • Super 8 by Wyndham Dallas Love Field Airport $49+
  • Dallas Love Field Inn $55+
  • Comfort Inn Dallas North Love Field Airport $69+
  • Flight Houston - Dallas (HOU - DFW) $40+
  • Flight Miami - Dallas (MIA - DFW) $50+
  • Flight Atlanta - Dallas (ATL - DFW) $51+
  • The STRAT Hotel, Casino & Tower $14+
  • Harrah's Las Vegas Hotel & Casino $16+
  • OYO Hotel And Casino Las Vegas $24+
  • Excalibur Hotel & Casino $28+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Las Vegas (LAX - LAS) $29+
  • Flight Seattle - Las Vegas (SEA - LAS) $37+
  • Flight Burbank - Las Vegas (BUR - LAS) $39+
  • Flight Oakland - Las Vegas (OAK - LAS) $40+
  • Freehand Chicago $41+
  • Chicago Getaway Hostel $60+
  • Travelodge by Wyndham Downtown Chicago $125+
  • Flight Atlanta - Chicago (ATL - MDW) $37+
  • Flight Atlanta - Chicago (ATL - ORD) $37+
  • Flight Boston - Chicago (BOS - ORD) $45+

San Francisco

  • Hi San Francisco Downtown Hostel $49+
  • The Mosser $77+
  • Axiom Hotel $121+
  • Flight Ontario - San Francisco (ONT - SFO) $41+
  • Flight Los Angeles - San Francisco (LAX - SFO) $47+
  • Flight Santa Ana - San Francisco (SNA - SFO) $53+

Washington, D.C.

  • Generator Hotel Washington DC $47+
  • Days Inn by Wyndham Washington DC/Connecticut Avenue $101+
  • Citizenm Washington DC Noma $127+
  • Motto by Hilton Washington DC City Center $130+
  • Citizenm Washington Dc Capitol $137+
  • Hyatt Place Washington DC/US Capitol $137+
  • Washington Plaza Hotel $144+
  • Yotel Washington DC Formerly Liaison $149+
  • Henley Park Hotel $151+
  • Beacon Hotel & Corporate Quarters $153+
  • Georgetown Residences by Luxurban $158+
  • State Plaza Hotel $161+
  • Flight Orlando - Baltimore (MCO - BWI) $49+
  • Flight Miami - Baltimore (MIA - BWI) $51+
  • Flight Atlanta - Baltimore (ATL - BWI) $52+
  • Flight Charlotte - Baltimore (CLT - BWI) $55+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Baltimore (FLL - BWI) $61+
  • Flight Detroit - Baltimore (DTW - BWI) $62+
  • Flight Dallas - Baltimore (DFW - BWI) $76+
  • Flight Boston - Baltimore (BOS - BWI) $84+
  • Flight Denver - Baltimore (DEN - BWI) $86+
  • Flight Houston - Baltimore (HOU - BWI) $87+
  • Flight Houston - Baltimore (IAH - BWI) $87+
  • Flight Orlando - Washington, D.C. (MCO - DCA) $90+
  • Hotel Casa Mallorca $53+
  • Wyndham Garden Cancun Downtown $72+
  • Suites Malecon Cancun $77+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Cancún (FLL - CUN) $182+
  • Flight Atlanta - Cancún (ATL - CUN) $188+
  • Flight Dallas - Cancún (DFW - CUN) $195+

United States

  • Flight Newark - Fort Lauderdale (EWR - FLL) $40+
  • Flight Newark - Miami (EWR - MIA) $40+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Newark (FLL - EWR) $43+
  • Tip Top Motel Cafe & Bakery $174+
  • Kauai Palms Hotel $195+
  • Castle Kaha Lani Resort $203+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Hawaii (LAX - USHI) $161+
  • Flight San Diego - Hawaii (SAN - USHI) $167+
  • Flight San Francisco - Hawaii (SFO - USHI) $167+
  • Stay Classy $53+
  • California Suites Hotel $95+
  • Super 8 by Wyndham San Diego Hotel Circle $98+
  • Flight San Jose - San Diego (SJC - SAN) $48+
  • Flight Phoenix - San Diego (PHX - SAN) $55+
  • Flight Oakland - San Diego (OAK - SAN) $59+
  • Shared Living Not A Hotel $38+
  • Super 8 by Wyndham Phoenix West $50+
  • Extend-a-Suites Phoenix $51+
  • Flight Atlanta - Phoenix (ATL - PHX) $38+
  • Flight Ontario - Phoenix (ONT - PHX) $48+
  • Flight Dallas - Phoenix (DFW - PHX) $55+

Los Angeles

  • Boutique Hostel $34+
  • Freehand Los Angeles $50+
  • City Center Hotel $100+
  • Rotex Western Inn $107+
  • The Dixie Hollywood $107+
  • Four Points by Sheraton Los Angeles International Airport $112+
  • La Quinta Inn & Suites LAX $131+
  • Flight Las Vegas - Los Angeles (LAS - LAX) $35+
  • Flight Oakland - Los Angeles (OAK - LAX) $47+
  • Flight San Francisco - Los Angeles (SFO - LAX) $52+
  • Flight San Jose - Los Angeles (SJC - LAX) $54+
  • Flight Portland - Los Angeles (PDX - LAX) $61+
  • Flight Dallas - Los Angeles (DFW - LAX) $69+
  • Flight Seattle - Los Angeles (SEA - LAX) $73+
  • Selina Gold Dust $62+
  • La Quinta Inn by Wyndham Miami Airport North $72+
  • Miami Gardens Inn & Suites $76+
  • Motel 6 Miami. Fl $78+
  • La Quinta Inn & Suites by Wyndham Miami Airport East $78+
  • Days Inn by Wyndham Miami International Airport $88+
  • Holiday Inn Miami West - Airport Area $91+
  • Holiday Inn Miami-Doral Area, An IHG Hotel $92+
  • Yotel Miami $93+
  • Life House, Little Havana $94+
  • Holiday Inn Express & Suites Miami-Kendall $98+
  • Flight Dallas - Miami (DFW - MIA) $40+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Miami (PHL - MIA) $41+
  • Flight Baltimore - Miami (BWI - MIA) $48+
  • Flight Chicago - Miami (ORD - MIA) $50+
  • Flight Detroit - Miami (DTW - MIA) $50+
  • Flight Atlanta - Miami (ATL - MIA) $51+
  • Flight Houston - Miami (HOU - MIA) $58+
  • Flight Houston - Miami (IAH - MIA) $58+
  • Flight Raleigh - Miami (RDU - MIA) $58+
  • Flight New York - Miami (LGA - MIA) $74+
  • Hometowne Studios by Red Roof Denver - Glendale/Cherry Creek $68+
  • Super 8 by Wyndham Denver Stapleton $72+
  • Baymont by Wyndham Denver International Airport $83+
  • La Quinta Inn & Suites By Wyndham Denver Airport Dia $88+
  • Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham Denver Airport $116+
  • Quality Inn & Suites Denver International Airport $119+
  • Days Inn & Suites by Wyndham Denver International Airport $124+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Denver (PHL - DEN) $37+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Denver (LAX - DEN) $47+
  • Flight Chicago - Denver (ORD - DEN) $58+
  • Flight Chicago - Denver (MDW - DEN) $58+
  • Flight Baltimore - Denver (BWI - DEN) $66+
  • Flight Ontario - Denver (ONT - DEN) $69+
  • Flight Minneapolis - Denver (MSP - DEN) $70+
  • Hi Boston Hostel $69+
  • Ramada by Wyndham Boston $140+
  • Found Hotel Boston Common $153+
  • Flight Chicago - Boston (ORD - BOS) $46+
  • Flight Charlotte - Boston (CLT - BOS) $62+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Boston (PHL - BOS) $68+
  • Ramada Plaza by Wyndham Atlanta Airport $68+
  • Crowne Plaza Atlanta - Midtown, an IHG Hotel $94+
  • La Quinta Inn & Suites by Wyndham Atlanta Airport North $95+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Atlanta (FLL - ATL) $39+
  • Flight Houston - Atlanta (HOU - ATL) $42+
  • Flight Houston - Atlanta (IAH - ATL) $42+
  • Generator Madrid $25+
  • Toc Hostel Madrid $32+
  • C&H Aravaca Garden $37+
  • Flight New York - London (JFK - LGW) $284+
  • Flight New York - Barcelona (JFK - BCN) $333+
  • Flight New Windsor - London (SWF - STN) $341+
  • Rodeway Inn Fairgrounds-Casino $65+
  • Econo Lodge Airport at RJ Stadium $69+
  • Tampa Inn Near Busch Gardens $69+
  • Flight Dallas - Florida (DFW - USFL) $40+
  • Flight Newark - Florida (EWR - USFL) $40+
  • Flight Chicago - Florida (ORD - USFL) $50+
  • Flight Atlanta - Tampa (ATL - TPA) $42+
  • Flight Raleigh - Tampa (RDU - TPA) $48+
  • Flight Chicago - Tampa (MDW - TPA) $52+

New Orleans

  • Super 8 by Wyndham New Orleans $51+
  • Maison Saint Charles by Hotel RL $86+
  • La Quinta Inn & Suites by Wyndham New Orleans Downtown $95+
  • Flight Chicago - New Orleans (ORD - MSY) $46+
  • Flight Houston - New Orleans (HOU - MSY) $46+
  • Flight Dallas - New Orleans (DFW - MSY) $49+

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How do i find travel deals on kayak.

Simply use one of our travel search engines to scan for prices gathered from hundreds of travel sites. KAYAK’s search results pages have loads of filter options to help you find deals, discover exactly what you’re looking for and make booking seamless. Plus, there’s no extra fee from KAYAK.

What makes KAYAK a great travel app?

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How can I use KAYAK to manage my travel bookings?

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NATAS Fair August 2024: Dates, Directions, and Details

Last update: 28 May, 2024

Gear up for the biggest travel fair in Singapore as the popular NATAS Travel Fair returns in August 2024!

Bringing together top-notch travel providers, tourism boards, and more, the NATAS Holidays Travel Fair is where you can start planning your dream vacation — think fantastic promos and packages, fun activities, free goodies, and more!

Whether you're a beach bum or a city explorer, there’s bound to be something that tickles your fancy. With well-known agencies like Nam Ho Travel, ASA Holidays, Chan Brothers, and more at the fair, there’ll be a plethora of different tour packages and deals to choose from!


In addition, you’ll be able to speak to various national tourism boards and find out more about the destinations you want to visit. From secret spots to must-visit attractions, you’ll be able to learn all there is to learn directly from travel experts before planning your big trip!

What is NATAS Holidays Travel Fair?


The NATAS Travel Fair is Singapore’s largest consumer travel fair and is held twice a year in February/March and August/September. Its organising body, the National Association of Travel Agents Singapore (NATAS), brings together numerous travel agencies, tourism boards, airlines, and hotels under one roof to showcase the latest tourism products and trends.

It is the ideal opportunity to discover the best itineraries for that year-end vacation!

When is NATAS Fair August 2024?

16 to 18 Aug 2024

Friday to Sunday

10am to 9:30pm

Where will the NATAS Fair August 2024 be held?

Singapore EXPO

1 Expo Dr, Singapore 486150

Hall 4 and 5

How much does it cost to enter NATAS Fair August 2024?

Admission is FREE!

Stay tuned for the updated floor plan coming soon!

List of Exhibitors at NATAS Holidays Travel Fair 2024

Stay tuned for the updated list of exhibitors coming soon!

Getting to NATAS Fair 2024

Address: Singapore Expo, Hall 5, 1 Expo Drive, Singapore 486150

Singapore EXPO is a 15-minute drive from the CBD. Click this link for parking information .

By taxi or ride-hailing apps

The nearest drop-off point to Hall 5 is Foyer Two (next to Expo MRT station). Take note that fares may be subject to peak-hour surcharges.

Singapore EXPO is served by the Expo MRT station. Two lines connect to this station, the East-West (Green) Line and Downtown (Blue) Line.

There are several bus stops from which you can walk to Singapore EXPO:

  • Expo Station Exit E (bus number 20 and 118)
  • Besides Carpark G on Upper Changi Road East (bus numbers 12, 24 and 38)
  • Outside Hall 1 on Upper Changi Road East (bus numbers 12, 24 and 38)
  • Besides Carpark J on Xilin Avenue (bus numbers 35, 35M, 47, and 118)
  • Opp Changi City Pt. (bus number 20 and 47)

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  • Exclusive Discounts On Jtb Tour Packages And Travel Services

Online Travel Fair: Special Travel Deals with JTB

online travel fair

US$ 100 OFF on JTB’s Group Tour Packages in Japan & Korea

  •  RCBC Credit Cardholders are entitled to avail of an exclusive US$ 100 OFF on the following JTB Japan Group Tour Packages when they book using their RCBC Credit Cards from July 9 to October 9, 2023:
  • The group tour packages must be booked by a minimum of two (2) persons based on twin or double sharing. Single supplement charges will apply.
  • The minimum number of tour participants is required in order to run the tour departures of the Group Tour Packages enumerated above. Surcharges will apply if participants are less than the minimum tour requirement.
  • The group tour packages are based on twin sharing. Other room categories are subject to availability.
  • The group tour rates are valid for Philippine Passport holders. Eligible foreign passport holders may be subject to surcharges.
  • Child rates are subject to computation.
  • The itinerary and activities on this group tour package are subject to change due to local weather conditions.
  • A signed travel service agreement form must be completed upon payment of the deposit fee.
  • The following payment schedule shall apply to this package:
  • Initial Deposit: Payment of a Deposit Fee is required to make a slot reservation. The discount value of US$ 100 shall be deducted upon payment of the Deposit Fee. Any payment made in Philippine Peso (PHP) shall follow the prevailing Airline Forex Rate (ACR) on the date the payment is to be made.
  • Full Payment: The tour participant must settle the remaining tour fee no later than forty-five (45) days before the travel period or upon visa approval.
  • Complimentary travel services are non-deductible and non-refundable from the total tour fare.
  • Japan or Korea Tourist Visa Application: For tour participants who are required to apply for a tourist visa, please submit your visa application documents at least three (3) months before the travel period. In case of denial of visa application, the total tour payments made by the participant shall be refunded in full.
  • Full cancellation charges shall apply for any cancellations made forty-five (45) days before the departure date; likewise, no-show guests are subject to the full cancellation charges.
  • JTB Philippines reserves the right to any changes made to this tour package without prior notice.
  • The tour package excludes travel insurance premiums for 65 years and above & other items not mentioned in the itinerary.
  • The other terms and conditions of the airline, accommodation, tour operator, including any government travel restrictions, will apply.
  • The cancellation policy of the airline, accommodation, & tour operator will apply.

5% OFF on Selected Europe Land Packages by Europamundo Vacations

  • The promo period is from July 9 to October 9, 2023 with travel departures that are available until March 31, 2024.
  • RCBC Credit Cardholders are entitled to avail of an exclusive 5% OFF on the following Europe Land Packages by Europamundo Vacations when they book using their RCBC Credit Cards during the promo period. 
  • Imperial Capitals (Friday Departures until March 2024)
  • Classical Spain (Saturday Departures until March 2024)
  • Surprising Morocco (Wednesday Departures until March 2024)
  • A Time to Remember (Sunday Departures until March 2024)
  • Balkan Dream (End Greece) (Wednesday Departures until March 2024)
  • The Essentials of Italy (Wednesday Departures until March 2024)
  • The land packages are based on twin or double sharing. Other room categories are subject to availability.
  • The itinerary and activities on these land packages are subject to change due to local weather conditions.
  • The full payment must be settled to book the land packages.
  • The land package excludes airfare, travel insurance, & visa services. These services must be booked separately.
  • The other terms and conditions of the tour operator including any government travel restrictions, will apply.

UP TO ₱1,000 OFF on Japan Tourist Visa Applications

  • The promo period is from July 9 to October 9, 2023.
  • The documents for the visa application for Japan Tourist Visa Services must be submitted no later than October 9, 2023 (Monday) at 4:00 PM , Philippine Standard Time only.
  • RCBC Credit Cardholders are entitled to avail of an exclusive discount on the following Japan Visa Services when they book using their RCBC Credit Cards during the promo period. 
  • The following pre-visa application reminders must be adhered to by the cardholder:
  • The RCBC Credit Cardholder ensures that the complete documents for the visa application are ready before they visit the JTB Philippines Office to submit their applications. JTB will screen and review if the documents are suitable for filing. ANY missing document/s or documents that do not comply with the requirements set by the embassy or as deemed necessary for your type of visa application will not be accepted by JTB.
  • The embassy reminds all applicants to not confirm any flight and tour arrangements before visa application. Confirmed travel and tour arrangements do not guarantee approval of the visa application. JTB Asia Pacific Phil. Corp. has the right not to accept your application if you have confirmed travel and tour arrangements. At the same time, clients may pursue with visa applications at their own risk provided that they agree with the WAIVER OF LIABILITY.
  • The visa application must disclose upcoming travel and tour arrangements before the visa application. Please be advised that you are not allowed to pull out your visa application once it is submitted to the embassy. This may be grounds for denial of a visa. Also, the visa fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.
  • The Japan Tourist Visa Application must submit the documents at the BGC Visa Counter on weekdays from 10am to 12nn and 1pm to 4pm only.
  • Japan Tourist Visa Processing takes 5 - 15 working days. The number of processing days may be prolonged without prior notice depending on the directive of the Japan Embassy and the volume of applications we are receiving. The cardholder must check with JTB Philippines if they wish to submit their application and know the lead time before visiting and submitting their application.
  • Visa processing is on a "first-come, first-serve basis." Slot reservations or waitlisting will not be entertained. Visa applications are processed regardless of your travel period.
  • Submission of requirements does not guarantee the issuance of a visa. The Embassy has the sole right and absolute discretion for the approval and denial of the visa application.
  • The reason for the denial of a visa will not be disclosed even if an inquiry is made. At the same time, if a visa application is denied, there is no appeal, and the applicant may only re-apply for the same purpose after six (6) months. JTB Philippines shall not be responsible if any visa applications are refused or denied.
  • JTB Philippines shall not be responsible if any visa application is refused or rejected. 
  • All of the documents (original and photocopy) received by JTB Philippines will be forwarded to the Japan Embassy and will no longer return to the applicant.
  • A Letter of Explanation written by the applicant should be submitted for documents that cannot be provided.
  • The Japan Embassy may still require supplementary documents.
  • All signed documents are considered correct and in proper order.
  • Waiver of Liability Clause: Upon use of the visa services and submission of documents, the applicant releases and forever discharges JTB Philippines from any and all liability, manner of action, cause of action, a sum of money, damages, claims, and demands whatsoever in law or in equity which the applicant or their heirs, successors, and assigns had, now have, or shall have against the company on their visa application, including the submission and retrieval of my passport and related documents. By signing the transmittal and waiver of liability form, the applicant agrees to hold the company entirely free and harmless from any liability, including the denial and release of my visa.
  • JTB Philippines is not answerable for the risks involved in applying for the visa beyond the required number of days of processing from the date of submission. These include not guaranteeing the issuance and approval of visa applications which is the sole prerogative of the Japan Embassy.
  • Any applicable charges and penalties will be paid by the RCBC Credit cardholder.
  • Existing documentary requirements for leisure travel to any destination must be completed and provided by the tour participant.
  • In case of disputes related to the promo, the decision of JTB ASIA PACIFIC PHIL. CORP. and RCBC Bankard Services Corporation (RBSC) shall be conclusive in concurrence with DTI. All questions or disputes regarding the cardholder’s eligibility for the promo shall be resolved by RBSC.

DTI Fair Trade Permit No. FTEB-171254 Series of 2023

online travel fair

  • Mode Terang
  • Gabung
  • Konten yang disimpan
  • Konten yang disukai
  • Berikan Masukanmu

  • Megapolitan
  • Surat Pembaca
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  • Konsultasi Hukum
  • Infrastructure
  • Apps & OS
  • Tech Innovation
  • Kilas Internet
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  • Timnas Indonesia
  • Liga Indonesia
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  • Liga Champions
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  • Ekosistem Lautan
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  • Tanpa Kemiskinan
  • Tanpa Kelaparan
  • Kesetaraan Gender
  • Pekerjaan Layak dan Pertumbuhan ekonomi
  • Industri, Inovasi & Infrastruktur
  • Berkurangnya Kesenjangan
  • Kota & Pemukiman yang Berkelanjutan
  • Konsumsi & Produksi yang bertanggungjawab


Cara Beli Tiket Jakarta Fair 2024 Online dan Offline, mulai Rp 40.000 travel travel tips, wisata ke prj 2024, aska bagus aldika,, ni nyoman wira widyanti.

Tim Redaksi

Aska Bagus Aldika

Penulis ni nyoman wira widyanti.

Suasana pengunjung Jakarta Fair 2024 pada Rabu (12/6/2024)

  • Masuk ke laman web resmi Jakarta Fair 2024,, atau klik tautan di bio Instagram @jakartafairid.
  • Pilih antara dua kategori tiket yaitu tiket masuk saja dan tiket masuk dengan konser musik.
  • Saat sudah memilih tombol "beli", kamu akan langsung diarahkan ke laman web .
  • Pilih hari kedatangan dan jumlah tiket yang mau dipesan, kemudian klik "pesan sekarang".
  • Kamu akan diberikan waktu 15 menit untuk mengisi data diri, konfirmasi pemesanan, dan pilih metode pembayaran lalu cepat selesaikan pembelian tiket.
  • Setelah pembelian tiket selesai, kamu akan mendapat barcode yang tinggal ditunjukkan kepada petugas di pintu masuk.

Harap diperhatikan, tiket yang dibeli secara online tidak perlu dicetak, cukup tunjukkan kode dari ponselmu di pintu masuk.

Baca juga: Jakarta Fair 2024: Lokasi, Jam Buka, dan Harga Tiket Masuk

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Jakarta Fair 2024 Kembali Digelar, Simak Harga Tiket Masuknya

online travel fair

Panduan dan Tips ke Jakarta Fair 2024, Siapkan Tas Besar

online travel fair

4 Aktivitas di Jakarta Fair 2024, Tak Hanya Belanja

online travel fair

Jakarta Fair 2024: Lokasi, Jam Buka, dan Harga Tiket Masuk

online travel fair

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TTS Eps 136: Takjil Khas di Indonesia

TTS Eps 136: Takjil Khas di Indonesia

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TTS Eps 135: Serba Serbi Ramadhan

Games Permainan Kata Bahasa Indonesia

Games Permainan Kata Bahasa Indonesia

TTS - Serba serbi Demokrasi

TTS - Serba serbi Demokrasi

TTS Eps 130 - Tebak-tebakan Garing

TTS Eps 130 - Tebak-tebakan Garing

TTS - Musik Yang Paling Mengguncang

TTS - Musik Yang Paling Mengguncang

Jakarta Fair 2024 Kembali Digelar, Simak Harga Tiket Masuknya

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Virginia senator hosts passport fair in Annandale to help with delays

online travel fair

ANNANDALE, Va. - As Americans gear up for the travel season , Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) held a passport fair for more than 200 Virginians in Annandale.

The event Wednesday was in response to months of record delays in processing passports. 

The fair began at 11:00 AM in Annandale with Sen. Warner providing on-site application assistance.

The Virginia Senator has been actively addressing last summer’s dramatic passport delays, which jeopardized travel plans for many Americans. 

You can renew your US passport online again with limited trial program

You can renew your US passport online again with limited trial program

Online passport renewal is back in the U.S. with limited capacity.

He stopped by the fair to greet applicants, hear about their travel plans, and thank passport agency staff for their efforts in reducing processing times and assisting Virginians.

"There is nothing like hosting an event where constituents tell me, ‘This is the fastest service I’ve EVER gotten from a federal agency!’ Thrilled to host a Passport Day in Annandale today to help folks apply for passports," Senator Warner said via X.

"Today’s event is also part of a larger story of success," he added. "When folks experienced terrible passport delays last summer, I pushed directly on the State Department and got the backlog cleared. Glad Virginians that applied today will have their passports processed quickly!"

Passport processing times return to pre-pandemic levels

Passport processing times are back to pre-pandemic levels, the State Department said Monday. The announcement comes after years of sometimes excruciatingly long wait times, due in part to unprecedented demand for passports. FOX 5's Josh Rosenthal breaks down why things are going a lot quicker nowadays.

At 12:30 PM in Arlington, Sen. Warner joined Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo for a roundtable discussion, highlighting the progress in increasing access to capital in underserved communities through Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs).

To apply for a passport visit

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Credit cards

Best credit cards for good credit of June 2024

Michelle Lambright Black

Grace Pilling

Grace Pilling

“Verified by an expert” means that this article has been thoroughly reviewed and evaluated for accuracy.

Robin Saks Frankel

Robin Saks Frankel

Updated 5:09 p.m. UTC June 27, 2024

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Good credit comes with many perks , including the potential to choose from a variety of solid credit card offers. The best credit cards for good credit feature attractive benefits such as travel rewards , cash back, welcome bonuses or even 0% APR on purchases or balance transfers for a limited time.

We analyzed a broad swath of credit cards in this category, from a variety of issuers, to curate a list of the very best credit cards for good credit of 2024. Here are our selections.

our partner

Blueprint receives compensation from our partners for featured offers, which impacts how and where the placement is displayed.

Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card

Welcome bonus.

Earn 20,000 bonus points when you spend $1,000 in purchases in the first 3 months – that’s a $200 cash redemption value.

Regular APR

Credit score.

Credit Score ranges are based on FICO® credit scoring. This is just one scoring method and a credit card issuer may use another method when considering your application. These are provided as guidelines only and approval is not guaranteed.

Editor’s take

  • Generous rewards rate across a wide range of categories.
  • No annual fee.
  • Introductory APR period on purchases.
  • Minimal cardholder perks compared to other cards.
  • Potentially high purchase APR after the introductory period.
  • Lacks an intro APR period on balance transfers.

Card details

  • Select “Apply Now” to take advantage of this specific offer and learn more about product features, terms and conditions.
  • Earn unlimited 3X points on the things that really add up – like restaurants, travel, gas stations, transit, popular streaming services, and phone plans. Plus, earn 1X points on other purchases.
  • $0 annual fee.
  • 0% intro APR for 12 months from account opening on purchases. 20.24%, 25.24%, or 29.99% variable APR thereafter.
  • Up to $600 of cell phone protection against damage or theft. Subject to a $25 deductible.
  • Redeem your rewards points for travel, gift cards, or statement credits. Or shop at millions of online stores and redeem your rewards when you check out with PayPal.
  • Find tickets to top sports and entertainment events, book travel, make dinner reservations and more with your complimentary 24/7 Visa Signature® Concierge.
  • Bilt World Elite Mastercard® : Best credit card for good credit.
  • Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card : Best for rewards bonus categories.
  • Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card : Best for travel rewards.
  • Chase Freedom Flex®  *: Best for cash back.
  • Citi Strata Premier℠ Card  *: Best credit card for attractions.

Why trust our credit card experts

Our team of experts evaluates hundreds of credit cards and analyzes thousands of data points to help you find the best card for your situation. We use a data-driven methodology to determine each rating. Advertisers do not influence our editorial content. You can read more about our methodology below.

  • 116+ cards analyzed.
  • 16+ data points analyzed.
  • 5-step fact-checking process.

Best credit card for good credit

Bilt world elite mastercard®.

Bilt World Elite Mastercard®

  • Earns rewards on rent payments.
  • No transaction fee for paying rent by credit card.
  • No annual fee or Foreign Currency Conversion Fee.
  • You must make five transactions per billing period to earn rewards.
  • No welcome bonus or intro APR period.
  • Restrictive definition of what counts as a travel purchase.
  • $0 annual fee
  • Earn 3x points on dining, 2x points on travel (when booked directly with an airline, hotels, car rental agencies, and cruise lines), 1x points on rent payments without a transaction fee (on up to 100,000 points each calendar year) and 1x points on other purchases
  • Earn double points on the first of the month (i.e. 6X points on dining, 4X on travel and 2X on other purchases; except rent)
  • Earn points when you make 5 transactions that post each statement period
  • Cellular Telephone Protection
  • Purchase Security (theft and damage protection)
  • Concierge Service
  • Lyft Credits
  • No Foreign Currency Conversion Fee
  • Rewards & benefits terms
  • Select ‘Apply Now’ to learn more about the product features, terms, and conditions.

Best for rewards bonus categories

Best for travel rewards, chase sapphire preferred® card.

Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That’s $750 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

  • Flexible points that can be transferred to 14 travel partners or redeemed through Chase Travel℠ at 1.25 cents each.
  • $50 annual statement credit toward Chase Travel hotel bookings.
  • Valuable travel protections.
  • $95 annual fee.
  • Category bonuses are limited and not competitive against other travel cards.
  • Transfer partner list is limited compared to programs like Amex Membership® Rewards and Citi ThankYou®.
  • Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That’s $750 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.
  • Enjoy benefits such as 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases, $50 Annual Chase Travel Hotel Credit, plus more.
  • Get 25% more value when you redeem for airfare, hotels, car rentals and cruises through Chase Travel℠. For example, 60,000 points are worth $750 toward travel.
  • Count on Trip Cancellation/Interruption Insurance, Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver, Lost Luggage Insurance and more.
  • Get complimentary access to DashPass which unlocks $0 delivery fees and lower service fees for a minimum of one year when you activate by December 31, 2024.
  • Member FDIC

Best for cash back

Chase freedom flex®.

The information for the Chase Freedom Flex® has been collected independently by Blueprint. The card details on this page have not been reviewed or provided by the card issuer.

Earn a $200 bonus after you spend $500 on purchases in your first 3 months from account opening,

  • Generous cash-back potential if you maximize rotating categories.
  • Can pool rewards with a premium Ultimate Rewards®-earning card.
  • Low intro APR periods on purchases and balance transfers.
  • Rotating categories must be activated quarterly.
  • Not all rotating categories will be a good fit for every cardholder.
  • Takes work to track the various rewards categories.
  • Annual fee: $0.
  • Rewards: 5% cash back on up to $1,500 in categories that rotate quarterly (requires activation), 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3% cash back on dining and drugstores and 1% cash back on all other purchases.
  • Welcome bonus: Earn a $200 bonus after spending $500 on purchases in the first three months of account opening.
  • APR: 0% intro APR for the first 15 months on purchases and balance transfers, then a variable APR of 20.49% to 29.24%. There is an intro balance transfer fee of either $5 or 3% of each transfer, whichever is greater, in the first 60 days. Then the fee is the greater of $5 or 5% of each transfer .
  • Perks and benefits: Cellphone protection of up to $800 per claim with a $50 deductible, trip cancellation and interruption insurance, auto rental collision damage waiver, travel and emergency services, purchase protection and extended warranty.

Best credit card for attractions

Citi strata premier℠ card.

The information for the Citi Strata Premier℠ Card has been collected independently by Blueprint. The card details on this page have not been reviewed or provided by the card issuer.

Citi Strata Premier℠ Card

Earn 75,000 bonus ThankYou® Points after spending $4,000 in the first 3 months of account opening, redeemable for $750 in gift cards or travel rewards at

  • Annual fee: $95.
  • Rewards: 10 ThankYou® points per $1 spent on hotel, car rentals and attractions booked through, 3 points per $1 on air travel and other hotel purchases, at restaurants, supermarkets, gas stations and EV charging stations and 1 point per $1 on other purchases.
  • Welcome bonus: 75,000 points after spending $4,000 on purchases in the first three months of account opening.
  • APR: 21.24% to 29.24% variable APR on purchases and balance transfers.
  • Foreign transaction fee: 0%.

Compare the best cards for good credit

online travel fair

Why it’s the best

The Bilt World Elite Mastercard® is a solid credit card option for travel rewards fans — and renters in particular. A standout feature of the Bilt World Elite Mastercard is that it offers cardholders the ability to earn rewards on rent payments with no transaction fees.

In addition to rent rewards, the card offers a decent rewards rate on dining and direct travel purchases. Also, if you make a non-rent purchase on the first of the month, you can earn double points. The card also features no annual fee, Cellular Telephone Protection and a range of travel protection benefits, including Lyft Credits.

  • Earn rewards for paying rent with no transaction fees.
  • Transfer partners available.
  • Requires five credit card transactions per statement period to earn rewards.
  • No intro APR or welcome bonus.
  • Other cards may offer higher rewards rates (although not on rent).

Card details:

  • Rewards: 1 point per $1 on rent payments without a transaction fee (on up to 100,000 points each year), 2 points per $1 on travel (when booked through the Bilt Travel Portal or directly with an airline, hotel, car rental or cruise company), 3 points per $1 on dining and 1 point per $1 on other purchases. At least five transactions must be made per statement period to earn these rewards.
  • Welcome bonus: None.
  • Foreign Currency Conversion Fee: None.

The Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card is a well-rounded rewards card that offers elevated rewards in multiple popular spending categories — restaurants, travel, gas stations, transit, plus eligible streaming services and phone plans. The card also features an introductory APR offer on purchases, giving extra breathing room to pay off larger expenses, along with a fairly attainable welcome offer.

You can use your rewards as statement credits, to book travel through the issuer or transfer them to a growing number of travel partners, making this a versatile card for both earning and redeeming rewards.

  • Generous bonus rewards categories.
  • Introductory APR offer on new purchases.
  • Attainable welcome offer.
  • Low rewards rate outside of bonus categories.
  • No introductory APR on balance transfers.
  • No premium travel perks.
  • Rewards: 3 points per $1 at restaurants, travel, gas stations, transit, popular streaming services and phone plans and 1 point per $1 on other purchases.
  • Welcome bonus: 20,000 points after spending $1,000 in purchases in the first three months of account opening.
  • Foreign transaction fees: None.

The Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card is a great choice for anyone who wants the opportunity to earn travel rewards and enjoy travel-related benefits for a low annual fee. The card offers generous rewards rates in several bonus spending categories, including dining, eligible streaming services, online grocery purchases and travel, making it easy to earn rewards on a range of everyday spending.

You can also book travel through Chase to earn bonus rewards or transfer your rewards to Chase’s travel partners to potentially stretch your points further. A generous welcome offer can give an early boost to your rewards balance, plus you’ll get an annual hotel credit and complimentary subscriptions to DoorDash and Instacart+.

  • Access to Chase’s travel partners.
  • Lucrative welcome offer.
  • Has an annual fee.
  • No premium travel perks such as lounge access or free anniversary nights.
  • No introductory APR offers.
  • Rewards: 5 points per $1 on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3 points per $1 on dining, select streaming services, and online grocery purchases (excluding Walmart, Target and wholesale clubs), 2 points per $1 on all other travel purchases and 1 point per $1 on all other purchases.
  • Welcome bonus: 60,000 points after spending $4,000 on purchases in the first three months of account opening.
  • Foreign transaction fees: $0.

Fans of cash rewards may want to consider the Chase Freedom Flex® * The information for the Chase Freedom Flex® has been collected independently by Blueprint. The card details on this page have not been reviewed or provided by the card issuer. . The no-annual-fee credit card offers rotating quarterly bonus categories (activation required) along with elevated cash rewards on dining, drugstore purchases and Chase Travel℠ purchases throughout the year. The welcome offer has a very attainable spending requirement and with introductory APR offers on both purchases and balance transfers, you’ll have extra time to pay off those early purchases with no added interest.

  • Introductory APR on purchases and balance transfers.
  • Easy-to-earn welcome offer.
  • No access to travel partners without another Chase card.
  • Must book travel through Chase Travel to earn elevated cash back.
  • Charges foreign transaction fees.
  • Welcome bonus: $200 bonus after spending $500 on purchases in the first three months of account opening.
  • Foreign transaction fees: 3% of each transaction in U.S. dollars.

The Citi Strata Premier℠ Card * The information for the Citi Strata Premier℠ Card has been collected independently by Blueprint. The card details on this page have not been reviewed or provided by the card issuer. offers respectable rewards for travelers — especially people looking to earn rewards on attraction-related purchases like theme park tickets. The card offers high rewards on hotels, car rentals and attractions booked through There are bonus rewards on spending at restaurants, supermarkets and gas and EV charging stations, as well as on air travel and other hotel purchases.

With a big welcome offer for new cardholders and a $100 annual hotel credit ($100 off a single hotel stay of at least $500, excluding taxes and fees, when booked via the Citi travel portal) that can offset the annual fee, the card offers considerable value even if you only travel once a year for a big event.

  • Best card for attraction-related rewards.
  • No foreign transaction fees.
  • No premium travel perks such as lounge access.
  • Hotel credit has a spend requirement.
  • Foreign transaction fees: 0%.


Our credit cards team has spent hours analyzing hundreds of credit cards. We took a deep dive into the details of each product and that analysis, combined with our years of experience covering credit cards, informed us as we developed these credit card rankings. Factors we considered included:

  • Annual fee: 25%.
  • Annual rewards earnings: 21%.
  • Regular APR: 15%.
  • Welcome offer: 10%.
  • Intro APR on purchases: 6%.
  • Intro APR on balance transfers: 6%.
  • Foreign transaction fees: 5%.
  • Cellphone protection: 3%.
  • Lounge access: 2%.
  • Primary insurance: 2%.
  • Secondary insurance: 1%.
  • Baggage delay insurance: 1%.
  • Lost luggage insurance: 1%.
  • Trip delay insurance: 1%.
  • Trip cancellation: 1%.

How to choose a credit card for good credit

As you search for a credit card for good credit, take time to compare multiple offers before applying for a new account. Here are some credit card features to consider as you narrow down your options.

  • Fees: Paying an annual fee can be worth it if the benefits you receive outweigh the expense. If you won’t actually use enough of an annual-fee card’s perks, go for a no annual fee credit card instead. 
  • Rewards: Find a card that offers rewards that fit your lifestyle. Look for cards with the highest rewards in the categories where you spend the most.And consider how you would get the most value out of your redemptions as well.
  • Redemption: How you can redeem rewards is almost as important as how you earn them. Cash back is king when it comes to flexibility, but cards that earn travel points or transferable rewards can help you stretch your rewards further.
  • Welcome offer: The potential to earn extra cash back or points when you open a new credit card can be appealing, but consider the minimum spending requirement and whether you can meet it with regular spending within the allotted time frame. 
  • APR: The best way to manage a credit card is to pay off your full balance on time every month. However, if you might occasionally revolve a balance on the account, find a credit card with the lowest interest rate .
  • Other benefits: Many rewards credit cards feature additional benefits that could save you money if you take advantage of them, such as statement credits, cellphone protection, complimentary subscriptions and travel insurances. Find perks that align with your needs and avoid those you probably won’t use. 

Is a good credit card right for me?

In the United States, most lenders use credit scores that range from 300 to 850. On this scale, a credit score of 670 or higher is typically considered to be a good credit score . Yet it’s important to understand that each credit card issuer sets its own approval criteria and decides for itself the minimum credit score applicants must have to qualify for a new account. 

Before applying for a credit card for good credit, it’s important to look at your credit reports and credit scores . A credit check will enable you to see where you stand and give you a better sense as to whether or not you’re likely to meet a card issuer’s criteria.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

The most common types of credit scores that lenders use in the United States are FICO® Scores and VantageScore credit scores. With FICO Scores, a score of 670 to 739 is considered a good credit score. Most lenders consider a VantageScore credit score of 661 to 780 to be a good credit score as well.

Any credit card that reports to the three major credit bureaus — Equifax, TransUnion and Experian — has the potential to build and improve your credit score . Yet that same account could also have a negative impact on your credit score as well. 

In the end, it’s the way you handle your credit card account that will determine whether it impacts your credit for better or worse.

Improving your credit score from good to excellent can take time. The most important rule to follow when trying to improve your credit is to always pay your credit obligations on time. Maintaining a low credit utilization ratio on your credit cards is also wise since this factor can also affect your credit score in a meaningful way.

In the United States, 90% of top lenders use FICO Scores. A good FICO Score ranges from 670 to 739. A fair FICO Score ranges from 580 to 669. 

Having fair credit could make it more difficult to qualify for financing products, although you can get a credit card with fair credit . But if you work to improve your credit and earn a good credit score, you’re more likely to be eligible for better credit offers from lenders and credit card companies in the future.

*The information for the Chase Freedom Flex® and Citi Strata Premier℠ Card has been collected independently by Blueprint. The card details on this page have not been reviewed or provided by the card issuer.

Blueprint is an independent publisher and comparison service, not an investment advisor. The information provided is for educational purposes only and we encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding specific financial decisions. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Blueprint has an advertiser disclosure policy . The opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the Blueprint editorial staff alone. Blueprint adheres to strict editorial integrity standards. The information is accurate as of the publish date, but always check the provider’s website for the most current information.

Michelle Lambright Black

Michelle Lambright Black, founder of, is a leading credit expert with more than two decades of experience in the credit industry. She’s an expert on credit reporting, credit scoring, identity theft, budgeting, and debt elimination. Michelle is also a certified credit expert witness, personal finance writer, and travel writer who's been published thousands of times by outlets such as Experian, FICO, Forbes Advisor, and Reader’s Digest, among others. When she isn't writing or speaking about credit and money, Michelle loves to travel with her husband and three children — preferably to somewhere warm and sunny. You can connect with Michelle on Twitter (@MichelleLBlack) and Instagram (@CreditWriter).

Grace Pilling is a deputy editor for credit cards at USA TODAY Blueprint. She believes credit cards are the ultimate choose-your-own-adventure tools of the financial world and gets excited about helping people discover the best credit card strategy for their unique goals. Prior to joining Blueprint, Grace worked on and led personal finance teams at Bankrate,, MoneyUnder30 and MoneyGeek. She has a bachelor’s degree in English and writing and a diploma in editing and publishing.

Robin Saks Frankel is a credit cards lead editor at USA TODAY Blueprint. Previously, she was a credit cards and personal finance deputy editor for Forbes Advisor. She has also covered credit cards and related content for other national web publications including NerdWallet, Bankrate and HerMoney. She's been featured as a personal finance expert in outlets including CNBC, Business Insider, CBS Marketplace, NASDAQ's Trade Talks and has appeared on or contributed to The New York Times, Fox News, CBS Radio, ABC Radio, NPR, International Business Times and NBC, ABC and CBS TV affiliates nationwide. She holds an M.S. in Business and Economics Journalism from Boston University. Follow her on Twitter at @robinsaks.

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Fareportal Explores the Future of Travel in Latest Article: How Tech Is Driving Smart Tourism

New York, New York, June 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fareportal, the travel technology company behind leading online travel agencies CheapOair and OneTravel, is excited to announce the release of a new article that delves into the dynamic intersection of travel and technology: "Embracing the Future of Travel: How Tech is Driving Smart Tourism.”

As we step into the era of "smart tourism," travelers can look forward to a host of cutting-edge technological advancements that are transforming every aspect of their journeys. From AI-powered travel assistants and smart hotel rooms to virtual reality (VR) tours and big data analytics, these innovations are enhancing travel experiences like never before.

"Technology is transforming every part of the travel experience, making it more personalized, efficient, and immersive,” said Glenn Cusano, President of Fareportal. “At Fareportal, we are excited to be at the forefront of reporting on these innovations, helping travelers navigate the future of smart tourism."

AI-powered travel assistants are revolutionizing travel planning and experiences. These intelligent tools provide personalized recommendations and real-time updates, ensuring a smooth journey from start to finish. Meanwhile, smart hotel rooms are redefining hospitality with automation features that cater to modern travelers' needs. These hotels are offering voice-controlled devices, personalized room settings, and enhanced security measures, among other smart features.

VR and AR are changing how we plan and experience travel. VR tools provide immersive previews of destinations, while AR applications offer interactive and educational experiences. Big data is also playing a pivotal role in optimizing travel experiences. By analyzing large volumes of data, cities and travel providers can manage tourist flows, personalize services, and improve efficiency.

Smart tourism technologies also promote sustainable travel practices. IoT sensors in smart hotels optimize energy consumption, while data analytics help reduce overcrowding at popular destinations. These efforts contribute to the preservation of natural and cultural sites and enhance overall traveler satisfaction.

About Fareportal     

Fareportal is New York-based travel technology company powering a next generation travel concierge service. Utilizing its innovative technology and company-owned and operated global contact centers, Fareportal has built strong industry partnerships providing customers access to over 500 airlines, a million lodgings, and hundreds of car rental companies around the globe. With a portfolio of consumer travel brands including CheapOair and OneTravel Fareportal enables consumers to book online, on mobile apps for iOS and Android, by phone, or live chat. Fareportal provides its airline partners with access to a broad customer base that books high-yielding international and domestic flight, lodging, and other travel and add-on ancillaries.   

Kathi Moore

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[email protected]

Ukraine war latest: Belarus deploys extra air defence forces to border; 10 Ukrainian prisoners freed with Vatican's help

Ten Ukrainian civilians who had been imprisoned in Russia for years have been released after mediation from the Vatican. Overnight, five people were killed in a Ukrainian drone strike on a Russian village. Listen to a Sky News podcast on Putin and North Korea while you scroll.

Saturday 29 June 2024 18:05, UK

  • Five killed, including two children, in Ukrainian strike on Russian village
  • Ten Ukrainians imprisoned in Russia freed after Vatican mediation
  • Belarus deploys additional air defence forces to Ukraine border
  • Your questions answered : Has the West been honest about Ukraine's failures?
  • Listen to the Daily above and tap here to follow wherever you get your podcasts
  • Live updates by Jess Sharp and (earlier)  Niamh Lynch

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We're pausing our live coverage for now. 

You can scroll below to catch up on the latest developments, and we'll be back with our regular coverage tomorrow. 

Six people have been killed in a Russian attack on a small town in the southern Zaporizhzhia region, a Ukrainian official has said. 

A further eight people have been injured, regional governor Ivan Fedorov said. 

Infrastructure, a shop and residential buildings in Vilniansk have also been damaged, he added. 

The strike comes after five people were killed in the Kursk region of Russian due to a Ukrainian drone attack. 

Two young children were also injured in the strike on the village of Gorodishche, around 73 miles (118km) from the Ukrainian border, Kursk governor Alexey Smirnov said. 

Two other people were injured and were in a "serious condition" in hospital, he added. 

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has met one of the men released from Russian captivity earlier today. 

The Ukrainian president met Nariman Dzhelyal who was successfully returned home after three years in captivity. 

"We will bring security to all our people and peace to Ukraine. I thank everyone who is helping. I thank Nariman for this meeting and for his strength," Mr Zelenskyy said. 

Mr Dzhelyal was detained in Crimea in 2021 while serving as the first deputy chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People. 

During his imprisonment, he sent several letters, Mr Zelenskyy said. 

He added that in one of them he wrote: "We are fighting not only for the integrity of our territories but also for the unity of our society, our beautiful, strong nation." 

US officials told Reuters news agency late last night that the Biden administration would provide Ukraine with $150m (£118.6m) worth of weapons and ammunition, including HAWK air defence interceptors and 155 millimetre artillery munitions.

The weapons aid package is expected be unveiled on Monday, the officials said.

Ukraine has urgently requested air defence support as Russia has pounded its energy facilities in recent weeks via aerial attacks. 

The US began shipping HAWK interceptor missiles to Ukraine in 2022 as an upgrade to the shoulder-launched Stinger air defence missile systems - a smaller, shorter-range system. 

The support package will include other munitions and equipment to support Ukraine's defence needs, the officials added. 

The US has provided Ukraine with more than $50bn (£39.5bn) in military aid since 2022. 

We reported earlier on the 10 Ukrainian civilians who were released from Russian captivity earlier today after years of imprisonment (see 8.49am post). 

Watch them reunite with their loved ones in Kyiv's international airport in newly released footage.

A report by the Ukrainian military's centre for strategic communications has found that the country's forces have damaged or destroyed more than 30 Russian military aircraft in the first six months of 2024. 

Most of the strikes against the aircraft have taken place in occupied Ukraine except for a handful of strikes over the Sea of Azov and within Russia, the centre said, as reported by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). 

The centre did not specify what portion of these Ukrainian strikes were air defence interceptions of Russian aircraft in flight and what percentage were strikes against Russian aircraft at airfields. 

The ISW said they were unable to verify the report.

But it said the downing of Russian aircraft, especially critical aircraft like the A-50 and Il-22, has temporarily constrained Russian aviation activities over occupied Ukraine, but added Ukrainian forces "have yet to be able to significantly attempt to contest the air domain".

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has revealed that Russian strikes have resulted in Ukraine losing around 80% of its thermal power and one third of its hydroelectric power.

Discussing the attack in Dnipro, Mr Zelenskyy said it was a reminder to Ukraine's allies that the country needed more air defence systems. 

He said: "This is why we constantly remind all of our partners: only a sufficient amount of high quality of air defence systems, only a sufficient amount of determination from the world at large can stop Russian terror."

Kyiv has also struck back at Russia with its own attacks, which also often target energy infrastructure.

Belarus has deployed additional air defence forces to its border with Ukraine to protect "critical infrastructure facilities" due to increased Ukrainian drone activity, a Belarusian military commander has said.

Belarus, an ally of Russia, said earlier this week it had shot down a quadcopter that had illegally crossed the border from Ukraine "to collect information about the Belarusian border infrastructure". 

The situation in the airspace over the border remains tense, Andrei Severinchik, commander of the Belarusian Air Defence Forces, said. 

"We are ready to decisively use all available forces and means to protect our territory and the population of the Republic of Belarus from possible provocations in the airspace," he said. 

Belarus' defence ministry said earlier today it had information showing Ukraine had been moving more troops, weapons and military equipment to the northern Zhytomyr region, which borders Belarus. 

There was no immediate response from Ukraine. 

Russian elites and oligarchs have reportedly moved from criticising the country's war effort in Ukraine to supporting it, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) has reported.

Mikhail Zygar, the founder of the Russian opposition television channel TV Rain, reported that many elites who were opposed to the war in 2022 started to support the war in 2023 because they "believe Russia is prevailing".

Mr Zygar said these people made this assessment due to Russia's slow but steady battlefield gains, a persisting Ukrainian munitions disadvantage, and perceived "waning" Western security assistance to Ukraine.

One anonymous Russian oligarch who previously criticised the war reportedly told Mr Zygar that Russia must win the war otherwise "they won't allow us to live... and Russia would collapse".

The ISW said it cannot independently verify Mr Zygar's reporting but it is consistent with the institute's assessment that this section of Russian society came to heel behind Vladimir Putin in support of the war after his government intensified crackdowns against elites in the wake of the 2022 invasion. 

As Russia announces it has captured a second village in 24 hours (see 12.26pm post), let's take a look at where Russia has advanced along the frontline with Ukraine. 

As well as pockets of advances on the border north of Kharkiv, Russia appears to have captured areas along the length of the front, from the Donetsk region right up to the western edge of Luhansk.

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  • 2024 Elections

These Are the Biggest Moments in the First Presidential Debate

A wkward exchanges, personal jabs, and falsehoods dominated the first presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump on Thursday in Atlanta.

The evening saw Biden and Trump go back and forth on the topics at the top of many Americans’ minds— abortion , inflation, immigration, and climate , among others. The two candidates for the highest elected office in the U.S. also took time to call each other “whiners” and “complainers,” while trading jabs on stage at their opponent’s age, mental alertness, and even golf skills.

Here are the biggest moments from the night.

Biden’s stumbles

President Biden’s performance at the debate was the subject of much scrutiny. Just mere minutes after the debate started, Biden’s voice appeared raspy and at times he completely rambled off on a nonsensical tangent. (Biden allies have claimed he’s recovering from a cold.)

Read More: Trump’s Debate Strategy: Let Biden Bury Himself

The 81-year-old Biden took a lengthy pause while talking about Medicare. At one point when moderators asked Biden questions on immigration and border security, he appeared to misspeak while concluding his statement, giving Trump an opportunity to retort: “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence, and I don’t think he knows what he said either.”

Read More: Calls for Biden to Step Aside Are About to Get Deafening

Biden and Trump, 78, are the two oldest major party candidates for U.S. President, and their ages have become liabilities, with some polls questioning—particularly about Biden—their effectiveness as leaders.

Trump and Biden clash over abortion

The candidates took swings at each other when asked where they stood on abortion. Biden committed to restoring Roe v. Wade —the landmark Supreme Court decision that gave Americans the constitutional right to an abortion in 1973 but was overturned in 2022. Trump, meanwhile, applauded the repeal of Roe, and falsely claimed that the Biden Administration would “take the life of the baby in the ninth month, and even after birth.”

Trump’s comments prompted outrage from reproductive rights advocates online, many of whom pointed out that abortions don’t happen “after birth”—that would be infanticide, a crime in every state. And abortions later in pregnancy are very rare.

Trump took credit for the overturning of Roe, pointing out that he appointed three of the Supreme Court justices who sided with repealing the ruling—which Biden lambasted him for. Trump also claimed that “everybody” wanted Roe to be overturned so that states could make their own laws on abortion—which Biden called “just ridiculous,” citing many scholars who supported Roe when it was first decided.

Criticism over CNN’s lack of fact-checking

Throughout the 90-minute debate, the candidates lobbed claims related to inflation, border crossings, and abortion policies—many of which were untrue or misleading.

For instance, Trump said that “all of these people coming in,” in reference to migrants who have entered the U.S. through the Southern border, would “destroy Social Security.” Politifact previously fact-checked this claim, which Trump has mentioned on the campaign trail, as false.

Read More : Our Exclusive Interview with Donald Trump

When asked about Trump’s plan to address the climate crisis, Trump also falsely said that he had the “best environmental numbers ever,” even though he pulled out of the Paris Climate Accords. Meanwhile, Biden claimed that no troops died under his watch, but 13 U.S. service members died in a suicide bombing attack at the Kabul International Airport during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

CNN had said before the debate that moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash would not be providing real-time fact-checking, opting to let the candidates speak. (CNN did post fact-checks online .)

But critics took to social media to call for better fact-checking during the event to combat misinformation. “This debate is meaningless without fact-checking,” wrote one user on X. “It’s just a big, free national platform for Trump to spout whatever he wants with a veneer of respectability,” the user added in a follow-up tweet. Others said the lack of on-air fact-checking was an “ enormous disservice to democracy .”

Trump calls Biden a “bad Palestinian ”

Moderators pressed Biden about the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where more than 20,000 children are missing, according to a recent report . Five Americans also remain under hostage control by Hamas.

The U.S. has stood by Israel, Biden said when asked about possible solutions to end the war. He added that Hamas has to be eliminated but that “you’ve got to be careful” about using certain types of weapons in Palestinian population centers. Meanwhile, Trump was critical about the billions spent by the U.S. on foreign conflicts before saying that the U.S. should let Israel “finish the job.”

“He’s become like a Palestinian,” Trump said of Biden. “They don’t like him because he’s a very bad Palestinian. He’s a weak one.”

Read More : Our Exclusive Interview with President Joe Biden

The issue has been contentious among many Americans—prompting calls for a ceasefire and student protests across numerous college campuses , while also generating conversations about anti-semitism in the country.

When asked whether Trump would support an independent Palestinian state, Trump simply said, “I’d have to see.”

In an attempt to challenge the competency of his opponent, Trump questioned Biden’s golf abilities when asked about concerns over his own capability to serve.

“He can’t hit a ball 50 yards,” Trump claimed, after saying he himself aced two cognitive tests.

“You can see he is six-foot-five and only 225 pounds,” Biden responded facetiously . “Just look at what he says he is, and take a look at what he is.”

Biden also said he would be happy to compete against Trump, so long as they carried their own golf bags. “I got my handicap,” Biden said, referring to his average best score (above par), “when I was Vice President, down to a six.”

“That’s the biggest lie—that he’s a six handicap—of all,” Trump said. “I’ve seen you swing.”

Trump, who was criticized during his presidency for the amount of time he spent at his golf courses, took to Truth Social to share a short clip of him playing the sport.

Mentions of Trump’s criminal conviction—and Hunter Biden’s

Trump’s recent felony fraud conviction in relation to hush-money payments made to adult-film actor Stormy Daniels—the first criminal conviction of any former U.S. President—was briefly but hotly brought up during the debate by both Trump and Biden.

“The only person in this stage [who] is a convicted felon is the man I’m looking at right now,” said Biden, in the first mention of Trump’s conviction more than 45 minutes into the debate, as the two candidates accused each other of having poor responses to the violence during the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill riots and the protests that broke out after the killing of George Floyd.

“When he talks about a convicted felon, his son is a convicted felon at a very high level,” Trump responded, referencing Hunter Biden, who was found guilty earlier this month for lying about his drug use when buying a gun in 2018.

When Biden later brought up Trump’s legal battles, including his affair with Daniels, Trump denied having “sex with a porn star” and said that his hush-money case, which he claimed was presided over by a “terrible” Democratic judge, would be “appealed and won.”

Trump says Ukraine would not have been invaded if he were President

More than two years since Russia first invaded Ukraine, with deaths in the hundreds of thousands, moderators asked Trump if he agrees with the conditions Russian President Vladimir Putin set—Ukraine abandoning its NATO bid and Russia keeping four of the Ukrainian territories it has annexed—before Moscow stops its assault on the eastern European state. 

Trump said those conditions were “not acceptable” but that he would have settled if he were President while not providing specifics. Trump also suggested that the chaotic end of the U.S. occupation in Afghanistan—which saw thousands of Afghans trying to escape from the Taliban and U.S. service members killed outside the airport in Kabul during the exodus—encouraged Putin to start the war in Ukraine.

“If we had a real President, a President that was respected by Putin, he would have never invaded Ukraine,” Trump said. “The difference is [Putin] never would have invaded Ukraine, never, just like Israel would have never been invaded in a million years by Hamas. You know why? Because Iran was broke with me.”

Biden—whose administration has backed Ukraine through consistent military aid packages—stood firm against Putin: “The fact is that Putin is a war criminal. He’s killed thousands and thousands of people. And he has made one thing clear: he wants to reestablish what was part of the Soviet empire, not just a piece. He wants all of Ukraine. That’s what he wants. And then you think he’ll stop if he takes Ukraine?”

The legacy of Jan. 6 

Former President Trump evaded questions about the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, downplaying his role in the devastating 2021 riot and denying that he failed to uphold his oath to defend the Constitution.

“On Jan. 6, we had a great border… On Jan. 6, we were energy independent, we had the lowest taxes ever, we had the lowest regulation ever,” Trump said, adding that the U.S. was “respected all over the world.” Trump then doubled down, saying the reputation of the U.S. has been tarnished under Biden’s leadership and claiming that he wanted his supporters to act “peacefully and patriotically” on Jan. 6.

Biden responded by saying that Trump encouraged his supporters to attack the U.S. Capitol.

“I could see what was happening. Everybody was saying they’re going to be there on Jan. 6, they’re going to be there. And I said, ‘You know what? There’s a lot of people coming.’ You could feel it,” Trump said. “You could feel it, too, and you could feel it. And I said they ought to have some National Guard or whatever.”

Trump is currently facing four federal charges for his involvement to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Trump will accept the results—“if it’s a fair and legal and good election”

Moderators asked Trump about a “specific concern” that many voters have regarding him: whether he would pledge to accept the results of the 2024 election, regardless of the winner, and condemn “political violence in any form.”

“Well, I shouldn’t have to say that, but of course, I believe that it’s totally unacceptable,” Trump replied. “But the answer is—if the election is fair, free, and I want that more than anybody.”

The former President went on a long tangent about how he wished Biden was “a great President,” because then he wouldn’t have to be on the debate stage running for election again. He said Biden is “so bad as a President” that America is “a failing nation,” criticizing Biden’s military policies and accusing him of dragging the U.S. “closer to World War III.” The two candidates then traded jabs back and forth, prompting moderators to intervene and to repeatedly press Trump on whether he would accept the results of the election.

“If it’s a fair and legal and good election, absolutely. I would have much rather accepted these, but the fraud and everything else was ridiculous,” Trump asserted. “There’s nothing I’d rather do. It would be much easier for me to do that than running again. I wasn’t really going to run until I saw the horrible job he did. He’s destroying our country. I would be very happy to be someplace else.”

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    New York, New York, June 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fareportal, the travel technology company behind leading online travel agencies CheapOair and OneTravel, is excited to announce the release of a new article that delves into the dynamic intersection of travel and technology: "Embracing the Future of Travel: How Tech is Driving Smart Tourism."

  28. Election latest: Farage on defensive after supporters caught on camera

    Rishi Sunak has spoken out after a Reform UK supporter was filmed making racist comments about him - with party leader Nigel Farage forced on to the defensive. Meanwhile, Sir Keir Starmer has ...

  29. Ukraine war latest: Russia says it is considering nuclear shift

    Spreaker This content is provided by Spreaker, which may be using cookies and other technologies.To show you this content, we need your permission to use cookies. You can use the buttons below to ...

  30. The Biggest Moments in the First 2024 Presidential Debate

    Trump calls Biden a "bad Palestinian". Moderators pressed Biden about the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where more than 20,000 children are missing, according to a recent report.Five ...