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le Proche Orient

Passion Laponie

Passion Laponie – Séjours en Laponie Suédoise

Agence réceptive - spécialiste et créatrice de voyages exceptionnels en laponie, dé-connexion, re-connexion.

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Faites vos valises et embarquez pour une aventure extraordinaire !

Le calme qui règne est certainement une des choses qui vous surprendra le plus en arrivant en Laponie Suédoise. Découvrez les forêts et étendues blanches à perte de vue, en chien de traineau, en raquette ou encore en moto-neige. Observez et laissez-vous surprendre par la nature.


Faites une pause !

Autour du feu, en pleine forêt. De jour, de nuit. On prend un café ou un jus aux airelles bien chaud. On refait le monde, on profite du silence. Laissez-vous porter par vos guides locaux qui vous emmènent dans des lieux préservés et authentiques. Ils vous feront découvrir leur pays comme ils le vivent.

imagine travel laponie

Détendez-vous, toujours plus

Finissez votre journée dans votre logement cozy et soigneusement sélectionné par nos experts. Relaxez-vous encore plus, profitez d´un sauna puis dégustez la gastronomie locale avant de passer une nuit paisible et silencieuse.

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Un mot de la créatrice...

Française d’origine, j’ai étudié et voyagé dans différents pays avant un voyage qui a changé ma vie à tout jamais : la Laponie Suédoise. C’était en janvier 2017. Je n’en suis plus jamais repartie depuis. 

Vivre si proche de la nature, au rythme local et au contact de la philosophie du pays m’ont permis de me sentir infiniment chez moi ici. J’ai trouvé le vrai luxe à mon sens : passer du temps dans la nature, avec mes chiens, respirer un air si pur, rencontrer des gens passionnants et passionnés, rire et discuter autour d’un feu de camp. La simplicité d’un moment.

Passion Laponie organise votre séjour et met à votre disposition des guides locaux expérimentés pour que vous soyez entièrement disposé à vous détendre et profiter de ce que le pays a de mieux à vous offrir.

À bientôt, Fanny

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Séjour Hiver

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Séjour été et automne

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Séjour spécial chien de traineaux - automne

Options à inclure dans les séjours:

contactez: [email protected] pour plus d’informations sur les formules


Nous ne sommes pas qu´une simple agence de voyages ; nous représentons le cœur de la Laponie. Notre équipe est profondément enracinée dans le mode de vie nordique et nos vastes connaissances locales garantit que vous découvrirez le meilleur de cette région. Services B2B et B2C, nous nous adressons aux entreprises et aux particuliers. Que vous planifiiez un business trip, une aventure familiale ou une escapade romantique, Passion Laponie possède l’expertise et les ressources pour crée le voyage qui vous correspond.


Nous ne vendons pas seulement des vacances ; nous vivons et respirons la magie de la Laponie. Notre passion pour le Nord arctique est contagieuse et c’est ce qui nous distingue des autres. Nous sommes là pour partager les merveilles de la région avec vous ! Chez Passion Laponie, nous pensons que chaque voyageur est unique, et que son voyage doit l’être aussi. Nous sommes spécialisés dans la création de vacances de rêve sur mesure qui répondent à tous vos désirs. Que vous recherchiez l’aventure, la détente ou un mélange des deux, nous avons ce qu’il vous faut.


Notre philosophie fondamentale est centrée sur l’évitement délibéré du tourisme de masse. 

Ce qui nous distingue est notre engagement à collaborer avec des entreprises familiales, proche des locaux, en favorisant des partenariats significatifs qui non seulement soutiennent l’économie locale, mais améliorent également l’expérience des voyageurs. Lorsque vous choisissez de partir en voyage avec nous, vous n’êtes pas qu’un simple touriste ; vous faites partie la famille Passion Laponie


«voyage super bien organisé par fanny pour découvrir la laponie. paysages incroyables et expérience authentiques. je rêve d'y retourner », «j’ai eu le privilège de découvrir la laponie suédoise grâce à fanny, au cours d’un voyage sur mesure qu’elle nous avait confectionné. ce fut probablement l’un de mes plus beaux voyages, et je recommande à tous cette aventure incroyable. fanny, merci beaucoup.», «ce que nous avons aimé et bien tout le calme de ce pays est revigorant. les aurores boréales, les élans à proximité, la neige à perte de vue dans un cadre idyllique nous rappel à quel point la nature est magnifique et qu’il est de notre devoir de la préserver. nous tenons à remercier fanny de nous avoir fait découvrir la beauté de ce pays et d’avoir été une hôte d’exception avec qui sourire et joie de vivre sont au rendez-vous chaque jour. encore un grand merci pour ton accueil et à très bientôt.».

Solenne, Geoffrey et Liam (11 mois)

«Avec deux amis, nous avons passé 4 jours en Laponie avec Fanny comme guide. Nous avons été surpris par ces paysages enneigés qui sont absolument époustouflants. C'est un voyage si dépaysant ! Fanny a su s'adapter en fonction de nos envies pour rendre ce voyage inoubliable. Je la recommande chaleureusement !»

«nous sommes littéralement tombés sous le charme de la laponie suédoise. fanny est une très bonne organisatrice de voyage et je peux vous le dire on ne s'ennuie jamais car à chaque jour une expérience nouvelle. sans hésitation foncez, allez y, je vous assure que vous allez rentrer avec des rêves plein les yeux.».

Chantal et Jean-Michel


Je suis à votre écoute !


Överstbyn 501 96197 Gunnarsbyn

Lundi-Vendredi : 9h-17h

+46 70 998 98 68 — E-MAIL

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Voyage En Laponie

Voyage En Laponie sur mesure

La-po-nie, trois syllabes seulement mais qui étirent immanquablement les lèvres en un sourire… Un sourire, candide risette, dont vous ne vous départirez pas de tout votre voyage en Laponie . Au-delà du cercle polaire arctique, ce royaume enchanté, immense et sauvage, déborde allégrement sur les fjords de Norvège , ricoche sur les lacs glacés de Suède , campe parmi les forêts boréales de Finlande avant de fondre sur les premières toundras argentées de Russie . Nos spécialistes des pays nordiques vous guident pour créer votre séjour ou circuit en Laponie sur mesure . Un conte merveilleux, peuplé d’éleveurs de rennes – les Samis – de mushers et, qui sait, du Père Noël ! L’été, lorsque le soleil souffre de grandioses insomnies ou l’hiver, sous les aurores boréales , nos luxueux voyages en Laponie combleront toute la famille . Les petits câlinant les chiens de traineaux, les grands filant en motoneige et les parents se retrouvant dans des igloos modernes entre hôtels de glace et cabanes design dans les arbres … Une superbe lappi postikorty (carte postale) de Laponie !

Circuit chauffeur & guide En Laponie

Hotel Magical Pond, Finlande

Voyage Finlande : Igloo de verre au Samiland

Viens on s’éclipse au cœur des sauvages terres lapones finlandaises et on vit au rythme du soleil et des aurores boréales sous notre igloo de verre ; version 2.0 de la Goahti, cette hutte arrondie typique du peuple autochtone Sami... On sirote un délicieux cocktail arctique, on rejoint une meute de huskies ou une horde de rennes et on se retrouve amoureusement…

Levi Spirit Luxury Villa Living Room

Voyage Finlande : Mon chalet privé en Laponie

Glissez-vous sous le doux plaid de neige de la Finlande pour un hiver cocooning dans le Grand Nord. Un chalet de luxe en Laponie vous attend, avec son chef privé et ses petits lutins coursiers. Vos aurores sont boréales et vos minuits flamboyants, la porte de votre villa lapone privée se refermant sur des journées exaltantes auprès des rennes et des huskies…

Wilderness Hotel Inari

Voyage Finlande : Fantaisie Boréale

Nos départs en regroupé pour 2024 sont complets mais nous restons bien sûr à votre disposition pour des demandes sur-mesure. Heureux et libre est celui ou celle qui voyage en Laponie, foule du bout de ses bottes le Nord sauvage du monde, entend rennes et huskies chanter à pleins poumons et contemple de ses yeux écarquillés les cieux se fendre du sourire lumineux d’une aurore boréale… Entre 10 et 20 voyageurs seulement vont avoir ce privilège avec ce circuit où l’intimité prime. En êtes-vous ?


Voyage Finlande : Safari Polaire

Source de rêverie, la Laponie est une véritable promesse de dépaysement évoquant les vastes étendues blanches du Grand Nord. Sentiment d’espace et d’air pur, les huskys s’aventurent entre les allées de sapins vous emportant à travers la culture sámi et l’authenticité de ce voyage en Laponie finlandaise.


Voyage Suède : En Pays Sami

Lorsque le renne brame sur le lac glacé, le peuple Sami ravive les braises brûlantes des feux des camps et la nuit polaire s’embrase d’aurores boréales. Flammes célestes crépitant dans le ciel de ce voyage en Laponie suédoise cristallisé d’hôtels insolites…

Teenage noy outdoors on winter day enjoying views of Tromso Norway

Voyage Norvège : Aurores Boréales, Hôtel de Glace et Flocons Lapons

Ô nuit polaire ! L’hiver, dans le ciel dégagé de Laponie norvégienne, la magie du Grand Nord est à l’œuvre. Partez chasser les aurores boréales, ces écharpes lumineuses tricotées de violet et de vert qui s’enroulent sous le manteau de la nuit et réchauffent l’âme... Un voyage magique on vous dit !

Rennes en Laponie

Voyage Norvège - Finlande : Le bal des reines arctiques

Un voyage, deux destinations, mille rêves qui s’éveillent. Ce voyage Finlande – Norvège vous emmène tourbillonner avec les flocons. Ils se déposent tour à tour sur votre manteau à bord d’un bateau flottant dans les fjords, sur mille autres déjà tombés au cœur d’une forêt endormie de Laponie, sur le museau d’un renne venant manger dans votre main…

Arctic Bath - Suède - DANIEL HOLMGREN

Voyage Suède : Nid d'amour Lapon

Alerte vent de douceur en provenance de la Laponie suédoise ! Jamais le froid n’aura autant réchauffé votre cœur que pendant ce séjour bien-être à l’Arctic Bath, exclusive adresse dont les cabanes – hautement design, ça va de soi – et le spa flottent sur les eaux d’un lac solitaire… Un refuge pour les tourtereaux !


Voyage Suède : Amplitudes X Elles en parlent : Laponie princière

Itinéraire spécialement tracé pour Coralie du blog et compte Instagram Elles en Parlent, ce voyage de luxe en Laponie suédoise est une romance hivernale sur fond d’aurores boréales, d’insolites hôtels où vouloir se blottir à jamais et de belles expériences au cœur de la nature. À votre tour d’en profiter !

Circuit au volant En Laponie

Vue du Cap Nord, Norvege, Nordkapp

Voyage Norvège : La Poésie du Grand Nord

Noir intense. Quand la nuit polaire s’installe, la nature réplique. Défilé de couleurs. Épique ! La neige d’abord. Blanche, éclatante. La mer ensuite. Bleue, arctique. Le ciel, enfin. Rouge, vert, laiteux. Les aurores boréales n’en finissent plus de jouer avec les dieux. Poésie du Grand Nord pour votre voyage au Finnmark, en Laponie norvégienne.

Vous n'avez pas trouvé le circuit qui vous convient ? Créez un voyage à votre image avec nos experts

Infos pratiques Laponie

Quand partir en laponie :.

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The World Was Here First

The Ultimate 2, 3 or 4 Days in Lapland Itinerary

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imagine travel laponie

Planning out the perfect 2, 3 or 4 days in Lapland itinerary can be a magical, if not overwhelming, experience when you consider all there is to see and do in this unique region of far northern Europe.

There are few more quintessential winter destinations and experiences than Finnish Lapland. Lapland is the northernmost region of Finland and is the pinnacle and epitome of a winter fairytale. From snow-covered boreal forests, dancing Northern Lights, energetic huskies and reindeer to the monumental moment of crossing into the Arctic circle, you’ll be hard-pressed not to have the experience of a lifetime.

Whether you’re interested in sipping hot chocolate during the winter polar night or forest hiking in the midnight sun, Lapland is the perfect destination for any travel seeker. Read this article to help plan your Finnish Lapland itinerary.

Table of Contents

How Many Days in Lapland?

Lapland is a unique destination, and this can make it a bit harder when planning the duration of your trip. This is why many potential visitors wonder how many days to spend in Lapland.

To begin with, Finnish Lapland is far from a budget-friendly destination and the prices in Finland , in general, are high. With the costs of just about everything being higher than elsewhere in Europe, keep this in mind when you plan a trip to this area.

Taking this into consideration, I’d say that the minimum recommended amount of time to spend in Lapland is 2 full days. With 2 days in Lapland, you’ll be able to briefly experience the magic of the Arctic and do a few activities without taking too big of a chunk out of your budget. 

The next best amount of time to spend in Lapland is 3 days, as you’ll experience everything you’d manage in 2 days but feel a lot less rushed, also with the opportunity to head to another part of the region.

Finally, in my opinion, 4 days in Lapland are ideal. If you’re able to spend 4 days in Lapland, you’re in for a real adventure. A trip of 4 days does the Finnish Lapland region justice as you’ll be able to visit multiple places and soak in what extraordinary Arctic life is like in the northernmost part of Finland.

Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi

Getting To & Around Lapland

Getting to lapland.

The most popular, affordable, and convenient option for getting to Finnish Lapland is by taking a flight into the capital city of Rovaniemi. By passenger numbers, Rovaniemi Airport is the third-busiest airport in Finland and is the main airport to fly into for a Lapland trip and Itinerary.

While there are other options for airports in Lapland such as Ivalo Airport in Northern Lapland, this itinerary begins in Rovaniemi so will be the focal point to start your trip. 

Rovaniemi Airport serves direct routes from Helsinki year-round and seasonal winter routes from several European destinations, making it a pretty straightforward trip, especially for a winter getaway. 

Another popular option to reach Rovaniemi is to take a 12-hour overnight train from Helsinki, whisking you away from the busy city, through snow-dusted forests, Finnish towns and straight into the heart of Arctic Lapland.

There is a noticeable difference in price and journey, but it’s completely worth it if you can afford it and have the time to spare for a long train journey. 

Car rental is also another viable transportation option if you’re flying into Helsinki and would like to drive to Lapland. Summer is a great time to embark on a Finnish/Lapland road trip as you don’t need to worry about tough weather conditions and you will save money on transportation with a car rental in comparison to other methods.

If you’d like to rent a car to drive to Lapland in winter , make sure you feel confident in case of difficult weather and road conditions, and have the proper gear fitted to your car. You can browse car rental options here.

Reindeer safari in Finnish Lapland

Getting Around Lapland

As for getting around Finnish Lapland, in my opinion, the best mode of transport is by car. Like any other rural and wild part of the world, renting a car gives you the most flexibility for your trip without having to worry about bus times and time crunches.

Lapland is vast and boundless with many different spots and sites being distant from each other, and although there is a great bus system within the region, you’ll have the utmost freedom this way. For example, one of the prime goals for many people visiting Lapland is to get the chance of seeing the Northern Lights.

While seeing the Northern Lights in most parts of Lapland is possible, your chances are higher the further away from light pollution and busy tourist areas. You can take a tour that will take you Northern Light hunting, but they can be expensive and give you just one chance. With your own car, you can search extensively to experience the enchanting Northern Lights. 

If for whatever reason, renting a car isn’t an option for you, it’s still possible to have a thrilling Lapland adventure. With public transportation, you can get around Finland and Finnish Lapland in particular quite easily.

You’ll find a few different bus companies such as ExpressBus and Matkahuolto , both with frequent routes connecting different parts of the Lapland region. Prices differ depending on departure and arrival destinations but are generally quite affordable.

Most destinations on this itinerary have bus transport options available, either by the local bus system or by private bus/shuttle companies. 

Husky sledding in Lapland

2, 3 or 4 Days in Lapland Itinerary

This Finnish Lapland itinerary will take you through Rovaniemi, the heart and capital of Lapland, through the magical timeless world of Santa Claus village, and to the Northern part of Lapland to further enjoy your fairytale – either by hitting the slopes or mingling with furry and friendly locals.

There are countless winter activities to enjoy on a trip to Finnish Lapland from husky safaris to ice fishing to warming up in a Finnish sauna and this is the perfect region to experience these things.

Day 1 – Lapland Capital, Rovaniemi

Explore the city of rovaniemi.

This itinerary for Lapland begins with 2 nights in the capital city of Rovaniemi. While Rovaniemi is a small city in comparison to other larger cities in Finland, there’s still much to do and discover.

Spending your first day in Lapland exploring the city of Rovaniemi is the perfect way to ease into Lappish life as well as arctic Lappish temperatures. This is also the perfect opportunity to find appropriate Arctic clothing for the rest of your trip if you weren’t already prepared.

If you’re visiting outside of the winter months, regular winter or spring/autumn clothing is acceptable but in the winter months you’ll want warm thermal clothing and boots to protect you from the bitter Arctic air.

If you take part in activities through any of the companies in Rovaniemi, you’ll have winter outerwear included for the duration of your stay. Otherwise, you can rent the same clothing from these companies for a pretty decent price.


If you’re looking to explore and learn more about Finland’s Arctic culture, science, and history, the Arktikum Museum is the perfect place to educate yourself on Lapland while also getting a break from the cold.

The museum is located on the northern end of Rovaniemi and is about a 15-minute walk from the center point of the city. Arktikum is open every day except Mondays from 10 AM – 6 PM with an adult admission cost of €18 and reduced ticket options available.

Arktikum Museum

Arctic Sunset & Eat a Traditional Lappish Meal

Whether you’re visiting during the winter or the summer, one of the most beautiful experiences of a Rovaniemi itinerary is to walk by the River Kemijoki during “sunset”. The colours that you’ll witness are truly remarkable, as if they were a painting, and are only just the beginning of a fairytale trip to Finland. 

Afterwards, I suggest heading to Nili Restaurant, in the heart of Rovaniemi city to experience delicious, traditional Lapland cuisine. If you want the full experience, I challenge you to try the reindeer, as it’s harder to try this Lapland classic food once you’ve met the adorable reindeer themselves. 

Where to Stay in Rovaniemi

Arctic Light Hotel – This boutique hotel makes for the perfect base in Rovaniemi. They have a number of lovely rooms available and countless amenities like free parking, an airport shuttle and an on-site restaurant/bar. Click here to see their availability

Santa’s Igloos Arctic Circle – If you want a unique accommodation option in Rovaniemi then these igloos can be an interesting choice. There are a number of different glass igloos to choose from (some including saunas!) and there are also plenty of other amenities for guests to enjoy. Click here to see their availability

Hostel Cafe Koti – Those trying to save a bit of cash while visiting Rovaniemi will love this hip hostel. There are both dorms and private rooms on offer along with a kitchen, a sauna and breakfast included for guests. Click here to see their availability

Not quite what you’re looking for? Click here to browse more Rovaniemi hotels!

Day 2 – Santa Claus Village or Exploring Rovaniemi Nature 

Day 2 of this Rovaniemi itinerary will either be spent wandering the famous Santa Claus Village or exploring the incredible nature of the region. If you’re visiting in the winter, I’d undoubtedly recommend heading to Santa Claus Village.

More than just Santa and Christmas activities for children, it’s truly a winter wonderland village with plenty of space, nature, log cabins and activities to explore with something for everyone.

In the summer months, it’s still quite fun and unique to visit Santa Claus Village, cross the Arctic Circle Line, and enjoy the area without the winter visitor numbers. Otherwise, there’s plenty to explore in Rovaniemi under the midnight sun. 

Santa Claus Village

If you have a car to drive on your trip to Lapland, Santa Claus Village is just a quick 10-minute drive from Rovaniemi city center. Otherwise, you can catch the Santa Express or local bus 8 from Rovaniemi city center with the journey being about 20 minutes.

It is also possible to take a guided tour that includes a visit to the village as well as a visit to a reindeer and husky farm.

Once you reach Santa Claus Village there’s so much to do and enjoy on a day trip here. There’s no cost to enter the village, with costs only for individual activities.

If you’re keen on doing a husky sled ride or reindeer sleigh ride, prices are less than half the cost of tour companies operating outside of Rovaniemi. The ride is a lot shorter, but it’s a special experience to wander through the snow-covered forests under a warm blanket while led by Lapland’s mascots; huskies and reindeer. 

If you prefer to book tours in advance some options include this husky safari or this reindeer farm visit that includes a sleigh ride.

Visiting Santa’s Post Office and taking a picture with Santa is free, with the post office truly being like something out of a Christmas movie – a dream for both children and adults alike. 

The entirety of the Village is a large area consisting not just of the concrete buildings and “town” part of the village but also a wide expanse of forest. Even just getting lost in the snowy forest, making snow angels, and warming up at one of the village’s many fires throughout the area is truly a special experience. 

Once your appetite has opened and you’re ready for some warming food, there are plenty of options at the village; whether you’re looking for more cafeteria-style food or classic Lappish food in a traditional Arctic-style hut.

Santa Claus Village in Lapland

Rovaniemi Nature 

If you’re in Rovaniemi during the warmer months and prefer to skip Santa Claus Village, there’s still plenty to do and explore and I recommend taking advantage of the extraordinary nature of Rovaniemi Lapland. 

Rovaniemi is a dream world for nature lovers and my suggestion is to spend a day on the trails, hiking throughout the Arctic Circle while experiencing the ethereal midnight sun. If you don’t want to walk, you can organise a snowmobile adventure through the forest as an alternative.

A great place to start to plan your time in Rovaniemi nature is at the Finnish National Park authority, where you’ll find ideal hiking trails and paths to take in Finnish Lapland.

There’s no better way to watch the midnight sun than in the lush Finnish forest, with a picnic and a cold drink either by yourself or with close friends/family.

Day 3 – Northern Lapland, Levi  & Samiland Exhibition

In this itinerary, with a 3-day trip to Lapland or 4 days in Lapland, you’ll head out of Rovaniemi and Southern Lapland to Northern Lapland. While Rovaniemi is all about Santa and Christmas joy, Levi , the main resort city in Northern Lapland is all about nature, the Northern Lights, and indigenous Sami culture.

If you’re driving during your Lapland itinerary, the drive from Rovaniemi to Levi is just over 2 hours and is an exquisitely stunning drive. Much of the drive is through Lapland nature and it’s hard to regret making the journey north.

If you don’t have a car, there are a few bus companies with direct transport from Rovaniemi to Levi. OmniBus is a great option as services are frequent, the buses are comfortable and can be pretty affordable for Finland prices. 

Levi is the ski resort in the area and is the biggest ski resort town in Finland. The village that Levi is located in is Sirkka , and there aren’t a lack of things to do, places to stay, things to see, or food to eat.

If you like to be in the center of the action on your travels, I suggest staying in the center of Sirkka. Otherwise, it’s worth spending a little more to stay outside of the town to sleep amongst the magical Lapland wilderness.

Sunrise in Levi

Samiland Exhibition 

If you want to learn more about Sami, the local indigenous culture then make sure to visit the Samiland Exhibition.

The Sami are the descendants of the nomadic people of Northern Scandinavia traced back thousands of years ago and Sami culture is rich in history, mythology, and folklore. The perfect place to learn more about this integral part of Lapland and Finnish culture is to head to the Samiland Exhibition in Levi.

The exhibition does a wonderful and interesting job educating on Sami culture, with both indoor and outdoor exhibits in both winter and summer seasons. Samiland is open every day of the winter from 10 AM – 8 PM, most days of the summer (check hours in advance), and admission tickets for adults cost €13 with reduced ticket options available. 

Northern Light Safari

Other than slope seekers and ski aficionados, the main pull for visitors coming to Levi is easily the famous conquest for the Northern Lights. During the Aurora season, you’re almost guaranteed to see the Northern Lights if you’re visiting Levi.

If you have a car, you’ll have a lot more freedom to follow more remote and forecasted Aurora areas with less light pollution, although it is possible and common to see the dancing Northern Lights in the town itself. With your own transportation, you can come and go as you choose and watch from your car to stay warm! 

The best spots to seek the Northern Lights in/outside of Levi are at the top of Kätkä Fell, Tonttula (Elves Village), and quite honestly, anywhere further from town lights with large areas of open land.

If you don’t have a car, I suggest taking part in a Northern Light safari tour out of Levi. Costs for these are cheaper than in Rovaniemi, and you’re pretty much guaranteed to see the Aurora if you’re visiting during the Aurora season.

These tours typically pick you up from your hotel/accommodation and bring you to Aurora hot spots either by snowmobile or bus/car transportation. You’ll spend time learning about the area and Lapland with a local guide, while drinking hot chocolate or grilling sausages, and keeping warm by a hot, open fire.

Hopefully, before you know it, you’ll soon witness the out-of-this-world experience and natural phenomenon of the colorful, elegant Northern Lights dancing above your eyes. 

Northern Lights in Finnish Lapland

Where to Stay in Levi

Break Sokos Hotel Levi – This hotel is an excellent base for exploring Levi and the surrounding area. They have a range of bright, clean and comfortable rooms to choose from, they’re pet-friendly and there is even a restaurant and cafe/bar on site for guests to enjoy. Click here to see their availability

Northern Lights Village Levi – For those after a unique and unforgettable stay in Levi, this hotel is a great option. They have a number of rooms on offer – all with windows over the bed for some cosy Aurora viewings. Rooms are also equipped with fireplaces, breakfast is available and there is an on-site bar. Click here to see their availability

Levi Suites Levi Gold – If you want your own space while exploring Lapland, then these suites in Levi are a good option. They have a number of flats available, all fully furnished with everything you may need. Click here to see their availability

Not quite what you’re looking for? Click here to browse more Levi hotels!

Day 4 – Skiing or Winter Activities

On the 4th and last day of your time in Lapland, you’ll have two different options for enjoying the last day of your Finnish Lapland adventure; skiing the slopes of Levi or taking the time to enjoy more winter activities that you may not have already done in Rovaniemi. Some options include this husky sled ride or a snowmobile safari.

Skiing in Levi

Being the biggest ski resort in Finland, Levi is a great spot to either practice and enjoy as a novice skier or try your hand on the slopes for the first time – under the arctic sky.

Levi has mostly intermediate slopes, with 28 lifts and 48 slopes as well as just about 4 hours of sunshine during the winter. Luckily, the slopes are kept open late giving you enough time to enjoy either an old or newfound activity.

Skiing under the beautifully pink pastel polar night sky is something you’ll likely never experience out of Finnish Lapland, and it truly deserves a spot on your travel bucket list.

Snowmobile parked in Levi

Apres-Ski/Dinner at Tuikku

There’s no better way to end your trip to Lapland and day on the slopes than at Tuikku, Levi’s oldest restaurant as well as where you’ll find the most extraordinary slope side and Lapland views. In the winter, there’s live music and DJ, offering the perfect closing to a magical trip.

Prices are pretty affordable, whether you’re interested in having a cocktail, hot chocolate, or a long day of skiing and adventuring that has left you hungry for their delicious buffet meals. 

It’s safe to say that Lapland is one of the most magical destinations in the world. Whether you’re an adult or a child, this enchanting Finnish region is undoubtedly going to touch your heart and sprinkle fairy-tale magic into your trip to make it one of the most unforgettable adventures of a lifetime.

Are you planning to visit Finnish Lapland? Have any questions about this itinerary? Let us know in the comments!

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About Olivia Ellis

Olivia is a writer for The World Was Here First. Originally from Michigan, USA, she is currently living in Athens, Greece exploring Europe and filmmaking. When she’s not travelling or writing, Olivia can be found cooking delicious new recipes from around the world, reading, and spending time outdoors.

Is everything open during 24th to 31st December??

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Just wanted to write an official letter thanking you and Imagine for going the extra mile in making our Tour to Israel for Shepherd of the Hills Church a huge success. It was the first time that I had hosted 4 buses in one tour group with over 160 people all together.  From the schedule and itinerary to the food and accommodations, to the guides and the drivers, it was ALL run professionally and efficiently.  This was my 14th trip to Israel as a host and without question, this was the best of the 14. There was extra care to detail during this trip that I credit to you, to those who work in your office at Imagine as well as to those who worked in the office in Israel.  We literally in every way received the V.I.P. treatment.  As you know, when traveling with such a large group it is imperative to know that those working behind the scenes are there in support of your plans and ideas for a blessed trip.  I want to thank you personally for your attention to detail.  For you going the extra mile in every phase of this trip.  I wish to also thank, specifically, all the folks in your Israel office who worked tirelessly to insure all the logistics happened on time and without missing a beat. I can honestly tell you that without them, this would have been an impossible task, but with them, it was seamless and worry free. Looking forward to future trips with Imagine Tours.

Pastor Dudley R.

I want you to know that the journey we just went on was life changing.  Thanks so much for being a facilitator for this.  The guide “Ikey” and driver “Akram” were excellent.  They went way beyond the call of duty and met every need we had and so much more.  It was one of the best journeys I have ever taken, and I have been all over the World.  This was by far the most impacting of all the countries I have been to.  Thanks again.

I would like to take a few moments of your time to express my profound gratitude for all you and your company did to make our recent pilgrimage to Israel a resounding success. Our team of 29 travelers spent eight days in Israel.  imagine Tours did a fantastic job in helping me plan, organize, recruit travelers and ultimately lead this group.  When we initially began our dialogue in February of 2013, less than 12 persons had expressed an interest in going.  You said to expect 30.  I thought you were crazy.  Over the following months your projection was spot on and 30 persons did sign up to go.  You made each step of the journey enjoyable.  No question was ignored and your prompt responses to a myriad of ideas was greatly appreciated.  The accommodations while in Israel were also superb.  Each hotel was clean, neat, accommodating, comfortable and relaxing.  They provided delicious meals for both breakfast and dinner.  I loved the food.  From the personnel in your office in Florida, to the folks who met us at Ben Gurion, we were in capable hands.  Thank you.  I certainly look forward to traveling with you again.

The Faith Lutheran travelers have safely returned from our tour through Greece and Turkey.  Our walk in the Footsteps of Paul was wonderful!  I cannot say enough good things about our superb guides in Greece, Aliki and Yanni.  They were a joy to be with!  Helpful, knowledgeable, fun, and capable, they made our days in Greece memorable.  Everyone’s favorite hotel was the Lucy in Kavala.  It received universal rave reviews, and we all agreed that we would like to spend more time there.  Thank you for such a great experience in Christian travel. 

Having helped plan itineraries for marvelous “heritage tours”of England, Scotland, Ireland and Scandinavia, I know the personal attention imagine Tours & Travel gives to every host pastor, and the unique destinations he works into almost every tour’s travel plan. Their imagination and flexibility are phenomenal, and guarantee an outstanding spiritual experience for every tour they organize.

Rev. Dr. William R.

I’ve used imagine Tours for two trips and plan to used them again and again. I have highly recommended them to many of my friends. Rick and his team responded quickly to my questions and concerns. They stayed in touch with us while on our trip. They treated me like I was their only client! Our team felt completely safe on our trip. The tour guide and driver were professional, knowledgeable and personable. They were always attentive to our needs and were flexible to our personal preferences. They cared about us. Their goal was to assure a fantastic experience for our team. For most people a trip to the Holy Land is a once in a lifetime trip. I have taken people all over the world and have used many tour companies. Switching to Imagine Tours was the smartest move I’ve made in a long time. On my last trip to Israel, I met another imagine tour group. The tour leader has made 65 trips to Israel and he switched to imagine Tours. Enough said.

Pastor Don B.

I recently returned from my first trip to Israel as a tour group leader. Wow! Everything about our tour exceeded my expectations. The meals were delicious with a buffet variety which pleased everyone. Our guide from imagine Tours and Travel, did an excellent job of discovering the interests of our group and applying his knowledge and communication skills to give us a wonderful experience. Several in my group mentioned that they were pleased with every aspect of our trip and pleasantly surprised that they never felt unsafe during our entire trip. Even my wife, who is apprehensive of travel to a foreign country, was comfortable the whole time in Israel and definitely wants to join me on the next tour to Israel. No one in our group will ever be the same after our life changing trip!

Pastor Steve D.

Dear Prospective Program Leader, I have been leading numerous study tours in various parts of the world with several travel agencies over the years of my long academic carrier. However, in the past ten plus years, I have conducted such programs exclusively with imagine Tours & Travel. I have found their services to be reliable and efficient, their prices competitive, and their client relationships to be courteous. As program leader, I feel confident in placing my groups in their competent, secure care and in being spared the concerns and vexations that often plague group travels abroad. I recommend Imagine without reservation.

Dr. Gilbert B.

I regret that I didn’t take this trip earlier in my ministry, ten or twenty years ago.  It has enlivened sermons and Bible studies and brought great joy to many aspects of ministry.  This is a trip that will always be treasured.

Pastor Nathan B.

Our group had a fabulous trip to Greece and Italy at the end of April. We strongly urge anyone and everyone to take this trip. Working with Rick and his team was so worth it — they take care of everything and are so accomodating.  Top notch guides … fabulous Biblical and Christian sites … great accomodations … can’t say enough about how enjoyable it was.  Find out for yourself by booking with imagine.

imagine travel laponie


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    Imagine Travel B.v.b.a., Kon. Astridlaan 29, 8200 Brugge Licentie : 7165 membre de : ABTO VVR Allianz Global Assistance. Nederlands Français 0 NL / FR . 0 . NL . fermer envoyer. laponie. destinations; LAPONIE; À L'AFFICHE ! ... Une aventure dans la neige de 5 jours en Laponie suédoise, au cours de laquelle vous participerez à diverses ...

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    Le Kakslauttanen Resort propose plusieurs accommodations. Les cabanes traditionnelles disposent d'une kitchenette, un sauna privé, un feu ouvert et une salle de bains avec douche et toilette.

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    Meet Imagine Travel. Steph Dickson | Owner & Travel Advisor. Certified Leisure Specialist, Travel Leaders Network. Verified Travel Advisor, ASTA. Secretary, Great Lakes Chapter of ASTA. 608.385.8719. [email protected]. Join Our Mailing List.

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  7. Passion Laponie

    Faites vos valises et embarquez pour une aventure extraordinaire ! Le calme qui règne est certainement une des choses qui vous surprendra le plus en arrivant en Laponie Suédoise. Découvrez les forêts et étendues blanches à perte de vue, en chien de traineau, en raquette ou encore en moto-neige. Observez et laissez-vous surprendre par la ...

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    Imagine Travel is a full-service travel agency dedicated to helping you experience the world beyond imagination. When you're ready to step outside of your vacation comfort zone and experience the getaway of your dreams, Imagine Travel is here to help. Whether you're planning a honeymoon with your forever-partner, a group trip with your ...

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  11. 9 Conseils pour Préparer un Voyage en Laponie

    1 Informations clés pour préparer votre voyage en Laponie. Meilleure période pour une météo favorable : Juillet. Conditions d'entrée dans le pays : Pas de visa (circulation libre) Durée de vol : environ 3h26 (vol Paris → Tromsö) Prix moyen du vol : 312 € (vol aller-retour Paris → Tromsö) Décalage horaire : de 0h à 1h.

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    Imagine Travel. 505 24th Street North, La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601, United States. 608.385.8719 [email protected]

  13. Reviews

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  14. Voyage Laponie

    Voyage Suède : Amplitudes X Elles en parlent : Laponie princière. De 4 995 € à 7 590 € ttc par personne. 7 jours / 6 nuits - Vols + Location de véhicule + Vols intérieurs + Hébergements + Activités.

  15. Services

    A full-service travel agency dedicated to helping you experience the world beyond imagination. Imagine Travel was created to help travelers who are ready to step outside their comfort zone and experience the vacation of their dreams. We believe that each and every trip should be your place to escape from reality, not feel stuck in a rut of the ...

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    Imagine Travel. 471 likes · 9 talking about this. We are a boutique travel agency that specializes in curating luxury travel experiences.

  17. Que faire et où aller en Laponie

    Le parc national d'Urho Kekkonen, au nord-est de la Laponie, s'étend sur plus de 2 500 km2. Les traces d'occupation humaine sont rares. Ici, la nature vous ouvre grand ses bras. Élan, hiboux et aigle royal font partie du paysage composé de marais, forêts primaires et toundra.Kiilopää est le point de départ de nombreux sentiers de randonnée.

  18. The Ultimate 2, 3 or 4 Days in Lapland Itinerary

    Day 3 - Northern Lapland, Levi & Samiland Exhibition. In this itinerary, with a 3-day trip to Lapland or 4 days in Lapland, you'll head out of Rovaniemi and Southern Lapland to Northern Lapland. While Rovaniemi is all about Santa and Christmas joy, Levi, the main resort city in Northern Lapland is all about nature, the Northern Lights, and ...

  19. Home Page

    Our team of 29 travelers spent eight days in Israel. imagine Tours did a fantastic job in helping me plan, organize, recruit travelers and ultimately lead this group. When we initially began our dialogue in February of 2013, less than 12 persons had expressed an interest in going. You said to expect 30. I thought you were crazy.

  20. How to get the best out of four nights in Lapland

    Day 1: Arrival. Day 2: Snowboarding in Pyhä and Northern Lights. Day 3: Visit a reindeer farm / Snowmobiling to the amethyst mine. Day 4: Husky safari and Northern Lights hunt with snowshoeing. Day 5: Ice hotel and departure. Top travel tips for Lapland in winter. Tours to book in Lapland.

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