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Dr. Max EnteroMax Travel 10 kapsula


  • SKU:  D10056
  • Barkod:  8595566409272
  • Brand:  Dr.Max
  • Pakovanje:  Kutija
  • Tip artikla:  Kapsule

Jedna kapsula sadrži: 5 x 10ꝰ CFU Saccharomyces boulardii

Besplatna dostava za porudžbine preko 5000 RSD.

  • Način primene
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  • Način primene Odrasli i adolescenti po 1 kapsulu dnevno popiti uz jelo. Osobe koje ne mogu da progutaju celu kapsulu, sadržaj mogu pomešati sa hladnim jelom ili nekim napitkom. Nije namenjen deci mladjoj od 3 godine.

Bio Špajz sirup od agave 330gr

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Dr.Max EnteroMax Travel cps 1x10 ks

Dr.Max EnteroMax Travel

Popis a určenie

Prípravok obsahuje probiotickú kultúru kvasiniek garantovaného pôvodu Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii v množstve 400 mg v 1 kapsule.

EÚ register zdravotných tvrdení publikovaný na stránke Európskej komisie Výživové a zdravotné tvrdenia sa v zmysle aktuálne platnej legislatívy nesmú uvádzať na potravinách na osobitné lekárske účely.

Domáce liečenie

enteromax max travel

Hnačka a dyzentéria

Pri hnačke je dôležité doplnenie vody a elektrolytov. Používajú sa lieky zastavujúce hnačku.a protihnačkové organizmy, ktoré nie sú bežnou súčasťou črevnej mikroflóry. Vhodné je aj nárazové podanie črevných adsorbentov. čítajte viac...

Ďalšie domáce liečenia

  • Cestovateľská hnačka
  • Zápcha

Výdaj lieku (prípadne iného produktu) nie je viazaný na predpis.

1 až 2 kapsuly denne počas jedla alebo po jedle. Obsah kapsuly môže byť tiež rozmiešaný v studenom jedle alebo nápoji.

Upozornenie: Nevhodné pre deti do 3 rokov. Ustanovená odporúčaná denná dávka sa nesmie presiahnuť. Výživové doplnky sa nesmú používať ako náhrada rozmanitej stravy. Výživové doplnky sa musia uskladňovať mimo dosahu malých detí.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (pivné kvasinky)

ADC Klasifikácia produktu

Kompletné členenie skupiny VDC04 Všetky produkty patriace do skupiny VDC04

Fotografie produktu

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Zdravotný problém.

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Kombinácie a interakcie liekov

Kombinácie a následné možné interakcie liekov vždy konzultujte so svojím lekárom alebo lekárnikom.

Väčšina ambulancií a lekární je vybavená sofistikovaným odborným systémom vyhodnocovania interakcií, a interakcie vám rýchlo vyhodnotia.

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Ceny produktov a ich dostupnosť na Slovensku vám vie preveriť váš lekárnik.

Užívanie lieku, nežiadúce účinky, konzultácie

Na otázky ohľadne užívania lieku, prípadne nežiadúcich lieku vám môže kvalifikovane odpovedať len váš lekár alebo lekárnik.

Prípadné nežiadúce účinky vždy nahláste svojmu lekárovi alebo lekárnikovi.

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Dr.Max EnteroMax Travel 10 cps

Dr.Max EnteroMax Travel 10 cps

Zloženie, užívanie, účinky

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Recenzie a skúsenosti

Heureka Dr.Max EnteroMax Travel 10 cps

Zoznam článkov

Dračia krv Advance recenzia – účinky, užívanie, dávkovanie

Dračia krv Advance recenzia – účinky, užívanie, dávkovanie

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Advance Nutraceutics recenzia a skúsenosti.  Najlepšie výživové doplnky na trhu

Advance Nutraceutics recenzia a skúsenosti. Najlepšie výživové doplnky na trhu

Značku Advance Nutraceutics na trhu s výživovými doplnkami netreba špeciálne predstavovať. Je však dobré vedieť, prečo tento český výrobca patrí medzi najlepších na trhu a čo zákazníkom ponúka.

Dettol gel – dezinfekcia na ruky. Antibakteriálny sprej, mydlo a jeho zloženie

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Značka Dettol je lídrom v oblasti ochrany pred mikróbmi. Prostredníctvom lepšej hygieny pomáha chrániť zdravie rodín po celom svete. Svoje produkty zameriava predovšetkým na osobnú hygienu. V článku sa o nej dozviete viac.

Írsky mach je kolagén – účinky, dávkovanie, recepty

Írsky mach je kolagén – účinky, dávkovanie, recepty

Írsky mach je morská riasa, ktorá je vynikajúcou alternatívou kolagénu a želatíny. Používa sa v kozmetike, lekárstve i ako vegánska prísada do kuchyne. V článku sa dozviete o všetkých jej účinkoch.

Najlepší Dezinfekčný gél na ruky. Recenzie chvália antibakteriálny Dettol a Sanytol

Najlepší Dezinfekčný gél na ruky. Recenzie chvália antibakteriálny Dettol a Sanytol

Antibakteriálne gély sú gély na báze alkoholu, ktorý poskytuje účinnú dezinfekciu pred mikróbmi nachádzajúcimi sa na pokožke rúk. Aké účinné sú a je vôbec vhodné ich používať? Poďme sa na to pozrieť.

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Entromax Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction and all others data.

1 mini bottle contains- Active element: 2 billion spores of polyantibiotic resistant Bacillus clausii* Excipient: Purified water *Polyantibiotic resistant means resistant to a certain number of antibiotics. It is an extremely important characteristic of Bacillus clausii spores that allows it to be administered during antibiotic treatment with penicillin, cephalosporins, tetracycline, macrolides, aminoglycosides, novabi-ocin, chloramphenicol, tiamphenicol, Lincomycin, isoniazid, cycloserin, rifampicin, Nalidixic acid and pipernidic acidBacillus clausii spores is a probiotic which is useful for the management of imbalance of intestinal bacterial flora due to diverse causes. The possible presence of corpuscles visible in the vials of Enterogermina is due to aggregates of Bacillus clausii spores and does not, therefore, indicate that the product has undergone any changes.

Table Of contents

  • Side Effect
  • Precautions
  • Interactions
  • Uses during Pregnancy
  • Uses during Breastfeeding
  • Accute Overdose
  • Food Interaction
  • Volume of Distribution
  • Interaction With other Medicine
  • Contradiction


Bacillus clausii spores is used for managing the alterations of the intestinal bacterial flora. Bacillus clausii spores restores the equilibrium of the intestinal flora changed during diarrhoea or in the course of thera-pies with antibiotics or chemo-therapy, contributing to correct the consequent dysvitaminosis (that is the imbalance of production and assimilation of the vitamins).

Entromax dosage

Adults : from 2 to 3 mini bottles a day Children : from 1 to 2 mini bottles a day Infants : from 1 to 2 mini bottles a day Do not exceed the instructed doses without the advice of the professional. Bacillus clausii spores is presented in the form of  an oral suspension in water and is available as 5 ml mini bottles. One pack contains 10 ready-to-drink mini bottles.

Take Bacillus clausii spores at regular intervals during the day. Consult the professional if the condition recurs or if you have noticed any recent change in the nature of problems. Use only for brief periods of Management. It is necessary to shake the mini bottle before use. To open the mini bottle rotate the upper part and detach it. Take the content as such or dilute it in water or other drinks (for example; Milk, Tea, Orange juice). Once open, consume it within a short period to avoid contamination of the suspension.

Side Effects

No side effects have been reported with the use of Enterogermina. However, it is important to communicate any undesirable effects.

During antibiotic therapy, the product should be administered in the interval between one dose of antibiotic and the next. Keep out of the reach of children. Contact your doctor if the condition worsen after 2-3 days of usage.

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding use

Bacillus clausii spores can be used during pregnancy & lactation


Hypersensitivity towards the components or other closely related substances.

Acute Overdose

Excessive doses of Enterogermina do not produce side effects. However, it is better to follow the recommended doses. While there are no particular problems associated with missing a dose, it is advisable to complete the daily dose for best results. Remember that the correct and careful administration increases its effectiveness.

Storage Condition

The un-opened mini bottles of Enterogermina are stable for a period of 24 months. Do not use Enterogermina after the expiry date on the label. Store at a temperature not higher than 30°C.

Innovators Monograph

You find simplified version here Entromax

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Child Specialist

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Medicine Specialist

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Dr. Khondoker Monirul Alam


Dr. Sultana Ashrafi Ahmed

Dr. Sultana Ashrafi Ahmed

Kidney Specialist

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By public transport

Electronic card "Podorozhnik" debit cards are the easiest and cheapest way to pay public transport fares for metro, bus, and trams. They can be acquired at the metro cash desks, charged at the desks or the automated ticket machines in metro stations and then used to pay metro and bus fare by simply swiping over the readers at buses or turnstiles. Funds or passes can be loaded onto the card. See info boards besides the cash desks for pricing. There is an additional RUB60 deposit for the card which will be refunded when you return it. The cards work for all metro, tram and trolleybus fares in St. Petersburg and many bus routes. Ticket controllers carry a small card reader to verify if the Podorozhnik card was swiped in the bus.

Fares can also be paid by tapping a Russian debit or credit card on the reader, but the fares are usually higher.

enteromax max travel

Saint Petersburg's metro system is the second largest in Russia, after that of Moscow . The metro is a cheap and effective way to get around the city, and also a major tourist attraction due to the beautiful decorations of the stations. Amateur photography (without a tripod, etc.) is allowed, although professional photography is prohibited. The trains are fast and run frequently. During rush hour, there are 2-3 minutes between trains. Fares , regardless of the distance traveled, are RUB49 per entry if paid via Podorozhnik debit card or RUB70 if paid by contactless Russian debit or credit card or via a token.

Opening and closing times vary; the subway is closed from approximately midnight to approximately 05:45, depending on the station.

Metro maps can be found in every train car and always have station names in the Latin alphabet. The station names on the platforms are also in the Latin alphabet, and many other signs are in English. Station announcements on the train are only in Russian, but if you listen carefully you will hear the conductor announce the current station name and the next station as the doors are closing.

Stations are deep underground, and transferring trains at transfer stations involves long walks that can take up to 10 minutes.

Trains can be extremely crowded during rush hour. Be aware of your belongings and expect to have to push your way out of the train upon arrival at your station.

Exploring more

The center has much more sights. Mars Field with the Memorial to the Revolutionary Fighters and the Eternal Flame, the Circus, wonderfully baroque Smolny Cathedral, Peter the Great's Cabin, the rolling parkland of the Tauride Palace and Gardens, Alexander Nevsky Monastery, the Yusupov Palace where Rasputin was killed (if you get the chance to see a performance in the theater inside, jump on it), the neoclassical bust-filled Summer Gardens, Mikhailovsky Castle, the Marble Palace, the small but powerfully heartrending Museum of the Defense and Blockade of Leningrad. Literary buffs should seek out Dostoevsky's local haunts, including the famous "Murder Walk" from Crime and Punishment , which will take you right from Raskolnikov's apartment to the door of the very apartment where the grisly deed was done.

Head back across the river to the Petrograd Side , past the Peter and Paul Fortress, you'll find the Saint Petersburg Mosque, the really impressive Military Museum, the museum-ship of the Cruiser Aurora, the ever... interesting Museum of Political History, and the Botanical Gardens. On Vasilievsky , the whole Neva embankment is filled with great museums and grand buildings. Especially great places to visit (aside from the aforementioned Naval Museum and Kunstkamera) include the Menshikov Palace (run by the Hermitage), the Twelve Collegia, and the Mining Museum. And don't forget to hunt down the some 3,300 year-old sphinx statues from the Theban Necropolis!

Further afield

There are many things to see in the north and south of the city—especially in the south. Southern Saint Petersburg is home to the Narva Triumphal Arch and its sister monument—the Moscow Triumphal Gate, the huge Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad (which honestly should be one of the main attractions in this city, if not for its distance from the center), Moscow Victory Park, and one of the best examples of Stalinist architecture (more interesting than you'd think) at the House of the Soviets, fronted by a very large Lenin statue. The most wonderful sight in southern Saint Petersburg, though, may be the whimsical, candy cane-colored Chesme Church.

The eastern part of the city (colloquially known as the Right bank ) is renowned for its nineteenth century industrial architecture in the districts of Okhta and Porokhovye (former gunpowder factories).

Northern Saint Petersburg is a bit less notable, but adventurous travelers can find some things of interest, especially in the old industrial district around the Finliandskii Station, at the Forestry Academy and Piskaryovskoye Memorial Cemetery for the fallen in the Siege of Leningrad.

The naval fortress of Kronstadt at Kotlin island, nowadays accessible by road across the dam, is a very significant site for fans of the history of military architecture, and makes for enjoyable day trips by boat.

The Telegram Messenger groups SPB_Hangouts , InterNational Events , SPb Couchsurfing , Say Yes Saint Petersburg , and English Meetup Saint Petersburg all contain almost daily events for meeting locals or other foreigners, excursions, or practicing languages.

Opera and Ballet

The Mariinsky is perhaps the most well-known institution for opera and ballet, but it is by no means the only theater in the city. Tickets are sold on each theater's website, at each theatre's box office, and at kiosks and shops called Teatralnaya Kassa. Sometimes blocks of tickets sell out at the kiosks but tickets are still available at the theater, or vice versa, so it is worth checking both places if you have your heart set on a particular performance. It is possible to take not-so-small children into some performances if you take a private box, although you will need to ask when you buy your tickets.

Other Theatres

  • Buff State Musical and Drama Theatre , Zanevsky Prospect, 26 , ☏ +7 812 573 95 95 . In a modern building. Offers rich program in drama performances, both classical and modern.  

The music scene in St. Petersburg is diverse, with several classical, jazz, and pop concerts to choose from each week. Tickets are available at the same Teatralnaya Kassa locations as ballet and opera tickets, although tickets to pop concerts - especially US and European stars on tour - sometimes use exclusive distributors. For pop and rock concerts, unless you buy tickets for the dance floor (tanzpol), you are expected to sit quietly in your seat as if you were at a ballet - ushers are vigilant about keeping the audience from standing up, dancing, or cheering (polite applause is allowed, but that's about all).

Several of the ballet and opera theaters above also offer orchestral and recital performances, so those are not repeated below. Also, don't forget the many small clubs where up and coming bands play.

Most cinemas in St. Petersburg show Hollywood films dubbed in Russian. Art cinemas like Dom Kino often show independent American or British movies subtitled in Russian.

Annual Message to Man international documentary, short, and animated films festival takes place in October, screening many films in English.

Canal boat tours

A tour of the canals by boat is a great way to see the city in the summer. The typical tour is through the Moika, out to the Neva to see the Peter and Paul Fortress and the Cruiser Aurora, then in through the Fontanka (sometimes as far as the Mariinsky Theater). Tours start at many points along the route and return to their starting point - hawkers for different boat companies abound on Nevsky Prospect. Boats may or may not have a cafe and toilet on board. Most tours are in Russian but English tours can booked from the Water Tourism Center . Prices range from RUB1,000 to RUB3,000.

Watch football: FC Zenit Saint Petersburg play in the Russian Premier League, the top tier of Russian football. Their home ground is Krestovsky Stadium, on Krestovsky island 10 km north of city centre. Take Metro M3 (Green Line) west towards Begovaya and get off at Novokrestovskaya. The stadium will host matches at the upcoming Euro 2020 tournament.

Viewpoints and rooftops

The best views in the city are from rooftops, such as rooftop bars and restaurants. Nice views can also be obtained by climbing the 250+ steps of St. Isaac's Cathedral. Rooftop tours , generally in Russian and costing RUB1,000, are also offered.

Tourist traps

Gypsy cabs are ubiquitous and a little risky; never take one lingering near bars/clubs where expatriates and tourists congregate.

Street children make their living out of stealing. They can be a hassle and can beg you aggressively. Act like any other Russian would: say no, then just ignore them and go away. If they start touching you, be very firm in pushing them away.

Gay travelers must practice extreme caution while staying in Saint Petersburg, as attacks often occur. Many Russian people look upon public demonstrations of homosexuality with undisguised contempt. It is advised to not openly display one's sexuality.

Natural hazards

Another subtle danger that can affect your trip is the inevitable effect of winter weather. Poor harvesting of snow and ice is a big problem in the city. Caution is advised in snowy winters because of falling ice from roofs, and pedestrians should pay special attention to ice on the streets. Snow on marble is very, very slippery—take small steps and watch your feet!

St. Petersburg regularly experienced floods during its history, sometimes catastrophic. However, the construction of the preventive dam has been completed, and catastrophic floods are unlikely to happen again.

Overall, be warned that if you are used to living in the US and/or Western Europe, Saint Petersburg, as well as the rest of Eastern Europe, will seem different, and, at times, a bit intimidating. On the other hand, Russian people are usually friendly, welcoming and interested towards foreigners, and nothing should happen to you unless you put yourself in harm's way. If you don't care about them they don't care about you, and nothing should get in your way of having a great holiday.

Saint Petersburg has a relatively big problem with street children who make their living out of stealing. They can be a hassle and can beg you aggressively. Act like any other Russian would: say no, then just ignore them and go away. If they start touching you, be very firm in pushing them away.

Another danger is the bar scams that abound in the city. Men have been known to have been drugged and robbed by women they met online or on the street. In general avoid any bar that is underground and you have to buzz to get into. Here's how the scam works: Girls approach you and invite to have drinks together, and they will even offer to pay for those drinks. They build trust and take you to other bars. After those bars they talk to a friend on the phone that says that whatever club you want to go is closed and so they take you to a scam bar. There you immediately start being served drinks and food without showing you the menu and then they charge you a ridiculous amount. Calling the police is pointless as they will not show up.

During the winter, poor clearance of snow and ice is a big problem in this city. Caution is advised in snowy winters because of falling ice from roofs, and pedestrians should pay special attention to ice on the streets.

Stay healthy

The private hospitals listed below have English-speaking Russian doctors (very few, if any, hospital staff are expats). Depending on the type of service provided and the terms of one's insurance policy, these hospitals may be able to arrange direct billing with European and American medical insurance companies.

The city's water-system is not ideal because of a number of old pipes and as a result does not provide 100% clean water (too much heavy metals). Some locals boil or also filter tap water before use; you might want to buy it bottled if water quality affects you. It's germ free, though, so brushing your teeth with it is fine—it's just not great for drinking. Cold water is cleaner than hot. Some lodging has no hot water for long periods of time.

There are numerous public toilets, although many charge a nominal fee and toilet paper is not always provided. Many canteens, restaurants, and hotels will allow tourists to use their bathrooms without being a customer.

Saint Petersburg is plagued by mosquitoes during the summer, especially in June, as the swampy surroundings of the city give the mosquitoes excellent living conditions. In budget accommodation with few countermeasures against the mosquitoes, this can be a problem at night, putting your well deserved sleep at risk. Less of an issue in the city center, mosquitoes can be much more numerous on the outskirts. They are not dangerous, though, just a nuisance.

Overnight trips

If you leave Russia and plan to return, make sure you have a multiple entry visa.

  • Novgorod — Ancient town with churches and museums, 180 km from St. Petersburg, can be accessed by high-speed trains.
  • Narva , Estonia — 160 km southwest of Saint Petersburg on the Narva river, which serves as the border between Russia and Estonia. Twin castles (Russian, established Grand Duke Ivan III, and Danish/Swedish).
  • Vologda — this city is considered the heart of Russian North, a popular local travel destination. Reachable by overnight train, from there you can go to Moscow or further north to Arkhangelsk .
  • Petrozavodsk and the rest of Karelia — popular Russian travel destination for its beautiful nature and access to White Sea islands. Reachable by overnight or high-speed train.
  • Moscow — the Russian capital is reachable by overnight train or in the daytime by the high-speed Sapsan train (about 4 hr) or by plane. As much to see as in St. Petersburg, so plan on several days here.

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  10. Boeing freezes hiring and executives' first-class travel as ...

    Boeing Chief Financial Officer Brian West on Monday announced the company is instituting a freeze on hiring and non-essential travel, and it will consider furloughs for employees, managers, and ...

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  18. Boeing freezes hiring in sweeping cost cuts as it grapples with factory

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    Entromax dosage. Adults: from 2 to 3 mini bottles a day. Children: from 1 to 2 mini bottles a day. Infants: from 1 to 2 mini bottles a day. Do not exceed the instructed doses without the advice of the professional. Bacillus clausii spores is presented in the form of an oral suspension in water and is available as 5 ml mini bottles.

  23. The Horse Tamers statue in St. Petersburg, Russia

    The Horse Tamers. Decorating the Anichkov Bridge, which carries Nevsky Prospekt across the Fontanka River in the very centre of St. Petersburg, the four statues that comprise the sculptural group The Horse Tamers are one of the most strikingly beautiful and immediately recognizable monuments in all of St. Petersburg.

  24. Enteromax / enteromax travel

    Dr. Max EnteroMax Travel Dobrý den, chtěla bych se zeptat na přípravekDr. Max EnteroMax Travel 10 kapslí. Jde o léčivo, které funguje i nárazově na zažívací potíže a průjem třeba 1-2 dny nebo je potřeba jej brát delší dobu pro...

  25. Essential travel information for St. Petersburg, Russia

    St. Petersburg is not the easiest destination for travelers with disabilities, but with a bit of effort everyone should be able to enjoy this amazing city. »»». Comprehensive guide to traveling in St. Petersburg. Essential visitor information and top travel tips for Saint Petersburg, Russia.

  26. 3 days in St.Petersburg

    Purple line: Bukharestskaya, Obvodny Kanal, Mezhdunarodnaya, Zvenigorodskaya, Admiralteiskaya (the deepest metro station in Russia and the second deepest in the world, 102m), Sportivnaya. Map of Top 10 most beautiful metro stations in St.Petersburg. 1 - Avtovo; 2 - Kirovsky Zavod; 3 - Pushkinskaya; 4 - Mezhdunarodnaya; 5 ...

  27. Saint Petersburg

    Saint Petersburg (Russian: Са́нкт-Петербу́рг Sankt-Peterburg), known as Petrograd (Петроград) in 1914-1924 and Leningrad (Ленинград) in 1924-1991, is the second largest city of Russia, with 5.6 million inhabitants (2021), the fourth most populous city in Europe, the world's northernmost city of at least a million residents, and the former capital of the ...