Dialysekreuzfahrt 2024, 2025 & 2026 buchen

Dialyse Kreuzfahrt 2024, 2025 & 2026 buchen

Top angebote: dialyse kreuzfahrt 2024.

MSC Kreuzfahrten

Preise ab:   Innenkabine: 779€   |   Außenkabine: 929€   |   Balkonkabine: 1.289€   |   Suite: 1.589€   Buchungsvarianten:   Vollpension   |   inkl. Getränke  

Westliches Mittelmeer Kreuzfahrt ab / bis  Alicante

Preise ab:   Innenkabine: 1.059€   |   Außenkabine: 1.189€   |   Balkonkabine: 1.319€   Buchungsvarianten:   Vollpension   |   inkl. Getränke  

Costa Kreuzfahrten

Preise ab:   Innenkabine: 709€   |   Außenkabine: 909€   |   Balkonkabine: 1.049€   |   Suite: 1.329€   Buchungsvarianten:   Vollpension   |   All Inclusive   |   inkl. Getränke   |   mit Flug  

Östliches Mittelmeer Kreuzfahrt ab / bis  Piräus / Athen

Preise ab:   Innenkabine: 869€   |   Außenkabine: 1.029€   |   Balkonkabine: 1.379€   |   Suite: 1.769€   Buchungsvarianten:   Vollpension   |   inkl. Getränke  

Mediterrane Lebensfreude ab / bis  Barcelona

Preise ab:   Innenkabine: 969€   |   Außenkabine: 1.303€   |   Balkonkabine: 1.399€   |   Suite: 1.853€   Buchungsvarianten:   Vollpension   |   inkl. Getränke   |   mit Flug  

USA Ostküste Kreuzfahrt ab / bis  Miami

Preise ab:   Innenkabine: 379€   |   Außenkabine: 429€   |   Balkonkabine: 499€   |   Suite: 828€   Buchungsvarianten:   Vollpension   |   inkl. Getränke  

Traumhaftes Mittelmeer ab / bis  Genua

Preise ab:   Innenkabine: 1.315€   |   Außenkabine: 1.305€   |   Balkonkabine: 1.249€   |   Suite: 1.829€   Buchungsvarianten:   Vollpension   |   inkl. Getränke  

Südnorwegen ab / bis  Kopenhagen

Preise ab:   Balkonkabine: 1.569€   Buchungsvarianten:   Vollpension   |   All Inclusive   |   inkl. Getränke  

Westliches Mittelmeer Kreuzfahrt ab / bis  Barcelona

Preise ab:   Innenkabine: 903€   |   Außenkabine: 1.083€   |   Balkonkabine: 1.203€   |   Suite: 1.553€   Buchungsvarianten:   Vollpension   |   inkl. Getränke   |   mit Flug  

Östliches Mittelmeer Kreuzfahrt ab / bis  Bari

Preise ab:   Innenkabine: 869€   |   Außenkabine: 1.009€   |   Balkonkabine: 1.169€   |   Suite: 2.099€   Buchungsvarianten:   Vollpension   |   inkl. Getränke   |   mit Flug  

Dialysekreuzfahrten telefonisch buchen

Freies reisen auf einer kreuzfahrt mit dialyse möglichkeit, kreuzfahrten schiffe mit ständiger dialyse möglichkeit 2024, zusätzliche ausgewählte kreuzfahrten mit dialyse möglichkeiten 2024 2025, kreuzfahrten mit peritonealdialyse (bauchfelldialyse), bei welchen anbietern ist keine dialysekreuzfahrt 2024 möglich, beliebte unsere angebote für dialysekreuzfahrten 2024, 2025 & 2026.

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 Dialysekreuzfahrten 2024

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Die Schiffsreise

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Dialyse auf Kreuzfahrtschiffen

Dialysepatienten müssen nicht grundsätzlich auf Schiffsreisen verzichten. Auf einigen wenigen Schiffen ist ein Dialysebehandlung möglich. Es ist jedoch unbedingt erforderlich vor Buchung die Dialysebehandlung abzusprechen. Die Buchung sollte immer vorbehaltlich eines Dialyseplatzes erfolgen. Folgende Schiffe haben eine Dialysemöglichkeiten:


  • MS SE Manon, Flussschiff Das Schiff MS SE Manon gehört zur Flotte des Flussreise-Verstalters SE-Tours GmbH. Weitere Infos. Das Schiff wurde 2019 renoviert und bietet Platz für maximal 150 Passagiere. An Bord sind Dialysegeräte und geschultes Personal. Die Dialysebehandlung erfolgt durch DiaCare (Anfragen/ Kontakt [email protected]). Aktuelle Dialyse-Reisetermine
  • MS Bolero, Flussschiff Das Schiff gehört zur Flotte des Flussreise-Verstalters nicko cruises. Das Schiff wurde 2019 renoviert und bietet Platz für maximal 150 Passagiere. Die Dialysebehandlung auf dem Schiff erfolgt durch DiaCare (Anfragen/ Kontakt [email protected]). Buchungsmöglichkeiten und Infos MS Bolero:  e-hoi , Folgende Dialysereisen ( 15-tägigen Route ab/an Passau ins Donaudelta )  finden 2021 statt: 12.07. bis 26.07.2021 20.09. bis 04.10.2021 04.10. bis 18.10.2021 18.10. bis 01.11.2021
  • MS Europa, Hochseeschiff Ein Luxusschiff der Reederei Hapag Lloyd Reiseangebote MS Europa: E-hoi , Kreuzfahrten-Zentrale
  • MS Europa II, Hochseeschiff Ein Luxusschiff der Reederei Hapag Lloyd Reiserrouten, Preise und Angebote MS Europa II: E-hoi , Kreuzfahrten-Zentrale
  • MS Albertina, Flussschiff Die MS Albertina wird erst 2021 fertiggestellt. Es erwartet Sie also ein nagelneues Flussschiff. Mehr Infos . Es gehört zur Flotte des Flussreise-Verstalters SE-Tours GmbH und bietet Platz für maximal 150 Passagiere. An Bord sind Dialysegeräte und geschultes Personal. Die Dialysebehandlung erfolgt durch DiaCare (Anfragen/ Kontakt [email protected]). Termine 2022
  • MS Viola, Flussschiff Die Viola ist eine barrierfreies Schiff, das sich auf Rollstühle und Pflegebedarf spezialisiert hat. Das ehemalige Versorgungsschiff wurde in 2019 komplett saniert. Es gibt Kabinen mit Pflegebetten aber keine eigene Dialysestation. Es ist jedoch eine ärztliche und krankenpflegerische Begleitung an Bord und Dialysepatient haben die Möglichkeit, während der Reise an fast jedem Anleger eine zertifizierte Klinik aufzusuchen. In einigen Kliniken ist es auch möglich, Ihre Dialyse über Nacht zu erhalten. Die Reise können bei Runa Reisen , ein Spezialanbieter für Rollstuhlurlaub und betreutes Reisen gebucht werden. Mehr Infos .

Hinweis: Im Netz werden Sie vielleicht die Information finden, dass auch auf MS Deutschland eine Dialysebehandlung möglich sei. Diese Information ist falsch bzw. veraltet. Sit dem das Schiff 2016 von Phoenix Reisen übernommen wurde, gab es einige Umstrukturierungen und Veränderungen. U.a. wurde die Dialysestation abgeschafft.

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Auf VASCO DA GAMA gibt es vollen Reisegenuss auch für Dialyse-Patienten

nicko cruises dialyse

STUTTGART, 09.03.2021 In Kooperation mit der DiaCare AG bietet nicko cruises künftig auf allen Kreuzfahrten mit VASCO DA GAMA erstklassige medizinische Versorgung für Dialyse-Patienten an. An Bord des Flotten Neuzugangs steht dafür eine voll ausgestattete Dialyse-Station bereit. Auch für die Donau ist eine Kooperation in Planung.

Dialyse-Patienten unvergessliche Urlaubsmomente mit Nicko Cruises

Damit auch Dialyse-Patienten unvergessliche Urlaubsmomente mit Nicko Cruises erleben können, kooperiert der Stuttgarter Kreuzfahrtexperte jetzt mit der DiaCare AG, die auf Kreuzfahrten für Dialyse-Patienten spezialisiert ist und bereits seit 40 Jahren Feriendialysen auf Schiffen anbietet. Auf VASCO DA GAMA stellt DiaCare eine voll ausgestattete Hämodialyse-Einheit mit separater Wasseraufbereitungsanlage und eigener Notstromversorgung zur Verfügung. Mit dieser Kooperation knüpfen wir an die bisherige Zusammenarbeit für Dialyse-Kreuzfahrten auf VASCO DA GAMA an und schöpfen die medizinischen Möglichkeiten, die es an Bord unseres Flotten-Neuzugangs gibt, voll aus. Den Dialyse-Patienten möchten wir damit ein Stück Freiheit zurückgeben, indem wir sie so unkompliziert wie möglich zu den schönsten Sehnsuchtszielen der Welt bringen erklärt Guido Laukamp, Geschäftsführer von Nicko Cruises. Von der Reiseplanung bis zum Urlaubsende in guten Händen Angeboten werden die Dialyse-Behandlungen auf allen Reisen mit VASCO DA GAMA. So können die Gäste ihre Traumreise auf hoher See genießen, während die Betreuung durch einen erfahrenen Arzt und zusätzliche Dialyse Fachkräfte sichergestellt ist. Indem die Behandlungszeiten jeweils um die angebotenen Ausflüge herum geplant werden, müssen die Dialyse-Patienten auf kein Kreuzfahrterlebnis verzichten und können sich vor und nach der Behandlung an den Annehmlichkeiten und der besonderen Atmosphäre an Bord des klassisch-schönen Kreuzfahrtschiffs VASCO DA GAMA erfreuen.

Der Buchungsablauf ändert sich dabei kaum: Steht die Wunschreise fest, erfahren die Gäste von DiaCare, ob es auf der Reise noch freie Dialyse-Plätze gibt. Sobald die Dialyse Termine von DiaCare bestätigt sind, kann die Kreuzfahrt wie gehabt gebucht werden. Pro Reise sind maximal 20 Plätze für Dialyse Patienten mit Begleitung verfügbar.

Entscheiden sich Dialyse-Patienten dazu, eine Entdeckungsreise auf VASCO DA GAMA mit Behandlung zu buchen, werden sie außerdem bereits im Vorfeld von einem Dialysearzt von DiaCare bei der Reiseplanung unterstützt beispielsweise mit einem Vordruck für einen Arztbrief und einem vorgefertigten Antrag für die Krankenkasse. Alle Informationen rund um die Dialyse-Möglichkeiten auf den Reisen mit VASCO DA GAMA gibt es hier.

DiaCare und nicko cruises arbeiten derzeit außerdem an einer Kooperation im Flussbereich. Künftig soll es somit nicht nur auf hoher See Dialyse-Kreuzfahrten geben, sondern auch auf der Donau. Bewährtes Hygienekonzept und Bordhospital für rundum sicheres Reisen. Die Gesundheit und Sicherheit der Gäste an Bord der Schiffe hat für nicko cruises stets allerhöchste Priorität. Deshalb werden auf VASCO DA GAMA nicht nur Dialyse-Patienten erstklassig medizinisch versorgt, sondern es steht für alle Reisenden ein schiffseigenes Bordhospital zur Verfügung und sämtliche Entdeckungsreisen mit dem klassisch-schönen Kreuzfahrtschiff werden von einem Bordarzt begleitet. Zusätzlich sorgt in aktuellen Zeiten ein bewährtes Hygienekonzept für die Extraportion Sicherheit.

Weitere Informationen zum Angebot von nicko cruises erhalten Sie in Ihrem Reisebüro oder unter +49 (0) 711 / 24 89 80 44 oder auf www.nicko-cruises.de .

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Chefredakteur und Inhaber Claus Blohm gilt mit weit mehr als 3.000 Nächten an Bord verschiedener Schiffe als erfahrener Kreuzfahrtexperte. Neben den allgemeinen Reiseberichten erstellt er auch eine Vielzahl interner und vertraulicher Testberichte, die zum Teil von den Reedereien beauftragt werden. Diese Berichte gelten nicht selten als Grundlage für neue Standards an Bord. „Der Kreuzfahrttester“ wird bereits seit 1999 betrieben. Die Seite www.kreuzfahrttester.com gilt damit als ältester Kreuzfahrt-Blog in Deutschland

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Dialysekreuzfahrten Vasco da Gama

Vasco Da Gama

Die Kabinen bieten auf 16 bis 102 m², viele mit Balkon, ausreichend Privatsphäre. Alle Kabinen sind mit einer individuell regulierbaren Klimaanlage ausgestattet sowie mit TV-Flachbildschirm, Radio, Telefon, Föhn und Safe.

Dialysekreuzfahrten Vasco da Gama:

Rsg - reiseservice glaser, hauptmenü.

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Toureal Reisemagazin

Für Dialyse-Patienten Reisegenuss auf der Donau

Nicko cruises erweitert seine Kooperation mit der DiaCare AG und hat jetzt auch auf der Donau Kreuzfahrten für Dialyse-Patienten im Programm. Angeboten werden 2021 vier ausgewählte Termine mit MS BOLERO.

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Die Kooperation mit dem Feriendialyse-Spezialist DiaCare auf allen Kreuzfahrten mit Flotten-Neuzugang VASCO DA GAMA und die medizinische Versorgung für Dialyse-Patienten hat der Stuttgarter Kreuzfahrtexperte bereits bekanntgegeben. Jetzt ist auch die Erweiterung der Kooperation auf dem Fluss in trockenen Tüchern und Dialyse-Patienten können sich 2021 auf unvergessliche Urlaubserlebnisse mit nicko cruises auf der Donau freuen.

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„Als sinnvolle Ergänzung der Dialyse-Möglichkeiten auf VASCO DA GAMA dehnen wir die Kooperation nun auf einige unserer Flusskreuzfahrten aus. Die Route ab/bis Passau ins Donaudelta ist ein beliebter Klassiker unter den Donaureisen und wir freuen uns, diesen jetzt auch für Dialyse-Patienten erlebbar machen zu können“, so Guido Laukamp, Geschäftsführer von nicko cruises.

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Rundum versorgt ins Donaudelta

An vier ausgewählten Terminen in der Saison 2021 kann die moderne MS BOLERO auf der 15-tägigen Reise ab/an Passau jeweils bis zu zwölf Dialyse-Patienten pro Termin ins Donaudelta bringen, wo die Gäste dessen natürliche Harmonie und tierische Vielfalt erleben können, ohne dabei Abstriche wegen der Behandlung machen zu müssen. Die Behandlungszeiten werden, wie auch bei den Hochseereisen mit VASCO DA GAMA, um die Ausflüge herum geplant.

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So können die Patienten unterwegs alle Reisehighlights – von Metropolen wie Wien, Budapest, Belgrad und Bukarest über beeindruckende Landschaften bis hin zu den Flusstagen mit erholsamen Stunden auf dem Sonnendeck – in vollen Zügen genießen, während die medizinische Betreuung jederzeit sichergestellt ist.

Alle Informationen und Ansprechpartner rund um die Dialyse-Kreuzfahrten mit nicko cruises sowie die genauen Reisetermine auf der Donau gibt es hier .

nicko cruises dialyse

Wiener HofburgWeitere Informationen zum Angebot von nicko cruises erhalten Sie in Ihrem Reisebüro oder unter +49 (0) 711 / 24 89 80 44 oder auf www.nicko-cruises.de .

Über nicko cruises

Die nicko cruises Schiffsreisen GmbH ist einer der dynamischsten Kreuzfahrtanbieter in Deutschland. Das Unternehmen hat sich von einem führenden Flusskreuzfahrt-Anbieter mit knapp 30-jähriger Erfahrung in den vergangenen Jahren zu einem namhaften Anbieter kleiner Schiffe mit destinationsorientieren Hochseerouten fortentwickelt. Mit seiner gleichermaßen modernen wie komfortablen Flotte ist das Unternehmen in mehr als zwanzig Ländern und auf 31 Gewässern aktiv. Es bereist neben den Weltmeeren auch alle touristisch nachgefragten Inlandswasserstraßen und Küstenabschnitte. In der Saison 2021 befinden sich neben 26 Flussschiffen auch das Expeditionsschiff WORLD VOYAGER und das klassische Hochseeschiff VASCO DA GAMA im Programm.

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„Kleine Schiffe. Große Erlebnisse.“ – das ist Programm bei nicko cruises, auf dem Fluss wie auf der Hochsee. Komfort und das individuelle Reiseerlebnis der Passagiere stehen dabei stets an erster Stelle. Dank der großen Produktvielfalt findet bei nicko cruises jeder die passende Reise, individuell auf die jeweiligen Bedürfnisse abgestimmt. Die Schiffe der Flotte entsprechen alle einem 4- bis 5-Sterne-Standard in der Landhotellerie nach deutschen Maßstäben. Der außergewöhnliche Service mit viel Liebe zum Detail beginnt schon bei der Abholung an der Haustür. Attraktive Landausflüge und das abwechslungsreiche kulinarische Angebot an Bord runden das Reiseerlebnis ab. Das Unternehmen nicko cruises Schiffsreisen GmbH hat seinen Sitz in Stuttgart und beschäftigt dort rund 100 hoch motivierte Mitarbeiter

nicko cruises dialyse

Quelle: nicko cruises, Fotos: Gabriele Wilms

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  • Flusskreuzfahrt

Toureal Reisemagazin

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Dialyse aan boord van MS Bolero

In samenwerking met DiaCare AG biedt Nicko Cruises in 2021 medische dialysezorg aan dialysepatiënten op vier Donau cruises op het MS Bolero . Eerder maakte de rederij bekend dat op zeecruiseschip Vasco Da Gama op elke cruise 20 dialyse gasten welkom zijn. Het Duitse DiaCare AG is gespecialiseerd in cruises voor dialysepatiënten, al ruim 40 jaar.

In 2021 worden 4 cruises aangeboden waarbij dialyse beschikbaar zal zijn. “Als mooie aanvulling op de dialyse-opties op Vasco Da Gama breiden we de samenwerking nu uit naar enkele van onze riviercruises. De route van/naar Passau naar de Donaudelta is een populaire klassieker onder de Donau-reizen. We zijn daarom erg blij dat we er ook voor dialysepatiënten een mooie ervaring van kunnen maken”, zegt Guido Laukamp, ​​Managing Director van Nicko Cruises.

De moderne Bolero kan tot twaalf dialysepatiënten per cruise naar de Donaudelta brengen tijdens de 15-daagse reis vanaf Passau. Net als bij de oceaan cruises met Vasco Da Gama, zijn de behandeltijden gepland rondom de excursies. Op deze manier kunnen gasten genieten van alle reis hoogtepunten onderweg. Zoals bijvoorbeeld van metropolen als Wenen, Boedapest, Belgrado en Boekarest tot indrukwekkende landschappen tijdens het varen.


De cruises vertrekken op 12 juli, 20 september, 4 oktober en 18 oktober 2021. Meer informatie lees je hier bij Nicko Cruises.

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Charles Dickens in Boedapest

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Life with Kidney Disease

Vacation on dialysis.

People on dialysis can enjoy different types of vacations. You can set sail on a cruise ship, book a vacation abroad, road trip across the country, or visit famous attractions and entertainment spots. Whether you are on in-center hemodialysis , home hemodialysis (HHD) , peritoneal dialysis (PD) or in-center nocturnal dialysis , there are vacation options that will allow you to still get dialysis treatments either at a dialysis center or by bringing your dialysis equipment. Advanced planning for a vacation is necessary when you are on dialysis and it is recommended that dialysis patients talk with their nurse and social worker well in advance of traveling. In addition to their nurse and social worker, patients should check their Medicare or other insurance to determine if treatment will be covered while traveling, especially if considering a vacation abroad. But once the plans are set, you won’t have to worry about arrangements for dialysis treatments and can enjoy all the benefits of getting away on vacation.

Attractions and amusement parks on dialysis

If it is a family trip you’re looking for, check out one of the many theme parks or amusement parks around the U.S. One of the most recognized is Walt Disney World®. Located in Orlando, Florida , Walt Disney World includes the Magic Kingdom® Park, Epcot® theme park, Disney’s Animal Kingdom® and Disney’s Hollywood Studios™. Orlando also plays host to Universal Orlando®, Medieval Times® Dinner and Tournament and Sea World®.

Although smaller in acreage, the theme park phenomenon was born in the Disneyland® Resort in Anaheim, California. The family can explore the different “lands” in the original park and also have fun at the newer Disney’s California Adventure® Park. Walk along Downtown Disney® to see different shops and eateries, all leading you to the two parks. California plays host to the original Sea World® in San Diego and Medieval Times® in Buena Park. Los Angeles also has a Universal Studios Hollywood® and CityWalk. If you stay in San Diego, you can venture off to wildlife settings including The World Famous San Diego Zoo® and Wild Animal Park®.

Busch Gardens® theme parks in Florida and Virginia offer exhilarating roller coasters and loads of entertainment for the amusement park enthusiast. You can also search throughout the U.S. for a variety of museums, botanical gardens, zoos and unique landmarks that can be visited on your next vacation.

Many places in the U.S. provide entertainment and attractions, but there really is no place like Las Vegas, Nevada . If over-the-top shows, resort hotels and table games pique your interest, look no further than the glitz and glam of this diamond in the desert. From the bright lights of themed hotels to the ringing of slot machines, Las Vegas is the West’s city that never sleeps. 

Las Vegas is one of the most visited cities by people on dialysis. People with  chronic kidney disease can find many dialysis centers throughout the greater Las Vegas area.  

Las Vegas has managed to bring many worldly landmarks into one area. Paris Hotel and Casino has a (small) replica of the Eiffel Tower; the Statue of Liberty replica looks colossal in front of New York New York Hotel and Casino; and pirates put on a spectacular waterfront battle in front of Treasure Island Hotel and Casino. If you can’t make it to Venice, Italy the Venetian has gondola rides throughout the hotel in its manmade canal. 

Vintage Las Vegas is just a little ways from the Strip in the downtown area. Downtown Las Vegas features classic hotels and casinos. The Golden Nugget and the Gold Coast are a couple of highlights. The Fremont Experience is a street draped in lights with vendors and street performers to entertain you as you stroll. Off the strip you’ll find The Rio, The Palms, The Orleans and Green Valley Ranch.

Cruise vacations on dialysis

A cruise can be a great escape. Take in the vast ocean views, lay out by the pool or participate in the many activities a cruise has to offer. 

People on peritoneal dialysis (PD) can pack their supplies and bring them on the cruise ship. Be sure to bring extra supplies in case of any travel delays. You can do manual PD exchanges in the privacy of your cabin or use your cycler in the evening. 

Home hemodialysis (HHD) patients may bring their portable NxStage® machine on the cruise ship, although it may take extra planning. Both in-center hemodialysis and HHD patients can plan a cruise that provides treatments on the ship. Independent travel company, Dialysis at Sea®, is one place that provides a cruise vacation for dialysis patients. A nephrologist and nurses are onboard to administer hemodialysis treatments. After treatment is done, you can get back to your vacation. Check with your travel agent for other cruises offering similar services.

You can sail to tropical climates such as the Caribbean, Australia or South America, or cruise to cooler places that include Alaska and Canada. The time spent on a cruise varies and is dependent on where you want to travel, how long you decide to vacation and what is affordable for you.  

Entertainment is plentiful on the ship. Listen to a live band or try your hand at karaoke. If you’re the betting type, there are casinos on some cruise ships. Rock climbing, trivia games, sunbathing, theater shows and spa treatments are some highlights included on many ships. Find out what types of entertainment are available on the ship before you book your cruise.

When the ship docks, you can go sightseeing, horseback riding, hiking, and shopping. The cruise line may provide a list of offshore activities beforehand, along with times of when the ship leaves each port.  

A variety of food offered is available almost anytime on cruise ships. Consider bringing a list of what you can and cannot eat so that you keep your kidney diet in mind while cruising. Ask the servers onboard about different meal options, such as vegetarian dishes or what types of protein-enriched foods they offer.

A cruise is a vacation that people on dialysis and their loved ones can take pleasure in together with the convenience of having dialysis available onboard.

Camping and road trips on dialysis

Many times a good vacation is all about heading out onto the open road. According to the U.S. National Park Service, approximately 400 natural, cultural and recreational areas stretch out from sea to shining sea. Whether you visit the Redwood Forest in northern California or the beaches of Virginia , there is so much of the country to see when you do a road trip. You can try camping or taking an RV, book hotel rooms or make accommodations at a bed-and-breakfast. As with any trip, prices will determine where you decide to stay and how long you decide to travel.

Consider when and where to perform your dialysis treatments as you trek across the country. Such planning shouldn’t get in the way of exploring the wonders of the U.S. If you are an in-center hemodialysis patient, you must book in advance to dialyze at a nearby center. This should be done at least three months beforehand to ensure that you can get a space. If you treat your kidney disease with home dialysis, be sure to make room for your PD or HHD machine and supplies alongside your road trip gear. You will want to create a clean and draft-free area in order to properly perform home hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. If your trip lasts longer more than 10 days, have your PD or HHD supplies delivered to your destination so that you don’t need to carry all of it with you on your travels.

You can map out the dialysis center closest to where you would like to go. Ask your social worker to help you locate a center, whether you dialyze there or do home dialysis, in case of any emergencies while on vacation. Once you have the information, you can plan a trip that is both pleasant and convenient for your dialysis treatments.

Have you ever wanted to ride through the Rocky Mountains or take a mule ride down the Grand Canyon ? Other places to see on a road trip are the Oregon coast, South Zion National Park in Utah or the Great Lakes.

When at a campsite, you can ask a park ranger for a map of the surrounding trails for a hiking adventure. In the evening, you can grill some of your kidney-friendly foods over a campfire for dinner. When venturing on the highways, pull over to purchase organic foods at a fruit stand or visit a local restaurant. There are many state and county fairs that kick off in the warmer months. During the fall, Albuquerque, New Mexico, holds its annual International Balloon Festival showcasing hundreds of hot air balloons taking flight. Or go east to New England and watch the autumn leaves turn.  

Even big cities are surrounded by places where you can camp at night and explore city life during the day, or vice versa. You can camp near the beaches of Malibu, California, take in the surrounding wildlife outside of  Chicago, Illinois or get away from it all on the weekends in Upstate New York.

Vacationing abroad on dialysis

You may have your sights set on far off destinations. Does a trip to go up the Eiffel Tower in Paris sound appealing to you? How about taking a gondola ride in the canals of Venice? Or does hiking up and down the Great Wall of China sound like your idea of the ultimate vacation? How about taking in some seaside views in Australia? If this sounds like you but you feel that dialysis weighs down on your across-the-sea adventures, fear not. Chronic kidney disease affects many people around the world. Dialysis centers are located around the globe and if you have the funds and desire to plan this dream vacation, you can dialyze abroad. 

Medicare and most insurance companies will not cover dialysis treatment costs if you decide to go abroad. It is recommended to price these treatments beforehand so you have an idea of the cost and how long you would like to stay overseas. 

Peritoneal dialysis patients can have their supplies delivered to the place they visit. With sufficient planning, the PD supplies will be there when you arrive at your destination. In case of any travel delays, be sure to bring extra supplies.

For home hemodialysis patients, the NxStage machine can be taken abroad, but you should realize that NxStage doesn’t support their system outside of the continental U.S. People who do bring the machine will be on their own if they require more supplies or if a substitute machine is needed. Again, this can still be accomplished with the proper planning. HHD patients can opt to dialyze at a center abroad. Ask your home dialysis nurse to help you arrange treatments overseas. With proper planning, you can visit places such as Britain’s Buckingham Palace, take in the views of the Swiss Alps or celebrate Oktoberfest in Germany. Almost anywhere you choose to travel, dialysis can be accomplished while vacationing abroad.


A vacation can give you a sense of freedom and adventure and also be a way to reconnect with your loved ones and friends. Sail the high seas on a cruise, experience America on a grand road trip, vacation at a theme park and other attractions or fly to a faraway destination overseas – whichever you choose, know that you can maintain your dialysis treatments and at the same time enjoy getting away from it all.

Take a Deeper Look at Education

nicko cruises dialyse

Kidney Disease

Boost your knowledge by understanding the symptoms, risk factors and stages of kidney disease.

Life with Kidney Disease

Find out how you can partner with your nephrologist, gain emotional support and continue to live well after a kidney disease diagnosis.

nicko cruises dialyse

Kidney Smart® Classes

Get your questions answered in a no-cost online kidney education class.


From kidney disease basics to treatment options and patient stories, watch videos that will help you learn more about kidney disease.

nicko cruises dialyse

Discover the definitions behind common—and not-so common—kidney care terms.

nicko cruises dialyse

Get connected to a variety of kidney care information and helpful resources.

nicko cruises dialyse

Vasco da Gama

Vasco da Gama

  • Shipyard Fincantieri
  • Length 219.21 m
  • Beam 30.80 m
  • Tons 55,819 gt
  • Passengers 1350
  • Crew/Pax ratio 1 : 2.41
  • Currency EUR
  • Language German
  • Flag Portugal

Vasco da Gama combines the tradition of Portuguese explorers with the needs of today's cruise passengers. At 219 meters long and 31 meters wide, the ship offers its guests all the space they need, spread over nine passenger decks. On board there are five bars and lounges in different designs, five restaurants, an elegant wellness area with sauna and Turkish bath, a large fitness center, sports areas on the outdoor decks and two swimming pools, one of which has a sliding glass roof. At "Hollywood's" theater on two decks, the on-board theater company offers evening entertainment. The children's area on two decks and special family cabins provide the ideal base for an enjoyable family vacation. The ship also has a few cabins for disabled guests and has a dialysis unit. All cabins have a closet, shower or bathtub, bathroom, individually controlled air conditioning/heating, safe and satellite TV. Beds can be separated into two singles if desired. Hair dryers are available in all cabins. In the kitchen, chefs can cater to all dietary needs as well as satisfy guests with international specialties. Giorgia Lombardo

The complete tour on board Vasco da Gama

The complete tour on board Vasco da Gama

Vasco da Gama: the complete Photo Gallery

Vasco da Gama: the complete Photo Gallery

Vasco da Gama: classic but innovative

Vasco da Gama: classic but innovative

  • Transpacific and Pacific Islands
  • Western Mediterranean
  • Canaries, Azores, Cape Verde

Weltreise 2023/2024

Freundlichkeit der Crew, Servicepersonal und Mitarbeitet Sauberkeit, Bequem

Keine Klimaanlage. die Sonnenliegen .mussten teilweise selbst aufgebaut werden, fünf Raucherbereiche sind sehr störend,

Es gibt nur wenige Schattenplätze auf den Decks, die sind bereitms um 8 Uhr früh schon reserviert. Handtücher schlechte Qualität, Houskeeping macht viel Lärm vor den Kabinen.

  • Embarkation
  • Comfort and design
  • Cleaning/Maintenance
  • Gym and Spa
  • Theater shows
  • Internet service / Wi-fi
  • Baby club / Teen club
  • Guest service
  • Entertainment
  • Bar service
  • Main restaurants quality
  • Buffet restaurants quality
  • Speciality restaurants quality
  • Would you cruise this ship again?
  • Do you recommend this ship?
  • Value for money
  • Language assistance

nicko cruises dialyse

Kleines Schiff mit spannenden Routen, besonders für Einzel- und Langzeitreisende geeignet

Besonders spannende Routen mit kleinen Häfen, Lange Liegezeiten, 3 Hauptrestaurants, Themenbuffets, moderne Renovierung

frühe All-aboard-Zeit am Einschiffungs-/Wechseltag trotz später Abfahrt, keine Abwechselung beim Show-Programm

Sehr entspanntes Reisen (Slow Cruising) zu wenig besuchten kleinen Häfen. Dank attraktiver Routen besonders für Entdecker und Langzeit-Kreuzfahrten (bishin zur Weltreise) geeignet. Limitierung der Gästezahl auf max. 1000 Pax = viel Platz an Bord & besondere Angebote für Einzelreisende. Sehr vielfältige Essenauswahl in den drei inkludierten Hauptrestaurants. Schöner Pool-Bereich am Heck, kleiner Pool in der Schiffsmitte mit Schiebedach. Sehr günstige Getränkepreise an Bord, sehr leckeres kostenfreies Eis. Attraktive Frühstücksauswahl besonders auf den Dt. Geschmack abgestimmt. Die Crew war in der Kommunikaton sehr zurückhaltend. Ausflüge eher hochpreisig. Lektor und Fitness-Trainerin sehr gut. Internet/Wlan nur in Volumenpaketen kaufbar (kostspielig, aber schnell). Tolle philippinische Party-Band bringt Stimmung auch bei teils älterem Publikum. Hauptsächlich deutschsprachige Gäste, jedoch auch für englischsprachige Gäste mit entsprechenden Speisekarten/Tagesprogramm gut geeignet.

Bis zum Äquator und nicht weiter

Interessante Route

Senegal durfte nicht angelaufen werden Reiseabbruch wegen positiver Test bei Crew

sehr großzügige Reederei erstattet Reisepreis

nicko cruises dialyse

Vasco da Gama, nave sempre bella

Itinerario cambiato molto pesantemente

Si vede che la Vasco da Gama è stata un gran bella nave. Adesso ha i suoi anni ma molti ambienti sono ancora belli ed alcune zone hanno avuto un restyling moderno che non guasta. Buon servizio, buona cucina e un concetto di crociera, quello verso mete poco battute e con un numero di persone non eccessivo a bordo, oggi molto interessante.

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Nicko Cruises River Cruises Review: Cruise Ship Guide, Itineraries, Bookings & Deals

Nicko Cruises River Cruises offers an enchanting journey through the heart of Europe’s most iconic waterways. With a fleet of elegantly appointed river ships, Nicko Cruises provides guests with a unique opportunity to explore the picturesque landscapes, charming towns, and vibrant cities that line the Danube, Rhine, Main, Moselle, and other legendary rivers. Combining luxurious accommodations, exceptional service, and immersive cultural experiences, Nicko Cruises River Cruises invites travelers to embark on a voyage of discovery unlike any other. Nicko Cruises traces its roots back to 1994 when the company was founded in Germany with the goal of providing high-quality river cruises that showcase the beauty and diversity of Europe’s waterways. Over the years, Nicko Cruises has earned a reputation for excellence, becoming a preferred choice for travelers seeking authentic and immersive travel experiences.

In This Article...

  • 1 In a Nutshell…
  • 2 History of the Nicko Cruises
  • 3 Destinations of Nicko Cruises
  • 4 Conclusion
  • 5 Pin to Pinterest

In a Nutshell…

Diverse Fleet : Nicko Cruises boasts a fleet of  19 river ships , each tailored to specific routes and nautical conditions. Ships range from exclusive 40-bed yachts to chic vessels with over 200 beds. Luxury and Comfort : All Nicko Cruises ships offer high-quality accommodations akin to a  4 to 5-star hotel on land . Boutique Ships : Some ships fall under the “boutique” category, characterized by small, grand hotel-style vessels with tasteful furnishings and unique decors. Danube Cruises : nickoVISION : Accommodates 220 passengers. MAXIMA : Space for 180 passengers. Rhine & Tributaries Cruises : nickoSPIRIT : Accommodates 170 passengers. RHEIN SYMPHONIE : Space for 196 passengers. Douro Cruises : DOURO QUEEN : Accommodates 130 passengers. DOURO SERENITY : Space for 126 passengers. Rhône & Saône, Seine Cruises : BIJOU DU RHÔNE : Accommodates 150 passengers. SEINE COMTESSE : Space for 150 passengers. Elbe & Oder Cruises : KATHARINA VON BORA : Boutique ship with 80 passengers. Dalmatian Coast Cruises : PRINCESS : Accommodates 40 passengers. Asia Cruises : MEKONG NAVIGATOR : Boutique ship with 68 passengers.

History of the Nicko Cruises

Nicko Cruises Schiffsreisen GmbH, a leading provider of river cruises in Europe, has established a robust presence in the cruising industry, offering modern and comfortable river travel experiences. With a fleet that adheres to German standards equivalent to 4 to 5-star hotels on land, Nicko Cruises has garnered a reputation for excellent customer service and a wide range of itineraries across numerous tourist waterways and coastal regions.

With over 30 years of experience, Nicko Cruises has evolved from a prominent river cruise provider to a well-known operator of small ships with destination-oriented ocean routes. The company’s fleet, composed of modern and comfortable vessels, encompasses 22 river ships and the classic ocean-going vessel, VASCO DA GAMA. Nicko Cruises’ “time to discover” philosophy emphasizes rich and intensive travel experiences, offering “slow cruising” with small ships and extended anchorage times, allowing guests ample time for exploration and discovery.

Nicko Cruises takes pride in offering culturally immersive itineraries with extended overnight stays, providing guests with unforgettable experiences and moments of relaxation. The company’s focus on small-ship cruising, both river and ocean, creates an intimate and personalized cruising experience, allowing travelers to explore the beauty of European rivers, the Mediterranean, and other coastal regions in a relaxed and culturally enriching manner.

Nicko Cruises’ commitment to customer satisfaction is reflected in the experiences shared by its passengers. While some travelers have expressed concerns about excursions being overpriced and the cancellation of cruises, many have praised the helpful and courteous crew, the variety of cultural experiences, and the enjoyable trips they have had with the company. The positive feedback about the ships, service, and excursions underlines the company’s dedication to providing exceptional river cruise experiences.

Nicko Cruises’ all-inclusive river cruises cover selected shore excursions, gratuities, Wi-Fi, and a drinks package, which provides guests with peace of mind regarding hidden costs. The company’s focus on sourcing local produce for meals and offering a range of cultural and culinary experiences on board contributes to the immersive and inclusive nature of its river cruises, catering to various preferences and budgets.

As Nicko Cruises continues to invest in its fleet, introducing new innovative river vessels and an expedition ship, the company’s commitment to delivering exceptional river and ocean cruise experiences remains steadfast. The extensive variety of products and itineraries, combined with outstanding service and attention to detail, reflects the company’s vision for offering diverse and personalized travel experiences tailored to the needs of every traveler.

Nicko Cruises’ legacy as a leading provider of river cruises in Europe is marked by its dedication to exceptional service, culturally immersive experiences, and a commitment to providing unforgettable river travel experiences. The company’s evolution into a well-known operator of small ships with destination-oriented ocean routes underscores its enduring legacy and its vision for the future of river and ocean cruising.

This review provides a comprehensive exploration of Nicko Cruises’ historical significance, commitment to exceptional river travel experiences, and dedication to delivering immersive and inclusive river and ocean cruises, showcasing the company’s remarkable journey and its vision for the future of cruising.

Destinations of Nicko Cruises

  • Key Destinations : Frankfurt, Strasbourg, Cochem, Koblenz, Rüdesheim, Düsseldorf, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Nijmegen, Bonn, Cologne, Antwerp, and Arnhem.
  • The Rhine and Moselle rivers wind through picturesque landscapes, medieval castles, and charming towns. Guests can savor the allure of historic cities and vineyard-draped hillsides.
  • Key Destinations : Vienna, Budapest, and Bratislava.
  • The Danube, Europe’s second-longest river, meanders through cultural gems, offering glimpses of imperial palaces, lively markets, and architectural marvels.
  • Key Destinations : Porto, Guimarães, and Salamanca.
  • The Douro River flows through Portugal’s wine country, where terraced vineyards produce the renowned port wine. Guests can explore charming villages and indulge in local flavors.
  • Key Destinations : Lyon, Arles, and Avignon.
  • These rivers traverse the heart of France, revealing Roman ruins, lavender fields, and exquisite cuisine. Guests can immerse themselves in art, history, and Provençal charm.
  • Key Destinations : Paris, Rouen, and Giverny.
  • The Seine epitomizes elegance, flowing past iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and Notre-Dame Cathedral. Guests can relish Parisian sophistication and explore Normandy’s historic sites.
  • Seine Voyages : Depart from London St Pancras International to Paris.
  • Rhine Voyages : Depart from London to Cologne.
  • Rhône and Saône Voyages : Depart from London to Lyon.
  • Comfortable Eurostar trains provide a scenic journey, allowing guests to embark directly from European cities without air travel.
  • Western Europe
  • South America
  • Cape Verde Islands
  • West Africa
  • Canary Islands
  • Mediterranean
  • Northern Europe
  • The Pacific

The fleet of Nicko Cruises River Cruises is comprised of modern and stylish river ships that offer comfort, elegance, and all the amenities guests need for a relaxing and enjoyable journey. From spacious cabins with panoramic views to inviting lounges and restaurants serving delicious cuisine, every aspect of the ship is designed with the guest’s comfort and enjoyment in mind.

One of the highlights of a Nicko Cruises River Cruise is the opportunity to explore some of Europe’s most enchanting destinations along the way. From the fairytale castles of the Rhine Valley to the medieval towns of the Danube, each port of call offers a unique glimpse into the rich history, culture, and traditions of the region. Guests can join guided tours led by knowledgeable local guides, visit historic landmarks and UNESCO World Heritage sites, or simply wander the cobblestone streets and soak in the charm of these iconic destinations.

In addition to cultural excursions, Nicko Cruises also offers a variety of onboard activities and entertainment to enhance the guest experience. From informative lectures and cooking demonstrations to live music and themed dinners, there is always something to enjoy on board. Guests can also take advantage of the ship’s wellness facilities, including fitness centers, spas, and sun decks, where they can relax and unwind while taking in the scenic views.

Nicko Cruises is committed to sustainable and responsible travel practices, and the company works closely with local communities and environmental organizations to minimize its impact on the delicate ecosystems of Europe’s rivers. From reducing single-use plastics to implementing energy-efficient technologies, Nicko Cruises is dedicated to preserving the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the destinations it visits.

Whether you’re exploring the historic cities of Budapest and Vienna, cruising past the vineyards of the Moselle Valley, or marveling at the dramatic landscapes of the Rhine Gorge, a Nicko Cruises River Cruise promises an unforgettable journey through the heart of Europe. With its luxurious accommodations, exceptional service, and immersive cultural experiences, Nicko Cruises invites travelers to embark on a voyage of discovery and create memories that will last a lifetime.

– Reviewed by Contributing Author Silvester Thomson

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N.B. – The information on this review has been compiled by contributing author and Cruise Expert Silvester Thomson for thedigitalglobetrotter.com and is provided “as is” for the convenience of online readers. The Sources come from personal opinions, online research on official and unofficial websites, and in some cases with the help of AI generated content. It should not be taken as fact, as it can be mistaken or altered by future ship modifications from the cruise line done after review. Thedigitalglobetrotter.com does not and cannot verify all information and should not be taken as granted fact. All readers must take measures to find reliable facts by their travel agent or from the official page of the cruise line to verify any doubts.
  • CruiseMapper
  • Mystic Cruises


MS nickoSPIRIT cruise ship

Cruise line Nicko Cruises (Mystic Cruises)

  • Cologne (Koln, Germany North Rhine-Westphalia)
  • Passau (Germany Bavaria)

MS nickoSPIRIT last position

MS nickoSPIRIT last location was at Europe Inland (coordinates 49.70333 N / 9.25666 E) cruising en route to KOLN. The AIS position was reported 7 hours ago.

Current itinerary of MS nickoSPIRIT

MS nickoSPIRIT current cruise is 9 days, one-way from Passau to Cologne . Prices start from USD 1404 (double occupancy rates). The itinerary starts on 29 May, 2024 and ends on 07 Jun, 2024 .

Specifications of MS nickoSPIRIT

  •   Itineraries
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MS nickoSPIRIT Itineraries

Ms nickospirit review, review of ms nickospirit.

The 2020-built/2021-inaugurated MS nickoSPIRIT cruise ship is owned by Scylla AG (based in Baar, Switzerland) and operated under charter by the Stuttgart -based cruisetour company Nicko Tours (fully-owned subsidiary of Mystic Invest Portugal ). The riverboat is also chartered to Select Voyages (Switzerland-based travel agency).

MS nickoSPIRIT cruises on Rhine and Main rivers, with roundtrip departures from homeports Frankfurt am Main and Koln/Cologne . Itineraries varry between 3-6-7-8-10-days (4-7-8-9-11-nights) and visit major river port cities in Germany, Holland ( Amsterdam , Rotterdam , Nijmegen ) and Luxemburg ( Remich ).

MS nickoSPIRIT river cruise ship

The vessel is Switzerland- flagged (MMSI number 269057749).

Decks and Cabins

MS nickoSPIRIT ship has 4 passenger decks and a total of 85 staterooms for 170 passengers. All cabins are outside, equally-sized (14 m2 / 150 ft2) and equipped with 1 double bed (convertible to 2 twins/lower single beds), deluxe bedding (linens, pillows, duvets), bedside tables, wall-mounted reading lamps, large mirror, wardrobe, writing desk with armchair, en-suite bathroom (glass-wall shower, WC-toilet, mirrored washbasin/single-sink vanity), hairdryer, HDTV (satellite reception, infotainment system), phone (intercom / onboard connections only), individually controlled air-conditioning.

Main Deck cabins are each with a non-opening window (quarter-height) located near the ceiling. All Middle and Upper deck cabins are French Balcony staterooms each with a floor-ceiling window (the upper half section is lowerable) opening to a railing (false balcony).

One Lift (passenger elevator) connects all cabin decks, Staircases connect all decks. A Stairlift connects Upper Deck (deck 3) to Sundeck (deck 4).

WiFi and Laundry services cost extra (available for a fee).

Shipboard facilities and amenities

MS nickoSPIRIT ship has 4 passenger-accessible decks, all interconnected via indoor stairs, and the cabin decks are interconnected with an Atrium Lift.

Main Deck (deck 1) houses most staff and crew cabins, the riverboat's machinery room (propulsion/engines/diesel generators), midship Wellness complex (Spa Treatment Room for massages, Relax Room with relaxation beds, Gym, Sauna Room, Jacuzzi /indoor whirlpool hot tub) and passenger cabins (all with non-opening windows).

Middle Deck (deck 2) houses the Restaurant (complimentary dining room with full-seating capacity and open-seating arrangments), adjacent Galley (kitchen and storage rooms), Lobby Hall (Reception Desk, Tours Desk/Cruise Director's Office). The Reception provides 24-hour guest services and assistance. Tour Office is where the ship's Cruise Director can be found, and also provides excursions information and booking services. The midship Atrium (lower level on deck 2) is with a transparent glass ceiling and a grand staircase. Sliding doors (portside and starboard) open to smoking-allowed areas. Middle Deck (deck 2) is the boarding deck with two ship entrances (for passenger embarkation-debarkation).

MS nickoSPIRIT cruise ship restaurant

The Restaurant is with waiter service and open-seating arrangements. Breakfast and Lunch are buffet-style, Dinners are 3-course and waiter-served. The Dining Room is spacious and with floor-ceiling windows, mainly 2-seat and 4-seats tables. Amenities include luxury table linens, quality china, cutlery, glassware. Menu options include hot and cold appetizers, entrees, soups, salads, fresh-baked cookies and desserts. Passengers are allowed to tour the Galley and see the food preparation process.

On Upper Deck (deck 3) forward is Panorama Salon - the ship's Bar Lounge (indoor observation lounge) with floor-ceiling windows, comfortable seating, its own Bar, Library (reading corner), Tea & Coffee Corner (24-hour complimentary beverages and snacks). Entertainment options include watching movies, activities by the cruise company's onboard enrichment program (lectures and multimedia presentations on the current itinerary's shore excursions/tours, region's culture and history, port talks and discussions, themed activities (like food and wine tastings, guest artists' performances, etc).

MS nickoSPIRIT cruise ship bar lounge

From Panorama Lounge is accessed a glass-walled Terrace - Observation Deck (Winter Garden) with outdoor seating and wind-protected by a glass shield. In the glass-floored Atrium (upper level) is the Boutique Shop. Aft is the boat's second Restaurant (Steakhouse/Bistro & Bar) that provides specialty dining with al-la-carte priced menus. The aft Restaurant has floor-ceiling windows and a small seating capacity, so dinner reservations are required.

On Sun Deck (deck 4) are the Navigation Bridge (Wheelhouse), an adjacent Outdoor Lounge (with seating and bar service from Panorama Salon), a large outdoor relaxation area (enclosed by metal railings) with comfortable deckchairs, sun loungers, 4-seat tables, shaded sitting areas (4 retractable awnings), deck games area (Giant Chess Set).

The cruise company offers optional shore excursions (not included in cruisetour fares) in each of the visited ports. Land tours include sightseeing tours, city walks, cycling tours, bus travel to nearby tourist destinations. On all guided shore excursions are provided complimentary portable audio headsets.

MS nickoSPIRIT river cruise deals are inclusive of all onboard meals (breakfast buffet, waiter-served lunch and dinner, afternoon coffee with cake, midnight snacks), Welcome Cocktail party, Welcome Dinner, Gala Dinner, onboard entertainment, ship tour, port taxes. Cruisetour deals don't include flights, transfers, excursions, insurance, gratuities, beverages, personal expenses.

MS nickoSPIRIT - user reviews and comments

Photos of ms nickospirit.

MS nickoSPIRIT cruise ship bar lounge

Other Nicko Cruises cruise ships

  • CMV Vasco da Gama-Nicko
  • MS Bellejour
  • MS Bellissima
  • MS Belvedere
  • MS Bijou du Rhone
  • MS Casanova
  • MS Douro Cruiser
  • MS Douro Prince
  • MS Douro Queen
  • MS Florentina
  • MS Frederic Chopin
  • MS Heidelberg
  • MS Katharina von Bora
  • MS Moldavia
  • MS nickoVISION
  • MS Princesse de Provence
  • MS Rhein Melodie
  • MS Rhein Symphonie
  • MS River Art
  • MS Seine Comtesse
  • MS Viktoria
  • RV Mekong Navigator
  • RV Mekong Prestige II

MS nickoSPIRIT Wiki

Vessel's construction (hull and superstructure, ENI number 02338870) was done at the Vahali Shipyard in Zasavica (Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia). The 1923-founded Dutch shipbuilding company (Scheepswerf En Machinefabriek Vahali BV) owns and operates yards in Serbia ( Belgrade , and Zasavica) and in Holland (Gendt). Vahali Shipyard Zasavica was officially opened in 2013. Following the construction in Serbia, the cruise ship was towed to Holland for final outfitting at Scheepswerf Vahali (Gendt).

Note: You can see the CruiseMapper's list of all river cruise ships and riverboats in the "itinerary" section of our River Cruises hub. All companies and their fleets are listed there.

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  • Van Loon Cruises
  • Amadeus Flusskreuzfahrten
  • AmaWaterways
  • A-ROSA Flusskreuzfahrten
  • CroisiEurope
  • DCS Touristik
  • GTA Waterways
  • nicko cruises
  • Phoenix Reisen
  • PLANTOURS Kreuzfahrten
  • Riverside Luxury Cruises
  • VIVA Cruises
  • AMADEUS Brilliant
  • AMADEUS Cara
  • AMADEUS Diamond
  • AMADEUS Imperial
  • AMADEUS Nova
  • AMADEUS Provence
  • AMADEUS Queen
  • AMADEUS Riva
  • AMADEUS Silver II
  • AMADEUS Silver III
  • AMADEUS Star
  • AmaKristina
  • MS Anne Marie
  • MS Beethoven
  • MS Botticelli
  • MS Camargue
  • MS Claude Monet
  • MS Cyrano de Bergerac
  • MS Douce France
  • MS Elbe Princesse
  • MS Elbe Princesse II
  • MS Gil Eanes
  • MS Gérard Schmitter
  • MS Infante don Henrique
  • MS L'Europe
  • MS La Belle de Cadix
  • MS La Belle de l'Adriatique
  • MS La Bohème
  • MS Lafayette
  • MS Leonardo da Vinci
  • MS Loire Princesse
  • MS Madeleine
  • MS Magellan
  • MS Michelangelo
  • MS Miguel Torga
  • MS Modigliani
  • MS Mona Lisa
  • MS Raymonde
  • MS Rhône Princess
  • MS Seine Princess
  • MS Symphonie
  • MS Van Gogh
  • MS Vasco da Gama
  • MS Victor Hugo
  • RV African Dream
  • RV Indochine
  • RV Indochine II
  • RV Zimbabwean Dream
  • DCS Amethyst
  • DCS Amethyst Classic
  • MS Captain Bota
  • nickoSPIRIT
  • nickoVISION
  • MS Amadeus Diamond
  • MS Annabelle
  • MS Anna Katharina
  • MS Swiss Diamond
  • MS Albertina
  • S.S. Antoinette
  • S.S. Beatrice
  • S.S. Joie de Vivre
  • S.S. La Venezia
  • MS Belvedere
  • MS Bijou du Rhône
  • MS Dalmatia
  • MS Douro Spirit
  • MS Heidelberg
  • MS Katharina von Bora
  • MS Seine Comtesse
  • MS Thurgau Casanova
  • MS Thurgau Chopin
  • MS Thurgau Rhône
  • MS Thurgau Saxonia
  • MS Thurgau Ultra
  • MS Viktoria
  • RV Thurgau Exotic II
  • RV Thurgau Exotic III
  • MS Alemannia
  • MS Alexander Borodin
  • MS Alto Douro
  • MS Andorinha
  • MS Crucebelle
  • MS Crucelake
  • MS Crucevita
  • MS Geoffrey Chaucer
  • MS Mstislav Rostropovich
  • MS Mustai Karim
  • MS Nikolay Chernishevsky
  • MS Nizhny Novgorod
  • MS Olmissum
  • MS Strawinski II
  • MS Thomas Hardy
  • MS William Wordsworth
  • M-TOURS: Flusskreuzfahrt von Minden bis Berlin mit MS SWISS RUBY
  • Teil 1 - Reiseerlebnisse bis an den Atlantik
  • Teil 2 - Zauber und Märchen in der Normandie
  • Teil 1 - Mit dem Kulturschiff durch die zauberhaften Moselweinberge
  • Teil 2 - Ein Rendezvous mit der Saar
  • Das Fazit zu unserer Flusskreuzfahrt mit VIVA Cruises
  • Teil 1 - Zwischen Naturparadies Wachau und Großstadt Wien
  • Teil 2 - Funkelnde Highlights und bunte Künstlerdörfer
  • Das Fazit zu unserer Flusskreuzfahrt mit Amadeus Flusskreuzfahrten
  • Teil 1 - Auf Seen, Kanalbrücken und in malerischen Städten
  • Teil 2 - Imposante Bauwerke, Frachtschiffe und Ostseestrände
  • Das Fazit zu meiner Flusskreuzfahrt mit Thurgau Travel
  • Teil 1 - Nervenkitzel über den Dächern von Amsterdam
  • Teil 2 - Vielfalt egal wo man hinschaut
  • Teil 1 - Historisches Lyon und Burgund
  • Teil 2 - Fantastische Aussichten in Beaujolais und der Ardèche
  • Teil 3 - Einzigartige Natur, Tiere und Bauwerke
  • Teil 4 - Au revoir mon bijou!
  • Teil 1 - Blumige Erlebnisse auf der Floriade
  • Teil 2 - Vom ruhigen Hoorn ins abenteuerliche Rotterdam
  • Teil 3 - Das prächtige Flandern mit Gent und Antwerpen
  • Teil 4 - Markttag in Nijmegen
  • Teil 1 - Sonnige Aussichten entlang des Mittelrheintals
  • Teil 2 - Zwischen Großstadt und goldenem Schloss
  • Teil 3 - Drei Mainperlen
  • Teil 4 - Von Bamberg bis Nürnberg
  • Teil 5 - Die Donau, Bier und Bratwürste
  • weitere Reiseberichte ...

Flusskreuzfahrt Entdecker

nicko cruises plant Donau-Flusskreuzfahrten für Dialyse-Patienten

Der Flusskreuzfahrt-Veranstalter nicko cruises will zusammen mit DiaCare spezielle Flusskreuzfahrten für Dialyse-Patienten anbieten. Entsprechende Planungen für Flussreisen auf der beliebten Donau sollen bereits voll im Gange sein.

Der Stuttgarter Veranstalter für Flusskreuzfahrten nicko cruises plant derzeit Flussreisen speziell für Dialyse-Patienten auf der beliebten Donau. Dies geht aus einer aktuellen Mitteilung des Veranstalters hervor. Bereits für sein Hochseeschiff VASCO DA GAMA kooperiert nicko cruises mit der Firma DiaCare, die die Dialyse-Stationen sowie die Gäste an Bord betreut.

Termine oder genauere Details zur Route oder zum Schiff, gibt es derzeit noch nicht. Man befinde sich derzeit zusammen mit DiaCare aber in intensiven Planungen. DiaCare hat auch schon Erfahrungen von Flusskreuzfahrten mit Dialyse-Patienten und kooperiert schon seit einigen Jahren mit dem Veranstalter SE-Tours aus Bremerhaven.

Fotos © nicko cruises Schiffsreisen GmbH

Philipp Muszak

Content Manager

Philipp Muszak ist seit Januar 2019 in der Flusskreuzfahrt zu Hause und hat seine Expertise in dem Fachgebiet seither stark ausgebaut und seine Erfahrungen in den letzten Jahren durch starke Partner deutlich erweitern können. Mit Ehrgeiz arbeitet er daran, die Flusskreuzfahrt für alle Altersgruppen attraktiv zu machen.

Philipp Muszak verantwortet darüberhinaus den Aufbau und die Entwicklung von Flusskreuzfahrt Entdecker.

Kommentar schreiben

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Flusskreuzfahrt Entdecker ist ein neuer, junger Kreuzfahrt-Blog, auf dem sich alles rund um Flusskreuzfahrten dreht. Zahlreiche Schiffs- und Reedereiporträts, Reiseberichte sowie Ratgeber bringen Euch die vielfältige Welt der Flusskreuzfahrt näher.

» Cruise Paper

» Kooperationen & Presse

» MS Thurgau Chopin





» S.S. La Venezia

» Phoenix Reisen tauft Neubau MS Alisa

» Mit der VIVA TWO geht auch der zweite Neubau von VIVA Cruises an den Start

» U-RIVER Schiffe ,,The A’’ und ,,The B’’ scheinbar verkauft

» Riverside Cruises übernimmt auch die restlichen vier Crystal-Flussschiffe

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Hinweis:  Diese Website ist mit Affiliate-Links zu unseren Verkaufspartnern ausgestattet. Bei Buchung über solch einen Link, erhalten wir eine kleine Provision. Der Preis ändert sich für Euch dabei nicht. Deshalb kennzeichnen wir jeden Link auf dieser Website als Werbung.

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Cruise Dialysis

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Vasco Da Gama



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The nicko cruises River Experience

For more than 30 years, the nicko brand has been synonymous with unforgettable river travel experiences, offering top service and a personal touch at the best value for money, and all on a full programme of award-winning European River Cruises.

As a specialist in small-ship cruising, we not only draw on our own experience, but also on an international network of partners, in order to implement the  nicko cruises philosophy. We venture deep into the heart of destinations, allowing guests more time to explore ashore.

English is spoken and fluent across our entire fleet, and as you travel in the company of like-minded people, the experiences of the places you will visit combine with relaxing moments of onboard wellbeing. A nicko cruises is more than just a cruise, it’s a journey into the unforgettable.

Small ships. Great experiences.


2024 River Cruises

Festive Danube

Festive Danube

Lowlands of the Upper Rhine

Lowlands of the Upper Rhine

Spring in Holland

Spring in Holland

New Year on the Danube

New Year on the Danube

Christmas on the Danube

Christmas on the Danube

A Very Dutch New Year

A Very Dutch New Year

Father Rhine at Christmas

Father Rhine at Christmas

Holland in Bloom

Holland in Bloom

Rhine Discovery

Rhine Discovery

Danube Highlights

Danube Highlights

Advent on the Rhine

Advent on the Rhine

Dutch Advent Taster

Dutch Advent Taster

Cultural Treasures of the Danube

Cultural Treasures of the Danube

Winter on the Danube

Winter on the Danube

The Iberian Experience

The Iberian Experience

The Heart of Holland

The Heart of Holland

Rhine and Moselle Highlights

Rhine and Moselle Highlights

Lowlands of the Upper Rhine – Reverse

Lowlands of the Upper Rhine – Reverse

The Blue Danube

The Blue Danube

Down the Danube to the Black Sea

Down the Danube to the Black Sea

Cities of the Danube & Southern Hungary

Cities of the Danube & Southern Hungary

Picturesque Provence & Ardèche

Picturesque Provence & Ardèche

Impressions of Paris & Northern France

Impressions of Paris & Northern France

No-fly river cruises.

Our no-fly cruises are offered via Eurostar rail connections to Paris (Seine voyages), Cologne (Rhine voyages) and Lyon (Rhône and Saône voyages). Eurostar trains leave from London St Pancras International and offer comfortable seating and plenty of leg room and baggage racks. The average journey from London to Paris is 2 hours and 20 minutes and all trains arrive into Paris Gare du Nord station.

When travelling to Cologne, there is a quick change at Brussels Midi/Zuid, and for Lyon, a change in Paris. These journeys take between 4 and 5 hours with most services offering Wi-Fi.

Our no-fly river cruise sailings are very popular with our UK guests and you can browse the itineraries below or contact us directly for more information.

River Cruises Landing Points

Danube landings.

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Douro Landings 

the Iberian Experience Nicko Cruises UK

Rhine Landings

river cruises nicko cruises uk

Elbe Landings

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Rhône, Saône +

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General Information – RIVER CRUISES

For each river cruise, we include a selection of excursions featuring the most popular or interesting destinations on your cruise. Additional excursions can also be booked on board and are often subject to a minimum number of participants. Unless stated otherwise, excursions will generally take place with maximum group sizes from 30 to 50 participants. If you do not participate in an excursion you have booked, the cost will not be reimbursed. Please note that due to high or low water, certain weather conditions, changes in mooring allocations at the destination ports or waiting times at the sluices, there may be delays and changes to the excursion programme, such as changes to the exit or boarding point. Please also note: theatre performances are dependent on the performance schedule, which can change at short notice

Language on board

The language on board all nicko cruises ships is English and German. Since nicko cruises is increasingly opening up to the international market, it may be that foreign-language tour groups will be on board for individual departures. In such cases, announcements over loudspeaker or during evening events are made in English, German as well as the respective foreign language of the tour group.

On certain dates and certain ships, a dialysis machine will be available, which can be used by dialysis patients.  Please contact our partner Cruise Dialysis directly on 0844 995 1214 who can handle your dialysis booking requirements.

Embarkation and disembarkation

You will receive detailed embarkation information with the precise berth at the embarkation point with your travel documents. Ships must sometimes change their berths at short notice despite what has been officially confirmed. If you plan to travel independently, please note the precise embarkation times. Even if the ship arrives in the port earlier than planned, the crew must use this time to clean the ship. Please understand that you will not be able to board the ship until the specified time. It is not possible to accept your luggage before 1:00 p.m.

Electrical appliances

Irons, kettles, straightening irons, immersion heaters and similar appliances must not be used in the cabins for safety reasons. All ships are equipped with a hairdryer in the cabins. The voltage in your cabin is 220 volts. Two-pin European plug adapters are required.

First aid on board/Health

A doctor is present on board the nicko cruises ships on all 12/15/17-day Danube trips to provide first aid in emergency situations. Of course, doctors are available at short notice ashore as well. Billing for the on-board doctor’s services and, if applicable, medication that has been administered, is carried out on site. Our on-board staff (e.g., at the reception desk) are unable to dispense any medication. Please ensure that you have an adequate supply of any medication you need on a regular basis and carry it with you in your hand luggage. You should also have enough medication that you might need such as headache tablets. We assume no liability for any medication that is carried in your suitcase. We recommend that you take out international health insurance including repatriation. All ships are subject to strict hygiene regulations, which are constantly monitored by the ship’s management. For your own safety we have hand disinfection equipment in multiple places around the ship, which every guest should use as often as possible to prevent the inadvertent dissemination of pathogens on board the ship. With many ships, the transportation of oxygen equipment on board is possible on request. Please note, however, that temporary power fluctuations can occur on the ship. It is generally not permitted to carry oxygen tanks on coaches.

Guests with physical limitations

Your ship will be as comfortable as possible, but there will of course be staircases, as well as narrow doors and corridors. The entry over the predominantly narrow gangways is not always at ground level; it can also happen that ships lie “in a pack” and you have to go via another ship to get onto your actual ship, or get on board via the sun deck. In general, none of our river cruise ships are equipped for disabled persons. If you require specialised help, you must travel with a companion. Our crew is of course on hand to help; however, please bear in mind that our employees are not trained caregivers and are not permitted to carry out any nursing activities. We are happy to advise you in person as to whether a river cruise would be suitable for you. Please let us know about any possible limitations before booking the cruise.

Internet on board

On many nicko cruise ships, internet connection in the form of WLAN is included in your cruise fare for one device only. Continuous reception cannot always be guaranteed; there may be temporary interruptions to network coverage on sections of the cruise. Please understand that we are unable to reimburse you for coverage interruptions. In order to guarantee a stable internet service, there are restrictions on certain streaming providers and internet services. For more information, please refer to the on-board ABC information in your cabin. If you have any questions, please contact the reception desk staff who will be happy to help.

Children on board

Children up to and including 11 years of age are given a discount on the cabin price if they are sharing a cabin on board with their parents. Accommodation for a child with two parents is possible in a 3-bed cabin (where available). This predominantly involves two lower folding beds and one upper folding bed. On some of our Danube ships, the accompanying child has the option of sleeping on an extra fold-out bed. Despite this possibility, our cruises are not generally suitable for children. There are no separate child-friendly entertainment programmes, childcare, toys, child seats or cribs offered for children on board. Children under 3 years of age are not allowed on board.

During the day on the ship and during the excursions on land, we recommend wearing casual clothing. You should wear non-slip shoes on the outside decks. We recommend a jumper for cooler evenings and solid, comfortable footwear for shore excursions. Don’t forget to bring headwear, sunglasses and something to protect you from the rain. In this context, please bear in mind that the customs of the countries we visit, which often have religious roots, may often be different to our own. Churches, monasteries, temples and mosques are primarily places of worship. Please choose your clothing accordingly. Above all, shorts, short skirts and sleeveless tops are not appropriate in these religious locations. Smart clothing is required for dinner. You are welcome to wear formal attire for the Gala dinner.

Shore excursions

Shore excursions organised and put together for you by nicko cruises take you to the most important sights along your cruise route. You are, of course, welcome to explore the holiday destination on your own. You are able to leave the ship when the authorities and ship’s captain have officially approved disembarkation and the corresponding announcement has been made. Please refer to the daily programme for information on when you should be back on board. A ship is unable to wait for late passengers due to the berthing and sluice times agreed with the harbour. Any extra costs incurred (e.g., hotel costs or additional transfer costs to the next port) are not borne by nicko cruises/Light Blue Travel.

Multi-bed cabins

On some nicko cruises ships, we offer the option of booking three-person cabins. These cabins are not necessarily any roomier than conventional double cabins. The third bed is either an extra mobile bed or a fold-out bed on the upper wall.

Services not included in the price

Please note that the following services are not included in our package prices: travel to/from the airport, premium shore excursions – if not expressly stated as being included in the travel price – travel insurance and other personal expenses.


Please check that all necessary papers and records are valid well in advance of your trip. We would like to point out that you are responsible for having the appropriate travel documents and visas, and for complying with the vaccination requirements. In the event of non-compliance with the passport and visa regulations, travel may be prevented or it can lead to considerable costs for the passenger. If a cruise cannot be taken due to improper documentation, there will be no refund of the travel price. Please read up about any customs regulations along your cruise route in advance of departure.

Flights are carefully selected by us and booked through well-known airlines. Flight times detailed with your final cruise documents are non-binding, as we have no influence on any changes to these times made by the airline. Please note that requests for rebooking flights must be checked and may be subject to any charges made by the airline.

Your ship will be as comfortable as possible, but there will of course be staircases, as well as narrow doors and corridors. Even boarding or disembarking from the ship is usually via narrow gangways, which are not always at ground level and, depending on the tide, can also be very steep. If you are not able to handle these obstacles on your own, an ocean cruise on our ships is not recommended. Our crew is of course on hand to help, however, please bear in mind that our onboard employees are not trained caregivers and are not permitted to carry out any nursing activities. If you require specialised help, you must travel with a companion. Guests who are wheel-chair dependent may travel on VASCO DA GAMA but must bring their own collapsible wheelchair. Please note that the number of guests per cruise who are wheelchair dependent is limited for safety reasons and embarkation may be refused without prior registration. Please ensure you advise us of any specific needs, limited mobility or other physical limitations prior to making your booking.

Both WORLD VOYAGER and VASCO DA GAMA is equipped with a satellite reception system and offers WLAN internet connection which is included in your cruise fare for one device only. Additional data can be purchased for a fee for other devices once onboard. Continuous reception cannot always be guaranteed; there may be interruptions to network coverage on the high seas. Please understand that we are unable to reimburse you for costs caused by coverage interruptions. In order to guarantee a stable internet service, there are restrictions on certain streaming providers and internet services. For more information, please refer to the on-board ABC information in your cabin. If you have any questions, please contact the reception desk staff who will be happy to help.

Your cabin number is usually provided with your booking confirmation. You are welcome to make a cabin request when booking, but please note these are requests and they are not binding; however, details about cabin numbers are expressly not a contractual component. Noises and smells typical of a ship, for example from the ship’s engine, the air conditioning system or ventilation, etc., can be heard in almost every room. The cabins with the note “aft” are located to the rear of the ship. In these cabins, engine noises are increasingly audible when the ship is in motion. In the cabins at the front of the ship, the noise from the bow thruster is amplified during mooring manoeuvres and sluice passages. All cabins are outside cabins with a window or porthole. Please note that the line of sight may be reduced slightly due to staircases/struts.

Passenger manifest

For all of our cruises we require information from you in advance of departure in order to draw up a passenger manifest. This helps the ship to be cleared faster by the authorities in the various ports we visit and therefore shortens waiting times for you. Information provided for this passenger manifest is subject to the  Privacy Policy . You will receive your personal log-in details for the online registration of the manifest data with your booking confirmation.

Please check that all necessary papers and records are valid well in advance of your trip. We would like to point out that you are responsible for having the appropriate travel documentation, visas and for complying with the vaccination requirements. In the event of non-compliance with the passport, visa and vaccination regulations, travel may be prevented or it can lead to considerable costs for the passenger. If a cruise cannot be taken due to improper documentation, there will be no refund of the travel price. You will not need a visa for the Russian Federation when travelling as part of our excursion programme in St. Petersburg. If you plan on taking shore leave in St. Petersburg on your own, a visa is a mandatory requirement. The visa is not included in our travel services and each guest is responsible for procuring their own visa. You can obtain a visa for Russia either directly through the responsible consulate/embassy service centre in your country or use a visa service to apply on your behalf. Please read up about any customs regulations along your cruise route in advance of departure.

You can send most post while on board. The post will usually be sent when we reach the next port. Postcards and postage stamps can be purchased at the reception desk on board, but please bear in mind that prices are often more expensive than they are ashore.

Changes to prices and services

1.The details printed in our brochure are correct at the time of printing. Please understand we reserve the right to make changes to the services for objective reasons up until your booking request is submitted. We will, of course, inform you of these changes before concluding the contract.

2. The prices stated in our brochure and on our website are correct at the time of printing/publishing, however we reserve the right to make necessary changes were necessary. Please refer to our  Booking Conditions  for more information.

3. Price adjustments may be necessary in the case of increased transport costs (particularly fuel costs), port fees aviation costs, the so called ‘bed tax’ or a change in exchange rates applicable to the cruise in questions.

Smoking is only permitted on the outside deck (and on most ships only in the designated areas). On all our ships, all interior areas such as restaurants, lounges, cabins, corridors, etc. are non-smoking areas.

Travel documents

The travel documents are ready for dispatch approx. 14 days before departure and will be sent to you by e-mail immediately after payment has been received. The travel documents contain important information, including embarkation information. In individual cases, the documents may be delayed and not arrive until a few days before departure.

Itinerary/dates of travel

For one-off trips, the specific travel date as well as the individual week days are specified in the travel itinerary. For travel dates with different (or rotating) week days, day 1 and the following days in the itinerary refer to the date we have specified under travel dates as the travel date.

Changes to routes and services

River cruises are dependent on nature – for example, heavy rain or long periods of drought can have a negative impact on the water level. High and low tide, certain weather conditions or delays during sluice and bridge passages may make it necessary to change the travel itinerary. Strikes may also lead to changes to routes and services. In extreme scenarios, we will use another means of transport available for river sections that are impassable or we will organise accommodation in a hotel for the days of travel affected. Certain programme items may not be included as a result. nicko cruises also reserves the right to make any changes to the order of the ports we will be visiting.

Each ship has a berth in each port, which is usually allocated at short notice or can also be changed by the authorities at short notice. It is not always centrally located and is often not in the first berth on the landing pier; instead, the ship will moor up “in a pack” with several other ships berthed alongside each other. In this case, you may only be able to see the neighbouring ship out of your cabin window and it may be a bit noisy and smelly in the layover. Consequently, if you do go ashore, the route may take you over and through other ships. Please note that the view may also be impaired by pontoons and quay walls during the layover.

Ship equipment

On every nicko cruises river cruise ship, you’ll find a cosy lounge with wonderful views. In the evening, our on-board musicians will enjoy playing for you. Daily information events and an entertainment programme (varies depending on the ship) will be promoted in the daily programme which is delivered to your cabin each evening. Some ships have additional lounges, which are ideal for reading and playing games in small groups. Some ships have small fitness areas available, which you can use free of charge, and massages at extra charge. Use them at your own risk. On the sun decks of our ships, you’ll always find comfortable chairs, tables and usually also deckchairs and sun protection. Please understand that there are limited numbers and there are the maximum number possible for the deck space. Please note that nicko cruises ships are not accessible to disabled persons.

On many nicko cruises ships, it is possible to make calls on board from cabin to cabin. On many ships, it is also possible to call ashore via a satellite link. The costs of this, however, are high and we recommend using your own mobile phone if you would like to phone home (please check with your provider for information on roaming charges).


Due to the lack of space on board, we are unfortunately unable to allow pets or transport bicycles.

It is common practice around the world for a satisfied guest to reward the services of staff accordingly. The amount tipped is, of course, at the guest’s discretion and should be in recognition of good service. For your convenience we have included the cost of gratuities in the cruise fare, however if you still wish to reward staff that have given you good service, please feel free to do so. The cruise director, local tour guides and bus drivers are not included in this. You can, however, also thank them by giving them a tip.

Drinking water

As the fresh water on board the ship is always stored in tanks, we recommend not drinking the tap water and getting mineral water from the bar or restaurant instead. The water is perfectly suitable for brushing teeth. With the exception of nickoVISION: the tap water on this ship is of drinking-water quality.

Ships that have televisions work with a satellite dish, so television reception is guaranteed for most of the trip. There may be short-term interference with reception when passing under bridges or with layovers in sluices and on certain other sections of the route.

All nicko cruises ships are full board and information relating to the services included in your cruise can be found in your trip details. Depending on the cruise route, the catering may include local cuisine. Breakfast is offered on all ships in a buffet style. Lunch and dinner are served at your table; however, a light lunch buffet can be served as an alternative. Selected meals are sometimes also offered in a buffet style. On board nickoVISION and nickoSPIRIT you can enjoy meals in an open dining style in three different restaurants. When making your booking, please also indicate any special diets or food intolerances. Suitable catering options will usually always be provided

Some cabins are equipped with a small safe box in which you can store your valuables. On some ships, a shared safe is available at the reception desk. However, we recommend that you do not take things such as expensive jewellery, etc. on the cruise. We sometimes visit parts of the world in which for our standards lower affluence levels are considered abundant riches, and the display of valuables can evoke covetousness. Valuables, such as cameras, jewellery, cash and other expensive items, must be carried in your hand luggage. We would point out that nicko cruises is not liable for the loss of valuables in unaccompanied baggage you have checked in.

Payment on board

The currency on board is the Euro. You can pay for additional beverages you consume outside of your drinks package, on board and trips booked on board at the end of your journey in cash in Euro. You can of course also pay your onboard bill using your credit card (Mastercard, Visa, American Express) or your debit card. Please note that paying with a credit card will incur a transaction fee. In some circumstances, foreign travel charges may be incurred by your bank or credit card company for card payments. Please note: money cannot be exchanged on the ship.

Call our Reservations Team on

01223 568907, [email protected].

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  • I would like to receive communications by email and agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

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Catalogue Preview

Browse through the preview of our river catalogue 2025 or our VASCO DA GAMA catalogue 2025/26 and find out about our wide range of cruises in the coming year!

Preview Ocean Cruises VASCO DA GAMA 2025/26

Discover exiting ocean cruises in the 2025/26 season!

Open Preview!

Preview River Cruises 2025

Discover our wonderful river cruises in Europe in the 2025 season!

Discover exiting ocean cruises with VASCO DA GAMA in the 2025/26 season!

If you have any questions regarding our previews for our river catalogue 2025 or our VASCO DA GAMA catalogue 2025/26, please contact [email protected] .

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Ocean cruises with vasco da gama, river cruises.


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  5. Dialyse aan boord van MS Bolero

    nicko cruises dialyse

  6. Cruise Dialysis

    nicko cruises dialyse


  1. Cruise Days 2023 Hamburg

  2. 240517 Nicko Cruises : Potsdam

  3. Alle guten Dinge sind 3

  4. Kreuzfahrt auf der Vasco de Gama von Nicko Cruises: Entdecke Luxus und Seereisen in Perfektion! 🛳️


  6. 240429 Nicko Cruises : Passau


  1. PDF Reisegenuss für Dialyse-Patienten auch an ausgewählten Terminen auf der

    Alle Informationen und Ansprechpartner rund um die Dialyse-Kreuzfahrten mit nicko cruises sowie die genauen Reisetermine auf der Donau gibt es hier. Weitere Informationen zum Angebot von nicko cruises erhalten Sie in Ihrem Reisebüro oder unter +49 (0) 711 / 24 89 80 44 oder auf www.nicko-cruises.de. Über nicko cruises

  2. Nicko Cruises

    Cruise Dialysis offers a wide range of cruises with haemodialysis onboard to suit everyone's taste and budget. The experienced dialysis team and neprohologist are onboard throughout your cruise so you can be assured of the best attention at all times. Phone: 0844.995.1214 Email: [email protected]

  3. nicko cruises mit neuen Donaudelta-Reisen für Dialyse-Patienten auf MS

    Nach zahlreichen Dialyse-Kreuzfahrten auf dem neuen nicko cruises Hochseeschiff VASCO DA GAMA, wurden nun auch, wie bereits angekündigt, Donau-Flusskreuzfahrten für Dialyse-Patienten aufgelegt. Das ,,nicko modern''-Flusskreuzfahrtschiff MS BOLERO startet an insgesamt vier verschiedenen Terminen in das eindrucksvolle Donaudelta und bietet ...

  4. Dialysekreuzfahrt 2024, 2025 & 2026 buchen

    Seit 2021 sind zudem auch Dialyse Kreuzfahrten auf der MS Vasco da Gama von Nicko Cruises möglich. Auch dieses Kreuzfahrtschiff wurde mit einer modernen Hämodialyse Station ausgestattet. ... Die Teams von DiaCare und Dialysis at Sea Cruises sind seit über 40 Jahren auf den Flüssen und Meeren unterwegs und ermöglichen es auch Nierenkranken ...

  5. Dialyse auf Kreuzfahrtschiffen

    Aktuelle Dialyse-Reisetermine; MS Bolero, Flussschiff Das Schiff gehört zur Flotte des Flussreise-Verstalters nicko cruises. Das Schiff wurde 2019 renoviert und bietet Platz für maximal 150 Passagiere. Die Dialysebehandlung auf dem Schiff erfolgt durch DiaCare (Anfragen/ Kontakt [email protected]). Buchungsmöglichkeiten und Infos MS Bolero: e-hoi,

  6. Voller Kreuzfahrt

    Auf VASCO DA GAMA gibt es vollen Reisegenuss auch für Dialyse-Patienten. 09/03/2021. STUTTGART, 09.03.2021 In Kooperation mit der DiaCare AG bietet nicko cruises künftig auf allen Kreuzfahrten mit VASCO DA GAMA erstklassige medizinische Versorgung für Dialyse-Patienten an. An Bord des Flotten Neuzugangs steht dafür eine voll ausgestattete ...

  7. Dialysekreuzfahrt MS Vasco da Gama

    Dialysekreuzfahrten Vasco da Gama. Seit 2021 fährt die Vasco da Gama für nicko-cruises. Frisch renoviert bietet dieses Schiff Platz für maximal 1.000 Passagiere - und gehört damit zu den kleineren Kreuzfahrtschiffen. Bei 219m Länge und neun Decks bietet es trotzdem viel Raum für die Gäste. Unterschiedlich designte Bars und Restaurants ...

  8. Für Dialyse-Patienten Reisegenuss auf der Donau

    MS BOLERO, Foto nicko cruises. Rundum versorgt ins Donaudelta. An vier ausgewählten Terminen in der Saison 2021 kann die moderne MS BOLERO auf der 15-tägigen Reise ab/an Passau jeweils bis zu zwölf Dialyse-Patienten pro Termin ins Donaudelta bringen, wo die Gäste dessen natürliche Harmonie und tierische Vielfalt erleben können, ohne dabei Abstriche wegen der Behandlung machen zu müssen.

  9. Dialyse aan boord van MS Bolero

    In samenwerking met DiaCare AG biedt Nicko Cruises in 2021 medische dialysezorg aan dialysepatiënten op vier Donau cruises op het MS Bolero.Eerder maakte de rederij bekend dat op zeecruiseschip Vasco Da Gama op elke cruise 20 dialyse gasten welkom zijn. Het Duitse DiaCare AG is gespecialiseerd in cruises voor dialysepatiënten, al ruim 40 jaar.. In 2021 worden 4 cruises aangeboden waarbij ...

  10. PDF Haemodialysis Cruise

    When the curtain rises, an unforgettable evening begins. Great acrobatics, laser shows, comedy, fascinating talks, presentations or moving music from classic to pop. Be enthralled by the top-class artists and entertainers onboard the Europa2. Six bars, six stylish locations for celebrating, day and night.

  11. Vacation on Dialysis

    A cruise is a vacation that people on dialysis and their loved ones can take pleasure in together with the convenience of having dialysis available onboard. Camping and road trips on dialysis. Many times a good vacation is all about heading out onto the open road. According to the U.S. National Park Service, approximately 400 natural, cultural ...


    VASCO DA GAMA. On our VASCO DA GAMA, which was named Ship of the Year in April 2023, you can travel to your personal places of longing all over the world. Whether you are dreaming of the North Cape, the Mediterranean or even a trip around the world: You will indulge in pure cruise feeling on a comparatively small ship with a manageable number ...

  13. Reisevorbereitung

    Reisevorbereitung. Wir haben für Sie auf dieser Seite verschiedene Informationen und Dokumente für Ihre Reisevorbereitung auf eine nicko cruises Kreuzfahrt zusammengestellt. Bitte wählen Sie die Reiseart, für die Sie Informationen einsehen möchten: Flussreisen.

  14. Ocean Cruises

    Discover nicko cruises wide range of ocean cruises aboard World Voyager and Vasco da Gama. Small-ship cruising at its most memorable. ... There is a dialysis station on board VASCO DA GAMA, which can be used by dialysis patients. Please contact our partner Cruise Dialysis directly on 0844 995 1214 who can handle your dialysis booking requirements.

  15. Vasco da Gama

    Description. Vasco da Gama combines the tradition of Portuguese explorers with the needs of today's cruise passengers. At 219 meters long and 31 meters wide, the ship offers its guests all the space they need, spread over nine passenger decks. On board there are five bars and lounges in different designs, five restaurants, an elegant wellness ...

  16. Nicko Cruises River Cruises Review: Cruise Ship Guide, Itineraries

    Nicko Cruises traces its roots back to 1994 when the company was founded in Germany with the goal of providing high-quality river cruises that showcase the beauty and diversity of Europe's waterways. Over the years, Nicko Cruises has earned a reputation for excellence, becoming a preferred choice for travelers seeking authentic and immersive ...

  17. MS nickoSPIRIT Itinerary, Current Position, Ship Review

    2025 Dec 20. 6 days, one-way from Frankfurt am Main to Cologne. Frankfurt am Main. $853. 2025 Dec 26. 8 days, round-trip Rhine. Cologne. $1382. MS nickoSPIRIT cruise ship itinerary, 2024-2025-2026 itineraries (homeports, dates, prices), cruise tracker (ship location now/current position tracking), review, news.

  18. Festive Sailings

    Discover the magic and traditions of Europe across the nicko cruises collection of festive sailings in 2023. Christmas and New Year river cruises. ... On certain dates and certain ships, a dialysis machine will be available, which can be used by dialysis patients. Please contact our partner Cruise Dialysis directly on 0844 995 1214 who can ...

  19. nicko cruises plant Donau-Flusskreuzfahrten für Dialyse-Patienten

    Der Stuttgarter Veranstalter für Flusskreuzfahrten nicko cruises plant derzeit Flussreisen speziell für Dialyse-Patienten auf der beliebten Donau. Dies geht aus einer aktuellen Mitteilung des Veranstalters hervor. Bereits für sein Hochseeschiff VASCO DA GAMA kooperiert nicko cruises mit der Firma DiaCare, die die Dialyse-Stationen sowie die ...

  20. #slowcruising

    The nicko cruises fleet. Our ocean fleet. Our river fleet. River cruises - Picturesque landscapes and charming villages. Discover the diversity of the beautiful Danube. Explore Father Rhine and its tributaries. Travel along the impressive Douro valley. Ocean cruises - Time to discover the wonders of this world.

  21. Vasco Da Gama

    Cruise Dialysis offers a wide range of cruises with haemodialysis onboard to suit everyone's taste and budget. The experienced dialysis team and neprohologist are onboard throughout your cruise so you can be assured of the best attention at all times. Phone: 0844.995.1214 Email: [email protected]

  22. River Cruises

    The average journey from London to Paris is 2 hours and 20 minutes and all trains arrive into Paris Gare du Nord station. When travelling to Cologne, there is a quick change at Brussels Midi/Zuid, and for Lyon, a change in Paris. These journeys take between 4 and 5 hours with most services offering Wi-Fi. Our no-fly river cruise sailings are ...

  23. Catalogue Preview

    Preview River Cruises 2025. Discover our wonderful river cruises in Europe in the 2025 season! Open Preview! If you have any questions regarding our previews for our river catalogue 2025 or our VASCO DA GAMA catalogue 2025/26, please contact [email protected].