
महाराष्ट्र के 15 पर्यटन स्थल और घूमने की जानकारी – Tourist Places In Maharashtra In Hindi

Places To Visit In Maharashtra In Hindi : महाराष्ट्र भारत का एक प्रमुख राज्य है जिसको ‘गेटवे ऑफ द हार्ट ऑफ इंडिया’ भी कहा जाता है। महाराष्ट्र देश के दूसरे कई राज्यों की तुलना में काफी बड़ा है। पश्चिमी घाट से निकटता के कारण यह तरफ पहाड़ों की सुरम्य पृष्ठभूमि से धन्य है और दूसरी तरफ सुंदर कोंकण तट है। महाराष्ट्र हर साल अपने असीमित आकर्षणों की वजह से पर्यटकों को आमंत्रित करता है। भारत में दूसरा सबसे ज्यादा जनसंख्या वाला राज्य महाराष्ट्र भारत के दिल के मध्यप्रदेश के ठीक बगल में स्थित है। महाराष्ट्र कई प्राचीन किलों, महलों, गुफाओं, मंदिरों और कई प्राकृतिक पर्यटन स्थलों से भरपूर हैं।

अगर आप महाराष्ट्र घूमना चाहते हैं तो इस लेख को जरुर पढ़ें, इसमें हम महाराष्ट्र घूमने की जानकारी और पर्यटन स्थलों के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं।

महाराष्ट्र का इतिहास – History Of Maharashtra In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र के पर्यटन स्थल – Maharashtra Paryatan Sthal Information In Hindi

  • महाराष्ट्र का पर्यटन स्थल मुंबई – Maharashtra Ka Paryatan Sthal Mumbai In Hindi
  • महाराष्ट्र के पर्यटन स्थल अजंता और एलोरा गुफाएं – Maharashtra Ke Paryatan Sthal Ajanta And Ellora Caves In Hindi
  • महाराष्ट्र में घूमी जाने वाली जगह पुणे – Maharashtra Me Ghumi Jane Wali Jagha Pune In Hindi
  • महाराष्ट्र का प्रमुख धार्मिक स्थल शिरडी – Maharashtra Ka Pramukh Dharmik Sthal Shirdi In Hindi
  • महाराष्ट्र के हिल स्टेशन पंचगनी – Maharashtra Ke Hill Station Panchgani In Hindi
  • महाराष्ट्र की खूबसूरत जगह महाबलेश्वर – Maharashtra Ki Khubsurat Jagha Mahabaleshwar In Hindi
  • महाराष्ट्र का धार्मिक स्थल नासिक – Maharashtra Ka Dharmik Sthal Nashik In Hindi
  • महाराष्ट्र के पर्यटन स्थल औरंगाबाद – Maharashtra Ke Paryatan Sthal Aurangabad In Hindi
  • महाराष्ट्र का हिल स्टेशन लवासा – Maharashtra Ka Hill Station Lavasa In Hindi
  • महाराष्ट्र का एक प्रमुख पर्यटन स्थल लोनावाला – Maharashtra Ka Paryatan Sthal Lonavala In Hindi
  • महाराष्ट्र में घूमने की जगह अलीबाग – Maharashtra Me Ghumne Ki Jagha Alibag In Hindi
  • महाराष्ट्र में घूमने वाली जगह खंडाला – Maharashtra Me Ghumne Wali Jagha Khandala In Hindi
  • महाराष्ट्र का पर्यटन स्थल भंडारा – Maharashtra Ka Prayatan Sthal Bhandardara In Hindi
  • ताडोबा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान पर्यटन – Tadoba National Park In Hindi
  • महाराष्ट्र की प्रसिद्ध जगह कोल्हापुर – Maharashtra Ki Famous Jagha Kolhapur In Hindi
  • रायगढ़ महाराष्ट्र के ऐतिहासिक पर्यटन स्थल – Maharashtra Ka Aetihasik Sthal Raigad In Hindi
  • महाराष्ट्र का पर्यटन स्थल नागपुर – Maharashtra Ka Paryatan Sthal Nagpur In Hindi
  • महाराष्ट्र में देखने लायक जगह सूर्यमल – Maharashtra Me Dekhne Layak Jagah Suryamal In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र घूमने का सबसे अच्छा समय क्या है – What Is The Best Time To Visit Maharashtra In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र का प्रसिद्ध और स्थानीय भोजन – Famous & Local Food Of Maharashtra In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र कैसे पहुँचें – How To Reach Maharashtra In Hindi

  • हवाईजहाज से महाराष्ट्र कैसे पहुँचें – How To Reach Maharashtra By Airplane In Hindi
  • रेल द्वारा महाराष्ट्र कैसे पहुंचे – How To Reach Maharashtra By Train In Hindi
  • सड़क मार्ग से महाराष्ट्र कैसे पहुंचे – How To Reach Maharashtra By Road In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र की लोकेशन का मैप – Maharashtra Location

महाराष्ट्र की फोटो गैलरी – Maharashtra Images

1. महाराष्ट्र का इतिहास – History Of Maharashtra In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र का इतिहास - History Of Maharashtra In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र का समृद्ध इतिहास आपको उस पुराने समय में वापस लेकर जाता है जब यह तीसरी और चौथी शताब्दी में कोंकण का क्षेत्र मौर्यों के नियंत्रण में आ गया था। मौर्य साम्राज्य के विघटन के बाद सातवाहन (230 ईसा पूर्व – ईस्वी 225) इस क्षेत्र पर शासन करने के लिए आए। यहां पर बाद में चालुक्य और राष्ट्रकूट साम्राज्यों के महान शासक आए जिन्होंने महाराष्ट्र को संस्कृति और कला का महान केंद्र बनाया। यादव इन राज्यों में अंतिम राजा थे जिन्होंने 12 वीं शताब्दी की शुरुआत में अपनी सत्ता खो दी और जिसके बाद महाराष्ट्र में मुसलमानों ने लम्बी अवधि तक शासन किया। 17 वीं शताब्दी में मराठा इस क्षेत्र पर शासन करने के लिए आये। शिवाजी मराठों के पहले महान शासक थे और अंग्रजों ने मराठों को हराने के बाद यहां अपना शासन स्थापित किया।

2. महाराष्ट्र के पर्यटन स्थल – Maharashtra Paryatan Sthal Information In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र के पर्यटन स्थल - Maharashtra Paryatan Sthal Information In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र भारत का एक ऐसा राज्य है जो अपने कई पर्यटन स्थलों जैसे प्राचीन किलों, महलों, गुफाओं, मंदिरों और प्राकृतिक स्थानों के लिए दुनिया भर में मशहूर है, अगर आप महाराष्ट्र राज्य की यात्रा करना चाहते हैं तो आगे पढ़ते रहे हम आपको यहां महाराष्ट्र के प्रमुख पर्यटन स्थलों के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं।

2.1 महाराष्ट्र का पर्यटन स्थल मुंबई – Maharashtra Ka Paryatan Sthal Mumbai In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र का पर्यटन स्थल मुंबई - Maharashtra Ka Paryatan Sthal Mumbai In Hindi

मुंबई महाराष्ट्र राज्य का प्रमुख शहर और राजधानी है, जिसको “सपनों के शहर” के रूप में जाना जाता है। मुंबई को पहले बॉम्बे के नाम से जाना जाता था जिसका अपना एक लंबा औपनिवेशिक इतिहास है। मुंबई बॉलीवुड के घर होने के अलावा अपने कई पर्यटन स्थलों के लिए भी जाना जाता है। यहां का सबसे मुख्य पर्यटन स्थल गेटवे ऑफ़ इंडिया है। मुंबई का राज होटल एक प्रसिद्ध लैंडमार्क है जो गेटवे ऑफ इंडिया के सामने है। इसलिए आप एक दिन में इन दोनों स्थलों को कवर कर सकते हैं। मुंबई अरब सागर के ठीक बगल में स्थित है, जिसके चलते आप यहां बीच पर बैठ सकते हैं और आराम कर सकते हैं।

यहां पर मरीन ड्राइव घूमने की एक ऐसी जगह है जहां पर आप पानी में अपने पैरों को लटकाकर बैठ सकते हैं। बॉलीवुड के अधिकांश सितारों का घर बांद्रा में स्थित है, इसलिए यहां की यात्रा करना न भूलें। अगर आप एक फूड लवर हैं तो मुंबई आपके लिए स्वर्ग के समान है। यहां के स्थानीय स्ट्रीट फूड जैसे कि वड़ा पाव, पाव भाजी, दही पुरी, पानी पुरी और काला खट्टा जैसी चीजें आपको एक यादगार स्वाद देंगे।

और पढ़े:  मुंबई की यात्रा और मुंबई के दर्शनीय स्थल 

2.2 महाराष्ट्र के पर्यटन स्थल अजंता और एलोरा गुफाएं – Maharashtra Ke Paryatan Sthal Ajanta And Ellora Caves In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र के पर्यटन स्थल अजंता और एलोरा गुफाएं - Maharashtra Ke Paryatan Sthal Ajanta And Ellora Caves In Hindi

अजंता और एलोरा गुफाएं भारत के महाराष्ट्र राज्य में औरंगाबाद शहर के पास स्थित हैं जो भारत की सबसे प्राचीन प्राचीन रॉक-कट गुफाओं में से एक हैं। अजंता और एलोरा गुफाएं महाराष्ट्र में सबसे ज्यादा घूमने जाने वाले पयर्टन स्थलों में से एक है। सुंदर मूर्तियों, चित्रों और भित्तिचित्रों के साथ सुसज्ज्ति अजंता और अलोरा की गुफाएँ बौद्ध, जैन और हिंदू स्मारकों का मेल है। अजंता और एलोरा की गुफाएँ यूनेस्को की विश्व धरोहर स्थलों की सूचि में शामिल किया गया है।

और पढ़े:  अजंता की गुफा विशेषताएं और घूमने की जानकारी

2.3 महाराष्ट्र में घूमी जाने वाली जगह पुणे – Maharashtra Me Ghumi Jane Wali Jagha Pune In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र में घूमी जाने वाली जगह पुणे - Maharashtra Me Ghumi Jane Wali Jagha Pune In Hindi

पुणे महाराष्ट्र का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा शहर है और प्रमुख पर्यटन स्थल है। पुणे ऐसा शहर है जो यहां आने वाले पर्यटकों को अपने पर्यटन स्थलों से प्रसन्न कर देता है उनको पूरी तरह रोमांचित कर देता है। पुणे शहर अपने ऐतिहासिक किलों, साफ समुद्र तटों, पिकनिक स्पॉट और झरनों की वजह से काफी लोकप्रिय है। अगर आप महाराष्ट्र घूमने की लिए जा रहे हैं तो एक बार पुणे शहर की यात्रा जरुर करें।

और पढ़े:  पुणे में घूमने की 10 सबसे अच्छी जगह

2.4 महाराष्ट्र का प्रमुख धार्मिक स्थल शिरडी – Maharashtra Ka Pramukh Dharmik Sthal Shirdi In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र का प्रमुख धार्मिक स्थल शिरडी - Maharashtra Ka Pramukh Dharmik Sthal Shirdi In Hindi

शिरडी महाराष्ट्र का प्रमुख धार्मिक स्थल होने के साथ ही भारत का  एक प्रमुख पर्यटक स्थल भी है जहां पर हर रोजाना भारी संख्या में भक्त साईं बाबा के दर्शन करने के लिए जाते हैं। शिरडी भारत के महान संत साईं बाबा का घर है जहां पर उनके कई मंदिर और उनसे जुड़े हुए ऐतिहासिक स्थल बने हुए हैं। शिरडी नासिक शहर से जुड़ा हुआ है और यह एक छोटी जगह होने के बाद भी धार्मिक स्थलों से भरा हुआ है। शिरडी आने वाले भक्तों का मानना है कि साईं बाबा उनकी हर मनोकामना को पूरा करेंगे। शिरडी की यात्रा के दौरान आप यहां स्थित चावड़ी, समाधि मंदिर और वेट एन जॉय वाटर पार्क जैसे स्थलों की यात्रा भी कर सकते हैं।

और पढ़े:  शिरडी पर्यटन और 10 सबसे खास दर्शनीय स्थल

2.5 महाराष्ट्र के हिल स्टेशन पंचगनी – Maharashtra Ke Hill Station Panchgani In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र के हिल स्टेशन पंचगनी - Maharashtra Ke Hill Station Panchgani In Hindi

पंचगनी महाराष्ट्र का एक प्रमुख हिल स्टेशन है जो 1334 मीटर की ऊंचाई स्थित है। पंचगनी का नाम महाराष्ट्र के सबसे ठंडे और लोकप्रिय पर्यटन स्थलों की लिस्ट में आता है। यह जगह अपने मनोरम दृश्यों की वजह से जानी जाती है जिसका इस्तेमाल ब्रिटिश काल में ग्रीष्मकालीन रिसॉर्ट के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता था। सह्याद्री पर्वत की पांच पहाड़ियों की वजह से महाराष्ट्र के इस पर्यटन स्थल का नाम पंचगनी पड़ा है। पंचगनी की उंचाई से आप कमलगढ़ किले और धाम डैम झील के आकर्षक नजारों को देख सकते हैं। पंचगनी पर्यटन स्थल प्रकृति प्रेमी लोगों के लिए जन्नत के सामान है।

और पढ़े:  पंचगनी के बारे में जानकारी और घूमने की टॉप 10 जगह

2.6 महाराष्ट्र की खूबसूरत जगह महाबलेश्वर – Maharashtra Ki Khubsurat Jagha Mahabaleshwar In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र की खूबसूरत जगह महाबलेश्वर - Maharashtra Ki Khubsurat Jagha Mahabaleshwar In Hindi

महाबलेश्वर महराष्ट्र राज्य में पश्चिमी घाट में एक पहाड़ी शहर है जो अपनी स्ट्रॉबेरी के अलावा अपनी कई नदियों, शानदार झरनों और राजसी चोटियों के लिए जाना जाता है। महाबलेश्वर एक पहाड़ी स्टेशन है जो महाराष्ट्र के सतारा जिले स्थित है। महाबलेश्वर अपनी मनोरम सुंदरता और खूबसूरत स्ट्रॉबेरी फार्म के लिए काफी प्रसिद्ध है। महाबलेश्वर महराष्ट्र में वीकेंड पर सबसे ज्यादा घूमने जाने वाले पर्यटन स्थलों में से एक है। अगर आप महाराष्ट्र की यात्रा करने के लिए जा रहे हैं तो महाबलेश्वर के आकर्षक दृश्यों, मोहक घाटियां, शांत झीलों की यात्रा करना न भूलें।

और पढ़े:  महाबलेश्वर पर्यटन स्थलों का भ्रमण

2.7 महाराष्ट्र का धार्मिक स्थल नासिक – Maharashtra Ka Dharmik Sthal Nashik In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र का धार्मिक स्थल नासिक - Maharashtra Ka Dharmik Sthal Nashik In Hindi

नासिक महाराष्ट्र का एक ऐसा धार्मिक हिंदू शहर है जो हर 12 साल में होने वाले कुंभ मेले को आयोजित करता है। नासिक महाराष्ट्र में गोदावरी नदी के तट पर स्थित एक शहर है जो बहुत सारे सारे विदेशी मंदिरों का घर है और हिंदू पुरानी कथा की उस जगह के रूप में भी प्रसिद्ध है जहां पर लक्ष्मण द्वारा रावण की बहन, शूर्पणखा की नाक काटी गई थी। शिरडी और त्र्यंबकेश्वर आने वाले हजारों पर्यटक नासिक घूमने के लिए भी आते हैं। नासिक में कई मंदिरों के साथ किले, झरने और अंगूर के बाग भी हैं। नासिक अपने कई वाइनयार्ड के साथ काफी प्रसिद्ध है जो आपको कई शानदार कॉकटेल स्वाद लेने का मौका देता है।

और पढ़े:  नासिक में घूमने की 10 सबसे खास जगह

2.8 महाराष्ट्र के पर्यटन स्थल औरंगाबाद – Maharashtra Ke Paryatan Sthal Aurangabad In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र के पर्यटन स्थल औरंगाबाद - Maharashtra Ke Paryatan Sthal Aurangabad In Hindi

औरंगाबाद महाराष्ट्र राज्य का प्रमुख शहर है जिसको सरकार ने साल 2010 में महाराष्ट्र की पर्यटन राजधानी के रूप में घोषित किया था। औरंगाबाद एक प्रमुख पर्यटन केंद्र है जो पर्यटकों को अपने दर्शनीय स्थलों के साथ प्रसन्न करने की दम रखता है। औरंगाबाद शहर को अपना नाम 17 वीं शताब्दी ईस्वी में मुगल सम्राट औरंगजेब की पूर्ववर्ती राजधानी होने की वजह से मिला था। यह शहर अजंता और एलोरा, दौलताबाद किले की बेहद प्रसिद्ध गुफाओं के लिए काफी प्रसिद्ध है। इसके अलावा यह औरंगजेब के मकबरे और अपनी वास्तुकला के लिए प्रसिद्ध बीबी और काक-मकबरा, भारत में 12 शिव ज्योतिर्लिंग में से एक का घर होने की वजह से जाना जाता है।

2.9 महाराष्ट्र का हिल स्टेशन लवासा – Maharashtra Ka Hill Station Lavasa In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र का हिल स्टेशन लवासा - Maharashtra Ka Hill Station Lavasa In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र में स्थित लवासा भारत के नए हिल स्टेशन के रूप में जाना जाता है। यह शहर एक सुंदर परियोजना है जो इटालियन शहर पोर्टोफिनो पर आधारित है। लवासा 7 पहाड़ियों में फैला हुआ है जो 25000 एकड़ के क्षेत्र को कवर करता है। लवासा सुंदरता और इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर का एक आदर्श मिश्रण है जो अपने पर्यटकों को सुरम्य दृश्यों से लेकर होटल, रिसॉर्ट्स, शैक्षणिक संस्थानों, आईटी कंपनियों, मॉल, आवासीय संपत्ति, आदि के साथ बहुत अच्छी तरह से विकसित बुनियादी ढांचे की पेशकश करता है।

2.10 महाराष्ट्र का एक प्रमुख पर्यटन स्थल लोनावाला – Maharashtra Ka Paryatan Sthal Lonavala In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र का एक प्रमुख पर्यटन स्थल लोनावाला - Maharashtra Ka Paryatan Sthal Lonavala In Hindi

लोनावाला महाराष्ट्र का एक प्रमुख पर्यटन स्थल है जो पुणे और मुंबई के करीब स्थित है। यह पर्यटन स्थल अपने बहुत सारे झरनों, झीलों और पहाड़ियों के साथ पर्यटकों और ट्रेकर्स के लिए अच्छी जगह है। लोनावाला, सह्याद्री पहाड़ियों का एक हिस्सा है जो पर्यटकों को प्रकृति का आकर्षक और मनमोहक अनुभव प्रदान करता है। अगर आप लोनावाला घूमने के लिए आते हैं तो यहां के रास्ते पर पड़ने वाले खंडाला और राजमाची की यात्रा जरुर करें।

2.11 महाराष्ट्र में घूमने की जगह अलीबाग – Maharashtra Me Ghumne Ki Jagha Alibag In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र में घूमने की जगह अलीबाग - Maharashtra Me Ghumne Ki Jagha Alibag In Hindi

अलीबाग महाराष्ट्र के कोंकण क्षेत्र में बसा एक छोटा सा तटीय (Coastal) शहर है जो पूरे साल पर्यटकों द्वारा वीकेंड पर छुट्टी मानाने का पर्यटन स्थल है। अलीबाग को ‘मिनी-गोवा’ के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। औपनिवेशिक इतिहास में डूबा शहर अलीबाग मुंबई से लगभग 110 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर स्थित है जो अपने रेतीले समुद्र तटों, साफ हवा, कई मंदिरों और किलों से भरपूर है। अलीबाग एक छोटा शहर होने के बाद भी अपने पर्यटकों को काफी निराश नहीं करता।

और पढ़े:  जयपुर शहर के प्रमुख दर्शनीय स्थल

2.12 महाराष्ट्र में घूमने वाली जगह खंडाला – Maharashtra Me Ghumne Wali Jagha Khandala In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र में घूमने वाली जगह खंडाला - Maharashtra Me Ghumne Wali Jagha Khandala In Hindi

खंडाला सह्याद्रि की तलहटी पर स्थित महाराष्ट्र का एक प्रमुख पर्यटन स्थल है जो सुंदर घाटियों, घास की पहाड़ियों, शांत झीलों और धुंध भरे झरनों के साथ मुंबई के लोगों के लिए आदर्श पर्यटन स्थल है। अगर आप महाराष्ट्र के भाग दौड़ वाले शहरों से दूर किसी शांत जगह पर जाना चाहते हैं तो खंडाला एक आदर्श जगह है। मानसून के दौरान प्राकृतिक सुंदरता अपने चरम पर होती है।

2.13 महाराष्ट्र का पर्यटन स्थल भंडारा – Maharashtra Ka Prayatan Sthal Bhandardara In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र का पर्यटन स्थल भंडारा - Maharashtra Ka Prayatan Sthal Bhandardara In Hindi

भंडाराड़ा महाराष्ट्र के सह्याद्रि पर्वतमाला में स्थित एक पर्यटन हिल स्टेशन है जहां पर आप प्रकृति के सभी आशीर्वाद को देख सकते हैं। भंडाराड़ा हरियाली, झरने और पहाड़ों से घिरी एक ऐसी जगह है जो शहरवासियों के लिए परफेक्ट हॉलिडे स्पॉट है। भंडाराड़ा मुंबई से 117 किमी है। मुंबई से रोड के माध्यम से यहां आसानी से पहुंचा जा सकता है।

2.14 ताडोबा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान पर्यटन – Tadoba National Park In Hindi

ताडोबा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान पर्यटन - Tadoba National Park In Hindi

ताडोबा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान अपनी प्राकृतिक विरासत के लिए है जो भारत के सबसे रोमांचक और सर्वश्रेष्ठ संरक्षित टाइगर रिजर्व में से एक है, जहां पर सबसे ज्यादा महाराष्ट्र राज्य में सबसे अधिक दृश्यमान बाघ है। ताडोबा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान महाराष्ट्र का एक प्रमुख पर्यटन स्थल है जो चंद्रपुर जिले में स्थित है। यह स्थान वन्यजीवों और प्रकृति प्रेमियों किये वीकेंड पर जाने के लिए एक आदर्श पर्यटन स्थल है। इस क्षेत्र में वनस्पतियों और जीवों की दुर्लभ प्रजातियां पाई जाती है।

2.15 महाराष्ट्र की प्रसिद्ध जगह कोल्हापुर – Maharashtra Ki Famous Jagha Kolhapur In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र की प्रसिद्ध जगह कोल्हापुर - Maharashtra Ki Famous Jagha Kolhapur In Hindi

कोल्हापुर महाराष्ट्र के दक्षिण-पश्चिम में पंचगंगा नदी के तट पर स्थित है एक ऐसा शहर है जो अपनी चप्पलों आभूषण और व्यंजनों की वजह सेएक लोकप्रिय स्थान बन गया। कोल्हापुर का नाम कोल्हासुर की एक पौराणिक कहानी से लिया गया है कोल्हासुर – एक दानव जिसका वद्ध देवी महालक्ष्मी ने किया था। यहां का प्रसिद्ध महालक्ष्मी मंदिर महालक्ष्मी के सम्मान में स्थित है।

2.16 रायगढ़ महाराष्ट्र के ऐतिहासिक पर्यटन स्थल – Maharashtra Ka Aetihasik Sthal Raigad In Hindi

रायगढ़ महाराष्ट्र के ऐतिहासिक पर्यटन स्थल - Maharashtra Ka Aetihasik Sthal Raigad In Hindi

रायगढ़ महाराष्ट्र का एक ऐतिहासिक रूप से समृद्ध जिला है जो कोंकण क्षेत्र में स्थित है और मुंबई हार्बर, ठाणे, पुणे, रत्नागिरी और अरब सागर घिरा हुआ है। मराठा शासक छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज ने 1656 में यह क्षेत्र जीता था और इसके बाद उनका राज्य रायगढ़ में स्थानांतरित हो गया। रायगढ़ किला इस जगह के प्रमुख आकर्षणों में से एक है जिसका निर्माण समुद्र तल से काफी ऊँचाई पर चट्टान के अनियमित ढलान पर बनाया गया है। इस किले में शिवाजी की समाधि (कब्र) को रखा गया है। रायगढ़ को पर्यटकों द्वारा बेहद पसंद किया जाता है क्योंकि यह ऐतिहासिक स्थलों, कला और व्यंजनों के माध्यम से पूर्वजों की संस्कृति को संरक्षित करने में कामियाब रहा है।

2.17 महाराष्ट्र का पर्यटन स्थल नागपुर – Maharashtra Ka Paryatan Sthal Nagpur In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र का पर्यटन स्थल नागपुर - Maharashtra Ka Paryatan Sthal Nagpur In Hindi

नागपुर महाराष्ट्र का एक प्रमुख पर्यटन शहर है जो अपने कई पर्यटन आकर्षणों जैसे अंबाझरी झील, फुटाला झील, रामटेक किला मंदिर, दीक्ष भूमी, बोहरा मस्जिद और नारंगी बागों के लिए जाना जाता है। नागपुर अपने मनोरम रसदार किस्मों के संतरों के साथ महाराष्ट्र की शीतकालीन राजधानी भी है और यह शहर अपनी समृद्ध सांस्कृतिक विरासत के लिए भी जाना जाता है।

और पढ़े:  नागपुर में घूमने की 12 सबसे खास जगह

2.18 महाराष्ट्र में देखने लायक जगह सूर्यमल – Maharashtra Me Dekhne Layak Jagah Suryamal In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र में देखने लायक जगह सूर्यमल - Maharashtra Me Dekhne Layak Jagah Suryamal In Hindi

सूर्यमल ठाणे जिले में स्थित इस क्षेत्र की प्रमुख चोटी है और महाराष्ट्र का एक प्रमुख पर्यटन स्थल है। यह छोटी सुंदर पहाड़ी साथ पर्यटकों के लिए एक खास जगह है जो बेहद लुहवानी है। आपको बता दें कि यह जगह घाटियों और हरे-भरे जंगलों से समृद्ध है जो प्रकृति उत्साही लोगों के लिए स्वर्ग के सामान जगह है। अगर आप शहर के भीड़ वाले वातावरण से बचना चाहते हैं तो यह आपके लिए एक आदर्श जगह है।

3. महाराष्ट्र घूमने का सबसे अच्छा समय क्या है – What Is The Best Time To Visit Maharashtra In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र घूमने का सबसे अच्छा समय क्या है - What Is The Best Time To Visit Maharashtra In Hindi

अगर आप महाराष्ट्र की यात्रा करने की योजना बना रहे हैं तो आपको बता दें कि यहां की यात्रा करने का कोई विशेष समय नहीं है, लेकिन आप सर्दियों के मासूम में इस राज्य की यात्रा कर सकते हैं क्योंकि इस दौरान यहां का मौसम काफी शांत और सुखद होता है। मानसून के समय इस राज्य के कई शहरों में भारी तबाही देखने को मिलती है और कई क्षेत्र बारिश की वजह से काफी सुंदर हो जाते हैं।

और पढ़े : रोड ट्रिप्स के लिए इंडिया की सबसे रोमांचक और खूबसूरत सड़के

4. महाराष्ट्र का प्रसिद्ध और स्थानीय भोजन – Famous & Local Food Of Maharashtra In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र का प्रसिद्ध और स्थानीय भोजन - Famous & Local Food Of Maharashtra In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र एक ऐसा राज्य है जहां का भोजन अपने स्वाद से आपको आश्चर्यचकित कर सकता है। महाराष्ट्र के मसालेदार भोजन में आपको रेगिस्तान स्वाद भी मिलेगा। यहां के प्रसिद्ध भोजन में वड़ा पाव, मिसल, प्याज फ्राई का नाम शामिल है। इसके अलावा यहां पर चावल, दाल, चपाती और सब्जी रोजमर्रा का भोजन है। महाराष्ट्र के भोजन में अनगिनत किस्में मिलती हैं। अगर आप इस राज्य की यात्रा करते हैं तो बंगाली मिठाई का स्वाद लेना न भूलें।

और पढ़े:  सिद्दिविनायक मंदिर दर्शन की जानकारी

5. महाराष्ट्र कैसे पहुँचें – How To Reach Maharashtra In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र राज्य भारत के पश्चिमी तट पर बड़ा हुआ है। यह भारत का तीसरा सबसे बड़ा राज्य है और अपने पर्यटन स्थलों की वजह से अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मान्यता प्राप्त कर चुका है। यह राज्य का विश्व प्रसिद्ध पर्यटन स्थलों को समेटे हुए है। अगर आप महाराष्ट्र घूमने की योजना बना रहे हैं तो आप राज्य और इसके पर्यटन स्थलों की यात्रा रेल, सड़क, वायु और समुद्र के माध्यम से कर सकते हैं। महाराष्ट भारत के प्रमुख स्थलों और दुनिया भर से अच्छी तरह से जुड़ा है।

5.1 हवाईजहाज से महाराष्ट्र कैसे पहुँचें – How To Reach Maharashtra By Airplane In Hindi

हवाईजहाज से महाराष्ट्र कैसे पहुँचें - How To Reach Maharashtra By Airplane In Hindi

अगर आप महाराष्ट्र राज्य की यात्रा हवाई मार्ग द्वारा करना चाहते हैं तो आपको बता दें कि इसका प्रमुख हवाई अड्डा राजधानी मुंबई में स्थित है। मुंबई का छत्रपति अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हवाई अड्डा दुनिया भर के कई बड़े शहरों जैसे दिल्ली, सिंगापुर, हांगकांग, शारजाह, न्यूयॉर्क, अहमदाबाद, जयपुर, दुबई, कुआलालंपुर, मॉरीशस, म्यूनिख, फ्रैंकफर्ट, मस्कट और अन्य शहरों से अच्छी तरह से जुड़ा हुआ है। महाराष्ट्र के घरेलू हवाई अड्डे मुंबई (सांता क्रूज़ डोमेस्टिक एयरपोर्ट), औरंगाबाद, पुणे, नागपुर, और कोल्हापुर में स्थित हैं।

5.2 रेल द्वारा महाराष्ट्र कैसे पहुंचे – How To Reach Maharashtra By Train In Hindi

रेल द्वारा महाराष्ट्र कैसे पहुंचे - How To Reach Maharashtra By Train In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र राज्य भारत के एक अच्छे रेल नेटवर्क पर स्थित है जो इसे भारत के सभी प्रमुख शहरों से जोड़ता है। मुंबई से कई रेल संचालित होती है जो कि राज्य का एक प्रमुख रेलवे स्टेशन है। मुंबई के लिए आपको देश भर के सभी रेलवे स्टेशन से ट्रेन आसानी से मिल जाएगी।

5.3 सड़क मार्ग से महाराष्ट्र कैसे पहुंचे – How To Reach Maharashtra By Road In Hindi

सड़क मार्ग से महाराष्ट्र कैसे पहुंचे - How To Reach Maharashtra By Road In Hindi

महाराष्ट्र में सड़कों का एक मजबूत और भरोसेमंद है जो कि इसके देश के सभी प्रमुख हिस्सों से जोड़ता है।

और पढ़े:  गेटवे ऑफ इंडिया के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी

इस आर्टिकल में आपने महाराष्ट्र के प्रमुख पर्यटक स्थल के बारे में विस्तार से जाना है आपको यहाँ आर्टिकल केसा लगा हमे कमेन्ट करके जरूर बतायें।

इसी तरह की अन्य जानकारी हिन्दी में पढ़ने के लिए हमारे एंड्रॉएड ऐप को डाउनलोड करने के लिए आप  यहां क्लिक  करें। और आप हमें  फ़ेसबुक  और  ट्विटर  पर भी फ़ॉलो कर सकते हैं।

6. महाराष्ट्र की लोकेशन का मैप – Maharashtra Location

7. महाराष्ट्र की फोटो गैलरी – Maharashtra Images

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9 Top Maharashtra Tourist Destinations and Attractions

What to See and Do in Maharashtra

maharashtra ka tourist places

These top Maharashtra tourist places offer a diverse mix of ancient cave temples, forts, mountains, wineries, and beaches. Of course, there's cosmopolitan Mumbai as well.

Mumbai, the capital city of Maharashtra, is the financial capital of India and the home of India's Bollywood film industry. Also called India's "maximum city", Mumbai is known for its extreme standards of living, ​fast-paced lifestyle, and the making (or breaking) of dreams. Captivating examples of colonial British architecture can be found all over the city and make up many of Mumbai's top attractions , including the Gateway of India and Haji Ali. Mumbai also has a pulsating nightlife, with unforgettable bars , live music venues, national park , and traveler hangouts.

Ajanta and Ellora Caves

TripSavvy / Anna Haines

The Ajanta and Ellora Caves are located near Aurangabad in northern Maharashtra, around 400 kilometers (250 miles) from Mumbai. There are 34 caves at Ellora dating from between the 6th and 11th centuries AD, and 29 caves at Ajanta dating back to between the 2nd century BC and 6th century AD. While the Ajanta caves are rich in paintings and sculpture, the Ellora caves are renowned for their extraordinary architecture. The most incredible thing about all these caves is that they were crafted by hand, with only a hammer and chisel.

Konkan Coast

The Konkan Coast in Maharashtra offers a bounty of beautiful beaches, which are among the most pristine in the country.Delightfully off the tourist trail, they are devoid of much commercial development and many are practically deserted.

The closest hill station to Mumbai, Matheran was discovered in 1850 by the British during their occupation of India and subsequently developed into a popular summer retreat. At height of 800 meters (2,625 feet) above sea level, this serene place provides a cooling escape from searing temperatures. However, the most unique thing about it and what makes it so special, is that all vehicles are banned there -- even bicycles. It's a soothing place to relax away from any noise and pollution. Get there by taking the scenic toy train .

Nashik, approximately four hours northeast of Mumbai in Maharashtra, is a city of contrasts. On one hand, it's an ancient and sacred pilgrimage destination with a fascinating Old City and temples, such as Naroshankar and Kalaram. On the other, it's home to the biggest winery region in India. 

Tadoba National Park

Overlooked by tourism until recently because it was off the beaten track and lacked accommodations, these days Tadoba National Park and Tiger Reserve in Maharashtra is fast gaining a reputation as one of the best places to see a tiger in the wild in India.

Just two hours southeast of Mumbai, and halfway between Mumbai and Pune, Lonavala provides an eclectic blend of hills, history and adventure. Its a popular misty monsoon destination, and its lush surroundings have been the backdrop of many Bollywood movie song and dance scenes. Attractions include forts, lookouts, lakes, dams, and waterfalls (during the monsoon season).  Nirvana Adventures conducts paragliding in Kamshet, close to Lonavala. The ancient rock-cut Karla caves are also worth visiting.


For fresh strawberries (as well as mulberries, raspberries, and gooseberries) head to Mahabaleshwar in the Western Ghat mountains (known as the Sahyadri mountains in Maharashtra). Strawberry season runs from November to March and you can feast on them at Mapro Gardens and Archie's Farm. Otherwise, go trekking, fishing, boating, horse riding, or take in the views at one of the many sightseeing points and lookouts (there are nearly 30 of them!).

The historical and cultural city of Kolhapur is a lesser-known tourist destination alongside the Panchganga River in southern Maharashtra. Yet, it certainly has plenty to offer! Its magnificent temples are one of the main attractions, with the Mahalaxmi Temple being the focus. The city has a long line of both Hindu and Muslim rulers, and has been the site of intense confrontations. Prior to India's Independence, from 1700 it was controlled by the Maratha Empire and the British. The new palace of the Maharaja of Kolhapur, built in 1884, has grandiose Indo-Saracenic architecture. It now houses the Shree Chhatrapati Shahu Museum, containing memorabilia of Kolhapur's rulers. Kolhapur also has a couple of interesting claims to fame: the famous Kolhapuri chappals (shoes) originated from there and the city is said to produce the best Kushti wrestlers.

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Ajanta and Ellora Caves Essential Travel Guide

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Top 9 Places to Visit in Nashik, Maharashtra

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maharashtra ka tourist places

Maharashtra Tour Guide: 30 Best Tourist Places in Maharashtra

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The state of Maharashtra is one of the most popular tourist destinations in India. It happens to be the second most popular Indian state to attract foreign tourists and ranks fourth in the list of most visited places by foreign travelers.

The unique aspect of Maharashtra is that it is a state which combines geographical treasures and historical assets making it superbly attractive to travelers from both India and abroad.

The hills of Lonavla, the mighty Arabian sea making up its west coast, the awe-inspiring caves of Ajanta and Ellora bearing witness to the glorious past of India all these together make Maharashtra a sought-after travel destination to any traveler.

It is a state standing on the confluence of the past and the present while bearing witness to the time that is yet to come. There is magic in the state of Maharashtra, the third largest in India.

Once visited it is never forgotten. Let’s take a look at the most popular tourist sites it offers.

1. The Mumbai City


Mumbai, the capital of Maharashtra , is a city of many names, some of them slightly contradictory. For example, it is called both the ‘ city of dreams ’ and the ‘ city that never sleeps ,’ the latter referring to the active and buzzing nightlife of Mumbai!

Today it is one of the most thriving hubs of art and culture in India, housing the biggest film industry in India, Bollywood. It in all probabilities is also the first stop for travelers starting a tour of Maharashtra as Chatrapati Sivaji International Airport is located in Mumbai.

Your vacation in Mumbai can be a luxury one spent in five-star hotels, visiting star-studded art galleries and sampling the wares of fine dining destinations. It can also be entirely different altogether, visiting the old and narrow lanes, having chaats on Juhu Beach watching the waves or visiting museums with lunch breaks at the intriguing Irani Hotels.

Mumbai, one of the most popular tourist destinations of Maharashtra , let’s both travelers and residents be who they are with no questions asked! The most popular tourist spots in Mumbai include the architectural marvel Gateway of India, Nariman Point or the Shree Siddhi Vinayak Temple if you are religious or spiritual mind.

How to Reach:

Frequent trains and flights are connecting Mumbai to the rest of India however if you are visiting from abroad the best thing for you would be to take a flight to Mumbai , one among the most famous tourist spots of Maharashtra.

Major Tourist Attractions of Mumbai:

  • Gateway of India
  • Elephanta Caves
  • Siddhivinayak Temple
  • Bandra–Worli Sea Link
  • Mumba Devi Temple


Nasik is also known as a wine and grape capital of India situated in North West Maharashtra. It is a place of great scenic beauty lying on the banks of the ancient and mighty Godavari and at the foothills of the majestic Western Ghat mountains.

Nasik houses the beautiful and abundant Muktidham waterfalls and the famous Panchavati Temple Complex. When in Nasik you could take a tour of the beautiful Sula Vineyards and see for yourself how grapes are turned into the magic potion which makes parties go and people dream.

The temple of Saptarshigunj, a homage to the goddess by the same name lies among the seven mountain peaks in Naduri village near Nasik while the Trimbakeswar Shiva temple lies at the source of Godavari River and is one among the most visited religious spots in Maharashtra.

Nasik offers you a heady blend of indulgence and religion, the scenic and the spiritual making it one of the most popular tourist destinations in Maharashtra.

How to Reach

Nasik is very well connected by road, rail, and flights with all major cities and countries. The best way to reach Nashik is by train if you are traveling from a close distance.

Major Tourist Attractions of Nasik :

  • Nasik Caves
  • Kalaram Temple
  • Naroshankar Temple
  • Someshwar Water Fall
  • Trimbakeswar Shiva temple
  • Artillery Museum

Bahubali Kumbhoj

Kumbhoj is an ancient town located in the Kolhapur district of Maharashtra. It bears testimony to the eddies of time, witnessing the migration of races and their struggle for supremacy, resulting in a supreme blend of humanity combining many races, religions, and culture.

The walls and roads of this historical village are steeped in the stories now half forgotten and half raised to the status of myths and legends. Religion or rather the assimilation of many religions makes Kumbhoj a unique site to visit. Kumbhoj is supposedly the birthplace of the goddess Shakamvari .

It also houses a monolithic statue of the Jain Bahubali in the kayotsarga posture making it a much-revered spot to the Jain pilgrims. Many Jain saints are said to have visited here along with the great saint Shri Bahubali Maharaj himself and others like Shri Prabhachandraji and Shri Kamalakarji.

The Jain temple complex has its own Dharamshala, an inn for devotees with all modern amenities. The 6 feet statue of Bahubali is situated at the height of 28 km from the ground and can be reached by going up the 50 steps curved out for the convenience of the devotees and tourists.

You could travel to Kumbhoj via trains and buses from Mumbai which are quite frequent and easy to avail. Hiring a rental car or a cab are the other options. One of the most visited tourist spots of Maharashtra; it lies at a distance of about 374 km from Mumbai .

Shaniwar Wada

One of the youngest cities of India , Pune is fast developing into an urban and cosmopolitan industrial hub. It is the second largest city in Maharashtra after Mumbai. There are enough tourist attractions and mesmerizing sites in Pune to make your stay a memorable and busy one.

When in Pune you could go and visit the majestic Aga Khan Palace. It is one of the architectural marvels of a bygone era and one of the most renowned landmarks in the history of India.

Another place standing tall and receiving a lot of tourist attention is the Shaniwar Wada , this is the seat from which power flew in the days of the Peshwas , filled with beautiful fountains and majestic palaces. About 30 km away from Pune lies the popular trek trail of Singhbad Fort lying on the beautiful Sahyadri Mountains.

Other places of attraction are the 90 feet high, and 125 feet wide Chatursingi temple and the rough cut rock temple of Pataleshwar built during the time of the Rashtrakuta dynasty.

There are also a number of wildlife sanctuaries near Pune like Bhimshankar Wildlife Sanctuary and Mayureshward Wildlife Sanctuaries.

Pune, ranking high in the list of places to visit in Maharashtra is hardly four hours away from Mumbai and can be reached easily via train, bus or car. It lies at a distance of about 150 km from Mumbai and can be visited in any express railway trail.

Major Tourist Attractions of Pune :

  • Shaniwar Wada
  • Aga Khan Palace
  • Dagadusheth Halwai Ganapati Temple
  • Rajiv Gandhi Zoological Park
  • Parvati Hill
  • Taljai Hills

5. Ambajogai


The amazing city of Ambajogai lies in the Beed district of Maharashtra . It is a tiny city earlier known as Mominabad. This city is famous for the heritage temple of Ambabai –Yogeshwari making it an attractive destination for Hindu devotees and tourists alike.

This city has marvelous underground caves called Shivleni Caves (Hattikhana), also known as Jogai Mandap which has been declared as an architectural heritage point. Here you can find the stone statues of Lord Shiva, Nandi, and elephants. If you are a traveler eager to sample the pleasures of little-known destinations, Ambajogai is the place for you.

Ambajogai is about 475 km away from Mumbai . This place is one among the best tourist places in Maharashtra is reachable from Mumbai via frequent buses, trains, and cars . There are no regular flights from many other main cities to Ambajogai, and also the city does not have a train station.

Major Tourist Attractions of Ambajogai :

  • Kholeshwar Temple

6. Aurangabad


The city of Aurangabad unsurprisingly lies in the district of Aurangabad. This city is one of the tourist hubs of India thanks to its proximity to the world-famous tourist attractions like the Ajanta Ellora Caves and Bibi Ka Maqbara.

UNESCO has declared two spots around it as World Heritage Sites. Bibi ka Maqbara lies about 3 km away from Aurangabad and is the burial place of Aurangzeb’s wife, Rabia- ud -Durrani. It looks a lot like Taj Mahal and is called the Mini Taj of Deccan.

The beautiful tomb lies surrounded by sprawling Mughal gardens, water fountains, pathways and pavilions. Here on a lazy afternoon history comes alive and whispers its tale to the wise travelers.

Located about a kilometer away from the city is a water mill dating back to the 17th Century called Panchakki , known for its underground water channels.

The places filled with historical delights around the city are Naukhanda Palace with nine apartments, Divan I Aam, Divan I Khaas and beautiful sprawling gardens.

Aurangabad, one of the famous Maharashtra destinations, and can be reached easily as connected with all modes of transport like road, rail and air .

Major Tourist Attractions of Aurangabad :

  • Bibi Ka Maqbara
  • Aurangabad Caves
  • Daulatabad Fort
  • Chand Minar
  • Siddharth Garden and Zoo
  • Himayat Baugh
  • Salim Ali Lake


Nagpur is the third largest city in the state of Maharashtra. It also has several other names like the ‘ Winter Capital ,’ the ‘ Orange City .’ This city was founded in 1703 by the Gond kings .

It is a vivid and vibrant city with many important tourist destinations like Mahalaxmi Hindu Temple built by the Bhonsles , once the Maratha rulers reigning over the region.

The Buddhist place of interest Deekshabhumi also lives nearby where Dr. Ambedkar converted to Buddhism. Beautiful lakes like the Futala Lakes, Ambazari Lake, and Shukarwari Lakes lie around the city.

Other picturesque spots around the city are Maharajbagh Temple, Sitabuldi Fort, and the Botanical Gardens.

Nagpur, one of the most famous tourist spots in Maharashtra lies about 815 km away from Mumbai , is reachable via flights as well as trains. The place is the commercial hub of Maharashtra and is properly connected with many other parts of the country.

Major Tourist Attractions of Nagpur :

  • Ambazari Lake
  • Zero Mile Stone
  • Krazy Castle Aqua Park
  • Futala Lake
  • Maharajbagh zoo
  • Raman Science Centre
  • Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve
  • Kasturchand Park
  • Shri Swaminarayan Temple


The scenic city of Nanded is located on the west bank of the mighty Godavari. Nanded is world famous as a Sikh pilgrimage. It houses the tomb of Huzur Sahib built after the demise of Guru Govind Singh .

The Sikh shrines and Mosques like Kandhar Dargah and the Masjid of Biholi make Nanded vibrant with spiritual and religious energy. It is the second largest city in Marathawada , after Aurangabad. There are many ancient and photogenic forts like the Kandhar , Dhalul , and Kunthaligiri nearby.

For trekkers, this place offers many scenic trails leading to wonderful destinations. Here also exists a museum with few gardens and many colorful bazaars that will for sure make your holiday memorable one. One of the major attractions of Nanded is the Malegaon Fair.

Nanded, one of the most famous places in Maharashtra, is about 578 km away from Mumbai and reachable via flights, buses, and trains. The city is very well connected by road, rail and air and tourists can easily reach this place hassle-free.

Major Tourist Attractions of Nanded:

  • Hazur Sahib
  • Gurudwara Langar Sahib
  • Kaleshwar Temple
  • Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Museum
  • Kaleshwar Mandir Vishnupuri
  • Sikh Museum

9. Prabhani


Prabhani, named after the goddess of Prabhavani, is a place of significant importance in the Hindu Mythology . It is known as the birthplace of saints.

There a great many temples nearby. It lay a sleepy hamlet under the Mughal Emperors , Sultans and Emperors but saw a resurgence after it merged with Maharashtra in the 1960s. Prabhani’s major claim to fame is that it was the holy site of Sai Baba ’s.

Another holy place nearby is the Jain Temple of Jintur about 40 km away. The place is actually the land of saints with many beautiful temples like Aundha N agnath Temple, Parli Vaijnath Temple, Mudgaleshwar Temple, Shirdi Saibaba Janmshtan mandir , etc.

Prabhani, one of the most important places to visit in Maharashtra, lies about 526 km away from Mumbai . However, it does not have an airport, but the nearest airport is Chikkalthana Airport . The place can be reached via buses, trains, and cabs. You can easily get regular trains from all major cities all over the country.

Major Tourist Attractions of Parbhani:

  • Pardeshwar Mahadev Temple
  • Rangnath Maharaj Temple
  • Sant Janabai Mandir
  • Mudgaleshwar Temple

10.  Satara


The city of Satara was first established in the 16thCentury. It was once the seat of the Raja of Satara, Chatrapati Sahu. Satara is a remote place and earned itself the fond nickname of “ soldier’s city .”

People from all over come to visit the amazing falls here at Satara. Thoseghar Falls is situated about 26 km away from Satara while the astounding Vajrai Falls about 28 km of Satara. A beautiful scenic spot nearby, a visual delight is Kaas Plateau or the Plateau of Flowers, especially during the wet monsoon months.

It was formed by volcanic activities and has only a thin layer of soil making flora and fauna of the place unique and breathtaking. It is known to be the most historically rich destinations in Maharashtra. Tourists will enjoy a holiday in Sitara by visiting historical sites amid scenic beauty of nature.

Satara is, one of the places to visit in Maharashtra can be reached by trains, buses, and cars and lies about 337 km away from Mumbai . There are regular trains to Satara from many other Indian cities like New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata.

Major Tourist Attractions of Satara:

  • Ajinkyatara Fort
  • Phuket Tale Ganapati Temple
  • Vajrai Waterfall
  • Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Museum
  • Pateshwar Temple

11. Lonavala


Lonavala is a picturesque and beautiful hill station located about 64 km from the town of Pune. It is a serene location, enjoying an elevation of about 622m on the Sahyadri Range , having a scope of many activities like boating, water ski rides, jet skiing , etc.

Kamshet, a hill fort near Lonavala is a mecca for adventure enthusiasts as it offers Paragliding. A beautiful place nearby filled with the wonders of nature is Pawna Dam while the Visapur Fort and the Karla Bhaja caves are of historical interests.

In all this picturesque destination of Maharashtra offers sultry weather and a relaxing break from your daily routine. Indeed Lonavala is a perfect destination for nature lovers and for those people who need some solace and solitude.

Lonavala is also the right choice for those who want to bask in the warm sun or wants to enjoy a long walk to explore the beauty of the place.

Lonavla is about 82 km away from Mumbai and easily reachable by train or car. The railway is recognized as the best mode of transport to visit Lonavala. Also, the place could also be reached by road if you wish to enjoy a long drive from Mumbai to Pune .

Major Tourist Attractions of Lonavla:

  • Della Adventure Park
  • Lonavala Lake
  • Tungarli Lake
  • Karla Caves
  • Lohagad Fort
  • Tigers Leap

12. Mahabaleshwar 


Mahabaleshwar is a tranquil hill station located on the Sahyadri Mountain Range . Also the source of the Krishna River it is located at an elevation of 4,721 ft above sea level.

Mahabaleshwar is a vast plateau filled with the magical beauty of nature. This place is famous for its production of strawberries making up about 85% of the total strawberry production of the country.

This place is ideal for a lazy vacation with beautiful views and bewitching surroundings. Places to visit here are the Krishnabai Temple, the Vienna Lake, the Three Monkey Point, and Arthur Point, etc.

The evergreen forests of this beautiful place call out to those who love nature. It is the best destination for honeymoon couples and also ideal for youngsters and in budget travelers.

One of the best places to visit in Maharashtra, Mahabaleshwar is about 262 km from Mumbai and easily reachable via buses, trains, and cars. To reach Mahabaleshwar, you have to reach Lohegaon airport in Pune, and from there you can hire a taxi or bus to reach your destination. To reach Mahabaleshwar using private vehicle is one of the best options.

Major Tourist Attractions of Mahabaleshwar:

  • Vienna Lake
  • Lingmala Waterfall
  • Arthur Seat Mahabaleshwar Point
  • Dhobi Waterfall
  • Kates Point
  • Chinaman Waterfall
  • Mahabaleshwar Temple

13. Shirdi 


Shirdi, located in the Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra is famous for being the birthplace of the 19th Century saint Sai Baba . Many devotees from all over the country and abroad visit this place to take a glimpse of Sai Baba’s shrine which is said to be one of the holy places in the world’s map.

It is known as the most famous shrines of pilgrimage. From a distance of 72 km from Shirdi, you can also visit Shani Shingnapur or Sonai, which is a village well known for its temple of Shani Mahadev. Visitors should also visit Sai Heritage Village which is the pilgrimage cum picnic spot theme based park.

One more nearby place of Shirdi Sai Baba temple to visit if you are visiting the Sai temple to sort of complete the visit. Here you can see or find the things belonged to Sai Baba.

A place of major religious importance it is at a distance of about 240 km from Mumbai . Ranking among the Maharashtra points of interest it is reachable by flights, cars, buses, and trains.

Major Tourist Attractions of Shirdi:

  • Shirdi Sai Baba Samadhi Temple
  • Shirdi Sai Baba Darshan
  • Sai Heritage Village
  • Shirdi Water Park
  • Shri Dwarkamai Temple
  • Wet N Joy Water Park

14. Matheran


Located in the Western Ghats Matheran is a beautiful hill station with as many as 38 lookout points strewn across it. It is also Asia’s only automobile-free hill station and has roads made of red laterite soil.

In Matheran, the wildlife is unique and abundant in its forests. This beautiful hill station in Maharashtra is an abode to many wild animals such as hanuman langurs, bonnet macaques, and leopards.

One Tree Hill is the must visit place in Matheran and is one of the major tourist attractions here. You can also enjoy a visit to forests which are a hub of medicinal plants as well as herbs.

The place is recognized as an ideal picnic spot for a day-long visit from Mumbai and with many accommodations facilities. Also best place for newly married couples who need isolation and peace to start their new phase.

Matheran is well connected to Mumbai and Pune and lies at a distance of only 120 km from Mumbai . It is possible to reach this Maharashtra point of interest by bus, train, and car from Mumbai.

Major Tourist Attractions of Matheran:

  • Louisa Point
  • Alexander Point
  • Porcupine Point
  • Matheran Hill Station
  • Garbett Point
  • One Tree Hill Point


Thane is almost a next door neighbor to Mumbai and is surrounded by as many as nine lakes blessing this densely populated cosmopolitan town with amazing views.

Places to visit near Thane are the Upavan Lake, Tansa Lake and the Naneghat Hills with many historical points of interest in Maharashtra nearby like the Mahuli Fort, Kelva Fort, and Kahoj Hill Fort , etc.

Thane in Maharashtra is also known as the city of lakes and is an abode to many beautiful lakes, one of them is Masunda talao which is one of the biggest lakes and the perfect place to visit at night in Thane.

You should not miss your visit to Kelva beach, St. James Church, Ambreshwar Shiva temple, Essel world, Tansa Wildlife Sanctuary and much more.

thane is not very well linked with other major cities, and you have to reach to nearest Mumbai airport. Thane is only 17 km from Mumbai and easily reachable by bus and car. Also, there are no regular trains to Thane and nearest railway station is at Mumbai.

Major Tourist Attractions of Thane:

  • Tikuji-Ni-Wadi
  • Suraj Water Park
  • Sanjay Gandhi National Park
  • Ghodbunder Fort
  • Ovalekar Wadi Butterfly Garden
  • Manpada Waterfall

16. Taboda Tiger Reserve:


Along the borders of the Chimur Hills , Taboda National Park, also known as Tabora Andhari tiger reserve houses an exhaustive range of plant and animal species. This a major wildlife destination in Maharashtra is offering activities like Wildlife Safari and Nature Walks.

It is a famous place to spot the Bengal Tiger where you can also enjoy gypsy safari also known as tiger safari. The park is covered with deciduous forest and has abundant of fauna too. There are about 88 tigers in the park apart from the Bengal tiger.

You can also find many reptiles near the lake, which is the main habitat for marsh crocodile. Don’t forget to enjoy safari here as it is one of the main attractions of the park

Taboda National park is at a distance of 140 km from Nagpur with provisions of taxis and cabs to take you to the reserve available from the airport itself. Nagpur airport is the nearest airport to Tadoba national park. Numerous flights link Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi and many other important states with Nagpur city.

17.  Alibag


Alibag is a coastal town lying to the south of the city of Mumbai. Alibag and its adjoining villages are of immense historical and cultural significances as they are the hinterland of Bene Israeli Jews.

The Alibag beach is quite famous, and the nearby Kolaba fort is of major historical importance. The place is recognized as the hidden gem with many places and sightseeing. You can enjoy many beaches here that offer you amazing views of the Arabian Sea.

The place is also brimming with history and is also the best place to dip yourself in history. You should visit Alibaug beach, Kihim Beach, Nagaon beach, Kolaba Fort, Kanakeshwar Forest, Someshwar temple, Khanderi Fort and many more.

Alibag, one of the best places to visit in Maharashtra, is only 95 km from Mumbai and can be easily reached via cars and buses. It is a well-known beach town in Maharashtra which is linked with many major cities via road, rail as well as sea . Mumbai international airport is the nearest airport o reach this beautiful place.

Major Tourist Attractions of Alibag:

  • Kolaba Fort
  • Alibag Beach
  • Varsoli Beach
  • Alibaug Beach
  • Murud-Janjira
  • Korlai Fort

18.  Khandala


Khandala is a serene hill station in the Western Ghats perfect for day trips from Mumbai and it is only about 3 km from its twin hill station Lonavala. It is an all-time favorite hill station oozing with fun and romance.

The place is all surrounded by with scenic beauty of nature , gorgeous waterfalls, and lake which will take you to a dream world. It is the must visit place for nature lovers to enjoy a peaceful vacation.

One among the best places to visit in Maharashtra, it is only 82 km from Mumbai and easily reachable by trains, buses, and cars . The nearest domestic airport in Pune and the nearest international airport is in Mumbai. Khandala also has its own railway station to help you out to reach the place.

Major Tourist Attractions of Khandala:

  • Rajmachi Point
  • Rajmachi Garden
  • Zenith Waterfall
  • Rajmachi View Point

19. Panchgani


Also known as the Mecca of Maharashtra , Panchgani is one of the best places to visit in Maharashtra. This tiny and amazing hill station lies nestled among five hills of the Sahyadri Mountain Range it is ideal for weekend trips.

You can enjoy amazing treks in the vast green lands along with many fun-filled activities like paragliding. The best place to hike across some best regions in Panchagani like Rajpuri Caves . You should also visit Pratapgarh Fort.

Enjoy beautiful and stunning views of valleys, scattered hamlets and mountains. Don’t forget to enjoy the experience in Panchgani, camping , explore Sydney point too.

It is about 259 km from Mumbai and is reachable via buses, trains, and cars. Nearest airport to reach Panchagani is Lohegaon Airport in Pune . Satara is also the closest station to reach Panchagani. From here you can hire a car or bus.

Major Tourist Attractions of Panchgani:

  • Parsi Point
  • Sydney Point
  • On Wheelz Amusement Park
  • Nana Phadnavis Wada
  • Needle Hole Point

20. Saputara


Saputara is a tiny hill station located on the Western Ghats covered with lush green natural beauty and is the best place for a leisurely vacation. The place has a mixture of art, craft and wildlife and sightseeing spots.

The place presents many gardens like Step Garden, Lake Garden, and Rose Garden. There are many other popular places to visit here which includes Nageshwar Mahadev Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva.

You can also enjoy paragliding, mesmerizing views of Girmal waterfall to relax. Saputara Tribal Museum is also amongst the most interesting places in Saputara.

One of the best places to visit in Maharashtra lies at a distance of about 287 km from Mumbai and can be reached by buses trains and cars. Nearest airport to reach Saputara is Chhatrapati Shivaji International airport in Mumbai.

The place is connected to the main cities of India as well as abroad. It is well connected to the main cities of India by a good network of roads too, to make it easier for tourists to reach the place.

Major Tourist Attractions of Saputara:

  • Saputara Lake
  • Sunset Point
  • Step Garden
  • Lake Garden
  • Nageshwar Mahadev
  • Saputara Table Point
  • Saputara Museum

21. Ratnagiri


Ratnagiri is a cheerful coastal town located in southwestern Maharashtra . The place leaves a long-lasting impression on tourists mind owing to its peaceful beaches, alluring mountains, ancient temples as well as age-old forts.

The place has its own calm and pleasant ambiance and weather. It is famous for its coastal cuisine and is an abode to Alphonso mangoes as well as the Olive Ridley Turtles . The city is also home to many Hindu temples too which attracts pilgrims from all over the world.

Some temples are the Kadyavarcha Ganpati Temple, the Swayambhu Ganpati Temple, and the Keshavraj Temple. There are many more tourist attractions in Ratnagiri which should not be ignored such as Kanakdurg Forts, Thiba Palace, and the Ratnadurg Fort, the Ganapatipule beach, the Panhalekaji caves and many more.

One of the famous tourist spots of Maharashtra, Ratnagiri, is easily reachable by buses and trains and is well connected to all main Indian cities. The train is considered one of the best ways to reach this beautiful city. However, Ratnagiri airport has may flights to Pune as well as Mumbai.

Major Tourist Attractions of Ratnagiri:

  • Ratnagiri Fort
  • Bhagwati Mandir
  • Mandavi Beach
  • Ratnagiri Light House
  • Kurli Beach
  • Serenity Waves Virgin Beach


Karjat is a beautiful sleepy little village and a popular destination for trekkers. It is an enchanting hill station in Maharashtra adorned with lush greenery nestled amid the expansive Western Ghats.

It is the perfect place for newly married couples , where they can relish the beauty of the majestic mountains and time-honored caves. It undoubtedly the must-visit destination of Maharashtra endowed with many tourist attractions.

It was also a site of Slumdog Millionaire and is very popular for Kodava cave. the place also has many intriguing places to see like Kondeshwar temple, Bhor Ghat, Jain temple, Ulhas Valley, Bahiri Cave, ND studio, and many more which make this place a perfect getaway for nature lovers.

One of the famous tourist spots of Maharashtra; it is easily reachable by buses and trains from Mumbai. Karjat is well connected and can be easily reached via rail, road, and air .

Major Tourist Attractions of Karjat:

  • Sondai Fort
  • Songiri Fort
  • Kalote Waterfall
  • Jumma Patti Railway Station

23. Raigarh Fort

Raigarh Fort

One of the famous tourist spots of Maharashtra, Raigarh Fort is very well maintained and is the only fort in Maharashtra with a ropeway. This is an amazing fort located in the Sahyadri mountain range.

It is the only fort which is accessible only by a pathway on one side, and other side are surrounded with deep valleys. Raigarh fort is also known as Gibraltar of the East. It consists of many more gateways like the Mena Darwaja, the Nagarkhana Darwaja, the Palkhi Darwaja, and the Maha Darwaja.

The specialty of the fort is the Khoob Ladha Buruj tower, which has interesting defense practices. It is considered as the living reminder of glory and valor of Marathas .

It is easily reachable via trains and buses. However, to reach the village where Raigarh Fort is situated, you can choose different routes. Nearest airport to reach the place is Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji International airport. Another nearest airport to reach is at Pune. The place is well connected to all nearby cities by buses for a hassle-free journey.

24. Ajanta and Ellora Caves

Ajanta and Ellora Caves

The 34 caves of Ellora and the 29 caves of Ajanta have been declared World Heritage Sites by UNESCO . These amazing ancient caves filled with artistic, architectural wonders stand in the middle of nowhere and are at a distance of about 400 km from Mumbai .

Ajanta caves in Aurangabad have about 29 Buddhist cave temples, which represent both Theravada as well as Mahayana Buddhist traditions. These Ajanta Caves in Maharashtra have the most excellent masterpieces of Buddhists art in the country.

On the other hand, Ellora Caves located in Sahyadri hills are among the largest rock-hewn monastic temples complexes worldwide. These caves depict the key essence of Indian rock-cut architecture and have 34 caves in all which includes Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain cave temples.

One of the most famous destinations in Maharashtra Ajanta and Ellora are easily reachable from the city of Aurangabad via buses and rental cars. The city is just 100 km from Ajanta caves and 30 m from Ellora caves. The nearest station to Ellora is The Jalgaon Station. After that, you can hire the local transport to reach Ajanta and Ellora caves.


Kolad is a village in Raigad district of Maharashtra and is one of the best places to visit in Maharashtra if you dream to enjoy vacations amid green pastures. The place is an abode to many valleys and natural beauty.

It is the must visit place in Maharashtra especially for nature enthusiasts and hikers and is one of the most adventurous destinations of Maharashtra. It is known as the Rishikesh of Maharashtra and is well known for its white water rafting spots which offer the varying degree of difficulty levels for those enthusiasts fascinated by water sports.

It is also recognized as the great hiking destination owing to its rugged topography and amazing natural environment. The best time to visit Kolad is in monsoons as here you can also experience the true spectacle of nature. In addition to it, you can also spend a peaceful time from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Kolad itself does not have an airport. To reach here the nearest airport is Lohegaon airport . You can also get regular trains from many other cities in the country.

Major Tourist Attractions of Kolad:

  • Kundalika Rafting
  • Kondana Caves
  • Zenith Falls
  • Kalbhairav Temple
  • Sudhagadh Fort
  • Devkund Waterfall

26. Bhivpuri


Bhivpuri is said to be the must-visit tourist spot in Maharashtra. It is a place for a perfect break from busy city life. Bhivpuri is very famous for its beautiful waterfall . After crossing the village you will get blissful amid the lush greenery along with small streams of water flowing at several places all along with the flat plateau.

At the time of monsoon here water rappelling is also conducted here which is a popular activity in Bhivpuri which attracts many adventure enthusiasts from Mumbai. It is the best place in Maharashtra for people who want to spend a day with nature. It is known to be the best picnic spot near Mumbai Maharashtra.

The Bhivpuri waterfall is very near to Bhivpuri railway station and is just 20 minutes from Karjat station . It is about 97 km from Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus Mumbai.

Major Tourist Attractions of Bhivpuri:

  • Khandi Point
  • Thokarwadi Dam
  • Andhra Lake
  • Bhimgad Fort

27. Vihigaon


Vihigaon is actually a very small village and is said to be the perfect rural site of Maharashtra which should not be ignored. The place offers lush green carpets along with small ponds which refresh your mind from busy metro life.

After crossing the village you can reach the Vihigaon waterfall which is the seasonal waterfall and a popular weekend getaway from Mumbai. This waterfall is one of the best natural waterfalls of Maharashtra which should not be ignored.

This beautiful waterfall is very well known for its natural vista and the way to waterfall is the best for hiking through hilly forests. The spot is also the best spot for rappelling in Maharashtra. Vihigaon is perfect adventure weekend getaway in a lap of nature and is also known as the serving place for numerous films too.

You can easily reach Vihigaon waterfall as it is well connected via all modes of local transportation.

Major Tourist Attractions of Vihigaon:

  • Vihigaon Falls
  • Ashoka Waterfall
  • Tringalwadi
  • Ghatandevi Mata Temple


Amboli is the most popular hill station in Maharashtra having a dense forest along with steep mountains . The place also offers a very beautiful fine bird’s view of the Konkan coast.

This hill station is said to be the wettest place in Maharashtra and is one of the few hill stations where you can see the sea. It is actually a newly found hill station among all others and is recognized as one of the excellent tourist spots in Maharashtra which gained much popularity during the last few years.

The place attracts many tourists every year owing to its natural and outstanding beauty and peaceful environment. The place is an ideal blend of natural beauty and tranquility and offers many attractions to its visitors.

To reach this beautiful hill station, the nearest airport is Belgaum and nearest railway station is Sawantwadi which is on the Konkan railway.

Major Tourist Attractions of Amboli:

  • Amboli Ghat Waterfall
  • Summer Palace
  • Amboli Sunset Point
  • Amboli Forest Park
  • Mahadevgad Fort
  • Mahadev Gad (Valley )
  • Shirgaonkar Point
  • Kavalshet Point


Panvel in Navi Mumbai is known to be the most preferred destination in Maharashtra by travelers a sit has something for everybody. It is the most popular place in Maharashtra visited by kids, couples and families .

There are many local attractions here which you can visit in one day. Along with it, there are many sightseeing in Panvel which will take your half a day or else one day to explore.

Panvel is very well connected by rail and road . Though it has no direct flight connectivity the nearest airport to reach is Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport in Mumbai.

Major Tourist Attractions of Panvel:

  • Karnala Fort
  • Karnala Bird Sanctuary
  • Kalavantin Durg
  • Kalavantin Pinnacle
  • Shaheed Tushar Shamrao Chavan Udyan
  • Adai Waterfalls
  • Ransai Reservoir


Mulshi is the most beautiful lakeside gateway in Maharashtra near Pune which offers nature centric experience. The lake conquers the most mesmerizing landscape of Mulshi with many resorts set all around it. This is known to be one of the favorite spot in Maharashtra for visitors as it is amid dense forests and is also dotted by numerous bridges, waterfalls, and forts .

Travelers are enjoying visiting this spot as it offers many options to go on trekking and bird watching and owing to this the place attracts many adventure enthusiasts every year. There are many other things around this area which you can visit. The area is also recognized as the best picnic spot in Maharashtra where you can enjoy with your family and friends.

The nearest airport to reach Mushi is Pune, Mumbai, and Shirdi. Nearest railway station to reach this beautiful place is from Pune, Kolad and Nagothane.

Major Tourist Attractions of Mulshi:

  • Tamhini Ghat
  • Kailasgad Fort
  • Temghar Dam
  • Fort Kailasgad

Still, want to know about the destination?? One must check out online for the best possible result that would surely make things simpler and more engaging for the tourists who would visit the hidden gems of Maharashtra .

Maharashtra is India’s most developed state which presents untouched beaches, ghats as well as mountains along with forests with eye-catching wildlife. This Indian state is blessed with stunning, diverse and unique beauty welcomes tourists with open arms from all over the world.

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Ranjeet Kashyap

Ranjeet Kashyap. Passionate travel blogger from Delhi, exploring India's diverse customs and traditions. Background in journalism and photography. Ranjeet started his travel blog in 2021 to share his experiences with the world. His blog features detailed travel guides, personal anecdotes, and stunning photographs, making it a one-stop destination for all travel enthusiasts.

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Maharashtra Unplugged Tourist Places in Maharashtra

Gateway of india, Mumbai

Join us as we journey through Maharashtra, exploring its unplugged tourist places beyond the ordinary, offering a tapestry of heritage, nature, and adventure.

Maharashtra is a symphony of cultural heritage, natural splendour, and modern aspirations. In this comprehensive guide, “Maharashtra Unplugged: A Comprehensive Guide to Tourist Places in Maharashtra,” we invite you on an enchanting journey through the heart of India, uncovering the hidden gems and well-known wonders that make this state a traveller’s haven.

Welcome to the heart of India’s diversity, where tradition meets modernity, and every corner tells a story—Maharashtra. With its rich history, vibrant culture, and diverse landscapes, this state is a treasure trove for travellers seeking an authentic and enriching experience.

Our odyssey commences in the thriving metropolis of Mumbai, a city that pulsates with life and encapsulates the spirit of dreams. Mumbai, the financial capital and the city of Bollywood, is a microcosm of contrasts—where historic landmarks like the Gateway of India stand tall against the glittering backdrop of modern skyscrapers. Traverse the vibrant markets of Colaba Causeway, savour the panoramic views along Marine Drive, and immerse yourself in the city’s cultural heritage at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya.

Beyond the glamour and glitter, Mumbai unfolds as a city with a heart, embracing tradition and modernity. From the iconic Elephanta Caves to the vibrant street food of Khau Gallis, every corner of Mumbai tells a tale of resilience, aspiration, and cultural amalgamation.

1. Ajanta Caves

Ajanta caves

Ajanta Caves, one of the best tourist places in Maharashtra and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, represents an architectural marvel in the Sahyadri Hills. Dating back to the 2nd century BCE, these Buddhist caves comprise 30 rock-cut structures adorned with intricate sculptures and breathtaking paintings. The exquisite frescoes depict the life of Buddha and various Jataka tales, showcasing a fine blend of artistry and spirituality. The caves, carved into a horseshoe-shaped cliff, stand as a testament to ancient Indian craftsmanship and the evolution of Buddhist art.

Dating back to the 2nd century BCE, the Ajanta Caves are a complex of rock-cut Buddhist cave monuments that served as retreats, monastic spaces, and prayer halls for Buddhist monks. The caves remained hidden in obscurity for centuries until their accidental rediscovery by a British officer in the 19th century.

With their timeless charm and spiritual aura, Ajanta Caves continue to be a pilgrimage site for those seeking a connection with India’s artistic legacy. As visitors explore the dimly lit corridors and gaze upon the ageless frescoes, they embark on a journey through time, unraveling the mysteries of a bygone era etched into the very heart of the Western Ghats.

2. Ellora Caves

Ellora Caves

Ellora Caves, another UNESCO World Heritage Site, presents a breathtaking synthesis of Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain rock-cut temples and monasteries. Carved between the 6th and 10th centuries, the 34 caves showcase an unparalleled architectural and artistic diversity. The Kailasa Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, stands out with its monolithic structure, representing one of the largest rock-cut temples globally. Ellora Caves, a remarkable testament to religious harmony, draws visitors on a journey through ancient Indian religious practices and artistic finesse.

Ellora’s history dates back to the 6th century CE, with its caves representing an amalgamation of Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist religious influences. Over the centuries, 34 caves were meticulously carved into the Charanandri Hills, showcasing a harmonious coexistence of different faiths.

With their celestial beauty and spiritual resonance, the Ellora Caves are a living testament to the artistic prowess and religious harmony that defined India’s ancient civilizations. As visitors wander through the hallowed halls and intricate passageways, they journey through time, unraveling the extraordinary narrative etched into the very bedrock of Maharashtra’s history.

3. Shaniwar Wada, Pune

Shaniwar Wada, Pune

Shaniwar Wada, located in Pune, is a historic fortification that resonates with Maharashtra’s history. Built in 1732, this imposing structure served as the seat of the Peshwas until 1818. Though partially destroyed by a fire in 1828, the palace complex still exudes grandeur with its intricate woodwork, fountains, and imposing walls. Shaniwar Wada also has a poignant history, as it witnessed the mysterious and tragic tale of Narayanrao, the young Peshwa. Today, the fort stands as a symbol of Pune’s regal past and architectural splendor.

Apart from its architectural splendor, Shaniwar Wada is shrouded in intriguing legends, including tales of supernatural occurrences. The famous story of a young Peshwa, Narayan Rao, being assassinated within its walls and the subsequent belief in the haunting of the fort adds an air of mystique to its historical narrative.

Recognized as a historic landmark, Shaniwar Wada draws tourists, history buffs, and photographers who seek to immerse themselves in the grandeur of Maratha architecture and relive the stories that echo within its walls.

Shaniwar Wada, with its regal allure and storied past, continues to be a living testament to Pune’s role in shaping India’s history. As visitors explore its hallowed halls and intricate chambers, they embark on a journey back in time, where the clinking of swords, the strains of classical music, and the whispers of political intrigue linger in the very stones of this majestic fort.

4. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, Mumbai

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, Mumbai

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT), formerly Victoria Terminus, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, an iconic railway station in Mumbai, and a must-visit tourist Place in Maharashtra. Built in the Victorian Gothic style, this architectural masterpiece is a testament to Mumbai’s colonial past and thriving present. Completed in 1888, the station’s intricate carvings, turrets, and domes reflect a fusion of Indian and European architectural styles. CSMT is not just a transportation hub; it’s a living heritage site that pulsates with the energy of Mumbai, connecting the city’s diverse neighborhoods.

The crowning glory of CSMT is its impressive dome, adorned with a splendid female figure representing progress. The dome is complemented by a series of statues representing commerce, agriculture, engineering, and science, symbolizing the multifaceted growth of Mumbai.

CSMT offers a mesmerizing light and sound show in the evening, transforming the façade into a canvas of vibrant colours. The show narrates the terminus’s history and significance, attracting locals and tourists who gather to witness the visual spectacle.

With Victorian opulence and historical resonance, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus remains an enduring symbol of Mumbai’s past and present. As commuters rush through its halls and tourists marvel at its grandeur, CSMT stands as a living monument, narrating the tale of a city that has seamlessly woven its colonial legacy into the vibrant fabric of modern India.

6. Bibi Ka Maqbara, Aurangabad

Bibi Ka Maqbara, Aurangabad

Bibi Ka Maqbara, often known as the “Taj of the Deccan,” is a mausoleum built & a well-known tourist place in Maharashtra. Constructed in the mid-17th century, this architectural gem echoes the grandeur of the Taj Mahal but with distinct Mughal and Deccan influences. The mausoleum, surrounded by a picturesque garden, features intricate carvings, delicate latticework, and a pristine marble dome. While less expansive than the Taj, Bibi Ka Maqbara captivates visitors with its elegance and the poignant love story it represents. It stands as a remarkable testament to the artistic legacy of the Mughal era in Aurangabad.

The central dome, crowned with a lotus finial, is a striking feature that dominates the mausoleum’s silhouette. Flanked by four soaring minarets, the Bibi Ka Maqbara’s architecture draws inspiration from Persian and Mughal styles, creating an aura of regality and solemnity.

Much like the Taj Mahal, the Bibi Ka Maqbara is a symbol of love and devotion, immortalizing the memory of a beloved spouse. The architectural finesse and the emotional resonance embedded in its creation make it a significant cultural landmark in the Deccan region.

The Bibi Ka Maqbara, with its sublime replication of the Taj Mahal’s grandeur, invites visitors to step into a world of Mughal opulence and timeless love. As the sunlight bathes its walls and the gardens bloom with vibrant hues, the mausoleum continues to echo the rich cultural tapestry of the Deccan, inviting all who visit to witness the enduring beauty crafted in stone and devotion.

7. Kolaba Fort, Alibaug

Kolaba Fort, Alibaug

Kolaba Fort is a historic coastal fortress located in Alibaug, Maharashtra, and is the second-most popular tourist place in Maharashtra. Shivaji Maharaj built this fort in the 17th century, and it is a silent sentinel in the Arabian Sea. Accessible during low tide via a causeway, the well-preserved fortification and the ruins within tell tales of Maratha’s glory and strategic foresight. Kolaba Fort, surrounded by the serenity of the sea, is not just a historical marvel but also a tranquil escape for those seeking a glimpse into Maharashtra’s maritime past.

What adds to the charm of Kolaba Fort is its unique accessibility. During low tide, a picturesque causeway emerges, allowing visitors to walk across the shallow waters from Alibaug’s shores to the fort. 

Besides its historical significance, Kolaba Fort has become a haven for birdwatchers.

Kolaba Fort, with its historical resonance and seaside allure, invites all who venture to Alibaug to step back in time. As the waves gently lap against its weathered walls and the sea breeze whispers of maritime tales, the fort stands tall, a guardian of Maharashtra’s coastal history and a beacon for those who seek a connection with the bygone era of naval prowess.

8. Lohagad Fort, Lonavala

Lohagad Fort, Lonavala

Lohagad Fort, perched atop the Western Ghats near Lonavala, is a trekker’s delight and a testament to Maratha military architecture. Dating back to the 18th century, the fort was strategically important for its commanding view of the surrounding valleys and trade routes. The sturdy iron gates (Loha means iron) and the intricate steps leading to the fort showcase the engineering brilliance of the Marathas. The panoramic views of the Sahyadri range from the fort’s ramparts to the lush greenery, making Lohagad Fort a favourite destination for history enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Built-in the 18th century by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Lohagad Fort, meaning “Iron Fort,” was strategically positioned to overlook the trade routes that passed through the Sahyadri mountain range. Its robust structure and elevated location made it a formidable stronghold for the Marathas.

Today, Lohagad Fort has become a popular destination for trekkers and history enthusiasts. The trek to the fort takes visitors through scenic trails, ascending to the summit where the historic ruins await. The journey offers a physical challenge and a chance to relive the footsteps of Maratha warriors.

Lohagad Fort comes alive during festivals such as Ganesh Chaturthi when devotees trek to the fort to celebrate amidst its historic ambiance. The fort, steeped in cultural and historical significance, becomes a backdrop for festivities and religious fervour. Lohagad Fort, with its rugged charm and historical resonance, invites all who seek adventure and a connection with Maharashtra’s martial legacy. 

9. Janjira Fort, Murud

Janjira Fort, Murud

Janjira Fort stands as an impregnable maritime fortress off the coast of Murud. Built-in the 17th century, the fort is renowned for its unique construction within the sea, making it the must-visit place for tourists in Maharashtra and unconquerable by land attacks. Though battered by the sea over the centuries, the massive walls and bastions reflect the naval prowess of the Siddis, who ruled the region. Accessible by boats from the coastal town of Murud, the fort offers a glimpse into the bygone era of maritime supremacy and serves as a testimony to the region’s historical significance in naval defence.

The fort’s architecture is a testament to the ingenious engineering of its time. Constructed with locally quarried black basalt rocks, Janjira Fort seamlessly merges with the rocky island, creating an imposing silhouette against the sea. The bastions, cannons, and ramparts showcase the fort’s impregnable design, which earned it the reputation of being unconquerable.

The fort is adorned with many cannons, some still intact, and bears witness to the maritime battles fought in its defence. The cannons, strategically placed along the bastions, served as a deterrent to approaching ships and added to the fort’s military might.

Efforts have been made to preserve Janjira Fort and its historical artefacts. Conservation initiatives focus on maintaining the fort’s structural integrity, preventing erosion, and ensuring that future generations can appreciate its historical significance.

Janjira Fort, with its maritime grandeur and tales of invincibility, stands as a sentinel in the Arabian Sea, reminding all who gaze upon it of Maharashtra’s maritime legacy. As the waves lap against its weathered walls and the sea breeze carries echoes of a bygone era, Janjira Fort remains a silent witness to the indomitable spirit that has guarded its shores through the annals of time.

10. Mahalaxmi Temple, Kolhapur

Mahalaxmi Temple, Kolhapur

Mahalaxmi Temple in Kolhapur is a sacred abode of Goddess Mahalaxmi and a must-visit tourist Place in Maharashtra. Dating back to the 7th century, the temple has undergone various renovations, resulting in a stunning amalgamation of Chalukyan, Rashtrakuta, and Maratha architectural styles. The temple complex, adorned with intricately carved pillars and a golden Kalash, attracts devotees and tourists alike. The spiritual aura and the temple’s historical significance make it a revered destination during festivals and a tranquil retreat for those seeking divine solace.

Believed to be one of the Shakti Peethas, the Mahalaxmi Temple is considered a sacred abode of the goddess Mahalaxmi, who is revered as the bestower of wealth, prosperity, and well-being. 

The Rathotsava, or chariot festival, celebrated with grandeur, highlights the temple’s annual festivities. During this event, the golden chariot is ceremoniously pulled by devotees through the streets of Kolhapur, marking a joyous celebration of the goddess’s divine presence.

Apart from its religious significance, the Mahalaxmi Temple is a prominent tourist attraction in Kolhapur. Visitors are captivated by the spiritual ambiance, the architectural marvels, and the cultural vibrancy surrounding the sacred precincts.

The temple actively engages with the community through social and cultural initiatives, contributing to the overall well-being and development of the region. Its influence extends beyond the spiritual realm, making it an integral part of Kolhapur’s social fabric.

With its divine aura and cultural resonance, Mahalaxmi Temple remains a beacon of spiritual solace and cultural heritage. As devotees and tourists bow before the goddess’s grace, the temple is a timeless testament to Maharashtra’s deep-rooted spirituality and the enduring legacy of Mahalaxmi’s benevolence.

11. Bhimashankar Temple

Bhimashankar Temple

Bhimashankar Temple, one of the twelve Jyotirlingas, is in the Sahyadri range. Surrounded by greenery in the sanctuary bearing its name, the temple exudes a serene and mystical ambiance. The temple’s architectural style and the region’s attractiveness create a harmonious blend of spiritual and natural splendour. The Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary surrounding the temple is home to various flora and fauna, adding an ecological dimension to the spiritual journey. The trek to Bhimashankar Temple, amidst the pristine surroundings, is a pilgrimage and an adventure into the heart of Maharashtra’s natural and spiritual heritage.

Bhimashankar is not just a religious destination but also a biodiversity hotspot. The surrounding region is a haven for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts, with the Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary being home to diverse flora and fauna, including the elusive Indian giant squirrel.

Perched at an elevation of approximately 3,250 feet in the Western Ghats, Bhimashankar Temple is surrounded by lush greenery and biodiversity.

The temple’s location amidst the Sahyadris adds to its spiritual ambiance, providing devotees with a serene setting for introspection and worship.

Beyond its religious allure, Bhimashankar Temple attracts tourists who seek a blend of spirituality and natural beauty. The trekking trails, the cascading Bhima River, and the cool, mountainous air create an atmosphere that appeals to those looking for a holistic experience.

Bhimashankar Temple, with its divine resonance and natural charm, invites all who visit to partake in the spiritual energy that permeates the Sahyadris. As the temple bells chime amidst the rustling leaves and the fragrance of incense mingles with the mountain air, Bhimashankar stands as a timeless sanctuary, beckoning devotees on a journey of inner reflection and devotion.

12. Matheran Hill Station

Matheran Hill Station

Matheran, Asia’s only automobile-free hill station, is a serene escape in the Western Ghats. Accessible by a scenic toy train or on horseback, Matheran transports visitors to a bygone era. The hill station has lush greenery, breathtaking viewpoints, and colonial-era architecture. Charlotte Lake, Echo Point, and Louisa Point are among the must-visit attractions, offering panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and mountains. Matheran is not just a hill station; it’s a journey back in time, providing a refreshing respite from the hustle and bustle of city life and a must-visit tourist place in Maharashtra.

Nestled amidst the hills, Charlotte Lake is a serene water reservoir that adds to Matheran’s natural charm. The lake is a perfect spot for a stroll or a quiet picnic, surrounded by lush greenery, and offers a tranquil atmosphere.

The Matheran Hill Railway, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a narrow-gauge heritage railway that connects Neral to Matheran. The toy train chugs through dense forests and steep slopes, offering a delightful journey reminiscent of a bygone era.

Matheran is not just about natural beauty; it also offers a glimpse into local culture through its handicrafts and cuisine. Visitors can explore the marketplace for traditional artefacts and savour local delicacies that add a touch of authenticity to the experience.

With its timeless charm and serene landscapes, Matheran is a testament to the allure of simplicity and the rejuvenating power of nature. As visitors traverse its winding trails and savour the unhurried pace of life, Matheran remains a timeless retreat where the soul reconnects with the essence of tranquillity amidst the Sahyadri hills.

13. Kaas Plateau

Kaas Plateau

Situated near Satara, this high-altitude plateau transforms into a vibrant carpet of wildflowers during the monsoon season. Rare and endemic species of flora bloom, creating a spectacle of colours against the backdrop of the Sahyadri hills. 

Blanketed in a riot of colours, the plateau becomes a living canvas, showcasing various wildflowers that carpet the landscape.

Kaas Plateau is a paradise for photographers seeking to capture the fleeting beauty of nature. The interplay of sunlight and shadows on the blooming flowers, coupled with the panoramic views of the Sahyadri mountains, offers countless opportunities for breathtaking shots.

To mitigate the impact of tourism on the fragile ecosystem, access to the Kaas Plateau is held, and only a small number of visitors are allowed at a time. This controlled approach aims to balance showcasing the natural beauty and ensuring its long-term preservation.

Kaas Plateau, with its brief floral symphony, is a testament to the natural wonders Maharashtra harbours within its landscapes. As visitors tread lightly upon this botanical marvel, Kaas Plateau continues to weave a tapestry of colours, inviting all who appreciate the beauty of nature to witness its fleeting yet enchanting spectacle.

14. Wilson Point, Mahabaleshwar

Wilson Point, Mahabaleshwar

Wilson Point, also known as Sunrise Point, is the highest point in Mahabaleshwar, offering spectacular sunrise views. Three observation towers surround the viewpoint, providing panoramic vistas of the valleys below. The lush greenery and the morning’s tranquillity make Wilson Point a serene spot to start the day. As the sun ascends, it bathes the landscape in hues of gold, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that captures the essence of Mahabaleshwar’s natural beauty.

Wilson Point is renowned for being one of the best spots in Mahabaleshwar to witness the sunrise. As the rays of sunlight kiss the horizon, the sky changes into a canvas of hues, painting a breathtaking panorama of orange, pink, and gold. 

Visitors often gather early to witness this daily spectacle that promises a magical start to the day.

Visitors can explore the well-maintained walking pathways that lead to different vantage points on Wilson Point. The pathways are surrounded by lush vegetation, creating a peaceful place that completes the breathtaking views.

Wilson Point is easily accessible from Mahabaleshwar town, and tourists can reach the viewpoint either by a short drive or a leisurely walk. The convenience of access ensures that visitors can include Wilson Point in their itinerary without much effort.

Beyond its visual splendour, Wilson Point serves as a retreat for those seeking privacy and a connection with nature. The serene ambiance, coupled with the rhythmic sounds of the wind, creates a tranquil setting that allows visitors to unwind and rejuvenate.

As a testament to the natural beauty that graces Mahabaleshwar, Wilson Point stands as a symbol of scenic grandeur. Whether it’s the captivating sunrise, the panoramic vistas, or the tranquil atmosphere, this viewpoint invites all who visit to bask in the timeless allure of nature’s wonders.

15. Venna Lake, Mahabaleshwar

Venna Lake, Mahabaleshwar

Venna Lake is a picturesque artificial lake in Mahabaleshwar surrounded by lush greenery and hills. It is a must-visit tourist Spot in Maharashtra. Boating on the calm waters of Venna Lake is a popular activity, offering a tranquil escape. The lake is encircled by a walking path, horse rides, and food stalls, creating a recreational hub for visitors. Sunset Point near Venna Lake provides a breathtaking view of the sun setting behind the hills, adding romance to this destination.

One of the main attractions at Venna Lake is the boating experience it offers. Visitors can embark on boat rides across the lake’s serene waters, enjoying the gentle sway of the boat amidst the scenic beauty. Rowboats, paddleboats, and even small motorboats are available, providing a leisurely way to explore the lake.

Venna Lake caters to families with a designated children’s play area. The playground, equipped with swings and slides, ensures guests have their share of fun amidst the beauty, making it a location for families to spend quality time together.

Venna Lake is a year-round attraction, adding charm to the landscape each season. Whether it’s the blooming flowers in spring, the cool monsoon rains, the vibrant autumn foliage, or the crisp winter air, Venna Lake adapts its allure to the changing seasons.

Venna Lake, with its tranquil waters and surrounding beauty, stands as a testament to the serene charm that defines Mahabaleshwar. As visitors immerse themselves in the lakeside tranquillity, Venna Lake remains a timeless retreat where nature’s beauty is reflected in the mirror-like waters, inviting all to experience a moment of lakeside serenity in the heart of the hills.

16. Amboli Ghat

Amboli Ghat

Amboli Ghat is a serene hill station in the Sahyadri Hills and a well-known Tourist Place in Maharashtra, renowned for its lush landscapes, cascading  , and mist-covered valleys. The region transforms into a haven during the monsoon, with fog-laden forests and numerous viewpoints offering breathtaking panoramas. Amboli Ghat is a retreat for nature lovers and a gateway to the biodiversity-rich Amboli Wildlife Sanctuary. With its diverse flora and fauna, Amboli Ghat provides a refreshing escape into the lap of the Western Ghats.

Amboli Ghat is renowned for its misty landscapes, especially during the monsoon season. As the mist descends over the hills, it creates an ethereal ambiance, veiling the lush vegetation in a soft, dreamlike embrace. The mist adds a touch of mystery to the surroundings, inviting visitors to explore the enchanting beauty hidden within.

Kavalesaad Point is known for its panoramic views of the Konkan coastline. The viewpoint is perched at a high altitude, allowing visitors to witness the undulating hills and the vast expanse of the Konkan region, creating a captivating scene that extends to the distant horizon.

While Amboli Ghat is enchanting throughout the year, winter unveils a different facet of its beauty. The crisp air, clear skies, and cooler temperatures make winter an ideal time to explore the hill station, providing a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Amboli Ghat, with its misty allure and natural wonders, stands as a testament to the timeless beauty of the Western Ghats. As visitors traverse its winding trails and embrace the serenity of its landscapes, Amboli Ghat continues to be a cherished gateway to the enchanting realms of biodiversity, waterfalls, and mist-laden hills in the heart of Maharashtra’s Western Ghats.

17. Panchgani


Panchgani, situated amidst five hills, is a charming hill station known for its climate and scenic beauty. The Table Land, one of Asia’s highest volcanic plateaus, offers panoramic views of the surrounding hills and valleys. Strawberry farms, colonial-era bungalows, and viewpoints like Sydney Point and Parsi Point add to the allure of Panchgani.

Panchgani is renowned for its vast tableland, one of the largest in Asia. The expansive plateau offers panoramic views of the surrounding hills and valleys. Visitors traverse the plateau and are treated to a visual feast, with the Deccan Plateau extending to the horizon on one side and the Krishna Valley on the other.

Just a short distance from Panchgani, the Rajpuri Caves are a spiritual and historical site. The caves are associated with Lord Kartikeya, the son of Lord Shiva, and feature a temple dedicated to the deity. The complex also includes water kunds (tanks) that are considered sacred.

Panchgani’s marketplace is a vibrant hub where visitors can explore local handicrafts, artefacts, and souvenirs. The town’s eateries offer a taste of local cuisine, allowing visitors to savour the region’s flavours.

Panchgani enjoys a moderate climate throughout the year, making it an attractive destination in all seasons. The cool temperatures, especially in the evenings, provide a pleasant retreat from the heat of the plains.

With its plateaus, panoramic views, and natural wonders, Panchgani stands as a testament to the enduring allure of the Western Ghats. As visitors immerse themselves in the tranquillity of its landscapes, Panchgani continues to be a cherished destination where time seems to slow down, allowing all who visit to savour the beauty of this hill station nestled in the heart of nature’s grandeur.

18. Tapola (Mini Kashmir)

Tapola (Mini Kashmir)

Tapola, often called Mini Kashmir, is a tranquil hamlet near Mahabaleshwar and a popular tourist Place in Maharashtra. Nestled along the banks of the Shivsagar Lake, Tapola is surrounded by dense forests and hills. The vast expanse of the lake, water sports, and scenic beauty earned Tapola its nickname. Visitors can embark on a boat ride, explore the Kaas Plateau nearby, and savour the tranquillity of this lesser-explored gem in the Sahyadris.

Tapola’s local cuisine reflects the flavours of the region. Visitors can savour traditional Maharashtrian dishes and local specialities, adding a gastronomic dimension to their exploration of Mini Kashmir.

Tapola, or Mini Kashmir, with its pristine lake, lush landscapes, and immersive experiences, stands as a testament to the unspoiled beauty of the Western Ghats. As visitors explore its shores, trek through its forests, and witness the convergence of rivers, Tapola is a cherished place where the charm of nature unfolds in every vista, inviting all who venture there to connect with the timeless charm of this hidden paradise.

19. Kalsubai Peak

Kalsubai Peak

Kalsubai Peak, the highest peak in the Western Ghats, is a trekker’s paradise tourist place in Maharashtra. Located in the Ahmednagar district, the trek to Kalsubai offers panoramic views of the surrounding peaks and valleys. The trek, marked by diverse landscapes, challenges the adventurers and rewards them with a sense of accomplishment at the summit.

Aspiring trekkers should be well-prepared with essentials such as comfortable trekking shoes, adequate water, snacks, a first aid kit, and weather-appropriate clothing. It’s advisable to check weather conditions and plan the trek accordingly.

Kalsubai Peak, with its challenging ascent and awe-inspiring views, stands as a testament to the adventurous spirit and natural beauty that define the Western Ghats. As trekkers conquer the summit, they achieve a physical feat and gain a profound connection with the rugged landscapes and the sense of accomplishment that comes with scaling Maharashtra’s highest peak.

20. Tamhini Ghat

Tamhini Ghat

Tamhini Ghat, a scenic mountain pass in the Western Ghats, comes alive during the monsoon season. The ghat is adorned with lush greenery, waterfalls of Maharashtra , and mist-covered hills, creating a mesmerizing tableau. Tamhini Ghat is a favoured route for those travelling from Pune to the Konkan region, offering a refreshing respite from the heat and urban monotony.

Tamhini Ghat is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes that change with the seasons. The drive takes travellers through dense forests, rolling hills, and meandering rivers, providing a visual feast at every turn. The lush green expanses, especially during the monsoon, transform Tamhini Ghat into a verdant paradise.

Tamhini Ghat is adorned with numerous waterfalls that adorn the hillsides. As travellers navigate the winding roads, they may encounter these natural wonders, some visible from a distance, while others require a short detour for a closer view. The sight of water gushing down the rocks adds to the allure of the journey.

21. Bhandardara


Bhandardara, in the Sahyadris, is a new hill station known for its lakes, temples, and lush landscapes. The Arthur Lake, surrounded by hills and valleys, provides a serene backdrop. The Randha Falls, Umbrella Falls, and the Wilson Dam are among the natural attractions that add to the charm of Bhandardara. The region is also steeped in history, with the Amruteshwar Temple and Ratangad Fort standing as cultural landmarks amidst the scenic beauty. Bhandardara is a haven for nature lovers, adventure enthusiasts, and those seeking a retreat into the lap of the Western Ghats.

Historical forts surround Bhandardara, and Ratangad Fort is a sentinel overlooking the region. The trek to Ratangad Fort offers a physical challenge and panoramic views of the Sahyadris and the surrounding landscape. The fort’s ruins narrate tales of bygone eras, adding a touch of mystique to the trek.

Travel Tips

1. Wear comfortable trekking shoes and carry essentials like water, snacks, and a first aid kit for outdoor activities.

2. Respect the local culture and natural surroundings while exploring historical sites and trekking trails.

Bhandardara, with its natural wonders and historical treasures, is a testament to the serene beauty of the Sahyadri Range. As travellers explore its landscapes, trek through ancient forts, and witness the cascading waterfalls, Bhandardara is a nature retreat that invites all who visit to embrace the tranquillity and charm of this Sahyadri gem.

22. Trimbakeshwar Temple, Nashik

Trimbakeshwar Temple, Nashik

Trimbakeshwar Temple, nestled in the scenic surroundings of Nashik, is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple holds immense spiritual significance as it marks the source of the Godavari River. The intricate architecture and the sanctity of the Jyotirlinga draw devotees from far and wide. Surrounded by lush greenery and the Brahmagiri mountain range, Trimbakeshwar Temple offers a spiritual retreat and a connection with the divine amidst the natural beauty of Nashik.

Adjacent to the temple is the sacred Kushavarta Kund, believed to be the source of the Godavari River. Pilgrims perform rituals and take a holy dip in the Kund, which is considered auspicious and purifying. The Kushavarta Kund becomes particularly significant during the Kumbh Mela, attracting millions of devotees seeking spiritual cleansing.

Best Time to Visit

While Trimbakeshwar Temple is accessible throughout the year, which is why it is a popular tourist Place in Maharashtra; the months of Shravan (July-August) and during the Nashik Kumbh Mela witness heightened spiritual activities and are considered auspicious for devotees.

Trimbakeshwar Temple, with its spiritual resonance, architectural grandeur, and association with the sacred Godavari, stands as a beacon of divinity in the heart of Nashik. As pilgrims and visitors alike bow their heads in reverence,

23. Siddhivinayak Temple, Mumbai

Siddhivinayak Temple, Mumbai

Situated in Prabhadevi, this iconic temple attracts millions of devotees annually. The temple’s architecture blends traditional and modern elements, and the sanctum houses Lord Ganesha’s swayambhu (self-manifested) idol. The vibrant atmosphere, holy zeal, and unique idol make Siddhivinayak a cultural and spiritual landmark in the heart of Mumbai.

 The temple’s exterior is adorned with carvings and embellishments, while the golden dome crowning the sanctum adds a touch of luxury. The sanctorum houses the idol of Lord Ganesha, crafted from a single black stone, captivating devotees with its divine presence.

Siddhivinayak Temple is integral to Mumbai’s cultural tapestry, reflecting the city’s dynamic blend of tradition and modernity. The temple’s iconic status makes it a must-visit landmark for locals and visitors, offering a glimpse into Mumbai’s spiritual ethos.

While Siddhivinayak Temple is open throughout the year, visitors may want to plan their visit during festivals or on auspicious days for a more vibrant and spiritually charged experience.

24. Pandharpur (Vitthal Rukmini Temple)

Pandharpur (Vitthal Rukmini Temple)

On the banks of the Chandrabhaga River is a sacred town known for the Vitthal Rukmini Temple. Dedicated to Lord Vitthal, an incarnation of Lord Krishna, the temple is a major site. The annual Wari procession, where devotees undertake a 21-day journey to Pandharpur, celebrates faith and devotion. The temple’s architecture, the spiritual ambiance, and the rhythmic chants of the devotees create an immersive experience that resonates with the spiritual heritage of Maharashtra.

While Pandharpur welcomes devotees throughout the year, the festivals of Ashadhi Ekadashi and Kartiki Ekadashi witness heightened spiritual activities, making these periods particularly promising for a visit.

Pandharpur, with its ancient temples, holy river, and the resonance of devotional fervour, stands as a timeless testament to Maharashtra’s enduring faith and cultural richness. As pilgrims bow in reverence and embark on the sacred journey to Pandharpur, the town continues to be a beacon of spiritual awakening and divine grace.

25. Jejuri (Khandoba Temple)

Jejuri (Khandoba Temple)

Jejuri, home to the Khandoba Temple, is steeped in mythology and devotion. The temple is dedicated to Khandoba, a form of Lord Shiva, worshipped as the ‘God of Jejuri.’ Perched atop a hill, the temple offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. The unique aspect of the temple lies in the sea of yellow turmeric that envelops the shrine and devotees during the annual Bhandara festival. Jejuri is not only a spiritual destination, but also a cultural spectacle that showcases the vibrant traditions of Maharashtra and is a must-visit tourist Place in Maharashtra.

While Jejuri welcomes devotees throughout the year, the Turmeric Festival (Bhandara) and Champa Shashti are particularly promising and attract many pilgrims.

Jejuri, with its vibrant traditions, spiritual hunger, and historical echoes, stands as a testament to Maharashtra’s cultural richness. As devotees ascend the hills, offer turmeric to Lord Khandoba, and immerse themselves in the town’s sacred aura, Jejuri remains a pilgrimage site that weaves together the threads of devotion and cultural heritage.

26. Hazur Sahib Nanded

Hazur Sahib Nanded

Hazur Sahib Nanded, one of the holiest sites in Sikhism, is a gurudwara that marks where Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the tenth Sikh Guru, left his earthly form. The gurudwara, located on the banks of the Godavari River, attracts Sikh pilgrims worldwide. The spiritual ambiance, the Akhand Path, and the Langar (community kitchen) reflect the Sikh principles of service, devotion, and equality.

Hazur Sahib can be visited yearly, but Gurpurabs and festive occasions draw larger crowds.

Hazur Sahib Nanded, with its spiritual resonance and historical heritage, remains a sanctified destination where Sikhs connect with their faith and pay homage to the eternal Guru. As pilgrims bow before the Takht Sahib and immerse themselves in the divine atmosphere, the Hazur Sahib remains a beacon of Sikh spirituality and unity.

27. Dagdusheth Halwai Ganpati, Pune

Dagdusheth Halwai Ganpati, Pune

Dagdusheth Halwai Ganpati Temple in Pune is a prominent and revered temple dedicated to Lord Ganesha. Established by the sweet merchant Dagdusheth Halwai, the temple is known for its grandeur and the imposing gold-plated idol of Lord Ganesha. Devotees throng the temple, especially during Ganesh Chaturthi, to seek the blessings of the Elephant-headed God. The vibrant festivities, cultural programs, and charitable initiatives associated with the temple make it a focal point of devotion and community engagement in Pune.

While the Dagdusheth Halwai Ganpati Temple is accessible throughout the year, Ganesh Chaturthi is a particularly auspicious time to witness the grandeur and festive spirit of the temple.

The Dagdusheth Halwai Ganpati Temple, with its rich history, cultural significance, and philanthropic endeavours, stands as a beacon of devotion and community service in Pune. As they pursue the blessings of Lord Ganesha, the temple continues to be a sacred haven that resonates with the spiritual heartbeat of the city.

28. Shirdi Sai Baba Temple

Shirdi Sai Baba Temple

The temple complex includes the Samadhi Mandir, where the mortal remains of Sai Baba are enshrined. Pilgrims from diverse backgrounds visit Shirdi to experience the spiritual aura, participate in prayer sessions, and partake in the distribution of Prasad (blessed food). Shirdi, a town in Ahmednagar district, is synonymous with faith, miracles, and the teachings of Sai Baba, who is revered as a universal spiritual figure.

While Shirdi attracts devotees throughout the year, the festivals and anniversaries associated with Sai Baba, such as Guru Purnima and Sai Baba’s Punyatithi, witness heightened spiritual activities.

The Shirdi Sai Baba Temple stands not just as a physical structure but as a spiritual haven where devotees find solace, inspiration, and a deep connection with the teachings of Sai Baba. As pilgrims bow in reverence and offer their prayers, the temple continues to be a timeless symbol of faith, compassion, and the enduring legacy of a saint whose teachings transcend the boundaries of time and religion.

29. Grishneshwar Jyotirlinga

Grishneshwar Jyotirlinga

As one of the twelve Jyotirlingas, it holds immense religious significance. The temple’s architecture, with its intricately carved walls and spire, reflects the ancient craftsmanship of the region. Devotees believe that worshipping at Grishneshwar Jyotirlinga brings spiritual blessings and fulfilment of desires. The temple, surrounded by the aura of devotion and the historical ambiance of Ellora, offers a profound spiritual experience in the heart of Maharashtra.

While Grishneshwar Jyotirlinga is open for devotees throughout the year, festivals and auspicious occasions, especially Maha Shivaratri, attract a significant influx of pilgrims.

As pilgrims bow before the divine presence of Grishneshwar Jyotirlinga, the temple continues to stand as a beacon of spiritual enlightenment, inviting all who seek the eternal blessings of Lord Shiva to immerse themselves in the sacred energy of this revered Jyotirlinga.

30. Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve

Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve

Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve in Chandrapur district is Maharashtra’s oldest and largest national park and a big tourist Spot. Renowned for its rich biodiversity and high tiger density, Tadoba is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. The park’s diverse landscapes, dense forests, meadows, and water bodies provide a conducive habitat for various flora and fauna. The Tadoba Lake and the iconic Tadoba Fort add a historical and scenic dimension to the reserve.

The ideal time to visit Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve is during the dry winter months from November to March, when the weather wildlife sightings are more frequent.

As visitors traverse the trails of Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve, they become part of a larger narrative—one that celebrates the harmonious coexistence of humans and wildlife. Tadoba’s pristine landscapes, vibrant biodiversity, and conservation commitment make it a sanctuary for animals and a living testament to the splendours of the natural world.

31. Pench National Park

Pench National Park

Pench National Park is a vital wildlife corridor, straddling the border between Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. Inspired by Rudyard Kipling’s ‘The Jungle Book,’ Pench is known for its teak forests, open grasslands, and the meandering Pench River. The park is home to a thriving population of tigers, leopards, and various bird species. 

The best time to visit Pench National Park is when wildlife sightings are more frequent and the weather is pleasant.

As visitors traverse the trails of Pench National Park, they step into a realm where nature reigns supreme, untamed, and awe-inspiring. The park’s commitment to conservation, coupled with its breathtaking landscapes, makes it a sanctuary not just for wildlife but for preserving the untamed spirit of the natural world.

32. Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary

Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary

Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary in Pune district is renowned for its biodiversity and the sacred Bhimashankar Temple. The sanctuary, part of the Western Ghats, is a crucial habitat for the Indian giant squirrel and numerous bird species. The sanctuary also serves as the source of the Bhima River, adding ecological significance to its natural charm.

Visitors traverse the pathways of Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary and embark on a journey into a realm where spirituality and biodiversity coalesce. The sanctuary’s harmonious blend of natural wonders and cultural significance is a testament to the delicate balance between the sacred and the untamed.

33. Karnala Bird Sanctuary

Karnala Bird Sanctuary

Karnala Bird Sanctuary near Panvel is a paradise for bird watchers and nature lovers. The sanctuary is dominated by the historic Karnala Fort and surrounded by lush greenery. The diverse avian population, including resident and migratory birds, makes Karnala a sought-after destination for ornithologists. The trek to Karnala Fort offers a

historical journey and panoramic views of the Western Ghats.

34. Radhanagari Wildlife Sanctuary

Radhanagari Wildlife Sanctuary

Radhanagari Wildlife Sanctuary, located in Kolhapur district, is known for its dense evergreen forests and pristine landscapes. The sanctuary is home to the endangered Indian bison (gaur), deer, leopards, and diverse bird species. The iconic Dajipur Bison Sanctuary is part of Radhanagari, offering a unique opportunity to observe these majestic animals in their natural habitat.

35. Chandoli National Park

Chandoli National Park

Chandoli National Park, situated in the Sahyadri range, is a biodiversity hotspot & popular tourist place in Maharashtra. The place is known for its forests, waterfalls, flora, and fauna for nature enthusiasts. The endangered Indian leopard, sloth bear, and various species of deer find refuge in the park.

36. Bhigwan Bird Sanctuary

Bhigwan Bird Sanctuary

Bhigwan Bird Sanctuary near Pune is a haven for bird watchers, especially during winter. Ujani Dam’s backwaters attract many migratory birds, including flamingos, painted storks, and ibises. The sanctuary’s serene ambiance, coupled with the vibrant hues of the visiting birds, creates a picturesque setting for photography and nature appreciation.

The prime time to visit Bhigwan Bird Sanctuary is during winter, from November to February, when migratory birds flock to the serene waters, creating a birdwatcher’s paradise.

37. Koyna Wildlife Sanctuary

Koyna Wildlife Sanctuary

Koyna Wildlife Sanctuary, in the Western Ghats, is known for its diverse ecosystems and the Koyna Dam. The sanctuary is home to the Indian bison, Bengal tiger, and various reptiles and bird species. The backwaters of the Koyna Dam add to the scenic beauty, making it a unique destination where wildlife thrives alongside human-engineered landscapes.

38. Dajipur Bison Sanctuary

Dajipur Bison Sanctuary

Dajipur Bison Sanctuary, an integral part of Radhanagari Wildlife Sanctuary, conserves Indian bison (gaur). The sanctuary, located in the Kolhapur district, provides a natural habitat for these majestic animals, allowing visitors to witness them in their element. Dajipur, with its dense forests and vibrant wildlife, offers a retreat for those seeking an immersive natural experience.

Explore Dajipur Bison Sanctuary between October and March to witness the thriving wildlife and lush landscapes, as the weather remains cool and comfortable during these months.

39. Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary

Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary

Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary, situated in the Gondia district, is a lesser-explored gem known for its rich biodiversity. The sanctuary is home to tigers, leopards, deer, and various bird species. The picturesque landscapes, with a central lake surrounded by hills, add to the charm of Nagzira. The sanctuary’s serene ambiance and relatively untouched wilderness make it a captivating destination for wildlife enthusiasts.

The optimal time to explore Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary is during the winter months, from October to March. The cool and dry weather enhances wildlife sightings, making it an ideal period for nature enthusiasts and wildlife photographers.

40. Ganpatipule Beach

Ganpatipule Beach

Ganpatipule Beach in Ratnagiri district is a pristine, secluded shoreline known for its clear waters and golden sands. The beach is scenic, beautiful, and holds religious significance due to the Ganpati Temple on its shores. The tranquillity of Ganpatipule Beach, coupled with the panoramic views of the Arabian Sea, makes it a retreat for those seeking solace and natural beauty.

The best time to visit Ganpatipule Beach is from November to February, offering a perfect blend of pleasant weather and tranquil beach vibes for a relaxing coastal getaway.

41. Alibaug Beach

Alibaug Beach

Alibaug Beach, located near Mumbai, is a popular weekend getaway known for its black sand and calm waters. The historic Kolaba Fort, accessible during low tide, enhances the beach’s charm. Alibaug’s proximity to Mumbai makes it a favoured place for city residents looking for a quick escape. 

42. Diveagar Beach

Diveagar Beach

Diveagar Beach on the Konkan coast is a hidden gem with its pristine shores and casuarina groves. The beach, flanked by hills and surrounded by a fishing village, offers a tranquil setting. The Suvarna Ganesh Temple near Diveagar adds a spiritual touch to the area. Diveagar is not just a beach; it’s a peaceful haven where visitors can unwind amidst nature’s splendour.

Diveagar Beach is best visited during the post-monsoon and winter months, from October to February. The weather is pleasant, and the serene beach ambiance beckons visitors for a peaceful and rejuvenating coastal experience.

43. Kashid Beach

Kashid Beach

Kashid Beach, known for its white sand and clear turquoise waters, is a picturesque stretch along the Arabian Sea. Surrounded by casuarina groves, Kashid is a sought-after place for those seeking a beach experience. Water sports, beach camping, and the historic Murud Janjira Fort in the vicinity add to the recreational options at Kashid Beach.

44. Guhagar Beach

Guhagar Beach

Guhagar Beach, situated on the Konkan coast, is known for its long and pristine shoreline. The beach, fringed with Suru trees and adorned with red sand, provides a peaceful escape. The nearby Vyadeshwar Temple and the Guhagar-Danda Fort offer exploration and cultural immersion opportunities. Guhagar is a tranquil coastal destination where visitors can connect with nature and experience the unhurried pace of Konkan life.

45. Tarkarli Beach

Tarkarli Beach

Tarkarli Beach, in the Malvan region, and the nearby Tarkarli backwaters are a haven for water sports enthusiasts. Snorkelling and scuba diving allow visitors to check the underwater wonders of the Arabian Sea. Tarkarli’s unspoiled beauty and aquatic adventures make it a must-visit place for beach lovers and water enthusiasts.

46. Ratnagiri Beach

Ratnagiri Beach

Ratnagiri Beach, located in the Ratnagiri district, is a serene coastline that blends sandy shores and rocky cliffs. The beach, known for its gentle waves and clear waters, offers a tranquil retreat. The Ratnadurg Fort, perched on a hill overlooking the Arabian Sea, adds a historical and architectural dimension to the area. Ratnagiri Beach is a destination where nature’s beauty and historical heritage converge.

47. Vengurla Beach

Vengurla Beach

Vengurla Beach, situated in the Sindhudurg district, is a hidden coastal jewel known for its pristine shores and scenic landscapes. The beach, surrounded by lush greenery, provides a serene setting for relaxation. The historic Vengurla Lighthouse and the Mochemad Beach nearby offer additional attractions for those exploring the region. 

48. Kelshi Beach

Kelshi Beach

Kelshi Beach, tucked away in the Ratnagiri district, is a secluded shoreline known for its tranquillity and unspoiled beauty. The beach, lined with palm trees, offers a peaceful retreat. The nearby Yaqub Baba Dargah and the scenic Kelshi-Dapoli Road add cultural and scenic dimensions to the area. Kelshi Beach is a destination for those seeking solitude and a connection with the coastal landscapes of Konkan.

49. Dahanu-Bordi Beach

Dahanu-Bordi Beach

Dahanu-Bordi Beach, located in the Palghar district, is known for its stretch of sandy shores and chikoo orchards. The beach, fringed with coconut palms, offers a peaceful escape from the hustle of city life. The nearby chikoo orchards add a unique agricultural charm to the area. Dahanu-Bordi Beach is a destination where visitors can enjoy the simplicity of coastal life and savour the region’s natural bounty.


Lavasa, often called India’s first planned hill station, is a picturesque town amidst the Sahyadri Mountains. The city offers a serene escape with charming European-inspired architecture, artificial lakes, and lush greenery. Water sports, lakeside promenades, and the vibrant town center make Lavasa popular for those seeking relaxation and adventure in the Western Ghats.

51. Panhala


Panhala, situated near Kolhapur, is a historic hill station known for its fort and panoramic views of the Sahyadris. The Panhala Fort, perched atop a hill, offers a glimpse into Maratha history and provides breathtaking vistas of the surrounding valleys. The cool climate, historical significance, and tranquil ambiance make Panhala a preferred destination for history enthusiasts and nature lovers.

52. Chikhaldara


The scenic beauty of Chikhaldara, coupled with viewpoints like Hurricane Point and Devi Point, creates a tranquil atmosphere. The Melghat Tiger Reserve, home to diverse flora and fauna, adds a touch of wildlife adventure to the region. Chikhaldara is a retreat for those seeking natural splendour and a refreshing climate.


Amboli, nestled in the Western Ghats, is a quaint hill station known for its misty landscapes, waterfalls, and lush greenery. The Amboli Ghat, with its numerous viewpoints, offers panoramic vistas of the surrounding valleys. The biodiversity-rich Amboli Wildlife Sanctuary adds an ecological dimension to the region. Amboli is a haven for nature lovers, bird watchers, and those seeking a peaceful retreat in the lap of the Sahyadris.

54. Toranmal


Toranmal, located in the Satpura Range, is a hill station surrounded by dense forests, lakes, and temples. The Gorakhnath Temple, situated on the pinnacle of the Toranmal Hills, is a spiritual and scenic highlight. The Yashavant Lake and the tranquil Sita Khai add to the region’s natural beauty. Toranmal, with its cool climate and pristine landscapes, is a lesser-explored gem in Maharashtra.


Jawhar, often called the ‘Mahabaleshwar of Thane,’ is a hill station known for its vibrant Warli art and cultural heritage. The Jai Vilas Palace, adorned with Warli paintings, and the picturesque Hanuman Point are among the attractions. Jawhar’s serene ambiance and cultural richness make it a destination for those seeking art, history, and natural beauty.


Satara, situated in the Western Ghats, is surrounded by lush hills, valleys, and historical landmarks. The historic Ajinkyatara Fort and the tranquil Sajjangad Fort add to Satara’s cultural and natural appeal. Satara is a gateway to the Sahyadris, offering travelers diverse experiences.

57. Lonavala


Lonavala, nestled in the Sahyadris, is a popular hill station known for its landscapes, waterfalls, and historic caves. It is also a popular tourist place in Maharashtra. Tiger’s Leap, Bhushi Dam, and the ancient Karla and Bhaja Caves are among the attractions. The cool climate and the charm of the twin hill stations, Lonavala and Khandala, make it a favored destination for weekend getaways and nature retreats.

58. Khandala


Khandala, a twin town to Lonavala, is surrounded by lush green hills and valleys. The dramatic Western Ghats, the pristine Duke’s Nose viewpoint, and the historic Korigad Fort provide a range of experiences for visitors. Khandala, known for its misty landscapes and the serpentine Mumbai-Pune Expressway cutting through the hills, is a scenic destination for those seeking a quick escape from the urban hustle.

59. Igatpuri


Igatpuri, in the Western Ghats, is a hill station known for its mist-covered hills, dense forests, and ancient temples. The attractions include the Bhatsa River Valley, Tringalwadi Fort, and the Amruteshwar Temple. Igatpuri’s cool climate and proximity to Mumbai make it a favored destination for trekking, nature walks, and spiritual retreats amidst the natural beauty of the Sahyadris.

60. Ranikhet, Ratnagiri

Ranikhet, Ratnagiri

Ranikhet, not to be confused with the homonymous town in Uttarakhand, is a serene hamlet in the Ratnagiri district. Surrounded by lush greenery and hills, Ranikhet offers a tranquil escape. The tranquil beaches of Ganpatipule and the historical Prachin Konkan Museum add to the charm of this lesser-known destination.

61. Panshet Dam

Panshet Dam

Panshet Dam, located near Pune, is a scenic reservoir surrounded by hills and lush landscapes. The dam offers opportunities for boating, water sports, and picnics along its banks. The lush greenery, the blue waters of the reservoir, and the Sahyadri backdrop make Panshet Dam a popular destination for day trips and outdoor activities.

In conclusion, Maharashtra unfolds as a tapestry of diverse landscapes, each offering a unique and enriching experience for the discerning traveler. From the misty hills of Lonavala and Khandala to the sun-kissed beaches of Ganpatipule and Alibaug, the state boasts many destinations that cater to every traveler’s preference.

Unplugged and unfiltered Maharashtra beckons you to explore its hidden gems, revel in its cultural grandeur and forge memories long after the journey concludes. So, pack your bags, traverse the winding roads, and let Maharashtra unveil its treasures, one destination at a time.

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Places To Visit In Maharashtra

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Top 271 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Table of contents.

Places to Visit in Maharashtra

  • 1. Ratnagiri
  • 2. Panchgani
  • 3. Ganpatipule
  • 4. Amravati
  • 5. Chandrapur
  • 8. Matheran
  • 11. Tarkarli
  • 13. Alibaug
  • 15. Kolhapur
  • 17. Aurangabad
  • 19. Khandala
  • 20. Lonavala
  • 21. Mahabaleshwar
  • 23. Thibaw Palace
  • 24. Ratnadurg Fort
  • 25. Ratnagiri Marine Museum
  • 26. Bhatye Beach
  • 27. Mandavi Beach Ratnagiri
  • 28. Ratnagiri Lighthouse
  • 29. Patit Pavan Mandir
  • 30. Table Land
  • 31. Sydney Point
  • 32. Parsi Point Panchgani
  • 33. Devil’s Kitchen
  • 34. Rajpuri Caves
  • 35. Dhom Dam
  • 36. Kamalgad Fort
  • 37. Ganapatipule Beach
  • 38. Swayambhu Ganpati Temple
  • 39. Prachin Konkan Museum
  • 40. Jaigad Fort
  • 41. Aare Ware Beach
  • 42. Malgund
  • 43. Jaigad Lighthouse
  • 44. Ambadevi Temple Amravati
  • 45. Shri Ekvira Devi Temple
  • 46. Chikhaldara Hill Station
  • 47. Melghat Tiger Reserve
  • 48. Wadali Talao
  • 49. Satidham Temple
  • 50. Bhuleshwar Temple
  • 51. Gugarnal National Park
  • 52. Devi Point Amravati
  • 53. Shri Bhakti Dham Temple
  • 54. Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve
  • 55. Chandrapur Fort (Chandrapur Qila)
  • 56. Mahakali Temple
  • 57. Anchaleshwar Temple
  • 58. Junona Lake
  • 59. Ramala Talao
  • 60. Tadoba Lake
  • 61. Kaas Plateau
  • 62. Thoseghar Waterfall
  • 63. Sajjangad Fort
  • 64. Ajinkyatara Fort
  • 65. Vajrai Waterfall
  • 66. Koyna Dam
  • 67. Shivsagar Lake Satara
  • 68. Koteshwar Mandir Satara
  • 69. Upvan Lake
  • 70. Yeoor Hills
  • 71. Tikujini-Wadi
  • 72. Sanjay Gandhi National Park
  • 73. Suraj Water Park
  • 74. Kelva Beach
  • 75. Bassein Fort
  • 76. Suddhagad Fort
  • 77. Jawhar Palace
  • 78. Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary
  • 79. Panorama Point
  • 80. Louisa Point
  • 81. Charlotte Lake
  • 82. Monkey Point Matheran
  • 83. One Tree Hill Point
  • 84. Echo Point Matheran
  • 85. Porcupine Point (Sunset Point)
  • 86. Alexander Point
  • 87. Hart Point Matheran
  • 88. Rambagh Point
  • 89. Shri Siddheshwar Temple Solapur
  • 90. Akkalkot Swami Samarth Maharaj Temple
  • 91. Tulja Bhavani Temple Solapur
  • 92. BhuiKot Castle
  • 93. Hazrat Shah Zahur Dargah Solapur
  • 94. Sambhaji Lake Solapur
  • 95. Great Indian Bustard Sanctuary Solapur
  • 96. Bhuikot Fort
  • 97. Siddharameshwar Lake
  • 98. Hazur Sahib (Sachkhand Sri Hazur Abchalnagar Sahib)
  • 99. Nanded Fort
  • 100. Godavari River Ghat
  • 101. Mahur (Renuka Devi Temple)
  • 102. Malegaon Yatra
  • 103. Unkeshwar Hot Springs
  • 104. Hottal Siddheshwar Temple
  • 105. Kandhar Fort
  • 106. Narsi Namdev (Pandurang Temple)
  • 107. Shrikshetra Mahurgadh
  • 108. Tarkarli Beach
  • 109. Sindhudurg Fort
  • 110. Devbagh Beach
  • 111. Tsunami Island
  • 112. Karli Backwaters
  • 113. Tarkarli Scuba Diving
  • 114. Deobagh
  • 115. Malvan Marine Sanctuary
  • 116. Achra Beach
  • 117. Nivati Beach
  • 118. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya
  • 119. Nehru Science Centre Mumbai
  • 120. Taraporewala Aquarium
  • 121. Mount Mary Church Mumbai
  • 122. Global Vipassana Pagoda
  • 123. Bhau Daji Lad Mumbai City Museum
  • 124. Versova Beach
  • 125. Mahalakshmi Temple Mumbai
  • 126. Kanheri Caves
  • 127. Girgaum Chowpatty Beach
  • 128. Gateway of India
  • 129. Sanjay Gandhi National Park Mumbai
  • 130. BandraWorli Sea Link
  • 131. Colaba Causeway
  • 132. Juhu Beach
  • 133. Haji Ali Dargah
  • 134. Siddhivinayak Temple Mumbai
  • 135. Elephanta Caves
  • 136. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus
  • 137. Marine Drive Mumbai
  • 138. Alibaug Beach
  • 139. Kolaba Fort
  • 140. Varsoli Beach Alibaug
  • 141. Nagaon Beach Alibaug
  • 142. Kanakeshwar Forest
  • 143. MurudJanjira Fort
  • 144. Kashid Beach
  • 145. Akshi Beach
  • 146. Korlai Fort
  • 147. Mandwa Beach Alibaug
  • 148. Deekshabhoomi
  • 149. Ambazari Lake and Garden
  • 150. Ramtek Fort Temple
  • 151. Futala Lake
  • 152. Maharaj Bagh and Zoo
  • 153. Raman Science Centre & Planetarium
  • 154. Seminary Hill
  • 155. Dragon Palace Buddhist Temple
  • 156. Sitabuldi Fort
  • 157. Japanese Rose Garden
  • 158. Mahalakshmi Temple Kolhapur
  • 159. Rankala Lake
  • 160. New Palace Museum and Zoo
  • 161. Jyotiba Temple Kolhapur
  • 162. Panhala Fort
  • 163. Chhatrapati Sahu Museum
  • 164. Siddhagiri Gramjivan Museum (Kaneri Math)
  • 165. Kopeshwar Temple
  • 166. Bhavani Mandap
  • 167. Narsobawadi Temple
  • 168. Gagangiri Maharaj Math
  • 169. Temlabai Mandir
  • 170. Trimbakeshwar Temple
  • 171. Sula Vineyards
  • 172. Panchavati Nashik
  • 173. Saptashrungi
  • 174. Kalaram Temple
  • 175. Pandavleni Caves
  • 176. Muktidham Temple
  • 177. Ramkund
  • 178. Coin Museum
  • 179. Anjaneri Hill
  • 180. Ajanta Caves
  • 181. Ellora Caves
  • 182. Bibi Ka Maqbara
  • 183. Daulatabad Fort
  • 184. Grishneshwar Temple Aurangabad
  • 185. Panchakki (Water Mill)
  • 186. Aurangabad Caves
  • 187. Siddharth Garden and Zoo
  • 188. Jayakwadi Dam
  • 189. Tomb of Aurangzeb
  • 190. Sri Sai Baba Samadhi Mandir
  • 191. Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Temple
  • 192. Dwarkamai
  • 193. Gurusthan
  • 194. Lendi Baug
  • 195. Khandoba Mandir
  • 196. Maruti Mandir Shirdi
  • 197. Chavadi
  • 198. Dixit Wada Museum
  • 199. Abdul Baba Cottage
  • 200. Bhushi Dam
  • 201. Duke's Nose
  • 202. Kune Waterfalls
  • 203. Rajmachi Fort
  • 204. Bedsa Caves
  • 205. Visapur Fort
  • 206. Shooting Point
  • 207. Korigad Fort
  • 208. Shree Narayani Dham Temple
  • 209. Amrutanjan Point
  • 210. Celebrity Wax Museum
  • 211. Sausage Hills
  • 212. Reversing Station
  • 213. Tungarli Lake
  • 214. Duke’s Nose/Peak
  • 215. Lonavala Wax Museum
  • 216. Amby Valley
  • 217. Sunil's Celebrity Wax Museum
  • 218. Ryewood Park
  • 219. Tikona Fort
  • 220. Kune Falls
  • 221. Imagicaa Theme Park (Adlabs Imagica)
  • 222. Della Adventure Park
  • 223. Lohagad Fort
  • 224. Lonavala Lake
  • 225. Valvan Dam
  • 226. Bushi Dam
  • 227. Tiger's Leap
  • 228. Rajmachi Point
  • 229. Karla Caves
  • 230. Lion's Point
  • 231. Bhaja Caves
  • 232. Pawna Lake
  • 233. Bombay Point (Sunset Point)
  • 234. Kate's Point
  • 235. Sunset Point Mahabaleshwar
  • 236. Dhobi Waterfall
  • 237. Chinaman's Falls
  • 238. Babington Point
  • 239. Parsi Point
  • 240. Krishnabai Temple Mahabaleshwar
  • 241. Connaught Peak
  • 242. Lodwick Point
  • 243. Venna Lake
  • 244. Panch Ganga Temple
  • 245. Lingmala Waterfall
  • 246. Pratapgad Fort
  • 247. Elephant's Head Point
  • 248. Wilson Point (Sunrise Point)
  • 249. Mapro Garden
  • 250. Elphinstone Point
  • 251. Mahabaleshwar Temple
  • 252. Arthur's Seat
  • 253. Osho Ashram Pune
  • 254. Katraj Snake Park
  • 255. Empress Garden
  • 256. Bund Garden Pune
  • 257. Vishrambaug Wada
  • 258. Khadakwasla Dam
  • 259. Lal Mahal Pune
  • 260. National War Museum Pune
  • 261. Pune Okayama Friendship Garden
  • 262. Mulshi Lake and Dam
  • 263. Shaniwar Wada
  • 264. Rajiv Gandhi Zoological Park Pune
  • 265. Pataleshwar Cave Temple
  • 266. Parvati Hill Pune
  • 267. Saras Baug
  • 268. Sinhagad Fort
  • 269. Raja Dinkar Kelkar Museum
  • 270. Dagdusheth Halwai Ganapati Temple
  • 271. Aga Khan Palace


Other Suggested Reads for Maharashtra

  • About Maharashtra Tourism
  • Things to do in Maharashtra
  • How to Reach Maharashtra
  • Best time to Visit in Maharashtra
  • Maharashtra Tourism History
  • Food in Maharashtra
  • FAQS about Maharashtra
  • Maharashtra Tourist Map

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Places to Visit in Maharashtra

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Tourist Places in Maharashtra

If you are hunting for the most sought-after places to visit in Maharashtra, be ready to be spoiled for choices as this cultural state is blessed with diverse topography. Whether you want to spend a peaceful evening by the Marine Drive or climb up the Sahyadri ranges and soak in the mesmerizing views from the top, Maharashtra has got something for everyone. While traditional attractions like Nasik, Pune, and Shirdi provide you a closer look into the unique Maharashtrian culture, its adventure sites such as Malvan and Tadoba stimulate your adrenaline in no time. Want to enjoy a romantic getaway with your better half without going too heavy on your pocket? Look for some hilly places to see in Maharashtra and enjoy a hassle-free stay amidst the verdant hills and beautiful landscapes of Western Ghats. From small hill stations like Lonavala, Panchgani and Mahabaleshwar to beachside places to go in Maharashtra such as Alibaug, every nook and corner of this beautiful state exude magnificence. If you wish to delve deeper into its rich history, feel free to hike your way towards its historical forts which say a ton about the valorous Maratha rulers. With a perfect blend of traditions, culture, adventure, and beauty, Maharashtra is no lesser than a tourist magnet. For all those vacationers who are planning a quick weekend getaway to Maharashtra, here is everything that they need to know ahead of their trip.

Here is a list of best places to visit in Maharashtra:

Get yourself a luxury stay at the Malhar Machi Resort

Mumbai, the city of dreams. Mumbai, the city that never sleeps. Mumbai, the old world charm and fast pace of the modern life. There is so much that one can say in the praise of the one city in India that everyone wants to visit at least once in their life. That maybe because of the grandeur of this city or because of the history it has seen. Nonetheless, this city has a lot in store for everyone who visits. The USP of places to visit in Mumbai is that they are all iconic and all you need is a picture to recognize them, that is the charm of this city. Some places here are pieces of history, some are spiritual hotspots, and others are mesmerizing places to relax, chill or munch on the famous streets of Mumbai, like the ever famous Chowpatty Beach.

You can see the Gateway of India, Marine drive or the film city of Goregaon, or visit the Siddhivinayak temple and Haji Ali Mosque for your fill of the spiritual. You can even get to see the new addition to the roster of mesmerizing and intimidating places in Mumbai, the Bandra Worli Sealink. And be it a group hangout, a solo search of solace or just a couple's getaway, Chowpatty, Juhu, and Aksa Beach are names that almost everyone in the city knows and crowds on various occasions. They are equally coveted by the many who come to Mumbai from outside for the frolicking and snacking experiences that are available at these locations. One more thing that Mumbai is famous for is the shopping district at Colaba, where you can get everything from high brand store clothes to cheap knock-offs to add to your wardrobe as part of your fashion statement.

 Always bustling with energy, a trip to Mumbai should be on your travel list to understand the best way of how India portrays unity in diversity. Visit the hidden temples or pay a visit to famous monuments to explore the most cosmopolitan city in India. Enjoy the perfect blend of festivities, religions, music, food, music and theatres with a trip to Mumbai. Some of the best places to visit in Mumbai are the Gateway of India, Elephanta Caves, Girgaum Cave, Siddhivinayak Temple, Essel world, Elephanta Island etc. 

While you are in this amazing city you can also visit the Kanheri Caves, Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mount Mary Church, Banganga Tank etc. Make a stop at the Marina Beach in the evening and have lip-smacking street food while you witness the best sunset being greeted by splashing waves of the sea. Find out all you need to know about the best places to visit in Mumbai on your vacation here.

And that is not just it. If you are looking for things to do and places outside the city, there is a lot of scope to plan weekend getaways near Mumbai . At just a small drive away from the city is the favourite picnic and night stay spots of Lonavala and Khandala. You can even visit the famous Sai Baba temple in Shirdi. With so much to offer, there is no wonder why Mumbai has been a favourite of everyone in the country for so many decades.

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If Mumbai is the most happening place in Maharashtra, then it’s neighbour Pune is the cultural hub and the biggest city in the state. An upcoming IT centre and a fascinating city, Pune has no shortage of things to intrigue the interest of almost anyone who has ever been here or has heard of the city. With being in the proximity of many major cities and acting as a centre seat for when getting to major attractions of the state is concerned, the places to visit in Pune and around will never cease to amaze you with their unique roster of features. 

From treks to Lohagarh and Rajmachi Forts, to the canoeing and white water rafting adventures in Kolad River, from a fascinating Scuba Diving experience to the unique experience of trekking in Andharban, the city is in a proximity of some of the most fascinating things to do in Pune and near.

Adventure never stops in Pune as you can embark on an exhilarating underwater experiences in the Sangam safari and maybe, if you are a daredevil, pay a visit to the Crocodile Island. And even if you are not well acquainted with the adventures around, don’t be disheartened as there are many places near Pune where you can take on things at a beginner level, like the Kundalika river that serves as the perfect place for beginners in rafting or the famous Rajmachi fort which is most suited for people who wish to start on an easy trek

And for places to stay in Pune and around, there are innumerable options to choose from. You can choose to stay in a luxurious resort in Pune or go for a hillside resort in the embrace of Maharashtra’s favourite hill stations like Khandala, Lonavala or Mahabaleshwar for the true weekend getaway from Pune , not so far away from the city. And for the ones who like mix adventure with their stays and take it all to a whole new level, Pune is not going to disappoint you. With options ranging from a camp stay on the banks of Pawna Lake to a village stay experience in Junnar, there is just no stopping the fun that one can have in Pune. Pune is the whole deal, everything around it is just a pleasant add-on, and who doesn’t like freebies, right?

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Lonavala city is one of the most beautiful retreats, that takes you away from the maddening rush of the metropolises. It is located in the western part of India in the Pune district of Maharashtra. This hill station lies 96 kilometres east of the metropolitan city of Mumbai and 64 kilometres west of modern-day Pune city. Therefore, a profound location on the Mumbai-Pune expressway makes Lonavala cater to both cities with the smoothest connectivity through roads. Lonavala City is popularly called the “city of caves' and the “Jewel of Sahyadri”. That is because the hill station boasts some of the most spectacular settings, including luxuriant green valleys, remarkable caves, serene lakes and stunning waterfalls. The spectacular rock-cut Bhaja and Karla caves in Lonavala have been notable tourists with their old beams, motifs and inscriptions. The surrounding regions of Lonavala are blessed with an unbeatable collection of waterfalls that include the Kune waterfall , Bhivpuri, Bhagirath and Jummapatti waterfalls. The refreshing ambience of the postcard-perfect landscape of Aamby Valley, Pawna Lake and Lonavala Lake is bound to impress you. Lonavala is famous for its natural wonders, religious attractions, and historical sites. These include the Tikona Fort , Duke’s Nose, Lohagad and Rajmachi fort. Lonavala hosts an array of fun activities for tourists and these include rappelling, camping at the Pawna Lake, hiking to the Tikona Fort, trekking to the Rajmachi fort and riding at Wet and joy water slides. Lonavala has a tropical climate but the weather is an all-time maritime one. However, all the stunning places and sites of Lonavala come alive during the winter and monsoon seasons. Thus, pack your bags and come here because Lonavala has something for everyone, from quiet time to adventure.

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Located just below the border of Mumbai, Alibag is a little coastal town in the state of Maharashtra. The name of the town literally means “The Gardens of Ali” and refers to the fruit orchards that were planted by Ali, an Israelite who used to live in the town during its earliest days. Owing to its convenient location by the sea, the town was regarded as an important strategic port during the British reign in India.  Being a coastal town, the beauty of Alibaug derives largely from the various beaches here. With its glittering golden black sands and clear blue waves, the clean and sparkling beaches of the town are a sight to behold. The brilliance of the beaches is often complemented by the historical fort ruins and ancient temples that can often be found scattered around the place. Whether you’re a lover of the sea or a history buff looking for an insightful vacation, Alibaug is just the place for you. The excellent beaches here, such as the Alibaug Beach, Mandwa Beach or Nagaon Beach, among others, offer a happening day out for the entire family. Apart from the regular swimming and sunbathing, some of these beaches offer a marvelous variety of watersports as well.T hose with a penchant for the past can also spend a happening day touring all the historical attractions here, such as the Brahma Kund or the Kolaba Fort. One of the best ways to spend your time while in Alibaug is to try your hand at the watersports offered by the beach here. Sports like parasailing, jet skiing and banana boating can be done by beginners as well as experts, and promise a fun experience for all. While in Alibaug, you can also try your hand at camping, with the several beachside campsites here offering perfect locations for the activity. Summers in Alibaug are generally hot and humid, winter months tend to be cooler and pleasant. Winter here lasts between November and February, and is generally considered to be the best time to visit. Rainfall in Alibaug generally concentrates between the months of July and September, while the winter months remain dry.

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Best of Maharashtra

 Places to Visit in Maharashtra, Tourist Places & Attractions

Located in the mountainous and scenic district of Raigad, Karjat is a municipal council and city. This city is also a part of Mumbai’s metro city that travelers prefer the most. Right from couples to kids and families, anyone can make the most of Karjat as a holiday destination. That is because the city has a lot to offer in terms of beating the boredom. The hilly town of Karjat is full of entrancing temples, monuments, lush green seraphic valleys and exquisite caves. Undoubtedly, this city is one of the incredible getaways for adventure seekers that takes just two hours to reach from Mumbai. Hindu pilgrims and hikers frequent the city for its ancient and imposing temples. You can visit the hill station from nearby cities of Mumbai as well. You can indulge in a host of spine-tingling activities that include mountain climbing, hiking, trekking and river rafting. The adorable little hill station is 62 kilometers away from Mumbai and is popular for its ambrosial landscapes as well as awe-inspiring fresh natural beauty. When in Karjat city you must visit the stunning and ancient Kondana caves for the adventurous trek and bewildering beauty, beside the beautifully sculpted riveting temple of Kondeshwar. Take a shower and slide down under the Bhivpuri waterfall, and trek up to the Sondai fort to witness the phenomenal view of the Changewadi waterfall. Do not miss out on the lovely valley of Ulhas that is replete with nature’s marvels and encompasses the most wondrous streams and fragrant waterfalls. All you need to do now is to list down the things you desire to indulge in Karjat, and grab a map to select the locations for the most authentic sight-seeing experience. The best time to visit the city of Karjat is during the monsoon as the place looks simply heavenly, lively and extremely delightful with its lush greenery, misty atmosphere and numerous waterfalls.

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Nestled in the picturesque Western Ghats, tourist places in Mahabaleshwar will captivate your imagination with their natural splendor. Mahabaleshwar is well known for its numerous rivers, magnificent cascades, and majestic peaks. The city comprises of ancient temples, boarding schools, manicured and lush green dense forest, waterfalls, hills, valleys that will take your breath away on your visit. The city is definitely among the most sought-after weekend getaways from metropolitan cities like Mumbai and Pune. Once, a summer capital of Bombay during the British Raj, the city has British influence of in its architecture. It is a very popular hill station that offers a plethora of tourist activities and attractions to avid travelers and nature lovers.

Plan your visit with Mahabaleshwar tour packages and witness the alluring dawns and dusks from the slope, in the midst of the rich green vista. Located about 120 kilometers southwest of Pune and 285 kilometers from Mumbai, Mahabaleshwar is a vast plateau measuring 150 kilometers, bound by valleys on all sides. The hill station in the Western Ghats is the source of the Krishna River that flows across Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Known for its captivating beauty and the stunning strawberry farms, Mahabaleshwar boasts of zigzagging roads, a calm breeze at all times, vantage points offering stunning views of hills and valleys, plenty of strawberries to gorge on and the main street full of shops offering all kinds of curios and snacks.

There are numerous enchanting tourist places in Mahabaleshwar exuding charm and elegance. Bordered by a few murmuring waterways, evergreen timberlands, captivating slopes and mountains there are some mesmerizing tourist places in Mahabaleshwar. Arranged in the Satara region in Maharashtra, Mahabaleshwar Sightseeing tours will get you near the captivating excellence of nature. The wonderful hill retreat brags of being one of the most splendid evergreen slope stations in India.

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Nashik is a holy site seated in Maharashtra that is known for its religious importance for Hindu temples. This ancient holy site is of great religious importance in Hindu religion. It is also one of the all 4 locations where Kumbh Mela, every 12 years is organised.  Nasik is adorned with a number of natural sites that will blow your mind from its beauty. From the sprawling beauty of Sahyadri range giving rise to streams of Western Ghat to lovely vineyards spread over the hills, Nashik’s beauty is unbeatable and offers relaxation of mind. The Anjneri Hill, Pandavleni Caves and others are some of the main attractions to visit for sighting natural beauty. This holy location resides on temple trails, caves, waterfalls and more to make a complete bucket list for you. Some of the renowned attractions to visit in Nasik are Sula Vineyards, Coin Museum, Dudhsagar waterfall, Ram kund, Soma Vine village and many more. From shopaholics to adventure and history lovers, Nasik has an array of attractions for all tastes of tourists.  Apart from exploration, you can also indulge into various adrenaline rushing activities to tick off every item in your bucket list.  Plan your itinerary with Nasik tour package with thrilling activities like rafting, cliff jumping, go karting, temple visits, cave exploration and more.  Nasik experiences pleasant weather in winters that makes it an ideal time to visit and explore it. Summers experience scorching heat with temperature shooting high up to 40 degree Celsius. During monsoons, this destination receives heavy rainfall thus making it the least ideal time to plan your visits.

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Situated in the Konkan region of Maharashtra, Raigad district is majorly known for its historical significance and awe-inspiring beauty. Earlier, the place was named as Coolaba but with the growing popularity of its Raigad fort, it was renamed to Raigad. Cradled amidst the mesmerizing Sahyadri ranges, this district welcomes you with a unique combination of beaches, religious temples, and historic forts. On your visit to this beautiful Konkani district, be ready to fall in love with its natural splendour that is second to none. As you will usher into the Raigad city, you will be welcomed by the striking landscapes of the Western Ghats and picturesque verdant beaches where one can unwind and bid farewell to their hectic lives. The city also boasts its diverse flora and fauna that forms the bedrock of its popularity. From verdant beaches like Alibag, Kihim, and Karnala to the historic forts like Kolaba, Raigad, and Sudhagad- Raigad has everything that makes it the tourist magnet of Maharashtra. With touristy spots like Elephanta Caves and Ashtavinayak Temple in reserve, it also provides you with a sneak peek into the glorious culture of Konkan region. Whether you want to embark on a scenic trip or delve deep into the history of Maharashtra, Raigad has got it all covered for you. There is a wide range of enthralling activities that one might indulge in here. Whether you are a loner who finds peace in looking out for exotic bird species at the Karnala Bird Sanctuary or the historic landmarks of the district is what that appeals to you the most- there is no dearth of things to do in Raigad. If you are willing to indulge in some exhilarating sports, set out on a ropeway ride near the Raigad fort and vouch for a fun-filled day. You can also embark on a gastronomic journey by exploring numerous restaurants across the city streets and relishing the taste of delicious Maharashtrian cuisines. Though the surreal landscapes and historical forts form the major highlights of Raigad, its pleasant weather adds to its existing charm. The city witnesses a pleasant climate during the colder months which makes it a superb winter destination. Hence, if you want to make the most out of your Raigad trip, it is best to visit here between November and March. Raigad experiences reduced tourist activities between March and June, owing to its hot weather during these months.

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Best of Mumbai

 Places to Visit in Mumbai, Tourist Places & Top Attractions

Named after the five majestic hills enclosing it, Panchgani makes for a renowned hill station in the Indian state of Maharashtra. Perched at an elevation of around 1,334 meters above sea level, this hill town is packed with towering mountains, serene valleys, cascading waterfalls, and dense forests. Overlooked by the Sahyadri mountains, this town served as a beautiful summer retreat for the British officials in the bygone times. At the present day, Panchgani is visited by a plethora of tourists seeking peace, romance, nature, and adventure.  Enthralling local destinations such as Sydney Point, Table Land, Rajpuri Caves, and Dhom Dam form the major attractions of Panchgani and add to the beauty and charm of the place. Panchgani is not limited just to a few picturesque sights, but also goes beyond to offer its visitors a plethora of mind-boggling activities. From shopping at Shivaji Circle to admiring nature at Wai and from exploring history at Kamalgad Fort to boating at Venna Lake, this place has everything to let you experience an action-packed holiday. If you are a daredevil and seeking adventure activities, Panchgani  can offer you a plethora of adrenaline-fuelled sports including paragliding, rock climbing, trekking, speed boating, and horse riding. One of the top aspects that adds to the pleasurable vacation at Panchgani is the availability of top-class accommodation facilities in this town. Panchgani is bestowed with a plethora of budget-friendly as well as luxury resorts and hotels that are suitable for families, couples, and friends. These hotels are well-equipped with modern amenities and offer amazing facilities including thrilling outdoor activities. Furthermore, packed with many nature-friendly camping destinations, this place also allows the travelers to enjoy surreal night camping opportunities. So, no matter the kind of traveler you are, pack your bags to Panchgani and discover an exquisite holiday brimming with history, adventure, nature, and a lot more.

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Located around 110 kilometres from Mumbai, Kolad is a small hamlet in the beautiful Raigad district of Maharashtra. Often called the Rishikesh of Maharashtra, the village boasts of numerous scenic valleys, which offers stunning views of the surrounding mist-laden hills and dense evergreen forests. The verdant greenery, clear streams and a peaceful ambience add to the beauty of this quaint hamlet. Kolad is a treasure trove of sightseeing attractions, and caters to all kinds of tourists. Some of the best attractions in Kolad City include the Kundalika River, which is the hub of white water rafting in the region. You can also visit the serene Tamhini Ghat, and soak in picturesque views of the surrounding hills. Or you can enjoy a fun-filled and memorable picnic at the Bhira Dam, while enjoying views of the gorgeous Devkund Waterfalls. Other famous attractions of Kolad include the ancient Ghosala Fort and the Kuda Caves. You can also enjoy camping and bird watching at the tranquil Sutarwadi Lake, or enjoy the history at the Talgad Fort. For adventure sports lovers, you can go trekking at the Plus Valley, or hike to the Devkund Waterfalls. From water sports like white water rafting and boating, to adventure activities like hiking, camping, nature walks and trekking, Kolad has a lot of thrilling activities for travellers. Due to its advantageous location, you can also enjoy paragliding in Kolad when the day is clear. Kolad experiences a typical tropical climate, with pleasant weather throughout the year. While the summers here are a little humid as compared to the other seasons, the monsoons are the best time to enjoy a river rafting experience in Kolad. Furthermore, the rains during this time make the entire region come to life, with the waterfalls and rivers flowing at their full speed, the forests and valleys experiencing the blooming of flowers and plants and an overall soothing and calm atmosphere. The months from November to February make up the cold winter season in Kolad, when the village transforms into a winter wonderland with dipping temperatures and beautiful sceneries. This is also a great time for sightseeing, hiking and other activities.

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Thane is located in the north-eastern region of Salsette Island. It is located in the outskirts of Mumbai and is governed by the Municipal Corporation. The city is the fifteenth most populated city in India and has a population of 1,890,000. It houses around thirty lakes and is laced by Parsik and Yeoor hills. Thane has breezy beaches and bustling city life, colonial architecture and a skyline of high rises and a quaint old-world charm. It is laced with serenity, and you can enjoy here the best mix of the sand, sun, and the sea. It has lush green meadows, jagged peaks, and landscaped gardens that seem straight out of a fantasy novel. The city presents a kaleidoscope of nature, culture, and wildlife and makes for an extravagant visual treat. Thane is replete with delightful insights and wonderful attractions that will leave a lasting impression on your mind. You can visit Naneghat Hills, which is a popular trekking trail for visitors. If you’re a history lover, you can visit Sudhagad Fort, which is a hilltop location renowned for its natural retreat. Gorakhgad Fort and Bassein Fort are also the major attractions in Thane that are an unusual retreat for trekkers and history lovers. Yazoo Park is a popular picnic spot in Thane that features a wide range of slides and rides. There are a plethora of enthralling activities that you can enjoy in Thane for an unforgettable vacation experience. You can enjoy adventure camping at Barvi Dam and trek to Chota Mahuli. For an added thrill, you can enjoy water rappelling in Kasara or undertake a nature Trail To TikuJi Ni Wadi. You can also visit Korum Mall, which is a central hub for foodies and shoppers. Thane enjoys tropical and hot weather all around the year. It receives copious rainfall from June to September. January is the coldest month of the year, with the mean daily maximum being 30.1 °C and the mean daily minimum being 16.4 °C.

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Nestled in the bosom of the Western Ghats, Igatpuri is a little hill station in the state of Maharashtra. Igatpuri is surrounded by some of the highest ranges of the Sahyadri Ranges, making it a haven for trekkers and nature lovers alike. The little town acts as a popular weekend destination around major cities like Pune and Maharashtra, and is often sought after for its serene ambience. Offering an ideal getaway in the very heart of nature, the little city is a perfect escapade from the hustle and bustle of the busy city life. With its numerous little hills, clear streams and thundering waterfalls, the beauty of Igatpuri city is quite unparalleled. Ancient fort ruins and historic temples add to the charm of the little town. Although little in size, the places to visit in Igatpuri are many. While lovers of history will have the time of their lives exploring the ancient forts of Tringalwadi and Avandha, nature lovers can spend a quieting time in the Kalsubai Harishchandragad Wildlife Sanctuary or the Vihigaon waterfalls. The little town is also extremely well known as the home to the world’s largest meditation centre, the Vipassana Academy, which acts as a wellness retreat. Whether you’re a nature lover or an adventure enthusiast, you will never run out of things to do while in Igatpuri. The adventure sport options in the city are many: from river rafting in the rapids of the Vaitarna, to camping under the open stars, Igatpuri has it all. The area is of a special interest to trekking and hiking enthusiasts, with its slopes and waterfalls offering an ideal location for the sport. Being located at a high elevation, Igatpuri enjoys pleasant weather throughout the year. The temperature generally remains on the cooler side. The hill station enjoys significant rainfall throughout the year, with the dry season spanning between November to March.


Best of Goa

15 Best Casinos in Goa - {{year}} (Location & Entry Fee)

Kamshet also known as the paragliding capital of India is located in the state of Maharashtra. It is 45 km from Pune, 16 km from Lonavala and Khandala, and 110 km from Mumbai. Surrounded by the Western Ghats and decked with Sahyadri Ranges' beauty, Kamshet is a fairyland with rich flora and fauna. It has a quaint vibe coupled with a rich cultural heritage, and you will get enchanted with its ever-captivating beauty. The gurgling waterfalls, monasteries, beautiful temples, and magnanimous hills are an emblem for serenity. It is a paragliding paradise that has been featured in the top ten must visit destinations of India for an enthralling expedition. Hence, it is dotted with many flying and paragliding schools. Kamshet is one of the best paragliding spots in India owing to its perfect weather and highly suitable topography. There are some of the best paragliding spots here like Shinde Wadi Hills, Tower Hill, Shelar and Kondeshwar Cliff. It is also blessed with Buddhist caves having sculptures and images of Lord Buddha. Some of the most picturesque lakes, such as Pawna Lake and Uksan Lake that offer a blissful escape from the fast-paced city life are also here. Begin your heritage exploration by visiting Tikona Fort, Lohagad Fort, and Visapur Fort, a testament to the rich past of this city. Kamshet is a hub for parasailing and you can try here acro tandem to instructional tandem and joy tandem. You can also pitch your tent at Pawna Lake to witness the sparkling night sky and learn about the local culture. Enjoy a trekking expedition at Visapur fort and enjoy zip-lining at Pawna Lake. Take part in cave Exploration at Bhairi caves and Bedse caves that are situated on the high rocks of Kamshet. Or simply relish the local food and world-class cuisines at some of the best restaurants and dhabas. Kamshet experiences a tropical climate with warm summers and cool winters. The summers start from March and extend till the end of April. During the summers, it experiences high humidity, and hence this season might feel uncomfortable visiting the town.

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Known as the” cutest little hill station of India”, the Matheran hill station is the best place to enjoy the sunset and sunrise view along with some mind blowing sceneries to keep you fresh and up front. This extraordinary hill station offers the best tourist places in Matheran which are untouched and undisturbed by the rustling city life that surrounds the town. The place is actually located on the Western Ghats that ranges in an elevation of around 800 meter above the sea level. The place always has a pleasant weather to enjoy during any time of the year, but its beauty gets added up during the season of rain and thunderstorm.

 Another thing about the beautiful hill station is that it is eco friendly and has no rush of cars and buses honking on the street. The major was taken by the government of Maharashtra in order to protect Matheran. The best thing about this place is that it is like a quiet and relaxing place with no buzzing of horns and pollution and along with that it contains some mesmerizing places and views of the extraordinary nature that will leave you bewitched of its beauty and make you feel relax and stress free.

  Just not only trekker, Matheran is a treat for the photographers also to explore and capture the best of the beauty of the beautiful hill station. The beauty of Western Ghats, Matheran is the smallest hill station of India. Travellers and tourists who visit the place love exploring the place by walking on foot. By which it becomes more exciting to get lost in the scenic beauty of the town while finding your way. Plan your trip to Matheran and indulge yourself in various activities that Matheran provides like camping, trekking, rappelling etc.

Matheran town is the best option for a person who loves getting lost in the nature and also for those who wants to take a break from their busy city life. The tourist places in Matheran are absolutely breathtaking.


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Perched beautifully amidst the Sahyadri ranges in the state of Maharashtra, Bhandardara is a wonderful hill station for nature lovers. It is often called the Queen of Sahyadri ranges for its lush green natural landscapes. The name Bhandardara literally translates to valley of treasures and it is not a doubt to say that the natural beauty of this place certainly justifies the name. It is a picturesque retreat for the backpackers in Ahmednagar district and boasts of some scintillating natural attractions for those who are fond of raw beauty of nature.

The village has prominent places like Wilson Dam, Umbrella Falls and Arthur Lake where you can plan a picnic with your loved ones. The village is also a delight for history lovers as there are places like Ratangad and Harishchandragad Fort. Another famous tourist attraction of Bhandardara is Mount Kalsubai which is also hailed as the highest peak in Maharashtra. There are also many local villages where one can visit to relax and enjoy the pleasant weather of this scenic hill station in Maharashtra.  

For the adventure lovers, there are some enthralling activities where you can explore Ajoba and Ghanchakkar peaks to soak in the serenity of nature with the views offered by Sahyadri ranges. 

There are numerous trekking and hiking places in the Sahyadri ranges where you can savour an adrenaline rush. Bhandardara also has various resorts where one can enjoy the panoramic views and just relax with their loved ones. The gorgeous hill station offers a soothing environment with a cool climate throughout the year where you can refresh yourself and see some of the most eye-catching vistas of the Sahyadri ranges. 

Bhandardara is a small village where the tourists are in for a treat as they are surrounded by mountains and enchanted by gurgling waterfalls away from the hustle and bustle of the cities. The place is a wonderful respite when you are looking for a rejuvenating weekend getaway near the city of Mumbai.

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Best of Pune

45 Resorts Near Pune For Weekend, Book & Get Upto 50% Off

Preached peacefully near the confluence of Krishna and Venna rivers, the city of Satara was established back in the sixteenth century. Being a part of Maharashtra, this city was once the seat of Chhatrapati of Maratha Empire. Exhibiting the true magic of nature, Satara is loaded with dream-like destinations and historical ruins. Sitting on the Sahyadri Range, the city of Satara is home to some of the most beautiful panoramas of the mountains and a wide variety of flora and fauna. Majorly known for its valley of flowers - Kaas Plateau, Satara has become a UNESCO Biodiversity World Heritage Site. Be it the scenery of gushing waterfalls or the pristine panoramas of lakes, this small city is loaded with pretty landscapes and adrenaline rushing topography. Ranging from historical ruins to natural abodes, there are several beautiful and adventurous places to visit in Satara. The Holy Natraj Mandir and the Shikhar Shingnapur have been acting as a sanctuary for many pilgrims. While locations like the Rajpuri Cave and Satara Fort are exhibiting the best of ancient craftsmanship, the places like Natskies Observatory and Mayani Bird Sanctuary have been attracting various adventure seekers. Be it watching flamingoes in the Mayani Bird Sanctuary or gazing into the planets from the Natskies Observatory, there is an array of fun activities one can enjoy in Satara. Visiting the waterfalls and dwelling in history in its many forts is also one of the must do things here. The most famous activity which has attracted thousands of tourists to Satara is trekking to Kaas Plateau, also known as “the valley of flowers”.Preached at a height of just 710 metres above the sea level, Satara is blessed with a tropical climate. The summers here will load you with heat and precipitation and the winters will last just for a month. The best time to visit here is just after the monsoons. The average temperature of Satara stays around 24 degree celsius.

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Karnala city is located in the Raigad district  of  Indian  State  Maharashtra. The city is about 65 km from the  city centre  of Mumbai and about 16 km from Panvel. The city has also got very good connectivity with the nearby metropolis. You will on no occasion face any kind of difficulties reaching your favorite place of interest. Karnala is loaded with bountiful natural beauty in terms of both flora and fauna. Coming over to this place especially in the monsoon time would be the best to spot alluring lush greenery all around. Karnala city is very well known for its bird sanctuary which is home to more than 150 species of birds and many other wild animals like rhesus monkeys, wild boars, etc. Karnala is  also widely popular among the history and architecture lovers because of its ancient fort that was constructed under the Devagiri Yadavas and Tughluqs in 1400 BCE. In the course of  your stay in Karnala, you can also visit Prabalgad Fort, Adai Waterfall, Khandala, Ambarnath Shiva Temple, and Elephanta Caves. Karnala is not  only visited by nature lovers and architecture lovers, but it is  also visited by avid adventure lovers. Karnala is a popular trekking paradise from a considerable time in the past. Apart from trekking to the Karnala Fort, you can also indulge in hiking to Kalavantin Durg, visit the Smart Eco-park, spend some relaxing time at Sagar Vihar Garden, view the sunset from Little Chowk Point, explore the beauty of the Kharghar Hills, and take a boat ride to the Khanderi Fort. Karnala has got a moderate climatic condition all through the year. The monsoons are bit severe and it is at times suggested to be very careful  while carrying out outdoor activities in this phase of the year. The best time to come over to Karnala to enjoy its pleasant weather would be from the month of October to the month of April.

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Lying at a small distance of about 35 kilometers from Pune, Mulshi is a scenic village with luxuriant environs. This place is an ecotourism hotspot that boasts natural serenity and a peace atmosphere. Owing to its rejuvenating and tranquilizing experiences, Mulshi city is considered to be one of the top-rated getaways from nearby cities like Pune and Mumbai. The green and clean environment, the photogenic vistas packed with bountiful flora, and the spectacular views of the majestic Sahyadri ranges make Mulshi nothing less than a piece of paradise. Dotted with verdant valleys, rugged cliffs, dense forests, and magnificent forts, this mesmerizing destination lures travelers of all moods. Mulshi tourism encompasses a plethora of well-known attractions that have achieved a lot of popularity among the travelers. While Tamhini Ghat entices tourists with its cascading waterfalls, shimmering lakes, and emerald green forests, Andharban Trail Point attracts travelers owing to its famous vantage points, meandering streams, and hiking paths. While Temghar Dam exhibits awe-inspiring scenic beauty and charming roads, Kailasgad Fort manifests tales of the bygone times. The city of Mulshi lets you enjoy umpteen varieties of joyous activities, irrespective of the type of holiday you are seeking. While the adventure seekers can trek to Koraigadh and Dhangad forts, spiritual seekers can seek blessings at Vanjai Mata temple. While couples can enjoy a romantic boat ride on the serene Mulshi Lake, families can experience camping and bonfire at the photogenic Mulshi Dam. Mulshi enjoys mild and moderate weather throughout the year. Monsoons pose to be the most ideal time to plan a trip to Mulshi, as the rains make the place more greener and livelier to let you bask in the enthralling beauty of this surreal destination. 

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Khandala City is a hill station that is located on the Western Ghats Mountain Range of Maharashtra. It is about 3 km from Lonavala, 12 km from Khopoli and about 33.4 km from Karjat region. Located at the top of Bhor Ghat, this place serves as the main link between the major cities of Maharashtra - Mumbai and Pune. Khandala is a beautiful place and has got a good share of nature’s alluring beauty. As it is surrounded by lush green forest covers, misty valleys, and cascading waterfalls, this place serves as a great weekend getaway as well as adventure hotspot for travellers from various parts of the country. Khandala is mainly famous for hiking tours to sight panoramic views of the Sahyadri mountain ranges in Western Ghats. Khandala is home to some of the wonderful tourist attractions in Western India. You can visit the vantage spots like Rajmachi Point and Sunset Point, dramatic three tiered Kune waterfalls, serene Tamhini ghat mountain pass, and ancient caves of Bhaja and Karla which are adorned with the etchings of Buddhist religion. You can also visit Lohagad which is known for its serene environs, Bhushi Lake for its peaceful ambience, Duke’s Nose for its impeccable beauty and many other brilliant attractions. Khandala is also a dream destination for adventure lovers. You can trek to the summit of the Tiger’s leap to sight pristine sunrise and sunset views, trek to the top of the Rajmachi fort to sight alluring natural beauty, relish the mesmerizing ambience at the reversing station, and trek up to the Shrivardhan Fort to glance the beautiful Sahyadri Mountain ranges. As Khandala lies about 571 meters above sea level, the climatic condition here remains tropical. Khandala receives significant rainfall in most months with a very short dry season. The average temperature of this place is 24.3 degree celsius and the annual rainfall is recorded at 4541 mm per year.

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Best of Karnataka

 Places to Visit in Karnataka, Tourist Places & Attractions

Located at a distance of about 65 km from Pune , the beautifully planned city of Lavasa is surrounded by the majestic Western Ghats. The city is constructed in the Mulshi Valley and covers a sprawling 25,000 acres. With such mesmerizing views of hills, valleys, and lakes, the city has gained immense popularity among different types of travelers. The beauty of this privately planned city lies in the seamless blend of stunning infrastructure and the enrapturing beauty of nature. Here, you will find different topographical variations such as the lofty Sahyadri range, the beautiful rivers, and the gorgeous valleys. The serene ambiance coupled with the raw beauty of nature soothes the soul from the stressful chaos of daily life. The magnificent city of Lavasa boasts numerous attraction sites. You can explore the enigmatic beauty of nature in the form of Tikona Fort, Devkund waterfall, Dasve Viewpoint, and the Tamhini Ghat. However, if you seek adventure, then you can visit the Xthrill Adventure Academy, Vortex Splash Pad, etc. No matter your traveling preferences, rest assured your wanderlust will be satisfied. There are a plethora of activities that you can indulge in Lavasa. If you are an adventure fanatic, then there are various exciting adventurous activities for you. You can try out rappelling, hiking, camping, raft building, biking, etc. However, if what you seek is peace and the chance to admire nature, you can do that too. Now, if you are a foodie, then Lavasa will definitely not disappoint you. Here, you will find different regional and global cuisines. With an altitude of about 3000 sq feet from the sea level, Lavasa enjoys a tropical climate. It means that the weather is pleasant throughout the year. However, the best time for a visit is between the months of September and March.

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Famed for being the port town of Maharashtra , Ratnagiri City is located on the shores of Arabian Sea. A very big exporter of Alphonso mangoes, this place has been a very important business centre for Maharashtra. Having the Sahyadri Range on its other side, this town remains loaded with the best of nature’s bounties. Having its location on the shore, the places like the beaches, ports and lighthouses altogether add to the beauty of this town. Ratnagiri is dotted with numerous such locations which are picture perfect and are ought to be the perfect spots where people can relish the best of nature. From lakes to rivers and mangroves, this small town is loaded with a big array of waterbodies. Be it the ancient forts like the Jaigad Fort or the locations related to India's struggle of freedom like the Tilak Ali Museum, Ratnagiri is loaded with numerous places perfect for sightseeing tours. Many beaches like the Mandwa Beach and the Pandre Samudra also attract various tourists with their white sandy shores and coasts dotted with palms. If wishing to indulge in some of the most adrenaline rushing activities then Ratnagiri will make sure that you are provided with the proper dosage of thrill. The pristine beaches surrounding it are loaded with various activities you can try your hands on including boating, swimming and many others. Being a port city, the town of Ratnagiri is surrounded by waters on its one side, thus making its climate moist in the summers. Due to high levels of precipitation, the rains remain high as well, thus making winters the best time to enjoy a vacation here. The average temperature of Ratnagiri remains close to 20 degree celsius and can go up in the summers. Overall, the climate here is pleasant enough for you to enjoy hassle free sightseeing tours.

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Nagpur City, or the city of oranges one may say, is a part of Maharashtra and known for its diverse culture. Situated on the banks of River Nag, this city has been the centre of India during the british rule a witness of which is the Zero Mile Marker. Being a major trade centre of Oranges has made it a very famous city of Maharashtra. Nagpur has a population of more than 26 Lakhs and covers up an area of 227.4 KM square.For the ones who wish to spend some time in the laps of nature and want to appreciate its impressive creations, the beauty of Nagpur will offer perfect chances to do so. Being a home to around 11 lakes and three tiger reserves, this city has been a go to spot for nature enthusiasts. Places like the Lata Mangeshkar Musical Garden and the Japanese Rose Garden add more charm to its beauty. The places to visit in Nagpur city range from natural to thrilling and historical to religious. Many attractions like the Deekshabhoomi and the Ambazari Lake and Garden have been a very famous tourist spot here. Attracting people from various corners of the world, the Umred Pauni Karhandla Wildlife Sanctuary And Tiger Reserve takes you close to the wild cats and adds the much required thrill on your vacation. If you are an adrenaline junkie and want to indulge in various thrilling adventures then Nagpur will make sure that you get what you want. With its lofty hills to trek on and serene lakes to enjoy boating at, this place offers various activities to its guests.Being a part of Maharashtra state, Nagpur lies close to the seas and often experiences humid and damp climate. The average temperature of Nagpur lies around 22 degree celsius. The monsoon season in Nagpur starts from June and ends in the start of August, making the window of August to November the best time to enjoy a vacation  here.

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Mandwa is a small village that lies in the heart of Maharashtra in Raigarh district. It is about 9 km distance from Alibaug and about 100 kilometers from Mumbai by road. Mandwa can also be reached by the Mumbai Alibaug ferry, which starts from the gateway of India and ends at a small harbor near the village. This small fishing village is now a renowned beach destination and a popular weekend getaway where you can get away from the hustle and bustle of the city life. This place is renowned for its Buddhist caves, churches, ruins of Portuguese historical sites, and a synagogue. Another famous attraction of this spot is the Karmarkar Museum that is known for its alluring sculptures. It is also renowned for its beautiful Mandwa beach that is thronged by tourists all around the year. The beach is lined with coconut and areca palms. It looks like a paradise with golden white sands and blue waters with white foamy waves crashing the shores. The view of the sunset from the beach is really breathtaking.  Mandwa village and the adjoining beach is particularly known for their abundant water sport activities. This includes Banana Boat, Jet Ski, bumper ride, Quad Bike Ride, Wakeboarding, Power kite, Parasailing, Kite surfing, and swimming. You can also enjoy fishing around the beach to test out your adventurous skills. The pristine vibes of this beach offer a pleasant and relaxing experience for the visitors. The best time to visit this beach is between November to May. At this time, the sky is clear, and you can see the best sunsets on the horizon. In the summer months, you can enjoy the buzz of watersports activities here, and you can also have a long walk around the seashore. The weather in this region is hot and humid during summer, and it experiences heavy rains during monsoon. 


Best of Alibag

 Places to Visit in Alibag, Tourist Places & Top Attractions

 Shirdi, also known as Sainagar, is a town located in the Rahata Taluka of district Ahmednagar. The quaint city of Shirdi is one of the holiest places to visit in Maharashtra. While most people know Shirdi for its temples and pilgrimages, the city has so much more to offer to tourists. The city is famous around the globe as the birthplace of late 19th century spiritual guru Sai Baba. His temple, Sai Baba Mandir attracts thousands of tourists each year and gives peace and solace to the visitors. Here you can witness the resting place of the saint and take blessings. Besides that, there are plenty of religious temples like Hanuman Mandir, Shani Shingnapur, and Dwarkamai that can take you on a deep spiritual journey of cleansing. Whether you follow any religion or not, you will find peace within the walls of the shrines.    Apart from religious spots, the city is home to Sai Heritage Village that is like stepping into the past to witness the life of Sai Baba. The Wet N Joy Water Park can also give you a refreshing time with family and friends. The exquisite Jangli Maharaj Ashram and Lendi Baug encompass lush greenery that can rejuvenate you with the pristine beauty. Shirdi is a popular spot for tourists all around the year. The holy city is located in the laps of majestic western ghats. The pleasant weather here makes it ideal for you to unwind and have a sacred journey with ease. If you are seeking religious harmony along with the epitome of simplicity, natural beauty and fun activities to enjoy, Shirdi is the place to visit. Plan your trip today for a great time.  

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Ahmednagar is a beautiful city that is also the largest district in Maharashtra, India. This city was founded in the year 1490 by Ahmad Nizam Shah, and eventually, the city came to be named after him. As the city of Ahmednagar is situated in the rain-shadow-region of the Western Ghats, this region has a rugged natural beauty along with undulating stretches of lush greenery and mesmerising flower valleys.There are several attractions in this city. Some of the most remarkable places to visit are the majestic Ahmednagar Fort, Amruteshwar Temple, Shri Siddhivinayak Temple, Meher Baba’s Samadhi and much more. There are also a number of natural attractions such as the mesmerising Sandhan Valley, Randha Falls, Bhandardara Lake, and the Umbrella Falls, all of which are ideal for trekking, picnics and nature walks. In fact, Ahmednagar is known for the many adventure activities that can be enjoyed when you are here. Hiking, trekking and rappelling are some of the most sought-after activities you can enjoy in the enthralling cliffs of the Sahyadri ranges. Harishchandragad Trek and rappelling at Kokan Kada are some of the popular sports that are enjoyed by all visitors. Since Ahmednagar is situated on the side of the Western Ghats that receives less rainfall, the city generally experiences a hot and dry climate throughout the year. The summers are very hot and dry and rainfall, even during the monsoon season, is sparse. The winter mornings are cool and sunny and it is the best time to visit the city and enjoy its natural and historical beauty.

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A small coastal town nestled in the Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra, Malvan forms a popular getaway for beach buffs and adventure junkies. The beach town is settled on the Konkan coast which is sprawled over the coastal regions of Maharashtra, Goa, and Karnataka. In addition to being the flourishing hub for adventure sports and beach activities, Malvan also serves as a confluence point of Arabian Sea and Karli river. With vast expanses of white sandy beaches, and rich aquatic life as its prime facets, the beauty of Malvan needs no introduction. The city also houses a coral beach named Tarkali where you can hop on a leisurely boat ride across the Karli River and admire the picturesque landscapes of Malvan. To soak in the panoramic backdrops of this coastal beauty, make your way to the iconic Rock Garden which awaits your presence with its tranquil sea breeze and meandering waves.   If you are hunting for the best sightseeing attractions in Malvan, get ready to be spoiled for choices. The city is home to a plethora of beaches where you can slack off on the white sand, soak in the sunset views, or indulge in adrenaline-stirring water sports. From pristine beaches like Kolamb, Achara, and Malvan to adventure spots such as Tarkali, the list of attractions in Malvan goes on and on. If you are looking for some serene spots to laze around on your leisure vacation, don’t miss out on a visit to Chivla Beach, Tsunami Island and Rock Garden. For all the history buffs who wish to dive deeper into the ancient account of the city, Sinhagad Fort is an ideal relaxation spot.  Malvan city appeals to both leisure travelers, as well as, adventure enthusiasts, thanks to its diverse topography that has got something for everyone. While attractions like Rock Garden give you respite from the maddening hustle and bustle of the city, the adventure sites of Tarkarli, Devbagh beach, and Tsunami Island awaits your presence with a wide range of adrenaline experiences. While here, feel free to go scuba diving at one of its beaches, pose like a star at the Bollywood Film City, and spend a day surrounded by marine species and corals. Don’t forget to amuse your taste buds with the delicious Malvani cuisines which include Jhinga Fry, Solkadhi, Ghavan, and Malvani Khaja.   Being a coastal beauty, Malvan experiences somewhat hot and humid weather throughout the year. However, the monsoon and winter months are comparatively cooler and hence, come as a great respite for the travelers who want to explore around the town without getting beaten up by the scorching heat. If you are ready to bear with the sultry weather for the love of beaches, you can visit Malvan even during the summers.   

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Located a little over 200 kilometres from Mumbai, Dapoli is a small city surrounded by coconut and palm trees. Dapoli is located in the northern part of the district of Ratnagiri, in the Konkan region of Maharashtra, and is a popular beach destination. In addition to the many coconut farms that are scattered in Dapoli, the city also has numerous scenic beaches, which offer beautiful views of the seashore and the natural landscapes. The verdant greenery, along with the hills surrounding the city, add to its beauty. Dapoli is a treasure trove of sightseeing attractions, and has something to offer to all kinds of tourists. From pristine beaches and historical structures, to ancient temples, mesmerising caves and age-old forts, the city has a lot to explore. Some of the best attractions of Dapoli include the Harnai Sea Port, which is one of the best attractions that offer a glimpse into the rich history and culture of the region. Other famous attractions of Dapoli include the Kanaka Durga Fort, also known as the Land Fort, and the Suvarnadurg, or the Sea Fort. You can also take a dip at the perennial Unhavare Hot Springs, and relax during your trip here. For history buffs, the best place to visit in Dapoli are the ancient Panhalekaji Caves, where you can not only enjoy the history, but also the archaeology findings. For those who love water sports, you can visit one of the many scenic beaches in the region, such as the Murud Beach, or the Kelshi Beach. When visiting Dapoli, you can also enjoy a lot of exciting activities. In addition to water sports like swimming, surfing and parasailing, to adventure activities like hiking and trekking, Dapoli has a lot to offer to tourists. You can also enjoy exploring the caves here or watching dolphins in the backwaters in Dapoli. Due to its advantageous location in the Konkan region, Dapoli is also a great place to indulge in the local Kokum juice, jackfruit chips or the numerous mouth-watering Konkani delicacies. Due to its tropical location, Dapoli experiences cool weather throughout the year. However, summers in Dapoli are comparatively more humid than the other months. The rainy season from July to September makes the entire region come to life with lush greenery and a relaxing ambience everywhere. The months from October to March make up the winter season in Dapoli, when the cool weather makes it great for sightseeing and water sports, and even dolphin watching.

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Best of Mahabaleshwar

 Places to Visit in Mahabaleshwar & Top Tourist Places

The city of Aurangabad in Maharashtra is the sixth most populated city in the state and is an important cultural hub. The city has a hilly landscape and is the centre of art, education and commerce. Aurangabad is also famous throughout the country for its silk and cotton clothes. Despite not being a metropolitan city, it is well-connected internally via urban transport facilities. It has a well-developed network of buses, metered taxis and chauffeur-driven cars for hire. Auto-rickshaws are also available in plenty to travel locally. Well-organized bus service is also provided if one needs to travel to and from Aurangabad and other cities. The most famous and important place to visit in Aurangabad is Ajanta and Ellora caves. It is the most historically significant asset of the city. These caves are situated 99 km from the main city of Aurangabad and are some of the finest specimens of rich Indian heritage. The Ajanta caves were built around the 2nd to the 6th century A.D. and Ellora Caves were built sometime during the 6th and 11th century A.D. These caves were carved out from a single rock and cave paintings inside that are thousands of years old, give you a breathtaking insight into the history of art and culture in India. Other important sites to visit in and around Aurangabad are Bibi Ka Maqbara, Daulatabad Fort, Jama Mosque, Grishneshwar Temple, Himayat Bagh, Salim Ali Lake and Panchakki, to name a few. The best time to visit Aurangabad is between October and March. The weather during this time of the year remains pleasantly cool which makes it ideal for exploration and sightseeing. Winters are cold as the temperature drops down to a minimum of 10 degrees Celsius, which is relatively pleasant. There are several hotels, resorts, home-stays and inns in the area to accommodate all your needs comfortably when you visit Aurangabad.

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Panvel City happens to be a municipal corporation in Raigad district of Maharashtra. This city is also termed as the gate of Raigad as it is the first city that one would pass through while entering Raigad from the East. The city is located on the banks of Gadhi River which connects to the Arabian Sea. It is an incredible tourist destination as it remains cool and comfortable all though the year making it convenient for tourists to plan out trips. Being at this city, you will get to enjoy the natural rawness, serene beauty, alluring lush greenery, and much more. Panvel is located at a close proximity to Mumbai which means there are a lot of places of tourist interest where you can marvel along with your loved ones. In the course of your visit, you must explore Prabalgad Fort, Major Ashtivinayak Mandir Ballaleshwar Mandir, 165-years Old Beth El Synagogue Panvel, Peaceful Vibes of Adai Waterfalls,  Famous Hindu Shrine Khandeshwar Shiva Temple , Haven For Birdwatchers Karnala Bird Sanctuary and Kalavantin Durg. Panvel city can be considered as one of the best place in Mumbai for adventure seekers as you can explore the nature and mystic waterfalls, get in touch with your spiritual side, indulge in architectural sightseeing, birdwatching, take a sneak peak into historical architecture, have some fun in the water park, learn about culture at Beth El Synagogue Panvel, trekking and sightseeing. The climatic condition of Panvel city remains moderate all through the year with pleasant atmosphere perfect for sightseeing and outdoor activities. 

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Khopoli is an industrial city that falls into the Raigad district of Maharashtra and is among the topmost weekend getaway destinations from Mumbai and Pune. The encompassing Sahyadri Hills bring much natural opulence to the city and offer a relaxing break in the lap of lush surroundings. The temperatures and climate conditions remain nice and comfortable all throughout the year which is also a major reason behind the tourism influx here. Besides this, Khopoli is also replete with numerous recreational attractions and sites that add the perfect charm to your trip.  Whether you are a family heading to Khopoli or friends and couples, there is something for everyone to enjoy here. One of the most popular places being Imagica - it is a modern day water and amusement park that has many thrilling rides, Rollercoaster, themed areas and much more that can entertain people of all ages. If you are someone who would like to seek adventures while also spending time in quiet surroundings then the Kune and Zenith waterfalls and Tungarli Lake are the best picks for you to go on treks, nature-walks and picnics. Many ancient temples and vantage are also a part of the Khopoli landscape that lures devotees, and adrenaline-junkies and photographers respectively. To further enhance your holiday to the city, many upscale resorts and hotels are available in the most prime locations that one can explore as lodging options for a comfortable and enjoyable time

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Settled along the bank of the Vasai Creek that extends into the Ulhas River flowing through the Western state of Maharashtra, Vasai is a bustling metropolis in the Palghar district. One of the most popular attractions of the town is the centuries-old Vasai Fort also known as Bassein Fort. It is surrounded by water on three sides and has a rustic design that looks appealing against the green environs. To spend a tranquil picnic people head to this spot over a weekend from Mumbai and Pune. You can also  plan a trip to Vasai-Virar almost all through the year due to the unchanged nice and pleasant climate with lower temperatures.  Furthermore, to satiate your need for adventure one can pay a visit to the Arnala Beach in Vasai-Virar. The place is fringed with palm trees, soft sand and clear sea waves where you can also indulge in parasailing, Jet-skiing, horse-riding and much more. Typically the travellers make a short trip here over the weekend to relax and unwind at any of the luxury resorts and lodging options amidst natural scenery, or a religious visit at the prestigious temples like Tungareshwar, Jivdani and other temples. Moreover, in the last few years the Waterparks and other entertainment facilities in Vasai have also been a welcomed surprise to the people, especially families wanting to have a full-day of fun with their young ones. The water and amusement rides at the Great Escape and other parks offer a lot of memorable experiences. 


Best of Igatpuri

 Things to Do in Igatpuri 2024

Idling along the banks of the Panchganga river, Kolhapur is a little Indian city in the state of Maharashtra. With its birth dating back to the medieval era, Kolhapur is one of the oldest cities in the country, and its age is evident in the numerous ancient forts and monuments it houses. The city was once a princely state ruled by the Maharaja Emperor Chhatrapati Shahu, and was later declared independent after 1947. Flanked by the towering Sahyadris on one side and the sidling river on the other, the beauty of the little city is one to behold. From shining lakes to well-manicured gardens, the city has it all. The charm of the historic place is enhanced by the towering forts and palaces around it, which stand testament to the glorious past of Kolhapur. One of the best ways to spend your time while in Kolhapur is to take a tour of the various ancient attractions around the place. From the majestic Panhala Fort, to the Chhatrapati Shahu Museum at the New Palace, these attractions help one get a better feel of the city and its history. Those with a love for nature can also spend a day touring the Dajipur Wildlife Sanctuary, or having a picnic by the banks of the Rankala Lake, which offer peaceful escapades from the bustle of the regular city life. If you’re of a religious bent of mind, you can also spend a fruitful time visiting the various temples in the city. Whether you’re an adventure enthusiast or one with a religious disposition, you can never run out of things to do while in Kolhapur. Those with an adventurous spirit can spend a good day trekking to the Panhala Fort or taking a jeep safari at the Dajipur Wildlife Sanctuary. Alternatively, one can take a quiet evening walk around the Rankala Lake, or even have a pleasant picnic at the Amba Ghat. Kolhapur experiences summer between April to September. During this time, the weather here generally remains warm and clammy, with a high level of humidity. Winter in the city occurs between the months of November and February, during which the temperature generally remains on the cooler side. The months between June and October generally experience a high degree of rainfall, making it the designated monsoon season here.

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Nestled amidst the sea, Sindhudurg stands tall as a remarkable part of Maharashtra. This eternal place is an aide-memoire of royalty and grand history. Carved out of the erstwhile Ratnagiri District, Sindhudurg falls under Konkan division. The city is surrounded by Ratnagiri district on the north, Goa on the south, the Arabian Sea by the west, and crest of the Sahyadri Range by the east.  Sindhudurg is made up of exotic beaches and royal forts. In ancient times, from the Sindhudurg fort to Vijaydurg fort, Sindhudurg’s importance lay significantly in the numerous sea forts and sky-high edifices.  Also, the astonishing Mangeli waterfall, Napapne waterfall, Shivapur waterfall, etc. are an epitome of the place’s natural beauty.  When it comes to  tourist attractions in Maharashtra , Sindhudurg has a whopping range of places to visit. Dating back to the 17th century, Maratha warrior King, Chhatrapati Shivaji established Sindhudurg fort over a rocky island location. The fort is flanked by the Western Ghats and the Arabian Sea on respective sides. Also, the traditional and authentic side of Sindhudurg embellishes with Navadurga temple and India’s oldest Sai temple. With an impressive coastline, the city features several beaches, like the Tarkarli beach, Nivati beach, among others. A city filled with grandiose and adventure, one will never run out of things to do in Sindhudurg. To quench the adrenaline rush, you can head to Tarkarli for scuba diving, Nivati for snorkelling, and other activities. Also, your nature-loving soul would be mesmerized by the safari organised amidst the dense forests of Sindhudurg. You will come across several wild animals like leopard, wild boar, mongoose, elephants, etc.  However, the climate of Sindhudurg plays an important role in exploring the niceties. The climate is semi-tropical and it remains warm and humid throughout the year. The proximity to the Arabian sea results in heavy rainfall and proximity to Sahyadri brings cold and misty weather. The temperature usually drops to 15 degrees Celsius in winters and rises to 32 degrees Celsius in summers.

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Ganpatipule, a small town residing amidst white sandy beaches of Maharashtra. This town might be small but holds a significant position in the Hindu mythology. Ganpatipule is 25 km away from Ratnagiri and along the Konkan coast of Maharashtra. It is governed and maintained by the Ganpatipule Gram panchayat.  The beauty of Ganpatipule resides significantly in the folklore of Lord Ganesha. Here, you will come across a hill shaped like lord Ganpati along with the convergence of a river and a beach. This idyllic getaway is a holy destination for peace-seekers. Also, the virgin beaches of the town are far away from commercialization. These beaches boast off white clear sands and pristine waters, perfect for a quiet holiday. When it comes to  places to visit in Maharashtra , Ganpatipule has conquered it all. The town comprises of iconic temples and holy religious faith. The most unique place of the town is the 400-year-old, self-created monolith of Lord Ganesha. Head here to dive into the pool of serenity and spirituality. Also, don’t forget to stroll through the splendid coastline and mangroves trees present at the Ganpatipule.  With so much to see and do, Ganpatipule will not let you sit idly. If you want to participate in the Puja practices, you can visit the Swayambhu Ganapati Temple, a self-created ancient place. Also, the festival of Ganesha Chaturthi is a prosperous occasion to witness the vibrancy of rituals and celebrations. Along with religious practices, Ganpatipule also excels in offering adventure sports from November to May. During this time, several watersports activities like boating etc. take place. The proximity to the sea results in a humid climate of Ganpatipule. In summers, May is considered as the hottest month when the temperature rises to 40 degrees Celsius. Whereas, heavy rainfall is usually observed from June to October.

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Best of Kamshet

 Places to Visit in Kamshet, Tourist Places & Top Attractions

The city of Lord Indra, Amravati, is the second-largest city of the Vidarbha region in Maharashtra. Situated 156 km west to Nagpur, this eternal city is named after the ancient Ambadevi temple and  serves as the administrative centre of Amravati district. Earlier, the city was assigned to the East India Company and it became a part of state Maharashtra in 1960. The beauty of Amravati is synonymous with stunning religious edifices. The city is home to the intricately built architectural wonders of Shri Ambadevi temple, Shri Krishna temple, and Shri Venkateshwara Swamy temple. Apart from the overwhelming spiritual vibes, Amravati boasts of glorious hill stations too. From Satpura hills to Panchbol point, nature’s bounty of Amravati can’t be explained in words. There might be a plethora of  places to visit in Maharashtra  but Amravati is exceptionally unique. The true essence of spirituality can be explored at the holy temples. During Navratri, Ambadevi temple lights up gloriously. You can witness the vibrant and enthusiastic celebrations inside the temple. For a laid-back experience, you can head to Chatri Talao and Wadali Talao. Or, head to Melghat Tiger Reserve for witnessing one of the last remaining habitats of Indian tigers in Maharashtra.  In Amravati, you will never run out of things to do. For an outdoor adventure, head to Chikhaldhara and embrace the beauty of Vidarbha region’s only hill station. If you are a photography enthusiast, explore the Hurricane Point, Prospect Point, or Devi Point. Or, you can take a brisk walk through the forests to reach these points. Many tourists prefer to stay close to these holy places and participate in spiritual meditation. The beauty of Amravati outshines with the exotic climate of this city. Throughout a year, you will witness tropical wet and dry weather. Like other cities of Maharashtra, this place experiences heavy rainfall during monsoon. The summers are usually dry and the temperature rises to almost 49 degrees Celsius. On the contrary, winters are mild and the temperature drops to 5 degrees Celsius too.

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Located on the shores of the Arabian Sea, Tarkali is a small hamlet in the western part of Maharashtra. This village is renowned for its pristine clear water of the sea and the white sands, which marks the beach. A newfound weekend getaway from Mumbai and Goa, this place offers a host of adventurous water sports. To the south of this hamlet flows the Tarkarli river lined by dense forest. Take a boat ride in the river to enjoy the serenity of the backwaters where it flows into the Arabian Sea. For a walk through the history, you must visit the Sindhudurg Fort located on the shore of the sea. A visit to this offbeat destination in Maharashtra ensures that you relax on the beaches lined with suru trees. Other attractions on the beach are scuba diving and snorkeling sessions where you can enjoy the view of the world beneath the sea! What makes this village all more alluring is the tranquil beaches like Kolam, Achara, and Tarkarli where you can watch the sunset down the sea. The hue of the setting sun will completely enchant your mind and body. In addition to the splendid beauty of the sea, you can also spot dolphins prancing around in the waters. For relishing on some extraordinary seafood and boat rides in the sea, do visit Deobagh, a small fisherman village nearby. Also, the extensive Dhamapur lake, encircled with lush greenery is ideal for finding solace within nature. Sit and unwind yourself by the lake and enjoy the delicacies from the eateries around. Don’t forget to enjoy the local shark curry and fresh seafood to mingle with the authentic culture of this little beach hamlet!

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Maval is a small town and a popular tourist destination of Maharashtra where agro tourism has flourished over the years. It belongs to Maval taluka in Pune district of Maharashtra. Maval town is located 59 km west of Pune. Nestled amidst the Sahyadri range, Maval abounds natural and historical marvels with hills, dams, old forts and ancient caves. After monsoon the entire region seems to be covered under a green blanket which attracts tourists to spend their vacation close to nature. Three major vacation spots of Maharashtra- Mahabaleshwar, Lonavala and Khandala are located close to Maval. Apart from being hotspots of tourism, these places are the shooting sites of a number of Bollywood movies. Maval is also famous as a historical site and two most important historical monuments are the Korigad Fort and Tikona Fort. There are several museums in Maval that preserve portraits, inscriptions, pottery items, manuscripts and paintings of the earliest days. Maval, being close to Lonavala and Mahabaleshwar, is a preferred destination for adventure activities. Kamshet is an alluring campsite amid the mountains and forests. You can also enjoy boating in the tranquil waters of Takve Lake. Those who are looking for some adrenaline rush water sports can participate in water rappelling, tunnel climbing, skywalk and river crossing. Mountain lovers can go trekking to the Bhaja caves and get an insight of Buddhism. If you are looking for a restful vacation in natural surroundings, Maval is the right place for you. Maval enjoys a pleasant climate round the year. Winters are chilly and summers are hot and dry. The breezy climate of the place makes it favourable for sightseeing and adventure activities.

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Known as the Mini Mahabaleshwar of Thane, Jawhar is a quaint hill station surrounded by lush and majestic Sahyadri ranges. Earlier it was under Thane but now comes in the newly-made Palghar district. The hill station not only boasts of its surreal beauty but amuses visitors with its strong cultural ethics and ancient architectural marvels. Founded under the Munke dynasty, it also served as the camping point for Maratha king Shivaji and his army. A tranquil getaway from the city's hustle-bustle, Jawhar is a comparatively less explored and untouched hill station in Maharashtra. With an abundance of the scenic beauty of verdant valleys, stunning mountains, deep woods, cascading waterfalls, accompanied by a pleasant climate all year round make this small town a true nature retreat. From grand ancient temples (Hanuman Point), serene dams (Jaisagar Dam, Khad Khad Dam), magnificent palaces (Jai Vilas Palace, Old Fort) to majestic waterfalls like Dabhosa, etc., Jawhar houses a myriad of attractions that enthrall visitors of all ages. It is a perfect spot to have a rejuvenating experience, capture beautiful panoramic views, and learn about rich heritage and culture. Along with these, it is also famous for its tribal communities like Warli, Kolcha, and Kukana, which are trying to preserve their art and culture by offering their adobes as homestays and selling their handicrafts like Warli paintings, wooden items, etc., as souvenirs. Jawhar is gaining popularity as a gorgeous weekend destination for romantic couples, peace seekers, nature lovers, and even adventure lovers. With a range of thrilling activities like mountaineering, trekking, hiking, witnessing sunset views, eating, to shopping, Jawhar offers a range of fun-filled to adrenaline-raising activities to satisfy the fantasies of every sort of traveler. Being covered with thick forests and valleys, it offers a fresh and pollution-free environment throughout the year. Though monsoons transform it into a green paradise having a number of splashing waterfalls, it offers pleasant temperatures for outdoor activities in winters. Jawahar offers a tranquil and refreshing break in all seasons and leaves you with cherishable memories.

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Junnar city is located in the district of Pune of the Indian State of Maharashtra. The heritage of this city dates back almost to the first millennium. As per the legends, the fort close to this city, Shivneri Fort happens to be the birthplace of the great Maratha King Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Junnar city was also declared as the first tourism taluka of Pune District by the State Government of Maharashtra on 9th of January, 2018. The city has been one of the important parts of the trading and political centre for the two millenium as it falls on the trade route that links some of the western ports of India.  Junnar is dotted with a number of beautiful tourist attractions which will surely cast a mystical charm in your mind. During your visit to this city, you can marvel at lenyadri girijatmaj temple which is popular for its natural beauty and divine connections, Junnar Fort which is popular for its majestic stance and heritage, Shwanta Theatre which is known for its classical acts and culture, Junnar Caves known for its artworks and mystery, Lenyadri Caves famous for its a series of about 30 rock-cut Buddhist caves, and Harishchandragad Fort known for its trekking activities.  There are a lot of activities to indulge during your visit to the historical city of Junnar. You will get a chance to visit loads of religious places, marvel at some of the historical and mythological attractions, explore the wonderful forts and caves, and enjoy some trekking expeditions through the Sahyadri Mountain Ranges.  The climate of Junnar city is hot semi arid type along with tropical wet and dry type. The average temperature of this place ranges in between 20 and 28 degree celsius. The summer months are experienced from the month of March to the month of May, rainy season is experienced from the month of June to the month of October and winter season is experienced from the month of November to the month of February. 

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Konkan Coast is the 700 km long rugged section of the Western Coastline of Arabian Sea which extends from Damon in the North to western side land of Maharashtra and Goa. The coast is dotted with loads of tourist places adorned with alluring natural beauty and plethora of things to do. You would come across exoitc tropical settings with bountiful offerings of nature in forms of cascading waterfalls of Alibaug, virgin landscapes of Alibaug, age old historical forts of Kelshi, heritage sites of Dapoli, and scrumptious seafood of Ratnagiri. This is all that you can expect from the Konkan Coast. The coast also calls for adventure getaways to test your skills and to challenge your soul. With trekking, parasailing, kayaking, banana boat rides, forest trails, and much more, every single adventure seeker will meet his or her dream arena to jump out of the comfort zone to try out something out of the box and come out with flying colors. Apart from scenic natural beauty and nerve wracking adventures, the Konkan Coast is also home to some of the largest cities of India like Mumbai and Thane which will give you a vacation with modern comfort and luxury. Heading out on a trip to the Konkan Coast to explore the exotic beaches of Ganpatipule, port townships of Ratnagiri, wholesome Alibaug, fort township of Sindhudurg, cultural trails of Dapoli and the hidden gem Kelshi, you will surely be delighted.

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Nestled amidst the Sahyadri ranges, Durshet is a town settled between Mumbai and Pune. The area is surrounded by hillocks and plateaus with rivers and waterfalls decorating the premises. This accustoms the travelers with an aura of rejuvenation and wanderlust. In Durshet, you can conquer the mighty hills and you can have a glimpse of the ethereal beauty of nature. The hillocks with waterfalls traversing through them, the verdant greenery and natural beauty all around has made it a renowned tourist destination. Durshet is also a haven for trekkers and mountaineers. The area around River Amba is an abundant natural reserve for exotic wildlife and flora of the area around. There are several ancient ruins of temples and heritage sites around the area, including the collective Siddi Ashtavnayak Temples. These temples flaunt all their grandeur to the devotees and visitors that come to seek the blessing of the gods. They offer a magnificent view of the surrounding lakes, rivers, and waterfalls.  Due to the recent tourist influx, the place has also become a hotspot for watersport activities, including the established IMAGICA Park within its proximity. There are several other activities for those seeking excitement and thrill to make their adrenaline go berserk. These include walking across the magnanimous Burma Bridge, rappelling, wall-climbing, or mountaineering along the rocky terrain, nature walks for nature lovers, laddering, and Tarzan Swing. Also, the Uddar Hot Spring here is a frivolous place to submerge into hot water on cold days. If you are wondering about the nightlife of Durshet, then there is plenty that it has to offer. The sanctuaries have a night safari to explore the flora and fauna in their natural habitat. Durshet has a particularly humid climate, hot in the summers. It receives unpredictable showers during monsoon, often heavy, which makes sightseeing around the area difficult. However, winters are the best time to explore the waterfalls, rivers and wander about in the wilderness. The post-monsoon season further makes this place even more alluring to travel as the entire area gets covered with greenery. 

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Known as the “Eastern Gateway of Maharashtra”, Gondia lies on the border of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. Owing to the presence of a plethora of rice mills and the bountiful cultivation of rice here, this quaint district is also referred to as the “Rice Bowl of Maharashtra”. Gondia city has been named after the Gond rulers, who ruled over this district for a prolonged period. The city of Gondia is known popularly for its rich culture and glorious history. This place is also bestowed with a myriad of ancient sites, dense forests, gorgeous waterfalls, lofty hills, and serene lakes, all of which make the city naturally comby. Gondia is packed with a number of famous attractions that propel all kinds of travelers to this destination and enrich its tourism industry. Gondia tourism includes every element of manmade and natural beauty starting from temples and national parks to caves and dams, attracting every kind of holiday seeker. While Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary and Navegaon National Park propel wildlife enthusiasts, Nagra Shiv Temple and Mando Devi Temple bring in a huge number of spiritual seekers. While Kachargadh Caves and Darekasa Caves attract history buffs, Itiadoh Dam and Hajra Fall entice nature lovers and peace seekers. Gondia allows its visitors to spend a relaxing laid back as well as an fun-filled action-packed holiday. Travelers flocking to this balmy city love to enjoy jungle safaris in the national parks, have picnics near the lakes and dams, and seek blessings at the age-old temples. They also spend time interacting with the locals and learning more about the enchanting Gondal culture. The climate of Gondia is similar to that of the state of Maharashtra, where the summers are scorching hot, monsoons bring in heavy downpours, and winters are tolerably cold. The most ideal time for visiting this exuberant city is during the winter months of October to March when the weather condition is mild and soothing.

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Popularly known for its Hydro Power Projects, Bhira is an integral part of Maharashtra. Dating back to 1927, the village is known for the establishment of Tata’s hydro generation projects. One of the unexplored rural places of Maharashtra, Bhira village is 150 km away from Mumbai and resides in Raigad district. The undiscovered beauty of Bhira has a tinge of ruralness in it. The majority of the portion is dedicated to power projects. While the rest of Bhira comprises of Kundalika River, Bhira Dam, Devkund waterfall, and lush green forests. The proximity to nature makes this village a perfect spot for enjoying life away from the hassles of city life. Or, one can head near these rivers and take a quick stroll to embrace the warm ambience of Bhira.  To keep yourself busy on your trip to Bhira, you should head out and explore some top attractions. The rural attractions consist of the Kundalika River which flows from the trails of Sahyadri to the Arabian sea. At the Kundalika river, you can also participate in the river. Whereas, many tourists head on a trekking excursion to the Devkund waterfall. Apart from the exotic rivers, Bhira also houses a hidden Devkund waterfall which is nestled amidst the setup of deep and dense forest area. Many tourists head on a trekking excursion to the waterfall or spend a night camping near the fall.  Enjoy your trip to Bhira when the climate is at its best. The climate ranges from tropical to semi-tropical which is quite favourable in exploring the tidbits of the village. You will likely experience heavy rainfall during monsoon, i.e., from July to mid-October. Proximity to the Arabian sea somehow results in humid weather during summers. Due to the Sahyadri range, the climate is cooler than the nearby places.

Other Attractions

Pratapgarh fort.

Pratapgarh Fort

Looking for some beautiful historical places? Pratapgarh Fort is one of the best Satara tourist places that you mustn’t miss. Well, the fort is completely suitable for clicking stunning pictures and photographs. Pratapgarh fort is quite nearby Mahabaleshwar, as being one of the most popular hilltops in Maharashtra. Astounding valleys, lakes and the entire city is visible from hill top of Pratapgad Fort.



Settled at a height of 4665 ft, Harishchandragad is an ancient hill fort of Ahmednagar district. This hill fort holds relevance to the history of Malshej Ghat and Kothale village in protecting and controlling the entire region. The strong fortifications of Harishcandragarh can be entered by multiple routes, including the Junnar gate, Sadhale ghat, Nalichi wat, and Indore wat.   When it comes to  places to visit in Maharashtra , a plethora of attractions can be found at Harishchandragad. The religious folklore of this place leads to several temples and holy edifices. Moreover, the village houses Kedareshwar cave where a huge Shiva Linga is established. Also, you can witness grand architectural wonders at the Nageshwar temple and the temple of Harishchadreshwar. Both these places have carved out intricate work on the pillars, domes, and the interiors. Additionally, Harishchandragad is famous among trekkers and fun-seekers too and many tourists trek to Konkan Kada and Taramati Shikhar for a splendid viewpoint. -Best time to visit 1. October to February – These months are the best to visit Harishchandragad. In this post-monsoon season, the weather will be pleasant and the region will convert into the serene lush green bed of forest. 2. March to June – These months constitute the summer season. During this period, Harishchandragad dries up and arid weather is usually observed. These months aren’t suitable to explore the trails of Western Ghats. 3. July to September – In this monsoon season, heavy rainfall takes place in Harishchandragad. The pathways become slippery and it isn’t safe to commute around this area during these months.

Raigad Fort

Raigad Fort

Raigad Fort is a majestic fort in Maharashtra which you can see in Sahyadri mountain ranges of Western Ghats. The fort is a symbol of Maratha pride and one of the great reminders of the history of Marathas. It was named as Gibraltar of the East by the British due to its strategic location and one of the most important landmarks in the city of Pune.

Some main attractions of Raigad Fort are the Hirakani Buruj, Maha Darwaja, the King’s Durbar, Takmak Tok, Jagdishwar Mandir etc. The fort has become a major tourist spot for its trekking opportunities where one needs to climb up to 1737 steps and enjoy a breath-taking view of the landscape. For those who wish to give trekking a miss, there is a splendid ropeway ride to give you goosebumps as you move through the winds with an exquisite aerial view of the landscape. The place has been dubbed as one of the most exciting Pune tourist destinations for history lovers and adventure freaks. - Location:  Raigad Fort, Raigad, Maharashtra - Best Time to visit:  The best time to visit Raigad Fort is from November to March| - Entry fee:  The cost of an entry ticket for Indians is INR 10 / USD 0.15 and for foreigners, it is INR 100/ USD 1.54| - Timings:  Tourists can visit Raigad Fort from 10 am to 6 pm every day

Top Experiences To Do in Raigad Fort

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Tadoba National Park

Tadoba National Park

The oldest and largest tiger reserve in Maharashtra, Tadoba National Park resides in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra. Its name is taken from the god Tadoba, who is worshipped by the tribes living in the deep forests of Tadoba and Andhari region. Earlier, a national park and Andhari Wildlife Sanctuary were established in the adjacent forests. But in 1995, both were merged to introduce the now tiger reserve. Stretched over 625.3 square kilometres, Tadoba National Park houses protected forest, the Tadoba lake, and Chimur Hills. The natural wonders of this place can be observed in life and in bold action. There are 88 tigers present in the reserve, along with other mammals like the Indian leopards, sloth bears, nilgai, sambar, barking deer, and much more. Also, the Tadoba lake houses a wide range of water birds and raptors. The grey-headed fish eagle, crested serpent eagle, and changeable hawk-eagle-like endangered species can also be spotted within the reserve. -Best time to visit   1. November to February –  The best time to visit Tadoba National Park is from November to February. The surrounding will compose of lush green setup and water birds can be observed in their element. 2. March to June –  During this time, the temperature rises to 47 degrees Celsius. Exploring the wonders of Tadoba National Park can be hard but sighting mammals near the lake is highly poss ible. 3. July to October –  These months constitute the monsoon. During this time, Tadoba National Park experiences heavy rainfall. The humidity also reaches extreme heights. Mammals and other species are hardly visible at this time.

Murud Janjira

Murud Janjira

Settled amidst the marvelous Arabian Sea, Murud Janjira Fort is a pristine landscape standing tall apart from the world and near the port town of Murud. The island was established in the 16th century by Raja Ram Rao Patil. The  tourist attractions of Maharashtra  are incomplete without the imperial Murud Janjira. Famed as one of the strongest marine forts in India, it consists of three enormous cannons named Kalalbangdi, Chavri, and Landa Kasam. The fort also consists of 572 cannons, 26 round bastions, and sea-facing gates.  Apart from the powerful war position, Murud Janjira also has an exotic small pond within the vicinity. Moreover, there is the grand palace of Nawabs residing in Janjira as well. To reach the fort, tourists are supposed to travel by sailboats from Rajapuri jetty.  -Best time to visit 1. October to February –  The best time to visit Murud Janjira is from October to February. The weather remains pleasant and appropriate for exploring the stunning town. Although a cool breeze rolls around this time, it’s bearable. 2. March to June –  Summers take place from March to June in Murud Janjira. A heatwave can be experienced and the temperature usually drops by 42 degrees Celsius. 3. July to September –  Settled near the Arabian Sea, Murud Janjira witnesses heavy rainfall this time. It is usually not advisable to visit during these months as the commute might not be easy.

Kolaba Fort

Kolaba Fort

Encircled by the clear blue waters of the Arabian sea and offering some of the most gorgeous views around, Kolaba fort is a historical building located in Alibaug. The fort is nearly 300 years old and it once acted as one of the major naval stations during the time when Shivaji Maharaj ruled in Maharashtra. The spectacular fort was once an isolated military fortification in the middle of the Arabian Sea, and had a strategic geographical importance for the Marathas when it came to warfare.

The fort is located just two kilometres from the Alibaug Beach, and if there is a low tide you can easily reach this place by walking here.  However if there is a high tide you will have to hire a boat to visit the fort. If you happen to take a walk to the fort, you will be delighted by the serene and tranquil quality of the area, as this region is very thinly populated and only a few people go to the fort. 

The fort itself is full of historical artifacts and various paraphernalia of its golden period. You will find huge cannons and sculptures of various birds and animals on the walls of the fort. You can also find various old temple buildings here. In fact, there is a Lord Ganesh temple that is present within the grounds and is still used as a place of worship by the local fishermen community. The fort is surrounded by the sea waters on all its sides, and a significant hallmark worth noting is the presence of a freshwater well within the fort. 

The fort held an important geographical advantage for the Marathas and was used as a Chief Naval Station for planning strategic attacks on the British army. Nowadays it is a popular tourist attraction and one of the most important destinations in the town. The Archaeological Survey of India has declared it as a Nationally Protected Monument due to its historical significance. 

Top Experiences To Do in Kolaba Fort

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Ekvira Devi Temple

Ekvira Devi Temple

Snuggled in the proximity of Karla caves, the Ekvira Devi temple is a spectacular spiritual retreat for the visitors. The goddess is believed to be an incarnation of the Goddess Renuka who is believed to be the mother of Parshurama. For the Koli fishermen and the local tribe, the goddess the supreme power and they visit the temple on a daily basis seeking her blessings.

At this temple, you can know about the learning of the Buddhist culture as it serves as a great cultural & spiritual center for that. On festive occasions namely Navratri and Chaitra the aura of the temple transforms completely and becomes even more lively.

Right from the traditional folktales to the vibrant decorations and dances, you can witness everything at the temple. To reach out to the temple you will have to traverse 200 steps that will take you to the notch and that’s where the temple is located. The temple was built by the Pandavas and this temple is one of the most serene temples of the region. If you are looking for a spot where you can witness a blend of spirituality and splendid views, then this is the right place for you.

Takin Festival

Takin Festival

Malshej Ghat

Malshej Ghat

Harihareshwar Beach

Harihareshwar Beach

Daulatabad Fort

Daulatabad Fort

Ajanta And Ellora Caves

Ajanta And Ellora Caves

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51 Tourist Places to visit in Maharashtra & How to Reach Info

Budget Hotels > Travel Blog > Destinations > Maharashtra > 51 Tourist Places to visit in Maharashtra & How to Reach Info

Say Maharashtra and the image of a kilometres-long Marine Drive promenade flash across your mind, quickly followed by the front view of the Gothic Victorian structure—Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus. Both are famous landmarks in Mumbai, the most popular city in Maharashtra. But there are more, much more tourist places in Maharashtra, the third-largest state in India. Pristine beaches, surreal hill stations, adventurous treks, strawberry farms, wildlife sanctuaries, pilgrimage sites, rich history, scrumptious food, and a vibrant culture—it has something for everyone.

If you have never thought of vacationing in Maharashtra then probably it is time you discover the beauty of the state and bring home some memorable experiences it offers. Here’s a comprehensive list of places to visit in Maharashtra for a complete and fulfilling trip.

1. Mumbai, Maharashtra


#1 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Mayanagri , the city of dreams, the one that never sleeps, India’s financial centre, Bollywood—Mumbai has many names and it lives up to each of them every day.  Mumbai is among the most populated Maharashtra tourist places. Dotted with well-maintained architectural wonders from India’s colonial past, Mumbai offers a visual treat to Gothic architecture lovers. Meanwhile, for those who wish to experience the charm of a fast-moving city, a quick hop on the Mumbai local during the peak hours will be a story to tell. Or just embark on a 15-minute ferry ride from Gateway of India jetty to revisit a lost world at Elephanta Island.

  • Best Places to Visit: Gateway of India, Marine Drive, Elephanta Caves, Juhu Beach, Haji Ali Dargah, Siddhivinayak Temple
  • Best Time to Visit: October to March
  • Things to do: Visit Bollywood Studios and Film City, Explore the markets of Colaba Causeway and Crawford Market, Ferry to Elephanta Caves, Sunset at Marine Drive, Try street food and local delicacies
  • By Air: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport
  • By Train: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus
  • Places to Stay: Hotels in Mumbai

Also Read: Places to Visit in Mumbai | Things to Do in Mumbai

2. Pune, Maharashtra

Shaniwar Wada

#2 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Cultural capital of Maharashtra, Pune holds a place of pride in every Marathi’s heart. Once a political centre of the Indian sub-continent, Pune was the seat of Peshwas of the Maratha Empire. The district alone boasts  17 forts of which the most famous are Shaniwar Wada , Singhagad Fort, and Purandar Fort, closely followed by a remarkably different- looking Aga Khan Palace that served as a prison for Mahatma Gandhi and Kasturba Gandhi soon after he launched the Quit India movement. Pune is a heaven for an art, culture, and adventure lover.

  • Best Places to Visit: Shaniwar Wada, Aga Khan Palace, Sinhagad Fort, Osho Ashram, Dagdusheth Halwai Ganpati Temple
  • Things to do: Visit the Pataleshwar Cave Temple, Explore the markets, Try the street food,  Boating
  • By Air: Pune International Airport
  • By Train: Pune Railway Junction
  • Places to Stay: Hotels in Pune

Also Read: Places to Visit in Pune | Things to Do in Pune

3. Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra

Venna Lake

#3 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Nestled amid the scenic Western Ghats, this popular hill station is known for its breathtaking landscapes, evergreen timberlands, waterfalls, and ancient temples. A trip to Mahabaleshwar means boating in Venna Lake, undertaking a sunset trek to the Pratapgarh Fort, visiting Rajpuri Caves, tantalising your taste buds with freshly-plucked berries, and clicking picture-perfect photos with astounding views of the hills and valleys in the background.

  • Best Places to Visit: Arthur’s Seat, Pratapgarh Fort, Venna Lake, Lingmala Waterfall, Elephant’s Head Point, Wilson Point
  • Things to do: Trekking, Boating, Enjoying strawberries, Exploring Mahabaleshwar Temple
  • By Train: Satara Railway Station and Pune Railway Junction
  • By Bus: Mahabhaleshwar Bus Stand
  • Places to Stay: Hotels in Mahabhaleshwar

Also Read: Places to Visit in Mahabaleshwar | Things to Do in Mahabaleshwar

4. Lonavala, Maharashtra


#4 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Located between Mumbai and Pune, this beautiful hill station offers a quick getaway from the rushed city life. Famous for mouth-watering chikki (Indian candy made of nuts set in jaggery or sugar syrup), Lonavala offers a scenic drive from both cities. The beautiful winding roads and long tunnels on the Pune-Mumbai Expressway is a reason enough to keep going back to Lonavala. While Lonavala itself is a very small hill station, it is surrounded by some of the best tourist places in Maharashtra such as Pawna Lake, Lohagarh Fort, Visapur Fort, Tiger’s Point, Bhaja Caves, Kune Falls and Shree Narayani Dham Temple. You can also enjoy camping and trekking in Lonavala.

  • Best Places to Visit: Rajmachi Point, Tiger’s Leap, Bhushi Dam, Karla Caves, Lohagad Fort
  • Best Time to Visit: June to February
  • Things to do: Trekking, Boating, Sightseeing, Photography, Visit Wax Museum
  • By Train: Lonavala Railway Station
  • By Bus: Lonavala Bus Stand
  • Places to Stay: Hotels in Lonavala

Also Read: Places to Visit in Lonavala | Things to Do in Lonavala

5. Khandala, Maharashtra


#5 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Located quite close to Lonavala, Khandala is one of the famous places in Maharashtra , thanks to a popular Bollywood song. The hill station enjoys pleasant weather throughout the year and turns lush green during the monsoons. In addition to the pristine lakes and beautiful waterfalls, the quaint little hill station offers views of picturesque peaks and stunning valleys. Some popular attractions in Khandala include Karla and Bhanja Caves, Della Adventure Park, Sunil’s Celebrity Wax Museum and Aadishakti Mata Temple.

  • Best Places to Visit: Karla and Bhanja Caves, Della Adventure Park, Sunil’s Celebrity Wax Museum, and Aadishakti Mata Temple
  • Best Time to Visit: July to February
  • Things to do: Trekking and Hiking, Enjoying the Scenic Views, Exploring Caves and Waterfalls, Boating and Picnicking at Bhushi Dam
  • By Air: Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
  • By Train: Khandala Railway Station
  • By Bus: Khandala Bus Stand

6. Matheran, Maharashtra


#6 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

If you prefer a non-touristy hill station away from the hustle and bustle of weekend travellers, then Matheran is the right choice. What makes Matheran an extraordinary experience is the absence of cars and buses on the road. Yes, you read it right. Cars are not allowed in Matheran, leaving the pathways free for leisurely walks. The town offers many trekking trails to various viewpoints from where you can enjoy alluring views of the sunrise, sunset and mountains. The peaceful and picturesque Charlotte Lake is an ideal spot for picnics and camping. Matheran is considered to be among top 10 tourist places in Maharashtra and It is a vehicle-free zone, so private vehicles are not allowed inside the town.

  • Best Places to Visit: Panorama Point, Louisa Point, Charlotte Lake, Echo Point, Porcupine Point
  • Best Time to Visit: October to May
  • Things to do: Trekking, Horseback riding, Enjoying scenic viewpoints, Exploring nature trails, Picnicking by the lakeside
  • By Train: Neral Railway Station
  • By Bus: Dasturi Naka Bus Stand

7. Lavasa, Maharashtra


#7 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Modelled on the Italian town of Portofino, Lavasa is a private hill city that was built from the scratch. This well-planned, clean city boasts of stunning infrastructure and a European experience. Spread over seven hills, Lavasa offers enthralling views of the lakes, hills and valleys, making it one of the most popular tourist places in Maharashtra . Adventure lovers can try their hand at hiking, biking, rappelling, camping and raft building. Lakeshore Watersports, a top attraction in Lavasa, is a wonderful place to enjoy different kinds of water sports.

  • Best Places to Visit: Dasve Lake, Temghar Dam, Lakeshore Watersports, Varasgaon Dam, Tikona For, Bamboosa
  • Things to do: Lakeside strolls and boating at Dasve Lake, Water sports and adventure activities at Lakeshore Watersports, Enjoy the scenic beauty of Temghar Dam and Varasgaon Dam, Trekking and exploration at Tikona Fort
  • By Train: Pune Railway Station
  • By Bus: Swargate Bus Stand

8. Nashik, Maharashtra

Dudhsagar Waterfalls

#8 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Nashik is one of the most important holy places to visit in Maharashtra. As per Hindu mythology, Lord Rama stayed in Nashik during his 14 years of exile. For Rama devotees, a visit to Nashik is incomplete without visiting the famous Kalaram Temple where a black statue of Lord Rama is worshipped. The sanctum sanctorum of the temple also houses black statues of the god Lakshmana and the goddess Sita. Nashik is one of the four main sites for Kumbh Mela . Held once every 12 years, the event attracts millions of devotees from across the globe. In Nashik, besides religious visits, you can indulge in the natural beauty of the city and visit popular attractions such as Dudhsagar Waterfalls, Sula Vineyards, Coin Museum, and Pandav Leni Caves.

  • Best Places to Visit: Trimbakeshwar Temple, Pandavleni Caves, Sula Vineyards, Panchvati, Dudhsagar Waterfalls
  • Things to do: Visit Temples and Religious Sites, Explore Ancient Caves and Rock-cut Monuments, Wine Tasting and Vineyard Tours, Boating and Picnicking, Trekking
  • By Train: Nashik Railway Station
  • By Bus: Nashik Bus Stand
  • Places to Stay: Hotels in Nashik

Also Read: Places to Visit in Nashik

9. Shirdi, Maharashtra


#9 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Located in the Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra, Shirdi is a major pilgrimage site. The former home of revered spiritual leader Sai Baba, Shirdi attracts many devotees from all over the country. It is one of the most visited religious places in Maharashtra tourism. Shirdi also houses a devotional theme park called Saitheerth. Besides visiting the Shirdi Sai Baba Temple, devotees can also seek blessings at Shani Shingnapur—one of the most famous Shani temples in India.

  • Best Places to Visit: Samadhi Mandir, Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Temple, Chavadi, Shani Shingnapur, Dwarkamai Mosque
  • Things to do: Visit Temples, Mediation, Explore the spiritual significance
  • By Air: Shirdi Airport and Aurangabad Airport
  • By Train: Shirdi Railway Station
  • By Bus: Shirdi Bus Stand
  • Places to Stay: Hotels in Shirdi

Also Read: Places to Visit in Shirdi

10. Panchgani, Maharashtra


#10 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Enclosed by five hills, this popular hill station is known for its beautiful waterfalls, lush green forests and juicy strawberries. If you love nature vacations, then Panchgani would be a perfect pick. When you visit Panchgani do not forget to include Kaas Plateau – a UNESCO World Heritage site – in your itinerary. Known as Maharashtra’s Valley of Flowers, Kaas plateau and surrounding grasslands look stunning in the months of August and September when it turns into a sea of blooming flowers. While in Panchgani, you must also visit Mapro Garden for delicious fruit-based treats.

  • Best Places to Visit: Table Land, Sydney Point, Parsi Point, Kate’s Point, Mapro Garden
  • Best Time to Visit: September to May
  • Things to do: Visiting the local strawberry farms, Explore Ancient Caves and Rock-cut Monuments, Boating, and Picnicking, Trekking 
  • By Air: Pune International Airport 
  • By Bus: Panchgani Bus Stand
  • Places to Stay: Hotels in Panchgani

11. Alibaug, Maharashtra


#11 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Popular as ‘Mini-Goa’, this small coastal town in the Konkan region of Maharashtra is a must-visit. Apart from spending time on the clean and serene beaches of Alibaug, you can visit many temples and forts here. Alibaug Beach, the most-visited beach in the town, offers stunning views of the sunrise, sunset and Kolaba Fort. Kihim Beach and Nagaon Beach are perfect places for water sports and landscape photography lovers. Do not forget to include Brahma Kund, Khanderi Fort and Vikram Vinayak Temple in your Alibaug itinerary.

  • Best Places to Visit: Alibaug Beach, Kashid Beach, Kihim Beach, Kolaba Fort, Murud-Janjira Fort
  • Best Time to Visit: September to March
  • Things to do: Beach activities and water sports, Explore historic forts, Visit the ancient Kanakeshwar Temple, Enjoy seafood and local delicacies
  • By Train: Pen Railway Station
  • By Bus: Alibaug Bus Stand

12. Igatpuri, Maharashtra


#12 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

This small hill station in the Nashik district is a popular weekend getaway for Mumbaikars as well as Punekars. Surrounded by high mountain ranges, Igatpuri is quite popular among trekkers and rock climbers. While Vihigaon Waterfall attracts nature lovers, Tringalwadi Fort and historic temples are frequented by history buffs and devotees. The world’s largest meditation centre, Vipassana Meditation Academy, is also situated in Igatpuri.

  • Best Places to Visit: Bhatsa River Valley, Camel Valley, Vaitarna Dam, Tringalwadi Fort, Amruteshwar Temple
  • Things to do: Trekking, Boating, Visit temples, Sunset
  • By Train: Igatpuri Railway Station
  • By Bus: Igatpuri Bus Stand

13. Bhandardara, Maharashtra


#13 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Also known as the Queen of Sahyadri ranges, this beautiful hill station boasts lush green landscapes, high mountains and cascading waterfalls. Bhandardara is situated in the Ahmednagar district and is a popular retreat for trekkers and nature lovers. Some must-visit attractions in Bhandardara are Umbrella Falls, Wilson Dam, Arthur Lake, Kalsubai Peak, Ratangarh Fort, Ratanwadi Village and the millennium-old Amruteshwar Temple. For adventurous souls, try trekking on Mount Kalsubai, the highest peak in Maharashtra.

14. Karnala, Maharashtra


#14 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

This beautiful city in the Raigarh district is quite a treat for nature lovers and architecture enthusiasts. The place looks lush green and inviting during the monsoons and offers much respite from the summer heat. Karnala Bird Sanctuary and Karnala Fort are the main attractions here. The bird sanctuary houses over 220 species of birds and many wild animals. The ancient fort lying within the bird sanctuary is a must-visit for history buffs.

  • Best Places to Visit: Karnala Fort, Karnala Bird Sanctuary, Peth Fort, Kalavantin Durg, Prabalgad Fort
  • Things to do: Trekking, Birdwatching, Sunset, Camping
  • By Train: Panvel Railway Station
  • By Bus: Karnala Bus Stand

15. Satara, Maharashtra


#15 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Located near the confluence of rivers Krishna and Venna, Satara is one of the most important places to visit in Maharashtra . Apart from the natural beauty comprising pristine lakes, gushing waterfalls and gigantic mountains, Satara is known for its caves, forts and other historical ruins. Some must-visit attractions here are Ajinkyatara Fort, Thoseghar Falls, Lingamala Falls, Natraj Mandir, Mayani Bird Sanctuary and Natskies Observatory. Trekking to Kaas Plateau and watching flamingos in the bird sanctuary are some of the most popular things to do in Satara.

  • Best Places to Visit: Kaas Plateau, Thoseghar Waterfalls, Ajinkyatara Fort, Chalkewadi Windmill Farms, Sajjangad Fort
  • Things to do: Trekking and Hiking, Sightseeing and Photography, Boating in Bamnoli Lake, Birdwatching
  • By Train: Satara Railway Station
  • By Bus: Satara Bus Stand

16. Nagpur, Maharashtra

Swaminarayan Temple

#16 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

The winter capital of Maharashtra, Nagpur is famous for its oranges. Besides, Nagpur is a charming travel destination. Apart from admiring nature’s beauty in the lush green gardens and lakes, you can experience some thrill at the wildlife sanctuaries and tiger reserves, and pay your respects at the temples. Deekshabhumi, an important Buddhist pilgrim centre is in Nagpur. While in the city, you must also visit Swaminarayan Temple, Shree Ganesh Mandir Tekdi, Ramtek Fort Temple, Lata Mangeshkar Musical Garden and Maharaj Bagh and Zoo.

  • Best Places to Visit: Deekshabhoomi, Sitabuldi Fort, Ambazari Lake, Maharaj Bagh and Zoo, Futala Lake, Ramtek Fort Temple
  • Things to do: Visit the temples, Explore Forts, Zoo, Boating
  • By Air: Nagpur International Airport
  • By Train: Nagpur Railway Station
  • By Bus: Ganeshpeth Bus Stand
  • Places to Stay: Hotels in Nagpur

Also Read: Places to Visit in Nagpur | Things to Do in Nagpur

17. Ratnagiri, Maharashtra


#17 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

A mention of Ratnagiri brings memories of its famous Alphonso mangoes. With the Arabian Sea on one side and Sahyadri mountain ranges on the other, Ratnagiri is blessed with nature’s bounty. It is also known as the port town of Maharashtra as it houses many ports, beaches and lighthouses. The gushing waterfalls, sandy shores and beautiful mangroves only add to the beauty of the city. Ratnagiri also boasts of magnificent forts in Maharashtra built during the reign of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. The top tourist places in Ratnagiri are Jaigarh Fort, Jaigarh Lighthouse, Swayambhu Ganapati Temple, Ganapatipule Beach and Thiba Palace.

  • Best Places to Visit: Ratnadurg Fort, Ganpatipule Beach, Jaigad Fort, Thibaw Palace
  • Things to do: Beach activities, Explore Forts, Trekking
  • By Air: Ratnagiri Airport and Mumbai International Airport
  • By Train: Ratnagiri Railway Station and Konkan Railway Station
  • By Bus: Ratnagiri Bus Stand

18. Mulshi, Maharashtra


#18 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

A clean and eco-friendly destination, Mulshi looks straight out of a postcard. Surrounding the stunning Mulshi Lake, the village offers breath-taking views of the Sahyadri ranges, lush green valleys and dense forests. What’s more? You can enjoy camping and bonfire at the picturesque Mulshi Dam and take a peaceful boat ride at the lake. Other major attractions in the village include Tamhini Ghat, Temghar Dam, Koraigarh Fort and Dhangad Fort.

  • Best Places to Visit: Mulshi Dam, Tamhini Ghat Waterfalls, Mulshi Lake, Dhangar Waterfall
  • Things to do: Trekking, Boating in Mulshi Lake, Nature Walks and Hiking, Bird Watching
  • By Bus: Pune Bus Stand

19. Mandwa, Maharashtra


#19 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

This small village located in the Raigarh district is a stone’s throw away from Alibaug. When travelling from Mumbai, you can take a ferry from the Gateway of India jetty to Mandwa Beach. This calm and charming beach is the main attraction here. Pleasant weather and clean waters play the perfect host to water sports enthusiasts seeking banana boat rides, kayaking, jet skiing and water scooters rides. Mandwa is also known for its churches, Buddhist caves and Portuguese historical site ruins.

  • Best Places to Visit: Mandwa Beach, Kihim Beach, Kolaba Fort, Shitladevi Temple
  • Things to do: Water Sports, Beach Camping, Seafood Delicacies
  • By Air: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport 
  • By Bus: Mandwa Bus Stand
  • Places to Stay: Hotels near Mandwa

20. Malvan, Maharashtra

A small yet important coastal town in Maharashtra’s Sindhudurg district, Malvan is a hub for beach activities. The town has many beaches where you can relax on the white sands or indulge in adrenaline-rushing underwater activities like scuba diving and snorkelling. Some popular attractions in Malvan are Tarkarli Beach, Chivla Beach, Tsunami Island, Rock Garden, Rameshwar Temple and Sindhudurg Fort. Malvan is particularly known for its lip-smacking seafood.

  • Best Places to Visit: Sindhudurg Fort, Tarkarli Beach, Chivla Beach, Rock Garden, Devbag Beach
  • Things to do: Scuba Diving and Snorkeling, Water Sports, Exploring Fort, Dolphin Watching
  • By Air: Dabolim Airport
  • By Train: Kudal Railway Station
  • By Bus: Malvan Bus Stand

21. Aurangabad, Maharashtra

Daulatabad Fort

#21 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

The tourism capital of Maharashtra, Aurangabad is also one of the fastest-growing cities in the world. Named after the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, Aurangabad was once a prominent Mughal city. Representatives of India’s glorious architectural past, the famous Ajanta and Ellora Caves are situated here. Also, Aurangabad is dotted with many must-visit attractions such as Daulatabad Fort, Jama Mosque, Bibi Ka Maqbara, Siddharth Garden and Zoo and Soneri Mahal.

  • Best Places to Visit: Daulatabad Fort, Jama Mosque, Bibi Ka Maqbara, Siddharth Garden and Zoo, Grishneshwar Jyotirlinga Temple, and Soneri Mahal
  • Things to do: Visit the temple, Explore Forts, Ancient rock-cut caves
  • By Air: Aurangabad Airport
  • By Train: Aurangabad Railway Station
  • By Bus: Aurangabad Bus Stand

Also Read: Places to Visit in Aurangabad | Places to Visit near Aurangabad

22. Khopoli, Maharashtra

Kune Waterfall

#22 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

This industrial city in the Raigarh district of Maharashtra is a popular weekend getaway from both Mumbai and Pune. It serves as a perfect destination for those looking to spend time in a quiet and peaceful place amidst nature. Imagica Amusement Theme Park, one of the best entertainment destinations in the country, is situated in Khapoli. While here, you can seek blessings at Shri Vireshwar Mahadev Temple and Shri Varadvinayak Temple, and admire the natural beauty of Kune Waterfall, Zenith Waterfall and Tungarli Lake.

  • Best Places to Visit: Imagica Theme Park, Zenith Falls, Kondana Caves, Durshet Forest Lodge
  • Things to do: Enjoy thrilling rides , Explore the caves, Nature walks
  • By Air: Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport 
  • By Train: Khopoli Railway Station
  • By Bus: Khopoli Bus Stand

Also Read: Places to Visit in Khopoli

23. Panvel, Maharashtra

Also known as the gateway of the Konkan region, Panvel is situated on the banks of the Gadhi River and is only 35 km away from Mumbai. The lush greenery and scenic beauty of this place make it a popular weekend getaway for Mumbaikars. Places of tourist interest in Panvel include Prabalgad Fort, Gadeshwar Dam, Karnala Fort, Karnala Bird Sanctuary, Adai Waterfalls and two major Ashtavinayak temples—Balleshwar and VaradVinayak.

  • Best Places to Visit: Karnala Fort, Karnala Bird Sanctuary, Ballaleshwar Temple, Gadeshwar Dam, Zenith Waterfall, 
  • Things to do: Birdwatching, Explore Forts, Picniking, Trekking
  • By Bus: Panvel Bus Stand
  • Places to Stay: Hotels in Panvel

24. Kolhapur, Maharashtra


#24 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Who has not heard of the famous Kolhapuri chappals. But do be under the impression that that’s all this small city on the banks of River Panchganga has to offer. From ancient temples and forts to lakes, gardens and shopping malls, the city has something for every traveller. While the famous Mahalakshmi Temple attracts devotees all-round the year, the Panhala Fort, Vishalgad Fort and Shri Chhatrapati Shahu Museum are popular destinations for history buffs. And if you are a foodie, you are in for a treat. Try the famous Kolhapuri thali. Kolhapuri food is just as delicious as it is spicy. Certainly, it is not for the faint-hearted.

  • Best Places to Visit: Mahalakshmi Temple, Rankala Lake, Jyotiba Temple, New Palace Museum, Panhala Fort
  • Things to do: Visit the temples, Boating, Museums
  • By Air: Kolhapur International Airport
  • By Train: Kolhapur Railway Station
  • By Bus: Kolhapur Bus Stand

Also Read: Places to Visit in Kolhapur

25. Harihareshwar, Maharashtra


#25 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

This quaint little town in the Raigarh district is a popular beach destination for Mumbaikars and Punekars. The beauty of Harihareshwar is accentuated by four hills and verdant forests on one side and beautiful beaches on the other. As home to the famous Harihareshwar Temple, the town holds great significance for the devotees of Lord Shiva. Some top attractions in the town are Kalbhairav Temple, Somja Devi Temple, Shankar Temple, Harihareshwar Beach and Srivardhan Beach.

  • Best Places to Visit: Harihareshwar Beach, Harihareshwar Temple, Diveagar Beach, Kalbhairav Temple
  • Things to do: Beach Activities, Pilgrimage and Temple Visits, Trekking
  • By Train: Mangaon Railway Station
  • By Bus: Harihareshwar Bus Stand

Also Read: Beaches in Mumbai | Beaches near Pune

26. Chiplun, Maharashtra

Located in the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra, this peaceful town lies along the banks of the Vashisthi river. Although there are no dazzling attractions in Chiplun, the town still has plenty to offer. You can visit the lovely mango and cashew groves, pay your respects at the Parshuram Temple and spend some peaceful time near Sawatsada Waterfall and Nehru Smriti Udyan. Other places to visit in Chiplun are Vasota Fort, Gowalkot Fort, Marleshwar Temple, Koyna Dam, Pandavaas Cave and Walawalkar Shivaji Museum.

  • Best Places to Visit: Parshuram Temple, Koyna Dam, Sawatsada Waterfall, Gowalkot Fort
  • Things to do: Trekking and Hiking, Visit Temples and Historical Sites, Enjoy Boat Rides
  • By Train: Chiplun Railway Station
  • By Bus: Chiplun Bus Stand

27. Sindhudurg, Maharashtra

Sai Temple

#27 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

A place of historical significance, Sindhudurg is popular among historians and adventure enthusiasts alike. From forts and beaches to temples and waterfalls, Sindhudurg has something for everyone. The majestic Sindhudurg Fort, a historical site surrounded by the Arabian Sea, is the main attraction here. Devotees can also pay their respects at India’s oldest Sai Temple and Navadurga Temple. Meanwhile, adventure seekers can rush to Nivati beach and Tarkarli beach for some adrenaline-rushing water sports.

  • Best Places to Visit: Sindhudurg Fort, Tarkarli Beach, Devbag Beach, Vengurla Rocks and Beach
  • Things to do: Scuba Diving and Snorkeling, Water Sports, Explore the Sindhudurg Fort

28. Tarkarli, Maharashtra


#28 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

This small town located at the convergence of the Arabian Sea and Karli river is known for its white-sand beaches and pristine water. It is a newfound holiday destination and is untouched by commercialisation. Tarkarli is known for the fine talcum-powder like sand. The beaches here are perfect for relaxing and enjoying different water sports. While at the beach, do not miss the beautiful sunset and the sight of dolphins jumping around in the water.

  • Best Places to Visit: Tarkali Beach, Devbag Beach, Karli Backwaters, Sindhudurg Fort, Malvan Marine Sanctuary
  • Things to do: Water sports, Wildlife Safari, Boat rides, Taste Local Cuisine

29. Ganpatipule, Maharashtra

Jaigarh Fort

#29 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

A holy destination situated in the lap of nature, Ganpatipule is one of the top choices among beach lovers. This beach town along the Konkan coast is known for the 400-year-old, self-created idol of Lord Ganesha. Also, a hill shaped like Lord Ganesha behind the temple and the confluence of the sea and river are nothing less than natural wonders. When in Ganpatipule, you can enjoy different water sports at the beaches and visit popular attractions such as Jaigarh Fort, Jaigarh Lighthouse and Malgund Village.

  • Best Places to Visit: Ganpatipule Beach, Ganpatipule Temple, Malgund Village, Prachin Konkan Museum, Jaigad Fort
  • Best Time to Visit: October to February
  • Things to do: Visit the temples, Beach Activities, Museum, Fort
  • By Air: Ratnagiri Airport
  • By Train: Ratnagiri Railway Station
  • By Bus: Ganpatipule Bus Stand

30. Jawhar, Maharashtra


#30 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Popularly known as the Mahabaleshwar of Thane, Jawhar is one of the less explored hill stations in Maharashtra. The beautiful mountains, lush green valleys and gushing waterfalls add to the scenic beauty of the town and make it a wonderful nature retreat. Jawhar also offers thrilling activities such as trekking and hiking to adventure seekers. Some major attractions in Jawhar include the ancient Katya Murti Hanuman Temple, magnificent Jai Vilas Palace, Bhopatgad Fort, cascading Dabdaba Falls and scenic places such as Hanuman Point and Sunset Point.

  • Best Places to Visit: Dabhosa Waterfall, Jai Vilas Palace, Hanuman Point, Sunset Point, Dadarkopara Fall
  • Things to do: Trekking, Waterfalls, Sunset
  • By Air:  Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport
  • By Bus: Jawahar Bus Stand

31. Amravati, Maharashtra

Named after the famous Ambadevi Temple, Amravati is known for its spectacular religious structures and spiritual vibes. The intricately-built Ambavati Temple, Shri Venkateshwara Swamy Temple, and Shri Krishna Temple reflect architectural excellence and attract devotees throughout the year. Apart from the temples, you may also visit Chikhaldara hill station, Muktagiri Jain pilgrimage centre and Melghat Tiger Reserve. You can also explore Hurricane Point, Devi Point and Prospect Point for some exquisite nature photography.

  • Best Places to Visit: Ambadevi Temple, Chikhaldara Hill Station, Melghat Tiger Reserve, Wadali Talao, Upper Wardha Dam
  • Things to do: Trekking, Wildlife Safari, Boating, Bird Watching
  • By Train: Amravati Railway Station
  • By Bus: Amravati Bus Stand

32. Durshet, Maharashtra


#32 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Nestled in the heart of the Sahyadri range, Durshet is famous for its abundant natural beauty. Apart from meandering rivers, gushing waterfalls, and lush green environs, the townhouses many ruins of heritage sites and ancient temples. Ballaleshwar Temple and Varad Vinayak Temple—two of the eight famous Ashtavinayak temples—are located in the vicinity. Other popular attractions here include Imagicaa Theme Park, Pali Fort, Durshet Forest Lodge, and Uddhar Hot Springs.

  • Best Places to Visit: Durshet Forest Lodge, Durshet Wildlife Sanctuary, Sarasgad Fort, Zenith Falls
  • Things to do: Trekking, Wildlife Safari, Explore Forts
  • By Train: Roha Railway Station
  • By Bus: Durshet Bus Stand

33. Gondia, Maharashtra

Situated on the border of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, Gondia is popularly known as the “Rice Bowl of Maharashtra”. The place is known for its bountiful rice cultivation and rice mills. When in the city, you can spend some peaceful time near Chulbandh Dam and Hajra Falls, enjoy jungle safaris at Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary and Navegaon National Park and explore Darekasa Caves and Kachargadh Caves. Nagra Shiv Temple and Mando Devi Temple attract many spiritual travellers all year round.

  • Best Places to Visit: Navegaon National Park, Itiadoh Dam, Nagra Shiv Mandir, Pratapgarh Fort
  • Things to do: Wildlife Safari,   Visit the Surya Temple, Explore Forts
  • By Train: Gondia Railway Station
  • By Bus: Gondia Bus Stand

34. Shani Shingnapur, Maharashtra

Located in the Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra, Shani Shingnapur village is quite popular among the devotees of Lord Shani. The place holds great religious significance as it is believed that Lord Shani self-emerged from the earth and still resides in the black stone at the temple. It is interesting to note that people do not have doors and locks for the houses and shops in the village. They believe that no theft can happen in a village protected by Lord Shani.

  • Best Places to Visit: Lord Shani Temple, Nigojh Nala
  • Things to do: Visit the temple, Witness doorless houses, Explore Nighoj Potholes
  • By Train: Ahmednagar Railway Station
  • By Bus: Shani Shingnapur Bus Stand

35. Dapoli, Maharashtra


#35 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Although popular as a beach destination, Dapoli has a lot more to offer. Located in the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra, Dapoli is 215 km away from Mumbai. Dapoli is known for its scenic beaches, beautiful landscapes, and lush greenery. While here, you can also explore the historical forts, temples, and caves, take a dip at Unhavare hot water springs, and enjoy different activities such as water sports, trekking, and hiking. Karde Beach, Ladghar Beach, Keshavraj Temple, Parshuram Bhumi, and Panhalekaji caves are among the top attractions here.

  • Best Places to Visit: Murud Beach, Karde Beach, Ladghar Beach, Anjarle Beach, Keshavraj Temple
  • Things to do: Beach Hopping, Water Sports at Murud Beach, Visit Ancient Temples, Explore Historic Forts
  • By Train: Khed Railway Station
  • By Bus: Dapoli Bus Stand

36. Ajanta and Ellora Caves, Maharashtra

Ajanta Cave

#36 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

These ancient rock-cut caves with beautiful paintings and finely-carved sculptures are among the top tourist destinations not only in Maharashtra but across India. Ajanta Caves exhibit the brilliance of the earliest Buddhist architecture, sculptures and paintings. On the other hand, Ellora Caves (104 km from Ajanta Caves) house Hindu and Jain temples, Buddhist monasteries and sculptures inspired by the three religions. As a UNESCO World Heritage site, these popular caves attract tourists from around the world.

  • Best Places to Visit: Ajanta and Ellora Caves, Kailash Temple, Dashavatara Temple, Rameshvara Temple 
  • Things to do: Cave Exploration, Photography, Heritage Walks
  • By Air: Aurangabad International Airport

37. Tadoba National Park, Maharashtra

Tadoba National Park

#37 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

A favourite among wildlife and nature enthusiasts, Tadoba National Park is an exciting destination. It is located in the Chandrapur district and is one of the oldest, largest and best-protected Tiger Reserves in the country. Spread across 626, the National Park has deep valleys, a dense forest area and some lakes. You can spot a wide range of animals and birds here. On a lucky day, you may even get to see tigers, Indian leopards, barking deer, sloth bears, striped hyenas, Indian pythons and cobra snakes, peacocks and eagles in their natural habitat.

  • Best Places to Visit: Mohurli Gate, Tadoba Lake, Andhari River, Kolsa Zone
  • Things to do: Wildlife safari, Birdwatching, Nature Walks, Photography
  • By Train: Chandrapur Railway Station
  • By Bus: Chandrapur Bus Stand

38. Harishchandragad, Maharashtra

Nageshwar Temple

#38 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

This ancient hill fort, situated at an altitude of 4665 ft, in the Ahmednagar district is popular among trekkers and tourists alike. Although challenging, the trek is one of the best ones in Maharashtra. It has multiple routes and each offers wide a range of adventures. The trek route has many caves, temples and a Pushkarni at the top—each representing different cultures from medieval times. Local attractions include Harischandreshwar Temple which is carved from a single rock, Nageshwar Temple Kedareshwar Cave which houses a huge Shiva Linga, Taramati Peak and Konkan Kada.

  • Best Places to Visit: Harishchandreshwar Temple, Kedareshwar Cave Temple, Taramati Peak
  • Things to do: Trekking and Hiking, Explore Ancient Temples and Caves, Witness Sunrise
  • By Train: Kalyan Junction Railway Station
  • By Bus: Khireshwar Bus Stand

39. Pratapgarh Fort, Maharashtra

Pratapgarh Fort

#39 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Located at a distance of 21 km from Mahabaleshwar, Pratapgarh Fort is a popular mountain fort in Maharashtra. It was built by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and stands tall at 3543 ft above sea level. This popular hilltop with splendid architecture is divided into two parts–the upper and lower forts. Besides enjoying and capturing panoramic views of the Konkan coast, lakes and valleys, you can seek the blessings of goddess Bhavani at the lower fort.

  • Best Places to Visit: Pratapgarh Fort, Bhavani Temple, Afzal Khan’s Tomb
  • Things to do: Trekking, Sightseeing, Heritage walk, Sunset

Also Read: Forts near Pune

40. Rajmachi Fort, Maharashtra

hotels near Rajmachi Fort

#40 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Rajmachi Fort is a famous trekking destination and a perfect escape from the city. It has two fortresses–Manaranjan and Shriwardhan. Nestled in the Sahyadri range, Rajmachi is ringed by nature in its bounty. The trekking trail is amazing with views of Kataldhar and other waterfalls, Shirota Lake, deep gorges and valleys, and picturesque villages. Some popular places to visit at the fort include Udaysagar Lake, Mahadev Temple near the lake, and Bahiroba Temple on the plateau near the twin fortresses.

  • Best Places to Visit: Shrivardhan Fort, Manoranjan Fort, Rajmachi Lake
  • Things to do: Trekking, Camping, Photography

41. Koroli, Maharashtra


#41 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

This beautiful hill station in Nashik is a treat for the eyes, mind and soul. Located 160 km away from Mumbai and 250 km away from Pune, Koroli is a perfect weekend getaway. Its scenic beauty is mesmerising and the place comes alive during the monsoon with verdant greenery all around. Koroli is surrounded by the Sahyadri Mountains and has Vaitarna Dam and its backwaters in the vicinity. Some top spots in and around Koroli are Trimbakeshwar Shiva Temple, Anjaneri hilltop fort and Talegaon Kachurli forest and lake.

  • Best Places to Visit: Trimbakeshwar Shiva Temple, Anjaneri hilltop fort, and Talegaon Kachurli forest and lake
  • Things to do: Visit the temple, Nature walk, Trekking, Photography
  • By Air: Nashik International Airport
  • By Train: Kumta Railway Station
  • By Bus: Kumta Bus Stand

42. Chikhaldara, Maharashtra


#42 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Chikhaldara is the only hill station in the Vidharba region and is a preferred summer retreat. It is also the sole coffee-growing area in the region; you can actually get the scent of coffee when you enter Chikhaldara. Bhimkund, the place where Bhim took a bath after killing Kichaka, is a popular attraction here. You can also explore Gwaligarh and Narnala Forts, spend a peaceful time near Bir and Kalapani lakes and spot some wild animals at Melghat Tiger Reserve and Gugamal National Park. Muktagiri, a collection of 52 Jain temples is only 46 km away from Chikhaldara.

  • Best Places to Visit: Bhim Kund, Melghat Tiger Reserve, Gawilgad Fort, Panchbol Point
  • Things to do: Trekking, Wildlife Safari, Visit Viewpoints, Bird Watching

43. Toranmal, Maharashtra


#43 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

This beautiful hill town is located in the Nandurbar district and is bordered by seven ranges of Satpura hills. From serene lakes and gushing waterfalls to naturally-formed caves and scenic viewing points, Toranmal is just right for an exciting holiday. Apart from being blessed with nature’s bounty, Toranmal also has many places of religious significance such as Gorakhnath Temple and Nagarjun Temple. Sita Khai, Lotus Lake, Yashavant Lake, Khadki Point, Aawashabari Point and Machhindranath Cave are some wonderful places to visit on this small plateau.

  • Best Places to Visit: Yashavant Lake, Sita Khai, Sunset Point, Lotus Lake
  • Things to do: Boating, Sunset, Photography
  • By Train: Nandurbar Railway Station
  • By Bus: Nandurbar Bus Stand

44. Amboli, Maharashtra


#44 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

A relatively unexplored destination, Amboli is a perfect retreat from chaotic cities. This hill station is located in the Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra, just before the coastal highlands of Goa. In Amboli, you can spend quality time amidst nature and indulge in outdoor activities such as trekking and camping. Durg and Dhakoba peaks offer a wonderful trekking experience while Shirgaonkar Point is perfect for enjoying stunning views of the valley. Amboli Falls, Madhavgad Fort, and Sunset Point are some of the other popular attractions here.

  • Best Places to Visit: Amboli Waterfall, Shirgaonkar Point, Madhavgad Fort, Nangarta Falls
  • Best Time to Visit: June to October 
  • Things to do: Visit the waterfalls, Explore forts and caves, Trekking
  • By Train: Sawantwadi Railway Station
  • By Bus: Amboli Bus Stand

45. Latur, Maharashtra

This beautiful city with a strong historical background is one of the best places to visit in Maharashtra in winter . Apart from the historical and religious sites, Latur also boasts of lush green parks and gardens. Some popular attractions in the city are Ausa Fort, Udgir Fort, Kharosa Caves, Nana Nahi Park, South-Indian style Ashtavinayak Temple, Siddheshwar Ratneshwar Temple and the elephant hill called Hattibet Devarajan.

  • Best Places to Visit: Udgir Fort, Ganj Golai, Ashtavinayak Temple, Siddheshwar Temple, Kharosa Caves
  • Things to do: Sightseeing, Photography, Explore the Historical Forts and Temples
  • By Train: Latur Railway Station
  • By Bus: Latur Bus Stand

46. Panhala, Maharashtra


#46 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Located at an elevation of 3177 feet above sea level, Panhala offers scenic views of the mountains and valley below. It is the smallest city in Maharashtra and is only 22 km away from Kolhapur. Panhala Fort, the largest fort in the Deccan region, is the main attraction here. It has many structures and monuments that offer a glimpse of the great Maratha Empire’s rich heritage. Parashar Caves, Sajja Kothi, Ambabai Temple, Sambhaji Temple and Someshwar Temple are also some of the must-visit places in Panhala.

  • Best Places to Visit: Panhala Fort, Sajja Kothi, Teen Darwaza, Someshwar Temple, Pawankhind
  • Things to do:   Visit the temples Forts, Trekking, Nature walks, Photography
  • By Bus: Panhala Bus Stand

Also Read: Offbeat Places near Pune

47. Wai, Maharashtra


#47 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

Enveloped in natural beauty, Wai is a picturesque hill station in Maharashtra’s Satara district. It is a prominent attraction among religious travellers as Wai houses more than 100 temples and is also known as “Dakshin Kashi” (Kashi of the South). Mahaganapati Mandir, Kalubai Mandir, Menawali Wes, Pandavgad Fort, Nana Phadnavis Vada and Vairatgad Fort are some important attractions here. You can also explore Rajpuri Caves and Wai Caves and enjoy scenic views from Harrisons Folly, Table Land, Sydney Point and Dhom Dam.

  • Best Places to Visit: Dholya Ganapati Temple, Nana Phadnavis Wada, Menawali Ghat, Krishna Ghat
  • Things to do: Visit the temples, Explore Forts, Trekking, Boating, Festivals
  • By Bus: Wai Bus Stand
  • Places to Stay: Hotels near Wai

48. Tamhini Ghat, Maharashtra

#48 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

A popular weekend getaway from Pune and Mumbai, Tamhini Ghat is all about panoramic mountain views, scenic lakes and beautiful waterfalls. This mountain pass in the Western Ghats looks particularly alluring during the monsoons. When in Tamhini Ghat, you can trek to Sudhagad Fort, Ghangad Fort and Sarasgad Fort for a thrilling experience, enjoy swimming and picnic at Tamhini Waterfall and participate in adrenaline-rushing river-rafting activities at Mulshi Dam. Andharban Trail Point is a popular and picturesque hiking trail here.

  • Best Places to Visit: Tamhini Waterfalls, Mulshi Dam, Devkund Waterfall, Kuda Caves
  • Best Time to Visit: June to October
  • Things to do: Trekking, Waterfall Rappelling, Birdwatching, Nature Photography
  • By Bus: Tamhini Bus Stand

49. Sawantwadi, Maharashtra


#49 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

This beautiful town in the Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra is a popular pit stop for tourists travelling to and from Mumbai and Goa. The place also has some popular attractions that one must explore. Nature lovers can enjoy a picnic at Hiranya Keshi Nagarta Falls and take a walk at Narendra Dongar Park. Sawantwadi Palace is a key attraction in the district. Also, do not forget to include Moti Lake, Narendra Hill, Hanuman Temple and Vithal Temple in your travel itinerary.

  • Best Places to Visit: Sawantwadi Palace, Moti Talao, Atmeshwar Tali, Hanuman Temple, Raghunath Market
  • Things to do: Sightseeing and Photography, Boating, Shopping for traditional handicrafts 
  • By Train:  Sawantwadi Railway Station
  • By Bus:  Sawantwadi Bus Stand

50. Lonar, Maharashtra


#50 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

A small town in the Vidarbha region, Lonar is just 140 km away from Aurangabad. The town is famous for Lonar Crater Lake, the third-largest crater in the world and the only saltwater lake in basaltic rock. The lake is surrounded by low hills and is covered by a jungle on the sides. The forest is home to many migratory birds and animals including herons, shell ducks, baya weavers, chinkaras, peafowls and gazelles. Gomukh Temple and Daitya Sudhan Temple are religiously significant places in Lonar.

  • Best Places to Visit: Lonar Crater Lake, Daitya Sudan Temple, Gomukh Temple, Kamalja Devi Temple
  • Things to do: Trekking, Birdwatching, Ancient Temples, Boating
  • By Train: Jalna Railway Station
  • By Bus: Lonar Bus Stand

51. Kalavantin Durg, Maharashtra

Kalavantin Durg

#51 of 51 Places to Visit in Maharashtra

This beautiful spot near Mumbai (50 km away) awaits your presence with its thick floating clouds, lush greenery and rocky terrains. Kalavantin Durg is located near the famous Prabalgad Fort. During the old days, it was used as a watchtower by the Marathas to guard the fort against enemies. It is now a popular trekking destination but is also one of the most dangerous ones in the country.

  • Best Places to Visit: Kalavantin Durg Fort, Echo Point, Alexander Point
  • Things to do: Trekking, Fort exploration, Photography

These 51 best tourist places in Maharashtra are sure to leave you spoilt for choice. Whether you are planning a weekend getaway or a long vacation, this list will help you find a destination that suits your preferences and fits in your pocket. Which all places have you visited in Maharashtra? Do let us know your favourites and the ones you plan to visit in the near future.

Q. What are the names of famous places in Maharashtra?

A. Some of the famous places in Maharashtra are Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Mahabhaleshwar,  Lonavala, Khandala, Matheran, Ajanta and Ellora caves, and Shirdi.

Q. How many districts are in Maharashtra?

A. There are 36 districts in Maharashtra with 6 revenue divisions.

Q. What is the capital of Maharashtra?

A. Mumbai is the capital of Maharashtra. It is known as the financial, entertainment, and commercial capital of India.

Q. Which city is famous for Navratri in Maharashtra?

A. Yavatmal in Nagpur is famous for its unique Navratri festival celebration.

Q. What is the language of Maharashtra?

A. Marathi is the official language of Maharashtra.

Q. What is the famous food of Maharashtra?

A. The most-popular foods are bhaji, vada pav, misalpav and pav bhaji. More-traditional dishes are sabudana khichadi, pohe, upma, sheera, and panipuri.

Q. Which is the queen of hills in Maharashtra?

A.  Mahabaleshwar is often referred to as the ‘Queen of hill stations in Maharashtra’. It is one of the most popular hill stations in Maharashtra

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Best Places to Visit In Maharashtra  and therefore the Home to a number of the country’s most iconic  tourist attractions , one can experience a touch of everything within the  state of Maharashtra . Summer is the perfect time for exploring different places and spending your holidays in  Maharashtra  will end up being extraordinary for sure! A handy guide for your enticing trip may be a must once you are visiting an unknown place. There may be a perfect guide for you which of them has all the small print about your vacay. From soft-sand beaches to rich green mountains and metropolitan cities, these are the  Best Tourist Places to Visit in Maharashtra  in summer that are mentioned within the guide and are totally high on fun, adventure, surprises, and good vibes.

Top 24 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Maharashtra

So, are you already getting to  visit Maharashtra this summer?  this will be a very blast for a family outing. Home to a number of the foremost iconic  tourist attractions ,  Maharashtra  offers great relief from the hectic life. Well, a number of the places mentioned below are surely getting to sweep you off your feet. Take a glance to understand what awaits you in this land!

1.  Malvan – Famous Fishing Ports

2.  Amboli – For the character Lovers

3.  Kashid – Quaint Little Beach Town

4.  Lonavala – Best Picnic Spot

5.  Khandala – Admire The Natural Beauty

6.  Mahabaleshwar – A Romantic Getaway

7.  Alibaug – A Peaceful Town

8.  Matheran – Smallest Hill Station In India

9.  Panchgani – the last word Summer Resort

10.  Ratnagiri – Explore The Fascinating Beaches

11.  Harihareshwar – Soak In Serene Vibes

12.  Malshej Ghat – a real Nature’s Paradise

13.  Toranmal – Lush Landscapes

14.  Jawhar – A Mini Hillstation

15.  Nashik – Temples, Ghats And More

16.  Tadoba – For Animal Lovers

17.  Chikhaldara – Ideal For Coffee Lovers

18.  Karnala – Perfect Place To Relax

19.  Koroli – Rest within the Lap Of Nature

20.  Mumbai

21.  Aurangabad

22.  Kolhapur

23.  Solapur

24.  Pune

1. Malvan – Famous Fishing Ports

Painting a gorgeous canvas for you with its stunning beaches, sprawling backwater, and ancient forts within the backdrop,  Malvan  is indeed one of the  Best Tourist Places to Visit in Maharashtra . Renowned to be the foremost famous fishing port within the state,  Malvan  is one of the  famous places in Maharashtra  to enjoy some privacy, great sunsets, and adventurous watersports.


Best Time To Visit:  November to mid-May

Major Attractions:   Tarkarli Beach, Malvan Beach, Nivti Beach, rockery, Devbagh Beach, Sindhudurg Fort, Malvan Marine Sanctuary,  and more.

Things To Do:  Boating in Karli backwaters, skin diving and dolphin safari in Tsunami island, snorkeling in Tarkarli, and more.

How To Reach:   Malvan  is found at a distance of about 35 kilometers from  Kasal . The destination is often best reached from  Pune  via  Kolhapur  through NH 17

Nearest airport:  Dabolim Airport

Nearest railroad station:   Kudal  railway station

2. Amboli – For the character Lovers

Located at an altitude of 2260 ft.,  Amboli  is one of the must-visit  Best Tourist Places to Visit in Maharashtra  in summer. Perched high on the Sahyadri Hills of Western Ghats,  Amboli  is one of the cool places in  Maharashtra  for all character lovers to unwind and rejuvenate.


Best Time To Visit:  June to September

Dominant Attractions:   Amboli Falls ,  Shirgaonkar Point ,  Madhavgad Fort ,  Nangarta Falls , and  Sunset Point .

Things To Do:  Trek the Durg Dhakoba, hiking, bird-watching, camping, and more.

How To Reach:   Dabolim  Airport of  Goa  is the nearest airport located about 113 kilometers from  Amboli . Sawantwadi is the nearby railroad station situated at a distance of 30 kilometers from  Amboli .

Nearest airport:   Dabolim  Airport

Nearest railway station:  Mature railroad station

3. Kashid – Quaint Little Beach Town

A quaint little beach town nestled along the  North Konkan region of Maharashtra , Kashid is one of the Best Tourist Places to Visit in Maharashtra in summer.


Best Time To Visit:  March to June

Major Attractions:   Kashid Beach ,  Murud Janjira Fort ,  Korlai Fort ,  Revdanda Beach  &  Fort , and Phansad aviary.

Things To Do:  Camping at  Kashid beach , trek to Phansad, skin diving near Murud Janjira, cargo ship rides in Kashid, and more.

How To Reach:  The closest airstrip is that of  Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport  which is about 140 kilometers away. the closest railroad station is that of Roha which is about 122 kilometers far away from  Kashid

Nearest airport:   Chattrapati Shivaji International airport

Nearest railroad station:  Roha railway station

4. Lonavala – Best Picnic Spot

Lonavala  not only is the  best picnic spot in Maharashtra  in summer but is additionally one of the simplest picnic spots near  Mumbai  for all those that want to flee the clutter of city life. Known for its waterfalls and soothing greenery, get to  Lonavala  for a gala time during your summer vacation. this is often one of the  best cold places to visit in the summer in Maharashtra .


Best Time To Visit:  October to May

Dominant Attractions:   Tiger’s Leap ,  Lonavala Lake ,  Rajmachi Wildlife Sanctuary ,  Koregad Fort ,  Amrutanjan Point ,  Bhaja Caves , and more.

Things To Do:  Enjoy sightseeing and camping, trekking to Duke’s Nose and  Kondane Caves , and more.

How To Reach:   Lohegaon  Airport is the nearest airport located at a distance of about 71 kilometers from  Lonavala .  Lonavala  is well connected to other cities in  India  through regular trains

Nearest airport:  Pune airport

Nearest railroad station:   Lonavala  railway station

5. Khandala – Admire The Natural Beauty

Located just 3 kilometers far away from the above-mentioned  Lonavala ,  Khandala  is also a stunner when it involves the Best Tourist Places to Visit in Maharashtra in May. Enjoying a pleasing climate during the summers, the natural great thing about  Khandala  makes it one of the  best summer vacation places in Maharashtra  and it’ll be worth spending your vacation during this natural marvel.


Major Attractions:   Rajmachi Fort ,  Lohagad Fort ,  Bedse Caves ,  Visapur Fort ,  Kune Waterfalls ,  Bushi Dam , and  Shooting Point .

Things To Do:  Enjoy the simplest of trekking, hiking, caving, and sightseeing in  Khandala , paragliding in Kamshet, and more.

How To Reach:  Situated at a distance of about 66 kilometers, the domestic airport of Pune is the nearby airport. the closest railroad station that links  Khandala  to other cities is the  Lonavala railroad station

Nearest airport:   Pune  airport

Nearest railroad station:   Lonavala railway station

6. Mahabaleshwar – A Romantic Getaway

Nestled within the  Sahyadri Mountain ranges ,  Mahabaleshwar  is yet one more place to explore in summer which is additionally a romantic getaway for all the love birds. Once the summer capital of Bombay, the quiet and enchanting  best places to visit in Mahabaleshwar  are nothing but magic.


Dominant Attractions:   Mahabaleshwar Temple ,  Morarji Castle ,  Vienna Lake ,  Pratapgad ,  Mapro Garden ,  Tapola ,  Lingamala Falls ,  Lodwick Point ,  Elephant’s Head Point , and lots more.

Things To Do:  See the magical sunrise at Wilson Point, mountain biking at  Mahabaleshwar  hill station, trekking & more.

How To Reach:  the closest airport is that of  Pune  located just 120 kilometers away. Water is the nearest railroad station that’s located just 60 kilometers away. Take local buses from Vashi, Dadar East, or Sion and reach  Mahabaleshwar  in only 5 to six hours

Nearest railway station:   Pune  railroad station

7. Alibaug – A Peaceful Town

Get to  Alibaug  – one of the peaceful  Best Tourist Places to Visit in Maharashtra , if you would like to urge far away from the hustle and bustle of the metro cities in  India , especially  Mumbai . More of a quiet and peaceful town,  Alibaug  is home to a number of the simplest beaches that make it one of the  famous destinations to visit in Maharashtra  in summer.


Major Attractions:   Alibaug Beach ,  Nagaon Beach ,  Kolaba Fort ,  Akshi Beach ,  Kanakeshwar Forest ,  Varsoli Beach ,  Mandwa Beach , and more.

Things To Do:  Enjoy camping at  Revdanda beach , trek to  Sagargad , Jetski, bumpy rides, and cargo ship rides at Nagaon, bird watching at  Akshi beach , and more.

How To Reach:   Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport  is the nearest airport to  Alibaug  which is 140 kilometers away. One also can reach Alibaug in two hours via many local buses that run from  Mumbai

Nearest airport:  Mumbai airport

8. Matheran – Smallest Hill Station In India

Despite being the littlest  hill station in India ,  Matheran  features a lot to supply when it involves the  best places to visit in Maharashtra in summer . Located within the Raigad district of  Maharashtra ,  Matheran  treats the journey souls right with its lush green and forested routes that are rich in wildlife and best for trekking and hiking. it’s one of the  best hill stations in Maharashtra  that you simply need to visit on your next trip.


Best Time To Visit:  November to June

Major Attractions:   Panorama Point ,  Echo Point ,  One Tree Hill Point ,  Charlotte Lake ,  Alexander Point ,  Prabal Fort , and Honeymoon Hill.

Things To Do:  Trek through the  Garbett Plateau , valley crossing from Honeymoon Point to Louisa Point, nature walking, native shopping in  Matheran , and more.

How To Reach:  Take the toy train from Neral and luxuriate in a zigzag ride through which you’ll reach  Matheran  in only two hours. One also can drive to  Matheran  from Neral and reach within a half-hour

Nearest airport:   Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport

Nearest railroad station:  Neral railway station

9. Panchgani – the last word Summer Resort

Last but not least,  Panchgani  is renowned because of its headquarters for paragliding within the state of  Maharashtra . Literally translating into the land of 5 hills,  Panchgani  is the ultimate summer resort that’s much famed for its scenic beauty and untouched environs. this is often surely one of the  Best Tourist Places to Visit in Maharashtra  during summer which can sweep you off your feet.


Best Time To Visit:  September to May

Dominant Interest:   Table Land ,  Mapro Farms ,  Sydney Point ,  Lingmala Falls ,  Kate’s Point ,  Arthur Seat ,  Dhom Dam ,  Bhilar Waterfalls , and  Elephant’s Head Point .

Things To Do:  Go sightseeing in  Panchgani , hike near the Rajpuri Caves, enjoy trekking and cycling, shop for handicrafts, and far more.

How To Reach:  One can get to  Panchgani  by flight via Pune Airport which is found at a distance of 100 kilometers. the closest railway head is additionally that of Pune

Nearest airport:   Pune  Airport

Nearest railroad station:   Jarandeshwar railway station

10. Ratnagiri – Explore The Fascinating Beaches

Located on the shoreline of the Arabian Sea,  Ratnagiri  is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Maharashtra  in the summer. Being one of the favored  Maharashtra  destinations to spend a laid-back holiday, one must explore the fascinating beaches in  Ratnagiri  on their next trip to  Maharashtra .


Best Time To Visit:  October to April

Dominant Attractions:   Ratnagiri Fort ,  Bhatye Beach ,  Thibaw Palace ,  Bhagwati Mandir ,  Mandvi Beach , and more

Things To Do:  Analyze the  Ratnadurg Fort , visit  Ratnagiri Marine Fish Museum , visit  Basni Lake , and more

How To Reach:  One can reach  Ratnagiri  via flights, trains, and by road. While Mumbai happens to be the closest airstrip and railhead from  Ratnagiri , one also can visit  Ratnagiri  from  Goa  which is simply 188 km away

Nearest airport:   Mumbai  Airport

Nearest railroad station:  Bhoke railway station

11. Harihareshwar – Soak In Serene Vibes

Known for being a well-liked beach destination by the locals, this place is nothing but blessed with the  famous temple of Harihareshwar  within the vicinity. Not only do the majestic four hills protecting the region proudly add more charm to the present place’s serene vibes, but it also has river Savitri through the town and dense forests around the beach that make this an ideal holiday spot to unwind. it’s one of the  best tourist places in Maharashtra .


Best Time To Visit:  October to March

Dominant Attractions:   Harihareshwar beach ,  Kalbhairav temple , and  Bagmandala

Things To Do:  choose a beach walk at  Diveagar beach  or enjoys an unprecedented shopping experience at  Harihareshwar’s  vibrant markets

How To Reach:  you’ll take a cab from the closest airport in  Mumbai  and therefore the nearest railhead is Mangaon.

Nearest airport:   Chatrapati Shivaji International Airport

Nearest railroad station:  Mangaon railway station

12. Malshej Ghat – a real Nature’s Paradise

Nestled beautifully amongst the majestic mountains, serene waterfalls, and various enchanting lakes,  Malshej Ghat  is what you call a real nature’s paradise. Famous amongst the locals for being an ideal weekend getaway from  Pune ,  Mumbai , and  Thane , this place is additionally known for trekking and hiking activities which is why it’s counted among the  Best Tourist Places to Visit in Maharashtra summer .

Malshej Ghat

Best Time To Visit:  July to March

Major Attractions:   Pimpalgaon Jogal Dam , and  Malshej Falls

Things To Do:  Trek around the  Harishchandragad Fort , shop within the streets of  Malshej Ghat  or just visit the  Ajoba Hill Fort  for a soothing experience

How To Reach:  While the closest airport is Pune, from where you’ll rent a cab, the closest railroad station is Kalyan which is a mere 85 km far away from the town

Nearest railroad station:   Kalyan railway station

13. Toranmal – Lush Landscapes

Toranmal  is one of the  best places to visit in Maharashtra , India . The name of this place has been adapted from the word ‘Tarona’, a goddess worshipped by the tribals of the region. There are several beautiful lakes, less-explored caves, and viewpoints in  Toranmal .


Major Attractions:   Lotus Lake ,  Aawashabari Point ,  Yashavant Lake ,  Sita Khai ,  Khadki Point , and Machhindranath Cave are a number of the favored places to go to in  Toranmal .

Things To Do:  Trekking, sightseeing, picnic

How To Reach:  Nandurbar and Alirajpur are the closest railroad station to Toranmal

Nearest airport:  Surat airport

Nearest railroad station:   Nandurbar railway station

14. Jawhar – A Mini Hillstation

Jawhar  may be a tiny hill station located within the  Thane  district. this is often one of the foremost charming tourist places in Maharashtra  in summer for a family or a few holidays. Rich with scenic beauty,  Jawhar  is just a green paradise. There are spots to observe the stunning sunset, beautiful palaces, and waterfalls.  Jai Vilas Palace , an architectural wonder from the past, is one of the main highlights of  Jawhar  sightseeing.


Best Time To Visit:  October to February

Dominant Attractions:   Dabdaba Falls ,  Jai Vilas Palace ,  Hanuman Point ,  Sunset Point , and  Shirpamal

Things To Do:  Sightseeing, nature walk, sunset watching

How To Reach:  Nashik is the nearest railroad station to Jawhar

Nearest airport:  Nasik airport

Nearest railroad station:  Igatpuri railway station

15. Nashik – Temples, Ghats And More

Nashik  is an ancient holy town that assails the  banks of river Godavari . This city is related to the Hindu mythological text,  Ramayana .  Nashik  is home to many temples and shrines and is visited by devotees and travelers from different parts of the country. The temples within the city have traditional and detailed architecture. There are several ghats within the town which makes it one of the  best destinations for a summer vacation in Maharashtra .


Best Time To Visit:  October b/w December and February b/w March

Major Attractions:   Ramkund ,  York Winery ,  Soma Wine Village ,  Chandon ,  Sita Gumpha , and  Kala Rama Temple

Things to try In Nashik:  continue a wine tour at Sula Vineyards, temple visits, bathing in the ghats

How To Reach:   Nashik  railroad station is well-connected to different a part of the country

Nearest railroad station:   Nasik Road railway station

16. Tadoba – For Animal Lovers

Another one on the list of  top summer destinations in Maharashtra  is  Tadoba  which is legendary for its  Andhari Tiger Reserve . The place is found within the Chandrapur District and it’s one of the most important also as oldest reserves. So, if you’re an animal lover then you want to visit  Tadoba  on your vacation.


Best Time To Visit:  April-May

Major Attractions:   Tadoba park ,  Lake Khosla , and  Erai Dam

Things To Do:  Trekking, safari, and sightseeing

How To Reach:  the closest station located around  Tadoba  is  Chandrapur  which is about 59 km away. From there, one can take a taxi and reach the destination.

Nearest airport:   Nagpur airport

Nearest railroad station:   Chandrapur railway station

17. Chikhaldara – Ideal For Coffee Lovers

If you’re trying to find places for  the best summer vacations in Maharashtra  then consider  Chikhaldara  together with the choices. The place offers the foremost beautiful views and provides an opportunity to witness wildlife too. aside from this, it’s also famous for its coffee plantations which is why  Chikhaldara  may be heaven for coffee lovers. As you set foot within the plantations, the aroma of coffee takes over your senses and put you in a trance.


Best Time To Visit:  May-June (cool evenings), July-September

Major Attractions:   Mozart Point ,  Gawilghur , and  Goraghat Point

Things To Do:  Exploring forts and sightseeing

How To Reach:  you’ll take a train to  Amaravati  from where you’ll need to hire a cab to succeed in  Chikhaldara .

Nearest airport:  Akola airport

Nearest railroad station:   Achalpur railway station

18. Karnala – Perfect Place To Relax

One of the  Best Tourist Places to Visit in Maharashtra  is  Karnala  which is admired for its green vistas and cascading waterfalls. it’s an ideal place to unwind after long weeks and months of diligence. The natural great thing about this place heals an individual and calms the mind. you’ll also please your eyes with a scene of mist and clouds hovering over the Sahyadri Range. the simplest part is that you simply also can witness some amazing migratory birds at the  Karnala  aviary which is why several photographers visit this place. No doubt, it’s listed among the  best spot in Maharashtra in the summer .


Best Time To Visit:  October-May

Major Attractions:   Karnala aviary ,  Karnala Fort , and  large Red Tent

Things To Do:  Photography, trekking, exploring, and sightseeing

How To Reach:  the closest station is in Panvel from where you’ll take a cab and reach your destination.

Nearest railroad station:   Rasayani railway station

19. Koroli – Rest within the Lap Of Nature

Nashik  is home to at least one of the simplest hill stations that pass the name  Koroli . Wrapped within the vast Sahyadri ranges, Koroli may be a beautiful place to not be missed in  Maharashtra . a glance at this place will revive your senses and calm your mind, making you fall crazy with this place. this is often one of the b est summer tourist places in Maharashtra  to rest within the lap of mother nature.


Best Time To Visit:  February-June

Major Attractions:   Vaitarana Dam ,  Vaitarana Backwaters , and  Anjaneri

Things To Do:  Swimming, boating, horse riding, and trekking

How To Reach:   Koroli  is simply 40 minutes faraway from the Igatpuri railroad station from where you’ll hire a cab to succeed in the destination.

Formerly referred to as  ‘Bombay’ ,  Mumbai  is the largest city and therefore the capital of  Maharashtra . it’s also the foremost populated city in India and therefore the 5th most populous city in the world. the town that we see today may be a collection of seven islands that were joined into one metropolitan through land reclamation techniques within the 18th century under the rule of the British Malay Archipelago Company. the town is usually nicknamed the Manhattan of India and is home to the famous Indian movie industry or ‘Bollywood’.


Famous for:  Heritage, Monuments, Shopping, and Cuisine.

Nearby Places:   Lonavala ,  Khandala ,  Pune.

How to Reach

Air:  Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport 

Rail:  Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus railroad station  

Road:  Mumbai  has one of the simplest intercity bus networks in India with about 2.3 million passengers commuting daily through its extensive bus network. 

Places to Visit

Gateway of India

Elephanta Caves

Marine Drive

Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus

Haji Ali Shrine

Sanjay Gandhi park

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya

Markets of Mumbai

Global Vipassana Pagoda

Siddhivinayak Temple

Basilica of Our Lady of the Mount

Beaches of Mumbai

Flora Fountain

Fort Bassein

21. Aurangabad

Aurangabad  is known after the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb and is one of the foremost prominent  Best Tourist Places to Visit in Maharashtra . the town is legendary for its historical monuments and therefore the ancient caves of Ajanta and Ellora which are a national heritage site. 


Famous for:  History, Heritage, Monuments.

Dominant Attractions:  Ajanta and Ellora Caves, Bibi ka Maqbara.

Nearby Places:  Shirdi, Nashik.

Air:  Aurangabad Airport

Rail:   Aurangabad railroad station  

Road:  Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation 

Ajanta Caves

Ellora Caves

Devgiri Fort

Ghrishneshwar Temple

Bibi Ka Maqbara

Salim Ali Lake & aviary

Jama Mosque

Aurangabad Caves

22. Kolhapur

The city of  Kolhapur  is found on the banks of the Panchganga River and is one of the Princely states of the Marathas. the town is taken into account to be the guts of the Maratha Empire and is legendary for its various historical monuments and cultural heritage of the Marathi people.


Famous for:  Heritage, History, Kolhapuri chappal.

Major Attraction:  Mahalakshmi Temple.

Nearby Places:  Ratnagiri, Panjim.

Air:  Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport

Rail:  Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Terminus railroad station  

Road:  Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation

Mahalakshmi Temple

Jyotiba Temple

Rankala Lake

Chhatrapati Sahu Museum

Panhala Fort

23. Solapur

Solapur  is found on the Karnataka state border and therefore the main languages spoken here are Marathi and Kannada. the town is found on the Deccan plateau and enjoys a moderate and dry climate for many of the year. 


Famous for:  Pilgrimage, Views.

Major Attractions:   Pandharpur  and  Baba Umer Dargah .

Nearby Places:  Satara, Vijaypur.

Air:  Pune International Airport 

Rail:  Solapur railroad station 

Akkalkot Swami Maharaj Temple

Shri Siddheshwar Temple

Great Indian Bustard Sanctuary

Solapur Fort

Pandharpur Temple

The land of Peshwas,  Pune  has held a crucial position; both culturally and historically since the days of  Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj . within the present times, it’s a crucial educational, cultural, and economic hub in  Maharashtra .


Famous for:  Culture, Peshwas, History, Education.

Major Attractions:  Shaniwarwada, Aga Khan Palace.

Nearby Places:  Mumbai, Khandala, Lonavala.

Rail:  Pune Junction railroad station 

Western Ghats

Dagadusheth Halwai Ganapati.

Shivneri Fort

Shanivar Wada

Aga Khan Palace

Parvati Hill

Rajgad Fort

Raja Dinkar Kelkar Museum

Sinhagad Fort

Different States To Visit in India :

1) Andaman and Nicobar Island 2) Andhra Pradesh     3) Arunachal Pradesh 4)  Assam

5) Bihar 6) Chandigarh 7) Chhattisgarh 8) Delhi 9) Goa 10) Gujrat

11) Haryana 12) Himachal Pradesh 13) Jammu & Kashmir 14) Jharkhand

15) Karnataka 16) Kerala 17) Leh Ladakh 18) Madhya Pradesh 19) Maharashtra

20) Manipur 21) Meghalaya 22) Mizoram 23) Odisha 24) Pondicherry

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10 best places to visit in Maharashtra

Over the last couple of years we have taken three road trips across Maharashtra, covering the Konkan coast , parts of the Western Ghats and the Mumbai – Aurangabad sector. In this post we put together a list of the  best places to visit in Maharashtra, some of which are well known, whilst others are more offbeat. From ancient historic sites and centres of art and culture to stunning beaches and incredible nature, here are 10 of our favourites (so far!) across Maharashtra which you should consider for your next weekend break! 

Kailasha Temple Ellora

Ajanta & Ellora

Perhaps topping the list of the best places to visit in Maharashtra is the state’s showpiece, the stunning rock cut caves at Ajanta and Ellora. Though these two UNESCO sites are often hyphenated, in reality, they are quite different.

Ajanta is a collection of 29 rock cut caves, arranged along a semi-circular ridge reminiscent of caves in places like Kanheri in Mumbai or Bhaja in Lonavala , except that these are far more magnificent, greater in number and highly detailed, many with large central stupas and others with beautiful wall murals. The caves are all Buddhist and whilst they belong to two different periods of Buddhism, all of them are believed to have been built between 2 BC and 600 CE, making many of them over 2000 years old ! Take your time to visit Ajanta. If you rush through, it can be overwhelming, but make sure you visit Caves 1, 2, 10, 16 & 17 for the beautiful paintings and Caves 19 & 26 for the stunning Stupas and intricate carvings including a reclining statue of the dying Buddha.

Also climb up to the Ajanta ‘view point’ for a lovely Panorama of the entire site. For those averse to making the trek up you can also drive there. 🙂

Whist Ajanta is more subtle in its impact with intricate carvings and beautiful paintings, Ellora is all about scale! A collection of Buddhist, Jain and Hindu monuments, Ellora is not as old as Ajanta, but one look at the iconic Kailasha temple is all that’s needed to convince you that it’s no less impressive.

The Hindu temple, dedicated to Shiva, is considered to be the largest single rock excavation in the world and is hewed out of the basalt mountain of the Western Ghats. It is estimated that three million cubic feet of stone was excavated for the construction of the temple! The Indra Sabha (Cave 32) and Jagannath Sabha (Cave 33) along with the multi storied buddhist monastery of Caves 11 and 12 are other notable excavations.

Vitals: Both Ajanta & Ellora are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and each require significant time to explore. The most convenient place to base yourself if you want to see both is Aurangabad, which is 29 kms from Ellora and 104 kms from Ajanta.

Lonar crater maharashtra

Lonar Crater Lake

The Lonar crater lake is probably one of the more surreal places in Maharashtra. Located about 3 – 4 hours from Aurangabad, the crater and subsequently the lake was formed over 50,000 years ago when a meteorite barrelled into this part of rural Maharashtra, creating a unique ecosystem.

We visited Lonar in 2016 , trekking down to the crater and along its almost perfectly circular, 5km circumference, dotted with a number of old Hoysala style temples. The lake itself and the thick forest surrounding it is beautiful, and makes for some wonderful photos at sunset and a great place for some birdwatching and herping.

Make sure you explore the town of Lonar which has some lovely old wooden homes and a couple of interesting temples including one of the few in India to have a statue of Brahma.

You can read more about Lonar right here on the blog .

Vitals: Lonar is about a 3-4 hour drive from Aurangabad along the Aurangabad-Nagpur Road. The only public transport is by bus, and you can get direct buses from Jalna or one via Sultanpur. The MTDC Resort is closest to the lake and is a decent option for stay and food.


A little known detour enroute to the Ellora caves, Khuldabad’s only claim to fame is the site of Aurangzeb’s grave, a simple almost nondescript structure unlike those of his predecessors. But that’s not why you should visit. Just beyond the dusty little town lies a vast expanse of green meadows dotted with tiny tombs and monuments in various state of preservation. Known as the valley of saints, Khuldabad is a lovely little spot to drive through, hidden from view and ignored by most. It is here that you will find the tombs of Asaf Shah, the founder of the Nizam dynasty of Hyderabad, various members and consorts of Aurangzeb’s clan, a number of Sufi saints and Malik Ambar, the Siddhi mercenary who rose to be a general and harried Jehangir’s armies for years. It’s a lovely place to spend a few peaceful hours wandering and exploring, a space that seems in may ways untouched by the ravages of time.

Vitals : Khuldabad is between Daulatabad Fort and Ellora Caves, about an hour from Aurangabad, and can be clubbed with a visit to the fort.

Devrai Art Village Panchgani

Devrai Art Village

Located just outside of Panchgani, this cross between an art based NGO and a hilly homestay is one of the best places to visit and perfect to relax and immerse yourself in nature and art. Set up by the Mathur family in their home outside Panchgani (where they shifted to from Mumbai many moons ago!) Devrai helps displaced tribal artisans from Naxal affected areas to earn a dignified livelihood by making beautiful Dhokra art. You can visit Devrai to see the work they do, try your hand at Dhokra and maybe pick up a couple of stunning pieces for your home or chill out for a few days at the basic homestay, writing, walking, breathing fresh air and marvelling at the wonderful vistas.

You can read more about Devrai Art village here , or check out our Podcast where we chat with Mandakini Mathur, founder of Devrai about their journey.

Vitals: Devrai Art Village is located on the outskirts of Panchgani on the road up to Mahabaleshwar. Look for the signs for where to turn off and follow them all the way to the Mathurs home.

Bhogwe Beach

Bhogwe Beach

Tucked away in the southern part of the state, far away from the Maharashtra tourism hubs are some of the most fabulous beaches you have ever seen. We visited a few on our recent journey down the Konkan coast and our favourite was probably Bhogwe. Surrounded by rocky hills, peaceful Bhogwe, with its white sands, brilliant blue water and just enough isolation makes for a perfect weekend beach break for those looking for alternatives from Goa. For more action and food options,  the beaches of Tarkarli and Devbagh are just a short boat ride away.

You can read more about the other beautiful beaches we discovered along the Konkan coast here. 

Vitals: Bhogwe beach is located in the Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra about 550 kms from Mumbai.  Though its probably best to drive, the closest major town is Kudal and you can get a train to Kudal and from there, a bus to Bhogwe. Stay at the cute wooden huts at Samant Beach Resort which as the name suggests is right on Bhogwe beach and is reasonable and nice. They don’t serve alcohol but will get you beers on request 🙂

Murud Janjira Fort

There are many historical places in Maharashtra but none more so than its many forts! Maharashtra has more forts than any other state in India including places like Rajasthan and MP, which one would typically associate with this. Neither of us are big trekkers so whilst we have climbed many of these forts in the last few years, we largely stick to the simpler ones! For those who want to visit some of the more easily accessible forts in Maharashtra, we would recommend Lohagad outside Lonavala, Pratapgad close to Mahabaleshwar, Daulatabad near Aurangabad (which probably has the most to see in terms of ruins) and Raigad which is a tough climb, but has a ropeway to the top 😉 All these forts have beautiful views and are easy to get to.

If you are looking for something a bit different, we suggest the island forts along the Konkan coast which are unique to Maharashtra. The most popular of the lot are Sindhudurg Fort in Malvan and the Janjira fort in Murud; both of which are accessed by boat and are quite cool.

Ganjifa, Sawantwadi

One of the last major towns in Maharashtra before you hit Goa, Sawantwadi is a lovely spot for a shot break. Not only does it have some stunning virgin beaches in nearby Vengurla, and the interesting story of a group of fisherwoman who are working to conserve Vengurlas mangroves , but as a former princely state, it also has a bit of history to explore.

We visited Sawantwadi to learn about the Ganjifa card game that has its roots in Persia and was brought to India by the Mughals and adopted and localised by the Indian princely states. The Ganjifa cards, which in India are based on the avatars of Vishnu, are usually round and beautifully hand painted by skilled artists from Goa and Telangana. The Rajmata of Sawantwadi is making an effort to revive the Ganjifa art which is now dying out, by employing artisans who work out of the Palace to produce the cards, and also documenting the history of the game and how it is played.

Whilst at Sawantwadi you can also visit nearby Pingule and meet Chetan Gangwane a member of the Thakkar adivasi community who is making efforts to preserve the traditional art of his community and has even set up a small museum.

Vitals : Sawantwadi is about 520 km from Mumbai and about 60 kms from Panjim. The most convenient way to reach is by train to Sawantwadi Road, though you can also do the journey by car if you enjoy long drives. Check out Dilip Akrekar’s organic plantation at Dwarka Farmstay for a peaceful stay amidst nature. Dilip will also give you a lowdown on the region and tell you about his interesting journey from businessman to organic farmer.

Fireflies, Bhandardara

The Fireflies of Bhandardara

Looking for places to visit near Mumbai this monsoon? We have just the place for you. For a few days every year, just shy of the monsoon, the areas of Purushwadi and Bhandardara in rural Maharashtra experience a unique phenomenon where millions of fireflies light up the night sky as they undertake an elaborate mating ritual. The feeling of seeing these glowing creatures make patterns in the sky, almost like little ballerinas in formation, is something that’s difficult to describe and something that you need to experience at least once in a lifetime! We visited Bhandardara in early June of 2016 and came back with a deep appreciation for the subtle wonders of nature.

Bhandardara itself with its beautiful lake and green hills is a wonderful place to visit in the monsoons, fireflies or not!

To know more about the fireflies and Bhandardara check our blog post with all the information or listen to our Podcast here . 

Vitals: Bhandardara is around 180 Kms from Mumbai, 160 Km from Pune and 75 Kms from Nashik. Being fairly remote, the best way to get there is to drive or book a private / share taxi.  Nashik is also well connected by train, and from Nashik, Bhandardara is just an hour and a half away. Stay at the MTDC at Arthurs Lake or one of the many homestays in the village. Whilst you can visit yourself we would strongly suggest getting a guide as it is difficult to spot the fireflies unless you know where to look. We went with Deccan Travels of Nashik. You can also check out the Fireflies with Grassroutes , a rural tourism initiative that takes travellers to Purushwadi. 

Wrestlers kolhapur motibag talim

The Talims of Kolhapur

Kolhapur is not a place most people tend to visit, but it makes for a great stop if you are driving from Mumbai to Goa or Bangalore, not only for its excellent food but also to get a ringside view of a part of Kolhapuri culture that not many are aware of. Like many places in the north, Kolhapur during the heydey of the former kingdoms was a hub of wrestling culture. Kolhapur has produced a number of National level wrestlers, including India’s first individual olympic medal winner back in the 1950s! Visit the Motibag Talim in the old city to check out the wrestlers train in the traditional mud Akharas and while you are there visit the New Palace of the Bhosale rulers of Kolhapur, one of the most over the top palace museums in all of India, not necessarily in a good way.

Check out the story we did for Cleartrip on why you should visit Kolhapur for the lowdown on all the places to eat and the stuff to check out in this unique city. 

Vitals: Kolhapur is a city in southern Maharashtra and can easily be accessed by train or car. It falls right on the new Mumbai – Bangalore highway and makes for a great lunch stop or overnight halt along this route.

Bibi ka Maqbara Aurangabad

Bibi ka Maqbara

There’s only one Taj Mahal right ? Wrong ! From the Black Taj of Burhanpur, to the baby Taj of Agra and the Tomb of Hoshang Shah in Mandu, there are many structures around India which either claim to have inspired the Taj or have been inspired by it. None more so than the Bibi ka Maqbara, the tomb that Aurangzeb commissioned for his first wife, Dilras Banu Begum. Aurangzeb was not known to be interested in architecture and the mausoleum of his wife, which bears such a striking resemblance to that of his mother, is his principal architectural achievement. The structure came to be known as the Taj of the Deccan and was incidentally designed by Ata-ullah, the son of Ustad Ahmad Lahauri, the principal designer of the Taj, which might explain the resemblance!

Vitals: The Bibi ka Maqbara is located in the central Maharashtrian city of Aurangabad and is well connected by road and train. A visit to Aurangabad can include the Bibi ka Maqbara and the historic sites of Ajanta and Ellora or even the Lonar crater!

Well that is our list of the best places to visit in Maharashtra !

Do you have any personal favourites we may have missed out ? Let us know in the comments below!

2 Comments Add yours

' src=

Lovely to see this post about Maharashtra! And it’s remarkable how you’ve portrayed the places as not just something “local” but something everybody should consider travelling to.

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Thanks guys! Maharashtra is such an underexplored gem, wish more people would travel here!

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maharashtra ka tourist places

Top 5 Monuments in Maharashtra That You Must Visit At least once

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Maharashtra is a state renowned for its rich historical and cultural heritage. With a history that stretches back thousands of years, it’s no surprise that Maharashtra boasts a plethora of historical monuments that attract tourists worldwide. Each monument is recognized for its heritage value, architectural splendor and worldwide popularity.

This article lists the five historical monuments in Maharashtra that you must visit.

Famous Monuments in Maharashtra

1. the gateway of india, mumbai.

The Gateway of India, Mumbai

The Gateway of India is situated on the waterfront in Mumbai . It is an iconic architectural marvel that symbolises the city’s historical and cultural significance. It’s one of the top monuments in Maharashtra that you must visit. Built during the British Raj, this grand archway was completed in 1924. It has since become one of Mumbai’s most visited landmarks.

The Gateway of India’s design is a stunning fusion of Indo-Saracenic and Muslim architectural styles. It features intricate latticework, ornate bas-reliefs, and a central dome. It holds historical significance as it served as the ceremonial entrance point for British viceroys and dignitaries during the colonial era. Today, it is not only a testament to Mumbai’s colonial past but also a bustling place for locals and tourists. You can stroll along the promenade, enjoy panoramic views, and embark on boat trips to nearby Elephanta Island. The Gateway of India is a must-visit destination for anyone exploring Mumbai’s vibrant culture and history. Make sure to add the Gateway of India to your list of the top monuments in Maharashtra to visit on your trip.

Places to visit near Gateway of India: Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Elephanta Caves , Colaba Causeway, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya (formerly Prince of Wales Museum), Jehangir Art Gallery, Kala Ghoda Art Precinct, Flora Fountain, Mumbai University, Oval Maidan, Rajabai Clock Tower.

2. Bibi-Ka-Maqbara, Aurangabad


Bibi-Ka-Maqbara is another famous monument to visit. Famous as the Taj of the Deccan, Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb’s son Azam Shah built it in the 17th century. It was constructed in memory of Dilras Banu Begum, the wife of Aurangzeb. It showcases stunning Mughal architecture with its beautiful white marble, intricate latticework, and ornate minarets. As you explore the complex, you’ll find a peaceful garden, making it a serene spot to appreciate the blend of Persian and Indian architectural elements.

Bibi-Ka-Maqbara holds a special place in history. It offers a glimpse into the Mughal era’s architectural splendour. The structure provides a tranquil atmosphere for reflection and admiration.

Places to visit near Bibi-Ka-Maqbara: Aurangabad  Caves, Daulatabad Fort, Ellora Caves, Grishneshwar Temple, Ajanta Caves, Panchakki, Aurangabad City Center, Jayakwadi Dam, Siddharth Garden and Zoo.

3. Ajanta and Ellora Caves, Aurangabad

Ajanta & Ellora

These UNESCO World Heritage Sites are a testament to India’s architectural brilliance. The Ajanta Caves is a cluster of rock-cut caves. It dates back to the 2nd century BCE. As you step into these caves, you’ll notice a mesmerising display of Buddhist cave paintings and sculptures. These intricate artworks depict the life of Buddha and stories from Jataka tales. The atmosphere inside these caves exudes an air of serenity. The caves invite you to immerse yourself in ancient India’s spiritual and artistic heritage.

The Ellora Caves offer a captivating experience. These caves span five from the 5th to the 10th centuries. They present a remarkable fusion of Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist rock-cut temples and monasteries. You’ll marvel at the intricately carved sculptures as you explore the Ellora complex. The Kailash Temple , dedicated to Lord Shiva, is the most impressive. These caves are not merely historical sites; they are living testaments to ancient India’s devotion, artistry, and craftsmanship. One of the top historical places in Maharashtra , these caves are a must-visit!

Places to visit near Ajanta and Ellora Caves: Daulatabad Fort, Grishneshwar Temple, Aurangabad Caves, Bhadra Maruti Temple, Khuldabad, Bibi-Ka-Maqbara, Ghrishneshwar Jyotirlinga Temple, Shivleni Caves, Siddharth Garden and Zoo, Jayakwadi Bird Sanctuary.

4. Shaniwar Wada, Pune

Shaniwar Wada Lawn

Shaniwar Wada is a must-see historical gem in Pune . This magnificent fort was constructed in 1732 by the Peshwa dynasty. It stands as a testament to the grandeur and power of the Maratha Empire. One of the popular monuments in Maharashtra , Shaniwar Wada has a lot to offer history buffs or tourists. As you explore the place, you’ll be transported back to an era of luxury and intrigue.

The fort was once the seat of the Peshwa rulers. The highlight of your visit will likely be the grand hall, the Dagdusheth Halwai Ganapati Hall. This was the place where important meetings and events were held. Most of the fort was destroyed by a fire in the 19th century. However, the surviving structures offer a glimpse into Pune’s history. The story of Shaniwar Wada is a blend of architectural brilliance and historical significance. You don’t want to miss a captivating chapter in India’s past. If you’re planning a trip to Shaniwar Wada, make sure to add Shaniwar Wada to your list.

Places to visit near Shaniwar Wada: Aga Khan Palace, Raja Dinkar Kelkar Museum, Lal Mahal, Parvati Hill, Saras Baug, Vishrambaug Wada, Pataleshwar Cave Temple, Darshan Museum, Shreemant Dagdusheth Halwai Ganapati Temple.

5. Sindhudurg Fort, Sindhudurg

One of the famous historical monuments in Maharashtra , Sindhudurg Fort , never fails to impress. Nestled along the Konkan coast, Sindhudurg Fort is a historical gem that promises an enriching and picturesque experience. It was constructed under the leadership of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj during the 17th century. This fort represents a significant chapter in India’s history. Exploring Sindhudurg will lead you through the fort’s imposing stone walls. These walls were designed to withstand the battering of the waves and the challenges of foreign invasions.

As you delve deeper into the fort’s interior, you’ll uncover a world of historical wonders. Ancient temples dedicated to various deities, including the grand Shri Shivaji Temple, stand as a testament to the spiritual significance of this fortress. The engineering marvels of Sindhudurg become evident when you encounter its freshwater reservoirs. These reservoirs ensured a reliable water supply even during extended sieges. One of the most intriguing aspects of Sindhudurg Fort lies beneath its surface. A network of secret tunnels beneath the fort was used for defensive and strategic purposes. So, whether you’re a history enthusiast, an admirer of architecture, or a nature lover, a visit to Sindhudurg Fort promises a captivating journey. It takes you through time and gives you a deeper understanding of India’s history .

Places to visit near Sindhudurg Fort: Vijaydurg Fort, Tarkarli Beach, Malvan, Devbag Beach, Sargeshwar Beach, Rameshwar Temple, Bhogwe Beach, Vayangani Beach, Nivati Beach.

Other Famous Historical Places in Maharashtra

6. chhatrapati shivaji terminus, mumbai.


Mumbai , INDIA : the CST Suburban Train station formerly known as the Victoria Terminus at Mumbai. It is one of the busiest railway stations in India & an architectural symbol of Mumbai. It was built by the British.

One of the most iconic landmarks that will capture your attention is the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST). A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this majestic railway station was formerly known as Victoria Terminus. This landmark is not just a transportation hub but a symbol of Mumbai’s rich history and architectural splendour. Built during the British colonial era, CST is a splendid blend of Victorian Gothic and traditional Indian architectural styles.

As you explore its grand façade, intricate carvings, and soaring dome, you’ll be transported to a time when craftsmanship and attention to detail were paramount. The bustling station is a testament to Mumbai’s vibrant spirit, with thousands of commuters passing daily. Whether you’re an admirer of magnificent architecture or a history buff, visiting Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus is a must. It promises an immersive journey into the heart of Mumbai’s cultural heritage.

Places to visit near Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus: Gateway of India, Colaba Causeway, Marine Drive, Elephanta Caves, Jehangir Art Gallery, Charni Road Beach, Mumbai University, Flora Fountain, Kala Ghoda Art Precinct, Crawford Market.

7. Aga Khan Palace, Pune

Aga Khan Palace

Aga Khan Palace is a must to glimpse India’s historical and architectural treasures. This majestic palace was built in 1892. It holds a deep significance in India’s fight for freedom. Sultan Muhammad Shah Aga Khan III commissioned it. This palace made a philanthropic effort during the famine, employing the local population. However, it is most renowned as a place where several prominent freedom fighters, including Mahatma Gandhi, stayed during the struggle for India’s independence.

You’ll find elegant Italian arches, intricate craftsmanship, and serene gardens as you step inside. The palace now houses a museum dedicated to Gandhi. It showcases his life and work. You can admire this through the photographs, personal belongings, and other exhibits. A visit to the Aga Khan Palace is not only a journey through history. It’s also an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices made in pursuing India’s freedom.

Places to visit near Aga Khan Palace: Shaniwar Wada, Raja Dinkar Kelkar Museum, Darshan Museum, Empress Garden, Bund Garden, Pune Tribal Museum, Lal Mahal, Saras Baug, Pune Okayama Friendship Garden.

8. Elephanta Caves, Mumbai

A visit to the Elephanta Caves is an absolute must. Here, you can explore a fascinating piece of India’s history and artistry. These UNESCO World Heritage caves are located on Elephanta Island in Mumbai. They are a testament to India’s sculptural genius. Carved out of solid basalt rock, these caves date back to the 5th to 7th centuries. These caves showcase stunning sculptures, intricate detailing, and beautifully designed rock-cut temples. The centrepiece of this site is the three-headed sculpture of Lord Shiva, known as Maheshmurti. It’s an awe-inspiring masterpiece that will amaze you.

As you wander through the dimly lit caves, you’ll be transported into a world of mythological stories. The journey to the Elephanta Caves is not just a historical exploration. It’s a captivating immersion into India’s rich cultural heritage that will inspire you.

Places to visit near Elephanta Caves: Gateway of India, Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Colaba Causeway, Jehangir Art Gallery, Marine Drive, Flora Fountain, Kala Ghoda Art Precinct, Crawford Market, Charni Road Beach.

9. Raigad Fort, Raigad

You’re in for an inspiring journey when you embark on an adventure to Raigad Fort. It’s an exploration through history and breathtaking natural beauty. This hill fort is situated in the Sahyadri mountain range. It was a stronghold during the reign of the Marathas. Your exploration begins with a steep ascent. You can reach the fort either by trekking or the thrilling ropeway ride. As you reach the top, the panoramic views of the lush Western Ghats and the surrounding countryside will take your breath away.

The fort itself is a treasure trove of history. It consists of grand gates, impressive stone walls, and remnants of palaces and chambers. You can’t help but be impressed by the rich heritage of this place. This historical significance and its natural splendour make it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Your visit to Raigad Fort will not only be a journey through time. It’s also an opportunity to connect with the enduring legacy of one of India’s greatest rulers.

Places to visit near Raigad Fort: Jagadishwar Temple, Takmok Tok, Queen’s Palace, Raigad Museum, ShivtharGhal, Gangasagar Lake, Sagargad Fort, Varsoli Beach, Kihim Beach, Kondana Caves.

The journey through Maharashtra’s historical treasures is a testament to the region’s rich and diverse heritage. Whether you’re drawn to history, seeking adventure or simply looking for a serene escape, these sites offer something for every traveller. To book your Maharashtra tour packages , check Thomas Cook for the best deals and discounts. So, pack your bags and embark on an unforgettable adventure to witness these historical places in Maharashtra.

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34 Incredible Tourist Places to Visit in Mumbai

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Aptly known as 'City of Dreams', Mumbai is the capital city of Maharashtra located on the west coast of the Indian peninsula. Named after Goddess Mumba Devi, Mumbai is a diverse city that offers a variety of choices to spend some quality time with your loved ones. From beaches to theme parks, from historical sites to religious spots, from shopping centres to a wide array of eateries, there are plenty of places to visit in Mumbai for everyone. Mumbai Tourism is ideal for all kinds of holiday, be it a long break or a weekend getaway or a one day trip to the happening city.

Here is a list of Top places to visit in Mumbai

1. Gateway of India

Gateway of India

One of the most popular places to see in Mumbai is the Gateway of India which was built during the colonial era. Built to commemorate the visit of King George V in 1911, it was the first structure that a visitor would see while arriving in Mumbai via sea. Its magnificent architecture still allures everyone.

Overlooking the Arabian Sea, Gateway of India presents an impressive sight that is impossible to miss when in Mumbai. Gateway of India not only presents historical significance but also a captivating architecture which was designed by George Wittet.

Now a popular place to hangout, Gateway of India buzzes with hordes of visitors every day. Various local vendors selling snacks, balloons and other items, stalls and photographers make this place vibrant with activities.

2. Marine Drive

Marine Drive

Another place to visit in Mumbai is the Marine Drive. Officially named as Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Road, this is a 3 km long stretch with six lanes that runs by the coastline. It is located in the southern Mumbai while it runs towards the north of the city. Marine Drive forms a natural bay, which hypnotizes every visitor with its serene scenic beauty.

Marine Drive is a C- shaped road which is a place to visit when in Mumbai. The palm trees lined on the side make the pathway even more alluring. Its beauty is enhanced at night when a wide stretch of street lights is lit up, giving it a look of necklace. The view is especially breath-taking when seen from an elevated point. Owing to this, it is often referred to with the name of Queen’s Necklace. Marine Drive also links Nariman Point, which is also a popular place to visit in Mumbai to Babulnath.

3. Elephanta Caves

Elephanta Caves

A Mumbai tour is incomplete without a visit to the majestic Elephanta Caves. These are located on the islands in the Arabian Sea, which are named after the gigantic elephant that was found here. It is also called Gharapuri. Elephanta caves are one of the finest examples of rock-cut architecture and offer a glimpse into the lives of pre-medieval India. Although it suffered during the colonial era, it still presents a stunning sight with enviably sturdy and intricate structure.

The island consists of two sets of caves; the first set is of five caves that are related to Hindu religion, dedicated to Lord Shiva and the second set is of two Buddhist caves. These caves are a place to visit not only for their historical importance but also for the natural beauty that they present.

4. Siddhivinayak Temple

Siddhivinayak Temple

Shree Siddhivinayak temple is undeniably one of the most popular temples not only in Mumbai but also in India. With lakhs of devotees visiting every day, it is also one of the richest temples in Mumbai. Dedicated to Lord Ganesha, Shree Siddhivinayak Temple was built in the year 1801. Since then it has been attracting devotees from all over the country.

Lord Ganesha idol at the temple is as alluring as its excellent architecture. The idol of Lord Ganesha is carved out of a single black stone. Tuesday is one of the most important days of the temple. Celebrities and laymen both flock to the temple alike to seek blessings. Its architectural excellence and divine statue of Lord Ganesha adds to the splendor of the temple. More than two centuries old, Shree Siddhivinayak Ganapati Temple is believed to fulfill wishes and desires of everyone who prays with utmost devotion to the lord.

5. Nariman Point

Nariman Point

Nariman Point is known as the Manhattan of Mumbai. It is near the southern end of Marine Drive, and it forms a part of the majestic skyline of Mumbai. This place is the business hub of Mumbai, and here you'll find corporate offices of many renowned multinational companies.

At Nariman Point, you'll also come across grand hotels, lavish restaurants and classy pubs. The area is known for its branded showrooms and shopping malls too.

Nariman Point has been developed on land reclaimed from the sea. And from here, you can enjoy a panoramic view of Marine Drive and the endless sea. Many Bollywood movies, like Munnabhai MBBS and Wake Up Sid, have scenes from that sea-facing promenade.

This area also has a lively nightlife, and it’s among the best places to visit in Mumbai at night.

6. Girgaon Chowpatty

Girgaon Chowpatty

Girgaon Chowpatty is among the most popular beaches of Mumbai. And it is also one of the most crowded places to visit in Mumbai. But it’s a lively tourist spot.

In the morning, you’ll find various people coming for a walk along the shore, carrying out their daily exercises or doing yoga. And during the day, people come here with friends and family to relax and get entertained. Numerous magicians and street artists put up their show throughout the day.

Girgaon Chowpatty is not known for sunbathing and other water activities. Instead, it’s visited for the street food varieties. From spicy bhel puri to piping hot pav-bhaji, the food vendors offer a plethora of options.

And this beach is also a renowned shooting spot.

7. Juhu Beach

Juhu Beach

Juhu Beach is among the well-known beaches in India. It is popular for the mesmerising views of the sunset and the street food corners in the area.

Apart from enjoying the food, you can also check out activities like camel riding and horse riding on the beach. Many street artists like monkey trainers, snake charmers and tarot card readers also show off their skills at Juhu Beach. And on some days, you might also catch an artist carving out art from sand.

The beach is a favourite among the film-makers too. Celebrity photo sessions and movie shoots are regular events here. Also, many actors and actresses stay in the locality. And you might get to meet them during your visit.

The area is known for its nightlife too. You'll find many bars, pubs and nightclubs to spend your evenings.

8. Taraporewala Aquarium

Taraporewala Aquarium

Taraporewala Aquarium is the oldest aquarium of India and it has over 100 species of fish and other aquatic animals.

At the entrance, there’s a glass tunnel around which various fishes and water plants are on display. Then, in the main gallery, you’ll see the water tanks where other fishes are

Among the fish species, the aquarium has Alligator fishes, Puffer fishes and Moray eels among others. Angelfishes, Groupers and a variety of Tangs too are here. And you will also see a Jellyfish. The aquarium has 16 tanks for marine fishes and 9 tanks for the freshwater species.

It has a small museum too, where you'll find preserved corals, seashells and other marine life species.

9. Churchgate


Churchgate is the business district of Mumbai. It has offices of many banks and business organisations. It also has the High Court of Bombay and many reputed educational institutions.

The area is known as Churchgate because the Church Gate of the old, walled-city Mumbai used to be here. It was demolished in 1860.

The neighbourhood has the historical Churchgate station and many prominent tourist spots of Mumbai. Some well-known places to visit like Gateway of India, Marine Drive and Elephanta Caves lie close to the Churchgate area. Nariman Point is a part of the Churchgate area too.

And here, you can also enjoy shopping. From low-priced street-side stalls to luxury showrooms, and retail stores to wholesale counters, you have got plenty to choose from.

10. Mahalakshmi Temple

Mahalakshmi Temple

Mahalakshmi Temple is one of the oldest temples in Mumbai. The temple is dedicated to Goddess Mahalakshmi – the Goddess of Wealth, and it is built along the seashore.

The temple also has the idols of Goddess Mahakali and Mahasaraswati. And devotees come here, throughout the year, for blessings.

And the charm of Shree Mahalakshmi Temple increases manifold during festivals and other special occasions. The entire complex is decorated with lights and flowers. Arrangements are also made for the devotees to get a proper darshan and pass the offerings.

You'll find many shops within the temple complex to buy coconuts, sweets and fresh flowers among other required items.

11. Bandra Worli Sea Link

Bandra Worli Sea Link

Bandra Worli Sea Link is a 5 km long bridge built on the Arabian Sea; it connects Bandra and Worli. The bridge is known for its architectural magnificence, and it is the first cable-stayed bridge built on the open sea in India. It is also one of the prominent landmarks of Mumbai.

This sea bridge saves considerable time for the daily commuters. But it has also turned out to be among the best places to visit in Mumbai for photography. The bridge looks even more glamorous when it comes alive with lights in the evening.

The adjacent Worli Sea Face is another popular spot. You can spend your evenings there, munching on local snacks.

12. Haji Ali Dargah

Haji Ali Dargah

Haji Ali Dargah is a mosque built on an islet, only a few hundred metres away from Shree Mahalakshmi Temple. And a narrow, pebbled walkway connects it to the mainland. Haji Ali is also the shrine of a Sufi saint, Haji Ali Shah Bukhari.

This mosque was built in 1431, in the Indo-Islamic style. The central courtyard of the complex is made of marble. And the ceiling in the main hall is also of marble. It has been decorated with various coloured mirror patterns and Arabic inscriptions. You'll also notice Quran verses on the ceilings and the walls.

The tallest minaret of Haji Ali Dargah is 85 feet high. And from that minaret, namaz calls are made at the five designated times of the day.

13. Castella De Aguada (Bandra Fort)

Castella De Aguada (Bandra Fort)

Castella de Aguada (or Bandra Fort) was built by the Portuguese to guard the sea route and fortify the area around. It is built in the European style, with granite blocks, and it offers a panoramic view of the Arabian Sea.

Much of the fort is in ruins today, but the view captivates many tourists. It is also a preferred hangout spot for the youths, and among the most popular places to visit in Mumbai for couples.

An evening walk on the walkway to the sea is de-stressing. And the fort also has a seating area for you to spend the evening.

Bandra Fort offers a majestic view of the Bandra Worli Sea Link too.

14. Kamala Nehru Park

Kamala Nehru Park

Kamala Nehru Park is a popular recreational spot, and among the best places to visit in Mumbai with toddlers. Many people come here to stroll around, to meditate and to hang out with friends.

People come here to get a scenic view of the famed Marine Drive too, looking over the Arabian Sea. Also, you can sit on the lawn or on the wooden cane benches, and munch at a variety of snacks being sold by vendors.

Kids love the colourful theme park here. And they can play in and around the Boot House.

Kamala Nehru Park also has a small open-air amphitheatre. And you'll also find selfie-points decorated with painted rhymes and other kid-themed designs.

15. Mumbai Zoo

Mumbai Zoo

Mumbai Zoo, or Veermata Jijabai Bhosale Udyan, is one of the oldest zoos in India. It was established in 1861.

The zoo has many common animal species of India and other lesser-known animals. You'll find jackals, sloth bears and swamp deers here. Hyenas, tigers and crocodiles are also in the zoo. And you can meet with penguins too.

Mumbai zoo also has an aviary for aquatic birds. You can interact with birds like pelicans, flamingos and albino crows. And you can also have selfies with cranes, herons and storks among other birds.

The place is known for its range of fauna too. The botanical garden here has more than 3000 trees, herbs and flowering plants.

16. Dr Bhau Daji Lad Museum

Dr Bhau Daji Lad Museum

Dr Bhau Daji Lad Museum is a place for entertainment, knowledge and relaxation. It is near Mumbai Zoo, and it is the oldest museum in the city. In the museum, you'll find artefacts, maps and manuscripts showcasing the rich history and cultural heritage of Mumbai.

The museum also displays clay models and has a plethora of photographs and books narrating the story of the city. And it also organises art workshops, cultural performances and lectures from time to time.

Dr Bhau Daji Lad Museum was opened to the public in 1872. And the place has been known for its magnificence too. The grand metal palisades, staircase railings and the arched supports were all imported from England. And the etched glass designs are reminiscent of the glorious 19th-century architectural style.

It has been among the underrated places to visit in Mumbai for a long time. And history buffs or knowledge seekers must visit this museum.

17. Film City

Film City

Film City of Mumbai is where much of the action of Indian movies and TV shows take place.

With 10+ indoor studios and around 50 outdoor shooting locations, you might also catch a live movie shoot. From temples to playgrounds and open roads to bungalows, various setups are available to help in shooting an entire movie.

It is an iconic landmark of the city and your Mumbai tour would remain incomplete without visiting it.

The official name of Film City is Dadasaheb Phalke Chitra Nagari, and here you get a chance to witness all the hard work that goes behind the scenes. Various TV commercials are also shot here.

18. Mumba Devi Temple

Mumba Devi Temple

Mumba Devi Temple is among the oldest temples of Mumbai. It is dedicated to Goddess Mumba, after which Mumbai is named. She is considered the guardian goddess of the city.

Local people come to the temple for the daily aarti in the evening and morning. Devotees also come from nearby places to take blessings from Mumba Devi.

The temple is built in the classic ancient Hindu temple style. It has one high spire, with a red flag flying on its top. And the walls are etched with religious mantras and shlokas prominent in the Hindu temples.

During festivals like Navratri, it is decorated with flowers and lights, and the celebrations go on for 10 days. People come from many places to be a part of the religious ceremonies and enjoy the ongoing fair.

19. Flora Fountain

Flora Fountain

Flora Fountain is one of the tourist places within Churchgate. It stands at the same place where the destroyed ChurchGate of Mumbai used to be.

The fountain was designed by R. Norman Shaw, and it has a mix of Neo-Gothic and Indo-Saracenic styles. It was built in 1864, by Engineer James Forsythe.

This Portland stone structure has fine carvings and sculptures. Its four corners are decorated with different statues. And the water basin below has stone fish figures and lion heads.

A magnificent 7 feet high statue of Roman Goddess Flora adorns the fountain top. And you can enjoy a spectacular view of Flora Fountain in the evening; when it's illuminated by lights.

20. Jehangir Art Gallery

Jehangir Art Gallery

Jehangir Art Gallery has played a prominent role in the evolution of contemporary Indian art. It was established in 1952 with the help of Sir Cowasji Jehangir’s donations. And since then, this art gallery has hosted numerous exhibitions for painters, sculptors, and other artists.

But it’s more than a venue for art exhibitions. Jehangir Art Gallery conducts workshops and other art programmes. And it’s a must-visit place for aspiring artists and art connoisseurs.

You can also buy a range of antique items and artefacts from the shop here.

Jehangir Art Gallery is in the Kala Ghoda area, the art district of Mumbai. And this area has several other art galleries and designer boutiques with some of the finest arts in the city.

21. Rajabai Clock Tower

Rajabai Clock Tower

Rajabai Clock Tower is an 85-metre tall tower in the Fort Campus of the University of Mumbai. Premchand Roychand, a businessman and a stockbroker, financed its construction. And Sir George Gilbert Scott designed it.

The tower resembles London’s Big Ben, and it is among the tallest structures in the area. It chimes every fifteen minutes. The construction began in 1869, and it was completed by 1878.

The access to the inside of the tower is closed to visitors, but you can admire the architecture and detailed stonework from outside. The tower has one of the best stained-glass works in the city. And the architecture is a blend of Venetian-Gothic style. The tower also has 24 small statues, portraying the life of common people during British rule.

22. Bombay High Court

Bombay High Court

Bombay High Court is one of the oldest High Courts in India, and it’s a UNESCO-recognised site . It was built in the 19th century, in the grand Gothic Revival architectural style. And you'll find traces of Victorian style too.

Here, you can click photographs of this heritage building and visit the museum within the premises. The museum of Bombay High Court provides plenty of information about the Indian judicial system and Indo-British legal history. It has preserved many historical documents too.

And while you're here, you can also be a part of the ongoing hearings. The court looks after the events in Maharashtra and Goa. And two Union Territories – Daman and Diu, and Dadra and Nagar Haveli, also fall under the jurisdiction of this court.

23. Raj Bhavan

Raj Bhavan

Raj Bhavan is the official residence of the Governor of Maharashtra. And you can visit it during your Mumbai tour.

It has lush green lawns, conserved forest areas and heritage buildings in the complex. The place is spread over an area of around 50 acres in the picturesque Malabar Hill, and the sea surrounds it on three sides.

The buildings are built in varied architectural styles: from British colonial style to Maratha style and modern Indian style of architecture. And the complex also has a British-era bunker, which has been turned into a museum.

During your tour, you can watch the sun rising over the sea. And you might also be able to enjoy a cup of tea with the Governor.

24. ISKCON Temple


ISKCON Temple is a magnificent Hindu temple near Juhu Beach. It’s a revered temple, especially among the devotees of Lord Krishna. But it also houses idols of Radha, Lord Rama, and Sita among others.

The temple is also known as Radha Rasabihari Temple and Hare Rama Hare Krishna Temple. And it’s an ideal place to pray, meditate and gain knowledge. The temple offers various lessons ranging from Vedic education to meditation and spirituality.

Apart from the main temple, you'll also find a restaurant, a library and a guesthouse here.

Thousands of devotees visit ISKCON temple throughout the year. And the grand celebrations during Janmashtami, Jagannath Rath Yatra, Radhastami and many other festivals are worth the experience.

25. Mount Mary Church

Mount Mary Church

Mount Mary Church, or Basilica of Our Lady of the Mount, is among the beautiful churches in Mumbai. It is dedicated to Virgin Mary and it has been built in the Gothic architectural style. And the walls are covered with colourful fibreglass murals depicting stories from the life of Mother Mary.

The peaceful environment and the view from the church also attract many people to spend time here. The church stands on a hillock overlooking the Arabian Sea. And from the backyard, you get a view of the spectacular Mumbai skyline.

Mount Mary Church is also famous for the annual Bandra Fair. It is celebrated in September on the birthday of Mother Mary. The church holds a feast on the day, and the area surrounding it experiences a week-long carnival-like celebration.

26. Fort Bassein (Vasai Fort)

Fort Bassein (Vasai Fort)

Fort Bassein (or Vasai Fort) is a 500-year old Portuguese fort near Vasai-Virar. And it is among the most popular places to visit in Mumbai outskirts.

At its prime, Fort Bassein was a complete city. It had administrative blocks, churches, hospitals, and the Portuguese used it as their base to control the region. The fort also used to be the official residence of the Portuguese governor when he was here.

Today, the fort is in ruins, but it is a part of the heritage tour of the area. The watchtowers allow you to observe the surrounding Vasai village and the extended skyline of Mumbai. And the fort is also a popular spot for movie shoots and pre-wedding photoshoots.

27. Kanheri Caves

Kanheri Caves

Kanheri Caves are a collection of 109 Buddhist caves. These caves used to be a Buddhist monastery, and they’ve been built over a long period. The earliest caves are from the 1st century BCE, while the most recent ones are from the 11th century CE.

Paintings and stone sculptures adorn the walls of the caves. Statues of Buddha in various postures and sizes are in the caves. And you'll also find numerous inscriptions in Brahmi and Devanagari, and some epigraphs in Pahlavi, on the walls.

These caves served as a place for worship, study and meditation. Cave 3 is the largest among the Kanheri Caves, and the most remarkable.

This serene cave complex is situated on a hillside, and it takes a long trek through lush green bushes and rocks to reach here. This site has numerous small streams and waterfalls too. And it also offers a view of the sprawling Mumbai city.

28. Global Vipassana Pagoda

Global Vipassana Pagoda

Global Vipassana Pagoda is a meditation dome on the outskirts of Mumbai. The dome is built as a tribute to a Vipassana teacher – Sayagyi U Ba Khin, and it resembles the Shwedagon Pagoda of Myanmar.

The dome of the pagoda is the world’s largest stone dome standing without any supporting pillars. And 8000 people can meditate at a time here.

The architectural pagoda and the intricately carved gates are among the major points of tourist interests. But there also are other structures like the 21.5 feet high statue of Gautam Buddha, the Bell Tower and the Gong Tower. The pagoda complex also has a park, a small waterfall and a replica of the Ashoka Pillar of Sarnath.

Global Vipassana Pagoda spreads the values of Gautam Buddha through its meditation and relaxation sessions. And you can also take meditation courses. The campus has a library and a museum too.

29. Essel World

Essel World

Essel World is an amusement park, only a few metres from Global Vipassana Pagoda. It’s a popular getaway for relaxation for local people, and it is also among the famous amusement parks in India.

This amusement park has got over 50 amusement rides, adventure activities and fun points to check. There are different rides for adults and kids. And you'll find group rides too. Apart from the rides, you can enjoy in the bowling alley, ice-skating rink, discotheque and many other places.

Essel World has numerous food courts serving a variety of cuisines. And it also has a small merchandise shop. And while you're at Essel World, visit Water Kingdom too.

30. Water Kingdom

Water Kingdom

Water Kingdom is a water-themed amusement park right next to Essel World. It has various wet adventure rides, fun-filled water slides and numerous pools to play together. And many people visit Essel World and Water Kingdom together.

This park also has a large wave pool and over 30 water activities, including a rain dance floor.

And if you aren’t interested in the water games, you can relax beside the pools with some cold drinks and snacks. Water Kingdom has a couple of restaurants and snacks parlours serving a variety of delicacies.

Apart from those fun rides and water slides, a fish spa and pedicure zone are also here.

31. Powai Lake

Powai Lake

Powai Lake is an artificial lake known for its charming evenings. The lake is surrounded by trees and bushes, and you will find many birds like kingfishers, herons and falcons. Bees and various colourful butterflies can also be seen near Powai Lake.

And the lake also has many fishes and a few crocodiles.

People come to Powai Lake to spend their evenings after work. A small play area is also near the lake. You can buy some local snacks and munch at them while admiring the golden hues of the sky and the setting sun.

And while you're here, you can also check out the Nirvana Park across the road in the Hiranandani complex. It is a beautiful garden furnished with wooden walkways, kids’ slides and benches. You'll also find grass lawns, ponds and tiny flowers around this park.

32. Nehru Science Centre

Nehru Science Centre

Nehru Science Centre is the largest interactive science centre in India.

It was opened to the public in 1985, and it has around 500 varieties of exhibits and interactive science games. This science centre also has a museum showcasing various models to tell you about the developments in science and technology. And it has a library too, with scientific books and movies.

The science centre offers practical experience with laws of physics, human anatomy, and many other facets of science. The available activities also include regular shows, films, and documentaries.

A sky observatory – Nehru Planetarium, is also within the complex. Multiple telescopes are available here for stargazing and studying planetary motions and Solar/Lunar eclipses.

33. Crawford Market

Crawford Market

Crawford Market (officially named Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Mandai) is the largest market in the southern Mumbai. From gifts to groceries and from toys to pets, the market has everything. And it is the best place to visit in Mumbai for shopping.

During British rule, it was a source to buy daily fresh produce. And it’s still a popular place to get good deals on various household goods and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Crawford Market is known for its striking architecture too.

It has a blend of Norman and Flemish architectural styles, and it is decorated with paintings and murals. The clock tower is adorned with carvings that resemble Victorian style. And in some parts of the building, you will find glimpses of the Gothic architecture style too.

34. Dhobi Ghat

Dhobi Ghat

Dhobi Ghat is the world's largest open-air laundry. Here, hundreds of washermen and women – dhobis, work their shifts through the day to wash clothes. Porters bring dirty clothes from all over Mumbai and they take them back in their fresh, crisp and spotless state.

The system is well-optimised, and each cloth is coded to be traced back to the client.

This laundry was set up by an association of 50 washers in 1890. And today, around 700 washer families live here. And although some have installed washing and drying machines, most still carry on their work manually.

Dhobi Ghat has maintained much of its old charm and washing methods.

Other Popular Places to visit in Mumbai

Apart from the above 34 tourist spots, you’ve many other places to visit in Mumbai and around. You can visit beaches like Aksa Beach , Gorai Beach and Versova Beach here. These are known for their sunset views, horse rides and street food stalls. Gorai Beach is also popular among the local people for weekend getaways and parties.

Then, you can also enjoy various gardens spread throughout the city. Chhota Kashmir and Hanging Garden are among the most popular of them. And if you love trekking, animal-spotting or bird-watching, you must visit Sanjay Gandhi National Park .

Also, if you're looking for places to visit in Mumbai for fun, plenty of amusement parks are there in and around the city. Snow World , Tikuji-ni-Wadi and Yazoo Park are popular.

You can also enjoy in themed water parks like Anand Sagar Water Park , Royal Garden Water Park and The Great Escape Water Park. These water parks are away from the hustle-bustle of the city. And they provide accommodation facilities if you want to stay for a night or two.

If you’re interested in cricket, you can buy a ticket for a game in Wankhede Stadium . And if you like theatres and plays, you can check out Prithvi Theatre. The theatre also hosts workshops, performing art programmes and other events.

And while you're in Mumbai, also visit Babulnath Temple . It has a special place among the devotees of Shiva, and the celebrations during Mahashivaratri festival are full of excitement.

Mumbai is a mix of art, culture and entertainment, and it should be in the bucket list of every traveller. Whether you're looking for places to visit in Mumbai with family and friends or you want quiet corners to spend time with yourself, you'll find them here.

The city will be a memorable holiday destination for adults and youngsters alike. From religious sites to beautiful beaches and historical caves to magnificent architectural monuments, you'll find a variety of places to visit in Mumbai.

Whether you want to go on a solo tour or want to book a honeymoon holiday, Mumbai won't disappoint you. Here you can be a part of the modern lifestyle, or enjoy a laid-back holiday in the lap of nature.

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Tour Packages from Mumbai

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Top Tourism Places to Visit in Mumbai

  • Gateway of India, Mumbai
  • Elephanta Caves, Mumbai
  • Marine Drive, Mumbai
  • Shree Siddhivinayak Temple, Mumbai
  • Haji Ali Dargah, Mumbai
  • Bandra-Worli Sea Link, Mumbai
  • Essel World, Mumbai
  • Nariman Point, Mumbai
  • Juhu beach, Mumbai
  • Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Mumbai
  • Asiatic Society, Town Hall in Mumbai
  • Colaba Causeway, Mumbai
  • Nehru Planetarium, Mumbai
  • Girgaon Chowpatty, Mumbai
  • Chor Bazaar, Mumbai
  • Mount Mary Church, Mumbai
  • Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai
  • Kanheri Caves, Mumbai
  • Raj Bhavan, Mumbai
  • Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
  • Taraporewala Aquarium, Mumbai
  • Bombay High Court
  • Bandra Bandstand, Mumbai
  • Versova beach, Mumbai
  • Churchgate, Mumbai
  • Aksa Beach, Mumbai
  • Worli Sea Face, Mumbai
  • Chhota Kashmir, Mumbai
  • Malabar Hill, Mumbai
  • Prithvi Theatre, Mumbai
  • ISKCON Temple, Mumbai
  • Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai
  • St. Michael's Church, Mumbai
  • St. Thomas Cathedral, Mumbai
  • Hanging Gardens, Mumbai
  • Mani Bhavan, Mumbai
  • Elephanta Island, Mumbai
  • Dhobi Ghat, Mumbai
  • Babulnath Temple, Mumbai
  • Global Vipassana Pagoda, Mumbai
  • Flora Fountain, Mumbai
  • Water Kingdom, Mumbai
  • Powai Lake, Mumbai
  • Mahalakshmi Temple, Mumbai
  • Dr. Bhau Daji Lad Museum, Mumbai
  • Marve Beach, Mumbai
  • Gorai Beach, Mumbai
  • Mumba Devi Temple, Mumbai
  • Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai
  • Kamala Nehru Park, Mumbai
  • Fort Bassein / Vasai Fort, Mumbai
  • Rajabai Clock Tower, Mumbai
  • Suraj Water Park, Mumbai
  • Shangrila Water Park, Mumbai
  • Snow World, Mumbai
  • Yazoo Park, Mumbai
  • Tikuji-ni-Wadi, Mumbai
  • Ammu Water Park, Mumbai
  • Shivganga Water Park, Mumbai
  • Sargam Water Park, Thane
  • Paradise Funland, Mumbai
  • Mati Hill County Resort, Mumbai
  • Snow Kingdom, Mumbai
  • Imagicaa Theme Park, Mumbai
  • Imagicaa Water Park, Mumbai
  • Snow Park at Imagicaa, Mumbai
  • Eyelusion at Imagicaa, Mumbai
  • House of Stars at Imagicaa, Mumbai
  • Rainy Resort & Water Park, Mumbai
  • The Great Escape Water Park, Mumbai
  • Pali Beach Resort & Water Park, Mumbai
  • Bandra Fort Mumbai / Castella de Aguada
  • Royal Garden Resort & Water Park, Mumbai
  • Anand Sagar Resort & Water Park, Mumbai
  • Panoramic Resort and Water Park, Mumbai
  • Shanti Sagar Resort & Water Park, Mumbai
  • Magic Mountain Amusement Park, Lonavala
  • Vardhman Fantasy Amusement Park, Mumbai
  • Wet N Joy Water & Amusement Park, Lonavala
  • Mumbai Film City / Dadasaheb Phalke Chitranagri
  • Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Mandai / Crawford Market, Mumbai
  • Mumbai Zoo / Veer Mata Jijabai Bhonsale Park / Byculla Mumbai
  • Prince of Wales Museum, Mumbai
  • Glowmagica at Imagicaa Mumbai

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  • Places to Visit in Satara

21 Top Tourist Places to Visit in Satara

maharashtra ka tourist places

  • Satara Overview
  • Top 21 Places to Visit in Satara
  • 18 Best Satara Tour Packages
  • Top Resorts in Satara
  • Best Time to Visit Satara
  • How to Reach Satara
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Kas Pathar / Kaas Plateau

maharashtra ka tourist places

#1 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 24 km from Satara, 37 km from Mahabaleshwar, and 50 km from Panchgani, the Kaas Plateau, also known as the Kas Pathar, is a vast volcanic lateritic plateau situated in the Satara district of Maharashtra. It falls under the Sahyadri Sub Cluster and is among the top Satara tourist places . Popularly known as the Plateau of Flowers, Kaas Plateau is one of the famous tourist attractions in Maharashtra and also a popular picnic spot among nature lovers during late monsoons. The plateau is situated at an altitude of 1200 m and is approximately 1,000 hectares in area. The name 'Kaas' originates from the Kaasa tree. It is one of the most visited tourist places as part of Satara packages . Kaas Plateau was formed by volcanic activities and is covered by a thin soil cover as a result of which, ..... more

Thoseghar Falls

Thoseghar Falls

#2 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 26 km from Satara, 73 km from Panchgani , 77 km from Mahabaleshwar, 141 km from Pune & 294 km from Mumbai, Thoseghar Falls is a popular waterfalls located at Thoseghar village in Satara district of Maharashtra. It is one of the top waterfalls in Maharashtra and also one of the highest waterfalls in India. Thoseghar falls is among the most popular Satara places to visit and one of the best monsoon Tourist places near Mumbai . Thoseghar waterfall is a scenic spot located at the edge of the Konkan region. The waterfall is drops through a series of cascades with a total height of about 500 m. This is a seasonal waterfall which is only seen in monsoon and drops into a deep gorge. Thoseghar Falls is famous for its serenity, clam and quiet natural surroundings. It is a wonderful place where one can enjoy the beauty of the nature. There is a picnic area .....

Vajrai Falls

Vajrai Falls

#3 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 6 km from Kas Pathar, 28 km from Satara, 41 km from Mahabaleshwar, 53 km from Panchgani, 144 km from Pune & 299 km from Mumbai, Vajrai Falls is a picturesque waterfall located near Kas Flower Valley in Satara district of Maharashtra. This is one of the most spectacular waterfalls in Maharashtra , and also one of the top monsoon tourist places near Pune . Vajrai Falls is a three-tier waterfall cascading down from a height of around 853 feet (260 m). This is a perennial waterfall but is very spectacular during monsoons. People from different parts of Maharashtra flock to this fall during the monsoons as part of Satara tour packages to watch the beautiful flow of the stream. Urmodi River is believed to start from the Vajrai Waterfalls. There are many small caves near Vajrai Falls which can be visited along .....

Sajjangad / Sajjangarh Fort

Sajjangad / Sajjangarh Fort

#4 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 16 km from Satara, 67 km from Mahabaleshwar and 64 km from Panchgani, Sajjangad is an ancient hill fort and a pilgrimage place located near Satara in Maharashtra. It is one of the top places to visit in Satara and is a protected monument. Sajjangarh Fort was earlier known as Aashwalayangad and was built by the Bahamani Emperors in between 1347-1527 AD. It was later conquered by Adil Sha in 16th century AD. In the same year the Mughals attacked the Sha rulers and brought this fort under their control. The fort then came under the rule of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Previously known as Parali Fort, it was renamed to Sajjangad after Shivaji Maharaj requested Sri Ramdas to set up his permanent abode here. Sajjangad Fort is the final resting place of Samarth Ramdas, he was the spiritual Guru of Chhatrapati Shivaji. His teachings and works written in books such as Dasbodh are read and followed by many people even today in the state of Maharashtra. This fort is well .....

Ajinkyatara Fort

Ajinkyatara Fort

#5 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 4 km from Satara Bus Stand, 58 km from Mahabaleshwar, and 52 km from Panchgani, Ajinkyatara is an ancient hill fort situated on one of the seven mountains surrounding the city of Satara in the Sahyadri Mountains of Maharashtra. It is one of the major heritage places in Maharashtra , and among the must include places in Satara tour packages . Situated atop Ajinkyatara Mountain, at an altitude of 3,300 feet, Ajinkyatara Fort offers a panoramic view of Satara City. Among the top places to visit in Satara , Ajinkyatara Fort was built by Raja Bhoj of the Shilhara dynasty. In 1673 CE, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj took control of this fort from Adil Sha and further Aurangajeb controlled this fort between 1700 CE and 1706 CE. In 1708 CE, Shahu Maharaj won Ajinkyatara, remained with the Marathas till .....



#6 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 54 km from Satara, 123 km from Pune, 177 km from Kolhapur, 243 km from Mumbai, and 377 km from Panaji, Mahabaleshwar is a scenic hill town in Satara district of Maharashtra. At an altitude of 1,353 m in the Western Ghats, it is one of the popular hill stations in India , and among the top places to visit in Maharashtra . This pretty hill station is often referred to as the queen of hill stations in Maharashtra. It is one of the popular places to visit near Kolhapur , Pune & Mumbai. It offers a panoramic view of the plains with the imposing sloppy peaks and surrounding woods. Mahabaleshwar constitutes three villages - Malcolm Peth, Old Mahabaleshwar and some part of the Shindola village. Arthur's Seat, Lingmala Waterfall, and Pratapgad Fort are among ..... Distance (From Satara): 54 Kms Trip Duration (From Satara - Including Travel): Full Day .....


#7 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 18 km from Mahabaleshwar, 48 km from Satara, 104 km from Pune, and 254 km from Mumbai, Panchgani, also called Paachgani, is a famous hill station and a municipal council in the Satara district of Maharashtra. It is one of the hill stations near Pune , & among the must include places in Maharashtra tour packages . Situated at an altitude of 1334 m, Panchgani is one of the best places to visit near Mumbai . Panchgani is bordered by Wai, Bavdhan, and Nagewadi dam in the east, Gureghar in the west, Khingar and Rajpuri in the south, and Dhom dam in the north. Panchgani is nestled in the middle of five hills in the Sahyadri mountain ranges, also there are five villages around the Panchgani which are Dandeghar, Khingar, Godwali, Amral & Taighat. Panchgani is can be visited along with Mahabaleshwar tour packages . The ..... Distance (From Satara): 48 Kms Trip Duration (From Satara - Including Travel): Full Day .....

Sangam Mahuli / Kshetra Mahuli

Sangam Mahuli / Kshetra Mahuli

#8 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 5 km from Satara Bus Station, Sangam Mahuli and Kshetra Mahuli are two sacred villages situated at the confluence of Krishna and Venna Rivers in Satara district of Maharashtra. Sangam Mahuli is one of the popular pilgrimage places to visit in Satara. The other side of the river Krishna is called Kshetra Mahuli. These villages earlier were part of Aundh Princely State. Kshetra Mahuli was the birth place of Ramshastri Prabhune, the famous spiritual and political adviser of the fourth Peshva Madhavrav (1761-1772 CE). Mahuli was the place of meeting between the last Peshva Bajirav (1796-1817 CE) and Sir John Malcolm just before the Anglo-Maratha war was declared. There are 2 well known temples around the convergence of the rivers - Vishweshwar and Rameshwar. Sri Kashi Vishweshwar Temple is situated in Sangam Mahuli and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple was built in 1735 CE by Shripatrao Pant Pratinidhi. This land was donated by Shahu Maharaj to Shripatrao .....

Natraj Mandir

Natraj Mandir

#9 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 3 km from Satara Bus Station, Natraj Mandir, also known as Uttara Chidambaram Temple, is a popular temple located off NH4, connecting Satara and Solapur. It is one of the places to visit in Satara . The Natraj Mandir is dedicated to Lord Natraj, a manifestation of Lord Shiva performing the Tandava dance. The foundation for the temple was laid in 1981. Samanna, a resident of Satara gifted the land for building the temple. The funding was given by the state governments of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu while the timber needed for the entire construction of the temple was given by the government of Kerala. It is one of the popular temples to visit as part of Satara tour packages . It is a replica of Sri Natraj Temple at Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu, in a much smaller size, and is a desire of Sri Chandra Shekharendra .....

maharashtra ka tourist places

#10 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 84 km from Ganpatipule, 90 km from Ratnagiri, 107 km from Mahabaleshwar, 125 km from Satara, 163 km from Kolhapur, 238 km from Pune, 259 km from Mumbai, and 303 km from Panjim, Chiplun is a town in the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra. Bang on the Mumbai-Goa highway, it is one of the popular Maharashtra tourist places, and among the prominent places to visit near Kolhapur . Situated between the Western Ghats, and the Arabian Sea, Chiplun has stunning natural beauty, which includes lush greenery and stunning waterfalls. Chiplun means 'The abode of Lord Parashurama', got its name because of the famous temple it houses. Lies near the source of the Vashishti river, Chiplun is also an industrial town and happens to be one of the must include places in Konkan Tour . Chiplun was believed to be the first home of the Konkanasth or Chitpavan Brahmans. ..... Distance (From Satara): 125 Kms Trip Duration (From Satara - Including Travel): 1-2 Days .....

Nandgiri Fort / Kalyangad Fort

Nandgiri Fort / Kalyangad Fort

#11 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 23 km from Satara, 59 km from Panchgani and 75 km from Mahabaleshwar, Kalyangad or Nandgiri Fort is a hill fortress situated on a ridge of Nandgiri hill in the Mahadev range of Satara district in Maharashtra. Situated at an altitude of 3500 feet, Kalyangad is one of the strongest forts in the region and also one of the top places to visit in Satara. Kalyangad Fort was built by king Bhoj-II of Shilhara dynasty from 1178 AD to 1209 AD. It appears from many copper plate inscriptions of Shilhara kings that they gave many donations to Jain saints. In 1673 AD Shivaji Maharaj conquered Satara and surrounding regions. After Shivaji, the administration of Kalyangad went into the hands of Pratinidhis and then to the Peshwas. It was finally brought under the British control in 1818 AD by General Pritzler. The architecture of Kalyangad Fort is very beautiful. There are two main entrance gates facing towards the north and east. Taking the steps to reach the east gate is .....

Vasota Fort

Vasota Fort

#12 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 18 km from Bamnoli, 56 km from Satara, 70 km from Mahabaleshwar and 82 km from Panchgani , Vasota Fort is an ancient hill fort situated at an altitude of 1171 m near Bamnoli in Satara district of Maharashtra. The fort is situated in the deep forests and valleys of Koyna Wildlife Sanctuary. It is one of the best places to visit in Satara and also one of the popular places of trekking in Maharashtra apart from being an ideal picnic spots near Pune for one day trip. Situated on the banks of the Shivsagar Lake, Vasota Fort is surrounded by water on three sides. The Fort was built by King Bhojraj II of Shilhara dynasty in 1178-1193 AD. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj captured the fort in 1655 AD and renamed it as Vyagragad. In 1818 AD along with other forts of Marathas this fort also came under British control. Vasota Fort, now in ruins, is famous for its traditional Maharashtrian architectural style. The fort comprises .....

Pateshwar Temple

Pateshwar Temple

#13 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 14 km from Satara, 67 km from Mahabaleshwar and 59 km from Panchgani, Pateshwar Temple is an ancient temple situated at Degaon in Satara district of Maharashtra. It is one of the popular places to visit in Satara. The Shiva temple is one of the major attractions of Pateshwar. Built in 16th century AD, this temple is now in slightly depleted condition but the statues and the carvings are still intact. The inner walls of the temple are decorated with beautifully carved statues. There are also two small temples in the courtyard which are also quite beautiful. Pateshwar has 8 ancient cave temples and many ancient stone carved idols of Lord Shiva and other deities. The place is known for having more than 1000 Shivlings (also known as Pinds). The Shivlings found in this temple are Ekmukhdhari Pind, Chaturmukhdhari Pind, Ashtadikpal Pind, Harihar Pind, Margalmhaisa Pind and Yantra Pind. Other deities found in this shrine are Ekmukhi Bramhadev, Chaturmukh Shiv, Saraswati, .....

Pandavgad Fort, Near Panchgani

Pandavgad Fort, Near Panchgani

#14 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 11 km from Wai and 23 km from Panchgani, Pandavgad Fort is one of the major tourist attractions situated in Wai Taluk of Satara district in Maharashtra. Situated at an altitude of 4177 feet, Pandavgad Fort lies on the Wai-Mandhardev Road. Pandavgad Fort was built by King Bhoj II of the Shilahar Dynasty. This fort was formerly under the rule of Adilshahi. The fort was taken by Shivaji Maharaj in 1673 AD but in 1701, Aurangzeb captured the fort. The fort was an important line of defense in the battle between Trimbakji Dengle and the British in 1817 AD. The fort is about six acres in extent and is a square shaped structure. Its defenses consist of a slope of forty to sixty feet high along with several strong masonry ramparts surmounted by a huge wall. The main feature of this fort is that it has the natural protection of a sharp rock which is about 6 m high. All the buildings in the fort except the temple of Pandjai Devi are in ruined state. The fort possesses ..... Distance (From Satara Bus Station): 46 Kms Trip Duration (From Satara Bus Station - Including Travel): 6-8 Hours .....

Chalkewadi Windmill Farm

Chalkewadi Windmill Farm

#15 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 6 km from Thoseghar Falls and 29 km from Satara, Chalkewadi Windmill Farm is one of the largest windmill farms in Asia situated at Chalkewadi in Satara district of Maharashtra. It is among the popular Satara tourist places. Chalkewadi Wind Energy Project in Satara was developed with the intention of generating clean energy. There are hundreds of windmills on the adjoining hills. The windmills are stretched over a 5 km plateau and supply electricity to Satara and neighboring places like Mahabaleshwar and Panchgani. Chalkewadi is developed as a tourist spot, because the windmills and the hills offer a magical landscape together. Thoseghar waterfall can be seen from Chalkewadi. Set amidst lush green hills, valleys and the red soil these windmills make a beautiful sight. It can only be accessed by a private vehicle since no state buses ply in this route. This is another place that is best visited during the monsoon since the misty weather makes Chalkewadi windmill .....

Baramotichi Vihir

Baramotichi Vihir

#16 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 14 km from Satara Bus Station, Baramotichi Vihir is an ancient step well situated near Limb in Satara district of Maharashtra. It is probably the only step well in Maharashtra and also one of the popular places of sightseeing in Satara. Baramotichi Vihir was constructed between 1641 AD and 1646 AD by Sau Virubhai Bhosale. It was meant to be a water source to all the farms around with its 12 moats. From the top, visitors can see few tiny walls and water channels. The well is octagonal in shape and is 110 feet deep and 50 feet in diameter. This is not a traditional step-well like the ones in Rajasthan. The well had steps from one side leading to the middle of the well. There is an arched opening after climbing down the stair. There are 2 beautiful carved flowers on either side of arch and a gallery above. The gallery has entrances on two sides with a small palace on one side.

Yamai Devi Temple - Aundh

Yamai Devi Temple - Aundh

#17 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 44 km from Satara and 63 km from Panchgani, Yamai Devi Temple is an ancient temple situated on a hilltop at Aundh in Satara distric of Maharashtra. The temple is very much revered in Maharashtra and also one of the top places to visit in Satara. Yamai Devi is the family deity of many Maharastrian families. The idol of Devi Mahishasur Mardini in black stone is almost 2 meters high in a cross-legged sitting position. The idol has four hands and is carrying gada, arrow, trishul and paan patra. The town and the temple have been associated with the Pant family for many centuries. The present head of this former ruling family, Gayatridevi Pantpratinidhi, has installed a 7 kilograms (15 lb) solid gold kalash or crown on the pinnacle of the Yamai temple on the hill. Another temple of Devi Yamai is located in the town; apart from the one on the hill. The temple can either be reached using steps that start at the bottom of the hill. Direct road access is also .....

Vasantgad Fort

Vasantgad Fort

#18 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 16 km from Karad and 47 km from Satara, Vasantgad Fort is an ancient hill fort situated near Talbid village in Satara district of Maharashtra. It is one of the popular trekking places in Maharashtra and also one of the top places of sightseeing in Satara. Vasantgad Fort was built by Shilhara King Bhoj. Shivaji Maharaj conquered the fort in 1659 CE from Adil Shah. Later, Rajaram Maharaj, the son of Shivaji Maharaj stayed for some time in this fort when he returned from Gingee. Aurangzeb captured this fort in 1700 CE and named it Killa-da-Fateh. The Marathas got the fort back in 1706 CE. Talbid is the base village of Vasantgad Fort and is also the place of Hambirrao Mohite, who was the fourth Commander-in-chief of Shivaji Maharaj. The first three were Mankoji Dahatonde, Netaji Palkar and Prataprao Gujar. This is also the place of Queen Tarabai. One can also see the memorial of Hambirrao Mohite in Talbid. The fort lies at an altitude of 2950 feet. The hill .....

Chandan - Vandan Forts

Chandan - Vandan Forts

#19 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 26 km from Satara, Chandan - Vandan Forts are twin forts situated at Belmachi in Satara district of Maharashtra. Chandan - Vandan Forts are among the top Satara tourist places. Chandan - Vandan Forts were built by king Bhoj II of Shilhara dynasty in late 12th century. Shivaji Maharaj won these forts from Adil Shah of Bijapur in 1673 CE along with Kalyangad, Sajjangad, and Ajinkyatara during the campaign of Satara. It was under the control of Marathas till 1689 CE after it passed in the hand of Moghuls. In 1707 CE, the fort was occupied by Marathas under Sahu Maharaj. There are two bastions at the entrance gate of Chandan Fort which are presently in a half-demolished state. There is a banyan tree at the upper side of the entrance which is known as Panchvad, as it is comprised of five banyan trees. A temple of Lord Shiva is situated near the Banyan tree. The fort also houses an old mosque. An intact bastion can be seen at the north end of the fort with a Shivalinga .....


#20 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 48 km from Sangli, 113 km from Belgaum, 125 km from Satara, 188 km from Mahabaleshwar, 209 km from Panjim, 210 km from Hubli, 237 km from Pune, 250 km from Solapur, 388 km from Mumbai, 452 km from Nashik, 584 km from Hyderabad, and 609 km from Bangalore, Kolhapur is a city and the district headquarters of Kolhapur district in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is one of the popular places of temple towns in India , and among the most famous places to visit in Maharashtra . Situated on the banks of the Panchganga River, Kolhapur is a beautiful city famed for its religious and historical sites. The ancient city finds its mention in the holy Devi Bhagavata Purana as a place of Kollamma worship. The town derives its name from a mythological story of Kolhasur - a demon who was slain by Goddess Mahalakshmi. The famous Mahalakshmi Temple is situated here in honor of Goddess Mahalakshmi, ..... Distance (From Satara): 125 Kms Trip Duration (From Satara - Including Travel): Full Day .....

Raigad Fort, Near Mahabaleshwar

Raigad Fort, Near Mahabaleshwar

#21 of 21 Places to Visit in Satara

At a distance of 26 km from Mahad, 83 km from Mahabaleshwar, 105 km from Alibaug , 118 km from Lonavala, 136 km from Mumbai, 138 km from Pune and 196 km from Ratnagiri, Raigad is a hill fort situated at Pachad near Mahad in Raigad district of Maharashtra. This is one of the most popular forts in Maharashtra and popular places for trekking near Mumbai. This fort is one of the prime places to visit on a Maharashtra tour and also one of the must include historical forts in Mahabaleshwar Tour Packages as well as in Lonavala Tour Packages. Earlier called as Rairi, Raigad was initially under the control of Chandrarao More of Jawali and was captured by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's in 1656 CE. After taking over the Rairi Fort, Shivaji Maharaj got it completely renovated and renamed it as Raigad (the King's Fort). Shivaji Maharaj made it his capital in 1674 CE when he was crowned as ..... Distance (From Satara Bus Station): 137 Kms Trip Duration (From Satara Bus Station - Including Travel): Full Day .....

Most Asked Questions on Satara

post-monsoon & winter from September to February is the best time to visit Satara . October to December is the busiest season and hotels are usually very expensive in this season.

Mahabaleshwar usually requires around 2 full days to visit the most important attractions. Satara can be mixed with near by wonderful destinations like Mahabaleshwar, Panchgani and Ganpatipule by adding few additional days to your trip.

Budget of Satara trip depends on the trip duration and category of hotel you choose for your stay along with the kind of vehicle you prefer. Satara tour packages offered by start from as low as INR 5600 per person for a 2D/1N trip and from INR 9000 per person for 3D/2N vacation.

Ensure to cover most important places to visit in Satara like Kas Pathar, Thoseghar Falls, Vajrai Falls, Sajjangarh Fort, Ajinkyatara Fort, Sangam Mahuli, Natraj Mandir, etc. Mahabaleshwar which is around 68 km from Satara and can be visited along with Satara.

Satara is well known for its sweet: 'Kandi Pedhe'. You can get this sweet at very low price in Satara.

Top 5 Satara Tour Packages

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What travellers are saying.

Alvares George

Jun 3, 2024

8 must-visit places in Maharashtra during monsoons

Rainy beauties.

Maharashtra is blessed with several beautiful places that turn all the more gorgeous during the monsoon season as the landscape transforms into a lush green heaven. Here are eight must-visit destinations in Maharashtra that come alive during the rains:

Khandala is another prominent hill station noted for its natural beauty. With lush green valleys, cascading waterfalls and mist-covered hills, Khandala turns into a haven for nature lovers during the monsoon.

Lonavala is a gorgeous hill station situated close to Mumbai. The place turns into a green paradise after the rains attracting visitors from all over Maharashtra and outside.


Mahabaleshwar is noted for its pretty strawberry farms, verdant forests, and panoramic viewpoints. During the monsoon, the region comes alive with gushing waterfalls such as Lingmala Falls and Dhobi Falls.

Matheran is one of the few automobile-free hill stations in Asia. It offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Explore lush forests, scenic viewpoints, and pristine waterfalls like Charlotte Lake and One Tree Hill Point.

When in Pune, explore historic landmarks such as Shaniwar Wada and Aga Khan Palace. While indulging in local delicacies like hot vada pav and bhajiyas during the monsoon season.

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Set amidst five hills in the Sahyadri mountain range, Panchgani offers breathtaking views of lush valleys, cascading waterfalls, and strawberry fields. Enjoy leisurely walks along the scenic Table Land.

Amboli is a lesser-known gem blessed with abundant natural beauty. Explore dense forests, gushing waterfalls like Amboli Falls and Hiranyakeshi Falls, and serene viewpoints such as Sunset Point.


Bhandardara is noted for its pretty lakes, towering mountains, and cascading waterfalls. Witness the majestic sight of the Randha Falls and Umbrella Falls in full flow during the monsoon season.

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Places To Visit In Kolhapur

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Resorts Near Kolhapur

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1. Panhala Fort

Panhala Fort

19 km from city center 1 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Panhala is a city and a Hill station Municipal Council which is 18 km northwest of Kolhapur, in Kolhapur district of Maharashtra. Panhala is the smallest city in Maharashtra and being a Municipal Council the city is developing rapidly. The city sprawls in the Panhala fort commands a panoramic view of the valley below. The main historical attraction here is the Panhala fort.

2. Dajipur Wildlife Sanctuary

Dajipur Wildlife Sanctuary

41 km from city center 2 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

The former hunting grounds of the Maharaja of Kolhapur, Dajipur Wildlife Sanctuary was declared as a wildlife sanctuary in 1985. Also known as Bison Sanctuary, the place is popular for Indian Bison or Gaurs. Besides, one can also spot leopards, tigers, sloth bears etc. Set amidst verdant forests, the sanctuary makes for a perfect getaway from the city.

3. Shri Chatrapati Shahu Museum (New Palace)

Shri Chatrapati Shahu Museum (New Palace)

3 km from city center 3 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

The New Palace located on the Bahvani Mandap-Kasaba Bavda Road was constructed in 1877-84 and has been the residence of Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj. The ground floor of the palace is converted into a museum that houses artifacts belonging to those times when the king ruled and his own possessions.

4. Gaganbawada


47 km from city center 4 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Located at a distance of 55 kms from Kolhapur, Gaganbawada is a town on the Western Ghats or the Sahyadris. The hilly town is undeveloped and is mostly famous for Gagangad Fort, Karul Ghat and Bhuibavda Ghat situated in the area. The town also has several temples, Lakshmapur Dam and Pandav caves; and is shot in many Bollywood movies.

Top Hotels In Kolhapur

₽ 1,064 onwards

₽ 442 onwards

₽ 1,691 onwards

₽ 739 onwards

₽ 721 onwards

5. Ramtirth Waterfall

Ramtirth Waterfall

61 km from city center 5 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Gushing down on the banks of River Hiranyakeshi in Ajara Taluka in Kolhapur, Ramtirth Waterfall is a natural waterfall popular for its unmatched serenity and beautiful locales. The spot is mostly used for day picnics and to unmind from the hustle-bustle of the city. The area also has several temples which are thronged by pilgrims at all times.

6. Sagareshwar Deer Sanctuary

Sagareshwar Deer Sanctuary

53 km from city center 6 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Sagareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary is a unique protected area in Kolhapur district which is a man-made forest. Sprawling over an area of around 11 square kms, the wildlife is also artificially introduced in the arena. The sanctuary boasts of a rich flora and fauna and is a popular tourism centre in Maharashtra.

7. Kopeshwar Temple

Kopeshwar Temple

48 km from city center 7 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Located in Khidrapur in Kolhapur district at the junction of Maharashtra and Karnataka, Kopeshwar Temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Built on the banks of River Krishna, the shrine boasts of a beautiful architecture with various intricate carvings on the interior and exterior walls. Besides, it also has idols of Lord Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma among others.

8. Shopping in Kolhapur

Shopping in Kolhapur

3 km from city center 8 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Kolhapur is famous for its Kolhapuri Chappals - footwear made from leather and wood. Kolhapuri jewellery - Saaj a type of antique jewellery. Jaggery - made from scratch, pure jaggery is made in mills in Kolhapur.

9. Narsinhwadi Datta Mandir

Narsinhwadi Datta Mandir

1 km from city center 9 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Located at a distance of 48 kms from Kolhapur in Narsobawadi, Narsinhwadi Datta Mandir is a revered Hindu Temple dedicated to Narsinh Saraswati - an incarnation of Lord Shri Dattatreya. Built on the banks of river Krishna, the temple is a popular pilgrimage spot of the Hindus.

10. Vishalgad


58 km from city center 10 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Vishalgad is another town in the Kolhapur district in Maharashtra which has a historic significance. The town is lately popular for housing and age-old ancient fort known as Vishalgad Fort which is a popular seat of tourism in the area.

11. Mahalaxmi Temple, Kolhapur

Mahalaxmi Temple, Kolhapur

2 km from city center 11 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

The Mahalakshmi temple was built in the 7th century by Chalukya rulers and is one of the six abodes of 'Shakti' (Goddess of Power) from where one can attain fulfillment and salvation of desires.

12. Binkhambi Ganesh Temple

Binkhambi Ganesh Temple

2 km from city center 12 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

After the Mahalakshmi Temple, this is the most important temple in Kolhapur, built in honor of Lord Ganesha. The temple attracts a lot of devotees as well as architecture enthusiasts because the marvel of the temple is that it is made without a single pillar.

Discover More About Sightseeing & Tourist Attractions in Kolhapur


Magnificent Temples in Kolhapur for a Serene Short Trip

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Things to Do in Kolhapur

13. Gangagiri Maharaj Math Temple

Gangagiri Maharaj Math Temple

48 km from city center 13 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Gangagiri Maharaj Math Temple is located amidst the Dijapur Forest on a hilltop. The math also offers yoga and meditation exercises for the devotees. Besides, the temple is located amidst beautiful scenic locales and makes for a mesmerising experience.

14. Rankala Lake

Rankala Lake

4 km from city center 14 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

One of the most famous tourist spots of Kolhapur, Rankala Lake is a beautiful lake, named after the ancient temple of Rankbhairav, who was believed to be an incarnation of lord Shiva. The temple is now located in the centre of the lake. A quarry was transformed into a natural lake after the earthquakes which hit the area in the 8th/9th century AD, which the locals now know as a serene and peaceful lake, adjacent to a beautiful garden, known as the Padpath Udyan. This place is a special favorite of the children. The well-maintained garden and the beautiful Shalini Palace, which is located alongside the lake side, attract almost every visitor of Kolhapur. Boating and Horseback riding are the famous activities of this area.

15. Jyotiba Temple

Jyotiba Temple

16 km from city center 15 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

The beautiful temple of Kolhapur, known as the Jyotiba Temple lies near the village of Ratnagiri in Maharashtra. The temple is constantly laden with 'rang which translates to colour, implying the colour used to play Holi. This is because the gulal is offered to Lord Jyotiba as a token of sincerity by the pilgrims. The glorious temple is built for Lord Jyotiba as its name suggests, who was believed to be an embodiment of three different deities. It is believed that this temple should be visited after visiting the Mahalaxmi Temple. Standing 3124 feet above sea level, the view from the temple is beautiful and breathtaking. The serene environment along with the divinity of the structure gives a feeling of peace and calm to all the pilgrims and visitors.

16. Temlabai Mandir

Temlabai Mandir

2 km from city center 16 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

The Temlabai temple is situated on the Temlabai Hill both of which derive their name from the Goddess Temlabai who according to mythology is the sister of Goddess Mahalakshmi.

17. Siddhagiri Museum

Siddhagiri Museum

9 km from city center 17 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Also known as Kaneri Math. Siddhagiri Gramjivan Wax Museum is situated in Kaneri, Kolhapur. The museum is housed within the Shri Kshetra Siddhagiri Math along with a Shiva Temple. The museum depicts rural village life with the help of wax and cement statues. Sprawling over 7 acres, the repository is surrounded by lush greenery and countryside locales.

18. Chinmaya Ganadhish

Chinmaya Ganadhish

2 km from city center 18 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Located at a distance of 14 kms from Kolhapur in Maharashtra on the Pune- Bangalore Highway, Chinmaya Ganadhish is the tallest statue of Hindu God Ganesh in the entire world. The statue stands tall at a height of 61 feet placed on a base of 24 feet. It was inaugurated in 2001.

19. DYP City Mall

DYP City Mall

1 km from city center 19 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

DYP City Mall is situated on the Kolhapur Pune Road near Sayaji Hotel in Kolhapur. The mall is replete with outlets of apparels, cosmetics, jewellery, toys, footwear, accessories, bags etc. Besides, it has a massive parking space and boasts of a huge food court with several food chains and eateries.

20. Sajja Kothi

Sajja Kothi

20 km from city center 20 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Sajja Kothi is a one storeyed building housed within the Panhala Fort in Kolhapur. Boasting of Mughal style architecture, the monument is situated amidst lush greenery and was an important strategic point of the famous king Shivaji. Overlooking the beautiful Waranna Valley, Sajja Kothi is an important historical heritage and a popular tourist spot in the city.

21. Bhavani Mandap

Bhavani Mandap

2 km from city center 21 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Bhavani Mandap used to be the court and palace of Chhatrapati Maharaja in the yesteryears which has now been converted into a public monument and is an important site of heritage in the Kolhapur city. The palace houses sculpture of Shahu Maharaj, stuffed animals, wooden throne etc and is an famous sightseeing attraction in the city.

22. Binkhambi Ganesh Mandir

Binkhambi Ganesh Mandir

2 km from city center 22 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Situated at the Sawarkar Marg near Mahalaxmi Temple in Kolhapur, Binkhambi Ganesh Mandir is dedicated to Lord Ganesha. The temple is unique in the sense that not a single pillar supports its roof. It is built right in the middle of a market with a lot of shopping and food options.

23. Radhanagari Dam

Radhanagari Dam

40 km from city center 23 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Radhanagari Dam is the oldest dam in India built on the river Bhogawati in Radhanagari near Kolhapur. Besides being used for irrigation and harnessing hydro-power, the water from the dam is used in several adjoining villages. In addition to this, the scenic setting of the dam makes it a popular tourist spot of the town.

24. Teen Darwaza

Teen Darwaza

20 km from city center 24 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Teen Darwaza is the main entrance gate of the Panhala Fort in Kolhapur. It is a double gateway with an arched courtyard in between the two gates. The outer gate has protruding ceiling and an elaborate chamber on top. The inner gate has ornate carvings including that of Lord Ganesh. The walls have intricate inscriptions carved on them.

25. Botanical Gardens in Kolhapur

Botanical Gardens in Kolhapur

1 km from city center 25 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Also known as Tabak Udyan, Botanical Gardens are situated inside Panhala Fort complex in Kolhapur. The gardens are popular for having an extensive variety of flora and fauna and are set in a foresty zone with marked trails for walking or cycling. You can also visit to spot rare birds visiting the place or to spend some time in solitude among beautiful natural setting.

26. Khasbag Maidan

Khasbag Maidan

2 km from city center 26 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Khasbag Maidan, also known as Khasbag Wrestling Stadium is the largest wrestling stadium in India located in Kolhapur. The stadium has a seating capacity for over 30000 visitors. The enormous wrestling ring is called Houd; which is situated right in the centre of the stadium. There are special seating facilities for members of the royal family.

27. Gadhinglaj


53 km from city center 27 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Located at the junction of Maharashtra and Karnataka, Gandhinglaj is a city on the banks of the river Hiranyakeshi in Kolhapur. Also known as the headquarters of South Kolhapure, the city is the third largest in the district.

28. Bhudargarh


49 km from city center 28 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Located in the Radhanagari subdivision in Kolhapur, Bhudargarh is a tehsil in the state of Maharashtra.

29. Shalini Palace

Shalini Palace

4 km from city center 29 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Built on the banks of Lake Rankala, Shalini Palace is an opulent palace which was constructed for Princess Shalini Raje of Kolhapur at a whopping cost of INR 800000 in 1931-1934. The palace is lined with beautiful palm trees and gardens. It was later converted into a luxury heritage hotel but is currently shut down due to heavy losses.

30. Irwin Agricultural Museum

Irwin Agricultural Museum

3 km from city center 30 out of 30 Places To Visit in Kolhapur

Also known as Swaraj Bhavan, Irwin Agricultural Museum is located in the centre of Kolhapur city in Maharashtra. The museum displays agriculture-related equipments, ancient coins and pottery products. The highlight of the repository is the statue of Poseidon.

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  • 7 Places To Visit In Chandrapur Best For An Exciting Weekend

21 Aug 2023

Chandrapur district, known as the “City of Black Gold” with its rich coal seams, is a beautiful city located along the Wardha River in the state of Maharashtra. The city is packed with many temples, national parks, historical forts, and unspoiled natural wonders, making it a great attraction for tourists with adventurous spirits. If you are planning to come to Chandrapur city to explore the hidden gems, check out the list of the best places to visit in Chandrapur that you must add to your itinerary.

7 Best Places To Visit In Chandrapur

Whether you are looking for historical forts, unexplored wild sanctuaries, or beautiful gardens, the list of best places to visit in Chandrapur has covered it all. Also, don’t forget to taste Chakli and Kaanda Pohe, famous foods of Chandrapur, during your trip here.

1. Mahakali Temple

Mahakali Temple is one of the best places to visit in Chandrapur for a blissful experience.

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Mahakali Temple serves as a symbol for Chandrapur City and holds a significant place in the hearts of the city’s residents. A large number of devotees come here every day to offer praise and worship, particularly on Tuesday. The place has great historical significance and is one of the main religious attractions of the city for tourists and leisure travellers, especially during Utsav in April every year. The temple is dedicated to Goddess Mahakali and has two idols in the temple. The main idol is associated with the Shiva Linga and is adorned with red, yellow, and orange clothes.

To visit the second idol, one must travel through a tunnel, as it is placed in a reclining position below the ground level. The temple also features two miniature temples dedicated to Lord Ganesh and Lord Hanuman. If you forget to bring puja goods, don’t worry, as there are several small stores located at both entrances providing puja items such as coconut, flowers, and linen. The shops also offer a sophisticated variety of home decor items that are worth exploring.

Timings – 06:00 am to 08:00 pm Location- Girnar Chowk Road, Babupeth – Junona Rd, Bazar Ward, Chandrapur, Maharashtra Entry Fee- No entry fee

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2. Chandrapur Fort

Explore the graceful architecture of Chandrapur Fort, one of the best places to visit in Chandrapur.

Chandrapur Fort, formerly known as Chanda Fort, is one of the ancient Chandrapur visiting places, located at the convergence of the Irai and Zarpat rivers in the Chandrapur district. According to local beliefs, the lake beside Chandrapur Fort possesses miraculous healing powers, attracting a large number of people seeking healing. Built by Gond King Khandkya Ballal Sah in the 13th century, the main attraction of the fort is its fascinating eight clockwise entrances namely Jatpura Gate, Bagad Khidki, Anchaleshwar Gate, Hanuman Khidki, Pathanpura Gate, Vithoba Khidki, Binda Gate and Chor Khidki. The unique art structure, made from carvings, and the graceful architecture of the Fort are a visual treat for travellers.

Timings – Sunset to Sunrise Location- W7XV+P6R, Pathanpura Rd, Babupeth, Chandrapur, Maharashtra Entry Fee- Only parking fee is applicable

3. Bhadravati Jain Temple

Enjoy the awe-inspiring panoramic of Bhadravati Jain Temple which is one of the best places to visit in Chandrapur

Image Credit: AKS.9955 for Wikimedia Commons

Nestled within the heart of Bhadrawati, Waroda Tehsil in Chandrapur district, the Bhadravati Jain Temple is a renowned ancient Jain temple known for its beautiful scriptures adorning the interior. The temple is dedicated to Lord Paraswanath and holds great significance for the community. Devotees, as well as travellers, come here to visit the temple and experience the awe-inspiring view of this blissful place. Although the exact period of its construction is not known, it is said to be extremely old. The temple also features several other idols recovered from digging the earth. Enveloped within the village’s embrace, the architecture stands as a testament to the whispers of time, casting an enchanting aura that beckons curious souls to unravel its ancient mysteries.

Timings – 06:00 am to 09:00 pm Location- 4438+H34, Jain Mandir Rd, Complex, Panchashil Nagar, Bhadravati, Maharashtra Entry Fee- No entry fee

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4. Tadopa National Park (Tadopa-Andhari Tiger Reserve)

Tadopa National Park is one of the most thrilling and adventurous places to visit in Chandrapur

One of the most thrilling and adventurous Chandrapur tourist places is Tadopa National Park, which is also one of India’s preeminent reserves. Located in the Chandrapur district of Maharastra, Tadopa-Andheri Tiger Reserve is no less than a paradise for nature lovers as well as wildlife enthusiasts. It is one of the best wildlife destinations in India as well as national parks in Maharashtra , harbouring more than 200 tigers and other carnivore species such as leopard and dhole, along with the sambar, chital, wild pig, and gaur, providing an enrapturing tiger sighting experience. The lush green beauty of the forest, the magical landscape of rugged cliffs, and the interesting diversity of flora and fauna serve as additional charms for tourists.

The major attractions of the park include dense forests, flourishing lakes, and diverging valley. To witness the untamed beauty of nature and unleash your inner explorer, you can also enjoy the remarkable experience of Jeep Safari at Tadopa-Andhari Tiger Reserve.

Timings – 06:00 am to 11:00 am and 02:00 pm to 06:00 pm Location- Chandrapur, Maharashtra Entry Fee- ₹‎ 20 per person

5. Ballarpur Fort

Ballarpur Fort is one of the must-visit Chandrapur tourist places that you must add to your list

Image Credit: Ganesh Dhamodkar for Wikimedia Commons

Another historical place to add to your itinerary while visiting Chandrapur City is Ballarpur Fort, which was formerly known as Ballarshah Fort. Located in the Ballarpur, on the opposite bank of the Wardha River, this fort was built by Gond King Khandkya Ballal Sah (1437-62). There are various undiscovered tunnels in the walls, holding the mysteries of the 13th century, which are worth exploring while travelling here. Ballarpur Fort is the oldest area of Chandrapur, where the ruins of the old Balharshah Fort can still be found, enchanting the tales of its majestic history. If you are fond of historical places, Ballarshah is one of the best places to visit in Chandrapur, commemorating its past significance.

Timings – Open 24 hours Location- Balharshah Fort, road, killa ward, Ballarpur, Maharashtra Entry Fee- No entry fee

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6. Vijasan Caves

Immerse yourself in the mystical allure of Vijasan Caves, one of the best places to visit in Chandrapur

Situated at Bhadrawati in Chandrapur district, Maharashtra, Vijasan Caves are 2000-year-old Buddhist caves that are also famous as Vijasan Tekdi. These biggest Buddhist caves were constructed in the 2nd century CE by King Yajna Sri and are among the best places to visit in Chandrapur. These mysterious and dark caves comprise extensive passageways that lead to compact chambers housing small shrines dedicated to Buddha, making it well worth a visit. The mystical allure of these caves, coupled with their historical and cultural significance, promises an unforgettable experience for those seeking to delve into the rich heritage of the region.

Timings – Open 24 hours Location- Vijasan, Road, Vinjasan, Bhadravati, Maharashtra Entry Fee- No entry fee

7. Manikgad Fort

Manikgad Fort is one of the top places to visit in Chandrapur

Manikgad Fort, also known as Gadchandur, is a hill fort located at 507 metres above sea level, 35 kilometres southwest of Chandrapur. Constructed by Naga monarchs in the 9th century, the fascinating architecture of the fort has various tales to tell to all the travellers, seeking historical mysteries. It had been a magnificent fort in its time built of large black stones. Although the fort is in ruins and is often inhabited by wild animals, still, there are many monuments available in the area that are worth exploring. The opening of the cement industry in the area has brought newfound fame to the Manikgarh Fort, making it a must-visit destination in the list of top places to visit in Chandrapur.

Timings – Sunrise to Sunset Location- Takurwadi, Gherakilla Manikgad, Maharashtra Entry Fee- No Entry Fee

Further Read: 10 Extremely Beautiful Resorts In Nagpur For A Memorable Stay In Maharashtra

Chandrapur City is surrounded by countless attractions that are worth exploring whether you are on a family trip, a friend’s trip or solo travelling. To get a hassle-free travelling experience, you can book your future Maharashtra trip with TravelTriangle and indulge in a delightful vacation tailored exclusively to your preference. Make sure to visit the recommended places to visit in Chandrapur, all within 100 km, for a truly perfect exploration experience.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Places To Visit In Chandrapur

What is Chandrapur famous for?

Chandrapur district is renowned for its vibrant tribal folk dances, including Dandar, Gondi, and Rela. During Diwali, the Adiwasi community performs a captivating folk dance called Dandar, dedicated to Lord Krishna, whom they affectionately refer to as 'Khodal' in their native Gondi language.

What is famous in Chandrapur food?

Chandrapur, a city in Maharashtra, India, offers a variety of delicious foods that are popular among locals and visitors alike. such as Chakli and Kaanda Poha.

What is Gadchandur famous for?

The main attractions of Gadchandur are its magnificent palaces, forts and vibrant markets.

Which temple is famous in Chandrapur?

The most famous temple in Chandrapur district is Mahakali Temple.

Which Shivling is found in Chandrapur?

A Punchmukhi Shivling sculpture was found during civil development work involving the excavation of a lake at Bhejgaon in Maharashtra's Chandrapur district. This finding has sparked curiosity and interest among locals and researchers alike.

What language is spoken in Chandrapur?

The majority of the people in Chandrapur converse in Marathi, while the native Gonds predominantly speak the Gondi language. Additionally, many individuals are proficient in Hindi.

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