
10-Day Italian Journey by Train: Discover Italy with Italy4Real

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The Amalfi Coas

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Day 01: Arrival in Enchanting Venice

Welcome to Italy! Your eco-friendly odyssey begins the moment you step foot in Venice, a city where history whispers from every canal and piazza.

Overnight Stay in Venice

On the first day, you’re free to reach your fully inspected hotel accommodation in Venice at your own pace. Freshen up and settle into your room, knowing that a journey filled with Italy’s splendors awaits you.

Optional Private Transfer with Local Assistant

Navigating Venice’s labyrinthine streets can be overwhelming, especially after a long flight. That’s why we offer an optional private transfer service directly from the Venice airport to your hotel. 

Our local assistant will greet you upon arrival and guide you effortlessly through Venice’s maze-like pathways. This option ensures a stress-free start to your Italian escapade. The pricing for this convenient service is adjusted according to your flight’s arrival and departure times.

Your first day in Venice sets the stage for an Italian journey that’s as eco-friendly as it is breathtaking. Whether you choose to make your way independently or opt for our assisted transfer, rest assured that you’re about to experience Italy in a truly unforgettable way.

Overnight Venice.

italy train tour packages

Day 02: Unveiling the Mysteries of Legendary Venice

Prepare to immerse yourself in Venice’s iconic history and artistic heritage on the second day of your eco-friendly Italian adventure. Our carefully curated tour ensures that you experience the very heart of Venetian grandeur, all while avoiding cumbersome lines.

Guided Exploration of St. Mark’s Basilica

Begin your day with an exclusive tour of the revered St. Mark’s Basilica. As you traverse the sumptuous interior, your knowledgeable guide will reveal the fascinating stories that lay behind an incredible 8,000 square meters of golden mosaics. Witness the legendary Horses of St. Mark’s Basilica and other invaluable treasures that have captivated visitors for centuries

Bonus Experience:  Elevate your tour by ascending to the basilica’s balcony. From here, take in unparalleled views of the bustling St. Mark’s Square and the serene Venetian lagoon—sights that have inspired countless artists and poets.

Dive into History at the Doge’s Palace

Transition from the divine to the earthly as you move to the Doge’s Palace, a monumental structure that once served as the nerve center of Venetian governance. With an expert guide at your side, explore the magnificent chambers filled with artistic masterpieces.

The Bridge of Sighs: A tour of the Doge’s Palace would be incomplete without crossing the fabled Bridge of Sighs, a passageway steeped in lore that connects the palace to its historical prisons. Your guide will offer you a unique perspective on the Venetian judicial system and the stories that echo across the bridge.

Overnight in Venice

As the sun sets on a day filled with exploration and enlightenment, retire to your fully inspected accommodation in Venice. Reflect on the day’s discoveries and rest up—your Italian journey has only just begun.

This curated day ensures you experience Venice in depth, opening doors to its rich past and present. Whether you’re a history aficionado or a lover of art, Day 2 is designed to leave you with lasting memories and a deeper understanding of Venice’s timeless allure.

Spanish Steps Rome

Day 03: Journey from Venice's Canals to Florence's Artistic Majesty

As dawn breaks over the Venetian lagoon, prepare to embark on the next chapter of your eco-friendly Italian adventure—a transition from the waterways of Venice to the artistic heart of Florence.

High-Speed Train to Florence

In the morning, make your way to Venice’s Santa Lucia Train Station. Here, you will board a high-speed eco-friendly train that will whisk you away to Florence in comfort and speed. The train ride itself offers picturesque views of Italy’s diverse landscapes, setting the stage for your arrival in the capital of Tuscany.

Arrival and Self-Transfer in Florence

Upon reaching Florence’s Santa Maria Novella Train Station, proceed to self-transfer to your fully inspected accommodation in the city. Unpack, unwind, and ready yourself for an afternoon of exploration in one of the world’s greatest art cities.

Afternoon Exploration

The rest of the day is yours to explore Florence at your own pace. Stroll through the cobblestone streets and allow yourself to be drawn into art galleries, artisan workshops, or perhaps a local café for a taste of Tuscan cuisine. The city is your oyster, offering endless opportunities for cultural immersion and aesthetic delight.

Overnight in Florence

As dusk settles over Florence, head back to your hotel to reflect on a day of transitions and new discoveries. An evening in Florence is best enjoyed with a leisurely walk along the Arno River, capturing the city’s famous landmarks bathed in the soft glow of sunset. 

Your journey from Venice to Florence signifies more than just a change in geography; it’s a passage from one extraordinary cultural landscape to another. Rest well, for the following day promises to unlock even more of Florence’s storied history and artistic splendors.

italy train tour packages

Day 04: A Day of Tuscan Treasures—From Iconic Towers to Timeless Wines

Unveil the multifaceted allure of Tuscany on Day 4 of your eco-friendly Italian journey. Explore the region’s architectural marvels, historic towns, and vinicultural delights in a day that promises to leave you enchanted.

Morning in Pisa

Begin your day with a trip to Pisa, famous worldwide for its iconic Leaning Tower. However, the tower is just one part of the architectural triad that makes up the stunning Piazza dei Miracoli. Take time to admire the equally remarkable Baptistery and Cathedral, each an artistic and architectural achievement in its own right.

Journey Through Chianti to San Gimignano

As you leave Pisa, wind your way through the scenic hills and valleys of the Chianti region. Your next stop is San Gimignano, a medieval marvel perched upon a hill. Wander through the town’s ancient streets and climb its venerable towers for panoramic views that stretch as far as the eye can see.

Afternoon in Siena

Next, proceed to Siena, a UNESCO World Heritage city famed for its medieval streetscape and deep-rooted Etruscan history. Enjoy a guided walk through the city, visiting essential sites like the Duomo, Baptistery, and the Torre del Mangia. Dive into Siena’s historical rivalry with Florence as you explore architectural gems and squares teeming with local life.

Chianti Winery Experience

No trip to Tuscany is complete without tasting its world-famous wines. Your day culminates with a visit to a Chianti winery where you’ll get to savor local varietals, learn about the winemaking process, and perhaps even meet the vintners responsible for these liquid treasures.

Return to Florence for another peaceful night in your fully inspected accommodation. As you rest, let the flavors, sights, and stories from your Tuscan adventure swirl through your dreams, like a fine glass of Chianti decanting in the evening air.

Day 4 offers a comprehensive glimpse into the cultural richness and natural beauty that makes Tuscany a must-see on any Italian itinerary. Prepare for an unforgettable day that harmoniously blends history, architecture, and the simple yet profound pleasure of a good glass of wine.

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Day 5: A Majestic Move from Florence to The Eternal City, Rome

On the fifth day of your eco-conscious Italian journey, you’ll transition from the artistic haven of Florence to Rome, a city that has been the epicenter of power, culture, and spirituality for millennia. This day serves as your bridge from the Renaissance brilliance of Florence to the ancient grandeur of Rome.

Morning Departure from Florence

Start your day with an independent transfer to Florence’s Santa Maria Novella Train Station. Arrive with enough time to comfortably board your high-speed train bound for Rome, the next magnificent stop on your Italian adventure.

High-Speed Train to Rome

Settle in for a smooth and eco-friendly ride on the high-speed train. As you travel, enjoy the changing landscapes, ranging from the rolling hills of Tuscany to the lush fields leading into Rome. The Italian countryside provides the perfect backdrop as you gear up for the next chapter of your journey.

Private Transfer in Rome

Upon arriving at Rome’s bustling train station, you’ll be greeted by your private driver who will ensure a seamless transfer to your fully inspected accommodation in the Eternal City. Experience Rome’s iconic landscape from the comfort of your transfer vehicle, passing landmarks and historical districts that you’ll soon be exploring in greater detail.

Overnight in Rome

Once you’re settled in your Roman abode, the remainder of the day is yours to enjoy at leisure. You might opt for a casual stroll around the neighborhood, perhaps finding a local trattoria where you can sample Rome’s famous cuisine.

Rest up; Rome is a city that demands your full energy and attention, promising endless adventures in its maze of ancient streets, awe-inspiring monuments, and vibrant local districts. Your Roman holiday is about to unfold in the most extraordinary way, starting from the moment you wake up tomorrow.

italy train tour packages

Day 06: Unveiling the Vatican—Art, History, and Spiritual Majesty

On the sixth day of your Italian adventure, prepare to be spellbound by the Vatican City—a separate country entirely, yet enveloped by Rome. Today’s itinerary brings you face-to-face with unparalleled artistic and spiritual heritage, offering insights into the Vatican’s profound impact on global history, culture, and faith.

Convenient Pick-Up and Skip-the-Line Access

Your day starts stress-free with a private driver picking you up from your fully inspected accommodation and taking you straight to the Vatican Museums. With skip-the-line access, you’ll bypass the long queues and gain immediate entry into this repository of artistic and religious significance.

Guided Tour of Vatican Museums

Embark on a guided journey through the Vatican Museums, a monumental complex of galleries and exhibitions housing some of the world’s most important art collections. Marvel at the Gallery of Tapestries, which takes you through a visual narrative woven in intricate threadwork. Wander through the Hall of Geographical Maps, a cartographic masterpiece detailing the known world of the 16th century. Experience the ethereal atmosphere in the Raphael’s Rooms, a suite of reception areas adorned with frescoes by Raphael and his pupils.

The Sistine Chapel: A Divine Encounter

No visit to the Vatican is complete without stepping into the Sistine Chapel, an emblem of human achievement and divine inspiration alike. Stand beneath Michelangelo’s iconic ceiling and The Last Judgment, contemplating the profound skill and spirituality infused in every brushstroke.

Exploration at Your Leisure

After your guided experience, you have the freedom to explore the heart of Rome independently. The return journey to your hotel is on your own, providing the perfect opportunity to meander through Rome’s alleys, visit additional landmarks, or perhaps enjoy an Italian meal at a riverside café.

As dusk descends over Rome, return to your accommodation to rest and reflect on a day filled with artistic masterpieces and spiritual touchstones. Tomorrow is another day to dive deeper into Rome’s abundant historical and cultural wealth.

Today’s Vatican tour is not just a day but an experience, a chance to understand the intricate tapestry of art, history, and spirituality that has emanated from this tiny sovereign entity to influence the wider world. Rest well, for Rome has more marvels waiting for you.

italy train tour packages

Day 07: From the Eternal City to Pompeii's Echoes and the Serenity of Vico Equense

Today marks an important transition in your eco-conscious Italian adventure. You’ll leave behind the grandeur of Rome to journey south toward Vico Equense, a charming town perched on the cliffs of the Sorrento peninsula. Along the way, step back in time with an optional visit to Pompeii, one of the most significant archaeological sites in the world.

Morning Departure from Rome

Begin your day with a private transfer from your fully inspected accommodation in Rome to the bustling Termini Station. Your next destination awaits as you board the high-speed train to Naples, a trip that promises scenic vistas of Italy’s diverse landscape.

High-Speed Journey to Naples

Enjoy a seamless and eco-friendly ride on the high-speed train. Take in the Italian countryside and the stunning coastline as you move closer to the Bay of Naples, a region known for its unique blend of natural beauty and historical significance.

Optional Stop at Pompeii

If you opt for the guided visit, your private driver will stop en route in Pompeii. Take a step back in time as you wander through the Archaeological Park, witnessing the remains of a civilization frozen in time by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. The well-preserved ruins provide haunting yet fascinating insights into daily life during the Roman Empire.

Arrival in Vico Equense

After your enriching visit to Pompeii, continue your journey to Vico Equense, your tranquil sanctuary for the night. Upon arrival, check into your fully inspected accommodation, which serves as the perfect base to explore the stunning Sorrento peninsula and the nearby Amalfi Coast.

You may upgrade to a hotel in Sorrento for an additional cost, just ask when booking.  

Overnight in Vico Equense

As the sun sets over the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink, take some time to soak in the breathtaking views of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Tomorrow offers new adventures and spectacular sights as you continue your unforgettable Italian experience.

Day 7 provides you with a rich tapestry of experiences—from the historical wonders of Pompeii to the idyllic charm of Vico Equense. Here, you’re not just witnessing history and natural beauty; you’re fully immersed in them. Rest well, for the beauty of Southern Italy is about to unfold before you.

italy train tour packages

Day 08: The Amalfi Coast—A Symphony of Colors, Culture, and Cliffside Beauty

Today is all about the Amalfi Coast, a stretch of coastline renowned for its rugged cliffs, azure waters, and picturesque villages. This day trip is a feast for the eyes and the soul, as you’ll wind through some of Italy’s most breathtaking landscapes, punctuated by stops in three iconic coastal towns: Positano, Amalfi, and Ravello.

Hotel pick up – one day, return on your own after the tour.

The Scenic Drive Begins

Your day kicks off with an awe-inspiring drive along the serpentine roads of the Amalfi Coast. This is one of the world’s most stunning coastal drives, where every twist and turn reveals new panoramas of cliffside villages and the iridescent Tyrrhenian Sea below.

Positano: A Splash of Color and Elegance

Your first stop is Positano, a town seemingly painted onto the cliffs themselves. Wander through narrow lanes filled with boutiques offering locally-made linen clothing, ceramics, and artisanal creations. Don’t miss the Parish Church of Santa Maria Assunta, instantly recognizable by its colorful, majolica-tiled dome. The church is as significant spiritually as it is architecturally, standing as a focal point in the community.

Amalfi: A Maritime Jewel

Your journey continues to the town of Amalfi, which gives the coast its name. Once a powerful maritime republic, Amalfi is a village steeped in history and nautical tradition. Dominating the town square is the imposing Cathedral of Sant’Andrea, with its intricate façade and grand staircase, a testament to the town’s storied past and its significance in the maritime world.

Ravello: An Elevated Experience

Finally, head up to Ravello, a village perched high above the sea, offering views that can only be described as heavenly. Known for its lush gardens and cultural richness, Ravello is famous for its annual music festival hosted at Villa Rufolo, a 13th-century mansion adorned with beautiful terraced gardens.

Return to Your Vico Equense Sanctuary

After a day filled with natural beauty, architectural marvels, and cultural enrichment, you’ll return to Vico Equense for a convenient drop-off at your fully inspected accommodation or a nearby meeting point.

As you settle into your room for the night, let the experiences of the day wash over you. The Amalfi Coast isn’t just a destination; it’s an emotion, a feeling of overwhelming beauty and tranquility that will stay with you long after you’ve returned home.

Revel in the afterglow of your Amalfi adventure as you prepare for yet another day of Italian enchantment. Rest well; you’ve earned it.

italy train tour packages

Day 09: Your Day, Your Way—Discovering More of Italy's Jewels

On Day 9 of your journey, the choice is yours! Free day.  The land of la dolce vita offers a treasure trove of experiences to suit any traveler’s taste. Whether it’s island beauty, archaeological wonders, culinary delights, or urban vibes you seek, the region around Vico Equense has it all. Here’s what you could consider for your free day:

Isle of Capri: A Mediterranean Paradise

For those enamored by island life, a visit to the Isle of Capri is like a dream. Board a ferry for a short ride and discover a world of glamorous boutiques, cliffside lemon groves, and azure grottoes. Walk through the fragrant Gardens of Augustus or visit the awe-inspiring Villa San Michele.

Amalfitana Coast by Boat: A New Perspective

If you were spellbound by the Amalfi Coast drive, wait until you see it from the sea. Take a boat tour along the Amalfitana Coast and be prepared for spectacular views of the towering cliffs, hidden coves, and quaint towns that pepper this UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Paestum: A Walk Through Antiquity

Travel back in time with a visit to Paestum, an ancient city originally founded by the Greeks. Marvel at the Doric temples, a testament to Magna Graecia’s influence in southern Italy. After your historical exploration, treat your palate to the world’s best mozzarella cheese, produced in this very region.

Naples: A City of Contrasts

Looking for a more urban experience? Head to Naples, a city that thrives on contrast—ancient yet modern, chaotic yet charming. Explore the historic center, visit the Naples National Archaeological Museum, or try a slice of authentic Neapolitan pizza.

Regardless of how you choose to spend your day, you’ll return to your fully inspected accommodation in Vico Equense for a restful night’s sleep. As you drift off, you might find yourself already planning your next visit, because one day is hardly enough to explore all the wonders this region has to offer.

Whether you opt for one of these experiences or carve your own path, today provides you with the flexibility to tailor your Italian adventure to your personal interests. A day of extraordinary memories awaits—how will you choose to fill it?

Naples Beach

Day 10: Arrivederci, Italy—Your Journey Home Begins

As the sun rises over Vico Equense, you’ll relish a sumptuous breakfast one last time, taking in the Italian flavors that have become a comforting part of your daily routine. As you sip on that final cup of espresso, you’ll be filled with a mix of emotions—grateful for the incredible experiences you’ve had and perhaps a touch melancholic about leaving this captivating land behind.

Seamless Private Transfer to Naples

No need to worry about the logistics of your departure. You’ll be provided with a private transfer service to either the Naples Airport or Naples Centrale Station. With everything arranged for you, all that’s left to do is to sit back and reflect on your amazing 10-day journey through Italy as you are whisked away to your departure point.

A Farewell, Not a Goodbye

As you board your flight or train, and Italy starts to fade from view, take a moment to recall the iconic landmarks, the stunning landscapes, and the rich flavors that have marked your journey. And remember, “arrivederci” is not a goodbye; it’s a “see you again.” Because a land this beautiful, this enriching, is sure to call you back for another adventure someday.

We take immense pride in providing high-quality service, down to the last detail, ensuring your Italian adventure has been nothing short of extraordinary. 

Don’t forget to read our FAQ page for further details on our trip planning process, timelines, payment information, travel insurance, and cancellation information.

italy train tour packages

2024 Departure Dates

Embarking on a well-timed journey ensures you get the most out of your Italian adventure.

Departure Days

Below are the details regarding the departure days and blackout dates for our 10-day eco-conscious tour by train.

April to October – Wednesdays – Thursdays – Sundays

Choose from these days to commence your journey, keeping in mind that these options offer you the flexibility to start your tour when it best suits you.

Blackout Dates

On the following days, the tour is unavailable due to local events, holidays, or other logistical reasons. Plan your trip around these dates to ensure a seamless experience:

April: – 14th, 17th, 18th, 24th

August: – 14th, 28th, 29th

September: – 1st, 4th, 5th

October: – 27th

By taking note of these specific departure and blackout dates, you can avoid any interruptions and make the most of your time in Italy.

italy train tour packages

2024 Prices

**rates per person in euro.

April – DBL (€2,814) – SGL (€3,979) – TPL (€2,729) May – DBL (€3,053) – SGL (€4,439) – TPL (€2,956) June – DBL (€3,025) – SGL (€4,381) – TPL (€2,928). June Special Euro 150 off per person!  July – DBL (€2,885) – SGL (€4,119) – TPL (€2,795) August – DBL (€2,649) – SGL (€3,649) – TPL (€2,573) September – DBL (€3,124) – SGL (€4,579) – TPL (€3,023) October – DBL (€2,965) – SGL (€4,261) – TPL (€2,872)

These enhanced rates allow you to enjoy a more comprehensive experience of Italy’s enchanting locales, all while maintaining the quality of service that you expect.

One of our post popular and enjoyable train tours!

Welcome to a journey that seamlessly blends eco-conscious travel with the adventure of a lifetime—a 10-day Italian odyssey aboard high-speed trains. Witness Italy’s cultural richness and natural beauty while minimizing your environmental footprint in an unforgettable travel experience tailored for the discerning explorer.

Embark in Mesmerizing Venice

Your odyssey commences in the captivating canals and hidden alcoves of Venice. Immerse yourself in its iconic landmarks and discover the city’s secret treasures.

Discover Florence & Rome

Transition effortlessly from the art-filled corridors of Florence to the historic heart of Rome , all accessible via eco-friendly high-speed trains.

Explore Enchanting Tuscany

Journey through Tuscany’s dream-like landscapes, stopping at picturesque towns such as Siena, San Gimignano, and Pisa, while indulging in the region’s world-class wines.

Uncover History at Pompeii & Mount Vesuvius

Take a guided exploration to the well- preserved ruins of Pompeii, and ascend Mount Vesuvius for breathtaking views of the Bay of Naples.

Conclude in Sorrento and the Amalfi Coast

Unwind in the scenic charm of Sorrento and let the stunning waters of the Amalfi Coast serve as a fitting conclusion to your Italian escapade.

This package comes complete with fully inspected accommodations, private sightseeing excursions, and ground transportation, ensuring that your eco-friendly Italian journey is as comfortable as it is memorable. Get ready for an Italian adventure that epitomizes eco- conscious travel, cultural immersion, and, of course, boundless beauty.

What's Included

What’s included in your 10-day italy adventure.

Embarking on a 10-day journey through Italy is an experience that calls for more than just sightseeing; it requires an itinerary that encompasses the very essence of Italy. At Italy4Real, we meticulously craft each package to ensure that you are given not just a trip, but an unforgettable journey. Below is a breakdown of what’s included in your 10-day adventure:


– 2 Nights in Venice:  Start your Italian adventure in the romantic canals and winding streets of Venice.

– 2 Nights in Florence: Immerse yourself in the art and history that make Florence a world-class destination.

– 2 Nights in Rome:  The ‘Eternal City’ beckons with its ancient ruins and vibrant urban life.

– 3 Nights in Vico Equense on the Sorrento Coast: End your journey in this charming town, a gateway to the stunning Amalfi Coast.

– Daily Breakfast: Start every day with a satisfying breakfast, prepping you for a day of exploration.

Tours & Sightseeing:

– **Small Group Tour – Legendary Venice:** Discover the secrets and stories behind Venice’s landmarks. Meet your guide at a specified meeting point and end the tour in the heart of Venice.

– **Shared Tour – Siena, San Gimignano, Pisa and Chianti:** A day trip through Tuscany’s gems. The tour begins and ends at a meeting point in Florence.

– Small Group Tour – Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter’s Basilica: Skip the lines and explore Vatican City’s artistic treasures. Pick-up from your hotel and drop-off at St. Peter’s Square are included.


– High-speed Train Tickets with Reserved Seats : Enjoy comfortable train rides between Venice to Florence, Florence to Rome, and Rome to Naples.

– Private Transfers in Rome:  Seamlessly move from Rome Termini Station to your hotel and back.

– Private Transfer from Naples to Vico Equense via Pompei: Your journey will include a two-hour stop in Pompei for a glimpse into ancient history.

– Small Group Tour – Amalfi Coast Drive: Experience the Amalfi Coast’s breathtaking beauty with a pick-up from your hotel and a drop-off in Sorrento.

– Private Transfer to Naples Airport: Say arrivederci in style as you’re comfortably driven to Naples Airport for your departure.

Featured Hotels: A Showcase of Comfort and Location

When you choose to explore Italy with Italy4Real, you can trust us to provide accommodations that complement your travel experience. Our selected hotels epitomize comfort, convenience, and are strategically located to facilitate effortless exploration. Below are the featured hotels for your 10-day Italian adventure:

Venice – An Emblem of Venetian Elegance – Hotel Antico Doge or similar

Immerse yourself in Venice’s unique blend of history and romance at our handpicked hotel. Located just steps away from iconic landmarks, this accommodation offers a serene sanctuary amidst the hustle and bustle, ensuring your stay is as enchanting as the city itself.

Florence – The Heart of Renaissance – Hotel Executive or similar

In Florence, our chosen hotel serves as your gateway to the soul of the Renaissance. Nestled within easy reach of the Uffizi Gallery and the Ponte Vecchio, the accommodation marries modern amenities with Florentine charm, enabling you to soak in the city’s artistic atmosphere even when you retire for the night.

Rome – A Roman Holiday to Remember – Hotel Degli Aranci or Hotel Villa Gloria or Similar

Our Rome accommodation encapsulates the grandeur and history of the Eternal City. Conveniently situated near key attractions like the Colosseum and the Roman Forum, the hotel lets you experience Rome at its finest while providing you with all the comforts of a modern establishment.

Vico Equense – Domo 20 or Similar

Nestled along the picturesque Sorrento Coast, Domo 20 or a similar establishment provides a resplendent setting for your coastal retreat. Revel in stunning views of the Tyrrhenian Sea and easy access to the Amalfi Coast, allowing you to fully embrace the region’s natural beauty.

Rest assured, all our hotels are fully inspected to meet the high-quality standards that you can expect from Italy4Real. With such a comprehensive package, you can truly immerse yourself in the wonders of Italy, stress-free. Trust Italy4Real to take care of every detail, from your first step in Venice to your farewell at Naples Airport.

Not Included

What’s not included in your 10-day italy adventure.

While our meticulously curated 10-day tour package provides you with an extensive range of services and amenities to ensure a memorable Italian sojourn, there are a few elements that are not included. We aim for full transparency to ensure your trip planning is as smooth as possible. Here are the items that are not part of the package:

Airfare & Insurance:

– Airfare to/from Italy: You are responsible for booking your flights to and from Italy. We do offer a free research and airfare booking service. 

– Travel Insurance: We highly recommend obtaining comprehensive travel insurance for peace of mind. We will send you a link to get your travel insurance quote. 

Local Expenses:

– City Tax: Local city taxes are to be paid directly at the hotels. Average 5-7.50 euro per person per day, not payable in advance. 

Transfers & Transport:

– Transfers to Meeting Points for Guided Tours: Unless specified, transfers to the location where you meet your tour guide are not included.

– Return Transfers After Guided Visits: Again, unless otherwise specified, the return to your hotel post-tour is not included.

Admission Fees:

– Pompeii Tour and Entrance Fees: The cost for the guided tour in Pompeii and its entrance fees are not included in the package.

Return Transfer After Amalfi Drive Tour:

– Sorrento to Vico Equense: This return transfer is not part of the package. We recommend either a taxi costing approximately €25 for 2 persons in total or taking the CircumVesuviana Train, which costs around €4 per person one way. The ride lasts approximately 11 minutes.

We strive to ensure that your Italian journey is as seamless and enriching as possible.

Introducing Our Complimentary Currency Converter for Travelers

Embarking on a dream journey often involves juggling different currencies—a task that can sometimes add complexity to an otherwise enchanting experience. To elevate your travel planning to a new level of ease and convenience, Italy4Real is thrilled to present our Complimentary Currency Converter tool.

One-Click Convenience

Say goodbye to mental arithmetic and time-consuming online searches. With just a single click, effortlessly convert foreign currency into U.S. Dollar amounts. Whether you’re fine-tuning your budget, indulging in some overseas shopping, or settling your trip’s financials, our tool sweeps away the burden of manual calculations.

Reliable and Accurate

Consistently updated to offer the most current exchange rates, our currency converter ensures you’re equipped with the most accurate and up-to-date financial data, paving the way for more informed and enjoyable travel.

To utilize this sophisticated tool, please visit our Currency Converter page .

Thank you for entrusting Italy4Real as your guide to uncomplicated, unforgettable European adventures.

Notice to Our Valued Customers: Understanding Our Euro-Based Pricing

We are deeply committed to delivering unparalleled quality and value in all our service offerings. You might notice that all our prices are indicated in Euros—this is entirely by design and for your benefit.

Best Price & Exchange Rate

When we quote prices in Euros, you enjoy the most competitive, transparent pricing available for your European travel. Companies quoting in U.S. Dollars often hide additional costs to safeguard against exchange rate volatility. Italy4Real dispenses with such hidden fees.

Expert Currency Monitoring

Our dedicated Travel Experts monitor Euro exchange rates assiduously. They are geared towards advising you on the most advantageous time to make your final payment, thus optimizing your savings and ensuring peace of mind.

Complete Transparency

Your invoice will conspicuously display the prevailing exchange rate. Rest assured, you will know exactly what you’re paying for—no hidden charges or unexpected fees. 

Flexibility in Payment

The exchange rate between the U.S. Dollar and Euro is fixed only upon your final payment, affording you the opportunity to capitalize on favorable rates as they arise.

By electing to quote in Euros, we extend to you the most value for your investment, devoid of any hidden elements. Italy4Real remains your trusted partner in weaving extraordinary European tapestries of experience.

Understanding Room Types: What Do DBL, SGL, and TPL Mean?

When navigating our curated tour packages, you may come across the shorthand terms DBL, SGL, and TPL. To make the most out of your journey, understanding these abbreviations can prove quite helpful.

DBL (Double Room)

Reserved for pairs, a Double Room (DBL) usually includes one double bed or two twin beds, ideal for couples or friends.

SGL (Single Room)

For the lone wanderer, the Single Room (SGL) is furnished with a singular bed and designed solely for one occupant.

TPL (Triple Room)

The Triple Room (TPL) accommodates trios, typically featuring a double bed and a single bed, or three individual beds. It’s an excellent choice for small groups or families.

We trust this guide clarifies any questions you may have. As always, our Travel Experts are ready and eager to assist you further. Thank you for selecting Italy4Real, where we transform your European dreams into cherished memories.

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Carlo DeSando

Wonderful Time in Italy We were covered from the moment we landed in Rome. The drivers were great, the connections were flawless, and it was well-planned a...

Italy , with its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, is a dream destination for travellers. While there are many ways to explore this beautiful country, one of the most scenic and immersive ways is by taking an Italy train tour. You’ll find this country has an extensive railway network that connects cities, towns, and iconic picturesque countryside. Here’s our pick of the 10 best railway journeys in Italy.

How to plan a train tour of Italy

1. genoa to la spezia, 2. cinque terre express, 3. florence to venice, 4. venice to rome, 5. rome to siracuse, 6. trans-siberian of italy (ferrovia circumetnea), 7. bernina express, 8. trento to malè, 9. milan to bolzano, 10. rimini to lecce, tips for your italy train tour, travel ideas for italy, created by local experts.

Experience the hit TV show 'The White Lotus' in Sicily

8 days  / from 2671 USD

Experience the hit TV show 'The White Lotus' in Sicily

Stay in beautiful Taormina with gorgeous views of Mount Etna and discover Sicily, including famous filming locations. Go on exclusive wine tastings, discover the Greek theater in Taormina with a private guide, visit other Sicilian towns and enjoy the crystal clear water on this week-long trip.

Enchanting Italian Lakes

8 days  / from 3319 USD

Enchanting Italian Lakes

Experience the picturesque lakes of Northern Italy, including Lake Garda, Como, Lugano and Maggiore; explore the charming Borromean Islands – former favourites of Ernest Hemingway – and stroll the romantic streets of Verona and Milan. All of this, and much more, with this self-drive trip!

From Venice to Florence: A Grand Tour of Northern Italy

16 days  / from 3319 USD

From Venice to Florence: A Grand Tour of Northern Italy

From the atmospheric canals of Venice and the picturesque coastline of Cinque Terre, to the trendy designer boutiques of Milan and the Renaissance-infused streets of Florence, Northern Italy has plenty to offer. Experience it all with this comprehensive trip.

Italy's extensive railway network offers you a front-row seat to the soul of the country.  Before we delve into the specifics of the most scenic train journeys Italy has to offer, here are some important things to consider while planning.

If the intricacies of planning seem daunting, check our tailor-made trip service . We can simplify the process and ensure a seamless and personalised tour, taking care of all the details for you. Also, don't forget to check our customisable Italy itineraries.

Italy Rail Pass

If you're planning to roam extensively, an Italy Rail Pass is your golden ticket. This pass grants you the freedom to hop on and off trains across Italy within a predefined time frame, unlocking an abundance of travel possibilities.

Advance ticket booking

For the most popular routes, especially those connecting major cities, it's wise to secure your tickets in advance. This guarantees the best fares and ensures you won't miss out on a seat. Italy's trusted railway system, Trenitalia, offers user-friendly online booking options.

Timetable checks

While Italian trains are renowned for their punctuality, it's a smart move to double-check the timetable before embarking on your journey. This simple step ensures a smooth and stress-free experience.

Consider a travel planner

Some may wish to forgo planning and instead opt to hire an expert to book train tickets and plan routes. Our tailor-made service puts you in contact with local travel experts. 

italy train tour packages

Train station in Manarola in Cinque Terre © Shutterstock

The journey along this coastal route tracing the Ligurian Sea is a visual symphony of landscapes. As you glide along the tracks, prepare to be enchanted by breathtaking vistas of the Italian Riviera, adorned with charming coastal towns and the iconic Cinque Terre, known for its picturesque houses perched daringly on cliffs.

For an up-close and personal rendezvous with the world-famous Cinque Terre, the Cinque Terre Express is your gateway. This dedicated train service links the five enchanting villages of Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola, and Riomaggiore, nestled along the stunning Ligurian coastline.

Prepare to be spellbound as you traverse from Florence to Venice , meandering through the heart of the Tuscany and Veneto regions. This route is an artistic masterpiece, offering glimpses of rolling hills, expansive vineyards, and captivating towns, ultimately leading to the grandeur of Venice.

This scenic route seamlessly connects the mesmerizing canals of Venice with the historic streets of Rome . As you journey, you'll witness the ever-changing beauty of northern and central Italy, including the iconic Tuscan countryside.

For those yearning to explore the mesmerizing landscapes of Sicily , the train journey from Rome to Siracuse is a must. This odyssey unveils the transition from mainland Italy to the unique culture and natural wonders of the island.

Planning to stay longer in Rome? Check out our detailed guide on how to get around Rome to feel more confident during your Rome holidays.

Bernina Express in Switzerland ©  Peter Stein/Shutterstock

Bernina Express ©  Peter Stein/Shutterstock

Embark on an extraordinary adventure known as the "Trans-Siberian of Italy," encircling the majestic Mount Etna in Sicily. This railway journey is a captivating exploration of volcanic landscapes, offering an exclusive glimpse into the geological marvels of the island.

Cross international boundaries as you hop aboard the Bernina Express. This train ride will sweep you through the awe-inspiring landscapes of the Swiss Alps and the Engadin Valley, showering you with panoramic views of towering peaks, gleaming glaciers, and pristine lakes.

Venture into the heart of the Dolomites by taking the train from Trento to Malè. This journey is a deep dive into stunning mountain vistas, captivating Alpine villages, and the promise of outdoor adventures in a breathtaking natural setting.

From the fashion capital of Milan to the cultural gem of Bolzano in South Tyrol, this railway journey offers a seamless blend of urban sophistication and Alpine magnificence.

Unearth the irresistible charm of Italy's southern regions by embarking on a train journey from Rimini to Lecce . Along the way, be captivated by picturesque coastlines, historic towns, and the rich tapestry of Southern Italian culture.


Italian Trento © Shutterstock

To take your Italy train tour to the next level, here are some priceless tips to keep in mind:

  • Seat Reservations :  For a more comfortable and stress-free ride, especially on high-speed trains, consider securing seat reservations in advance.
  • Travel Light: Italian train stations can get bustling, so pack light to ensure you move through the terminals with ease.
  • Language: While English is commonly spoken, learning a few basic Italian phrases can enhance your immersion in the local culture and make interactions more enjoyable.
  • Scenic Routes: Whenever possible, opt for daytime journeys along routes known for their scenic beauty. The views will leave you spellbound.
  • Local Cuisine: Don't miss the opportunity to savour regional cuisine during your layovers in different parts of Italy. Each region has its own culinary treasures waiting to be discovered.

Let us plan your trip

Allow our team of local experts to plan incredible Italy adventures for you. Reach out to us at your convenience, and we'll create a personalised itinerary that you can fine-tune until it aligns perfectly with your preferences. Take a look at our pre-made Italy itineraries for ideas, and keep in mind that we can tailor all our planned routes to cater to your individual needs.

The Rough Guides to Italy and related travel guides

In-depth, easy-to-use travel guides filled with expert advice.

Pocket Rough Guide Venice

Travel advice for Italy

From travel safety to visa requirements, discover the best tips for traveling to Italy

  • Eating and drinking in Italy
  • How to get to Italy
  • Getting around Italy: Transportation Tips
  • Shopping tips for Italy
  • Sports and Outdoor activities in Italy
  • Travel Tips Italy for planning and on the go
  • Best time to visit Italy
  • How to spend 7 days In Italy - 8 unique itineraries
  • The Best 10-Day Italy Travel Itinerary
  • How To Spend 14 Days In Italy - 5 Unique Itineraries
  • How to get from Rome to Florence

Find even more inspiration here

Piazza San Marco in Venice with Gondola

  • Authentic Experiences
  • Train Journeys
  • Inspiration

Dre Roelandt

written by Dre Roelandt

updated 06.06.2024


Dre Roelandt is originally from the United States but lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Dre is a freelance writer and artist with a passion for travelling. They are an in-house Content Editor at Rough Guides.

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Ultimate Italian escape: Venice to Rome by rail

7 night escorted rail tour from venice to rome.

Enjoy 8 days traveling first class via train across Italy. Your package vacation will include visits to Venice, Florence, Tuscany, and Rome. This package also includes a hotel-to-hotel luggage service and city center accommodations at 4* hotels with breakfast. Your package will include tours, dining and cultural experiences highlighting the best of Italy.

What does my rail package include:

  • Tour leader: Professional English and French speaking guide for the entire duration of the tour
  • Centrally located hotels (walking distance from train station except in Florence) : 4* with continental buffet breakfast
  • First-class train ticket: On high speed-train
  • Hotel-to-Hotel luggage service: We collect and deliver client’s luggage directly from hotel to hotel
  • Unlimited internet connection: A personal Wi-Fi receiver allowing you constant access to the internet
  • 11 meals: 7 continental buffet breakfast, 1 dinner, 1 lunch with wine tasting, 1 local street food testing with wine, 1 special dinner with wine included. 

4* Accommodations:

  • Venice 1 night Hotel Maison
  • Florence 3 nights Hotel Home
  • Rome 3 nights Bettoja Collection

Included activities and excursions

  • Venice: “Cicchetti” guided walking tour in Venice, Gondola ride
  • Florence: Best of Florence guided walking tour, Tuscan dinner with “bistecca”, Pisa, Siena, San Gimignano, and Chianti guided tour with lunch and wine tasting
  • Rome: Best of Rome walking tour, Guided visit of Vatican Museum entrance fees included, Farewell dinner with wine in Frascati

Important information:

When you book a package with ItaliaRail you have two options: Pay now or Buy later: 


In order to confirm your reservation, full payment should be paid by credit card at the time of booking. Your reservation will be confirmed once payment is received. Vouchers and other travel documents will be issued by the InterRail, LLC Customer Satisfaction agent only if full payment for the Services has been received. It is the responsibility of the Customer and of the travel agent to ensure that the information shown on all travel documents is accurate and consistent with the reservation. Package rates are based on double occupancy.


The option “ buy later” does not guarantee or confirm your reservation on the selected rail package. At any time the selected package can become sold out without notice. A reservation will only be finalized and confirmed once payment is made in full. The payment will be required on the 42nd day before departure.

Cancellation and Trip modification policy: 

43 days or more prior to departure:100% refundable

42 days or less prior to departure: 100% non-refundable

100% cancellation fee for no shows or if cancellation is made after travel is scheduled to begin

  • No refund for unused portions of the trip

people sitting around a table enjoying Italian food

Venice | 1 nights

Arrival in venice - walking tour, wine tasting, and a gondola ride.

After making your own way to the hotel you will meet your tour guide to begin your Italian vacation. You will begin by learning the rich history of Venetian cuisine while tasting local tapas ( Cicchetti ) and sipping on local wine on a private walking tour; You will have the opportunity to learn the fascinating history of Venetian characters like Casanova or Titian while sampling some of the most delicious Venetian street food.

Overnight at your 4* hotel.

Florence | 3 nights

Florence -   tuscan dinner with bistecca fiorentina.

Take the morning to enjoy Venice on your own schedule before boarding an afternoon train to Florence. After a 2-hour high-speed train journey, you will arrive in Florence. Here you will enjoy an in-depth guided walking tour where you will discover the Best of Florence . By moonlight, you will visit Piazzale Michelangelo with its amazing view over the city, the Ponte Vecchio, the famous Uffizi courtyard, the amazing Brunelleschi’s Dome which overlooks the Baptistery’s golden “Gates of Paradise”. After the tour, you will enjoy an exclusive dinner in the heart of Florence and a typical Florentine-style T-bone steak. 

Overnight at your hotel.

Florence -  day tour of Tuscany including Chianti wine tasting and lunch

After breakfast, you will begin your Tour of Tuscany .  Beginning in Pisa, you will visit the stunning Piazza dei Miracoli, to admire the Baptistery, the Cathedral and, of course, the famous Leaning Tower. Enjoy a typical Tuscan lunch in a wine bar or restaurant sampling renowned local wines and traditional Tuscan dishes. After lunch, the wonders continue with a visit to San Gimignano, the splendid Medieval town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Then following the panoramic roads of the Chianti region, you will get to Siena, the city of the Palio Horse Race. 

Florence - Day of leisure with optional activities

Take today to create your own schedule or sign-up for one of the optional tours suggested by your guide. Your tour options include exploring a trip to the Accademia Gallery to see the statue of David or visit the Uffizi or you can also choose to tour the Cinque Terre. Please note, there is an additional charge for these tours. 

Overnight at your hotel in Florence.

Rome | 3 nights

Rome -  best of rome day tour.

After breakfast, you will travel to Rome via first-class on a  high-speed train. Once in Rome, you will take a guided tour of the Eternal City with the option of visiting the Vatican Museums (please note there is an additional charge for this tour). You will have the opportunity to visit the Sistine Chapel and view ancient sculptures, tapestries, medieval maps, paintings, and precious relics. With skip-the-line, you’ll have direct access from the Sistine Chapel to St. Peter’s Basilica. Here you’ll see Michelangelo’s ‘Pietà’ and the incredible bronze altar. After a quick break, stroll the alleys of Baroque Rome and marvel at its most iconic sights (Piazza Navona, Pantheon, Trevi Fountain and more).

Rome - Day of leisure with optional activities

On this day you will have the option of creating your own schedule or taking an optional guided tour. Take this opportunity to visit the Colosseum and a tour of Ancient Rome. If you are more interested in local art and history you can visit the Borghese Gallery. You also have the option of taking an authentic pizza-making class. If you’d like, you can end your day at a local restaurant where you can sample local dishes and wine. Please note, there is an additional charge for these tours.

Rome - Day of leisure with optional activities including a special dinner in Frascati

After breakfast, you have the morning to enjoy Rome on your own. In the late afternoon, you will board a regional train and take a 30-minute journey to the town of Frascati. Set in the Castelli Romani area, Frascati has been chosen through the Centuries by Popes and the aristocratic families for their summer residences. Frascati will give you a breathtaking bird’s-eye view of the Eternal City as a special souvenir and a special dinner in a typical “Fraschetta”. The fraschetta in Frascati is uniquely Italian, and something you should try at least once in your life. Here you will drink wine and sample local dishes in a friendly atmosphere. After dinner, you will take a train back to your hotel in Rome.

After breakfast, the end of services.

Rail Packages Terms of Service (the “Site”) is a website owned and operated by InterRail, LLC (“InterRail”, “we”, “us” or “our”). Please read these Group Terms of Service (collectively with ItaliaRail’s Privacy Policy, the “Terms of Service”) fully and carefully before using the Site and the services, features, content, or applications offered by the Site for rail packages. These Terms of Service set forth the legally binding terms and conditions for your use of the Site and the Group Booking Services purchase.

These Rail Packages Terms of Service are applicable to Rail Packages Booking Services purchased via, and apply to all services booked therein.

By using the Services in any manner, including but not limited to visiting or browsing the Site, you agree to these Terms of Service and all other operating rules, policies, and procedures that may be published from time to time on the Site by us, each of which is incorporated by reference and each of which may be updated from time to time without notice to you.

Certain of the Services may be subject to additional terms and conditions specified by us from time to time; your use of such Services is subject to those additional terms and conditions, which are incorporated into these Terms of Service by this reference.

These Terms of Service apply to all users of the Services, including, without limitation, users who are contributors of content, information, and other materials or services, registered or otherwise.



InterRail, LLC uses a third-party content provider to provide some enriched hotel information. We make every effort to ensure that the hotel information described online is current and accurate and updates are posted on our website when new information is made available. However InterRail, LLC cannot be responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions contained herein. Hotel information contained in the rail packages are provided as a guideline only and should be verified directly with other available sources such as the hotel's website. All hotel descriptions on this site are accurate at the time of posting. For reasons beyond InterRail, LLC’s control, changes that affect hotel descriptions may occur. Any modification will be updated on and will be communicated at the time of booking. In the event of any discrepancy between the information on our website or other materials, the information on our website shall prevail.


Sometimes, reserved accommodations may no longer be available for reasons such as unexpected maintenance or hotel overbooking. In such cases, substitute accommodation of equal or greater quality will be provided. If, after confirmation, InterRail, LLC makes a hotel change we will contact you at the earliest convenience upon receipt of notification from the concerned supplier prior to your departure.  If the customer requests the change and there’s a price difference, the client will have to pay the difference and if he is under 35 days even cancellation penalties of the hotel that has been changed.

2. Luggage handling

InterRail, LLC is not liable for any delay, loss or damage that may occur to luggage. Please note that baggage and property are at the owner’s risk at all times unless the worry-free luggage service is included in the traveler’s packages (Escorted packages only). If you experience an issue with your luggage, please notify your Tour Leader as soon as possible so we can take action accordingly. 

3. Travel insurance 

InterRail, LLC highly recommends the purchase of travel insurance at the time of booking to cover against unexpected events, namely trip cancellation, loss of, or damage to baggage, as well as insurance covering medical and hospitalization costs abroad. InterRail, LLC does not offer travel insurance, please contact your travel agent or your personal insurance company for more information on the various insurance plans available

4. Customers with special needs or dietary specifications  

Customers requiring special services, assistance or dietary specifications while traveling must advise us of all specific needs at the time of booking or at the earliest convenience so that we can inform our suppliers for any special policy eventually provided by their conditions. 

5. Trip delay / Missed Departures


Train travel, as well as other forms of transportation, is subject to delays and service disruptions. InterRail, LLC is not responsible in whole or in part for any delays, delayed departures or arrivals or missed carrier connections or for the loss of any purchased services that cannot be used as the result of delays or service disruptions. 


5.2.1 Train departure: The customer will have to purchase a new rail ticket through our third-party supplier. In case the new rail ticket does not allow arrival on time for the scheduled tours or activity in the arrival city, the customer will not have the right to any reimbursement for the lost activities.

5.2.2 Rail package departure: 100% penalty for all the unused services. Customers attending an individual rail package can communicate with YourItalianFriend service for further details.

6. YourItalianFriend®

YourItalianFriendTM: Our exclusive assistance services to participating customers. It is a “one-on-one” real-time support experience for our clients, making their holiday hassle-free. The service is available seven days a week to receive assistance, to get information, and to personalize your vacation with additional activities or experiences.

From December 2019 till March 31st, 2020:

Concierge service is available from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm CET

Emergency service is available from 6:00 am to 9:00 am and 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm CET

From April 1st, 2020 onwards:

Emergency service is 24h 

7. Local holidays in your destination:

Please be aware that Italy has its own local holidays, holiday closures, etc. such as Holy Week. Please check the blackout dates for every purchased tours on our website to be aware of any holidays that may affect your vacation. Here are some examples of the most popular tours.

Vatican Blackout Dates

Closed: Every Sunday (except the last Sunday of each month)

Colosseum Blackout Dates

Closed: December 25, January 1, May 1.

Uffizi Gallery Blackout Dates

Closed: Every Monday, January 1st, May 1st, December 25th.

The option “ buy later” does not guarantee or confirm your reservation on the selected rail package. At any time the selected package can become sold out without notice. A reservation will only be finalized and confirmed once payment is made in full. The payment will be required on the 42nd day before departure.  

9. Cancellation and Modifications/ Change fees  


No refund for unused portions of the trip.


If you wish to make a change less than 43 days before departure to a confirmed booking, a service fee of $50USD per person and price increases will be charged for all other changes.  No refunds will be issued for any difference on a lower-priced alternative. If the change is made to room occupancy and results in a higher rate, the remaining travelers are responsible for the additional rate applicable for the revised occupancy In some cases, supplier fees may be 100% of the services provided.

10. Pricing and exclusions


Prices listed are per person, based on double occupancy and for travel in low season. Seasonal surcharges may apply. Limited seat/spaces and all pricing is subject to change and availability without notice. 

Prices are based in Euro (€) at the time of quoting, converted at the prevailing foreign-exchange rate as determined by ItaliaRail. Price quotations are subject to change without notice until a booking has been confirmed.


Prices do not include tips/gratuities to tour leader, drivers or local guides; airport transfers; Hotel city taxes are the responsibility of the traveler and must be paid directly to the hotel (average 4 euro per day); passport and visa fees; and personal insurance; any items of a personal nature; taxes or duties; “Anything not mentioned in “Price Includes”; and any beverages, food, baggage and transfers not specifically listed under "Inclusions" on the product pages of the Website.

11. Eligibility

You represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age. We may, in our sole discretion, refuse to offer the Services to any person or entity and change its eligibility criteria at any time. You are solely responsible for ensuring that these Terms of Service are in compliance with all laws, rules, and regulations applicable to you and the right to access the Services is revoked where these Terms of Service or use of the Services is prohibited or to the extent offering, sale, or provision of the Services conflicts with any applicable law, rule, or regulation. Further, the Services are offered only for your use, and not for the use or benefit of any third party.

12. Products and Services Sold Through

Unless differently indicated in the information sent at the time of reservation, we sell products and services provided by third parties (Principals), Each purchase of a Principal’s product or service is subject to that Principal’s rules or restrictions for each such product or service. Please review these rules and restrictions when you enter into transactions on our website. You are solely responsible for ensuring that your purchases with any Principal abide by these rules and restrictions, including terms or conditions of purchase set forth in the fare rules or contract of carriage. 

We expressly disclaim any responsibility for any losses, damages, inconveniences (including, without limitation, any and all delays, cancellations, and missed connections) or other concerns related to your purchase or attempt to purchase any tickets, other travel-related products or services, or any other product or service that may be accessed, made available or disclosed through the website.

You agree that your access to and interaction with rail passes, tickets travel option and booking information available through the website is at your own risk, and InterRail will have no liability with respect to the acts, omissions, errors, representations, warranties, breaches, or negligence of any Principal.  

For European Union customers, under certain conditions, the Rail Packages might be subject to certain provisions of Directive 2015/2302/UE, as implemented in the relevant member state. 

It is your responsibility to control your email and/or mailing address, verify that you have correctly received the ticket you purchased and contact us promptly at [email protected] for any problem. You agree that we will not be responsible for any problems or losses, including but not limited to the loss of the product you purchased, deriving from you not having done so.

13. Content

Definition. For purposes of these Terms of Service, the term “Content” includes, without limitation, information, data, text, photographs, videos, audio clips, written posts and comments, software, scripts, graphics, and interactive features generated, provided, or otherwise made accessible on or through the Services. For the purposes of this Agreement, “Content” also includes all User Content (as defined below).

User Content. All Content added, created, uploaded, submitted, distributed, or posted to the Services by users (collectively “User Content”), whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, is the sole responsibility of the person who originated such User Content. You represent that all User Content provided by you is accurate, complete, up-to-date, and in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. You acknowledge that all Content, including User Content, accessed by you using the Services is at your own risk, and you will be solely responsible for any damage or loss to you or any other party resulting therefrom.   We do not guarantee that any Content you access on or through the Services is or will continue to be accurate.

Notices and Restrictions. The Services may contain Content specifically provided by us, our partners, or our users, and such Content is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights and laws. You shall abide by and maintain all copyright notices, information, and restrictions contained in any Content accessed through the Services.

Availability of Content. We do not guarantee that any Content will be made available on the Site or through the Services. We reserve the right to, but do not have any obligation to, (i) remove, edit or modify any Content in our sole discretion, at any time, without notice to you and for any reason (including, but not limited to, upon receipt of claims or allegations from third parties or authorities relating to such Content or if we are concerned that you may have violated these Terms of Service), or for no reason at all and (ii) to remove or block any Content from the Services.

Territorial Restrictions. The website is controlled and operated by InterRail from its offices in the United States of America. InterRail makes no representation that materials available on the website are appropriate or available for use in other locations, and access to them from territories where their contents are illegal is prohibited. If you choose to access our website from other locations you do so at your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws. You agree to abide by applicable export control laws as well as all other applicable laws and regulations of the United States, and each of its states, localities, and territories. 

14. Rules of Conduct

As a condition of use, you promise not to use the Services for any purpose that is prohibited by these Terms of Service. You are responsible for all of your activities in connection with the Services.  

You shall not (and shall not permit any third party to) either (a) take any action or (b) upload, download, post, submit, or otherwise distribute or facilitate distribution of any Content on or through the Service, including without limitation any User Content, that:

infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, right of publicity, or other right of any other person or entity or violates any law or contractual duty (see our DMCA Copyright Policy in Section 7 below);

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constitutes unauthorized or unsolicited advertising, junk or bulk e-mail (“spamming”);

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You shall not: (i) take any action that imposes or may impose (as determined by us in our sole discretion) an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our (or our third-party providers’) infrastructure; (ii) interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Services or any activities conducted on the Services; (iii) bypass, circumvent or attempt to bypass or circumvent any measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the Services (or other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the Services); (iv) run any form of auto-responder or “spam” on the Services; (v) use manual or automated software, devices, or other processes to “crawl” or “spider” any page of the Site; (vi) harvest or scrape any Content from the Services; or (vii) otherwise take any action in violation of our guidelines and policies.

You shall not (directly or indirectly): (i) decipher, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to derive any source code or underlying ideas or algorithms of any part of the Services (including without limitation any application), except to the limited extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction, (ii) modify, translate, or otherwise create derivative works of any part of the Services, or (iii) copy, rent, lease, distribute, or otherwise transfer any of the rights that you receive hereunder. You shall abide by all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations.

We also reserve the right to access, read, preserve, and disclose any information as we reasonably believe is necessary to (i) satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request, (ii) enforce these Terms of Service, including investigation of potential violations hereof, (iii) detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues, (iv) respond to user support requests, or (v) protect the rights, property, or safety of us, our users, and the public.

15. DMCA Copyright Policy

InterRail has adopted the following general policy toward copyright infringement in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ( ). If you believe that material or content residing on or accessible through Company’s websites or services infringes a copyright, please send a notice of copyright infringement containing the following information to the Designated Agent listed below:

A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright that has been allegedly infringed;

Identification of works or materials being infringed;

Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing including information regarding the location of the infringing materials that the copyright owner seeks to have removed, with sufficient detail so that Company is capable of finding and verifying its existence;

Contact information about the notifier including address, telephone number, and, if available, e-mail address;

A statement that the notifier has a good faith belief that the material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and

A statement made under penalty of perjury that the information provided is accurate and the notifying party is authorized to make the complaint on behalf of the copyright owner.

Please contact the Designated Agent to Receive Notification of Claimed Infringement for Company at [email protected], or at:

InterRail, LLC

15 Hancock Avenue

16. Third-Party Services

The Services may permit you to link to other websites, services, or resources on the Internet, and other websites, services or resources may contain links to the Services. When you access third party resources on the Internet, you do so at your own risk. These other resources are not under our control, and you acknowledge that we are not responsible or liable for the content, functions, accuracy, legality, appropriateness, or any other aspect of such websites or resources. The inclusion of any such link does not imply our endorsement or any association between us and their operators. You further acknowledge and agree that we shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such website or resource.

17. Warranty Disclaimer

We have no special relationship with or fiduciary duty to you. You acknowledge that We have no duty to take any action regarding: 

Which users gain access to the Services;

What Content you access via the Services; or

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Effective Date of Terms of Service: [December 13, 2019]

Ultimate best of Italy showcase: Venice to Sorrento by rail Venice Florence Rome Sorrento 12 days from

Italy express: Rome to Cinque Terre by rail Rome Florence Cinque Terre 7 days from

Italy express: Rome to Venice by rail Rome Florence Venice 7 days from

Italian explorer: Rome to Venice by rail Rome Florence Venice 7 days from

Classic Italian escape: Venice to Rome by rail Venice Florence Rome 7 days from

Classic best of Italy showcase: Venice to Sorrento by rail Venice Florence Rome Sorrento 11 days from

Italian explorer: Venice to Amalfi by rail Venice Florence Rome Sorrento Amalfi 10 days from

Payment must be made in full 42 days prior departure. Reservation will be confirmed when payment is received.

We take your privacy very seriously. We only use your personal information to send updates you have agreed to receive about our products and services. Learn more in our privacy policy .

We will email you shortly with more details about your rail package

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Rome - Florence - Venice by Train

❮ rome - florence - venice by train, customize and book.

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Price Guidance

This 7 night sample itinerary includes:.

  • Hotel for 3 nights in Rome
  • Train from Rome to Florence
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Florence
  • Train from Florence to Venice
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Venice

Our #1 Bestseller and the perfect introduction to Italy! . Visit these fascinating cities starting in: Rome (the Eternal City, with its stunning architecture like the Colosseum and the Roman Forum and delicious food) after that, travel north to Florence (capital of Italy’s Tuscany region, is home to many masterpieces of Renaissance art and architecture) and finally, to Venice (set on gorgeous canals, intimate Gondola rides will guide you past sumptuous palaces and under sculpted bridges). Travel between these cities by very convenient train rides which allow you an opportunity to observe the lovely country side. This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

italy train tour packages

For centuries Italy has drawn foreign visitors - mostly for its architectural, artistic, and scenic splendors. Italy can truly be all things to all people. From the passion and excitement of noisy urban crowds to the quiet, rural idyll where the traditional life can be experienced. Italy's great cities are replete with rich attractions and culture alongside some of the most pristine beaches and spectacular mountains in the world.

Customer Reviews

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The package rates displayed are your total price per person based on Double Occupancy and your Arrival Date and Number of Nights selected. You can change details after selecting your travel date.

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Trip Summary

italy train tour packages

Rome is undeniably stunning, from its rich ancient culture, must try pizzas and coffees or just experience a touch of Europe. This city is packed full of sights, with thousands of years of history layered upon itself - you'll find everything here from Roman ruins to Renaissance art. It's also home to fantastic food, the Vatican City, and sights galore. Explore and discover the Roman Colosseum and the Arch of Constantine; Discover the Vatican, the smallest independent state in the world; Throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain; Marvel at the Pantheon; Sit on the Spanish Steps; Wander the Piazzas; Eat the best Gelato in Rome; Climb Palatine Hill; Walk the Ancient Appian Way; Go to the Vatican Museums and so much more.

italy train tour packages

The Italian city of Florence sits nestled among the rolling Tuscan hills, with an unmistakable skyline dominated by the fabulous Duomo. With so much Renaissance art and culture, shopping opportunities, and of course incredible gastronomy, you will be spoiled for choices in what to do and see in this exciting capital city of Tuscany. Florence's museums, palaces, and churches house some of the greatest artistic treasures in the world. The most popular and important sites in Florence include the Cathedral, the Baptistery, the Uffizi, the Bargello, and the Accademia. Spend a day at the Boboli Gardens or climb the hill to the church of San Miniato al Monte to experience an enchanting view of Florence, Italy. Visit The Duomo Complex, Church of Santa Croce, The Cathedral, The Uffizi Gallery, Galleria dell'Accademia, Ponte Vecchio, Palazzo Vecchio, Pitti Palace, Boboli Gardens and so much more.

italy train tour packages

With sumptuous palaces and romantic waterways, Venice is straight out of an 18th-century Canaletto masterpiece. No matter how many times you have seen it in movies or TV commercials, the real thing is more surreal and dreamlike than you ever imagined. Its landmarks, the Basilica di San Marco and the Palazzo Ducale are exotic melanges of Byzantine, Gothic, and Renaissance styles. It is full of secrets, ineffably romantic, and - at times - given over entirely to pleasure. You must walk everywhere in Venice and where you cannot walk, you go by water. Explore Piazza San Marco, Stroll Across the Rialto Bridge, Get Lost in the Endless Canals, Admire the Basilica Santa Maria della Salute, Visit the San Giorgio dei Greci, Walk Around the Jewish Ghetto, Learn About Venice's Musical History, Tour Venice's Unique Architecture at Campo Santa Maria Formosa, Celebrate One of Venice' Many Festivals, Go Window Shopping, and so much more.

Related Itineraries:

  • Historic Rome - Florence - Venice from $1,239
  • Rome - Florence - Venice for Foodies plus Tuscany and Chianti from $1,916
  • Rome - Florence - Venice for Art Lovers
  • The Best of Rome - Florence - Venice plus the Amalfi Coast and Cinque Terre from $1,648

Related Cities:

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Home » Independent Italy Vacations » Italy Rail Vacations

Home » Italy Travel Packages: Independent Italy Vacation Package with Air, Italy Holidays, Italy Trips » Italy Rail Vacations

Italy Rail Vacations

italy rail vacations high speed train station

Italy rail vacations are a great way to travel through Italy. Italy’s sleek and modern high speed trains fly across the picturesque landscape. Travel among the historic cities and its coastal regions. Italy’s extensive rail network offers a convenient and scenic way to traverse the picturesque countryside.

On board enjoy comfortable seats, snacks and drinks, and avoid the traffic. Enjoy the comfort of a train while you enjoy Italy’s iconic scenerary. Choose from the all inclusive Italy train tours or plan an independent Italy vacation by train.

Nibble on a snack while traveling along Italy’s rail routes. Choose from itinerary through Northern Italy. Or visit the classic cities Venice, Florence, and Rome. Or choose a trip that includes Rome and Italy’s southern region to the Amalfi Coast and Sicily.

Choosing Your Italy Rail Vacation Route

italy train tour packages

Traveling through Italy by train is an immersive journey into the heart of the Bel Paese. Italy’s railway system is well-connected, making it easy to plan your itinerary based on your preferences.

If it is Italy’s cities you want to visit then start your journey in iconic cities like Rome, Florence, or Venice. From there venture into the charming countryside or along the stunning coastline.

Italy’s trains effortlessly link the artistic wonders of the cities with coastal charms and rustic small towns.

Exploring Iconic Cities

Italy’s cities are a treasure trove of art, history, and culinary delights. Rome, the Eternal City, boasts ancient wonders like the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Vatican City.

Florence, where the Renaissance began, has amazing art in the Uffizi Gallery and a beautiful bridge called Ponte Vecchio.

Venice a stunning city on water echants from the first steps out of its station. Ride the Vaporetto down the Grand Canal. It invites you to explore its canals. Arrive in Piazza San Marco and you’ll know why all who visit fall in love.

Venturing into the Countryside

Italy’s rural landscapes are a haven for those seeking tranquility and natural beauty. Tuscany, with its rolling hills and vineyards, is easily accessible by train. Explore charming towns like Siena, Pisa, or San Gimignano, each offering a unique glimpse into Italy’s cultural heritage. Appreciate the scenerary and local atmosphere riding the slower pace of regional trains.

Coastal Retreats

Italy’s coastline is a haven for sun-seekers and history enthusiasts alike. The rugged and colorful Amalfi Coast is accessible by train from Naples. Cinque Terre, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a collection of five picturesque villages perched on the Ligurian coast. The train journey between these coastal gems provides stunning views of the Mediterranean and the rugged landscape.

Charming Villages and Small Towns

Italy’s charm extends beyond its well-known cities. Board regional trains to discover smaller towns and hidden gems. These smaller towns offer a more intimate experience, with cobblestone streets, historic architecture, and local markets. Immerse yourself in the authentic Italian lifestyle, sampling regional cuisine and interacting with friendly locals.

Navigating Train Types

Italy boasts a variety of train classes, each catering to different travel needs. High-speed trains, recognized by their sleek design and fast travel times, are perfect for intercity journeys. The high-speed trains, such as Frecciarossa and Italo, are ideal for covering longer distances quickly.

Italy’s regional trains offer a slower pace. On the regional trains you’ll travel from one of the major cities to nearby towns. Since these trains travel slower than the high speed trains and include more stops it allows you time to savor the landscapes. These trains are perfect to soak in the scenery and hop on and off at smaller towns.

When traveling indepedently for a week or more consider purchasing a rail pass. Then you’ll have the flexibilty to travel within a specified period at a flt rate.

Booking Tickets

Buying train tickets in Italy is a straightforward process. Trenitalia and Italo online platforms are user friendly. Alternatively, visit the train stations to purchase tickets from self-service kiosks or ticket counters. Keep in mind that ticket prices may vary depending on the class, time of booking, and train type.

During peak travel season such as summer suggests booking tickets in advance. Trains do book up. Discounted rates are available when booking early.

Navigating Train Stations

Italian train stations are hubs of activity and, often, architectural gems. Italy’s central stations include Florence Santa Maria Novella, Mllan Centrale, Naples Centrale, Rome Termini, and Venice Santa Lucia. When traveling between North and South Bologna Centrale is a common transfer station.

Be sure to arrive at the station with ample time before departure. Larger stations like Roma Termini or Milano Centrale can be bustling. Familiarize yourself with the station layout, ticket validation machines, and platform locations.

If you planning to day trip to a city most stations offer luggage storage services. Then explore the city unencumbered.

Italy Train Tours – Escorted

Choose from the best rail journeys through Italy traveling with the world’s leading tours.

Escorted Italy train tours include tour director from beginning to end. You also enjoy the convenience of tours guided by experts.

Italy train tours some of the must see highlights. Additionally, you have free time to explore independently.

With the escorted Italy train tours the tour operators handle your luggage from hotel to hotel. You ride the train is first class comofrt and stress free. Many of the escorted Italy train tours are small groups up to 26 people.

italy train tour rome amalfi coast

Rome and Amalfi Coast

7 Nights including Rome and Sorrento with excrusions to Pompeii, Capri and Amalfi Coast tour by train.

italy tour by rail venice florence rome

Venice, Florence, Rome

7 Nights including Venice, Florence, Rome classic Italy cities tour by high speed rail.

Northern italy train tour

Stresa, Como, Verona Venice

8 Nights Northern Italy’s highlights from Lake Maggiore to Venice tour by high speed train.

italy train tour packages

Venice, Florence, Rome, Sorrento

9 Nights including Venice, Florence, Rome, Sorrento Italy tour by high speed rail

italy train tour packages

Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, Sorrento

11 Nights includes Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, Sorrento Italy tour by train.

Independent Italy Rail Vacations

Italy rail vacations are an easy and hassle-free way to travel among Italy’s sightseeing highlights.

Traveling by train in Italy is an easy way to see Italy’s sightseeing highlights. does not suggest renting a car in Italy to visit the major cities. Train travel is the way to go.

The most popular Italy rail routes are between Rome and Florence, Rome and Venice, Venice and Florence, and Naples. Milan is also a popular destination from Venice, Florence, Rome, and Naples. You will not want to take a rented car into any of these cities.

Explore Italy at your own pace and in your own way. Plan your Italy train vacation itinerary as you want. Arrange as much or as little of your Italy rail vacation itinerary through

Use the form to arrange an Italy rail vacation with hotel, airfare, even airport transfers and Italy sightseeing tours. You focus on having the Italy trip of your dreams.

Practical Tips

  • Validate your ticket before boarding, either at designated machines or ticket counters.
  • Be aware of train schedules, especially for regional trains, as they may have less frequent departures.
  • Keep an eye on your belongings, especially in crowded stations.
  • Familiarize yourself with basic Italian phrases such as train station name in Italian.

Click here for more tips to riding the trains in Italy.

italy train tour packages

Italy Train Vacations

To price an independent Italy train vacation package enter itinerary information and click submit form.

  • Train & Hotel
  • Train, Hotel, & Airfare
  • Airline Cabin Class * Economy Business
  • Departure City *
  • Departure Date * MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Return Date * MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Travelers * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • Rooms * 1 2 3 4 5
  • Destinations * 2 3 4
  • 1st Destination City *
  • Check Out Date * MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • 2nd Destination City *
  • 3rd Destination City *
  • 4th Destination City *
  • Name * First Last
  • Special Requests


Rome, Florence, Venice


Sicily Tours


Northern Italy Tours

amalfi coast vacaton southern italy

Amalfi Coast Tours


Southern Italy Tours

* When all-inclusive Italy vacation prices are quoted to include airfare the price includes fuel surcharges, airport taxes, Italy airport transfers and fees. All prices are per person based on twin occupancy. Italy tours with air & land tour prices apply from the gateway airport. Prices will vary from alternative gateway airports or cities and may be higher. The total price will be emailed to you prior to any deposit being required. Airline baggage fees may apply . Please review all terms and conditions before booking.

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© 2003 – 2025 — 1730 Sweetbay Way, Hollywood, FL 33019 — 800.227.1577 All Inclusive Italy Vacation Packages and Italy Tours with Airfare | 2024 Italy Tour Packages Florida Seller of Travel Ref. No. ST41458 • California Seller of Travel No. 2090937-50 • Washington UBID No. 603189022

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from pp Twin Share

Single Traveller

7 Day Independent Classic Italy by Rail

On these packages you will travel from city to city on your own, exploring at your own pace. We have arranged transportation in most cases and day tours for you to see the destination. Enjoy the time and flexibility to linger longer or pick up the pace and see as much as possible. The choice is yours.

This tour is conducted at a medium-fast pace. Some long travel days may be required to complete this itinerary and you will typically spend two nights at each destination, with some one night stays required. This trip includes a mix of sightseeing and free time to explore at your own pace. You will be required to move about unassisted, including getting on and off vehicles, walking up and down stairs and some activities will be conducted on uneven or steep terrain. You will be required to handle your own luggage.

Take advantage of our 7 day cooling-off period. 

✓ Independent touring – explore at your own pace with pre-booked trains, accommodation and some included activities. Enjoy free time and flexibility to linger longer or pick up the pace and see as much as possible: the choice is yours. ✓ Second Class high speed rail tickets as per itinerary (upgrade to First Class available) ✓ Must-see experiences including a 30 minutes Gondola ride in Venice  ✓ 24 hour Hop On Hop Off Ticket in Rome, to explore the city at your own pace ✓ Arrival private transfer from Rome Fiumicino Airport to Hotel in Rome city centre ✓ 6 nights in central, 3 star accommodation (upgrade to 4 star accommodation available)  ✓ Breakfast daily, and a tasting of local products in Florence ✓ Plenty of optional tours to customise your experience (additional cost)

✈ Needing international airfares to accompany your Inspiring Vacation? You will be able to access our flight portal after securing your package to add international airfares to your booking.

italy train tour packages

Travel with the experts for a carefully curated, value-packed discovery of the world's most iconic destinations. Our tours are bursting with must-see sights, rich experiences and quality inclusions, all at an unbeatable price. Bucket list dreams are ticked off on these all-encompassing journeys.

Welcome to Rome! On arrival at Rome Fiumicino airport (FCO), you will be met and transferred by private car to your hotel where the rest of the day is at leisure. 

Whether you’re booked on the 3 star or 4 star package, you will enjoy hotels located in the heart of the city with close proximity to the train station and all the sights that Rome has to offer. 

Arrival airport transfers are included as part of your package. You will be met upon arrival at the airport and transferred to your hotel.

If Inspiring Vacations has not provided your international airfares, please ensure you provide your flight details via your Traveller Hub portal no later than 90 days prior to travel so that your transfers can be confirmed.

Please note: if you are arriving early and have made your own arrangements prior to your tour commencing, airport transfers will not be included. However, if you are purchasing pre-nights accommodation as part of your Inspiring Vacations package, airport transfers will still be provided to the starting hotel.

Enjoy breakfast at the hotel before making your way out to explore ancient Rome at your own pace. Use your included 24 hour Hop On Hop Off Bus Pass to explore the city as you see fit. The included audio guide will introduce you to the highlights of Rome, including the Colosseum, Piazza Navona, the Travi Fountain, the Pantheon, and the Spanish Steps. To get an in-depth view, add an optional tour.

Walk in the footsteps of Roman emperors and citizens on a tour of Ancient Rome, with VIP entrance to the Roman Forum first: Colosseum will be the last part of your tour. Before you visit the Archeological area you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in ancient Roman with a 25-minute multimedia video experience. Then skip the long line at the entrance and access to the Roman Forum: walk along the Via sacra and immerse yourself in Roman history. The main path through the Roman Forum, the Via Sacra once sparkled with festivals and triumphal processions. End at the Temple, which houses the altar where Julius Caesar was cremated. Before reaching the Colosseum, you can have a general overview of the Palatine Hill where legend has it Romulus founded the city of Rome. The hill looks down over the Roman Forum and the Circus Maximus chariot-racing circuit. Once inside the Colosseum, your expert guide will teach you about the amphitheatre's bloody past, with tales of gladiators, mock sea battles, and executions.

(Operates daily except the first Sunday of the month)

Discover imperial and early Christian Rome and millennia of history as you descend into the Eternal city's underground burial chambers, its long winding catacombs and its crypts. This is the one and only tour that takes you to crypts and catacombs from different historical eras, in various locations and with varying styles. Much of what Rome has to offer is buried underground-and through this tour, our guests can discover the underside of Rome through three select sites--The Cappuccini Crypt (chapel decorated entirely by human bones), Domitilla Catacombs (or San Callisto or San Sebastiano) and the Basilica of San Nicola in Carcere.

(Operates daily)

You'll be guided by our seasoned professional pizzaiolo chef who will lead you through the intricate art of crafting the perfect dough, selecting the freshest toppings, mastering the assembly and baking techniques that characterise the beloved Roman-style pizza. While your meticulously prepared dough rests, you'll discover the delightful world of gelato. Learn the intricate mixture of ingredients that come together to achieve the velvety texture and exquisite taste that define this iconic Italian delicacy. Our talented chef will captivate your senses as they present a live demonstration of the art of gelato-making. Upon the conclusion of your culinary escapade, you'll depart armed with more than just memories. A curated booklet of recipes will accompany you, granting you to recreate the magic of Italy's most cherished culinary treasures within the comfort of your home kitchen. Armed with the knowledge you've acquired and the recipes you've mastered, you'll confidently set forth to share the flavours of Italy with friends and family, creating lasting memories of your own.

Day 3 Rome Florence

After breakfast at the hotel, you will head to Rome Termini station to board the high-speed train to Florence; the journey takes about 1.5 hours. After arriving, check into your hotel then explore Florence, the 'cradle of the Renaissance'. Make sure to visit Piazza della Signoria, the medieval heart of the city, Piazza Santa Croce with its past noble families’ buildings, and the home of Dante, the Supreme Poet author of the Divine Comedy. A small taste of typical local products is included to make a pleasant stop during a first exploratory tour of the city and its wonders.

If exploring Florence has worked up an appetite, consider indulging in a long dinner at a local restaurant. 

Day 4 Florence

Today you will have a full free day in Florence, to explore as you see fit. Take in the city’s sites by foot, or add an optional tour to make the most of your visit. Highlights include the iconic Duomo, the Baptistery with its ‘Gates of Paradise’, Giotto’s independent bell tower, Brunelleschi’s Dome, Santa Trinita and Orsanmichele Church, Ponte Vecchio Bridge and the secret Vasari Corridor, as well as famous shopping streets and the Oltrarno. 

Meet one of our famous and charismatic chefs and learn how to cook a nice Tuscan meal in the heart of Florence! First, you will go shopping with the chefs at the central market, picking up the ingredients for your lunch. You will meet the butchers, the bakers, and the farmers selling vegetables from their gardens. You will learn how to distinguish the highest quality ingredients. Next, enjoy a delicious tasting of typical products and you will start putting your hands on the ingredients to create your own meal, driven by the expert guidance of our Chefs. Your menu may slightly vary depending on the season and the fresh ingredients available, but will usually be made of bruschetta, different kinds of fresh home-made pasta from scratch (i.e. tagliatelle and ravioli),  sauces for the pasta, and a dessert - accompanied by two glasses of a selection of Chianti wine. A booklet with recipes will let you cook for your friends once you get back home.

Discover two thousand years of history in the cradle of the Renaissance, through the eyes of an expert local guide, who will take you on an unforgettable journey to discover the most beautiful squares and monuments of Florence. 

Explore the oldest art gallery in the world! This is a unique experience for those of you who want to immerse yourself in Florence’s artistic background and history. You will be guided through the huge rooms and bright hallways to stop in front of and admire such classics as Botticelli’s Birth of Venus, Leonardo’s The Annunciation and Michelangelo’s Tondo Doni… to name but a few. At the end of the guided tour you can remain in the Uffizi Gallery until closing time.

(Operates Tues-Sun)

Day 5 Florence Venice

After breakfast at the hotel, board the high-speed train to Venice S. Lucia station. The journey takes just over 2 hours. After arriving, check in to your hotel. In the afternoon, you’ll explore Venice by water in a quintessential experience, with a 30 minute shared gondola ride. Commentary is available via an app on your mobile phone, to add to the experience.

Before dinner in Venice, it is traditional to have an aperitif based on “cichéti” (small snacks) in one of the many “bacari” (taverns) scattered along the “calli” (that is what the Venetian streets are called): a must experience to try!

Day 6 Venice

Today you are free to explore the canals or surrounding islands of Venice on your own. Get lost wandering the winding canals, shop at the many boutiques or enjoy a gelato in one of the many piazza’s. 

Alternatively, you may wish to join an optional group tour below. 

This is a walk to admire the most characteristic and important places for the history of Venice from the exterior - an essential tour for the understanding of Venice. A qualified and experienced guide will take you to the main sites which includes Piazza San Marco, Basilica San Marco, Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace), Bell Tower, Clock Tower and Procuratie. Continue to Santa Maria Formosa - history and anecdotes related to this wonderful and characteristic square. Campo San Giovanni e Paolo - the "Pantheon" of Venice, the Great School of Charity, the Captains of fortune. Marco Polo’s House and Malibran Theater - anecdotes and distant and recent history intersect in this beautiful corner of Venice. Return to San Marco through the Mercerie, a vital connection between Rialto and San Marco, and the main shopping street.

( Operates daily)

This panoramic city tour will lead you to the discovery of the Venetian Lagoon and of its origins through a boat excursion that will stop in the three most important islands of the city: Murano, Burano and Torcello. On board, an expert hostess will tell you the story of each island, revealing their peculiarities and traditions. In Murano, you will visit an historical glassblowing factory, where you will be shown how they still work the typical glass that made Venice famous all over the world. In Burano, the island known for its colorful houses, you will admire the famous hand-made laces. Last stop is Torcello, where you will witness the vestiges of the first settlements of the inhabitants of Venice.

Day 7 Venice

Your Italian journey comes to an end after breakfast at the hotel.

Airport transfers are not included. Our transfer portal offers the option to book your airport transfers for an easier arrival experience (additional charges apply). Access to this portal will be available through your Traveller Hub once your booking is confirmed.

What's Included

  • Independent Touring 
  • 6 nights in central, 3 star accommodation (upgrade to 4 star accommodation available) 
  • 6 breakfasts and a food tasting in Florence
  •  Second Class high-speed rail tickets as per itinerary (upgrade to First Class available)
  • 24 hour Hop On Hop Off Pass in Rome
  • Venice 30 Minute Gondola Ride
  • Arrival private transfer from Rome Fiumicino Airport to Hotel in Rome city centre

Sightseeing Highlights

  • Rome -  24 Hour Hop On Hop Off Ticket with audio guide 
  • Rome -  Explore on your own, or add on optional tours to the Colosseum, Catacombs, or a hands-on cooking class
  • Florence -  Ample time to explore on your own or look at booking an optional tours
  • Florence -  Tasting of local products
  • Venice-  Explore at your own pace or book an optional  tour the islands of Murano, Burano, and Torcello
  • Venice - Enjoy a 30 minutes Gondola ride 

Rail and Accommodation Upgrades

First Class Rail Upgrade ($48 per person)

Select this supplement if you would like to upgrade your itinerary to 1st class rail on all sectors.

With rows of 3 seats instead of 4, extra space for your legs, a wider seat and backrest, First Class has been designed for your comfort and serenity.

Please note the seat reservation is not available on First Class on the following train rides: Florence - La Spezia / La Spezia - Milan / Milan - Como.

4 Star Hotel upgrade ($147 per person. Single price on application.). Select this supplement if you would like to upgrade your hotel to 4*.

Payment Terms

Flight information & booking options.

This is a land only package.

This package does not include international airfares. If you would like to add airfares to your booking our flight portal will be available via your Traveller Hub. The flight portal will allow you to search for all available airfares to your destination. The function works like most general flight search engines allowing you to select your preferred airline, book different cabin classes (eg. Business class) and view flight durations and transit times to your destination. 

The flight portal will be available via your Traveller Hub once the following criteria has been met:

  • Your booking is confirmed
  • Your departure date is within 11 months
  • You  have completed your passenger detail form

Visit our Flight Hub for more information on terms and conditions, amending your flights and information on luggage allowances. 

Airport Transfers Information

Some of our packages will include airport transfers in either one or both directions when arriving or departing from your destination. To know if transfers are included please view the ‘inclusions’ section of your selected package. If airport transfers are stated, transfers will be included as advised. If transfers are not included, we also offer the option to book your airport transfers using our online portal. Access to this portal is available through your Traveller Hub once your booking is confirmed. Transfers are readily available and do not need to be booked until your final hotel list has been confirmed. Once you have made a transfer booking, please refer to your confirmation email for all transfer details including a local contact number for the transfer company.

Visa & Passport

It is the traveller's responsibility to ensure they have a valid passport. The passport must be valid for a minimum of six months from the intended date of return. Visas may be required for your destination. For further visa information, click here .

Important Information

Fitness Requirements While the tour itinerary should give you some guidance and overview to the expected requirements, to determine if this tour is right for you we categorise each of our tours in terms of their intensity. These guidelines are to ensure that each tour group is conducted as expected and to ensure the overall satisfaction of all Inspiring Vacations customers.

As a general rule, porterage is not included, therefore at all times you are expected to handle your own luggage where help may not be available.

This particular tour is categorised as a ‘3’

3 – Moderate Tour: A good level of fitness and mobility is required, as this tour includes a moderate level of physical activity and is considered a medium-fast paced tour. You should be able to walk up and down stairs, get on and off the coach and able to walk reasonable distances of approximately 2 kilometres per day or more with ease. Any physical ailments you may have must be disclosed at the time of booking to determine your suitability. If you have any form of walking aids, other than a walking stick or hiking poles, then this tour is not suitable.

Tipping A friendly reminder that tipping is not included in your package. Tipping is not compulsory on your trip, but they can make a big difference to locals employed in the tourism industry. If you feel that your guide and driver have done an impeccable job, you can choose to give a gratuity, but this is entirely your decision.

Accommodation and Venice Access Fee The accommodation listed is subject to change. Any changes will be of an equal or higher standard. Bedding configurations (double or twin) are requests only. All efforts will be made to meet your preferences, however, any changes are beyond our control.

Italy requires Tourist City Taxes to be paid directly by the passenger to hotels. City taxes range from 1 - 10 Euro per person, per night, and will be collected locally.

Begining in April 2024, Venice has implemented an access fee charged to day trip visitors who are not staying overnight in the municipality of Venice, during specific high season dates. The calendar of dates is available here .

This package includes a stay in the historic city, which exempts you from this fee. However, to avoid paying the fee you must register for an exemption by filling out an exemption request here . The exemption form will provide you with a QR code you can show on your phone. If required for your travel dates, you may pre-book once you have received your final documents confirming your hotel. The exemption must be completed before entering the city, but can be done while traveling.  

Single Supplement Single supplement is $494.00 per person, in addition to the twin-share price.

Triple Share

Not available.

Travel Insurance Travel insurance is recommended to protect yourself against the unexpected. In addition to the support that a policy may provide, you may be asked to present a copy of your travel insurance documentation while traveling.

Group Size Minimum: 2

Children Children must be 5 years old or above and share a room with parents at all times. Children are charged the same price as adults.

Tour Style To meet the needs of various types of travelers, we choose to operate various types of tours, and depending on your selected package will mean different services are provided throughout your trip. The following descriptions of each tour style we hope will ensure that each traveller has appropriate expectations before they start their travels: 

  • Independent - On these packages you will travel from city to city on your own, exploring at your own pace. We have arranged transportation in most cases and day tours for you to see the destination. Enjoy the time and flexibility to linger longer or pick up the pace and see as much as possible.

Venice Access Fee

Venice has implemented an access fee charged to day trip visitors who are not staying overnight in the municipality of Venice, during specific high season dates. The calendar of dates is available here .

If you are staying in an accommodation in the municipality of Venice, then you are exempt from this fee. However, to avoid paying the fee you must register for an exemption by filling out an exemption request here . The exemption form will provide you with a QR code you can show on your phone. 

If required for your travel dates, you may pre-book once you have received your final documents confirming your hotel. The exemption must be completed before entering the city, but can be done while traveling. 

Health & Mobility Requirements

All participants must be in good physical condition to fully engage in this journey. For the safety and welfare of yourself and fellow travellers, if you are feeling unwell prior to departure, we advise staying home and contacting us to arrange alternate plans.

Prior to selecting your trip, carefully review the itinerary to assess your ability to comfortably manage our travel style. Please be aware that if, based on evaluation by our leader or local representative, a participant is deemed unable to safely complete the itinerary, we retain the right to exclude them from all or part of the trip without reimbursement.

It is advisable to consult your physician for current medical travel advisories and any required vaccinations before embarking. We recommend carrying a first aid kit and any necessary medications in their original packaging, as they may not be readily available during travel. For those carrying medication, it's essential to check your government's foreign travel guidelines for local restrictions or regulations.

Optional Tours

To enhance your journey, we are offering guests a choice of the following optional activities (prices are per person):

  • Colosseum and Roman Forum Guided Tour (Day 2) - $94 per person
  • Crypts & Catacombs Tour (Day 2) - $87 per person
  • Pizza and Gelato Making Class (Day 2) - $87 per person
  • Cooking Class & Market Tour - Small Group (Day 4) - $132 per person
  • Best of Florence Walking Tour (Day 4) - $28 per person
  • Guided Uffizi Visit - Small Group (Day 4) - $80 per person
  • Walking Tour of Venice (Day 6) - $33 per person
  • Tour to the Islands: Murano, Burano & Torcello (Day 6) - $28 per person

Optional tours can be selected once you have finalised your tour purchase and paid your deposit. When completing your Passenger Booking Form, you will be asked if you would like to add Optional Tours, where any applicable cost will be added to your final balance. If you choose not to select them at this time, you can choose to add them later by logging in to your Account online.

Please note that you must select your Optional Tours no later than 70 days before departure, after which you will be required to purchase them on tour. Please keep in mind that anything purchased on-tour is subject to availability and prices may vary as you will be paying in local currency. We appreciate your understanding.

  • International airfares
  • Airport transfers
  • Travel insurance
  • Optional activities
  • Personal expenses
  • City Taxes (must be paid per city, at hotels)
  • Anything not mentioned in the itinerary

What Weather to Expect

Click HERE for more information on weather in Italy.

Departure Dates for 7 Day Independent Classic Italy by Rail

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italy train tour packages

Snapshot: Milan

italy train tour packages

Staff on Tour: Sicily

italy train tour packages

Customers on Tour: Best of Italy & Sorrentine Coast

italy train tour packages

Snapshot: Rome

italy train tour packages

Snapshot: Vatican City

italy train tour packages

Snapshot: Cagliari

italy train tour packages

Snapshot: Lake Como

italy train tour packages

Snapshot: Sardinia

italy train tour packages

Snapshot: Sicily

italy train tour packages

Snapshot: Venice

italy train tour packages

Snapshot: Florence

italy train tour packages

Snapshot: Uffizi Gallery

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The best of Italian trips unlocked for you

Experience Italy differently. Enjoy one-of-a-kind experiences and uncover local secrets when our friends across the country open their doors to you. Here’s just a sample of the rich experiences you can expect.

5 million happy guests and counting

Rome, St Peter Basilica

Capital City

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Good morning

Good evening

“Uffizi Gallery in Florence is a world class museum with an incredible renaissance art collection. Enjoy a guided tour with a Local Specialist to make the experience more memorable, especially when in front of Botticelli’s stunning ‘Birth of Venus’ painting”

Pino, Travel Director

See Michelangelo's frescoed ceiling in the Sistine Chapel

One of the most important structures of the Catholic faith, the Vatican City’s Sistine Chapel is a must-see on a tour of Italy. Though the chapel walls have witnessed centuries of worship, it’s the renaissance ceiling paintings of Michelangelo that will leave you in awe.

Visit the glamorous Isle of Capri

Enjoy the classic Italian summer in Italy’s picture-perfect Gulf of Naples. Famed for its crystal grottos, dramatic coastlines and endless glamour, our trips to Italy are complete with a day of freedom spent under a striped umbrella, watching sailboats pass by.

Cruise your way through Venice

The charm found in the canals of Venice is nothing short of irresistible. Admire gothic palaces and postcard bridges whilst adrift in a gondola, gaining an understanding of life in a city that floats. Exploring a city by foot will never be the same after a trip to Venice.

Journey to the well-preserved ruins of Pompeii

An unfathomable history lesson is found in the archaeological ruins of Pompeii. Buried and preserved by the ash of a volcano eruption in the year 79, in this Italian town you will discover the progressive life of early Roman times as you walk within the parameters of an open-air time capsule of life on Earth.

Go shopping in Italy's fashion capital Milan

Armani, Gucci, Prada and Versace. These are some of the prestigious fashion brands that call the Italian city of Milan home. In between yearning through boutiques and department stores, stop to sample the city’s delicacies like breaded veal cutlet and ossobuco.

Our top 5 things to do in Italy

It's the moments of quiet stillness that take your breath away on a Trafalgar tour through Italy. Sitting in the calm halls of the Vatican. Floating on the canals of Venice. Standing beside the ruins of Pompeii.

Uffizi Gallery

The Tuscan capital is home to Uffizi Gallery, where the brushworks of art’s true masters are found. Names like Raffaello, Leonardo, and Michelangelo dress Uffizi’s grand pink walls, whilst internal courtyards leading to the Arno River will show you the building’s architectural brilliance.

Vatican Museums

A collection of Christian artwork that spans centuries and stirs the soul is found in Rome’s Vatican Museums. From the intricate ceiling by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel to the detailed Pope portraits from the 16th century to today, you will be lost for words once inside this blessed museum complex.

Doge's Palace

Home to the leader of Venice from its opening in 1340, Doge’s Palace summarizes the sparkle of this city. An opulent example of Venetian Gothic architecture and home to numerous historical works, this museum is a must when you visit Venice.

Best museums in Italy

The epicenter of the Catholic faith and the birthplace of art’s most renowned masters. Our guided tours of Italy will take you to the many museums found here, whether in the Sistine Chapel, by the canals of Venice or in the grand galleries of Tuscany.

The authentic carbonara experience will take place in Rome, covered in salty Pecorino Romano cheese. A simple dish inspiring heart-warming meal times, this pasta will connect you with Italy’s rich culinary customs - an impressive evolution from its supposed heritage as a coal-miner’s meal.

Pollo alla Cacciatora

Literally translating to ‘hunter’ in Italian, cacciatore offers an appreciation for Italy’s meals of days gone by. Typically a preparation of rabbit or chicken, it’s the simmering tomato stew that makes this dish so mouthwatering. Satisfy a genuine hunger and consume with hand-ripped bread.

Italy tours are best served with an oversized slice of tiramisu. Cementing this country's obsession with espresso, this cake of layered biscuits soaked in coffee is the perfect after hours pick-me-up before an evening stroll through the charming streets.

Best food in Italy

A date with Italian food will likely start and end with a slice of pizza. But it’s the menu items that we share with you in between that will take your appreciation to new heights; think cacciatore and Carbonara with a slice of tiramisu in between.

What to pack for Italy

People packing for a tour

A classic linen outfit

The Italians are famous for their equal parts glamorous and effortless dress sense. Look the part with a few ensembles featuring classic linens in navy and white.

A blank journal

With the wealth of inspiration tucked into every corner of Italy, you might find yourself compelled to write down notes or memories. At the very least to remember the traditional Italian recipes you learn.

With such a large expanse of space to explore, on some days, long journeys are unavoidable. The scenery will provide plenty of visual entertainment, while headphones can be used to listen to some local music or enjoy podcasts about Italian history, culture and politics when you're not enjoying the storytelling from your Travel Director.

A small blanket

When exploring the soul-stirring setting of Tuscany, a picnic may call. Come prepared with a small blanket to cover in wine and cheese.

Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes

A classic memoir that brought the romance of Tuscany to the world, there’s no better time to read this book than when venturing through the country yourself.

Pack for sustainable travel

Consider your environmental impact when you next take a trip and go single-use-plastic-free by packing a reusable water bottle, a steel straw, your own shopping bags and reusable toiletry bottles.

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European Dream Guided Tour

European Dream

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European Wonderland Guided Tour

European Wonderland

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Italian Concerto Guided Tour

Italian Concerto

7 Locations

2 Countries

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Italian Glory Guided Tour

Italian Glory

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  • Amalfi Coast
  • Italy 7 day

250+ Italy tour packages with 13,009 reviews

Beautiful Puglia, Southern Italy and Sicily Tour

  • Coach / Bus
  • Sightseeing
  • Christmas & New Year

Beautiful Puglia, Southern Italy and Sicily

Sicilian Secrets - Tour of Sicily 8 days 2024 Tour

  • In-depth Cultural

Sicilian Secrets - Tour of Sicily 8 days 2024

"We enjoyed ourselves and that is the principal objective in any holiday. The hotels were good - the Mercure in Palermo and the one in Agrigento excellent." Neville, traveled in April 2024

Sicilian Secrets - Tour of Sicily 10 days from Palermo 2024 Tour

Sicilian Secrets - Tour of Sicily 10 days from Palermo 2024

"The tour guides with rich knowledge of the attractions, we learned a lot from them; and we tasted lots of typical Sicilian dishes and they were delicious." QueenieLee, traveled in November 2019

Small Group Tour of Sicily: Highlights (Maximum 8 Guests) Tour

  • Food & Culinary
  • Hiking & Trekking

Small Group Tour of Sicily: Highlights (Maximum 8 Guests)

"Our tour of Sicily was outstanding. We could not have asked for a better experience." Robin, traveled in January 1970
  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Small Group Sicily Food & Wine Tour (Maximum 8 Guests) Tour

Small Group Sicily Food & Wine Tour (Maximum 8 Guests)

"The hotels were comfortable and the food was fantastic. The scenery is amazing!" Marilyn, traveled in October 2023

Amalfi Coast Experience Tour

Amalfi Coast Experience

"Awesome experience, great weather" Benjamin, traveled in August 2023
  • €100 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Mamma Mia! - 13 Days/12 Nights Tour

Mamma Mia! - 13 Days/12 Nights

"Thank you Eduardo & Italy on a Budget for a once in a lifetime visit to Italy ??!!" Crystal, traveled in June 2021

Looking for tours beyond just Italy?

Explore tours with itineraries going through multiple countries, including Italy.

The Italian Dream Tour

The Italian Dream

"The tour moved at a very fast pace, seeing as many sights possible in a short time, lots of free time to explore." Sue, traveled in April 2023

Classical Italy Tour

Classical Italy

"The tour was comfortable and on time and our guide was lovely" Victoria, traveled in May 2024

Italy from North to South Tour

Italy from North to South

"The first part of the tour was absolutely fantastic. This really puts a damper on the trip." Caroline, traveled in July 2023

Italian Discovery Tour

Italian Discovery

"Great way to see a large part of Italy. Very well organized and run." Vasso, traveled in October 2023

Best of Italy (Summer, 13 Days) Tour

Best of Italy (Summer, 13 Days)

"Overall good, seemed a bit rushed with not enough time to absorb the sites." Trevor, traveled in August 2023

Italy City Break - 5 Days Tour

Italy City Break - 5 Days

"This is an ideal tour to see Italy fast and all planed out for you. Highly recommend it." Maja, traveled in September 2023

UNESCO Jewels: Best of Italy - Rome, Florence, Venice in 5 days Tour

UNESCO Jewels: Best of Italy - Rome, Florence, Venice in 5 days

"Good overall tour. Thanks." Marcos, traveled in October 2022

UNESCO Jewels: Best of Italy - Rome, Florence, Venice in 8 days Tour

UNESCO Jewels: Best of Italy - Rome, Florence, Venice in 8 days

"I absolutely loved Sabrina and how informative and helpful she was." Sarah, traveled in April 2023

What people love about Italy Tours

We enjoyed ourselves and that is the principal objective in any holiday. Travelling in April meant that the weather was perfect for us - not too hot. The hotels were good - the Mercure in Palermo and the one in Agrigento excellent. Either lunch or dinner was laid on and we're of a high standard. The sites we visited were truly impressive although sometimes a little fleeting. Sicily is a big island so we did spend a lot of time on the coach. Thankfully we had a smart vehicle, Dino the driver was brilliant but the most plaudits have to go to Angelo the tour guide. Angelo was in turns helpful, informative, knowledgeable and great company. He went out of his way on a number of occasions to assist members of our party be it with lost property, illness or other mishaps. The tour was great value and I would strongly recommend.
Good guides and good hotel and meals. Didn't expect my initial group of 30 to swell to 45 a few days later. Such a large number made visiting sites difficult. Didn't have listening devices for the first 3 days. Couldn't hear guides very well. Didn't expect to have to pay entrance fees. Web site should make that clear. Loved the selection of sited we visited.
Very well organised tour. Communications were timely and clear. Hotels were in very well chosen locations with comfortable rooms and excellent breakfasts. Local guides were informative.Transport in mini-vans was efficient and comfortable.

Top operators


"Evi our tour guide from Florence to Zurich was awesome!

Europamundo is an expert in:

Dimensione Sicilia - Dimsi Incoming Operator Srl

"Angelo was a friendly, informative guide and we felt safe in the hands of Pino our driver. The inclusions stated visits to the UNESCO archeological sites but the entrance fees were not . This was confusing and an added cost we were not expecting. So you need 90euro in entrance fees and 20 euro in city taxes. About $180au per person extra.

Dimensione Sicilia - Dimsi Incoming Operator Srl is an expert in:

Sicily Activities

"Very well organised tour. Communications were timely and clear. Hotels were in very well chosen locations with comfortable rooms and excellent breakfasts. Local guides were informative.Transport in mini-vans was efficient and comfortable.

Sicily Activities is an expert in:

Italy Destinations

  • South Italy (575)
  • Northern Italy (286)
  • Central Italy (262)
  • Campania (181)
  • Amalfi Coast (176)
  • Tuscany (163)
  • Puglia (112)
  • Apulia (99)
  • Veneto (62)
  • Trentino Alto-Adige (52)
  • Lombardy (41)
  • Lazio, Marche & Abruzzo (37)
  • South Tyrol (35)
  • Emilia Romagna (25)
  • Umbria (23)
  • Cinque Terre (22)

Travel Styles

  • Small Group (437)
  • Budget (164)
  • Luxury (122)
  • Singles and Solo (1089)
  • For Couples (409)
  • Young Adults (38)
  • Seniors (583)
  • Group (1065)
  • Family (842)
  • Fully Guided (824)
  • Explorer (818)
  • In-depth Cultural (525)
  • Personalized (468)
  • Private (351)
  • Partially Guided (320)
  • Self-Guided (270)
  • Bicycle (198)
  • Coach / Bus (189)
  • Hiking & Trekking (114)
  • Food & Culinary (104)
  • Active (72)
  • Train & Rail (40)
  • Custom (37)
  • 3 Day Tours (32)
  • 7 Day Tours (409)
  • 10 Day Tours (560)
  • 2 Week Tours (143)
  • 3 Week Tours (36)
  • Summer 2024 (948)
  • Fall / Autumn 2024 (1093)
  • Winter 2024 / 2025 (257)
  • Spring 2025 (422)
  • Spring 2026 (25)
  • June 2024 (818)
  • July 2024 (863)
  • August 2024 (874)
  • September 2024 (1003)
  • October 2024 (936)
  • November 2024 (414)
  • December 2024 (242)
  • January 2025 (154)
  • February 2025 (169)
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See Glacier National Park On This Epic Amtrak Train Trip

Don't worry about driving! Take an unforgettable tour of Glacier National Park by train any season on the Empire Builder.

  • Travel by train to Glacier National Park with Amtrak's Empire Builder for a scenic, stress-free journey showcasing the beauty of Montana.
  • Amtrak offers trip packages that cover train travel, lodging, and activities, making it easy to plan a getaway to Glacier National Park.
  • Day trips from surrounding stations allow you to explore the park without the hassle of driving, with prices starting at $15 for a 2-hour ride.

Have you ever wanted to see some of America's most beautiful places by train? Amtrak is a great, dependable train service that can take you to incredible places. There are tons of scenic train trips across America that showcase the beautiful scenery across the country. Traveling by train is a great way to be able to see the country — you don't have to worry about traffic, directions, or driving hazards.

If you're interested in a scenic train trip, Amtrak's Empire Builder should be at the top of your list. This epic train line takes you right through the heart of Glacier National Park, an idyllic and wild place in northern Montana. This park is full of things to do , so planning a trip with Amtrak is a really easy way to get the most out of your visit to the park. On the Empire Builder, you can also take affordable day trips into the park without having to worry about driving.

Three National Parks In Two Weeks For Under $5,500 On Amtrak

Exploring America by train is the perfect way to see all the sights and lessen your impact on the environment. With incredibly scenic routes like the Empire Builder, you'll be shuttled right to the base of some incredible mountains in Montana's wilderness. Amtrak trains only have stations in two national parks in the country, and Glacier is one of them. This idyllic park is a can't-miss if you want to check out beautiful national parks this summer. Hop aboard the Empire Builder and tour one of America's most scenic national parks by train!

All Aboard The Empire Builder To See Glacier National Park!

This train from chicago to seattle takes you from amber waves of grain, through purple mountains' majesty, and straight to the coast.

The Empire Builder is a railway by Amtrak that connects the Midwest to the West Coast. Starting in Chicago, Illinois and ending in Seattle, Washington, this train line connects these two thriving cities with a scenic route that runs through the heart of Montana.

In just one train ride, you can be taken from the striking city of Chicago, through the outstretched fields of Minnesota and North Dakota, into the deep and beautiful mountains of Montana's Glacier National Park, ending in the stunning scenery of the Pacific Northwest in Washington.

7 Cheap But Scenic Train Trips In The U.S. For Less Than $75

In the late 1800s, the train was actually the only way people could reach the wilderness we now know as Glacier National Park. The first tracks were laid by James J. Hill in an attempt to connect two major cities while simultaneously putting the grandeur of Montana on display.

Today, the Empire Line follows the same route laid by Hill all those years ago, but uses the low-carbon technology of the present to get you there.

What To Know About Taking The Train To Glacier National Park

With an amtrak station conveniently located in the park, it's easy to get to glacier without the hassle of a car.

Thanks to the Empire Line, you can take the train straight into Glacier National Park! It is difficult to encapsulate the true, raw beauty of this park in northern Montana. Glacier National Park is home to a pristine wilderness, speckled with crystal clear lakes and picture-perfect mountains.

There are so many breathtaking hikes that allow you to access the majestic vistas that showcase the surrounding mountains by foot. Amtrak's Empire Line weaves its way right through all of this natural beauty and puts it on display right from your train window.

If you're creating your own Amtrak trip to Glacier National Park, there are plenty of stunning places to stay . If you'd like, you can take a day trip into the park from one of the surrounding stations. The train ride is especially scenic from the Whitefish Station to the East Glacier Station.

Doing a day trip by train is a great way to experience all the splendor of Glacier National Park without having to deal with the issues and stress that come with driving.

Trip Packages by Amtrak: The Easy Way to Vacation in Glacier National Park

If you're looking for an all-encompassing package, consider a trip with amtrak to make planning simple.

Amtrak makes it easy to plan your vacation in the wild, wild West. If you're looking for a trip package that takes care of lodging and travel in between, an Amtrak trip package might be for you. There is a large range of packages that cover anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

A trip package generally covers the train travel, hotels, and tours and activities in each destination. These activities can include boat tours, city tours, curated experiences, and driving tours. On your getaway to Glacier National Park, you'll get to do a boat tour, as well as a driving tour of the Going to the Sun Road!

Trips with Amtrak make sure you don't miss out on any experiences. This takes the stress out of planning, so you can spend more time enjoying the stunning scenery in full vacation mode.

Have you been to Glacier National Park, or would you reach it by train? Tell us in the comments!


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  20. Take The Train To Glacier National Park With Amtrak

    A trip package generally covers the train travel, hotels, and tours and activities in each destination. These activities can include boat tours, city tours, curated experiences, and driving tours. On your getaway to Glacier National Park, you'll get to do a boat tour, as well as a driving tour of the Going to the Sun Road!